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3 A Compilation of Selective Govt. Orders.
A Companion to Postal Comrades.
All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C'
K.V. Sridharan
It is rather an unique privilege for the All India Postal Employees Union Group
'C', Central Head Quarters in compiling selective administrative orders which
are absolutely essential for the day to day functioning of the
Divisional/Branch unions and activities.
During my interaction with many Divisional/Branch Secretaries, I realise the
need to venture this book which I am confident, will enlighten the ruling
positions on various topics and subjects for their active involvement in
mitigating the grievances of the Postal Comrades.
I have not elaborated the postal functions and its various rulings, manuals
etc. I restricted my limitation only to the importance of welfare activities,
Transfer, Promotion etc. that too in order to overcome the menace of several
anti workers decisions being unleashed now a day at various circles. This

This Venture is Dedicated to

venture will enlighten the entitlement and the need to avail the benefits.
I have been encouraged by many of my CHQ office bearers and Circle
Secretaries. Within a month, I completed this stependous task and perhaps
there may be errors and omissions in some areas despite my sincere efforts
for the accuracy and also to give upto date information. This venture is not
exhaustive and many more venture we should launch in future.
On this happy occasion, I look forward to receive various suggestions from
our Comrades and well wishers for making this venture a more perfect and
purposeful in subsequent editions.
With regards,

Comradely Yours

K.V. Sridharan
Com. N.C. Ambalavanan
General Secretary
(Ex. All India President)
Dated : 25-8-2007
1. Guidelines for Rotational Transfers 13
2. Clarification on Rotational Transfers 15
3. Clarification on Rotational Transfers 15
4. Rotational Transfers 16
5. Rotational Transfers Policy Guidelines for the Year 1996-97 16
6. Rotational Transfers Policy Guidelines for the Year 1998-99 17
7. Rotational Transfers Policy Guidelines for the Year 2000-2001 18
8. Rotational Transfers Policy Guidelines for the Year 2001-2002 19
9. Abolition of Station Tenure - Transfer of Non-gazetted staff from one station to another 19
10. Maintenance of Request Register - Rotational Transfer 19
11. Tenure of Non-gazetted Postmasters (Time-Scale) 20
12. Period of Stay at Tenure stations calculation of 20
13. Computation of Tenure for the purpose of Rotational charges 20
14. Reduced Tenure in respect of certain Station considered arduous 20
15. Tenure Transfer of Postal Assistants working in Gazetted Head Office under the charge 20
of Senior Postmasters
16. Tenure Transfer of Postal Assistants working in Gazetted Head Office 21
17. Fixation of Tenure for Mail Overseers 21
18. Selection of Speed Post Postmen and Tenure 21
19. Fixation of Tenure of Staff working in PSDs. 21
20. Staffing Pattern of Postal Stores Depots 22
21. Rotational Transfer of Departmental Stamp Vendors 22
22. Rotational Transfers Liabilities of SBCO Staff 22
23. Tenure of SB/SC Counter Staff 22
24. Shorter Tenure for counter Clerks in H.O.s. Having Instant Counter Facility. 23
25. Extension of Tenure of Postal Assistants working in the SB Branches of the POs. 23
26. Tenure in RMS Head Record Offices 23
27. Tenure in RMS 23
28. Uniform Tenure Policy in RMS 23
29. Fixing of tenure of service for mailman and also SG Mailman in the offices of Supdts. of 24
RMS & Post Office and HROs
30. Rotation of officials who occupy Post Quarters 24
31. Gist on Tenures 24
32. Continuity of counter staff for at least one year 25
33. Rotational Transfers-Guidelines-regarding. 25
34. Public Relation Inspector (Postal) Criterion for Selection of Regarding 25
35. Exercise of Powers for Cancellation of Transfer orders by appointing authorities- 26
Procedure to be followed.
36. Check on the issue of Transfer Orders by Divisional Superintendent Retiring Within 26
(6) Six monhts
37. Cancellation of Transfer order by Appointing Authorities. 26
38. Check on the issue of Transfer Orders by Divisional 26
Superintendents retiring within 6 months
39. Grant of TA & Transit of Official Transferred on Completion of Tenure to the Place of Their Choice 27
40. Tenure Posting of officials in single handed double 27
Handed post offices -- Preventive Vigilance Measure
41. Categorising LSG officials as Leave Reserve Postal Assistants 27
42. Transfer and Posting of Circle cadre staff by Regional Postmasters General - 27
Request of staff for transfer
43. Rules for Selection of Development Officer (PLI) 28
44. Posting of Officials against LSG Supervisory Posts 28
45. Posting of physically handicapped candidates 28
46. Physically Handicapped Officers/Employees may be given preference in Posting/Transfer 28
to near their native places.
47. Employees having Children with hearing Impairment or Multiple Disability may be given 29
Posting to their own preferred Linguistic Zone/State.
48. Posting of Govt. employees who have mentally retarded children 29
49. Posting of Govt. employees who have mentally retarded children 29
50. Posting to Home Division/Circle Policy regarding all categories of Supervisory cadres 29
51. Provision of Post attached Rent Free Accommodation as a Condition of Service to the 30
52. Choice of Officials for posting as Treasurers / Asstt. Treasurers in Post Offices 30
53. Appointment of Treasurers/Cashiers in Post Offices Regarding. 30
54. Appointment of LSG operatives as Treasurer/Cashier in Post Offices- payment of Special Pay 30
55. Posting of Treasurers on completion of Tenure 31
56. Transfer under the Provisions of Rule 38 of P&T Man. Vol. IV 31
57. Re-delegation of Power to Heads of Circles to allow Rule 38 Transfer requests of surplus 32
qualified officials to their home divisions in relaxation of 5 years service condition
58. Postal Assts./Sorting Assts. - Transfer under Rule 38 of P&T Man. Vol. IV 32
59. Inter-Circle Transfer within the same cadre under Rule-38 of Postal Manual Vol. IV 32
60. Review of the provisions of Rule 38 of Postal Manual Vol-IV - Postal Assit. / Sorting Assit. 33
61. Conditions for Rule 38 Transfers from the cadre of RMS Sorting Assistants to Postal Assit. 33
62. Clarification on Rule 38 Transfer from Sorting Assit. to Postal Assit. 34
63. Transfer/retention of officials on bifurcation reorganisation of a division- Clarification reg. 34
64. In Request Transfer cases, Intervening Holiday's can be availed 34
65. Filling up Unfilled Vacancies of Postmen/ Mail Guard Cadre from Candidates of other 34
Divisions at Regional Level
66. Posting of Husband and wife at the same station 34
67. Discontinuation of Scheme of Engagement of short Duty Staff. 36
68. Posting of Husband and wife at the same station 36
69. Posting of Husband and Wife at the same station- Reiterated 67. 36


1. Upgradation of 1622 Posts of HSG.II to HSG.I Grade 37
2. Upgradation of 1622 Posts of HSG.II to HSG.I Grade 37
3. Clarification Regarding Upgradation of HSG..II Posts TO HSG..I 38
4. Clarifications Regarding the date of Upgradation of HSG..II Posts to HSG..I 38
5. Clarification for Promotion to HSG-I Grade 38
6. Promotion to HSG-I Grade- Clarification Regarding. 39
7. Promotion to HSG-I Grade -Clarification Regarding. 39
8. Promotion to HSG.I Grade - Clarification regarding 39
9. Reservation of Posts in HSG-I in RMS for Accounts Line Officials. 41
10. Filling up of the Posts of HSG-I 41
11. Conversion of 2356 Posts of LSG To HSG-II 41
12. Filling up of Norms Based HSG-II Posts 42
13. Gist of Selective Orders on B.C.R. 42
14. Biennial Cadre Review 43
15. Posting of BCR Officials Against Norm Based Posts 45
16. Seniority for Appointment to the Posts of Post Office and RMS Accountants. 45
17. Applicability of Time Bound one Promotion Scheme to PO & RMS Accountants. 46
18. Review of Option for PO & RMS Accountants. 46
19. Fixation of Seniority of PO & RMS Accountants - Clarification. 47
20. Divisionalisation of PO & RMS Accountants and APM (Accounts) Cadres. 47
21. Transfer and Posting of LSG Accountants 47
22. Treatment of Special Pay for the purpose of fixation of pay on Promotion-Case of PO & 47
RMS DTO Accountant.
23. Removal of Hardship Imposed by TBP on Postmen 47
24. Benefit of FR 22 (i) (a) (i), Not Applicable in the Case of TBOP/BCR Official when posted 48
the Norms based Posts i.e. LSG/HSG-II
25. Gist of Selective order on T.B.O.P. 48
26. Divisionalisation of Lower Selection Grade Cadre Clarifications on Various Issues 50
Originating there from
27. No Supersession in 'Selection' Promotion - Revised Guidelines 51
28. Promotion of employees on whom any penalty has been imposed - consideration for 53
29. Promotion to Higher Grade of Post Clarification in regard to sealed cover procedure - 54
Effect of Warning, Censure etc. on Promotion
30. Promotion to Higher grade of Post - Clarification in regard to sealed cover procedure -- 55
Effect of Warning, censure etc. on promotion
31. Recovery of Pay not a BAR to Promotion 56
32. Promotion Effect of Punishment and Monetary Recovery 56
33. Promotion - Application of Bench Mark & Writing of CRs. 57
34. Application of Bench Mark on Promotion in LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I 57
35. Status of Operative Officials Designations / Nomenclature 58
36. Simplification of Confirmation Procedure- Clarification 58
37. Period of Induction Training shall also Count for Promotion Under the TBOP / BCR scheme 58
38. Counting of Induction Training Period for Promotion Under TBOP / BCR Schemes 58
39. Counting of Training Period for Departmental Candidates. 59
40. Vacancies of Not less than 14 day's Duration 59
41. Approval of Officiating Arrangements Countinuing for more than One Year 59
42. General Principles to be Followed in Making Officiating Appointments in Short Term Vacancies 60
43. Officiating Arrangement in Short Term Vacancies in the Dept. of Posts 60
44. Filling up of Local, Short or Long term Vacancies in IPOs/IRMS cadres but unapproved 60
Candidates on adhoc basis.
45. Officiating Arrangements in Leave vacancies 61
46. Officiating Arrangement in Leave Vacancies 61
47. Officiating Arrangements in HSG-II and HSG-I 61
48. Appointment of Drivers on Daily Wage Basis and their subsequent absorption 61
49. Merger of Posts of Hindi Typists in Divisional Offices with Postal Assistants/Sorting Assit. 62
50. Extension of Time Bound One Promotion and Biennial Cadre views to Hindi Typists of Divisional Offices 62
51. Joining of New Station of Posting on Promotion Instructions- regarding. 63
52. Time Limit for Relieving an Official Consequent his Promotion to the Higher Grade. 63
53. Utilisation of Holidays/Off Days for Journey Period in Case of Transfer from one station to 64
another of an officials hiw own request.
54. Revised Option for fixation of Pay on Promotion 64
55. Reservation for the Physically Handicapped in Post filled by Promotion. 64
56. Reservation for the Physically Handicapped in Post filled by Promotion. 64
57. Instances which do not constitute as Anomaly for Stepping up of pay with Reference to Juniors. 65


1. LGOs Examination Absorption of Surplus Candidates 66
2. Raising of Number of Chances for the LGOs Examination 66
3. Training to the Postmen and Group 'D' cadres / appearing for LGO Examination 66
4. LGO Exams - Chances already availed not to be counted. 67
5. Review result of failed SC/ST Candidate of FTP (LSG/HSG-II) Exam. 67
6. Revised orders on Postal Training to SAs. 67
7. Eligibility Condition for Appearing in Dept. Competitive Exam for Promotion to P.S. 67
Group 'B' Cadre
8. Eligibility of Officials Promoted under TBOP / BCR for appearing in the Departmental 67
Competitive Examination to PS Group B Grade
9. Eligibility Condition to Appear for the PS Gr. B Exam. in R/O General Line Official-Reg. 67
10. Syllabus for S.B. Incentive/Examination. 68
11. Syllabus for P.O. and R.M.S. Accountant Exam. 68
12. Syllabus for Junior Accounts Officer Part-I 68
13. Syllabus for Junior Accounts Officer - AC Part II Exam. (Postal) 69
14. Syllabus for Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion of General Line 69
Officials to PSS Group 'B"
15. Syllabus of Departmental Examination for Promotion to be Grade of "Inspector of Posts" 70
16. Officials can be allowed to Appear Departmental Examinations Under Suspension 71
17. Competitive Exam. - Candidates obtaining equal marks- Selection an Determination of 71
18. No. of chances for IPO examination : 71
19. Relaxation of Age Limit and removal of limited chances to appear for J.A.O. Parts I & II Exam. 72
20. Counting of Training Period for the purpose of Drawing increments-Clarification Regarding. 72
21. RMS Group B Exam for the General Line Officials- Eligibility Therefore. 72

1. Department of Posts (Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants) Recruitment Rules 2002. 73
2. Copy of Notification (DOP) dated 9th January, 2002 73
3. Recruitment to the Cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistant-Regarding. 74
4. Recruitment Procedure to Cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants in Post Offices Clarifications. 75
5. Revised Recruitment Procedure for Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants. 75
6. Introduction of Fast Track Promotion to Fill up LSG/HSG-II Posts in PO & RMS 77
Offices-Amendment to Recruitment Rules.
7. Rules of Recruitment to Selection Grade Posts 1976 80
8. Selection Grade Posts Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 2002 86
9. Recruitment Rules for HSG-I Posts- Amendment Regarding 88
10. Recruitment to the Posts of Inspector of Posts, Rules Reg.- Merger etc. 88
11. Exemption from requirements of Educational Qualification in respect of Widows of Govt. 91
Servants Appointed on Compassionate Grounds.
12. The Gazetted of India Notification regarding Rules regulating the method of Recruitment 91
to the Posts of Postman/Village Postman and Mail guard in the Department of Posts.
13. Department of Posts (Group D Posts) Recruitment Rules 2002. 94
14. Revision of Rates of Training Allowance paid to induction trainees selected for initial 95
Appointment in PA/SA
15. Rates of Fees Payable to state Government Medical Officers for Medical Examination of 95
Candidates for Appointment to Group 'C' Posts.
16. Distribution of Reservation for Persons with Disabilities amongst three categories of 95


1. Travelling Allowance 96
(i) Entitlement for Travel on Tour w.e.f. 01-10-1997 96
(ii) Journey by Road 96
(iii) Rates of Daily Allowance 97
(iv) Joining Time 97
(v) Rates of Overtime Allowance for Operative Staff 97
(vi) The entitlement for travel on LTC by Rail, w.e.f. 01-10-1998 is as below 98
2. Transport Allowance w.e.f. 1-8-1997 98
3. Revised Classification of employees in pay ranges 98
4. When the Govt. Servant Stays in a Hotel or other establishment Providing Boarding 98
and/or Lodging at Schedule Tariff's
5. Grant of OTA to the Clerks when required to act as SPMs in the absence of regular SPM on leave 99
6. Grant of Overtime Allowances to the Clerks when required to act as SPMs in the absence 99
of regular SPM on leave
7. Grant of OTA to Departmental Staff for Conveyance of Cash 99
8. Training of Clerks to work in Accounts Branch of HOs 99
9. Restriction on number of hours of OTA Admissible to Sorting Postmen/Group 'D' Staff 100
called on duty on a Postal Holiday.
10. Grant of Special Pay for Handling / Custody of Cash by Sub Postmasters 100
11. Cash Handling Allowance to Treasurers, Asst. Treasurers- revision of rates regarding: 100
12. Special Pay to Postal Candidates who have qualified the JAO examination and 101
awaiting Promotion.
13. Special Pay granted to JAO examination qualified candidates. 101
14. Prompt Settlement of personal problems of the employees 101
15. Grant of Split Duty Allowance 101
16. Fixed Monetary Compensation of Postmen Staff 102
17. Admissibility to Home Town every year to unmarried Central Govt. Employees having 102
Dependents living in Home Town
18. Forfeiture of the LTC Claim after the expiry of the expiry of the stipulated period 102
19. LTC Facilities to the Family Members not residing with Govt. Servant-Clarification reg. 103
20. LTC - Travel by State Tourism Buses- Clarification- regarding. 103
21. LTC- Denial of LTC to Govt. Servants found Guilty of Misuse of the Facility 103
22. Disability under FR 17 (A) - Relating to LTC- Clarification 103
23. Imposing of Penal Interest on Unutilised balance of TA/LTC Advance. 103
24. Grant of OTA to the Clerks When Required to Act as SPMs in the Absence of Regular 104
SPMs on Leave.
25. Claim of OTA in Lieu of Higher Pay 104
26. Grant of OTA- Clarifications 104
27. Grant of OTA - Clarifications. 104
28. Grant of OTA to aspm when required to work as HSG-II SPM 104
29. Clarification on OTA to Group 'D' Staff 104
30. Grant of Compensatory Off/OTA where Postal Holidays falls on fixed Offs on Sunday/Weekly Offs. 104
31. Reimbursement of LTC Claim to be restricted to the actual fare incurred by longer route 105
on the fare by the entitled class by shortest direct Route, Whichever is Less.
32. Admissibility of LTC when both Husband an Wife are Govt. Servants and are resideing together. 105
33. Some members can visit 'Home Town' while other family members may avail 'Any 105
Place in India' in the same two year block LTC.
34. LTC by Private Airlines 105
35. Leave encashment during LTC 105
36. LTC - Family clarification 105
37. LTC Advance 106
38. A Submission of LTC Claims 106
39. Avaiting LTC on Holidays 106
40. Proportionate Mileage Allowance when Journey on tour is performed by longer route by 106
Rail partly by Lower Class and Partly by the Entitled Class.
41. LTC in Handicapped Employees 106
42. Regulation of LTC Claim if the Rail Journey is Performes by a longer route and by 106
Different Classes.
43. Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance to the staff working in the Interior under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 107
44. Delegation of Powers to condone delay in submission of medical claims 107
45. Payment on One Time Basis towards CGHS contribution by pensioners. 107
46. Entitlement of TA/DA to the Patients. 107
47. Medical Advance - Revised instructions 107
48. Reimbursement of Medical claim for treatment taking in private Hospital in emergent 108
Cases- Clarification.
49. 'Fixed Monetary Compensation' to Postman for Effecting deliveries on second day 108
of three consecutive Holidays.
50. CCA/HRA Raised Rates w.e.f. 1-8-1997 108
51. Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Central 109
Government Employees.
52. Grant of Split Duty for two hours break 109
53. Grant of Split Duty Allowance- Clarifications. 109
54. Split Duty Allowance -Clarification. 109
55. Grant of Saving Bank Allowance to Postal Assistants 109
56. Revision in the Rate of Cycle (Maintance) Allowance. 109
57. TBOP/BCR Officials Entitled for Saving Bank Allowance 110
58. Enhacement of Saving bank Incentive to Postal Assistants working in Saving Bank Branches- 110
Acceptance of Fifth Central Pay Commission's Recommendation (Para 30.22) regarding.
59. Fixed Conveyance Allowance. 110
60. Grant of Conveyance to Mail/Cash Overseers 110
61. Simplified Proceedure for Claiming CEA/Tuition Fees 111
62. Reimbursement of Tuition Fee shall be admissible till the end of the academic year in case 111
of Govt. Servant ceases to be in service by Retirement, Resignation, Discharge, Dismissal
of Removal from Service
63. Grant of Fixed Stationery Charges Clarification Regarding 111
64. Enhanced Rates of Stationery Charges for P.Os, SBCO, IPOs / ASPOs 111
65. Time Limits for Submission of Claims 112
66. Commission Paid to Authorised Agents 112
67. Commission Paid to ED SPM/BPM 113
68. Monthly Income Scheme- Incentive 114
69. Speed Post Incentive 114
70. Guidelines for Grant of Honorarium to be Strictly followed 114
71. An Official is Missing of Absconded 114
72. New Pension Scheme for those Appointed on or After 1-1-2004. 115
73. Night Halt Allowance to Mail/Cash Overseers 117
74. Implementation of Award given by the Board of Arbitration (JCM) in C.A. reference I of 1990 118
regarding grant of special pay for handling / custody of cash by Sub-Postmasters in single
and double handed Post Offices in Department of Posts.


1. Retention of Government Accommodation in the events of Leave, Transfer etc. 119
2. Retention of Government Quarters by Retired / Transfer / Family of Deceased Employees 119
3. Retention of Quarters by retired/deceased postal employees on special circumstances 120
4. Retention of Quarters in case of Death of the Allottee 120
5. Sub-Letting of Govt. Accommodation violates Rules 3 of CCS (Conduct) Rules. 121
6. Retention of Post Attached Quarters Beyond Authorised Period. 121
7. Postal Pool Quarters and Post attached Rent Free Quarters of PMs / SPMs - 121
Delegation of powers
8. Post-Quarters- Authorised Period after Retirement. 122
9. Conservancy/Service Charges etc. Not to be Recovered from Rent Free Allottees. 122
10. Retention of Quarters. 122
11. Revised Schedule of Accommodation For Post Office 123
12. Maintenance of Buildings 128
13. Assessment of Reasonable Rent/Enhancement of Rent of Private building taken on Lease. 129
14. Provision of Toilet Facilities in Post Office Buildings. 130
15. Revision of Tariff for Occupation of Inspection Quarters / Inspection Rooms 131
16. Occupation of Departmental Inspection Quarter beyond normal admissible period -- 131
Admissibility of HRA
17. Assessment of Reasonable Rent/Enhancement of Rent of Private Building taken on 132
Lease by the Dep. Guidelines-reg.

1. Immediate Relief to the Families of Government Servants who die while in Service. 133
2. Action to be taken on receipt of intimation about the Death of a Postal employee/Extra 133
Departmental Agent.
3. Modified orders for production of Medical Certificate by Gazetted/Non-Gazetted Employees. 133
4. Grant of Earned Leave to Central Government Employees 134
5. Report of the Complaints Committee constituted for prevention of sexual harassment of 134
women at work places -follow-up action
6. Financial Assistance from the Postal Staff Welfare scheme in cases of prolonged illness/ 135
surgical operations, enhanced
7. Grant of financial assistance in the case of death of Postal Employee while in service 135
8. Enhanced Rate of Financial Assistance from the Postal Service Staff Welfare Board in the 135
Case of Death of an Employee
9. Financial Assistance from Welfare Fund for Funeral Expenses- Payment to the near Relatives. 136
10. Transportation Charges to the Handicapped Children of Postal Employees. 136
11. Clarification on Financial Assistance from Welfare Fund in cases of EOL/HPL Due to 136
Serious/Prolonged illness
12. Increase in the amounts of Financial Assistance in Case of Death. 136
13. Enhancement of rates of Financial Assistance to the victims of fire/floods and natural calamities 136
14. Financial Assistance to SC & ST Employees, Department of Posts for (i) Appearing in the 137
Departmental Examination and (ii) Pursuing Higher Education through Regular Classes.
15. Revised Rate of Scholarships for Development of Individual Personality. 137
16. Scholarship for development of individual personality decision taken in the 9th meeting of the 137
Postal Services Staff Welfare Board Meeting held on 17-02-2002
17. Revision in Scholarships / Book Awards for OBCs 138
18. Financial Assistance for Nutritive Diet from Welfare Fund admissible to all Departmental 138
Employees who are suffering from TB may be extended to ED employees and Enhancement
of final assistance
19. Grants of Residential Welfare Associations Enhanced. 138
20. Grants to Postal Ladies Organization from the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board 138
21. Enhancement of recurring grants to the creches from the Welfare Fund 138
22. Salary of Part-Time Tailoring Instructors under the Postal Staff Welfare Scheme. 139
23. Permission to leave office during office hours be granted to Presidents/General Secretaries 139
of the Residential Welfare Associations
24. P&T Community Halls-Allotment of accommodation-Order of preference 139
25. Special Casual Leave to ED Agents at par with the regular departmental employees for 139
donating blood to recognised banks on working day on pay of the cost of substitute.
26. Revision in Rates of Scholarship 140
27. Pay limit for availing facility of Excursion trips 140
28. Revised Pay Limit for Grant of Financial Assistance for prolonged serious illness, 140
major surgery etc.
29. Introduction of Scholarship for staff to Develop individual personality. 140
30. Special benefits in cases of Death and Disability in Service- Payment of Ex-Gratia lumpsum 141
compensation to families of Central Govt. Civilian Employees who die in harness.
Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission.
31. Out of turn promotions to outstanding Sports Personalities in the Deptt. 142
32. Selection of Sports person 143
33. Grant of Two Hours off for Daily Practice throughout the year to the top Ranking 143
34. Grant of Incentive to the Children of Postal Employees who appear in the Competitive 143
Examinations held by UPSC
35. Special Casual Leave to Participate in Dance/Song Competition at Regional Level 143
36. Incentive for Acquiring Fresh Higher Qualifications. 144
37. Enhancement of Powers of the PMGs for Grant of Financial Assistance in Cases of 145
Serious Illness/Major Surgery etc.
38. Financial Assistance to the Dependent of Deceased P&T Employees who died in Accident. 145
39. Extension of schemes of educational assistance under the Welfare Fund to EDAs. 146
40. Financial Assistance from Welfare Fund to Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees. 146
41. Grant of Financial Assistance for the victims of Riots, Communal Disturbances and 146
Terrorist Activities.
42. Financial Assistance in Prolonged Illness Cases. 146
43. Grant-in-Aid for the provision of Amenities or Recreational or Welfare Facilities to the 146
Staff of the Central Government.
44. Increase the Amount of Cash being Granted to Best Sportsman/Sports Women and 147
Best Promoter of Sports.
45. Increase in Daily Allowance for Players Participating in All India Postal Sports Meet. 147
46. Participating in the All India Major Ranking Tournaments Conducted by TTFI & BAI 147
47. Implementation of directorate instructions of 2 hours off for practice to Sports Persons/ 147
coaches who represent their Circles in All India Postal Tournament and/or who represent
the department and concerned States in National Competitions
48. Revised Pay Limits for Eligibility of Educational Assistance under the postal Staff Welfare Scheme. 147
49. Grant of Conveyance and other advances-Revised Rate with effect from 11-12-1997. 148
50. Dependent Family members of the regular employees should also be given Financial 149
Assistance in case of Nutritive Diet recommended for TB patients.
51. Reservation in Scholarships / Book Awards for OBCs 149
52. Provision of Transport to Officials in Need of Urgent Medical Care while on Duty. 149

1. Review of Post Office establishment - Revised procedure for combining all categories of 150
periodical reviews
2. Norms for group 'c' staff connected with multi-purpose counter machines in post offices 151
3. Adhoc Norms for Staff Working in Speed Post Centre-Regarding. 151
4. Evaluation of Norms for P.R.I. (P) 152
5. Updating of Norms for Calculation of Establishment of Departmental Stamp Venodrs/Gramin 152
Dak Sewak StampVendors for Sale of Stamps and Stationery Issue of the Revised Norms.
6. Hours of Work-Split Duty in Respect of Certain Categories of Staff. 153
7. Duty Hours of Postmasters. 153
8. Grant of Special Pay to Treasurers and Asstt. Treasurer Trasurer in the Clerical Time 153
Scale in Post Offices.
9. Standard for Checking OTA Bills of Official of HPOs in Accounts Branch of HPOs. 153
10. Standards Adopted for Sanctioning Post of Mail Overseers. 153


1. Power & function of Chief Postmasters General / Postmaster General (Region) - reg. 154
2. Strengthening of the Supervision and the Working of EDSOs/EDBOs & Single-Handed 157
Sub Post Offices.
3. Deletion of Transfer Liability Clause from Appointment Offer. 158
4. Delegation of Powers of Heads of Circles to Downgrade Sub Standard Head Offices. 158
5. Delegation of Powers to Heads of Circles to Close/Merge/Reorganize Set/Mail Office with 159
workload less than prescribed norm.
6. Improving Vigilance Administration. 160
7. Enhancement of Financial Powers of HSG.I, HSG.II & LSG Postmasters 162
8. Preventive Checks Prescribed in respect of SB and Cash Certificates 162
9. Settlement of Deceased, Claim cases Enhancement of powers of various Postal Authorities 163
10. Regarding authorisation of LSG Sub Postmasters HSG.II Postmasters to issue cheques in 164
lieu of payments of maturity value of Small Saving Schemes for Rs. 20,000 and above
11. Notice of Voluntary Retirement can be a cepted from a Govt. Servant already on EOL. 165
12. Non Inalidation of a Govt. Servant who has been permanently incapacitated from Govt. 165
Service on Account of Mental or Physical Disability-Information Regarding.
13. Permission To Leave Headquarters 166
14. Co-Operative Credit Society Dues Recoveries from pay-less thereof-Regarding. 166
15. Wearing of Uniforms properly by Postmen, Group 'D' and other staff entitled to Uniforms 166
16. Representations from Employees- Disposal of 167
17. Individual Grievances of Officials. 168
18. Representation from Government servants on service matters 168
19. Principal CPMG/CPMG Shall be the revising Authority, Were the Appellate Authority is 170
subordinate to them.
20. Officials under Suspension can be allowed to Function as Defence Assistants 171
21. Action Against Absconding Officials 171
22. Dies Non and its Effect 171
23. Who are Competent to Investigate into Fraud and Loss Cases and What are their 172
Monetary Limits?
24. Disciplinary cases should be closed on the Death of the Charged Official 173
25. Fixing up Contributory Negligence 173
26. Recovery from Retired Officials 174
27. Realisation of Loss from Subsidiary Offenders 174
28. Recovery of Pecuniary Loss caused by a Govt. Servant- Clarification Regarding. 175
29. Recovery be made in Case of Fraud. 176
30. Fixing Contributory negligence / responsibilities 176
31. Penalty of Recovery. 176
32. Condition of Recovery 176
33. Responsibility for Losses. 177
34. Honest Errors can be condoned 177
35. Waival of Prosecution 177
36. Representation against adverse remarks 177
37. Period of Suspension to be treated as Duty if Minor Penalty is imposed 178
38. Penal Recoveries from Departmental Officials in case 178
39. Closing of Central Govt. Offices of Connection with Elections to State Assemblies etc. 178
of Losses and Frauds.


1. Eligibility for appearing in departmental exam - case of EDAs specailly recruited for 179
deputation to APS.
2. Retention of Rent free quarters during leave exceeding on one month should be recovered 179
3. Counting Leave for Increment - annually for the purpose of FR 26(C) 179
4. Unavailed Joining time to be credited in E.L. Account 179
5. Regulation of Allowances during leave 179
6. Dies Non- Leave Credit 179
7. Encashment or Leave Accumulated in AP 179
8. Absence after expiry of leave 179
9. Leave not due 179
10. EL Upto 180 days can be availed in one Spell 180
11. Maternity Leave combined with leave of any other kind 180
12. Female employees availing maternity leave for MTP not entitled for Special CL 180
13. Second Medical Opinion 180
14. Grant of special CL to Women Central Govt. employees when their husband undergo 180
vasectomy operation
15. Upto 90% of GPF can be withdrawn without any reason during the last year of service 180
16. No withdrawal/advance in GPF in last three months before service 180
17. Disbursement of Monthly Pay and Allowance 180
18. Age Relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Separated from their Husbands. 180
19. Direct Recruitment to the Cadre of 181
20. Concession Given to ex. Servicemen. 181
21. Seniority from the date of appointment and not with reference to date of confirmation 181
22. Verification of service book by officials 181
23. Joint Representation from Govt. Servants to be viewed as subversive of Discipline 181
24. Supply of Special Type of shoes for orthopaedic handicapped employees 181
25. Whether proportionate reduction of washing allowance be made for the leave undertaken. 181
26. Cash Allowance To Cash Overseer 181
27. PAs/OAs Officiating as Set No. 181
28. Washing Allowance : 182
29. Special Pay to Cashiers: 182
30. Grant of special pay - acceptance of security bond : 182
31. Welfare officer asked to meet family of deceased government servant. 182
32. T.A. entitlement for bringing family subsequent of transfer 182
33. Utilistation of holidays/off days for Journey period in case of transfer from one station 182
to another of an official at his own request
34. Joining time to officials on return from APS to the Dept. of posts. 182
35. Maternity Leave 182
36. Family pension to Widow when she got child 182
37. Pensioner married after retirement 182
38. Family of a female Govt. Servant for LTC 183
39. Drawal of HRA by Husband & Wife when both of them are Govt. Servant 183
40. Date of Death - Treated as Duty 183
41. Revised time limit for grant/refusal of permission under the provisions of CCS (Conduct) rules 183
42. Change of home town declaration 183
43. Transfer of officials at their own request leave is not required 183
44. Benefit of increment falling due during leave period in the case of death while on leave 183
45. Payment on authority can be made to outsider or Govt. employees alone. 183
46. Union functionaries of J.C.M. should not be shifted from main administrative office to 184
subordinate office
47. Stamp Duty on mortgage Deed/Deed of Reconveyance executed by employees who 184
availed H.B.A. has to be borne only by the employees and cannot be reimbursed
48. Suffixing Holidays after Medical Leave 184
49. Heads of Circles in Dept. of Posts empowered to relax the upper age limit for 184
appointment on compassionate grounds.
50. No Option of Revert to Lower Post in Lieu of Premature Retirement 184
51. Claim for treatment outside the Head Quarters from R.M.P.S. Appointed as AMAs not Reimbursable 184
52. Uniform to Employees who are due to retire 184
53. Leave Salary Advance for Commuted Leave 185
54. Clarification on payment of conveyance allowance to orthopaedically handicapped employees 185
55. LTC claim for spouse, if married during grace period 185
56. Leave to Female Govt. Servant on adopting of Child 185
57. MC And FC -Not necessary from the same doctor 185
58. Leave conversion not a Matter of Right 185
59. Child Adoption Leave 185
60. Advance - interest rates 2005-06 185
61. CGHS -- Entitlement of transferees 185
62. Leave encashment on compulsory retirement 185
63. Drawal of increment 185
64. HRA / CCA at old rates during J.T. Suspension etc. 186
65. Increment to T/S Group D 186
66. Fixed Medical Allowance to pensioner 186
67. Fixed Medical Allowance 186
68. Special Leave for contagious disease 186
69. No GPF for T/S Group D 186
70. No recovery from GPF 186
71. MPCM Allowance 186
72. Dependency -- Monetary limit 186
73. TA / DA for second medical opinion 186
74. TA for Departmental enquiry 186
75. TA for court cases 187
76. RTF - Special provision to Physically Handicapped child 187
77. Rebate on HBA 187
78. Promoting Small Family norms -- Drawal of special increment 187
79. No Denial of Leave During the Last Ten Years Service 187
80. Leave for permanently in-capacitated officials 187
81. Special leave for miscarriage to women employees 187
82. Paternity leave to male government servants 187
83. Casual Leave -- entitlement 187
84. HRA on Transfer 187
85. HRA not allowed for Sharing accommodation 187
86. Transport Allowance during suspension 187
87. Transport Allowance during training 188
88. Conveyance Allowance to Physically Handicapped officials 188
89. No staff car if Transport Allowance drawn 188
90. Combination of CL 188
91. Special leave during Bandh etc. 188
92. Special leave for Bye-election 188
93. Place of choice for Employees having treating mentally retorted child 188
94. No casual worker for Group C work 188
95. Select Panel advance in DPC 188
96. Relaxation of merit to SC / ST employees 188
97. SC / ST selected in unreserved point -- clarification 188
98. SC / ST promotion under unreserved point 188
99. Enforcing promotion 188
100. Adhoc appointment continuity more than one year -- no need for reversion 189
101. Sexual harassment on women employees 189
102. Sexual harassment -- transfer as per the option of the victim 189
103. Committee's finding -- be taken as Enquiry report 189
104. No Dies-non for late coming 189
105. Time limit for disposal of representation 189
106. Justification of suspension - reg. 189
107. Minor penalty in Rule 14 -- suspension to be treated as duty 189
108. Died during suspension 189
109. No reduction to lower grade never held before 189
110. No double punishments. 189
111. Seven cases at one time for retired officials attending Defence enquiry 190
112. Withdrawal of appeal 190
113. Copy of service books while quitting service 190
114. Adverse entry communication of remarks 190
115. Appeal Against adverse entry -- within six months 190
116. Relaxation to PH candidates in appointment 190
117. SC / ST -- posting nearer to native place 190
118. Physically Handicapped - Apply for any suitable post 190
119. Disability during service -keep in the same cadre - provide suitable job till superannuaiton 190
120. Increment to Sports persons 190
121. Withdrawal of resignation 190
122. Transfer guidelines consideration of long pending requests 191
123. Transfer before Academic Session 191
124. No transfer in Gazetted H.Os 191
125. Four years tenure to all SPMs 191
126. Aptitude Test for Grant of SB / SC Allowance -- use of Dureja Manuals as reference book 191
127. Training to the candidates of Postmen & Group 'D' cadre appearing for LGO examination 191
128. Government Residential accommodation- Employees having constructed own houses by HBA 191
129. Revision of financial powers of Head of Circles 191
130. Selection of Development officer (PLI) Rule 279/6 of P&T Manual Volume IV. 191
131. Interface with the Unions -- observance of due courtesy 191
132. Leave should not be denied 192
133. Action against the postal employees for union activities 192
134. Role of Oral instructions in the transaction of Government Business 192
135. Observance of proper decorum by Government servant during the lunch break 192
136. Water Coolers -- Provision of 192
137. Grant of OTA to Departmental Staff for conveyance of Cash 192
138. Supply of Soap and Towels -- Standardization of 192
139. Permission to leave office during office hours be granted to Presidents / General 192
Secretaries of the Residential Welfare Associations
140. Due date of payment of salaries when Bank is Closed 193
141. Disposal of old records to be entrusted to Physically Handicapped persons 193
142. Observance of holidays in Operative Offices 193
143. Suspension by lower authority is valid 193
144. No LTC during suspension 193
145. Suspension -- No retrospective effect 193
146. Late attendance -- debiting half a day CL 193
147. Counting training period for drawal of increment 193
148. HSG.I -- Non Gazetted Group B 193
149. Procedure for recruitment of Postal Assistants to Regional / Circle Offices 193
150. Posting of ASPOs in HSG.I 194
151. Application for VRS during EOL 194
152. Allotment of vacant staff quarters against will 194
153. Complaint against Government servants 194
154. Observance of holiday of operative offices 194
155. Twins after the First Surviving Child -- Special Allowance 194
156. Fee for communication, re-totalling & re-verification of marks 194
157. Compassionate appointee should properly maintain family 194
158. Action on detection of counterfeit notes 194
159. Discontinuing the issue of R.T. Policy guidelines 194
160. Tenure for SBCO Staff 194
161. Tenure in SB branch 195
162. Counting of training period for departmental candidates 195
163. Review result of failed SC/ST candidates of FTP (LSG / HSG.II) Exam 195
164. LSG officials worked against HSG.I posts 195
165. Honorarium for opening new Pay Bill register in Accounts branch 195
166. Confirmation of oral orders 195
167. Exemption of stamp duty for HBA 195
168. Transfer of records 195
169. Invite union representatives & settle problems 195
170. Split Duty in post offices 195
171. Extension of Tenure for PRI (P) 195
172. Right for demonstration 195
173. Lunch Break at counters 196
174. Reservation for SC/ST- Circulation of the reservation roster : 196
175. Unfilled vacancies of OBCs should not be deserved but carried forward 196
176. Reservation in adhoc promotion : 196
177. SC/ST/OBC candidates selected on their own merit. Merit not to be adjusted against 196
reserved vacancies
178. Relaxation for SC/ST in qualifying examination: 196
179. When only a single vacancy arises in a year : 196
180. Reservation rosters not determining seniority : 196
181. Reservation roster may be shown to Govt. staff/Staff Association: 197
182. Collection of LIC premia through Post Offices 197
183. Perusal of reservation roster at Divisional level by the service unions regarding. 197
184. Festival Advance 197
185. No interest beyond date of death 197
186. Provision of Transport to officials in need of urgent medical care while on duty. 197
187. Failure of family planning operation 197
188. Rate of Incentive increment be granted even in the scale of the officiating post held on 197
adhoc basis at the time of family planning operation
189. Operations recognised for incentive increment. 197
190. Incentive for promoting small family norms - Private hospital - reg. 197
191. Recovery under audit objection in the pay & Allowances 197
192. Supply of Uniforms to sorting postmen 198
193. C.E.A. admissible till board examination in the case of official transferred to a new station 198
but keeps his child in the old station.
194. Grant of CEA/RTF clarifications 198
195. OTA TO SPMs Attending Signalling Duties 198
196. Proposal to grant of TA/DA to cash/mail overseers ordered to work as BPM in stop gap arrangement 198
197. Point to Ponder 198
The question of rotational transfers of staff gazetted Stamp Depots, MMS and PLI, the same stipulation of
as well as non-gazetted --has been considered in depth. station tenure of 4 years should apply. These officers
In supersession of all the previous subject, the following after completion of tenure, should be brought back to
orders are issued to regulate the rotational transfers of Postal Accounts offices and their position in the SBCOs
staff. etc. should be taken by those officials working in the
2. As regards transfers on completion of tenure in posts, Postal Accounts Offices. Junior Accounts Officers on
the existing instructions regarding 'post tenure' will promotion, as far as possible, should be posted outside
continue to be applicable for various categories of staff, the Circle in which their parent office is located. They
both gazetted and non-gazetted, as laid down in P&T may be brought back wherever their vacancies to their
Manual Volume IV. parent office, after completion of their tenure if suitable
3. As regards transfer on completion of tenure in a vacancies are available in their original parent office.
station, the principles as explained in the following The JAOs and A.Os should be rotated periodically
paragraphs will be followed: within the circle so that they acquire varied experience.
4-1. Gazetted officers and non-gazetted supervisory 5. The crucial date for computing date for computing
staff (such as ASPOs, ASRMS, IPOs, IRMs, JEs, Junior the completion (or otherwise) of the tenure will be the
Accounts Officers, etc.) will be normally subject to a 30th of Sept.
station tenure of 4 years, which may be extended upto 6. Transfers may not be effected, save in exceptional
6 years in individual cases, in the public interest. The circumstances (which will include administrative
powers in respect of the gazetted officers will be necessity) in the middle of the academic session.
exercised by the P&T Directorate and in the case of 7. Transfers may, as far as possible, be effected
non-gazetted supervisory staff, by the concerned sufficiently in advance of the commencement of the
Heads of Circle. academic year. Officials who are due to complete the
4-2. Gazetted officers as well as non-gazetted officials, tenure by the 30th September (in any year) should be
who have all India transfer liability, may be transferred transferred in the preceeding April -June period or the
to another station in the same state / region on following year depending upon the academic session.
completion of tenure, to the extent administratively Those who are completing the tenure after the 30th
possible. of Sept. should be transferred in December of the same
4-3. As regards non-gazetted operative staff, they will year or in April-June period or the following December
also be liable to transfers from one station to another year depending upon the starting date of the academic
(within their respective recruiting units) on the basis of session. Orders in respect of rotational transfers should
completion of station tenure of 4 years. Such transfers be issued in the middle of December,81 so that officers
should also taken into consideration the need for / officials keep themselves in readiness for moving to
balancing of popular and non-popular stations so that their station of posting by January or April, May 1981,
popular stations are not monopolies by certain favoured as the case may be the same procedure will be
employees. The station tenure of 4 years may, however, followed.
be extended to 6 years in individual cases in the public 8. Periods of leave taken in the course of a posting in a
interest. The powers for extending the station tenure station will be counted as duty for the purpose of
beyond the prescribed limit in respect of the operative computation of the tenure period, except that
staff up to the level of Postal Services / Director continuous leave of any kind exceeding six months at
Telegraphs / Area Manager / Deputy General Manager a stretch will be excluded from the tenure period.
and in the case of higher selection grade officials, by 9. Periods of training / deputation exceeding six months
the Head of the Circle. at a time both in India and abroad, will be excluded
4-4. Since the bulk of Junior Accounts Officers are from the computation of tenure period. All other training
concentrated in the Circle Postal Accounts offices, it / deputation periods will be counted as duty for the
may not be possible to rotate them from one station to purpose of computation of tenure.
another on the basis of fixed tenure. However, for junior 10. In the case of officers on deputation to other
Accounts Officers working outside the Circle Postal Dept / Ministries in the same station, the principle
Accounts Offices, i.e. in offices like SBCOs, Postal to be followed will be that they should not remain
away from the field for too long. An officer, on return by an officer / official at a station when transferring
from deputation will as rule be posted at a station on promotion to a post involving all-India
different from the one he was working at before he transferability, efforts should be made, subject to
proceeded on deputation. The same principle will public interests to give posting in the same state /
be followed in respect of officers returning from circle (where the circles comprises of more than one
foreign assignments. In exceptional cases, which state) or region. If transferred to outside stations for
should be rare, if the competent authority is satisfied lack of vacancies the officer / official may, after joining
that in the interest of the Dept., the posting of an duty, ask for posting in his own state / circle / region.
officer at the same station on return from deputation Efforts will be made subject to public interest, to
/ foreign assignment is necessary, a departure from comply with the request on the occurrence of
the rules may be made, but in that case of officer's appropriate vacancy provided that the re-transfer, if
service in the Dept. at the same station prior to his made before two years, will be treated as done at the
deputation / foreign assignment will be taken into request of the officer / official. No request for re-
account for calculating the total period of tenure at transfer will be considered with respect to any officer
the station and on completion of the prescribed / official who does not join the station assigned to him.
tenure, he will have to be transferred to another 14. Case of extension of tenure, whether in a post or
station (for deputations less than 6 months, station, on compassionate grounds should be the
provisions under para 9 will apply). exception and considered only in very deserving cases.
11. In reckoning the period of stay of a gazetted officer Even in such cases, extension of the prescribed station
at a station the period of non-gazetted service tenure should not be granted for more than one year
immediately proceeding the gazetted service at the by the next superior authority and reasons therefore
same station will be taken into account. On promotion should be recorded on the file. Any proposal for
from a non-gazetted grade to a gazetted grade, an extension beyond one year in respect of non-gazetted
official will be generally transferred to a different staff should be referred to the Directorate. In case of
functional unit at a different station. It will, however, be gazetted officers, proposals for granting extension even
ensured that no official on promotion, may be posted for one year should be referred to the Directorate.
to work in a post which requires the exercise of 15. Transfers in the interest of service may be ordered
supervisory inspectorial powers over the staff with by the competent authority even though they do not
whom he was working for a good period of time or fall within the purview of the above guidelines.
immediately before his promotion. 16. While making transfers of officials / officers
12. Re-transfer of an officer / official to the station from administrative needs of particular region / state should
which he was transferred should not be normally be kept in view.
considered for a period of two years. In other words, 17. If the operation of rotational transfers necessitates
an officer / official should spend a minimum of two years transfer of officials exceeding 33% in a particular station
at the station to which he is transferred before he can / unit in a particular category, these transfers will be
be considered eligible for re-transfer. The two year limited to 33% in the current year. If, however, there
break is, however, only a minimum condition and it will are only two persons at a station who have completed
not entitle an officer / official to claim re-transfer to the their tenure, one of them will be transferred
old station in preference to others who have spent longer notwithstanding the ceiling of 33%. The officers /
periods outside. Re-transfer after a break of two year officials who have over-stayed in their past as on 30th
may be considered on administrative as well as September for a longer period, may be transferred first.
compassionate grounds. In such cases on re-transfer, 18. In the case of officials trained specially to the
an officer / official will count his tenure at the old station advance technology programmes in satellite
afresh for the purpose of further rotational transfer. Re- communication and electronic switching, the proposals
transfer before the completion of two years may be for their transfer on completion of tenure or otherwise
considered only in extreme public interest or on extreme on the grounds of administrative requirements should
compassionate grounds in very rare case. Re-transfer be referred to the Directorate.
of officers from Regional / Area Headquarters to Circle 19. Heads of Circles etc. are requested to take
Headquarters may, however, re-considered without the immediate necessary action in the matter accordingly.
two-year restriction subject to exigencies of service and 20. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged
the principles of station tenure. to Directorate.
13. An officer / official at a non-completion of tenure [DG P&T No. 69/4/79-SPB-I dated 12-11-81]
In continuation of this office letter of even number 4. L.D.C.
dated the 12th of November, 1981, it is hereby intimated 5. Section Supervisors (L.S.G. clerks)
that post tenure will also be applicable to cadres listed 6. Office Assistants
in Annex-'A' in addition to post tenure for various 7. T.A. Clerks including S.G.
categories of staff, both gazetted and non-gazetted, 8. Telephone Revenue Inspectors.
as laid down in P&T Manual Vol. IV 9. Line Inspectors (in Telephone Maintenance only)
2. As regards the non-gazetted staff, the cadres as 10. Sub-Inspectors (in Telephone/Maintenance only)
mentioned in Annexe 'B' and 'C' will come under the 11. Linemen (in Telephone Maintenance only)
purview of station tenure. They will become liable for 12. Town Inspectors.
rotational transfer (within their recruiting unit) after 13. Telegraph Overseers.
completion of four years tenure at a station. The 14. Telegraphmen.
controlling authorities will carry out an evaluation of 15. Wiremen.
the work performance and conduct of the officials due ANNEXE 'B'
for transfer. They will, however, have the discretion to LIST OF CADRES IN TELECOM BRANCH FOR
retain such officials at the same station if their retention WHOM A STATION TENURE OF FOUR YEARS IS
does not affect the maintenance and efficiency of HEREBY PRESCRIBED
service adversely. 1. Supervisors (in Telephone Exchanges)
3. The effort should be not to disturb officials unless, 2. Telephone Operators.
in the opinion of the controlling authorities, their transfer 3. Observation Supervisors including S.G.
is necessary in the interest of service and, on the other 4. Transmission Assistants including S.G.
hand, not to hesitate to transfer those whose transfer 5. Auto Exchange Assistants including S.G.
is necessary in departmental interest. It is hoped, 6. Telephone Inspectors including S.G.
therefore, that the number or officials that may have to 7. Technical Supervisors (Operative)
be transferred will be a small section at every station. 8. Telegraph Masters (LSG)
4. Evaluation of satisfactory work-performance and 9. Telegraphists
conduct of an official will continue to be a regular 10. Section Supervisors (Telegraph Offices)
annual feature before effecting rotational transfers. 11. Telegraph Assistants.
The official retained at the same station will, however, ANNEX 'C'
continue to be subject to the principle of rotation of LIST OF CADRES IN THE POSTAL WING
completion of post tenure wherever prescribed. The (INCLUDING R.M.S.) FOR WHOM STATION
non gazeted supervisory staff in higher selection grade TENURE OF FOUR YEARS IS HERBY
and ASTTs will be governed by the instructions as PRESCRIBED.
contained in para 4.1 of the letter referred to above. 1. Lower Selection Grade officials.
ANNEXE -A 2. Postal Assistants
WHOM THE POST TENURE IN THE SAME 4. Selection Grade UDCs/Head Clerks in
PRESCRIBED 5. Stenographers Gr. II and Grade III
1. H.S.G. II in Circle/Area offices. 6. Sorting Assistants
2. L.S.G. in Circle/area offices. 7. Post Office & RMS Accountants.
3. U.D.C. (D.G.(P) No. 69/4/79-SPB-I, Dt. 16-12-1981)


A reference is invited to this office letter of even interest, an evaluation of work performance will have
number dated 12-11-81 on the above subject. In para to be made. It has been decided that necessary
3 of this office letter of even number dated 16-12- action for evaluation of work performance may be
81, it is provided that while efforts should be not to taken up now. If it is observed, in specific cases,
disturb officials unless, in the opinion of the that the performance of certain officials is not
controlling authorities, their transfer is necessary in satisfactory, the performance of such officials may
the interest of service and, on the other hand, there be kept under watch for a couple of months, and if
should be no hesitation to transfer those whose no improvement is noticed, the orders of their transfer
transfer is necessary in departmental interest. Before may be issued by the end of February, 1982.
considering the transfer of officials in departmental (D.G.(P) No. 69/4/79-SPB.I, Dt. 21-12-1981)
According to the policy for rotational transfers is not noticed another warning should be issued to the
as enunicated in the orders referred to above, orders officials concerned. This may be done by the authority
of rotational transfer should be issued in December who is vested with the power to assess the performance
each year so that the officers/officials may move to of the official if he is also competent to order the transfer
the new station of posting in the following January/ of the official concerned. In case, however, the power
April, depending on the academic session. It is also to order transfer is vested with a higher authority (as in
provided in the orders that for certain cadres, while the case of Gazetted Head Post Offices, SDOT's offices
the liability for rotational transfer remains actual etc. where PM. (Gazetted/ SDOT do not have powers
transfer will depend upon the evaluation of work to order their transfer of Clerical staff out of their office),
performance. the matter may be reported to that authority who in
2. The basic objective behind the rotational transfer turn will issue a warning to the official concerned that
of operative staff is that the staff should not develop a his performance has not been satisfactory and that if
feeling of complacency but should at all times display no adequate improvement is noticed his transfer out of
a sense of responsibility and reponsiveness to the the station will be considered. A record of written and
needs of the service in the public interest. Staff whose oral warnings issued to the officials should be kept by
performance is not upto the mark, should be made the competent authorities concerned. If the
aware that they will be subjected to rotational transfer opportunities given to the officials to reform themselves
if they do not improve their performance adequately. prove to be of no avail, a decision is to be taken
Consequently, it will be the responsibility of the regarding their rotational transfer. Orders of rotational
supervisory officers to identify the staff whose transfer decided as above should be issued in
performance has been unsatisfactory and take December, 1982. In the extreme cases where it is
corrective action. considered that the provisions of Rule 37 should be
3. Advance action is required to be taken for the invoked in the administrative interest, transfer should
rotational transfers to be ordered in December, 1982. be ordered outside the recruiting unit and outside the
A period of about five months is now available for doing station in according with Rule 37.
the necessary spade work, in this regard. The 4. It may clearly be noted that transfer orders once
authorities vested with the power to assess the issued should not normally be cancelled or modified.
performance of the officials working under their control Officials who are rotationally transferred either under
should identify those whose performance has not been Rule 37 or otherwise should be required to carry out
upto the mark. A list of such officials should be made the orders and no leniency should be shown to them.
out and the officials concerned should be specifically 5. It is to be made clear further that apart from
informed by them that there performance has not been rotational transfers, the competent authorities have
satisfactory and that they are being kept under watch the right to order transfer of the officials in the public
with a view to deciding whether they will be transferred. interest even without giving them an opportunity to
They may also be orally warned of the deficiencies in show cause against transfer which is after all not a
their performance and counselled to show penalty, legally speaking.
improvement. A period of 2 to 3 months may be given 6. These instructions may be brought to the notice
to them so as to enable them to show visible of the staff at all levels.
improvement in performance. If adequate improvement (DG (P)No. 69-22/82-SPB-I, dt. 26-7-82)


I am directed to refer to this office letters No. station.
141-62/92-SPB-II dated 13-2-1995 and 7-4-95 in 2. Divisional Superintendents, Inspectors of Post
which guidelines for rotational transfer for the year offices and RMS holding sub-divisional charges gazetted
1995-96 were issued. It has now been decided that and non gazetted head and sub postmasters should
the policy for rotational transfer as indicated below be transferred on completion of their prescribed post
will be applicable for the year 1996-97. Extent tenure within the same stations to the extent
comprehensive instructions issued from time to time possible. Where it is not possible to implement that
will also be kept in view. without shifting some of them outside their present
1. All Sub-postmasters of single handed post offices stations, those who had completed their post tenure on
must be shifted on completion of their tenure positively 31-3-1995 may be posted outside their present stations.
even if it involves their having to move out of the present 3. It has been seen that in some places officials are
waiting since long for their posting to particular station 6. The officials of the supervisory cadre, namely
and it has not been possible to accede to their requests Inspectors, Assistant Superintendents, Divisional
for one reason of the other. In order to accommodate Superintendents and Gazetted Postmasters should
long pending requests for posting to such stations, not be transferred (except in administrative interest)
really deserving cases for such transfers may be from a post unless they complete atleast one year in
acceded to, if necessary, transferring out of such that post if they are working within the Circle and
stations officials who have stayed long in these stations. while doing so the period of leave exceeding 15 days
Such transfers are to be kept to the barest minimum will not be counted while computing the duration of
and would be subject to the availability of the funds one year. The definition of one year will be 12
under the head travelling allowances. Further, such calendar months.
transfers should be done with approval of the Regional 7. The station and post tenures should be
Postmaster General or Chief Postmaster General as followed strictly subject to compliance with above
case may be. rotational transfers policy.
4. S.B.C.O. staff are Circle cadre. However, in order 8. The above guidelines would be applicable to the
to ensure that there is minimum inconvenience to the supervisory staff of field units working in the Directorate
staff on account of the rotational transfers, their transfer also.
may be done within the Division or neighbouring 9. Deviation from the above guidelines are
Division as far as possible. permissible where transfer of the officials in urgent
5. The officials promoted under biennial cadre public interest becomes necessary and such transfer
review to HSG-II should be rotated as far as possible should be effected with prior approval of the Regional
within the same station and, if it is not possible, they Postmaster General or Head of the Circle as the case
should be rotated within the Division failing which may be.
they may be rotated within the Circle. To elaborate, 10. All other general instructions issued on the subject
the surplus BCR officials would be transferred within from the time to time will continue to be in vogue.
the station or Division to the extent possible. (D.G.(P) No. 141-37/SPB-II dt. 26-2-96)


A reference is invited to this office letter No. 141- other. In order to accommodate long pending requests
4/97-SPB II dated 19-2-97 laying down the guidelines for posting to such stations, such transfers may be
for rotational transfers for the year 1997-98. It has been ordered in really deserving cases by transferring out of
decided that the policy guidelines as laid down in the such station officials who have the longest stay at the
following paragraphs should be adopted for ordering station concerned. Such transfers in respect of non
rotational transfers for the year 1998-99. gazetted officials, may, however, be kept to the
1. All Sub Postmasters of single handed post offices minimum and should be ordered only with the approval
must be shifted on completion of their tenure positively of the Regional PMG or the Chief Postmaster General
even if it involves moving out of station of their present as the case may be.
posting. Those completing tenure by 30-9-98 should 5. Whenever any official/officer is sent out of a station
be considered for transfer. on administrative grounds or out of rotation, he will be
2. Sub Divisional Inspectors and ASPOs in charge transferred on the criterion of longest stay at the station.
of Sub divisions including their counterparts in the RMS 6. S.B.C.O. staff constitutes a Circle cadre. In order,
will be treated at par with single-handed sub however, to minimise their hardship, their rotational
Postmasters and those completing their tenure by 30- transfers may confined as far as possible within the
9-98 should be considered for transfer. same division or to the neighbouring divisions
3. Officials and officers falling in other categories subject to the exceptions as in para 4 above.
should be transferred on completion of their 7. The station tenure for gazetted officers is
prescribed post-tenure within the same stations to normally four years which may be extended upto
the extent possible. Where it is not possible to do so six years in individual cases in public interest. The
without shifting some of them outside their present powers for extending the station tenure beyond 4 years
stations, those who had completed their tenure on 30- in respect of gazetted officers will be exercised by the
9-97 may be posted outside their present stations. Directorate.
4. It has been seen that in some places officials 8. Gazetted officers and non gazetted supervisory
belonging to different cadres are waiting since long for staff such as ASPOs, IPOs, IRMs etc., should not be
their posting to particular stations and it has not been transferred except in administrative interest from a post
possible to concede their request for one reason or unless they have completed at least one year in their
post. In other words, the period of one year shall though they do not fall within the purview of the above
continue to be taken as the minimum required period guidelines.
for officers/officials seeking such transfers. Leave of 17. While ordering transfers, administrative needs of
any kind exceeding 15 days will not be counted while a particular division/office/region should be kept in view.
computing this period. 18. As far as possible effort should be made to utilise
9. The crucial date for computing the completion or the expertise of computer-trained personnel by
otherwise of the tenure will be 30th of September. transferring them to post offices equipped with
10. Transfers may not be effected save in exceptional M.P.C.M. and other technological aids. If a computer
circumstance (which will include administrative trained official cannot be substituted by another official
necessity) in the middle of the academic session. of similar skill, an exemption from rotational transfers
11. Transfers will be effected sufficiently in advance may be given by the concerned Regional P.M.G./
of the commencement of the academic year. Officials C.P.M.G.
who are due to complete their tenure by 30th September 19. Retransfer of an official/officer to the station from
in any year should be transferred in the preceeding which he was transferred should not be normally
April-June period or the following December-January considered for a period of two years. In other words,
period depending upon the academic session. Those on officer/official should serve minimum of two years
who are completed tenure after the 30th September at the station to which he is transferred before he can
should be considered in December of the year or in be considered eligible for retransfers. Two years break
April-June of the following year depending upon the is, however, only a minimum condition and it will not
starting date of the academic session. entitle an officer/officials to claim retransfer to the old
12. Extension of post tenure for all non-gazetted staff station in preference to others who have spent longer
may be allowed in deserving cases for a period of six periods out-side. Retransfer after a break of two years
months by the Regional PMsG and to gazetted officers may be considered on administrative as well as
up to the STS level by the Head of the Circle. compassionate grounds. In such cases, on retransfer,
13. Those due to retire by 31-3-99 should not be shifted an officer/official will count his tenure at the old station
unless there are very special reasons. afresh for the purpose of further rotational transfer.
14. In respect of Circle cadres where transfers/posting Retransfer before completion of two years may be
are done by the Regional PMsG, Chief PMG must considered only in extreme public interest or on extreme
ensure that all reallotments in the said cadres to various compassionate grounds in exceptional cases with
Regions are finalised and conveyed to the Regional approval of the Heads of the Circle. No request for
PMsG concerned by 15-3-98 so that while considering retransfer will be considered with respect to any officer/
rotational transfer orders it is possible for them to take official who does not join the station assigned to him.
the same into account. 20. As regards posting of working couples at the same
15. In the case of officers on deputation to other station the same should be allowed if it is
Ministeries/Deptts at the same station, tenure will be administratively convenient.
computed in accordance with instructions contained in 21. The aforesaid instructions may please be read in
Directorate order No. 141-214/96-SPB-II dated 3-12-1996. conjunction with the relevant rules contained in the
16. Transfer in the interest of service may be ordered Chapter-II of P&T Man. Vol. IV.
with the approval of the competent authority even (D.G.(P) No. 141-4/98-SPB.II, dt. 23-2-98)


I am directed to invite a reference to the involved. Also, there will be no bar to transferring
guidelines for the rotational transfers for the financial officials in all cadres including gazetted cadres, from
year 1999-2000 issued under this office lr. No. 141- one place to another on administrative reasons and
1/99-SPB.II dt. 23-3-1999. There is no deviation in in the interest of service. However it may be ensured
the policy to be adopted for the rotational transfers that transfers are made from sensitive posts to non-
of the financial year 2000-2001. In order to curb sensitive posts and also transfers outside a HO to
expenditure on rotational transfers especially in the another office in the same station to accommodate
context of the need for effecting economy, it has been the requests for posting from those outside the
decided to restrict transfers to the barest minimum station. In such cases, transfers should be in phases
during the year 2000-2001 also. However, there will so as not to affect the operational efficiency and
be no bar to transferring officials in all cadres priority for transfer should be given for officials having
including gazetted cadres, from one office to another longest period of postings.
in the same station where no TA expenditure is (D.G.(P) No. 141-6/2000-SPB-II, dt. 24-4-2000)
I am directed to invite reference to the guidelines for services. Heads of Circle should build up a pool of trained
rotational transfer for the year 2000-2001 issued under officials to handle these newly introduced products and
this office letter No. 141-6/2000-SPB.II dated 24-4-2000. services. However, officials especially trained to handle
There is no deviation in the policy to be adopted for newly introduced products and services will not be
rotational transfer for the year 2001-2002. All the transferred on completion of their tenure unless trained
employees completing post tenure may be rotated subject substitutes are available for replacing them.
to following broad principles of rotational transfers. 3. In respect of Senior Group 'A' officers, officers who
(i) Matching of human resource with requirements of have put in four year of service in a particular post or at
posts and placing officials in the choice stations may a particular station may be invariably rotated, especially
be considered in the overall context of administrative if the post occupied by them is sensitive in nature. Their
requirements and austerity measures. transfers should be linked with their performance and
(ii) Inter-station transfers should be restricted to requirements of the posts to be filled up.
minimum in view of the austerity measures. 4. In view of the well defined principles of
(iii) Extension of tenure by one year except in the case rotational transfers in the Department and
of single handed Sub Postmaster may be provision of tenures and other administrative
considered by the Head of Circle. The employees instructions, issue of rotational transfer guidelines
retiring within one year may be considered for is being discontinued. Changes in the policies will
retention. In respect of Group 'A' officers proposal be communicated whenever necessary.
of extension may be referred by Head of Circle to 5. Heads of Circles are requested to take immediate
the Directorate. action of issuing orders for rotational transfers.
2. New products and services are being introduced 6. Receipt of this letter may kindly be
by the Department from time to time. Officials are being acknowledged.
specifically trained to handle these products and (D.G. (P) No. 141-35/2001-SPB.II, dt. 11-4-2001)
As you are aware, the station tenure for non- been abolished, a large number of transfers will have
gazetted staff has been abolished and as far as to be effected if all pending requests have to be
possible on completion of tenure in a post, the non- accommodated. It is not the intention that wholesale
gazetted staff may be transferred to some other post transfers should be effected to accommodate all
in the same station, provided of course that there are pending requests. At the same time the requests of
no pending requests from other officials for posting to officials for transfer to particular stations should also
that station and provided administratively there is no be considered and accommodated to the extent
other consideration vide our circular letter No. 69/49/ administratively convenient. It is difficult to lay down
71-SPB.I dated 02-12-71. It has been brought to notice any hard and fast rule in this regard. The Heads of
that in respect of popular stations like Bangalore, there Circles / Divisions will have full discretion to order
are always pending requests for transfer to that transfers keeping in view all the aspects.
station, with the result that though station tenure has [DG P&T No. 69/49/72-SPB.I dated 29-8-1973]
It is a normal practice for the various competent for transfer from one station to another may be entered
authorities to maintain a request register for recording and the entries therein consulted at the time of issue of
requests of officials for transfer to different stations within transfer order. Normally requests may be considered in
the same recruiting unit. While ordering rotational the order of receipt. However, while deciding transfers
transfers, the request registers are consulted and officials to particular stations, all the relevant factors such as the
are transferred, to the extent possible, to stations of their suitability of the official for specific posts, his prior tenure
choice, consistent with exigencies of service and at the station of request, competing claims of other
administrative requirements. It has been brought to our officials etc. will have to be kept in mind. Transfers within
notice by the staff side of the Departmental Council of the station from one post to another, however may be
JCM that in some of the recruiting units, request registers decided mainly on administrative grounds as no
are not maintained. You are, therefore, requested to individual official is put to hardship by way of shifting of
instruct all the authorities competent to order transfer to residence on account of such transfers.
maintain a request register in which requests of officials (DG P&T No. 71-8/82-SPB-I, dt. 25-3-82)
I am directed to invite a reference to Rule 60 of in this office letter No. 69/4/76-SPB I dated 24-12-76.
P&T Manual Vol. IV wherein the tenures of different It has now been decided that the tenure of non-
categories of postmasters has been prescribed. The gazetted sub postmasters (Time Scale) may also be
tenure of non-gazetted postmasters (LSG) and increased to four years.
postmasters HSG was increased from three to four years (D.G. P&T No. 69/15/79-SPB-I, dt. 14-2-1980)


I am directed to invite a reference to this office period of stay if an employee actually avails the leave
letter No. 69/5/75-SPB.I dated 01-03-75 wherein it has during his stay at the tenure station. In other words,
been prescribed that while calculating the period of the period of duty plus 30 or 60 days actual leave as
stay at a tenure station all period of leave (excluding the case may be should not be less than the
Casual leave) will be excluded. The matter has been prescribed tenure.
re-considered and it has been decided that the period 2. These instructions are applicable to all tenure
of earned leave upto 30 days at a station where the stations (even though all are not mentioned in the letter
prescribed tenure is one year and 60 days at stations referred to above.)
with tenure of two years should be included in the [ DG P&T 69/1/80-SPB.I dated 7-2-1980]


The periodic rotation of charges in operative and the reserve staff are headquartered at suitable offices
administrative offices of the Department of Posts are in the division for filling up of short or medium term
laid down in Rule 37 to 62 of P&T Manual Volume IV vacancies within the division. They are not posted as
as modified from time to time. A question has been such in any office or charge during the time when they
raised whether in the computation of tenure for rotation are Reserve PA / SA. This may be brought to the notice
of charges the period spent by an official as Reserve of all concerned.
PA / SA should be included or not. It is clarified that [DG Posts No. 70/168/87-SPB-I dated 07-08-87]


I am directed to state that the Unions have less as compared to other places. It has been
been representing for prescribing a shorter tenure decided that for such stations the Heads of Circles
at certain stations which are considered arduous may fix shorter tenure of 3 years instead of 4 years
where the conditions of life are comparatively if they are satisfied that such reduction is called
harsh because educational, medical, transport for.
facilities etc. available in those places are much [DG Posts No. 141-98/90-SPB.II dated 26-12-1990]


I am directed to refer to this office letter of periods in moffussil areas away from the H.Os /
even number dated 19-10-89 vide which it was Divisional Headquarters should also be
clarified that there is no need to transfer P.As / sympathetically considered while effecting tenure
Clerks out of the HO or the city if they can be transfers. This should be done keeping in view the
rotated there itself. current instructions relating to economy and such
2. The entire matter has been re-examined in transfers should be kept to the minimum. Request
consultation with the staff side and it has been decided registers, as already prescribed should be maintained
that subject to the standing instructions regarding for this purpose.
tenure transfers, requests of officials working for long [DG Posts No. 69-20/87-SPB-I dated 6-12-1990]
In supersession of directorate earlier letter No. which are not recruiting units and under the
69-20/87-SPB.I dated 19-10-1989 on the above cited administrative jurisdiction of SSPO/SPOs the officials
subject, now it has been decided that in the case of should be rotated within the Division once in every
First Class Head Office, which is recruiting unit, the four years.
clerical and Group 'D' staff should be rotated within [DG (P) letter No. 141-236/94-SPB.II
that office only. However, in the case of Head Office dt. 1-12-1994]


I am directed to say that in this office letter No. Having regard to all relevant factors it has been decided
153-1/63-SPB.I dated the 25th May 1964 it had been that Mail Overseers may be transferred from one line
intimated to all Heads of Cicles that no hard and fast to another line with the headquarters at the same station
guidelines could be laid down in regard to fixation of once in two or three years. If necessary, they may be
tenure for Mail Overseers, Sorting Postman etc. and transferred to another station within the same Postal
the matter was left to discretion of Divisional authorities. Division once in five years.
2. In the absence of any tenure, the officials belonging 4. While effecting rotational transfers of Mail
to Mail Overseers Cadre are allowed to continue in the Overseers in pursuance of these orders, the general
same beat for unduly long periods. The officials provisions regarding academic session,
concerned develop vested interests and laxity in computation of tenure, exemptions of officials who
supervision of the working of Branch Post Offices on are due for superannuation within two years from
their part affects efficiency of service. To ensure efficient transfer to another station within the same Division,
functioning of Branch Post Offices, suggestion has etc. as contained in this office letter No. 69-4/79-
been made that the officials holding the posts of Mail SPB-I dated 12-11-81 and other relevant orders may
Overseers should be rotated and for this purpose, a be kept in view.
tenure should be fixed for this category of staff. 5. The above orders may be brought to the notice of all
3. The suggestion relating to fixation of tenure for Mail concerned for compliance.
Overseers has been examined in this office carefully. [DG P&T No. 69-2/86-SPB-I dated 05-03-86]


The question of fixing a tenure and prescribing (c) A good record of service should be the basic
the criteria for selection of speed post postmen was criterion for selection.
under consideration of this office for sometime past. (d) Seniority should be given due consideration.
The matter was examined in detail and it has now (e) Postmen who possess and actually use bicycles /
been decided to prescribe the following criteria for motorcycles / mopeds / scooters should be preferred.
future:- (f) Speed post postmen may be allowed to hold the
(a) Whenever it is proposed to fill up posts of speed post for a period of 2 years which can be extended to
post postmen, applications should be called for from 3 years at the discretion of the authority competent to
all postmen serving in the unit. select speed post postmen.
(b) Selection should be made by the Head of the Office The selection of speed post postmen in future
in the case of Gazetted Post office and by Divisional should be made keeping in view the above criteria.
Supdts. in other cases. (DG (Posts) No. 43-26/91-D dated 26-05-93)


Attention is invited to Staff Section Circular letter officials in the neighbouring divisions were available
No. 69-24/87-SPG-I, dated 22-12-88 on the above then the staff of the local division should be utilised for
mentioned subject. According to this Circular letter, the posting to PSDs.
operative staff of the PSDs should be drawn from the 2. As a result of discussion in the three Workshops
willing officials of the neighbouring divisions and rotated on Material Management held recently it was felt that
periodically. For this it was prescribed to call for the proper persons are not being sent to PSDs. We have
applications from the willing officials and if no willing received complaints that unwanted and inefficient
persons are being sent to the PSDs more or less as a the system of selecting proper operative staff for the
punishment. This adversely affects the functioning of PSDs from amongst the volunteers and nobody should
the PSDs. The nature of work in the PSDs is entirely be posted to PSDs as a punishment. Willing people
different than that of post offices and RMS offices. with good records of service and above average
3. Some Circles take proper interest in this aspect. intelligence may be posted to PSDs so that the
They call for volunteers from divisions throughout the efficiency of the PSDs could be improved and sound
regions under which the PSDs are located and the material management in the regions and the Circle
Regional Director personally selects proper people for could play effective part in supplying essential forms
posting to PSDs because ultimately he is responsible and stores to a larger number of fields units in the
for the efficiency of the PSDs in his/her region. regions and Circles.
4. You are, therefore, requested to please streamline [D.G.(P) No. 12-5/89-UPE, Dated: 9th June 1989]


I am directed to invite your attention to this office by the Director personally. Here more accent should
letter No. 69-24/87-SPB-I dated 22-12-1988 on the be given on integrity apart from the efficiency. This may
subject noted above and to say that the matter has be made applicable to the Superintendents, PSDs as
been examined and it has ben decided that the present well since it is observed that on quite a few occasions
system of selection from among the volunteers of the Supdts., who are not considered as good to be in
neighbouring Division may continue. The selection charge of the division or who are sickly or those who
should be made with a view to select really efficient are to retire shortly are being posted to PSDs.
and interested officials with clean records and that too [D.G.(P) No. 60-9/80-SPB-I, Dt. ....09-91]
I am directed to state that the question of rotational (i) With progressive installation of MPCMs, the posts
transfer of Departmental Stamp Vendors has been of Stamp Vendors may become redundant.
under the consideration of this Department. It has now (ii) The existing provisions for monitoring and control
been decided that the existing system in this regard of the work of Stamp Vendors should be effectively
may continue. However, circles may consider transfer exercised.
of stamp vendors selectively from one place to another (iii) Transfer of Stamp Vendors should be considered
or exchange them with postmen wherever feasible and as a measure of administrative action as a consequent
required. The following instructions inter allia are of perceived inefficiency or other cogent grounds.
emphasized for necessary action and guidance. [DG Post No. 141-152/98-SPB-II dated 8-6-2000]


Attention is invited to para 6 of this Department's a divisional cadre restricting their transfer liability
letter No. 141-4/98-SBP-II dated 23-2-1998 which to within a division. The matter has been examined
states that: in detail and incontinuation of the earlier
"SBCO staff constitutes a circle cadre. However, guidelines, it is now added that the rotational
in order to minimise their hardship, their rotational transfer liabilities of SBCO staff may be limited
transfers may be confined as far as possible within the to within a region and any transfer outside a
same division or to the neighbouring divisions subject region may be done only with the concurrence of
to the exceptions as in para 4 above." the Head of the Circle and on specific
Service unions have been making representations administrative grounds only.
to the Department that SBCO cadre should be made [D.G.(P) No. 93-8/97-SB-II dated 30-3-99]


Sl.No. Types of Office Tenure
a. Tenure in single handed and double handed offices 3 Years
b. Over all tenure in A class and bigger offices 4 years out of wich 3 years can be
either as counter clerk or ledger clerk continously.
c. Over all tenure in Head offices and bigger sub 5 years of which 3 years can be as either as
officds haiving fill then SB/SC clerks. counter clerk, ledger clerk or supervisor continously.
Reference is invited to the provisions of Rule 404 decided that in Head Post Offices having instant
(5) of P&T Manual Vol. VI, Pt. II, prescribing that the counter facilities, the counter clerk will be rotated with
S.B. counter clerk shall be rotated after every 3 years other officials working in S.B. Branch every two years
with the other clerks. The matter came up for discussion instead of 3 years.
in the last Heads of Circle Conference when it was (3) It is requested that these instructions may be
pointed out that the period of tenure of 3 years for the brought to the notice of all concerned.
counter clerk is too long and its reduction as a fraud (4) Necessary amendments to the rule will be issued
preventive measure was suggested. separately.
(2) The matter has been reviewed. It has now been (D.G.(P) NO. 35-34/84-SB, dt. 9-4-87)


A reference is invited to this office letter no. 2-3/ a period of two years in case it is not possible to
86-XB dated 27th April, 1989 in which it was inter replace existing incumbents with qualified
alia provided that the maximum tenure in the SB officials.
Branch will be 5 years inclusive of the period during 3. However, it should be ensured that at least one
which of officials had worked in this branch prior to or two officials should be moved out of the SB
the introducing of the Saving Bank Allowance Scheme Branch/ of the S.C. branch every year on completion
(Para 6). of 5 years tenure. Extension should be allowed few
2. It has been pointed out by some circles that of them if a large number of officials complete the
it would not be possible to replace all the existing tenure in the same year and sufficient number of
incumbents on completion of their tenure by those Aptitude test qualified hands are not available to
officials who would qualify in the SB Aptitude Test replace them.
as adequate number of such qualified officials 4. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the letter to Sh.
may not be available for replacement. The matter K.K. Arora, Desk Officer (SB.I), II floor, SB Section,
has been reviewed and it has been decided that Dak Bhavan.
the Heads of Circles may extend the tenure up to [D.G.(P) No. 55-1/90-SB, Dated: 20th March, 1990]


It has been represented that in some of the covers all staff in RMS including Group 'D' and the newly
Circles are interpreting that the Rule 60 (15 & 15A) upgraded 58 posts of HSG.I. Hence, they may also be
of P&T Manual Vol. IV are not applicable in the rotated as per period prescribed in the said rules,
case of staff working in Head Record Offices. wherever possible.
2. It is hereby reiterated that the said Rules [DG (P) No. 141-509/92-SPB.II dt. 18-12-1992]


The office circular letter of even number dated 18- tenure in HRO or Divisional Office, an official should
12-1992 reiterating that the Rule 60 (15 & 15A) of P&T be made to work in a Mail Office before being posted
Manual Vol. IV is applicable to all staff in RMS includ- back in either to the two offices i.e., Divisional Office or
ing Group 'D' and in the newly upgraded 58 posts to HRO and not simply rotated between office and HRO.
HSG.I and it is further clarified that after completion of [DG (P) No. 141-509/92-SPB.II dt. 18-12-1992]
I am directed to say that some of the Unions have elaborate. The problem pointed out by the Unions
represented to this Department that a few circles are could be due to local aberrations. However, the
not strictly following the rules/instructions relating to Circles are requested to take appropriate steps to
the tenure policy in RMS. They have also complained ensure that the tenure policy in RMS is followed
that extension of tenure is being granted without the scrupulously keeping in mind the broad parameters
approval of the Competent Authority. of the rotational transfer policy guidelines issued from
2. As the Circles etc. are aware, the existing orders time to time.
and guidelines on this issue are quite clear and (D.G.(P) No. 137-4/2002-SPB-II, dt. 10-6-2003)
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above the same station where the Divisional office is
and to say that the matter was discussed in the located. Likewise, rotation for Gr. 'D' officials in
JCM meeting. After due deliberation, it has been the Postal Divisional Offices is prescribed from the
decided that the tenure for mailman and SG office of the Divisional Superintendent to the HO
Mailman in RMS divisional offices and Gr. 'D' staff or any other office at the same station where the
in Postal Divisional Offices should be for five years. Divisional Office is located.
Further, rotation of mailman and SG Mailman may 2. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned
be prescribed from the office of the Divisional and necessary action taken accordingly.
Superintendent RMS to HRO or any other office at [DG Posts No. 45-60/88-SPB.I dated 19-01-90]


