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Book of Mormon
Another Testament of
Jesus Christ
Doctrine and
of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Pearl of
Great Price
Published by
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
© 1981, 2013 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America 6/2013
Book of Mormon
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Testimony of Three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of Eight Witnesses . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith . . . . . . . . ix
Brief Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
1 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Enos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Jarom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Omni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Words of Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Mosiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Alma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Helaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
3 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
4 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Moroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Pronunciation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Tr a ns l at e d b y Jo s e p h Sm i t h , J u n .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Testimony of Three Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of Eight Witnesses . . . . . . . . . viii
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith . . . . . . ix
Brief Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
1 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Enos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Jarom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Omni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Words of Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Mosiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Alma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Helaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
3 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
4 Nephi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Mormon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Moroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Pronunciation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
B e it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom
this work shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father,
and our Lord Jesus Christ, have seen the plates which contain this record,
which is a record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their
brethren, and also of the people of Jared, who came from the tower of
which hath been spoken. And we also know that they have been trans-
lated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us;
wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify
that we have seen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they
have been shown unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we
declare with words of soberness, that an angel of God came down from
heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and
saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and we know that it is by the
grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheld and
bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes.
Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we should bear
record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God,
we bear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in
Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found
spotless before the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him
eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.
Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
Martin Harris
B e it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom
this work shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this
work, has shown unto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which
have the appearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith
has translated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the en-
gravings thereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and
of curious workmanship. And this we bear record with words of sober-
ness, that the said Smith has shown unto us, for we have seen and hefted,
and know of a surety that the said Smith has got the plates of which we
have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to witness unto the
world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness of it.
Christian Whitmer Hiram Page
Jacob Whitmer Joseph Smith, Sen.
Peter Whitmer, Jun. Hyrum Smith
John Whitmer Samuel H. Smith
The Testimony of the
Prophet Joseph Smith
T he Prophet Joseph Smith’s own words about the coming forth of the
Book of Mormon are:
“On the evening of the . . . twenty-first of September [1823] . . . I betook
myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God. . . .
“While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light
appearing in my room, which continued to increase until the room was
lighter than at noonday, when immediately a personage appeared at my
bedside, standing in the air, for his feet did not touch the floor.
“He had on a loose robe of most exquisite whiteness. It was a whiteness
beyond anything earthly I had ever seen; nor do I believe that any earthly
thing could be made to appear so exceedingly white and brilliant. His
hands were naked, and his arms also, a little above the wrist; so, also, were
his feet naked, as were his legs, a little above the ankles. His head and
neck were also bare. I could discover that he had no other clothing on but
this robe, as it was open, so that I could see into his bosom.
“Not only was his robe exceedingly white, but his whole person was
glorious beyond description, and his countenance truly like lightning.
The room was exceedingly light, but not so very bright as immediately
around his person. When I first looked upon him, I was afraid; but the
fear soon left me.
“He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent
from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God
had a work for me to do; and that my name should be had for good and
evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both
good and evil spoken of among all people.
“He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an
account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from
whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel
was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants;
“Also, that there were two stones in silver bows—and these stones, fas-
tened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thum-
mim—deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these
stones were what constituted ‘seers’ in ancient or former times; and that
God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book. . . .
“Again, he told me, that when I got those plates of which he had spo-
ken—for the time that they should be obtained was not yet fulfilled—I
should not show them to any person; neither the breastplate with the
Urim and Thummim; only to those to whom I should be commanded to
show them; if I did I should be destroyed. While he was conversing with
me about the plates, the vision was opened to my mind that I could see
the place where the plates were deposited, and that so clearly and dis-
tinctly that I knew the place again when I visited it.
“After this communication, I saw the light in the room begin to gather
immediately around the person of him who had been speaking to me, and
it continued to do so until the room was again left dark, except just around
him; when, instantly I saw, as it were, a conduit open right up into
heaven, and he ascended till he entirely disappeared, and the room was
left as it had been before this heavenly light had made its appearance.
“I lay musing on the singularity of the scene, and marveling greatly at
what had been told to me by this extraordinary messenger; when, in the
Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith x
the breastplate, as stated by the messenger. The box in which they lay
was formed by laying stones together in some kind of cement. In the bot-
tom of the box were laid two stones crossways of the box, and on these
stones lay the plates and the other things with them.
“I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messen-
ger, and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had
not yet arrived, neither would it, until four years from that time; but he
told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that
time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue
to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates.
“Accordingly, as I had been commanded, I went at the end of each year,
and at each time I found the same messenger there, and received instruc-
tion and intelligence from him at each of our interviews, respecting what
the Lord was going to do, and how and in what manner his kingdom was
to be conducted in the last days. . . .
“At length the time arrived for obtaining the plates, the Urim and
Thummim, and the breastplate. On the twenty-second day of Septem-
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, having gone as usual
at the end of another year to the place where they were deposited, the
same heavenly messenger delivered them up to me with this charge: that
I should be responsible for them; that if I should let them go carelessly,
or through any neglect of mine, I should be cut off; but that if I would
use all my endeavors to preserve them, until he, the messenger, should
call for them, they should be protected.
“I soon found out the reason why I had received such strict charges to
keep them safe, and why it was that the messenger had said that when I
had done what was required at my hand, he would call for them. For no
sooner was it known that I had them, than the most strenuous exertions
were used to get them from me. Every stratagem that could be invented
was resorted to for that purpose. The persecution became more bitter
and severe than before, and multitudes were on the alert continually to
get them from me if possible. But by the wisdom of God, they remained
safe in my hands, until I had accomplished by them what was required
at my hand. When, according to arrangements, the messenger called for
them, I delivered them up to him; and he has them in his charge until
this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and
For a more complete account, see Joseph Smith—History in the Pearl
of Great Price.
The ancient record thus brought forth from the earth as the voice of a
people speaking from the dust, and translated into modern speech by the
gift and power of God as attested by Divine affirmation, was first pub-
lished to the world in the year 1830 as The Book of Mormon.
A Brief Explanation about
the book of Mormon
An account of Lehi and his wife Sariah, and his four sons, being called, (be-
ginning at the eldest) Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. The Lord warns Lehi
to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesieth unto the people
concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life. He taketh three days’
journey into the wilderness with his family. Nephi taketh his brethren and
returneth to the land of Jerusalem after the record of the Jews. The account of
their sufferings. They take the daughters of Ishmael to wife. They take their
families and depart into the wilderness. Their sufferings and afflictions in the
wilderness. The course of their travels. They come to the large waters. Nephi’s
brethren rebel against him. He confoundeth them, and buildeth a ship. They
call the name of the place Bountiful. They cross the large waters into the
promised land, and so forth. This is according to the account of Nephi; or in
other words, I, Nephi, wrote this record.
with all his a heart, in behalf of his read, he was filled with the a Spirit
people. of the Lord.
6 And it came to pass as he prayed 13 And he read, saying: Wo, wo,
unto the Lord, there came a a pillar unto Jerusalem, for I have seen
of fire and dwelt upon a rock before thine a abominations! Yea, and many
him; and he saw and heard much; things did my father read concern-
and because of the things which he ing b Jerusalem—that it should be
saw and heard he did b quake and destroyed, and the inhabitants
tremble exceedingly. thereof; many should perish by the
7 And it came to pass that he re- sword, and many should be c carried
turned to his own house at Jeru- away captive into Babylon.
salem; and he cast himself upon 14 And it came to pass that when
his bed, being a overcome with the my father had read and seen many
Spirit and the things which he had great and marvelous things, he did
seen. exclaim many things unto the Lord;
8 And being thus overcome with such as: Great and marvelous are
the Spirit, he was carried away thy works, O Lord God Almighty!
in a a vision, even that he saw the Thy throne is high in the heavens,
heavens open, and he thought he and thy a power, and goodness, and
saw God sitting upon his throne, mercy are over all the inhabitants
surrounded with numberless con- of the earth; and, because thou art
courses of angels in the attitude merciful, thou wilt not suffer those
of singing and praising their God. who b come unto thee that they shall
9 And it came to pass that he saw perish!
One descending out of the midst 15 And after this manner was
of heaven, and he beheld that his the language of my father in the
luster was above that of the sun praising of his God; for his soul did
at noon-day. rejoice, and his whole heart was
10 And he also saw a twelve others filled, because of the things which
following him, and their brightness he had seen, yea, which the Lord
did exceed that of the stars in the had shown unto him.
firmament. 16 And now I, Nephi, do not make
11 And they came down and went a full account of the things which
forth upon the face of the earth; and my father hath written, for he hath
the first came and a stood before my written many things which he saw
father, and gave unto him a b book, in a visions and in b dreams; and
and bade him that he should read. he also hath written many things
12 And it came to pass that as he which he c prophesied and spake
5 a Jer. 29:13; Alma 36:22; Jer. 13:27.
James 5:16; Hel. 5:48 (45–49); b 2 Kgs. 23:27; 24:2;
2 Ne. 4:24 (23–25). D&C 137:1. Jer. 13:14;
6 a Ex. 13:21; c tg God, Manifesta- Ezek. 15:6 (6–8);
Hel. 5:24 (24, 43); tions of; 1 Ne. 2:13; 3:17.
D&C 29:12; God, Privilege of Seeing. c 2 Kgs. 20:17 (17–18);
JS—H 1:16, 30. 9 a JS—H 1:17 (16–17), Jer. 52:15 (3–15);
b Isa. 6:5 (1–5). 30 (30–32). 2 Ne. 25:10;
7 a Dan. 8:27 (26–27); 10 a tg Apostles. Omni 1:15.
10:8 (8–12); 11 a 1 Sam. 3:10; tg Babylon.
1 Ne. 17:47; D&C 110:2 (2–3). 14 a tg God, Power of.
Alma 27:17; b Ezek. 2:9 (9–10); b 2 Ne. 26:25 (24–28);
Moses 1:10 (9–10). Rev. 10:9 (2–11). Alma 5:34 (33–36);
8 a 1 Ne. 3:18 (17–18); 5:4. 12 a Gen. 41:38; 3 Ne. 9:14 (13–14).
tg Vision. Mosiah 27:24; 16 a Ezek. 1:1;
b Ezek. 1:1; Alma 18:16. JS—H 1:24 (21–25).
Acts 7:56 (55–56); 13 a 2 Kgs. 24:19; b 1 Ne. 8:2 (2–38).
1 Ne. 11:14; 2 Chr. 36:14; c 1 Ne. 7:1.
3 1 Nephi 1 : 17–2 : 4
unto his children, of which I shall those whom he hath chosen, be-
not make a full account. cause of their faith, to make them
17 But I shall make an account of mighty even unto the power of
my proceedings in my days. Behold, d
I make an a abridgment of the record
of my b father, upon c plates which I Chapter 2
have made with mine own hands;
wherefore, after I have abridged Lehi takes his family into the wilder-
ness by the Red Sea—They leave their
the record of my d father then will I property—Lehi offers a sacrifice to the
make an account of mine own life. Lord and teaches his sons to keep the
18 Therefore, I would that ye commandments—Laman and Lemuel
should know, that after the Lord had murmur against their father—Nephi is
shown so many marvelous things obedient and prays in faith; the Lord
unto my father, Lehi, yea, concern- speaks to him, and he is chosen to rule
ing the a destruction of Jerusalem, over his brethren. About 600 b.c.
behold he went forth among the
people, and began to b prophesy For behold, it came to pass that
and to declare unto them concern- the Lord spake unto my father, yea,
ing the things which he had both even in a dream, and said unto him:
seen and heard. Blessed art thou Lehi, because of
19 And it came to pass that the the things which thou hast done;
Jews did b mock him because of the and because thou hast been faithful
things which he testified of them; and declared unto this people the
for he truly testified of their c wick- things which I commanded thee,
edness and their abominations; and behold, they seek to a take away
he testified that the things which he thy b life.
saw and heard, and also the things 2 And it came to pass that the Lord
which he read in the book, mani- a
commanded my father, even in a
fested plainly of the coming of a dream, that he should c take his fam-
Messiah, and also the redemption ily and depart into the wilderness.
of the world. 3 And it came to pass that he was
20 And when the Jews heard these obedient unto the word of the Lord,
things they were angry with him; wherefore he did as the Lord com-
yea, even as with the prophets of manded him.
old, whom they had a cast out, and 4 And it came to pass that he de-
stoned, and slain; and they also parted into the wilderness. And
sought his life, that they might he left his house, and the land of
take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, his inheritance, and his gold, and
will show unto you that the tender his silver, and his precious things,
mercies of the Lord are over all and took nothing with him, save it
17 a 1 Ne. 9:2 (2–5); Ezek. 5:6; b 1 Ne. 7:14.
Enos 1:13 (13, 15–18). 1 Ne. 2:13; 7:14. 2 a 1 Ne. 3:16; 4:34;
tg Scriptures, c 1 Ne. 17:22. 5:8; 17:44;
Writing of. d tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 7:20;
b 1 Ne. 6:1 (1–3); Prophecies about. Alma 9:9.
8:29 (29–30); 19:1 (1–6). 20 a Jer. 13:11; tg Called of God.
c 1 Ne. 10:15. Hel. 13:24 (24–28). b tg Dream.
d 2 Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (29–33); b Jer. 11:19; c Gen. 12:1; 19:12;
D&C 10:42. 1 Ne. 2:2 (1–4). 1 Ne. 1:20 (18–20);
18 a 2 Ne. 25:9; tg Prophets, 2 Ne. 10:20;
D&C 5:20. Rejection of. Ether 1:42;
b tg Prophets, Mission of; c Gen. 32:10; Abr. 2:3.
Prophets, Rejection of. Alma 34:38; tg Protection, Divine.
19 a tg Apostasy of Israel. D&C 46:15. 3 a tg Commitment.
b 2 Chr. 36:16; d tg Deliver.
Jer. 25:4 (1–4); 2 1 a tg Persecution.
1 Nephi 2 : 5 –16 4
were his family, and provisions, Lemuel; for behold they did b mur-
and tents, and a departed into the mur in many things against their
wilderness. c
father, because he was a d visionary
5 And he came down by the bor- man, and had led them out of the
ders near the shore of the a Red Sea; land of Jerusalem, to leave the land
and he traveled in the wilderness of their inheritance, and their gold,
in the borders which are nearer the and their silver, and their precious
Red Sea; and he did travel in the things, to perish in the wilderness.
wilderness with his family, which And this they said he had done be-
consisted of my mother, Sariah, cause of the foolish imaginations
and my elder brothers, who were of his heart.
Laman, Lemuel, and Sam. 12 And thus Laman and Lemuel,
6 And it came to pass that when he being the eldest, did murmur against
had traveled three days in the wilder- their a father. And they did b murmur
ness, he pitched his tent in a a valley because they c knew not the deal-
by the side of a b river of water. ings of that God who had d created
7 And it came to pass that he built them.
an a altar of b stones, and made an 13 Neither did they a believe that
offering unto the Lord, and gave Jerusalem, that great city, could be
thanks unto the Lord our God. b
destroyed according to the words
8 And it came to pass that he called of the prophets. And they were like
the name of the river, Laman, and unto the Jews who were at Jerusa-
it emptied into the Red Sea; and lem, who sought to take away the
the valley was in the borders near life of my father.
the mouth thereof. 14 And it came to pass that my
9 And when my father saw that father did speak unto them in the
the waters of the river emptied a
valley of Lemuel, with b power,
into the a fountain of the Red Sea, being filled with the Spirit, until
he spake unto Laman, saying: O their frames did c shake before him.
that thou mightest be like unto this And he did confound them, that
river, continually running into the they durst not utter against him;
fountain of all righteousness! wherefore, they did as he com-
10 And he also spake unto Lem- manded them.
uel: O that thou mightest be like 15 And my father dwelt in a a tent.
unto this valley, a firm and b stead- 16 And it came to pass that I,
fast, and immovable in keeping the Nephi, being exceedingly young,
commandments of the Lord! nevertheless being large in stat-
11 Now this he spake because of ure, and also having great desires
the a stiffneckedness of Laman and to know of the a mysteries of God,
4 a 1 Ne. 10:4; 19:8. 10 a ie like Ezion-geber, the D&C 43:23.
5 a 1 Ne. 16:14; Hebrew roots of which tg Man, Physical
D&C 17:1. denote firmness and Creation of.
6 a 1 Ne. 9:1. strength, or might of 13 a Ezek. 5:6;
b Joel 1:20. a man. 1 Ne. 1:19 (18–20).
7 a Gen. 12:7 (7–8); 26:25; b tg Dependability. b Jer. 13:14;
Ex. 24:4; 11 a tg Stiffnecked. 1 Ne. 1:13 (4–13).
Abr. 2:17. b 1 Ne. 17:17. 14 a 1 Ne. 9:1; 16:6 (6, 12).
b Ex. 20:25; tg Murmuring. b tg Priesthood,
Deut. 27:5 (5–6); c Prov. 20:20. Power of.
Josh. 8:31 (30–31). d 1 Ne. 5:4 (2–4); 17:20. c 1 Ne. 17:45.
c tg Sacrifice. 12 a Lam. 4:16 (16–17). 15 a Gen. 12:8;
d tg Thanksgiving. b 1 Sam. 3:13; 26:17 (17, 25);
9 a ie fount, or source, like Mosiah 27:8 (7–37); 31:25 (25, 33);
the Gulf of Akaba, Moses 5:16. 1 Ne. 4:38; 10:16.
which empties into the c Moses 4:6. 16 a tg Mysteries of
Red Sea. d Deut. 32:6; Godliness.
5 1 Nephi 2 : 17–3 : 5
wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; thy seed except they shall c rebel
and behold he did b visit me, and against me also.
did c soften my heart that I did d be- 24 And if it so be that they rebel
lieve all the words which had been against me, they shall be a a scourge
spoken by my e father; wherefore, I unto thy seed, to b stir them up in
did not f rebel against him like unto the ways of remembrance.
my brothers.
17 And I spake unto Sam, making Chapter 3
known unto him the things which Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem to ob-
the Lord had manifested unto me tain the plates of brass—Laban refuses
by his Holy Spirit. And it came to to give the plates up—Nephi exhorts
pass that he believed in my words. and encourages his brethren—Laban
18 But, behold, Laman and Lemuel steals their property and attempts to
would not hearken unto my words; slay them—Laman and Lemuel smite
and being a grieved because of the Nephi and Sam and are reproved by
hardness of their hearts I cried unto an angel. About 600–592 b.c.
the Lord for them.
19 And it came to pass that the And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed returned from a speaking with the
art thou, Nephi, because of thy Lord, to the tent of my father.
faith, for thou hast sought me 2 And it came to pass that he spake
diligently, with lowliness of heart. unto me, saying: Behold I have
20 And inasmuch as ye shall keep dreamed a a dream, in the which
my commandments, ye shall a pros- the Lord hath commanded me that
per, and shall be led to a b land of thou and thy brethren shall b return
promise; yea, even a land which I to Jerusalem.
have prepared for you; yea, a land 3 For behold, Laban hath the
which is choice above all other record of the Jews and also a a ge-
lands. nealogy of my forefathers, and
21 And inasmuch as thy brethren they are b engraven upon plates of
shall rebel against thee, they shall brass.
be a cut off from the presence of 4 Wherefore, the Lord hath com-
the Lord. manded me that thou and thy
22 And inasmuch as thou shalt brothers should go unto the house
keep my commandments, thou of Laban, and seek the records, and
shalt be made a a ruler and a teacher bring them down hither into the
over thy brethren. wilderness.
23 For behold, in that day that 5 And now, behold thy brothers
they shall a rebel against me, I will murmur, saying it is a hard thing
curse them even with a sore curse, which I have required of them; but
and they shall have no power over behold I have not required it of
16 b Ps. 8:4; 1 Ne. 4:14; 1 Ne. 12:22 (22–23);
1 Ne. 3:1; 19:11; Mosiah 1:7. D&C 41:1.
Alma 17:10; b Deut. 33:13 (13–16); tg Curse.
D&C 5:16. 1 Chr. 28:8 (7–8); c Josh. 22:16;
tg Guidance, Divine. 1 Ne. 5:5 (5, 22); 7:13; Mosiah 15:26.
c 1 Kgs. 18:37; Moses 7:17 (17–18). 24 a Josh. 23:13;
Alma 5:7. tg Promised Lands. Judg. 2:22 (22–23).
d 1 Ne. 11:5. 21 a Josh. 23:13; b 2 Ne. 5:25.
e tg Honoring Father and 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–24); 3 1 a 1 Ne. 2:16.
Mother. Alma 9:14 (13–15); 38:1. 2 a tg Dream.
f tg Family, Love within. 22 a Gen. 37:8 (8–11); b 1 Ne. 2:4 (1–5); 7:3.
18 a Alma 31:24; 1 Ne. 3:29. 3 a 1 Ne. 3:12; 5:14.
3 Ne. 7:16. tg Authority. b Jer. 17:1;
19 a 1 Ne. 7:12 (9–13); 15:11. 23 a Job 24:13. 1 Ne. 3:24 (12, 19–24).
20 a Josh. 1:7; b Deut. 11:28;
1 Nephi 3 : 6 –20 6
did follow and were drowned in the 11 And the Spirit said unto me
waters of the Red Sea. again: Behold the a Lord hath b deliv-
3 Now behold ye know that this is ered him into thy hands. Yea, and
true; and ye also know that an a an- I also knew that he had sought to
gel hath spoken unto you; where- take away mine own life; yea, and
fore can ye b doubt? Let us go up; the he would not hearken unto the
Lord is able to c deliver us, even as commandments of the Lord; and he
our fathers, and to destroy Laban, also had c taken away our property.
even as the Egyptians. 12 And it came to pass that the
4 Now when I had spoken these Spirit said unto me again: Slay him,
words, they were yet wroth, and did for the Lord hath delivered him
still continue to murmur; neverthe- into thy hands;
less they did follow me up until we 13 Behold the Lord a slayeth the
came without the walls of Jerusalem. b
wicked to bring forth his righ-
5 And it was by night; and I caused teous purposes. It is c better that
that they should hide themselves one man should perish than that a
without the walls. And after they nation should dwindle and perish
had hid themselves, I, Nephi, crept in d unbelief.
into the city and went forth towards 14 And now, when I, Nephi, had
the house of Laban. heard these words, I remembered
6 And I was a led by the Spirit, not the words of the Lord which he
knowing beforehand the things spake unto me in the wilderness,
which I should do. saying that: a Inasmuch as thy seed
7 Nevertheless I went forth, and shall keep my b commandments,
as I came near unto the house of they shall c prosper in the d land of
Laban I beheld a man, and he had promise.
fallen to the earth before me, for 15 Yea, and I also thought that they
he was a drunken with wine. could not keep the commandments
8 And when I came to him I found of the Lord according to the a law of
that it was Laban. Moses, save they should have the law.
9 And I beheld his a sword, and 16 And I also knew that the a law
I drew it forth from the sheath was engraven upon the plates of
thereof; and the hilt thereof was brass.
of pure gold, and the workmanship 17 And again, I knew that the Lord
thereof was exceedingly fine, and had delivered Laban into my hands
I saw that the blade thereof was of for this cause—that I might obtain
the most precious steel. the records according to his com-
10 And it came to pass that I was mandments.
constrained by the Spirit that I 18 Therefore I did obey the voice
should kill Laban; but I said in my of the Spirit, and took Laban by
heart: Never at any time have I shed the hair of the head, and I smote
the blood of man. And I shrunk and off his head with his own a sword.
would that I might not slay him. 19 And after I had smitten off his
3 a 1 Ne. 3:30 (29–31); 7:10. b 1 Ne. 7:11. 14 a Omni 1:6;
b tg Doubt. c 1 Ne. 3:26. Mosiah 2:22;
c tg Deliver. 13 a Num. 25:17; Ether 2:7 (7–12).
6 a tg Guidance, Divine; Deut. 12:29; b tg Commandments
Holy Ghost, Gifts of; Ps. 139:19; of God.
Inspiration. 1 Ne. 17:37 (33–38); c 1 Ne. 2:20.
b Heb. 11:8. D&C 98:32 (31–32). d 1 Ne. 17:13 (13–14);
7 a tg Drunkenness. b tg Justice; Jacob 2:12.
9 a 2 Ne. 5:14; Punish; 15 a Mosiah 1:5 (1–6).
D&C 17:1. Wickedness. 16 a Josh. 1:8.
10 a 1 Sam. 15:3 (3–33). c Alma 30:47. tg Law of Moses.
11 a Deut. 3:3; tg Life, Sanctity of. 18 a 1 Sam. 17:51.
1 Sam. 17:46 (41–49). d tg Unbelief.
9 1 Nephi 4 : 20–37
head with his own sword, I took the after them, and they did hear me;
garments of Laban and put them wherefore they did cease to flee
upon mine own body; yea, even from my presence.
every whit; and I did gird on his 30 And it came to pass that when
armor about my loins. the servant of Laban beheld my
20 And after I had done this, I went brethren he began to tremble, and
forth unto the treasury of Laban. was about to flee from before me
And as I went forth towards the and return to the city of Jerusalem.
treasury of Laban, behold, I saw the 31 And now I, Nephi, being a man
servant of Laban who had the keys large in stature, and also having re-
of the treasury. And I commanded ceived much a strength of the Lord,
him in the voice of Laban, that he therefore I did seize upon the ser-
should go with me into the treasury. vant of Laban, and held him, that
21 And he supposed me to be his he should not flee.
master, Laban, for he beheld the 32 And it came to pass that I spake
garments and also the sword girded with him, that if he would hearken
about my loins. unto my words, as the Lord liveth,
22 And he spake unto me con- and as I live, even so that if he would
cerning the a elders of the Jews, he hearken unto our words, we would
knowing that his master, Laban, spare his life.
had been out by night among them. 33 And I spake unto him, even
23 And I spake unto him as if it with an a oath, that he need not fear;
had been Laban. that he should be a b free man like
24 And I also spake unto him that I unto us if he would go down in the
should carry the engravings, which wilderness with us.
were upon the a plates of brass, to 34 And I also spake unto him,
my elder brethren, who were with- saying: Surely the Lord hath a com-
out the walls. manded us to do this thing; and shall
25 And I also bade him that he we not be diligent in keeping the
should follow me. commandments of the Lord? There-
26 And he, supposing that I spake fore, if thou wilt go down into the
of the a brethren of the b church, and wilderness to my father thou shalt
that I was truly that Laban whom have place with us.
I had slain, wherefore he did fol- 35 And it came to pass that a Zoram
low me. did take courage at the words which
27 And he spake unto me many I spake. Now Zoram was the name of
times concerning the elders of the the servant; and he promised that he
Jews, as I went forth unto my breth- would go down into the wilderness
ren, who were without the walls. unto our father. Yea, and he also
28 And it came to pass that when made an oath unto us that he would
Laman saw me he was exceedingly tarry with us from that time forth.
frightened, and also Lemuel and 36 Now we were desirous that he
Sam. And they fled from before should tarry with us for this cause,
my presence; for they supposed it that the Jews might not know con-
was Laban, and that he had slain cerning our flight into the wilder-
me and had sought to take away ness, lest they should pursue us and
their lives also. destroy us.
29 And it came to pass that I called 37 And it came to pass that when
20 a 2 Ne. 1:30. Num. 18:6; b tg Free.
22 a 2 Sam. 17:15; 2 Sam. 19:41. 34 a 1 Ne. 2:2; 3:16.
Ezek. 8:1; b tg Church Organization. 35 a 1 Ne. 16:7;
Acts 25:15. 31 a tg Strength; 2 Ne. 5:6 (5–6);
24 a 1 Ne. 3:24 (12, 19–24); Strengthen. Jacob 1:13;
5:10 (10–22). 33 a 2 Sam. 21:7. Alma 54:23;
26 a Ex. 2:11; tg Oath. 4 Ne. 1:36 (36–37).
1 Nephi 4 : 38–5 : 11 10
Zoram had made an a oath unto us, 5 But behold, I have a obtained a
our b fears did cease concerning him. land of promise, in the which things
12 And also a a record of the Jews plates of brass should a never perish;
from the beginning, even down to neither should they be dimmed any
the commencement of the reign of more by time. And he prophesied
Zedekiah, king of Judah; many things concerning his seed.
13 And also the prophecies of the 20 And it came to pass that thus
holy prophets, from the beginning, far I and my father had kept the
even down to the commencement commandments wherewith the
of the reign of a Zedekiah; and also Lord had commanded us.
many prophecies which have been 21 And we had obtained the records
spoken by the mouth of b Jeremiah. which the Lord had commanded us,
14 And it came to pass that my and searched them and found that
father, Lehi, also found upon the they were desirable; yea, even of
plates of brass a b genealogy of his great a worth unto us, insomuch that
fathers; wherefore he knew that we could b preserve the command-
he was a descendant of d Joseph; ments of the Lord unto our children.
yea, even that Joseph who was the 22 Wherefore, it was wisdom in the
son of e Jacob, who was f sold into Lord that we should carry them with
Egypt, and who was g preserved by us, as we journeyed in the wilder-
the hand of the Lord, that he might ness towards the land of promise.
preserve his father, Jacob, and all
his household from perishing with Chapter 6
15 And they were also a led out Nephi writes of the things of God—
of captivity and out of the land of Nephi’s purpose is to persuade men to
Egypt, by that same God who had come unto the God of Abraham and be
preserved them. saved. About 600–592 b.c.
16 And thus my father, Lehi, did And now I, Nephi, do not give the
discover the genealogy of his fathers. genealogy of my fathers in a this
And Laban also was a descendant part of my record; neither at any
of a Joseph, wherefore he and his time shall I give it after upon these
fathers had kept the b records. b
plates which I am c writing; for it is
17 And now when my father saw given in the record which has been
all these things, he was filled with kept by my d father; wherefore, I do
the Spirit, and began to prophesy not write it in this work.
concerning his seed— 2 For it sufficeth me to say that we
18 That these a plates of brass are descendants of a Joseph.
should go forth unto all b nations, 3 And it mattereth not to me that I
kindreds, tongues, and people who am particular to give a full account
were of his seed. of all the things of my father, for
19 Wherefore, he said that these they cannot be written upon a these
12 a 1 Chr. 9:1. 2 Ne. 20:21; 18 a Alma 22:12.
tg Scriptures, Alma 7:25; b JS—H 1:33.
Writing of. D&C 27:10. 19 a Alma 37:4.
13 a 2 Kgs. 24:18; Jer. 37:1. f Gen. 37:36 (29–36). 21 a tg Scriptures, Value of.
b Ezra 1:1; g tg Protection, Divine. b tg Scriptures,
Jer. 36:32 (17–32); 15 a Gen. 15:14 (13–14); Preservation of.
1 Ne. 7:14; Hel. 8:20. Ex. 15:13; 6 1 a 2 Ne. 4:15.
14 a Mosiah 2:34. Amos 3:1 (1–2); b 1 Ne. 9:2.
b 1 Ne. 3:3, 12; Jarom 1:1. 1 Ne. 17:31 (23–31); 19:10; c tg Scriptures,
tg Book of D&C 103:16 (16–18); Writing of.
Remembrance. 136:22. d 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17);
c tg Israel, Origins of. 16 a 2 Chr. 15:9; 19:1 (1–6).
d 2 Ne. 3:4; Alma 10:3. 1 Ne. 6:2. 2 a 1 Ne. 5:16 (14–16).
tg Israel, Joseph, tg Israel, Joseph, 3 a Jacob 7:27;
People of. People of. Jarom 1:2 (2, 14);
e Gen. 25:26; b tg Record Keeping. Omni 1:1, 30.
1 Nephi 6 : 4 –7 : 10 12
plates, for I desire the room that bring down Ishmael and his family
I may write of the things of God. into the wilderness.
4 For the fulness of mine intent is 3 And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
that I may a persuade men to b come did a again, with my brethren, go
unto the God of Abraham, and the forth into the wilderness to go up
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, to Jerusalem.
and be saved. 4 And it came to pass that we
5 Wherefore, the things which went up unto the house of Ishmael,
are a pleasing unto the world I do and we did gain favor in the sight
not write, but the things which are of Ishmael, insomuch that we did
pleasing unto God and unto those speak unto him the words of the
who are not of the world. Lord.
6 Wherefore, I shall give com- 5 And it came to pass that the a Lord
mandment unto my seed, that they did soften the heart of Ishmael,
shall not occupy these plates with and also his household, insomuch
things which are not of worth unto that they took their journey with
the children of men. us down into the wilderness to the
tent of our father.
Chapter 7 6 And it came to pass that as we
Lehi’s sons return to Jerusalem and journeyed in the wilderness, be-
invite Ishmael and his household to hold Laman and Lemuel, and two
join them in their journey—Laman of the a daughters of Ishmael, and
the two b sons of Ishmael and their
and others rebel—Nephi exhorts his families, did c rebel against us; yea,
brethren to have faith in the Lord— against me, Nephi, and Sam, and
They bind him with cords and plan his their father, Ishmael, and his wife,
destruction—He is freed by the power and his three other daughters.
of faith—His brethren ask forgiveness— 7 And it came to pass in the which
Lehi and his company offer sacrifice rebellion, they were desirous to re-
and burnt offerings. About 600–592 b.c. turn unto the land of Jerusalem.
And now I would that ye might 8 And now I, Nephi, being a grieved
know, that after my father, Lehi, for the hardness of their hearts,
had made an end of a prophesying therefore I spake unto them, say-
concerning his seed, it came to pass ing, yea, even unto Laman and unto
that the Lord spake unto him again, Lemuel: Behold ye are mine elder
saying that it was not meet for him, brethren, and how is it that ye
Lehi, that he should take his fam- are so hard in your hearts, and so
ily into the wilderness alone; but blind in your minds, that ye have
that his sons should take b daugh- need that I, your b younger brother,
ters to c wife, that they might raise should speak unto you, yea, and set
up d seed unto the Lord in the land an c example for you?
of promise. 9 How is it that ye have not heark
2 And it came to pass that the Lord ened unto the word of the Lord?
commanded him that I, Nephi, and 10 How is it that ye have a forgot-
my brethren, should again return ten that ye have seen an angel of
unto the land of Jerusalem, and the Lord?
4 a Luke 1:4 (3–4); c tg Marriage, Marry. Alma 31:2;
John 20:31 (30–31). d Ps. 127:3. 3 Ne. 17:14;
b 2 Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51). 2 a 1 Ne. 16:8. Moses 7:41.
5 a Gal. 1:10; 3 a 1 Ne. 3:2. b 1 Chr. 29:1;
1 Thes. 2:4; 5 a tg Guidance, Divine. D&C 1:19 (19, 23).
Heb. 13:21; 6 a 1 Ne. 16:7 (7, 27). c tg Example.
W of M 1:4. b 2 Ne. 4:10. 10 a Deut. 4:9 (9–13);
7 1 a 1 Ne. 1:16. c 1 Ne. 17:18 (17–55). 1 Ne. 4:3.
b 1 Ne. 16:7. 8 a Mosiah 28:3;
13 1 Nephi 7 : 11–22
11 Yea, and how is it that ye have cords, for they sought to take away
forgotten what great things the my life, that they might leave me
Lord hath done for us, in a delivering in the wilderness to be devoured
us out of the hands of Laban, and by wild beasts.
also that we should obtain the 17 But it came to pass that I prayed
record? unto the Lord, saying: O Lord, ac-
12 Yea, and how is it that ye have cording to my faith which is in thee,
forgotten that the Lord is able to wilt thou deliver me from the hands
do all a things according to his will, of my brethren; yea, even give me
for the children of men, if it so be a
strength that I may b burst these
that they exercise b faith in him? bands with which I am bound.
Wherefore, let us be faithful to him. 18 And it came to pass that when
13 And if it so be that we are faith- I had said these words, behold, the
ful to him, we shall obtain the a land bands were loosed from off my
of promise; and ye shall know at hands and feet, and I stood before
some future period that the word of my brethren, and I spake unto them
the Lord shall be fulfilled concern- again.
ing the b destruction of c Jerusalem; 19 And it came to pass that they
for all things which the Lord hath were angry with me again, and
spoken concerning the destruction sought to lay hands upon me; but
of Jerusalem must be fulfilled. behold, one of the a daughters of
14 For behold, the a Spirit of the Ishmael, yea, and also her mother,
Lord b ceaseth soon to strive with and one of the sons of Ishmael, did
them; for behold, they have c re- plead with my brethren, insomuch
jected the prophets, and d Jeremiah that they did soften their hearts;
have they cast into prison. And they and they did cease striving to take
have sought to take away the e life away my life.
of my father, insomuch that they 20 And it came to pass that they
have driven him out of the land. were sorrowful, because of their
15 Now behold, I say unto you that wickedness, insomuch that they
if ye will return unto Jerusalem ye did bow down before me, and did
shall also perish with them. And plead with me that I would a forgive
now, if ye have choice, go up to them of the thing that they had
the land, and remember the words done against me.
which I speak unto you, that if ye 21 And it came to pass that I did
go ye will also perish; for thus the frankly a forgive them all that they
Spirit of the Lord constraineth me had done, and I did exhort them
that I should speak. that they would pray unto the Lord
16 And it came to pass that when their God for b forgiveness. And it
I, Nephi, had spoken these words came to pass that they did so. And
unto my brethren, they were angry after they had done praying unto
with me. And it came to pass that the Lord we did again travel on
they did lay their hands upon me, our journey towards the tent of our
for behold, they were exceedingly father.
wroth, and they did a bind me with 22 And it came to pass that we did
11 a 1 Ne. 4:1 (1–38). Hel. 8:21 (20–21). b Jacob 4:6;
12 a Ps. 18:32 (32–40); 14 a tg God, Spirit of. Alma 14:28 (26–28);
1 Ne. 17:50; b Ezek. 5:6; 3 Ne. 28:20 (19–22).
Alma 26:12. 1 Ne. 1:19 (18–20); 2:13. 19 a 1 Ne. 16:7;
b 1 Ne. 2:19 (18–21); 15:11. c tg Prophets, 18:19 (19–20).
13 a 1 Ne. 2:20. Rejection of. 20 a tg Repent.
tg Promised Lands. d Jer. 37:15 (15–21). 21 a tg Family, Love within.
b 2 Kgs. 25:4 (1–21). e 1 Ne. 2:1. b tg Forgive.
c 2 Ne. 6:8; 25:10; 16 a 1 Ne. 18:11 (11–15).
Omni 1:15; 17 a Judg. 14:6.
1 Nephi 8 : 1–15 14
come down unto the tent of our 7 And it came to pass that as I
father. And after I and my brethren followed him I beheld myself that
and all the house of Ishmael had come I was in a dark and dreary waste.
down unto the tent of my father, they 8 And after I had traveled for the
did give a thanks unto the Lord their space of many hours in darkness, I
God; and they did offer b sacrifice began to pray unto the Lord that he
and burnt offerings unto him. would have a mercy on me, accord-
ing to the multitude of his tender
Chapter 8 mercies.
Lehi sees a vision of the tree of life— 9 And it came to pass after I had
He partakes of its fruit and desires his prayed unto the Lord I beheld a
family to do likewise—He sees a rod of large and spacious a field.
10 And it came to pass that I beheld
iron, a strait and narrow path, and the a a tree, whose b fruit was desirable
mists of darkness that enshroud men— to make one c happy.
Sariah, Nephi, and Sam partake of the
fruit, but Laman and Lemuel refuse. 11 And it came to pass that I did
About 600–592 b.c. go forth and partake of the a fruit
thereof; and I beheld that it was most
And it came to pass that we had sweet, above all that I ever before
gathered together all manner of tasted. Yea, and I beheld that the
seeds of every kind, both of grain fruit thereof was white, to exceed
of every kind, and also of the seeds all the b whiteness that I had ever
of fruit of every kind. seen.
2 And it came to pass that while 12 And as I partook of the fruit
my father tarried in the wilderness thereof it filled my soul with ex-
he spake unto us, saying: Behold, I ceedingly great a joy; wherefore, I
have a dreamed a dream; or, in other began to be b desirous that my family
words, I have b seen a c vision. should partake of it also; for I knew
3 And behold, because of the thing that it was c desirable above all other
which I have seen, I have reason to fruit.
rejoice in the Lord because of a Nephi 13 And as I cast my eyes round
and also of Sam; for I have reason about, that perhaps I might discover
to suppose that they, and also many my family also, I beheld a a river of
of their seed, will be saved. water; and it ran along, and it was
4 But behold, a Laman and Lemuel, near the tree of which I was par-
I fear exceedingly because of you; taking the fruit.
for behold, methought I saw in my 14 And I looked to behold from
dream, a dark and dreary wilderness. whence it came; and I saw the head
5 And it came to pass that I saw thereof a little way off; and at the
a a man, and he was dressed in a head thereof I beheld your mother
white b robe; and he came and stood Sariah, and Sam, and a Nephi; and
before me. they stood as if they knew not
6 And it came to pass that he spake whither they should go.
unto me, and bade me follow him. 15 And it came to pass that I
22 a tg Thanksgiving. b JS—H 1:31 (30–32). b 1 Ne. 11:8.
b 1 Ne. 5:9. 8 a tg God, Mercy of. 12 a tg Joy.
8 1 a 1 Ne. 16:11. 9 a Matt. 13:38. b Enos 1:9;
2 a 1 Ne. 1:16; 10:2. 10 a Gen. 2:9; Alma 36:24.
tg Dream; Rev. 2:7 (1–7); tg Family, Love within.
Revelation; 22:2 (1–16); c Gen. 3:6;
Vision. 1 Ne. 11:4, 8 (8–25). 1 Ne. 15:36.
b 1 Ne. 14:29. b 1 Ne. 8:24 (15, 20, 24); 13 a 1 Ne. 12:16 (16–18);
c 1 Ne. 10:17. Alma 32:42 (41–43). 15:26–27 (26–29).
3 a 1 Ne. 8:14 (14–18). c tg Happiness. 14 a 1 Ne. 8:3 (3–4).
4 a 1 Ne. 8:35. 11 a 1 Ne. 15:36;
5 a Dan. 10:5 (2–12). Alma 5:34.
15 1 Nephi 8 : 16–30
beckoned unto them; and I also did way, that they wandered off and
say unto them with a loud voice were b lost.
that they should come unto me, and 24 And it came to pass that I be-
partake of the fruit, which was de- held others pressing forward, and
sirable above all other fruit. they came forth and caught hold of
16 And it came to pass that they the end of the rod of iron; and they
did come unto me and partake of did press forward through the mist
the fruit also. of darkness, a clinging to the rod of
17 And it came to pass that I was iron, even until they did come forth
desirous that Laman and Lemuel and partake of the b fruit of the tree.
should come and partake of the 25 And after they had partaken of
fruit also; wherefore, I cast mine the fruit of the tree they did cast
eyes towards the head of the river, their eyes about as if they were
that perhaps I might see them. a
18 And it came to pass that I saw 26 And I also cast my eyes round
them, but they would a not come about, and beheld, on the a other
unto me and partake of the fruit. side of the river of water, a great
19 And I beheld a a rod of iron, and and b spacious building; and it stood
it extended along the bank of the as it were in the c air, high above
river, and led to the tree by which the earth.
I stood. 27 And it was filled with people,
20 And I also beheld a a strait and both old and young, both male and
narrow path, which came along by female; and their manner of dress
the rod of iron, even to the tree by was exceedingly fine; and they
which I stood; and it also led by the were in the a attitude of b mocking
head of the fountain, unto a large and pointing their fingers towards
and spacious field, as if it had been those who had come at and were
a b world. partaking of the fruit.
21 And I saw numberless con- 28 And after they had a tasted of
courses of people, many of whom the fruit they were b ashamed, be-
were a pressing forward, that they cause of those that were c scoffing
might obtain the b path which led at them; and they d fell away into
unto the tree by which I stood. forbidden paths and were lost.
22 And it came to pass that they 29 And now I, Nephi, do not speak
did come forth, and commence in a
all the words of my father.
the path which led to the tree. 30 But, to be short in writing,
23 And it came to pass that there behold, he saw other multitudes
arose a a mist of darkness; yea, even pressing forward; and they came
an exceedingly great mist of dark- and caught hold of the end of the
ness, insomuch that they who had rod of iron; and they did press their
commenced in the path did lose their way forward, continually holding
18 a 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–25). 1 Ne. 12:17; 27 a tg Haughtiness; Pride.
19 a Ps. 2:9; 15:24 (23–24). b Matt. 9:24 (20–26).
Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15; b tg Apostasy of tg Mocking.
jst Rev. 19:15 Individuals. 28 a 2 Pet. 2:20 (19–22).
(Rev. 19:15 note a); 24 a tg Diligence; b Mark 4:17 (14–20); 8:38;
1 Ne. 8:30; 11:25; Perseverance. Luke 8:13 (11–15);
15:23 (23–24). b 1 Ne. 8:10. John 12:43 (42–43);
20 a Matt. 7:14; 25 a Rom. 1:16; Rom. 3:3.
2 Ne. 31:18 (17–20). 2 Tim. 1:8; tg Courage;
b Matt. 13:38. Alma 46:21; Fearful.
21 a D&C 123:12. Morm. 8:38. c tg Peer Influence.
b tg Objectives; Path; 26 a Luke 16:26. d tg Apostasy of
Way. b 1 Ne. 11:35 (35–36); Individuals.
23 a Matt. 13:19 (18–19); 12:18. 29 a 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17).
2 Pet. 2:17; c Eph. 2:2 (1–3). 30 a 1 Ne. 8:19; 15:24 (23–24).
1 Nephi 8 : 31–9 : 4 16
fast to the rod of iron, until they to keep the commandments of the
came forth and fell down and par- Lord; and he did cease speaking
took of the fruit of the tree. unto them.
31 And he also saw other a mul-
titudes feeling their way towards Chapter 9
that great and spacious building.
Nephi makes two sets of records—Each
32 And it came to pass that many is called the plates of Nephi—The larger
were drowned in the a depths of plates contain a secular history; the
the b fountain; and many were lost smaller ones deal primarily with sacred
from his view, wandering in strange
roads. things. About 600–592 b.c.
33 And great was the multitude And all these things did my father
that did enter into that strange see, and hear, and speak, as he dwelt
building. And after they did enter in a tent, in the a valley of Lemuel,
into that building they did point and also a great many more things,
the finger of a scorn at me and which cannot be written upon these
those that were partaking of the plates.
fruit also; but we heeded them not. 2 And now, as I have spoken con-
34 These are the words of my cerning these plates, behold they
father: For as many as a heeded are not the plates upon which I
them, had fallen away. make a full account of the history
35 And a Laman and Lemuel par- of my people; for the a plates upon
took not of the fruit, said my which I make a full account of my
father. people I have given the name of
36 And it came to pass after my Nephi; wherefore, they are called
father had spoken all the words of the plates of Nephi, after mine own
his dream or vision, which were name; and these plates also are
many, he said unto us, because called the plates of Nephi.
of these things which he saw in a 3 Nevertheless, I have received a
vision, he exceedingly feared for commandment of the Lord that I
Laman and Lemuel; yea, he feared should make these plates, for the
lest they should be cast off from special a purpose that there should
the presence of the Lord. be an account engraven of the b min-
37 And he did a exhort them then istry of my people.
with all the feeling of a tender par- 4 Upon the other plates should be
ent, that they would hearken to his engraven an account of the reign
words, that perhaps the Lord would of the kings, and the wars and con-
be merciful to them, and not cast tentions of my people; wherefore
them off; yea, my father did preach these plates are for the more part of
unto them. the ministry; and the a other plates
38 And after he had preached are for the more part of the reign
unto them, and also prophesied unto of the kings and the wars and con-
them of many things, he bade them tentions of my people.
31 a Matt. 7:13. 2 Ne. 5:20 (19–24). 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17); 6:1;
32 a 1 Ne. 15:29 (26–29). 37 a tg Family, Children, 10:1; 19:2, 4;
b 1 Ne. 8:14 (13–14). Responsibilities Omni 1:1;
33 a Neh. 2:19; toward. W of M 1:3 (2–11);
Alma 26:23. 9 1 a 1 Ne. 2:6 (4–6, 8, 14–15); D&C 10:38 (38–40).
tg Persecution; 16:6 (6, 12). 3 a D&C 3:19.
Scorn; 2 a ie the full account is on b 1 Ne. 6:3.
Scorner. larger plates; the special 4 a 2 Ne. 4:14; 5:33 (29–33);
34 a Ex. 23:2; account of his ministry Jacob 1:3 (2–4);
Prov. 19:27; is on the smaller plates Jarom 1:14;
Mosiah 2:37 (33, 37). of Nephi. See Omni 1:18;
35 a 1 Ne. 8:4 (4, 17–18); Jacob 3:13–14. See also W of M 1:10.
17 1 Nephi 9 : 5 –10 : 9
5 Wherefore, the Lord hath com- 3 That after they should be de-
manded me to make these plates stroyed, even that great city a Jeru-
for a a wise purpose in him, which salem, and many be b carried away
purpose I know not. captive into c Babylon, according to
6 But the Lord a knoweth all things the own due time of the Lord, they
from the beginning; wherefore, he should d return again, yea, even be
prepareth a way to accomplish all brought back out of captivity; and
his works among the children of after they should be brought back
men; for behold, he hath all b power out of captivity they should possess
unto the fulfilling of all his words. again the land of their inheritance.
And thus it is. Amen. 4 Yea, even a six hundred years
from the time that my father left
Chapter 10 Jerusalem, a b prophet would the
Lehi predicts that the Jews will be taken Lord God raise up among the c Jews—
captive by the Babylonians—He tells of even a d Messiah, or, in other words,
the coming among the Jews of a Mes- a Savior of the world.
siah, a Savior, a Redeemer—Lehi tells 5 And he also spake concerning the
also of the coming of the one who should prophets, how great a number had
baptize the Lamb of God—Lehi tells of
testified of these things, concerning
this Messiah, of whom he had spo-
the death and resurrection of the Mes- ken, or this Redeemer of the world.
siah—He compares the scattering and 6 Wherefore, all mankind were in a
gathering of Israel to an olive tree—
Nephi speaks of the Son of God, of the
lost and in a b fallen state, and ever
gift of the Holy Ghost, and of the need would be save they should rely on
for righteousness. About 600–592 b.c. this Redeemer.
7 And he spake also concerning a
And now I, Nephi, proceed to give a
prophet who should come before
an account upon a these plates of the Messiah, to prepare the way of
my proceedings, and my reign and the Lord—
ministry; wherefore, to proceed with 8 Yea, even he should go forth and
mine account, I must speak some- cry in the wilderness: a Prepare ye
what of the things of my father, the way of the Lord, and make his
and also of my brethren. paths straight; for there standeth
2 For behold, it came to pass af- one among you whom ye know not;
ter my father had made an end of and he is mightier than I, whose
speaking the words of his a dream, shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to
and also of exhorting them to all unloose. And much spake my father
diligence, he spake unto them con- concerning this thing.
cerning the Jews— 9 And my father said he should
5 a 1 Ne. 19:3; Israel, Scattering of. Birth of;
W of M 1:7; c Ezek. 24:2; Jesus Christ, Messiah.
Alma 37:14 (2, 12, 14). 1 Ne. 1:13; 5 a Jacob 7:11;
6 a Isa. 48:3 (3–7); Omni 1:15. Mosiah 13:33;
Moses 1:6, 35. tg Babylon. Hel. 8:24 (19–24);
tg God, Foreknowledge d Neh. 12:1; 3 Ne. 20:24 (23–24).
of; God, Intelligence of; Jer. 29:10 (9–10); tg Jesus Christ,
God, Omniscience of. 2 Ne. 6:9 (8–9); Prophecies about.
b Matt. 28:18. Abr. 2:6. 6 a Rom. 3:23;
10 1 a 1 Ne. 9:2 (1–5); 4 a 1 Ne. 19:8 (8–14); 2 Ne. 2:5 (5–8).
19:3 (1–6). 2 Ne. 25:19; b tg Death, Spiritual,
2 a 1 Ne. 8:2 (2–36). Alma 13:25; First.
3 a Esth. 2:6; 2 Ne. 6:8; 3 Ne. 1:1. 7 a 1 Ne. 11:27;
Hel. 8:20 (20–21). b 1 Ne. 22:21 (20–21). 2 Ne. 31:4 (4–18).
b Ezek. 36:12 (8–15); c tg Israel, Judah, tg Foreordination.
2 Ne. 25:10. People of. 8 a Isa. 40:3;
tg Israel, Bondage of, d Jacob 1:6. Matt. 3:3 (1–3);
in Other Lands; tg Jesus Christ, D&C 84:26.
1 Nephi 10 : 10–17 18
as in the time that he should mani For it came to pass after I had de-
fest himself unto the children of sired to know the things that my
men. father had seen, and believing that
18 For he is the a same yesterday, the Lord was able to make them
today, and forever; and the way is known unto me, as I sat a pondering
prepared for all men from the foun- in mine heart I was b caught away in
dation of the world, if it so be that the Spirit of the Lord, yea, into an
they repent and come unto him. exceedingly high c mountain, which
19 For he that diligently a seeketh I never had before seen, and upon
shall find; and the b mysteries of God which I never had before set my foot.
shall be unfolded unto them, by the 2 And the Spirit said unto me: Be-
power of the c Holy Ghost, as well in hold, what a desirest thou?
these times as in times of old, and 3 And I said: I desire to behold
as well in times of old as in times the things which my father a saw.
to come; wherefore, the d course of 4 And the Spirit said unto me:
the Lord is one eternal round. a
Believest thou that thy father saw
20 Therefore remember, O man, the b tree of which he hath spoken?
for all thy doings thou shalt be 5 And I said: Yea, thou knowest
brought into a judgment. that I a believe all the words of my
21 Wherefore, if ye have sought father.
to do a wickedly in the days of your 6 And when I had spoken these
probation, then ye are found c un- words, the Spirit cried with a loud
clean before the judgment-seat of voice, saying: Hosanna to the Lord,
God; and no unclean thing can dwell the most high God; for he is God
with God; wherefore, ye must be over all the a earth, yea, even above
cast off forever. all. And blessed art thou, Nephi,
22 And the Holy Ghost giveth a au- because thou b believest in the Son
thority that I should speak these of the most high God; wherefore,
things, and deny them not. thou shalt behold the things which
thou hast desired.
7 And behold this thing shall be
Chapter 11 given unto thee for a a sign, that af-
Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and ter thou hast beheld the tree which
is shown in vision the tree of life—He bore the fruit which thy father
sees the mother of the Son of God and tasted, thou shalt also behold a man
learns of the condescension of God—He descending out of heaven, and him
sees the baptism, ministry, and cruci- shall ye witness; and after ye have
fixion of the Lamb of God—He sees witnessed him ye shall b bear record
also the call and ministry of the Twelve that it is the Son of God.
Apostles of the Lamb. About 600 – 8 And it came to pass that the
592 b.c. Spirit said unto me: Look! And I
18 a Heb. 13:8; tg Judgment, the Last. 2 Ne. 4:25; Moses 1:1.
Morm. 9:9 (9–11); 21 a Ezek. 33:9. c Ex. 24:13 (12–13);
D&C 20:12. b tg Probation. Deut. 10:1; Ether 3:1.
tg God, Perfection of. c 1 Cor. 6:9 (9–10); 2 a Zech. 4:2 (1–6).
19 a tg Objectives. Morm. 7:7; 3 a 1 Ne. 8:2.
b tg Mysteries of D&C 76:62 (50–62); 4 a Mosiah 5:1 (1–2).
Godliness. 138:20, 37; b 1 Ne. 8:10 (10–12);
c tg Holy Ghost, Source Moses 6:57. 15:22 (21–22).
of Testimony. 22 a tg Holy Ghost, 5 a 1 Ne. 2:16.
d Alma 7:20; 37:12; Mission of. 6 a Ex. 9:29; Deut. 10:14;
D&C 3:2; 35:1. 11 1 a D&C 76:19. 2 Ne. 29:7; 3 Ne. 11:14;
tg God, Eternal tg Meditation. D&C 55:1; Moses 6:44.
Nature of. b Dan. 8:2; b tg Believe.
20 a Eccl. 12:14; 2 Cor. 12:2 (1–4); 7 a tg Signs.
Ezek. 33:20. Rev. 21:10; b tg Testimony; Witness.
1 Nephi 11 : 9–25 20
looked and beheld a tree; and it was 17 And I said unto him: I know
like unto the a tree which my father that he loveth his children; never-
had seen; and the b beauty thereof theless, I do not know the meaning
was far beyond, yea, exceeding of all things.
of all beauty; and the c whiteness 18 And he said unto me: Behold,
thereof did exceed the whiteness the a virgin whom thou seest is the
of the driven snow. b
mother of the Son of God, after the
9 And it came to pass after I had manner of the flesh.
seen the tree, I said unto the Spirit: 19 And it came to pass that I be-
I behold thou hast shown unto me held that she was carried away in
the tree which is a precious above all. the Spirit; and after she had been
10 And he said unto me: What carried away in the a Spirit for the
desirest thou? space of a time the angel spake unto
11 And I said unto him: To know me, saying: Look!
the a interpretation thereof—for I 20 And I looked and beheld the
spake unto him as a man speak- virgin again, bearing a a child in
eth; for I beheld that he was in the her arms.
form of a man; yet nevertheless, I 21 And the angel said unto me:
knew that it was the Spirit of the Behold the a Lamb of God, yea, even
Lord; and he spake unto me as a the b Son of the Eternal c Father!
man speaketh with another. Knowest thou the meaning of the
12 And it came to pass that he said d
tree which thy father saw?
unto me: Look! And I looked as if to 22 And I answered him, saying:
look upon him, and I saw him not; for Yea, it is the a love of God, which
he had gone from before my presence. b
sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts
13 And it came to pass that I of the children of men; wherefore,
looked and beheld the great city of it is the c most desirable above all
Jerusalem, and also other cities. And things.
I beheld the city of Nazareth; and 23 And he spake unto me, saying:
in the city of a Nazareth I beheld a Yea, and the most a joyous to the
virgin, and she was exceedingly soul.
fair and white. 24 And after he had said these
14 And it came to pass that I saw words, he said unto me: Look! And I
the a heavens open; and an angel looked, and I beheld the Son of God
came down and stood before me; a
going forth among the children of
and he said unto me: Nephi, what men; and I saw many fall down at
beholdest thou? his feet and worship him.
15 And I said unto him: A virgin, 25 And it came to pass that I beheld
most beautiful and fair above all that the a rod of iron, which my
other virgins. father had seen, was the b word of
16 And he said unto me: Knowest God, which c led to the fountain of
thou the a condescension of God? d
living waters, or to the e tree of life;
8 a 1 Ne. 8:10. tg Foreordination; d 1 Ne. 8:10; Alma 5:62.
b tg Beauty. Jesus Christ, Prophecies 22 a tg God, Love of.
c 1 Ne. 8:11. about. b Moro. 8:26.
9 a 1 Ne. 11:22 (22–25). b Matt. 1:16; c 1 Ne. 11:9.
11 a Gen. 40:8. Mosiah 3:8; 23 a tg Joy.
b tg Spirit Body. Alma 19:13. 24 a Luke 4:14 (14–21).
13 a Matt. 2:23. tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. 25 a Rev. 2:27;
b Luke 1:27 (26–27); 19 a Matt. 1:20. jst Rev. 2:27 (Bible
Alma 7:10. 20 a Luke 2:16. Appendix).
14 a Ezek. 1:1; 21 a tg Jesus Christ, Lamb b 1 Ne. 8:19.
1 Ne. 1:8 (6–11). of God. c tg Guidance, Divine.
16 a 1 Ne. 11:26. b tg Jesus Christ, Divine d tg Living Water.
tg Jesus Christ, Sonship. e Gen. 2:9;
Condescension of. c tg God the Father, Prov. 11:30 (22–30);
18 a Luke 1:34 (34–35). Elohim. Moses 4:28 (28, 31).
21 1 Nephi 11 : 26–36
which waters are a representation were a sick, and who were afflicted
of the love of God; and I also beheld with all manner of diseases, and
that the tree of life was a represen- with b devils and c unclean spirits;
tation of the love of God. and the angel spake and showed
26 And the angel said unto me all these things unto me. And they
again: Look and behold the a con- were d healed by the power of the
descension of God! Lamb of God; and the devils and
27 And I looked and a beheld the the unclean spirits were cast out.
Redeemer of the world, of whom 32 And it came to pass that the
my father had spoken; and I also angel spake unto me again, saying:
beheld the b prophet who should Look! And I looked and beheld the
prepare the way before him. And Lamb of God, that he was a taken
the Lamb of God went forth and by the people; yea, the Son of the
was c baptized of him; and after everlasting God was b judged of the
he was baptized, I beheld the heav- world; and I saw and bear record.
ens open, and the Holy Ghost come 33 And I, Nephi, saw that he was
down out of heaven and abide upon a
lifted up upon the cross and b slain
him in the form of a d dove. for the sins of the world.
28 And I beheld that he went 34 And after he was slain I saw the
forth ministering unto the people, multitudes of the earth, that they
in a power and great glory; and the were gathered together to a fight
multitudes were gathered together against the apostles of the Lamb;
to hear him; and I beheld that they for thus were the twelve called by
cast him out from among them. the angel of the Lord.
29 And I also beheld a twelve oth- 35 And the multitude of the earth
ers following him. And it came to was gathered together; and I be-
pass that they were b carried away held that they were in a large and
in the Spirit from before my face, spacious a building, like unto the
and I saw them not. building which my father saw. And
30 And it came to pass that the the angel of the Lord spake unto
angel spake unto me again, saying: me again, saying: Behold the world
Look! And I looked, and I beheld and the wisdom thereof; yea, behold
the heavens open again, and I saw the house of Israel hath gathered
angels descending upon the chil- together to b fight against the twelve
dren of men; and they did minister apostles of the Lamb.
unto them. 36 And it came to pass that I saw
31 And he spake unto me again, and bear record, that the great and
saying: Look! And I looked, and I spacious building was the a pride of
beheld the Lamb of God going forth the world; and it b fell, and the fall
among the children of men. And I thereof was exceedingly great. And
beheld multitudes of people who the angel of the Lord spake unto me
26 a 1 Ne. 11:16. 13:40 (24–26, 40). 33 a Luke 18:31;
tg Jesus Christ, tg Apostles. 2 Ne. 10:3;
Condescension of. b 1 Ne. 14:30. Mosiah 3:9 (9–10);
27 a 2 Ne. 25:13. 30 a tg Angels. 3 Ne. 27:14.
b Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10; 31 a tg Sickness. b tg Jesus Christ,
John 1:6 (6–7); b Mark 5:15 (15–20); 7:30; Atonement through;
1 Ne. 10:7 (7–10); Mosiah 3:6 (5–7); Jesus Christ, Death of.
2 Ne. 31:4 (4–18); Morm. 9:24. 34 a Mark 13:13;
D&C 35:4. c tg Spirits, Evil or 1 Cor. 4:9 (6–13).
c tg Jesus Christ, Unclean. 35 a 1 Ne. 8:26; 12:18.
Baptism of. d tg Heal. b Micah 3:5;
d tg Holy Ghost, Dove, 32 a tg Jesus Christ, D&C 121:38.
Sign of. Betrayal of. 36 a tg Pride.
28 a D&C 138:26. b Mark 15:19 (17–20); b tg Earth, Cleansing of;
29 a 1 Ne. 12:9; Luke 9:44 (44–45). World, End of.
1 Nephi 12 : 1–11 22
again, saying: Thus shall be the de- pieces; and I saw the plains of the
struction of all nations, kindreds, earth, that they were c broken up;
tongues, and people, that shall and I saw many cities that they were
fight against the twelve apostles d
sunk; and I saw many that they
of the Lamb. were burned with fire; and I saw
many that did tumble to the earth,
Chapter 12 because of the quaking thereof.
Nephi sees in vision the land of promise; 5 And it came to pass after I saw
the righteousness, iniquity, and down- these things, I saw the a vapor of
fall of its inhabitants; the coming of darkness, that it passed from off
the Lamb of God among them; how the the face of the earth; and behold, I
Twelve Disciples and the Twelve Apos- saw multitudes who had not fallen
tles will judge Israel; and the loathsome because of the great and terrible
and filthy state of those who dwindle judgments of the Lord.
in unbelief. About 600–592 b.c. 6 And I saw the heavens open, and
the a Lamb of God descending out
And it came to pass that the angel of heaven; and he came down and
said unto me: Look, and behold b
showed himself unto them.
thy seed, and also the seed of thy 7 And I also saw and bear record
brethren. And I looked and beheld that the Holy Ghost fell upon a twelve
the a land of promise; and I beheld others; and they were ordained of
multitudes of people, yea, even as God, and chosen.
it were in number as many as the 8 And the angel spake unto me,
sand of the sea. saying: Behold the twelve disci-
2 And it came to pass that I beheld ples of the Lamb, who are chosen
multitudes gathered together to to minister unto thy seed.
battle, one against the other; and I 9 And he said unto me: Thou
beheld a wars, and rumors of wars, rememberest the a twelve apostles
and great slaughters with the sword of the Lamb? Behold they are they
among my people. who shall b judge the twelve tribes
3 And it came to pass that I be- of Israel; wherefore, the twelve
held many generations pass away, ministers of thy seed shall be judged
after the manner of wars and con- of them; for ye are of the house of
tentions in the land; and I beheld Israel.
many cities, yea, even that I did not 10 And these a twelve ministers
number them. whom thou beholdest shall judge
4 And it came to pass that I saw thy seed. And, behold, they are
a a mist of b darkness on the face righteous forever; for because of
of the land of promise; and I saw their faith in the Lamb of God their
lightnings, and I heard thunderings, b
garments are made white in his
and earthquakes, and all manner of blood.
tumultuous noises; and I saw the 11 And the angel said unto me:
earth and the rocks, that they rent; Look! And I looked, and beheld
and I saw mountains tumbling into a
three generations pass away in
12 1 a tg Promised Lands. d 3 Ne. 8:14. b Matt. 19:28;
b Gen. 22:17 (17–18); 5 a 3 Ne. 8:20. D&C 29:12.
1 Kgs. 4:20. 6 a 2 Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); tg Judgment, the Last.
2 a Enos 1:24; 3 Ne. 11:8 (3–17). 10 a 3 Ne. 27:27;
Morm. 8:7 (7–8). b 2 Ne. 32:6; Morm. 3:18–19.
tg War. Alma 7:8; 16:20. b Rev. 7:14; 19:8;
4 a 1 Ne. 19:12; 7 a 3 Ne. 11:22; 12:1. Alma 5:21 (21–27);
Hel. 14:28 (20–28); 9 a Matt. 10:1; 13:11 (11–13);
3 Ne. 10:11. Luke 6:13; 3 Ne. 27:19 (19–20);
b 1 Ne. 19:10; John 6:70; D&C 88:85.
2 Ne. 26:3. 1 Ne. 11:29; 11 a 2 Ne. 26:9 (9–10);
c Gen. 7:11. 13:40 (24–26, 40). 3 Ne. 27:32 (30–32).
23 1 Nephi 12 : 12–23
righteousness; and their garments until this time, and from this time
were white even like unto the Lamb henceforth and forever.
of God. And the angel said unto me: 19 And while the angel spake
These are made white in the blood these words, I beheld and saw that
of the Lamb, because of their faith the seed of my brethren did con-
in him. tend against my seed, according to
12 And I, Nephi, also saw many of the word of the angel; and because
the a fourth generation who passed of the pride of my seed, and the
away in righteousness. a
temptations of the devil, I beheld
13 And it came to pass that I saw that the seed of my brethren did
the multitudes of the earth gath- b
overpower the people of my seed.
ered together. 20 And it came to pass that I be-
14 And the angel said unto me: held, and saw the people of the
Behold thy seed, and also the seed seed of my brethren that they had
of thy brethren. overcome my seed; and they went
15 And it came to pass that I looked forth in multitudes upon the face
and beheld the people of my seed of the land.
gathered together in multitudes 21 And I saw them gathered to-
against the seed of my brethren; gether in multitudes; and I saw a wars
and they were gathered together and rumors of wars among them;
to battle. and in wars and rumors of wars I
16 And the angel spake unto me, saw b many generations pass away.
saying: Behold the fountain of 22 And the angel said unto me:
filthy water which thy father saw; Behold these shall a dwindle in
yea, even the b river of which he unbelief.
spake; and the depths thereof are 23 And it came to pass that I be-
the depths of c hell. held, after they had dwindled in
17 And the a mists of darkness are unbelief they became a a dark, and
the temptations of the devil, which loathsome, and a b filthy people,
blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth full of c idleness and all manner of
the hearts of the children of men, abominations.
and leadeth them away into c broad
roads, that they perish and are lost. Chapter 13
18 And the large and spacious
building, which thy father saw, is Nephi sees in vision the church of the
vain b imaginations and the c pride devil set up among the Gentiles, the
of the children of men. And a great discovery and colonizing of America,
and a terrible d gulf divideth them; the loss of many plain and precious
yea, even the word of the e justice of parts of the Bible, the resultant state
the Eternal God, and the Messiah of gentile apostasy, the restoration of
who is the Lamb of God, of whom the gospel, the coming forth of latter-
the Holy Ghost beareth record, day scripture, and the building up of
from the beginning of the world Zion. About 600–592 b.c.
12 a 2 Ne. 26:9; b tg Apostasy of 19 a tg Temptation.
Alma 45:12 (10–12); Individuals. b Jarom 1:10;
Hel. 13:10 (5, 9–10); c Prov. 4:14; W of M 1:2 (1–2).
3 Ne. 27:32; Luke 13:24. 21 a Morm. 8:8;
4 Ne. 1:14 (14–41). 18 a 1 Ne. 8:26; Moro. 1:2.
15 a Morm. 6:7 (1–22). 11:35 (35–36). b 2 Ne. 1:18.
16 a tg Filthiness. b Jer. 7:24; 9:14. 22 a 1 Ne. 15:13;
b 1 Ne. 8:13 (13–14); c tg Haughtiness; 2 Ne. 26:15.
15:27 (26–29). Pride. 23 a 2 Ne. 26:33.
c tg Hell. d Luke 16:26; b 2 Ne. 5:22 (20–25).
17 a 2 Pet. 2:17; 1 Ne. 15:28 (28–30). tg Filthiness.
1 Ne. 8:23; 15:24 (23–24). e tg God, Justice of. c tg Idleness.
1 Nephi 13 : 1–17 24
And it came to pass that the angel divided the Gentiles from the seed
spake unto me, saying: Look! And of my brethren.
I looked and beheld many nations 11 And it came to pass that the
and kingdoms. angel said unto me: Behold the
2 And the angel said unto me: What wrath of God is upon the seed of
beholdest thou? And I said: I behold thy brethren.
many a nations and kingdoms. 12 And I looked and beheld a man
3 And he said unto me: These are among the Gentiles, who was sepa-
the nations and kingdoms of the rated from the seed of my brethren
Gentiles. by the many waters; and I beheld
4 And it came to pass that I saw the Spirit of God, that it came down
among the nations of the a Gentiles and a wrought upon the man; and he
the formation of a b great church. went forth upon the many waters,
5 And the angel said unto me: even unto the seed of my brethren,
Behold the formation of a a church who were in the promised land.
which is most abominable above 13 And it came to pass that I beheld
all other churches, which b slayeth the Spirit of God, that it wrought
the saints of God, yea, and tortureth upon other Gentiles; and they went
them and bindeth them down, and forth out of captivity, upon the
yoketh them with a c yoke of iron, and many waters.
bringeth them down into captivity. 14 And it came to pass that I beheld
6 And it came to pass that I beheld many a multitudes of the Gentiles
this a great and b abominable church; upon the b land of promise; and I
and I saw the c devil that he was the beheld the wrath of God, that it
founder of it. was upon the seed of my brethren;
7 And I also saw a gold, and silver, and they were c scattered before the
and silks, and scarlets, and fine- Gentiles and were smitten.
twined b linen, and all manner of 15 And I beheld the Spirit of the
precious clothing; and I saw many Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles,
harlots. and they did prosper and a obtain
8 And the angel spake unto me, the b land for their inheritance; and
saying: Behold the gold, and the I beheld that they were white, and
silver, and the silks, and the scarlets, exceedingly fair and c beautiful,
and the fine-twined linen, and the like unto my people before they
precious clothing, and the harlots, were d slain.
are the a desires of this great and 16 And it came to pass that I,
abominable church. Nephi, beheld that the Gentiles
9 And also for the a praise of the who had gone forth out of captiv-
world do they b destroy the saints ity did humble themselves before
of God, and bring them down into the Lord; and the power of the Lord
captivity. was a with them.
10 And it came to pass that I looked 17 And I beheld that their mother
and beheld many waters; and they Gentiles were gathered together
13 2 a tg Kings, Earthly; b tg Devil, Church of. Morm. 5:19 (19–20).
Nations. c 1 Ne. 22:23 (22–23). b tg Promised Lands.
4 a tg Gentiles. tg Devil. c 1 Ne. 22:7.
b 1 Ne. 13:26 (26, 34); 7 a Morm. 8:37 (36–38). tg Israel, Scattering of.
14:10 (3, 9–17). b Ether 10:24. 15 a Morm. 5:19.
5 a 2 Ne. 10:16. 8 a Rev. 18:19 (10–24); b 2 Ne. 10:19.
b Rev. 17:6 (3–6); 18:24; Morm. 8:37 (36–41). c 2 Ne. 5:21;
1 Ne. 14:13. 9 a Morm. 8:38. 4 Ne. 1:10;
c Jer. 28:14 (10–14). b Rev. 13:7 (4–7). Morm. 9:6.
tg Bondage, Spiritual. 12 a tg Guidance, Divine. d Morm. 6:19 (17–22).
6 a D&C 88:94. 14 a 2 Ne. 1:11; 16 a D&C 101:80.
25 1 Nephi 13 : 18–29
upon the waters, and upon the land of the Lord, of whom the twelve
also, to battle against them. apostles bear record; and they bear
18 And I beheld that the power record according to the truth which
of God was with them, and also is in the Lamb of God.
that the wrath of God was upon all 25 Wherefore, these things go forth
those that were gathered together from the a Jews in purity unto the
against them to battle. b
Gentiles, according to the truth
19 And I, Nephi, beheld that the which is in God.
Gentiles that had gone out of cap- 26 And after they go forth by the
tivity were a delivered by the power a
hand of the twelve apostles of
of God out of the hands of all other the Lamb, from the Jews b unto the
nations. Gentiles, thou seest the formation of
20 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, that c great and abominable d church,
beheld that they did prosper in which is most abominable above
the land; and I beheld a a book, and all other churches; for behold, they
it was carried forth among them. have e taken away from the gospel
21 And the angel said unto me: of the Lamb many parts which are
Knowest thou the meaning of the f
plain and most precious; and also
book? many covenants of the Lord have
22 And I said unto him: I know not. they taken away.
23 And he said: Behold it pro- 27 And all this have they done that
ceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew. they might pervert the right ways
And I, Nephi, beheld it; and he of the Lord, that they might blind
said unto me: The a book that thou the eyes and harden the hearts of
beholdest is a b record of the c Jews, the children of men.
which contains the covenants of 28 Wherefore, thou seest that after
the Lord, which he hath made unto the book hath gone forth through
the house of Israel; and it also con- the hands of the great and abomi-
taineth many of the prophecies of nable church, that there are many
the holy prophets; and it is a record plain and a precious things taken
like unto the engravings which are away from the book, which is the
upon the d plates of brass, save there book of the Lamb of God.
are not so many; nevertheless, they 29 And after these plain and pre-
contain the covenants of the Lord, cious things were a taken away it
which he hath made unto the house goeth forth unto all the nations of
of Israel; wherefore, they are of great the Gentiles; and after it goeth forth
worth unto the Gentiles. unto all the nations of the Gentiles,
24 And the angel of the Lord said yea, even across the many waters
unto me: Thou hast beheld that the which thou hast seen with the Gen-
book proceeded forth from the tiles which have gone forth out of
mouth of a Jew; and when it pro- captivity, thou seest—because of
ceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew the many plain and precious things
it contained the fulness of the gospel which have been taken out of the
18 a 1 Ne. 17:35. 24 a 2 Ne. 29:3. d tg Apostasy of the Early
19 a 2 Ne. 10:10 (10–14); 25 a 2 Ne. 29:4 (4–6); Christian Church.
3 Ne. 21:4; D&C 3:16. e Morm. 8:33;
Ether 2:12. tg Israel, Judah, Moses 1:41.
20 a 1 Ne. 13:41 (3–41); 14:23. People of. tg False Doctrine;
23 a 1 Ne. 13:38; b tg Gentiles. Scriptures, Lost.
2 Ne. 29:6 (4–12). 26 a Luke 1:1 (1–4); f 1 Ne. 14:21 (20–26);
b tg Scriptures, 2 Tim. 4:13. A of F 1:8.
Preservation of. b Matt. 21:43. 28 a 1 Ne. 14:23.
c 2 Ne. 3:12. c 1 Ne. 13:4 (4–6); 29 a 2 Pet. 3:16.
d 1 Ne. 5:10 (10–22); 19:22. 14:10 (3, 9–17).
1 Nephi 13 : 30–37 26
book, which were plain unto the un- 34 And it came to pass that the
derstanding of the children of men, angel of the Lord spake unto me,
according to the plainness which saying: Behold, saith the Lamb of
is in the Lamb of God—because of God, after I have a visited the b rem-
these things which are taken away nant of the house of Israel—and
out of the gospel of the Lamb, an this remnant of whom I speak is the
exceedingly great many do stum- seed of thy father—wherefore, after
ble, yea, insomuch that Satan hath I have visited them in judgment,
great power over them. and smitten them by the hand of
30 Nevertheless, thou beholdest the Gentiles, and after the Gentiles
that the Gentiles who have gone do c stumble exceedingly, because
forth out of captivity, and have been of the most plain and precious
lifted up by the power of God above parts of the d gospel of the Lamb
all other nations, upon the face of which have been kept back by that
the land which is choice above all abominable church, which is the
other lands, which is the land that mother of harlots, saith the Lamb—I
the Lord God hath covenanted with will be merciful unto the e Gentiles
thy father that his seed should have in that day, insomuch that I will
for the a land of their inheritance; bring forth unto them, in mine own
wherefore, thou seest that the Lord power, much of my g gospel, which
God will not suffer that the Gentiles shall be plain and precious, saith
will utterly destroy the b mixture the Lamb.
of thy c seed, which are among thy 35 For, behold, saith the Lamb: I
brethren. will manifest myself unto thy seed,
31 Neither will he suffer that the that they shall write many things
Gentiles shall a destroy the seed of which I shall minister unto them,
thy brethren. which shall be plain and precious;
32 Neither will the Lord God suf- and after thy seed shall be de-
fer that the Gentiles shall forever stroyed, and dwindle in unbelief,
remain in that awful state of blind- and also the seed of thy brethren,
ness, which thou beholdest they are behold, a these things shall be hid
in, because of the plain and most up, to come forth unto the Gentiles,
precious parts of the gospel of the by the gift and power of the Lamb.
Lamb which have been kept back 36 And in them shall be written
by that a abominable church, whose my a gospel, saith the Lamb, and my
formation thou hast seen. b
rock and my salvation.
33 Wherefore saith the Lamb of 37 And a blessed are they who shall
God: I will be a merciful unto the seek to bring forth my b Zion at that
Gentiles, unto the visiting of the day, for they shall have the c gift and
remnant of the house of Israel in the d power of the Holy Ghost; and
great judgment. if they e endure unto the end they
30 a tg Lands of Inheritance; People of. b 3 Ne. 11:39 (38–39).
Promised Lands. c 1 Ne. 14:1 (1–3); tg Rock.
b 2 Ne. 29:12 (12–13); 2 Ne. 26:20. 37 a Jacob 5:75 (70–76);
Alma 45:14 (10–14); d tg Gospel. D&C 21:9.
D&C 3:17. e tg Millennium, tg Israel, Mission of;
c 2 Ne. 3:3. Preparing a People for. Mission of Latter-day
31 a 2 Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (18–19); f tg Scriptures, Lost. Saints.
Jacob 3:6 (5–9); g D&C 10:62. b tg Zion.
Hel. 15:12 (10–17); tg Restoration of the c tg Holy Ghost, Gift of.
3 Ne. 16:8 (4–13); Gospel. d Luke 24:49; 1 Ne. 14:14;
Morm. 5:20 (20–21). 35 a 1 Ne. 14:7; 22:8; D&C 38:38 (32–38).
32 a tg Devil, Church of. 2 Ne. 27:26 (6–26); e 3 Ne. 27:16.
33 a Isa. 42:1 (1, 3–4). 29:1 (1–2). tg Endure;
34 a D&C 124:8; Abr. 1:17. tg Book of Mormon. Perseverance;
b tg Israel, Joseph, 36 a 3 Ne. 27:21. Steadfastness.
27 1 Nephi 13 : 38–14 : 2
shall be f lifted up at the last day, 41 And they must come according
and shall be saved in the everlasting to the words which shall be estab-
kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso lished by the mouth of the Lamb;
shall h publish peace, yea, tidings of and the words of the Lamb shall be
great joy, how beautiful upon the made known in the records of thy
mountains shall they be. seed, as well as in the a records of the
38 And it came to pass that I be- twelve apostles of the Lamb; where-
held the remnant of the seed of my fore they both shall be established
brethren, and also the a book of the in b one; for there is c one God and
Lamb of God, which had proceeded one d Shepherd over all the earth.
forth from the mouth of the Jew, 42 And the time cometh that he
that it came forth from the Gentiles shall manifest himself unto all na-
unto the remnant of the seed of tions, both unto the a Jews and also
my brethren. unto the Gentiles; and after he has
39 And after it had come forth manifested himself unto the Jews
unto them I beheld a other b books, and also unto the Gentiles, then
which came forth by the power of he shall manifest himself unto the
the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto Gentiles and also unto the Jews,
them, unto the c convincing of the and the b last shall be first, and the
Gentiles and the remnant of the seed c
first shall be last.
of my brethren, and also the Jews
who were scattered upon all the Chapter 14
face of the earth, that the records
of the prophets and of the twelve An angel tells Nephi of the blessings and
apostles of the Lamb are d true. cursings to fall upon the Gentiles—There
40 And the angel spake unto me, are only two churches: the Church of
saying: These a last records, which the Lamb of God and the church of the
thou hast seen among the Gentiles, devil—The Saints of God in all nations
shall b establish the truth of the c first, are persecuted by the great and abomi
which are of the d twelve apostles of nable church—The Apostle John will
the Lamb, and shall make known write concerning the end of the world.
the plain and precious things which About 600–592 b.c.
have been taken away from them; And it shall come to pass, that if
and shall make known to all kin- the a Gentiles shall hearken unto
dreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God in that day that
the Lamb of God is the Son of the he shall manifest himself unto them
Eternal Father, and the e Savior of in word, and also in b power, in very
the world; and that all men must deed, unto the c taking away of their
come unto him, or they cannot be d
stumbling blocks—
saved. 2 And harden not their hearts
37 f James 4:10. tg Book of Mormon. c Luke 13:30;
g tg Kingdom of God, b tg Scriptures, Value of. 1 Ne. 10:14;
in Heaven. c See the title page of the 15:13 (13–20);
h Isa. 52:7 (7–10); Book of Mormon. D&C 14:10.
Mark 13:10; 3 Ne. 20:40. tg Bible. 14 1 a 1 Ne. 22:9 (8–9);
38 a 1 Ne. 13:23; d 1 Ne. 11:29; 12:9. 2 Ne. 30:3;
2 Ne. 29:6 (4–6). e Moses 1:6. 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–13).
b Morm. 5:15; 7:8 (8–9). 41 a 1 Ne. 13:20 (20–28). tg Gentiles.
39 a D&C 9:2. b Ezek. 37:17. b 1 Thes. 1:5;
b tg Scriptures to c Deut. 6:4; 2 Ne. 31:21. 1 Ne. 14:14;
Come Forth. d tg Jesus Christ, Good Jacob 6:2 (2–3).
c Ezek. 37:17 (15–20); Shepherd. c Ether 12:27.
1 Ne. 14:2 (1–5). 42 a D&C 18:6, 26; 19:27; d Isa. 57:14; Ezek. 7:19;
d 1 Ne. 14:30. 21:12; 90:9 (8–9); 1 Cor. 1:23;
40 a 2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); 107:33; 112:4. 1 Ne. 13:34 (29, 34);
27:6 (6–26); 29:12. b Jacob 5:63; Ether 13:12. 2 Ne. 26:20.
1 Nephi 14 : 3–11 28
against the Lamb of God, they shall their hearts against the Lamb of
be numbered among the seed of thy God.
father; yea, they shall be a numbered 7 For the time cometh, saith the
among the house of Israel; and they Lamb of God, that I will work a
shall be a b blessed people upon the great and a a marvelous work among
promised land forever; they shall the children of men; a b work which
be no more brought down into cap- shall be everlasting, either on the
tivity; and the house of Israel shall one hand or on the other—either
no more be confounded. to the convincing of them unto
3 And that great a pit, which hath c
peace and d life eternal, or unto the
been digged for them by that great deliverance of them to the hardness
and abominable church, which of their hearts and the blindness of
was founded by the devil and his their minds unto their being brought
children, that he might lead away down into captivity, and also into
the souls of men down to hell— destruction, both temporally and
yea, that great pit which hath been spiritually, according to the e cap-
digged for the destruction of men tivity of the devil, of which I have
shall be filled by those who digged spoken.
it, unto their utter destruction, 8 And it came to pass that when
saith the Lamb of God; not the de- the angel had spoken these words,
struction of the soul, save it be the he said unto me: Rememberest thou
casting of it into that b hell which the a covenants of the Father unto the
hath no end. house of Israel? I said unto him, Yea.
4 For behold, this is according to 9 And it came to pass that he said
the a captivity of the devil, and also unto me: Look, and behold that great
according to the justice of God, upon and abominable church, which is
all those who will work wickedness the mother of abominations, whose
and abomination before him. founder is the a devil.
5 And it came to pass that the an- 10 And he said unto me: Behold
gel spake unto me, Nephi, saying: there are save a two churches only;
Thou hast beheld that if the Gentiles the one is the church of the Lamb
repent it shall be a well with them; of God, and the b other is the church
and thou also knowest concerning of the c devil; wherefore, d whoso
the covenants of the Lord unto the belongeth not to the church of the
house of Israel; and thou also hast Lamb of God belongeth to that
heard that whoso b repenteth not great church, which is the mother
must perish. of abominations; and she is the
6 Therefore, a wo be unto the e
whore of all the earth.
Gentiles if it so be that they harden 11 And it came to pass that I
2 a Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); tg Damnation; Hell. e 2 Ne. 2:29 (26–29);
2 Ne. 10:18 (18–19); 4 a tg Bondage, Spiritual. Alma 12:11 (9–11).
3 Ne. 16:13; 21:6 (6, 22); 5 a 1 Ne. 13:39 (34–42); 8 a tg Abrahamic Covenant;
Abr. 2:10 (9–11). 22:9. Israel, Mission of.
b 2 Ne. 6:12; 10:10 (8–14); b tg Repent. 9 a 1 Ne. 15:35;
3 Ne. 16:6 (6–7); 20:27; 6 a 2 Ne. 28:32. D&C 1:35.
Morm. 5:19. 7 a Isa. 29:14; tg Devil, Church of.
c tg Israel, Deliver- 1 Ne. 13:35; 22:8; 10 a 1 Ne. 22:23;
ance of; 2 Ne. 27:26; 29:1 (1–2); 2 Ne. 26:20;
Israel, Restoration of; D&C 4:1. Morm. 8:28 (25–41).
Lands of Inheritance. tg Restoration of the tg Church.
3 a Ps. 57:6; Gospel. b 1 Ne. 13:4 (4–6),
Matt. 7:2 (1–2); b tg God, Works of. 26 (26, 34).
1 Ne. 22:14 (13–14); c tg Peace; c tg Devil, Church of;
D&C 10:26 (25–27); Peace of God. False Prophets.
109:25. d Jer. 21:8. d 2 Ne. 10:16.
b Alma 19:29. tg Eternal Life. e Rev. 17:15 (5, 15).
29 1 Nephi 14 : 12–23
looked and beheld the whore of all nations which belonged to the
the earth, and she sat upon many mother of abominations, the angel
waters; and she had dominion over spake unto me, saying: Behold, the
all the earth, among all nations, wrath of God is upon the mother
kindreds, tongues, and people. of harlots; and behold, thou seest
12 And it came to pass that I beheld all these things—
the church of the Lamb of God, and 17 And when the a day cometh
its numbers were a few, because of that the b wrath of God is poured
the wickedness and abominations out upon the mother of harlots,
of the whore who sat upon many which is the great and abomina-
waters; nevertheless, I beheld that ble church of all the earth, whose
the church of the Lamb, who were founder is the devil, then, at that
the saints of God, were also upon day, the c work of the Father shall
all the face of the earth; and their commence, in preparing the way
dominions upon the face of the earth for the fulfilling of his d covenants,
were small, because of the wicked- which he hath made to his people
ness of the great whore whom I saw. who are of the house of Israel.
13 And it came to pass that I beheld 18 And it came to pass that the
that the great mother of abomina- angel spake unto me, saying: Look!
tions did gather together multitudes 19 And I looked and beheld a man,
upon the face of all the earth, among and he was dressed in a white robe.
all the nations of the Gentiles, to 20 And the angel said unto me:
fight against the Lamb of God. Behold a one of the twelve apostles
14 And it came to pass that I, of the Lamb.
Nephi, beheld the power of the 21 Behold, he shall a see and b write
Lamb of God, that it descended upon the c remainder of these things; yea,
the saints of the church of the Lamb, and also many things which have
and upon the covenant people of been.
the Lord, who were scattered upon 22 And he shall also write con-
all the face of the earth; and they cerning the end of the world.
were a armed with b righteousness 23 Wherefore, the things which
and with the c power of God in great he shall write are just and true;
glory. and behold they are written in the
15 And it came to pass that I beheld a
book which thou beheld proceed-
that the wrath of God was a poured ing out of the mouth of the Jew;
out upon that great and abominable and at the time they proceeded out
church, insomuch that there were of the mouth of the Jew, or, at the
wars and rumors of wars among time the book proceeded out of the
all the b nations and kindreds of mouth of the Jew, the things which
the earth. were written were plain and pure,
16 And as there began to be a wars and most b precious and easy to the
and rumors of wars among all the understanding of all men.
11 a Jer. 51:13 (12–14). 1 Ne. 13:37; 14:1; tg Israel, Restoration of.
b D&C 35:11. Jacob 6:2 (2–3); d Morm. 8:21 (21, 41).
12 a Matt. 7:14; D&C 38:38 (32–38). tg Abrahamic Covenant.
Jacob 5:70; 15 a D&C 115:6 (5–6). 20 a Rev. 1:1 (1–3);
3 Ne. 14:14; b Mark 13:8; 1 Ne. 14:27.
D&C 138:26. D&C 87:6. 21 a Rev. 1:1.
b D&C 90:11. 16 a 1 Ne. 22:13 (13–14); b 1 Ne. 13:24 (20–40);
13 a Rev. 17:6 (1–6); 18:24; Morm. 8:30. A of F 1:8.
1 Ne. 13:5. tg War. c Rev. 4:1.
14 a tg Mission of Latter-day 17 a tg Last Days. 23 a 1 Ne. 13:20 (20–24);
Saints. b 1 Ne. 21:26; Morm. 8:33;
b tg Deliver; 22:16 (15–16); Ether 4:16.
Protection, Divine. 3 Ne. 20:20 (19–21). b 1 Ne. 13:28 (28–32).
c Luke 24:49; c 3 Ne. 21:26 (7, 20–29).
1 Nephi 14 : 24–15 : 8 30
24 And behold, the things which olive tree whose natural branches will be
this a apostle of the Lamb shall write grafted in again—Nephi interprets the
are many things which thou hast vision of the tree of life and speaks of
seen; and behold, the remainder the justice of God in dividing the wicked
shalt thou see. from the righteous. About 600–592 b.c.
25 But the things which thou shalt
see hereafter thou shalt not write; And it came to pass that after I,
for the Lord God hath ordained the Nephi, had been carried away in
apostle of the Lamb of God that he the Spirit, and seen all these things,
should a write them. I returned to the tent of my father.
26 And also others who have been, 2 And it came to pass that I beheld
to them hath he shown all things, my brethren, and they were disput-
and they have a written them; and ing one with another concerning
they are b sealed up to come forth in the things which my father had
their purity, according to the truth spoken unto them.
which is in the Lamb, in the own 3 For he truly spake many great
due time of the Lord, unto the house things unto them, which were hard
to be a understood, save a man should
of Israel. inquire of the Lord; and they be-
27 And I, Nephi, heard and bear ing hard in their hearts, therefore
record, that the name of the apostle they did not look unto the Lord as
of the Lamb was a John, according they ought.
to the word of the angel. 4 And now I, Nephi, was grieved
28 And behold, I, Nephi, am for- because of the hardness of their
bidden that I should write the re- hearts, and also, because of the
mainder of the things which I saw things which I had seen, and knew
and heard; wherefore the things they must unavoidably come to
which I have written sufficeth me; pass because of the great wicked-
and I have written but a small part ness of the children of men.
of the things which I saw. 5 And it came to pass that I was
29 And I bear record that I saw overcome because of my afflictions,
the things which my a father saw, for I considered that mine a afflic-
and the angel of the Lord did make tions were great above all, because
them known unto me. of the b destruction of my people,
30 And now I make an end of
speaking concerning the things for I had beheld their fall.
which I saw while I was a carried 6 And it came to pass that after I
had received a strength I spake unto
away in the Spirit; and if all the my brethren, desiring to know of
things which I saw are not written, them the cause of their disputations.
the things which I have written are 7 And they said: Behold, we cannot
true. And thus it is. Amen.
understand the words which our
Chapter 15 father hath spoken concerning the
natural branches of the a olive tree,
Lehi’s seed are to receive the gospel from and also concerning the Gentiles.
the Gentiles in the latter days—The 8 And I said unto them: Have ye
gathering of Israel is likened unto an a
inquired of the Lord?
24 a Ether 4:16. D&C 35:18; Understanding.
25 a John 20:30 (30–31); JS—H 1:65. 5 a Moses 7:44 (41–44).
21:25; 27 a Rev. 1:1 (1–3). b Enos 1:13;
Rev. 1:19. 29 a 1 Ne. 8:2 (2–35). Morm. 6:1.
26 a tg Scriptures, 30 a 1 Kgs. 18:12; 6 a Moses 1:10;
Writing of. 1 Ne. 11:29 (19, 29). JS—H 1:20, 48.
b Dan. 12:9; b 1 Ne. 13:39; 7 a 1 Ne. 10:14 (2–15).
2 Ne. 27:10 (6–23); 30:17; 2 Ne. 25:20. 8 a 2 Ne. 1:25 (24–27);
Ether 3:21 (21–27); 15 3 a 1 Cor. 2:11 (10–12). Mosiah 10:14.
4:5 (4–7); 12:21; tg Hardheartedness; tg Problem-Solving.
31 1 Nephi 15 : 9–18
even that they did a murmur against 28 And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
the Lord. beheld the pointers which were in
21 Now it came to pass that I, the ball, that they did work accord-
Nephi, having been afflicted with ing to the a faith and diligence and
my brethren because of the loss of heed which we did give unto them.
my bow, and their bows having lost 29 And there was also written
their a springs, it began to be exceed- upon them a new writing, which
ingly difficult, yea, insomuch that was plain to be read, which did give
we could obtain no food. us a understanding concerning the
22 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, ways of the Lord; and it was writ-
did speak much unto my breth- ten and changed from time to time,
ren, because they had hardened according to the faith and diligence
their hearts again, even unto a com- which we gave unto it. And thus we
plaining against the Lord their God. see that by b small means the Lord
23 And it came to pass that I, can bring about great things.
Nephi, did a make out of wood a 30 And it came to pass that I,
bow, and out of a straight stick, an Nephi, did go forth up into the top
arrow; wherefore, I did arm myself of the mountain, according to the
with a bow and an arrow, with a a
directions which were given upon
sling and with stones. And I said the ball.
unto my b father: Whither shall I go 31 And it came to pass that I did
to obtain food? slay wild a beasts, insomuch that I
24 And it came to pass that he did did obtain food for our families.
inquire of the Lord, for they had 32 And it came to pass that I did
humbled themselves because of return to our tents, bearing the
my words; for I did say many things beasts which I had slain; and now
unto them in the energy of my soul. when they beheld that I had ob-
25 And it came to pass that the tained a food, how great was their
voice of the Lord came unto my joy! And it came to pass that they
father; and he was truly a chastened did humble themselves before the
because of his murmuring against Lord, and did give thanks unto him.
the Lord, insomuch that he was 33 And it came to pass that we did
brought down into the depths of again take our journey, traveling
sorrow. nearly the same course as in the
26 And it came to pass that the beginning; and after we had trav-
voice of the Lord said unto him: eled for the space of many days we
Look upon the ball, and behold the did pitch our tents again, that we
things which are written. might tarry for the space of a time.
27 And it came to pass that when 34 And it came to pass that a Ish-
my father beheld the things which mael died, and was buried in the
were a written upon the ball, he did place which was called b Nahom.
fear and tremble exceedingly, and 35 And it came to pass that the
also my brethren and the sons of daughters of Ishmael did a mourn
Ishmael and our wives. exceedingly, because of the loss of
20 a tg Murmuring. 25 a Ether 2:14. 30 a tg Guidance, Divine.
21 a Gen. 49:24. tg Chastening; 31 a Gen. 9:3.
22 a Ex. 16:8; Repent. 32 a 2 Ne. 1:24.
Num. 11:1 (1–2); 27 a tg Warn. tg Food;
D&C 29:19. 28 a Alma 37:40. Thanksgiving.
23 a tg Initiative. tg Faith. 34 a 1 Ne. 7:2 (2–6, 19).
b tg Honoring Father and 29 a tg Understanding. b heb probably
Mother. b 2 Kgs. 5:13; “consolation,” from
24 a tg Guidance, Divine; James 3:4; verb naham, “be sorry,
Prayer. Alma 37:6 (6–8, 41); console oneself.”
b 1 Ne. 15:20; 16:5. D&C 123:16. 35 a tg Mourning.
1 Nephi 16 : 36–17 : 5 36
their father, and because of their insomuch that the Lord did bless
afflictions in the wilderness; and us again with food, that we did not
they did c murmur against my father, perish.
because he had brought them out of
the land of Jerusalem, saying: Our Chapter 17
father is dead; yea, and we have wan- Nephi is commanded to build a ship—
dered much in the wilderness, and His brethren oppose him—He exhorts
we have suffered much affliction, them by recounting the history of
hunger, thirst, and fatigue; and after God’s dealings with Israel—Nephi is
all these sufferings we must perish filled with the power of God—His
in the wilderness with hunger. brethren are forbidden to touch him,
36 And thus they did murmur lest they wither as a dried reed. About
against my father, and also against 592–591 b.c.
me; and they were desirous to a re-
turn again to Jerusalem. And it came to pass that we did
37 And Laman said unto Lemuel again take our journey in the wil-
and also unto the sons of Ishmael: derness; and we did travel nearly
Behold, let us a slay our father, and eastward from that time forth. And
also our brother Nephi, who has we did travel and a wade through
taken it upon him to be our b ruler much affliction in the wilderness;
and our teacher, who are his elder and our b women did bear children
brethren. in the wilderness.
38 Now, he says that the Lord has 2 And so great were the a blessings
talked with him, and also that a an- of the Lord upon us, that while we
gels have ministered unto him. But did live upon b raw c meat in the wil-
behold, we know that he lies unto derness, our women did give plenty
us; and he tells us these things, and of suck for their children, and were
he worketh many things by his strong, yea, even like unto the men;
cunning arts, that he may deceive and they began to bear their jour-
our eyes, thinking, perhaps, that he neyings without murmurings.
may lead us away into some strange 3 And thus we see that the com-
wilderness; and after he has led mandments of God must be fulfilled.
us away, he has thought to make And if it so be that the children
himself a king and a ruler over us, of men keep the commandments
that he may do with us according of God he doth nourish them, and
to his will and pleasure. And after a
strengthen them, and provide
this manner did my brother Laman means whereby they can accom-
stir up their hearts to c anger. plish the thing which he has com-
39 And it came to pass that the Lord manded them; wherefore, he did
was with us, yea, even the voice of b
provide means for us while we did
the Lord came and did speak many sojourn in the wilderness.
words unto them, and did a chas- 4 And we did sojourn for the space
ten them exceedingly; and after of many years, yea, even eight years
they were chastened by the voice of in the wilderness.
the Lord they did turn away their 5 And we did come to the land
anger, and did repent of their sins, which we called a Bountiful, because
35 b tg Affliction. b tg Provoking. tg Meat.
c tg Murmuring. c tg Anger. 3 a Ex. 1:19;
36 a Num. 14:4 (1–5). 39 a tg Chastening. Ezra 8:22 (22–23);
37 a 1 Ne. 17:44; 2 Ne. 1:24. 17 1 a Ps. 69:2 (1–2, 14). Isa. 45:24;
tg Murder. b tg Woman. Mosiah 2:41;
b Gen. 37:10 (9–11); 2 a tg Blessing. Alma 26:12.
Num. 16:13; b 1 Ne. 17:12. tg Strength.
1 Ne. 2:22; 18:10. c Ex. 16:13 (12–13); b Gen. 18:14; 1 Ne. 3:7.
38 a 1 Ne. 3:30 (30–31); 4:3. 1 Ne. 18:6. 5 a Alma 22:29 (29–33).
37 1 Nephi 17 : 6 –18
of its much fruit and also wild honey; fire, I did smite two stones together
and all these things were prepared that I might make fire.
of the Lord that we might not per- 12 For the Lord had not hitherto
ish. And we beheld the sea, which suffered that we should make much
we called Irreantum, which, being fire, as we journeyed in the wilder-
interpreted, is many waters. ness; for he said: I will make thy
6 And it came to pass that we did food become sweet, that ye a cook
pitch our tents by the seashore; it not;
and notwithstanding we had suf- 13 And I will also be your a light in
fered many a afflictions and much the wilderness; and I will prepare
difficulty, yea, even so much that the way before you, if it so be that
we cannot write them all, we were ye shall keep my commandments;
exceedingly rejoiced when we came wherefore, inasmuch as ye shall
to the seashore; and we called the keep my commandments ye shall
place Bountiful, because of its much be led towards the b promised land;
fruit. and ye shall c know that it is by me
7 And it came to pass that after I, that ye are led.
Nephi, had been in the land of Boun- 14 Yea, and the Lord said also that:
tiful for the space of many days, After ye have arrived in the prom-
the voice of the Lord came unto ised land, ye shall a know that I, the
me, saying: a Arise, and get thee into Lord, am b God; and that I, the Lord,
the mountain. And it came to pass did c deliver you from destruction;
that I arose and went up into the yea, that I did bring you out of the
mountain, and cried unto the Lord. land of Jerusalem.
8 And it came to pass that the Lord 15 Wherefore, I, Nephi, did strive
spake unto me, saying: Thou shalt to keep the a commandments of the
construct a ship, after the b man- Lord, and I did b exhort my breth-
ner which I shall show thee, that I ren to faithfulness and diligence.
may carry thy people across these 16 And it came to pass that I
waters. did a make tools of the ore which
9 And I said: Lord, whither shall I did molten out of the rock.
I go that I may find ore to molten, 17 And when my brethren saw
that I may make a tools to construct that I was about to a build a ship,
the ship after the manner which they began to b murmur against me,
thou hast shown unto me? saying: Our brother is a fool, for he
10 And it came to pass that the thinketh that he can build a ship;
Lord told me whither I should go yea, and he also thinketh that he
to find ore, that I might make tools. can cross these great waters.
11 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, 18 And thus my brethren did
did make a bellows wherewith to a
complain against me, and were
blow the fire, of the skins of beasts; desirous that they might not labor,
and after I had made a bellows, that for they did not b believe that I could
I might have wherewith to blow the build a ship; neither would they
6 a 2 Ne. 4:20. 13 a Alma 5:37 (37–38); Prov. 7:2.
7 a Ezek. 3:22 (22–27). D&C 88:66. b Acts 14:22;
8 a Gen. 6:14 (14–16). b 1 Ne. 2:20; 4:14; Titus 2:15;
b Ex. 25:40; Jacob 2:12. Heb. 3:13.
1 Chr. 28:12 (11–12, 19); c Ex. 6:7; 13:21. 16 a tg Skill.
1 Ne. 18:2. tg Guidance, Divine. 17 a 1 Ne. 17:49 (8, 49–51);
9 a Deut. 8:9; 14 a 2 Ne. 1:4. 18:1 (1–6).
1 Kgs. 6:7; tg God, Knowledge b tg Murmuring.
1 Chr. 22:3 (3, 14); about; 18 a 1 Ne. 3:28; 7:6 (6–19);
Job 28:2; Testimony. 18:10 (9–22).
Isa. 44:12. b D&C 5:2. b tg Unbelief.
11 a Isa. 54:16. c tg Deliver.
12 a 1 Ne. 17:2. 15 a 1 Kgs. 2:3;
1 Nephi 17 : 19–29 38
believe that I was instructed of father hath judged them, and hath
the Lord. led us away because we would
19 And now it came to pass that I, hearken unto his words; yea, and
Nephi, was exceedingly sorrowful our brother is like unto him. And
because of the hardness of their after this manner of language did
hearts; and now when they saw that my brethren murmur and complain
I began to be sorrowful they were against us.
glad in their hearts, insomuch that 23 And it came to pass that I,
they did a rejoice over me, saying: Nephi, spake unto them, saying: Do
We knew that ye could not con- ye believe that our fathers, who were
struct a ship, for we knew that ye the children of Israel, would have
were lacking in judgment; where- been led away out of the hands of
fore, thou canst not accomplish so the a Egyptians if they had not heark
great a work. ened unto the words of the Lord?
20 And thou art like unto our 24 Yea, do ye suppose that they
father, led away by the foolish would have been led out of bond-
imagin ations of his heart; yea, age, if the Lord had not commanded
he hath led us out of the land of Moses that he should a lead them
Jerusalem, and we have wandered out of bondage?
in the wilderness for these many 25 Now ye know that the children
years; and our women have toiled, of Israel were in a bondage; and
being big with child; and they have ye know that they were laden with
borne children in the wilderness b
tasks, which were grievous to be
and suffered all things, save it borne; wherefore, ye know that it
were death; and it would have been must needs be a good thing for
better that they had died before them, that they should be c brought
they came out of Jerusalem than out of bondage.
to have suffered these afflictions. 26 Now ye know that a Moses was
21 Behold, these many years we commanded of the Lord to do that
have suffered in the wilderness, great work; and ye know that by
which time we might have enjoyed his b word the waters of the Red Sea
our possessions and the land of our were divided hither and thither, and
inheritance; yea, and we might have they passed through on dry ground.
been happy. 27 But ye know that the Egyptians
22 And we know that the people were a drowned in the Red Sea, who
who were in the land of Jerusalem were the armies of Pharaoh.
were a a righteous people; for they 28 And ye also know that they were
kept the statutes and judgments fed with a manna in the wilderness.
of the Lord, and all his command- 29 Yea, and ye also know that
ments, according to the law of Moses, by his word according to the
Moses; wherefore, we know that power of God which was in him,
they are a righteous people; and our a
smote the rock, and there came
19 a tg Mocking; tg Israel, Bondage of, tg Israel,
Persecution. in Egypt. Deliverance of.
20 a 1 Ne. 2:11; 5:4 (2–4). b Ex. 1:11 (10–11); 2:11; 27 a Josh. 24:6.
22 a 1 Ne. 1:19 (4, 13, 18–20). 1 Ne. 20:10. 28 a Ex. 16:15 (4, 14–15, 35);
23 a Ex. 20:2; c Ex. 5:1. Num. 11:7 (7–8);
Ps. 80:8; 26 a Josh. 24:6; Jer. 2:2; Deut. 8:3; Neh. 9:20;
Moses 1:26. Acts 7:27 (22–39). Hosea 13:6 (5–8);
24 a Ex. 3:10 (2–10); b Ex. 14:21 (19–31); John 6:49;
Hosea 12:13 (12–14); Josh. 2:10; Neh. 9:11; Mosiah 7:19.
1 Ne. 19:10; 1 Ne. 4:2; 29 a Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:11;
2 Ne. 3:9; 25:20. Mosiah 7:19; Deut. 8:15;
25 a Gen. 15:13 (13–14); Hel. 8:11; Neh. 9:15;
Mosiah 11:21; D&C 8:3; 1 Ne. 20:21;
D&C 101:79. Moses 1:25. 2 Ne. 25:20.
39 1 Nephi 17 : 30–41
forth water, that the children of people had rejected every word of
Israel might quench their thirst. God, and they were ripe in iniquity;
30 And notwithstanding they and the fulness of the wrath of
being led, the Lord their God, their God was upon them; and the Lord
Redeemer, going before them, a lead- did curse the land against them,
ing them by day and giving light and bless it unto our fathers; yea,
unto them by night, and doing all he did curse it against them unto
things for them which were b expe- their destruction, and he did bless
dient for man to receive, they hard- it unto our fathers unto their ob-
ened their hearts and blinded their taining power over it.
minds, and c reviled against Moses 36 Behold, the Lord hath created
and against the true and living God. the a earth that it should be b inhab-
31 And it came to pass that ac- ited; and he hath created his chil-
cording to his word he did a destroy dren that they should possess it.
them; and according to his word he 37 And he a raiseth up a righteous
did b lead them; and according to his nation, and destroyeth the nations
word he did do all things for them; of the wicked.
and there was not any thing done 38 And he leadeth away the righ-
save it were by his word. teous into precious a lands, and the
32 And after they had crossed wicked he b destroyeth, and curseth
the river Jordan he did make them the land unto them for their sakes.
mighty unto the a driving out of the 39 He ruleth high in the heavens,
children of the land, yea, unto the for it is his throne, and this earth
scattering them to destruction. is his a footstool.
33 And now, do ye suppose that 40 And he loveth those who will
the children of this land, who were have him to be their God. Behold,
in the land of promise, who were he loved our a fathers, and he
driven out by our fathers, do ye b
covenanted with them, yea, even
suppose that they were righteous? Abraham, c Isaac, and d Jacob; and he
Behold, I say unto you, Nay. remembered the covenants which
34 Do ye suppose that our fathers he had made; wherefore, he did
would have been more choice than bring them out of the land of e Egypt.
they if they had been righteous? I 41 And he did straiten them in the
say unto you, Nay. wilderness with his rod; for they
35 Behold, the Lord esteemeth all a
hardened their hearts, even as ye
flesh in one; he that is b righteous have; and the Lord straitened them
is c favored of God. But behold, this because of their iniquity. He sent
30 a Ex. 13:18 (18, 20). c 1 Sam. 2:30; Isa. 45:1 (1–3);
b D&C 18:18; 1 Kgs. 2:3; 1 Ne. 4:13;
88:64 (64–65). Ps. 97:10; 145:20 (1–21); Ether 2:10;
c Ex. 32:8; Alma 13:4; 28:13; D&C 98:32 (31–32);
Num. 14:11 (11–12); D&C 82:10 (8–10). 117:6.
Ezek. 20:13 (13–16); d Gen. 15:16; 38 a tg Lands of Inheritance.
D&C 84:24 (23–25). Ex. 23:31 (28–31); b Lev. 20:22.
31 a Num. 26:65. Deut. 7:10; 39 a Isa. 66:1;
b Ex. 15:13; Josh. 2:24. Lam. 2:1;
1 Ne. 5:15; 36 a Gen. 1:28 (26–28); D&C 38:17;
D&C 103:16 (16–18). Jer. 27:5; Abr. 2:7.
32 a Ex. 34:11; Moses 1:29. 40 a tg Israel, Origins of.
Num. 33:52 (52–53); tg Earth, Purpose of; b tg Abrahamic
Josh. 11:6; 24:8. Man, a Spirit Child of Covenant.
35 a Acts 10:15 (15, 34); Heavenly Father; c Gen. 21:12;
Rom. 2:11; Man, Physical D&C 27:10.
2 Ne. 26:33 (23–33). Creation of. d Gen. 28:4 (1–5).
b Ps. 55:22; b Isa. 45:18. e Deut. 4:37 (37–38).
John 15:10; 37 a Ps. 1:6; 41 a 2 Kgs. 17:7 (7–23).
1 Ne. 22:17. Prov. 14:34;
1 Nephi 17 : 42–51 40
many miracles among the children company embarks for the promised
of men, how is it that he cannot a in- land—The sons of Ishmael and their
struct me, that I should build a ship? wives join in revelry and rebellion—
52 And it came to pass that I, Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven
Nephi, said many things unto my back by a terrible tempest—Nephi
brethren, insomuch that they were is freed, and by his prayer the storm
confounded and could not contend ceases—The people arrive in the prom-
against me; neither durst they lay ised land. About 591–589 b.c.
their hands upon me nor touch
me with their fingers, even for And it came to pass that they did
worship the Lord, and did go forth
the space of many days. Now they with me; and we did work timbers
durst not do this lest they should of curious b workmanship. And the
wither before me, so powerful was
the b Spirit of God; and thus it had Lord did show me from time to time
wrought upon them. after what manner I should work
53 And it came to pass that the the timbers of the c ship.
Lord said unto me: Stretch forth 2 Now I, Nephi, did not work the
thine hand again unto thy breth- timbers after the manner which
ren, and they shall not wither be- was learned by men, neither did
fore thee, but I will a shock them, I build the ship after the manner
of men; but I did build it after the
saith the Lord, and this will I do, manner which the Lord had shown
that they may know that I am the unto me; wherefore, it was not after
Lord their God. the manner of men.
54 And it came to pass that I 3 And I, Nephi, did go into the
stretched forth my hand unto my mount oft, and I did a pray oft unto
brethren, and they did not wither the Lord; wherefore the Lord b showed
before me; but the Lord did shake unto me c great things.
them, even according to the word 4 And it came to pass that after I had
which he had spoken. finished the ship, according to the
55 And now, they said: We know word of the Lord, my brethren beheld
of a surety that the Lord is a with
thee, for we know that it is the that it was good, and that the work-
manship thereof was exceedingly
power of the Lord that has shaken fine; wherefore, they did a humble
us. And they fell down before me,
and were about to b worship me, but themselves again before the Lord.
I would not suffer them, saying: I am 5 And it came to pass that the voice
of the Lord came unto my father,
thy brother, yea, even thy younger that we should arise and go down
brother; wherefore, worship the into the ship.
Lord thy God, and honor thy father
and thy mother, that thy c days may 6 And it came to pass that on the
be long in the land which the Lord morrow, after we had prepared all
things, much fruits and a meat from
thy God shall give thee. the wilderness, and honey in abun-
dance, and provisions according
Chapter 18 to that which the Lord had com-
The ship is finished—The births of Jacob manded us, we did go down into the
and Joseph are mentioned —The ship, with all our loading and our
51 a Gen. 6:14 (14–16); b Dan. 2:46; b tg Art.
1 Ne. 18:1. Acts 14:15 (11–15). c 1 Ne. 17:49 (8, 17, 49–51).
52 a ie ashamed, overawed. c Ex. 20:12; 3 a Jer. 33:3.
b tg God, Spirit of. Prov. 9:11; b tg Guidance, Divine.
53 a ie cause to shake or Mosiah 14:10; c 2 Ne. 1:24.
tremble; see vv. 54–55. Hel. 7:24; 4 a 1 Ne. 16:5.
55 a Ex. 3:12; D&C 5:33. 6 a 1 Ne. 17:2.
Alma 38:4. 18 1 a 1 Ne. 17:55.
1 Nephi 18 : 7–17 42
seeds, and whatsoever thing we fulfilling of his word which he had
had brought with us, every one ac- b
spoken concerning the wicked.
cording to his age; wherefore, we 12 And it came to pass that after
did all go down into the c ship, with they had bound me insomuch that
our wives and our children. I could not move, the a compass,
7 And now, my father had begat which had been prepared of the
two sons in the wilderness; the elder Lord, did cease to work.
was called a Jacob and the younger 13 Wherefore, they knew not
Joseph. whither they should steer the ship,
8 And it came to pass after we had insomuch that there arose a great
all gone down into the ship, and had storm, yea, a great and terrible tem-
taken with us our provisions and pest, and we were b driven back upon
things which had been commanded the waters for the space of three
us, we did put forth into the a sea days; and they began to be fright-
and were driven forth before the ened exceedingly lest they should
wind towards the b promised land. be drowned in the sea; nevertheless
9 And after we had been a driven they did not loose me.
forth before the wind for the space 14 And on the fourth day, which
of many days, behold, my brethren we had been driven back, the tem-
and the sons of Ishmael and also pest began to be exceedingly sore.
their wives began to make them- 15 And it came to pass that we
selves merry, insomuch that they were about to be swallowed up in
began to dance, and to sing, and to the depths of the sea. And after
speak with much b rudeness, yea, even we had been driven back upon the
that they did forget by what power waters for the space of four days,
they had been brought thither; yea, my brethren began to a see that the
they were lifted up unto exceeding judgments of God were upon them,
rudeness. and that they must perish save that
10 And I, Nephi, began to fear they should repent of their iniq-
exceedingly lest the Lord should uities; wherefore, they came unto
be angry with us, and smite us be- me, and loosed the bands which
cause of our iniquity, that we should were upon my wrists, and behold
be swallowed up in the depths of they had swollen exceedingly; and
the sea; wherefore, I, Nephi, be- also mine ankles were much swol-
gan to speak to them with much len, and great was the soreness
soberness; but behold they were thereof.
angry with me, saying: We will not 16 Nevertheless, I did look unto
that our younger brother shall be a my God, and I did a praise him all
ruler over us. the day long; and I did not murmur
11 And it came to pass that Laman against the Lord because of mine
and Lemuel did take me and a bind afflictions.
me with cords, and they did treat 17 Now my father, Lehi, had said
me with much harshness; neverthe- many things unto them, and also
less, the Lord did suffer it that he unto the sons of a Ishmael; but, be-
might show forth his power, unto the hold, they did breathe out much
6 b 1 Ne. 8:1; 16:11. 10 a 1 Ne. 17:18 (17–55); Alma 37:38 (38–47);
c Gen. 7:7. 2 Ne. 4:13 (13–14). D&C 17:1.
7 a 2 Ne. 2:1. b Gen. 37:10 (9–11); 13 a Jonah 1:4; Matt. 8:24.
b 2 Ne. 3:1. 1 Ne. 16:37 (37–38); b Mosiah 1:17.
8 a Ps. 8:8; 2 Ne. 1:25 (25–27). 15 a Hel. 12:3.
2 Ne. 10:20. 11 a 1 Ne. 7:16 (16–20). 16 a Ezra 3:11 (11–13);
b 1 Ne. 2:20; 5:5 (5, 22). b Ex. 23:7; 2 Ne. 9:49;
tg Promised Lands. Ps. 37:9 (8–13); Mosiah 2:20 (20–21);
9 a Ether 6:5. Alma 14:11. Alma 36:28;
b 2 Ne. 1:2. 12 a 1 Ne. 16:16 (10, 16, 26); D&C 136:28.
tg Rioting and Reveling. 2 Ne. 5:12; 17 a 1 Ne. 7:4 (4–20).
43 1 Nephi 18 : 18–19 : 2
threatenings against anyone that land; and we went forth upon the
should speak for me; and my parents land, and did pitch our tents; and
being b stricken in years, and having we did call it the promised land.
suffered much grief because of their
24 And it came to pass that we did
children, they were brought down, begin to till the earth, and we be-
yea, even upon their sick-beds. gan to plant seeds; yea, we did put
18 Because of their grief and much all our a seeds into the earth, which
sorrow, and the iniquity of my we had brought from the land of
brethren, they were brought near Jerusalem. And it came to pass that
even to be carried out of this time they did grow exceedingly; where-
to meet their God; yea, their a grey fore, we were blessed in abundance.
hairs were about to be brought down 25 And it came to pass that we did
to lie low in the dust; yea, even they find upon the land of promise, as
were near to be cast with sorrow we journeyed in the wilderness, that
into a watery grave. there were a beasts in the forests of
19 And Jacob and Joseph also, be- every kind, both the cow and the
ing young, having need of much ox, and the ass and the horse, and
nourishment, were grieved because the goat and the wild goat, and all
of the afflictions of their mother; manner of wild animals, which
and also a my wife with her tears and were for the use of men. And we
prayers, and also my children, did did find all manner of b ore, both of
not soften the hearts of my breth- c
gold, and of silver, and of copper.
ren that they would loose me.
20 And there was nothing save Chapter 19
it were the power of God, which Nephi makes plates of ore and records
threatened them with destruction, the history of his people—The God
could soften their a hearts; where- of Israel will come six hundred years
fore, when they saw that they were
about to be swallowed up in the from the time Lehi left Jerusalem—
depths of the sea they repented of Nephi tells of His sufferings and
the thing which they had done, in- crucifixion—The Jews will be despised
somuch that they loosed me. and scattered until the latter days, when
21 And it came to pass after they they will return unto the Lord. About
had loosed me, behold, I took the 588–570 b.c.
compass, and it did work whither I And it came to pass that the Lord
desired it. And it came to pass that commanded me, wherefore I did
I a prayed unto the Lord; and after make plates of ore that I might
I had prayed the winds did cease, engraven upon them the a record
and the storm did cease, and there of my people. And upon the plates
was a great calm. which I made I did b engraven the
22 And it came to pass that I, record of my c father, and also our
Nephi, did guide the ship, that we journeyings in the wilderness, and
sailed again towards the promised the prophecies of my father; and
land. also many of mine own prophecies
23 And it came to pass that after have I engraven upon them.
we had sailed for the space of many 2 And I knew not at the time
days we did arrive at the a promised when I made them that I should be
17 b Gen. 24:1. 20 a tg Hardheartedness. 19 1 a tg Plate;
c tg Suffering. 21 a Jonah 1:6. Record Keeping.
d tg Family, Children, 23 a Mosiah 10:13. b tg Scribe.
Duties of; tg Promised Lands. c 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17);
Honoring Father and 24 a 1 Ne. 8:1. 6:1 (1–3);
Mother. 25 a Enos 1:21. Jacob 7:26 (26–27).
18 a Gen. 42:38. b 2 Ne. 5:15 (14–16).
19 a 1 Ne. 7:19; 16:7. c Deut. 33:16 (13–17).
1 Nephi 19 : 3–10 44
3 And after I had made these plates to the flesh, I would excuse myself.
by way of commandment, I, Nephi, 7 For the things which some men
received a commandment that the esteem to be of great worth, both
ministry and the prophecies, the to the body and soul, others set at
more plain and precious parts of a
naught and trample under their
them, should be written upon a these feet. Yea, even the very God of Israel
plates; and that the things which do men b trample under their feet; I
were written should be kept for say, trample under their feet but I
the instruction of my people, who would speak in other words—they
should possess the land, and also set him at naught, and c hearken not
for other b wise purposes, which to the voice of his counsels.
purposes are known unto the Lord. 8 And behold he a cometh, accord-
4 Wherefore, I, Nephi, did make ing to the words of the angel, in
a record upon the a other plates, b
six hundred years from the time
which gives an account, or which my father left Jerusalem.
gives a greater account of the wars 9 And the world, because of their
and contentions and destructions iniquity, shall judge him to be a
of my people. And this have I done, thing of naught; wherefore they
and commanded my people what scourge him, and he suffereth it; and
they should do after I was gone; they smite him, and he suffereth
and that these plates should be it. Yea, they a spit upon him, and he
handed down from one generation suffereth it, because of his loving
to another, or from one prophet to b
kindness and his c long-suffering
another, until further command- towards the children of men.
ments of the Lord. 10 And the a God of our fathers,
5 And an account of my a making who were b led out of Egypt, out of
these plates shall be given hereafter; bondage, and also were preserved
and then, behold, I proceed accord- in the wilderness by him, yea, the
2 a 2 Ne. 5:30; b See title page of the Prophecies about.
Jacob 3:14. Book of Mormon. b 1 Ne. 2:4; 10:4 (4–11);
b 1 Ne. 9:2 (1–5); tg Sacred. 2 Ne. 25:19.
Omni 1:1. c Morm. 8:17 (13–17); 9 a Isa. 50:6 (5–6);
3 a 1 Ne. 10:1; Ether 12:23 (23–28). Matt. 27:30.
Jacob 1:1 (1–4); 7 a Num. 15:31 (30–31); b tg Kindness.
