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Replacing Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps: Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned

from Natural Gas STAR Partners

Replacing Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps

with Electric Pumps

Executive Summary Technology Background

Approximately 36,000 glycol dehydrators in the natural Most natural gas producers use triethylene glycol (TEG)
gas production sector are used to remove water from the gas dehydrators to remove water from the natural gas
gas. Most glycol dehydration systems use triethylene stream to meet pipeline quality standards. TEG is
glycol (TEG) as the absorbent fluid and rely on pumps to circulated through the dehydration system using pumps
circulate TEG through the dehydrator. Operators use two powered either by an electric motor or by a gas expansion
types of circulation pumps: gas-assisted glycol pumps, also piston or turbine driver. The latter is called a “gas­
referred to as “energy-exchange pumps,” and electric assisted” or “energy-exchange” pump. In some operations,
pumps. a combination gas-assist/electric pump system may be
Gas-assisted pumps are the most common circulation
pumps in remote areas that do not have an electrical The gas dehydration process includes the following
power supply. They are basically pneumatic gas driven elements:
pumps, specially designed to take advantage of the energy
of high-pressure natural gas entrained in the rich (wet) Wet natural gas is fed into a glycol contactor, where
TEG leaving the gas contactor. Additional high-pressure it bubbles up counter-current through “lean
wet production gas is necessary for mechanical advantage, TEG” (triethylene glycol without absorbed water) in
and therefore more methane rich gas is carried to the TEG the contactor tower trays.
regenerator, where it is vented with water boiled off of the
rich TEG. The mechanical design of these pumps places Lean TEG absorbs water and under pressure, some
wet, high-pressure TEG opposed to dry, low pressure TEG, methane from the natural gas stream-becoming “rich
separated only by rubber seals. Worn seals result in TEG.”
contamination of the lean (dry) TEG making it less
efficient in dehydrating the gas, requiring higher glycol  Dry gas goes to the sales pipeline.
circulation rates. Typical methane emissions are about
1,000 cubic feet (Mcf) for each million cubic feet(MMcf) of  A reboiler operating at atmospheric pressure
gas treated. regenerates the rich TEG by heating the glycol to
drive off water, absorbed methane and other
Replacing gas-assisted pumps with electric pumps contaminants, which are vented to the atmosphere.
increases system efficiency and significantly reduces
emissions. For example, a 10 MMcf per day dehydrator  The regenerated (lean) TEG is pumped back up to
could save up to 3,000 Mcf of gas a year, worth $21,000. contactor pressure and injected at the top of the
contactor tower.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

Value of Natural Gas Savings

Payback (Months)
Method for Reducing Volume of Natural ($) Cost of
Natural Gas Losses Gas Savings (Mcf) Implementation ($)
$3 per $5 per $7 per $3 per $5 per $7 per
Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf Mcf
Replace gas-assisted
pumps on glycol 360 to 36,000 per $1,150 - $1,900 - $2,680 -
$2,700 - $15,100 2– 29 1 - 17 1 - 12
dehydrators with dehydration system1 115,000 191,000 268,000
electric pumps
Depending on TEG circulation rate and inlet gas temperature and pressure, as reported by Natural Gas STAR partners.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

Exhibit 1 is a diagram of a typical glycol dehydrator Methane Content of Natural Gas

system. The atmospheric vent stack on the glycol reboiler/
regenerator is the main source of methane emissions. The average methane content of natural gas varies by natural gas
Reduction of methane emissions is achieved by reducing industry sector. The Natural Gas STAR Program assumes the
the amount of wet gas bypassed to supplement the rich following methane content of natural gas when estimating
methane savings for Partner Reported Opportunities.
TEG that is regenerated in the reboiler. There are three
ways to reduce the methane content of the rich TEG Production 79 %
stream: Processing 87 %

Transmission and Distribution 94 %

Reducing the TEG circulation rate.

Installing a flash tank separator in the dehydration pressure gas) expands from contactor pressure (200
loop. to 800 psig) down to reboiler pressure (zero psig),
pushing against the driver side of the main cylinder
Replacing gas-assisted pumps with electric pumps. piston.

