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West Virginia State University

446- Physical Education Lesson Plan format and Assessment Rubric

Day ___ 1,2,3,4, or 5
Unit Title: Dance Dance Revolution
Lesson Title: Dance Dance Revolution; Beginning Steps

Grade: 4th

Number of Students: 14

Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will demonstrate the single forward step.

Students will demonstrate the single backward step.

WE.4.5.06- Jump a single rope continuously.
WE.4.5.08- Perform simple sequences in time to music.
WE.4.6.04- Use appropriate practice to improve performance.

NASPE Standards
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement
Standard 2 The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.

Rationale: Mastery of this content is important in order to move on to the next level of DDR competency.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need a basic understanding of what DDR is and how it works.
Anticipatory Set:
Good afternoon class! Today we will be starting a new lesson that I just know you all will love! How many of you
like to dance? All of you? Good! This week we will be learning how to dance on the Dance Dance Revolution

Management Framework:
Introductory Activity: Free Running- 2 minutes
Fitness Activity: Jump Rope Routine- 5 minutes
Focus: DDR basic steps; single up and down- 18 minutes
Closing: Stretching- 3 minutes

Equipment Required:

2 DDR mats
14 Poly spots
Original Pink Panther instrumental music

Teaching Style:

Mastery learning

Adaptions for Special Needs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Student will have first pick of their jump rope for the fitness activity.

Student will have first pick of poly spot and this poly spot will be kept separate from the rest for the entire
Student will be permitted to use hand sanitizer throughout the lesson.

Integration with Other Disciplines

Discipline: Health
Explain to the students that DDR involves a lot of movement and gets their heart rate up and that is important in
physical activity to help fight and prevent diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.
Have students calculate their resting heart rate before they begin their turn on the mat and after their turn is finished.


DDR is a singular activity and does not involve grouping.

Content Sequence of Material:

Introductory Activity- Free Running: Students will run in any direction, changing direction will, for 2

Fitness Activity- Jump Rope Routine: Squad leaders will come to the front of the gym and get jump ropes for
everyone in their squad and then pass them out. We will start off with jumping rope for 30 seconds. Students will
then put their rope on the floor and do trunk twists for 10 seconds. Next, students will pick up their rope and jump
rope again for 30 seconds. Students will then stop, place the rope at their feet and do alternate toe touches, 15 on
each foot, this will take 30 seconds. Students will pick their rope back up and jump rope for 30 seconds. Students
will then jump rope backwards for 30 seconds. Students will then drop their rope and stretch their arms up over their
heads for 15 seconds and then stretch down to the floor, bending at the waist, touching the floor if they can for 15
seconds. Students will pick their ropes back up and jump either forward or backward for 30 seconds. Students will

then drop their ropes once more, sit on the floor and do toe touch stretches, 15 seconds for each foot. Students will
pick their rope back up and jump the remaining minute either forward or backward. Squad leaders will collect ropes
from their squad members and bring them back to me at the front of the gymnasium.

Lesson Focus- DDR basic steps; single up and down- Squad leaders will come up and grab a poly spot for
their squad members (except for the student with the OCD accommodation, they will collect their poly spot before
class so as not to have any attention called to them. This poly spot will be off to the side by itself and the student will
collect it their self). Once each student has a poly spot, they will place it at their feet in front of them. I will then
explain to the students that we will be learning two of the most basic steps in Dance Dance Revolution; the single
step up and the single step back. I will show them what the DDR playing screen looks like and explain to them that
the arrows rise up from the bottom and when these arrows match up with the stationary arrows at the top, that is
their cue to step forward on the up arrow button. I will tell them the same for the back arrow; when the downward
facing arrow matches up with the downward facing stationary arrow, students are to step back on the arrow pointing
down. I will then demonstrate this to the students.
Next, I will put on a very slow song with only up and down arrows. Each student will take turns (2 at a
time) on the DDR mat. While the mats are full, the rest of the students will follow along on their poly spots. Each
student will get a turn on the mat. When this rotation of the whole class is over and if time is allotted, we will start
the rotation again. After, squad leaders will pick up their squad members poly spots and bring them to me at the
front of the gymnasium.