3:13 (13–14); 4:1 (1–4). 2 Ne. 33:2; c tg Forbear.
b 1 Ne. 9:5 (4–5); Jacob 4:14; 10 a 2 Ne. 10:3; 26:12;
W of M 1:7; D&C 3:7 (4–13). Mosiah 7:27;
D&C 3:19 (19–20); b Ezek. 34:19; 27:31 (30–31);
10:38 (1–51). D&C 76:35. Alma 11:39 (38–39);
4 a 1 Ne. 9:4 (2–5); tg Blaspheme; 3 Ne. 11:14 (14–15).
2 Ne. 5:33. Sacrilege. b Gen. 15:14 (13–14);
5 a 2 Ne. 5:30 (28–33). c tg Disobedience; Ex. 3:10 (2–10); 6:6;
b tg Scriptures, Prophets, Rejection of. 1 Ne. 5:15;
Preservation of. 8 a tg Jesus Christ, 17:24 (24, 31, 40);
6 a tg Scriptures, Betrayal of; Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 25:20;
Writing of. Birth of; Jesus Christ, D&C 136:22.
45 1 Nephi 19 : 11–17
God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and the isles of the sea shall be wrought
the God of Jacob, d yieldeth himself, upon by the Spirit of God, to ex-
according to the words of the angel, claim: The God of nature suffers.
as a man, into the hands of e wicked 13 And as for those who are at
men, to be f lifted up, according to Jerusalem, saith the prophet, they
the words of g Zenock, and to be shall be a scourged by all people,
crucified, according to the words because they crucify the God of
of Neum, and to be buried in a i sep- Israel, and turn their hearts aside,
ulchre, according to the words of rejecting signs and wonders, and
Zenos, which he spake concerning the power and glory of the God of
the three days of k darkness, which Israel.
should be a sign given of his death 14 And because they turn their
unto those who should inhabit the hearts aside, saith the prophet, and
isles of the sea, more especially have a despised the Holy One of Is-
given unto those who are of the rael, they shall wander in the flesh,
house of Israel. and perish, and become a b hiss and
11 For thus spake the prophet: The a c byword, and be d hated among
Lord God surely shall a visit all the all nations.
house of Israel at that day, some 15 Nevertheless, when that day
with his b voice, because of their cometh, saith the prophet, that they
righteousness, unto their great joy a
no more b turn aside their hearts
and salvation, and others with the against the Holy One of Israel, then
thunderings and the lightnings of will he remember the c covenants
his power, by tempest, by fire, and which he made to their fathers.
by d smoke, and e vapor of f darkness, 16 Yea, then will he remember
and by the opening of the g earth, the a isles of the sea; yea, and all
and by h mountains which shall be the people who are of the house of
carried up. Israel, will I b gather in, saith the Lord,
12 And a all these things must according to the words of the prophet
surely come, saith the prophet b Ze- Zenos, from the four quarters of
nos. And the c rocks of the earth must the earth.
rend; and because of the d groanings 17 Yea, and all the earth shall a see
of the earth, many of the kings of the salvation of the Lord, saith the
10 c Gen. 32:9; k 1 Ne. 12:4 (4–5); 13 a Matt. 23:38 (37–39);
Matt. 22:32; Hel. 14:27 (20, 27); Luke 23:28 (27–30).
Mosiah 7:19; 3 Ne. 8:19 (3, 19–23); 10:9. 14 a Ps. 22:6;
D&C 136:21. l 3 Ne. 16:1 (1–4). Mosiah 14:3 (3–6).
tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah. 11 a D&C 5:16. b Jer. 24:9;
d tg Jesus Christ, b 3 Ne. 9:1 (1–22). 3 Ne. 29:8 (8–9).
Condescension of. c Hel. 14:21 (20–27); tg Israel, Bondage of,
e tg Jesus Christ, 3 Ne. 8:6 (5–23). in Other Lands.
Betrayal of. d Gen. 19:28; c Deut. 28:37;
f 3 Ne. 27:14; 28:6. Ex. 19:18; 1 Kgs. 9:7 (6–7);
g bd Lost books. See also Morm. 8:29 (29–30); Joel 2:17;
Alma 33:15; 34:7; D&C 45:41 (40–41). 3 Ne. 16:9 (8–9).
Hel. 8:20 (19–20); e 1 Ne. 12:5. d 2 Ne. 10:6; 25:15.
3 Ne. 10:16 (15–16). f Luke 23:44 (44–45). tg Hate.
h 2 Ne. 6:9; tg Darkness, Physical. 15 a 1 Ne. 15:19;
Mosiah 3:9. g Num. 16:32; 22:12 (11–12).
tg Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 26:5. b tg Israel, Restoration of.
Crucifixion of. h 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14). c tg Abrahamic Covenant.
i Matt. 27:60; 12 a Hel. 14:28 (20–28); 16 a 1 Ne. 22:4;
Luke 23:53; 3 Ne. 10:11. 2 Ne. 10:21.
2 Ne. 25:13. b Jacob 5:1. b Isa. 49:22 (20–22); 60:4.
j Jacob 5:1; 6:1; c Matt. 27:51 (51–54). tg Israel, Gathering of.
Hel. 15:11. d Moses 7:56 (48–56). 17 a Isa. 40:5 (4–5).
1 Nephi 19 : 18–20 : 5 46
to pass I a showed them thee; and heavens. I b call unto them and they
I showed them for fear lest thou stand up together.
shouldst say—Mine idol hath done 14 All ye, assemble yourselves,
them, and my graven image, and and hear; who among them hath
my molten image hath commanded declared these things unto them?
them. The Lord hath loved him; yea, and
6 Thou hast seen and heard all this; he will a fulfil his word which he
and will ye a not declare them? And hath declared by them; and he
that I have showed thee new things will do his pleasure on b Babylon,
from this time, even hidden things, and his arm shall come upon the
and thou didst not know them. Chaldeans.
7 They are created now, and not 15 Also, saith the Lord; I the Lord,
from the beginning, even before yea, I have spoken; yea, I have called
the day when thou heardest them a
him to declare, I have brought
not they were declared unto thee, him, and he shall make his way
lest thou shouldst say—Behold I prosperous.
knew them. 16 Come ye near unto me; I have
8 Yea, and thou heardest not; yea, not spoken in a secret; from the
thou knewest not; yea, from that beginning, from the time that it
time thine ear was not opened; for was declared have I spoken; and
I knew that thou wouldst deal very the Lord God, and his b Spirit, hath
treacherously, and wast called a sent me.
transgressor from the womb. 17 And thus saith the Lord, thy
9 Nevertheless, for my a name’s a
Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel;
sake will I defer mine anger, and I have sent him, the Lord thy God
for my praise will I refrain from who teacheth thee to profit, who
thee, that I cut thee not off. b
leadeth thee by the way thou
10 For, behold, I have refined thee, shouldst go, hath done it.
I have chosen thee in the furnace 18 O that thou hadst hearkened to
of a affliction. my a commandments—then had thy
11 For mine own sake, yea, for b
peace been as a river, and thy righ-
mine own sake will I do this, for I teousness as the waves of the sea.
will not suffer my a name to be pol- 19 Thy a seed also had been as the
luted, and I will b not give my glory sand; the offspring of thy bowels
unto another. like the gravel thereof; his name
12 Hearken unto me, O Jacob, and should not have been cut off nor
Israel my called, for I am he; I am destroyed from before me.
the a first, and I am also the last. 20 a Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye
13 Mine hand hath also a laid from the b Chaldeans, with a voice
the foundation of the earth, and of singing declare ye, tell this, utter
my right hand hath spanned the to the end of the earth; say ye: The
5 a tg God, Omniscience of; tg Jesus Christ, 17 a tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah.
Idolatry. Firstborn; b tg Guidance, Divine.
6 a 1 Cor. 9:16. Jesus Christ, Jehovah. 18 a Eccl. 8:5.
8 a Ps. 58:3. 13 a Ps. 102:25. b tg Israel, Blessings of;
9 a 1 Sam. 12:22; tg God the Father, Peace of God.
Ps. 23:3; Jehovah; 19 a Gen. 22:17 (15–19);
1 Jn. 2:12. Jesus Christ, Creator. Isa. 48:19 (18–22);
10 a Ex. 1:11 (10–11); b Ps. 148:8 (5–10). Hosea 1:10.
1 Ne. 17:25. 14 a 1 Kgs. 8:56; 20 a Jer. 51:6 (6, 44–45);
tg Affliction. D&C 64:31; 76:3. D&C 133:5 (5–14).
11 a Jer. 44:26. b tg Babylon. b tg Israel, Bondage of,
b Isa. 42:8; 15 a Isa. 45:1 (1–4). in Other Lands.
Moses 4:1 (1–4). 16 a Isa. 45:19.
12 a Rev. 1:17; 22:13. b tg God, Spirit of.
1 Nephi 20 : 21–21 : 11 48
Lord hath redeemed his c servant 5 And now, saith the Lord—that
Jacob. a
formed me from the womb that I
21 And they a thirsted not; he led should be his servant, to bring Jacob
them through the deserts; he caused again to him—though Israel be not
the waters to flow out of the b rock gathered, yet shall I be glorious in
for them; he clave the rock also and the eyes of the Lord, and my God
the waters gushed out. shall be my b strength.
22 And notwithstanding he hath 6 And he said: It is a light thing
done all this, and greater also, there that thou shouldst be my servant
is no a peace, saith the Lord, unto to raise up the a tribes of Jacob, and
the wicked. to restore the preserved of Israel. I
will also give thee for a b light to the
Chapter 21 c
Gentiles, that thou mayest be my
The Messiah will be a light to the Gentiles salvation unto the ends of the earth.
and will free the prisoners—Israel will 7 Thus saith the Lord, the Re-
be gathered with power in the last days— deemer of Israel, his Holy One, to
Kings will be their nursing fathers— him whom man despiseth, to him
Compare Isaiah 49. About 588–570 b.c. whom the nations abhorreth, to ser-
vant of rulers: Kings shall see and
And again: Hearken, O ye house
arise, princes also shall worship,
of Israel, all ye that are broken off because of the Lord that is faithful.
and are driven out because of the 8 Thus saith the Lord: In an accept-
wickedness of the pastors of my able time have I heard thee, O isles
people; yea, all ye that are broken of the sea, and in a day of salvation
off, that are scattered abroad, who have I helped thee; and I will pre-
are of my people, O house of Is- serve thee, and give thee a my ser-
rael. Listen, O b isles, unto me, and vant for a covenant of the people,
hearken ye people from c far; the to establish the earth, to cause to
Lord hath called me from the womb; inherit the desolate heritages;
from the bowels of my mother hath 9 That thou mayest say to the
he made mention of my name. a
prisoners: Go forth; to them that
2 And he hath made my mouth sit in b darkness: Show yourselves.
like a sharp sword; in the shadow of They shall feed in the ways, and
his hand hath he hid me, and made their c pastures shall be in all high
me a polished shaft; in his quiver places.
hath he hid me; 10 They shall not hunger nor thirst,
3 And said unto me: Thou art my neither shall the heat nor the sun
servant, O Israel, in whom I will smite them; for he that hath mercy
be glorified. on them shall lead them, even by
4 Then I said, I have labored in the springs of water shall he guide
vain, I have spent my strength them.
for naught and in vain; surely my 11 And I will make all my moun-
judgment is with the Lord, and my tains a way, and my a highways shall
work with my God. be exalted.
20 c Isa. 44:1 (1–2, 21); 45:4. 3 a Lev. 25:55; Isa. 41:8; 8 a 2 Ne. 3:11 (6–15);
21 a Ps. 107:33 (33–37); D&C 93:46 (45–46). 3 Ne. 21:11 (8–11);
Isa. 41:18 (17–20). 4 a Isa. 55:2 (1–2). Morm. 8:16 (16, 25).
b Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:11; 5 a Isa. 44:24. 9 a tg Salvation for the
1 Ne. 17:29; 2 Ne. 25:20; b tg Strength. Dead; Spirits in Prison.
D&C 133:26 (26–30). 6 a tg Israel, Twelve b 2 Ne. 3:5.
22 a Rom. 3:17. Tribes of. c Ezek. 34:14;
tg Peace of God. b Ezek. 5:5; 1 Ne. 22:25.
21 1 a Isa. 49:1 (1–26). D&C 103:9 (8–9); 11 a Isa. 62:10;
b 1 Ne. 22:4; Abr. 2:11 (6–11). D&C 133:27 (23–32).
2 Ne. 10:21 (20–22). c 3 Ne. 21:11. tg Jesus Christ, Second
c D&C 1:1. tg Israel, Mission of. Coming.
49 1 Nephi 21 : 12–26
oppress thee with their own flesh; 4 And behold, there are many who
they shall be drunken with their are already lost from the knowledge
own blood as with sweet wine; and of those who are at Jerusalem. Yea,
all flesh shall b know that I, the Lord, the more part of all the a tribes have
am thy c Savior and thy Redeemer, been b led away; and they are c scat-
the d Mighty One of Jacob. tered to and fro upon the d isles of
the sea; and whither they are none
Chapter 22 of us knoweth, save that we know
Israel will be scattered upon all the face that they have been led away.
of the earth—The Gentiles will nurse 5 And since they have been led
and nourish Israel with the gospel in away, these things have been pro-
the last days—Israel will be gathered phesied concerning them, and
and saved, and the wicked will burn as also concerning all those who shall
stubble—The kingdom of the devil will hereafter be scattered and be con-
be destroyed, and Satan will be bound. founded, because of the Holy One
About 588–570 b.c. of Israel; for against him will they
harden their hearts; wherefore,
And now it came to pass that after I, they shall be scattered among
Nephi, had read these things which all nations and shall be b hated of
were engraven upon the a plates of all men.
brass, my brethren came unto me 6 Nevertheless, after they shall be
and said unto me: What b meaneth a
nursed by the b Gentiles, and the
these things which ye have read? Lord has lifted up his hand upon
Behold, are they to be understood the Gentiles and set them up for a
according to things which are c spiri standard, and their c children have
tual, which shall come to pass ac- been carried in their arms, and
cording to the spirit and not the their daughters have been carried
flesh? upon their shoulders, behold these
2 And I, Nephi, said unto them: things of which are spoken are tem-
Behold they were a manifest unto poral; for thus are the covenants
the prophet by the voice of the of the Lord with our fathers; and
Spirit; for by the Spirit are all it meaneth us in the days to come,
things made known unto the c proph- and also all our brethren who are
ets, which shall come upon the of the house of Israel.
children of men according to the 7 And it meaneth that the time
flesh. cometh that after all the house of
3 Wherefore, the things of which Israel have been scattered and con-
I have read are things pertaining founded, that the Lord God will
to things both a temporal and spiri raise up a mighty nation among the
tual; for it appears that the house a
Gentiles, yea, even upon the face
of Israel, sooner or later, will be of this land; and by them shall our
scattered upon all the face of the seed be b scattered.
earth, and also c among all nations. 8 And after our seed is scattered the
26 b Ezek. 26:6; 3 a D&C 29:34 (31–34). 2 Ne. 10:8 (8, 20).
Mosiah 11:22 (20–22). b 1 Ne. 10:12 (12–14); 5 a tg Hardheartedness.
c tg Jesus Christ, Savior. 2 Ne. 25:15 (14–16). b Luke 23:28–31;
d tg Jesus Christ, tg Israel, Scattering of. 1 Ne. 19:14.
Jehovah. c tg Inspiration. 6 a 1 Ne. 21:23.
22 1 a 1 Ne. 19:22; 4 a tg Israel, Ten Lost b tg Gentiles.
2 Ne. 4:2. Tribes of. c 1 Ne. 15:13;
b tg Interpretation. b 2 Ne. 10:22. 2 Ne. 30:3 (1–7).
c tg Spiritual. c Ps. 107:4; 7 a 3 Ne. 20:27.
2 a 2 Pet. 1:21 (19–21). Zech. 2:6. b Isa. 18:7;
b tg God, Spirit of. d Isa. 51:5; 1 Ne. 13:14 (12–14);
c tg Prophecy. 1 Ne. 21:1; 2 Ne. 1:11.
51 1 Nephi 22 : 9–16
Lord God will proceed to do a a mar- their h Savior and their Redeemer,
velous work among the b Gentiles, the i Mighty One of Israel.
which shall be of great c worth unto 13 And the blood of that great and
our seed; wherefore, it is likened a
abominable church, which is the
unto their being nourished by the whore of all the earth, shall turn
Gentiles and being carried in their upon their own heads; for they shall
arms and upon their shoulders. b
war among themselves, and the
9 And it shall also be of a worth sword of their c own hands shall fall
unto the Gentiles; and not only unto upon their own heads, and they shall
the Gentiles but b unto all the c house be drunken with their own blood.
of Israel, unto the making known 14 And every a nation which shall
of the d covenants of the Father of war against thee, O house of Israel,
heaven unto Abraham, saying: In shall be turned one against an-
thy e seed shall all the kindreds of other, and they shall b fall into the
the earth be f blessed. pit which they digged to ensnare
10 And I would, my brethren, that the people of the Lord. And all that
ye should know that all the kindreds c
fight against Zion shall be de-
of the earth cannot be blessed un- stroyed, and that great whore, who
less he shall make a bare his arm in hath perverted the right ways of
the eyes of the nations. the Lord, yea, that great and abomi
11 Wherefore, the Lord God will nable church, shall tumble to the
proceed to make bare his arm in the d
dust and great shall be the fall of it.
eyes of all the a nations, in bringing 15 For behold, saith the prophet,
about his covenants and his gospel the time cometh speedily that Sa-
unto those who are of the house tan shall have no more power over
of Israel. the hearts of the children of men;
12 Wherefore, he will a bring them for the day soon cometh that all the
again out of b captivity, and they proud and they who do wickedly
shall be c gathered together to the shall be as a stubble; and the day
lands of their d inheritance; and cometh that they must be b burned.
they shall be e brought out of ob- 16 For the time soon cometh that
scurity and out of f darkness; and the fulness of the a wrath of God shall
they shall know that the g Lord is be poured out upon all the children
8 a Isa. 29:14; 10 a Isa. 52:10. Isa. 60:12;
1 Ne. 14:7; 11 a tg Israel, Mission of. Zech. 12:9;
2 Ne. 27:26. 12 a Ps. 80:19 (17–19); 1 Ne. 14:3;
tg Restoration of the D&C 35:25. 2 Ne. 28:8;
Gospel. b 1 Ne. 21:25 (24–25). D&C 109:25.
b 2 Ne. 10:10; c tg Israel, Gathering of. c 2 Ne. 10:13; 27:3 (2–3);
3 Ne. 16:6 (4–7); d tg Lands of Inheritance. Morm. 8:41 (40–41);
Morm. 5:19. e tg Israel, Restoration of. D&C 136:36.
c 1 Ne. 15:14 (13–18); f tg Darkness, Spiritual. tg Protection, Divine.
Jacob 3:6; g 1 Ne. 19:15; d Isa. 25:12.
3 Ne. 5:23 (21–26); 2 Ne. 6:11 (10–15). 15 a Isa. 5:23–24;
21:7 (4–29). h tg Jesus Christ, Nahum 1:10;
d tg Mission of Latter-day Prophecies about; Mal. 4:1;
Saints. Jesus Christ, Savior. 2 Ne. 15:24; 26:6 (4–6);
9 a 1 Ne. 14:5 (1–5); i tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah. D&C 64:24 (23–24);
2 Ne. 28:2. 13 a Rev. 17:16 (16–17). 133:64.
b 1 Ne. 15:13 (13–17); tg Devil, Church of. b Ps. 21:9 (8–10);
2 Ne. 30:3 (1–7). b 1 Ne. 14:16 (3, 15–17); 3 Ne. 25:1;
c 2 Ne. 29:14 (13–14). 2 Ne. 6:15. D&C 29:9.
d Deut. 4:31. tg War. tg Earth, Cleansing of.
e tg Abrahamic Covenant; c 1 Ne. 21:26 (24–26). 16 a 1 Ne. 14:17;
Seed of Abraham. 14 a Luke 21:10. 3 Ne. 20:20 (19–21).
f Gen. 12:2; b Ps. 7:15;
3 Ne. 20:25 (25, 27). Prov. 26:27; 28:10;
1 Nephi 22 : 17–26 52
of men; for he will not suffer that the for they are those who shall not be
wicked shall destroy the righteous. confounded. But it is the kingdom
17 Wherefore, he will a preserve the of the devil, which shall be built up
righteous by his power, even if it among the children of men, which
so be that the fulness of his wrath kingdom is established among them
must come, and the righteous be which are in the flesh—
preserved, even unto the destruction 23 For the time speedily shall come
of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, that all a churches which are built
the righteous need not fear; for up to get gain, and all those who
thus saith the prophet, they shall are built up to get power over the
be saved, even if it so be as by fire. flesh, and those who are built up
18 Behold, my brethren, I say unto to become b popular in the eyes of
you, that these things must shortly the world, and those who seek the
come; yea, even blood, and fire, and lusts of the flesh and the things of
vapor of smoke must come; and it the world, and to do all manner of
must needs be upon the face of this iniquity; yea, in fine, all those who
earth; and it cometh unto men ac- belong to the kingdom of the c devil
cording to the flesh if it so be that are they who need fear, and tremble,
they will harden their hearts against and d quake; they are those who must
the Holy One of Israel. be brought low in the dust; they
19 For behold, the righteous shall are those who must be e consumed
not perish; for the time surely must as stubble; and this is according to
come that all they who fight against the words of the prophet.
Zion shall be cut off. 24 And the time cometh speed-
20 And the Lord will surely a pre- ily that the righteous must be led
pare a way for his people, unto the up as a calves of the stall, and the
fulfilling of the words of Moses, Holy One of Israel must reign in
which he spake, saying: A b prophet dominion, and might, and power,
shall the Lord your God raise up and great b glory.
unto you, like unto me; him shall 25 And he a gathereth his children
ye hear in all things whatsoever from the four quarters of the earth;
he shall say unto you. And it shall and he numbereth his b sheep, and
come to pass that all those who will they know him; and there shall be
not hear that prophet shall be c cut one fold and one shepherd; and he
off from among the people. shall feed his sheep, and in him
21 And now I, Nephi, declare unto they shall find c pasture.
you, that this a prophet of whom 26 And because of the a righteous-
Moses spake was the Holy One of ness of his people, b Satan has no
Israel; wherefore, he shall execute power; wherefore, he cannot be
judgment in righteousness. loosed for the space of c many years;
22 And the righteous need not fear, for he hath no power over the hearts
17 a 2 Ne. 30:10; Prophecies about. 25 a Isa. 43:6 (5–7);
3 Ne. 22:13 (13–17); b Ps. 98:9; Eph. 1:10.
Moses 7:61. Moses 6:57. tg Israel, Gathering of.
tg Protection, Divine. tg Jesus Christ, Judge. b tg Jesus Christ, Good
b Ps. 55:22; 23 a 1 Ne. 14:10 (9–10); Shepherd; Sheep;
1 Ne. 17:35 (33–38). 2 Ne. 26:20. Shepherd.
20 a tg Millennium, tg Covet; Priestcraft. c 1 Ne. 21:9.
Preparing a People for. b Luke 6:26; Alma 1:3. 26 a tg Millennium;
b John 4:19; 7:40. c 1 Ne. 13:6. Righteousness.
c D&C 133:63. d 2 Ne. 28:19. b Rev. 20:2;
21 a Deut. 18:15 (15–19); e Zeph. 1:2 (2–3); Alma 48:17 (16–17);
Acts 3:22 (20–23); 2 Ne. 26:6. D&C 43:31; 45:55; 88:110;
1 Ne. 10:4; 3 Ne. 20:23; 24 a Amos 6:4; Mal. 4:2; 101:28.
Moses 1:6. 3 Ne. 25:2. tg Devil.
tg Jesus Christ, b tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. c Jacob 5:76.
53 1 Nephi 22 : 27–2 Nephi 1 : 5
of the people, for they dwell in would that ye should consider that
righteousness, and the Holy One the things which have been written
of Israel d reigneth. upon the a plates of brass are true;
27 And now behold, I, Nephi, say and they testify that a man must
unto you that all these a things must be obedient to the commandments
come according to the flesh. of God.
28 But, behold, all nations, kin- 31 Wherefore, ye need not sup-
dreds, tongues, and people shall pose that I and my father are the
dwell safely in the Holy One of Is- only ones that have testified, and
rael if it so be that they will a repent. also taught them. Wherefore, if ye
29 And now I, Nephi, make an end; shall be obedient to the a command-
for I durst not speak further as yet ments, and endure to the end, ye
concerning these things. shall be saved at the last day. And
30 Wherefore, my brethren, I thus it is. Amen.
with me should be a land for the be none to molest them, nor to take
inheritance of my seed. Yea, the away the land of their e inheritance;
Lord hath d covenanted this land and they shall dwell safely forever.
unto me, and to my children for- 10 But behold, when the time
ever, and also all those who should cometh that they shall dwindle in
be e led out of other countries by the a
unbelief, after they have received
hand of the Lord. so great blessings from the hand of
6 Wherefore, I, Lehi, prophesy the Lord—having a knowledge of
according to the workings of the the creation of the earth, and all
Spirit which is in me, that there men, knowing the great and mar-
shall a none come into this land save velous works of the Lord from the
they shall be brought by the hand creation of the world; having power
of the Lord. given them to do all things by faith;
7 Wherefore, this a land is conse- having all the commandments from
crated unto him whom he shall the beginning, and having been
bring. And if it so be that they shall brought by his infinite goodness
serve him according to the com- into this precious land of promise—
mandments which he hath given, behold, I say, if the day shall come
it shall be a land of b liberty unto that they will reject the Holy One
them; wherefore, they shall never of Israel, the true b Messiah, their
be brought down into captivity; if Redeemer and their God, behold,
so, it shall be because of iniquity; the judgments of him that is c just
for if iniquity shall abound c cursed shall rest upon them.
shall be the land for their sakes, 11 Yea, he will bring a other na-
but unto the righteous it shall be tions unto them, and he will give
blessed forever. unto them power, and he will take
8 And behold, it is wisdom that away from them the lands of their
this land should be a kept as yet from possessions, and he will cause them
the knowledge of other b nations; for to be b scattered and smitten.
behold, many nations would over- 12 Yea, as one generation passeth
run the land, that there would be to another there shall be a blood-
no place for an inheritance. sheds, and great visitations among
9 Wherefore, I, Lehi, have obtained them; wherefore, my sons, I would
a a promise, that b inasmuch as those that ye would remember; yea, I
whom the Lord God shall bring out would that ye would hearken unto
of the land of Jerusalem shall keep my words.
his commandments, they shall c pros- 13 O that ye would awake; awake
per upon the face of this land; and from a deep a sleep, yea, even from
they shall be kept from all other the sleep of b hell, and shake off
nations, that they may possess this the awful c chains by which ye are
land unto themselves. And if it so be bound, which are the chains which
that they shall d keep his command- bind the children of men, that they
ments they shall be blessed upon are carried away captive down to the
the face of this land, and there shall eternal d gulf of misery and woe.
5 d tg Covenants. 9 a Jacob 1:5. 12 a Morm. 1:11 (11–19);
e Ezra 8:22. b 2 Ne. 4:4; 4:1 (1–23);
6 a 2 Ne. 10:22. Alma 9:13. D&C 87:6 (1–6).
7 a Mosiah 29:32; c Deut. 29:9; 30:9. 13 a tg Sleep.
Alma 46:10 (10–28, 34). d tg Obedience. b tg Damnation.
b 2 Ne. 10:11. e tg Inheritance. c Isa. 58:6;
tg Liberty. 10 a tg Unbelief. Alma 12:11 (9–11).
c Alma 45:16 (10–14, 16); b tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. tg Bondage, Spiritual.
Morm. 1:17; c tg Justice. d 1 Ne. 12:18;
Ether 2:11 (8–12). 11 a 1 Ne. 13:14 (12–20); 15:28 (28–30);
8 a 3 Ne. 5:20. Morm. 5:19 (19–20). Alma 26:20 (19–20);
b tg Nations. b 1 Ne. 22:7. Hel. 3:29.
55 2 Nephi 1 : 14–24
14 Awake! and arise from the dust, much as ye shall keep my b com-
and hear the words of a trembling mandments ye shall c prosper in the
parent, whose limbs ye must soon land; but inasmuch as ye will not
lay down in the cold and silent keep my commandments ye shall
grave, from whence no traveler be cut off from my presence.
can c return; a few more d days and 21 And now that my soul might
I go the e way of all the earth. have joy in you, and that my heart
15 But behold, the Lord hath a re- might leave this world with glad-
deemed my soul from hell; I have ness because of you, that I might
beheld his b glory, and I am encircled not be brought down with grief and
about eternally in the c arms of his sorrow to the grave, arise from the
love. dust, my sons, and be a men, and be
16 And I desire that ye should re- determined in b one mind and in one
member to observe the a statutes and heart, united in all things, that ye
the judgments of the Lord; behold, may not come down into captivity;
this hath been the anxiety of my 22 That ye may not be a cursed with
soul from the beginning. a sore cursing; and also, that ye may
17 My heart hath been weighed not incur the displeasure of a b just
down with sorrow from time to God upon you, unto the destruction,
time, for I have feared, lest for the yea, the eternal destruction of both
hardness of your hearts the Lord soul and body.
your God should come out in the 23 Awake, my sons; put on the ar-
fulness of his a wrath upon you, that mor of a righteousness. Shake off the
ye be b cut off and destroyed forever; b
chains with which ye are bound,
18 Or, that a a cursing should come and come forth out of obscurity,
upon you for the space of b many and arise from the dust.
generations; and ye are visited by 24 Rebel no more against your
sword, and by famine, and are hated, brother, whose views have been
and are led according to the will a
glorious, and who hath kept the
and captivity of the c devil. commandments from the time that
19 O my sons, that these things we left Jerusalem; and who hath
might not come upon you, but that been an instrument in the hands of
ye might be a choice and a a favored God, in bringing us forth into the
people of the Lord. But behold, his land of promise; for were it not for
will be done; for his b ways are righ- him, we must have perished with
teousness forever. b
hunger in the wilderness; never-
20 And he hath said that: a Inas- theless, ye sought to c take away his
14 a tg Family, Love within. 16 a Deut. 4:6 (5–8); Alma 9:13 (13–14);
b tg Death. Ezek. 20:11; 36:30; 37:13;
c Job 10:21. 2 Ne. 5:10 (10–11). 3 Ne. 5:22.
d Gen. 47:29 (28–29); 17 a 1 Ne. 2:23; b Lev. 26:3 (3–14);
Jacob 1:9. 2 Ne. 5:21 (21–24); Joel 2:25 (23–26);
e Josh. 23:14; Alma 3:6 (6–19). Amos 5:4 (4–8);
1 Kgs. 2:2. tg God, Indignation of. Mosiah 26:30.
15 a Alma 36:28. b Gen. 6:13; c Ps. 67:6;
tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 17:31; Prov. 22:4 (4–5);
Atonement through. Mosiah 12:8; Mosiah 2:24 (21–25).
b Ex. 24:16; 3 Ne. 9:9. 21 a 1 Sam. 4:9; 1 Kgs. 2:2.
Lev. 9:6 (6, 23); 18 a tg Curse. b Moses 7:18.
Ether 12:6 (6–18). b 1 Ne. 12:21 (20–23). 22 a tg Curse.
tg Jesus Christ, c Rev. 12:9 (7–9); b D&C 3:4.
Glory of. Moses 1:12. tg Justice.
c Isa. 59:16; Jacob 6:5; tg Devil. 23 a tg Righteousness.
Alma 5:33; 19 a tg Peculiar People. b tg Bondage, Spiritual.
3 Ne. 9:14. b Hosea 14:9. 24 a 1 Ne. 18:3.
d Rom. 8:39. 20 a Jarom 1:9; Omni 1:6; b 1 Ne. 16:32.
tg God, Love of. Mosiah 1:7; c 1 Ne. 16:37.
2 Nephi 1 : 25–2 : 3 56
life; yea, and he hath suffered much been brought out of the land of Je-
sorrow because of you. rusalem, and I know that thou art
25 And I exceedingly fear and a true b friend unto my son, Nephi,
tremble because of you, lest he forever.
shall suffer again; for behold, ye 31 Wherefore, because thou hast
have a accused him that he sought been faithful thy seed shall be
power and b authority over you; but blessed a with his seed, that they
I know that he hath not sought for dwell in prosperity long upon the
power nor authority over you, but face of this land; and nothing, save it
he hath sought the glory of God, shall be iniquity among them, shall
and your own eternal welfare. harm or disturb their prosperity
26 And ye have murmured because upon the face of this land forever.
he hath been plain unto you. Ye 32 Wherefore, if ye shall keep the
say that he hath used a sharpness; commandments of the Lord, the
ye say that he hath been angry Lord hath consecrated this land
with you; but behold, his b sharpness for the security of thy seed with
was the sharpness of the power of the seed of my son.
the word of God, which was in him;
and that which ye call anger was Chapter 2
the truth, according to that which Redemption comes through the Holy
is in God, which he could not re- Messiah—Freedom of choice (agency) is
strain, manifesting boldly concern- essential to existence and progression—
ing your iniquities. Adam fell that men might be—Men are
27 And it must needs be that the free to choose liberty and eternal life.
power of God must be with him, About 588–570 b.c.
even unto his commanding you
that ye must obey. But behold, it And now, Jacob, I speak unto you:
was not he, but it was the b Spirit of Thou art my a firstborn in the days
the Lord which was in him, which of my tribulation in the wilderness.
opened his mouth to utterance that And behold, in thy childhood thou
he could not shut it. hast suffered afflictions and much
28 And now my son, Laman, and sorrow, because of the rudeness of
also Lemuel and Sam, and also my thy brethren.
sons who are the sons of Ishmael, 2 Nevertheless, Jacob, my firstborn
behold, if ye will hearken unto the in the wilderness, thou knowest
voice of Nephi ye shall not perish. the greatness of God; and he shall
And if ye will hearken unto him consecrate thine a afflictions for
I leave unto you a a blessing, yea, thy gain.
even my first blessing. 3 Wherefore, thy soul shall be
29 But if ye will not hearken unto blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely
him I take away my a first blessing, with thy brother, Nephi; and thy
yea, even my blessing, and it shall days shall be a spent in the service
rest upon him. of thy God. Wherefore, I know that
30 And now, Zoram, I speak unto thou art redeemed, because of the
you: Behold, thou art the a servant righteousness of thy Redeemer; for
of Laban; nevertheless, thou hast thou hast b beheld that in the c fulness
25 a 1 Ne. 15:8 (8–11); 27 a 1 Ne. 17:48. 31 a 2 Ne. 5:6.
Mosiah 10:14. b D&C 121:43. 2 1 a 1 Ne. 18:7 (7, 19).
b Gen. 37:10 (9–11); c D&C 33:8. 2 a Micah 4:13;
1 Ne. 2:22. 28 a tg Birthright. 2 Ne. 32:9.
26 a Prov. 15:10; 29 a Gen. 49:3 (3–4); tg Affliction.
1 Ne. 16:2. D&C 68:17; 3 a Enos 1:1.
b W of M 1:17; Abr. 1:3. b 2 Ne. 11:3.
Moro. 9:4; 30 a 1 Ne. 4:20 (20, 35). c tg Fulness.
D&C 121:43 (41–43). b tg Friendship.
57 2 Nephi 2 : 4 –11
of the fruit of thy loins; and unto by the power of the Lord shall bring
him will I give b power to c bring my people unto e salvation.
forth my word unto the seed of thy 16 Yea, thus prophesied Joseph: I
loins—and not to the bringing forth am sure of this thing, even as I am
my word only, saith the Lord, but sure of the promise of Moses; for
to the convincing them of my word, the Lord hath said unto me, I will
which shall have already gone forth a
preserve thy seed forever.
among them. 17 And the Lord hath said: I will
12 Wherefore, the fruit of thy loins raise up a Moses; and I will give
shall a write; and the fruit of the power unto him in a rod; and I will
loins of b Judah shall c write; and that give judgment unto him in writing.
which shall be written by the fruit of Yet I will not loose his tongue, that
thy loins, and also that which shall he shall speak much, for I will not
be written by the fruit of the loins make him mighty in speaking. But
of Judah, shall grow together, unto I will a write unto him my law, by
the d confounding of e false doctrines the finger of mine own hand; and
and laying down of contentions, and I will make a b spokesman for him.
establishing f peace among the fruit 18 And the Lord said unto me
of thy loins, and g bringing them also: I will raise up unto the fruit of
to the h knowledge of their fathers thy loins; and I will make for him
in the latter days, and also to the a spokesman. And I, behold, I will
knowledge of my covenants, saith give unto him that he shall write
the Lord. the writing of the fruit of thy loins,
13 And out of weakness he shall unto the fruit of thy loins; and the
be made strong, in that day when spokesman of thy loins shall de-
my work shall commence among all clare it.
my people, unto the restoring thee, 19 And the words which he shall
O house of Israel, saith the Lord. write shall be the words which are
14 And thus prophesied Joseph, expedient in my wisdom should go
saying: Behold, that seer will the forth unto the a fruit of thy loins.
Lord bless; and they that seek to And it shall be as if the fruit of thy
destroy him shall be confounded; loins had cried unto them b from the
for this promise, which I have ob- dust; for I know their faith.
tained of the Lord, of the fruit of 20 And they shall a cry from the
my loins, shall be fulfilled. Behold, b
dust; yea, even repentance unto
I am sure of the fulfilling of this their brethren, even after many
promise; generations have gone by them.
15 And his a name shall be called af- And it shall come to pass that their
ter me; and it shall be after the b name cry shall go, even according to the
of his father. And he shall be c like simpleness of their words.
unto me; for the thing, which the 21 Because of their faith their
Lord shall bring forth by his hand, a
words shall proceed forth out of
11 b D&C 5:4 (3–4). g Moro. 1:4. Moses 2:1.
c tg Scriptures to Come h 1 Ne. 15:14; tg Scriptures,
Forth. 2 Ne. 30:5; Writing of.
12 a tg Book of Mormon. 3 Ne. 5:23; b Ex. 4:16 (14–16).
b 1 Ne. 13:23 (23–29); Morm. 7:9 (1, 5, 9–10). 19 a D&C 28:8.
2 Ne. 29:12. 15 a D&C 18:8. b Isa. 29:4;
c tg Scriptures, b JS—H 1:3. 2 Ne. 27:13;
Preservation of; c D&C 28:2. 33:13 (13–15);
Scriptures, Writing of. d Enos 1:13 (12–18); Morm. 9:30;
d Ezek. 37:17 (15–20); Alma 37:19 (1–20). Moro. 10:27.
1 Ne. 13:39 (38–41); e tg Scriptures, Value of. 20 a 2 Ne. 26:16;
2 Ne. 29:8; 33:10 (10–11). 16 a Gen. 45:7 (1–8); Morm. 8:23 (23, 26).
e tg False Doctrine. D&C 107:42. b tg Book of Mormon.
f tg Peacemakers. 17 a Deut. 10:2 (2, 4); 21 a 2 Ne. 29:2.
2 Nephi 3 : 22–4 : 9 62
Behold, my sons and my daughters, plates; for a more history part are
who are the sons and the daughters written upon mine other plates.
of my second son; behold I leave 15 And upon a these I b write the
unto you the same blessing which things of my soul, and many of
I left unto the sons and daughters the scriptures which are engraven
of Laman; wherefore, thou shalt not upon the plates of brass. For my
utterly be destroyed; but in the end soul c delighteth in the scriptures,
thy seed shall be blessed. and my heart d pondereth them, and
10 And it came to pass that when writeth them for the e learning and
my father had made an end of speak- the profit of my children.
ing unto them, behold, he spake 16 Behold, my a soul delighteth
unto the sons of a Ishmael, yea, and in the things of the Lord; and my
even all his household. b
heart pondereth continually upon
11 And after he had made an end the things which I have seen and
of speaking unto them, he spake heard.
unto Sam, saying: Blessed art thou, 17 Nevertheless, notwithstanding
and thy a seed; for thou shalt in- the great a goodness of the Lord, in
herit the land like unto thy brother showing me his great and marvel-
Nephi. And thy seed shall be num- ous works, my heart exclaimeth:
bered with his seed; and thou shalt O b wretched man that I am! Yea,
be even like unto thy brother, and my heart c sorroweth because of my
thy seed like unto his seed; and flesh; my soul grieveth because of
thou shalt be blessed in all thy mine iniquities.
days. 18 I am encompassed about, be-
12 And it came to pass after my cause of the temptations and the
father, Lehi, had a spoken unto all sins which do so easily a beset me.
his household, according to the 19 And when I desire to rejoice,
feelings of his heart and the Spirit my heart groaneth because of my
of the Lord which was in him, he sins; nevertheless, I know in whom
waxed b old. And it came to pass that I have a trusted.
he died, and was buried. 20 My God hath been my a support;
13 And it came to pass that not he hath led me through mine b af-
many days after his death, Laman flictions in the wilderness; and he
and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael hath preserved me upon the waters
were a angry with me because of the of the great deep.
admonitions of the Lord. 21 He hath filled me with his
14 For I, Nephi, was constrained to a
love, even unto the b consuming
speak unto them, according to his of my flesh.
word; for I had spoken many things 22 He hath confounded mine a en-
unto them, and also my father, be- emies, unto the causing of them to
fore his death; many of which say- quake before me.
ings are written upon mine a other 23 Behold, he hath heard my cry by
10 a 1 Ne. 7:6. Writing of. c tg Poor in Spirit;
11 a Jacob 1:14 (12–14). c Ps. 119:24; Repent;
12 a Gen. 49:1 (1–27). Moses 6:59. Sorrow.
b tg Old Age. d tg Meditation; 18 a Rom. 7:21 (15–25);
13 a 1 Ne. 7:6 (6–19); Scriptures, Study of. Heb. 12:1;
17:18 (17–55); e 1 Ne. 19:23. Alma 7:15.
18:10 (9–22); tg Scriptures, Value of. 19 a tg Trust in God.
2 Ne. 5:2 (1–25). 16 a tg Spirituality; 20 a 2 Cor. 4:16.
tg Anger. Thanksgiving. b 1 Ne. 17:6.
14 a 1 Ne. 1:17 (16–17); 9:4; b tg Heart. tg Affliction;
2 Ne. 5:33 (29–33); 17 a Ex. 34:6 (5–7); Comfort.
D&C 10:42. 2 Ne. 9:10; 21 a tg God, Love of.
15 a 1 Ne. 6:1 (1–6). D&C 86:11. b D&C 84:33.
b tg Scriptures, b Rom. 7:24. 22 a Ps. 3:7 (7–8).
2 Nephi 4 : 24–35 64
day, and he hath given me a knowl- soul will rejoice in thee, my God,
edge by b visions in the night-time. and the b rock of my salvation.
24 And by day have I waxed bold 31 O Lord, wilt thou a redeem my
in mighty a prayer before him; yea, soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of
my voice have I sent up on high; the hands of mine enemies? Wilt
and angels came down and minis- thou make me that I may shake at
tered unto me. the appearance of b sin?
25 And upon the wings of his Spirit 32 May the gates of hell be shut
hath my body been a carried away continually before me, because that
upon exceedingly high mountains. my a heart is broken and my spirit
And mine eyes have beheld great is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not
things, yea, even too great for man; shut the gates of thy righteousness
therefore I was bidden that I should before me, that I may b walk in the
not write them. path of the low valley, that I may
26 O then, if I have seen so great be strict in the plain road!
things, if the Lord in his condescen- 33 O Lord, wilt thou encircle me
sion unto the children of men hath around in the robe of thy a righ-
visited men in so much b mercy, teousness! O Lord, wilt thou make
why should my d heart weep and my
a way for mine escape before mine
soul linger in the valley of sorrow, b
enemies! Wilt thou make my path
and my flesh waste away, and my straight before me! Wilt thou not
strength slacken, because of mine place a stumbling block in my way—
afflictions? but that thou wouldst clear my way
27 And why should I a yield to before me, and hedge not up my
sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why way, but the ways of mine enemy.
should I give way to b temptations, 34 O Lord, I have a trusted in thee,
that the evil one have place in my and I will b trust in thee forever. I
heart to destroy my c peace and af- will not put my c trust in the arm
flict my soul? Why am I d angry be- of flesh; for I know that cursed is
cause of mine enemy ? he that putteth his d trust in the
28 Awake, my soul! No longer arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that
droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, putteth his trust in man or maketh
and give place no more for the b en- flesh his arm.
emy of my soul. 35 Yea, I know that God will give
29 Do not a anger again because of a
liberally to him that asketh. Yea,
mine enemies. Do not slacken my my God will give me, if I b ask c not
strength because of mine afflictions. amiss; therefore I will lift up my
30 Rejoice, O my a heart, and cry voice unto thee; yea, I will cry
unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I unto thee, my God, the d rock of my
will praise thee forever; yea, my e
righteousness. Behold, my voice
23 a tg Knowledge. c tg Contentment; Peace; 33 a tg Righteousness.
b 2 Chr. 26:5. Peace of God. b Lev. 26:7 (1–13);
tg Dream; Vision. d tg Self-Mastery. D&C 44:5.
24 a James 5:16; 28 a Ps. 42:11. 34 a tg Trustworthiness.
1 Ne. 1:5 (5–8); 10:17. b tg Adversary; b tg Trust in God.
25 a 2 Cor. 12:2 (1–4); Enemies. c Ps. 33:16; 44:6 (6–8).
1 Ne. 11:1 (1–36); 29 a tg Anger. tg Trust Not in the Arm
Moses 1:1. 30 a tg Heart. of Flesh.
26 a Ex. 3:16; Alma 9:21; b 1 Cor. 3:11 (9–13). d Prov. 14:16; Jer. 17:5;
Morm. 1:15. tg Rock. Morm. 3:9; 4:8.
b tg Compassion; 31 a Ps. 16:10. 35 a James 1:5.
God, Mercy of. b Rom. 12:9; tg Abundant Life.
c Ps. 43:5. Alma 13:12; 37:32. b tg Prayer.
d tg Heart. tg Sin. c Hel. 10:5.
27 a Rom. 6:13 (10–16). 32 a tg Contrite Heart. d Deut. 32:4.
b tg Temptation. b tg Walking with God. e Ps. 4:1.
65 2 Nephi 5 : 1–14
shall forever ascend up unto thee, and Jacob and Joseph, my younger
my rock and mine everlasting God. brethren, and also my sisters, and
Amen. all those who would go with me.
And all those who would go with
Chapter 5 me were those who believed in the
warnings and the revelations of
The Nephites separate themselves from God; wherefore, they did hearken
the Lamanites, keep the law of Moses, unto my words.
and build a temple—Because of their
unbelief, the Lamanites are cut off from 7 And we did take our tents and
whatsoever things were possible for
the presence of the Lord, are cursed, us, and did journey in the wilderness
and become a scourge unto the Neph- for the space of many days. And af-
ites. About 588–559 b.c. ter we had journeyed for the space
Behold, it came to pass that I, of many days we did pitch our tents.
Nephi, did cry much unto the Lord 8 And my people would that we
my God, because of the a anger of should call the name of the place
my brethren. a
Nephi; wherefore, we did call it
2 But behold, their a anger did in- Nephi.
crease against me, insomuch that 9 And all those who were with me
they did seek to take away my life. did take upon them to call them-
3 Yea, they did murmur against me, selves the a people of Nephi.
saying: Our younger brother thinks 10 And we did observe to keep the
to a rule over us; and we have had judgments, and the a statutes, and
much trial because of him; where- the commandments of the Lord in
fore, now let us slay him, that we all things, according to the b law
may not be afflicted more because of Moses.
of his words. For behold, we will 11 And the Lord was with us; and
not have him to be our ruler; for it we did a prosper exceedingly; for we
belongs unto us, who are the elder did sow seed, and we did reap again
brethren, to b rule over this people. in abundance. And we began to raise
4 Now I do not write upon these flocks, and herds, and animals of
plates all the words which they every kind.
murmured against me. But it suf- 12 And I, Nephi, had also brought
ficeth me to say, that they did seek the records which were engraven
to take away my life. upon the a plates of brass; and also
5 And it came to pass that the the b ball, or c compass, which was
Lord did a warn me, that I, b Nephi, prepared for my father by the hand
should depart from them and flee of the Lord, according to that which
into the wilderness, and all those is written.
who would go with me. 13 And it came to pass that we
6 Wherefore, it came to pass that began to prosper exceedingly, and
I, Nephi, did take my family, and to multiply in the land.
also a Zoram and his family, and Sam, 14 And I, Nephi, did take the a sword
mine elder brother and his family, of Laban, and after the manner
5 1 a 2 Ne. 4:13; Jacob 7:24; 6 a 1 Ne. 4:35; 16:7; tg Law of Moses.
Enos 1:20; 2 Ne. 1:31 (30–32). 11 a Matt. 6:33.
Mosiah 10:12, 15. b tg Warn. 12 a 2 Ne. 4:2;
2 a 1 Ne. 7:6 (6–19); 17:18 8 a Omni 1:12 (12, 27); Mosiah 1:3 (3–4).
(17–55); 18:10 (9–22); Mosiah 7:1 (1–7, 21); b Mosiah 1:16.
2 Ne. 4:13 (13–14). 9:1 (1–6, 14); 28:1 (1, 5); c 1 Ne. 16:16 (10, 16, 26);
3 a Num. 16:13; Alma 2:24; 20:1; 18:12 (12, 21);
1 Ne. 16:37 (37–38); 50:8 (8, 11). Alma 37:38 (38–47);
Mosiah 10:15. 9 a Jacob 1:14. D&C 17:1.
b Alma 54:17. 10 a Ezek. 20:11; 14 a 1 Ne. 4:9; Jacob 1:10;
5 a tg Guidance, Divine. 2 Ne. 1:16 (16–17). W of M 1:13;
b Mosiah 10:13. b 2 Ne. 11:4. Mosiah 1:16; D&C 17:1.
2 Nephi 5 : 15–24 66
children and those who were called ments of the Lord, until the time
my people. they sought to take away my life.
15 And I did teach my people to 20 Wherefore, the word of the Lord
build buildings, and to b work in was fulfilled which he spake unto
all c manner of wood, and of d iron, me, saying that: Inasmuch as they
and of copper, and of e brass, and will a not hearken unto thy words
of steel, and of f gold, and of silver, they shall be b cut off from the pres-
and of precious ores, which were ence of the Lord. And behold, they
in great abundance. were c cut off from his presence.
16 And I, Nephi, did a build a 21 And he had caused the a curs-
temple; and I did construct it af- ing to come upon them, yea, even
ter the manner of the temple of a sore cursing, because of their in-
Solomon save it were not built of iquity. For behold, they had hard-
so many d precious things; for they ened their hearts against him, that
were not to be found upon the land, they had become like unto a flint;
wherefore, it could not be built like wherefore, as they were white, and
unto Solomon’s e temple. But the exceedingly fair and b delightsome,
manner of the construction was that they might not be c enticing
like unto the temple of f Solomon; unto my people the Lord God did
and the workmanship thereof was cause a d skin of e blackness to come
exceedingly fine. upon them.
17 And it came to pass that I, 22 And thus saith the Lord God: I
Nephi, did cause my people to be will cause that they shall be a loath-
industrious, and to b labor with their some unto thy people, save they
hands. shall repent of their iniquities.
18 And it came to pass that they 23 And cursed shall be the seed of
would that I should be their a king. him that a mixeth with their seed;
But I, Nephi, was desirous that they for they shall be cursed even with
should have no king; nevertheless, the same cursing. And the Lord
I did for them according to that spake it, and it was done.
which was in my power. 24 And because of their a cursing
19 And behold, the words of the which was upon them they did
Lord had been fulfilled unto my become an b idle people, full of
14 b Jarom 1:8; Mosiah 10:8; b 1 Kgs. 5:5; 19 a 2 Ne. 1:25 (25–27).
Alma 2:12; Hel. 1:14; Jacob 1:17; b tg Teacher.
3 Ne. 3:26. Mosiah 1:18; 7:17; 11:10; 20 a 1 Ne. 8:18.
c tg Hate. Alma 16:13; b 1 Ne. 8:35 (35–36).
15 a tg Skill. Hel. 3:14 (9, 14); c 1 Ne. 2:21;
b tg Art. 3 Ne. 11:1. Alma 9:14 (13–15); 38:1.
c Jarom 1:8. tg Temple. 21 a tg Curse.
d Josh. 8:31; 1 Ne. 18:25; c 1 Kgs. 6:2. b Gen. 24:16; 1 Ne. 13:15;
Jacob 2:12 (12–13); d 1 Kgs. 5:17. 4 Ne. 1:10; Morm. 9:6.
Hel. 6:9 (9–11); e 1 Kgs. 9:1. c tg Marriage, Temporal.
Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23); f 1 Chr. 18:8. d 2 Ne. 30:6;
Moses 5:46. 17 a tg Industry; 3 Ne. 2:15 (14–16).
e Gen. 4:22. Work, Value of. e 2 Ne. 26:33;
f Ex. 31:4 (4–5); b tg Labor. Moses 7:8.
1 Kgs. 6:21 (21–22); c Prov. 31:13. 22 a 1 Ne. 12:23.
D&C 124:26 (26–27). 18 a 2 Ne. 6:2; 23 a tg Marriage, Interfaith.
16 a 2 Chr. 3:1 (1–17); Jacob 1:9 (9, 11, 15); 24 a tg Curse.
D&C 84:5 (5, 31); Jarom 1:7 (7, 14); b Alma 22:28.
124:31 (25–55). Mosiah 1:10. tg Idleness.
67 2 Nephi 5 : 25–6 : 5
ye are weary he waketh morning will come to Zion amid great joy—
by morning. He waketh mine ear Compare Isaiah 51 and 52:1–2. About
to hear as the learned. 559–545 b.c.
5 The Lord God hath opened mine a
Hearken unto me, ye that follow
ear, and I was not rebellious, nei- after righteousness. Look unto the
ther turned away back. b
rock from whence ye are hewn, and
6 I gave my back to the a smiter, to the hole of the pit from whence
and my cheeks to them that plucked ye are digged.
off the hair. I hid not my face from 2 Look unto Abraham, your a father,
shame and spitting. and unto b Sarah, she that bare you;
7 For the Lord God will help me, for I called him alone, and blessed
therefore shall I not be confounded. him.
Therefore have I set my face like 3 For the Lord shall a comfort b Zion,
a flint, and I know that I shall not he will comfort all her waste places;
be a ashamed.
8 And the Lord is near, and he a jus- and he will make her c wilderness
like d Eden, and her desert like the
tifieth me. Who will contend with garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness
me? Let us stand together. Who is shall be found therein, thanksgiv-
mine adversary ? Let him come near ing and the voice of melody.
me, and I will b smite him with the 4 Hearken unto me, my people; and
strength of my mouth. give ear unto me, O my nation; for
9 For the Lord God will help me. a a law shall proceed from me, and
And all they who shall a condemn I will make my judgment to rest
me, behold, all they shall b wax old
as a garment, and the moth shall for a b light for the people.
5 My righteousness is near; my
eat them up. a
salvation is gone forth, and mine
10 Who is among you that feareth arm shall b judge the people. The
the Lord, that obeyeth the a voice of
his servant, that b walketh in dark-
isles shall wait upon me, and on
ness and hath no light? mine arm shall they trust.
11 Behold all ye that kindle fire, 6 Lift up your eyes to the a heavens,
that compass yourselves about with and look upon the earth beneath;
sparks, walk in the light of a your for the heavens shall b vanish away
fire and in the sparks which ye have like smoke, and the earth shall
wax old like a garment; and they
kindled. b This shall ye have of mine that dwell therein shall die in like
hand—ye shall lie down in sorrow. manner. But my salvation shall be
Chapter 8 forever, and my righteousness shall
not be abolished.
Jacob continues reading from Isaiah: 7 Hearken unto me, ye that know
In the last days, the Lord will comfort righteousness, the people in whose
Zion and gather Israel—The redeemed heart I have written my law, a fear
5 a D&C 58:1. 8 1 a Isa. 51:1 (1–23); 4 a Isa. 2:3.
6 a Isa. 53:4; Matt. 27:26; 2 Ne. 7:1. tg God, Law of.
2 Ne. 9:5 (4–7). b ie Abraham and Sarah; b tg Light [noun].
b tg Shame. see v. 2. 5 a tg Jesus Christ, Savior;
7 a Rom. 9:33. tg Rock. Salvation.
8 a Rom. 8:33 (32–34). 2 a Gen. 17:4 (1–8); b tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
b Isa. 11:4. D&C 109:64; 132:49. c 2 Ne. 10:20.
9 a Rom. 8:31. b Gen. 24:36. 6 a 2 Pet. 3:10.
b Ps. 102:26. 3 a tg Israel, Restoration of. b Isa. 13:13.
10 a D&C 1:38. b tg Zion. c Ps. 102:26 (25–28).
b tg Walking in Darkness. c Isa. 35:2 (1–2, 6–7). 7 a Deut. 1:17;
11 a Deut. 12:8; tg Israel, Blessings of. Ps. 56:4 (4, 11); 118:6;
Judg. 17:6. d tg Earth, Renewal of; D&C 122:9.
b D&C 133:70. Eden. tg Peer Influence.
71 2 Nephi 8 : 8 –23
ye not the b reproach of men, nei- should not die in the pit, nor that
ther be ye afraid of their c revilings. his bread should fail.
8 For the a moth shall eat them 15 But I am the Lord thy God,
up like a garment, and the worm whose a waves roared; the Lord of
shall eat them like wool. But my Hosts is my name.
righteousness shall be forever, and 16 And I have a put my words in
my salvation from generation to thy mouth, and have covered thee
generation. in the shadow of mine hand, that
9 a Awake, awake! Put on b strength, I may plant the heavens and lay
O arm of the Lord; awake as in the the foundations of the earth, and
ancient days. Art thou not he that say unto Zion: Behold, thou art my
hath cut c Rahab, and wounded the b
dragon? 17 Awake, awake, stand up, O Je-
10 Art thou not he who hath dried rusalem, which hast drunk at the
the sea, the waters of the great deep; hand of the Lord the a cup of his
that hath made the depths of the b
fury—thou hast drunken the dregs
sea a a way for the ransomed to pass of the cup of trembling wrung out—
over? 18 And none to guide her among
11 Therefore, the a redeemed of the all the sons she hath brought forth;
Lord shall b return, and come with neither that taketh her by the hand,
singing unto Zion; and everlasting of all the sons she hath brought up.
joy and holiness shall be upon their 19 These two a sons are come unto
heads; and they shall obtain glad- thee, who shall be sorry for thee—
ness and joy; sorrow and d mourning thy desolation and destruction, and
shall flee away. the famine and the sword—and by
12 a I am he; yea, I am he that com- whom shall I comfort thee?
forteth you. Behold, who art thou, 20 Thy sons have fainted, save
that thou shouldst be b afraid of these two; they lie at the head of
man, who shall die, and of the son all the streets; as a wild bull in a
of man, who shall be made like unto net, they are full of the fury of the
grass? Lord, the rebuke of thy God.
13 And a forgettest the Lord thy 21 Therefore hear now this, thou
maker, that hath b stretched forth afflicted, and a drunken, and not
the heavens, and laid the founda- with wine:
tions of the earth, and hast feared 22 Thus saith thy Lord, the Lord
continually every day, because of and thy God a pleadeth the cause of
the fury of the c oppressor, as if he his people; behold, I have taken out
were ready to destroy ? And where of thine hand the cup of trembling,
is the fury of the oppressor? the dregs of the cup of my fury;
14 The a captive exile hasteneth, thou shalt no more drink it again.
that he may be loosed, and that he 23 But a I will put it into the hand
7 b tg Reproach. d Rev. 21:4 (2–5). 16 a tg Israel, Mission of;
c tg Hate. 12 a D&C 133:47; 136:22. Prophets, Mission of.
8 a Isa. 50:9. b Jer. 1:8 (7–8). b 1 Kgs. 8:51;
9 a Isa. 52:1. c Isa. 40:6 (6–8); 2 Ne. 3:9; 29:14.
b D&C 113:8 (7–8). 1 Pet. 1:24 (24–25). 17 a Jer. 25:15.
tg Israel, Restoration of. 13 a Jer. 23:27 (27–39). b Luke 21:24 (22–24).
c Ps. 89:10; b Job 9:8. 19 a Rev. 11:3 (3–12).
Isa. 27:1. c ie Israel’s captors, 21 a 2 Ne. 27:4.
d Ezek. 29:3. typifying evil rulers 22 a Jer. 50:34.
10 a Isa. 35:8 (8–10). who oppress the 23 a Joel 3:16 (9–16);
11 a tg Israel, Restoration of. righteous; see v. 14. Zech. 12:9 (2–3, 8–9);
b tg Israel, Gathering of. tg Oppression. 14:12 (3, 12–15).
c Isa. 35:10; 14 a Isa. 52:2.
Jer. 31:12 (12–13). 15 a 1 Ne. 4:2.
2 Nephi 8 : 24–9 : 7 72
24 And if they will not repent that c wasteth the days of his d pro-
and believe in his a name, and be bation, for awful is his state!
baptized in his name, and b endure 28 O that cunning a plan of the evil
to the end, they must be c damned; one! O the b vainness, and the frail-
for the Lord God, the Holy One of ties, and the c foolishness of men!
Israel, has spoken it. When they are d learned they think
25 Wherefore, he has given a they are e wise, and they f hearken not
law; and where there is b no c law unto the g counsel of God, for they
given there is no d punishment; and set it aside, supposing they know of
where there is no punishment there themselves, wherefore, their h wis-
is no condemnation; and where dom is foolishness and it profiteth
there is no condemnation the mer- them not. And they shall perish.
cies of the Holy One of Israel have 29 But to be a learned is good if
claim upon them, because of the they b hearken unto the c counsels of
atonement; for they are delivered God.
by the power of him. 30 But wo unto the a rich, who are
26 For the a atonement satisfieth b
rich as to the things of the c world.
the demands of his b justice upon all For because they are rich they de-
those who c have not the d law given spise the d poor, and they persecute
to them, that they are e delivered the meek, and their e hearts are upon
from that awful monster, death and their treasures; wherefore, their
hell, and the devil, and the lake of f
treasure is their god. And behold,
fire and brimstone, which is end- their g treasure shall perish with
less torment; and they are restored them also.
to that God who gave them g breath, 31 And wo unto the deaf that will
which is the Holy One of Israel. not a hear; for they shall perish.
27 But wo unto him that has the 32 Wo unto the a blind that will
law given, yea, that has all the not see; for they shall perish also.
commandments of God, like unto us, 33 Wo unto the a uncircumcised
and that b transgresseth them, and of heart, for a knowledge of their
24 a tg Jesus Christ, Taking D&C 77:2; 93:33; h Prov. 23:4;
the Name of. Abr. 5:7 (7–8). Eccl. 8:17 (16–17);
b tg Perseverance. 27 a Luke 12:47 (47–48). Ezek. 28:5 (4–5);
c tg Damnation. tg God, Law of. D&C 76:9.
25 a tg God, Law of. b tg Disobedience. tg Knowledge.
b Rom. 4:15; 5:13; c tg Idleness; 29 a D&C 67:6.
2 Ne. 2:13. Procrastination; Waste. tg Learn.
c John 15:22 (22–24); d tg Probation. b 2 Ne. 28:26.
Acts 17:30; Rom. 5:13; 28 a Alma 28:13. tg Submissiveness.
James 4:17; b Job 11:12 (11–12); c Jacob 4:10.
Alma 42:17 (12–24). Isa. 9:9 (9–10). tg Counsel.
tg Accountability. tg Vanity. 30 a Jer. 17:11; Luke 12:34;
d tg Punish. c Eccl. 4:5; 10:12 (1–3, 12); D&C 56:16.
26 a Lev. 4:20; Neh. 10:33; 2 Ne. 19:17; b Matt. 19:23.
2 Ne. 2:10. D&C 35:7. c tg World.
tg Jesus Christ, tg Foolishness. d tg Poor.
Atonement through. d Luke 16:15; e tg Hardheartedness.
b tg God, Justice of; 2 Ne. 26:20; 28:4 (4, 15). f tg Treasure.
Justice. tg Education; g Prov. 27:24.
c Mosiah 3:11; Worldliness. 31 a Ezek. 33:31 (30–33);
Alma 9:16 (15–16); 42:21. e Prov. 14:6; Matt. 11:15; 13:14;
d Mosiah 15:24; Jer. 8:8 (8–9); Heb. 5:11 (11–14);
D&C 137:7. Rom. 1:22. Mosiah 26:28;
tg Ignorance. tg Pride; Wisdom. D&C 1:14 (2, 11, 14);
e tg Death, Power over. f tg Walking in Darkness. Moses 6:27.
f tg Spirits in Prison. g Prov. 15:22; Jacob 4:10; 32 a tg Apathy;
g Gen. 2:7; 6:17; Alma 37:12. Spiritual Blindness.
Mosiah 2:21; tg Counsel. 33 a Rom. 2:29 (27–29).
2 Nephi 9 : 34–44 76
iniquities shall smite them at the for they love the truth and are not
last day. shaken.
34 Wo unto the a liar, for he shall 41 O then, my beloved brethren,
be thrust down to b hell. a
come unto the Lord, the Holy One.
35 Wo unto the a murderer who Remember that his paths are righ-
deliberately b killeth, for he shall teous. Behold, the b way for man is
die. c
narrow, but it lieth in a straight
36 Wo unto them who commit course before him, and the keeper
whoredoms, for they shall be thrust of the d gate is the Holy One of Is-
down to hell. rael; and he employeth no servant
37 Yea, wo unto those that a wor- there; and there is none other way
ship idols, for the devil of all devils save it be by the gate; for he can-
delighteth in them. not be deceived, for the Lord God
38 And, in fine, wo unto all those is his name.
who die in their a sins; for they shall 42 And whoso a knocketh, to him
return to God, and behold his face, will he open; and the b wise, and
and remain in their sins. the learned, and they that are rich,
39 O, my beloved brethren, re- who are puffed up because of their
member the awfulness in a trans- c
learning, and their d wisdom, and
gressing against that Holy God, and their riches—yea, they are they
also the awfulness of yielding to whom he despiseth; and save they
the enticings of that b cunning one. shall cast these things away, and
Remember, to be c carnally-minded consider themselves e fools before
is d death, and to be e spiritually- God, and come down in the depths
minded is f life g eternal. of f humility, he will not open unto
40 O, my beloved brethren, give them.
ear to my words. Remember the 43 But the things of the wise and
greatness of the Holy One of Israel. the a prudent shall be b hid from
Do not say that I have spoken hard them forever—yea, that happiness
things against you; for if ye do, ye which is prepared for the saints.
will a revile against the b truth; for 44 O, my beloved brethren, re-
I have spoken the words of your member my words. Behold, I take
Maker. I know that the words of truth off my garments, and I shake them
are c hard against all d uncleanness; before you; I pray the God of my
but the e righteous fear them not, salvation that he view me with his
34 a Prov. 19:9. d tg Death; Death, b Ex. 33:13 (12–13);
tg Gossip; Honesty; Spiritual, First; Hell. 2 Ne. 31:21 (17–21);
Lying. e Prov. 15:24. Alma 37:46;
b tg Hell. tg Spirituality. D&C 132:22 (22, 25).
35 a Num. 35:16 (16–25). f Prov. 11:19. c Luke 13:24;
b Deut. 19:11; g tg Eternal Life. 2 Ne. 33:9;
2 Sam. 12:9; 40 a tg Reviling. Jacob 6:11;
Mosiah 13:21. b Prov. 15:10; Hel. 3:29 (29–30).
c tg Capital Punishment. Mosiah 13:7. d 2 Ne. 31:9 (9, 17–18);
36 a 3 Ne. 12:27 (27–32). tg Truth. 3 Ne. 14:14 (13–14);
tg Chastity; Whore. c 1 Ne. 16:2; D&C 22:4; 43:7; 137:2.
37 a Isa. 41:24 (21–24). 2 Ne. 28:28; 33:5. 42 a tg Objectives; Study.
tg Idolatry. d tg Uncleanness. b Matt. 11:25.
38 a Ezek. 18:24. e Prov. 28:1. tg Wisdom.
tg Sin. 41 a 1 Ne. 6:4; c tg Knowledge; Learn;
b Alma 40:11. Jacob 1:7; Worldliness.
39 a tg Transgress. Omni 1:26 (25–26); d Ezek. 28:5 (4–5).
b 2 Ne. 28:21 (20–22); 32:8; Alma 29:2; e 1 Cor. 3:18 (18–21).
Mosiah 2:32; 4:14; 3 Ne. 21:20; f tg Humility;
Alma 30:42 (42, 53). Morm. 9:27; Teachable.
c Rom. 8:6. Ether 5:5; 43 a tg Prudence.
tg Carnal Mind. Moro. 10:30 (30–32). b 1 Cor. 2:14 (9–16).
77 2 Nephi 9 : 45–54
all-searching eye; wherefore, ye 49 Behold, my soul abhorreth sin,
shall know at the last day, when and my heart a delighteth in righ-
all men shall be judged of their teousness; and I will b praise the holy
works, that the God of Israel did name of my God.
witness that I b shook your iniquities 50 Come, my brethren, every one
from my soul, and that I stand with that a thirsteth, come ye to the b wa-
brightness before him, and am c rid ters; and he that hath no c money,
of your blood. come buy and eat; yea, come buy
45 O, my beloved brethren, turn wine and milk without money and
away from your sins; shake off the without price.
chains of him that would bind you 51 Wherefore, do not spend money
fast; come unto that God who is the for that which is of no worth, nor
rock of your salvation. your a labor for that which cannot
46 Prepare your souls for that glo- b
satisfy. Hearken diligently unto
rious day when a justice shall be ad- me, and remember the words which
ministered unto the righteous, even I have spoken; and come unto the
the day of b judgment, that ye may Holy One of Israel, and c feast upon
not shrink with awful fear; that ye that which perisheth not, neither
may not remember your awful c guilt can be corrupted, and let your soul
in perfectness, and be constrained delight in fatness.
to exclaim: Holy, holy are thy judg- 52 Behold, my beloved brethren,
ments, O Lord God d Almighty—but remember the words of your God;
I know my guilt; I transgressed thy pray unto him continually by day,
law, and my transgressions are mine; and give a thanks unto his holy name
and the devil hath e obtained me, by night. Let your hearts b rejoice.
that I am a prey to his awful misery. 53 And behold how great the a cov-
47 But behold, my brethren, is it enants of the Lord, and how great his
expedient that I should awake you b
condescensions unto the children of
to an awful reality of these things? men; and because of his greatness,
Would I harrow up your souls if and his c grace and d mercy, he has
your minds were pure? Would I promised unto us that our seed shall
be plain unto you according to the not utterly be destroyed, according
plainness of the truth if ye were to the flesh, but that he would e pre-
freed from sin? serve them; and in future genera-
48 Behold, if ye were holy I would tions they shall become a righteous
speak unto you of holiness; but as f
branch unto the house of Israel.
ye are not holy, and ye look upon 54 And now, my brethren, I would
me as a a teacher, it must needs be speak unto you more; but on the
expedient that I b teach you the con- morrow I will declare unto you
sequences of sin. the remainder of my words. Amen.
44 a Jacob 2:10. Individuals. tg Work, Value of.
b Jacob 1:19. 48 a 2 Ne. 5:26. b Eccl. 1:3.
c Jacob 2:2 (2, 16); tg Teacher; c Prov. 13:25;
Mosiah 2:28; Teaching. Enos 1:4;
D&C 61:34. b Deut. 33:10; 3 Ne. 12:6.
45 a 2 Ne. 28:22; 2 Chr. 15:3 (1–4); 17:9. 52 a tg Thanksgiving.
Alma 36:18. tg Prophets, Mission of. b Deut. 26:11.
b tg Rock. 49 a tg Desire; 53 a tg Covenants.
46 a tg God, Justice of. Motivations. b tg Jesus Christ,
b tg Judgment, the Last. b Ezra 3:11 (11–13); Condescension of.
c Mosiah 3:25. 1 Ne. 18:16; c tg Grace.
d Gen. 48:3; Alma 36:28. d tg Compassion;
1 Ne. 1:14; 50 a Isa. 44:3; 55:1 (1–2). God, Mercy of.
3 Ne. 4:32; b tg Living Water. e tg Protection, Divine.
Moses 2:1. c Alma 5:34; 42:27. f tg Vineyard of the
e tg Apostasy of 51 a Isa. 55:2. Lord.
2 Nephi 10 : 1–11 78
are not, for there could have been swords into plow-shares, and their
no b creation. But there is a God, and spears into pruning-hooks—nation
he is Christ, and he cometh in the shall not lift up sword against na-
fulness of his own time. tion, neither shall they learn war
8 And now I write a some of the any more.
words of Isaiah, that whoso of my 5 O house of Jacob, come ye and let
people shall see these words may us walk in the light of the Lord; yea,
lift up their hearts and rejoice for come, for ye have all a gone astray,
all men. Now these are the words, every one to his b wicked ways.
and ye may liken them unto you 6 Therefore, O Lord, thou hast
and unto all men. forsaken thy people, the house of
Jacob, because they be replenished
Chapter 12 from the east, and hearken unto
Isaiah sees the latter-day temple, gath-
soothsayers like the b Philistines,
ering of Israel, and millennial judgment and they please themselves in the
and peace—The proud and wicked will children of strangers.
be brought low at the Second Coming— 7 Their land also is full of silver
Compare Isaiah 2. About 559–545 b.c. and gold, neither is there any end
of their a treasures; their land is also
The word that Isaiah, the son of full of horses, neither is there any
Amoz, saw concerning Judah and end of their chariots.
Jerusalem: 8 Their land is also full of a idols;
2 And it shall come to pass in the they worship the work of their own
last days, a when the b mountain of hands, that which their own fingers
the Lord’s c house shall be estab- have made.
lished in the top of the d mountains, 9 And the mean man a boweth b not
and shall be exalted above the hills, down, and the great man humbleth
and all nations shall flow unto it. himself not, therefore, forgive him
3 And many a people shall go and not.
say, Come ye, and let us go up to 10 O ye wicked ones, enter into the
the b mountain of the Lord, to the rock, and a hide thee in the dust, for
house of the God of Jacob; and he the fear of the Lord and the glory
will teach us of his ways, and we of his majesty shall smite thee.
will d walk in his paths; for out of 11 And it shall come to pass that
Zion shall go forth the law, and the the a lofty looks of man shall be hum-
word of the Lord from Jerusalem. bled, and the haughtiness of men
4 And he shall a judge among the shall be bowed down, and the Lord
nations, and shall rebuke many alone shall be exalted in that day.
people: and they shall beat their 12 For the a day of the Lord of
7 b Heb. 3:4 (3–4). more than half of the 4 a 2 Ne. 21:3 (2–5, 9).
tg Creation; 433 verses of Isaiah 5 a 2 Ne. 28:14;
God, Creator. quoted in the Book of Mosiah 14:6; Alma 5:37.
c tg Jesus Christ, Mormon, while about b Isa. 53:6.
Jehovah. 200 verses have the 6 a tg Sorcery.
8 a See the Latter-day Saint same wording as KJV. b Gen. 10:14.
edition of the King b tg Zion. 7 a tg Treasure.
James Version of the c 3 Ne. 24:1. 8 a Jer. 2:28.
Bible for other notes d Gen. 49:26; tg Idolatry.
and cross-references D&C 49:25; 109:61; 9 a Ex. 34:8; Isa. 2:9.
on these chapters from 133:31 (29–31). b ie unto God; he
Isaiah. 3 a Zech. 8:22. worships idols instead.
12 1 a Isa. 2:1 (1–22). b Joel 2:1; 10 a Amos 9:3;
2 a Comparison with the 2 Ne. 30:15 (12–18); Rev. 6:15 (15–16);
King James Bible in D&C 133:13. Alma 12:14.
English shows that c Ps. 122:1. 11 a 2 Ne. 15:15 (15–16).
there are differences in d tg Walking with God. 12 a tg Day of the Lord.
2 Nephi 12 : 13–13 : 8 82
Hosts soon cometh upon all nations, breath is in his nostrils; for wherein
yea, upon every one; yea, upon the is he to be accounted of?
proud and lofty, and upon every
one who is lifted up, and he shall Chapter 13
be brought low.
Judah and Jerusalem will be punished
13 Yea, and the day of the Lord for their disobedience—The Lord pleads
shall come upon all the a cedars for and judges His people—The daugh-
of Lebanon, for they are high and
lifted up; and upon all the oaks of ters of Zion are cursed and tormented
Bashan; for their worldliness—Compare Isaiah
14 And upon all the a high moun- 3. About 559–545 b.c.
tains, and upon all the hills, and a
For behold, the Lord, the Lord of
upon all the nations which are lifted Hosts, doth take away from Jerusa-
up, and upon every people; lem, and from Judah, the stay and
15 And upon every a high tower, the staff, the whole staff of bread,
and upon every fenced wall; and the whole stay of water—
16 And upon all the ships of the a sea, 2 The a mighty man, and the man
and upon all the ships of Tarshish, of b war, the judge, and the prophet,
and upon all pleasant pictures. and the c prudent, and the ancient;
17 And the loftiness of man shall 3 The captain of fifty, and the
be bowed down, and the a haughti- honorable man, and the counselor,
ness of men shall be made low; and and the cunning artificer, and the
the Lord alone shall be exalted in eloquent orator.
that day. 4 And I will give children unto
18 And the idols he shall utterly them to be their princes, and babes
abolish. shall rule over them.
19 And they shall go into the holes 5 And the people shall be a op-
of the rocks, and into the caves of the pressed, every one by another,
earth, for the fear of the Lord shall and every one by his neighbor; the
come upon them and the a glory of his child shall behave himself b proudly
majesty shall smite them, when he against the ancient, and the base
ariseth to shake terribly the earth. against the honorable.
20 In that day a man shall cast 6 When a man shall take hold of his
his idols of silver, and his idols of brother of the house of his father,
gold, which he hath made for him- and shall say: Thou hast clothing,
self to worship, to the moles and to be thou our ruler, and let not this
the bats; a
ruin come under thy hand—
21 To go into the clefts of the rocks, 7 In that day shall he swear, say-
and into the tops of the ragged rocks, ing: I will not be a healer; for in my
for the fear of the Lord shall come house there is neither bread nor
upon them and the majesty of his clothing; make me not a ruler of the
glory shall smite them, when he people.
ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 8 For Jerusalem is a ruined, and
22 Cease ye from man, whose Judah is b fallen, because their
12 b Job 40:11; The Hebrew has “ships 13 1 a Isa. 3:1 (1–26).
Mal. 4:1; of Tarshish.” The Book 2 a 2 Kgs. 24:14.
2 Ne. 23:11; of Mormon has both, b 1 Chr. 28:3.
D&C 64:24. showing that the brass c tg Prudence.
13 a Isa. 37:24; plates had lost neither 5 a tg Oppression.
Ezek. 31:3; phrase. b tg Haughtiness.
Zech. 11:1 (1–2). 17 a tg Haughtiness. 6 a Isa. 3:6.
14 a Isa. 30:25. b ie the day of the Lord’s 8 a Isa. 1:7;
15 a 3 Ne. 21:15 (15, 18). coming in glory; see Jer. 9:11;
16 a The Greek (Septuagint) vv. 17–21. Ezek. 36:17 (16–20).
has “ships of the sea.” 19 a tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. b Lam. 1:3 (1–3).
83 2 Nephi 13 : 9–14 : 2
tongues and their doings have 18 In that a day the Lord will take
been against the Lord, to d provoke away the bravery of their tinkling
the eyes of his glory. ornaments, and cauls, and round
9 The show of their countenance tires like the moon;
doth witness against them, and 19 The chains and the bracelets,
doth declare their a sin to be even and the mufflers;
as b Sodom, and they cannot hide it. 20 The bonnets, and the ornaments
Wo unto their souls, for they have of the legs, and the headbands, and
rewarded evil unto themselves! the tablets, and the ear-rings;
10 Say unto the righteous that it is 21 The rings, and nose jewels;
well with them; for they shall b eat 22 The changeable suits of apparel,
the fruit of their doings. and the mantles, and the wimples,
11 Wo unto the wicked, for they and the crisping-pins;
shall perish; for the reward of their 23 The glasses, and the fine linen,
hands shall be upon them! and hoods, and the veils.
12 And my people, children are 24 And it shall come to pass, in-
their oppressors, and women rule stead of sweet smell there shall be
over them. O my people, they who stink; and instead of a girdle, a rent;
lead thee cause thee to err and de- and instead of well set hair, a bald-
stroy the way of thy paths. ness; and instead of a stomacher, a
13 The Lord standeth up to a plead, girding of sackcloth; b burning in-
and standeth to judge the people. stead of c beauty.
14 The Lord will enter into a judg- 25 Thy men shall fall by the sword
ment with the ancients of his peo- and thy mighty in the war.
ple and the princes thereof; for ye 26 And her a gates shall lament and
have eaten up the b vineyard and the b
mourn; and she shall be desolate,
spoil of the c poor in your houses. and shall c sit upon the ground.
15 What mean ye? Ye a beat my
people to pieces, and grind the Chapter 14
faces of the poor, saith the Lord Zion and her daughters will be redeemed
God of Hosts. and cleansed in the millennial day—
16 Moreover, the Lord saith: Be- Compare Isaiah 4. About 559–545 b.c.
cause the daughters of Zion are
haughty, and b walk with stretched- And in that day, seven women shall
forth necks and wanton eyes, walk- take hold of one man, saying: We
ing and mincing as they go, and will eat our own bread, and wear
making a tinkling with their feet— our own apparel; only let us be
17 Therefore the Lord will smite called by thy name to take away
with a a scab the crown of the head our b reproach.
of the daughters of Zion, and the 2 In that day shall the a branch of
Lord will b discover their secret the Lord be beautiful and glorious;
parts. the fruit of the earth excellent and
8 c Ps. 52:2. 14 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Isa. 22:12;
d tg Provoking. b Isa. 5:7. Micah 1:16.
9 a tg Apostasy of Israel. c Ezek. 18:12; b 2 Ne. 14:4.
b Gen. 18:20 (20–21); 2 Ne. 28:13 (12–13); c Lam. 1:6 (4–6).
19:5, 24 (24–25); Hel. 4:12 (11–13). 26 a Jer. 14:2.
2 Ne. 23:19. 15 a Micah 3:3 (2–3); b Lam. 1:4 (4–6).
tg Homosexual 2 Ne. 26:20. c Lam. 2:10.
Behavior. 16 a tg Haughtiness. 14 1 a Isa. 4:1 (1–6).
10 a Deut. 12:28. b tg Walking in Darkness. b tg Reproach.
b Ps. 128:2. 17 a Deut. 28:27. 2 a Isa. 60:21; 61:3;
12 a Isa. 9:16. b Jer. 13:22; 2 Ne. 3:5;
tg Leadership. Nahum 3:5. Jacob 2:25.
13 a Micah 6:2. 18 a tg Day of the Lord.
2 Nephi 14 : 3–15 : 12 84
the work of the Lord, neither con- 23 Who justify the wicked for a re-
sider the operation of his hands. ward, and take away the righteous-
13 Therefore, my people are gone ness of the righteous from him!
into a captivity, because they have 24 Therefore, as the a fire devoureth
no b knowledge; and their honorable the b stubble, and the flame con
men are famished, and their mul- sumeth the c chaff, their d root shall
titude dried up with thirst. be rottenness, and their blossoms
14 Therefore, hell hath enlarged her- shall go up as dust; because they
self, and opened her mouth without have cast away the law of the Lord
measure; and their glory, and their of Hosts, and e despised the word of
multitude, and their pomp, and he the Holy One of Israel.
that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. 25 Therefore, is the a anger of the
15 And the mean man shall be Lord kindled against his people,
brought down, and the b mighty and he hath stretched forth his
man shall be humbled, and the hand against them, and hath smit-
eyes of the c lofty shall be humbled. ten them; and the hills did trem-
16 But the Lord of Hosts shall be ble, and their carcasses were torn
exalted in a judgment, and God that in the midst of the streets. For all
is holy shall be sanctified in righ- this his anger is not turned away,
teousness. but his hand is stretched out still.
17 Then shall the lambs feed after 26 And he will lift up an a ensign
their manner, and the waste places to the b nations from far, and will
of the a fat ones shall strangers eat. hiss unto them from the c end of the
18 Wo unto them that draw iniq- earth; and behold, they shall d come
uity with cords of a vanity, and sin with speed swiftly; none shall be
as it were with a cart rope; weary nor stumble among them.
19 That say: Let him a make speed, 27 None shall slumber nor sleep;
hasten his work, that we may c see neither shall the girdle of their
it; and let the counsel of the Holy loins be loosed, nor the latchet of
One of Israel draw nigh and come, their shoes be broken;
that we may know it. 28 Whose arrows shall be sharp,
20 Wo unto them that a call b evil and all their bows bent, and their
good, and good evil, that put c dark- horses’ hoofs shall be counted like
ness for light, and light for dark- flint, and their wheels like a whirl-
ness, that put bitter for sweet, and wind, their roaring like a lion.
sweet for bitter! 29 They shall roar like young a li-
21 Wo unto the a wise in their own ons; yea, they shall roar, and lay
eyes and b prudent in their own sight! hold of the prey, and shall carry
22 Wo unto the mighty to drink away safe, and none shall deliver.
wine, and men of strength to min- 30 And in that a day they shall roar
gle strong drink; against them like the roaring of the
13 a Lam. 1:3 (1–3). b Moro. 7:14 (14, 18). 133:64.
b Isa. 1:3; c 1 Jn. 1:6. c Luke 3:17;
Hosea 4:6. 21 a Prov. 3:7 (5–7); Mosiah 7:30 (29–31).
tg Knowledge. 2 Ne. 28:15. d Job 18:16 (16–21).
15 a Isa. 2:17 (11, 17). b tg Prudence. e 2 Sam. 12:9 (7–9).
b 2 Ne. 12:11. 22 a Prov. 31:4 (3–9). 25 a Deut. 32:21;
c tg Haughtiness. 23 a tg Bribe. D&C 63:32;
16 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. 24 a Obad. 1:18; Moses 6:27.
17 a Isa. 10:16. 2 Ne. 20:17; 26 a tg Ensign.
18 a tg Vanity. 3 Ne. 20:16. b tg Nations.
19 a Jer. 17:15. b Joel 2:5; c 2 Ne. 29:2.
b tg Haste. 1 Ne. 22:15 (15, 23); d tg Israel, Gathering of.
c tg Sign Seekers. 2 Ne. 26:6 (4, 6); 29 a 3 Ne. 21:12 (12–13).
20 a D&C 64:16; 121:16. D&C 64:24 (23–24); 30 a tg Day of the Lord.
2 Nephi 16 : 1–17 : 3 86
sea; and if they look unto the land, 9 And he said: Go and tell this
behold, darkness and sorrow, and people—Hear ye indeed, but they
the light is darkened in the heav- understood not; and see ye indeed,
ens thereof. but they perceived not.
10 Make the heart of this people
Chapter 16 fat, and make their ears heavy,
and shut their eyes—lest they see
Isaiah sees the Lord—Isaiah’s sins are with their eyes, and a hear with
forgiven—He is called to prophesy—
He prophesies of the rejection by the their ears, and understand with their
heart, and be converted and be
Jews of Christ’s teachings—A remnant healed.
will return—Compare Isaiah 6. About 11 Then said I: Lord, how long?
559–545 b.c. And he said: Until the cities be
In the b year that king Uzziah died, wasted without inhabitant, and the
I c saw also the Lord sitting upon a houses without man, and the land
throne, high and lifted up, and his be utterly desolate;
train filled the temple. 12 And the Lord have a removed
2 Above it stood the a seraphim; each men far away, for there shall be
one had six wings; with twain he a great forsaking in the midst of
covered his face, and with twain the land.
he covered his feet, and with twain he 13 But yet there shall be a tenth,
did fly. and they shall return, and shall be
3 And one cried unto another, and eaten, as a teil tree, and as an oak
said: Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord whose substance is in them when
of Hosts; the whole earth is full of they cast their leaves; so the a holy
his a glory. seed shall be the substance thereof.
4 And the posts of the door moved
at the voice of him that cried, and Chapter 17
the house was filled with smoke. Ephraim and Syria wage war against
5 Then said I: Wo is unto me! for Judah—Christ will be born of a virgin—
I am undone; because I am a man Compare Isaiah 7. About 559–545 b.c.
of unclean lips; and I dwell in the
midst of a people of unclean lips; a
And it came to pass in the days of
for mine eyes have a seen the King, b
Ahaz the son of c Jotham, the son of
the Lord of Hosts. Uzziah, king of Judah, that d Rezin,
6 Then flew one of the seraphim king of Syria, and e Pekah the son of
unto me, having a live coal in his Remaliah, king of Israel, went up
hand, which he had taken with the toward Jerusalem to war against
tongs from off the altar; it, but could not prevail against it.
7 And he laid it upon my mouth, 2 And it was told the house of
and said: Lo, this has touched thy David, saying: Syria is confederate
lips; and thine a iniquity is taken with Ephraim. And his heart was
away, and thy sin purged. moved, and the heart of his people,
8 Also I heard the voice of the as the trees of the wood are moved
Lord, saying: a Whom shall I send, with the wind.
and who will go for us? Then I said: 3 Then said the Lord unto Isaiah:
Here am I; send me. Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou
16 1 a Isa. 6:1 (1–13). Antemortal. 12 a 2 Kgs. 17:18 (18, 20);
b ie about 750 B.C. 7 a tg Cleanse; 25:21.
c John 12:41; 2 Ne. 11:2. Remission of Sins. 13 a Ezra 9:2.
2 a tg Cherubim. 8 a tg Called of God. 17 1 a Isa. 7:1 (1–25).
bd Seraphim. 10 a Matt. 13:14 (14–15); b 2 Kgs. 16:5;
3 a Ps. 72:19 (19–20). John 12:40; 2 Chr. 28:5 (5–6).
tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. Acts 28:26–27; c 2 Kgs. 15:32.
5 a tg Jesus Christ, Rom. 11:8. d 2 Kgs. 15:37 (36–38).
Appearances, b Prov. 2:2. e 2 Kgs. 15:25.
87 2 Nephi 17 : 4 –25
and Shearjashub thy son, at the end to refuse the evil and choose the
of the a conduit of the upper pool good, the land that thou abhorrest
in the highway of the fuller’s field; shall be forsaken of b both her kings.
4 And say unto him: Take heed, 17 The Lord shall a bring upon thee,
and be quiet; fear not, neither be and upon thy people, and upon thy
faint-hearted for the two tails of father’s house, days that have not
these smoking firebrands, for the come from the day that b Ephraim
fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, departed from Judah, the king of
and of the son of Remaliah. Assyria.
5 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the 18 And it shall come to pass in
son of Remaliah, have taken evil that day that the Lord shall hiss
counsel against thee, saying: for the fly that is in the uttermost
6 Let us go up against Judah and part of Egypt, and for the bee that
vex it, and let us make a breach is in the land of Assyria.
therein for us, and set a king in the 19 And they shall come, and shall
midst of it, yea, the son of Tabeal. rest all of them in the desolate val-
7 Thus saith the Lord God: a It shall leys, and in the holes of the rocks,
not stand, neither shall it come to and upon all thorns, and upon all
pass. bushes.
8 For the head of Syria is Damas- 20 In the same day shall the Lord
cus, and the head of Damascus, shave with a a razor that is hired,
Rezin; and within threescore and by them beyond the river, by the
five years shall Ephraim be a broken king of Assyria, the head, and the
that it be not a people. hair of the feet; and it shall also
9 And the head of Ephraim is consume the beard.
Samaria, and the head of Samaria 21 And it shall come to pass in that
is Remaliah’s son. If ye will a not day, a man shall nourish a young
believe surely ye shall not be es- cow and two sheep;
tablished. 22 And it shall come to pass, for
10 Moreover, the Lord spake again the abundance of milk they shall
unto Ahaz, saying: give he shall eat butter; for butter
11 Ask thee a a sign of the Lord thy and honey shall every one eat that
God; ask it either in the depths, or is left in the land.
in the heights above. 23 And it shall come to pass in
12 But Ahaz said: I will not ask, that day, every place shall be, where
neither will I a tempt the Lord. there were a thousand vines at a
13 And he said: Hear ye now, O thousand silverlings, which shall
house of David; is it a small thing be for briers and thorns.
for you to weary men, but will ye 24 With arrows and with bows
weary my God also? shall men come thither, because
14 Therefore, the Lord himself shall all the land shall become briers
give you a sign—Behold, a a virgin and thorns.
shall conceive, and shall bear a son, 25 And all hills that shall be digged
and shall call his name b Immanuel. with the mattock, there shall not
15 Butter and a honey shall he eat, come thither the fear of briers and
that he may know to refuse the evil thorns; but it shall be for the send-
and to choose the good. ing forth of oxen, and the treading
16 For a before the child shall know of lesser cattle.
3 a 2 Kgs. 18:17; 11 a Judg. 6:39 (36–40). 16 a Isa. 8:4;
Isa. 36:2. tg Signs. 2 Ne. 18:4.
7 a Prov. 21:30; 12 a ie test, try, or prove. b 2 Kgs. 15:30; 16:9.
Isa. 8:10 (9–10). 14 a Isa. 7:14. 17 a 2 Chr. 28:19 (19–21).
8 a tg Israel, Scattering of. b Isa. 8:8; b 1 Kgs. 12:19 (16–19).
9 a 2 Chr. 20:20. 2 Ne. 18:8, 10. 20 a 2 Kgs. 16:7 (7–8);
tg Unbelief. 15 a 2 Sam. 17:29. 2 Chr. 28:20 (20–21).
2 Nephi 18 : 1–19 88
that peep and mutter—c should not 4 For thou hast broken the yoke
a people seek unto their God for of a his burden, and the staff of his
the living to hear from the dead? shoulder, the rod of his b oppressor.
20 To the a law and to the testi- 5 For every battle of the warrior is
mony; and if they speak not ac- with confused noise, and garments
cording to this word, it is because rolled in blood; but a this shall be
there is no light in them. with burning and fuel of fire.
21 And they shall pass through it 6 For unto us a a child is born, unto
hardly bestead and hungry; and it us a son is given; and the b govern-
shall come to pass that when they ment shall be upon his shoulder;
shall be hungry, they shall fret and his name shall be called, Won-
themselves, and curse their king derful, Counselor, The c Mighty God,
and their God, and look upward. The d Everlasting Father, The Prince
22 And they shall look unto the of e Peace.
earth and behold trouble, and a dark- 7 Of the increase of a government
ness, dimness of anguish, and shall and peace b there is no end, upon
be driven to darkness. the throne of c David, and upon his
kingdom to order it, and to estab-
Chapter 19 lish it with judgment and with jus-
tice from henceforth, even forever.
Isaiah speaks messianically—The peo- The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will
ple in darkness will see a great light— perform this.
Unto us a child is born—He will be 8 The Lord sent his word unto Ja-
the Prince of Peace and will reign on cob and it hath lighted upon Israel.
David’s throne—Compare Isaiah 9. 9 And all the people shall know,
About 559–545 b.c. even Ephraim and the inhabitants
Nevertheless, the dimness shall of Samaria, that say in the pride
not be such as was in her vexation, and stoutness of heart:
when at first he lightly afflicted the 10 The bricks are fallen down, but
land of c Zebulun, and the land of we will build with hewn a stones;
Naphtali, and afterwards did more the sycamores are cut down, but
grievously afflict by the way of the we will change them into b cedars.
Red Sea beyond Jordan in Galilee 11 Therefore the Lord shall set up
of the nations. the adversaries of a Rezin against
2 The people that walked in dark- him, and join his enemies together;
ness have seen a great light; they 12 The Syrians before and the Phi-
that dwell in the land of the shadow listines behind; and they shall a de-
of death, upon them hath the light vour Israel with open mouth. For all
shined. this his b anger is not turned away,
3 Thou hast multiplied the nation, but his hand is stretched out still.
and a increased the joy—they joy 13 For the people turneth not unto
before thee according to the joy in a
him that smiteth them, neither do
harvest, and as men rejoice when they seek the Lord of Hosts.
they divide the spoil. 14 Therefore will the Lord cut off
19 c
1 Sam. 28:11 (8–20). 6 a Isa. 7:14; D&C 27:16; 111:8.
20 a Luke 16:29 (29–31). Luke 2:11. 7 a tg Kingdom of God,
22 a Isa. 5:30. b Matt. 28:18. on Earth.
19 1 a
Isa. 9:1 (1–21). c Titus 2:13; b Dan. 2:44.
b Matt. 4:15 (15–16). Mosiah 7:27. c Ezek. 37:24.
c Josh. 19:10 (10–16). tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah; 10 a 1 Kgs. 5:17.
d Josh. 19:33 (32–39). Jesus Christ, Power of. b 1 Kgs. 5:6.
3 a Isa. 9:3. d 2 Ne. 26:12; 11 a 2 Kgs. 16:9 (7–9).
4 a ie Israel, the nation Mosiah 3:5; 12 a 2 Kgs. 17:6 (1–18).
mentioned in v. 3. Alma 11:39 (38–39, 44); b Isa. 5:25; 10:4;
b tg Oppression. Moro. 7:22; 8:18. Jer. 4:8.
5 a Mal. 4:1. e Micah 5:5; 13 a Amos 4:10 (6–12).
2 Nephi 19 : 15–20 : 10 90
from Israel head and tail, branch after the Lord comes again—The rem-
and rush a in one day. nant of Jacob will return in that day—
15 The a ancient, he is the head; Compare Isaiah 10. About 559–545 b.c.
and the prophet that teacheth lies, a
Wo unto them that decree b un-
he is the tail. righteous decrees, and that write
16 For the a leaders of this people grievousness which they have pre-
cause them to err; and they that are
led of them are destroyed. 2 To turn away the needy from
17 Therefore the Lord shall have judgment, and to take away the
no joy in their young men, neither right from the a poor of my people,
shall have a mercy on their fatherless that b widows may be their prey, and
and b widows; for c every one of them that they may rob the fatherless!
is a hypocrite and an d evildoer, and
every mouth speaketh e folly. For all 3 And what will ye do in the day
this his anger is not turned away, of visitation, and in the desolation
but his f hand is stretched out still. which shall come from far? to whom
will ye flee for help? and where will
18 For a wickedness burneth as ye leave your glory ?
the fire; it shall devour the briers
and thorns, and shall kindle in the 4 Without me they shall bow down
thickets of the forests, and they under the prisoners, and they shall
shall mount up like the lifting up fall under the slain. For all this his
of smoke. anger is not turned away, but his
hand is stretched out still.
19 Through the wrath of the Lord 5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine an-
of Hosts is the a land darkened, and
the people shall be as the fuel of the ger, and the staff in their hand is
fire; b no man shall spare his brother.
their indignation.
6 I will send him a against a hypo
20 And he a shall snatch on the right critical nation, and against the
hand and be hungry; and he shall
eat on the left hand and they shall people of my wrath will I give him
not be satisfied; they shall eat ev- a charge to take the spoil, and to
ery man the flesh of his own arm— take the prey, and to tread them
21 Manasseh, a Ephraim; and down like the mire of the streets.
Ephraim, Manasseh; they together 7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, nei-
shall be against b Judah. For all this ther doth his heart think so; but in
his anger is not turned away, but his heart it is to destroy and cut off
his hand is stretched out still. nations not a few.
8 For he saith: Are not my a princes
Chapter 20 altogether kings?
9 Is not a Calno as b Carchemish?
The destruction of Assyria is a type Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not
of the destruction of the wicked at the Samaria as c Damascus?
Second Coming—Few people will be left 10 As a my hand hath founded the
14 a Isa. 10:17. D&C 35:7. b tg Injustice.
15 a Isa. 9:15. f 2 Ne. 28:32; 2 a Amos 4:1.
16 a Isa. 1:23. Jacob 5:47; 6:4. b tg Widows.
tg Leadership. 18 a Mal. 4:1. 5 a Isa. 10:5.
b tg Trust Not in the Arm 19 a Isa. 8:22. 6 a ie against Israel.
of Flesh. b Micah 7:2 (2–6). tg Hypocrisy.
17 a tg Mercy. 20 a Lev. 26:26 (26, 29). 8 a 2 Kgs. 18:33 (33–35);
b tg Widows. b Deut. 28:53 (53–57). 19:10 (10–13).
c Micah 7:2 (2–3). 21 a tg Israel, Joseph, 9 a Amos 6:2 (1–2).
d Prov. 1:16; People of. b 2 Chr. 35:20.
D&C 64:16. b tg Israel, Judah, c 2 Kgs. 16:9.
e Eccl. 10:12 (1–3, 12); People of. 10 a ie the king of Assyria’s
2 Ne. 9:28 (28–29); 20 1 a Isa. 10:1 (1–34). hand (vv. 10–11).
91 2 Nephi 20 : 11–26
kingdoms of the idols, and whose 18 And shall consume the glory
graven images did excel them of of his forest, and of his fruitful
Jerusalem and of Samaria; field, both soul and body; and they
11 Shall I not, as I have done unto shall be as when a standard-bearer
Samaria and her a idols, so do to Je- fainteth.
rusalem and to her idols? 19 And the a rest of the trees of
12 Wherefore it shall come to pass his forest shall be few, that a child
that when the Lord hath performed may write them.
his whole work upon Mount Zion 20 And it shall come to pass in that
and upon Jerusalem, I will punish day, that the remnant of Israel, and
the fruit of the stout heart of the such as are escaped of the a house
king of a Assyria, and the glory of of Jacob, shall no more again b stay
his high looks. upon him that smote them, but
13 For a he saith: By the strength shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy
of b my hand and by my wisdom I One of Israel, in truth.
have done these things; for I am 21 The a remnant shall return, yea,
prudent; and I have moved the bor- even the remnant of Jacob, unto the
ders of the people, and have robbed mighty God.
their treasures, and I have put down 22 For though thy people a Israel
the inhabitants like a valiant man; be as the sand of the sea, yet a rem-
14 And my hand hath found as a nant of them shall b return; the c con-
nest the riches of the people; and sumption decreed shall overflow
as one gathereth eggs that are left with righteousness.
have I gathered all the earth; and 23 For the Lord God of Hosts shall
there was none that moved the wing, make a a consumption, even deter-
or opened the mouth, or peeped. mined in all the land.
15 Shall the a ax boast itself against 24 Therefore, thus saith the Lord
him that heweth therewith? Shall God of Hosts: O my people that
the saw magnify itself against him dwellest in Zion, a be not afraid of
that shaketh it? As if the rod should the Assyrian; he shall smite thee
shake itself against them that lift it with a rod, and shall lift up his
up, or as if the staff should lift up staff against thee, after the b man-
itself as if it were no wood! ner of Egypt.
16 Therefore shall the Lord, the 25 For yet a very little while, and
Lord of Hosts, send among his fat the a indignation shall cease, and
ones, leanness; and under his glory mine anger in their destruction.
he shall kindle a burning like the 26 And the Lord of Hosts shall a stir
burning of a fire. up a scourge for him according to
17 And the light of Israel shall be for the slaughter of b Midian at the rock
a a fire, and his Holy One for a flame, of Oreb; and as his rod was upon
and shall burn and shall devour his the sea so shall he lift it up after
thorns and his briers in one day; the manner of c Egypt.
11 a Ezek. 36:18 (16–20). army of Assyria. 23 a Dan. 9:27.
12 a 2 Kgs. 16:7 (7–18); 20 a Amos 9:8 (8–9); 24 a Isa. 37:6 (6–7).
Zeph. 2:13; 2 Ne. 6:11 (10–11). b tg Israel, Bondage of,
2 Ne. 18:4 (4–7). b ie depend upon. in Egypt;
13 a ie the king of Assyria 2 Kgs. 16:8 (7–9); Israel, Bondage of, in
(vv. 13–14). 2 Chr. 28:21 (20–21). Other Lands.
b Isa. 37:24 (24–38). 21 a Isa. 11:11. 25 a Isa. 10:25;
15 a ie Can the king tg Israel, Remnant of. Dan. 11:36.
prosper against God? 22 a Gen. 22:17; 26 a 2 Kgs. 19:35.
17 a Obad. 1:18; Rom. 9:27. b Gen. 25:2 (1–6);
2 Ne. 15:24; b tg Israel, Gathering of. Judg. 7:25;
3 Ne. 20:16. c Isa. 28:22. Isa. 9:4.
19 a ie the remnants of the tg World, End of. c Ex. 14:27 (26–27).
2 Nephi 20 : 27–21 : 9 92
—Babylon (the world) will fall forever— the moon shall not cause her light
Compare Isaiah 13. About 559–545 b.c. to shine.
11 And I will a punish the world
The burden of b Babylon, which for evil, and the b wicked for their
Isaiah the son of Amoz did see. iniquity; I will cause the arrogancy
2 Lift ye up a banner upon the of the c proud to cease, and will lay
high mountain, exalt the voice unto down the haughtiness of the terrible.
them, a shake the hand, that they 12 I will make a a man more pre-
may go into the gates of the nobles. cious than fine gold; even a man
3 I have commanded my sanctified than the golden wedge of Ophir.
ones, I have also called my a mighty 13 Therefore, I will a shake the
ones, for mine anger is not upon heavens, and the earth shall b re-
them that rejoice in my highness. move out of her place, in the wrath
4 The noise of the multitude in of the Lord of Hosts, and in the day
the mountains like as of a great of his fierce anger.
people, a tumultuous noise of the 14 And it shall be as the chased roe,
kingdoms of nations b gathered to- and as a sheep that no man taketh
gether, the Lord of Hosts mustereth up; and they shall every man turn
the hosts of the battle. to his own people, and flee every
5 They come from a far country, one into his own a land.
from the end of heaven, yea, the 15 Every one that is proud shall
Lord, and the weapons of his indig- be thrust through; yea, and every
nation, to destroy the whole land. one that is a joined to the wicked
6 Howl ye, for the a day of the Lord shall fall by the sword.
is at hand; it shall come as a de- 16 Their a children also shall be
struction from the Almighty. b
dashed to pieces before their eyes;
7 Therefore shall all hands be their houses shall be spoiled and
faint, every man’s heart shall a melt; their wives ravished.
8 And they shall be afraid; pangs 17 Behold, I will stir up the a Medes
and sorrows shall take hold of them; against them, which shall not re-
they shall be amazed one at another; gard silver and gold, nor shall they
their faces shall be as flames. delight in it.
9 Behold, the day of the Lord 18 Their bows shall also dash the
cometh, cruel both with wrath and young men to pieces; and they shall
fierce anger, to lay the land deso- have no a pity on the fruit of the
late; and he shall a destroy the sin- womb; their eyes shall not spare
ners thereof out of it. children.
10 For the a stars of heaven and 19 And a Babylon, the glory of king-
the b constellations thereof shall not doms, the beauty of the Chaldees’
give their c light; the d sun shall be excellency, shall be as when God
darkened in his going forth, and overthrew b Sodom and Gomorrah.
23 1 a Isa. 13:1 (1–22). Ezek. 32:7 (7–8); Heb. 12:26.
b tg Babylon. Rev. 6:13 (12–13). b tg Earth, Renewal of.
2 a ie wave the hand, give b tg Astronomy. 14 a tg Lands of Inheritance.
a signal. c Joel 3:15. 15 a Lam. 2:9;
3 a Joel 3:11. d tg World, End of. Alma 59:6 (5–6).
4 a Joel 3:14 (11, 14); 11 a Isa. 24:6; 16 a Job 27:14 (13–15).
Zeph. 3:8; Mal. 4:1. b Ps. 137:9 (8–9).
Zech. 14:2 (2–3). b Ex. 34:7; 17 a Isa. 21:2.
b Zech. 12:3 (2–9). Prov. 21:12. 18 a Lam. 2:2 (2, 17, 21).
6 a tg Day of the Lord. c Job 40:11; 19 a Isa. 14:15 (4–27).
7 a Jer. 9:7; 2 Ne. 12:12; b Gen. 19:24 (24–25);
D&C 133:41. D&C 64:24. Deut. 29:23;
9 a tg Earth, Cleansing of. 12 a Isa. 4:1 (1–4). Jer. 49:18;
10 a Isa. 24:23; 13 a Hag. 2:6 (6–7); 2 Ne. 13:9.
95 2 Nephi 23 : 20–24 : 13
exalt my throne above the stars of shall it come to pass; and as I have
God; I will sit also upon the mount purposed, so shall it stand—
of the congregation, in the sides of 25 That I will bring the Assyrian in
the north; my land, and upon my mountains
14 a I will ascend above the heights tread him under foot; then shall his
of the clouds; I will be like the a
yoke depart from off them, and
Most High. his burden depart from off their
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down shoulders.
to hell, to the sides of the a pit. 26 This is the purpose that is pur-
16 They that see thee shall nar- posed upon the whole earth; and
rowly look upon thee, and shall this is the hand that is stretched
consider thee, and shall say: Is this out upon all nations.
the man that made the earth to 27 For the Lord of Hosts hath pur-
tremble, that did shake kingdoms? posed, and who shall disannul? And
17 And made the world as a wil- his hand is stretched out, and who
derness, and destroyed the cities shall turn it back?
thereof, and opened not the house 28 In the year that king a Ahaz died
of his prisoners? was this burden.
18 All the kings of the nations, yea, 29 Rejoice not thou, whole Pales-
all of them, lie in glory, every one tina, because the rod of him that
of them in his own house. a
smote thee is broken; for out of
19 But thou art cast out of thy the serpent’s root shall come forth
grave like an abominable branch, a cockatrice, and his b fruit shall be
and the remnant of those that are a c fiery flying serpent.
slain, thrust through with a sword, 30 And the firstborn of the poor
that go down to the stones of the shall feed, and the needy shall lie
pit; as a carcass trodden under feet. down in safety; and I will kill thy
20 Thou shalt not be joined with root with famine, and he shall slay
them in burial, because thou hast thy remnant.
destroyed thy land and slain thy 31 Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou,
people; the a seed of b evil-doers whole Palestina, art dissolved; for
shall never be renowned. there shall come from the north a
21 Prepare slaughter for his chil- smoke, and none shall be alone in
dren for the a iniquities of their his appointed times.
fathers, that they do not rise, nor 32 What shall then answer the
possess the land, nor fill the face messengers of the nations? That
of the world with cities. the Lord hath founded a Zion, and
22 For I will rise up against them, the b poor of his people shall trust
saith the Lord of Hosts, and cut off in it.
from Babylon the a name, and rem-
nant, and son, and b nephew, saith Chapter 25
the Lord.
23 I will also make it a a possession Nephi glories in plainness—Isaiah’s
for the bittern, and pools of water; prophecies will be understood in the
and I will sweep it with the besom of last days—The Jews will return from
destruction, saith the Lord of Hosts. Babylon, crucify the Messiah, and be
24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, scattered and scourged—They will
saying: Surely as I have thought, so be restored when they believe in the
14 a 2 Thes. 2:4. 22 a Prov. 10:7; b 2 Kgs. 18:8 (1, 8).
15 a Ps. 28:1; 88:4; Jer. 51:62. c tg Jesus Christ, Types
1 Ne. 14:3. b Job 18:19. of, in Anticipation.
20 a Ps. 21:10 (10–11); 37:28; 23 a Isa. 34:11 (11–15). 32 a tg Zion.
109:13. 25 a Isa. 10:27. b Zeph. 3:12.
b tg Wickedness. 28 a 2 Kgs. 16:20.
21 a Ex. 20:5. 29 a 2 Chr. 26:6.
97 2 Nephi 25 : 1–9
Messiah—He will first come six hundred the words of a Isaiah, for I came out
years after Lehi left Jerusalem—The from Jerusalem, and mine eyes hath
Nephites keep the law of Moses and beheld the things of the b Jews, and
believe in Christ, who is the Holy One I know that the Jews do c understand
of Israel. About 559–545 b.c. the things of the prophets, and there
is none other people that under-
Now I, Nephi, do speak somewhat stand the things which were spoken
concerning the words which I have unto the Jews like unto them, save
written, which have been spoken it be that they are taught after the
by the mouth of Isaiah. For behold, manner of the things of the Jews.
Isaiah spake many things which 6 But behold, I, Nephi, have not
were a hard for many of my people taught my children after the man-
to understand; for they know not ner of the Jews; but behold, I, of
concerning the manner of prophe myself, have dwelt at Jerusalem,
sying among the Jews. wherefore I know concerning the
2 For I, Nephi, have not taught regions round about; and I have
them many things concerning the made mention unto my children
manner of the Jews; for their a works concerning the judgments of God,
were works of darkness, and their which a hath come to pass among the
doings were doings of abominations. Jews, unto my children, according
3 Wherefore, I write unto my peo- to all that which Isaiah hath spo-
ple, unto all those that shall receive ken, and I do not write them.
hereafter these things which I write, 7 But behold, I proceed with mine
that they may know the judgments own prophecy, according to my
of God, that they come upon all na- a
plainness; in the which I b know
tions, according to the word which that no man can err; nevertheless,
he hath spoken. in the days that the prophecies of
4 Wherefore, hearken, O my peo- Isaiah shall be fulfilled men shall
ple, which are of the house of Is- know of a surety, at the times when
rael, and give ear unto my words; they shall come to pass.
for because the words of Isaiah are 8 Wherefore, they are of a worth
not plain unto you, nevertheless unto the children of men, and he
they are plain unto all those that that supposeth that they are not,
are filled with the a spirit of b proph- unto them will I speak particularly,
ecy. But I give unto you a c prophecy, and confine the words unto mine
according to the spirit which is in b
own people; for I know that they
me; wherefore I shall prophesy ac- shall be of great worth unto them in
cording to the d plainness which hath the c last days; for in that day shall
been with me from the time that I they understand them; wherefore,
came out from Jerusalem with my for their good have I written them.
father; for behold, my soul delight- 9 And as one generation hath
eth in e plainness unto my people, been a destroyed among the Jews be-
that they may learn. cause of iniquity, even so have they
5 Yea, and my soul delighteth in been destroyed from generation to
25 1 a Jacob 4:14. d 2 Ne. 31:3; 33:5; Alma 13:23;
tg Symbolism. Jacob 2:11; 4:13. Ether 12:39.
2 a 2 Kgs. 17:13–20. e tg Communication; b Ezek. 12:23 (21–25).
3 a tg God, Knowledge Plainness. 8 a tg Scriptures, Value of.
about; 5 a 1 Ne. 19:23. b 2 Ne. 27:6;
Prophets, Mission of; b tg Israel, Judah, Enos 1:16 (13–16);
Scriptures, Value of. People of. Morm. 5:12;
4 a tg Holy Ghost, Source c Matt. 13:11 (10–17). D&C 3:20 (16–20).
of Testimony. 6 a 2 Ne. 6:8; c tg Last Days.
b tg Prophecy. Hel. 8:20 (20–21). 9 a Lam. 1–5;
c 2 Ne. 31:1. 7 a 2 Ne. 32:7; Matt. 23:37.
2 Nephi 25 : 10–17 98
again the second time to a restore his after they had been bitten by the
people from their lost and fallen poisonous serpents, if they would
state. Wherefore, he will proceed to cast their eyes unto the c serpent
do a b marvelous work and a wonder which he did raise up before them,
among the children of men. and also gave him power that he
18 Wherefore, he shall bring forth should smite the d rock and the wa-
his b words unto them, which words ter should come forth; yea, behold
shall c judge them at the last day, I say unto you, that as these things
for they shall be given them for are e true, and as the Lord God liv-
the purpose of d convincing them of eth, there is none other f name given
the true Messiah, who was rejected under heaven save it be this Jesus
by them; and unto the convincing Christ, of which I have spoken,
of them that they need not look whereby man can be saved.
forward any more for a Messiah 21 Wherefore, for this cause hath
to come, for there should not any the Lord God promised unto me
come, save it should be a e false that these things which I a write
Messiah which should deceive shall be kept and preserved, and
the people; for there is save one handed down unto my seed, from
Messiah spoken of by the prophets, generation to generation, that the
and that Messiah is he who should promise may be fulfilled unto Jo-
be rejected of the Jews. seph, that his seed should never
19 For according to the words of b
perish as long as the earth should
the prophets, the a Messiah cometh stand.
in b six hundred years from the 22 Wherefore, these things shall
time that my father left Jerusalem; go from generation to generation
and according to the words of the as long as the earth shall stand; and
prophets, and also the word of the they shall go according to the will
angel of God, his d name shall be and pleasure of God; and the na-
Jesus Christ, the e Son of God. tions who shall possess them shall
20 And now, my brethren, I have be a judged of them according to the
spoken plainly that ye cannot err. words which are written.
And as the Lord God liveth that 23 For we labor diligently to write,
brought Israel up out of the land of to a persuade our children, and also
Egypt, and gave unto Moses power our brethren, to believe in Christ,
that he should b heal the nations and to be reconciled to God; for we
17 a Gen. 49:10; 19 a tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 17:29; 20:21.
2 Ne. 21:11; 29:1. Betrayal of; e 1 Ne. 14:30;
tg Israel, Gathering of; Jesus Christ, Birth of. Mosiah 1:6.
Israel, Restoration of; b 1 Ne. 10:4; 19:8; f Hosea 13:4;
Restoration of the 3 Ne. 1:1. Acts 4:12;
Gospel. c 2 Ne. 10:3. 1 Jn. 3:23 (19–24);
b Isa. 29:14; d tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 10:6;
2 Ne. 27:26; Prophecies about. 2 Ne. 2:6 (5–8);
3 Ne. 28:32 (31–33). e tg Jesus Christ, Divine Mosiah 16:5 (4–5);
18 a 3 Ne. 16:4. Sonship. Alma 12:22 (22–25).
b 2 Ne. 29:11; 20 a Ex. 3:10 (2–10); tg Jesus Christ, Savior.
33:14 (11, 14–15); 1 Ne. 17:24 (24, 31, 40); 21 a 2 Ne. 27:6.
W of M 1:11; 19:10. b Amos 5:15;
3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27); b John 3:14; Alma 46:24 (24–27).
Ether 5:4. 1 Ne. 17:41. 22 a 2 Ne. 29:11;
c tg Judgment, the Last. c 2 Kgs. 18:4; 33:15 (10–15);
d 2 Ne. 26:12; Alma 33:19; 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27);
Morm. 3:21. Hel. 8:14 (14–15). Ether 4:10 (8–10).
e tg False Christs. d Ex. 17:6; 23 a tg Family, Children,
f tg Jesus Christ, Num. 20:11; Responsibilities
Messiah. Neh. 9:15; toward.
2 Nephi 25 : 24–26 : 3 100
know that it is by b grace that we are 29 And now behold, I say unto you
saved, after all we can c do. that the right way is to believe in
24 And, notwithstanding we be- Christ, and deny him not; and Christ
lieve in Christ, we a keep the law is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore
of Moses, and look forward with ye must bow down before him, and
steadfastness unto Christ, until the a
worship him with all your b might,
law shall be fulfilled. mind, and strength, and your whole
25 For, for this end was the a law soul; and if ye do this ye shall in
given; wherefore the law hath be- nowise be cast out.
come b dead unto us, and we are 30 And, inasmuch as it shall be
made alive in Christ because of our expedient, ye must keep the a per-
faith; yet we keep the law because formances and b ordinances of God
of the commandments. until the law shall be fulfilled which
26 And we a talk of Christ, we re- was given unto Moses.
joice in Christ, we preach of Christ,
we b prophesy of Christ, and we write Chapter 26
according to our prophecies, that Christ will minister to the Nephites—
our c children may know to what Nephi foresees the destruction of his
source they may look for a d remis-
sion of their sins. people —They will speak from the
27 Wherefore, we speak concern- dust—The Gentiles will build up false
ing the law that our children may churches and secret combinations—The
know the deadness of the law; and Lord forbids men to practice priestcrafts.
they, by knowing the deadness of About 559–545 b.c.
the law, may look forward unto that And after Christ shall have a risen
life which is in Christ, and know for from the dead he shall b show him-
what end the law was given. And self unto you, my children, and my
after the law is fulfilled in Christ, beloved brethren; and the words
that they need not harden their which he shall speak unto you shall
hearts against him when the law be the c law which ye shall do.
ought to be done away. 2 For behold, I say unto you that I
28 And now behold, my people, ye have beheld that many generations
are a a stiffnecked people; wherefore, shall pass away, and there shall be
I have spoken plainly unto you, that great wars and contentions among
ye cannot misunderstand. And the my people.
words which I have spoken shall 3 And after the Messiah shall come
stand as a b testimony against you; there shall be a signs given unto my
for they are sufficient to c teach any people of his b birth, and also of his
man the d right way; for the right c
death and resurrection; and great
way is to believe in Christ and deny and terrible shall that day be unto
him not; for by denying him ye also the wicked, for they shall perish;
deny the prophets and the law. and they perish because they cast
23 b Ps. 130:4 (3–4); Mosiah 3:13; 16:6. Mark 12:30 (29–31).
Rom. 3:20 (20–24); 7:5; b Luke 10:24 (23–24). 30 a 4 Ne. 1:12.
2 Ne. 2:5 (4–10); c tg Family, Children, b tg Ordinance.
Mosiah 13:32; Responsibilities toward. 26 1 a 3 Ne. 11:8 (1–12).
Alma 42:14 (12–16); d tg Remission of Sins. tg Jesus Christ,
D&C 20:30; 138:4. 28 a Mosiah 3:14; Alma 9:31. Resurrection.
tg Grace. tg Stiffnecked. b 1 Ne. 11:7; 12:6.
c James 2:24 (14–26). b tg Testimony. c 3 Ne. 15:9 (2–10).
tg Good Works. c 1 Kgs. 8:36; 2 Ne. 33:10. 3 a 1 Ne. 12:4 (4–6).
24 a Jacob 4:5. tg Teaching. tg Signs.
25 a tg Law of Moses. d 1 Sam. 12:23; Isa. 45:19; b tg Jesus Christ,
b Rom. 7:4 (4–6); 2 Pet. 2:15. Birth of.
D&C 74:5 (2–6). 29 a tg Worship. c tg Jesus Christ,
26 a Jacob 4:12; Jarom 1:11; b Deut. 6:5; Death of.
101 2 Nephi 26 : 4 –13
out the d prophets, and the saints, ness for the signs which are given,
and stone them, and slay them; notwithstanding all b persecution—
wherefore the cry of the e blood of behold, they are they which shall
the saints shall ascend up to God c
not perish.
from the ground against them. 9 But the Son of Righteousness
4 Wherefore, all those who are shall a appear unto them; and he
proud, and that do wickedly, the shall b heal them, and they shall have
day that cometh shall a burn them c
peace with him, until d three genera
up, saith the Lord of Hosts, for they tions shall have passed away, and
shall be as stubble. many of the e fourth generation shall
5 And they that kill the a prophets, have passed away in righteousness.
and the saints, the depths of the 10 And when these things have
earth shall b swallow them up, saith passed away a speedy a destruc-
the Lord of Hosts; and c mountains tion cometh unto my people; for,
shall cover them, and whirlwinds notwithstanding the pains of my
shall carry them away, and build- soul, I have seen it; wherefore, I
ings shall fall upon them and crush know that it shall come to pass; and
them to pieces and grind them to they sell themselves for naught; for,
powder. for the reward of their pride and
6 And they shall be visited with their b foolishness they shall reap
thunderings, and lightnings, and destruction; for because they yield
earthquakes, and all manner of de- unto the devil and c choose works of
structions, for the a fire of the anger d
darkness rather than light, there-
of the Lord shall be kindled against fore they must go down to e hell.
them, and they shall be as stubble, 11 For the Spirit of the Lord will
and the day that cometh shall con- not always a strive with man. And
sume them, saith the Lord of Hosts. when the Spirit b ceaseth to strive
7 a O the pain, and the anguish with man then cometh speedy de-
of my soul for the loss of the slain of struction, and this grieveth my
my people! For I, Nephi, have seen soul.
it, and it well nigh consumeth me 12 And as I spake concerning the
before the presence of the Lord; a
convincing of the b Jews, that Jesus
but I must cry unto my God: Thy is the c very Christ, it must needs
ways are b just. be that the Gentiles be convinced
8 But behold, the righteous that also that Jesus is the Christ, the
hearken unto the words of the proph- d
Eternal e God;
ets, and destroy them not, but look 13 And that he a manifesteth him-
forward unto Christ with a steadfast- self unto all those who believe in
3 d tg Prophets, 9 a Alma 16:20. Moses 8:17.
