The HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (HAARP) is based on the deliberations of a scientific committee sponsored by the Air Force Research Labora tory and the Office of Naval Research. The report describes the scientific issues and the wide range of applications created by THE HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH program.
The HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (HAARP) is based on the deliberations of a scientific committee sponsored by the Air Force Research Labora tory and the Office of Naval Research. The report describes the scientific issues and the wide range of applications created by THE HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH program.
The HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (HAARP) is based on the deliberations of a scientific committee sponsored by the Air Force Research Labora tory and the Office of Naval Research. The report describes the scientific issues and the wide range of applications created by THE HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH program.
The HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAM (HAARP) is based on the deliberations of a scientific committee sponsored by the Air Force Research Labora tory and the Office of Naval Research. The report describes the scientific issues and the wide range of applications created by THE HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH program.
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A Jowt Procram oF THE
Ain Force Researcu Laboratory
P 19981105 002CaS a a a
BER eehis report deseribes and documents the scientific
uses and the wide eange of applications created by
‘the HF Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), The re-
port is based on the deliberations of a scientiic commitice
sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the OF
fice of Naval Research and convened by the Bast- West Space
Science Center of the University of Maryland. The commit-
tee was composed of the following members
Dennis Papadopoulos, Committee Chairman:
Professor of Physics, University of Maryland
Paul A.Bembarat
Active Experiments Projet Leader,
Beatn Physics Branch, Plasma Physis Division,
[aval Research Laboratory
Herbert C. Carlson J.
Chit Scent,
Air Fone Osice of Sientife Resear
Watliam £. Gordon re roses Crea, Chace 2
Profesoe and former Dean, Rie Universit
Member of tne National Acacemy of Sciences THE HF ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH
Alexander V. Guzevich ‘cn ovoernane Moorea
Head, fonospherie Division, Lebedev Institutes Seo Rowore Sevan 8
Corresponding Member ofthe Russian Academy
of Sciences ‘APPLICATIONS: 1
Tow Fruaenens 0
Michael C. Kelley iter Fregemcts B
Profesor of Electrical Engineering, Orne: Erecuenes “
Come Univesity
Michael J. Keskinen ‘Crowe Lert oF Furi 5
Head, Space Experiments Section,
hanged Povticle Physice Bronch, CONCLUDING REMARKS 16
Naval Research Laboratory
Roald Z. Sagdeew
Distingutshed Professor of Physics,
University of Maryland;
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Foreign Member of the National Acadersy of Sciences
Gennady M. Milikh, Committee Secretary:
Research Associate, University of MarylandTHE ISSUES
] he Sun controls and shapes the three major re
jons of Geospace—the magnetosshere, the
ionosphere, and the atmosphere. These regions, rather
‘than being (solated, interact with each other and form,
‘a chain that connects the Earth to the Sun through the
atmosphere and the solar terrestrial environment, Dis-
turbances originating at the Sun spread through this
chain via the solae wind end solar radiation. They ulti
mately influence our weather, our climate, and even
our communications, The clouds and the Earth’ sur-
face play a critical role in this chain, which is finely
tuned fo bein a delicate equilibrium with life on Earth.
‘The atmosphere and the ionosphere are the geospace
‘NASA panic
‘Tin mit of the Sola wind on tae Pact’ magnetosphere, Te solar wid confines the Ereti’s mngueic fii toa commetshaped
zane that hs cur planet oes nucleus, The magmetosphieve fs dre aut into very Hong tail ot shown) tal stretches ae
‘front the Stnregions closest tothe surface of the arth, The lowest
regions of the neutral atmosphere—the troposphere,
the stratosphere, anc! the mesosphere—are critical in
controlling the global temperature of the Earth and in
filtering the harmful effects ofthe solar radiation. The
next layer—the ionosphere—starts at about =70km
altitude and contains a significant fraction of electr-
cally charged particles, Becatse charged particles are
subjected to electric and magnetic foes, the ionosphere
hasa uniquely important role within the overall solat-
terrestrial system. It couples to the magnetosphere and
holiosphere above by electric forces and to the strato-
sphere below by conventional atmospheric dynamic
forces. Lis region that supports and controls electric
ccurrentsand potentials ranging up toa million amperes
and hundreds of kilovolts, respectively.
