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Lessons Learned

from Natural Gas STAR Partners

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install

Flash Tank Separators In Glycol
Executive Summary
There are approximately 36,000 glycol dehydration
systems in the natural gas production sector emitting an
estimated15 Bcf of methane per year into the atmosphere.
Most dehydration systems use triethylene glycol (TEG) as
the absorbent fluid to remove water from natural gas. As
TEG absorbs water, it also absorbs methane, other volatile
organic compounds (VOCs), and hazardous air pollutants
(HAPs). As TEG is regenerated through heating in a
reboiler, absorbed methane, VOCs, and HAPs are vented
to the atmosphere with the water, wasting gas and money.
The amount of methane absorbed and vented is directly
proportional to the TEG circulation rate. Many wells
produce gas far below the original design capacity but
continue to circulate TEG at rates two or three times
higher than necessary, resulting in little improvement in
gas moisture quality but much higher methane emissions
and fuel use. Reducing circulation rates reduces methane
emissions at negligible cost.

Installing flash tank separators on glycol dehydrators

further reduces methane, VOC, and HAP emissions and
saves even more money. Recovered gas can be recycled to
the compressor suction and/or used as a fuel for the TEG
reboiler and compressor engine. Economic analyses show
flash tank separators installed on dehydration units
payback costs in 4 to 11 months.

Technology Background
Many producers use triethylene glycol (TEG) in
dehydrators to remove water from the natural gas stream
and to meet pipeline quality standards. In a typical TEG
system, shown in Exhibit 1, lean (dry) TEG is pumped to
the gas contactor.
In the contactor, the TEG absorbs water, methane, VOCs,
and HAPs (including benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and
xylenes (BTEX)), from the wet production gas. The
rich (wet) TEG leaves the contactor saturated with gas at

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Method for Reducing
Natural Gas Losses

Volume of
Natural Gas
Savings (Mcf)

Value of Natural Gas Savings

$3 per

$5 per

$7 per

370 to 37,000
per year




Energy Exchange
pump and a 150 gal/hr
TEG circulation rate




Energy Exchange
pump and a 450 gal/hr
TEG circulation rate



Electric pump and a

150 gal/hr TEG
circulation rate


Electric pump and a

450 gal/hr TEG
circulation rate


Reducing TEG circulation

rates 1

Cost ($)

Payback (Months)
$3 per

$5 per

$7 per






$6,500 $7,600






$9,500 $18,800







$6,500 $7,600

22 26

13 16

9 11




$9,500 $18,800

11 22

6 13


Flash Tank Separators

50% to 200% TEG over-circulation rate. Optimal circulation rates ranged from 30 to 750 gal TEG/hr.

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

Exhibit 1: TEG system without Flash

Tank Separator

necessary. Operators can reduce the TEG circulation rate

and subsequently reduce the methane emissions rate,
without affecting dehydration performance or adding any
additional cost.

2) Install a Flash Tank Separator

Most production and processing sector dehydrators send
the glycol/gas mixture from the TEG circulation pump
directly to the regenerator, where all of the methane and
VOCs entrained with the rich TEG vent to the atmosphere.
One industry study found that flash tank separators were
not used in 85 percent of dehydration units processing less
than one MMscfd of gas, 60 percent of units processing one
to five MMscfd of gas, and 30 to 35 percent of units
processing over five MMscfd of gas.

sales pipeline pressure, typically between 250 and 800

psig. The gas entrained in the rich glycol, plus additional
wet gas bypassing the contactor, expands through the
energy-exchange driver for the TEG circulation pump. The
TEG is then circulated through a reboiler where the
absorbed water, methane, and VOCs are boiled off and
vented to the atmosphere. The lean TEG is then sent
through an energy-exchange pump back to the gas
contactor, and the cycle repeats.
Because the system described above is primarily designed
to remove water from the gas stream, significant methane
emissions can also result. Fortunately there are several
steps that operators can take that will minimize gas loss:

In a flash tank separator, gas and liquid are separated at

either the fuel gas system pressure or a compressor suction
pressure of 40 to 100 psig. At this lower pressure and
without added heat, the gas is rich in methane and lighter
VOCs but water remains in solution with the TEG. The
flash tank captures approximately 90 percent of the
methane and 10 to 40 percent of the VOCs entrained by
the TEG, thereby reducing emissions. The wet TEG,
largely depleted of methane and light hydrocarbons, flows
to the glycol reboiler/regenerator where it is heated to boil
off the absorbed water, remaining methane, and VOCs.
These gases are normally vented to the atmosphere and
the lean TEG is circulated back to the gas contactor.
Exhibit 2 shows a TEG dehydrator with a flash tank

Exhibit 2: Dehydrator Schematicwith Flash Tank


1) Reduce the TEG Circulation Rate.

