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Erp Questinnarie

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Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

ERP Survey Questionnaire

Thank you for your participation in the EDUCAUSE study of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. The
survey is a key part of a major study on ERP in higher education in North America being done by the EDUCAUSE
Center for Applied Research (ECAR). The survey consists of nine sections. Our testing suggests that the survey
will require approximately 45 minutes to complete. We appreciate your time and candor. The length is determined by how many ERP products your institution implemented. You will skip substantial portions of the survey
if your institution did not implement an ERP product or if it only implemented one or two products.
The survey does not need to be completed at a single sitting. You can save your responses and return to it at
times that are convenient for you. You may also wish to consult with colleagues about answers to particular
questions, or if another person on your campus is better positioned to answer this survey, please forward the
survey to that person.
As thanks for your time and valuable input, every participant will receive a summary of key findings. In addition,
three survey respondents will be selected at random to receive a complimentary copy of the final report or, for
ECAR subscribers, one additional complimentary admission to the first annual ECAR Research Symposium,
November 5-7, 2002, at San Diegos landmark Hotel Del Coronado. Full ECAR studies are available either
through subscription or purchase at http://www.educause.edu/ecar/. If you have any questions or concerns,
please e-mail ecar@educause.edu

Section 1

Please enter your Survey ID:


Since 7/1/1995, has your institution implemented purchased Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
software for Student, Human Resources, or Financial systems?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
[If 1, then 3-5]
2. No
[If 2, then 424-450]

2002 EDUCAUSE. Reproduction by permission only.

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002


Were you in your current position during your institutions ERP implementation? Select the
answer that bests fits your circumstance:
(Single Select)
1. I was in my position before the planning for ERP began
2. I was in my position after planning, but before implementation began
3. I was hired during the implementation
4. I was hired after the product was implemented


How would you describe your involvement in your institutions ERP implementation?
1. I was the executive sponsor / co-sponsor for the project
2. I was the project leader
3. I was part of the management team
4. I served as a functional or technical specialist
5. I was partially involved
6. I was not directly involved

End Section 1
Begin Section 2
Please tell us which ERP product(s) your institution has installed. If you have partially installed a
product (e.g., you have implemented most of your vendors HR module, but not Payroll), please
indicate that you have installed the package.
Financial Information System (FIS)

(Single Select)
1. Datatel
2. Jenzabar (CARS)
3. Oracle
4. PeopleSoft
5. SAP
6. SCT
7. Legacy System
8. Other (Please Fill in Below)
9. No enterprise software in use
[If one of 5.1-5.6 or 5.8, then branch to add 6-11; 37-49; 122; 160-167; 290-298; 378-391]
[If 5.7 or 5.9 then 6-11 and no additional FIS branching questions]


If you answered Other to Vendor, please enter the name of the vendor


Version or Release Number Originally Implemented


Version or Release Number Currently Implemented

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


In what year did you start your planning?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know


In what year did you purchase your software?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know


When did the first module of your ERP system go live (mm/yyyy)?

Human Resources Information System (HRIS)

12. Vendor
(Single Select)
1. Datatel
2. Jenzabar (CARS)
3. Oracle
4. PeopleSoft
5. SAP
6. SCT
7. Legacy System
8. Other (Please Fill in Below)
9. No enterprise software in use
[If one of 12.1-12.6 or 12.8, then branch to add 13-18; 50-72; 123; 168-175; 299-307; 392-405]
[If 12.7 or 12.9 then 13-18, and no additional HRIS branching questions]

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


If you answered Other to Vendor, please enter the name of the vendor


Version or Release Number Originally Implemented


Version or Release Number Currently Implemented


In what year did you start your planning?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know


In what year did you purchase your software?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

18. When did the first module of your ERP system go live (mm/yyyy)?
Student Information System (SIS)
19. Vendor
(Single Select)
1. Datatel
2. Exeter
3. Jenzabar
4. Oracle
5. PeopleSoft
6. SCT
7. Legacy System
8. Other (Please Fill in Below)
9. No enterprise software in use
[If one of 19.1-19.6 or 19.8, then branch to add 20-25; 73-90; 124; 176-183; 308-316; 406-418]
[If 19.7 or 19.9 then 20-25, and no additional SIS branching questions]

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


If you answered Other to Vendor, please enter the name of the vendor


Version or Release Number Originally Implemented


Version or Release Number Currently Implemented


In what year did you start your planning?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know


In what year did you purchase your software?

(Single Select)
1. Pre-1995
2. 1995
3. 1996
4. 1997
5. 1998
6. 1999
7. 2000
8. 2001
9. 2002
10. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

25. When did the first module of your ERP system go live (mm/yyyy)?

If you answered Legacy, Other, Or No enterprise software in use to any of the previous,
are you planning to implement an ERP package within the next two years for: (Select all that
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. Human Resources
3. Student Information System
[If left blank, then branch to 29]
[If one or more of 26.1-3 selected, then branch to add 27-29]

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002


If you have decided not to implement packaged ERP software for one or more of your enterprise
systems, why not? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Our legacy system works
2. We have a staged implementation strategy
3. Didnt see the value
4. The ERP solutions on the market did not seem to be a good fit with our institutions needs
5. The experience of others raised red flags
6. The institution had other priorities
7. We were not ready - we had no collective agreement, and therefore, no plan to move forward
8. Unable to secure approval from senior management and/or the Board of Regents/Trustees
9. Wanted to wait for the product to mature
10. Want to wait for the product to come down in price
11. Other


If you have purchased ERP software and havent implemented all the modules, why have you
waited? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. We are following a phased implementation plan, and havent installed that module(s) yet
2. We are waiting for the product to mature in a later release
3. We are seeking funding for implementation
4. We are seeking top management approval to proceed
5. We have conflicting projects / priorities and must complete them first
6. Other


Over the course of the project, did you change your ERP vendor(s)?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No


If yes, why?