Closing Activity- Stretching- First, students will stretch their arms up to the ceiling and hold for 15 seconds.
They will then stretch down to the floor, with their palms touching the floor, for 15 seconds. Next, students will take
a seat on the floor and do alternate toe touching stretches, holding it for 15 seconds on the right foot, then 15
seconds on the left foot. After, students will stretch straight out as far as they can and hold for 30 seconds. Lastly,
students will get on their hands and knees and then get into the downward facing dog pose, stretching their arms,
back and legs, and holding it for 30 seconds.

Extended Activities
If Lesson Finishes Early: Pink Panther Dancing
The purpose of this activity is for students to move to the beat of the Pink Panther music and demonstrate creative
movement and locomotor skills during the activity.
Directions - When students hear the Pink Panther music they are to move creatively to the beat of the music.
Students can pretend they are looking for clues to solve a mystery. Remind students to practice moving forward,
sideways, and backwards to the beat of the music. Encourage students to be creative with how they move.
Near the middle of the song, the music picks up the pace and becomes louder. When this happens, students are to
begin skipping.
When the music changes back to the slow pace, students are to go back to moving to the beat of the music.
Assessment of Lesson: I will assess students individually by their time on the DDR machine and whether or not
they participated to the best of their abilities.

West Virginia State University

446- Physical Education Lesson Plan format and Assessment Rubric
Day ___ 1,2,3,4, or 5
Unit Title: Dance Dance Revolution
Lesson Title: Dance Dance Revolution; Basic single steps to the right and left
Number of Students: 14

Grade: 4th

Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will demonstrate the single step to the right.

Students will demonstrate the single step to the left.

WE.4.5.07- Demonstrate strategies for chasing, fleeing and evading.
WE.4.5.08- Perform simple sequences in time to music.
WE.4.6.04- Use appropriate practice to improve performance.
NASPE Standards
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.

Rationale: Mastery of this content is important in order to move on to the next level of DDR competency.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need a basic understanding of how DDR works.
Anticipatory Set: Good afternoon class! Yesterday we worked on two of the most basic steps in Dance Dance
Revolution, the single step up and the single step back. Today, we are going to be working on two more basic steps
for DDR, the single step to the right and the single step to the left.

Management Framework:
Introductory Activity: Hospital Tag- 3 minutes
Fitness Activity: Walk, Trot, and Jog- 5 minutes
Focus: DDR basic steps; Single step to the left and single step to the right: 18 minutes
Closing: Stretching

Equipment Required:

2 DDR mats
14 Poly spots
CD Player
Upbeat music

Teaching Style:

Mastery learning

Adaptions for Special Needs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Student will be permitted to wear gloves when we play Hospital Tag

Student will be permitted to sanitize poly spot with a sanitizer wipe before we begin the lesson focus.

Integration with Other Disciplines:

Discipline: Math
Students will have to keep count of how many times they have been tagged during Hospital Tag in order to know
when they are out (3 tags). Students will also keep count of how many people they have tagged during the game.


DDR is a singular activity and does not involve grouping

Content Sequence of Material:

Introductory Activity- Hospital Tag: Every player is a tagger. Any player who is tagged must cover with one
hand the body area that was touched. Students may be tagged twice but must be able to hold both tagged spots and
keep moving. A student who is tagged three times must freeze. The game restarts when most of the students are

Fitness Activity- Walk, Trot, and Jog: Students will be signaled with any number of claps to either walk, trot
or jog. The signals go as follows:
One clap= walk
Two claps= trot
Three claps= Jog
In between walking, trotting and jogging, and with the signal of a whistle, students will perform various strength and
flexibility exercises (Bend and Twist, Sitting Stretch, Abdominal Challenges, Body Twist, etc.)
this exercise will last for 5 minutes.