The following decisions have been taken. duly allotted to him in his turn before occupying the
i) An officials in occupation of attached to Post Post Quarters.
Quarters, on transfer from that post to a post to which ii) As far as possible, officers occupying attached
no quarter is attached at the same station and in the Post Quarters should be rotated within themselves so
same unit should be allotted a quarters on out of turn that hardship involved in vacating Post Quarters and/
basis if his turn had come for regular allotment when or providing alternate accommodation is minimised to
he was occupying the attached to Post quarters or if the extent possible.
he had vacated a P&T quarters at the same station [DG P&T No. 2-20/66 dt. 5-6-73]
I) S.B. Tenure : "Except when a longer tenure of service against a
i) "The period of tenure in S.B. Branches will start from post has been prescribed or is authorised by orders of
the date on which the official is posted in SB/SC branch." the Head of Circles in any special contingency, no
[DG 70-2/66-B/Pt II/SPB I dt. 17-7-68] official shall be retained in the same branch, in the case
[DG 69/20/83-SPB I dt. 20-10-83] of other Post Offices for more than 4 years and shall
ii) "HOs having instant counter facilities the counter not be eligible for posting back to the same branch or
clerk will be rotated with other officials working in S.B. office as the case may be, until after three years of the
branch every two years instead of 3 years. date of his last posting back"
[DG (P) No. 35-34/84-SB dt. 9-4-87] (D.G. P&T No. 19/2/83, (SPB-I), dt. 19-1-83)
II) Tenure for PRI (Ps): IV) Tenure to Mail Overseers :
i) "If transfer of PRI (P) in the middle of the academic "Mail overseers may be transferred from one line
year results in hardship it may be deferred till end of to another line with the head quarters at the same
the academic session" station once in two or three years. If necessary, they
[DG P&T No. 6/65/78/SPB II dt. 17-10-78] may be transferred to another station within the same
ii) "The term 'hardship' found in DG's letter in relation Postal Division once in five years."
to rotation of PRI (P) should be liberally interpreted and [Dept. of Post 60-2/86-SPB I dt. 5-3-86]
that all rotational transfer of PRI (P)s should be kept in V) Tenure - Counter Clerks :
abeyance till the end of academic year. Shorter tenure for counter clerks in HOs having
[PMG, MS D.O. No. STA/5-205/75 instant counter facility :
dt. 1-11-78] Reference is invited to the provisions of Rule
iii) "After further consideration of the case if has been 404(5) of P&T Manual Vol. VI PT II prescribing that the
decided that the transfer of PRI (P)s should normally SB counter clerk shall be rotated after every 3 years
be effected at the end of academic session even though with the other clerks. It was pointed out that the period
the tenure period of 4 years expire before the end of of tenure of 3 years for the counter is too long and its
the academic session. reduction as fraud preventive measure was suggested.
[DG P&T No. 6/65-78-SPB II dt. 12-12-78] It has been now decided that in HPOs having
iv) "For all purpose PRI (P)s are LSG clerks since instant counter facilities the counter clerks will be
PRI (P) is not a cadre by itself." rotated with other officials working in SB branch every
[DG P&T No. 6/33/80-SPB II dt. 27/29-11-80] two years instead of 3 years.
III) Tenure P&T Manual Vol. IV - Rule 61 A [DG (P) No. 35-34/84-SB dt. 9-4-87]
VI) Tenure for Counting L.R. Period : VIII) Tenure of Postal Assts. working in Speed Post
"The reserve staff are head quartered as suitable Counter:
offices in the division for filling up of short or medium Two years tenure should not be a right rule.
term vacancies within the division. They are not posted Chief PMGs/PMGs can use their discretion change
as such in any office or charge during the time when the posting before completion of two years
they are Reserve PA. provided:
[DG (P) No. 70/168/87-SPB I dt. 7-8-87] a) Performance of the official is not upto the mark.
VII) Tenure for Jeep Drivers: b) The change is not so frequent that it prevents the
In Supersession of the orders conveyed under official from acquiring experience and expertise.
DDG(P) No. of even no.dt. 6-11-90, it is hereby ordered c) Changes should not be used to distribute incentive
to institutionalise rotation of drivers among Mail Motor Money.
Vans, Inspection and other jeep and Staff cars. All Chief d) Quality of service is not compromised with.
PMG/PMGs are hereby directed to rotate all drivers so e) Seniority should not be sole or main criteria for
as to observe a tenure of 4 years. selection.
[DG (P) No. 141-105/90-SPB II dt. 15-11-90] [DG (P) No. 43/26-91-D dt. 15-2-93]


I am directed to say that with the introduction of customer services and to handle varied products
various new activities through Post Office counters, it across the counter. This would need specialised
has become imperative that there is some continuity training. Keeping in view of the above, Head of Circles
of the officials working on counters in big and important may make necessary selection based on the aptitude
offices. In addition, installation of multi purpose and performance of the officials for their working in
counter machines and emphasis on better customer front office. Such officials may be exposed to special
services would necessitate that officials working in training in different spells and continued in the front
counters should not be disturbed frequently. All the office as per administrative needs.
officials may not be able to provide the specialized (DG (P) No. 141-172/2003-SPB.II dt. 08-09-2003)


"R.T. Policy guidelines" were compiled and where they were working even though they had not
communicated to all Regions vide C.O. letter No. STC/ completed "post tenure" as per the Rules. It is
102-1/2002 dated 15-4-2002. In the gist of the presumed that some of the Divisions/units might
Directorate orders communicated, instructions have misinterpreted the above instructions without
regarding 'Station Tenure' were issued in para-1 of page- taking into account the latest guidelines of
1 and para under caption 'Station Tenure' in page-3. It Directorate dated 2-4-85.
was informed therein that 'station tenure' of non- In this connection, kindly see DG's letter No. 141-
gazetted staff would normally be 4 years which might 35/2001-SPB-II dated 11-4-2001 (communicated in
be extended up to 6 years in public interest. It was C.O. letter no. STC/102-1/2001-02 dated 18-4-2001
also mentioned therein that an official who completed (the last one received from Directorate on this subject)
'station tenure' was liable for transfer even though he in which it was categorically stated that 'All the
had not completed 'post tenure'. These orders were employees completing 'post tenure' maybe rotated
issued based on Directorates orders No. 69/4/79-SPB- subject of certain conditions. This means that there is
I dated 12-11-81 and communicated in C.O. letters no. no 'Station Tenure' for non-gazetted staff and only 'post
STC/102-1/80 dated 18-11-1981 and 6-1-1982. tenure' is applicable to them. However, there will be
However, these instructions were modified no bar to transfer the officials in all cadres from one
subsequently by Directorate in letter No. 69-23/83-SPB- place to another on administrative reasons and in the
I dated 2-4-85. interest of service.
It has been brought to the notice of this office Suitable instructions may kindly be issued to all
by one of the Service Unions that some of the non- concerned in this regard.
gazetted staff were shifted out of stations from (Pl. CPMG, T.N. No. STC/101-2/2002, Dt. 30-6-2006)
I am directed to invite your kind attention to office Relation Inspectors came for session in the recently
circular letter No. 6-15/86-SPB-II dated 27-7-87 say that held Heads of Circles meet where was recommended
the matter of selection of officials for the post of Public that there should be an upper age of 45 years for
appointing any person as Public Relation Inspector. Heads of Circles meet it has been decided that, as
Since the posts of PRIs are norm-based LSG far as possible, officials of over 45 years age may be
Posts, which are to be manned by officials promoted not be posted as PRIs unless they are considered to
to HSG-II under the Biennial Cadre Review in be merritorious, intelligent and energetic. In case no
accordance with the orders issued in implementation such official from amongst those promoted under
of the BCR scheme officials promoted under BCR BCR scheme is available there will be no objection if
scheme are likely to be over years of age with the the posts of PRIs manned by TBOP officials
possible exception of SC/ST officials. Therefore, in possessing the qualities mentioned above.
implementation of the exercised consideration of the (D.G. Lt. No. 4-52/92-SPB-II, dt. 23-11-92)
The question with regard to the procedure to be authority of his intention of such cancellation giving the
followed in respect of cancellation of transfer orders of reasons therefor. If no reply is received within 7 days,
staff/officers by appointing authorities has been under from the date of making the reference to the next higher
consideration for some time. After taking into account authority the appointing authority will issue the
all relevant factors it has been decided that the transfer cancellation of transfer orders.
orders once issued may be cancelled by the appointing The above instructions should be brought to the
authoriting primarily in the interest of service. However notice of all offices concerned.
the appointing authority will infront be next higher [Lr. No. 69-18/81-SPB-I, Dated: 6-1-82]


Of late, it has been observed that some ensure that the divisional Superintendents,
divisional Superintendent who are about to retire retiring within six months be required to obtain
have issued a number of irregular transfer orders the prior approval of DPS/PMG before issuing
just before retirement to keep proper check on transfer orders.
such cases. I am directed to request you to kindly (DG (P) No. 4-19/92/IV dt. ......7-92)


While examining the Vigilance/Disciplinary cases Accordingly it has been decided by DDG (V) that
it has come to the notice of the Vigilance branch/that the existing instructions on the subject need be reiterated
the instructions contained in DG P&T's lr. No. 69-18/ and all concerned authorities advised to observe them
81-SPB-I dt. 6-1-82 regarding procedure to be followed scrupulously. I shall be grateful if necessary action to
for cancellation of Transfer orders by appointing reiterate these instructions to all concerned, is taken
authorities are not being compiled with the authorities. expeditiously under intimation to the Directorate.
A copy of these instructions is enclosed. (D.G.(P) No. 16-7/88-Vig. I, dt. 27-3-91)


Kindly refer to this office letter No. 4-19/92-Vig. by many Divisional Superintendents on the verge of
Dated July 1992 regarding check on the issue of retirement had issued a number of irregular transfer /
transfer / posting order by Divisional Superintendents posting orders / appointment orders.
retiring within a period of 6 month. In the said letter, it In spite of aforesaid specific and clear
was laid down that the Divisional Superintendents instructions, instances have come to our notice
retiring within 6 months period must obtain prior written where the Divisional Superintendents retiring within
approval of their DPS / PMG before issuing any transfer 6 months period have committed similar nature of
/ posting orders and appointment of ED agents, which irregularities. In some cases, we are contemplating
was otherwise within their normal administrative action against the erring retired officers under Rule 9
jurisdiction. The said instructions were necessitated of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
I would therefore, again impress upon you to reiterated the earlier instructions for strict compliance.
kindly ensure that the above quoted instructions of The receipt of this DO letter may kindly be
this office are complied with strictly in letter and in acknowledged.
spirit and the Divisional Superintendents are again (DG (P) No. 7-4/88-VIG (PT) dated 12-06-1996)
A proposal to grant TA and transit to officials who a transfer is mandatory, while posting to a place of choice
are transferred on completion of tenure to the place of is secondary and subject to public convenience. In
their choice was under consideration in this Directorate view of this posting to a place of choice after completion
for sometime past. of full tenure may not be normally termed as "transfer
SR-114 which governs TA on Transfer distinguishes on own request" under SR-114. It has, therefore, been
between transfer for public convenience and transfer on decided that henceforth officials transferred after
own request. Although transfer on completion of tenure in completion of full tenure as prescribed from time to time
one office has not been specifically referred to in this Rule, to the place of their choice will be entitled for TA and
yet the transfer on completion of tenure, the official has to Transit.
be transferred out for operational reasons. Therefore, such [DG (P) No. 17-3/94-PAP dated 18-12-95]


Recently while reviewing serious fraud cases it has of period of posting / completion of tenure should not
come to notice that often officials who have completed be posted back to the same office after a break as is
tenure as Sub Postmaster / Postal Assistant in a being done now. In other words, officials of single
particular single handed or double handed post office, handed and double handed post offices can have only
are posted back to the same office after a break of one posting in the such offices during their service period.
tenure during which they worked in some other post However, only in respect of double handed post
offices. It has been seen that in some cases such offices, the CPMG / PMG may personally relax this
officials have committed frauds over a long period of provision in a specific case if warranted by exceptional
time covering both their tenures in the same office. administrative exigencies.
Evidence of collusion with other officials / Agents etc. 3. All Circle / Regional Heads are requested to ensure
has also come to light. that above guidelines are kept in view while deciding
2. After considering the matter, it is therefore directed transfers / posting.
that officials who have been posted as SPM / PA in a 4. This issues with the approval of DDG (Vig.)/CVO.
single handed or double handed post office irrespective (DG Posts No. 8-4/2005-INV. Dated 22-9-2005)
A reference has been received from one of the to the TBOP officials at the new Division. He cannot
Staff Unions stating that in many circles, LSG officials become junior to Time Scale Postal Assistants. The
are being treated as Leave Reserve Postal Assistants Leave Reserve is sanctioned only in the basic grade.
erroneously. Those who join a new Division on Rule Therefore, only those who are in the basic cadre of
38 transfers, even though they are LSG officials are Postal Assistants should be made as Leave Reserve
shown junior most to all Postal Assistants and made Postal Assistants. Hence LSG (TBOP) officials
Leave Reserves. It is clarified that on Rule 38 transfer cannot be made Leave Reserves.
to another Division a TBOP official will become junior [DG (P) lt. No. 137-10/98-SPB.II dated …04-1998]
I am directed to state that it has been brought to General whose office is expected to maintain a request
the notice of this office that difficulties are being Register and post officials as and when vacancies
experienced in inter-regional transfers of staff borne become available in Region concerned. All such
on Circle Cadres. It is, therefore, hereby clarified that request for transfer should be submitted through
all requests for transfer from one region to another Regional PMGs to the Chief Postmaster General.
region should be addressed to the Chief Postmaster [DG Post No. 141-387/92-SPB.II dated 12-10-1992]
A new Rule 279/6 of P&T Manual, Volume-IV (V suitable officials to work as D.Os (PLI) from among 2/
Edition) was introduced vide Memo No. 10-1/74-SPB.II 3rd quota fixed for Circles / Regional staff as either
dated 08-10-1975 providing for a quota of 50% for required number of officials either do not volunteer for
appointment of D.Os (PLI) on seniority-cum-fitness working as DO (PLI) or are not eligible. Consequently,
basis from the eligible staff of Postal Circle Offices some posts of DO (PLI), remain lying vacant thereby
and remaining 50% through a competitive examination adversely affecting procurement of PLI business.
open to the Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants 4. The matter has been examined and it has now
working in postal / RMS Divisions. The above quotas been decided that where required number of officials
of 50% each for staff working in Circle Offices and against 2/3rd quota cannot be found to work as D.Os
Postal / RMS Divisions was subsequently revised to (PLI), the resultant unfilled vacancies of D.Os (PLI)
2/3rd and 1/3rd respectively vide DoP Memo No. 10- will be transferred to 1/3rd quota available for the
7/82-SPB.II dated 17-10-1984. staff having 5 years' service of Circle / Regions and
2. Consequent on introduction of TBOP and BCR Postal / RMS Divisions to be filled up through
Scheme for the LDCs and UDCs of the Circle / competitive examination. To make it practicable to
Regional Offices, these LDCs and UDCs have since do so, the selection of officials to work as D.O.s (PLI)
been merged into a single grade and re-designated against 2/3rd quota should precede the examination
as P.AsCO. As per extent provisions of the aforesaid to be held against 1/3rd quota in that year. It has
Rule 279/6, a permanent or quasi-permanent P.As of further been decided that the P.As of the Circle and
the Circle Offices / Regional Offices who are not more Regional offices promoted to TBOP cadre will also
than 45 years of age, and have completed 5 years' be eligible for selection as D.Os (PLI) so long as
service can be selected as D.Os (PLI) against 2/3rd their pay do not exceed Rs. 7,000/- p.m. if they fulfill
quota fixed therefore subject to fulfilment of certain other conditions.
other conditions. 5. Necessary formal amendment to Rule 279/6 of P&T
3. A large number of P.As have since crossed Manual, Volume-IV will be issued separately.
prescribed maximum age limit of 45 years. As such, 6. These orders will be effective from the date of issue.
some Circle have expressed their difficulties in finding (D.G. (P) No. 35-5/87-LI, Vol. II, dt. 26-8-02)


I am directed to state that as per the instructions on transfer from one post of Supervisor to another
contained in this office letter of even number dated post of supervisor within the same station or at
28-11-1989, an official has to work in the another station before completion of the period of
supervisory post for 2 years, once such a posting two years. This may however be done in
is accepted, in this regard, it is clarified that the exceptional/deserving cases.
said restriction of two years does not impose a ban (DG Posts No. 6-4/87-SPB II, dt. 5-3-1991)
A suggestion has been made that physically Group D posts who have been recruited on regional
handicapped candidates appointed under the Govt. basis and who are physically handicapped, such
should preferably be posted in their native places or persons may be given posting as far as possible,
atleast in their native district. The matter has been subject to administrative constraints, near their native
examined carefully. It may not be possible or desirable places within the region. Requests from physically
to lay down that physicaly handicapped employees handicapped employees for transfer to or near their
belonging to Group A or Group B who have All India native places may also be given preference.
transfer liability should be posted near their native [Min. of Per, PG & Pensions. A-B 14017/41/90-Estt.
places. However in cases of holders of Group C or (RR) dt. 10-5-90; DG (P) 141/179/90-SPB II dt. 26-7-90]
It is clarified that the guidelines contained in Para preference, covers physically handicapped employees
2 of this Department's O.M. dated 10-5-1990 that in Groups 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D'
requests from physically handicapped employees for (Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. AB-14017/16/2002-
transfer to or near their native places may also be given Estt. (RR), dated 13-3-2002)
The undersigned is directed to say that there has the facilities for medical care and education of
been a demand that an employed parent of a child children with hearing impairment or multiple disability
suffering from hearing impairment or multiple may not be available at all Stations, such requests
disability may be given posting to their own preferred from the parents of a child suffering from hearing
linguistic Zone or State where educational facility for impairment or multiple disability, may as far as
their hearing impaired or multiple disabled child exists possible, be considered sympathetically. Where,
and that too in the same language exists. This however, this may not be possible, efforts may be
demand has been made on the ground that the made to accommodate such a Government servant
disabled children may have opportunities of learning in the same State to the extent possible.
in one single language as these children cannot cope 3. All the Ministries/Departments etc., are requested
up with learning their subjects in more than one to bring these instructions to the notice of all the
language, as result of transfer of their parents from appointing authorities under their control.
one State of another. (Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 36035/1/2000-Estt.
2. The matter has been examined, considering that (Res.), dated 18-2-2000)


The matter has been examined. Considering such an employee at a place of his/her choice
that facilities for Medical help and education of ministries/Departments are requested to take a
mentally retarded children may not be available sympathetic view on the merits of each case and
at all stations, a choice in the place of posting is accommodate to such requests for posting to the
likely to be of some help to the parent in taking extent possible.
care of such a child. While administratively it may [MOP PG& Pensions OM No. AB-14017/41/90-
not be possible in all cases to ensure posting of Estt.(RR) dt. 15-2-91]


The undersigned is directed to refer to this adversely affect the education of the child.
Department's O.M. of even number dated the 15th 2. The matter has been examined. Considering that
February, 1991 on the above subject and to say that the facilities for medical care and education of mentally
representations have been received from a number of retarded children may not be available at the stations,
Government employees who have mentally retarded such requests from the parent of a mentally retarded
children that their postings from one place to another child may as far as possible, be considered
outside the State adversely affect the education of their sympathetically. Where however, this may not be
mentally retarded child due to change of language and possible, efforts may be made to accommodate such
environment. It has been suggested that such a Government servant in the same State to the extent
Government employees should be kept at the place of possible. The same approach may be adopted in the
his choice purely on the consideration of his ward with case of Government Servants having physically
mental handicap and even he/she is to be transferred, handicapped children who require special medical
efforts should be made to accommodate him/her in the treatment due to chronic ailments are disabilities.
same State so that the change of language does not (DG (P) No. 141/35/93-SPB-II, dt. 18-3-93)
i) Members of the Supervisory cadres (Inspectors/ Circle (period of leave exceeding 15 days will not be
ASPOs/Supdts/and Gazetted Postmasters) should not counted while computing the duration of two years. The
be posted to their Home division/Parent division during definition of two years will be 24 calendar months.
the first four years of their service in supervisory cadres. iii) Request for reposting to a post should not be
ii) They should not be transferred (except in granted unless a period of two years has passed since
administrative interest) from a Post unless they complete the requesting officer left charge of that post.
atleast two years in that Post if they are working within iv) In respect of officers posted on promotion to
outside circles their requests for transfer back to their worked outside the circle physically for six months
home circles could be considered when the next DPC excluding the period of leave.
is held provided there are vacancies and they have [DG (P) No. 141-495/92-SPB II dt. 11-10-93]


It has been brought to the notice of this Dte. that of staff, it is clarified that whenever accommodation is
the Postmasters/SPMs who are entitled for rent free rented for the post offices having rent free post attached
accommodation, are generally not provided with such quarter for the PM/SPM, care should be taken to ensure
accommodation in the Post Office premises as per the that the size of such quarters as far as possible
prescribed austerity standards. conforms to the standards laid down in this regard.
In order to mitigate the grievance of such category (DG Post No. 24/4/87/PRP/NB (P) dated 11-2-1988)


In the course of discussions in the Committee of the Treasurers / Asstt. Treasurers would be drawn
Departmental Council (JCM) held on 30-08-1980, the station wise instead of its being office wise as at
question of widening the area of selection for posting present. The matter has been examined in all its
as Treasurers / Asstt. Treasurers in post offices was aspects and it has been decided that there may not
insisted upon by the staff side. In this connection, it be any difficulty in having the area of selection being
will appear that nothing has been specifically widened to make it station wise. For the purpose it
prescribed that the selection has necessarily to be has however been decided that the selection would
confined to post office wise or Division wise or even be made from amongst the eligible officials of the
station wise. On the suggestion of the staff side it concerned divisions.
was decided to examine that the panel of officials for (DG, P&T No. 3/4/80-SPB-II, dt. 18-3-81)


I am directed to say that a number of references Postal Assistants with five years service are not
from various Circles have been received regarding available for posting as Treasurers/Cashiers in Post
difficulties being experienced by them in finding Offices. Postal Assistants promoted as LSG under
suitable officials for posting as Treasures/Cashiers Time Bound one Promotion Scheme can also be
in Post Offices. The matter has been receiving considered if they are willing. However, they will not
attention and after careful consideration, it has been be entitled to special allowance admissible to time
decided that in order to meet the situation the existing scale Postal Assistants.
eligibility service conditions of 10/8 years is further These orders takes effect from the date of issue.
reduced to five years service in Postal Assistant However, the present incumbents who have not
Cadre. It has also been decided that the existing completed their one year tenure, may be allowed to
tenure of Cashiers/Treasurers in Post Office shall be continue for another one year.
increased from one year to two years. However, if (DG(P) No. 3-2/85-SPB-II, dt. 14-12-88)


Attention is invited to this Directorate Memo Ti m e S c a l e o f f i c i a l s t o w o r k i n s h o r t t e r m
No. 3-2/85-SPB-II dated 14-12-1988 on the subject vacancies. In supersession of this Directorate
cited above. The matter was taken up by the Staff memo ibid it has now been decided that LSG
Side in the Departmental Council of JCM. The Staff operatives promoted under the TBOP scheme
side has agreed with the principle of postings of when posted as Treasurers in Post Offices will be
Postal Assistants in Time Scale only as Treasurer entitled to special pay as admissible to the Time
in Post Offices. However, sometimes it so happens Scale Postal Assistants. This order will take effect
that LSG operative have to be posted as Treasurers from the date of issue.
due to paucity of volunteers and unwillingness of [DG Posts No. 6-3/91-PAP dated 23 -10-1992]
I am directed to say that a question has been raised Cashier / Treasurer subject to the administrative
as to whether an official who has completed a tenure of convenience. In such circumstances the official may be
four years in an office, in continuation, can be posted as allowed to complete a full tenure as Treasurer / Cashier
Treasurer / Cashier in the same office and vice versa. even though he has done a full tenure in the same office
The matter has been considered. It is hereby clarified in another post.
that there is no objection if an official, who has completed [DG Posts letter No. 03-1/90-SPB.II
a full tenure in another post in an office, is posted as dated 16-5-1990]


The present practice in dealing with Rule 38 application was received in circle Office/regional
transfers has been examined in detail and the PMG office will be shown and the names of the officials
has ordered that the following revised procedure will be entered in the waiting list by the divisional
may be followed in regard to the disposal of Rule offices based on those dates.
38 cases. 5. In so far as the old cases pending with Circle
2. The transfer of eligible officials under Rule 38 to office/Regional offices are concerned, it is decided
the division of their choice should be approved in that those cases will be decided first as per the above
principal irrespective of availability of vacancies in that instructions.
unit. A waiting list of such approved transfers both in 6. The case of transfer by way of mutual exchange
departmental quota and in the direct recruitment quota will be allowed as per rules on out of turn basis.
should be maintained in the divisional offices to which 7. There are some LSG officials waiting reallotment
the transfer is sought. At the time of computation of to their home division. Such repatriation will have to be
vacancies for LGO's examination/direct recruitment, completed first before any rules 38 transfer is
such approved transfers should be taken into account considered and such repatriatees will be at the top of
for necessary adjustment in the announcement for the waiting list.
vacancies. Similarly approved transfer of officials in 8. All Rule 38 transferees will be placed below all
both the quotas from that Division to other units should APCs.RTPs and lower grade officials on approved list
also be taken into account for the purpose of for promotion PA/SA cadre including those who would
computation of vacancies. be successful in the examination for promotion to PA/
3. It is directed that the application for transfer SA cadre held on 24-5-87.
under Rule 38 from eligible officials will be restricted 9. The officials rendered surplus due to TBOP,
to only one unit, otherwise it application for more abolition of BRL system etc. who have been
than one unit are entertained it will create transferred to other units/divisions as per Dte's
complications. If after approval of the transfer, the instructions on the subject should be brought back
concerned official changes his mind and applied for first to their original unit/division on occurrence of
another unit, it will be treated as a fresh application vacancy the repatriation of such officials will take
after cancellation of his turn on the waiting list of precedence over rule 38 transfers
the old unit. 10. T h e p o s i t i o n o f o f f i c i a l s w h o s e r u l e 3 8
4. Transfer under Rule 38 of eligible within the transfer have been approved but are still waiting
Region will be approved by the Regional Directors. for their posting orders will depend on the date
However, cases of inter region transfers and cases of approval of their transfer. They will be below
requiring relaxation and for temporary deputations APCs, RTPs, LGOs awaiting appointment on
of husband/wife at the same station should come to those dates.
the Circle Office. This would apply to the cases of 11. The case of Rule 38 for transfer of wife/husband
mutual exchange transfers also. The Regional for posting at the same station would be considered
Directors as well as the Circle office will endorse on out of turn basis at per Dte's instructions on the
copies of approval of transfer to the concerned subject. Such transfer would be treated purely on
transferee unit with instructions to bring the name deputation without any monetary benefit till their actual
on the waiting list and to intimate the waiting list turn on the basis of their registration for transfer
number to the concerned official through the comes.
controlling divisional superintendent. In the memo (CPMG Gujarat Circle No. Staff-1-15/Rlg./Corr
of approval of transfer the date on the which the dtd. at Ah'd-9, the 13-7-87)
I am directed to invite your attention to this office qualified officials to their parent units has operated
letter No. 60-22/80-SPB.I dated 17-07-81, where by harshly and that the discretionary powers earlier vested
on the basis of decision of the erstwhile P&T Board it in the Heads of Circles for considering such requests
has been inter-alia stipulated that surplus qualified in relaxation of minimum 5 years service limit may be
departmental Lower grade officials who are promoted redelegated to Heads of Circles. An item on the subject
to clerical and allied cadres in a division other than was also brought up for discussion in the heads of Circle
their parent division may be transferred to their parent Conference held in Nov. 1985.
division or any division other than the one in which they 3. Accordingly, the mater has been reconsidered by
are working, under Rule 38 against departmental the Postal Service Board in its meeting held on 30-10-
quota of vacancies only and direct recruits will 85. It has been decided to delegate the powers to
continue to be adjusted against outsiders quota. It Heads of Circles to permit Rule 38 unilateral transfer
has further been stipulated that powers vested in requests of surplus promotees to clerical cadres to their
Heads of Circles vide this office letter No. 69/23/75- parent unit after completion of 3 years service subject
SPB.I dated 29-10-75 to allow Rule 38 transfer to the condition that the powers would be exercised by
requests of surplus qualified officials before the Heads of Circles personally in really deserving
completion of 5 years service in the unit / circle are cases and transfer of such officials will not jeopardise
also withdrawn. It has further been clarified vide this the interest of appointees against other quota. In other
office letter No. 60/22/81-SPB.I dated 18-03-82 that words, such transfers will be adjusted against
Rule 38 transfers of surplus qualified officials may departmental quota of vacancies. The Heads of Circles
be permitted by Heads of Circles on mutual exchange will not be empowered to allow Rule 38 transfer of
basis even if 5 years service in a division is not surplus officials to their parent unit before completion
complete subject to the condition that such transfers of three years service.
are adjusted against departmental quota of 4. As clarified in this office letter No. 60/22/81-SPB.I
vacancies. It was also clarified that such transfers dated 18-03-82 the Heads of Circles will continue to allow
can be also permitted to any unit other than the home Rule 38 transfer requests of surplus qualified officials to
division and city units located in the station of their parent unit before completion of 3 years service if
official's parent unit. Heads of Circles can consider the same are on mutual exchange basis or the transfer
Rule 38 transfers of direct recruits in relaxation of 5 sought for is to a unit other than the home unit or a city
years service limit in their discretion as hitherto unit where the parent unit of the official is located.
before. Similarly, they will continue to allow Rule 38 transfer
2. Certain Heads of Circles, staff Union and individuals requests of direct recruits to T/S clerical cadres in
have represented to this office, inter-alia stating that relaxation of 5 years service limit.
the five year ban imposed on repatriation of surplus [DG P&T No. 60-34/84-SPB-I dated 05-02-86]
It is hereby further ordered that the result vacancies departmental quota. If a direct recruit is transferred from
arising from Rule 38 transfer in the division, from which A division to B division, the vacancy arising in A division
a departmental promotee is transferred, may not be should be adjusted by appointment of direct recruit and
adjusted against direct recruit quota. This means if a the vacancy should be adjusted in B division against
departmental promotee is transferred from A division the vacancy of direct recruit. The existing proforma for
to B division, the vacancy in A division should be calculation of vacancies should be modified suitably
adjusted against departmental quota and in the B so as to given effect these orders.
division also the vacancy should be adjusted against [DG (P) No. 60-113/88-SPB I dt. 12-1-89]
This office has been receiving references from General / Postmasters General require the approval of
various Circles where inter-Circle transfer having the the Directorate.
approval of both the concerned Chief Postmasters 2. In this connection, it is reiterated that the Heads of
Circles are fully empowered under the existing reference to Directorate would not be necessary.
instructions vide Directorate, letter No. 33-1/88-PE.II 3. It is clarified that the aforesaid instructions do not apply
dated 5th December, 1989, pertaining to "power and in cases involving transfer between two separate and
Function of Chief Post-masters General/Postmasters distinct cadres such as Postal Assistant (P.O) to Postal
General (Region)" to permit transfer of any employee Assistant (C.O. / R.O.)/PA (SBCO) SA or vice-versa.
to any Central Government office or Department except In such cases the approval of the Directorate would
in respect of such officials whom the Chief Postmaster be required even if both the Chief Postmasters General
General is not competent to appoint. Where such are agreeable.
permission is accorded by the Head of Circle, a (D.G.(P) No.141.13/94-SPB.II dated 18-04-96)
I am directed to say that a provision exists in Rule the cadre of Sorting Assistant to cadre of Postal
38 of Postal Manual Vol. IV for transfer of Postal Assistant (Post Office) will not attract the provision of
Assistants / Sorting Assistants who are recruited on Rule 38, Postal Manual Vol. IV and such requests will
divisional basis from one division to another either on be considered in the context of need for redeployment
mutual basis or on the basis of application given by an of personnel from one operative wing to another. The
official to be transferred foregoing his / her seniority in following conditions will apply to such transfers on
the parent division and assuming seniority afresh in the requests from RMS to Postal Wing:-
new division to which he / she is transferred. In recent (a) the applicant will be ranked junior most in the new
times, due to various reasons, there has been substantial cadre / recruiting unit on such transfer.
increase of applications for transfer under Rule 38. (b) He / she will bear the cost of training which will be
2. The provisions of Rule 38 of Postal Manual Vol. required to be imparted to him / her for the nature of
IV are under review and separate instruction of the job in the new cadre and only after he / she qualifies in
subject will follow. However, as regards transfer the above training at his / her own cost. The transfer
under Rule 38 of Postal Manual Vol. IV from the from one cadre to another would materialize.
cadre of Sorting Assistant to Postal Assistant, the (c) The official will be permanently debarred from going
same has been examined keeping in view the back to the old cadre / recruiting unit and he / she cannot
availability of the manpower in both the wings. It claim the old seniority in the earlier recruiting unit.
has been decided that the request for transfer from [DG Post No. 141-198/2001-SPB-II dt. 10-5-2002]


A provision exists in Rule 38 of Postal Manual, Postal Assistant (Post Office) will not attract the
Vol. IV for transfer of Postal Assistants / Sorting provision of Rule 38, Postal Manual, Vol. IV and
Assistants who are recruited on divisional basis from such requests will be considered in the context
one division to another either on mutual basis or on of need for redeployment of personnel from one
the basis of application given by an official to be operative wing to another. The following
transferred forgoing his / her seniority in the parent conditions will apply to such transfers on requests
division and assuming seniority afresh in the new from RMS to postal Wing:-
division to which he / she is transferred. In recent (a) The applicant will be ranked junior most in the new
times, due to various reasons, there has been cadre / recruiting unit on such transfer.
substantial increase of applications for transfer under (b) He / she will bear the cost of training which will be
Rule 38. required to be imparted to him / her for the nature of
The provisions of Rule 38 of Postal Manual, Vol. job in the new cadre and only after he / she qualifies
IV are under review and separate instruction on the on the above training at his / her own cost, the transfer
subject will follow. However, as regards transfer from one cadre to another would materialize.
under Rule 38 of Postal Manual, Vol. IV from the (c) The official will be permanently debarred from
cadre of Sorting Assistant to Postal Assistant, the going back to the old cadre / recruiting unit and he /
same has been examined keeping in view the she cannot claim the old seniority in the earlier
availability of the manpower in both the wings. It recruiting unit.
has been decided that the request for transfer from (D.G.(P) No. 141-198/2001-SPB-II, dated
the cadre of Sorting Assistant to the cadre of 10-05-2002)
I am directed to refer to this Department's Letter to be imparted to him / her for the nature of job in the
No. 141-198/2001-SPB.II dated 10-05-2002 on the new cadre and only after he / she qualified in the above
above subject and Letter No. 1-37/2001-Trg., dated training, the transfer would materialize. In this context,
30-01-2002. It was indicated in Letter, dated 10-05- it is clarified that only when an official wants to change
2002 that one of the conditions to be fulfilled for his cadre on his / her own interest, the cost of training
considering the requests from Sorting Assistants for will have to be borne by the concerned official.
transfer as Postal Assistant (P.O.) was that, he / she [D.G.(P) No. 141-198/2001-SPB-II,
would bear the cost of training which would be required dated 22-08-2002].
It is clarified that as far as possible such requests retention are to be treated as 'notional' transfers from
may not be agreed to. This may be only after obtaining the Residuary Division to the Division of option or
the requisite declaration for transfer under Rule 38 of allotment as per rules and transfers to the residuary
P&T Manual Vol. IV and it may be made very clear to division under Rule 38 will be on paper. This point will
the officials concerned that his retention is under the have to be made clear to the officials and willingness
provisions of Rule 38 with all consequential disabilities. and declarations obtained.
Rule 38 is applicable only in cases of transfers and such [DG (P&T) No. 271-58/74-SPB dt. 4-3-77]
The holidays intervening the date of relief as holidays and he need not take leave for such
and the date of joining the new place, even on holidays.
transfer of an official at his own request should [Dept. of Per &Trg. OM No. 19011/16/88-Estt.(All)
be deemed to have been availed of by the official dt. 15-12-88]
Refer to CPMG, Rajasthan D.O. letter No. RECTT/ examination may be held in Units / Divisions where no
2-10/SR dated 04-06-99 on the above subject. The examination was held earlier. However, the candidates
point raised by his office is whether the examination will have to be specifically told that the examination is
for postmen / Mail Guards is to be held for all Divisions only for shortfall vacancies in other Divisions. After the
irrespective of vacancies or whether it is to be held for supplementary examination is held, then from among
only those Divisions where there are vacancies. the volunteers from all the Divisions in the Region, the
2. The matter has been examined. It appears that the candidates will have to be selected based on their merit.
results of the examination held earlier have not been It may also be mentioned that Circles may
declared. The fact that examination was not held in a conduct examinations in Divisions where no
Division where there were no vacancies need not be a vacancies are declared, if volunteers are there for
ground for non-declaration of results in respect of likely shortfall vacancies in other Divisions, along with
examination held in other Divisions where vacancies the examination in other Divisions where there are
were declared. vacancies declared, if shortfall is anticipated. You
3. In case after the declaration of results, there is a are requested to take further action accordingly.
shortfall is certain Divisions, then a supplementary (DG (P) No. 37-63/98-SPB-I (Pt.) dated 26-08-99)
The question of formulation of a policy regarding servants and employees of public sector undertakings
the posting at the same place of husband and wife who for posting at the same station usually receive
are in Government service or in the service of Public sympathetic consideration, and that each case is
Sector undertakings has been raised in Parliament and decided on merits, keeping in view the administrative
other forums on several occasions. Government's requirements.
position has been that requests of Government 2. The Government of India have given the utmost
importance to the enhancement of women's status in Central services may post the officer to the station, or
all sectors and all walks of life. Strategies and policies if there is no post in that station to the state where the
are being formulated and implemented by different other spouse belonging to the All India Service is
Ministries of the Central Government to achieve this posted.
end. It is also considered necessary to have a policy iii) Where the spouses being to the same Central
which can enable women employees under Service : The cadre controlling authority may post the
Government and the Public sector Undertakings to spouses to the same station.
discharge their responsibilities as wife/mother on the iv) Where one spouse belongs to one Central service
one hand, and productive workers on the others, more and the other spouse belongs to another Central service
effectively. It is the policy of the Government that as :
far as possible and within the constraints of The spouse with the longer service at a station
administrative feasibility, the husband and wife should may apply to the appropriate cadre controlling authority
be posted at the same station to enable them to lead a and the said authority may post the said officer to the
normal family life and to ensure the education and station, or if there is no post in that station to the state,
welfare of their children. where the other spouse belonging to the other Central
3. In February 1976, the then Department of Social service is posted.
Welfare had issued a circular D.O. letter to all Ministries (v) Where one spouse belonging to an All India service
and Departments requesting them to give serious and the other spouse belongs to Public sector
consideration to the question of posting husband and undertakings :-
wife at the same station. However, representations The spouse employed under the Public sector
continue to be received by the Department of Women's under-taking may apply to the competent authority and
Welfare in the Ministry of Human Resource said authority may post the said officer to the station,
Development from women seeking the intervention of or if there is no post under the PSU in that station, to
that Department for a posting at the place where their the State where the other spouse is posted.
husband are posted. It has, therefore, now been (vi) Where one spouse belongs to a Central Service
decided to lay down a broad statement of policy atleast and the other spouse belongs to a PSU :-
with regard to those employees who are under the The spouse employed under the PSU may apply
purview of the Central Government/Public Sector to the competent authority and the said authority may
undertakings. An attempt has, therefore, been made post the officer to the station, or if there is no post under
in the following paragraphs to lay down guidelines to the PSU in that station to the State where the other
enable the cadre controlling authorities to consider the spouses is posted if however the request cannot be
requests from spouse for a posting at the same station. granted because the PSU has no post in the said station
At the outset, it may be clarified that it may not be State then the spouse belonging to the Central Service
possible to bring every category of employee within may apply to the appropriate cadre controlling authority
the ambit for this policy as station of husband/wife and the said authority may post the said officer to the
employment are varied and manifold. The guidelines station, or if there is no post in that station to the State
given below, are therefore, illustrative and not where the spouse employed under PSU is posted.
exhaustive. Government desire that in all other cases vii) Where one spouse is employed under Central
the cadre controlling authority should consider such Government and the other spouse is employed under
requirements with utmost sympathy. the State Government;
4. The classes of cases that may arise, and the The spouse employed under the Central
guidelines for dealing with each class of cases are given Government may apply to the competent authority and
below :- the competent authority may post the said officer to
i) Where the spouses being to the same All India the station or if there is no post in that station, to the
service or two of the All India services, namely IAS, state where the other spouse is posted.
IPS and Indian Forest service (Group 'A') : 5. As will be seen from the illustrations given above,
The spouses will be posted to the same cadre by they do not cover all possible categories of cases which
providing for a cadre transfer of one spouse to the cadre may arise in fact it is not possible to anticipate all the
of the other spouse subject to their not being posted categories of cases. Each case not covered by the
by this process to their home cadre. Postings within above guidelines, will have to be dealt with keeping in
the cadre will, of course, fall within the purview of the mind the spirit in which these guidelines have been
State Government. laid down and the larger objective of ensuring that
ii) Where one spouse belongs to one of the All India husband and wife are, as far as possible and within
services and the other spouse belongs to one of the the constraints of administrative convenience, posted
Central services. The cadre controlling authority of the at the same station.
6. Ministry of Finance are to requested to bring the issue in consultation with the comptroller and Auditor
above instructions to the notice of all administrative General of India.
authorities under their control and ensure compliance. 8. This issues with the concurrence of the Department
7. In so far as persons serving in Indian Audit and of Public Enterprises.
Accounts Department are concerned, these orders (Lt. No. 70/95/86-SPB-I, 9-9-1986)
This Directorate's letter No. 60-18/71-SPB-I, dated spells of work at the time of festivals such as Christmas,
28-12-1971 by which orders were issued for New Year etc.
introduction of Short Duty Staff Scheme as an 2. The question of continuation of this scheme for
experimental measure to cope with peak hour traffic in engagement of Short Duty Staff has been reviewed in
Postal and RMS Branches of the Department. Certain the respective of induction of technology into Postal
clarifications with regard to the Scheme were issued operations, changes is operational procedures and
from time to time subsequently by letter No. 60-18/71- traffic pattern, introduction of new services and products
SPB-I dated 17-3-1973, all Heads of Circles were customized for particular segment of customers and
informed that the Short Duty Scheme may be continued various administrative implications of management of
till further orders. It was clarified, inter alia, by letter the scheme. It has now been decided that engagement
No. 60-73/93-SPB-I dated 16-8-1995 that only of Short Duty Staff should be discontinued with
pensioners are to be engaged as Short Duty Staff for immediate effect. You are requested to take further
peak hour traffic in the Postal Offices when the traffic necessary action urgently.
is at least 50% more than normal traffic and for seasonal (D.G.(P) No. 66-58/96-SPB-I, dated 22-2-2001)


The undersigned is directed to say that the policy are not being followed in letter and spirit by the
of Government has been to give utmost importance Ministries / Departments even when there were no
to the enhancement of women's status in all sectors administrative constraints. Accordingly, it is
and all walks of life. Keeping this policy in view, the impressed upon all Ministries / Departments that the
Government had issued detailed guidelines about guidelines laid down in the aforesaid Office
posting of husband and wife at the same station vide Memoranda are strictly followed while deciding the
OM No. 28034/7/86-Estt. (A) dated the 3rd April 1986 request for posting of husband and wife at the same
and OM No. 28034/2/97-Estt. (A) dated the 12th June station.
1997. Attention of the Government was drawn that [Dept. of Per & Trg. OM No. 28034/23/2004-Estt.
the instructions contained in these Office Memoranda (A) dated 23-8-2004]
The undersigned is directed to say that on the Departments should strictly adhere to the guidelines
subject mentioned above, govt. had issued detailed laid down in OM No. 28034/7/86-Estt. (A) dt. 03-04-
guidelines vide OM No. 28034/7/86-Estt.(A) dt. 1986 while deciding on the request for posting of
03-04-1986. husband and wife at the same station and should
The fifth central Pay Commission, has now ensure that such posting invariably done especially till
recommended that not only the existing instruction their children are 10 years of age if post at the
regarding the need to post husband and wife at the appropriate level exist the organisation at the same
same station need to be reiterated, it has been station and if no administrative problems are expected
recommended that the scope of these instructions to result of consequence.
should be widened to include the provisions which posts 3. It is further clarified that even in case where only
at the appropriate level exist in the organisation at the the wife is a Govt. servant the concession elaborated
same station. The husband and wife invariably be in para 2 of this OM would be admissible to the Govt.
posted together in order to enable to lead a normal servant.
family life and look after the welfare of the children, 4. These instructions would be applicable only to post
especially till the children are 10 years of age. within the same Department and would not apply on
2. The Govt. after considering the matter has decided appointment under the central staffing scheme.
to accept this recommendation of the fifth central Pay (GI Dept. of Personnel and Training OM NO.
Commission. Accordingly it is reiterated that Ministries/ 28034/2/97-Estt.(A), dt. 12-06-1997)
The President is pleased to accord sanction for (iv) As per SIU norms, there is a justification of one
creation of 1622 posts in the HSG.I grade in the pay post of Office Superintendent in each Circle
scale of Rs. 6500-10500 by suitably upgrading the (Administrative Office) in HSG.I Grade. At present,
same number of existing HSG.II posts in the pay every Circle Office has the post of Office
scale of Rs. 5000-8000 with immediate effect as per Superintendent in HSG.I Grade, except Haryana,
the details Circle-wise at annexure -A. (not printed) H.P. and North-East. Circle Heads of these Circles
As a result of this upgradaiton and along with 208 are requested to upgrade the post to HSG.I level
posts upgraded earlier to HSG.I grade vide this Office in their respective Circle from amongst their quota
letter of even number, dated 6-11-1995, 10% of allotted.
HSG.II posts stand upgraded to HSG.I grade. (v) It may also be ensured that the ratio between
These posts of HSG.II shall be upgraded to HSG.I HSG.II and HSG.I in the Circle at a particular unit
by simultaneously abolishing 690 existing live posts of may be maintained as far as possible as per the
Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants in the scale of norms.
pay of Rs. 4000-6000 proportionally as indicated Circle- The work of identification of posts, holding of DPC
wise in Annexure-A (Col. 4). The order to be issued by and placement of the officials against the posts should
the Circles for upgradation of posts should include a be completed as early as possible. Concerned IFA
clause mentioning the fact of abolition of posts in the may ensure proper implementation of the above
cadre of PA with reference to it's original sanction order. instructions. Thereafter, a compliance report to this
Heads of Circles are requested to identify the number effect, i.e., posts upgraded, unit-wise distribution of
of HSG.II posts as indicated against their Circle in the posts, abolition of posts, etc., may be sent to S.O. (PE.I)
Annexure -A and upgrade them to HSG.I under intimation by 30-06-2001.
to this office. It may be ensured that there HSG.II posts The mode of recruitment for the upgraded post
are upgraded on functional basis, identification being done will be by the method of selection as prescribed in the
on the basis of following guidelines:- Recruitment Rules for the HSG.I posts for the
(i) Posts of HSG.II, Head Postmasters at District concerned unit.
Headquarters where no HSG.I post exists at The expenditure involved in this sanction is
present and identification of HSG.II posts in SB debitable to the relevant heads and should be met from
Branches in Major Head Offices. The CPMG the sanctioned grant for the respective year.
should identify the District based on its importance The respective Circles will retain these posts on
/ workload in the Regions, Postal and RMS Offices. year to year basis themselves.
(ii) Other HSG.II posts in Gazetted H.Q. supervised This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of
by HSG.II, carrying higher responsibilities, Circle Finance vide their U.O. No. 2(5)/E.III/94 dated 23-02-
/ Regional Offices PO and RMS Divisions 2001 and in consultation with the Internal Finance Advice
(Administrative and Operative Offices), PSD / CSD vide their I.D. No. 152/FA/2001 dated 28-03-2001.
and Customer Care Centres (CCC) which are NOTE: Consequent upon the bifurcation of Bihar,
considered important by the Heads of Circle. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Circles into
(iii) These posts should also be distributed from Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh and Uttaranchal Circles, the
amongst SBCO staff (to whom the TBOP Scheme upgraded posts of HSG.I may also be distributed
was extended vide letter No. 20-2/88-PE.I dated proportionally to these Circles by the erstwhile Circles.
26-07-1991 where these HSG.I posts are justified (Dept. of Posts, No. 22-1/89-PE.I (Vol.II)
as per the norms. dated 30-03-2001)


Upgradation of 1622 posts of HSG.II to HSG.I upgraded to HSG.I are given in Col. 4 of Annexure
Grade ordered to be held in abeyance vide this Officer enclosed. In addition, 193 posts of LSG, where BCR
letter of even number, dated 18-06-2001 are hereby Officials are deployed shown in Col. 5 of Annexure
ordered to be released. enclosed are also hereby ordered to be upgraded to
2. The order was reviewed due to discrepancies in the HSG.I. Revised number of P.A.s/ S.A.s posts to be
number of sanctioned HSG.II posts available in all abolished circle-wise are shown in Col. 9.
circles. The revised number of HSG.II posts to be 3. In addition to the parameters already given in letter,
dated 30-03-2001, the following additional guidelines (v) SRO, having two supervisors in the sets under its
may also be kept in view while upgrading the HSG.II / jurisdiction.
LSG posts to HSG.I:- (vi) Foreign Post.
(i) Premier services, i.e. SPC, Business 4. For reviving HSG.II sanctioned posts, a separate
Development, Customer Care Centre. order will be issued shortly.
(ii) Incharge SBCO in Head Offices. 5. Other conditions prescribed in letter, dated 30-03-
(iii) HSG.II Head Office situated at places other than 2001 holds good.
District Headquarters. (Dept. of Posts, No. 22-1/89-PE.I (Vol. II)
(iv) APM A/c, Head Treasurer in Gazetted Head Offices. dated 16-07-2001)
Refer this Directorate letters of even number dated on functional justification. Thereafter, separate orders were
30-03-2001, 16-07-2001 and 31-07-2001, vide which issued on 31-07-2001 indicating the number of LSG posts
certain number of posts were allowed to your Circle for to be converted to HSG.II posts to maintain the ratio
upgradation to HSG-I and conversion to HSG-II along between HSG.I posts and their feeder posts in HSG.II
with the guidelines to implement these orders. grade.
It has come to the notice of this office from the The intent behind the orders, dated 30-03-2001 and
reports received from Circles that some of them have 16-07-2001 on the one hand and the orders, dated 31-
first upgraded LSG posts to HSG.II level, and thereafter, 07-2001 on the other were quite different. The first set of
upgraded selected posts to HSG.I from this common orders for upgradation were to be implemented keeping
pool of HSG.II posts including those not in the category in mind only the functional justification while the later
mentioned for upgradation in the letter, dated 16-07- sought to maintain the ratio between the HSG-I and HSG-
2001. This has resulted in the benefit of upgradation II Posts. If the action taken by the Circles to implement
being denied to certain posts that were actually these orders is not in consonance with this logic, then
identified for such upgradation, on functional basis, in there is a need to rectify the same, to ensure compliance
the above reference. with the orders and to avoid future litigation.
The matter has been examined in detail in this office. You are requested to kindly take immediate action
The orders, dated 16-07-2001, communicating the details to review the position and send us a report on the status
of posts to be upgraded to HSG.I in each Circle had clearly in your Circle at the earliest along with the information
indicated the category (HSG.II and LSG respectively) and in the enclosed proforma (not printed).
number of posts to be so upgraded in each category based (D.G.(P) No. 22-89/PE-II (Vol.II) dated 28-01-2002)


References have been received in this office in prospective date on which promoted officials assume
connection with orders on the above cited subject, the charge. Promotion is given after observing usual
primarily in terms of the date from which the benefit of formalities. Hence, the question of giving the benefit of
promotion and consequent pay fixation can be given promotion or pay fixation, notional or otherwise will not
those officials who are posted against the posts arise until the official assumes charge of the post after
upgraded to HSG.I. the approval by the Departmental Promotion Committee.
In this connection, it is clarified that promotion (D.G.(P) No. 22-1/89-PE.I (Vol. II)
against upgraded posts is to be given from the dated 01-04-2002)


I am directed to invite a reference to this posts from amongst officials who had completed 3
Department's Letter No. 22-1/89/PE.I(Vol. II), dated years service in BCR was taken up with the
18-04-2002 by which certain clarifications in Department of Personnel and Training. That
connection with the upgradation of 1622 HSG.II posts Department advised that norms based LSG / HSG.II
to HSG.I were issued. References were received from posts may be filled up notionally in terms of the
various Circles stating that they were facing difficulties relevant Recruitment Rules from the year when the
in filling up these HSG.I posts due to non availability norm-based promotions have not been carried out and
of eligible officials who had completed 3 years service promotions to the upgraded posts in HSG.I could be
in the HSG.II cadre as prescribed in the relevant made in accordance with the Recruitment Rules from
Recruitment Rules to allow the circle to fill up these amongst those formally appointed in HSG.II with the
requisite 3 years actual/ notional service in the grade, above and fill up the upgraded posts of HSG.I
as the case may be. accordingly, by convening Departmental Promotion
2. It has been decided to implement the advice of the Committees (DPCs) as required.
Department of Personnel and Training. You are (Dept. of Posts, No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II
requested to immediately carry out the exercise as dated 12-11-2002)
I am directed to refer to this Department's letter of appointed in HSG-II grade against norm based posts
even number dated 12-11-2002 on the above subject. with two years regular service in that grade as on 1-1-
The question of relaxation of the Recruitment Rules 2005 may be promoted to HSG-I after observing the
for HSG-I posts to allow the Department to fill up HSG- instructions relating to holding DPC etc.
I posts by promotion of HSG-II officials with one year Kindly inform the Directorate about the number of
or more service was taken up with the Department of posts that still remain unfilled alongwith the number of
Personnel and Training. That Department have since officials with less than two years of service in HSG-II
agreed to the one time relaxation of the qualifying as on 1-1-2005. Kindly send this information on priority
service by one year as on 1-1-2005. In view of the to enable Directorate to take up the matter again with
approval accorded by the Department of Personnel and DOP&T, if necessary.
Training, HSG-II officials who have been formally (No. 4-16/2020-SPB.II, dt. 7-1-2005)


I am directed to refer to this Department's letter remain vacant as number of HSG-II officials with two
of even number dated 7-1-2005 on the above subject years or less than two years service in HSG-II was
by which the Circles were informed that the meagre. The matter was again taken up with the DOPT
Department of Personnel and Training had agreed to in view of the difficulties being faced by the Department
one time relaxation of the qualifying service for in filling up the vacant HSG.I posts. That Department
promotion to HSG-I by one year as on 1-1-2005. In have since agreed to allow the Department of Posts to
view of the approval accorded by the Department of fill up the vacant HSG.I posts by considering regular
Personnel and Training, the Circles were requested HSG.II officials as a special case and as a one time
to promote HSG-II officials who had been formally measure. In view of the approval accorded by the
appointed in HSG-II grade against norm based posts Department of Personnel and Training you are
with two years regular service in that grade as on requested to take further necessary action to get the
1-1-2005 to HSG-I after observing instructions relating vacant HSG.I posts filled immediately from amongst
to holding DPC. The circles were also requested to regular HSG.II officials i.e. those who have been
inform the Department about the number of HSG-I appointed on regular basis against HSG.II norm based
posts that still remained unfilled along with the number posts in the circle after observing the instructions
of officials with less than two years of service in HSG- relating to DPC.
II as on 1-1-2005 to enable the Department to examine 3. The benefit of promotion to HSG-I will be
the matter further. admissible from the date the officials assume charge
2. From the information furnished by the Circles it was i.e. it will not be given retrospective effect.
observed that a number of HSG-I posts would still (D.G.(P) No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II, dt. 15-4-2005)
Refer letter of even number dated 30-10-2002 up these posts which would be feeder cadre for
regarding officiating arrangements in HSG.I cadre in promotion to HSG.I, short-term vacancies in HSG.I
different offices. The letter was issued in partial may continue to be filled up as per the existing rules.
modification of the clarification given against serial Copy of Letter No. 137-42/2002-SPB.II dated 30-
Number 9 of Letter No. 22-1/89-PE.I (Vol. II) (Pt.) dated 10-2002
18-04-2002. Refer to this Department's Letter No. 22-1/89-PE.I
Some circles have requested for further (Vol.II) pt. Dated 18-04-2002, vide which certain
instructions regarding filling up of HSG.I posts. The clarifications regarding upgradation of 1622 HSG.II
instructions have already been issued to fill up LSG, posts to HSG.I were issued. In partial modification of
HSG.II posts notionally in terms of the Recruitment clarification given against serial Number 9 of the above
Rules in consultation with Department of Personnel orders, it is hereby clarified that leave / short-term
and Training. While action needs to be taken to fill vacancies in HSG.I may be filled up on ad hoc basis
as per the procedure that was being followed prior to in this office in connection with upgradation of
issue of the above clarification. 1622 HSG.II posts to HSG.I which are clarified
A number of references have been received as under:-
S.No. Reference Clarification
1. Upgradaton of LSG posts to HSG.I Not permissible. As upgradation was to be based purely on
by ignoring the HSG.II posts functional justification, HSG.II posts available on 31-03-2000
available on 31-03-2000. are to be first upgraded to HSG.I in circles where LSG posts
were allotted, vide letter of even number dated 16-07-2001
are also to be upgraded to HSG.I.
However, LSG posts allotted for conversion to HSG.II vide this
office letter of even number dated 31-07-2001 cannot be
upgraded to HSG.I in lieu of already existing norm-based
HSG.II posts.
2. Date of upgradation of HSG.I posts. As mentioned in Directorate's letter of even number dated 01-
04-2002 i.e. from the date on which the official cleared by
DPC assumes duty on the upgraded post.
3. The manner of distribution of HSG.II Efforts may be made to maintain 1:1 ratio between HSG.I and
posts converted from LSG posts HSG.II posts and each wing should be given its due share.
among various units is not clear.
4. All LSG S.Os having 7 P.As and Identification of a post for upgradation to HSG.I or HSG.II should
more have already been upgraded be done keeping in view the relative functional justification.
to HSG.I it is proposed to upgrade However, upgradation of the post of a SPM to HSG.I or HSG.II
LSG S.Os having sanctioned is not tantamount to upgradation of the SO, e.g., Post of LSG
strength of 4 P.As and above. SPM of Mukhya Dak Ghar having 4 P.As or more may be
considered for conversion to HSG.II on the basis of functional
justification. This would also be in consonance with the guidelines
issued governing the setting of MDG vide this Office Order No.
14-21/2001-PE.I dated 21-01-2002 (Para 5.1)
5. Conversion of LSG posts not held Not permissible. This is why annex to Order No. 22-1/89-PE.I
by BCR officials to HSG.II (Vol. II) dated 31-07-2001 listed for conversion only those posts
which were held by officials enjoying BCR status.
6. Criteria for identification of posts for Directorate has issued guidelines on this issue vide letter of
conversion to HSG.II. even number dated 31-07-2001. Circles are to decide this
aspect purely on the basis of functional justification.
7. Eligibility of the officials for According to the Recruitment Rules of the concerned grade.
promotion to HSG.I and HSG.II.
8. Whether officials can be posted No. Since assumption of charge of HSG.I / HSG.II posts
against posts upgraded to HSG.I or involves assumption of higher responsibility, the process of
HSG.II without following the process selection by DPC keeping in view the Recruitment Rules of
of selection by DPC? the concerned grade cannot be avoided.
9. Whether officials unapproved by the No. As indicated above, the process of selection through the
DPC working against the posts DPC has to be undertaken before an official becomes eligible
identified for upgradation can get the for the benefit of upgradation, even on ad hoc basis. There is
benefit of upgradation with effect no correlation between such upgradation against identified
from 30-03-2001, if they already upgraded posts and the financial upgradation given by conferring
enjoy BCR status? BCR status based on an official completing 26 years of service.
10. Whether DPC should be held for BCR is a financial upgradation while HSG.II is a norm-based
placing BCR official in HSG.II grade? supervisory post; therefore, process of selection through DPC
is a must even for a BCR official to hold an HSG.II post.
(D.G.(P) No. 22-1/89, PE I (Vol. II) Pt., dt. 18-4-02)
The matter has since been examined in the ambiguity in these orders.
Directorate carefully. It is seen that para 4 of letter No. 6- It is, therefore, clarified that the reservation of 20%
41/90-PE-II dt. 9-6-1992 clearly states that the "creation posts for the accounts line officials in RMS in terms of
of posts under these orders is a one time exercise Directorate's letter dated 9-6-1992 was a one time
unrelated to the second time bound promotion. In other dispensation limited to 126 HSG-I posts and extension
words, creation of more HSG-II posts as a result of the for that benefit beyond the scope of that letter is
implementation of the second time bound further points irregular. Any deviations in this regard need to be
of HSG-I arising out of this decision of providing such rectified by the circles immediately.
higher posts in ratio of 1:5" there is no scope for any (D.G.(P) No. 6-2/2002-D, dt. 2-6-2003)
I am directed to say that the matter regarding CHECK LIST :
filling up of the number of posts in the Higher To ensure before resorting to ad hoc
Selection Grade -I lying vacant in various Postal promotions to HSG-I that:
Circles was under consideration of this Department. 1. As advised vide Department of Posts' Letter No.
Due to upgradation of pay scale of HSG-I, the 4-16/2002-SPB-II dated 12th November, 2002, the
existing Recruitment Rules are under revision. norm-based LSG and HSG-II posts have been filled
Pending same, it was proposed to the Department up notionally in terms of the relevant Recruitment
of Personnel & Training (DoP&T) to allow the Rules from the year when the norm-based
Department to fill up the vacant HSG-I posts from promotions had not been carried out.
amongst officers holding the HSG-II norm based HSG-I posts have been filled up by promotion in
posts on regular basis in relaxation of existing accordance with the Recruitment Rules from
Recruitment Rules. The DoP&T have, however, amongst those so formally appointed in HSG II
agreed as a special case to allow to fill up the having 3 years' actual/notional service in the
existing vacancies by promotion of the officers Grade. - Annual Exercise.
holding HSG-II norm based posts on regular basis 2. 33.34% of the posts in LSG and HSG-II are filled
(without prescription of any minimum service in up by promotion as laid down in the Recruitment
HSG-II), on purely ad hoc basis for a period of one- Rules notified on 24th January, 2002. - Action
year or till the Recruitment Rules are notified and with effect from 24-1-2002 to 18-5-2006.
appointments are made according to the revised 3. Consequent upon amendment of Recruitment
Recruitment Rules, whichever is earlier. Rules deleting the provision of Fast Track
It is requested that you may make necessary Promotions and providing for filling up of LSG and
action to fill up the posts of HSG-I lying vacant on ad HSG-II posts by 100% promotion as laid down in
hoc basis in the manner stated above. It may, the Recruitment Rules notified on 18th May 2006
however, be ensured that you have already taken the DPC(s) have been convened to see if any HSG-
necessary action to fill up the posts as ordered from II becomes eligible for consideration for promotion
time to time as per the Check-List enclosed herewith. as HSG-I.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts) (DG Posts No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II dt. 20-11-2006)


This is in continuation of this office letter of even to be converted in each Circle are shown in column 4
number dated 16-7-2001 vide which 1622 posts of of the annexure enclosed (not printed). It may be
HSG-II were upgraded to HSG-I grade by suitably ensured that identification of these posts is done on
upgrading the 1429 posts of norms based HSG-II and functional basis keeping in view of the following
193 norms based LSG Posts. It has therefore, been guidelines:-
decided that 2356 LSG posts held by BCR officials in 1. Post Offices
the scale of Rs. 5000-8000/- may be converted into (a) LSG Postmaster who is supervising another LSG.
HSG-II grade in the same scale of pay w.e.f. the date, (b) LSG S.O. having more than seven PAs.
the post(s) of HSG-II were upgraded to HSG-I, thus (c) Head treasurers in HSG-I H.O.
ensuring that there is no additional financial (d) APM A/C in HSG-I H.O.
implications for the Department in this process. 2. SBCO
The numbers of LSG posts held by BCR officials One LSG post in each SBCO headed by HSG-I
official Development, Customer Care Centre.
3. Circle Office 6. Foreign Post.
One LSG post in each circle It is also pertinent to mention here that in this
4. R.M.S. process there would be no financial implications.
(a) Account Supervisor in HROs, AHROs. These 2356 posts now proposed to be converted will
(b) LSG SRO having one LSG set under its jurisdiction. be norm based posts of HSG-II and will be distinct
(c) T.M.O./Mail Agency Computerized Registration from the posts held by BCR officials (the pay scale of
Centre. Rs. 5000-8000) only because of deployment.
5. Premier Services, i.e. Speed Post Centre, Business (DG(P) No. 22-1/89-PE-I (Vol.II) dated 31-7-2001)


I am directed to refer to this Department's Notification posts as eligible employees with 10 years regular service
No. 137-10/96-SPB-II dated 24-01-2002 by which the in LSG cadre are not available for promotion to HSG II
Recruitment Rules for LSG and HSG.II posts in PO and cadre under the said quota. The matter has been
RMS offices were amended providing, inter alia, for filling examined and it has been decided that the length of
up of 33-34% of the vacancies in HSG.II posts on the regular service in LSG cadre for promotion to HSG.II
basis of selection-cum-seniority from LSG officials who cadre against the seniority quota, only as an adhoc one
have put in not less than ten years of regular services in time measure, would be three years. You are requested
the LSG cadre. References have been received from to process the cases of eligible officials for promotion to
different circles explaining the difficulties being faced HSG-II cadre accordingly.
by them in filling up the vacant HSG.II (Norm based) (DG (P) letter No. 44-28/2004-SPB-II dt. 12-07-2005)


1. BCR CLARIFICATION REGARDING is that he should have put in 26 years of services both
1. BCR Cadre will continue to be a Circle Cadre. in the basic cadre and the next higher cadre put together
2. Officials Promoted under BCR Scheme should be and he should have come to the next higher cadre as
accommodated at the same station/Division/ a result of the TBOP Scheme introduced in the Dept.
Region. w.e.f. 30-11-83 i.e. on completion of 16 years of service
3. They will be Posted against norms based HSG II/ in the cadre of clerk.
norms based LSG Posts. Rest of the officials will (D.G. NO. 93-12/92-SPB II dt. 20-5-92)
be utilising for better efficiency terming them as 4. BCR - POSTING OF OFFICIALS
HSG PA. It has been represented that officials promoted
4. Erstwhile Standard LSG Posts should be identified under BCR are being transferred and posted to some
as HSG status to accommodate the BCR officials. single handed post offices. The matter has been
5. Appointing authority will be the Circle Head. considered and I am to state that such posting be
6. LSG seniority will be criterion for determination of avoided and such officials may be utilised in the bigger
seniority of BCR officials. offices themselves to man position involving
7. Postponement of BCR Promotion will entitle loss comparatively more responsibility.
of seniority. (DG (P) No. 4-4/92-SPB II (Pt.) dt. 11-6-92)
(DG (P) No. 4-4-92-SPB II dt. 30-3-92) 5. BCR - POSTING OF OFFICIALS :
2. THE AUTHORITY IN LSG WILL BE BASIS FOR The All India Postal Employees Union - Class III
SENIORITY IN HSG II has represented that in your Circle Officials promoted
Provided that the officials get his placement the under BCR are being transferred and posted to some
HSG II grade in his turn. If his promotion to HSG II single handed Post Offices. The matter has been
grade is postponed one reason or the other, his seniority considered and I am to state that such posting be
in HSG II would be also with those with whom he is avoided and such officials may be utilised in the bigger
promoted subsequently. offices themselves to man position involving
(Dept. of Posts No. 4-4/92-SPB-I dt. 30-3-92) comparatively more responsibility.
3. BCR -POSTING OF OFFICIALS, SENIORITY (DG (P) No. 4-4/92-SPB II (Pt.) dt. 11-6-02
1. The Promotion under BCR introduced in this addressed to Chief PMG Rajasthan)
department w.e.f. 1-10-91 cannot be equated with that 6. BCR - POSTING OF OFFICIALS -
of regular Promotion this has no link with availability of CLARIFICATION REGARDING.
Posts in the high grade. Thus this is in effect placement (i) The norm based HSG II Posts should be filled up
of the official a higher scale and for that the prerequisite by the officials who have been in HSG II even prior to
the introduction of BCR and by the officials who TBOP Scheme.
acquired HSG II status due to introduction of the BCR It has been decided that :
Scheme. 1. Orders dated 16-3-92 will be effective from the date
(ii) All norm based LSG Supervisory posts should also of issue, and
be filled by HSG II (BCR) officials in the manner as 2. The orders dt. 16-3-92 will also be applicable for
ordered earlier. However, where HSG II (BCR) officials promotion under BCR.
are to be transferred to a different station for this (DG No. 6-28/90-SPB II dt. 14-9-92)
purpose, they may be posted against outstation norm 9. BCR CLARIFICATIONS
based LSG Posts at the end of the academic year a) Debarment for one year will apply in case of declination.
except where outstation LSG Posts are vacant. The b) In respect of LSG Accountant Posts, BCR
same procedure may be followed by the Heads of Accountants may be posted. If BCR Accountants are
Circles where HSG (BCR) officials are to be transferred not available TBOP Accountant may be posted.
from surplus divisions to divisions where there are not (DG (P) No. 4-54/91-SPB II dt. 15-9-92)
(iii) After adjusting the HSG (BCR) officials against the EMPLOYEES :
norm based HSG II and LSG Supervisory Posts, the It has now been decided that henceforth for the
remaining HSG II (BCR) officials may be utilised for purpose of promotion under the BCR scheme if
providing better supervision and for dealing with work sufficient no. of officials of SC/ST communities having
involving comparatively higher responsibilities and skills 26 years of service (in the basic scale and TBOP scale
as ordered earlier. For this purpose, the HSG II (BCR) put together) are not available against the points
officials may be posted against such posts as far as reserved for them in the 40 point roster SC/ST
possible within the same station. Where transfers are officials with even less than 26 years of service will
to be made to outstations, it may be done only at the be given promotion to the extent of the short-fall
end of the academic year. provision they have rendered a minimum of 17 years
(DG (P) No. 4-4/92-SPB II dated 5-8-92) of services in the grades put together. This is in
7. BCR CLARIFICATION REGARDING PO & RMS supersession of the condition laid down in this office
ACCOUNTANTS : Circular letter of even no. dt. 5-12-91 prescribing the
In respect of the LSG (Acct.) Supervisory Posts if minimum period of service the lower grade in
the BCR HSG II officials with PO & RMS Accountants accordance with the Recruitment Rules which were
qualifications are not available then TBOP LSG Officials in force to the relevant point of time before the
with PO & RMS qualifications may be allowed to introduction of the scheme.
continue. If the officials who opted for defunct cadre of (DG (P) No. 37-50/91-SPB I dt. 6-1-93)
PO & RMS Accountants and are now in LSG 11. BCR - QUESTION OF IDENTIFICATION OF THE
Accountants Posts they should not be disturbed from POSTS :
LSG Accountant Posts. There is no necessity to identify a Post as has been
(DG (P) No. 4-54/91-SPB II dt. 5-9-92) done in some circles for posting BCR officials. Only
8. TBOP & BCR - COUNTING LEAVE PERIOD IN the offices are be selected where the surplus BCR
BCR - CLARIFICATION : officials after being posted against standard HSG II post
I am directed to refer to this office letter of even and the LSG Supervisory Posts. They may be utilised
no. dt. 16-3-92 wherein it has been stated that the period in the best manner as mentioned in our office letter of
of EXOL without MC will be taken into account while even No. dt. 30-3-92.
computing 16 years of services for Promotion under (D.G.(P) No. 4-75/92-SPB-II, dt. 18-6-93)


For sometime past, the staff unions have been completion on of 26 years of service in the basic grade.
pressing demand for granting two promotions to each After careful consideration, it has been decided that
employee during his service career. The Department this concept is not acceptable.
had, in the first instance, considered the Time Bound 2. However, with a view to providing relief to the
One Promotion Scheme for basic operative Group 'C' employees, Government have accepted the need for
and 'D' cadres after completion of 16 years of Biennial cadre reviews i.e. (once in two years) under
satisfactory service and implemented the same vide which the incumbents of existing posts would be enabled
this office memo. No. 34-26/83-PE.I dated 17-12-83. to draw pay in higher scales on completion of 26 years
The staff unions have been pressing for acceptance of of service, not only for providing promotional
their demand for Second time Bound Promotion on opportunities for the staff concerned but also on this
basis of functional justification. While it is at the same (iii) Biennial cadre Reviews will be conducted in
time realised that in many cases the officials concerned respect of the eligible cadres at the level of authority
may continue to perform the same tasks even in the who control these cadre.
higher scale, efforts would be made to utilise them for (iv) The criterion for promotion will be eligibility of 26
providing better supervision and for dealing with work years of satisfactory service.
involving comparatively higher responsibilities and better (v) In the Biennial cader reviews suitable number of
skills. The following instructions are accordingly issued:- posts will be created by upgradation by the Heads of
(i) The Scheme will come into effect from 1-10-1991. Circles in consultation with their IFAs, subject to
(ii) Biennial cadre reviews will be applicable for only reduction by 1% in respect of operative posts and 5%
those cadres in Group 'C' and 'D' for which scheme of in respect of supervisory posts as mentioned in sub
One time Bound Promotion on completion of 16 years para (xi) below.
of service in the basic grade is already in existence (vi) Creation of posts by upgradation will be in the
vide letter dated 17-12-83 referred to in para 1 above. scales as indicated below:-
Category Basic cadre Scale of pay Scale of pay after Biennial
of Pay on Time Bound cadre Review (On completion
Promotion after of 26 years of more service)
16 years of service
1) Postal Asst/Sorting Asst/Postal
Asstt (SB) Office Asstt/PO&RMS 975-1660 1400-2300 1600-2660
Accountants/RLO Clerks/MMS
2) Postmen/Mail Guard 825-1200 950-1400 975-1660
3) Postal Machine Asst. Grade I 1320-2040 1400-2600 1640-2900
4) Postal Machine Asstt. Grade II 950-1500 1320-2040 1400-2600
5) Departmental Stamp Vendors 800-1150 950-1400 975-1660
6) Group 'D' Test Category 750-940 800-1150 850-1400
(vii) Pay of the officials promoted under the Biennial crucial dates will be ascertained and sanctions released
cadre Review will be fixed under the provisions of FR- in appropriate instalments so that the promotions of
22-I(a) (I) substituted vide Ministry of Personnel, Public eligible officials could be notified on due dates.
Grievances and Pensions (Dept. of Personnel and (x) Supervisory Special Pay/Special Allowance
Training) No. 1-10/89-ESTT (Pay-I) dated 30/8/98 as admissible to various cadres under one time bound
amended from time to time. promotion scheme will be abolished with the
(viii)The first Biennial cadre Review for eligible officials implementation this scheme w.e.f. 1-10-1991. It is
may be conducted immediately and orders issued expected that those who are promoted to the HSG II
before 31st December 1991. Thereafter the Biennial scale under this scheme on completion of 26 years of
cadre review for eligible officials covering the period service would take over the Supervisory responsibilities
from 1-1-92 to 31-12-93 who will be completing 26 years hiterto performed by the LSG Supervisor. Further
of service or more on the crucial dates viz. the date of detailed instructions in this regard will follow.
the review 1-7-92, 1-1-93 and 1-7-93 may be (xi) Creation of posts by upgrdation under the Biennial
conducted. The number of posts needed to be cadre Review will be by matching Savings to the extent
upgraded to provide for the promotions required of 1% out on basic operative cadre and 5% cut on
immediately and on 1-7-92, 1-1-93 and 1-7-93 may also supervisory cadre. These cuts are in addition to the
be worked out. With these posts it would be possible existing cuts of 5% on basic operative cadres and 15%
to provide promotion to these employees who have in Supervisory cadres under the First Time Bound
completed 26 years of service of or more on the above Promotion scheme.
crucial dates subject to their otherwise being found fit. (xii) Soon after implementation of the scheme by 31-
(ix) The 2nd Biennial cadre review, which will cover 12-91, the circles should furnish information regarding
the period from 1-1-94 to 31-12-95 should be completed the number of posts of various categories that existed
before 1-1-94. The required number of posts needed as on 1st October 1991, the reductions that were
to be released in half yearly instalments on 1-1-94, effected on the strength of operative and supervisory
1-7-94 and 1-7-95 to provide promotion to those who posts in accordance with (xi) above the number of
would have completed 26 years of service on the four officials who had completed 26 years of service in
various categories for whom posts in higher scales were proposed to be installed. The implementation of the
created and the net posts in the different scales that scheme is also subject to the condition that the
are in force as on 1-1-92. The information duly vetted corporative strength of the Department would be kept
by the IFA of the circle may be furnished on or before frozen to the maximum extent possible by a judicious
1st February 1992. scheme or mechanisation and computerisation
3. The proposed scheme of promotion entails programme in other areas such as sorting in Sorting
expenditure in excess of the savings offered by the Offices, Savings Bank, PLI. Post office Accounts and
staff side by way of increased productivity by reduction other operations.
of 1% operative and 5% supervisory posts. In order to 4. The orders relating to reservation for SC/ST
bridge the gap and also to improve productivity in the Communities for promotion under this scheme, will be
Department, the implementation of the scheme is issued separately by the staff Branch.
subject to the condition that the Department introduces 5. While the promotion in the first occasion will be in
a phased programme of modernisation through terms of the existing norms of seniority-cum-fitness
suitable technological inputs as also through subsequent promotions will be subjected to same
simplification of procedures and review of existing suitable evaluation procedure to be evolved in
work norms wherever considered appropriate. consultation with the staff side.
Therefore, the strength of Postal Assistants deployed 6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of
at the Post Office counters as well as in behind the Finance and in consultation with Member (Finance),
counter operations will be frozen at the existing level Postal vide his ID No. 2739/91 dated 8-10-91.
(less the reduction as now proposed) in all the Post 7. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Offices where multi-purpose counter machines or 8. Hindi version will follow.
other technological inputs have been installed/or are (DG (P) No. 22-1/89-Pt. I, dt. 11-10-91)
The representatives of the Unions have brought seniority ensuring that the senior most BCR official
to the notice of Secretary (Posts) that implementation in the office is holding the norm based post. If a
of Directorate order dated 23-01-98 is resulting in much junior BCR official is now holding a norm based
difficulty to the staff members. The matter has been post he may be allowed to continue till he
examined, and in consultation with the unions the completes the tenure.
following guidelines, regarding posting of BCR officials (2) Whenever rotation transfers are applicable, and
against the norm based posts are conveyed. This is in when rotation transfers are ordered if no senior
modification of the orders contained in this office memo BCR official is willing for a posting in any norm
of even No. dated 23rd January 98 and orders dated based post and if no BCR officials is available in
7/16 April 1998. that office, the junior most BCR official in the
(1) The norm based HSG.II / LSG posts may be filled Division may be posted against the post.
up form among the volunteers in the BCR cadre (D.G.(P) No. 137-55/96-SPB.II
and the posting may be made according to the dated 28-07-99)


