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Notes On German Shells (1918)

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NOTES GERMAN SHELLS. (SECOND EDITION.) CONTENTS. ‘ * a a fh a lit eg is te oni : eS eee 2 “The data given under the headings “ Maximum range” and See anal cena & yf St gen or he ain einen re a ep gage a diary, tencer wd star shell. s The figares under “ Weight" are either taken from officitl sm iaienieriiensy: il ee eet tans a Meg po ae Game 8 aa : er sce se | ek eth y i ee em a sl Cae ee alors cemmysirmma tetentet | Exar laa aaa eee See eee | 7 ioe 2 ‘shell, combined with the co-operation of ‘the Directorate of Gas, : powitars and nature of shall employed § ma conned copra to hn ale of nr | cna molestie a ee ae eee ee . Soe ere et et ms Lc a Uae eet ae casemate a4 an | Rietilonil -.” een sh sella aah Fee cm rca soni bor mir ers gerard ae ‘hell sf leal cy Tenia Broach ote li ria ‘his connection, the Pi Feng De et ae: Se ere or ete =: ' ae caee poeta ath = “ess ids Oakton, onan il os 3 Pr re wirear perm riers Reema cee war osc ee = eee ae snap i iter e 4 Appenitioon XXTIE-XXV.—Conversion tabler 1 406 Xl : (ently Whew APP THD Ne ony . a ‘Report on New Pattern German Shell. sorb om p18) cotati a8 eh — it «pls byline hand. y pene nary AE a Sia ‘Roteaauren, LF nm, aloe box ; 1 mm 3 23 mand, 3 an, a0. i Tron 3 nat This hell ie Wind ond con le as tthe map, Uetion gen mone one = H INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING ON “NEW PATTERNS OF OERMAN SHELL.” 1, tic daca to obtain ae meh infrmation as pmible ing nc tors o ert ltd ww ied them, and from portions of exploded or parsally exploded hell 2 Mama of dewifeation.™"Toe tot inportant. ronal stenitying su a pase (@ Numer and poston of driving tana. 3 Colour The So plating of seal ll yateon of (crn tet whi ar naw ash a stad in Us oa 4, MorkeMasa sated the shall ely are alo. oul, thas wally give te lve and year of manlactre Paton of driving handa—The bight the lower edges of ‘he driving’ hands above th ba shoal sways bo atte, fe te tate of hal of 178 em ear this ance i difereaitag ‘Stace howe ll nd gem sl 1. Orne om driving fand.—‘The number of groves on the sei a oe arn nd, oe ‘rom which the sll wa fred. cSt ae ea 3, fee Patla of he fm hss ” Kg he periniarfane played Phe rreae pea et «il "re diameter of the fon tole wil Eeqoently sot 9 ‘kermining the fan when tie cannot be fst ‘estar of far ns of intrest 8 Laas om cs containing burting charge—Many pater of shel Keve «twa lning whieh eotces de Siege ee iabels on thos linings sbooid. invariably be forwarded Sith the eport.on the sll 9, earret—Ergelly manana rad ‘Mould’ be" taker to militetoe tno milnctee runes ‘alah mtaroemente should be given inchs ai acto stan ne 10 Reports on new pation hele sheld be nubian the {orm ah uppoaiy Spite ofwhish canbe chet frm iy Pesto tad Stationery’ Dap (Army Porm W260). oss) . ‘Vartoes in SHELL CRATERS, CONSTANT OF THE DRIVING BAND. ‘raters formed in “lay” si. Recta * . German Shell other than Gas Shell required for c examination. sts an fn sont be td, tere pil ov Army ‘oa cian sachs vor. SHELIS. : At ran fm ot fly acid in Note eee ee ee snvott beported_ ‘Pot oad alan set “Sonia —— + Desigeation Fane “a | Pee : G = Lig: ey _- ae 2 lis eee Z x 21) EP Res ena iac a é | else (Reena cena amy 1 eee eee m | 150/59 ime Paterg 1s cm.|(Gr-B ytnk, Grey 170 i SS | ia wth alse cap Gr mt | rare lee 4 se canna prvi this je sey ATs [ee tae) wey mn Te gn) me me ! Fiesta te tm a | ony | volts [Rin orn ae / | “ iv / ; = q reget | ome fia “Tietin periney Tica we igh sol per eH ll he op ‘iter der vr | 07 aetna = » List of German H.E. Shell nth | Radi = uma neti, | atop | S| Ne ommon, univers inoendiary, tracer and star shel. oe eee | teogsh in| Radon ot ae = or ame niin, | rian | Se | SSP ae [estrmiem | oe | a6 [im a rates ee [Eee |e aw. (ics tbe dem, Ante | | | Ort q[imemenc: jf ee | 2 | ioe Raat smi |) efi a hora > lie 97 om. Gun Shell | DM, Br mgr Sipe + We sO Note | |e | Et os: [ee 5 em. Gun Shel, demon der Fe oS | ite ees lect. | ox | | age ge oa cetomgeoin | ie gee Big SFom Grimey | tem AP. e Bom Geta = “TB, oo ht i Baee FESR ocr & ee Trepttoe sn eer te Hep theca a ‘ oa ae " 12 ge Ga Sa 3 aoe Bi ake. : ae : BEES ain i og gaa 4 2g cles" mae thee he 10°5 cm. sie abll rack with wedi of fies 2s ” Shrapnel. oni tom eae ae enan designation. | Hog eyuirlent, | cetbee | Mein |g 15 em, Shell ~rostinued. ae: ema. a eiEE thom Gr 13 a) ja BL. eae seat jmiee | compen Beeler EAD \<- seg? lee pecs, 2 sith ea nc nia et aes Be onnanee =: | is |Bq Sirgeattertrmchen| 2 | | a0 aon. Sa. i | mem aa] ey als a9 bot a reeee sl or : Hes H/ RB eee Oe ae ae fe u | AL em, Gr, 06 a4. ao a woe _ Beeman -) teat |} Boe semueteeven te | 2 |p HBGEs RE, HY] is Bo Rew eeercy | fs] tag Hee": |B eee ies ee eae amet te |e do peer aes ten Gore 32h: thls Py eens ee) Bom Orit 2 101 FL. we | 2 12m Sar sd Hpakeerensn

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