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9step Recovery For Asatru - Odinist

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A &Sfep Recovery for Asatru/Odinisb

used our personal power

1) Admit we have a problem y9 "99l.tion and that we have
u"twisety and destructively. Noblg Virfirc+ IRWH'
addictionis poisoning mg fate'
I stand at the w"[;fw;r4 and peenng uithiu I see thot

2) Make a decision to align ourselves_with the Gods

and to con*-ribute constructively to
lhe Tapestry of Wyrd- Noble Virfirc: @URAGE . ^ zL-t -..L:^L i^ Aaal
I call out to the G"dt i;;;;"ain, and. uisdom, to ouerrcm'e thd uthich is destroging

3) Inventory our behavior patterns in a searching

and fearless way'
NobleVirfrrc: HONOR.
Gided w the rrlui and moin of tlrc God.s, I dink deep from tle uetl of w deeds, anrd
tale respo-n'sibilifu for what lfindthere'
the exact nature of our
4l Admit to the Gods, to another human being, and to ourselves
#ng choices. Noble Virdrc: FIDELffY' 6rrldLs,' mg anrestors' a nd a husted
Holdirry tanestg i ^i-iii', I tuQ-before !ry.
;r*ffi" analag Tointhe poison fourd
I uithin'

5) Ask tlle Gods to helg-r19-9!qqe our destructive

i;;;*; ;;";;;;;-;; it-ue been, r !.nose.t2 9s **Y,*:.::t:,!3-wett of
Wii, iirnfie C,od.s-atig st*, so Intng liueutithlonor an4'luckintlefufire'

them aJ7. NobleVirfirc: DISCIPUNE'
Hauing lwresttg i^pta"Ig slured. tle poi'son of mg pasl I clnose to attem4ft to
mnke iglrt urt oi I lnue nade uT ong intle pasL

injure them or otjrers.
Noble Virfirc: HOSPITALtY'
mgself from Yoe(tas{]t dging to
Reatizing tlut r ,nils;tet go of ulw-I lnue been, I lww
t rZacn out a hnnd to people I
uttw I was, ana oeseiiin" ooa" for t; Rui; of vblorg'
ltoue hurt, if it's aPProPrtate.

8) Continue on a daily basis-lo take personal

inventory and when we are wTong admit it'
to l!u-.e uith meaning' as geruinelg as
Hauing gained trc nu,n,t ouer addiction, I antinue a suordtwt drausn'
I can" dag to dag, alu:ags rem.embeing tfia usaomnottiuedis
the steps, we try to carry this message to
9) With the spirihral awakening as a result of
others, and to pt".ti* tlleo pirrcipf"" itt "U "*
afdit;' NobleVirfite: SELF-RELIANCE'
o! anrcestors' and mg oun
Hauing auakenedi tn" rfci trcri{age of tlrc lds .mU
corrctructive pou*, I go forward in mg Uf" iy ttr :
this spirituat aunkening uith others'
iiiis ttd t" sti-&;i;i;* o*oxiirrg i.s the best uas to retainit.
Unit in Texas'
-Laurel Owen, and the Odinist AA Group at the Ramsey

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