Rejection of. b John 12:40; b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of.
e Gen. 4:10; 3 Ne. 9:13 (13–14); 18:32; 12 a 2 Ne. 25:18.
2 Ne. 28:10; D&C 112:13. b 2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8);
Morm. 8:27. c tg Peace. Morm. 5:14 (12–14);
4 a 3 Ne. 8:14 (14–24); d 1 Ne. 12:11 (11–12); D&C 19:27.
9:3 (3–9). 3 Ne. 27:32 (30–32). tg Israel, Judah,
5 a Ps. 105:15. e Alma 45:12 (10–12); People of.
b Num. 16:32; Hel. 13:10 (5, 9–10). c Morm. 3:21.
1 Ne. 19:11; 10 a Mosiah 12:8; d 2 Ne. 19:6;
3 Ne. 10:14. Alma 45:11 (9–14); Mosiah 3:5;
c Hosea 10:8; Alma 12:14. Hel. 13:6 (5–6). Alma 11:39 (38–39, 44);
6 a 3 Ne. 8:8; 9:3–11. b tg Foolishness. Moro. 7:22; 8:18.
7 a Morm. 6:17 (17–22). c tg Agency. e 1 Ne. 19:10 (7, 10);
b Rom. 3:5; d Job 38:15; 2 Ne. 10:3;
Alma 42:1 (1, 13–25). John 3:19. Mosiah 7:27;
8 a tg Steadfastness. e Job 24:24 (17–24). 27:31 (30–31);
b tg Persecution. tg Hell. 3 Ne. 11:14.
c 3 Ne. 10:12 (12–13). 11 a Gen. 6:3; Ether 2:15; 13 a tg God, Access to.
2 Nephi 26 : 14–22 102
him, by the power of the b Holy 17 For thus saith the Lord God:
Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kin- They shall a write the things which
dred, tongue, and people, working shall be done among them, and
mighty c miracles, signs, and won- they shall be written and b sealed
ders, among the children of men up in a book, and those who have
according to their d faith. dwindled in c unbelief shall not
14 But behold, I prophesy unto have them, for they d seek to destroy
you concerning the a last days; con- the things of God.
cerning the days when the Lord 18 Wherefore, as those who have
God shall b bring these things forth been destroyed have been destroyed
unto the children of men. speedily; and the multitude of their
15 After my seed and the seed of a
terrible ones shall be as b chaff that
my brethren shall have a dwindled passeth away—yea, thus saith the
in unbelief, and shall have been Lord God: It shall be at an instant,
smitten by the Gentiles; yea, after suddenly—
the Lord God shall have b camped 19 And it shall come to pass, that
against them round about, and shall those who have dwindled in unbe-
have laid siege against them with lief shall be a smitten by the hand
a mount, and raised forts against of the Gentiles.
them; and after they shall have been 20 And the Gentiles are lifted up
brought down low in the dust, even in the a pride of their eyes, and have
that they are not, yet the words of b
stumbled, because of the greatness
the righteous shall be written, and of their c stumbling block, that they
the c prayers of the faithful shall have built up many d churches; nev-
be heard, and all those who have ertheless, they e put down the power
dwindled in unbelief shall not be and miracles of God, and preach up
forgotten. unto themselves their own wisdom
16 For those who shall be destroyed and their own f learning, that they
shall a speak unto them out of the may get gain and g grind upon the
ground, and their speech shall be face of the poor.
low out of the dust, and their voice 21 And there are many churches
shall be as one that hath a famil- built up which cause a envyings,
iar spirit; for the Lord God will and b strifes, and c malice.
give unto him power, that he may 22 And there are also secret a com-
whisper concerning them, even as binations, even as in times of old,
it were out of the ground; and their according to the combinations of
speech shall whisper out of the dust. the b devil, for he is the founder of
13 b tg Holy Ghost, 17 a 1 Ne. 13:40 (39–42); tg Apostasy of the Early
Mission of. 2 Ne. 27:6 (6–26); 29:12. Christian Church.
c tg Miracle. b tg Scriptures, c Ezek. 3:20; 14:4 (3–7).
d tg Faith. Preservation of. d 1 Ne. 14:10 (9–10); 22:23;
14 a tg Last Days. c tg Unbelief. Morm. 8:28 (25–41).
b tg Restoration of the d Enos 1:14; e 2 Ne. 28:5 (4–6);
Gospel. Morm. 6:6. Morm. 9:26 (7–26).
15 a 1 Ne. 12:22 (22–23); 18 a Isa. 29:5. f 1 Tim. 6:20;
15:13. b Hosea 13:3 (1–4); 2 Ne. 9:28; 28:4 (4, 15);
b Isa. 29:3. Morm. 5:16 (16–18). D&C 1:19.
c Ex. 3:9 (7, 9); 19 a 1 Ne. 13:14; tg Learn.
Mosiah 21:15; 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–9); g Isa. 3:15;
D&C 109:49. 20:27 (27–28); 2 Ne. 13:15.
d D&C 3:18. Morm. 5:9. 21 a tg Envy.
16 a Isa. 29:4; 20 a Prov. 11:2; b Rom. 16:17 (17–18).
2 Ne. 3:20; 33:13; D&C 38:39. tg Strife.
Morm. 8:23 (23, 26); 9:30; tg Pride. c tg Malice.
Moro. 10:27. b 1 Ne. 13:34 (29, 34); 22 a tg Secret Combinations.
tg Book of Mormon. 14:1 (1–3). b 2 Ne. 28:21.
103 2 Nephi 26 : 23–33
all these things; yea, the founder 29 He commandeth that there
of murder, and c works of darkness; shall be no a priestcrafts; for, behold,
yea, and he leadeth them by the priestcrafts are that men preach
neck with a flaxen cord, until he and set b themselves up for a light
bindeth them with his strong cords unto the world, that they may get
forever. c
gain and d praise of the world; but
23 For behold, my beloved breth- they seek not the e welfare of Zion.
ren, I say unto you that the Lord 30 Behold, the Lord hath forbid-
God worketh not in a darkness. den this thing; wherefore, the Lord
24 He doeth not a anything save it God hath given a commandment
be for the benefit of the world; for that all men should have a charity,
he b loveth the world, even that he which b charity is c love. And except
layeth down his own life that he may they should have charity they were
draw c all men unto him. Wherefore, nothing. Wherefore, if they should
he commandeth none that they have charity they would not suffer
shall not partake of his salvation. the laborer in Zion to perish.
25 Behold, doth he cry unto any, 31 But the a laborer in b Zion shall
saying: Depart from me? Behold, labor for Zion; for if they labor for
I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: c
money they shall perish.
Come unto me all ye b ends of the 32 And again, the Lord God hath
earth, c buy milk and honey, without a
commanded that men should not
money and without price. murder; that they should not lie;
26 Behold, hath he commanded that they should not b steal; that they
any that they should a depart out of should not take the name of the Lord
the synagogues, or out of the houses their God in c vain; that they should
of worship? Behold, I say unto you, not d envy; that they should not have
Nay. e
malice; that they should not con-
27 Hath he commanded any that tend one with another; that they
they should not partake of his a sal- should not commit f whoredoms;
vation? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and that they should do none of
but he hath b given it free for all these things; for whoso doeth them
men; and he hath commanded his shall perish.
people that they should persuade 33 For none of these iniquities
all men to c repentance. come of the Lord; for he doeth that
28 Behold, hath the Lord com- which is good among the children of
manded any that they should not men; and he doeth nothing save it
partake of his goodness? Behold I be plain unto the children of men;
say unto you, Nay; but a all men are and he a inviteth them b all to c come
privileged the one b like unto the unto him and partake of his good-
other, and none are forbidden. ness; and he d denieth none that come
22 c Lev. 19:26. 28 a Rom. 2:11; 31 a tg Industry.
23 a Isa. 48:16 (16–18). Alma 13:5. b tg Zion.
24 a 2 Ne. 2:27; b 1 Ne. 17:35 (33–35). c Jacob 2:18 (17–19);
Jacob 5:41; 29 a Acts 8:9; D&C 11:7; 38:39.
Alma 26:37. Alma 1:12; 32 a tg Commandments of
b John 3:16. 3 Ne. 16:10. God; Law of Moses.
c John 12:32; tg Priestcraft. b tg Stealing.
2 Ne. 9:5. b tg Unrighteous c tg Profanity.
25 a 1 Ne. 1:14; Dominion. d tg Envy.
Alma 5:34 (33–36); c Ezek. 22:27. e tg Malice.
3 Ne. 9:14 (13–14). d D&C 58:39; f tg Chastity;
b Mark 16:15–16. 121:35 (34–37). Whore.
c Isa. 55:1. e Ezek. 34:3. 33 a Jude 1:3.
26 a Mark 9:39 (38–40). 30 a tg Charity. b Alma 19:36.
27 a tg Salvation. b Moro. 7:47 (47–48). c tg God, Access to.
b Eph. 2:8. c tg God, Love of; d Acts 10:28 (9–35, 44).
c tg Repent. Love. tg Justice.
2 Nephi 27 : 1–10 104
unto him, black and white, e bond hath appetite; yea, even so shall the
and free, male and female; and he multitude of all the nations be that
remembereth the f heathen; and all fight against Mount Zion.
are alike unto God, both Jew and 4 For behold, all ye that doeth in-
Gentile. iquity, stay yourselves and wonder,
for ye shall cry out, and cry; yea, ye
Chapter 27 shall be a drunken but not with wine,
Darkness and apostasy will cover the ye shall stagger but not with strong
earth in the last days—The Book of Mor- drink.
mon will come forth—Three witnesses 5 For behold, the Lord hath poured
will testify of the book—The learned man out upon you the spirit of deep
will say he cannot read the sealed book— sleep. For behold, ye have closed
The Lord will do a marvelous work your a eyes, and ye have b rejected the
and a wonder—Compare Isaiah 29. prophets; and your rulers, and the
About 559–545 b.c. seers hath he covered because of
your iniquity.
But, behold, in the a last days, or in 6 And it shall come to pass that
the days of the Gentiles—yea, be- the Lord God shall bring forth unto
hold all the nations of the Gentiles a
you the words of a b book, and they
and also the Jews, both those who shall be the words of them which
shall come upon this land and those have slumbered.
who shall be upon other lands, yea, 7 And behold the book shall be
even upon all the lands of the earth, a
sealed; and in the book shall be a
behold, they will be b drunken with b
revelation from God, from the be-
iniquity and all manner of abomi ginning of the world to the c ending
nations— thereof.
2 And when that day shall come 8 Wherefore, because of the things
they shall be a visited of the Lord of which are a sealed up, the things
Hosts, with thunder and with earth- which are sealed shall not be deliv-
quake, and with a great noise, and ered in the day of the wickedness
with storm, and with tempest, and and abominations of the people.
with the b flame of devouring fire. Wherefore the book shall be kept
3 And all the a nations that b fight from them.
against Zion, and that distress her, 9 But the book shall be delivered
shall be as a dream of a night vision; unto a man, and he shall deliver
yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto the words of the book, which are the
a hungry man which dreameth, and words of those who have slumbered
behold he eateth but he awaketh in the dust, and he shall deliver
and his soul is empty; or like unto these words unto a another;
a thirsty man which dreameth, and 10 But the words which are a sealed
behold he drinketh but he awaketh he shall not deliver, neither shall he
and behold he is faint, and his soul deliver the book. For the book shall
33 e Rom. 2:11; 3 a Isa. 29:7 (7–8). 7 a Isa. 29:11 (11–12);
1 Ne. 17:35 (35–40). b 1 Ne. 22:14. Ether 3:27.
f Jonah 4:11 (10–11); tg Protection, Divine. tg Seal.
2 Ne. 29:12; 4 a Rev. 17:6 (1–6); b Mosiah 8:19;
Alma 26:37 (27, 37). 2 Ne. 8:21. Ether 3:25 (20–28); 4:4.
tg Heathen. 5 a tg Spiritual Blindness. c Ether 1:2–4; 13:1–13.
27 1 a tg Last Days. b 2 Chr. 24:19; 8 a 3 Ne. 26:9 (7–12, 18);
b Isa. 29:9. Jer. 26:5; 37:15; Ether 4:5; 5:1;
tg Abomination; Zech. 1:4 (2–5). D&C 17:6.
Iniquity; Wickedness. 6 a Jarom 1:2; 9 a JS—H 1:64.
2 a Isa. 29:6 (6–10); Morm. 5:12 (12–13). 10 a Dan. 12:9;
Morm. 8:29. b 2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); 1 Ne. 14:26;
b Isa. 24:6; 66:16; 29:12. D&C 35:18;
Jacob 6:3; 3 Ne. 25:1. tg Book of Mormon. JS—H 1:65.
105 2 Nephi 27 : 11–23
be sealed by the power of God, and the book: Take these words which
the revelation which was sealed are not sealed and deliver them to
shall be kept in the book until the another, that he may show them
own due time of the Lord, that they unto the learned, saying: a Read this,
may come forth; for behold, they b re- I pray thee. And the learned shall
veal all things from the foundation say: Bring hither the book, and I
of the world unto the end thereof. will read them.
11 And the day cometh that the 16 And now, because of the glory
words of the book which were sealed of the world and to get a gain will
shall be read upon the house tops; they say this, and not for the glory
and they shall be read by the power of God.
of Christ; and all things shall be 17 And the man shall say: I can-
revealed unto the children of men not bring the book, for it is sealed.
which ever have been among the 18 Then shall the learned say: I
children of men, and which ever will cannot read it.
be even unto the end of the earth. 19 Wherefore it shall come to pass,
12 Wherefore, at that day when that the Lord God will a deliver again
the book shall be delivered unto the the book and the words thereof to
man of whom I have spoken, the him that is not learned; and the
book shall be hid from the eyes of man that is not learned shall say:
the world, that the eyes of none shall I am not learned.
behold it save it be that a three b wit- 20 Then shall the Lord God say
nesses shall behold it, by the power unto him: The learned shall not read
of God, besides him to whom the them, for they have rejected them,
book shall be delivered; and they and I am a able to do mine own work;
shall testify to the truth of the book wherefore thou shalt read the words
and the things therein. which I shall give unto thee.
13 And there is a none other which 21 a Touch not the things which are
shall view it, save it be a few accord- sealed, for I will bring them forth in
ing to the will of God, to bear testi- mine own due time; for I will show
mony of his word unto the children unto the children of men that I am
of men; for the Lord God hath said able to do mine own work.
that the words of the faithful should 22 Wherefore, when thou hast read
speak as if it were b from the dead. the words which I have commanded
14 Wherefore, the Lord God will thee, and obtained the a witnesses
proceed to bring forth the words which I have promised unto thee,
of the book; and in the mouth of then shalt thou seal up the book
as many witnesses as seemeth him again, and hide it up unto me, that
good will he establish his word; and I may preserve the words which
wo be unto him that a rejecteth the thou hast not read, until I shall see
word of God! fit in mine own b wisdom to c reveal
15 But behold, it shall come to all things unto the children of men.
pass that the Lord God shall say 23 For behold, I am God; and I am
unto him to whom he shall deliver a God of a miracles; and I will show
10 b Ether 4:15. b 2 Ne. 3:19 (19–20); Jer. 1:7 (7–9).
tg God, Omniscience of. 33:13 (13–15); 21 a Ether 5:1.
11 a Luke 12:3; Morm. 9:30; 22 a tg Witness.
Morm. 5:8; Moro. 10:27. b tg God, Wisdom of.
D&C 121:26–31. 14 a 2 Ne. 28:29 (29–30); c Ether 4:7 (6–7).
12 a 2 Ne. 11:3; Ether 4:8. tg Mysteries of
Ether 5:3 (2–4); 15 a Isa. 29:11. Godliness.
D&C 5:11 (11, 15); 17:1. 16 a tg Priestcraft. 23 a tg Marvelous;
b Deut. 19:15. 19 a Isa. 29:12. Miracle.
13 a D&C 5:14 (3, 14). 20 a Ex. 4:11 (11–12);
2 Nephi 27 : 24–28 : 1 106
unto the b world that I am the same hear the words of the book, and
yesterday, today, and forever; and I the eyes of the blind shall see out
work not among the children of men of obscurity and out of darkness.
save it be d according to their faith. 30 And the a meek also shall in-
24 And again it shall come to pass crease, and their b joy shall be in the
that the Lord shall say unto him Lord, and the poor among men shall
that shall read the words that shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
be delivered him: 31 For assuredly as the Lord liv-
25 a Forasmuch as this people draw eth they shall see that the a terrible
near unto me with their mouth, one is brought to naught, and the
and with their lips do b honor me, scorner is consumed, and all that
but have removed their c hearts far watch for iniquity are cut off;
from me, and their fear towards me 32 And they that make a man an
is taught by the d precepts of men— a
offender for a word, and lay a snare
26 Therefore, I will proceed to do for him that reproveth in the b gate,
a a marvelous work among this and c turn aside the just for a thing
people, yea, a b marvelous work and of naught.
a wonder, for the c wisdom of their 33 Therefore, thus saith the Lord,
wise and d learned shall perish, who redeemed Abraham, concern-
and the e understanding of their ing the house of Jacob: Jacob shall
prudent shall be hid. a
not now be ashamed, neither shall
27 And a wo unto them that seek his face now wax pale.
deep to hide their b counsel from the 34 But when he a seeth his children,
Lord! And their works are in the the work of my hands, in the midst
dark; and they say: Who seeth us, of him, they shall sanctify my name,
and who knoweth us? And they also and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob,
say: Surely, your turning of things and shall fear the God of Israel.
upside down shall be esteemed as 35 They also that a erred in spirit
the d potter’s clay. But behold, I will shall come to understanding, and they
show unto them, saith the Lord of that murmured shall b learn doctrine.
Hosts, that I e know all their works.
For shall the work say of him that Chapter 28
made it, he made me not? Or shall Many false churches will be built up
the thing framed say of him that
framed it, he had no understanding? in the last days—They will teach false,
28 But behold, saith the Lord of vain, and foolish doctrines—Apostasy
will abound because of false teach-
Hosts: I will show unto the children ers—The devil will rage in the hearts
of men that it is yet a very little of men—He will teach all manner of
while and Lebanon shall be turned
into a fruitful field; and the a fruitful false doctrines. About 559–545 b.c.
field shall be esteemed as a forest. And now, behold, my brethren, I
29 a And in that day shall the b deaf have spoken unto you, according
23 b tg World. b Isa. 29:14; 2 Ne. 25:17. 30 a tg Meek.
c W of M 1:7. c tg Wisdom. b D&C 101:36.
d Heb. 11; d tg Learn. 31 a Isa. 29:20.
Ether 12:12 (7–22). e tg Knowledge. 32 a Luke 11:54 (53–54);
25 a Isa. 29:13 (13–24). f tg Prudence. Acts 22:22.
b Matt. 15:8 (7–9). 27 a Isa. 29:15 (15–16). tg Offense.
tg Honor; b tg Conspiracy; b Amos 5:10 (7, 10).
Respect. Counsel. c 2 Ne. 28:16.
c tg Hardheartedness. c tg Secret Combinations. 33 a tg Israel,
d 2 Ne. 28:31. d Jer. 18:6. Restoration of.
26 a 1 Ne. 22:8; e tg God, Omniscience of. 34 a Isa. 29:23.
2 Ne. 29:1 (1–2). 28 a tg Earth, Renewal of. 35 a 2 Ne. 28:14;
tg Restoration of the 29 a Isa. 29:18. D&C 33:4.
Gospel. b tg Deaf. b Dan. 12:4 (4–10).
107 2 Nephi 28 : 2–13
as the Spirit hath constrained me; 7 Yea, and there shall be many
wherefore, I know that they must which shall say: a Eat, drink, and be
surely come to pass. merry, for tomorrow we die; and it
2 And the things which shall be shall be well with us.
written out of the a book shall be of 8 And there shall also be many
great b worth unto the children of which shall say: a Eat, drink, and be
men, and especially unto our seed, b
merry; nevertheless, fear God—he
which is a c remnant of the house will c justify in committing a little
of Israel. d
sin; yea, e lie a little, take the advan-
3 For it shall come to pass in that tage of one because of his words,
day that the a churches which are built dig a f pit for thy neighbor; there is
up, and not unto the Lord, when the g
no harm in this; and do all these
one shall say unto the other: Behold, things, for tomorrow we die; and if
I, I am the Lord’s; and the others shall it so be that we are guilty, God will
say: I, I am the Lord’s; and thus shall beat us with a few stripes, and at
every one say that hath built up last we shall be saved in the king-
churches, and not unto the Lord— dom of God.
4 And they shall contend one with 9 Yea, and there shall be many
another; and their priests shall con- which shall teach after this manner,
tend one with another, and they a
false and vain and b foolish c doc-
shall teach with their a learning, trines, and shall be puffed up in
and deny the b Holy Ghost, which their hearts, and shall seek deep to
giveth utterance. hide their counsels from the Lord;
5 And they a deny the b power of and their works shall be in the dark.
God, the Holy One of Israel; and 10 And the a blood of the saints shall
they say unto the people: Hearken cry from the ground against them.
unto us, and hear ye our precept; 11 Yea, they have all gone out of the
for behold there is c no God today, a
way; they have become b corrupted.
for the Lord and the Redeemer hath 12 Because of a pride, and because
done his work, and he hath given of b false teachers, and c false doc-
his power unto men; trine, their churches have become
6 Behold, hearken ye unto my corrupted, and their churches are
precept; if they shall say there is a lifted up; because of pride they are
miracle wrought by the hand of the puffed up.
Lord, believe it not; for this day he 13 They a rob the b poor because of
is not a God of a miracles; he hath their fine sanctuaries; they rob the
done his work. poor because of their fine clothing;
28 2 a tg Book of Mormon; 7 a Prov. 16:25; 18:24 (22–24); 19:2;
Restoration of the 1 Cor. 15:32; 2 Ne. 26:3;
Gospel. Alma 30:17 (17–18). Morm. 8:27;
b 1 Ne. 13:39 (34–42); 8 a Isa. 22:13. Ether 8:22 (22–24);
14:5 (1–5); 22:9; b tg Worldliness. D&C 87:7.
2 Ne. 30:3; 3 Ne. 21:6. c Morm. 8:31. 11 a Hel. 6:31;
c tg Israel, Remnant of. d Mal. 2:17. D&C 132:25 (22–25).
3 a 1 Cor. 1:13 (10–13); e D&C 10:25; b Morm. 8:28 (28–41);
1 Ne. 22:23; Moses 4:4. D&C 33:4.
4 Ne. 1:26 (25–29); tg Lying. 12 a Prov. 28:25.
Morm. 8:28 (28, 32–38). f Job 6:27; Prov. 26:27; tg Pride.
b tg False Doctrine. 1 Ne. 14:3; 22:14; b Jer. 23:21 (21–32); 50:6;
4 a 2 Ne. 9:28; 26:20. D&C 109:25. 3 Ne. 14:15.
b 1 Cor. 2:4 (1–9). g Alma 30:17. tg False Prophets.
5 a 2 Ne. 26:20; 9 a tg False Doctrine. c tg False Doctrine.
Morm. 9:26 (7–26). b Ezek. 13:3; Hel. 13:29. 13 a Ezek. 34:8;
b 2 Tim. 3:5. c Matt. 15:9; Morm. 8:37 (37–41).
c Alma 30:28. Col. 2:22 (18–22). b Ezek. 18:12;
6 a 3 Ne. 29:7; 10 a Gen. 4:10; 2 Ne. 13:14 (14–15);
Morm. 8:26; 9:15 (15–26). Rev. 6:10 (9–11); Hel. 4:12 (11–13).
2 Nephi 28 : 14–24 108
and they persecute the meek and the earth, and great must be the
the poor in heart, because in their fall thereof.
pride they are puffed up. 19 For the kingdom of the devil
14 They wear a stiff necks and high must a shake, and they which belong
heads; yea, and because of pride, to it must needs be stirred up unto
and wickedness, and abominations, repentance, or the b devil will grasp
and b whoredoms, they have all them with his everlasting c chains,
gone astray save it be a d few, who and they be stirred up to anger,
are the humble followers of Christ; and perish;
nevertheless, they are e led, that in 20 For behold, at that day shall he
many instances they do f err because a
rage in the b hearts of the children
they are taught by the precepts of men, and stir them up to anger
of men. against that which is good.
15 O the a wise, and the learned, 21 And others will he a pacify, and
and the rich, that are puffed up in lull them away into carnal b secu-
the b pride of their c hearts, and all rity, that they will say: All is well
those who preach d false doctrines, in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is
and all those who commit e whore- well—and thus the c devil d cheateth
doms, and pervert the right way of their souls, and leadeth them away
the Lord, f wo, wo, wo be unto them, carefully down to hell.
saith the Lord God Almighty, for 22 And behold, others he a flattereth
they shall be thrust down to hell! away, and telleth them there is no
16 Wo unto them that a turn aside b
hell; and he saith unto them: I am
the just for a thing of naught and no devil, for there is none—and thus
revile against that which is good, he whispereth in their ears, until he
and say that it is of no worth! For grasps them with his awful c chains,
the day shall come that the Lord from whence there is no deliverance.
God will speedily visit the inhabi- 23 Yea, they are grasped with
tants of the earth; and in that day death, and hell; and death, and
that they are c fully ripe in iniquity hell, and the devil, and all that
they shall perish. have been seized therewith must
17 But behold, if the inhabitants stand before the throne of God,
of the earth shall repent of their and be a judged according to their
wickedness and abominations they works, from whence they must go
shall not be destroyed, saith the into the place prepared for them,
Lord of Hosts. even a b lake of fire and brimstone,
18 But behold, that great and which is endless torment.
abominable church, the b whore 24 Therefore, wo be unto him that
of all the earth, must c tumble to is at a ease in Zion!
13 c Alma 5:53; e Mosiah 11:2. D&C 10:20.
Morm. 8:36 (36–39). f 3 Ne. 29:5 (4–7); 21 a Jacob 3:11;
14 a Prov. 21:4. Morm. 9:26. Alma 5:7 (6–7);
tg Stiffnecked. 16 a 2 Ne. 27:32. Morm. 8:31.
b tg Whore. b Mal. 2:17. b tg Apathy.
c 2 Ne. 12:5; tg Reviling. c 2 Ne. 9:39; 32:8;
Mosiah 14:6; c Ether 2:10 (8–11). Alma 30:42 (42, 53).
Alma 5:37. 18 a tg Devil, Church of. d Rev. 13:14 (11–18).
d Morm. 8:36. b Rev. 19:2. 22 a tg Flatter.
e 2 Pet. 3:17. c 1 Ne. 14:3 (3, 17). b Mal. 2:17.
f Matt. 22:29; 19 a 1 Ne. 22:23 (22–23). c 2 Ne. 9:45;
2 Ne. 27:35 (34–35); b Alma 34:35. Alma 36:18.
D&C 33:4. c Mosiah 23:12; tg Bondage, Spiritual.
15 a Prov. 3:7 (5–7); Alma 12:11. 23 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
2 Ne. 15:21. tg Chain. b Rev. 19:20; 21:8;
b tg Pride. 20 a Rev. 13:7; 2 Ne. 2:18; 2 Ne. 9:16 (8–19, 26);
c tg Hardheartedness. D&C 10:27; 76:29. Jacob 6:10.
d Matt. 5:19. b Alma 8:9; 24 a Amos 6:1.
109 2 Nephi 28 : 25–29 : 3
25 Wo be unto him that crieth: standing I shall lengthen out mine
All is well! arm unto them from day to day,
26 Yea, wo be unto him that a heark they will deny me; nevertheless, I
eneth unto the precepts of men, and will be merciful unto them, saith
denieth the power of God, and the the Lord God, if they will repent
gift of the Holy Ghost! and b come unto me; for mine c arm
27 Yea, wo be unto him that saith: is lengthened out all the day long,
We have received, and we a need saith the Lord God of Hosts.
no more!
28 And in fine, wo unto all those Chapter 29
who tremble, and are a angry because Many Gentiles will reject the Book of
of b the truth of God! For behold, he Mormon—They will say, We need no
that is built upon the c rock d receiv-
eth it with gladness; and he that more Bible—The Lord speaks to many
nations—He will judge the world out of
is built upon a sandy foundation the books which will be written. About
trembleth lest he shall fall. 559–545 b.c.
29 Wo be unto him that shall say:
We have received the word of God, But behold, there shall be many—
and we a need b no more of the word at that day when I shall proceed to
of God, for we have enough! do a a marvelous work among them,
30 For behold, thus saith the Lord that I may remember my b covenants
God: I will give unto the children of which I have made unto the chil-
men line upon line, a precept upon dren of men, that I may set my hand
precept, here a little and there a again the c second time to recover
little; and blessed are those who my people, which are of the house
hearken unto my precepts, and lend of Israel;
an ear unto my counsel, for they 2 And also, that I may remember
shall learn b wisdom; for unto him the promises which I have made
that c receiveth I will give d more; and unto thee, Nephi, and also unto
from them that shall say, We have thy father, that I would remember
enough, from them shall be taken your seed; and that the a words
away even that which they have. of your seed should proceed forth
31 Cursed is he that putteth his out of my mouth unto your seed;
trust in man, or maketh flesh his and my words shall b hiss forth
arm, or shall hearken unto the b pre- unto the c ends of the earth, for a
cepts of men, save their precepts d
standard unto my people, which
shall be given by the power of the are of the house of Israel;
Holy Ghost. 3 And because my words shall hiss
32 a Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith forth—many of the Gentiles shall
the Lord God of Hosts! For notwith- say: A a Bible! A Bible! We have
26 a 2 Ne. 9:29. tg Wisdom. Gospel.
27 a Alma 12:10 (10–11); c Luke 8:18. b tg Abrahamic
3 Ne. 26:10 (9–10); d Alma 12:10; Covenant.
Ether 4:8. D&C 50:24. c 2 Ne. 6:14; 21:11; 25:17.
28 a 2 Ne. 9:40; 33:5. 31 a D&C 1:19 (19–20). tg Israel, Gathering of;
tg Rebellion. tg Trust Not in the Israel, Restoration of.
b Matt. 7:25. Arm of Flesh. 2 a 2 Ne. 3:21.
c tg Rock. b 2 Ne. 27:25. b Isa. 5:26;
d tg Teachable. 32 a 1 Ne. 14:6; Moro. 10:28.
29 a 2 Ne. 29:10 (3–10). 3 Ne. 16:8. c 2 Ne. 15:26.
b 2 Ne. 27:14; b tg God, Access to. d Ps. 60:4.
Ether 4:8. c 2 Ne. 19:17 (17–21); tg Ensign.
30 a Prov. 2:9 (9–11); Jacob 5:47; 6:4; 3 a 1 Ne. 13:24 (23–24).
Isa. 28:13 (9–13); D&C 133:67. tg Bible;
D&C 98:12. 29 1 a 2 Ne. 27:26. Book of Mormon.
b Prov. 14:8. tg Restoration of the
2 Nephi 29 : 4 –12 110
Nephites and they shall c write it; should suppose that ye are more
and I shall also speak unto the righteous than the Gentiles shall
other tribes of the house of Israel, be. For behold, except ye shall keep
which I have led away, and they the commandments of God ye shall
shall write it; and I shall also speak all likewise a perish; and because of
unto d all nations of the earth and the words which have been spoken
they shall write it. ye need not suppose that the Gen-
13 And it shall come to pass that tiles are utterly destroyed.
the a Jews shall have the words of 2 For behold, I say unto you that
the Nephites, and the Nephites shall as many of the Gentiles as will re-
have the words of the Jews; and the pent are the a covenant people of
Nephites and the Jews shall have the Lord; and as many of the b Jews
the words of the b lost tribes of Is- as will not repent shall be c cast off;
rael; and the lost tribes of Israel for the Lord d covenanteth with none
shall have the words of the Neph- save it be with them that e repent
ites and the Jews. and believe in his Son, who is the
14 And it shall come to pass that my Holy One of Israel.
people, which are of the a house of 3 And now, I would prophesy some-
Israel, shall be gathered home unto what more concerning the Jews and
the b lands of their possessions; and the Gentiles. For after the book of
my word also shall be gathered in which I have spoken shall come
one. And I will show unto them that forth, and be written unto the Gen-
fight against my word and against tiles, and sealed up again unto the
my d people, who are of the e house Lord, there shall be many which
of Israel, that I am God, and that I shall a believe the words which are
covenanted with g Abraham that written; and b they shall carry them
I would remember his h seed i forever. forth unto the c remnant of our seed.
4 And then shall the remnant of
Chapter 30 our seed know concerning us, how
that we came out from Jerusalem,
Converted Gentiles will be numbered and that they are descendants of
with the covenant people—Many La- the Jews.
manites and Jews will believe the word 5 And the gospel of Jesus Christ
and become delightsome—Israel will shall be declared among a them;
be restored and the wicked destroyed.
About 559–545 b.c. wherefore, b they shall be restored
unto the c knowledge of their fathers,
And now behold, my beloved breth- and also to the knowledge of Jesus
ren, I would speak unto you; for Christ, which was had among their
I, Nephi, would not suffer that ye fathers.
12 c 1 Ne. 13:40 (39–42); 3 Ne. 20:27; Jacob 5:6.
2 Ne. 26:17 (16–17); Abr. 2:9. d Rom. 3:29.
27:6 (6–26). tg Abrahamic e tg Repent.
d 2 Ne. 26:33; Covenant. 3 a 2 Ne. 28:2;
Alma 29:8. g Micah 7:20 (18–20). 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–13).
13 a Morm. 5:14 (13–14). h Ps. 102:28; b 1 Ne. 22:9 (5–10);
b tg Israel, Ten Lost D&C 132:30; 3 Ne. 5:25 (20–26).
Tribes of. Moses 7:52 (50–53). c 2 Ne. 4:7 (7–11);
14 a Jer. 3:18 (17–19). tg Seed of Abraham. Jacob 1:5.
b tg Israel, Gathering of; i Gen. 17:7 (5–7). tg Israel, Remnant of.
Lands of Inheritance. 30 1 a Luke 13:3 (1–5). 5 a 3 Ne. 21:5 (3–7, 24–26);
c Ezek. 37:17 (16–17). 2 a Gal. 3:29 (26–29); Morm. 5:15.
d 1 Kgs. 8:51; Abr. 2:10 (9–11). b D&C 3:20.
2 Ne. 3:9; 8:16. b Matt. 8:12. c 1 Ne. 15:14;
e 1 Ne. 22:9; tg Israel, Judah, 2 Ne. 3:12;
2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8). People of. Morm. 7:9 (1, 9–10).
f Gen. 12:2 (1–3); c Luke 3:9 (3–9);
1 Ne. 17:40; Rom. 9:6;
2 Nephi 30 : 6 –18 112
6 And then shall they rejoice; for the calf, and the young lion, and
they shall a know that it is a blessing the fatling, together; and a little
unto them from the hand of God; child shall lead them.
and their b scales of darkness shall 13 And the cow and the bear shall
begin to fall from their eyes; and feed; their young ones shall lie
many generations shall not pass down together; and the lion shall
away among them, save they shall eat straw like the ox.
be a pure and a c delightsome people. 14 And the sucking child shall
7 And it shall come to pass that play on the hole of the asp, and the
the a Jews which are scattered also weaned child shall put his hand on
shall b begin to believe in Christ; and the cockatrice’s den.
they shall begin to gather in upon 15 They shall not hurt nor destroy
the face of the land; and as many in all my holy a mountain; for the
as shall believe in Christ shall also earth shall be full of the b knowl-
become a delightsome people. edge of the Lord as the waters cover
8 And it shall come to pass that the sea.
the Lord God shall commence his 16 Wherefore, the things of a all
work among all nations, kindreds, nations shall be made known; yea,
tongues, and people, to bring about all things shall be made b known
the a restoration of his people upon unto the children of men.
the earth. 17 There is nothing which is secret
9 And with righteousness shall the save it shall be a revealed; there is
Lord God b judge the poor, and re- no work of darkness save it shall be
prove with equity for the c meek of made manifest in the light; and there
the earth. And he shall smite the is nothing which is sealed upon
earth with the rod of his mouth; and the earth save it shall be loosed.
with the breath of his lips shall he 18 Wherefore, all things which
slay the wicked. have been revealed unto the chil-
10 For the a time speedily cometh dren of men shall at that a day be
that the Lord God shall cause a revealed; and Satan shall have power
great b division among the people, over the hearts of the children of
and the wicked will he c destroy; and men b no more, for a long time. And
he will d spare his people, yea, even now, my beloved brethren, I make
if it so be that he must e destroy the an end of my sayings.
wicked by fire.
11 And a righteousness shall be the Chapter 31
girdle of his loins, and faithfulness
the girdle of his reins. Nephi tells why Christ was baptized—
12 a And then shall the wolf dwell Men must follow Christ, be baptized,
with the lamb; and the leopard receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to
shall lie down with the kid, and the end to be saved—Repentance and
6 a Alma 3:14. 2 Ne. 9:15. tg Righteousness.
b tg Darkness, Spiritual; c tg Meek. 12 a Isa. 65:25.
Spiritual Blindness. 10 a Jacob 5:29; 6:2. tg Earth, Renewal of.
c W of M 1:8; tg Last Days. 15 a Joel 2:1.
D&C 49:24; 109:65. b D&C 63:54. b tg God, Knowledge
7 a 2 Ne. 29:14 (13–14); c Ps. 73:17 (3–17); about.
3 Ne. 5:25 (23–26). D&C 29:17; 16 a D&C 101:32 (32–35);
tg Israel, Judah, JS—M 1:55. 121:28 (26–32).
People of. d 1 Ne. 22:17 (15–22); b Ether 4:7 (6–7, 13–17).
b 2 Ne. 25:16 (16–17). 3 Ne. 22:13 (13–17); 17 a Luke 12:2 (2–3);
8 a tg Israel, Restoration of; Moses 7:61. D&C 1:3 (1–3).
Millennium, Preparing a e 1 Ne. 22:23 (15–17, 23); 18 a Acts 3:21.
People for. Jacob 5:69. b Rev. 20:2 (2–3);
9 a Isa. 11:4 (4–9). tg Earth, Cleansing of. Ether 8:26.
b Ps. 19:9; 11 a Isa. 11:5 (5–9).
113 2 Nephi 31 : 1–13
baptism are the gate to the strait and of God did fulfil all righteousness
narrow path—Eternal life comes to in being baptized by water?
those who keep the commandments after 7 Know ye not that he was holy ?
baptism. About 559–545 b.c. But notwithstanding he being holy,
he showeth unto the children of
And now I, Nephi, make an end of men that, according to the flesh he
my a prophesying unto you, my be- humbleth himself before the Father,
loved brethren. And I cannot write and witnesseth unto the Father that
but a few things, which I know must he would be a obedient unto him in
surely come to pass; neither can I keeping his commandments.
write but a few of the b words of my 8 Wherefore, after he was baptized
brother Jacob. with water the Holy Ghost descended
2 Wherefore, the things which I upon him in the a form of a b dove.
have written sufficeth me, save it 9 And again, it showeth unto the
be a few words which I a must speak children of men the straitness of the
concerning the doctrine of Christ; path, and the narrowness of the a gate,
wherefore, I shall speak unto you by which they should enter, he hav-
plainly, according to the plainness ing set the b example before them.
of my prophesying. 10 And he said unto the children
3 For my soul delighteth in a plain- of men: a Follow thou me. Where-
ness; for after this manner doth the fore, my beloved brethren, can we
Lord God work among the children b
follow Jesus save we shall be will-
of men. For the Lord God giveth ing to keep the commandments of
light unto the b understanding; for the Father?
he speaketh unto men according 11 And the Father said: Repent ye,
to their c language, unto their un- repent ye, and be baptized in the
derstanding. name of my Beloved Son.
4 Wherefore, I would that ye 12 And also, the voice of the Son
should remember that I have spoken came unto me, saying: He that is
unto you concerning that a prophet baptized in my name, to him will
which the Lord showed unto me, the Father a give the Holy Ghost,
that should baptize the b Lamb of like unto me; wherefore, b follow
God, which should take away the me, and do the things which ye
sins of the world. have seen me do.
5 And now, if the Lamb of God, he 13 Wherefore, my beloved breth-
being a holy, should have need to ren, I know that if ye shall a follow
be b baptized by water, to fulfil all the Son, with full purpose of heart,
righteousness, O then, how much acting no b hypocrisy and no de-
more need have we, being unholy, ception before God, but with real
to be c baptized, yea, even by water! c
intent, repenting of your sins, wit-
6 And now, I would ask of you, my nessing unto the Father that ye are
beloved brethren, wherein the Lamb d
willing to take upon you the e name
31 1 a 2 Ne. 25:4 (1–4). c tg Baptism, Essential. b Matt. 16:24 (24–26);
b 2 Ne. 11:1. 7 a John 5:30. Luke 9:59 (57–62);
2 a 2 Ne. 11:4 (4–6). tg Obedience. John 12:26; 1 Jn. 2:6.
3 a 2 Ne. 25:7 (7–8); 32:7. 8 a 1 Ne. 11:27. tg God, the Standard of
b tg Understanding. b tg Holy Ghost, Dove, Righteousness.
c D&C 1:24. Sign of. 13 a tg Jesus Christ,
tg Language. 9 a 2 Ne. 9:41; Exemplar.
4 a 1 Ne. 10:7; 11:27. 3 Ne. 14:14 (13–14); b tg Hypocrisy.
b tg Jesus Christ, Lamb D&C 22:4; 43:7. c tg Integrity;
of God. b tg Example. Sincere.
5 a 1 Jn. 3:3. 10 a Matt. 4:19; 8:22; 9:9. d tg Agency;
b Matt. 3:11 (11–17). b Matt. 8:19; Moro. 7:11; Commitment.
tg Jesus Christ, D&C 56:2. e tg Jesus Christ, Taking
Baptism of. 12 a tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. the Name of.
2 Nephi 31 : 14–21 114
is b none other way nor c name given the light, but must perish in the
under heaven whereby man can be dark.
saved in the kingdom of God. And 5 For behold, again I say unto you
now, behold, this is the d doctrine that if ye will enter in by the way,
of Christ, and the only and true and receive the Holy Ghost, it will
doctrine of the e Father, and of the a
show unto you all things what ye
Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which should do.
is f one God, without end. Amen. 6 Behold, this is the doctrine of
Christ, and there will be no more
Chapter 32 doctrine given until after he shall
manifest himself unto you in the
Angels speak by the power of the Holy flesh. And when he shall manifest
Ghost—Men must pray and gain knowl- himself unto you in the flesh, the
edge for themselves from the Holy Ghost. things which he shall say unto you
About 559–545 b.c. shall ye observe to do.
And now, behold, my beloved breth- 7 And now I, Nephi, cannot say
ren, I suppose that ye ponder some- more; the Spirit stoppeth mine
what in your hearts concerning that utterance, and I am left to mourn
which ye should do after ye have because of the a unbelief, and the
entered in by the way. But, behold, wickedness, and the ignorance, and
why do ye ponder these things in the b stiffneckedness of men; for they
your hearts? will c not search d knowledge, nor
2 Do ye not remember that I said understand great knowledge, when
unto you that after ye had a received it is given unto them in e plainness,
the Holy Ghost ye could speak with even as plain as word can be.
the b tongue of angels? And now, how 8 And now, my beloved brethren, I
could ye speak with the tongue of perceive that ye ponder still in your
angels save it were by the Holy Ghost? hearts; and it grieveth me that I must
3 a Angels speak by the power of speak concerning this thing. For if
the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they ye would hearken unto the a Spirit
speak the words of Christ. Where- which teacheth a man to b pray, ye
fore, I said unto you, b feast upon would know that ye must c pray; for
the c words of Christ; for behold, the the d evil spirit teacheth not a man
words of Christ will d tell you all to pray, but teacheth him that he
things what ye should do. must not pray.
4 Wherefore, now after I have 9 But behold, I say unto you that
spoken these words, if ye cannot ye must a pray always, and not faint;
understand them it will be because that ye must not perform any thing
ye a ask not, neither do ye knock; unto the Lord save in the first place
wherefore, ye are not brought into ye shall b pray unto the Father in
21 b 2 Ne. 25:20; tg Bread of Life; Study. Jacob 4:13;
Mosiah 3:17. c Col. 3:16. Alma 13:23;
c tg Jesus Christ, Taking d Ex. 4:15. Ether 12:39.
the Name of. tg Problem-Solving. 8 a tg Discernment,
d Matt. 7:28; 4 a tg Ask. Spiritual.
John 7:16. 5 a 3 Ne. 16:6; b tg Prayer.
e tg Godhead. Ether 4:11 (11–12); c Jacob 3:1.
f Deut. 6:4; Gal. 3:20; D&C 28:15; d 2 Ne. 9:39;
1 Ne. 13:41; Moses 8:24. 28:21 (20–22);
3 Ne. 28:10; tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of; Mosiah 2:32; 4:14;
Morm. 7:7. Revelation. Alma 30:42 (42, 53).
tg Unity. 6 a 1 Ne. 12:6. tg Spirits, Evil or
32 2 a Alma 36:24; 7 a tg Doubt; Unbelief. Unclean.
3 Ne. 9:20. b tg Stiffnecked. 9 a Mosiah 26:39;
b 2 Ne. 31:13. c 2 Pet. 3:5. 3 Ne. 20:1;
3 a tg Angels. d tg Knowledge. D&C 75:11.
b Jer. 15:16. e 2 Ne. 25:7 (7–8); 31:3; b 3 Ne. 18:19.
2 Nephi 33 : 1–10 116
the c name of Christ, that he will gain of my people. And the words
consecrate thy performance unto which I have written in weakness
thee, that thy performance may be will be made strong unto them; for
for the e welfare of thy soul. it a persuadeth them to do good; it
maketh known unto them of their
Chapter 33 fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus,
and persuadeth them to believe
Nephi’s words are true—They testify in him, and to endure to the end,
of Christ—Those who believe in Christ which is life b eternal.
will believe Nephi’s words, which will 5 And it speaketh a harshly against
stand as a witness before the judgment sin, according to the b plainness of
bar. About 559–545 b.c. the truth; wherefore, no man will
And now I, Nephi, cannot write all be angry at the words which I have
the things which were taught among written save he shall be of the spirit
my people; neither am I a mighty of the devil.
in writing, like unto speaking; 6 I a glory in b plainness; I glory in
for when a man b speaketh by the truth; I glory in my Jesus, for he
power of the Holy Ghost the power hath c redeemed my soul from hell.
of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto 7 I have a charity for my people,
the hearts of the children of men. and great faith in Christ that I
2 But behold, there are many shall meet many souls spotless at
that a harden their b hearts against his judgment-seat.
the c Holy Spirit, that it hath no 8 I have charity for the a Jew—I
place in them; wherefore, they cast say Jew, because I mean them from
many things away which are writ- whence I came.
ten and esteem them as things of 9 I also have charity for the Gen-
naught. tiles. But behold, for none of a these
3 But I, Nephi, have written what can I hope except they shall be b rec-
I have written, and I esteem it as of onciled unto Christ, and enter into
great a worth, and especially unto the c narrow d gate, and e walk in the
my people. For I b pray continually f
strait path which leads to life, and
for them by day, and mine c eyes continue in the path until the end
water my pillow by night, because of the day of g probation.
of them; and I cry unto my God in 10 And now, my beloved brethren,
faith, and I know that he will hear and also a Jew, and all ye ends of the
my cry. earth, hearken unto these words and
4 And I know that the Lord God b
believe in Christ; and if ye believe
will consecrate my prayers for the not in these words believe in Christ.
9 c Col. 3:17; 1 Sam. 7:5; b 2 Ne. 31:3.
Moses 5:8. Jer. 42:4; c Enos 1:27.
d Micah 4:13; Enos 1:9 (9–12); 7 a tg Charity.
2 Ne. 2:2. W of M 1:8; 8 a tg Israel, Judah,
e Alma 34:27. Moro. 9:22. People of.
33 1 a Ether 12:23 (23–27). c Ps. 6:6; Jer. 13:17; bd Judah, Kingdom of.
b Rom. 10:17 (13–17); Acts 20:19. 9 a Eph. 3:6 (1–7);
D&C 100:8 (7–8). 4 a Ether 8:26; 2 Ne. 10:18;
tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. Moro. 7:13 (12–17). 3 Ne. 21:14.
2 a Num. 15:31 (30–31); tg Motivations. b tg Reconciliation.
1 Ne. 19:7; b tg Eternal Life. c 2 Ne. 9:41;
Jacob 4:14; 5 a 1 Ne. 16:2 (1–3); Hel. 3:29 (29–30).
D&C 3:7 (4–13). 2 Ne. 9:40; 28:28; d Matt. 7:14.
tg Hardheartedness. Enos 1:23; e tg Walking with God.
b tg Spiritual Blindness. W of M 1:17. f D&C 132:22.
c tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. b 2 Ne. 25:4; g tg Probation.
3 a tg Scriptures, Value of. Jacob 2:11; 4:13. 10 a tg Israel, Judah,
b Gen. 20:7; 6 a Ps. 44:8 (4–8); People of.
Num. 21:7; D&C 76:61. b tg Believe.
117 2 Nephi 33 : 11–Jacob 1 : 3
And if ye shall c believe in Christ ye all those who are of the house of
will believe in these d words, for they Israel, and all ye ends of the earth,
are the e words of Christ, and he hath I speak unto you as the voice of one
given them unto me; and they f teach a
crying from the dust: Farewell un-
all men that they should do good. til that great day shall come.
11 And if they are not the words 14 And you that will not partake
of Christ, judge ye—for Christ will of the goodness of God, and respect
show unto you, with a power and the words of the a Jews, and also my
great b glory, that they are his words, b
words, and the words which shall
at the last day; and you and I shall proceed forth out of the mouth of
stand face to face before his bar; and the Lamb of God, behold, I bid you
ye shall know that I have been com- an everlasting farewell, for these
manded of him to write these things, words shall c condemn you at the
notwithstanding my weakness. last day.
12 And I pray the Father in the 15 For what I seal on earth, shall
name of Christ that many of us, if be brought against you at the a judg-
not all, may be saved in his a king- ment bar; for thus hath the Lord
dom at that great and last day. commanded me, and I must b obey.
13 And now, my beloved brethren, Amen.
The words of his preaching unto his brethren. He confoundeth a man who
seeketh to overthrow the doctrine of Christ. A few words concerning the his-
tory of the people of Nephi.
people should be engraven upon his Jacob, take it upon me to fulfil the
other plates, and that I should b pre- commandment of my brother Nephi.
serve these plates and hand them 9 Now Nephi began to be old,
down unto my seed, from generation and he saw that he must soon a die;
to generation. wherefore, he b anointed a man to be
4 And if there were preaching a king and a ruler over his people
which was a sacred, or revelation now, according to the reigns of the
which was great, or prophesying, c
that I should engraven the b heads of 10 The people having loved Nephi
them upon these plates, and touch exceedingly, he having been a great
upon them as much as it were pos- protector for them, having wielded
sible, for Christ’s sake, and for the the a sword of Laban in their defence,
sake of our people. and having labored in all his days
5 For because of faith and great for their welfare—
anxiety, it truly had been made 11 Wherefore, the people were de-
manifest unto us concerning our sirous to retain in remembrance his
people, what things should a hap- name. And whoso should reign in
pen unto them. his stead were called by the people,
6 And we also had many revelations, second Nephi, third Nephi, and so
and the spirit of much prophecy; forth, according to the reigns of the
wherefore, we knew of a Christ and kings; and thus they were called by
his kingdom, which should come. the people, let them be of whatever
7 Wherefore we labored diligently name they would.
among our people, that we might 12 And it came to pass that Nephi
persuade them to a come unto Christ, died.
and partake of the goodness of God, 13 Now the people which were not
that they might enter into his b rest, a
Lamanites were Nephites; never-
lest by any means he should swear theless, they were called Nephites,
in his wrath they should not c enter Jacobites, Josephites, b Zoramites,
in, as in the d provocation in the days Lamanites, Lemuelites, and Ish-
of temptation while the children of maelites.
Israel were in the e wilderness. 14 But I, Jacob, shall not hereafter
8 Wherefore, we would to God that distinguish a them by these names,
we could persuade all men a not to but I shall b call them Lamanites
rebel against God, to b provoke him that seek to destroy the people of
to anger, but that all men would be- Nephi, and those who are friendly
lieve in Christ, and view his death, to Nephi I shall call c Nephites, or
and suffer his c cross and bear the the d people of Nephi, according to
shame of the world; wherefore, I, the reigns of the kings.
3 a 2 Ne. 5:33 (29–33); Deut. 1:35 (35–37); 10 a 1 Ne. 4:9;
Jacob 3:13 (13–14). D&C 84:24 (23–25). 2 Ne. 5:14;
b tg Scriptures, d Heb. 3:8. W of M 1:13;
Preservation of. e Num. 26:65; Mosiah 1:16;
4 a tg Sacred. 1 Ne. 17:31 (23–31). D&C 17:1.
b ie the dominant, 8 a tg Loyalty; 13 a Enos 1:13;
important items. Rebellion. Alma 23:17;
5 a See 1 Ne. 12–15. See also b Num. 14:11 (11–12); D&C 3:18.
1 Ne. 22:7 (7–8); 1 Kgs. 16:33; b 1 Ne. 4:35;
2 Ne. 1:9 (5–10); 1 Ne. 17:30 (23–31); Alma 54:23;
4:7 (7–11); 30:3 (3–6). Alma 12:37 (36–37); 4 Ne. 1:36 (36–37).
6 a 1 Ne. 10:4 (4–11); Hel. 7:18. 14 a W of M 1:16.
19:8 (8–14). c Luke 14:27. b Mosiah 25:12;
7 a 2 Ne. 9:41 (41, 45, 51); 9 a Gen. 47:29 (28–29); Alma 2:11.
Omni 1:26 (25–26); 2 Ne. 1:14. c 2 Ne. 4:11.
Moro. 10:32. b tg Anointing. d 2 Ne. 5:9.
b tg Rest. c 2 Ne. 6:2;
c Num. 14:23; Jarom 1:7 (7, 14).
119 Jacob 1 : 15–2 : 7
15 And now it came to pass that The a words which Jacob, the
the people of Nephi, under the reign brother of Nephi, spake unto the
of the second king, began to grow people of Nephi, after the death
hard in their hearts, and indulge of Nephi:
themselves somewhat in wicked 2 Now, my beloved brethren, I,
practices, such as like unto David of Jacob, according to the a responsi-
old desiring many a wives and b con- bility which I am under to God, to
cubines, and also Solomon, his son. b
magnify mine office with c sober-
16 Yea, and they also began to ness, and that I might d rid my gar-
search much a gold and silver, and ments of your sins, I come up into
began to be lifted up somewhat the temple this day that I might
in pride. declare unto you the word of God.
17 Wherefore I, Jacob, gave unto 3 And ye yourselves know that I
them these words as I taught them have hitherto been diligent in the
in the a temple, having first obtained office of my calling; but I this day
mine b errand from the Lord. am weighed down with much more
18 For I, Jacob, and my brother Jo- desire and anxiety for the a welfare
seph had been a consecrated priests of your souls than I have hitherto
and b teachers of this people, by the been.
hand of Nephi. 4 For behold, as yet, ye have been
19 And we did a magnify our office obedient unto the word of the Lord,
unto the Lord, taking upon us the which I have given unto you.
responsibility, answering the sins 5 But behold, hearken ye unto
of the people upon our own heads if me, and know that by the help of
we did not c teach them the word of the all-powerful Creator of heaven
God with all diligence; wherefore, and earth I can tell you concerning
by laboring with our might their your a thoughts, how that ye are be-
blood might not come upon our ginning to labor in sin, which sin
garments; otherwise their blood appeareth very abominable unto
would come upon our garments, me, yea, and abominable unto God.
and we would not be found spot- 6 Yea, it grieveth my soul and
less at the last day. causeth me to shrink with shame
before the presence of my Maker,
Chapter 2 that I must testify unto you concern-
Jacob denounces the love of riches, ing the wickedness of your hearts.
pride, and unchastity—Men may seek 7 And also it grieveth me that
riches to help their fellowmen—The I must use so much a boldness of
Lord commands that no man among speech concerning you, before your
the Nephites may have more than one wives and your children, many of
wife—The Lord delights in the chastity whose feelings are exceedingly
of women. About 544–421 b.c. tender and b chaste and delicate
15 a Deut. 17:17; Setting Apart. 2 a tg Stewardship.
1 Sam. 25:43 (42–43); b tg Teacher. b Rom. 11:13;
D&C 132:38 (38–39). 19 a Jacob 2:2; Jacob 1:19;
b 2 Sam. 20:3; D&C 24:3. D&C 24:3.
1 Chr. 3:9. tg Leadership; c tg Sincere.
16 a Mosiah 2:12. Priesthood, Magnifying d Mosiah 2:28.
17 a 2 Ne. 5:16; Callings within. 3 a 2 Ne. 6:3;
Alma 16:13; b Ezek. 34:10. Mosiah 25:11.
Hel. 3:14 (9, 14); tg Accountability; 5 a Amos 4:13;
3 Ne. 11:1. Stewardship. Alma 12:3 (3–7);
tg Temple. c 1 Sam. 8:9; Moro. 9:6. D&C 6:16.
b tg Called of God. d Lev. 20:27; Acts 20:26; tg God, Omniscience of.
18 a 2 Ne. 5:26. 2 Ne. 9:44; Mosiah 2:27; 7 a Lev. 19:17;
tg Delegation of D&C 88:85; 112:33. D&C 121:43.
Responsibility; 2 1 a 2 Ne. 6:1. b tg Chastity.
Jacob 2 : 8 –19 120
before God, which thing is pleas- of promise unto you and to your
ing unto God; seed, doth abound most plentifully.
8 And it supposeth me that they 13 And the hand of providence
have come up hither to hear the hath smiled upon you most pleas-
pleasing a word of God, yea, the word ingly, that you have obtained many
which healeth the wounded soul. riches; and because some of you have
9 Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul obtained more abundantly than that
that I should be constrained, be- of your brethren ye are a lifted up in
cause of the strict commandment the pride of your hearts, and wear
which I have received from God, to stiff necks and high heads because
admonish you according to your of the costliness of your apparel,
crimes, to enlarge the wounds of and persecute your brethren be-
those who are already wounded, in- cause ye suppose that ye are better
stead of consoling and healing their than they.
wounds; and those who have not 14 And now, my brethren, do ye
been wounded, instead of feasting suppose that God justifieth you in
upon the pleasing word of God have this thing? Behold, I say unto you,
daggers placed to pierce their souls Nay. But he condemneth you, and if
and wound their delicate minds. ye persist in these things his judg-
10 But, notwithstanding the great- ments must speedily come unto you.
ness of the task, I must do according 15 O that he would show you that
to the strict a commands of God, and he can pierce you, and with one
tell you concerning your wickedness glance of his a eye he can smite you
and abominations, in the presence to the dust!
of the pure in heart, and the broken 16 O that he would rid you from
heart, and under the glance of the this iniquity and abomination. And,
piercing eye of the Almighty God. O that ye would listen unto the
11 Wherefore, I must tell you the word of his commands, and let not
truth according to the a plainness this a pride of your hearts destroy
of the b word of God. For behold, as your souls!
I inquired of the Lord, thus came 17 Think of your a brethren like
the word unto me, saying: Jacob, unto yourselves, and be familiar
get thou up into the temple on the with all and free with your b sub-
morrow, and declare the word which stance, that c they may be rich like
I shall give thee unto this people. unto you.
12 And now behold, my brethren, 18 But a before ye seek for b riches,
this is the word which I declare unto seek ye for the c kingdom of God.
you, that many of you have begun 19 And after ye have obtained a
to search for gold, and for silver, and hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches,
for all manner of precious a ores, in if ye seek them; and ye will seek
the which this land, which is a b land them for the intent to a do good—
8 a Micah 2:7; Ether 9:17; 10:23 (12, 23). c Alma 4:12; 5:55;
Alma 31:5; 36:26; b 1 Ne. 4:14; 4 Ne. 1:3 (3, 24–26).
Hel. 3:29 (29–30). 17:13 (13–14). 18 a Mark 10:24 (17–27).
tg Gospel. tg Promised Lands. b 1 Kgs. 3:11 (11–13);
9 a tg Warn. 13 a 2 Kgs. 14:10; Prov. 27:24 (24–27);
10 a tg Commandments Alma 1:32; 31:25; 2 Ne. 26:31;
of God. Morm. 8:28 (28, 36–40). Alma 39:14;
b 2 Ne. 9:44. 15 a tg God, Indignation of; D&C 6:7.
tg God, Omniscience of. God, Omniscience of. tg Worldliness.
11 a 2 Ne. 25:4; 33:5; 16 a tg Pride. c Luke 12:31 (22–31).
Jacob 4:13. 17 a James 5:3 (1–6). 19 a Mosiah 4:26;
b Jacob 7:5. tg Love. 3 Ne. 12:42;
12 a 1 Ne. 18:25; b tg Almsgiving; 4 Ne. 1:3.
2 Ne. 5:15 (14–16); Generosity; tg Good Works.
Hel. 6:9 (9–11); Welfare.
121 Jacob 2 : 20–33
to clothe the naked, and to feed the unto me a a righteous branch from
hungry, and to liberate the captive, the fruit of the loins of Joseph.
and administer relief to the sick 26 Wherefore, I the Lord God will
and the afflicted. not suffer that this people shall do
20 And now, my brethren, I have like unto them of old.
spoken unto you concerning pride; 27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear
and those of you which have af- me, and hearken to the word of
flicted your neighbor, and perse- the Lord: For there shall not any
cuted him because ye were proud in a
man among you have save it be
your hearts, of the things which God b
one c wife; and concubines he shall
hath given you, what say ye of it? have none;
21 Do ye not suppose that such 28 For I, the Lord God, delight in
things are abominable unto him the a chastity of women. And b whore-
who created all flesh? And the one doms are an abomination before
being is as precious in his sight as me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts.
the other. And all flesh is of the 29 Wherefore, this people shall
dust; and for the selfsame end hath keep my commandments, saith the
he created them, that they should Lord of Hosts, or a cursed be the land
keep his a commandments and glo- for their sakes.
rify him forever. 30 For if I will, saith the Lord of
22 And now I make an end of Hosts, raise up a seed unto me, I will
speaking unto you concerning this command my people; otherwise
pride. And were it not that I must they shall hearken unto these things.
speak unto you concerning a grosser 31 For behold, I, the Lord, have
crime, my heart would rejoice ex- seen the sorrow, and heard the
ceedingly because of you. mourning of the daughters of my
23 But the word of God burdens people in the land of Jerusalem,
me because of your grosser crimes. yea, and in all the lands of my peo-
For behold, thus saith the Lord: This ple, because of the wickedness and
people begin to wax in iniquity; they a
abominations of their b husbands.
understand not the scriptures, for 32 And I will not suffer, saith the
they seek to excuse themselves in Lord of Hosts, that the cries of the
committing a whoredoms, because of fair daughters of this people, which
the things which were written con- I have led out of the land of Jerusa-
cerning David, and Solomon his son. lem, shall come up unto me against
24 Behold, David and a Solomon the men of my people, saith the
truly had many b wives and concu- Lord of Hosts.
bines, which thing was c abominable 33 For they shall not lead away
before me, saith the Lord. captive the daughters of my people
25 Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, because of their tenderness, save I
I have led this people forth out of shall visit them with a sore curse,
the land of Jerusalem, by the power even unto destruction; for they
of mine arm, that I might raise up shall not commit a whoredoms, like
21 a D&C 11:20; Ezek. 17:22 (22–24); b tg Sexual Immorality;
Abr. 3:25 (25–26). Amos 5:15; Whore.
23 a tg Whore. 2 Ne. 3:5; 14:2; 29 a Ether 2:11 (8–12).
24 a 1 Kgs. 11:1; Alma 26:36. tg Curse.
Neh. 13:26 (25–27). tg Israel, Joseph, 30 a Mal. 2:15;
b Deut. 17:17 (14–17); People of. D&C 132:63 (61–66).
2 Sam. 5:13; 27 a tg Marriage, Husbands. 31 a tg Family, Children,
D&C 132:39 (38–39). b Jacob 3:5 (5–7); Responsibilities toward.
c Deut. 7:3 (1–4); D&C 49:16. b tg Marriage, Husbands.
1 Kgs. 11:3; tg Marriage, Plural. 33 a Ezek. 16:25 (20–34).
Ezra 9:2 (1–2). c tg Marriage, Wives. tg Sensuality.
25 a Gen. 49:22 (22–26); 28 a tg Chastity.
Jacob 2 : 34–3 : 7 122
unto them of old, saith the Lord upon his a love; for ye may, if your
of Hosts. b
minds are c firm, forever.
34 And now behold, my brethren, 3 But, wo, wo, unto you that are
ye know that these commandments not pure in heart, that are filthy
were given to our a father, Lehi; this day before God; for except ye
wherefore, ye have known them be- repent the land is a cursed for your
fore; and ye have come unto great sakes; and the Lamanites, which
condemnation; for ye have done are not b filthy like unto you, nev-
these things which ye ought not ertheless they are c cursed with a
to have done. sore cursing, shall scourge you even
35 Behold, ye have done a greater unto destruction.
iniquities than the Lamanites, our 4 And the time speedily cometh,
brethren. Ye have broken the hearts that except ye repent they shall pos-
of your tender wives, and lost the sess the land of your inheritance,
confidence of your children, be- and the Lord God will a lead away
cause of your bad examples before the righteous out from among you.
them; and the sobbings of their 5 Behold, the Lamanites your
hearts ascend up to God against brethren, whom ye hate because
you. And because of the b strictness of their filthiness and the cursing
of the word of God, which cometh which hath come upon their skins,
down against you, many hearts died, are more righteous than you; for they
pierced with deep wounds. have not a forgotten the command-
ment of the Lord, which was given
Chapter 3 unto our father—that they should
have save it were b one wife, and
The pure in heart receive the pleasing
concubines they should have none,
word of God—Lamanite righteousness and there should not be d whoredoms
exceeds that of the Nephites—Jacob committed among them.
warns against fornication, lascivious- 6 And now, this commandment
ness, and every sin. About 544–421 b.c. they observe to keep; wherefore,
because of this observance, in keep-
But behold, I, Jacob, would speak ing this commandment, the Lord
unto you that are pure in heart. God will not destroy them, but will
Look unto God with firmness of be a merciful unto them; and one
mind, and a pray unto him with ex- day they shall b become a blessed
ceeding faith, and he will b console people.
you in your c afflictions, and he will 7 Behold, their a husbands b love
plead your cause, and send down their c wives, and their wives love their
justice upon those who seek your husbands; and their husbands and
destruction. their wives love their children;
2 O all ye that are pure in heart, and their d unbelief and their hatred
lift up your heads and receive the towards you is because of the in-
pleasing word of God, and feast iquity of their fathers; wherefore,
34 a 1 Ne. 1:16 (16–17). c Alma 57:27. Hel. 15:12 (10–17);
35 a Jacob 3:5 (5–7). 3 a tg Earth, Curse of. Morm. 5:20 (20–21).
b Gen. 2:24. b tg Filthiness. b 1 Ne. 15:14 (13–18);
3 1 a 2 Ne. 32:8. c 1 Ne. 12:23. 22:8.
b tg Comfort; 4 a Omni 1:12 (5–7, 12–13). 7 a tg Marriage, Husbands.
Consolation; 5 a Jacob 2:35. b tg Family, Love within;
Purity. b Jacob 2:27. Marriage, Continuing
c tg Affliction. c Mosiah 11:2 (2–14); Courtship in.
d tg Deliver; Ether 10:5. c tg Marriage, Wives.
Protection, Divine. d tg Chastity. d D&C 3:18.
2 a tg God, Love of. 6 a 1 Ne. 13:31; tg Unbelief.
b tg Steadfastness. 2 Ne. 4:7; 10:18 (18–19);
123 Jacob 3 : 8 –4 : 3
how much better are you than they, but many of their proceedings are
in the sight of your great Creator? written upon the b larger plates, and
8 O my brethren, I fear that unless their wars, and their contentions,
ye shall repent of your sins that their and the reigns of their kings.
skins will be a whiter than yours, 14 a These plates are called the
when ye shall be brought with them plates of Jacob, and they were b made
before the throne of God. by the hand of Nephi. And I make
9 Wherefore, a commandment I an end of speaking these words.
give unto you, which is the word
of God, that ye a revile no more Chapter 4
against them because of the dark- All the prophets worshiped the Father
ness of their skins; neither shall ye in the name of Christ—Abraham’s of-
revile against them because of their fering of Isaac was in similitude of God
filthiness; but ye shall remember and His Only Begotten—Men should
your own filthiness, and remember reconcile themselves to God through the
that their filthiness came because Atonement—The Jews will reject the
of their fathers. foundation stone. About 544–421 b.c.
10 Wherefore, ye shall remember
your a children, how that ye have Now behold, it came to pass that
grieved their hearts because of the I, Jacob, having ministered much
example that ye have set before unto my people in word, (and I
them; and also, remember that ye cannot write but a a little of my
may, because of your filthiness, words, because of the b difficulty of
bring your children unto destruc- engraving our words upon plates)
tion, and their sins be heaped upon and we know that the things which
your heads at the last day. we write upon plates must remain;
11 O my brethren, hearken unto 2 But whatsoever things we write
my words; a arouse the faculties of upon anything save it be upon
your souls; shake yourselves that plates must perish and vanish away;
ye may b awake from the slumber but we can write a few words upon
of death; and loose yourselves from plates, which will give our chil-
the pains of c hell that ye may not dren, and also our beloved breth-
become d angels to the devil, to be ren, a small degree of knowledge
cast into that lake of fire and brim- concerning us, or concerning their
stone which is the second e death. fathers—
12 And now I, Jacob, spake many 3 Now in this thing we do rejoice;
more things unto the people of and we labor diligently to engraven
Nephi, a warning them against b for- these words upon plates, hoping
nication and c lasciviousness, and that our beloved brethren and our
every kind of sin, telling them the children will receive them with
awful consequences of them. thankful hearts, and look upon
13 And a hundredth part of the them that they may learn with joy
proceedings of this people, which and not with sorrow, neither with
now began to be numerous, can- contempt, concerning their first
not be written upon a these plates; a
8 a 3 Ne. 2:15. d 2 Ne. 9:9 (8–9). b Jarom 1:14.
9 a tg Reviling. tg Spirits, Evil or 14 a Jarom 1:2 (1–2).
10 a tg Family, Children, Unclean. b 1 Ne. 19:2 (2–3).
Responsibilities toward; e tg Death, Spiritual, 4 1 a 1 Ne. 6:6;
Family, Love within. Second. Jarom 1:14;
b tg Example. 12 a tg Warn. Omni 1:30.
11 a tg Apathy. b tg Fornication. b Ether 12:24 (23–26).
b 2 Ne. 28:21; c tg Lust. 2 a tg Scriptures,
Alma 5:7 (6–7). 13 a Jacob 1:1 (1–4); Preservation of.
c tg Hell. 4:1 (1–4). 3 a tg Scriptures, Value of.
Jacob 4 : 4 –11 124
4 For, for this intent have we writ- may know that it is by his b grace,
ten these things, that they may and his great condescensions unto
know that we a knew of Christ, and the children of men, that we have
we had a hope of his b glory many power to do these things.
hundred years before his coming; 8 Behold, great and marvelous are
and not only we ourselves had a the a works of the Lord. How b un-
hope of his glory, but also all the searchable are the depths of the
holy c prophets which were before us. c
mysteries of him; and it is impos-
5 Behold, they believed in Christ sible that man should find out all
and a worshiped the Father in his his ways. And no man d knoweth
name, and also we worship the of his e ways save it be revealed unto
Father in his b name. And for this him; wherefore, brethren, despise
intent we c keep the d law of Moses, not the f revelations of God.
it e pointing our souls to him; and 9 For behold, by the power of his
for this cause it is sanctified unto a
word b man came upon the face of
us for righteousness, even as it was the earth, which earth was c created
accounted unto Abraham in the by the power of his word. Where-
wilderness to be obedient unto the fore, if God being able to speak and
commands of God in offering up his the world was, and to speak and man
son Isaac, which is a f similitude of was created, O then, why not able
God and his g Only Begotten Son. to command the d earth, or the
6 Wherefore, we search the proph- workmanship of his hands upon
ets, and we have many revelations the face of it, according to his will
and the spirit of a prophecy; and and pleasure?
having all these b witnesses we ob- 10 Wherefore, brethren, seek not to
tain a hope, and our faith becometh a
counsel the Lord, but to take coun-
unshaken, insomuch that we truly sel from his hand. For behold, ye
can c command in the d name of yourselves know that he counseleth
Jesus and the very trees obey us, in b wisdom, and in justice, and in
or the mountains, or the waves of great mercy, over all his works.
the sea. 11 Wherefore, beloved brethren,
7 Nevertheless, the Lord God be a reconciled unto him through
showeth us our a weakness that we the b atonement of Christ, his c Only
4 a tg Jesus Christ, Heb. 11:17. f D&C 3:7.
Prophecies about; tg Jesus Christ, Divine 9 a Morm. 9:17;
Testimony. Sonship. Moses 1:32.
b tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. 6 a tg Prophecy. b tg Man, Physical
c Luke 24:27; b tg Witness. Creation of.
1 Pet. 1:11; c 3 Ne. 28:20 (19–22). c tg Creation;
Jacob 7:11 (11–12); tg God, Power of. God, Creator;
Mosiah 13:33 (33–35); d Acts 3:6 (6–16); Jesus Christ, Creator.
D&C 20:26. 3 Ne. 8:1. d Hel. 12:16 (8–17).
5 a Moses 5:8. 7 a Ether 12:27; 10 a Josh. 9:14;
b Gen. 4:26; D&C 66:3. Prov. 15:22;
Hel. 8:16 (16–20). b tg Grace. Isa. 45:9;
tg Name of the Lord. 8 a Ps. 106:2. 2 Ne. 9:28–29;
c 2 Ne. 25:24; b Rom. 11:34 (33–36); Alma 37:12, 37;
Jacob 7:7; Mosiah 4:9. D&C 3:4, 13; 22:4.
Mosiah 13:30. c D&C 19:10; b tg God, Justice of;
d Jarom 1:11; 76:114 (114–16). God, Wisdom of.
Alma 25:15 (15–16). tg Mysteries of 11 a Lev. 6:30.
tg Law of Moses. Godliness. tg Jesus Christ,
e Gal. 3:24; d Dan. 1:17; Mission of;
Ether 12:19 (18–19). 1 Cor. 2:11 (9–16); Reconciliation.
f tg Jesus Christ, Types Alma 26:21 (21–22). b tg Jesus Christ,
of, in Anticipation. tg God, Knowledge Atonement through.
g Gen. 22:2 (1–14); about. c tg Jesus Christ, Divine
John 3:16 (16–21); e Isa. 55:8 (8–9). Sonship.
125 Jacob 4 : 12–18
Begotten Son, and ye may obtain cause they desired it. And because
a d resurrection, according to the they desired it God hath done it,
power of the resurrection which that they may i stumble.
is in Christ, and be presented as 15 And now I, Jacob, am led on by
the f first-fruits of Christ unto God, the Spirit unto prophesying; for I
having faith, and obtained a good perceive by the workings of the Spirit
hope of glory in him before he which is in me, that by the a stum-
manifesteth himself in the flesh. bling of the b Jews they will c reject
12 And now, beloved, marvel not the d stone upon which they might
that I tell you these things; for build and have safe foundation.
why not a speak of the atonement 16 But behold, according to the
of Christ, and attain to a perfect scriptures, this a stone shall become
knowledge of him, as to attain to the great, and the last, and the only
the knowledge of a resurrection sure b foundation, upon which the
and the world to come? Jews can build.
13 Behold, my brethren, he that 17 And now, my beloved, how is
prophesieth, let him prophesy to the it possible that these, after having
understanding of men; for the a Spirit rejected the sure foundation, can
speaketh the b truth and lieth not. a
ever build upon it, that it may be
Wherefore, it speaketh of things as come the head of their corner?
they really c are, and of things as they 18 Behold, my beloved brethren,
really will be; wherefore, these things I will unfold this mystery unto
are manifested unto us d plainly, you; if I do not, by any means, get
for the salvation of our souls. But shaken from my firmness in the
behold, we are not witnesses alone Spirit, and stumble because of my
in these things; for God also e spake over anxiety for you.
them unto prophets of old.
14 But behold, the Jews were a
stiffnecked people; and they b de- Chapter 5
spised the words of c plainness, and Jacob quotes Zenos relative to the alle-
killed the prophets, and sought for gory of the tame and wild olive trees—
things that they could not under- They are a likeness of Israel and the
stand. Wherefore, because of their Gentiles—The scattering and gathering
blindness, which f blindness came of Israel are prefigured—Allusions are
by looking beyond the g mark, they made to the Nephites and Lamanites
must needs fall; for God hath taken and all the house of Israel—The Gen-
away his plainness from them, and tiles will be grafted into Israel—Eventu-
delivered unto them many things ally the vineyard will be burned. About
which they h cannot understand, be- 544–421 b.c.
11 d tg Resurrection. Neh. 9:16; 1 Cor. 1:23;
e tg God, Power of. 2 Ne. 25:2. 2 Ne. 18:14 (13–15).
f Mosiah 15:21 (21–23); tg Stiffnecked. b tg Israel, Judah,
18:9; b Num. 15:31 (30–31); People of.
Alma 40:16 (16–21). Ezek. 20:13 (13–16); c Rom. 11:1, 20 (1–36);
12 a 2 Ne. 25:26. 1 Ne. 17:30 (30–31); 19:7; 1 Ne. 10:11;
13 a tg Holy Ghost, 2 Ne. 33:2; Morm. 5:14 (14–20).
Mission of. D&C 3:7 (4–13). d tg Cornerstone;
b John 17:17. c 2 Cor. 11:3. Jesus Christ,
tg Honesty. d Zech. 1:4 (2–5). Prophecies about;
c D&C 93:24. e Isa. 44:18. Rock.
d Neh. 8:8; f Rom. 11:25. 16 a Ps. 118:22 (22–23).
Jacob 2:11; tg Spiritual Blindness. b Isa. 28:16 (14–17);
Alma 13:23. g John 7:47 (45–53). Hel. 5:12.
e tg Witness of the h 2 Ne. 25:1. 17 a Matt. 19:30;
Father. i Isa. 57:14. Jacob 5:63 (62–64);
14 a Deut. 9:13; 15 a Isa. 8:14 (13–15); D&C 29:30.
Jacob 5 : 1–14 126
parts of the vineyard, some in one went forth whither the master had
and some in another, according to hid the natural branches of the
his will and pleasure. tree, and he said unto the servant:
15 And it came to pass that a long Behold these; and he beheld the
time passed away, and the Lord a
first that it had b brought forth
of the vineyard said unto his ser- much fruit; and he beheld also that
vant: Come, let us go down into it was good. And he said unto the
the vineyard, that we may a labor servant: Take of the fruit thereof,
in the vineyard. and lay it up against the season,
16 And it came to pass that the that I may preserve it unto mine
Lord of the vineyard, and also the own self; for behold, said he, this
servant, went down into the vine- long time have I nourished it, and
yard to labor. And it came to pass it hath brought forth much fruit.
that the servant said unto his master: 21 And it came to pass that the
Behold, look here; behold the tree. servant said unto his master: How
17 And it came to pass that the comest thou hither to plant this
Lord of the vineyard looked and be- tree, or this branch of the tree? For
held the tree in the which the wild behold, it was the poorest spot in
olive branches had been grafted; all the land of thy vineyard.
and it had sprung forth and begun 22 And the Lord of the vineyard
to bear a fruit. And he beheld that it said unto him: Counsel me not; I
was good; and the fruit thereof was knew that it was a poor spot of
like unto the natural fruit. ground; wherefore, I said unto thee,
18 And he said unto the servant: I have nourished it this long time,
Behold, the branches of the wild and thou beholdest that it hath
tree have taken hold of the mois- brought forth much fruit.
ture of the root thereof, that the 23 And it came to pass that the
root thereof hath brought forth Lord of the vineyard said unto his
much strength; and because of the servant: Look hither; behold I have
much strength of the root thereof planted another branch of the tree
the wild branches have brought also; and thou knowest that this spot
forth tame fruit. Now, if we had not of ground was poorer than the first.
grafted in these branches, the tree But, behold the tree. I have nour-
thereof would have perished. And ished it this long time, and it hath
now, behold, I shall lay up much brought forth much fruit; therefore,
fruit, which the tree thereof hath gather it, and lay it up against the
brought forth; and the fruit thereof season, that I may preserve it unto
I shall lay up against the season, mine own self.
unto mine own self. 24 And it came to pass that the
19 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said again unto
Lord of the vineyard said unto his servant: Look hither, and behold
the servant: Come, let us go to the another a branch also, which I have
nethermost part of the vineyard, planted; behold that I have nour-
and behold if the natural branches ished it also, and it hath brought
of the tree have not brought forth forth fruit.
much fruit also, that I may lay up 25 And he said unto the servant:
of the fruit thereof against the sea- Look hither and behold the last.
son, unto mine own self. Behold, this have I planted in a
20 And it came to pass that they a
good spot of ground; and I have
15 a tg Millennium, Col. 1:6 (3–8). Alma 16:17.
Preparing a People for. 20 a Jacob 5:39. 25 a Ezek. 17:8;
17 a Matt. 12:33; b tg Israel, 1 Ne. 2:20;
John 15:16; Restoration of. Jacob 5:43.
Gal. 3:9 (7–9, 29); 24 a Ezek. 17:22 (22–24);
Jacob 5 : 26–39 128
went down into the nethermost bring forth no good a fruit; and these
parts of the vineyard. And it came I had hoped to preserve, to have laid
to pass that they beheld that the up fruit thereof against the season,
fruit of the natural branches had unto mine own self. But, behold,
become corrupt also; yea, the a first they have become like unto the
and the second and also the last; wild olive tree, and they are of no
and they had all become corrupt. worth but to be b hewn down and
40 And the a wild fruit of the last cast into the fire; and it grieveth
had overcome that part of the tree me that I should lose them.
which brought forth good fruit, 47 But a what could I have done
even that the branch had withered more in my vineyard? Have I slack-
away and died. ened mine hand, that I have not
41 And it came to pass that the nourished it? Nay, I have nourished
Lord of the vineyard wept, and it, and I have digged about it, and I
said unto the servant: a What could have pruned it, and I have dunged
I have done more for my vineyard? it; and I have b stretched forth mine
42 Behold, I knew that all the fruit of c
hand almost all the day long, and
the vineyard, save it were these, had the d end draweth nigh. And it griev-
become a corrupted. And now these eth me that I should hew down all
which have once brought forth good the trees of my vineyard, and cast
fruit have also become corrupted; them into the fire that they should
and now all the trees of my vineyard be burned. Who is it that has cor-
are good for nothing save it be to be rupted my vineyard?
hewn down and cast into the fire. 48 And it came to pass that the ser-
43 And behold this last, whose vant said unto his master: Is it not
branch hath withered away, I did the a loftiness of thy vineyard—have
plant in a a good spot of ground; yea, not the branches thereof overcome
even that which was choice unto me the roots which are good? And be-
above all other parts of the land of cause the branches have overcome
my vineyard. the roots thereof, behold they grew
44 And thou beheldest that I also faster than the strength of the roots,
cut down that which a cumbered b
taking strength unto themselves.
this spot of ground, that I might Behold, I say, is not this the cause
plant this tree in the stead thereof. that the trees of thy vineyard have
45 And thou beheldest that a a part become corrupted?
thereof brought forth good fruit, 49 And it came to pass that the
and a part thereof brought forth Lord of the vineyard said unto the
wild fruit; and because I plucked servant: Let us go to and hew down
not the branches thereof and cast the trees of the vineyard and cast
them into the fire, behold, they have them into the fire, that they shall
overcome the good branch that it not cumber the ground of my vine-
hath withered away. yard, for I have done all. What could
46 And now, behold, notwithstand- I have done more for my vineyard?
ing all the care which we have taken 50 But, behold, the servant said
of my vineyard, the trees thereof unto the Lord of the vineyard: Spare
have become corrupted, that they it a little a longer.
39 a Jacob 5:20 (20, 23, 25). Jacob 5:25. b Isa. 9:12 (12, 17, 21).
40 a Hel. 15:4 (3–4). 44 a Moro. 9:23. c 2 Ne. 19:17 (17–21); 28:32;
41 a Isa. 5:4; 45 a 1 Ne. 15:12 (12–17); Jacob 6:4.
2 Ne. 2:27; 26:24; 2 Ne. 3:5; 10:1; d tg World, End of.
Jacob 5:47; Alma 46:24 (24–25). 48 a tg Haughtiness; Pride.
Alma 26:37. 46 a Luke 3:9. b D&C 121:39.
42 a tg Apostasy of Israel. b Alma 5:52; tg Unrighteous
b Matt. 3:10. 3 Ne. 27:11. Dominion.
43 a Ezek. 17:8; 47 a Jacob 5:41 (41, 49). 50 a Jacob 5:27.
Jacob 5 : 51–64 130
51 And the Lord said: Yea, I will 58 And we will nourish again the
spare it a little longer, for it griev- trees of the vineyard, and we will
eth me that I should lose the trees trim up the a branches thereof; and
of my vineyard. we will pluck from the trees those
52 Wherefore, let us take of the branches which are ripened, that
branches of these which I have must perish, and cast them into
planted in the nethermost parts of the fire.
my vineyard, and let us graft them 59 And this I do that, perhaps, the
into the tree from whence they came; roots thereof may take strength be-
and let us pluck from the tree those cause of their goodness; and because
branches whose fruit is most bitter, of the change of the branches, that
and graft in the natural branches of the good may a overcome the evil.
the tree in the stead thereof. 60 And because that I have pre-
53 And this will I do that the tree served the natural branches and
may not perish, that, perhaps, I the roots thereof, and that I have
may preserve unto myself the roots grafted in the natural branches again
thereof for mine a own purpose. into their mother tree, and have
54 And, behold, the roots of the preserved the roots of their mother
natural branches of the tree which tree, that, perhaps, the trees of my
I planted whithersoever I would are vineyard may bring forth again
yet alive; wherefore, that I may pre- good a fruit; and that I may have joy
serve them also for mine own pur- again in the fruit of my vineyard,
pose, I will take of the a branches of and, perhaps, that I may rejoice
this tree, and I will b graft them in exceedingly that I have preserved
unto them. Yea, I will graft in unto the roots and the branches of the
them the branches of their mother first fruit—
tree, that I may preserve the roots 61 Wherefore, go to, and call a ser-
also unto mine own self, that when vants, that we may b labor diligently
they shall be sufficiently strong with our might in the vineyard, that
perhaps they may bring forth good we may c prepare the way, that I may
fruit unto me, and I may yet have bring forth again the natural fruit,
glory in the fruit of my vineyard. which natural fruit is good and the
55 And it came to pass that they most precious above all other fruit.
took from the natural tree which 62 Wherefore, let us go to and la-
had become wild, and grafted in bor with our might this last time,
unto the natural trees, which also for behold the end draweth nigh,
had become wild. and this is for the last time that I
56 And they also took of the natu shall a prune my vineyard.
ral trees which had become wild, 63 Graft in the branches; begin at
and a grafted into their mother tree. the a last that they may be first, and
57 And the Lord of the vineyard that the first may be b last, and dig
said unto the servant: Pluck not the about the trees, both old and young,
wild branches from the trees, save the first and the last; and the last
it be those which are most bitter; and the first, that all may be nour-
and in them ye shall graft accord- ished once again for the last time.
ing to that which I have said. 64 Wherefore, dig about them,
52 a tg Israel, Gathering of; 58 a Isa. 27:11. 63 a Matt. 20:16;
Israel, Restoration of. 59 a tg Triumph. Mark 10:31;
53 a Ex. 19:6; 60 a Isa. 27:6. Luke 13:30;
Isa. 49:6. 61 a Jacob 6:2. 1 Ne. 13:42;
54 a 3 Ne. 21:6 (5–6); b D&C 24:19; 39:17; 95:4. Ether 13:12 (10–12).
Morm. 5:15. c tg Millennium, b Matt. 19:30;
b 1 Ne. 15:16. Preparing a People for. Jacob 4:17;
56 a Jer. 24:6. 62 a D&C 75:2. D&C 29:30.
131 Jacob 5 : 65–75
and prune them, and dung them said unto them: Go to, and a labor
once more, for the last time, for in the vineyard, with your might.
the end draweth nigh. And if it be For behold, this is the b last time
so that these last grafts shall grow, that I shall c nourish my vineyard;
and bring forth the natural fruit, for the end is nigh at hand, and the
then shall ye prepare the way for season speedily cometh; and if ye
them, that they may grow. labor with your might with me
65 And as they begin to grow ye shall have joy in the fruit which
ye shall a clear away the branches I shall lay up unto myself against
which bring forth bitter fruit, ac- the time which will soon come.
cording to the strength of the good 72 And it came to pass that the
and the size thereof; and ye shall servants did go and labor with their
not clear away the bad thereof all mights; and the Lord of the vineyard
at once, lest the roots thereof should labored also with them; and they
be too strong for the graft, and the did obey the commandments of the
graft thereof shall perish, and I lose Lord of the vineyard in all things.
the trees of my vineyard. 73 And there began to be the natu
66 For it grieveth me that I should ral fruit again in the vineyard; and
lose the trees of my vineyard; where- the natural branches began to grow
fore ye shall clear away the bad ac- and thrive exceedingly; and the wild
cording as the good shall grow, that branches began to be plucked off
the root and the top may be equal and to be cast away; and they did
in strength, until the good shall keep the root and the top thereof
overcome the bad, and the bad be equal, according to the strength
hewn down and cast into the fire, thereof.
that they cumber not the ground of 74 And thus they labored, with
my vineyard; and thus will I sweep all diligence, according to the com
away the bad out of my vineyard. mandments of the Lord of the vine-
67 And the branches of the nat- yard, even until the bad had been
ural tree will I graft in again into cast away out of the vineyard, and
the natural tree; the Lord had preserved unto himself
68 And the branches of the natu- that the trees had become again the
ral tree will I graft into the natural natural fruit; and they became like
branches of the tree; and thus will unto a one body; and the fruits were
I bring them together again, that equal; and the Lord of the vineyard
they shall bring forth the natural had preserved unto himself the natu
fruit, and they shall be one. ral fruit, which was most precious
69 And the bad shall be a cast away, unto him from the beginning.
yea, even out of all the land of my 75 And it came to pass that when
vineyard; for behold, only this once the a Lord of the vineyard saw that
will I prune my vineyard. his fruit was good, and that his
70 And it came to pass that the vineyard was no more corrupt, he
Lord of the vineyard sent his a ser- called up his servants, and said unto
vant; and the servant went and did them: Behold, for this last time have
as the Lord had commanded him, we nourished my vineyard; and
and brought other b servants; and thou beholdest that I have done
they were c few. according to my will; and I have
71 And the Lord of the vineyard preserved the natural fruit, that it
65 a D&C 86:6 (6–7). c 1 Ne. 14:12. c tg Millennium,
68 a tg Israel, Mission of. 71 a Matt. 21:28; Preparing a People for.
69 a 1 Ne. 22:23 (15–17, 23); Jacob 6:2 (2–3); 74 a D&C 38:27.
2 Ne. 30:10 (9–10). D&C 33:3 (3–4). 75 a tg Jesus Christ,
70 a D&C 101:55; 103:21. b D&C 39:17; Millennial Reign.
b Matt. 9:37 (36–38). 43:28 (28–30).
Jacob 5 : 76–6 : 5 132
the light of the day, harden not I shall meet you before the a pleas-
your hearts. ing bar of God, which bar striketh
6 Yea, today, if ye will hear his the wicked with b awful dread and
voice, harden not your hearts; for fear. Amen.
why will ye a die?
7 For behold, after ye have been Chapter 7
nourished by the good a word of God
Sherem denies Christ, contends with
all the day long, will ye bring forth Jacob, demands a sign, and is smitten
evil fruit, that ye must be b hewn of God—All of the prophets have spo-
down and cast into the fire? ken of Christ and His Atonement—The
8 Behold, will ye reject these Nephites lived out their days as wan-
words? Will ye reject the words of derers, born in tribulation, and hated
the a prophets; and will ye reject all by the Lamanites. About 544–421 b.c.
the words which have been spoken
concerning Christ, after so many And now it came to pass after some
have spoken concerning him; and years had passed away, there came
deny the good word of Christ, and a man among the people of Nephi,
the power of God, and the c gift of whose name was a Sherem.
the Holy Ghost, and quench the 2 And it came to pass that he
Holy Spirit, and make a d mock of began to preach among the peo-
the great plan of redemption, which ple, and to declare unto them that
hath been laid for you? there should be a no Christ. And he
9 Know ye not that if ye will do preached many things which were
these things, that the power of the flattering unto the people; and this
redemption and the resurrection, he did that he might b overthrow the
which is in Christ, will bring you doctrine of Christ.
to stand with a shame and b awful 3 And he labored diligently that he
guilt before the bar of God? might lead away the hearts of the
10 And according to the power of people, insomuch that he did lead
justice, for justice cannot be denied, away many hearts; and he knowing
ye must go away into that b lake of that I, Jacob, had faith in Christ who
fire and brimstone, whose flames should come, he sought much oppor-
are unquenchable, and whose smoke tunity that he might come unto me.
ascendeth up forever and ever, 4 And he was a learned, that he
which lake of fire and brimstone had a perfect knowledge of the lan-
is c endless d torment. guage of the people; wherefore, he
11 O then, my beloved brethren, could use much b flattery, and much
repent ye, and enter in at the a strait power of speech, according to the
gate, and b continue in the way c
power of the devil.
which is narrow, until ye shall ob- 5 And he had hope to shake me
tain eternal life. from the faith, notwithstanding the
12 O be a wise; what can I say more? many a revelations and the many
13 Finally, I bid you farewell, until things which I had seen concerning
6 a Ezek. 18:28 (26–28, 32). 10 a tg God, Justice of; Morm. 9:28.
7 a Ps. 119:28. Justice. 13 a Moro. 10:34.
b Alma 5:52; b Rev. 19:20; b Alma 40:14.
3 Ne. 27:11 (11–12). 2 Ne. 28:23; 7 1 a tg False Prophets.
8 a Jer. 26:5. Mosiah 3:27. 2 a Alma 21:8;
b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. tg Hell. 30:12 (12, 22).
c tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. c Mosiah 2:33; b tg False Doctrine.
d tg Sacrilege. D&C 19:11 (10–12). 4 a tg Learn.
9 a tg Shame. d tg Damnation. b tg Flatter.
b Jacob 7:19; 11 a 2 Ne. 9:41. c tg False Priesthoods.
Mosiah 15:26. b 2 Ne. 31:15. 5 a 2 Ne. 10:3; 11:3;
c tg Guilt; tg Commitment. Jacob 2:11.
Judgment, the Last. 12 a Matt. 10:16;
Jacob 7 : 6 –17 134
these things; for I truly had seen you that none of the a prophets have
angels, and they had ministered written, nor b prophesied, save they
unto me. And also, I had c heard the have spoken concerning this Christ.
voice of the Lord speaking unto me 12 And this is not all—it has been
in very word, from time to time; made manifest unto me, for I have
wherefore, I could not be shaken. heard and seen; and it also has been
6 And it came to pass that he came made manifest unto me by the
unto me, and on this wise did he a
power of the Holy Ghost; where-
speak unto me, saying: Brother Ja- fore, I know if there should be no
cob, I have sought much opportu- atonement made all mankind must
nity that I might speak unto you; be b lost.
for I have heard and also know that 13 And it came to pass that he
thou goest about much, preaching said unto me: Show me a a sign by
that which ye call the a gospel, or this power of the Holy Ghost, in the
the doctrine of Christ. which ye know so much.
7 And ye have led away much of 14 And I said unto him: What am
this people that they pervert the I that I should a tempt God to show
right way of God, and a keep not unto thee a sign in the thing which
the law of Moses which is the right thou knowest to be b true? Yet thou
way; and convert the law of Moses wilt deny it, because thou art of the
into the worship of a being which c
devil. Nevertheless, not my will be
ye say shall come many hundred done; but if God shall smite thee,
years hence. And now behold, I, let that be a d sign unto thee that
Sherem, declare unto you that this he has power, both in heaven and
is b blasphemy; for no man knoweth in earth; and also, that Christ shall
of such things; for he cannot c tell of come. And thy will, O Lord, be done,
things to come. And after this man- and not mine.
ner did Sherem contend against me. 15 And it came to pass that when I,
8 But behold, the Lord God poured Jacob, had spoken these words, the
in his a Spirit into my soul, inso- power of the Lord came upon him,
much that I did b confound him in insomuch that he fell to the earth.
all his words. And it came to pass that he was nour-
9 And I said unto him: Deniest thou ished for the space of many days.
the Christ who shall come? And he 16 And it came to pass that he said
said: If there should be a Christ, I unto the people: Gather together on
would not deny him; but I know the morrow, for I shall die; where-
that there is no Christ, neither has fore, I desire to speak unto the
been, nor ever will be. people before I shall die.
10 And I said unto him: Believest 17 And it came to pass that on the
thou the scriptures? And he said, morrow the multitude were gath-
Yea. ered together; and he spake plainly
11 And I said unto him: Then ye do unto them and denied the things
not understand them; for they truly which he had taught them, and
testify of Christ. Behold, I say unto confessed the Christ, and the power
5 b 2 Ne. 2:4. 3 Ne. 20:24 (23–24). Alma 30:43 (43–60);
c Ex. 19:9 (9–13). tg Jesus Christ, D&C 46:9 (8–9).
6 a 2 Ne. 31:2. Prophecies about. tg Sign Seekers.
7 a Jacob 4:5. b 1 Pet. 1:11; 14 a tg Test.
b tg Blaspheme. Rev. 19:10; b Mosiah 12:30;
c Alma 30:13. Jacob 4:4; Alma 30:42 (41–42).
8 a tg God, Spirit of; Mosiah 13:33 (33–35); c Alma 30:53.
Holy Ghost, Mission of. D&C 20:26. d Num. 26:10;
b Ps. 97:7. 12 a tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. D&C 124:53 (50–53).
tg Confound. b 2 Ne. 2:21 (10–30).
11 a 1 Ne. 10:5; 13 a John 6:30;
135 Jacob 7 : 18–27
of the Holy Ghost, and the minis- was b vain, for they delighted in
tering of angels. wars and d bloodshed, and they had
many a prophets among us. And the seventy and nine years had passed
people were a b stiffnecked people, away from the time that our father
hard to understand. Lehi a left Jerusalem.
23 And there was nothing save it 26 And I saw that I a must soon
was exceeding a harshness, b preach- go down to my grave, having been
ing and prophesying of wars, and wrought upon by the power of God
contentions, and destructions, and that I must preach and prophesy
continually c reminding them of unto this people, and declare the
death, and the duration of eternity, word according to the truth which
and the judgments and the power of is in Christ. And I have declared it
God, and all these things—stirring in all my days, and have rejoiced
them up d continually to keep them in it above that of the world.
in the fear of the Lord. I say there 27 And I soon go to the place of my
was nothing short of these things, a
rest, which is with my Redeemer;
and exceedingly great plainness of for I know that in him I shall b rest.
speech, would keep them from go- And I rejoice in the day when my
ing down speedily to destruction. c
mortal shall put on d immortality,
And after this manner do I write and shall stand before him; then
concerning them. shall I see his face with pleasure,
24 And I saw a wars between the and he will say unto me: Come unto
Nephites and Lamanites in the me, ye blessed, there is a place pre-
course of my days. pared for you in the e mansions of
25 And it came to pass that I be- my Father. Amen.
gan to be old, and an hundred and
should be done among this people, of c our lands, and began to fortify
because of the hardness of their our cities, or whatsoever place of
hearts, and the deafness of their ears, our inheritance.
and the blindness of their minds, 8 And we multiplied exceedingly,
and the a stiffness of their necks; and spread upon the face of the
nevertheless, God is exceedingly land, and became exceedingly rich
merciful unto them, and has not as in a gold, and in silver, and in pre-
yet b swept them off from the face cious things, and in fine b workman-
of the land. ship of wood, in buildings, and in
4 And there are many among us c
machinery, and also in iron and
who have many a revelations, for copper, and brass and steel, making
they are not all b stiffnecked. And as all manner of tools of every kind
many as are not stiffnecked and to till the ground, and d weapons of
have faith, have c communion with war—yea, the sharp pointed arrow,
the Holy Spirit, which maketh mani and the quiver, and the dart, and
fest unto the children of men, ac- the javelin, and all preparations
cording to their faith. for war.
5 And now, behold, two hundred 9 And thus being prepared to meet
years had passed away, and the the Lamanites, they did not prosper
people of Nephi had waxed strong against us. But the word of the Lord
in the land. They observed to a keep was verified, which he spake unto
the law of Moses and the b sabbath our fathers, saying that: a Inasmuch
day holy unto the Lord. And they as ye will keep my commandments
profaned not; neither did they ye shall b prosper in the land.
blaspheme. And the e laws of the 10 And it came to pass that the
land were exceedingly strict. prophets of the Lord did threaten
6 And they were scattered upon the people of Nephi, according to
much of the face of the land, and the word of God, that if they did
the Lamanites also. And they were not keep the commandments, but
exceedingly more b numerous than should fall into transgression, they
were they of the Nephites; and they should be a destroyed from off the
loved c murder and would drink the face of the land.
blood of beasts. 11 Wherefore, the prophets, and
7 And it came to pass that they the priests, and the a teachers, did
came many times against us, the labor diligently, exhorting with all
Nephites, to battle. But our a kings long-suffering the people to b dili-
and our b leaders were mighty men gence; teaching the c law of Moses,
in the faith of the Lord; and they and the intent for which it was
taught the people the ways of the given; persuading them to d look
Lord; wherefore, we withstood the forward unto the Messiah, and be-
Lamanites and swept them away out lieve in him to come e as though he
3 a Enos 1:22 (22–23). e Alma 1:1. d 2 Ne. 5:14;
b Ether 2:8 (8–10). 6 a Hel. 11:20 (19–20). Mosiah 10:8.
4 a Alma 26:22; b Alma 2:27. 9 a 2 Ne. 1:20;
Hel. 11:23; c Jacob 7:24; Omni 1:6.
D&C 107:19 (18–19). Enos 1:20; b Josh. 1:7; Ps. 122:6.
b tg Stiffnecked. Alma 26:24 (23–25). 10 a 1 Ne. 12:19 (19–20);
c tg Holy Ghost; d tg Blood, Eating of. Omni 1:5.
Revelation. 7 a 2 Ne. 5:18; 6:2; 11 a tg Teacher.
5 a 2 Ne. 25:24; Jacob 1:9 (9, 11, 15); b tg Diligence.
Mosiah 2:3; Mosiah 1:10. c Jacob 4:5;
Alma 30:3; 34:14 (13–14). b tg Leadership. Alma 25:15 (15–16).
b Ex. 35:2. c W of M 1:14. d 2 Ne. 11:4;
tg Sabbath. 8 a 2 Ne. 5:15. Ether 12:19 (18–19).
c tg Profanity. b tg Art. e 2 Ne. 25:26 (24–27);
d tg Blaspheme. c tg Skill. Mosiah 3:13; 16:6.
Jarom 1 : 12–Omni 1 : 6 140
already was. And after this manner 14 And I, Jarom, do not write more,
did they teach them. for the plates are a small. But behold,
12 And it came to pass that by so my brethren, ye can go to the b other
doing they kept them from being plates of Nephi; for behold, upon
destroyed upon the face of the land;
them the records of our wars are
for they did b prick their hearts with engraven, according to the writings
the word, c continually stirring them of the c kings, or those which they
up unto repentance. caused to be written.
13 And it came to pass that two 15 And I deliver these plates into
hundred and thirty and eight years the hands of my son Omni, that
had passed away—after the man- they may be kept according to the
ner of wars, and a contentions, and a
commandments of my fathers.
dissensions, for the space of b much
of the time.
their a language had become cor- 24 And behold, I have seen, in the
rupted; and they had brought no days of king Benjamin, a serious war
records with them; and they de- and much bloodshed between the
nied the being of their Creator; and Nephites and the Lamanites. But
Mosiah, nor the people of Mosiah, behold, the Nephites did obtain
could understand them. much advantage over them; yea,
18 But it came to pass that Mosiah insomuch that king Benjamin did
caused that they should be taught drive them out of the land of Zara
in his a language. And it came to hemla.
pass that after they were taught in 25 And it came to pass that I began
the language of Mosiah, Zarahemla to be old; and, having no seed, and
gave a genealogy of his fathers, ac- knowing king a Benjamin to be a just
cording to his memory; and they man before the Lord, wherefore, I
are written, but b not in these plates. shall b deliver up c these plates unto
19 And it came to pass that the him, exhorting all men to come
people of Zarahemla, and of Mosiah, unto God, the Holy One of Israel,
did a unite together; and b Mosiah was and believe in prophesying, and in
appointed to be their king. revelations, and in the ministering
20 And it came to pass in the days of angels, and in the gift of speak-
of Mosiah, there was a large a stone ing with tongues, and in the gift of
brought unto him with engravings interpreting languages, and in all
on it; and he did b interpret the things which are d good; for there is
engravings by the gift and power nothing which is good save it comes
of God. from the Lord: and that which is
21 And they gave an account of evil cometh from the devil.
one a Coriantumr, and the slain of 26 And now, my beloved brethren,
his people. And Coriantumr was I would that ye should a come unto
discovered by the people of Zara- Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel,
hemla; and he dwelt with them for and partake of his salvation, and
the space of nine moons. the power of his redemption. Yea,
22 It also spake a few words con- come unto him, and b offer your
cerning his fathers. And his first whole souls as an c offering unto him,
parents came out from the a tower, and continue in d fasting and pray-
at the time the Lord b confounded ing, and endure to the end; and as
the language of the people; and the the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
severity of the Lord fell upon them 27 And now I would speak some-
according to his judgments, which what concerning a certain a number
are just; and their c bones lay scat- who went up into the wilderness to
tered in the land northward. b
return to the c land of Nephi; for
23 Behold, I, Amaleki, was born in there was a large number who were
the days of Mosiah; and I have lived desirous to possess the land of their
to see his death; and a Benjamin, b his inheritance.
son, reigneth in his stead. 28 Wherefore, they went up into
17 a 1 Ne. 3:19. 21 a Ether 12:1 (1–2); d Alma 5:40;
tg Language. 13:20 (13–31); 15:32. Ether 4:12;
b Mosiah 1:3 (2–6). 22 a Ether 1:3 (1–6). Moro. 7:16 (15–17).
18 a Mosiah 24:4. b Gen. 11:7 (6–9); 26 a Jacob 1:7;
b 1 Ne. 9:4; Mosiah 28:17; Alma 29:2;
W of M 1:10. Ether 1:33. Moro. 10:32.
19 a Mosiah 25:13. c Mosiah 8:8 (8–12). b tg Commitment;
b Omni 1:12. 23 a W of M 1:3. Self-Sacrifice.
20 a Mosiah 21:28 (27–28); b Mosiah 2:11. c 3 Ne. 9:20.
28:13. 25 a W of M 1:18 (17–18); d tg Fast, Fasting.
b Mosiah 8:13 (13–19); Mosiah 29:13. 27 a Mosiah 9:3 (1–4).
28:17. b W of M 1:10. b Mosiah 7:1.
tg Urim and Thummim. c 1 Ne. 10:1. c Omni 1:12.
143 Omni 1 : 29–Words of Mormon 1 : 6
the wilderness. And their leader be- number, and took their journey
ing a strong and mighty man, and again into the wilderness.
a stiffnecked man, wherefore he 30 And I, Amaleki, had a brother,
caused a contention among them; who also went with them; and I
and they were a all slain, save fifty, have not since known concerning
in the wilderness, and they returned them. And I am about to lie down
again to the land of Zarahemla. in my grave; and a these plates are
29 And it came to pass that they full. And I make an end of my
also took others to a considerable speaking.
plates, which contain these prophe- be preserved; for there are great
syings and revelations, and put them things written upon them, out of
with the remainder of my record, which b my people and their breth-
for they are choice unto me; and I ren shall be c judged at the great and
know they will be choice unto my last day, according to the word of
brethren. God which is written.
7 And I do this for a a wise b purpose; 12 And now, concerning this king
for thus it whispereth me, accord- Benjamin—he had somewhat of
ing to the workings of the Spirit of contentions among his own people.
the Lord which is in me. And now, 13 And it came to pass also that
I do not know all things; but the the armies of the Lamanites came
Lord c knoweth all things which are down out of the a land of Nephi, to
to come; wherefore, he d worketh battle against his people. But be-
in me to do according to his e will. hold, king Benjamin gathered to-
8 And my a prayer to God is con- gether his armies, and he did stand
cerning my brethren, that they may against them; and he did fight with
once again come to the knowledge the strength of his own arm, with the
of God, yea, the redemption of b
sword of Laban.
Christ; that they may once again 14 And in the a strength of the Lord
be a b delightsome people. they did contend against their en-
9 And now I, Mormon, proceed to emies, until they had slain many
finish out my record, which I take thousands of the Lamanites. And
from the plates of Nephi; and I make it came to pass that they did con-
it according to the knowledge and tend against the Lamanites until
the a understanding which God has they had driven them out of all the
given me. lands of their b inheritance.
10 Wherefore, it came to pass that 15 And it came to pass that after
after Amaleki had a delivered up there had been false a Christs, and
these plates into the hands of king their mouths had been shut, and they
Benjamin, he took them and put punished according to their crimes;
them with the b other plates, which 16 And after there had been a false
contained records which had been prophets, and false preachers and
handed down by the c kings, from teachers among the people, and all
generation to generation until the these having been punished accord-
days of king Benjamin. ing to their crimes; and after there
11 And they were handed down having been much contention and
from king Benjamin, from genera many dissensions away b unto the
tion to generation until they have Lamanites, behold, it came to pass
fallen into a my hands. And I, Mor- that king Benjamin, with the as-
mon, pray to God that they may sistance of the holy c prophets who
be preserved from this time hence- were among his people—
forth. And I know that they will 17 For behold, king Benjamin was
7 a 1 Ne. 9:5; 19:3; Moro. 9:22. 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27);
Enos 1:13 (13–18); b 2 Ne. 30:6. Ether 5:4.
Alma 37:2; 9 a tg Understanding. 13 a Omni 1:12.
D&C 3:19 (9–20); 10 a Omni 1:25 (25, 30). b 1 Ne. 4:9;
10:34 (1–19, 30–47). b 1 Ne. 9:4; 2 Ne. 5:14;
b D&C 10:40 (20–46). Omni 1:11, 18; Jacob 1:10;
c tg God, Foreknowl- W of M 1:3; Mosiah 1:16;
edge of; Mosiah 28:11. D&C 17:1.
God, Intelligence of; c Jarom 1:14. 14 a tg Strength.
God, Omniscience of. 11 a 3 Ne. 5:12 (8–12); b Jarom 1:7.
d 2 Ne. 27:23. Morm. 1:4 (1–5). 15 a tg False Christs.
e tg God, Will of. b Hel. 15:3 (3–4). 16 a tg False Prophets.
8 a 2 Ne. 33:3; c 2 Ne. 25:18; 29:11; b Jacob 1:14 (13–14).
Enos 1:11 (11–12); 33:14 (11, 14–15); c Enos 1:22.
145 Words of Mormon 1 : 18–Mosiah 1 : 5
a a holy man, and he did reign over 18 Wherefore, with the help of
his people in righteousness; and these, king a Benjamin, by laboring
there were many holy men in the with all the might of his body and
land, and they did speak the word of the b faculty of his whole soul, and
God with b power and with authority; also the prophets, did once more
and they did use much c sharpness establish peace in the land.
because of the stiffneckedness of
the people—
before our eyes, that even our this a people, or the people of Zara
fathers would have dwindled in hemla, and the people of Mosiah
unbelief, and we should have been who dwell in the land, that thereby
like unto our brethren, the Laman- they may be gathered together; for
ites, who know nothing concerning on the morrow I shall proclaim unto
these things, or even do not believe this my people out of mine own
them when they are taught them, mouth that thou art a b king and a
because of the f traditions of their ruler over this people, whom the
fathers, which are not correct. Lord our God hath given us.
6 O my sons, I would that ye should 11 And moreover, I shall give this
remember that these sayings are people a a name, that thereby they
true, and also that these records may be distinguished above all the
are a true. And behold, also the plates people which the Lord God hath
of Nephi, which contain the records brought out of the land of Jerusa-
and the sayings of our fathers from lem; and this I do because they have
the time they left Jerusalem until been a b diligent people in keeping
now, and they are true; and we can the commandments of the Lord.
know of their surety because we 12 And I give unto them a name
have them before our eyes. that never shall be blotted out, ex-
7 And now, my sons, I would that cept it be through a transgression.
ye should remember to a search 13 Yea, and moreover I say unto
them diligently, that ye may profit you, that if this highly favored
thereby; and I would that ye should people of the Lord should fall into
keep the commandments of God, transgression, and become a wicked
that ye may c prosper in the land and an adulterous people, that the
according to the d promises which Lord will deliver them up, that
the Lord made unto our fathers. thereby they become b weak like
8 And many more things did king unto their brethren; and he will no
Benjamin teach his sons, which are more c preserve them by his match-
not written in this book. less and marvelous power, as he
9 And it came to pass that after has hitherto preserved our fathers.
king Benjamin had made an end 14 For I say unto you, that if he
of teaching his sons, that he waxed had not extended his arm in the
old, and he saw that he must very preservation of our fathers they
soon go the way of all the earth; must have fallen into the hands of
therefore, he thought it expedient the Lamanites, and become victims
that he should confer the kingdom to their hatred.
upon one of his sons. 15 And it came to pass that after
10 Therefore, he had Mosiah king Benjamin had made an end
brought before him; and these are of these sayings to his son, that he
the words which he spake unto gave him a charge concerning all
him, saying: My son, I would that the affairs of the kingdom.
ye should make a proclamation 16 And moreover, he also gave him
throughout all this land among all charge concerning the records which
5 f Jacob 7:24; Ps. 1:3 (2–3); 122:6; tg Jesus Christ, Taking
Mosiah 10:12 (11–17). 1 Ne. 2:20. the Name of.
6 a 1 Ne. 1:3; 14:30; d Omni 1:6; b tg Diligence.
2 Ne. 25:20; Alma 9:13 (13–14). 12 a tg Transgress.
Alma 3:12; 9 a tg Old Age. 13 a Heb. 6:6 (4–6).
Ether 5:3 (1–3). 10 a Omni 1:14; b Jer. 46:15 (15–17);
7 a tg Scriptures, Study of. Mosiah 27:35. Hel. 4:24 (24, 26).
b Lev. 25:18 (18–19); b Gen. 41:43 (41–43); c D&C 103:8.
Mosiah 2:22; Jarom 1:7 (7, 14); 15 a 1 Kgs. 2:1;
Alma 50:20 (20–22). Mosiah 2:30. Ps. 72:1 (1–4).
c Josh. 1:7; 11 a Mosiah 5:8 (8–12).
147 Mosiah 1 : 17–2 : 6
7 For the multitude being so great serve you with all the might, mind
that king Benjamin could not teach and strength which the Lord hath
them all within the walls of the granted unto me.
temple, therefore he caused a a tower 12 I say unto you that as I have
to be erected, that thereby his peo- been suffered to a spend my days in
ple might hear the words which he your service, even up to this time,
should speak unto them. and have not sought b gold nor silver
8 And it came to pass that he be- nor any manner of riches of you;
gan to speak to his people from the 13 Neither have I suffered that ye
tower; and they could not all hear should be confined in dungeons,
his words because of the greatness nor that ye should make slaves one
of the multitude; therefore he caused of another, nor that ye should mur-
that the words which he spake der, or plunder, or steal, or commit
should be written and sent forth adultery; nor even have I suffered
among those that were not under the that ye should commit any manner
sound of his voice, that they might of wickedness, and have taught you
also receive his words. that ye should keep the command-
9 And these are the words which ments of the Lord, in all things
he a spake and caused to be written, which he hath commanded you—
saying: My brethren, all ye that have 14 And even I, myself, have a la-
assembled yourselves together, you bored with mine own b hands that I
that can hear my words which I might serve you, and that ye should
shall speak unto you this day; for I not be c laden with taxes, and that
have not commanded you to come there should nothing come upon you
up hither to b trifle with the words which was grievous to be borne—
which I shall speak, but that you and of all these things which I have
should c hearken unto me, and open spoken, ye yourselves are witnesses
your ears that ye may hear, and your this day.
hearts that ye may understand, and
15 Yet, my brethren, I have not
your e minds that the f mysteries of done these things that I might
God may be unfolded to your view. a
boast, neither do I tell these things
10 I have not commanded you to that thereby I might accuse you;
come up hither that ye should fear but I tell you these things that ye
me, or that ye should think that I of may know that I can answer a clear
myself am more than a mortal man. b
conscience before God this day.
11 But I am like as yourselves, 16 Behold, I say unto you that
subject to all manner of infirmities because I said unto you that I had
in body and mind; yet I have been spent my days in your service, I do
chosen by this people, and a conse- not desire to boast, for I have only
crated by b my father, and was suf- been in the service of God.
fered by the hand of the Lord that 17 And behold, I tell you these
I should be a ruler and a king over things that ye may learn a wisdom;
this people; and have been kept and that ye may learn that when ye are
preserved by his matchless power, to in the b service of your c fellow beings
7 a Gen. 35:21; 10 a tg Humility. Work, Value of.
Neh. 8:4 (4–5); 11 a tg Setting Apart. b Acts 20:34 (33–35).
Mosiah 11:12 (12–13). b Omni 1:23 (23–24). c Ezek. 46:18.
9 a Mosiah 8:3. tg Serve; Service. 15 a
tg Boast.
b D&C 6:12; 32:5. 12 a 1 Sam. 12:2 (1–25). b tg Conscience.
tg Mocking. b 2 Kgs. 5:16; 17 a
tg Wisdom.
c tg Teachable. Acts 20:33 (33–34); b Matt. 25:40;
d Prov. 8:5; Mosiah 12:27; Jacob 1:16. D&C 42:31 (30–31).
3 Ne. 19:33. 14 a Deut. 17:17; tg Service.
e tg Mind. Neh. 5:14 (14–15); c tg Brotherhood and
f tg Mysteries of 1 Cor. 9:18 (4–18). Sisterhood; Fellowship-
Godliness. tg Self-Sacrifice; ping; Neighbor.
149 Mosiah 2 : 18–28
children of men, and shall dwell in and shall d scourge him, and shall
a e tabernacle of clay, and shall go crucify him.
forth amongst men, working mighty 10 And he shall a rise the b third
miracles, such as healing the sick, day from the dead; and behold, he
raising the dead, causing the lame standeth to c judge the world; and
to walk, the g blind to receive their behold, all these things are done
sight, and the deaf to hear, and cur- that a righteous judgment might
ing all manner of diseases. come upon the children of men.
6 And he shall cast out a devils, or 11 For behold, and also his a blood
the b evil spirits which dwell in the b
atoneth for the sins of those who
hearts of the children of men. have c fallen by the transgression of
7 And lo, he shall a suffer b temp- Adam, who have died not knowing
tations, and pain of body, c hunger, the d will of God concerning them,
thirst, and fatigue, even more than or who have e ignorantly sinned.
man can d suffer, except it be unto 12 But wo, wo unto him who
death; for behold, e blood cometh knoweth that he a rebelleth against
from every pore, so great shall be God! For salvation cometh to none
his f anguish for the wickedness and such except it be through repen-
the abominations of his people. tance and faith on the b Lord Jesus
8 And he shall be called a Jesus Christ.
Christ, the c Son of God, the d Father 13 And the Lord God hath sent his
of heaven and earth, the e Creator of holy a prophets among all the chil-
all things from the beginning; and dren of men, to declare these things
his f mother shall be called Mary. to every kindred, nation, and tongue,
9 And lo, he cometh unto his own, that thereby whosoever should be-
that a salvation might come unto lieve that Christ should come, the
the children of men even through same might receive b remission of
faith on his name; and even after their sins, and rejoice with exceed-
all this they shall consider him a ingly great joy, even c as though
man, and say that he hath a c devil, he had already come among them.
5 e Mosiah 7:27; 15:2 (1–7); Jesus Christ, Prophecies Resurrection.
Alma 7:9 (9–13). about. b 2 Ne. 25:13;
f Matt. 4:24 (23–24); 9:35; b tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. Hel. 14:20 (20–27).
Acts 2:22; c Mosiah 15:3; c tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
1 Ne. 11:31. Alma 7:10; 11 a tg Blood, Symbolism of.
tg Death, Power over; 3 Ne. 1:14. b tg Jesus Christ,
Heal; d Mosiah 15:4; Redeemer;
Miracle. Hel. 14:12; Redemption.
g Matt. 9:28 (28–31); 3 Ne. 9:15; c tg Fall of Man.
20:30 (30–34); Ether 4:7. d tg God, Will of.
John 9:1 (1–4); e tg Jesus Christ, Creator. e Lev. 4:13 (13–35);
3 Ne. 17:9 (7–10); f Matt. 1:16; Num. 15:27 (2–29);
D&C 84:69. 1 Ne. 11:18 (14–21). 2 Ne. 9:26 (25–26);
6 a Mark 1:34 (32–34); 9 a tg Jesus Christ, Alma 9:16 (15–16); 42:21;
1 Ne. 11:31. Mission of. 3 Ne. 6:18.
b tg Spirits, Evil or b tg Faith. tg Accountability;
Unclean. c Luke 11:15 (14–22); Ignorance.
7 a Luke 12:50. John 8:48; 12:37; 12 a Mosiah 2:37 (36–38);
tg Suffering. Hel. 13:26 (26–27). Hel. 8:25 (24–25).
b tg Jesus Christ, d Luke 18:33; tg Rebellion.
Temptation of; 1 Ne. 11:33; b tg Jesus Christ, Lord.
Temptation. 2 Ne. 10:3. 13 a tg Prophets, Mission of.
c Matt. 4:2 (1–2). e 1 Ne. 19:10 (10, 13); b tg Remission of Sins.
d D&C 19:16 (15–18). 2 Ne. 6:9; c 2 Ne. 25:26 (24–27);
e Matt. 26:39 (38–39); 3 Ne. 11:14 (14–15, 33). Jarom 1:11;
Luke 22:44. tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 16:6.
f Isa. 53:4 (4–5). Crucifixion of.
8 a tg Foreordination; 10 a tg Jesus Christ,
153 Mosiah 3 : 14–22
14 Yet the Lord God saw that his come as little children, and be-
people were a a stiffnecked people, lieve that c salvation was, and is,
and he appointed unto them a b law, and is to come, in and through the
even the c law of Moses. d
atoning blood of Christ, the Lord
15 And many signs, and wonders, Omnipotent.
and a types, and shadows showed he 19 For the a natural b man is an
unto them, concerning his coming; c
enemy to God, and has been from
and also holy prophets spake unto the d fall of Adam, and will be, for-
them concerning his coming; and ever and ever, unless he e yields to
yet they b hardened their hearts, the enticings of the f Holy Spirit,
and understood not that the c law and g putteth off the h natural man
of Moses availeth nothing d except and becometh a i saint through the
it were through the e atonement of atonement of Christ the Lord, and
his blood. becometh as a j child, k submissive,
16 And even if it were possible meek, humble, patient, full of love,
that little a children could sin they willing to submit to all things which
could not be saved; but I say unto the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon
you they are b blessed; for behold, him, even as a child doth submit
as in Adam, or by nature, they fall, to his father.
even so the blood of Christ c atoneth 20 And moreover, I say unto you,
for their sins. that the time shall come when the
17 And moreover, I say unto you, a
knowledge of a b Savior shall spread
that there shall be a no other name throughout c every nation, kindred,
given nor any other way nor means tongue, and people.
whereby b salvation can come unto 21 And behold, when that time
the children of men, only in and cometh, none shall be found a blame-
through the name of Christ, the less before God, except it be little
Lord Omnipotent. children, only through repentance
18 For behold he judgeth, and and faith on the name of the Lord
his judgment is just; and the in- God Omnipotent.
fant perisheth not that dieth in 22 And even at this time, when
his infancy; but men drink a dam- thou shalt have taught thy people
nation to their own souls except the things which the Lord thy God
they humble themselves and b be- hath commanded thee, even then
14 a 2 Ne. 25:28; Alma 9:31. tg Jesus Christ, tg Enemies.
tg Stiffnecked. Atonement through. d tg Fall of Man.
b Josh. 1:8; 17 a Acts 4:12 (10–12); e 2 Chr. 30:8;
Mosiah 13:29 (29–32); 2 Ne. 31:21; Rom. 6:13 (12–14).