The other side of that piston pushes a cylinder full of

Exhibit 1: Dehydrator Schematic
low-pressure lean TEG out to the contactor at high-

The driving piston is connected to a mirror-image

piston, which simultaneously expels low-pressure
rich TEG to the regenerator, while sucking in low-
pressure lean TEG from the regenerator.

At the end of the stroke, slide valves switch the

position of the pilot piston, redirecting high-pressure
rich TEG to the opposite drive cylinder. Check valves
on the suction and discharge from the lean TEG
cylinders prevent back-flow.

The pistons are then driven back in the other

direction, one expanding gas in the rich TEG while
pressuring lean TEG to the contactor, the other
Replacing gas-assisted pumps with electric pumps is the expelling the now low-pressure rich TEG to the
subject of this Lessons Learned paper. The other regenerator while filling the other side with low-
methane emission reduction options are discussed in pressure lean TEG from the regenerator.
EPA’s Lessons Learned: Optimize Glycol Circulation and
Install Flash Tank Separators in Glycol Dehydrators. The driver-side rich TEG mixture with low-pressure
natural gas passes to the reboiler where the
Gas-Assisted Pumps entrained gas separates and water is boiled out of
solution with the TEG.
The most common circulation pump used in dehydrator
systems is the gas-assisted glycol pump. An example of a
The water vapor and separated gas mixture of
popular piston type is shown in Exhibit 2. These
methane and other hydrocarbon gas contaminants
mechanical pumps are specially designed to use rich TEG
(VOCs and HAPs) are vented to the atmosphere.
and natural gas at high pressure for power. By design, gas-
assisted glycol pumps increase emissions from dehydrator
At the end of each stroke, the flow paths are
systems by passing the pneumatic driver gas entrained
switched, and high-pressure rich TEG pushes the
with rich TEG to the reboiler. A basic overview of the
pistons back.
pump’s operation is described below:
This type pump has an inherent design requirement that
The high-pressure natural gas entrained in rich TEG
extra high-pressure gas be added to supplement the gas
from the contactor (plus additional wet, high
Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

absorbed in the rich TEG from the contactor (about two TEG flows by pressure drop directly to the regenerator,
volumes for one) to provide mechanical advantage on the and contains only dissolved methane and hydrocarbons.
driver side. This means that a gas-assisted pump passes Exhibit 2 shows an example of an electric glycol pump
about three times as much gas to the regenerator as an assembly.
electric motor driven pump would. Furthermore, gas-
assisted pumps place high-pressure wet TEG opposite low- Using electric pumps as alternatives to gas-assisted pumps
pressure dry TEG in four locations with rings on the two can yield significant economic and environmental benefits,
pistons and “O-rings” on the central piston connecting rod including:
separating them. As the piston rings becomes worn,
grooved, or the O-rings wear, rich TEG leaks past, Financial return on investment through
contaminating the lean TEG. This contamination reduced gas losses. Using gas-assisted glycol
decreases the dehydrator’s capacity to absorb water and pumps reduces methane emissions by a third or
reduces system efficiency. Eventually, the contamination more. All of the wet production gas remains in the
becomes sufficient to prevent the gas from meeting system to be dehydrated and sold as product. In
pipeline specifications (commonly 4 to 7 lb of water per many cases, the cost of implementation can be
MMcf). recovered in less than 1 year.

As little as 0.5 percent contamination of the lean TEG Increased operational efficiency. Worn O-rings
stream can double the circulation rate required to in gas-assisted glycol pumps can cause contamination
maintain the same effective water removal. In some cases, of the lean TEG stream in the dehydrator, reducing
operators can over circulate the TEG as the dehydrator system efficiency and requiring an increase in glycol
loses efficiency, which in turn, can lead to even greater circulation rate, compounding the methane
emissions. emissions. The design of electric pumps eliminates
the potential for this contamination to occur and
Economic and Environmental Benefits thereby increases the operational efficiency of the
Electric Pumps
Reduced maintenance costs. Replacing gas-
In contrast to gas-assisted pumps, electric motor driven assisted glycol pumps often results in lower annual
pumps have less design-inherent emissions and no maintenance costs. The floating piston O-rings in gas
pathway for contamination of lean TEG by the rich stream. -assisted pumps must be replaced when they begin to
Electric pumps only move the lean TEG stream; the rich leak, typically every 3 to 6 months. The need for this
replacement is eliminated when electric pumps are
Exhibit 2: Electric Drive Gear Pump employed.

