1965 Burgoyne Light of Egypt v1
1965 Burgoyne Light of Egypt v1
1965 Burgoyne Light of Egypt v1
Light of Egypt
The Science of the Soul and the Stars
"Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things
which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; THE
MYSTERY OF THE SEVEN STARS, which thou sawest
in my right hand."
Revelations, Chap. I, 19 and 20.
H.O. Wagner
P. 0. Box 20333 Montclair Station
Denver, Colorado 80220
sixty years ago. The 1963 edition is a reprint of the fifth edition together with additional material taken from original manuscripts by
H. 0 . Wagner.
1'o tile Budding Spirltunllly of tile Occident and
("_ /~t .
For nearly twenty years prior to the year 1881 the author was
deeply engaged investigating the hidden realms of occult force. The
results of these mystical labors were considered of great value and
real worth by a few friends who were also seeking light. Finally, he
was induced to place the general results of these researches into a
series of lessons for private occult study. The whole, when completed,
presenting the dual aspects of occult lore as seen and realized in the
soul and the stars, corresponding to the microcosm and the macrocosm
of ancient Egypt and Chaldea, and thus giving a brief epitome of
Hermetic philosophy as taught by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor,
The chief reason urging to this step was the strenuous efforts being
systematically put forth to poison the budding spirituality of the
western mind, and to fasten upon its mediumistic mentality, the subtle,
delusive dogmas of Karma and Re-incarnation, as taught by the
sacerdotalisms of the decaying Orient.
From the foregoing statement it will be seen that this work is
issued with a definite purpose, namely, to explain the true spiritual
connection between God and man, the soul and the stars, and to reveal
the real truths of both Karma and Re-incarnation as they actually exist
in Nature stripped of all priestly interpretation. The definite statements made in regard to these subjects are absolute facts in so far as
embodied man can understand them through the symbolism of human
language, and the author defies contradiction by any living authority
who possesses the spiritual right to say, "I know."
During these twenty years of personal intercourse with the exalted
minds of those who constitute the brethren of light, the fact was
revealed that long ages ago the Orient had lost the use of the true
spiritual compass of the soul, as well as the real secrets of its own
theosophy. As a race, they have been, and still are, traveling the
descending arc of their racial cycle, whereas the western race have
been slowly working their way upward through matter upon the
The Science of the Soul and the Stars in Two Parts
The Science of the Soul in Three Sections
Introduction ---------------------------------
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Mediumship ------------------------------------------------------------------ 72
Its Universal Nature, Laws and Mysteries
Chapter V
La Clef Hermetique____________________________________________________
The Hermetic Key of Urania's Mysteries
La Clef Hermetique-Section !__________________________________
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
The Science of the Stars
Chapter Ill The lnBucnce of Stellar Force Upon the
Human Brain ....................................... ............. ..... 219
Chapter IV The Inter-Action of the Stars Upon Man ................. 225
Chapter V C<>nclusion of the Basic Principles
Alchemy and the Stars
The Alchemical Nature of Man .................................. 231
Chapter VI The Nature and lnBuence of the Twelve Signs ........ 237
Chapter VII T he Nature and InOuencc of the Planets .................. 257
Chapter VIII The Practical Application of the
Science of the Stars...................................................... 275
The .\lystical Chain or the Union of the
Soul and the Stars. .................................................... 21rl
At the very first step the student takes into the hidden pathway
of Nature's mysteries, he is met face to face with this startling fact,
that all his preconceptions, all his education, all his accumulation of
materialistic wisdom are unable to account for the most simple phenomena that transpire in the action and inter-action of the life forces
of the planet on which he lives. As a chemist, he may pursue the
atoms of force until they become lost within the realms of the imponderable, "the great unl:nown," or, as it has been facetiously chris
tened amid the groans of scientific travail, "the aching void." But he
can get no farther. As a physicist, he may decompose light and sound
into their oomponent parts, and, with scientific accuracy, d issect them
before your very eyes as a surgeon would his anatomical subject. But
no sooner is this point reached, than the shy molecules and timid
vibrations become alarmed as it were at mans daring presumption, and
By into l\Je realm of the in6nite unknown. There, in "the aching void"
to sport in delight, safe from man's intrusion. This realm of the unknown imponderables is the universal ether, an infinite ocean of
only cq"ipmcnt that will be found useful, and will repay the cost of
transportntion, is an unbiased rnind) logical reasoning~ genuine common
sense, a nd a calm, reHective bcain. Anything else for the voyage upon
which we are now ahout to embark, is simply so much usele.o;s, costly
lumber. Hence, so far as modern science and theology are concerned,
the less the student has, the tetter it is for him, unless he can use his
scientific acquirements merely as aids in climbing the spiritual steps
of Occultism. If he can do this, then he will 6od science a most valu
able auxiliary aid. But this achievement is an exceedingly rare g ift,
and one that is seldom found. It is also a most delusive snare, because
nine out of every ten seriously cheat themselves into the belief that
they possess this ability, whereas in reali ty they are woefull) deficient.
Hence it is always a safe c<mrse to mistrust the absolute impartiality of
our opinions and reasoning .
Before starting out on such a mighty and in'lportant undertaking,
we must draw the reader's a ttention to the chief obstacle of the voyage,
and the one which he will have the greatest difficulty in surmounting.
T his hidden rock upon which so many otherwise profound students of
the Occult have herome shipwrecked, is the non-rcali~ation of the
duality of truth, viz., the truth of appearances, and the truth of realities.
T he former is relative only. B.t the latter is ahsolutc.
We do not mean merely taking for granted that truth is d ual, and
so ;1sscnttng to the statement; but we mean that the great majority of
viz.; length, breadth and thickness. T his being so, we also know that it
has ( broadly speaking) two sides, an outside and an inside. The outside
is not the inside any more than the boiler is the steam which drives
the engine. This logical proce.<.s of reasoning is the only chart that has
so fa r been prepared for the Occult explorer. It is vague and probably
very unsatisfac tory. so far as details nre concerned, but when used in
conjunction with his conscious intuition -the only true compass man
has by which to guide himoself in his winding, uneven path upon the
shores of the Infinite- he never need fear being lost or failing in his
endeavors to know the truth.
In order to carry out the same line of reasoning a little f urthcr, let
us take a type of architecture, say the Gothic, and mentally examine
some weU known handsome specimen of this stntctural conception.
The world's thought will say, "what a beautiful buildir'lg; how im
posing and grand; what a triumph of man's mechanical skill!" So it
appe:ors to the world, and upon the plain of appearances, so it really is.
Consequently, it is a truth for the time being. But when examined
by the light of Occult science, we find this truth is relative only, that
it is only true upon the e xte rnal, transitory plnne of material phe ..
nomena. \Vc sec that, in addition to being the result of man's trained
mechanical ability, it is alsc1 the external form of his mental ideal. It is,
in fact. the phenomenal ou tcome o f his creative attribute.'\. \Vhen we
look at the solid building,. from the earth's plnne, we see only the
outside of a thing having length, breadth and thickness. Now since
we know that there must be an inside, w e must enter the interior plane
before we can see it, and therein we shall find that it exists within the!
"Spirit" and "Matter." Seince refers all she cannot grapple with to
some of the undiscovered Forces of "Matter," while theology refers all
that she cannot explain to the unknowable workings of the "Spirit."
Both are right, and both :urc wrong. And as we shall have to explore
nu: ucur
our journey, we will in this place brieOy add that spirit and matter, as
we know them, are but the dual expression of the one Dei6c principle,
due to differences of polarity. In other words, a unity under two modes
of action. This duality can only be comprehended in its true relationship when viewed from both plnncs and reali>.cd by the science of
correspondences, which science is but a material system of symbolism
from which we can justly regulate our conceptions of all things.
Pinto once said, "Jdc~s rule the world." So far Plato was right;
for, before the divine idea was evolved from within the divine sensorium of the Infinite One, the universe was not. Hence the result of
the divine idea was the evolution of a pure symbolic fonn.
Just as symbols are tbc product of ideas, so, in their tum, ideas are
the symbols of thought, and thought itself is but the symbolic response
of the Ego to the pulsating throb of the Dei6c \viU, tl>c divine radiant
soul of the Infinite One. Back of this we cannot penetrate, even in
our most exalted conceptions. Hence all serious study and 1ncditation
ns to the nature and e.xistence of Cod is unpro6table and cannot bring
the student any substantial return either in tllis world or the next,
seeing that the Infinite can never be comprehended by the Soite.
Therefore, we must rest satisfied with the certain knowledge that we
can by one grand chain of sequences trace the transmission of thoughts,
ideas and symbolic forms to t.h cir source.
Thus the angelic world is but a prototype or symbolic expression
of the divine sphere of the Infinite. The celestial world is n refiection
of the angelic world . 'The spiritual world is a prototype and symbolic
outc'<lme of the celestial heavens. T he astral world is the reflection of
the spiritual sphere. And lastly, the material (our world) is but the
concrete shadow of the astral kingdoms.
Hence the reader can perceive that we, in our present state, are
a long way down in the seale of creative life. But if wo are, we know
by the laws of our being that we can and shaU win our way baclc
through this vaUey of tl>e shadow, this plane of inverted images and
delusive appearances, into the bright realms of our former state, those
spheres of pure angelic life where alone exist the ever living reals of
all the infinitude of apparent realities.
"Being, Uncreated, Eternal, Alone," says Dr. john Young, when
speaking of "the Creator and the creation;" certainly no inspired writer
ever penned a more s-ublime truth than is containe<:l in the above words.
Pure spirit is diffusive, non atomic, uncreated, formless, self-existent
being. Silc:-nt, motionless, unconscious. Divinity; possessing in its sub-
lime purity the one sole Deific attribute expressible in human lang>.tage
as absolute and unconditioned potentiality.
Such is the realm of spirit, which, for the sake of linguistic convenience, has been termed by Ute Occultist ''the realm of unmanifested being." With the first emanation of this inconceivable state we
have now to deal. The Kabbalah, of the early Jewish rabbis, contains
long and elaborate treatises upon the various emanations of the ten
seph.iroth, which for the most part are written in such an allegorical
style as to be practically useless to most Western students, and even
to Oriental minds arc unsatisfactory, and in many respects misleading.
The first emanation from this realm of spirit (formless being) claims
the student's closest attention. It forms the Deific keynote of the divine
anthem of creation. This first emanation, called by the Kabbalists the
Crown, means, when stripped of its mystical veil, simple and naked
activity or motion. Thus we sec that the first action of Divinity ( un
conscious mind) is thought, and thought implies vibration or motion.
At the moment tl>e DeiGc mind vibrates with thought there springs
fortla1 from tJu.; inAuil~ W(JmL of eteatioo, Lhe d uad of aU future great
ness. This duad is the Kabbalistical twins, "'Love and Wisdom," which,
in turn mean the attributes, attraction and repulsion of force and
motion. They are male and female, co-equal and co-eternal, and express
themselves externally as activity and repose.
No matter how recondite or abstruse our speculations may be,
when the orbit of our metaphysical meditation is complete we shall
find ourselves face to face again with our original starting point, which
is this infinite triad of Love, Wisdom and Crown, or, in other words,
the one primal force containing unlimi!ed potentialities within itself.
Back of this we cannot go. With this divine trinity or Godhead, as
students and investigators of Nature's occult mysteries, we must rest
contented, consoling ourselves, whenever necessary, with the certain
or Coc:l."
verse is dual and consists of the manifest and the non-manifest. Hence
Deity is progressive in his infinite scheme of spiritual unfoldment.
Ill. '"fhe divine one life principle emanates from the pure vortices,
the central Spiritual Sun of the manifested universe. From this mighty
inconceivable center of lifo cmnnate the spiritual ruys of tho F'ather,
The divine purpose of creation is the differentiation of the unconscious formless One, and the grand outcome of this divine purpose is
the ultimation of Deific Intelligencies; separate minds reflecting the
divine idea of the universal mind, conscious, individualized mentalities
possessing immortal souls capable of eternal progression, who, as differentiated life atoms of the Creator, the grand Arbiter of the whole,
become themselves secondary creators and the arbitrators of the
destinies of worlds.
The processes of creation are dual, and consist of Involution and
Evolution. The one is inseparable from the other. Paradoxical as it
may appear to the uninitiated, it is, nevertheless, a divine truth that
the Evolution and ultimation of spiritual life is accomplished by a
strict process of Involution; from the without to the within, from the
infinitely great to the infinitely small.
To better understand this mystery we must have recourse to a
series of symbols. Accordingly, we conceive the divine focus of the
primal essence as the spiritual center of a universe. This Deific ray
constitutes a triune Godhead, from which emanates the pure white
light of the formless One, or in other words, this center constitutes a
realm of sephiroth, a sun-sphere of living potentialities, divine beings
infinitely beyond the highest archangelhood. As such we may conceive
it floating as a speck in the infinite ocean of divine love, surrounded by
the effulgent brightness of the nameless Crown. This divine sphere is
passive in such a state. Nirvana reigns upon the blissful radiance of its
motionless bosom. But the time now approaches when its mission in
the scheme of creation must commence. The moment arrives, and as
soon as the first creative pulsations of thought vibrate, the whole sphere
of motionless, formless, white light flashes forth sparkling with living
energy. And now, behold what a change has taken place. The soft,
white light has ceased to be and in its place there is raying forth in
every conceivable direction Inighty oceans of force; each ocean differing in velocity, color and potentiality. The passive has become active,
and the motionless has commenced to move, traversing the void of
space upon the wings of light. Deity has become refracted; a portion
of the infinite soul decomposed, and its original unlimited potentialities
resolved into a series of active but limited attributes. This is related
in the mystical language of the Kabbalah as the evolution of the seven
active sephiroth from the first trinity, Love, Wisdom and Crown. It is
Symbolical Illustration
of the
Divine H:1nnony of Nature's Laws
Coo."'-Sa. john, Ch:.p. l , vi.
potencies of its angelic races are weaker, that is, less active, because
they are more and more involved within matter as they d escend in the
scale. Thus docs involution proceed; involving state after state, and
sphere after sphere, forming a series of circles whose line of motion
or descent is not in the plane of its orbit; hence the form ultimates itself
as a spiral until the lowest point is reached. Be)ond this, motion is,
impossible, and the infinitely great has become the infinitely small.
This is the great polarizing point from which the material world is
reflected. It is the lowest possible spiritual state of life, which fom>ed
the first ethereal race of human beings upon our planet, and thus
ushered into existence the famous golden age of mythological celebritv.
The central triad represents Love, Wisdom and Crown, The Trinity
of God. The seven-pointed star, tlw seven rays issuing therefrom. The
seven circles show the seven angelic worlds formed from the se,en
active principles. The name' Ca'"ie], Michae1, etc., are cabalistical
The term evolution is from the Latin e and volvo, which means to
roll from, or unroll, and the evolution of matter means precisely what
the teJm implies, viz., unfolding, expanding, opening and evolving.
matter must be the first offspring of spirit, and both combined must
comprise the all of all things, yea, even Deity itself; for an infinite
creator cannot get beyond hi< creation, nor exist apart from himself,
bec.~use the great law of polar opposites is the direct emanation from
his own divine nature. Consequently, HE must also be governed by
the self same Jaws and principles which control his creative activities,
and when traced to their source we have seen how benutHully simple
such primal laws nrc, viz., "Wisdom and Love." and, convertibly, male
and femolc, positive and negative, activity and repose. Brie8y stated
there is but one law, one principle, one agent and one word. This
sacred law is SEX, a term wherein may be summed up the grand
totalities of the Infinite Universe.
Sex is dual, and finds expression in tl>e phallus and yohni of
animated Nature. This same sexual law operating throughout Nature
limits the sou rces from which our knowledge of Nature can be obtained;
in other words, there are but two sources from which knowledge o
any kind is received; one is subjective, the other objective; the former
gives us knowledge of the spiritual or causal side of the cosmos, the
latter gives the material side, which is the world of ol!eets, on account
of its being evolved out of the former, as the poet hath said;
"The outward doth from the inward ro11.
And the inward dwdls in the inmost soul."
The great first cause has evolved out of himself the esoteric, or
subjecthc world; and out of tile subjecthe. by a <impl" cllnnge of
polarity, which at once brings forth a chango of energy and substance,
he has C\'olved the objective world. Therefore, the antecedents of the
obj<-ctive nrc to be found in the subjective world.
We have now completed the cyclic outline of our present research,
and, as n result, we know that the point of commencement in material
evolution which we ha,e thus for been seeking, lies hidden within the
realms of spirit, of which realm we have already spoken, in chapter one.
In o1der to clearly comprehend Nature's processes in the unfoldment of matter, a careful study of the seven creative principles is very
necessary, not studied as so many intclligcncies or states of conscious
lic, but as seven principles or forces, which, though unconscious and
them. The intelligence which directs these powers by the laws of
hnru10ny arc the seven angelic worlds mentioned in the previous chap
ter. and as they nrc n perfect epitome of tl>e divine law, it necessarily
lollows that the objective world of matter must be a perfect epitomen solidified expression of its progenitors, and must contain within itself
the latent attributes of its spirih>al source.
Powers. like ind1viduals, are limited in tl1eir nctivities. For instance,
or cnusc.
in tho odylic sphere of his soul. In this recondite sense alone can we
fully understand the occult axiom of the ancients; "Man t~ a microcosm- a universe within himself.'"
The seven principles of Nature correspond in their chemical affinitic' to the seven prismatic rays of the solar spectrum, and also present
a perfect correspondence to the seven progressive states of manifestation, which have been very appropriately termed the "The Life
\Vaves." It is these waves of cosmic life energies that carry out the
grand ascending scale of material evolution.
When a "wave" commences, it, at once, sets in motion, its evolutionary activities. These forces produce a series of responsive vibrations
within that realm of force which forms its material correspondence, and
thus acting and reacting upon each other like the ebb and flow of the
tides, these forces produce another scene in the sublime drama of external life. These waves, seven in number, succeed each other in the
following order;
I. The Spiritual or realm of creation, symbol of The Word.
II. The Astral or realm of design, symbolic of The Idea.
III. The Gaseous or realm of force, symbolic of The Power.
IV. The Mineral or realm of phenomena, symbol of The Justice.
V. The Vegetable or realm of "life," symbolic of The Beauty.
VI. The Animal or realm of consciousness, symbol of The Love.
VII. The Human or realm of mind, symbolical of The Glory.
The student will form a clearer idea of these mighty principles, if
we travel over the same ground again in an explanatory manner;
I. The world of creation signifies the angelic world from which
the original impulse first emanated. This spiritual impulse travels
around the whole of the future orbit of the "system" about to be
evolved, and prepares the spaces for the reception and manifestation
of a less ethereal force.
II. The world of design is the subjective cause-world in the astral
light, containing all the germs, forms and ideals possible for that system to ultimate.
Ill. The world of cosmic force is the ever circulating oceans of
mundane, sub-mundane and super-mundane forces, with which
"science" is only just becoming acquainted in the forms of light, heat,
magnetism, universal ether, electricity, and chemical, atomic and solar
IV. The world of phenomena needs no explanation, it being the
world of matter.
V. The world of life is the fluidic, the first forms of all things, that
is, organic forms "wherein there is life" are vegetables, and they originate in water, the grand matrix.
uc;ur m
lnhiutcs, in fa ct the great Hctmcs Td~ mcg i11tus says di.stinctJy, thnt, '''l'ho UniYc.:~
l.s from Cocl, ;.1 nd mt\1\ is from tlw Universe,'' whkh lllC>Irt$, the mn croco~m is n
''-'ll<c;:tioll of Deity, tmd nt.m , .. on unnlo:c of tlu: rn:urm<():l.rn. h t'On have uo othc.:r
NC'iHK--r Pyth,a8oms nor Socrnt ~ C\ 'er wrote utxm the s;u.red sctcncc. They
thinkC1$, in bet the vows or the fonner to the ftU.~t hicrO{)h,'\nb
\\'C,:rc ~"Jlti3J1y
ot ESYJ>t
lie further asserts tlu'lt. " lie! ( d w l) c mitr~u~ ) prollu('(_'$ the diYinc idt(l o nt of
himself by the power of his witl."
Thus only rc-txprcf;'ling the M'lr s.'lmC' He rmetic cloctrin<- dt~bc-.mtcd hy nld
JfCfffi('~ 1\l the VCTV d:l\\ n o Occult 11hilo~phy.
So far, we hme simply followed out the ideas present<'<! in chapter I. -rhe Involution of Spirit," upon the descending arc of their manifestation, in ord.,. to point out to the reader the realm wherein the
Gnnl separation of the divine unit)' takes place, and assumes the dual
forms of e ne rgy, te rmed "Spirit" and ~1ntteo'." Having rcnehcd this
to mn..t O<."<ult studC11lS. 11K- ~hlt r tlifficulty b: in ~m~lling th!' e~~rntln l ld<-:t that
<'h:ms=:e of <n<-rs=:y is s imply due to the nN't"SS.'lry re-nction of r~ ll ncllon. 11lo ti\ U'
conC:<'I)tinn i:; difficult to ctpfilSs In wcmls, so we will try lo ilh,tmtc 11. If :1 hall
h thrown 111l into lhc :.lr splnn l n ~ 1'Clund it'( axis, direct ly the force whhh p rojlticcl
lt l>om~ t-xhrw ~tcd it will ~COI 'tlt" stnlion:uy for onr sinJ,tl hl ..tAnt, nnd thC'n,
obeying n di!TererH force, t\:-ctinn 'IC I ~ in :md it fnll~ to lhf' 1-(1-.IUIHI rtvnlvint! in
rw1ctly th<. opposih' dirC'c.linn. ThC' '\latlon:'lry in,f:'ln l h llw
pni11 ."
In order that the laws of crystallization may be clearly apprehended, we must state at the commencement that crystallization means
death. By death, we do not mean death in the ordinary acceptation of
the term, but we mean the lowest possible minimum in the activities
of force-the state we call inertia. This much being granted, we are
assumed to be at the beginning of our subject, and also of physical
The first act in creation, according to the Hebrew cosmogony, was
the creation of light, Genesis I, 3., "and God said, let there be light,
and there was light." As we have already seen, the boundless realm of
universal ether containing unconditioned potentialities, requires but
the faintest ripple or impluse of the divine mind to set it in vibration,
and, instantly, there Hashes forth LIGHT, heat, magnetism and molecular force; in short, our universe begins the grand march of cosmic
evolution. The first logical effect of this vibration was light, a disruptive centrifugal force, and its correlatives radiating in straight lines, in
all possible directions from a center, while from each line of force
minor rays radiate at every possible angle to the axial ray. We have,
thus, at the very outset of our conception, a complete and perfect network of rays, or lines of energy, moving at the rate of light, 185,000
miles per second through the formless, motionless, ethereal, medium
of space.
It will help us in our conception, if we call to mind the fact that
matter, to produce in us the sensations we refer to matter, must possess
at least three dimensions, viz.; length, breadth and thickness, and each
of these dimensions requires at least two equal forces for its expression;
also, that all these six equal forces must be concentrated upon a single
impenetrable atomic point, and, lastly, this impenetrable atomic point
must also consist of two equal forces. Therefore, to produce a single
grain of solid matter, a solitary minute crystal, it requires the complete
polarization of eight rays of cosmic energy.
Our first duty, then, is to discover our impenetrable atom. When
two equal forces coming from opposite directions meet each other,
both become polarized, a state of inertia is produced, and an atom, a
veritable material atom, is the physical result of this change of energy.
From the infinite network of rays produced by the first vibrations of
light, it is easy to conceive of the instantaneous evolution of an unlimited number of material atoms from the equally unlimited number
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
place can be seen only by the eye of the spiritual soul whose piercing
sight can penetrate the mysteries of Nature's Workshop, the astral
light. It is from this source that the principles contained in the above
illustrations were obtained.
We see, therefore, that logically it requires six equal forces, meeting at an atomic or impenetrable point, to produce solid dimensional
matter. It may, of course, be many more than six, just so they approach
in pairs from opposite directions. The only difference would be in the
form of the crystal. By keeping in your minds that the atomic point
can be made by forces from all possible directions, you will see that
as the possible angles are infinite, so the possible crystals are infinite,
all in strict conformity to the mathematical law, "each kind of crystal
is the type of the substance it forms."
So far, we have spoken only of the three external dimensions recognized by science. There are seven dimensions, in all. In this chapter
we shall speak only of the fourth, which was first introduced to the
notice of science by Prof. Zollner, in his "Transcendental Physics." No
matter how solid any external object may appear, it is not so, for every
molecule of which it consists forms an extremely small atomic system
of satellite atoms, revolving around their one primary atom, which
forms the impenetrable point of every crystal. There is space between
every one of them. It is these unoccupied spaces that form the fourth
dimension of matter. Note; the above was written some seventy years
ago, now that our atomic age is getting into the serious study of the
hidden forces of Nature all sorts of undreamed of phenomena are being
brought to light. Only time will show how far man may go in exploring
the universe.
To de-materialize objective matter and resolve it into its original
elements requires the application of an external force powerful enough
to polarize the cohesive affinity of the atoms. If in the de-materializing
process, electricity is the force used, the form is destroyed, as far as
the external plane is concerned. This change releases atomic energy.
But, if the force is magnetic, the object is only etherealized, and in
this state matter can be made to pass through matter, and the instant,
the magnetic dissolvent is withdrawn the object will reassume its
original objective shape.
We need scarcely add, that, in this natural fact lies the secret of
spiritual materializing phenomena of modern spiritualism, and it forms
duced; it is therefore only the blind, unreasoning atheist who can credit
such an illogical creed as the one which has been thus summarized,"From nothing we came, and whatever our station,
To nothing we owe an immense obligation.
Whatever we do, or what~ver we learn,
In time we shall all into nothing return."
suffice to say, that it is this state of celestial life wherein is located the
purely embryonic center in the divine arc of progressive being.
This is the point where the diffusive intelligence of the infinite
spirit becomes differentiated and atomic; yes, we repeat the word;
the divine Ego of the human soul is absolutely atomic. It is a selfexisting absolute atom of Jehovah-God, (a Christ Child) which it is
impossible to alter, transform, absorb or annihilate, from the supreme
moment of its differentiation. It is as eternal and immortal as the
infinite, of which it forms a part. But though atomic, it is only so as
a purely spiritual conception, a point of radiant light, free from matter,
and incapable of uniting itself with it except by means of reflection.
The process of differentiation now claims our attention. This process is consummated within the celestial matrix of angelic parents.
By "angelic parents" we mean those divine entities who dwell within
the various spheres of purified angelhood.
NoTE: We do not use the term angel in the sense implied by ordinary lexicographers, who interpret the word as "a spirit, servant or messenger," but we use
it to mean the highest and most interior state of life which it is possible for mortal
mind to grasp. It is infinitely above the so-called spiritual sphere.
The twin souls, male and female, or heavenly Osiris and Isis,
(father and mother) form two halves, the masculine and feminine
attributes of the divine Ego. They have their alternate cycles of activity and respose. During the cycle of their fruitful activity, the two
natures respond with intense vibrations to the divine anthem of creation which creates an influx of the formless, motionless spirit into the
celestial sensorium until the whole sphere becomes radiant with the
scintillations of spiritual harmony. Obeying the creative impluse, these
streams of spiritual force flow along the convergent poles from the
various centers of the sphere, each force from the male being met
and balanced by that of the female, the contact producing, by the
exact equilibrium of the masculine and feminine natures, the living,
external sparks of immortal life. In other words, these angelic vibrations transform the formless intelligence, which has been indrawn,
into active eternal Egos. As man on earth is the natural outcome of
the procreative powers of earthly parents, so the divine activities of
the Ego are the spiritual results, in one sense, of the creative attributes
of angelic progenitors in the celestial worlds. But we must not be misunderstood upon this point. The Ego is not created in the angelic
through each of the four reallms of the Astral Kingdom before it appears in the external mineml plane. In this state they constitnte tl>e
hidde> fire of matter, latent force, atomic energy.
IV. The Mineral State
Having arrived at the m ineral state, we must now ascertain the
orig in of its motion- i ts life-since we know that within the mi neral
I ies ~-onccalcd the potencies of an immortal being.
Jn the clapter upon the e-volution of matter and the laws of crystalliz..'ltion, we e ndeavored to show that forces, all balanced, produce
cr)'stals, and in the ir producti(H'I rnotion comes to an end. !\ow, to help
us in our search for physical Ufc, k:t us again press into service our
six C<Jual forces, our cubic allom. and le t us imagine that one of its
forces is not e<Jual to its oppc,site, i.c.1 the two are not balanced. Say
one is less, and that it is the force coming from "before." It is evident
that the point w ill move forwllfd in a straight line, and that the weaker
the force coming from the front, the greater will be the velocity of
this movement, forward . .Now, if this force coming (l'om the front
ben u1ite less than its opt>osite, its motion will be infin itely slow. Now,
let us assume that two of the sL forces arc less than their opposites.
Sar the one from the "front" and the o ne from the left". It is evident
that we should have motion inn cur\'e. But inasmuch :IS nil the others
nrc the s:unc as wh<'n we us~umcd our poin t, it is plnin that this motion
i u a curve will he in tiH S1\IUC plnnc uf surface, nnd w ill, in time. de
, ,.,.ilK a ci rd<~. But ld ns :~s~nmc; :1lso that another force is less than
ils npposit<. Say the unc t:umint; from ..above." \ Vhnt h:wc we now?
Out' original point with thr<.>c o f its rorc.-es lcs.'IO than their Ol>pOsitC:s.
11w result will be tnution. not mnticm in a ~1raight lirw. hut in a cune.
hut not a cunc in tlw ~nme plant or ~ll.."tce. ami l1cncc it can ne,cr
tle.crihc a circle. but "ill form n spiral. n,is ;pir.ol i life. Thnt i> to
)..'"\)'. it is the motion
liff'. Ju .. t keep ch~..tr ill your tnintl that if nne
hnlr of the prirnith c fore(-.. tlmt m:,kc nn imJlCl'l<'trahlc pofnt a.tc less
th:1n thPir opposites. :mel you hn\'c t he <-s....-tntial i<l<n of a life force.
Chemical fur{"<.' h <1c:,t h, tl1at i'i, hahmct..d, still a nd motionks..c;.
The spiral ll""IOtion is tlw typl nr lire. [ t is the lllOtiou o r li fl. h is a
~pititunl SCI'cw. with nil the nwchnnicnl a<hantng~s n n screw in pcnc
trnting tl1e universe nf m:ltt<'r. Thl spiral ':tries in ma~nitmle from
the infinitely grc:lt to the infinitc~itnally sn1all. Conc:ch e the le.\;scr
foret.-s to be but nn inr.nite fr~ction k-ss than their nppo,ltl's, then the
spiral will be almost infinite in its .;weep of C\lr,c. nnd
almost an eternity to rc01ch it" cuhninnting point. On the contrary.
the gnatcr the di,crsity in power the ll-s.s will lx.comc the cur\'C, until
we luwe the infinitcsim:lll)' !tol"llall spiral tl1at wi ll <:ulminntc almost
instuntl). T hus bttwC'f'll tlu 'M' two txlr<'ntcs we hnvc CVCI')' phcnom
tnon nf li fe. from thnt of lht ini(s\ in::cct to the g_rf'\lt cosmic lif<' of a n
nstrnl u ui\'crsc.
V. Thl' \'tg<tahle Stah
'' ill
some slight variation, and a still higher germ of life is evolved, viz.;
the lowest form of the lichen. From the liberated atoms of the lichen
spring forth still higher types of the same family until the climax is
attained, when, by a higher and more ethereal a~traction, the polarized germs bring forth the next higher form of vegetable life. Thus,
as the ages roll on, from this original form develop species, classes,
and families of vegetation, and from these evolve, through the medium
of water, a still higher round in the gamut of being; insect, reptile,
animal, and lastly, MAN. After ages of development, we have Man of
Space will not admit of our going into further details of this exceedingly interesting subject. Volumes might be filled in recounting
the writer's personal experiences in this department of life, watching
with intense interest the weird but beautiful transformations of Nature.
Much that has been left unnoticed here, should be made the subject
of the student's private meditation, and personal research.
We need not, therefore, repeat any of the description there given, but
we will add that it must be a self evident fact that each Ego contains
within itself all the primary elements of sex, in a latent condition. These
attributes have not as yet been subjected to the requisite conditions
for their evolution. In this state, then, there is neither love nor wisdom
manifested within the Ego. It cannot know happiness when it is
ignorant of sorrow. It cannot form any conception of rest before
weariness has approached. There can be no real love for the Ego when
it has never experienced the various contrary conditions by which love
is distinguished. The wisdom of the Ego in this state is equally latent,
since it possesses no means of arriving at a true knowledge of its various surroundings. In this state, we behold the spiritual atom in its
primal condition wherein the power of God hath just created it. It
is the first spiritual Adam. The various series of states through which
this divine Ego must penetrate in order to evolve its soul sphere, are
the necessary means by which the internal potentialities of sex must
be awakened. When this transpires, the divine Ego becomes pregnant
with the dual forms of its own organic life, and the twin souls are
born, the male and female elements of its being, which are represented
in Genesis as Adam and Eve, knowing neither good nor evil. A beautiful description this of the embryonic human souls. These twin souls
are the absolute expression of the masculine and feminine rays of
which every absolute atomic Ego is composed. The masculine ray
contains a portion of the feminine elements or there could be no reaction of its forces. The feminine ray must likewise contain a portion
of the masculine qualities for the same reason. These twin souls contain a portion of each other. They constitute the sun and moon, so
to say, of the Ego's creation, and when once they become differentiated
they are as eternal and immortal as the EGO which called them
into existence. They can be neither absorbed nor annihiiated by time
nor eternity. They constitute the divine idea of their deific parent,
and as such they become the divine expression of Love and Wisdom
upon this earth.
1'\oTE: This statement requires some slight qualification. We mean that no foreign
or outside influence can absorb or annihilate the sexual qualities of the soul. It
is therefore true that the masculine and feminine attributes of the soul cannot be
destroyed as a whole. But the masculine portion may attract its feminine portion
or soul mate, and by the intense selfhood of its own dominant forces virtually
destroy her manifested existence. This absorption however, is a very rare be-
currence and only transpires in the case of those magi,.,al adepts of the astral
plane who have attained their psychological powers by a complete polarization
of all the truly human elements of their internal natures. Such magical adepts
become the concentrated centers of spiritual selfishness, but teach the external
masses that self is the very demon they have conquered. These occult processes
have transformed them into sexless beings, who are neither human nor divine,
and yet they profess to be the guardians of "the secret doctrine" of "the sacred
In this latter capacity they have formulated much erroneous philosophy,
since they are self-magnetized and self-deluded by their own positive idea of
Nature to such an extent that they cannot penetrate beyond their own astral spheres,
nor receive any knowledge which elevates the soul to higher views and truer conceptions of God's infinite resources. It is from this magical school of thought that
mankind have received the doctrines which teach that sex is only the appearance
of matter, and not a spiritual reality; whereas, nothing in this mighty universe
is so manifest and so eternal as the male and female expressions of the divine soul.