Why did your institution choose the ERP vendor(s) that you did? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Product features and functionality best fit our requirements
2. Product architecture best fit with our IT strategy / goals
3. Product price
4. Vendors reputation
5. Vendor or product vision
6. Advice from our peers
7. Advice from a consultant or industry analyst
8. Previous experience with this vendor
9. Vendors ability to provide a complete solution for our needs
10. We were part of a larger purchasing group (e.g. state system) that selected the product
11. Other

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

We would like your opinions about ERP vendors for your institution. Use the following scale to
answer these questions:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, 5=Dont Know, and 6=Not Applicable

Overall, the ERP vendor(s) were responsive to my institutions needs during the sales process.
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
6. Not Applicable


Overall, the ERP vendor(s) provided my institution with strong support after we purchased the
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
6. Not Applicable

End Section 2
Begin Section 3

Did you use outside consultants to assist with your implementation(s)?

(Single Select)
1. Yes
[If 1, then branch to 37]
2. No
[If 2 then branch to add 35-36]


What was the primary reason you did you not use outside consultants?
(Single Select)
1. Previous experience(s) with consultants
2. Perceived as too expensive
3. Insufficient funds in the budget
4. Possessed the internal capability
5. Wanted to develop the internal expertise
6. Institutional policy / culture
7. Dont Know
8. Other


If you answered other, please explain:

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

For the Financial Information System module your institution implemented, please select the type and
level of consulting support you used. The percentage indicates the approximate percentage of consultants making up the project team for that phase of the implementation, with internal resources
making up the rest. The types of firms can be defined as:
Large, General Purpose Consulting Firm - A national or international firm which provides a broad range of
services to clients in a number of industries
Specialized Consulting Firm - A firm which provides a focused range of services, such as higher education
consulting, ERP consulting, or project management
Independent Consultants - Individual contractors filling key roles on an implementation, such as technical
specialist, project manager, etc.
Vendor Consultants - Consulting practice which is owned by your software vendor
Financial Information System

System Selection Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


System Selection Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Planning Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Project Planning Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


System Design Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


System Design Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Management Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Project Management Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Technical Implementation Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Technical Implementation Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Process Redesign Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Process Redesign Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Training Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Training Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Ongoing Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Ongoing Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Upgrades Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Upgrades Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

For the Human Resource Information System module your institution implemented, please select the
type and level of consulting support you used. The percentage indicates the approximate percentage
of consultants making up the project team for that phase of the implementation, with internal resources making up the rest. The types of firms can be defined as:
Large, General Purpose Consulting Firm - A national or international firm which provides a broad range of
services to clients in a number of industries
Specialized Consulting Firm - A firm which provides a focused range of services, such as higher education
consulting, ERP consulting, or project management
Independent Consultants - Individual contractors filling key roles on an implementation, such as technical
specialist, project manager, etc.
Vendor Consultants - Consulting practice which is owned by your software vendor

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Human Resource Information System


System Selection Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


System Selection Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Planning Support Type

(Single Select)
1.Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Project Planning Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


System Design Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


System Design Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Management Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Project Management Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Technical Implementation Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Technical Implementation Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Process Redesign Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Process Redesign Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Training Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Training Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Ongoing Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Ongoing Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Upgrades Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Upgrades Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

For the Student Information System module your institution implemented, please select the type and
level of consulting support you used. The percentage indicates the approximate percentage of consultants making up the project team for that phase of the implementation, with internal resources
making up the rest. The types of firms can be defined as:
Large, General Purpose Consulting Firm - A national or international firm which provides a broad range of
services to clients in a number of industries
Specialized Consulting Firm - A firm which provides a focused range of services, such as higher education
consulting, ERP consulting, or project management
Independent Consultants - Individual contractors filling key roles on an implementation, such as technical
specialist, project manager, etc.
Vendor Consultants - Consulting practice which is owned by your software vendor
Student Information System

System Selection Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


System Selection Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Planning Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Project Planning Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


System Design Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


System Design Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Project Management Support Type

1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Project Management Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Technical Implementation Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Technical Implementation Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Process Redesign Support Type

1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Process Redesign Support Level

1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Training Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Training Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Ongoing Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Ongoing Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Upgrades Support Type

(Single Select)
1. Used a large general purpose consulting firm
2. Used a specialized consulting firm
3. Used one or more independent consultants
4. Used the vendors consultants
5. Used multiple types of consulting firms
6. Used only internal resources
7. Dont know
8. Did not formally conduct this activity


Upgrades Support Level

(Single Select)
1. None
2. 1 to 25%
3. 26 to 50%
4. 51 to 75%
5. 76 to 90%
6. 91 to 100%
7. Dont know


Over the course of the project, did you change your lead consulting firm?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No


If yes, why, and for which modules?


How many total consulting firms did you work with to implement your ERP software?
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5 or more

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


Why did you hire consultants? (Select all that apply)

(Multiple Select)
1. To be a strategic partner from planning through implementation
2. To provide project design and advice
3. To manage the implementation
4. To augment internal staff
5. To provide knowledge transfer
6. To provide training
7. To turn around an at-risk implementation
8. To outsource the bulk of implementation activities
9. Other


Why did you select the consulting firm(s) that you did? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Strong expertise with the product we were implementing
2. Strong experience in higher education
3. Proven methodology
4. Availability of specific personnel
5. Cost
6. Size and proximity
7. Strategic thinking
8. Recommendation by customer
9. Worked with them previously
10. Recommended by software vendor
11. Other

Vol. 4, 2002

We would like your opinions about ERP consultants for your institution. Use the following scale to
answer these questions:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know

Using consultants helped my institution achieve its implementation objectives.

