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Coat protein-mediated transgenic

resistance of peanut (Arachis hypogaea

L.) to peanut stem necrosis disease
through Agrobacterium-mediated genetic
Reetu Mehta, Thankappan
Radhakrishnan, Abhay Kumar, Reena
Yadav, Jentilal R.Dobaria, Palanisamy
P.Thirumalaisamy, et al.
Indian Journal of Virology
ISSN 0970-2822
Indian J. Virol.
DOI 10.1007/s13337-013-0157-9

1 23

Indian J. Virol.
DOI 10.1007/s13337-013-0157-9


Coat protein-mediated transgenic resistance of peanut (Arachis

hypogaea L.) to peanut stem necrosis disease through
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation
Reetu Mehta Thankappan Radhakrishnan Abhay Kumar
Reena Yadav Jentilal R. Dobaria Palanisamy P. Thirumalaisamy
Rakesh K. Jain Phaneedra Chigurupati

Received: 20 February 2013 / Accepted: 17 August 2013

Indian Virological Society 2013

Abstract The absence of resistance genes against biotic

stresses like Tobacco streak virus (TSV) within compatible
peanut germplasm necessitates the deployment of genetic
engineering strategy to develop transgenic resistance.
Transgenic resistance in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to
peanut stem necrosis disease caused by TSV was obtained
by transferring coat protein (CP) gene of TSV through
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of de-embryonated cotyledons and immature leaves of peanut cultivars
Kadiri 6 (K6) and Kadiri 134 (K134). Integration of the
transgene in T1, T2 and T3 generations were confirmed by
PCR with gene-specific primers. On the basis of segregation analysis of the PCR amplicons, homozygosity was
confirmed in progeny from five transgenic lines. Six
transgenic plants from three different single copy transgenic lines homozygous for the transgene were selected for
challenge inoculation in T3 generations. The transgenic
lines remained symptomless throughout and showed traces
or no systemic accumulation of virus indicating the tolerance/resistance to the TSV infection. CP gene expression
was observed in transgenic lines by RT-PCR, real-time
PCR and ELISA. The findings provide an effective strategy

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this

article (doi:10.1007/s13337-013-0157-9) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
R. Mehta  T. Radhakrishnan (&)  A. Kumar  R. Yadav 
J. R. Dobaria  P. P. Thirumalaisamy
Directorate of Groundnut Research, Ivnagar Road, Post Box 5,
Junagadh 362 001, Gujarat, India
e-mail: radhakrishnan.nrcg@gmail.com
R. K. Jain  P. Chigurupati
Division of Plant Pathology, Advanced Centre for Plant
Virology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110 012, India

for developing peanut with resistance to peanut stem

necrosis disease.
Keywords Arachis hypogaea  Coat proteinmediated transgenic resistance  Peanut stem necrosis
disease  Agrobacterium-mediated genetic

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the important
commercial crops of the world, and is a major source of
protein and oil. Reduction in yield caused by the various
diseases including those caused by viruses is a major
production constraint in peanut cultivation. Millions of
smallholder farmers in the rainfed semi-arid tropics of the
Indian subcontinent depend on peanut farming for their
livelihood. A new threat to peanut emerged in 2000 in the
form of a virus that causes lethal necrosis. This disease,
peanut stem necrosis disease (PSND), led to losses over
$64 million in 2000 in the district of Anantapur alone, a
major peanut producing area in India [16]. Tobacco streak
virus (TSV) was found associated with the disease [18],
which was reported for the first time in peanut from India.
TSV belongs to the genus Ilarvirus of the family
Bromoviridae, spreads mainly through the weeds of crop
species which are alternate host to the virus. TSV can
survive on cowpea, black gram, green gram, marigold and
sunflower. Parthenium hysterophorous, a wide spread
weed acts as a symptomless carrier and virus is spread
through pollen grains by the three species of thrips namely
Frankliniella schultzei, Scirtothrips dorsalis and Megalothrips usitatus. In case of peanut, Frankliniella schultzei
acts as the viral vector [18].


