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1) Definition:
Bottom ash is part of the non-combustible residue of combustion in a furnace or
incinerator. In an industrial context, it usually refers to coal combustion and
comprises traces of combustibles embedded in forming clinkers and sticking to hot
side walls of a coal-burning furnace during its operation.
The portion of the ash that escapes up the chimney or stack is, however, referred to
as fly ash. The clinkers fall by themselves into the bottom hopper of a coal-burning
furnace and are cooled. The above portion of the ash is referred to as bottom
ash too.

2) Source and Method of production

Energy is the main backbone of modern civilization of the world over, and the electric
power from thermal power stations is a major source of energy, in the form of
electricity. In India, over 70% of electricity generated in India, is by combustion of
fossil fuels, out of which nearly 61% is produced by coal-fired plants. This results in
the production of roughly 100 ton of ash. Most of the ash has to be disposed off
either dry, or wet to an open area available near the plant or by grounding both the
fly ash and bottom ash and mixing it with water and pumping into artificial lagoon or
dumping yards. This causes the pollution in water bodies and loss of productive land.
The continuous reduction of natural resources and the environmental hazards posed
by the disposal of coal ash has reached alarming proportion such that the use of coal
ash in concrete manufacture is a necessity than a desire.
Bottom ash is collected at the bottom of the combustion chamber in a water-filled
hopper, is removed by means of high-pressure water jets and conveyed by
sluiceways to a decanting basin for dewatering followed by stockpiling and possibly
crushing. Figure 1 show the typical steam generating system that illustrated the
bottom ash dispose at the bottom furnace and fly ash is dispose to atmosphere by
very tall chimney. The specific gravity (SG) of bottom ash is around 2 3 and shows
the higher carbon content that ensuing in lower specific gravity.

3) Advantages and Disadvantages

The use of coal combustion by-products in construction has been shown to provide
alternative solutions to the problems of global warming and the depletion of
greenhouse gases as well as providing a sustainable future in the use of green and
recycled products.
The following are some of the benefits that would be derived from the sustained use
of coal bottom ash in construction when proper and established standards have
been set.
1) It is possible to produce lightweight concrete with a density in the range of 15601960 kg/m3 and a 28 day compressive strength in the range of 20-40 N/mm2.
Though, the strength development is slow at the beginning but with extended curing
days, maximum strength can be achieved.
2) Bottom ash may be used as a partial replacement of natural aggregates, with finer
bottom ash used as sand. The percentage of bottom ash that can be used in a
mixture composition depends upon its quality and required strength of the product.
3) Inclusion of bottom ash has a more pronounced influence on tensile resistance
than on compressive strength, reduction of splitting tensile strength is hardly noticed,
as long as a minimum cement content of 365 kg/m3 is utilized.
4) Drying shrinkage decreased with an increase in bottom ash content. Concrete
made from bottom ash exhibits a reduced drying shrinkage in comparison with that
of the control samples.
5) Due to increased demand for mixing water, bottom ash mixture displayed a much
higher degree of bleeding than the control concrete.
6) High fire resistance: for protection against fire, those materials that retain large
quantity of water are more desirable, since when they are exposed to a fire, part of
this water evaporates and is transported from the fire exposed surface to the interior
of the material, where the water cools and condenses again.
7) Fly and bottom ashes increase the fire resistance of blocks, and are principally
due to the wide evaporation plateau that those ashes incur as a result of increase
water intake of the porous aggregates.

