Global Warming - Marshall Smith
Global Warming - Marshall Smith
Global Warming - Marshall Smith
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Over the last two decades a great debate has occurred over whether Global Warming
exists or not. The Pro-warming group did not have sufficient data to prove their point
other than computer predictions and a "concensus of scientists." The Anti-warming
group knew that the theory was not possible, but they also could not prove it. What they
didn't know was that the rules for calculating atmospheric gases had been arbitrarily
changed by a hoax. What follows exposes the hoax.
In 1976, the U.S. government issued a standard reference manual called "The U.S.
Standard Atmosphere 1976." This large reference contains all the information about the
atmosphere of earth, and has since then been used by all scientists such as
environmentalists, space researchers, and geo-physicists.
The previous edition, before the beginning of the space age, "The U.S. Standard
Atmosphere 1965" was based on decades of data collected by thousands of researchers
using balloons. That extensive balloon data showed that the components of the
atmosphere were not equally distributed. Heavier gases such as, argon, carbon dioxide
and freon, were mostly found down near the ground. While the much lighter
components, such as hydrogen and helium floated up through the atmosphere to the top
and disappeared into space.
In the 1976 edition, all that pre-space age balloon data was completely discarded, even
though the manual said that the older data was incorporated into the 1976 models. But
that claim was false. In 1976 the older data was replaced with the false claim that in the
troposphere all the gases are uniformly distributed. This false claim constitutes
"scientific fraud." Based on this 1976 fraud, later theories in the 1980's were proposed
that heavy gases such as carbon dioxide and freon, could climb very high in the
That was the basis for the false claim that very heavy CFC's could "float" up to the
stratosphere and destroy the Ozone Layer. Also based on the false 1976 data, it was
claimed that heavy carbon dioxide could float high in the atmosphere and create a
"green house gas layer" which would cause Global Warming.
Both of these false scientific theories are based on the fraudulent data in the 1976
scientific reference manual. The perpetrators of that scientific hoax, so far have made
over 60 billion dollars in fraudulent profits. With the implementation of the Kyoto
Treaty, the perpetrators could earn as much as half a trillion dollars, taken out of your
pocket, based on a hoax.
To find out how such a massive world-wide scientific hoax could have been perpetrated
in such a brazen manner, read the information below. The who, what, where, how, and
why are all explained in detail.
Chapter 1
Where It All Began and Where American Science Failed
- The Coming Dark Age of Science 2012
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later called "Arabic" science, collapsed under the mental strictures of the
religion of Islam in 675 AD. During the second Dark Age, all real science had
disappeared and had been replaced by the new religious mythology based on
the old science.
In the second Dark Age from 300 to 1300 AD, the advanced Greek math
and science of Aristotelian logic and the "scientific method" was used by
scholars such as Augustine to prove "scientifically" that "Jesus is Lord." And
of course, mathematically how many angels can dance on pins, etc. To us,
today that all sounds frivolous and silly, but it was the only "science" allowed
by the government in Rome. It is what happens when government gains
control of scientific thought. It is always done by using a consensus of the
members of a council or a consensus of "scientists" who "vote" to decide what
is "true scientific fact." Any free thinking or science outside that belief system
was heretical and punishable by death or torture using the latest scientific
instruments of Dark Age science.
This second Dark Age of the "government science" system began to
collapse when it was clear that the only way to maintain a belief in the correct
tenets of the second Dark Age "scientific religion" was to use the horrible
methods of the Inquisition from 1200 to 1500 AD to terrorize the masses. This
so disgusted many local leaders, and the populace throughout Europe that
they completely turned away from the old "myth science" called Catholicism.
They created new science and free thought such as Protestantism and
Newtonian science. This started a new cycle of new scientific discoveries.
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current third golden age of science and the beginning of the next
generation Dark Age.
In the mid-1700's that new scientific governmental system discovery only
lasted about 100 years from 1760 to 1860, when it was completely corrupted
and disappeared during the "upheaval in belief" called the American Civil
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You have the privilege of obtaining licenses to drive a car, marry or go
into business, or a zillion other activities which all require a license from the
government. You have no "right" to do any of those things without license
from the government. You have the duty and "privilege" of paying taxes and
the "immunity" of not going to jail if you do pay your taxes. You have the
"privilege" of giving all of your wealth and property to the government when
you die, and not giving them as an inheritance to your children. If you actually
thought you had Constitutional Rights....
To read a documentation of the slide of modern science into the abyss of
the Third Dark Age from 1870 to the present, driven by wealthy industrialists
who now control modern scientific beliefs, See: "Black Gold Hot Gold" on the
BroJon Gazette front page.