 Reduced regulatory compliance costs. The cost

of complying with federal regulations of hazardous
air pollutants (HAPs) can be reduced through the use
of electric pumps. Dehydrator HAP emissions,
including volatile organic compounds such as
benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene (BTEX),
are significantly lower in units powered by electric

Five Steps to Evaluate the Use of Electric Pumps

1. Determine whether an electricity source is available.
2. Determine the appropriate size of the electric pump.
3. Estimate capital, operation, and maintenance costs.
4. Estimate the quantity and value of gas savings.
5. Calculate the net economic benefit of replacement.

Source: Kimray, Inc.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

Decision Points Exhibit 3: Sizing the Pump

A five-step process can be used to evaluate replacement of

gas-assisted glycol pumps with electric pumps. Each step Given: Q = Circulation rate (gallons per minute) = 5 gal/min
requires field data to accurately reflect conditions at the
P = Pressure (in psig) = 800 psig
site being evaluated.
E = Efficiency = 0.85
Step 1: Determine whether an electricity source is
available. Calculate: BHP = (Q x P) x (1/E)

Electricity to power an electric pump can be purchased = (5 x 800/1,714) x (1/0.85)

from a local grid or generated onsite using lease or casing
BHP = 2.75
head gas that might otherwise be flared. If a source of
electricity is available or can be obtained cost-effectively,
the operator should proceed to Step 2. When no electricity
source is available, a gas-assisted glycol pump might be at least a 2.75 horsepower pump, and would therefore
the only option. Combination hydraulicelectric pumps round up to the next available size (i.e., a 3.0 BHP pump).
should also be considered for field situations where only
single-phase power is available, purchased power costs are Operators might wish to obtain a pump one size larger
high, or there is insufficient electrical service for a large than called for by the formula above. A larger pump
electric motor. A combination pump uses high-pressure, provides additional capability to increase the glycol
wet glycol to drive a hydraulic rotary gear motor/pump; a circulation rate, if needed, to accommodate input gas with
small single-phase electric motor is added for mechanical higher water content, or to meet more stringent output
advantage, in place of the bypassed wet gas in the gas- specifications. Variable speed electric pumps are also
assisted pump. In either case, using a properly sized, well- available. Although larger pumps or variable speed pumps
maintained, efficient pump maintained at the correct can cost slightly more to operate, a larger size provides an
circulation rate can minimize gas loss. additional measure of safety and flexibility to cover
Step 2: Determine the appropriate size of the electric
pump. Step 3: Estimate capital , operation, and maintenance
A variety of electric pumps are available to meet site-
specific operational requirements. Electric TEG pumps can Costs associated with electric pumps include capital to
be powered by AC or DC, single phase or 3-phase, 60 Hz or purchase the equipment, installation, and ongoing
50 Hz. They are available with a choice of variable or operation and maintenance.
constant operating speeds. Pump capacities range from 10
to 10,000 gallons per hour (GPH). Capital and installation costs
Electric pumps can cost from $1,425 to nearly $12,953,
The correct pump size for a dehydrator system should be depending on the horsepower of the unit. Exhibit 4
calculated based on the circulation rate and the operating presents a range of sample capital costs for electric pumps
pressure of the system. Exhibit 3 illustrates how to of different sizes typically used for glycol dehydrators.
calculate the horsepower needed (in Brake Horsepower or Operators should also consider installation costs when
BHP) for an electric pump using typical system evaluating the overall economics of electric pumps.
information. Estimate 10 percent of capital costs for installation.
Coordinating replacements with planned maintenance
In the example shown in Exhibit 3, an operator would need

Exhibit 4: Capital Cost of Electric Pumps

Pump Motor Size

0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10

Pump and Motor

1,420 1,485 1,550 1,630 1,680 1,770 1,845 3,795 3,995 4,205
Cost ($)