(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education


My institution got the value we expected for the money spent on consulting services.
(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know


Overall, my institution did an excellent job of managing outside consultants.

(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know


What did you see as the benefit of working with consultants? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Provided technical expertise unavailable internally
2. Provided product expertise unavailable internally
3. Provided project management expertise unavailable internally
4. Brought methodology or insights from previous engagements
5. Helped us meet our project timeline
6. Helped us meet our project budget
7. Allowed us to staff our project team without hiring new FTEs
8. Helped us derive additional value from our ERP system
9. Other

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100. What aspects of working with consultants caused you the most concern? (Select all that apply)
(Single Select)
1. Costs ended up higher than originally estimated
2. Personnel were not a good fit
3. Experience was overstated
4. Knowledge was not transferred to internal resources
5. Did not work well with internal resources
6. Did not understand higher education / institutional culture
7. Trained their personnel at our expense
8. Project resources were changed midstream
9. Price was not tied to achieving milestones and/or value
10. Other

End Section 3
Begin Section 4
Below are factors that led some schools to choose an ERP solution. Please rate the importance of each
based on its influence on your institutions decision to implement an ERP product. Use the following
scale to answer these questions:
1=Very Important, 2=Important, 3=Not Important, 4=Not Relevant
101. Modernize the campus IT environment
102. Replace aging legacy systems
(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant
103. Efficiency (e.g. reduce cost, improve speed of transactions / processes)
(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant
104. Provide better management tools (e.g. decision-making, planning)
(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant

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105. Increase customer satisfaction

(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant
106. Year 2000 Problem (Y2K)
(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant
107. Other
(Single Select)
1. Very Important
2. Important
3. Not Important
4. Not Relevant
108. If Other, please specify:
109. At the time your institution chose an ERP product, which factor was the most important for your
institution? (Select one only)
(Single Select)
1. Transform the way the institution operates
2. Modernize the campus IT environment
3. Replace aging legacy systems
4. Increase efficiency
5. Enhance accountability / regulatory compliance
6. Provide better management tools
7. Improve services for students, faculty & staff
8. Keep institution competitive
9. Year 2000 Problem (Y2K)
10. Other

End Section 4
Begin Section 5
Use the following scale to answer these questions:
1=Very Easy, 2=Easy, 3=About the Same, 4=Difficult, 5=Very Difficult, 6=Didnt Install, and 7=Dont Know
Overall, how would you rate the difficulty of the initial implementation of your ERP product(s),
compared to other large technology projects at your institution?

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110. Financials
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
111. Human Resources
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
112. Student
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
Overall, how would you rate the difficulty of the technical aspects of your ERP implementation(s) of
your ERP product(s), compared to other large technology projects at your institution?
113. Financials
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know

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114. Human Resources

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
115. Student
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
How would you rate the difficulty of the process change and organizational change aspects of your
ERP implementation(s), compared to other large technology projects at your institution?
116. Financials
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
117. Human Resources
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know

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118. Student
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
How would you rate the difficulty of the support (including upgrades) tasks associated with maintaining your ERP product(s) post-implementation, compared to other large technology projects at your
119. Financials
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
120. Human Resources
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
121. Student
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. Didnt Install
7. Dont Know
122. Did you finish your Financials implementation on its original schedule?
(Single Select)
1. Earlier than scheduled
2. On schedule
3. Over schedule by up to 50%
4. Over schedule by more than 50%

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123. Did you finish your Human Resources implementation on its original schedule?
(Single Select)
1. Earlier than scheduled
2. On schedule
3. Over schedule by up to 50%
4. Over schedule by more than 50%
124. Did you finish your Student implementation on its original schedule?
(Single Select)
1. Earlier than scheduled
2. On schedule
3. Over schedule by up to 50%
4. Over schedule by more than 50%
If your implementation did not finish on schedule, what were the factors which caused your project
to slip? (Select all that apply: 1=Financials, 2=HR, 3=Student)
125. Not Applicable
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
126. Project timeline was unrealistic
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
127. Initial project scope was expanded
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
128. Technical issues (e.g. hardware or database issues, scalability, systems integration, etc.)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
129. Organizational issues (e.g. governance issues, resistance to change, process redesign, etc.)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student

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130. Data issues (e.g. reconciling multiple data sources, ensuring data integrity, etc.)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
131. The vendor did not deliver promised functionality in a timely fashion
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
132. Resource constraints (e.g., budget, staffing)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
133. Conflicts with other priorities (e.g., other projects, required campus activities, close of fiscal year, etc.)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
134. Training issues
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
135. Other
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
136. If Other, please specify:
137. Not applicable (we havent purchased this module)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
What do you consider to be the most significant obstacles you had to overcome to successfully
implement this product? (Select up to 3 for each system)

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138. Scope creep

(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
139. Technical issues
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
140. Data issues
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
141. Lack of internal expertise
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
142. Lack of financial resources
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
143. Lack of consensus among the business owners
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
144. Lack of consensus among the institutions senior management
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
145. Quality of the software(Multiple Select)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student

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146. Lack of understanding of the softwares capabilities