Lesson Focus- DDR basic steps; Single step to the left and single step to the right: Squad leaders will
come up and grab a poly spot for their squad members (except for the student with the OCD accommodation, who
will collect their poly spot before class so as not to have any attention called to them. This poly spot will be off to
the side by itself and the student will collect it their self). Once each student has a poly spot, they will place it at
their feet in front of them. I will then explain to the students that we will be learning the next two most basic steps in
Dance Dance Revolution; the single step to the left and the single step to the right. I will explain to them that, just
like with the up and down arrows the day before, when the left moving arrow comes up from the bottom and
matches up with the stationary left pointing arrow, it is their cue to step out to their left onto the left pointing arrow
button. Likewise, when the right pointing arrow comes up from the bottom and matches up with the stationary right
pointing arrow, they are to step out to their right onto the right arrow. I will then demonstrate this to the students.
Next, I will put on a very slow song with only left and right arrows. Each student will take turns (2 at a
time) on the DDR mat. While the mats are full, the rest of the students will follow along on their poly spots. Each
student will get a turn on the mat. When this rotation of the whole class is over and if time is allotted, we will start
the rotation again. After, squad leaders will pick up their squad members poly spots and bring them to me at the
front of the gymnasium.

Closing Activity- Stretching- First, students will stretch their arms up to the ceiling and hold for 15 seconds.
They will then stretch down to the floor, with their palms touching the floor, for 15 seconds. Next, students will take
a seat on the floor and do alternate toe touching stretches, holding it for 15 seconds on the right foot, then 15
seconds on the left foot. After, students will stretch straight out as far as they can and hold for 30 seconds. Lastly,
students will get on their hands and knees and then get into the downward facing dog pose, stretching their arms,
back, and legs, and holding it for 30 seconds.

Extended Activities
If Lesson Finishes Early: Fun Dance- Students begin by walking forward 4 counts and do two jumping jacks.
Count the up arm motion of the jumping jack as one and the down motion as two (8 count total with the walk up and
the two jumping jacks). Next, students are to walk back 4 counts then do alternating punches across the body while
the same leg steps out for a 4 count (right arm right leg.) In this move the right hand crosses body with a punch
while the right foot steps out then the left hand crosses body and punches while the left foot steps out.Next,
grapevine right for four counts then left for four counts-8 count total. Lastly, students swim for eight counts-arms do
the crawl stroke forward or you can do 4 back strokes and 4 front strokes or all back strokes. This is to be repeated
until the end of the song.

Assessment of Lesson: I will assess students individually by their time on the DDR machine and whether or not
they participated to the best of their abilities.

West Virginia State University

446- Physical Education Lesson Plan format and Assessment Rubric
Day ___ 1,2,3,4, or 5
Unit Title: Dance Dance Revolution
Lesson Title: Dance Dance Revolution; Combination of Basic Single Steps: Up, Down, Left, and Right
Grade: 4th
Number of Students: 14
Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will demonstrate all basic single steps in DDR; single up, single down, single left, and
single right.
Students will demonstrate all basic single steps in DDR (single up, single down, single left, and
single right) to a song on the DDR machine.

WE.4.5.08- Perform simple sequences in time to music.
WE.4.6.04- Use appropriate practice to improve performance.

NASPE Standards
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and
movement patterns.

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.

Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self
and others.

Rationale: Mastery of this content is important because it is needed in order to move on to a higher level of Dance
Dance Revolution mastery.

Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need to know and have already mastered the single step up, single step
down, single step left and single step right..

Anticipatory Set: As you all know, so far we have mastered the single steps up and down on day one and the
single steps left and right on day two, which was yesterday. Today, we are going to be putting all four of those basic
steps together to music as each of you get a turn on the DDR machine.

Management Framework:
Introductory Activity: Schools of Fish- 3 minutes
Fitness Activity: - The Numbers Game-5 minutes
Focus: Combination of Basic Single Steps: Up, Down, Left, and Right - 18 minutes
Closing: Stretching-3 minutes

Equipment Required:

14 Poly spots
2 DDR Mats
The Cupid Shuffle music

Teaching Style:

Mastery learning

Adaptions for Special Needs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Student will be first to use the DDR mat.

During The Numbers Game, student will be allowed to group themselves without actually bundling up with
other students; he/she can stand close by and the grouping will still count.