R. Mehta et al.

Despite several years efforts, still confirmed sources of

genetic resistance/tolerance to TSV could not be identified in
the gene pool of cultivated peanut for their use in the
breeding programmes, and hence, so far, no cultivar resistant
to this disease has been developed. Genetically engineered
resistance has been actively investigated in recent years as an
alternative to cope up with this type of situations [11].
Coat protein-mediated resistance, a form of pathogenderived resistance, where the degree of protection ranges from
a delay in symptom expression to absence of disease symptoms and virus accumulation, has been established as an
effective means of protection against viral infection and the
prevention of crop loss [2, 3]. Coat protein (CP) genes have
been shown to confer partial or complete resistance as was
observed for TSV in tobacco [23], cucumber mosaic virus in
cucumber [14], and potato virus Y in potato plants [7].
Thus, considering the economic importance of PSND in
the peanut cultivation, we have resorted to the transgenic
approach using CP gene to develop virus tolerant genotypes in cultivated peanut. This work report successful
deployment of the CP gene of TSV in peanut, achieved
through Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation.

selectable marker gene hygromycin phosphotransferase

(hptII) was used for co-cultivation of explants in plant
tissue culture.
Plant materials and transformation
The mature seeds of the commercial cultivars of peanut,
K6 and K134, which are cultivated mainly in the areas
where the PSND was epidemic in India, were used in the
study. The seeds were obtained from the Genetic Resources
Section of the Directorate of Groundnut Research (DGR).
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and regeneration
were performed as described by Radhakrishnan et al. [17].
The de-embryonated cotyledons and immature leaves
explants from mature pre-soaked seeds were co-cultivated
with A. tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring the binary
plasmid pCAMBIA1305.1:TSV-CP gene. The regeneration
frequency was calculated on the number of explants
regenerated over the number of explants co-cultured. The
transformation frequency was worked out on the final
number of confirmed transgenics produced over the number of explants regenerated.
Molecular analysis of putative transformants

Materials and methods

PCR analysis
Plasmid constructs and Agrobacterium strain
The gene construct was prepared by inserting the 717 bp
CP gene (GenBank Acc. No. AF400664) of TSV, downstream of an enhanced double 35S promoter [10] into the
binary vector pCAMBIA 1305.1. The TSV-CP gene
sequences of all the reported isolates in NCBI databank are
highly conserved and AF400664 had only 02 % diversity
in nucleotides and 04 % in amino acids [1]. The CP gene
cloned in pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega, USA), was
released by restriction digesting using NcoI and BstEII and
gel purified using Promega gel purification kit (Promega,
Madison, WI, USA). The GUS gene from the binary vector
pCAMBIA 1305.1 was removed by NcoI and BstEII
digestions and the vector was gel purified. The TSV-CP
gene was ligated in pCAMBIA1305.1 in place of GUS,
between the CaMV 35S promoter and the NOS terminator
(Fig. 1). The ligated product was transformed into E. coli
(strain DH5a) using standard molecular biology protocols
[20]. The putative clones were initially screened by PCR
and subsequently confirmed by restriction digestion with
NcoI and BstEII. TSV-CP gene was mobilized into the
Agrobacterium (strain LBA4404) by using freeze and thaw
method [9]. The putative colonies were screened by colony
PCR and the confirmed clones were maintained on Luria
agar plate containing kanamycin (50 lg/mL) and rifampicin (50 lg/mL). The modified binary vector carrying the


Initial screening of the putative transgenic plants was done

by PCR for presence of the transgene. Genomic DNA was
extracted from fresh terminal leaves of the glasshouse
grown plants by following the protocol described by Radhakrishnan et al. [17]. The PCR reaction was performed
with 25 ll of a total reaction mixture containing 100 ng of
genomic DNA, 2.5 ll of 109 PCR buffer (containing
15 mM MgCl2), 1.6 ll of 2 mM dNTP mix, 1 ll of 25 pM
each of the forward and reverse gene-specific primer, and
2U of Taq DNA polymerase. A control devoid of the
template DNA was used in each reaction. DNA from
transgenic tobacco and/or the plasmid were used as positive controls. The thermal cycles comprised an initial
denaturing at 94 C for 4 min, followed by 30 cycles of
94 C for 30 s, Ta C (depending upon the annealing
temperature of the gene-specific primers; Table 1) for 45 s,
72 C for 1 min and a final extension of 10 min at 72 C.
The amplification products were resolved on 1.2 % agarose
gel, stained with EtBr, scanned and documented using a
Fuji FLA5200 imaging system.
Southern analysis
To ascertain the integration pattern and the number of
copies of the inserted DNA, genomic Southern hybridization analysis was performed with 10 lg of genomic DNA