Gas production fields experience declining production, as
pressure is drawn off the reservoir. Wellhead glycol
dehydrators and their TEG circulation rates are designed
for the initial, highest production rate, and therefore,
become over-sized as the well matures. It is common that
the TEG circulation rate is much higher than necessary to
meet the sales gas specification for moisture content. The
methane emissions from a glycol dehydrator are directly
proportional to the amount of TEG circulated through the
system. The higher the circulation rate, the more methane
is vented from the regenerator. Over-circulation results in
more methane emissions without significant and necessary
reduction in gas moisture content. Natural Gas STAR
partners have found that dehydrator systems often
recirculate TEG at rates two or more time higher than

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

Methane Content of Natural Gas

The average methane content of natural gas varies by natural gas
industry sector. The Natural Gas STAR Program assumes the
following methane content of natural gas when estimating
methane savings for Partner Reported Opportunities.

79 %


87 %

Transmission and Distribution

94 %

Note: Installing flash tank separators on large

dehydrators may be required to achieve compliance with
Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT)
standards under the oil and gas industry NESHAPs. When
these installations are required by law, the partner should
not include associated methane emissions reductions in
their Natural Gas STAR Annual Reports.

3) Use of Electric Pumps in Place of Energy-Exchange

Remote gas fields do not have electrical power and instead
use energy exchange pumps to power the lean TEG
circulation pump. For every volume of gas absorbed in the
rich TEG leaving the contactor, two more volumes of gas
must be added from wet feed gas to supply enough power
in the driver for the lean TEG pump. Therefore, using
either a piston or gear type energy-exchange pump
triples the amount of gas entrained with the TEG and
vented to the atmosphere when there is no flash tank
separator. Installing an electric motor in place of an
energy-exchange pump eliminates this additional
emissions source. Conventional piston type energy-

NESHAP Regulation
On June 29, 2001 EPA finalized the National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for
Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities (40 CFR 63
Subpart HH) and for Oil and Gas Transmission and
Storage Facilities (40 CFR 63 Subpart HHH). These
standards set a throughput floor of 3MMscf/day for
production facilities and a higher 10MMscf/day for
transmission and storage facilities. Above these floors
operators need to install equipment to either reduce
HAPs from dehydrator vents by 95 percent using
closed-vent control systems or making process
modifications, or combust HAPs below 20 ppmv. These
standards are also triggered if total benzene emissions
exceed 1 ton/year.

exchange pumps also often leak rich (wet) TEG into the
lean (dry) TEG. Leakage of only 0.5 percent can double the
circulation rate necessary to maintain sales gas moisture
content, thus increasing potential emissions. For more
information on this practice, see EPAs Lessons Learned:
Replacing Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps with Electric Pumps.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Optimizing glycol circulation and installing flash tank
separators provide several environmental and economic
Reducing glycol circulation to the optimum rate
saves glycol replacement costs as well as fuel
consumption in the reboiler.
Reducing VOC and HAP (BTEX) emissions improves
ground level air quality. BTEX emission reductions
can be significant for large dehydrators.
Using flash tank separators on dehydration units
with a condenser on the reboiler vent improves the
efficiency of the condenser by removing most of the
non-condensate gas, primarily methane. A condenser
recovers natural gas liquids (NGLs), and HAPs more
efficiently than flash tanks separators alone.
Using the gas recovered in the flash tank for fuel gas
reduces operating costs.
Piping recovered flash tank gas to the suction of an
upstream compressors (a common design practice in
new installations) reduces production costs.
Piping a dehydrators regenerator vent to a vapor
recovery unit allows flash tank gas to be used as a
stripping gas in the glycol reboiler.