BEeeBs as
300 $08 B00
Temperate °C
The Atmosphere
Solar Radiator
Electeon density om
Schematic representation ofthe atinasphere an the ionasphove. The altitude dependence ofthe Yenperatiee and elect density
are shou oe fof one eight snes, respectively, Te spectra of soar radiation and its alnwplieric absorption ov saa fr
the mide. The ionosphere savtsat abot 7Uko. Communication paths beter the grouad and satelite har 1 ross the
fonosphee ane the alnoopone
NASA parene
‘The presence of charged particles in the iono-
sphere controls the performance of many military and
civilian systems using electromagnetic waves. On the
low frequency end (VLF/ULF/HP), reflection of radio
‘waves by the ionosphere allows for worldwice com=
iuinications and Over-the Horizon (OTH) radar op-
eration, On the higher frequency end (VHE/UHE)
transionospheric propagation is a ubiquitous element
of numecous civilian and military communication, sa
veillance, and remote sensing systems. Paths linking,
satellites to the ground cress the ionosphere, and the
system performance is often critically dependent on the
state and structure of the ionosphere in the vicinity af
these paths.
EF tks using ionospheric reflection ad tonnstovesplerccomtonnication pris‘The polar ionosphere located above the Arctic
1s of particular signiticance. The magnetic fold lines
traversing this region connect directly to tho solar
‘wind—a stream of charged particles lowing outward
feom the Sun towaed the magnetosphere, permitting
direct access of solar wind particles into the ionosphere.
Furthermore, the solar wind, functioning asa conduc-
tot, creates an electric generator. Tais is similar to the
conventional generators that produce electric energy
when a conductor moves or rolates across a magnetic
field. The cusrents generated by the solar wind flow
toward the Earth guided by the magnetic field and close
the electri ciceuit by traversing the polar ionosphere.
‘Thisisknownas the auroral electrodynamic circuitand
cartes (oars the EavthO1 to L million MW of power,
‘eqqivalent to 100 to 1090 large power plants. The en-
‘ergy is dissipated in the polar ionosphere and trans-
{ered to the mesosphere, driving complex photacheri
cal and plasma-physical processes, A fraction of this
energy appears as @ spectacular light display, known
as the aurora borealis
—~ E
fa) e) i
magnetic field erento a mturaity occurring geeraton
(6) The posite net negative terminals ofthe rturaly
‘oceurring generator are sewn loge wth the primary
(2 The priory currents ce secondary wpnrd
‘currents i the outer edge ofthe auroral exe! Yo
clase the eletrcaldisoharge eres. The currents
eves the pater cap aed alg the auroral os
Aeped on the atmosphere’s conductivityre
Remote sensing of the Arctic and monitoring of
the state of the polar ionosphere is @ prerequisite in
‘understanding and modeling the globat Earth sys-
tern—a major goal of the US. Global Change Research
Program (GCRP). Furthermore, increased reliance on
space-based clectromagnetic systems requires notonly
monitoring ofthe global ionosphere state but also an
‘examination ofthe impact that controlled loca! modt-
{ications in the vicinity of transtonospheric paths car
have on these systems. The possibility that system per
formance can be influenced by controled local modi-
fications, using ground-based HF transmitters, could
affect the planting and economics of space systems.