CP-mediated transgenic resistance against peanut stem necrosis disease





2X CaMV 35S

CaMV 35S








717 bp

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the T-DNA region of pCAMBIA1305.1 binary plasmid used for transformation of de-embryonated
cotyledons and immature leaves with Agrobacterium tumefaciens
strain LBA4404. The position of the primers used in PCR assays are

shown by arrows on top the TSV-CP gene. LB left border, RB right

border, hptII
hygromycin resistance gene, NOS polyA
nopaline synthase terminator


Table 1 Sequence of gene-specific primers used for PCR analysis of putative transgenics

TSV Forward



TSV Reverse



hptII Forward



hptII Reverse



Tm (C)

supplied. This cDNA was used for amplification of the

second strand by normal PCR reactions using the genespecific primers. As a control (-RT), RNA samples without
reverse transcriptase were included to detect the possible
contamination with genomic DNA.


of the putative transgenics (T0 generation) which was

separately digested with the restriction enzyme PstI or
BamHI or BstPI, or NotI or NcoI or EcoRI. The restriction
product was resolved on a 1.2 % agarose gel and transferred to HybondTM N? nylon membrane (GE Health
Care). For developing the filters and probing with biotin
labeled probes prepared from nucleotide sequences of the
TSV-CP gene used in the transformation using the DNA
labeling kit of Fermentas (Cat. No. K0651) and the biotin
chromogenic detection kit of Fermentas (Cat. No. K0661
and K0662) following the manufacturers instructions.





Quantitative (real-time) PCR analysis

Gene segregation analysis


Five selected T0 plants which produced sufficient number

of seeds were selected for segregation analysis. The T1
progeny of the five plants were grown in pots under controlled conditions in a glass house. The plantlets at 24 leaf
stage were used for PCR analysis using gene-specific
primers to score the amplicons. On the basis of expected
and observed frequencies the v2 test was conducted in the
progeny from all the five transgenic lines.
Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR

Total mRNA was isolated from randomly selected transformed and non-transformed plants using Trizol LS
(Invitrogen) as per the instructions provided by the kit
manufacturer and estimated using ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies Inc., USA) followed by
DNase I (Invitrogen) treatment. The first strand DNA was
synthesized using the first strand cDNA synthesis kit,
Fermentas, USA (K1612) following the protocol manual

The transcript for TSV-CP was quantified by SYBR Green

chemistry. The real-time PCR was carried out using an ABI
StepOne real-time PCR machine. The relative quantification of TSV-CP transcript was normalized with respect to
the internal (housekeeping gene) control, 18S rRNA
(GenBank Acc. No. AF156675.2).
The primers used in the reactions were designed using the
software Primer ExpressTM (Applied Biosystems). The
primers for TSV-CP, (Forward) 50 -GAATGACCGC
ACCAATTCCT-30 and (Reverse) 50 -TGGGTAGCTT
CAACGATGTCTTC-30 and the primers for 18S rRNA
which produced amplicons sizes 69 bp and 226 bp respectively were used. Each reaction was performed in 25 ll (total
volume) and consisted of SYBR Green Master mix (Qiagen
QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR Kit; Cat No. 204054), 10 pM
of each primer and 1/10-fold diluted cDNA template. Each
experiment included triplicate reactions with the same
cDNA stock. The 2DDCT method was used to calculate the
comparative fold expression of the TSV-CP [12]. The DCT
was determined by subtracting 18S rRNA CT from TSV-CP
CT in a given sample. The DDCT value was determined by
subtracting the lowest expressing plant (calibrator) DCT
from the DCT of each plant.