Decision Points
Operators can estimate the costs and the benefits of
optimizing the TEG circulation rate and installing a flash
tank separator by following these five steps:

Step 1: Optimize circulation rate.

Operators can easily calculate the optimal circulation rate
by following a few simple calculations. First obtain the
current circulation rate by reading the flow controller,
which measures gallons of TEG circulated. For each gallon
of TEG circulated, one standard cubic foot of methane is

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

Five Steps for Evaluating TEG Circulation Rate Optimization and

Flash Tank Separator Installation:
1. Optimize circulation rate.
2. Identify dehydration units without flash tanks.
3. Estimate capital and installation costs.
4. Estimate value of gas saved.
5. Conduct economic analysis

absorbed, and if the unit has an energy exchange pump,

two more cubic feet of gas will be necessary to drive the
pump. All of this gas is vented to the atmosphere when
there is no flash tank separator.
Next, determine the minimum circulation rate necessary
to dewater the gas stream. The minimum TEG circulation
rate at a particular site is a function of the gas flow rate,
the water content of incoming gas, and the desired water
content of outgoing gas. The water removal rate is a
function of the gas flow rate and the amount of water to be
removed from the gas stream. The TEG-to-water ratio
(how many gallons of TEG are required to absorb 1 pound
of water) varies between 2 and 5 gallons of TEG per pound
of water; the industry accepted rule-of-thumb is 3 gallons
of TEG per pound of water removed. The greater the water
removal rate or the higher the TEG-to-water ratio, the
higher the TEG circulation rate must be. Some STAR
partners report lower TEG-to-water ratios than the norm
(i.e., <3 gallons TEG per pound of water), which lowers
their optimal TEG circulation rates.
Problems can arise if the TEG circulation rate is too low;
therefore a certain amount of over-circulation is desired.
For instance, an overly restricted circulation rate can
cause problems with tray hydraulics, contactor
performance, and fouling of glycol-to-glycol heat
exchangers. Therefore, operators should include a margin
of safety, or comfort zone, when calculating reductions in
circulation rates. An optimal circulation rate for each
dehydration unit typically ranges from 10 to 30 percent
above the minimum circulation rate. The formulas used to
determine the minimum and optimum TEG circulation
rates are shown in Exhibit 3.

Step 2: Identify dehydration units without flash tanks.

Most new dehydration units include flash tank separators
as standard equipment. Approximately two-thirds of
operating units, however, do not have flash tank
separators; these are mainly smaller, older, or more
remote units. Before proceeding to the next step, operators
first should identify dehydration units without flash tank

Exhibit 3: Calculating the Optimal

TEG Circulation Rate
For example a 20 MMcf/d dehydrator has a TEG circulation rate set at 280
gal/hr, and the wet gas stream has 60 lb water/MMcf. A comfort zone of 15
percent over the minimum rate is desired. The optimal TEG circulation rate can
be calculated as follows:
F = gas flow rate (MMcf/d)
I = Inlet water content (lb/MMcf)
O = Outlet water content (lb/MMcf) (Rule-of-thumb is 4)
G = Glycol-to-water ratio (gal TEG/lb water) (Rule-of-thumb 3)
L(min) = minimum TEG circulation rate (gal/hr)
W = Water Removal Rate (lb/hr)
Calculate: L(min) = Minimum TEG Circulation Rate (gal/hr)
L(min) = W*G

L(min) = 46.66 * 3 = 140 gal TEG/hr
This is the minimum circulation rate. Adding 15 percent over L(min)
for the comfort zone yields an optimal circulation rate of 150 gal
TEG/hr. For example:

L(opt) = Optimal circulation rateL(opt) = 140 gal TEG/hr * 1.15 = 160 gal

Step 3: Estimate capital and installation costs.