Alma 25:15 (15–16); Mosiah 4:8 (7–8); f Rom. 8:4 (1–9).
D&C 41:5 (4–5). 3 Ne. 9:17. tg Guidance, Divine.
c tg Law of Moses. b Matt. 7:14 (13–14). g Alma 19:6.
15 a tg Jesus Christ, Types tg Jesus Christ, Savior; h Col. 3:9; D&C 67:12.
of, in Anticipation; Salvation, Plan of. i Luke 22:32 (31–38).
Passover; Symbolism. c tg Jesus Christ, Lord. tg Man, New, Spiritually
b tg Hardheartedness. 18 a 1 Cor. 11:29. Reborn; Saints;
c Heb. 10:1; b Matt. 18:3. Spirituality.
Mosiah 12:31; c tg Salvation. j Matt. 18:3;
13:28 (27–32); d Mosiah 4:2; Hel. 5:9. 1 Pet. 2:2 (1–3);
Alma 25:16. 19 a Gen. 8:21; 3 Ne. 9:22.
d 2 Ne. 11:6. 1 Cor. 2:14 (11–14); k tg Self-Mastery;
e Lev. 4:20; 2 Pet. 2:12; Mosiah 16:3; Submissiveness.
Matt. 26:54 (51–56). Alma 41:11; Ether 3:2. 20 a D&C 3:16.
16 a tg Conceived in Sin. tg Man, Natural, Not b tg Jesus Christ, Savior.
b tg Salvation of Little Spiritually Reborn; c Mosiah 16:1.
Children. Worldliness. tg Missionary Work.
c Moro. 8:8 (8–9); b tg Mortality. 21 a Col. 1:22; D&C 4:2.
Moses 6:54 (54–56). c James 4:4. tg Accountability.
Mosiah 3 : 23–4 : 4 154
are they found no more blameless a remission of your sins through faith-
in the sight of God, only according fulness—Impart of your substance to
to the words which I have spoken the poor—Do all things in wisdom and
unto thee. order. About 124 b.c.
23 And now I have spoken the
words which the Lord God hath And now, it came to pass that when
king Benjamin had made an end
commanded me. of speaking the words which had
24 And thus saith the Lord: They been delivered unto him by the
shall stand as a bright testimony a
angel of the Lord, that he cast his
against this people, at the judgment eyes round about on the multitude,
day; whereof they shall be judged, and behold they had b fallen to the
every man according to his a works, earth, for the c fear of the Lord had
whether they be good, or whether
they be evil. come upon them.
25 And if they be evil they are 2 And they had a viewed themselves
in their own b carnal state, even c less
consigned to an awful a view of their than the dust of the earth. And they
own guilt and abominations, which all cried aloud with one voice, say-
doth cause them to shrink from the ing: O have mercy, and apply the
presence of the Lord into a state of atoning blood of Christ that we may
misery and c endless torment, from receive forgiveness of our sins, and
whence they can no more return; our hearts may be e purified; for we
therefore they have drunk damna- believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of
tion to their own souls. God, who f created heaven and earth,
26 Therefore, they have drunk out and all things; who shall come down
of the a cup of the wrath of God,
which justice could no more deny among the children of men.
unto them than it could deny that 3 And it came to pass that af-
Adam should fall because of his
b ter they had spoken these words
partaking of the forbidden c fruit; the Spirit of the Lord came upon
therefore, d mercy could have claim them, and they were filled with
on them no more forever. joy, having received a a remission
of their sins, and having peace of
27 And their a torment is as a b lake b
conscience, because of the exceed-
of fire and brimstone, whose flames
are unquenchable, and whose smoke ing c faith which they had in Jesus
ascendeth up c forever and ever. Christ who should come, according
Thus hath the Lord commanded to the d words which king Benjamin
had spoken unto them.
me. Amen. 4 And king Benjamin again opened
his mouth and began to speak
Chapter 4 unto them, saying: My friends and
King Benjamin continues his address— my brethren, my kindred and my
Salvation comes because of the Atonement people, I would again call your
—Believe in God to be saved—Retain attention, that ye may hear and
24 a tg Good Works. Alma 12:22 (21–23). tg Reverence.
25 a 2 Ne. 9:14, 46; d tg Mercy. 2 a tg Poor in Spirit.
Alma 5:18; 11:43; 27 a tg Hell. b Neh. 9:1 (1–3).
12:15 (14–15). b 2 Ne. 9:16; tg Carnal Mind.
b Rom. 3:16; Jacob 6:10; c Gen. 18:27.
Morm. 8:38. Alma 12:17; d Mosiah 3:18;
c tg Punish. D&C 76:36. Hel. 5:9.
26 a Ps. 75:8; c Mosiah 5:5. e tg Purification.
Jer. 25:15; 4 1 a 1 Chr. 21:18; f tg Jesus Christ, Creator.
Lam. 4:21. Mosiah 3:2. 3 a tg Remission of Sins.
b Morm. 9:12; b Neh. 8:9; b tg Conscience.
Moro. 8:8. Alma 19:17. c tg Faith.
c Gen. 3:6; c Jer. 36:16; d Neh. 8:12.
2 Ne. 2:15 (15–19); Heb. 12:28.
155 Mosiah 4 : 5 –13
man according to that which is and for silver, and for all the riches
his due. which we have of every kind?
14 And ye will not suffer your 20 And behold, even at this time,
children that they go hungry, or ye have been calling on his name,
naked; neither will ye b suffer that and begging for a a remission of your
they transgress the laws of God, and sins. And has he suffered that ye
fight and c quarrel one with another, have begged in vain? Nay; he has
and serve the devil, who is the mas- poured out his b Spirit upon you, and
ter of sin, or who is the d evil spirit has caused that your hearts should
which hath been spoken of by our be filled with c joy, and has caused
fathers, he being an enemy to all that your mouths should be stopped
righteousness. that ye could not find utterance,
15 But ye will a teach them to b walk so exceedingly great was your joy.
in the ways of truth and c soberness; 21 And now, if God, who has cre-
ye will teach them to d love one an- ated you, on whom you are depen-
other, and to serve one another. dent for your lives and for all that
16 And also, ye yourselves will ye have and are, doth grant unto
succor those that stand in need of you whatsoever ye ask that is right,
your succor; ye will administer in faith, believing that ye shall re-
of your substance unto him that ceive, O then, how ye ought to a im-
standeth in need; and ye will not part of the substance that ye have
suffer that the b beggar putteth up one to another.
his petition to you in vain, and turn 22 And if ye a judge the man who
him out to perish. putteth up his petition to you for
17 Perhaps thou shalt a say: The your substance that he perish not,
man has brought upon himself his and condemn him, how much more
misery; therefore I will stay my just will be your b condemnation for
hand, and will not give unto him withholding your substance, which
of my food, nor impart unto him of doth not belong to you but to God,
my substance that he may not suf- to whom also your life c belongeth;
fer, for his punishments are just— and yet ye put up no petition, nor
18 But I say unto you, O man, repent of the thing which thou
whosoever doeth this the same hath hast done.
great cause to repent; and except 23 I say unto you, wo be unto that
he repenteth of that which he hath man, for his substance shall perish
done he perisheth forever, and hath with him; and now, I say these things
no interest in the kingdom of God. unto those who are a rich as per-
19 For behold, are we not all a beg- taining to the things of this world.
gars? Do we not all depend upon 24 And again, I say unto the poor,
the same Being, even God, for all ye who have not and yet have suf-
the substance which we have, for ficient, that ye remain from day
both food and raiment, and for gold, to day; I mean all you who deny
14 a 1 Tim. 5:8; d 1 Sam. 18:1; 20 a Rom. 2:4 (1–4).
D&C 83:4. Mosiah 18:21. b tg God, Spirit of.
tg Marriage, tg Family, Love within. c tg Joy.
Fatherhood. 16 a Prov. 19:17. 21 a Dan. 4:27.
b Prov. 13:24. tg Charity; tg Generosity;
c tg Contention. Service; Welfare.
d 2 Ne. 32:8; Welfare. 22 a Matt. 7:2 (1–2);
Mosiah 2:32. b Prov. 21:13; John 7:24.
15 a Mosiah 1:2; Isa. 10:2; b 1 Jn. 3:17.
Moses 6:58 (58–63). Luke 3:11; c Mosiah 2:25.
tg Family, Children, D&C 38:16. 23 a Luke 21:1 (1–4);
Responsibilities toward. 17 a Prov. 17:5. D&C 56:16.
b tg Walking with God. 19 a Prov. 22:2;
c tg Sincere. 1 Cor. 4:7.
157 Mosiah 4 : 25–5 : 4
the beggar, because ye have not; I 30 But this much I can tell you, that
would that ye say in your hearts if ye do not a watch yourselves, and
that: I a give not because I b have not, your b thoughts, and your c words,
but if I had I would c give. and your deeds, and observe the com-
25 And now, if ye say this in your mandments of God, and d continue
hearts ye remain guiltless, other- in the faith of what ye have heard
wise ye are a condemned; and your concerning the coming of our Lord,
condemnation is just for ye covet even unto the end of your lives,
that which ye have not received. ye must perish. And now, O man,
26 And now, for the sake of these remember, and perish not.
things which I have spoken unto
you—that is, for the sake of retain- Chapter 5
ing a remission of your sins from The Saints become the sons and daugh-
day to day, that ye may a walk guilt- ters of Christ through faith—They are
less before God—I would that ye then called by the name of Christ—King
should b impart of your substance Benjamin exhorts them to be steadfast
to the c poor, every man accord-
ing to that which he hath, such as and immovable in good works. About
124 b.c.
feeding the hungry, clothing the
naked, visiting the sick and admin- And now, it came to pass that when
istering to their relief, both spiri- king Benjamin had thus spoken to
tually and temporally, according to his people, he sent among them,
their wants. desiring to know of his people if
27 And see that all these things are they a believed the words which he
done in wisdom and a order; for it had spoken unto them.
is not requisite that a man should 2 And they all cried with one voice,
run b faster than he has strength. saying: Yea, we believe all the words
And again, it is expedient that he which thou hast spoken unto us;
should be diligent, that thereby he and also, we know of their surety
might win the prize; therefore, all and truth, because of the Spirit of
things must be done in order. the Lord Omnipotent, which has
28 And I would that ye should wrought a mighty a change in us,
remember, that whosoever among or in our hearts, that we have no
you a borroweth of his neighbor more disposition to do b evil, but to
should return the thing that he do good continually.
borroweth, according as he doth 3 And we, ourselves, also, through
agree, or else thou shalt commit the infinite a goodness of God, and
sin; and perhaps thou shalt cause the manifestations of his Spirit,
thy neighbor to commit sin also. have great views of that which is
29 And finally, I cannot tell you all to come; and were it expedient, we
the things whereby ye may commit could prophesy of all things.
sin; for there are divers ways and 4 And it is the faith which we have
means, even so many that I cannot had on the things which our king
number them. has spoken unto us that has brought
24 a
Deut. 16:17. d Isa. 58:10 (9–11); b Matt. 5:28 (27–28);
b Acts 3:6 (5–7). Alma 4:12 (12–13); Mark 7:23 (15–23).
c Mark 12:44. 3 Ne. 12:42. c Matt. 15:18 (18–20).
25 a
D&C 56:17. 27 a tg Order. tg Gossip.
26 a
tg Walking with God. b Eccl. 9:11; d tg Steadfastness.
b Jacob 2:19 (17–19); Alma 1:26; 5 1 a 1 Ne. 11:4 (1–5).
Mosiah 21:17; D&C 10:4. 2 a Rom. 8:2 (1–4);
Alma 35:9. 28 a tg Borrow; Debt; Alma 5:14; 13:12.
c Job 29:12; Honesty. tg Man, New, Spiritually
Zech. 7:10; 30 a Deut. 4:9; Reborn.
Luke 18:22; Alma 1:27. Alma 12:14. b Alma 19:33.
tg Almsgiving. tg Watch. 3 a Ex. 34:6 (5–7).
Mosiah 5 : 5–15 158
may c seal you his, that you may be years from the a time that Lehi left
brought to heaven, that ye may have Jerusalem.
everlasting salvation and eternal 5 And king Benjamin lived three
life, through the wisdom, and power, years and he died.
and justice, and mercy of him who 6 And it came to pass that king
created all things, in heaven and Mosiah did a walk in the ways of the
in earth, who is God above all. Lord, and did observe his judgments
Amen. and his statutes, and did keep his
commandments in all things what-
Chapter 6 soever he commanded him.
7 And king Mosiah did cause his
King Benjamin records the names of people that they should till the
the people and appoints priests to teach earth. And he also, himself, did till
them—Mosiah reigns as a righteous the earth, that thereby he might a not
king. About 124–121 b.c. become burdensome to his people,
And now, king Benjamin thought that he might do according to that
it was expedient, after having fin- which his father had done in all
ished speaking to the people, that things. And there was no conten-
he should a take the names of all tion among all his people for the
those who had entered into a cov- space of three years.
enant with God to keep his com-
mandments. Chapter 7
2 And it came to pass that there Ammon finds the land of Lehi-Nephi,
was not one soul, except it were little where Limhi is king—Limhi’s people are
children, but who had entered into in bondage to the Lamanites—Limhi
the covenant and had taken upon recounts their history—A prophet (Abin-
them the name of Christ. adi) had testified that Christ is the God
3 And again, it came to pass that and Father of all things—Those who
when king Benjamin had made an sow filthiness reap the whirlwind, and
end of all these things, and had those who put their trust in the Lord
consecrated his son a Mosiah to be will be delivered. About 121 b.c.
a ruler and a king over his people,
and had given him all the charges And now, it came to pass that af-
concerning the kingdom, and also ter king Mosiah had had continual
had b appointed c priests to d teach peace for the space of three years,
the people, that thereby they might he was desirous to know concerning
hear and know the commandments the people who a went up to dwell
of God, and to stir them up in re- in the land of b Lehi-Nephi, or in
membrance of the e oath which they the city of Lehi-Nephi; for his peo-
had made, he dismissed the multi- ple had heard nothing from them
tude, and they returned, every one, from the time they left the land of
according to their f families, to their c
Zarahemla; therefore, they wearied
own houses. him with their teasings.
4 And Mosiah began to reign in 2 And it came to pass that king
his father’s stead. And he began to Mosiah granted that sixteen of their
reign in the thirtieth year of his strong men might go up to the land
age, making in the whole, about of Lehi-Nephi, to inquire concern-
four hundred and seventy-six ing their brethren.
15 c tg Election. Ordination. 4 a 1 Ne. 1:4; 2:4.
d Col. 1:16; c Mosiah 29:42. 6 a tg Walking with God.
Mosiah 4:2; d Alma 4:7. 7 a 2 Cor. 11:9.
Alma 11:39. e Mosiah 5:5 (5–7). 7 1 a
Omni 1:27 (27–30).
6 1 a D&C 128:8. f Num. 1:2; b 2 Ne. 5:8;
3 a Mosiah 1:10; 2:30. Ether 1:41; Mosiah 9:6.
b tg Priesthood, D&C 48:6. c Omni 1:13.
Mosiah 7 : 3–15 160
3 And it came to pass that on the 10 And now, a I desire to know the
morrow they started to go up, hav- cause whereby ye were so bold as
ing with them one a Ammon, he be- to come near the walls of the city,
ing a strong and mighty man, and when I, myself, was with my guards
a b descendant of Zarahemla; and without the b gate?
he was also their leader. 11 And now, for this cause have
4 And now, they knew not the I suffered that ye should be pre-
course they should travel in the served, that I might inquire of you,
wilderness to go up to the land of or else I should have caused that
Lehi-Nephi; therefore they wan- my guards should have put you to
dered many days in the wilderness, death. Ye are permitted to speak.
even a forty days did they wander. 12 And now, when Ammon saw
5 And when they had wandered that he was permitted to speak,
forty days they came to a a hill, which he went forth and a bowed himself
is north of the land of b Shilom, and before the king; and rising again
there they pitched their tents. he said: O king, I am very thankful
6 And a Ammon took three of his before God this day that I am yet
brethren, and their names were alive, and am permitted to speak;
Amaleki, Helem, and Hem, and and I will endeavor to speak with
they went down into the land of boldness;
Nephi. 13 For I am assured that if ye had
7 And behold, they met the king of known me ye would not have suf-
the people who were in the land of fered that I should have worn these
Nephi, and in the land of a Shilom; bands. For I am Ammon, and am
and they were surrounded by the a a descendant of Zarahemla, and
king’s guard, and were b taken, and have come up out of the b land of
were c bound, and were committed Zarahemla to inquire concerning
to d prison. our brethren, whom c Zeniff brought
8 And it came to pass when they up out of that land.
had been in prison two days they 14 And now, it came to pass that
were again brought before the king, after Limhi had heard the words of
and their bands were loosed; and Ammon, he was exceedingly a glad,
they stood before the king, and were and said: Now, I know of a surety
permitted, or rather a commanded, that my brethren who were in the
that they should answer the ques- land of Zarahemla are b yet alive.
tions which he should ask them. And now, I will rejoice; and on the
9 And he said unto them: Behold, morrow I will cause that my people
I am a Limhi, the son of Noah, who shall rejoice also.
was the son of Zeniff, who came 15 For behold, we are in bondage
up out of the b land of Zarahemla to the Lamanites, and are a taxed
to inherit this land, which was with a tax which is grievous to
the land of their fathers, who was be borne. And now, behold, our
made a c king by the d voice of the brethren will deliver us out of our
people. b
bondage, or out of the hands of the
3 a Mosiah 8:2. 28:1 (1, 5); 10 a Mosiah 21:23 (23–24).
b Omni 1:14. Alma 50:8 (8, 11). b Josh. 20:4.
4 a Num. 13:25 (17–25). 7 a Mosiah 22:8. 12 a Alma 47:22 (22–23).
5 a Mosiah 11:13. b Mosiah 21:21. 13 a Omni 1:14.
b Mosiah 9:14 (6, 8, 14); c Alma 17:20. b Omni 1:13.
11:12 (12–13); 22:11 (8, 11); d Mosiah 21:23 (22–24). c Mosiah 8:2; 9:1.
Alma 23:12. 8 a Alma 14:19. 14 a Mosiah 21:24.
6 a Mosiah 21:22, 26. 9 a Mosiah 11:1; 19:16. b Mosiah 21:25 (25–26).
b 2 Ne. 5:8; b Omni 1:13. 15 a Mosiah 19:15.
Omni 1:12 (12, 27); c tg Kings, Earthly. b tg Bondage, Physical.
Mosiah 9:1 (1, 3–4, 14); d Mosiah 19:26.
161 Mosiah 7 : 16–25
Lamanites, and we will be their 20 And again, that same God has
slaves; for it is better that we be brought our fathers a out of the land
slaves to the Nephites than to pay of Jerusalem, and has kept and pre-
tribute to the king of the Lamanites. served his people even until now;
16 And now, king Limhi command- and behold, it is b because of our in-
ed his guards that they should no iquities and abominations that he
more bind Ammon nor his brethren, has brought us into bondage.
but caused that they should go to 21 And ye all are witnesses this
the hill which was north of Shilom, day, that Zeniff, who was made king
and bring their brethren into the over this people, he being a over-
city, that thereby they might eat, zealous to inherit the land of his
and drink, and rest themselves from fathers, therefore being deceived by
the labors of their journey; for they the cunning and craftiness of king
had suffered many things; they had Laman, who having entered into a
suffered hunger, thirst, and fatigue. treaty with king Zeniff, and having
17 And now, it came to pass on yielded up into his hands the posses
the morrow that king Limhi sent a sions of a part of the land, or even
proclamation among all his people, the city of Lehi-Nephi, and the
that thereby they might gather city of Shilom; and the land round
themselves together to the a temple, about—
to hear the words which he should 22 And all this he did, for the sole
speak unto them. purpose of a bringing this people into
18 And it came to pass that when subjection or into bondage. And be-
they had gathered themselves to- hold, we at this time do pay b tribute
gether that he a spake unto them in to the king of the Lamanites, to the
this wise, saying: O ye, my people, amount of one half of our corn, and
lift up your heads and be comforted; our barley, and even all our grain
for behold, the time is at hand, or of every kind, and one half of the
is not far distant, when we shall no increase of our flocks and our herds;
longer be in subjection to our en- and even one half of all we have or
emies, notwithstanding our many possess the king of the Lamanites
strugglings, which have been in doth exact of us, or our lives.
vain; yet I trust there b remaineth 23 And now, is not this grievous
an effectual struggle to be made. to be borne? And is not this, our
19 Therefore, lift up your heads, affliction, great? Now behold, how
and rejoice, and put your a trust in great reason we have to a mourn.
God, in that God who was the God 24 Yea, I say unto you, great are the
of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; reasons which we have to a mourn;
and also, that God who c brought the for behold how many of our breth-
children of d Israel out of the land ren have been slain, and their blood
of Egypt, and caused that they has been spilt in vain, and all be-
should walk through the e Red Sea cause of iniquity.
on dry ground, and fed them with 25 For if this people had not fallen
manna that they might not perish into transgression the Lord would
in the wilderness; and many more not have suffered that this great evil
things did he do for them. should come upon them. But behold,
15 c
tg Slavery. Mosiah 12:34; 1 Ne. 17:28.
17 a
2 Ne. 5:16. Alma 36:28. 20 a 1 Ne. 2:2 (1–4).
18 a
Mosiah 8:1. d tg Israel, Origins of. b Deut. 28:15 (1–2, 15–68).
b Mosiah 22:1 (1–16). e Josh. 2:10; 21 a Mosiah 9:3 (1–3).
19 a
tg Trust in God. 1 Ne. 4:2; 17:26. 22 a Mosiah 9:10; 10:18.
b Ex. 3:6 (2–10); f Ex. 16:15, 35; b tg Tribute.
1 Ne. 19:10; Num. 11:7 (7–8); 23 a Prov. 29:2.
D&C 136:21. Josh. 5:12; 24 a Ezek. 24:23;
c Ex. 12:51; 1 Ne. 17:40; John 6:49; Hel. 9:22.
Mosiah 7 : 26–8 : 3 162
they would not hearken unto his people shall sow filthiness they
words; but there arose contentions shall reap the a east wind, which
among them, even so much that they bringeth immediate destruction.
did shed blood among themselves. 32 And now, behold, the promise
26 And a a prophet of the Lord have of the Lord is fulfilled, and ye are
they b slain; yea, a chosen man of God, smitten and afflicted.
who told them of their wickedness 33 But if ye will a turn to the Lord
and abominations, and prophesied with full purpose of heart, and put
of many things which are to come, your trust in him, and serve him
yea, even the coming of Christ. with all b diligence of mind, if ye do
27 And because he said unto them this, he will, according to his own
that Christ was the a God, the Father will and pleasure, deliver you out
of all things, and said that he should of bondage.
take upon him the b image of man,
and it should be the c image after Chapter 8
which man was created in the be- Ammon teaches the people of Limhi—
ginning; or in other words, he said He learns of the twenty-four Jaredite
that man was created after the im- plates—Ancient records can be trans-
age of d God, and that God should lated by seers—No gift is greater than
come down among the children of
men, and take upon him flesh and seership. About 121 b.c.
blood, and go forth upon the face And it came to pass that after king
of the earth— Limhi had made an end of a speak-
28 And now, because he said this, ing to his people, for he spake many
they did a put him to death; and things unto them and only a few of
many more things did they do them have I written in this book, he
which brought down the wrath of told his people all the things con-
God upon them. Therefore, who cerning their brethren who were
wondereth that they are in bond- in the land of Zarahemla.
age, and that they are smitten with 2 And he caused that Ammon
sore afflictions? should stand up before the multi-
29 For behold, the Lord hath said: tude, and rehearse unto them all
I will not a succor my people in the that had happened unto their breth-
day of their transgression; but I ren from the time that a Zeniff went
will hedge up their ways that they up out of the land even until the
prosper not; and their doings shall time that he b himself came up out
be as a b stumbling block before of the land.
them. 3 And he also rehearsed unto them
30 And again, he saith: If my people the last words which king Benjamin
shall sow a filthiness they shall b reap had a taught them, and explained
the c chaff thereof in the whirlwind; them to the people of king Limhi,
and the effect thereof is poison. so that they might understand all
31 And again he saith: If my the words which he spake.
26 a Mosiah 17:20 (12–20). 28 a Mosiah 17:13. Jer. 18:17;
b tg Prophets, 29 a Josh. 24:20; Ezek. 27:26;
Rejection of. 1 Sam. 12:15; Jonah 4:8;
27 a Isa. 9:6; 2 Chr. 24:20. Mosiah 12:6.
2 Ne. 26:12; b Jer. 6:21. 33 a Deut. 30:10;
Mosiah 27:31 (30–31). 30 a tg Filthiness. Lam. 5:21;
b tg God, Body of, b Hosea 8:7; Morm. 9:6;
Corporeal Nature. Gal. 6:8 (7–8); D&C 98:47.
c Gen. 1:26 (26–28); D&C 6:33. b tg Diligence.
Ether 3:15 (14–17); tg Harvest. 8 1 a Mosiah 7:18 (18–33).
D&C 20:18 (17–18). c Luke 3:17; 2 a Mosiah 7:13.
d Mosiah 13:34; 15:2 (1–7); 2 Ne. 15:24. b Mosiah 7:3.
Alma 7:9 (9–13). 31 a Gen. 41:23; 3 a Mosiah 2:9.
163 Mosiah 8 : 4 –16
4 And it came to pass that after he large, and they are of b brass and
had done all this, that king Limhi of copper, and are perfectly sound.
dismissed the multitude, and caused 11 And again, they have brought
that they should return every one swords, the hilts thereof have per-
unto his own house. ished, and the blades thereof were
5 And it came to pass that he caused cankered with rust; and there is no
that the a plates which contained the one in the land that is able to inter-
record of his people from the time pret the language or the engravings
that they left the c land of Zara that are on the plates. Therefore I
hemla, should be brought before said unto thee: Canst thou translate?
Ammon, that he might read them. 12 And I say unto thee again:
6 Now, as soon as Ammon had Knowest thou of any one that can
read the record, the king inquired translate? For I am desirous that
of him to know if he could a inter- these records should be translated
pret languages, and Ammon told into our language; for, perhaps,
him that he could not. they will give us a knowledge of a
7 And the king said unto him: remnant of the people who have
Being grieved for the afflictions of been destroyed, from whence these
my people, I caused that a forty and records came; or, perhaps, they will
three of my people should take a give us a knowledge of this very
journey into the wilderness, that people who have been destroyed;
thereby they might find the land and I am desirous to know the cause
of Zarahemla, that we might appeal of their destruction.
unto our brethren to deliver us out 13 Now Ammon said unto him: I
of bondage. can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a
8 And they were lost in the wilder- man that can a translate the records;
ness for the space of a many days, for he has wherewith that he can
yet they were diligent, and found look, and translate all records that
not the land of Zarahemla but re- are of ancient date; and it is a gift
turned to this land, having traveled from God. And the things are called
in a land among many waters, hav- b
interpreters, and no man can look
ing discovered a land which was in them except he be commanded,
covered with b bones of men, and of lest he should look for that he ought
beasts, and was also covered with not and he should perish. And who-
ruins of buildings of every kind, soever is commanded to look in
having discovered a land which them, the same is called c seer.
had been peopled with a people 14 And behold, the king of the peo-
who were as numerous as the hosts ple who are in the land of Zarahemla
of Israel. is the man that is commanded to
9 And for a testimony that the do these things, and who has this
things that they had said are true high gift from God.
they have brought a twenty-four 15 And the king said that a a seer
plates which are filled with en- is greater than a prophet.
gravings, and they are of pure gold. 16 And Ammon said that a seer is
10 And behold, also, they have a revelator and a prophet also; and
brought a breastplates, which are a gift which is greater can no man
5 a See Mosiah 9–22. Morm. 6:4. Omni 1:20 (20–22);
b Mosiah 9:1; 22:14. b Omni 1:22; Mosiah 28:17 (11–17).
c Omni 1:13. Mosiah 21:26 (26–27). b Ex. 28:30;
6 a 1 Cor. 12:10; 9 a Mosiah 21:27; 22:14. Mosiah 21:28 (27–28).
Mosiah 21:28. 10 a Ex. 25:7; tg Urim and Thummim.
7 a Mosiah 21:25. Ether 15:15. c tg Seer.
8 a Alma 50:29; b Ether 10:23. 15 a 1 Sam. 9:9;
Hel. 3:4 (3–4); 13 a Dan. 5:16; D&C 21:1.
Mosiah 8 : 17–9 : 5 164
city, in unto the king, that I might people that they should contend
know of the disposition of the king, with my people; therefore there be-
and that I might know if I might gan to be wars and contentions in
go in with my people and possess the land.
the land in peace. 14 For, in the thirteenth year of
6 And I went in unto the king, and my reign in the land of Nephi,
he covenanted with me that I might away on the south of the land of
possess the a land of Lehi-Nephi, and a
Shilom, when my people were wa-
the land of Shilom. tering and b feeding their flocks,
7 And he also commanded that and tilling their lands, a numer-
his people should depart out of the ous host of Lamanites came upon
land, and I and my people went into them and began to slay them, and
the land that we might possess it. to take off their flocks, and the corn
8 And we began to build build- of their fields.
ings, and to repair the walls of 15 Yea, and it came to pass that
the city, yea, even the walls of the they fled, all that were not over-
city of Lehi-Nephi, and the city of taken, even into the city of Nephi,
Shilom. and did call upon me for protection.
9 And we began to till the ground, 16 And it came to pass that I did
yea, even with all manner of a seeds, arm them with bows, and with ar-
with seeds of corn, and of wheat, rows, with swords, and with cime-
and of barley, and with neas, and ters, and with clubs, and with slings,
with sheum, and with seeds of all and with all manner of weapons
manner of fruits; and we did be- which we could invent, and I and
gin to multiply and prosper in the my people did go forth against the
land. Lamanites to battle.
10 Now it was the cunning and 17 Yea, in the a strength of the Lord
the craftiness of king a Laman, to did we go forth to battle against
bring my people into bondage, the Lamanites; for I and my peo-
that he yielded up the land that ple did cry mightily to the Lord
we might possess it. that he would b deliver us out of the
11 Therefore it came to pass, that hands of our enemies, for we were
after we had dwelt in the land for awakened to a remembrance of the
the space of twelve years that king deliverance of our fathers.
Laman began to grow uneasy, lest 18 And God did a hear our cries
by any means my people should and did answer our prayers; and we
wax strong in the land, and that did go forth in his might; yea, we did
they could not overpower them and go forth against the Lamanites, and
bring them into bondage. in one day and a night we did slay
12 Now they were a a lazy and an three thousand and forty-three; we
idolatrous people; therefore they did slay them even until we had
were desirous to bring us into bond- driven them out of our land.
age, that they might glut themselves 19 And I, myself, with mine own
with the labors of our hands; yea, hands, did help to bury their dead.
that they might feast themselves And behold, to our great sorrow
upon the flocks of our fields. and lamentation, two hundred and
13 Therefore it came to pass that seventy-nine of our brethren were
king Laman began to stir up his slain.
6 a 2 Ne. 5:8; 12 a tg Laziness. b Josh. 21:44;
Mosiah 7:1 (1–4, 21). b Enos 1:20. Alma 46:7.
9 a 1 Ne. 8:1; Enos 1:21; tg Idolatry. 18 a Ex. 2:24 (23–24);
Mosiah 10:4. 14 a Mosiah 7:5; Ps. 4:1 (1, 3);
10 a Mosiah 24:3. 11:12 (12–13). Dan. 10:12;
b Mosiah 7:22; 10:18. b Mosiah 10:21. D&C 35:3;
11 a Ex. 1:9 (9–10). 17 a tg Strength. Abr. 1:15 (15–16).
Mosiah 10 : 1–13 166
and a fifth part of their b ziff, and apart for the a high priests, which
of their copper, and of their brass were above all the other seats, he
and their iron; and a fifth part of did ornament with pure gold; and
their fatlings; and also a fifth part he caused a breastwork to be built
of all their grain. before them, that they might rest
4 And all this did he take to a sup- their bodies and their arms upon
port himself, and his wives and his while they should speak lying and
concubines; and also his priests, vain words to his people.
and their wives and their concu- 12 And it came to pass that he
bines; thus he had changed the af- built a a tower near the temple; yea,
fairs of the kingdom. a very high tower, even so high that
5 For he put down all the priests he could stand upon the top thereof
that had been consecrated by his and overlook the land of b Shilom,
father, and consecrated new a ones and also the land of c Shemlon, which
in their stead, such as were lifted was possessed by the Lamanites;
up in the pride of their hearts. and he could even look over all the
6 Yea, and thus they were sup- land round about.
ported in their laziness, and in their 13 And it came to pass that he
idolatry, and in their whoredoms, caused many buildings to be built
by the taxes which king Noah had in the land Shilom; and he caused a
put upon his people; thus did the great tower to be built on the a hill
people labor exceedingly to sup- north of the land Shilom, which
port iniquity. had been a resort for the children
7 Yea, and they also became idola of Nephi at the time they b fled out
trous, because they were deceived of the land; and thus he did do with
by the vain and flattering words of the riches which he obtained by the
the king and priests; for they did taxation of his people.
speak flattering things unto them. 14 And it came to pass that he
8 And it came to pass that king placed his heart upon his riches,
Noah built many elegant and spa- and he spent his time in a riotous
cious buildings; and he ornamented living with his wives and his con-
them with fine work of wood, and cubines; and so did also his priests
of all manner of a precious things, of spend their time with harlots.
gold, and of silver, and of iron, and 15 And it came to pass that he
of brass, and of ziff, and of copper; planted vineyards round about in
9 And he also built him a spacious the land; and he built wine-presses,
palace, and a throne in the midst and made a wine in abundance; and
thereof, all of which was of fine wood therefore he became a wine-bibber,
and was ornamented with gold and and also his people.
silver and with precious things. 16 And it came to pass that the La-
10 And he also caused that his manites began to come in upon his
workmen should work all manner people, upon small numbers, and to
of fine work within the walls of slay them in their fields, and while
the a temple, of fine wood, and of they were tending their flocks.
copper, and of brass. 17 And king Noah sent guards
11 And the seats which were set round about the land to keep them
3 b heb related words: 12:25 (17, 25). 22:11 (8, 11).
adjective, “shining”; 8 a Esth. 1:4. c Mosiah 10:7.
verb, “to overlay or plate 10 a 2 Ne. 5:16. 13 a Mosiah 7:5.
with metal.” 11 a Mosiah 11:5 (5, 14); b Omni 1:12 (12–13).
4 a Prov. 29:3. 12:17. 14 a tg Rioting and
b tg Concubine. 12 a Gen. 35:21; Reveling.
5 a 1 Kgs. 12:31; Mosiah 2:7 (7–8); 15 a tg Drunkenness;
2 Chr. 11:14 (13–14); 19:5 (5–6). Wine.
Mosiah 11:11; b Mosiah 9:14 (6, 8, 14);
169 Mosiah 11 : 18–29
off; but he did not send a sufficient they shall a know that I am the Lord
number, and the Lamanites came their God, and am a b jealous God,
upon them and killed them, and visiting the iniquities of my people.
drove many of their flocks out of 23 And it shall come to pass that
the land; thus the Lamanites began except this people repent and turn
to destroy them, and to exercise unto the Lord their God, they shall
their hatred upon them. be brought into bondage; and none
18 And it came to pass that king shall a deliver them, except it be the
Noah sent his armies against them, Lord the Almighty God.
and they were driven back, or they 24 Yea, and it shall come to pass
drove them back for a time; there- that when they shall a cry unto me
fore, they returned rejoicing in I will be b slow to hear their cries;
their spoil. yea, and I will suffer them that they
19 And now, because of this great be smitten by their enemies.
victory they were lifted up in the 25 And except they repent in a sack-
pride of their hearts; they did a boast cloth and ashes, and cry mightily to
in their own strength, saying that the Lord their God, I will not b hear
their fifty could stand against thou- their prayers, neither will I deliver
sands of the Lamanites; and thus them out of their afflictions; and
they did boast, and did delight thus saith the Lord, and thus hath
in blood, and the shedding of the he commanded me.
blood of their brethren, and this 26 Now it came to pass that when
because of the wickedness of their Abinadi had spoken these words
king and priests. unto them they were wroth with
20 And it came to pass that there him, and sought to take away his
was a man among them whose name life; but the Lord a delivered him
was a Abinadi; and he went forth out of their hands.
among them, and began to proph- 27 Now when king Noah had heard
esy, saying: Behold, thus saith the of the words which Abinadi had
Lord, and thus hath he commanded spoken unto the people, he was also
me, saying, Go forth, and say unto wroth; and he said: a Who is Abin-
this people, thus saith the Lord— adi, that I and my people should be
Wo be unto this people, for I have judged of him, or b who is the Lord,
seen their abominations, and their that shall bring upon my people
wickedness, and their whoredoms; such great affliction?
and except they repent I will b visit 28 I command you to bring Abinadi
them in mine anger. hither, that I may slay him, for he
21 And except they repent and has said these things that he might
turn to the Lord their God, behold, a
stir up my people to anger one
I will deliver them into the hands with another, and to raise conten-
of their enemies; yea, and they shall tions among my people; therefore
be brought into a bondage; and they I will slay him.
shall be afflicted by the hand of 29 Now the eyes of the people were
their enemies. a
blinded; therefore they b hardened
22 And it shall come to pass that their hearts against the words of
19 a Amos 6:13; D&C 43:25. b Isa. 1:15 (15–17); 59:2.
D&C 3:4. b Ex. 20:5; 26 a tg Prophets, Rejection
tg Boast. Deut. 6:15; 32:21; of; Protection, Divine.
20 a See accounts of Abinadi Mosiah 13:13. 27 a Alma 9:6 (5–6).
in Mosiah 11–17. 23 a Hosea 13:10 (4, 10). b Ex. 5:2;
b tg Punish; Reproof. 24 a Micah 3:4. Mosiah 12:13.
21 a Mosiah 12:2; b Ps. 10:1; 28 a tg Provoking.
D&C 101:79. Jer. 2:27; 29 a 1 Kgs. 15:26 (26–34).
22 a Ezek. 26:6; Mosiah 21:15. tg Spiritual Blindness.
1 Ne. 21:26 (25–26); 25 a tg Sackcloth. b tg Hardheartedness.
Mosiah 12 : 1–11 170
Abinadi, and they sought from that 4 And it shall come to pass that
time forward to take him. And king I will smite this my people with
Noah hardened his heart against sore afflictions, yea, with famine
the word of the Lord, and he did and with a pestilence; and I will
not repent of his evil doings. cause that they shall b howl all the
day long.
Chapter 12 5 Yea, and I will cause that they
Abinadi is imprisoned for prophesying shall have a burdens lashed upon
the destruction of the people and the their backs; and they shall be driven
death of King Noah—The false priests before like a dumb ass.
quote the scriptures and pretend to keep 6 And it shall come to pass that I
the law of Moses—Abinadi begins to will send forth a hail among them,
and it shall smite them; and they
teach them the Ten Commandments. shall also be smitten with the b east
About 148 b.c. wind; and c insects shall pester their
And it came to pass that after the land also, and devour their grain.
space of two years that Abinadi came 7 And they shall be smitten with a
among them in disguise, that they great pestilence—and all this will I
knew him not, and began to a proph- do because of their a iniquities and
esy among them, saying: Thus has abominations.
the Lord commanded me, saying— 8 And it shall come to pass that
Abinadi, go and prophesy unto this except they repent I will utterly a de-
my people, for they have hardened stroy them from off the face of the
their hearts against my words; they earth; yet they shall leave a b record
have repented not of their evil do- behind them, and I will preserve
ings; therefore, I will b visit them in them for other nations which shall
my anger, yea, in my fierce anger possess the land; yea, even this will
will I visit them in their iniquities I do that I may discover the abomi-
and abominations. nations of this people to other na-
2 Yea, wo be unto this generation! tions. And many things did Abinadi
And the Lord said unto me: Stretch prophesy against this people.
forth thy hand and prophesy, saying: 9 And it came to pass that they
Thus saith the Lord, it shall come to were angry with him; and they took
pass that this generation, because him and carried him bound before
of their iniquities, shall be brought the king, and said unto the king:
into a bondage, and shall be smit- Behold, we have brought a man be-
ten on the b cheek; yea, and shall be fore thee who has prophesied evil
driven by men, and shall be slain; concerning thy people, and saith
and the vultures of the air, and the that God will destroy them.
dogs, yea, and the wild beasts, shall 10 And he also prophesieth evil
devour their c flesh. concerning thy a life, and saith that
3 And it shall come to pass that the thy life shall be as a garment in a
life of king Noah shall be valued furnace of fire.
even as a garment in a hot b furnace; 11 And again, he saith that thou
for he shall know that I am the Lord. shalt be as a stalk, even as a dry stalk
12 1 a tg Missionary Work. b Mosiah 19:20. Mosiah 7:31.
b Isa. 65:6 (6–7, 11); 4 a Luke 21:11 (10–13); c Ex. 10:4 (1–12).
Jer. 9:9. 2 Ne. 6:15; 7 a D&C 3:18.
2 a 1 Kgs. 8:46; D&C 97:26 (22–26). 8 a Gen. 6:13;
Mosiah 11:21; 20:21. b Mosiah 21:9 (1–15). Isa. 42:14 (14–15);
b Lam. 3:30; 5 a Mosiah 21:3. 2 Ne. 26:10 (10–11);
Mosiah 21:3 (3–4, 13). 6 a Ex. 9:18 (13–35); Alma 45:11 (9–14).
c Deut. 28:26. Ezek. 13:13. b Morm. 8:14 (14–16).
3 a Amos 7:11 (10–11); b Jer. 18:17; 10 a Amos 7:11 (10–11);
Mosiah 12:10 (10–12). Ezek. 27:26; Mosiah 12:3.
171 Mosiah 12 : 12–29
of the field, which is run over by ment; for he did b withstand them
the beasts and trodden under foot. in all their questions, and did
12 And again, he saith thou shalt confound them in all their words.
be as the blossoms of a thistle, 20 And it came to pass that one of
which, when it is fully ripe, if the them said unto him: a What meaneth
wind bloweth, it is driven forth the words which are written, and
upon the face of the land. And he which have been taught by our
pretendeth the Lord hath spoken fathers, saying:
it. And he saith all this shall come 21 a How beautiful upon the moun-
upon thee except thou repent, and tains are the feet of him b that
this because of thine iniquities. bringeth good tidings; that pub-
13 And now, O king, what great lisheth peace; that bringeth good
evil hast thou done, or what great tidings of good; that publisheth
sins have thy people committed, salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy
that we should be a condemned of God reigneth;
God or judged of this man? 22 a Thy watchmen shall lift up
14 And now, O king, behold, we the voice; with the voice together
are a guiltless, and thou, O king, hast shall they sing; for they shall see
not sinned; therefore, this man has eye to eye when the Lord shall bring
lied concerning you, and he has again Zion;
prophesied in vain. 23 Break forth into joy; sing to-
15 And behold, we are strong, we gether ye waste places of Jerusalem;
shall not come into bondage, or be for the Lord hath comforted his peo-
taken captive by our enemies; yea, ple, he hath redeemed Jerusalem;
and thou hast prospered in the 24 The Lord hath made bare his
land, and thou shalt also prosper. holy a arm in the eyes of all the na-
16 Behold, here is the man, we de- tions, and all the ends of the earth
liver him into thy hands; thou mayest shall see the salvation of our God?
do with him as seemeth thee good. 25 And now Abinadi said unto
17 And it came to pass that king them: Are you a priests, and pretend
Noah caused that Abinadi should to teach this people, and to under-
be cast into prison; and he com- stand the spirit of prophesying, and
manded that the a priests should yet desire to know of me what these
gather themselves together that things mean?
he might hold a council with them 26 I say unto you, wo be unto you
what he should do with him. for perverting the ways of the Lord!
18 And it came to pass that they For if ye understand these things
said unto the king: Bring him hither ye have not taught them; there-
that we may question him; and the fore, ye have perverted the ways
king commanded that he should be of the Lord.
brought before them. 27 Ye have not applied your a hearts
19 And they began to question to b understanding; therefore, ye
him, that they might cross him, that have not been wise. Therefore, what
thereby they might have wherewith teach ye this people?
to a accuse him; but he answered 28 And they said: We teach the
them boldly, and withstood all their law of Moses.
questions, yea, to their astonish- 29 And again he said unto them:
13 a Mosiah 11:27. 20 a Mosiah 13:3. Omni 1:13.
14 a Jer. 2:35; 21 a Isa. 52:7 (7–10); 25 a John 3:10 (7–10);
Alma 21:6. Nahum 1:15. Mosiah 11:5.
b Hel. 13:26 (24–28). b Mosiah 15:14; 27 a Prov. 8:5;
17 a Mosiah 11:11. 27:37 (36–37). Mosiah 2:9.
19 a John 8:6. 22 a Mosiah 15:29. b tg Understanding.
b D&C 100:5 (5–6). 24 a Isa. 33:2;
Mosiah 12 : 30–13 : 7 172
slay me, therefore I finish my a mes- 17 Six days shalt thou labor, and
sage. Yea, and I perceive that it do all thy work;
cuts you to your hearts because I 18 But the seventh day, the sab-
tell you the truth concerning your bath of the Lord thy God, thou
iniquities. shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy
8 Yea, and my words fill you with son, nor thy daughter, thy man-
wonder and amazement, and with servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor
anger. thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
9 But I finish my message; and within thy gates;
then it a matters not whither I go, 19 For in a six days the Lord made
if it so be that I am saved. heaven and earth, and the sea, and
10 But this much I tell you, what all that in them is; wherefore the
you a do with me, after this, shall be Lord blessed the sabbath day, and
as a b type and a shadow of things hallowed it.
which are to come. 20 a Honor thy b father and thy
11 And now I read unto you the mother, that thy days may be long
remainder of the a commandments upon the land which the Lord thy
of God, for I perceive that they are God giveth thee.
not written in your hearts; I perceive 21 Thou shalt not a kill.
that ye have studied and taught b in- 22 Thou shalt not commit a adul-
iquity the most part of your lives. tery. Thou shalt not b steal.
12 And now, ye remember that 23 Thou shalt not bear a false wit-
I a said unto you: Thou shalt not ness against thy neighbor.
make unto thee any graven image, 24 Thou shalt not a covet thy neigh-
or any likeness of things which are bor’s house, thou shalt not covet
in heaven above, or which are in the thy neighbor’s wife, nor his man-
earth beneath, or which are in servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his
the water under the earth. ox, nor his ass, nor anything that
13 And again: Thou shalt not a bow is thy neighbor’s.
down thyself unto them, nor serve 25 And it came to pass that after
them; for I the Lord thy God am a Abinadi had made an end of these
jealous God, visiting the iniquities sayings that he said unto them: Have
of the fathers upon the children, ye a taught this people that they
unto the third and fourth genera- should observe to do all these things
tions of them that hate me; for to keep these commandments?
14 And showing mercy unto thou- 26 I say unto you, Nay; for if ye
sands of them that love me and keep had, the Lord would not have caused
my commandments. me to come forth and to prophesy
15 Thou shalt not take the name evil concerning this people.
of the Lord thy God in vain; for the 27 And now ye have said that sal-
Lord will not hold him a guiltless vation cometh by the law of Moses.
that taketh his name in vain. I say unto you that it is expedient
16 Remember the a sabbath day, to that ye should a keep the law of
keep it holy. Moses as yet; but I say unto you,
7 a Prov. 15:10; 15 a Ex. 20:7; Deut. 5:17;
1 Ne. 16:2 (1–3); Morm. 7:7; Matt. 5:21 (21–37);
2 Ne. 9:40. D&C 58:30. 3 Ne. 12:21 (21–37);
9 a Dan. 3:16 (16–18). 16 a Mosiah 18:23. D&C 42:18.
10 a Alma 25:10. tg Sabbath. 22 a tg Adulterer.
b Jer. 26:14; 19 a Gen. 1:31; b tg Stealing.
Mosiah 17:18 (13–19). Ex. 20:11. 23 a Prov. 24:28.
11 a Ex. 20:1 (1–17). 20 a tg Honoring Father and 24 a tg Covet.
b Micah 2:1 (1–2). Mother. 25 a Mosiah 12:37.
12 a Mosiah 12:36. b Prov. 20:20. 27 a 2 Ne. 25:24.
13 a Ex. 20:5. 21 a Ex. 20:13;
Mosiah 13 : 28–14 : 4 174
that the time shall come when it began—have they not spoken more
shall b no more be expedient to keep or less concerning these things?
the law of Moses. 34 Have they not said that a God
28 And moreover, I say unto you, himself should come down among
that a salvation doth not come by the children of men, and take upon
the b law alone; and were it not for him the form of man, and go forth
the c atonement, which God himself in mighty power upon the face of
shall make for the sins and iniqui- the earth?
ties of his people, that they must 35 Yea, and have they not said also
unavoidably perish, notwithstand- that he should bring to pass the
ing the law of Moses. a
resurrection of the dead, and that
29 And now I say unto you that he, himself, should be oppressed
it was expedient that there should and afflicted?
be a law given to the children of
Israel, yea, even a very a strict law; Chapter 14
for they were a stiffnecked people,
quick to do iniquity, and slow to Isaiah speaks messianically—The
remember the Lord their God; Messiah’s humiliation and sufferings
30 Therefore there was a a law given are set forth—He makes His soul an
them, yea, a law of performances offering for sin and makes intercession
and of b ordinances, a law which they for transgressors—Compare Isaiah 53.
were to c observe strictly from day to About 148 b.c.
day, to keep them in remembrance Yea, even doth not Isaiah say: Who
of God and their duty towards him. hath a believed our report, and to
31 But behold, I say unto you, whom is the arm of the Lord re-
that all these things were a types of vealed?
things to come. 2 For he shall grow up before him
32 And now, did they a understand as a tender plant, and as a root out
the law? I say unto you, Nay, they of dry ground; he hath no form
did not all understand the law; nor comeliness; and when we shall
and this because of the hardness see him there is no beauty that we
of their hearts; for they understood should desire him.
not that there could not any man 3 He is a despised and rejected of
be saved b except it were through men; a man of sorrows, and ac-
the redemption of God. quainted with grief; and we hid as
33 For behold, did not Moses pro it were our faces from him; he was
phesy unto them concerning the despised, and we esteemed him not.
coming of the Messiah, and that 4 Surely he has a borne our b griefs,
God should redeem his people? Yea, and carried our sorrows; yet we did
and even a all the prophets who have esteem him stricken, smitten of God,
prophesied ever since the world and afflicted.
27 b 3 Ne. 9:19 (19–20); Mosiah 3:14 (14–15); 33 a 1 Pet. 1:11; 1 Ne. 10:5;
15:4 (2–10). Alma 25:15 (15–16); Jacob 4:4; 7:11 (11–12);
28 a Gal. 2:16; D&C 41:5 (4–5). Alma 25:16 (10–16);
Mosiah 12:31; b 1 Ne. 17:45; 30:44.
Alma 25:16. Alma 46:8. tg Jesus Christ,
tg Redemption; 30 a Rom. 7:1 (1–3). Prophecies about.
Salvation, Plan of. b tg Ordinance. 34 a Mosiah 7:27; 15:1; 17:8;
b Rom. 7:4 (4–25); c 2 Ne. 25:24; Jacob 4:5. Alma 10:21.
Gal. 2:21; 3:2; 31 a Mosiah 16:14; tg Jesus Christ,
Heb. 10:1; 2 Ne. 2:5; Alma 25:15 (15–16). Jehovah.
Mosiah 3:15 (14–15). tg Jesus Christ, Types 35 a Isa. 26:19; 2 Ne. 2:8.
c tg Jesus Christ, of, in Anticipation; 14 1 a Isa. 53:1 (1–12).
Atonement through. Symbolism. 3 a Ps. 22:6; 1 Ne. 19:14.
29 a Josh. 1:8; 32 a Ps. 111:10. 4 a Alma 7:11.
Heb. 9:10 (8–10); b 2 Ne. 25:23 (23–25). b Matt. 8:17.
175 Mosiah 14 : 5 –15 : 3
5 But he was a wounded for our servant justify many; for he shall
transgressions, he was bruised for
bear their iniquities.
4 And they are a one God, yea, the 10 And now I say unto you, who
very b Eternal c Father of heaven and shall declare his a generation? Be-
of earth. hold, I say unto you, that when his
5 And thus the flesh becoming soul has been made an offering
subject to the Spirit, or the Son to for b sin he shall see his c seed. And
the Father, being one God, a suffer- now what say ye? And who shall
eth temptation, and yieldeth not to be his seed?
the temptation, but suffereth him- 11 Behold I say unto you, that
self to be mocked, and b scourged, whosoever has heard the words
and cast out, and disowned by his of the a prophets, yea, all the holy
people. prophets who have prophesied con-
6 And after all this, after working cerning the coming of the Lord—I
many mighty miracles among the say unto you, that all those who have
children of men, he shall be led, hearkened unto their words, and be-
yea, even a as Isaiah said, as a sheep lieved that the Lord would redeem
before the shearer is dumb, so he his people, and have looked forward
opened not his mouth. to that day for a remission of their
7 Yea, even so he shall be led, a cru- sins, I say unto you, that these are
cified, and slain, the b flesh becom- his seed, or they are the heirs of
ing subject even unto death, the the b kingdom of God.
will of the Son being swallowed 12 For these are they whose sins
up in the will of the Father. a
he has borne; these are they for
8 And thus God breaketh the whom he has died, to redeem them
bands of death, having gained the from their transgressions. And now,
victory over death; giving the Son are they not his seed?
power to make c intercession for the 13 Yea, and are not the a proph-
children of men— ets, every one that has opened his
9 Having ascended into heaven, mouth to prophesy, that has not
having the bowels of mercy; being fallen into transgression, I mean
filled with compassion towards the all the holy prophets ever since the
children of men; standing betwixt world began? I say unto you that
them and justice; having broken they are his seed.
the bands of death, taken upon 14 And these are a they who have
himself their iniquity and their published peace, who have brought
transgressions, having redeemed good b tidings of good, who have
them, and b satisfied the demands of c
published salvation; and said unto
justice. Zion: Thy God reigneth!
4 a Deut. 6:4. 7 a tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 5:7; 27:25;
tg Godhead. Crucifixion of. Moro. 7:19.
b Alma 11:39. b Isa. 53:10. tg God the Father,
c Mosiah 3:8; c Luke 22:42; Jehovah.
Hel. 14:12; John 6:38; 11 a Luke 10:16;
3 Ne. 9:15; 3 Ne. 11:11. D&C 84:36 (36–38).
Ether 4:7. 8 a Alma 5:7. b tg Kingdom of God, in
5 a Luke 4:2; b Hosea 13:14; Heaven; Kingdom of
Heb. 4:15. 1 Cor. 15:57 (55–57); God, on Earth.
tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 16:7. 12 a Mosiah 14:12;
Temptation of. c 2 Ne. 2:9; Alma 7:13; 11:40 (40–41).
b John 19:1. Mosiah 14:12; 13 a Zech. 7:12;
c Matt. 21:42; Moro. 7:28 (27–28). Matt. 11:13;
Mark 8:31; 9 a Mosiah 14:5 (5–12). 1 Ne. 3:20.
Luke 17:25; 23:38. tg Self-Sacrifice. tg Sons and Daughters
6 a Isa. 53:7. b tg Jesus Christ, of God.
b Luke 23:9; Mission of. 14 a Mosiah 12:21 (21–24);
John 19:9 (9–10); 10 a Isa. 53:8. 27:37.
Mosiah 14:7. b Lev. 6:25 (25–26). b Isa. 52:7.
tg Jesus Christ, Trials of. c Isa. 53:10; c tg Missionary Work.
177 Mosiah 15 : 15–29
15 And O how beautiful upon the God who has redeemed them; thus
mountains were their feet! they have eternal life through
16 And again, how beautiful upon Christ, who has b broken the bands
the mountains are the feet of those of death.
that are still publishing peace! 24 And these are those who have
17 And again, how beautiful upon part in the first resurrection; and
the mountains are the feet of those these are they that have died before
who shall hereafter publish peace, Christ came, in their ignorance, not
yea, from this time henceforth and having a salvation declared unto
forever! them. And thus the Lord bringeth
18 And behold, I say unto you, about the restoration of these; and
this is not all. For O how beautiful they have a part in the first resur-
upon the mountains are the a feet rection, or have eternal life, being
of him that bringeth good tidings, redeemed by the Lord.
that is the founder of b peace, yea, 25 And little a children also have
even the Lord, who has redeemed eternal life.
his people; yea, him who has granted 26 But behold, and a fear, and
salvation unto his people; tremble before God, for ye ought
19 For were it not for the redemp- to tremble; for the Lord redeemeth
tion which he hath made for his none such that b rebel against him
people, which was prepared from and c die in their sins; yea, even all
the a foundation of the world, I say those that have perished in their
unto you, were it not for this, all sins ever since the world began,
mankind must have b perished. that have wilfully rebelled against
20 But behold, the bands of God, that have known the command-
death shall be broken, and the ments of God, and would not keep
Son reigneth, and hath power over them; d these are they that have e no
the dead; therefore, he bringeth to part in the first f resurrection.
pass the resurrection of the dead. 27 Therefore ought ye not to trem-
21 And there cometh a resurrec- ble? For salvation cometh to none
tion, even a a first resurrection; yea, such; for the Lord hath redeemed
even a resurrection of those that none such; yea, neither can the
have been, and who are, and who Lord redeem such; for he cannot
shall be, even until the resurrection deny himself; for he cannot deny
of Christ—for so shall he be called. a
justice when it has its claim.
22 And now, the resurrection of 28 And now I say unto you that
all the prophets, and all those that the time shall come that the a salva-
have believed in their words, or all tion of the Lord shall be declared to
those that have kept the command- every nation, kindred, tongue, and
ments of God, shall come forth in people.
the first resurrection; therefore, they 29 Yea, Lord, a thy b watchmen
are the first resurrection. shall lift up their voice; with the
23 They are raised to a dwell with voice together shall they sing; for
18 a Nahum 1:15; D&C 76:62 (50–70). c Ezek. 18:26;
3 Ne. 20:40; b tg Death, Power over. 1 Ne. 15:33 (32–33);
D&C 128:19. 24 a 2 Ne. 9:26 (25–26); Moro. 10:26.
b Micah 5:5 (4–7); D&C 137:7. d Alma 40:19.
John 16:33. 25 a D&C 29:46; 137:10. e D&C 76:85.
tg Peace of God. tg Salvation of Little f tg Telestial Glory.
19 a Mosiah 4:6. Children. 27 a Alma 12:32;
b 2 Ne. 9:7 (6–13). 26 a Deut. 5:29; 34:16 (15–16); 42:1.
21 a Jacob 4:11; Jacob 6:9; 7:19. 28 a Ps. 67:2 (1–2).
Alma 40:16 (16–21). b Josh. 22:16; tg Missionary Work.
tg Firstfruits. Job 24:13; 29 a Isa. 52:8 (8–10);
23 a Ps. 15:1 (1–5); 24:3 (3–4); Ps. 5:10; Mosiah 12:22 (22–24).
1 Ne. 15:33 (33–36); 1 Ne. 2:23 (21–24). b tg Watchman.
Mosiah 15 : 30–16 : 9 178
that can never be darkened; yea, fire—He prophesies disease and death by
and also a life which is endless, fire upon his murderers. About 148 b.c.
that there can be no more death.
10 Even this mortal shall put on And now it came to pass that when
Abinadi had finished these sayings,
immortality, and this b corruption that the king commanded that the
shall put on incorruption, and shall a
priests should take him and cause
be brought to c stand before the bar that he should be put to b death.
of God, to be judged of him accord-
ing to their works whether they be 2 But there was one among them
good or whether they be evil— whose name was a Alma, he also be-
ing a descendant of Nephi. And he
11 If they be good, to the resur- was a young man, and he b believed
rection of a endless life and b hap- the words which Abinadi had spo-
piness; and if they be evil, to the
resurrection of c endless damnation, ken, for he knew concerning the
being delivered up to the devil, iniquity which Abinadi had tes-
who hath subjected them, which tified against them; therefore he
is damnation— began to plead with the king that
he would not be angry with Abin-
12 Having gone according to their adi, but suffer that he might depart
own carnal wills and desires; hav- in peace.
ing never called upon the Lord
while the arms of mercy were ex- 3 But the king was more wroth,
tended towards them; for the arms and caused that Alma should be cast
out from among them, and sent his
of mercy were extended towards servants after him that they might
them, and they would a not; they
being warned of their iniquities slay him.
and yet they would not depart from 4 But he fled from before them
them; and they were commanded and a hid himself that they found
him not. And he being concealed
to repent and yet they would for many days did b write all the
not repent.
13 And now, ought ye not to trem- words which Abinadi had spoken.
ble and repent of your sins, and re- 5 And it came to pass that the king
member that only in and through caused that his guards should sur-
Christ ye can be saved? round Abinadi and take him; and
14 Therefore, if ye teach the a law they bound him and cast him into
of Moses, also teach that it is a prison.
shadow of those things which are 6 And after three days, having coun-
seled with his a priests, he caused
to come— that he should again be brought
15 Teach them that redemption before him.
cometh through Christ the Lord, who 7 And he said unto him: Abin-
is the very a Eternal Father. Amen. adi, we have found an accusation
Chapter 17 against thee, and thou art worthy
of death.
Alma believes and writes the words 8 For thou hast said that a God
of Abinadi—Abinadi suffers death by himself should come down among
10 a Alma 40:2. 12 a tg Prophets, 2 a Mosiah 23:9.
tg Immortality. Rejection of. b Mosiah 26:15;
b 1 Cor. 15:42. 14 a tg Law of Moses. Alma 5:11.
c 3 Ne. 26:4. b Mosiah 13:31; 4 a 1 Kgs. 17:3 (1–16);
tg Jesus Christ, Judge. Alma 25:15 (15–16). Ether 13:13 (13, 22).
11 a Dan. 12:2 (2–3); tg Jesus Christ, Types b tg Scriptures,
John 5:29 (28–29). of, in Anticipation. Writing of.
b tg Happiness. 15 a Mosiah 3:8. 6 a Mosiah 11:5.
c Alma 9:11. 17 1 a tg False Priesthoods. 8 a Mosiah 7:27; 13:34.
tg Damnation. b Jer. 26:11.
Mosiah 17 : 9–18 : 2 180
the children of men; and now, for 16 And it will come to pass that ye
this cause thou shalt be put to death shall be afflicted with all manner of
unless thou wilt recall all the words a
diseases because of your iniquities.
which thou hast spoken evil con- 17 Yea, and ye shall be smitten
cerning me and my people. on every hand, and shall be driven
9 Now Abinadi said unto him: I and scattered to and fro, even as a
say unto you, I will a not recall the wild flock is driven by wild and
words which I have spoken unto ferocious beasts.
you concerning this people, for they 18 And in that day ye shall be
are true; and that ye may know of a
hunted, and ye shall be taken by
their surety I have suffered myself the hand of your enemies, and then
that I have fallen into your hands. ye shall suffer, as I suffer, the pains
10 Yea, and I will a suffer even un- of b death by fire.
til death, and I will not recall my 19 Thus God executeth a vengeance
words, and they shall stand as a b tes- upon those that destroy his people.
timony against you. And if ye slay O God, b receive my soul.
me ye will shed c innocent blood, 20 And now, when a Abinadi had
and this shall also stand as a testi- said these words, he fell, having
mony against you at the last day. suffered death by fire; yea, having
11 And now king Noah was about been put to death because he would
to release him, for he feared his not deny the commandments of
word; for he feared that the judg- God, having sealed the truth of his
ments of God would come upon him. words by his b death.
12 But the a priests lifted up their
voices against him, and began to Chapter 18
accuse him, saying: He has reviled Alma preaches in private—He sets forth
the king. Therefore the king was the covenant of baptism and baptizes
stirred up in b anger against him, at the waters of Mormon—He orga-
and he delivered him up that he nizes the Church of Christ and ordains
might be slain. priests—They support themselves and
13 And it came to pass that they teach the people—Alma and his people
took him and bound him, and flee from King Noah into the wilder-
scourged his skin with faggots, ness. About 147–145 b.c.
yea, even unto b death.
14 And now when the flames be- And now, it came to pass that Alma,
gan to scorch him, he cried unto who had fled from the servants of
them, saying: king Noah, a repented of his sins and
15 Behold, even as ye have done iniquities, and went about privately
unto me, so shall it come to pass among the people, and began to
that thy a seed shall cause that teach the words of Abinadi—
many shall suffer the pains that I 2 Yea, concerning that which was
do suffer, even the pains of b death to come, and also concerning the
by fire; and this because they be- resurrection of the dead, and the a re-
lieve in the salvation of the Lord demption of the people, which was
their God. to be brought to pass through the
9 a tg Courage; 13 a Dan. 3:6; b Mosiah 13:10; 19:20;
Integrity. James 5:10 (10–11); Alma 25:11 (7–12).
10 a tg Persecution. Alma 14:26 (20–27). 19 a Ps. 125:3.
b tg Testimony. b Mosiah 7:28; 21:30; b Luke 23:46;
c Jer. 26:15 (14–15); Alma 25:11. Acts 7:59.
Lam. 4:13; 15 a Mosiah 13:10; 20 a Mosiah 7:26.
Alma 14:11; 60:13. Alma 25:12 (7–12). b Heb. 9:16 (16–17).
12 a Mosiah 11:5; b Alma 25:5. 18 1 a Mosiah 23:9.
12:25 (17, 25). 16 a Deut. 28:60 (25–60). 2 a tg Jesus Christ,
b Prov. 20:2. 18 a Alma 25:8. Redeemer.
181 Mosiah 18 : 3–14
power, and sufferings, and b death comfort those that stand in need of
of Christ, and his resurrection and comfort, and to stand as c witnesses
ascension into heaven. of God at all times and in all things,
3 And as many as would hear his and in all places that ye may be in,
word he did teach. And he taught even until death, that ye may be re-
them privately, that it might not deemed of God, and be numbered
come to the knowledge of the king. with those of the d first resurrection,
And many did believe his words. that ye may have eternal life—
4 And it came to pass that as many 10 Now I say unto you, if this be
as did believe him did go forth to the desire of your hearts, what have
a a place which was called Mormon, you against being a baptized in the
having received its name from the b
name of the Lord, as a witness be-
king, being in the b borders of the fore him that ye have entered into
land having been infested, by times a c covenant with him, that ye will
or at seasons, by wild beasts. serve him and keep his command-
5 Now, there was in Mormon a ments, that he may pour out his
fountain of pure water, and Alma Spirit more abundantly upon you?
resorted thither, there being near 11 And now when the people had
the water a thicket of small trees, heard these words, they clapped
where he did hide himself in the their hands for joy, and exclaimed:
daytime from the searches of the This is the desire of our hearts.
king. 12 And now it came to pass that
6 And it came to pass that as many Alma took Helam, he being one of
as believed him went thither to the first, and went and stood forth
hear his words. in the water, and cried, saying: O
7 And it came to pass after many Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon thy
days there were a goodly number servant, that he may do this work
gathered together at the place of with holiness of heart.
Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. 13 And when he had said these
Yea, all were gathered together that words, the a Spirit of the Lord was
believed on his word, to hear him. upon him, and he said: Helam, I
And he did a teach them, and did baptize thee, having b authority
preach unto them repentance, and from the Almighty God, as a tes-
redemption, and faith on the Lord. timony that ye have entered into
8 And it came to pass that he said a c covenant to serve him until you
unto them: Behold, here are the wa- are dead as to the mortal body; and
ters of Mormon (for thus were they may the Spirit of the Lord be poured
called) and now, as ye are a desirous out upon you; and may he grant
to come into the b fold of God, and unto you eternal life, through the
to be called his people, and are will- redemption of Christ, whom he has
ing to bear one another’s burdens, prepared from the d foundation of
that they may be light; the world.
9 Yea, and are a willing to mourn 14 And after Alma had said these
with those that b mourn; yea, and words, both Alma and Helam were
2 b tg Jesus Christ, 9 a tg Baptism, c Neh. 10:29.
Ascension of; Qualifications for. tg Commitment.
Jesus Christ, Death of. b tg Comfort; 13 a tg Holy Ghost,
4 a Alma 5:3; Compassion. Mission of.
3 Ne. 5:12. c tg Missionary Work; b Mosiah 21:33;
b Mosiah 18:31. Witness. Alma 5:3;
7 a Alma 5:13. d Jacob 4:11. 3 Ne. 11:25.
8 a D&C 20:36–37, 77. 10 a 2 Ne. 31:17; c Mosiah 21:31.
b tg Brotherhood and Alma 4:4. tg Covenants.
Sisterhood; b tg Jesus Christ, Taking d Mosiah 4:6;
Conversion. the Name of. Alma 12:30 (25, 30).
Mosiah 18 : 15–27 182
buried in the water; and they arose there should be no a contention one
and came forth out of the water re- with another, but that they should
joicing, being filled with the Spirit. look forward with b one eye, having
15 And again, Alma took another, one faith and one baptism, having
and went forth a second time into their hearts c knit together in unity
the water, and baptized him ac- and in love one towards another.
cording to the first, only he did not 22 And thus he commanded them
bury a himself again in the water. to preach. And thus they became
16 And after this manner he did the a children of God.
baptize every one that went forth 23 And he commanded them that
to the place of Mormon; and they they should observe the a sabbath
were in number about two hundred day, and keep it holy, and also ev-
and four souls; yea, and they were ery day they should give thanks to
baptized in the waters of Mormon, the Lord their God.
and were filled with the b grace 24 And he also commanded them
of God. that the priests whom he had or-
17 And they were called the church dained a should b labor with their
of God, or the a church of Christ, own hands for their support.
from that time forward. And it came 25 And there was a one day in every
to pass that whosoever was baptized week that was set apart that they
by the power and authority of God should b gather themselves together
was added to his church. to teach the people, and to worship
18 And it came to pass that Alma, the Lord their God, and also, as of-
having a authority from God, b or- ten as it was in their power, to c as-
dained priests; even one priest to semble themselves together.
every fifty of their number did he 26 And the priests were not to de-
ordain to preach unto them, and to pend upon the people for their sup-
teach them concerning the things port; but for their labor they were
pertaining to the kingdom of God. to receive the a grace of God, that
19 And he commanded them that they might wax strong in the Spirit,
they should b teach nothing save having the b knowledge of God, that
it were the things which he had they might teach with power and
taught, and which had been spoken authority from God.
by the mouth of the holy prophets. 27 And again Alma commanded
20 Yea, even he commanded them that the people of the church should
that they should a preach nothing impart of their substance, a every
save it were repentance and faith one according to that which he
on the Lord, who had redeemed had; if he have more abundantly
his people. he should impart more abundantly;
21 And he commanded them that and of him that had but little, but
14 a tg Baptism, Immersion. 24:4 (4–8). Mosiah 27:5 (3–5);
15 a JS—H 1:71 (70–71). 19 a Mosiah 23:14. Alma 1:3, 26.
16 a Mosiah 25:18. b D&C 5:10. b 1 Cor. 9:18 (16–19);
b tg Grace. 20 a tg Preaching; Alma 30:32.
17 a Mosiah 21:34; Repent. 25 a Alma 32:11.
25:22 (18–23); 26:4; 21 a tg Contention. b tg Meetings.
Alma 4:5 (4–5); b Matt. 6:22; c tg Assembly for
3 Ne. 26:21. Morm. 8:15; Worship.
tg Jesus Christ, Head of D&C 4:5; 88:68. 26 a tg Blessing;
the Church. c 1 Sam. 18:1; Reward;
18 a Mosiah 23:16. Rom. 15:5 (1–7); Wages.
tg Priesthood, Mosiah 4:15; 23:15. b Neh. 10:28 (28–31).
Authority. 22 a Moses 6:68. tg God, Knowledge
b tg Priesthood, 23 a Ex. 35:2; about.
History of. Mosiah 13:16 (16–19). 27 a Alma 16:16;
c Mosiah 2:4; 23:14; 24 a Acts 20:34 (33–35); 4 Ne. 1:3.
183 Mosiah 18 : 28–19 : 8
he was about his a own life; never- 17 And now Limhi was desirous
theless, Gideon did spare his life. that his father should not be de-
9 And the king commanded the stroyed; nevertheless, Limhi was
people that they should flee be- not ignorant of the iniquities of his
fore the Lamanites, and he himself father, he himself being a just man.
did go before them, and they did 18 And it came to pass that Gideon
flee into the wilderness, with their sent men into the wilderness se-
women and their children. cretly, to search for the king and
10 And it came to pass that the those that were with him. And it
Lamanites did pursue them, and came to pass that they met the peo-
did overtake them, and began to ple in the wilderness, all save the
slay them. king and his priests.
11 Now it came to pass that the 19 Now they had sworn in their
king commanded them that all the hearts that they would return to the
men should a leave their wives and land of Nephi, and if their a wives
their children, and flee before the and their children were slain, and
Lamanites. also those that had tarried with
12 Now there were many that them, that they would seek revenge,
would not leave them, but had and also perish with them.
rather stay and perish with them. 20 And the king commanded them
And the rest left their wives and that they should not return; and
their children and fled. they were angry with the king, and
13 And it came to pass that those caused that he should suffer, even
who tarried with their wives and unto a death by fire.
their children caused that their fair 21 And they were about to take
daughters should stand forth and the priests also and a put them to
plead with the Lamanites that they death, and they fled before them.
would not slay them. 22 And it came to pass that they
14 And it came to pass that the La- were about to return to the land
manites had compassion on them, of Nephi, and they met the men
for they were charmed with the of Gideon. And the men of Gideon
beauty of their women. told them of all that had happened
15 Therefore the Lamanites did to their wives and their children;
spare their lives, and took them and that the Lamanites had granted
captives and carried them back unto them that they might possess
to the land of Nephi, and granted the land by paying a tribute to the
unto them that they might possess Lamanites of one half of all they
the land, under the conditions that possessed.
they would deliver up king Noah 23 And the people told the men
into the hands of the Lamanites, and of a Gideon that they had slain the
deliver up their property, even a one king, and his b priests had fled from
half of all they possessed, one half them farther into the wilderness.
of their gold, and their silver, and 24 And it came to pass that after
all their precious things, and thus they had ended the ceremony, that
they should pay tribute to the king they returned to the land of Nephi,
of the Lamanites from year to year. rejoicing, because their wives and
16 And now there was one of the their children were not slain; and
sons of the king among those that they told Gideon what they had
were taken captive, whose name done to the king.
was a Limhi. 25 And it came to pass that the
8 a tg Selfishness. 19 a Mosiah 19:11. 21 a Mosiah 20:3.
11 a Mosiah 19:19 (19–23). 20 a Mosiah 12:3; 13:10; 23 a Mosiah 20:17.
15 a Mosiah 7:15. 17:18 (13–19); b Mosiah 17:12 (1, 6, 12–18);
16 a Mosiah 7:9; 11:1. Alma 25:11 (7–12). 20:23 (3, 18, 23).
185 Mosiah 19 : 26–20 : 12
among the number of their dead; tell his people that they may be
yet he was not dead, having been pacified towards us; for behold
wounded and left upon the ground, they are already preparing to come
so speedy was the flight of his people. against us; and behold also there
13 And they took him and bound are but few of us.
up his wounds, and brought him be- 20 And behold, they come with
fore Limhi, and said: Behold, here their numerous hosts; and except
is the king of the Lamanites; he the king doth pacify them towards
having received a wound has fallen us we must perish.
among their dead, and they have left 21 For are not the words of Abin-
him; and behold, we have brought adi a fulfilled, which he prophesied
him before you; and now let us against us—and all this because we
slay him. would not hearken unto the words
14 But Limhi said unto them: Ye of the Lord, and turn from our in-
shall not slay him, but bring him iquities?
hither that I may see him. And they 22 And now let us pacify the king,
brought him. And Limhi said unto and we fulfil the a oath which we
him: What cause have ye to come have made unto him; for it is bet-
up to war against my people? Be- ter that we should be in bondage
hold, my people have not broken the than that we should lose our b lives;
oath that I made unto you; there- therefore, let us put a stop to the
fore, why should ye break the oath shedding of so much blood.
which ye made unto my people? 23 And now Limhi told the king
15 And now the king said: I have all the things concerning his father,
broken the oath because thy peo- and the a priests that had fled into
ple did carry away the daughters of the wilderness, and attributed the
my people; therefore, in my anger carrying away of their daughters
I did cause my people to come up to them.
to war against thy people. 24 And it came to pass that the
16 And now Limhi had heard noth- king was pacified towards his peo-
ing concerning this matter; there- ple; and he said unto them: Let us
fore he said: I will search among go forth to meet my people, without
my people and whosoever has done arms; and I swear unto you with an
this thing shall perish. Therefore he a
oath that my people shall not slay
caused a search to be made among thy people.
his people. 25 And it came to pass that they
17 Now when a Gideon had heard followed the king, and went forth
these things, he being the king’s without arms to meet the Laman-
captain, he went forth and said ites. And it came to pass that they
unto the king: I pray thee forbear, did meet the Lamanites; and the
and do not search this people, and king of the Lamanites did bow
lay not this thing to their charge. himself down before them, and did
18 For do ye not remember the plead in behalf of the people of
priests of thy father, whom this Limhi.
people sought to destroy ? And are 26 And when the Lamanites saw
they not in the wilderness? And are the people of Limhi, that they were
not they the ones who have stolen without arms, they had a compassion
the daughters of the Lamanites? on them and were pacified towards
19 And now, behold, and tell the them, and returned with their king
king of these things, that he may in peace to their own land.
14 a Mosiah 19:26 (25–26). 21 a Mosiah 12:2 (1–8); 21:4. 23:9 (9, 12, 31).
17 a Mosiah 19:23 (4–8, 23); 22 a Mosiah 19:26. 24 a Mosiah 21:3.
22:3; b tg Life, Sanctity of. 26 a tg Compassion.
Alma 1:8 (8–9). 23 a Mosiah 19:23 (21, 23);
187 Mosiah 21 : 1–15
did hear their b cries, and began to Limhi, even until the time that
soften the hearts of the Lamanites Ammon and his brethren came
began to build buildings; yea, they bonds; yea, even out of the a hands of
were a industrious, and did labor king Noah and his people, and also
exceedingly. from the b bonds of iniquity, even so
6 And the people were desirous I desire that ye should c stand fast
that Alma should be their a king, in this d liberty wherewith ye have
for he was beloved by his people. been made free, and that ye trust
7 But he said unto them: Behold, e
no man to be a king over you.
it is not expedient that we should 14 And also trust no one to be your
have a king; for thus saith the Lord: a
teacher nor your minister, except
Ye shall a not esteem one flesh above he be a man of God, walking in his
another, or one man shall not think ways and keeping his command-
himself above another; therefore ments.
I say unto you it is not expedient 15 Thus did Alma teach his peo-
that ye should have a king. ple, that every man should a love
8 Nevertheless, if it a were possible his b neighbor c as himself, that there
that ye could always have just men should be no d contention among
to be your b kings it would be well them.
for you to have a king. 16 And now, Alma was their a high
9 But remember the a iniquity of priest, he being the founder of their
king Noah and his b priests; and I church.
myself was c caught in a snare, and 17 And it came to pass that none
did many things which were abomi- received a authority to preach or to
nable in the sight of the Lord, which teach except it were by him from
caused me sore d repentance; God. Therefore he b consecrated all
10 Nevertheless, a after much their priests and all their teachers;
tribulation, the Lord did hear my and none were consecrated except
cries, and did answer my prayers, they were just men.
and has made me an c instrument 18 Therefore they did watch over
in his hands in bringing d so many their people, and did a nourish them
of you to a knowledge of his truth. with things pertaining to righ-
11 Nevertheless, in this I do not teousness.
glory, for I am unworthy to glory 19 And it came to pass that they
of myself. began to prosper exceedingly in
12 And now I say unto you, ye have the land; and they called the land
been a oppressed by king Noah, and a
have been in bondage to him and his 20 And it came to pass that they
priests, and have been b brought into did multiply and prosper exceed-
iniquity by them; therefore ye were ingly in the land of Helam; and they
bound with the c bands of iniquity. built a city, which they called the
13 And now as ye have been deliv- city of Helam.
ered by the power of God out of these 21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit
5 a tg Industry; b tg Tribulation. 15 a tg Love.
Work, Value of. c Alma 17:9 (9–11); 26:3. b tg Neighbor.
6 a 1 Sam. 8:5; d Mosiah 18:35. c Mosiah 18:21.
3 Ne. 6:30. 12 a tg Oppression; d 3 Ne. 11:29 (28–29).
7 a Mosiah 27:3 (3–5). Unrighteous Dominion. 16 a Mosiah 18:18; 26:7.
8 a Mosiah 29:13. b Mosiah 11:2 (1–15). 17 a tg Priesthood,
b tg Governments. c Isa. 58:6; Authority.
9 a Prov. 16:12; 2 Ne. 28:19 (19–22); b Lev. 16:32;
Mosiah 11:2 (1–15); Alma 12:11. 2 Ne. 5:26.
29:17 (17–19). 13 a Mosiah 18:34 (34–35). 18 a Eph. 6:4;
b Mosiah 17:12 b tg Bondage, Spiritual. 1 Tim. 4:6.
(1, 6, 12–18). c Gal. 5:1. 19 a Mosiah 27:16;
c Mosiah 17:2 (1–4). d tg Liberty. Alma 24:1.
d Mosiah 18:1. e Mosiah 29:13 (5–36).
10 a D&C 58:4. 14 a Mosiah 2:4; 18:18 (18–22).
Mosiah 23 : 22–38 192
to a chasten his people; yea, he tri- ites, which had followed after the
eth their b patience and their faith. people of king Limhi, had been lost
22 Nevertheless—whosoever put- in the wilderness for many days.
teth his a trust in him the same shall 31 And behold, they had found
be b lifted up at the last day. Yea, those priests of king Noah, in a
and thus it was with this people. place which they called a Amulon;
23 For behold, I will show unto and they had begun to possess the
you that they were brought into land of Amulon and had begun to
bondage, and none could deliver till the ground.
them but the Lord their God, yea, 32 Now the name of the leader of
even the God of Abraham and Isaac those priests was a Amulon.
and of Jacob. 33 And it came to pass that Amulon
24 And it came to pass that he did did plead with the Lamanites; and
deliver them, and he did show forth he also sent forth their wives, who
his mighty power unto them, and were the a daughters of the Laman-
great were their rejoicings. ites, to plead with their brethren,
25 For behold, it came to pass that that they should not destroy their
while they were in the land of He- husbands.
lam, yea, in the city of Helam, while 34 And the Lamanites had a com-
tilling the land round about, behold passion on Amulon and his brethren,
an army of the Lamanites was in and did not destroy them, because
the borders of the land. of their wives.
26 Now it came to pass that the 35 And a Amulon and his brethren
brethren of Alma fled from their did join the Lamanites, and they
fields, and gathered themselves were traveling in the wilderness in
together in the city of Helam; and search of the land of Nephi when
they were much frightened because they discovered the land of Helam,
of the appearance of the Lamanites. which was possessed by Alma and
27 But Alma went forth and stood his brethren.
among them, and exhorted them 36 And it came to pass that the La-
that they should not be frightened, manites promised unto Alma and
but that they should remember the his brethren, that if they would show
Lord their God and he would de- them the a way which led to the land
liver them. of Nephi that they would grant unto
28 Therefore they hushed their them their lives and their liberty.
fears, and began to cry unto the 37 But after Alma had shown
Lord that he would soften the hearts them the way that led to the land
of the Lamanites, that they would of Nephi the Lamanites would not
spare them, and their wives, and keep their promise; but they set
their children. a
guards round about the land of
29 And it came to pass that the Helam, over Alma and his brethren.
Lord did soften the hearts of the 38 And the remainder of them
Lamanites. And Alma and his breth- went to the land of Nephi; and a
ren went forth and delivered them- part of them returned to the land
selves up into their hands; and the of Helam, and also brought with
Lamanites took possession of the them the wives and the children
land of Helam. of the guards who had been left in
30 Now the a armies of the Laman- the land.
21 a Deut. 11:2 (1–8); Alma 26:7. 34 a tg Compassion.
Hel. 12:3; 23 a Alma 36:2. 35 a Alma 25:4.
D&C 98:21. 30 a Mosiah 22:15. 36 a Mosiah 18:34.
tg Chastening. 31 a Mosiah 24:1; 37 a Mosiah 24:9 (8–15);
b tg Patience. Alma 23:14. Alma 5:5.
22 a tg Trust in God. 32 a Mosiah 24:8.
b 1 Ne. 13:37; 33 a Mosiah 20:5; 25:12.
193 Mosiah 23 : 39–24 : 13
39 And the king of the Lamanites God, neither the law of Moses; nor
had granted unto Amulon that he did they teach them the words of
should be a king and a ruler over Abinadi;
his people, who were in the land 6 But they taught them that they
of Helam; nevertheless he should should keep their record, and that
have no power to do anything con- they might write one to another.
trary to the will of the king of the 7 And thus the Lamanites began
Lamanites. to increase in riches, and began to
trade one with another and wax
Chapter 24 great, and began to be a cunning
Amulon persecutes Alma and his peo- and a wise people, as to the wisdom
ple—They are to be put to death if they of the world, yea, a very cunning
pray—The Lord makes their burdens people, delighting in all manner of
seem light—He delivers them from wickedness and plunder, except it
bondage, and they return to Zarahemla. were among their own brethren.
About 145–120 b.c. 8 And now it came to pass that
Amulon began to exercise b author-
And it came to pass that Amulon ity over Alma and his brethren, and
did gain favor in the eyes of the began to persecute him, and cause
king of the Lamanites; therefore, that his children should persecute
the king of the Lamanites granted their children.
unto him and his brethren that they 9 For Amulon knew Alma, that he
should be appointed teachers over had been a one of the king’s priests,
his people, yea, even over the people and that it was he that believed the
who were in the land of Shemlon, words of Abinadi and was driven
and in the land of Shilom, and in out before the king, and therefore
the a land of Amulon. he was wroth with him; for he was
2 For the Lamanites had taken pos- subject to king Laman, yet he exer-
session of all these lands; therefore, cised authority over them, and put
the king of the Lamanites had ap- b
tasks upon them, and put c task-
pointed kings over all these lands. masters over them.
3 And now the name of the king 10 And it came to pass that so great
of the Lamanites was a Laman, be- were their afflictions that they be-
ing called after the name of his gan to cry mightily to God.
father; and therefore he was called 11 And Amulon commanded them
king Laman. And he was king over that they should stop their cries; and
a numerous people. he a put guards over them to watch
4 And he appointed a teachers of them, that whosoever should be
the b brethren of Amulon in every found calling upon God should
land which was possessed by his be put to death.
people; and thus the c language of 12 And Alma and his people did
Nephi began to be taught among all not raise their voices to the Lord
the people of the Lamanites. their God, but did pour out their
5 And they were a people friendly a
hearts to him; and he did know the
one with another; nevertheless b
thoughts of their hearts.
they knew not God; neither did the 13 And it a came to pass that the
brethren of Amulon teach them voice of the Lord came to them in
anything concerning the Lord their their afflictions, saying: Lift up
24 1 a Mosiah 23:31; c Omni 1:18. c Mosiah 23:37 (37–39).
Alma 21:3 (2–4). 7 a Gen. 34:10 (10–21); 11 a Dan. 6:7 (7–27).
3 a Mosiah 9:10 (10–11); 4 Ne. 1:46. 12 a tg Prayer.
10:6. 8 a Mosiah 23:32. b Ps. 139:2;
4 a Mosiah 2:4; b D&C 121:39. Matt. 12:25.
18:18 (18–22); 23:14. 9 a Mosiah 17:2 (1–4); 23:9. 13 a Jer. 33:3 (1–3);
b Mosiah 23:9 (9, 12, 31). b Mosiah 21:3 (3–6). Matt. 6:6.
Mosiah 24 : 14–25 : 2 194
your heads and be of good comfort, and they called the valley Alma,
for I know of the covenant which because he led their way in the
ye have made unto me; and I will wilderness.
covenant with my people and de- 21 Yea, and in the valley of Alma
liver them out of bondage. they poured out their a thanks to
14 And I will also ease the a bur- God because he had been merciful
dens which are put upon your unto them, and eased their b bur-
shoulders, that even you cannot feel dens, and had delivered them out
them upon your backs, even while of bondage; for they were in bond-
you are in bondage; and this will I age, and none could deliver them
do that ye may stand as b witnesses except it were the Lord their God.
for me hereafter, and that ye may 22 And they gave a thanks to God,
know of a surety that I, the Lord yea, all their men and all their
God, do visit my people in their women and all their children that
afflictions. could speak lifted their voices in
15 And now it came to pass that the praises of their God.
the burdens which were laid upon 23 And now the Lord said unto
Alma and his brethren were made Alma: Haste thee and get thou and
light; yea, the Lord did a strengthen this people out of this land, for the
them that they could bear up their Lamanites have awakened and do
burdens with ease, and they did pursue thee; therefore get thee out
submit cheerfully and with c pa- of this land, and I will stop the
tience to all the will of the Lord. Lamanites in this valley that they
16 And it came to pass that so come no further in pursuit of this
great was their faith and their pa- people.
tience that the voice of the Lord 24 And it came to pass that they
came unto them again, saying: Be departed out of the valley, and took
of good comfort, for on the morrow their journey into the wilderness.
I will deliver you out of bondage. 25 And after they had been in
17 And he said unto Alma: Thou the wilderness a twelve days they
shalt go before this people, and I arrived in the land of Zarahemla;
will go a with thee and deliver this and king Mosiah did also b receive
people out of b bondage. them with joy.
18 Now it came to pass that Alma
and his people in the night-time Chapter 25
gathered their flocks together, and The descendants of Mulek at Zarahemla
also of their grain; yea, even all the become Nephites—They learn of the
night-time were they gathering their people of Alma and of Zeniff—Alma
flocks together. baptizes Limhi and all his people—
19 And in the morning the Lord Mosiah authorizes Alma to organize the
caused a a deep sleep to come upon Church of God. About 120 b.c.
the Lamanites, yea, and all their
task-masters were in a profound And now king Mosiah caused that
sleep. all the people should be gathered
20 And Alma and his people de- together.
parted into the wilderness; and 2 Now there were not so many of
when they had traveled all day the children of Nephi, or so many
they pitched their tents in a valley, of those who were descendants of
14 a Isa. 46:4 (3–4). D&C 54:10. 19 a 1 Sam. 26:12;
b tg Witness. tg Patience. Alma 55:15 (15–16).
c tg Adversity; 17 a Ex. 3:12; 21 a tg Thanksgiving.
Affliction. 1 Ne. 17:55; b Ps. 81:6 (5–6).
15 a Matt. 11:28 (28–30). Alma 38:4. 22 a tg Thanksgiving.
b Alma 31:38; 33:23. b Mosiah 25:10. 25 a Mosiah 23:3.
c 2 Cor. 4:16; tg Bondage, Physical. b Mosiah 22:14.
195 Mosiah 25 : 3–17
Nephi, as there were of the a people 11 And again, when they thought
of Zarahemla, who was a descen- upon the Lamanites, who were their
dant of b Mulek, and those who came brethren, of their sinful and a pol-
with him into the wilderness. luted state, they were filled with
3 And there were not so many of b
pain and anguish for the c welfare
the people of Nephi and of the peo- of their souls.
ple of Zarahemla as there were of 12 And it came to pass that those
the Lamanites; yea, they were not who a were the children of Amulon
half so numerous. and his brethren, who had taken to
4 And now all the people of Nephi wife the b daughters of the La-
were assembled together, and also manites, were displeased with the
all the people of Zarahemla, and conduct of their fathers, and they
they were gathered together in would no longer be called by the
two bodies. names of their fathers, therefore
5 And it came to pass that Mosiah they took upon themselves the
did read, and caused to be read, the name of Nephi, that they might be
records of Zeniff to his people; yea, called the children of Nephi and
he read the records of the people be numbered among those who
of Zeniff, from the time they a left were c called Nephites.
the land of Zarahemla until they 13 And now all the people of
returned again. Zarahemla were a numbered with
6 And he also read the account the Nephites, and this because the
of Alma and his brethren, and all kingdom had been conferred upon
their afflictions, from the time they none but those who were descen-
left the land of Zarahemla until the dants of Nephi.
time they returned again. 14 And now it came to pass that
7 And now, when Mosiah had made when Mosiah had made an end of
an end of reading the records, his speaking and reading to the peo-
people who tarried in the land were ple, he desired that Alma should
struck with wonder and amazement. also speak to the people.
8 For they knew not what to think; 15 And Alma did speak unto them,
for when they beheld those that when they were assembled together
had been delivered a out of bondage in large bodies, and he went from
they were filled with exceedingly one body to another, preaching unto
great joy. the people repentance and faith on
9 And again, when they thought of the Lord.
their brethren who had been a slain 16 And he did exhort the people of
by the Lamanites they were filled Limhi and his brethren, all those that
with sorrow, and even shed many had been delivered out of bondage,
tears of sorrow. that they should remember that it
10 And again, when they thought was the Lord that did deliver them.
of the immediate goodness of 17 And it came to pass that after
God, and his power in delivering Alma had taught the people many
Alma and his brethren out of the things, and had made an end of
hands of the Lamanites and of speaking to them, that king Limhi
bondage, they did raise their voices
was desirous that he might be
and give thanks to God. baptized; and all his people were
25 2 a Hel. 6:10. 10 a Mosiah 24:17; 27:16. 12 a Mosiah 20:3 (3–5).
b Ezek. 17:22 (22–23); 11 a tg Pollution. b Mosiah 23:33.
Omni 1:15 (14–19). b Mosiah 28:3 (3–4); c Jacob 1:14 (13–14);
5 a Mosiah 9:3 (3–4). Alma 13:27. Alma 2:11.
b Mosiah 22:13. c 2 Ne. 6:3; 13 a Omni 1:19.
8 a Mosiah 22:11 (11–13). Jacob 2:3.
9 a Mosiah 21:29 (8, 29). tg Worth of Souls.
Mosiah 25 : 18–26 : 6 196
of God. And the Lord did pour out words, who were in the church, and
his b Spirit upon them, and they were did cause them to commit many
blessed, and prospered in the land. sins; therefore it became expedient
18 a Mosiah 21:35. the Name of. 4 a Mosiah 25:22 (18–23);
b Mosiah 18:16 (8–17). 24 a tg Sons and Daughters Alma 4:5 (4–5).
19 a Mosiah 26:17. of God. b tg Man, Natural, Not
b tg Priesthood. b tg God, Spirit of; Spiritually Reborn.
c tg Priest, Melchizedek Prosper. 5 a tg Apostasy of
Priesthood. 26 1 a Mosiah 2:1. Individuals.
d tg Teacher. b tg Family, Children, 6 a Col. 2:18 (16–23).
21 a tg Church. Duties of. tg Deceit.
22 a Mosiah 18:17; 26:4. 3 a tg Unbelief. b tg Flatter.
23 a tg Jesus Christ, Taking b tg Understanding.
197 Mosiah 26 : 7–23
that those who committed sin, that he had poured out his whole soul
were in the church, should be c ad- to God, the a voice of the Lord came
monished by the church. to him, saying:
7 And it came to pass that they 15 Blessed art thou, Alma, and
were brought before the priests, and blessed are they who were baptized
delivered up unto the a priests by in the a waters of Mormon. Thou art
the teachers; and the priests brought blessed because of thy exceeding
them before Alma, who was the b
faith in the words alone of my
high priest. servant Abinadi.
8 Now king Mosiah had given Alma 16 And blessed are they because of
the a authority over the b church. their exceeding faith in the words
9 And it came to pass that Alma alone which thou hast spoken unto
did not know concerning them; them.
but there were many a witnesses 17 And blessed art thou because
against them; yea, the people stood thou hast established a a church
and testified of their iniquity in among this people; and they shall
abundance. be established, and they shall be
10 Now there had not any such my people.
thing happened before in the 18 Yea, blessed is this people who
church; therefore Alma was trou- are willing to bear my a name; for
bled in his spirit, and he caused that in my b name shall they be called;
they should be brought before the and they are mine.
king. 19 And because thou hast inquired
11 And he said unto the king: of me concerning the transgressor,
Behold, here are many whom we thou art blessed.
have brought before thee, who are 20 Thou art my servant; and I cov-
accused of their brethren; yea, and enant with thee that thou shalt have
they have been taken in divers in- a
eternal life; and thou shalt serve
iquities. And they do not repent of me and go forth in my name, and
their iniquities; therefore we have shalt gather together my sheep.
brought them before thee, that thou 21 And he that will hear my voice
mayest judge them according to shall be my a sheep; and him shall
their crimes. ye receive into the church, and him
12 But king Mosiah said unto Alma: will I also receive.
Behold, I judge them not; therefore 22 For behold, a this is my b church;
I a deliver them into thy hands to whosoever is c baptized shall be bap-
be judged. tized unto repentance. And whom-
13 And now the spirit of Alma was soever ye receive shall d believe in
again troubled; and he went and in- my name; and him will I freely
quired of the Lord what he should e
do concerning this matter, for he 23 For it is I that taketh upon me
feared that he should do wrong in the a sins of the world; for it is I that
the sight of God. hath b created them; and it is I that
14 And it came to pass that after granteth unto him that believeth
6 c Alma 5:57 (57–58); 6:3. 15 a Mosiah 18:30. Shepherd.
tg Warn. b Mosiah 17:2; 22 a Mosiah 27:13.
7 a tg Priest, Melchizedek D&C 46:14. b tg Jesus Christ, Head
Priesthood. tg Faith. of the Church.
b Mosiah 23:16; 29:42. 17 a Mosiah 25:19 (19–24). c 2 Ne. 9:23.
8 a tg Delegation of 18 a Mosiah 1:11; 5:8. d tg Baptism,
Responsibility. tg Jesus Christ, Taking Qualifications for.
b tg Church Organization. the Name of. e tg Remission of Sins.
9 a tg Witness. b Deut. 28:10. 23 a tg Jesus Christ,
12 a D&C 42:87 (78–93). 20 a tg Election. Redeemer.
14 a tg Guidance, Divine. 21 a tg Jesus Christ, Good b tg Jesus Christ, Creator.
Mosiah 26 : 24–39 198
unto the end a place at my right hath brought himself under con-
hand. demnation.
24 For behold, in my name are they 32 Now I say unto you, Go; and
called; and if they a know me they whosoever will a not repent of his
shall come forth, and shall have a sins the same shall not be numbered
place eternally at my right hand. among my people; and this shall be
25 And it shall come to pass that observed from this time forward.
when the a second trump shall sound 33 And it came to pass when Alma
then shall they that never b knew had heard these words he a wrote
me come forth and shall stand be- them down that he might have
fore me. them, and that he might judge the
26 And then shall they know that people of that church according to
I am the Lord their God, that I am the commandments of God.
their Redeemer; but they would not 34 And it came to pass that Alma
be redeemed. went and judged those that had
27 And then I will confess unto been taken in iniquity, according
them that I never a knew them; and to the a word of the Lord.
they shall b depart into c everlasting 35 And whosoever repented of
fire prepared for the devil and his their sins and did a confess them,
angels. them he did number among the
28 Therefore I say unto you, that people of the church;
he that will not a hear my voice, the 36 And those that would not con-
same shall ye not receive into my fess their sins and repent of their in-
church, for him I will not receive iquity, the same were not numbered
at the last day. among the people of the church,
29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and their names were a blotted out.
and whosoever transgresseth against 37 And it came to pass that Alma
me, him shall ye a judge b according did regulate all the affairs of the
to the sins which he has commit- church; and they began again to
ted; and if he c confess his sins be- have peace and to prosper exceed-
fore thee and me, and d repenteth ingly in the affairs of the church,
in the sincerity of his heart, him walking circumspectly before God,
shall ye e forgive, and I will forgive receiving many, and baptizing many.
him also. 38 And now all these things did
30 Yea, and a as often as my people Alma and his a fellow laborers do
repent will I forgive them their who were over the church, b walking
trespasses against me. in all diligence, teaching the word
31 And ye shall also a forgive one of God in all things, suffering all
another your trespasses; for verily manner of afflictions, being per-
I say unto you, he that forgiveth secuted by all those who did not
not his b neighbor’s trespasses when belong to the church of God.
he says that he repents, the same 39 And they did admonish their
24 a John 17:3. Alma 17:4; b tg Neighbor.
25 a Dan. 12:2 (1–2). 3 Ne. 1:25. 32 a Alma 1:24.
b 3 Ne. 14:23 (21–23); tg Confession. tg Excommunication.
D&C 76:85 (81–86); d tg Repent. 33 a tg Scriptures,
112:26. e tg Forgive. Writing of.
27 a Matt. 7:23 (21–23). 30 a Moro. 6:8. 34 a 2 Ne. 33:14 (13–15).
b Luke 13:27. b Ezek. 33:11 (11, 15–16); 35 a tg Confession.
c 1 Ne. 15:35 (32–36). Amos 5:4 (4–8); 36 a Ex. 32:33;
28 a 2 Ne. 9:31; Acts 3:19 (19–20); Ps. 9:5; 109:13;
D&C 1:14 (2, 11, 14); 2 Ne. 1:20; Alma 1:24.
Moses 6:27. Mosiah 29:20. tg Book of Life.
29 a tg Judgment. 31 a Col. 3:13 (12–14); 38 a tg Church Organization.
b tg Accountability. 3 Ne. 13:14 (14–15); b tg Walking with God.
c Num. 5:7 (6–10); D&C 64:10 (9–10).
199 Mosiah 27 : 1–10
and to lead astray the people of the remember the captivity of thy
Lord, contrary to the command- fathers in the land of a Helam, and
ments of God, or even the king— in the land of Nephi; and remember
11 And as I said unto you, as they how great things he has done for
were going about a rebelling against them; for they were in b bondage,
God, behold, the b angel of the Lord and he has c delivered them. And
appeared unto them; and he de- now I say unto thee, Alma, go thy
scended as it were in a d cloud; and way, and seek to destroy the church
he spake as it were with a voice of no more, that their prayers may be
thunder, which caused the earth to answered, and this even if thou wilt
shake upon which they stood; of d thyself be e cast off.
12 And so great was their aston- 17 And now it came to pass that
ishment, that they fell to the earth, these were the last words which
and understood not the words which the angel spake unto Alma, and
he spake unto them. he departed.
13 Nevertheless he cried again, say- 18 And now Alma and those that
ing: Alma, arise and stand forth, for were with him fell again to the
why persecutest thou the church of earth, for great was their aston-
God? For the Lord hath said: a This ishment; for with their own eyes
is my church, and I will establish they had beheld an a angel of the
it; and nothing shall b overthrow Lord; and his voice was as thunder,
it, save it is the transgression of which b shook the earth; and they
my people. knew that there was nothing save
14 And again, the angel said: the power of God that could shake
Behold, the Lord hath a heard the the earth and cause it to tremble
prayers of his people, and also as though it would part asunder.
the b prayers of his servant, Alma, 19 And now the astonishment of
who is thy father; for he has c prayed Alma was so great that he became
with much faith concerning thee a
dumb, that he could not open his
that thou mightest be brought to mouth; yea, and he became weak,
the d knowledge of the truth; there- even that he could not move his
fore, for this purpose have I come hands; therefore he was taken by
to e convince thee of the power and those that were with him, and car-
authority of God, that the f prayers ried helpless, even until he was laid
of his servants might be answered before his father.
according to their faith. 20 And they rehearsed unto his
15 And now behold, can ye dis- father all that had happened unto
pute the power of God? For be- them; and his father rejoiced, for
hold, doth not my voice shake the he knew that it was the power
earth? And can ye not also a be- of God.
hold me before you? And I am sent 21 And he caused that a multitude
from God. should be gathered together that
16 Now I say unto thee: Go, and they might witness what the Lord
11 a tg Disobedience; Individuals. Alma 24:1.
Rebellion. 14 a Dan. 10:12; b Mosiah 25:10;
b Alma 21:5. Abr. 1:16 (15–16). Alma 5:5 (5–6).
c Acts 9:3 (1–9); b 2 Cor. 1:11; c Mosiah 23:1 (1–4).
Mosiah 27:15; Alma 10:22. d Alma 30:47.
Alma 8:15; 17:2. c tg Family, Love within. e Micah 3:6 (1–7);
d Ex. 19:9 (9, 16). d Hosea 4:6. Matt. 8:12 (11–12).
13 a Mosiah 26:22. e Alma 29:10. 18 a tg Angels.
tg Jesus Christ, Head of f Alma 19:17; b Isa. 6:4;
the Church. Morm. 9:36 (36–37). Alma 36:7.
b Hosea 13:9. 15 a Mosiah 27:11. 19 a Dan. 10:15;
tg Apostasy of 16 a Mosiah 23:19; Luke 1:20 (20–22).
201 Mosiah 27 : 22–32
had done for his son, and also for mercy hath seen fit to snatch me
those that were with him. out of an c everlasting burning, and
22 And he caused that the priests I am born of God.
should assemble themselves to- 29 My soul hath been a redeemed
gether; and they began to fast, from the gall of bitterness and
and to pray to the Lord their God b
bonds of iniquity. I was in the
that he would open the mouth of darkest abyss; but now I behold
Alma, that he might speak, and also the marvelous light of God. My soul
that his limbs might receive their was c racked with eternal torment;
strength—that the eyes of the people but I am snatched, and my soul is
might be opened to see and know d
pained no more.
of the goodness and glory of God. 30 I rejected my Redeemer, and
23 And it came to pass after they denied that which had been spoken
had fasted and prayed for the of by our fathers; but now that they
space of a two days and two nights, may foresee that he will come, and
the limbs of Alma received their that he remembereth every crea-
strength, and he stood up and be- ture of his creating, he will make
gan to speak unto them, bidding himself manifest unto a all.
them to be of good comfort: 31 Yea, a every knee shall bow, and
24 For, said he, I have repented of every tongue confess before him.
my sins, and have been a redeemed Yea, even at the last day, when all
of the Lord; behold I am born of men shall stand to be b judged of
the Spirit. him, then shall they confess that
25 And the Lord said unto me: Mar- he is c God; then shall they confess,
vel not that all mankind, yea, men who live d without God in the world,
and women, all nations, kindreds, that the judgment of an everlast-
tongues and people, must be a born ing punishment is just upon them;
again; yea, b born of God, c changed and they shall quake, and tremble,
from their carnal and d fallen state, and shrink beneath the glance of
to a state of righteousness, being re- his e all-searching eye.
deemed of God, becoming his e sons 32 And now it came to pass that
and daughters; Alma began from this time forward
26 And thus they become new to teach the people, and those who
creatures; and unless they do this, were with Alma at the time the
they can in a nowise inherit the angel appeared unto them, trav-
kingdom of God. eling round about through all the
27 I say unto you, unless this be land, publishing to all the people
the case, they must be cast off; and the things which they had heard
this I know, because I was like to and seen, and preaching the word
be cast off. of God in much tribulation, being
28 Nevertheless, after a wading greatly persecuted by those who
through much b tribulation, repent- were unbelievers, being smitten by
ing nigh unto death, the Lord in many of them.
23 a Alma 36:10. d tg Man, Natural, Not d tg Pain.
24 a Ps. 49:15; Spiritually Reborn. 30 a D&C 84:46 (45–46).
Alma 27:25; e Mosiah 15:10; 31 a Philip. 2:10 (9–11);
A of F 1:3. Moro. 7:19. Mosiah 16:1 (1–2);
25 a Rom. 6:3 (3–11). 26 a John 3:5. D&C 88:104; 138:23.
tg Conversion; 28 a Alma 7:5. b tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
Man, New, Spiritually b tg Tribulation. c Mosiah 7:27;
Reborn. c 2 Ne. 9:16. Alma 11:39 (38–39).
b Mosiah 5:7; 29 a Isa. 38:17. d Eph. 2:12;
Alma 5:14 (14, 49). b Isa. 58:6. Alma 41:11.
c Moses 6:65. c Mosiah 2:38. e tg God, Omniscience of.
Mosiah 27 : 33–28 : 6 202
33 But notwithstanding all this, that they might, with these whom
they did impart much consolation they had b selected, go up to the land
to the church, confirming their of c Nephi that they might preach
faith, and exhorting them with long- the things which they had heard,
suffering and much travail to keep and that they might impart the
the commandments of God. word of God to their brethren, the
34 And four of them were the a sons Lamanites—
of Mosiah; and their names were 2 a That perhaps they might bring
Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, them to the knowledge of the Lord
and Himni; these were the names their God, and convince them of the
of the sons of Mosiah. iniquity of their fathers; and that
35 And they traveled through- perhaps they might cure them of
out all the land of Zarahemla, and their b hatred towards the Nephites,
among all the a people who were that they might also be brought to
under the reign of king Mosiah, rejoice in the Lord their God, that
zealously striving to repair all the they might become friendly to
injuries which they had done to the one another, and that there should
church, c confessing all their sins, be no more contentions in all the
and publishing all the things which land which the Lord their God had
they had seen, and explaining the given them.
prophecies and the scriptures to all 3 Now they were desirous that sal-
who desired to hear them. vation should be declared to every
36 And thus they were instru- creature, for they could not a bear
ments in the hands of God in bring- that any human b soul should c per-
ing many to the knowledge of the ish; yea, even the very thoughts that
truth, yea, to the knowledge of their any soul should endure d endless
Redeemer. torment did cause them to quake
37 And how blessed are they! For and e tremble.
they did a publish b peace; they did 4 And thus did the Spirit of the
publish good tidings of good; and Lord work upon them, for they were
they did declare unto the people the very a vilest of sinners. And the
that the Lord reigneth. Lord saw fit in his infinite b mercy
to spare them; nevertheless they
Chapter 28 suffered much anguish of soul be-
cause of their iniquities, suffering
The sons of Mosiah go to preach to the much and fearing that they should
Lamanites—Using the two seer stones, be cast off forever.
Mosiah translates the Jaredite plates.
About 92 b.c. 5 And it came to pass that they
did plead with their father many
Now it came to pass that after the days that they might go up to the
sons of Mosiah had done all these land of Nephi.
things, they took a small number 6 And king Mosiah went and a in-
with them and returned to their quired of the Lord if he should let
father, the king, and desired of his sons go up among the Laman-
him that he would grant unto them ites to preach the word.
34 a Mosiah 28:1; 29:3; Alma 50:8 (8, 11). c Matt. 18:14.
Alma 17:1. 2 a Alma 17:16. d Jacob 6:10;
35 a Mosiah 1:10; 28:18. b Jacob 7:24; Moro. 8:21;
b tg Zeal. Mosiah 1:5; D&C 19:12 (10–12).
c Alma 39:13. Alma 26:9. e 1 Cor. 2:3.
37 a Mosiah 12:21; 3 a 1 Ne. 7:8; 4 a Mosiah 27:10;
15:14 (14–17). Mosiah 25:11; Alma 26:18 (17–18).
b tg Peace of God. Alma 13:27 (27–30); 31:2; b tg God, Mercy of.
28 1 a Mosiah 27:34. 3 Ne. 17:14; 6 a Ex. 18:15;
b Alma 17:8. Moses 7:41. Alma 43:23.
c Mosiah 9:1 (1, 3–4, 14); b tg Worth of Souls.
203 Mosiah 28 : 7–20
7 And the Lord said unto Mosiah: 15 And they have been kept and
Let them go up, for many shall preserved by the hand of the Lord,
believe on their words, and they that he should discover to every
shall have eternal life; and I will creature who should possess the
deliver thy sons out of the hands land the iniquities and abomina-
of the Lamanites. tions of his people;
8 And it came to pass that Mosiah 16 And whosoever has these things
granted that they might go and do is called a seer, after the manner of
according to their request. old times.
9 And they a took their journey into 17 Now after Mosiah had finished
the wilderness to go up to preach a
translating these b records, behold,
the word among the Lamanites; it gave an account of the people
and I shall give an b account of their who were c destroyed, from the time
proceedings hereafter. that they were destroyed back to
10 Now king Mosiah had no one to the building of the d great tower, at
confer the kingdom upon, for there the time the Lord e confounded the
was not any of his sons who a would language of the people and they
accept of the kingdom. were scattered abroad upon the
11 Therefore he took the records face of all the earth, yea, and even
which were engraven on the plates from that time back until the cre-
of a brass, and also the plates of ation of Adam.
Nephi, and all the things which he 18 Now this account did cause the
had kept and preserved according people of Mosiah to mourn exceed-
to the commandments of God, after ingly, yea, they were filled with
having translated and caused to be sorrow; nevertheless it gave them
written the records which were on much knowledge, in the which they
the c plates of gold which had been did rejoice.
found by the people of Limhi, which 19 And this account shall be a writ-
were delivered to him by the hand ten hereafter; for behold, it is expe-
of Limhi; dient that all people should know
12 And this he did because of the the things which are written in
great anxiety of his people; for they this account.
were desirous beyond measure to 20 And now, as I said unto you,
know concerning those people a who that after king Mosiah had done
had been destroyed. these things, he took the plates of
13 And now he translated them a
brass, and all the things which
by the means of those two a stones he had kept, and b conferred them
which were fastened into the two upon Alma, who was the son of Alma;
rims of a bow. yea, all the records, and also the
14 Now these things were prepared c
interpreters, and conferred them
from the beginning, and were upon him, and commanded him
handed down from generation to that he should keep and d preserve
generation, for the purpose of in- them, and also keep a record of the
terpreting languages; people, handing them down from
7 a Alma 17:35; 19:23 (22–23). Abr. 3:1; e Gen. 11:7 (6–9);
9 a Alma 17:6 (6–9); 26:1. JS—H 1:35. Omni 1:22.
b ie in Alma 17–26. 16 a Mosiah 8:13 (13–18). 19 a Ether 1:1.
10 a Mosiah 29:3 (1–3). tg Seer. 20 a Mosiah 1:3 (3–4);
11 a Mosiah 10:16. 17 a Omni 1:20; Alma 37:3 (3–12).
b W of M 1:10. Alma 9:21. b Alma 37:1.
c Mosiah 21:27; b tg Scriptures, c tg Urim and Thummim.
Alma 37:21 (21–31). Writing of. d tg Scriptures,
12 a Mosiah 8:8. c Mosiah 8:8 (7–12); Preservation of.
13 a Ex. 28:30; Alma 22:30.
Mosiah 21:28 (27–28); d Ether 1:3 (1–5).
Mosiah 29 : 1–13 204
one generation to another, even as among you. And who knoweth but
they had been handed down from what my son, to whom the king-
the time that Lehi left Jerusalem. dom doth belong, should turn to
be angry and b draw away a part
Chapter 29 of this people after him, which
would cause wars and contentions
Mosiah proposes that judges be chosen
in place of a king—Unrighteous kings among you, which would be the
lead their people into sin—Alma the cause of shedding much blood and
younger is chosen chief judge by the perverting the way of the Lord,
yea, and destroy the souls of many
voice of the people—He is also the high people.
priest over the Church—Alma the el- 8 Now I say unto you let us be wise
der and Mosiah die. About 92–91 b.c.
and consider these things, for we
Now when Mosiah had done this have no right to destroy my son,
he sent out throughout all the land, neither should we have any right
among all the people, desiring to to destroy another if he should be
know their will concerning who appointed in his stead.
should be their king. 9 And if my son should turn
2 And it came to pass that the voice again to his pride and vain things
of the people came, saying: We are he would recall the things which
desirous that Aaron thy son should he had said, and claim his right to
be our king and our ruler. the kingdom, which would cause
3 Now Aaron had gone up to the him and also this people to com-
land of Nephi, therefore the king mit much sin.
could not confer the kingdom upon 10 And now let us be wise and
him; a neither would Aaron take look forward to these things, and
upon him the kingdom; neither were do that which will make for the
any of the b sons of Mosiah c willing peace of this people.
to take upon them the kingdom. 11 Therefore I will be your king
4 Therefore king Mosiah sent again the remainder of my days; never-
among the people; yea, even a writ- theless, let a us appoint b judges, to
ten word sent he among the people. judge this people according to our
And these were the words that were law; and we will newly arrange the
written, saying: affairs of this people, for we will
5 Behold, O ye my people, or my appoint wise men to be judges, that
brethren, for I esteem you as such, will judge this people according to
I desire that ye should consider the the commandments of God.
cause which ye are called to a con- 12 Now it is better that a man
sider—for ye are desirous to have should be a judged of God than of
a king. man, for the judgments of God are
6 Now I declare unto you that he always just, but the judgments of
to whom the kingdom doth rightly man are not always just.
belong has declined, and will not 13 Therefore, a if it were possible
take upon him the kingdom. that you could have b just men to be
7 And now if there should be an- your kings, who would establish the
other appointed in his stead, behold c
laws of God, and judge this people
I fear there would rise a contentions according to his commandments,
29 3 a Alma 17:6. b Ex. 18:13; 2 Ne. 21:4;
b Mosiah 27:34. Deut. 16:18; D&C 98:9;
c Mosiah 28:10. Ezra 7:25; Moses 6:57.
5 a 1 Sam. 8:9 (9–19). Alma 46:4; tg God, Justice of.
7 a tg Contention. D&C 107:74 (74, 78). 13 a Mosiah 23:8, 13.
b Judg. 8:23; 9:2 (1–55). 12 a 2 Sam. 23:3; b 1 Kgs. 15:14 (11–14).
11 a Mosiah 29:25 2 Chr. 1:10; c Ex. 18:21;
(25–27, 41). Ps. 50:6; 75:7; Neh. 7:2.
205 Mosiah 29 : 14–26
yea, if ye could have men for your because they did a humble them-
kings who would do even as my selves before him; and because they
father d Benjamin did for this b
cried mightily unto him he did
people—I say unto you, if this could deliver them out of bondage; and
always be the case then it would thus doth the Lord work with his
be expedient that ye should always power in all cases among the chil-
have kings to rule over you. dren of men, extending the arm of
14 And even I myself have labored c
mercy towards them that put their
with all the power and faculties d
trust in him.
which I have possessed, to teach 21 And behold, now I say unto
you the commandments of God, you, ye cannot dethrone an iniqui-
and to establish peace throughout tous a king save it be through much
the land, that there should be no contention, and the shedding of
wars nor contentions, no stealing, much blood.
nor plundering, nor murdering, nor 22 For behold, he has his a friends
any manner of iniquity; in iniquity, and he keepeth his
15 And whosoever has commit- guards about him; and he teareth up
ted iniquity, him have I a punished the laws of those who have reigned
according to the crime which he in righteousness before him; and he
has committed, according to the trampleth under his feet the com-
law which has been given to us by mandments of God;
our fathers. 23 And he enacteth laws, and send
16 Now I say unto you, that because eth them forth among his people,
all men are not just it is not expe- yea, laws after the manner of his
dient that ye should have a a king own wickedness; and whosoever
or kings to rule over you. doth not obey his laws he a causeth
17 For behold, how much a iniquity to be destroyed; and whosoever doth
doth one b wicked king cause to be rebel against him he will send his
committed, yea, and what great armies against them to war, and if
destruction! he can he will destroy them; and
18 Yea, remember king Noah, his thus an unrighteous b king doth per-
wickedness and his abominations, vert the ways of all righteousness.
and also the wickedness and abomi 24 And now behold I say unto you,
nations of his people. Behold what it is not expedient that such abomi
great destruction did come upon nations should come upon you.
them; and also because of their 25 Therefore, choose you by the
iniquities they were brought into a
voice of this people, judges, that
bondage. ye may be b judged according to the
19 And were it not for the inter- c
laws which have been given you
position of their all-wise Creator, by our fathers, which are correct,
and this because of their sincere and which were given them by the
repentance, they must unavoidably hand of the Lord.
remain in bondage until now. 26 Now it is not common that
20 But behold, he did deliver them the a voice of the people desireth
13 d Omni 1:25; Ether 6:23. b tg Kings, Earthly.
W of M 1:18 (17–18). 20 a Mosiah 21:14. 25 a Mosiah 29:11;
15 a Alma 1:32. b Ex. 2:23 (23–25); Alma 2:3 (3–7).
16 a 1 Sam. 8:5 (4–22). Alma 43:49 (49–50). tg Citizenship.
tg Kings, Earthly. c Ezek. 33:11 (11, 15–16); b Ex. 18:22 (19–27).
17 a 1 Kgs. 16:26 (25–26); Mosiah 26:30. c Deut. 4:8;
Alma 46:9. d tg Trust in God. Alma 34:11.
b Prov. 16:12; 21 a 1 Sam. 8:9; 26 a 1 Sam. 8:7;
Mosiah 23:9 (8–10). Prov. 25:5 (4–5). Alma 29:4;
18 a Mosiah 11:2 (1–15). 22 a 1 Kgs. 12:8 (8–15). D&C 26:2.
b 1 Sam. 8:11 (10–18); 23 a tg Tyranny; tg Common Consent.
Mosiah 12:2 (2–8); Unrighteous Dominion.
Mosiah 29 : 27–39 206
exceedingly rejoiced because of the him the charge concerning all the
liberty which had been granted affairs of the church.
unto them. 43 And now it came to pass that
40 And they did wax strong in love Alma did a walk in the ways of the
towards Mosiah; yea, they did esteem Lord, and he did keep his command-
him more than any other man; for ments, and he did judge righteous
they did not look upon him as a judgments; and there was continual
tyrant who was seeking for gain, yea,
peace through the land.
for that b lucre which doth c corrupt 44 And thus commenced the a reign
the soul; for he had not exacted riches of the judges throughout all the land
of them, neither had he delighted in of Zarahemla, among all the peo-
the shedding of blood; but he had ple who were called the Nephites;
established d peace in the land, and and Alma was the first and chief
he had granted unto his people that judge.
they should be delivered from all 45 And now it came to pass that
manner of bondage; therefore they his father died, being eighty and
did esteem him, yea, exceedingly, two years old, having lived to fulfil
beyond measure. the commandments of God.
41 And it came to pass that they did 46 And it came to pass that Mo-
appoint b judges to rule over them, siah a died also, in the thirty and
or to judge them according to the third year of his reign, being b sixty
law; and this they did throughout and three years old; making in the
all the land. whole, five hundred and nine years
42 And it came to pass that Alma from the time Lehi left Jerusalem.
was appointed to be the first a chief 47 And thus ended the reign of the
judge, he being also the b high priest, kings over the people of Nephi; and
his father having conferred the of- thus ended the days of Alma, who
fice upon him, and having given was the founder of their church.
The account of Alma, who was the son of Alma, the first and chief judge over
the people of Nephi, and also the high priest over the Church. An account of
the reign of the judges, and the wars and contentions among the people. And
also an account of a war between the Nephites and the Lamanites, according
to the record of Alma, the first and chief judge.
make war on the Nephites and are de- 7 And it came to pass that the
feated—The Lamanites and Amlicites voice of the people came against
join forces and are defeated—Alma Amlici, that he was not made king
slays Amlici. About 87 b.c. over the people.
8 Now this did cause much joy
And it came to pass in the com- in the hearts of those who were
mencement of the fifth year of their against him; but Amlici did stir up
reign there began to be a contention those who were in his favor to anger
among the people; for a certain against those who were not in his
man, being called Amlici, he being favor.
a very cunning man, yea, a wise 9 And it came to pass that they
man as to the wisdom of the world, gathered themselves together, and
he being after the order of the man did a consecrate Amlici to be their
that slew b Gideon by the sword, who king.
was executed according to the law— 10 Now when Amlici was made
2 Now this Amlici had, by his cun- king over them he commanded
ning, a drawn away much people them that they should take up arms
after him; even so much that they against their brethren; and this
began to be very powerful; and they he did that he might subject them
began to endeavor to establish Am- to him.
lici to be a king over the people. 11 Now the people of Amlici were
3 Now this was alarming to the distinguished by the name of Am-
people of the church, and also to all lici, being called a Amlicites; and the
those who had not been drawn away remainder were b called Nephites,
after the persuasions of Amlici; or the people of God.
for they knew that according to their 12 Therefore the people of the
law that such things must be estab- Nephites were aware of the intent
lished by the a voice of the people. of the Amlicites, and therefore they
4 Therefore, if it were possible did prepare to meet them; yea,
that Amlici should gain the voice they did arm themselves with swords,
of the people, he, being a wicked and with cimeters, and with bows, and
man, would a deprive them of their with arrows, and with stones, and
rights and privileges of the church; with slings, and with all manner
for it was his intent to destroy the of a weapons of war, of every kind.
church of God. 13 And thus they were prepared
5 And it came to pass that the peo- to meet the Amlicites at the time
ple assembled themselves together of their coming. And there were
throughout all the land, every man appointed a captains, and higher
according to his mind, whether it captains, and chief captains, ac-
were for or against Amlici, in sepa cording to their numbers.
rate bodies, having much dispute 14 And it came to pass that Amlici
and wonderful a contentions one did arm his men with all manner of
with another. weapons of war of every kind; and
6 And thus they did assemble he also appointed rulers and lead-
themselves together to cast in their ers over his people, to lead them to
voices concerning the matter; and war against their brethren.
they were laid before the judges. 15 And it came to pass that the
2 1 a Alma 1:15; 16:11; Alma 10:19; 11 a Alma 3:4.