These adepts profess to have blended the two; but they have simply polarized the
feminine, and created a conscious selfhood of the other.
Objective Arc
Solomon's Seal
The third and last act in the human cycle briefly reviews the
whole of the previous two arcs and evolves another six pointed star
which represents the higher and lower planes of manifestation. (This
last act is the transit of the soul through the seven super mundane
spheres of disembodied existence from man to the angel.) But, in its
grand outlines it is also a spiritual trine whose closing tableau represents the reunion of the twin souls symbolized by St. John as the
celestial marriage of the lamb. Thus, we begin with the one divine
monad or Ego and in the course of its expression and of the gradual
evolution of its sexual attributes, we see it slowly transform into a
trinity. This trinity, in the sub-cycles of its evolution, forms three triangles, which constitute the symbol of its forces three times expressed
upon the three sub-cycles of its journey. These three sub-cycles are the
subjective arc or the cycle of unconsciousness, the objective arc or
cycle of intelligence, and the ethereal arc or cycle of soul conscious-
ness. The results so far of our present research show that the origin
of sex begins with God; that the nature of sex is the manifestation of
his biune spirit, and its functions are the spiral motion of its evolutionary forces that awaken and round out its latent possibilities.
It now becomes our duty to consider the third section of our
subject, the relation of the sexes to each other.
III. The Relation of the Sexes to Each Other
Male and female exist in Nature as the representative expressions
of wisdom and love. Their functions correspond exactly with their
sex, and in actual life it may be truly said that woman is ever the
center of the love element of humanity. Her thoughts and desires
constitute the index of her mission on earth. In her, we behold the
gentle, yielding, loving nature which softens and harmonizes man's
positive spirit of aggression. In her delicate nature we see the lovely
center of maternal care and affection. She is the weaker portion of
the dual soul upon the physical plane, but her physical weakness constitutes the great center of her spiritual strength. As the weaker sex,
we may think that her true place is that of subjection to man, but, on
the contrary, her more delicate forces become her most potent weapon,
and instead of being the subject she ascends the throne of the conqueror. Man becomes a pliable medium in her hands, and is led a
willing captive by her subtle power and resources.
In man we behold the positive, aggressive Lord of Creation, that
portion of the soul which becomes the restless explorer of Nature
seeking for wisdom. Man's will is electric, penetrating and disruptive.
The will of woman is magnetic, attractive and formative. Hence they
express the polar opposites of Nature's forces.
The twin souls are related to each other primarily as brother and
sister, and finally as man and wife. In this latter state their true meeting place is the plane of embodied humanity, but, during the present
cycle, very few of these spiritual unions take place. But, whenever
the two halves of the same divine Ego do meet, love is the natural consequence; not the physical sensations produced by the animal magnetisms of their sexual natures, but the deep, silent emotions of the
soul; the responsive vibrations of their internal natures toward each
other; the blissful silence of two souls in perfect rapport wherein
neither careth to speak. This spiritual love is the outcome of their
divine relationship, and should never be set aside nor crushed by any
worldly considerations. But, on the contrary, wherever possible, these
pure intuitions of the soul should be obeyed. They cannot deceive
nor lead astray, because the soul never makes a mistake when claiming
its own.. Should circumstances in life or any other material consideration prevent their rightful union, the fact that they have actually met
will constitute an invisible connection, a spiritual rapport, between
them which no earthly power or device can break. Deep down within
the secret chambers of the heart the image of the loved one will be
treasured and its continual presence will poison and corrode everything
which pertains toward an ephemeral affection for another. If a female
should marry under these circumstances, and become the mother of
children, it will frequently transpire that the actual germs of spiritual
life will be transmitted by this absent one. The external husband only
provides the purely physical conditions for the manifestation of the
spiritual offspring of the true Lord. The rejected soul-mate, the spiritual bridegroom, is the real father, and very often the child born will
resemble the image of its true parent.
By far the most important of the various relations of the sexes
toward each other is that which pertains to their sexual intercourse.
Untold misery, suffering and crime are born into the world through
the sensual depravity of mankind on the one hand, and their benighted
ignorance of human nature upon the other. We are sorry that such a
delicate subject cannot be properly treated in the present work, so we
will only add that man and wife should harmonize with each other,
both in physical temperament and in magnetic polarity. No marriage
union should be thought of where these essential points of comparison
are wanting. Neither wealth, fame, nor worldly position, can compensate for the lack of natural harmony. Discordant unions are the harbingers of sorrow, crime and disease. Sexual union between inharmonious souls evolves the seeds of every species of wickedness and
sexual disorder. It may not become apparent to the producer thereof,
but it exists within the spaces of human life ready to spring into concrete form under the first favorable conditions.
Let those who deliberately misuse their sexual nature, to satisfy
licentious wicked desires, stop in the deadly path. Such thoughts and
actions lead to madness and actual death.
The purely Martial man will prove a continual curse to the cold-
natured Saturnine woman, and vice versa. This may not be any fault
of the man or woman, but it is the discordant polarities of their astral
constitutions. The same will hold good between natures of the
Earthy triplicity and those born under the Airy triplicity. A true
knowledge of the science of the stars is necessary to determine conjugal harmony or discord. Now, the various sections of our subject
are completed, and it only remains for us to apply the logical outcome
of the principles of sex as they affect man, the universe and the immortality of the soul.
As we view the outward forms of man and woman we cannot fail
to observe the perfect harmony between the external appearance and
the internal cause. Their organisms are the concrete image of the
principles concealed within. It would be the extreme height of absurdity for us to believe that a materialized form bears no correspondence to the forces which created it. The form cannot exist without an
internal cause, and the internal cause is powerless to produce any external form apart from the reflected image of itself and its functions.
Under these circumstances it must be self-evident that every male
organism is the absolute outcome of masculine forces, and every female
organism the product of feminine qualities. Therefore, a male soul
cannot be born into the world under the cover of a female form.
Neither can a female soul be ushered upon the planes of humanity imprisoned within the masculine body. These are Nature's simple facts,
which ought to be apparent to every thinking mind. But it seems that
such is not the case, for we are seriously informed by certain theosophical writers that during the various incarnations of the human soul
within the human form, man may incarnate in the form of a woman,
and vice versa. We can only say that such unutterable nonsense is almpst beneath the notice of any sane mind, and those who make such
ridiculous assertions are not only bound to the external plane of appearances, but are completely ignorant of the true light of Occult
It often transpires that we find men who appear to possess true
feminine natures, and women who seem to be masculine in temperament, but this is not really the case. It is only an appearance caused
by the combined influence of pre-natal conditions, and stellar positions
at birth. The Buddhistical conception of man and woman rounding
out until sex becomes obliterated, is probably the most transcendental
organism is in a negative conditon. Under the most favorable circumstances it is a very questionable practice unless the spiritual nature is
sufficiently active to absorb and use the etherealized atoms of the
seminal fluid which has become dematerialized by the magnetic activities of Occult training.
Any species of "forcing" the attributes of the soul, renders their
manifestations weak and unhealthy, hence liable to error and delusion.
It is upon this basis that we account for the spiritual absurdities of
many oriental mystics. Their severe asceticism renders them the unsuspecting prey of every imaginable species of Occult delusion. Celibacy, then, must only take place when the animal nature has been
evolved so far upward toward the higher principles, that the sexual
propensities are susceptible of extending their vibrations to a higher
plane of action. In this case, celibacy becomes an absolute necessity
of further Occult progress. Herein, we see once more the paradox of
truth. Upon one plane it becomes a delusion and a snare, but upon a
higher plane it contains all the elements of a glorious truth. Consequently no being, human or divine, can lay down any hard and fast
line to guide the various processes of spiritual development. Each organism requires a system that is peculiar to itself, each soul a training
specially adapted to the plane it occupies. From this it will be seen
that nothing more than the general principles of Occult training can
be given. From such outlines each must adapt such rules and exercises
as are applicable to him as he learns from self study and practice.
And only those who are themselves spiritually enlightened can see the
true state of the soul and, physician-like, scientifically, prescribe for its
various disorders.
When we regard the mystical ramifications of sex as represented
in the universal creation of suns, stars, moons and planets, we see the
same principles at work throughout every department of their being,
even to their shape and the form of their orbit. The suns are masculine, and represent the cosmic male spirit. The planets are feminine,
and consequently become the fruitful wombs of progressive life. The
moons are neither the one nor the other; they are the conflicting offspring of disturbing forces within the sun and its planet. They are the
lowest organic expression of planetary life, and as such represent the
state of the hermaphrodite. So, both in man and in the universe, the
potentialities of sex swing the mighty pendulum of thought and motion.
The grand object which the divine Ego seeks to realize in the
evolution of the human soul, is the complete differentiation of its
latent attributes. The soul must become the expression of both its
qualities, and must express the true nature of the biune spirit; hence
male and female evolution is the outcome. Each soul rounds out and
completes, so to say, its own section of the Ego, and in doing this it
becomes individualized as a complete expression of one ray of the
divine idea, hence it has a perfect identity with its source. Both male
and female complete the whole, and are related to each other as
Osiris and Isis; brother and sister; their individuality, in the form of
their spiritual identity, is forever preserved, and their united as well as
their separate consciousness becomes an attribute of their glorious
immortality. Without sex there cannot be eternal life, and to absorb
or destroy these principles in the human organism brings about a
divorce between man and his divinity, and thus robs conscious humanity of its deathless immortality.
IV. The Mystery of Isis
The human organism, in its more interior sense, is the mystical
uterus of Isis, (that is, the human organism is the uterus of Nature),
ever pregnant with the Holy Ghost, (the incarnated soul), which, when
the period of gestation is completed, (the cycle of evolution), shall give
birth to the Son of God, whose kingdom is not of this earth, but of
Heaven (this means, the soul which has attained its immortality, is a
Son of God, etc., whose future state of being is the boundless realm of
Spirit.) I and the Father are one, meaning that the human Ego is but
an atom of the Father, is not the same idea as the more interior state
of Adeptship or being at one with God. This at-one-ment is the mystical Atonement of the Christ (Spirit) within the human soul, (you are
at peace with your spiritual conscience.) These ideas if meditated
upon, will reveal unto you the whole mystery of Christ and the immaculate conception. The idea of the human organism being the
mystical womb of Nature, was the cause of the Ancient Priests of the
sanctuary elaborating the magnificent funerals, the cremation of the
Hindoo, the Greek and Roman rites, and embalming of the Egyptians.
It was the most important ceremony of Ancient times, because the most
mystically important and the most sublime rite that the soul can pass,
from matter to spirit, or "back to the Father's home."
purity, but the utility of the.<e attributes do; hence, avoid the curse of
(irresponsible) mediumship. Trust to no controlling spirit g uide.
AL\AYS remain tht! complete master of your own o rganism at any
cost. Once you submit to hypnosis or an~ control, it is difficult to free
yourself, 0.11d tlc oftcrw you submit the weaker you become until you
are no longer able to make an}' d ecision for yourself. you have been
robbcd o f all will power. You have become a helpless tool ami must
de> as you arc told. The modern spiritu~listic scan<.-es, or SJ>irit circles,
are often, YCry often, nothing h ut steaming hotbeds of vice and spiritual impurity. Not ;111 nrc such~ fa r from it, hut o nly the s;\crcd fa mily
drdc at home with kindr<"d souls, whose hlarnelcss lives nnd moral
purit)' fo rm an imp:1ssablc harrier to either elemental o r elcrnentary.
is spiritual inttcourse saft. Thcr(', and there only, can Spiritualists
ohtain anything: worth knowing o r be free from cl:tngcr.
'Vt; now approach a most sacred subjc..-ct and one the most vital
to ho th n"'i.l'l and woman, ht-c:wse it deals with t he f undamental prin
dplcs of their being, and explains how, through the l'nagical ;:altraction
of h uman ll:lssio ns, th<.~y may become the unconscious instrument of
untold evil b y kuuu;llin~ upv ~" a n uJr<.~~1.dy ov'"~rsu ffer iug humauity.
<.rw:-1 monsters in lnnnren fonn.
There arc rnuny spiritn:ll istic.: teachers who assert thnt no thing
exists in Z\1;;1turc b1..1l the human, but Go<l fo rbid that we should ~tccept
as hwnm that w hich is yet anim;\1. The occultists cmmot affo1d time
to moralize upon the tn}1sterious laws of Nature. He knows that such
h1ws exist, and that alone <.'Ont<nl.s him. The tc:.whers <.:onccption of
that wh ich constitutes good and evil, moraHty and immorality, is not
th(' :\tandnrtl the occultist can accept' for one moment.
In tho first place it must be und<:rstood that the offspring of t he
average of human beings, under avcmgc conditions, will l>c q11itc l1u
man, nmJ ~norc o r lc."s intellectual according to the accidental con
ditions th:\t surround thci.r prenatal state. But parents of small spir
itu~1lity ami undrr the dominant infi1.1Cncc of the animal passions, are
to be considered as helow the av<:ragc of mankind. lt is chicOy ol this
class we shall spc<tk.
Jn the second pJat:e, it 1nust be known that llu..rc art vast rca)n)S
.md races o beings existing in. o n :1ntl arou11d our planet w ho nrC'
imisihlc to most pcop](. Thcs<.' h<'inj.!s ar(' neither <'lc mcntar~ nor
elemental spirits, hut air<.al hC'in~s. po~s<s.sing a \'('ry powerful arfinity
to man. There are seven grades of them corresponding with the seven
planetary states, and, consequently, corresponding with the seven great
divisions of the human race. It is this class of beings that can and do
become incarnated in the human organism. The class of persons who
most frequently are the means of incarnating these beings are those of
large animal propensity and small spirituality. The conditions are
generally sexual intercourse when the male is in a state of intoxication
or both may be so. When thus inflamed with drink, lust and other
vile passions and thoughts, there is no possible chance for anything
human. When conception takes place under these conditions, an inhuman soul is the result. It is from such unions as these that the
inhuman Neros and Nana Sahibs of history originated. Remember,
that social position or artificial education, cannot alter the natural
result. People of this class are numerous, from the highest to the
lowest, and "dope" addicts are under the same laws and penalty.
The second class of individuals who may be the means of such
incarnations are nervous, sensitive people, who are actually obsessed
by elementaries during sexual union, because, by such obsessions, the
elementaries seem to realize and enjoy the excitement of their lustful
passions. In all such cases inhuman incarnation is the result. Should
conception take place under these conditions, the only remedy these
people have is to abstain completely, or prevent, by the moral purity
of their lives, the possibility of elementary obsession. And lastly, a
woman may, during the period of gestation, magnetically attach an
evil being to her otherwise human child, who will obsess it completely
during life, and doubtless lead it to the scaffold or asylum. This
magnetic attachment is caused by some sudden, extreme exercise of
her passions.
Enough has now been said to enable the thoughtful student to see
the great mystery of sex, completely. He now knows the use and abuse
of sex; understands how to become the parent of good, noble, intellectual human souls for his family and how to avoid causing the production of monsters.
Continuing the same laws, we now leave the physical and enter
the spiritual or magnetic states of being and find sex still remains the
supreme law. That same principle which manifests itself as parental
instinct and ferocious passion in the animal; and as affection and lust,
jealousy and hatred in the human; blooms out into its own pure state
enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Certainly not. The human soul, while
incarnated in the physical organism, is within the womb of Nature and
it is only when its full time has elapsed, and it has gained its immortality, that it is re-born into the realm of spirit. It has burst the bonds of
flesh and blood; escaped from its mother's womb, the uterus of Nature,
and is free again.
And now, dear reader, that we have finished our chapter on sex;
can you spare the time to close the book and calmly, quietly and
seriously contemplate on what sex really means?
Let your soul rise as high as possible, in pure, holy thoughts;
thinking only of that mysterious something in life which is able to
develop beautiful, fragrant flowers; delicious, luscious fruit and nourishing grain foods; all from tiny seeds placed in the ground.
How this is accomplished is far beyond our understanding. Yet,
men and women are high above the products of the soil, the birds, the
fish and the animal kingdom. We have freedom of thought and action,
and should keep out of the mire. If we honestly desire the good, noble
things of life, we can live as we think and thus help to make a glorious
heaven here on earth; a real, sincere, friendly brotherhood of men
and women; free of greedy, selfish and immoral strife and ill will
toward each other. Why not try for it?
Truly, this is the eternal prayer of all upright men and women,
to have peace and harmony here on earth.
Probably no truth has been more completely inverted by the ignorant and concealed by the learned than that of re-incarnation. In
every age it has been thought necessary by the priesthood to over-awe
the uneducated masses by some species of pious jugglery, and the popular theory of re-incarnation, as understood and taught at the present
day, is a typical example of truth thus perverted.
By re-incarnation we mean, as now currently understood, the doctrine of the re-birth of the human soul in various human forms and
personalities, in different ages, upon the same planet.
NoTE: The reader must bear in mind that the doctrine of human re-incarnation
is not, strictly speaking, a doctrine of Occultism. It is a theological doctrine of
oriental sacerdotalism, formulated by the priesthood either to conceal the real
truth, or to account for what they themselves could not comprehend or explain.
This same thought is expressed by Ranga Hilyod, a very ancient sage of India, in
his book, Illuminated Brahminism, The True Theosophy.
In every bundle of theological chaff there is, undoubtedly, concealed a grain of genuine truth. This is particularly the case with this
doctrine. Up to a given point its teachings are those of truth itself,
but beyond this point the doctrine of re-birth into physical conditions
becomes one of the greatest delusions with which the mystical student
has to deal. To those who are purely upon the plain of appearances it
possesses an almost irresistible attraction because it appears to account, in a most rational and philosophical manner, for the wide difference manifested in the mental, social and moral conditions of humanity. Upon the external plane it seems to settle the question of
good and evil, and harmonizes all our inequalities with what seems
divine justice. All these delusive appearances, however, are but empty
shadows of the phenomenal world. They can only deceive those who
are entirely upon the external plane and who have accepted such
teachings without verifying the doctrines for themselves. There are
two methods of verification; one, the actual experiences of the soul, the
other, the response of the soul to the thoughts and ideas we derive
from an author's work. Unfortunately, this latter kind of verification
is subject to very serious drawbacks. A mediumistic nature may respond to error because of the more potent thought of the writer, or,
if over-sensitive may be superficial enough to respond to an erroneous
idea through pure sentiment. These means have been seized by the
Inversive Brethren to enable them to fasten upon the sensitive minds,
and mediumistic natures of the western race, these erroneous, delusive
doctrines of karma and re-incarnation. The most finely spun ideals of
"the higher life," of "Devachan," of "The Masters," and of "blissful
Nirvana," have been and are being presented by a host of sentimental,
spiritually sick, mystical writers to explain "the glorious mysteries" of
Nature and "the secret doctrine" of all religious philosophies, of which
they themselves, in real truth, know very little, apart from the
mediumistic ideas which are projected toward them by the Inversive
Magi. The whole craze is merely a metaphysical delusion cast over
their mentalities by means of a magnetic glamor to deceive them and
their readers.
The reader must not suppose that because a person studies the
various branches of Occult science, tries to lead an ideal life, and,
after acquiring a very large stock of booklore-occultism, begins to
write and publish works upon mystical subjects, that the person is
beyond the worldly plane. On the contrary, this class are the most
external of all, because they become dominated by the thought forms
of certain Occult leaders upon the physical plane, and their sensitive
natures become absolutely blind to the real spiritual truth. We have
seen numerous examples of this among the popular writers upon
Modern Theosophy. The soul alone is capable of penetrating the
realm of shadows, and seeing through the inverted images to learn
the real truth.
It seems very strange that the external followers of "the path"
which leads to physical re-incarnation, can be so blind as to imagine
that this earth is the only place within God's infinite universe whereon
divine justice can be satisfied, and due punishment meted out to the
evil doer. The life beyond is far more real, far more earnest, and a
much more conscious life than here on earth. Surely, then, the soul
can work out its redemption there better than here. Surely, the soul
ought to be granted the privilege of knowing for what wrong it is
being made to suffer, but this is not the case according to the fallacies
of esoteric Buddhism. But alas; the spiritually blind are blind indeed.
They that have eyes to see let them see. For modern Buddhistic
Theosophy cannot perceive in the slightest degree, beyond the dull
veil of external matter.
As a typical example of such material conceptions, we will quote
from a publication professing to give the secret doctrines of all religions, The Mystery of the Ages, by Marie, Countess of Caithness. In
a footnote upon the subject of Karma, page 143, the writer says;
"Karma is the law of consequences, by which every act receives its
exact recompense in the next life when the soul is born again. But
unless the same soul passes on through a succession of earth lives such
a recompense is impossible, and neither could it expiate or make
amends for the injuries it may have done to others unless again brought
into contact with them."
So thoroughly materialistic are the ideas conveyed in the above
extract that one would think that esoteric Buddhism was nothing but
materialism run to seed. According to such erroneous theories we are
to believe that recompense for evil doing is impossible except by physical re-birth. Such writers are so destitute of the higher spiritual perception that they cannot comprehend any process of repentance and
purification except upon the material earth, while incased within a
material organism. We can only say to the followers of such, that when
authors set themselves upon such a pinnacle of knowledge as to declare what is not possible within the mighty spaces of spiritual existence, they ought to be in a position to verify their assertions. If they
cannot do this, then they are simply boasting pretenders to a state of
knowledge and spiritual development which they do not possess, and
seeing that their teachings do not in any sense agree with the actual
experiences of those who have penetrated the realm of spirit, and investigated the mysteries of life for themselves, we challenge their right
to speak with such authority. How different from such ideas are the
real truths of Nature. How different are spiritual realities from such
oriental theories and dreamy speculations. The talented author of
"Art Magic" and "Ghost Land", who for years had investigated the
various unseen realms of life for himself, gives the world the brief
results of his life-long research in the latter work. Speaking upon reincarnation this author says; "To my dim apprehension, and in view
of my long years of wandering through spirit spheres, where teaching
still higher form is brought into requisition, each in its turn becoming
more complex in its structure and diversified in its functions. Thus,
we see the atom of life commencing in the mineral of the external
world, working upward and outward. The grand spiral of its evolutionary life is carried forward slowly, imperceptibly, but always progressively, through the higher states. There is no form too simple, no
organism too complex, for the inconceivably marvellous adaptability
of the human soul in its divine struggles of progressive life.
Throughout the entire cycle of necessity, the character of its
genius, the degree of its spiritual emanation, and the state of life to
which it originally belonged, are preserved with mathematical exactitude. These states correspond, in a general sense, to the four ancient
elements, Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Yet, as a matter of purification
alone, each atom must pass through and be a part of all these states
upon its upward journey. Not only so, but before the human monad
can possibly attain the climax of its material evolution, which is the
grand terminus of its earthly incarnations, it must also have passed
through certain phases of its existence upon each planet to which
its microcosmic nature in the embodied man shall bear a mathematical
correspondence. Thus, between the mineral and man there is a perfect scale of life; no one form being parallel with another in the grand
chain of cosmic being. Even the insects count, in the links, as progressive states. In the whole of this chain are seven worlds through which
the soul monad migrates, and from whatever point or planet it commences its toilsome cosmic journey, the seventh planet is the end of
its material orbit, and the sphere wherein it attains the human form
divine. Here it becomes conscious of life, able to learn and understand. In no case does the soul monad commence as a mineral and
attain unto the animal or human plane upon the same planet. It rests
or becomes latent on each alternate planet. For instance, the mineral
atoms upon this earth will undergo a purely impersonal cycle upon
Venus, which is their next sphere, and then become incarnated within
the vegetable plane upon the next planet, and so on; while the mineral atoms of the planet Mars, when they reach the Earth will be
purely impersonal beings and will not incarnate here as objective forms
but will pass their cycle in the astral spaces, then enter into material
conditions again upon Venus. Thus, the soul monad has four objective
states, and three subjective states. The objective states are as; 1-3-5-7,
viz.; the mineral, vegetable, animal and man. The subjective states are
as; 2-4-6, negative states of its embryonic being. The awakening to
conscious life with ability to think and understand is carried out by
the soul after it attains the objective human form or seventh (7) state.
The next state is beyond matter. "Once and only once," saith the law.
Mter the human state, Nature shuts the door behind her. Eternal progression is the anthem of all creative life.
NoTE: We have omitted to note the exceptions to the general laws of re-incarnation
which have been set forth. There are three classes of exceptions in which re-birth
within the human organism may be the usual course.
Class I. Cases of abortion, or of still-born children. These, not having attained consciousness of external human life, may, and in fact generally do, become re-incarnated.
Class II. Cases of natural born idiots. Though it is very rare that even
idiots are so lost to all external consciousness as to make re-birth necessary to them.
Class III. Cases of special "Messianic" incarnation by exalted souls, for the
special purpose of enlightening the race. The laws which govern this mystery
are unknown to all except the highest adepts. Such an incarnation transpires about
every 600 years, and never twice in succession to the same race. In all cases of
Messiahship these glorious souls are conscious of their mission from the moment
of birth, though doubtless they wisely keep such precious knowledge to themselves as a protection against the tender mercies of the dominant priesthood of
their generation. This class may be called cases of conscious re-incarnation. The
same spirit is never so incarnated more than once. Hence the stories of Buddha's
numerous incarnations are pure fiction.
When we apply these laws to external life we can gauge the soul's
past history with an accuracy which is truly marvelous. Thus, for
instance, the truly Martial individual belongs to that state of life known
in Occult phraseology as Fiery, and consequently those peculiar and
especial attributes were "rounded out" upon the planet known as Mars.
That is to say, the fiery characteristics of an atom belonging to that
state of life corresponding to the Fiery triplicity, were evolved through
various organic forms during its cycle of incarnation upon the planet
of Mars. On the other hand, a Saturnine individual, during its sojourn
upon the Martial planet was but little attracted to the Maritial forms
of existence. In fact, the soul monad, at that particular stage of its
journey, passed through a kind of impersonal coma instead_of an active
evolutionary life. This was because there was but little affinity between
itself and the planet. Consequently, the planet had not sufficient attractive power to project the impersonal soul into the more outward
forms of organic being. The same may be said of each planetary char-
from the chrysalid shell, and the nightingale singing in the grove.
"From stage to stage it evolves; new births and new deaths; anon to
die, but sure to live again; ever striving and revolving upon the whirling, toilsome, dreadful; rugged path until it awakes for the last time
upon earth; awakes once more a material shape, a thing of dust, a
creature of flesh and blood, but now a man." The grand, self conscious state of humanity, is attained, and the climax of earthly incarnation is reached. Never again, will the soul enter the material matrix
or suHer the pains of material re-incarnation. Henceforth its re-births
will be in the realm of spirit.
Those who hold the strangely illogical doctrine of a multiplicity
of human births, have certainly never evolved the lucid state of soul
consciousness within themselves. Had they done so, the theory of
re-incarnation as held by a vast number of talented men and women,
well versed in worldly wisdom, would not have received the slightest
recognition at the present day. We would strongly impress the fact,
that, an external education is comparatively worthless as a means of
obtaining a true knowledge of Nature. Remember, that though the
acorn becomes the oak, and the cocoanut the palm; the oak, though
giving birth to myriad others, never again becomes an acorn, nor the
palm the juicy nut. So it is with man. When once the soul becomes
incarnated in the human organism, and thus attains the consciousness
of external life, man becomes a self responsible being, accountable for
all his actions. This 1\CCountability constitutes his earth karma, (which
is explained in chapter III) and the reward or punishment, as the case
may be, is consciously and divinely administered in the state which
each individual soul has prepared for itself. The soul is not ignorantly
ushered again into the world, completely unconscious of its past load
of karma. Such a means of redemption, instead of being divine, would
be void of justice. It would be diabolical. When human laws punish
the criminal, he is conscious of the misdeed for which he is suffering.
If this were not so the punishment would be horribly unjust. For this
reason we do not punish irresponsible children, nor insane people.
It is thoroughly useless, however, to deal any further with such a
transcendent delusion. We will, therefore, only say that all the socalled re-awakenings of latent memories, by which certain people
profess to remember certain past lives can be explained, and in fact
are only really explained, by the simple laws of affinity and form.
This subject will be d<':llt \\ith in the ch.,pter upon ~lediumship,
Chapter IV.
EaC'h 11\CC or human being~ is immortal in itself; so likewise is
each round. The flrst round neve bccom~.s the second, but those
belongiug to the first round become the parents or originators of the
second. Each mund constitutes a greM planetary family which contains within itself. races, suhraccs and minor groups of humun souls.
F:ach state formed by the ltws of its karma, and the laws of its form,
and the laws of its affinity: a trinity of laws. At the expiration of one
round. the polar day of e~lution is brought to a close and the life
wave leaves the shores of the t>lanet. The second round of humanity:
offspring of the first, docs not commence until the human life wave,
having gone around the whole planetary chain agnin reaches the
planet, a period of 15.552.0JO years as stated in 1.1 Clef Hcrmetique,
Char ter V.
T he embryonic, impmsonal soul becomes the mnn, just as the
at-orn becomes the oak: and ns the oak gives birth to man) acorns or
embryonic oaks. so does mnn, in his turn, become the menns of giving
lJi.th to many souJs. 11cre is n complete corrcsponclone< bctwoon th4?'
From what has been said the student will (>Crcei"e that each
round of humanity becomes more numerous. As the population in
creases the expanding material knowledge of each succeeding generntion makes it possible for our earth to sustain n. grentcr number upon
o gh<'n surface.
TH 'H itU MI~'I' I C C0X$Tl1'trl'l0N OF MAN
make these points as clear as possible, bec.~use of their primary importance in realizing, that, the point in the arc, which is clalmed
by the Buddhist cult and their followers as the origin of the soul's
formation, is not so, but is, in fact, only the great turning point, the
bottom rung of Jacob's esoteric ladder, upon which the soul makes
its ascent and descent.
T he Theosophists of the human re-incarnation school, while admitting the absolute divinity of the Ego, fail to account for the genesis
of the soul which the Ego evolves, otherwise, than in matter. So far
as we have been able to lea'Tl, not one of them has any <'Onccption
as to how, when or where, the differentiation of the Ego takes ploce.
Although, they hold, that, th:re is a spiritual evolution preceding all
material e"olution , they cons'der that the first spiritual manifestation
of the soul is un arcane nl)'Siery, known onlv by the highest adepts.
These adepts of the Buddhist Cultus, however, totally ignore the state
of angclhood. they deny its OJ<i>tcnce. because they, in their concentratod sphere of absolute sclfhood, can form no conception of such
a state. The charge of spiritulll selfishness has often been made. even
by theosoprusts, against the :<-achings of their mahatmas, and there
is good foundation for the cl.arge when their teachings are critically
examined. Such a state is "' much above and beyond the grasp of
their minds as the doctrine of Nirvana is beyond the grast> of the
African bushman. They arc particularly fond of applying to outsiders
that proverb which intimates that there arc more laws in heaven and
earth than are dreamed of in man's phiiO<Ophy, but they fail to apply
the astral double is absent from the physical body, the latter, if awake,
performs whatever it may be engaged in doing; in a purely automatic
or mechanical manner. At the same time it is susceptible to any pain
or injury which may befall the absent double. The astral is also
specially susceptible to magical operations. Probably nine tenths of
all black magical injury are operated by means of or upon this ethereal
D. The animal soul is that section of the animating entity incarnated within the microcosm, which constitutes the lower arc of
its universe. This animal soul is formless as regards its separate expression, and can be traced only in the lower lines and shadings of the
human countenance. It is the seat of the selfish, brutal desires, which
are, in themselves, lower than the human sphere but are evolving upward through it from the animal. Their activities are strictly confined
to the astral and material planes.
E. The spiritual body, per se, is a finely etherealized organism
which in the majority of the present generation is either latent or embryonic. This body constitutes the human form divine in the higher
sphere of the soul world where man becomes the angel. It is the white
robe and golden crown given the elect in the Apocalypse of St. John.
In other words, it is the soul's expression of the heavenly raiment of
the purified man.
F. The divine soul is that section of. the entity incarnated within
the microcosm which constitutes the higher arc of its universe. This
soul, like the lower one, is formless as to its separate expression, and
can be traced only in the higher lines of the human countenance. It
is the seat of the good, unselfish, noble aspirations, and of all those
actions which spring forth spontaneously to aid the weak, the suffering
and afflicted, unassociated with any interested motives of self.
G. The pure spirit entity itself, called the divine Ego. This is the
divine atom of life, the vital spark, the central controlling spiritual
sun of the microcosm. It is never incarnated within the form until the
seventh state or perfect manhood is attained.
The above are the exact divisions of the human constitution, as
viewed from without and within. Upon the surface this division will
not appear to differ very materially from the septenary formula of
the Buddhist cult. But, in reality, there is all the difference which
exists between Cause and Effect. The chief point of difference will
be found in the fifth principle as they term it, and which is called also
the human soul, manas or mind. Mind, though correct in some respects,
is, to say the least, a very vague and unsatisfactory term to express intellectual capacity or the power of thinking and reasoning, and reducing the objects of thought to a science. For this reason; mind exists
as a motive force all the way from the mineral to man, and, surely
Buddhists will not say that rocks contain (mind) their fifth principle.
It is upon this point in particular where, in the opinion of the student
of Hermetic philosophy, that Esoteric Buddhists make a very serious
mistake. It is the evolution of this "principle," we are told, that gives
us the power of understanding; without this, we should be upon the
plane of the animal and act from mere instinct. When this principle is
active, man becomes noble, humane and capable of understanding,
or, in other words, instead of being a creature of instinct only, he becomes a reasonable being. We question the whole of such teachings.
For instance, a man may be the intellectual giant of his age, so far
as mere mental capacity is concerned, and yet at the same time be the
most selfish, unjust and immoral. History teems with such examples;
while, at the same time, some of Nature's noblest souls have been
those whose intellectual abilities have been very much. below the
average of the race. There are intellectual animals among mankind,
human only in form; while on the other hand, there are many demented human beings whose souls are akin to the angels. "This fifth
principle," we are told on page 175 of "The Mystery of the Ages," "is
the highest principle of the animals." But, Hermetic initiates deny
this in toto. They assert that this "principle" is no principle at all, but
merely a form; that in real fact, there are only three principles in an
active state, viz.; animal, human and deific. The remaining four are
merely forms or reactions. It is the action and reaction of these principles which produce every class of mental phenomena in existence,
be it vegetable sensitiveness, animal instinct, human reason or deific
perception. They form the three primary colors of the sours spectrum;
while the remaining forms are simply complementary reactions.