R. Mehta et al.

Challenge inoculation with TSV

TSV-infected leaves from cowpea plants showing primary
symptoms were selected as source of inoculum. The leaves
were macerated to fine homogenate using chilled inoculation buffer. For every 100 mg of leaf tissue 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 was used (1:10 w/v). The inoculum
was used immediately.
Healthy leaves of the transgenic plants selected for
inoculation were rubbed gently with the dust abrasive
carborundum and subsequently the inoculum was applied
using a cotton swab. The leaves were rinsed with distilled
water immediately after inoculation and the plants were
covered with polythene sheets for overnight. Along with
transgenics the untransformed plants of the cultivar K6
were also inoculated in the similar manner. Using the same
inoculums the cowpea plants were also inoculated as a
control. Inoculated plants were observed daily for
1520 days for the development of symptoms and compared with the controls. Plants that did not develop any
symptoms were checked by back inoculation tests to detect
latent infection, if any.
ELISA analyses
Direct-antigen-coating enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (DAC-ELISA) was done with 500 mg leaf samples of
infected transgenic, non-transgenic and un-inoculated
healthy plants as described by Hobbs et al. [8]. Microtiter
plates were coated with leaf extracts prepared in 50 mM
sodium carbonate buffer, pH 9.6. Polyclonal antiserum
raised against CP of TSV-New Delhi isolate was diluted to
1:10,000 or 1:50,000 with extracts of healthy peanut leaves
and cross absorbed. Goat antirabbit immunoglobulin conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis)
were used at a 1:5,000 dilution of the commercial stock.
P-nitrophenyl phosphate at 1 mg/mL was used as substrate.
Absorbance was recorded at 405 nm after incubation for 1 h
at room temperature following the addition of the substrate
using a BioTek Make ELISA Plate Reader (Model Epoch).

explants respectively, survived the antibiotic selection

pressure, whereas in the case of cultivar K134, it was 484
and 82 shoots. In the present study, from de-embryonated
cotyledon explants overall regeneration frequencies were
60.4 and 84.3 % respectively for the cv. K6 and K134. The
shoot regeneration frequencies from the immature leaf
explants of the cv. K6 and K134 were 77.4 and 76.9 %
respectively. The transformation efficiency of de-embryonated cotyledon was 34 and 16.5 %; and from immature
leaf 11.3 and 2.2 % respectively for the two cultivars cv.
K6 and K134 respectively (Table 2).
PCR and Southern analysis of T0 transgenic plants
In order to confirm the presence of the transgene in the
plants selected in antibiotic containing medium, 1466
PCRs were done (Table 3). The 919 putative transgenic
plants developed from the de-embryonated cotyledons of
the cultivar K6 and 205 plants from the cultivar K134 were
tested for the integration of TSV-CP gene using genespecific primers. Amplicon of the expected size (717 bp)
were produced in 99 T0 plants (Fig. 3).
The 301 putative transgenic plants developed form the
immature leaves of the cultivar K6 and 41 from the cultivar
K134 were also tested for presence of TSV-CP gene with
gene-specific primers and 17 T0 plants had amplicons of
the expected size.
Sixty-five randomly selected T0 plants were tested by
Southern hybridization and results indicate the transgene
was inserted into the transgenic plant genome. Molecular
evidence for stable transgene integration and expression in
a few selected T0 transgenic lines is shown in Fig. 4.
Transgenic plants that were hardened and raised in the
glasshouse were morphologically comparable to the nontransgenic peanut plants.
In total, the PCR analyses of the 1466 putative transgenics developed, 116 (7.9 %) revealed the integration of
the TSV-CP by producing the amplicon of the expected
size (717 bp).
Detection of transcriptional activity in the transgenic

Transformation, selection and multiplication
In vitro regeneration from the de-embryonated cotyledons
and immature leaf explants of Arachis hypogaea L. cultivars K6 and K134 resulted in direct shoot initiation after
100105 days. All transgenic lines appeared normal in
morphology and development (Fig. 2).
In the case of cultivar K6, 1229 and 746 shoots regenerated from de-embryonated cotyledon and immature leaf


The confirmed transgenic lines having single copy insertion were analyzed for expression of TSV-CP gene through
reverse transcription; presented active transcriptional
activity that corresponded with the recombinant CP fragment, whereas no amplification was observed in untransformed plants (Fig. 5). Direct PCR was performed on the
RNA preparations, to rule out the possibility that contaminant DNA was amplified in the samples. No amplified
DNA fragments could be detected, confirming the RNA
specificity of the reaction.