24:28 (28–30). Hel. 5:2. b Jacob 1:14 (13–14);
b Alma 1:8. 5 a 3 Ne. 11:29. Mosiah 25:12;
2 a 2 Sam. 15:6 (1–10). 6 a tg Common Consent. Alma 3:11 (11, 17).
3 a Mosiah 29:25 (25–27); 7 a Mosiah 29:25 (25–27). 12 a Mosiah 10:8;
Alma 4:16 (16–17). 9 a tg Unrighteous Hel. 1:14.
4 a Mosiah 29:27; Dominion. 13 a Alma 16:5.
Alma 2 : 16–29 212
Amlicites came upon the hill Am- 22 Now those whom he had sent
nihu, which was east of the a river out to watch the camp of the Amli-
Sidon, which ran by the b land of cites were called Zeram, and Amnor,
Zarahemla, and there they began and Manti, and Limher; these were
to make war with the Nephites. they who went out with their men
16 Now Alma, being the a chief to watch the camp of the Amlicites.
judge and the b governor of the peo- 23 And it came to pass that on the
ple of Nephi, therefore he went up morrow they returned into the camp
with his people, yea, with his cap- of the Nephites in great haste, be-
tains, and chief captains, yea, at ing greatly astonished, and struck
the head of his armies, against the with much fear, saying:
Amlicites to battle. 24 Behold, we followed the a camp
17 And they began to slay the Am- of the b Amlicites, and to our great
licites upon the hill east of Sidon. astonishment, in the land of Mi-
And the Amlicites did contend with non, above the land of Zarahemla,
the Nephites with great strength, in the course of the land of c Nephi,
insomuch that many of the Neph- we saw a numerous host of the La-
ites did fall before the Amlicites. manites; and behold, the Amlicites
18 Nevertheless the Lord did have joined them;
strengthen the hand of the Nephites, 25 And they are upon our brethren
that they slew the Amlicites with in that land; and they are fleeing
great slaughter, that they began to before them with their flocks, and
flee before them. their wives, and their children, to-
19 And it came to pass that the wards our city; and except we make
Nephites did pursue the Amlicites haste they obtain possession of our
all that day, and did slay them with city, and our fathers, and our wives,
much slaughter, insomuch that there and our children be slain.
were a slain of the Amlicites twelve 26 And it came to pass that the
thousand five hundred thirty and people of Nephi took their tents,
two souls; and there were slain of and departed out of the valley of
the Nephites six thousand five hun- Gideon towards their a city, which
dred sixty and two souls. was the city of b Zarahemla.
20 And it came to pass that when 27 And behold, as they were cross-
Alma could pursue the Amlicites ing the river Sidon, the Lamanites
no longer he caused that his peo- and the Amlicites, being as a nu-
ple should pitch their tents in the merous almost, as it were, as the
valley of Gideon, the valley being sands of the sea, came upon them
called after that Gideon who was to destroy them.
slain by the hand of b Nehor with 28 Nevertheless, the Nephites be-
the sword; and in this valley the ing a strengthened by the hand of
Nephites did pitch their tents for the Lord, having prayed mightily
the night. to him that he would deliver them
21 And Alma sent spies to follow out of the hands of their enemies,
the remnant of the Amlicites, that therefore the Lord did hear their
he might know of their plans and cries, and did strengthen them, and
their plots, whereby he might guard the Lamanites and the Amlicites
himself against them, that he might did fall before them.
preserve his people from being 29 And it came to pass that Alma
destroyed. fought with Amlici with the sword,
15 a Alma 3:3. 20 a Alma 6:7; 8:1. Alma 20:1.
b Omni 1:13; b Alma 1:12 (7–15); 26 a Alma 6:4.
Mosiah 1:1. 14:16. b Omni 1:14 (14, 18).
16 a Mosiah 29:42. 24 a Alma 3:20. 27 a Jarom 1:6.
b Mosiah 1:10. b Alma 3:4 (4, 13–18). 28 a Deut. 31:6.
19 a Alma 3:1 (1–2, 26); 4:2. c 2 Ne. 5:8;
213 Alma 2 : 30–3 : 5
face to face; and they did contend the wilderness which was infested
mightily, one with another. by wild and ravenous beasts.
30 And it came to pass that Alma, 38 And it came to pass that many
being a man of God, being exercised died in the wilderness of their
with much a faith, cried, saying: O wounds, and were devoured by those
Lord, have mercy and b spare my beasts and also the vultures of the air;
life, that I may be an instrument and their bones have been found, and
in thy hands to save and preserve have been heaped up on the earth.
this people.
31 Now when Alma had said these Chapter 3
words he contended again with The Amlicites had marked themselves
Amlici; and he was strengthened, according to the prophetic word—The
insomuch that he slew Amlici with Lamanites had been cursed for their
the sword. rebellion—Men bring their own curses
32 And he also contended with the upon themselves—The Nephites de-
king of the Lamanites; but the king feat another Lamanite army. About
of the Lamanites fled back from 87– 86 b.c.
before Alma and sent his guards to
contend with Alma. And it came to pass that the Nephites
33 But Alma, with his guards, con- who were not a slain by the weapons
tended with the guards of the king of war, after having buried those
of the Lamanites until he slew and who had been slain—now the num-
drove them back. ber of the slain were not numbered,
34 And thus he cleared the ground, because of the greatness of their
or rather the bank, which was on the number—after they had finished
west of the river Sidon, throwing the burying their dead they all returned
bodies of the Lamanites who had to their lands, and to their houses,
been slain into the waters of Sidon, and their wives, and their children.
that thereby his people might have 2 Now many women and children
room to cross and contend with the had been slain with the sword, and
Lamanites and the Amlicites on the also many of their flocks and their
west side of the river Sidon. herds; and also many of their fields of
35 And it came to pass that when grain were destroyed, for they were
they had all crossed the river Sidon trodden down by the hosts of men.
that the Lamanites and the Amlicites 3 And now as many of the Laman-
began to flee before them, notwith- ites and the Amlicites who had been
standing they were so numerous slain upon the bank of the river Si-
that they could not be numbered. don were cast into the a waters of
36 And they fled before the Neph- Sidon; and behold their bones are
ites towards the wilderness which in the depths of the b sea, and they
was west and north, away beyond are many.
the borders of the land; and the 4 And the a Amlicites were distin-
Nephites did pursue them with their guished from the Nephites, for they
might, and did slay them. had b marked themselves with red
37 Yea, they were met on every in their foreheads after the manner
hand, and slain and driven, until of the Lamanites; nevertheless they
they were scattered on the west, and had not shorn their heads like unto
on the north, until they had reached the Lamanites.
the wilderness, which was called 5 Now the heads of the Lamanites
Hermounts; and it was that part of were shorn; and they were a naked,
30 a tg Faith. b Alma 44:22. Mosiah 10:8;
b Alma 3:22. 4 a Alma 2:11, 24. Alma 43:20 (18–21).
3 1 a Alma 2:19; 4:2. b Alma 3:13 (13–19).
3 a Alma 2:15; 4:4. 5 a Enos 1:20;
Alma 3 : 6 –19 214
save it were skin which was girded 12 And it is they who have kept
about their loins, and also their the records which are a true of their
armor, which was girded about people, and also of the people of
them, and their bows, and their the Lamanites.
arrows, and their stones, and their 13 Now we will return again to
slings, and so forth. the Amlicites, for they also had a
6 And the skins of the Lamanites a
mark set upon them; yea, they set
were dark, according to the mark the mark upon themselves, yea,
which was set upon their fathers, even a mark of red upon their
which was a a curse upon them be- foreheads.
cause of their transgression and 14 Thus the word of God is ful-
their rebellion against their breth- filled, for these are the words which
ren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, he said to Nephi: Behold, the La-
and Joseph, and Sam, who were just manites have I cursed, and I will
and holy men. set a mark on them that they and
7 And their brethren sought to their seed may be a separated from
destroy them, therefore they were thee and thy seed, from this time
cursed; and the Lord God set a henceforth and forever, except they
mark upon them, yea, upon Laman repent of their wickedness and
and Lemuel, and also the sons of b
turn to me that I may have mercy
Ishmael, and Ishmaelitish women. upon them.
8 And this was done that their seed 15 And again: I will set a mark
might be distinguished from the upon him that mingleth his seed
seed of their brethren, that thereby with thy brethren, that they may
the Lord God might preserve his be cursed also.
people, that they might not a mix 16 And again: I will set a mark
and believe in incorrect b traditions upon him that fighteth against thee
which would prove their destruction. and thy seed.
9 And it came to pass that whoso- 17 And again, I say he that de-
ever did mingle his seed with that parteth from thee shall no more
of the Lamanites did bring the same be called thy seed; and I will bless
curse upon his seed. thee, and whomsoever shall be
10 Therefore, whosoever suffered called thy seed, henceforth and
himself to be led away by the La- forever; and these were the prom-
manites was called under that ises of the Lord unto Nephi and to
head, and there was a mark set his seed.
upon him. 18 Now the Amlicites knew not
11 And it came to pass that whoso- that they were fulfilling the words
ever would not believe in the a tradi- of God when they began to mark
tion of the Lamanites, but believed themselves in their foreheads; nev-
those records which were brought ertheless they had come out in open
out of the land of Jerusalem, and a
rebellion against God; therefore it
also in the tradition of their fathers, was expedient that the curse should
which were correct, who believed fall upon them.
in the commandments of God and 19 Now I would that ye should
kept them, were b called the Neph- see that they brought upon them-
ites, or the people of Nephi, from selves the a curse; and even so doth
that time forth— every man that is cursed bring
6 a 2 Ne. 5:21; 26:33. 11 a Alma 17:9 (9–11). 18 a Josh. 22:18;
tg Curse. b Alma 2:11. 4 Ne. 1:38.
7 a 1 Ne. 12:23. 12 a Mosiah 1:6; tg Rebellion.
8 a tg Marriage, Interfaith; Ether 4:11 (6–11). 19 a 2 Ne. 5:21 (21–25);
Separation. 13 a Alma 3:4. Alma 17:15.
b Mosiah 10:12 (11–18); 14 a tg Separation.
Alma 9:16. b 2 Ne. 30:6 (4–7).
215 Alma 3 : 20–4 : 5
upon himself his own condem endeth the fifth year of the reign
nation. of the judges.
20 Now it came to pass that not
many days after the battle which Chapter 4
was fought in the land of Zara-
hemla, by the Lamanites and the Alma baptizes thousands of con-
Amlicites, that there was another verts—Iniquity enters the Church,
army of the Lamanites came in and the Church’s progress is hindered—
upon the people of Nephi, in the Nephihah is appointed chief judge—
same place where the first army Alma, as high priest, devotes himself to
met the Amlicites. the ministry. About 86– 83 b.c.
21 And it came to pass that there Now it came to pass in the sixth
was an army sent to drive them out year of the reign of the judges over
of their land. the people of Nephi, there were no
22 Now Alma himself being af- contentions nor wars in the a land
flicted with a a wound did not go of Zarahemla;
up to battle at this time against the 2 But the people were afflicted,
Lamanites; yea, greatly afflicted for the loss of
23 But he sent up a numerous army their brethren, and also for the a loss
against them; and they went up and of their flocks and herds, and also
slew many of the Lamanites, and for the loss of their fields of grain,
drove the remainder of them out of which were trodden under foot and
the borders of their land. destroyed by the Lamanites.
24 And then they returned again 3 And so great were their afflic-
and began to establish peace in the tions that every soul had cause to
land, being troubled no more for a mourn; and they believed that it
time with their enemies. was the judgments of God sent upon
25 Now all these things were done, them because of their wickedness
yea, all these wars and contentions and their abominations; therefore
were commenced and ended in they were a awakened to a remem-
the fifth year of the reign of the brance of their duty.
judges. 4 And they began to establish the
26 And in one year were thou- a
church more fully; yea, and many
sands and tens of thousands of souls were b baptized in the c waters of Si-
sent to the eternal world, that they don and were joined to the church
might reap their a rewards according of God; yea, they were baptized by
to their works, whether they were the hand of Alma, who had been
good or whether they were bad, to consecrated the d high priest over
reap eternal happiness or eternal the people of the church, by the
misery, according to the spirit which hand of his father Alma.
they listed to obey, whether it be a 5 And it came to pass in the seventh
good spirit or a bad one. year of the reign of the judges there
27 For every man receiveth a wages were about three thousand five hun-
of him whom he listeth to b obey, and dred souls that united themselves to
this according to the words of the the a church of God and were baptized.
spirit of prophecy; therefore let it And thus ended the seventh year of
be according to the truth. And thus the reign of the judges over the people
20 a Alma 2:24. b Rom. 6:16 (14–18); c Alma 3:3; 6:7.
22 a Alma 2:30 (29–33). Hel. 14:31 (29–31). d Mosiah 29:42.
26 a Ps. 7:16. 4 1 a Omni 1:12 (12–19). tg High Priest,
tg Agency; 2 a Alma 2:19; Melchizedek Priesthood.
Reward. 3:1 (1–2, 26). 5 a Mosiah 25:22 (18–23);
27 a Mosiah 2:32 (32–33); 3 a 1 Cor. 15:34 (33–34). 3 Ne. 26:21.
Alma 5:42 (41–42). 4 a tg Church Organization.
tg Wages. b Mosiah 18:10 (10–17).
Alma 4 : 6 –15 216
of Nephi; and there was continual year of the reign of the judges; and
peace in all that time. the wickedness of the church was
6 And it came to pass in the eighth a great a stumbling-block to those
year of the reign of the judges, who did not belong to the church;
that the people of the church be- and thus the church began to fail
gan to wax proud, because of their in its progress.
exceeding a riches, and their b fine 11 And it came to pass in the com-
silks, and their fine-twined linen, mencement of the ninth year, Alma
and because of their many flocks saw the wickedness of the church,
and herds, and their gold and their and he saw also that the a example
silver, and all manner of precious of the church began to lead those
things, which they had obtained who were unbelievers on from one
by their c industry; and in all these piece of iniquity to another, thus
things were they lifted up in the bringing on the destruction of the
pride of their eyes, for they began people.
to wear very costly d apparel. 12 Yea, he saw great inequality
7 Now this was the cause of much among the people, some lifting
affliction to Alma, yea, and to many themselves up with their pride, de-
of the people whom Alma had con- spising others, turning their backs
secrated to be a teachers, and b priests, upon the a needy and the naked and
and c elders over the church; yea, those who were b hungry, and those
many of them were sorely grieved who were athirst, and those who
for the wickedness which they saw were sick and afflicted.
had begun to be among their people. 13 Now this was a great cause for
8 For they saw and beheld with lamentations among the people,
great sorrow that the people of the while others were abasing them-
church began to be lifted up in the selves, succoring those who stood in
pride of their eyes, and to set their need of their succor, such as impart-
hearts upon riches and upon the ing their substance to the a poor and
vain things of the world, that they the needy, feeding the hungry, and
began to be scornful, one towards suffering all manner of b afflictions,
another, and they began to persecute for Christ’s c sake, who should come
those that did b not believe accord- according to the spirit of prophecy;
ing to their own will and pleasure. 14 Looking forward to that day,
9 And thus, in this eighth year of thus a retaining a b remission of
the reign of the judges, there began their sins; being filled with great
to be great a contentions among the c
joy because of the resurrection of
people of the church; yea, there were the dead, according to the will and
envyings, and c strife, and malice, power and d deliverance of Jesus
and persecutions, and pride, even Christ from the bands of death.
to exceed the pride of those who 15 And now it came to pass that
did not belong to the church of God. Alma, having seen the afflictions of
10 And thus ended the eighth the humble followers of God, and
6 a tg Riches. b Alma 1:21. Jacob 2:17.
b Alma 1:29. 9 a tg Contention. b Mosiah 4:26.
c tg Industry. b tg Envy. 13 a
tg Almsgiving.
d tg Apparel. c Alma 16:18. b tg Affliction.
7 a Mosiah 6:3. tg Strife. c 2 Cor. 12:10.
tg Teacher. 10 a tg Stumblingblock. 14 a
Mosiah 4:12;
b tg Church Organization. 11 a 2 Sam. 12:14; Alma 5:26 (26–35);
c Alma 4:16. Alma 39:11. D&C 20:32 (31–34).
tg Elder. tg Example. b tg Justification.
8 a tg Pride; 12 a Isa. 3:14; c tg Joy.
Vanity; Ezek. 22:12 (6–13); d tg Deliver.
Worldliness. Amos 3:10;
217 Alma 4 : 16–5 : 3
establish a church in the d land which Behold, I say unto you, Nay, they
was in the borders of Nephi; yea, the were not.
land which was called the land of 9 And again I ask, were the bands
Mormon; yea, and he did baptize his of death broken, and the a chains of
brethren in the waters of Mormon. hell which encircled them about,
4 And behold, I say unto you, they were they loosed? I say unto you,
were a delivered out of the hands Yea, they were loosed, and their
of the people of king Noah, by the souls did expand, and they did b sing
mercy and power of God. redeeming love. And I say unto you
5 And behold, after that, they were that they are saved.
brought into a bondage by the hands 10 And now I ask of you on what
of the Lamanites in the wilderness; conditions are they a saved? Yea,
yea, I say unto you, they were in what grounds had they to hope
captivity, and again the Lord did for salvation? What is the cause of
deliver them out of b bondage by their being loosed from the bands
the power of his word; and we were of death, yea, and also the chains
brought into this land, and here of hell?
we began to establish the church 11 Behold, I can tell you—did
of God throughout this land also. not my father Alma believe in the
6 And now behold, I say unto you, words which were delivered by the
my brethren, you that belong to a
mouth of Abinadi? And was he not
this church, have you sufficiently a holy prophet? Did he not speak
retained in a remembrance the cap- the words of God, and my father
tivity of your fathers? Yea, and have Alma believe them?
you sufficiently retained in remem- 12 And according to his faith there
brance his mercy and long-suffering was a mighty a change wrought in
towards them? And moreover, have his heart. Behold I say unto you
ye sufficiently retained in remem- that this is all true.
brance that he has b delivered their 13 And behold, he a preached
souls from hell? the word unto your fathers, and a
7 Behold, he changed their hearts; mighty change was also wrought
yea, he awakened them out of a deep in their hearts, and they humbled
sleep, and they awoke unto God. themselves and put their b trust in
Behold, they were in the midst of the true and c living God. And be-
darkness; nevertheless, their souls hold, they were faithful until the
were illuminated by the light of d
end; therefore they were saved.
the everlasting word; yea, they 14 And now behold, I ask of you,
were encircled about by the a bands my brethren of the church, have
of death, and the b chains of hell, ye a spiritually been b born of God?
and an everlasting destruction did Have ye received his image in your
await them. countenances? Have ye experienced
8 And now I ask of you, my this mighty c change in your hearts?
brethren, were they destroyed? 15 Do ye exercise faith in the
3 d Mosiah 18:4; Spiritually Reborn. Ps. 42:2;
3 Ne. 5:12. b Alma 12:11 (9–11); Morm. 9:28;
4 a Mosiah 23:1 (1–3). D&C 138:23. D&C 20:19.
5 a Mosiah 23:37 (37–39); tg Hell. d 2 Ne. 31:15.
24:9 (8–15). 9 a Alma 12:6. 14 a tg Spirituality.
b Mosiah 24:17; b Ps. 147:1 (1–7). b Mosiah 27:25 (24–27);
25:10; 27:16. 10 a tg Save. Alma 22:15.
6 a 2 Pet. 3:1 (1–2). 11 a Mosiah 17:2 (2–4). c Rom. 7:22; 8:11 (11–17);
b tg Deliver. 12 a tg Conversion. Col. 3:10 (9–10);
7 a Mosiah 15:8. 13 a Mosiah 18:7 (1–31). Mosiah 5:2;
tg Bondage, Spiritual; b tg Trust in God. Moses 6:65.
Man, Natural, Not c 1 Sam. 17:26; tg Sanctification.
219 Alma 5 : 16–26
who can deny this? Behold, I say Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have
unto you, whosoever denieth this b
fasted and prayed many days that
is a c liar and a d child of the devil. I might know these things of my-
40 For I say unto you that what- self. And now I do know of myself
soever is a good cometh from God, that they are true; for the Lord God
and whatsoever is b evil cometh hath made them manifest unto me
from the devil. by his Holy Spirit; and this is the
41 Therefore, if a man bringeth spirit of c revelation which is in me.
forth a good works he hearkeneth 47 And moreover, I say unto you
unto the voice of the good shepherd, that it has thus been revealed unto
and he doth follow him; but who- me, that the words which have been
soever bringeth forth evil works, spoken by our fathers are true, even
the same becometh a b child of the so according to the spirit of proph-
devil, for he hearkeneth unto his ecy which is in me, which is also
voice, and doth follow him. by the manifestation of the Spirit
42 And whosoever doeth this must of God.
receive his a wages of him; there- 48 I say unto you, that I know of
fore, for his b wages he receiveth myself that whatsoever I shall say
death, as to things pertaining unto unto you, concerning that which
righteousness, being dead unto all is to come, is true; and I say unto
good works. you, that I know that Jesus Christ
43 And now, my brethren, I would shall come, yea, the Son, the Only
that ye should hear me, for I speak Begotten of the Father, full of grace,
in the a energy of my soul; for behold, and mercy, and truth. And behold,
I have spoken unto you plainly that it is he that cometh to take away
ye cannot err, or have spoken accord- the sins of the world, yea, the sins
ing to the commandments of God. of every man who steadfastly be-
44 For I am called to speak after lieveth on his name.
this manner, according to the a holy 49 And now I say unto you that
order of God, which is in Christ this is the a order after which I am
Jesus; yea, I am commanded to called, yea, to preach unto my be-
stand and testify unto this people loved brethren, yea, and every one
the things which have been spo- that dwelleth in the land; yea, to
ken by our fathers concerning the preach unto all, both old and young,
things which are to come. both bond and free; yea, I say unto
45 And this is not all. Do ye not you the aged, and also the middle
suppose that I a know of these things aged, and the rising generation; yea,
myself? Behold, I testify unto you to cry unto them that they must
that I do know that these things repent and be b born again.
whereof I have spoken are true. And 50 Yea, thus saith the Spirit: Repent,
how do ye suppose that I know of all ye ends of the earth, for the
their surety ? kingdom of heaven is soon at hand;
46 Behold, I say unto you they yea, the Son of God cometh in his
are made a known unto me by the a
glory, in his might, majesty, power,
39 c 1 Jn. 2:22. tg Good Works. b Alma 10:7.
d 2 Ne. 9:9. b Mosiah 16:3 (3–5); c Rev. 19:10.
40 a Ezra 3:11; Alma 11:23. 49 a tg Called of God;
Ps. 85:12; 42 a Alma 3:27 (26–27); Priesthood.
Omni 1:25; D&C 29:45. b tg Man, New, Spiritually
Ether 4:12; b Rom. 6:23. Reborn.
Moro. 7:16 (15–17). c Hel. 14:18 (16–18). 50 a Ps. 24:8; 72:19.
b Isa. 45:7; 43 a Alma 7:5. tg Jesus Christ,
Amos 3:6; 44 a Mosiah 29:42. Glory of.
Moro. 7:12. 45 a Alma 36:4.
41 a 3 Ne. 14:17 (16–20). 46 a 1 Cor. 2:10 (9–16).
Alma 5 : 51–60 222
fold, and ye are his sheep; and he the order of the church in the a city
commandeth you that ye suffer no of Zarahemla.
ravenous wolf to enter among you, 5 Now I would that ye should un-
that ye may not be destroyed. derstand that the word of God was
61 And now I, Alma, do command liberal unto all, that none were
you in the language of a him who deprived of the privilege of assem-
hath commanded me, that ye ob- bling themselves together to hear
serve to do the words which I have the word of God.
spoken unto you. 6 Nevertheless the children of God
62 I speak by way of command were commanded that they should
unto you that belong to the church; gather themselves together oft, and
and unto those who do not belong join in a fasting and mighty prayer
to the church I speak by way of in behalf of the welfare of the souls
invitation, saying: Come and be of those who knew not God.
baptized unto repentance, that ye 7 And now it came to pass that
also may be partakers of the fruit when Alma had made these regu-
of the a tree of life. lations he departed from them, yea,
from the church which was in the
Chapter 6 city of Zarahemla, and went over
upon the east of the a river Sidon, into
The Church in Zarahemla is cleansed
and set in order—Alma goes to Gideon the b valley of Gideon, there having
to preach. About 83 b.c. been a city built, which was called
the city of Gideon, which was in
And now it came to pass that after the valley that was called Gideon,
Alma had made an end of speak- being called after the man who was
ing unto the people of the church, c
slain by the hand of Nehor with
which was established in the city of the sword.
Zarahemla, he a ordained b priests 8 And Alma went and began to
and elders, by laying on his c hands declare the word of God unto the
according to the order of God, to church which was established in
preside and d watch over the church. the valley of Gideon, according to
2 And it came to pass that whoso- the revelation of the truth of the
ever did not belong to the church word which had been spoken by
who a repented of their sins were his fathers, and according to the
baptized unto repentance, and were spirit of prophecy which was in
received into the church. him, according to the a testimony of
3 And it also came to pass that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who
whosoever did belong to the church should come to redeem his people
that did not a repent of their wick- from their sins, and the holy order
edness and humble themselves by which he was called. And thus
before God—I mean those who it is written. Amen.
were lifted up in the b pride of their
hearts—the same were rejected, The words of Alma which he
and their names were c blotted out, delivered to the people in Gideon,
that their names were not numbered according to his own record.
among those of the righteous.
4 And thus they began to establish Comprising chapter 7.
61 a Alma 5:1 (1, 44). c tg Hands, Laying on of. Alma 1:24; 5:57 (57–58).
62 a 1 Ne. 8:10; d D&C 52:39. tg Excommunication.
11:21 (21–23). 2 a tg Baptism, 4 a Alma 2:26.
6 1 a tg Ordain; Qualifications for. 6 a tg Fast, Fasting.
Priesthood. 3 a Mosiah 26:6. 7 a Alma 4:4; 8:3.
b tg Elder; b 1 Cor. 5:2. b Alma 2:20.
Priest, Melchizedek c Ex. 32:33; c Alma 1:9.
Priesthood. Mosiah 26:36; 8 a Rev. 19:10.
Alma 7 : 1–10 224
21 And he doth not dwell in a un- rest upon you, and upon your houses
holy temples; neither can filthiness and lands, and upon your flocks and
or anything which is unclean be herds, and all that you possess, your
received into the kingdom of God; women and your children, accord-
therefore I say unto you the time ing to your faith and good works,
shall come, yea, and it shall be at from this time forth and forever.
the last day, that he who is b filthy And thus I have spoken. Amen.
shall remain in his filthiness.
22 And now my beloved brethren, I Chapter 8
have said these things unto you that Alma preaches and baptizes in Me-
I might awaken you to a sense of lek—He is rejected in Ammonihah
your duty to God, that ye may walk and leaves—An angel commands him
blameless before him, that ye may to return and cry repentance unto the
walk after the holy order of God, people—He is received by Amulek, and
after which ye have been received. the two of them preach in Ammonihah.
23 And now I would that ye should About 82 b.c.
be a humble, and be b submissive and
gentle; easy to be entreated; full of And now it came to pass that Alma
patience and long-suffering; be- returned from the a land of Gideon,
ing temperate in all things; being after having taught the people of
diligent in keeping the command- Gideon many things which cannot
ments of God at all times; asking be written, having established the
for whatsoever things ye stand in b
order of the church, according as
need, both spiritual and temporal; he had before done in the land of
always returning thanks unto God Zarahemla, yea, he returned to his
for whatsoever things ye do receive. own house at Zarahemla to rest
24 And see that ye have a faith, himself from the labors which he
hope, and charity, and then ye will had performed.
always abound in good works. 2 And thus ended the ninth year
25 And may the Lord bless you, of the reign of the judges over the
and keep your garments spotless, people of Nephi.
that ye may at last be brought to 3 And it came to pass in the com-
sit down with a Abraham, Isaac, and mencement of the tenth year of the
Jacob, and the holy prophets who reign of the judges over the people
have been ever since the world be- of Nephi, that Alma departed from
gan, having your garments b spotless thence and took his journey over
even as their garments are spotless, into the land of a Melek, on the west
in the kingdom of heaven to go no of the b river Sidon, on the west by
more out. the borders of the wilderness.
26 And now my beloved brethren, 4 And he began to teach the peo-
I have spoken these words unto ple in the land of Melek according
you according to the Spirit which to the a holy order of God, by which
testifieth in me; and my soul doth he had been called; and he began
exceedingly rejoice, because of the to teach the people throughout all
exceeding diligence and heed which the land of Melek.
ye have given unto my word. 5 And it came to pass that the
27 And now, may the a peace of God people came to him throughout all
21 a 1 Cor. 3:17 (16–17); 6:19; 23 a Prov. 18:12. 27 a tg Peace of God.
Mosiah 2:37; b tg Submissiveness. 8 1 a Alma 2:20; 6:7.
Alma 34:36. 24 a 1 Cor. 13:13 (1–13); b tg Church Organization.
b 1 Ne. 15:33 (33–35); Ether 12:31 (30–35); 3 a Alma 31:6.
2 Ne. 9:16; Moro. 7:44 (33–48). b Alma 6:7; 16:6 (6–7).
Morm. 9:14; 25 a D&C 27:10. 4 a D&C 107:3 (2–4).
D&C 88:35. b 2 Pet. 3:14. tg Priesthood.
227 Alma 8 : 6 –19
the borders of the land which was by 13 Now when the people had said
the wilderness side. And they were this, and withstood all his words,
baptized throughout all the land; and a reviled him, and spit upon
6 So that when he had finished his him, and caused that he should be
work at Melek he departed thence, b
cast out of their city, he departed
and traveled three days’ journey on thence and took his journey towards
the north of the land of Melek; and the city which was called Aaron.
he came to a city which was called 14 And it came to pass that while
he was journeying thither, being
7 Now it was the custom of the weighed down with sorrow, wading
people of Nephi to call their lands, through much a tribulation and an-
and their cities, and their villages, guish of soul, because of the wicked-
yea, even all their small villages, af- ness of the people who were in the
ter the a name of him who first pos- city of Ammonihah, it came to pass
sessed them; and thus it was with while Alma was thus weighed down
the land of Ammonihah. with sorrow, behold an b angel of the
8 And it came to pass that when Lord appeared unto him, saying:
Alma had come to the city of Am- 15 Blessed art thou, Alma; there-
monihah he began to preach the fore, lift up thy head and rejoice, for
word of God unto them. thou hast great cause to rejoice;
9 Now Satan had gotten great a hold for thou hast been faithful in keep-
upon the hearts of the people of the ing the commandments of God from
city of Ammonihah; therefore they the time which thou receivedst thy
would not hearken unto the words first message from him. Behold, I
of Alma. am he that a delivered it unto you.
10 Nevertheless Alma a labored 16 And behold, I am sent to a com-
much in the spirit, b wrestling with mand thee that thou return to the
God in c mighty prayer, that he city of Ammonihah, and preach
would pour out his Spirit upon the again unto the people of the city;
people who were in the city; that yea, preach unto them. Yea, say unto
he would also grant that he might them, except they repent the Lord
baptize them unto repentance. God will b destroy them.
11 Nevertheless, they hardened 17 For behold, they do study at
their hearts, saying unto him: Behold, this time that they may destroy
we know that thou art Alma; and we the liberty of thy people, (for thus
know that thou art high priest over saith the Lord) which is contrary to
the church which thou hast estab- the a statutes, and judgments, and
lished in many parts of the land, commandments which he has given
according to your tradition; and we unto his people.
are not of thy church, and we do not 18 Now it came to pass that after
believe in such foolish traditions. Alma had received his message from
12 And now we know that because the angel of the Lord he returned
we are not of thy church we know speedily to the land of Ammonihah.
that thou hast no power over us; and And he entered the city by another
thou hast delivered up the judgment- way, yea, by the way which is on
seat unto a Nephihah; therefore thou the south of the city of Ammonihah.
art not the chief judge over us. 19 And as a he entered the city he
6 a Alma 9:1. 12 a Alma 4:20. Hel. 13:3.
7 a Ether 2:13. 13 a 1 Cor. 4:12. b Alma 9:12 (4, 12, 18, 24).
9 a 2 Ne. 28:20 (19–22); b Alma 8:24. 17 a Alma 1:1 (1, 14).
D&C 10:20. 14 a tg Tribulation. tg Commandments
10 a Alma 17:5. b Mosiah 3:2 (2–3); of God.
b Enos 1:2 (1–12). Alma 10:20 (7–10, 20). 19 a Alma 10:8.
c 3 Ne. 27:1; 15 a Mosiah 27:11 (11–16).
D&C 5:24; 29:2. 16 a Gal. 2:2;
Alma 8 : 20–32 228
was an hungered, and he said to saying: Go; and also say unto my ser-
a man: Will ye give to an humble vant a Amulek, go forth and prophesy
servant of God something to eat? unto this people, saying—Repent
20 And the man said unto him: I ye, for thus saith the Lord, except
am a Nephite, and I know that thou ye repent I will visit this people in
art a holy prophet of God, for thou mine anger; yea, and I will not turn
art the man whom an a angel said in my b fierce anger away.
a vision: Thou shalt receive. There- 30 And Alma went forth, and also
fore, go with me into my house Amulek, among the people, to de-
and I will impart unto thee of my clare the words of God unto them;
food; and I know that thou wilt be and they were filled with the Holy
a blessing unto me and my house. Ghost.
21 And it came to pass that the 31 And they had a power given unto
man received him into his house; them, insomuch that they could
and the man was called Amulek; not be confined in dungeons; nei-
and he brought forth bread and ther was it possible that any man
meat and set before Alma. could slay them; nevertheless they
22 And it came to pass that Alma did not exercise their b power un-
ate bread and was filled; and he til they were bound in bands and
blessed Amulek and his house, and cast into prison. Now, this was done
he gave thanks unto God. that the Lord might show forth his
23 And after he had eaten and power in them.
was filled he said unto Amulek: I 32 And it came to pass that they
am Alma, and am the a high priest went forth and began to preach
over the church of God throughout and to prophesy unto the people,
the land. according to the spirit and power
24 And behold, I have been called which the Lord had given them.
to preach the word of God among all
this people, according to the spirit
of revelation and prophecy; and I The words of Alma, and also the
was in this land and they would words of Amulek, which were de-
not receive me, but they a cast me clared unto the people who were
out and I was about to set my back in the land of Ammonihah. And
towards this land forever. also they are cast into prison, and
25 But behold, I have been com- delivered by the miraculous power
manded that I should turn again and of God which was in them, accord-
prophesy unto this people, yea, and ing to the record of Alma.
to testify against them concerning Comprising chapters 9 through 14.
their iniquities.
26 And now, Amulek, because thou Chapter 9
hast fed me and taken me in, thou
art blessed; for I was an hungered, Alma commands the people of Am-
for I had fasted many days. monihah to repent—The Lord will be
27 And Alma a tarried many days merciful to the Lamanites in the last
with Amulek before he began to days—If the Nephites forsake the light,
preach unto the people. they will be destroyed by the Laman-
28 And it came to pass that the ites—The Son of God will come soon—
people did wax more gross in their He will redeem those who repent, are
iniquities. baptized, and have faith in His name.
29 And the word came to Alma, About 82 b.c.
20 a Alma 10:7 (7–9). 13:1 (1–20). b Alma 9:12, 18.
b 1 Kgs. 17:11 (8–13). 24 a Alma 8:13. 31 a Alma 14:10.
22 a Alma 10:11. 27 a Alma 10:10. b Alma 14:25 (17–29).
23 a Alma 5:3 (3, 44, 49); 29 a Alma 10:1.
229 Alma 9 : 1–15
And again, I, Alma, having been how many times he a delivered our
commanded of God that I should fathers out of the hands of their
take Amulek and go forth and enemies, and preserved them from
preach again unto this people, or being destroyed, even by the hands
the people who were in the city of of their own brethren?
Ammonihah, it came to pass as I
11 Yea, and if it had not been for
began to preach unto them, they his matchless power, and his mercy,
began to contend with me, saying: and his a long-suffering towards us,
2 Who art thou? Suppose ye that we we should unavoidably have been
shall believe the testimony of a one cut off from the face of the earth
man, although he should preach long before this period of time, and
unto us that the earth should pass perhaps been consigned to a state
away ? of b endless misery and woe.
3 Now they understood not the 12 Behold, now I say unto you that
words which they spake; for they he commandeth you to repent; and
knew not that the earth should except ye repent, ye can in nowise
pass away. inherit the kingdom of God. But
4 And they said also: We will not behold, this is not all—he has com-
believe thy words if thou shouldst manded you to repent, or he will
prophesy that this great city should utterly a destroy you from off the
be destroyed in a one day. face of the earth; yea, he will visit
5 Now they knew not that God you in his b anger, and in his c fierce
could do such marvelous a works, anger he will not turn away.
for they were a hard-hearted and 13 Behold, do ye not remember the
a stiffnecked people. words which he spake unto Lehi, say-
6 And they said: a Who is God, that ing that: a Inasmuch as ye shall keep
sendeth b no more authority than one my commandments, ye shall pros-
man among this people, to declare per in the land? And again it is said
unto them the truth of such great that: Inasmuch as ye will not keep
and marvelous things? my commandments ye shall be cut
7 And they stood forth to lay their off from the presence of the Lord.
hands on me; but behold, they did 14 Now I would that ye should
not. And I stood with boldness to remember, that inasmuch as the
declare unto them, yea, I did boldly Lamanites have not kept the com-
testify unto them, saying: mandments of God, they have been
8 Behold, O ye wicked and perverse a
cut off from the presence of the
generation, how have ye forgotten Lord. Now we see that the word of
the b tradition of your fathers; yea, the Lord has been verified in this
how soon ye have forgotten the thing, and the Lamanites have been
commandments of God. cut off from his presence, from the
9 Do ye not remember that our beginning of their transgressions
father, Lehi, was brought out of Je- in the land.
rusalem by the a hand of God? Do 15 Nevertheless I say unto you,
ye not remember that they were all that it shall be more a tolerable for
led by him through the wilderness? them in the day of judgment than
10 And have ye forgotten so soon for you, if ye remain in your sins,
9 1 a Alma 8:6. Alma 10:17 (17–25). c Alma 8:29.
2 a Deut. 17:6. b tg Birthright. 13 a 2 Ne. 1:20;
4 a Alma 16:10 (9–10). 9 a 1 Ne. 2:2 (1–7). Mosiah 1:7;
5 a tg God, Works of. 10 a
tg Deliver. Alma 37:13.
6 a Ex. 5:2; 11 a
tg Long-Suffering. 14 a 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–24);
Mosiah 11:27; b Mosiah 16:11. Alma 38:1.
Moses 5:16. 12 a
Alma 8:16; 15 a Matt. 11:22 (22, 24).
b Alma 10:12. 10:27 (19, 23, 27).
8 a Matt. 3:7; b Jer. 18:10 (6–10).
Alma 9 : 16–24 230
yea, and even more tolerable for tongue, or people; after having had
them in this life than for you, ex- all things b made known unto them,
cept ye repent. according to their desires, and their
16 For there are many promises faith, and prayers, of that which has
which are a extended to the Laman- been, and which is, and which is
ites; for it is because of the b tradi- to come;
tions of their fathers that caused 21 Having been a visited by the
them to remain in their state of Spirit of God; having conversed
ignorance; therefore the Lord will with angels, and having been spo-
be merciful unto them and d prolong ken unto by the voice of the Lord;
their existence in the land. and having the spirit of prophecy,
17 And at some period of time and the spirit of revelation, and also
they will be a brought to believe in many gifts, the gift of speaking with
his word, and to know of the incor- tongues, and the gift of preaching,
rectness of the traditions of their and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and
fathers; and many of them will be the gift of b translation;
saved, for the Lord will be merci- 22 Yea, and after having been
ful unto all who b call on his name. a
delivered of God out of the land
18 But behold, I say unto you that of Jerusalem, by the hand of the
if ye persist in your wickedness that Lord; having been b saved from
your days shall not be a prolonged famine, and from sickness, and all
in the land, for the b Lamanites shall manner of diseases of every kind;
be sent upon you; and if ye repent and they having waxed strong in
not they shall come in a time when battle, that they might not be de-
you know not, and ye shall be vis- stroyed; having been brought out of
ited with c utter destruction; and c
bondage time after time, and hav-
it shall be according to the fierce ing been kept and preserved until
anger of the Lord. now; and they have been prospered
19 For he will not suffer you that until they are rich in all manner of
ye shall live in your iniquities, things—
to a destroy his people. I say unto 23 And now behold I say unto you,
you, Nay; he would rather suffer that if this people, who have re-
that the Lamanites might destroy ceived so many blessings from the
all his people who are called the hand of the Lord, should transgress
people of Nephi, if it were possible a
contrary to the light and knowl-
that they could b fall into sins and edge which they do have, I say unto
transgressions, after having had you that if this be the case, that if
so much light and so much knowl- they should fall into transgression,
edge given unto them of the Lord it would be far more b tolerable for
their God; the Lamanites than for them.
20 Yea, after having been such a 24 For behold, the a promises of the
highly favored people of the Lord; Lord are extended to the Lamanites,
yea, after having been favored but they are not unto you if ye trans-
above every other a nation, kindred, gress; for has not the Lord expressly
16 a Alma 17:15. 18 a Deut. 6:2. Morm. 1:15.
b Alma 3:8; 17:15. b Alma 16:3. b Omni 1:20;
c 2 Ne. 9:26 (25–26); c Alma 16:9. Mosiah 8:13 (13–19);
Mosiah 3:11; d Alma 8:29. 28:17 (11–17).
Alma 42:21. 19 a 1 Ne. 12:19 (15, 19–20); 22 a 2 Ne. 1:4.
d Deut. 11:9 (8–9); 32:47; Alma 45:11 (10–14). b tg Protection, Divine.
Hel. 15:11 (10–11); b Alma 24:30. c Mosiah 27:16.
D&C 5:33. 20 a 2 Sam. 7:23; 23 a tg Disobedience.
17 a Enos 1:13. Abr. 2:9. b Matt. 11:22 (22–24).
b Ps. 81:7; b tg Prophets, Mission of. 24 a 2 Ne. 30:6 (4–7);
Alma 38:5; 21 a Ex. 3:16; D&C 3:20.
D&C 3:8. 2 Ne. 4:26;
231 Alma 9 : 25–10 : 2
promised and firmly decreed, that ing that ye are a b lost and a fallen
if ye will rebel against him that ye people.
shall b utterly be destroyed from off 31 Now it came to pass that when
the face of the earth? I, Alma, had spoken these words,
25 And now for this cause, that ye behold, the people were wroth
may not be destroyed, the Lord has with me because I said unto them
sent his angel to visit many of his that they were a hard-hearted and
people, declaring unto them that a a stiffnecked people.
they must go forth and cry mightily 32 And also because I said unto
unto this people, saying: a Repent them that they were a lost and a
ye, for the kingdom of heaven is fallen people they were angry with
nigh at hand; me, and sought to lay their hands
26 And a not many days hence the upon me, that they might cast me
Son of God shall come in his b glory; into prison.
and his glory shall be the glory of 33 But it came to pass that the
the Only Begotten of the Father, Lord did not suffer them that they
full of c grace, equity, and truth, should take me a at that time and
full of patience, d mercy, and long- cast me into prison.
suffering, quick to e hear the cries 34 And it came to pass that Amu
of his people and to answer their lek went and stood forth, and be-
prayers. gan to preach unto them also. And
27 And behold, he cometh to a re- now the a words of Amulek are not
deem those who will be b baptized all written, nevertheless a part of
unto repentance, through faith on his words are written in this book.
his name.
28 Therefore, prepare ye the way Chapter 10
of the Lord, for the time is at hand
that all men shall reap a a reward Lehi descended from Manasseh—Amu
of their b works, according to that lek recounts the angelic command that
which they have been—if they have he care for Alma—The prayers of the
been righteous they shall c reap the righteous cause the people to be spared—
salvation of their souls, according to Unrighteous lawyers and judges lay the
foundation of the destruction of the
the power and deliverance of Jesus people. About 82 b.c.
Christ; and if they have been evil
they shall reap the d damnation of Now these are the a words which
their souls, according to the power Amulek preached unto the people
3 And Aminadi was a descendant and the blessing of the Lord shall
of Nephi, who was the son of Lehi, rest upon thee and thy house.
who came out of the land of Jeru- 8 And it came to pass that I obeyed
salem, who was a descendant of the voice of the angel, and returned
Manasseh, who was the son of towards my house. And as I was go-
Joseph who was c sold into Egypt ing thither I found the a man whom
by the hands of his brethren. the angel said unto me: Thou shalt
4 And behold, I am also a man of receive into thy house—and behold
no small a reputation among all those it was this same man who has been
who know me; yea, and behold, I speaking unto you concerning the
have many kindreds and b friends, things of God.
and I have also acquired much riches 9 And the angel said unto me he is
by the hand of my c industry. a a holy man; wherefore I know he
5 Nevertheless, after all this, I is a holy man because it was said
never have known much of the by an angel of God.
ways of the Lord, and his a mysteries 10 And again, I know that the
and marvelous power. I said I never things whereof he hath testified
had known much of these things; are true; for behold I say unto you,
but behold, I mistake, for I have that as the Lord liveth, even so has he
seen much of his mysteries and his sent his a angel to make these things
marvelous power; yea, even in the manifest unto me; and this he has
preservation of the lives of this done while this Alma hath b dwelt
people. at my house.
6 Nevertheless, I did harden my 11 For behold, he hath a blessed
heart, for I was a called many times mine house, he hath blessed me,
and I would not b hear; therefore I and my women, and my children,
knew concerning these things, yet and my father and my kinsfolk; yea,
I would not know; therefore I went even all my kindred hath he blessed,
on rebelling c against God, in the and the blessing of the Lord hath
wickedness of my heart, even un- rested upon us according to the
til the fourth day of this seventh words which he spake.
month, which is in the tenth year 12 And now, when Amulek had
of the reign of the judges. spoken these words the people be-
7 As I was journeying to see a very gan to be astonished, seeing there
near kindred, behold an a angel of was a more than one witness who
the Lord appeared unto me and testified of the things whereof they
said: Amulek, return to thine own were accused, and also of the things
house, for thou shalt feed a prophet which were to come, according to
of the Lord; yea, a holy man, who is the spirit of prophecy which was
a chosen man of God; for he has in them.
fasted many days because of the 13 Nevertheless, there were some
sins of this people, and he is an hun- among them who thought to ques-
gered, and thou shalt c receive him tion them, that by their cunning
into thy house and feed him, and a
devices they might catch them in
he shall bless thee and thy house; their words, that they might b find
3 a Gen. 41:51; 5 a tg Mysteries of 8 a Alma 8:19 (19–21).
Josh. 17:1; Godliness. 9 a tg Holiness.
1 Chr. 7:14; 9:3; 6 a 2 Chr. 33:10; 10 a Mosiah 3:2 (2–3);
1 Ne. 5:14. Isa. 50:2; Alma 11:31.
b tg Israel, Joseph, Alma 5:37. b Alma 8:27.
People of. b D&C 39:9. 11 a 1 Sam. 2:20; Alma 8:22.
c Gen. 37:36 (29–36). c Acts 9:5. 12 a Alma 9:6.
4 a Acts 5:34 (34–39). 7 a Alma 8:20. 13 a Jer. 11:19;
b Alma 15:16. b Alma 5:46; 6:6. Lam. 3:62 (60–62);
c tg Industry; c Acts 10:30 (30–35). Alma 11:21.
Work, Value of. tg Hospitality. b Mark 14:55 (55–60).
233 Alma 10 : 14–25
witness against them, that they by their own voices—yea, well did
might deliver them to their judges he say that if the time should come
that they might be judged accord- that the voice of this people should
ing to the law, and that they might a
choose iniquity, that is, if the time
be slain or cast into prison, accord- should come that this people should
ing to the crime which they could fall into transgression, they would
make appear or witness against be ripe for destruction.
them. 20 And now I say unto you that
14 Now it was those men who well doth the Lord a judge of your
sought to destroy them, who were iniquities; well doth he cry unto this
lawyers, who were hired or ap- people, by the voice of his b angels:
pointed by the people to adminis- Repent ye, repent, for the kingdom
ter the law at their times of trials, of heaven is at hand.
or at the trials of the crimes of the 21 Yea, well doth he cry, by the
people before the judges. voice of his angels that: a I will come
15 Now these lawyers were learned down among my people, with equity
in all the arts and a cunning of the and justice in my hands.
people; and this was to enable them 22 Yea, and I say unto you that if
that they might be skilful in their it were not for the a prayers of the
profession. righteous, who are now in the land,
16 And it came to pass that they that ye would even now be visited
began to question Amulek, that with utter destruction; yet it would
thereby they might make him a cross not be by b flood, as were the people
his words, or contradict the words in the days of c Noah, but it would
which he should speak. be by famine, and by pestilence,
17 Now they knew not that Amu and the d sword.
lek could a know of their designs. 23 But it is by the a prayers of the
But it came to pass as they began righteous that ye are spared; now
to question him, he b perceived their therefore, if ye will b cast out the
thoughts, and he said unto them: O righteous from among you then will
ye wicked and perverse c generation, not the Lord stay his hand; but in
ye lawyers and hypocrites, for ye his fierce anger he will come out
are laying the foundations of the against you; then ye shall be smit-
devil; for ye are laying d traps and ten by famine, and by pestilence,
snares to catch the holy ones of God. and by the sword; and the c time is
18 Ye are laying plans to a pervert soon at hand except ye repent.
the ways of the righteous, and to 24 And now it came to pass that
bring down the wrath of God upon the people were more angry with
your heads, even to the utter de- Amulek, and they cried out, saying:
struction of this people. This man doth revile against our
19 Yea, well did Mosiah say, who laws which are just, and our wise
was our last king, when he was about a
lawyers whom we have selected.
to deliver up the kingdom, having 25 But Amulek stretched forth
no one to confer it upon, causing his hand, and cried the mightier
that this people should be governed unto them, saying: O ye wicked and
14 a Alma 10:24; 11:21 (20–37); 18 a Acts 13:10. 3 Ne. 22:9 (8–10).
14:18 (18, 23); 19 a Mosiah 29:27; tg Flood.
3 Ne. 6:11. Alma 2:4 (3–7); c tg Earth, Cleansing of.
15 a Luke 20:23. Hel. 5:2. d Deut. 32:25;
16 a Mark 12:13. 20 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge. JS—H 1:45.
17 a Luke 5:22. b Alma 8:14 (14–16, 20); 23 a tg Prayer.
b Alma 12:3; 13:22. b 2 Chr. 13:9;
D&C 6:16. 21 a Mosiah 13:34 (28–35). Moro. 9:14.
c Matt. 3:7; 22 a 1 Sam. 7:9 (7–10); c tg Procrastination.
Alma 9:8. Mosiah 27:14 (14–16). 24 a Alma 10:14.
d D&C 10:25 (21–27). b Gen. 8:21;
Alma 10 : 26–11 : 4 234
perverse generation, why hath Sa- rom—Christ will not save people in their
tan got such great hold upon your sins—Only those who inherit the king-
hearts? Why will ye yield yourselves dom of heaven are saved—All men will
unto him that he may have power rise in immortality—There is no death
over you, to a blind your eyes, that after the Resurrection. About 82 b.c.
ye will not understand the words Now it was in the law of Mosiah that
which are spoken, according to every man who was a judge of the
their truth? law, or those who were appointed
26 For behold, have I testified to be judges, should receive a wages
against your law? Ye do not un- b
according to the time which they
derstand; ye say that I have spoken labored to judge those who were
against your law; but I have not, brought before them to be judged.
but I have spoken in favor of your 2 Now if a man owed another, and
law, to your condemnation. he would not a pay that which he
27 And now behold, I say unto you, did owe, he was complained of to
that the foundation of the a destruc- the judge; and the judge executed
tion of this people is beginning to authority, and sent forth officers
be laid by the b unrighteousness of that the man should be brought
your c lawyers and your judges. before him; and he judged the man
28 And now it came to pass that
when Amulek had spoken these according to the law and the evi-
words the people cried out against dences which were brought against
him, and thus the man was com-
him, saying: Now we know that this pelled to pay that which he owed,
man is a a child of the devil, for he or be stripped, or be cast out from
hath b lied unto us; for he hath spo-
among the people as a thief and
ken against our law. And now he says a robber.
that he has not spoken against it. 3 And the judge received for his
29 And again, he has reviled wages a according to his time—a b se-
against our lawyers, and our judges. nine of gold for a day, or a senum
30 And it came to pass that the
lawyers put it into their hearts that of silver, which is equal to a senine
they should remember these things of gold; and this is according to the
against him. law which was given.
31 And there was one among them 4 Now these are the names of the
whose name was Zeezrom. Now he different pieces of their gold, and
was the foremost to a accuse Amu of their silver, according to their
lek and Alma, he being one of the value. And the names are given by
most expert among them, having the Nephites, for they did not reckon
much business to do among the after the a manner of the Jews who
people. were at Jerusalem; neither did they
32 Now the object of these lawyers measure after the manner of the
Jews; but they altered their reck-
was to get gain; and they got gain oning and their measure, according
according to their employ.
to the minds and the circumstances
Chapter 11 of the people, in every generation,
until the reign of the judges, they
The Nephite monetary system is set having been b established by king
forth—Amulek contends with Zeez- Mosiah.
25 a 2 Cor. 4:4 (3–4); 2 Ne. 28:16. 2 a tg Justice.
Alma 14:6; 28 a John 7:20. 3 a Alma 10:32.
Moses 6:27. b Alma 14:2. b Alma 30:33;
27 a Alma 8:16; 31 a Alma 11:21 (20–36). 3 Ne. 12:26.
9:12 (4, 12, 18, 24). 32 a Alma 11:1 (1–3). 4 a bd Money.
b tg Injustice. 11 1 a tg Wages. b Mosiah 29:41 (40–44).
c Luke 11:46 (45–52); b Alma 10:32.
235 Alma 11 : 5–28
brought and be arraigned before the of his guilt, he opened his mouth
bar of Christ the Son, and God the and began to speak unto him, and
Father, and the Holy Spirit, which to establish the words of Amulek,
is c one Eternal God, to be d judged and to explain things beyond, or to
according to their works, whether unfold the scriptures beyond that
they be good or whether they be which Amulek had done.
evil. 2 Now the words that Alma spake
45 Now, behold, I have spoken unto Zeezrom were heard by the
unto you concerning the a death of people round about; for the mul-
the mortal body, and also concern- titude was great, and he spake on
ing the b resurrection of the mortal this wise:
body. I say unto you that this mor- 3 Now Zeezrom, seeing that thou
tal body is c raised to an d immortal hast been taken in thy lying and
body, that is from death, even from craftiness, for thou hast not lied
the first death unto life, that they unto men only but thou hast lied
can e die no more; their spirits unit- unto God; for behold, he knows all
ing with their bodies, never to be thy a thoughts, and thou seest that
divided; thus the whole becoming thy b thoughts are made known unto
spiritual and immortal, that they us by his Spirit;
can no more see corruption. 4 And thou seest that we know
46 Now, when Amulek had finished that thy plan was a very a subtle
these words the people began again plan, as to the subtlety of the devil,
to be astonished, and also Zeezrom for to lie and to deceive this peo-
began to tremble. And thus ended ple that thou mightest set them
the words of Amulek, or this is all against us, to b revile us and to cast
that I have written. us out—
5 Now this was a plan of thine a ad-
Chapter 12 versary, and he hath exercised his
Alma speaks to Zeezrom—The mysteries power in thee. Now I would that ye
of God can be given only to the faith- should remember that what I say
ful—Men are judged by their thoughts, unto thee I say unto all.
beliefs, words, and works—The wicked 6 And behold I say unto you all
will suffer a spiritual death—This mor- that this was a a snare of the adver-
tal life is a probationary state—The sary, which he has laid to catch
plan of redemption brings to pass the this people, that he might bring
Resurrection and, through faith, a re- you into subjection unto him, that
mission of sins—The repentant have a he might encircle you about with
claim on mercy through the Only Be- his b chains, that he might chain
gotten Son. About 82 b.c. you down to everlasting destruc-
tion, according to the power of his
Now Alma, seeing that the words of captivity.
Amulek had silenced Zeezrom, for 7 Now when Alma had spoken
he beheld that Amulek had caught these words, Zeezrom began to
him in his a lying and deceiving to de- tremble more exceedingly, for he
stroy him, and seeing that he began was convinced more and more of
to tremble under a b consciousness the power of God; and he was also
44 b tg Godhead. c tg Death, Power over. tg Conscience.
c 3 Ne. 11:27 (27–28, 36). d tg Immortality. 3 a Jacob 2:5;
tg God, Eternal e Rev. 21:4; D&C 6:16.
Nature of. Alma 12:18 (18, 20); b Alma 10:17.
d 2 Pet. 2:9. D&C 63:49; 88:116. 4 a D&C 123:12.
tg Jesus Christ, Judge. f 1 Cor. 15:44. b tg Slander.
45 a Alma 12:12. 12 1 a Alma 11:36 (20–38). 5 a tg Devil.
b Alma 40:23; b Alma 62:45; 6 a Prov. 29:6 (3–8).
D&C 88:16. D&C 6:11; 18:44. b Alma 5:9 (7–10).
Alma 12 : 8 –16 238
convinced that Alma and Amulek and then they are taken captive by
had a knowledge of him, for he the devil, and led by his will down
was convinced that they a knew the to destruction. Now this is what is
thoughts and intents of his heart; meant by the c chains of d hell.
for power was given unto them that 12 And Amulek hath spoken
they might know of these things plainly concerning a death, and
according to the spirit of prophecy. being raised from this mortality to
8 And Zeezrom began to inquire a state of immortality, and being
of them diligently, that he might brought before the bar of God, to
know more concerning the king- be b judged according to our works.
dom of God. And he said unto 13 Then if our hearts have been
Alma: What does this mean which hardened, yea, if we have hardened
Amulek hath spoken concerning our hearts against the word, inso-
the resurrection of the dead, that much that it has not been found in
all shall rise from the dead, both us, then will our state be awful, for
the a just and the unjust, and are then we shall be condemned.
brought to stand before God to be 14 For our a words will condemn us,
judged according to their works? yea, all our works will condemn
9 And now Alma began to expound us; we shall not be found spotless;
these things unto him, saying: It and our thoughts will also condemn
is given unto many to a know the us; and in this awful state we shall
mysteries of God; nevertheless not dare to look up to our God;
they are laid under a strict com- and we would fain be glad if we
mand that they shall not impart could command the rocks and the
only according to the portion of his b
mountains to fall upon us to c hide
word which he doth grant unto the us from his presence.
children of men, according to the 15 But this cannot be; we must
heed and diligence which they give come forth and stand before him
unto him. in his glory, and in his power, and in
10 And therefore, he that will his might, majesty, and dominion,
harden his heart, the same receiv- and acknowledge to our everlasting
eth the b lesser portion of the word; a
shame that all his b judgments are
and he that will c not harden his just; that he is just in all his works,
heart, to him is d given the greater and that he is merciful unto the
portion of the word, until it is given children of men, and that he has
unto him to know the mysteries of all power to save every man that
God until he know them in full. believeth on his name and bringeth
11 And they that will harden their forth fruit meet for repentance.
hearts, to them is given the lesser 16 And now behold, I say unto you
portion of the word until they b know then cometh a death, even a second
nothing concerning his mysteries; a
death, which is a spiritual death;
7 a Alma 14:2. c tg Teachable. 12 a Alma 11:45 (41–45).
8 a Dan. 12:2. d Dan. 2:21; 2 Ne. 28:30; b tg Judgment, the Last.
b tg Judgment, the Last. D&C 50:24; 71:5. 14 a Prov. 18:21; Matt. 12:36;
9 a Dan. 1:17. 11 a Matt. 25:29 (29–30). James 3:6 (1–13);
b Alma 26:22. b tg Apostasy of Mosiah 4:30 (29–30).
tg Mysteries of Individuals. b Hosea 10:8;
Godliness. c Prov. 5:22; 2 Ne. 26:5.
c John 16:12; John 8:34 (31–36); c Job 34:22; Amos 9:3;
Alma 29:8; 2 Ne. 28:19 (19–22); 2 Ne. 12:10.
3 Ne. 26:10 (6–11); Mosiah 23:12; 15 a Mosiah 3:25.
Ether 4:7 (1–7). Alma 26:14. tg Shame.
10 a 2 Ne. 28:27; tg Bondage, Spiritual. b 2 Pet. 2:9.
3 Ne. 26:10 (9–10); d Prov. 9:18; 1 Ne. 14:7; tg Justice.
Ether 4:8. 2 Ne. 2:29 (26–29). 16 a tg Death, Spiritual,
b D&C 93:39. tg Hell. Second.
239 Alma 12 : 17–26
then is a time that whosoever dieth is the thing which I was about to
in his sins, as to a temporal b death, explain. Now we see that Adam
shall also c die a spiritual death; yea, did a fall by the partaking of the
he shall die as to things pertaining forbidden b fruit, according to the
unto righteousness. word of God; and thus we see, that
17 Then is the time when their by his fall, all mankind became a
torments shall be as a a lake of fire c
lost and fallen people.
and brimstone, whose flame as- 23 And now behold, I say unto
cendeth up forever and ever; and you that if it had been possible for
then is the time that they shall be Adam to have a partaken of the fruit
chained down to an everlasting de- of the tree of life at that time, there
struction, according to the power would have been no death, and the
and captivity of Satan, he having word would have been void, mak-
subjected them according to his will. ing God a liar, for he said: b If thou
18 Then, I say unto you, they shall eat thou shalt surely die.
be as though there had been a no re- 24 And we see that a death comes
demption made; for they cannot be upon mankind, yea, the death which
redeemed according to God’s justice; has been spoken of by Amulek,
and they cannot b die, seeing there which is the temporal death; nev-
is no more corruption. ertheless there was a space granted
19 Now it came to pass that when unto b man in which he might repent;
Alma had made an end of speaking therefore this life became a c pro-
these words, the people began to be bationary state; a time to d prepare
more astonished; to meet God; a time to prepare for
20 But there was one Antionah, that endless state which has been
who was a chief ruler among them, spoken of by us, which is after the
came forth and said unto him: What resurrection of the dead.
is this that thou hast said, that man 25 Now, if it had not been for the
should rise from the dead and be plan of redemption, which was laid
changed from this mortal to an from the foundation of the world,
immortal state, that the soul can there could have been no a resur-
never die? rection of the dead; but there was
21 What does the scripture mean, a plan of b redemption laid, which
which saith that God placed a cheru shall bring to pass the resurrec-
bim and a flaming sword on the tion of the dead, of which has been
east of the garden of b Eden, lest our spoken.
first parents should enter and par- 26 And now behold, if it were pos-
take of the fruit of the tree of life, sible that our first parents could
and live forever? And thus we see have gone forth and partaken of the
that there was no possible chance a
tree of life they would have been
that they should live forever. forever miserable, having no pre-
22 Now Alma said unto him: This paratory state; and thus the b plan
16 b Alma 11:42 (40–45). tg Cherubim. tg Earth, Purpose of;
c 1 Ne. 15:33; b tg Eden. Probation.
Alma 40:26. 22 a tg Fall of Man. d Alma 34:32 (32–35).
17 a Rev. 19:20; 21:8; b Gen. 3:6; 25 a 2 Ne. 2:8;
Mosiah 3:27; 2 Ne. 2:15 (15–19); Alma 7:12; 42:23.
Alma 14:14. Mosiah 3:26. b tg Redemption.
18 a Alma 11:41. c Mosiah 16:5 (4–5); 26 a Gen. 2:9;
b Rev. 21:4; Alma 9:30 (30–32). 1 Ne. 15:36 (22, 28, 36);
Alma 11:45; 23 a Alma 42:5 (2–9). 2 Ne. 2:15;
D&C 63:49; 88:116. b Gen. 2:17. Alma 32:40.
20 a tg Immortality. 24 a tg Death. b Alma 34:9 (8–16);
21 a Gen. 3:24; b 2 Ne. 2:21; 42:8 (6–28);
Alma 42:2; Moses 5:8–12. Moses 6:62.
Moses 4:31. c 1 Pet. 2:20 (20–21).
Alma 12 : 27–37 240
of redemption would have been frus- evil, the penalty thereof being a
trated, and the word of God would second b death, which was an ever-
have been void, taking none effect. lasting c death as to things pertain-
27 But behold, it was not so; but ing unto righteousness; for on such
it was a appointed unto men that the plan of redemption could have
they must die; and after death, they no power, for the works of d justice
must come to b judgment, even that could not be destroyed, according
same judgment of which we have to the supreme e goodness of God.
spoken, which is the end. 33 But God did call on men, in
28 And after God had appointed the name of his Son, (this being
that these things should come unto the a plan of redemption which was
man, behold, then he saw that it laid) saying: If ye will b repent, and
was expedient that man should harden not your hearts, then will
know concerning the things whereof I have mercy upon you, through
he had appointed unto them; mine Only Begotten Son;
29 Therefore he sent a angels to 34 Therefore, whosoever repenteth,
converse with them, who caused and hardeneth not his heart, he shall
men to behold of his glory. have claim on a mercy through mine
30 And they began from that time Only Begotten Son, unto a b remis-
forth to call on his name; therefore sion of his sins; and these shall en-
God a conversed with men, and made ter into my c rest.
known unto them the b plan of re- 35 And whosoever will harden his
demption, which had been prepared heart and will do a iniquity, behold,
from the c foundation of the world; I swear in my wrath that he shall
and this he made known unto them not enter into my rest.
according to their faith and repen- 36 And now, my brethren, be-
tance and their d holy works. hold I say unto you, that if ye will
31 Wherefore, he gave a command- harden your hearts ye shall not en-
ments unto men, they having first ter into the rest of the Lord; there-
transgressed the b first command- fore your iniquity a provoketh him
ments as to things which were that he sendeth down his b wrath
temporal, and becoming as gods, upon you as in the c first provoca-
knowing good from evil, placing tion, yea, according to his word in
themselves in a state to d act, or being the last provocation as well as the
placed in a state to act according to first, to the everlasting d destruction
their wills and pleasures, whether of your souls; therefore, according
to do evil or to do good— to his word, unto the last death, as
32 Therefore God gave unto them well as the first.
commandments, after having made 37 And now, my brethren, seeing
known unto them the plan of re- we know these things, and they are
demption, that they should not do true, let us repent, and harden not
27 a Job 7:1; of God. 34 a 2 Cor. 4:1.
Heb. 9:27; b Gen. 2:17 (16–17); b tg Remission of Sins.
D&C 42:48; 121:25. 2 Ne. 2:19 (18–19). c D&C 84:24.
b tg Judgment, the Last. c Gen. 3:22; Moses 4:11. tg Rest.
29 a Moro. 7:25 (25, 31); d 2 Ne. 2:16. 35 a Moses 5:15.
D&C 29:42. tg Agency. 36 a 1 Kgs. 16:33.
30 a Moses 1:1; 5:4 (4–5); 32 a Moses 5:9 (4–9). tg Provoking.
6:51 (4, 51–68). b tg Death, Spiritual, b tg God, Indignation of.
b tg Salvation, Plan of. Second. c Heb. 3:8;
c Gen. 2:16 (16–17); c tg Damnation. 2 Ne. 9:7;
Mosiah 18:13; d Mosiah 15:27; Jacob 1:7 (7–8);
Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 7–8); Alma 34:16 (15–16); 42:15. Mosiah 16:4 (4–7);
Abr. 3:26 (24–26). e tg Goodness. Alma 11:45;
d Luke 8:15 (14–15). 33 a tg Salvation, Plan of. 42:6 (6, 9, 14).
31 a tg Commandments b Moses 5:8. d tg Damnation.
241 Alma 13 : 1–8
and high priesthood, is without spoken, who also took upon him
beginning or end— the high priesthood forever.
9 Thus they become a high priests 15 And it was this same Melchizedek
forever, after the order of the Son, to whom Abraham paid a tithes; yea,
the Only Begotten of the Father, who even our father Abraham paid tithes
is without beginning of days or end of one-tenth part of all he possessed.
of years, who is full of b grace, equity, 16 Now these a ordinances were
and truth. And thus it is. Amen. given after this b manner, that there-
10 Now, as I said concerning the by the people might look forward
holy order, or this a high priest- on the Son of God, it being a c type
hood, there were many who were of his order, or it being his order,
ordained and became high priests of and this that they might look for-
God; and it was on account of their ward to him for a remission of their
exceeding b faith and c repentance, sins, that they might enter into the
and their righteousness before God, rest of the Lord.
they choosing to repent and work 17 Now this Melchizedek was a
righteousness rather than to perish; king over the land of Salem; and
11 Therefore they were called af- his people had waxed strong in in-
ter this holy order, and were a sanc- iquity and abomination; yea, they
tified, and their b garments were had all gone astray; they were full
washed white through the blood of all manner of wickedness;
of the Lamb. 18 But Melchizedek having exer-
12 Now they, after being a sanc- cised mighty faith, and received the
tified by the b Holy Ghost, having office of the high priesthood accord-
their garments made white, being ing to the a holy order of God, did
pure and spotless before God, could
preach repentance unto his people.
not look upon d sin save it were with And behold, they did repent; and
abhorrence; and there were many, Melchizedek did establish peace in
exceedingly great many, who were the land in his days; therefore he
made pure and entered into the rest was called the prince of peace, for
of the Lord their God. he was the king of Salem; and he
13 And now, my brethren, I would did reign under his father.
that ye should humble yourselves 19 Now, there were a many before
before God, and bring forth a fruit him, and also there were many af-
meet for repentance, that ye may terwards, but b none were greater;
also enter into that rest. therefore, of him they have more
14 Yea, humble yourselves even as particularly made mention.
the people in the days of a Melchi- 20 Now I need not rehearse the
zedek, who was also a high priest matter; what I have said may suf-
after this same order which I have fice. Behold, the a scriptures are
9 a tg High Priest, 12 a Rom. 8:1 (1–9); 15 a Gen. 14:20 (18–20);
Melchizedek Priesthood. D&C 11:12 (12–13). Mal. 3:10 (8–10).
b John 1:17 (14, 17); tg Sanctification. tg Tithing.
2 Ne. 2:6; b tg Holy Ghost, 16 a A of F 1:5.
Moses 1:6. Baptism of. tg Ordinance.
tg Grace. c tg Purity. b Alma 13:2.
10 a D&C 84:18 (6–22); d Rom. 12:9; c tg Jesus Christ, Types of,
107:53 (40–55). 2 Ne. 4:31; in Anticipation.
b tg Priesthood, Mosiah 5:2; 18 a tg Priesthood.
Magnifying Callings Alma 19:33. 19 a Hel. 8:18;
within. e Prov. 8:13; D&C 84:14 (6–16);
c tg Spirituality. Alma 37:29. 107:53 (40–55).
11 a Lev. 8:30; 13 a Luke 3:8. b D&C 107:2 (1–4).
Moses 6:60 (59–60). 14 a jst Gen. 14:25–40 20 a Alma 14:1 (1, 8, 14).
b 1 Ne. 12:10; (Bible Appendix); tg Scriptures, Value of.
Alma 5:21 (21–27); D&C 84:14.
3 Ne. 27:19 (19–20). tg Priesthood, History of.
243 Alma 13 : 21–31
before you; if ye will b wrest them that the words of our fathers may
it shall be to your own destruction. be fulfilled, according to that which
21 And now it came to pass that they have spoken concerning him,
when Alma had said these words which was according to the spirit
unto them, he stretched forth his of prophecy which was in them.
hand unto them and cried with a 27 And now, my brethren, I a wish
mighty voice, saying: a Now is the from the inmost part of my heart,
time to repent, for the day of sal- yea, with great b anxiety even unto
vation draweth nigh; pain, that ye would hearken unto
22 Yea, and the voice of the Lord, my words, and cast off your sins,
by the a mouth of angels, doth de- and not c procrastinate the day of
clare it unto all nations; yea, doth your repentance;
declare it, that they may have glad 28 But that ye would humble
tidings of great joy; yea, and he doth yourselves before the Lord, and
sound these glad tidings among all call on his holy name, and a watch
his people, yea, even to them that and pray continually, that ye may
are scattered abroad upon the face not be b tempted above that which
of the earth; wherefore they have ye can bear, and thus be c led by
come unto us. the Holy Spirit, becoming humble,
23 And they are made known unto d
meek, submissive, patient, full of
us in a plain terms, that we may un- love and all long-suffering;
derstand, that we cannot err; and 29 a Having faith on the Lord; hav-
this because of our being b wander- ing a hope that ye shall receive
ers in a strange land; therefore, we eternal life; having the b love of God
are thus highly favored, for we have always in your hearts, that ye may
these glad tidings declared unto us be lifted up at the last day and en-
in all parts of our vineyard. ter into his c rest.
24 For behold, a angels are declar- 30 And may the Lord grant unto
ing it unto many at this time in our you repentance, that ye may not
land; and this is for the purpose of bring down his wrath upon you,
preparing the hearts of the children that ye may not be a bound down
of men to receive his word at the by the chains of b hell, that ye may
time of his coming in his glory. not suffer the second c death.
25 And now we only wait to hear 31 And Alma spake many more
the joyful news declared unto us words unto the people, which are
by the mouth of angels, of his com- not written in a this book.
ing; for the time cometh, we a know
not how soon. Would to God that Chapter 14
it might be in my day; but let it be
sooner or later, in it I will rejoice. Alma and Amulek are imprisoned
26 And it shall be made known unto and smitten—The believers and their
just and holy men, by the mouth holy scriptures are burned by fire—
of angels, at the time of his coming, These martyrs are received by the Lord
20 b 2 Pet. 3:16; Amos 3:7; d tg Forbear;
Alma 41:1. W of M 1:17; Love; Meek.
21 a tg Procrastination. D&C 49:8; 107:29. 29 a Alma 7:24.
22 a Alma 10:20 (7–10, 20). 27 a Mosiah 28:3 (3–4). b Ps. 18:1;
23 a 2 Ne. 25:7 (7–8); b Mosiah 25:11. D&C 20:31; 76:116.
31:3; 32:7; c tg Apathy; tg God, Love of.
Jacob 4:13; Procrastination. c D&C 84:24.
Ether 12:39. 28 a tg Prayer; Watch. 30 a tg Bondage, Spiritual.
b Jacob 7:26. b Rom. 7:23 (23–24); b tg Damnation; Hell.
24 a Alma 10:10; 39:19. 1 Cor. 10:13; c tg Death, Spiritual,
25 a 1 Ne. 10:4; D&C 64:20. Second.
3 Ne. 1:1. c Alma 22:1; 31 a W of M 1:5;
26 a Ex. 22:31; Morm. 5:17. 3 Ne. 5:9 (8–12).
Alma 14 : 1–11 244
in glory—The prison walls are rent and words; and his soul began to be
fall—Alma and Amulek are delivered, harrowed up under a d conscious-
and their persecutors are slain. About ness of his own guilt; yea, he began
82– 81 b.c. to be encircled about by the pains
of hell.
And it came to pass after he had 7 And it came to pass that he be-
made an end of speaking unto the gan to cry unto the people, saying:
people many of them did believe Behold, I am a guilty, and these men
on his words, and began to repent, are spotless before God. And he
and to search the a scriptures. began to plead for them from that
2 But the more part of them were time forth; but they reviled him,
desirous that they might destroy saying: Art thou also possessed with
Alma and Amulek; for they were the devil? And they spit upon him,
angry with Alma, because of the and b cast him out from among them,
plainness of his words unto Zeez- and also all those who believed in
rom; and they also said that Amu the words which had been spoken
lek had b lied unto them, and had by Alma and Amulek; and they
reviled against their law and also cast them out, and sent men to cast
against their lawyers and judges. stones at them.
3 And they were also angry with 8 And they brought their wives
Alma and Amulek; and because and children together, and whoso-
they had a testified so plainly against ever believed or had been taught
their wickedness, they sought to to believe in the word of God they
put them away privily. caused that they should be a cast
4 But it came to pass that they into the fire; and they also brought
did not; but they took them and forth their records which contained
bound them with strong cords, and the holy scriptures, and cast them
took them before the chief judge into the fire also, that they might
of the land. be b burned and destroyed by fire.
5 And the people went forth and 9 And it came to pass that they
witnessed against them—testifying took Alma and Amulek, and carried
that they had reviled against the them forth to the place of a martyr-
law, and their lawyers and judges of dom, that they might witness the
the land, and also of all the people destruction of those who were con-
that were in the land; and also testi- sumed by fire.
fied that there was but one God, and 10 And when Amulek saw the
that he should send his Son among pains of the women and children
the people, but he should a not save who were consuming in the fire, he
them; and many such things did also was pained; and he said unto
the people testify against Alma and Alma: How can we witness this aw-
Amulek. Now this was done before ful scene? Therefore let us stretch
the chief judge of the land. forth our hands, and exercise the
6 And it came to pass that Zeez- a
power of God which is in us, and
rom was astonished at the words save them from the flames.
which had been spoken; and he also 11 But Alma said unto him: The
knew concerning the a blindness of Spirit constraineth me that I must
the minds, which he had caused not stretch forth mine hand; for
among the people by his b lying behold the Lord receiveth them up
14 1 a 2 Kgs. 22:11 (8–13); b Acts 23:12 (12–15). 11:21 (21–36); 15:3.
Acts 17:2 (2–3, 11); 5 a Alma 11:35 (33–37). b Alma 15:1.
Alma 13:20. 6 a tg Spiritual Blindness. 8 a Alma 15:2.
2 a Alma 12:7 (3–7). b Alma 10:31 (25–31). b Jer. 36:23 (21–28).
b Alma 10:28 (24–32). c Alma 15:5. 9 a tg Martyrdom.
3 a Prov. 26:26; d tg Conscience. 10 a Alma 8:31 (30–31).
Alma 37:21. 7 a Alma 10:31;
245 Alma 14 : 12–23
unto himself, in a glory; and he doth into prison three days, there came
suffer that they may do this thing, many a lawyers, and judges, and
or that the people may do this thing priests, and teachers, who were of
unto them, according to the hard- the profession of Nehor; and they
ness of their hearts, that the b judg- came in unto the prison to see them,
ments which he shall exercise upon and they questioned them about
them in his wrath may be just; and many words; but they answered
the c blood of the d innocent shall them nothing.
stand as a witness against them, 19 And it came to pass that the
yea, and cry mightily against them judge stood before them, and said:
at the last day. Why do ye not answer the words
12 Now Amulek said unto Alma: of this people? Know ye not that I
Behold, perhaps they will burn us have a power to deliver you up unto
also. the flames? And he b commanded
13 And Alma said: Be it according them to speak; but they answered
to the will of the Lord. But, behold, nothing.
our work is not finished; therefore 20 And it came to pass that they
they burn us not. departed and went their ways, but
14 Now it came to pass that when came again on the morrow; and
the bodies of those who had been the judge also smote them again
cast into the fire were consumed, on their cheeks. And many came
and also the records which were cast forth also, and smote them, saying:
in with them, the chief judge of the Will ye stand again and judge this
land came and stood before Alma people, and condemn our law? If
and Amulek, as they were bound; ye have such great power why do
and he smote them with his hand ye not a deliver yourselves?
upon their a cheeks, and said unto 21 And many such things did they
them: After what ye have seen, will say unto them, gnashing their teeth
ye preach again unto this people, upon them, and spitting upon them,
that they shall be cast into a b lake and saying: How shall we look when
of fire and brimstone? we are damned?
15 Behold, ye see that ye had not 22 And many such things, yea, all
power to save those who had been manner of such things did they say
cast into the fire; neither has God unto them; and thus they did a mock
saved them because they were of them for many days. And they
thy faith. And the judge smote them did withhold food from them that
again upon their cheeks, and asked: they might hunger, and water
What say ye for yourselves? that they might thirst; and they also
16 Now this judge was after the did take from them their clothes
order and faith of a Nehor, who slew that they were naked; and thus they
Gideon. were b bound with strong cords, and
17 And it came to pass that Alma confined in c prison.
and Amulek answered him a noth- 23 And it came to pass after they
ing; and he smote them again, and had thus suffered for many days,
delivered them to the officers to be (and it was on the twelfth day, in
cast into prison. the tenth month, in the tenth year
18 And when they had been cast of the reign of the judges over the
11 a tg Exaltation. b Alma 12:17. 19 a
John 19:10 (9–10).
b Ex. 23:7; Ps. 37:9 (8–13); tg Damnation. b Mosiah 7:8.
Alma 60:13; D&C 103:3. 16 a Alma 1:12 (7–15); 20 a
Matt. 27:40 (39–43).
tg Justice. 2:20; 21:4. 22 a
tg Mocking.
c tg Cruelty; Martyrdom. 17 a Matt. 27:12 (12–14). b Acts 16:23 (23–40);
d Lam. 4:13; b Alma 9:33. D&C 122:6.
Mosiah 17:10. 18 a Alma 10:14; c Gen. 39:20;
14 a 1 Kgs. 22:24 (14–27). 11:21 (20–37). Mosiah 7:7.
Alma 14 : 24–15 : 3 246
people of Nephi) that the chief And they straightway came forth
judge over the land of a Ammoni out of the prison; and they were
hah and many of their teachers b
loosed from their c bands; and the
and their lawyers went in unto the prison had fallen to the earth, and
prison where Alma and Amulek every soul within the walls thereof,
were bound with cords. save it were Alma and Amulek, was
24 And the chief judge stood be- slain; and they straightway came
fore them, and smote them again, forth into the city.
and said unto them: If ye have the 29 Now the people having heard a
power of God deliver yourselves great noise came running together by
from these bands, and then we will multitudes to know the cause of it;
believe that the Lord will destroy and when they saw Alma and Amu
this people according to your words. lek coming forth out of the prison,
25 And it came to pass that they all and the walls thereof had fallen to
went forth and smote them, saying the earth, they were struck with
the same words, even until the last; great fear, and fled from the pres-
and when the last had spoken unto ence of Alma and Amulek even as a
them the a power of God was upon goat fleeth with her young from two
Alma and Amulek, and they rose lions; and thus they did flee from
and stood upon their feet. the presence of Alma and Amulek.
26 And Alma cried, saying: How
long shall we suffer these great Chapter 15
afflictions, O Lord? O Lord, b give
us strength according to our faith Alma and Amulek go to Sidom and
which is in Christ, even unto c de- establish a church—Alma heals Zeez-
liverance. And they broke the cords rom, who joins the Church—Many are
with which they were bound; and baptized, and the Church prospers—
when the people saw this, they be- Alma and Amulek go to Zarahemla.
gan to flee, for the fear of destruc- About 81 b.c.
tion had come upon them. And it came to pass that Alma and
27 And it came to pass that so great Amulek were commanded to depart
was their fear that they fell to the out of that city; and they departed,
earth, and did not obtain the outer and came out even into the land of
door of the a prison; and the earth Sidom; and behold, there they found
shook mightily, and the walls of all the people who had departed out
the prison were rent in twain, so of the land of a Ammonihah, who had
that they fell to the earth; and the been b cast out and stoned, because
chief judge, and the lawyers, and they believed in the words of Alma.
priests, and teachers, who smote 2 And they related unto them all
upon Alma and Amulek, were slain that had happened unto their a wives
by the fall thereof. and children, and also concerning
28 And Alma and Amulek came themselves, and of their b power of
forth out of the prison, and they deliverance.
were not hurt; for the Lord had 3 And also Zeezrom lay sick at Si-
granted unto them a power, accord- dom, with a burning fever, which
ing to their faith which was in Christ. was caused by the great tribulations
23 a
Alma 8:6; 15:1 (1, 15–16). c tg Deliver. Jacob 4:6;
24 a
tg Sign Seekers. 27 a Acts 12:4 (4–6); 16:26; 3 Ne. 28:20 (19–22).
25 a
Alma 8:31. Hel. 5:21 (21–50); c Alma 36:27.
26 a
James 5:10 (10–11); 3 Ne. 28:19 (19–20); 15 1 a Alma 14:23;
Mosiah 17:13 (10–20); 4 Ne. 1:30; 16:2 (2–3, 9, 11).
JS—H 1:22. Ether 12:13. b Alma 14:7.
b Ps. 69:14 (1–2, 14); 28 a Alma 15:2. 2 a Alma 14:8 (8–14).
D&C 121:3. b 1 Ne. 7:17 (17–18); b Alma 14:28 (26–29).
247 Alma 15 : 4 –17
of his mind on account of his a wick- feet, and began to walk; and this was
edness, for he supposed that Alma done to the great astonishment of
and Amulek were no more; and he all the people; and the knowledge
supposed that they had been slain of this went forth throughout all the
because of his iniquity. And this land of Sidom.
great sin, and his many other sins, 12 And Alma baptized Zeezrom
did harrow up his mind until it did unto the Lord; and he began from
become exceedingly sore, having no that time forth to preach unto the
deliverance; therefore he began to people.
be scorched with a burning heat. 13 And Alma established a church
4 Now, when he heard that Alma in the land of Sidom, and conse-
and Amulek were in the land of Si- crated a priests and b teachers in the
dom, his heart began to take courage; land, to baptize unto the Lord who-
and he sent a message immediately soever were desirous to be baptized.
unto them, desiring them to come 14 And it came to pass that they
unto him. were many; for they did flock in
5 And it came to pass that they from all the region round about
went immediately, obeying the mes- Sidom, and were baptized.
sage which he had sent unto them; 15 But as to the people that were
and they went in unto the house in the land of Ammonihah, they yet
unto Zeezrom; and they found him remained a hard-hearted and a stiff-
upon his bed, sick, being very low necked people; and they repented
with a burning fever; and his mind not of their sins, a ascribing all the
also was a exceedingly sore because power of Alma and Amulek to the
of his iniquities; and when he saw devil; for they were of the profes-
them he stretched forth his hand, sion of b Nehor, and did not believe
and besought them that they would in the repentance of their sins.
heal him. 16 And it came to pass that Alma
6 And it came to pass that Alma and Amulek, Amulek having a for-
said unto him, taking him by the saken all his gold, and silver, and
hand: a Believest thou in the power his precious things, which were in
of Christ unto salvation? the land of Ammonihah, for the
7 And he answered and said: Yea, word of God, he being b rejected by
I believe all the words that thou those who were once his friends and
hast taught. also by his father and his kindred;
8 And Alma said: If thou believest 17 Therefore, after Alma having
in the redemption of Christ thou established the church at Sidom,
canst be a healed. seeing a great a check, yea, seeing
9 And he said: Yea, I believe ac- that the people were checked as to
cording to thy words. the pride of their hearts, and began
10 And then Alma cried unto the to b humble themselves before God,
Lord, saying: O Lord our God, have and began to assemble themselves
mercy on this man, and b heal him together at their c sanctuaries to d wor-
according to his faith which is in ship God before the e altar, f watching
Christ. and praying continually, that they
11 And when Alma had said these might be delivered from Satan, and
words, a Zeezrom leaped upon his from g death, and from destruction—
3 a Alma 14:7 (6–7). 13 a Alma 4:20 (7, 16, 18, 20); 17 a Alma 16:21.
5 a Alma 14:6. 16:18. b Ezra 10:1 (1–5).
6 a Mark 9:23. b tg Teacher. c Ps. 150:1; Alma 16:13.
8 a tg Administrations to 15 a Matt. 12:24 (24–27). d tg Worship.
the Sick; Heal. b Alma 1:15 (2–15). e Ex. 27:1 (1–8).
10 a tg Mercy. 16 a Luke 14:33; Alma 10:4. f tg Watch.
b Mark 2:11 (1–12). b tg Prophets, g tg Death, Spiritual,
11 a Acts 3:8 (1–11). Rejection of. First.
Alma 15 : 18–16 : 9 248
of the Ammonihahites was c de- the land, in all the region round
stroyed, and also their d great city, about, among all the people of the
which they said God could not de- Nephites.
stroy, because of its greatness. 16 And there was a no inequality
10 But behold, in a one day it was among them; the Lord did pour out
left desolate; and the b carcasses were his Spirit on all the face of the land
mangled by dogs and wild beasts to prepare the minds of the children
of the wilderness. of men, or to prepare their b hearts
11 Nevertheless, after many days to receive the word which should
their a dead bodies were heaped be taught among them at the time
up upon the face of the earth, and of his coming—
they were covered with a shallow 17 That they might not be hard-
covering. And now so great was ened against the word, that they
the scent thereof that the people might not be unbelieving, and go on
did not go in to possess the land of to destruction, but that they might
Ammonihah for many years. And receive the word with joy, and as
it was called Desolation of b Nehors; a a branch be grafted into the true
for they were of the profession of vine, that they might enter into the
Nehor, who were slain; and their b
rest of the Lord their God.
lands remained desolate. 18 Now those a priests who did go
12 And the Lamanites did not come forth among the people did preach
again to war against the Nephites against all b lyings, and c deceivings,
until the fourteenth year of the and d envyings, and e strifes, and
reign of the judges over the people malice, and revilings, and stealing,
of Nephi. And thus for three years robbing, plundering, murdering,
did the people of Nephi have con- committing adultery, and all man-
tinual peace in all the land. ner of lasciviousness, crying that
13 And Alma and Amulek went these things ought not so to be—
forth preaching repentance to the 19 Holding forth things which
people in their a temples, and in must shortly come; yea, holding
their b sanctuaries, and also in their forth the a coming of the Son of God,
synagogues, which were built after his sufferings and death, and also
the manner of the Jews. the resurrection of the dead.
14 And as many as would hear 20 And many of the people did in-
their words, unto them they did quire concerning the place where
impart the word of God, without the Son of God should come; and
any a respect of persons, continually. they were taught that he would
15 And thus did Alma and Amulek a
appear unto them b after his res-
go forth, and also many more who urrection; and this the people did
had been chosen for the work, to hear with great joy and gladness.
preach the word throughout all the 21 And now after the church had
land. And the establishment of the been established throughout all the
church became general throughout land—having got the a victory over
9 c Alma 25:2. Alma 1:30. d tg Envy.
d Alma 49:3. 16 a Mosiah 18:27 (19–29); e Alma 4:9 (8–9).
10 a Alma 9:4. 4 Ne. 1:3. tg Strife.
b Jer. 19:7. b Acts 16:14. 19 a tg Jesus Christ,
11 a Alma 28:11. tg Teachable. Prophecies about.
b Alma 1:15; 2:1 (1, 20); 17 a Jacob 5:24. 20 a 2 Ne. 26:9;
24:28 (28–30). tg Vineyard of the Lord. 3 Ne. 11:8 (7–14).
13 a 2 Ne. 5:16; b Alma 12:37; 13:6 (6–29). b 1 Ne. 12:6 (4–8);
Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). 18 a Alma 15:13; Alma 7:8.
b Alma 15:17; 21:6. 30:20 (20–23, 31). 21 a Alma 15:17.
c Alma 21:20 (4–6, 20). b 3 Ne. 30:2.
14 a Deut. 10:17; c tg Deceit.
Alma 17 : 1–9 250
the devil, and the word of God be- a sound understanding and they
ing preached in its purity in all the had b searched the scriptures dili-
land, and the Lord pouring out his gently, that they might know the
blessings upon the people—thus word of God.
ended the fourteenth year of the 3 But this is not all; they had
reign of the judges over the people of given themselves to much prayer,
Nephi. and a fasting; therefore they had the
spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of
revelation, and when they taught,
An account of the sons of Mosiah, they taught with b power and au-
who rejected their rights to the king- thority of God.
dom for the word of God, and went 4 And they had been teaching the
up to the land of Nephi to preach word of God for the space of fourteen
to the Lamanites; their sufferings years among the Lamanites, having
and deliverance—according to the had much a success in bringing many
record of Alma. to the b knowledge of the truth; yea,
Comprising chapters 17 through 27. by the power of their words many
were brought before the altar of God,
to call on his name and c confess
Chapter 17 their sins before him.
The sons of Mosiah have the spirit of 5 Now these are the circumstances
prophecy and of revelation—They go which attended them in their jour-
their several ways to declare the word neyings, for they had many afflic-
to the Lamanites—Ammon goes to the tions; they did suffer much, both in
body and in mind, such as hunger,
land of Ishmael and becomes the ser- thirst and fatigue, and also much
vant of King Lamoni—Ammon saves a
labor in the spirit.
the king’s flocks and slays his enemies 6 Now these were their journey-
at the water of Sebus. Verses 1–3, about ings: Having a taken leave of their
77 b.c.; verse 4, about 91–77 b.c.; and father, Mosiah, in the b first year of
verses 5–39, about 91 b.c.
the judges; having c refused the king-
And now it came to pass that as dom which their father was desir-
Alma was journeying from the land ous to confer upon them, and also
of Gideon southward, away to the this was the minds of the people;
land of a Manti, behold, to his as- 7 Nevertheless they departed out
tonishment, he b met with the c sons of the land of Zarahemla, and took
of Mosiah journeying towards the their swords, and their spears,
land of Zarahemla. and their bows, and their arrows,
2 Now these sons of Mosiah were and their slings; and this they did
with Alma at the time the angel that they might a provide food for
first appeared unto him; therefore themselves while in the wilderness.
Alma did rejoice exceedingly to 8 And thus they departed into
see his brethren; and what added the wilderness with their numbers
more to his joy, they were still his which they had a selected, to go up
brethren in the Lord; yea, and they to the land of Nephi, to preach the
had waxed strong in the knowledge word of God unto the Lamanites.
of the truth; for they were men of 9 And it came to pass that they
17 1 a Alma 16:6. b W of M 1:17. 3 Ne. 1:25.
b Alma 27:16. tg Authority; 5 a Alma 8:10.
c Mosiah 27:34. Teaching with the 6 a Mosiah 28:9 (1, 5–9);
2 a Mosiah 27:11 (11–17). Spirit. Alma 26:1.
b Jacob 7:23; 4 a Alma 29:14. b Mosiah 29:44 (41–44).
D&C 84:85. b tg Missionary Work. c Mosiah 29:3.
tg Scriptures, Study of. c Num. 5:7 (6–10); 7 a 1 Ne. 16:15 (15–32).
3 a tg Fast, Fasting. Mosiah 26:29 (29, 35); 8 a Mosiah 28:1.
251 Alma 17 : 10–20
journeyed many days in the wil- and silver, and precious stones; yet
derness, and they fasted much and they sought to obtain these things
prayed much that the Lord would by murdering and plundering, that
grant unto them a portion of his they might not labor for them with
Spirit to go with them, and abide their own hands.
with them, that they might be an 15 Thus they were a very indolent
instrument in the hands of God to people, many of whom did worship
bring, if it were possible, their breth- idols, and the a curse of God had
ren, the Lamanites, to the knowledge fallen upon them because of the
of the truth, to the knowledge of the b
traditions of their fathers; notwith-
baseness of the c traditions of their standing the promises of the Lord
fathers, which were not correct. were extended unto them on the
10 And it came to pass that the conditions of repentance.
Lord did a visit them with his b Spirit, 16 Therefore, this was the a cause
and said unto them: Be c comforted. for which the sons of Mosiah had
And they were comforted. undertaken the work, that perhaps
11 And the Lord said unto them they might bring them unto re-
also: Go forth among the Laman- pentance; that perhaps they might
ites, thy brethren, and establish bring them to know of the plan of
my word; yet ye shall be a patient in redemption.
long-suffering and afflictions, that 17 Therefore they separated them-
ye may show forth good b examples selves one from another, and went
unto them in me, and I will make forth among them, every man alone,
an instrument of thee in my hands according to the word and power
unto the salvation of many souls. of God which was given unto him.
12 And it came to pass that the hearts 18 Now Ammon being the chief
of the sons of Mosiah, and also those among them, or rather he did ad-
who were with them, took courage minister unto them, and he departed
to go forth unto the Lamanites to from them, after having a blessed
declare unto them the word of God. them according to their several
13 And it came to pass when they stations, having imparted the word
had arrived in the borders of the of God unto them, or administered
land of the Lamanites, that they unto them before his departure; and
separated themselves and departed thus they took their several jour-
one from another, trusting in the neys throughout the land.
Lord that they should meet again 19 And Ammon went to the land
at the close of their b harvest; for of a Ishmael, the land being called
they supposed that great was the after the sons of b Ishmael, who also
work which they had undertaken. became Lamanites.
14 And assuredly it was great, 20 And as Ammon entered the land
for they had undertaken to preach of Ishmael, the Lamanites took him
the word of God to a a wild and a and a bound him, as was their cus-
hardened and a ferocious people; tom to bind all the Nephites who
a people who delighted in murder- fell into their hands, and carry them
ing the Nephites, and robbing and before the king; and thus it was left
plundering them; and their hearts to the pleasure of the king to slay
were set upon riches, or upon gold them, or to retain them in captivity,
9 a Alma 25:17. c Alma 26:27. 3 Ne. 2:15 (15–16).
tg Guidance, Divine. 11 a Alma 20:29; 26:27. b Alma 9:16 (16–24); 18:5.
b Mosiah 23:10; tg Forbear; Patience. 16 a Mosiah 28:2 (1–3).
Alma 26:3. b tg Example. 18 a tg Blessing.
c Alma 3:11. 13 a Alma 21:1. 19 a Alma 21:18 (18, 20);
10 a 1 Ne. 2:16; b Matt. 9:37. 22:1 (1, 4); 25:13.
D&C 5:16. 14 a Mosiah 10:12. b 1 Ne. 7:6 (4–6).
b tg God, Spirit of. 15 a Alma 3:19 (6–19); 20 a Mosiah 7:7 (7–10).
Alma 17 : 21–35 252
from his father, that there was a him that he come in unto me, but
Great Spirit. Notwithstanding they I durst not.
believed in a Great Spirit, they sup- 12 And it came to pass that when
posed that c whatsoever they did was Ammon had made ready the horses
right; nevertheless, Lamoni began and the chariots for the king and
to fear exceedingly, with fear lest his servants, he went in unto the
he had done wrong in slaying his king, and he saw that the a coun-
servants; tenance of the king was changed;
6 For he had slain many of them therefore he was about to return
because their brethren had scattered out of his presence.
their flocks at the place of water; 13 And one of the king’s servants
and thus, because they had had their said unto him, a Rabbanah, which
flocks scattered they were slain. is, being interpreted, powerful or
7 Now it was the practice of these great king, considering their kings
Lamanites to stand by the a waters to be powerful; and thus he said
of Sebus to scatter the flocks of the unto him: Rabbanah, the king de-
people, that thereby they might sireth thee to stay.
drive away many that were scat- 14 Therefore Ammon turned him-
tered unto their own land, it being self unto the king, and said unto
a practice of plunder among them. him: What wilt thou that I should
8 And it came to pass that king do for thee, O king? And the king
Lamoni inquired of his servants, answered him not for the space of
saying: Where is this man that has an a hour, according to their time,
such great power? for he knew not what he should
9 And they said unto him: Behold, say unto him.
he is feeding thy a horses. Now the 15 And it came to pass that Am-
king had commanded his servants, mon said unto him again: What
previous to the time of the water- desirest thou of me? But the king
ing of their flocks, that they should answered him not.
prepare his horses and chariots, 16 And it came to pass that Am-
and conduct him forth to the land mon, being filled with the a Spirit
of Nephi; for there had been a of God, therefore he perceived the
great c feast appointed at the land b
thoughts of the king. And he said
of Nephi, by the father of Lamoni, unto him: Is it because thou hast
who was king over all the land. heard that I defended thy servants
10 Now when king Lamoni heard and thy flocks, and slew c seven of
that Ammon was preparing his their brethren with the sling and
horses and his a chariots he was more with the sword, and smote off the
astonished, because of the faithful- arms of others, in order to defend thy
ness of Ammon, saying: Surely there flocks and thy servants; behold, is
has not been any servant among all it this that causeth thy marvelings?
my servants that has been so faith- 17 I say unto you, what is it, that
ful as this man; for even he doth thy marvelings are so great? Behold,
remember all my commandments I am a a man, and am thy servant;
to execute them. therefore, whatsoever thou desirest
11 Now I surely know that this is which is right, that will I do.
the Great Spirit, and I would desire 18 Now when the king had heard
5 b Alma 19:25 (25–27). Alma 20:6. 14 a 3 Ne. 8:19.
tg God, Knowledge b Alma 20:9 (9, 12). 16 a Gen. 41:38;
about. c Esth. 1:3. 1 Ne. 1:12;
c Alma 30:17. 10 a Alma 20:6; Mosiah 27:24.
7 a Alma 17:26; 3 Ne. 3:22. b Alma 12:3.
19:20 (20–21). 12 a Dan. 5:6. c Alma 17:36.
9 a Enos 1:21; 13 a John 20:16. 17 a Dan. 2:30.
255 Alma 18 : 19–37
these words, he marveled again, And Ammon said unto him again:
for he beheld that Ammon could Believest thou that this Great Spirit,
discern his thoughts; but notwith- who is God, created all things which
standing this, king Lamoni did open are in heaven and in the earth?
his mouth, and said unto him: Who 29 And he said: Yea, I believe that
art thou? Art thou that Great Spirit, he created all things which are in
who b knows all things? the earth; but I do not know the
19 Ammon answered and said unto heavens.
him: I am not. 30 And Ammon said unto him:
20 And the king said: How know- The heavens is a place where God
est thou the thoughts of my heart? dwells and all his holy angels.
Thou mayest speak boldly, and tell 31 And king Lamoni said: Is it
me concerning these things; and also above the earth?
tell me by what power ye slew and 32 And Ammon said: Yea, and he
smote off the arms of my brethren looketh down upon all the chil-
that scattered my flocks— dren of men; and he a knows all the
21 And now, a if thou wilt tell me thoughts and b intents of the heart;
concerning these things, whatso- for by his hand were they all cre-
ever thou desirest I will give unto ated from the beginning.
thee; and if it were needed, I would 33 And king Lamoni said: I believe
guard thee with my armies; but I all these things which thou hast
know that thou art more powerful spoken. Art thou a sent from God?
than all they; nevertheless, what- 34 Ammon said unto him: I am a
soever thou desirest of me I will a
man; and man in the beginning was
grant it unto thee. created after the image of God, and I
22 Now Ammon being a wise, yet am called by his b Holy Spirit to teach
harmless, he said unto Lamoni: Wilt these things unto this people, that
thou hearken unto my words, if I they may be brought to a knowledge
tell thee by what power I do these of that which is just and true;
things? And this is the thing that I 35 And a portion of that a Spirit
desire of thee. dwelleth in me, which giveth me
23 And the king answered him, b
knowledge, and also power accord-
and said: Yea, I a will believe all ing to my faith and desires which
thy words. And thus he was caught are in God.
with b guile. 36 Now when Ammon had said
24 And Ammon began to speak these words, he began at the cre-
unto him with a boldness, and ation of the world, and also the
said unto him: Believest thou that creation of Adam, and told him all
there is a God? the things concerning the fall of
25 And he answered, and said man, and a rehearsed and laid be-
unto him: I do not know what that fore him the b records and the holy
meaneth. scriptures of the people, which had
26 And then Ammon said: Believest been spoken by the c prophets, even
thou that there is a a Great Spirit? down to the time that their father,
27 And he said, Yea. Lehi, left Jerusalem.
28 And Ammon said: This is God. 37 And he also rehearsed unto
18 a tg Discernment, 26 a Alma 22:9 (9–10). 35 a tg Inspiration.
Spiritual. 32 a tg God, Omniscience of. b tg Knowledge.
b tg God, Omniscience of. b Amos 4:13; 36 a Mosiah 1:4;
21 a Dan. 5:16. 3 Ne. 28:6. Alma 22:12; 36:1; 37:9;
22 a Gen. 41:39; 33 a 2 Chr. 24:19. Hel. 5:13 (1–13);
Alma 48:11 (11–17). 34 a Mosiah 7:27; Moses 6:58.
23 a Alma 18:40. Ether 3:15 (13–16). b Alma 63:12.
b Josh. 9:22. b tg Teaching with the tg Scriptures, Value of.
24 a Alma 38:12. Spirit. c Acts 3:18 (18–21); 28:23.
Alma 18 : 38–19 : 6 256
them (for it was unto the king and to hold falls into a trance, and many see
his servants) all the journeyings of angels—Ammon is preserved miracu-
their fathers in the wilderness, and lously—He baptizes many and establishes
all their sufferings with hunger and a church among them. About 90 b.c.
thirst, and their travail, and so forth.
38 And he also rehearsed unto them And it came to pass that after two
days and two nights they were about
concerning the a rebellions of Laman to take his a body and lay it in a sep-
and Lemuel, and the sons of Ishmael,
yea, all their rebellions did he relate ulchre, which they had made for
unto them; and he expounded unto the purpose of burying their dead.
them all the b records and scriptures 2 Now the queen having heard of
from the time that Lehi left Jerusa- the fame of Ammon, therefore she
lem down to the present time. sent and desired that he should
39 But this is not all; for he a ex- come in unto her.
pounded unto them the b plan of 3 And it came to pass that Ammon
redemption, which was prepared did as he was commanded, and
from the foundation of the world; went in unto the queen, and desired
and he also made known unto them to know what she would that he
concerning the coming of Christ, should do.
and all the works of the Lord did 4 And she said unto him: The a ser-
vants of my husband have made it
he make known unto them. known unto me that thou art a
40 And it came to pass that after b
prophet of a holy God, and that
he had said all these things, and thou hast c power to do many mighty
expounded them to the king, that works in his name;
the king a believed all his words.
41 And he began to cry unto the 5 Therefore, if this is the case, I
Lord, saying: O Lord, have mercy; would that ye should go in and
according to thy abundant a mercy see my husband, for he has been
which thou hast had upon the peo- laid upon his bed for the space
ple of Nephi, have upon me, and of two days and two nights; and
my people. some say that he is not dead, but
42 And now, when he had said others say that he is dead and that
this, he a fell unto the earth, b as if he a stinketh, and that he ought to
he were dead. be placed in the sepulchre; but as
43 And it came to pass that his for myself, to me he doth not stink.
6 Now, this was what Ammon de-
servants took him and carried him sired, for he knew that king Lam-
in unto his wife, and laid him upon oni was under the power of God; he
a bed; and he lay as if he were dead knew that the dark a veil of b unbe-
for the space of two days and two
nights; and his wife, and his sons, lief was being cast away from his
and his daughters mourned over mind, and the c light which did light
up his mind, which was the light of
him, after the manner of the La- the glory of God, which was a mar-
manites, greatly lamenting his loss. velous light of his goodness—yea,
this light had infused such joy into
Chapter 19 his soul, the cloud of darkness hav-
Lamoni receives the light of everlasting ing been dispelled, and that the
life and sees the Redeemer—His house- light of everlasting life was lit up in
38 a 2 Ne. 1:2. 42 a Alma 19:1 (1, 5–12). c D&C 3:4.
b 1 Ne. 9:2. b Alma 22:18. 5 a John 11:39.
39 a Alma 19:31. 43 a Alma 19:4 (4–5). 6 a 2 Cor. 4:4 (3–4).
tg Missionary Work. 19 1 a Alma 18:42 (42–43). tg Veil.
b tg Salvation, Plan of. 4 a Alma 18:43. b tg Unbelief.
40 a Alma 18:23. b tg Prophets, c tg Light [noun].
41 a tg God, Mercy of. Mission of.
257 Alma 19 : 7–18
his soul, yea, he knew that this had of the Lord poured out according to
overcome his natural frame, and his a prayers upon the Lamanites, his
he was carried away in God— brethren, who had been the cause
7 Therefore, what the queen de- of so much mourning among the
sired of him was his only desire. Nephites, or among all the people
Therefore, he went in to see the of God because of their iniquities
king according as the queen had and their b traditions, he fell upon
desired him; and he saw the king, his knees, and began to pour out his
and he knew that he was not dead. soul in prayer and thanksgiving to
8 And he said unto the queen: God for what he had done for his
He is not dead, but he sleepeth in brethren; and he was also overpow-
God, and on the morrow he shall ered with c joy; and thus they all
rise again; therefore bury him not. three had d sunk to the earth.
9 And Ammon said unto her: 15 Now, when the servants of the
Believest thou this? And she said king had seen that they had fallen,
unto him: I have had no witness they also began to cry unto God,
save thy word, and the word of our for the fear of the Lord had come
servants; nevertheless I b believe upon them also, for it was a they
that it shall be according as thou who had stood before the king and
hast said. testified unto him concerning the
10 And Ammon said unto her: great power of Ammon.
Blessed art thou because of thy 16 And it came to pass that they
exceeding faith; I say unto thee, did call on the name of the Lord, in
woman, there has not been such their might, even until they had all
great faith among all the people of fallen to the earth, save it were one
the a Nephites. of the Lamanitish a women, whose
11 And it came to pass that she name was Abish, she having been
watched over the bed of her hus- converted unto the Lord for many
band, from that time even until that years, on account of a remarkable
time on the morrow which Ammon vision of her father—
had appointed that he should rise. 17 Thus, having been converted to
12 And it came to pass that he the Lord, and never having made
arose, according to the words of Am- it a known, therefore, when she saw
mon; and as he arose, he stretched that all the servants of Lamoni had
forth his hand unto the woman, b
fallen to the earth, and also her
and said: Blessed be the name of mistress, the queen, and the king,
God, and blessed art thou. and Ammon lay c prostrate upon
13 For as sure as thou livest, be- the earth, she knew that it was the
hold, I have a seen my Redeemer; power of God; and supposing that
and he shall come forth, and be this opportunity, by making known
born of a c woman, and he shall re- unto the people what had happened
deem all mankind who believe on among them, that by beholding this
his name. Now, when he had said scene it would d cause them to be-
these words, his heart was swollen lieve in the power of God, therefore
within him, and he sunk again with she ran forth from house to house,
joy; and the queen also sunk down, making it known unto the people.
being overpowered by the Spirit. 18 And they began to assemble
14 Now Ammon seeing the Spirit themselves together unto the house
6 d Jacob 7:21; Jesus Christ, Appear- d Alma 27:17.
Mosiah 3:19. ances, Antemortal. 15 a Alma 18:1 (1–2).
9 a John 11:26 (22–45). b tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. 16 a Alma 19:28.
b Mosiah 26:15 (15–16). c 1 Ne. 11:18 (13–21). 17 a JS—H 1:74.
10 a Luke 7:9. 14 a D&C 42:14. b Mosiah 4:1.
13 a tg God, Privilege of b Mosiah 1:5. c Moses 1:9 (9–10).
Seeing; c tg Joy. d Mosiah 27:14.
Alma 19 : 19–30 258
of the king. And there came a mul- or any of those who had fallen; and
titude, and to their astonishment, they began to marvel again among
they beheld the king, and the queen, themselves what could be the cause
and their servants prostrate upon of this great power, or what all these
the earth, and they all lay there as things could mean.
though they were dead; and they 25 And it came to pass that there
also saw Ammon, and behold, he were many among them who said
was a Nephite. that Ammon was the a Great Spirit,
19 And now the people began to and others said he was sent by the
murmur among themselves; some Great Spirit;
saying that it was a great evil that 26 But others rebuked them all,
had come upon them, or upon the saying that he was a a monster, who
king and his house, because he had had been sent from the Nephites to
suffered that the Nephite should torment them.
remain in the land. 27 And there were some who said
20 But others rebuked them, say- that Ammon was sent by the Great
ing: The king hath brought this evil Spirit to afflict them because of
upon his house, because he slew his their iniquities; and that it was
servants who had had their flocks the Great Spirit that had always at-
scattered at the a waters of Sebus. tended the Nephites, who had ever
21 And they were also rebuked delivered them out of their hands;
by those men who had stood at the and they said that it was this Great
waters of Sebus and a scattered the Spirit who had destroyed so many
flocks which belonged to the king, of their brethren, the Lamanites.
for they were angry with Ammon 28 And thus the contention be-
because of the number which he gan to be exceedingly sharp among
had slain of their brethren at the them. And while they were thus
waters of Sebus, while defending contending, the a woman servant
the flocks of the king. who had caused the multitude to
22 Now, one of them, whose brother be gathered together came, and
had been a slain with the sword of when she saw the contention which
Ammon, being exceedingly angry was among the multitude she was
with Ammon, drew his sword and exceedingly sorrowful, even unto
went forth that he might let it fall tears.
upon Ammon, to slay him; and as 29 And it came to pass that she
he lifted the sword to smite him, went and took the queen by the
behold, he fell dead. a
hand, that perhaps she might raise
23 Now we see that Ammon could her from the ground; and as soon
not be slain, for the a Lord had said as she touched her hand she arose
unto Mosiah, his father: I will spare and stood upon her feet, and cried
him, and it shall be unto him ac- with a loud voice, saying: O blessed
cording to thy faith—therefore, Jesus, who has saved me from an
Mosiah b trusted him unto the Lord. b
awful hell! O blessed God, have
24 And it came to pass that when c
mercy on this people!
the multitude beheld that the man 30 And when she had said this, she
had fallen dead, who lifted the clasped her hands, being filled with
sword to slay Ammon, a fear came joy, speaking many words which
upon them all, and they durst not were not understood; and when she
put forth their hands to touch him had done this, she took the king,
19 a Alma 17:23 (22–23). b tg Family, Love within; 28 a Alma 19:16.
20 a Alma 17:26; 18:7. Trust in God. 29 a Alma 22:22.
21 a Alma 17:27; 18:3. 24 a Luke 7:16; b 1 Ne. 14:3.
22 a Alma 17:38. Moses 6:39 (37–40). c Enos 1:9;
23 a Mosiah 28:7; 25 a Alma 18:5 (2–5). Alma 36:24.
Alma 17:35. 26 a Moses 6:38 (37–39).
259 Alma 19 : 31–20 : 8
Lamoni, by the hand, and behold And it came to pass that when they
he arose and stood upon his feet. had established a church in that
31 And he, immediately, seeing land, that king Lamoni desired that
the contention among his people, Ammon should go with him to the
went forth and began to rebuke land of Nephi, that he might show
them, and to teach them the a words him unto his father.
which he had heard from the mouth 2 And the voice of the Lord came
of Ammon; and as many as heard to Ammon, saying: Thou shalt not go
his words believed, and were con- up to the land of Nephi, for behold,
verted unto the Lord. the king will seek thy life; but thou
32 But there were a many among shalt go to the land of a Middoni; for
them who would not hear his words; behold, thy brother Aaron, and also
therefore they went their way. Muloki and Ammah are in prison.
33 And it came to pass that when 3 Now it came to pass that when
Ammon arose he also administered Ammon had heard this, he said unto
unto them, and also did all the ser- Lamoni: Behold, my brother and
vants of Lamoni; and they did all brethren are in prison at Middoni,
declare unto the people the selfsame and I go that I may deliver them.
thing—that their hearts had been 4 Now Lamoni said unto Ammon:
changed; that they had no more I know, in the a strength of the Lord
desire to do b evil. thou canst do all things. But behold,
34 And behold, many did declare I will go with thee to the land of
unto the people that they had seen Middoni; for the king of the land
angels and had conversed with them;
of Middoni, whose name is Anti-
and thus they had told them things omno, is a friend unto me; therefore
of God, and of his righteousness. I go to the land of Middoni, that I
35 And it came to pass that there may flatter the king of the land,
were many that did a believe in their and he will cast thy brethren out
words; and as many as did believe of b prison. Now Lamoni said unto
were baptized; and they became a him: Who told thee that thy breth-
righteous people, and they did es- ren were in prison?
tablish a church among them. 5 And Ammon said unto him: No
36 And thus the work of the Lord one hath told me, save it be God;
did commence among the Laman- and he said unto me—Go and de-
ites; thus the Lord did begin to pour liver thy brethren, for they are in
out his a Spirit upon them; and we prison in the land of Middoni.
see that his arm is extended to b all 6 Now when Lamoni had heard
people who will repent and believe this he caused that his servants
on his name. should make ready his a horses and
his chariots.
Chapter 20 7 And he said unto Ammon: Come,
The Lord sends Ammon to Middoni to I will go with thee down to the land
deliver his imprisoned brethren—Am- of Middoni, and there I will plead
mon and Lamoni meet Lamoni’s father, with the king that he will cast thy
who is king over all the land—Ammon brethren out of prison.
compels the old king to approve the 8 And it came to pass that as Am-
release of his brethren. About 90 b.c. mon and Lamoni were journeying
31 a Alma 18:39 (36–39). 34 a tg Angels; 20 1 a 2 Ne. 5:8;
32 a John 12:37 (35–37). Vision. Alma 2:24.
33 a tg Man, New, Spiritually 35 a tg Baptism, 2 a Alma 21:12 (12–13, 18);
Reborn. Qualifications for. 23:10.
b Jonah 3:8; 36 a tg God, Spirit of. 4 a tg Strength.
Mosiah 5:2; b 2 Ne. 26:33; b Alma 20:22; 22:2.
Alma 13:12; Alma 5:33; 6 a Alma 18:9.
3 Ne. 20:26. 3 Ne. 18:25.
Alma 20 : 9–24 260
thither, they met the father of 17 But Ammon stood forth and
Lamoni, who was king a over all said unto him: Behold, thou shalt
the land. not slay thy son; nevertheless, it
9 And behold, the father of La were a better that he should fall than
moni said unto him: Why did ye thee, for behold, he has b repented
not come to the b feast on that great of his sins; but if thou shouldst fall
day when I made a feast unto my at this time, in thine anger, thy soul
sons, and unto my people? could not be saved.
10 And he also said: Whither art 18 And again, it is expedient that
thou going with this Nephite, who thou shouldst forbear; for if thou
is one of the children of a a liar? shouldst a slay thy son, he being an
11 And it came to pass that La innocent man, his blood would cry
moni rehearsed unto him whither from the ground to the Lord his
he was going, for he feared to offend God, for vengeance to come upon
him. thee; and perhaps thou wouldst
12 And he also told him all the lose thy b soul.
cause of his tarrying in his own 19 Now when Ammon had said
kingdom, that he did not go unto these words unto him, he answered
his father to the feast which he had him, saying: I know that if I should
prepared. slay my son, that I should shed in-
13 And now when Lamoni had re- nocent blood; for it is thou that hast
hearsed unto him all these things, sought to destroy him.
behold, to his astonishment, his 20 And he stretched forth his hand
father was angry with him, and said: to slay Ammon. But Ammon with-
Lamoni, thou art going to deliver stood his blows, and also smote his
these Nephites, who are sons of a arm that he could not use it.
liar. Behold, he robbed our fathers; 21 Now when the king saw that
and now his children are also come Ammon could slay him, he began
amongst us that they may, by their to plead with Ammon that he would
cunning and their lyings, deceive spare his life.
us, that they again may rob us of 22 But Ammon raised his sword,
our property. and said unto him: Behold, I will
14 Now the father of Lamoni com- smite thee except thou wilt grant
manded him that he should slay unto me that my brethren may be
Ammon with the sword. And he a
cast out of prison.
also commanded him that he should 23 Now the king, fearing he should
not go to the land of Middoni, but lose his life, said: If thou wilt spare
that he should return with him to me I will grant unto thee whatso-
the land of a Ishmael. ever thou wilt ask, even to half of
15 But Lamoni said unto him: I the kingdom.
will not slay Ammon, neither will 24 Now when Ammon saw that he
I return to the land of Ishmael, but had wrought upon the old king ac-
I go to the land of Middoni that I cording to his desire, he said unto
may release the brethren of Ammon, him: If thou wilt grant that my
for I know that they are just men brethren may be cast out of prison,
and holy prophets of the true God. and also that Lamoni may retain his
16 Now when his father had heard kingdom, and that ye be not dis-
these words, he was angry with pleased with him, but grant that he
him, and he drew his sword that may do according to his own desires
he might smite him to the earth. in a whatsoever thing he thinketh,
8 a Alma 22:1. 14 a Alma 17:19. b D&C 42:18.
9 a 1 Sam. 20:27. 17 a Alma 48:23. 22 a Alma 20:4.
b Alma 18:9. b Alma 22:6. 24 a Alma 21:21 (21–22);
10 a Mosiah 10:16 (12–17). 18 a tg Murder. 22:1.
261 Alma 20 : 25–21 : 4
then will I spare thee; otherwise I they had cast them out, and had
will smite thee to the earth. smitten them, and had driven them
25 Now when Ammon had said from house to house, and from
these words, the king began to re- place to place, even until they had
joice because of his life. arrived in the land of Middoni; and
26 And when he saw that Ammon there they were taken and cast into
had no desire to destroy him, and prison, and bound with b strong
when he also saw the great a love cords, and kept in prison for many
he had for his son Lamoni, he was days, and were delivered by Lamoni
astonished exceedingly, and said: and Ammon.
Because this is all that thou hast
desired, that I would b release thy An account of the preaching of
brethren, and suffer that my son Aaron, and Muloki, and their breth-
Lamoni should retain his kingdom, ren, to the Lamanites.
behold, I will grant unto you that
my son may retain his kingdom Comprising chapters 21 through 25.
from this time and forever; and I
will govern him no more— Chapter 21
27 And I will also grant unto thee
that thy brethren may be cast out Aaron teaches the Amalekites about
of prison, and thou and thy breth- Christ and His Atonement—Aaron
ren may come unto me, in my king- and his brethren are imprisoned in
dom; for I shall greatly desire to Middoni—After their deliverance, they
see thee. For the king was greatly teach in the synagogues and make many
astonished at the words which he converts—Lamoni grants religious free-
had spoken, and also at the words dom to the people in the land of Ishmael.
which had been spoken by his son About 90–77 b.c.
Lamoni, therefore he was a desirous to Now when Ammon and his breth-
learn them. ren a separated themselves in the
28 And it came to pass that Am- borders of the land of the Laman-
mon and Lamoni proceeded on ites, behold Aaron took his journey
their journey towards the land of towards the land which was called
Middoni. And Lamoni found favor by the Lamanites, b Jerusalem, call-
in the eyes of the king of the land; ing it after the land of their fathers’
therefore the brethren of Ammon nativity; and it was away joining
were brought forth out of prison. the borders of Mormon.
29 And when Ammon did meet 2 Now the Lamanites and the
them he was exceedingly sorrowful, Amalekites and the people of a Amu
for behold they were naked, and lon had built a great city, which
their skins were worn exceedingly was called Jerusalem.
because of being bound with strong 3 Now the Lamanites of themselves
cords. And they also had a suffered were sufficiently hardened, but
hunger, thirst, and all kinds of af- the Amalekites and the Amulonites
flictions; nevertheless they were were still harder; therefore they
patient in all their sufferings. did cause the Lamanites that they
30 And, as it happened, it was their should harden their hearts, that
lot to have fallen into the hands of they should wax strong in wicked-
a more hardened and a more a stiff- ness and their abominations.
necked people; therefore they would 4 And it came to pass that Aaron
not hearken unto their words, and came to the city of Jerusalem, and
26 a 2 Sam. 1:26. b Alma 17:11. 3 Ne. 9:7.
tg Loyalty. 30 a tg Stiffnecked. 2 a Mosiah 23:31; 24:1;
b Alma 22:2. b Alma 26:29. Alma 24:1 (1, 28–30);
27 a tg Teachable. 21 1 a Alma 17:13 (13, 17). 25:7 (4–9).