The Hermetic constitution of man consists of three active principles, all emanations from the one universal principle, and four secondary reactions. This constitution will correspond to the trinity of the
ancient Gnostics and the modern spiritualists, as consisting of body,
soul and spirit, in the following manner; Body, (A and B); Soul,
( C and D); Spirit, ( E, F and G). It also corresponds to the quaternary or fourfold constitution of the Kabbalists and the Greek speculators on Egyptian Theosophy, who taught that there is a body, an
astral or magnetic body, the animal soul, and the divine soul. Body,
(A and B); Astral body, (C); Animal soul, (D); Divine soul, (E, F
and G). And so may we proceed with every system of which we have
any knowledge. The only contradictions are the appearances upon
the surface, chiefly due to an insufficient use, or to a misuse of terms.
In reality, there is no difference in any system, when it is traced to its
primal source. The same may be said of the Buddhist constitution,
when understood in its true spirit. The radical differences are due to
their gross misinterpretation of the one fundamental law; one truth.
one principle, one agent (law) and one word.
We must now briefly sketch the Hermetic constitution, and present the four fold teaching of the Western initiates. Man consists of
three duads and the Ego, a total of seven, which stand in the relation
of Refraction and Reflection to each other. They are as follows;
C. Astral body.
A. Reflection, Physical body.
B. Refraction, Electro-magnetic form.
D. Animal soul.
G. The true Ego.
'Third duad
E. Spiritual form.
F. Divine soul.
The whole of these three duads are controlled and carried forward in their cyclic orbit by the Divine Ego, the absolute atomic spirit
entity. Thus, the three duads and the Ego constitute the fourfold
microcosm of the Hermetic schools. This is the most perfect system
that can be formulated in words because the duads travel in pairs.
At death we lose A and B. Then, dw-ing our purgatorial process
through the sphere of purification in the soul states of the disembodied
humanity C and D are gradually thrown off. Not separated, as one
would quarter up an orange, but gradually thrown off, atom by atom,
as they are ready to move forward upon their progressive journey.
The unprepared atoms are liberated and sent forward upon their own
special lines, and all gross matter eliminated. The animal principles
are no portion of the purified soul and are dispersed as separate cells
within the cause world, and ultimately nothing is left but the trinity,
E, F and G, the Spiritual form, the Divine soul, and the true Ego; or
rather the duad E and F, because the true Ego G does not become a
part of the duad until it has ascended beyond these soul spheres. At
this point, man is the positive or male spirit of the Ego; woman, the
negative or feminine. The true angel requires the spiritual union of
both principles.
Man, as he appears to the outward sight, is, as we have shown,
very different from the being within. He contains a universe of life
within his organism; countless myriads of spirit atoms are evolving
through him and are as independent of him, in reality, as man is of
the planet which gave him birth. The truly human being is the most
interior or spiritual soul. The whole of the lower nature and the external organism are only the various realms of being which the human
monad has conquered and subjected to its imperial rule during its
cyclic journey. We should say, to be true, that the externals are the
reflections of those elemental states moulded more or less rudely by
the human soul after its own divine form. The millions of separate
entities within the human sphere are no more the real man than the
forty mjllion inhabitants of France were Napoleon who ruled them
with his imperial will.
A few words now regarding the WILL and the REASON, and we
must close. WILL is universal, and it is as impossible to point out
where it begins or where it ends as it is to separate the colors of the
rainbow. The power of the WILL upon the external plane depends
upon the strength of the electro-vital constitution B. While upon the
spiritual plane WILL depends upon the activity of the spiritual constitution E. Within the astral plane the potent WILL must have both
of these ( B and E) well developed to be successful. If B alone is
potent, only the elemental realms can be contacted. If only E is active,
then the higher or spiritual world will be contacted, not the astral.
Under these circmristances nothing but mediumship can. be attained.
The true form of training, then, is to evolve that which is the most
latent, so as to bring about the equilibrium. In the_ great majority of
cases, of course, it is the spiritual that requires evolving. Considering
the WILL as a universal power, it naturally follows that the strength
of our WILL must depend entirely upon the capacity we possess for
absorbing and reprojecting this power. In fact, Man's WILL is only
limited by his capacity to absorb the one Universal Will. This WILL is
not, it itself, a principle; it is only an active result, viz.; transcendental
We need scarcely say that we fully agree with the above remarks
of Plato's teacher. While in the body we are completely fenced in by
delusive appearances, and had the Greek sage been alive today those
prominent individuals who so loudly and glibly speak and write upon
the subject of Karma would have been very greatly inconvenienced
by the Athenian's terrible logic.
"Karma is the law of consequences,-of merit and demerit", say the
Buddhists. "It is that force which moulds our physical destiny in this
world, and regulates our period of misery or happiness in the world
to come." We are also further informed that "Karma is the cold, inflexible justice which metes out to each individual the exact same
measure of good and evil at his next physical re-birth that he measured
to his fellow-men in this." Not only so, but this karma at death remains somewhere or other down upon the astral planes of the planet,
like an avenging demon, waiting anxiously for the period of Devachanic happiness to come to an end, in order to re-project the poor
unfortunate soul once more into the magnetic vortices of material incarnation, where, with its load of bad karma hanging like a millstone
round its neck, it will in all human probability generate a still greater
load of this theological dogma, and consequently, at each re-birth it
will sink deeper, unless the spiritual Ego can bring it to some consciousness of its fearfully sinful state. How this may transpire is not
very satisfactorily explained. If the human soul only receives punishment for the sins and wrongs it inflicted upon others during a previous life, then, surely, the soul when it first became incarnated must
have started on its human journey without any karma to suffer for.
One is naturally led to ask, then, how it first began to commit sin? For
we are distinctly told that what we now suffer at the hands of others
is only a just repayment for our own past sins. If, then, we had no
past sins, we should be perfectly free from trouble. We are distinctly
taught that the first or pre-adamite men, i.e., those of the golden age,
were perfect. How, then, did this abominable karma get a start in
the world? This question it is our duty to fully explain in the present
We have given a general idea of the Karma of Theosophical Buddhism, and before revealing the origin of this Oriental delusion we will
present the Hermetic doctrine of Karma.
I. Karma is not an active principle, but, on the contrary, it is
crystallized force. It is the picture gallery or cosmic play of Nature.
II. Karma constitutes the scenery, essence and mental imagery
of a person's past existence. It is a picture of their acts while on earth
that become living realities to them in the soul world.
III. The karmic sphere of an individual's existence, exists as the
astral life currents along which the soul has traveled and which become crystallized forms, expressive of the actions and the motives
which prompted them. Therefore, our past karma constih1tes the soul's
past history in the astral light, and can be deciphered by the properly
trained lucid, and even by some mediumistic clairvoyants.
IV. Karma is the offspring of everything; everything possesses
pictorial records of its past evolutions; stones, plants, animals and men.
It is by means of this karma that the Psychometric sensitive can read
the unwritten past of small karmas. 'Without karma, the powers of
Psychometry would be useless. On a grander scale exists the karma
of moons, planets, suns and systems. Races of men, species of animals
and classes of plants, also evolve special racial karmas which constitute
their astral world.
V. The harmonies and discords of cosmic evolution generate their
special karma just the same as thoughts and emotions produce corresponding reactions.
VI. Karma is absolutely confined to the reahns of the astral light,
and consequently, is always subjective. Therefore, Karma can exist
only as long as the soul, which generates it, is attached to the same
planet. When a soul leaves the planet its karma disintegrates. A soul
cannot carry its karma around the universe with it, because this astral
light differs in quality and degree upon each separate orb. See Chap. II.
VII. When a soul enters the spiritual states of the soul world
(which Buddhists term Devachan), the power of its earthly karma can
never re-attract it to earth; its influence over the soul is forever lost.
The lower can never control the higher, when once they exist apart.
To assert that past fossilized karma can reattract the soul from the
realms of spiritual happiness and reproject .it into the mire of earth
is to exalt matter to the tllrOile ol Deity, and degrade pure spirit to
the level of a passive brute substance.
From the above seven statements it will be seen that the Hermetic
initiates assert that karma js not the prinury law of consequences and
destiny. It is not an active principle, always at work, re ..adjusting
Nature's ridiculous mistakes. Nature never yet made a mistake. Oil
the contrary, karma is shown to be a result; the subjective outcome of
innumerable laws and forces. and in this life i t is utterly powerless to
effect either good or evi l, so far as our destiny is concerned upon the
external plane. But, upon the interior plane, that is, upon or within
the astral sphere of the disembodied soul world, this karma becomes
the Book of Life from which all our actions in this world are judged .
At death, we are surrounded by and compelled to exist within our
own karma. \,Ye are forced
out our own redemption, ever face to face with the grim idols of our
man for some forgotten offense of his infancy. The reader should
ever remember that no punishment is just, when the one punished
is ignorant of the cause. Punishment under such circumstances not
only ceases to be just, but becomes diabolica1 injustice. The common
justice of humanity condemns such a proceeding. If this is true, how
much more severe must be the condemnation of that justice which
is divine?
At this stage of our subject, the student will doubtless ask, "if
human suffering is not the result of previous karma, what is the real
cause of so much misery in the world?" To this we reply, human
suffering is the result of innumerable laws, which in their action
and reaction produce discord at certain intervals in the scale of
human development. !<'or all practical purposes, they may be classed
under two heads as primary and secondary. The primary cause is
that of racial evolution. Each round and each race of the round
of human beings, requires different external conditions in order to
evolve its chief attributes; for each round and race become the
special means by which a certain one of the soul's attributes is
rounded out or developed. Let us illustrate. The first or primal race
were those of the Golden Age. They were a purely ethereal race of
beings, and cannot be strictly classified with what we know of humanity, nor can they be said to have been really incarnated in gross
matter at all. For this reason, their penetrative power was very
small; hence, though highly spiritual, they were correspondingly
simple; they lived an ideal life amid semi-spiritual surroundings.
The second race, that of the Silver Age, penetrated deeper into
matter than the.ir Golden Age forefathers, and their bodies, consequently became more dense and less sensitive. Toward the termination of this race, and the beginning of the third or Copper Age, the
equator of our racial arc was reached in the descending scale. Here
it was, that the first murmurings of a mental storm began to manifest
themselves; emigrations and partings took place between what had
previously been a united people, and consequently separate national
interests began to evolve. When our earth reaches the equinoctial
points of the year, storms and tempests abound. Upon a higher plane,
it is the same with the progress of man around the cycle. With the
Copper Age race a still further descent took place, and a still greater
increase of self-interest was evolved; from the national was evolved
~Y I ""f
ay thnt such sl1ltements are folse; they ar<' of the same stamp as the
~u-;or UMS HIP-
searches strictly lo the domain of material forces and forms, the plane
of monifestation. It tcnninntes at the very moment its path impinges
on the border of the impotdcmblc, "the unknowable," whereas the
real starling point of nil true science is within the spiritual s[laoes. the
cause plane. From this state its vast orbit sweeps downward throughout
the who1c univers~ of matie:. In mottcr it recogniz-es all the different
31tributes and tn:lnife:station; of the one Oivjne Force in every form
motion, and between these two states there ramifies every grade
of being.
Mattr r ranges and tr:onsforms itself from tho lowe.<t dense state
of the minrral upwnrd to the aerial nnd invisible gnses, terminating in
all worlds and bind the universe together as a complete whole. And,
in exact proportion to the refinement of substance, is the sphere
vitalized by spirit. In the brain and nervous system of the human
being the climax of material vitalization is reached. Here, spirit
blends with matter in such requisite force and grade as are sufficient
to form the astra-magnetic link of connection between the two
worlds of cause and effect. It is the same with mental powers;
intelligence is ever vitalized from the great Deific fountain of Wisdom;
Sympathy and Affection are derived from the same Deific fountain,
the soul of Love. No matter what the grade may be, whether that
of the seraph basking in the very sunlight of divine purity, of man
in his lowest estate, or of the brute raised but one degree above
the planes of inanimate Nature;-the spark which vivifies the brute,
the brilliant luminosity that lights up the brain of the perfectly
developed human being, and that radiant glory flashing from the
brow of the seraph, are alike kindled from the same eternal flame,
for it is the grand prerogative of each grade of being, differing in
degree of evolution, to transmit that which it receives from the realms
above to the planes immediately below, thus, is each one faithfully
fulfilling its duty as a medium in the scheme of life.
From the glorious pulsating soul of the central spiritual Sun,
descending through every sphere of creation, deep down into the
very bowels of matter, midst stratas of cold granite rock to the
mineral lodes of dense metal, one eternal and harmonious chain
of spirit mediumship prevails. Each plane depends upon the next
plane above, and each, in its grandly sequent rotation, transmits the
grosser portions to the planes below for their sustenance.
When the whole of this mighty scheme is taken into consideration,
Occult students will see how necessary it is for those who wish to
develop their spiritual possibilities to live upon a purely vegetable
diet, because the eating of flesh attracts the soul to the animal kingdom
and degrades the higher senses. A life spent amid the flowery fields
and pine clad mountains, is the only existence that can fit the mind
and educate the soul to the highest point compatible with material
existence. Upon the contrary, the thinking mind will not fail to see
that those who live in close, unhealthy, and densely populated towns,
and are surrounded by a group of sickly or selfish minded neighbors
and relatives, become subject to the very lowest planes of spiritual
deadly pestilence.
It is to be hoped that these words of wa,ning will be heeded
and thus save much suffering and useless waste of vitality.
Having given a general outline of the nature of mcdiumship,
it now becomes our duty to elucidate its laws and mysteries, and
here we are met with the mightiest subject within t.h c whole range
of Occultism. No brooch of >tudy is of greater importance in the
search of truth, or is more completely unknown and misunderstood
by that large body of modern mystics and thinkers of the present
day, who proclaim tho doctrines of an esoteric Buddhism to the
world as the essence of truth nnd wisdom. They must not understand,
for such as these show their lack of esoteric illumination on the little
known subject of medium$hit>.
~lediumship, though goerned by well defined laws, so far as
its general principles arc concerned, is so subtle and intricate In its
different degrees, loiTOS and phases, as to be absolute!) beyond the
grasp of the ordinary mind. In fact, its romifications and the results
of its actions are a. unlimited ns the infinite. Therefore, it is only
tho 1norc prominent and apparent forms that wo shnll attempt to
outline. To do the subject justice more than one large volume would
he I'C"<(uired. As a matter
or COIWenicnce. we
I. Adivity.
ll. PositivC'floe$$.
Ill. Attraction.
L Po.slvity.
[J. Scnsiti~ess.
111. Affinity.
therefore, become the mediums of the wise. This wisdom may only
merit such a name, however, by comparing it with the ignorance by
which it is surrounded. The sum total of a nation's wisdom or ignorance may always be found by examining its, laws, constitution and
religion. We find the same law in force in politics. A great political
leader, a giant mind, impresses its force upon a circle of kindred but
less positive minds. These, in turn, react upon others, transmitting
the same power of thought to them, and so on until that central
mind;-like a sun, sways the destiny of millions of its fellow-creatures. These millions are simply the mediums for the expression of
mental force. Again, the visible head or center of this force may, in
its turn, be the medium of some other invisible head, whether such invisible power be mortal or spiritual, embodied or disembodied, makes
no difference to the law. This might be termed a form of mass psychology if on the mental plane. All of these forms and phases, however, are to be classed as unconscious mediumship; because it seldom
transpires that the operator is conscious of the magical powers he is
using, or that the mediums are conscious of their mediumistic subjection.' We think these brief illustrations will convey to the reader's
mind something of the magnitude of the present subject.
We will now briefly notice a few of the most prominent forms of
mediumship recognized as having a more direct connection with
practical Occultism at the present time; the mediumship of spiritualism, and then conclude with some of its more recondite phases.
The sine qua non of all trance, or physical mediumship, is embraced in the term "passivity," and exactly in proportion to the degree
of passivity attained is the power or strength of a person's mediumship increased. The question as to whether a given person may develop into a trance speaker or into a physical medium depends first,
upon the brain conformation, and secondly, upon the magnetic temperament of the body. Some individuals are so complex that they
may become either one or the other, according to the prevailing will
of the developing circle. The chief point to be observed in these
forms of mediumship, is that they tend toward the destruction of individuality, the medium becomes a slave to those in control. They can
only be attained in the passive state, and the developing process is a
means toward destroying whatever amount of will power the poor
medium might have originally possessed. This destruction of the
human will (subjection to spiritual intelligences as spiritualists ignorantly call it), is the greatest curse of mediumship. The controlling
forces of such willless creatures may be anything and everything, according to "conditions" and circumstances. A medium that is said to
be "developed"? stands upon the public platform, and is supposed to
be controlled by some disembodied intelligence. But in nine cases out
of every ten it is the psychological influx of the audience which, centering upon the sensitive organism of the medium, produces that peculiar semi-mesmeric state known as trance. Under such conditions
the inspired oration will harmonize with the majority of the minds
present, and, in numberless cases, the exact thoughts of individuals in
the audience are reproduced. To the orthodox spiritualist, the oration
will be received as an actual inspiration received from the "Spirit
World" of translated humanity. Spiritualists should learn the fact,
that mediums who can be controlled by a spirit can be equally controlled by a living person, and further, that of all places, the public
platform is the least likely spot to be the center of high spiritual inspiration which emanates from ascended human souls.
Those forms of mediumship, known as Psychometry and Clairvoyance, depend chiefly upon the degree of sensitiveness attained; as
brain formation and magnetic temperament possess only secondary
influence in their evolution. Consequently, animals as well as human
beings may possess these phases. Their characteristics are too well
known to require further notice.
We must now notice two of the most subtle, and so far almost entirely unsuspected forms of this type of spirit mediumship. The first
we will designate as "semi-transfer of identity," and the second as
"thought diffusion."
In a previous chapter we have shown how a person, during his
life, possessing an active, potent mind, will leave within the spaces of
the astral light powerful thought forms or psychic thought embryos.
These thought forms are the earth karma of the human soul. Now,
under certain conditions, this earth karma of disembodied souls can
be, and is contacted by those still in the flesh. Thus, for example, a
person of strong positive mind, having rendered his soul sphere sensitive to contact by a partial development while his brain still remains positive, becomes a true medium, so far as the soul sphere is
concerned, and always without knowing it (unless properly initiate(~).
Llt.IJ I
ity to the center of such thought, they gradually impress their force and
ultimately (in the majority of cases) subject that soul to their dominant
ideas, and so prepare the way for the reception of the doctrines they
want to teach. In this way, by the subtle mental magic of its devotees,
religious theology obtained its first foothold upon the human mind.
Though the action of this mediumship is sure, as long as the positive
ideas have sufficient force to conquer, the reaction is equally certain,
and it is this re-action that ultimately destroys the Theology. The magical offspring destroys its magical progenitor.
This diffusion of ideas is in active operation upon every mental
plane; thus one potent mind evolving thought forms in Boston may
suddenly set in vibration hundreds of sympathetic but less positive
minds upon the other side of the Atlantic. They begin to think similar ideas, and to form similar conclusions. These ideas may become
universal and constitute public opinion, if the projecting minds are
potent enough. But few, very few indeed, are conscious of such ramifications of mental magic. Esoteric Buddhism owes its origin to such
magic, and depends absolutely upon such Occult processes for its continued existence, but re-action is already apparent. Its followers never
dream that instead of being independent, self-conscious thinkers, they
are the mediumistic sensitives of Oriental control. The reader should
never forget that upon the external plane there is nothing so potent as
the magic of the human mind.
The conflicting theories of Buddhistic Theosophy on the one
hand, and Spiritualism on the other, regarding the nature and source
of those invisible forces which produce the various kinds of phenomena known to modern spiritualism, have given rise to much perplexity
in the minds of many earnest truth seekers. The spiritualist, as a rule,
affirms that such phenomena are due wholly to the action of disembodied human souls (many advanced spiritualists now freely admit
the possibility of other intelligences than those of humanity controlling
mediums); while the Theosophist utterlv denies the possibility of such
a course (except in the case of his Mahatmas, or with vicious human
elementaries), and asserts that all the various forms and phases of
spiritualistic phenomena are produced by one or more of the following agencies, either singly or combined:
I. Elemental spirits, termed spooks.
II. Human elementaries (the lost souls of depraved mortals).
This class are really magnetic vampires who prolong their viciOus
existence by sapping the life blood of their mediumistic victims.
They will personate anything and everything. Their only aim is
to completely demoralize the mediums and plunge them into all
kinds of depravity. The chief characteristic of the Human Elementary
is obsession, and nearly all those who go insane through religious
excitement are the victims of elementary obsession. It is needless
to add that these vampires are lost to all that is redemptive and
good; they have gravitated to the lowest realms of brute animality
in 1\"ature upon the descending arc, and ultimately they become
indrawn within the death whirl of that magnetic orb known as
the dark satellite, and are swept to their final doom, extinction.
III. Disembodied shells. These are the magnetic forms of those
who have lived, died and been buried upon the earth. They are
perfectly lifeless; they hover around the grave which conceals the
corpse to which they are bound, and as this decomposes the magnetic shell or phantom also dissolves. They cannot be drawn away
from the grave. They cannot, in fact, be made to answer any
mediumistic purpose whatsoever, and those who assert, as some
Theosophists do, that they can be regalvanized into a temporary
life and made to simulate the deceased individual, are sadly in
error, and know not whereof they speak. The Buddhistical theory
of disembodied shells and their influence upon the mediums of
modern spiritualism is only another of the oriental delusions, disseminated to poison the budding spirituality of the western race.
IV. The Mesmeric influence of living individuals. Of this potent
factor we need not speak, as it is evident that any spirit medium
will feel, and to some extent respond to, the mesmeric will of a
potent, positive, magnetic mind.
Written in the year 1880
Tilt:: CYCL ES
A .~D l~ORCl;$
and reaction of the Cosmic life forces have formed the truthful
foundation upon which the Astrological ~1ystics have elaborated
their planetary periods and sub-cycles of celestial inAuence over
nations, and which is further and more full y elaborated by Kabbalistical
Jorc, in the rule of the Seven Arch Angels as the seven Governors
measuring her mighty forces in the forms of time and space. The
first index of time is the aotation of the Earth upon her axis, the
second by her annual motion about the Sun. These are broadly
converted into days, montl1s and years. The third index is that of
the motion of the Earth's center (the Sun) through space, around
a still grcatcl' center; this is broadly d ivided into two measures, viz..;
Orst, through one sign of the Zodiac, a period of 2,160 years, and
secondly, through the entire twelve signs, which c<>mplete his grand
revolution, or great Solar Year, in 2.5,920 years of Earthly time. The
third and last face of the triune index is our Earth's Pole. This
magnetic point is the great finger of Natwc's Cyclic Timepiece,
which governs a nd registers all the great Cosmic cycles of our pJanet
and its circuit.
will also cause equal day and night all over the globe, but as we recede
from the Equator, north or south, the sunlight becomes less and less,
owing to the Sun attaining a lesser degree of altitude with every
degree of latitude; until, at the Poles, the Sun will only appear as
a dull red ball of fire, moving along the horizon, from east to west,
in the twelve hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., hence, darkness and universal winter reign supreme; and the Arctic Circle is an ever-lasting
belt of ice and snow, whose frozen breath forms a complete barrier
against the existence of human life.
Again, imagine the Earth's Pole, after a lapse of 648,000 years,
and we shall now find that it is inclined at an angle of exactly 90
degrees, for, during this Period, it has been slowly, but imperceptibly
to the Earth's inhabitants, moving or inclining away from the pole
of the ecliptic. The twelve signs of the zodiac and the apparent yearly
path of the Sun, are now vertical to the Pole of the Earth. What will
he the fearful geological results? Why, that our polar regions will
have a tropical summer. Each year the Sun will be vertical on the
21st of June to the North Pole, and on the 21st of December to the
South Pole, and also that every portion of the globe, with the Sun
and Earth's Pole in this position, will witness a tropical summer and
an arctic winter. This accounts for and fully explains the existence
of fossil remains of the seal, walrus and polar bear in the burning
plains of Africa and Hindustan, and of the tropical remains now being
discovered in the Arctic regions. No human being now living can
conceive the fearful natural phenomena yearly transpiring during
this period. For instance, all latitudes below the Poles had two
midsummers each year; namely, when the Sun ascended north, and
when it returned south again. The rapid rate at which the Sun rose
into the polar circles, and the terrific heat of a vertical Sun upon the
ice and snow, must have caused the most frightful inundations upon
all the plains and lowlands. No wonder that it was called the Age
of Horror by the Hindoos and Egyptian Magi.
The walls of the mighty Babylon and the eight-volved Tower
of Babel or cloud-encompassed Bel were never constructed to resist
any mortal foe. NO. Those city walls, which were 60 miles in circumference, 200 feet high, 578 feet thick, were not made to defy the
strength of armies, but to resist the fearful forces of Nah1rc, the
Hoods that swept the plains of Shinar, from the mountains of Armenia,
(>cJ J:ITS\li iS
It may be noted that the very ancient sacred towers in the Pagodas
of China always (unless they are of modern construction) faithfully
indicate their latitude and date of their first foundation by the number
of stories or terraces. Of course it is not supposed that these towers,
like our ancient cathedrals, are not periodically restored as they fall
into decay, but always on the same principle.
A great deal more might be said as to the different climates
that ensued under different inclinations of our Earth's Pole, but
these few illustrations will give the student a few ideas as to the
actual cause of the various geological changes that are brought
about by Polar Motion. Remember that the great Polar Day (2,592,000
years, moving once around, like the index of the clock) determines
the duration upon our planet of that vital spiritual impulse of
evolution, known among students and Initiates as the Great Life
Wave. This Life Wave passes around the septenary chain, or circuit,
of the seven planets, not in an even, regular, continuous action, but
in waves or impulses. For instance, suppose the Life Wave of the
mineral evolution commences, upon planet number 1; it will here
go through its active evolution, and then, having reached its
culminating point, it commences to flow, or pass on to planet number
2, and the vegetable, or next life impulse, begins upon planet number
1, and so on with the rest. Upon this point we would refer the
student to Mr. Sinnett's valuable book, Esoteric Buddhism, but
reminding you that, although there are many outlines in the work
similar to these teachings, they are, in reality, widely different, as
will be seen when you read his conclusions and those of this
In order to better illustrate the evolution of matter and the
involution of spirit, we will briefly describe in outline the systematic
mentioned in Genesis, each Day being one Polar Day, as before stated,
or 2,592,000 years of Earthly time.
The words "the evening and the morning" signify the two halves
of the Polar Cycle. You will notice that "the evening" is mentioned
first, and "the morning" last. This is correct. The dark or undeveloped
portion of each wave is the first half, and signifies, symbolically, Night,
and vice versa. Further, it must be remembered that the spiritual
impulse, or wave, must of necessity pass round the orbit that has
ultimately to be traversed by the future planet before anything can
transpire. It is the Divine Will sent forth by the spirit-state that is
equivalent to the Word or Divine Idea of certain ancient writers.
This Fiat attracts within its orbit the latent cosmic matter of space,
and transforms it into the embryonic, nebulous light, the star dust
or radiant fire mist, which is the form, or primitive matter, of all
creation. The student must strictly remember that there is no specific
duration of this state. It may last for millions of ages before the actual
evolution of a planet, and that previous to the symbolical Six Days
of Creation this planet exists for untold cycles in a nebulous condition,
the exact size of its orbital ring, This being understood, we will
The First Day of Creation. The Supreme Angelic Governors
project into active evolution the astral tide-wave, viz., the currents
of astral light, and the nebulous matter is, at once, transformed into
a rapidly revolving globe of fire, which solidifies and cools under
the intense concentration of the Deific Will of the Governors in a
wondedully less space of time than any of our transcendental or
spiritual writers can imagine. Fire was dominant for the first half
of the Polar Day;-when its sudace had become so far cooled as
to allow the heated vapors of its immense atmosphere to condense
and form water, which element was rapidly produced during the
next half of the cycle. Thus, we see, that a rude globe was formed
during the first day of creation; the first half, the evening, was given
to the dominion of fire alone, and the latter half, or morning, was
one ceaseless war between those opposing elements, fire and water.
"And the evening and the morning were the first day." These two
periods of the Polar Cycle are each 1,296,000 years, and were called
by the Hindoos the Treta Yug.
The Second Day of Creation. The Supreme Angelic Governors
now caused the first evolution of the gaseous or chemical tide-wave,
and the evolution of a complete but dense atmosphere was the result.
That is to say, the various constituents of the atmosphere were, by
this wave, adjusted, and our planet's chemical affinities duly balanced.
This caused the whole of the superabundant gross matter, such as
carbon, etc., to condense and fall to the sudace of the planet. During
this day, also, our planet's surface was the scene of a continual conflict between heat and water; all was the scene of mighty volcanic
action; mountain ranges continually rose and fell, and the ocean
beds were always shifting.
The Third Day of Creation. After the gaseous, the great mineral
tide-wave commenced, and the spirit atoms of future egos became
incarnated in dense matter for the first time, namely, in the stratas
of rocks and mineral lodes which constitute the stony ribs and metallic
veins of our planet. Mountains, valleys, islands and continents were
formed; the land above the ocean level sank, and the bed of the
ocean became dry land. Now, for the first time, the seas and oceans
occupy their proper beds. "And the <wening and the morning were
the third day." It must be added that during this period, also, the
planet's surface was the scene of continual volcanic action; as was
each and every period. At the close of this, the third Polar Cycle,
we sec that the evolution of the astral, chemical nnd mineral waves
have now prepared our Earth for the first vegetable forms of life.
And here, be it noted, that the first forms of all things were born
(that is, had their origin) in water.
The Fourth Day of Creation. The vegetnblc tide-wave now
reaches the barren shores of our planet, and produces the first rudimental forms of vegetable life, which develop into the most gross,
gigantic shapes, rude and imperfect as the earth upon which they
grow. But, as time progresses, so does the vegetable kingdom; each
age gMng more perfect forms. "And the evening nod tlte morning
were the fourth day."
The Fifth Day of Creation. The previous tide-waves having run
their course, the animal lifcwave now sets in, nnd from the lowest
rudimental forms of life successively evolve the various orders of
animal life, race after race appearing, running its course and becoming
extinct, giving place to more complete organisms. "And the evening
and tho morning were the fifth day."
The Sixth Day of Creation. The preceding five tide-waves of
evolution have now prepared our Earth for Nature's grandest climax;
the evolution of the human form, Man, for at this age we read;
"And the Lord made man out of the dust of tlte ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life, and he bec.me n living soul; and
the Lord created man in His own image, male and female created
He them."
During the 6vc days of creation the vegetable and animal have
been evolvod, and, when man appears upon the scene, everything
is in a vastly improved and highly developed condition, compared
with the condition of the early monstrous forms. "And the C\ening
and the morning were the sixth day." And here we must digress.
LA O.llF
Some students of the occult imagine (for certainly they are not properly
initiated and trained in the schools of occultism) that tlte missing link,
or first human form, the connccllon between the animal and human,
was caused by a spiritual impulse union, which, acllng upon the highest
form of animal, an ape, for example, produced an entirely different
species, quite human in their organism, but hairy, etc., and that
from this missing link the human race, as at present, has been evolved.
But this is erroneous, and void of truth. While the spirit atoms have
been evolving upward from the mineral, the spiritual form has been
involving downward until it became tangible and objective, possessing
at 6rst a vast but loosely organized body. Each age saw it smaller
and more compact, until, at tho end of the Third Race of the First
Human Round, the spiritual man had a compact, well-organized
body, and the commencement of the Fourth Race, (the cente r of
the seven) was the first point of contact, the focus of the spirit
downwards and the apex of the material upwards. (see note below)
Matter and spirit met and formed the first real physical man of
the human race. This is the great mystery;-thc lowest point in the
arc of spiritual involution impinges upon the highest nrc, or culminating point, of material evolution, and forms the origin of man.
The evolution of the remaining root races having taken place, the
lifo impulse begins to ebb and slowly quits our shores, and our Earth
for the first time enjoys a rest. The six days of creation ore at an
end, and the seventh is The Doy of Rest.
NOTE: This needs a little explnnatJon. The Rrst race of human bciniJ who existed
upon Lhls planet were really spiritual. Thelr bodies were quito ethereal, when
oompMcd with our g ross orgnnb m,, but were sufficiently mntcrln1 to be objective
and tan~iblc. They were pure nnd innocent, true Adams nnd Eves, and their
country wn$ indeed a garden o f Pamdise. They were natural bom adepts of the
highest order. They played with the Akasa nnd the magnetic currents of our
alobe as the boys to BuJwer Lytton's ''Coming Race.. pl3ycd with t.ho tTemmdous
Vril. The e1ementals and nature spirits were, by their nrt, rendered ob;ectivc,
and performed the duties of M"rvanlJ to thetn. This was the true Coldm Age. It
was the B.rst spiritual race ol human beings; the prOgenitors of humanity upon
our Earth. The r.tce wb;ch followed lhem was termed lhe
Age in lhe
arc:one doctrine of the occult. lnelr descmdants. altho puro and able to control
the psychic currents. :md Cods in comparison to ourselves. were far inferior to
their forefathers of the Colden Ago. J)oth the!ie races. and also tllc third. viz.. the
people of the Copper A~e. when they wlshed to die pa.c;sed peacefully awrty, and
their bodies were immediately dl~lntcgmted by the currents of vrll. There were
neither t hndcs, shells nor phnntoms in our :ltmosphete hl those dl\ys. '11\e third.
or Copper Ag~ pt'Oplo were tlil inferior to those or tho Silver Ago ns were the
Sliver to the v o lden. Mankind w:n o n the dournward c)'clc; Hes, deceit and
The Day of Rest. The Sabbath of the Lord. The Earth slumbers
and enjoys the peace of Nirvana. After this Sabbath, the first day
of a new week commences, for the gaseous tide-wave, having gone
the circuit of the planetary chain, once more reaches our globe.
The atmosphere is again reorganized, purified, and galvanized with
new life to make it fit to receive and sustain a higher phase of
evolution. It breathes the breath of a .new life upon our awakening
planet. The life impulse that has been passive during the Sabbath
of the Lord becomes again active.
