Elements of Wicca Course Outline
Elements of Wicca Course Outline
Elements of Wicca Course Outline
Elements of Wicca
Week l: History of Wicca
The first class will introduce Wicca, what it is, and what it is not. The history of Wicca including
the contributions made by Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente, Alex Sanders, Ray Buckland,
Starhawk, the Farrars, and other pioneers will be explored. Traditional Wicca vs. Eclectic vs.
Gardinarian will be explained, and a comparison made with Christianity.
Practice: Grounding and centering. Circle Casting.
Week 2: Wicca as a Religion
This week we will continue our exploration of Wicca. How do Wiccans practice? Why is it a
religion? We will look at the Wiccan Rede. Other basic concepts in Wicca will be introduced
such the Astral Plane, the Sacred Earth, the Book of Shadows and the Elements as
manifestations of the Divine.
Practice: Connecting with the Spirit of Air.
Week 3: Grounding and Shielding
This week the concepts of grounding, shielding will be explored with practice sessions. Psychic
first aid will be taught along with an introduction to the aura, and preventing burnout from
energy overload. We will discuss how to find and meet Wiccan and Pagan groups. How do you
judge whether the people you have met are truly practicing Wicca or just trying to make money
or power trip.
Practice: Connecting with the Spirit of Fire.