For the purposes of this analysis, the cost of optimizing the
glycol circulation rate is assumed to be very small (1/2
hour at $25/hour).
Before estimating the costs of purchasing and installing a
flash tank separator, partners must choose a design and
size that meets their needs. Selecting a flash tank depends
on a number of factors including composition of the gas
stream (i.e., recovery rate of gas liquids), construction code
requirements, cost, and ease of implementation. Flash
tank separators are manufactured in two designsvertical
and horizontal. In general, operations that have significant
volumes of NGLs in their gas stream should use a threephase horizontal separator (natural gas, TEG, NGLs) with
a retention time of 10 to 30 minutes. Operations that do
not have marketable amounts of NGLs can use a two4

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

phase separator (natural gas, TEG) with a 5 to 10 minute

retention time. Vertical vessels are best suited for twophase systems.
Manufacturers sell a wide range of standard, off-theshelf flash tank separators, which are specified based on
settling time and volume. To determine the appropriate
size of a flash tank separator, partners should calculate
the settling volume required for each system.
Exhibit 4 presents the basic calculation for determining
the necessary settling volume for a flash tank separator
based on the TEG circulation rate. Additional volume
might be necessary if operators also settle out NGLs in the
flash tank separator for periodic pickup by a tank truck.
For example, if the TEG circulation rate indicates a
settling volume of 75 gallons, and 35 gallons of NGLs will
be accumulated, the settling volume should be increased
by 35 gallons.

Exhibit 4: Sizing the Flash Tank

Given: L = TEG circulation rate in gal/hr
T = retention time in minutes
Calculate: SV = liquid setting volume (gallons)
SV = (L * T)/60
Note: Add site-specific volume for accumulating NGLs for
periodic pick-up

The total cost of a flash tank separator depends on: (A) capital
costs and (B) installation and operating costs.
(A) Capital Costs
Costs of flash tank separators can range between $3,375 and
$6,751, uninstalled, depending on flash tank design and size. If
the required size exceeds the largest standard flash tank
available, operators can either have a custom tank built, install
multiple flash tanks in parallel, or install a separate NGL
accumulation tank.

instrumentation. Information provided by flash tank

separator manufacturing companies suggests an average
installation cost of $1,684, including delivery, assembly and
labor costs. This cost could increase by as much as 80 percent,
depending on site-specific factors.
Flash tank separators installed at existing dehydration
units are prefabricated, and include tubing, valves, and
associated equipment. Installation can be performed with
minimal downtime. To minimize installation costs,
partners suggest installing a flash tank separator when a
dehydration unit is being repaired or during other system
Flash tanks are designed as simple pressure vessels, with
few operating parts. Therefore, operating and maintenance
(O&M) costs are negligible. Partners have found that flash
tank separator maintenance can be accomplished during
routine O&M practices for the dehydration unit.
Capital and installation costs for a range of flash tank
types and standard sizes are provided in Exhibits 5A and

Exhibit 5A: Vertical Separator Sizes and Costs




Costs ($)

Costs ($)




















Note: Cost information provided by Sivalls, Incorporated, updated to 2006

equipment/labor costs.

(B) Installation and Operating Costs

Step 4: Estimate value of gas saved.

Installation costs depend on location, terrain, foundation,

weather protection (vessel fabrication codes are based on
the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the gas), NGL
accumulation and pickup capability, and automation and

Gas savings can be achieved by optimizing the circulation

rate alone, installing a flash tank separator, and in certain
circumstances, doing both. Exhibit 6 shows how to
determine the amount of gas savings from optimizing the
TEG circulation rate with no flash tank separator.

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

Exhibit 5B: Typical Horizontal Three-Phase Separator Sizes and Costs


Costs ($)



Costs ($)























Note: Cost information provided by Sivalls, Incorporated, updated to 2006

equipment/labor costs.

Exhibit 6: Calculating the Total Annual Savings

from Optimizing TEG Circulation in Dehydrators
with no Flash Tank Separator
A = TEG absorption rate (ft3/gallon TEG) (Rule-of-thumb is 1)
E = Energy-exchange Pump gas, if applicable (ft3/gallon TEG) (Rule-of-thumb
is 2)
H = Hours per year (8,760)
P = Sales price of gas (Assume $7/Mcf)
L (original) = TEG circulation rate (gal/hour) before adjustment
L (optimal) = TEG circulation rate (gal/hour) after adjustment
V = Value of Gas Saved ($/year)