After the expiration of the gaseous wave, and another Polar
Day, the beds of the oceans have risen and become dry land, and
the old continents are now at the bottom of the ocean, and, as this
takes place slowly, the leading types of flora, fauna and surviving
types of the seven human families retreat from the sinking continents
and occupy the new-made land and mountains which are waiting
to liberate their long-imprisoned spirit atoms, and this is affected,
directly the mineral wave arrives, at the commencement of the Second
Polar Day. The old mineral elements are now liberated, and the
incoming mineral wave becomes incarnated in their place. By the
time this tide has attained its climax the newly liberated spirit atoms
of this planet form a new mineral wave, which, seeking reincarnation,
begins to How on to the next planet, which has already been prepared
for it by the preceding gaseous wave. Then, in succession, comes
the vegatable, animal, etc., to prepare a "New Heaven and a New
Earth" for the incoming life-wave that shall evolve the Second
Round of humanity, which, having again evolved its seven root races
and their innumerable sub and offshoot races, again passes on its
journey round the chain, leaving only a remnant of its seven leading
types to survive the long ages of slumber, to give the struggling
monads that Nature has left behind a chance of incarnating themselves to form the connecting links for the next round. And so does
evolution proceed until each planet of the chain has evolved seven
complete rounds of humanity, and then the Great Jubilee of the
Earth takes place. Seven times 7 rounds equal 49; and 7 races of
human beings on 7 planets is also 49; and the 50th. is the year of
Jubilee, symbolized by the Jews every 50th. year, when no work
was done and the land rested. "As it is below, so it is above, as on
the earth, so in the sky." Remember this.
And now, as a conclusion to this part of La Clef Hermetique,
we give the Cycles and Periods in full, tabulated, so as to enable
the student to comprehend them at a glance. It only remains to
say that at the end of every Great Period, of 1,016,064,000 years,
the Sun of our system passes into a passive state of sleep, and remains
so for 127,008,000 years. It is, in fact, the Solar Nirvana (just as the
Earth enters Nirvana at the end of every complete evolution). All
the planetary chains of the solar system are disintegrated during
the great solar Nirvana, and recreated upon the awakening of
our Sun from its cycle of rest. The alternate states of activity and rest
are by the Hindoo Initiates termed the days and nights of Brahma.
spirits (familie.' of spil"its) that stand b<forc the l.ord, termed Ohyan
Chohans in Esoteric Buddhism, nsccml still higher into more perfect
spheres of coeation. You will take note that each family, or new angelic
planetary state of lately exalted h11mnn souls, rules the corrcspoo1ding
family upon Enoth. T hus tho Arst family, or that which formed
the first 7 root races after their cycle, rules the 6rst seven root races
of their new creAtion, and so on with the others. These new races
of hurnnn beings evolve and pass through the s:1mc hannonious
process of evolution, from spirit to matter and back again to spirit,
thus completing the great cycle of necessity. T he plnnet itself is
not recreated after each earthly Nirvano, but re-awakened into
activity and life to pass through 7 times 7 races, or circuits of the
life wave, or 127,008.000 years.
After the period has agnin expired, this race of guardians also
ascend to higher planes. and the second planetary family enjoys
Nirvan.a for 18,144.000 years, and then in their turn become guardians
fifth, and so on until our Earth (and the planetary chain in its
tum) has evolved 7 great planetary families, each family consisting
of 7 rounds, and each round of 7 root races, and has also enjoyed
7 Nirvanas. This makes up the grand period of 8 times 127,008,000
years, which, in its grand and complete total, equals 1,016,064,000
years of earthly time.
This period is obtained as follows; 7 periods of 127,008,000 for
the 7 great planetary families, and 7 Nirvanas of 18,144,000, which
make the eighth; the total eighth. This great cycle, 1,016,064,000 years,
is the exact term of our planet's physical existence.
The 7 great cycles and the 7 Nirvanas together constitute the
eighth, and produce the sleep of death. Our sphere will then have
completed the period of child-bearing; old age has gradually settled
upon her; she has borne seven sons, and now sinks into the eighth
period-sleep-the sleep of death and complete annihilation. Cohesion
loosens its hold upon the molecules, and atom by atom the planet's
particles are disintegrated and dispersed in space. The great solar
sleep, or Nirvana, takes place, and our Sun ceases to be active for
a period of 127,008,000 years, viz., a complete evolutionary cycle;
and it is only when the first warm breath of new spiritual life
pulsates through the spaces of Aeth that a recreation of the planetary
chains commences anew. The disintegrated atoms of former worlds
are reconstructed with new cosmic matter, and once more evolution;
but upon a higher plane; begins its almost ceaseless round.
Note the terrible significance of the figure 8. The eighth sphere
of our chain is not a visible orb, but a lifeless, dark, semi-spiritual
one. (see note below) It is the sphere of death, and the temporary
abode of those souls, or shades, who have, through their depraved
lives, lost their connection with the Divine Parent, the spiritual ego
that gave them birth. Yet they have bartered a glorious, divine
birthright for a mess of pottage, and now must sink unconsciously
into the sleep of oblivion, while the enfranchised souls of their
nobler brethren are urging their resistless course through the sapphire
vaults and starlit realms of the Milky Way. And yet, 0 most esteemed
and eternal brother, in the face of our eternal progress, these vast
Cycles and most awful, incomprehensible Periods are but a few
fast-fleeting moments of planetary existence. The whole eras of
past eternity cannot bring one second more near the end of our
immortal, deathless reign.
NoTE: This eighth orb is known to Initiates of the highest interior degree as "the
Dark Satellite," whose ruling spiritual hierophant is known by the name of Ob.
From this name came that of Oberon and so evil and infernal is the power of this
sphere that all cases of demonia, enchantment or possession came to be termed
Obsession. The buried cities of the Gobi desert belong to races who were the
devotees of this Ob. (This was after the Gobi had become a portion of the
continent of old India and does not refer to the "Golden isle" of the sea, when
the Gobi was a tropical ocean.) Hence its name, Gobi, that is, the followers of
Ob, or the country of Ob. This is the reason for the awful traditions mentioned
in "Isis Unveiled" as to the hidden treasures being guarded by a legion of infernal
spirits. It is from this evil orb that the powers possessed by the Black Magi are
derived, and, in fact, it is the Spiritual correspondence of those brothers on Earth.
For, remember, there is not a class of people, or a society devoted to any subject
on Earth, but what has a spiritual correspondence in the realm of spirit. The
Hermetic Law is one grand truth, viz., "As it is above, so it is below, as on the
Earth, so in the Sky." St. Paul mentions, or rather refers, to this "Dark Satellite"
when he publicly declares: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
powers and principalities, princes of the air," etc.
1,728,000 years,
Treta Yug
1,296,000 years,
3 periods,
Dvapara Yug
864,000 years,
2 periods,
Cali Yug
432,000 years,
1 period,
units equal
units equal
Maha Yug
4,320,000 years,
If the student goes over the above numbers, he will notice that
they are all parts of the Divine Age, the Maha Yug, and that each
is composed of the Cali Yug. For instance, Satya Yug, or 4 periods,
is 'just 4 Cali Yugs, and so on; and the Cali Yug is the period of the
Earth's Pole passing over 60 degrees of its orbit, and thus forming
the sextile to its own true place. The Dvapara Yug is the period of
the Earth's Pole forming the trine aspect to its true place, and passing
over 120 degrees of its orbit. The Treta Yug is the period of the
Earth's Pole passing over 180 degrees of its orbit, and forming the
opposition to its own place. It is the Cycle that rules the day and
the night, the evening and the morning of one Polar Day of Creation.
The Satya Yug is the period of the Earth's Pole passing over 240
degrees of its orbit. It is the double trine, or twice 120 degrees.
(see note below) It is also the Cycle that rules the great turning
point of the life-wave of the planetary chain; that is, when the
Earth has passed through a Satya Yug, the culminating point has
been passed, and the life impulse begins to pass to the next planet.
Again, you must observe the regular, harmonious progression of
the terminating units of each Yug, 2, 4, 6, 8, and of the periods
(Cali Yugs), 1, 2, 3, 4. These are the locks, and each one points
esoterically to the mysterious, hidden number so carefully veiled from
the rude gaze of the profane mind. This sacred, guarded number
constitutes the Golden Key. It is the magical 9, the highest unit. It
is a triune, or three times three, equal 333 (3 times 3 equals 9); this is
360, less 3 times 9, equals 27 degrees, and in its second aspect shows
the magical number of Abracadabra, or 666 (18 equals 9). This
sacred number is the perfect symbol of Deity. Multiply it as you
like by any number and it resolves itself into 9; and just as all the
different aspects of the Eternal and Divine Essence eventually return
into the one primordial source, so does this number. No matter to
what power it is raised, its ultimate is 9. Hence it is the Divine Figure
that can alone unlock the Cycles of the Great First Cause.
NoTE: The Pole passing over 60 degrees of its orbit is, in the occult, symbolized
by the Sun within a six-pointed star; or Draco, the Serpent, enfolding a sixpointed star in its coils. The trine aspect is likewise a trine, but also as a threepointed star i.e., having three rays.
The Poie in opposition, or passing 180 degrees, is in one. of the aspects of
the eight-pointed star, in which each ray is opposite another. The period of 240
degrees polar motion is symbolized by the Sun being enclosed in Solomon's Seal
or the double trine, viz., 120 degrees added to 120 degrees is 240 degrees.
We will now compare, side by side, the Five Great Yugas, with
their esoteric periods when expressed by Divine Years;
1,728,000, equal 4 periods, equal 4,800
Satya Yug
1,296,000, equal 3 periods, equal 3,600
Treta Yug
Dvapara Yug 864,000, equal 2 periods, equal 2,400
432,000, equal 1 period, equals 1,200
Cali Yug
4,320,000, equal10 periods, equal12,000
Maha Yug
In the first place, we see that the Divine Maha Yug is composed
of 12,000 Divine Years, which constitute the 10 Great Ages, (see note
below) or Cali Yugs, and, in the second, place, that the Divine Years
run thus; 4, 3, 2, 1 and 8, 6, 4, 2, and taken by themselves are 1,200
or 1 and 2 equal 3; and 2,400 or 2 and 4 equal 6; and 3,600 or 3 and
6 equal 9; and lastly, 4,800 or 4 and 8 equal 12; which are briefly
3, 6, 9, 12. We explain all these simple matters to show that all the
sacred numbers of the Hindoos are one complete and harmonious
progression of the 9 units. The student may, if he chooses, go into
the Manwatares and Yugs at his leisure and as his inclination prompts.
The Manwatares are portions of the Great Kalpa, which is 1,000
Maha Yugs of 4,320,000 common years. This is almost too much
for human comprehension, and so we leave it, retiring content with
the knowledge that it was but a method adopted by the ancient
sages to express their ideas of the sublime majesty of Aum, and to
show the utter fallacy of the finite ever being able to comprehend
the Infinite, Divine, First Cause or the extent of His attributes.
NoTE: The Ten Ages, or Cali Yugs, are also, in the East, shown under the
symbol of the Ten Avaters; the Goddess Cali, of the old Hindoos, being a kind of
geological Isis, or Queen of geological formations. And lastly, while the whole
of this is strictly true, so far as this; the physical or material plane is concerned;
yet it must, by the laws of correspondence, be considered in its truly occult sense.
The four ages are the four Great Cycles of human evolution; First, the Golden,
the classical, Satumian age; then the less spiritual or Silver Age; then the Copper; and lastly the Iron Age; the dense or material barbarian age or state, spirit
in its descent, becoming more and more gross, until the lowest point of the age
of Earth, or the Iron Age, was reached, and man entered upon the first human
cycle. This, of course, teaches that our first progenitors were truly spiritual, or
angelic, and that each age in the scale of involution made them more material;
and directly the lowest point of the arc was reached, then material evolution
commenced. But, of course, all these spiritual verities will open out to your
mind as you carefully think over this brief paper.
A Key to the Work of Abbot Trithemius, entitled "The Secondaries, or Ruling Intelligences Who,
After God, Actuate the Universe."
A.D. 29 TO 337
2188 TO 2497
2.497 TO 2806
Symbolical Illustration
of the
Divine Harmony of Nature's Laws
ruled the world for 308 years, 2082 days, retires in favor of the next succession, and fifth in the order, whose name is Anael, Prince of the
Astral Light and Chief Angel of the planet Venus, who, after ruling
the world for 308 years, 208z days, retires in favor of Raphael, who receives the scepter of earthly rule. Bright Raphael, the swift messenger
of the Gods, and presiding Intelligence of the planet Mercury, rules
for 308 years, 2082 days, when Gabriel, the negative, receives the
Ruling Powers. This Intelligence, who is the Angel of the Moon, governs the Earth for 308 years, 208z days, is the Seventh, and last, of the
order and this completes the Sub-Solar Cycle of 2,160 years, when
Cassiel once more takes command, and so on, Cycle after Cycle,
"ad infinitum."
NoTE: Cassiel is the usual name given to the Saturnine principle. The Abbot
Trithemius calls it Orifiel, as do several other writers. Hence, it is well to note, that
many names are used Kabbalistically; each name expressing the nature, or qualities,
symbolically, by the different Hebrew characters of which it is composed, each
different name belonging to the same state or intelligence; denoting different
aspects of its power or influence. All the active Principles, or positive angelic
Intelligences, as a rule terminate with El, while the negative or evil powers
terminate with On; one is solar, the other is lunar. This hint will be sufficient for
the student of the Occult, who must ever remember that he must not measure
good and evil by any modem conception of these terms.
Every power of Nature, whether it be an intelligent, or a non-intelligent power,
is ever striving to obtain an equilibrium; that which we call evil is but a more
intense expression of that which we call good; for instance, Pride, Love, Ambition,
love of Self and Combativeness, are good, when combined in their true proportion,
and any human being without any one of these, would be imperfect; but, carry one
or two of these, otherwise good qualities, to a great extreme, and we should witness
the greatest evil results. Then remember the Hermetic Law; "As it is below, so it
is above, as on the Earth, so in the sky."
center; b ut 2,160 yen.l's is a sub<'ydc, n twelfth pnrt of the Crcrtt Cy<:le. and the
period of the s,m passin,g through ono sign of the Zodiac Rnd ecw:ll to 30 de,J:trC'CS
of SJ>."lce. When the Sun h11t JXWt-d thro one sis:n he h<U comp)etcd one suhooeyde.
and the new Stab-cycle dates from hb entry into n fTcsh sism. For esampk-. the
Sun, at the end of the year 1880 A.D .. k-h the tlgn i'i"<les nnd ('nttrW Aqu:uius.
( It must be bome ' n mind that the Sun's motion thro SJ>RCC i$ cxnct1y the rov<:I'SC
o( the natural order of the 7_.odi:u:'!al ~iwu. as from A riM to Tnum"~:, etc.)
this it wtJJ be sc.-cn that the Sun in 1881 ~:m a nM.v suh<rcle. :rnd tl~t dlC otdn-
of $u~lon t:>( tho Sevoe-n Cov,.rnn" l'f <uch th:tt Michael ~ovcms the first term
or ench l!ign, so thnt by tho time Michael's rule works round a;.to.lin the Sun will
be entcrlng Capricorn, clc.
"The Sllnd kind ol C)-de I$ the pc-rio<l nf the &\ n Cm..,n10r<. whkh,
ahhout.:h o exactly the same duration l\'( the Sol.u sub-cycle o 2,160 )'C:lN. yet
it is not 1lle:\l!.l.IYCd Oy slgn~~t or cnnltcllntions, nnd. oonsc..-<auently, neither lX'"fn(
nor ICTm.lnotes with the sub-tyclc. hut Is mensured thus; from the comJ'Il(-'11C('IHult
o( Casslei*J rule to the tcrmin:aUon of Cabricl'5 is Otl<" oornpk'te period Or C)ck.
Tho third kind o a Cycle b the A~ o Hum;m ProgrbS, Mental and Physical.
and which altcmntcJy Cttrrk.~ It r:lc."C or J')L'Op)(" nf llll t.mpirc IO the !1\lllltnit of JlaWCf
:and l'ivlll7.ation nnd down ng~in, In $jlit<" of it...clf. to the ~reaH"'t depth" of
The dur:ation ()( thiJ Ctdt' vari<' cor'-"idn"hly. acrnf(l.ng to the l:rnd o rncc
it effects. l11e ~r~:uc.~t p eriod is the clumtion, nr rdgn, uf the Seven root r:'l('('~ of
c~:tch round. n1e next, the duration nf n ~ins:,lc) root mc..-c. Lastly. the dura.tion of
ach ol the numerous off-shoot ~CX'S brlon,:::in~ to th<' SM'<"'t br.1nel.es and their
minnr sub-races. Out, in any row, the Arc 0'110\'~ in the ~:unc h:umonious order.
ohcyfng the Divino impuiS"e of the Seven Etr-mnl PrincirJI('s of N:,turc. evt)Jving
its cne.r~ics in grcnl, mighty W\"1\'C$, wh<'n nd in ~;: tlw e.ar1ic!il root mc!'C$. :tnd oom
prising hundreds of thous:Ulds of r~rs in n .._;n~lc period, in smaller w:.vcs that
on be measured by ten" of thous."lnd~ ol )'e'~ wheO c..""ntrolling the ftrt':Jt branch
mcc-s. nnd fn ~('ntlcr ripples: or tiny wavdcts or ('n'.rnic enrtgy when directin~ the
minor s u))otaCC$ lllCASuring Al the mos t hut:\ ftW thous::mcl YCM S or ~uth'$ llmu.
The year 1881 may :ti)J)C::Jr in<'Ortect tn nny ont romcrs.:mt with modem
:IIStronomy, which maintains that our s~m Will llOt enter the- SiWJ Aqu:uius unhl
the year 1897 A.D. This is " diffC'r('lle<: ur )ixtccn yt....:n,, hut modem :utronomC'n
are wronJ.:t. The Sun <'r\tcr<'d Aqt1arlus lu Fdmuuy of J881. This Is not the only
mistake they h11vc to diSCO\'tr.
1'he present Crnt \\'~tern R.tt-c h one o( the !lo("\'('11 bmnchc.:c or 1he F1fth
root race. belo ,l.g:lng t'o the fomth rOund of C\'OiuUun, and the sub-meet mention!
in l~n Clc.r. when spc:tki n~t or the ruture glor)' ar~<l fall, dn not hy nny mc:uh
compriso or include the whol(' of the" Creal Wt....hm Ito(.-., Jt will lw- "'ffidtnt In
say that !'-ranee:, Entz;lnnd ( l..rnl Bnualn) and the Vuilt."'.l :,, .... -~ ~TUY he tnk"'' .,..
first year of his reign, Troy, the famous Trojan City was taken and
destroyed by the Greeks, and many other events faithfully indicate
the nature and power of Saturine influence. It will well repay those
who will study Ancient History.
After Cassiel, the benevolent Zachariel, Chief Agent of Jupiter,
became Regent of the world, and here we note the remarkable difference between the two Governors. In the beginning of this Angel's
reign, Rome, the Mistress of the world, was built, and the foundation
of a mighty Empire substantially laid. All Nations began to progress
rapidly int9 a more advanced state of civilization, and to cultivate
the Arts and Sciences, and lastly, but by no means the least of the
benefits conferred by Zachariel, was the production, toward the
close of his reign, of two of the most extraordinary men our era has
ever seen, viz., Gautama Buddha in India and Pythagoras in Europe.
The Angel Zachariel, was in power from the year B.C. 897 to the
year B.C. 588. Then came Samael, the Angel of Mars, who reigned
from the year B.C. 588 to the year B.C. 280. Thi!f period is one of
war, Martial Heroes and brilliant achievements on the field of battle.
A glance at the history of Greece and Rome will suffice to show how
true this is.
After Samael, came Michael, the Sun God, the shining chief of
the Seven Intelligences, and ruled the world from the yE!Ilr B.C. 280
to the year A.D. 29. During this period most Nations attained the
Climax of power and civilization. Toward the close of his reign, this
bright Angel presented the Nations of the West with a teacher, who
rivaled, in moral teachings and excelled in practical benevolence,
Gautama Buddha, the greatest moral reformer the East has ever
seen. This Teacher was styled by His followers, the Son of God, and
was called by name Jesus, the son of Joseph and Mary.
He was called the Son of God Astrologically, because He was
born into the world during the reign of Michael, the Sun God. And
esoterically because he was at-one with the Universal Father.
And it is remarkably strange, that, no sooner did Michael's Rule
end, than the numerous priestly enemies of this noble reformer became triumphant, and brutally murdered Him, as they have done
thousands of others in all ages of the world.
The great religious symbol of all exoteric religious systems and
dogmatic sacerdotal castes has been the Cross; inverted, it is a
bloody weapon, the sword, and past history can prove how well its
devoted priesthood knew its fearful use.
After Michael comes Anael, "Prince of the Astral Light," the
Angel of Venus and Love, who ruled from the year A.D. 29 to the
year A.D. 337. These were the days of religious persecution; the
days, also, of faith and love among the Christians for the doctrine of
their noble Chief. It was in these days when it was said, "How these
Christians love one another;" but, alas, it was also a time of great
licentiousness in Rome, when women, love, lust and debauchery were
the order of the day. This period will show the occult student the
two opposite powers or forces of Anael's influence. When exerted for
evil, it is all that is obscene and disgusting, but, when exerted for
good, it evolves that which is noble, elegant and true.
After Anaers rule terminated, the Angel of Mercury, or Raphael,
commenced to rule, and was Governor from the year A.D. 337 to the
year A.D. 646. It was during this period that the Gospels of the
New Testament were forged. Christianity, under the rule of the
Brain instead of simple faith and brotherly love, became proud.
From being persecuted, she became the persecutor. The church became dogmatic, cunning, and thoroughly determined to succeed at
all hazards. The most transparent forgeries were accepted as absolute truth. The mutilation of the works of the contemporary authors
of the Apostles and the earliest Christian Fathers, and interpolating
suitable passages of their own, were considered meritorious actions.
It was during this reign that the celebrated Council of Nice was
held, and the divinity of Jesus established-by vote.
At the end of the year A.D. 646 Gabriel, the Angel of the Moon,
became the Supreme Ruler, and reigned until the year A.D. 954.
This period, like all Lunar periods, was one of intellectual slumber.
The Dark Ages had set in, and gradually increased until Cassiel, the
Angel of Saturn, took command, and goverened from the year A.D.
954 to the year A.D. 1263, and made things worse.
Pagan darkness and gross superstitution held the sway, and
reigned supreme, until the year A.D. 1263. The lowest point in the
mental arc was reached, and Western nations were in the most dense
condition. But a change was at hand, for the benevolent Zachariel,
the genius of Jupiter, again resumed the management of the world,
and reigned until the year A.D. 1572. This period is one of almost un-
Mankind under this rule, will become physically and intellectually immensely superior to what they are now. Startling discoveries
in Chemistry, Electricity and all the physical sciences will be brought
to light. Steam will be superseded by Compressed Air (gas), ElectroMagnetism (atomic power) as a motive power. In fact a new era of
progress will dawn upon the world, as time and space will be annihilated by new transportation and communication; and, last, but not
least, Science and Religion will become blended, spiritual intercourse
an acknowledged fact, and Psychology the special study of the greatest Scientists of the day.
After the rule of Michael, Anael, Prince of the Astral Light, will
receive the Guardianship of the world, and reign from the year A.D.
2188 to the year A.D. 2497. This is the feminine period, and woman
will, during Anael's reign, become man's just and lawful equal, socially and politically. Intuition will show itself the superior of mere
intellect, and the human form, physically, attain its greatest degree of
perfection. Occultism will be taught in our Universities, Astronomers
become Astrologers, and drugs for the treatment of disease be consigned to the limbo of oblivion, to keep company with the Religious
Dogmas and Scientific Noodleisms of today. It is at this point that I
would warn all Western Nations. Remember that this is the period
of feminine force and love. Therefore, see to it that you form not
those magnetic conditions that would attract into your midst the
dark legionaries of Anael. If you do, Woe be unto you; as pride and
luxury, licentiousness and debauchery will result, and the fate of
Nineveh, Babylon and Rome will be yours; but if, on the other hand,
virtue, morality and pure affectional love, stand paramount amongst
you; then, all that is noble, elegant and true shall reign in. your midst.
Then shall Nations abolish fleets and standing armies, kings lay aside
their scepters, and a Universal Human Brotherhood begin to comprehend their common origin and Divine relationship with the GREAT
After Anael, in the order of the seven Governors, Raphael will
receive the Scepter of earthly rule-Bright Raphael, the swift messenger of the gods and presiding Intelligence of the Planet Mercury.
This will be the grand era of the mind, the age of the Genius of Humanity, to assimilate all the stores of knowledge, treasured up by the
past ages. This is the culminating point (see note below) of this sub-
cycle of the sub-Western races. Raphael will govern from the year
A.D. 2497 to the year A.D. 2806. During this period, the attainment
of Adeptship will be the highest ambition of the noblest minds, though
but few will attain unto this ideal height in any race of the present
round. Science and the Arts will attain unto a degree of perfection
unknown to any past age, and thus will close the Intellectual genius
of the Western Race.
From the summit we begin to retrograde, for Gabriel, the seventh Governor, now takes up the reins of power, and rules from the
year A.D. 2806 to the year A.D. 3114. This rule is again the stagnation of mind, and once more Humanity having attained the greatest
height possible in this cycle, begins to travel on the downward arc
and the nations again relapse gradually into ignorance, and spiritual
truth will materialize itself into concrete sacerdotalism, nor will mankind of the West again reach its climax of civilization until about the
year A.D. 7300.
NoTE: The culminating point of this Cycle is about the year A.D. 2800, or six years
before the expiration of Raphael's Rule. The Sub-Western Races, then at their
climax of development, will gradually decline, while certain other races of the
West will be rapidly rising on their ascending arc, as will the nations of the Orient,
who will culminate about the time of the Sub-Western Races reaching the lowest
arc of the Cycle.
Flint glass can be made with a temper equal to that sustained by the finest
steel, but the secret of its production is in the hands of the Ade~ts, and like all
other secrets, will be accidentally discovered when the proper time arrives.
Students of the Occult will know that these seven Angels, exoterically called Cassie!, Zachariel, Samael, etc., are not single individual or
Angelic or Spiritual Intelligences, but Angelic States, each state comprising innumerable hosts of purified Angelic Beings. The reason why
these seven states are termed the Seven Planetary Angels, is, because
their special force or power in its effects upon the earth's inhabitants,
corresponds magnetically with the force exerted by the Seven Principle
or Primary Planets whose names they bear; each state named after its
corresponding Planetary Nature.
These Seven ruling Principles in their combined total constitute
ONE RAY of the PRIMAL ESSENCE; and it is this ESSENCE whom
we call GOD, just as the seven varied tints in the rays of the Solar
Spectrum, constitute the pure white Light of the Glorious Sun.
There is, at the present day, a certain sect of Esoteric Christians,
or more properly students of Esoteric Christianity, who have very
mistaken ideas and opinions of what they call the new era, or the
reign of Michael, which commenced A.D. 1881. Without in the least
wishing to disparage the efforts of the students who are working with
what light they possess, in the cause of Truth, we must warn the
student of Occult Science against these erroneous theories, and say
at once, that the Grand Galleries of the Great Pyramid have nothing
whatever to do with "Anno Domini," 1881. These Esoteric Christians
are in possession of a certain book entitled "The Perfect Way," or the
"Finding of Christ." Against this work we have not one single word to
say, because it contains a vast amount of truth, but, like all works
upon the Occult, the truths are hidden from the unitiated. Failing to
perceive this fundamental fact, and taking the literal point of view, a
vast -number of Esoteric Christians, who completely misunderstand
the sublime truths contained in the book, joyfully imagine and proclaim to the public that this new Era begins the Love Element and
the Feminine Forces of Nature; and Woman shall become triumphant
during this era. That they are grossly in error "La Clef" will show.
They further proclaim that "Woman" shall become the grand central
figure of Humanity, the sublime Intuition of the Age. How these exponents of Esoteric Christianity can reconcile this theory, we cannot
understand. The feminine can never rule the masculine. As well
say the positive can be controlled by the negative, or a passive resist
an active force. Woman is in possession of a major portion of the
Intuitional, or feminine principles or powers, and only a minor portion of the masculine. Man is just the reverse. Hence it will be seen
that both sexes possess both qualities. When a race of Human beings
is dominated chiefly by the feminine principle, as in most of the
Oriental races of Humanity on every Planet, during the descent of
spirit into matter, the people are by far the most spiritual, but at the
same time they are vastly more dreamy, impracticable and simple, than
they would be if governed by the masculine force chiefly. Hence it is
that Humanity requires to undergo material incarnation; not to develop the feminine, but to evolve the masculine attributes of the Human Soul, and thus round out the positive individuality that will
enable the perfected Monad to say I Am. Again, many of the Esoteric
Christians are possessed with a species of prophetic mania, and almost go into hysterics of enthusiasm when they contemplate what
they allegorically term the second coming of the Lord, i.e., the era of
Michael, the Sun God, which, as they are well aware, commences in
1881. This class of Esoteric Christians triumphantly point to the
Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid, as indicating, by means of the
Pyramidal inch, this Era, but, unfortunately for these individuals, the
whole of their Esoteric Cycles, and a great part of their teachings, are
not based upon the immutable laws of Nature, but upon the unsatisfactory foundation of mere assumption. To begin with, they assert
that the index measurements of the Galleries of the Great Pyramid, consisting of 628, 1542, and 1881, point out certain periods of early Jewish. and later Christian history, and include the date, or time it was
built, up to the present day, or A.D. 1881. These assertions, for they
are nothing else, have no foundation in truth, and consequently are
not worth the paper they are written on. This theory really amounts
to saying that this grand monument of Ancient Egypt was built for
the special purpose of recording the prophetical data of a nation of
Israelitish Brigands, culminating with a Saviour sent to a nation of
degraded vagabond Jews, to get murdered for his pains; and this
Saviour's second rule, or advent, as a spiritual power to a few subraces or Western people who value little else but money and position,
whose motto is, "All sink if I swim," and whose only real God is Gold;
this second advent is esoterically, they say, the true conception of
Christ within, instead of without the Human Soul, of the people; but
this theory is absurd upon the face of it, because the acknowledgement
The real secrets and the inner mysteries of the sacred "Naros"
appear to have been entirely unknown to either medieval or modern
writers. In fact, the most prominent writers upon occult and theosophical subjects generally avoid all mention of it; or, if they do express their ideas, it is only upon its cosmic, or external aspects, as it
applies to the Macrocosm, of the sidereal heavens. But of its spiritual
and mystical importance, as it applies to the human soul of the Microcosm, they are universally silent. Briefly stated, the "Naros," in its
astronomical and physical aspects, is a Luni-Solar Cycle of the period
of the Sun and Moon, and is completed in six hundred years; and,
strangely enough, such a period also coincides with some remarkable
revolution in the mental and theological affairs of humanity; hence
a few extracts from prominent writers will not be out of place to prepare the student for that which is to follow.
Madam Blavatsky, speaking of the Naros in "Isis Unveiled," Vol.
I, pages 31-33, remarks "that he (G. Higgins) fails to decipher it (the
Cycle) is made apparent; for, as it pertains to the mysteries of
creation, this Cycle was the most inviolable of all. It was repeated in
symbolic figures only in the Chaldean Book of Numbers, the original
book, which, if now extant, is not to be found in libraries."
To the foregoing we may also add, neither will this Chaldean
Book be found in the crypts of Thibet, Madam B. to the contrary notwithstanding. She very pointedly tells her readers where they cannot
find such a book, but very wisely maintains a discreet silence as to
where this rare work can be found.
The learned Countess of Caithness, in her recent volume, "The
Mystery of the Ages," mentions the Naros on page 361 viz. "To the
Christian Theosophist, Jesus is a manifestation of 'Adonai', the Christ,
or Christ Spirit, of whom there have been many incarnations on this
Earth, and He the fullest and most perfect. They believe Him to be
the guiding guardian protector of this planet during His particular
cvcle. and that in coming to it, He comes to His own, not only to in-
struct, but to give a fresh impulse at the end of certain periods of six
hundred years, called Naroses, or Naronic Cycles, and if, therefore, it
could be proven by those who assert that Jesus is only a mythical, and
not an historical personality, the whole theory of the Naronic Cycles,
founded on astronomical science, which is to be found in the doctrines
of every ancient country, all over the civilized world, would fall to
the ground, and prove after a million of ages to be but a vain delusion."
It is scarcely necessary for us to point out that, if the Naros is as
the authoress asserts, "founded upon astronomical science," then the
Cycle is an astronomical fact, and as such is capable of mathematical
demonstration; consequently is, and always must be, totally independent of the existence of individuals. In fact, an astronomical cycle, if
true, possesses no real relationship with any personality, human or
Divine, and this being the case, the Naronic Cycle will remain just the
same truth, upon the plane to which it naturally belongs, whether the
Christian Jesus is proven to be either Myth, Man or God. Neither
does the genuine student of Occultism care, very much, in which position the supposed Redeemer is placed by the masses.
Therefore, the statement of the authoress that without the actual
physical incarnation of the personal Jesus this theory of "millions of
ages" would prove to be a vain delusion is the very height of mystical
absurdity, and the self-evident inanity of such an illogical argument
must surely become apparent to all reflective minds.
The learned Dr. Kennealy, Q.C., etc., in his book "Book of God,"
makes mention of the Naros upon pages 52, 53 where, viewing the
period as a Messianic Cycle, he remarks; "This Naros is the Luni-Solar
Naros, or Sibylline year. It is composed of 31 periods of 19 years
each and one of 11, and is the most perfect of astronomical cycles, and,
although no chronologer has mentioned it at length, it is the most
ancient of all. It consists of six hundred years, or 7200 Solar months,
or 219,l461h days, and this same number of days, 219,146%, gives 600
years, consisting each of 365 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes and 36 seconds,
which differs less than 3 minutes from what the length is observed
to be at this day."
"If on the first of January, at noon, a new Moon too\: place in
any part of the heavens, it would take place again in exactly six hundrl'd w~ars. at the same moment and under the same physical circum-
stances. The Sun, stars and planets would all be in the same relative
position." And in corroboration of what this learned doctor says,
Prof. Cassini, one of the great modern astronomers, declares "this
Naros to be the most perfect of all periods."
From this, then, we see the utter nonsense of modern theosophical mystics trying to twist and warp the harmonies of natural laws
to suit their dreamy, sentimental speculations. The Naros exists in
spite of each and every attempt of hallucinated mystics to make it
conform to their erroneous doctrines.
The Luni-Solar Cycle of 600 years is the absolute measurement
of mental development, and the Luni-Solar conjunction, which commences and terminates this Cycle, evolves forth the embryonic conditions which shall, during its rule, become manifested in the physical
world. It is not true, from an occult stand-point, that the Naros
specially refers to the birth of some great Saviour or Reformer. It is
only true, that the conditions which this Naronic conjunction evolve
prepare the way and call forth the man or men, who shall act as the
pioneers in the world's need of a higher and a more liberal teaching.