I am directed to invite a reference to para 1(a) of that appointment to the allowances posts of Time Scale
this office letter No. 9/12/58-SPB. II dt. the 18-12-59 Accountant/Asst. Accountants should be made
according to which appointment of the allowance posts according to the year of passing the Post Office and
of time scale Accountants are made from amongst such RMS Accountants Examination; those qualifying in the
officials as have passed the Post Offices/RMS same examination will be appointed in the order of their
Accountants Examinations according to their seniority positions in the Divisional Gradation list. This decision
in the Divisional Gradation List. Since then will take effect from the examination to be held in 1970.
representations have been received from Service Seniority of these officials who have already qualified in
Unions and Associations concerned and from examinations held prior to 1970 for the purpose of
individuals for a change in the basis of reckoning appointments as Accountant/Assistant Accountant will
seniority from the seniority in the clerical cadre to the be determined in accordance with the instruction
year of passing the Post office and RMS Accountants contained in para 1 (a) of this office letter dt. the 18-12-
Examination. The question has been under 1959 i.e. in accordance with their position in the Divl.
consideration for some time past and it has now been Gradation list.
decided in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs (D.G.(P) No. 9/10/68-SPB-II, dt. 2-3-70)
I am directed to refer to para-21 of this O.M. No. 31- (1) If a qualified PO & RMS Accountant on promotion
26/83-PE.I dated 17-12-83 and to say that a PO & RMS to LSG under the Time Bound one promotion scheme,
Accountant at the stage of completion of 16 years of has been replaced by another qualified PO & RMS
service before moving on the LSG scale of pay is required Accountant in the Time scale, no change in the
to opt for either of the two lines of promotion (i.e.) arrangement already ordered shall be made.
(i) LSG General Line, or (ii) PO & RMS Accounts. as If a vacancy of Accountant subsequently become
per instructions contained in Memo Nos 6-1/59-SPB. available in the Dn. /Unit. the qualified PO & RMS
dated 8-5-1959 and 6-15/60-SPB-II dated 16-7-1960. Accountant who has been promoted to LSG under the
The option once exercised is final. Time bound one promotion scheme and was replaced
2. The President is now pleased to decide that if such by another qualified Accountant in the Time scale, may
an official opts for the Accounts line he may be allowed be considered for posting against this vacancy.
to hold the post of Accountant in the LSG scale of pay (2) If a qualified PO & RMS Accountant on promotion
i.e. Rs. 425-640 but without special pay which was to LSG under the Time bound one promotion scheme
being drawn hitherto. However, such officials would be has been replaced by an unqualified time scale
eligible for promotion to HSG-II General Line in promotion and the qualified official give option for the
accordance with the existing rules. accountants, he may reverted to the post of Accountant
3. On the other hand were such officials to opt for even in LSG but without the benefit of special pay.
the General Line, he shall be shifted to that line. In (3) If an unqualified official in the time scale was
such a contingency qualified Accountant will be posted working against a post of PO & RMS Accountant
as PO & RMS Accountant in that vacancy on T/S pay and he has been replaced by another unqualified
with a special pay. In cases where no qualified PO & RMS Accountant, on his promotion to LSG
Accountant in a Division is available as replacement, under the Time bound One Promotion Scheme and
such an official shall continue to hold the posting LSG the former official has not yet completed his tenure,
scale of pay until a qualified PO & RMS Accountant he may be allowed to hold the post of Accountant
becomes available to replace him. In that event his even while in the LSG scale of pay without the
seniority in the General Line shall be protected. The benefit of special pay.
instructions contained in Note below rule 276 of P&T The arrangements already made by the Heads of
Man. Vol.IV will continue to be applicable in such cases. Postal Circles in respect of the posts of PO & RMS
4. The case in which Heads of Circles have already Accountants may be reviewed by the Heads of Circles
taken action in contravention of the instructions in the in the light of these instructions.
preceding paras may be decided in the following manner:- (D.G.(P) No. 9-7/84-SPB.II dated 26-9-84)
I am directed to say that it has come to the notice scale as well as lower selection grade accountants
of the Director General that options for LSG are Assistant Accountants in the absence of qualified
Accountant's posts or LSG General Line were taken officials is to be regulated by the policy laid down in
from all qualified PO and RMS Accountants in this office letter No. 9/5/58-59 dated the 12th
accordance with the orders issued in this office letter September 1958. If the Lower Selection grade
No. 6/1/59-SPB dated the 8th May 1959 even though Accountants vacancy is a short term once, the Head
their turn for either had not come. This was incorrect. of the Unit will make the selection and if it is a long
The intention of the orders dated the 8th May 1959 term one, the appointing should be made on the basis
was that except in respect of those already officiating of options. An option once exercised is final. Officials
in LSG for other the option should be demanded only who will be appointed. In future as Lower Selection
when the question of their promotion to LSG arises in Grade Accountants or General Line officials according
future. The options prematurely taken from such to their turn will not be allowed to change their posts.
officials may please be withdrawn and the officials Officials who have already been confirmed as Lower
concerned allowed to exercise an option only when Selection Grade (Accountants or General Line) will
their turn for promotion to either line comes in future. not be allowed to exercise any option and they will
[DG P&T No. 6/15/60-SPB-II dated 16th July 1960] continue to work in their existing posts till such time
With reference to your letter No. Staff/B-5/a/1 as the posts are vacated by them on promotion or
dated the 9th February, 1959, I am directed to say that retirement.
appointment of unqualified officials to the post of time- [Letter No. 6/1/59-SPB dated 8th May 1959]
I am directed to invite a reference to this office letter 24-09-1996 be referred to. The PO & RMS
No. 9-14/89-SPB.II (PO) dated 27-08-1991 by which Accountants are borne on the gradation list of PA/
clarification regarding posting in the LSG Supervisory SA cadre. There is no change in the seniority in
posts in accounts line on the basis of seniority in LSG PA/SA cadre of PO & RMS Accountants after
grade was issued. Doubts have been raised by some passing the Accountants exam. TBOP/BCR scheme
circles whether the modified schemes of promotion is applicable to PO & RMS Accountants (who had
under TBOP/BCR vide orders dated 08-02-96, 26-08- opted for defunct scale) but their seniority will
96, 06-08-97 and 01-01-1998 are applicable to PO & remain the same as in PA/SA cadre as was already
RMS Accountants. clarified vide letter No. 44-60/96-SPB.II dated 24-
2. It is hereby clarified that PO & RMS Accountant 09-1996.
is not a separate cadre. In this regard the instructions [D.G.(P) No. 93-13/99-SPB.II, dated 23rd
issued by this office letter No. 44-60/96-SPB.II dated December, 1999]


The question of divisionalisation of the it has been decided to declare the LSG
cadre of LSG Accountants/APM (Accounts) at Accountants (APM-Accounts) as a divisional
par with the General Lines LSG Officials has cadre at par with the LSG General Line Officials
been under consideration for some time past. with immediate effect.
The matter has been examined in depth and now (D.G.(P) No. 9-3/94-SPB II dated 8-6-94)


A question has arisen with regard to the rotational dated 13-12-1985 it was mentioned that in metro
transfers of PO & RMS Accountants and LSG cities where more than one division exists, the whole
Accountants. As per the provisions of Rule 276 of city will constitute one single cadre, in case of LSG
P&T Manual Volume IV, in the four metro cities, officials. The above orders read together makes it
posting of Accountants must be made from amongst clear that within a metro city limits, officials can be
the eligible officials on the basis of the city as a whole. transferred from one division to another as long as
But as per Dte. letter No. 9-3/94-SPB.II dated 8-6- they are in a city unit. You are requested to indicate
1994, the cadre of LSG Accountants were the position obtaining in your circle with regards to
divisionalised at par with the General line LSG the above. An early reply is requested.
officials. Also, in our earlier order No. 6-19/82-SPB.II [No. 141-22/96-SPB.II, Dated: 4th Sept. 1998]
For the purpose of Fixation of Pay on promotion to the official concerned would have continued to officiate
higher posts, the question of commuting 3 years period and draw the special pay, but for proceeding on leave.
in regard to drawal of special pay by PO & RMS Acct. b) All periods of officiation in a higher post in short
in the event of certain types of interruptions has been term/leave vacancies provided it is certified that the
under consideration of the Govt. The President is now official concerned would have continued to hold the lower
pleased to decide that the period of 3 years referred to post and draw the special pay, but for his appointment
in the aforesaid orders shall include. to the higher post in a short term/leave vacancy.
a) All periods of leave during which it is certified that (DG P&T No. 2-53/73-PAP (3), dt. 18-12-74)


It has been reported that Postmen who were concerned official was reverted as Postmen. It has been
promoted under the TBP scheme were being posted as urged that Postmen promoted under TBP should not be
Mail Overseer/Cash Overseer etc. against their will. It compelled to work as Mail Overseer/Cash Overseer etc.
has further been mentioned that in the event of the and they should not be reverted if they express their
concerned official not being agreeable to take up the inability to work as Mail Overseer/Cash Overseer etc.
posting as Mail Overseer/Cash Overseer etc. the 2. The matter has been examined. There should be
no compulsion to the extent that if a Postman promoted specific cases of disobedience of orders can be
under TBP is not willing to work as Mail Overseer/Cash examined on merit and necessary action taken.
Overseer etc. he should not be reverted. However, (D.G.(P) No. 44-19/86-SPB-I, dt. 17-4-89)
The pay fixation of the officials placed in the next that their pay be re-fixed under the provisions of FR
higher scale of pay under TBOP/BCR Scheme is 22(1) (a) (1) again in the same scale of pay. As per the
allowed under FR 22(a) (1) (Previously FR 22-C) on provisions of FR 22 the benefit of FR 22(1) (a) (1) is
the basis of agreement reached by the Department with not applicable in such cases as in both cases the scale
the staff side, even though such a placement in the of pay are identical.
higher scale of pay does not necessarily involve any 2. This has also been upheld by the recent judgement
change in the level of the duties and responsibilities pronounced by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the case
discharged by the official concerned. Instances have, of Union of India and others v. Ashoke Kumare
however, come to the notice wherein some officials Benerjee (AIR 1998 SU 2102) delivered in Civil Appeal
when posted against the norms based posts in LSG No. 2699 of 1997, dated 13-5-1998.
and HSG-II grade on their turn as per seniority, claimed (D.G.(P) No. 22-6/96-P.E. I, dt. 8-10-1999)


CATEGORY OF GROUP 'D' OFFICIALS : It has been decided that service rendered in Clerical
A question has been raised whether service Cadres prior to reversion to lower grade for failure to
rendered by a Test Category Group D official in non- pass the confirmation examination will not be taken into
test Category could count for reckoning 16 years of account for the purpose of computing 16 years service
service for promotion under one Promotion Scheme. for the purpose of Promotion under the TBOP Scheme.
The matter has been examined and it is clarified It has been further decided that in case of officials
that service rendered by Test Category Group D who were reverted to a lower grade on account of a
employees in non-Test Category Group D Post (both statutory penalty imposed on them under the relevant
having the same Pay Scale of Rs. 196-232) would provisions of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, they will be
count for computing 16 years of service for promotion entitled to count the service put in by them in Clerical
under the One Promotion Scheme. However, in case Cadre prior to reversion. On restoratin to the cadre/
where a Test Category officials has opted to work as post from which they were reverted after the period of
non-Test Category, he cannot be allowed to revoke statutary penalty for purposes of computting 16 years
his option and become Test Category official again to service for promiotion under the Time Bound One
get benefit of Promotion under OTB scheme, as option Promotion Scheme.
once exercised is treated as final. Such an official will (D.G. P&T No. 20-10/84-SPB-I, dt. 10-12-84)
have to go through the prescribed procedure of 4. TBOP - Refusal of Promotion:
recruitment to Test Category, by appearing at the It has now been decided, in supersession of the
literacy test etc., afresh. orders of even No. dt. 29-10-84 and on 5-2-85, that
(DG P&T No. 45/29/84-SPB-I dated 1-10-84) the one year debarment for further consideration
2. TBOP - REFUSAL OF PROMOTION - DATE OF for Promotion will operate from the date an
EFFECT FOR COUNTING THE PERIOD OF ONE employee completes 16 years of service in the
YEAR LIMIT FOR DEBARRING FROM PROMOTION: grade. This date will be treated as the date of his
It has been decided that the date of effect for promotion becomes due.
counting the period of one year will be reckoned from (DG No. 6-28/84-SPB II dated 21-11-85)
the date of competent Authority accepts and issues an 5. TBOP - PROMOTION OF POSTMEN/
3. QUESTION WHETHER SERVICE RENDERED IN The issue relating to allowing the officials promoted
CLERICAL CADRE PRIOR TO REVERSION ON under the One Promotion Scheme to work as Postmen
ACCOUNT OF FAILURE TO PASS THE in upgraded posts and promotion of officials with less
CONFIRMATION EXAMINATION WILL COUNT FOR than 16 years service against standard posts of Mail
COMPUTING 16 YEARS SERVICE FOR PURPOSE Overseers has been examined in this office. It is felt
OF PROMOTION UNDER THE TBOP SCHEME - that in a Division, at any given point of time, there would
be so many Sorting Postmen Head Postmen/Mail It has now been decided that the LSG will be a
Overseers/Cash Overseers with 16 years of service, divisional cadre even in cities having more than one
that placement of these officials against standard posts divisions except in four Metropolitan cities of Bombay,
should not normally pose any problem. Further only Calcutta, Delhi and Madras. In other words LSG Cadre
the senior most officials, who are approved by the DPC has not been divisionalised in four Metropolitan cities.
can be promoted/placed against special allowance (DG (P) No. 6-19/82-SPB II (Pt. I) dt. 16-10-89)
supervisory posts and not each and every one. Hence 12. DIVISIONALISATION OF LSG CADRE -
the question of straightaway posting juniors against PREPARATION OF GRADATION LIST -
allowanced post does not arise. In any case, the officials CLARIFICATION REGARDING
who have not completed 16 years service and adjudged 1. The Circle Seniority list of LSG officials will be
fit by the DPC for Promotion under the scheme cannot based on the date of Promotion to the LSG. In such a
be posted against allowances posts. list, it will, however be ensured that inter-se-seniority
(D.G.(P) No. 44-10/85/SPB-I, dt. 13-2-86) list of officials in the Divisional LSG is not disturbed.
6. IMPLEMENTATION OF TBOP - OPTION TO PO 2. There may be cases that officials in different
& RMS ACCOUNTANTS: divisions will be having the same date of promotion to
The PO & RMS Accountants holding non-tenure LSG. In such cases the seniority in the Circle list will
posts can also exercise their option to continue as PO be determined on the basis of total length of service in
& RMS Accountant drawing Pay plus Special Pay for a the Time Scale Clerical Cadre. In case the total length
period of 3 years and accept the promotion to LSG of service is also the same then interse seniority
Cadre after completion of 3 years. amongst such officials will be determined on the basis
(Dept. of Posts No. 43-15/84-PE I, dated 26-5-86) of age i.e. an official older in age would rank senior.
7. TBOP - CLARIFICATIONS REGARDING : 3. Since for purposes of promotion under the TBOP
It has been decided that the post from which scheme what is to be counted is the total length of
'charge allowance' has been withdrawn, should be filled service whether in one division or in different divisions,
up by the official placed in the LSG Cadre under TBOP the condition that the transferees under Rule 38 will
scheme. If these posts are being manned by TS officials rank junior most in the new division will have effect
they should not be disturbed now but should be only to the extent that seniority of such an official in the
transferred only in April/May. However if any post falls divisional LSG will be below the official of that division
vacant, it should be filled only by the LSGs under TBOP promoted during the year in question. Since prior to
Scheme. divisionalisation of LSG cadre the Rule 38 transfer of
(DG (P) No. 6-17/87-SPB II dt. 11-9-87) PAs from one division to another division did not
8. TBOP - REMOVAL OF HARDSHIP IMPOSED ON adversely affect the seniority of the transferred officials
POSTMEN. for the purpose of promotion to LSG it is hereby clarified
There should be no compassion to the extent that that the above condition (iii) will be applicable only in
if a Postman promoted under TBOP is not willing to the case of transferees from another Circle.
work as Mail Overseer/Cash Overseer etc. he should (DG (P) No. STA/9-4/89 dt...............89)
not be reverted. However, specific cases of 13. APPOINTING AUTHORITY IN RESPECT OF LSG
disobedience of orders can be examined on merit and CADRE
necessary action be taken. Kindly refer this office letter No. STA/5-1/86 Pt. dt.
(DG (P) No. 44-39/86-SPB I dt. 17-4-89) 27-2-91 and this office may be approached for issuing
9. COUNTING OF DIES NON PERIOD FOR TBOP formal retirement orders in respect of LSG Officials
SCHEME. appointed prior to 8-7-89 i.e. on or before 7-7-89.
It has been decided that the period declared as A report with Gradation list particulars and vigilance
'Dies-non' will not be taken into account towards clearance report on officials who are all due for
qualifying service for the purpose of Promotion under retirement should reach this office on the first day of
TBOP Scheme. every month to enable this office to release such
(D.G.(P) No. 6-2/87-SPB-II, dt. 25-4-89) retirement orders atleast three weeks in advance.
10. RESERVATION OF SC & ST IN TBOP : This will be applicable to the officials who seek
It has been decided that the orders ibid relating to voluntary retirement and retirement on invalidation.
introduction of 40 point Special Roster for SC/ST (Chief PMG Tamilnadu No. STA/8-59/89 MS
employees in the matter of Promotion under TBOP dt. 8-3-91)
Scheme will be effective retrospectively from 29-8- 14. GRANT OF ADVANCE INCREMENTS TO
(DG (P) No. 66-47/84-STB I (Pt.) dt. 11-10-89) SCHEME.
11. DIVISIONALISATION OF LSG CADRE : 1. The officials who have already been trained, may
be given the advance increments as a special case 17. TBOP SCHEME CLARIFICATION REGARDING
even though they have been promoted and were not The question whether the period of EXOL without
eligible for being sent for training. medical certificate can be taken into account for
2. It is also reiterated that only Postal Assts. may be exempting 16 years of service for promotion under
deputed for such training, if and when necessary TBOP TBOP scheme has been re-examined in consultation
officials who have undergone the training and given with DOP & TRG.
advance increments are also liable to the posted for It has now been decided that the period of EXOL
signalling work. without medical certificate will be taken into account
(DG No. 65-1/9/SPB I dt. 24-9-91) while computing 16 years of service for promotion under
15. UNAPPROVED SERVICE - CLARIFICATION TBOP scheme. Earlier orders dt. 2-1-91 referred above
FOR TBOP : may be treated as cancelled.
"Service rendered as LDC in Circle Office/SBCO in (D.G.(P) No. 6-28/90-SPB-II, dt. 16-3-92)
unapproved capacity with or without payment of 18. EOL W/O MC for TBOP and BCR"
deputation allowance can be counted for completing "I am directed to refer to this office letter of even
16 years of service for the purpose of promotion to number dated 16th March 1992, wherein it has been
LSG under TBOP Scheme on reversion to Time Scale stated that the period of EOL without medical
clerical cadre on their own violation. certificate will be taken into account while computing
(D.G.(P) No. 51-13/89-PE I dated 27-11-89 ) 16 years of service for promotion under TBOP
16. EXOL W/O. MC FOR TBOP : scheme. In this regard, enquiry is being made to this
"I am directed to refer to your letter No. STA/100- office as to what would be the date of effect of the
2/84 dt. 22-8-90, and to state that question whether above orders.
the period of EXOL without MC can be taken into Secondly, references are also being received in
account for computing 16 years of service for this office applicable in the cases of promotions under
promotion under TBOP scheme has been examined. BCR. Both the issues have been examined in this office
It has been decided that the period of EXOL without in depth and it has been decided that.
Medical Certificate will not be taken into account while 1) Orders dt. 16-3-92 will be effective from the date
computing 16 years of service for promotion under of issue, and
TBOP Scheme as EXOL. without Medical Certificate 2) The orders dt. 16-3-92 will also be applicable for
is not treated as qualifying service for any purpose. promotion under BCR.
(D.G.(P) No. 6-28/90-SPB II dt. 28-1-91) (D.G.(P) No. 6-28/90-SPB-II, dt. 8-9-92)


I am directed to invite your attention to this offices cadre were issued. In this connection the following
letter of even No. dt. 02-06-86 wherein clarifications clarifications on few more points sought by different
on various issues on adhoc of divisionalisation of LSG rules are issued for guidance of all concerned.
(a) The authority competent to The officials in the LSG who could not be allotted their home units at the
consider to issue transfers of time of promotion to the LSG for want of vacancies there have been given
officials whose requests for option of transfer back. These officials might have been posted in a Unit
transfer the Home division and for jurisdiction of the same RDPS or in the jurisdiction of another RDPS.
where standing prior to the For the sake of proper co-ordination and order, such transfers may be
introduction of TBOP carried out by the divisional head with the approval of the concerned
scheme and whether these R.D.P.S.
powers would be delegated
to Divl. Heads/Postmasters.
(b) How to determine seniority Regarding seniority in the lower selection grade for transferees on their re-
of LSG officials who are allotment to the home divn./Unit, the same will not undergo any change as
transferred without mutual their seniority in the LSG is governed by the Circle Gradation List. This
exchange, whether such applies to those officials who were allotted out side their home unit prior to
allotment may be treated as introduction of TBOP Scheme. Regarding those who would seek transfer
transfer under Rule 38 of from one unit to another for their own consideration after introduction of
P&T Manual Volume IV. the divisional cadre i.e. w.e.f. 18-12-85 their seniority will be governed


under Rule 38 of P&T Man. Vol. IV of the limited purpose of holding LSG
supervisory posts only. Their seniority in the combined Circle gradation
list for the purpose of selection to HSG II will remain unaffected.
(c) Composition of D.P.C. for The composition of the D.P.C. will be as below :
promotion in divisional cadre. 1. Regional Director - Chairman
2. Concerned Divisional Head - Member.
3. Group 'A' or group 'B' Officer of the neighbouring Postal/RMS/Unit/
Postmasters Group 'A' or Group 'B'. - Member
(d) How to indicate in the Circle Point is not clear as to what decision is sought from Directorate. It is
Gradation list position of however, clarified that as mentioned at item 9 of this Dte. O.M. of even No.
officials who lose their dt. 02-06-86 the principle of fixing seniority of the LSG officials on Circle
seniority because they have basis, who were promoted before 30-11-83, remains unaffected. In other
been looked over for words, seniority of LSG officials fixed on circle basis before the introduction
promotion to the L.S.G. at a of the TBOP Scheme shall remain undisturbed. The seniority of the LSG
particular time. Officials promoted under TBOP Scheme will be determined in terms of
para 2 of this office letter of even No. dt. 13-03-86.
(D.G.(P) No. 6-19/82-SPB-II, dt. 9-7-86)


Refer to the Departmental of Personnel and words, an officer graded as 'outstanding' supersedes
Training (DoP&T) Office Memorandum (OM) No. 22011/ those graded as 'Very Good' and an officer graded as
5/86-Estt. (D) dated 10-03-1989 and OM of even 'Very Good' supersedes officers graded as 'Good'.
number dated 10-04-1989 (as amended by OM No. Officers obtaining the same grading are arranged in
22011/5/91-Estt. (D) dated 27-03-1997) which contain the select panel in the order of their seniority in the
the instructions on the Departmental Promotion lower grade. Those who get a grading lower than the
Committees (DPCs) and related matters. In regard to prescribed benchmark ('Good') are not empanelled for
the 'selection' mode of promotion ('selection-cum- promotion.
seniority' and 'selection' by merit'), the aforesaid 2.3 In promotion to the level in the pay-scale of Rs.
instructions prescribed the guidelines (As briefly 12000-16500 and above, while the mode of promotion
discussed in Paragraph 2 below) for overall 'grading' is 'selection by merit' the benchmark prescribed is 'Very
to be given by the DPC, 'benchmark' for assessment Good' and only those officers who obtain the said
of performance and the manner in which the 'select benchmark are promoted in the order of merit as per
panel' has to be arranged for promotions to various the grading obtained, officers getting superior grading
levels of posts / grade. supersede those getting lower grading as explained in
2. Existing Guidelines paragraph 2.2 above. Officers obtaining the same
2.1 As per the existing ( Aforementioned) instructions, grading are arranged in the select panel in the order of
in promotions up to and excluding the level in the pay their seniority in the lower grade. Those who get a
scale of Rs. 12000-16500 (expecting promotion to grading lower than the prescribed benchmark ('Very
Group 'A' posts / services from the lower group), if the Good') are not empanelled for promotion.
mode happens to be 'selection-cum-seniority', then the 3. Revised Guidelines
benchmark prescribed is 'good' and officers obtaining The aforementioned guidelines which permit
the said benchmark are arranged in the select panel in supersession in 'selection' promotion('selection by
the order of their seniority in the lower (feeder) grade. merit') have been reviewed by the Government and after
Thus, there is no supersession among those who meet comprehensive / extensive examination of relevant
the said benchmark. Officers getting a grading lower issues, it has been decided that there should be no
than the prescribed benchmark ('Good') are not supersession in matter of 'selection' ('merit') promotion
empanelled for promotion. at any level. In keeping with the said decision, the
2.2 In the case of promotions from lower Groups to following revised promotion norms / guidelines, in partial
Group 'A', while the mode of promotion happens to be modification (to the extent relevant for the purpose of
'selection by merit', the benchmark prescribed is 'good' these instructions ) of all existing instructions on the
and only those officers who obtained the said subject (as referred to in Pargraph 1 above) are
benchmark are promoted in the order of merit as per prescribed in the succeeding paragraphs for providing
grading obtained. Thus, officers getting a superior guidance to the Departmental Promotion Committees
grading supersede those getting lower grading. In other (DPCs).
1.1 Mode of Promotion 3.4 Promotion to grades below the revised pay scale
In the case of 'selection' (merit) promotion, the (Grade of Rs. 12,000-16,500 including promotions from
hitherto existing distinction in the nomenclature lower Groups to Group 'A' posts / grades / service)
('selection by merit' and ' selection-cum-seniority') is (i) The mode of promotion, as indicated in Paragraph
dispensed with and the mode of promotion in all such 3.1 above, shall be 'selection'.
cases is rechristened as 'selection' only. The element (ii) The benchmark for promotion, as it is now, shall
of selectivity (higher or lower) shall be determined with continue to be 'Good'.
reference to the relevant benchmark ("Very Good" or (iii) The DPC shall, for promotion to posts / grades /
"Good") prescribed for promotion. services in the aforesaid categories, grade officers
1.2 'Benchmark' for promotion as 'fit' or 'unfit' only with reference to the benchmark
The DPC shall determine the merit of those being of 'Good'. Only those who are graded as 'fit' or
assessed for promotion with reference to the prescribed 'unfit' only with reference to the benchmark of
benchmark and accordingly grade the officers as 'fit' 'Good'. Only those who are graded as 'fit' shall be
or 'unfit' only. included in the select panel prepared by the DPC
Only those who are graded 'fit' (i.e. who meet in order of their inter se seniority in the feeder
the prescribed benchmark) by the DPC shall be grade. Thus, as already explained in Paragraph
included and arranged in the select panel in order to 3.2 above, there shall be no supersession in
their inter se seniority in the feeder grade. Those promotion among those who are found 'fit' the DPC
officers who are graded 'unfit' (in terms of the in terms of the aforesaid prescribed benchmark of
prescribed benchmark) by the DPC shall not be 'Good'.
included in the select panel. Thus, there shall be no 3.5 Zone of consideration
supersession in promotion among those who are The guidelines relating to the 'Zone of
graded 'fit' (in terms of the prescribed benchmark) consideration' in its existing form (twice the number of
by the DPC. vacancies plus four) DoP&T O.M. No. 22011/1/90-Estt.
3.2.1 Although among those who meet the prescribed (D), dated 12-10-1990 shall continue to have general
benchmark, inter se seniority of the feeder grade shall application. However, in view of the modifications in
remain intact, eligibility for promotion will no doubt be promotion norms indicated in Paragraph 3.3 above, the
subject to fulfilment of all the conditions laid down in following stipulation as is already applicable in the case
the relevant Recruitment / Service Rules, including the of promotions below the revised pay scale (grade) of
conditions that one should be the holder of the relevant Rs. 12,000-16,500 vide DoP&T O.M. No. 22011/8/98-
feeder post on regular basis and that there should have Estt. (D), dated 06-11-1998, is also made in the regard
rendered the prescribed eligibility service in the feeder to the zone of consideration for promotion to the revised
post. pay scale (grade) of Rs. 12,000-16,500 and above:
1.3. Promotion to the revised pay scale (Grade) of Rs. "While the zone of consideration would remain
12,000-16,500 and above. as already prescribed, the DPC, in the aforesaid
(i) The mode of promotion, as indicated in Paragraph category of cases, may assess the suitability of
3.1 above, shall be 'selection'. eligible employees in the zone of consideration
(ii) The benchmark for promotion, as it is now, shall (in the descending order) for inclusion in the panel
continue to be 'Very Good'. This wil ensure for promotion up to a number which is considered
elements of higher selectivity in comparison to sufficient against the number of vacancies. With
selection promotion to the grades lower than the regard to the number of employees to be included
aforesaid level where the benchmark, as in the panel, the DPC may also be required to keep
indicated in the following paragraphs, shall be in view the instructions issued vide Department of
'Good' only. Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.
(iii) The DPC shall, for promotion to said pay scale 22011/18/87-Estt. (D), dated 09-04-1996 relating
(grade) and above grade officers as 'fit' or 'unfit' to norms for preparing extended panel for
only with reference to the benchmark of 'Very promotion. In respect of the remaining employees,
Good'. Only those who are graded as 'fit' shall be the DPC may put a note in the minutes that "the
included in the select panel prepared by the DPC assessment of the remaining employees in the
in order of their inter se seniority in the feeder zone of consideration is considered not necessary
grade. Thus, as already explained in Paragraph as sufficient number of employees with prescribed
3.2 above, there shall be no supersession in benchmark have become available".
promotion among those who are found 'fit' by the 4. Provisions of the Paragraph 1 (vii) of the DoP&T,
DPC in terms of the aforesaid prescribed O.M. No. AB-14017/2/97-Estt. (RR) dated 25-05-1998,
benchmark of 'Very Good'. stand modified in accordance with these revised
instructions. In addition to this, if the guidelines of various services / posts / grades so as to
contained in this Office Memorandum come in conflict appropriately incorporate the mode of promotion as
with the provisions of any other executive instructions 'selection' (in accordance with these instructions) in
(OM) issued by DoP&T on this subject, the same shall place of 'selection by merit' and 'selection-cum-seniority'
be taken to be modified to the extent provided herein. (as was hitherto prescribed by the aforementioned
5. The instructions contained in this Office O.M., dated 27-03-1997) as the case may be. The
Memorandum shall come into force from the date of powers to amend Service Rules / Recruitment Rules
this issue. in this regard are delegated to the Ministries /
6. Ministries / Departments are requested to give wide Departments. DoP&T need not be consulted to carry
circulation to these revised instructions for general out the required amendments.
guidance in the matter so that immediate steps are (Dept. of Per & Trg., O.M. F.No. 35034/7/97-Estt.
taken to amend the Service Rules / Recruitment Rules (D) dated 08-02-2002)
The undersigned is directed to state that the staff appear at the examination who are considered to be fit
side of the National Council, as its meeting held on the for the purpose, the fitness of an eligible candidate,
27th and 28th January 1971 raised the following points:- who has been awarded the penalty of censure, to
(i) 'Censure' should not be a bar to eligibility to sit for a appear at the examination has to be considered on the
departmental / promotional examination or for basis of an overall assessment on his service record
promotion; and not merely on the basis of the penalty of censure.
(ii) Where the responsibility of an employee for any 3. As regard the other two points mentioned in paragraph
loss is indirect, he should not be debarred from 1 above, while it is not possible to lay down any hard
being considered for promotion during the period and fast rules in this regard, and it is for the competent
or recovery of the loss; and authority to take a decision in each case having regard
(iii) A distinction should be made between stoppage to its facts and circumstances, it is considered necessary
of increments and reduction to a lower stage of to reiterate the existing instructions of the subject.
the pay scale and in the former type of cases, the Recovery from the pay of the Government servant of
employees should not be debarred from being the whosoever part of any pecuniary loss caused by
considered for promotion. him to Government by negligence or breach of orders
2. As regards the first point, under the existing or withholding of increments of pay, are also minor
instructions, every person eligible for promotion and in penalties laid down in rule 11 of the CCS (CCA) Rules.
the field of choice has to be considered for promotion. As in the case of promotion of a Government servant,
Attention in this connection is also invited to Ministry of who has been awarded the penalty of censure the
Home Affairs OM No. 1/9/58-RPS dated 16th May 1959 penalty of recovery from the pay for the loss caused by
and OM No. 1/4/55-RPS dated 16th May1957. The fact him to Government or of with-holding his increment (s)
of the imposition of the minor penalty of censure on a does not stand in the way of his consideration for
Government servant does not itself stand against the promotion through in the latter case promotion is not
consideration of such person for promotion as his given effect to during the currency of the penalty. While
fitness for the promotion has to be judged, in the case therefore, the fact of the imposition of such a penalty
of promotion by seniority, on the basis of an overall does not by itself debar the Government servant
assessment of his service record, and in the case of concerned from being considered for promotion, it is also
promotion by section on merit, on the basis of his merit taken into account by the Departmental Promotion
categorisation which is again based upon an overall Committee, or the competent authority, as the case may
assessment of his service record (vide para 2 of MHA be, in the overall assessment of his service record for
O.M. No. 1/3/68-Ests. (D) dated the 18-03-1968) . So judging his suitability or otherwise for promotion of his
far as the eligibility of a Government servant who has fitness for admission to a departmental / promotional
been awarded the penalty of censure, to appear at a examination (where fitness of the candidates is a
departmental / promotional examination is concerned, condition precedent to such admission.)
the same principles would apply viz. that he cannot, 4. The Ministry of Finance, etc. are requested kindly to
merely because of the penalty of censure, be debarred bring the position indicated in the foregoing paragraphs
from appearing at such an examination. In case, to the notice of all administrative authorities in and under
however, the rules of such an examination lay down them for guidance.
that only those eligible persons can be allowed to (DG P&T No. 35-7/71-SPB.II dated the 4th Aug. 1971)
Attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. is OM No. attributes of "Censure". In the circumstances, as
38/3/59-Estt(A) dated31-8-1960, O.M. No. 7/28/63- already stated where it is considered after the
Estt(A) Dated 22-12-1964, and O.M. No. 22011/3/77- conclusion of discipline any proceedings that some
Estt.(A) dated 14-7-77, which lay down the guide-lines blame attaches to the officer concerned which
for following the 'sealed cover' procedure and for necessitated cognizance of such fact the disciplinary
granting benefits with retrospective effect on the authority should award the penalty of "censure"
"complete exoneration" of the official concerned. The atleast. If the intention of the disciplinary authority is
scope of the term "complete exoneration" was very vide, not to award a penalty of "Censure", then no
resulting in denial of benefits even to those who had recordable warning should be awarded. There is no
not been awarded any of the prescribed penalties as, restriction on the right of the disciplinary authority to
a result of disciplinary proceedings but were only issued administer oral warnings or even warning in writing
a warning. There is also in vogue the practice of issuing which do not form part of the character roll.
"recordable warning" to Government employees which (iii) Where the departmental proceedings have ended
affects their career prospects. The matter has, with the imposition of a minor penalty, viz. censure,
therefore, been examined carefully and the following recovery of pecuniary loss to the Government,
decisions have been taken: withholding of increments of pay and withholding of
(i) As clarified in the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. promotion, the recommendation of the DPC in favour
No. 39/21/56-Estt(A) dated 13-12-1956, warning is of the employee, kept in the sealed cover will not be
administered by an authority superior to a given effect to. But the case of the employee concerned
Government employee in the event of minor lapses for promotion/confirmation maybe considered by the
like negligence carelessness, lack of thoroughness next DPC when it meets after the conclusion of the
delay etc. It is an administrative device in the hands departmental proceedings. If the findings of the DPC
of superior authorities for cautioning the Government are in favour of the employee, he may be promoted in
employees with a view to toning up efficient and the turn if the penalty is that of "censure" or "recovery
maintaining discipline. There is, therefore, no of pecuniary loss caused to the Government by
objection to the continuance of this system. However negligence or breach of orders. In the case of
where a copy of the warning is also kept in the employees who have been awarded the major minor
confidential Report dossier, it will be taken to penalty of "withholding of increments" or "withholding
constitute an adverse entry and the officer so warned of promotion", promotion can be made only after the
will have the right to against the same in accordance expiry of the penalty.
with the existing instructions relating to (iv) In a recordable warning has been issued to an
communication of adverse remarks and officer as a result of disciplinary proceedings before
consideration of representations against them. the issue of this office Memorandum and the case of
(ii) Where a departmental proceeding has been the officer concerned for promotion is still under
completed it is considered that the officer concerned consideration, he should be treated as having been
deserves to be penalised, he should be awarded one "censured". The officer will also have the right of
of the recognised statutory penalties as given in Rule representation against such warning and such
11 of CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965. In such a situation, a representation shall be dealt with by the competent
recordable warning should not be issued as it would, authority as if it were an appeal under the relevant
for all practical purposes, amount to "censure" which disciplinary rules.
is a formal punishment and which can only be awarded 2. In so far as personnel serving in the Indian Audit
by a competent disciplinary authority after following the and Accounts Department are concerned, these
procedure prescribed in the relevant disciplinary rules. clarifications have been issued after consultation with
The Delhi High Court, has in the case of Madhan the Controller and Auditor General of India.
Singh Vz. Union of India, also expressed the view [MHA DOP OM No. 22011/2/78-Estt (A),
that warning kept in the C.R. dossier has all the dt. 16-2-1979]
The undersigned is directed to invite the attention cautioning the Government employees with a view
to the Ministry of Finance etc. to the instructions to toning up efficiency and maintaining discipline.
contained in this Department Office Memorandum No. There is, therefore, no objection to the continuance
22011/2/78-Ests. (A) dated the 16th February 1979 of this system. However, where a copy of the
(copy enclosed) and to say that a question has been warning is also kept in the Confidential Report
raised whether this OM empowers the disciplinary dossier, it will be taken to constitute an adverse
authorities to issue warnings as a result of regular entry and the officer so warned will have the right
departmental proceedings conducted under the to represent against the same in accordance with
relevant disciplinary rules. This is because the last the existing instructions relating to communications
sentence of para 1 (ii) of this Department OM No. of adverse remarks and consideration of
22011/2/78-Ests. (A) dated 16-02-79 has been representations against them.
mistaken as permitting the issue of oral or written (ii) Where a departmental proceedings has been
warnings even as result of disciplinary proceedings. completed and it is considered that the officer
It is clarified that this is not the intention of the OM concerned deserves to be penalised, he should
of the 16th February 1979 under reference. This is be awarded one of the recognised statutory
made clear in para 1(ii) of the aforesaid OM of 16th penalties as given in Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules,
February 1979 in which it is stated that a warning should 1965. In such a situation, a recordable warning
not be issued as a result of regular disciplinary should not be issued as it would for all practical
proceedings. There is however, no bar to issuing a purposes, amount to a 'censure' which is a formal
warning orally or in writing as a result of administrative punishment and which can only be awarded by
action in the case of an officer against whom no formal the competent disciplinary authority after following
proceedings are taken under the disciplinary rules the proceedure prescribed in the relevant
applicable to him. The manner in which such warnings recruitment rules. The Delhi High Court has, in the
should be mentioned in the Confidential Report of an case of Nadhan Singh, Vs. Union of India, also
office is also explained in this Department Office expressed the view that warning kept in the CR
Memorandum No. 21011/1/81-Ests (A) dated the 5th dossier has all the attributes of 'censure'. In the
June, 1981 (Copy enclosed). circumstances, as already stated, where it is
[Dept. of Per. & A.R.s O.M. No. 22011/2/82-Ests considered after the conclusion of disciplinary
(A) dated 21-05-82] proceedings that some blame attaches to the
# The attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. is officer concerned which necessitiates cognizance
invited to MHA OM No. 39/3/59-Estt (A) dated 31-08- of such fact that the disciplinary authority should
1960, O.M. No. 7/28/63-Estt. (A) dated 22-12-1964 and award the penalty of 'censure' atleast if the intention
OM No. 22011/3/77-Estt. (A) dated 14-07-1977, which of disciplinary authority is not to award a penalty
lay down the guidelines for following the 'sealed cover' of 'censure', then no recordable warning should
procedure and for granting benefits with retrospective be awarded. There is no restriction on the right of
effect on the 'complete exoneration' of the official the disciplinary authority to administer oral warning
concerned. The scope of the term ' complete or even warnings, in writing which do not form part
exoneration' was very wide, resulting in the denial of of the character roll.
benefits even to those who had not been awarded any (iii) Where the departmental proceedings have ended
of the prescribed penalties as a result of disciplinary with the imposition of a minor penalty, viz. censure,
proceedings but were only issued a warning. There is recovery of pecuniary loss to the Government,
also In vogue the practice of issue 'Recordable warning' withholding of increments of pay and withholding
to Government employees which effect their career of promotion, the recommendation of the DPC in
prospects. The matter has, therefore, been examined favour of the employees kept in the sealed cover
carefully and the following decisions have been taken: will not be given effect to. But the case of the
(i) As clarified in the Ministry of Home Affairs OM No. employee concerned for promotion / confirmation
39/21/56-Estt. (A) dated 13-12-1956, warning is may be considered by the next DPC when it meets
administered by any authority superior to a after the conclusion of the departmental
Government employee in the event of minor lapses proceedings. If the findings of the DPC are in
like negligence, carelessness, lack of favour of the employee, he may be promoted in
thoroughness, delay etc. It is an administrative his turn if the penalty is that of 'Censure' or
device in the hands of superior authorities for 'recovery' of pecuniary loss caused to the
Government by negligence or breach of orders". justify the imposition of the formal punishment of
In the case of employees who have been awarded censure, it calls for some formal action reprimands
the minor penalty of 'withholding of promotion', where such a warning / displeasure / reprimand is
promotion can be made only after the expiry of the issued, it should be placed in the personal file of the
penalty. officer concerned. At the end of the year (or period of
(iv) If a recordable warning has been issued to an Report), the reporting authority while writing the
officer as result of disciplinary proceedings before confidential report of the officer, may decide not to
the issue of this office memorandum and the case make a reference in the confidential report to the
of the officer concerned for promotion is still under warning displeasure / reprimand, if, in the opinion of
consideration, he should be treated as having been that authority the performance of the officer reported
'censured'. The officer will also have the right of on or after the issue of the warning or displeasure or
representation against such warning and such reprimand, as the case may be, has improved and
representation shall be dealt with by the competent has been found satisfactory. If, however, the reporting
authority as if it were an appeal under the relevant authority comes to the conclusions that despite the
disciplinary rules. warning or displeasure or reprimand, as the case may
2. In so far, as personnel serving in the Indian Audit be has improved and has been found satisfactory. If,
and Accounts Department are concerned, these however the reporting authority comes to be conclusion
clarifications have been issued after consultation with that despite the warning/displeasure/reprimand the
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. officer has not improved, it may make appropriate
[Dept. of Per. & A.Rs OM No. 22011/2/78-Ests. (A) mention of such warning / displeasure / reprimand,
dated 16th February 1979] as the case may be, in the relevant column, in part -II
# The undersigned is directed to say that questions of the form of Confidential Report relating to
have been raised from time to time regarding the stage assessment by the reporting officer and, in that case,
at which a mention about warnings, admonitions, a copy of the warning / displeasure / reprimand
reprimands etc. administered in the course of normal referred to in the Confidential Report should be placed
day-to-day work by superior officers should be mentioned in the CR Dossier as an Annexure to the Confidential
in the Confidential Report of the official to whom the report for the relevant period. The adverse remarks
warning, reprimand etc. has been administered. As there should also be conveyed to the officer and his
seems to be some doubt in this regard, the position is representation, if any, against the same disposed off
clarified in the following paragraph. in accordance with the procedure laid down in the
2. There may be occasions when a superior officer may instructions issued in this regard.
find it necessary to criticise adversely the work of an 3. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the
officer working under him or he may call for an above clarifications to the notice of all the
explanation for some act of omission or commission administrative authorities under their control.
and taking all circumstances into consideration, it may [Dept. of Pers. & A.Rs OM No. 21011/1/81-Estt (A)
be felt that while the matter is not serious enough to dated 5th June 1981]
"Enquiries have been received in this office Committee, wherever it exists, will consider the fact
whether an official who has been punished with of his having been punished while adjudging his
recovery of pecuniary loss caused to Government suitability for promotion notwithstanding the fact that
can be considered for promotion and promoted he has been punished with recovery from pay of the
during the period when such recovery from pay is in pecuniary loss caused to Govt. There is no bar to
progress. The matter has been considered in his being promoted while the recovery is in progress
consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs and because such promotion will not affect the
the position is that the appointing authority, in enforcement of the penalty."
consultation with the Departmental Promotion [D.G. P&T No. 35/7/37-SPB dt. 22-12-1987]


Promotion of the official can be given effect to punishment of censure, recovery and recuniary loss
during the currency of the Punishment of monetary and stopping of increment do not constitute a bar to
recovery. In this connection your kind attention is invited promotion of the official provided on the basis of over
to the instructions issued by the Min. of Home affairs, all assessment of his record of service, the DPC
Dept. of Personnel and A.R. under Memo No. 22011/ recommends his promotion to the next higher grade.
1/68-Estt.(A), dt. 16-2-79 their stating interalia that the (DG P&T No. 35/9/84-SPB-II, dt. 19-5-84)
One of the major reasons for delay in holding DPCs factual errors are not corrected before sending the case
in the Directorate is that the ACRs are invariably not for consideration of the DPC and even non-grant of
complete in some Circles with the result that even those Vigilance Clearance is an important reason for delay.
who have submitted their CRs and can be promoted 2. Similarly, when an officer is on long leave, he
are unable to get promotion, especially if the case has should be allowed to proceed on long leave only when
to go to ACC. A major reason for delay in holding DPCs the CRs which are due to be written at the end of the
is actually deliberate act on the part of some officers or financial year or otherwise are completed.
sheer negligence with the result that the CRs are never 3. The officers who are deputed for any long term
submitted before a person demits his office. In order to training aboard or within India, should be required to
ensure that all DPCs of Group 'A', 'B' and 'C' can be submit the CRs and their deputation order may be
held by the Competent Authority on the prescribed withheld till CRs are completed.
schedule, it has been decided that whenever an officer 4. Under ideal circumstances, the promotion should
is due for transfer or whatever may be the reason, he be given to an officer on the date he is due to get
should be relieved two days in advance so that he can promoted but there are invariable factors which delay
write all the pending CRs within these two days. In other the process and many persons suffer in default for no
words, two days should be allowed for writing all CRs fault of their with the result that their pensionery benefits
and the meaning of this is that the officer should be are also affected because the concerned officer is
divested of all work for two days to enable him to unable to complete 10 months in the last pay being
complete all the CRs. This will not lead to any increase drawn by him or her.
in joining time because period will be treated as duty 5. Similarly, no officer should be relieved for going
for all purposes. The practice of writing CRs after on Central Deputation till he submits all CRs due to be
demitting office and after joining the new assignment written by him.
maybe discontinued because it invariably leads to delay 6. These orders apply to all officers of the level of
in completion of CRs. Whenever any officer still does HAG and below but it is hoped that similar action will
not give the CR on time, then adverse remarks may be be taken at the level of Member.
made in his Confidential Report to the effect that the 7. The above action may result in some delay in
officer concerned did not submit his self-appraisal in relieving the concerned officer when he or she is
time. In practice, ordering transfers with immediate transferred but a delay of two days will affect the whole
effect may be discontinued unless the Circle Office is system and in fact will allow DPCs to be held at the
on fire- this will ensure in the long run CRs are available prescribed date.
in time. It has also been observed that in some Circles, (DG (P) No. 1-13/2007-SPG, dt. 20-4-2007)


I am directed to say that it has come to the notice 3. It has been observed that many a times, the official
of the Directorate that in many Circles, officials in Group could not attain the required benchmarks because of
C are not getting promoted to LSG mainly because as indifference shown while writing ACRs even by the
per the findings of the Departmental Promotion senior officers in the Department or are not written with
Committee (DPC) they do not attain the required the required devotion and attention to details.
benchmarks in their Annual Confidential Report (ACR), 4. The DPCs, while assessing the officials for
and thus fail to get empanelled for promotion. promotion as 'Fit' or 'Unfit' for LSG and HSG-II, without
2. As per the amended Recruitment Rules for Lower diluting DoP&T guidelines, should not be guided merely
Selection Grade (LSG) and Higher Selection Grade II by the overall grading given by the Reporting Officer or
(HSG II) posts in post offices and RMS offices notified by the Reviewing Officer alone but should form an
on 18-05-2006, these posts are to be filled up by assessment based on the remarks/performance
promotion by 'Selection'. In the case of promotion by recorded in the individual columns in the ACR.
'Selection', the officials are required to attain the 5. To sum up :
benchmarks as prescribed vide Department of (a) The ACRs in respect of all the officials should be
Personnel & Training (DoP&T) O.M. No. 35034/7/97- written by the Reporting Officers with proper and
Estt. D) dated 08-02-2002. According to the DoP&T due application of mind.
OM No. 22011/5/91-Estt. (D) dated 27-03-1997, the (b) The Reporting/Reviewing Officers should take into
benchmark for all Group C, Group B and Group A posts account the benchmarks for promotion and that
(upto the excluding the level of Rs. 3700-5000 (pre- benchmarks are known to the officers while writing
revised) presently JAG] is 'Good'. the ACRs.
(c) The DPC while assessing the ACRs for promotion in their assessment in order to avoid unnecessary
of officials to various grades should not be merely staff grievances and depriving the due claims of
guided by the overall grading given by the Reporting/ the staff for promotion.
Reviewing Officers but also satisfy themselves by 6. All the concerned officials may please be briefed
an objective assessment of the ACRs. accordingly.
(d) While prescribed benchmark should not be (DG(P) letter No. 137-04/2006-SPB-II (Pt)
diluted, the DPC should be realistic and objective dated. 16-5-2007)


The Department has Introduced Time Bound One (iv) After 26 years of service
Promotion Scheme and BCR Scheme since 1983 and if the LSG official has
1991 respectively. These schemes aim at upgradation not been promoted to
of pay for the employees who were otherwise facing HSG.II - LSG (BCR)
problems of stagnation in their career progression. In (v) Those who are not LSG
the course of time such upgradations have been but have crossed 26
construed in some quarters as 'promotion' against the years of service - PA /SA (BCR)
regular supervisory posts available in the Department. (vi) Those who are promoted
Upgradation under TBOP / BCR schemes and to HSG.II - HSG.II
promotion to LSG / HSG.II as per provisions of (vii) Those who are promoted
Recruitment Rules are two distinct matters. Therefore; to HSG.I - HSG.I
to clarify the position for all concerned. It has been 2. Specific care should be taken to ensure that there is
decided that the status of operative officials at various no deviation from these designations in any
point of their career should be indicated by the following circumstances.
designations / nomenclature as applicable: 3. It is also reiterated that Circles should hold DPC at
(i) Upto 16 years - PA / SA regular intervals, at least once a year, to fill up all the
(ii) After 16 years - PA / SA (TBOP) vacancies in LSG, HSG.II & HSG.I to ensure operational
(iii) Those who have get efficiency at these levels.
promotion to LSG - LSG (DG (P) No. 137-18/2001-SPB.I dated 23-04-2001)


A reference is invited to this office instructions clerical cadre on the Ist January of the year (among
in Lr. No. STA/5-1/88 dt. 18-10-89 on the above the Junior officials) whether confirmed or otherwise may
subject. be named as LR PAs/SAs upto the sanctioned strength
In future, the procedure stated below may kindly of LR Posts of that division including permanent and
be adopted for terming certain officials as LRCs. temporary LR Posts.
In any division in respect of clerical cadre, those (Chief PMG, Tamilnadu, No. STA/5-1/88-Union,
officials who have completed 2 years of service in the Dt. 12-9-92)
The issue regarding counting of the period of for benefit of promotion under the above schemes.
induction training spent by the employees of this However, past cases decided otherwise would not be
Department for benefit of promotion under the TBOP / covered by the above orders. This issues with
BCR Schemes has been under consideration of this office concurrence of Integrated Finance Advice vide their
for some time. After consultation with the Department of Diary No. 378/FA/2000, dated 25-07-2000.
Personnel and Training, it has now been decided that (Dept. of Posts, No. 44-47/98-SPB.II
the period of induction training may also be counted dated 31-07-2000)


Refer to this Department's Letter of even number, on the above orders. The matter has been examined in
dated 03-08-2000 on the above subject. Reference have detail in consultation with the Integrated Finance Wing
been received from many circles seeking clarification of this Department and the position is clarified as under:
S.No. Point raised Clarification
1. What will be the date of effect of the Cases decided prior to 3-8-2000 would not be covered by
above orders? the orders, dated 3-8-2000.
2. Whether the departmental candidates DoP&T has clarified that since the period of induction training
will also get the benefit of counting of is counted for the purpose of increments and qualifying
induction training period prior to their service for departmental examination, it would also count
promotion as time scale clerks can be for the purpose of promotion under the TBOP / BCR
counted for the benefit of promotion schemes. Therefore, it is clarified that the period of induction
under TBOP / BCR? training in respect of departmental candidates would also
count for the purpose of promotions under TBOP / BCR
Schemes provided that such training period is obligatory for
the departmental candidates in respect of the cadre to which
they are to be promoted and they are promoted immediately
on completion of such induction training period and also such
training period is counted for increment in the promoted
3. If the junior officials get promoted earlier As per Letter No. 22-6-2000-PE.I, dated 17-05-2000, official
than the seniors as per the orders the would be promoted under the TBOP / BCR Schemes only
seniors can claim benefit of promotion after completion of qualifying service. Therefore, the
under the above scheme from the date question of senior claiming benefit with reference to the
of promotion of the junior officials? juniors, etc., does not arise.
(Dept. of Posts, No. 44-47/98-SPB-II dt. 27-07-2001)


Our letter dt. 27-7-01 issued with the approval of the promoted scale. Since the period is counted for
Finance Advice, clearly states that the period of increment in the lower scale, the period of Induction
induction training would count by promotion under training cannot be counted for promotion under TBOP/
TBOP/BCR for departmental candidates also provided BCR for departmental candidate.
that such training period is counted for increment in (DG (P) No. 44-47/98-SPB II, dt. 16-1-02)
Officiating arrangements may be made if the Short term officiating vacancies in the cadres and
vacancies are of at least 14 days duration or more of nature other than those indicated against sub-
subject to the following conditions:- headings (1) and (2) above may be filled in only in
(I) The nature of state of work of the officer whom it is cases where the duration of the vacancy exceeds 30
proposed to appoint should be such as would not days. The limit will apply irrespective of whether it is
admit of a combination of posts and the officer a single vacancy or part of a chain of vacancies, i.e.
should be competent to perform full duties of the the part in a chain of vacancies should itself be more
vacant post; or when the nature or state of work in than 30 days, if the vacancy is to be filled. In the
the vacant post itself is such as cannot be managed other posts / cadres, officiating promotions in
without a full time substitute. vacancies of 30 day's duration or less could be made
(II) In cadres which have leave reserve included in only in very exceptional circumstances with the prior
them, vacancies will be filled up without involving approval of the competent authority.
any extra officiating appointments. [(DG P&T) letter No. 33/7/74-SPB-II dated
(3) Vacancies of more than 30 day's duration:- 16-08-75]


It is observed that most of the circles are indulging from many circles seeking ex post facto approval of ad
in allowing continuation of adhoc arrangement beyond hoc appointments/promotions continued for more than
the prescribed period. Reference are being received one year which is contrary to instructions of the
Government. I am directed to state that post facto compliance of the existing instructions and do not
approval of such ad hoc arrangements done in violation continue ad-hoc arrangements beyond one year. No
of the rules of the Government cannot be agreed to. request for ex post facto approval will be entertained
DOPT does not approve such references. in future.
It is therefore, requested to kindly ensure strict (DG (P) No. 4-4/2004-SPB.II, dt. 4-4-2004)


(1) In cadres in which promotion is made from month's duration, officiating arrangements may be
amongst officials working in the same office confined to the officials at the station where the vacancy
or station, officiating arrangements in case of occurs. In the case of a station where there are more
vacancies of not more than one month's officers than one, each independent of the others,
duration may be confined to the officials in officiating promotion may, at the discretion of the
the section or branch of the office or the sub- sanctioning authority, be confined to the office where
office where the vacancy occurs even if this the vacancy occurs.
involves supercession of a senior qualified (b) In the case of vacancies of more than one
official. Month's duration but not more than four month's
(2) In cadres in which promotion is made from officials duration, officiating arrangements may be confined
working in different stations-sub-divisions or to the officials in the office, sub-division or division
divisions:- where the vacancy occurs.
(a) In the case of vacancies of not more than one (Rule 50 of P&T Manual Vol. IV)


1. Duration of short term vacancies for which officiating staff taken together does not exceed four may be filled
arrangements may be made: in by appointing paid substitutes in their place
For the purpose of officiating arrangements in short irrespective of the duration of vacancies. (The
term vacancies, vacancies have been divided into three condition that the total staff strength of postmen,
categories: i.e. (1) Vacancies of less than 14 day's V.P.M. and Group 'D' in the office shall not exceed
duration. (2) Vacancies of not less than 14 day's four may be relaxed by the Head of the circle in
duration; and (3) Vacancies of more than 30 days individual cases in which it is found impossible to
duration. Standing instructions regarding filling in of distribute the work of those granted leave among the
vacancies of all these three types are reproduced staff present on duty).
below:- The amount to be paid to the substitute must not
(1) Vacancies of less than 14 day's duration:- exceed the minimum of time scale of pay plus DA and
Casual leave vacancies caused by absence of other allowances. Claims for payment to the substitutes
officials on account of illness or urgent private affairs will be sanctioned by the concerned appointing
occurring in postmen and Group 'D' cadres in offices authorities.
in which the number of postmen, V.P.M. and Group D (Appendix 6 of P&T Man Vol. IV)


Para 3 : "Where arrangements are made against officials, upto the age of 40 years including those
vacant posts of IRM/IPOs on adhoc basis for less belonging to SC/ST Community only will be
than 45 days the upper age limit of 40 years will be considered, if however the vacancy falls in the share
adhered to; but where it exceeded 45 days it would of SC/ST community officials belonging to these
be necessary for the Divisional Supdt. to consider communities upto the age of 45 years may be
whether the vacancy falls in the share of the officials considered for adhoc arrangements on the basis of
belonging to SC and ST communities as per roster their seniority in view of the fact that officials
point which is applicable even for adhoc belonging to those communities are eligible to appear
arrangements against vacancies of 45 days duration. in the IPO/IRM examination upto the age of 45 years.
If the vacancy falls to the share of other community [D.G.(P) No. 7-3/83-SPB II dt. 10-12-84 ]
"I am directed to state that a question has been and also in cases where spells of leave vacancy shorter
raised as to whether officiating arrangements are than 14 days (initially) added together without any
permissible when the leave vacancies are of less than interruption continues beyond 14 days. These
14 days at initial stage and if extended to 14 days or instructions are applicable only in operative offices of
more subsequently. The matter has been examined in RMS & Post Offices where officiating arrangements
this office and it has been decided that officiating are permissible for vacancies of 14 days or more.
arrangements can be made for the period of 14 days (D.G.(P) No. 9-25/82-SPG/SPB II dt. 29-5-86)
I am directed to refer to this office letter No. 6-6/ that officiating arrangement can be made in leave
88 SPB-II dated 5-5-1988 wherein the orders were vacancies of less than 45 days in operative cadres only
issued on the subject noted above. In the above order where the post cannot be kept vacant without adversely
dated 5-5-1988 it was mentioned that short term effecting service to the public No. officiating
vacancies caused by regular incumbents proceeding arrangement should be made in vacancy of less than
on leave for 45 days or more may be filled up by 14 days duration except in a few categories of staff
officials available on approved panel. There being such as overseers Mailoverseers, Head Postman, stg.
many operative offices in the department of posts, Postman, Village Postman, Mailguards UDC in Savings
hardships were faced in keeping the vacant posts Bank control Organisation and internal checking
unfilled upto 45 days. organisation officers, where such officiating
Therefore the matter was taken up with the arrangement can be made even in vacancy of less than
Department of Personnel and Training and Ministry of 14 days subject to the provision in rule 100(b) of P&T
Finance for relaxing the condition of 45 days mentioned Manual Vol. IV.
in the DOP, O.M. No. 28036/8/87-Estt. (D) dated This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
30-3-88 mentioned above and it has since been agreed (D.G. No. 44-19/87-SPB-I dated 25-7-90)
Vacancies in HSG II and HSG I are filled up both belonging to the IPO line, then a HSG II of the IPO line
from among IPO line and General line officials. Once a maybe shown as temporarily promoted to the cadre of
Circle Posting is ordered the post is vacated as ASP and posted to work in the HSG I vacancy.
earmarked for the IPO line or the General line 3. If in a particular division, the HSG I is in General
depending on the line of the official who is posted. line and there is no General line official in HSG II, the
Cases occur from time to time wherein due to delay, senior most LSG official may be temporarily promoted
he official posted on Circle basis, joining the post or to HSG I and posted to look after the work of the HSG
the incumbent proceeding on leave, local officiating I Posts.
arrangements are made by divisional offices. A vacancy in HSG I Post falling to the share of
2. It has ben clarified by the Directorate that such General lien official cannot be filled up by the ASP on
officiating arrangements should be made in HSG II or IPO line official. A LSG General line official cannot also
HSG I posts only from among officials of the concerned be straight away promoted to HSG I even in an
line with reference to the vacant post. In case, an ASP officiating capacity in short term arrangements.
is not in a position to officiate in HSG I vacancy (Chief PMG, T.N. No. STA/2-3/74-II,dt. 28-10-75)
Instances have come to the notice of this office, Administrative Reforms. It is clarified that the said
where at the time of regular appointment of Drivers instruction regarding deduction of the service rendered
working on daily wage basis, the upper age limit is being on daily wage basis as driver for determining upper
relaxed in certain cadres to the extent of period spent age limit as applicable to casual workers for absorption
as casual Driver from the actual age as is done in regard to Group 'D' are not relevant as the posts of Drivers
to absorption of casual labourers on their absorption in are in Group 'C'. It may be relevant as the posts of
Group 'D'. Drivers are in Group 'C'. It may be ensured that persons
2. The question whether persons appointed on daily should not be engaged on daily wage basis as Driver
wage basis as Drivers are eligible to age concession for work of regular nature.
to the extent of service put in by them for regular 3. These instructions may be brought to the notice of
appointment as drivers, has been further examined in all concerned for compliance.
consultation with Department of Personnel and (D.G.(P) No. 37/24/83-SPB-I) dt. 11-12-1994)
A proposal for merger of posts of Hindi Typists promotion subject to the conditions incorporated
in the divisional offices in the pay scale of Rs. 3200- in Recruitment Rules.
4900 with those of Postal Assistant and Sorting (c) Till such time the existing incumbents continue to
Assistant in the scale of pay of Rs. 4000-6000 was work as Hindi Typists, they may be given a normal
under consideration in the Department. Now the training of the working of the post of PA / SA to
matter has been further examined in consultation discharge their duties efficiently.
with Ministry of Finance (Department of (d) The existing procedure of filling up the post of
Expenditure) and it has been decided to merge the Hindi Typists in the Divisional offices would
posts of Hindi Typists in the Divisional Offices (in continue as hither to fore.
the pay scale of Rs. 3200-4900) with those of Postal (e) Inter se seniority of the incumbents of Hindi
Assistant and Sorting Assistant in the scale of pay Typists in the cadre of PA / SA should be fixed at
of Rs. 4000-6000 with effect from 01-01-1996 (Their the bottom of P.As / S.As with reference to the
U.O. No. 6/66/98-IC dated 18-03-2003 refers). years of recruitments.
2. In view of the above decision, immediate action may 3. With the issuance of these orders, all the cases
please be taken as follows:- pending in various CATs / Courts in the matter (i.e.
(a) Posts of Hindi Typists in the Divisional Offices (in Grant of upgraded pay scale of Rs. 4000-6000 to Hindi
the pay scale of Rs. 3200-4900) be merged with Typists of Divisional Offices) stand disposed of.
Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant in the pay Respective Circle Offices may please make a reference
scale of Rs. 4000-6000 with effect from 01-01- in the Court / CAT to this effect.
1996. 4. These orders may please be brought to the notice of
(b) Existing incumbents of the Hindi Typists in the all concerned immediately and further necessary action
Divisional Office be treated at par with PA / SA of taken accordingly.
Circle / Administrative office in the matter of (DG (P) No. 7-3/2000-PE.II dated 26-03-2003)


This issue of merger of Hindi Typists in the 6,000 with effect from 01-01-1996 stood issued
Department of Posts with the Postal Assistant's vide letter No. 7-3/2000-PE.II dated 26-03-2003.
cadre and grant them the benefit of placements 2. The second proposal regarding grant / extension of
under TBOP / BCR schemes at par with PA / SA TBOP / BCR schemes has again been considered in
cadre has been examined in detail in the consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department
Directorate in consultation with the Ministry of of Expenditure) in the light of the directions of CAT,
Finance (Department of Expenditure) after a CAT Jodhpur Bench as mentioned above and it has now
judgment of Jodhpur Bench, dated 09-07-2002 in been decided that the benefit of TBOP / BCR schemes
the case of Hepa Ram Sanger, Hindi Typist, Pali, to Hindi Typists of Divisional Offices will be applicable
Rajasthan. In the said judgment, the Hon'ble with effect from 01-06-2003 after completion of 16 and
Tribunal had directed the respondents that "Hindi 26 years of service in basic grade as per the guidelines
Typist would be entitled to the scale of Rs. 4,000- / instructions issued in regard to TBOP / BCR schemes
6,000 at par with Postal Assistants. The applicant from time to time. The cadre of Hindi Typists will now
would further be entitled for promotion to LSG as be covered under TBOP / BCR scheme and ACP
per one Time Bound Promotion Scheme, if found scheme will not be applicable to them. The cases of
suitable". In order to comply with the directions of Hindi Typists will be regulated under TBOP / BCR
the CAT Bench, the case of merger of the cadre of scheme with effect from 01-06-2003.
Hindi Typists and applicability of TBOP / BCR 3. The pay of officials who will complete 26 years of
schemes to Hindi Typists has been examined in service as on the date of implementation of the TBOP
detail keeping in view the welfare of all similarly / BCR schemes (1-6-2003) will be fixed twice, once in
placed Hindi Typists working all over India in the TBOP scale of pay and further in BCR scale of pay on
Department of Posts. In the first phase, orders of the same date as per the latest guidelines issued vide
merger of posts of Hindi Typists in the Divisional this office Letter No. 22-4/2000-PE.I dated 25-09-2003
Offices in the scale of Rs. 3,200-4,900 with Postal and 03-10-2002.
Assistants in the higher scale of pay Rs. 4,000- 4. The Hindi Typists are liable to be transferred to any
Unit located at the headquarters of the Regional that merged Hindi Typists may continue to do Hindi
offices / Circle Offices, in addition to their original Typing as per the requirement and as per the provisions
liability. However, it may not be administratively of the Official Language Policy of the Government.
convenient to disturb the existing members of staff 6. The Hindi Typists of Divisional Offices who
working in Divisional offices, in view of their complete 16 or 26 years of service and who are
proficiency and experiences that they have acquired placed to the next higher scale of pay under TBOP /
over the years in handling specific jobs (Hindi BCR scheme at par with PA / SA's cadre will continue
Typists) in the Divisional Offices. This policy should to perform their existing duties until and unless they
generally be adhered to. If it becomes essential are posted to regular supervisory posts, i.e., LSG
and the services of Hindi Typists are not fully utilized and HSG.II in their turn. Hindi Typists will be given
in the Divisional offices, the employees can be a normal training of the working of the post of PA /
transferred. The employees cannot refuse the SA to discharge their duties efficiently. They
transfer liability. In the event of such a refusal, the cannot claim their posting against supervisory
official concerned will render himself liable for posts merely because they got LSG and HSG.II
disciplinary action as per rules. scale under TBOP / BCR scheme after completion
5. Necessary amendments in the Recruitment Rules may of 16/26 years of service. The required experience
be incorporated by the Staff Branch. Hindi Typing will in the lower grade (working against PA / SA posts)
be one of the essential qualifications in addition to other will be considered before posting them against
required qualifications for PA / S.As for Hindi Typists supervisory posts.
now merged with Postal / Sorting Assistant's cadre so (Dept. of Posts, No. 7-2/99-PE.II dt. 26-05-2003)
It has been observed in some cases that the causes administrative difficulties in so far as either post
officers do not join their new stations of posting on remain vacant or is continued to be held on adhoc basis
promotion ordered on a regular basis immediately. while the officers selected for regular promotion remain
This is particularly so in where the station of posting on leave. It is, therefore, requested that all officers
is not of the choice of the officer. In such cases, including those on Group 'C' may be informed that delay
representations are received for change of the in joining the new post on promotion may eventually
station of posting. In a number of cases, the officers come in the way of their promotion to the higher grade
proceed on long spells of leave in the hope of getting for want of fulfilling the condition of approved length of
a change in the station of posting. In some other service on a particular date. It is, therefore in the interest
cases even the Heads of Circles are approached of the officers that they should join new station of
to request the Directorate to change the station of posting after orders of promotion are issued so that
posting. the regular approved service commences from the date
While in some cases, there may be genuine reason they join the new post on promotion and there is no
for some delay in proceeding to the new station of occasion in which the senior officers have lesser service
posting the dilatory tactics are also employed in the than their juniors.
hope that the station of posting would be changed. This [D.G.(P) No. 25-90/85-SPG, Dated: 4-3-86]
The Staff Side in the National Council (JCM) is Side and having regard to the relevant factors, it is
contended that in many cases of promotion, involving hereby directed that Govt. servants offered for
change of station, the officials are not being relieving promotion should be relieved immediately on receipt
of their duties from the lower post even after issues of of the relevant orders of promotion. In exceptional
formal orders of promotion, on one pretext or the other. circumstances where the retention of the official in the
This delay, in relief from lower post, cause pecuniary lower post is felt absolutely necessary in interest of
loss to individual concerned in the form of pay and services, the fact may be brought to the notice of the
pensionary benefits, etc. Therefore, the Staff Side had controlling officer and orders sought for retention for a
demanded that a time limit may be prescribed within specific period ranging from 1-3 months depending the
which an official must be relieved of his duties from merits of each case. While doing it should specifically
lower post on his promotion to higher post. The Official be brought to the notice of the controlling officer that the
side agreed to issue suitable instructions for expeditious delay in relieving the officer result him pecuniary loss
relieve of the Govt. servant on promotion. so that the retention may be avaided as for as possible.
2. After careful consideration of the demand of Staff [MOP & PG No. 16/7/90-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 9-01-1992]
The undersigned is directed to refer to this to holiday/holidays the employee is required to, take leave
department's S.O. M.No. 19011/33/31-Estt (Dated 29/ for the intervening holidays.
1/83 in which instructions have been issued that in the 2. The question whether the Government servant is
case of transfer of a Government servant at his own required to take regular leave to cover such holidays
request, there is no objection to his being granted has been under consideration and it has now been
regular leave, as admissible, by the competent authority decided that in such cases intervening holidays may
under the leave rules applicable to him to cover the be deemed to have been availed of by the Government
period between the date of handing over charge at an servant as Holidays an he may not be required to take
old station and that of taking over at the new station if leave for such holiday/holidays.
the Government Servant applies for it and the 3. Pay for holidays intervening the date of relief and
competent authority is willing to sanction it. Accordingly, the date of joining the new place will be borne by the
when an official is relieved on transfer at his own Department where the Government servant joins after
request on the eve of holiday/holidays and reports for his transfer.
duty at the transferred station in the forenoon after the (D.G.(P) No. 70-270/87-SPB-I, dt. 8/3/89)


The undersigned is directed to refer to the revised option for pay fixation under FR 22 (1) (a) (i)
existing provision relating to exercise of option by a within one month from the date of orders of such
Central Government servant for fixation of pay on unforeseen developments or change of rules.
promotion/appointment to the higher grade/post Acceptance of such revised option may thereafter be
under FR 22(1) (a) (i) and to say that a demand was examined and decided on merits by Ministry/
raised by the Staff Side in the National Council (JCM) Department concerned with the approval of Department
that a Central Government servant may be allowed of Personnel & Training. In case, it is decided to allow
to revise the option exercised by him on promotion/ fresh option to the Government servant concerned, the
appointment on the higher grade/post under FR 22 option once exercised shall be treated as final. The
(1) (a) (i) in the event of unanticipated developments past cases of similar nature can be referred to this
or change of rules, etc. The Staff Side had also Department which will be decided on merit.
demanded that a specific provision to this effect be 3. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit
incorporated in the existing rules/orders. & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
2. The demand of the Staff Side has been examined issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor
by the Government and the President is pleased to General of India.
decide that pursuant to any unforeseen developments (Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 16/8/2002-Estt. (Pay-
or change of rules, a Government servant may give a I) dated 25-2-2003)


It is clarified that no roster points have been fixed of DOP & Training OM dated 1-4-86 in case of
for the physically handicapped persons in case of Promotion of physically handicapped persons.
promotion. You may consider reservation on the lines (DG (P) No. 20-30/89-SPB I, dt. 2-9-93)
i) The Roster Point for Physically Handicapped for not exceed the prescribed limit of 3%. Therefore, if there
the purposes of promotion have not yet been decided. are more than one feeder cadre, to the higher post, the
However the benefit of reservation for the physically 3% quota to be filled by physically handicapped may
handicapped may be allowed in the different modes of be divided equally among the different feeder cadres.
promotion in respect of each feeder grade if the posts In case a candidate belonging to physically
to which the promotion is being made is a post identified handicapped is not available in the particular feeder
for the physically handicapped. grade, the identified post may be filled up by interse
ii) The total reservation for physically handicapped exchange.
against outsiders well as departmental quota should (DG (P) No. 20-30/89-SPB I, dt. 8-7-92)


Cases for stepping up of the pay of seniors in a drawn by a junior either due to adhoc officiating/
pay scale to that of juniors generally considered if regular service rendered in the higher posts for
the following conditions are satisfied : periods earlier than the senior, cannot, therefore, be
(a) Both the junior and senior officers should belong an anomaly in strict sense of the term.
to the same cadre and the posts in which have been (c) If a senior joins the higher post later than the
promoted or appointed should be identical and in the junior in the lower post itself whereby he is in receipt
same cadre; of lesser pay than the junior, in such cases also the
(b) The scales of pay of the lower and higher posts senior cannot claim pay parity in the higher post
in which the junior and senior officers are entitled to though he may have been promoted earlier to the
draw pay should be identical; higher post.
(c) The anomaly should be directly as a result of the (e) Where a person is promoted from lower to a
application of FR 22-C. For example, if even in the higher post his pay is fixed with reference to the pay
lower post the junior officer draws from time to time drawn by him in the lower post under FR 22-C and
a higher rate of pay than the senior by virture of grant he is likely to get more pay than a direct appointee
of advance increments or on any other account, the whose pay is fixed under different set of rules. For
above provisions will not be involved to step up the example, a UDC on promotion to the post of Assistant
pay of senior officer. gets his pay fixed under FR 22-C with reference to
2. Instances have come to the notice of this the pay drawn in the post of UDC, whereas the pay
Department requesting in for stepping up of pay due of Assistant (DR) is fixed normally at the minimum
to the following reasons:- under FR 22-B (2). In such cases, the senior direct
(a) Where a senior proceeds on Extra Ordinary recruit cannot claim pay parity with the junior
Leave which results in postponement of Date of Next promoted from a lower post to higher post as seniority
Increment in the lower post, consequently he starts alone is not a criteria of allowing stepping up.
drawing less pay than his junior in the lower grade (f) Where a junior gets more pay due to additional
itself. He, therefore, cannot claim pay parity on increments earned on acquiring higher qualifications.
promotion even though he may be promoted earlier 3. In the instances referred to in paragraph 2 above,
to the higher grade; a junior drawing more pay than the senior will not
(b) If a senior forgoes/refuses promotion leading to constitute an anomaly. In such cases, stepping up
his junior being promoted/appointed to the higher post of pay will not, therefore, be admissible.
earlier, junior draws higher pay than the senior. The (G.I. Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 4/7/92-
senior may be on deputation while junior avails of Estt.(Pay-I) dated 4-11-1993)
the adhoc promotion in the cadre. The increased pay


I am directed to invite your attention to this the examination. Candidates from this merit list will
Directorate-General letter of even number dated 14-4- be appointed to the unfilled vacancies of
88 regarding raising of minimum educational qualification departmental quota of that year strictly according to
for recruitment to the cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants merit. That is to say the appointment from this merit
and to say that the issue of promotion of surplus list will be confined to the actual number of unfilled
candidates has been under consideration. The matter vacancies of the departmental quota in the whole
was discussed in the JCM (Departmental Council) and circle for that year. Before posting the candidates
was referred by the JCM (DC) to a Committee. from this merit list of excess passed candidates, their
2. It has now been decided as a result of the preference for a division for the choice where there
deliberations of the above referred Committee, as follows: may be unfilled vacancies will be ascertained. They
(a) When the number of officials in any Division who will be asked to give upto four preferences. They
pass the examination is more than the number of will be posted as far as possible according to the
declared vacancies the excess passed candidates preference given by them.
from that Division and also from other such Divisions In the event of an official in the merit list of excess
in the Circles where there may be excess passed passed candidates not being willing to accept promotion
candidates will be considered as per merit for in another Division, the post will be offered to a next
vacancies of the departmental quota of that year official in that list. The total number of appointments from
remaining unfilled in other divisions in the Circle. A the list of excess passed candidates will however, in
combined merit list on Circle basis will be prepared any case not to exceed the number of vacancies of
of the excess passed candidates. The merit list will departmental quota remaining unfilled in other Divisions.
be strictly in accordance with the marks obtained in (D.G.(P) No. 60-127/85-SPB-I, dt. 27-7-89)


For the LGO's examination for promotion of the inform you that the number of chances for appearing
officials from Group 'D' / Postmen / Mail Guard to the in the LGO examination has been increased from five
cadre of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants the to six.
number of chances is limited to five at present. The ( DG (P) No. 37-63/98-SPB-I (Pt.)
matter has since been examined and I am directed to dated 26-08-99)
This issue of arranging training to the candidates own arrangements to purchase required books
of Postmen and Group 'D' cadre who appear for LGO for Paper I & II.
examination has been under consideration of this 2. PTC Mysore will send copies of the coaching material
Directorate. to A.P., Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu Circles for
1. It has, now been decided to organize, coaching under getting requisite copies prepared according to
Distance Learning method locally at the Divisional, requirement. Copy of the coaching material will be sent
Regional and Circle headquarters depending on to PTC Saharanpur, Vadodara and Darbhanga for
number of candidates appearing from a Division / translation in Hindi, if necessary, and further supply to
Region. The module of the coaching would consist of the Circles catered to by them. One copy of guide may
the following:- be provided to each of the Postal Training Centres by
(i) The paper for Mathematics would be of CBSE Postal Training Centre, Mysore.
pattern (10th Standard level) in future. 3. Necessary action to conduct classes for the willing
(ii) The duration of the coaching class would be for candidates who appear for the LGO exam may please
a maximum of 15-20 days after office hours. No be taken. Services of resource persons from Inspector
TA / DA is admissible for attending these course. Posts cadre having aptitude may be utilized for
(iii) PTC Mysore has developed a guide for paper III coaching. Contents of this letter may be brought to the
at a nominal cost of Rs. 50. notice of all concerned.
(iv) Coaching would be provided for all the three (Dept. of Posts No. 1-18/2001-Trg.,
papers. However, candidates should make their dated 23-04-2002)
It has been decided that the number of chances order imposing such restrictions (5 chances only)
already availed prior to be issue of these orders should namely 20-4-89. Any chances availed of before this
not be taken into account. The restriction on the number date should be disregarded.
of chances should take effect from the date of issue of (DG (P) No. 60-127/35-SPB-I (Pt.), dt. 17-5-90)


It has been decided that there shall no review of is to induct effective and efficient supervisor, no further
the results of failed SC/ST candidates of the FTP dilution of the standards is considered necessary.
examination, since the intention behind the FTP scheme (DG (P) No. 44-18/2005-SPB II, dt. 6-7-05)
Kindly refer to my D.O. letter no. even dated complaints that older officials are being sent for training.
30-1-2002 regarding training of Sorting Assistants in I would, therefore, advise you to ensure that younger
new activities. Your attention is drawn to para 5 of the officials with less than 10 years of service be deputed.
aforesaid letter wherein it was mentioned that If there are set of willing officials they should be
preference should be given to officials who have a preferred in the first instance. I would also like to
maximum of 10 years of service in the sorting assistant reiterate that the officials deputed for such training need
cadre. to be purposefully utilized at the station from where
2. The intention was to train younger officials having they have been deputed.
less than 10 years of service. This office has received (DG (P) No. 1-37/2001-Trg. Dt. 17-4-2002)


In continuation of this office letter of even number notional or regular basis or in combination of posts
dated 20-7-03 on the above subject it is to further clarify would be eligible for appearing in the Deptl. competitive
that officials who are promoted to LSG or HSG and examination for promotion to PS group 'B'.
are having five years of service in the LSG either on (D.G.(P) No. 9-30/92-SPG, dt. 5-9-2003)
Refer to DO letter No. R&E / 1-86/DLGs dated the matter. While TBOP / BCR are financial up
17-09-2003 regarding eligibility of officials promoted gradation granted on the basis of length of service,
under TBOP / BCR for appearing in the promotion to LSG / HSG.II which are supervisory
Departmental Competitive Examination to PS Group provisions, is based on recruitment rules. 5 years
B Grade. In letter dated 28-07-2003 it was service in these grades is the eligibility condition
mentioned that the official promoted under TBOP / for appearing in Departmental Competitive
BCR are also eligible for appearing in the said examination for promotion to PS Group B.
departmental competitive examination if they have Any CAT case on the subject as apprehended may
5 years notional or regular service in LSG or higher be defended effectively.
grade. Therefore, there should be no ambiguity in (DG (P) No. 9-36/92-SPG dated 23-09-2003)


