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Examples of Goddesses of Love: Egypt: - Goddess of Vodun: - Goddess of

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Examples of

Goddesses of Love

Egypt: Vodun:
Hathor - goddess of Erzulie - goddess of
love, beauty, and love, beauty, jewelry,
music; originally a sky dancing, luxury, and
goddess. flowers.
Yoruba: Irish:
Oshun - goddess of Áine - goddess of
love and beauty. love, summer, wealth,
and sovereignty;
possibly originally a
sun goddess.
Examples of
Goddesses of Love

Freyja - goddess of Hindu/Vedic:
love/sex, beauty, seior, Kamadeva - Hindu god
war, and death; often of human love or
thought of as the desire.
Norse equivalent of Greek: Roman:
Aphrodite. Aphrodite - goddess Venus - goddess of
of sex and beauty. love, beauty, desire,
sex, fertility, prosperity
and victory.
Examples of
Goddesses of Love

Tantric: Chinese:
Radi - Hindu goddess Zhinu - goddess of
of love, carnal desire, love, relationships,
lust, passion and unity, devotion and
sexual pleasure. divination.
Examples of Goddesses
of Pleasure (Sex)

Vodun: Egypt:
Baron La Croix - Qetesh - goddess of
goddess of the dead love, beauty, and sex.
and sexuality.
Yoruba: Canaanite:
Oshun - goddess of Astarte - goddess of
luxury and pleasure, sex and war
sexuality and fertility,
beauty and love, the
river and freshwater.
Examples of Goddesses
of Pleasure (Sex)

Inanna/Ishtar -
Hedone - goddess of
goddess of sex and
war. Germanic:
Eostre - goddess of
spring and fertility
Examples of Goddesses
of Pleasure (Sex)

Hindu: Chinese:
Rati - goddess of love, Jiutian Xuannü -
carnal desire, lust, goddess of war, sex,
passion and sexual and longevity.
Examples of Goddesses
of Relationship

Dzydzilelya - goddess
Parvati - goddess of
of love and marriage
fertility, love, beauty,
and of sexuality and
Germanic: marriage, and
Frigg - goddess of devotion; as well as of
marriage and women.  divine strength and
Examples of Goddesses
of Relationship

Greek: Egyptian:
Hera - goddess of Isis - goddess of
women, marriage, marriage, fertility,
family motherhood, magic
and medicine.

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