At the same time it will always be found that some very prominent
teacher or reformer is born into the world at about the same time,
not definitely to any nation or country, or exactly on time, within a
generation or two, but always near to the period of the Cycle; but
such teachers and law-givers are not the cause of the Naros, neither do
they become incarnated to fulfill the Cycle, as the Countess of Caithness very foolishly imagines, but they appear simply as the result
of increased mental energies, or in the downward arc of the race
they appear to crystallize the existing truths and veil those things
which have ceased to be of use and which may become a source of
A brief outline of this thread of mental evolution can be traced,
by noting that Guatama Buddha appeared in 600 B.C. or thereabouts,
and that 600 years later the Jewish Reformer, Appolonius of Tyanna,
appeared upon the scene of the world's history, then in another 600
years Mahomet, with his warlike issues came upon the planes of
human existence. Another Naros passes away when we have a complete host of inspired reformers, and the Reformation began, viz.,
1200 A.D. to 1300 A.D. and lastly, we bridge yet another cycle of the
Sun and Lo; we have 1881 A.D. ~nd naturally all eyes are looking
the motion of the tides, the ebb and the flow. When the Sun and the
Moon occupy the same plane in reference to the Earth, we have the
high spring tides, etc. It is the saii:J.e upon the mental plane, with
the human brain. The brain of man, magnetically, expands and becomes illuminated by the Luni-Solar influx, from the new to the full
Moon, at which time this magnetic force is at its maximum. It is
high tide, so to say, and those who have the care and experience of
lunatics will verify the fact, that, they become perfect astronomical
calendars of the Moon's increase and decrease of light.
Let us take a step further, and we then come to the real dominions of Naronia. SHE is the CYCLE of the SOUL and enacts upon
the spiritual plane of human existence, a similar series of events to
those of the Naros upon the mundane sphere of life. Hence, we can
trace a perfect analogy between the motions of the luminaries in
space and the revolution of purely psychic entities within the odylic
sphere of man.
Each year of life, the Earth, in her orbit, transits the point in
space which she occupied at a person's birth, or in other words, the
Sun returns to the same sign and degree of the Zodiac that he occupied
in the horoscope. In this transit, the Solar force renews the life energies of the Soul and regalvanizes them with additional force (we
are speaking spiritually, understand). These germs of new forces are
Virtues, Powers, Potencies and Deific attributes of the great Solar Orb.
They are spiritual ovums, or seeds of human possibilities, and if consciously nourished and cherished will evolve powers and states within
the Human Soul, which correspond in their action to our hidden
spiritual attributes. If unnoticed, uncared for, they remain until other
forces polarize them, and then pass onward down their cycle.
When the Moon, in the course of her motion, arrives at the same
place during each month, she impregnates these seeds and endows
them with magnetic life; therefore, in an occult sense, she confers
upon humanity the powers and possibilities of magical forces. It is
this Luni-Solar influx of Naronia within the human constitution, then,
that controls the real foundation and basis of spiritual development
and occult power.
Remember these most important facts, then, and, guided by your
own spiritual intuitions in the matter, use this knowledge according
to the light which Nature has already given you, or which you shall
EXPLANATORY NOTE: The Atama Bodha or Book of Soul Knowledge, is copied
from a free translation of a very Ancient Sanskrit Manuscript, written upon Palm
Leaves, and cannot be obtained except in rare and isolated Buddhist convents in
the remote parts of India and Tartary. It is therefore placed at the disposal of
Neophytes as a valuable Manuscript, of an unique and exceedingly rare work of
great merit.
T. H. Burgoyne, Private Secretary.
any protest against that knowledge shuts us out from the Spiritual
Life." Yagnaval Kya.
VIII. All the varieties of being are comprised in the One Being,
veritable and intelligent, who is bound up with all, eternal, all penetrating, even as gold is in all variety of ornaments.
IX. Even as the air, director of the organs of sense, the Master,
susceptible of diverse attributes, appears as distinct, by reason of their
distinctions, but when these attributes are destroyed (latent.), it virtually becomes one.
X. By virtue of these diverse attributes, species, names and different states are communicated to the Spirit, in the same wise as
different colors are to the water.
XI. The body, formed of the combination of the elements to the
number of five; Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Vital Breath; produced
by the effect of action (Energy), thus forms the seat of perception
of pleasure and of pain.
XII. The subtle body (Astral Body), which is not the issue of
the five grosser elements, but which is united with the five breaths of
life, with the faculty of interior comprehension ( Manas), with intelligence ( Buddhi), and the ten organs, is the instrument of the
perception of the interior senses.
XIII. The an-beginning (indefinite), ignorance without beginning (undefined), is called the casual attribute, but which differs
essentially from that triplicity of attributes, which is to be understood as Spirit (Atmanam Avadhavy).
XIV. In union with the five envelopes (Five Rogas), the pure
Spirit, or Soul, subsists as the nature of one or the other, absolutely
in the same wise, as a crystal reflects the colors of the various matters
that are brought near it.
XV. Strive by concentrating the thought (mind) to liberate the
supreme Soul, pure and free of the envelopes (Elements) to which
she is united, that the body and the other, in the same wise as is
sifted the grain from the chaff.
NoTE: The elements here referred to are the same intelligent forces generated by
the so-called four primary elements fire, earth, air and water, and may be appropriately designated the Elementals of the Astral Plane, who become active agents in
the fiery circulus, or astral zone, of the third or fourth dimensions of space. They
are soulless, semi-material, magnetic beings, and are the chief, and in a great
majority of cases, the only causes of the physical phenomena known to modern
spiritualism. It is these elementals, and in fact this Astral Plane that constitutes the
well-known Dwellers on the threshold in Occultism.
XVI. The Soul, although it penetrates into all things, does not
manifest itself in all places; but it becomes manifest in intelligence
(thought), as the reflection on the surface of a mirror.
XVII. The Spirit must be distinguished from the body, the organs
of sense, the interior sense and the intelligence, who has perfected
its nature, in the same wise as a true King watches his attendants.
NoTE: The Divine Spirit, or Ego, as also the Divine Soul, must not, under any
circumstances, be confounded with the reason (mind). Intelligent reason, etc., are
but varied expressions of Soul on the external plane, and do not exist at all within
the pure realm of Spirit proper.
NoTE: The one great thing needful for all Neophytes is to thoroughly realize the
vast difference between the appearances and the reality. There is much that could
be impressed as to the state which will enable one to distinguish between truth
and appearance of truth. Know, then, that all things possessing form and weight
are not what they seem, but are only external representatives of a more interior
Spiritual correspondence. The Human Ego, like the divine Soul, possess(ls neither
form nor weight; they are the pure formless emanations of Brahma. That which
we may term Soul is but the external expression of the interior Soul, in itself
ExPLANATORY NoTE: It must be borne in mind by the raader that the second part
of the Book of Wisdom is in reality a commentary, or explanation of the first Book,
and herein is set forth the actual secrets of the Kosmos. The whole arcana of Hindu
Occultism is here laid bare of its arcane terms and its metaphysics, so bewildering
to Western minds. It means the Initiation of the Soul and as such, it must be considered wholly apart from any internal formula, or ceremonial rite, consequently,
it corresponds mystically with the perfect at-one-ment of the early primitive
Christians, who taught that the kingdom of heaven (the region of Brahma) was
within. The full realization of this will sureiy bring unto the Neophyte that peace
of God which passeth all understanding, or the true Nirvana of our Oriental
T. H. Burgoyne.
I. Such a conception, "I am Brahma himself," incessantly maintained, dissipates the hallucinations born of ignorance even as a valuable medicine drives out disease.
NoTE: It is of great importance for Neophytes to fully realize that the constant
formulation of any idea, will, in due time (other conditions being fulfilled), through
a process of Psychic evolution, cause the subjective ideal to become an objective
fact, or from the embryonic plane of the soul state, to exist as a real entity, a
veritable spiritual reality. This is the true secret of the evolution of the Soul-powers
evolved by Occult training, and which in due time produces the all potent, perfect
man, the Adept.
IX. When the previous ignorance has been dissipated by knowledge (comparable to the light of dawn), then the Spirit itself manifests itself in a manner, shining like the Sun.
X. The Spirit, always accessible, becomes as inaccessible, as the
consequence of ignorance. This being dissipated, it shines as fully and
as truly accessible, in the same wise as jewels on a maiden's neck,
though she may have forgotten them.
XI. The Spirit of life (Principle of life) the undivided Soul, the
living Soul, is attributed, by error, to the supreme Being, or Brahma,
as in contempt we attribute, or liken the outward physical form of man
to that of his Creator.
NoTE: Again it is necessary to say we must not confound the Soul with the great
Spirit; neither must we disquiet ourselves by trying too soon to distinguish in
one's self the Soulf the principal of individual life, but be content to know one's
self to be identica with the universe, with Brahma Himself.
XII. But once having seen the tne nature of the Spirit of life,
this error disappears of itself.
Xlll. The l-nowledge that is born of the comprehension of the
being, having, of himself, his existence in reality, destroys completely
the ignornnce that c.:'\uscs us to say, "1 nm,'' "I nrn not," or "thnt npper
tnins to me," in the same mnllnt<r that the light of the Sun dissipat"s
all darkness nod uncertainty in the visible response of the sky.
XIV. The Yogi, the possessor of a perfect discernment, contcml>latcs all things as subsisting within himself, and thus, by the eye of
lcnowledge, he discover> that all is but the one and the same. Spirit
or Soul.
:o\OTB; Our ant:ient Author wishC':~ to $:lY how the Yogi sees, wilhout distinction
in the Spirit, all that is ~rttivcd in the visible world, with the ch:amcter of
diversity. All the world is the Spirit. in fact there exisl'i nothing but Sl)iriC. h is
similar to crockery plates, vc$.)()1S find other utensils, which nrc made or clay, no
matter w h.,'\t their sh:-.p.e, color, on1l $lt,c rnay be. At the bottom there ill 1\0thing
but <"lny.
XV. He who is from the force of vitality the potent man rejects
the qualities of the anterior attributes, viz., body, mind, etc., arc. on
a highe r plnne. only the oonooption.. of ignol";looo. He bceorncs Brahma
by reason of the essential natJre of his interior formative being, thus
he is perfectly happy, even ru the chrysalis becoming the butterlly.
XVI. After having tra,erscd the great ocean of illusion; after
havirtg destroyed in himscU tl1e evil Genii of passion, of hate, and
other vices, tl1e Yogi shines intimately, collected in tranquility, and
finds his ioy in the Soul.
XVII . Renouncing all nttnchments to an external and Geeting
happiness, satisfied with the IH>ppiness of the Soul, the wise man is
forever resplendent in the interior light, and, similar to a lamp under
glass shade, does he himself protect.
XVlll. The Muni ascetic, although he submits to the attributes
of the body, but comparable tn the Ether, not being soiled by the
nnturnl properties, should, although he knows all comfort himself,
as an ignorant man passing as the \vind, detached from all things,
yet mntcrial.
XIX. From the moment the attributes are destruyed, the Muni
(As<.-ctie ) enters immediately Into that which l>enctnltos all things
as the water into wat'er nnd nh into nir, the fire into tho fire.
the felicity, above which there is no greater felicity, the science, above
which there is no greater science, let it be known-This is Brahma.
XXI. There is no being within, without, above, or beyond the
One Being. All the interior, movable world, is the spirit of the One,
and the external world is the same soul. Nothing exists apart from
the One, and this One is Brahma.
XXII. The seen (object of vision), after which nothing more is
desired to be seen, the existence in union of which there is no fresh
birth possible, the knowledge above which there is no knowledge
desired, let it be known,-This is Brahma.
XXIII. The Being that feels all in the intermediary, superior and
inferior religions, living, intelligent, happy, without a second (duality),
eternal and one, let it be known,-This is Brahma.
XXIV. That which is designated in the Books of the Vedanta
under the mode of existence, rejecting all that is not for its own self,
the imperishable, incessantly happy, the One, let it be known,-It is
Brahm a.
XXV. Admitted to a portion of happiness, belonging properly to
the Being incessantly happy, Brahma; and the other Gods (Gods of
the vulgar masses), because at various degrees, partially happy.
XXVI. All things belong to Him ( tl1e One), all activity depends
on the One (Intelligent). This is why Brahma is everywhere diffused,
as cream in the mass of milk.
XXVII. That which is neither bound, nor gross, nor short, nor
long, nor subject to birth, nor perishable, that which is without fonn,
without quality, without color, without name, let it be known,-lt is
XXVIII. He by whose splendor shines the Sun and the stars, but
who is not enlightened by their lightness, He by whom all things are
illuminated, let it be known,-It is Brahma.
XXIX. Penetrating all of himself, alone from within and from
without, illuminating the entire universe, Brahma shines from afar,
even as the light of radiant Suns.
XXX. Brahma has no similarity of appearance with the worlds,
for in reality, there exists nothing else but Brahma. Shall something
produce itself external to Him? It is nothing but a vain appearance,
as a mirage, that figures on the wastes of the desert.
XXXI. All that is seen, all that is heard, is not different from
Brahma, and by a knowledge of the truth, this Brahma is contemplated
as the existent, intelligent, happy, indivisible Being.
XXXII. The eye of science contemplates this living, intelligent,
happy, all-penetrating Being, but the eye of ignorance knows not how
to contemplate it, in the same way as a blind man knows not how to
contemplate the varied forms of external nature around him.
XXXIII. The soul, illuminated by the sacred lore and other means
of knowledge, warmed by the fire of science and purified, shines of
itself with the brilliancy of gold seven times purified in the furnace.
XXXIV. The Atman Spirit (or Divine Soul), the sum of all knowledge, resting in the ether of the heart, drives away darkness, penetrates all, shines, and all is illuminated.
XXXV. This is the great completion of existence; it is the great
and final deliverance from sin, from pain, and also from death; and
when compared with the vanities of this illusionary world, it is the
Pearl of Great Price, and happy indeed is he who becomes its
XXXVI. He, therefore, who undertakes the pilgrimage of the soul
that is within his own self, without considering the state of the heavens
or the country, or the time, dissipates the cold and the heat, and attains
unto a perpeh1al happiness, free from all impurity. This one, freed
completely of works, becomes omniscient, all-penetrating, and
Materialistic Science demonstrates, beyond all disputes, the indestructibility of matter, and consequently aids, assists and verifies
the teachings of our ancient Sages, who taught, as we still teach, that
matter is but an objective phenomena, expressing form and weight,
which in themselves, are but relative terms. Matter is but the condition of the external, expressing by its infinite correlations and forces,
its exact correspondence with an internal cause. It is the same thing
in a negative state, or the antipodes of Spirit. Matter and Spirit,what are they? They do not exist, except as relative terms to express
the ideal states of the one Primeval Force, viz., of Action and Repose.
T. H. Burgoyne.
The soul is not the spirit, but it is that by which the spirit is
known, or, rather, that by which we understond the nature and powers
of the spirit. In the flrst chapter of this work n complete definition of
spirit is given, so far as humnn bnguage ean express or define an
undefinable entity. When we come to define the soul, we are (.'(Impelled to usc illustration.s tll~t shall follow out the definition there
action, but is not the soul itself. It is an attribute of the soul, just as
the soul is an attribute of the divine Ego, and this divine Ego, in its
turn, is a crystallized attribute or expression of Deity. What then is
Deity? the reader may ask. All that we are able to answer is, Absolute Potentiality; pure, formless spirit; unlimited, unconditioned intelligence. Definition can go no further in this direction.
Having attempted to define the soul as distinct and yet inseparable from the spirit, we will now try to give some idea concerning its
attributes, and in this connection it will greatly aid us if we first
point out the difference between the soul and the body, and also the
The physical body is evolved by a reflex action of the interior
soul during the process of evolving its spiritual organism. The medium
between the two is the astral form or spiritual body. It is from the
latter that the physical body receives its form and force. The spiritual
organism protects itself, so to say, from the external plane by evolving an astral raiment. This raiment, or astral body, crystallizes a more
or less distorted reflection of the spiritual form around itself and
thus produces what is known as the human form divine, upon the
external plane. This physical organism is constituted and evolved in
such order as to render the most perfect expression (in unison) of the
physical senses. No one sense is in excess of another, in a perfectly
sound human organism; while the different animals generally typify
the extreme expression of some one particular sense, as sight, scent,
feeling, etc.
This human body, through the mediumship of the brain, which
is the sounding board of the senses, communicates with the external
world which is composed of various elements. The result is form,
sound, color, etc. Our senses, then, constitute the only source of our
external knowledge, and form the basis from which spring our ideas,
thoughts and feelings. Our thoughts are thus moulded by the various
phenomenal states through which we pass. This state is our external
consciousness. It is purely an intellectual state, based upon, and depending upon the continuance of the physical senses while on earth.
The sum total of human knowledge upon special subjects is tabulated
and classified; this is reduced to a system and called science. We are
thus able to see and appreciate the relation of the physical senses to
the physical body, and grasp their importance to the still remoter
In attempting to elucidate the problems of "Mortality and Immortality," death and life, it must be understood that we are dealing
with questions that depend, in a very great measure, upon the construction which is placed on the terms used. It is not our province to
enter into the scientific minutia of these problems, nor to present the
student with an abstract of learned nonsense concerning the various
derivations from which the words are supposed to have reached us.
Equally unimportant to our purpose is the sense in which our hoary
ancestors may have used them, seeing that such questions must ever
remain purely matters of speculation and opinion, and "when doctors
disagree, who shall decide?"
At present we are concerned with the Occult side of the problems, and with laws which are so far removed from the realms of mere
opinion as to constitute eternal realities; the manifestations of which
can be realized and verified by each individual soul for itself.
Simply and briefly stated, immortality means life, continued life;
mortality means death or the extinction of life, and therefore stands as
the antithesis of life and immortality. At least, such is the generally
accepted sense in which the words are now used. Mortality and immortality in their external relation towards each other stand as polar
opposites, and as such they are the alpha and omega of cyclic existence. They represent "the evening and the morning" of every phase
of God's infinite creation, upon the outer planes of manifested being,
i.e., cosmic evolution. Life and death, then, form the grand spiral
axis of time, and its resultants to the human mind are seen in the
world of phenomena.
For the sake of convenience we will consider each problem by itself, and then, as a stimulant towards mental reflection, leave their
relationship to each other, to be thought out by each reader, separately,
for himself.
Mortality, as previously stated, means death and extinction upon
the material plane. But when viewed from the higher and more in-
ternal spiritual activity the tree possesses a karmic sphere within the
astral spaces of its life wave. The astral tree, if we may so call this
karmic counterpart, is far more beautiful in its wonderful details, and
more perfect in its symmetry and geometrical proportions than the
physical tree of earth. When the material tree no longer exists as a
living earthly organism, the arboreal image within Nature's wonderful laboratory becomes the means of reflecting the outlines of a still
more perfect vegetable organism upon the outward planes of matter. These outlines of astral skeletons of future trees possess the attractive force which draws within them the living germs of the young
seedlings growing upon the earth. This action feeds the physical tree,
then goes to lower forms.
The greatest perfection of one tree becomes impressed within the
astral light and becomes the means of developing a more perfect organism of its kind in the next generation. The ideal of the tree becomes
externalized in its offspring.
The trained psychic, and those who naturally possess spiritual
lucidity, can see this ethereal vegetation within the astral world.
Therefore, proofs of the two planes of existence may be quickly obtained, should they ever be required. The internal plane is more
alive than the external, but to resume. The physical tree disappears,
but does not die as we suppose. When physical death transpires it
undergoes a change; the sphere of its activities become translated, removed from the external to the internal, in strict obedience to the
higher laws of its internal nature. Thus we see that the tree, having
served its purpose on earth, vanishes from external sight, while its
ethereal counterpart performs another cycle upon a higher plane.
When each has fulfilled its purpose the various evolving atoms which
constituted its life form, obeying the interior laws of their cyclic
round, seek re-incarnation. They separate and the cycle is complete.
The individual tree no longer exists as a tree. But there has been no
death in any case; only a change of form; for the atomic forces of
the tree re-appear upon a higher plane in a million varying forms
throughout every department of Nature.
Having considered death in regard to the tree, let us now examine, in the animal kingdom, the case of the tiger. We have already
stated that Nature ever strives to externalize ideas and thoughts in
some form or other. This statement. must be borne in mind. The
himself for the present to accept the revelations which will be made
upon the authority of those " flo do know, and have vcrlfled the truth.
In chapter II of section II of this work " Hermetic Constihttion of
llfan," occurs a description o: the animal soul, ns it is called. Now,
that mognetie sphere of our planet whidt exactly corresponds to the
animal soul of mnn, is what is Occultl) terrned "the Dock Satellite."
Therefore, in order to comprehend this dusky <pher<-. its nahne and
functions, it is absolutely neces.<ary to understand the nnhn<- and fun<>
lion nf the animal soul of man. together with its r<-lntions to th<' t>ther
six divisions; and also, to clearl> grasp man's relation to the planet of
which he forms, as it were, an atomic part towards an organic whole.
When the above is understood, it will then be seen that this
dark, magnetic orb constitutes the grand center or focus of the Earth's
animal force; in other words, it is the realm of the undeveloped good
in Nahlr(', whose t~rrible mo:to is embra<:ed in the word SELF.
During the "Golden" aoc "Silver" periods of our Earth's evolution,
this dak satellite was in the aphelion portion of ils orbit and its influcuco wns scarcely felt; or else, its inAucncc wns seen and recognized
only in its true relation of animal force and undeveloped good. i\s a
factor of evil it was impercet>lible. But during the Copper and Iron
ages the dnrk satellite gradually approached the Earth, and its degrading forces became more and more bewildering and potent until
tho year 188 t, when it passed its grand perihelion point. The year
1881 was to sec the second c:>ming of the Lord. Many sects expected
Jesus to come in person, select their group as the chosen few, guide
them to heaven and leave aU others on earth to suffer their fate because
of their sins and non-belief. ':"his proved to be a real error. The ushering in of new spiritual thought and the new atomic age is actually tbc
new dispensation, the second corning of Christ. Wars are necessary
to bring about the change, the old must be uprooted before the new
can take its place. The dark qrb is now slowly but surely receding,
and although the clouds are not lifted from the mental' horizon; and
though the fearful world -wide conflicts which occurr~'(l nrc not >et
settled; nnd confusion and chaos seem 1nOI'O widespread and error
more nunpnnt than ever before in the world's history, yet the crisis is
past its dnrkest culminating point. As it is often darket just before
break of clny, so even now the dawn of a brighter morn is at hand,
when the faithful, resolute trJth-sceker shall be able to solve for him
self this awful problem of goxl and evil, ol light nnd shadow. Therefore, sustained by the knowledge of the ultimate victory of order and
equilibrium over chaos and opposing forres; even though all mankind
ar<' enveloped in the darl-ne.s of battle and involved in the vortices
of the defeated legions of error; let us turn our attention more closely
to the satellite itself, which has been such a disturbing factor to our
plnnct"s mental equilibrium; and consider this sphc~ with special
reference to the implications of rcsponsihility forced upon ev('r}' SOul
seeking light and immortality.
disembodied souls and external humanity. Such a movement, however, is doomed to ultimate fa.ilmc, ns there are certain absolute
truths connected with spiritualism that wilJ live, notwithstanding
the ignorance of the expounders, its many errors and gross impostures. These truths can neither be suppressed by inversive magic,
nor smothered by a n oriental theory. Their misrepresentations are
too patent to the candid mind, and reaction against the spceulative
mentality of the East, sooner or later, is sure to set in. The Western
matter-of-fact mind, will tear the grim mask from these would-be
brethren of the snow-clad Himalayas, and show to the world who
are the denizens of the shadow, and who are the children of light.
At this point the question na~mally arises, "of what personal
or selfish benefit is the propagatiOn of error to the inhabitants of
the dark satellite?" The answer is simply this, it furnishes them with
the means of prolonging their external existence while on earth,
II. "There are two states of being; one is mortal, the other is
III. "That which is mortal is dissolvable, and dissolvable bodi<"s
pas-s away like a mist in the morning."
rejected their Creator, behold, they are purified after much sufFering
and are sent to the world again."
The teachings involved in the above laws are so clear, so simple,
and we may also add so divinely just, that to attempt in any way to
explain or annotate them would only be to sow the first seeds of
error and misunderstanding. We will, therefore, leave them with
the reader as they are, pure and free from the mental bias of any
mortal being.
In a previous chapter we have shown that all realms of life
above the human are immortal, and that those below this plane
are mortal, or, they only possess the possibilities of immortality in
a rudimentary form. Man, alone, possesses the elements of both life
and death. The laws of life have also been fully elucidated, and the
soul which even only imperfectly obeys them will, "after it has
been purified by much suffering," ultimately reap the reward of
eternal conscious existence. Consequently, the great majority of
those souls who are really human beings, will inherit immortality
as the natural consequence of their humanity. But there are exceptions,
which though few in number, comparatively, require special notice.
These exceptions may, for the sake of convenience, he divided into
three distinct classes. The first and most numerous class consists
of imperfectly organized, sensitive, weak-natured individuals, with
little or no mental bias, who possess strong mediumistic magnetisms.
Individuals of this class, though perfectly human to begin with,
soon lose the actual control of the external organism, and in consequence, the body becomes the obedient instrument for any and
every class of disembodied earth bound spirits, or, what is still
worse, it may become the slave of some vicious elementary. In this
case there was no real or true individuality to start with, therefore,
no one can assert truthfully that he was actually acquainted with
the true personage; for, most probably the real soul had departed in the
very early infancy of the organism's physical existence, how, when,
or where, none but the trained seer can tell. In every individual case
the astral causes that produced the soul's abortion will differ widely.
The second class are those who fall victims to premeditated
obsession, and are by no means so numerous as the former. In this
case the organism is generally very fine, so far as the magnetic
temperament is concerned, but the soul is utterly wanting in spiritual
hence they fall an easy prey to the members of the Black Magi
and their inversive astral Brethren. Their selfishness, combined with
tlleir unbounded ambition and desire for power, precipitate them
headlong into the most frightful practices, where, surrounded by
the infernal rites of their diabolical seducers, they become the
helpless slaves of the very powers they sought to control. Henceforward, they are lost. As the Hermetic law states, "They are punished
with death," and they know it, and consequently are compelled,
for their own safety, to remain faithful to the order which entrapped
them. Their only motto is self, their only desire is to live, and this
they wiU do at any cost. For their own single lives they would
S3criBce the balance of God's creation, if such a thing were possible,
simply because death to them is death iD reality.
In the first and second classes of socalled lost souls, the true
individual, as we have shown, does not become lost, he is "the
foolish," ignorant soul, "sent to the world again." Not sent to the
world again by means of re-incarnation in matter upon the outward
planes of life, but by a sympathetic union with some kindred soul
on earth, whose experiences they can experience, whose sorrows
they can feel, and whose joys they can share. The writer has beheld
numerous cases of this kind, where the soul of some unfortunate,
mediumistic organism was sympathetically attached to the organism
of a living individual, as a means of progress, and of completing
this round of external experiences. In this class a person simply
loses his physical organism. This personality, along with the animal
and astral portion of it, becomes a lifeless shadow at death, and
slowly disintegrates within the magnetic spaces of the astral light.
It is a misty forrn, incapable of personating its original owner, or
of being "galvanized into temporary life." While the counterfeiting,
obsessing forces, after loss of the physical body run the cycle of
the magneUc existence within the electro-vital spaces of the planet,
then become attached to the eighth sphere, the Dnrk Satellite or
orh of death. This attraction is brought into force by virtue of
their affinity with the realms of elemental being. They have sunk
beneath the plane of humanity, and consequently are no longer
human, and when once they become enclosed within the fatal
magnetic whirl of death, they lose the polarity over the feeble
atoms which constitute their only being, and gradually dissolve,
atom by atom, like the poisonous miasmatic mists before the rising
sun. While the Deific Atoms themselves, which these lost personalities
failed to realize, imperishable as ever, enter upon a new cycle of
involution and evolution, thus slowly building up new individualities
for themselves. Not on this planet, the scene of their failure and
suffering, but on a higher plane, in worlds more ethereal than ours.
and thus presents to us the equipoise between the human and the
From the lowest grade of the human being on the external
planes of matter up to the highest grade, or the perf~ct man, there
are seven states; so, also, in the realm of spiritual humanity, there
are seven states from the perfect man up to the angel. The vast
importance of this grade of life, or spiritual adeptship, is also manifest
from the fact, that, it is upon the boundaries of the sixth and seventh
state of this grade, that, the two halves of the divine soul become
permanently and eternally united. The twin souls, male and female,
when united, then constitute the complete whole of the divine Ego.
This mystical union is "the marriage of the Lamb" of Saint John,
wherein the man becomes the angel, the human becomes divine,
and enters upon the unknown cycles of Deific life. He is the grand
angelic hierophant of celestial mysteries; the nature, power and
function of which, are too transcendent for the comprehension of
embodied mankind.
3. Smell
4. Sight
5. Hearing
6. Intuition
7. Thought
1. The power to psychometrize
When the human soul has attained unto these seven states, his
divine right to rule follows as a natural sequence. The powers of the
will increase as the attributes of the soul expand; therefore, it is
perfectly useless to preach so much about cultivating the will, since,
that is accomplished by evolving the soul qualities or senses. The
magical powers of the adept, which enable him to partially control
the elements and to produce various kinds of physical phenomena,
at will, are not the outcome of that terrific will force, so pleasing as
a sentiment to many drawing-room occultists, but, they are the mild
expressions of a fum but gentle soul in the process of evolving forms,
in the spiritual imagery of thought. There is nothing "tremendous,"
nothing of the "fearful intensity," about it, for the slightest tremor
of the purified soul, when consciously placed en rapport with the
astral light, will produce surprising results. And the higher the plane
from which the embodied adept projects his thought desire, the
more extensive and potential the phenomena in the sublunary world
of effects.
Such, then, is adeptship; such are the glorious possibilities attainable by the human race, when the spiritual attributes of their
being are allowed to grow and expand in the sunny atmosphere of
a pure and unselfish life. It is a state that may well be regarded as
the climax of our Earth's possibilities upon her outward plane. A
victory of which the human race may justly feel proud, is the grand
triumph of the Soul over the forces of matter.
otherwise, by examination of the article. Remember, that, many efforts may be required to arouse the dormant sense into action; therefore, do not be discouraged at repeated failures. The sense of spiritual hearing or clairaudience will follow the senses of sight and
touch as a natural sequence. When these senses are evolved the
primary difficulties are over and that one who will thenceforward act
as master and teacher will make himself known. How, when or where
we cannot say, but, there will be no mistake; no fear of deception by
the Black magi; the truth will be realized within; it will not require
one single shadow of external phenomena to convince that soul
which is fully prepared for the master's reception; neither will the
student have long to wait in expectation. "At the very hour when the
soul is ready, behold its guide will appear."
The student should fully realize by this time, that, the soul
powers mentioned above, possess nothing in common with the socalled spiritual gifts, evolved during the development of spirit mediumship. The medium is under the partial or absolute control of
some foreign mind, but the neophyte, in the course of his development, evolves powers which are the free, clear, conscious outcome of
his own divine nature. Consequently, in self protection, when training
our spiritual nature, we should isolate ourselves from contact with
the discordant world as much as possible. A life among the wild
mountain solitudes is especially potent in this respect, as it brings us
at once in direct contact with Nature as she really is. In these surroundings, the senses of the soul become stimulated and quickened,
the physical organism is removed from the contaminating pollution
of city life, and is thus protected from the unseen snares and temptations of the world. And as the external mind, when alone, soon begins
to explore the craggy mountain sides and examine their fauna and
flora; so the soul, when removed from the chaiil.ing magnetism of
large masses of men, soon begins to soar upwards towards its source
on high, returning from each spiritual Hight with some occult treasure for its owner, though he at first may not fully realize the precious
jewels which he is accumulating.
As there may be many roads which will ultimately lead us to the
same mountain top, so there are many systems of occult training.
But the one best suited for the Western Races has been presented.
The end in view of every system is the same, viz.; first to evolve con-
scious lucidity, then the rest will follow. When once the aspirant
becomes the accepted neophyte, whether he personally sees the master
or internally realizes him, makes no difference, his future progress
depends upon his strict obedience to the commands received, unselfish
motives, and a pure life.
To persons of negative temperaments, Yoga training will produce the desired results. But this system is more suitable for eastern
organisms than Western. There is, however, a mine of Occult lore
in "Yoga Philosophy."
With these remarks we bring the present course of occult study
to a close. The studies presented here are probably as much as
the ordinary human mind will be able to realize, during this age
of the world. At every step we made in writing this book, we had
to fight against the fierce, cruel legionaries of the Black Magi,
whose terrible secrets we have been the means of revealing to the
world. These inversive brethren pose before the world to-day as
the harbingers of light and oriental wisdom, but, beneath this
external delusive glamor, we can see the bloodthirsty forms of the
shadow. Our task has been accomplished rather with the point
of the sword than through the instrumentality of the pen. The
mediumistic upholders and supporters of oriental magic, dogma
and delusion, have also done their best to destroy our work; but
it lives; and will survive long enough to crush them with its glittering
force; for omnia vincit veritas, constitutes the motive force behind
it. Charges of fraud, and accusations of Black magic, have been
systematically tried without avail; and nothing now remains for
them but calumny and slander; but, whatever these inversive opponents of truth may see fit to bring forth in the future in order to stem
the swelling tide of Occult knowledge and spiritual progress, rest
assured, they will ultimately fail; and the terrible agonies of their
conscious defeat will discount a thousand times the benefits of an
apparently temporary gain. Here we close this part of our work,
casting our labors as bread upon the mental currents of life, and
wait with patience, for it will be after many days ere the results
will be known. In the meantime, we shall rest with the certain
knowledge that whatever is, is good, undeveloped though it be.