References from heads of some Postal Circles BCR scheme are eligible to take the examination on
have been received in this Dte. seeking clarifications completion of five years. Five years service in LSG
whether the officials (PAs) promoted under TBOP/BCR are reckoned from the date the official is notionally
having 5 year continued regular service or more are promoted to LSG or higher grade as to be eligible for
also eligible for appearing in the P.S. Gr. B Examination. appearing in the Departmental competitive
The matter has been examined in the Dte. I am examination for promotion to P.S. Group 'B' grade.
directed to clarify that officials promoted under TBOP/ (No. B2/Gr.'B" Exam/2003, dt. 22-9-03)
i) Legislative Enactments h) National Savings Schemes Rules 1987.
a) The Govt. Saving Bank Act 1873 i) The P.O. Savings certificate Rules 1960.
b) The Govt. Savings Certificates Act, 1959. j) National Savings Certificate Rules VI issue, 1981.
c) The Public Provident Fund Act 1968. k) National Savings Certificate Rules VII issue 1981.
ii) Rules l) Social Security Rules 1982
a) The Post office savings Bank General Rules 1981 m) Indira Vikas Patra Rules 1988
b) The Post Office Savings Accounts Rules 1981 n) Kisan Vikas Patra Rules 1988
c) The Post Office C.T.D. Rules 1981 o) National Savings Certificate VIII issue Rules 1989
d) The Post Office R.D. Rules 1981 iii) Procedures
e) The Post Office T.D. Rules 1981 a) P.O. S.B. Manuals Vol. I & II
f) The Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968. The examination will be without aid of books.
g) The Post Office Monthly Income Account Rules, Qualifying marks in 50 percent.
1987. (DG P&T No. 55-3-89-SB dt. 27-6-1989)
Paper I :- (With Books) 3 hours 100 marks 2) Postal Manual Volume VI, Part II & III (Relating to
Part I MOS, IPOS, BPOs, Sub Accounts & Accounts in
FRS 1 to 56 SOS).
SRS -1 to 203 Part III
CCS (Joining Time) Rules 1979 1. Over time Allowance, Medical Reimbursement,
CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 HBA, LTC & Group Insurance Scheme.
CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 2) Post Office Insurance Fund Rules - Procedure for
GPF (CS) Rules 1960 POs.
Part II : Notes: 1 : Both papers will consists of theoretical
DA, HRA, CCA, CEA, and Allowances to ED Questions and practical questions in the proportion
Employees of 1/3rd theoretical and 2/3rd practical questions. In
Paper II (With Book) 3 hours - 100 marks both the portions, there will be some compulsory
Part I questions. Marks for theory portion would be 30 and
1) Financial Hand Book Vol. I & Vol. II those for practical portion will be 70.
2) P&T Manual Vol. II (Chapters IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X 2. For O.C. Candidates, Qualifying marks will be 45%
& XII) in each paper and 50% in the aggregate. SC/ST
3) Schedule of Financial Powers of Dept. of Posts. candidates will require 38% and 43% marks
Part II respectively for qualifying in each paper and in the
1) P&T Manual Vol. IV Chapter I, II, VIII, XII, XVI, aggregate.
XVII. (DG (P) No. 9-2/89-SPB II dt. 17-1-90)


Subject I - (Paper I Time 3 Hrs. Marks 250) advances and reimbursement. (eg. Conveyance
Precis Writing, Drafting and Grammar Allowance, H.R.A., C.E.A. Productivity Linked
Subject II Bonus, Medical Reimbursement, Group Insurance,
i) F.R. 1 to 56, 109 to 127 Appendices relating to rates H.B.A. etc.)
to Leave Salary and Pension Contribution and SRs Paper - II Theory (Without Books) Time 2 hrs.
1 to 203. Marks 100
ii) CCS (Joining Time) Rules 1979 Paper - III Practical (With books) Time 3 hrs. Marks
iii) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 150.
iv) CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 Subject - III
v) CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 General Financial Rules and Procedure.
vi) Leave Travel Concession. i) P&T FHB Volume-I
vii) G.P.F. (CS) Rules, 1960. ii) P&T FHB Volume-II
viii) O.T.A. Rules iii) P&T Manual Volume-II (Chapter IX, X, XII)
ix) Rules and instruction relating to all allowances, iv) P.A.M. Volume-I
v) Appendix 5 to P.A.M. Volume- I. Debentures etc.
vi) Delegation of Financial Powers Rules 1978. 7. Company Accounts : Final Accounts.
vii) Schedule of Financial powers of officers of the 8. Cost Accounts.
Department of Posts. 9. Criticism of Financial Statements, Inflation
viii) Demand for grants, Appropriation of Accounts (P) Accounting.
and Audit Report (Posts) for the relevant year. 10. Accounting Ratios.
ix) Constitution of India Article 107 to 123, 148 to 151, 11. Cash and Funds Flew Statements, Cash Budgets
264 to 290, 311, 323 A. and Working Capital.
Paper -IV Theory (Without Book) - Time : 2 Hrs. 12. Management Accounting. (Vide DG(P) No 3-10(iii)/
Marks 100 88/PACE/2208 to 2237, dt. 23-2-88)
1. Fundamental Principles of Accounting. Paper -V Practical (With Books) Time 3 Hrs.
2. Final Accounts. marks : 150
3. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. (Total 3 subjects 5 papers and maximum of marks
4. Depreciation Reserves and Provisions. 650)
5. Receipts and Payments Accounts, Income and Note: Not more than 53 years of age on the first
Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet. day of January of the year writing the exam.
6. Company Accounts - Introduction, Shares, (DG (P) No. F-3-10(VIII)/90-PAC/46 dt. 9-4-90)


Subject - I Subject II : Postal Accounts
i) Book keeping to the trial balance. i) P.A.M. Volume II (except chapter on Government
ii) Bank Reconciliation Statement. Security, Army Postal services and Custom Duty)
iii) Final Accounts. ii) Postal Manual Volume-VI Part I and II
iv) Bills of Exchange. iii) Postal Manual Volume-VI Part III (Chapter I & II
v) Depreciation, Reserves and Provisions. only).
vi) Receipts and Payments Accounts, Income and iv) Saving Bank Manual.
Expenditures Accounts. v) P.O. Insurance Fund Rules.
vii) Self Balancing Ledger. vi) Manual of SB Controls Pairing and Internal Check
viii) Single Entry. Organisation.
ix) Correction of Errors. vii) Book of P&T Accounts Office Form.
x) Accounts Current and Average Due Dates. viii) Book of P&T Accounts Form
xi) Funds Flow Statements. ix) Accounting Procedure for P&T Motor Service.
xii) Financial Appraisal of Projects. Paper VII - Theory without books - 2 hours and
xiii) Elements of Costs: 100 marks.
Cost Sheets or Statement of costs, purchase Paper VIII - Practical with books- 3 hours and
control, stored control, Method of valuing material 150 marks.
issue, Material control, Labour cost computation Subject III- Civil Works Accounts and Procedure
and control, Labour Remuneration and incentive, i) C.P.W.D. code
Labour Accounting and Control, Overhead ii) C.P.W.D. Accounts code with Appendices and Forms.
Accounting and Control overhead accounting, and iii) C.P.W.D. Manual.
control Depreciation Unit costing, Job costing, iv) Book of Forms.
Batch Contract, costing, Marginal costing, Paper IX Practical with book - 3 hours and 150
Reconciliation of costs and Financial Accounts, Marks.
Standard Costing. (Total 3 Subject 4 papers and maximum marks 550)
Paper vi) Practical without books - 3 hours and (DG (P) No. 3-10/3/89/PACE/1564 to 1604
150 marks dt. 24-11-89)
First Paper (With aid of books) 100 marks Postal Manual Volume IV
Postal Manual Volume V Part I - whole Establishments
(Postal Offices and Railway Mail Service General Chapter I Appointments & Promotions
Regulations). Chapter II Transfers and Postings
Chapter - III Leave Post Manual Volume III Full Less RLO
Chapter IV Pension and Gratuities Post Office Guide Part I : Whole
Appendices Post Office Guide Part II : Whole
Appendix 6 Casual Leave Post Office Guide Part IV : whole
Appendix 23 Volunteers for field service Vol. VI Part I : Whole
Appendix 36 Departmental Examination Part II : Whole
Appendix 39 Rules of Recruitment for stamp vendors. Part III : Whole
Brochure on reservation for SC/ST candidates Manual for SBCO : Whole
Postal Manual Volume II - General Regulations. Branch office Rules
Chapter I Organisation Third Paper (with the aid of books) 100 marks.
Chapter IV Personal Matters 1. Postal Financial Handbook : Volume I & II
Chapter V Security Deposits 2. Schedule of Financial Powers
Chapter VI Stock 3. FRS/SRS
Chapter VII Forged, Counter feit and defaced Postage 4. CCS (Pension) Rules
Stamps, Silver coins and Currency notes 5. CCS (Leave) Rules
Chapter XI Misc. Rules 6. Postal Manual Vol. II Chapter III : Appeals and
Chapter XII Budget Estimates and Control Petitions.
Postal Manual Volume III. Fourth Paper (without books) 100 marks
Chapter I Discipline Appeals and petitions General Knowledge and Intelligence 75 marks.
Schedule 1-A CCS (CCA) Rules 1985 i) General Knowledge with special reference to:
1-B Rules relating to conduct ant service of the a) Public Relations
Postal ED Agents. b) Staff Relations
Schedule 5 Administrative powers of Post Master, c) Grievance handling
Report on the time test in the Post Office by R.V. d) Staff Welfare
Maratha & M.K. Report. e) Supervisory skills, and Office Management.
CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964 ii) Precis Writing 25 marks
Second Paper (with aid of books) 100 marks. (DG (P) No. 11/86-SPG dt. 14-8-86)
(Without the aid of books) (With the aid of books)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100
1. P&T Manual Vol. V i) P&T Financial Hand book Vol. I Chapter II to VI
2. P&T Manual Vol. IV and Chapter VIII to XIII and Appendix-11.
(Chapters I and II (except traffic and engineering ii) Postal Financial Hand Book Vol. II chapter II, IV
portions (III, V, VIII, XII, XVI & XVII). and V.
3. P&T Manual Vol. II Note : The appendices referred in the above chapters
(Chapters II, IV (Rules 127 to 147 only) V and VI. are also included in the syllabus.
4. CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964. iii) Fundamental rules whole except Rules 82, 94 to
5. Postal Manual Vol. III 100, 102 and 109 to 130.
(Schedules I-A, I-B, I-B(I) 4 and 7) iv) Supplementary rules whole including appendices
6. Time test by Shri. R.V. Marathe. except rules 166 to 174, 242 to 266, 274 to 283
PAPER II and 307 to 310.
(Without the aid the books) v) CCS Pension Rules 1972, CCS Leave rules 1972,
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 100 CCS Joining Time Rules 1979.
a) 60 Marks PAPER 4
(i) P&T Manual Vol. VIII where except chapter I (With the aid of books)
(ii) PO Guide Part I and II. Time : 3 hours Max Marks : 100
b) 20 Marks i) Indian Post Office Act of 1898.
(i) Postal Manual VI Part I, II and III ii) The Government Saving Bank Act of 1873 as
(ii) Post office Savings Bank Manual Vol. I and amended by the Government savings Bank
Vol. II. (amendment) Act 1959.
(c) 20 Marks. iii) The Government Saving Certificates Act 1959.
Postal Manual Vol. VII. iv) The Indian Panall code chapters I, II, V, IX, XII to
section 424 and XVIII to section 477A. of even no. dated 13/18-07-2001 regarding syllabus
v) The Indian evidence act. for the examination for the Departmental candidates
vi) The code of criminal procedures chapters I, V, VI, to the cadre of "INSPECTOR POSTS".
VII, XIV, XXII, XXIV, XXV, XXXIX to XIII. Please include the corrigendum as follows:
vii) Central Administrative Tribunal Act 1985. PAPER 2
viii) Consumer protection act 1986. Column b) iii) may be added as follows :
PAPER 5 Branch office Rules read along with GDS conduct
Time : 3 hours Max Marks : 100 and Employment Rules 2001 (formerly ED agents
Essay 30 marks conduct and service Rules 1965).
General knowledge 30 marks PAPER 4
Computer basics 10 marks Column IV ; Indian Penal Code. Please include
Intelligent test 30 marks. chapter XVII after chapter XII and before to section 424.
Syllabus for General Knowledge section will cover Column VI : The code of criminal procedure chapter
History, Geopraphy, Culture and Constitution India. XXXIX to XIII may please be read as XXXIX to XLI.
(DG (P) No. 1-11/2001-Trg. dt. 18-7-01) The receipt of this letter may kindly be
CORRIGENDUM acknowledged.
This is with reference to Sr. DDG (CP)s D.O. letter (D.G.(P) No. 1-11/2001-Trg. dt. 22-10-01)
The question whether an official who submits an he is completely exonerated.
application for permission to sit at the examination If on the basis of the disciplinary proceedings any
for departmental candidates, and against whom punishment is imposed (other than removal, dismissal
either disciplinary proceedings have been initiated or retirement, in which case the question would not
or who is under suspension should be allowed to arise), the appointing authority should consider each
take the examination or not, has been under case on its merits to see whether a person should be
consideration for some time past. It has now been promoted in spite of the penalty imposed on the basis
decided in consultation with the Ministry of Home of the results of the examination which he has passed.
Affairs that such an official might be admitted to the If it is decided to promote him, then he should be
examination even though he may be under promoted only after the expiry of penalty (other than
suspension or disciplinary proceedings might have ensure), but his seniority in the higher grade may be
been initiated against him, if he satisfies all the other determined on the basis of the rank obtained in the
conditions prescribed for admission to such competitive examination.
examination. The official can, however, be promoted (D.G. P&T's letter No. 7/31/63-SPB.II dated the
only after the disciplinary proceedings are over and 25th June 1965)
I am directed to invite your attention to this office Seniority in the feeder post, if they belong to common
letter of even no. dated 8-9-94 on the subject mentioned seniority list, if not their length of regular service in the
above and to state that para 2 of erstwhile DGP&T letter feeder post may be taken into account for this purpose.
No. 27-24/65/NCG dated 7-4-66 may be deleted and Above amendment issues in the light of Deptt. of
substituted by the following para in its place. Personnel & Training U.O. No. 6-6/93/Estt.(D) dated
"SELECTION" :- If two or more candidates got 18-5-93 and will apply to all exams held by the Deptt.
clubbed due to obtaining of equal marks against last of posts in the year 1993 and onwards.
vacancy to be filled on the basis of the competitive The above instruction may please be brought to
exam. Selection of senior-most of such candidates in the notice of all concerned.
the merit shall be made based on their Inter-Se- [D.G.(P) No. 5-10/93/DE dated 8-11-95]


"A candidates is allowed a maximum of four one more chance as a special case."
chances to appear in the IPO examination. 70 percent "SC/ST candidates may be allowed six chances."
aggregate marks more in 4th chance may be allowed [DG (P) No. 7/24/80-80-SPB II dt. 5-9-81]
Relaxation of age limit : Part I 53 years. Part II those candidates who secure 30 per cent marks or
No age limit. above in the aggregate in any one of the last two
No. of chances : six chances to appear Part I exam. chances availed of by them.
Indefinite chance, however may be allowed to [Dept. of Telecom. NO. 36-1/90-SEA dt, 10-7-90]


(i) Under FR 26 only duty in a post on time scale are recruited along with technical staff in the same scale
counts for increments in that time scale. As per FR of pay.
9(6)(a) (i) the services as a probationer or apprentice 3. The matter has been considered in The National
is treated as duty provided that service is followed by Council (JCM) and it has been decided that in case
confirmation. As such, the training period during which where a person has been selected for regular
a Government Servant is not remunerated in the scale appointment and before formally taking over charge of
of pay attached to the post cannot be treated as duty. the post for which selected person is required to
2. The staff side in the National Council (JCM) have undergo training, training period undergone by such a
raised a demand that the training periods should be Government Servant whether on remuneration of
counted for the purpose of drawing increments as stipend or otherwise may be treated as duty for the
otherwise the concerned staff, particularly the non- purpose of drawing increments.
gazetted in the technical Departments, where the 4. These orders take effect from the 1st of the month
training periods is a long one is put to perpetual dis- in which this OM is issued.
advantage vis-a-vis the staff in non technical job who (OM No. 16-16/89-Estt (Pay-I) dt. 22-10-90)


It is stated that in so far as syllabus for relaxation is not there.
this Examination is concerned, it is in no way As regards, eligibility of cadres to appear in the
exhaustive than that prescribed for I.P.O.'s examination, it is hereby clarified that the officials
examination. Further the first three papers belonging to RMS, MMS and RLO cadres and not
are to be attempted with the aid of books eligible to appear in this examination.
whereas in the IPO's examination this (DG (P) No. 11-7/86-SPG, dt. 30-12-86)


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of recruits for the post is 10+2 standard or 12th class
notification dated 9-1-2002 published in the Gazette pass of a recognized University or Board of school
of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section-3 sub section education or Board of secondary education with
(i) dated 10-1-2002 promulgating the Revised English as a compulsory subject (excluding
Recruitment rules for the posts of postal/Sorting vocational streams).
assistants. These rules are effective from 10-1-2002, (c) The educational qualification of GDS candidates
the date of publication of the notification in the for the post of PA/SA minimum marks to be secured
Gazette of India. Recruitment to the posts of PA/SA by them, and age limit have been provided from
will be in accordance with the notified rules, special column 11.
attention is attracted to the following provisions. d) As per para 6 of the Revised Recruitment Rules,
a) In column of 8 of the schedule to the Recruitment any person appointed to the said posts shall be
rules, knowledge of local language of the state liable to service in the Army Postal Service in India
concerned has ben made as essential qualification. The or abroad as required.
candidate should have studied the local language as a It is requested that the provisions of recruitment
subject at least up to matriculation level to be eligible rules may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
for the post. Relevant revised provisions may be suitably
b) The minimum educational qualification for direct incorporated in future notifications of vacancies.


G.S.R. ...(18)(E).........In exercise of the powers with a person having a spouse living ; or
conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or
Constitution and in supersession of the Department contracted a marriage with any person. Shall be eligible
of Posts (Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants) or appointment to the said post.
Recruitment Rules, 1990, except as respect things Provided that the Central Government may, if
done omitted to be done before such supersession, satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
the President hereby makes the following rules personal law applicable to such person and the other
regulating in the Department of Posts, Ministry of party to the marriage and there are other grounds for
Communications, namely :- doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this
1. Short title and Commencement :- rule.
(1) These rules may be called Department of Posts 6. Requirement to serve in the Army Postal
(Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants) Recruitment Services :-
Rules 2002. Any person appointed to the said posts shall be
(2) They shall be into force on the date of their liable to serve in the Army Postal Service in India or
publication in the Official Gazette. abroad as required.
2. Application ;- 7. Power to Relax :
These rules shall apply to the posts specified in Where the Central Government is of the opinion
columns of the Schedule annexed to these rules. that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may by
3. Number of Posts their classification and scale order, and for reasons to the recorded in writing, relax
of pay :- any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any
The number of posts their classification and scale class or category of persons.
of pay attached there to shall be as specified in col No. 8. Saving :-
(2) to (4) of the said Schedule. Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification other concessions required to be provided for the
etc. Scheduled Castes, the scheduled Tribes, the Other
The method of recruitment, age limit, qualification Backward Classes, the Ex-Serviceman and other
and other matters relating to the said posts shall be as categories of persons in accordance with the orders
specified in columns (5) to (14) of the said Schedule. issued by the Central Government from time to time in
5. Disqualifications :- No person :- this regard.
(a) Who, has entered into or contracted a marriage (DG (P) No. 6-29/98-SPB-I, dt. 25-1-2002)
I am directed to refer to this Department's Rules 2002. Some of the Circles have sought
Notification No. 60-29/98 SPB-I dated 9-1-02 clarifications regarding applicability etc. of these
promulgating the Department of Posts (Postal rules. These have been examined and the position
Assistants and Sorting Assistants) Recruitment clarified as under:-
Point raised Clarification
1. Whether the revised recruitment rules In respect of PA(SBCO) and PA (C.O./R.O.) there are different
PA/SA will also be applicable to the sets of recruitment rules notified vide Dept. Notification No. 60-
cadre of PA (SBCO) and PA (CO/RO). 29/98 SPB-I dated 9-1-2002 clearly specified the posts which
these rules are applicable. Hence no further elaboration is
2. If candidate has passed 10+2 without The candidates who have passed 10+2 without English but who
English and passed graduation with possesses the qualification of graduation with English should be
English whether such candidates can considered as educationally qualified for the recruitment to the
be considered educationally qualified cadre of PA/SA.
and eligible for recruitment to the
cadre of PA/SA.
3. In case of GDS minimum qualification Gramin Dak sevaks are outsiders. The educational qualifications
is prescribed as 10+2 whether prescribed for direct recruits will be applicable in the case of
candidates who have passed 10+2 Gramin Dak Sevaks also. Recruitment rules are being amended
without English and working as GDS to make this point explicit.
are eligible for promotion to the cadre
of PA/SA.
4. In the Col. 11(b) it has been mentioned The revised recruitment rules clearly stipulates that the unfilled
that if vacancies remain unutilised by vacancies of Departmental quota which remain unutilized by the
GDS they shall be filled by subsequent GDS shall be filled by subsequent direct requitement of other
direct recruitment of other open market open market candidates of direct recruitment of the same year
candidates. Whether unutilised by raising vacancies declared for direct recruitment quota as this
vacancies are to be offered to will create complications since the marks of GDS are to be
candidates of direct recruitment of the compared with the last direct recruit of the relevant category of
same year by raising vacancies the same year. Such unfilled vacancies should be filled through
declared for direct recruitment quota. direct recruitment by renotifying those unfilled vacancies.
5. Whether the scheme for promotion of No. There is no provision in the recruitment rules for giving any
lower grade officials to the cadre of such promotion.
PA/SA under incentive scheme is in
6. Whether officers of BSNL can be Constitution of DPC is clearly mentioned in Col. 13 of the Scheme
nominated in DPC constituted in and should be strictly followed.
connection with recruitment of PA/SA.
7. Whether Gr. D of P&T dispensary can In Col. 12 of the schedule to the Rectt. rules the categories of
be allowed to appear in LGO officials who are eligible for promotion to the cadre PA/SA through
examination for promotion to the cadre LGO examination has been given. No other category of officials
of PA/SA. are eligible for consideration.
8. Whether lower grade officials who The restriction of 6 chances will be applicable for the LGO
have already availed maximum of six examination which are held in the normal course. The chances
chances as prescribed to appear in availed under the Special recruitment drive to fill up the backlog
LGO exam. for promotion to the cadre vacancies of reserve categories are governed by the relevant
of PA/SA under Special recruitment instructions issued for filling up the backlog vacancies from time
drive to fill up back log vacancies to time.
reserved for physically handicapped
SC/STs are eligible.
(D.G.(P) No. 37-25/2001-SPB I dt. 28-5-2002)
Refer to this Department's letter No. 60-1/2002- regarding recruitment rules procedure to the cadre
SPB-I, dated 1-7-02 on the above subject. Some of of Postal/Sorting Assistants in Post Offices. The
the Circles have sought certain clarifications points raised are clarified as under:-
Sl. No. Point Raised Clarification
1. Whether the unfilled vacancies of Recruitment of GDS candidates to the cadre of PA/SA is not a
departmental quota, which are to be promotion but direct recruitment as Gramin Dak Sevaks are
offered to eligible GDS's as per not departmental employees. The vacancies meant for direct
recruitment rules are, required to be recruitment, irrespective the category from which they are filled,
cleared by the Screening Committee are required to be cleared by the Screening Committee before
for finalizing Annual Direct it is filled up.
Recruitment Plan.
2. Approval be given for filling up of The vacancies cleared by the Screening Committee for being
certain direct recruitment vacancies filled up have already been communicated to the Circles vide
which were not included in the this Department's letter No. 60-29/98-SPB-I (Pt.II), dated 11/
proposal by the Circles furnished for 6/02. As already indicated in this letter, there is no scope for
drawing the Annual Direct any change in the allocation. If any vacancy has not been
Recruitment Plan. included in the Annual Recruitment Plan proposal, it cannot
be filled. Hence no reference regarding grant of approval for
filling such vacancies will be entertained.
3. Whether Employment Exchange As already clarified in this Department's letter No. 60-31/97-
registration is to be insisted for making SPB-I, dated 31/1/2001. Employment Exchange registration
recruitment. need not be insisted upon for direct recruitment to the cadre of
4. Whether the DPC as prescribed in the Composition of Departmental Promotion Committee as
recruitment rules has to conduct the indicated in Col. 13 of the Schedule to the Recruitment Rules
interview or whether interview. Board to the cadre of PA/SA is meant for confirmation purposes. The
mentioned in the Department's letter composition of the interview Board for direct recruitment will
No. 60-36/93-SPB-I, dated 28/2/95 is be as indicated in this Department's letter No. 60-36/93-SPB-
to conduct the interview. I, dated 28/2/95.
5. If the direct recruitment is not made The unfilled vacancies of the Departmental quota are offered
in any year. While the recruitment to GDSs. However, there may be a situation where due to
from GDS to PA/SA is to be made in certain unavoidable circumstances like ban on direct
the year, then who will be the last recruitment or litigation, direct recruitment may be held up. In
direct recruit of the same year? such cases where direct recruitment cannot be made, the
question of making recruitment from GDS candidates will not
arise as direct recruitment from open market candidates and
from GDS candidates are done simultaneously.
(D.G.(P) No. 60-1/2002-SPB-I, Dt. 6-9-02)


I am directed to refer to this Department's letter consisting of the Chief Postmaster General, Karnataka
No. 60-36/93-SPB.I dated 28th February, 1995 by Circle as Chairman, the Chief Postmaster General,
which the Recruitment procedure for direct recruitment Andhra Pradesh Circle as Member and Director (Staff),
to the grade of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants was Department of Posts as Member Secretary was
revised. Certain clarifications sought for by the Circles constituted to look into the existing procedure,
with reference to the recruitment procedure were also suggestions received from the Circles, judicial decisions
issued from time to time. In the mean time, a number in the matter and recommend a revised procedure for
of suggestions were received from the Circles to further recruitment.
streamline the procedure. Accordingly, a Committee 2. The report submitted by the Committee was placed
before the Postal Services Board. The Board has the same on the day of test.
considered the recommendations of the Committee and (6) Aptitude test :
approved a revised procedure for recruitment to the (a) The candidates who are called for the aptitude test
cadre of Postal/Sorting Assistants. A copy of the revised and who produce the receipt for having credited the
recruitment procedure is enclosed for necessary action examination fee will only be permitted to take the test.
and compliance. This procedure will be applicable for (b) The aptitude test will carry 100 marks. The question
direct recruitment to the following grades : paper shall contain 50 objective type questions of 2
a) Postal Assistants in Post Offices. marks each and will include 10 questions on English,
b) Postal Assistants in Circle Offices and Regional 10 questions on Mathematics and 20 questions on
Offices. General Knowledge and 10 questions on Reasoning
c) Postal Assistants in Returned Letter Offices. and analytical obility. The duration of the test will be 60
d) Postal Assistants in Savings Bank Control minutes.
Organisation. (c) The question paper will be set by an officer of JAG
e) Sorting Assistants in Railway Mail Service. level within the Circle. However, the CPMG will have
f) Postal and Sorting Assistants in Army Postal the discretion to get the question papers set by an
Service. officer of JAG level outside the Circle, if he considers it
(3) Pricing and sale of application form and necessary, in consultation with CPMG concerned.
prospectus: (e) Apart from setting of the question paper, required
The cost of the prospectus, application form etc. number of copies will also be prepared by the Circle
will be Rs. 10. The form will be sold in full set only. The and sent in sealed packets. The key of the question
sale of forms may be done through all the Head Post papers will be prepared by the paper setter but the key
Offices, Sub Post Offices and other Post Offices to be will be sent to the indenting Circle only after the date of
selected by the Head of Circle. the examination.
(4) Short-listing of candidates : (f) The valuation of the papers will be entrusted to
(a) The process of recruitment will be done on Group-A officers in STS and above within the Circle or
centralized basis. to the question setter.
(b) The candidates will be short-listed to the extent of (g) 50% Weightage of marks secured in Aptitude Test
10 times the number of vacancies. will be given for final selection of the candidates.
(c) The marks of 10+2 level will only be taken into (h) Appearing in this test will be compulsory.
account for the purpose of Short-listing. Weightage to (7) Bonus Marks for higher qualification:
the marks of 10+2 will be 40% and a merit list of all the No bonus marks for higher qualifications will be
eligible candidates with 40% weightage will be awarded.
prepared. No bonus marks will be awarded for higher (8) Type test :
qualifications. There will be no test to assess typing knowledge
(d) The vocational courses are not to be considered on the typewriters. However the typing knowledge shall
equivalent to 10+2. The candidates having qualification be tested on computer.
in vocational course after matriculation will not be (9) Computer Test :
eligible. The data entry knowledge and typing knowledge
(e) The short-listed candidates will be issued with the shall be tested on computer. The weightage for
hall permits and addressed to appear for the written computer test will be increased from 5 to 10 marks.
test. The test shall include one passage in English or Hindi
The procedure for processing applications and to be typed to test the typing knowledge. It shall also
maintaining records is in Annexure-IV. include data entry of some data consisting of figures
(5) Examination Fee : An Examination Fee of Rs. 100 and letters.
will be charged from the general candidates. For SC/ The test shall be for 30 minutes- 15 minutes for
ST/OBC/Ex-Servicemen/Physically handicapped each part, i.e. typing knowledge and data entry and
candidates, the Examination Fee will be Rs. 50/-. The each part shall be given 5 marks. Marks shall be given
fee will be credited under unclassified receipts in any at 0 or 5 based on whether the candidates achieve
post office. Only the short-listed candidates will be minimum standard or not. There will be no graded
asked to credit the amount in any post office and bring marks. The question paper for the whole Circle shall
the receipt in original for admission to the aptitude test. be set at Circle level. A software shall be developed
However, a Post Office with limited functions can for conducting the test so that the valuation can be
function in the examination hall premises on the day of done instantly on completion of test and certified by
aptitude test to accept the fees, in case any candidates the supervisor and the candidate. A sample of software
has not credited the amount earlier and desires to credit is in Annexure-V.
(10) Interview : The interview now being held shall be of result and will be strictly operated against drop-outs
dispensed with. from select list and not against any other vacancy or in
(11) Scrutiny of applications etc. :- any other contingency.
(a) Receipt of applications etc. and maintenance of (15) Issue of appointment order :
X,Y and Z registers (Annexure-IV) should be done by The appointment orders to the selected candidates
OA/PA and checked by the ASP/Inspector/Supervisor should be issued only after satisfactory completion of
entrusted with the work who will be responsible for training. However, such appointment order shall not be
correctness of all entries made. The entries made in issued unless all the pre-appointment formalities,
the registers should be checked and certified by the verification of certificates, etc. are completed and there
Divisional Superintendent or the office-in-charge of is clear vacancy for appointment.
recruitment in the Division. (16) Recruitment of PA/SA for deputation to APS:
(b) The entries in all parts of Y and Z registers will be (a) The candidates should be asked to produce a
checked by the Recruitment Committee consisting of medical certificate from the Govt. Medical Officer in the
Divisional Supt./Head of Office/Incharge of the prescribed format (Annexure-III, Part 'A' Appendix-I).
recruiting division/unit and two Divisional Supdts. of (b) The Medical Examination of all the candidates shall
the neighbouring units. Out of the three officers, one be done at the same station in consultation with the
should be belonging to SC/ST and at least one officer Zonal Army Recruitment Centre.
in Group A. If there are more than 10 vacancies, one (c) The candidates found unfit on medical and physical
officer belonging to minority community may also be examination shall have no right to claim appointment
coopted as member. The Senior most officer among in the Postal/RMS division concerned.
the three officers will be the Chairman of the (17) Period of preservation of recruitement records:
Recruitment Committee. In addition, the Committee will (a) Applications received are entered in 'X' Register.
also carry out test a check of entries made in 'X' Register Acceptable applications are sorted out and sent to the
with reference to the relevant applications. selected officers for scrutiny and orders. Accepted
(13) Final Merit List : applications are entered in 'Y' Register. A merit list is
The final merit list of 100 marks shall be consisting prepared based on total marks obtained and entered
of different components as given below : in 'Z' register.
(a) 40% weightage to the marks of 10+2 or 12th Class; (b) The applications received, answer books, soft copy
plus of the registers, if any, the Receipt Register, X-Register
(b) 50% weightage to the marks secured in aptitude and Y-Register will be preserved for 3 years or till the
test; plus court case/Vigilance case/disputes are decided,
(c) 5 marks for knowledge of typing on computer. whichever is later.
(d) 5 marks for data entry in Computer. (c) Z Register will be preserved for a period of 40 years
The final select list will be displayed in the Notice since it contains the relative merit and eventually
Board of the Recruiting Unit and Head Post offices in seniority in the cadre.
the Division. One copy of the select list should be sent (d) The application of the selected and appointed
to CO/RO on the same day of declaration of select list. candidate shall be filed as the first serial in the Personal
(14) Waiting list : File of the official.
A waiting list shall be prepared only to the extent (18) In case a candidate applies from more than one
of vacancies announced in the relevant category. The Division, the recruiting unit from where he appears for
candidates of the waiting list may be considered only the exam would be deemed to be the Recruiting
in case the selected candidates do not respond or Division and the application submitted from other
refuse to accept the offer. The names of candidates in recruiting units will not be considered. This will be
the waiting list will not be announced. This list will be mentioned in the application form.
current for six months only from the date of declaration (D.G.(P) No.51-2/2003-SPB-I, dt. 10-11-2004)


Refer to this Department's letter of even number, sought clarification relating to the Fast Track
dated 11-2-2002 on the above subject. A copy of the Promotion Scheme and other connected issues. The
revised Recruitment Rules for LSG/HSG-II Posts in points raised by the various Circles are clarified as
PO&RMS Offices notified in the Gazettee of India under:-
on 7-2-2002 was forwarded to Heads of all Circles Point 1. LSG being a Divisional cadre, in the
by letter, dated 19-2-2002. A number of Circles have absence of Circles seniority list for the feeder cadre,
how to convene the DPC at Circles level for promotion Point 7- In respect of HSG-II, the condition of
to LSG. eligibility for promotion through seniority-cum-
Clarification- As LSG is a Divisional cadre, there fitness is shown 10 years service in LSG and for
is no need of preparing any Circle seniority list for selection through aptitude test 8 years in LSG. It is
promotion to LSG. As regards promotion to HSG.II, not clear whether LSG means regular LSG selected
instructions contained in this Department letter No. 6- against erstwhile 1/3 or 2/3 quota or also those in
19/82-SPB-II, dated 13-3-1986 and 2-6-1986 may be TBOP/BCR working against norm-based LSG/HSG-
followed. II posts.
Point 2. Since LSG/HSG-II posts were filled up by Clarification- As per the instructions contained
posting according to Divisional/Regional seniority in this Department's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated
respectively, whether all the posts filled up by posting the 12th November 2002 norm-based LSG/HSG-II
can now be filled up by promotion by seniority cum- posts are to be filled up notionally in terms of the
fitness basis. relevant Recruitment Rules from the year when the
Clarification- Vacancies in norm-based LSG and norm-based promotions have not been carried out.
HSG-II posts which existed prior to the notification of Notional seniority in LSG may be taken in to account
the revised Recruitment Rules may be filled up notionally for reckoning eligibility for HSG-II.
in terms of the relevant Recruitment Rules as envisaged Point-8. In the Recruitment Rules, it is laid down
in the instructions contained in the Department's letter that PA/SA having not less that 16 years of service
No. 4/16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12-11-2002. Vacancies in are eligible for consideration for promotion against
LSG and HSG-II posts that arose after the notification 1/3 LSG norm-based posts. There is no maximum
of the revised Recruitment Rules on 7-2-2002 will be service limit prescribed in the Recruitment Rules.
filled up in terms of the provisions of the revised BCR officials can also claim against these posts.
Recruitment Rules. Otherwise, they will have to work as Postal Assistant
Point 3. Whether all the vacancies in LSG/HSG-II under the supervision of LSG supervisor drawing less
available prior to the date of issue of amendment of pay scale.
Recruitment rules can be filled up now by seniority- Clarification- BCR is only a financial upgradation
cum-fitness without any apportioning of vacancies as given whereas LSG is a sanctioned cadre. In future,
1/3 or 2/3. only service rendered in LSG including notional service
Clarification- Clarification given against Item No. in LSG will be reckoned for promotion to HSG-II. In
2 above may be referred to. view of this, an official who has been given BCR scale
Point-4. Service condition has been stipulated for and who has not been formally appointed to LSG may
promotion to HSG-II from LSG. Since all the vacancies be given the option for being considered for promotion
were filled up by posting only, how the services in LSG to LSG. If he declines appointment in LSG, he will not
is to be reckoned. be considered for promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I when
Clarification- Instructions contained in this vacancies arise in these grades.
Department's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12- Point-9. Most of the PA/SA having 16 years of
11-2002 may be referred to. Clarification given against service are promoted to LSG grade TBOP scheme.
Item No. 2 above is also relevant. Whether selection of such officials against supervisory
Point 5. Some of the LSG norm-based posts are LSG posts will involve transfer/placement only or
already manned by earlier LSG 1/3 & 2/3 quota officials. involve higher responsibilities warranting fixation of pay
After issue of Order No. 137-55/96-SPB-II, dated 28-7- and benefit under FR 22 (1) (a) (i).
1999, the norm-based LSG and HSG-II posts were filled Clarification.- Selection of TBOP/BCR scheme
up by BCR officials who have not been promoted to LSG/ shall be final based posts is to be treated as placement.
HSG-II through DPC. It needs clarification whether the Benefit of fixation of pay under FR 22 will not be
norm-based posts which are presently manned by BCR admissible.
officials are to be treated as filled up or vacant. The financial benefit allowed under the TBOP/BCR
Clarification- Instructions contained in this scheme shall be final and no pay fixation benefit shall
Department's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12- accrue at the time of regular promotion i.e. posting
11-2002 may be followed. against a functional post in LSG.
Point 6 - Whether these amendments to Point 10. On introduction of TBOP/BCR schemes,
Recruitment Rules will be applicable to SBCO staff. the posts of A/Cs line had lost its entity. It is not known
Clarification- Amendments to Recruitment Rules as to how the posts of APM (A/Cs) will up on
are not applicable to SBCO staff as Recruitment Rules introduction of new Recruitment Rules.
for LSG and HSG-II posts in Post Offices and RMS Clarification- APM (A/Cs) posts are to be treated
Offices only have been amended. as norm-based LSG Posts and are to be filed up strictly
from among PAs/SAs who have qualified in PO & RMS Clarification- Instructions contained in this
Accountant examination. Department's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12-
Point 11. According to Recruitment Rules of 11-2002 may be referred to.
HSG-I posts, HSG-II officials having three years of Point-15. At present, PO & RMS Accountants in
regular service are eligible for consideration for BCR or TBOP are being posted as APM (A/Cs)/
promotion to HSG-I. The HSG-II posts are now being AHRO (A/Cs). Whether same procedure is to be
manned by HSG-II (BCR) officials in order of followed or any official who has been promoted after
seniority. As contained in Recruitment Rules under fast track scheme can be posted in these posts
consideration, minimum service condition in LSG irrespective of whether he is a qualified Accountant
has been prescribed for promotion to HSG-II. or not. If only qualified Accountants are to be posted,
Therefore, it will take a couple of years for such it may be intimated whether all such norm-based
HSG-II officials posted on regular basis to become posts are to be kept out of purview of fast track
eligible for promotion to HSG-I. It needs clarification promotion scheme.
whether during this transitional period HSG-I posts Clarification-. For manning these posts, officials
could continue to be filled up from amongst the promoted to LSG having Accounts qualifications may
officials promoted to HSG-II under BCR scheme. be considered.
Clarification- Instructions contained in this Point 16-. It is presumed DPC is to be held on
Department's letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12- Regional basis (Since in Recruitment Rules it is stated
11-2002 may be referred to. that DPC is to be convened by PMG).
Point 12.- Whether officials promoted under BCR Clarification-. Since HSG-II is a circle cadre, it
will rank en bloc senior to those promoted to HSG-II will be necessary to hold DPC meetings at Circle level.
under new Recruitment Rules. Position regarding inter Point 17- At present, no circles/regional seniority
se-senority of BCR officials working in HSG-II grade of officials in clerical cadre is available. Since selection
since 1-10-1991 and those to be recruited now also to 33.34% LSG is on the basis of selection-cum-
needs clarification. seniority, it is presumed that the seniority to be followed
Clarification - Those officials who were promoted is the Circle/Regional seniority and as such a circle/
to HSG-II against norm-based posts by following the regional seniority list of PAs/TBOP PAs is to be
provisions of the Recruitment Rules before introduction maintained. The criteria of fixing inter-se-seniority of
of BCR scheme will rank en block senior to those who TBOP and LSG officials who passed the merit exam
were placed in BCR scale. Officials who were given need be clarified.
BCR scale and promoted against norm-based HSG-II Clarification- The question of fixation of inter se
after the selection process as per the Recruitment Rules seniority of those to be promoted to LSG under Fast
for HSG-II posts as directed in this Department's letter Track scheme and TBOP officials will not arise as TBOP
No. 4-16/2002-SPB-II dated 12-11-2002 may be ranked is only a financial upgradation and does not constitute
senior to those who are to be promoted to future in a separate cadre.
terms of the provisions of the revised Recruitment Point 18- Senior BCR of fixation of inter se seniority
Rules. of those to be promoted to HSG-II against norm-based
Point 13 - There will be two categories of LSG posts are not eligible for promotion to HSG-I.
officials, those recruited under Recruitment Rules and Clarification- Instructions contained in letter No.
those promoted under TBOP. Whether officials of both 4-16/2002-SPB-II, dated 12-11-2002 may be referred
those categories would be eligible for promotion under to.
the selection-cum-seniority basis and if so, how the Point 19- As per syllabus for promotion to HSG-II
inter se-seniority is to be fixed and what should be the grade, 50 marks are followed for record of service. It is
ratio to be maintained between these two categories presumed that the DPC constituted has to assess the
for promotion to HSG-II. ACRs of the officials and allot the marks (out of 50)
Clarification.- This situation will not arise if the which will be added to the marks secured in Paper-I
instructions contained in letter No. 4-16/2002-SPB.II, and Paper-II to arrive at the aggregate marks.
dated 12-11-2002 are followed. Clarification- This is confirmed.
Point 14.- Hitherto, posting to norm-based LSG Point 20.- At present, 20% of the posts are
posts was not done by selection by DPC. Since no reserved or Accountant line officials in RMS for
officials was posted to LSG post on regular basis, there promotion to HSG-II. Whether similar reservation also
will not be eligible officials for both 33.34% and 66.66% exists under fast track promotion scheme both in LSG
for promotion to HSG-II. Hence this conditions needs and HSG-II and HSG-I posts.
be relaxed for immediate implementation of the Clarification- There will be no reservation for
scheme. Accounts line officials in Fast Track Promotion Scheme.
Point 21.- It is presumed that only officials posts on selection-cum-seniority, officials have to put
promoted to LSG under seniority-cum-fitness quota/ in not less than 10 years of 'regular service in the
after qualifying merit exam are eligible for promotion to Selection grade" whereas for promotion by means of
HSG-II and HSG-I and TBOP/BCR officials cannot be an aptitude test, the eligibility criteria is that, the
considered for promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I. officials have to put in no less than 8 years of 'regular
Clarification-. Clarification given against Item service in norm-based. Lower Selection Grade Post".
Nos. 4, 5 and 11 may be referred to. The officials Thus, apart from the length of service, there is
promoted to LSG/HSG-II by the DPC either difference between the eligibility criteria. It is presumed
substantively or notionally with required length of that the 10 years criteria for promotion on the basis of
service will be eligible for consideration for promotion selection-cum-seniority is not necessarily in norm-
to next higher grade. based LSG posts but an official who has put in 10
Point 22. It is not maintained whether departmental years of service in LSG/TBOP Grade, i.e., TBOP is
merit exam and aptitude test for LSG and HSG-II are eligible for consideration for promotion to the grade.
with the aid of books or without books. Clarification- Clarification given against Item No.
Clarification. Examination for promotion to LSG 4 and 5 may be referred to. The length of service in the
will be with the aid of books (for papers PO Guide & relevant grade including notional service should be
Postal Manuals III, IV, V, VI, VII and Financial Hand considered.
Book) and the test for promotion to HSG-II will be Point 25. While promoting for the cadre-based
without aid of books. HSG-II posts, it may not be possible to get officials in
Point 23. The orders do not indicate the level of LSG having 10 years of service. This is because no
officers (Group 'B'/Group 'A'/JAG, etc.) who are to DPC for LSG was held or posts of TBOP were
evaluate the answer scripts. considered as good as LSG.
Clarification.- Answer scripts will be evaluated by Clarification-. Such instances may not arise in
Group 'A' (JTS/STS) and JAG Officers. view of clarification given against Item Nos. 4 and 5.
Point -24 For eligibility for promotion to HSG-II (D.G.(P) No. 137-10/96-SPB-II, Dt. 28-1-03)
G.S.R. In exercise of the powers conferred by the 5. Disqualification:
proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in No persons:-
supersession of the Indian Posts and telegraphs (a) Who has entered into or contracted a
(Selection Grade Posts) Recruitment Rules, 1962, the marriage with a person having a spouse
president hereby make the following Rules regulating living, or
the method of recruitment of persons to selection grade (b) Who having a spouse living, has entered
posts in the post offices, Railway, Mail Service offices, into or contracted a marraige with any
Independent Postal Stores Depots, Return letters person shall be eligible for appointment to
offices, Foreign Post Offices and Circle Offices of the any of the said posts provided that the
Post and Telegraphs Department under the Ministry of Central Government may, if satisfied that
Communications, namely :- such marriage is permissible under the
1. Short Title : personal law applicable to such person and
1. These Rules may be called Post and the other party to the marriage and there
Telegraphs (Selection Grade Posts) are other grounds for doing so, exempt any
Recruitment Rules, 1976. person from the operation of this rule.
2. They shall come into force on the date of their 6. Power of relax :-
publication in the official gazette. Where the Central Government is of the opinion
2. Applications: that it is necessary or expedient to do, it may, by order
These Rules shall apply to the Selection Grade and for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of
Posts specified in column 2 of the Schedule annexed the provisions of these rules with respect to any class
to these rulese. of category of persons.
3. Number of Posts, Classification and scale of 7. Savings:
pay: Nothing in these Rules shall affect reservation and
The number of posts, the classification and scale other concessions required to be provided for to
of pay attached thereto shall be as specific in column schedule caste, the schedule Tribes and other
3 to 5 of the said schedule. categories of persons in accordance with orders issued
4. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualification by the Central Government from time to time in this
etc. regard.
Sl. Name of No. of Classification Scale Whether Age Educatinal Whether Period Method of In case of If a Deptl. Circumst-
No. Posts Posts of selection limit for & other age and of recruitment rectt. By promotion ance in

the pay Post or direct qualification edn. probation Whether by promotional committed which
Non- rectt. Requried Qualification if any direct deputation, exists what is Union
selection for direct prescribed recruitment or transfer, grade its public
post rectt. for direct by promotion from composition. Service
recruit-will or By promotion commi-
apply in deputation/ deputation ssion is
the case of trans. And % transfer to be to be
Promotees. of the made consulted
vacancies to in making
be filled by recruit-
various ment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Higher 225 General Selection N.A. N.A. N.A. Two 50% by Promotion 1. A Director N.A.
Selection Central post of Years promotion from Higher of Postal
Grade I Services general 50% by Selection Services to be
In Post non- line transfer. Grade II nominated by
Offices gazetted officials General Line the PMG or if

Ministerial and transfer There are no
Group -C from Asst. such offices
Supdt. of PO the PMG
in the ratio of 2. One class I
50:50 odd post officer of the
Going to Postal/RMS
general Line. side preferably
In the case of a Director of
Promotion the Postal
HSG-II officials Services to the
must have nominated by
completed 3 the PMG.
years of 3. A class-I
Regular officer of tele
Service in the communi-
grade. cation side

2. Higher 68 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. Two By Higher Same as N.A.
selection years Promotion Selection above
Grade-I Grade II in

A.I.P.E.U. GROUP - 'C'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Railway RMS office with
Mail 3 years regular

Service service in the
office grade

3. Higher Higher
selection 1 at -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- selection Same as N.A.
Grade-I Bombay Grade-II in the above
In Return and 1 respective RLO
Letter at at Bombay or
Office At Calcutta Calcutta as the
Bombay case may be
& with 3 years
Calcutta regular service
in the grade.
4. Higher Lower selection
selection 705 -do- Rs. non- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- grade/Inspector 1. and 2 as N.A.
Grade II 550-20- selection Of POs in Post above
In Post 650-25- post. offices in the 3. A class I
Offices 750 ratio of 50:50 officer of

& odd post going another
Foreign to general line. Central Govt.
Post In every case dept.
Offices the official must
other have
than completed 3
SBCO years of
Services in the

5. Higher 209 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Lower selection Same as N.A.
selection grade above
Grade II Accountants
In RMS and LSG
Offices (general line)
officials in RMS
offices in the
Ratio of 20:80
with 3 years
regular service

A.I.P.E.U. GROUP - 'C'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
in the grade subject to
the following

conditions:- Out of
every 5 vacancies
The first four
vacancies shall
be filled from the
LSG Grade (General
line)) in RMS And the
fifth vacancy shall be
filled for the LSG
Accountants in RMS
provided That the
number of LSG Accts
Lower selection Same as Sl. N.A.
6. Higher 14 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Grade in the No. 1
selection respective Return
Grade II In letter office with 3
Return Letter years regular service

Office. in the grade.
Lower selection grade Same as Sl. N.A.
7. Higher 7 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- in foreign post at No. 1
selection Bombay with 3 years
Grade II In regular service in
Foreign Post grade.
at Bombay
8. Higher 2 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Inspector of Post Same as Sl. N.A.
Selection Offices/LSG No. 1
Grade II alternately, who have
Accountants in passed the post office
Post Offices accountants
examination and
worked as accountant
thereafter for at least
3 years.

9. Higher 1 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Lower selection 1. Post N.A.
selection Grade in Circle Master
Offices with 3 years General

A.I.P.E.U. GROUP - 'C'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Grade II in regular service in the 2. The
Circle Office grade. senior most

officer On
the postal
side next to
3. A class I
officer of
10. Higher 3 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Lower selection Grade Same as N.A.
selection in independent Postal Sl. No. 1
Grade II in stores depots with 3
Independent years regular service
Postal Stores in the grade.

11. Lower 13660 -do- Rs. Selection N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- By promotion Clerk in post offices Same as N.A.
selection 425- Post (i) 66 2/3% on with 10 years regular Sl. No. 1
grade in Post 15-560 the basis of service in the grade.

Offices EB-20 seniority cum-
640. Fitness: (ii) 33
1/3% by
12. Lower 3302 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Sorters in RMS offices Same as N.A.
selection with 10 years regular Sl. No. 1
Grade in RMS service in the Grade.
13. Lower 57 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Clerks in the Same as
selection respective Return Sl. No. 1 N.A.
grade in letter offices with 10
Return Letter years regular service.

14. Lower 41 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Clerks in Foreign Post Same as N.A.
selection at Bombay with 10 Sl. No. 1
grade in years regular service
Foreign Post in the grade.
at Bombay

A.I.P.E.U. GROUP - 'C'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15. Lower 538 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Clerks in post Offices Same as N.A.
Selection with 10 years regular Sl. No. 1

Grade service in the grade
Accountants who have passed the
in Post Post offices and
Offices Railway Mail Service
16. Lower 76 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Clerks or Sorters in Same as N.A.
Selection Railway Mail Service Sl. No. 1
Grade offices with 10 years
Accountants regular service in the
in Railway grade, who have
Mail Service passed the Post
Offices. Office and Railway
Mail Service

17. Lower 32 -do- -do- -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Clerks in independent Same as N.A.

selection Postal Stores Depots Sl. No. 1
grade in with 10 years regular
independent service in the grade.
Postal Stores

18. Lower 200 -do- Rs. -do- N.A. N.A. N.A. -do- -do- Upper-Division clerks 1. Post N.A.
selection 425- in the respective Master
grade in 15- Circle Office with 10 General
Circle Offices. 500- years regular service 2. The
EB-15- in the grade. Senior
560- Most
20-700 Officer of
the Postal
Side next
to the PMG
3. A class I
officer of

A.I.P.E.U. GROUP - 'C'

G.S.R. 88(E) ; In exercise of the power conferred by Posts) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 2002.
the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution The President (ii) They shall come into force on the date of their
hereby makes the following rules further to amend the publication in the official Gazette.
Post and Telegraphs (Selection Grade Posts) Recruitment 2. In the Schedule to the Post Telegraphs (Selection
Rules, 1976 except as respect things done or omitted to grade posts) Recruitment rules 1976, :-
be done before such amendments, namely :- (i) for SL. No.s 4 and 5 and the entries relating
1. (i) These rules may be called the Department of thereto, the following Sl. Nos and entries shall
Posts (Posts and Telegraphs) (Selection Grade respectively substituted namely :-
1 2 3 4 5 6
*4 Higher selection Grade II 705 General central 5000-150- Not applicable
in Post Office including service Non- 8000
foreign post office other gazetted Ministerial
than at Bombay Group C
5 Higher selection grade II 209 General Central 5000-150- Not applicable
in Railway Mail services service Non gazetted 8000
offices Ministerial Group C
7 8 9 10 11
Not Not Not Two (a) By 100 per cent promotion (for posts in foreign
applicable applicable applicable year post offices other than at Bombay)
(b) By promotion (for posts in post offices)
(i) 33.34% on the basis of selection cum seniority and
(ii) 66.66% by means of an aptitude test relating to
functional need
Note : The details of the test shall be as per the
administrative instruction issued by the Department
from time to time.
Not Not Not Two By promotion
applicable applicable applicable Years (iii) 33.34% on the basis of selection cum seniority and
(iv) 66.66% by means of an aptitude test relating to
functional needs
Note : The details of the test shall be as per the
administrative instruction issued by the Department
from time to time.
12 13 14
For posts in Foreign Post Office other than 1. A Director of Postal service to be Not
at Bombay nominated by the Postmaster General applicable
Lower Selection Grade (General Line) and or if there are no such offices the
Lower Selection Grade Accountants in Post postmaster General.
offices, having completed three years regular 2. One group A office of the Postal/
service in their respective grades. Railway Mail Service side. Preferably
Note : The Post Office and Railway Mail service a Director of Postal services to be
Accountants, who have exercised their option to nominated by the Postmaster General
retain the defunct scale of Rs. 380-620 in terms 3. A Group 'A' officer of
of Posts and Telegraphs Directorate letter no. Telecommunications side
31/56/79-PE-I dated 24-2-81 and later on
promoted as Lower Selection Grade Accountants
shall not be eligible for consideration.
For Posts of Post Offices
i. For 33.34% Promotion from Lower Selection
Grade officials in Post offices who have put in
not less than ten years of regular service in the
Lower Selection Grade.
ii. For 66.66% Promotion through an aptitude test
form Lower Selection Grade officials in Post
offices who have put in not less than eight years
of regular service in norm based Lower Selection
Grade Posts.
I. For 33.34% Promotion from Lower Selection 1. A Director of Postal services to be Not
Grade officials in Railway Mail Service who have nominated by the Postmaster General applicable
put in not less than ten years of regular service or if there are no such offices the
in the Lower Selection Grade postmaster General.
ii. For 66.66% Promotion through an aptitude 2. One group A officer of the Postal/
test from Lower Selection Grade officials in Railway Mail Service side. Preferably
Post offices who have put in not less than eight a Director of Postal services to be
years of regular service in norm based Lower nominated by the Postmaster General
Selection Grade posts. 3. A Group 'A' officer of
Telecommunication side

(ii) For Sl. nos. 11 & 12 and the entries relating thereto, the following Sl. Nos and entire small respectively
be substituted
1 2 3 4 5 6
11 Lower Selection Grade 12960 General Central 4500-125- Not applicable
in Post Offices Services Non-Gazetted 7000
Ministerial Group C
12 Lower Selection Grade 3302 General Central Services 4500-125- Not applicable
in Railway Mail Offices Non Gazetted Ministerial Gr. C 7000
7 8 9 10 11
Not Not Not Two B y Promotion
applicable applicable applicable year (i) 33.34% on the basis of selection-cum-seniority; and
(ii) 66.66% by means of promotion through a departmental
merit examination realting to functional need
Note : The details of the examination will be as per the
administrative instructions issued by the Department
from time to time
Not Not Not Two By promotion
applicable applicable applicable Years (i) 33.34% on the basis of selection-cum-seniority; and
(ii) 66.66% by means of promotion through a departmental
merit examination relating to functional needs
Note : The details of the examination will be as per the
administrative instructions issued by the Department
from time to time.
12 13 14
(i) For 33.34% Promotion from Postal Assistant 1. A Director of Postal services to be Not
who have put in not less than sixteen years of nominated by the Postmaster General applicable
regular service in the Grade or if there are no such offices the
postmaster General.


(ii) For 66.66% Promotion through a Limited 2. One group A office of the Postal/
Departmental merit examination from Postal Railway Mail Service side. Preferably
Assistants who have put in not less than 10 a Director of Postal services to be
years of regular service in the grade nominated by the Postmaster General
3. A Group 'A' officer of
Telecommunications side
(1) For 33.34% Promotion from Sorting Assistants 1. A Director of Postal Services to be Not
who have put in not less than 16 years of regular nominated by the Postmaster General applicable
service in the grade. or if there are no such offices, the
Postmaster General
(ii) For 66.66% Promotion through a Limited 2. One group 'A' officer of the Postal/
Departmental merit examination from Sorting Railway Mail service side, preferably
Assistants who have put in not less than 10 a Director of Postal Services to be
years of regular service in the grade. nominated by the Postmaster General
3. A Group 'A' officer of
Telecommunications side
(D.G.(P) No. 137-10-96-SPB-II, dt. 19-2-02)
According to Recruitment Rules for HSG-I Posts 4-82/92-SPB.II dated 8-01-93.
in Post Offices notified by this Department's 2. Consequent on the recommendations of the Fifth
Notification No. 6-26/73-SPB.II dated 30-9-76, HSG- Central Pay Commission, HSG-I Posts and posts of
I Post in Post Offices were to be filled 50% by ASPOs and ASRMs have been placed in the same
promotion and 50% by transfer. Transfer has to be scale of pay i.e. Rs. 6,500-200-10,500. The relevant
made from ASPOs in the Ratio of 50:50 odd post provision of the Recruitment Rules for HSG-I post
going to general line so far as the posts existing on has been reviewed in this context and it has been
the date preceding the commencement of P&T decided that henceforth posting of ASPO, ASRMs
(Selection Grade Posts) recruitment (Second against HSG-I Posts shall be by "Transfer" and not
Amendment) Rules, 1980. These rules were by "Appointment" or "Promotion. In this regard,
amended vide Notification No. 4-15/81-SPB dated attention of the Circles etc. is also invited to orders
23-07-84 providing for filling up of these posts by contained in letter No. 44-11/98-SPB.II dated 6-5-98
promotion and ASPOs who had completed two years of this Department relating to issue of properly
of regular service were made eligible for promotion. worded appointment orders.
In 1992, certain posts of IRM/ASRM were upgraded 3. Necessary action is being taken for amending
to HSG-I and the upgraded posts in HSG-I were the Recruitment Rules for HSG-I Posts suitably. A
ordered to be filled after selection on seniority-cum- Copy of the Revised Recruitment Rules will be sent
fitness basis of ASRMs who had completed at least to the Circle due course.
3 years of regular service in the grade vide letter No. (DG (P) No. 4-23/2000-SPB-II, dt. 26-6-2001)


G.S.R. - In exercise of the powers conferred by done before such supersession, the President hereby
provision to article 309 of the Constitution and makes the following rules regarding the method of
supersession of the Posts and Telegraphs Department recruitment to the Posts of Inspector of Posts, in the
(Inspectors of Post Offices, Inspector of Railway Mail Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication,
Service and Inspectors (Uniforms) Recruitment Rules namely :-
1977, except as a respect things done or omitted to be I. Short title and commencement:
i) These Rules may be called Department of Posts, so doing, exempt any person from the operation for
Inspectors of Posts Recruitment Rules, 2001. this rule.
ii) They shall come into force on the date of their 5. Power to relax: Where the Central Government
publication in the official Gazette. is of the opinion that it is necessary to expendient
2. Number of Posts, their classification and Scale of so to do, it may, by order, and for reasons to be
Pay-The number of Posts, their classification and the recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of
scale of pay attached thereto shall be specified in these rules with respect to any class or category of
columns (2) to (4) of the Schedule annexed to these persons.
Rules. 6. Saving : Nothing in these Rules shall affect
3. Method of Recruitment, age limit, qualifications, reservations. Nothing in such rules shall affct
etc.- The method of Recruitment, age limit, reservations 4 other concessions required to be
qualifications and other matters relating to the said post provided for the schedule caste/schedule tribe and
shall be as specified in columns (5) to (14) of the said other Backward classes, the Ex-Servicemen and to
Schedule. other categories of persons in accordance with the
4. Disqualification: No Person: orders issued by the Central Government from time to
(a) Who, has entered into or contracted a marriage time in this regard.
with a person having a Spouse living: or 7. Initial Constitution: The person, who has held the
(b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or post of Inspectors of Post Offices/Inspectors of
contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible Railway Mail Services/Inspectors (Uniforms) on
for appointment to the said Posts. regular basis before the commencement of these
Provided that the Central Government may, if Rules, shall be deemed to have been appointed as
satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the inspectors of posts under these Rules, and their
personal law applicable to such person and the other services shall be counted for purpose of benefit of
party to the marriage and there are other grounds for promotion etc.

Name of Number of Classification Scale of Pay Whether selection by Age limit for
Post Post merit or selection- direct
cum-Seniority or recruits
non-Selection Post
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Inspectors 2187*(2001) General Central Rs. 5500-175- Not applicable 18-27 years
of Posts subject to Service Group 'B' 9000
variation Non-Gazetted
dependent Ministerial
on work load

Whether benefit of added Educational and Whether age and educational Period of
years of service other qualification prescribed for direct probation if any
admissible under Rule 30 qualification recruits will apply for the case of
of the Central Civil Service required for promotees
(Pension) Rules 1972 direct recruits
(7) (8) (9) (10)
Not applicable Degree of a Qualification No. Age-not exceeding Two years
recognized 40 years for appearing at the
University or Limited Departmental Competitive
equivalent Exam. Relaxation by 5 years for
Scheduled Caste/scheduled Tribe
Method of recruitment In case of recruitment If a Departmental Circumstances in
whether by direct by promotion or p r o m o t i o n which Union Pubic
recruitment or by deputation or Committee exists, S e r v i c e
promotion or by absorption grades from what is its Commission to be
deputation or absorption which promotion/ composition consulted in
and percentage of the deputation/absorption making recruitment
posts to be filled by to be made
various methods
(11) (12) (13) (14)
(i) 33.34 percent direct Promotion through limited Group 'B' Consultation with
recruitment through staff departmental Competitive Departmental Union Public Service
selection commission and Examination Promotion Committee Commission not
(ii) 66.66 percent (a) Not less than five (for considering necessary.
promotion through limited years regular service in confirmation)
Departmental Competitive grade of Postal/Sorting 1. Post Master
Examination Assistants, Lower General/Director of
Selection Grade officials, Postal Services
Stenographers in- Chairman
- Post Offices, Railway Mail Service: or 2. Two Group 'A' Officers nominated by the
- Postal/Railway Mail Service, Chief Post Master General, amongst them one
- Divisional Offices, Circle offices: or should be in the Grade of Director-Members.
- Foreign Post; or
- Return Letter Offices: or 3. Officers belonging to Scheduled Caste/
- Postal Store Depots: or Scheduled Tribe of appropraite status
- Saving Bank Control Organization or Nominated by the Chief Post Master General -
- Internal Check Organizations of the Circle. Member
(b) (in) Not less than five years regular service in Postal
Accounts Office in the grade of:
(a) Stenographer or
(b) Junior Accountants
Provided that they may opt for appearing in the Inspectors
of Posts line in case of selection while appearing in the
Inspector Examination.
(ii) Not less than Nine years regular service in the grade
of Lower Division clerks in Postal Accounts officer.
Provided that they may opt for appearing in the Inspectors
of Posts line in case of selection while appearing in the
Inspector Examination.
Note: 1) A candidate is allowed a maximum of four chances
to appear in the Departmental Examination;
Provided that the candidate, who secure more than 70
percent aggregate marks in fourth chance may be allowed/
one more chance as a special case:
provided further that a candidate belonging to Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe may subject to his eligibility be
allowed a maximum of six chances to appear in the said
examination. Provided further also that the said Scheduled
Caste Scheduled Tribe candidate shall, if he is successful
at the said Examination in his fifth or sixth chance, be
entitled to appointed only to a post reserved for Scheduled castes or
Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be.
Note: 2) Candidate who are serving or having served in Army Postal Service
may be given such concessions in regard to age limit, maximum number
of chances to appear in the Departmental Examination for appointment to
those posts on obtaining the minimum qualifying marks as may be decided
by the Central Government from time to time.
Note : 3) Syllabus for the Limited Departmental competitive Examination
and the percentage of marks required for qualifying in the said Examination
shall be as decided by the Department from time to time.
(D.G.(P) No. F.NO. 4-4/98-SPB-II, Dt. 26-4-01)


The undersigned is directed to refer to this that the widows of Government servants appointed
Department O.M. No. 49019/6/80/Estt.(C) dated 19- to Group D posts other than those of peon on
10-82 on the subject mentioned above exempting compassionate grounds may also be exempted
widows of Government servants appointed on from the requirements of educational qualifications
compassionate grounds to the posts of peon from in terms of the above said (OM dated19-10-82)
need for requiring educational qualifications. provided the duties of these posts( other than those
Recently references have been received in this of Peon) can be performed by these widows
Department from various quarters enquiring whether satisfactorily without having the prescribed
the provisions of the OM dated 19-10-82 can also qualification of Middle Standard pass specified in
be made applicable to Group D posts other than the Recruitment Rules.
those of peon. The matter has been considered [O.M. No. 49015/3/23/Estt.(GS, dated the 10th
carefully in this Department and it has been decided November]
G.S.R. In exercise of the powers conferred by (3) The method of recruitment age limit, qualifications
the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and in and other matters relating to the said posts shall be as
supersession of the Indian Posts and Telegraphs specified in column 5 to 14 of the said schedule.
(Postmen/Mail Guard/Head Mail Guards) 4. Disqualifications - No person.
Recruitment, Rules, 1969, except in respect of (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with
things done or omitted to be done before such a person having in spouse living, or
supersession, the President hereby makes the (b) Who, having a spouse living, has entered into or
following rules regulating the method of recruitment contracted marriage with any person.
to the posts of Postman/Village Postman and Mail shall be eligible for appointment to the said post :
Guards in the Department of Posts, namely :- Provided that the Central Government may, if
Short title and commencment :- satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the
(1) These rules may be called the Department of Posts personal law applicable to person and the other party
(Postman/Village Postman and Mail Guards) to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so
Recruitment Rules 1989. doing, exempt any person from the operation of this
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their rule.
publication in the officials Gazettee. 5. Power to relax :
Number, classification and scale of pay :- Where the Central Government is of the opinion
The number of the said posts, their classification that is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order,
and scale may attached thereto shall be as specified for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the
in columns 2 to 4 of sechedule annexed to these Rules. provisions of these rules will respect to any class or
category of persons. to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled
6. Saving : Tribes, ex-servicemen and other special categories of
Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, persons in accordance with the orders issued by the
relaxation of age limit and other concessions required Central Government from time to time in this regard.
Name of No. of Posts Classification Scale of Whether Qualification
Posts Pay non-selection
1 2 3 4 5
Postman/ *56086 (1987) General Central Services Rs. 825-15-900 Selection
Village Postman Group C Non-Gazetted -EB-20-1200
* Subject to variation dependent on work load
Whether benefit of added Age limit for direct recruits Educational and
years of service admissible other qualification
under rule 30 of the CCS required direct
(Pen) Rules, '72' recruitments
6 7 8
Not Applicable (i) Between 18 and 25 years relaxation for Matriculation or
Government servants upto 35 years in accordance equivlent
with the instructions issued by the Central Government.
(ii) Extra Departmental Agents who have been recruited
on or before 16-11-82 shall be eligible if they are within
42 years (47 years for SC/ST) of age and those appointed
after 16-11-82 shall be eligible, if they are within 25
years (40 years for SC/ST) of age and have put in three
years of regular and satisfactory service.
Note : The cruicial date for determining the age limit shall
be the closing date for receipt of applications from
candidates in India (other than Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and Lakshadweep). In the case of recruitment
made through Employment Exchange, the cruicial date
for determining the age limit shall be the last date upto which
the Employment Exchange is asked to send the names.
upper age and educational Period of Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment
Qualification is prescribed probation or by probation or by deputation/transfer & percentage
direct recruitment apply in if any of the vacancies to be filled by various methods.
the case of promotion
9 10 11
No Two Years 1. 50% by promotion, failing which by Extra Departmental
Agents on the basis of their merit in the Departmental
2. 50% by Extra Departmental Agents of the recruiting
division or unit, in the following manner, namely :-
(i) 25% from amongst Extra Departmental Agents on the
basis of their seniority in service and subject to their passing
the Departmental Examination failing which by Extra
Departmental Agents on the basis of merit in the Departmental
(ii) 25% from amongst Extra Departmental Agents on the
basis of their merit in the Departmental Examination.
3. If the vacancies remained unfilled by EDAs of the recruiting
division, such vacancies may be filled by EDAs of the postal
division failing in the zone of Regional Directorate.
4. If the vacancies remained unfilled by EDAs of the recruiting
units such vacancies may be filled by EDAs of the postal
division located at the same station. If the vacancies
remaining unfilled will be thrown open to Extra Departmental
Agents in the region.
5. Any vacancy remaining unfilled be filled up by direct
recruitment through the nominees of the Employment Exchange.
In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/transfer/grade If a DPC exists UPSC be consveted
from which promotion deputation/transfer to be made. what is its composition in mainly
12 13 14
1. Promotion from Group 'D' officials who have put in three Not applicable Not applicable
years of regular satisfactory service as on the closing date
for receipt of applications through a Departmental Exam.
2. Extra Departmental Agents through a Departmental Exam.
3. Direct Recruitment through a Departmental Examination.


Name of No. of Posts Classification Scale of Whether Qualification

Posts Pay non-selection posts
1 2 3 4 5
Mail Guard (1870)* General Central Services Rs. 825-15-900 Selection
(1987) Group C Non-Gazetted -EB-20-1200
* Subject to variation dependent on work load
Whether benefit of added Age limit for direct recruits Educational and
years of service admissible other qualification
under rule 30 of the CCS required direct
(Pen) Rules, '72' recruitments
6 7 8
Not Applicable (i) Between 18 and 25 years relaxation for Matriculation or
Government servants upto 35 years in accordance equivlent
with the instructions issued by the Central Government.
(ii) Extra Departmental Agents who have been recruited
on or before 16-11-82 shall be eligible if they are within
42 years (47 years for SC/ST) of age and those appointed
after 16-11-82 shall be eligible, if they are within 35
years (40 years for SC/ST) of age and have put in three
years of regular and satisfactory service.
Note : The cruicial date for determining the age limit shall
be the closing date for receipt of applications from
candidates in India (other than Andaman and Nicobar
Islands and Lakshadweep). In the case of recruitment
made through Employment Exchange, the cruicial date
for determining the age limit shall be the last date upto which
the Employment Exchange is asked to send the names.
upper age and educational Period of Method of recruitment whether by direct recruitment
Qualification is prescribed probation or by probation or by deputation/transfer & percentage
direct recruitment apply in if any of the vacancies to be filled by various methods.
the case of promotion
9 10 11
No Two Years 1. 75% by promotion, failing which by Extra Departmental
2. 25% by Extra Departmental Agents of the recruiting
division or unit.
3. If the vacancies remained unfilled by Extra Departmental
Agents of the recruiting division, such vacancies may be filled
by Extra Departmental Agents of the postal division falling in
the zone of Regional Directors.
In case of recruitment by promotion/deputation/transfer/grade If a DPC exsits UPSC to be
from which promotion deputation/transfer to be made. what is its composition consveted in
mainly recruitment
12 13 14
1. Promotion from Group 'D' officials who have put in three Not applicable Not applicable
years of regular satisfactory service as on the closing date
for receipt of applications through a Departmental Exam.
2. Extra Departmental Agents through a Departmental Exam.
3. Direct Recruitment through a Departmental Examination.
(D.G.(P) No. 44-31/87-SPB-I, dt. 6-7-89)


I am directed to forward herewith a copy of be seen in Column 11 of the revised Recruitment
Notification dated 23rd January 2002 published in Rules).
the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part II, Section ii) For test category in Sub ordinate offices, 'Middle
3, Sub section (i) dated 23-1-2002 promulgating the School standard pass' is prescribed as essential
Revised Recruitment Rules for the Group 'D' posts qualification for direct recruits instead of desirable
in Circle administrative and Subordinate offices. qualification of Primary School Standard pass
These rules are effective from 23-1-2002, the date prescribed earlier.
of publication of the Notification in the Gazettee of iii) For promotion as Daftry Jamadar in Circle and
India. Recruitment to Group D posts will be in Administrative offices three years continuous
accordance with the revised rules. The main changes service as orderly/packer/peon is prescribed.
that have been made in the revised Recruitment Earlier, no length of service is prescribed as
Rules when compared to the previous Recruitment permanent or Quasi permanent orderlies, Packers
Rules are as under :- and Peons were eligible.
i) Earlier, recruitment of casual labourers in Group iv) Likewise, promotion as Daftry in Sub ordinate
D in test category in Subordinate offices was made offices, Three years continuous service in the grade of
only when officials from non test category and Extra peon etc. is prescribed. Earlier, no length of service
Departmental Agents (Now Gramin Dak Sevaks) in was prescribed as permanent or quasi permanent
the Recruiting Division/Unit were not available. Now peons were eligible.
25% of the vacancies which remain unfilled after v) As per para 6 of the Notification of the
recruitment of non test category employees is given revised Recruitment Rules any person appointed
to casual labourers for their absorption. The method to the said post shall be liable to serve in the
of recruitment for filling up the vacancies by Gramin Army Postal Service in India or abroad as
Dak Sevaks and Casual labourers is selection cum required.
seniority. (The detailed provision in this regard may (D.G.(P) No. 37-15/01-SPB.I, dt. 30-1-02)
The office letter No. 13-12/87-Trg. dated 28-2-1990 outside candidates recruited for appointment to PA/SA
whereby the rates of training allowance payable to and allied cadres in the Department of Posts, shall
induction trainees selected for initial appointment in PA/ during the period of their induction training, be paid the
SA and allied cadres were last revised w.e.f. 1-3-90. training allowance at the rates indicated hereunder with
2. In consequence of acceptance of the effect from 1-9-1999.
recommendations of the V Central Pay Commission, Post for which recruited Monthly training
the Pay Scale of Central Government employees Allowance
including that of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants All PA/SA and allied Rs. 2,800/- plus
and allied cadres have since been revised upward. clerical cadre in the proportionate DA
3. In view of the above, the question of revision of Scale of Rs. 4000-6000 as admissible from
the rates of training allowance payable to the induction time to time.
trainees in PA/SA and allied cadres had been engaging This issues with the concurrence of the Finance
in employment of Government for sometime past. Advice Postal vide their Dy. No. 456/FA/99, dated 21-
Supersession of this office letter referred to above, 9-1999.
the President has been pleased to decide that the (DG(P) No. 1-10/09-Ed. & Trg., dt. 25-9-1999)


I am directed to say that according to the examination by their civil surgeons or medical officers
instructions contained in this office Letter No. 54/10/ of equivalent status and a doubt has arisen as to
61-SPB I dated 10-12-1965 the fees payable to a whether the fees paid by a candidate is to be
Civil Surgeon/District. Medical Officers of equivalent reimbursed in full or whether only Rs. 8/- has to be
Status, for examination of a candidate for reimbursed to the candidate.
appointment to a non gazetted post is Rs. 8/-. The It is hereby clarified that where the State
fees paid by a candidate to the State Government Governments have prescribed a fee higher than Rs.
Medical Officer is reimbursable after appointment. 8/- the higher fee is to be reimbursed to the
It has been reported that some State candidates after their first appointment.
Governments have prescribed a higher fee for (D.G. P&T No. 54/2/81-SPB-I, dt. 19-2-1981)
According to the Persons with Disabilities (Equal clarified that in such posts reservation of 3% will be
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full provided for the persons with disability for whom it
Participation) Act, 1995 in every establishment not has been identified as suitable. Likewise, if a post
less than 3% of vacancies in identified posts are is identified suitable for two categories of the
reserved for persons with disabilities of which 1% disabled and not for the third category, reservation
each are served for persons suffering from (i) of 3% will be distributed between the two categories
blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment and of disabled for whom it has been identified suitable.
(iii) Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy. All efforts should, however, be made to ensure that
2. There are some posts which have been reservation is equally distributed between persons
identified as suitable for being manned by persons with disabilities for whom the post has been
with one category of disability and not for persons identified suitable.
with other two categories of disabilities. It is hereby (No. 36035/3/2001-ESTT(RES), dt. 30-1-2002)


Pay Range Normal Rajdhani Express Shatabdi Express Jan Shatabdi
Rs. 16,400 A/C First Class AC First Class Executive Class -----
and above
Rs. 8,000 - II AC 2 Tier Sleeper II AC 2-Tier Sleeper ----- -----
Rs. 6,500 - First Class / II AC -3 AC Chair Car AC Chair Car AC Chair Car
Rs. 7,999 Tier Sleeper / AC Chair Car
Rs. 4,100-Rs. First Class / II AC -3 AC Chair Car ------ ------
6,499 Tier Sleeper / AC Chair Car
Below Rs. 4,100 Second Sleeper AC Chair Car ----- ------

Pay Range (Rs.) Entitlements

16,400 and above AC Taxi / Ordinary Taxi / Authorickshaw / Scooter / any public bus including AC bus
8,000 - 16,399 Taxi / Autorickshaw / any public bus including AC bus but excluding AC Taxi
6,500 - 7,999 Taxi / Autorickshaw / any public bus excluding AC Taxi and AC bus
4,100 - 6,499 Autorickshaw / Own Scooter / Motor Cycle / Moped / any public bus except AC bus
Below 4,100 Autorickshaw / Own Scooter / Motor Cycle / Moped / Ordinary Public Bus


Sl. Pay Range A-1 Class Cities A Class Cities & B-1 Class cities Other localities
No. specially and expensive (Ordinary Rate)
expensive localities localities
Govt./Public Hotel Govt./Public Hotel Govt./Public Hotel Govt./Public Hotel
Sector Guest etc. Sector Guest etc. Sector Guest etc. Sector Guest etc.
House/Own House/Own House/Own House/Own
Arrangements Arrangements Arrangements Arrangements
1. Rs. 16,400
and above 260 650 210 525 170 425 135 335
2. Rs. 8,000 -
16,399 230 505 185 405 150 330 120 225
3. Rs. 6,500 -
7,999 200 380 160 305 130 250 105 200
4. Rs. 4,100 -
6,499 170 245 135 195 110 160 90 130
5. Below Rs.
4,100 105 125 85 100 70 85 55 65
6. Members of
Regional Council
Office Council,
JCM 200 380 160 305 105 200 105 200
7. Members of
National Council
JCM at any place 230 per day for own arrangement etc.505 per day for Hotel etc.
i) D.A. is calculated on daily basis depending on the duration of absence on each day from Head quarters.
ii) The day is taken from midnight to midnight.
iii) the percentage of D.A. allowed on each day is
a) For absence not exceeding 6 hours - No DA.
b) For absence of more than 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours - 70%.
c) For absence exceeding 12 hours -Full D.A. (i.e.) 100%
If the boarding and/or lodging is availed DA will be regularised.
i) for free boarding & lodging - 25% of ordinary rate
ii) For free boarding alone - 50% of ordinary rate.
iii) For free lodging alone - 75% of ordinary rate.
iv) For stay of office building - 75% of ordinary rate.