‘The HF Active Auroral Research Progeam
(HAAR?) is based on a HF transmitter and a comple-
ment of diagnostics located in Gakona, Alaska, The
location of the HF transmitter undenneath the auzoral
clectrodynamic cizeuit and the power and flexibility
of operation, based on use of today’s most sophist-
cated technology, provide the HAARP witha noveland
‘unique broadband remote sensing resource. By exploit
ing the propertcs of the auroral ionosphere as an act
tive, nonkineas medium, the prisary energy of the HE
Aranamitter, which is confined in the frequency range
from 28 to 10 MHz, con be downrconverted in fre-
quency to coherent low frequency waves spanning five
decades, a5 well as up-converted io infrared and vise
‘ble photons. can, furthermore, sructute the fone:
spheric density ina way that providesa controlled scat~
terer for HE/VHF/UHF frequencies. As a result the
AARP HF transaaiier can genevate sources for remote
sensing and communications spanning 16 decades in
This report describes and documents the impor-
tance ofthe HARP i fulling the ove requirements,
inaddition to advancing the scientific frontiers iniono-
spheric physics.
Secuency Suomarine Communion
Radar and Rado
Communeaions Underground Expiration
Range of
° ange of ange o Induced Coherent Waves
‘es Eee Range o induced Coherent Waves
Pose PY Or ve pet fev ow ¥
5 ee 3% 1
oe Mae Wee Mie ep eee
‘The HAARP transite sadinles in a narra fequesicy rage of 2.8 19 10 Mix. Hoavoer sing te ionospher: as an active
ted, seem poole secondary ration sources fir the IR visible, mul ULETELE/VEF ranges. ca asa ees new Hs
inthe HIE/VHEAIHE ranges by rvpting she election density ofthe iosospire, thereby protucg controled scatterers a these
“FrsguencienHAARP Unique Features--Current Plan
+ 12X16 cross dipole array ven by 360 10 KW transmitters
1 Very high elective radiated power: 86 1996 dBW (2.8 0 10 MH)
+ Wide range of paramettic contro!
- Wide array operating band: 2.8 to 10 MH? (-Iwo octaves}
= Very wide sean: +30° cone
«Rapid beam soar: 10 us
Arbitrary polarization: any cross or tinear polarization
Bam shaping and radiation pattern contro:
+ Modem fiver-optic contral systern
= High-speed phase control (144 MVS)
High-speed data communication
+ Fast systern computation: 1.28 GFLOPS
+ Unique transportable and remotely operable graphic interface
+ Integrated diagnostic sunpon for control/coordinationiexpansion
HAARP Diagnostic Instrumentation
‘Magnetometer ‘University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute
ELFIVLF receivers Magnetometer chain
Longwave wideband ragiomotor iomotor chain
region remote sensing receivers
HF vertical ionosounders
HF stimulatod EM emissions receiver
HE (28 M2) racer
\VHF (30 MHz) riomotor
‘VHF imaging riomatar
VHF (50 M2) radar
\VHF (250 MHz) scintifation monitor
UHF incoherent scatter radar”
BF spoctrum mon tor
Imaging photometer
SWWIR photometer
SWIR imager
Rayleighiozore lidar
Sodium resonance lidar
Optical imager chain
High atiuce monitoring site (UA, Geootyscal Instiute)
‘VHF (50 MHz) radar
Ac weather service
HE verticaionoscunder (College Stetion)
Satelite-pased diagnostics
MMMM Local JonospHERIC
l he HAARP facility, currently under devetop-
ment in Alaska, is the outgrowth of more than
30 years of ionospheric heating rescarch. A wealth of
experimental studies conducted at ionospheric heat-
ing installations, such as the ones in Arecibo, Puerto
Rico; Tromso, Norway; Fairbanks, Alaska; and several
installations in the former USSR brought the under-
standing of the physics and tho phenomenology of the
HF ionosphere interactions to a new plateau, The sci-
entific field wins ready tomake the transition from pure
research 1 pplicationsin the civilian and military are-
nas, In February 1999, a major workshop sponsored
by the Office of Naval Research and the Air Force Re-
search Laboratory, and with representation from the
National Sclence Foundation, took place in New Lone
on, Connecticut. The workshop, attended by more
than 60 representatives from Key science, technology,
and application areas, defined the operational require-
ments of the next HF ionospheric transmitter and pre-