Throughout the preceding chapters the author has repeatedly
directed his criticism against Buddhistical Theosophy. In so doing
he desires his readers to always bear in mind that, he does not include
any true Theosophist, nor any really earnest seeker after the hidden
light of Occult lore, be they theosophists, Jews of the orthodox faith,
or Christians. In using the terms of Buddhistical Theosophy, Modern
Theosophy, etc., he means only the hidden disseminators and public
worshippers, of that peculiar phase of Buddhism wrongly called esoteric, which make re-incarnation and Karma an absolute dogma of
faith; and the corner stone of Occult philosophy; as intimated by the
real external founder ofT. S. in the columns of ''The Path," in an article
professing to "explain" certain very inconvenient passages in "Isis
~i~rai~~~~90!mk~~ ~~~
Now, within ow cube of pure mineral all the other six can be
absorbed, although all are exactly the same size, and there will re-
main visible the one cube of matter, and, to the physical senses, it
will be just the same after as before this absorption, except that it
will weigh a little more after the other six are a part of it. It is a
STATE WITHIN A STATE, as the soul within the body, the Astral
body, the Spiritual body, etc., and the Divine Ego is in the SEVENTH
STATE, viz. the Celestial Heavens of our solar system; but we can no
more precisely point where, as to a certain point in space, than you
can locate the ether and the atmosphere; it is above and around us
as well as within. Until the human mind is capable of understanding
the terms WITHOUT and WITHIN apart from supposing that, a
thing within must be smaller than the object enclosing it, and that
the atoms of the one constitute a world totally free and apart from
the atoms of the other, no real conception of a true spiritual reality
can be formed. The very world in which we live, the houses we
occupy, and the streets we frequent, are equally as crowded spiritually as materially. There are Astral Cities within Material Cities, and
the inhabitants of the interior are as unconscious (generally) of the
physical inhabitants of the exterior as the exterior masses are of the
internal occupants. These lower cities and states are upon the first
or earth sphere, and constitute the Hells of the soul world, and stimulate all the real Hells we see in every crowded city. You must not
look upon the Divine Ego as some great angelic power. It is a simple
Cherub of Innocence, lacking wisdom and real intelligence, even as
a babe. The two parts of itself are the soul monads projected from
the little, pure Cherub Sun, like reflected rays; and its powers become
crystallized in matter; the Man, the Wisdom or Intelligent and Positive force; and the Woman, the Love and Formative or Plastic power;
finally the cycle is complete; the Man in his acquired Wisdom and
conscious knowledge of Creation; and Woman, in all her matured
Beauty and realized Love; then the Soul Ego becomes absorbed within their own Divine Form, and they become like two suns, which
eternally revolve around each other, the CENTRAL INVISIBLE
FOCUS of which is the atomic point of contact; and you can no more
locate this invisible Deity than you can tell where the Red rays of the
spectrum terminate, or where the Orange rays begin. It is a part of
each. It is no more a part of one than of the other, and the two form
one complete whole. This is as far as language can explain.
You ask whether it is right to appeal to the Divine Soul as within.
Yes it is. Woman should always locate her aspirations in the breast.
Her bosom is the seat of her highest spiritual vibrations. The brain
is the location in man.
Each planet prepares the zone for her own disembodied offspring.
The souls of these zones have formed a grand inter-planetary zone.
This is a fact which I have verified; but this zone is not in direct
contact with our earth.
All of the visible stars; telescopic or otherwise, belong to our
Universe and this universe has one mighty, inconceivable center; a
glorious spiritual sun. Each one of the myriad suns of the first order
are parents of countless secondary suns, and our own sun is one of
these secondary suns. We cannot see any other Universe than our own,
until we reach the solar sphere and become the angel; and then, not
until we are prepared to ascend into other and brighter realms of
Mankind face a glorious destiny and the small sufferings of external life, fearful though they may seem to those still in the flesh, are
as nothing compared with the endless possibilities of the human soul.
And Oh, how my heart longs, at times, for the bright realms that I
have so often trod; for the glorious vistas of the Infinite's bright creation; for that plane of life wherein the soul perceives the might and
majesty of GOD in all the scintillating gems of His flashing, fiery
crown. Each jewel is a glorious sun pulsating with creative life and
carrying onward in the wild, whirling journey of evolution, its brood
of planets with their countless races of intellectual beings, souls and
Deific entities, brought forth as the manifestation of the Infinite Good
The symbol upo:Q. the cover of this book The Light of Egypt is
complex. It is the symbol of Spiritual Initiation, and means, literally,
"I have pierced the illusions of matter. I am conscious that I am
Divine." The seven stars represent the seven Principles of Nature.
The serpent represents the objective phenomena, and the arrow piercing the serpent represents the human soul which is conscious of its
origin, power and destiny.
It is when I read such articles as the one put forth by Huxley
that my own eternal spirit rises in just indignation. Oh, that I could
spread before the suffering world but one tithe even of the grand,
glorious, eternal spheres of supernal existence that await the human
souls after the change called death. Oh, that I were only able to reach
each human heart, that must sink in despair when they read such
soul-killing words of Atheism, and breath~ into them the 1oys of the
land that is beyond the sunset of this earthly life; of the land that is
indeed fairer than day, where the spirits and angels dwell. Would that
I could only reveal to them the marvelous beauties of super-mundane
life that I and others have seen with our very eyes and recite the
wonderous harmonies we have heard with our ears; speak to them
of the unutterable beauties of celestial landscapes that our feet have
trod, and tell them that life is ETERNAL and PROGRESSIVE; and
that the soul's own bright individuality increases forever in Wisdom
and Immortality. But, alas, it can not be. Men and woman must work
out their own salvation and render unto themselves a just account
of the deeds done while in the body. They would not accept the
eternal food I spread before them, they would not understand. I am
like a rich man, possessing in over-flowing abundance the fruits that
are eternal, while thousands pass my door, starving; and yet they will
not come in and be filled. But they continue on their way, seeking
after dreary forms of belief that crucify them in Faith, Hope and
Charity; they persist in flying from the light to become blind followers
of blinded professors.
The soul at death enters the astral soul world immediately surrounding the planet. After purification, it passes on to the mighty
zones in the orbital path of the earth. It is in these beautiful zones
that the spirit homes, in the true sense, exist. Your higher aspirations,
your sublimest ideals are there, beautiful, living realities entwined with
the struggles, hopes, thoughts and victories of the Twin Souls.
My science and the religion I teach and wqrship is Nature's laws;
my aim is the royal grandeur that surrounds the true perfected man.
Thank God, I know, my teachings are not speculations. They are the
living outcome of what I have seen with my eyes, found with my mind
and heard with my ears.
If the emotion responds to the expression, it does serious harm;
for the emotions are the reactions of the magnetic vibrations produced
upon the Odylic Sphere; and, like a storm (it is really a storm) at sea,
even after it is over and the sun shining again, etc., there is still an
angry swell of the waves for some time; and the more frequent such
emotions are brought into play, the more susceptible the actor be-
comes and the more readily they will respond in stern reality to the
parts they have played. If we want harmony, love, truth and true
brotherhood, we want as little of the contrary conditions as possible.
The true growth is to imitate love when hatred springs up; childlike innocence when jealousy would take full possession. There cannot be too much of this, if the motive be pure; if impure, then hypocrisy is the outcome, and this is wrong.
Never pantomime anyone except for some very important reason,
because when so doing you penetrate the astral life forces of the person, and so very few are pure that you cannot help suffering to some
extent from the contact. An angel is not pure enough to enter Hell
and return without taint, except after a special preparation for the
purpose, and besides this you contact magnetic currents that may
react upon you for many years to come.
One word about facial expression; when a person has such complete control as to personate Hate, and, at the same time feel Love,
they may carry such facial expression to any extent without danger.
This is true art. It is, however, imitating Nature under false pretenses,
so to say.
Twins in spirit are naturally a part of each other, and when the
state of Angelhood is reached, there is but one Odylic sphere between
the two. It is the Mystery of the Trinity; God the Father, God the
Son, and God the Holy Ghost; yet there are not three Gods, but only
One God.
It is the Male, the Female and the Divine Ego, or Crown, united
in the grand triad of Angel that completes the Trinity. The Divine
male, or Wisdom, which gives forth the idea of all action; the Divine
female, which clothes the idea of her Lord with form from her creative nature, and the sexual vibrations of both which endow the idea
with evolutionary life and motion; these constitute one of the arcane
mysteries of life.
On such subjects as these I could write volume after volume and
neither tire nor reach the end of experience and the things I have
seen and heard in realms of brighter beings than on earth. Many
marvels have been disclosed to me in my wanderings in the Occult
world. I could tell you of the homes of the dead, of the damned, of
the lost; of the homes of the blest, of the pure and virtuous in life;
and of infinitely higher realms than these, where no mortal of earth
hath trod, or even dreamed of; except he has passed through the fire
of soul purification, a fire seven times hotter than the fiery furnace
that purified Shadrach and his companions.
I put my body into the deep magnetic sleep and instantly leaped
forth into the boundless ether. Oh, how gloriously Orion and the
Pleiades were shining in the starry vault of night. The Moon lent her
glory to the scene while all the living, pulsating, life of the astral spaces
was joyous with the full vigor of creative life. I merely noticed these
things as I sped with the swiftness of light itseH, once more, to visit my
far-off spirit home; once more, to see the treasures I had collected in
the past; treasures I had fought for, suffered for; treasures that I had
won for myseH alone. Oh, how I drank in the melodies of the circulating stars and from the bottom of my soul sang forth, 'We praise
thee, 0 God."
This world is a preparatory place of probation, passion and pain,
to expand the inner spiritual seH and enable it to reach outward and
upward toward that grander life that constitutes the goal of every
purified soul after its final Initiation.
Our organisms are nothing more than the plastic molds of mediumistic matter; external vehicles of the soul; through which it may
attract to and gather up the varied experiences of mundane life. They
are forms, as transitory as the fleeting clouds above us, which become
the sensitive plates, whereby the marvelous vibrations of creative and
Deific life may express their wonderful transformations of sensations;
and which, in turn, produce all the multitudinous delights of the physical senses; while the only living reality amid the Universe of moving,
transitory and apparent realities, is the Divine Ego; God of each
biune -soul. Each one of us is but one of the reacting forces of a biune
soul, and the immortal Ego; which binds together and forever the
separated yet united identity of each. Each one's Ego is their own
God; the only God; for Allah in His own image created He himi male
and female created He them.
Woman was not the cause of the "fall". The real cause, per se,
of descent into external conditions, was the necessity for conflict with
the grosser forms of life and matter, whereby the soul could awaken
the dormant atomic entities of its own being. The fall was a necessity of further progress, and the separation of the biune soul, the
spiritual divorce, so to say, between Osiris and Isis; was because of
the impossibility of the soul sinking beneath the forces of matter when
united. It was only by separation and weakening their power that
elemental conditions could subjugate them for a time. There is nothing impossible to the reunited souls. They become, by Divine Right,
the King and Queen, co-equal and co-eternal rulers over all the elements in Nature. Their will, in the Astral world, is law; and the reason
why the few souls who do become united, by the accident of marriage
on Earth, are not more powerful, is because they are ignorant of their
Divine relationship. They have the power but they do not know it.
They are like a poor man dying of poverty with millions of dollars
hidden under his hearthstone.
Each planet, moon or sun, evolves Karmic zones from the life
principles of its own nature. They are the realms of astral life; and
by reaction become the spaces of causation for every form and every
manifestation of objective phenomena. When man appears upon the
scene of action, the laws of his being form around the orb which
evolved his race, a heavenly zone; a realm suitable to his condition
and the mental evolution to which he corresponds. To say that the
Earth, for instance throws off the substances generated from its own
independent action is wrong; for, in a larger sense than we apprehend,
worlds are cosmic individuals, of which, like human beings, no two are
alike. They are bi-sexual organisms, however; and therefore, the ethereal zones or spirit worlds, they form in space for their offspring, constitute the Karma of their lives; just as the actions and motives of
individuals form their Karma in the world to come.
The worlds of space breathe even as man breathes. "The breath
of God" in man is only a miniature of "the breath of God" in worlds.
The planet inbreathes to give its offspring life, and the planet's respirations constitute the material, so to say, from which the ethereal
heavens are formed. These zones move with the Earth and the system of which she forms a part. Each orbit is fixed within certain
limits, as is man's freedom of action, and these orbital paths, which
constitute the center around which the zones of life are formed, move
with the solar system; each system being, in one sense, an universe of
its own, carrying with it both objective and subjective materials.
The sun of our system is surrounded by mighty sun spheres which
extend all the inconceivable stretch of space represented by the vast
orbit of our sun. Vast beyond belief as it takes 25,920 years of earth
time for our sun to complete one round of its vast orbit.
The correspondence between the human form and the astral body
is very close, so close, in fact, that no one could mistake the likeness;
but it is, of course, more ethereal in its features. If the individual be
one of active mind, noble qualities and high aspirations, the astral
counterpart, while being a true likeness in many respects, gives a higher
expression to each line in the countenance and features, which correspond to the qualities manifested. It is more Divine in its looks and
lineaments; looks like an angelic brother or sister of the physical body.
But, on the contrary, if the individual be gross, selfish, brutal and a
slave to his lusts and passions, then the astral takes on a hideous
countenance; is demoniac in its lines and features.
When the higher realms of the spirit spheres are reached and the
true spiritual body manifests, there are the same differences, the form
becoming more and more Divine and beautiful.
In all states the human form is maintained. It becomes, more and
more, inconceivably beautiful as it progresses higher and higher. The
internal organs of the body are simply the means by which certain
functions are manifested and performed. Each organ, group of organs,
function and set of functions, have an astral and spiritual correspondence; but, rid the mind. of the gross, material part. The heart, lungs
and liver are all there (not in the same form, however,) in the astral
organism, and in the astral world disembodied souls eat and drink
as we do, but their food is strictly subjective; it corresponds to their
In the spirit realm proper, life is continued by breathing and
absorption. There is pregnancy and birth in the angelic world even
as there is in this, but under very different conditions. The sexual
organs on earth represent sacred functions in Heaven.
In the spiritual world, vivid formulation is an absolute necessity
of possession. If you can vividly formulate the image of what you
desire and bring it to you, it becomes as real, hard and firm as a table
in the material world; that is, if the object possess such properties; but
if you grasp after it, it will vanish from your sight. Most people who
die live in a strange, dreamy, vanishing world.
If a spirit is not of my vibration, he cannot see me nor my
You cannot understand now, but you will, the wondedul state
of being where all are one and yet are individual. To become one
with these legions of the blest is to give the soul to Ra.
In the spiritual world you will find great brotherhoods of music,
medicine, astrology, etc., Each has a head supreme in the particular
vocation represented by the brotherhood. Over all is a supreme,
priestly power who does not dictate but counsels.
A tone arouses vast legions of life, when the particular vibration
of their life is. sounded. They take form and act as servants of the
potency that can arouse them.
For a soul to be immortal, there must be something immortal and
vital in his internal mind, for his atoms to revolve about; a principle
of justice, and love. This is the axiom of immortality.
Only the angels of the sun return to the sun.
What you truly expect will be your destiny.
Curses are elliptical in their orbit, when the curse is heavier than
the crime.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that
which is God's. Only as you learn to do that, can you be just, and only
when just, can curses or blessings be rightfully administered.
A soul is true when performing its functions.
All of the races that have thought of beauty have left the potency
of their ideas in the astral light and become a fecund cause of its
Human beings on the earth plane can concentrate their minds on
some definite thing and the results are sometimes astounding. Most
people think idly, vaguely; then someone's strong mind can attract
these wandering thought vibrations and, making his own brain the
instrument for the display of the collected energy, launch his own idea
on the sensitive camera of the astral light and produce a thought form
that he can send with fearful potency to pedorm his will. This is to
be a Black Magician; for the only form of power that the Adept should
launch is his owN IDEAL OF HIMSELF, in higher and better states
than he has attained to. He receives that ideal by reflection from his
Soul Mate.
At death, the soul enters its own soul images, and with relentless
monotony, the panorama of all he has vitalized swings around him.
He rests no more than a sleeping body in awful dreams; and these
images continue for ages, aye, for thousands of years; until the soul
can endure no more and falls asleep, to awaken; if it does awaken;
only as a little child. It is to escape this that the Occultist toils and
Relax and concentrate your soul on your solar plexus, saying the
Mantram, "My soul is one with the Universe and my spirit an emanation from God," then ask yourself, who am I? what have I been? and
what must I become?
The monad is incarnated in the brain. It may be asleep while tl1e
over-soul of the brain (animal soul) is awake; or the monad (human
soul) may be awake and the animal soul asleep; or both may be
awake; then the King rides in his chariot.
Truer than all, is the saying of Christ, "My Father and I are one."
Nowhere can a creator be found. We ourselves are the outcome of
life and effort. Effort is our immortality; always striving for that which
we are not. The next existence is like this in essence, but more vivid.
The human heart is the only moral life there is. Life is neither moral
nor immoral; neither God nor Devil; and when the soul can penetrate
and see and KNOW the Truth, the NAKED TRUTH, it says, "My
Father and I are one."
The women are losing their feminity and thus are losing their
conscious immortality.
Effort is immortality. When the soul sees an ideal beyond his
own performance, then, at that very moment, he ceases to be immortal.
Again I would say, that, on man depends a woman's immortality,
and on woman the man's, for no one can make an ideal of himself. He
receives the image by reflection and then grows the power to become it
through love; thus man, by his ideal, raises the WQman of whom he is
the expression, and woman, by her ideal, raises the man of whom she
is the expression; thus they are the creators of each other. In soul
matehood neither one nor the other can be greater than each one's
inherent ideal of the other, and, unless that ideal is rounded out, they
fail of their united immortality. This is a great and awful truth.
Ra is, and you reach him only by the deep conviction of his existence and the profound pleadings of the heart. He is the creator
of this Earth and therefore never lived on it. He belongs to a previous
evolution; is, as it were, the incarnation of the oversoul of the great
There are those in your life who must pass out of all life; for, know
that, all are not immortal.
It is a great thing to be IMMORTAL.
When one has sinned against their own sdul, that one loses his
immortality. The Ego buds in the surviving half, in the monad of the
Soul Mate, that has not so sinned; a new half, when the first has failed;
and the journey is again to be made of Involution and Evolution, while
the surviving half waits for the prodigal.
One must have keen repentance for past sins. Not to have it, is
to be the Devil. Every atom of sin must be atoned for; every debt
to Nature paid in full.
Give to your Divine Love the soul of your heart. Do you under. stand, "the soul of your heart," the ubiquitous sense of, I in You, and
You in Me; as you read in the Gospel of the 1st. John?
I give you the key; Hold your love ideal in the morning; it gives
the vibrations of the day.
Meditation; Draw into yourself what you would have your ideal
be. Draw it into your soul.
But a narrow line separates the two worlds; do not try to live in
both. Make that line NOT the boundry of this world but the platform of the next.
You have been walking on the river's bank long enough; you must
cross the river.
You can live in Paradise now just as well as in five, ten or seventy
years, for thoughts make Heaven or Hell.
Are you never conscious of a higher consciousness, a higher self?
All the lower self must be raised into that higher consciousness, if we
would be saved.
This is the Occult Catechism; Q. Who and what is Man? A. The
answer comes like an echo; Thought. Q. What is God? A. Music,
rhythm, melody, harmony. Of music is born thought, and thought
makes Man.
There comes a time when the seeker becomes a fakir or a saint.
A few, born to it, attain practical Occultism, but generally elsewhere
and otherwise is the master attained, not here as you first dream.
Grace before Eating; only in the flesh can one enter into true
relations of the spirits of the flesh. They become yc;>ur servants or your
masters, just as you treat them. Your body is related to all the king-
doms of matter and consequently to all ascending life spirits. So repeat this from your soul before each meal; "Eternal spirit in whom
we live, breathe, move and have our being, consecrate this food we are
about to partake of, to our bodies as well as our souls, and also to
those ministers of thine who may be present. Peace be between us."
Then throw some salt down to the spirit of earth.
When the soul calmly looks upon virtue and vice, as power and
sin, and suffering as experience; then is the angei evolving; but make
no mistake, vice must be conquered.
The Avatar, the Messenger, must be the harp whose notes vibrate
in all the spheres. To be that harp, the physical body must be mediumistically sensitive, with a strong, dominant soul in control, allowing,
however, the body to vibrate sympathetically to all forms of suffering.
The Messenger must feel. It is feeling that creates. Figure the creation
of a world first as vapor, which only FEELINGS and THOUGHTS
can impregnate. The harp, the chord, the word, having felt with all;
is the seed and Ra of a Universe.
Cosmic consciousness, like any other flash-light of spiritual inspiration and truth, is, on this plane, of very secondary importance so
far as actual value is concerned. It is wholly worthless as a realization
of any truth and at best, even in its highest manifestation it is purely
personal, and means nothing to any one, outside of this one's personality. Whatever idea or set of ideas happens to possess the soul of the
person, their cosmic consciousness will be colored by it. We have
three notable instances, viz., Andrew Jackson Davis, Jakob Boehme and
Emanuel Swedenborg; each of whose cosmic at-one-ments were tiue;
but whose sub-consciousness's were possessed of different root ideas;
hence they differed materially from each o~her, and all were wrong
as to the real truth, per se. I, myself, have had this cosmic atonement
at least a thousand times, in fact, it was a part of my daily life at one
period; but unless you, yourself, be grounded in the very truth of
things, these ecstatic trance-like experiences are about as valuable
as those of St. Francis of Assisi; in other words, of no value whatever
to any one but the personal experience of the person. One living, vital,
clearly expressed thought is worth a thousand hazy spiritual dreams.
The Immortality of the human soul depends upon action. The
man or woman who lives a purely ignorant, worldly life, who does not
in any sense feed the interior spiritual nature, drifts into a sort of
mental decay and spiritual rot; and at death, like the old tree, as it
falls so it lies; but if the tree is cut during its vital life, when it is full
of vigor, it instantly sends up a second growth far more powerful and
vital than the first. It is the same with man; if he dies with spiritual
vitality quickening his being, then he lives on after death, bridges the
abyss of the two worlds, and has all the potentialities of a God within
Immortality depends upon mental and spiritual vitality, not
physical energy. The physical body is merely the earth, so to say,
whose main office is the evolution of spiritual life; but man mostly
makes it nothing but the basis and center of purely material ends.
Jesus of Nazereth was right, "Lay up treasures where neither moth
nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in and steal."
Thoughts, ideas and aspirations, become powers, To Be. These
are re-incarnated into other lives after some human soul has given
them material birth; but the monad, the Spiritual Soul, the thing that
thinks, NEVER. Its only chance for immortal life is Here and Now,
when incarnated as man on earth.
Man does Not return to earth a second or third time, to correct
former errors and try anew. An acorn may become an oak tree_ but
the tree never returns to an acorn.
Each spirit Ego sends forth its soul monad with its just share of
its Divine patrimony, when it obeys the universal law of attraction to
matter. With this fair equipment it begins its eternal round of being
from a limitless state within the universe of external manifestation;
and like everything else endowed with life, it attracts and repels, and
in any state, it can only do the best it can. Its best is, when its own
inherent force is dominant; its worst is, when it is weak by reaction.
Its life at any point is only a mere transitory condition, a mere moment
in the web of its eternal existence. At every stage it loses or. gains
something, and the sum total of such gain and loss comprises its Human
possibilities, when it becomes incarnated as man, and constitutes his
need for expression; be that expression what it may. But in assuming
the responsibility of a Human soul, the monad must take its chances;
so to say, regarding its environment before and after birth. It will be
brought into the light of the intellectual day by powers over which
it has no control; viz., Polarity; natural attraction and replusion of its
Spiritual State of development. Money, rank and family, have no value
in the spiritual world; because they are unreal, temporary, man made.
The eternal verities only have power. The polarity is that which
attracts it to the mother's womb; its Spiritual state determines its
mental capacity; and these two, Polarity and Spiritual Degree of life;
acting in harmony or conflict with its material environment, produce
everything we know of life; and to these must be added another factor,
an unknown quantity, the inherited tendencies or real qualities of the
parents, to warp or expand the young soul. Some people are more
animal than human and should not be parents. Some are dwarfed
below their normal state, some are expanded beyond their real merits.
Human destiny begins its harvest, only in this life; and as life becomes
more advanced, so will destiny.
Today, we are forging the environment and fate of the millions
of souls of the unborn generations to come. Fate can only act when
conditions are ripe, remove vice and crime from the earth, and
human destiny is powerless to reproduce them. - Remove riches,
poverty, drink, social rank, and disease, by just laws, moral education
and pure living; and fate can not reproduce them. In this higher
condition of man, destiny will act upon some thing higher than
disease, poverty and crime. There are other things in the gamut
of life, for there will be discord of some nature, and hereby destiny
will become manifest. Where man WILLS, the fates themselves are
powerless; but it must be the Will of Universal not Individual man.
Each soul is and ever must be the arbiter of its own destiny,
and whatever our fate here, in this our earthly environment, WE
have WILLED it so. We, without knowing it, have given the Nod
of Jove to every great crisis in our lives; for every crime; for every
grace; and we alone, must be the judge, and bear the judgment
too. Only be sure that you attain the one vital reason for you being
here upon earth; be sure that you gain the crown of Conscious life;
for this also rests upon the same laws as destiny; it is NOT certain,
unless WE MAKE IT SO; for "many come but few are chosen",
and those, whose names are written in the Book of Life, can in no
wise remove the self inflicted curse from those whose names are
not, therein.
Who then, can for a moment question Fate, or asking fate, who
can say why this evil, why this good, seeing, that in either case,
the moment of its existence is past and gone, before an answer could
These things I KNOW, and in view thereof, can I not ask like the inspired apostle, "0 death where is thy sting, 0 Grave where is thy
The physical body cannot always be controlled or made to express the real state of the spiritual ideal. In fact, very rarely can this
be done; because it is not possible under present earthly conditions,
race conditions, for one person to completely subdue his environment.
Rare, very rare organisms are capable of doing this, but then such
rara-avis, are as infrequent as the giants of genius. The ideal life may
be lived, however, by all who can grasp the idea of I AM; as long as
they can hold on to the central know; so to say, hold on to a chain
whose link is the Illuminated I, the EGO.
We all can make the body more expressive of the spirit, than it
is; but most of all depends on prenatal conditions, over which we
have very little control.
It is little better than nonsense to say that selfishness manifests
itself as constipation, and vanity as dispepsia, etc. pure nonsense. That
is going crazy after correspondences and like the blind man of Bunyan's jury saying, I see, when he had no sight.
That mental states and characteristics have their reflex action
there can be no doubt, because the one implies the other, but selfishness in one man may cause anything from indigestion to syphilis,
while in another it might only hurt his liver, his lungs or his spleen;
in other words, the same mental trait will affiict differently, different
organisms; all depending on race, heredity, and astral influx, and
this last is the most potent of all others.
The great altruistic thoughts and ideas people give birth to, will
live; yea, and mature; bringing forth as the scriptures say, "some
forty, some sixty, some an hundred fold." It is right here that re-incarnation is a Divine truth; for thoughts and ideas are re-incarnated,
but not man. Also right here, that we explain the paradox of what
Plato said, "Ideas rule the world," and in the next breath, "Spiritual
ideas are impotent against purely material forces." But, let those spiritual ideas become incarnated in material forms, then they are potent; they rule the world; then they become the power of mind behind
the human throne.
You and I, and, to a greater or less extent, every embodied soul,
are the centers of ideas incarnated in us, and controlled by the monad;
like the Sun sways his satellites. Certain groups of ideas will externalize as things, being in a certain stage of gestation, so to say; and from
the knowledge and power of seeing this clearly, an event can be estimated with the same precision as the birth of a child can be foretold by a trained physician'; consequently, those who are psychic, may
not know WHEN the birth of an event will occur, but they Feel that
it will, hence prophecy.
The primal foundation of all thought is right here, for instance,
M. Theon may wish a certain result; if I am receptive, the idea may
become incarnated in me, and under an extra spiritual stimulus it
may grow and mature and become a material fact.
Who shall say, with any actual knowledge, what or whence, of
the power behind the Great White Throne of Deity, the Infinite Creator, or where or in what manner, began the very dawn of primeval
creation. It cannot be. The mind becomes dazed at the thought, and
the soul itself would become insane in any attempt to penetrate within
this infinite force, the impregnable mystery of the Infinite Universe of
You are quite right in saying that others must have asked the
same question. Yea, truly this is so; for in the fathomless past, millions of eons before our Sun had an existence, even; this question
arose in the minds of those who, in other worlds, began to feel the
promptings of an immortal soul. But it is, after all, but the query of
a child in spiritual experience; and by correspondence, upon the same
plane as the child of today; who asks about the man in the Moon,
"how did he get up there." Also, as the first scientific mind began to
scious of him or his destiny, will look without pity. So, Thank God;
the great inconceivable Universal God of the Infinite Creation; that
man exists; that he lives and moves and has his being in every stage
of existence; from the living granite foundations of our mother earth
to the angelic glory that surrounds the soul and sways the Sceptre of
God, Man and the Universe; and these three resolve into two; as
eternal mind and eternal substance or Ether. Motion itself, is only
the inter-action of these two. The great Arcana being; that, Spirit
and Matter are at last One, under different forms of expression. Mind,
alone, being eternal, and Consciousness Immortal. There is a difference between these two. Mind is God without beginning and without end. The universe of mind is the sub-consciousness of Deity. And
differentiated consciousness is an individualized atom of God. It is an
evolution, per se, to which the whole universe is progressing, but to
which it can never attain the end; because, it is both illimitable in
bounds and inconceivable in results. Hence, to come back nearer to
ourselves, we see that it is in order and quite natural; that, if the
measure of consciousness attained by the evolving monad, when the
state of man is reached, does not or cannot awaken Itself to Itself, but
is only a reflection of the earthly maya; then it can have no vitality
left at death of the body to keep its grip upon the spiritual attraction
of its Ego. Its failure to realize itself, is the signature which it has
affixed to its own spiritual death warrant; and, unless, the monad
can hold on its way and finally coalesce with its Ego, it goes, like the
body, back into the universal womb and tomb of the Universe.
Life is the final mystery of God. The old philosopher who wrote
those lines knew more than appears upon the surface. It means that,
to solve the problem of life is to exhaust the mysteries of God; i.e., to
be equal to Him or It; and as this is impossible, the answer is clear,
the problem cannot be solved.
Life is motion, says science; well, so is thought; for thinking implies action, mental or spiritual. All action is motion; and without
mind, existence becomes a blank. Life may be consciously or unconsciously, active; but in any state it is still action; and it is only a difference of degree, between the active man and the apparently passive
rock; for life is in both. So that, to say that life is motion simply begs
the question. So likewise does the answer of the theologian; who, dog-
matically says, it is the Breath of God; since, neither he nor any one
else knows what the Breath of God is. In each and every answer, we
find the same sorry attempt to conceal ignorance by the jugglery of
words. But in spite of this, and in spite of the experiences of the
ages, in every generation, man thinks the problem capable of solution, and sets out to solve the Riddle of the Sphinx. The fully developed soul knows that the problem is and will remain, unsolved.
As I look back over the mental excursions and spiritual explorations, I made into the mystical regions of the unknown, I can see
rung after rung of my spiritual ladder, still there, clear and distinct,
each stone built upon solid fact and scintillating with the light of
truth as it spans the two worlds, like stepping stones to the Infinite,
until they reach the Mystery of Life and God, or the Origin of the Vast
Universe of Being. Mind and Soul fail to go farther, and beyond this
point, not even God, He, She, or It can go; because of the ever eternal
It is right at this point where science has the advantage of religion
and scores a grand truth. "There is no possible point in this universe,"
says Tyndall, "nor any conceivable state of existence where it can be
said, This is the End; This is the Ultimate; for there is always something beyond." The scientist, laboriously seeking the origin of life;
the theologian, attempting to define the nature of God; and the transcendental mystic, seeking the Philosopher's Stone; comprise a trinity
of thinking idiots, that the world could very well do without. Each, in
his own special sphere, looks with contempt upon the other; and each
spends his time fruitlessly chasing a 'Will o' the Wisp."
Man we know; from whence he came, we know not; that is, not
in the abstract; his purpose here, we also know and we know whither
he is going; and to know all this is quite enough; but, the Why and
the Wherefore of Life, we can never know; neither here or hereafter.
The sixth Race will ray out into seven branches. The Fifth Race
was comprised of Aryan, Semetic, Slavonic, Greek, Latin, Celt and
Teutonic. The Japanese belong to the first group of the Aryan branch,
composed of a blend of the Macayan and the Mongolian families.
The Teutonic; the last blend of and of course, the highest form or
'ower of the Fifth Race; embraces all Goths, Danes, Vandals, Saxons,
l',...semen; and the finest product of the blend of Scandinavian and socal.o.o} Germanic peoples, is the Anglo-Saxon; the very Hower of the
Fifth Race and that which will be the main matrix for the birth of the
Sixth Race.
Zanoni means; Zan, a Star; oni meaning, child of or son of; thus
Zanoni, Son of the Star. The double Ze ( ;p ) means completion.
The chasm between the soul world and the astral is just the idea
of God. God, spirit, per se, is unconscious as the spinal cord is unconscious. God, Ra, is the brain and at the acme of consciousness.
God, like spirituality, retreats, as it were, toward the ocean of unconsciousness. Ra is the acme of grand intellectual consciousness; but
He has a greater than Himself; aye, many, greater than Himself; more
spiritual but less intellectual and less conscious. They too, have
greater than themselves; less in consciousness, and so on, and on, until
the great unconsciousness, the spinal cord, as it were, of the universe
is reached; but, that spinal cord is not a center, for, it is a nervous
system, penetrating everywhere. Our God is Ra, for, we would not
be, without Him. His soul's vibrations (the Sun Angels are One in
vibration with Him) called us from the great unconscious; gave us
the Breath of Life; and we are, in our inmost possibility, but images
of His; expressions of His Soul. His higher evolution depends upon
the souls, which He has drawn into Being. He is like a peak, only to
be lifted higher through the upheaval from beneath. As the souls,
that He has quickened, gain the Great Immortal vibration, I AM; as
they gain the centripetal force, that holds them in identity; as against,
the great centrifugal power that would call them back into the unconscious; they form with Him, the Over-Soul vibrations, of a conscious
Yes, Ra may fail. The world of souls that He has launched forth,
may not return in sufficient numbers; and then again, would a new
Solar Sphere be launched. So now; it is a fight for Ra, as well as for
yourself. Every spiritual conquest you make for yourself, you make
also for Ra. He is dependent on you, and you on Him. Consciousness
against unconsciousness. Ra is thus, Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts; the
manifest, visible God of this Solar System.
At a certain height from Earth all discordant vibrations unite
and concentrate with the accordant ones into one hum, one note. Each
planet, thus, has its note; and the great chord of our solar system
sounds. The Sun is the sounding board. Each Solar System is capable
of that amount of evolution, that is involved in it. Involution is the
WllAT PART OF n-t:E HUMAN J-'1\At..f
IS l\t1Ll.'D fiY
nre 't.ODIAC.
rnt:. U C IIT OF
Africa, and from thence to the co.1st, up tbc Persian gulf to Chaldea,
then from the banks of the sacred Euphrates and the plains of Shinar
the stream Oowed backward (as though weary and seeking re.<t) townrd
its native home in the Western s~. only to be detained upon its
journey and to Snd a temporary resting pl1ce in the wondrous valley
of the Nile; when, after changing its personal appearance somewhat
and adopting the dress of its gifted patrons, it was again projected
onward by the restless impulse of Egyptian enterprise, along the
shores of the ~lediterrancan and Black seas to tbe Caucasus, and
thence eastward, as before mentioned, to the dreamy skies of India.
