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Phy Set-2 QP

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Time allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory. There are 37 questions in all.
2. This question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D.
3. Section A contains twenty questions of one mark each, Section B contains seven questions
of two marks each, Section C contains seven questions of three marks each, and Section D
contains three questions of five marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in two questions
of one mark each, two questions of two marks, one question of three marks and three
questions of five marks weightage. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such
5. You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary

c = 3 x 108ms-1

h = 6.6 x 10-34Js

e = 1.6 x 10-19 C

µo= 4π x 10 -7 T m A -1

Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1

Avogadro’s number NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole

Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg

Mass of electron me = 9 x 10-31 kg


Q1.If a solid and a hollow conducting sphere have same radius then
(a) Hollow sphere will hold more maximum charge
(b) Solid sphere will hold more maximum charge
(c) Both the spheres will hold same maximum charge
(d) Both the sphere can’t hold charge

O2 .What is the shape of equipotential surface for a point charge?

(a)elliptical (b)plane (c) spherical (d)Hyperbola
Q3. Work done in moving a charge q coulomb on the surface of a given charged conductor of
potential V is
(a)V/q joule (b) Vq joule (c) q/V joule (d) zero

Q4. Ohm's law fails in
(a) transistor (b) Thyristor (c) PN junction diode (d) All of these
Q5. To obtain a p-type germanium semiconductor, it must be doped with
(a) Indium (b) Phosphorus (c) Arsenic (d) Antimony
Q6 What is the amount of work done by a magnetic force of 5 N on a moving charge of
magnitude 2μC with a velocity 2X106 m s-1?

(a) 105 J (b) 103 J (c) 0 (d) 1 J

Q7. The induced e.m.f. in a coil does not depend on
(1) The number of turns in the coil (2) The rate of change of magnetic flux
(3) Time of rotation (4) The resistance of the circuit

Q8. Name of em wave, which maintains the warmth

(a)micro wave (b) radio wave (c)UV rays (d) IR rays

Q9. Which of the following electromagnetic radiations have the smallest wavelength?
(1) X-rays (2) Gamma -rays (3) UV waves (4) Microwaves

Q10. Transmission of light in optical fibre is due to

(a) scattering (b) diffraction
(c) refraction (d) multiple total internal reflection
Directions (Q11 –Q15) Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
Q11. the geometrical shape of the wavefront when a plane wave passes through a convex

Q12. The width of depletion layer of a p-n junction ________when it is reverse biased.
An intrinsic semiconductor behaves like a perfect insulator at ______temperature.
Q13.The Bohr model of atoms assumes that the angular momentum of electrons is ______
Q14.The sequence of colour bands used to code a carbon resistor is Yellow, Violet, Orange
and Silver. The resistance of the given carbon resistor is ___________

Q15. In photoelectric emission process from a metal of work function 1.8 eV, the kinetic
energy of most energetic electrons is 0.6 eV. The corresponding stopping potential
Directions (Q16 –Q20) Answer the following
Q16. Name the phenomenon which shows the quantum nature of electromagnetic radiation.

Q17. De Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential

difference V is λ. What will be the de Broglie wavelength when the accelerating potential is
increased to 4V?

Q18. Write any two characteristic properties of nuclear force.
Q19. When electrons drift in a metal from lower to higher potential, does it mean that all the
free electrons of the metal are moving in the same direction?

Q20. What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corresponding to first excited state and ground
state in a hydrogen atom?
Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1 : 8. What is the ratio of their nuclear radii?
Q21. Distinguish between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic materials in respect of their( i)
intensity of magnetization ((ii) behaviour in non uniform magnetic field .


Deduce the expression for the magnetic dipole moment of an electron orbiting around the
central nucleus.

Q22.A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 0.9 J/T is place with its axis at 30° to a uniform
magnetic field. It experiences a torque of 0.063 J.
(i) Calculate the magnitude of the magnetic field.
(ii) In which orientation will the bar magnet be in stable equilibrium in the magnetic field?

Q23.(a) How does oscillating charge produce electromagnetic waves?

(b) Sketch a schematic diagram depicting oscillating electric and magnetic fields of an em
wave propagating along + z-direction.
Q24. Name the semiconductor device that can be used to regulate an unregulated dc power
supply. With the help of I-V characteristics of this device, explain its working principle.