29 a Alma 21:14. b Alma 24:1;
Alma 21 : 5 –17 262
first began to preach to the Amale- were through the d death and suffer-
kites. And he began to preach to ings of Christ, and the atonement of
them in their a synagogues, for they his blood.
had built synagogues after the b or- 10 And it came to pass as he began
der of the Nehors; for many of the to expound these things unto them
Amalekites and the Amulonites they were angry with him, and be-
were after the order of the Nehors. gan to a mock him; and they would
5 Therefore, as Aaron entered into not hear the words which he spake.
one of their a synagogues to preach 11 Therefore, when he saw that
unto the people, and as he was they would not hear his words, he
speaking unto them, behold there departed out of their synagogue,
arose an Amalekite and began to and came over to a village which
contend with him, saying: What is was called Ani-Anti, and there he
that thou hast testified? Hast thou found Muloki preaching the word
seen an b angel? Why do not angels unto them; and also Ammah and
appear unto us? Behold c are not his brethren. And they contended
this people as good as thy people? with many about the word.
6 Thou also sayest, except we re- 12 And it came to pass that they
pent we shall perish. How knowest saw that the people would harden
thou the thought and intent of our their hearts, therefore they departed
hearts? How knowest thou that we and came over into the land of
have cause to repent? How knowest a
Middoni. And they did preach the
thou that we are not a a righteous peo- word unto many, and b few believed
ple? Behold, we have built b sanctu- on the words which they taught.
aries, and we do assemble ourselves 13 Nevertheless, Aaron and a cer-
together to worship c God. We do tain number of his brethren were
believe that God will save all men. taken and cast into a prison, and the
7 Now Aaron said unto him: Be- remainder of them fled out of the
lievest thou that the Son of God land of Middoni unto the regions
shall come to redeem mankind round about.
from their sins? 14 And those who were cast into
8 And the man said unto him: We prison a suffered many things, and
do not a believe that thou knowest they were delivered by the hand
any such thing. We do not believe of Lamoni and Ammon, and they
in these foolish traditions. We do were fed and clothed.
not believe that thou knowest of 15 And they went forth again to
things to come, neither do we be- declare the word, and thus they were
lieve that thy fathers and also that delivered for the first time out of
our fathers did know concerning prison; and thus they had suffered.
the things which they spake, of that 16 And they went forth whither-
which is to come. soever they were led by the a Spirit
9 Now Aaron began to open the of the Lord, preaching the word
scriptures unto them concern- of God in every synagogue of the
ing the coming of Christ, and also Amalekites, or in every assembly
concerning the resurrection of the of the Lamanites where they could
dead, and that there could be b no be admitted.
redemption for mankind c save it 17 And it came to pass that the
4 a D&C 66:7. b Alma 15:17; 16:13; 23:2; Death of.
b Alma 1:12 (2–15); Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). 10 a tg Mocking.
14:16; 24:28. c Alma 1:4. 12 a Alma 23:10.
5 a Alma 16:13. 8 a Jacob 7:2 (1–7). b Matt. 7:14.
b Mosiah 27:11 (11–15). 9 a Alma 25:6. 13 a Alma 20:2.
c Moses 8:21. b Alma 22:14 (13–14). 14 a Alma 20:29.
6 a Jer. 2:35; c Mosiah 5:8; Alma 38:9. 16 a Acts 16:6;
Mosiah 12:14 (9–15). d tg Jesus Christ, Alma 22:1 (1–4).
263 Alma 21 : 18–22 : 5
Behold, this is the thing which doth before him, and their carnal state
trouble me. and also the b plan of c redemption,
6 And also, what is this that Am- which was prepared d from the foun-
mon said—a If ye will repent ye shall dation of the world, through Christ,
be saved, and if ye will not repent, for all whosoever would believe on
ye shall be cast off at the last day ? his name.
7 And Aaron answered him and 14 And since man had a fallen he
said unto him: Believest thou that could not b merit anything of him-
there is a God? And the king said: I self; but the sufferings and c death
know that the Amalekites say that of Christ d atone for their sins,
there is a God, and I have granted through faith and repentance, and
unto them that they should build so forth; and that he breaketh the
sanctuaries, that they may assem- bands of death, that the e grave shall
ble themselves together to worship have no victory, and that the sting
him. And if now thou sayest there of death should be swallowed up
is a God, behold I will a believe. in the hopes of glory; and Aaron
8 And now when Aaron heard this, did expound all these things unto
his heart began to rejoice, and he the king.
said: Behold, assuredly as thou liv- 15 And it came to pass that after
est, O king, there is a God. Aaron had expounded these things
9 And the king said: Is God that unto him, the king said: a What shall
Great Spirit that brought our I do that I may have this eternal life
fathers out of the land of Jerusalem? of which thou hast spoken? Yea,
10 And Aaron said unto him: Yea, what shall I do that I may be b born
he is that Great Spirit, and he a cre- of God, having this wicked spirit
ated all things both in heaven and rooted out of my breast, and receive
in earth. Believest thou this? his Spirit, that I may be filled with
11 And he said: Yea, I believe that joy, that I may not be cast off at the
the Great Spirit created all things, last day ? Behold, said he, I will give
and I desire that ye should tell me up d all that I possess, yea, I will for-
concerning all these things, and I sake my kingdom, that I may receive
will a believe thy words. this great joy.
12 And it came to pass that when 16 But Aaron said unto him: If
Aaron saw that the king would thou desirest this thing, if thou wilt
believe his words, he began from a
bow down before God, yea, if thou
the creation of Adam, a reading the wilt repent of all thy sins, and will
scriptures unto the king—how God bow down before God, and call on
created man after his own image, his name in faith, believing that ye
and that God gave him command- shall receive, then shalt thou receive
ments, and that because of trans- the b hope which thou desirest.
gression, man had fallen. 17 And it came to pass that when
13 And Aaron did expound unto Aaron had said these words, the
him the scriptures from the a cre- king did a bow down before the Lord,
ation of Adam, laying the fall of man upon his knees; yea, even he did
6 a Alma 20:17 (17–18). c tg Redemption. 1 Cor. 15:55 (34–57).
7 a D&C 46:14 (13–14). d 2 Ne. 9:18; 15 a Acts 2:37.
9 a Alma 18:2, 26 (18–28). Alma 13:3 (3, 5, 7–9). b Alma 5:14 (14, 49);
10 a tg Creation. 14 a tg Fall of Man. 36:23 (23, 26).
11 a tg Believe. b Eph. 2:8 (8–9); c Rom. 7:18.
12 a 1 Ne. 5:18 (10–18); Alma 42:14 (10–25). d Matt. 13:46 (44–46);
Alma 18:36; 37:9. c tg Jesus Christ, 19:21 (16–22).
b tg Man, Physical Death of. 16 a tg Conversion.
Creation of. d 2 Ne. 2:10; b Ether 12:4.
13 a Gen. 1:26 (26–28); 2:7. Alma 33:22; 34:9 (8–16). 17 a D&C 5:24.
b tg Salvation, Plan of. e Isa. 25:8;
265 Alma 22 : 18–27
prostrate himself upon the earth, put forth his a hand and raised the
and cried b mightily, saying: king from the earth, and said unto
18 O God, Aaron hath told me that him: Stand. And he stood upon his
there is a God; and if there is a God, feet, receiving his strength.
and if thou art God, wilt thou make 23 Now this was done in the pres-
thyself known unto me, and I will ence of the queen and many of the
give away all my sins to know thee, servants. And when they saw it
and that I may be raised from the they greatly marveled, and began
dead, and be saved at the last day. to fear. And the king stood forth,
And now when the king had said and began to a minister unto them.
these words, he was struck a as if he And he did minister unto them, in-
were dead. somuch that his b whole household
19 And it came to pass that his were c converted unto the Lord.
servants ran and told the queen all 24 Now there was a multitude
that had happened unto the king. gathered together because of the
And she came in unto the king; and commandment of the queen, and
when she saw him lay as if he were there began to be great murmur-
dead, and also Aaron and his breth- ings among them because of Aaron
ren standing as though they had and his brethren.
been the cause of his fall, she was 25 But the king stood forth among
angry with them, and commanded them and administered unto them.
that her servants, or the servants And they were a pacified towards
of the king, should take them and Aaron and those who were with him.
slay them. 26 And it came to pass that when
20 Now the servants had seen the the king saw that the people were
cause of the king’s fall, therefore pacified, he caused that Aaron and
they durst not lay their hands on his brethren should stand forth in the
Aaron and his brethren; and they midst of the multitude, and that they
pled with the queen saying: Why should preach the word unto them.
commandest thou that we should 27 And it came to pass that the
slay these men, when behold one king sent a a proclamation through-
of them is a mightier than us all? out all the land, amongst all his
Therefore we shall fall before them. people who were in all his land,
21 Now when the queen saw the who were in all the regions round
fear of the servants she also be- about, which was bordering even
gan to fear exceedingly, lest there to the sea, on the east and on the
should some evil come upon her. b
west, and which was divided from
And she commanded her servants the land of c Zarahemla by a narrow
that they should go and call the strip of wilderness, which ran from
people, that they might slay Aaron the sea east even to the sea west,
and his brethren. and round about on the borders of
22 Now when Aaron saw the de- the seashore, and the borders of the
termination of the queen, he, also wilderness which was on the north
knowing the hardness of the hearts by the land of Zarahemla, through
of the people, feared lest that a the borders of d Manti, by the head
multitude should assemble them- of the e river Sidon, running from
selves together, and there should the east towards the west—and
be a great contention and a distur- thus were the Lamanites and the
bance among them; therefore he Nephites divided.
17 b tg Prayer. Ministry. b Hel. 3:8; 11:20.
18 a Alma 18:42 (42–43). b Alma 23:3. c Omni 1:13.
20 a Alma 18:3 (1–3). c tg Conversion. d Alma 17:1; 56:14.
22 a Alma 19:29. 25 a tg Peace; e Alma 16:6 (6–7);
23 a tg Minister; Peacemakers. 43:22 (22–53).
Ministration; 27 a Alma 23:1 (1–4).
Alma 22 : 28–23 : 1 266
28 Now, the more a idle part of the land of Nephi and the land of Zara
Lamanites lived in the wilderness, hemla were nearly surrounded by
and dwelt in tents; and they were water, there being a small b neck of
spread through the wilderness on land between the land northward
the west, in the land of Nephi; yea, and the land southward.
and also on the west of the land of 33 And it came to pass that the
Zarahemla, in the borders by the Nephites had inhabited the land
seashore, and on the west in the Bountiful, even from the east unto
land of Nephi, in the place of their the west sea, and thus the Nephites
fathers’ first inheritance, and thus in their wisdom, with their guards
bordering along by the seashore. and their armies, had hemmed in
29 And also there were many La- the Lamanites on the south, that
manites on the east by the seashore, thereby they should have no more
whither the Nephites had driven possession on the north, that they
them. And thus the Nephites were might not overrun the land north-
nearly surrounded by the Laman- ward.
ites; nevertheless the Nephites had 34 Therefore the Lamanites could
taken possession of all the north- have no more possessions only in
ern parts of the land bordering on the land of Nephi, and the wilder-
the wilderness, at the head of the ness round about. Now this was
river Sidon, from the east to the wisdom in the Nephites—as the
west, round about on the wilder- Lamanites were an enemy to them,
ness side; on the north, even until they would not suffer their afflictions
they came to the land which they on every hand, and also that they
called a Bountiful. might have a country whither
30 And it bordered upon the they might flee, according to their
land which they called a Desola- desires.
tion, it being so far northward that 35 And now I, after having said
it came into the land which had this, return again to the account
been peopled and been destroyed, of Ammon and Aaron, Omner and
of whose b bones we have spoken, Himni, and their brethren.
which was discovered by the c peo-
ple of Zarahemla, it being the place Chapter 23
of their d first landing. Religious freedom is proclaimed—The
31 And they came from there a up Lamanites in seven lands and cities
into the south wilderness. Thus the are converted—They call themselves
land on the northward was called
Desolation, and the land on the Anti-Nephi-Lehies and are freed from
the curse—The Amalekites and the
southward was called Bountiful, Amulonites reject the truth. About
it being the wilderness which is 90–77 b.c.
filled with all manner of wild ani-
mals of every kind, a part of which Behold, now it came to pass that
had come from the land northward the king of the Lamanites sent a
for food. proclamation among all his people,
32 And now, it was only the a dis- that they should not lay their hands
tance of a day and a half’s journey on Ammon, or Aaron, or Omner, or
for a Nephite, on the line Bountiful Himni, nor either of their brethren
and the land Desolation, from the who should go forth preaching the
east to the west sea; and thus the word of God, in whatsoever place
28 a 2 Ne. 5:24 (22–25). b Mosiah 8:8 (7–12); b Alma 46:17; 63:4.
29 a Alma 52:9, 17, 27; 63:5. 28:17 (11–19). c Hel. 3:6 (5–6).
30 a Alma 46:17; 50:34; c Omni 1:21 (20–22). 32 a Hel. 4:7.
Morm. 3:5 (5, 7); d Ether 6:12; 7:6. b Alma 50:34; 52:9.
4:3 (1–3). 31 a Hel. 6:10. 23 1 a Alma 22:27.
267 Alma 23 : 2–14
they should be, in any part of their believe in the b traditions of the
land. Nephites; and they were taught the
2 Yea, he sent a decree among records and prophecies which were
them, that they should not lay their handed down even to the present
hands on them to bind them, or time.
to cast them into prison; neither 6 And as sure as the Lord liveth, so
should they spit upon them, nor sure as many as believed, or as many
smite them, nor cast them out of as were brought to the knowledge of
their a synagogues, nor scourge them; the truth, through the preaching
neither should they cast stones at of Ammon and his brethren, accord-
them, but that they should have ing to the spirit of revelation and
free access to their houses, and also of prophecy, and the power of God
their temples, and their b sanctuaries. working a miracles in them—yea, I
3 And thus they might go forth say unto you, as the Lord liveth, as
and preach the word according to many of the Lamanites as believed
their desires, for the king had been in their preaching, and were b con-
converted unto the Lord, and a all verted unto the Lord, c never did
his b household; therefore he sent fall away.
his proclamation throughout the 7 For they became a righteous peo-
land unto his people, that the word ple; they did lay down the weapons
of God might have no obstruction, of their rebellion, that they did not
but that it might go forth through- fight against God any more, neither
out all the land, that his people against any of their brethren.
might be convinced concerning 8 Now, these are a they who were
the wicked c traditions of their converted unto the Lord:
fathers, and that they might be con- 9 The people of the Lamanites
vinced that they were all brethren, who were in the land of Ishmael;
and that they ought not to murder, 10 And also of the people of the
nor to plunder, nor to steal, nor to Lamanites who were in the land
commit adultery, nor to commit of a Middoni;
any manner of wickedness. 11 And also of the people of the
4 And now it came to pass that Lamanites who were in the city of
when the king had sent forth this Nephi;
proclamation, that Aaron and his 12 And also of the people of the
brethren went forth from a city to Lamanites who were in the land of
city, and from one house of worship a
Shilom, and who were in the land
to another, establishing churches, of Shemlon, and in the city of Lem-
and consecrating b priests and teach- uel, and in the city of Shimnilom.
ers throughout the land among the 13 And these are the names of the
Lamanites, to preach and to teach cities of the Lamanites which were
the word of God among them; a
converted unto the Lord; and these
and thus they began to have great are they that laid down the weap-
success. ons of their rebellion, yea, all their
5 And a thousands were brought weapons of war; and they were all
to the knowledge of the Lord, Lamanites.
yea, thousands were brought to 14 And the Amalekites were not
2 a Alma 21:20 (4–6, 20); b Alma 30:31. b tg Commitment;
26:29. 5 a Alma 26:4. Conversion.
b Hel. 3:14 (9, 14). b Alma 37:19. c Alma 27:27.
3 a Alma 22:23. c Alma 63:12. 8 a Alma 26:3, 31.
b Gen. 18:19. tg Scriptures, Value of. 10 a Alma 20:2;
c Alma 26:24. 6 a Ex. 8:19; 21:12 (12–13, 18).
4 a Luke 8:1; 1 Ne. 19:22; 12 a Mosiah 22:11 (8, 11).
D&C 66:5; 75:18. D&C 84:3; 121:12. 13 a Alma 53:10.
Alma 23 : 15–24 : 7 268
converted, save only one; neither land round about, who had not been
were any of the b Amulonites; but they converted and had not taken upon
did harden their hearts, and also them the name of d Anti-Nephi-Lehi,
the hearts of the Lamanites in that were stirred up by the Amalekites
part of the land wheresoever they and by the Amulonites to anger
dwelt, yea, and all their villages and against their brethren.
all their cities. 2 And their hatred became ex-
15 Therefore, we have named all ceedingly sore against them, even
the cities of the Lamanites in which insomuch that they began to rebel
they did repent and come to the against their king, insomuch that
knowledge of the truth, and were they would not that he should be
converted. their king; therefore, they took up
16 And now it came to pass that the arms against the people of Anti-
king and those who were converted Nephi-Lehi.
were desirous that they might have 3 Now the king conferred the king-
a name, that thereby they might be dom upon his son, and he called his
distinguished from their brethren; name Anti-Nephi-Lehi.
therefore the king consulted with 4 And the king died in that self-
Aaron and many of their priests, con- same year that the Lamanites be-
cerning the name that they should gan to make preparations for war
take upon them, that they might against the people of God.
be distinguished. 5 Now when Ammon and his breth-
17 And it came to pass that they ren and all those who had come up
called their names a Anti-Nephi- with him saw the preparations of
Lehies; and they were called by the Lamanites to destroy their breth-
this name and were no more called ren, they came forth to the land of
Lamanites. Midian, and there Ammon met all
18 And they began to be a very his brethren; and from thence they
industrious people; yea, and they came to the land of Ishmael that
were friendly with the Nephites; they might hold a a council with
therefore, they did b open a corre- Lamoni and also with his brother
spondence with them, and the c curse Anti-Nephi-Lehi, what they should
of God did no more follow them. do to defend themselves against the
Chapter 24 6 Now there was not one soul
The Lamanites come against the people among all the people who had been
of God—The Anti-Nephi-Lehies rejoice converted unto the Lord that would
take up arms against their brethren;
in Christ and are visited by angels— nay, they would not even make any
They choose to suffer death rather than preparations for war; yea, and also
to defend themselves—More Lamanites
are converted. About 90–77 b.c. their king commanded them that
they should not.
And it came to pass that the Amale- 7 Now, these are the words which
kites and the Amulonites and the he said unto the people concern-
Lamanites who were in the land ing the matter: I thank my God,
of a Amulon, and also in the land of my beloved people, that our great
Helam, and who were in the land God has in goodness sent these our
of c Jerusalem, and in fine, in all the brethren, the Nephites, unto us to
14 a Alma 24:29. c 1 Ne. 2:23; c Alma 21:1.
b Mosiah 23:31 (31–39). 2 Ne. 30:6 (5–6); d Alma 23:17;
17 a Alma 24:1 (1–3, 5, 20). 3 Ne. 2:15 (14–16). 25:13 (1, 13).
b Jacob 1:13. 24 1 a Alma 21:3 (2–4); 5 a Alma 27:4.
18 a tg Industry. 25:7 (4–9).
b Alma 24:8. b Mosiah 23:19; 27:16.
269 Alma 24 : 8 –18
preach unto us, and to convince us of known unto us that we might not
the a traditions of our wicked fathers. perish; yea, and he has made these
8 And behold, I thank my great things known unto us beforehand,
God that he has given us a portion because he loveth our a souls as well
of his Spirit to soften our hearts, that as he loveth our children; therefore,
we have a opened a correspondence in his mercy he doth visit us by his
with these brethren, the Nephites. angels, that the b plan of salvation
9 And behold, I also thank my God, might be made known unto us as
that by opening this correspon- well as unto future generations.
dence we have been convinced of 15 Oh, how merciful is our God!
our a sins, and of the many murders And now behold, since it has been
which we have committed. as much as we could do to get our
10 And I also thank my God, yea, stains taken away from us, and our
my great God, that he hath granted swords are made bright, let us a hide
unto us that we might repent of them away that they may be kept
these things, and also that he hath bright, as a testimony to our God at
forgiven us of those our many sins the last day, or at the day that we
and murders which we have com- shall be brought to stand before
mitted, and taken away the b guilt him to be judged, that we have not
from our hearts, through the mer- stained our swords in the blood of
its of his Son. our brethren since he imparted
11 And now behold, my brethren, his word unto us and has made us
since it has been all that we could b
clean thereby.
do (as we were the most lost of all 16 And now, my brethren, if our
mankind) to repent of all our sins brethren seek to destroy us, behold,
and the many murders which we we will hide away our swords, yea,
have committed, and to get God to even we will bury them deep in the
take them away from our hearts, earth, that they may be kept bright,
for it was all we could do to repent as a testimony that we have never
sufficiently before God that he used them, at the last day; and if
would take away our stain— our brethren destroy us, behold,
12 Now, my best beloved breth- we shall a go to our God and shall
ren, since God hath taken away be saved.
our stains, and our swords have be- 17 And now it came to pass that
come bright, then let us stain our when the king had made an end of
swords no more with the blood of these sayings, and all the people
our brethren. were assembled together, they took
13 Behold, I say unto you, Nay, let their swords, and all the weapons
us retain our swords that they be which were used for the shedding
not stained with the blood of our of man’s blood, and they did a bury
brethren; for perhaps, if we should them up deep in the earth.
stain our swords a again they can no 18 And this they did, it being in
more be b washed bright through their view a testimony to God, and
the blood of the Son of our great also to men, that they a never would
God, which shall be shed for the use weapons again for the shedding
atonement of our sins. of man’s blood; and this they did,
14 And the great God has had vouching and b covenanting with
mercy on us, and made these things God, that rather than shed the
7 a Mosiah 1:5. 11 a Isa. 53:6 (4–6). 15 a Alma 25:14; 26:32.
8 a Alma 23:18. 13 a D&C 42:26. b tg Purification.
9 a Micah 3:8; b Rev. 1:5. 16 a Alma 40:11 (11–15).
Hel. 13:26; 14 a tg Worth of Souls. 17 a Hel. 15:9.
D&C 18:44. b tg Jesus Christ, 18 a Alma 53:11.
10 a Dan. 9:9. Prophecies about; b tg Covenants.
b tg Guilt. Salvation, Plan of.
Alma 24 : 19–30 270
blood of their brethren they would this they did a forbear from slaying
give up their own lives; and rather them; and there were many whose
than take away from a brother they hearts had b swollen in them for those
would give unto him; and rather of their brethren who had fallen
than spend their days in idleness under the sword, for they repented
they would labor abundantly with of the things which they had done.
their hands. 25 And it came to pass that they
19 And thus we see that, when threw down their weapons of war,
these Lamanites were brought to and they would not take them
believe and to know the truth, they again, for they were stung for the
were b firm, and would suffer even murders which they had committed;
unto death rather than commit sin; and they came down even as their
and thus we see that they buried brethren, relying upon the mercies
their weapons of peace, or they bur- of those whose arms were lifted to
ied the weapons of war, for peace. slay them.
20 And it came to pass that their 26 And it came to pass that the
brethren, the Lamanites, made pre people of God were joined that day
parations for war, and came up to by more than the number who had
the land of Nephi for the purpose been slain; and those who had been
of destroying the king, and to place slain were righteous people, there-
another in his stead, and also of fore we have no reason to doubt but
destroying the people of Anti- what they were a saved.
Nephi-Lehi out of the land. 27 And there was not a wicked man
21 Now when the people saw that slain among them; but there were
they were coming against them they more than a thousand brought to
went out to meet them, and a pros- the knowledge of the truth; thus we
trated themselves before them to the see that the Lord worketh in many
earth, and began to call on the name a
ways to the salvation of his people.
of the Lord; and thus they were 28 Now the greatest number of
in this attitude when the Laman- those of the Lamanites who slew so
ites began to fall upon them, and many of their brethren were Amale-
began to slay them with the sword. kites and Amulonites, the greatest
22 And thus without meeting any number of whom were after the
resistance, they did slay a a thousand a
order of the b Nehors.
and five of them; and we know that 29 Now, among those who joined
they are blessed, for they have gone the people of the Lord, there were
to dwell with their God. none who were Amalekites or Amu
23 Now when the Lamanites saw lonites, or who were of the order of
that their brethren would not flee Nehor, but they were actual descen-
from the sword, neither would they dants of Laman and Lemuel.
turn aside to the right hand or to the 30 And thus we can plainly dis-
left, but that they would lie down cern, that after a people have been
and a perish, and b praised God even once a enlightened by the b Spirit of
in the very act of perishing under God, and have had great c knowledge
the sword— of things pertaining to righteous-
24 Now when the Lamanites saw ness, and then have d fallen away into
18 c tg Self-Sacrifice. Repent. 30 a Matt. 12:45.
19 a tg Faith. 26 a Isa. 57:1; b tg God, Spirit of.
b tg Integrity. Rev. 14:13. c Heb. 10:26 (26–27);
20 a Isa. 7:6. 27 a 2 Kgs. 5:15; Alma 47:36.
21 a Alma 27:3. Isa. 55:8 (8–9); d 2 Ne. 31:14;
22 a Alma 26:34. Alma 37:7 (6–7). Alma 9:19; 31:8;
23 a Alma 26:32. 28 a Alma 21:4. D&C 93:19.
b Mosiah 16:7. b Alma 1:15; 2:1 (1, 20); tg Apostasy of
24 a Alma 25:1. 16:11. Individuals;
b tg Compassion; 29 a Alma 23:14. Holy Ghost, Loss of.
271 Alma 25 : 1–13
the Lamanites saw that they could verified his word unto them in every
not overpower the Nephites they re- particular.
turned again to their own land; and
many of them came over to dwell in Chapter 26
the land of a Ishmael and the land
of Nephi, and did join themselves Ammon glories in the Lord—The
to the people of God, who were the faithful are strengthened by the Lord
and are given knowledge—By faith
people of b Anti-Nephi-Lehi.
14 And they did also a bury their men may bring thousands of souls
weapons of war, according as their unto repentance—God has all power
brethren had, and they began to be and comprehends all things. About
a righteous people; and they did 90–77 b.c.
walk in the ways of the Lord, and And now, these are the words of
did observe to keep his command- Ammon to his brethren, which say
ments and his statutes. thus: My brothers and my brethren,
15 Yea, and they did keep the law behold I say unto you, how great
of Moses; for it was expedient that reason have we to rejoice; for could
they should keep the law of Moses we have supposed when we a started
as yet, for it was not all fulfilled. But from the land of Zarahemla that
notwithstanding the a law of Moses, God would have granted unto us
they did look forward to the coming such great blessings?
of Christ, considering that the law 2 And now, I ask, what great bless-
of Moses was a b type of his coming, ings has he bestowed upon us? Can
and believing that they must keep ye tell?
those c outward d performances until 3 Behold, I answer for you; for
the time that he should be revealed our brethren, the Lamanites, were
unto them. in darkness, yea, even in the dark-
16 Now they did not suppose est abyss, but behold, how a many
that a salvation came by the b law of them are brought to behold the
of Moses; but the law of Moses did marvelous light of God! And this is
serve to strengthen their faith in the blessing which hath been be-
Christ; and thus they did retain a stowed upon us, that we have been
hope through faith, unto eternal made b instruments in the hands
salvation, relying upon the spirit of God to bring about this great
of prophecy, which spake of those work.
things to come. 4 Behold, a thousands of them do
17 And now behold, Ammon, and rejoice, and have been brought into
Aaron, and Omner, and Himni, the fold of God.
and their brethren did rejoice ex- 5 Behold, the a field was ripe, and
ceedingly, for the success which blessed are ye, for ye did thrust in
they had had among the Laman- the b sickle, and did reap with your
ites, seeing that the Lord had might, yea, all the day long did ye
granted unto them according to labor; and behold the number of
their a prayers, and that he had also your c sheaves! And they shall be
13 a Alma 22:1 (1, 4). D&C 41:5 (4–5). Alma 17:6 (6–11).
b Alma 24:1 (1–3, 5, 20); d tg Ordinance. 3 a Alma 23:8 (8–13).
27:21 (2, 21, 25). 16 a Mosiah 3:15; 12:31; b 2 Cor. 4:5;
14 a Alma 24:15; 26:32. 13:28 (27–33). Mosiah 23:10.
15 a Jacob 4:5; b 2 Ne. 11:4; 4 a Alma 23:5; 26:31.
Jarom 1:11. Jacob 4:5; 5 a John 4:35;
b Mosiah 16:14. Jarom 1:11; D&C 4:4.
tg Jesus Christ, Types Ether 12:19 (18–19). b Joel 3:13.
of, in Anticipation. c Alma 33:22 (19–23); c D&C 33:9; 75:5.
c Josh. 1:8; 37:46 (45–46). tg Reward.
Mosiah 3:14 (14–15); 17 a Alma 17:9 (7–11).
13:29 (29–32); 26 1 a Mosiah 28:9;
273 Alma 26 : 6 –18
gathered into the garners, that they his d strength I can do all e things;
are not wasted. yea, behold, many mighty mira-
6 Yea, they shall not be beaten cles we have wrought in this land,
down by the storm at the last day; for which we will praise his name
yea, neither shall they be harrowed forever.
up by the whirlwinds; but when the 13 Behold, how many thousands of
storm cometh they shall be gath- our brethren has he loosed from the
ered together in their place, that pains of a hell; and they are brought
the storm cannot penetrate to them; to b sing redeeming love, and this
yea, neither shall they be driven because of the power of his word
with fierce winds whithersoever which is in us, therefore have we
the enemy listeth to carry them. not great reason to rejoice?
7 But behold, they are in the hands 14 Yea, we have reason to praise
of the Lord of the a harvest, and they him forever, for he is the Most High
are his; and he will b raise them up God, and has loosed our brethren
at the last day. from the a chains of hell.
8 a Blessed be the name of our God; 15 Yea, they were encircled about
let us b sing to his praise, yea, let us with everlasting a darkness and
give c thanks to his holy name, for destruction; but behold, he has
he doth work righteousness forever. brought them into his everlasting
9 For if we had not come up out light, yea, into everlasting salvation;
of the land of Zarahemla, these and they are encircled about with
our dearly beloved brethren, who the matchless bounty of his love;
have so dearly beloved us, would yea, and we have been instruments
still have been racked with a hatred in his hands of doing this great
against us, yea, and they would also and marvelous work.
have been b strangers to God. 16 Therefore, let us a glory, yea,
10 And it came to pass that when we will b glory in the Lord; yea, we
Ammon had said these words, his will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea,
brother Aaron rebuked him, saying: we will praise our God forever. Be-
Ammon, I fear that thy joy doth hold, who can glory too much in the
carry thee away unto boasting. Lord? Yea, who can say too much of
11 But Ammon said unto him: I his great power, and of his c mercy,
do not a boast in my own strength, and of his long-suffering towards
nor in my own wisdom; but behold, the children of men? Behold, I say
my b joy is full, yea, my heart is unto you, I cannot say the smallest
brim with c joy, and I will rejoice in part which I feel.
my God. 17 Who could have supposed that
12 Yea, I know that I am a noth- our God would have been so merci-
ing; as to my strength I am weak; ful as to have snatched us from our
therefore I will b not boast of myself, awful, sinful, and a polluted state?
but I will c boast of my God, for in 18 Behold, we went forth even in
6 a Hel. 5:12; b 1 Thes. 3:9; b Alma 5:26.
3 Ne. 14:25 (25, 27). D&C 18:16 (14–16). 14 a Alma 12:11.
7 a tg Harvest. c tg Joy. 15 a Prov. 20:20.
b Mosiah 23:22; 12 a tg Poor in Spirit. b tg Light [noun].
Alma 36:28. b Alma 29:9. 16 a Rom. 15:17;
8 a Ps. 41:13. c Jer. 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31.
b Ps. 57:7 (7–11); Rom. 15:17. b Ps. 44:8 (4–8);
108:1 (1–5); d Isa. 45:24; 2 Cor. 10:17 (15–18);
2 Ne. 22:5 (5–6). Philip. 4:13 (12–13); D&C 76:61.
c tg Thanksgiving. 1 Ne. 17:3. c Ps. 36:5 (5–6);
9 a Mosiah 28:2. e Ps. 18:32 (32–40); Morm. 6:22;
b tg Stranger. 1 Ne. 7:12. D&C 97:6.
11 a 2 Cor. 7:14 (13–16). 13 a tg Hell. 17 a tg Pollution.
Alma 26 : 19–29 274
against their b brethren, the people 10 But the king said unto him: In-
of c Anti-Nephi-Lehi; therefore they quire of the Lord, and if he saith
began again to destroy them. unto us go, we will go; otherwise
3 Now this people a again refused to we will perish in the land.
take their arms, and they suffered 11 And it came to pass that Am-
themselves to be slain according to mon went and inquired of the Lord,
the desires of their enemies. and the Lord said unto him:
4 Now when Ammon and his breth- 12 Get this people a out of this
ren saw this work of destruction land, that they perish not; for Sa-
among those whom they so dearly tan has great hold on the hearts of
beloved, and among those who had the Amalekites, who do stir up the
so dearly beloved them—for they Lamanites to anger against their
were treated as though they were brethren to slay them; therefore get
angels sent from God to save them thee out of this land; and blessed
from everlasting destruction— are this people in this generation,
therefore, when Ammon and his for I will b preserve them.
brethren saw this great work of 13 And now it came to pass that
destruction, they were moved with Ammon went and told the king all
compassion, and they a said unto the words which the Lord had said
the king: unto him.
5 Let us gather together this peo- 14 And they gathered together all
ple of the Lord, and let us go down their people, yea, all the people of
to the land of Zarahemla to our the Lord, and did gather together
brethren the Nephites, and flee out all their flocks and herds, and de-
of the hands of our enemies, that parted out of the land, and came
we be not destroyed. into the wilderness which divided
6 But the king said unto them: Be- the land of Nephi from the land of
hold, the Nephites will destroy us, Zarahemla, and came over near the
because of the many murders and borders of the land.
sins we have committed against 15 And it came to pass that Am-
them. mon said unto them: Behold, I and
7 And Ammon said: I will go and my brethren will go forth into the
inquire of the Lord, and if he say land of Zarahemla, and ye shall re-
unto us, go down unto our breth- main here until we return; and we
ren, will ye go? will a try the hearts of our brethren,
8 And the king said unto him: Yea, whether they will that ye shall come
if the Lord saith unto us go, we will into their land.
go down unto our brethren, and 16 And it came to pass that as
we will be their slaves until we re- Ammon was going forth into the
pair unto them the many murders land, that he and his brethren met
and sins which we have committed Alma, over in the a place of which
against them. has been spoken; and behold, this
9 But Ammon said unto him: It was a joyful meeting.
is against the law of our brethren, 17 Now the a joy of Ammon was
which was established by my father, so great even that he was full; yea,
that there should be any a slaves he was swallowed up in the joy of
among them; therefore let us go his God, even to the b exhausting
down and rely upon the mercies of his strength; and he fell c again
of our brethren. to the earth.
2 b Alma 43:11. 12 a tg Separation. b Dan. 10:8 (8–12);
c Alma 25:1. b tg Protection, Divine. 1 Ne. 1:7.
3 a Alma 24:21 (21–26). 15 a Judg. 7:4. c Alma 19:14 (14, 17).
4 a Alma 24:5 (3–5). 16 a Alma 17:1 (1–4).
9 a Mosiah 29:32 (32, 38, 40). 17 a tg Joy.
277 Alma 27 : 18–29
18 Now was not this a exceed- do unto our brethren, that they
ing joy ? Behold, this is joy which may inherit the land Jershon; and
none receiveth save it be the truly we will guard them from their en
penitent and humble seeker of emies with our armies, on condition
happiness. that they will give us a a portion of
19 Now the joy of Alma in meeting their substance to assist us that we
his a brethren was truly great, and may maintain our armies.
also the joy of Aaron, of Omner, and 25 Now, it came to pass that when
Himni; but behold their joy was not Ammon had heard this, he returned
that to exceed their strength. to the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi,
20 And now it came to pass that and also Alma with him, into the
Alma conducted his brethren back wilderness, where they had pitched
to the land of Zarahemla; even to their tents, and made known unto
his a own house. And they went and them all these things. And Alma
told the b chief judge all the things also related unto them his a conver-
that had happened unto them in sion, with Ammon and Aaron, and
the land of Nephi, among their his brethren.
brethren, the Lamanites. 26 And it came to pass that it did
21 And it came to pass that the cause great joy among them. And
chief judge sent a proclamation they went down into the land of
throughout all the land, desiring Jershon, and took possession of
the voice of the people concern- the land of Jershon; and they were
ing the admitting their brethren, called by the Nephites the a people
who were the people of a Anti- of Ammon; therefore they were
Nephi-Lehi. distinguished by that name ever
22 And it came to pass that the after.
voice of the people came, saying: 27 And they were among the peo-
Behold, we will give up the a land of ple of Nephi, and also numbered
Jershon, which is on the east by the among the people who were of the
sea, which joins the land Bountiful, church of God. And they were also
which is on the south of the land distinguished for their a zeal towards
Bountiful; and this land Jershon is God, and also towards men; for they
the land which we will give unto were perfectly b honest and upright
our brethren for an inheritance. in all things; and they were c firm
23 And behold, we will set our in the faith of Christ, even unto
armies between the land Jershon the end.
and the land Nephi, that we may 28 And they did look upon shed-
protect our brethren in the land ding the blood of their brethren
Jershon; and this we do for our with the greatest abhorrence; and
brethren, on account of their they never could be prevailed upon
fear to take up arms against their to take up arms against their breth-
brethren lest they should commit ren; and they never did look upon
sin; and this their great fear came death with any degree of terror, for
because of their sore repentance their hope and views of Christ and
which they had, on account of their the resurrection; therefore, death
many murders and their awful was swallowed up to them by the
wickedness. victory of Christ over it.
24 And now behold, this will we 29 Therefore, they would suffer
18 a Alma 28:8. 43:11. 27 a tg Zeal.
b tg Happiness; 22 a Alma 43:12. b Prov. 19:1;
Objectives. b Alma 28:1 (1, 8). D&C 124:20 (15, 20).
19 a tg Friendship. 23 a Alma 43:12. tg Honesty.
20 a Alma 15:18. 24 a Alma 43:13. c Alma 23:6;
b Alma 4:17 (16–18). 25 a Mosiah 27:24 (10–25). Hel. 15:8 (6–10).
21 a Alma 25:13 (1, 13); 26 a Alma 30:1.
Alma 27 : 30–28 : 12 278
they are raised to dwell at the right for I know that he granteth unto men
hand of God, in a state of never- according to their a desire, whether
ending c happiness. it be unto death or unto life; yea,
13 And thus we see how great I know that he allotteth unto men,
the a inequality of man is because yea, decreeth unto them decrees
of sin and b transgression, and the which are unalterable, according to
power of the devil, which comes their b wills, whether they be unto
by the cunning c plans which he salvation or unto destruction.
hath devised to ensnare the hearts 5 Yea, and I know that good and
of men. evil have come before all men; he
14 And thus we see the great call that knoweth not good from evil is
of a diligence of men to labor in the a
blameless; but he that b knoweth
vineyards of the Lord; and thus we good and evil, to him it is given ac-
see the great reason of sorrow, and cording to his desires, whether he
also of rejoicing—sorrow because desireth good or evil, life or death,
of death and destruction among joy or remorse of c conscience.
men, and joy because of the b light 6 Now, seeing that I know these
of Christ unto life. things, why should I desire more
than to a perform the work to which
Chapter 29 I have been called?
Alma desires to cry repentance with an- 7 Why should I desire that I were
gelic zeal—The Lord grants teachers for an angel, that I could speak unto
all nations—Alma glories in the Lord’s all the ends of the earth?
work and in the success of Ammon and 8 For behold, the Lord doth a grant
unto b all nations, of their own na-
his brethren. About 76 b.c.
tion and c tongue, to teach his word,
O that I were an angel, and could yea, in wisdom, all that he d seeth
have the wish of mine heart, that I fit that they should have; therefore
might go forth and speak with the we see that the Lord doth counsel
trump of God, with a voice to shake in wisdom, according to that which
the earth, and cry repentance unto is just and true.
every people! 9 I know that which the Lord hath
2 Yea, I would declare unto every commanded me, and I glory in it.
soul, as with the voice of thunder, I do a not b glory of myself, but I
repentance and the plan of redemp- glory in that which the Lord hath
tion, that they should repent and commanded me; yea, and this is
come unto our God, that there my glory, that perhaps I may be an
might not be more sorrow upon all instrument in the hands of God to
the face of the earth. bring some soul to repentance; and
3 But behold, I am a man, and do this is my joy.
sin in my wish; for I ought to be 10 And behold, when I see many
content with the things which the of my brethren truly penitent, and
Lord hath allotted unto me. coming to the Lord their God, then
4 I ought not to harrow up in my is my soul filled with joy; then do I
desires the firm decree of a just God, remember a what the Lord has done
12 c Alma 56:11. 4 a Ps. 21:2; 37:4. 6 a tg Stewardship.
13 a 1 Ne. 17:35. b tg Agency. 8 a 3 Ne. 26:8 (7–10);
b tg Transgress. 5 a tg Accountability. D&C 11:22.
c 2 Ne. 9:28. b Gen. 3:5; b 2 Ne. 2:27; 29:12.
14 a tg Diligence; 2 Ne. 2:18 (18, 26); c D&C 90:11.
Vineyard of the Lord. Mosiah 16:3; d Alma 12:9 (9–11).
b tg Light of Christ. Moro. 7:16 (15–19). 9 a Alma 26:12.
29 1 a Isa. 58:1; tg Discernment, b tg Glory.
D&C 29:4. Spiritual. 10 a Mosiah 27:14 (11–31).
2 a Omni 1:26 (25–26); c Job 27:6.
3 Ne. 21:20. tg Conscience.
Alma 29 : 11–30 : 6 280
soul should be b lost than that thou astray after an unknown God. And
shouldst be the means of bringing he said unto me: There is d no God;
many souls down to destruction, yea, and he taught me that which
by thy lying and by thy flattering I should say. And I have taught his
words; therefore if thou shalt deny words; and I taught them because
again, behold God shall smite thee, they were pleasing unto the e car-
that thou shalt become dumb, that nal mind; and I taught them, even
thou shalt never open thy mouth until I had much success, insomuch
any more, that thou shalt not de- that I verily believed that they were
ceive this people any more. true; and for this cause I withstood
48 Now Korihor said unto him: I do the truth, even until I have brought
not deny the existence of a God, but this great f curse upon me.
I do not believe that there is a God; 54 Now when he had said this, he
and I say also, that ye do not know besought that Alma should pray
that there is a God; and except ye unto God, that the a curse might be
show me a sign, I will not believe. taken from him.
49 Now Alma said unto him: This 55 But Alma said unto him: If this
will I give unto thee for a sign, that curse should be taken from thee thou
thou shalt be a struck dumb, accord- wouldst again lead away the hearts
ing to my words; and I say, that in of this people; therefore, it shall
the name of God, ye shall be struck be unto thee even as the Lord will.
dumb, that ye shall no more have 56 And it came to pass that the
utterance. curse was not taken off of Kori-
50 Now when Alma had said these hor; but he was a cast out, and went
words, Korihor was struck dumb, about from house to house begging
that he could not have utterance, for his food.
according to the words of Alma. 57 Now the knowledge of what
51 And now when the chief judge had happened unto Korihor was
saw this, he put forth his hand and immediately published throughout
wrote unto Korihor, saying: Art thou all the land; yea, the proclamation
convinced of the power of God? was sent forth by the chief judge to
In whom did ye desire that Alma all the people in the land, declar-
should show forth his sign? Would ing unto those who had believed
ye that he should afflict others, to in the words of Korihor that they
show unto thee a sign? Behold, he must speedily repent, a lest the same
has showed unto you a sign; and judgments would come unto them.
now will ye dispute more? 58 And it came to pass that they
52 And Korihor put forth his hand were all convinced of the wicked-
and wrote, saying: I know that I ness of Korihor; therefore they were
am dumb, for I cannot speak; and all converted again unto the Lord;
I know that nothing save it were and this put an end to the iniquity
the a power of God could bring this after the manner of Korihor. And
upon me; yea, and I always b knew Korihor did go about from house to
that there was a God. house, begging food for his support.
53 But behold, the devil hath 59 And it came to pass that as he
deceived me; for he b appeared went forth among the people, yea,
unto me in the c form of an angel, among a people who had separated
and said unto me: Go and reclaim themselves from the Nephites and
this people, for they have all gone called themselves a Zoramites, being
47 b Mosiah 27:16. b 2 Ne. 9:9. 54 a Num. 12:13 (9–15).
49 a Luke 1:20; c 2 Cor. 11:14. 56 a Dan. 5:21.
Acts 13:11 (8–12). d Ps. 10:4 (2–11); 57 a John 5:14.
52 a 2 Chr. 13:20. Alma 30:28. 59 a Alma 31:7 (7–8).
b Alma 30:42 (41–42). e tg Carnal Mind.
53 a Jacob 7:14 (14, 18). f tg Curse.
285 Alma 30 : 60–31 : 9
led by a man whose name was seashore, which was south of the land
Zoram—and as he went forth of b Jershon, which also bordered
amongst them, behold, he was run upon the wilderness south, which
upon and trodden down, even until wilderness was full of the Lamanites.
he was b dead. 4 Now the Nephites greatly feared
60 And thus we see the end of that the Zoramites would enter into
him who a perverteth the ways of a a correspondence with the La-
the Lord; and thus we see that the manites, and that it would be the
devil will not b support his children means of great loss on the part of
at the last day, but doth speedily the Nephites.
drag them down to c hell. 5 And now, as the a preaching of
the b word had a great tendency to
Chapter 31 c
lead the people to do that which
Alma heads a mission to reclaim the was just—yea, it had had more pow-
apostate Zoramites—The Zoramites erful effect upon the minds of the
deny Christ, believe in a false con- people than the sword, or anything
cept of election, and worship with set else, which had happened unto
prayers—The missionaries are filled them—therefore Alma thought it
with the Holy Spirit—Their afflictions was expedient that they should try
are swallowed up in the joy of Christ. the virtue of the word of God.
About 74 b.c. 6 Therefore he took Ammon, and
Aaron, and Omner; and Himni he
Now it came to pass that after the end did leave in the church in Zara-
of Korihor, Alma having received hemla; but the former three he
tidings that the Zoramites were per- took with him, and also a Amulek
verting the ways of the Lord, and and Zeezrom, who were at b Melek;
that Zoram, who was their leader, and he also took two of his sons.
was leading the hearts of the peo- 7 Now the eldest of his sons he
ple to a bow down to dumb b idols, took not with him, and his name
his heart again began to c sicken be- was Helaman; but the names of
cause of the iniquity of the people. those whom he took with him were
2 For it was the cause of great a sor- a
Shiblon and b Corianton; and these
row to Alma to know of iniquity are the names of those who went
among his people; therefore his with him among the c Zoramites, to
heart was exceedingly b sorrowful preach unto them the word.
because of the separation of the 8 Now the Zoramites were a dis-
Zoramites from the Nephites. senters from the Nephites; there-
3 Now the Zoramites had gath- fore they had had the word of God
ered themselves together in a land preached unto them.
which they called a Antionum, which 9 But they had a fallen into great
was east of the land of Zarahemla, errors, for they would not observe
which lay nearly bordering upon the to keep the commandments of God,
59 b Jer. 28:16 (15–17); 3 Ne. 17:14; Moses 7:41. Alma 45:21;
Jacob 7:20 (1–20). b Isa. 22:4. Hel. 5:51 (50–52);
60 a tg Lying. 3 a Alma 43:5 (5, 15, 22). D&C 11:2.
b Alma 3:27 (26–27); b Alma 27:22. tg Gospel.
5:42 (41–42); 4 a tg Conspiracy. 6 a Hel. 5:41.
D&C 29:45. 5 a Ex. 24:7; Jonah 3:5; b Alma 8:3; 35:13; 45:18.
c tg Hell. Rom. 10:17; 7 a Alma 31:32; 35:14.
31 1 a Ex. 20:5; Enos 1:23; b Alma 39:1.
Mosiah 13:13. Alma 4:19. c Alma 30:59; 38:3.
b 2 Ne. 9:37. tg Preaching. 8 a Alma 24:30; 53:8;
tg Idolatry. b 2 Kgs. 22:11; Hel. 1:15;
c Alma 35:15. Heb. 4:12; Jacob 2:8; D&C 93:19.
2 a 1 Ne. 7:8; Alma 36:26. 9 a tg Apostasy of
Mosiah 28:3; c Jarom 1:12; Individuals.
Alma 31 : 10–24 286
and his statutes, according to the 17 But thou art the same yesterday,
law of Moses. today, and forever; and thou hast
10 Neither would they observe a
elected us that we shall be saved,
the a performances of the church, whilst all around us are elected to
to continue in prayer and suppli- be cast by thy wrath down to hell;
cation to God daily, that they might for the which holiness, O God,
not enter into temptation. we thank thee; and we also thank
11 Yea, in fine, they did pervert thee that thou hast elected us, that
the ways of the Lord in very many we may not be led away after the
instances; therefore, for this cause, foolish traditions of our brethren,
Alma and his brethren went into which doth b bind them down to a
the land to preach the word unto belief of Christ, which doth lead
them. their hearts to wander far from thee,
12 Now, when they had come into our God.
the land, behold, to their astonish- 18 And again we thank thee, O
ment they found that the Zoram- God, that we are a chosen and a
ites had built synagogues, and that holy people. Amen.
they did gather themselves together 19 Now it came to pass that after
on one day of the week, which day Alma and his brethren and his sons
they did call the day of the Lord; had heard these prayers, they were
and they did a worship after a man- astonished beyond all measure.
ner which Alma and his brethren 20 For behold, every man did
had never beheld; go forth and offer up these same
13 For they had a place built up a
in the center of their synagogue, a 21 Now the place was called by
place for standing, which was high them Rameumptom, which, being
above the head; and the top thereof interpreted, is the holy stand.
would only admit one person. 22 Now, from this stand they did
14 Therefore, whosoever desired to offer up, every man, the selfsame
worship must go forth and stand prayer unto God, thanking their
upon the top thereof, and stretch God that they were chosen of him,
forth his hands towards heaven, and that he did not lead them away
and cry with a loud voice, saying: after the tradition of their brethren,
15 Holy, holy God; we believe that and that their hearts were not stolen
thou art God, and we believe away to believe in things to come,
that thou art holy, and that thou which they knew nothing about.
wast a a spirit, and that thou art a 23 Now, after the people had all
spirit, and that thou wilt be a spirit offered up thanks after this man-
forever. ner, they returned to their homes,
16 Holy God, we believe that thou a
never speaking of their God again
hast separated us from our breth- until they had assembled themselves
ren; and we do not believe in the together again to the holy stand, to
tradition of our brethren, which offer up thanks after their manner.
was handed down to them by the 24 Now when Alma saw this his
childishness of their fathers; but we heart was a grieved; for he saw that
believe that thou hast a elected us they were a wicked and a perverse
to be thy b holy children; and also people; yea, he saw that their hearts
thou hast made it known unto us were set upon gold, and upon silver,
that c there shall be d no Christ. and upon all manner of fine goods.
10 a tg Ordinance. b Isa. 65:5 (1–5). b tg False Doctrine.
12 a tg Worship. c Alma 34:5. 20 a Matt. 6:7.
14 a Matt. 6:5 (1–7). d Jacob 7:2 (2, 9); 23 a James 1:22 (21–25).
15 a Alma 18:4 (4–5). Alma 30:12 (12, 22). 24 a Gen. 6:6;
16 a Luke 18:11; 17 a tg Conceit; 1 Ne. 2:18.
Alma 38:14 (13–14). Pride.
287 Alma 31 : 25–38
25 Yea, and he also saw that their 32 O Lord, wilt thou comfort my
hearts were a lifted up unto great soul, and give unto me success, and
boasting, in their pride. also my fellow laborers who are with
26 And he lifted up his voice to me—yea, Ammon, and Aaron, and
heaven, and a cried, saying: O, how Omner, and also a Amulek and Zeez-
long, O Lord, wilt thou suffer that rom, and also my b two sons—yea,
thy servants shall dwell here below even all these wilt thou comfort, O
in the flesh, to behold such gross Lord. Yea, wilt thou comfort their
wickedness among the children of souls in Christ.
men? 33 Wilt thou grant unto them that
27 Behold, O God, they a cry unto they may have strength, that they
thee, and yet their hearts are swal- may a bear their afflictions which
lowed up in their pride. Behold, O shall come upon them because of
God, they cry unto thee with their the iniquities of this people.
mouths, while they are b puffed up, 34 O Lord, wilt thou grant a unto us
even to greatness, with the vain that we may have success in bring-
things of the c world. ing them again unto thee in Christ.
28 Behold, O my God, their costly 35 Behold, O Lord, their a souls are
apparel, and their ringlets, and their precious, and many of them are
bracelets, and their ornaments of our brethren; therefore, give unto
gold, and all their precious things us, O Lord, power and wisdom that
which they are ornamented with; we may bring these, our brethren,
and behold, their hearts are set upon again unto thee.
them, and yet they cry unto thee 36 Now it came to pass that when
and say—We thank thee, O God, for Alma had said these words, that
we are a chosen people unto thee, he a clapped his b hands upon all
while others shall perish. them who were with him. And be-
29 Yea, and they say that thou hast hold, as he clapped his hands upon
made it known unto them that there them, they were filled with the
shall be no Christ. Holy Spirit.
30 O Lord God, how long wilt thou 37 And after that they did sepa-
suffer that such wickedness and in- rate themselves one from another,
fidelity shall be among this people? a
taking no thought for themselves
O Lord, wilt thou give me strength, what they should eat, or what they
that I may a bear with mine infir- should drink, or what they should
mities. For I am infirm, and such put on.
wickedness among this people doth 38 And the Lord provided for
pain my soul. them that they should hunger not,
31 O Lord, my heart is exceedingly neither should they thirst; yea,
sorrowful; wilt thou comfort my soul and he also gave them strength,
in Christ. O Lord, wilt thou grant that they should suffer no manner
unto me that I may have strength, of a afflictions, save it were swal-
that I may suffer with patience lowed up in the joy of Christ. Now
these b afflictions which shall come this was according to the prayer of
upon me, because of the iniquity Alma; and this because he prayed
of this people. in b faith.
25 a 2 Kgs. 14:10; 30 a Num. 11:14. 35 a tg Worth of Souls.
Jacob 2:13; 31 a John 16:33. 36 a 3 Ne. 18:37.
Alma 1:32. tg Comfort; b tg Hands, Laying on of.
26 a Moses 7:44 (41–58). Peace of God. 37 a Matt. 6:25 (25–34);
27 a Isa. 29:13. b tg Affliction. 3 Ne. 13:25 (25–34).
tg Hypocrisy. 32 a Alma 8:21; 34:1. 38 a Matt. 5:10 (10–12);
b tg Pride; Selfishness. b Alma 31:7. Mosiah 24:15 (13–15);
c tg Worldliness. 33 a Rom. 15:1. Alma 33:23.
28 a Isa. 3:19 (16–24). 34 a 2 Ne. 26:33. b tg Faith.
Alma 32 : 1–12 288
that which is not seen which is true— we have labored abundantly to build
with our own hands; and they have
Alma testifies that angels minister to
men, women, and children—Alma com- cast us out because of our exceed-
pares the word unto a seed—It must be ing poverty; and we have d no place
to worship our God; and behold,
planted and nourished—Then it grows e
what shall we do?
into a tree from which the fruit of eter- 6 And now when Alma heard
nal life is picked. About 74 b.c. this, he turned him about, his face
And it came to pass that they did immediately towards him, and he
go forth, and began to preach the beheld with great joy; for he be-
word of God unto the people, enter- held that their a afflictions had
ing into their synagogues, and into truly b humbled them, and that
their houses; yea, and even they did they were in a c preparation to hear
preach the word in their streets. the word.
2 And it came to pass that after 7 Therefore he did say no more to
much labor among them, they be- the other multitude; but he stretched
gan to have success among the a poor forth his hand, and cried unto those
class of people; for behold, they whom he beheld, who were truly
were cast out of the synagogues penitent, and said unto them:
because of the coarseness of their 8 I behold that ye are a lowly in
apparel— heart; and if so, blessed are ye.
3 Therefore they were not permit- 9 Behold thy brother hath said,
ted to enter into their synagogues What shall we do?—for we are cast
to worship God, being esteemed out of our synagogues, that we can-
as filthiness; therefore they were not worship our God.
poor; yea, they were esteemed by 10 Behold I say unto you, do ye
their brethren as a dross; therefore suppose that ye a cannot worship
they were b poor as to things of the God save it be in your synagogues
world; and also they were poor only ?
in heart. 11 And moreover, I would ask, do
4 Now, as Alma was teaching and ye suppose that ye must not worship
speaking unto the people upon the God only a once in a week?
hill a Onidah, there came a great 12 I say unto you, it is well that ye
multitude unto him, who were are cast out of your synagogues, that
those of whom we have been speak- ye may be humble, and that ye may
ing, of whom were c poor in heart, learn a wisdom; for it is necessary
because of their poverty as to the that ye should learn wisdom; for
things of the world. it is because that ye are cast out,
5 And they came unto Alma; and that ye are despised of your brethren
the one who was the foremost among because of your exceeding b poverty,
them said unto him: Behold, a what that ye are brought to a lowliness of
shall these my brethren do, for they heart; for ye are necessarily brought
are b despised of all men because of to be humble.
32 2 a Luke 6:20; 7:22. b tg Oppression. Alma 16:16 (16–17);
tg Poor. c Alma 33:10. D&C 101:8.
3 a Luke 18:9. d Alma 33:2. 8 a Matt. 5:5 (3–5).
b Alma 34:40. e Acts 2:37 (37–38); 10 a tg Worship.
4 a Alma 47:5. Alma 34:3. 11 a Mosiah 18:25.
b tg Assembly for 6 a tg Adversity. 12 a Eccl. 4:13.
Worship. b tg Humility; b Prov. 16:8; 28:11.
c tg Poor in Spirit. Teachable.
5 a Prov. 18:23. c Prov. 16:1;
289 Alma 32 : 13–27
13 And now, because ye are com- Behold, I say unto you, that it is on
pelled to be humble blessed are ye; the one hand even as it is on the
for a man sometimes, if he is com- other; and it shall be unto every
pelled to be humble, seeketh a repen- man according to his work.
tance; and now surely, whosoever 21 And now as I said concerning
repenteth shall find mercy; and he faith—a faith is not to have a per-
that findeth mercy and b endureth fect knowledge of things; therefore
to the end the same shall be saved. if ye have faith ye b hope for things
14 And now, as I said unto you, which are c not seen, which are true.
that because ye were compelled 22 And now, behold, I say unto
to be a humble ye were blessed, do you, and I would that ye should re-
ye not suppose that they are more member, that God is a merciful unto
blessed who truly humble them- all who believe on his name; there-
selves because of the word? fore he desireth, in the first place,
15 Yea, he that truly humbleth that ye should believe, yea, even
himself, and repenteth of his sins, on his word.
and endureth to the end, the same 23 And now, he imparteth his word
shall be blessed—yea, much more by angels unto men, yea, a not only
blessed than they who are com- men but women also. Now this is not
pelled to be humble because of all; little b children do have words
their exceeding poverty. given unto them many times, which
16 Therefore, blessed are they who c
confound the wise and the learned.
humble themselves without being 24 And now, my beloved brethren,
compelled to be humble; or rather, as ye have desired to know of me
in other words, blessed is he that what ye shall do because ye are af-
believeth in the word of God, and is flicted and cast out—now I do not
baptized without c stubbornness of desire that ye should suppose that
heart, yea, without being brought to I mean to judge you only according
know the word, or even compelled to that which is true—
to know, before they will believe. 25 For I do not mean that ye all of
17 Yea, there are many who do say: you have been compelled to hum-
If thou wilt show unto us a a sign ble yourselves; for I verily believe
from heaven, then we shall know that there are some among you who
of a surety; then we shall believe. a
would humble themselves, let them
18 Now I ask, is this faith? Behold, be in whatsoever circumstances
I say unto you, Nay; for if a man they might.
knoweth a thing he hath no cause 26 Now, as I said concerning faith—
to a believe, for he knoweth it. that it was not a perfect knowl-
19 And now, how much a more edge—even so it is with my words.
cursed is he that c knoweth the Ye cannot know of their surety at
will of God and doeth it not, than first, unto perfection, any more
he that only believeth, or only hath than faith is a perfect knowledge.
cause to believe, and falleth into 27 But behold, if ye will awake
transgression? and arouse your faculties, even to
20 Now of this thing ye must judge. an experiment upon my words, and
13 a tg Objectives. 18 a Luke 16:30 (27–31); 22 a tg God, Mercy of.
b Alma 38:2; Ether 12:12 (12, 18). 23 a Joel 2:29 (28–29).
3 Ne. 15:9; 27:6 (6–17). 19 a D&C 41:1. b Matt. 11:25;
tg Perseverance; b tg Curse. Luke 10:21;
Steadfastness. c John 15:24 (22–24). 3 Ne. 26:14 (14–16);
14 a 2 Kgs. 22:19. d tg God, Will of. D&C 128:18.
16 a tg Humility. e tg Transgress. c D&C 133:58.
b tg Initiative. 21 a John 20:29; 25 a tg Initiative;
c tg Stubbornness. Heb. 11:1 (1–40). Sincere.
17 a tg Signs; b tg Hope.
Sign Seekers. c Ether 12:6.
Alma 32 : 28–39 290
40 And thus, if ye will not nourish obtain this fruit of which he had
the word, looking forward with an spoken, or b how they should plant
eye of faith to the fruit thereof, ye the c seed, or the word of which he
can never pluck of the fruit of the had spoken, which he said must be
tree of life. planted in their hearts; or in what
41 But if ye will nourish the word, manner they should begin to exer-
yea, nourish the tree as it beginneth cise their faith.
to grow, by your faith with great 2 And Alma said unto them: Be-
diligence, and with a patience, look- hold, ye have said that ye a could
ing forward to the fruit thereof, it not b worship your God because ye
shall take root; and behold it shall are cast out of your synagogues. But
be a tree b springing up unto ever- behold, I say unto you, if ye suppose
lasting life. that ye cannot worship God, ye do
42 And because of your a diligence greatly err, and ye ought to search
and your faith and your patience the c scriptures; if ye suppose that
with the word in nourishing it, that they have taught you this, ye do not
it may take root in you, behold, by understand them.
and by ye shall pluck the b fruit 3 Do ye remember to have read
thereof, which is most precious, what a Zenos, the prophet of old, has
which is sweet above all that is said concerning prayer or b worship?
sweet, and which is white above all 4 For he said: Thou art merciful, O
that is white, yea, and pure above God, for thou hast heard my prayer,
all that is pure; and ye shall feast even when I was a in the wilderness;
upon this fruit even until ye are yea, thou wast merciful when I
filled, that ye hunger not, neither prayed concerning those who were
shall ye thirst. mine b enemies, and thou didst turn
43 Then, my brethren, ye shall them to me.
reap the b rewards of your faith, 5 Yea, O God, and thou wast mer-
and your diligence, and patience, ciful unto me when I did cry unto
and long-suffering, waiting for the thee in my a field; when I did cry
tree to bring forth c fruit unto you. unto thee in my prayer, and thou
didst hear me.
Chapter 33 6 And again, O God, when I did
Zenos taught that men should pray and turn to my house thou didst hear
worship in all places, and that judgments me in my prayer.
are turned away because of the Son— 7 And when I did turn unto my
closet, O Lord, and prayed unto
Zenock taught that mercy is bestowed thee, thou didst hear me.
because of the Son—Moses had lifted
up in the wilderness a type of the Son 8 Yea, thou art merciful unto thy
of God. About 74 b.c. children when they cry unto thee,
to be heard of thee and not of men,
Now after Alma had spoken these and thou a wilt hear them.
words, they sent forth unto him de- 9 Yea, O God, thou hast been mer-
siring to know whether they should ciful unto me, and heard my cries
believe in a one God, that they might in the midst of thy congregations.
40 a Gen. 2:9; 43 a tg Harvest. Alma 37:8 (3–10).
1 Ne. 15:36 (22, 28, 36). b tg Reward. tg Prayer.
41 a tg Patience. c Alma 33:23. 3 a Alma 34:7.
b Alma 33:23; 33 1 a 2 Ne. 31:21; tg Scriptures, Lost.
D&C 63:23. Mosiah 15:4; b tg Worship.
42 a tg Diligence. Alma 11:28 (28–35). 4 a 1 Kgs. 8:47 (44–52).
b Matt. 13:23; b Alma 33:23. b Matt. 5:44.
Col. 1:6; c Alma 32:28 (28–43). 5 a Alma 34:20 (20–25).
1 Ne. 8:10 (10–18); 2 a Alma 32:5. 7 a Matt. 6:6 (5–6);
3 Ne. 14:16; b tg Worship. Alma 34:26 (17–27).
D&C 52:34 (18, 34). c Mosiah 2:34; 8 a tg God, Access to.
Alma 33 : 10–23 292
10 Yea, and thou hast also heard are not the only ones who have
me when I have been a cast out and spoken concerning the Son of God.
have been despised by mine en 19 Behold, he was spoken of by
emies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, a
Moses; yea, and behold a b type was
and wast angry with mine enemies, c
raised up in the wilderness, that
and thou didst b visit them in thine whosoever would look upon it might
anger with speedy destruction. live. And many did look and live.
11 And thou didst hear me be- 20 But few understood the mean-
cause of mine afflictions and my ing of those things, and this because
sincerity; and it is because of thy of the hardness of their hearts.
Son that thou hast been thus mer- But there were many who were so
ciful unto me, therefore I will cry hardened that they would not look,
unto thee in all mine b afflictions, therefore they perished. Now the
for in thee is my joy; for thou hast reason they would not look is be-
turned thy judgments away from cause they did not believe that it
me, c because of thy Son. would a heal them.
12 And now Alma said unto them: 21 O my brethren, if ye could be
Do ye a believe those scriptures which healed by merely casting about
have been written by them of old? your eyes that ye might be healed,
13 Behold, if ye do, ye must be- would ye not behold quickly, or
lieve what a Zenos said; for, behold would ye rather harden your hearts
he said: Thou hast turned away thy in a unbelief, and be b slothful, that
judgments because of thy Son. ye would not cast about your eyes,
14 Now behold, my brethren, I that ye might perish?
would ask if ye have read the scrip- 22 If so, wo shall come upon you;
tures? If ye have, how can ye a dis- but if not so, then cast about your
believe on the Son of God? eyes and a begin to believe in the
15 For it is a not written that Ze- Son of God, that he will come to re-
nos alone spake of these things, but deem his people, and that he shall
Zenock also spake of these things— suffer and die to b atone for their
16 For behold, he said: Thou art sins; and that he shall c rise again
angry, O Lord, with this people, be- from the dead, which shall bring
cause they a will not understand thy to pass the d resurrection, that all
mercies which thou hast bestowed men shall stand before him, to be
upon them because of thy Son. e
judged at the last and judgment
17 And now, my brethren, ye see day, according to their f works.
that a second prophet of old has 23 And now, my brethren, I desire
testified of the Son of God, and be- that ye shall a plant this word in your
cause the people would not under- hearts, and as it beginneth to swell
stand his words they a stoned him even so nourish it by your faith. And
to death. behold, it will become a tree, b spring-
18 But behold, this is not all; these ing up in you unto c everlasting
10 a Alma 32:5. 17 a tg Martyrdom. 22 a Alma 25:16;
b Ps. 3:7; 18:17. 19 a Deut. 18:15 (15, 18); 37:46 (45–46).
11 a tg Sincere. Alma 34:7. b 2 Ne. 2:10;
b tg Affliction. b Num. 21:9; Alma 22:14; 34:9 (8–16).
c tg Jesus Christ, 1 Ne. 17:41; c tg Jesus Christ,
Atonement through. 2 Ne. 25:20. Resurrection.
12 a tg Scriptures, Value of. tg Jesus Christ, Types d Alma 11:44.
13 a Jacob 6:1; Alma 34:7. of, in Anticipation; tg Resurrection.
14 a John 5:39. Symbolism. e tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
15 a Jacob 4:4; c John 3:14; Hel. 8:14. f tg Good Works.
Mosiah 15:11 (11–13). 20 a Hosea 11:3; 23 a Alma 33:1; 34:4.
b 1 Ne. 19:10; 1 Ne. 17:41 (40–41). b Alma 32:41;
Alma 34:7. 21 a tg Doubt; Unbelief. D&C 63:23.
16 a 2 Pet. 3:5 (4–5). b tg Apathy; Laziness. c Alma 32:43.
293 Alma 34 : 1–10
life. And then may God grant unto word in your hearts, that ye may
you that your d burdens may be try the experiment of its goodness.
light, through the joy of his Son. And 5 And we have beheld that the
even all this can ye do if ye e will. great question which is in your
Amen. minds is whether the word be in the
Son of God, or whether there shall
Chapter 34 be a no Christ.
Amulek testifies that the word is in 6 And ye also beheld that my
Christ unto salvation —Unless an brother has proved unto you, in
atonement is made, all mankind must many instances, that the a word is
perish—The whole law of Moses points in Christ unto salvation.
toward the sacrifice of the Son of God— 7 My brother has called upon the
The eternal plan of redemption is based words of a Zenos, that redemption
cometh through the Son of God, and
on faith and repentance—Pray for tem- also upon the words of b Zenock; and
poral and spiritual blessings—This life
is the time for men to prepare to meet also he has appealed unto c Moses,
God—Work out your salvation with to prove that these things are true.
fear before God. About 74 b.c. 8 And now, behold, I will a testify
unto you of myself that these things
And now it came to pass that after are true. Behold, I say unto you, that
Alma had spoken these words unto I do know that Christ shall come
them he sat down upon the ground, among the children of men, to take
and a Amulek arose and began to upon him the b transgressions of his
teach them, saying: people, and that he shall c atone for
2 My brethren, I think that it is the sins of the world; for the Lord
impossible that ye should be igno- God hath spoken it.
rant of the things which have been 9 For it is expedient that an a atone-
spoken concerning the coming of ment should be made; for according
Christ, who is taught by us to be to the great b plan of the Eternal God
the Son of God; yea, I know that there must be an atonement made,
these things were taught unto you or else all mankind must unavoid-
bountifully before your dissension ably perish; yea, all are hardened;
from among us. yea, all are c fallen and are lost, and
3 And as ye have desired of my be- must perish except it be through
loved brother that he should make the atonement which it is expedient
known unto you a what ye should should be made.
do, because of your afflictions; and 10 For it is expedient that there
he hath spoken somewhat unto you should be a great and last a sacrifice;
to prepare your minds; yea, and he yea, not a b sacrifice of man, neither
hath exhorted you unto faith and of beast, neither of any manner of
to patience— fowl; for it shall not be a human
4 Yea, even that ye would have so sacrifice; but it must be an c infinite
much faith as even to a plant the and d eternal e sacrifice.
23 d Mosiah 24:15 (13–15); Hel. 8:19. b Alma 12:26 (22–33);
Alma 31:38. b Alma 33:15; 42:8 (6–28);
e tg Agency. Hel. 8:20 (19–20). Moses 6:62.
34 1 a Alma 8:21; 31:32. c Alma 33:19. c tg Fall of Man.
2 a Alma 16:15 (13–21). 8 a tg Testimony; 10 a 1 Chr. 6:49;
3 a Alma 32:5. Witness. Moses 5:7 (6–7).
4 a Alma 33:23. b tg Jesus Christ, b tg Blood,
5 a Jacob 7:2 (2, 9); Redeemer. Symbolism of.
Alma 30:12 (12, 22); c tg Jesus Christ, c 2 Ne. 9:7.
31:16 (16, 29). Atonement through. d Isa. 45:17;
6 a John 1:14 (1, 14). 9 a 2 Ne. 2:10; 9:7 (7–9); Heb. 5:9.
7 a Alma 33:13; Alma 22:14; 33:22. e tg Sacrifice.
Alma 34 : 11–27 294
11 Now there is not any man that whole law of the demands of c jus-
can sacrifice his own blood which tice; therefore only unto him that
will atone for the sins of another. has faith unto repentance is brought
Now, if a man murdereth, behold about the great and eternal d plan of
will our law, which is a just, take e
the life of his brother? I say unto 17 Therefore may God grant unto
you, Nay. you, my brethren, that ye may begin
12 But the law requireth the a life to exercise your a faith unto repen-
of him who hath b murdered; there- tance, that ye begin to b call upon
fore there can be nothing which is his holy name, that he would have
short of an infinite atonement which mercy upon you;
will suffice for the sins of the world. 18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy;
13 Therefore, it is expedient that for he is a mighty to save.
there should be a great and last 19 Yea, humble yourselves, and
sacrifice, and then shall there be, continue in a prayer unto him.
or it is expedient there should be, 20 Cry unto him when ye are in
a a stop to the shedding of b blood; your a fields, yea, over all your flocks.
then shall the c law of Moses be ful- 21 a Cry unto him in your houses,
filled; yea, it shall be all fulfilled, yea, over all your household, both
every jot and tittle, and none shall morning, mid-day, and evening.
have passed away. 22 Yea, cry unto him against the
14 And behold, this is the whole power of your a enemies.
meaning of the b law, every whit 23 Yea, a cry unto him against the
pointing to that great and last d sacri-
c b
devil, who is an enemy to all c righ-
fice; and that great and last e sacrifice teousness.
will be the Son of God, yea, f infinite 24 Cry unto him over the crops
and eternal. of your fields, that ye may prosper
15 And thus he shall bring a sal- in them.
vation to all those who shall be- 25 Cry over the flocks of your
lieve on his name; this being the fields, that they may increase.
intent of this last sacrifice, to bring 26 But this is not all; ye must
about the bowels of mercy, which a
pour out your souls in your b clos-
overpowereth justice, and bringeth ets, and your secret places, and in
about means unto men that they your wilderness.
may have faith unto repentance. 27 Yea, and when you do not cry
16 And thus a mercy can satisfy unto the Lord, let your a hearts be
the demands of b justice, and en- b
full, drawn out in prayer unto him
circles them in the arms of safety, continually for your c welfare, and
while he that exercises no faith also for the welfare of d those who
unto repentance is exposed to the are around you.
11 a Deut. 24:16; d Ex. 12:21 (1–30). 21 a Ps. 5:3 (1–3);
Mosiah 29:25. e D&C 138:35. Dan. 6:10;
12 a tg Blood, Shedding of; f D&C 20:17 (17, 28). 3 Ne. 18:21.
Life, Sanctity of. 15 a tg Salvation. 22 a tg Enemies.
b tg Capital Punishment; 16 a tg Mercy. 23 a 3 Ne. 18:15 (15, 18).
Murder. b tg God, Justice of. b tg Devil.
13 a 3 Ne. 9:19. c Mosiah 15:27; c tg Righteousness.
b tg Blood, Symbolism of. Alma 12:32. 26 a 1 Sam. 1:15;
c 3 Ne. 1:24; 15:5. d tg Salvation, Plan of. Enos 1:9.
14 a 2 Ne. 25:24; e tg Redemption. b Matt. 6:6 (5–6);
Jarom 1:5; 17 a tg Faith. Alma 33:7 (4–11).
Mosiah 2:3; b tg God, Access to; 27 a tg Heart.
Alma 30:3. Prayer. b tg Meditation.
b tg Law of Moses. 18 a Heb. 7:25 (24–25). c 2 Ne. 32:9.
c tg Jesus Christ, Types 19 a tg Prayer. tg Welfare.
of, in Anticipation. 20 a Alma 33:5 (4–5). d D&C 108:7.
295 Alma 34 : 28–37
threatenings against them. And and their wives, and children, and
now the people of Ammon did not their lands.
fear their words; therefore they did 15 Now Alma, being a grieved for
not cast them out, but they did re- the iniquity of his people, yea for the
ceive all the poor of the Zoramites wars, and the bloodsheds, and the
that came over unto them; and they contentions which were among
did a nourish them, and did clothe them; and having been to declare
them, and did give unto them lands the word, or sent to declare the word,
for their inheritance; and they did among all the people in every city;
administer unto them according to and seeing that the hearts of the
their wants. people began to wax hard, and that
10 Now this did a stir up the Zoram they began to be b offended because
ites to b anger against the people of of the strictness of the word, his
Ammon, and they began to mix with heart was exceedingly sorrowful.
the Lamanites and to stir them up 16 Therefore, he caused that his
also to anger against them. sons should be gathered together,
11 And thus the Zoramites and the that he might give unto them every
Lamanites began to make prepara- one his a charge, separately, con-
tions for war against the people of Am- cerning the things pertaining unto
mon, and also against the Nephites. righteousness. And we have an ac-
12 And thus ended the seventeenth count of his commandments, which
year of the reign of the judges over he gave unto them according to
the people of Nephi. his own record.
13 And the people of Ammon de-
parted out of the land of Jershon,
and came over into the land of Me- The commandments of Alma to his
lek, and gave place in the land of son Helaman.
Jershon for the armies of the Neph- Comprising chapters 36 and 37.
ites, that they might contend with
the armies of the Lamanites and the
armies of the Zoramites; and thus Chapter 36
commenced a war betwixt the La-
manites and the Nephites, in the Alma testifies to Helaman of his conver-
eighteenth year of the reign of sion after seeing an angel—He suffered
the judges; and an a account shall the pains of a damned soul; he called upon
the name of Jesus, and was then born of
be given of their wars hereafter. God—Sweet joy filled his soul—He saw
14 And Alma, and Ammon, and concourses of angels praising God—Many
their brethren, and also the a two converts have tasted and seen as he has
sons of Alma returned to the land
of Zarahemla, after having been tasted and seen. About 74 b.c.
instruments in the hands of God My a son, give ear to my words; for
of bringing b many of the c Zoram- I swear unto you, that inasmuch as
ites to repentance; and as many as ye shall keep the commandments
were brought to repentance were of God ye shall prosper in the land.
driven out of their land; but they 2 I would that ye should do as
have lands for their inheritance in I have done, in remembering the
the land of Jershon, and they have captivity of our fathers; for they
taken up arms to defend themselves, were in a bondage, and none could
9 a Mosiah 4:26; 13 a Alma 43:3. 16 a tg Stewardship.
D&C 42:43. 14 a Alma 31:7. 36 1 a Hel. 5:13 (1–13);
tg Nourish; b Alma 35:6. Moses 6:58.
Welfare. c Alma 30:59. 2 a Mosiah 23:23;
10 a Alma 47:1; 15 a Alma 31:1. 24:17 (17–21).
Hel. 1:17. b tg Prophets, tg Israel, Bondage of,
b tg Anger; War. Rejection of. in Egypt.
Alma 36 : 3–17 298
deliver them except it was the the earth; and it was for the space
God of Abraham, and the God of of a three days and three nights
Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and that I could not open my mouth,
he surely did deliver them in their neither had I the use of my limbs.
afflictions. 11 And the angel spake more
3 And now, O my son Helaman, things unto me, which were heard
behold, thou art in thy youth, and by my brethren, but I did a not hear
therefore, I beseech of thee that them; for when I heard the words—
thou wilt hear my words and learn If thou wilt be destroyed of thyself,
of me; for I do know that whosoever seek no more to destroy the church
shall put their a trust in God shall be of God—I was struck with such great
supported in their b trials, and their fear and amazement lest perhaps I
troubles, and their afflictions, and should be destroyed, that I fell to
shall be c lifted up at the last day. the earth and I did hear no more.
4 And I would not that ye think 12 But I was racked with a eternal
that I a know of myself—not of the torment, for my soul was c harrowed
temporal but of the spiritual, not of up to the greatest degree and racked
the b carnal mind but of God. with all my sins.
5 Now, behold, I say unto you, if I 13 Yea, I did remember all my sins
had not been a born of God I should and iniquities, for which I was a tor-
not have known these things; but mented with the b pains of hell; yea,
God has, by the mouth of his holy I saw that I had c rebelled against
angel, made these things known my God, and that I had not kept his
unto me, not of any d worthiness holy commandments.
of myself; 14 Yea, and I had a murdered many
6 For I went about with the sons of his children, or rather led them
of Mosiah, seeking to a destroy the away unto destruction; yea, and in
church of God; but behold, God sent fine so great had been my iniqui-
his holy angel to stop us by the way. ties, that the very thought of com-
7 And behold, he spake unto us, ing into the presence of my God
as it were the voice of thunder, did rack my soul with inexpressible
and the whole earth did a tremble horror.
beneath our feet; and we all fell to 15 Oh, thought I, that I a could be
the earth, for the b fear of the Lord banished and become extinct both
came upon us. soul and body, that I might not be
8 But behold, the voice said unto brought to stand in the presence of
me: Arise. And I arose and stood my God, to be judged of my b deeds.
up, and beheld the angel. 16 And now, for three days and
9 And he said unto me: If thou for three nights was I racked, even
wilt of thyself be destroyed, seek no with the a pains of a b damned soul.
more to destroy the church of God. 17 And it came to pass that as I was
10 And it came to pass that I fell to thus a racked with torment, while I
2 b Deut. 26:8. d tg Worthiness. Sorrow.
c Ex. 3:6; 6 a Mosiah 27:10; 28:4 (3–4). 13 a tg Guilt.
Alma 29:11. 7 a Isa. 6:4; b Moses 1:20.
3 a tg Trust in God. Mosiah 27:18. c tg Disobedience.
b Rom. 8:28. b Prov. 2:5. 14 a Matt. 10:28.
c Mosiah 23:22 (21–22). tg Fear of God. 15 a Rev. 6:16 (15–17);
4 a 1 Cor. 2:11; 10 a Mosiah 27:23 (19–23); Alma 12:14.
Alma 5:45 (45–46). Alma 38:8. b Isa. 59:18;
tg Knowledge. 11 a Dan. 10:7; Alma 41:3 (2–5); 42:27;
b tg Carnal Mind. Acts 9:7 (3–7). D&C 1:10 (9–10).
5 a tg Man, New, Spiritually 12 a D&C 19:11 (11–15). 16 a tg Pain.
Reborn. b tg Despair. b tg Damnation.
b Alma 26:21 (21–22). c tg Poor in Spirit; 17 a Ps. 119:67.
c Mosiah 27:11 (11–18). Repent;
299 Alma 36 : 18–28
was b harrowed up by the c memory unto the people that I had been
of my many sins, behold, I d remem- b
born of God.
bered also to have heard my father 24 Yea, and from that time even
prophesy unto the people concern- until now, I have labored without
ing the coming of one Jesus Christ, ceasing, that I might bring souls
a Son of God, to atone for the sins unto a repentance; that I might bring
of the world. them to b taste of the exceeding joy
18 Now, as my mind caught hold of which I did taste; that they might
upon this thought, I cried within also be c born of God, and be d filled
my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, with the Holy Ghost.
have mercy on me, who am b in the 25 Yea, and now behold, O my
gall of bitterness, and am encircled son, the Lord doth a give me exceed-
about by the everlasting d chains of ingly great joy in the fruit of my
death. b
19 And now, behold, when I thought 26 For because of the a word which
this, I could remember my a pains he has imparted unto me, behold,
no more; yea, I was harrowed up many have been born of God, and
by the memory of my sins no more. have b tasted as I have tasted, and have
20 And oh, what a joy, and what seen eye to eye as I have seen; there-
marvelous light I did behold; yea, fore they do know of these things of
my soul was filled with joy as ex- which I have spoken, as I do know;
ceeding as was my pain! and the knowledge which I have
21 Yea, I say unto you, my son, that is of God.
there could be nothing so exquisite 27 And I have been supported un-
and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, der trials and troubles of every kind,
and again I say unto you, my son, yea, and in all manner of afflictions;
that on the other hand, there can yea, God has a delivered me from
be nothing so exquisite and sweet prison, and from bonds, and from
as was my joy. death; yea, and I do put my trust in
22 Yea, methought I saw, even as him, and he will still b deliver me.
our father a Lehi saw, God sitting 28 And I know that he will a raise
upon his throne, surrounded with me up at the last day, to dwell with
numberless concourses of angels, in him in b glory; yea, and I will c praise
the attitude of singing and b prais- him forever, for he has d brought
ing their God; yea, and my soul did our fathers out of Egypt, and he
long to be there. has swallowed up the e Egyptians in
23 But behold, my limbs did receive the Red Sea; and he led them by his
their a strength again, and I stood power into the promised land; yea,
upon my feet, and did manifest and he has delivered them out of
17 b 2 Cor. 7:10 (8–11). 20 a Moses 5:11. Mission of.
c Alma 11:43; tg Forgive; Joy. 25 a tg Reward.
D&C 18:44. 22 a 1 Ne. 1:8. b tg Work, Value of.
d 1 Ne. 10:17 (17–19); tg God, Manifesta- 26 a Prov. 10:11;
Enos 1:3. tions of. Jacob 2:8;
18 a Matt. 15:22. b Isa. 6:3 (1–4). Alma 31:5;
b ie in extreme remorse. 23 a Moses 1:10. D&C 108:7.
c Jonah 2:2; b Alma 22:15; 38:6. b 1 Pet. 2:3 (1–3).
Acts 8:23. tg Conversion. 27 a Alma 14:28 (26–29).
d Prov. 5:22; 24 a Alma 19:29. b Ps. 34:17.
2 Ne. 9:45; 28:22; b Ps. 34:8; 28 a Alma 26:7;
Alma 12:11 (10–11); 1 Ne. 8:12; 3 Ne. 15:1.
Moses 7:26. Mosiah 4:11. b tg Exaltation.
e tg Death, Spiritual, c tg Holy Ghost, c Ezra 3:11 (11–13);
First. Baptism of. 2 Ne. 9:49.
19 a tg Peace of God. d 2 Ne. 32:2 (2, 5); d Mosiah 12:34;
b Jer. 31:34; 3 Ne. 9:20. D&C 103:16.
D&C 19:16. tg Holy Ghost, e Ex. 14:27 (26–27).
Alma 36 : 29–37 : 8 300
bondage and captivity from time sacred which I have kept, even as I
to time. have kept them; for it is for a b wise
29 Yea, and he has also brought purpose that they are kept.
our fathers out of the land of Jeru- 3 And these a plates of brass, which
salem; and he has also, by his ever- contain these engravings, which
lasting power, delivered them out of have the records of the holy scrip-
bondage and captivity, from time tures upon them, which have the
to time even down to the present b
genealogy of our forefathers, even
day; and I have always retained in from the beginning—
remembrance their captivity; yea, 4 Behold, it has been prophesied
and ye also ought to retain in re- by our fathers, that they should be
membrance, as I have done, their kept and a handed down from one
captivity. generation to another, and be kept
30 But behold, my son, this is not and preserved by the hand of the
all; for ye ought to know as I do Lord until they should go forth unto
know, that a inasmuch as ye shall every nation, kindred, tongue, and
keep the commandments of God ye people, that they shall know of the
shall b prosper in the land; and ye b
mysteries contained thereon.
ought to know also, that inasmuch 5 And now behold, if they are
as ye will not keep the command- kept they must retain their bright-
ments of God ye shall be cut off from ness; yea, and they will retain their
his presence. Now this is according brightness; yea, and also shall all
to his word. the plates which do contain that
which is holy writ.
Chapter 37 6 Now ye may suppose that this is
The plates of brass and other scriptures
foolishness in me; but behold I say
are preserved to bring souls to salva- unto you, that by b small and sim-
ple things are great things brought
tion—The Jaredites were destroyed to pass; and small means in many
because of their wickedness—Their instances doth confound the wise.
secret oaths and covenants must be 7 And the Lord God doth work
kept from the people—Counsel with by a means to bring about his great
the Lord in all your doings—As the and eternal purposes; and by very
Liahona guided the Nephites, so the b
small means the Lord doth c con-
word of Christ leads men to eternal life. found the wise and bringeth about
About 74 b.c. the salvation of many souls.
And now, my son Helaman, I com- 8 And now, it has hitherto been
mand you that ye take the a records wisdom in God that these things
which have been b entrusted with me; should be preserved; for behold,
2 And I also command you that ye a
they have b enlarged the memory
keep a a record of this people, accord- of this people, yea, and convinced
ing as I have done, upon the plates many of the error of their ways, and
of Nephi, and keep all these things brought them to the c knowledge of
29 a Mosiah 24:17; Alma 37:12. D&C 64:33; 123:16.
25:10; 27:16; tg Restoration of the 7 a Isa. 55:8 (8–9);
Alma 5:5 (5–6); Gospel. Alma 24:27.
29:12 (11–12). 3 a Mosiah 28:20; b 2 Kgs. 5:13;
30 a 2 Ne. 1:20. Alma 63:12 (1, 11–14). Alma 37:41.
b Mosiah 1:7; b 1 Ne. 5:14. c 1 Cor. 1:27;
Alma 37:13; 50:20. 4 a 1 Ne. 5:19 (16–19); D&C 133:58 (58–59).
37 1 a Alma 45:2 (2–8); Alma 63:13; 8 a Mosiah 2:34;
50:38; 63:1. Hel. 3:16. Alma 33:2.
b Mosiah 28:20. b tg Mysteries of b Mosiah 1:3 (3–5).
2 a tg Record Keeping. Godliness. c tg Education;
b Enos 1:13 (13–18); 6 a 1 Cor. 2:14. Scriptures, Value of.
W of M 1:7 (6–11); b 1 Ne. 16:29;
301 Alma 37 : 9–21
their God unto the salvation of may show forth his power unto fu-
their souls. ture generations.
9 Yea, I say unto you, a were it not 15 And now behold, I tell you by
for these things that these records do the spirit of prophecy, that if ye
contain, which are on these plates, transgress the commandments of
Ammon and his brethren could not God, behold, these things which
have b convinced so many thousands are sacred shall be taken away from
of the Lamanites of the incorrect you by the power of God, and ye
tradition of their fathers; yea, these shall be delivered up unto Satan,
records and their c words brought that he may sift you as chaff before
them unto repentance; that is, they the wind.
brought them to the knowledge of 16 But if ye keep the command-
the Lord their God, and to rejoice ments of God, and do with these
in Jesus Christ their Redeemer. things which are sacred according
10 And who knoweth but what to that which the Lord doth com-
they will be the a means of bringing mand you, (for you must appeal
many thousands of them, yea, and unto the Lord for all things whatso-
also many thousands of our b stiff- ever ye must do with them) behold,
necked brethren, the Nephites, who no power of earth or hell can a take
are now hardening their hearts in them from you, for God is powerful
sin and iniquities, to the knowledge to the fulfilling of all his words.
of their Redeemer? 17 For he will fulfil all his a prom-
11 Now these mysteries are not yet ises which he shall make unto you,
fully made known unto me; there- for he has fulfilled his promises
fore I shall forbear. which he has made unto our fathers.
12 And it may suffice if I only 18 For he promised unto them that
say they are preserved for a a wise he would a preserve these things
purpose, which purpose is known for a wise purpose in him, that he
unto God; for he doth b counsel in might show forth his power unto
wisdom over all his works, and his future generations.
paths are straight, and his course 19 And now behold, one purpose
is c one eternal round. hath he fulfilled, even to the res-
13 O remember, remember, my son toration of a many thousands of the
Helaman, how a strict are the com- Lamanites to the knowledge of
mandments of God. And he said: b If the truth; and he hath shown forth
ye will keep my commandments ye his power in them, and he will also
shall c prosper in the land—but if still show forth his power in them
ye keep not his commandments ye unto b future generations; therefore
shall be cut off from his presence. they shall be preserved.
14 And now remember, my son, 20 Therefore I command you, my
that God has a entrusted you with son Helaman, that ye be diligent in
these things, which are b sacred, fulfilling all my words, and that ye
which he has kept sacred, and also be diligent in keeping the command-
which he will keep and c preserve ments of God as they are written.
for a d wise purpose in him, that he 21 And now, I will speak unto
9 a Mosiah 1:5. Alma 7:20. Preservation of.
b Alma 18:36; 22:12. 13 a Luke 13:24 (22–30). d 1 Ne. 9:5 (3–6).
c tg Gospel. b Alma 9:13 (13–14); 16 a JS—H 1:59.
10 a
2 Ne. 3:15. 3 Ne. 5:22. 17 a 2 Kgs. 10:10.
b tg Stiffnecked. c Ps. 122:6; tg Promise.
12 a
Alma 37:2. Mosiah 1:7; 18 a D&C 5:9.
b Prov. 15:22; Alma 36:30; 50:20. 19 a Alma 23:5 (5–13).
2 Ne. 9:28; 14 a D&C 3:5. b 2 Ne. 3:15;
Jacob 4:10. b tg Sacred. Enos 1:13 (12–18);
c 1 Ne. 10:19; c tg Scriptures, Morm. 7:9 (8–10).
Alma 37 : 22–31 302
did not prosper; even so it is with is the life and the light of the world—
things which are spiritual. Bridle all your passions. About 74 b.c.
44 For behold, it is as easy to give
heed to the a word of Christ, which My a son, give ear to my words, for
I say unto you, even as I said unto
will point to you a straight course to Helaman, that b inasmuch as ye shall
eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers
to give heed to this compass, which keep the commandments of God
would point unto them a straight ye shall prosper in the land; and
course to the promised land. inasmuch as ye will not keep the
45 And now I say, is there not commandments of God ye shall be
cut off from his d presence.
a a type in this thing? For just as 2 And now, my son, I trust that I
surely as this director did bring our shall have great joy in you, because
fathers, by following its course, to of your a steadiness and your faith-
the promised land, shall the words fulness unto God; for as you have
of Christ, if we follow their course, commenced in your youth to look
carry us beyond this vale of sorrow to the Lord your God, even so I hope
into a far better land of promise. that you will continue in keeping
46 O my son, do not let us be his commandments; for blessed is
slothful because of the b easiness
of the c way; for so was it with our he that b endureth to the end.
3 I say unto you, my son, that I
fathers; for so was it prepared for have had great joy in thee already,
them, that if they would d look they because of thy faithfulness and thy
might e live; even so it is with us.
The way is prepared, and if we will diligence, and thy patience and
thy long-suffering among the peo-
look we may live forever. ple of the a Zoramites.
47 And now, my son, see that ye 4 For I know that thou wast in
take a care of these sacred things, bonds; yea, and I also know that
yea, see that ye b look to God and
live. Go unto this people and de- thou wast stoned for the word’s sake;
clare the word, and be sober. My and thou didst bear all these things
son, farewell. with a patience because the Lord was
with thee; and now thou knowest
that the Lord did deliver thee.
The commandments of Alma to his 5 And now my son, Shiblon, I
son Shiblon. would that ye should remember, that
as much as ye shall put your a trust
Comprising chapter 38. in God even so much ye shall be b de-
livered out of your trials, and your
troubles, and your afflictions, and
Chapter 38 ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
Shiblon was persecuted for righteous- 6 Now, my son, I would not that ye
ness’ sake—Salvation is in Christ, who should think that I know these
44 a Ps. 119:105. 47 a tg Scriptures, Alma 32:13 (13–15);
45 a tg Jesus Christ, Types Preservation of. 3 Ne. 15:9; 27:6 (6–17);
of, in Anticipation. b Amos 5:6; D&C 20:29; 53:7.
46 a Luke 6:46 (46–49); Ether 12:41. 3 a Alma 31:7; 39:2.
1 Ne. 17:41 (40–41). 38 1 a Alma 31:7; 63:1. 4 a tg Patience.
b Matt. 11:30. b Alma 36:30. b Ex. 3:12;
c Ex. 33:13 (12–13); c 1 Ne. 2:21; 1 Ne. 17:55;
2 Ne. 9:41; 31:21 (17–21); 2 Ne. 5:20 (20–24); Mosiah 24:17.
D&C 132:22 (22, 25). Alma 9:14 (13–15). 5 a Ps. 50:15;
d Alma 25:16; d tg God, Presence of. D&C 100:17.
33:22 (19–23). 2 a tg Commitment. b Matt. 11:28 (28–30).
e John 11:25; b Matt. 10:22; c Ps. 81:7;
Hel. 8:15; Mark 13:13; Alma 9:17;
3 Ne. 15:9. 2 Ne. 31:16 (15–20); D&C 3:8.
305 Alma 38 : 7–39 : 2
things of myself, but it is the Spirit 13 Do not a pray as the Zoramites
of God which is in me which mak do, for ye have seen that they pray to
eth these things known unto me; be heard of men, and to be praised
for if I had not been a born of God I for their wisdom.
should not have known these things. 14 Do not say: O God, I thank thee
7 But behold, the Lord in his great that we are a better than our breth-
mercy sent his a angel to declare ren; but rather say: O Lord, forgive
unto me that I must stop the work my b unworthiness, and remember
of b destruction among his people; my brethren in mercy—yea, ac-
yea, and I have seen an angel face knowledge your unworthiness be-
to face, and he spake with me, and fore God at all times.
his voice was as thunder, and it 15 And may the Lord bless your
shook the whole earth. soul, and receive you at the last day
8 And it came to pass that I was into his kingdom, to sit down in
three days and three nights in peace. Now go, my son, and teach
the most bitter b pain and c anguish the word unto this people. Be a so-
of soul; and never, until I did cry ber. My son, farewell.
out unto the Lord Jesus Christ for
mercy, did I receive a d remission of
my sins. But behold, I did cry unto The commandments of Alma to his
him and I did find peace to my soul. son Corianton.
9 And now, my son, I have told Comprising chapters 39 through 42.
you this that ye may learn wis-
dom, that ye may learn of me that
there is a no other way or means Chapter 39
whereby man can be saved, only in Sexual sin is an abomination—Cori-
and through Christ. Behold, he is anton’s sins kept the Zoramites from
the life and the b light of the world. receiving the word—Christ’s redemption
Behold, he is the word of truth and is retroactive in saving the faithful who
righteousness. preceded it. About 74 b.c.
10 And now, as ye have begun to
teach the word even so I would that And now, my a son, I have somewhat
ye should continue to teach; and I more to say unto thee than what I
would that ye would be diligent said unto thy brother; for behold,
and a temperate in all things. have ye not observed the steadiness
11 See that ye are not lifted up of thy brother, his faithfulness, and
unto pride; yea, see that ye do not his diligence in keeping the com-
boast in your own wisdom, nor of mandments of God? Behold, has he
your much strength. not set a good b example for thee?
12 Use a boldness, but not overbear- 2 For thou didst not give so much
ance; and also see that ye b bridle heed unto my words as did thy
all your passions, that ye may be brother, among the people of the
filled with love; see that ye refrain a
Zoramites. Now this is what I have
from idleness. against thee; thou didst go on unto
6 a Alma 36:23 (23, 26); 8 a Alma 36:10 (10, 16). Magnifying Callings
D&C 5:16. b tg Pain. within;
tg Holy Ghost, c tg Sorrow. Self-Mastery.
Baptism of; d tg Remission of Sins. 13 a tg Hypocrisy.
Man, Natural, Not 9 a Alma 21:9. 14 a Alma 31:16.
Spiritually Reborn; b tg Jesus Christ, Light of b Luke 18:13 (10–14).
Man, New, Spiritually the World. tg Ingratitude;
Reborn. c Ether 4:12. Poor in Spirit.
7 a Mosiah 27:11 (11–17). 10 a tg Temperance. 15 a 1 Pet. 5:8.
b Mosiah 28:4 (3–4); 11 a tg Boast; Pride. 39 1 a Alma 31:7.
Alma 26:18 (17–18); 12 a Alma 18:24. b tg Example.
36:6 (6–11). b tg Priesthood, 2 a Alma 38:3.
Alma 39 : 3–14 306
boasting in thy strength and thy should repent and forsake your sins,
wisdom. and go no more after the a lusts of
3 And this is not all, my son. Thou your eyes, but b cross yourself in all
didst do that which was grievous these things; for except ye do this ye
unto me; for thou didst forsake the can in nowise inherit the kingdom
ministry, and did go over into the of God. Oh, remember, and take it
land of Siron among the borders upon you, and c cross yourself in
of the Lamanites, after the a harlot these things.
Isabel. 10 And I command you to take it
4 Yea, she did a steal away the upon you to counsel with your elder
hearts of many; but this was no ex- brothers in your undertakings; for
cuse for thee, my son. Thou shouldst behold, thou art in thy youth, and
have tended to the ministry where- ye stand in need to be nourished
with thou wast entrusted. by your brothers. And give heed to
5 Know ye not, my son, that these their counsel.
things are an abomination in the 11 Suffer not yourself to be led
sight of the Lord; yea, most a abomi away by any vain or foolish thing;
nable above all sins save it be the suffer not the devil to lead away
shedding of innocent b blood or de- your heart again after those wicked
nying the Holy Ghost? harlots. Behold, O my son, how
6 For behold, if ye a deny the Holy great a iniquity ye brought upon the
Ghost when it once has had place b
Zoramites; for when they saw your
in you, and ye know that ye deny c
conduct they would not believe in
it, behold, this is a sin which is my words.
unpardonable; yea, and whosoever 12 And now the Spirit of the Lord
murdereth against the light and doth say unto me: a Command thy
knowledge of God, it is not easy for children to do good, lest they b lead
him to obtain c forgiveness; yea, I away the hearts of many people to
say unto you, my son, that it is not destruction; therefore I command
easy for him to obtain a forgiveness. you, my son, in the fear of God, that
7 And now, my son, I would to God ye c refrain from your iniquities;
that ye had not been a guilty of so 13 That ye turn to the Lord with
great a crime. I would not dwell all your mind, might, and strength;
upon your crimes, to harrow up that ye lead away the hearts of no
your soul, if it were not for your more to do wickedly; but rather re-
good. turn unto them, and a acknowledge
8 But behold, ye cannot a hide your your faults and that wrong which
crimes from God; and except ye re- ye have done.
pent they will stand as a testimony 14 a Seek not after riches nor the
against you at the last day. vain things of this world; for behold,
9 Now my son, I would that ye you cannot carry them with you.
3 a 1 Sam. 2:22 (22–25); D&C 64:10. 1 Cor. 9:14 (13–14);
Prov. 5:3. tg Forgive. 1 Ne. 21:6;
tg Sensuality. 7 a tg Guilt. Alma 4:11;
4 a Prov. 7:18 (6–27). 8 a tg God, Omniscience of. D&C 103:9 (8–9).
5 a tg Adulterer; 9 a Prov. 5:8. tg Example.
Fornication; tg Carnal Mind; 12 a tg Commandments of
Sexual Immorality. Chastity; Covet; Lust. God; Teaching.
b tg Life, Sanctity of. b tg Self-Mastery. b tg Peer Influence.
6 a Moro. 8:28; c 3 Ne. 12:30. c tg Abstain.
D&C 76:35. 11 a 1 Sam. 2:24 (22–25). 13 a Mosiah 27:35.
tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. b Alma 35:14 (2–14); 14 a Matt. 6:33 (25–34);
b tg Holy Ghost, 43:4 (4–6, 13). Jacob 2:18 (18–19);
Unpardonable Sin c 2 Sam. 12:14; D&C 6:7 (6–7);
against. Ezek. 5:5; 68:31 (31–32).
c Rom. 9:18; Rom. 2:21 (21–23); 14:13; tg Treasure.
307 Alma 39 : 15–40 : 8
15 And now, my son, I would say that thy mind is worried concern-
somewhat unto you concerning the ing the resurrection of the dead.
coming of Christ. Behold, I say unto
2 Behold, I say unto you, that there
you, that it is he that surely shall is no resurrection—or, I would say,
come to take away the sins of the in other words, that this mortal
world; yea, he cometh to declare glad does not put on a immortality, this
tidings of salvation unto his people. corruption does not b put on incor-
16 And now, my son, this was the ruption—c until after the coming of
ministry unto which ye were called, Christ.
to declare these glad tidings unto 3 Behold, he bringeth to pass the
this people, to prepare their minds; a
resurrection of the dead. But be-
or rather that salvation might come hold, my son, the resurrection is not
unto them, that they may prepare yet. Now, I unfold unto you a mys-
the minds of their a children to tery; nevertheless, there are many
hear the word at the time of his b
mysteries which are c kept, that no
coming. one knoweth them save God him-
17 And now I will ease your mind self. But I show unto you one thing
somewhat on this subject. Behold, which I have inquired diligently
you marvel why these things should of God that I might know—that is
be known so long beforehand. Be- concerning the resurrection.
hold, I say unto you, is not a soul 4 Behold, there is a time appointed
at this time as precious unto God that all shall a come forth from the
as a soul will be at the time of his dead. Now when this time cometh
coming? no one knows; but God knoweth the
18 Is it not as necessary that the time which is appointed.
plan of redemption should be a made 5 Now, whether there shall be one
known unto this people as well as time, or a a second time, or a third
unto their children? time, that men shall come forth
19 Is it not as easy at this time for from the dead, it mattereth not;
the Lord to a send his angel to de- for God b knoweth all these things;
clare these glad tidings unto us as and it sufficeth me to know that
unto our children, or as after the this is the case—that there is a time
time of his coming? appointed that all shall rise from
the dead.
Chapter 40 6 Now there must needs be a space
Christ brings to pass the resurrection betwixt the time of death and the
of all men—The righteous dead go to time of the resurrection.
paradise and the wicked to outer dark- 7 And now I would inquire what
ness to await the day of their resur- becometh of the a souls of men b from
rection—All things will be restored to this time of death to the time ap-
pointed for the resurrection?
their proper and perfect frame in the 8 Now whether there is more than
Resurrection. About 74 b.c. one a time appointed for men to rise
Now my son, here is somewhat more it mattereth not; for all do not die at
I would say unto thee; for I perceive once, and this mattereth not; all is
15 a tg Jesus Christ, b 1 Cor. 15:53 (42–54). D&C 43:18; 76:85.
Mission of. c 1 Cor. 15:20 (20–23). b tg God, Omniscience of.
16 a tg Family, Children, 3 a tg Resurrection. 7 a Alma 40:21;
Responsibilities b tg Mysteries of D&C 138.
toward. Godliness. tg Soul.
18 a Jacob 4:4 (4–6). c D&C 25:4; 121:26; 124:41. b tg Spirits, Disembodied.
19 a Mosiah 3:2 (2–3). 4 a John 5:29 (28–29). 8 a 2 Pet. 3:8.
40 2 a Mosiah 16:10 (10–13). 5 a 1 Thes. 4:16; tg Time.
tg Immortality. Mosiah 26:25 (24–25);
Alma 40 : 9–18 308
as one day with God, and time only the spirit of the b devil did enter into
is measured unto men. them, and take possession of their
9 Therefore, there is a time ap- house—and these shall be cast out
pointed unto men that they shall into c outer darkness; there shall be
rise from the dead; and there is a weeping, and wailing, and gnashing
space between the time of death of teeth, and this because of their
and the resurrection. And now, own iniquity, being led captive by
concerning this space of time, what the will of the devil.
becometh of the souls of men is the 14 Now this is the state of the
thing which I have inquired dili a
souls of the b wicked, yea, in dark-
gently of the Lord to know; and ness, and a state of awful, c fearful
this is the thing of which I do know. looking for the fiery d indignation of
10 And when the time cometh the wrath of God upon them; thus
when all shall rise, then shall they they remain in this e state, as well
know that God a knoweth all the as the righteous in paradise, until
times which are appointed unto the time of their resurrection.
man. 15 Now, there are some that have
11 Now, concerning the a state of understood that this state of happi-
the soul between b death and the ness and this state of misery of the
resurrection—Behold, it has been soul, before the resurrection, was
made known unto me by an angel, a first resurrection. Yea, I admit it
that the spirits of all men, as soon may be termed a resurrection, the
as they are departed from this mor- a
raising of the spirit or the soul and
tal body, yea, the spirits of all men, their consignation to happiness
whether they be good or evil, are or misery, according to the words
taken d home to that God who gave which have been spoken.
them life. 16 And behold, again it hath been
12 And then shall it come to pass, spoken, that there is a a first b resur-
that the spirits of those who are rection, a resurrection of all those
righteous are received into a state who have been, or who are, or who
of a happiness, which is called shall be, down to the resurrection
paradise, a state of rest, a state of of Christ from the dead.
peace, where they shall rest from 17 Now, we do not suppose that
all their troubles and from all care, this first resurrection, which is spo-
and sorrow. ken of in this manner, can be the
13 And then shall it come to pass, resurrection of the souls and their
that the a spirits of the wicked, yea, a
consignation to happiness or mis-
who are evil—for behold, they have ery. Ye cannot suppose that this is
no part nor portion of the Spirit of what it meaneth.
the Lord; for behold, they chose evil 18 Behold, I say unto you, Nay;
works rather than good; therefore but it meaneth the a reuniting of the
10 a tg God, Foreknowl- Luke 16:22; 14 a tg Spirits in Prison.
edge of. D&C 138:15. b D&C 138:20.
b Acts 17:26. tg Happiness. c Jacob 6:13;
11 a John 20:17. b tg Paradise. Moses 7:1.
b Job 14:10; c 2 Kgs. 22:20; d tg God, Indignation of.
Luke 16:22 (22–26); Alma 7:27; e Alma 34:34.
1 Ne. 15:31 (31–36); D&C 45:46. 15 a Alma 40:11.
Alma 11:45; tg Peace of God. 16 a Jacob 4:11;
D&C 76:73 (71–74). 13 a tg Spirits in Prison. Mosiah 15:21 (21–23);
c Alma 40:15. b tg Bondage, Spiritual. 18:9.
d Eccl. 12:7; c tg Damnation; b tg Jesus Christ,
2 Ne. 9:38; Darkness, Spiritual; Resurrection.
Alma 24:16; Hell. 17 a D&C 76:17 (17, 32, 50).
Hel. 8:23. d Matt. 8:12; tg Judgment, the Last.
12 a Isa. 51:11; Mosiah 16:2. 18 a Matt. 27:52.
309 Alma 40 : 19–41 : 2
soul with the body, of those from 24 And now, my son, this is the res-
the days of Adam down to the res- toration of which has been a spoken
urrection of Christ. by the mouths of the prophets—
19 Now, whether the souls and the 25 And then shall the a righteous
bodies of those of whom has been shine forth in the kingdom of God.
spoken shall all be reunited at once, 26 But behold, an awful a death
the wicked as well as the righteous, cometh upon the wicked; for they
I do not say; let it suffice, that I say die as to things pertaining to things
that they all come forth; or in other of righteousness; for they are un-
words, their resurrection cometh clean, and b no unclean thing can
to pass a before the resurrection of inherit the kingdom of God; but
those who die after the resurrec- they are cast out, and consigned to
tion of Christ. partake of the fruits of their labors
20 Now, my son, I do not say that or their works, which have been
their resurrection cometh at the res- evil; and they drink the dregs of a
urrection of Christ; but behold, I give bitter c cup.
it as my opinion, that the souls and
the bodies are reunited, of the righ- Chapter 41
teous, at the resurrection of Christ, In the Resurrection men come forth to
and his a ascension into heaven. a state of endless happiness or endless
21 But whether it be at his resur- misery—Wickedness never was happi-
rection or after, I do not say; but this ness—Carnal men are without God in
much I say, that there is a a space the world—Every person receives again
between death and the resurrection in the Restoration the characteristics
of the body, and a state of the soul and attributes acquired in mortality.
in b happiness or in c misery until About 74 b.c.
the time which is appointed of God
that the dead shall come forth, and And now, my son, I have somewhat
be reunited, both soul and body, to say concerning the restoration of
and be d brought to stand before which has been spoken; for behold,
God, and be judged according to some have a wrested the scriptures,
their works. and have gone far b astray because
22 Yea, this bringeth about the of this thing. And I perceive that
restoration of those things of which thy mind has been c worried also
has been spoken by the mouths of concerning this thing. But behold,
the prophets. I will explain it unto thee.
23 The a soul shall be b restored to 2 I say unto thee, my son, that the
the c body, and the body to the soul; plan of restoration is requisite with
yea, and every limb and joint shall the justice of God; for it is requisite
be restored to its body; yea, even a that all things should be restored
hair of the head shall not be lost; to their proper order. Behold, it is
but all things shall be restored to requisite and just, according to the
their proper and e perfect frame. power and resurrection of Christ,
19 a Mosiah 15:26. d Luke 21:18; D&C 29:41.
20 a tg Jesus Christ, Alma 41:2; tg Hell.
Ascension of. D&C 29:25. b Eph. 5:5;
21 a Luke 23:43 (39–43). e Philip. 3:21. Alma 11:37.
b tg Paradise. tg Perfection. tg Uncleanness.
c tg Spirits in Prison. 24 a Isa. 26:19. c Ps. 75:8.
d Alma 42:23. tg Resurrection. 41 1 a 2 Pet. 1:20; 3:16;
23 a Ezek. 37:14 (6–14); 25 a Dan. 12:3; Alma 13:20.
D&C 88:15 (15–17). Matt. 13:43. b tg Apostasy of
tg Soul. 26 a Ps. 94:3 (1–11); Individuals.
b 2 Ne. 9:13; 1 Cor. 6:9 (9–10); c tg Problem-Solving.
Alma 11:45 (40–45). 1 Ne. 15:33;
c tg Body, Sanctity of. Alma 12:16;
Alma 41 : 3–13 310
that the soul of man should be re- that endless night of darkness; and
stored to its body, and that every thus they stand or fall; for behold,
part of the body should be restored they are their own b judges, whether
to itself. to do good or do evil.
3 And it is requisite with the a jus- 8 Now, the decrees of God are
tice of God that men should be a
unalterable; therefore, the way is
judged according to their c works; prepared that b whosoever will may
and if their works were good in this c
walk therein and be saved.
life, and the desires of their hearts 9 And now behold, my son, do not
were good, that they should also, at risk a one more offense against your
the last day, be d restored unto that God upon those points of doctrine,
which is good. which ye have hitherto risked to
4 And if their works are evil they commit sin.
shall be a restored unto them for evil. 10 Do not suppose, because it has
Therefore, all things shall be b re- been spoken concerning restoration,
stored to their proper order, every that ye shall be restored from sin to
thing to its natural frame—c mortality happiness. Behold, I say unto you,
raised to d immortality, e corruption a
wickedness never was b happiness.
to incorruption—raised to f endless 11 And now, my son, all men that
happiness to g inherit the kingdom are in a state of a nature, or I would
of God, or to endless misery to in- say, in a b carnal state, are in the c gall
herit the kingdom of the devil, the of bitterness and in the d bonds of
one on one hand, the other on the iniquity; they are e without God in
other— the world, and they have gone f con-
5 The one raised to a happiness ac- trary to the nature of God; there-
cording to his desires of happiness, fore, they are in a state contrary to
or good according to his desires of the nature of happiness.
good; and the other to evil according 12 And now behold, is the meaning
to his desires of evil; for as he has of the word restoration to take a
desired to do evil all the day long thing of a natural state and place it
even so shall he have his reward of in an unnatural state, or to place
evil when the night cometh. it in a state opposite to its nature?
6 And so it is on the other hand. 13 O, my son, this is not the case;
If he hath repented of his sins, and but the meaning of the word resto-
desired righteousness until the end ration is to bring back again a evil
of his days, even so he shall be re- for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devil-
warded unto righteousness. ish for devilish—good for that which
7 a These are they that are redeemed is good; righteous for that which is
of the Lord; yea, these are they that righteous; just for that which is just;
are taken out, that are delivered from merciful for that which is merciful.
2 a Alma 40:23. f tg Eternal Life. b Alma 50:21;
3 a tg God, Justice of; g tg Exaltation. Morm. 2:13.
Justice. 5 a tg Happiness. tg Happiness;
b tg Accountability; 7 a D&C 76:65. Peace of God.
Judgment, the Last. b 2 Ne. 2:26; Alma 42:27; 11 a Mosiah 3:19.
c Isa. 59:18; Hel. 14:30. tg Man, Natural, Not
Alma 36:15; 42:27; tg Agency. Spiritually Reborn.
D&C 1:10 (9–10). 8 a Morm. 9:19. b tg Carnal Mind;
d Hel. 14:31. b Alma 42:27. Fall of Man.
4 a Alma 42:28. c tg Walking with God. c Acts 8:23; Morm. 8:31.
b 2 Ne. 9:13 (10–13); 9 a Prov. 26:11; d tg Bondage, Spiritual.
D&C 138:17. Matt. 12:45 (43–45); e Eph. 2:12;
tg Resurrection. D&C 42:26 (23–28). Mosiah 27:31.
c tg Mortality. 10 a Ps. 32:10; Isa. 57:21; f Hel. 13:38.
d tg Immortality. Hel. 13:38. 13 a Dan. 12:10;
e 1 Cor. 15:50 (50–53). tg Evil; Wickedness. Rev. 22:12 (6–16).
311 Alma 41 : 14–42 : 8
14 Therefore, my son, see that you parents forth from the garden of
are merciful unto your brethren; a
Eden, to till the b ground, from
deal a justly, b judge righteously, and whence they were taken—yea, he
do c good continually; and if ye do drew out the man, and he placed at
all these things then shall ye receive the east end of the garden of Eden,
your d reward; yea, ye shall have c
cherubim, and a flaming sword
mercy restored unto you again; which turned every way, to keep the
ye shall have justice restored unto tree of life—
you again; ye shall have a righteous 3 Now, we see that the man had
judgment restored unto you again; become as God, knowing good and
and ye shall have good rewarded evil; and lest he should put forth
unto you again. his hand, and take also of the tree
15 For that which ye do a send out of life, and eat and live forever, the
shall return unto you again, and be Lord God placed a cherubim and the
restored; therefore, the word res- flaming sword, that he should not
toration more fully condemneth partake of the fruit—
the sinner, and justifieth him not 4 And thus we see, that there was
at all. a a time granted unto man to repent,
yea, a b probationary time, a time to
Chapter 42 repent and serve God.
Mortality is a probationary time to en- 5 For behold, if Adam had put forth
able man to repent and serve God—The his hand immediately, and a par-
taken of the b tree of life, he would
Fall brought temporal and spiritual have lived forever, according to the
death upon all mankind—Redemption
comes through repentance—God Himself word of God, having no space for
atones for the sins of the world—Mercy repentance; yea, and also the word
is for those who repent—All others are of God would have been void, and
subject to God’s justice—Mercy comes the great plan of salvation would
because of the Atonement—Only the have been frustrated.
truly penitent are saved. About 74 b.c. 6 But behold, it was appointed
unto man to a die—therefore, as
And now, my son, I perceive there they were cut off from the tree of
is somewhat more which doth life they should be cut off from
worry your mind, which ye cannot the face of the earth—and man be-
understand—which is concerning came b lost forever, yea, they became
the a justice of God in the b punish- c
fallen man.
ment of the sinner; for ye do try 7 And now, ye see by this that
to suppose that it is c injustice that our first parents were a cut off both
the sinner should be consigned to temporally and spiritually from the
a state of misery. b
presence of the Lord; and thus we
2 Now behold, my son, I will explain see they became subjects to follow
this thing unto thee. For behold, after their own c will.
after the Lord God sent our first 8 Now behold, it was not expedient
14 a tg Honesty. tg Injustice. 5 a Alma 12:23; Moses 4:28.
b Matt. 7:1 (1–5); 2 a tg Eden. b Gen. 2:9; 3:24 (22–24);
D&C 11:12. b Jacob 2:21; 1 Ne. 8:10 (10–12);
c tg Benevolence. Mosiah 2:25; Moses 3:9.
d tg Reward. Morm. 9:17. 6 a tg Death.
e tg Mercy. c Gen. 3:24; b 2 Ne. 9:7;
15 a Prov. 19:17; Alma 12:21; Mosiah 16:4 (4–7);
Eccl. 11:1; Moses 4:31. Alma 11:45; 12:36.
Alma 42:27 (27–28). 3 a tg Cherubim. c tg Fall of Man.
42 1 a Mosiah 15:27. 4 a Jacob 5:27. 7 a 2 Ne. 2:5; 9:6 (6–15);
tg God, Justice of. b Alma 34:32. Hel. 14:16 (15–18).
b tg Punish. tg Earth, Purpose of; b tg God, Presence of.
c Rom. 3:5; 2 Ne. 26:7. Probation. c tg Agency.
Alma 42 : 9–22 312
that man should be reclaimed from the grasp of b justice; yea, the justice
this a temporal death, for that would of God, which consigned them for-
destroy the great b plan of happiness. ever to be cut off from his presence.
9 Therefore, as the soul could never 15 And now, the plan of mercy
die, and the a fall had brought upon could not be brought about except
all mankind a spiritual b death as an atonement should be made;
well as a temporal, that is, they therefore God himself a atoneth for
were cut off from the presence the sins of the world, to bring about
of the Lord, it was expedient that the plan of b mercy, to appease the
mankind should be reclaimed from demands of c justice, that God might
this spiritual death. be a d perfect, just God, and a e mer-
10 Therefore, as they had become ciful God also.
carnal, sensual, and devilish, by 16 Now, repentance could not come
nature, this c probationary state be- unto men except there were a a pun-
came a state for them to prepare; it ishment, which also was b eternal as
became a preparatory state. the life of the soul should be, af-
11 And now remember, my son, fixed c opposite to the plan of hap-
if it were not for the plan of re- piness, which was as d eternal also
demption, (laying it aside) as soon as the life of the soul.
as they were dead their souls were 17 Now, how could a man repent
miserable, being cut off from the except he should a sin? How could
presence of the Lord. he sin if there was no b law? How
12 And now, there was no means could there be a law save there was
to reclaim men from this fallen a punishment?
state, which a man had brought 18 Now, there was a punishment
upon himself because of his own affixed, and a just law given, which
disobedience; brought remorse of a conscience
13 Therefore, according to justice, unto man.
the a plan of b redemption could not 19 Now, if there was no law given—
be brought about, only on condi- if a man a murdered he should b die—
tions of repentance of men in this would he be afraid he would die if
probationary state, yea, this prepar- he should murder?
atory state; for except it were for 20 And also, if there was no law
these conditions, mercy could not given against sin men would not
take effect except it should destroy be afraid to sin.
the work of justice. Now the work 21 And if there was a no law given,
of justice could not be destroyed; if men sinned what could justice
if so, God would c cease to be God. do, or mercy either, for they would
14 And thus we see that all man- have no claim upon the creature?
kind were a fallen, and they were in 22 But there is a law given, and a
8 a Gen. 3:22 (22–24). b tg Redemption; d tg God, Perfection of.
b Alma 12:26 (22–33); Repent. e tg God, Mercy of.
34:9 (8–16); c 2 Ne. 2:13 (13–14). 16 a tg Punish.
Moses 6:62. 14 a Eph. 2:8 (8–9); b D&C 19:11 (10–12).
9 a tg Fall of Man. Alma 22:14 (13–14). c tg Opposition.
b Moses 5:4. b Rom. 7:5; d tg Eternity.
tg Death, Spiritual, 2 Ne. 2:5 (4–10); 25:23. 17 a Rom. 7:8 (1–25).
First. 15 a 2 Ne. 9:10; tg Sin.
10 a tg Carnal Mind. Mosiah 16:8 (7–8). b Rom. 4:15; 5:13;
b tg Man, Natural, Not tg Jesus Christ, 2 Ne. 9:25.
Spiritually Reborn. Atonement through; 18 a tg Conscience.
c tg Mortality; Probation. Jesus Christ, Redeemer. 19 a tg Murder.
11 a 2 Ne. 9:9 (7–9). b tg Jesus Christ, b tg Blood, Shedding of.
12 a 1 Cor. 15:22. Mission of. 21 a 2 Ne. 9:26 (25–26);
b tg Disobedience. c Alma 12:32. Mosiah 3:11;
13 a tg Salvation, Plan of. tg Justice. Alma 9:16 (15–16).