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

shutdowns can minimize installation costs. Exhibit 5: Estimate Methane Emissions from
Glycol Dehydrators1
Operation and maintenance costs
The primary operational cost of an electric pump is the Step 1: Calculate Emissions Factor
electricity needed to power the unit. In general, the Given: EF = Emission Factor (scf natural gas emitted/MMcf gas
kilowatt (kW) requirement to run a pump is nearly the processed)
same as BHP. For example, a 3.0 BHP pump would PGU = Pump Gas Usage (scf natural gas emitted/gallon of
require approximately 3.0 kW to operate. TEG)2
G = Glycol-to-Water Ratio (gallons of TEG/lb water
removed) 3
In 2006, the average cost of purchased electricity in the WR = Water Removed Rate (lb water removed/MMcf gas
commercial and industrial sectors ranged from $0.061 to processed)
$0.094 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) nationally; site-generated OC = Over Circulation Rate
electricity cost approximately $0.02 per kWh. If electricity Calculate: EF = PGU x G x WR x OC
costs are assumed to be approximately $0.075 per kWh,
the estimated cost for purchased power for the 3.0 BHP Step 2: Calculate Total Emissions
pump identified above would be $1,971 per year (3.0 kW x
Given: TE = Total Emissions
8,760 hrs/yr x $0.075/kWh). The cost for site generated
AF = Activity Factor (MMcf gas processed annually)
electricity would be about $525 per year (3.0 kW x 8,760
hrs/yr x $0.02/kWh). Calculate: TE = EF x AF
Calculation methods and standard values are presented in EPA’s Lessons
Typical maintenance costs for gas-assisted glycol pumps
Learned: Optimize Glycol Circulation and Install Flash Tank Separators in Glycol
range from $270 to $530 annually. Maintenance cost is Dehydrators.
primarily associated with internal O-ring replacements 2
Industry Rule-of-Thumb: 3 cubic-ft/gal for gas-assisted pump, 1 cubic-ft/gal
and related labor costs. Normally, these replacements are for electric pump; the difference being 2 cubic-ft/gal
Industry accepted Rule-of-Thumb: 3 gal TEG/lb water.
necessary once every three to six months.

Electric pumps are usually gear-driven. They have no

characteristics (pressure, temperature, moisture specs)
reciprocating pump parts and do not depend on
and then multiplying the unit emissions factor by an
elastomeric parts, slides, pistons, check valves, or internal
activity factor (amount of gas processed annually). Exhibit
O-rings, which are all subject to wear, deterioration, and
5 presents formulas for estimating the potential methane
replacement. As a result, maintenance costs for electric
emissions for a gas-assisted pump and, consequently, the
pumps are generally less than maintenance costs for gas-
potential methane savings from replacing the gas-assisted
assisted glycol pumps. Annual costs for electric pumps can
pump with an electric pump.
be expected to be about $263 per year for labor,
consumables (lubrication and seals), and inspection.
Field operators often know or can calculate the pump gas
usage and the glycol-to-water ratio. To determine the
Step 4: Estimate the quantity and value of gas savings
quantity of water that needs to be removed (WR), refer to
Because electric pumps emit no methane, emissions Appendix A, which presents a set of empirically derived
savings from an electric pump installation are equal to the curves. Using the gas inlet temperature and system
emissions from the gas-assisted pump being replaced. The pressure, the saturated water content can be determined
quantity of avoided emissions can then be multiplied by by reading the corresponding value where the psig curve
the market price of gas to determine the total value of gas intersects the temperature. Subtract 4 lb/MMcf to 7 lb/
savings. Note: if the glycol dehydration unit has a flash MMcf of water from the water content value to determine
tank separator, and a beneficial use for all gas recovered, WR. The 4 lb/MMcf to 7 lb/MMcf water content limitation
then the gas savings might not, by itself, provide enough is based on typical pipeline specifications for water content
justification for installing an electric pump. in the gas stream.

