Tutorial 3 (Radiation) : CLB21003: Process Heat Transfer Heat Convection
Tutorial 3 (Radiation) : CLB21003: Process Heat Transfer Heat Convection
Tutorial 3 (Radiation) : CLB21003: Process Heat Transfer Heat Convection
Heat Convection
Tutorial 3
1. Define:
a) Emissive power
b) Emissivity
c) Blackbody
2. Consider a 20cm X 20cm X 20 cm cubical body at 1000K suspended in the
air. Assuming the body closely approximates a blackbody, determine:(2118)
a) The radiation rate emits by the cube, in W
(1.36 x 104W)
5. Two infinite black plates at 800C and 300C exchange heat by radiation.
Calculate the heat transfer per unit area.
(69.1556 x 103 W/m2)
6. A space satellite in the shape of a sphere with a diameter of 10 m is
traveling in outer space, where its surface temperature is held at 283.2 K.
The sphere sees only outer space, which can be considered as a black
(1 = 0.074)