313 Alma 42 : 23–31
reveals to Alma the strategy of the La- and they were all Amalekites and
manites—The Nephites defend their c
homes, liberties, families, and reli- 7 Now this he did that he might
gion—The armies of Moroni and Lehi preserve their a hatred towards the
surround the Lamanites. About 74 b.c. Nephites, that he might bring them
into subjection to the accomplish-
And now it came to pass that the ment of his designs.
sons of Alma did go forth among 8 For behold, his a designs were
the people, to declare the word to b stir up the Lamanites to anger
unto them. And Alma, also, himself, against the Nephites; this he did
could not a rest, and he also went that he might usurp great power
forth. over them, and also that he might
2 Now a we shall say no more con- gain power over the Nephites by
cerning their preaching, except bringing them into c bondage.
that they preached the word, and 9 And now the design of the Neph-
the truth, according to the spirit ites was to support their lands, and
of prophecy and revelation; and their houses, and their a wives,
they preached after the b holy order and their children, that they might
of God by which they were called. preserve them from the hands of
3 And now a I return to an b account their enemies; and also that they
of the wars between the Nephites might preserve their b rights and
and the Lamanites, in the eighteenth their privileges, yea, and also their
year of the reign of the judges. c
liberty, that they might worship
4 For behold, it came to pass that God according to their desires.
the a Zoramites became Lamanites; 10 For they knew that if they
therefore, in the commencement should fall into the hands of the
of the eighteenth year the people of Lamanites, that whosoever should
the Nephites saw that the Lamanites a
worship God in b spirit and in truth,
were coming upon them; therefore the true and the living God, the La-
they made preparations for war; manites would c destroy.
yea, they gathered together their 11 Yea, and they also knew the
armies in the land of Jershon. extreme hatred of the Lamanites
5 And it came to pass that the towards their a brethren, who were
Lamanites came with their thou- the b people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi,
sands; and they came into the land who were called the people of Am-
of a Antionum, which is the land of mon—and they would not take up
the Zoramites; and a man by the arms, yea, they had entered into a
name of b Zerahemnah was their covenant and they would not break
leader. it—therefore, if they should fall
6 And now, as the a Amalekites into the hands of the Lamanites
were of a more wicked and mur- they would be destroyed.
derous disposition than the La- 12 And the Nephites would not suf-
manites were, in and of themselves, fer that they should be destroyed;
therefore, Zerahemnah appointed therefore they gave them lands for
chief b captains over the Lamanites, their inheritance.
43 1 a Ether 12:2 (2–3). b Alma 44:1. b tg Citizenship.
2 a W of M 1:9 (1–9). 6 a Alma 21:4 (2–16). c tg Liberty.
b Alma 30:20 (20–23, 31); b Alma 48:5. 10 a
tg Worship.
46:38. c Alma 43:44. b John 4:23 (23–24).
tg Priesthood. 7 a Alma 37:32. c Dan. 6:7 (4–17).
3 a Morm. 5:9. 8 a Alma 43:29. 11 a
Alma 23:17;
b Alma 35:13. b Alma 27:12; 47:1. 24:1 (1–3, 5, 20);
4 a Alma 30:59; 35:14 (2–14); c Alma 44:2. 25:13 (1, 13);
52:33 (20, 33). 9 a Alma 44:5; 46:12; 27:2 (2, 21–26).
5 a Alma 31:3. 48:10 (10, 24). b Alma 47:29.
315 Alma 43 : 13–24
13 And the people of Ammon did also they were dressed with thick
give unto the Nephites a large por- clothing—
tion of their substance to a support 20 Now the army of Zerahemnah
their armies; and thus the Nephites was not prepared with any such
were compelled, alone, to withstand thing; they had only their a swords
against the Lamanites, who were a and their cimeters, their bows and
compound of Laman and Lemuel, their arrows, their b stones and their
and the sons of Ishmael, and all slings; and they were c naked, save
those who had dissented from the it were a skin which was girded
Nephites, who were Amalekites and about their loins; yea, all were na-
Zoramites, and the b descendants of ked, save it were the Zoramites and
the priests of Noah. the Amalekites;
14 Now those descendants were 21 But they were not armed with
as numerous, nearly, as were the breastplates, nor shields—therefore,
Nephites; and thus the Nephites they were exceedingly afraid of the
were obliged to contend with their armies of the Nephites because of
brethren, even unto bloodshed. their armor, notwithstanding their
15 And it came to pass as the number being so much greater than
armies of the Lamanites had gath- the Nephites.
ered together in the land of Antio 22 Behold, now it came to pass
num, behold, the armies of the that they durst not come against
Nephites were prepared to meet the Nephites in the borders of Jer-
them in the a land of Jershon. shon; therefore they departed out
16 Now, the leader of the Neph- of the land of Antionum into the
ites, or the man who had been a ap- wilderness, and took their journey
pointed to be the b chief captain round about in the wilderness, away
over the Nephites—now the chief by the head of the river Sidon, that
captain took the command of all they might come into the land of
the armies of the Nephites—and a
Manti and take possession of the
his name was Moroni; land; for they did not suppose that
17 And Moroni took all the com- the armies of Moroni would know
mand, and the government of their whither they had gone.
wars. And he was only twenty 23 But it came to pass, as soon as
and five years old when he was they had departed into the wilder-
appointed chief captain over the ness Moroni sent spies into the wil-
armies of the Nephites. derness to watch their camp; and
18 And it came to pass that he met Moroni, also, knowing of the prophe
the Lamanites in the borders of Jer- cies of Alma, sent certain men unto
shon, and his people were armed him, desiring him that he should
with swords, and with cimeters, a
inquire of the Lord b whither the
and all manner of a weapons of war. armies of the Nephites should go
19 And when the armies of the to defend themselves against the
Lamanites saw that the people of Lamanites.
Nephi, or that Moroni, had a pre- 24 And it came to pass that the
pared his people with b breastplates a
word of the Lord came unto Alma,
and with arm-shields, yea, and also and Alma informed the messengers
shields to defend their heads, and of Moroni, that the armies of the
13 a Alma 56:27. 20 a Mosiah 10:8; Mosiah 28:6.
b Alma 25:4. Alma 3:5 (4–5); 44:8. b Alma 16:6 (5–8); 48:16;
15 a Alma 27:26. b 1 Ne. 16:15; 3 Ne. 3:20 (18–21).
16 a Alma 46:34. Alma 49:2. 24 a Isa. 31:5;
b Alma 46:11. c Enos 1:20. Alma 43:47;
18 a tg Weapon. 22 a Alma 22:27; 56:14. D&C 134:11.
19 a tg Skill. 23 a Ex. 18:15; tg Guidance, Divine.
b Alma 49:24. 2 Kgs. 6:12 (8–18);
Alma 43 : 25–38 316
39 And it came to pass that the their wives and their children, and
Lamanites became frightened, be- their all, yea, for their rites of wor-
cause of the great destruction among ship and their church.
them, even until they began to flee 46 And they were doing that which
towards the river Sidon. they felt was the a duty which they
40 And they were pursued by Lehi owed to their God; for the Lord had
and his men; and they were driven said unto them, and also unto their
by Lehi into the waters of Sidon, fathers, that: b Inasmuch as ye are
and they crossed the waters of Si- not guilty of the c first offense, nei-
don. And Lehi retained his armies ther the second, ye shall not suffer
upon the bank of the river Sidon yourselves to be slain by the hands
that they should not cross. of your enemies.
41 And it came to pass that Moroni 47 And again, the Lord has said
and his army met the Lamanites in that: Ye shall a defend your families
the a valley, on the other side of the even unto b bloodshed. Therefore
river Sidon, and began to fall upon for this cause were the Nephites
them and to slay them. contending with the Lamanites, to
42 And the Lamanites did flee defend themselves, and their fami-
again before them, towards the land lies, and their lands, their country,
of Manti; and they were met again and their rights, and their religion.
by the armies of Moroni. 48 And it came to pass that when
43 Now in this case the Lamanites the men of Moroni saw the fierce-
did fight exceedingly; yea, never ness and the anger of the Lamanites,
had the Lamanites been known to they were about to shrink and flee
fight with such exceedingly great from them. And Moroni, perceiving
strength and courage, no, not even their intent, sent forth and inspired
from the beginning. their hearts with these thoughts—
44 And they were inspired by the yea, the thoughts of their lands,
Zoramites and the Amalekites, who
their liberty, yea, their freedom
were their chief captains and lead- from bondage.
ers, and by Zerahemnah, who was 49 And it came to pass that they
their chief captain, or their chief turned upon the Lamanites, and
leader and commander; yea, they did they a cried with one voice b unto
fight like dragons, and many of the the Lord their God, for their c liberty
Nephites were slain by their hands, and their freedom from bondage.
yea, for they did smite in two many 50 And they a began to stand
of their head-plates, and they did against the Lamanites with power;
pierce many of their breastplates, and in that selfsame hour that they
and they did smite off many of their cried unto the Lord for their free-
arms; and thus the Lamanites did dom, the Lamanites began to flee
smite in their fierce anger. before them; and they fled even to
45 Nevertheless, the Nephites were the waters of Sidon.
inspired by a a better cause, for they 51 Now, the Lamanites were more
were not b fighting for monarchy a
numerous, yea, by more than
nor power but they were fighting double the number of the Neph-
for their homes and their c liberties, ites; nevertheless, they were driven
41 a Alma 43:32. c Luke 6:29; Responsibilities toward;
44 a Alma 43:6. 3 Ne. 3:21 (20–21); War.
45 a Alma 44:1. Morm. 3:10 (10–11); b Josh. 1:18.
b Mosiah 20:11; D&C 98:23 (22–48). 49 a Ex. 2:23 (23–25);
Alma 44:5. 47 a Isa. 31:5; Mosiah 29:20.
c tg Liberty. Alma 43:24; 61:14; b Ps. 59:1 (1–5).
46 a tg Duty. Morm. 7:4; c tg Liberty.
b Alma 48:14 (14–16); D&C 134:11. 50 a Ex. 17:11 (8–13).
D&C 98:33 (23–36). tg Family, Children, 51 a Alma 46:30.
Alma 43 : 52–44 : 8 318
insomuch that they were gathered see that ye cannot destroy this
together in one body in the valley, our faith.
upon the bank by the river Sidon. 4 Now ye see that this is the true
52 Therefore the armies of Moroni faith of God; yea, ye see that God
encircled them about, yea, even will support, and keep, and preserve
on both sides of the river, for be- us, so long as we are a faithful unto
hold, on the east were the men of him, and unto our faith, and our
Lehi. religion; and never will the Lord
53 Therefore when Zerahemnah suffer that we shall be destroyed
saw the men of Lehi on the east of except we should fall into trans-
the river Sidon, and the armies of gression and deny our faith.
Moroni on the west of the river Si- 5 And now, Zerahemnah, I com-
don, that they were encircled about mand you, in the name of that
by the Nephites, they were struck all-powerful God, who has strength-
with terror. ened our arms that we have gained
54 Now Moroni, when he saw their power over you, a by our faith, by
terror, commanded his men that our religion, and by our b rites of
they should stop shedding their worship, and by our church, and by
blood. the sacred support which we owe
to our c wives and our children, by
Chapter 44 that d liberty which binds us to our
Moroni commands the Lamanites to lands and our country; yea, and also
make a covenant of peace or be de- by the maintenance of the sacred
stroyed—Zerahemnah rejects the offer, word of God, to which we owe all
and the battle resumes—Moroni’s armies our happiness; and by all that is
defeat the Lamanites. About 74–73 b.c. most dear unto us—
6 Yea, and this is not all; I com-
And it came to pass that they did mand you by all the desires which
stop and withdrew a pace from ye have for life, that ye a deliver up
them. And Moroni said unto a Zera your weapons of war unto us, and
hemnah: Behold, Zerahemnah, that we will seek not your blood, but we
we do b not desire to be men of blood. will b spare your lives, if ye will go
Ye know that ye are in our hands, your way and come not again to
yet we do not desire to slay you. war against us.
2 Behold, we have not come out 7 And now, if ye do not this, be-
to battle against you that we might hold, ye are in our hands, and I
shed your blood for power; neither will command my men that they
do we desire to bring any one to shall fall upon you, and a inflict the
the a yoke of bondage. But this is wounds of death in your bodies, that
the b very cause for which ye have ye may become extinct; and then
come against us; yea, and ye are an- we will see who shall have power
gry with us because of our religion. over this people; yea, we will see
3 But now, ye behold that the Lord who shall be brought into bondage.
is with us; and ye behold that he 8 And now it came to pass that
has delivered you into our hands. when Zerahemnah had heard these
And now I would that ye should sayings he came forth and delivered
understand that this is done unto up his a sword and his cimeter, and
us a because of our religion and his bow into the hands of Moroni,
our faith in Christ. And now ye and said unto him: Behold, here are
54 a Alma 47:2. tg Protection, Divine. d tg Liberty.
44 1 a Alma 43:5. 4 a Mark 4:40 (35–41). 6 a Alma 52:25 (25, 32).
b Alma 43:45. 5 a Alma 43:45 (9, 45); b tg Benevolence.
2 a tg Bondage, Physical. 46:12 (12–20). 7 a Alma 62:11.
b Alma 43:8. b tg Ordinance. 8 a Alma 43:20.
3 a Alma 38:1. c Gen. 2:24 (23–24).
319 Alma 44 : 9–19
our weapons of war; we will deliver the hair, and laid it upon the point
them up unto you, but we will not of his sword, and stretched it forth
suffer ourselves to take an b oath unto them, saying unto them with
unto you, which we know that we a loud voice:
shall break, and also our children; 14 Even as this scalp has fallen
but take our weapons of war, and to the earth, which is the scalp of
suffer that we may depart into the your chief, so shall ye fall to the
wilderness; otherwise we will re- earth except ye will deliver up your
tain our swords, and we will perish weapons of war and depart with a
or conquer. covenant of peace.
9 Behold, we are a not of your faith; 15 Now there were many, when
we do not believe that it is God that they heard these words and saw
has delivered us into your hands; but the scalp which was upon the
we believe that it is your cunning sword, that were struck with fear;
that has preserved you from our and many came forth and threw
swords. Behold, it is your b breast- down their weapons of war at
plates and your shields that have the feet of Moroni, and entered
preserved you. into a a covenant of peace. And as
10 And now when Zerahemnah many as entered into a covenant
had made an end of speaking these they suffered to b depart into the
words, Moroni returned the sword wilderness.
and the weapons of war, which he 16 Now it came to pass that Zera
had received, unto Zerahemnah, hemnah was exceedingly wroth,
saying: Behold, we will end the and he did stir up the remainder
conflict. of his soldiers to anger, to con-
11 Now I cannot recall the words tend more powerfully against the
which I have spoken, therefore Nephites.
as the Lord liveth, ye shall not 17 And now Moroni was angry,
depart except ye depart with an because of the stubbornness of
oath that ye will not return again the Lamanites; therefore he com-
against us to war. Now as ye are in manded his people that they should
our hands we will spill your blood fall upon them and slay them. And
upon the ground, or ye shall sub- it came to pass that they began to
mit to the conditions which I have slay them; yea, and the Lamanites
proposed. did contend with their swords and
12 And now when Moroni had said their might.
these words, Zerahemnah retained 18 But behold, their naked skins
his sword, and he was angry with and their bare heads were exposed
Moroni, and he rushed forward to the sharp swords of the Nephites;
that he might slay Moroni; but as yea, behold they were pierced and
he raised his sword, behold, one of smitten, yea, and did fall exceed-
Moroni’s soldiers smote it even to ingly fast before the swords of the
the earth, and it broke by the hilt; Nephites; and they began to be
and he also smote Zerahemnah that swept down, even as the soldier of
he took off his scalp and it fell to Moroni had prophesied.
the earth. And Zerahemnah with- 19 Now Zerahemnah, when he
drew from before them into the saw that they were all about to
midst of his soldiers. be destroyed, cried mightily unto
13 And it came to pass that the Moroni, promising that he would
soldier who stood by, who smote covenant and also his people with
off the scalp of Zerahemnah, took them, if they would spare the re-
up the scalp from off the ground by mainder of their lives, that they
8 b tg Oath. b Alma 43:38; 46:13. Alma 50:36.
9 a tg Unbelief. 15 a 1 Ne. 4:37; b Hel. 1:33.
Alma 44 : 20–45 : 11 320
never would come to war again people of Nephi were exceedingly
against them. rejoiced, because the Lord had again
20 And it came to pass that Moroni a
delivered them out of the hands of
caused that the work of death should their enemies; therefore they gave
cease again among the people. And thanks unto the Lord their God; yea,
he took the weapons of war from and they did b fast much and pray
the Lamanites; and after they had much, and they did worship God
entered into a b covenant with him with exceedingly great joy.
of peace they were suffered to de- 2 And it came to pass in the nine-
part into the wilderness. teenth year of the reign of the judges
21 Now the number of their dead over the people of Nephi, that Alma
was not numbered because of the came unto his son Helaman and
greatness of the number; yea, the said unto him: Believest thou the
number of their dead was exceed- words which I spake unto thee con-
ingly great, both on the Nephites cerning those a records which have
and on the Lamanites. been kept?
22 And it came to pass that they 3 And Helaman said unto him:
did cast their dead into the waters Yea, I a believe.
of Sidon, and they have gone forth 4 And Alma said again: Believest
and are buried in the depths of thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come?
the a sea. 5 And he said: Yea, I believe all
23 And the armies of the Nephites, the words which thou hast spoken.
or of Moroni, returned and came to 6 And Alma said unto him again:
their houses and their lands. Will ye a keep my commandments?
24 And thus ended the eighteenth 7 And he said: Yea, I will keep thy
year of the reign of the judges over commandments with all my heart.
the people of Nephi. And thus ended 8 Then Alma said unto him: Blessed
the record of Alma, which was writ- art thou; and the Lord shall a pros-
ten upon the plates of Nephi. per thee in this land.
9 But behold, I have somewhat
to a prophesy unto thee; but what
The account of the people of Nephi, I prophesy unto thee ye shall not
and their wars and dissensions, in make known; yea, what I prophesy
the days of Helaman, according to unto thee shall not be made known,
the record of Helaman, which he even until the prophecy is fulfilled;
kept in his days. therefore write the words which I
Comprising chapters 45 through 62. shall say.
10 And these are the words: Be-
hold, I perceive that this very peo-
Chapter 45 ple, the Nephites, according to the
spirit of revelation which is in me,
Helaman believes the words of Alma— in a four hundred years from the
Alma prophesies the destruction of the time that Jesus Christ shall manifest
Nephites—He blesses and curses the himself unto them, shall dwindle in
land—Alma may have been taken up b
by the Spirit, even as Moses—Dissen- 11 Yea, and then shall they see
sion grows in the Church. About 73 b.c. wars and pestilences, yea, fam-
Behold, now it came to pass that the ines and bloodshed, even until the
19 a Alma 47:6. 2 a Alma 37:1 (1–32); 50:38. 9 a tg Prophecy.
20 a Alma 46:7. 3 a 1 Ne. 11:5. 10 a 1 Ne. 12:12 (10–15);
b Alma 55:28; 6 a tg Commandments Hel. 13:9;
62:16 (16–17). of God; Morm. 8:6.
22 a Alma 3:3. Obedience. b tg Apostasy of
45 1 a tg Deliver. 8 a 1 Ne. 4:14; Individuals.
b tg Fast, Fasting. Alma 48:15, 25.
321 Alma 45 : 12–22
people of Nephi shall become look upon sin with the d least degree
extinct— of allowance.
12 Yea, and this because they 17 And now, when Alma had said
shall dwindle in unbelief and fall these words he blessed the a church,
into the works of darkness, and yea, all those who should stand fast
lasciviousness, and all manner of in the faith from that time hence-
iniquities; yea, I say unto you, that forth.
because they shall sin against so 18 And when Alma had done this
great light and knowledge, yea, I say he a departed out of the land of Zara
unto you, that from that day, even hemla, as if to go into the land of
the b fourth generation shall not all b
Melek. And it came to pass that
pass away before this great iniquity he was never heard of more; as to
shall come. his death or burial we know not of.
13 And when that great day 19 Behold, this we know, that he
cometh, behold, the time very soon was a righteous man; and the say-
cometh that those who are now, or ing went abroad in the church that
the seed of those who are now num- he was taken up by the a Spirit, or
bered among the people of Nephi, b
buried by the hand of the Lord,
shall a no more be numbered among even as Moses. But behold, the scrip-
the people of Nephi. tures saith the Lord took Moses unto
14 But whosoever remaineth, and himself; and we suppose that he
is not destroyed in that great and has also received Alma in the spirit,
dreadful day, shall be a numbered unto himself; therefore, for this
among the b Lamanites, and shall cause we know nothing concerning
become like unto them, all, save his death and burial.
it be a few who shall be called the 20 And now it came to pass in the
disciples of the Lord; and them commencement of the nineteenth
shall the Lamanites pursue even year of the reign of the judges over
until they shall become extinct. the people of Nephi, that Helaman
And now, because of iniquity, this went forth among the people to de-
prophecy shall be fulfilled. clare the a word unto them.
15 And now it came to pass that 21 For behold, because of their
after Alma had said these things to wars with the Lamanites and the
Helaman, he a blessed him, and also many little dissensions and distur-
his other sons; and he also blessed bances which had been among the
the earth for the b righteous’ sake. people, it became expedient that the
16 And he said: Thus saith the Lord a
word of God should be declared
God—a Cursed shall be the land, among them, yea, and that a b regu-
yea, this land, unto every nation, lation should be made throughout
kindred, tongue, and people, unto the church.
destruction, which do b wickedly, 22 Therefore, a Helaman and his
when they are fully ripe; and as I brethren went forth to establish the
have said so shall it be; for this is church again in all the land, yea, in
the cursing and the c blessing of God every city throughout all the land
upon the land, for the Lord cannot which was possessed by the people
11 a Jarom 1:10; Alma 8:22. 18 a 3 Ne. 1:3 (2–3).
Hel. 13:6 (5–19). b Alma 46:10; 62:40. b Alma 35:13.
12 a tg Lust. 16 a 2 Ne. 1:7; 19 a 2 Kgs. 2:16.
b 2 Ne. 26:9; Alma 37:31; b Deut. 34:6 (5–6).
3 Ne. 27:32. Morm. 1:17; tg Translated Beings.
13 a Hel. 3:16. Ether 2:11 (8–12). 20 a Alma 46:1.
14 a Moro. 9:24. tg Earth, Curse of. 21 a Alma 31:5.
b 1 Ne. 13:30; b Jer. 44:5 (5–6). b Alma 6:7; 62:44 (44–47).
D&C 3:17. c D&C 130:21. 22 a Alma 48:19.
c Moro. 1:2 (1–3). d D&C 1:31.
15 a Gen. 49:1 (1–27); 17 a tg Church.
Alma 45 : 23–46 : 10 322
of Nephi. And it came to pass that he should be their king; and they
they did appoint b priests and c teach- were the greater part of them the
ers throughout all the land, over all lower b judges of the land, and they
the churches. were seeking for power.
23 And now it came to pass that 5 And they had been led by the
after Helaman and his brethren flatteries of Amalickiah, that if they
had appointed priests and teachers would support him and establish
over the churches that there arose a him to be their king that he would
dissension among them, and they make them rulers over the people.
would not give heed to the words 6 Thus they were led away by
of Helaman and his brethren; Amalickiah to dissensions, notwith-
24 But they grew proud, being standing the preaching of Helaman
lifted up in their hearts, because and his brethren, yea, notwith-
of their exceedingly great a riches; standing their exceedingly great
therefore they grew rich in their care over the church, for they were
own eyes, and would not give heed a
high priests over the church.
to their words, to b walk uprightly 7 And there were many in the
before God. church who believed in the a flat-
tering words of Amalickiah, there-
Chapter 46 fore they b dissented even from the
Amalickiah conspires to be king—Mo- church; and thus were the affairs
roni raises the title of liberty—He rallies of the people of Nephi exceed-
the people to defend their religion— ingly precarious and dangerous,
True believers are called Christians—A notwithstanding their great c vic-
tory which they had had over the
remnant of Joseph will be preserved— Lamanites, and their great rejoic-
Amalickiah and the dissenters flee to ings which they had had because
the land of Nephi—Those who will not
support the cause of freedom are put to of their d deliverance by the hand of
death. About 73–72 b.c. the Lord.
8 Thus we see how a quick the chil-
And it came to pass that as many dren of men do b forget the Lord their
as would not hearken to the a words God, yea, how quick to do c iniquity,
of Helaman and his brethren were and to be led away by the evil one.
gathered together against their 9 Yea, and we also see the great
brethren. a
wickedness one very wicked man
2 And now behold, they were ex- can cause to take place among the
ceedingly wroth, insomuch that children of men.
they were determined to slay them. 10 Yea, we see that Amalickiah,
3 Now the leader of those who because he was a man of cunning
were wroth against their brethren device and a man of many flattering
was a large and a strong man; and words, that he led away the hearts
his name was a Amalickiah. of many people to do wickedly; yea,
4 And Amalickiah was desirous to and to seek to a destroy the church of
be a a king; and those people who God, and to destroy the foundation
were wroth were also desirous that of b liberty which God had granted
22 b tg Church 5 a Prov. 29:5. Hel. 4:26; 6:32;
Organization. 6 a Alma 46:38. 12:2 (2, 4–5).
c tg Teacher. 7 a tg Flatter. b Deut. 6:12.
23 a 3 Ne. 11:29 (28–29). b Alma 1:24. c Mosiah 13:29.
24 a tg Treasure. c Alma 44:20. 9 a 2 Kgs. 10:29;
b tg Pride; d Josh. 21:44; Mosiah 29:17 (17–18).
Walking in Darkness. 1 Kgs. 5:3; 10 a tg Tyranny.
46 1 a Alma 45:20. Mosiah 9:17. b 2 Ne. 1:7;
3 a Alma 49:25. tg Deliver. Mosiah 29:32.
4 a Alma 2:2. 8 a Ex. 32:8; tg Liberty.
b Mosiah 29:11 (11–44). Judg. 2:17;
323 Alma 46 : 11–21
unto them, or which blessing God Christians, and the a freedom of the
had sent upon the face of the land land might be favored.
for the c righteous’ sake. 17 And it came to pass that when
11 And now it came to pass that he had poured out his soul to God,
when Moroni, who was the a chief he named all the land which was
commander of the armies of the a
south of the land b Desolation, yea,
Nephites, had heard of these dis- and in fine, all the land, both on the
sensions, he was angry with Amal- c
north and on the south—A chosen
ickiah. land, and the land of d liberty.
12 And it came to pass that he rent 18 And he said: Surely God shall
his coat; and he took a piece thereof, not a suffer that we, who are despised
and wrote upon it—a In memory of because we take upon us the name
our God, our religion, and freedom, of Christ, shall be trodden down and
and our peace, our wives, and our destroyed, until we bring it upon us
children—and he fastened it upon by our own b transgressions.
the end of a pole. 19 And when Moroni had said
13 And he fastened on his head- these words, he went forth among
plate, and his a breastplate, and his the people, waving the a rent part of
shields, and girded on his armor his garment in the air, that all might
about his loins; and he took the pole, see the writing which he had writ-
which had on the end thereof his ten upon the rent part, and crying
rent coat, (and he called it the b title with a loud voice, saying:
of liberty) and he c bowed himself 20 Behold, whosoever will main-
to the earth, and he prayed might- tain this title upon the land, let
ily unto his God for the blessings them come forth in the strength
of liberty to rest upon his breth- of the Lord, and a enter into a cov-
ren, so long as there should a band enant that they will b maintain their
of d Christians remain to possess rights, and their religion, that the
the land— Lord God may bless them.
14 For thus were all the true be- 21 And it came to pass that when
lievers of Christ, who belonged Moroni had proclaimed these words,
to the church of God, called by behold, the people came running
those who did not belong to the a
together with their armor girded
church. about their loins, b rending their gar-
15 And those who did belong to ments in token, or as a c covenant,
the church were a faithful; yea, all that they would not forsake the
those who were true believers in Lord their God; or, in other words,
Christ b took upon them, gladly, the if they should transgress the com-
name of Christ, or c Christians as mandments of God, or fall into
they were called, because of their transgression, and be d ashamed to
belief in Christ who should come. take upon them the name of Christ,
16 And therefore, at this time, the Lord should rend them even as
Moroni prayed that the cause of the they had rent their garments.
10 c Alma 45:15 (15–16); Loyalty. b tg Transgress.
62:40. b tg Jesus Christ, Taking 19 a tg Ensign.
11 a Alma 43:16. the Name of. 20 a Alma 48:13.
12 a 2 Sam. 10:12; c Acts 11:26. b tg Citizenship.
Neh. 4:14 (10–14); 16 a Alma 51:13. 21 a 2 Sam. 20:14 (11–14).
Alma 44:5; 48:10 (10, 24). 17 a 3 Ne. 3:24; b tg Rend.
13 a Alma 44:9; 49:6 (6, 24). Morm. 3:5. c tg Commitment.
b Alma 51:20. b Alma 22:30; 50:34. d Jer. 17:13;
tg Citizenship. c Alma 22:31; 63:4. Rom. 1:16;
c tg Reverence. d 2 Ne. 1:7; 2 Tim. 1:8;
d Alma 48:10. Mosiah 29:32. 1 Ne. 8:25;
15 a tg Faithful; 18 a tg Protection, Divine. Morm. 8:38.
Alma 46 : 22–32 324
22 Now this was the covenant us? Yea, and even it shall be our-
which they made, and they a cast selves if we do not stand fast in the
their garments at the feet of Moroni, faith of Christ.
saying: We b covenant with our God, 28 And now it came to pass that
that we shall be destroyed, even as when Moroni had said these words
our brethren in the land northward, he went forth, and also sent forth
if we shall fall into transgression; in all the parts of the land where
yea, he may cast us at the feet of there were dissensions, and gathered
our enemies, even as we have cast together all the people who were
our garments at thy feet to be trod- desirous to maintain their liberty,
den under foot, if we shall fall into to stand against Amalickiah and
transgression. those who had dissented, who were
23 Moroni said unto them: Behold, called Amalickiahites.
we are a a remnant of the seed of Ja- 29 And it came to pass that when
cob; yea, we are a remnant of the Amalickiah saw that the people of
seed of b Joseph, whose c coat was rent Moroni were more numerous than
by his brethren into many pieces; the Amalickiahites—and he also
yea, and now behold, let us remem- saw that his people were a doubtful
ber to keep the commandments of concerning the justice of the cause
God, or our garments shall be rent in which they had undertaken—
by our brethren, and we be cast therefore, fearing that he should
into prison, or be sold, or be slain. not gain the point, he took those of
24 Yea, let us preserve our liberty his people who would and departed
as a a remnant of Joseph; yea, let us into the b land of Nephi.
remember the words of Jacob, be- 30 Now Moroni thought it was not
fore his death, for behold, he saw expedient that the Lamanites should
that a b part of the c remnant of the have any more a strength; therefore
coat of Joseph was d preserved and he thought to cut off the people of
had not decayed. And he said—Even Amalickiah, or to take them and
as this remnant of garment of my bring them back, and put Amalick
son hath been preserved, so shall a iah to death; yea, for he knew that
remnant of the seed of my son be he would stir up the Lamanites to
preserved by the hand of God, and anger against them, and cause them
be taken unto himself, while the re- to come to battle against them;
mainder of the seed of Joseph shall and this he knew that Amalickiah
perish, even as the remnant of his would do that he might obtain his
garment. purposes.
25 Now behold, this giveth my soul 31 Therefore Moroni thought it
sorrow; nevertheless, my soul hath was expedient that he should
joy in my son, because of that part take his armies, who had gathered
of his seed which shall be taken themselves together, and armed
unto God. themselves, and entered into a cov-
26 Now behold, this was the lan- enant to keep the peace—and it
guage of Jacob. came to pass that he took his army
27 And now who knoweth but what and marched out with his tents into
the remnant of the seed of Joseph, the wilderness, to cut off the course
which shall perish as his garment, of Amalickiah in the wilderness.
are those who have dissented from 32 And it came to pass that he did
22 a
Acts 7:58; 22:20. 24 a 2 Ne. 10:1; e Ether 13:6.
b tg Commitment. Jacob 5:45 (43–45). 29 a tg Doubt.
23 a
tg Israel, Remnant of. b Gen. 44:28. b Alma 47:20.
b tg Israel, Joseph, c 3 Ne. 5:23 (23–24); 10:17. 30 a Alma 43:51.
People of. d 2 Ne. 3:5 (5–24); 25:21;
c Gen. 37:3 (3, 31–36). Ether 13:7.
325 Alma 46 : 33–47 : 3
according to his desires, and marched with fevers, which at some seasons
forth into the wilderness, and of the year were very frequent in
headed the armies of Amalickiah. the land—but not so much so with
33 And it came to pass that Amal- fevers, because of the excellent
ickiah a fled with a small number of qualities of the many a plants and
his men, and the remainder were roots which God had prepared to re-
delivered up into the hands of Mo- move the cause of b diseases, to which
roni and were taken back into the men were subject by the nature of
land of Zarahemla. the climate—
34 Now, Moroni being a man who 41 But there were many who died
was a appointed by the chief judges with a old age; and those who died
and the voice of the people, there- in the faith of Christ are b happy in
fore he had power according to his him, as we must needs suppose.
will with the armies of the Neph-
ites, to establish and to exercise Chapter 47
authority over them. Amalickiah uses treachery, murder,
35 And it came to pass that whom- and intrigue to become king of the La-
soever of the Amalickiahites that manites—The Nephite dissenters are
would not enter into a covenant to more wicked and ferocious than the
support the a cause of freedom, that Lamanites. About 72 b.c.
they might maintain a free b govern-
ment, he caused to be put to death; Now we will return in our record
and there were but few who denied to Amalickiah and those who had
the covenant of freedom. a
fled with him into the wilderness;
36 And it came to pass also, that for, behold, he had taken those who
he caused the a title of liberty to be went with him, and went up in the
hoisted upon every tower which was b
land of Nephi among the Laman-
in all the land, which was possessed ites, and did c stir up the Lamanites
by the Nephites; and thus Moroni to anger against the people of
planted the standard of liberty Nephi, insomuch that the king of
among the Nephites. the Lamanites sent a proclamation
37 And they began to have peace throughout all his land, among all
again in the land; and thus they did his people, that they should gather
maintain peace in the land until themselves together again to go to
nearly the end of the nineteenth battle against the Nephites.
year of the reign of the judges. 2 And it came to pass that when
38 And Helaman and the a high the proclamation had gone forth
priests did also maintain order in among them they were exceedingly
the church; yea, even for the space afraid; yea, they a feared to displease
of four years did they have much the king, and they also feared to go
peace and rejoicing in the church. to battle against the Nephites lest
39 And it came to pass that there they should lose their lives. And it
were many who died, firmly a believ- came to pass that they would not,
ing that their souls were redeemed or the more part of them would
by the Lord Jesus Christ; thus they not, obey the commandments of
went out of the world rejoicing. the king.
40 And there were some who died 3 And now it came to pass that
33 a Alma 47:1. 89:10. Omni 1:12;
34 a Alma 43:16. b Ezek. 47:12. Alma 49:10.
35 a Alma 43:30. tg Health; c Alma 27:12; 35:10; 43:8;
b tg Governments. Sickness. Hel. 1:17.
36 a Alma 62:4. 41 a tg Old Age. tg Provoking.
38 a Alma 43:2; 46:6; 49:30. b Rev. 14:13. 2 a Alma 43:54 (49–54).
39 a Moro. 7:41 (3, 41). 47 1 a Alma 46:33.
40 a D&C 59:17 (17–20); b 2 Ne. 5:8;
Alma 47 : 4 –16 326
the king was wroth because of that the leader of those who were
their disobedience; therefore he upon the mount, whose name was
gave Amalickiah the command of Lehonti, that he should come down
that part of his army which was to the foot of the mount, for he de-
obedient unto his commands, and sired to speak with him.
commanded him that he should go 11 And it came to pass that when
forth and a compel them to arms. Lehonti received the message he
4 Now behold, this was the desire durst not go down to the foot of
of Amalickiah; for he being a very the mount. And it came to pass that
subtle man to do evil therefore he Amalickiah sent again the second
laid the plan in his heart to b de- time, desiring him to come down.
throne the king of the Lamanites. And it came to pass that Lehonti
5 And now he had got the com- would not; and he sent again the
mand of those parts of the Laman- third time.
ites who were in favor of the king; 12 And it came to pass that when
and he sought to gain favor of those Amalickiah found that he could
who were not obedient; therefore not get Lehonti to come down off
he went forward to the place which from the mount, he went up into
was called a Onidah, for thither had the mount, nearly to Lehonti’s camp;
all the Lamanites fled; for they and he sent again the fourth time
discovered the army coming, and, his message unto Lehonti, desiring
supposing that they were coming to that he would come down, and that
destroy them, therefore they fled to he would bring his guards with him.
Onidah, to the place of arms. 13 And it came to pass that when
6 And they had appointed a man Lehonti had come down with his
to be a king and a leader over them, guards to Amalickiah, that Amal-
being fixed in their minds with ickiah desired him to come down
a determined resolution that they with his army in the night-time, and
would a not be subjected to go surround those men in their camps
against the Nephites. over whom the king had given him
7 And it came to pass that they command, and that he would deliver
had gathered themselves together them up into Lehonti’s hands, if he
upon the top of the mount which would make him (Amalickiah) a
was called Antipas, in preparation second a leader over the whole army.
to battle. 14 And it came to pass that Lehonti
8 Now it was not Amalickiah’s in- came down with his men and sur-
tention to give them battle accord- rounded the men of Amalickiah, so
ing to the commandments of the that before they awoke at the dawn
king; but behold, it was his inten- of day they were surrounded by the
tion to gain favor with the armies of armies of Lehonti.
the Lamanites, that he might place 15 And it came to pass that when
himself at their head and dethrone they saw that they were surrounded,
the king and take possession of the they pled with Amalickiah that he
kingdom. would suffer them to fall in with
9 And behold, it came to pass that their brethren, that they might not
he caused his army to pitch their be destroyed. Now this was the very
tents in the valley which was near thing which Amalickiah desired.
the mount Antipas. 16 And it came to pass that he
10 And it came to pass that when it delivered his men, a contrary to
was night he sent a secret embassy the commands of the king. Now
into the mount Antipas, desiring this was the thing that Amalickiah
3 a Alma 47:16 (16, 21). 5 a Alma 32:4. 16 a Alma 47:3.
4 a 2 Sam. 13:3 (3–14). 6 a Alma 44:19 (8, 19).
b Alma 47:35 (8, 35). 13 a Alma 49:10.
327 Alma 47 : 17–34
were with him, and went in unto And now it came to pass that, as
the queen, unto the place where soon as a Amalickiah had obtained
she sat; and they all a testified unto the kingdom he began to b inspire the
her that the king was slain by his hearts of the Lamanites against
own servants; and they said also: the people of Nephi; yea, he did
They have fled; does not this tes- appoint men to speak unto the La-
tify against them? And thus they manites from their c towers, against
satisfied the queen concerning the the Nephites.
death of the king. 2 And thus he did inspire their
35 And it came to pass that Amal hearts against the Nephites, inso-
ickiah sought the a favor of the much that in the latter end of the
queen, and took her unto him to a
nineteenth year of the reign of
wife; and thus by his b fraud, and by the judges, he having accomplished
the assistance of his cunning ser- his designs thus far, yea, having been
vants, he c obtained the kingdom; yea, made king over the Lamanites, he
he was acknowledged king through- b
sought also to c reign over all the
out all the land, among all the land, yea, and all the people who
people of the Lamanites, who were were in the land, the Nephites as
composed of the Lamanites and well as the Lamanites.
the Lemuelites and the Ishmaelites, 3 Therefore he had accomplished
and all the dissenters of the Neph- his design, for he had hardened the
ites, from the reign of Nephi down hearts of the Lamanites and blinded
to the present time. their minds, and stirred them up to
36 Now these a dissenters, having anger, insomuch that he had gath-
the same instruction and the same ered together a numerous host to
information of the Nephites, yea, go to battle against the Nephites.
having been instructed in the same 4 For he was determined, because
knowledge of the Lord, neverthe- of the greatness of the number of his
less, it is strange to relate, not long people, to a overpower the Nephites
after their dissensions they became and to bring them into bondage.
more hardened and c impenitent, and 5 And thus he did appoint a chief
more wild, wicked and ferocious captains of the b Zoramites, they be-
than the Lamanites—drinking in ing the most acquainted with the
with the d traditions of the Laman- strength of the Nephites, and their
ites; giving way to e indolence, and places of resort, and the weakest
all manner of lasciviousness; yea, en- parts of their cities; therefore he
tirely forgetting the Lord their God. appointed them to be chief captains
over his armies.
Chapter 48 6 And it came to pass that they
took their camp, and moved forth
Amalickiah incites the Lamanites toward the land of Zarahemla in
against the Nephites—Moroni prepares the wilderness.
his people to defend the cause of the 7 Now it came to pass that while
Christians—He rejoices in liberty and Amalickiah had thus been obtaining
freedom and is a mighty man of God. power by fraud and deceit, Moroni, on
About 72 b.c. the other hand, had been a preparing
34 a tg False; b Heb. 10:26 (26–27); b D&C 121:39.
Lying. Alma 24:30. c Alma 54:24.
35 a Prov. 19:6 (6–7). c Jer. 8:12. 4 a tg Tyranny.
b tg Conspiracy; d tg Peer Influence. 5 a Alma 43:6;
Tyranny. e 3 Ne. 4:5. 49:5 (5, 23).
c Alma 47:4. 48 1 a Alma 52:3 (1–3); 54:5. b Alma 52:20 (20, 33).
d Jacob 1:13 (13–14). b Alma 62:35. 7 a Alma 49:8.
36 a tg Apostasy of c Mosiah 2:8.
Individuals. 2 a Alma 48:21.
329 Alma 48 : 8 –19
was not all—they were b sorry to unto you, yea, that it was in part
be the means of sending so many rebuilt; and because the Laman-
of their brethren out of this world ites had destroyed it once because
into an eternal world, c unprepared of the iniquity of the people, they
to meet their God. supposed that it would again be-
24 Nevertheless, they could not come an easy prey for them.
suffer to lay down their lives, that 4 But behold, how great was their
their a wives and their children disappointment; for behold, the
should be b massacred by the bar- Nephites had dug up a a ridge of
barous c cruelty of those who were earth round about them, which was
once their brethren, yea, and had so high that the Lamanites could
dissented from their church, and not cast their stones and their ar-
had left them and had gone to de- rows at them that they might take
stroy them by joining the Lamanites. effect, neither could they come upon
25 Yea, they could not bear that them save it was by their place of
their brethren should rejoice over b
the blood of the Nephites, so long 5 Now at this time the chief a cap-
as there were any who should keep tains of the Lamanites were aston-
the commandments of God, for the ished exceedingly, because of the
promise of the Lord was, if they wisdom of the Nephites in prepar-
should keep his commandments ing their places of security.
they should a prosper in the land. 6 Now the leaders of the Lamanites
20 a tg Humility. c Amos 4:12; 49 1 a Alma 8:6.
b 1 Ne. 15:20; Alma 20:17. 2 a Alma 48:8.
Hel. 6:5. 24 a Alma 46:12. b 1 Ne. 16:15;
c 1 Ne. 17:35. b tg Martyrdom. Alma 43:20.
21 a Alma 48:2. c tg Cruelty. 3 a Alma 16:2 (2–3, 9, 11).
23 a Alma 28:11 (11–12); d tg Apostasy of 4 a Alma 48:8; 50:1.
D&C 42:45. Individuals. b Alma 49:20.
b 3 Ne. 12:44. 25 a Alma 45:8. 5 a Alma 52:19.
331 Alma 49 : 7–18
had supposed, because of the great- and marched towards the land of
ness of their numbers, yea, they Noah, supposing that to be the
supposed that they should be privi next best place for them to come
leged to come upon them as they against the Nephites.
had hitherto done; yea, and they had 13 For they knew not that Moroni
also prepared themselves with had fortified, or had built a forts
shields, and with a breastplates; of security, for every city in all the
and they had also prepared them- land round about; therefore, they
selves with garments of skins, yea, marched forward to the land of
very thick garments to cover their Noah with a firm determination;
nakedness. yea, their chief captains came for-
7 And being thus prepared they ward and took an b oath that they
supposed that they should easily would destroy the people of that
overpower and a subject their breth- city.
ren to the yoke of bondage, or slay 14 But behold, to their astonish-
and massacre them according to ment, the city of Noah, which had
their pleasure. hitherto been a weak place, had
8 But behold, to their uttermost now, by the means of Moroni, be-
astonishment, they were a prepared come strong, yea, even to exceed the
for them, in a manner which never strength of the city Ammonihah.
had been known among the chil- 15 And now, behold, this was wis-
dren of Lehi. Now they were pre- dom in Moroni; for he had supposed
pared for the Lamanites, to battle that they would be frightened at
after the manner of the instructions the city Ammonihah; and as the
of Moroni. city of Noah had hitherto been the
9 And it came to pass that the weakest part of the land, therefore
Lamanites, or the Amalickiahites, they would march thither to bat-
were exceedingly astonished at tle; and thus it was according to
their manner of preparation for his desires.
war. 16 And behold, Moroni had ap-
10 Now, if king Amalickiah had pointed Lehi to be chief captain
come down out of the a land of Nephi, over the men of that city; and it was
at the head of his army, perhaps that a same Lehi who fought with
he would have caused the Laman- the Lamanites in the valley on the
ites to have attacked the Nephites east of the river Sidon.
at the city of Ammonihah; for be- 17 And now behold it came to
hold, he did care not for the blood pass, that when the Lamanites had
of his people. found that Lehi commanded the
11 But behold, Amalickiah did not city they were again disappointed,
come down himself to battle. And for they feared Lehi exceedingly;
behold, his chief captains durst nevertheless their chief captains
not attack the Nephites at the city had a sworn with an oath to attack
of Ammonihah, for Moroni had the city; therefore, they brought up
altered the management of affairs their armies.
among the Nephites, insomuch that 18 Now behold, the Lamanites
the Lamanites were disappointed could not get into their forts of
in their places of retreat and they security by any other way save by
could not come upon them. the entrance, because of the high-
12 Therefore they retreated into ness of the bank which had been
the wilderness, and took their camp thrown up, and the depth of the
6 a Alma 46:13; 10 a 2 Ne. 5:8; 13 a Alma 48:8; 50:10 (1–6, 10).
Hel. 1:14. Omni 1:12; b Alma 49:17.
7 a Alma 43:29. Alma 47:1 (1, 13–24). 16 a Alma 43:35.
8 a Alma 48:7 (7–10). 12 a Alma 16:3. 17 a Alma 49:13.
Alma 49 : 19–30 332
ditch which had been dug round posed to the arrows of the Lamanites
about, save it were by the entrance. through the pass, but they were
19 And thus were the Nephites pre- shielded by their a shields, and their
pared to destroy all such as should breastplates, and their head-plates,
attempt to climb up to enter the fort insomuch that their wounds were
by any other way, by casting over upon their legs, many of which were
stones and arrows at them. very severe.
20 Thus they were prepared, yea, 25 And it came to pass, that when
a body of their strongest men, with the Lamanites saw that their chief
their swords and their slings, to captains were all slain they fled
smite down all who should attempt into the wilderness. And it came to
to come into their place of secu- pass that they returned to the land
rity by the place of a entrance; and of Nephi, to inform their king,
thus were they prepared to defend Amalickiah, who was a a Nephite by
themselves against the Lamanites. birth, concerning their great b loss.
21 And it came to pass that the 26 And it came to pass that he was
captains of the Lamanites brought exceedingly angry with his people,
up their armies before the place because he had not obtained his
of entrance, and began to contend desire over the Nephites; he had
with the Nephites, to get into their not subjected them to the yoke of
place of security; but behold, they bondage.
were driven back from time to time, 27 Yea, he was exceedingly wroth,
insomuch that they were slain with and he did a curse God, and also Mo-
an immense slaughter. roni, swearing with an b oath that
22 Now when they found that he would drink his blood; and this
they could not obtain power over because Moroni had kept the com-
the Nephites by the pass, they be- mandments of God in preparing
gan to dig down their banks of for the safety of his people.
earth that they might obtain a pass 28 And it came to pass, that on the
to their armies, that they might other hand, the people of Nephi did
have an equal chance to fight; but a
thank the Lord their God, because
behold, in these attempts they were of his matchless power in deliver-
swept off by the stones and arrows ing them from the hands of their
which were thrown at them; and enemies.
instead of filling up their ditches 29 And thus ended the nineteenth
by pulling down the banks of earth, year of the reign of the judges over
they were filled up in a measure the people of Nephi.
with their dead and wounded 30 Yea, and there was continual
bodies. peace among them, and exceedingly
23 Thus the Nephites had all power great prosperity in the church be-
over their enemies; and thus the La- cause of their heed and diligence
manites did attempt to destroy the which they gave unto the word of
Nephites until their a chief captains God, which was declared unto them
were all slain; yea, and more than by Helaman, and Shiblon, and Cori-
a thousand of the Lamanites were anton, and Ammon and his breth-
slain; while, on the other hand, ren, yea, and by all those who had
there was not a single soul of the been ordained by the a holy order
Nephites which was slain. of God, being baptized unto re-
24 There were about fifty who pentance, and sent forth to preach
were wounded, who had been ex- among the people.
20 a Alma 49:4 (4, 18, 21, 24). b Alma 51:11. 28 a tg Thanksgiving.
23 a Alma 48:5. 27 a tg Blaspheme. 30 a Alma 30:20 (20–23, 31);
24 a Alma 43:19. b Acts 23:12; 43:2; 46:38.
25 a Alma 46:3. Alma 51:9.
333 Alma 50 : 1–13
city, and they called the name of plunderings, their idolatry, their
the city a Moroni; and it was by the whoredoms, and their abomina-
east sea; and it was on the south by tions, which were among them-
the line of the possessions of the selves, which a brought upon them
Lamanites. their wars and their destructions.
14 And they also began a foun- 22 And those who were faithful
dation for a city between the city in keeping the commandments of
of Moroni and the city of Aaron, the Lord were delivered at all times,
joining the borders of Aaron and whilst thousands of their wicked
Moroni; and they called the name brethren have been consigned to
of the city, or the land, a Nephihah. bondage, or to perish by the sword,
15 And they also began in that or to dwindle in unbelief, and min-
same year to build many cities on gle with the Lamanites.
the north, one in a particular man- 23 But behold there never was a
ner which they called a Lehi, which a
happier time among the people of
was in the north by the borders of Nephi, since the days of Nephi, than
the seashore. in the days of Moroni, yea, even at
16 And thus ended the twentieth this time, in the twenty and first
year. year of the reign of the judges.
17 And in these prosperous circum- 24 And it came to pass that the
stances were the people of Nephi in twenty and second year of the reign
the commencement of the twenty of the judges also ended in peace;
and first year of the reign of the yea, and also the twenty and third
judges over the people of Nephi. year.
18 And they did prosper a exceed- 25 And it came to pass that in
ingly, and they became exceedingly the commencement of the twenty
rich; yea, and they did multiply and and fourth year of the reign of the
wax strong in the land. judges, there would also have been
19 And thus we see how merci- peace among the people of Nephi
ful and just are all the dealings of had it not been for a a contention
the Lord, to the fulfilling of all his which took place among them con-
words unto the children of men; yea, cerning the land of b Lehi, and the
we can behold that his words are land of c Morianton, which joined
verified, even at this time, which upon the borders of Lehi; both of
he spake unto Lehi, saying: which were on the borders by the
20 Blessed art thou and thy chil- seashore.
dren; and they shall be blessed, 26 For behold, the people who
inasmuch as they shall keep my possessed the land of Morianton
commandments they shall pros- did claim a part of the land of Lehi;
per in the land. But remember, in- therefore there began to be a warm
asmuch as they will not keep my a
contention between them, inso-
commandments they shall be b cut much that the people of Morianton
off from the presence of the Lord. took up arms against their breth-
21 And we see that these prom- ren, and they were determined by
ises have been verified to the peo- the sword to slay them.
ple of Nephi; for it has been their 27 But behold, the people who pos-
quarrelings and their contentions, sessed the land of Lehi fled to the
yea, their murderings, and their camp of Moroni, and appealed unto
13 a Alma 51:22 (22–24); 18 a Alma 1:29. 23 a 2 Ne. 5:27;
62:32 (32, 34); 20 a Lev. 25:18 (18–19); Mosiah 2:41;
3 Ne. 8:9. Ps. 1:3 (2–3); 4 Ne. 1:16 (15–18).
14 a Alma 51:24 (24–26); Alma 37:13; 62:48. 25 a tg Contention.
59:5; 62:18 (14, 18, 26). b Ps. 37:2; b Hel. 6:10.
15 a Alma 51:26 (24–26); D&C 1:14. c Alma 51:26.
62:30. 21 a Alma 41:10. 26 a 3 Ne. 11:29.
335 Alma 50 : 28–39
him for assistance; for behold they come to the borders of the land
were not in the wrong. b
Desolation; and there they did
28 And it came to pass that when head them, by the narrow pass
the people of Morianton, who were which led by the sea into the land
led by a man whose name was Mori- northward, yea, by the sea, on the
anton, found that the people of Lehi west and on the east.
had fled to the camp of Moroni, 35 And it came to pass that the
they were exceedingly fearful lest army which was sent by Moroni,
the army of Moroni should come which was led by a man whose
upon them and destroy them. name was Teancum, did meet the
29 Therefore, Morianton put it into people of Morianton; and so stub-
their hearts that they should flee born were the people of Morianton,
to the land which was northward, (being inspired by his wickedness
which was covered with a large bod- and his a flattering words) that a
ies of water, and take possession of battle commenced between them,
the land which was b northward. in the which Teancum did b slay
30 And behold, they would have Morianton and defeat his army, and
carried this plan into effect, (which took them prisoners, and returned
would have been a cause to have to the camp of Moroni. And thus
been lamented) but behold, Mori- ended the twenty and fourth year
anton being a man of much passion, of the reign of the judges over the
therefore he was angry with one of people of Nephi.
his maid servants, and he fell upon 36 And thus were the people of
her and beat her much. Morianton brought back. And upon
31 And it came to pass that she their a covenanting to keep the peace
fled, and came over to the camp of they were restored to the land of
Moroni, and told Moroni all things Morianton, and a union took place
concerning the matter, and also between them and the people of
concerning their intentions to flee Lehi; and they were also restored
into the land northward. to their lands.
32 Now behold, the people who 37 And it came to pass that in the
were in the land Bountiful, or rather same year that the people of Nephi
Moroni, feared that they would had peace restored unto them, that
hearken to the words of Morian- Nephihah, the a second chief judge,
ton and unite with his people, and died, having filled the judgment-
thus he would obtain possession seat with b perfect uprightness be-
of those parts of the land, which fore God.
would lay a foundation for serious 38 Nevertheless, he had refused
consequences among the people of Alma to take possession of those
Nephi, yea, which a consequences a
records and those things which
would lead to the overthrow of their were esteemed by Alma and his
liberty. fathers to be most sacred; therefore
33 Therefore Moroni sent an army, Alma had conferred b them upon his
with their camp, to head the people son, Helaman.
of Morianton, to stop their flight 39 Behold, it came to pass that the
into the land northward. son of Nephihah was appointed to
34 And it came to pass that they fill the judgment-seat, in the stead
did not a head them until they had of his father; yea, he was appointed
29 a Mosiah 8:8; b Alma 46:17; 37 a Alma 4:17 (16–18).
Hel. 3:4 (3–4). Morm. 3:5 (5, 7). b tg Perfection.
b Alma 22:31 (29–31); 51:30. 35 a Mosiah 27:8; 38 a Alma 37:1 (1–5);
32 a tg Contention; Hel. 1:7; 2:5. 45:2 (2–8).
Division. b Alma 51:29. b 3 Ne. 1:2.
b tg Liberty. 36 a 1 Ne. 4:37;
34 a Hel. 1:28 (28–30). Alma 44:15.
Alma 50 : 40–51 : 8 336
chief judge and a governor over the therefore, he did not hearken to
people, with an b oath and sacred or- those who had sent in their voices
dinance to judge righteously, and to with their petitions concerning the
keep the peace and the c freedom of altering of the law.
the people, and to grant unto them 4 Therefore, those who were de-
their sacred privileges to worship sirous that the law should be al-
the Lord their God, yea, to support tered were angry with him, and
and maintain the cause of God all desired that he should no longer be
his days, and to bring the wicked chief judge over the land; therefore
to justice according to their crime. there arose a warm a dispute con-
40 Now behold, his name was a Pa- cerning the matter, but not unto
horan. And Pahoran did fill the seat bloodshed.
of his father, and did commence 5 And it came to pass that those
his reign in the end of the twenty who were desirous that Pahoran
and fourth year, over the people should be dethroned from the
of Nephi. judgment-seat were called a king-
men, for they were desirous that the
Chapter 51 law should be altered in a manner to
The king-men seek to change the law overthrow the free government and
and set up a king—Pahoran and the to establish a b king over the land.
freemen are supported by the voice of 6 And those who were desirous
the people—Moroni compels the king- that Pahoran should remain chief
men to defend their country or be put judge over the land took upon them
to death—Amalickiah and the Laman- the name of a freemen; and thus was
the b division among them, for the
ites capture many fortified cities—Te-
ancum repels the Lamanite invasion freemen had sworn or c covenanted
and slays Amalickiah in his tent. About to maintain their rights and the
67–66 b.c. privileges of their religion by a free
And now it came to pass in the 7 And it came to pass that this
commencement of the twenty and matter of their contention was set-
fifth year of the reign of the judges tled by the a voice of the people.
over the people of Nephi, they hav- And it came to pass that the voice
ing established peace between the of the people came in favor of the
people of Lehi and the people of freemen, and Pahoran retained
Morianton concerning their lands, the judgment-seat, which caused
and having commenced the twenty much rejoicing among the breth-
and fifth year in a peace; ren of Pahoran and also many of
2 Nevertheless, they did not long the people of liberty, who also put
maintain an entire peace in the land, the king-men to silence, that they
for there began to be a contention durst not oppose but were obliged
among the people concerning the to maintain the cause of freedom.
chief judge Pahoran; for behold, 8 Now those who were in favor
there were a part of the people who of kings were those of a high birth,
desired that a few particular points and they sought to be b kings; and
of the a law should be altered. they were supported by those who
3 But behold, Pahoran would not sought power and authority over
alter nor suffer the law to be altered; the people.
39 a Alma 60:1. 2 a Alma 1:1. b 1 Kgs. 16:21 (21–22).
b tg Oath; Ordinance. 4 a tg Disputations. c Alma 48:13;
c Alma 4:16 (16–17); 5 a Alma 60:16; 62:9. 60:25 (25–27).
Hel. 1:5 (3–5, 13). tg Kings, Earthly; 7 a Alma 4:16;
40 a Alma 59:3; 61:1; Unrighteous Dominion. Hel. 1:5.
Hel. 1:2. b 3 Ne. 6:30. 8 a tg Haughtiness; Pride.
51 1 a tg Peacemakers. 6 a Alma 61:3 (3–4); 62:6. b tg Tyranny.
337 Alma 51 : 9–20
21 And thus Moroni put an end to which were on the east borders by
those king-men, that there were not the seashore.
any known by the appellation of 27 And thus had the Lamanites
king-men; and thus he put an end obtained, by the cunning of Amal-
to the stubbornness and the pride ickiah, so many cities, by their
of those people who professed the numberless hosts, all of which were
blood of nobility; but they were strongly fortified after the manner
brought down to humble them- of the a fortifications of Moroni; all
selves like unto their brethren, and of which afforded strongholds for
to fight a valiantly for their freedom the Lamanites.
from bondage. 28 And it came to pass that they
22 Behold, it came to pass that marched to the a borders of the land
while Moroni was thus breaking Bountiful, driving the Nephites be-
down the wars and contentions fore them and slaying many.
among his own people, and subject- 29 But it came to pass that they
ing them to peace and civilization, were met by Teancum, who had
and making regulations to prepare a
slain Morianton and had b headed
for war against the Lamanites, be- his people in his flight.
hold, the Lamanites had come into 30 And it came to pass that he
the a land of Moroni, which was in headed Amalickiah also, as he was
the borders by the seashore. marching forth with his numerous
23 And it came to pass that the army that he might take possession
Nephites were not sufficiently of the land Bountiful, and also the
strong in the city of Moroni; there- land a northward.
fore Amalickiah did drive them, 31 But behold he met with a dis-
slaying many. And it came to pass appointment by being repulsed
that Amalickiah took possession of by Teancum and his men, for they
the city, yea, possession of all their were great warriors; for every man
fortifications. of Teancum did exceed the La-
24 And those who fled out of the manites in their strength and in
city of Moroni came to the city of their skill of war, insomuch that
Nephihah; and also the people of they did gain advantage over the
the city of Lehi gathered themselves Lamanites.
together, and made preparations 32 And it came to pass that they
and were ready to receive the La- did harass them, insomuch that
manites to battle. they did slay them even until it was
25 But it came to pass that Amalick dark. And it came to pass that Te-
iah would not suffer the Lamanites ancum and his men did pitch their
to go against the city of Nephihah tents in the borders of the land
to battle, but kept them down by Bountiful; and Amalickiah did
the seashore, leaving men in every pitch his tents in the borders on
city to maintain and defend it. the beach by the seashore, and after
26 And thus he went on, taking this manner were they driven.
possession of a many cities, the city 33 And it came to pass that when
of b Nephihah, and the city of c Lehi, the night had come, Teancum and
and the city of d Morianton, and his servant stole forth and went out
the city of Omner, and the city of by night, and went into the camp
Gid, and the city of f Mulek, all of of Amalickiah; and behold, sleep
21 a tg Courage. b Alma 50:14; 53:6 (2, 6).
22 a Alma 50:13; 62:18 (14, 18, 26). 27 a Alma 48:8 (8–9).
62:32 (32, 34); c Alma 50:15; 62:30. 28 a Alma 52:12.
3 Ne. 8:9. d Alma 50:25; 55:33. 29 a Alma 50:35.
24 a Alma 50:14. e Alma 55:7. b Hel. 1:28 (28–30).
26 a Alma 58:31. f Alma 52:2 (2, 16, 22); 30 a Alma 50:29; 52:9.
339 Alma 51 : 34–52 : 9
10 And Moroni also sent unto him, towards the land Bountiful, that
desiring him that he would be a faith- he might assist Teancum with his
ful in maintaining that quarter of men in retaking the cities which
the land, and that he would seek they had lost—
every opportunity to scourge the 16 And it came to pass that Tean-
Lamanites in that quarter, as much cum had received orders to make
as was in his power, that perhaps he an attack upon the city of Mulek,
might take again by stratagem or and retake it if it were possible.
some other way those cities which 17 And it came to pass that Tean-
had been taken out of their hands; cum made preparations to make an
and that he also would fortify and attack upon the city of Mulek, and
strengthen the cities round about, march forth with his army against
which had not fallen into the hands the Lamanites; but he saw that it was
of the Lamanites. impossible that he could overpower
11 And he also said unto him, I them while they were in their for-
would come unto you, but behold, tifications; therefore he abandoned
the Lamanites are upon us in the his designs and returned again to
borders of the land by the west the city Bountiful, to wait for the
sea; and behold, I go against them, coming of Moroni, that he might
therefore I cannot come unto you. receive strength to his army.
12 Now, the king (Ammoron) had 18 And it came to pass that Mo-
departed out of the land of Zara- roni did arrive with his army at
hemla, and had made known unto the land of Bountiful, in the latter
the queen concerning the death of end of the twenty and seventh year
his brother, and had gathered to- of the reign of the judges over the
gether a large number of men, and people of Nephi.
had marched forth against the Neph- 19 And in the commencement of
ites on the borders by the west sea. the twenty and eighth year, Mo-
13 And thus he was endeavoring roni and Teancum and many of the
to harass the Nephites, and to draw chief a captains held a council of
away a part of their forces to that war—what they should do to cause
part of the land, while he had com- the Lamanites to come out against
manded those whom he had left them to battle; or that they might
to possess the cities which he had by some means flatter them out of
taken, that they should also harass their strongholds, that they might
the Nephites on the borders by the gain advantage over them and take
east sea, and should take possession again the city of Mulek.
of their lands as much as it was in 20 And it came to pass they sent
their power, according to the power embassies to the army of the La-
of their armies. manites, which protected the city
14 And thus were the Nephites in of Mulek, to their leader, whose
those dangerous circumstances in name was Jacob, desiring him that
the ending of the twenty and sixth he would come out with his armies
year of the reign of the judges over to meet them upon the plains be-
the people of Nephi. tween the two cities. But behold,
15 But behold, it came to pass in Jacob, who was a a Zoramite, would
the twenty and seventh year of the not come out with his army to meet
reign of the judges, that Teancum, them upon the plains.
by the command of Moroni—who 21 And it came to pass that Moroni,
had established armies to protect having no hopes of meeting them
the south and the west borders of upon fair grounds, therefore, he re-
the land, and had begun his march solved upon a plan that he might
10 a tg Trustworthiness. 19 a Alma 49:5; 55:23.
12 a Alma 51:28. 20 a Alma 48:5.
341 Alma 52 : 22–37
decoy the Lamanites out of their against them, they fled in much con-
strongholds. fusion, lest perhaps they should not
22 Therefore he caused that Te- obtain the city Mulek before Lehi
ancum should take a small num- should overtake them; for they were
ber of men and march down near wearied because of their march, and
the seashore; and Moroni and his the men of Lehi were fresh.
army, by night, marched in the 29 Now the Lamanites did not
wilderness, on the west of the city know that Moroni had been in their
Mulek; and thus, on the morrow, rear with his army; and all they
when the guards of the Lamanites feared was Lehi and his men.
had discovered Teancum, they ran 30 Now Lehi was not desirous to
and told it unto Jacob, their leader. overtake them till they should meet
23 And it came to pass that the Moroni and his army.
armies of the Lamanites did march 31 And it came to pass that before
forth against Teancum, supposing the Lamanites had retreated far they
by their numbers to overpower Te- were surrounded by the Nephites,
ancum because of the smallness of by the men of Moroni on one hand,
his numbers. And as Teancum saw and the men of Lehi on the other,
the armies of the Lamanites coming all of whom were fresh and full of
out against him he began to retreat strength; but the Lamanites were
down by the seashore, northward. wearied because of their long march.
24 And it came to pass that when 32 And Moroni commanded his
the Lamanites saw that he began men that they should fall upon
to flee, they took courage and pur- them until they had given up their
sued them with vigor. And while weapons of war.
Teancum was thus leading away 33 And it came to pass that Jacob,
the Lamanites who were pursu- being their leader, being also a
ing them in vain, behold, Moroni a
Zoramite, and having an uncon-
commanded that a part of his army querable spirit, he led the Laman-
who were with him should march ites forth to battle with exceeding
forth into the city, and take pos- fury against Moroni.
session of it. 34 Moroni being in their course of
25 And thus they did, and slew march, therefore Jacob was deter-
all those who had been left to pro- mined to slay them and cut his way
tect the city, yea, all those who through to the city of Mulek. But
would not a yield up their weapons behold, Moroni and his men were
of war. more powerful; therefore they did
26 And thus Moroni had obtained not give way before the Lamanites.
possession of the city Mulek with a 35 And it came to pass that they
part of his army, while he marched fought on both hands with exceed-
with the remainder to meet the La- ing fury; and there were many slain
manites when they should return on both sides; yea, and Moroni was
from the pursuit of Teancum. wounded and Jacob was killed.
27 And it came to pass that the La- 36 And Lehi pressed upon their
manites did pursue Teancum until rear with such fury with his strong
they came near the city Bountiful, men, that the Lamanites in the rear
and then they were met by Lehi delivered up their weapons of war;
and a small army, which had been and the remainder of them, being
left to protect the city Bountiful. much confused, knew not whither
28 And now behold, when the to go or to strike.
chief captains of the Lamanites had 37 Now Moroni seeing their con
beheld Lehi with his army coming fusion, he said unto them: If ye will
21 a Josh. 8:13; 56:30. 25 a Alma 44:6.
Alma 43:31 (30–43); 22 a Alma 51:26; 53:6 (2, 6). 33 a Alma 30:59.
Alma 52 : 38–53 : 7 342
bring forth your weapons of war safety; yea, they were beloved by
and deliver them up, behold we each other, and also beloved by all
will forbear shedding your blood. the people of Nephi.
38 And it came to pass that when 3 And it came to pass that after
the Lamanites had heard these the Lamanites had finished burying
words, their chief captains, all those their dead and also the dead of the
who were not slain, came forth and Nephites, they were marched back
threw down their weapons of war into the land Bountiful; and Tean-
at the feet of Moroni, and also com- cum, by the orders of Moroni, caused
manded their men that they should that they should commence laboring
do the same. in a digging a ditch round about the
39 But behold, there were many land, or the city, b Bountiful.
that would not; and those who 4 And he caused that they should
would not deliver up their swords build a a breastwork of timbers upon
were taken and bound, and their the inner bank of the ditch; and they
weapons of war were taken from cast up dirt out of the ditch against
them, and they were compelled to the breastwork of timbers; and thus
march with their brethren forth they did cause the Lamanites to
into the land Bountiful. labor until they had encircled the
40 And now the number of prison- city of Bountiful round about with
ers who were taken exceeded more a strong wall of timbers and earth,
than the number of those who had to an exceeding height.
been slain, yea, more than those 5 And this city became an exceed-
who had been slain on both sides. ing stronghold ever after; and in this
city they did guard the prisoners of
Chapter 53 the Lamanites; yea, even within a
wall which they had caused them to
The Lamanite prisoners are used to a
build with their own hands. Now
fortify the city Bountiful—Dissen- Moroni was compelled to cause the
sions among the Nephites give rise to Lamanites to labor, because it was
Lamanite victories—Helaman takes easy to guard them while at their
command of the two thousand strip- labor; and he desired all his forces
ling sons of the people of Ammon. when he should make an attack
About 64–63 b.c. upon the Lamanites.
And it came to pass that they did 6 And it came to pass that Moroni
set guards over the prisoners of the had thus gained a victory over one
Lamanites, and did compel them to of the greatest of the armies of the
go forth and bury their dead, yea, Lamanites, and had obtained pos-
and also the dead of the Nephites session of the city of a Mulek, which
who were slain; and Moroni placed was one of the strongest holds of
men over them to guard them the Lamanites in the land of Nephi;
while they should perform their and thus he had also built a strong-
labors. hold to retain his prisoners.
2 And Moroni went to the city of 7 And it came to pass that he did
Mulek with Lehi, and took com- no more attempt a battle with the
mand of the city and gave it unto Lamanites in that year, but he did
Lehi. Now behold, this Lehi was a employ his men in preparing for
man who had been with Moroni in war, yea, and in making fortifica-
the more part of all his battles; and tions to guard against the Lamanites,
he was a man a like unto Moroni, yea, and also delivering their women
and they rejoiced in each other’s and their children from famine and
38 a Alma 55:23. b Alma 52:9 (9, 17, 27); 5 a Alma 55:25 (25–26).
53 2 a Alma 48:17. 63:5. 6 a Alma 51:26; 52:22.
3 a Alma 52:6. 4 a Alma 50:2 (2–3).
343 Alma 53 : 8 –20
affliction, and providing food for were moved with compassion and
their armies. were b desirous to take up arms in
8 And now it came to pass that the defence of their country.
the armies of the Lamanites, on the 14 But behold, as they were about
west sea, south, while in the absence to take their weapons of war, they
of Moroni on account of some in- were overpowered by the persua-
trigue amongst the Nephites, which sions of Helaman and his brethren,
caused a dissensions amongst them, for they were about to a break the
had gained some ground over the b
oath which they had made.
Nephites, yea, insomuch that they 15 And Helaman feared lest by
had obtained possession of a num- so doing they should lose their
ber of their cities in that part of souls; therefore all those who had
the land. entered into this covenant were
9 And thus because of a iniquity compelled to behold their brethren
amongst themselves, yea, because wade through their afflictions, in
of dissensions and intrigue among their dangerous circumstances at
themselves they were placed in the this time.
most dangerous circumstances. 16 But behold, it came to pass
10 And now behold, I have some- they had many a sons, who had not
what to say concerning the a people entered into a covenant that they
of Ammon, who, in the beginning, would not take their weapons of
were Lamanites; but by Ammon war to defend themselves against
and his brethren, or rather by the their enemies; therefore they did
power and word of God, they had assemble themselves together at this
been b converted unto the Lord; and time, as many as were able to take
they had been brought down into up arms, and they called themselves
the land of Zarahemla, and had Nephites.
ever since been protected by the 17 And they entered into a cov-
Nephites. enant to fight for the liberty of the
11 And because of their oath they Nephites, yea, to protect the land
had been kept from taking up arms unto the a laying down of their lives;
against their brethren; for they had yea, even they covenanted that they
taken an oath that they a never would never would give up their b liberty,
shed blood more; and according but they would fight in all cases to
to their oath they would have per- protect the Nephites and themselves
ished; yea, they would have suffered from bondage.
themselves to have fallen into the 18 Now behold, there were two
hands of their brethren, had it not thousand of those young men, who
been for the pity and the exceeding entered into this covenant and took
love which Ammon and his breth- their weapons of war to defend
ren had had for them. their country.
12 And for this cause they were 19 And now behold, as they never
brought down into the land of had hitherto been a disadvantage
Zarahemla; and they ever had been to the Nephites, they became now
protected by the Nephites. at this period of time also a great
13 But it came to pass that when support; for they took their weap-
they saw the danger, and the many ons of war, and they would that
afflictions and tribulations which Helaman should be their leader.
the Nephites bore for them, they 20 And they were all young men,
8 a Alma 31:8; 12 a Alma 27:23. 16 a Alma 57:6.
Hel. 1:15. 13 a tg Affliction; 17 a tg Self-Sacrifice.
9 a Josh. 7:4. Tribulation. b Alma 56:47.
10 a Alma 27:26. b Alma 24:18 (17–19); 56:7. tg Liberty.
b Alma 23:13 (8–13). 14 a Num. 30:2.
11 a Alma 24:18 (17–19). b tg Oath.
Alma 53 : 21–54 : 10 344
and we will maintain our religion that they did rob them of their
and the cause of our God. right to the b government when it
to become drunk, and the Nephite pris- him coming and they hailed him;
oners are freed—The city of Gid is taken but he saith unto them: Fear not;
without bloodshed. About 63–62 b.c. behold, I am a Lamanite. Behold,
we have escaped from the Neph-
Now it came to pass that when Mo- ites, and they sleep; and behold
roni had received this epistle he was we have taken of their wine and
more angry, because he knew that brought with us.
Ammoron had a perfect knowledge 9 Now when the Lamanites heard
of his a fraud; yea, he knew that Am- these words they received him with
moron knew that it was not a just joy; and they said unto him: Give
cause that had caused him to wage us of your wine, that we may drink;
a war against the people of Nephi. we are glad that ye have thus taken
2 And he said: Behold, I will not wine with you for we are weary.
exchange prisoners with Ammoron 10 But Laman said unto them:
save he will withdraw his a purpose, Let us keep of our wine till we go
as I have stated in my epistle; for against the Nephites to battle. But
I will not grant unto him that he this saying only made them more
shall have any more power than desirous to drink of the wine;
what he hath got. 11 For, said they: We are weary,
3 Behold, I know the place where therefore let us take of the wine, and
the Lamanites do guard my people by and by we shall receive wine for
whom they have taken prisoners; our rations, which will strengthen
and as Ammoron would not grant us to go against the Nephites.
unto me mine epistle, behold, I 12 And Laman said unto them: You
will give unto him according to my may do according to your desires.
words; yea, I will seek death among 13 And it came to pass that they
them until they shall sue for peace. did take of the wine freely; and it
4 And now it came to pass that was pleasant to their taste, therefore
when Moroni had said these words, they took of it more freely; and it
he caused that a search should be was strong, having been prepared
made among his men, that perhaps in its a strength.
he might find a man who was a de- 14 And it came to pass they did
scendant of Laman among them. drink and were merry, and by and
5 And it came to pass that they by they were all a drunken.
found one, whose name was Laman; 15 And now when Laman and his
and he was a one of the servants men saw that they were all drunken,
of the king who was murdered by and were in a a deep sleep, they re-
Amalickiah. turned to Moroni and told him all
6 Now Moroni caused that Laman the things that had happened.
and a small number of his men 16 And now this was according to
should go forth unto the guards the design of Moroni. And Moroni
who were over the Nephites. had prepared his men with weap-
7 Now the Nephites were guarded ons of war; and he went to the city
in the city of a Gid; therefore Moroni Gid, while the Lamanites were in a
appointed Laman and caused that deep sleep and drunken, and cast in
a small number of men should go a
weapons of war unto the prisoners,
with him. insomuch that they were all armed;
8 And when it was evening Laman 17 Yea, even to their women, and
went to the guards who were over all those of their children, as many
the Nephites, and behold, they saw as were able to use a weapon of war,
55 1 a Neh. 6:8; 7 a Alma 51:26. 15 a 1 Sam. 26:12;
Alma 47:30 (12–35). 13 a Prov. 20:1. Mosiah 24:19.
2 a Alma 54:13. tg Wine. 16 a Alma 62:22 (21–23).
5 a Alma 47:29. 14 a Mosiah 22:6 (6–11).
347 Alma 55 : 18–33
when Moroni had armed all those 25 And it came to pass that he did
prisoners; and all those things were cause the Lamanites, whom he had
done in a profound silence. taken prisoners, that they should
18 But had they awakened the La- commence a a labor in strengthen-
manites, behold they were drunken ing the fortifications round about
and the Nephites could have slain the city Gid.
them. 26 And it came to pass that when
19 But behold, this was not the he had fortified the city Gid, ac-
desire of Moroni; he did not a delight cording to his desires, he caused
in murder or bloodshed, but he de- that his prisoners should be taken
lighted in the saving of his people to the city Bountiful; and he also
from destruction; and for this cause guarded that city with an exceed-
he might not bring upon him in- ingly strong force.
justice, he would not fall upon the 27 And it came to pass that they
Lamanites and destroy them in their did, notwithstanding all the in-
drunkenness. trigues of the Lamanites, keep and
20 But he had obtained his desires; protect all the prisoners whom they
for he had armed those prisoners of had taken, and also maintain all the
the Nephites who were within the ground and the advantage which
wall of the city, and had given them they had retaken.
power to gain possession of those 28 And it came to pass that the
parts which were within the walls. Nephites began a again to be victo-
21 And then he caused the men rious, and to reclaim their rights
who were with him to withdraw a and their privileges.
pace from them, and surround the 29 Many times did the Lamanites
armies of the Lamanites. attempt to encircle them about by
22 Now behold this was done in night, but in these attempts they
the night-time, so that when the did lose many prisoners.
Lamanites awoke in the morning 30 And many times did they at-
they beheld that they were sur- tempt to administer of their wine
rounded by the Nephites without, to the Nephites, that they might
and that their prisoners were armed destroy them with poison or with
within. drunkenness.
23 And thus they saw that the 31 But behold, the Nephites were
Nephites had power over them; and not slow to a remember the Lord
in these circumstances they found their God in this their time of af-
that it was not expedient that they fliction. They could not be taken
should fight with the Nephites; in their snares; yea, they would not
therefore their chief a captains de- partake of their wine, save they had
manded their weapons of war, and first given to some of the Lamanite
they brought them forth and b cast prisoners.
them at the feet of the Nephites, 32 And they were thus cautious
pleading for mercy. that no poison should be admin-
24 Now behold, this was the desire istered among them; for if their
of Moroni. He took them prisoners wine would poison a Lamanite it
of war, and took possession of the would also poison a Nephite; and
city, and caused that all the prison- thus they did try all their liquors.
ers should be liberated, who were 33 And now it came to pass that it
Nephites; and they did join the was expedient for Moroni to make
army of Moroni, and were a great preparations to attack the city a Mori
strength to his army. anton; for behold, the Lamanites
19 a Alma 48:16; b Alma 52:38. 31 a Hosea 5:15;
55:30 (30–32). 25 a Alma 53:5 (3–5). Alma 62:49 (49–51).
23 a Alma 52:19; 56:12. 28 a Alma 44:20 (12–23). 33 a Alma 50:25; 51:26.
Alma 55 : 34–56 : 12 348
had, by their labors, fortified the weapons of war, and would that I
city Morianton until it had become should be their leader; and we have
an exceeding stronghold. come forth to defend our country.
34 And they were continually 6 And now ye also know con-
bringing new forces into that city, cerning the a covenant which their
and also new supplies of provisions. fathers made, that they would not
35 And thus ended the twenty and take up their weapons of war against
ninth year of the reign of the judges their brethren to shed blood.
over the people of Nephi. 7 But in the twenty and sixth year,
when they saw our afflictions and
Chapter 56 our tribulations for them, they were
Helaman sends an epistle to Moroni, about to a break the covenant which
they had made and take up their
recounting the state of the war with weapons of war in our defence.
the Lamanites—Antipus and Helaman 8 But I would not suffer them that
gain a great victory over the Laman- they should break this a covenant
ites—Helaman’s two thousand stripling which they had made, supposing
sons fight with miraculous power, and
none of them are slain. Verse 1, about that God would strengthen us, in-
62 b.c.; verses 2–19, about 66 b.c.; and somuch that we should not suffer
verses 20–57, about 65–64 b.c. more because of the fulfilling the
oath which they had taken.
And now it came to pass in the 9 But behold, here is one thing in
commencement of the thirtieth which we may have great joy. For
year of the reign of the judges, on behold, in the twenty and sixth
the second day in the first month, year, I, Helaman, did march at the
Moroni received an b epistle from head of these a two thousand young
Helaman, stating the affairs of the men to the city of b Judea, to assist
people in c that quarter of the land. Antipus, whom ye had appointed a
2 And these are the words which leader over the people of that part
he wrote, saying: My dearly beloved of the land.
brother, Moroni, as well in the Lord 10 And I did join my two thou-
as in the tribulations of our war- sand a sons, (for they are worthy to
fare; behold, my beloved brother, be called sons) to the army of An-
I have somewhat to tell you con- tipus, in which strength Antipus
cerning our warfare in this part of did rejoice exceedingly; for behold,
the land. his army had been reduced by the
3 Behold, a two thousand of the sons Lamanites because their forces had
of those men whom Ammon brought slain a vast number of our men,
down out of the land of Nephi—now for which cause we have to mourn.
ye have known that these were de- 11 Nevertheless, we may console
scendants of Laman, who was the ourselves in this point, that they
eldest son of our father Lehi; have died in the cause of their
4 Now I need not rehearse unto country and of their God, yea, and
you concerning their traditions or they are a happy.
their unbelief, for thou knowest 12 And the Lamanites had also re-
concerning all these things— tained many prisoners, all of whom
5 Therefore it sufficeth me that are chief a captains, for none other
I tell you that two thousand of have they spared alive. And we
these young men have taken their suppose that they are now at this
56 1 a Alma 58:35. 7 a Alma 24:18 (17–19); b Alma 57:11.
b Alma 59:1. 53:13 (13–15). 10 a Alma 56:17.
c Alma 53:22 (8, 22). 8 a tg Honesty. 11 a Alma 28:12.
3 a Alma 53:22. b tg Vow. 12 a Alma 52:19.
6 a tg Covenants. 9 a Alma 53:22.
349 Alma 56 : 13–30
time in the land of Nephi; it is so spies out round about, to watch the
if they are not slain. movements of the Lamanites, that
13 And now these are the cities of they might not pass us by night
which the Lamanites have obtained nor by day to make an attack upon
possession by the shedding of the our other cities which were on the
blood of so many of our valiant men: northward.
14 The land of a Manti, or the city 23 For we knew in those cities
of Manti, and the city of Zeezrom, they were not sufficiently strong
and the city of b Cumeni, and the to meet them; therefore we were
city of Antiparah. desirous, if they should pass by us,
15 And these are the cities which to fall upon them in their rear, and
they possessed when I arrived at thus bring them up in the rear at
the city of Judea; and I found Anti- the same time they were met in the
pus and his men toiling with their front. We supposed that we could
might to fortify the city. overpower them; but behold, we
16 Yea, and they were depressed were disappointed in this our desire.
in body as well as in spirit, for they 24 They durst not pass by us with
had fought valiantly by day and their whole army, neither durst
toiled by night to maintain their they with a part, lest they should
cities; and thus they had suffered not be sufficiently strong and they
great afflictions of every kind. should fall.
17 And now they were determined 25 Neither durst they march down
to conquer in this place or die; there- against the city of Zarahemla; nei-
fore you may well suppose that this ther durst they cross the head of
little force which I brought with Sidon, over to the city of Nephihah.
me, yea, those a sons of mine, gave 26 And thus, with their forces,
them great hopes and much joy. they were determined to maintain
18 And now it came to pass that those cities which they had taken.
when the Lamanites saw that Anti- 27 And now it came to pass in the
pus had received a greater strength second month of this year, there was
to his army, they were compelled brought unto us many provisions
by the orders of Ammoron to not from the fathers of those my two
come against the city of Judea, or thousand sons.
against us, to battle. 28 And also there were sent two
19 And thus were we favored of thousand men unto us from the
the Lord; for had they come upon land of Zarahemla. And thus we
us in this our weakness they might were prepared with ten thousand
have perhaps destroyed our little men, and provisions for them,
army; but thus were we preserved. and also for their wives and their
20 They were commanded by children.
Ammoron to maintain those cities 29 And the Lamanites, thus seeing
which they had taken. And thus our forces increase daily, and pro-
ended the twenty and sixth year. visions arrive for our support, they
And in the commencement of the began to be fearful, and began to
twenty and seventh year we had sally forth, if it were possible to put
prepared our city and ourselves for an end to our receiving provisions
defence. and strength.
21 Now we were desirous that 30 Now when we saw that the
the Lamanites should come upon Lamanites began to grow uneasy
us; for we were not desirous to on this wise, we were desirous to
make an attack upon them in their bring a stratagem into effect upon
strongholds. them; therefore Antipus ordered
22 And it came to pass that we kept that I should march forth with my
14 a Alma 43:22. b Alma 57:7 (7–34). 17 a Alma 56:10.
Alma 56 : 31–47 350
little sons to a neighboring city, a as to contend with them; yea, I would
if we were carrying provisions to a not suffer that my little sons should
neighboring city. fall into their hands; therefore we
31 And we were to march near the did continue our march, and we
city of Antiparah, as if we were go- took our march into the wilderness.
ing to the city beyond, in the bor- 40 Now they durst not turn to the
ders by the seashore. right nor to the left lest they should
32 And it came to pass that we did be surrounded; neither would I turn
march forth, as if with our provi- to the right nor to the left lest they
sions, to go to that city. should overtake me, and we could
33 And it came to pass that Anti- not stand against them, but be slain,
pus did march forth with a part of and they would make their escape;
his army, leaving the remainder to and thus we did flee all that day
maintain the city. But he did not into the wilderness, even until it
march forth until I had gone forth was dark.
with my little army, and came near 41 And it came to pass that again,
the city Antiparah. when the light of the morning came
34 And now, in the city Antiparah we saw the Lamanites upon us, and
were stationed the strongest army we did flee before them.
of the Lamanites; yea, the most 42 But it came to pass that they
numerous. did not pursue us far before they
35 And it came to pass that when halted; and it was in the morning of
they had been informed by their the third day of the seventh month.
spies, they came forth with their 43 And now, whether they were
army and marched against us. overtaken by Antipus we knew not,
36 And it came to pass that we did but I said unto my men: Behold, we
flee before them, northward. And know not but they have halted for
thus we did lead away the most the purpose that we should come
powerful army of the Lamanites; against them, that they might catch
37 Yea, even to a considerable dis- us in their snare;
tance, insomuch that when they 44 Therefore what say ye, my sons,
saw the army of Antipus pursuing will ye go against them to battle?
them, with their might, they did 45 And now I say unto you, my
not turn to the right nor to the beloved brother Moroni, that never
left, but pursued their march in a had I seen a so great b courage, nay,
straight course after us; and, as we not amongst all the Nephites.
suppose, it was their intent to slay 46 For as I had ever called them
us before Antipus should overtake my sons (for they were all of them
them, and this that they might not very young) even so they said unto
be surrounded by our people. me: Father, behold our God is with
38 And now Antipus, beholding us, and he will a not suffer that we
our danger, did speed the march of should fall; then let us go forth;
his army. But behold, it was night; we would not slay our brethren if
therefore they did not overtake they would let us alone; therefore
us, neither did Antipus overtake let us go, lest they should overpower
them; therefore we did camp for the army of Antipus.
the night. 47 Now they never had fought,
39 And it came to pass that before yet they did not fear death; and
the dawn of the morning, behold, they did think more upon the
the Lamanites were pursuing us. a
liberty of their b fathers than they
Now we were not sufficiently strong did upon their lives; yea, they had
30 a Alma 52:21; 58:1. 46 a Alma 61:10 (10–11). b Alma 53:17 (15–18).
45 a Alma 19:10. 47 a tg Birthright; tg Honoring Father and
b tg Courage. Liberty. Mother.
351 Alma 56 : 48–57 : 2
Antiparah by our force; and by de- arrive, and they were about to enter
livering up the prisoners for that the city by night. And we, instead
city we should suppose ourselves of being Lamanites, were Nephites;
unwise, and that we would only de- therefore, we did take them and
liver up our prisoners on exchange. their provisions.
3 And Ammoron refused mine 11 And notwithstanding the La-
epistle, for he would not exchange manites being cut off from their
prisoners; therefore we began to support after this manner, they were
make preparations to go against still determined to maintain the
the city of Antiparah. city; therefore it became expedient
4 But the people of Antiparah did that we should take those provisions
leave the city, and fled to their other and send them to a Judea, and our
cities, which they had possession of, prisoners to the land of Zarahemla.
to fortify them; and thus the city 12 And it came to pass that not
of Antiparah fell into our hands. many days had passed away before
5 And thus ended the twenty the Lamanites began to lose all hopes
and eighth year of the reign of of succor; therefore they yielded up
the judges. the city unto our hands; and thus
6 And it came to pass that in the we had accomplished our designs
commencement of the twenty and in obtaining the city Cumeni.
ninth year, we received a supply 13 But it came to pass that our
of provisions, and also an addition prisoners were so numerous that,
to our army, from the land of Zara notwithstanding the enormity of
hemla, and from the land round our numbers, we were obliged to
about, to the number of six thou- employ all our force to keep them,
sand men, besides sixty of the a sons or to put them to death.
of the Ammonites who had come to 14 For behold, they would break
join their brethren, my little band out in great numbers, and would
of two thousand. And now behold, fight with stones, and with clubs,
we were strong, yea, and we had or whatsoever thing they could get
also plenty of provisions brought into their hands, insomuch that we
unto us. did slay upwards of two thousand
7 And it came to pass that it was of them after they had surrendered
our desire to wage a battle with the themselves prisoners of war.
army which was placed to protect 15 Therefore it became expedient
the city a Cumeni. for us, that we should put an end
8 And now behold, I will show unto to their lives, or guard them, sword
you that we soon accomplished our in hand, down to the land of Zara-
desire; yea, with our strong force, or hemla; and also our provisions were
with a part of our strong force, we not any more than sufficient for
did surround, by night, the city our own people, notwithstanding
Cumeni, a little before they were that which we had taken from the
to receive a supply of provisions. Lamanites.
9 And it came to pass that we did 16 And now, in those critical cir-
camp round about the city for many cumstances, it became a very seri-
nights; but we did sleep upon our ous matter to determine concerning
swords, and keep guards, that the these prisoners of war; nevertheless,
Lamanites could not come upon us we did resolve to send them down
by night and slay us, which they at- to the land of Zarahemla; there-
tempted many times; but as many fore we selected a part of our men,
times as they attempted this their and gave them charge over our
blood was spilt. prisoners to go down to the land of
10 At length their provisions did Zarahemla.
57 6 a Alma 53:16. 7 a Alma 56:14. 11 a Alma 56:9.
353 Alma 57 : 17–30
17 But it came to pass that on the taken from among the dead, and
morrow they did return. And now caused that their wounds should
behold, we did not a inquire of them be dressed.
concerning the prisoners; for be- 25 And it came to pass that there
hold, the Lamanites were upon us, were two hundred, out of my two
and they returned in season to save thousand and sixty, who had fainted
us from falling into their hands. because of the loss of blood; never-
For behold, Ammoron had sent to theless, according to the goodness of
their support a new supply of pro- God, and to our great astonishment,
visions and also a numerous army and also the joy of our whole army,
of men. there was a not one soul of them who
18 And it came to pass that those did perish; yea, and neither was
men whom we sent with the pris- there one soul among them who
oners did arrive in season to check had not received many wounds.
them, as they were about to over- 26 And now, their a preservation
power us. was astonishing to our whole army,
19 But behold, my little band of yea, that they should be spared
two thousand and sixty fought most while there was a thousand of our
desperately; yea, they were firm brethren who were slain. And we
before the Lamanites, and did a ad- do justly ascribe it to the miracu-
minister death unto all those who lous b power of God, because of their
opposed them. exceeding c faith in that which they
20 And as the remainder of our had been taught to believe—that
army were about to give way be- there was a just God, and whoso-
fore the Lamanites, behold, those ever did not doubt, that they should
two thousand and sixty were firm be preserved by his marvelous
and undaunted. power.
21 Yea, and they did a obey and 27 Now this was the a faith of these
observe to perform every word of whom I have spoken; they are
of command with exactness; yea, young, and their minds are b firm,
and even according to their faith it and they do put their trust in God
was done unto them; and I did re- continually.
member the words which they said 28 And now it came to pass that
unto me that their b mothers had after we had thus taken care of our
taught them. wounded men, and had buried our
22 And now behold, it was these dead and also the dead of the La-
my sons, and those men who had manites, who were many, behold,
been selected to convey the prison- we did inquire of Gid concern-
ers, to whom we owe this great vic- ing the a prisoners whom they had
tory; for it was they who did beat started to go down to the land of
the Lamanites; therefore they were Zarahemla with.
driven back to the city of Manti. 29 Now Gid was the chief captain
23 And we retained our city Cu- over the band who was appointed
meni, and were not all destroyed to guard them down to the land.
by the sword; nevertheless, we had 30 And now, these are the words
suffered great loss. which Gid said unto me: Behold,
24 And it came to pass that after we did start to go down to the land
the Lamanites had fled, I imme- of Zarahemla with our prisoners.
diately gave orders that my men And it came to pass that we did
who had been wounded should be meet the spies of our armies, who
17 a Alma 57:28. 25 a Alma 56:56. 27 a Alma 58:40.
19 a Alma 62:11. 26 a 1 Chr. 5:20 (18–22). b Jacob 3:2.
21 a tg Trustworthiness. b tg God, Power of. 28 a Alma 57:17 (16–17).
b Alma 56:47 (47–48). c tg Faith.
Alma 57 : 31–58 : 8 354
had been sent out to watch the camp And behold, now it came to pass
of the Lamanites. that our next object was to obtain
31 And they cried unto us, say- the city of Manti; but behold, there
ing—Behold, the armies of the La- was no way that we could lead them
manites are marching towards the out of the city by our small bands.
city of Cumeni; and behold, they For behold, they remembered that
will fall upon them, yea, and will which we had hitherto done; there-
destroy our people. fore we could not a decoy them away
32 And it came to pass that our from their strongholds.
prisoners did hear their cries, which 2 And they were so much more
caused them to take courage; and numerous than was our army that
they did rise up in rebellion against we durst not go forth and attack
us. them in their strongholds.
33 And it came to pass because of 3 Yea, and it became expedient
their rebellion we did cause that that we should employ our men to
our swords should come upon them. the maintaining those parts of the
And it came to pass that they did land which we had regained of our
in a body run upon our swords, in possessions; therefore it became ex-
the which, the greater number of pedient that we should wait, that we
them were slain; and the remainder might receive more strength from
of them broke through and fled the land of Zarahemla and also a
from us. new supply of provisions.
34 And behold, when they had fled 4 And it came to pass that I thus
and we could not overtake them, we did send an embassy to the governor
took our march with speed towards of our land, to acquaint him con-
the city Cumeni; and behold, we did cerning the affairs of our people.
arrive in time that we might assist And it came to pass that we did wait
our brethren in preserving the city. to receive provisions and strength
35 And behold, we are again de- from the land of Zarahemla.
livered out of the hands of our en- 5 But behold, this did profit us but
emies. And blessed is the name of little; for the Lamanites were also
our God; for behold, it is he that receiving great strength from day
has delivered us; yea, that has done to day, and also many provisions;
this great thing for us. and thus were our circumstances
36 Now it came to pass that when at this period of time.
I, Helaman, had heard these words 6 And the Lamanites were sallying
of Gid, I was filled with exceeding forth against us from time to time,
joy because of the goodness of God resolving by stratagem to destroy us;
in preserving us, that we might nevertheless we could not come to
not all perish; yea, and I trust that battle with them, because of their
the souls of them who have been a
retreats and their strongholds.
slain have a entered into the rest of 7 And it came to pass that we did
their God. wait in these difficult circumstances
for the space of many months, even
Chapter 58 until we were about to a perish for
the want of food.
Helaman, Gid, and Teomner take the 8 But it came to pass that we did
city of Manti by a stratagem—The receive food, which was guarded to
Lamanites withdraw—The sons of the us by an army of two thousand men
people of Ammon are preserved as they to our assistance; and this is all the
stand fast in defense of their liberty and assistance which we did receive, to
faith. About 63–62 b.c. defend ourselves and our country
36 a Alma 12:34. 6 a 1 Sam. 24:22; 7 a Alma 60:9.
58 1 a Alma 52:21; 56:30. 3 Ne. 4:1.
355 Alma 58 : 9–20
from falling into the hands of our according to our numbers, and
enemies, yea, to contend with an fearing that we should cut them
enemy which was innumerable. off from their support except they
9 And now the cause of these our should come out to battle against
embarrassments, or the cause why us and kill us, and also supposing
they did not send more strength unto that they could easily destroy us
us, we knew not; therefore we were with their numerous hosts, therefore
grieved and also filled with fear, lest they began to make preparations to
by any means the judgments of God come out against us to battle.
should come upon our land, to our 16 And when we saw that they
overthrow and utter destruction. were making preparations to come
10 Therefore we did pour out our out against us, behold, I caused
souls in prayer to God, that he would that Gid, with a small number of
strengthen us and deliver us out of men, should a secrete himself in the
the hands of our enemies, yea, and wilderness, and also that Teomner
also give us strength that we might and a small number of men should
retain our cities, and our lands, and secrete themselves also in the
our possessions, for the support of wilderness.
our people. 17 Now Gid and his men were on
11 Yea, and it came to pass that the right and the others on the left;
the Lord our God did visit us with and when they had thus secreted
assurances that he would deliver themselves, behold, I remained,
us; yea, insomuch that he did speak with the remainder of my army, in
peace to our souls, and did grant that same place where we had first
unto us great faith, and did cause pitched our tents against the time
us that we should hope for our that the Lamanites should come
deliverance in him. out to battle.
12 And we did take courage with 18 And it came to pass that the
our small force which we had re- Lamanites did come out with their
ceived, and were fixed with a deter- numerous army against us. And
mination to conquer our enemies, when they had come and were about
and to a maintain our lands, and our to fall upon us with the sword, I
possessions, and our wives, and caused that my men, those who
our children, and the cause of our were with me, should retreat into
liberty. the wilderness.
13 And thus we did go forth with 19 And it came to pass that the
all our might against the Laman- Lamanites did follow after us with
ites, who were in the city of Manti; great speed, for they were exceed-
and we did pitch our tents by the ingly desirous to overtake us that
wilderness side, which was near they might slay us; therefore they did
to the city. follow us into the wilderness; and we
14 And it came to pass that on the did pass by in the midst of Gid and
morrow, that when the Lamanites Teomner, insomuch that they were
saw that we were in the borders by not discovered by the Lamanites.
the wilderness which was near the 20 And it came to pass that when
city, that they sent out their spies the Lamanites had passed by, or
round about us that they might dis- when the army had passed by, Gid
cover the number and the strength and Teomner did rise up from their
of our army. secret places, and did cut off the
15 And it came to pass that when spies of the Lamanites that they
they saw that we were not strong, should not return to the city.
11 a tg Deliver. Morm. 2:23. Alma 43:31 (30–43);
12 a Alma 46:12; b tg Liberty. 52:21 (21–31).
3 Ne. 2:12; 16 a Josh. 8:13;
Alma 58 : 21–37 356
21 And it came to pass that when arrive near the city, and saw that
they had cut them off, they ran to we were prepared to meet them,
the city and fell upon the guards they were astonished exceedingly
who were left to guard the city, in- and struck with great fear, inso-
somuch that they did destroy them much that they did a flee into the
and did take possession of the city. wilderness.
22 Now this was done because the 30 Yea, and it came to pass that
Lamanites did suffer their whole the armies of the Lamanites did flee
army, save a few guards only, to be out of all this quarter of the land.
led away into the wilderness. But behold, they have carried with
23 And it came to pass that Gid them many women and children
and Teomner by this means had out of the land.
obtained possession of their strong- 31 And a those cities which had
holds. And it came to pass that we been taken by the Lamanites, all of
took our course, after having trav- them are at this period of time in
eled much in the wilderness towards our possession; and our fathers and
the land of Zarahemla. our women and our children are re-
24 And when the Lamanites saw turning to their homes, all save it be
that they were marching towards those who have been taken prisoners
the land of Zarahemla, they were and carried off by the Lamanites.
exceedingly afraid, lest there was 32 But behold, our armies are small
a plan laid to lead them on to de- to maintain so great a number of
struction; therefore they began to cities and so great possessions.
retreat into the wilderness again, 33 But behold, we a trust in our God
yea, even back by the same way who has given us victory over those
which they had come. lands, insomuch that we have ob-
25 And behold, it was night and tained those cities and those lands,
they did pitch their tents, for the which were our own.
chief a captains of the Lamanites 34 Now we do not know the a cause
had supposed that the Nephites that the government does not grant
were weary because of their march; us more strength; neither do those
and supposing that they had driven men who came up unto us know
their whole army therefore they why we have not received greater
took no thought concerning the strength.
city of Manti. 35 Behold, we do not know but
26 Now it came to pass that when what a ye are unsuccessful, and ye
it was night, I caused that my men have drawn away the forces into
should not sleep, but that they that quarter of the land; if so, we
should march forward by another do not desire to murmur.
way towards the land of Manti. 36 And if it is not so, behold, we
27 And because of this our march fear that there is some a faction in
in the night-time, behold, on the the government, that they do not
morrow we were beyond the Laman- send more men to our assistance;
ites, insomuch that we did arrive for we know that they are more
before them at the city of Manti. numerous than that which they
28 And thus it came to pass, that have sent.
by this stratagem we did take pos- 37 But, behold, it mattereth not—
session of the city of Manti without we trust God will a deliver us, not-
the shedding of blood. withstanding the weakness of our
29 And it came to pass that when armies, yea, and deliver us out of
the armies of the Lamanites did the hands of our enemies.
25 a Alma 59:12. 33 a tg Trust in God. 36 a Alma 61:3.
29 a Alma 59:6. 34 a Alma 59:13. 37 a 2 Kgs. 17:39.
31 a Alma 56:14; 59:1. 35 a Alma 56:1.
357 Alma 58 : 38–59 : 8
38 Behold, this is the twenty and the exceeding success which Hela-
ninth year, in the latter end, and we man had had, in obtaining b those
are in the possession of our lands; lands which were lost.
and the Lamanites have fled to the 2 Yea, and he did make it known
land of Nephi. unto all his people, in all the land
39 And those sons of the people round about in that part where he
of Ammon, of whom I have so was, that they might rejoice also.
highly spoken, are with me in the 3 And it came to pass that he
city of Manti; and the Lord has sup- immediately sent a an epistle to
ported them, yea, and kept them b
Pahoran, desiring that he should
from falling by the sword, inso- cause men to be gathered together
much that even a one soul has not to strengthen Helaman, or the
been slain. armies of Helaman, insomuch that
40 But behold, they have received he might with ease maintain
many wounds; nevertheless they that part of the land which he had
stand fast in that b liberty where- been so miraculously prospered in
with God has made them free; and regaining.
they are strict to remember the Lord 4 And it came to pass when Mo-
their God from day to day; yea, they roni had sent this epistle to the
do observe to keep his statutes, and land of Zarahemla, he began again
his judgments, and his command- to lay a plan that he might obtain
ments continually; and their faith the remainder of those possessions
is strong in the prophecies concern- and cities which the Lamanites had
ing that which is to come. taken from them.
41 And now, my beloved brother, 5 And it came to pass that while
Moroni, may the Lord our God, who Moroni was thus making prepara
has redeemed us and made us free, tions to go against the Lamanites
keep you continually in his pres- to battle, behold, the people of
ence; yea, and may he favor this a
Nephihah, who were gathered
people, even that ye may have suc- together from the city of Moroni
cess in obtaining the possession of and the city of Lehi and the city
all that which the Lamanites have of Morianton, were attacked by the
taken from us, which was for our Lamanites.
support. And now, behold, I close 6 Yea, even those who had been
mine epistle. I am Helaman, the son a
compelled to flee from the land
of Alma. of Manti, and from the land round
about, had come over and joined the
Chapter 59 Lamanites in this part of the land.
Moroni asks Pahoran to strengthen the 7 And thus being exceedingly nu-
forces of Helaman—The Lamanites merous, yea, and receiving strength
take the city of Nephihah—Moroni from day to day, by the command of
is angry with the government. About Ammoron they came forth against
62 b.c. the people of Nephihah, and they
did begin to slay them with an ex-
Now it came to pass in the thirtieth ceedingly great slaughter.
year of the reign of the judges over 8 And their armies were so nu-
the people of Nephi, after Moroni merous that the remainder of the
had received and had read Hela- people of a Nephihah were b obliged
man’s a epistle, he was exceedingly to flee before them; and they came
rejoiced because of the welfare, yea, even and joined the army of Moroni.
39 a Alma 56:56. 59 1 a Alma 56:1. 5 a Alma 50:14.
40 a Alma 61:21. b Alma 58:31 (31, 41). 6 a Alma 58:29 (29–30).
tg Trustworthiness. 3 a Alma 60:1 (1–3). 8 a Alma 62:26.
b tg Liberty. b Alma 50:40. b Alma 60:17.
Alma 59 : 9–60 : 8 358
9 And now as Moroni had supposed those who have been chosen by this
that there a should be men sent to people to govern and manage the
the city of Nephihah, to the assis- affairs of this war.
tance of the people to maintain that 2 For behold, I have somewhat to
city, and knowing that it was easier say unto them by the way of a con-
to keep the city from falling into demnation; for behold, ye yourselves
the hands of the Lamanites than to know that ye have been appointed
retake it from them, he supposed to gather together men, and arm
that they would easily maintain them with swords, and with cime-
that city. ters, and all manner of weapons of
10 Therefore he retained all his war of every kind, and send forth
force to maintain those places which against the Lamanites, in whatso-
he had recovered. ever parts they should come into
11 And now, when Moroni saw our land.
that the city of Nephihah was a lost 3 And now behold, I say unto you
he was exceedingly sorrowful, and that myself, and also my men, and
began to doubt, because of the wick- also Helaman and his men, have
edness of the people, whether they suffered exceedingly great a suffer-
should not fall into the hands of ings; yea, even hunger, thirst, and
their brethren. fatigue, and all manner of afflic-
12 Now this was the case with all tions of every kind.
his chief captains. They doubted 4 But behold, were this all we had
and marveled also because of the suffered we would not murmur nor
wickedness of the people, and this complain.
because of the success of the La- 5 But behold, great has been the
manites over them. slaughter among our people; yea,
13 And it came to pass that Mo- thousands have fallen by the sword,
roni was angry with the govern- while it might have otherwise been
ment, because of their a indifference if ye had rendered unto our armies
concerning the freedom of their sufficient strength and succor for
country. them. Yea, great has been your ne-
glect towards us.
Chapter 60 6 And now behold, we desire to
Moroni complains to Pahoran of the know the cause of this exceedingly
government’s neglect of the armies— great neglect; yea, we desire to
The Lord suffers the righteous to be know the cause of your thought-
slain—The Nephites must use all of their less state.
power and means to deliver themselves 7 Can you think to sit upon your
from their enemies—Moroni threat- thrones in a state of thoughtless
ens to fight against the government
stupor, while your enemies are
unless help is supplied to his armies. spreading the work of death around
About 62 b.c. you? Yea, while they are murdering
thousands of your brethren—
And it came to pass that he wrote 8 Yea, even they who have looked
again to the governor of the land, up to you for protection, yea, have
who was Pahoran, and these are placed you in a situation that ye
the words which he wrote, saying: might have succored them, yea,
Behold, I direct mine epistle to ye might have sent armies unto
Pahoran, in the city of Zarahemla, them, to have strengthened them,
who is the chief judge and the b gov- and have saved thousands of them
ernor over the land, and also to all from falling by the sword.
9 a Alma 60:15. 60 1 a Alma 59:3. 3 a Alma 61:2.
11 a Alma 62:14. b Alma 50:39. 7 a tg Apathy.
13 a Alma 58:34; 61:3. 2 a tg Reproof.
359 Alma 60 : 9–18
out in judgment against the Laman- soon after Moroni had sent his
ites, when it is the a tradition of their epistle unto the chief governor, he
fathers that has caused their hatred, received an epistle from a Pahoran,
yea, and it has been redoubled by the chief governor. And these are
those who have dissented from us, the words which he received:
while your iniquity is for the cause 2 I, Pahoran, who am the chief
of your love of glory and the vain governor of this land, do send these
things of the world? words unto Moroni, the chief cap-
33 Ye know that ye do transgress tain over the army. Behold, I say
the laws of God, and ye do know that unto you, Moroni, that I do not joy
ye do trample them under your feet. in your great a afflictions, yea, it
Behold, the Lord saith unto me: If grieves my soul.
those whom ye have appointed your 3 But behold, there are those who
governors do not repent of their sins do joy in your afflictions, yea, in-
and a iniquities, ye shall b go up to somuch that they have risen up in
battle against them. a
rebellion against me, and also those
34 And now behold, I, Moroni, am of my people who are b freemen,
constrained, according to the cov- yea, and those who have risen up
enant which I have made to keep the are exceedingly numerous.
commandments of my God; there- 4 And it is those who have sought
fore I would that ye should adhere to take away the judgment-seat
to the word of God, and send speed- from me that have been the cause
ily unto me of your provisions and of this great iniquity; for they have
of your men, and also to Helaman. used great a flattery, and they have
35 And behold, if ye will not do this b
led away the hearts of many peo-
I come unto you speedily; for behold, ple, which will be the cause of
God will not suffer that we should sore affliction among us; they have
perish with hunger; therefore he withheld our provisions, and have
will give unto us of your food, daunted our c freemen that they
even if it must be by the sword. Now have not come unto you.
see that ye fulfil the word of God. 5 And behold, they have driven
36 Behold, I am Moroni, your chief me out before them, and I have
captain. I a seek not for power, but to fled to the land of Gideon, with as
pull it down. I b seek not for honor many men as it were possible that
of the world, but for the glory of I could get.
my God, and the freedom and wel- 6 And behold, I have sent a procla-
fare of my country. And thus I close mation throughout this part of the
mine epistle. land; and behold, they are a flock-
ing to us b daily, to their arms, in
Chapter 61 the defence of their country and
their c freedom, and to avenge our
Pahoran tells Moroni of the insurrection d
and rebellion against the government— 7 And they have come unto us, in-
The king-men take Zarahemla and are
in league with the Lamanites—Pahoran somuch that those who have risen
up in rebellion against us are set at
asks for military aid against the rebels. defiance, yea, insomuch that they
About 62 b.c. do fear us and durst not come out
Behold, now it came to pass that against us to battle.
32 a
Alma 17:15. 61 1 a Alma 50:40. c Alma 51:6 (6–7); 62:6.
33 a
Alma 61:18. 2 a Alma 60:3 (3–9). 6 a Alma 62:5.
b Alma 61:20. 3 a Alma 58:36; 59:13. b Acts 2:47.
36 a
Alma 61:9; b Alma 51:6 (6–7). c tg Liberty.
D&C 121:39. 4 a tg Flatter. d tg Injustice.
b tg Motivations. b tg Peer Influence.
Alma 61 : 8 –21 362
8 They have a got possession of the and dissensions, let us b resist them
land, or the city, of Zarahemla; they with our swords, that we may retain
have appointed a b king over them, our freedom, that we may rejoice in
and he hath written unto the king the great privilege of our church,
of the Lamanites, in the which he and in the cause of our Redeemer
hath joined an alliance with him; in and our God.
the which alliance he hath agreed 15 Therefore, come unto me speed-
to maintain the city of Zarahemla, ily with a few of your men, and
which maintenance he supposeth leave the remainder in the charge
will enable the Lamanites to con- of Lehi and Teancum; give unto
quer the remainder of the land, them power to conduct the a war in
and he shall be placed king over that part of the land, according to
this people when they shall be con- the b Spirit of God, which is also the
quered c under the Lamanites. c
spirit of freedom which is in them.
9 And now, in your epistle you 16 Behold I have sent a few provi-
have a censured me, but it mattereth sions unto them, that they may not
not; I am not angry, but do rejoice perish until ye can come unto me.
in the greatness of your heart. I, 17 Gather together whatsoever
Pahoran, do not b seek for power, force ye can upon your march hither,
save only to retain my judgment- and we will go speedily against
seat that I may preserve the rights those dissenters, in the strength
and the liberty of my people. My of our God according to the faith
soul standeth fast in that liberty in which is in us.
the which God hath made us c free. 18 And we will a take possession of
10 And now, behold, we will resist the city of Zarahemla, that we may
wickedness even unto bloodshed. obtain more food to send forth unto
We would a not shed the blood of Lehi and Teancum; yea, we will go
the Lamanites if they would stay forth against them in the strength
in their own land. of the Lord, and we will put an end
11 We would not shed the blood to this great iniquity.
of our brethren if they would not 19 And now, Moroni, I do joy in
rise up in rebellion and take the receiving your epistle, for I was
sword against us. somewhat worried concerning what
12 We would subject ourselves we should do, whether it should be
to the a yoke of bondage if it were just in us to go against our brethren.
requisite with the justice of God, or 20 But ye have said, except they
if he should command us so to do. repent the Lord a hath commanded
13 But behold he doth not com- you that ye should go against them.
mand us that we shall subject our- 21 See that ye a strengthen Lehi and
selves to our enemies, but that we Teancum in the Lord; tell them to
should put our a trust in him, and fear not, for God will deliver them,
he will deliver us. yea, and also all those who b stand
14 Therefore, my beloved brother, fast in that liberty wherewith God
Moroni, let us resist evil, and what- hath made them free. And now I
soever evil we cannot resist with close mine epistle to my beloved
our a words, yea, such as rebellions brother, Moroni.
8 a Alma 61:18. Gal. 5:1; b 2 Cor. 3:17.
b Alma 62:6. D&C 88:86. tg God, Spirit of.
tg Tyranny. 10 a Alma 56:46. c Alma 60:25.
c Mosiah 7:21. 12 a tg Bondage, Physical; 18 a Alma 61:8.
9 a D&C 101:5. Submissiveness. 20 a Alma 60:33.
tg Reproof. 13 a tg Trust in God. 21 a Zech. 10:12.
b Alma 60:36; 14 a tg Reproof. b Alma 58:40.
D&C 121:39. b Alma 43:47.
c John 8:36; 15 a tg War.
363 Alma 62 : 1–13
army of six thousand men, with a part of the city the Lamanites did
sufficient quantity of food, should camp with their army.
be sent to the armies of Lehi and 21 And it came to pass that they
Teancum. And it came to pass that were on the east, by the entrance;
this was done to fortify the land and they were all asleep. And now
against the Lamanites. Moroni returned to his army, and
14 And it came to pass that Moroni caused that they should prepare
and Pahoran, leaving a large body of in haste strong cords and ladders,
men in the land of Zarahemla, took to be let down from the top of the
their march with a large body of a
wall into the inner part of the wall.
men towards the land of Nephihah, 22 And it came to pass that Moroni
being determined to a overthrow the caused that his men should march
Lamanites in that city. forth and come upon the top of the
15 And it came to pass that as they wall, and let a themselves down into
were marching towards the land, that part of the city, yea, even on
they took a large body of men of the west, where the Lamanites did
the Lamanites, and slew many of not camp with their armies.
them, and took their provisions and 23 And it came to pass that they
their weapons of war. were all let down into the city by
16 And it came to pass after they night, by the means of their strong
had taken them, they caused them cords and their ladders; thus when
to enter into a a covenant that they the morning came they were all
would no more take up their weap- within the walls of the city.
ons of war against the Nephites. 24 And now, when the Lamanites
17 And when they had entered awoke and saw that the armies of
into this covenant they sent them to Moroni were within the walls, they
dwell with the people of Ammon, were affrighted exceedingly, in-
and they were in number about four somuch that they did flee out by
thousand who had not been slain. the pass.
18 And it came to pass that when 25 And now when Moroni saw
they had sent them away they pur- that they were fleeing before him,
sued their march towards the land he did cause that his men should
of a Nephihah. And it came to pass march forth against them, and slew
that when they had come to the city many, and surrounded many oth-
of Nephihah, they did pitch their ers, and took them prisoners; and
tents in the plains of Nephihah, the remainder of them fled into the
which is near the city of Nephihah. land of Moroni, which was in the
19 Now Moroni was desirous that borders by the seashore.
the Lamanites should come out 26 Thus had Moroni and Pahoran
to battle against them, upon the obtained the a possession of the city
plains; but the Lamanites, knowing of Nephihah without the loss of one
of their exceedingly great courage, soul; and there were many of the
and beholding the greatness of Lamanites who were slain.
their numbers, therefore they durst 27 Now it came to pass that many
not come out against them; there- of the Lamanites that were prisoners
fore they did not come to battle in were desirous to a join the people of
that day. Ammon and become a free people.
20 And when the night came, 28 And it came to pass that as many
Moroni went forth in the darkness as were desirous, unto them it was
of the night, and came upon the granted according to their desires.
top of the wall to spy out in what 29 Therefore, all the prisoners of
14 a Alma 59:11 (5–11). 17 a Alma 47:29. 22 a Alma 55:16.
16 a Alma 44:15, 20; 18 a Alma 50:14; 51:26 (24–26). 26 a Alma 59:8.
3 Ne. 5:4. 21 a Alma 49:13 (13, 18–24). 27 a Alma 24:26 (25–27).
365 Alma 62 : 30–40
the Lamanites did join the people weary because of the greatness of
of Ammon, and did begin to labor the march; therefore they did not
exceedingly, tilling the ground, rais- resolve upon any stratagem in the
ing all manner of grain, and flocks night-time, save it were Teancum;
and herds of every kind; and thus for he was exceedingly angry with
were the Nephites relieved from a Ammoron, insomuch that he con-
great burden; yea, insomuch that sidered that Ammoron, and Amal-
they were relieved from all the ickiah his brother, had been the
prisoners of the Lamanites. a
cause of this great and lasting war
30 Now it came to pass that Moroni, between them and the Lamanites,
after he had obtained possession of which had been the cause of so much
the city of Nephihah, having taken war and bloodshed, yea, and so
many prisoners, which did reduce much famine.
the armies of the Lamanites exceed- 36 And it came to pass that Tean-
ingly, and having regained many of cum in his anger did go forth into
the Nephites who had been taken the camp of the Lamanites, and did
prisoners, which did strengthen the let himself down over the walls of
army of Moroni exceedingly; there- the city. And he went forth with a
fore Moroni went forth from the land cord, from place to place, insomuch
of Nephihah to the land of a Lehi. that he did find the king; and he
31 And it came to pass that when did a cast a javelin at him, which
the Lamanites saw that Moroni was did pierce him near the heart. But
coming against them, they were behold, the king did awaken his
again frightened and fled before servants before he died, insomuch
the army of Moroni. that they did pursue Teancum, and
32 And it came to pass that a Mo- slew him.
roni and his army did pursue them 37 Now it came to pass that when
from city to city, until they were Lehi and Moroni knew that Tean-
met by Lehi and Teancum; and the cum was dead they were exceedingly
Lamanites fled from Lehi and Tean- sorrowful; for behold, he had been
cum, even down upon the borders a man who had a fought valiantly
by the seashore, until they came to for his country, yea, a true friend
the land of Moroni. to liberty; and he had suffered very
33 And the armies of the Laman- many exceedingly sore afflictions.
ites were all gathered together, in- But behold, he was dead, and had
somuch that they were all in one gone the way of all the earth.
body in the land of Moroni. Now 38 Now it came to pass that Mo-
Ammoron, the king of the Laman- roni marched forth on the morrow,
ites, was also with them. and came upon the Lamanites, inso-
34 And it came to pass that Moroni much that they did slay them with
and Lehi and Teancum did encamp a great slaughter; and they did drive
with their armies round about in them out of the land; and they did
the borders of the land of Moroni, flee, even that they did not return
insomuch that the Lamanites were at that time against the Nephites.
encircled about in the borders by 39 And thus ended the thirty and
the wilderness on the south, and first year of the reign of the judges
in the borders by the wilderness on over the people of Nephi; and thus
the east. they had had wars, and bloodsheds,
35 And thus they did encamp for and famine, and affliction, for the
the night. For behold, the Neph- space of many years.
ites and the Lamanites also were 40 And there had been murders,
30 a Alma 50:15; 51:26 (24–26). 36 a Alma 51:34. Alma 50:35;
32 a Alma 50:13; 51:22 (22–23); 37 a ie throughout the 51:29–34; 52; 61; 62:3–37.
3 Ne. 8:9. Amalickiah-Ammoron
35 a Alma 48:1. wars.
Alma 62 : 41–52 366
And it came to pass in the com- many more people did enter into
mencement of the thirty and sixth it; and they also took much provi-
year of the reign of the judges over sions, and set out again to the land
the people of Nephi, that a Shiblon northward.
took possession of those b sacred 8 And it came to pass that they
things which had been delivered were never heard of more. And we
unto Helaman by Alma. suppose that they were drowned in
2 And he was a just man, and he the depths of the sea. And it came
did walk uprightly before God; and to pass that one other ship also did
he did observe to do good continu sail forth; and whither she did go
ally, to keep the commandments we know not.
of the Lord his God; and also did 9 And it came to pass that in this
his brother. year there were many people who
3 And it came to pass that a Mo- went forth into the land a north-
roni died also. And thus ended the ward. And thus ended the thirty
thirty and sixth year of the reign and eighth year.
of the judges. 10 And it came to pass in the thirty
4 And it came to pass that in the and ninth year of the reign of the
thirty and seventh year of the reign judges, a Shiblon died also, and
of the judges, there was a large com- Corianton had gone forth to the
pany of men, even to the amount land northward in a ship, to carry
of five thousand and four hundred forth provisions unto the people
men, with their wives and their who had gone forth into that land.
children, departed out of the land 11 Therefore it became expedient
of Zarahemla into the land which for a Shiblon to confer those sacred
was a northward. things, before his death, upon the
5 And it came to pass that Hagoth, son of b Helaman, who was called
he being an a exceedingly curious c
Helaman, being called after the
man, therefore he went forth and name of his father.
built him an exceedingly large ship, 12 Now behold, all those a engrav-
on the borders of the land b Boun- ings which were in the possession
tiful, by the land Desolation, and of Helaman were written and sent
launched it forth into the west sea, forth among the children of men
by the c narrow neck which led into throughout all the land, save it
the land northward. were those parts which had been
6 And behold, there were many of commanded by Alma should b not
the Nephites who did enter therein go forth.
and did sail forth with much pro- 13 Nevertheless, these things were
visions, and also many women and to be kept sacred, and a handed
children; and they took their course down from one generation to an-
northward. And thus ended the other; therefore, in this year, they
thirty and seventh year. had been conferred upon Helaman,
7 And in the thirty and eighth year, before the death of Shiblon.
this man built a other ships. And 14 And it came to pass also in this
the first ship did also return, and year that there were some dissenters
63 1 a Alma 38:1 (1–2); 49:30. b Alma 53:3 (3–4); b See heading to the book
b Mosiah 1:3; Hel. 1:23. of Helaman.
Alma 37:1 (1–12). c Alma 22:32; c Hel. 3:37.
tg Sacred. Morm. 2:29; 12 a Alma 18:36;
3 a See Alma 43–63 for his Ether 10:20. 3 Ne. 1:2.
great contributions. 7 a Hel. 3:10. b Alma 37:27 (27–32).
4 a Alma 22:31; 46:17; 9 a Hel. 3:12 (11–12); 6:6. 13 a Alma 37:4.
Hel. 3:3. 10 a Alma 31:7.
5 a Hel. 3:10 (10, 14). 11 a Alma 63:1.