(A) Estimate methane emissions from gas-assisted To estimate the over circulation ratio, use a 1:1 ratio (OC =
pump. 1) if there is no over circulation and a 2.1:1 ratio (OC = 2.1)
if over circulation is an issue. These ratios are based on the
Estimating emissions is a two-step process, which consists
average of measured ratios from 10 field units reported by
of calculating an emissions factor for the unit’s operational

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

the Gas Research Institute. scf of natural gas per gallon of TEG.

Two examples of determining water removal (WR), Applying these data to the emissions factor formula results
emission factor (EF), and total emissions (TE) are provided in a range of 318 to 668 scf gas emitted for every MMcf gas
on the pages that follow. Each example shows a range of processed. Assuming the dehydrator processes 10 MMcf of
savings based upon the two different inlet assumptions. wet gas daily, the additional volume of the gas recovered
Example 1 presents a high-pressure gas stream, and would be 1,160 to 2,440 Mcf per year. Exhibit 6
Example 2 presents a low pressure stream. summarizes this example.

Example 1: High-Pressure Gas Stream: Example 2: Low-Pressure Gas Stream:

This example dehydration system has an inlet pressure of The system uses an inlet pressure of 300 psig and a
800 psig, a temperature of 94º F, and a glycol-to-water temperature of 94º F, and a glycol-to-water ratio of 3.0
ratio of 3.0 gallons of TEG per lb water recovered. Using gallons of TEG per lb water recovered. Again referring to
Appendix A, the saturated water content for the gas the Smith Industries’ curves (Appendix A), the water
stream is estimated by reading the corresponding value content is about 130 lb per MMcf. Therefore, 123 lb of
where the 800-psig curve intersects the 95º F line. In this water must be removed from the natural gas stream and
example, the water content is about 60 lb per MMcf. absorbed by the TEG to meet the pipeline standards. In
Subtracting the pipeline requirement of 7 lb/MMcf, results this example, the pump size is 3.0 BHP, and the pump gas
in 53 lb of water, which must be removed from the gas usage is 2.8 scf of natural gas emitted per gallon of TEG.
stream and absorbed by the TEG. The pump gas usage is 2 Using the formula, an Emissions Factor (EF) of 1.03 to

Exhibit 7: Example 2—Estimated Methane

Exhibit 6: Example 1—Estimated Methane Emissions from a Glycol Dehydrator with Low
Emissions from a Glycol Dehydrator with High Pressure (300 psi) Inlet Gas
Pressure (800 psi) Inlet Gas

Where EF = Emission Factor (scf natural gas emitted/

Where EF = Emission Factor (scf natural gas emitted/ MMcf gas processed)
MMcf gas processed) PGU = Pump Gas Usage (scf natural gas emitted/
PGU = Pump Gas Usage (scf natural gas emitted/ gallon of TEG)
gallon of TEG) G = Glycol-to-Water Ratio (gallons of TEG/lb
G = Glycol-to-Water Ratio (gallons of TEG/lb water removed)
water removed) WR = Water Removed Rate (lb water removed/
WR = Water Removed Rate (lb water removed/ MMcf gas processed)
MMcf gas processed) OC = Over Circulation Rate
OC = Over Circulation Rate TE = Total Emissions
TE = Total Emissions AF = Activity Factor (MMcfd gas processed)
AF = Activity Factor (MMcfd gas processed)
Given: PGU = 2.8 scf natural gas emitted/gallon TEG
Given: PGU = 2 scf natural gas emitted/gallon TEG G = 3.0 gallons of TEG/lb of water removed
G = 3.0 gallons of TEG/lb of water removed WR = 123 lb of water remove/MMcf gas
WR = 53 lb of water remove/MMcf gas processed processed
OC = 1:1 to 2.1:1 OC = 1:1 to 2.1:1
AF = 10 MMcfd gas processed AF = 10 MMcfd gas processed

Calculate: EF = PGU x G x WR x OC Calculate: EF = PGU x G x WR x OC

= 2 x 3.0 x 53 x (Range: 1 to 2.1) = 2.8 x 3.0 x 123 x (Range: 1 to 2.1)
= 318 to 668 scf/MMcf = 1,030 to 2,170 scf/MMcf