L Original L Optimal A E H P

Applying this formula shows that minor reductions in circulation rates can yield
substantial savings as shown in the following examples. Note that savings
should be reduced by 2/3 where lean glycol is pumped using an electric motor
instead of an energy-exchange pump.
Circulation Rate Circulation Rate

Methane Savings

(@ $7/Mcf)

































Nelson Price Indexes

In order to account for inflation in equipment and
operating & maintenance costs, Nelson-Farrar
Quarterly Cost Indexes (available in the first issue of
each quarter in the Oil and Gas Journal) are used to
update costs in the Lessons Learned documents.
The Refinery Operation Index is used to revise
operating costs while the Machinery: Oilfield Itemized
Refining Cost Index is used to update equipment
To use these indexes in the future, simply look up the
most current Nelson-Farrar index number, divide by
the February 2006 Nelson-Farrar index number, and,
finally multiply by the appropriate costs in the Lessons
Additional savings from reducing TEG circulation rates
Lower fuel requirements for the regenerator.
Reducing the load on a regenerator with a heat duty
of 1,340 Btu/gal of TEG circulated could save
between $1,272 and $127,064 per year, depending on
the amount of over circulation and the heating value
of natural gas.
Reduced frequency of glycol replacement. Industry
experts estimate that 0.5 percent of TEG volume is
lost per hour. Annual savings could range from $551
(if circulation rates are reduced from 45 to 30 gallons
per hour) to $55,146 (if rates are reduced from 3,000
to 750 gallons per hour).
Installing a flash tank allows partners to recover most of
the gas entrained in the TEG. The amount of gas saved
from installing a flash tank is a function of the type of TEG
circulation pump, the dehydrators glycol circulation rate
and the pressure in the flash tank separator. Typically,
about 90 percent of the methane can be recovered from
TEG using a flash tank separator.
The type of circulating pump used in the dehydrator has
the largest effect on gas recovery. As a rule-of-thumb, each
gallon of TEG leaving the contactor has one cubic foot of
methane dissolved in it. Energy-exchange pumps require
additional high-pressure gas in conjunction with that in
the rich TEG flow to supply the energy necessary to pump
the lean TEG back to the contactor. As a result, they
increase the amount of methane entrained to three cubic

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

feet per gallon of TEG circulated.

Exhibit 7 shows how to calculate the amount of methane
vented in the absence of a flash tank separator, as well as
the value of the gas that could be saved by using a flash
tank separator. This example assumes that TEG
circulation rates are optimized.

Exhibit 7: Amount of Gas Vented without A

Flash Tank and Potential Savings
Assume a dehydration unit with an energy-exchange pump circulates 150
gallons of TEG per hour, with a recovery rate of 90 percent, and a gas
price of $7 per Mcf.
L = TEG circulation rate (gal/hr)
G = Methane entrainment rate (rule-of-thumb is 3
cubic ft/gal for
energy exchange pumps, 1 cubic
ft/gal for electric pumps).

V = amount of gas vented annually (Mcf/yr)

V = (L* G) * 8,760 (hours per year) + 1000 cf/Mcf
V = 150 gal/hr * 3 scf/gal* 8,760 hrs/yr + 1000 cf/

V = 3,942 Mcf/yr

It is important to note that additional revenue can be

generated from the sale of natural gas liquids (NGLs).
When treating rich production gas, NGLs often condense
and are separated out in the flash tank separator. The
quantity varies based on temperature, pressures in the
contactor and the flash tank, produced gas composition,
and gas entrainment in the TEG. This is a very sitespecific evaluation, beyond the scope of this study.

Step 5: Conduct economic analysis.

As demonstrated in Step 4, the optimization of glycol
circulation to a lower rate will always save money.
Therefore partners should always take this action first,
regardless of whether or not they decide to install a flash
tank separator. The remainder of this analysis focuses on
flash tank separators, and assumes that the glycol
circulation rate has already been optimized.
Once the capital and installation costs and the value of gas
saved have been estimated, partners should conduct an
economic analysis. One straightforward way to evaluate
the economics is through a discounted cash flow analysis,
in which the first year costs for installing the flash tank
separator are compared against the discounted value of the
saved gas (plus sales of NGLs) over the economic life of the

Savings = 3,942 Mcf X 0.9 X $7/Mcf = $24, 835 per year

Exhibit 8 compares the potential savings using a flash

tank separator, calculated for energy-exchange and electric
pumps at different circulation rates. As the exhibit shows,
smaller dehydration units, and units with electric
circulation pumps, have a lower economic potential for
paying out the cost of a flash tank separator.