(a) Joining time is admissible based upon the distance between the old and new stations as follows:
Distance between the old and new Normal cases Joining time admissible where
Headquarters there is continuous travel by road
for more than 200 km.
Upto 1,000 km 10 days 12 days
More than 1,000 km and upto 2,000 km 12 days 15 days
More than 2,000 km 15 days 15 days
N.B.: In case of air travel, the maximum joining time available is 12 days.
Pay Range Maximum weight entitlement by train Rate per km for transport by road
A-1/A/B-1 Class Cities Other cities
Rs. 16,400 and above Full four wheeler wagon or 6000 kg by
goods train, or one Double Container 30.00 18.00
Rs. 8,000-Rs. 16,999 Full four wheeler wagon, or 6000 kg by
goods train, or one Single Container 30.00 18.00
Rs. 6,500 - Rs. 7,999 3000 kg by goods train 15.00 9.00
Rs. 4,100 - Rs. 6,444 1500 kg by goods train 7.60 4.60
Rs. 3,350 - Rs. 4,099 1500 kg by goods train 7.60 4.60
Below Rs. 3,350 1000 kg by goods train 6.00 4.00

Emoluments OTA per hour (Rs.) for those with a duty of

(Pre-revised pay) 48 hours 44 hours 42 ½ hours
On Working On Other On Working On Other On Working On Other
Days Days Days Days Days Days
Upto Rs. 1200 7.95 10.60 8.65 11.50 8.95 11.45
Rs. 1201 to Rs. 1450 9.55 12.75 10.40 13.85 10.75 14.40
Rs. 1451 to 1700 11.35 15.15 12.35 16.50 12.80 17.10
Rs. 1701 to Rs. 1950 13.15 17.55 14.35 19.10 14.85 19.80
Rs. 1951 to Rs. 2200 14.95 19.95 16.30 21.70 16.90 22.50
Rs. 2201 and above 15.85 21.15 17.25 23.05 19.90 22.85


Basic Pay Range Entitlement
Ordinary Trains Rajdhani Express Shatabdi Express
1. Rs. 18,400 and above AC First Class by AC First Class Executive Class
train, at their option
2. Rs. 16,400 and above but
below Rs. 18,400 AC First Class AC First Class Executive Class
3. Rs. 8,000 and above but
below Rs. 16,400 II AC II - Tier sleeper II AC 2 - Tier Sleeper AC Chair Car
4. Rs. 4,100 and above but First Class / AC III - Tier AC 3 - Tier AC Chair Car
below Rs. 8,000 sleeper / AC Chair Car
5. Below Rs. 4,100 Second sleeper ---- -----


Pay scale of the employee Rate of Transport Allowance
Per month (in Rupees)
'A'-1/'A' Class City Other Places
1. Employees drawing pay in the scale of pay of Rs. 8,000-
13,500 or above Rs. 800 Rs. 400
2. Employees drawing pay in the scale of pay of Rs. 6,500-
6,900 or above Rs. 400 Rs. 200
3. Employees drawing pay below the scale of Rs. 6,500-6,900 Rs. 100 Rs. 75
4. Casual labour with T.S. Rs. 100 Rs. 75
(Min. of Finance O.M. No. 21(1)/97/E II (B), dt. 3-10-97)


In supersession of S.R. 17 and G.O.I., M.F., O.M. (ii) Rs. 8,000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400
No. 19030/5/86-E.IV dated the 24th November, 1986, (iii) Rs. 6,500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000
the groupings of pay ranges are revised as follows (iv) Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500
with effect from 1-10-1997. (v) Below Rs. 4,100.
(i) Rs. 16,400 and above. (MoF OM No. 10/2/98-IC, dt. 19030/2/97-E-IV, dt. 17-4-98)


Pay range Localities other than B-1 Class cities A Class Cities A-1 Class
those mentioned in and expensive and specially expensive cities
column 3, 4 and 5 localities* localities
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rs. 16,400 and above 335 425 525 650
Rs. 8,000 and above
but less than Rs. 16,400 225 330 405 505
Rs. 6,500 and above but
less than Rs. 8,000 200 250 305 380
Rs. 4,100 and above, but
less than Rs. 6,500 130 160 195 245
Below Rs. 4,100 65 85 100 125
* As specified by Govt. from time to time.
Reference is invited to para 22 (2) of OTA orders duty performed beyond their split duty of 7 hours
under which it has been provided that OTA is not 15 minutes. After careful consideration it has
admissible to clerks when he is required to act as SPM been decided to allow them OTA for the excess
in the absence of the regular SPM i/c on leave, but he period of 45 minutes as a special case. These
is eligible to other benefits like HRA subject to the orders orders will take effect from the date of issue of
in force. the letter.
A question has been raised whether the clerks 3. Para 22 (2) of OTA orders may be treated as
who act as SPM in the absence of regular SPM modified to the extent mentioned above.
I/C being on leave and have not been provided 4. This issues with the concurrence of P&T Finance
with quarters and work on split duty for a period Vide their U.O. No. 3354 -Fa-III/78.
of 8 hours would be entitled to OTA for extra (DG P&T No. 31-47/78-PE-II dated 02-12-1978)
Reference is invited to this office letter No. 31- that a certificate in the following form should
47/7 PE.I/PE.II dated 02-12-1978 under which invariably be furnished in the Over Time Bills by all
Overtime Allowance for the excess period of 45 concerned.
minutes has been allowed to the clerks who are "Certified that the conditions prescribed in DG letter
required to act as SPM in the absence of regular No. 31-47/78-PE.I / PE.II dated 02-12-1978 have been
SPM in-charge being on leave and have not been fulfilled in cases where Overtime Allowance has been
provided with quarters and work on split for a period paid to the Clerks who act as SPM in the absence of a
of 8 hours. To enable the Audit Office to exercise regular SPM in-charge, being on leave and have not
non check about the fulfilment of these conditions in been provided with quarters and work on split duty for a
cases of any other Allowance has been allowed for period of 8 hours."
the excess work period of 45 minutes, it is requested (DG No. 10-41/79-PE.II dated 11-04-1979)
It has come to notice that some Post Offices utilise Therefore the practice of utilising the services of
the services of Head Postman/Postmen & Group 'D' Head Postmen/Postmen/Group D officials for
officials for the conveyance of Cash between Post conveyance of cash should be put an end to as far as
Offices only at the last movement. Therefore the Head possible. Efforts should be taken to send maximum
Postmen/Postmen or Group D officials are prove to cash in the cash bags and judiciously utilising the
claim DA or OTA for their duty beyond their working services of Cash overseers who are specially intended
hours. The Present TA/DA Rules do not allow earning for this duty within their duty hours, without resorting to
of DAs for an absence of less than 6 hours nor Rules O.T. duties.
permit to draft Head Postmen/Postmen for outdoor [PMG, T.N. Circle No. APB/32-117/78
duties on O.T.A. basis. dated 12-6-78]
I am directed to invite a reference to your by the official. In addition, the concerned official
replies to this office letter of even number dated or officials may also be given one hour's theoretical
17-05-85 on the above subject and to say that the training only for a fortnight by the Accountant, if
matter has been examined and it has been decided necessary by putting him on overtime duty. The
that the unqualified officials who are posted to the Heads of Circles should, however, fit in this training
'Accounts Branch' of the Head Offices may be during the normal working hours as the number of
given training while on the job for a fortnight. The officials to be trained with act, in any case be more
intention is that for a fortnight the newly appointed than one or two at a time in each head offices.
official in the Accounts Branch may be made to do Necessary instructions in this regard may please
all types of work of that Branch and his work should be issued to all concerned under intimation of this
be supervised by the Accountant concerned, with office.
a view to rectify the mistakes that are committed (DG P&T No. 31-3/65-PRP dated 31--12-66)
For bringing about intra-circle and inter-circle smaller offices, the limit may be fixed taking into account
uniformity in the number of hour of OTA admissible to the quantum of mail involved. (but should not exceed
Sorting Postmen/Group 'D' staff, in similar categories 3 hours).
of offices, it has been found necessary to fix a ceiling 4. It may also be ensured that the minimum numbers
on the maximum number of Hours of OTA admissible of staff for minimum number of hours are brought on
to Sorting Postmen/Group 'D' staff, when called to duty on such days in order to avoid unnecessary
perform duty on a postal holiday for ensuring that mails additional expenditure. Other terms and conditions as
are not detained for more than a day. Accordingly, it stipulated in this regard vide Directorate letter No. 9-25/
has been decided that the maximum limit for grant of 92-Cl, dated 10-9-1992 should be strictly adhered to.
OTA may be restricted to 3 hours, which will be 5. These orders come into effect from 1-9-2002.
applicable to the larger offices. In some cases, for (DG (P) No. 10-7/2001-PE.II, dated 11-10-2002)


In pursuance of the Award delivered by the Board Postmasters in single and double handed post offices
of Arbitration in CA reference No. I of 1990, the responsible for handling / custody of cash shall be
President is pleased to decided that the Sub- paid special pay at the following rates:-
Amount of cash handled on an average per day Special Pay (Rs. Per month)
Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 20,000 Rs. 20/-
Rs. 20,001 to Rs. 50,000 Rs. 25/-
Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 30/-
Above Rs. 1,00,000 Rs. 35/-
2. The matter of determining the quantum of cash 3. The monthly average cash divided by 24 will
handled by the Sub Postmaster single / double handed determine the amount of cash handled on average per
post offices shall be the same as that laid down in the day.
Ministry of Finance O.M. No. FII (42)-E-III/62 dated 4. The expenditure involved would be debitable to the
28-06-62 circulated for all Heads of Circles under this head 3201 Postal Services B (2) (1) salaries and be met
office endorsement No. 14-43/61 P&A (P) dated 07-08- from the sanctioned grant of the respective years.
62. In other words, the quantum of cash, handled will 5. This award shall take effect from 13th May 1989.
be same as disbursed (for this purpose). [DG (Posts) No. 6-4/80-PAP dated 27-02-92]


This Office OM No. 6-16/86-PAP, dated 5-5-87 against posts of Treasurers and Asst. Treasurers. In
wherein the rates of Special Pay to Treasurers and case such officials are posted inspite of these
Asst. Treasurers in Post Office were communicated. directions they will not be eligible for Cash Handling
It has now been decided in consultation with Ministry Allowance.
of Finance to enhance the rates of Cash Handling 3. These enhanced rates of Special pay will be
Allowance as under:- payable with effect from 1-8-97.
Amount of average Rates of Cash Handling 4. All other provisions as stipulated in Para 2 of
Monthly cash handled Allowance Dept. of Personnel and Training OM No.6-31/86 shall
Upto Rs. 2 lacs Rs. 120 also be applicable to Treasurers and Asst. Treasurers
Above Rs. 2 lacs Rs. 160 working in Post Offices.
2. The rates are applicable to posts of Treasurers/ 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance
Asst. Treasurers in Post Offices. Officials posted Advice vide their Dy. No. 496/FA/99, dated
against these posts only will be eligible for the same. 15-10-99.
It may be ensured that BCR officials are not posted (DG (P) No. 6-1/99-PAP, dated 28-10-1999)
The demand for the grant of special pay to the promotion to the grade of Junior Accounts Officer and
candidates who qualify in the department examination are awaiting promotion and continue to be in the time
for promotion of Junior Accounts Officer cadre and scale of the existing post with rates of special pay being
awaiting promotion was under examination for some same as applicable to similarly placed persons in other
time past. The matter was considered by the Group of organised Accounts Departments which is currently Rs.
Ministers, constituted by the Hon'ble Prime Minister to 80 per month for the first year of waiting and Rs. 140
consider the various demands raised by the three per month thereafter. These orders will take effect from
Postal federations and to examine the Pay Commission the date of issue of this order. This issues with the
related matters. Ministry of Personnel, Public concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy.
Grievance and Pension has now conveyed the decision No. 49/PA/2001 dated 2-2-2001.
of Group of Ministers to grant Special Pay to candidates (Dept. of Posts, O.M. No. 8(2)/99-PA Admin. 1/606
who qualify in the departmental examinations for to 646 dated 2-2-2001)


The matter regarding retention of Special Pay the higher pay scale has been allowed by way of
(now Special Allowance) granted to JAO examination ACP, there is no question of retention of special pay/
qualified candidates on placement in the scale of JAO special allowance. In such cases the special pay/
under ACP Scheme and counting of Special Pay Special Allowance drawn in lieu of higher pay scale
(now Special Allowance) for fixation of pay on may be taken into account for fixing pay under ACP
promotion to JAO cadre was under consideration in as clarified against point of doubt No. 18.
consultation with D.O. P&T vide its UO No. 296/ (D.G.(P) No. 6(1)/2004/PA-Admn.I/501 to 544,
US(Estt.)/06 dated 28-6-2006 has clarified that since dt. 29-10-2006)
In the course of discussions at JCM (Departmental play in the improvement of operational efficiency. It is
Council) the staff side complained of excessive delay therefore requested that all concerned at various levels
in the settlement of personal cases of employees and are suitably instructed to keep this in view in the larger
consequent hardship to them. In this respect larger interest of the Department.
instructions have been issued from time to time, to give The staff side also stated that sometimes officials
adequate attention to these cases so that the staff do are kept under suspension for a long time without
not disgruntle / due to delaying settlement. Expeditious charge sheets being eventuated. Secretary (C) has
disposal of personal claims like increments, efficiency ordered that effects should be made to issue charge
bar, pay fixation, promotion, drawal of leave salary and sheet in a month's time except in cases where police
other allowances is necessary for ensuring cordial complaints are involved.
employer -- employee relationship which has a part to (DG's letter No. 140/4/80-SPB.II dated 07/01-81)
Refer to this Directorate's letter No. 8-66/78 PE-II (ii The Split Duty Allowance will be admissible only
(Vol.III) dt. 22-5-1990 and letter No. 6-66/78-PE. II/Vol. for the actual period for which an official on Split Duty,
IV, dated 17-6-93 on the subject noted above. once he is placed on continuous duty he will forfeit the
2. The question of continuance of payment of Split right to draw Split Duty Allowance.
Duty Allowance to Group 'C' and Group 'D' employees (iii) The Split Duty Allowance will not be admissible
of the Department of Posts who are placed on Split for the period an official is on leave and training etc.
Duty has been examined in this Directorate and it has (iv) The official is residing beyond 5 kms. from his duty
been decided to grant them Split Duty Allowance place.
subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions as 3. These orders will be effective for the period of three
laid down in this office letter of even number dt. 22-5- years from 1-7-1996 to 30-6-1999.
90 and 17-7-93. 4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance
(i) The break between the two spells is not less than Advice (Postal) vide their Dy. No. 713/FA/79 dated
two hours. 5-3-97.
Reference para 25(i) (ii) of O.T.A. orders issued 3. Consequent on the above decision para 25(i) as
in DOP office letter No. 10-1/64-PE dated 12th embodied in O.T.A. order referred to above will stand
February, 1964 embodied in Director General's amended as follows:
Para 26(i): "Ordinarily Postmen will not be paid
circular No. 33 of 25-2-64 as further modified in DOP
any OTA on working day, but in case where the work
office letter No. 10-18/73-Pt.II, dt. 30-11-79, No. 10- of an absentee Postmen is divided between two
41/80/PE II dated 19-2-1983 and No. 10/23/87-PE II Postmen, each would be paid compensation at the
dated 1-9-89 and 10-3-92 regarding monetary rate of Rupee 12/- per day and where the entire
compensation to Postmen staff for performing duties additional work is performed by a single Postmen,
of absentee Postmen on holidays. compensation will be paid at the rate of Rupees 24/-
The question of revising the rates of per day. As far as possible, it should be ensured that
the work of an absentee Postman is entrusted to single
compensation as set forth above has been under
consideration of the Government for sometime. The Para 26(ii): "The Postman required to perform
President is pleased to revise the rates of delivery work on holiday will be granted monetary
compensation as under: compensation at the flat rate Rupees 36/- (now 43/)
Existing Revised per holiday for duty performed on a Postal Holiday on
Rate Rate which there are either usual deliveries or restricted
(a) When one postman Rs. 18/- Rs. 24/- deliveries of letters no amount would be payable on
the three National Holidays as there will be no delivery
performs duty of
on National Holidays".
an absentee 4. These orders take effect from 16-12-93.
(b) When two postmen Rs. 12/- Rs. 12/- 5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance
perform duty of (Per (Per Advice, Postal vide their Diary No. 5229/FA/93 dated
an absence Postmen) Postmen) 20-12-93.
(c) Holiday monetary Rs. 25/- Rs. 36/- (Dept. of Posts No. 10-23/87-PE-II,
compensation. dated 21-12-93)


It has been decided that the unmarried Central in lieu of all other LTC facilities admissible to the Govt.
Govt. employees who have left their wholly dependent servant himself and the aforesaid parents, sisters
parents, sisters and minor brothers at their home and minor brothers.
town may also be given the benefit of LTC to visit (MoP, PG & Pension (DOP) OM No. 31011/17/85-
their home town every year. This concession will be Estt.(A), dt. 3-4-86)

It has been decided that in cases where no drawn towards LTC the final bill will have to be
travel advance had been drawn, the period within preferred within one month of the completion of
which a Govt. Servant should submit his claim on return journey. If that is not done, the authority
completion of the return journey should be which sanctioned the advance should enforce
reduced from one year to three months. lum-sum recovery of advance forthwith, and one
Accordingly, the right of a Govt. servant for such recovery is made, it should be taken as if
reimbursement of his leave Travel Concession no advance had been drawn and the claim
claim, where no advance was drawn by him shall allowed to be preferred within a period of three
stand forfeited or be deemed to have been months, failing which it shall stand forfeited in
relinquished if the claim is not preferred within terms of these orders.
three months of the date of completion of the (MOP PG & Pensions (DOP & Trg) OM No. 31011/
return journey. In case where advance has been 28/86-Estt (A) dated 26-3-87)
It has been decided that in cases where the Govt. family or the distance between the headquarters/
servant has left his/her spouse and the dependent place of posting of Govt. servant and the place
Children at place other than his/her Head Quarter, visited/home town, whichever is less. In case of other
he may be allowed LTC in respect of them from the members falling within the definition of 'Family' the
place of their residence to home town in a block of 2 existing conditions and restrictions will continue to
years or any place in India in a block of 4 years, as be in force.
the case may be, but the reimbursement should in (MOP & PG (DOP & Trg) OM No. 310/11/14/86-
no case exceed the actual distance travelled by the Estt.(A), dt. 8-5-87)
It is clarified that the journeys by the Chartered outside. It should, however be clearly certified by the
buses shall be admissible for LTC, only in these cases LTDC/State Tourism Development Corporation
where the town is wholly operated and conducted by concerned that the tour was actually conducted/
the ITDC/State Tourism Development Corporations, operated by them and not by any Private Party/Person.
either by their own buses or buses taken on hire from (MOP P&T & Pen. OM No. 31011/9/86-Estt.(A), dt. 17-8-87)
It has therefore been decided that whenever a case to lapsing of LTC facility not availed of within the first
of fraudulent claim of LTC comes to notice and the year of the next block will not apply.
competent disciplinary authority arrives at a conclusion 3. If, however, the Govt. servant is not fully cleared
that there is a Prima facia case of initiating disciplinary of the charges of misuse of the LTC, he shall not be
proceedings against the Govt. servant for this allowed the next two sets of LTC in addition to the
Monconduct, the claim for the LTC should be withheld set(s) of the LTC already withheld. If the nature of
and he should not be allowed this facility till finalisation the misuse is grave, the competent authority may
of the proceedings. disallow more than two sets of LTC. Such
2. If the Govt. servant is fully cleared of the charges disallowance shall be without prejudice to the
of misuse of LTC, he will be allowed to avail of the LTC punishment, for any proved misconduct in the
withheld earlier as additional set(s) of the LTC in future disciplinary proceedings.
Block of years but before his normal date of super (MOP & PG & Pensions (DOP) OM No. 31011/110/
annuation. In such a situation, the provisions relating 86-Estt.(A, dt. 8-10-87)
It is seen that those who had already availed their not be any embargo on officials whom FR 17A has
LTC before participation in the strike were naturally been invoked in availing Leave Travel Concession
not subject to any disability. In the circumstances it during the extended period upto 31-12-90 provided
would be unfair to those who participated in the strike the minimum period of one year has elapsed and
and were prevented from availing the facility for one provided further that the have put in a minimum
year upto May, 1990 and yet are not allowed to avail period of continuous service as required under LTC
the facility during the extended period of the block. Rules.
It has therefore been decided that there need (DG No. 20-15/90-PAP, dt. 26-11-90)


The refund of advance arises as a result of Hence it is clarified that it is for the administrative
change of programme, proceeding on short leave, authority to satisfy itself, whether to charge penal
lack of hotel facility, non availability of class of rail/ interest or not in such cases.
hotel accommodation and the excess drawal of (C & AG No. 786- Audit I/85-90 III (154)
advance is beyond the control of Govt. servant. dt, 7-12-90)
There is no objection to the grant of OTA SPM provided he performs split duty beyond 7
for 45 minutes to the clerk who is officiating hours 15 minutes and has not been provided
as LSG SPM and getting LSG Pay where he with quarters.
officiates in the leave vacancy of regular LSG (DG P&T No. 10-11/79-PE II, dt. 4-5-79)


It has been decided that the officiating SPM further been decided that the OTA may be admissible
working against leave vacancy of regular SPM may to the officiating SPM when the regular SPM incharge
be granted OTA @45 minutes per day provided that is on any kind of leave such as EL/HPL/Com. Leave/
no charge allowance is given and the period of EXOL/Casual Leave.
arrangement does not exceed 30 (Thirty) days. It has (DG (P) No.10-29/84-PE-II, dt. 15-3-85)
Doubts have been raised in certain quarters deployed on duty outside the normal working hours
whether OTA or compensatory off should be granted for completing the unfinished work.
to the staff of operative offices for extra work done It is hereby clarified that in such cases in the
by them. In operative offices, there are occasions interest of clearance of work which cannot be
due to absentism or due to heavy work, when the postponed to the next day OTA may be paid under
work cannot be finished during the normal working the existing conditions applicable to operative offices.
hours and in the interest of service, staff have to be (DG (P) No.10-37/86-PE-II, dt. 29-9-87)
It has been brought to the notice of this office may be regulated in the light of instructions contained
that in some operative offices of the Dept. in this office letter of even No. dt. 29-9-87.
Compensatory leave is granted to the staff detained It is also clarified that the skeleton staff specially
beyond duty hours and not granted overtime. It is ordered to perform duty on Postal/National holiday
therefore, again clarified that when, under for the work connected with these holidays in
inescapable circumstances operative staff is put on operative offices may be granted OTA and provision
duty outside the working hours to deal with the work of Rule 20 of OTA Rules as amended from time to
which can not be postponed to the next day in the time.
interest of service, payment of overtime allowance (DG (P) No. 10-37/86-PE-II, dt. 29-3-88)
The orders for grant of 45 minutes OTA will be applicable to ASPM also who officiates as HSG II Sub PM,
provided the terms and conditions as laid down in the letter dated 2-12-78 are fulfilled.
(DG (P) No. 10-30/87-PE-II, dt. 15-2-88)
It has been decided that the first preference in employees may be brought on over time duty only,
such short term arrangements against Group D posts when ED Agents are not readily available.
should be given to ED Agents and Group D (D.G.(P) NO. 17-498/90-ED & Trg., dt. 11-7-91)
I am directed to refer your letter No. NKB/STA- already issued in the matter vide this Directorate letter
2/513, dt. 9-9-92 on the subject mentioned above No. 10-98/83-PE II dated 20-3-85 and the clarifications
and to say that Para 2 of this office letter of even issued vide this office letter of even number dated 3-
number dated 20-9-89 may be read as follows : 7-87 should be followed in the matter."
"In view of the above it is requested that the orders (DG (P) No. 10-24/86-PE-II (Pt.), dt. 9-11-92)
The provisions that the LTC claim for a Govt. route, whichever is less, shall be equally applicable
Servant who has travelled by a longer route is to be both to the journeys to home town as well as any
restricted to the actual fare paid by him or the fare of place in India.
the entitled class had he travelled by shortest direct (M.F. (DOR) No. A-27023/14/89, dt. 25-10-89)

It has been decided that where husband and entitled for claiming the concession for self
wife both are Govt. servants, they could, at their independently. Similarly, the children shall be
option, choose to declare separate home town eligible for the benefit in one particular block as
and both of them may claim the concession members of the family of one of the parents only.
separately under the normal provisions of CCS All other conditions for admissibility of the LTC
(LTC) Rules in respect of the members of their shall continue to be applicable as per normal
respective families subject to the conditions that provisions of the scheme.
if husband or wife avails the facility as a member (MOP, PG & Pensions (DOP) No. 31011/8/89-
of the family of the other, he or she will not be Estt.(A), dt. 8-5-90)

Since the LTC facility can be availed by the family in respect of the same block of years
Govt. Servant and various members of his family provided such concession is otherwise
in separate batches there may not be any admissible.
objections in allowing home town LTC and the LTC (Dept. of Per & Trg. U.O. No. 1138/89-EST(A),
to any place in India to different members of the dt. 11-5-89)


Government employees may also travel by air including private airlines, but the reimbursement shall be
limited to the rail fare of the entitled class on production of air ticket or boarding pass.
(DoP&T OM No. 31011/2/2006-Estt. (A) dated 24-04-06)


Leave encashment for 10 days earned leave (c) a balance of atleast 30 days of EL is still available
can be availed at the time of LTC, subject to to his credit, after availing leave and leave
following conditions: encashment; and
(a) the total leave so encashed during the entire (d) the period of leave encashed shall be deducted
career shall not exceed 60 days in the aggregate. from the quantum of leave that can be encashed at
(b) earned leave of atlest an equivalent duration is the time of superannuation.
also availed of simultaneously; (DOP&T No. 13026/1/99-Estt. (L) dated 18-04-2002)


The restriction of two surviving children in the definition of the family for eligibility condition for LTC shall
not apply in respect of children existing as on 20-10-97 and child born within one year from 20-10-97 and also
in case of multiple births after one child.
(DOP&T OM No. 31011/7/97-Estt. (A) dated 28-07-98)
90% fare can be availed as advance. The more than 90 days, advance of outward journey
advance can be drawn for both forward and return only will be admissible. Particulars of tickets should
journey in case the absence of Govt. Servant will be furnished within 10 days of the drawal of the
not be more than 90 days. If the absence will be advance.


LTC claim should be preferred within three one lump sum with penal interest without
months from the date of completion of return prejudice to his claim treating such claim as
journey. However, if advance is availed the one for which no advance has been
claim should be submitted within a month from sanctioned. If the above time limit is not
the date of completion of return journey failing adhered to, the Govt. Servant's right for the
which the advance paid will be recovered in claim shall stand forfeited.


Availing of LTC during Saturday (Administrative office) and holidays alone not allowed. Journey
during the week and holidays without any leave is not entitled to LTC. But LTC can be availed
during Casual Leave.


It is clarified that the claim of the officer shall be such modes/classes by the longer (actually used)
regulated on proportionate basis, by caclulating route.
mileage allowance for different modes/classes by the (C & AG No. 787 -Audit I/106-86-Vol II (155),
shortest route in the ratio of distance covered by the dt. 10-12-90)


It has been decided that LTC facility could be allowed iii) The Physically Handicapped Govt. servant does
for an escort who accompanies a handicapped Govt. not have an adult family member.
servant on the journey subject to the following conditions: iv) Any other person who is entitled to LTC does not
i) Prior approval is obtained on each occasion. accompany.
ii) The nature of physical disability is such as to (Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 31011/4/91-Estt(A),
necessitate on escort. dt. 9-7-91)


The general principle for regulating LTC claim of proportionate fares for the classes actually travelled
a Govt. servant who performs journeys by a longer should be reimbursed. It is only in cases where part
route (which is not the cheapest) in different classes of the journey is performed by bus the actual
of accommodation, continue to be regulated on expenses limited to the rail fare for the entitled class
proportionate basis, in accordance with the provisions by the shortest route are admissible.
of OM No. 43/10/58-Estt(A) dt. 11-4-58. (Dept. of Per. & Trg. No. 31011/5/90-Estt. (A),
Note : As per the existing orders said above, the dt. 1-1-92)
On a representation made by the M.E.S. there is no State Government / Local Body Hospital /
Employees Union, Mumbai for enhancement of Fixed Dispensary available within a radius of 5 kms. and also
Medical Allowances, the Government have decided there is no qualified private medical practitioners
to enhance the fixed medical allowance from Rs. available and, if available, he is not willing to be
25/- p.m. to Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) appointed as Authorised Medical Attendant.
per month as recommended by the 5th Central Pay (ii) The position will be reviewed every three years and
Commission for the employees working in the interior a fresh certificate is to be obtained by the Head of the
/ remote localities where no Authorities Medical Department.
Attendant is available within a radius of 5 kms. on the 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of
conditions that:- Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their U.O.
(i) The Head of the Department should obtain a No. 1199/EV/99 dated 01-01-1999.
Certificate from an appropriate District Authority that (O.M. No. 14025/33/98-MS of Min. of Health & FW)


i) Heads of Circles are delegated to condone after giving reasonable opportunity to the employees.
the delay in respect of claims beyond a period of iv) Cases not covered by the aforesaid guidelines and
3 months and the amount should not exceed Rs. cases presenting special features will be referred to
500/- P&T Directorate with recommendations of Head of
ii) Only the bills delayed for more than six months Circle Office order contained in DG P&T Memo No.
should be referred. 32/1/70-PAP/Cell (V) dated 5-5-70 will continue to
iii) Free to reject medical claims when not convinced remain inforce.
of the reasons for delay in the submission of the claim (DG P&T No. 30/2/81/PAP(Pt.), dt. 25-3-82)
It has now been decided that pensioners can opt In respect of those beneficiaries who have already
for making one time payment towards CGHS retired, the lump sum amount will be worked out on a pro
contribution. The amount to be paid will be 10 times rata basis assuming average life expectancy of 68 years.
the annual contribution payable at the time of retirement (MoH & FW NO. S-11011/C/91-CGHS(P),
and a permanent CGHS Card will be issued. dt. 17-10-91)


Patients (Govt. Servants or dependants) and attendance/treatment.
attendants (Recommended by the Doctor) are (MoH & FW No. S-14025/24/91-MS,
entitled to TA/DA for journeys performed for medical dt. 6-11-92)


It has been decided to delegate the powers to to other conditions.
Heads of Offices for sanction of Medical Advance iii) Advance is allowed only in cases of estimate
subject to the following conditions: submitted from the Govt. hospital or from a Private
i) The amount of advance is limited to the ceiling hospital recognised for such treatment. The amount of
provided in this Ministry's OM No. S-11016/1/92-CGHS advance in cases where estimate is submitted from a
(P) dated 29-10-92. (i.e.) 80% of the estimate submitted private recognised hospital should be calculated on the
by the Govt./Private recognised hospital. basis of the rates approved for such treatments/
ii) Medical advance is admissible to all Central diagnosis/examination.
Govt. employees irrespective of any pay limit subject iv) The advance is paid directly to the hospital
concerned on receipt of an estimate from the treating utilised for the treatment of the patient, the Head of
physician/Medical Superintendent of the hospital. Office concerned will correspondent with the hospital
v) For settlement of advance, the employees may be for refund of the unutilised balance of Medical advance.
required to submit the adjustment bills within a period The orders will come into force with immediate
of one month from the date of his discharge from the effect.
hospital. In case the entire advance has not been (DG (P) No. 30-1/94-PAP, dt. 24-1-94)


The Chief PMGs are the head of Department for all intent purpose and as such it is clarified that in future
all such cases of medical treatment in a Private hospital in emergency should be decided with the personal
approved of the Heads of the Circles. (i.e. Chief Postmaster General).
(DG (P) No. 31-24/93-PAP, dt. 25-1-94)


A number of references have been received from Compensation' admissible to Postmen staff from the
the Unions/Federations requesting for upward existing Rs. 36 per day to Rs. 43 per day.
revision of FMC admissible to Postman staff for 3. These orders come into effect from 1-9-2002.
effecting deliveries on second day of three 4. This issues with the concurrence of IFA vide their
consecutive holidays. Dy. No. 393/FA/2002, dated 27-8-2002.
2. The issue has been examined and it has been (Dept. of Posts, No. 10-7/2001-PE.II
decided to enhance the 'Fixed Monetary dated 4-9-2002)

50. CCA/HRA RAISED RATES W.E.F. 1-8-1997

(i) Compensatory (City) Allowance :

Pay Range (Basic Pay) Amount of CCA in class cites

(Rs. per month)
A-1 A B-1 B-2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Below Rs. 3,000 p.m. 90 65 45 25
Rs. 3,000 p.m. to Rs. 4,499 p.m. 125 95 65 35
Rs. 4,500 pm. to Rs. 5,999 p.m. 200 150 100 65
Rs. 6,000 p.m. and abvoe 300 240 180 120
(ii) House Rent Allowances :
Classification of cities/towns Rates of House Rent Allowance
A-1 30% of actual basic pay drawn
B-1 15% of actual basic pay drawn
C 7.5% of actual basic pay drawn
Unclassified 5% of actual basic pay drawn
N.B.: These orders shall be effective from 1-8-1997. For the period from 1-1-1996 to 31-7-1997, the above
allowance will be drawn at the existing rates on the notional pay in the pre-revised scale.
(Min. of Finace O.M. No. 2(3)/97-E.II(B), dated 3-10-1997)
I am directed to forward a copy of O.M. No. 19029/ Government of India, etc.
1/78-EIV(B), dt. 16-7-1980 of the Ministry of Finance The undersigned is directed to refer to this
(Department of Expenditure), New Delhi on the above Ministry's Office Memorandum No 19029/1/78-EIV (B)
subject for information, guidance and necessary action. dated the 31st Aug. 1975 read with O.M. of the same
That Ministry's O.M. No. 19029/1/78-E. IV (B) dated number dated the December, 1979 on the above
31-8-78 and 19029/1/77-E IB dated 3-12-1979 was subject and to state that a question has been raised
forwarded to all Heads of Circles etc. under this office as to the date from which orthopaedically handicapped
letter No. 18-10/78-PAP dated 5-12-1978, 18-1-1979 employees who were in service on 3-12-1979 and who
PAP, dated 25-1-1980. fulfilled the prescribed conditions on that date should
Copy of O.M. No. 19029/(1)/78-EIV (B) dated the be granted conveyance allowance. It is clarified that
16th July, 1980 from Government of India, Ministry in such cases the allowance may be granted w.e.f. 3-
of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) New Delhi, 12-1979.
addressed to all Ministries/Departments of the (D.G.(P) No. 18/8/80-PAP, dt. 6-2-1981)


It has been decided to modify the condition of in duty of exactly two hours will be now entitled to
more than two hours duration specified in condition Split Duty allowance, if they fulfil other prescribed
(i) of order dt. 22-5-90 by 'not more than two hours' condition. These orders will be effective for a period
with effect from 1-7-93. The implication of this of three years from 1-7-93.
modification is that even employees having a break (DG (P) No. 6-66/78-PE-II, dt. 17-6-93)


1. (i) Split duty is possible only to operative offices. 2. Regarding postmen staff, normally the duty hours
Split duty allowance is not admissible to the staff of of Postmen are continuous i.e. 08-00 hrs. - 16.00 hrs.
administrative offices. or 09.00- 17.00 hrs. and as such they are not entitled
(ii) Split duty allowance is paid on monthly basis to split duty allowance.
excluding the period for Sundays and holidays does 3. PRIs too are not to be paid Split duty allowance.
not arise. (DG (P) 6-66/78-PE-II (Vol. III), dt. 22-5-90)


Split duty allowance is admissible only to Group Outsiders who work as substitutes in the leave
C and Group D employees (including LR Staff of vacancies of Postmen/Group D.
these categories). It is not admissible to EDAs and (Chief PMG No. ESB/125-2/90, Dt. 30-9-91
Reference is invited to Directorate's letter of even Para 7 - The Postal Assistants promoted to LSG
number dated 27-4-1989 (SB order No. 26/89) on the or above as a result of the operation of the TBOP and/
subject cited above. or Biennial Cadre Review Scheme(s) will also be
2. Para 7 thereof be amended by adding the entitled to the SB allowance subject to the various
words 'or above' after the word 'LSG' in first line conditions being fulfilled like other Postal Assistants.
and 'and/or Biennial Cadre Review Schemes(s)' However, no official drawing supervisory allowance will
after 'TBOP' appearing in second line to read as be entitled to SB allowance.
follows: (DG (P) No. 2-3/86-SB dated 4-1-2000)


(1) The question of upward revisions of cycle revised vide this Ministry's O.M. No. 19030/5/86-E.IV
maintenance allowance has been under consideration dated 3rd August, 1987 to Rs. 20/- per month with effect
for some time in the past. The issue was also raised by from 1-1-1986.
the Staff Side of the National Council of the (JCM). (2) In the context of the demand raised by the staff side,
The rate of cycle maintenance allowance was last the matter has been further considered and the President
is pleased to revise the rate of cycle maintenance after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor
allowance from Rs. 20/- to Rs. 30/- per month. General of India.
(3) In their application to the Staff serving in Indian (4) These orders will take effect from the date of issue.
Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue (D.G.(P) No. 19050/4/92/E.IV, dt. 29-6-1993)


Reference is invited to Directorate's letter of even LSG or above as a result of the operation of the
number dated 27-4-1989 (SB order No. 26/89) on TBOP and/or Biennial Cadre Review Scheme(s)
the subject cited above. will also be entitled to the SB allowance subject to
2. Para 7 thereof be amended by adding the words the various conditions being fulfilled like other
'or above' after the word 'LSG' in first line and 'and/or Postal Assistants. however, no official drawing
Biennial Cadre Review Scheme(s)' after 'TBOP' supervisory allowance will be entitled to SB
appearing in second line to read as follows:- allowance.
Para 7 - The Postal Assistants promoted to (DG (P) No. 2-3/86-SB dated 4-1-2000)


Ministry of Finance (DEA) vide its I.D. No. 17/1/ The increase in savings bank incentive would be
2001-NS.II, dt. 26-08-2004 has conveyed its agreement effective from the dates of issue of orders i.e. 08-10-
regarding increase in the Savings Bank Incentive 2004.
amount from Rs. 60 per month to Rs. 150 per month in 2. It is requested that the above decision may be
respect of staff fully engaged in the saving bank work circulated immediately to all concerned for information
and from Rs. 30 per month to Rs. 75 per month for and compliance.
those partially engaged in the savings bank work, in 3. Compliance report of the above may be furnished
accordance with the recommendations of the Fifth to DDG (FS) immediately.
Central Pay Commission in para 30.22 of the Report. (D.G.(P) No. 2-2/93-503, dt. 8-10-2004)


Fixed Conveyance Allowance per month
Average monthly Travels For Journeys by own For journeys by other modes
on official duty motor car of conveyance
Rs. Rs.
201-300 Km 560 185
301-450 Km, 840 240
451-600 Km 1,035 320
601-800 Km 1,215 375
Above 800 Km 1,500 425
These orders will be effective from 1-8-97.
(M.F. O.M. No. 19039/3/98-E IV, dated 18-9-1998)


2. Keeping in view the general increase in fares of all 3. The powers of the Heads of Circles and other
modes of conveyance, the financial powers of Divisional conditions for reimbursement will remain unchanged.
Heads/Divisional Superintendents to sanction the 4. This issue with the concurrence of FA (Postal) vide
conveyance charges of Cash/Mail Overseers is their Dy. No. 459/FA/02/Cs, dated 2-12-2002.
enhanced to Rs. 500 per month from the existing limit (Dept. of Posts No. 17-2/2002-PAP,
of Rs. 200 per month. dated 3-12-2002)
i) A Certificate from the school need not be insisted expenditure should be accepted and claim
upon. sanctioned.
ii) Production of cash receipt or the counterfoil of iv) The Govt. Servant has to certify that his children
Bank voucher as a proof will be sufficient at the time to are actually studying in recognised school and incurring
initial claim. expenditure on tuition fee.
iii) A declaration that he continues to incure (OM No. 12011/3/88-Estt.(All) dt, 17-10-88)


In case of death of a Govt. Servant while in service, the RTF shall be admissible till the end of the
year provided the wife/husband is not employed in Central/State/Public Sector/Semi Govt. like Municipality
Port Trust etc.
(M.O.P. PG & Pensions OM No. 12013/1/90-Est.(Allowances) dt, 8-5-92)


Rule 341 A of P&T Manual II and orders issued flour and copper sulphate should be met from the
by the Government from time to time revising the sanctioned fixed stationery charges. The expenditure
rates for fixed stationery allowances, govern grant on articles that are purchased periodically at longer
to fixed stationery charges. It has been brought to intervals e.g., paper weights, etc. should be met from
the notice of this office by a number of Associations outside the contingent allowance.
/ Unions that the items which are not to be met from 3. The above rule clearly mentions that the
fixed stationery charges are not being supplied to expenditure on articles that are purchased
the Office/Officials drawing such fixed stationery periodically at longer intervals should be met from
charges. outside the contingent allowance and only
2. In this connection attention is invited to Para 6 to expenditure on articles that are required to be
Rule 341 A of P&T Manual Volume II, reproduced purchased every month should be met from the
below, which specified the times which are required to sanctioned fixed stationery charges. It is therefore,
be met from the sanctioned fixed stationery charges requested that the items of stationery which are not
and which are to be met from outside the contingent converted under the F.S.C. should be sanctioned by
allowance. competent authority and should not be met from fixed
The expenditure on articles that are required to stationery charges. In case of any doubt on any items
be purchased every month e.g. pencils, pen holders, of stationery, its admissiblity may be decided in
nibs, ink tags, pin, thread, twines, ink pots, blotting consultation with the IFA.
paper, sealing red and black wax, gum wicks, oil, match [DG Posts No. 23-1/89-PAD dated
boxes ink stands, candles, needles, eraser, ink powder, 12-07-93]


Consequent upon the rise in prices of stationery The proposal has been examined and it has been
articles, the question of increasing the existing fixed decided to entrust the job of review of revision of Fixed
stationery charge for Post Offices, Circle Pairing Units Stationery Charges (FSC) to a High Power Committee.
and SBCOs as sanctioned in this Office Letter No. 23- But as an interim measure, it has been decided to revise
1/89-PAP dated 23-02-1993 has been under the rates of FSC ranging from 15% to 50% as per details
consideration of the Government for sometime past. below:-
S.No. Item Existing Revised
rate Rs rate Rs.
Cost Of
1. Closing and sealing of one bag daily 1.60 2.10
2. Burning on lamp for one hour daily throughout the month 3.25 3.73
3. Fixing 100 seals to insured envelopes closed 1.00 1.30
4. Burning on lantern for one hour daily throughout the month 2.00 2.30
5. Twine for 100 labelled bundles prepared V.P. payable posted 0.30 0.45
6. Paste for 100 Registered articles posted or received or insured
and Money order envelopes, Registered bundles and official
covers closed, excluding those posted with special registered journal
and at Branch Post Offices doing independent registration work. 0.30 0.45
Cost of Stationery each-
7. Member of the Supervising staff 1.60 2.10
8. Member of the clerical staff, excluding leave reserve clerks 2.60 3.35
9. Overseer (Mail and Cash) Postman and Village Postman 2.00 3.00
10. Mail Peon and Stamp Vendor 0.80 1.05
Only 15% increase on Item No. 2 and 4 has been amount to the effect and "such items of stationery which
decided, as most of the Post Offices in urban areas are requested to be met out of FSC are not being
are modernized. Item concerning stationery charges supplied by the concerned PSD / have not been
for cost of gum for teleprinter messages to be gummed purchased and will not be purchased separately from
in PCs has been deleted, as the teleprinter message the office contingency."
requiring cutting and gumming are not received any These orders come into force from the date of
more. issue. This issues with the concurrence of Finance
Moreover, while agreeing to the above proposal, Advice Wing vide their Dy. No. 505/FA/99 dated 26-
it has been decided that the concerned Postmaster 10-1999.
should record a certificate on the bill drawing FSC [Dept. of Posts No. 23-1/96-PAP dated 11-11-1999]


1. L.T.C. Claim : Availing of LTC during Saturday & holidays alone
Bill should be preferred within 3 months of the date not allowed. Journey during the weekend holidays
of completing the return journey, otherwise the claim without any leave is no entitled to LTC.
shall be forfeited of advance taken, the final bill have (Dept. of P&T No. 31011/28/8-Estt. (A) dt. 26-3-87)
to be preferred within one month on completion of return 2. Medical Claims :
journey. If not made, the amount will be recovered in The claim is preferred within three months of
one lump and if such recovery is made, it should be completion of treatment - Appx XVI.
taken as if no advance was taken and the claim is 3. T.A. Claims :
allowed within a period of 3 months. One year from the date of relief from the old station.


1. 1 year TD w.e.f. 10-12-87 - 0.5% (DG No. 48.6/87-SB, dt. 12-11-87)
2. 2 & 3 years TD - 1%
3. 5 years TD - 2½%
4. 7 years, NSe II Issue - 2½% (Discountinued w.e.f. 1-10-88)
5. 6 years VI & VII Issue - 2% (Sales stopped w.e.f. 1-4-89)
6. 5 years NDB - 2½%
7. 10 years SSC - 2% (Stopped from 1-4-89)
8. Monthly Income Scheme (19-10-87) - 1% (Dte.No. 97/5/87/SB, dt. 28-10-87)
9. Kisan Vikas Patras (1-4-88) - 1% (C.O. No. SB/44-1/87, dt. 11-5-88)
10. NSC 6 yrs. VIII issue (8-5-89) - 1% (Dte. 61-22/89-SI, dt. 12-6-89
# (Not permissible on institutional investment vide C.S. No. 132/89-90)
1. 1 year TD : 0.5% w.e.f. 1-3-89 (DG No. 48-2/88-SB, dt. 21-2-89)
2. 2 year & 3 year TD : 1% (DG's Lr. No. 48-19/77-SB, dt. 23-2-77
3. 5 year TD : 2%
4. 7 year NSC II Issue : 2% Sales stopped from 1-10-88
5. 6 year NSC VI & VII : 2% Sales stopped from 1-4-87
6. 5 year NDB : 2%
7. 10 year SSC : 2% Sales stopped
8. PO SB : On net accretion of not less than Rs. 500, exclusive of interest
and excluding deposits of March but including withdrawals of
March (BPM)
2. Incentive 2% of the sale of stamps/stationery upto Rs. 30/- to each customer.
3. Saving Bank :
1. Deposits made in March will be ignored. But withdrawals in March will be taken into account.
2. The deposits made in AO/HO will not be taken into account. But withdrawals made in AO/HO will be taken
into account.
(DG No. 46-2/81-SB, dt. 17-10-83)

4. ED BPMs are not authorised to sale NSC VIII Issue 7. Monthly Income Scheme A/c.
- Hence they are not eligible for commission. a) Opening of Account :
(C.O. No. SB/40-3/88/NSC VIII dt. 27-11-89) 1 Supervisor - 0-50 per A/c.
5. Commission paid to PR SS : 2. Asst. - 1-00 per A/c.
1. 1 year TD : Nil (DG No. 95-4/86-SB dt. 2-7-87 )
2. 2 & 3 year TD : 1% 3. Ledger Clerk - 0-50 per A/c.
3. CTD/RD : 2½% (DG No. 95-4/86-SB dt. 14-7-87 & 23-3-88)
4. 5 year TD : 2½% b) Payment :
5. 6 year NSC VIII issue : 0.5% (w.e.f. 8-5-89) 1. Supervisor - 0-50 per A/c. Overall
(DG No. 44-1/81-SB dt. 16-10-89 and C.O. No. SB/ ceiling Rs. 250/- p.m.
40-3/84/NSC VIII, dt. 6-12-89) 2. Counter Clerk - 1-00 per A/c. Overall
6. Incentives to Postal Staff for dealing in IVP's : ceiling Rs. 500/- p.m.
a) Sales w.e.f. 1-7-87 3. Ledger Clerk - 0-50 per A/c. Overall
1. Counter Clerk - Re. 1/- per IVP issued at ceiling Rs. 250/- p.m.
the counter subject to Rs. (DG No. 95/4/86-SB, dt. 14-7-1987)
500/- P.M. 8. Note : In case both the Monthly payment
2. Supervisor - Re. 1/- for 5 IVPs - ceiling scheme and the IVP scheme are handled at the
Rs. 250/- P.M. same counter, the overall ceiling mentioned
3. Group D - Re. 0.05 per IVP. above will apply to both the schemes counted
(DG No. 61-31/90-SB, dt. 6-6-90) together.
b) IVP Discharge w.e.f. 19-11-91 (DG No. 95/4/86-SB, dt. 14-7-87)
1. Counter Clerk (HOs & SOs) - Rs. 2/- per IVP
discharged. 9. Incentive for sale of Postage stamps :
2. Supervisor (whether work of Counter Clerk) or SPM Incentive scheme for sale of postage stamps
as the case may be Rs. 0.40 for IVP discharged and Postal stationery at the counter by
2. Group D - Rs. 0-10 per IVP discharged ceiling both departmental stamp vendor/ED Stamp Vendor
to PAs &Supervisor - Rs. 1000/- introduced vide DG's No. 48-1/87-PMR dt. 10-12-
(DG No. 61-37/87-SB, dt. 4-10-91) 87. Entire sales through Franking Machine also
Ceiling is per individual and not per counter or per qualify for incentive calculation vide DG's No. 48-
office. 1/87-PMP dt. 3-5-89. Sales exceeding Rs. 30/- at
(DG No. 61-37/87-SB (Pt.) dt. 28-9-92) a time will not qualify.
Reference is invited to this office letter No. 95-4/ been under consideration of the Department for some
86-SB dated 14-7-87 on the above mentioned subject time.
and instructions/clarifications issued in this regard from 3. It has now been decided to grant MIS incentive for
time to time, the last one issued vide letter No. 97-A/ excess MIS work in those post offices also where the
87-SB dated 8-9-93 conveyed that MIS incentive is to collective work hours of MIS and SB exceed the staff
be paid in those post offices where additional justified hours.
staff, taking into account the work relating to MIS; has 4. These orders will come into force w.e.f. the date
not been provided. of issue of orders. Other clarification governing the grant
2. An item submitted by staff side in the of incentive would remain the same.
Departmental Council relating to payment of MIS 5. This is with the concurrence of Fin. Advice vide
incentive where the work hours are in exceed of staff the Dy. No. 3561 dated 27-12-95.
hours, though a full hand may not be justified, has (SB order No. 1/96, dt. 5-1-96)


(1) (i) Incentive of Rs. 0.50 is payable for each provided the number of articles returned
Speed Post article booked where no separate undelivered due to the reasons other than those
booking counter is provided for speed post work. of customer premises closed or refused by the
(ii) Incentive of Rs. 0.75 per article booked over addressee is Nil.
& above the threshold specified where [DG (P) No. 43-17/90-D dated 24-12-90]
separate post has been sanctioned for speed (3) Incentive is admissible for all speed post money
post work. orders paid.
(iii) Incentive to postman -- Rs. 0.50 per article [DG (P) No. 43-7/88-D dated 25-04-91]
delivered in addition to his other normal duties. (4) In case of return is more than 2%, no incentive
[DG (P) No. 43-17/90 dated 16-11-90] is payable to postman. For return upto 2%,
(2) (i) In respect of articles booked under special incentive at the rate of 50 paise per article can
journal, maximum limit of incentive payable is also be paid after test check of some of the cases
Rs. 5/- per customer. to confirm if the reason for non delivery given by
(ii) Incentive for pick up articles from for the postman was correct.
customer's premises Re. 0/50 per article subject [DG (P) No. 43-17/90-D dated 03-05-91]
to a maximum of Rs. 5/- per customer. (5) No incentive is admissible to other staff employed
(iii) Where separate posts have been sanctioned in sorting and despatch of speed post articles /
for delivery of speed post articles, incentive at bags.
the rate of 50 paise per article is payable [DG (P) No. 43-17/89-D dated 19-06-91]


Instances have come to the notice of this Dept. India and to Rs. 2500/- under the powers of Heads
where payment of honorarium exceeding Rs. 5,000/ of Departments. These limits cannot be exceeded in
has been made during a year on the plea that the any case by treating different items of work or same
limit of Rs. 5000/- is applicable to each item of work item of work performed at different times of the year
separately. It is clarified that the total amount of as separate for the purpose of calculating the
honorarium payable to a Govt. servant during a entitlement of honorarium.
financial year is limited to Rs. 5000/- under the power (Dept. of Per & Trg. OM No. 21011/26/96-Estt
delegated to the Ministries/Departments/C&AG of (Allowances) dt. 20-1-1997)
1. Payment of CREGIS amount to the nominees/ iii) An indemnity Bond should be given.
heirs when an employee is missing untraceable. iv) Full subscriptions for one year from the date of
i) The accumulations in the savings Fund may be dis-appearance should be collected. Thereafter
paid to the nominees after elapse of a period of one premium of Rs. 3/- per month for every Rs. 10,000 shall
year following the month of disappearance. be recovered for a further period of six years or till the
ii) The family must lodge a report with Police. The month in which the insurance cover is paid whichever
non traceable report from Police should also be is later.
obtained. (G.I. M.F. O.M. No. 7(6) EV/87, dt. 30-11-87)
2. Interest of GPF balances of persons found ii) In cases where the officials disappear after
absconding : committing frauds etc. the family pension needs
When an employee disappears leaving his family, to be sanctioned only on the Govt. Servant being
the family can be paid in the first instance the amount acquitted by the Court of law or after the
of salary due, leave encashment due and the amount conclusions of the disciplinary proceedings etc.,
of G.P.F. as the case may be.
i) The family must lodge a report with the Police and iii) This is applicable to the Missing Pensioners also.
obtain a report that the employee has not been traced (D.G.(P) No. 4-52/86-Pen, dt. 3-3-89)
by the Police. 4. Grant of Family Pension and Gratuity to the
ii) An indemnity bond should be given that all families etc. of the Govt. employees/Pensioners
Payments will be adjusted against the payments due who disappeared suddenly and whose
in case he appears on the scene and make claim. whereabouts are not known :
iii) Interest on G.P.F. can be allowed upto 6 months It has now been decided that the family pension,
from the date of the report obtained from the Police which is pursuance of the earlier orders, will continue
dept. to be sanctioned and paid one year after the date of
(C & AG, ND No. 1429-AC II/132-88, dt. 30-11-88) lodging the FIR or expiry of leave of the employees
3. Family pension in respect of officials/ who has disappeared whichever is later. When the
pensioners who disappear and whose where bouts sanction for family pension is issued, the payment of
are not known-clarificatory orders ; pension from the date of accrual may be authorised.
i) Family pension is to be granted after a lapse of The usual procedure of obtaining the indemnity bond,
one year from the date of F.I.R. is lodged with the Police etc. as laid down in the O.M. dt. 29-8-86 will continue
authorities regarding disappearance of the Govt. to be followed.
employee. (DOP OM No. 1(17)-P&PW/86, dt. 18-2-93)


In pursuance of the Budget 2003-2004 The system would be mandatory for new recruits to
announcement of a New Pension Scheme (NPS) has the Central Govt. service except the armed forces and
been approved by the Union Cabinet on 23rd August, the monthly contribution would be 10 percent of the
2003 relating to introducing a new restructured defined salary and DA to be paid by the employee and matched
contribution pension system for new entrants to the by the Central Govt. however, there will be a contribution
Central Govt. except to Armed Forces, in the first stage, from the Govt. in respect of individuals who are not Govt.
replacing the existing system of defined benefit pension employees. The contribution and investment returns
system. The new system will also be available, on a would be deposited in a non-withdrawable pension tier-
voluntary basis, to all persons including self employed I account. The existing provisions of defined benefits
professionals and others in the unorganized sector. pension and GPF would not be available to the new
However, mandatory programmes under the Employee recruits in the Central Govt. service.
Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and other special In addition to the above pension account, each
provident funds would continue to operate as per the individual may also have a voluntary tier-II withdrawable
existing system under the Employee Provident Fund account at his option. This option is given, as GPF is
and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 and other proposed to be withdrawn for new recruits in Central
special Acts governing these funds. Govt. service entering into the Govt. service w.e.f. 1st
The New Pension Scheme (NPS) has been notified January, 2004 onwards, Government will make no
by the Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Economic Affairs contribution into this account. These assets would be
(ECB & PR Division) Resolution NO. 5/7/2003-ECB managed through exactly the above procedures.
&PR dated 10th October, 2003. However, he would be free to withdraw part or all of
The main features of the New Pension System are the 'second tire' of his money any time. This
given below. withdrawable account does not constitute pension
The New Pension system would be based on investment and would attract no special tax treatment.
defined contributions, which will use the existing Individuals can normally exist at or after age 60
network of bank branches and post offices etc. to collect years for tier-I of the pension system. At exit the
contributions and interact with participants allowing individual would be mandatory required to invest 40
transfer of the benefits in case of change of employment percent of pension wealth to purchase an annuity (from
and offer a basket of pension choices. an IRDA-regulated Life Insurance Company). In case
of Govt. employees the annuity should provide for Scope of the New Pension System.
pension for the lifetime of the employee and his The option of joining the new system would also
dependent parents and his spouse at the time of be available to the State Govt. and as and when they
retirement. The individual would receive a lump-sum decide, the new system would be capable of
of the remaining pension wealth, which he would be accommodating the new participants.
free to utilize in any manner. Individuals would have Mandatory programmes under the Employee
the flexibility to leave the pension system prior to age Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), and other special
60, however, in this case, the mandatory annuitisation provident funds would continue to operate as per the
would be 80% of the pension wealth. existing system. However, individuals under these
Architecture of the New Pension System : programs could voluntarily choose to additionally
It will have a central record keeping and accounting participate in this scheme.
(CRA) infrastructure, several pension fund managers Main steps to be taken by the Circle Office:
(PFMs) to offer three categories of schemes viz, option (i) Revised Estimate 2003-2004 (RE) may be made
A, B and C as detailed under Investment Strategy. for the new entrants in the Govt. in the current Financial
The participating entities (PFMs and CRA) would Year. The provision for New Pension Scheme shall also
give out easily understood information about past be made in the Budget Estimates 2004-2005 (BE).
performance, so that the individual would be able to (ii) The contribution, collection, deduction and
make informed choices about which scheme to choose. remittance to CRA allotment of an account No. for each
Regulatory Authority. employee entered Govt. w.e.f. 1-1-04 will be allotted
A independent pension fund regulatory and by the concerned Pay & Accounts Office. The account
development authority (PFRDA) will regulate and number allotted to Govt.. servant will be a unique
develop the pension market. PFRDA will develop its number which will be of Permanent nature and not
own funding stream based on user charges. change even on transfer of Govt. servant outside the
Till such time a statutory PFRDA is established, recruitment zone or on deputation to other Departments
an interim PFRDA, on the pattern of SEBI and IRDA, of Govt. of India.
would be appointed by an executive order. (iii) In the offer of appointment it shall be clearly
The interim PFRDA would be headed by a mentioned that the existing system of defined benefit
Chairman with a status of not less than a Secretary to pension system is not available to new entrants. In its
the Govt. of India appointed by the Central Govt. Other place a new restructured defined contribution pension
members of the interim body, not exceeding four in system will be available to new entrants to the Central
number, of whom not more than two shall serve full Govt. w.e.f. 1st January, 2004.
time, shall be selected by the Central Govt. from All the appointing/recruiting offices under your
amongst persons having experience and knowledge administrative control be duly informed about the
in economics, finance, legal and administrative matters changes in the pension benefits on account of new
with one persons from each discipline. pension scheme and urgently advised to incorporate
Investment strategy : the changes in their prospectus/applications forms/
These will be different choices such as option A, offer letters likely to be issued to issued to the new
B and C, the option A would imply predominant recruits.
investment in fixed income instruments and some (iv The Pay & Accounts Offices would be the nodal
investment in equity. Option B will imply greater point to collect contribution on behalf of both the
investment in equity. Option C will imply almost equal employees and the employer and the downstream
investment in fixed income and equity. arrangements with the Drawing and Disbursing
Pension fund managers would be free to make authorities would be made by P&AOs. The DDOs are
investment in international markets subject to regulatory not having this responsibility in this arrangement.
restrictions and oversight in this regard. (v) Identification of individual's contributions and
It is proposed to evaluate market mechanisms balances in the pension accounts would be given top-
(without any contingent liability) through which certain most priority so that when the institutional architecture
investment protection guarantees can be offered for of NPS, such as, the Central Record keeping and
the different schemes. Accounting Agency and pension fund managers are
Tax treatment. appointed, the accumulated balances under each
Pension contributions and accumulation would be individual accounts could be transferred to CRA. Till
accorded tax preference upto a certain limit, but benefits such time, such individual balances can be kept in an
would be taxed as normal income. account (viz. Public Accounts of India under a specified
"Head) and a suitable rate of return can be given by the new recruits in the central Govt. service.
the Govt. under a purely temporary arrangement. (ii) In addition to the above pension account, each
(vi) Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and individual may also have a voluntary tier-II withdrawable
Pension would soon be issuing appropriate account of his option. This option is given as GPF will
amendments to all the recruitments and Pension Rules be withdrawn for new recruits in Central Govt. service.
for the new employees, copy of the notification will be Government will make no contribution into this account.
made available as and when these are received from These assets would be managed through exactly the
the nodal Department. above procedures. However the employee would be
(vii) A copy of the Resolution issued by Ministry of free to withdraw part of or all of the 'second tier of his
Finance (Dept. of Expenditure) constituting Interim money any time. This withdrawable account does not
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority constitute pension investment and would attract no
(PFRDA) is enclosed. special tax treatment.
In view of the above it is requested that necessary (iii) Individuals can normally exist at or after age 60
steps may please be taken so that new pension scheme years for tier-I of the pension system. At exist the
becomes operative w.e.f. 1-1-2004. individual would be mandatorily required to invest 40%
Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter to of pension wealth to purchase an annuity (from IRDA-
ADG (Pension), Deptt. Of Posts, Dak Bhavan, Sansad regulated life insurance company). In case of Govt.
Marg, New Delhi. employees the annuity should provide for pension for
(DG. (P) No. 4-28/03-Pen dated 17-12-2003) the lifetime of the employee and his dependent parents
NOTIFICATION DATED 22-12-2003 and his spouse at the time of retirement. The individual
F.No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR. The Government would receive a lump-sum of the remaining pension
approved on 23-8-2003 the proposal to implement the wealth, which he would be free to utilize in any manner.
budget announcement of 2003-04 relating to introducing Individuals would have the flexibility to leave the
a new restructed defined contribution pension system pension system prior to age 60. However, in this case,
for new entrants to Central Government service, except the mandatory annutisiation would be 80% of the
to Armed forces in the first stage, replacing the existing pension wealth.
system of defined benefit pension system. Architecture of the New Pension System :
(i) The system would be mandatory for all new recruits (iii) It will have central record keeping and accounting
to the central Govt.. service from 1 of January 2004 (CRA) infrastructure, several pension funds Managers
(Except the armed forces in the first stage). The monthly (PFMs) to offer three categories of schemes viz. Option
contribution would be 10 percent of the salary and DA A, B and C.
to be paid by the employee and matched by the central (iv) The participating entities (PFMs and CRA) would
Govt.. However, there will be no contribution from the give out easily understood information about past
Govt. in respect of individual who are not Govt. performance, so that the individual would also to make
employees. The contributions and investment returns informed choices about which scheme to choose.
would be deposited in a non-withdrawable pension 2. The effective date for operationalisation of the new
tier-I account. The existing provisions of defined pension system shall be from 1 of January 2004.
benefit pension and GPF would not be available to (DG(P) No. 4-28/03-Pen, dt. 1-1-2004)
In continuation to this office letter No. 44-1/ 2. It is clarified that as and when D.A. is revised
83-PE-II, dated 1st October, 1996 wherein it has been Night Halt Allowance is also revised accordingly
decided that the undermentioned Postal Staff should through it remains 75% of D.A.
be granted allowance on the following revised rates 3. The above mentioned categories of staff
of Night Halts away from Headquarters while on their shall be entitled to reimbursement of actual
beats in the course of their duties: expenditure incurred on the sanctioned mode of
Category of Staff Revised rates of Night conveyance provided that the tour programme
half allowance is approved by the appointed authority. It shall
Cash Mail Overseas 75% of D.A. as admissible further be subject to SR 64-A in the case of Cash
and Village Postmen/ to the officials per night Overseers.
runner and mail Peon subject to the maximum (DG(P) No. 44-1/2000-PE-II,
of 20 nights per month. dated 3-8-2000)
Reference DG (P) Office letter No. 6/4/80-PAD post offices are eligible for special pay. This point
dated 25-02-92 in which orders for grant of special has been examined and it has been decided that
pay for handling / custody of cash by Sub officials promoted under TBOP / BCR scheme are
Postmasters in single and double handed post offices eligible for special pay for handling / custody of cash
have been issued. Some of the Heads of Circles have in single and double handed post offices.
sought clarification whether the officials promoted This issued with the concurrence of Finance Advice
under OTBP / BCR while working as Sub and vide their diary No. 509/FA-92 dated 18-02-92.
Postmasters in single handed and double handed [DG Posts No. 6-4/80-PAP dated 08-06-93]


In suppression of the instructions contained in O.M. accommodation for the new incumbent will be allotted.
No. 2/52/64-Pol. dtd. 20-3-1965, it has been described 2. A question has been raised if the allottees of
that:- earmarked residence could as well be allowed to retain
(i) An officer allotted residential accommodation on the accommodation after handing over the charge. The
rent free basis may be allowed to retain the residential position is that an earmarked residence is intended for
accommodation on rent free basis may be allowed to occupation by the officer who actually holds the post.
retain the residence free of rent while on leave upto a He is not entitled to retain it during the period of leave
maximum period of one month subject to the condition unless the competent authority permits him to do so.
that he is likely to return to the same post from which The allotment subsists only during the period of
he proceeds on leave. incumbency and immediately on change of
(ii) A female officer who has been allotted residential incumbency, the successor incumbent becomes the
accommodation free of rent may be permitted to enjoy allottee of the residence in question. It will, therefore,
the rent fee concession during the entire period of normally be necessary for the successor incumbent
maternity leave provided that the accommodation is to occupy the residence immediately on change of
not required for the substitute, if any, engaged during incumbency, the successor incumbent becomes the
the absence on leave of the officer concerned and she allottee of the residence in question. It will, therefore,
is likely to return to the same post from where she normally be necessary for the successor incumbent
proceeds on leave. No additional accommodation will to occupy the residence immediately after taking over.
however be provided to the substitute. If notwithstanding these considerations an earmarked
(iii) On transfer from one station to another, the officer residence can be made available of the outgoing
may be allowed to retain the residence free of rent for incumbent of the post or his family, it has been decided
a period of first 15 days, and thereafter on payment of that the concessional period mentioned in the
rent under fundamental Rule 45-A for a period not preceding para, may be allowed by the competent
exceeding one month from the date of handing over authority to the allottee of the earmarked residence in
the charge. similar contingencies irrespective of the fact whether
(iv) In the event of death of the officer, his family may the allotment is on rent free basis or on rent paying
be allowed to retain the residence, free for rent for a basis provided that it is not detrimental to the interest
period of one month from the date of the officer's death of the new incumbent of that post and the
and thereafter for a further period, of 3 months on accommodation can be conveniently spared and it
payment of rent under Fundamental Rule 45-A. does not involve any loss of revenue or extra cost to
(v) On resignation, dismissal or removal rent free the Government. The Administrative Ministry/
concession to the officer will cease from the date of Department of the Government of India will be the
resignation, dismissal or removal. In the case of competent authority for this purpose.
retirement from service, he maybe allowed to retain 3. These orders issue with the concurrence of the
the residence for a period of one month, on payment Comptroller & Auditor General of India as far as the
of rent under F.R. 45-A. officers working under him are concerned.
The retention of residence in case mentioned 4. This issues with the concurrence or the Finance
above is to be allowed only if the same is required for Division of Ministry of Urban Development vide their
the bonafide use of the officer or his family as the case U.O. No. 115/w & E/D III/91 dated 9-9-1991.
may be and the residence can be conveniently spared (Dir. of Estates, O.M. No. 12035(21)/90-Pol.II dated
by the competent authority. No additional 4-10-1991)


(a) Instructions / Guidelines were issued by the connection, attention is invited to the instructions
Directorate from time to time regarding retention of contained in this office letter NO. 4-16/88-Bldg. Dated
Government quarters in the event of transfer / death / 13/16th September 1988.
retirement of the Government servants who are in It has been observed that these instructions /
occupation of Government accommodation. In this guidelines are not being followed scrupulously either
by Government servant or by the members of their payment of licence fee in advance at enhanced rate
family in the case of death of Government servant or i.e. twice the normal licence fee or as chargeable under
by the Circle / Regional or other competent authority the rules:
and, as such, cases for retention of quarters are referred (i) On retirement 4 months
either by their officer or received directly from the retired (ii) On death 6 months
/ family members of the deceased Government servant The retention beyond the period mentioned in (a)
to this office even after expiry of period upto which above should not be allowed on any grounds
retention of quarter has been requested for. whatsoever and the Circle Office / PMG should ensure
It is therefore requested that the instructions / that damage charges beyond the above admissible /
guidelines issued by this office on the subject may be permissible period is invariably charged.
followed strictly and when there is any delay in If the competent authority still feels that the
forwarding any application, to the Directorate reasons retention of quarter beyond the above said period is
for the delay may be fully explained and specific necessary for the Government servant or his family,
recommendations of the Chief PMG / PMG given. such request of the official should be forwarded duly
To recapitulate the rules on the subject, the retention recommended personally by the Chief PMG / PMG at
of quarter can be allowed for the period mentioned least 2 months before the date of expiry of the
below. permission already granted. It should, however, be
(a) On payment licence fee at normal rate, the made clear to the applicant that licence fee at damage
admissible period is: rent is recoverable even if the request is under
1. On retirement 4 months consideration by the Department.
2. On death of Govt. Servant 6 months It is therefore enjoined that the Head of the Circle /
3. On transfer 2 months Region should ensure that official (s) who retired or
(b) Retention of quarter beyond the above said period are transferred or the members of the family of a
should be discouraged. However, the Chief PMG / deceased Government servant are not allowed to reside
PMG are competent to allow further retention in special in the Government quarters allotted to them, without
circumstances viz. Children's education, medical proper permission and that unauthorised occupation
grounds, etc. where the competent authority feels that of quarters should be strictly dealt with under the
the family of the Government servant may suffer provision of Eviction of Public Premises Unauthorised
hardship in the even of vacation of quarter upto a certain Occupant Act, 1971.
specified period. The retention may be allowed for [DG Posts Letter No. 4/33/92 Bldg. Dated
another maximum period as indicated below, on 31-08-1992]`


It is clarified that on the expiry of the admissible (ii) Death 6 months
period of retention of the quarters at normal rates in (iii) On transfer 6 months
case of retirement, death and transfer, further retention 2. It may be mentioned here that the Department
of the quarters under special circumstances such as of Posts is following the same rules regarding
children's education, serious illness etc. the Chief retention of quarters on retirement, death, transfer,
Postmaster General/Postmaster General may allow etc as stipulated in SR 317-B-11 and SR 317-B-22
retention of the quarters for another maximum period as printed in Swamy's compilation of FR Sr, Part I,
as indicated below on payment of licence fee in 1992 edition.
advance to twice the normal licence fee or as 3. The other provisions of the circular dated the 31st
chargeable under the rules: August 1992, will remain the same.
(i) On retirement 4 months (G.I. Dept. of Posts No. 4-33/92-Bldg. dt. 7/93)


Instructions/guidelines were issued by the 13/16-9-1988, 4-33/92 Bldg., dated 31-8-1992 and 4-
Directorate from time to time regarding retention of 33/92 Bldg. dated 21-5-1993.
Government Quarters in the event of transfer/death/ It has now been intimated by the directorate of
retirement of Government servants who are in Estates, that the permissible period of retention of
occupation of Government accommodation. In this general pool accommodation in the case of death
connection, your attention is invited to the instructions of the allottee has been increased from six months
contained in Directorate Letter No. 4-16/88-Bldg., dated to twelve months with effect from 30-5-1992. A copy
of the Directorate of Estates Notification No. 12035/ further retention on payment of enhanced licence fees
1/92, Pol. III dated 20-7-1992 is hereby enclosed Not is permissible.
printed). According to this, in the case of death, no (D.G.(P) No 4-5/96-Bldg. dt. 19-3-1997)


It has been decided that in all cases where a Govt. penalty on grounds of unbecoming conduct of the Govt.
Servant has been found guilty of letting out of Govt. employee involving violation of Rule 3(1) (iii) of CCS
residential accommodation allotted to him/her, the (Conduct) Rules 1964 or any other similar rule
concerned disciplinary authority after considering the governing them.
facts may take suitable departmental disciplinary action (Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM NO. 11013/14/85-Estt.(A),
under the disciplinary rules for imposition of a suitable dt. 6-3-86)


The Post attached quarters cannot be permitted remedial measure should be devised against this kind
to be retained beyond two months and that the of irregularity even by taking disciplinary action against
unauthorised occupation of such quarters, may be got the delinquent officer/official if necessary.
evicted without delay. It is therefore directed that (D.G.(P) No. 4-41/90-Bldg., dt. 30-10-91)
Normal period of retention of Govt. residential mandatory for incumbents to occupy such quarters.
accommodation in case of transfer from one station to Guidelines issued vide Directorate letter No. 5-6/86/
another is 2 months under Supplementary Rule 317- NB (P) dated 09-08-1990 provide for suspension of post
B-11. However, further retention for a period not attached quarters of PMs / SPMs by Heads of Circles
exceeding six months can also be granted on up to a maximum period of six months under SR -313
educational / medical ground under Supplementary (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f). Cases regarding suspension of
Rule 317-B-22. Damage rent is chargeable if the such quarters for the period exceeding six months are
accommodation is not vacated after the expiry of the required to be sent to the Directorate. Proposals from
period for which permission is granted which in any circles are received from time to time for:-
case shall not exceed a total of eight months as (a) Retention of post attached quarter on transfer by
mentioned above. outgoing incumbent.
2. Cases have been brought to the notice of the (b) Suspension of ear-marked post attached quarters
Directorate where there are no takers of postal pool and its allotment to some other non-entitled official.
accommodation even if it is vacated after expiry (c) Merger of post attached accommodation with the
of the maximum permissible retention period of post office accommodation due to inadequacy of
eight months granted under SR 317-B-11 read with space in the post office.
SR 317-B-22 though the officer / official on transfer (d) Dequartarisation of a post attached
continues to require that accommodation on accommodation due to inhabitable conditions.
medical / educational grounds. Vacation of 4. The matter has been reviewed and it has been
accommodation in such eventuality by the existing decided by the competent authority that Heads of
occupant on expiry of the permission granted Circles themselves may decide cases falling under SR
would result in loss to the Department in the shape 313 (1) (a), (b), (c) and (f) as well as those mentioned
of non-receipt of rentals besides lack of in the above para Nos (2) and (3). The power of
maintenance in case such quarters remain vacant dequarterisation of a post attached accommodation
for unusually long period. Moreover, the policy of due to inhabitable condition is now also delegated
the Department is to provide residential to the Head of Circle. Following guidelines are issued
accommodation to staff as far as possible. in the exercise of these powers:-
3. As regards, post attached rent free quarters of PMs (i) The allottees of Govt. residential accommodation
/ SPMs, the allotment subsists only during the period from postal pool on transfer from one station to another
of incumbency and immediately on change of may be further permitted by Heads of Circles to continue
incumbency; the successor incumbent becomes the to retain the accommodation even beyond the
allottee of the residence in question. Further, it is maximum permissible period of retention i.e. 8 months,
if the occupants so desire and there are no takers of fee for period exceeding eight months.
staff quarters, subject to the following conditions:- (iii) Suspension of post attached accommodation for
(a) Request by such an allottee in this regard should the reason of non-occupation by the incumbents due
be made well in advance of the expiry of already to their having own residential accommodation /
permitted period by Head of Circle under SR - 317- arrangement in the area may be permitted only on the
B-11 read with SR 317-B-22. condition that it does not adversely effect the work of
(b) As and when an eligible contender for the quarter PM / SPM.
arises, the quarter should be vacated on thirty days (iv) In case of merger of post-attached quarter with post
notice. office space, Head of Circle will have to record a
(c) The occupant will have to pay double the licence certificate to the effect that:-
fee for the permitted period of retention beyond (a) The post office is a profit making one;
expiry of maximum period of eight months provided (b) Extra benefit will be there if such merger takes
under SR 317-B-11 read with SR 317-B-22. place; and
(ii) While considering request for retention of post (c) Total space of post office on merger does not
attached accommodation, the outgoing incumbent may exceed the justified SOA of the post office.
be permitted to retain the same accommodation if the (v) In case of dequarterisation of post attached
incoming incumbent does not require the said post accommodation, Head of Circle make take a decision
attached accommodation. Retention of post attached about dequarterisation till it becomes habitable by
accommodation at previous places of functioning on carrying out repairs or put the accommodation to any
request may be permitted subject to the following other official use.
conditions:- 5. These instructions may be circulated to all concerned
(a) The allotment of post attached accommodation for information, guidance and implementation.
will be cancelled on the basis of one month's notice 6. Receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledged to
whenever such accommodation is required for the the ADG (Bldg.), Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street, New
use of the regular incumbent entitled to the post Delhi -110001.
attached quarters. 7. Hindi version will follow.
(b) The retention will be at double the rate of licence [DG Post No. 10-4/2003-Bldg. Dated 06-05-2003]


The Sub-Postmasters occupying the quarters attached to the post and entitled to rent free accommodation
as a condition of service may be allowed to retain the quarters attached to their post in the event of their retirement
from service for a period of two months on payment of normal rent.
(DG P&T No. 1/87/81-NB, dt. 18-4-81)


With the introduction of flat rates of licence fee scavenging tax would not be recovered from rent-free
with effect from 1-7-87, common services, conservancy allottees also from the date the flat rate of licence fee
and fire tax and scavenging tax payable by the licence was introduced viz. 1-7-87.
fee paying allottees of Govt. residences was (Directorate of Estate O.M. No. 18016/1/88/PO;-III,
discontinued. It has been decided that the charges for dated 3-6-91)
common services, conservancy and fire tax and


Concessional period of retention :- Employees/families may be permitted to retain the quarters for the
periods noted against the events in the Table below, on payment of normal licence fee.
Events Permissible period for retention of
the residence
(i) Resignation, dismissal, removal or termination
of service or unauthorized absence without permission 1 Month
(ii) Retirement or terminal leave 2 months on normal licence fee; and another 2
months on double the normal licence fee.
On medical/educational grounds. Further
retention 2 months on four times the normal
licence fee. Subsequent 2 months on six times
the normal licence fee.
(iii) Death of all Allottee 2 years if the deceased or his/her dependent
does not own a house at the last station.
(iv) Transfer to an ineligible office at the station 2 months
(v) Transfer to a place outside the station 2 months
(vi) On proceeding on foreign service in India 2 months
(vii) Temporary transfer in India or transfer to a place 4 months
outside India.
(viii) Leave (other than leave preparatory to retirement) 4 months
(ix) Maternity leave For the period of maternity plus the leave
granted in continuation subject to a maximum
of 5 months.
(x) Leave preparatory to retirement For the full period of leave on full pay subject
to a maximum of 180 days.
(xi) Study leave in or outside India (a) In case of occupation of an accommodation
below entitlement, for the entire period of study
(b) In case of occupation of the entitled type
accommodation, for the period of study leave but
not exceeding six months; If the study leave
extends beyond six months, the officer may be
allotted alternative accommodation, one type
below entitlement, on the expiry of six months or
from the date of commencement of the study
leave if desired by the allottee.
(xii) Deputation outside India For the period of deputation but not exceeding
six months.
(xiii) Leave on medical grounds For the full period of leave
(xiv) On proceeding on training For the full period of training.