The use of coal bottom ash in concrete and mortar production has enormous
advantages and potentials in the long run, but there are some shortcomings that
have to be overcome.
1) The early strength development of coal bottom ash has been shown to be very
slow at the beginning, but as the curing period is extended beyond 28days, a
dramatic increase in strength is noticed.
2) Bottom ash mixtures display a lower modulus of elasticity than the control mixes.
The empirical relationship between static modulus of elasticity, unit weight and
compressive strength is slightly lower than that suggested by the American Concrete
Institute (a=31.2).
3) Due to high water absorption rate, angular shape and very porous surface of the
bottom ash, higher water content is required to achieve the degree of lubrication

needed for a workable mix. The increase water demand has a moderate effect on
early-age characteristics of bottom ash concretes.
4) The inclusion of bottom ash has been shown to delay the setting time of the
mixture with increase in percentage of bottom ash, the initial setting time is further
This can be attributed to the reduction in the quantity of C3S as a result of adding
bottom ash and the amount of mixing water required to maintain a workable mix.

4) Properties of bottom ash

Physical Composition
Bottom ashes have angular particles with a very porous surface texture. Bottom ash
particles range in size from a fine gravel to a fine sand with very low percentages of
silt-clay sized particles. The ash is usually a well-graded material, although variations
in particle size distribution may be encountered in ash samples taken from the same
power plant at different times. Bottom ash is predominantly sand-sized, usually with
50 to 90 percent passing a 4.75 mm sieve, 10 to 60 percent passing a 0.42 mm
sieve, 0 to 10 percent passing a 0.075 mm sieve.other physical properties of bottom
ash is shown below,
specific Gravity
dry Unit Weight

Bottom Ash
2.1 - 2.7
(45 - 100 lb/ft3)




0.8 - 2.0%



Chemical properties
Bottom ash is composed principally of silica, alumina, and iron, with smaller
percentages of calcium, magnesium, sulphates, and other compounds. The
composition of the bottom ash particles is controlled primarily by the source of the
coal and not by the type of furnace.
Bottom ash derived from lignite or sub-bituminous coals has a higher percentage of
calcium than the bottom ash from anthracite or bituminous coals. Due to the salt
content and, in some cases, the low pH of bottom ash these materials could exhibit
corrosive properties. When using bottom ash in an embankment, backfill, sub base,
or even possibly in a base course, the potential for corrosion of metal structures that
may come in contact with the material is of concern and should be investigated prior
to use.
Corrosively indicator tests normally used to evaluate bottom ash pH, electrical
resistivity, soluble chloride content, and soluble sulfate content. Materials are judged
to be noncorrosive if the pH exceeds 5.5, the electrical resistivity is greater than

1,500 ohm-centimeters, the soluble chloride content is less than 200 parts per million
(ppm), or the soluble sulfate content is less than 1,000 parts per million (ppm).

5) Mix proportion
Mix proportion of bottom ash is same as controlled concrete. The fine aggregates
are replaced by bottom ash with the different ratio.
Five mixture proportions were made. First was control mix (without bottom ash), and
the other four mixes contained bottom ash. Fine aggregate (sand) was replaced with
bottom ash by weight. The proportions of fine aggregate replaced ranged from 20%
to 50%.The controls mix without bottom ash was proportioned as per Indian standard
Specifications IS: 10262-1982 [19], to obtain a 28-days cube compressive strength
of 33.3 MPa.
From the experimental study conducted on bottom ash concrete and bottom ash and
replacement of cement with fly ash in the concrete, the following conclusions can be
1) When the bottom ash is used in the concrete, the workability of existing is
decreased due to the water demand. This problem is solved by increasing the
content of Super plasticizer.
2) When the bottom ash and fly ash content increased in the concrete, the
density of concrete decreased due to the low specific gravity of bottom ash
and fly ash as compared to fine aggregates and cement.
3) Finally, the use of bottom ash in concrete is recommended as an alternative
to fine aggregates in concrete.
4) The percentage of fly ash from 0% to increments of 40% replacement of
cement with 0.4 w/c ratios is more effective in resisting tensile stresses as
well as compressive stresses. Hence, the optimum percentage of
replacement of cement with fly ash in bottom ash concrete is 30%. Finally, the
use of Bottom ash concrete with 30% replacement of cement with fly ash is
recommended which enables the large utilization of waste product.