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main "greenhouse" gas, and that the world should follow the orders of the
worldwide Kyoto Treaty. And the "priesthood" also wants you to allow the
price of oil to rise exorbitantly in order to force people to cut back on using
cars which produce carbon dioxide. The primary beneficiary or "profiteer" of
this new false "belief" is Big Oil which is the main promoter and producer of
this false "religious belief." They have enough money to buy their way into the
corridors of Congress, into NASA and into the top secret national laboratories
run by universities. They have produced the "new religion."
What I am going to show you right now are three very simple experiments
that you can do yourself at home, or if you are a teacher you can demonstrate
them to college students and even young children at school. They are
extremely simple. They will absolutely "prove" that a carbon dioxide
"greenhouse layer" does not exist and cannot and could never exist. I have
already taught these simple experiments to my own students, and even to
excited groups of young campers, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Even very
young children can do them and understand them.
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But that sensitive instrument only works on clear starry nights. On cloudy
nights, the sky temperature is about 300 degrees Kelvin which would be the
temperature of your hand or the temperature of the bottom of a cloud in the
But no astronomer who measures the universal background radiation
temperature has ever said, "We can't measure the temperature of space
anymore because there is a huge reflective greenhouse layer which measures
300 degrees Kelvin. So we can't see the 3 degrees Kelvin background
anymore." No astronomer has ever said that, thus proving absolutely, there is
NO "greenhouse" gas layer. Absolutely none. Any, even slight greenhouse
effect would raise the apparent background temperature of the night sky by
hundreds of degrees. Alright, so lets cut to the chase again.
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Hot air balloons can rise up in the air, but heavier-than-air craft, such as
airplanes do not rise up all by themselves to become a thick layer of heavy
airplanes floating in the sky. It will never happen, could never happen and has
never happened. It cannot happen with CO2 which is also much heavier than
air. And as I just showed you, with these three simple experiments, which you
can do yourself -- you can prove it for yourself.
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The foolishness and the useless greenhouse layer global warming debate
has come to an end. My friends at NASA will probably respond by sending me
twice as many "religious tracts" about the Earth Observing System and
several other satellite programs, but forgive them, for they know not what
they do. I have already gotten the extra large size garbage can, so I am sure I
can handle all of NASA's future "gifts." I give NASA an "E" for their decades
long Effort to try to convince me that they are right. But I also give them an
"F" for Failing to do so. I am not so easily fooled.
There are many thousands of scientists around the world who already
know that I am correct. They already knew that there was something not quite
right with the "global warming greenhouse gas theory." I've now just given
them the simple scientific tools to disprove it beyond all doubt.
Marshall Smith
Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette
To respond to this story click here to email BROJON GAZETTE. If you want to say something nice, we might read it. If you
only want to bitch then we will toss it without reading. BJNews is not responsible for the world situation nor your response to it.
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Chapter 2
"The Belief in the Priesthood of the New Science"
- What you weren't Told about Truth
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years, but it sure ran into a problem with Galileo, about 400 years ago.
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touch, smell, or "sense" the rotation. Just like the Coriolis Force, the
Foucault Pendulum works best near the poles of the earth and does not rotate
around at all near or on the equator. It's a very delightful and simple proof of
the fact that the earth rotates and "moves," but again 200 years too late for
But wait, that is only one part of Galileo's problem. Those two scientific
experiments prove that the earth rotates around itself once a day. But can you
actually prove that the earth also revolves in a yearly orbit around the sun at
about 25,000 miles per hour - even though you can't sense, touch or feel it?
Until about 1850 nobody had ever devised any such experiment to show that
fact, so Galileo was really out of luck.
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To respond to this story click here to email BROJON GAZETTE. If you want to say something nice, we might read it. If you
only want to bitch then we will toss it without reading. BJNews is not responsible for the world situation nor your response to it.
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Chapter 3
"Belief in the College of Green House Cardinals"
- The Coming Dark Age of Science 2012
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should run their own experiments to "prove" the facts for themselves, and
not just rely on the beliefs of dogmatic teachers. All around Galileo, teachers
used mathematic precision to prove how many angels could dance on a
pinhead. But Galileo taught his students to actually drop a light and heavy
object off a tower and then to "prove" for themselves which one falls faster, or
Galileo also taught his students to use their own bodies as instruments, as
when he used his own heart pulse rate to measure the speed of a pendulum
and "prove" that the time of the swing was only a property of the pendulum's
length, and not the speed or distance of its swing, as was claimed by the
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last hundreds of thousands of years. It's that simple. It doesn't take billion
dollar satellites to measure the temperature of the earth. It's right under your
feet, about a foot down below the surface. And you can do it yourself.