Exhibits 9A and 9B present hypothetical results of this

type of analysis. For all but the smallest systems,

Exhibit 9A: Economics of Installing a Flash Tank

Separator on a Dehydrator with Energyexchange Pump

Exhibit 8: Potential Savings of using a Flash Tank

Rates (gal/

Energy-exchange Pump


Electric Pump






















Capital and
Installation Savings2 Savings3
Costs ($)1
























Horizontal flash tank, 80 percent contingency on installation, 30 minute

settling time plus weekly volume of accumulated NGL, where recovered.
Gas valued at $7.00/Mcf
Higher total savings include natural gas liquids recovery (if present) at 1
percent of recovered gas, valued at $25/barrel. This NGL recovery rate is for
these examples only, each site must individually evaluate this potential.
IRR based on 5 years.
Cost for two parallel FTS (for custom size) as settling volume exceeds standard size FTS.

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

Exhibit 9B: Economics of Installing a Flash Tank

Separator on a Dehydrator with Electric Pump

Capital and
Installation Savings2
Costs ($)1


























Horizontal flash tank, 80 percent contingency on installation, 30 minute

settling time plus weekly volume of accumulated NGL, when recovered.
Gas valued at $7.00/Mcf
Higher total savings include natural gas liquids recovery (if present) at 1
percent of recovered gas, valued at $25/barrel. This NGL recovery rate is for
these examples only, each site must individually evaluate this potential.
IRR based on5 years.
Cost for minimum standard tank size.

installation of a flash tank separator at a dehydration unit

with an energy-exchange pump will pay-out in less than a
year, while a unit with an electric pump should pay-out in
less than two-and-a-half years.
These exhibits also illustrate the effect of NGLs in the
analysis. Because energy-exchange pumps entrain three
times more natural gas with the rich TEG than electric
pumps, the TEG releases more NGLs in the flash tank
separator. As a result, a glycol dehydration system with an
energy-exchange pump requires a flash tank with a larger

Natural Gas STAR partners and other industry experts have

identified five common reasons operators of glycol
dehydrators over-circulate TEG:

Gas-powered energy-exchange pumps can contaminate lean glycol,

making the glycol less effective at absorbing water from the wet gas
stream. To compensate, operators over-circulate to attain the same
dew point depression as would be attained by non-contaminated
glycol circulating at a lower rate.

Circulation rates are set to match the plant design capacity, rather
than actual throughput.

holding capacity. The increased revenues from NGL sales

justify the additional cost of the larger tanks. With an
electric pump, NGLs are not present in economic
quantities in the TEG, thus minimum sized standard
tanks can be used for circulation rates between 30 and
300 gal/hr. However, when the 450 gal/hr tank is needed, a
very small amount of NGLs can be collected and sold to
reduce the cost of the flash tank.
The economics of both installing a flash tank separator
and optimizing glycol circulation rates depends entirely on
whether the site has a beneficial use for all the gas
recovered in the flash tank. Partners have reported cases
where well-head dehydrator installations did not include
an engine-driven compressor, and the reboiler fuel gas
consumption was well below the amount of gas recovered
in a flash tank. In this case, the excess recovered gas
would have to be vented from the flash tank. In this type of
operation, optimizing glycol circulation has an economic
value in reducing the gas vented from the flash tank. Sitespecific fuel use would be required to evaluate the savings
from employing both the flash tank and optimizing
When assessing options for installing flash tanks on glycol
dehydrators, natural gas price may influence the decision
making process. Exhibit 10 shows an economic analysis of
installing a flash tank separator on a glycol dehydrator
with a 150 gal/hr glycol circulation rate and an energyexchange pump at different natural gas prices.

Exhibit 10: Gas Price Impact on

Economic Analysis





Value of Gas






Payback Period

Internal Rate of
Return (IRR)












Higher rates ensure adequate dehydration at fluctuating gas

throughput rates.