6) Effect on properties of fresh and hardened concrete

Effect on hardened concrete
The compressive strength of concrete mixes made with various percentage of
Washed bottom ash as sand replacement inclusive of control sample(fully natural
sand) was determined at 3, 7,28, and 60 days of curing.

Generally, all concrete with Washed bottom ash replacement has increased in
strength until long term duration i.e. at 60 days. M10 results in decreasing in
compressive strength at 7 day however the strength is getting increase after 7 days.
It was found that the compressive strength at day 3 for M20 and M30 is the highest
compared to other Washed bottom ash concretes. Starting at 7 days, M30 recorded
the highest strength until age 60 days of 27.44 N/mm2.
In general, concrete with proportion of Coal bottom ash produce lower strength at the
early ages. However, the inclusion of fly ash of equal percentage to Carbon bottom
ash to replace cement was responsible for the early age strength increment.

It was reported by that most of the furnace bottom ash concrete was lower in
compressive strength than the control that was manufactured with natural sand up to
an age of 28 days for water cement ratios of 0.45 and 0.55, but most of the
Furnace bottom ash concrete was comparable with that of the control concrete at
365 days.

In order to have a good, durable concrete, it is good to have gradation of aggregates

from large to small, and enough cementing material so as to bind properly.
Mechanically, tiny fly ash particles fill voids in concrete due to its hard and round
nature, and it also produces a ball bearing effect that allows concrete to flow easily
into voids.

The result of the compressive strength with respect to the percentage increase in
strength of the control concrete is presented in table 4. It can be seen that at the age

of 90 days curing period, all the replacement samples had strength greater than that
of the control sample. This can be attributed to the Pozzolanic reactions that
normally manifest at later ages to form C-S-H gel especially in bottom ash; this is a
result of larger particles of bottom ash reacting with calcium hydroxide.
Effect on fresh concrete
The result of the workability of the fresh concrete was correlated between slump and
Compacting factor. The results from table indicate that 5% to 15% replacement of
Coal bottom ash exhibit workability within the desired range of 25-75mm slump
except for the 20% replacement.

The increase in the slump value that was observed from 25mm at 5% to between 40
45mm at 10 15% might be an indication that the water content might have
increased, but in this situation, the water - cement ratio was constant at 0.48.
The reduction in the water demand becomes larger with an increase in the Bottom
ash content up to about 20%. The drop in workability (high low) was noticed as a
result of the percentage increase in bottom ash quantity in the mix.

Workable coal bottom ash

Mix Coal bottom ash mix ay high

percentage replacement ratio.

Bleeding which is a phenomenon whereby water rises to the surface of freshly mixed
concrete due to its lower specific gravity among the constituents of the mix. It was
observed that the process was akin to that of conventional concrete, and this could
be attributed to the lower percentage of bottom ash replacement to have any
significant effect. The rise of water to the top of the mould, and subsequent drying
did not last more than an hour even at 20% replacement of both bottom ash & fly

7) Application of bottom ash in civil engineering

According to the European Coal Production Products Association, the production of coal
combustion products in 2007 in Europe (EU 15) was about 61 million tonnes. About on
half of the produced fly ash and bottom ash is used in the construction industry but
within different applications. Fly ash is mainly used as concrete addition and cement raw
material while bottom ash is used in the production of non-aerated concrete blocks and
in road construction.
Use of bottom ash in different discipline of civil engineering:
Concrete blocks 45%
Road construction 37%
Cement raw material 13%
Concrete addition 3%
Others 2%
Use of Fly ash in different discipline of civil engineering:
Concrete addition 29%
Cement raw material 27%


Road construction 19%

Blended cement 15%
Concrete blocks 6%
Infill 3%
Others 1%

8) Case study of bottom fly ash:

(Use of Coal Bottom Ash as Fine Aggregate in Asphalt
Project Overview
In 1980, TxDOTs Paris District, in cooperation with FHWA, constructed three test
sections of asphaltic concrete pavement using bottom ash as one of the
components. The purpose was to evaluate the characteristics of bottom ash as a
potential construction material.
These sections were located on Farm-to- Market Road 1870, Interstate Highway 30
(I-30) and State Highway 11 in Hopkins County near Sulphur Springs. The test
sections were chosen because of different traffic volumes and were from 300 to 800
feet in length. The aggregate used in the hot-mix asphalt consisted of 55 percent
crushed gravel and 45 percent bottom ash. The mix was classified as a TxDOT Type
D mix. The asphalt content ranged from 10 percent to 12 percent.
In addition, a test project was constructed as a TxDOT research project in 1985. It
was a 14-mile section along I-30 in Hopkins County and included both east and
westbound lanes. The pavement consisted of two inches of Type C levelup overlaid
by one inch of Type D surface. Both courses contained approximately 20 percent
bottom ash by weight of total mixture. The conventional aggregate in the mix
included crushed sandstone, sandstone screenings and a local field sand. The
asphalt content was seven percent.
The evaluations of these sections and I-30 experimental project led to the
development and extensive use of bottom ash mixes in Paris District.
Encouraged by the experience gathered from various successful projects, TxDOT
Paris District constructed two 1,000-foot sections using bottom ash, as shown in
Figure 1. One section had bottom ash in the surface and base (Section 1), while the
other had bottom ash in the surface only (Section 2). These two test sections are
part of a 17-kilometer rehabilitation project on I-30 near Mt. Vernon in Franklin
County that starts at milepost 142.528 and ends at milepost 153.222. The pavement
section consisted of a fourinch thick Type B hot-mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) base
layer and a two-inch thick Type C HMAC as the surface course. Approximately 187
tons of bottom ash were used in these two sections.
The market prices (F.O.B.) of bottom ash and field sand in the area are $1 and $.50
per ton respectively. The demand for bottom ash is low whereas the demand for field
sand is moderate (Jones, 1998).

The construction work started in March 1996. The average daily traffic on this
highway is 17,000. The bottom ash came from the Monticello plant and was supplied
by Boral Materials Technologies, Inc. of San Antonio. The average temperature and
rainfall were 85F and 3.0 inches respectively, during the construction.
Test Data
Bottom ash used in this project was of gray color and had fine texture. The moisture
content of the ash was 20 percent at source. The unit weight was 62.0 lbs./ft 3.
In ASB, 87 percent of conventional aggregate (67 percent coarse aggregate and 20
percent fine aggregate) was blended with 13 percent bottom ash. The crushed
aggregate had a maximum size of 5/8 inch and a course surface texture.
In the hot-mix asphalt concrete (HMAC) surface mix, 91 percent of conventional
aggregate (58 percent coarse aggregate and 33 percent fine aggregate) was
blended with 9 percent bottom ash. The crushed aggregate had a maximum size of
3/8 inch and a medium surface texture. The bulk specific gravity was 2.5.
The gradation (cumulative passing) of bottom ash used in the stabilized base and
surface course, combined gradation (cumulative passing) of aggregates used in
asphalt stabilized base and surface and TxDOT specification requirements are
shown in Table 1 on the next page.
The optimum asphalt content for this Type B HMAC base and Type C Surface
Course were 6.6 percent and 6.3, respectively. The grade of the asphalt was AC- 20.
Permatac one percent has been used as the anti-stripping agent. The properties of
mix at optimum asphalt content are presented in Table 2 on the next page.

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
Incineration bottom ash as raw materials for concrete products: Nanyang
Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Effect of bottom ash as replacement of fine aggregates in concrete: P.
Aggarwal, Y. Aggarwal, S.M. Gupta, Civil Engineering Department, National
Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 136119, India.
The Properties of Special Concrete Using Washed Bottom Ash (WBA) as
Partial Sand Replacement: International Journal of Sustainable Construction
Engineering & Technology Vol 1, No 2, December 2010.

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