A reference is invited to this office letter No. (Annexure I and Annexure II respectively). A copy
51-2/79-PRP dated 18-11-1981 vide which norms thereof is sent for information and guidance. The
of schedule of accommodation for construction of new schedule will be utilised for planning all post
post office building were laid down. Experience office buildings with immediate effect.
has shown these norms to be very liberal and in a 2. While preparing the SOA the following points
number of buildings constructed by the Department should be kept in view:-
in the recent past, accommodation far in excess (i) The SOA itself need not be rigidly binding in any
of the actual requirement has been created. This case. These maximum guideline norms may be
is because there is a general tendency to inflate taken for reference and not in all cases need be
the SOA and also to incorrectly apply the provisions implemented in toto. Based on actual observation
for future expansion without any objective and a realistic assessment of the potential of the
assessment of the actual need of accommodation. office for which the building is planned to be
The question of further revision of present SOA constructed, the SOA should be computed.
norms has, therefore, been engaging the attention (ii) While making the provision for future expansion,
of this office for some time past. After due it is very necessary to assess carefully the likely
consideration revised proforma of SOA separately growth of the traffic of the office concerned. The
for sub and head post offices have been drawn up factor for future expansion should not be
mechanically applied on the total justified space or mofussil / district town, B-I, A cities and the
on the space requirements of the branch concerned. metropolitan cities. On the basis of this classification
For working out future requirements the offices have the following percentages of future expansion have
been categorized into four categories, viz., rural, been decided.
Rural Moffl. / Dt. H.Qrs. 'B-I' & 'A' cities Metro Cities
A Counters 10% 10% 20% 25%
B Public Hall ……. 15% 20% 25%
C Telegraph Br. ……… ------- -------- ---------
D Treasury and Strong Room No future increase for strong room.
E Del. Hall 15% 20% 25% 25%
F SB / SBCO ------- 15% 25% 25%
G Admn. Br. ------- ------ 10% 10%
H Amenities -------- 10% 10% 20%
I Other Prov. --------- ------ 10% 10%
(iii) Further, the importance of the place where the in such areas, it would be desirable to have the
building is being constructed, its demographic delivery segment of the post office with adjacent
growth, rate of industrilisation, growth in open space for future expansion at a later date.
infrastructure, etc., should be the prime More extensive use of PO boxes in such areas
indicators for assessing the traffic potential of should be kept in mind while planning the
the office. construction.
(iv) 50% future expansion for any particular branch (vii) Strong-room need be provided only in offices
depending on special growth needs should be where the average daily cash handling is very
considered only in the case of B-I, A and high and the security risk is very great. Provision
metropolitan cities. However, to ensure that this for future expansion need not be made.
provision is not applied without proper basis (viii) It should be attempted to reduce the standards
Chief PMsG / PMsG will have powers to allow of the furniture so that they are functional and
future expansion only upto a maximum of 25%. occupy the least space of floor area. Modern
Prior approval of the Directorate would be office furniture provides ample scope for doing
required for any percentage higher than 25%. so. Similarly, by providing built-in cupboards,
Since, the construction of buildings is to meet along the walls, we should go in for vertical
the long term requirements of the Department, storage and not use costly floor area.
say for 80-100 years, it is necessary to ensure (ix) Space for canteen -- Only the realistic maximum
that these are taken into account in the plan for number of staff on duty in the building should be
a particular building. The vertical expansion of reckoned for calculating space for canteen. Total
a building would be possible only if necessary number of maximum staff on duty at a time in a day
provision is made for the same at the foundation should, however, be mentioned in the proforma.
stage. It is, therefore, desirable that, as far as (x) Space for cycle stand -- As a rule, cycle stand/
possible, necessary provision is made for vertical garage should not be constructed as part of the
expansion at a later stage in respect of important main structure, which is generally of RCC,
buildings upto the maximum limit for which the resulting in loss of valuable office space. Cycle
local FSI norms permit in metro, A-Class, B-I stand/garage should be set apart from the main
cities and fast developing areas. structure, usually, a lighter structure of iron poles
(v) Future expansion should be provided for, / asbestos roofing, would suffice. Care should
depending on the plot and building size either also be taken to ensure that excess parking area
as horizontal or as vertical construction at a later is not provided.
date. (xi) Telegraph Branch -- In view of the fact of the
(vi) Generally, the Delivery Branch requires more bifurcation of the erstwhile P&T Department and
space to offset the growth in traffic in the future. that at more and more places DTOs are being
However, this fact will generally apply to urban opened, there is no need to plan for a separate
and semi-urban areas. While designing buildings Telegraph Branch. Instead, in combined offices
one additional counter would suffice. operational requirements fully. The result is that often
3. The aspects of proper security of the building and the basement is not adequately used considering the
possibility of its damage in agitations, etc., should cost inputs. As a general measure, therefore, before
also be kept in view, apart form municipal fire-fighting planning a basement full justification should be
by-laws, etc., and the building should be designed worked out.
accordingly. Provision of electrical points, i.e. fans, etc.,
4. It is also felt that ordinarily our buildings should should be need based.
not exceed a height of 52 ft. beyond which provision 5. These new SOA norms will be given effect for a
of lifts would be generally required. By keeping ceiling period of five years within which time frame Circles
height to a maximum of 12 ft. even for a four-storeyed will give a proper feed back based on projects
building, we can keep it well below 52 ft. Further our completed under these norms. A future review will
experience has shown that construction of be undertaken accordingly, if necessary to moderate
basements, apart from being costly, does not meet the SOA.
SOA...................................................Sub-Post Office in account with.............................................................
Head Post Office................................................Postal Division
Category of Town : (Whether Rural/Mofussil/Dist. Head Qrt/B.I./A or Metro City)
(i) Status of the Post Office .... .... (Whether time-scale or LSG/HSG and whether Delivery
or Non-delivery or Combined Post Office)
(ii) Categorywise sanction: staff strength .... (1) SPM ....
(2) ASPM ....
(3) PAs ....
(4) Postmen ....
(5) EDDAs ....
(6) Group 'D' including EDs ....
(7) Others, if any ....
(iii) Accommodation available in the present building (in sq. ft.) Rented Departmental
(iv) Number of counters available in the present building .... ....
(v) Details of accommodation required to be constructed in the proposed departmental building-
Category of Staff Total No. Scale per Staff member Area required
of Staff (Sq. ft.) (Sq. ft.)
(a) SPM .... .... 1 75 75 (No F/E)
(b) ASPM .... .... .... 60 ......................
(c) PAs .... .... .... 40 + 20 Sq. ft. for SB/NSC PA ......................
(d) Delivery Staff .... .... No. of dely. beats (including EDDAs) x 25) ......................
(e) Public Space ..... .... .... No.of Counters x 50 .....................
(f) Group 'D' including ED .... .... 20 ......................
(g) Space for opening of mails .... .... No. of dely. beats x 3 ......................
(h) Space for closing of mails .... .... Max. No. of bags closed at a time x 3 ......................
(i) Post Box/Cabinets .... .... .... No. of Post Box/cabinets x 18 .......................
(j) PCO Booth .... .... .... No. of PCO booths x 20 .......................
(k) Treasury Room .... .... .... 200 (No F/E)
(l) Records and Forms room .... .... Min. 50 sq. ft. and Max. 75 Sq. ft. ........................
depending on the status of the office
(m) WC/Urinals/Wash .... .... Min. 40 and Max. 60 Sq. ft. (No F/E) .........................
Future expansion @.........................% except for items (a), (k), (l) and (m) .... .........................
Total carpet area of the Post Office .... .... .... .... .........................
Other items with full justification .... .... .... .... .........................
SPM's quarter .... .... .... .... .........................
Total area of the building .... .... .... .... .........................
Cycle shed (outside the building) No. of cycle x 12 .... .... .... .........................
(Signature and Designation
stamp of the officer preparing the SOA)
NB :- F/E means Future Expansion.
Schedule of accommodation for...................................Head Post Office under
....................................Postal Division
Category of Town : (Whether Rural/Mofussil/Dist. H.Q./'B-1', 'A' or Metro city)
(i) Status of office .... .... .... (Whether HSG-I, HSG-II or Gazetted)
(ii) Categorywise sanctioned Staff strength .... (Separate list should be attached)
(iii) Accommodation available in the present building Rented Departmental
(iv) Details of accommodation required to be constructed in the proposed departmental building-
A. Counter
Category of Staff Total No. Scale per Staff member Area required
of staff (Sq. ft.) (Sq. ft.)
PM (Gazetted/non-Gazetted) .... 1 150 150 (No F/E)
100 100 (No F/E)
Supervisors Dy. PM/Asst. PM .... ..................... 75 ......................
SB/NSC Counter PAs .... ...................... 60 ......................
Parcel counter PA .... ...................... 50 ......................
MO/Regn/Eng. PA, etc. .... ...................... 45 ......................
SB Ledger Clerks .... ...................... 60 ......................
Group 'D' including ED staff .... ...................... 15 ......................
Total ......................
Future expansion @....................except for incharge of the office .... .... ......................
Grand Total ......................
B. Public Hall
No. and details of counters:
(i) in the present buildings .... ......................
(ii) in the proposed buildings .... ......................
(iii) additional counters for emergency .... ......................
(a) Total Nos. of counters, i.e., (ii) + (iii) above x 50 .... ......................
(b) PCO Booths .... ..... Nos. of PCO Booths x 20 ......................
Total of (a) + (b) ......................
Future expansion @....................% ......................
Grand Total ......................
C. Treasury and Strong-Room
DPM/APM .... ...... ............... 80 (No F/E) ......................
Treasurer .... ..... ............... 120 ......................
Asst. Treasurer .... ..... ............... 45 ......................
Cash Overseer .... ..... ............... 20 ......................
Group 'D' .... ..... .............. 15 ......................
Total ......................
Future expansion @..........................% except for DPM/APM ......................
Grand Total ......................
Strong-Room .... ..... Min. 120 and Max. 200 (No F/E) ......................
(depending on the status of the office)
Grand Total ......................
NB :- Strong-Room, if any, and Treasury should have built-in iron cupboards.
Category of Staff Total No. Scale per Staff member Area required
of staff (Sq. ft.) (Sq. ft.)
D. Delivery Hall : (including space for Regn., Parcel, MO Paid and Sub-Account Branch).
Dy. PM/APM .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E .......................
(a) Regn. .... .... ....................
40 ........................
(b) Parcel .... .... ....................
40 ........................
(c) MO Paid .... .... ....................
40 ........................
(d) Delivery .... .... ....................
40 ........................
(e) Sub A/c .... .... ....................
40 ........................
PRI (P)s .... .... ....................
Max. No. of Postmen and ....................... EDDAs attending office at
time x 20
Mail Overseers .... .... .................... 20 .......................
Group 'D' including EDDAs .... .................... 15 .......................
Space for opening and closing of mails: Min. 150 and Max. 250 .......................
depending on the status
PB cabinets of office No. of PB cabinets x 18 .....................
Total .......................
Future expansion @.......................% except for incharge of Delivery branch.
Grand Total .......................
(a) SB Branch
DPM/APM .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E) .......................
Ledger clerks .... .... .................... 60 .......................
(b) SBCO
Incharge SBCO .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E) .......................
UDCs/LDCs .... .... .................... 40 each .......................
Space for records (65 sq. ft. per desk) .......................
Group 'D' .... .... .................... 15 .......................
Total .......................
Future expansion@.........................% except for incharge .......................
Grand Total .......................
F. Administrative Branch
(i) Correspondence
DPM/APM .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E) .......................
Assistants .... .... .................... 40 .......................
Group 'D' .... .... .................... 15 .......................
(ii) Accounts
DPM/APM .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E) .......................
Accountant .... .... .................... 45 .......................
A/cs Clerks .... .... .................... 40 .......................
Group 'D' .... .... .................... 15 .......................
(iii) Complaints/Reference/Consolidation
DPM/APM .... .... .................... 75 (No F/E) .......................
Assistants .... .... .................... 40 .......................
Group 'D' .... .... .................... 15 .......................
Total .......................
Future expansion @.......................% except incharge of above branches .......................
Grand Total .......................
Storage of records of above branches .......... Min. 150 and Max. 250 .......................
Grand Total .......................
G. Amenities Block
1. Rest room for Delivery staff ..... 1/3 of the Max. staff on duty .......................
at a time x 10
2. Canteen/Tiffin Room ..... Max. No. of staff on duty at .......................
a time x 1
3. Recreation Room .... (a) No provision up to 100 staff .......................
(including reading room) only (b) 300 sq. ft. for 100 staff, 2 sq........................
when staff strength exceeds 100 ft. for every additional staff.
4. Ladies Retiring Room .... Min. 70 and Max. 125 .......................
5. W.C. ..... .... As per minimum local require- .......................
6. Urinals ..... .... ment
7. Wash Basin ..... .....
H. Other provisions:
1. Store room ..... ..... 150 150 (No F/E)
2. Forms and Records Room ..... Min. 150 and Max. 250 .... (No F/E)
3. Wading platforms ..... Min. 100 and Max. 150 .... (No F/E)
4. Water Room ..... ..... 40 40 (No F/E)
5. Co-operative Store/Society where it exists 120 120 (No F/E)
6. Sub-Divl. Office ..... ..... .............. 180 per unit (No F/E)
7. Any other item with full justification .......................
Total .......................
Total carpet area of the Post Office (Total of A to H) .... ..... ..... .......................
PM's quarter (As per existing standards) .... ..... ..... .......................
Inspection Room/Quarter (As per existing standards) .... ..... ..... .......................
Total area of the Building .... ..... ..... .......................
Cycle shed (outside the building) No. of cycle/scooter x 12 ..... ..... .......................
(Signature and designation
stamp of the authority preparing the SOA
NB:- F/E means Future Expansion.
[Dept. of Posts No. 51-53/90-BP dated 19-09-1991]
Department is constructing its own buildings in fully utilitarian.
a phased manner for operative / administrative offices 5. Maintenance of buildings may be divided into three
and staff quarters with a view to increase assets, effect categories:-
savings in rental liability, provide residential (a) Day-to-day service facilities:- The emergent
accommodation to its employees for efficient disposal works which are to be attended to on day-to-day
of work. basis, such as removing chokage of drainage
2. Buildings with good ambience, both internally & pipes, manholes, restoration of water supply,
externally, not only provides conducive atmosphere for minor repairs to door shutters, windows,
proper functioning but also helps in attracting clientale replacements of broken glass panel blown fuses,
for postal facilities. repairs to faulty switches etc. fall under this
3. Department has undertaken a project in a phased category of maintenance. The purpose of this
manner for new brand indentity of postal buildings. At facility is to ensure satisfactory and uninterrupted
the same time, it is equally important that maintenance functioning of various services in the building.
of buildings to the optimal extent required is also (b) Annual repairs: This include white-wash and
undertaken as improper planning and inadequate colour wash for a building for which periodicity is
attention towards maintenance of buildings gives a 2 years and painting for which periodicity is three
shabby / gloomy look. years. In addition, works such as patch repair to
4. Building maintenance may be defined as "work plaster, minor repairs and replacements,
undertaken to keep, restore, or improve every facility replacement of wiring damaged due to accident,
to keep, restore, or improve every facility i.e. every part replacement of switches, sockets etc. which are
of a building, its services and surroundings to a currently not emergent works but can wait till the time of
acceptable standard to sustain the utility and value of annual repairs fall under this category of
the facility". Proper maintenance aims at effective and maintenance.
economic means of keeping the building and services (c) Special repairs: As a building ages, there is
deterioration to the various parts of the building alterations to both residential and non-residential
and services. The following types of work become buildings upto the limits prescribed in Schedule -II of
inevitable and are undertaken under special the Schedule of Financial Powers of the Heads of
repairs to prevent the structure from deterioration Circles and Heads of Departments (Circulated vide
and undue wear and tear as well as to restore it Directorate letter No. 6-1/2005-FC (Posts) dated 29-
back to its original condition to the extent possible:- 07-2005) may be classified under "Maintenance".
(i) White washing, colour washing, distempering etc. 7. The works relating to 'Maintenance / Repairs' may
after scrapping completely the original finish. be clearly differentiated from the other works
(ii) Painting after removing the existing old paint from concerning modernization / ergonomics undertaken
various members. in departmental buildings and the AA & ES issued
(iii) Provision of water proofing treatment to the roof. accordingly indicating the relevant Head of Account
(iv) Repairs to roads. besides ensuring incurring booking of expenditure
(v) Repairs/replacements of flooring, skirting and dado. under Proper Head of Account. The fund provided
(vi) Replacement of doors, window frames and for maintenance of buildings should be utilised only
shutters. for maintenance works as detailed in paras (5) & (6)
(vii) Replacement of water tanks, WC cistern, wash above.
basins, kitchen sinks, pipes. 8. Attention is drawn to Directorate letter No. 10-5/
(Special repairs to newly purchased or previously 2005-Bldg. Daed 27-09-2005 regarding procedure for
abandoned works and purchases required for bringing building maintenance work.
them into use do not fall under maintenance of buildings 9. The above instructions may kindly be brought to the
but come under original works.) notice of all concerned for information, guidance and
6. Besides the categories of 'Original Works' and strict implementation.
'Maintenance / Repairs', there is another category of 10. The receipt of this letter may kindly be
'Petty Works' which covers such of those works which acknowledged.
do not fall in the first two categories i.e. 'Original Works 11. Hindi version will follow.
' & ' Maintenance / Repairs'. No budget provision and (D.G.(P) No. 10-1/2006-Bldg. Dt. 11-5-06)


Reference to the Directorate's letter of No. 31- land that does not enhance the utility of the building
27/89-Bldg. dated 25-2-92 vide which instructions on should be excluded.
periodicity for reassessing the reasonable rent to (iv) The cost of appartment land should be ascertained
private buildings taken on lease by the Department from the local Revenue Authority. For this purpose, the
were issued. It was stated in the last para of this cost of land should be divided between the number of
letter that guidelines for fixing enhanced/revised rent tenants in the building, apportioned between the tenants
will be issued separately. The question of according to the plinth area each one is having, if the
rationalising the principles for certifying the Department is not the sole tenant:
reasonableness of rent in respect of rented building (v) Where the landlord has made additions/alteration
under the occupation of the Department has been in the building as per Departmental requirements, the
exercised in consultation with Finance Advice same will be taken into consideration in working out
(Postal) and it has been decided that assessment of the capital cost of the building.
revised/enhanced rent of such buildings will be (vi) The cost of appartment land may be added to the
treated as a fresh case of rent assessment and will depreciated value of the building to assess the
be done according to the following principles:- reasonable return on the property. In case of
(i) Work out the reproduction cost of the building as metropolitan cities, this percentage rate of return may
on the date of reassessment on the cost index for the be taken as 10% per annum. In the case of other cities/
concerned locality. towns, this figure may be taken as 9% per annum.
(ii) Work out the depreciated value of building (vii) The figure arrived at thus would constitute the
assuming a straight line variation of depreciation annual rent of the building on the basis of the principle
depending on the age of the building. of valuation. This is the "core" rent, as mentioned in
(iii) Work out land area appartment to the building Directorate's letter of even number, dated 25-2-92.
taking into account the local bye-laws. In case no such 2. After working out the rent on the above principles
bye-laws exist in the locality, general practices of valuation the market rate of rent current in the locality
prevailing in the locality should be followed. Any surplus will be ascertained by FRAC. For this purpose, rents
paid by Government and semi-Government Superintendents, the negotiation will be carried out by
organisations, public sector undertakings and the next higher authority.
nationalised banks will be taken into account. The data 4. Rent will not be increased if the Department has
collected must be authentic and the buildings should incurred any expenditure on maintenance/repairs of a
be comparable in specifications and amenities particulars building.
provided. 5. Enhancement of rent should be effected only after
3. After getting the two values, i.e. rent based on the a fresh lease deed is signed by these landlord.
recognised principles of valuation and the current 6. For the purpose of those orders, the constitution
market rate, the endeavour of the competent authority of FRAC's at various levels will continue to be guided
should be to balance the two factors of rent worked by the orders already in force. However, for all cases
out on the basis of the principles of valuation as well where enhancement of rent would fall within the powers
as market rent. While weightage should be given to of the Divisional Superintendents, the revision of rent
the market rent so as to sufficiently compensate the will be considered by a duly constituted FRAC even
landlord, all efforts should be made to fix the rent lower where the initial rent had been within the delegated
than the market rate. For this purpose after considering powers of the Divisional Head without the assistance
the FRAC's report, the competent authority should of the FRAC.
negotiate with the landlord. Where the enhanced rent (Dept. of Posts Lr. No. 31-27/89-Bldg.
falls within the powers of the Divisional dated 29-5-1992)
It has been brought to the notice of this Directorate i) Accommodation is otherwise suitable/and
that in large number of offices proper toilet facilities adequate and alternative better accommodation with
either are not available or they are inadequate for the adequate toilet facilities is not available at an
staff working there. economical rent.
2. Since this is one of the basic amenities, the ii) The landlord gives in writing his consent to abide
following remedial action may kindly be taken at your by the assessment to be made by the department in
end in a planned manner :- consultation with the representative of the Civil Wing
a) Adequacy of toilet facilities available in the and IFA about the quantum of increased rent on
departmental buildings should be examined keeping completion of the work.
in view the ratio of male/female employees working in iii) Assessment of the revised rent will be restricted
the office. Adequate number of toilets for ladies located to the additional expenditure incurred by the landlord
suitably should be identified for their exclusive use. In in providing the adequate toilet facility
case this is not feasible, construction of additional toilet iv) Increase in rent will be payable only on completion
facilities should be undertaken on priority basis. and handing over the newly constructed/renovated
b) In case of new constructions while forwarding toilet to the Department.
Schedule of Accommodation and layout plan the e) In case of premises where lease has already
number of male/female employees expected to work expired and landlord is willing to provide adequate toilet
in each floor should also be forwarded to the Architect, facility on the condition of enhanced rent the same may
so that provision for adequate number of toilets can be be examined if the following conditions are satisfied :-
incorporated in the preliminary drawing. To calculate i) Accommodation is otherwise suitable and
the number of male/female employees floor wise, adequate.
number of such officials working in the office at the old ii) Rent quoted by the landlord is otherwise fair and
location or in case of a new establishment, male/female comparable to similar accommodation in the locality.
ratio of employees working in similar types of offices iii) The landlord gives in writing his consent to abide
should be kept in view. by the assessment to be made by the department in
c) In case of rented buildings also the adequacy of consultation with the representative of the Civil Wing
toilets as referred to in para (a) above should be and IFA about the quantum of increased rent and enter
examined and if the toilet facility is not adequate, the into a fresh lease.
landlords may be persuaded to provide the same. iv) The landlord intimates the estimated cost of the
(d) If the landlord agrees to provide adequate toilet construction involved for providing the adequate toilet
facilities on the condition of increase of rent, the same facility and the date by which the newly constructed/
may be examined in respect of premises during the renovated toilets is to be handed over to the
currency of the lease already agreed upon provided department.
the following conditions are satisfied ;- v) The segment of enhanced rent relating to capital
cost to be calculated by IFA and the representative of is reassessed by the department to ensure that
Civil Wing in providing the adequate toilet facility will estimated cost proposed by the landlord has actually
be reserved and payable to landlord only on handling been spent.
over the same to the department and the capital cost (D.G. (P) No. 25-1/99-Bldg., dt. 11-5-1990)


I am directed to refer to this office letter No. 26- rationalised as follows:-
16/85-NB (P) dated 08-11-1988, 12-7-1989 and 23- (a) Inspection Quarters:
12-1992 on the subject cited above. (i) For officer of the Department of Posts while on
2. It has now been decided by the competent duty / leave (Casual & earned), Central and State
authority that the existing rates of Inspection Government Officers and retired officers of the
Quarters / Inspection Rooms may be further Department of Posts for period of 10 days:-
Pay upto Rs. 16,400/- Rs. 8 per day (more than six hours) (Includes
charges for electricity and refrigeration)
Pay beyond Rs. 16,400/- (Rs. 16,401/- & above) Rs. 12 per day (More than six hours) (Includes
charges for electricity and refrigeration)
(ii) For others - Rs. 40/- per day Room heaters - Rs. 2/- per day or a part thereof.
(iii) The charges for the us of:- Air-conditioner - Rs. 8/- per day or a part thereof.

(b) Inspection Room: Rs. 5/ per day irrespective of pay.

Pay upto Rs. 16,400/- Rs. 8 per day (more than six hours) (Includes
charges for electricity and refrigeration)
Pay beyond Rs. 16,400/- (Rs. 16,401/- & above) Rs. 12 per day (More than six hours) (Includes
charges for electricity and refrigeration)
The charges for the us of:- DG Posts):- 10% of the basic pay (includes special
Air-conditioner - Rs. 8/- per day or a part thereof. pay).
Room heaters - Rs. 2/- per day or a part thereof. 3. The revised rates indicated above will take place
(c) Rates for officers for stay in Inspection Quarters with immediate effect.
/ Inspection Rooms for periods exceeding 10 days 4. This may kindly be brought to the notice of all
(i) For period exceeding 10 days and upto 60 days concerned for information, guidance and necessary
(with the permission of the controlling authority i.e. action.
Head of Circle). 5. Hindi version will follow.
(ii) For period beyond 60 days (With permission of DG (P) letter No. 6-2/2004-Bldg. Dated 04-08-2005


It is clarified that orders issued on the subject by Quarters in the Headquarters of their posting will not
the DOT under their letters No. 14-04-85-NB dated 26- be entitled to draw HRA for the period during which
11-85 & 15-01-87 (copies reproduced overleaf) as they stay in the Inspection Quarters. These instructions
incorporated in Muthuswamy compilation of FR SR may be followed strictly.
Part-V (corrected upto 1st February 86) will apply Occupation of Inspection Quarters / Rooms.
Mutatis Mutandis to the Department of Posts as well. This office letter of even no. dated 28-11-85 may
These orders will take effect from 26-11-85. be referred to. In line 5 thereof the words 'exceeding 7
The issue regarding admissibility of HBA during days' may be inserted after the words 'Inspection
the stay in Inspection Quarters at the Head Quarter of Quarters for a period exceeding 7 days' in the
their posting has been under consideration for some Headquarters of their posting will not be entitled to claim
time past. It has now been decided in consultation with HRA for the entire period of their stay.
Ministry of Finance that officers staying in the Inspection D.G. (P) No. 7-1/87-NB dated 28-04-88
The Department has been acquiring/purchasing level of LSG or where suitable office accommodation
land for postal buildings/staff quarters at locations/ is easily available at reasonable rent, should be
stations where (i) a site is actually needed, and (ii) stopped. This will avoid pressure being brought on
where a site is available though there is no immediate the department thereafter for the construction of Post
need for it, generally sites are acquired through the office building. There could, however, for exceptions
land acquisition Act or taken on lease from local to this policy which would be examined in the
authorities. In some cases, generally in rural areas, Directorate according to the merits of each case.
"Gifted sites" are also accepted. Therefore, such cases should be referred to the
2. Some Circles, notably, Karnataka, Andhra, Directorate, with detailed notes for orders.
Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar & Uttar Pradesh Circles (iii) Since the process of acquisition of land through
have acquired large number of sites at various places LA Act drags on for a number of years before such
in the Circle. Majority of these sites are located in cases become mature as also the land acquired
rural areas/places below the level of district head through LA Act could be used for a specific purpose
quarters. Most of the sites lie vacant for a long time only for which it is acquired, the Circles/Regions
due to paucity of funds which are needed to construct should explore the feasibility of purchasing free-hold
buildings on them. In some cases, the lead time is plots of land through the Negotiation Committee with
15-20-25 years after the site is acquired. In spite of no restriction placed on land use, instead of through
the fact that the department bears a significant the Land Acquisition Act.
expenditure to safeguard these sites, cases of (iv) As for staff quarter, in order to cut down the
encroachment, particularly in urban areas, occur. lengthy process of acquisition/purchasing of land,
Therefore, the question of outlining due priorities and planning and executing works, the Circles should,
formulating a clear policy for acquisition of land etc. as far as possible, explore the possibility of acquiring/
was under consideration of the directorate. It has now purchasing ready built quarters from Governmental
been decided that :- bodies/public sector Corporations etc. at places
(i) Acquisition of land in places below district where now colonies are coming up.
headquarters or anywhere where the strength of the 3. The basic and essential requirements already
post office is less than 15 (including Postman & Gr. laid down in this office letter No. 51-15/78-PRP dated
D) should not be made except in very remote/hilly/ 14-6-1978 for site suitability should adequately be
backward/tribunal and project areas where suitable taken care of before any site/ready built quarters are
rented accommodation for the post office is not acquired/purchased and necessary certificate in the
available and staff quarters are to be provided to prescribed proforma should continue to be obtained
the staff posted there as a matter of operational from the concerned Civil Wing authorities.
necessity. Post Offices of smaller sizes at other 4. All pending cases of land acquisition should be
places manage with suitable rented processes according to these instructions.
accommodation. 5. Receipt of this letter may please be
(ii) The practice of accepting "Donation of land for acknowledged to Director (BP), Room No. 404, Dak
P.O. buildings" specially in areas having no Post Bhavan, New Delhi-110001.
Office or where the existing Post Office is below the (No. BDG/1-8/92-MS, dt. 30-6-02)


The undersigned is directed to convey the In Para 1(ii) of the O.M. ibid, substitute the figure
approval of the President of the following modification of 'Rs. 2,500' by the figure 'Rs. 8,000'.
to this Department's O.M. No. F. 11(1)/EV/(B)/71, The amendment will take effect from the date of
dated 19th November, 1971 as amended from time issue of this O.M.
to time: - (M.F., O.M. No. 26(1)/EV/99, dated 12-7-1999)
It has generally been observed that in case of iii) If death occurs out of at station/circle or at a place
unfortunate death of an employee/extra-departmental where the family is not residing with the employee, a
agent, the officers and employees provide all possible senior officer in that Circle/Division should personally
assistance to the bereaved family, sometimes even supervise the arrangements such as intimation to
at considerable personal inconvenience. While the family, arrangements for transportation of the
deeply appreciating the human approach of our dead body or arrangements for the stay of the family
officers and employees on such sad occasions, the members of the place where death has occurred etc.
Secretary (Posts) has issued following instructions:- iv) A floral wreath may be placed at the time of
i) Immediately on receipt of an intimation about the funeral or as per the family conventions on behalf of
death of any employee/EDA a senior officer should the Director-General (Posts) as a mark of respect to
visit the family and offer condolences of behalf of the departed soul. The expenditure of this account
the department. may be met from office expenses.
ii) Possible assistance may be provided to the 2. These instructions may please be circulated to
family. For instance, if any member of family is away, all concerned.
massages could be sent to inform him about it. (DG No. 15-43/94-WL/Sports, dt. 9-5-94)


Presently, under Rule 19 of CCS (Leave) Rules, 2. The matter has since been considered further
1972, whereas a Gazetted Government Servant has by the Government aud it has now been decided that,
to produce a medical certificate for grant of leave on in partial modification of the provisions of Rule 19 of
medical grounds from an Authorized Medical CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 and this Department's OM,
Attendant (AMA), a non-Gazetted Government dated 7th October, 1997, referred to above, the
Servant is required to do so either from an AMA or a production of Medical/Fitness Certificate by Gazetted
Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP). Further, in and non-Gazetted Government servants shall be
accordance with the recommendation of the Fifth regulated as follows:-
Central Pay Commission made in Para. 117.14 of (i) A Government servant (Gazetted to Non-
its Report for production of Medical/Fitness Certificate Gazetted) who is a CGHS beneficiary and is living in
by all Government Servants either from a Doctor in an area covered by the CGHS at the time of illness
a CGHS Dispensary of from an AMA in places where shall be required to produce the Medical/Fitness
CGHS Dispensaries are not available. Instructions Certificate, in the form prescribed in Rule 19 of CCS
have been issued vide this Department's O.M. No. (Leave) Rules 1972, either from a CGHS Doctor or
13015/2/97-Estt.(L) dated 7th October, 1997, a Government Hospital.
requiring non-Gazetted Government Servants, who (ii) A Government servant (Gazetted or non-
are CGHS beneficiaries and are residing in an area Gazetted) who is not a CGHS beneficiary (including a
covered by CGHS at the time of illness, to produce Government servant who has opted out of the CGHS
such a certificate from a CGHS Doctor. or is a CGHS card holder but at the time of illness is
not living in an area covered by CGHS, i.e. proceeds produce the requisite Medical/Fitness Certificate from
outside the Headquarters on duty, leave, etc.) will have the authorized Doctor in such a hospital in case his
to produce the Certificate from the AMA, provided that hospitalization/indoor treatment is on account of the
in the case of such a non Gazetted Government particular kind of disease (e.g., heart, cancer, etc.)
servant, production of the Medical/Fitness Certificate for the treatment of which the concerned hospital has
from an RMP may be allowed by the leave sanctioning been recognised by the Ministry of Health and Family
authority, if there is no AMA available within the radius Welfare. This relaxation will not be admissible in case
of 8 kms. of his residence (or place of temporary stay of any day-today/outdoor treatment or indoor
outside the Headquarters). treatment in respect of any other disease.
(iii) In the case of hospitalzation/indoor treatment . These orders take effect from 1st September,
permitted in a private hospital recognized under the 2000. Formal amendment to the CCS (Leave) Rules,
CGHS/Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1972, will follow.
1944, a Government servant (Gazetted or non- (Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 13015/3/2000-
Gazetted, whether a CGHS beneficiary or not) may Estt.(L), dated 24-8-2000)


A suggestion has been made to the Government the interest of the public leave at suitable intervals
that as one of the institutional mechanisms to allow and return to work relaxed and refreshed. It has also
Government servants to periodically free themselves been laid down that the leave sanctioning authorities
from the routine stresses of service life and thus help may encourage government servants to take leave
them avoid falling prey to various stress related periodically, and in case where all applications for
diseases, they may be compelled to avail of atleast leave cannot, in the interest of public service, be
15 days earned leave during a calendar year. Though granted at the same time, the leave sanctioning
implementation of the suggestion in this manner is authority should leave the applicants by turn with due
not easible on account of the provisions of service regard to the principles enunciated. Leave is
rules, the basic ideas underlying the suggestion is accordingly, not to be ordinarily denied to any employee,
un-exceptionable. especially in the last 10 years of his career.
Under the extent provisions of CCS (Leave) 3. Periodical availment of leave is in the interest of
Rules, 1972, leave cannot be claimed as a matter of the Government as well as the Government servants.
right. When the exigencies of the public services so Ministries / Departments should therefore, further
require, discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any streamline the procedure and chalk out an annual
description is reserved to the authority empowered leave programme keeping in view, the Parliament
to grant it. However, as emphasises in the instructions sessions and other relevant functional requirements.
issued by this Department from time to time, such 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit
provisions have been made in the Rules because it and Accounts Department are concerned, this issues
is not possible to let all those at that time and there is with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor
a limit beyond without dislocating the working of an General of India.
establishment. These instructions are not intended DoP&T No. 1402 B/3/2000-Estt. (L)
to be used as in effect to abridge indeed desirable in dated 22/27-3/2001
Refer to this Department 's O.M. No. 1013/10/ provide, inter alia, for the constitution of a Complaints
97-Estt. (A) dated the 13th February 1998, under Committee in the employer's organisation for redress
which the guidelines and norms laid down by the of the complaint made by the victim. In this
Supreme Court in the case of Vishaka and other v. connection, a question has been raised regarding
State of Rajasthan and others (JT 1997 (7) SC 384) the status of the inquiry held by the Complaints
for prevention of sexual harassment of women at Committee. It is clarified that the findings of the
work places, were circulated to all Ministries / Complaints Committee regarding sexual harassment
Departments for compliance to all concerned. of the complaint / victim will be binding on the
2. The guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court disciplinary authority to initiate disciplinary
proceedings against the Government servant (s) bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned
concerned under the provision of the CCS (CCA) and ensure that necessary follow-up action is taken
Rules, 1965. The report of the Complaints Committee on the report of the Complaints Committee without
should be treated as a preliminary report against the any delay.
accused Government servant. (G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 11013/11/
3. The Ministries / Departments are requested to 2001-Estt. (A) dated 12-12-2002)
Refer to this office letter No. 15-43/92-WL/Sports, Half Pay Rs. 500 p.m. of Rs. 750 p.m.
dated 2-9-1992 on the above subject. In the 7th meeting leave 1/3 of basic uniformly
of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board the question +DA which-
of increase in the power of Chief PMG/PMsG relating ever is less.
to financial assistance in the above case was discussed All other conditions for grant of this financial
and the following decisions have been taken:- assistance will continue to be the same as laid
1. The power of the CPMsG as indicated in item 1 of down in letter No. 15-43/92-WL/Sports, dated 2-
the aforesaid letter for grant of financial assistance in 9-1992.
the cases of prolonged illness/surgical operations has 3. In case of financial assistance from the Welfare
been enhanced from the present limit of Rs. 5,000 to Fund given to the EDAs/Casual/Part-time employees
Rs. 10,000. There is no other change in other terms for their own illness in case of surgical operations/
and conditions indicated therein. prolonged illness as indicated at page 4 in the
2. Similarly, in case of EOL/HPL as mentioned in item aforesaid letter have been enhanced from the present
2 of the aforesaid letter, it has been decided to enhance limit of Rs. 750 to Rs. 1,500. Other terms and
the limit of financial assistance for prolonged illness as conditions for grant of this financial assistance will
follows. continue to be the same as mentioned in the
Existing Revised aforesaid letter.
Extraordinary Rs. 1.000 p.m. Rs. 1,500 p.m. 4. These orders would be effected from the date of
leave or ½ of basis uniformly. issue.
pay+DA which- (D.G.(P) No. 10-31/98/WL/Sports,
ever is less dated 11-3-1999)
I am directed to invite your kind attention to the / Rabbor due to terroist violence / riots while on Govt.
item No. 3 of the Agenda of the minutes of the 6th duty, to Rs. 50,000/- to be paid from the Central Welfare
meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board held Fund: 50% of the aforesaid amount would be
at Delhi on 1107-97 under the Chairmanship of admissible to the bereaved families of EDAs / Part Time
Secretary (P). / Casual Workers. There will be no change in the
It has been decided to enhance the amount of amounts of the other death released reliefs.
financial assistance to be paid to the families of such DG (P) No. 1-12/97 WL and Sports
deceased employees who are killed in attack by dacoit dated 18-09-97


The financial assistance being paid in cases of (iv) Death due to attack by robbers, Rs. 10,000/-
death was considered in the 8th Meeting of the Postal terrorists, riots etc. while not on duty
Services Staff Welfare Board held on 8-3-2000. It was (v) In case of EDAs/Casual labourers and part-time
decided to adopt the following rates for financial employees also, the above amount to be paid to
assistance in cases of death: the bereaved families.
(i) Immediate death relief Rs. 6,000/- The above amount is the total financial assistance
(ii) Death due to accident while Rs. 6,000/- payable in each case.
on duty. (vi) The above rates would be applicable from 1-6-2000.
(iii) Death due to attack by robbers, Rs. 50,000/- 2. This supersedes all previous orders on the subject.
terrorists, riots etc. while on duty (D.G.(P) No. 1-3/99-WL/SPT, dt. 1-6-2000)
Item No. 9 of the Minutes of the 6th Meeting of the relatives who perform the last rites of a deceased Postal
Postal Services Staff Welfare Board held at New Delhi Employee in the absence of any other next of kin.
on 11-7-97 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P). It 2. These orders will be effective from the date of
has been decided to release the funeral expenses from issue.
the Circle Welfare Fund to the brothers or sisters or near (DG Posts No. 1-17/97-WL & Sports dt. 17-9-97)
Attention to the Item No. 17 of the Minutes of the children of Postal Employees from Rs. 50/- to Rs.
6th Meeting of the Postal Service Staff Welfare Board 100/- p.m. for Metropolitan cities and Rs. 40/- p.m.
and to say that it has been decided to enhance the to Rs. 80/- p.m. for other cities.
rates of financial assistance towards transportation 2. These orders will be effective from the date of issue.
charges and Hostel/Mess subsidy to the handicapped (DG (P) No. 1-20/97-WL & Sports, dtd. 17-9-97)
Refer to your office letter No. WEL/36-1 (Coorg) upto the date of invalidation/retirement can be paid to
VII dtd. 30-8-01 in which clarification have been sought the Govt. Servant concerned. However, in case of death
as to whether the financial assistance admissible to of an employee the financial assistance as mentioned
the employees under order No. 15-43/92-WL/SP dtd. above may be paid to the bereaved family as in case
2-9-92 as amended vide letter No. 10-31/98/WL/SP dtd. of immediate death relief. In all the above cases the
11-3-99 can be paid in case of the officials who availed payment of financial assistance will continue to be
EOL/HPL on medical grounds and they were subject to the conditions as laid down in the aforesaid
invalidated/expired/retired in the meantime. orders dated 2-9-92 and 11-3-99 on receipt of
The matter has ben carefully considered by the application from the Govt. servant concerned.
Directorate and it is hereby clarified that the financial (DG(P) No. 10-39/2001/WL-SP
assistance for the EOL/HPL availed by a Govt. Servant dtd. 4/5/10.01)


The amount of financial assistance being paid Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 7,000. This limit would also be
was laid down vide this Office Letter No. 1-2/99- applicable in case of Sl. No. (ii) i.e. death due to
WL/Sports, dated 1-6-2000 The question of accident while on duty. All other terms and
enhancing this limit was considered in the 9th conditions as laid down is the same.
Meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board 2. The above order would be applicable from the
held on 17-2-2002. It was decided to increase the date of issue.
amount of financial assistance in cases of death as (Dept. of Posts, No. 2-1/2001-WL/Sports, dated
mentioned in Sl. No. (i) of the aforesaid letter from 26-4-2002).


I am directed to invite your kind attention to the Rs. 1500/- for departmental employees and from Rs.
minutes of the 6th meeting of the Postal Services Staff 375/- to Rs. 750/- for ED employees.
Welfare Board and to say that it has been decided to These orders will be effective from the date of issue.
enhance the rates of financial assistance to the victims DG (P) No. 1-13/97-WL and Sports
of fire / floods and natural calamities from Rs. 750/- to dated 26-09-97
I am directed to say that in connection with be made available through the Heads of Division/Units.
celebration of Birth Centenary of Baba Sahab Dr. B.R. The candidates will have to-refund the whole amount
Ambedkar, it has been decided to launch special in case they do not appear in any of the paper(s) of the
schemes for the benefits of SC/ST employees of the Examination or they don't secure minimum 25% aggregate
Department of Posts. Accordingly, it has been decided marks in the Examinations. For this purpose, an
to grant financial assistance from Welfare Fund to the undertaking to this effect will be obtained from them before
SC/ST employees of Department of Posts for (i) grant of financial assistance.
appearing in the Departmental Examination and (ii) 2. (ii) It has also been decided to grant financial
pursuing higher education through regular classes or assistance from Welfare Fund to SC/ST employees
through correspondence courses. who are pursuing higher academic education through
2. (i) SC/ST employees, who are appearing in the regular classes in Evening Colleges or through
Departmental Examination held by the Department for Correspondence Courses conducted by recognised
promotion to various categories will be granted financial Board/University. Employees appearing in 10th & 12th
assistance to the extent of paying fee for attending the standard examination will be granted one time financial
Coaching Classes for Departmental Examinations assistance of Rs. 200/- and for those pursuing Degree/
subject to the limits as indicated below : Diploma or Post Graduate Degree/diploma beyond 12th
a) Examination for promotion to the standard, financial assistance would be granted at Rs.
Cadre of IPO/RMS/Inspectors Rs. 300/- 500/- per annum. Further, this assistance will be
(MMS)/JAO and LSG (1/3rd) restricted to the amount of fees paid for such higher
Examinations and similar cadres. education and will be granted of if the candidate secures
b) Examinations for promotion to Rs. 200/- minimum 40% marks in lower prerequisite examination.
the cadres of Junior Accountants This will be renewed only if the candidates gets through
in Postal Accounts, UDCs and Similar cadres. the semester/annual examination.
c) Examinations for promotion to There will be no pay limit for grant of financial
posts of Postal Assistants, sorting Rs. 150/- assistance for the above purpose. This expenditure will
Assistants, Sorters and other be met from the amount of 55% earmarked for
Clerical Cadres. scholarships under the Welfare Fund.
This assistance will be provided only once as a This may be given vide publicity among the staff.
lump-sum for each category of Examination and will (No. 24-46/90-WL/Sports, Dated 10-4-1990)


This office letter No. 13-7/90/WL/SPT, dated 24- Services Staff Welfare Board. It was decided to
7-1990 introducing the scheme for grant of enhance with effect from 1-6-2000 the maximum
scholarships to postal employees to develop their amount of scholarship to Rs. 5,000/- and to revise
personality of acquiring higher qualifications in the existing pay limit of Rs. 2,500 pre-revised) to Rs.
specialized courses. At present the scholarship is 7,550/- in the revised pay scales subject to other terms
granted subject to a maximum of Rs. 2,000/- per and conditions remaining the same as laid down in
annum. The question of increasing this amount inter this office letter No. 13-7/90-WL/SP, dated 24-7-1990.
alia was considered in the 8th Meeting of the Postal (Dept. of Posts No. 1-3/99-WL/SPT, dated 1-6-2000)
I am directed to refer to this office letter No. 13-7/ of enhancing the maximum age limit of 35 years was
90-WL / Sports dated 24-07-90 introducing the scheme considered and it was decided to leave to the discretion
for grant of scholarship to the postal employees to of the circles to give scholarship to the really deserving
develop their personality by acquiring higher candidates even beyond maximum age of 35 years as
qualification in specialized courses. In the 9th meeting laid down in the aforesaid order dated 24-07-90.
of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board, the question (D.G.(P) No. 2-1/2001-WL/Sports dated 26-04-2002
I am directed to say that as per this office letter marks for award of Non-Technical scholarship / Book
No. 13-1/93-WL / Sports dated 20-05-93 educational Awards with relaxed standards for OBCs be
Non-Technical Scholarship / Book Awards are granted entertained after all other eligible candidates have
to the wards of the SC / ST employees with relaxed been awarded the scholarship and Book Awards
standards. The question of extending the relaxation subject to the condition that the additional expenditure
of marks for grant of the Scholarship / Book Awards should be met from the normal allocation to the Circle
for the wards of OBCs was considered in the 9th Welfare Fund.
meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare Board This will come into force with effect from the date
held on 17-02-2002. It was decided that OBC of issue of the orders.
candidates may also be given relaxation of 10% of No. 2-1/2001-WL/Sports dated 26-04-2002
I am directed to invite your kind attention to Item their discharge from hospitals after treatment of TB and
No. 7 of the 6th Meeting of Postal Services Staff from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 200/- p.m. in case of OPD
Welfare Board held at Delhi on 11-07-97 under the departmental TB patients, 50% of the amounts
Chairmanship of Secretary (P). It was decided in the admissible to ED agents under similar circumstances.
meeting to enhance the rates of Financial Assistance This enhancement will be effective from the date
toward nutritional diet paid to TB patients from Rs. 200/ of issue.
- to Rs. 400/- p.m. for departmental employees after DG (P) No. 1-15/97-WL and Sports dated 17-09-97
This office letter No. 14-4/90-WL/Sports, dated 8-1990 was considered.
18-9-1990 vide which the orders No. 18-2/89-WL/ 2. It was decided to enhance the grant-in-aid to P&T
Sports dated 1-8-1990 were held in abeyance in Resident Welfare Association from Rs. 2 to Rs. 10 by
the matter of enhancing the grant-in-aid being paid allowing implementation of the orders issued on 1-8-1990
to P & T Residents Welfare Association from Rs. 2 in consequence of the decisions taken in Postal Service
to Rs. 10 per residential quarter per annum. In the Staff Welfare Board Meeting held on 4-6-1990.
8th Meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare (D.G.(P), No. 1-3/99-WL/Sports,
Board, the question of reviving the order, dated 1- dated 1-6-2000)
This office letter No. 15-12/92-WL/Sports, dated (ii) Circle Postal Ladies Organizations from Rs.
19-3-1992 on the above subject and to say that the 10,000 to Rs. 15,000 per annum.
grants being paid to Postal Ladies Organizations were The above enhancement is subject to the terms
considered in the 8th Meeting of the Postal Services and conditions as contained in order No. 15-12/WL/
Staff Welfare Board held on 8-3-2000. It was decided Sports, dated 19-3-1992 and other relevant instructions.
to enhance the amounts of grants-in-aid as follows:- These would be effective from year 2000-2001.
(i) Central Postal Ladies Organizations from Rs. (D.G.(P) NO. 19-4/99-WL/SPT,
20,000 to Rs. 25,000 per annum. dated 1-6-2000)
I am directed to invite your attention to item No. 16 of the Minutes of the 4th Meeting of Postal
Services Staff Welfare Board held on 04-06-90 and to say that it has been decided to enhance the
recurring grants by 50% as admissible to the creches run by voluntary organisations under the Welfare
Fund. Such crèches can now be granted 90% of recurring expenditure per month from the Circle
Welfare Fund indicated below:-
1. Two Ayahas/Helpers @ 300/-p.m. Rs. 600/-
2. Weekly Visits by a Doctor (Rs. 37.50 visits for travelling cost & fees) if Govt. Doctor
facility is not available Rs. 150/-
3. One Lady Supervisor Rs. 450/-
4. Medicines @ Rs. 3/- per baby per month (preferable) medicines should be arranged
from the Govt. Dispensaries where available) Rs. 75/-
5. Supplementary nutrition @ Rs. 1/50 per day per baby for 26 days in a month Rs. 975/-
6. Contingencies (Soap, Oil, Broom, deodorant etc.) Rs.150/-
Total Rs. 2400/-
Maximum financial assistance permissible would be running of crèches under the Welfare Fund will remain
Rs. 2160/- p.m. i.e. 90% of Rs. 2400/-. the same. These orders take effect from 1st June 1990.
All other conditions laid down in the scheme for [DG (P) letter No. 23-2/87-WL & Sports dt. 24-07-1990]


Refer to this office letter No. 2-11/89-WL/SP, Board and it was decided to enhance the same from
dated 18-7-1990, on the above subject and to say the present limit of Rs. 400 p.m. as indicated in the
that the question of enhancement of the salary of aforesaid letter, to Rs. 750 p.m. with effect from 1st
the Part-time Tailoring Instructor was discussed in April, 1999.
the 7th Meeting of the Postal Service Staff Welfare (D.O.(P) No. 1-3/98/WL/Sports, dtd. 11-3-1999)


The Presidents/General Secretaries maybe President and/or General Secretary concerned are
permitted to leave office during office hours really going for some Welfare work in respect of their
occasionally, on receipt of specific written requests, respective colonies.
subject to exigencies of the office work and subject [Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 32/8/88-Welfare
to the satisfaction of the officer concerned that the 6-9-88]
I am directed to invite a reference to this Directorate employees of the Department only. However, in case
letter of even number dated the 12th December 1983 the requests from the outsiders are received, they should
on the above subject and to say that the question of be sponsored by one or more allottee of the quarters of
providing accommodation in the P&T Community Hall the concerned P&T Colony, before such requests are
was further discussed in the 1st meeting of the P&T accepted.
Welfare Advisory Board (13th term) held on the 2nd The P&T employees should get preference in
January 1984. The matter has been considered carefully allotment of the centre for their own use before the
on the basis of the discussions held in that meeting and requests for the outsiders sponsored by another P&T
it has further been decided that the allotment of the employees can be considered.
community centres may generally be made to the (DG P&T No. B.20015/2/82-WL dated 02-06-84)


I am directed to invite your kind attention to to allow payment from the Postal Services Staff
Item No. 11 of the 6th Meeting of Postal Services Welfare Fund to those ED Agents who donate blood
Staff Welfare Board held at Delhi on 11-07-97 under to recognised Blood Banks on working days.
the Chairmanship of Secretary (P). It was decided (DG (P) No. 1-18/97-WL and Sports dated 17-09-97)
I am directed to invite your kind attention to Item No. 12 of the 6th Meeting of Postal Services Staff
Welfare Board held at Delhi on 11-07-97 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P). It has been decided to
enhance the existing rates of scholarship by 50% as follows:
Sl. Categories Existing rate Present rate
No. (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
a. IIT, AIIMS, ITM 200 p.m. 300 p.m
b. Technical education
(i) Degree 150 p.m. 225 p.m.
(ii) Diploma 100 p.m. 150 p.m.
c. Non-Technical DegreeBA/BSC/B. Com/ Degree in fine arts 80 p.m. 120 p.m.
d. ITI Certificate Courses 500 p.a. 750 p.a.
e. Book Awards for Technical education 300 p.a. 450 p.a.
f. School Students Awards
(i) V to VIII 200 p.a. 300 p.a.
(ii) IV to XII 300 p.m. 450 p.m.
g. Scholarship for physically handicapped children of
Postal Employees. 30 p.m. 45 p.m.
All other terms and condition remain the same.
This order will be effective from the date of issue. (DG (P) No. 1-19/97-WL and Sports dated 17-09-97)
I am directed to refer to this office letter no. 5th Pay Commission, the Postal Services Staff
19-2/90-WL/SPT dated 10-07-90 on the above Welfare Board considered the question of revision
subject, in which interalia it was mentioned that the of the basic pay limit for the above purpose in the
subsidy is permissible in case of members of staff above meeting. It has been decided to revise the
drawing basic pay of Rs. 3500/- or less per month. basic pay limit from Rs. 3500/- to Rs. 10,600/- in
Consequent upon revision of pay scales as a result the revised pay scales.
of implementation of the recommendations of the (No. 1-19/97-WL/SP, dated 02-06-2000)


I am directed to refer to this office letter No. financial assistance to handicapped employees
15-43/92-WL/SP dated 02-09-92 on the above when the pay limit is Rs. 4800/-. The Postal
subject which interalia under the caption of pay Services Staff Welfare Board in its 8th meeting
limits prescribes that employees drawing basic pay considered the question of revision of above pay
of Rs. 3500/- p.m. are eligible for the benefits as limits and it has been decided to revise these limits
mentioned above except in the case of grant of as follows:-
Sl. No. Scheme Existing Pay Limit Revised Pay Limits
1. Financial assistance for prolonged illness etc. Rs. 3500/- Rs. 10,600/-
2. Financial assistance for handicapped employees Rs. 4800/- Rs. 13,100/-
[DG (P) No. 1-19/97-WL/SP dated 02-06-2000]
I am directed to invite your attention to item No. a scheme for grant of scholarships to the Postal
3(b) of the Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the Postal Employees to develop their personality by acquiring
Services Staff Welfare Board held on 4-6-90 at New higher qualifications in specialised courses. This
Delhi and to say that it has been decided to introduce scholarship will be admissible for the courses
recognised/approved by the Govt. of India/State Govt. (8) The official shall have to execute a bond to serve
in the fields of Personnel and Labour Management, the Deptt. for at least three years after completion of
Public Relations, Society, Social work, Sports (NIS), the course, otherwise he shall have to refund the
Welfare, Accounting, Computer Programming, amount of scholarship awarded to him. Format of Bond
Industrial Relations and Banking on the terms and will be sent in due course.
conditions as indicated below :- (9) Renewal of scholarship will be made only if he is
(1) These awards will be for Post-Matric Classes. not detained in the 1st year annual/semester
(2) The employees will secure admission on his own. examination of the course.
He will not be sponsored by the Deptt. The expenditure on such scholarships will be met
(3) The scholarship will be granted at the rate of 75% from the 55% allocation towards scholarships and other
of the fee paid by an employee subject to a maximum educational scheme from the annual grants 5% of the
of Rs. 2,000/- per annum. allocation for educational schemes will be earmarked
(4) Scholarships will be admissible for a maximum period for this purpose.
of 2 years and only once during the entire service. This scheme will be effective from the Academic
(5) Employees below 35 years of age and drawing Year 1990-1991 i.e. the candidates getting admission
basic pay less than Rs. 2500/- p.m. will be eligible. from June/July, 1990 onwards will be eligible. The
The crucial date for determining age and pay will scholarships will be awarded at the circle level
be 1st July of every year. provided that the above conditions are fulfilled.
(6) The employee will have to avail of his own leave Further, instructions regarding norms for the award
and should meet other costs. will be issued shortly. Applications may however, be
(7) The course should be at the place of duty except called for.
in case of NIS (Sports). (D.G.(P) No. 13-7/90-WL & Sports dt. 24-7-90)


Central Government Civilian Employees paid from dt. May 25, 1990 to the families of Central Government
Civil Estimates, other than those to whom the employees killed in terrorist violence in Jammu &
Workmen's Compensation Act applies, who sustain Kashmir.
injuries or contract diseases or die or are disabled or 3. Apart from the general orders and instructions
incapacitated on account of causes which are accepted issued by this Department from time to time, individual
as attributable to or aggravated by government service ministries and departments such as the Ministry of
are eligible for certain special benefits under the Central Home Affairs, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting,
Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension Rules). The etc. have also issued separate orders to provide for
benefits available under these Rules have been the payment of ex-gratia compensation at the
amended and liberalized from time to time. Separate prescribed rates to the families of personnel of the
orders have also been issued by Government to provide Central Police Organisations, Akashwani,
for the grant of Liberalized pensionery Awards in cases Doordarshan, etc. killed in the course of performance
of death or disability arising in certain special of their duties as a result of violence by armed hostile,
circumstances, such as (i) attack by or during action extremists, terrorists, etc. or as a result of encounters
against extremists, anti-social elements, etc.(ii) enemy with anti-social elements.
action in international war or border skirmishes. 4. The question of rationalization and further
Instructions issued in this regard from time to time were liberalization of the existing schemes and guidelines has
consolidated in this Department's O.M. No. 33/5/89- been engaging the attention of Govt. for quite some time,
P&PW (K) dt. April 9, 1990. particularly in the context of the increase in militancy
2. Orders were also issued in this Department's D.O. and extremist activities in different parts of the country.
letter NO. 46/1/88-P&PW (F) dt. November 24, 1988 The Vth Central Pay Commission having been appointed
in regard to payment of ex-gratia lumpsum in the meantime, the Commission had been requested
compensation to the families of Central Govt. to examine the existing benefits available in terms of
employees killed in incidents of terrorist violence in various schemes and guidelines and to recommend a
Punjab. These orders were subsequently extended in comprehensive policy that could be adopted in regard
this Department's D.O. letter No. 46/1/88-P&PW (K) to ex-gratia payment in cases of death in various
circumstances in any part of the country, which could to function under trying circumstances and are exposed
replace all isolated decisions that might have been taken to different kinds of risks in the performance of their
in the past by the Govt. or by various individual ministries duties.
for different disturbed regions in the country. 7. Powers were delegated in the Ministry of Finance
5. In supersession of all earlier orders issued by Govt. O.M. No. 19 (18)-EV (A)/66 dt. February 26, 1966 to
as well as by individual ministries and departments in the appointing authorities to sanction awards under the
so far as these relate to the payment of an ex-gratia relevant Extraordinary Pension Rules in those cases
lumpsum compensation in certain specified in which the proposed pension or gratuity is held to be
circumstances the President is pleased to decide that clearly admissible under the rules. However, any
families of Central Govt. Civilian employees who die in awards proposed to be granted on ex-gratia basis were
harness in the performance of their bonafide official to continue to be referred to the Ministry of finance as
duties under various circumstances shall be paid the usual. In partial modification of these orders, in so far
following ex-gratia lumpsum compensation. as they relate to ex-gratia awards, the admissibility of
(a) Death occurring due to and entitlement to the ex-gratia lumpsum compensation
accidents in the course in the circumstances specified in these orders may be
of performance of duties Rs. 5.00 lakhs decided in each individual case by the concerned
(b) Death occurring in the Administrative Ministries themselves in consultation
course of performance with their Financial Advisers.
of duties attributable to 8. The Conditions governing the payment of ex gratia
acts of violence by lumpsum compensation in terms of these orders and
terrorists, anti-social the guideline to be observed have been indicated in
elements etc. Rs. 5.00 lakhs the Annexe to this office Memorandum.
(c) Death occurring during 9. The orders shall apply to all cases of death in
(a) enemy action in inter- harness occurring on or after August 1, 1997. In so far
national war or border as cases of death which occurred prior to August 1,
skirmishes and (b) action 1997 are concerned, these shall be regulated and
against militants, terrorists, finalized in terms of the orders and instructions in force
extremists, etc. Rs. 7.00 lakhs prior to the issue of these orders.
6. The graded structure of ex-gratia lumpsum 10. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit
compensation takes into account the hardship and risks and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
involved in certain assignments, the intensity and issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor
magnitude of the tragedy and deprivation that families General of India.
of Govt.. servants experience on the demise of the 11. The Ministry of Agriculture, etc. are requested to
bread-winner in different circumstances. The bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all
expectations of the employer from the employees to concerned for their guidance and compliance.
function in extreme circumstances etc. The 12. Hindi version will follow.
compensation is intended to provide an additional (MoP, PG & Pension O.M. No. 45/55/97-P&PW(C),
insurance and security to employees who are required Dt. 11-9-98)


I am directed to invite your attention to this office against direct recruitment quota and appointment of
letter No. 8-8/89-WL/Sports dated 21-11-89, No. 8- EDAs who have represented P&T teams in the
9/89-WL / Sports dated 28-11-89 and No. 11-2/88- National Tournament in Group 'C' and Group 'D'
WL / Sports dated 03-01-90 regarding inducting fresh posts.
/ talent in various disciplines. In the meeting of Postal 2. However, it was felt that these instructions
Sports Board held at Calcutta on 08-02-95 under the were not followed strictly. Accordingly, it is again
chairmanship of Secretary (Posts), it was observed reiterated that these instructions may be followed
that Heads of Circle had already been delegated the strictly.
powers to make recruitment of eligible outstanding [DG Letter Nos. (1) 12-7/95/WL/Sports dated 14-06-95
Sports persons in Group 'C' and Group 'D' Posts (2) 12-12/95-WL/Sports dated 05-07-95]
One of the decisions taken was that in future All making. For this purpose assistance of ex-players /
Circles will pay adequate attention in the matter of officials with experience in respective sports events
selection of players from their Circles for participation was also desired to be sought. It is requested that
in various sports events. This was decided with an the said decision in the matter may kindly be complied
ultimate objective of encouraging the talented and with scrupulously.
sincere players and discouraging those who [DG letter No. 2-16/WL/Sports dated
participate in sports events just for the sake of merry 07-02-2005]
I am directed to invite your attention to this office Competitions.
letter No. 12-1/94-WL/Sports dated 30-1-1990 and 2. It has been reported that the instructions are not
12-1/92-WL/Sports dt. 17-3-92 on the above subject being strictly followed by a few Circles. I am therefore,
wherein guidelines were prescribed for grant of 2 desired to reiterate the instructions already issued and
hours off for daily practice to sports persons/ request that these may be followed scrupulously to
coaches who represent their Circle in All India ensure that outstanding sports person get the requisite
Posta l To u r n a m e n t / M e e ts / C o m p e t i t i o n s f o r time off for practice.
represent the concerned states in National (No. 12-4/94-WL/Sports, dt. 18-2-1994)
I am directed to say that it has been decided to (iv) The candidate should have secured a minimum
introduce a scheme for grant of financial assistance of 60% marks in the pre-requisite qualifying
to such children of Postal Employees who appear in examination i.e., minimum qualification as a condition
the All India Competitive Examinations held by the of eligibility for taking the competitive examination.
Union Public Service Commission on All India basis. However, for civil service Examinations, this
Terms and conditions for grant of this incentive will be assistance will be granted only on clearing the
as under : preliminary examinations, irrespective of marks in the
(i) Amount of financial assistance will be Rs. 2,000/- qualifying examination.
(Two thousand only) While granting financial assistance to employee
(ii) There will be no pay limit for grant of this undertaking will be obtained from him/her to the effect
assistance. that in case has/her ward does not appear in all the
(iii) This assistance will be provided only once to each papers of the examination for which the assistance
child. has been provided, he/she shall refund the whole
In other words, if he/she does not qualify in the amount of Rs. 2,000/- immediately to the Circle
examination in the 1st attempt, similar grant would Welfare Board. This issue with he concurrence of
not be admissible for the 2nd or subsequent attempts. the Postal Finance vide their ID No. 1511-FA/92 dated
Similarly if he/she avails of this facility for one 25-5-92.
competitive examination he/she would not be eligible The may please be given wide publicity amongst
for similar facility for other competitive examinations the Postal employees in your Circle.
as well. (D.G.(P) No. 13-7/91-WL/Sports, dt. 7.7.92)


The Govt. Servant who participate in dancing and The Spl. CL will not be admissible for practice in
singing competitions organised at regional, national connection with such cultural activities.
or international level may be granted special CL not (Dept. of Per & Trg. OM 28016/1/87-Estt(A)
exceeding 15 days in any calendar year. dt. 9-9-87)
The undersigned is directed to say that in servant is sponsored by the government or he avails
pursuance of the recommendation made by the Forth of study leave for acquiring the qualification. The
Central Pay Commission, the question of grant of incentive would be given only for higher qualification
incentive on acquiring higher qualifications was acquired after induction into service and will not apply
considered by the Government and a centralization for the incentives now being given in the existing
committee constituted. The Ministries/Departments schemes for possession of higher qualification at an
of Government of India were advised vide this entry stage. No incentive would be admissible if an
department's O.M. of even number dated the 28th appointment is made in relaxation of the educational
June, 1993 that from the financial year 1993-94, the qualification. No incentive would be admissible if the
present system of giving advance increments shall employee acquires the requisite qualification for such
be replaced by grant of lump-sum amount as appointment at a later date. The acquisition of the
incentive. Policy guidelines were also provided to qualification should be directly related to the functions
consider grant of lump-sum incentive for acquiring of the post held by him/her or to the functions to be
fresh qualifications for which presently there is no performed in the next higher post. There should be
scheme for grant of advance increments. The direct nexus between the functions of the post and
Ministries/Departments were requested to review the the qualification acquired and that it should contribute
existing schemes in the light of the aforesaid to the efficiency of the government servant. The
guidelines. qualifications meriting grant of incentive should be
2. On the basis of information received from various recognised by the All India Council for Technical
Ministries/Departments, the matter was considered Education, Department of Electronics, Deemed
by the Government and the standardised scales of University, University or recognised by the
lump-sum incentives in respect of the existing Government. No stepping up of pay shall be allowed
increment based schemes were issued vide O.M. of in the case of juniors by virtue of drawing more pay
even number dated the 31st Jan. 1995. under the scheme of advance increments. The grant
3. The question of finalising fresh qualifications (in of incentive for the qualifications listed in the annexure
addition to the ones which presently qualify for grant may be considered by the administrative authorities i
of this incentive) which would merit grant of lump- consultation with there integrated finance and
sum incentive was considered by the centralised necessary orders issued after ensuring that the criteria
committee and after taking into account the laid down above is fulfilled. The incentive will be
recommendations made by the Fifth Central Pay admissible on acquiring these qualifications on or after
Commission in Chapter 23 of their supplementary the date of issue of these orders.
report No. 1, it has been decided to grant lump-sum 5. Should pay of the Ministries/Departments
incentive on acquiring fresh qualifications listed in consider the extension of the incentive scheme to
the annexure The grant of incentive in respect of qualifications other than those listed in the annexure
these qualifications will be subject to fulfilment of the necessary, this should be done only with the prior
criteria laid down in this department's O.M. dated 28th approval of this department and the Ministry of
June, 1993, referred to above. The incentive will not Finance.
be available for the qualifications which are laid down 6. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation etc.
as essential or desirable qualifications in the are requested to bring these instructions to the notice
recruitment rules for the post. The quantum of all concerned. In so far as the persons working in
incentive will be uniform for all posts irrespective of the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are
their classification or grade or the department. The concerned, these orders issue in consultation with
incentive will not be admissible where the government the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
Annexure to Department of Personnel & Training's O.M. NO. 1/2/87-Estt.(Pay.I)
dated 31st March 1999
S.No. Qualification Lump-sum incentive
1. Degree in Engineering or equivalent in the respective discipline Rs. 8,000/-
2. Post Graduate degree or equivalent in Engineering in respective discipline Rs. 10,000/-
3. Ph.D in the field relevant to the functions of the Government servant Rs. 10,000/-
4. Diploma or equivalent in Computer Science/Computer Applications/ Rs. 4,000/-
Inforamtion Technology relevant to the functions of the Govt. servant.
5. PG Diploma in Computer Science/Computer Applications/Information Rs. 6,000/-
Technology relevant to the functions of the Government servant
6. Degree in Computer Science/Computer Applications/Information Rs. 8,000/-
Technology relevant to the functions of the Government servant
7. Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science/Computer Applications/ Rs. 10,000/-
Information Technology relevant to the functions of the Govt. Servant
8. P.G. Diploma in Materials Management from Institute/University/Deemed Rs. 6,000/-
University etc. recognised by the All India Council for Technical Education/
Government of India.
9. (a) On passing Intermediate/Part I Examination of the Institute of Rs. 4,000/-
Chartered Accountants of India, Cost & Works Accountants of India/
Institute of Charter-I Financial Analysts of India
(b) On passing final examination of Institute of Chartered Financial Rs. 8,000/-
Analysts of India/Cost & Works Accountants of India/Institute of
Chartered Financial Analysts of India
10. (a) On passing intermediate examination of the Institute of Compnay Rs. 2,000/-
Secretaries of India
(b) On passing Final Examination of the Institute of Company Rs. 4,000/-
Secretaries of India
11. Multi skill diploma in relevant fields Rs. 4,000/-
12. PG/Ph.D in Veterinary Science Rs. 10,000/-


I am directed to refer to Directorate letter No. The Heads of the Circles may forward
12014/67/83-WL dated 17-11-1983 invite your proposals to the Directorate for grant of financial
attention to Item No. 6 of Minutes of the Postal assistance beyond Rs. 4,000/- in deserving
Services Staff Welfare Board held on 15-3-89 and cases with full justifications for grant of such
to say that it has been decided to raise the powers assistance. It has been decided that the financial
of the Head of Circles to sanction financial assistance beyond Rs. 4,000/- will be grant from
assistance for the grant in each case of serious the Central Welfare Fund instead from the Circle
illness or major surgical operation from Rs. 2,000/- Welfare Fund.
to Rs. 4,000/-, subject to the same conditions. (No. 15-11/89-WL/Sports, dt. 19-1-89)


Financial assistance to the families of deceased officials is granted to provide immediate relief to the
bereaved families of deceased officials.
You are accordingly advised that in cases of death of Govt. servants, the assistance should be paid to
the family by next day latest.
(DG (P) No. B 12014/66/82-WL, dt. 13-9-82)
ED employees will be eligible for award of scholarship for technical and non technical education, school
student awards, scholarship for handicapped school going children etc. from 1990-91.
(DG (P) No. 2-6/89-WL/Sports (P), dt. 23-5-90)
i) The cost of wheel chair is reimbursable under to sanction an amount of Rs. 15,000/- from the
CS(MA) Rules. Circle Welfare fund or 50% of the cost of the
ii) It has been decided to provide 100% motorised tri-cycle whichever is less. The Circle
reimbursement of expenditure incurred by a heads are also advised to consider grant of scooter
handicapped employee for purchase of mechanised advances in such cases sympathetically on priority/
tri-cycle subject to a maximum of Rs. 2000/- from the out of turn basis even relaxing the condition of pay
Circle Welfare Fund. limit.
iii) Head of Circles are delegated with the powers (DG (P) No. 15-62/92-WL/Sports, dt. 26-2-93)


It has been decided to grant an amount of Rs. In case of EDAs, BPMs, Part time employees
3,000/- to the families of the postal employees, who and Casual Mazdoors this amount will be equivalent
are killed in the riots, communal disturbances and to the 50% of the amount to be paid to the families of
terrorist activities. This grant will being addition to regular Postal Employees.
the existing amount, provided as death relief from (DG (P) No. 15-51/87-WL/Sports, dt. 6-11-87)
the Welfare Fund.
Financial assistance in cases of proved In case of those on leave without pay the
exceptional hardship resulting from serious and assistance will be Rs. 400/- p.m. or 3/4th of basic pay
prolonged illness or major surgical operations, is whichever is less. The sum total of leave salary paid
granted from the Welfare Fund subject to the following and the financial assistance should not exceed the
conditions:- basic pay of the employee at the time of proceeding on
(a) The assistance is restricted to officials drawing leave.
basis pay of Rs. 1200/- or less per month. (e) The assistance is allowed upto 36 months
(b) The disease is already two months old. (to be reviewable at an interval of every six months.
substantiated by a medical certificate). (f) In case, there is an attack of the same disease in
(c) The official has at least one dependent to support. the same case, the condition of the disease being more
(d) The official is on leave on half pay, or without pay. than two months old will not apply.
In case of those on leave on half pay, the assistance (g) The assistance may continue for a period of one
will up to Rs. 150/- P.M. or 3/4th of the basis pay month after the official joining the duty.
whichever is less. (D.G. P&T No. B-12014/20/78-WL, dt. 26-12-78)
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry 2. The position has been reviewed in the light of the
of Home Affairs O.M. No. 2/167/59-Welfare, dated the recommendation of the 4th Pay Commission and in
10th March, 1961 as amended from time to time consultation with Ministry of Finance, the pattern of
regarding grant-in-aid for the provision of the amenities grants-in-aid are revised from the current financial year
for recreational/welfare activities to the staff of the as follows :-
Central Government offices in as well as outside Delhi/ i) Grant-in-aid at the rate of Rs. 2/- per head per
New Delhi. annum is increased to Rs. 10/- per head per annum.
ii) An additional grant-in-aid at the rate of Rs. 5/- per after considering requirement on merit.
head per annum may be given as matching grant as 3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of
against the existing rate of Rs. 1/- per annum per head. Finance (Department of Expenditure) U.O. No. F. 14(8)-
iii) As against the existing initial ad-hoc grant-in-aid 8 II (A)/87, dated 21-8-87 and MHA (Finance) U.O. No.
of Rs. 2,000/- for setting up of Recreation Club, a 2180-Fin. 1/7, dated 25-8-87.
maximum grant of Rs. 10,000/- may be sanctioned, (Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No 1/4/86-Welfare, dt. 1-9-87)
The matter regarding its further enhancement cash award for best Sportsman/Sports Woman from
was discussed in the 17th meeting of the Postal Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 5000/- and the Best Promotor of
Sports Board held at Bangalore on 28-10-04 (Item Sports from Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 2500/-
No. IX) and it was decided to increase the amount of (D.G.(P) No. 2-6/04/WL/Sports, Dt. 13-12-2004)
It was decided to enhance the rates of Daily 120/- per day for outstation participants and from Rs.
Allowance paid to the players participating in All India 40/- per day to Rs. 60/- per day for local participants.
Postal Sports meets from Rs. 80/- per day to Rs. (No. 2-2/04/WL/Sports, dt. 6-12-2004)


It was decided to allow top ranking players from 1. TA - Second Class Sleeper by Rail.
Serial No. 1-6 of All India Postal Table Tennis Meet 2. DA - As admissible to participants in
and All India Postal Badminton Meet to participate in All India Postal Meet.
one All India Major Ranking Tournament in the 3. Leave - Period of absence would be
respective zone to which the players belong. The treated as on duty
players would be eligible for the following facilities (D.G.(P) No. 2-10/04/WL/Sports,
for the said participation. dt. 13-12-2004)


In this regard attention is invited to this office been followed by some of the circles.
letter No. 12-4/94-WL&Sports dated 18-2-94 This item was discussed in the meeting and it
wherein guidelines were prescribed for grant of 2 was decided to re-iterate the existing instructions. It
hours off to sports persons/coaches who represent is therefore, requested that necessary action for strict
their circle in All India Postal Tournament/Meets/ compliance of the aforesaid instruction by all
Competitions or represent the Department concerned under your jurisdiction may kindly be taken
concerned states in National Competitions. immediately.
However instructions were reported not to have (D.G.(P) No. 2-13/04/WL/Sports, dt. 29-12-2004)


Refer to this office letter No. 13-1/93-WL/Sports, "Reservation of Scholarship" were discussed in the
dated 20-5-1993, on the above subject. The pay limits 7th meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare
as indicated in the aforesaid letter under the heading Board and it was decided that these limit be revised
"Pay Limits" and as mentioned in the item as follows :-
Sl. Scholarship/Book Award Existing Pay Limit Revised Pay Limit
No. (Pre-revised Scale of Pay) (Revised Scale of Pay)
Rs. Rs.
1. Technical/Non-technical degree scholarships,
Book awards for technical education 3,500 p.m. 10,600 p.m.
2. School Student Awards 1,800 p.m. 5,600 p.m.
3. Scholarship to physically handicapped children 4,800 p.m. 13,100 p.m.
4. Reservation of scholarships as per letter, dt. 1,250 pm. 3,900 p.m.
5. IIT/IIM/AIIMS (No Pay Limit)
Other terms and conditions for grant of that all eligible applications for a senior class are
Scholarships/Book Awards will continue to be the same. considered first before the next lower class is taken
2. The question of introducing School Student up for grant of Book Awards. This would be applicable
Awards for 1st to 4th Standard was also discussed in to all the classes from 12th Standard downward to
the aforesaid meeting. The School Student Awards 1st Standard.
already exist for the students of 5th to 12th Standard. 3. The above orders would be applicable for the
It was decided that the Book Awards for 1st to 4th scholarships/awards payable during the academic
Standard may be paid on the same terms and session of 1999-2000 and onwards.
conditions as applicable to 5th to 8th Standard at the (D.G.(P) No. 1-19/97/WL/Sports,
rate of Rs. 200 per annum, subject to the condition dated 16-3-1999)


Details of Advance Condition of eligibility Amount

(1) (2) (3)
1) Motor Care Advance If basic pay is Rs. 10,500/ i) First occasion shall not exceed Rs. 1,80,000/
(Rules-193 of GFR) - p.m. or more - or eleven months basic pay or the anticipated
price of the motor car whichever is least.
ii) Second occasion shall not exceed Rs.
1,60,000/- or eleven months basic pay or the
anticipated price of the motor car whichever
is least.
2) Motor cycles/Scooter/ If basic pay is Rs. 4,600/- i) First occasion shall not exceed Rs. 30,000/
Moped Advance (Rule- or more - or six months of basic pay or the anticipated
211 of GFR) price of the motor cycle/scooter whichever is
the least.
ii) Second occasion shall not exceed Rs.
24,000/- or five months basic pay or the
anticipated price of motor cycle/scooter
whichever is the least.
3) Computer Advance (Rule) Basic pay not exceeding i) First occasion amount not exceeding Rs.
1999(5) of GFR) Rs. 8,300/- p.m. is 80,000/-.
eligible. ii) Second or subsequent occasion Amount
not exceeding Rs. 75,000/- or the anticipated
price (excluding CD) whichever is less. For
this, 3 years has not elapsed from the date of
drawal of earlier advances.
4) Bicycle Advance (Rule 215 Basic pay not exceeding Amount shall not exceed Rs. 1,500/-
of GFR) Rs. 5000/- p.m. is eligible.
5) Warm Clothing Amount shall not exceed Rs. 1500/-
6) Table fan advance (Rule Amount shall not exceed Rs. 1000/-
221-D of GFR)
7) Festival Advance (Rule 236 Shall not exceed Rs. 1500/-
of GFR)
8) Natural Calamity Advance Basic pay not exceeding Shall not exceed Rs. 2,500/-
(Rule 249 of GFR) Rs. 8,300/- p.m. is eligible.
(MoF OM No. 16(1)E. II(A) 97 dt. 11-12-1997)
I am directed to invite your kind attention to powers upto Rs. 5,000/- in each case of proved
Item No. 8 of the 6th Meeting of Postal Services exceptional hardship result in from serious or
Staff Welfare Board held at Delhi on 11-07-97 prolonged illness to the Postal employees of their
under the Chairmanship of Secretary (P) and it is dependent taking into consideration other
clarified that the dependent family members of the conditions such as meeting incidental expenses
postal employees who are suffering from TB like diet, cost of treatment and transport etc. which
covered under the Head Grant of financial is not covered under medical reimbursement under
assistance due to prolonged illness and Heads of CS (MA) Rules.
Circles are delegated with the power to sanction DG (P) No. 1-16/97-WL and Sports
financial assistance under their discretionary dated 18-09-97


I am directed to say that as per this office letter well as Book Awards. However, the applications for
No. 13-1/93-WL/Sports dated 20-05-93 educational award of Scholarship / Book Awards with relaxed
Non-Technical Scholarship / Book Awards are standards for OBCs be entertained after all other
granted to the wards of SC / ST employees with eligible candidates have been awarded the
relaxed standards. The question of extending the scholarship and Book Awards subject to the condition
relaxation of marks for grant of the Scholarship / Book that the additional expenditure should be met from
Awards for the wards of OBCs was considered in the normal allocation to the Circle Welfare Fund.
the 9th meeting of the Postal Services Staff Welfare 2. This will come into force with effect from the date
Board held on 17-02-2002. It was decided that OBC of issue of the orders.
candidates may also be given relaxation of 10% of [DG (P) No. 2-1/2001-WL / Sports
marks for award of Non-Technical scholarships as dated 26-04-2002]


It has been decided that departmental vehicle to immediately possible, maximum possible assistance/
the extent available, should be provided to such officials aid should be provided and the official moved to
who may need emergent medical attention while on hospital by engaging other transport if necessary, at
duty for moving them to hospitals, dispensaries etc. the cost of the Govt.
In the event of such an arrangement not being (DG P&T No. B 27011/5-80, dt. 19-10-82)