(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
147. Project schedule
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
148. Conflicts with other priorities
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
149. Inadequate training
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
150. Inadequate communications strategy
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
151. Resistance to change
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
152. Alignment between software and business processes
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
153. Customizations
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student

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154. Issues in working with external consultants

(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
155. Other (Please specify for each product)
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
156. If Other, please specify:
Did your institution perform business process redesign as part of implementing your ERP package?
157. Financials
(Single Select)
1. Not Applicable (We havent purchased this module)
2. We reengineered these processes before selecting an ERP system
3. We reengineered these processes after selecting an ERP system, but before beginning implementation
4. We reengineered these processes as part of our ERP implementation
5. We reengineered these processes after our ERP system was implemented
6. We did not reengineer these processes
158. Human Resources
(Single Select)
1. Not Applicable (We havent purchased this module)
2. We reengineered these processes before selecting an ERP system
3. We reengineered these processes after selecting an ERP system, but before beginning implementation
4. We reengineered these processes as part of our ERP implementation
5. We reengineered these processes after our ERP system was implemented
6. We did not reengineer these processes
159. Student
(Single Select)
1. Not Applicable (We havent purchased this module)
2. We reengineered these processes before selecting an ERP system
3. We reengineered these processes after selecting an ERP system, but before beginning implementation
4. We reengineered these processes as part of our ERP implementation
5. We reengineered these processes after our ERP system was implemented
6. We did not reengineer these processes

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160. How significantly did you customize your systems through changes to code for the Financials
(Single Select)
1. No Customizations
2. Minor Customization (1-10% of Code Modified)
3. Some Customization (11-25% of Code Modified)
4. Significant Customization (26-50% of Code Modified)
5. Extremely Customized (Over 50% of Code Modified)
[If 160.1-160.2, then branch to 168]
[If 160.3-160.5, then branch to add 161-167]
Why did you customize the code for the Financials Module? Please use the following scale to indicate
the degree of customization:
1=minor, 2=some, 3=significant, 4=very significant, and 5=none
161. To improve reporting capabilities
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
162. To improve the look & feel or usability of screens
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
163. To address gaps in functionality
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
164. To integrate the product with other systems
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none

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165. To conform with existing business rules and processes

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
166. Other
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
167. If Other, please specify
168. How significantly did you customize your systems through changes to code for the HR Module?
(Single Select)
1. No Customizations
2. Minor Customization (1-10% of Code Modified)
3. Some Customization (11-25% of Code Modified)
4. Significant Customization (26-50% of Code Modified)
5. Extremely Customized (Over 50% of Code Modified)
[If 168.1-168.2, then branch to 176]
[If 168.3-168.5, then branch to add 169-175]
Why did you customize the code for the HR Module? Please use the following scale to indicate the
degree of customization:
1=minor, 2=some, 3=significant, 4=very significant, and 5=none
169. To improve reporting capabilities
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
170. To improve the look & feel or usability of screens
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none

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171. To address gaps in functionality

172. To integrate the product with other systems
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
173. To conform with existing business rules and processes
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
174. Other
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
175. If Other, please specify:
176. How significantly did you customize your systems through changes to code for the Student
(Single Select)
1. No Customizations
2. Minor Customization (1-10% of Code Modified)
3. Some Customization (11-25% of Code Modified)
4. Significant Customization (26-50% of Code Modified)
5. Extremely Customized (Over 50% of Code Modified)
[If 176.1-176.2, then branch to 184]
[If 176.3-176.5, then branch to add 177-183]
Why did you customize the code for the Student Module? Please use the following scale to indicate
the degree of customization:
1=minor, 2=some, 3=significant, 4=very significant, and 5=none
177. To improve reporting capabilities
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

178. To improve the look & feel or usability of screens

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
179. To address gaps in functionality
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
180. To integrate the product with other systems
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
181. To conform with existing business rules and processes
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
182. Other
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. none
183. If Other, please specify:
Use the following scale to answer these questions:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know

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184. My institution had a structured/formal process for approving customizations

(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know
185. My institution followed its process for approving customizations
(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know
186. My institutions ERP strategy was to implement the software with as few customizations as
(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know

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187. My institution reengineered its business processes to take advantage of the softwares capabilities
(Single Select)
1. 1
1. 1
2. 2
2. 2
3. 3
3. 3
4. 4
4. 4
5. 5
5. Dont Know
188. Who was the primary advocate for an ERP solution at your institution?
(Single Select)
1. Board of Trustees
2. President / Chancellor
3. System / District Office
4. Chief Academic Officer
5. Chief Information Officer
6. Chief Business / Financial Officer
7. Chief Human Resources Officer
8. Chief Student Affairs Officer
9. Other
189. If you answered Other, please specify:
190. Who served as the executive sponsor for the Financials module implementation?
(Single Select)
1. Board of Trustees
2. President / Chancellor
3. System / District Office
4. Chief Academic Officer
5. Chief Information Officer
6. Chief Business / Financial Officer
7. Chief Human Resources Officer
8. Chief Student Affairs Officer
9. Other
191. If you answered Other, please specify:
192. During the course of your implementation, was there a change in the executive sponsor?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No