Q25. Write two characteristic features to distinguish between n-type and p-type

Q26. In Young’s double slit experiment using monochromatic light of wavelength l, the
intensity of light at a point on the screen where path difference is λ, is K units. Find out the
intensity of light at a point where path difference is λ/ 3..

Q27. Write relation between critical angle and refractive index of medium in relation to
total internal reflection.
Write two applications of optical fibers.
Write two essential conditions for total internal reflection to take place.
Draw a ray diagram showing the use of totally reflecting prism showing it’s use to
erect the inverted image.


Q28.In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 ´ 10-3
m2 and the separation between the plates is 3 mm.
(i) Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
(ii) If this capacitor is connected to 100 V supply, what would be the charge on each plate?
(iii) How would charge on the plates be affected, if a 3 mm thick mica sheet of K = 6 is
inserted between the plates while the voltage supply remains connected?
Q29. In a metre bridge with R and S in the gaps, the null point is found to be at 40 cm from
A. If a resistance of 30  is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 50
cm from A. Determine the value of R and S?

Q30. Derive an expression for the force per unit length between two long straight parallel
current carrying conductors. Hence define SI unit of current.


Using Biot-Savart’s law,derive the expression for the magnetic field in the vector
form at a point on the axis of a circular current loop.
Q31. Derive an expression for i) induced emf and ii) induced current when a conductor of
length l is moved with a uniform velocity v normal to a magnetic field B. Assume the
resistance of the conductor to be as R.

Q32. Define resolving power of a compound microscope? How does the resolving power of
a compound microscope change when?

i) refractive index of medium between object and objective lens increase.

ii) Wavelength of radiation is changed.
Define Polarizing angle . Establish a relationship between Polarizing angle and
refractive index for a transparent medium with the help of a suitable diagram.
Q33. Sketch the graphs showing variation of the stopping potential with frequency of
incident radiation for two photosensitive materials A and B having threshold
frequencies as ν1 and ν2(ν1> ν2):

i) In which case is the stopping potential is more and why?

ii) Does the slope of the graph depend on the nature of the material used?

Q34. State Bohr’s quantization condition for defining stationary orbits. How does de Broglie
hypothesis explain the stationary orbits?


(i) What characteristic property of nuclear force explains the constancy of binding energy per
nucleon (BE/A) in the range of mass number ‘A’ lying 30 < A < 170?
(ii) Show that the density of nucleus over a wide range of nuclei is constant independent of
mass number A.
Q35.(i)Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the real image of a point object due to a
convex spherical refracting surface, when a ray of light is travelling from rarer medium
of refractive index 1 to a denser medium of refractive index 2 .Hence derive the
relation between object distance, image distance and radius of curvature of the spherical

(ii) The radii of curvature of the faces of a double convex lens are 10 cm and 15 cm. If focal
length of the lens is 12 cm, find the refractive index of the material of the lens.
(i) Use Huygens’ Principle to show how a plane wavefront propagates from a denser to
rarer medium. Hence, verify Snell’s law of refraction
(ii) Draw a graph showing the variation of intensity (I) of polarized light transmitted by an
analyser with angle (θ) between polarizer and analyser.
(iii)What is the value of refractive index of a medium of polarizing angle 60o?

Q36. (a) Define electric dipole moment. Is it a scalar or a vector? Derive the expression for
the electric field of a dipole at a point on the equatorial plane of the dipole.

(b) Draw the equipotential surfaces due to an electric dipole.

Using Gauss’ law deduce the expression for the electric field due to a uniformly charged
spherical conducting shell of radius R at a point (i) outside and (ii) inside the shell.
Plot a graph showing variation of electric field as a function of r > R and r < R. (r being the
distance from the centre of the shell.

Q37. State the principle and working of an ac generator with the help of a labeled diagram.
The coil of an ac generator having N turns each of area A is rotated with a constant
angular velocity w. Deduce the expression for the alternating emf induced in the
Describe the working of a step up transformer with the help of a labeled diagram.
Write down the two sources of loss in a transformer. A step up transformer converts
low voltage into high voltage. Is it the violation of conservation of energy. Explain.


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