As per the existing instructions issued by the economy.
Directorate in the past, periodical reviews of H.Os / (e) To examine assigning of delivery functions to
S.Os, revision of allowances of GDSs / BPMs / SPMs EDBPMs where the delivery work is not
etc. are carried out as per following schedule. substantial and can be attended by the BPM.
(A) Periodical Review (f) To examine revision of allowances of ED agents
All Head Post Offices - Every year on justified parameters of workload.
LSG / HSG S.Os - Every 2 years (g) To examine utilisation of surplus establishment
Class -I S.Os - Every 3 years for betterment of existing services and
Other T/Sos - Every 4 years expanding services to new areas.
(B) Revision of Allowance To achieve objectives mentioned above and to
ED BPMs / EDSPMs - Biennial Review eliminate wastage of manpower in administrative units,
(every 2 years) the review of the establishment of each SO may have
Other ED Agents - Quinquennial to be taken up along with the review of B.Os under its
Review (every 5 years) account jurisdiction simultaneously. This gives an
(C) Triennail Review opportunity for taking a comprehensive look at the
of B.Os - Review of B.Os entire amount of service, statistical data relative to
establishment is to be traffic handled etc. by the S.Os and B.O.s at a time.
carried out every 3 years. This also provide opportunity for carrying out in depth
2. References from certain quarters have been study of deficiencies in the institutional arrangements
received pointing out that the existing procedure of and examine the allowances that need further revision.
review of establishment consumes considerable time In this system the sub post offices or Head Post
and as such, this office has been requested to amend Offices as the case may be will maintain the statistics
the procedure suitably to avoid duplication of efforts for itself and for its B.Os simultaneously and
and wastage of manpower. It is observed that while verification of the statistics of the Account Office and
a neighbouring BO or SO may be having additional its B.O.s can be done by SDI(P) at the SO / HO point
surplus manpower or shortage of manpower, the during visit of the account office and combined
information is not available where the review of the proposal for review can be worked out by the
HO or SO is taken up. Thus the periodical review of divisional office at a time.
departmental offices and triennial review of ED post 3. The matter has, therefore, been examined in this
offices are not inter-related and the data cannot be office in details. It has been decided to follow the
combinedly utilised for improving the utilisation of procedure w.e.f. 1st April 2003.
manpower where actually needed. The system of (a) Periodical Review
establishment reviews requires change for better All Head Post Offices /MDGs - Every year
review of human resources available and thereby LSG / HSG S.Os - Every 3 years
reducing the burden on administrative units in review Class -I S.Os - Every 3 years
of the post offices establishment. Other T/Sos - Every 3 years
The basic purpose of review of establishment is (B) Revision of Allowance
to achieve the following objectives. ED BPMs / ED-SPMs - Every 3 years
(a) To examine statistical justification of existing Other ED Agents - Every 3 years
manpower. (C) Triennail Review of B.Os
(b) To examine proposals for augmentation, (h) Review of B.Os establishment is to be carried
reduction or redeployment of existing manpower out every 3 years.
by suitable re-arrangement. (i) The review of B.Os, rationalisation of their
(c) To examine available manpower in ED offices establishment and revision of allowances of
to achieve rationalisation. GDSs will be done at the time of review of the
(d) To bring mail conveyance work on common line S.O or H.O. as the case may be and there is no
establishment for operational efficiency and need for inspecting officer to visit B.Os
separately for this purpose. appended herewith as Annexure I to IV.
(ii) Interim review as necessitated due to revision 5. It is requested to bring the contents of this letter
of norms or on account of any significant to the notice of all concerned for guidance and
variation of workload of offices may be necessary action.
undertaken as and when found necessary. 6. Receipt of this letter may please be
4. Copies of proformas to undertake the above acknowledged.
exercises in H.Os / S.Os/MDGs/B.Os etc. are also (DG (P) letter 25-3/2003-PE-I dated 01-04-2003)


The subject of laying down revised norms for 11. VPP (Fgn) 3.88 say 4
Group 'C' Staff connected with multi-purpose- 12. Regd Parcel (Inland) 1.6
Counter Machines in Post Offices has been under 13. Regd Parcel (Fgn) 1.6
consideration in this Directorate for some time 14. Spl. Booking Journal (inland) Manual 0.6
past. 15. Spl. Booking journal (Fgn) Manual
2. It has now been decided to adopt the following 16. Insured Parcel (Inland) 3.88 say 4
norms for sanction of Group 'C' staff connected with 17. Insured Parcel (Fgn) 3.88 say 4
Multi-Purpose-Counter Machines in Post Offices. 18. Insured VP (Inland) 3.88 say 4
S.No. Job Description Norms for 19. Insured VP (Fgn) 3.88 say 4
MPCM (in mats.) 20. HVMO Issue Manual
1. RL. Posted in office 96 say 1 21. MO/VPMO/SMO issue 1.42 say 1.5
2. Spl booking journal Manual 22. TMO (Fgn) 9.00
3. R.B. Prepared Manual 0.3 23. Other TMO Manual
4. Booking Ins (Inland) 5.88 say 6 24. PLI receipt issued and entry 1.56 say 1.6
5. Booking Ins*Fgn) 5.88 say 6 in PR Book
6. VP parcel (inland) 3.88 say 4 25. Speed Post 1.42
7. VP Parcel (Fgn) 3.88 say 4 26. TRC Bill 1.25
8. VPL Ins. (Inland) 5.88 say 6 27. CR (same for PLI issue and 1.5
9. VPL Parcel (Fgn) 5.88 say 6 ACG 67 R
10. VPP (inland) 3.88 say 4 (DG(P) No. 4-1/2002-PE.I, dt. 30-12-2002)


Revised norms for the staff working in Speed Time observation sheet pertaining to
Post centre is sent herewith for information and Computerized norms in respect of speed post articles
necessary action. in speed post centre;
Sl. Job Unit of Quantity Time Taken Average Time
No. description Measurement tested in minutes time per factor
item recommended
1. Receipt of SP bags Manual Operation
2. Opening of TBs Manual Operation
3. Transfer of Bags from
Mail Agent Manual Operation
4. Opening of SP bags Manual Operation
5. Scaning of Bags label Bag labels 15 46 seconds 3.4 secs. 4 secs=.06 mts
6. Counting of atticles = It is automatically being done in scanning process.
7. Examination of out ward
condition of each articles Manual Operation
8. Scanning of each articles
for receipt Article 411 18.45 2.7 mts 2.7 mts.
9. Despatch of article &
transfer of article to other
sorting assistant Article 30 2.42 mts 5.4 secs 6 secs.
10. Receipt of articles
scanning Same as job
item No. 8
11. Sorting of articles Manual Operation
12. Despatch of articles
through scanning and Article bag 65 3.14 mts. 3 seconds 3 seconds
13. Closing of bags through Label
scanning bags case Do Do Do Do Do
14. Preparation of Delivery
way bill Bag 18 9.36 mts 32 secs. 30 secs.
15. Booking of Speed Post
Articles Article 12 16.49 mts 1.24 mts. 1.3 mts
16. Delivery of speed post
Articles Article 25 40 mts 1.36 mts 1.5 mts
17. Return by postmen Article 4 1.24 mts 21 mts 21 seconds=
0.4 mts
(DG(P) No. 9-2/91-WS-I, dated 1-1-2003)


The subject of laying down revised norms for (f) Verification of claim 0001
sanctioning of P.R.I. (P) posts in the Deptt. has been (g) Court attendance 0034
under consideration in this Directorate for some time (h) Local journey 000057
past. It has now been decided with the approval of the (iii) PRI (P) ATTACHED TO OFFICES OTHER THAN
SIU of the Ministry of Finance to adopt the following PRESIDENCY G.P.O's AND FIRST CLASS HEAD
norms for PRI (P) subject to the condition that no new OFFICES UNDER THE CHARGE OF GROUP 'A'
post will be created under revised norms until ban on POSTMASTERS.
creation of posts lifted :- (a) Fixed miscellaneous .52135
(i) P.R.I. (P) ATTACHED TO PRESIDENCY G.P.O.'s. (b) Postman/E.D.D.A. .00120
Co-efficient (c) Mail Peon/E.D. Mail Peon .00568
(a) Fixed & Miscellaneous 53135 (d) Telegraph Messenger/
(b) Postmen/E.D.D.A. 00058 ED Messenger .0042
(c) LB Peon/E.D.L.B. Peon 00378 (e) L.B. Peon/E.D.L.B. Peon .00626
(d) Complaint/Enquires 00029 (f) Letter Boxes .0001273
(e) Verification of claim 00009 (g) Single handed S.O./B.O. .00282
(f) Court attendance 9034 (h) Complaint/Enquiries .000264
(g) Local Journey 000114 (i) Verification of claim .0000934
(ii) P.R.I. (P) ATTACHED TO FIRST CLASS H.Os. (j) Court attendance .0034
UNDER POSTMASTERS GROUP 'A'. (k) Local Journey .000057
(a) Fixed & Miscellaneous 51628 This issues with the concurrence of FA (P) vide
(b) Postmen/E.D.D.A. 0012 their ID No. 2766-FA/94 dated 7-10-94.
(c) LB Peon/E.D.L.B. Peon 0058 The receipt of this letter may kindly be acknowledge
(d) Letter Boxes 00019 immediately.
(e) Complaint/Enquiries 00022 (D.G.(P) No. 31-29/80-PE.I dated 26-10-1994)


I am directed to refer to this office order of even While implementing them, it may please be ensured
number dated 03-12-2003 on the above-mentioned that all aspects relating to requirement of manpower
subject. are duly taken into account at the time of carrying
2. Issuance of ibid instructions was primarily based out establishment reviews.
on increase in postal rates of Stamps and Stationery. [D.G.(P) No. 4-5/99-PE.I, Dated: 6th May 2005]
The unions have represented to the Director 2. The minimum interval between two terms of split
General that the orders regarding the employment duty should be one hour.
of staff of split duty are not being rigidly observed. 3. The spread-over should not normally exceed 12
Though no specific cases have been brought to his hours.
notice, the Director-General desires that when staff 4. It may be noted that these conditions do not apply
are brought on split duty the following conditions as to staff provided with residential accommodation on
laid down in this office Memo No. 43-64/60-PE dated the premises who are brought on split duty.
27-8-62 are invariably observed :- 5. Suitable directions in this regard may be issued
1. The number of duty-spells in any split duty term to all subordinate offices.
should not normally exceed two. (D.G.(P) No. A/101-Rlgs dated, 8-8-1980)
I am directed to refer to this office letter No. Postmasters in charge of non-gazetted delivery post
37-1/75-CI/PE-I dated 20-7-1983 on the subject offices who are not provided with attached quarters.
mentioned above vide which the Heads of Circles This may be done after taking into consideration
were empowered to prescribe at their discretion, the local conditions and keeping in view the extreme
continuous duty hours in respect of Postmasters desirability of the Postmaster/Sub Postmaster being
of Gazetted Post Offices. It was further stipulated on duty during the important delivery and despatch
that this power should be used sparingly and only time. However, this power may be exercised
when the PMsG were personally satisfied that such sparingly and wherever stretch duty is prescribed,
a charge would not adversely affect the a return indicating the same may be sent to this
Postmaster's supervision over the mail and office at the end of each quarter.
treasury branches. 3. The receipt of this letter may please be
2. It has now been decided to delegate to PMGs acknowledged.
similar powers in respect of Postmasters and Sub- (D.G. P&T No. 31-27/85-PE-I, dt. 3-10-85)


Reference is invited to this office letter No. 6/18/ objection to his being given some non-cash work, if
67-PAP/Col. II dated 4-3-72 on the above subject, time permits.
where it has been clarified that : 2) In an office where more than one official is
1) In an office where there is only one treasurer, employed in the treasury branch, special pay will be
the treasurer may be granted special pay provided admissible to Treasurers and Asstt. Treasurers.
he is engaged mainly in handling cash, There is no (D.G.(P) No. 8-24-75-PAP, dt. 1-4-1976)


It is decided that the time factor of 2 minutes per item for checking the emoluments and rates of OTA in
the case of OTA claims of the officials of Sub-Post Offices may be extended to cover the cases of OTA
claims of officials of HPOs.
(DG (P) 31-2/73-P I, dt. 21-5-77)


1. Mail Overseers for every 20 Branch offices other than mobile Branch Offices.
1. Mail Overseer for every 18 Mobile Branch Offices.
The justification is worked out sub-division wise and fraction of 0.5 or above are rounded off to the next integer.
(DG P & T No. 31-16-81-PE I, dt. 26-9-81 & 15-1-82)
The undersigned is directed to invite a reference (iii) Grant of CL to the Regional PMGs;
to this Department OM No. 33-1/88-PE.II dated 29- (iv) Powers to redeploy JAG officers given to Heads
08-89 conveying the sanction of the President to the of Circles vide this office letter No. 2-1/87-SPG
revision of the strength of the Indian Postal Service dated 09-01-87 are hereby withdrawn.
as a result of the Third Cadre Review. (d) BUILDINGS
2. JURISDICTION (i) Co-ordination with the Civil wing;
Consequent upon the creation of the posts as (ii) Chairing the Circle level Buildings Co-ordination
envisaged therein, the jurisdiction of various Regions meeting with the Civil Wings (Also see para 4
in the Circles has been fixed as shown in Annex-A. below).
As regards decentralisation of control functions from (e) UNIONS: RCM MEETINGS AND CIRCLE
the existing circle offices to the Regional Offices, UNION MEETINGS
(existing as well as the new ones), guidelines are (i) The formal bi-monthly meetings at present being
laid down in the succeeding paragraphs for strict granted by the Regional Director will be held with
observance by all concerned. the Regional PMG in respect of items pertaining
3. POWER AND FUNCTION OF THE REGIONAL to respective regions (including the Chief PMG
PMG AND CHIEF PMG - DELEGATION AND for his region). Circle level issues raised by the
LIMITAITONS Unions should be taken up only with the Chief
Each Regional PMG including the Chief PMG is PMG.
hereby delegated all financial and administrative (f) RECRUITEMNT
powers of the Head of the Department as spelt out Recruitment and promotion to the Circle cadres
in the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, General and management of Gazetted cadres. After
Financial Rues, FRs and SRs and Delegations issued holding the DPC where necessary, or on receipt
by the Board from time to time. Each Regional PMG of allotment orders from the Directorate, the
(including the Chief PMG) is also hereby delegated Chief PMG will allot the personnel in such cases
all administrative powers of the Head of Circle in to the different regions giving due regard to the
respect of the units placed under the Regional PMG requirement of each region. The Regional PMG
or the Chief Postmaster General as the case may will, however, have the power to order ad-hoc
be. The following functions and powers will, however, promotion to gazetted and non-gazetted cadres
continue to be vested in the Chief PMG as shown (within the limits laid down by the DOP) in
below:- consultation with the Chief PMG and in strict
(a) MAILS accordance with Circle Seniority.
(i) Inter-Circle and inter-region mail arrangements. (g) ACCOUNTS
(ii) State level co-ordination with all the carriers i.e. Control over DPA / IFA and his office situated
rail, road, ship and air. within the circle.
(i) State level co-ordination meetings. (i) Co-ordination with State Govt. authorities, MPs
(ii) Circle SB Pairing Unit; etc.
(iii) All PLI matters. (ii) Postal Advisory Committee.
(c) STAFF (iii) Bi-annual meeting with MP's.
(i) Inter-regional transfers of Circle cadre staff; (i) SPORTS AND WELFARE
(ii) Allotment of Gazetted officers up to Sr. Time (i) Presiding over the Circle Sports Board.
Scale of Gr. 'A' level to the Regions; (ii) Organizing Circle level and All India level sports
/ cultural meets etc. (vi) Performance Work Improvement Teams
(iii) Appointment in relaxation of recruitment rules. (Reference this Directorate D.O. No. 3-13/87/
(Orders in this regard have already been issued IC dated 23-12-87).
under this office No. 24-269/87-SPB-I dated 29- (vii) General working of the SB branch with special
09-89.) reference to clearance of objections and ledger
(iv) Appointment of outstanding sportsmen in agreement; Expansion of PLI business and after
relaxation of recruitment rules; sales service.
(v) Chairing the Circle Welfare organisation and (viii) Positive suggestions to improve the image of
operating the circle welfare fund. the postal services.
(vi) All other matters connected with welfare being (ix) Progress of Plan Schemes, especially Speed
handled at Circle HQ at present. Post, and any other new schemes that may be
(j) PHILATELY introduced by the Deptt.
(k) MATERIALS MANAGEMENT (x) Monitoring of money or payment in the rural
(i) Indenting, procurement of Stores of CAT 'A (Dte. areas;
Memo No. 12-20/89-UPE dated 26-10-89) (xi) Activities undertaken through R&D Centre.
(ii) Local printing of forms beyond the usual powers (xii) Pendency and clearance of pension / GPF and
of regional PMG related cases; holding of pension adalats.
(l) QUARTERLY MEETING WITH THE IFA. 4.1 The Director at the Headquarters of the Circle
(All Reginal PMGs should atend - Chief PMG will function as Secretary to the Committee. Agenda
will Chair). items may be proposed in advance by the members
(m) HINDI including the Chairman.
Control over Hindi officer and implementing the 5. Financial Advice
Govt. policy on Hindi as Official language. For the time being, no additional posts of CAOs,
(n) THE CIRCLE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A.Os etc. will be sanctioned. The existing pattern of
The Chief PMG will chair the Circle Management Internal Financial Adviser at the Circle Headquarters
Committee, which should meet at least once in for financial advice on matters within the powers, of
two months. All Regional PMGs and the Circle the Regional PMG / Chief PMG, will continue.
IFA will be members of the Committee. Formal Wherever, there are A.Os functioning as Financial
minutes of the meetings will be issued and will Advisers to the erstwhile Regional Director, they will
be endorsed to Sr. DDG (I&EB) in this continue to function as such and will provide financial
Directorate General. Sr. DDG (I&EB) will advice to the Regional PMG for matters within the
suitably process and submit reports to the P.S. erstwhile Regional Director's powers. It will be open
Board. The following items will be considered to each PMG / Chief PMG to authorise the Director
in the Circle Management Committee:- under his control to exercise any of his financial
(i) Prioritization and / or approval in principle of powers according to Rule 13 (a) (3) of DFPRs and
building works. also other orders in force from time to time. Where
(ii) Financial Review of the Circle, trends in revenue there is no Accounts Officer (FA), all matters on which
earning, expenditure in major budget heads, finance consultation is required as per rules will be
economy proposals etc. referred to the Circle IFA. The details of Financial
(iii) Inter Regional / Inter Circle Mail arrangements Advisors and AO (ICO) SB are at Annex. 'B'.
and review thereto. 6. Delegation of Additional Administrative Powers
(iv) Performance in small savings and / issues to the Chief Postmaster-General
relating thereto. In addition to the powers already exercised by
(v) Important complaint and fraud and public the Chief PMG in his capacity as Head of Circle and
grievances cases, their review and remedial / Head of the Deptt., the following administrative
preventive action. Functioning of the Public powers of the D.G. are hereby delegated to the Chief
grievance cells in the Divisions. PMG:-
S.No. Nature of Power Extent of Power of Director General Extent of power of Chief PMG
1. Power to grant permission Full powers except in respect of Full powers except in respect of
to Govt. servants to be officers whom the Director General is officers whom Chief Postmaster
transferred to another not competent to appoint. General is not competent to
Govt. office or Dept. appoint.
2. Power to grant authority for Full powers. Full powers of Director General.
institution of legal
proceedings and for
defence of civil suits on
behalf of the department.
3. Power to execute and sign Powers as defined in Chapter IX of Powers as defined in Chapter IX
contracts on behalf of the P&T Manual Vol. II of P&T Manual Vol. II for
Deptt. Director General.
4. Powers to transfer officers. Full powers to transfer officers below Full Powers to transfer officers
the rank of Director of Postal Services. below the rank of Directors of
Postal Services within the circle.
7. Delegation of Additional Financial Powers to while writing the Report of the concerned officer.
the Chief PMG 10. Diversion of Establishment
In addition to the existing powers of Head of The envisages decentralisation of functions to
Circle / Head of Dept., powers of the Director General the Regions would necessitate diversion of
/ Board as spelt out in the list at Annex. 'C' are hereby commensurate establishment from Circle Offices to
delegated to the Chief PMG. Regional Offices. The establishment should be
8. The additional financial and administrative shared equitably as per workload. The exercise on
powers as vested in the Chief PMGs will also be this behalf should be undertaken immediately by the
exercised by the PMGs, Haryana, HP and J&K. Circles and the revised establishment of the Circle
9. C.R's Offices and Regional Offices determined in
The CRs of Regional PMsG in the seven circles consultation with the Circle IFA. A report indicating
placed under the charge of Chief PMG in the higher the establishment determined for the Regions should
grade (Rs. 7300-7600) will be written by the Chief be submitted to the Directorate quickly and certainly
PMG. He will also be the reviewing officer in all cases by 30-12-89 so that covering sanction may be issued
where the reporting officer is the Regional PMG. The from this office. The guiding principle will obviously
Regional PMG will be the reviewing officer where be the number of units and subjects placed under
the reporting officer is under the Regional PMG. The each Region. P&T Dispensaries and RLOs will not
CRs of SAG officers in the remaining circles having be counted as units as they are not counted as such
Chief PMG in the SAG scale (Rs. 5900-6700) will be under the SIU formula.
written by Members of the Board as per present 11. Redeployment of Director (Vig.) as Director
procedure. In the Circles where the Chief PMG is in (Region)
the grade of Rs. 5900-6700, the CR of the Directors This may be done with immediate effect in cases
and equivalent officers in the Region (including Chief where no transfer of headquarters is involved. Orders
PMG's Region) will be written by the concerned Chief to this effect have already been issued vide this
PMG / Regional PMG and will be reviewed in the Directorate memo of even number dated Nov, 02,
Board. 1989.
9.1 However, the self appraisal of all Regional PMsG 12. Transfer of Staff
in the Circles where the CPMG is in the scale of Rs. The proposed reorganisation would necessitate
5900-6700 will be routed to Directorate through the shifting of some staff from Circle Office to R.Os. In
Chief PMG who will give his own assessment on the this behalf, the guiding principle will be the same as
Officer's performance. Such assessment will be on laid down by the department in respect of bifurcation
a separate sheet and will not form part of the CRs. It of Divisions etc. In other words, once the extent of
will, however, be taken into account by the Members staff to be diverted is worked out, options are to be
obtained from all the staff and cases should then be The role of the Directors should not be reduced to
decided on the basis of seniority. In this connection that of Director Headquarters / Staff Officers. The
please also refer to the instructions contained in PMG / Chief PMG also is expected to share the
Directorate memo No. 56/5/79-SPB-I dated 17th burden of inspections in addition to carrying out
March 1979 (Annex 'D') frequent visits and surprise checks of field
13. Accommodation organisations.
Accommodation for the Regional PMGs should 17. The Headquarters of the PMGs Assam, N.E.,
be found in existing departmental buildings to the Punjab and Rajasthan are being temporarily fixed at
extent possible failing which renting should be Guwahati, Shillong, Chandigarh and Jaipur
resorted to. respectively.
14. Vehicle 18. Interim Measures
Vehicle at present attached to the Regional Re-distribution of units from one region to another
Director / Additional PMG will be given to the Regional or shifting of headquarters of any Region or Division
PMsG. For new Regions, proposals may be framed of similar establishment is to be effected only after
and submitted to this office urgently. consultation with this Directorate. General Transfer
15. General of staff to the regional headquarters should be carried
The Chief PMG of both grades as over all in out expeditiously, but in a smooth manner and in
charge of the Circle will have the power to over-rule consultation with the staff union wherever necessary.
the decisions of Regional PMG provided this is done 19. This issues in consultation with Finance Advice
after consultation with the Regional PMG and (Postal vide Dy. No. Director (FAP)/1044 dated 01-
reasons for such a decision to over-rule the Regional 12-1989.
PMG are recorded in writing in the file. 20. The receipt of this memo may please be
16. The Directors attached to the Regional PMG / acknowledged to Shri K.C. Mishra, Assistant Director
Chief PMG should be utilised in full for inspection, General (PE.II).
visits and other kind of checks of the field units. [DG Posts No. 33-1/88-PE.II dated 05-12-89]


In view of the incidence of large scale fraud not be very large and the IPO (Complaints) would be
committed by the certain Branch Postmasters and able to carry out the second inspection of these
sub Postmasters and in view of frequent complaints offices. These should be ensured of atleast four
that have been receiving about the quality of service months between the first inspection and the second
that is being rendered by smaller post offices an inspection.
examination has been carried out as to how EDSOs/EDBOs:
supervision over the functioning of these offices could The Second inspection of EDSOs will be carried
be strengthened and how the divisional out by the IPOs (Complaints) and one day should be
superintendents could be enabled to monitor the given for this purpose.
working of these offices. Keeping this in view the It the number of EDSOs in any particular division
following is required to be implemented with is very large the Divisional Superintendent can
immediate effect. suggest to the Postmaster General as to how the
Single -Handed Sub Offices: second inspection of the EDSOs could be carried
Generally the annual inspections of these offices out. There should be a gap of 4 months between the
are being carried out by the Sub Divisional Officers. two inspections.
A few of the offices are being inspected by the The second inspection in respect of EDBOs
Divisional Superintendents and his Deputy/Assitt. would be in the day of a visit by the Mail Overseers
Supdts. It is decided that all Single Handed Offices atleast once in a year one day should be given to
should be inspected twice in a year. The second Mail Overseer for each EDBOs. During the visit all
inspection should be carried out by the IPO cash transactions should be verified. The
(Complaints) of the division. A period of two days examination of balances in the SB & RD Pass Books,
must be given for this inspection. It is felt that a the verification of payment of money orders, the
number of single handed offices in any division may verification of preliminary receipts given for other cash
transactions should be carried out. It there are two points where action has to be taken by his own
Mail Overseers for Moffusil Sub Divisions, it is to be office. Points on which action is required to be taken
ensured that the second inspection-cum-visit can be by other but has not been taken, will be specially
carried out by the Mail Overseas. There should be a noted for pursuing with the offices where action
gap of 4 months from the first inspection. needs to be taken.
Bad Offices: Inspection Questionnaires:
At present on the basis of the inspection reports To make the inspection more purposeful review
certain very bad offices are being identified and the of the questionnaire is being carried out and standard
second inspection of such very bad offices is being questionnaire for various types of post offices would
carried out by the I.P.O. (Complaints). After the be supplied shortly. Till the revised questionnaire are
above instructions are implemented identification received instructions may be given to all to carry out
of very bad offices will continue to be done not only the inspections in accordance with the questionnaires
in respect of EDSOs and EDBOs but also in respect they have.
of other Departmental Post Offices. In respect of It may be ensured that the Supdt. of Post
Departmenal Posts offices identified as very bad Offices take the assistance of Inspectors of Post
immediate remedial steps should be taken by the Offices and Asst. Supdt. of Post Offices only
Divisional Superintendents to improve the matters when the verification of Head Post Office is done.
by taking all possible action including the disciplinary Normally Inspector's assistance should not be
action. In respect of EDSOs and EDBOs another taken while inspecting the other post offices. The
inspection can be carried out which should be done Supdt. of Post Offices who travel by the
by the Assistant Supdt. attached to the offices of inspection vehicle can take their stenographers
the Divisional Supdt. The purpose of the re- while going on inspection of post offices. This
inspection of the very bad offices would be improve may not be done for going on visits only.
the state of work. Date of Effect:
Compliance reports: These instructions would be implemented with
Whenever any office is going to be inspected immediate effect.
the Inspecting Officer should go through the The receipt of this letter may please be
previous Inspection Report and ensure that acknowledged.
compliance has been given cant per cent on the [DG's letter No. 17-1/92-Inspn. Dated 16-1-92]


As per long standing practice and convention mentioned in the appointment orders issued to Group
there is a clause in the initial appointment letters of C and Group D employees of the Department of
the employees of the department of Posts to the Posts. Such a clause existing in the case of the
effect that they can be transferred anywhere in the employees already in service also is hereby cancelled
country under special circumstances. with immediate effect and their appointment order
2. Since in actual fact a vast majority of Group C would also stand so modified with effect from the
and Group D employees is never subjected to the date of issue of this letter.
transfer liability implied in this clause 2 is felt that 4. It is also directed that these orders may be given
such a condition is not necessary in the appointment wide publicity and also got noted by all the Group C
orders. and Group D staff. Necessary entry in this behalf
3. The matter has been considered carefully in may also be made in their service Books, in due
consultation with the Ministry of Law. It is hereby course.
ordered that no clause of condition relating to 5. Please acknowledge receipt.
transferability anywhere in the country, under special 6. Hindi version will follow.
or general circumstances, should form now on be [D.G.(P) No. 20-12/90-SPB-I, dt. 23-8-90]


The power to upgrade or downgrade an existing conference held on 16th and 17th June 2003 to
head post office are vested with the Postal Services delegate powers to the heads of circles to downgrade
Board. A suggestion was made in the heads of circle sub standard head offices not conforming to the
prescribed norms. including one at the head quarters, one HO may be
2. As per the prescribed norms, an existing head downgraded other than the one located at the District
post office can be considered for bifurcation if the HQ and its place an MDG office may be established
number of SOs attached to it exceeds 60. However, subject to fulfilment of existing norms for opening an
after bifurcation of any HO, both the HOs (Parent MDG so that services being enjoyed by the public
HO as well as proposed HO) should not have less are not curtailed in any manner.
than 20 SOs attached to them respectively. 4. All proposals for the conversion of SO into HPO
3. The Postal Service Board after considering all may, however, continue to be referred to Directorate
relevant aspects of the proposal has accorded its for approval as at present.
approval to empower the Heads of Circles to 5. An exercise to identify and downgrade all such
downgrade an HO not having 20 SOs under it, with sub-standard HOs would be initiated immediately by
the following proviso:- the Head of the Circle and result thereof reported to
(i) If there is only one HO in the District, it need not Directorate. This orders will be applicable with
be downgraded. immediate effect.
(ii) If there are more than one HO in the District, (DG(P) No. 14-13/03-PE-I, dated 29-10-2003)


The issue of delegation of powers to Heads of 2 of Dte's letter no. 6-93/71-PE-II dated 26-3-77.
Circles on above-mentioned subject has been under (i) Closure of section should not entail extra
consideration of this Dte. This was also deliberated expenditure on alternative mail arrangement made
in the Heads of Circles Conference in June, 2003. through contractual MMS/State roadways.
The approval of competent authority is hereby (ii) Timely intimation to be given to the concerned
conveyed for delegation of the following powers to Railway Authority.
the Heads of Circles in the matter. (iii) If section is abolished by Railway Authorities
(A) (i) Powers for closure/merger/re-organization due to gauge conversion etc., alternative
of a set/sets of mail office (ii) Powers for closure of arrangement may be made within delegated financial
mail office in a city/station/district where there are powers of Head of Circle and case be taken up with
more than one mail office and the traffic handled in a Railway Authority for restoration of section if carrying
mail office is less than the existing norms for opening of mail through section is financially and operationally
a mail office in terms of instructions contained in Dte's a better proposition.
letter No. 11-1/84-D dated 17-10-1985. (iv) Inter-Circle sections or any intermediate
(a) Closure/re-organization of mail offices shall sections in long route trains should be closed only
sub-serve the public interest and supported by proper with the prior approval of the Directorate.
transportation system as stipulated in para 2 (iii), (iv) 2. Redeployment/abolition of posts on re-
and (v) in the instructions contained in Dte's letter organization/merger/closure of set/sets Sub-standard
no. 11-1/84-D dated 17-10-1985. mail office and closure of sections.
(b) Proper utilization of vacated accommodation (i) RE-deployment/abolition of Group 'C' & Group
is necessary by the Head of Circle under intimation 'D' posts on account of reorganization/merger/closure
to the Dte. with complete justification and other of sub-standard offices, shall continue to be done by
related details where the Department has its own Head of Circles as per the instructions contained in
building. If the departmental office(s) has been Dte's letter No. 2/93-PE-I dated 7-9-1993.
functioning in rented building, the details regarding (ii) RE-deployment of Group 'A' & Group 'B' posts
surrender of vacated accommodation to the shall be done by the Dte. as per instructions contained
concerned agency along with the savings in rent shall in Dte's letter No. 2-2/93-PE-I dated 7-9-1993.
be submitted to the Dte. i.e. to MM & TS Division. Abolition of Group 'A' & Group 'B' posts will also be
(B) Heads of Circles may approve closure of a done by the Dte.
section within the circle with due concurrence of Circle 3. Whenever a decision to close/merger/re-
IFA, keeping in view the instructions contained in para organize a mail office/a set is taken, the full facts of
the case along with the reasons for taking such a This has been concurred by Finance Advice
decision shall be recorded and report submitted to Wing vide Diary No. 534/FA/03/CS dated 28-11-2003.
this office in enclosed format. (DG(P) No. 12-6/2003-D dated 28-11-2003)


Central Vigilance Commissioner vide letter No. CVC has therefore, directed that the Department
8 (1) (h)/98 (1) dated 18-11-98 (copy enclosed) should review all the pending cases and ensure that
issued detailed instructions and guidelines with a view the disciplinary authority may appoint enquiry Officers
to improving the vigilance administration, creating a from amongst the retire/retired honest employees in
culture of honesty, greater transparency in conducting the inquiries. The names of such officers
administration as also for speedier finalisation of may, however be got cleared by the CVC. Therefore,
departmental inquires. The following action points all Heads of the Circles and Regions are requested
have been identified on which action is required to to furnish the list of retired and honest employees
be taken by this Department. who are willing to work as IOs for the purpose of
(i) Create culture of honesty : conducting inquiries.
In order to ensure that a culture of honesty is The following time limits have also been
encouraged in the Department it has been decided prescribed for the expeditious completion of the
with immediate effect that junior employees who Departmental inquiries :-
initiate any proposal relating to vigilance matters (i) Appointment of Inquiry Officer and Presenting
which is likely to result in a reference to the CVC can Officer in the cases presently pending should be
send a copy directly to the CVC by name. CVC will made within one month. In all other cases, they may
monitor the progress of such a proposal and the be appointed immediately after the receipt of the
action taken thereon by the Department concerned. statement of defence denying the charges.
This will encourage the junior employees to give their (ii) The oral inquiry should be completed within a
free and frank views and help to build and develop a period of 6 months from the date of appointment of
culture of honesty. However, if a junior officer makes the Inquiry Officer the IO should lay down a definite
a false or frivolous complaint, it will be viewed time frame for inspection of the listed documents,
adversely. submission of the list of defence documents and the
(ii) Greater transparency in administration. defence witnesses and inspection of defence
CVC has identified lack of transparency as one documents before the regular hearing is taken up.
major source of corruption. To curb this corrupt Once this time frame is worked out by the IO, the
practice, create transparency work be useful. There hearing should be conducted in day-to-day basis
is a scope for patroness and corruption especially in without adjouring on flimsy or frivolous grounds. In
matters relating to tender sites where exercise of any case, there should not be more than two
corruption relating the out of turn conformance of adjournments in any case so that the time limit of six
facilities/privilege to the non-deserving persons. The months is observed.
CVC has, therefore, directed that each organisation (iii) The IO/PO, the DA and the Vigilance Officer will
may identify such items which provide open for be accountable for the strict compliance of these
corruption and where greater transparency would be instructions.
useful. All heads of Circle may identify such items at (iv) Tenders :
their end and forward the list to this Directorate latest Tenders are generally a major source of corruption.
by the 6th February, 1999. A list of items prepared In order to avoid corruption and transparent and
on the basis of complaints usually received is effective system needs to the introduced. Therefore,
enclosed. Competent Authorities at different levels it has been decided post tenders negotiations are
should give publicity of the identified items within their banned with immediate effect except in the case of
competence in their respective notice boards. negotiations with the lowest tenderer.
(iii) Speedy departmental inquiries. It is, therefore, requested that the instructions
Another source of corruption is that the guilty are contained in CVC letter cited above may be strictly
not punished adequately and promptly. This is adhered to and brought to the notice of all concerned
because of the prolonged delays in the finalisation and compliance reported to this office alongwith the
of departmental inquiries. One of the reasons is over- required information latest by 15 February, 1999
burdening of IO/PO with the normal and routine work. positively.
S.No. Items What is to be published
1. All tender decisions - Items of works/articles and the total estimated cost.
- Name of approved tenderer alongwith rate approved.
- In case of mail contract, the route and distance of mail
route should also be mentioned.
2. All recruitments (including Extra- - Cadre/post and declared vacancies.
Departmental, provisional, adhoc,
Temporary etc.) - Names of selected candidates alongwith percentage of
marks secured (total marks as well as marks secured in
Basic Board/ University Examination, written test, viva voce
interview, bonus marks for extra qualifications, etc. as
the case may be, separately).
- Date of Birth
- Community/Category
3. All transfers/postings (including - Names & designation of officers/officials.
temporary/adhoc - Tenure in the present post/station.
- New post/station
- Position in the request register, if any.
- Whether in public/administrative interest.
4. All purchases at different levels . - Item of article alongwith quantity pruchased.
- Total amount of bill paid.
- Rate approved quotation/tender decided
- Assessed requirment of the items.
5. All HBA, Car Advance, Motor Car/ - Name and designation of the officer/officials.
Motor Cycle advance. - Basic pay
- Date of application.
- Date & amount of advance sanctioned.
6. Discretionery welfare grants - Name & designation of officails.
- Purpose
- Date of application.
- Date and amount granted.
7. All LTC/Medical advances - Name & Designation of Officer/Official
- Basic Pay
- For whom
- No. of Dependent Destination and amount
sanctioned with date.
- For medical : patient, disease, date amount sanctioned.
8. All allotments of departmental - Name & designation officer/official
staff quarters - Prescribed pool.
- Date of entry in service.
- Basic pay
- Type of Quarter Alloted
9. All claims sanctioned to public/ - Name of claiment
customer - Cause of claim
- Date of claim
- Date of Sanction
- Amount Sectioned
- Date of payment.
10. All cases of compassioante - Name of appointee and deceased/invalid official and
appointment their relationship
- Number of dependents.
- Total amounts of pension and terminal benefits.
- Date of death/invalidation
- Date of application
- Post, grade to which approved.
11. All cases of hiring private buildings - Name of office alongwith total accumodation justified
enhancment of rent accommodation
- Amount of rent fixed/enhanced
- Date of effect
- Amount of previous rent.
- Area in the rented building.


A reference is invited to Circular No. 62-8/64-CI 2. The question of enhancement of the powers were
dated 20-10-1965 delegating financial powers to HSG being examined in the Directorate in view of the rise in
and LSG Postmasters to incur expenditure of a the prices and it has been decided to enhance the
contingent nature on the following items:- powers given to HSG & LSG Postmasters from Rs. 30/
(a) Replacing, repairing, cleaning, oiling, shifting of - & Rs. 20/- respectively on each occasion to Rs. 60/-
electric lights and fittings, fans etc. of the office in & Rs. 40/- respectively on each occasion subject to
a rented building when the charge is a Government availability of fund.
liability. 3. Other instruction regarding control and checking of
(b) Repairs of Departmental bicycles. the expenditure by the Supdt. of Post Office contained
(c) Purchase of earthen pots, glass tumblers, dusters, in the letter under reference should be followed.
brooms etc. 4. This issues with concurrence of the Internal Finance
(d) Purchase and repairs to furniture. vide their diary No. 698/Dir. FA/ 93 dated 12-07-93.
(e) Emergent arrangements for conveyance of mails. (DG (Posts) No. 18-7/92, CI dated 20-07-93)


1. Maintenance of special error book for noting the Supdts. especially in those cases where the pass
particulars of pass books which are not received books have not been received for posting in
for entry of interest after 1st April in which interest.
transactions have taken place and getting the 6. Maintenance of special registers for keeping
same verified. watch over the verification lists, SB accounts
2. Maintenance of special registers showing received from S.D.Is and Mail overseers for
particulars of all SB Accounts opened in the verification of balances done by them during their
Branch Post Offices and EDSOs and noting the visits / inspections.
date of receipt of pass books for posting of 7. Checking of signatures of depositors in respect
interest in the register. of withdrawals over the prescribed limit by the
3. Preparation of lists of accounts for which the pass ledger clerk in the H.O. in respect of transaction
books have not been received from the Branch in S.Os and B.Os.
Office and EDSOs and sending those lists to the 8. Verification of the complete S.B. work of one
Sub-divisional Inspector for getting the balances EDBO EDSO in each division every month.
verified with reference to the Pass Book to be 9. Keeping the SB ledgers and SB Index cards
obtained from the depositors. securedly in the binder, almirahs and index card
4. Verification of the withdrawals for Rs. 2500/- and cabinets under lock and key during night.
above taken place in EDBO / EDSOs and single 10. Arrangement of ledger agreements by the SBCO
handed SO. staff.
5. Verification of the balance SB pass books of a 11. Maintenance of the index to ledger in the head
few single handed S.Os selected by the Divl. post offices and making suitable remarks
whenever such accounts are closed or any last date of month and verification thereof with
change is incorporated in the nature of the reference to the entries in the register NC -12
account. (a) in the HO.
12. Checking up of any manipulation, overwriting, 18. Ensuring the preparation and submission of the
corrections and absence of signatures in the annual list of unsold certificates in stock in the
various records relating to SB and CC business. HPOs and its S.Os to the Director of Accounts
13. Making full signatures against each entry in the (P) on the due dates.
ledger card by the ledger clerk and initials of the It should be ensured that all preventive steps
APM /Postmaster. indicated above are scrupulously followed and any
14. Maintenance of register No. 12 (a) in the Head laxity noticed against anyone should be severely dealt
Post Offices for keeping records of the NSCs with.
supplied to and issued by the S.Os. During the review of enquiry reports in various
15. Maintenance of stock register of blank pass fraud cases it has been noticed that action against
books and verifying the correctness of the stock the defaulting officials for committing the fraud or for
from time to time in the HPO and S.Os. Proper contributory negligence is not initiated with atmost
up keep of the invoices of blank pass books urgency and this aspect remain pending for years
supplied to post offices in the head offices. with the result that the impact of disciplinary action
16. Verification of the stock of NSCs in the HPO and should be taken expeditiously is wavered of with the
S.Os at the time of inspection / visit and getting passing of time. Instructions exists that the initiation
the correctness of the stock verified with of the disciplinary action for departmental lapses
reference to the invoices, stock book and the should not be postponed till the culmination of the
special register maintained in the H.O NC-12 (a). police investigation or court trails and be completed
17. Indication of the stock of unsold certificates in as soon as possible.
the S.Os in the journal of NSCs issued on the (DG (P) letter No. 8-3/85-INV dated 14-07-88)


1. I am directed to forward herewith a copy of Ministry Patra Rules 1988 stand amended to the extent indicated
of Finance (DEA)'s Extraordinary Gazette Notification in the respective GSR. In general, the earlier limit of
(GSR Nos. 490 (E).491 (E), 492(E) and 8181 (E) dated settling claims up to Rs. 60,000/- has been raised to Rs.
16-10-2003 circulated under its communication No. 12/ 1,00,000/- in the absence of nomination / legal evidence
4/97-NS.II dated 6th July 99, on the subject mentioned etc. to be exercised by CPMGs/PMGs (HQ / Region).
above for information guidance and necessary action. 3. In addition, powers of various Postal authorities to
2. Savings Bank General Rules 1981. National settle deceased claim cases have also been enhanced
Savings Certificate (VIII Issue) 1989 and Kisan Vikas as follows:-

Sl.No. Name of the Authority Limit (In Rs.)

1. Departmental Sub-Postmasters 1000/-
2. Sub-Postmasters of Lower Selection Grade Post Offices 2000/-
3. Sub-Postmasters / Deputy Postmaster / Postmasters in Higher
Selection Grade (All Non-Gazetted) 4000/-
4. Dy. Postmasters / Sr. Postmasters / Dy. Chief Postmasters / Superintendent
of Post Offices (All Gazetted Group -B) 20,000/-
5. Chief Postmasters in Head Offices / SSPOs (All Group A) 50,000/-
6. Regional Directors / Director (GPO) (In Mumbai and Kolkata) 80,000/-
7. CPMGs/PMGs (Head Quarter & Region) 1,00,000/-

Note: The above limits are also applicable to post office (Monthly Income Account NSC-VIII issue,
and KVPs)
(DG (P) No. 61-19/2003-SB dated 10-11-03)
References have been received from the field at Delhi and Kolkata are authorised to draw cheques
units to authorise the Postmasters of Lower Selection on Reserve Bank of India, Nagpur, for the purpose
Grade Sub-Post Offices to issue cheques for of making P&T payments.
payment, in view of the customer convenience and Note1. - Rules regarding cheques in Rules
the ease of operations. 171 to 175 and 178 to 182 are also applicable to
2. Rule 143 of Financial Handbook, Vol. I envisages the payment by cheques contemplated in this
that at places where the Treasury business is Rule.
conducted by the Bank, Postmaster in-charge of Post Note 3.-Under Rule 143 of FHB, Vol. 1
Offices approved by the Director-General may make envisage issue of cheques by Dy. Postmaster in
payments on account of large Postal transactions the absence of the Gazetted Head Postmaster in
(other than Money Orders, Indian Postal Orders, charge of Post Offices. The Dy. Postmaster (Non-
Saving Bank, Government Security, Postal Life Gazetted) may issue the cheques for official
Insurance and Post Office certificate transactions) purposes, subject to the condition that the
to important firms and individuals of repute by means ultimate responsibility for payment in such cases
of cheques drawn against drawing accounts. Such will rest with the Gazetted Head Postmaster who
cheques will not be drawn for amounts less than on his return to office, should check all the
Rupees 100/-. counterfoils of such cheques with reference to
Payments on account of Money Orders, Indian entries in the accounts and scrolls received from
Postal Orders, Savings Bank, Government the Banks.
Securities, Postal Life Insurance and Post Office 3. The case has been carefully considered by the
Certificates transactions may also be made at the Director-General (Posts) in light of the above
places referred to above by Head Post Offices, and provisions of P&T FHB, Vol. 1 and the facts that (i)
Sub-Offices in-charge of Gazetted Postmasters by there are repeated instructions / guidelines from
means of cheques for amounts not less than Rs. CBDT / CGA / Ministry of Finance / CVC to encourage
100/- separately for each kind of transactions, viz., maximum number of payments though cheques (ii)
Money Orders, Indian Postal Orders, Savings Bank, such authorisation would facilitate faster service to
Government Securities, Postal Life Insurance and the customer and would involve lesser hassle for
Post Office Certificates. These Head Offices may him / her and for the officials concerned (iii) The
also issue cheques in payment of the above- provisions contained in P&T FHB, Vol. I and the
mentioned transactions relating to the sub-offices pilot to authorise such arrangement at a larger
in account with them. In such cases, the cheques scale have been successful and stood the test of
will be sent to the sub-office concerned as a time. (iv) There will be more check on any
remittance for payment to the parties concerned. fraudulent activity in payments through cheques
All such cheques drawn should be crossed and as compared to payment in cash. It has therefore,
made 'Not Negotiable'. In the case of General Post been decided by DG (Posts) to authorise the Lower
Offices, Gazetted Assistant Postmasters may be Selection Grade Sub-Postmasters and all Higher
authorised to issue cheques on behalf of Selection Grade-II Postmasters to issue Account
Postmasters who should in such cases, arrange to Payee cheques against the Drawing Account of
send specimen signatures of such officers to the the Head Postmaster for making payments to the
Bank. In respect of the sub-offices in-charge of public / investors in accordance with the provisions
Gazetted Postmasters, arrangements should be contained in Rule 143 of Post and Telegraph
made by the Head Postmasters concerned to have Financial Handbook, Vol. I subject to the following
drawing accounts opened on their behalf with the conditions:-
Bank. (i) That a statement of drawals is sent daily to the
The Postmasters of Central Base Post Offices respective Head Postmasters who will be
responsible for tracing the payments in scrolls (iii) Head of the Circle, with the help of the GM(F)/
received from the bank and keeping a watch DA/(P) concerned, would conduct at least one in-
over the transactions. depth monthly review of the status of the bank
(ii) That the overall responsibility for the correctness reconciliation (HPO-wise / DDO wise) in his / her
of the payments will rest with the Head circle and include it in his monthly report on important
Postmasters who may conduct periodical events to Secretary (Posts). Circle IFA would, in
checks of the payments made to satisfy addition to the monthly review, also bring any
themselves about the correctness. irregularities / abnormal trends to the notice of Head
(Notwithstanding the fact that the official now of the Circle, in writing as and when noticed.
authorised would be any way responsible for the [G.I., Dept. of Posts, Lr. No. 2-2/1999-PA
cheques issued by them). (Tech.I)/988-1067 dated 29-09-2006]


Attention of all Ministries/Department is invited expiry of the notice, for the leave standing to his credit
to the provisions contained in Para 3 (xiii) of which may be granted to him to run concurrently with
Department of personnel and Trg. OM No. 25013/7/ the period of notice, EXOL is not termed as leave
77-Estt. (A) dated 26-8-1977 and clarification standing to his credit and therefore, it cannot run
contained in OM No. 25013/10/85-Estt(A) dated concurrently with the period of notice given by him
5-7-1985 on the above subject, it has been laid down for seeking VR while already no EXOL other than on
in the OM referred to above, that a Govt. servant medical ground, the notice period need not be insisted
giving notice of voluntary retirement may also apply, upon and his request may be accepted with
before the expiry of the notice, for the leave standing immediate effect provided he is clear from vigilance
to his credit which may be granted to him to run angle. However, if a Govt. servant while already on
concurrently with the notice period except in the case EOL on medical ground, applies for VR, the notice
of EXOL, as such leave, whether on medical ground period, if any, given may be accepted and he may
of on private affairs cannot be termed as leave be allowed to retire after the expiry of the notice period
standing to the credit of a Govt. servant. The matter subject to vigilance clearance."
has been reviewed and it has been decided to modify 2. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit
the provisions contained para 3 (xiii) of OM No. and Accounts Department are concerned, these
25013/7/1077-Estt. (A), dated 26-8-1977 and OM No. orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and
25013/10/85-Estt (A) dated 5-7-1985 as follows : Auditor General of India.
"Para 3 (xiii)-A Govt. servant giving notice of Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 25013/3/2003-
voluntary Retirement may also apply, before the Estt.(A), dated 17-6-2003)


The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment post until a suitable post is available or he attains the
(Disabilities Div.) has amended Section 47 of the age of superannuation which ever is earlier.
Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 and under the 2) No promotion shall be denied to a person merely
amended provisions: on the ground of his disability.
1) No establishment shall dispense with or reduce in Provided that the appropriate Govt.. may having
rank an employee who acquires a disability during his regard to the type of work carried on in any
service and the employee who has acquired disability establishment, by Notification and subject to such
if is not suitable for the post he was holding, could be conditions, if any as may be specified in such
shifted to some other post with the same pay scale & Notification exempt any establishment from the
service benefits. In case it is not possible to adjust him provision of this section.
against any post, he may be kept on supernumerary In view of the aforesaid position, the position of
Rule 20(2) of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 shall be as 3. Amendment in Rule 20(2) is being carried out
under: on the above lines.
a) If he is on duty, shall not be invalidated from 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit
service during his service period. and Accounts Department are concerned, these
b) If he is already on leave, the period of leave or orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller &
an extension thereafter to the extent permissible Auditor General of India.
under sub-rule (I) of this rule and even beyond that [MoP & PG No. 13015/3/2002-Estt.(L) dated 19th
may be granted as per relevant rule(s). January, 2004]


Doubts have been expressed by Ministries / authority. It is implicit in these provisions that a
Departments as to whether a Government servant Government servant is required to take permission
is required to take permission before leaving station for leaving station / headquarters. It is thus clear
/ headquarters during leave or otherwise, especially that such permission is essential before a
for visits abroad. Government servant leaves his station or
2. Attention of the Ministries / Departments is headquarters and more so when he proposes to
invited in this connection to the provisions of FR go abroad during such absence as such visit may
11 which provides that unless in any case it be have wider implications.
otherwise distinctly provided, the whole time of a 3. However, separate permission may not be
Government servant is at the disposal of the necessary where a Government servant has indicated
Government which pays him. Article 56 of the Civil his intention of leaving headquarters / station along
Services Regulations also provides that no officer with leave address while applying for leave.
is entitled to pay and allowance for any time he (G.I. Dept., of Per and Trg., O.M. No. 11013/7/94-
may spend beyond the limits of his charge without Estt. (A) dated 18-05-94)


I am directed to say that recoveries from the specified by the society. The Government
salary of the Govt. servant on account of dues therefore undertakes no liability to make good any
Co-operative societies are being made by the loss of money so collected as already provided in
respective drawing and disbursing officers in view the Appendix referred above.
of the provisions contained in Rule 559 of the 2. The above provisions are once again brought to
Financial Hand Book vol. I. The procedure the notice of all the authorities dealing with the
followed for the purpose is contained in Appendix collections of dues on behalf of the cooperative
29 of the said manual. A drawing and disbursing societies in the Deptt.
officer while making recoveries from the salary 3. All the drawing and disbursing officer who collect
of the Government servant is working as the dues on behalf of the banks/cooperative societies
Agent of the Departmental co-operative Credit are requested to reiterate these instructions
Society Bank or Fund and collects the dues at immediately to their respective banks/cooperative
the risk and on the responsibility of the society societies for information.
according to such arrangements as may be [No. 10-24/97-WL and Sports dt. 11-9-98]


I am directed to inform you that the staff who are without adequate reasons, should be treated as an
supplied uniforms should be required to put on those act of misconduct and dealt with accordingly.
uniforms on duty. It was also stated that the wearing 2. It has, however, been observed for some time
of proper uniforms by the staff should be insisted that in spite of above orders and several other
upon and any failure on their part in this regard, repeated instructions on the subject issued from time
to time, many of the officials who are required to wear out periodical weekly or bi-weekly kit inspection and
uniforms on duty do not wear uniforms and also take action against the defaulting officials.
escape without action against them. 5. You are therefore requested to take necessary
3. This growing tendency on the part of the officials steps to ensure that the officials who are supplied
to avoid the wearing of uniforms on duty has, to some with Uniforms wear them while on duty and take
extent, inculcated a sense of indiscipline amongst disciplinary action against the erring officials. This
them thereby leading to several other problems. This can only be ensured by insisting on regular
has caused inconvenience to the public. inspections and taking personal interest. Therefore,
4. It is hereby ordered that officials after three the supervisory officials who fail to carry out the
defaults should be liable for disciplinary action and inspections properly and at regular intervals need also
may not be accepted on duty and can, in addition, be be taken to task for dereliction of duty.
debarred from supply of uniforms. An entry must be DG (P) letter No. 26-2/2002-UPE,
made in their record. Supervisory staff should carry dated 27-03-2002


On the representation made by Shri G. compliance of the instructions at every level in the
Lakshmanan, M.P. and a Member of the Consultative Department.
Committee for Ministry of Communication the Senior [D.O. No. 201/40/75-Disc.II dated 24-7-75]
Member, P&T Board has issued instructions to all It has been brought to notice that quite often
Heads of Adm. Offices in the letter No. 201/40/75- representations in regard to service matters received
Disc, dated 23rd July, 1975 that the staff cases should from individual employees are not attended to
be dealt within the following manner:- promptly. The need to create a proper atmosphere
(a) Action must be taken within a week, where every employee would feel that his legitimate
(b) Decision may be taken within a fortnight, and grievances would be promptly attended to cannot be
(c) At any rate the decision must be taken within a overemphasised. It is essential to ensure that
month. representations from individual employees in regard
The reply received from Dr. S.D. Sharma the to their service matters are attended to promptly, at
Ministry of Communications is reproduced below:- all levels.
Kindly refer to your D.O. letter No. PT/55 dated Normally the representations from the
21st April, 1975 and your reminder No. PT/55 dated employees would fall under two categories:-
19-7-75 regarding the need for prompt attention to, (i) Individual representations in regard to seniority,
and expeditious disposal of representations from the pay fixation, transfer request etc.
employees of the Department in regard to their (ii) Representations against statutory penalties
personal cases. imposed, orders of suspension etc.
Though I find by and large representations from As regards (i) above, the competent authority
the employees are attended to without much delay, I should on receipt of representation, have the matter
agree with you that there is still scope for further examined dispassionately and take its decision
improvement to ensure that the individual promptly. It should not be difficult to take a decision
representations are given prompt attention by the within a fortnight of the date of receipt of the
authorities at different levels. I also find that there representation. At any rate, it should not take more
are standing instructions in the Department with than a month to take a final decision in the matter. If
regard to the procedure for quick disposal of staff the representation is against the decision of the
cases. The Director General has recently issued a Divisional Officer, he should forward the
circular letter to all Heads of Circles laying down time representation alongwith his comments on the points
schedules, etc. for the disposal of representations raised in the representation to the competent authority
from staff at different levels. I am enclosing a copy within a week of receipt of the representation. The
of this circular. I am sure these instructions will go a higher authority should arrange within a fortnight from
long way in ensuring that there is significant the date of receipt of the representation by him and
improvement in the disposal of staff cases and that at any rate within a month or so. Where, however,
no avoidable delay occurs anywhere. I have asked some probing is required or further information is
the Director General to keep a watch over the required to be called for, prompt action should be
taken to call for the information etc. within a week of appeal being forwarded by the appellant to the
the receipt of the representation. D.G. the divisional authority which made the order appealed against
authority should forward it to the Postmaster General shall on receipt of the copy of the appeal, forward
within a week of the date of receipt of the the same, with its comments thereon together with
representation. Where the representation is addressed the relevant records to the appellate authority
to the DG P&T the divisional should forward it to the without any avoidable delay, and without waiting
Postmaster General within a week of the date of receipt for any direction from the appellate authority. It is
of the representation and the Postmaster General reiterated that the competant authority to whom
should forward it to the Directorate within a fortnight appeals are submitted by concerned officials
authority. The above time schedules are only indicated against orders of the disciplinary authorities should
with a view to stressing the need for quick disposal of keep a watch over the receipt of the records of the
staff representations. While some modifications here case, etc. from the authorities below and ensure
and there would perhaps be inevitable the Heads of that no avoidable delay occurs at any level, and
Circles should ensure that no avoidable delay occur that the appeal is decided within a month from the
at any state in the disposal of representation from the date of receipt of the records of the case.
staff members. The Heads of Circles, etc. may issue suitable
As regards (ii) above, it is provided in the CCS orders to their subordinates and ensure that the
(CCA) Rules that appeals against statutory above instructions are complied with strictly.
penalties imposed shall be presented to the [D.G. P&T No. 201/40/75-DISC.II dated 23rd
authority to whom the appeal lies, a copy of the July, 1975 to all Heads of Circles etc.]
There has been a perceptible increase in the motivated to represent his case to the Directorate.
number of individual grievances being received in As a labour intensive organization, one of the
the Directorate from employees in different Circles first principles of human resource management that
about matters relating to pay, leave, medical and all of us have to remember is to ensure prompt and
other claims etc. and other benefits and facilities effective resolution of legitimate staff grievances. I
available to the employees in accordance with the have felt the need to write to you in this regard so
terms and conditions of their appointment. While such that you give due attention to this important aspect
individual representations to the Directorate and even of management and also exhort your subordinate
sometimes to the hon'ble Ministers, cannot be totally officers to do the same. I would once again request
precluded. I find that in many of these cases the you to ensure prompt and effective attention to each
primary reason for the grievance expressed is the and every individual representation received at
hopelessly inadequate response received initially different levels in your Circle. Specific care should
from the concerned authority in the Circle where the be given to see that the reply, in whichever language
grievance was first taken up. In many of these cases, it is issued, is correctly worded so as to convey the
the replies received from the subordinate right facts and also in most cases the rationale for
management levels which enclosed with the the decision taken. It may be necessary for you to
representations, clearly shows a general lack of take suitable notice of any callousness on the part of
application and also very poor expression. You will the officers signing such final replies and which are
appreciate that in the face of such ineffective and found to be totally inadequate in terms of the
apparently unsatisfactory response from different requirements that I have spelt out here.
levels in the Circle, the aggrieved individual feels (DG(P) No. 38-3/2001-PAP, dtd. 22/8/01).


The undersigned is directed to refer to the rights or conditions, a Government servant wishes
Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 118/52-Estt. Dated to press a claim or to seek redress of a grievance,
30th April, 1952 on the subject mentioned above the proper course for him is to address his immediate
(copy enclosed for ready reference). official superior, or the Head of the Office or such
2. It has been envisaged in these instructions that other authority at the lowest level as he is competent
whenever, in any matter connected with his service to deal with the matter. Of late, it is observed that
there has been a tendency on the part of officers at 118/52-Estt. Dated the 30th April, 1952 on the subject
different levels to by pass the prescribed channel's mentioned above (copy enclosed for ready
of representation and write directly to the high reference). It has been brought to the notice of the
functionaries totally ignoring the prescribed channels. Ministry of Home Affairs that undue delay occurs very
The problem is more acute in large Departments often in the disposal of representation from
where often very junior employees at clerical level Government servants in regard to matters connected
address multiple representatives to the Minister, with the service rights or conditions which causes
Prime Minister and other functionaries. Apart hardship to the individuals concerned.
from individual representation, the service unions 2. The representations from Government servants
have also developed a tendency to write to the on service matters may be broadly classified as
Ministries and Prime Minister on individual follows:
grievances. Some of these representations are (i) Representation / complaints non-payment of
often forwarded through Members of Parliament, salary / allowance or other dues;
in violation of Rule 20 of the CCS (Conduct) (ii) Representations on other service matters.
Rules, 1964. (iii) Representations against the orders of the
3. Existing instructions clearly provide that immediate superior authority; and
representations on service matters should be (iv) Appeals and petition under statutory rules and
forwarded through proper channel. The stage at orders (e.g., Classifications, Control and Appeal
which an advance copy of the representation may Rules and the petition, instructions).
be sent to higher authorities has also been indicated. 3. In regard to representations of the type mentioned
In M.H.A., O.M. No. 25/34/68-Estt. (A), dated 20-12- at (1) & (2) above, if the individual has not received a
1968 (copy enclosed) time limits for disposal of reply thereto within a month of its submission, he
various types of representations have been could address, or ask for an interview with the next
prescribed. It is anticipated that an appeal or petition higher officer for redress of his grievances. Such
cannot be disposed of within a month of its superior officer should immediately send for the
submission, an acknowledgement or interim reply papers and take such action as may be called for,
should be sent to the individual within a month. without delay.
4. Thus adequate instruction are available in the 4. Representations of the type mentioned (3) above,
matter of submission of representations by the would be made generally only in cases where there
Government servants and treatment of the is no provision under the statutory rules or orders for
representations by the authorities concerned. As such making appeals or petitions. Such representations
submission or representations directly to higher also should be dealt with as expeditiously as possible.
authorities by passing the prescribed channel of The provisions of the preceding paragraph would
communication, has to be viewed seriously and apply to such representations also, but not to later
appropriate disciplinary action should be taken representations made by the same Government
against those who violate these instructions as it can servant on the same subject after his earlier
rightly be treated as an unbecoming conduct representation has been disposed off appropriately.
attracting the provisions of Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the CCS 5. In regard to the representations of the type
(Conduct) Rules, 1964. mentioned at (4) above, although the relevant rules
5. It is requested that these instructions may be or orders do not prescribe a time limit for disposing
brought to the notice of all Government servants and of appeals and petitions by the competent authority.
appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against It should be ensured that all such appeals and
those who violate these instructions. petitions receive prompt attention and are disposed
DG (P) letter NO. 11013/7/99-Estt. (A) within a reasonable time. If it is anticipated that an
dated 01-11-99 appeal or a petition cannot be disposed of within a
ENCLOSURE -1 month of its submission, an acknowledgement or an
REPRESENTATIONS FROM GOVERNMENT interim reply should be sent to the individual within a
TREATMENT OF 6. The instructions contained in Paragraphs 2 of the
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Ministry's Office Memorandum No. 118/52-Ests.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Office Memorandum No. Dated 30th April 1952, will stand modified to be extent
indicated in the paragraphs 3,4 and 5 above. Government servants. If the Government
No. 25/34/68-Estt. (A) dated 20-12-1986 servant persists in thus prematurely addressing
ENCLOSURE -2 the higher authorities, suitable disciplinary action
REPRESENTATIONS FROM GOVERNMENT should be taken against him.
SERVANTS OF SERVICE MATTERS -- (b) If the advance copy shows clearly that
ADVANCE COPIES appropriate lower authorities have been duly
Reference are frequently received in this Ministry addressed and exhausted, it should be
enquiring whether the submission of advance copies examined to as certain whether on the facts,
of representations to higher authorities is permissible as stated some grounds for interference or for
and as to the treatment that should be accorded to further consideration appear, prima facie to exit.
such copies. The matter has been carefully Where no such grounds appear, the
considered and the following instructions are issued representation may be ignored or summarily
for the guidance of all concerned. rejected, the reasons being communicated
2. Whenever, in any matter connected with the service briefly to the Government servant.
rights of conditions, a Government servant wishes to (c) Even where some grounds for interference or
press a claim or to seek redress of a grievance, the further consideration appear to exist, the
proper course for him, is to address his immediate appropriate lower authority should be asked,
official superior or the Head of his Office, or such other within a reasonable time, to forward the original
authority at the lowest level as he is competent to deal representation, with its report and comments
with the matter. An appeal or representation to a higher on the points urged. There is ordinarily no
authority must not be made unless the appropriate justification for the passing of any orders on any
lower authority has already rejected the claim or refusal representation without thus ascertaining the
relief or ignored or unduly delayed the disposal of the comments of the appropriate lower authority.
case. Representations to still higher authorities (i.e. (d) Some Government servants are in the habit of
those addressed to the president the Government or sending copies of their representations, also to
to Hon. Ministers) must be submitted through the outside authorities, i.e. authorities who are not
proper channel (i.e. the Head of Office, etc. directly concerned with the consideration thereof
concerned). There will be no objection at that stage, (e.g. other Honourable Minister, Secretary,
but at that stage, to an advance copy of the Members of Parliament, etc.). This is a most
representations being sent direct. objectionable practice, contrary to official
3. The treatment by the higher authorities of advance propriety and subversive of good discipline and
copies of representations so received should be all Government servants are expected
governed by the following general principles: scrupulously to eschew it.
(a) If the advance copy does not clearly show that 5. Separate instructions exists in respect of officers
all means of securing attention or redress from of the All India Serves and these instructions do not
lower authorities have been duly tried and apply to those officers.
exhausted, the representations should be 6. It is requested that the above instructions may
ignored or rejected summarily on that ground, be brought to the notice of all Government servants.
the reasons being communicated briefly to the No. 118/52-Ests.Dated 30-04-1952
In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause General (other than the Chief Postmaster General
(VI) of sub-rule (I) of Rule 29 of the Central Civil of Senior Administrative Grade) of a Circle, the said
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, Principal Chief Postmaster General or the said Chief
1965, the President hereby specifies that in the case Postmaster-General, as the case may be, shall be
of Government servant serving in the Department of the revising authority for the purpose of exercising
Posts for whom the appellate authority is subordinate the powers under the said Rule 29.
to the authority designated as the Principal Chief (G.I., Dept. of Posts, Notfn. No. C-11011/1/2001-
Postmaster-General or the Chief Postmaster- VP, Dated 29-5-2001).
A question has been raised whether under the question was recently examined by the Kerala High
provisions of Rule 14 (8) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, Court and it was opined that there is no rule that a
1965, a Government servant under suspension, is person under suspension is not entitled to assist
eligible to function as defence counsel, if his services another Government servant in enquiry proceedings.
are required by an accused official. The reply to the The above ruling may be kept in view while
question is that he has ceased to be Government deciding similar cases.
servant, and as such, an official under suspension (D.G. P&T No. 201/45/75, Disc. 11, dated
has full right to work as defence assistant. This the 3rd July 1975)
The cases of loss and fraud are usually (b) A brief statement of allegations and charges
reported to the police and the officials involved are should be prepared and kept on the file.
placed under suspension. A scrutiny of these (c) The disciplinary authority should himself record
cases reveals that some of the departmental on the file the fact that the whereabouts of the
officials are involved in such cases abscond and officials concerned are not known and that the
are not apprehended by the police. The official police authorities have also certified to that
continued to be under suspension till they effect and therefore it is not reasonably
surrender or are apprehended by the police and practicable to hold the inquiry contemplated
prosecuted. This results in two things, firstly, the under Rule 14 of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965.
cases drag on for a long time and secondly, if when The disciplinary authority can then take
the absconding officials are apprehended and recourse to Rule 19 (ii) of CCS (CCA) Rules,
proceeded against they are required to be paid the 1965 wherein enquiry has to be dispensed with.
subsistence allowance if they produce a certificate Reasons for not holding enquiry should then
of non-employment. be recorded in writing and the disciplinary
2. After careful consideration it has been decided authority should issue orders imposing such
that in such cases the competent disciplinary penalty as it deems fit. The allegations and
authorities may take the following action:- charges have to be briefly discussed in the
(a) A certificate should be obtained from the local punishment order. Normally in such cases the
police authorities to the effect that the punishment that could be meted out would be
whereabouts of the officials concerned are not either removal or dismissal from service.
known. This certificate should be placed on (D.G., P&T's Letter No. 4-22/PT-72/INV
record in the concerned file. dated the 4th July 1972)


The day can be marked as dies non by the leave when he refuses to perform duties while remaining
sanctioning authority only under following three in office. But a day on which an official comes
circumstances, late and works throughout the day during office
(i) When the official remains absent from duty hours will not be marked as dies non. It is
without prior information; accordingly clarified that treating this day as dies
(ii) When on duty in office, the official leaves the non for coming late is not contemplated in the
office without proper permission; and rules. The proper course in such cases would be
(iii) The official remains in office, but refuses to to debit the casual leave account of the official
perform duty assigned to him. as per instructions issued from time to time.
From the conditions mentioned above, it is (D.G. P&T's letter No. 10-44/79-PE.II dated 26th
clear that an official can be marked as dies nor November 1979)
even if he performs duty for a part of day in case 2. The existing instructions provide for deducting half-
he leaves office without proper permission or a-day's casual leave when a Government servant
comes late without sufficient justification and the comes late without sufficient justification and the
competent authority, which not considering it as a fit administrative authority concerned is not prepared
case for initiating disciplinary action, is also not to condone the late-coming but does not, at the
prepared to condone the latecoming. Sometimes, it same time, propose to take disciplinary action, it
so happens that a Government servant who comes may inform the official that he will be treated as
late without sufficient justification has no casual leave on unauthorised absence for the day on which he
to his credit and it is not, therefore, possible to debit has come late, and leave it to the official himself
half-a-day's casual leave to his casual leave account. either to face the consequences of such
The question has, therefore, been raised by many unauthorised absence or to apply for earned leave
Ministries and Departments, as to how such a or any other kind of leave due and admissible for
situation to be met. the entire day, the same may be sanctioned by
3. The matter has been examined in consultations the competent authority.
with Ministry of Law, and it had been decided that (G.I, M.H.A. (D.P. & A.R.), O.M. No. 28034/3/82
if an official who has no casual leave to his credit, Ests. (A) dated the 5th March 1982)
On the basis of the deliberations of the heads of present monetary limits for handling of loss and fraud
circles in July 92, it has been decided to revise the cases for conducting the investigation as under:-
Designation Present limit Revised limit
(A) IPO / ASPOs /IRM/ASRM Upto Rs. 5,000/- Upto Rs.10,000/-
(B) Divl. Supdts / Sr. Supdt. Of P.Os / RMS Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 10,000/-
Chief Postmaster /Dy. PPM (Bombay andCalcutta GPOs) to Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 25,000/-
(C) Astt. Director / APMG (INV) in the Circle Office Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 25.000/-
to Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 50,000/-
(D) Director Postal Services / Directors Calcutta Above Rs. 20,000/- Above Rs. 50,000/-
and Bombay GPOs / Postmasters General
Note:- should it be discovered as a result of the verification
(i) Investigations into losses between Rs. 25,000/- of the past work that the loss involved has exceeded
to Rs. 50,000/- in GPOs at Calcutta and Bombay Rs. 50,000/- the same should intimated to the
will be got done by the Chief Postmasters Directorate so that the case can be re-opened in the
General through ADPS / APMG (INV) of the Investigation Section and brought on the current list
Circle Office. of cases for monitoring their progress by the
(ii) This revision is being done to avoid delays in Investigation Section.
the investigation correctly noted at Circle / 5. In respect of cases involving loss of Rs. 5,00,000/
Regional level. - or more investigations from the Directorate may
2. Hereafter, only those cases in which loss exceeds also be undertaken. However, cases with loss
Rs. 50,000/- will be reported to Directorate. The exceeding Rs. 5,00,000/- shall continue to be
cases upto Rs. 50,000/- will be disposed of at the investigated and processed by the Circles.
level of CPMG / PMG. 6. Review of cases - Half yearly review reports of
3. In respect of current cases upto Rs. 50,000/- loss and fraud cases exceeding Rs. 50,000/- shall
already reported to the Directorate, no further reports continue to be submitted to the Directorate. In
need be sent to the Investigations Section of the respect of other fraud cases analysis of the cases,
Directorate. These cases will be technically closed patterns of frauds if any found and any novel methods
in the Investigation Section of Directorate. These of defrauding the department should be reported to
will now be pursued at Circle / Regional level. the Directorate.
4. However, in such of those current cases where 7. Following procedure for review of cases upto Rs.
initial loss does not exceed Rs. 50,000/-, the 50,000/- in the Circle is prescribed to be followed:-
verification of the past work has not been completed, (a) Cases investigated by IPO / ASPOs/IRM/ASRM
upto Rs. 10,000/- will be reviewed by the A.O. of the Postal Account Office or Regional office
Divisional Superintendents concerned or Sr/ should also be taken with regard to investigations in
Chief Postmaster and Dy. PM of Bombay and these cases. It has to be ensured that investigation
Calcutta GPOs as the case may be. at Circle / Regional Office level are not delayed on
(b) Cases investigated upto Rs. 25,000/- by the the Pretext of non-availability of an Accounts Officer.
Divisional Superintendents / Sr/Chief 9. In cases where the loss exceeds Rs. 5 lakhs,
Postmaster incharge Investigation will be Directorate may also undertake investigations at the
reviewed in the circle office by the ADPS / discretion of Member Postal Services Board /
APMG (INV) and submitted to the DPS for Secretary (P) with the help of representative of IFA
information and orders. As regards Bombay Branch. The investigations by the Directorate will
and Calcutta GPOs, the review in such cases not substitute the investigation by the Circles which
will be submitted to the Director Bombay and is primarily their responsibility.
Calcutta GPOs. 10. In every case where the loss exceeds Rs. 50,000/
(c) Cases investigated by the ADPS / APMG - an intimation by telegram, telex or fax, wherever
(investigation) of Circle Offices will be reviewed facility is available, should be sent in the first instance
by the DPS and put upto PMG / CPMG for to ADG (Investigation).
information and orders. 11. Heads of Circles will maintain necessary
8. The investigation in the cases involving amounts statistical data in respect of loss / fraud cases
over Rs. 50,000/- will be carried out by the Director pertaining to different Regions in the circle office.
and by the PMG. The assistance of the IFA or an (DG (P) No. 8-5/92-INV dated 24-09-92)
The Government has been receiving any of the penalties prescribed under the CCS
references seeking clarification whether (CCA) Rules, 1965, would not be justifiable.
disciplinary cases initiated against the Government Therefore, disciplinary proceedings should be
servant under CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, could be closed immediately on the death of the alleged
closed in the event of death of the charged officer Government servant.
during pendency of the proceedings. After careful 2. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit
consideration of all the aspects, it has been and Accounts Department are concerned, this issues
decided that where a Government servant dies with the concurrence of the C & AG.
during the pendency of the of the inquiry i.e. without (G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 11012/7/99-
charges being proved against him, imposition of Estt. (A) dated 20-10-1999)
The responsibility of a Departmental or an Extra- the primary consideration of some disciplinary
Departmental official in the matter of loss of Govt. authorities appear to be the question of recovery of
money and property is stated in rules 204 and 204 A the loss in fraud and some times supervisory officials
of P&T Manual Vol.III (1972 Edition). These rules who can only be remotely connected with the case
are derived from general guidance in Appendix.II of are punished with recovery solely for this purpose.
compilations of General Financial Rules, Vol.II. This need not be the case. The default or lapses of
However, the Director General has had occasions each official should be judged carefully to see if this
to observe that recoveries for loss are being effected offence merits recovery and or any other
even from officials remotely guilty of contributory punishment.
negligence. This creates a feeling of frustration and Pecuniary responsibility need not be fixed for
insecurity and instead of aiming at efficient and proper mere routine at pretty lapses. For effecting
service, the staff are prone to adopt a defensive recovery, negligency should be such as has been
posture of work. the direct or prominent cause of the loss to the
It is felt that instructions contained in the above Govt. and loss sustained was a probable
rules are adequate but are not being implemented in consequence of that lapse.
the sprit of these rules. In dealing with a fraud case (DG Post No. 15-9/74-INV dated 10-02-1975)
Disciplinary proceedings can be initiated against 1972 has to be held for recovery of pecuniary losses
a retired official in the manner provided in Articles caused to the Govt. by negligence, on breach of orders
351 of CSR for the purpose of withholding or by a retired official. The recovery of any amount from
withdrawing a pension or any part of it either his pension or DCRG after the recovery of any amount
permanently or for specific period, and also for from his pension or DCRG after the date of retirement
ordering recovery from pension and or DCRG of the can not be made under any circumstances without
whole or a part of any loss sustained by Govt. the express order of the President.
An enquiry under Rule 9 of CCS (Pension) Rules (Rule 137 of P&T Manual Vol.III)


Instructions for regulating the enforcement of (ii) In particular, if the loss has occurred through
responsibility for losses, etc. fraud, every endeavour should be made to
(a) The cardinal principle governing the assessment recover the whole amount lost from the guilty
of responsibility is that every public officer should person and if laxity of supervision has
exercise the same vigilance. facilitated the fraud, the supervising officer
In respect of expenditure from public funds generally at fault may properly be penalised either
as person of ordinary prudence would exercise directly by requiring him to make good in
in respect of the expenditure and the custody of money a sufficient proportion of the loss or
his own money. While, therefore, the competent indirectly by reduction or stoppage of his
authority may, in special cases condone an increments of pay.
officer's honest errors of judgement involving (iii) It should always be considered whether the
financial loss, if the officer can show that he has depreciated value of Government property or
acted in good faith and done his best up to the equipment lost, damaged or destroyed by the
limits of his ability and experience, Personal carelessness of individuals entrusted with
liability shall be strictly enforced against all their care (e.g. bicycles, calculators, a
officers who are dishonest, careless or negligent policeman's rifle, a touring officer's tent, a
in the duties to them. factory motor lorry, an engineer's
(b) In cases where loss is due to delinquencies of instruments, etc.) should not be recovered
subordinate officials and where it appears that from the delinquent official. The depreciated
this has been facilitated by laxity of supervision value of the stores may be calculated by
on the part of a superior officer, the latter should applying the 20% depreciation in the case of
also be called strictly to account and his vehicles, including cycles, and 15% in the
personal liability in the matter carefully case of calculating machines, on the reduced
assessed. balance every year. The amount to be
(c) (i) The question of enforcing pecuniary liability recovered may be limited to the Government
should always be considered as well as the capacity to pay.
question of other forms of disciplinary action. In (d) When a pensionable Government servant is
deciding the degree of the officer's pecuniary concerned in any irregularity or loss, the authority
liability it will be necessary to look not only to the investigating the case shall bear in mind the
circumstance of the case but also the financial provisions contained in Rules 9 and 69 of CCS
circumstances of the officer, since it should be (Pension) Rules 1972, as amended from time to
recognised that the penalty should not be such time and immediately inform the Accounts Officer
as to impair the Government servant's future responsible for reporting on his title to pension /
efficiency. death-cum-retirement gratuity, and the Head of
Office and it will be the duty of the later to make assistance of an expert Audit Officer / Accounts
a note of the information and see that in Officer to unravel it, he should apply forthwith
accordance with the provision contained in Rule for that assistance to Government which will then
69 of CCS (Pension) Rule 1972 gratuity / or negotiate with the Audit Officer and / or the
death-cum-retirement gratuity is not paid before Accounts Officer concerned for the services of
a conclusion is arrived at as regards the an investigating staff. Thereafter the
Government servant's culpability and final orders administrative authority and the Audit / Accounts
are issued thereon. Authority shall be personally responsible within
(e) The fact that the Government servants who were their respective spheres, for the expeditious
guilty of frauds or irregularities have been conduct of the enquiry. In any case in which it
demobilised or have retired and have thus appears that recourse to judicial proceedings is
escaped punishment, should not be made a likely, the Special Police Establishment or the
justification for absolving those who are also State Police should be associated with the
guilty but who still remain in service. investigations.
(f) It is of the greatest importance to avoid delay in (g) Depending upon the results of the inquiry,
the investigation of any loss due to fraud, departmental proceedings and or
negligence, financial irregularity, etc., should be prosecution shall be instituted at the earliest
the administrative authority require the moment against the delinquent officials
assistance of the Audit Officer and / or the concerned and conducted with strict
Accounts Officer, as the case may be, in pursuing adherence to the Central Civil Services
the investigation, he may call on that officer for (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules
all vouchers and other documents that may be 1965, and other instruction prescribed in this
relevant to the investigation; and if the regard by the Government.
investigation is complex and he needs the (Appendix 4 of the FHB Vol. I)