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193. Who served as the executive sponsor for the Human Resources module implementation?
(Single Select)
1. Board of Trustees
2. President / Chancellor
3. System / District Office
4. Chief Academic Officer
5. Chief Information Officer
6. Chief Business / Financial Officer
7. Chief Human Resources Officer
8. Chief Student Affairs Officer
9. Other
194. If you answered Other, please specify:
195. During the course of your implementation, was there a change in the executive sponsor?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
196. Who served as the executive sponsor for the Student module implementation?
(Single Select)
1. Board of Trustees
2. President / Chancellor
3. System / District Office
4. Chief Academic Officer
5. Chief Information Officer
6. Chief Business / Financial Officer
7. Chief Human Resources Officer
8. Chief Student Affairs Officer
9. Other
197. If you answered Other, please specify:
198. During the course of your implementation, was there a change in the executive sponsor?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
199. Did you allocate a full-time project manager to the implementation?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
[If 1, then branch to add 200-204]
2. No
[If 2, then branch to 205]
200. Was the project manager:
(Single Select)
1. Internal
2. External
3. Both (An internal project manager, as well as one from a consulting partner)

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201. Did the project manager have previous experience implementing an ERP product?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
202. Did the project manager have previous experience implementing your specific product(s)?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
204. During the course of your implementation, was there a change in the project manager?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
205. Did your project have an oversight committee?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
206. What was the composition of your highest level oversight committee? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Board of Trustees
2. President / Chancellor
3. System / District Office
4. Chief Academic Officer
5. Chief Information Officer
6. Chief Business / Financial Officer
7. Chief Human Resources Officer
8. Chief Student Affairs Officer
9. Dean(s)
10. Auditor
11. Consultants (if used)
12. Vendor
13. Faculty Member(s)
14. Student Representative(s)
15. Other
How involved were the following institutional officers in the implementation? Please use the following scale:

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

207. Board of Trustees

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
208. President / Chancellor
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
209. System / District Office
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
210. Chief Academic Officer
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
211. Chief Information Officer
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
212. Chief Business / Financial Officer
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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213. Chief Human Resources Officer

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
214. Chief Student Affairs Officer
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
215. Dean(s)
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
216. Auditor
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
217. Consultants (if used)
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
218. Vendor
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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219. Faculty Member(s)

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
220. Student Representative (s)
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
221. Other (Please specify)
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
222. If Other, please specify:
We would now like to solicit some of your opinions on your implementation. Use the following scale
to answer these questions:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know
224. Our project had an excellent written implementation strategy.
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
224. The scope of the project was very well defined.
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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225. Our project did an exemplary job of communicating project goals, status, and changes to our
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
226. We did an excellent job managing/assessing the magnitude of data conversion
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
227. Our project had excellent executive engagement
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
228. Our project had excellent budgeting/financial management
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
229. Our project had an excellent software rollout strategy
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
230. Our institution did an excellent job of identifying project outcomes
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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231. Our institution did an excellent job of measuring and communicating project outcomes
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
232. Our institution provided timely training for all the users of our ERP system
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
233. Our training program provided users with an understanding of the full capabilities of the new
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
234. The ERP vision was aligned with the future vision of the university
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
235. There was broad agreement on the benchmarks and metrics for the project
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
236. The senior business officers (e.g. CFO, VP of HR) were supportive of an Enterprise solution
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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237. Department managers/directors were supportive of an ERP solution

(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
238. At the conclusion of the project, the confidence in the CIO and the credibility of the IT office had
been strengthened
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
239. If our institution had the opportunity to do this/these projects again, our approach would be
largely the same
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
240. If you had to do the implementation over again, what would you change? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Software Package
2. Project Manager
3. External Consultants
4. Internal Team Structure
5. Project Schedule
6. Project Scope
7. Project Governance
8. Project Budget
9. Communications
10. Training Process
11. Technology Infrastructure
12. Process Redesign
13. Software Customizations
14. Other
241. Describe one to three aspects of your ERP project that you consider the most exemplary or

End Section 5

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Begin Section 6
242. Did you achieve the outcomes you expected?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Partially
243. If you achieved at least some of your desired outcomes, how long after you went live did it take
to achieve these results?
(Single Select)
1. Immediately
2. Within 3 months
3. Within 3 to 6 months
4. Within 6 months to 1 year
5. Over 1 year
244. Were the outcomes you planned to achieve actually the primary benefits your institution derived
from ERP?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
245. If not, what were some of the primary benefits you achieved?
We would now like your opinions about project outcomes for your institution. Use the following
scale to answer these questions:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know
246. Our new systems have reduced our institutions business risk
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
247. Our new systems have enhanced our institutions regulatory compliance
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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248. Our new systems have made management information more accurate and accessible
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
249. Our new systems have allowed us to provide improved service to our faculty, staff, and students
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
250. Our new systems have allowed us to provide new services to our faculty, staff, and students
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
251. Our new systems removed some services our faculty, staff, and students valued
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
252. Our new systems have enhanced their primary users knowledge and skills
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
253. Our new systems have increased institutional accountability
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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254. Our new systems have increased our stakeholders confidence in the institution
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
255. Our new systems have enhanced the support of our academic mission
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
256. Our new systems have enhanced our institutional processes
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
257. Our new systems have enhanced our institutions business performance
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
258. Our new systems work is among our institutions most important in the past seven years
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
259. Those participating directly in our project planning and/or implementation gained from this
experience professionally
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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260. Our new systems are less costly to maintain and operate than the system(s) that were replaced
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
261. Our new systems are less costly to enhance/upgrade than the system(s) that were replaced
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
262. Our new systems are less costly to integrate than the system(s) that were replaced
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
263. Our new systems make it easier to take advantage of new technology
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
Overall, what impact did installing ERP have on your institutions productivity?
264. Immediately following the implementation, our productivity:
(Single Select)
1. Dropped Significantly
2. Dropped Somewhat
3. Stayed About the Same
4. Increased Somewhat
5. Increased Significantly
265. Today, our productivity has:
(Single Select)
1. Dropped Significantly
2. Dropped Somewhat
3. Stayed About the Same
4. Increased Somewhat
5. Increased Significantly