Integration with Other Disciplines

Discipline: Math; The Numbers Game
Students must group themselves into whatever number is called which helps with addition, subtraction
and multiplication from adding people to a group, taking away when students must find a smaller
group of people, and doubling up on the number of people in their group.


DDR is a singular activity that does not involve grouping.

Content Sequence of Material:

Introductory Activity- Schools of Fish: Students will secretly pick a locomotor movement that they will
do. On the teacher's cue, students will start moving around the space in all directions while observing
which locomotor movement their peers are using. When they see others doing the same movement that
they are doing, they will join together to form their "school of fish" that will move together. The object of
the game is to get all students doing the same locomotor movements to be moving together like a school
of fish. At this point, the game starts over.
Fitness Activity- The Numbers Game- Students are to spread out throughout the gym with a good
amount of personal space. The PE teacher then calls a number and whatever number is called, the
students must correctly group themselves together with that many students in one group.
Lesson Focus- Combination of Basic Single Steps: Up, Down, Left, and Right: Squad leaders will
come up and grab a poly spot for their squad members (except for the student with the OCD
accommodation, who will collect their poly spot before class so as not to have any attention called to
them. This poly spot will be off to the side by itself and the student will collect it their self). Once each
student has a poly spot, they will place it at their feet in front of them. I will then explain to the students
that we will be reviewing all four of the basic steps that we have learned the previous 2 days (single up,
single down, single left, and single right), and performing them to a medium level song on the DDR
machine. Each student will take turns (2 at a time) on the DDR mat. While the mats are full, the rest of
the students will follow along on their poly spots. Each student will get a turn on the mat. When this
rotation of the whole class is over and if time is allotted, we will start the rotation again. After, squad
leaders will pick up their squad members poly spots and bring them to me at the front of the gymnasium.
Closing Activity- Stretching- First, students will stretch their arms up to the ceiling and hold for 15 seconds.
They will then stretch down to the floor, with their palms touching the floor, for 15 seconds. Next, students will take
a seat on the floor and do alternate toe touching stretches, holding it for 15 seconds on the right foot, then 15
seconds on the left foot. After, students will stretch straight out as far as they can and hold for 30 seconds. Lastly,
students will get on their hands and knees and then get into the downward facing dog pose, stretching their arms,
back and legs, and holding it for 30 seconds.

Extended Activities
If Lesson Finishes Early: If lesson finishes early, students will learn and perform The Cupid Shuffle. This will
be repeated if we have time.

Assessment of Lesson: I will assess students by their participation in the lesson and whether or not they are
performing to the best of their ability when it comes time to try out all four basic steps on the DDR machine.

West Virginia State University

446- Physical Education Lesson Plan format and Assessment Rubric
Day ___ 1,2,3,4, or 5
Unit Title: Dance Dance Revolution
Lesson Title: Dance Dance Revolution; Mixture steps: Simultaneous up and down, simultaneous left and right
Grade: 4th

Number of Students: 14
Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will demonstrate the mixture step in which they must jump on the up arrow and the down arrow at
the same time.
Students will demonstrate the mixture step in which they must jump on the left arrow and right arrow at the
same time.

WE.4.5.08- Perform simple sequences in time to music.
WE.4.6.04- Use appropriate practice to improve performance.

NASPE Standards

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and
movement patterns.

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.

Rationale: Mastery of this content is important in order to move on to the next level of DDR competency.
Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need to know and have already mastered the single step up, single step
down, single step left and single step right.

Anticipatory Set: So far this week, we have been learning very simple single step movements. Today, things are
going to be getting just a little more difficult. We will be learning mixture steps, that is, steps that involve two
buttons to be stepped on on the mat at once.

Management Framework:
Introductory Activity: Station Fitness

Fitness Activity: Movements on the Floor

Focus: DDR Mixture steps; simultaneous up and down and simultaneous left and right
Closing: Stretching

Equipment Required:

14 mats (for fitness activity)

2 DDR mats
12 Poly spots
CD Player
Cha-Cha Slide music

Teaching Style:

Mastery learning

Adaptions for Special Needs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Student will be permitted to skip push-ups during station fitness (because of having to touch the

floor) and participate in another station twice to make up for this.

