The facility currently operates a VHF and UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a
digisonde, and an induction magnetometer alongside the transmitter facilities.
The HAARP site has been constructed in three distinct phases: [4]
1. The Developmental Prototype (DP) had 18 antenna elements, organized in three
columns by six rows. It was fed with a total of 360 kilowatts (kW) combined
transmitter output power. The DP transmitted just enough power for the most
basic of ionospheric testing.
2. The Filled Developmental Prototype (FDP) had 48 antenna units arrayed in six
columns by eight rows, with 960 kW of transmitter power. It was fairly
comparable to other ionospheric heating facilities. This was used for a number of
successful scientific experiments and ionospheric exploration campaigns over the
3. The Final IRI (FIRI) will be the final build of the IRI. It has 180 antenna units,
organized in 15 columns by 12 rows, yielding a theoretical maximum gain of
31 dB. A total of 3.6 MW of transmitter power will feed it, equvilant to the power
of just under 8 performance cars[5]. The total ERP (effective radiated power) will
be 3,9811 MW (961 dBW). As of March 2007, all the antennas were in place, but
the final quota of transmitters had not yet been installed, the final phase was
completed and the antenna array was undergoing testing aimed at fine-tuning its
performance to comply with safety requirements required by regulatory agencies.
During active ionospheric research, the signal generated by the transmitter system is
delivered to the antenna array, transmitted in an upward direction, and is partially
absorbed, at an altitude between 70 km (43 mi) to 350 km (217 mi) (depending on
operating frequency), a few tens of kilometers in diameter over the site. The intensity of
the HF signal in the ionosphere is less than 3 µW/cm², tens of thousands of times less
than the Sun's natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times
less than even the normal random variations in intensity of the Sun's natural ultraviolet
(UV) energy which creates the ionosphere. The small effects that are produced, however,
can be observed with the sensitive scientific instruments installed at the HAARP facility
and these observations can provide new information about the dynamics of plasmas and
new insight into the processes of solar-terrestrial interactions.[6]
Each antenna element consists of a crossed dipole that can be polarized for linear,
ordinary mode (O-mode), or extraordinary mode (X-mode) transmission and
reception.[7][8] Each part of the two section crossed dipoles are individually fed from a
custom built transmitter, that has been specially designed with very low distortion. The
ERP of the IRI is limited by more than a factor of 10 at its lower operating frequencies.
Much of this is due to higher antenna losses and a less efficient antenna pattern.
HAARP can transmit between 2.7 and 10 MHz. This frequency range lies above the AM
radio broadcast band and well below Citizens' Band frequency allocations. The HAARP
is licensed to transmit only in certain segments of this frequency range, however. When
the IRI is transmitting, the bandwidth of the transmitted signal is 100 kHz or less. The IRI
can transmit continuously (CW) or pulses as short as 10 microseconds (µs). CW
transmission is generally used for ionospheric modification, while short pulses are
frequently repeated, and the IRI is used as a radar system. Researchers can run
experiments that use both modes of transmission, modifying the ionosphere for a
predetermined amount of time, then measuring the decay of modification effects with
pulsed transmissions.
Current facilities
In the United States, there are three ionospheric heating facilities: the HAARP, the
HIPAS, near Fairbanks, Alaska, and (currently offline for reconstruction) one at the
Arecibo Observatory[citation needed] in Puerto Rico. The European Incoherent Scatter
Scientific Association (EISCAT) operates an ionospheric heating facility, capable of
transmitting over 1 GW effective radiated power (ERP), near Tromsø, Norway.[9] Russia
has the Sura Ionospheric Heating Facility, in Vasilsursk near Nizhniy Novgorod, capable
of transmitting 190 MW ERP.
On the other hand, the ionosphere is traditionally very difficult to measure. Balloons
cannot reach it because the air is too thin, but satellites cannot orbit there because the air
is still too thick. Hence, most experiments on the ionosphere give only small pieces of
information. HAARP approaches the study of the ionosphere by following in the
footsteps of an ionospheric heater called EISCAT near Tromsø, Norway. There, scientists
pioneered exploration of the ionosphere by perturbing it with radio waves in the 2-
10 MHz range, and studying how the ionosphere reacts. HAARP performs the same
functions but with more power, and a more flexible and agile HF beam.
1. Ionospheric heating
2. Plasma line observations
3. Stimulated electron emission observations
4. Gyro-frequency heating research
5. Spread F observations
6. Airglow observations
7. Heating induced scintillation observations
8. VLF and ELF generation observations (http://www-
9. Radio observations of meteors
10. Polar mesospheric summer echoes: Polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE)
have been studied using the IRI as a powerful radar, as well as with the 28 MHz
radar, and the two VHF radars at 49 MHz and 139 MHz. The presence of multiple
radars spanning both HF and VHF bands allows scientists to make comparative
measurements that may someday lead to an understanding of the processes that
form these elusive phenomena.
11. Research on extraterrestrial HF radar echos: the Lunar Echo experiment
12. Testing of SS-Spread Spectrum Transmitters 2009
13. Meteor shower impacts on the ionosphere
14. Response and recovery of the ionosphere from solar flares and geomagnetic
15. The effect of ionospheric disturbances on GPS satellite signal quality
The HAARP project aims to direct a 3.6 MW signal, in the 2.8-10 MHz region of the HF
band, into the ionosphere. The signal may be pulsed or continuous. Then, effects of the
transmission and any recovery period will be examined using associated instrumentation,
including VHF and UHF radars, HF receivers, and optical cameras. According to the
HAARP team, this will advance the study of basic natural processes that occur in the
ionosphere under the natural but much stronger influence of solar interaction, as well as
how the natural ionosphere affects radio signals. This will enable scientists to develop
techniques to mitigate these effects in order to improve the reliability and/or performance
of communication and navigation systems, which would have a wide range of
applications in both the civilian and military sectors.