TE = EF x AF TE = EF x AF
= (318 to 668) x 10 = (1,030 to 2,170) x 10
= (3,180 to 6,680) scfd x 365 days/ = (10,300 to 21,700) scfd x 365 days/
year /1,000 scf/Mcf year /1,000 scf/Mcf
= 1,160 to 2,440 Mcf/year = 3,760 to 7,921 Mcf/year

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

2.17 Mcf/MMcf is estimated. Assuming the dehydrator

processes 10 MMcf of wet gas daily, the additional volume Nelson Price Indexes
of the gas recovered would be 3,760 to 7,921 Mcf per year. In order to account for inflation in equipment and
Exhibit 7 summarizes this example. operating & maintenance costs, Nelson-Farrar
Quarterly Cost Indexes (available in the first issue of
(B) Calculate the value of the methane savings each quarter in the Oil and Gas Journal) are used to
To determine the total value of the methane savings, update costs in the Lessons Learned documents.
simply multiply the total emissions reduction by the price The “Refinery Operation Index” is used to revise
of gas. Assuming a value of $7.00 per Mcf, both the high- operating costs while the “Machinery: Oilfield Itemized
and low-pressure examples presented above yield Refining Cost Index” is used to update equipment
significant annual savings. Increased gas sales from the costs.
high-pressure system will range from $8,120 to $17,080
per year, while the low-pressure system will yield savings To use these indexes in the future, simply look up the
from $26,320 to $55,447 per year. most current Nelson-Farrar index number, divide by
the February 2006 Nelson-Farrar index number, and,
Step 5: Calculate the net economic benefit of finally multiply by the appropriate costs in the Lessons
replacement. Learned.

To estimate the net economic benefit of replacing a gas-

assisted glycol pump with an electric pump, compare the It is important to note that larger pump sizes require a
value of the gas saved to the initial cost of the electric larger up-front investment, and higher electricity costs
pump, plus the electricity and the operation and might result in longer payback periods. It is therefore
maintenance costs. important to correctly calculate the pump size required
and to circulate the TEG at the optimal rate.
As a general rule, if the cost of electricity exceeds the value
of recovered methane and avoided operation and In addition, as part of looking at the overall replacement
maintenance costs, replacing the gasassisted glycol pump
cannot be justified on a cost-only basis. Even in such cases,
however, other factors, such as lower cross contamination
Partner Reported Savings
rates and environmental benefits (e.g., reduced VOC and
HAP emissions) might still make the electric pumps an One Natural Gas STAR Partner reported recovering an
attractive option at certain sites. average of 15,000 Mcf/year of methane by replacing
four gas-assisted glycol pumps with electric pumps. At
Exhibit 8 uses the low-pressure example from Step 4 to $7.00 per Mcf, this amounted to an average of $105,000
demonstrate the possible savings available to operators in additional product sales.
who purchase electricity.

Exhibit 8: Economic Benefit of Replacing Gas-Assisted Glycol Pump with an Electric Pump—Low
Pressure Inlet Gas Example

Gas Volume Electric Pump Gas-Assisted

Value of Gas 3.0 BHP Electric- Electricity Cost Payback in
Saved per Year Maintenance ($/ Pump Mainte-
Saved per Yeara Pump Costb per Year months
(Mcf) Year) nance ($/Year)

3,760 - 7,921 $26,320- $55,447 $2,400 $1,971 $263 $530 1-2

a Gas Valued at $7.00 per Mcf.

b Including capital costs and installation cost, which is assumed to be 30 percent of the capital cost for this example.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

economics, operators should consider the timing of any obtain a pump that is one size larger than normal.
replacements. Older gas-assisted glycol pumps, at the end This will allow for additional circulation capacity that
of their useful lives, are typically good candidates for can prove useful if the water content increases as the
replacement with an electric pump. Gas-assisted pumps field matures or “waters out.”
that might not be at the end of their useful life, but that
Glycol pumps, whether gas-assisted or electric,
represent only one element of a dehydration system.
Exhibit 9: Gas Price Impact on Economic Analysis Operators should consider the dehydration process as
a whole, including glycol composition, circulation
rates, contactor temperature and pressure, inlet gas
composition, dew point requirements, and reboiler
$3/Mcf $5/Mcf $7/Mcf $8/Mcf $10/Mcf temperatures.
Value of Gas
$11,280 $18,800 $26,320 $30,080 $37,600 Partners considering replacing gas-assisted pumps
with electric pumps should review the other
Payback Pe- opportunities for reducing methane emissions from
3 2 2 2 1
riod (months) dehydration systems. See EPA’s Lessons Learned:
Optimize Glycol Circulation And Install Flash Tank
Separators In Glycol Dehydrators.
Internal Rate