sented the rationale that led to the HAARP. ILwas con-
cluded that an HF transmitter located in the auroral
zone, with ground power three times larger than the
one in Tromso and operationally enhanced with the
flexibility provicled by the most advanced phased
array and software technology, would provide the Na
tion with unprecedented capability to locally control
the state of the ionosphere. The workshop endorsed
the HAARP transmitter as the comerstone ofthe tran
sition from ionospheric research to technology and ap-
‘The primary energy of the HARP transmitter
car be radiated at any selected frequency between 2.8
and 10 MHz. By matching the radiating frequency to
theionospherie density profile, the rediated energy can
bbe deposited selectively at altitudes between 70 and 90
ke (D/E Region) and between. 200 ard 300 kan (F Re-
gion), ort can escape into space. A significant fraction
of the absorbed HF energy is reradiated as optical en
exgy. The ionosphere thus acts as a convertor of the HF
energy into optical photons, This process is similar to
those that ereate the natural airglow seen in the night
sky by sensitive optical insteuments. The heater-pro-
duced airglow spectrum depends on the heater beam
intensity and the composition and density of the at-
mosphere in the enaxgy depesition layer. The HAARP
heater is the only one with sufficient beam intensity to
induce re-radiation of the observed energy in the in-
frared. Furthermore, the monochromatic heater signal
can be converted into a broad radio spectrum impact:
ing communications and providing diagnostic utility.
Both the optical and radio emission spectra provide
powerful sources for remote sensing techniques with
many dual-use applications,
‘The presence of electric Fieldsane cusrents in the
auroral oval provides HAARP with unique capabili-
ties. It ean be used as a low-frequency transmitter of
radio system that is tunable continuously over the
range from 0.00) Hz to 40 kHz, This function is
achieved by amplitude or frequency modulation of the
transmitter signal at the cesived low frequency. The
ionosphere, acting asa high-frequency filles, demodu-
lates the HIF signal and returns an electromagnetic sig-
nal with frequency equal to the low modulation fre-
jqueney. This wave ean propagate with low attenuation
over thousands of kilometers, guided by the waveguidelonosphere
Low Frequency
sosphene EP angetgy
Modulated —_
HF Ground
Alaskan Grane
ULEVELA/VLE waves erent by ionospheric demodudation of anplitue or frequency mated HF signals from the HARP
rarsmater. The lo frqucuely ones are gilded by the voacegile fovmed betocen dhe growl dnt the ionosphere, These woes
preegate mnatieniated over thousonds of ilomnctsts, Energy Fonknge thongh the sen and grou ali for coummunncation
‘vith subsirines an nndergrowerd explocation.
formed by the ground and the ionosphere, in the man-
net that many low-frequency communication systems.
are used by the Navy.
fons are rodlike and are aligned with the magnetic
Jield. They can act as specular field aligned scatterers
(AS) that ceflect frequencies from HF to UHF in a
When the energy is deposited in the F Region
near the peak of the electron density, it creates siriae
‘ons in the local ionospheric electron density. The sri
highly dizectional manner. The FAS could modify the
signals traversing ther as well as provide new com-
munication links.
LHE poionr fis the AARP transmitter incident on the fonusphow oraes shuts ide clectron density. These structurc,
acting a8 Breage scatters, reat new groune-to grote aid growa-to-spnce SF/VEAE/UI links. They cnn also act the
perforiauerof conventional soeliteto-ground VHF /UHE BirksAPPLICATIONS
wh 4 eat |.
requencr le
Maguatie field spectrom of oae-frequency coves
vested by radon neni sources. fr he bse
of coherent, tutte, loefeoquency sources, these
runees fee Boe usd for wdngzound exploration.
se Fee ee ieee
Magnetic fet spectra proce by mesilate’ RP inter
acting with the ionosphere, ousting a cere,
fhuiable sonic. is expected tint AARP ruil proce
at fas ane onion af mmgitide lager avuphzuses.