The project is funded by the Office of Naval Research and jointly managed by the ONR
and Air Force Research Laboratory, with the principal involvement of the University of
Alaska. Many other universities and educational institutions have been involved in the
development of the project and its instruments, namely the University of Alaska
(Fairbanks), Stanford University, Penn State University (ARL), Boston College, UCLA,
Clemson University, Dartmouth College, Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University,
University of Maryland, College Park, University of Massachusetts, MIT, Polytechnic
Institute of New York University, and the University of Tulsa. The project's
specifications were developed by the universities, which are continuing to play a major
role in the design of future research efforts. There is both military and commercial
interest in its outcome, as many communications and navigation systems depend on
signals being reflected from the ionosphere or passing through the ionosphere to
satellites. Thanks to the more penetrating properties of VLF and ELF, advancements in
underwater and underground research and applications are now possible. This may lead
to improved methods for submarine communication and the ability to remotely sense the
mineral content of the terrestrial subsurface, among other things. In addition, an
improved understanding the ionosphere's impact on satellite signals transmitted to Earth
may increase the accuracy of GPS navigation, since those satellite signals are affected in
an unknown way as they pass through the ionosphere.
The HAARP project offers annual open days to permit the general public to visit the
facility, and makes a public virtue of openness; according to the team, "there are no
classified documents pertaining to the HAARP." Each summer, the HAARP holds a
summer-school for visiting students, including foreign nationals, giving them an
opportunity to do research with one of the world's foremost research instruments.
HAARP controversy
Power emitted
The critics' views have been rejected by HAARP's defenders, who have pointed out that
the amount of energy at the project's disposal is minuscule compared to the colossal
energies dumped into the atmosphere by solar radiation and thunderstorms. A University
of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute scientist has compared the HAARP to an
"immersion heater in the Yukon River."
Additionally, the ULF and ELF radio signals indirectly generated by HAARP ionospheric
heating are millions of times weaker than naturally generated signals, such as radio
atmospherics from lightning, and magnetospheric chorus waves, so they have no real
impact on the radio wave environment on Earth.
Open activities
Furthermore, supporters of HAARP argue that its activities have been, since its
establishment, extremely open. All activities are logged and publicly available. Scientists
without security clearances, even foreign nationals, are routinely allowed on site. The
HAARP facility regularly (once a year on most years according to the HAARP home
page) hosts open houses, during which time any civilian may tour the entire facility.
In addition, scientific results obtained with HAARP are routinely published in major
research journals (such as Geophysical Research Letters, or Journal of Geophysical
Research), written both by university scientists (American and foreign) or by US
Department of Defense research lab scientists.
The objectives of the HAARP project became the subject of controversy in the mid-
1990s, following claims that the antennas could be used as a weapon. A small group of
American physicists aired complaints in the non-peer-reviewed letters Physics and
Society,[12] charging that the HAARP could be seeking ways to destroy or disable enemy
spacecraft[citation needed] or disrupt communications over large portions of the planet. The
physicist critics of the HAARP have had little complaint about the project's current stage,
but have expressed fears that it could in the future be expanded into an experimental
weapon, especially given that its funding comes from the Office of Naval Research and
the Air Force Research Laboratory.[citation needed]
These concerns were amplified by Bernard Eastlund, a physicist who developed some of
the concepts behind the HAARP in the 1980s and proposed using high-frequency radio
waves to energize the ionosphere in order to disable incoming missiles, thus "knocking
out" out enemy satellite communications. The US military became interested in the idea
as an alternative to the laser-based Strategic Defense Initiative[dubious – discuss]. However,
Eastlund's ideas were eventually dropped as SDI itself mutated into the more limited
National Missile Defense of today. The contractors selected to build HAARP have denied
that any of Eastlund's patents were used in the development of the project.
After the physicists raised early concerns, the controversy was stoked by local activism.
In September 1995, a book entitled Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla
Technology by Nick Begich Jr., son of Congressman Nick Begich and brother of Senator
Mark Begich, claimed that the project in its present stage could be used for "geophysical
warfare".[citation needed] Other conspiracy theorists extended the power of HAARP:
"HAARP... can change weather patterns over whole continents, jam global
communications systems, disrupt mental processes, manipulate the earth’s upper
In August 2002, a critical mention of HAARP technology came from the State Duma
(parliament) of Russia. The Duma issued a press release on the HAARP written by the
international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to then
President Vladimir Putin. The statement claimed:
The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium
with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to
the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This
new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once
an object of direct influence and its component.[14]
However, given the timing of the Russian intervention, it is possible that it was related to
a controversy at the time concerning the US withdrawal in June 2002 from the Russian-
American Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.[citation needed] This high level concern is paralleled
in the April 1997 statement by the U.S. Secretary of Defense over the power of such
electromagnetic weaponry. Russia owns and operates an ionospheric heater system as
powerful as the HAARP, called 'Sura,' which is located roughly 150 km (93 mi) from the
city of Nizhny Novgorod.[15]
Also check out the following link to ‘hear’ what HAARP
sounds like: http://www.brojon.org/frontpage/bj1203.html