CP-mediated transgenic resistance against peanut stem necrosis disease

Fig. 2 Genetic transformation and regeneration of peanut from deembryonated cotyledons (14 shoot buds initiating from co-cultured
immature leaves, 56 shoot buds initiating from co-cultured de-

embryonated cotyledons, 79 shoot buds in antibiotic selection

medium, 10 shoots developing roots in the rooting medium

Table 2 Genetic transformation and regeneration of peanut explants from the cultivars K6 and K134
No. of

Total explants



Shoots passed



survived in

Final recovery
of putative

cv. K6
10 (DC)
6 (IL)








84 (34.0)








9 (0.9)








15 (16.5)
8 (2.2)

cv. K134
5 (DC)
3 (IL)

Values in parenthesis are percentage over explants regenerated

DC De-embryonated cotyledons, IL immature leaves

Transgene inheritance analysis

Plants from five T1 generation transgenic lines were used
for segregation analysis of the transgene. PCR analysis of
the plants at 24 leaf stage was done using gene-specific

primers to score the presence/absence of amplicons. On the

basis of expected and observed frequencies of the genespecific amplicons the v2 test was conducted with all five
transgenic lines (Table 4). The values of v2 in all five lines
were found non-significant (p = 0.05) indicating close


R. Mehta et al.
Table 3 PCR and Southern analysis of the peanut transgenic lines to confirm the integration of the TSV-CP transgene



Number of plants PCR tested











Number of PCR positives




Number of plants screened by Southern blot assay



DC De-embryonated cotyledon, IL Immature leaves

Quantitative analysis by real-time PCR

Fig. 3 PCR analysis of TSV-CP transgenic peanut plants. TSV-CP

gene-specific primers were used for PCR amplification and the size of
expected product was 717 bp as that of the full-length TSV-CP cds.
Lane M 1 kb ladder, lane P positive control (pCAMBIA1305.1 TSVCP plasmid), lane N untransformed peanut plant, and lane 415
transgenic peanut lines represented by their unique plant identity no

Fig. 4 Southern blot analysis of the T0 transgenic plants. Genomic

DNA (10 lg) was digested with BstEII, size fractionated on 1.2 %
agarose gel, transferred to a nylon membrane and hybridized with a
biotin labeled probes of TSV-CP probe. Lane P positive control
(pCAMBIA1305.1 TSV-CP plasmid), lane N untransformed peanut
plant, and lane 310 transgenic peanut lines

Fig. 5 Confirmation of the expression of the TSV-CP transgene in

transgenic peanut plants. The total mRNA from the transgenic plants
were extracted and the first strand cDNA was prepared. Gene-specific
primers were used to amplify the transcripts of the TSV-CP transgene.
Lane P positive control (pCAMBIA1305.1 TSV-CP plasmid), lane N
untransformed peanut plants and lane 49 transgenic peanut lines

agreement between the observed and expected frequencies.

The segregation of the transgene followed 3:1 Mendelian


The representative homozygous T3 transgenic lines were

analysed for the expression of the TSV-CP gene using realtime PCR. The 2DDCT method was used to calculate relative
changes in expression. Amplicon abundance was monitored in real-time by measuring SYBR Green fluorescence. The level of TSV-CP transcript in the T3 plants was
normalized with reference to 18S rRNA taken as an internal
control (Fig. 6 and Supplemental Table 1). The bar in the
figure denotes the fold expression as compared to the
lowest expressing plant TSV. which is taken
as the calibrator. The transgene expression in the plant
TSV. was almost equal to the calibrator. The
transgenic line TSV. showed about fivefold
transgene expressions; while the transgenic line
TSV., had eightfolds expression of the transgene relative to that of the calibrator. More than 25 fold
expression was observed in TSV. that was
highest followed by TSV. (with [14 fold).
Bioassay of transgenic plants
Six plants from three independent single copy integration
lines were selected for challenge inoculation in T3 generation. Challenge inoculation of 46 leaf stage plants was
done with crude extract inoculum prepared from 100 mg of
cowpea leaves, infected with homologous strain of TSV,
macerated in 1 mL 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.0. After
inoculation, necrotic lesions and veinal necrosis in young
leaves were observed within 34 days on the untransformed control peanut plants. The five transgenic plants
which expressed the CP (as observed in reverse transcriptase-PCR) did not show symptoms on the inoculated leaf
1 week after inoculation. Transformed lines were back
inoculated with crude extract of TSV infected cowpea to
check latent infection, if any. But all transgenic lines
remained symptom-less whereas untransformed peanut
showed complete stem necrosis and died (Fig. 7) within a
month. DAC-ELISA conducted with polyclonal antiserum
against TSV (New Delhi isolate), on the upper leaves in all
transgenic lines showed reduced virus accumulation as

