Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
Student Teaching Edtpa Lesson Plan Template
21 Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function
Written communication skills, and Vocabulary): Main idea, key details
information literacy
Prior Knowledge:
Students need to know the concept of main idea and key details. Students should also know
how to quote a text.
1. Focus and Review Over the past couple of weeks, 2-5 minutes
you have been talking about
fiction literature. Can anyone tell
me what makes a book fiction?
Ask a few students and list their
responses on the board. These
are all the things that make up
fiction text.
Reflection on lesson: The lesson overall went well. I believe that the students learning a new
topic of nonfiction made it a little easier. I felt like I was starting fresh with the students, rather
than jumping into the middle of a unit. Students using their computers worked very well. They
also all worked well in groups. Things that couldve went better was focusing more on the
nonfiction chart. I felt like I did not explain it enough and thats maybe why some students
became confused and kept raising their hands for help. I also feel like maybe introducing
nonfiction and focusing on main idea and key details was a lot for one lesson. In the future, I
would split up this lesson into two different ones. I would start off with a lesson about the
characteristics of nonfiction and then the next day talk about main idea and key details. I
would use the white board and go over how I would write in the chart and give an example
from a different book that we were not using in the day. This change will help students
understand how to organize their information and let them understand what the main idea and
key details are. I also feel like it would give them a better organizational skill.