Personal Narrative Rubric
Personal Narrative Rubric
Personal Narrative Rubric
Personal Narrative Rubric
Outcome Not Yet Meets Standards Exceeds Standards
refect, and
in order to
___ During class work
periods, student is of task.
___ Student hands in the
assignment late.
___ Student gives little to no
consideration to peer andor
teacher !eedback. "here is
barel# an# or no evidence o!
revision. Student does not
hand in her dra!ts.
___ Student is unable to
accuratel# sel!$assess her
work andor give efective
!eedback to others.
___ During class work periods,
student is on task most o! the time,
but ma# need some teacher
___ Student hands the assignment
in on time.
___ Student hands in her dra!ts.
She gives some consideration to
peer andor teacher !eedback.
"here is some evidence o! revision,
although the# ma# be relativel#
small in nature.
___ Student is able to accuratel#
sel!$assess her work. She gives
some constructive !eedback to
___ During class work periods,
student is on task and needs no
teacher redirection.
___ Student hands the assignment in
on time.
___ Student hands in her dra!ts. She
gives strong consideration to peer
andor teacher !eedback. %er dra!ts
show evidence o! strong and efective
revisions that greatl# add to the
&ualit# o! her piece.
___ Student is able to accuratel# sel!$
assess her work. She gives strong
and efective !eedback to her peers
and is able to receive constructive
criticism well.
___ Dialogue is not
punctuated correctl#.
___ Student does not
demonstrate an
understanding o! standard
capitali(ation rules.
___ Student has multiple
spelling errors that impact
the readabilit# o! the piece.
___ Dialogue is punctuated
___ Student demonstrates
understanding o! standard
capitali(ation rules.
___ Student has some spelling
errors, but the mistakes do not
detract greatl# !rom a reader)s
understanding o! the te*t.
___ Dialogue is punctuated correctl#.
___ Student demonstrates
understanding o! standard
capitali(ation rules.
___ Student has !ew to no spelling
+roduce or
develop a
product !or
___ "he student)s narrative
is not !ocused on a
particular and speci,c
episodemoment in her li!e.
-t ma# recount or retell a
list o! events.
___ Student)s lead does not
present characters andor
does not ground the stor#
in an obvious setting.
___ Student uses ver# little
to no narrative techni&ues
to make her stor# come
___ "here is no refection
present in the narrative or
the refection does not
seem to !ollow logicall#
!rom the narrated
___ "here are ver# little to
no paragraphs. "he
student does not show an
understanding o! the
purposes o! beginning a
new paragraph.
___ "he student)s narrative is
!ocused on a particular and
speci,c moment in her li!e.
.orrect narrative structure is
present. /e.g. lead, confict,
___ Student)s lead sets the stor#
in motion b# introducing ma1or
characters and grounding
readers in a setting.
___ Student includes some
narrative techni&ues, but
description ma# be lacking in
some areas. Some o! the
,gurative language used ma# be
___ "he narrative contains a
refective conclusion that ma#
contain the thememessage o!
the piece.
___ Student)s narrative is broken
up into logical paragraphs so
that readers can easil# !ollow the
se&uence and organi(ation o!
the stor#.
___ "he student)s narrative is !ocused on
a particular and speci,c episodemoment
in her li!e. She skill!ull# demonstrates
when to stretch time out and when to
make it move more &uickl#.
___ Student)s lead not onl# sets the stor#
in motion b# introducing ma1or characters
and setting, but it also includes details
that will later be important in the stor#.
___ Student skill!ull# utili(es a variet# o!
narrative techni&ues in order to make the
stor# come alive. %er e*amples o!
,gurative language are uni&ue and
original, rather than clich2 or overused.
___ Student includes her refections
throughout her narrative, rather than
simpl# at the end. "he# are skill!ull#
woven into the narrative so that it is not
disruptive while reading, but rather adds
to the development o! the
___ Student uses correct paragraphing in
order to create a logical and se&uential
order to her stor#. She also uses it as a
narrative techni&ue in order to indicate
mood changes, conve# meaning, andor
build tension and suspense.