Student will have first pick of their mat for the Movements on the Floor fitness activity.
Student will be permitted to sanitize their mat with a sanitizer wipe before we begin.

Integration with Other Disciplines:

Discipline: Language Arts
Students must read directions on the station cards in order to find out what to do at their designated stations.


DDR is a singular activity that does not involve grouping.

Content Sequence of Material:

Introductory Activity- There will be 6 stations set up with station cards around the gym (I will lay these cards
down before students enter the teaching area). These stations include jumping jacks, windmills, running in place,
push-ups, curl ups, and arm circles. Each squad will start at a station. When the music starts, the students will read
their station card and perform that exercise. They will continue to perform that exercise until the music stops. When

the music stops, students will have 5 seconds to run to the next station. The music will start up again and students
are to perform the next activity on their station card. This will last until every squad has been to every station. When
every student has been to every station, the squad leaders will bring the station cards to the front of the gymnasium
and put them away.

Fitness Activity- Squad leaders will come to the front of the room and collect floor mats for each of their squad
members. Students will lay the mats at their feet and sit on them, awaiting instruction. I will perform a series of
aerobic and flexibility movements that my students will follow. We will start out with lying on our left sides and
doing 10 leg raises with our right leg. We will then flip over on our right side and do 10 leg raises with our left leg.
We will then flip over on our backs and do 20 alternate leg raises. Next, students will plank for 30 seconds, followed
by 20 crab kicks. To wrap up this activity, students will hold the downward facing dog position for 30 seconds.

Lesson Focus- Dance Dance Revolution; Mixture steps: Simultaneous up and down, simultaneous
left and right: Squad leaders will come up and grab a poly spot for their squad members (except for the student
with the OCD accommodation, who will collect their poly spot before class so as not to have any attention called to
them. This poly spot will be off to the side by itself and the student will collect it their self). Once each student has a
poly spot, they will place it at their feet in front of them. I will then explain to the students that we will be learning
some slightly more difficult steps than we have been learning; DDR misture steps, specifically the simultaneous up
and down and the simultaneous left and right steps. I will explain to them that when the up and down arrows rise at
the same time and match up with the stationary up and down arrows, students are to jump and come down on the up
and down arrow buttons on the floor on the mat. Likewise, when the left and right arrows rise at the same time and
match up with the stationary left and right arrows, students are to jump and come down on the left and right arrow
buttons on the floor mat. I will then demonstrate this to the students.
Next, I will put on a slow song. This song will contain single up, single down, single left, single right steps
as well as simultaneous left and right and simultaneous up and down steps. Each student will take turns (2 at a time)
on the DDR mat. While the mats are full, the rest of the students will follow along on their poly spots. Each student
will get a turn on the mat. When this rotation of the whole class is over and if time is allotted, we will start the
rotation again. After, squad leaders will pick up their squad members poly spots and bring them to me at the front of
the gymnasium.

Closing Activity- Stretching- First, students will stretch their arms up to the ceiling and hold for 15 seconds.
They will then stretch down to the floor, with their palms touching the floor, for 15 seconds. Next, students will take
a seat on the floor and do alternate toe touching stretches, holding it for 15 seconds on the right foot, then 15
seconds on the left foot. After, students will stretch straight out as far as they can and hold for 30 seconds. Lastly,
students will get on their hands and knees and then get into the downward facing dog pose, stretching their arms,
back and legs, and holding it for 30 seconds.

Extended Activities
If Lesson Finishes Early: Cha-Cha Slide- If this lesson finishes early, students will participate in the Cha-Cha
slide. This will be repeated if we have time.

Assessment of Lesson: I will assess students individually by their time on the DDR machine and whether or not
they participated to the best of their abilities.

West Virginia State University

446- Physical Education Lesson Plan format and Assessment Rubric
Day ___ 1,2,3,4, or 5
Unit Title: Dance Dance Revolution
Lesson Title: Dance Dance Revolution; Make Your Own Dance Sequence
Number of Students: 14

Grade: 4th

Instructional Objectives/Student Outcomes

Students will demonstrate all steps/DDR movements they have learned throughout the week.
In squads, students will cooperate to make their own DDR dance sequence and then perform it in front of
the class.