VVhcn we come to think of the nwful vastness and inoonccivnb1c
beauty of the glittering worlds which stud, like jewels, the dark canopy
of our midnight skies, undoubtedly, we mnst admit that the contcm
plation of the shining heavens, with its myriad galaxies of starry
systems and stretch of fathomless eternities, forms a sublime study
for the thinking astronomical mind. There, alone, can he see some
thing of the boundless affinity of the universe. But to the Occult
studunt of Urania's blazing firmament. the shining constcllntions, with
chclr c..:abftli,:,tic names J\nd weird mythologionl hi,torie$; the g littl'ring
suns of these far off astral systems; and the shining planets which
belong to the same solar family ns ourselvt"S, possess a deeper in
tcrest. Everything around
which have remained unpolluted by the finger of man. They presided at the Horoscope of our birth; they will sing the funeral requiem
when we die; and cast their pale radiance over the cold, silent tomb
beneath which we are ultimately destined to repose.
Before the aspiring student can become the astrologer, he must
make himself familiar with the general principles of astronomy, and
learn how to trace the external symbols of physical life, which are
the phenomenal results, back into the stellar worlds of cause. The
whole mystery of this system, therefore, may be designated in general
terms as the science of cause and effect. The text book of Astrology
by A. J. Pierce and Wilson's Dictionary of Astrology should be closely
studied as aids to obtain this knowledge.
From the foregoing remarks it will be seen that the reader must
not expect the revelation of some divine, mysterious secret that will
instantly convey the power of reading the past, realizing the influences
of the present, and foreseeing the momentous events within the womb
of the future; on the contrary, he must expect nothing but a clear and
concise statement of Nature's immutable laws, which require both
study and application to master. He will, however, find in this series
of lessons a complete exposition of the Occult principles of Nature,
in so far as they mold and guide the physical destiny of embodied
humanity. But, the principles involved and the ultimates evolved
as the natural outcome of cause and effect, can only be mastered and
understood by devoting time, unprejudiced thought, and deep study;
first, in learning the theory, and then in reducing that theory to
practice. Astrology does not imply fatality. On the contrary, probably
two thirds of man's so-called misfortunes are the result of his benighted ignorance. Man, when ignorant of the laws of Nature which
control his existence and destiny, is somewhat like a lifeless log floating with the stream. It may be that the various currents of the river
will carry him safely to the river's mouth, and launch him uninjured
upon the great Ocean of Eternity. But it is far more likely that the
winding course of the river of life will land him into a mud bank of
trouble where he may stick fast for the remainder of his days; or,
liberated by some stronger current, may again take his chances, either
of future safety or of floating into some whirlpool of destruction. But
when man understands the laws of his being, he is then safe on board a
strong boat. He sees the whirlpools and mud banks of life ahead, and
skillfully, by the use of his steering apparatus (the will) avoids collision. But it often happens that with all his knowledge and skill he
cannot successfully battle against the mighty currents that oppose
his way, simply because there are, in these days, too many lifeless
logs of human lumber that are constantly throwing themselves with
the swell of the current athwart his path. But it must be at once
apparent to the student how infinitely superior the one is to the other,
and how enormous the chances of success are upon the side of the
one who hath attained unto wisdom; who by study, knows himself
and the laws of Nature.
The heavenly bodies urge, predispose and influence to a great
extent, but they do not compel. When we are ignorant of their power,
we decide our actions to the best of our worldly knowledge, and we
think we have free will in the matter; but, if we could only see the
influences at work moulding our actions, we should see that we were
obeying the stellar powers with slave-like servility; not always wisely,
indeed, but blindly and too well. Under such a state of bondage the
planetary influence would, indeed, be fatality. Knowledge alone is
the great liberator of human suffering, and social inharmony. Our
delivery from pain, our freedom from bondage, in other words, our
free will, increases exactly in proportion to the extent of our knowledge, if used properly. It is the Wise Man who rules.his stars, and
the fool who blindly obeys them. Consequently, this Chaldean science
of the stars, in order to be practically utilized, must be thoroughly
realized; but when realized, it will repay the student a hundred-fold
for the time and labor bestowed in learning the way. It will give him
a tangible foundation, whereon he may safely stand amid the wild
and conflicting opinions of unbalanced mystics. In it, he will find
the key of the sacred sanctuary, wherewith he may eventually unlock
the doors of the temple and penetrate the mystic veil of Isis, there,
to behold the lovely form of the Goddess and to read the glowing
verities of Nature inscribed upon the imperishable scrolls of time,
and, if he have the will to seek further and deeper, the truths of
eternity itself.
Astrology, in its purity, though forming a system of divination,
is totally u,nconnected with either fortune-telling or sensitive, irresponsible mediumship. It is a divine science of correspondences, in the
study and application of which the intellect and intuition become
manifest upon the earth. Under the opposite condition of the hen,ens.
evil. so called by comparison, becomes externalized.
From the foregoing it will be seen that we are, to a very great
extent, what the ignorance or wisdom of our ancestors have made
us. As the wol'ld progresses, mankind obtains more knowledge.
Thus do the rising generations become wiser than their parents.
This mental evolution moves forward until tho intellectuality of
the race becomes exhausted: then, for a time, mankind remains
stationary, and at length declines from the summit of its genius to
relapse into an ignorant barbarism: when, having regained a SUllply
of latent mental Force. the race once more advances, ultimately,
to attain unto a still greater perfection than before. Thus do intellectual
forces correspond in their apparent motion to the motions o the
planets, becoming alternately direct, swift, stationary and retrograde.
~len. like planets. have thdr times of germination, growth. maturity
and decay. and rnces nre nn e.<ception to this universal law of
change. They move in greater cycles only. Their climax of civilization corresponds to the flowering season of the vegetable kingdom;
then they run to seed and decay. But in the same racial soil is
treasured up the precious seed from the flowers, which, lying dormant,
awaits the necessary magnetic and spiritual conditions for its glorious
The stars and planets are the magnetic instruments of the seven
creative principles. They influence externally, by their attractive
sympathies and repulsive antipathies, the cosmic life forces and
physical organisms of precisely the same objects, which, in the realm
of spirit, are controlled by their celestial progenitors. By this we
mean that the various physical orbs, called planets, stars, etc., act
as so many magnetic centers. They are magnetic by solar induction.
The sun, itself, is not magnetic, but positively electric. This mighty
electric force acts upon the planets precisely the same as an electric
current acts upon a piece of soft iron. When a piece of iron is charged
with electricity it becomes at once a magnet, its power depending
first upon its mass and secondly upon the strength or intensity of
the electric current. Shut off the current and the iron ceases to be
a magnet. Remove the sun from our system and the planets will
immediately lose their peculiar physical influence. Modern science,
we know, would contradict this assertion, but Occult science proclaims it to be an absolute fact.
The sum total of those powers which we term "planetary
influences," is contained within the potentiality of the Solar Ray.
But when so united, as a primal cosmic force, the action of this
solar ray upon the human organism and its material destiny is neither
harmonious nor discordant, fortunate nor unfortunate. To become
potent, in special directions, it is necessary for this solar force to
become refracted and resolved into its active attributes. This is
precisely what the major planets do. There are six planets, each of
which absorbs a single attribute or principle; each one according
to its peculiar nature and absorbing affinity. While the solar orb
itself retains but one active energy whose potency is embraced within
the orange ray of the spectrum. This influence, of course, relates
only to the special action of the seven active principles, and does
not refer to the solar light reflected by each body, and emitted bv
the sun itself. Five planets, besides the sun and moon (our earth),
absorb the seven rays. The other planets react upon higher planes.
That is to say, they radiate one of the same forces upon a higher
octave. Each of the planetary bodies, having become magnetically
charged with their own spcdal enctgy, are powcl'ful radiators of
the same attribute which tht..y hnvc I'Cccived from their solar parent.
These energies posse.'5 a distinctive motion, color and potency. each
peculiar to itself, which, whrn C.\:tcrnalizcd upon man's internal
nature, produce a marked contrast in his mental oncl physical characteristics, briefly, as follows.
Saturn absorbs that attribute or energy whose action expresses itself as coldness, and thus produces a nature which is slow and meditative. solitary and reserved, melancholy and reJ>Ciltnnt. This force
corl'esponds to the hluc ray of the spectrum.
1' 111~ llt.AJ\'1' JUPITER
Mars absorbs an energy which is the polar opposite of the Saturnine, and therefore radiates an influence which is shnrp, energetic.
thoughtless, intrepid and fierce. It is destitute of either fear or timid-
The planet upon which we live, move, and have our being, ab
sorbs an energy which we, as inhabitants, cannot by nature fully
understand or appreciate, because we only receive this energy as an
astral influx by the reflective action of our Earth's satellite, the Moon.
This inftuence, so far as we, the planet's offspring. are concerned. is
neither good nor evil; because it is part and parcel of ourselves. What
the influence may be upon the inhabitants of other worlds we cannot
say. Therefore, when speaking astrologically, we credit the Moon's
reflective power and speak of that body as containing our Earth's at
tribute of the solar ray. This energy corresponds to the green ray of
the solar spectrum.
The foregoing are the seven active principles of Nature, but the
ingenious students will notice that two of the major planets have not so
far been noticed; we refer of course to Uranus ( W) and Neptune ( W),
each of which radiate one of the same forces upon a higher octave.
Each of the seven principles enumerated have three planes of action;
the spiritual, the astral and the physical. After the seven notes of the
magnetic gamut have been sounded, the next note must be upon a
higher octave and form a repetition of the first. The first scale being
known and its effects understood, it is not necessary for the Occult
initiate of these astral powers to wait, for the years of observation
necessary to others, in order to tabulate a newly discovered planet.
By the laws of correspondences he know at once what that planet's
action upon the human organism will be. There is still another planet,
more remote from our sun than Neptune, but its action on our organism at present is nil; because the present races have not yet attained
to that special state of spiritual and mental development that will admit of its influence becoining manifest. Neither will such a planet
become visible to this Earth's inhabitants until there is sufficient mental
force of the requisite grade to enable its existence to become apparent.
Such are the sublime facts of Nature's immutable law, that
have made the science of astrology true for all time and in all ages.
\Vhen Uranus and Neptune were shining in their distant heavens undiscovered, mankind was, as a body, impervious to their action. Man's
organism did not vibrate in unison with their higher state of action.
Thus we see, as man evolves higher powers, more ethereal orbs appear in the celestial hierarchies of the starry heavens for the purpose
of controlling and directing him.
The action and inter-action of the planetary influences operate in
the following order;-Saturn ( T;> ), Jupiter ( U: ), Mars ( t ), Sun ( 0 ),
Earth ($),Venus ( < ), and Mercury ( l;1 ). These are the seven primaries. Then comes Uranus ( Ttl ) , forming the eighth, or octave expression of the first, or Mercury, and thus do we find, after long years of research and laborious investigation, that this planet rules the higher
organs of the brain. Neptune, consequently, represents Venus upon
a higher plane. The Earth, whose influence is shown by the Moon,
comes next in rotation. \Vhen the tenth planet is discovered, its action upon our Earth's inhabitants will be neutral in itself. Its harmonies and discords will depend upon its angular position in respect
to the other bodies. Its chief influence will be in the control of our
spiritual life forces. Its position, aspect, etc., with respect to the luminaries, will determine our capacity for inhaling the ner ethereal
essences of the atmosphere. From this it will be perceived that the
influence of the tenth planet will be wholly spiritual; hence, it can only
exert its influence upon the spiritual organisms of a more spiritual
This chapter contains a brief outline, so to speak, of the interior
action of the planets. We shall deal with each orb more fully and in
detail from their general standpoint in future lessons, and as a concluding suggestion we would ask the student to think and reason out
very closely what we have herein stated by the light of the law of
correspondence, the sum and substance of which was formulated for
our use by the thrice illumined Hermes Trismegistus, who said:
"As it is above, so it is below,
As on the earth, so in the sky."
nl C.NilR.u . PLA.N'tl'AI\V
Having briefly explained, in the previous chapter, the origin, nature and power of planetary influence, so far as the planets themselves
are concerned, it now becomes our duty to illustrate, somewhat, the
principles laid down, and point out the laws or modus operandi by
which these influences act and react upon the brain of man, and
through the brain, control the whole organism. In order to do this we
shall have to digress a little.
Phrenological research has now established beyond dispute certain broad general principles regarding cranial development. But,
the great mistake which the devotees of this branch of Anthropology
make, is that they allow their enthusiasm to carry them beyond the
safe line of demonstrated facts. They are constantly trying to prove
that, by the aid of phrenology, they can ascertain the details of man's
character; whereas, the very utmost that can be expected as scientifically accurate, is a delineation of the general characteristics.
Phrenology merely points out those relations established by Nature between given developments and conditions of the brain, and
corresponding manifestations of mind. Its simple but comprehensive
tenet is this: "Every faculty of the mind is manifested by means of
a particular portion of the brain, called its organ; the size of which,
other things being equal, is proportionate to its power of function."
It is the latter portion of this definition that contains the whole mystery of the apparent contradictions with which the phrenologist has
to deal. The "other things" are never, in any two cases, equal; hence,
the exact action of the brain organs cannot be scientifically demonstrated. As soon as phrenology attempts to define with exactness a
person's true character or the powers of the cranial organs, from a
simple knowledge of the size of these organs, it becomes a complete
failure. The potency, or otherwise, of any organ or group of organs,
depends not nearly so much upon their relative size as upon their
sensitiveness, or, in other words, upon the state of their etherealization; and this magnetic condition depends solely upon the position
and power of that planet which has chief rule over those particular
course, only general, and indicate those groups of organs over which
the planets indicated are most powerful. To descend more into
Saturn governs the activities of the reflective, meditative and the
purely selfish sentiments, such as comparison, causality, covetousness,
acquisitiveness and secrecy.
Jupiter governs those activities which, in their expression, show
to us the truly noble and generous side of human nature, such as benevolence, veneration, spirituality and hope.
Venus governs those faculties whose activities express themselves as friendship, mirthfulness and conjugality. It also governs the
organs of inhabitiveness and those which tend to form agreeable
chamcter, viz.: time, tune, ideality and sub1imit)' She ha~ also inAucncc over the domestic qualities.
Each of tl1e foregoing groups of ognns is, to a very great extent
controlled by the planet und~r which il is mcntio>ed, but not wholl)
so, because every orb has an inAucncc in a minor degree over each
and al l. Dut generally speaking, each group will manifest an intense
or sluggish action in the brain, according as its controlling orb is powerful or otherwise, in the individual's horoscope at birth, wilh this
difference in its action : if the planet in question be powerful IJut
evilly aspccted, then those orsans will express the vicious side of tbe
person's nature. For example, the plnnct Mercury so situated, the
intellect w ill be bright, witty and powerful, but a ll the energies, under
prnt)Cr condition.<, wi ll be devoted to fraud, or nt any rate, to very
questionable purpOS<'S; evcryd1ing depending upon the plane that the
penon occupies. A~ heforc stated. there is no diO'crcnce between
the criminal who breaks the legal code of laws, and tin; one wltu, upou
a higher plane, obeys the written letter of the law, but tramples upon
the true principles of human justice. The wealthy gambler upon the
stock exchange, is no better in rclllity than the gllmbling card sharper.
Dut, if the planet is dignified and aspccted by bcnc6c rays, then the
whole of the above will be reversed, and all that is noble, honomble
and manly will be the result.
H aving mentioned aspects, it now becomes our duty, briefly, to
explain their nature. This we shall do in outline, at pre.~ent, d eferring all
details until later.
From what we have aJrc~dy stated, our $'t11dcnt will percch<' that
sympathy and antipathy are the ~:real laws by which the planets affect the human organism. These two forces, or rather let us say the
dual action of this one force, constitutes the two modes of motion by
which ever) cosmic principle expresses itself. and the two actions,
that is, the action and the react ion, ore tne polar opposities, of which
sufficient has alrendy been stated. Upon the physic:~! plane their effects
arc correlated as harmony and discord.
The ne.xt great subject which requires the student's thoughtful
attention is the four Triplicities. These trigons correspond to the
four ~neicnt elem~nts, and are therefore, Fiery, Earthy, Airy nnd Watery. Each triplicity or "Trigon" contains three zodiacal signs. 4 times
3 equals 12, the number of the signs o the sphere. The Fiery trigon
embraces the signs of AriC ( 'r ), Leo (.It), and Sagittarius ( , ) . The
Earthy trigon embra= the signs Taurus ( IS), \'irgo ( IIJ!), and Capricorn ( 113). The Airy trigon embrace< the signs Gemini ( JJ: ) , Libra
( .... ), and Aquarius ( : ). The Watery trigon embraces the signs
C:meer (),Scorpio ( 111. ),n111d Pisces (*),also s<e page 399, Wilson's
l)ictionary of Astrology.
In practiml astrology these triplicities are o very great importuncc, as they shed their pownt influence upon the ascendant at the
IJirth of every living being or thing, and impress their pccuHnr nature
U(lOfl the t cmpcml'fiCilt o the native.
upon every plane of its manifestation. For example; Aries ( 'l') is the
first and highest representaliivc or the fiery trigon, and those born
with this sign rising upon th~ ascendant of their horoscope ''"'ill always
move upon a higher plane, mentally and spiritually, than those born
under Leo or Sagittarius. But, externally, those people born under
Aries will show their superiority from a purdy intellectual point o
view. Their nature will he, chicRy, f'icty a.nd nu~nt:l. consequently
{1uick in nction. and prompt in decision.
fiery trigon. and persons horn with this sign rising. will always move
upon the sensitive and emoticonal planes. Their nature will be chieHy
fiery and sensitive, consequently, hasty and impulsive. They will act
without thinking, on the spur of the moment, when under the dominating inlluence of their suseeptible, e motional natures. In this, we
see the difference behveen Aries, which rules the head, and Leo,
which represents the heart. Leo persons, when roused to a pitch of
passional fury, are absolutely insane in their wild and erratic actions.
Like the lion, they are comp letely blinded by an intense degree of
excitement. On the contrary, an Aries person, though susceptible of
an equal degree of furious te1mper, never becomes blind with excitement. Even in his most outrag;eous conduct, an impartial observer will
not fail to see that "there is method in his madness."
Sagittarius is the last and lowest, that is to say, the most external
emanation of the fiery tripliei ty, and illustrates the law of contradictions to perfection. For this reason, those born under this sign Jive
and move, when mentally aml spiritually considered, upon the lo"'cst
plane of the fiery emanation. Whereas externally and in the eyes of
the world, they seem to move in the very highest. Their natures are
warm, sympathetic and active, consequent))' they are generous and
benevolent, ambitious and truly jovial. They do as the world doos;
they progress not of their own internal volition, but by the gentle attraction of the social tide of tl..eir surroundings. In everything they are
external. They are great admirers of all out-door sports, recreations
and pastimes, and as such, they are totally incapable of grasping any
form of tho higher mental and! metaphysical studies. They are, therefore, considered by the masses and the world sound, logical, reasoners.
and possessed of sound common sense, and externally they do indeed
possess all these desirable qualities.
When viewed from their line of descent, tho student will perceive~ that in Aries we have the Ser>' imperial brain, which moulds,
guides and acts for itself, inderpendent of the opinions of others. Such
exheme natures. when unm()diSed by o ther influence."i, are e ither
de.o;:pots, cranks or fanatics, according to their bent and station in life.
In Leo, we sec the emotions a:nd sensitive feelings of the heart, which
follow, impulsively, the lead of some mental genius, and form the
enthusiastic followers and admirers of those who depart from the
beaten path of custom. or proclaim some new truth or system of
philosophy, which Snds a responsive throb within thorn. But, they
require the thinking brain to direct them; they cannot strike out upon
a new path for themselves; they must have some giant mind to support them. In Sagittarius, we see the genial, sympathetic, courteous,
neutrality which represents the externally true gentleman. Those who
are simply waiting to be led in any direction that the strongest mental
force desires to carry them. They love the world and its varied delights, and are, consequently, contented and willing to let others do
the thinking for them.
The whole of these remarks are to be considered in a general
sense only, and in speaking of any given sign it is, of course, presupposed that the position and aspect of the sun, moon, and planets do
not contradict the general tendencies of the sign upon the ascendant.
Further, what we have thus far stated in reference to the fiery trigon
will also apply to the other triplicities. It is, therefore, quite unnecessary to go over the same ground with each trigon, as the above illustration will suffice to explain the varying powers of each sign, according to the peculiar plane of its manifestation, as Earthy, Airy and
Watery. The student has only to bear in mind, when forming his
opinion, that his premises and his conclttsions must occupy the same
plane. Thus, the fiery trigon manifests itself in the combative, aggressive, imperious, commanding and courageous planes of action.
The earthy trigon manifests itself in the patient, laborious, plodding, obedient and inert planes of action. The airy trigon manifests
itself in the aspiring, philosophical, musical, artistic and volatile
planes of action. The watery trigon manifests itself in the dreamy,
romantic, changeable, timid and submissive planes of action.
As before stated, the student must understand that these remarks
are general and not particular in their application; for instance, we
do not mean to assert that because a person is born under a watery
sign rising upon the ascendant, that, that person will be dreamy and
romantic, or impractical and submissive. This will depend entirely
upon the actual position of the planets and their aspects to the sun
and moon at the time of birth. But what we do mean to assert is this;
that the person then born will possess, deep down and latent, the
qualities of the watery trigon, and that under proper conditions and
circumstances, it will rise dominantly to the surface and thus manifest the true internal characteristics of the person's nature, while the
same conditions and circumstances brought to bear upon one born
unde r the fie ry trigon would operate in exactly the reverse direction.
Thus we see how and why two different individ uals, under the same
identica] conditions, will differ diametrically in their course of actio n. Every day adds f resh proof of th is.
\Ve must now turn our at(ention to the purel}' esoteric aspect of
th e fou1 ttiplicitics, and view them from tlwir Hermetic and Occ ult
standpoint. The four ancie nt elements; Azoth, Salt, Sulphur, and
~lcrcury, have been S)'mbolh~cd from tirne irnmcmorial, as Tho Man.
The Bull, The Lion, and The Eagle. Astrologically t hese are; Aquarius (:) "the water b eare r," symbolical of Th e Man; Taurus ( tl) the
sign of The Bull; Leo ( $1.) rc):resented by The Lion; and lastly Scorpio ( 111.) anciently symbolized by The Eagle. ln this change of svmbols
the thoughtful stude nt will 6nd much t hat is well worthy o f his careful consideration, for "hereby hangs a tale." In the esoteric planisphcre of the twelve signs, Ad~m Kadrnon, the pritnordial man, pure,
and in perfect accord with the Father, occupied t ha t point of the
planisph ere now designated b y the sign Libra (.,) , which signifies the
point of cqnilihrium in the .o:phcrc. T his eseltt>ric point is whcrP. cl::ly
and night, winter and summer, light and darkness, good and evil are
one. Adam Kadmon re presents the ideal man, and the very fttct that
we can form an ideal conception is the absolute proof that we pos
sess the possibilities of attaining unto the ideal and realizing our conception, not perhaps upon th is pla ne, but certainly, when we a re trans
lated to the higher. The modern English 11amc for this point of the
sph ere, ''The Balance," which means justice. is a fitting o ne, as Justice is that whic h discriminates, upon the external plane, hetwccn
good and evil, and metes o ut rewards a nd punishments. Life. Light
and Truth arc the SilfllC, and consist of $pirit ua1 reRcction. They are
spiritual rays) and when these rays become refracted h y passing
through the p rism of matter, Tru th becomes illusion. Life becomes
limited by assuming the appeara nce of d eath, and Light bc~'Omcs obscured . This thought is clearly expressed b y S. S. Grimke in her book
Esoteric Lessons, und<r the s11bject '"First Lessons in Reality." The
spiritually be-autiful and ete rnally true. have no existence in this
world where all is c hange, sttifc, d iscord and d eath, therefore, we
sec that the divine spiritual ray of good, when it hccorncs rcfractcd .
presents all the forms a nd colors of evil. the fo rmer only, is real
Km Ol'
bow of promise in the heavens that God will not entirely dcstro)' the
world with water.
From the time of the win1er solstice the days increase in length,
in the northern hemisphere; tlhe sluggish life forces of matter begin
to expand; and all things increa.<e in vitality until the 21st. of June;
when Sol enters the sign Canco>r. This is the highest [>Oint of declina
tion north of the equator. It i.s also the highest point of intensity (in
the northern hemisphere) of the cosmic life forces. For a time, these
fo,ces remain stationary; then reaction slowly sets in; the trees begin
to change their tints, fruits begin to ripen, and the days grow shorter
as the Life Wave recedes.
If a ''Omplete census of the whole population or the northern
hemisphere could be taken, and the actual duration of life, of the
people ascertained, we should find a startling contrast between those
born from Oe<lembcr to June, and those born between July and the
end of November. \\'e should find that those who live the longest
were born in March, April and May, that is to say, a ,cry great
majority would be found to have their natal day in these months.
While on the contrary, a majodt:y ot the shortlived populahon would
be found to be born during the months of August, September and
October. This is only true on g;cneral principle, and docs not apply to
any one individual horoscope; in fact, the remarks in reference to the
four triplicities will also apply here. The increase and decrease of the
solor light simply governs the vitalizing capacity of the race, and not
the individual. Rem~rnbcr thois.
Before concluding this gc:neral outline of the psychological prin
ciples upon which the true ast~romasonic science is founded, we must
draw the reader's nuention to its alchemical aspect, nnd point out the
The Sun,
Venus, copper
Moon, silver
skillful musician. Probabl)' the reader is or has been acquainted with
many such individuals. It is the same with Occultism. The former
represents the natural born magician, the latter the average lover and
student of occult science. Tl~ fom>cr can obtain his knowledge direct from the great storehouse of Nature, the latter only from a long
study of the writings of othef'l. But, there is also a third class to be
considered in viewing the r:tnks of the occult, viz., those who occupy
a midway plane between the two above noted. It is for this middle
class alone that this work wa! prepared.
The celebrated alchemist, Paracelsus, speaking of the astrological
aspects o f his science. says in Paragranum I, "lf I have manna in my
constitution 1 can attract manna from heaven. Melissa is not only in
the garden, but also in the air and in heaven. Saturn is not only in
the sky, but also deep in the ocean and earth. What is Venus, but tle
Artemisia that grows in your garden, and what is iron but the planet
Mars;" that is to say, Venus and Artemisia are both products of the
same essence, while Mars and iron are manifestations of the same
cause. "What is the human body but a constellation ( microcosm ) of
the same powers that formed the stars in the sky? He who knows
Mars knows the qualities of iron, and he who knows what iron is,
with the previous teachings gi1cn in this and other chapters. The man
who is dominated by the Martial element and knows it, and then
devotes his commercial energies to tle realms of Mars, by trading
and speculating solely in iron and its products; the Saturnine individual controlled by the earthly trigon. who consciously invests his
money, time and abilities in coal mining and trading in lime, clay,
bricks and stone: these men, I say, arc a long way ahead of those
who devote their time and their money to studying and experimenting with the musty old formulas of "Sandivogius," so far as the tnte alchemy of Nature is concerned, because they have obeyed the com-
mands of true science upon the .physical plane. They are using the
spiritual and magnetic affinities implanted by Mother Nature within
them, to successfully attract to them, their natural correspondences
on earth; and then, by the aid of commerce, transforming such base
products into the shining yellow gold. Salt, sulphur, mercury and
azoth, exist in the human body as well as in the bowels of the earth
(the one implies the other), and so does the coveted elixir which resolves all things into their original elements and confers perpetual
youth. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."
The symbolical diagram at the beginning of this chapter expresses, hieroglyphically, all that the science of alchemy can teach.
The twelve signs of the zodiac are divided into their various triplicities,
and it will be noticed that each trigon has three planes of manifestation
shown by the three wards of the stellar key. These elements are again
shown, represented by their chemical equivalents, Carbon, Nitrogen,
Oxygen, and Hydrogen; and lastly, the various quadrants represent
the realms of elemental life, which live and move and have their
being within the four great astral triplicities of the old Chaldean
Co...STEUJ.nOS.S o.-
Tfll. Zoot.-,(".
Everything in Nature, though constituting a trinity in itself, possesses a fourfold application when viewed from the external plane.
At least we find this fourfoldness a truth so far as "the things of Earth"
are concerned, and therefore, by the laws of correspondences, the
same application must hold good in regard to the celestial objects in
the heavens. The Hermetic rule is very precise upon this point, viz,
"As on the earth, so in the sky." Therefore, we will describe the fourfold aspect of the stars as fully as the limits of the present work will
allow. Before attempting this, however, it is perhaps necessary to
remind the general reader, that it is well known to students of Occult literature, that behind the external personalities of the twelve
sons of Jacob were concealed the various powers of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. Until quite recently, their correct tabulation has been carefully concealed. In fact, the Kabbalistical and esoteric aspect of the science, what Paracelsus calls the "spiritual astrology," has never yet been committed to writing, except under the dense
The Physical aspect applies only to the gross external plane, the
passional and material side of humanity. It shows us the intellectual
human animal, as it were, and therefore, is only applicable to those
who are living wholly upon that particular plane.
Upon the Physical Plane, Aries produces a spare but strong body,
of medium height, long face, and bushy eye brows, rather long neck,
powerful chest, complexion rather swarthy; disposition courageous,
ambitious, intrepid, and despotic; the temper is fiery and passionate.
Generally speaking, this sign gives a very quarrelsome, irritable, pugnacious person. His diseases are those of the head, small pox, measles
and fevers. Of plants, this sign governs broom, holly, thistle, dock,
fern, garlic, hemp, mustard, nettles, onions, poppies, radish, rhubarb
and peppers. Of stones, Aries rules firestone, brimstone, ochre and all
common red stones.
tion of the airy trigon, and is tl1e cousteUatioo of the planet Mercury.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Gemini signifies the union of reason
with intuition, and those dominated by its iuJ!ux express tile highest
mental state of embodied humanity. They are volatile, free, philosophical and generous. T heir magnetic spheres are specially suscep
tiblc to the influence of inspirational currents. By nature they are
restless and exceedtngl)' encr&clfc. Tln::y possCS.) aJl excess of mental
force which impels them headlong into tle most gigantic enterprises.
Their chief charactcristi06 are intuitional and mental activity, conse
qucntly, they are nervous and restless.
Upon the Physical Plane, Gemini gives a tall, straight body, a
sanguine complexion, dark hair, hazel or grey eyes, sharp sight and a
quick, active walk. They po>sess a restless but gentlemanly appear
ance. In disposition, the natives of the airy trigon are volatile and
fickle. They arc scicnti6c and possess a great passion for nil kinds of
knowledge; are inconstant, 1md rarely study one subject very long;
nrc speculative, and [>OSsess large imaginations. Of plants, this sign
rules privet, dog-grass, meadow-sweet, madder, woodbine, tansy,
' 'ervain and yarrow. Of stones, Gemini governs the garnet and all
striped stones.
(!;; ) ntE QWI
The sign Cancer symbolizes tenacity to life. The crab, in order
to move forward, is compelled to walk baclwa.rds; which illustrates
tJ1e sun's apparent motion. ,vflcn ln this sign, where it commences to
move backwards toward the equator again. It also represents the
fmitCul, sustaining essence of the life forces, hence, we see the sym
bot of the crab occupying a prominent position upon the breast of the
statue of ISIS, the universal mother and sustainer of all.
Kabbalistically. the sii,'Tl Cancer signifies the vital organs of the
grand man of the starry heavens, and therefore, represents the
breathing and digestive functions of the human family, and also indi
cates the magnetic control of this coostellation over the spiritual,
ethereal and vital essences, and the capacity of those specially dom
inated by this nature to receive and assimilate the inspirational cur
rents. Hence, Cancer governs the powers of inspiration and respira
lion of the grand man. The sign Cancer, upon the esoteric plnnisphere,
is occupied b)' Zebulon, of whom his patriarchal father declares,
"Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea, and he shall be for an
TlJ2 )
The sign Virgo symbolizes chastity, and forms the central idea of
a great number of myths. The Sun-God is always born at midnight,
on the 25th. of December, at which time the constellation of Virgo is
seen shining above the horizon in the east. Hence, originated the
primitive idea of the Son of God, being born of a Virgin. When the
sun passes through this sign the harvest is ready for the reaper; hence,
Virgo is symbolized as the gleaning maid with two ears of wheat in
her hand.
Kabbalistically, the sign Virgo signifies the solar plexus of the
grand archetypal man, and therefore, represents the assimilating and
:!!: )
the heavens. The sun enters this sign about the 21st. of September,
when, as the poet Mnnilius says:
"0 4\y and night lti"C weighed in Llbr,'\'.s ~t:~1le).,
Equal ;t,\\ hile. ~: l:.s:t the night prC\"ails.''
Kabbalistically, the sign Libra signifies the reins and loins of the
grand celestial man, and therefore, represents the central conservatory
or store house of the re-productive fluids. It is nlso the magnetic vorte.x
of pro-creative strength. This constellation also represents, in its most
interior aspect, the e<ruinoctial point of the nrc in the ascending and
descending cycle of the life atom . Therefore, this sign contains the
unification of the cosmic fore<s as tlle grand central point of equilibrium of the sphere. Libra upon the esoteric planispherc, is occupied
by Dan. The patriarch, in his blessing, thus refers to his celestial
nature; "Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of lsrucl."
Libra represents the interior equilibrium of Nature's forces, and contains the m)stery of the divine at-one-ment of the ancient initiations.
Upon the universal chart, this sign becomes Enoch, the perfect man.
Its Jn)Stical gem is the cliamcnd. As a magnetic talisman, this stone
net$ as a repulsive force, and combines with the magnc11c sphere of
those horn under its innuence, to repel the emanations from foreign
bodies, either of persons or tt.ings. Libra is the second emanation of
the airy triplicity, and is the constellation of Venus.
Upon the intellectual Plane, Libra signiAes external perception,
balanced by intuition, the union of which becomes e.xtcmalized as
reason and foresight. Therefore, those dominate<! by this inRuence
. constitute the rntionnllstic school of the wol'id's body of thinkers.
Theoretically, they are strong supporters of such conceptions as univenal brotherhood, universal equality and the rights of man. But
practically, they seldom (unless it pays ) reduce their pet theories to
nctutol practice. The nntives of Libra, though possessing a finelr bal
anced mental and magnetic organism, arc seldom elevated into very
prominent positions. This is because they are too even, both mentally
and physically, to become the popular leaders of an) radical or sensational party. It is one of tho attributes of Libra, to in fuse a natlll'nl
instinct within all horn under her infiuence to accept and adopt the
golden mean, or, as it has been termed, "the happy medium. Hence,
they generally commnnd r"'l'cct from both sides on questions of
Upon the Intellectual Plane, the sign Scorpio signifies the generation of ideas; hence, those dominated by this influx possess an inexhaustible resource of ideas and suggestions. Their active evolutionary minds are ever busy with some new conception, and their brains
are literally crammed full of inventive imageries. They possess keen
perception, fine intuitional powers, and a very positive will. Hence,
they excel as medical practitioners, chemists and surgeons. In the
various departments of the surgical art, natives of this sign possess no
equal. In addition to this mechanical ability, they are endowed with
a powerful, fruitful, magnetic life force which they sympathetically
transmit to their patients. This is why they become such successful
physicians. The sexual desire is naturally very strong, hence, they are
liable to excess in this direction.