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Please use the following scale to answer these questions:

1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know
266. The workload of our department / school / college has increased significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
267. The workload of our department / school / college has decreased significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
268. The workload of our central campus offices has increased significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
269. The workload of our central campus offices has decreased significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
270. The nature of the work of our department / school / college has changed significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
271. The nature of the work of our central campus offices has changed significantly
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

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272. If the nature of the work changed, please describe up to three significant changes:
273. If you feel your productivity declined, please give up to three reasons you feel this happened:
What impact did installing ERP system(s) have on your institutions major constituencies? Please use
the following scale:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know
274. Our students benefited significantly from our ERP implementation
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
275. Our staff benefited significantly from our ERP implementation
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
276. Our faculty benefited significantly from our ERP implementation
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
277. Our management benefited significantly from our ERP implementation
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
How were your project outcomes perceived by the following stakeholders? Please use the following
1=Very Poor, 2=Poor, 3=Fair, 4=Good, 5=Very Good, 6=Excellent, and 7=Outstanding

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278. How would you characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP project(s)?
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
279. How would your students characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP project(s)?
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
280. How would your staff characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP project(s)?
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
281. How would your faculty characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP project(s)?
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
282. How would your senior management characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7

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283. How would your Board of Regents/Trustees characterize the outcomes of your institutions ERP
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
284. Has implementing new ERP system(s) created any new issues for your institution?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
285. If Yes, please describe:
286. What do you feel were the most interesting or important outcomes of your implementation?

End Section 6
Begin Section 7
What was the approximate total cost (in US dollars) of your ERP project(s), from design through the
first time the system went live? Please include all costs which your institution associates with your
project, including hardware, software, personnel costs, consulting services, etc.
287. Financials
288. HR
289. Student
For the Financials module, what percentages of your costs were spent on the following, from design
through the first time the system(s) went live?
290. ERP Software
291. Other Software (e.g. Database, help desk, operating system systems management, etc.)
292. Hardware (e.g. Servers, desktop upgrades, storage, network upgrades, etc.)
293. Internal Staff (e.g. Project team, backfill for project resources, user training, etc.)
294. External Staff / Services
295. Project Overhead (e.g. Facilities & workspace, utilities, copying & printing, etc.)
296. Other
297. If Other, Please specify:

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298. Did you complete your implementation within your original budget?
(Single Select)
1. Under budget
2. On budget
3. Over budget by up to 50%
4. Over budget by more than 50%
5. Not Applicable
For the Human Resources module, what percentages of your costs were spent on the following, from
design through the first time the system(s) went live?
299. ERP Software
300. Other Software (e.g. Database, help desk, operating system systems management, etc.)
301. Hardware (e.g. Servers, desktop upgrades, storage, network upgrades, etc.)
302. Internal Staff (e.g. Project team, backfill for project resources, user training, etc.)
303. External Staff / Services
304. Project Overhead (e.g. Facilites & workspace, utilites, copying & printing, etc.)
305. Other
306. If Other, Please specify:
307. Did you complete your implementation within your original budget?
(Single Select)
1. Under budget
2. On budget
3. Over budget by up to 50%
4. Over budget by more than 50%
5. Not Applicable
For the Student module, what percentages of your costs were spent on the following, from design
through the first time the system(s) went live?
308. ERP Software
309. Other Software (e.g. Database, help desk, operating system systems management, etc.)
310. Hardware (e.g. Servers, desktop upgrades, storage, network upgrades, etc.)
311. Internal Staff (e.g. Project team, backfill for project resources, user training, etc.)
312. External Staff / Services
313. Project Overhead (e.g. Facilities & workspace, utilities, copying & printing, etc.)
314. Other
315. If Other, Please specify:

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316. Did you complete your implementation within your original budget?
(Single Select)
1. Under budget
2. On budget
3. Over budget by up to 50%
4. Over budget by more than 50%
5. Not Applicable
If your implementation came in over budget, what were the factors that caused your spending to
grow? (Select all that apply: 1=Financials, 2=HR, 3=Student)
317. Not applicable
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
318. Project budget was unrealistic
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
319. Initial project scope was expanded
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
320. Additional technology needed to be purchased to meet project goals
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
321. Project staffing was underestimated in the initial budget
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
322. Unanticipated technical or organizational issues caused additional costs
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student

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323. Consulting fees were underestimated

(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
324. Consulting fees rose as the project schedule slipped
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
325. Dont know
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
326. Other
(Multiple Select)
1. Financials
2. HR
3. Student
327. If Other, please specify:
How do your (ongoing) support costs compare pre-ERP to post-ERP? Did they increase, stay the same
or decrease?
328. Staff / personnel
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
329. Packaged software (purchased products)
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

330. Database
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
331. Internal applications and code
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
332. Hardware and infrastructure
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
333. Desktop products and services
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
334. Training
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%

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335. Help desk and user support

(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
336. System operations and management
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
337. Consulting
(Single Select)
1. Increased by over 100%
2. Increased by 51-100%
3. Increased by 26-50%
4. Increased by 10-25%
5. Stayed about the same
6. Decreased by 10-25%
7. Decreased by more than 25%
338. Has your institution encountered any unanticipated support costs? If so, what were they, and
how did you address them?
How did your institution fund your ERP implementation? (Select all that apply)
For Recurring Funding:
339. Legislative allocation
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
340. Central allocation of funds
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
341. Internal relocation by specific units
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