of Return
415% 729% 1042% 1199% 1512%
(IRR) Glycol dehydrators with flash tank separators might
not be good candidates for replacing the gas-assisted
NPV $35,384 $63,891 $92,397 $106,651 $135,157 pump, because most of the excess gas is recovered
and put to beneficial use or recycled.

have started to need more frequent maintenance as a Include reduction in methane emissions from
result of increased contamination, might also be good replacing gas-assisted glycol pumps with electric
candidates for replacement. pumps in annual reports submitted as part of the
Natural Gas STAR Program.
When assessing options for glycol pumps and dehydrators,
natural gas price may influence the decision making References
process. Exhibit 9 shows an economic analysis of installing
an electric pump on a low pressure glycol dehydrator at American Petroleum Institute. Specification for Glycol-Type Gas
different natural gas prices. Dehydration Units (Spec 12GDU). July 1993.

Lessons Learned American Petroleum Institute. Glycol Dehydration. PROFIT Training Series,
Installing electric pumps to replace gas-assisted glycol Ballard, Don. How to Improve Glycol Dehydration. Coastal Chemical
pumps can offer significant operational, environmental, Company.
and economic advantages. Natural Gas STAR partners
offer the following lessons learned: Collie, J., M. Hlavinka, and A. Ashworth. An Analysis of BTEX Emissions
from Amine Sweetening and Glycol Dehydration Facilities. 1998
 Gas-assisted glycol pumps can often be cost- Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference Proceedings, Norman,
effectively replaced with electric pumps if there is a OK.
readily available source of electricity.
Garrett, Richard. Making Choices—A Look at Traditional and Alternative
Electric pumps are available with varying Glycol Pump Technology
capabilities and efficiencies. Operators are
Gas Research Institute. Technical Reference Manual for GRI-GLYCalc TM
encouraged to work with various pump
Version 3.0 (GRI-96/0091).
manufacturers to find the most appropriate type.
Gas Research Institute and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
In sizing an electric pump, operators might wish to Methane Emissions from Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps. January 1996.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

The Hanover Compressor Company. Personal Contact.

Kimray, Inc. Personal Contact.

Radian International LLC, “Methane Emissions from the Natural Gas

Industry. Volume 15: Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps” Draft Final report,
Gas Research Institute and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
April 1996

Rotor-Tech, Inc. Personal Contact.

Tannehill, C.C., L. Echterhoff, and D. Leppin. “Production Variables Dictate

Glycol Dehydration Costs.” American Oil and Gas Reporter, March

Tingley, Kevin. U.S. EPA Natural Gas STAR Program. Personal Contact.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Emission Standards for

Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Oil and Natural Gas
Production and Natural Gas Transmission and Storage-Background
Information for Pro-posed Standards (EPA-453/R-94-079a, April

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Lessons Learned: Reducing the

Glycol Circulation Rates in Dehydrators (EPA430-B-97-014, May

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Lessons Learned: Installation of

Flash Tank Separators (EPA430-B-97-008, October 1997).

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Methods for Estimating Methane

Emissions from National Gas and Oil Systems”. Emissions Inventory
Improvement Program, Vol. III, Chapter 3, October 1999.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

Appendix A

Exhibit 10: Electric Drive Gear Pump

Source: Kimray, Inc.

Replace Gas-Assisted Glycol Pumps With Electric Pumps

United States
Environmental Protection Agency
Air and Radiation (6202J)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460

October 2006

EPA provides the suggested methane emissions estimating methods contained in this document as a tool to develop basic methane emissions estimates only. As
regulatory reporting demands a higher-level of accuracy, the methane emission estimating methods and terminology contained in this document may not conform to
the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart W methods or those in other EPA regulations.


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