9step Recovery For Asatru - Odinist
9step Recovery For Asatru - Odinist
9step Recovery For Asatru - Odinist
them aJ7. NobleVirfirc: DISCIPUNE'
Hauing lwresttg i^pta"Ig slured. tle poi'son of mg pasl I clnose to attem4ft to
mnke iglrt urt oi I lnue nade uT ong intle pasL
injure them or otjrers.
Noble Virfirc: HOSPITALtY'
mgself from Yoe(tas{]t dging to
Reatizing tlut r ,nils;tet go of ulw-I lnue been, I lww
t rZacn out a hnnd to people I
uttw I was, ana oeseiiin" ooa" for t; Rui; of vblorg'
ltoue hurt, if it's aPProPrtate.