CP-mediated transgenic resistance against peanut stem necrosis disease

Table 4 Segregation analysis of the transgene in the T1 progeny of TSV-CP containing peanut plants
Expected ratio

v2 value
















Transgenic lines

Total no. of plants

Transgene present

Transgene absent















Observed ratio

(df = 1, p = 0.05)
Fig. 6 Quantification of the
expression of TSV-CP transcript
in transgenic peanut plants. The
transcripts were analyzed by
quantitative PCR. The level of
TSV-CP transcript in T3 plants
was normalized with reference
to 18S rRNA taken as an internal
control. Bars denote fold
expression as compared to the
lowest expressing plant
TSV. The control
(negative RT) showed no

compared to control with the highest reduction observed

(approximately three to five times lower than the diseased
control) in the transgenic lines TSV.22, TSV.209,
TSV.219, TSV.227 and TSV.224 (Table 5). Failure to
produce symptoms through back inoculation tests further
confirmed resistance in the transgenic lines.

The main objective of this study was to determine whether
the CP-mediated resistance strategy could be applied for
developing resistant transgenic peanut utilizing the CP
gene of the TSV strain New Delhi isolate. The transformation protocol employed could give a reasonably good
success rate. The transgene followed the Mendelian pattern
of inheritance as expected.
CP genes have been shown to be effective in preventing
the viral infection or reducing disease caused by homologous and closely related viruses [6]. More than 116 transgenic lines were generated using Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation. Though the overall regeneration frequency
was much different between the de-embryonated cotyledon
and the immature leaf explants, the recovery of transgenics
was much more in de-embryonated cotyledons. Further,

each regenerating de-embryonated cotyledons explant had

more than 10 shoots and this had contributed to the higher
frequency of recovery of transgenic plants.
The transformed peanut plants analysed by PCR,
Southern, RT-PCR, quantitative (real-time) PCR and DACELISA confirmed that the TSV-CP gene had successfully
integrated into the plant genome and was being transcribed.
On selfing of the transgenic lines in T1 and T2 generation,
the expected Mendelian segregation ratio of 3:1 was
observed. Evaluation of resistance in different transgenic
plants to TSV infection in the T3 generations, raised under
glasshouse conditions, as determined by virus accumulation levels indicated total resistance to the expression of
disease symptoms. Similar finding have been reported
earlier by Srivastav and Raj [21], while delayed symptoms
to none were reported in challenge inoculations by Nakajima et al. [13, 14]. Srivastav and Raj [21] has also
reported resistance in transgenic plants that remained
symptomless throughout their life cycle, although they
accumulated virus at high levels in their upper leaves (but
less than the control) in conformation to the earlier reports
of Powell-Abel et al. [15]. In this study, the resistance
shown by transgenic plants to TSV is likely to be proteinmediated as CP was detected by ELISA in the leaves of
transgenic plants. It may be due to the interactions of


R. Mehta et al.

transport as suggested earlier by Taliansky and GarciaArenal [22].

Evaluation of the transgenic peanut plants up to the third
generation showed that resistance could be achieved against
PSND. Our findings demonstrate the potential of using CPbased transgenic expression systems as effective strategy
against PSND viruses in groundnut. Further investigations
will be taken up in future for determining the efficacy and
performance of the identified transgenic lines at field level.
Acknowledgments The Department of Biotechnology, Government
of India is gratefully acknowledged for financial support to this


Fig. 7 Response of 15 days old transgenic peanut lines (Tr) to

2 weeks of challenge inoculation with homologous strain of TSV as
compared to non-transgenic (WT) controls
Table 5 Reaction of the TSV infected transgenic peanut and control
plants estimated by DAC-ELISA
Sr. No.

Detail of sample

ELISA reading

Coating buffer


WT peanut inoculated


WT peanut un-inoculated


TSV. un-inoculated


TSV. inoculated


TSV. inoculated


TSV. inoculated


TSV. inoculated


TSV. inoculated



TSV. inoculated
Cowpea un-inoculated



Cowpea inoculated


TSV-CP in the transgenic plant and viruses in the challenge

inoculums [4, 15]. Higher CP levels in inoculated transgenic plants have presumably affected the uncoating of the
virus particle at later stages. According to Reimann-Philipp
[19], a reduced rate of virus accumulation in inoculated
leaves and slower systemic spread are frequently observed
in transgenic CP-accumulating plants owing to slower
replication rates or interference with local or systemic virus
transport. Higher accumulation of TSV in inoculated leaves
without systemic spread may be due to interference with
either entry into the phloem or vascular long-distance


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