of the eleetromagnotie spectrum, operating from sev-
«eral megahertz to the visible and ultraviolet, These fre-
‘quencies have inherent advantages in terms of band-
‘width, resolution, and ease in the development and de-
ploymentofsourcesand detectors, However, their poor
penetrating capability constitutesa major impediment
when used for probing or communicating deep into
the ground or the sea
Low frequencies penetrate much deeper into the
‘ground and the sea and have been used for slbmarine
communications and geophysical exploration. How-
ever, problems in developing efficient broadband low-
frequency sources make the use of low frequencies for
sublerrarean applications difficult. result, lowefre-
quency electromagnetic applications have often relied
con natural sources, suchas lightning andl geomagnetic
pulsations. But, while natural sources have logisticand
interpretative advantages over small artificial sources,
they sutfes from theirinherent unpredictability and the
noiselike characteristics of their signal. Furthermore,
‘natural signals are extremely weak in the 1 t0 2 kHz
and 0.1 to 10 He frequency bands. These bands are ioi-
portant in mineral and petroleum exploration
‘The HARP heater, operating in the low-fre-
quency conversion mode, generates controlled, snono-
chromatic, coherunt waves between 0.007 Hz and 40
kHe. This source has all the advantages of the natural
sources and none oftheir disadvantages. Thus HAARP
fills long-standing vacuunn in controlled electromag:
netic sources, with the potential te revolutionize low-
frequency remote sensing and communications.
10Low frequencies propagate as guided waves in
‘the waveguide formed between the conducting ground
and the ionosphere, suffering weak attenuation. As a
zesult, a significant fraction of the Barth can be cov-
‘ered from the HAARP site,
Low-frequency waves injected in the Barth’s ra-
lation beits can induce precipitation of the energetic
ppatticles trapped in this region of geospace, Hamess-
ing this process could allow contro! of the lux of ener
gti particles in particular regions of the radiation belts
and could impact the operation and lifetimes of satel-
lites operating in this geospace region.
Expectod covernge frow: HAARP af 160 He, The cooerage
Sncrenss foster tan Henvorly wilh eeveasing roguency.
Convo! of
Source of Coefficient
Emission Stimulated
by HF Heating
Precipitating Particles
Precipitation of radiation bets ptcies taduccl By nfetion of le frequency coces
Sotacara -unsne
Samper Det
Minin expcn
A sunray of AARP applications and rameters tet ca be probed wes operating asa tnabl, lowe freguoney tronsintter
‘The unique features of the HARP heater oper-
ating asa tunable, low-frequency transmitter allow for
awide sange of applications, including probing of the
‘undergeound, the mesosphere, the ionosphere and the
2] he HAARP transmitter can impact the use of
certain HF/ VHF/UHF ground-to-ground and
{ground-to-satelite links by modifying the ionospheric
region through which they pass, Of majorimportance
is use of the FAS concept toenhance ground-to-ground
and groundeto-satellite links that would otherwise be
marginal or absent. Establishment of over-the-hori-
zon VHE/UHE paths will permit new communica-
tions, surveillance, and remote sonsing systems using
‘ground-based facilities. New ground-to-space paths
coukd extend the coverage range of civilian and mili-
{ary communications and surveillance systems. On the
military side, the ionospheric plasme can be atifcially
structured in the vicinity of transionosphesic commu
nication, surveillance, oF navigation paths affecting the
performance of these systems, In the HP range, the
HAAR teansmiticrcon also operate asa radar. When
its frequency of operation exceeds the critica frequency
of the F Region, if can be used both as an incoherent
scalter radar to diagnose high-altitude plasma in the
auroral ionosphere and as 4 coherent radar to probe
‘turbulent processes cecurring in the auroral magnet
sphere, Similar techniques can be used to probe the
solar wind, the solar corona, and planetary bodiesand
their ionespheres. Finally, novel concepts have beer
ceveloped using the HAARP transmitter in a radar
‘mode in conjunction with a subaudio acoustic source
to probe the auroral stratosphere and mescsphere.