342. User fees

(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
343. Tax on budget of collegiate / departmental units
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
344. Endowment
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
345. Other
(Multiple Select)
2. More than 25% of Funding
346. If Other, please describe:
For One-Time Funding:
347. Legislative allocation
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
348. State bonds
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
349. Institutional bonds
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
350. Central allocation of funds
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
351. Internal relocation by specific units
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
352. User fees
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding

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353. Tax on budget of collegiate / departmental units

(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
354. Institutional discretionary funds
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
355. Endowment
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
356. Other
(Multiple Select)
1. Yes
2. More than 25% of Funding
357. If Other, please describe:
358. The ERP project was worth the money we spent on it
(Single Select)
1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Strongly Agree
5. Dont Know
Which of the following capabilities or components is your institution planning to add to your ERP
(1=Already implemented; 2=Already implemented, and extending; 3=Currently implementing; 4=Will implement
within 1 year; 5=May implement in 1 to 3 years; 6=May implement in 3 to 5 years; 7=Not under consideration
at this time)
359. Adding additional or new modules of core applications
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

360. Adding / substituting best-of-breed applications to the core ERP

(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
361. Archiving / Imaging
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
362. Constituent Relationship Management (CRM)
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
363. Data Warehousing / Data Mining
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
364. eCommerce / eProcurement
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time

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365. Mobile / Wireless

(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
366. Portal
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
367. Workflow
(Single Select)
1. Already implemented
2. Already implemented, and extending
3. Currently implementing
4. Will implement within 1 year
5. May implement in 1 to 3 years
6. May implement in 3 to 5 years
7. Not under consideration at this time
368. Other (Please specify)
Are you planning to purchase the following from your core ERP vendor(s)?
369. Adding additional or new modules of core applications
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
370. Adding / substituting best-of-breed applications to the core ERP
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
371. Archiving / Imaging
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know

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372. Constituent Relationship Management (CRM)

(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
373. Data Warehousing / Data Mining
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
374. eCommerce / eProcurement
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
375. Mobile / Wireless
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
376. Portal
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
377. Workflow
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
3. Dont Know
Is your institution outsourcing or considering outsourcing any components of ERP support for the
Financials module?
(1=Already outsourcing; 2=Currently in process of outsourcing; 3=Will outsource within 1 year; 4=May
outsource in 1 to 3 years; 5=May outsource in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
378. Infrastructure (ASP models, external hosting, external hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

379. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)

(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
380. Fully outsourced ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
381. Help desk and user support
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
382. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
383. Full IT Outsourcing
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
384. Other (Please specify):

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Is your institution participating or planning to participate in sharing ERP applications or support with
other institutions for the Financials module?
(1=Already sharing; 2=Currently in process of sharing; 3=Will share within 1 year; 4=May share in 1 to 3 years;
5=May share in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
385. Infrastructure (ASP models, shared hosting, shared hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
386. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
387. Fully shared ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
388. Help desk and user support
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
389. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

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390. Full sharing of IT resources

(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
391. Other (Please specify):
Is your institution outsourcing or considering outsourcing any components of ERP support for the
Human Resources module?
(1=Already outsourcing; 2=Currently in process of outsourcing; 3=Will outsource within 1 year; 4=May
outsource in 1 to 3 years; 5=May outsource in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
392. Infrastructure (ASP models, external hosting, external hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
393. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
394. Fully outsourced ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

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395. Help desk and user support

(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
396. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
397. Full IT Outsourcing
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
398. Other (Please specify):
Is your institution participating or planning to participate in sharing ERP applications or support with
other institutions for the Human Resources module?
(1=Already sharing; 2=Currently in process of sharing; 3=Will share within 1 year; 4=May share in 1 to 3 years;
5=May share in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
399. Infrastructure (ASP models, shared hosting, shared hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

400. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)

(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
401. Fully shared ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
402. Help desk and user support
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
403. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
404. Full sharing of IT resources
(Single Select)
1. Already sharing
2. Currently in process of sharing
3. Will share within 1 year
4. May share in 1 to 3 years
5. May share in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
405. Other (Please specify):

Vol. 4, 2002

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

Is your institution outsourcing or considering outsourcing any components of ERP support for the
Student module?
(1=Already outsourcing; 2=Currently in process of outsourcing; 3=Will outsource within 1 year; 4=May
outsource in 1 to 3 years; 5=May outsource in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
406. Infrastructure (ASP models, external hosting, external hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
407. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
408. Fully outsourced ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
409. Help desk and user support
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
410. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

411. Full IT Outsourcing

(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
412. Other (Please specify):
Is your institution participating or planning to participate in sharing ERP applications or support with
other institutions for the Student module?
(1=Already sharing; 2=Currently in process of sharing; 3=Will share within 1 year; 4=May share in 1 to 3 years;
5=May share in 3 to 5 years; 6=Not under consideration at this time)
413. Infrastructure (ASP models, shared hosting, shared hardware contracts, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
414. Applications Management (System maintenance, patches, upgrades, etc.)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
415. Fully shared ERP management (Infrastructure and Applications)
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

416. Help desk and user support

(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
417. Training
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
418. Full sharing of IT resources
(Single Select)
1. Already outsourcing
2. Currently in process of outsourcing
3. Will outsource within 1 year
4. May outsource in 1 to 3 years
5. May outsource in 3 to 5 years
6. Not under consideration at this time
419. Other (Please specify):
We would like your opinion on some ERP trends. Please use the following scale:
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=No opinion, 4=Agree, and 5=Strongly Agree
420. The ERP system will cause many more processes to be integrated, with a high level of data
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
421. ERP will become an excellent decision support tool that will be extensively used by management
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