WE.4.5.08- Perform simple sequences in time to music.
WE.4.6.04- Use appropriate practice to improve performance.
NASPE Standards
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics
related to movement and performance.
Standard 4- The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self
and others.

Rationale: Mastery of this content is important because it encompasses everything we have learned for the week
and I will be able to gauge the students progress through this lesson.

Prerequisite Knowledge: Students will need to know and have already mastered the single step up, single step
down, single step left and single step right, as well as mixture steps the simultaneous up and down and simultaneous
left and right steps.

Anticipatory Set: We have all been doing a fantastic job on the DDR machine this week and Im very impressed
with everyones progress! So today, you all will be taking the skills and steps you have learned throughout this week
and, in your squads, come up with your very own DDR dance!

Management Framework:
Introductory Activity: Running and Changing Level- 3 minutes
Fitness Activity: Animal Movements- 5 minutes

Focus: Make Your Own Dance Sequence- 18 minutes

Closing: Stretching-3 minutes

Equipment Required:

14 Poly spots
CD player
Upbeat music
Continental Drift music

Teaching Style:

Mastery learning

Adaptions for Special Needs (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder):

Student is not required to touch the floor when doing our Running and Changing Levels introductory
Student will be permitted to do alternative animal movements when we do our animal movement fitness
activity if that movement involves touching the floor.

Integration with Other Disciplines

Discipline: Health and math
Have each student check their heart rate after they perform their dance. Students will then find out if they were
working in their working heart range by using their resting heart rate they took on Monday to complete the equation.


DDR is a singular activity that does not involve grouping.

Content Sequence of Material:

Introductory Activity- Running and Changing Level: Students will run high on their toes when given the
signal of me yelling High!. When I yell Low!, students will bend over or crouch down low to the ground, trying
to touch the floor, and run at this level. When running low, students are to be able to touch the floor.

Fitness Activity- Animal Movements: I will introduce a few animal movements for my students to perform.
After the introduction of each new movement, I will demonstrate that movement for the students. The animal
movements that we will be performing will be as follows:

Puppy walk: Move on all fours (not knee). Keep the head up and move lightly.
Lion Walk: Move on all fours while keeping the back arched. Move deliberately and lift the paws to simulate
moving without sound.
Elephant Walk: Move heavily throughout the area, swinging the head back and forth like an elephants trunk.
Injured coyote: Move using only three limbs. Hold the injured limb off the floor. Vary the walk by specifying which
limb is injured.
Crab walk: Move on all fours with the tummy facing the ceiling. Try to keep the back as straight as possible.
Rabbit Jump: Start in a squatting position with the hands on the floor. Reach forward with the hands and support the
body weight. Jump both feet toward the hands. Repeat the sequence.

Lesson Focus- DDR; Make Your Own Dance Sequence: In their squads, students will come up with a dance
sequence using all DDR steps; single up, single down, single left, single right, simultaneous up and down, and the
simultaneous left and right step. I will supply the music for this. Before I let the squads go to getting their dance
together, I will demonstrate what I am looking for, performing a DDR dance of my own. Squads will then perform
their dance in front of the class.

Closing Activity- Stretching- First, students will stretch their arms up to the ceiling and hold for 15 seconds.
They will then stretch down to the floor, with their palms touching the floor, for 15 seconds. Next, students will take
a seat on the floor and do alternate toe touching stretches, holding it for 15 seconds on the right foot, then 15
seconds on the left foot. After, students will stretch straight out as far as they can and hold for 30 seconds. Lastly,
students will get on their hands and knees and then get into the downward facing dog pose, stretching their arms,
back and legs, and holding it for 30 seconds.

Extended Activities
If Lesson Finishes Early: If this lesson finishes early, students will learn and perform the Continental Drift dance
from the movie Ice Age 4: Continental Drift.
Assessment of Lesson: I will assess students by their dance their respective squads come up with, whether they
included all steps learned throughout the week and whether they give the dance their all and participate to the best of
their abilities.

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