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greenhouse." But that is false, since the other massive major source of
heat, beside the sun, is the earth itself.
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of 4,000 miles?
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Chapter 4
The Catholics, the Gnostics and Global Warming
- The Coming Dark Age of Science 2012
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of massacres. But it wasn't just the corrupt emperors. They were all
corrupt and murderous which is why Rome failed and was taken over by a
religion. It was actually the Church itself, with its new "power of the state"
which now had the ability and manpower to produce and direct genocide
against all "infidels and heretics." Muhammad merely copied the early
Catholics 300 years later. And many Islamic sects still do today.
That early Catholic event is actually described in a odd book now found at
the end of the bible, called "Revelation" -- it is not properly a part of the bible
and is not a religious book. The book of Revelation is addressed to "the seven
churches in Asia." That meant it was written to the churches in Greece and
Turkey along with the church in Rome. But, it did NOT mention any of the
larger ten or twelve major Christian churches in Africa, meaning Egypt. The
Egyptian Christian or Coptic church was actually much larger with many
more sects than the Asian or Roman Church. But they had refused to be
subsumed under the control of Rome. It was a problem of government, and
not a difference in religious beliefs.
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I wonder why it was ever included into the collection of biblical texts.
Except for the fact that it was was "specially commissioned" for the Council of
Nicea as their "plan of action" after the Council meeting. Thus, it really was
an addendum or appendix for the chosen biblical texts, which all the council
members took back home with them. It also must have been discussed and
approved by the Nicean Council for it to be on the approved list of books. But
the appendix then included what all the "good Catholics" should do when they
got back home, which is why the "appendix marching orders" now appears
stuck at the end of the bible. In modern day, newspaper headline language, it
was a "'Fatwa" declaring a "Jihad."
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Gnostic religions were the same Christian religions, but the governments
described in the Gnostic texts were far different from the government in
Rome. That is what Dr. Elaine Pagel's was trying to describe in her books, but
most people don't understand that she was NOT showing the differences in the
"religions" but the differences in the "government."
I have to admit, that Dr. Pagels was not very clear on that point, which is
why many readers might not understand that is what she was describing. I
had already studied this topic back in 1975, with a special world-class scholar
who was a specialist on the Reformation. My professor at the University of
Santa Clara had actually spent several years of post-doctorate theological
study in the depths of the Vatican Library. That's how I know what's in that
library. Strangely, my professor was the only Lutheran scholar at the Jesuitrun University of Santa Clara.
My professor had been especially "commissioned" by both the Lutheran
and Catholic churches to research and report on the "reasons" for the
Reformation Movement, and maybe find a way to heal the great schism
between the two churches. That would be a massive job, and a major change
in today's world. Of course, that meant a special dispensation from the Pope in
Rome to allow a "foreigner," a highly respected Lutheran scholar from
America, to go rummaging through the basement of the Vatican Library
Archives. Wow? Just think, if only I had been able to tell him what to go look
for, before he began his research.
In my studies with him, I tried to "drain" him of everything he knew and
had seen in the Vatican Library. I knew he was a very special resource which
was not available to anybody else. He was most surprised to find that I had
already researched this topic on my own, several years earlier. That's why he
accepted me as a special independent study research student.
Run to your bookshelf or library and get a copy of the book of Revelation.
Then grab a copy of your newspaper and look for the latest Theory of Global
Warming. You can find both on the Internet. Then carefully read both
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Both documents claim to predict massive worldwide destruction. Both
claim to predict the end of the world as we know it. Both blame "the sins" of
mankind for bringing on the destruction. Both documents claim you must
repent and stop your beliefs in "heresies" or you will be among the dead. Both
claim that the "end times" are at hand.
Both documents are products of powerful government-controlled
priesthoods. One document proclaims you must accept the findings of the
Council of Nicea and accept the behavior protocols of Revelation - or else. The
other document proclaims you must accept the findings of the Council of Rio
and accept the behavior Protocols of Kyoto - or else. Both documents were
designed to make believers accept a One-World or Cata-holic universal New
World Order -- or else.
Since both similar documents are carefully crafted government "mind
control" propaganda, aimed at the true "believers," what is the major
difference between the two? About 1,700 years...
Marshall Smith
Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette
To respond to this story click here to email BROJON GAZETTE. If you want to say something nice, we might read it. If you
only want to bitch then we will toss it without reading. BJNews is not responsible for the world situation nor your response to it.
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