Hicu Frequences 7
‘The HAARP as. radar to probe the auroral magnctosphore
‘Electric Fes + HE/VHEILHE
Winds ‘= RavigationSPS
A sumnaary of applications and paranisters that can be probed by HARP in the HE/VEIE/UHE range
Avbifici!aigloce excited by high-power radio maces
| l der steady-state conditions, a significant
fraction of the HE power absorbed by the
ionospheric electrons results in atomic and molecular
excitation and reradintion in a wide range of optical
requencies. It is expected that, at its highest beam in=
tensity, the HAARP heater will produce airglow with
megawatt power mainly in the visible and IR region of
the spectrum. The IR emissions are predominantly
‘caused by the indirect excitation of CO, moleculesand
propagate undisturbed upwards, while they are ab-
sorbed downwards. They can be detected from prop
erly instrumented satellites located within the line of
sight of the modified region. Of particular importance
is the proposed U.S-Russia “RAMOS” satellite, whose
orbit will ly over the HAARP site frequontly. Mensur
ing the Rand optical emissions with yood spatial 7es0~
ution providesa wealth of information about the state
of the ionospheric mgion in which they were gener
aed, Including neviral density structure, wind dycam-
ics, and relative abundance of the IR emitters, The IR
emissions, incheding the potential for striating their
source region, have significant miblary implications to
TR detection and countermeasures,
AARP ava fustrumiemt of 8 dingiostics ofthe atmosphere
l he wide range of applications of HAARP as a
remote sensing and communications instrument
represents the fruition of many years of basic iono-
spheric research conducted in previous, much weaker
and less sophisticated installations. In terms of both,
effective radiated power and flexibility of operation,
HAARP constitutes a major advance in ionospheric
transmitters. Ils design requires that the combination,
‘of frequency and the radiated power density exceed
the theoretical threshold in which new physical phe
‘nomena ate expected. Such phenomena include strong,
nonlineatities associated with solitary waves, onset of
turbulence, generation of energetic electcon fluxes, [R
‘emissions, and very short scale structuces, Past lessons
taught us that even more important fhan the theoreti
cally predicted phenomena are the breakthroughs. New
‘phenomena appear when technological progress allows
Gupwe Licht
TO THE Furure
exploration of the response of nonlinear physical sys~
tems under new dynamic conditions. The HAARP will,
be the guiding light to the future, ina similar fashion.
as past active ionospheric programs led to the unprece
ceented range of applications discussed in this publi-
Osereiew of base rescore
] he HAARP represents a technological advance
ment with capabilities that allow for new ancl
unique dual-use research and application opportuni
fies, Use of the ionosphere as an active, nonlinear me-
dium allows the primary HE energy to be transformed,
in a controlled fashion into coherent radiation from.
0,001 He to 40 KEfz and into incoherent IR and visible
wavelengths, This function, supplemented with the
generation of FAS and with the use of the transmitter
as a radar, makes the HAARP transmitter 2 unique
source for remote sensing and communication uses.
ana urtaese
Soa Wine
‘Sole Aoropton Specter
dere waves
Pol Satoeohere Clouds
Three madesofeperations of the HAARD heater (radar, VIF/ELPAULE source ted FAS vefetos) Clin (hue ant
itory fgreen) uses id applications ave Usted for various geophysical regions
Pe et cd
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Por eer Sener Tt)
See ee ee oe
PCC ans as
John Heckscher, Air Force Research Laboratory
Edward Kennedy, Naval Research Laboratory
Paul Kossey, Air Force Rescarch Laboratory
See eet card
Ramy Shanny, Advanced Power Technology, Ine.
ae are greece
NINO ec eo cKel ag
4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
ee aT Cn ee te eeentad
‘Additional copies of this publication are available
from the HAARP Program Office, 29 Randolph Rd.,
PC mca