Aldo U Resendiz C V
Aldo U Resendiz C V
Aldo U Resendiz C V
517 West 121st St. Room 1208 N
New York, NY 10027
Cell Phone: (208) 301-4401
M.A., Programs in TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Teachers College, Columbia University,
New York, NY 10027
Expected Graduation May 2014
B.A. in Humanities for Teaching (BAHT)
Endorsement: Arabic
B.A. in Sociology with Departmental Honors
Minors: Women & Gender Studies and Latin American Studies
Specialization: Diversity, Citizenship & Social Justice Core Track
Seattle University, Seattle, WA 98117 Graduated August 2011
June 2010 June 2012 (Present: on a periodic basis)
Research Assistant
Gabriella Gutirrez y Muhs, Ph.D., Seattle University, Seattle, WA
I carry out scholarly research on women and people of color in academia and Chicano/a
and Latino/a literature, proofread drafts of articles in Spanish and English to be submitted
to peer-reviewed journals, enter essays and chapter contributions into book manuscripts
and poetry anthologies to be submitted to university presses. In the past, initiated regular
office tasks such as copying, managing phone calls, organizing paperwork; organized
several campus-wide events and assisted during presentations.
Winter and Spring Quarters 2011, Winter Quarter 2013
Teacher Assistant, Seattle University
Courses: Spanish Language I & II and Latin@/Chican@ Literature and Latin American
Women Writers (in Spanish)
Assisted Dr. Gutirrez y Muhs in designing lesson plans and communicative activities
and tasks for first and second-year students in her Spanish classes, prepared teaching
materials and presentations for class, led conversations in target language, gave class
presentations on Latino and Latin American culture (music, poetry, and contemporary
literature), helped design the course syllabi and wrote and administered quizzes,
midterms, final exams and end-of-course student assessments.
November 2012 May 2013
Adult Basic Education ESL Lead Tutor
Eastern Idaho Technical College, Idaho Falls, ID
Tutored adult ESL students in English skills in reading, writing, and listening.