422. Over time, we are finding new and innovative uses for our ERP system, which we hadnt anticipated when we started
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
423. If I were to do it again today, I would build rather than buy
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5

End Section 8
Begin Section 9
424. For what reason or reasons, has your institution not implemented a packaged ERP product since
7/1/1995? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Our existing system works
2. Didnt see the value
3. The ERP solutions on the market do not seem to be a good fit with our institutions needs
4. The experience of others raised red flags
5. The institution has other priorities
6. We were not ready
7. Unable to secure approval from senior management and/or the Board of Regents/Trustees
8. Wanted to wait for the product to mature
9. Wanted to wait for the product to come down in price
10. ERP product innovation takes too long to reach the market (e.g. Web browser access)
11. Other
425. Which of these has been the most important reason for not implementing a packaged ERP
product since 7/1/1995?
(Single Select)
1. Our existing system works
2. Didnt see the value
3. The ERP solutions on the market do not seem to be a good fit with our institutions needs
4. The experience of others raised red flags
5. The institution has other priorities
6. We were not ready
7. Unable to secure approval from senior management and/or the Board of Regents/Trustees
8. Wanted to wait for the product to mature
9. Wanted to wait for the product to come down in price
10. ERP product innovation takes too long to reach the market (e.g. Web browser access)
11. Other

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

426. Have you conducted a formal review of ERP solutions?

(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No
Is your institution planning to implement a packaged ERP product for:
427. Financial Information Systems
(Single Select)
1. Currently implementing
2. Will implement within 1 year
3. Will implement in 1 to 3 years
4. May implement in 3 to 5 years
5. Not under consideration at this time
428. Human Resources Information Systems
(Single Select)
1. Currently implementing
2. Will implement within 1 year
3. Will implement in 1 to 3 years
4. May implement in 3 to 5 years
5. Not under consideration at this time
429. Student Information Systems
(Single Select)
1. Currently implementing
2. Will implement within 1 year
3. Will implement in 1 to 3 years
4. May implement in 3 to 5 years
5. Not under consideration at this time
430. If you are not planning to implement a packaged ERP solution, what would need to change in
order for you to decide to purchase one? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. An insurmountable issue would have to emerge with our existing environment
2. The price of the software and associated maintenance costs would have to drop significantly
3. The costs and risks of implementation would need to drop significantly
4. The vendors would need to make significant changes to the software (please explain)
5. Strong success stories in the industry would need to emerge
6. Other competing priorities would need to be addressed
7. A strong project champion would need to emerge
8. Other
431. If you selected The vendors would need to make significant changes to the software or Other,
please explain:

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

432. Are you using any of the following approaches to extend the functionality of your existing
administrative systems? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Building web-based interfaces to replace older character or client/server based interfaces
2. Using data warehousing approaches to provide easier access to information
3. Using Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) tools to link disparate systems
4. Building or purchasing new components
5. Redesigning processes to more closely match the applications capabilities
6. Other
433. Are you using any of the following approaches to extend the life of the technical environments
of these systems? (Select all that apply)
(Multiple Select)
1. Restructuring the system to provide better maintainability and understandability by maintenance programming staff
2. Providing staff development to ensure competent maintenance programming staff for older technologies
3. Converting the underlying database technology to more supported, vendor-supplied database products
4. Re-hosting the systems to more modern hardware and software and programming language environments
5. Other
We would like your opinion on your institutions experience with choosing a non-ERP solution
1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Agree, 4=Strongly Agree, and 5=Dont Know
434. Our non-ERP solution has reduced our institutions business risk
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
435. Our non-ERP solution has enhanced institutional productivity
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
436. Our non-ERP solution has increased our stakeholders confidence in the IT Office
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

437. Our non-ERP work is among our institutions most important in the past seven years
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
438. If our institution had the opportunity to implement a non-ERP solution again today, our approach would be largely the same
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
439. Our non-ERP solution is less costly to maintain and operate than an ERP package solution would
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
440. Our non-ERP solution is less costly to enhance/upgrade than an ERP package solution would be
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know
441. Our non-ERP solution is less costly to integrate with other systems than an ERP package solution
would be
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

442. Our non-ERP solution has made it less difficult to recruit and retain IT staff than an ERP package
solution would
(Single Select)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. Dont Know

End Section 9
Please fill out the following information:
443. Name of Institution:
444. Name of person filling out questionnaire:
445. Title:
(Single Select)
1. CIO (or equivalent)
2. Vice President / Vice Provost (Non-CIO)
3. Director of Administrative Computing
4. Project Manager
5. Other IT Management
6. Other Administrative Management
7. Other Academic Management
446. How many years have you been in your current position?
(Single Select)
1. Less than 1 year
2. 1 to 2 years
3. 2 to 5 years
4. 5 to 10 years
5. Over 10 years
447. How many years have you worked at your current institution?
(Single Select)
1. Less than 1 year
2. 1 to 2 years
3. 2 to 5 years
4. 5 to 10 years
5. Over 10 years
448. Do you wish to receive a copy of the Key Findings from this survey?
(Single Select)
1. Yes
2. No

Enterprise Systems for Higher Education

Vol. 4, 2002

449. May we contact you by phone to obtain further insights or clarifications on your responses?
(Single Select)
1. No
2. Yes... my phone number is
450. If you have any other comments or insights about ERP implementations at your institution,
please feel free to share them with us, below.


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