References are being received in this DGP&T instructions prescribed the procedure to
Department seeking clarification whether the effect the recovery of the amount levied as penalty
instructions contained in DG P&T letter No. 3/313/ in terms of Rule 11 (iii) of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965
70-Disc-I dated 17-8-1971 are applicable to Govt. and these procedural instructions cannot amend,
servants serving in other Ministries/departments supersede, or modify the substantive provisions of
also. Rule 11 (iii) of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965. While it is
The DG P&Ts instructions mentioned above expected that in imposing the penalty of recovery
provide that recovery from the pay of a Govt. servant of pecuniary loss the disciplinary authority should
as a punishment for any pecuniary loss caused by not display such severity that a Govt.. servant suffers
him to the Govt. by negligence or breach of orders, hardship disproportionate to his negligence/
should not exceed 1/3rd of his basis pay (i.e. misconduct that led to the loss, it is not necessary
excluding dearness pay or any other allowances) and to fix a rigid limit for the purpose of such recovery.
should not be spread over a period of more than three The DGP&T instructions would, therefore, be
years. However, no such limits have been prescribed treated as unwarranted. Therefore, the implication
in the statutory rules i.e. in Rule 11 (iii) of CCS (CCA) of this OM is to recover the entire loss from the
Rules 1965. delinquent official but the recovery may be spread
The matter has been examined in consultation over till entire loss is recovered.
with the Ministry of Law. It was observed that the (DG(P) No. C 11011/5/2000-VP dtd. 29-11-2000)
If the loss has occurred through fraud, every directly by requiring him to make good in money a
endeavour should be made to recover the whole sufficient proportion of the loss or indirectly by
amount lost from the guilty persons, and if laxity of reduction or stopping of his increment of pay.
supervision has facilitated the fraud, the supervising (Rule 204-A(4) Postal Man. Vol. III)
officer at fault may properly be penalised either
I am directed to refer to the subject cited above "In the case of loss caused to the Government,
and to say that the penalty of recovery under Rule the competent disciplinary authority should correctly
11 (iii) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1972 can be assess in a realistic manner the contributory
imposed on a Government servant only when it is negligence on the part of an officer and while
established that the Government servant is directly determining any omission or lapses on the part of an
responsible for the act of negligence or breach of officer, the bearing of such lapses on the loss
orders causing the financial loss. Rule 106, 107 & considered and the extenuating circumstances in
111 of P&T Manual vol. III and Government of India which the duties were performed by the officer, shall
Instructions No. 23 below Rule 11 are relevant in be given due weight."
this regard. The above-mentioned instructions may be kept
2. The guiding principles for imposition of penalty of in view by the concerned authorities, while deciding
recovery as contained in the Government of India cases relating to imposition of penalty of recovery.
Instruction No. 23 below Rule 11 ibid are reiterated (DG Post No. C-32016/07/2006-VP dated
in the following: 14-11-2006)
The amount of recovery of loss ordered as a found to be nil, the case has to be reviewed by
measure of penalty can be reduced by the the competent authority for imposing an
punishing authority at any later stage if it is found appropriate penalty. That authority will not,
that the amount of loss sustained by the however, be competent to impose a penalty
Government is less than that originally higher than that of recovery.
calculated. If, however, the loss is subsequently (Rules 111 of P&T Man. Vol. III)


I. In the case of proceedings relating to recovery given due weight.
of pecuniary losses caused to the Government by III. The Maximum amount which may be recovered
negligence, or breach of orders by a Govt. Servant, from a delinquent officer on account of loss caused
the penalty of recovery can be imposed only when it to the Department through his negligence should be
is established that the Govt. Servant was responsible 1/3rd of his pay spread over a period of 3 years. For
for a particular act or acts of negligence or breach of this purpose, only basic pay should be taken into
orders or rules and that such Negligency or breach account. In addition to the penalty of recovery,
caused the loss. technically there is no bar to impose any statutory
II. In the case of loss to the Govt. the competent penalty if the circumstances of the case justify it. The
disciplinary authority should correctly assess in punishing authority should however bear in mind
a realistic manner the contributory negligence that when more than one penalty is imposed, one
on the part of an officer and while determining of which is recovery of pay of the whole or a part
any omission or lapses on the part of an officer, of the loss caused to Govt. it should not be of
the bearing of such lapses on the loss considered such severity so to make impossible for him to
on the extenuating circumstances in which the bear the strain.
duties were performed by the officer, shall be (Rule 106, 107 & 108 of P&T Manual Vol.III)
Where owing to the negligence of a departmental department losses money by embezzlement or fraud
employee or its agent including an E.D.A. or through by any of its employees etc. any member of the staff
the omission on his part to observe any rule as or any agent who by his negligence, default or
provided in the different Vol. of the P&T Manual or in disregard of the rule has caused loss or has
PO guide, the department either by reason of the contributed to its occurrence either by reason of the
enquiry being impeded or frustrated directly or enquiry being impeded or frustrated directly to
indirectly or for any other reason, is put to a loss of indirectly or for any other reason may be required to
Govt. money or property he has to make good the make good the loss either, in full or in part as the
loss of any money or property, or where the competent authority may decide. (R 103 Vol-II)
The cardinal principle governing the offender's honest error of judgement involving
assessment of responsibility is that every public financial loss if the officer can show that he has
officer should exert the same vigilance in respect acted in good faith and done his best upto the limits
of public expenditure and public funds generally of his ability and experience, personal liability must
as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise be strictly enforced against all officers who are
in respect of the expenditure and the custody of dishonest, careless or negligent in the duties
his own money. While therefore the competent entrusted to them.
authority may in special cases, condone an (Rule 204 A (1) Vol. III)
A question was raised on the exercise of evidence for successful prosecution and consequent
powers of waival of prosecution by the addl. conviction of the principal offender. There is,
Postmaster General. A few circles, supporting the therefore, no nexus between the waival of
exercise of such powers by addl. PMG, suggested prosecution and the extent of loss made good by or
that these powers should be exercised by addl. on behalf of principal offender.
Postmaster General only where the loss has been III. (i) As regards the exercise of the powers of
made good. prosecution by the Addl. Postmaster General, it is
II. After consideration of the issue involved, it is made clear that in as much as the Addl. PMG have
clarified that normally in all cases which involved an separate identifiable jurisdiction, there is no objection
amount of more than Rs. 5000/- prosecution should for them to exercise the powers of waival of
be launched, irrespective of recovery of loss either prosecution, subject of course to other conditions,
in full or in part. The waival of prosecution should be stipulated thereon.
considered only in case where there is no sufficient (DG (P) letter No. 8-5/RLG/8-INV dated 01-02-88)
Only one representation against adverse remarks 78 and OM No. 31/14/60-Est. (A) dated 31-10-61.
(including reference to 'warning' or communication All representations against the adverse remarks
of displeasure of the Government or 'repremand' should be decided expeditiously by the competent
which are recorded in the confidential report of the authority and in any case within three months from
Govt. servant) should be allowed within one month the date of submission of the representation. Adverse
of their communication. While communicating the remarks should not be deemed to be operative if any
adverse remarks to the Government servant representation filed within the prescribed limit is
concerned, the time limit should be brought to his pending. If no representation is made within the
notice. However, the competent authority may, in its prescribed time or once this has been finally disposed
discretion entertain a representation made beyond of, there should be no further bar to take notice of
this time limit if there is satisfactory explanation for the adverse remarks.
the delay. (DG & AR OM No. 21011/1/77-Estt.
(DP & AR OM No. 21011/1/77-Estt. Dated 30-01- Dated 30-01-78)
Where departmental proceedings against a should therefore be paid full pay and allowances for
suspended employee for imposition of a major the period of suspension by passing a suitable order
penalty finally end with the imposition of minor penalty under FR - 54-B.
the suspension can be said to be wholly unjustified (G.I. Department of Per & Trg. O.M. No. 11012/
in term of FR 54 B and the employee concerned 15/85 Est. (A) dated 03-12-1985)


1) If a supervising officer find a deficiency in the penalty. In case where a Govt.. servant is due to retire
case or stamp balance of a Post Office or a record, shortly any amount of loss caused by him could not
the post master or treasurer or both in the case of be recovered in full because of his pending
PO or the Record clerk in case of record office should retirement, final punishment order should be passed
be called upon to produce the money or stamps. If and the case referred to the Directorate for initiation
the official or officials cannot do so and are unable to of action under Rule 9 of CCS (pension) rules 1972.
give a satisfactory explanation an inventory of the (DG P&T NO. 6/10/67-Disc, dated 14-4-69)
cash and stamps actually found should be drawn up 3) Penal interest in the amount defrauded by
and got signed by two independent witness and action departmental official should be recovered at the rate
should be taken as prescribed in the rules on the of 2.5% per annum (compound) over and above the
subject of criminal offences in Chapter IV P & T Man. rate of interest fixed from time to time for the various
Vol. II types of accounts and savings certificates for the
(Rule 217 of Vol-V) period during which the amount was defrauded.
2) Pecuniary recovery from DCRG is not a statutory (DG P&T NO. 1-19/75-SB dated 15-10-75)
Forwarded herewith a copy of the Office Legislative Assemblies the scheduled to be
Memorandum No. 12/14/99-JCA dated 22nd January conducted.
2002 received from the Ministry of Personnel, PG (ii) In connection with bye-elections to Lok Sabha/
and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training), State Assembly, the Central Govt. Offices shall not
New Delhi on the above mentioned subject for be closed. However, such of the employees who are
information and further necessary action. bona-fide voters in the relevant constituency should
The said OM dated 22nd January 2002 may be be granted special casual leave on the day of polling.
brought to the notice of all concerned. (iii) Special Casual Leave may also be granted to
The undersigned is directed to say that in the an employee who is ordinary a resident of a
connection with the general elections to same of the constituency and registered as a voter but employed
State Assemblies etc. during February, 2002, the in any Central Govt. Organisation/Industrial
following guidelines may be followed for closing of establishment; located outside the constituency
Central Govt. Offices, including Industrial having a general/bye election.
Establishments :- The above instructions may be brought to the
(i) The relevant organizations shall remain closed notice of all concerned.
in the notified areas where general elections to State (DG (P) No. 21-6/2001-PE-II, dt. 12-2-2002)


1. ELIGIBILITY FOR APPEARING IN ii) HRA & CCA : During the period of leave not
DEPARTMENTAL EXAM - CASE OF EDAS exceeding 180 days and during LPR, these
SPECAILLY RECRUITED FOR DEPUTATION allowances are admissible at the same rates at
TO APS. which they were drawn before proceeding on
q i) It is to clarify that the EDAs who are appointed leave. Drawal of these allowances during the
as Group D in APS are eligible for appearing in leave period in excess of 180 days is subject to
Postman's examination. furnishing of the prescribed certificate by the
ii) It is also clarified that henceforth the EDAs official.
who are Group D of APS will also be eligible to iii)Conveyance allowance : Not admissible during
sit as EDA in the clerical examination as per leave and holidays prefixed or suffixed to leave.
the existing provision whereby 50% vacancies 6. DIES NON- LEAVE CREDIT :
in clerical cadre are to be filled by promotion q While affording advance Credit of EL the periods
through Departmental examination failing of 'Dies-non' be given similar treatment as given
which the unfilled vacancies shall be offered to EXOL.
to EDAs of recruiting division or units. (DG No. 51/35/75-SPB-I dated 17-10-77)
(DG(P) No. 44-4/96-SPB I dated 25-6-96) 7. ENCASHMENT OR LEAVE ACCUMULATED IN
2. Retention of Rent free quarters during leave APS:
exceeding on one month should be q It has been decided that leave accumulated in
recovered : APS can be brought forward on repatriation (of
(DG P&T No. 22-26/57/P&A/NB, dt. 16-12-59) staff) to the Dept. of Posts but such brought
3. COUNTING LEAVE FOR INCREMENT - forward leave shall be allowed to be carried
ANNUALLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FR 26(C) forward for encashment of leave at the time of
q 1) From 19-4-1952 Periods of E.L. upto a retirements/superannuation and not for availment
maximum of 120 days subject to the maximum limit (prescribed for
taken at a time. encashment) under the CCS (Leave) Rules. The
2) From 26-12-61 All kinds of leave leave so accumulated in service in APS should
excluding EXOL. be kept in a different record and a remark should
3) From 22-10-1963 All kinds of leave excluding be made in the Service Book indicating that this
EXOL taken otherwise amount of leave was not availed of in APS and
than on Medical Certificate will be treated as leave for 'Leave encashment'
(G.I. M.F. U.O. 8276-E-III (A)/63, dt. 23-12-1963) only subject to limits prescribed for encashment
IN E.L. ACCOUNT : (Dte. Lr. No. 87-1/87-SPB-II, dt. 16-2-88)
q If an official joins the new post on transfer without 8. ABSENCE AFTER EXPIRY OF LEAVE :
availing the full joining time, the unavailed period q "A Govt. Servant who remains absent after the
is to be credited to his earned leave account expiry of leave granted is entitled to No Leave
subject to the following conditions : Salary unless the leave is extended by the
i) He is ordered to join the new post without availing competent authority. Such period of absence
full joining time or shall be debited against the half-pay leave to his
ii) He proceeds alone to the new place of posting credit. If the period of such absence exceeds
and takes his family later within permissible time the half pay leave to his credit, the excess period
for claiming TA for the family and shall be treated as extraordinary leave. (Rule 25)
iii) The total including this credit does not exceed NB: No leave salary is payable.
240 days. 9. LEAVE NOT DUE :
(Rule 26 (i) (a) (iii) q Grant of L.N.D. is in order even if there is credit
5. REGULATION OF ALLOWANCES DURING under EL account vide AG, MS. No. Trg. 12-4/A/
LEAVE : 59-60/492 dt. 24-12-1959 Sl. 213 in file L 25 RLR.
q i) DA : On the amount of Leave salary. LND can be granted only on Medical grounds
and not for Private affairs. OPERATION:
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 11012/1/85- q It has now been decided that special casual leave
Estt. (L) dt. 20-6-88) for one day, on the day when their husbands
10. EL UPTO 180 DAYS CAN BE AVAILED IN ONE undergo Vasectomy operation, may be given to
SPELL : women Central Govt. employees, to enable them
q The present ceiling of 120 days for availing of to attend on their husbands.
EL in one spell under Rule 26(2) of CCS Leave (DG (P) No. 14-3/88 Medical, Dt. 23-6-88)
Rules 1972 may be increased to 180 days. 15. UPTO 90% OF GPF CAN BE WITHDRAWN
(OM :11014/3/89-Estt(L) dt. 12-12-90) WITHOUT ANY REASON DURING THE LAST
OF ANY OTHER KIND : q The competent authority to grant part final
q Maternity leave may be combined with leave of withdrawals under the GPF (CS) Rules may now
any other kind. Notwithstanding the requirement sanction part final withdrawals upto 90% of the
of production of Medical Certificate contained in balance at Credit in case it is applied for within
Rule 13 and Rule 14, leave of the kind due and twelve months before retirement on
admissible (including commuted leave for a superannuation. This facility will be available only
period not exceeding 60 days and leave not due) once to a subscriber. The subscribers will not
upto a maximum of one year, pay if applied for be required to assign any reason for applying for
be granted in continuation of Maternity leave such part withdrawals.
granted under sub rule (1) (Dept. of Pen. & PG No. 20(26)-P & PW/88-E,
(Dept. of Per. & Trg.No. 1109/11/88-AIS (III), dt. 16-7-90)
LEAVE FOR MTP NOT ENTITLED FOR q As contemplated in MOP PG & Pen. Lr. No.
SPECIAL CL : 13(3)-Pen/85 dt. 31-1-86, no temporary advance
q Female Govt. Servants undergoing should be sanctioned during the last three
salpingectomy operation alongwith Medical months of service. No part final withdrawal should
termination of pregnancy will be entitled to six also be permitted during this period except in
weeks Maternity leave. Such female Govt. exceptional circumstances in which case this
servants who avail of this facility of Maternity may be sanctioned only with the approval of the
leave would not be entitled to additional 14 days head of the Deptt.
or Special Casual Leave. (DPA MS No. 1515 to 1617/GPF I/Pt.I/F.24,
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 28016/1/91- dt. ....11-87)
q TA/DA as on tour for Journeys and halt in q "When the last working day of a month except
connection with Second Medical Opinion : the month of March happens to be a holiday of
The Govt. have agreed for payment of daily the Bank with which the Post Office is placed in
allowance for period of halt at Outstation to the funds, the Salaries of all Postal Employees
following conditions : whose salaries are drawn in the establishment
i) The payment to daily allowance shall be made bills of that post office, as well as of those
for a maximum period of two days, calculated employees whose Salaries are drawn in the
as on tour. establishment bills of the units which draw cash
ii) The employees should be sent for second for payment of Salaries to its employee by
Medical opinion only in genuine cases and presenting bills at the post office, shall here
particularly when the employee is habitually on afterwards be paid on the previous day."
leave on Medical grounds. (DG P&T No. 21/54/79-PAP/CPT,
(G.I. M.F. O.M. No. 19043/2/89-E-IV, dt. 18-11-1981)
HUSBAND UNDERGO VASECTOMY q The upper age limit in the case of widows,
divorced women and women judicially separated in the SB, the official should sign his name in the
from their husbands who are not remarried shall relevant column of SB. It is observed that the
be relaxed upto the age of 35 years. (Upto 40 provisions of the above rules are not strictly
years for Members of SC/STs) for the purpose followed. It is therefore requested that the SB's
of appointment of Group C & D Posts. The age are periodically verified by the officials and in
relaxation will also apply even for appointment token of having accepted the entries made
to Group A and B posts except where recruitment therein, the officials should sign in the SBs.
is made through open Competitive examination. (DG P&T No. 127/3/80-SPB-II,d t. 20-2-81)
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 15012/1/87- 23. JOINT REPRESENTATION FROM GOVT.
POSTAL ASST.: q It has been held that making of Joint
q It has been decided that henceforth it need not representations by Govt. servants should be
be insisted that the candidate should have viewed as subversive of discipline and such
registered himself with an employment exchange representations should not, therefore, be
in unit of recruitment. It is enough if he has entertained. Every Govt.. servant making a
registered himself with any one of the representation should do so separately and his
employment exchange in the state where the unit own name.
of recruitment is located. (Min. W.H. & S.A.V. No. 305, dt. 21-2-67)
(DG (P) 60-52/90-SPB-I, dt. 16-8-91) 24. SUPPLY OF SPECIAL TYPE OF SHOES FOR
q It is clarified that the relaxation of educational q It has been decided to allow the special type of
qualifications granted to ex-servicemen for entry shoes to orthopaedically handicapped
into services envisaged in this Dept's notification employees of the eligible categories (based on
of even number dt. 12-2-86 shall also apply for competent Medical Certificate) and to delegate
the purpose of promotion to the higher grade powers to the Head of Offices for supply of such
subject to the condition that no qualifications shoes in place of normal shoes/chappals, as part
higher than which prescribed for entry in the of Uniform.
feeder grade is laid down for the purpose of such (MOP) PG & Pension OM No. 14/8/86-JCA,
promotion. dt. 22-1-87)
APPOINTMENT AND NOT WITH REFERENCE q "It will be for the Ministries, Departments and
TO DATE OF CONFIRMATION offices to satisfy themselves that the allowance
q Seniority of a person regularly appointed to a post is actually spent for the purpose for which it is
according to rule would be determined by the granted. No deduction, whatsoever, of washing
order of merit indicated at the time of initial allowance need be made for the period of any
appointment and not according to the date of his leave undertaken by the employee concerned.
confirmation. Effective from 4-1-92. Seniority (MHA DOP & AR No. 14/14/80-JCA,
already determined on the principles prior to dated 21-5-87)
issue of this OM will not be reopened. 26. CASH ALLOWANCE TO CASH OVERSEER:
Ministry of Home affairs OM No. 9/11/5-RPS dt, No Cash Allowance is admissible during leave
22-12-59 and D.O.P. O.M. No. 20011/5/90- to cash overseers.
EST(D), dt. 3-7-86 stand modified. (DG No. 8-33/79-PAP, Vol.I dt, 8-9-84)
(DOP OM NO. 2001/5/90-EST(D) dt. 4-11-92) 27. PAs/OAs OFFICIATING AS SETNO :
22. VERIFICATION OF SERVICE BOOK BY (with working knowledge) who are officiating as Steno
OFFICIALS are eligible only for Special Pay of Rs. 20/- p.m.
q According to DG's instructions below SR 202, it PAs/OAs with qualification in the exam of
is incumbent on every Govt. servant to see that Technical Educations Dept. may be paid cadre
his service book is properly maintained and in pay of Steno.
token of every scrutiny and acceptance of entries (DG's No. 7-59/73-PE-I, dt. 20-8-73)
No deduction whatsoever of washing allowance q It has now been decided that in such cases
need be made for the period of any leave taken intervening holidays may be deemed to have
by the employees concerned. been availed of by the Govt. servant as 'holidays'
1. (OM No. 14/4/80-JCA,dt. 21-5-81) and he may not be required to take leave for
2. Para 9 of DOP & Trg. OM No. such holidays/holiday.
14/8/90-JCA, dt. 29-6-90) (MOP PG & Pension (DOP & Trg.) OM No.
29. SPECIAL PAY TO CASHIERS: 19011/16/88-Estt (Allowance), dt. 15-12-88)
Cash disbursed to Gazetted Officers will be taken 34. JOINING TIME TO OFFICIALS ON RETURN
into account. Monthly cash disbursed excludes FROM APSTO THE DEPT. OF POSTS
payment by cheque. Receipts should not be q An official reverting from APS may join his parent
taken into account. unit and may subsequently be transferred to
(DOPT No. 6/31/86-Estt (Pay II) dt. 29-7-86) station of his choice. On reversion to parent units,
30. GRANT OF SPECIAL PAY - ACCEPTANCE OF he is entitled to joining time. The mere fact that
SECURITY BOND : he has been posted to a station of his choice
The special Pay may be granted from the date straight from APS should not be deprived him of
of issue of the orders of appointment as Cashiers the normal joining time admissible to him.
or from the date of risk is covered through one (ADG of APS, ND No. 90004/APS-IE/R-381,
of the accepted form of security whichever is dt. 21-9-88)
later. However the special pay will be released 35. MATERNITY LEAVE
only after the cashier has furnished security/ q According to Rule 43 of CCS (Leave) Rules, a
fidelity bond to the Head of Department. female Govt. servant can be granted maternity
(DG (P) No.1-10/86-PAP, dt. 18-8-89) leave with full pay upto three months, obviously
w.e.f. 1-1-86 the rule was framed to help the working mothers
31. WELFARE OFFICER ASKED TO MEET FAMILY who are married. Maternity in case of spinsters
OF DECEASED GOVERNMENT SERVANT or widows is against the moral and social values
q In pursuance of one of the recommendations in India. But when a doubt was raised the rule
of the Study Report on "The Welfare Measures making authority issued clarifications that any
for the Central Government Employees on expectant mother, be she married, unmarried or
Employment on Compassionate Grounds", the widow should get maternity leave as the rules
Department of Personnel and Training has say "Female Govt. Servant". The only condition
issued instructions to the Welfare Officers of is that the Govt. servant should be a female.
various Ministries/Departments vide their OM 36. FAMILY PENSION TO WIDOW WHEN SHE
dated July 29, 1998 to meet members of the GOT CHILD
family of a deceased Government Servant q Rule 54(6) of CCS (Pension) Rules make
immediately after his death to advise and assist provision for discontinuance of family pension
them in getting appointment on compassionate to the widow of the deceased employee on
grounds. The applicant is to be called in person remarriage. A peculiar case arose where the
at the very first stage and advised in person widow of a deceased employee got a child and
about the requirements and formalities to be the question of stoppage of family pension arose.
completed by him. The ministry of Law gave a decision that though
32. T.A. ENTITLEMENT FOR BRINGING FAMILY the widow has got a child, there was no proof of
SUBSEQUENT OF TRANSFER her remarriage. Hence family pension could not
q Only the fare by the entitled class for both onward be stopped.
and return journey is admissible to the Govt. (G.I. M.F.U.O. No. 3006 EV(51, dt. 11-5-1951).
Servant for the journey to old station to bring the 37. PENSONER MARRIED AFTER RETIREMENT
family. There is no provision for allowing mileage q "If a pensioner married after retirement, the wife
allowance or DA for the period of journey. of such a pensioner and children born as a result
(M.F. O.M. No. 19030/5/86-EIV, dt. 24-11-86) of such marriage will not be eligible to family
JOURNEY PERIOD IN CASE OF TRANSFER The said rulings was confirmed in CAT Hyd. in
FROM ONE STATION TO ANOTHER OF AN case of B. Narayana Rao, Vs. Union of India
(1988) ATC 929 as Rule denying family pension 2. 19 (1) Vindication for acts and
to spouse married after Govt. servant's character of Govt. servant 6 weeks
retirement is valid and is not violative of Act 14. 3. 18 (a) Transactions in immovable
38. FAMILY OF A FEMALE GOVT. SERVANT FOR property outside India
LTC or with foreigners. 60 days
q A female employee has a choice to include, in In the event of failure on the part of competent
her family either her parents of parents in law authority to communicate its decision within the
(wholly dependent on her and residing with her) time limits, the employee shall be free to assume
for the purpose of medical reimbursement. But that permission has been granted to him.
the provision in the LTC rules are different. (Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 11013(2)/88-Estt.
Under LTC Rules a female Govt. servant can (A), dt. 7-7-88)
include her dependent parents in her family and 42. CHANGE OF HOME TOWN DECLARATION
not the parents-in-law. Both the husband and q There is no rule contemplating automatic
the wife are Govt. employees and the husband change of home town of female Govt.
opted to be included in the family of his wife for servants on their marriage. Home town of
the sake of LTC. The husband has got such Govt. servants could be changed under
dependent parent and obviously he is the normal rules only i.e. by making a
responsible for their LTC. But the wife cannot declaration for this purpose. It is not
include her parents in law in the family. mandatory that the wife should choose the
39. DRAWAL OF HRA BY HUSBAND & WIFE home town of the husband as her own. The
WHEN BOTH OF THEM ARE GOVT. SERVANT husband of a female Govt. servant can also
q No restriction should be imposed on the only choose the Home town of his wife as his own
ground that husband/wife is also a Govt. servant after his marriage.
and is living together in the hired/owned 43. TRANSFER OF OFFICIALS AT THEIR OWN
accommodation. In such cases normal amount REQUEST LEAVE IS NOT REQUIRED
of HRA may be granted to them. q The question whether the Govt. servant is
(G.I. M.F. O.M. No. F/11015/2/87-E II (B), required to take regular leave to cover such
dt. 8-11-88) holidays has been under consideration and it has
40. DATE OF DEATH - TREATED AS DUTY now been decided that in such cases intervening
q If the Govt. Servant was on duty on the previous holidays may be deemed to have been availed
day and was not on leave on the date of death, of by the Govt. servants as 'Holidays' and he may
the date of death should be treated as duty. If he not be required to take leave for such holiday/
is on leave on the date of death, that day should holidays.
be treated as leave. Working day means a live (Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 19011/6/88-
day i.e. family Pension/death gratuity will become Estt(All), dt. 15-12-88)
payable from the day following the date of death. 44. BENEFIT OF INCREMENT FALLING DUE
In other words, the date of death of a Govt. DURING LEAVE PERIOD IN THE CASE OF
Servant is the last day in service. Pensionary DEATH WHILE ON LEAVE
benefits start from the next day. q If the normal date of increment of a Govt. servant
CCS (Pension) Rules No. 5 (2) falls during a period when he remains on EL/Com.
41. REVISED TIME LIMIT FOR GRANT/REFUSAL Leave/HPL/LND, the benefit of such increment is
OF PERMISSION UNDER THE PROVISIONS actually paid to him only from the date he joins
OF CCS (CONDUCT) RULES duty on expiry of leave though the actual date of
q The following time limits for granting or refusing next increment remains unaffected.
permission has been prescribed with immediate In case a Govt. servant dies while on leave the
effect. leave salary may be allowed to the members of
S.N. Rule Provision relating to Time limit his family giving the benefit from the date actually
1. 8 (2) Connection with press due for his increment without waiting for rejoining.
or radio (O.M. No. 16/13/88-Estt. (Pay-I) dt. 6-2-89
13 (4) Gifts 30 days of DOP & Trg.)
18 (2) Transaction in movable and 45. PAYMENT ON AUTHORITY CAN BE MADE TO
18 (3) immovable property. OUTSIDER OR GOVT. EMPLOYEE ALONE
q Rule 243(1) of P&T FHB Volume I provides for requiring relaxation of the upper age limit may
payment through a messenger. It does not henceforth be decided by the circle selection
impose any condition that the messenger committees.
authorised to receive payment on behalf of the It is also clarified that these powers are to be
Govt. servant should also be an employee of the exercised only in respect of cases which are not
Dept. Payment is authorised in such cases only more than 5 years old and in which there is no
after the official, authorising payment, satisfies earning member in the family.
himself with the genuineness of the signature of (Dept. of Posts No. 24-296/86-SPB-I,
the payee and bonafide of the messenger. dt. 21-4-89)
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE TO SUBORDIANTE q If a Govt.. servant is found to be ineffective and
OFFICE therefore not fit to continue in the post, he may
q It is suggested that except for special reasons, be allowed to continue in the lower post from
Union Functionaries should not be posted outside where, he promoted. The notice usually given
the main office of the cadre/Ministry/Dept. after completion of 50/55 years age or 30 years
(including other offices by buildings). 'Union qualifying service can be withdrawn for those and
Functionaries' for this purpose would be the permitted to work in lower post and would be
President and General Secretary of the Branch eligible for promotion alongwith others on
Unit of the recognised Union/Association who are completion of two years in lower post.
members of the Staff Council. It is now decided that if a Govt. servant is not
(G.I. M.P.P.G. & P. O.M. No. 27(7)/88-CS IV, found fit to continue in the post either on grounds
dt. 19-8-88. of ineffectiveness or because of doubtful integrity,
47. STAMP DUTY ON MORTGAGE DEED/DEED he shall be retired forthwith from the service. The
OF RECONVEYANCE EXECUTED BY provisions regarding grant of an option to revert
EMPLOYEES WHO AVAILED H.B.A. HAS TO to the next lower post from which he was
BE BORNE ONLY BY THE EMPLOYEE AND promoted accordingly stand rescinded.
CANNOT BE REIMBURSED (Dep. of Per.& Trg. OM No. 25013/11/87-
q It is therefore clarified that the stamp duty on the Estt(A), dt. 12-8-89)
aforesaid documents wherever charged, has to 51. CLAIM FOR TREATMENT OUTSIDE THE
be borne by the loanee Govt. Servant and HEAD QUARTERS FROM R.M.P.S
reimbursement thereof is not admissible. APPOINTED AS AMAs NOT REIMBURSABLE
(M.U.D. O.M. No. 1.17015/4/89/H. III, q A Govt. official and/or entitled members of the
dated 28-2-89) family going outside their normal duty station for
48. SUFFIXING HOLIDAYS AFTER MEDICAL any reason and require medical treatment, they
LEAVE should obtain the treatment from the nearest
q If an employee is certified medically fit, holiday, Govt. & other Hospitals recognised under CS
if any succeeding the day he is so certified (MA) Rules that is the Govt. officials and/or their
(including that day) shall automatically be allowed entitled family members are not entitled for taking
to be suffixed to the leave. treatment from the private medical practitioners
This indicates clearly that if one is certified appointed as A.M.As outside their normal duty
medically fit on Sunday/Holiday and if he joins station.
duty on the F.N. of the next working day, the (C & AG of India No. 445-Audit I/17/87/
day (Sunday/Holiday) shall be treated suffixed III-90(86) dt, 10-8-90)
(CCS Leave Rules 22 I (ii) (b) TO RETIRE
49. HEADS OF CIRCLES IN DEPT. OF POSTS i) No uniform be issued to Group C & D employees
EMPOWERED TO RELAX THE UPPER AGE who are due to retire within three months from
LIMIT FOR APPOINTMENT ON the date they become eligible for uniforms.
COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS ii) One set of uniform may be issued to such of
q It has now been decided that the cases for those employees who are due to retire within one
appointment an compassionate grounds year (not less than 3 months).
iii) Complete set of uniforms may be issued to such upto 3 months maybe allowed.
of those employees who are due to retire after (G.I. Dep. of Per. & Trg. No. 13026/2/90-
one year from the date they become eligible. Estt.(L) dt, 22-10-90)
(Dept. of Per & Trg. OM No. 14/7/90-JCA, 57. MC AND FC -NOT NECESSARY FROM THE
dt. 24-7-90) SAME DOCTOR
53. LEAVE SALARY ADVANCE FOR COMMUTED q The rules do not envisage that the fitness
LEAVE certificate should be given by the same doctor
q According to Rule 42 of FR, SR Part-II leave who gave the medical certificate.
Rules, the leave salary advance is to be 58. LEAVE CONVERSION NOT A MATTER OF
granted to a Govt. servant who proceeds on RIGHT
leave of any kind for which he is entitled to Conversion of one kind of leave already availed
leave salary. into another kind is solely the discretion of the
54. CLARIFICATION ON PAYMENT OF leave sanctioning authority and cannot be
CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE TO claimed as a matter of right by the official.
EMPLOYEES q Female employees with less than two surviving
q It is clarified that one eyed man could not be children can avail 'Child Adoption Leave' upto
compared with an orthopaedically handicapped 135 days on adoption of a child upto 1 year.
person with disability in one of their limbs, as these (DoP&T OM No. 13018/4/2004-Estt. (L)
are two different cases and should be viewed and dated 31-03-06)
estimated with two different procedures. 60. ADVANCE - INTEREST RATES 2005-06
Moreover, conveyance allowance is granted only q Interest rates for advances for 2005-06. Motor
on the estimation of disability by the competent Car & personal computer -- 11.5%; Motor
medical authority. Cycle, Scooter - 8%; Cycle, worm clothing,
(C &AG No. 26Audit I/31-87/III/91(5), Table fan - 5.5%.
dt. 15-1-91) (MOF (DEA) O.M. No. 5-2-B(PD)/2006
55. LTC CLAIM FOR SPOUSE, IF MARRIED dated 18-09-2006)
q The provisions contained in Rule 10 of CCS (LTC) q Family members, residing in the CGHS areas
Rules 1988 says that 'a Govt. servant who is of Government servants transferred out of
unable to avail of the LTC within a particular block CGHS areas entitled to CGHS facilities upto six
of two years or four years may avail of the same months from the date of transfer on payment of
within the first year of the next block of two years CGHS contribution in advance for that period.
or four years'. In the case of spouse if married (MH & FW OM No. 4-36/99-C&P/CGHS (P)
during grace period, the LTC is not supported by dated 1-7-2005)
rules and shall not be eligible. 62. LEAVE ENCASHMENT ON COMPULSORY
ADOPTION OF CHILD q The employee who has been compulsorily retired
q A female Govt. servant on her adopting a child, as a measure of punishment and imposed a
may be granted leave of the kind due and penalty of reduction of pension can be allowed
admissible (including commuited leave without leave encashment for the leave at his credit.
production of medical certificate for a period not (DoP&T OM No. 14028/1/2004-Estt (L)
exceeding 60 days and LND upto one year dated 13-02-2006)
subject to the following conditions. 63. DRAWAL OF INCREMENT
i) The facility will not be available to an adoptive q The increment is drawn from the first day of
mother already having two living children at the the month in which the date of increment falls,
time of adoption. provided the employee is on duty on that day.
ii) If the age of the adopted child is less than one If he is on leave on the first & subsequent days
month, leave upto one year may be allowed. of the month of the increment, his increment
iii) If the age of the child is six months or more leave will be drawn from the date of his joining duty.
upto 6 months may be allowed. (M.F. O.M. No. F1 (22) -E.III (A)/73
iv) If the age of the child is 9 months or more, leave dated 24-08-74 & 15-11-74)
64. HRA / CCA AT OLD RATES DURING J.T. not be debited to the leave account of the
SUSPENSION ETC. employee even if the medical authority
q During Joining Time, HRA / CCA is allowed at subsequently opines that such leave was not
the rates applicable to old station. During required.
suspension, it will be drawn at the rate it was (DoP&T No. 11014/1/99-Estt. (A) dated
drawn before suspension, on Temporary 19-07-2002)
Transfer upto 90 days at the rate of old Head 69. NO GPF FOR T/S GROUP D
quarters; After 90 days at the rate of new Head q No deduction towards GPF shall be effected
quarters. During leave HRA / CCA will be from the Temporary status casual labourers
drawn as before proceeding the leave. If w.e.f. 01-01-04 onwards and the amount
resigned while on leave, the entire HRA / CCA lying in their GPF accounts, shall be paid to
will be recovered. If dies or invalidated, no them.
recovery for leave period need be made. (DO P&T OM No. 49014/1/2004-Estt. (A)
(MoF OM No. 2 (37) E-II (B) /64 dated 27-11-65) dated 26-4-04)
q (i) The casual labourer with temporary status q Any dues to the Government from the Govt.
are entitled wages at daily rates with reference employee including any amount
to minimum pay scale and allowance of regular misappropriated is not recoverable from the final
Group D. payment of PF accumulation to the employee.
(DoP &T OM No. 49014/5/2004-Estt (C) (F.D. No. D/5439-R II/28 dated 29-10-38)
dated 31-05-04). 71. MPCM ALLOWANCE
(ii) His increment will be admissible as q The officials working on the multipurpose
applicable to Group D subject to performance counter machines in post offices are entitled
of duty for atleast 240 days in the year from the for drawal of Machine Allowance of Rs. 100/-
date of grant of temporary status. per month as per letter No. 43-3/93-PMR (Pt.
(DOP&T OM No. 49011/2/97-Estt. (C) II) dated 17-01-97. However the allowance is
dated 24-10-97) not admissible to employees working on
66. FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE TO computers and computer related jobs.
PENSIONER (DG (P) No. 43-3/97-Tech dated 21-10-97)
q Postal Pensioners, who were not CGHS 72. DEPENDENCY -- MONETARY LIMIT
beneficiaries while in service, but residing in q The monetary limit of income for purposes of
CGHS area where there is no P&T dispensary, dependency has been raised to Rs. 1500/- p.m.
are entitled to draw medical allowance of Rs. (MOF OM No. 11046/2/E.IV/98 dated 19-03-99)
(DG (P) No. 4-3/98-Pen (Pt. IV) q Any employee who has been asked to proceed
dated 06-10-99) to some other station for second medical
67. FIXED MEDICAL ALLOWANCE opinion is allowed:-
q Employees working in the interior / remote (i) TA for the journey period.
localities where no AMA is available within a (ii) DA for a maximum period of two days,
radius of 5 kms are entitled of fixed medical calculated as on tour.
allowance of Rs. 100/- p.m. This facility is allowed only in cases of second
(Dept. of Health OM No. S-14025/33/98-MS medical opinion for grant of original leave and
dated 18-01-99) not for extension of leave.
68. SPECIAL LEAVE FOR CONTAGIOUS (OM No. 19043/2/89-E.IV dated 30-05-90)
q If a Government employee is suffering a q TA shall be allowed as on tour for attending
contagious disease, the competent authority departmental enquiry against the employee.
may direct him to undergo a medical However, no TA shall be allowed if the enquiry
examination within maximum one month and is held at a place other than his headquarters
may, if it considers it essential to do so, also expressly at his own request.
direct him to proceed on leave forthwith (MOF OM No. F S(30) --E.IV (B) /67
pending medical examination. Such leave shall dated 28-11-67)
q TA as on tour shall be allowed for attending WOMEN EMPLOYEES
police / court for enquiry against the employee. q The women employees are entitled 45 days
TA as on tour shall be allowed during special leave in the entire service (excluding
suspension for attending court case as an such leave availed before 16-06-94) for
accused, wherein the employee is later miscarriage and abortion.
acquitted and reinstated in service. (DoP&T OM No. 13018/7/94-Estt. (L)
(MOF OM No. 5 (13) -14/59 dated dated 16-06-94)
28-02-59 & 22-07-60) 82. PATERNITY LEAVE TO MALE
HANDICAPPED CHILD q Paternity leave is admissible to male
q Tuition Fees shall be reimbursed in case of employees with less than two surviving children
physically handicapped / mentally retarded child during the confinement of his wife (i.e.) upto
irrespective of whether the school / institution is 15 days before or upto six months from the
recognised or not, provided the institution or its date of delivery of the child.
fees is aided / approved by the Central / State (DoP&T Notfn. 13026/1/99-Estt. (L)
Government or U.T. Administration. dated 18-04-02)
(CCS (Educational Assistance) Orders 2006) 83. CASUAL LEAVE -- ENTITLEMENT
77. REBATE ON HBA q Casual Leave is essentially for short period and
q The incentive (Rebate 0.5%) on HBA is normally it should not be granted for more than
admissible even where the sterlisation 5 days at a time except under special
operaton is undergone after the release of the circumstances.
first instalment of HBA as per OM No. 1/ (DoP Letter No. 5-1/98-PE.II dated 03-09-98)
17015/13/79-H.III dated 21-05-90, but not 84. HRA ON TRANSFER
after the release of the final instalment of HBA. q Employees transferred due to shifting of
(C & AG No. 5-Audit I/1-90- (Vol.II) (1) headquarters shall be entitled to HRA at the
dated 06-01-92) rate admissible at the old headquarters, if their
78. PROMOTING SMALL FAMILY NORMS -- families continue to reside there, for six months
DRAWAL OF SPECIAL INCREMENT or till the employee is allotted or secures family
q The special increment granted for promoting accommodation at the new headquarters
small family norms will be withdrawn if the which ever is earlier.
operation fails. However recovery will be (MOF OM No. 19055/1/E.IV/2002
waived if the employee or spouse undergone dated 28-03-03)
operation again. 85. HRA NOT ALLOWED FOR SHARING
(MoF OM No. 7 (39) -E-III/79 dated ACCOMMODATION
25-04-81 & 09-01-93) q HRA is not allowed if an employee shares
79. NO DENIAL OF LEAVE DURING THE LAST accommodation allotted rent free to another
TEN YEARS SERVICE employee or allotted to parents / children by the
Earned leave should not ordinarily be denied Central / State Govt., Autonomous Body, Public
to any employee, especialy in the last ten years undertaking, Municipality, Port Trust. But HRA is
of his career. allowed, if an employee shares private
(DoP&T OM No. 14028/19/86-Estt (C) accommodation with spouse (both husband and
dt. 29-9-86) wife are allowed HRA separately) or the
80. LEAVE FOR PERMANENTLY IN- Government accommodation allotted to another
CAPACITATED OFFICIALS employee (other than spouse, parents or children)
q If an employee is declared by medical authority (MOF OM No.F11015/2/87-E.II (B)
as completely and permanently incapacitated dated 08-11-88)
for further service, while on leave, all leave, 86. TRANSPORT ALLOWANCE DURING
extraordinary leave permissible under rules SUSPENSION
may be granted to him. q Transport Allowance is not admissible to
(DoP&T OM No. 13015/3/2002-Estt. (C) employees under suspension.
dated 19-01-04). (MoF No. C-14011/2/38/98-Ad V, dt. 26-4-2000)
q Transport Allowance is admissible to officials CHILD
on training in the office itself for a period q In case of employees with mentally retorted
exceeding 30 days, if the official is not given children the request for posting in a place of
any TA / DA for such training. his / her choice to get proper treatment of the
(C & AG Lr. No. NGE/50-99 dated 07-10-99). child is tried to be accommodated.
88. CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE TO (DOP&T OM No. AB-14017/41/90-Estt. (RR)
q Conveyance Allowance to blind and 94. NO CASUAL WORKER FOR GROUP C
orthopaedically handicapped employees being WORK
paid prior to 01-08-97 had withdrawn and q There is complete ban on engagement of
transport allowance will be granted to them at casual workers for duties of Group 'C' posts
normal rate if Government accommodation is and accordingly no appointment of casual
provided within 1 km from place of work or worker to a Group C post can be made.
within compus and in respect of other cases, (MoF OM No. 49014/16/89-Estt. (C)
it will be paid at double the normal rates. dated 26-02-90)
dated 03-05-2002) q Regular meetings of DPC should be held every
89. NO STAFF CAR IF TRANSPORT year for each category of posts so that an
ALLOWANCE DRAWN approved select panel is available in advance
q Any officer or staff who is in receipt of transport for making promotions against vacancies
allowance shall not be allowed staff car facility arising over a year.
for returning home at late hours. (DOPT OM No. 22011/91/Estt. Dated 13-05-91)
(DoP&T No. D-26020/20/98-Part 96. RELAXATION OF MERIT TO SC / ST
dated 23-09-98) EMPLOYEES
90. COMBINATION OF CL q Concessions granted to SC / ST employees
q CL cannot be combined with any other kind of for considering them for promotion without
leave vide Rule 11 of CCS (Leave) Rules 1972. reference to merit and the prescribed bench
But CL can be combined with special CL. Special mark withdrawn from 22-07-97 has been
CL can be combined with any other type of leave restored w.e.f. 03-10-2000. They are eligible
or CL but not with both at the same spell. for lower qualifying merits/lesser standard of
(MHA OM No. 46/8/57-Estt. (A) evolution in qualifying competitive examination.
dated 22-07-67) (DOP&T OM No. 36012/23/96-Estt. (Res) Vol. II
91. SPECIAL LEAVE DURING BANDH ETC. dated 03-10-2000)
q Special Casual Leave for the day (s) of bandh 97. SC / ST SELECTED IN UNRESERVED
etc. shall be granted to the employees residing POINT -- CLARIFICAITON
3 miles away from the office and not able to q If the vacancy in a cadre is against unreserved
attend office due to disturbance of traffic point and the senior most candidate in the
because of calamities, bandh etc. and also to feeder cadre is SC / ST, he will also be
all employees irrespective of distance of considered for promotion and if selected will
residence in case of picketing, disturbance and be adjusted against the unreserved point.
curfew. (DoP letter No. 14-2-2001-SCT dated 20-02-02)
(DOPT OM No. 27/6/71-Estt. (B) 98. SC / ST PROMOTION UNDER
dated 01-11-71.) UNRESERVED POINT
92. SPECIAL LEAVE FOR BYE-ELECTION q SC / ST candidates promoted on their own
q Special casual leave is granted for the day of merit should not be adjusted against reserve
election / bye-election for Lok Sabha / State points; they will occupy unreserved points."
Assembly in the constituency where the (DOP&T OM No. 36028/17/2001-Estt. (Res)
employee resides, if his office is outside the dated 31-01-2005)
constituency and is not closed for the day. 99. ENFORCING PROMOTION
(DOPT OM No. 12/4/86-JCA dated 09-03-87). q If the reasons for refusal of promotion are not
acceptable, promotion will be enforced. If it is be treated as dies-non.
still refused, disciplinary action can be taken. (DG P&T No. 10-44/79-PE.II dated 26-11-79)
(DP & AR OM No. 22034/3/81-Estt. (D) 105. TIME LIMIT FOR DISPOSAL OF
dated 01-10-81) REPRESENTATION
100. ADHOC APPOINTMENT CONTINUITY q A representation made by an employee
MORE THAN ONE YEAR -- NO NEED FOR requiring examination within the Ministry / Dept.
REVERSION should be disposed of within six weeks.
q If disciplinary action is initiated against a person Representations requiring inter-departmental
appointed on adhoc basis for a period less than consultations should be disposed of within
one year against short term leave vacancy, he three months. Final reply should be self-
shall be reverted to the post held by him on contained, covering all points raised by the
regular basis. However, if the adhoc employee and if rejected, grounds for rejection
appointment was purely for administrative should be clearly given.
reasons and the employee was held the post (DOP&T OM No. 28034/6/2002-Estt. (A)
for more than one year, he need not be dated 11-01-2002)
(DO P&T OM No. 11012/9/86--Estt. (A) q If an employee has been detained erroneously
dated 24-12-86) and discharged or discharged without
101. SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON WOMEN conviction after arrest, the competent
EMPLOYEES authority may apply his mind to decide
q Sexual harassment of women employees -- whether the suspension is wholly justified or
For this purpose, which includes any not and take action accordingly.
unwelcome sexually behaviour, whether (DOPT OM No. 11012/16/85-Estt. (A)
directly or otherwise, such as dated 10-01-86)
(a) physical contact and advances; 107. MINOR PENALTY IN RULE 14 --
(b) demand or request for sexual favours; SUSPENSION TO BE TREATED AS DUTY
(c) sexually coloured remarks, q If at the conclusion of the disciplinary
(d) showing any pornography, or proceedings against a suspended employee,
(e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non- only minor penalty is imposed, suspension will
verbal conduct of a sexual nature. be considered wholly unjustified.
(Rule 3 C of CCS (Conduct) Rules 1964.) (DOPT OM No. 11012/15/85-Estt. (A)
102. SEXUAL HARASSMENT -- TRANSFER AS dated 03-12-85)
q It should be ensured that victims, or witnesses q While under suspension, if the employee dies
are not victimised or discriminated against before conclusion of disciplinary proceedings:
while dealing with complaints of sexual (i) the period between date of suspension and
harassment. The victims of sexual harassment date of death shall be treated as duty,
should have the option to seek transfer of the (ii) the family will be paid full pay and allowances
perpetrator or their own transfer. for the above period adjusting subsistence
(DOP&T OM No. 11013/10/97--Estt. (A) allowance and other allowances if any paid.
dated 13-02-98) (FR 54 B (2))
q The report of the complaints committee on q While awarding major penalties under CCS
sexual harassment of women employee shall (CCA) Rules, an employee cannot be reduced
be deemed to be an inquiry report under CCS to a lower grade or post which he had never
rules. Thereafter the disciplinary authority will held earlier.
act on the report as per the rules. (DO P&T OM No. 11012/2/88-Estt. (A)
(DO P&T OM No. 11013/11/2001-Estt. (A) dated 02-02-89)
dated 04-08-05) 110. NO DOUBLE PUNISHMENTS.
104. NO DIES-NON FOR LATE COMING q In disciplinary cases, two punishments should
q A day on which an official comes late cannot not be imposed for the same offence.
However, recovery can be ordered along with to their native place.
any other penalty. (DO P&T OM No. AB - 14017/27/89-Estt. (RR)
(DG P&T No. 105/26/81-Vig. III dated 30-03-81) dated 20-06-89)
ENQUIRY q Persons with disabilities (physically
q The maximum number of cases to handle as handicapped) should not be debarred from
Defence Assistant by retired employees is applying for the posts identified suitable for
restricted to seven at any point of time. them and should be provided opportunity to
(DOPT OM No. 11012/11/2002-Estt. (A) compete for the unreserved vacancies as well
dated 05-02-2003) by holding a common examination.
112. WITHDRAWAL OF APPEAL (DO P&T OM No. 36035/8/2003-Estt. (Res)
q Withdrawal of appeal can be allowed at the dated 26-4-2006)
discretion of Appellate Authority. 119. DISABILITY DURING SERVICE -- KEEP IN
113. COPY OF SERVICE BOOKS WHILE q An employee who acquires a disability during
QUITTING SERVICE his service shall not be dispensed with or
q A certified copy of Service Book of an reduced in rank. If he is not suitable for the
employee can be given to the employee while post he is holding, he may be shifted to some
quitting service on payment of fee of Rs. 5/-. other post within the same pay scale and
(MHA OM No. P-17012/2/79-LV dated 27-09-80) service benefits. If that is not possible, he may
114. ADVERSE ENTRY COMMUNICATION OF be kept on supernumery posts until a suitable
REMARKS post is available or he attains the age of
q The fact of communication of adverse remarks superannuation, whichever is earlier. Further
must be recorded in CR file by the no promotion shall be denied to a person
communicating authority. However the remarks merely on the ground of his disability.
in CR about physical defects need not be (DOP&T OM No. 13015/3/2002-Estt. (L)
communicated. The grading of officers in CR, dated 19-01-2004)
even it is adverse should not be communicated. 120. INCREMENT TO SPORTS PERSONS
(Rule 174 (12) of P&T Manual Vol. III & OM No. q For sportsmen, one 'increment for achieving
51/3/74-Estt. (A) dated 22-05-75) excellence in national events and two
115. APPEAL AGAINST ADVERSE ENTRY -- increments for international events are allowed.
WITHIN SIX MONTHS Maximum five increments are allowed in the
q An appeal against rejection of representation entire career.
against adverse entries made in the CR can (DOP&T OM No. 6/2/85-Estt. (Pay I)
be made within six months after such rejection. dated 30-01-89)
(DP & AR -- OM No. 21011/4/77-Estt. 121. WITHDRAWAL OF RESIGNATION
Dated 30-01-78) q If the employees' written intimation withdrawing
116. RELAXATION TO PH CANDIDATES IN his earlier letter of resignation reaches the
APPOINTMENT appointing authority before its acceptance, his
q Physically handicapped persons belonging to resignation will be deemed to have been
SC / ST are eligible for a further relaxation of automatically withdrawn. If the resignation has
10 years (5 years for appointment to Group A been accepted but the employee is not relieved
& B posts otherwise than through open before his letter of withdrawal reaches the
competitive examination) over & above the five appointing authority, he may ordinarily be allowed
years relaxation. to withdraw his resignation. If for some reason
(DOPT OM No. 15012/5/92-Estt.(D) dt. 27-7-95) the request for withdrawal is to be refused, the
117. SC / ST -- POSTING NEARER TO NATIVE grounds for refusal should be recorded and
PLACE suitably conveyed to the employee.
q The posting of Group C & D employees (DOPT OM No. 28034/25/87-Estt.(D)
belonging to SC / ST categories is done nearer dt. 11-2-88)
q Transfers from HO to another office in the same CONSTRUCTED OWN HOUSES BY HBA
station to accommodate the requests for q The officials who are already in occupation of
posting from those outside the station. In such Government accommodation and have
cases, transfers should be in phases so as not constructed their own houses by drawing HBA,
to affect the operational efficiency and priority are also eligible to retain the Government
for transfer should be given for officials having accommodation. It is immaterial as to whether
longest period of posting. the house has been constructed by drawing of
(DG (P) No. 141-6/2000-SPB.II HBA from Government or from any financial
dated 24-04-2000) institution / bank.
123. TRANSFER BEFORE ACADEMIC SESSION (Dept. of Posts No. 2-3/2002-Bldg.
q Transfer orders should in the month of April- Dated 27-08-2002)
June or following Dec-Jan period depending 129. REVISION OF FINANCIAL POWERS OF
upon the academic session. HEAD OF CIRCLES
(Para 1 of the DG Posts letter No. 141-4/98- q (i) Adhoc payment of arrears of pay and
SPB-II dated 23-02-98) allowances - - Rs. 10,000/-
124. NO TRANSFER IN GAZETTED H.OS (ii) Pay & Allowances on behalf of a
q As per instructions the officials working in deceased -- Full powers.
gazetted H.Os under the charge of Senior (iii) Honorarium per individual per annum -
Postmasters there is no need to transfer such Rs. 4000/-
officials as they can be rotated within the office Head of Circle -- w.e.f. 01-04-2001
itself. (DG (P) No. 10-14/47-Fin. Coord. (vol.) V
(DG P&T letter No. 69-20/87-SPB.I dated 26-03-01)
q The tenure transfer of non-gazetted Sub VOLUME IV.
Postmasters (Time Scale) was raised from q Where required number of officials against 2/
three years to four years. 3rd quota cannot be found to work as DO (PLI),
(DG P&T letter No. 69/15/79-SPB.I the resultant unfilled vacancies of D.Os (PLI)
dated 14-02-80) will be transferred to 2/3rd quota available for
126. APTITUDE TEST FOR GRANT OF SB / SC the staff having 5 years service at Circle /
ALLOWANCE -- USE OF DUREJA Regions and Postal / RMS divisions to be filled.
MANUALS AS REFERENCE BOOK - Officials promoted to TBOP will also be eligible
q Dureja volumes on Post Office Savings Bank for selection as DO (PLI)s.
can be used as a reference book in the (DG (P) No. 35-5/87-LI (vol. II)
Departmental examination. However, it should dated 26-08-2002)
be clearly stated that Department of Posts will 131. INTERFACE WITH THE UNIONS --
not be liable for any error/misprint in Dureja OBSERVANCE OF DUE COURTESY
Books and in the even of any contradiction / q Instances are there where the unions
confusion Departmental manuals / orders / complained about the unruly behaviour of the
instructions will be treated as final. officers. Recently union delegation met
(DG (P) letter No. 113-1/2003-SB (APT) Secretary (Posts) and expressed their serious
dated 02-09-2005) concern about the manner they were being
127. TRAINING TO THE CANDIDATES OF treated by certain officers of the department.
POSTMEN & GROUP 'D' CADRE The Secretary made a note of it and desired
APPEARING FOR LGO EXAMINATION observance of due courtesy from the officers
q (i) Local coaching class for maximum of 15 of the department, while interacting with the
to 20 days. unions.
(ii) PTC Mysore developed a guide in Paper 2. It is accordingly requested to circulate suitable
III for Rs. 50/- instructions among all concerned that besides
(DG (P) No. 1-18/2001-Trg. Dated 23-04-2002) dealing with the union matters on priority, due
courtesy and cordiality should be maintained instructions given by the senior, the latter
in dealing with the unions. It is believed that should confirm it in writing whenever such
this would facilitate improvement in industrial confirmation is sought;
relations and would go a long way in improving (iv) A junior officer who has received oral orders
the understanding between the staff side and from his superior officer should seek
the official side. confirmation in writing as early as possible /
(DG (P) No. 1044/2003-SR dated 25-04-2003) practicable.
132. LEAVE SHOULD NOT BE DENIED (M.H.A. No. 11013/12/73-Est. (A)
q It is indeed desirable in the interest of the public dated 01-08-78)
services that Government servants take leave 135. OBSERVANCE OF PROPER DECORUM BY
in the interest of public services that GOVERNMENT SERVANT DURING THE
Government servants take leave at suitable LUNCH BREAK
intervals and return to work relaxed and q (i) No Government employee should play
refreshed. It has also been laid down that the cards on the lawns and other places inside
leave sanctioning authorities may encourage or outside office buildings, and
Government servants to take leave (ii) The game of cards should be confined
periodically. only to the recreation rooms or other
Leave is accordingly, not to be ordinarily denied places approved for such purposes.
to any employee, especially in the last 10 years (iii) No indoor games should be played in
of his career. office building after 7:00 p.m. except on
(MoP. PG & Pension OM No. 1402 13/3 2000- special occasions such as tournaments
Estt (L) dated 27-03-01) etc.
133. ACTION AGAINST THE POSTAL (Dept. of Per & AR OM No. 11013/20/83-Estt. (A)
q 1. I am directed to say that it has been 136. WATER COOLERS -- PROVISION OF
brought to the notice of this office, q Supply can be made to the offices with a total
that in certain disciplinary action has establishment is above 100 members of Staff
been taken for carrying out union (MOF DOE No. 4 (2) P&T-II /62 dated 07-05-62)
2. It is pointed out that legitimate union FOR CONVEYANCE OF CASH
activity that does not violate CCS q The practice of utilising the services of Head
(Conduct) Rules 1964 &ED Agents Postmen /Postmen/Group D officials for
(Conduct & Services) Rules 1964, or conveyance of cash should be put an end to
other rules or instructions governing the as far as possible. Efforts should be taken to
concerned employee should not lead to send maximum cash in the cash bags and
disciplinary action against the judiciously utilising the services of Cash
employees. All disciplinary authorities Overseers who are specially intended for this
in your jurisdiction should be instructed duty within their duty hours, without resorting
to ensure this. to O.T. duties.
(DG (P) No. 30-52/95-SR dated 06-10-95) (PMG, T.N. Circle No. APB/32-117/78
q It is impressed upon all Government servants q Soap and towels may be provided in the toilets
that:- wherever possible for use of staff. The supply
(i) Oral instructions should not, as far as possible, of soap and towels to individuals where their
be issued by senior officers to their duties and nature of work demand such
subordinates; facilities may be considered by Heads of
(ii) If the oral instructions are issued by any senior Circles and decision taken at their discretion.
officer, they should be confirmed by him in (DG P&T No. B 21025/8/77-WL
writing immediately thereafter; dated 02-05-79)
(iii) If a junior officer seeks confirmation to the oral 139. PERMISSION TO LEAVE OFFICE DURING
OFFICE HOURS BE GRANTED TO the order was passed.
ASSOCIATIONS q A Government servant is not eligible for LTC
q The Presidents / General Secretaries may be during suspension; whereas his family
permitted to leave office during office hours members can avail.
occasionally on receipt of specific written 145. SUSPENSION -- NO RETROSPECTIVE
requests, subject to exigencies of the office EFFECT
work and subject to the satisfaction of the q An order of suspension should take effect
officer concerned that the President and / or prospectively. It cannot be given effect from a
General Secretary concerned are really going back date.
for some Welfare Work in respect of their (Rule 19 vol. III)
respective colonies. 146. LATE ATTENDANCE -- DEBITING HALF A
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 32/8/88-Welfare DAY CL
06-09-88) q Half-a-day's CL should be debited to the CL
140. DUE DATE OF PAYMENT OF SALARIES account of a Government servant for each late
WHEN BANK IS CLOSED attendance upto one hour on not more than
q If the accredited bank is not open for transacting two occasions may be condoned by the
business on the last working day salary is competent authority, if it is satisfied. In such
automatically to be drawn and disbursed on the cases he does not ensure punctual
day preceding the closed days. attendance, suitable disciplinary action may be
(M.F. O.M. No. U 916011)/41/85/CTR/886 taken against the Government servant
dated 22-08-90) concerned in addition to debiting half day CL
141. DISPOSAL OF OLD RECORDS TO BE in his CL account.
ENTRUSTED TO PHYSICALLY (DG P&T circular No. 2 dated 22-07-75)
q The offers received from handicapped persons DRAWAL OF INCREMENT
for executing the destruction of records / q The benefit of treating the training period as
disposal of old / obsolete records may be duty for the purpose of increment may be
considered most sympathetically. allowed in the case of those Government
(M.F. O.M. No. F22 (25)-E.II (A)/88 servants also who had undergone such training
dated 22-08-90) on or after 01-01-86. However in such cases,
142. OBSERVANCE OF HOLIDAYS IN the benefit of counting period for pay will be
OPERATIVE OFFICES admissible on notional basis from 01-01-86
q The Postal Services Board decided that and actual basis from 01-01-90.
whenever the Central Government declares a (DoP&T OM No. 16-16/92-Estt. (Pay -I)
holiday for Central Government offices and dated 31-03-92)
industrial establishments, it should be deemed 148. HSG.I -- NON GAZETTED GROUP B
as a holiday for the operative offices of the q HSG.I (General Line) is classified as Group B
Department of Posts also. In other words, (Non Gazetted) with effect from 11-07-02.
holidays for the operative offices of the [DG(P) No. 25-18/2001-PE.I dated 11-07-02]
Department of Posts need not be linked up 149. PROCEDURE FOR RECRUITMENT OF
with holidays declared under the Negotiable POSTAL ASSISTANTS TO REGIONAL /
Instruments Act. CIRCLE OFFICES
(DG (P) No. 21-3/90-PE.I/PE.II q The procedure for direct recruitment for Postal
dated 24-12-93) / Sorting Assistants laid down vide letter No.
143. SUSPENSION BY LOWER AUTHORITY IS 60-36/93-SPB.I dated 28-02-95 amended from
VALID time to time will be applicable for direct
q If an order of suspension is passed by an recruitment to the cadre of Postal Assistants
authority lower than the appointing authority, in Circle / Regional offices.
that is valid and he will report to the appointing [DG (P) No. 137-14/2003-SPB.II
authority about the circumstances under which dated 09-04-03]
150. POSTING OF ASPOS IN HSG.I children crosses the ceiling of two children in
q Posting of ASPOs in the cadre of HSG.I is by second subsequent delivery.
'transfer' and not by 'appointment' or [M.F. OM No. 6 (39)/98-IC dated 24-06-02]
'promotion'. 156. FEE FOR COMMUNICATION, RE-
[DG (P) No. 4-23/2000-SB-II dated 26-06-01] TOTALLING & RE-VERIFICATION OF
q If an official while already on EOL on medical q Rs. 20/- for each examination for
grounds applies for voluntary retirement, the communication of marks
notice period if any given may be accepted and [DG (P) No. 18-2/94-DE dated 21-11-94]
he may be allowed to retire after the expiry of q Rs. 100/- for each paper towards re-totalling
the notice period subject to vigilance clearance. and re-verification of marks.
[DoPT & Trg. OM No. 25013/3/2003-Estt. (A) [DG (P) No. 18-2/94-DE dated 23-05-94]
dated 17-06-03] q Application should not be sent directly by lower
152. ALLOTMENT OF VACANT STAFF offices or smaller units like SPMs or
QUARTERS AGAINST WILL Postmasters to the Directorate.
q No Government accommodation can be [DG (P) No. 18-02/94 dated 21-07-94]
thrusted upon any Government employee 157. COMPASSIONATE APPOINTEE SHOULD
against his will and in absence of a written PROPERLY MAINTAIN FAMILY
request for allotment of a quarter from the q A person appointed on compassionate
employee. However, it is mandatory for the grounds under the scheme should give an
employee to occupy the attached rent free undertaking in writing that he / she will maintain
accommodation wherever available. In such properly the other family members who were
case no HRA can be drawn in favour of the dependent on the Government servant and in
employee if he refuses to occupy the rent free case it is proved subsequently (at any time)
quarter. that the family members are being neglected
[DG (P) No. 7-6/99-Bldg. Dated 11-07-2000] or are not being maintained properly by him /
153. COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENT her, his / her appointment may be terminated
SERVANTS forthwith.
q (i) No action should be taken on anonymous [DoP&T OM No. 14014/16/99-Estt (D) dated
and pseudonymous complaints against 20-12-97 communicated in DG (P) No. 24-
Government servants (Rule 183 vol. III) 1/2001/SPB.I dated 12-02-01]
(ii) Every complaint by or against any employees 158. ACTION ON DETECTION OF
in the department must be received and COUNTERFEIT NOTES
enquired into by his superior officer, unless the q In terms of Rule 55 of FHB Vol. I acceptance
complainant shall have been previously found of counterfeit coins or notes is regarded as a
guilty of making groundless charges (Rule 184 loss of cash. Therefore Rule 53 of FHB Vol. I
Vol. III) provide for detailed investigation of such cases
154. OBSERVANCE OF HOLIDAY OF OPERATIVE and the official concerned is asked to make
OFFICES good the loss only when the lapse on his part
q Whenever the Central Government declares is established.
a holiday for Central Government offices & [DG (P) No. 63-77/91-C1 dated …08-92]
industrial establishments, it should be deemed 159. DISCONTINUING THE ISSUE OF R.T.
as a holiday for the operative offices of the POLICY GUIDELINES
Department of Posts also. q In view of the well defined principles of
[DG (P) No. 21-3/90-PE.III dated 24-12-93] Rotational Transfers in this department and
155. TWINS AFTER THE FIRST SURVIVING provision of tenures and other administrative
CHILD -- SPECIAL ALLOWANCE instructions, annual issue of Rotational
q It is clarified that the benefit of Family Planning Transfer guidelines is being discontinued.
Allowance shall be admissible to Central Changes in exercising policies will be
Government employees if twins are born after communicated whenever necessary.
the first surviving child and the number of [DG (P) No. 141-35/2001-SPB.II dated 11-04-01]
surviving children and the number of surviving 160. TENURE FOR SBCO STAFF
q Two or three HPOs as far as contiguous BILL REGISTER IN ACCOUNTS BRANCH
possible should be together and the SBCO q It has been decided in consultation with Internal
staff transferred to such group of HPOs after Finance to enhance the existing rate of
they complete their prescribed tenure. Any honorarium for opening of new Pay Bill register
transfer outside a region should be done only (Form TR 22(a) from 0.90 paisa to Rs. 1.25
with the concurrence of the Head of the Circle per page from the financial year 1990-91.
and on specific administrative grounds only. [DG (P) No. 12 (I) /82-PA/Admn.II/233
It should also be ensured that while considering dated 03-07-89]
the rotational transfers of SBCO staff in the 166. CONFIRMATION OF ORAL ORDERS
group of H.Os, consideration is given first to q Oral orders must be under the direction of his
the pending requests of the officials for transfer superior, and ordinarily be in writing, oral
from suburban areas and unpopular stations direction to subordinate shall be avoided or
to the city divisions and more popular areas. shall confirm it in writing immediate when
[DG (P) No. 141-77/2000-SPB.II written orders are requested or sought for it
dated 02-03-00] should be the duty of superior officer to confirm
161. TENURE IN SB BRANCH the direction in writing.
q The period of tenure in SB branches will start [MH No. 11013/12/78-Est. (A) dated 20-12-78]
from the date on which the official is posted in 167. EXEMPTION OF STAMP DUTY FOR HBA
SB / SC branch. q Exemption of stamp duty on mortgage deed,
[DG(P) No. 70-2/66-B/Pr. II/SPB.I dated 17-07-68 & agreement, surety bond and deed of re-
DG (P) No. 69/20/83-SPB.I dated 20-11-83] conveyance executed to grant of HBA is
DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES [DG (P&T) No. 12/6/78-PAP dated 20-12-78]
q Our letter dated 27-07-01 issued with the 168. TRANSFER OF RECORDS
approval of Finance Advice, clearly states that q If an official is transferred under Rule 38 from
the period of Induction Training would count one division, to another, the CR, PF & other
for promotion under TBOP / BCR for records of service should be transferred within
departmental candidates also provided that fifteen days.
such training period is counted for increment [DG P&T No. 71/53/54-PAP dated 07-11-78]
in the promoted scale. Since the period is 169. INVITE UNION REPRESENTATIVES &
counted for increment in the lower scale, the SETTLE PROBLEMS
period of induction training cannot be counted q All local grievances of staff should be settled
for promotion under TBOP / BCR for expeditiously and union references attended
departmental candidates. to promptly. Any urgent or pressing issues
[DG (P) No. 44-47/98-SPB.II could be discussed by inviting the union
dated 16-01-02] representatives for meeting for special
163. REVIEW RESULT OF FAILED SC/ST discussion for early settlement.
CANDIDATES OF FTP (LSG / HSG.II) EXAM [DG No. 18/11/78-SR dated 09-11-78]
q It has been decided that there shall no review 170. SPLIT DUTY IN POST OFFICES
of the results of failed SC / ST candidates of q It can be spread over 12 hours but only two
the FTP examination, since the intention spells. The minimum interval between the two
behind the FTP scheme is to induct effective split duty terms to be one hour.
and efficient supervisor, no further dilution of [DG P&T No. 6/66/78-PE.I dated 10-11-78]
the standards is considered necessary. 171. EXTENSION OF TENURE FOR PRI (P)
[DG (P) No. 44-18/2005-SPB.II dated 06-07-05] q PRI (P) Posting & Transfer on expiry of tenure,
164. LSG OFFICIALS WORKED AGAINST HSG.I may be deferred till the end of the academic
POSTS session if the transfer is in the middle of an
q LSG officials who worked in the vacancy of academic session result in hardship.
HSG.I posts are eligible for the pay of HSG.II. [DG P&T No. 6/65/78-SPB.I dated 17-10-78]
[DG P&T No. 4-39/74-SPB dated 20-06-75 172. RIGHT FOR DEMONSTRATION
& 28-06-75] q Employees have right for peaceful
165. HONORARIUM FOR OPENING NEW PAY demonstration after office hours or out of office
premises but they do not have right to obstruct 177. SC/ST/OBC CANDIDATES SELECTED ON
the normal working for which they have to face THEIR OWN MERIT MERIT NOT TO BE
disciplinary action under CCS (CCA) Rules ADJUSTED AGAINST RESERVED
[DG P&T No. 39/44/78-SR dated 12-09-78] q In cases of direct recruitment to vacancies, the
173. LUNCH BREAK AT COUNTERS SC/ST/OBC candidates who are selected on
q Lunch break for post offices of single handed their own merit without relaxed standards,
fixed mid-day. With more than one clerk, no alongwith candidates of other categories, will
split duty, between 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. which not be adjusted against the reserved share of
should be shown in memo of distribution of vacancies. The reserved vacancies will be filled
work separately for each counter clerk. HO up separately from among the eligible SC/ST/
should see that counter clerks get the lunch OBC candidates who are lower in merit than
relief. the last candidate on the merit list but otherwise
[DG P&T No. 3-5/78-CI dated 16-08-78] found suitable for appointment even by relaxed
174. RESERVATION FOR SC/ST- CIRCULATION standards, if necessary.
OF THE RESERVATION ROSTER : (Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 36012/22/93-Est
q The reservation roster is not a confidential (SCT) dt. 8-9-93)
document and therefore there can be no 178. RELAXATION FOR SC/ST IN QUALIFYING
objection in principle to the roster being shown EXAMINATION:
to any individual/association. It is therefore, q If qualifying examination is prescribed for
considered that if any Govt. servant/recognised promotion on the basis of seniority cum fitness
service association want to see the reservation in any case, relaxation in the standard for SC/
roster there can be no objection to the roster ST candidates should be made to the extent
being shown to them, if need be, through the decided on such occasion taking into account
liaison officer. (i) the number of vacancies reserved (ii) the
(DOP & Trg. No. 8/1/93-JCA, dt. 5-1-93) performance of candidates, general as well as
175. UNFILLED VACANCIES OF OBCs SHOULD SC/ST candidates (iii) the minimum standard
NOT BE DESERVED BUT CARRIED of fitness for appointment to the post and (iv)
FORWARD: the overall strength of the cadre and that of
q It has been decided that the vacancies reserved SC/ST.
for other backward classes which remain (DP & AR OM No. 36021/10/76-Estt. (SCT),
unfilled should not be dereserved but should dt. 21-1-97)
be carried forward as such for a period of three 179. (I) WHEN ONLY A SINGLE VACANCY
recruitment years or till the vacancies are filled ARISES IN A YEAR :
by OBC candidates whichever is earlier. q When only one vacancy occurs in the initial
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. OM No. 36012/22/93- recruitment year and the corresponding roster
Estt, dt. 30-12-93) point happens to be reserved for SC or ST,
176. RESERVATION IN ADHOC PROMOTION : the vacancy should be treated as unreserved
q Since adhoc promotions can be made only and filled accordingly. The reservation should
against vacancies of more than 45 days be carried forward to the subsequent year. If
reservation is to be followed. However there is in that subsequent year also only one vacancy
no need to have a separate roster for this arises it will be treated as reserved against the
purpose. A separate register called 'Adhoc carried forward reservation.
Promotions register' may be maintained to note 180. RESERVATION ROSTERS NOT
down particulars of all adhoc promotions made. DETERMINING SENIORITY :
This is to facilitate reversion of such promotees q Reservation rosters are meant for determining
strictly in the order i.e. the junior most candidate the number of vacancies to be reserved for
being reverted first. This reversal order will be SC/ST and not for determining the order of
followed strictly and there is no preference for actual appointment or for the purpose of
SC/ST candidates in reversion. determining seniority.
(DP & AR ON No. 36011/14/83-Estt(SCT), (DP & AR OM No. 10/52/73-Estt (SCT),
dt. 30-4-83 & 30-9-89) dt. 24-5-74)
181. RESERVATION ROSTER MAY BE SHOWN to the extent available, should be provided to
TO GOVT. STAFF/STAFF ASSOCIATION: such officials who may need emergent medical
q If any Govt. servant/recognised service attention while on duty for moving them to
association wants to see the reservation roster, hospitals, dispensaries etc.
there can be no objection to the roster being In the event of such an arrangement not being
shown to them, if need be, through the Liasion immediately possible, maximum possible
officer. assistance/aid should be provided and the
(DP & Trg. OM No. 4303/2/92-Estt.(SCT), official moved to hospital by engaging other
dt. 31-12-92) transport, if necessary, at the cost of the Govt.
182. COLLECTION OF LIC PREMIA THROUGH (DG, P&T No. B 27011/5-80-WL, dt. 19-10-82)
q Reference is invited to this office letter No. 50/ OPERATION :
1/61-Cl dated 28-362 on the subject cited q Laproscopic operation is method of sterilisation
above. under the Family Welfare Programme and in
After examining the case, it has been decided cases of failure, the incentive increment should
to discontinue the agency work for collection be withdrawn from the deemed date of
of LIC premia through Post Office with effect pregnancy. It may, however be waived in case
from 1-5-94. either of the couple undergoes sterilisation
(D.G.(P) No. 7-5/90-Cl, dt. 6-4-94) operation again.
183. PERUSAL OF RESERVATION ROSTER AT (O.M. No. 23011/4/87/Ply, dt. 20-5-87)
q As per chapter IV rule 6 of Swamy's OFFICIATING POST HELD ON ADHOC
compilation on Reservations & concessions for BASIS AT THE TIME OF FAMILY PLANNING
SCs/STs (corrected upto 93) the reservation OPERATION:
roster is out a confidential document and can q It may be clarified that an employee holding a
be shown to individual officials/association and lower post regularly and officiating in a higher
if necessary through the Liaison officer. post on adhoc basis is also entitled for the
In case of any such requests from the service incentive increment at the rate of increment in
unions, the Divisional Superintendents may the scale of the post held at the time of
consider as per the above orders and they may sterilisation operation.
be permitted to peruse the Roster once a year. (D.G.(P) No. 14-2/87-Medical, dt. 26-2-88)
(CPMG Tamilnadu No. STC/59-75/95-Union, 189. OPERATIONS RECOGNISED FOR
184. FESTIVAL ADVANCE : q i) Vasectomy
q Ist January, Easter, Pongal, Independence ii) Traditional or conventional tubectomy,
Day, Republic Day, Ramzan, Miladi Nabi, Tamil Minilap, Salpingectomy, Laproscopic
New Year's Day, Onam Ugadi, Deepavali, sterilisation (or tubal occulsion) Culdoscapic
Bakrid and Christmas - Advance can be sterilisation.
granted. (DG No. 14-2/86-Medical, Dt. 21-1-88)
(i) Payment will be effected 21 days prior to the 190. INCENTIVE FOR PROMOTING SMALL
(ii) Will be eligible for one festival during one q It has been decided that the CG employees
financial year. who or whose spouse undergo sterilisation
185. NO INTEREST BEYOND DATE OF DEATH: operation after having one child even in Private
q No interest is charged on any outstanding nursing home/Private hospital may also be
balance of an interest bearing advance beyond allowed the incentive increment subject to
the date of death. fulfilment of all the other conditions as
186. PROVISION OF TRANSPORT TO contained in this Ministry's OM No. 7(51) - E-
CARE WHILE ON DUTY. (DG (P) No. 14-42/84-Medical, Dt. 9-8-87)
q It has been decided that departmental vehicle 191. RECOVERY UNDER AUDIT OBJECTION IN
q It is reported by the union that there is an CASH/MAIL OVERSEERS ORDERED TO
unexpected entry in the acquittance rolls as WORK AS BPM IN STOP GAP ARRANGE-
A.O.R. and the officials are taken by surprise MENT
on the pay day that a sizable amount stands q The proposal has been carefully examined and
deducted and it is also intimated that they it has been decided not to grant TA/DA to cash/
have no previous information of the recovery mail overseers while functioning as Branch
nor do they know about what is it. Necessary Postmaster within their own territorial
suitable instructions may be given to all the jurisdiction. Whenever need arises for looking
drawing officers, to give prior intimation to be after the duties of Branch Postmasters by cash/
concerned officials and also details about the mail overseers, arrangements may be made
A.O.R. for regular branch postmasters, at the earliest
(Chief PMG T.N. No. AP/7-80/89-MS, and no such extra attraction be provided for
dt. 23-4-91) mail/cash overseer to continue in such stop
192. SUPPLY OF UNIFORMS TO SORTING gap arrangement for prolonged period.
POSTMEN (DG (P) No. 17-6/76/PAP, dt. 8-3-78)
q All the Sorting Postmen whether performing 197. POINT TO PONDER
indoor or outdoor duties may be supplied with q (i) For finding out commutation value, the
same uniforms as are supplied to Postmen as 'age next birth day' should be taken for account.
per Rule 737 of P&T Manual Vol. II and letter Hence if an official who is retiring on
No. 30-43/58-M II, dt. 15-12-60. superannuation and also his date of birth will
(DG, P&T No. 39-50/80-UP, dt. 4-2-81) be in the second fortnight, may go on voluntary
193. C.E.A. ADMISSIBLE TILL BOARD EXAMI- retirement before completing his 60th age. If
NATION IN THE CASE OF OFFICIAL TRANS- so, he may get more commutation amount than
HIS CHILD IN THE OLD STATION (ii) The availability or otherwise of EL has nothing
q CEA shall be admissible to a Govt. Servant to do with the grant of LND because there is
who on transfer from one station to another, is no such restriction not to grant LND when EL
compelled to keep his child/children studying is available.
in the final year of the Secondary/Higher (iii) The maximum amount attachable in the case
Secondary/Senior Secondary classes at the of Court attachment is as follows :
old station for Board of Examination in the (a) For maintenance decree : 2/3 X (Gross
interest of continuity of studies. emoluments- all allowances)
(Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 12011/4/88- (b) For decree other than maintaince : 1/3 X
Estt.(All), dt. 12-5-89) (Gross emoluments - exempted allowances) -
q It has been decided that childrens Educational (c) All kinds of TA, Conveyance Allowances, HRA,
Allowance/Reimbursement of Tuition Fee and CCA, CEA, Medical reimbursements and like
Hostel Subsidy shall be admissible in respect similar allowances are exempted from court
of the child upto the end of the academic ses- attachment.
sion even if he completes 20 years half way (iv) Even an official who has been on EXOL for
during the academic session. one year will fetch the credit of 10 days of HPL
(DOP & Trg. OM No. 12011/2/83-Estt.(All), during January and July respectively.
dt. 27-12-89) (v) When a departmental official is required by the
195. OTA TO SPMS ATTENDING SIGNALLING Police, officers for interrogation, invariably a
DUTIES senior official like ASP/SPI/PRI (P) should
q The Sub-Postmaster, Time Scale & LSG will accompany the official and he should remain
be granted OTA for attending signalling duties till the interrogation by the Police is over with a
during Sundays and holidays (due to non view to giving protection to the official taken
posting of signaller only) for interrogation.
(DG P&T No. 48/76-SPB-II, dt. 23-5-78)


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