Upon the Physical Plane, this sign gives a strong and rather corpulent body, medium stature, dark or ruddy complexion, dark hair,
features often resembling the eagle; disposition active, resentful, proud,
reserved, thoughtful and also selfish. Of plants, this sign rules blackthorn, charlock, heather, horehound, bean, bramble, leek, woad and
wormwood. Of stones, lode stone, blood stone and vermillion.
This constellation, in its Symbolical aspect, represents a dual nature, as it symbolizes retribution and also the hunting sports. We find
it depicted as a Centaur, with the bow and arrow drawn to its head
ready for shooting. Hence, it was frequently used to designate the
autumnal sports, the chase, etc. The Centaur was also a symbol of
authority and worldly wisdom. Mackey, speaking of this sign, said,
"The starry Centaur still bends the bow
To show his sense of what you did below."
the Fishes
Pisces (
This sign symbolizes the Hood; chiefly because, when Sol passes
through this sign the rainy season commences; clearing away the
snows of winter, the melting torrents of which Hood the valleys and
lowlands. This sign is also the terminus of Apollo's journey through
the twelve signs.
"Near their loved waves cold Pisces keep their seat,
With Aries join, and make the round complete."
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Fire represents zeal, animal courage, daring; and in fact, all that pertains to action and activity. While
on the higher ( esoteric) .plane, Fire implies the interior apprehension
of the meaning and significance of action as displayed in the trinity,
and expressed by fire of three terms as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius;
Aries ( 'Y' ) the intellect; Leo ( 61.., ) the emotions; Sagittarius ( if! ) the
offspring of the intellect and emotions; the external result or consummation of the two; that point which is neither the one nor the other;
but where the two are one.
The Earthly Triplicity stands for the frozen, inert north, as a
symbol of frigidness, hardening, crystallizatioq, death. It is concerned with all phenomena that is most externaf and palpable to the
external senses; the solids, metals, fabrics.
and wisdom; thus realizing only the rippling waves (.::: Aquarius) of
peaceful results; instead of the downpouring 8oods and cataclysms;
both social and physical; which otherwise result from the unbalanced
scales (,... Libra ); when extemal and internal antagonize, as two
hostile and absolutely separate and dual forces; instead of balancing
as two modes of one and the same eternal motion, the one life of the
oo ):
cal strength, the power of balancing the mental faculties; Scorpio ( 1T\. )
the generative organs and the procreative attributes; Sagittarius ( ;r. )
the hips and thighs, the seat or foundation of volitional force, the
migratory instincts; Capricorn ( v.5') the knees, tokens of humble submission to the higher powers; Aquarius ( ::::-) the legs and ankles or
active powers of movement and locomotion; and lastly, Pisces ( *)
the feet, the foundation of the whole frame, which should ever be
capable of finding and sustaining its own level unaided, lest the grand
human temple fall to the ground. Thus we begin with fire and terminate with water. These constitute the two poles of the human
NoTE: To obtain the celestial application of the above, the points must be reversed;
north becomes south; east becomes west, and so on.
as well as the writer, must feel thankful for the degree which he may
already possess; and set to work in real earnest to attain a still greater
degree of spiritual perfection.
Ttlf: SUN
mer, represented by firmness and self esteem; and the latter, by hope
and conscientiousness. Those dominated by this influx are the natural
born leaders of mankind. By their high-minded presence, they proclaim their "right divine to govern." They are proud and ambitious,
yet magnanimous and noble. Hating all mean, petty and sordid actions, they express the very highest form of true dignified manhood.
Upon the Physical Plane, the position of the sun in the horoscope
is one of vital importance; for on this, in a male natus, hangs the vital
thread of life. If evil rays concentrate thereon; the life will be of
short duration; unless counteracting aspects intervene.
When the sun is afflicted at birth, his influence upon the native
through life, will be malefic. When this is so; even minor evil directions to the sun and moon combined, will bring about destruction of
life; the nature of which will be similar to that of the afHicting planets.
And note this: for prosperity and success in life; it is essential that
the luminaries be well aspected and favorably situated in the celestial
figure. When the sun and moon are afflicted at birth, depend upon it,
that person will have a very hard struggle against an adverse fate all
the days of his life; and it will not require the powers of an inspired
prophet to foretell his general destiny. "From evil, discord and suffering are born."
The Sun, rising at birth, confers courage, pride, ambition, and to
a certain extent, good fortune. But, if afflicted by Saturn, the native
will suffer much in health, and be correspondingly unfortunate. If
afflicted by Mars, the native will be cruel, rash and quarrelsome. Such
a one will have little respect for the feelings of others; unless Jupiter
or Venus cast beneficent rays. Generally speaking, the Sun when rising at birth gives a person of strong frame, good forehead, large eyes,
sharp sight, tawny or brown hair. If well aspected and dignified, the
disposition is noble, generous, and proud, yet humane, and courteous;
a truly faithful friend and generous foe. He is profuse in his manner,
and loves magnificence. If evilly aspected and ill dignified; then the
native is mean, proud and tyrannical to those under his authority, but
a submissive sycophant to his superiors; shallow minded and thoroughly unfeeling.
venerated and worshiped as the universal mother; the feminine fructifying principle of all things. In the poetical conception of the Hebrews, the moon was called Ash-nem or Shenim, the state of slumber
and change. Without a complete knowledge of astrological science,
the weird truths concealed beneath the veil of Isis, can never be
properly und,erstood. Astrology alone, is the true key to the fundamental principles of Occultism. The secret of the tides; the mysteries
of gestation; and the alternate periods of sterility and fruitfulness,
caused by the ebb and flow of the magnetic life currents throughout
every department of Nature; are discoverable only by a comprehension of the divine goddess of our midnight skies. This knowledge was
the sublime attainment of the sages, "who," says Bulwer Lytton, "first
discovered the starry truths that shone upon the great shemaia of the
Chaldean lore." Chandra of the Hindoos; Isis of the Egyptians; Diana
of the Greeks; and others, are all, the moon.
Kabbalistically, the Moon represents the soul of the grand man.
It is, therefore, the celestial virgin of the world, in its mystical application; the emblem of the Anima Mundi. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Luna becomes transformed into the Angel Gabriel. Upon the
universal chart, we see her expressed as the divine Isis, the woman
clothed with the sun. As Isis, she represents the grand initiatrix of the
soul into the sublime mysteries of the spirit. The Moon, also, represents the moulding, formative attributes of the astral light. She, also,
stands as the representative of matter. Hence, in her dual character,
she reveals to us her forces which are purely magnetic; and as such,
they stand as the polar opposite of those of the Sun, which are electric.
In their relation to each other, they are woman and man.
Astrologically considered, volumes might be written regarding this
orb. When we consider her proximity to our earth, and her affinity
with it, as well as the rapidity of her motion, we cannot help granting to her the highest position, as an active agent in every branch of
judicial astrology. Her influence is purely negative, however; and in
herself alone, or when void of the configurations of the Sun and
planets; she is neither fortunate nor unfortunate. But, when configurated with other orbs; her influx becomes exceedingly potent as
she receives and transmits to us the intensified influence of those stars
aspecting her. The Moon, therefore, may be called the great astrological medium of the skies.
Upon the Physical P lane, Mercury rules the brnfn and tongue.
When strongly placed at birth, the J)Crson wiii JlCSSCSS a vivid imnginntion and retentive memory; and also be noted for mental capacity and
power of persuasion. Snch n position, ir configured with the Moon,
will give an unwearying fancy and strongly incline the mind towards
the curious and Occult side of Nature. Should Mercury be ill dignified
and void of the good aspects of other orbs, and at the same time be
affiicted by Mars; he will produce a liar. and an unprincipled, shuffling
nature, incapable of attaining or appreciating the higher mental and
moral standards. If strong or well aspected, and below the horizon,
he inclines the native to mystical and Occult studies; but if above the
horizon and dignified, he confers a more external influence and produces orators, statesmen and teachers. One of the chief attributes of
this planet, when well placed above the horizon, is that of literary
ability. All such natives possess genuine talent in this direction. It
may, therefore, be safely said that Mercury confers the ideal when
below, and the practical when above, the ascendant at birth. Physically,
Mercury gives a medium stature, strong but slender frame, exceedingly active, sharp piercing eyes, thin lips, well cut features and confident look. The complexion depends upon the Race.
sent mirth, joy, and conviviality, as the influx inclines those w>der her
rule to pleasure-seeking, and grand d isplay. T he pleasures of society
are especially governed by Venus. Balls, parties, concerts, and receptions, possess aJmost irresistible attraction to those born under her
infiucncc. Jf afOictcd in a fcmi1lioc horoscope, ,Vithout strong counteracting rays, the native becomes "unfo rtunate'' and suffers from the loss
of virtue, hence the position of Venus is very important.
Upon tllC Intellectual Plane, Venus controls the higher g roup of
the domestic q ualities, and also the idea!, artistic, and musical, sentiments. Those dominated by her influx <.'xccl in rnusic, art, and poetry.
and become noted fo r their refined accomplishments. But, at the same
time, they lack true moral p<~ver. They '\re guided impu lsi\cly by
their sentiments. passions, and desires. Reason is conspicuous by it.s
absence when their desires are aroused. Hence, the danger of being
nlislcd by Hattery ;;uld scntiln ent.nl nonsense is very great. when Venns
is not protected by harmonious rays.
Upon the Physical Plane, when Venus has chief dominion over
the mind of the native: she induces a slrong predilection for society,
and inclir1cs to da ncit~og. music. dnlwi11g, etc. She also confers a good
humored, witty, kind and charitable d isposition. Men domin~tcd by
this ioBux are always great favorites with the fair sex; but they are
thoroughl y deficient in fi rmness and self-control; and, if ill digniJled,
th~ male native will often find himself h\ awkward affairs; and is
liahl<... to fall into intemperance. A friendly aspect of S~turn in such
case~ would do much toward.s cooling a.nd steadying the native's
character and inducing reflection. \Vomen born with Venus in the
ascendant generally display the most am iable, engaging and fascinating
q ualities. 1 well a.spected. they are neat and artistic in their dress
and personal appearance; elegant in their homes and generally as
virtuous as they arc bcautifcd. It has been truly said, "The general
disposition derived from Venus is that of m ildness a nd genuine good
nature; and w hatever defects may fall to the lot of the native, they
are seldom great o nes; and are more the resul ts of weakness and a
strong animal nature, than constitutional wickedness or a desire to do
w ro ng." In this we fully concur, and will only add that the chan~'Cs
to do wrong arc m ultiplied by a prepossessing e.,tcmalism. They arc of
medium stahue, of fair clear complexion, bright sparkling wicked
eyes, handsome fea tures and beautifu l form.
This planet, of all others, in its symbolical aspect, was the object
of divine honors in the eyes of the ancient world. Mars seems to have
been the most sincerely worshiped, of all the gods, by our northern
ancestors. The greatest glory, in their rude times, was enjoyed by the
greatest warrior. Hence Mars, in his universal character, represented
the god of war. He was also symbolized as Vulcan, the celestial
blacksmith, who forged the thunderbolts of Jove. This indicates the
rule of M~rs over iron, steel, fire, and edged tools.
Kabba).istically, the planet Mars signifies alimentiveness within
the gfand1 man, and therefore, represents the sense of taste in the
human constitution. We have a direct reference to the expression of
these martial forces in reference to the physical sensations in the New
Testament, viz.: "eat, drink and be merry, for to-morrow we die."
Upon the esoteric planisphere, Mars becomes transformed into the
angel Samael (Zamael), wherein are shown the highest attributes of
this spirit. As such, it represents the power and ability to appreciate
the higher, finer, and more ethereal essences of the life wave, and
therefore, to have dominion over the powers of absorption and
Astrologically considered, Mars typifies and embodies, in his astral
expression, the spirit of cruelty, bloodshed, and of indiscriminate
destruction. The true son of Mars is a genuine pugilist of the first
water, and is never so happy as when thoroughly engaged in vanquishiHg his opponent. A type of this questionable spirit of enterprise
may be found in the history of Great Britain. England is ruled by
the sign Aries, the chief sign of Mars, and the typical Englishman is
a Mars man. No better subject for study can be found to illustrate
Mars, than John Bull. He is always fighting some one, and his past
history for a thousand years upon land and sea, is the record of
brilliant victories with very, very few reverses.
Upon the Intellectual Plane, Mars represents the spirit of enterprise, energy, and courage. Without a spice of this orb all men would
be shiftless, effeminate cowards. Those dominated by the Martial
influx are mechanical in the highest degree; and possess an unconquerable, untiring, energy, and potent will.
Upon the Physical Plane, Mars signifies all those who are in any
way engaged in the production of iron and steel. All Martial men
prefer some business where sharp instruments, iron or lire arc used,
as in the case of butchers, barbers, blacksmiths, etc. When the planet
is rising at birth, it always imparts a certain kind of ruddiness, either
upon the face or hair, a fiery look, and gives to the native n dauntless,
manly, appearance. If located in the second angle, it causes the native
to become improvident and to spend money thoughtlessly. Such a
person never be<."Omes wealthy, but always lives up his means. Located
in the 10th. house or mid-heavtn, it never fails to cause the nntive much
suffering from slander and consequent detriment of character. When
we compare the native of Ma:s with that of Saturn, we lind them as
polar opposites. The latter is like a slow, lingering consumptive disease,
and the former like a roging fever. 1\o matter who or what they may
be, depend upon it, you will always lind the native of Mars fiery,
headstrong, furious in temper, and in respects cruel and destructive;
nnd yet withal, they aro generous to excess with their friends, nnd fond
of good company. The general description of a true Mars man is
somewhat as follows; medium height, strong, well made body, ruddy
complexion, piercing eyes, sq~arc set jaw, bold determined look, and
quick, quarrelsome temper. The color of the hair is variable, but it
has generally a fiery tinge.
Old Father Time, with his skeleton-like form and deathly scythe,
is doubtless, well known to most of our readers. This is one of the
many forms assumed by Saturn in his symbolical aspect. With the
ancient Greeks he was known as Kronos, holding the cycle of necessity and eternity in one hand, and the symbol of death in the other;
thus typifying eternal change of form, sphere, and function. Among
the ancient Hebrews, Saturn was called Shebo, a name that literally
means seven. It is composed of Ash-sheb, which means the star of
old age; thus expressing the symbol of this planet.
Kabbalistically, the planet Saturn signifies silent meditation, and
thus corresponds to the auricular attributes of the grand man; and
therefore, represents the senses and powers of hearing, listening, etc.,
within the constitution of humanity. We see, therefore, the mystical
significance of the Kabbalistical conception of this orb, as silent meditation. In order to meditate, there must be silence; hence listening,
hearing. Meditation is but the listening of the mind to the inspirations
of the soul. Upon the esoteric planisphere, Saturn becomes the angel
Cassiel, the genius of reflection in the astral light. It also presents
to us the occult side of all theological mysteries; hence, the medieval
conception of this planet as the isolated hermit. It is in this sense,
that, we find it symbolized in the Tarot; a system worthy of greater
attention than seems to be paid to it by modern students of occult
Astrologically considered, the planet Saturn may be truthfully
said to be the most potent and malignant of all the planets. This is
such is the case, the native is much superior, and the influence is
ch.iefiy upon the mental plane. The native of Saturn is a thin, spare,
lank-y person; small, sharp eyes and black hair; and inclined to melancholy.
We have now completed our descriptions of the seven planetary
principles of Occult philosophy, and will now add an outline view of
the two remaining orbs, Uranus and Neptune; both belong to a higher
uc.ur ot t:c:n"'T
lrss tel sustain physic~! life "'lwn tht Hrl<g is afllictl'<l, l'itlll'r hy [)Osition or dirc<.:tion. This must he honw in 1nind or seriou~ error wiJI
O<.'t.'Ur in astro-delineations.
From what has been state<!, it will be app.uent to tlw rl'a<lcr thdt
the present generation has very little affinit~ with such ct hcre:tl in
Rucoc'C; therefore, the chief points to watch are those" whcr~in Xt1>
tune is located in the :t.st.'f"ndnnt, mid-he-a,en. seventh house nnd
lower meridian. At the-.se points, only. will the inAux be strongly m:tnifcsted. or. in o ther words, when lhc planet is "nngulnr:
Upon the lnteii<Jctual Plane, Neptune ('Ontrols the platonic SJlirit
of UniversaJ Brotherhood which, strangely enoug h, since the plunct's
visible manifestation has been so loud!~ preached and th~orctically
ae<:epted, but practically, entirel)' ignor<'d by those who nrc most
clamorous for its general recognition. Those <lominatcd by its inR<c<
nrc pleasant, agreeable, pure, simple and also romantic. They desire
the simple arcadian life of the golden age. Th<')' sigh for all things
in common; consequently, the)' arc considered hy moocrn thinkers as
impractical visionaries. The world of Xeptnne"s inAu'\: is decidedly
Upon the Physical Plane, thi< plnnct has bnt little inOuent-e in
the present age. IJ is aspects (wheu powerful) with the Sun and ~loon,
tend greatly towanl< the prcxluction of clairvoyance. I( located in
the ilsrenclant. Neptune
eyes. In fact, the eyes of such natives arc the most conspicuous feature they possess. T his position also confers a stJ:ong predilection for
books of romance and an aversion to hard, dry, matter-of-fact science;
also, strange!)' enough. such natives manifest an nversion to water.
When located in tho lOth. house, the native generJtlly obtain< sume
plcasnnt, caS)' position, such ns private secr('tary to :,.Orne uoblcmon or
philoso(lhical institution; wlorrc the duties arc light nnd the salary
more or less heavy in PI'Ot')Ortion to the :tbsence or aclunl W<Wk. \\'hen
in the 7th. house, such n position indicntes a pleasant mnnild life.
and if, in aspect with the Moon, with a rather impractical partner. In
the 4th. house, it is a testimony of a natural death.
The [ ar!h
l==.l~~::::lh~lff:;,::~s::::;::::::;:=lvvl ~
Lower Meridian
AND ntt INn.wNC& OF nt S'ttLL\.ft [NI"l.VX
The next branch of this celestial science which requires our notice,
is the practical application of the various laws, principles and influences, in their direct relation to man and his material destiny. Therefore, we will first present a brief outline of the scientific basis, so to
say, upon which the action and inter-action of stellar influences repose, and then offer a few concluding words of general advice.
The magnetic polarity of any given geographical point on our
earth's surface is changing every moment. This continual changing in
the earth is accompanied by a corresponding change in the electric
and more ethereal vital currents of the atmosphere. Both of these
varying conditions are caused, primarily, by the diurnal motion of the
earth upon its axis from west to east, which causes the whole heavens
to transit the visible horizon from east to west during the space of one
natural day, of 24 hours. The secondary causes are the various motions and aspects of the Sun, Moon and planets, as they .relate to the
positions of the earth in her annual orbit about the Sun. The primary
basis, the diurnal motion of the planet, claims our attention first. We
will, therefore, briefly examine its nature and philosophy.
The real motions of the earth are the only motions that have any
real influence upon the physical organism of the earth's inhabitants.
These motions determine the length of the day, measure out to us the
proportion of light and darkness, regulate the seasons, and fix with
the hand of fate, the exact duration of the year. All these have a
manifest influence upon the organism of man.
As our mother earth revolves upon her axis, the whole of the
celestial heavens seem to rise, culminate and set upon every portion
of her surface. Though this ri~ing and setting is only an appearance,
so far as the heavens are concerned, it is absolutely real to the earth's
inhabitants, because the influences, as they transit the earth from east
to west, are exactly the same as if the earth was the stationary center
of our solar system, and the heavens were revolving around it.
The varying conditions of the astral and magnetic forces are
caused by the various angles, at which, in their apparent motions, the
s:teJiar influx is reflected to any g iven p-oint of the earth. Fol' instance,
the conditions at sunrise al'e practicall)' different from the conditions
prevai ling at noon, when the Sun is shining: upon the meridian. At sun~
follow out the same principles, because, being founded upon the
rock of absolute truth, their inAuencc can be verified in every cor~
of the heavens, with the earth in the center. The horizontal line
upon the left represents the eastern horizon or the point, in reference to the earth, which is occupied by the sun at sunrise. The
perpendicular line above the horizon, marking off one quadrant
of the circle, represents the zenith or meridian occupied, at noon,
by the sun in its daily transit. Now between these two points, the
horizon and the meridian, we have two angular lines which divide
the quadrant of 90 degrees into three parts containing 30 degrees
each. These are the three south-eastern houses which mark off
the angular changes of solar and astral influx between sunrise
and noon. The horizontal line opposite to and parallel with the
line of the horizon, shows that point of the heavens which is
occupied by the sun, in reference to the earth, at sunset, and the
two angular lines between it and the meridian indicate the changes
of terrestrial and celestial conditions between noon and sunset.
Thus, in the space of the daytime, the sun, stars and planets (if
there should be any situated in that part of the heavens) have made
the transit of the diurnal arc of six houses. During this time every
conceivable change of polarity that is possible under solar influx
has been manifested upon the earth, and thousand:; of human
beings have been ushered into physical existence, each and all
differing more or less widely from each other, according to the
influence dominant at the exact moment of mortal birth. It is
needless to repeat this description of the six nocturnal houses; it is
similar; the perpendicular line opposite the zenith is the lower
meridian where the sun is situated at midnight; then, still moving
forward in its ceaseless round, the sun arrives upon the horizon
again, at sunrise, to commence another day. In order to give a
clearer idea of this thought than words can possibly convey, we
insert a diagram which explains itself. We have only to add in this
connection, that the earth is divided into positive and negative
halves, which are continually changing from one to the other; the
half under the sun's rays is always positive; that portion under the
shades of evening is negative. Day and night then, like the sun
and moon, are the polar opposites of each other, and so are the
individuals born under the two conditions.
From the foregoing, it will be seen that any number of individuals,
born during the course of a single day, at different times, will differ
widely in their physical temperament and mental bias. :-lot only so,
but, they will differ just as widely in their fortunes and destiny. Herein,
then, we see the grand basic principles of this science; which accounts,
in a most philosophical manner, for the wonderful diversity in human
beings; so that, scarcely any two arc alike in mind, form, or feature;
because no two are born exoctly at the same moment of time, under
exactly tl1e same position of the heavens. For instance; suppose one
hundred children in different parts of the world were horn at the
same precise moment of time, tho difference in the latitude and longitude of their respe<:tivc birthplaces would render it probable that no
two would be alike; bec.1use of the difJerent aspects presented by the
heavens to different portions of the globe at exactly the same moment.
The reader has only to bear in mind that, it is sunrise, noon, sunset,
nnd midnight, every moment; at some point on the earth; in order
to reaUze the great natural difference that exists between those who
arc born at the same moment of time in different parts of the world.
The secondary causes "hich regulate and modify tho astral and
planetary influx are the apparent motions of the sun, moon, and
pl::mels, iu theif orbits, a.s they eitllcr approach cnch other or reocdc.
magnetic effects; that some times, the whole good or evil influx of
a given planet is completely polarized by them; and, almost always,
these aspects are found to constitute very important factors in the
native's horoscope.
The reader will perceive from the foregoing statement of astral
principles, that in order to properly gauge and apply the actual influences in operation at a person's nativity; two primary considerations
are necessary, viz.: the time and place of a person's physical birth.
Without these, nothing reliable can be scientifically determined. And
any system of astral, planetary, or solar influences; that pretends to
determine the celestial influences upon man; which ignores these
essential elements, is thoroughly inaccurate; if not utterly misleading.
Before concluding these brief remarks upon the basis of this
science, we would point out the fact, for the benefit of some of our
readers; that ancient astrology is not, as so many seem to think, "an
exploded science;" and further, we wish to point out another very
important fact, viz.: that, not a single individual can be found, who
talks or writes of this astrological explosion; who himself, understands
the fundamental principles of the science he is defaming. Many
superficially learned individuals think that the old geocentric system
of Claudius Ptolemy was the only foundation upon which the ancient
astrology rested; and that, when the present Newtonian system overturned the Ptolemaic theory of a "primum mobile," the astrology of
the ancients was buried amid the ruins. We need scarcely add that,
such superficial minds are in sad need of a little true light. The observed effects of certain positions of the heavens; be they apparent
or real; is the only foundation of judicial astrology; and it was upon
the continuous observations of ages, that the old Chaldean sages
formulated their wonderful science of the stars. The eclipses of the
Sun and Moon, the conjunctions of the planets, and the exact length
of the solar year, were all correctly computed, ages before the days
of Abraham. In reality, it makes little difference to astrology; whether
the earth moves about the Sun or the sun moves about the earth;
for it rests upon the absolute fact that, one of them does indeed move.
So far as the physical organism of man is concerned; the planet
which gave it birth is its center and the focus of all celestial influences;
hence, the earth and its motions are the only ones of vital importance
upon the material plane. We would point out to all would-be heio-
the full realization of the occult and philosophical principles underlying this external formula, that a real knowledge of astrology consists.
It is this absolute knowledge of the stars, that always distinguishes
the true artist from the astrological pretender, and "fortune telling"
imposter. It is these latter charlatans who, by their unprincipled
methods and villainy, have caused the very name of astrology to
become the synonym of superstition and fraud in the eyes of nineteenth century intelligence. So different are the people and the conditions which surround us; from those who lived in the days of old, when
the wise men of Chaldea communed with the beautiful constellations
of heaven; and learned therefrom, the mighty secrets of the soul's
origin and destiny; as well as the material details of their physical
lives. The same book of Nature is open now, as then; but, only the
pure in heart can read its pages and trace the mystical chain of life,
as depicted by Nature through the stars, to Nature's Cod.
The beautiful, twinkling, glittering stars,
The rivals in splendor of Venus and Mars,
They come and they go,
Moulding the powers of our weal or our woe.
Shining serene in the heavens above,
Nightly teaching us lessons of love,
No discords nor jars
Appear to disturb these beautiful stars.
The soul seems to claim these jewels on high,
And struggles to soar to its source in the sky.
But sorrow and pain
Are the pathways that carry it homeward again.
How oft have we dreamed, when gazing above,
That the purified soul - the offspring of love,
When freed from earth's load,
Would find in the stars its peaceful abode.
So fondly we think of our homes in the sky,
Joined with the soul for whose presence we sigh;
Where Saturn nor Mars
Can embitter our joys mid the beautiful stars.
II$ the soul unfolds in true spiritual light, the manifest unity between man and his divine source; also between man and the myriad
creations of the inJlnite universe; become " self evident and absolute
fact. Dut, unfortunately, the undeveloped soul sees none of these
great facts of unity and identity; nor perceives tl>c vital relations
existing between the soul and the stars. The facts of tl>e one seem to
him totally irrelevant to the facts of the other; while, on t11e other
hand, to the initiated seer, a true knowledge of the soul is impossible
without a perfect understanding of the stars. Equally, are the stars
incomprehensible, apart from the soul. Man, the microcosm, is, in
himself, a miniatu.r e universe; composed of inSnite atoms; which are
in a constant state of action and re-action; not only among themselves;
but also, with the inSrute aton-.s of the larger univene, t11c macrocosm.
also include a true science of tbe stars. It also follows; that deductions
based upon a comprehension of these higher relations, which are self
evident to the seer; will appear to the ordinary undeveloped human
being as quite irrational and illogical; since the premises are, to him, incongruous and unrelated. With such, all efforts at enlightenment are
quite futile in the present state of evolution; but for those souls struggling to awake to the higher truths of their cxistcnco and destiny; this
conclusion is added, to help them, to grasp, this grand union of the
soul and the stars; this mystical chnin, which binds the in6nite multiplicity into unity, as well as diversity into identity.
We have, therefore, to regard man in a somewhat different light
from that in which we have hitherto considered him , viz.: we have
now to behold him as a grand, intelligent, spirito-material center, for the
expression of astro-celestial forces, upon the internal and external
planes of Cod's universe. Ma.,, broadly speaking, is a duplex mirror,
reOccting the steUar forces ill two directions; 1st., the astral inftux
from his body to the planes below humanity; 2nd., the 6ncr ethereal
essences of the stars from his soul to the aerial races in the spheres
above. The Srst comprises seven degrees of sub-mundane life, from
"1an to the mineral, forming as it were a lower octave of existence~
it the mineral waves are the alpha and omega of its ideas. The third
degree of life passes in review as the vegetable kingdom, of which
sufficient is already known to the reader. The higher we go the brighter
the little creatures become. When we ascend to the fourth degree of
life, we behold the loveliest scenes that fairyland can present to the
eyes of the seer. The exquisite form and variety of these dazzling
elemental sprites are beyond language to describe. Each vortex or
space of the anima floralis constitutes a veritable paradise of beauty;
a wondrous world of delights; in which, the nymphs of the flowers
and the bright fairies of the floral world, sport like butterflies, in the
luminous ether of their round. The fifth degree passes before us as
the animal kingdom. The sixth degree of life expresses itself as the
semi-human round, the external correspondence of which may be seen
in the ape family. This realm of sub-mundane life contains the astral
world of the apes. It is these astral forms that are used by certain
magicians (after the human principle has vacated them) for occult
purposes. They become the trained elementals of magical science.
Their chief quality is imitation; and under the influence of their master's mind they will personate anything; from an angel of light to a
goblin damned. The sixth degree is a world in which the soul begins
to put forth its attributes of self-consciousness; a realm wherein the
struggling monad gathers together the results of past sub-mundane
victories; and prepares to graduate to that higher life round; wherein,
it may commence to assume the human form. The seventh degree of
life is the embryonic human round; a spiritual zone or soul world,
wherein exists the multitudes of prepared souls awaiting the conditions of their final incarnation. It is the realm of anxious expectations
and glowing ideals of what external human life may be. It is from
this state, or degree of life, that the human soul takes its last plunge
into objective material conditions; from which, it emerges to the surface as the self acting, self conscious, individual man.
Let us now briefly turn our attention from man to the planet,
which he inhabits; and trace the correspondence. The planet, like
the man, may be designated as a duplex mirror; reflecting stellar and
planetary influx in two directions; 1st., to the various realms of elemental existence (corresponding to sub-mundane life); termed cosmic
elementals; belonging to the four occult elements of Fire, Earth, Air,
and Water; 2nd., to the astro-magnetic zones of the planet ( corres-
of the other six; only that, these six forces are latent; in so far as to
lend all their force, for the more complete manifestation of the dominating one. Hence it follows, that our earth contains, in addition to
its own dominating degree of life, the latent forces of the variou
grades of life active upon the other planets; so that Mars, Venus,
Mercury. etc., arc here with us; just
off spaces. Herein is contained the great mystery of planetary inOuence upon man; for man, as before stated, is the highest type of
life upon the globe; and becomes the great radiator of the different
grades of life of the seven planets, comprised within the one he inhabits. His sensitive sphere becomes the means of arousing count
less races of astro-magnctic clcmentals into life and motion; and also,
into obedient servitude; if he only possesses the knowledge to direct
them; for each grade of planetary inOux renders service and protection
cealed here: and the portals are open. for the soul's exploration. This
also, is the philosophic basis for the various statements that; certain
planets rule certain soul attributes, mental quaUties, physical instincts,
dasses of animals, plants, herbs, trees, minerals, precious stones, etc.
The reader who has followed us thus far, is now invited to join
us in a short trip to the astral world and there behold man as he presents himself to the vision of the seer. A most wonderous and dazzling
picture is before us, undreamed of mysteries connected with the
human form divine. Let us examine more c1osely. First, we observe,
that from the spinal column of the stately lorm of man; and from the
base of his luminous brain; iss-ue living streams of vitalizing force;
which, as they flow from the various points of his odylic sphere; become refmcted into the seven rays of the spectrum. These rays of
living force from different individuals, become mutually attracted
toward each other; each color blends with its kindred color from other
organis-ms, and gravitates to its own particular level in the prismatic
ocean of life; until the whole of this mighty planet, with its millions
of human beings scattered over its throbbing surface; pre.c;:ents to the
eye of the initiated seer a perfect network of luminous springs, creeks,
rivers, and oceans of force; flowing from the radiating organism of
man. VVe also observei that these luminous oceans g radually assume
that, these oceans Cow in one continual direction, viz. : in the opposite
direction to the orbital motion of the earth. They Bow backward in
the orbit. The writer cannot be positive upon this point, as these are
his own actual experiences, and are related here as they actually ap
peared to him in the realms of spirit. It may be that, this backward
angelic world; and diffuses its violet aromas within the spaces that are
divine. As we perceive this fact; we instantly comprehend the grand
connection of the whole universe. MAN stands upon the central rung
of the cyclic ladder, as the meeting point of the equilibrium, between
the upper and the lower manifestations, of the great ONE LIFE. In
MAN lies concealed the sacred mystery of the lost word. He is the
wonderful microcosm. By his duplex action of body and soul, he becomes the grand conservator; the generator; and the radiator; of
spiritual and material life forces; first, absorbing the currents of the
life wave, then separating it into>its triune qualities; retaining one, then
re-polarizing and transmitting the grosser portions, in the form
of an astro-magnetic fluid, to the planes of life below; and reflecting,
from the mirror of his soul, in the form of an astra-spiritual essence,
the :finer and more ethereal portions, to the realms above. What
awful and unsuspected mysteries lie concealed within our being!
Verily, no mind can grasp all the mysteries of man.
Reader, the oceans of purified life essence; forming these spiral
zones of the interior heavens; which extend from the celestial worlds
to the earth; from the angels to man; and then, in a grosser form,
extend to our planet's very center; is the mystical chain of the great
one life; that unites man to all below him and binds him to the
immortal realms of life above. It is the spiral cycle of necessity
traversed by the life atoms; in their descent into matter, and in
their ascent into the realms of conscious spiritual existence. It
is the spiral cord of Nature whose vibrations, throughout the wide
universe of manifested being, proclaim the unbroken union between
the soul and the stars. The same yesterday, to-day and for evermore.
The mysteries of man are the mysteries of God, and who can
solve them here on earth? The soul answereth, "none." So be it.
In conclusion, we will only add that as a child of God, or the
crystallization of force; as a spiritual entity, or a thing of dust;
man's birth-right is ever the same; a progressive conscious immortality. He is the sustainer of the universes below, of which even occultists have scarcely dreamed, and he is the generator of the essences
which sustain the life of myriads in brighter worlds than ours.