Dehydration units are in remote locations making frequent

adjustments inconvenient.

Dehydrators are operated by independent contractors that have little

incentive to optimize the circulation rate and reduce methane losses.

Lessons Learned
TEG circulation rates at glycol dehydrators are often two
to three times higher than the level needed to remove

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

water from natural gas. Most production dehydrators do

not have flash tanks, which can be an effective method for
recovering valuable methane from TEG that would
otherwise be vented to the atmosphere. Natural Gas STAR
partners offer the following lessons learned:
To keep the circulation rates near optimum, educate
field O&M personnel or contractors on the method for
calculating and adjusting circulation rates, including
estimates of a comfort zone. Incorporate circulation
rate adjustment into regular O&M practices.
Operators should not reduce the quantity of glycol in
the system, rather than the circulation rate; this will
not achieve the desired savings. Reducing the
quantity of glycol can cause problems with tray
hydraulics, contactor performance, and fouling of
glycol-to-glycol heat exchangers.
Identify all operating dehydrators without flash tank
separators and collect the necessary information to
evaluate the economics of flash tank installation.
Where industrial power (440 volt or higher) is
available, replacing an energy-exchange pump with
an electric motor-driven pump can reduce the gas
entrained with the TEG by as much as two thirds,
significantly reducing methane emissions. Where only
220-volt service is available, a hybrid pump that
combines gas-energy exchange with electric power to
reduce methane absorption can also reduce methane
absorbed by the TEG and lower emissions (see EPAs
Lessons Learned: Replacing Gas-Assisted Glycol
Pumps with Electric Pumps).
Route recovered methane to the compressor suction or
to fuel use. Partners have reported that recovered
methane sometimes contains too much water to be
used for pneumatic instrument systems.
Collect marketable natural gas liquids from the flash
tank separator as a potentially significant source of
additional revenue.
Over time, the seals on gas-powered energy-exchange
pumps can leak, contaminating the lean glycol and
reducing dehydration effectiveness. Operators should
not compensate for the contaminated glycol by
increasing the TEG circulation rate. Instead, the
energy-exchange pump should be evaluated for repair
or replacement.

Record reduction at each dehydrator and report them

with your Natural Gas STAR Annual Report. Note:
methane savings obtained by installing technologies
required by the NESHAP regulations should not be
reported to the Natural Gas STAR voluntary methane
reduction program.

American Petroleum Institute. Specification for GlycolType Gas Dehydration Units (Spec 12GDU). July 1993.
Garrett, Richard G. Rotor-Tech, Inc. Personal contact.
Gas Research Institute Environmental Technology and
Information Center (ETIC). Personal contact.
GRI and U.S. EPA. Methane Emissions from Gas-Assisted
Glycol Pumps. January 1996.
Griffin, Rod. Sivalls, Incorporated. Personal contact.
Henderson, Carolyn. U.S.
Program. Personal contact.

EPA Natural



Moreau, Roland. Exxon-Mobil Co. USA. Personal contact.

Robinson, R.N. Chemical Engineering Reference Manual,
Fourth Edition. 1987.
Reuter, Curtis.





Rueter, C; Gagnon, P; Gamez, J.P. GRI Technology

Enhances Dehydrator Performance. American Oil and Gas
Reporter. March 1996.
Rueter, C.O.; Murff, M.C.; Beitler, C.M. Glycol Dehydration
Operations, Environmental Regulations, and Waste
Stream Survey. Radian International LLC. June 1996.
Tannehill, C.C; Echterhoff, L.; Leppin, D. Production
Variables Dictate Glycol Dehydration Costs. American Oil
and Gas Reporter. March 1994.
Tingley, Kevin. U.S. EPA Natural Gas STAR Program.
Personal contact.

Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank Separators In

Glycol Dehydrators

United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Air and Radiation (6202J)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
October 2006

EPA provides the suggested methane emissions estimating methods contained in this document as a tool to develop basic methane emissions estimates only. As
regulatory reporting demands a higher-level of accuracy, the methane emission estimating methods and terminology contained in this document may not conform to
the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart W methods or those in other EPA regulations.


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