Alma 63 : 15–Helaman 1 : 7 368
who had gone forth unto the La- beaten and driven back again to
manites; and they were a stirred up their own lands, suffering great loss.
again to anger against the Nephites. 16 And thus ended the thirty and
15 And also in this same year ninth year of the reign of the judges
they came down with a numerous over the people of Nephi.
army to war against the people 17 And thus ended the account of
of a Moronihah, or against the army of Alma, and Helaman his son, and
Moronihah, in the which they were also Shiblon, who was his son.
he was about to a flatter away those and first year of the reign of the
people to rise up in rebellion against judges, that the Lamanites had
their brethren. gathered together an innumerable
8 And it came to pass as he was army of men, and a armed them with
about to do this, behold, he was swords, and with cimeters and
taken, and was tried according to with bows, and with arrows, and with
the a voice of the people, and con- head-plates, and with breastplates,
demned unto death; for he had and with all manner of shields of
raised up in rebellion and sought to every kind.
destroy the b liberty of the people. 15 And they came down again that
9 Now when those people who they might pitch battle against the
were desirous that he should be Nephites. And they were led by a
their governor saw that he was man whose name was a Coriantumr;
condemned unto death, therefore and he was a descendant of Zara-
they were angry, and behold, they hemla; and he was a b dissenter from
sent forth one a Kishkumen, even to among the Nephites; and he was a
the judgment-seat of Pahoran, and large and a mighty man.
murdered Pahoran as he sat upon 16 Therefore, the king of the La-
the judgment-seat. manites, whose name was Tubal-
10 And he was pursued by the oth, who was the son of a Ammoron,
servants of Pahoran; but behold, so supposing that Coriantumr, being
speedy was the flight of Kishkumen a mighty man, could stand against
that no man could overtake him. the Nephites, with his strength and
11 And he went unto those that also with his great b wisdom, inso-
sent him, and they all entered into much that by sending him forth
a covenant, yea, a swearing by their he should gain power over the
everlasting Maker, that they would Nephites—
tell no man that Kishkumen had 17 Therefore he did a stir them up
murdered Pahoran. to anger, and he did gather together
12 Therefore, Kishkumen was not his armies, and he did appoint Co-
known among the people of Nephi, riantumr to be their leader, and
for he was in disguise at the time did cause that they should march
that he murdered Pahoran. And down to the land of Zarahemla to
Kishkumen and his band, who had battle against the Nephites.
covenanted with him, did mingle 18 And it came to pass that because
themselves among the people, in a of so much contention and so much
manner that they all could not be difficulty in the government, that
found; but as many as were found they had not kept sufficient guards
were condemned unto a death. in the land of Zarahemla; for they
13 And now behold, Pacumeni was had supposed that the Lamanites
appointed, according to the a voice durst not come into the heart of
of the people, to be a chief judge their lands to attack that great city
and a governor over the people, to Zarahemla.
reign in the stead of his brother 19 But it came to pass that Corian
Pahoran; and it was according to tumr did march forth at the head
his right. And all this was done in of his numerous host, and came
the fortieth year of the reign of the upon the inhabitants of the city,
judges; and it had an end. and their march was with such
14 And it came to pass in the forty exceedingly great speed that there
7 a Mosiah 27:8; 9 a Hel. 2:3. 15 a Hel. 1:30.
Alma 50:35; 11 a Gen. 24:3; b Alma 31:8; 53:8;
Hel. 2:5; Ether 8:14 (13–14). Hel. 4:8.
Ether 8:2. 12 a tg Capital Punishment. 16 a Alma 52:3.
8 a Alma 1:14 (10–15). 13 a Hel. 1:5; 2:2. b Ezek. 28:5 (4–5).
b tg Liberty. 14 a Alma 2:12; 49:6 (6, 24). 17 a Alma 35:10; 47:1.
Helaman 1 : 20–32 370
was no time for the Nephites to supposed that the Lamanites durst
gather together their armies. not come into the center of the
20 Therefore Coriantumr did cut land, but that they would attack the
down the watch by the entrance cities round about in the borders
of the city, and did march forth as they had hitherto done; there-
with his whole army into the city, fore Moronihah had caused that
and they did slay every one who their strong armies should main-
did oppose them, insomuch that tain those parts round about by the
they did take possession of the borders.
whole city. 27 But behold, the Lamanites were
21 And it came to pass that Pacu- not frightened according to his de-
meni, who was the chief judge, did sire, but they had come into the
flee before Coriantumr, even to center of the land, and had taken
the walls of the city. And it came the capital city which was the city
to pass that Coriantumr did smite of Zarahemla, and were marching
him against the wall, insomuch that through the most capital parts of
he died. And thus ended the days the land, slaying the people with a
of Pacumeni. great slaughter, both men, women,
22 And now when Coriantumr and children, taking possession of
saw that he was in possession of many cities and of many strongholds.
the city of Zarahemla, and saw that 28 But when Moronihah had dis-
the Nephites had fled before them, covered this, he immediately sent
and were slain, and were taken, and forth Lehi with an army round about
were cast into prison, and that he to a head them before they should
had obtained the possession of the come to the land Bountiful.
strongest hold in all the land, his 29 And thus he did; and he did
heart a took courage insomuch that head them before they came to the
he was about to go forth against all land Bountiful, and gave unto them
the land. battle, insomuch that they began
23 And now he did not tarry in to retreat back towards the land
the land of Zarahemla, but he did of Zarahemla.
march forth with a large army, even 30 And it came to pass that Moroni-
towards the city of a Bountiful; for hah did head them in their retreat,
it was his determination to go forth and did give unto them battle, in-
and cut his way through with the somuch that it became an exceed-
sword, that he might obtain the ingly bloody battle; yea, many were
north parts of the land. slain, and among the number who
24 And, supposing that their great- were slain a Coriantumr was also
est strength was in the center of the found.
land, therefore he did march forth, 31 And now, behold, the Lamanites
giving them no time to assemble could not retreat either way, neither
themselves together save it were in on the north, nor on the south, nor on
small bodies; and in this manner the east, nor on the west, for they
they did fall upon them and cut were surrounded on every hand by
them down to the earth. the Nephites.
25 But behold, this march of Co- 32 And thus had Coriantumr
riantumr through the center of the plunged the Lamanites into the
land gave Moronihah great advan- midst of the Nephites, insomuch
tage over them, notwithstanding that they were in the power of the
the greatness of the number of the Nephites, and he himself was slain,
Nephites who were slain. and the Lamanites did a yield them-
26 For behold, Moronihah had selves into the hands of the Nephites.
22 a tg Pride. 28 a Alma 50:34; 51:29 (29–30). 32 a Hel. 4:3.
23 a Alma 22:29. 30 a Hel. 1:15.
371 Helaman 1 : 33–2 : 11
the land, by a secret way, into the forth unto the land a northward to
wilderness; and thus when Helaman inherit the land.
sent forth to take them they could 4 And they did travel to an ex-
nowhere be found. ceedingly great distance, insomuch
12 And more of this Gadianton that they came to a large bodies of
shall be spoken hereafter. And thus water and many rivers.
ended the forty and second year 5 Yea, and even they did spread
of the reign of the judges over the forth into all parts of the land,
people of Nephi. into whatever parts it had not been
13 And behold, in the end of this rendered desolate and without tim-
book ye shall see that this a Gadian- ber, because of the many inhabi
ton did prove the overthrow, yea, tants who had before inherited the
almost the entire destruction of the land.
people of Nephi. 6 And now no part of the land was
14 Behold I do not mean the end desolate, save it were for timber;
of the a book of Helaman, but I but because of the greatness of the
mean the end of the book of Nephi, a
destruction of the people who had
from which I have taken all the before inhabited the land it was
account which I have written. called b desolate.
7 And there being but little timber
Chapter 3 upon the face of the land, never-
theless the people who went forth
Many Nephites migrate to the land became exceedingly a expert in the
northward—They build houses of ce- working of cement; therefore they
ment and keep many records—Tens did build houses of cement, in the
of thousands are converted and bap- which they did dwell.
tized—The word of God leads men to 8 And it came to pass that they
salvation—Nephi the son of Helaman did multiply and spread, and did
fills the judgment seat. About 49–39 b.c. go forth from the land southward
And now it came to pass in the forty to the land northward, and did
and third year of the reign of the spread insomuch that they began
judges, there was no contention to cover the face of the whole earth,
among the people of Nephi save from the sea south to the sea north,
it were a little pride which was in from the a sea west to the sea east.
the church, which did cause some 9 And the people who were in the
little dissensions among the people, land northward did dwell in a tents,
which affairs were settled in the and in houses of cement, and they
ending of the forty and third year. did suffer whatsoever tree should
2 And there was no contention spring up upon the face of the
among the people in the forty land that it should grow up, that
and fourth year; neither was there in time they might have timber to
much contention in the forty and build their houses, yea, their cities,
fifth year. and their temples, and their b syna-
3 And it came to pass in the forty gogues, and their sanctuaries, and
and sixth, yea, there was much con- all manner of their buildings.
tention and many dissensions; in the 10 And it came to pass as timber
which there were an exceedingly was exceedingly scarce in the land
great many who departed out of northward, they did send forth
the land of Zarahemla, and went much by the way of a shipping.
13 a Hel. 6:18; Alma 50:29; 8 a Alma 22:27 (27, 32–33);
3 Ne. 4:1. Morm. 6:4. Hel. 11:20.
14 a W of M 1:9; 6 a Mosiah 8:8; 9 a Gen. 25:27;
3 Ne. 5:10. 21:26 (26–27). Ether 2:13.
3 3 a Alma 63:4. b Alma 22:31. b Alma 16:13.
4 a Mosiah 8:8; 7 a tg Skill. 10 a Alma 63:7 (5–8).
373 Helaman 3 : 11–24
11 And thus they did enable the great contentions, and disturbances,
people in the land northward that and wars, and dissensions, among
they might build many cities, both the people of Nephi.
of wood and of cement. 18 The forty and sixth year of the
12 And it came to pass that there reign of the judges ended;
were many of the a people of Am- 19 And it came to pass that there
mon, who were Lamanites by birth, was still great contention in the
did also go forth into this land. land, yea, even in the forty and
13 And now there are many seventh year, and also in the forty
records kept of the proceedings of and eighth year.
this people, by many of this people, 20 Nevertheless a Helaman did fill
which are particular and very large, the judgment-seat with justice and
concerning them. equity; yea, he did observe to keep
14 But behold, a a hundredth part the statutes, and the judgments,
of the proceedings of this people, and the commandments of God; and
yea, the account of the Laman- he did do that which was right in
ites and of the Nephites, and their the sight of God continually; and
wars, and contentions, and dissen- he did walk after the ways of his
sions, and their preaching, and father, insomuch that he did pros-
their prophecies, and their shipping per in the land.
and their building of ships, and 21 And it came to pass that he had
their building of b temples, and of two sons. He gave unto the eldest
synagogues and their c sanctuaries, the name of a Nephi, and unto the
and their righteousness, and their youngest, the name of Lehi. And they
wickedness, and their murders, and began to grow up unto the Lord.
their robbings, and their plundering, 22 And it came to pass that the
and all manner of abominations and wars and contentions began to
whoredoms, cannot be contained cease, in a small degree, among
in this work. the people of the Nephites, in the
15 But behold, there are many latter end of the forty and eighth
books and many a records of every year of the reign of the judges over
kind, and they have been kept the people of Nephi.
chiefly by the Nephites. 23 And it came to pass in the forty
16 And they have been a handed and ninth year of the reign of the
down from one generation to an- judges, there was continual peace
other by the Nephites, even until established in the land, all save it
they have fallen into transgression were the a secret combinations which
and have been murdered, plun- b
Gadianton the robber had estab-
dered, and hunted, and driven forth, lished in the more settled parts of
and slain, and b scattered upon the the land, which at that time were not
face of the earth, and mixed with known unto those who were at the
the Lamanites until they are c no head of government; therefore they
more called the Nephites, becoming were not destroyed out of the land.
wicked, and wild, and ferocious, yea, 24 And it came to pass that in this
even becoming Lamanites. same year there was exceedingly
17 And now I return again to mine great prosperity in the church, in-
account; therefore, what I have spo- somuch that there were thousands
ken had passed after there had been who did a join themselves unto the
12 a Alma 27:26; 63:9 (4–9); c Alma 23:2. 21 a Hel. 3:37; 4:14; 5:4–5;
Hel. 6:6. 15 a 3 Ne. 5:9; 4 Ne. 1:48. 3 Ne. 1:2.
13 a W of M 1:3 (1–11). 16 a 1 Ne. 5:18 (16–19); 23 a 2 Ne. 10:15;
14 a 3 Ne. 5:8; 26:6 (6–11). Alma 37:4. Hel. 2:10 (8–10);
b 2 Ne. 5:16; b Ezek. 36:19 (16–20). 7:25 (4–5, 21, 25).
Jacob 1:17; c Alma 45:13 (12–14). b Hel. 2:4; 6:18.
3 Ne. 11:1. 20 a Hel. 2:2. 24 a Mosiah 25:23.
Helaman 3 : 25–37 374
church and were baptized unto and ninth year; yea, and also there
repentance. was continual peace and great joy
25 And so great was the prosper- in the fiftieth year of the reign of
ity of the church, and so many the the judges.
blessings which were poured out 33 And in the fifty and first year
upon the people, that even the high of the reign of the judges there
priests and the teachers were them- was peace also, save it were the
selves astonished beyond measure. pride which began to enter into the
26 And it came to pass that the church—not into the church of God,
work of the Lord did prosper unto but into the hearts of the people
the baptizing and uniting to the who a professed to belong to the
church of God, many souls, yea, church of God—
even tens of thousands. 34 And they were lifted up in
27 Thus we may see that the Lord a
pride, even to the persecution of
is merciful unto all who will, in the many of their brethren. Now this
sincerity of their hearts, call upon was a great evil, which did cause
his holy name. the more humble part of the people
28 Yea, thus we see that the a gate to suffer great persecutions, and to
of heaven is open unto b all, even to wade through much affliction.
those who will believe on the name 35 Nevertheless they did a fast and
of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. b
pray oft, and did wax stronger and
29 Yea, we see that whosoever stronger in their c humility, and
will may lay hold upon the a word firmer and firmer in the faith of
of God, which is b quick and pow- Christ, unto the filling their souls
erful, which shall c divide asunder with joy and consolation, yea, even
all the cunning and the snares and to the d purifying and the e sanctifi-
the wiles of the devil, and lead the cation of their hearts, which sanc-
man of Christ in a strait and d nar- tification cometh because of their
row course across that everlasting f
yielding their hearts unto God.
gulf of misery which is prepared 36 And it came to pass that the
to engulf the wicked— fifty and second year ended in peace
30 And land their souls, yea, their also, save it were the exceedingly
immortal souls, at the a right hand great pride which had gotten into
of God in the kingdom of heaven, the hearts of the people; and it was
to sit down with Abraham, and because of their exceedingly great
Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all a
riches and their prosperity in the
our holy fathers, to go no more out. land; and it did grow upon them
31 And in this year there was con- from day to day.
tinual rejoicing in the land of Zara- 37 And it came to pass in the fifty
hemla, and in all the regions round and third year of the reign of the
about, even in all the land which judges, a Helaman died, and his el-
was possessed by the Nephites. dest son b Nephi began to reign in
32 And it came to pass that there his stead. And it came to pass that
was peace and exceedingly great he did fill the judgment-seat with
joy in the remainder of the forty justice and equity; yea, he did keep
28 a Isa. 26:2. d 2 Ne. 9:41; 33:9. Purity.
b Acts 10:28 (9–35, 44); e 1 Ne. 12:18; 15:28 (28–30). e tg Sanctification.
Rom. 2:11 (10–11). 30 a Matt. 25:34 (31–46). f 2 Chr. 30:8;
29 a Micah 2:7; 33 a D&C 112:26. Rom. 6:13 (12–14).
Jacob 2:8; 34 a tg Pride. tg Submissiveness;
D&C 11:2; 33:1. 35 a tg Fast, Fasting. Teachable.
tg Gospel. b tg Prayer. 36 a tg Treasure.
b Heb. 4:12; c tg Humility. 37 a Alma 63:11;
D&C 27:1. d tg Cleanliness; Hel. 16:25.
c D&C 6:2. Purification; b Hel. 3:21; 5:1.
375 Helaman 4 : 1–12
great as their strength, even man for 5 For they remembered the words
man. And thus had they fallen into which their a father Helaman spake
this great transgression; yea, thus unto them. And these are the words
had they become a weak, because which he spake:
of their transgression, in the space of 6 Behold, my sons, I desire that
not many years. ye should remember to keep the
commandments of God; and I
Chapter 5 would that ye should declare unto
Nephi and Lehi devote themselves to the people these words. Behold, I
preaching—Their names invite them to have given unto you the names of
pattern their lives after their forebears— our first a parents who came out
Christ redeems those who repent— of the land of Jerusalem; and this
Nephi and Lehi make many converts I have done that when you remem-
and are imprisoned, and fire encircles ber your names ye may remember
them—A cloud of darkness overshad- them; and when ye remember them
ows three hundred people—The earth ye may remember their works; and
shakes, and a voice commands men to when ye remember their works ye
repent—Nephi and Lehi converse with may know how that it is said, and
angels, and the multitude is encircled also written, that they were b good.
7 Therefore, my sons, I would that
by fire. About 30 b.c. ye should do that which is good,
And it came to pass that in this same that it may be said of you, and also
year, behold, a Nephi b delivered up written, even as it has been said and
the judgment-seat to a man whose written of them.
name was c Cezoram. 8 And now my sons, behold I have
2 For as their laws and their gov- somewhat more to desire of you,
ernments were established by the which desire is, that ye may not
voice of the people, and they who do these things that ye may boast,
chose evil were c more numerous but that ye may do these things to
than they who chose good, therefore lay up for yourselves a a treasure in
they were d ripening for destruction, heaven, yea, which is eternal, and
for the laws had become corrupted. which fadeth not away; yea, that
3 Yea, and this was not all; they ye may have that b precious gift of
were a a stiffnecked people, inso- eternal life, which we have reason
much that they could not be gov- to suppose hath been given to our
erned by the law nor justice, save fathers.
it were to their destruction. 9 O remember, remember, my sons,
4 And it came to pass that Nephi the a words which king Benjamin
had become weary because of their spake unto his people; yea, remem-
iniquity; and he yielded up the ber that there is no other way nor
judgment-seat, and took it upon means whereby man can be saved,
him to preach the word of God all only through the b atoning blood
the remainder of his days, and his of Jesus Christ, who shall come;
brother Lehi also, all the remain- yea, remember that he cometh to
der of his days; c
redeem the d world.
26 a Ezek. 19:8 (6–9). c 4 Ne. 1:40. tg Treasure.
tg Weak. d Hel. 6:40; 10:11; b 1 Ne. 15:36.
b Alma 46:8; D&C 18:6; 61:31. 9 a Mosiah 2:9.
Hel. 6:32; 7:6; 11:26; 12:2. 3 a tg Stiffnecked. b Mosiah 3:18; 4:2.
5 1 a Hel. 3:37. 5 a Hel. 3:21 (21, 37). tg Jesus Christ,
b Alma 4:20 (15–20). 6 a 1 Ne. 1:4 (1, 4). Atonement through.
c Hel. 6:15. b 2 Ne. 4:12; 33:3 (1–15); c tg Jesus Christ,
2 a Mosiah 29:25 (25–27); Jacob 1:10 (9–12). Redeemer.
Hel. 1:5 (3–5, 13). 8 a Hel. 8:25; d tg World.
b Alma 10:19. 3 Ne. 13:20 (19–21).
Helaman 5 : 10–21 378
10 And remember also the words city of Gid; and from the city of
which Amulek spake unto Zeez- Gid to the city of Mulek;
rom, a in the city of Ammonihah; 16 And even from one city to an-
for he said unto him that the Lord other, until they had gone forth
surely should come to redeem his a
among all the people of Nephi
people, but that he should not come who were in the land southward;
to redeem them in their sins, but to and from thence into the land of
redeem them from their sins. Zarahemla, among the Lamanites.
11 And he hath power given unto 17 And it came to pass that they
him from the Father to redeem did a preach with great b power, inso-
them from their sins because of re- much that they did confound many
pentance; therefore he hath a sent of those c dissenters who had gone
his angels to declare the tidings over from the Nephites, insomuch
of the conditions of repentance, that they came forth and did con-
which bringeth unto the power of fess their sins and were baptized
the Redeemer, unto the salvation of unto repentance, and immediately
their souls. returned to the Nephites to endeavor
12 And now, my sons, remember, to repair unto them the wrongs
remember that it is upon the a rock which they had done.
of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the 18 And it came to pass that Nephi
Son of God, that ye must build your and Lehi did preach unto the Laman-
foundation; that when the devil ites with such great power and author-
shall send forth his mighty winds, ity, for they had power and authority
yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, given unto them that they might
when all his hail and his mighty a
speak, and they also had what they
storm shall beat upon you, it shall should speak given unto them—
have no power over you to drag you 19 Therefore they did speak unto
down to the gulf of misery and end- the great astonishment of the La-
less wo, because of the rock upon manites, to the convincing them,
which ye are built, which is a sure insomuch that there were eight thou-
foundation, a foundation whereon sand of the Lamanites who were in
if men build they cannot fall. the land of Zarahemla and round
13 And it came to pass that these about a baptized unto repentance,
were the words which Helaman and were convinced of the b wick-
taught to his sons; yea, he did edness of the c traditions of their
teach them many things which are fathers.
not written, and also many things 20 And it came to pass that Nephi
which are written. and Lehi did proceed from thence
14 And they did remember his to go to the a land of Nephi.
words; and therefore they went 21 And it came to pass that they
forth, keeping the commandments were taken by an army of the La-
of God, to teach the word of God manites and cast into a prison; yea,
among all the people of Nephi, be- even in that same prison in which
ginning at the city Bountiful; Ammon and his brethren were cast
15 And from thenceforth to the by the servants of Limhi.
10 a Alma 11:34. Jacob 4:16. c Hel. 4:4 (2, 4).
11 a Alma 13:24 (24–25); c Alma 26:6; 18 a D&C 24:6; 100:5 (5–8).
39:19. 3 Ne. 14:25 (25, 27). tg Prophets, Mission of.
12 a Ps. 71:3; 13 a Mosiah 1:4; 19 a tg Missionary Work.
Matt. 7:24 (24–27); Alma 18:36; 36:1; b Mal. 2:6.
D&C 6:34; Moses 6:58. c Hel. 15:4.
Moses 7:53. 16 a Hel. 4:5. 20 a Alma 22:1.
tg Cornerstone; 17 a Hel. 4:14. 21 a Mosiah 7:7 (6–8);
Rock. b tg Teaching with the 21:23 (22–24).
b Isa. 28:16 (14–17); Spirit.
379 Helaman 5 : 22–36
22 And after they had been cast repent ye, and seek no more to de-
into prison many days without stroy my b servants whom I have sent
food, behold, they went forth into unto you to declare good tidings.
the prison to take them that they 30 And it came to pass when they
might slay them. heard this a voice, and beheld that
23 And it came to pass that Nephi it was not a voice of thunder, nei-
and Lehi were encircled about a as ther was it a voice of a great tu-
if by b fire, even insomuch that they multuous noise, but behold, it was
durst not lay their hands upon them a b still voice of perfect mildness,
for fear lest they should be burned. as if it had been a whisper, and it
Nevertheless, Nephi and Lehi were did pierce even to the very soul—
not burned; and they were as stand- 31 And notwithstanding the mild-
ing in the midst of fire and were ness of the voice, behold the earth
not burned. shook exceedingly, and the walls of
24 And when they saw that they the prison trembled again, as if it
were encircled about with a a pillar were about to tumble to the earth;
of fire, and that it burned them not, and behold the cloud of darkness,
their hearts did take courage. which had overshadowed them, did
25 For they saw that the Laman- not disperse—
ites durst not lay their hands upon 32 And behold the voice came
them; neither durst they come near again, saying: a Repent ye, repent
unto them, but stood as if they were ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at
struck dumb with amazement. hand; and seek no more to destroy
26 And it came to pass that Nephi my servants. And it came to pass
and Lehi did stand forth and began that the earth shook again, and the
to speak unto them, saying: a Fear walls trembled.
not, for behold, it is God that has 33 And also again the third time the
shown unto you this marvelous voice came, and did speak unto them
thing, in the which is shown unto marvelous words which a cannot be
you that ye cannot lay your hands uttered by man; and the walls did
on us to slay us. tremble again, and the earth shook
27 And behold, when they had as if it were about to divide asunder.
said these words, the earth shook 34 And it came to pass that the
exceedingly, and the walls of the Lamanites could not flee because
prison did shake as if they were of the cloud of darkness which did
about to tumble to the earth; but overshadow them; yea, and also they
behold, they did not fall. And be- were immovable because of the fear
hold, they that were in the prison which did come upon them.
were Lamanites and Nephites who 35 Now there was one among them
were dissenters. who was a Nephite by birth, who
28 And it came to pass that they had once belonged to the church of
were overshadowed with a cloud God but had dissented from them.
of a darkness, and an awful solemn 36 And it came to pass that he
fear came upon them. turned him about, and behold, he
29 And it came to pass that there saw through the cloud of darkness
came a a voice as if it were above the the faces of Nephi and Lehi; and be-
cloud of darkness, saying: Repent ye, hold, they did a shine exceedingly,
23 a Ex. 24:17; tg Protection, Divine. D&C 85:6 (6–7).
D&C 137:2. 26 a Dan. 10:12. 32 a Matt. 3:2 (2–3);
b Ex. 3:2; 28 a Ex. 14:20. Alma 7:9; 9:25 (25–26).
Dan. 3:25 (25, 27). 29 a Deut. 4:33; 33 a Rom. 8:26.
24 a Ex. 14:24; 3 Ne. 11:3 (3–14). 36 a Ex. 34:29 (29–35);
1 Ne. 1:6; b tg Servant. Acts 6:15.
D&C 29:12; 30 a Moses 1:25.
JS—H 1:16. b 1 Kgs. 19:12;
Helaman 5 : 37–52 380
even as the faces of angels. And if in the midst of a flaming fire, yet
he beheld that they did lift their it did harm them not, neither did
eyes to heaven; and they were in it take hold upon the walls of the
the attitude as if talking or lifting prison; and they were filled with
their voices to some being whom that c joy which is unspeakable and
they beheld. full of glory.
37 And it came to pass that this 45 And behold, the a Holy Spirit of
man did cry unto the multitude, God did come down from heaven,
that they might turn and look. And and did enter into their hearts, and
behold, there was power given unto they were filled as if with fire,
them that they did turn and look; and they could b speak forth mar-
and they did behold the faces of velous words.
Nephi and Lehi. 46 And it came to pass that there
38 And they said unto the man: came a voice unto them, yea, a
Behold, what do all these things pleasant voice, as if it were a whis-
mean, and who is it with whom per, saying:
these men do converse? 47 a Peace, peace be unto you, be-
39 Now the man’s name was cause of your faith in my Well Be-
Aminad ab. And Aminadab said loved, who was from the foundation
unto them: They do converse with of the world.
the angels of God. 48 And now, when they heard this
40 And it came to pass that the La- they cast up their eyes as if to be-
manites said unto him: a What shall hold from whence the voice came;
we do, that this cloud of darkness and behold, they saw the a heavens
may be removed from overshad- open; and angels came down out
owing us? of heaven and ministered unto
41 And Aminadab said unto them: them.
You must a repent, and cry unto the 49 And there were about three
voice, even until ye shall have b faith hundred souls who saw and heard
in Christ, who was taught unto you these things; and they were bidden
by Alma, and c Amulek, and Zeez- to go forth and marvel not, neither
rom; and when ye shall do this, the should they doubt.
cloud of darkness shall be removed 50 And it came to pass that they
from overshadowing you. did go forth, and did minister unto
42 And it came to pass that they the people, declaring throughout
all did begin to cry unto the voice all the regions round about all the
of him who had shaken the earth; things which they had heard and
yea, they did cry even until the seen, insomuch that the more part
cloud of darkness was dispersed. of the Lamanites were a convinced
43 And it came to pass that when of them, because of the great-
they cast their eyes about, and saw ness of the evidences which they
that the cloud of darkness was dis- had received.
persed from overshadowing them, 51 And as many as were a convinced
behold, they saw that they were did lay down their weapons of
encircled about, yea every soul, war, and also their hatred and the
by a pillar of fire. tradition of their fathers.
44 And a Nephi and b Lehi were in 52 And it came to pass that they
the midst of them; yea, they were did a yield up unto the Nephites the
encircled about; yea, they were as lands of their possession.
40 a Acts 2:37 (37–39). b Hel. 11:19. 48 a Acts 7:56 (55–56);
41 a tg Repent. c tg Joy. 1 Ne. 1:8.
b tg Faith. 45 a 3 Ne. 9:20; 19:14 (13–14); 50 a Ether 12:14.
c Alma 31:6 (5–38). Ether 12:14. 51 a Alma 31:5.
43 a 3 Ne. 17:24; 19:14. b tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 52 a Hel. 4:5 (5, 18–19).
44 a Hel. 6:6. 47 a tg Peace of God.
381 Helaman 6 : 1–12
south. And they did multiply and band. But behold, they were more
wax exceedingly strong in the land. numerous among the more wicked
And they did raise many flocks and part of the Lamanites. And they
herds, yea, many fatlings. were called Gadianton’s robbers and
13 Behold their women did toil murderers.
and spin, and did a make all manner 19 And it was they who did mur-
of b cloth, of fine-twined linen and der the chief judge a Cezoram, and
cloth of every kind, to clothe their his son, while in the judgment-seat;
nakedness. And thus the sixty and and behold, they were not found.
fourth year did pass away in peace. 20 And now it came to pass that
14 And in the sixty and fifth year when the Lamanites found that
they did also have great joy and peace, there were robbers among them they
yea, much preaching and many were exceedingly sorrowful; and
prophecies concerning that which they did use every means in their
was to come. And thus passed away power to destroy them off the face
the sixty and fifth year. of the earth.
15 And it came to pass that in the 21 But behold, Satan did stir up
sixty and sixth year of the reign of the a hearts of the more part of the
the judges, behold, a Cezoram was Nephites, insomuch that they did
murdered by an unknown hand as unite with those bands of robbers,
he sat upon the judgment-seat. And and did enter into their covenants
it came to pass that in the same and their oaths, that they would
year, that his son, who had been ap- protect and preserve one another in
pointed by the people in his stead, whatsoever difficult circumstances
was also murdered. And thus ended they should be placed, that they
the sixty and sixth year. should not suffer for their murders,
16 And in the commencement and their plunderings, and their
of the sixty and seventh year the b
people began to grow exceedingly 22 And it came to pass that they
wicked again. did have their signs, yea, their a se-
17 For behold, the Lord had blessed cret signs, and their b secret words;
them so long with the a riches of and this that they might distinguish
the world that they had not been a brother who had entered into the
stirred up to anger, to wars, nor to covenant, that whatsoever wicked-
bloodshed; therefore they began to ness his brother should do he should
set their hearts upon their riches; not be injured by his brother, nor by
yea, they began to seek to get gain those who did belong to his band,
that they might be lifted up one who had taken this covenant.
above another; therefore they began 23 And thus they might murder,
to commit b secret murders, and to and plunder, and steal, and commit
rob and to plunder, that they might a
whoredoms and all manner of
get gain. wickedness, contrary to the laws
18 And now behold, those murder- of their country and also the laws of
ers and plunderers were a band who their God.
had been formed by Kishkumen and 24 And whosoever of those who be-
Gadianton. And now it had come longed to their band should reveal
to pass that there were many, even unto the world of their a wickedness
among the Nephites, of Gadianton’s and their abominations, should be
13 a tg Art. 18 a Hel. 2:4 (4, 12–13); 3:23. b Hel. 11:2;
b Mosiah 10:5; 19 a Hel. 6:15. 3 Ne. 3:7.
Alma 1:29. 21 a Hel. 6:2. 23 a tg Whore.
15 a Hel. 5:1; 6:19. b tg Stealing. 24 a tg Wickedness.
17 a tg Treasure. 22 a Alma 37:27.
b 3 Ne. 6:23; 9:9. tg Secret Combinations.
383 Helaman 6 : 25–36
tried, not according to the laws of and secret murder, and doth hand
their country, but according to the down their plots, and their oaths,
laws of their wickedness, which and their covenants, and their plans
had been given by Gadianton and of awful wickedness, from genera-
Kishkumen. tion to generation according as he
25 Now behold, it is these secret can get hold upon the hearts of the
oaths and covenants which Alma children of men.
commanded his son should not 31 And now behold, he had got
go forth unto the world, lest they great hold upon the hearts of the
should be a means of bringing down Nephites; yea, insomuch that they
the people unto destruction. had become exceedingly wicked; yea,
26 Now behold, those a secret oaths the more part of them had turned
and covenants did not come forth out of the a way of righteousness,
unto Gadianton from the b records and did b trample under their feet
which were delivered unto Helaman; the commandments of God, and did
but behold, they were put into the turn unto their own ways, and
heart of c Gadianton by that d same be- did build up unto themselves c idols
ing who did entice our first parents of their gold and their silver.
to partake of the forbidden fruit— 32 And it came to pass that all
27 Yea, that same being who did these iniquities did come unto them
plot with a Cain, that if he would in the space of a not many years,
murder his brother Abel it should insomuch that a more part of it had
not be known unto the world. And come unto them in the sixty and
he did plot with Cain and his fol- seventh year of the reign of the
lowers from that time forth. judges over the people of Nephi.
28 And also it is that same being 33 And they did grow in their in-
who put it into the hearts of the iquities in the sixty and eighth year
people to a build a tower sufficiently also, to the great sorrow and lam-
high that they might get to heaven. entation of the righteous.
And it was that same being who led 34 And thus we see that the a Neph-
on the people who came from that ites did begin to dwindle in unbe-
tower into this land; who spread lief, and grow in wickedness and
the works of darkness and abomi- abominations, while the Lamanites
nations over all the face of the land, began to grow exceedingly in the
until he dragged the people down knowledge of their God; yea, they
to an b entire destruction, and to an did begin to keep his statutes and
everlasting hell. commandments, and to walk in
29 Yea, it is that same being who truth and uprightness before him.
put it into the heart of a Gadianton 35 And thus we see that the Spirit
to still carry on the work of dark- of the Lord began to a withdraw
ness, and of secret murder; and he from the Nephites, because of the
has brought it forth from the begin- wickedness and the hardness of
ning of man even down to this time. their hearts.
30 And behold, it is he who is the 36 And thus we see that the Lord
author of all sin. And behold, he began to pour out his a Spirit upon
doth carry on his works of darkness the Lamanites, because of their
25 a Alma 37:29 (27–32). Ether 1:3. c Judg. 2:17; 2 Ne. 9:37;
26 a 3 Ne. 3:9; b Ether 8:21 (9, 15–25). Alma 7:6.
Ether 8:9 (9–19); 29 a Hel. 2:4 (4–13). 32 a Alma 46:8;
Moses 5:29 (29, 49–52). 30 a Alma 5:40 (39–42); Hel. 4:26; 7:6; 11:26.
b 3 Ne. 6:28. Moro. 7:12 (12, 17); 34 a Moro. 9:20.
c Hel. 8:28. Moses 4:4. 35 a Matt. 13:15;
d Moses 4:6 (6–12). 31 a Gen. 6:12; Mosiah 2:36;
27 a Moses 5:25 (18–33). 2 Ne. 28:11. D&C 121:37.
28 a Gen. 11:4 (1–4); b 1 Ne. 19:7. 36 a tg God, Spirit of.
Helaman 6 : 37–7 : 6 384
7 Oh, that I could have had my 14 Yea, because I have got upon
days in the days when my father my tower that I might pour out
Nephi first came out of the land of my soul unto my God, because of
Jerusalem, that I could have a joyed the exceeding sorrow of my heart,
with him in the promised land; then which is because of your iniquities!
were his people easy to be entreated, 15 And because of my a mourning
firm to keep the commandments and lamentation ye have gathered
of God, and slow to be led to do iniq- yourselves together, and do mar-
uity; and they were quick to hearken vel; yea, and ye have great need
unto the words of the Lord— to marvel; yea, ye ought to marvel
8 Yea, if my days could have been because ye are given away that the
in those days, then would my soul devil has got so great hold upon
have had joy in the righteousness your hearts.
of my brethren. 16 Yea, how could you have given
9 But behold, I am consigned that way to the enticing of him who
these are my days, and that my soul is seeking to hurl away your souls
shall be filled with a sorrow because of down to a everlasting misery and
this the wickedness of my brethren. endless wo?
10 And behold, now it came to pass 17 O repent ye, repent ye! a Why
that it was upon a tower, which was will ye die? Turn ye, turn ye unto
in the a garden of Nephi, which the Lord your God. Why has he
was by the highway which led to forsaken you?
the chief market, which was in the 18 It is because you have hard-
city of Zarahemla; therefore, Nephi ened your hearts; yea, ye will not
had bowed himself upon the tower a
hearken unto the voice of the b good
which was in his garden, which shepherd; yea, ye have c provoked
tower was also near unto the garden him to anger against you.
gate by which led the highway. 19 And behold, instead of a gath-
11 And it came to pass that there ering you, except ye will repent,
were certain men passing by and behold, he shall scatter you forth
saw Nephi as he was pouring out his that ye shall become meat for dogs
soul unto God upon the a tower; and and wild beasts.
they ran and told the people what 20 O, how could you have a forgot-
they had seen, and the people came ten your God in the very day that
together in multitudes that they he has delivered you?
might know the cause of so great 21 But behold, it is to get a gain, to
mourning for the wickedness of be b praised of men, yea, and that
the people. ye might get gold and silver. And
12 And now, when Nephi arose he ye have set your hearts upon the
beheld the multitudes of people c
riches and the vain things of this
who had gathered together. world, for the which ye do murder,
13 And it came to pass that he and plunder, and steal, and bear
opened his mouth and said unto d
false witness against your neigh-
them: Behold, a why have ye gath- bor, and do all manner of iniquity.
ered yourselves together? That I 22 And for this cause a wo shall come
may tell you of your iniquities? unto you except ye shall repent.
7 a 2 Ne. 5:27 (26–28). Ezek. 18:23 (23, 32). Alma 12:37 (36–37).
b D&C 5:22. 18 a tg Disobedience. 19 a 3 Ne. 10:4 (4–7).
9 a Jer. 9:1 (1–3). b Ezek. 34:12; John 10:14; 20 a Isa. 17:10 (4–11).
10 a Hel. 9:8. Alma 5:60 (38–60). 21 a tg Selfishness.
11 a Alma 50:4. tg Jesus Christ, Good b tg Peer Influence.
13 a Matt. 3:7 (5–8). Shepherd. c tg Treasure.
15 a tg Mourning. c Num. 14:11 (11–12); d Matt. 15:19 (19–20).
16 a Alma 26:20. 1 Ne. 17:30 (23–31); tg Slander.
17 a Isa. 1:5 (5–6); Jacob 1:8; 22 a Rev. 8:13; D&C 5:5.
Helaman 7 : 23–8 : 5 386
For if ye will not repent, behold, these things shall be, of myself,
this b great city, and also all those because it is not of myself that
great cities which are round about, I a know these things; but behold, I
which are in the land of our pos- b
know that these things are true be-
session, shall be taken away that cause the Lord God has made them
ye shall have no place in them; for known unto me, therefore I testify
behold, the Lord will not grant unto that they shall be.
you c strength, as he has hitherto
done, to withstand against your Chapter 8
enemies. Corrupt judges seek to incite the peo-
23 For behold, thus saith the Lord: ple against Nephi—Abraham, Moses,
I will not show unto the wicked of Zenos, Zenock, Ezias, Isaiah, Jere-
my strength, to one more than the miah, Lehi, and Nephi all testified
other, save it be unto those who of Christ—By inspiration Nephi an-
repent of their sins, and hearken nounces the murder of the chief judge.
unto my words. Now therefore, I About 23–21 b.c.
would that ye should behold, my
brethren, that it shall be a better for And now it came to pass that when
the Lamanites than for you except Nephi had said these words, behold,
ye shall repent. there were men who were judges,
24 For behold, they are more righ- who also belonged to the secret
teous than you, for they have not band of Gadianton, and they were
sinned against that great knowledge angry, and they cried out against
which ye have received; therefore him, saying unto the people: Why
the Lord will be merciful unto them; do ye not seize upon this man and
yea, he will a lengthen out their days bring him forth, that he may be
and increase their seed, even when condemned according to the crime
thou shalt be utterly b destroyed ex- which he has done?
cept thou shalt repent. 2 Why seest thou this man, and
25 Yea, wo be unto you because hearest him revile against this peo-
of that great abomination which ple and against our law?
has come among you; and ye have 3 For behold, Nephi had spoken
united yourselves unto it, yea, to unto them concerning the corrupt-
that a secret band which was estab- ness of their law; yea, many things
lished by Gadianton! did Nephi speak which cannot be
26 Yea, a wo shall come unto you written; and nothing did he speak
because of that pride which ye have which was contrary to the com-
suffered to enter your hearts, which mandments of God.
has lifted you up beyond that which 4 And those judges were angry
is good because of your exceedingly with him because he a spake plainly
great riches! unto them concerning their secret
27 Yea, wo be unto you because of works of darkness; nevertheless,
your wickedness and abominations! they durst not lay their own hands
28 And except ye repent ye shall upon him, for they feared the peo-
perish; yea, even your lands shall ple lest they should cry out against
be taken from you, and ye shall be them.
destroyed from off the face of the 5 Therefore they did cry unto the
earth. people, saying: Why do you suffer
29 Behold now, I do not say that this man to revile against us? For
22 b Hel. 8:5. Alma 9:16; Hel. 3:23.
c Mosiah 7:29. D&C 5:33. 26 a Isa. 5:8 (8–25).
23 a Hel. 15:14 (11–15). b Alma 9:19; 29 a Hel. 8:8.
24 a Ex. 20:12; Hel. 10:14. b Hel. 8:12.
1 Ne. 17:55; 25 a 2 Ne. 10:15; 8 4 a 1 Ne. 16:2 (2–3).
387 Helaman 8 : 6 –18
behold he doth condemn all this that the Israelites, who were our
people, even unto destruction; yea, fathers, came through upon dry
and also that these our a great cit- ground, and the waters closed upon
ies shall be taken from us, that we the armies of the Egyptians and
shall have no place in them. swallowed them up?
6 And now we know that this is 12 And now behold, if God gave
impossible, for behold, we are a pow- unto this man such power, then
erful, and our cities great, therefore why should ye dispute among your-
our enemies can have no power selves, and say that he hath given
over us. unto me no power whereby I may
7 And it came to pass that thus a
know concerning the judgments
they did a stir up the people to anger that shall come upon you except
against Nephi, and raised conten- ye repent?
tions among them; for there were 13 But, behold, ye not only deny
some who did cry out: b Let this man my words, but ye also deny all the
alone, for he is a good man, and words which have been spoken
those things which he saith will by our fathers, and also the words
surely come to pass except we repent; which were spoken by this man,
8 Yea, behold, all the judgments Moses, who had such great power
will come upon us which he has given unto him, yea, the words
testified unto us; for we know that which he hath spoken concerning
he has testified aright unto us con- the coming of the Messiah.
cerning our iniquities. And behold 14 Yea, did he not bear record that
they are many, and he a knoweth as the Son of God should come? And
well all things which shall befall as he a lifted up the brazen serpent
us as he knoweth of our iniquities; in the wilderness, even so shall he
9 Yea, and behold, if he had not be lifted up who should come.
been a prophet he could not have 15 And as many as should look
testified concerning those things. upon that serpent should a live, even
10 And it came to pass that those so as many as should look upon the
people who sought to destroy Nephi Son of God with faith, having a con-
were compelled because of their fear, trite spirit, might b live, even unto
that they did not lay their hands that life which is eternal.
on him; therefore he began again 16 And now behold, Moses did
to speak unto them, seeing that not only testify of these things, but
he had gained favor in the eyes of also a all the holy prophets, from his
some, insomuch that the remainder days even to the days of Abraham.
of them did fear. 17 Yea, and behold, a Abraham saw
11 Therefore he was constrained of his coming, and was filled with
to speak more unto them saying: gladness and did rejoice.
Behold, my brethren, have ye not 18 Yea, and behold I say unto you,
read that God gave power unto one that Abraham not only knew of
man, even Moses, to smite upon the these things, but there were a many
waters of the a Red Sea, and they before the days of Abraham who
parted hither and thither, insomuch were called by the b order of God;
5 a Hel. 7:22. 1 Ne. 17:26; Alma 37:46 (46–47);
6 a Moses 8:21 (20–22). Mosiah 7:19; 3 Ne. 15:9.
7 a tg Provoking. D&C 8:3; b John 11:25.
b Acts 5:38 (37–40). Moses 1:25. 16 a Luke 24:27;
8 a Hel. 7:29. 12 a Hel. 7:29 (28–29). Rev. 19:10;
tg God, Foreknowl- 14 a Num. 21:9 (6–9); Jacob 4:4 (4–5); 7:11.
edge of. 2 Ne. 25:20; 17 a Gen. 22:8 (8–14);
9 a tg Testimony. Alma 33:19 (19–22). John 8:56 (53, 56).
11 a Ex. 14:16; tg Jesus Christ, Types 18 a Alma 13:19;
Josh. 2:10; of, in Anticipation. D&C 84:14 (6–16); 136:37.
Neh. 9:11; 15 a 1 Ne. 17:41; b tg Priesthood.
Helaman 8 : 19–28 388
yea, even after the order of his Son; is a with them, and he did manifest
and this that it should be shown himself unto them, that they were
unto the people, a great many redeemed by him; and they gave
thousand years before his coming, unto him glory, because of that
that even redemption should come which is to come.
unto them. 24 And now, seeing ye know these
19 And now I would that ye should things and cannot deny them ex-
know, that even since the days of cept ye shall lie, therefore in this
Abraham there have been many ye have sinned, for ye have rejected
prophets that have testified these all these things, notwithstanding
things; yea, behold, the prophet so many a evidences which ye have
Zenos did testify boldly; for the received; yea, even ye have received
which he was slain. b
all things, both things in heaven,
20 And behold, also a Zenock, and and all things which are in the
also b Ezias, and also c Isaiah, and earth, as a witness that they are
Jeremiah, ( Jeremiah being that true.
same prophet who testified of the 25 But behold, ye have rejected the
destruction of e Jerusalem) and truth, and a rebelled against your
now we know that Jerusalem was holy God; and even at this time,
destroyed according to the words instead of laying up for yourselves
of Jeremiah. O then why not the b
treasures in heaven, where nothing
Son of God come, according to his doth corrupt, and where nothing can
prophecy ? come which is unclean, ye are heap-
21 And now will you dispute that ing up for yourselves wrath against
Jerusalem was destroyed? Will ye the day of c judgment.
say that the b sons of Zedekiah were 26 Yea, even at this time ye are
not slain, all except it were c Mulek? ripening, because of your murders
Yea, and do ye not behold that the and your a fornication and wicked-
seed of Zedekiah are with us, and ness, for everlasting destruction;
they were driven out of the land yea, and except ye repent it will
of Jerusalem? But behold, this is come unto you soon.
not all— 27 Yea, behold it is now even at
22 Our father Lehi was driven your doors; yea, go ye in unto the
out of Jerusalem because he a tes- judgment-seat, and search; and be-
tified of these things. Nephi also hold, your judge is murdered, and
testified of these things, and also he a lieth in his blood; and he hath
almost all of our fathers, even down been murdered b by his brother, who
to this time; yea, they have testified seeketh to sit in the judgment-seat.
of the b coming of Christ, and have 28 And behold, they both belong
looked forward, and have rejoiced to your secret band, whose a author
in his day which is to come. is Gadianton and the evil one who
23 And behold, he is God, and he seeketh to destroy the souls of men.
19 a Alma 34:7; Jer. 39:6; 52:10. Mosiah 2:37 (36–38);
Hel. 15:11. c Ezek. 17:22 (22–23); 3:12.
20 a 1 Ne. 19:10; Hel. 6:10; b Hel. 5:8;
Alma 33:15; 34:7; Morm. 7:2. 3 Ne. 13:20 (19–21).
3 Ne. 10:16 (15–16). 22 a D&C 138:49. tg Treasure.
b tg Scriptures, Lost. b tg Jesus Christ, c Ps. 109:7 (3–7);
c Isa. 53:2 (1–12). Prophecies about. D&C 10:23 (20–23);
d 1 Ne. 5:13; 7:14. 23 a Alma 40:11 (11–12). 121:24 (23–25).
e Jer. 26:18 (17–19); 24 a 2 Kgs. 17:13; 26 a tg Fornication.
1 Ne. 1:4 (4–18); 1 Ne. 10:5. 27 a Hel. 9:3, 15.
2 Ne. 6:8; 25:6. b Alma 30:44; b Hel. 9:6 (6, 26–38).
21 a Omni 1:15. Moses 6:63. 28 a Hel. 6:26 (26–30).
b 2 Kgs. 25:7; 25 a Ps. 5:10;
389 Helaman 9 : 1–14
him, and ye shall find blood upon us the thoughts of our hearts, and
the skirts of his cloak. also has told us things; and even
32 And when ye have seen this, he has brought unto our knowl-
ye shall say: From whence cometh edge the true murderer of our chief
this blood? Do we not know that it judge.
is the blood of your brother?
33 And then shall he tremble, and Chapter 10
shall look pale, even as if death had
The Lord gives Nephi the sealing
come upon him. power—He is empowered to bind and
34 And then shall ye say: Because loose on earth and in heaven—He com-
of this fear and this paleness which mands the people to repent or perish—
has come upon your face, behold,
we know that thou art guilty. The Spirit carries him from multitude
to multitude. About 21–20 b.c.
35 And then shall greater fear
come upon him; and then shall he And it came to pass that there arose
confess unto you, and deny no more a division among the people, inso-
that he has done this murder. much that they divided hither and
36 And then shall he say unto thither and went their ways, leaving
you, that I, Nephi, know nothing Nephi alone, as he was standing in
concerning the matter save it were the midst of them.
given unto me by the power of God. 2 And it came to pass that Nephi
And then shall ye know that I am went his way towards his own house,
an honest man, and that I am sent a
pondering upon the things which
unto you from God. the Lord had shown unto him.
37 And it came to pass that they 3 And it came to pass as he was
went and did, even according as thus pondering—being much cast
Nephi had said unto them. And be- down because of the wickedness of
hold, the words which he had said the people of the Nephites, their
were true; for according to the words secret works of darkness, and their
he did deny; and also according to murderings, and their plunderings,
the words he did confess. and all manner of iniquities—and
38 And he was brought to prove it came to pass as he was thus pon-
that he himself was the very mur- dering in his heart, behold, a a voice
derer, insomuch that the five were came unto him saying:
set at liberty, and also was Nephi. 4 a Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those
39 And there were some of the things which thou hast done; for
Nephites who believed on the words I have beheld how thou hast with
of Nephi; and there were some b
unwearyingness declared the word,
also, who believed because of the which I have given unto thee, unto
testimony of the five, for they had this people. And thou hast not feared
been converted while they were them, and hast not sought thine
in prison. c
own life, but hast sought my d will,
40 And now there were some and to keep my commandments.
among the people, who said that 5 And now, because thou hast done
Nephi was a prophet. this with such unwearyingness, be-
41 And there were others who said: hold, I will bless thee forever; and I
Behold, he is a god, for except he will make thee mighty in word and
was a god he could not a know of in deed, in faith and in works; yea,
all things. For behold, he has told even that a all things shall be b done
41 a tg God, Omni- tg Dedication; d Mosiah 24:15;
science of. Dependability; 3 Ne. 11:11.
10 2 a tg Meditation. Priesthood, Magnifying 5 a 3 Ne. 18:20;
3 a tg Guidance, Divine. Callings within; D&C 88:64 (63–65).
4 a Acts 23:11. Steadfastness. b Ex. 33:17.
b Acts 20:31. c tg Self-Sacrifice.
Helaman 10 : 6 –19 392
unto thee according to thy c word, they did harden their hearts and
for thou shalt d not ask that which did not hearken unto the words of
is contrary to my will. the Lord.
6 Behold, thou art Nephi, and I 14 Therefore Nephi did declare
am God. Behold, I declare it unto unto them the word of the Lord,
thee in the presence of mine angels, saying: Except ye repent, thus saith
that ye shall have power over this the Lord, ye shall be a smitten even
people, and shall smite the earth unto destruction.
with a famine, and with pestilence, 15 And it came to pass that when
and destruction, according to the Nephi had declared unto them the
wickedness of this people. word, behold, they did still harden
7 Behold, I give unto you a power, their hearts and would not hearken
that whatsoever ye shall b seal on unto his words; therefore they did
earth shall be sealed in heaven; a
revile against him, and did seek to
and whatsoever ye shall loose on lay their hands upon him that they
earth shall be loosed in heaven; and might cast him into prison.
thus shall ye have power among 16 But behold, the power of God
this people. was with him, and they could not
8 And thus, if ye shall say unto this take him to cast him into prison,
temple it shall be rent in twain, it for he was taken by the Spirit and
shall be done. a
conveyed away out of the midst
9 And if ye shall say unto this of them.
mountain, Be thou cast down and 17 And it came to pass that thus
become smooth, it shall be done. he did go forth in the Spirit, from
10 And behold, if ye shall say that multitude to multitude, declaring
God shall smite this people, it shall the word of God, even until he had
come to pass. declared it unto them all, or sent it
11 And now behold, I command forth among all the people.
you, that ye shall go and declare 18 And it came to pass that they
unto this people, that thus saith the would not hearken unto his words;
Lord God, who is the Almighty: Ex- and there began to be contentions,
cept ye repent ye shall be smitten, insomuch that they were divided
even unto a destruction. against themselves and began to
12 And behold, now it came to slay one another with the sword.
pass that when the Lord had spoken 19 And thus ended the seventy and
these words unto Nephi, he did stop first year of the reign of the judges
and did not go unto his own house, over the people of Nephi.
but did return unto the multitudes
who were scattered about upon
the face of the land, and began to Chapter 11
declare unto them the word of the
Lord which had been spoken unto Nephi persuades the Lord to replace
him, concerning their destruction their war with a famine—Many people
if they did not repent. perish—They repent, and Nephi impor-
13 Now behold, a notwithstanding tunes the Lord for rain—Nephi and
that great miracle which Nephi Lehi receive many revelations—The
had done in telling them concern- Gadianton robbers entrench themselves
ing the death of the chief judge, in the land. About 20–6 b.c.
5 c 1 Kgs. 17:1; 7 a Hel. 11:18. Ether 12:30.
Enos 1:12. b Matt. 16:19. 11 a Hel. 5:2; 11:8.
d James 4:3 (1–3); tg Priesthood, 13 a Mark 6:6 (4–6).
2 Ne. 4:35; Authority. 14 a Hel. 7:24.
D&C 46:30. 9 a Matt. 17:20; 15 a tg Reviling.
6 a Hel. 11:4 (4–18). Jacob 4:6; 16 a Acts 8:39 (39–40).
tg Drought. Morm. 8:24;
393 Helaman 11 : 1–15
And now it came to pass in the sev- leaders, that they would say unto
enty and second year of the reign Nephi: Behold, we know that thou
of the judges that the contentions art a man of God, and therefore
did increase, insomuch that there cry unto the Lord our God that he
were wars throughout all the land turn away from us this famine, lest
among all the people of Nephi. all the words which thou hast spo-
2 And it was this a secret band of ken concerning our b destruction
robbers who did carry on this work be fulfilled.
of destruction and wickedness. And 9 And it came to pass that the
this war did last all that year; and judges did say unto Nephi, accord-
in the seventy and third year it did ing to the words which had been
also last. desired. And it came to pass that
3 And it came to pass that in this when Nephi saw that the people
year Nephi did cry unto the Lord, had a repented and did humble
saying: themselves in sackcloth, he cried
4 O Lord, do not suffer that this again unto the Lord, saying:
people shall be destroyed by the 10 O Lord, behold this people re-
sword; but O Lord, rather a let there penteth; and they have swept away
be a b famine in the land, to stir the band of Gadianton from amongst
them up in remembrance of the them insomuch that they have be-
Lord their God, and perhaps they come extinct, and they have con-
will repent and turn unto thee. cealed their secret plans in the earth.
5 And so it was done, according 11 Now, O Lord, because of this
to the words of Nephi. And there their humility wilt thou turn away
was a great famine upon the land, thine anger, and let thine anger
among all the people of Nephi. And be appeased in the destruction of
thus in the seventy and fourth year those wicked men whom thou hast
the famine did continue, and the already destroyed.
work of destruction did cease by the 12 O Lord, wilt thou turn away
sword but became sore by famine. thine anger, yea, thy fierce anger, and
6 And this work of destruction did cause that this famine may cease in
also continue in the seventy and this land.
fifth year. For the earth was smitten 13 O Lord, wilt thou hearken unto
that it was a dry, and did not yield me, and cause that it may be done ac-
forth grain in the season of grain; cording to my words, and send forth
and the whole earth was smitten, a
rain upon the face of the earth,
even among the Lamanites as well that she may bring forth her fruit,
as among the Nephites, so that they and her grain in the season of grain.
were smitten that they did perish 14 O Lord, thou didst hearken unto
by thousands in the more wicked a
my words when I said, Let there
parts of the land. be a famine, that the pestilence of
7 And it came to pass that the the sword might cease; and I know
people saw that they were about to that thou wilt, even at this time,
perish by famine, and they began hearken unto my words, for thou
to a remember the Lord their God; saidst that: If this people repent I
and they began to remember the will spare them.
words of Nephi. 15 Yea, O Lord, and thou seest
8 And the people a began to plead that they have repented, because of
with their chief judges and their the famine and the pestilence and
11 2 a Hel. 6:22 (18–24); Hel. 10:6. 8 a Ex. 10:7.
11:26 (25–26). tg Famine. b Hel. 10:11 (11–14).
4 a Hel. 11:14. 6 a tg Drought. 9 a Morm. 2:12.
b 1 Kgs. 8:35; 7 a Amos 4:7 (6–10); 13 a 1 Kgs. 18:41 (1, 41–46).
1 Chr. 21:12; Hel. 12:3. 14 a Hel. 11:4.
Helaman 11 : 16–27 394
destruction which has come unto seventy and eighth year, save it were
them. a few contentions concerning the
16 And now, O Lord, wilt thou points of doctrine which had been
turn away thine anger, and try laid down by the prophets.
again if they will serve thee? And 23 And in the seventy and ninth
if so, O Lord, thou canst bless them year there began to be much strife.
according to thy words which thou But it came to pass that Nephi and
hast said. Lehi, and many of their brethren
17 And it came to pass that in the who knew concerning the true
seventy and sixth year the Lord did points of doctrine, having many
turn away his anger from the peo- a
revelations daily, therefore they
ple, and caused that a rain should did preach unto the people, inso-
fall upon the earth, insomuch that much that they did put an end to
it did bring forth her fruit in the their strife in that same year.
season of her fruit. And it came to 24 And it came to pass that in the
pass that it did bring forth her grain eightieth year of the reign of the
in the season of her grain. judges over the people of Nephi,
18 And behold, the people did re- there were a certain number of the
joice and glorify God, and the whole dissenters from the people of Nephi,
face of the land was filled with re- who had some years before gone
joicing; and they did no more seek to over unto the Lamanites, and taken
destroy Nephi, but they did esteem upon themselves the name of La-
him as a a great prophet, and a man manites, and also a certain number
of God, having great power and au- who were real descendants of the
thority given unto him from God. Lamanites, being stirred up to anger
19 And behold, Lehi, his brother, by them, or by those dissenters,
was not a a whit behind him as to therefore they commenced a a war
things pertaining to righteousness. with their brethren.
20 And thus it did come to pass 25 And they did commit murder
that the people of Nephi began to and plunder; and then they would
prosper again in the land, and be- retreat back into the mountains,
gan to build up their waste places, and into the wilderness and secret
and began to multiply and spread, places, hiding themselves that they
even until they did a cover the whole could not be discovered, receiving
face of the land, both on the north- daily an addition to their numbers,
ward and on the southward, from inasmuch as there were dissenters
the sea west to the sea east. that went forth unto them.
21 And it came to pass that the 26 And thus in time, yea, even in
seventy and sixth year did end in the space of a not many years, they
peace. And the seventy and seventh became an exceedingly great band
year began in peace; and the a church of robbers; and they did search out
did spread throughout the face of all all the b secret plans of Gadianton;
the land; and the more part of the and thus they became robbers of
people, both the Nephites and the Gadianton.
Lamanites, did belong to the church; 27 Now behold, these robbers did
and they did have exceedingly great make great havoc, yea, even great
peace in the land; and thus ended destruction among the people of
the seventy and seventh year. Nephi, and also among the people
22 And also they had peace in the of the Lamanites.
17 a Deut. 11:14 (13–17); Alma 22:27 (27, 32–33); Alma 26:22;
Ether 2:24; Hel. 3:8; D&C 107:19.
D&C 117:1. 3 Ne. 1:17. 24 a Hel. 4:3.
18 a Hel. 10:7 (5–11). 21 a tg Church; 26 a Hel. 4:26; 6:32; 7:6.
19 a Hel. 5:44 (36–44); 6:6. Peace. b Hel. 11:2.
20 a Jarom 1:6; 23 a Jarom 1:4;
395 Helaman 11 : 28–12 : 2
28 And it came to pass that it was 36 And in the eighty and second
expedient that there should be a year they began again to a forget the
stop put to this work of destruc- Lord their God. And in the eighty
tion; therefore they sent an army and third year they began to wax
of strong men into the wilderness strong in iniquity. And in the eighty
and upon the mountains to search and fourth year they did not mend
out this band of robbers, and to their ways.
destroy them. 37 And it came to pass in the eighty
29 But behold, it came to pass that and fifth year they did wax stron-
in that same year they were driven ger and stronger in their pride, and
back even into their own lands. in their wickedness; and thus they
And thus ended the eightieth year were a ripening again for destruction.
of the reign of the judges over the 38 And thus ended the eighty and
people of Nephi. fifth year.
30 And it came to pass in the
commencement of the eighty and Chapter 12
first year they did go forth again
against this band of robbers, and Men are unstable and foolish and
did destroy many; and they were quick to do evil—The Lord chastens
also visited with much destruction. His people—The nothingness of men is
31 And they were again obliged to compared with the power of God—In
return out of the wilderness and out the day of judgment, men will gain ev-
of the a mountains unto their own erlasting life or everlasting damnation.
lands, because of the exceeding About 6 b.c.
greatness of the numbers of those And thus we can behold how false,
robbers who infested the mountains and also the unsteadiness of the
and the wilderness. hearts of the children of men; yea,
32 And it came to pass that thus we can see that the Lord in his
ended this year. And the robbers great infinite goodness doth bless
did still increase and wax strong, and a prosper those who put their
insomuch that they did defy the b
trust in him.
whole armies of the Nephites, and 2 Yea, and we may see at the very
also of the Lamanites; and they did a
time when he doth b prosper his
cause great fear to come unto the people, yea, in the increase of their
people upon all the face of the land. fields, their flocks and their herds,
33 Yea, for they did visit many and in gold, and in silver, and in all
parts of the land, and did do great manner of c precious things of every
destruction unto them; yea, did kill kind and art; sparing their lives,
many, and did carry away others and delivering them out of the
captive into the wilderness, yea, hands of their enemies; softening
and more especially their women the hearts of their enemies that they
and their children. should not declare wars against
34 Now this great evil, which came them; yea, and in fine, doing all
unto the people because of their things for the welfare and happiness
iniquity, did stir them up again in of his people; yea, then is the time
remembrance of the Lord their God.
that they do d harden their hearts,
35 And thus ended the eighty and and do e forget the Lord their God,
first year of the reign of the judges. and do f trample under their feet the
31 a
3 Ne. 1:27. 2 Ne. 22:2; d tg Apostasy of
34 a
Hosea 5:15. Mosiah 4:6. Individuals.
36 a
Mosiah 13:29. tg Trust in God. e Deut. 8:11 (10–20).
37 a
Hel. 6:40. 2 a Alma 46:8; f Alma 5:53;
12 1 a
2 Chr. 26:5; Hel. 4:26; 6:32. 3 Ne. 28:35.
Ps. 1:3 (2–3). b Ps. 62:10. tg Sacrilege.
b Ps. 36:7 (7–8); c tg Treasure.
Helaman 12 : 3–19 396
Holy One—yea, and this because of hills and the mountains tremble
their ease, and their exceedingly and b quake.
great prosperity. 10 And by the a power of his voice
3 And thus we see that except the they are broken up, and become
Lord doth a chasten his people with smooth, yea, even like unto a valley.
many afflictions, yea, except he doth 11 Yea, by the power of his voice
visit them with b death and with ter- doth the a whole earth shake;
ror, and with famine and with all 12 Yea, by the power of his voice,
manner of pestilence, they will not do the foundations rock, even to
remember him. the very center.
4 O how a foolish, and how vain, 13 Yea, and if he say unto the
and how evil, and devilish, and how earth—Move—it is moved.
quick to do iniquity, and how slow 14 Yea, if he say unto the a earth—
to do good, are the children of men; Thou shalt b go back, that it c lengthen
yea, how quick to hearken unto the out the day for many hours—it is
words of the evil one, and to set done;
their c hearts upon the vain things of 15 And thus, according to his
the world! word the a earth goeth back, and it
5 Yea, how quick to be lifted up appeareth unto man that the b sun
in a pride; yea, how quick to b boast, standeth still; yea, and behold, this
and do all manner of that which is is so; for surely it is the earth that
iniquity; and how slow are they to moveth and not the sun.
remember the Lord their God, and 16 And behold, also, if he say unto
to give ear unto his counsels, yea, the a waters of the great deep—b Be
how slow to c walk in wisdom’s paths! thou dried up—it is done.
6 Behold, they do not desire that 17 Behold, if he say unto this
the Lord their God, who hath a cre- mountain—Be thou raised up, and
ated them, should b rule and reign a
come over and fall upon that city,
over them; notwithstanding his that it be buried up—behold it is
great goodness and his mercy to- done.
wards them, they do set at c naught 18 And behold, if a man a hide up a
his counsels, and they will not that treasure in the earth, and the Lord
he should be their guide. shall say—Let it be b accursed, be-
7 O how great is the a nothingness of cause of the iniquity of him who
the children of men; yea, even they hath hid it up—behold, it shall be
are b less than the dust of the earth. accursed.
8 For behold, the dust of the earth 19 And if the Lord shall say—Be
moveth hither and thither, to the thou accursed, that no man shall
dividing asunder, at the command find thee from this time henceforth
of our great and everlasting God. and forever—behold, no man getteth
9 Yea, behold at his a voice do the it henceforth and forever.
3 a Deut. 11:2 (1–8); b tg Boast. Ether 4:9.
Ezek. 20:26; c tg Walking in Darkness; 14 a Josh. 10:12 (12–14).
Mosiah 23:21; Walking with God. b Isa. 38:8 (7–8).
D&C 98:21; 101:8. 6 a Isa. 45:9 (9–10); c 2 Kgs. 20:9 (8–11).
b Ps. 78:34. D&C 58:30. 15 a Alma 30:44.
c Amos 4:6 (6–11); b Judg. 8:23 (22–23); b Hab. 3:11.
Jonah 2:7; D&C 60:4. 16 a Matt. 8:27 (23–27);
Mosiah 1:17. c Jer. 8:7. Jacob 4:9.
4 a tg Foolishness. 7 a Isa. 40:17 (15, 17); b Isa. 44:27; 51:10.
b Ex. 32:8; Judg. 2:17; Dan. 4:35; Moses 1:10. 17 a 3 Ne. 8:10 (10, 25);
Isa. 59:7; Jer. 4:22. b Gen. 18:27. 9:8 (5–6, 8).
c Gen. 6:5; 9 a Ezek. 1:24. 18 a Hel. 13:18 (18–23);
Matt. 15:19; b Judg. 5:5; 3 Ne. 22:10. Morm. 1:18 (17–19);
Heb. 3:12. 10 a 1 Ne. 17:46. Ether 14:1.
5 a Prov. 29:23. 11 a Morm. 5:23; b Hel. 13:17.
397 Helaman 12 : 20–13 : 6
20 And behold, if the Lord shall they repent—They and their riches
say unto a man—Because of thine are cursed—They reject and stone the
iniquities, thou shalt be accursed prophets, are encircled about by de-
forever—it shall be done. mons, and seek for happiness in doing
21 And if the Lord shall say—Be- iniquity. About 6 b.c.
cause of thine iniquities thou shalt
And now it came to pass in the
be a cut off from my presence—he eighty and sixth year, the Nephites
will cause that it shall be so. did still remain in wickedness, yea,
22 And wo unto him to whom he in great wickedness, while the a La-
shall say this, for it shall be unto manites did observe strictly to keep
him that will do iniquity, and he the commandments of God, accord-
cannot be a saved; therefore, for this ing to the law of Moses.
cause, that men might be saved, hath
repentance been declared. 2 And it came to pass that in this
23 Therefore, blessed are they who year there was one a Samuel, a b La-
manite, came into the land of Zara
will repent and hearken unto the hemla, and began to preach unto the
voice of the Lord their God; for these people. And it came to pass that he
are they that shall be saved. did preach, many days, repentance
24 And may God grant, in his great unto the people, and they did c cast
fulness, that men might be brought him out, and he was about to d return
unto repentance and good works, that to his own land.
they might be restored unto grace
for a grace, according to their works. 3 But behold, the a voice of the Lord
25 And I would that all men might came unto him, that he should re-
be saved. But we read that in the turn again, and prophesy unto the
people whatsoever things should
great and last day there are some come into his b heart.
who shall be cast out, yea, who shall 4 And it came to pass that they
be cast off from the b presence of would not suffer that he should en-
the Lord; ter into the city; therefore he went
26 Yea, who shall be consigned to and got upon the a wall thereof, and
a state of endless misery, fulfilling stretched forth his hand and cried
the words which say: They that have with a loud voice, and b prophesied
done good shall have a everlasting
life; and they that have done evil unto the people whatsoever things
shall have everlasting b damnation. the Lord put into his heart.
5 And he said unto them: Behold,
And thus it is. Amen. I, Samuel, a Lamanite, do speak the
words of the Lord which he doth put
The prophecy of S amuel, the into my heart; and behold he hath
Lamanite, to the Nephites. put it into my heart to say unto this
Comprising chapters 13 through 15. people that the a sword of justice
hangeth over this people; and four
Chapter 13 hundred years pass not away save
the sword of justice falleth upon
Samuel the Lamanite prophesies the this people.
destruction of the Nephites unless 6 Yea, heavy a destruction awaiteth
20 a Mosiah 27:31. b tg Damnation. b D&C 100:5.
21 a Jer. 23:39 (39–40); 13 1 a Hel. 6:1; 15:5. 4 a Hel. 14:11; 16:1.
D&C 63:4. 2 a Hel. 14:1; b tg Teaching with the
22 a tg Salvation. 3 Ne. 23:9 (9–10). Spirit.
24 a tg Grace. b Hel. 16:7. 5 a Alma 60:29;
25 a Mal. 4:5; c Hel. 14:10. 3 Ne. 2:19.
3 Ne. 26:4. d Alma 26:27. 6 a Alma 45:11 (10–14);
b tg God, Presence of. 3 a Gal. 2:2; Hel. 15:17.
26 a Dan. 12:2 (2–3); Alma 8:16; 20:2;
D&C 19:7. 3 Ne. 1:12.
Helaman 13 : 7–19 398
this people, and it surely cometh is saved; yea, wo unto this great
unto this people, and nothing can city, for I perceive, saith the Lord,
save this people save it be repentance that there are many, yea, even the
and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, more part of this great city, that
who surely shall come into the will harden their hearts against
world, and shall suffer many things me, saith the Lord.
and shall be slain for his people. 13 But blessed are they who will
7 And behold, an a angel of the Lord repent, for them will I spare. But
hath declared it unto me, and he behold, if it were not for the righ-
did bring b glad tidings to my soul. teous who are in this great city, be-
And behold, I was sent unto you hold, I would cause that a fire should
to declare it unto you also, that ye come down out of heaven and
might have glad tidings; but behold b
destroy it.
ye would c not receive me. 14 But behold, it is for the righ-
8 Therefore, thus saith the Lord: teous’ sake that it is spared. But
Because of the hardness of the behold, the time cometh, saith the
hearts of the people of the Neph- Lord, that when ye shall cast out
ites, except they repent I will take the righteous from among you, then
away my word from them, and I will shall ye be a ripe for destruction; yea,
withdraw my Spirit from them, and
wo be unto this great city, because
I will suffer them no longer, and I of the wickedness and abominations
will turn the hearts of their brethren which are in her.
against them. 15 Yea, and wo be unto the city
9 And a four hundred years shall of Gideon, for the wickedness and
not pass away before I will cause abominations which are in her.
that they shall be smitten; yea, I 16 Yea, and wo be unto all the
will visit them with the sword and cities which are in the land round
with famine and with pestilence. about, which are possessed by the
10 Yea, I will visit them in my Nephites, because of the wicked-
fierce anger, and there shall be ness and abominations which are
those of the a fourth generation in them.
who shall live, of your enemies, to 17 And behold, a a curse shall
behold your utter destruction; and come upon the land, saith the Lord
this shall surely come except ye re- of Hosts, because of the people’s
pent, saith the Lord; and those of the sake who are upon the land, yea,
fourth generation shall visit your because of their wickedness and
destruction. their abominations.
11 But if ye will repent and a return 18 And it shall come to pass, saith
unto the Lord your God I will turn the Lord of Hosts, yea, our great and
away mine anger, saith the Lord; true God, that whoso shall a hide
yea, thus saith the Lord, blessed up treasures in the earth shall find
are they who will repent and turn them again no more, because of the
unto me, but wo unto him that re- great curse of the land, save he be
penteth not. a righteous man and shall hide it
12 Yea, a wo unto this great city of up unto the Lord.
Zarahemla; for behold, it is because 19 For I will, saith the Lord, that
of those who are righteous that it they shall hide up their a treasures
7 a Alma 13:26; Alma 45:12; D&C 64:24.
Hel. 14:26 (9, 26, 28). 3 Ne. 27:32. 14 a Gen. 15:16;
b Isa. 52:7. 11 a 1 Sam. 7:3; Alma 37:31;
c tg Prophets, 3 Ne. 10:6 (5–7). D&C 61:31; 101:11.
Rejection of. 12 a 3 Ne. 8:24 (8, 24); 9:3. 17 a Hel. 12:18.
8 a Ex. 23:21 (20–21). 13 a 2 Kgs. 1:10 (9–16); 18 a Morm. 1:18 (17–19);
9 a Alma 45:10. 3 Ne. 9:11. Ether 14:1.
10 a 1 Ne. 12:12; 2 Ne. 26:9; b Gen. 18:23; 1 Ne. 22:16; 19 a Prov. 13:11.
399 Helaman 13 : 20–28
unto me; and cursed be they who riches, and this because of your
hide not up their treasures unto me; iniquities.
for none hideth up their treasures 24 Yea, wo unto this people, be-
unto me save it be the righteous; and cause of this time which has arrived,
he that hideth not up his treasures that ye do a cast out the prophets,
unto me, cursed is he, and also the and do mock them, and cast stones
treasure, and none shall redeem it at them, and do slay them, and do
because of the curse of the land. all manner of iniquity unto them,
20 And the day shall come that even as they did of old time.
they shall hide up their treasures, 25 And now when ye talk, ye say:
because they have set their hearts If our days had been in the days of
upon riches; and because they have our a fathers of old, we would not
set their hearts upon their riches, have b slain the prophets; we would
and will hide up their treasures not have stoned them, and cast
when they shall flee before their them out.
enemies; because they will not 26 Behold ye are worse than they;
hide them up unto me, cursed be for as the Lord liveth, if a a prophet
they and also their treasures; and come among you and declareth unto
in that day shall they be smitten, you the word of the Lord, which tes-
saith the Lord. tifieth of your b sins and iniquities,
21 Behold ye, the people of this ye are c angry with him, and cast him
great city, and hearken unto my out and seek all manner of ways to
words; yea, hearken unto the words destroy him; yea, you will say that
which the Lord saith; for behold, he he is a d false e prophet, and that he
saith that ye are a cursed because is a sinner, and of the devil, be-
of your riches, and also are your cause he f testifieth that your deeds
riches cursed because ye have set are evil.
your hearts upon them, and have 27 But behold, if a man shall come
not b hearkened unto the words of among you and shall say: Do this,
him who gave them unto you. and there is no iniquity; do that and
22 Ye do not remember the Lord ye shall not suffer; yea, he will say:
your God in the things with which a
Walk after the pride of your own
he hath blessed you, but ye do al- hearts; yea, walk after the pride of
ways remember your a riches, not to your eyes, and do whatsoever your
thank the Lord your God for them; heart desireth—and if a man shall
yea, your hearts are not drawn out come among you and say this, ye
unto the Lord, but they do swell will receive him, and say that he
with great pride, unto b boasting, is a b prophet.
and unto great c swelling, d envy- 28 Yea, ye will lift him up, and ye
ings, strifes, malice, persecutions, will give unto him of your substance;
and murders, and all manner of ye will give unto him of your gold,
iniquities. and of your silver, and ye will clothe
23 For this cause hath the Lord him with costly apparel; and be-
God caused that a curse should come cause he speaketh a flattering words
upon the land, and also upon your unto you, and he saith that all is
21 a tg Curse. Hel. 16:6. e Luke 11:15 (14–22);
b tg Disobedience. 25 a Matt. 23:32; Mosiah 3:9 (9–12).
22 a Luke 12:34. Acts 7:51 (51–52). f Gal. 4:16.
b tg Boast. b tg Prophets, 27 a tg Walking in Darkness.
c Alma 30:31. Rejection of. b Lam. 2:14; 4:13;
d tg Envy. 26 a 2 Chr. 18:7; Micah 2:11.
24 a 2 Chr. 36:16 (15–16); Luke 16:31 (19–31). tg False Prophets.
Neh. 9:26; b Micah 3:8. 28 a 2 Tim. 4:3 (3–4).
Jer. 20:2; c Isa. 30:9 (9–10).
1 Ne. 1:20; d Mosiah 12:14.
Helaman 13 : 29–14 : 2 400
well, then ye will not find fault day that the word of the Lord came
with him. unto us; for behold the land is
29 O ye wicked and ye perverse cursed, and all things are become
generation; ye hardened and ye slippery, and we cannot hold them.
stiffnecked people, how long will ye
37 Behold, we are surrounded by
suppose that the Lord will suffer you? a
demons, yea, we are encircled about
Yea, how long will ye suffer your- by the angels of him who hath
selves to be led by b foolish and c blind sought to destroy our souls. Behold,
guides? Yea, how long will ye d choose our iniquities are great. O Lord,
darkness rather than e light? canst thou not turn away thine an-
30 Yea, behold, the anger of the ger from us? And this shall be your
Lord is already kindled against you; language in those days.
behold, he hath cursed the land be- 38 But behold, your a days of pro-
cause of your iniquity. bation are past; ye have b procras-
31 And behold, the time cometh tinated the day of your salvation
that he curseth your riches, that until it is everlastingly too late, and
they become a slippery, that ye can- your destruction is made sure; yea,
not hold them; and in the days of for ye have sought all the days of
your poverty ye cannot retain them. your lives for that which ye could
32 And in the days of your poverty not obtain; and ye have sought for
ye shall cry unto the Lord; and in c
happiness in doing iniquity, which
vain shall ye cry, for your desolation thing is d contrary to the nature of
is already come upon you, and your that righteousness which is in our
destruction is made sure; and then great and Eternal Head.
shall ye weep and howl in that day, 39 O ye people of the land, that
saith the Lord of Hosts. And then ye would hear my words! And I
shall ye lament, and say: pray that the anger of the Lord be
33 O a that I had repented, and turned away from you, and that ye
had not killed the prophets, and would repent and be saved.
stoned them, and cast them out.
Yea, in that day ye shall say: O Chapter 14
that we had remembered the Lord Samuel predicts light during the night
our God in the day that he gave us and a new star at Christ’s birth—Christ
our riches, and then they would redeems men from temporal and spir-
not have become slippery that we itual death—The signs of His death
should lose them; for behold, our
riches are gone from us. include three days of darkness, the rend-
34 Behold, we lay a tool here and ing of the rocks, and great upheavals
of nature. About 6 b.c.
on the morrow it is gone; and be-
hold, our swords are taken from us And now it came to pass that a Sam
in the day we have sought them for uel, the Lamanite, did prophesy
battle. a great many more things which
35 Yea, we have hid up our a trea- cannot be written.
sures and they have slipped away 2 And behold, he said unto them:
from us, because of the curse of Behold, I give unto you a sign; for
the land. a
five years more cometh, and be-
36 O that we had repented in the hold, then cometh the Son of God
29 a tg Stiffnecked. b Matt. 23:37. c Alma 41:10.
b Ezek. 13:3; 2 Ne. 28:9. 35 a
tg Treasure. tg Abundant Life;
c Matt. 15:14; 23:16. 37 a
Mosiah 2:32. Happiness.
d John 3:19. 38 a
Morm. 2:15 (10–15). d Alma 41:11 (10–12).
e Job 24:13 (2–16). tg Probation. 14 1 a Hel. 13:2;
31 a Jer. 48:36 (35–36); b Alma 34:33 (33–34). 3 Ne. 23:9 (9–10).
Morm. 1:18 (17–19). tg Apathy; 2 a Hel. 16:4;
33 a Morm. 2:10 (10–15). Procrastination. 3 Ne. 1:5 (5–21).
401 Helaman 14 : 3–16
to redeem all those who shall be- 10 And now, because I am a La-
lieve on his name. manite, and have spoken unto you
3 And behold, this will I give unto the words which the Lord hath
you for a a sign at the time of his commanded me, and because it was
coming; for behold, there shall be hard against you, ye are angry with
great lights in heaven, insomuch me and do seek to destroy me, and
that in the night before he cometh have a cast me out from among you.
there shall be no darkness, insomuch 11 And ye shall a hear my words,
that it shall appear unto man as if for, for this intent have I come up
it was day. upon the walls of this city, that ye
4 Therefore, there shall be one might hear and know of the judg-
day and a night and a day, as if ments of God which do await you
it were one day and there were no because of your iniquities, and also
night; and this shall be unto you that ye might know the conditions
for a sign; for ye shall know of the of repentance;
rising of the sun and also of its set- 12 And also that ye might know of
ting; therefore they shall know of a the coming of Jesus Christ, the Son
surety that there shall be two days of God, the a Father of heaven and of
and a night; nevertheless the night earth, the Creator of all things from
shall not be darkened; and it shall the beginning; and that ye might
be the night before he is b born. know of the signs of his coming,
5 And behold, there shall a new to the intent that ye might believe
star arise, such an one as ye never on his name.
have beheld; and this also shall be 13 And if ye a believe on his name
a sign unto you. ye will repent of all your sins, that
6 And behold this is not all, there thereby ye may have a remission of
shall be many a signs and wonders them through his b merits.
in heaven. 14 And behold, again, another
7 And it shall come to pass that ye sign I give unto you, yea, a sign of
shall all be amazed, and wonder, inso- his a death.
much that ye shall a fall to the earth. 15 For behold, he surely must
8 And it shall come to pass that die that a salvation may come; yea,
whosoever shall a believe on the Son it behooveth him and becometh
of God, the same shall have ever- expedient that he b dieth, to bring to
lasting life. pass the c resurrection of the dead,
9 And behold, thus hath the Lord that thereby men may be brought
commanded me, by his angel, that into the d presence of the Lord.
I should come and tell this thing 16 Yea, behold, this death bringeth
unto you; yea, he hath commanded to pass the a resurrection, and b re-
that I should prophesy these things deemeth all mankind from the first
unto you; yea, he hath said unto death—that spiritual death; for all
me: Cry unto this people, repent mankind, by the c fall of Adam be-
and prepare the way of the Lord. ing d cut off from the presence of
3 a Hel. 16:13; 12 a Mosiah 3:8; 15:4; Morm. 9:13.
3 Ne. 1:15 (8–20). 3 Ne. 9:15; tg Resurrection.
4 a 3 Ne. 1:8. Ether 4:7. d tg God, Presence of.
b tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. tg Jesus Christ, Creator. 16 a John 20:9;
5 a Matt. 2:2 (1–2); 13 a Acts 16:31 (30–31). D&C 18:12 (11–12).
3 Ne. 1:21. b D&C 19:16 (16–20). b tg Salvation, Plan of.
tg Astronomy. 14 a tg Jesus Christ, c tg Fall of Man.
6 a 3 Ne. 2:1. Death of. d 2 Ne. 2:5; 9:6 (6–15);
7 a 3 Ne. 1:16 (16–17). 15 a tg Jesus Christ, Savior. Alma 11:42 (40–45);
8 a John 3:16. b 1 Cor. 15:36. 12:16 (16, 24, 36);
10 a Hel. 13:2 (2–7). c 2 Ne. 9:4; 42:7 (6–11).
11 a Ezek. 2:7 (6–7). Alma 42:23;
Helaman 14 : 17–29 402
the Lord, are considered as e dead, part of it is one solid mass, shall be
both as to things temporal and to broken up;
a a righteous judgment might come are called the b people of Nephi ex-
upon them; and also if they are con- cept they shall repent, when they
demned they bring upon themselves shall see all these signs and wonders
their own condemnation. which shall be showed unto them;
30 And now remember, remember, for behold, they have been a chosen
my brethren, that whosoever perish people of the Lord; yea, the people
eth, perisheth unto a himself; and of Nephi hath he loved, and also
whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it hath he c chastened them; yea, in
unto himself; for behold, ye are b free; the days of their iniquities hath he
ye are permitted to act for your- chastened them because he loveth
selves; for behold, God hath given them.
unto you a c knowledge and he hath 4 But behold my brethren, the
made you free. a
Lamanites hath he hated because
31 He hath given unto you that ye their deeds have been evil continu-
might a know good from evil, and he ally, and this because of the iniquity
hath given unto you that ye might of the b tradition of their fathers.
choose life or death; and ye can But behold, salvation hath come
do good and be c restored unto that unto them through the preaching
which is good, or have that which is of the Nephites; and for this in-
good restored unto you; or ye can tent hath the Lord c prolonged their
do evil, and have that which is evil days.
restored unto you. 5 And I would that ye should be-
hold that the a more part of them
Chapter 15 are in the path of their duty, and
they do walk circumspectly before
The Lord chastened the Nephites because God, and they do observe to keep
He loved them—Converted Lamanites his commandments and his statutes
are firm and steadfast in the faith—The and his judgments according to the
Lord will be merciful unto the Lamanites law of Moses.
in the latter days. About 6 b.c. 6 Yea, I say unto you, that the more
part of them are doing this, and
And now, my beloved brethren, be- they are striving with a unwearied
hold, I declare unto you that except diligence that they may bring the
ye shall repent your houses shall remainder of their brethren to the
be left unto you a desolate. knowledge of the truth; therefore
2 Yea, except ye repent, your women there are many who do add to their
shall have great cause to mourn in numbers daily.
the day that they shall give suck; for 7 And behold, ye do know of your-
ye shall attempt to flee and there selves, for ye have witnessed it, that
shall be no place for a refuge; yea, as many of them as are brought to
and wo unto them which are b with the knowledge of the truth, and to
child, for they shall be heavy and know of the wicked and abominable
cannot flee; therefore, they shall traditions of their fathers, and are
be trodden down and shall be left led to believe the holy scriptures,
to perish. yea, the prophecies of the holy
3 Yea, wo unto this a people who prophets, which are written, which
29 a tg Judgment. Alma 3:27 (26–27). D&C 95:1.
30 a 3 Ne. 3:11. c Alma 41:3 (1–15). 4 a Jacob 5:40.
b Gal. 5:1; 15 1 a Isa. 5:9; b Ezek. 20:18;
2 Ne. 2:27 (26–27); Matt. 23:38. Hel. 5:19.
Alma 41:7; 2 a tg Refuge. tg Traditions of Men.
Moses 6:56. b Matt. 24:19. c Alma 9:16.
tg Agency. 3 a W of M 1:11. 5 a Hel. 13:1; 16:6.
c tg Knowledge. b Jacob 5:25. 6 a tg Dedication.
31 a Moro. 7:16. c Prov. 3:12;
b Rom. 6:16 (14–18); Heb. 12:6 (5–11);
Helaman 15 : 8 –17 404
leadeth them to faith on the Lord, place for c refuge, the Lord shall be
and unto repentance, which faith d
merciful unto them.
and repentance bringeth a a change 13 And this is according to the
of heart unto them— prophecy, that they shall again be
8 Therefore, as many as have come a
brought to the true knowledge,
to this, ye know of yourselves are which is the knowledge of their
firm and steadfast in the faith, and Redeemer, and their great and true
in the thing wherewith they have shepherd, and be numbered among
And now, it came to pass that there he c hath a devil; and because of the
were many who heard the words power of the devil which is in him
of Samuel, the Lamanite, which he we cannot hit him with our stones
spake upon the a walls of the city. and our arrows; therefore take him
And as many as believed on his word and bind him, and away with him.
went forth and sought for Nephi; 7 And as they went forth to lay
and when they had come forth and their hands on him, behold, he did
found him they confessed unto him cast himself down from the wall,
their sins and denied not, desiring and did flee out of their lands, yea,
that they might be b baptized unto even unto his own country, and
the Lord. began to preach and to prophesy
2 But as many as there were who a
among his own people.
did not believe in the words of Sam 8 And behold, he was never heard
uel were a angry with him; and they of more among the Nephites; and
cast stones at him upon the wall, thus were the affairs of the people.
and also many shot arrows at him 9 And thus ended the eighty and
as he stood upon the wall; but the sixth year of the reign of the judges
Spirit of the Lord was with him, over the people of Nephi.
insomuch that they could not hit 10 And thus ended also the eighty
him with their stones neither with and seventh year of the reign of the
their arrows. judges, the more part of the people
3 Now when they saw that they remaining in their pride and wick-
could not hit him, there were many edness, and the lesser part walking
more who did believe on his words, more circumspectly before God.
insomuch that they went away unto 11 And these were the conditions
Nephi to be baptized. also, in the eighty and eighth year
4 For behold, Nephi was baptizing, of the reign of the judges.
and prophesying, and preaching, 12 And there was but little altera-
crying repentance unto the people, tion in the affairs of the people,
showing signs and wonders, working save it were the people began to be
miracles among the people, that more hardened in iniquity, and do
they might know that the Christ more and more of that which was
must b shortly come— a
contrary to the commandments of
5 Telling them of things which God, in the eighty and ninth year
must shortly come, that they might of the reign of the judges.
know and remember at the time of 13 But it came to pass in the nine-
their coming that they had been tieth year of the reign of the judges,
made known unto them beforehand, there were a great signs given unto
to the intent that they might believe; the people, and wonders; and the
therefore as many as believed on the words of the prophets b began to
words of Samuel went forth unto be fulfilled.
him to be baptized, for they came 14 And a angels did appear unto
repenting and confessing their sins. men, wise men, and did declare
6 But the a more part of them did unto them glad tidings of great joy;
not believe in the words of Samuel; thus in this year the scriptures be-
therefore when they saw that they gan to be fulfilled.
could not hit him with their stones 15 Nevertheless, the people began
and their arrows, they cried unto to harden their hearts, all save it
their captains, saying: b Take this were the most believing part of them,
fellow and bind him, for behold both of the Nephites and also of the
16 1 a Hel. 13:4. 6 a Hel. 15:5; 12 a tg Disobedience.
b Alma 9:27. 3 Ne. 1:22. 13 a 3 Ne. 1:4.
2 a Prov. 29:10. b Hel. 13:24. b Hel. 14:3 (3–7).
4 a tg Miracle. c John 7:20. 14 a Alma 13:26.
b Hel. 14:2. 7 a Hel. 13:2.
Helaman 16 : 16–25 406
Lamanites, and began to depend one, work some great mystery which
upon their a own strength and upon we cannot understand, which will
their own wisdom, saying: keep us down to be servants to
16 Some things they may have their words, and also servants unto
guessed right, among so many; but them, for we depend upon them to
behold, we know that all these great teach us the word; and thus will
and marvelous works cannot come they keep us in ignorance if we will
to pass, of which has been spoken. yield ourselves unto them, all the
17 And they began to reason and to days of our lives.
contend among themselves, saying: 22 And many more things did the
18 That it is a not reasonable that people a imagine up in their hearts,
such a being as a Christ shall come; which were foolish and b vain; and
if so, and he be the Son of God, the they were much disturbed, for Sa-
Father of heaven and of earth, as it tan did stir them up to do iniquity
has been spoken, why will he not continually; yea, he did go about
show himself unto us as well as unto spreading c rumors and contentions
them who shall be at Jerusalem? upon all the face of the land, that
19 Yea, why will he not show him- he might harden the hearts of the
self in this land as well as in the people against that which was good
land of Jerusalem? and against that which should come.
20 But behold, we know that this is 23 And notwithstanding the
a wicked a tradition, which has been signs and the wonders which were
handed down unto us by our fathers, wrought among the people of the
to cause us that we should believe Lord, and the many miracles which
in some great and marvelous thing they did, Satan did get great hold
which should come to pass, but not upon the hearts of the people upon
among us, but in a land which is all the face of the land.
far distant, a land which we know 24 And thus ended the ninetieth
not; therefore they can keep us in year of the reign of the judges over
ignorance, for we cannot b witness the people of Nephi.
with our own eyes that they are true. 25 a And thus ended the book of
21 And they will, by the cunning Helaman, according to the record
and the mysterious arts of the evil of Helaman and his sons.
Third Nephi
The Book of Nephi
the Son of Nephi, Who Was the Son of Helaman
And Helaman was the son of Helaman, who was the son of Alma, who was the
son of Alma, being a descendant of Nephi who was the son of Lehi, who came
out of Jerusalem in the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, the king of Judah.
new star arises—Lyings and deceivings land; and the people who believed
increase, and the Gadianton robbers began to be very sorrowful, lest
slaughter many. About a.d. 1–4. by any means those things which
had been spoken might not come
world, and to do the d will, e both f of 20 And it had come to pass, yea,
the Father and of the Son—of the all things, every whit, according to
Father because of me, and of the the words of the prophets.
Son because of my flesh. And be- 21 And it came to pass also that
hold, the time is at hand, and this a new a star did appear, according
night shall the sign be given. to the word.
15 And it came to pass that the 22 And it came to pass that from
words which came unto Nephi this time forth there began to be
were fulfilled, according as they a
lyings sent forth among the people,
had been spoken; for behold, at the by Satan, to harden their hearts, to
going down of the a sun there was the intent that they might not be-
no darkness; and the people began lieve in those b signs and wonders
to be astonished because there was which they had seen; but notwith-
no darkness when the night came. standing these lyings and deceivings
16 And there were many, who the c more part of the people did
had not believed the words of the believe, and were converted unto
prophets, who a fell to the earth and the Lord.
became as if they were dead, for 23 And it came to pass that Nephi
they knew that the great b plan of went forth among the people, and
destruction which they had laid for also many others, baptizing unto
those who believed in the words of repentance, in the which there was
the prophets had been frustrated; a great a remission of sins. And thus
for the sign which had been given the people began again to have
was already at hand. peace in the land.
17 And they began to know that 24 And there were no contentions,
the Son of God must shortly appear; save it were a few that began to
yea, in fine, all the people upon the preach, endeavoring to prove by
face of the whole earth from the the a scriptures that it was no more
west to the east, both in the land expedient to observe the law of
north and in the land south, were Moses. Now in this thing they did
so exceedingly astonished that they err, having not understood the
fell to the earth. scriptures.
18 For they knew that the proph- 25 But it came to pass that they
ets had testified of these things for soon became converted, and were
many years, and that the sign which convinced of the error which they
had been given was already at hand; were in, for it was made known
and they began to fear because of unto them that the law was not yet
their iniquity and their unbelief. a
fulfilled, and that it must be ful-
19 And it came to pass that there filled in every whit; yea, the word
was no darkness in all that night, came unto them that it must be
but it was as light as though it was fulfilled; yea, that one jot or tittle
mid-day. And it came to pass that the should not pass away till it should
sun did rise in the morning again, all be fulfilled; therefore in this
according to its proper order; and same year were they brought to a
they knew that it was the day that knowledge of their error and did
the Lord should be a born, because b
confess their faults.
of the b sign which had been given. 26 And thus the ninety and second
14 d tg God, Will of. 19 a tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. 24 a Alma 34:13.
e D&C 93:4 (4, 14). b Hel. 14:3. 25 a Matt. 5:18;
f Mosiah 15:3. 21 a Matt. 2:2 (1–2); 2 Ne. 25:24.
15 a Josh. 10:13. Hel. 14:5. b Num. 5:7 (6–10);
b Hel. 14:3. 22 a Moses 5:13. Mosiah 26:29 (29, 35);
16 a Hel. 14:7. b tg Signs. Alma 17:4.
b 3 Ne. 1:9 (9, 11). c Hel. 16:6.
17 a Hel. 11:20. 23 a tg Remission of Sins.
409 3 Nephi 1 : 27–2 : 8
year did pass away, bringing a glad year also, and the people began to
tidings unto the people because of forget those a signs and wonders
the signs which did come to pass, which they had heard, and began
according to the words of the proph- to be less and less astonished at a
ecy of all the holy prophets. sign or a wonder from heaven, in-
27 And it came to pass that the somuch that they began to be hard
ninety and third year did also pass in their hearts, and blind in their
away in peace, save it were for the minds, and began to disbelieve all
Gadianton robbers, who dwelt upon which they had heard and seen—
the a mountains, who did infest the 2 a Imagining up some vain thing
land; for so strong were their holds in their hearts, that it was wrought
and their secret places that the by men and by the power of the
people could not overpower them; devil, to lead away and b deceive
therefore they did commit many the hearts of the people; and thus
murders, and did do much slaugh- did Satan get possession of the
ter among the people. hearts of the people again, inso-
28 And it came to pass that in the much that he did blind their eyes
ninety and fourth year they began and lead them away to believe that
to increase in a great degree, be- the doctrine of Christ was a c foolish
cause there were many dissenters and a vain thing.
of the Nephites who did flee unto 3 And it came to pass that the
them, which did cause much sor- people began to wax strong in wick-
row unto those Nephites who did edness and abominations; and they
remain in the land. did not believe that there should be
29 And there was also a cause of any more signs or wonders given;
much sorrow among the Lamanites; and Satan did a go about, leading
for behold, they had many children away the hearts of the people,
who did grow up and began to wax tempting them and causing them
strong in years, that they became for that they should do great wickedness
themselves, and were a led away by in the land.
some who were b Zoramites, by their 4 And thus did pass away the
lyings and their flattering words, ninety and sixth year; and also
to join those Gadianton robbers. the ninety and seventh year; and
30 And thus were the Lamanites also the ninety and eighth year;
afflicted also, and began to decrease and also the ninety and ninth year;
as to their faith and righteousness, 5 And also an hundred years
because of the wickedness of the had passed away since the days of
rising generation. a
Mosiah, who was king over the
people of the Nephites.
Chapter 2 6 And six hundred and nine years
had passed away since Lehi left
Wickedness and abominations increase Jerusalem.
among the people—The Nephites and 7 And nine years had passed away
Lamanites unite to defend themselves
against the Gadianton robbers—Con- from the time when the sign was
given, which was spoken of by the
verted Lamanites become white and prophets, that Christ should come
are called Nephites. About a.d. 5–16. into the world.
And it came to pass that thus 8 Now the Nephites began to
passed away the ninety and fifth a
reckon their time from this period
26 a Luke 2:10. 30 a Judg. 2:10. Alma 30:13 (12–18).
27 a Hel. 11:31 (25–31); 2 1 a Hel. 14:6. 3 a Job 1:7;
3 Ne. 2:11. 2 a Heb. 3:12. D&C 10:27.
29 a tg Peer Influence. b tg Deceit. 5 a Mosiah 29:46 (46–47).
b Alma 30:59; 43:4. c 1 Cor. 1:23 (23–25); 8 a 3 Ne. 5:7; 8:2.
3 Nephi 2 : 9–3 : 1 410
when the sign was given, or from 15 And their a curse was taken from
the coming of Christ; therefore, nine them, and their skin became b white
years had passed away. like unto the Nephites;
9 And Nephi, who was the father 16 And their young men and their
of Nephi, who had the charge of the daughters became exceedingly fair,
records, a did not return to the land and they were numbered among
of Zarahemla, and could nowhere the Nephites, and were called Neph-
be found in all the land. ites. And thus ended the thirteenth
10 And it came to pass that the peo- year.
ple did still a remain in wickedness, 17 And it came to pass in the com-
notwithstanding the much preach- mencement of the fourteenth year,
ing and prophesying which was the war between the robbers and
sent among them; and thus passed the people of Nephi did continue
away the tenth year also; and the and did become exceedingly sore;
eleventh year also passed away in nevertheless, the people of Nephi
iniquity. did gain some advantage of the
11 And it came to pass in the robbers, insomuch that they did
thirteenth year there began to be drive them back out of their lands
wars and contentions throughout into the mountains and into their
all the land; for the a Gadianton rob- secret places.
bers had become so b numerous, and 18 And thus ended the fourteenth
did slay so many of the people, year. And in the fifteenth year they
and did lay waste so many cities, and did come forth against the people
did spread so much death and of Nephi; and because of the wick-
carnage throughout the land, that edness of the people of Nephi, and
it became expedient that all the their many contentions and dissen-
people, both the Nephites and the sions, the Gadianton robbers did
Lamanites, should take up arms gain many advantages over them.
against them. 19 And thus ended the fifteenth
12 Therefore, all the Lamanites year, and thus were the people in
who had become converted unto the a state of many afflictions; and the
Lord did unite with their brethren, a
sword of destruction did hang over
the Nephites, and were compelled, them, insomuch that they were
for the a safety of their lives and their about to be smitten down by it,
women and their children, to take and this because of their iniquity.
up arms against those Gadianton
robbers, yea, and also to maintain Chapter 3
their rights, and the privileges of
their church and of their worship, Giddianhi, the Gadianton leader, de-
and their freedom and their b liberty. mands that Lachoneus and the Neph-
13 And it came to pass that before ites surrender themselves and their
lands—Lachoneus appoints Gidgid-
this thirteenth year had passed away doni as chief captain of the armies—
the Nephites were threatened with The Nephites assemble in Zarahemla
utter destruction because of this
war, which had become exceedingly and Bountiful to defend themselves.
About a.d. 16–18.
14 And it came to pass that those And now it came to pass that in the
Lamanites who had united with the sixteenth year from the coming of
Nephites were numbered among Christ, a Lachoneus, the governor of
the Nephites; the land, received an epistle from
9 a 3 Ne. 1:3 (2–3). 3 Ne. 3:2. 19 a Alma 60:29;
10 a Alma 34:35. b tg Liberty. Hel. 13:5;
11 a 3 Ne. 1:27. 15 a Alma 17:15; 23:18. 3 Ne. 3:3.
b Morm. 2:8. b 2 Ne. 5:21; 30:6; 3 1 a 3 Ne. 1:1; 6:6.
12 a Alma 58:12; Jacob 3:8.
411 3 Nephi 3 : 2–12
the leader and the governor of this selves up unto us, and unite with
band of robbers; and these were the us and become acquainted with
words which were written, saying: our a secret works, and become our
2 Lachoneus, most noble and chief brethren that ye may be like unto
governor of the land, behold, I write us—not our slaves, but our brethren
this epistle unto you, and do give and partners of all our substance.
unto you exceedingly great praise 8 And behold, I a swear unto you,
because of your firmness, and also if ye will do this, with an oath, ye
the firmness of your people, in shall not be destroyed; but if ye will
maintaining that which ye suppose
not do this, I swear unto you with
to be your right and b liberty; yea, an oath, that on the morrow month I
ye do stand well, as if ye were sup- will command that my armies shall
ported by the hand of a god, in the come down against you, and they
defence of your liberty, and your shall not stay their hand and shall
property, and your country, or that spare not, but shall slay you, and
which ye do call so. shall let fall the sword upon you
3 And it seemeth a pity unto me, even until ye shall become extinct.
most noble Lachoneus, that ye 9 And behold, I am a Giddianhi;
should be so foolish and vain as to and I am the governor of this the
suppose that ye can stand against b
secret society of Gadianton; which
so many brave men who are at my society and the works thereof I
command, who do now at this time know to be c good; and they are of
stand in their arms, and do await d
ancient date and they have been
with great anxiety for the word— handed down unto us.
Go down upon the Nephites and 10 And I write this epistle unto
destroy them. you, Lachoneus, and I hope that ye
4 And I, knowing of their uncon- will deliver up your lands and your
querable spirit, having proved them possessions, without the shedding
in the field of battle, and knowing of of blood, that this my people may
their everlasting hatred towards you recover their rights and a govern-
because of the many wrongs which ment, who have dissented away
ye have done unto them, therefore from you because of your wicked-
if they should come down against ness in retaining from them their
you they would visit you with utter rights of government, and except ye
destruction. do this, I will avenge their wrongs.
5 Therefore I have written this I am Giddianhi.
epistle, sealing it with mine own 11 And now it came to pass when
hand, feeling for your welfare, be- Lachoneus received this epistle he
cause of your firmness in that which was exceedingly astonished, be-
ye believe to be right, and your noble cause of the boldness of Giddianhi
spirit in the field of battle. demanding the possession of the
6 Therefore I write unto you, desir- land of the Nephites, and also of
ing that ye would yield up unto this threatening the people and aveng-
my people, your cities, your lands, ing the wrongs of those that had
and your possessions, rather than received no wrong, save it were
that they should visit you with the they had a wronged themselves by
sword and that destruction should dissenting away unto those wicked
come upon you. and abominable robbers.
7 Or in other words, yield your- 12 Now behold, this Lachoneus,
2 a 3 Ne. 2:12. Ether 8:14 (13–14). Ether 8:9 (9–19);
b tg Liberty. 9 a 3 Ne. 4:14. Moses 5:29 (29, 49–52).
3 a 3 Ne. 2:19. b tg Secret Combinations. 10 a tg Governments.
7 a Hel. 6:22 (22–26). c Alma 30:53. 11 a Hel. 14:30.
8 a Hel. 1:11; d Hel. 6:26 (26–30);
3 Nephi 3 : 13–23 412
the governor, was a just man, and chief captains and the great com-
could not be frightened by the mander of all the armies of the
demands and the threatenings of Nephites was appointed, and his
a a robber; therefore he did not name was a Gidgiddoni.
hearken to the epistle of Giddianhi, 19 Now it was the custom among
the governor of the robbers, but he all the Nephites to appoint for their
did cause that his people should cry chief captains, (save it were in their
unto the Lord for b strength against times of wickedness) some one that
the time that the robbers should had the a spirit of revelation and
come down against them. also prophecy; therefore, this Gid
13 Yea, he sent a proclamation giddoni was a great prophet among
among all the people, that they them, as also was the chief judge.
should a gather together their women, 20 Now the people said unto Gid
and their children, their flocks and giddoni: a Pray unto the Lord, and let
their herds, and all their substance, us go up upon the mountains and
save it were their land, unto one place. into the wilderness, that we may
14 And he caused that a fortifica- fall upon the robbers and destroy
tions should be built round about them in their own lands.
them, and the strength thereof 21 But Gidgiddoni saith unto them:
should be exceedingly great. And The Lord a forbid; for if we should
he caused that armies, both of the go up against them the Lord would
Nephites and of the Lamanites, or of b
deliver us into their hands; there-
all them who were numbered among fore we will prepare ourselves in
the Nephites, should be placed as the center of our lands, and we will
guards round about to watch them, gather all our armies together, and
and to guard them from the robbers we will not go against them, but we
day and night. will wait till they shall come against
15 Yea, he said unto them: As the us; therefore as the Lord liveth, if
Lord liveth, except ye repent of all we do this he will deliver them into
your iniquities, and cry unto the our hands.
Lord, ye will in nowise be a delivered 22 And it came to pass in the sev-
out of the hands of those Gadianton enteenth year, in the latter end of
robbers. the year, the proclamation of La-
16 And so great and marvelous choneus had gone forth throughout
were the words and prophecies of all the face of the land, and they
Lachoneus that they did cause fear had taken their a horses, and their
to come upon all the people; and chariots, and their cattle, and all
they did exert themselves in their their flocks, and their herds, and
might to do according to the words their grain, and all their substance,
of Lachoneus. and did march forth by thousands
17 And it came to pass that La- and by tens of thousands, until they
choneus did appoint chief captains had all gone forth to the b place
over all the armies of the Nephites, which c had been appointed that
to command them at the time that they should gather themselves to-
the robbers should come down out gether, to defend themselves against
of the wilderness against them. their enemies.
18 Now the chiefest among all the 23 And the a land which was
12 a 1 Kgs. 20:3 (2–3); 18 a 3 Ne. 4:13 (13, 24, 26); 6:6. b 1 Sam. 14:12;
Alma 54:7 (5–11). 19 a tg Guidance, Divine. 2 Kgs. 3:18;
b tg Strength. 20 a Alma 16:6 (5–8); 1 Ne. 3:29.
13 a 3 Ne. 3:22; 4:1. 43:23 (23–24); 48:16. 22 a 3 Ne. 4:4.
14 a Morm. 2:4. 21 a Alma 43:46 (46–47); b Morm. 2:7.
15 a tg Deliver; 48:14; c 3 Ne. 3:13.
Protection, Divine. Morm. 3:10 (10–11). 23 a 3 Ne. 4:16.
413 3 Nephi 3 : 24–4 : 6
his armies that in this year they Giddianhi had made, behold, the
should go up to battle against the Nephites did beat them, insomuch
Nephites. that they did fall back from before
7 And it came to pass that they did them.
come up to battle; and it was in the 13 And it came to pass that a Gid
sixth month; and behold, great and giddoni commanded that his armies
terrible was the day that they did should pursue them as far as the
come up to battle; and they were borders of the wilderness, and that
girded about after the manner of they should not spare any that
robbers; and they had a lamb-skin should fall into their hands by the
about their loins, and they were way; and thus they did pursue them
dyed in blood, and their heads were and did slay them, to the borders
shorn, and they had head-plates of the wilderness, even until they
upon them; and great and terrible had fulfilled the commandment of
was the appearance of the armies of Gidgiddoni.
Giddianhi, because of their armor, 14 And it came to pass that Gid-
and because of their being dyed dianhi, who had stood and fought
in blood. with boldness, was pursued as he
8 And it came to pass that the fled; and being weary because of
armies of the Nephites, when they his much fighting he was overtaken
saw the appearance of the army and slain. And thus was the end of
of Giddianhi, had all fallen to the Giddianhi the robber.
earth, and did lift their cries to the 15 And it came to pass that the
Lord their God, that he would spare armies of the Nephites did return
them and deliver them out of the again to their place of security. And
hands of their enemies. it came to pass that this nineteenth
9 And it came to pass that when year did pass away, and the rob-
the armies of Giddianhi saw this bers did not come again to battle;
they began to shout with a loud neither did they come again in the
voice, because of their joy, for they twentieth year.
had supposed that the Nephites had 16 And in the twenty and first year
fallen with fear because of the ter- they did not come up to battle, but
ror of their armies. they came up on all sides to lay siege
10 But in this thing they were round about the people of Nephi;
disappointed, for the Nephites did for they did suppose that if they
not a fear them; but they did fear should cut off the people of Nephi
their God and did supplicate him from their a lands, and should hem
for b protection; therefore, when the them in on every side, and if they
armies of Giddianhi did rush upon should cut them off from all their
them they were prepared to meet outward privileges, that they could
them; yea, in the strength of the cause them to yield themselves up
Lord they did receive them. according to their wishes.
11 And the battle commenced in 17 Now they had appointed unto
this the sixth month; and great and themselves another leader, whose
terrible was the battle thereof, yea, name was Zemnarihah; therefore
great and terrible was the a slaughter it was Zemnarihah that did cause
thereof, insomuch that there never that this siege should take place.
was known so great a slaughter 18 But behold, this was an ad-
among all the people of Lehi since vantage to the Nephites; for it was
he left Jerusalem. impossible for the robbers to lay
10 a tg Reverence. 11 a Alma 28:11 (8–12). 13 a 3 Ne. 3:18.
b Jer. 17:17 (17–18). 12 a 3 Ne. 3:8 (4–10). 16 a 3 Ne. 3:23.
415 3 Nephi 4 : 19–33
siege sufficiently long to have any places of retreat. And all these
effect upon the Nephites, because things were done by command of
of their a much b provision which Gidgiddoni.
they had laid up in store, 27 And there were many thou-
19 And because of the scantiness sands who did yield themselves up
of provisions among the robbers; prisoners unto the Nephites, and
for behold, they had nothing save the remainder of them were slain.
it were meat for their subsistence, 28 And their leader, Zemnarihah,
which meat they did obtain in the was taken and hanged upon a tree,
wilderness; yea, even upon the top thereof un-
20 And it came to pass that the til he was dead. And when they
wild game became scarce in the wil-
had hanged him until he was dead
derness insomuch that the robbers they did fell the tree to the earth,
were about to perish with hunger. and did cry with a loud voice,
21 And the Nephites were continu saying:
ally marching out by day and by 29 May the Lord preserve his peo-
night, and falling upon their armies, ple in righteousness and in holiness
and cutting them off by thousands of heart, that they may cause to be
and by tens of thousands. felled to the earth all who shall seek
22 And thus it became the desire of to slay them because of power and
the people of Zemnarihah to with- secret combinations, even as this
draw from their design, because of man hath been felled to the earth.
the great destruction which came 30 And they did rejoice and cry
upon them by night and by day. again with one voice, saying: May
23 And it came to pass that Zem- the a God of Abraham, and the God
narihah did give command unto his of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, pro-
people that they should withdraw tect this people in righteousness, so
themselves from the siege, and long as they shall b call on the name
march into the furthermost parts of their God for c protection.
of the land northward. 31 And it came to pass that they
24 And now, Gidgiddoni being did break forth, all as one, in sing-
aware of their design, and knowing ing, and a praising their God for
of their weakness because of the the great thing which he had done
want of food, and the great slaugh- for them, in preserving them from
ter which had been made among falling into the hands of their
them, therefore he did send out his enemies.
armies in the night-time, and did 32 Yea, they did cry: Hosanna to
cut off the way of their retreat, and the Most High God. And they did
did place his armies in the way of cry: Blessed be the name of the Lord
their retreat. God a Almighty, the Most High God.
25 And this did they do in the 33 And their hearts were swollen
night-time, and got on their march with joy, unto the gushing out of
beyond the robbers, so that on the many tears, because of the great
morrow, when the robbers began goodness of God in delivering them
their march, they were met by the out of the hands of their enemies;
armies of the Nephites both in their and they knew it was because of
front and in their rear. their repentance and their humility
26 And the robbers who were on that they had been delivered from
the south were also cut off in their an everlasting destruction.
18 a 3 Ne. 4:4. 3 Ne. 4:2. c tg Protection, Divine.
b Gen. 41:36 (33–57); 30 a Alma 29:11. 31 a Alma 26:8.
D&C 4:4. b Gen. 4:26; tg Thanksgiving.
20 a 1 Ne. 18:25; Ether 4:15; 32 a 1 Ne. 1:14.
2 Ne. 5:24; Moro. 2:2.
3 Nephi 5 : 1–14 416
gone hence, who were the holy ones, 23 Yea, and surely shall he again
should be fulfilled according to their bring a a remnant of the seed of Jo-
faith, should make a a record of these seph to the b knowledge of the Lord
things which have been done— their God.
15 Yea, a a small record of that which 24 And as surely as the Lord liv-
hath taken place from the time that eth, will he a gather in from the four
Lehi left Jerusalem, even down un- quarters of the earth all the rem-
til the present time. nant of the b seed of Jacob, who are
16 Therefore I do make my record scattered abroad upon all the face
from the accounts which have been of the earth.
given by those who were before me, 25 And as he hath a covenanted with
until the commencement of my day; all the house of Jacob, even so shall
17 And then I do make a a record of the covenant wherewith he hath
the things which I have seen with covenanted with the house of Jacob
mine own eyes. be fulfilled in his own due time,
18 And I know the record which I unto the b restoring all the house
make to be a just and a true record; of Jacob unto the knowledge of the
nevertheless there are many things covenant that he hath covenanted
which, according to our a language, with them.
we are not able to b write. 26 And then shall they a know their
19 And now I make an end of my Redeemer, who is Jesus Christ, the
saying, which is of myself, and Son of God; and then shall they be
proceed to give my account of the gathered in from the four quarters
things which have been before me. of the earth unto their own lands,
20 I am Mormon, and a pure a de- from whence they have been dis-
scendant of Lehi. I have reason to persed; yea, as the Lord liveth so
bless my God and my Savior Jesus shall it be. Amen.
Christ, that he brought our fathers
out of the land of Jerusalem, (and Chapter 6
no one knew it save it were him- The Nephites prosper—Pride, wealth,
self and those whom he brought and class distinctions arise —The
out of that land) and that he hath Church is rent with dissensions—Sa-
given me and my people so much tan leads the people in open rebellion—
knowledge unto the salvation of Many prophets cry repentance and are
our souls. slain—Their murderers conspire to take
21 Surely he hath a blessed the over the government. About a.d. 26–30.
house of b Jacob, and hath been
merciful unto the seed of Joseph. And now it came to pass that the
22 And a insomuch as the children people of the Nephites did all return
of Lehi have kept his command- to their own lands in the twenty
ments he hath blessed them and and sixth year, every man, with
prospered them according to his his family, his flocks and his herds,
word. his a horses and his cattle, and all
14 a Enos 1:16 (13–18); b 1 Ne. 4:36; 23 a Alma 46:24;
D&C 3:19; 3 Ne. 15:14. 3 Ne. 10:17.
10:47 (46–50). 21 a tg Israel, Blessings of. b 2 Ne. 3:12;
15 a Morm. 7:9; 8:12. b Gen. 32:28 (24–32); Morm. 7:5 (5, 10).
17 a W of M 1:5; Ps. 135:4; 24 a tg Israel, Gathering of.
Morm. 1:1. D&C 49:24 (23–25). b Gen. 46:8.
18 a tg Language. c Ps. 98:3. 25 a 3 Ne. 15:8; 16:5.
b 3 Ne. 19:32 (32–34); 22 a 2 Ne. 1:20; b 2 Ne. 30:3 (1–6);
Morm. 9:33 (32–33); Jarom 1:9; 3 Ne. 16:13 (6–13).
Ether 12:25 (24–25); Omni 1:6; 26 a 2 Ne. 30:7 (7–8);
D&C 76:116. Mosiah 1:7; 3 Ne. 20:31 (29–34).
20 a Morm. 1:5; 8:13. Alma 9:13 (13–14); 37:13. 6 1 a 3 Ne. 3:22 (21–23).
3 Nephi 6 : 2–15 418
things whatsoever did belong unto 9 And thus passed away the twenty
them. and eighth year, and the people had
2 And it came to pass that they had continual peace.
not eaten up all their provisions; 10 But it came to pass in the twenty
therefore they did take with them and ninth year there began to be
all that they had not devoured, of some disputings among the people;
all their grain of every kind, and and some were lifted up unto pride
their gold, and their silver, and all and a boastings because of their ex-
their precious things, and they did ceedingly great riches, yea, even
return to their own lands and their unto great persecutions;
possessions, both on the north and 11 For there were many a mer-
on the south, both on the land north- chants in the land, and also many
ward and on the land southward. b
lawyers, and many officers.
3 And they granted unto those 12 And the people began to be
robbers who had a entered into a distinguished by ranks, according
covenant to keep the peace of the to their a riches and their chances
land, who were desirous to remain for learning; yea, some were b igno-
Lamanites, lands, according to their rant because of their poverty, and
numbers, that they might have, with others did receive great c learning
their labors, wherewith to subsist because of their riches.
upon; and thus they did establish 13 Some were lifted up in pride, and
peace in all the land. others were exceedingly humble;
4 And they began again to prosper some did return railing for railing,
and to wax great; and the twenty while others would receive railing
and sixth and seventh years passed and a persecution and all manner
away, and there was great a order of b afflictions, and would not turn
in the land; and they had formed and c revile again, but were humble
their laws according to equity and and penitent before God.
justice. 14 And thus there became a great
5 And now there was nothing in inequality in all the land, insomuch
all the land to hinder the people that the church began to be broken
from prospering continually, except up; yea, insomuch that in the thirti-
they should fall into transgression. eth year the church was broken up
6 And now it was a Gidgiddoni, and in all the land save it were among
the judge, b Lachoneus, and those a few of the Lamanites who were
who had been appointed leaders, converted unto the true faith; and
who had established this great peace a
they would not depart from it, for
in the land. they were firm, and steadfast, and
7 And it came to pass that there immovable, willing with all b dili-
were many cities built anew, and gence to keep the commandments
there were many old cities repaired. of the Lord.
8 And there were many a highways 15 Now the cause of this iniquity
cast up, and many roads made, of the people was this—a Satan had
which led from city to city, and great b power, unto the stirring up
from land to land, and from place of the people to do all manner of
to place. iniquity, and to the puffing them up
2 a 3 Ne. 4:4. 14:5 (5, 18–27). D&C 98:23 (23–27).
3 a 3 Ne. 5:4. 12 a 1 Tim. 6:17; tg Reviling.
4 a tg Order. Hel. 4:12 (11–13). 14 a Alma 23:6; 27:27;
6 a 3 Ne. 3:18. b tg Ignorance. Hel. 15:8 (5–16).
b 3 Ne. 3:1. c tg Learn. b tg Dedication;
8 a 3 Ne. 8:13. 13 a tg Persecution. Diligence.
10 a tg Boast. b tg Affliction. 15 a Moses 6:15.
11 a Hel. 6:8. c 3 Ne. 12:39; b 1 Ne. 22:26;
b Alma 10:14 (14–17, 27); 4 Ne. 1:34; Alma 48:17.
419 3 Nephi 6 : 16–28
with pride, tempting them to seek lawyers were angry with those who
for power, and authority, and c riches, testified of these things.
and the vain things of the world. 22 Now there was no lawyer nor
16 And thus Satan did lead away judge nor high priest that could
the hearts of the people to do all have power to condemn any one to
manner of iniquity; therefore they death save their condemnation was
had enjoyed peace but a few years. signed by the governor of the land.
17 And thus, in the commencement 23 Now there were many of those
of the thirtieth year—the people a
who testified of the things pertain-
having been a delivered up for the ing to Christ who testified boldly,
space of a long time to be carried who were taken and put to death
about by the b temptations of the b
secretly by the judges, that the
devil whithersoever he desired to knowledge of their death came not
carry them, and to do whatsoever unto the governor of the land until
iniquity he desired they should— after their death.
and thus in the commencement of 24 Now behold, this was contrary
this, the thirtieth year, they were in to the laws of the land, that any
a state of awful wickedness. man should be put to death except
18 Now they did not sin a igno- they had power from the governor
rantly, for they knew the b will of God of the land—
concerning them, for it had been 25 Therefore a complaint came up
taught unto them; therefore they unto the land of Zarahemla, to the
did wilfully c rebel against God. governor of the land, against these
19 And now it was in the days of judges who had condemned the
Lachoneus, the son of a Lachoneus, prophets of the Lord unto a death,
for Lachoneus did fill the seat of his not according to the law.
father and did govern the people 26 Now it came to pass that they
that year. were taken and brought up before
20 And there began to be men a in- the judge, to be judged of the crime
spired from heaven and sent forth, which they had done, according to
standing among the people in all the a law which had been given by
the land, preaching and testifying the people.
boldly of the sins and iniquities of 27 Now it came to pass that those
the people, and testifying unto them judges had many friends and kin-
concerning the redemption which dreds; and the remainder, yea, even
the Lord would make for his peo- almost all the lawyers and the high
ple, or in other words, the resurrec- priests, did gather themselves to-
tion of Christ; and they did testify gether, and unite with the kindreds
boldly of his b death and sufferings. of those judges who were to be tried
21 Now there were many of the according to the law.
people who were exceedingly an- 28 And they did enter into a a cov-
gry because of those who testified enant one with another, yea, even
of these things; and those who were into that covenant which was given
angry were chiefly the chief judges, by them of old, which covenant was
and they who a had been high priests given and administered by the b devil,
and lawyers; yea, all those who were to combine against all righteousness.
15 c tg Selfishness. 20 a tg Inspiration; 25 a 3 Ne. 9:9.
17 a Moses 5:23. Prophets, Mission of. 26 a Mosiah 29:25;
b tg Temptation. b tg Jesus Christ, Alma 1:14.
18 a Num. 15:27 (2–29); Death of. 28 a tg Secret
Mosiah 3:11. 21 a D&C 121:37. Combinations.
tg Ignorance. tg Apostasy of b Hel. 6:26;
b tg God, Will of. Individuals. Ether 8:9 (9, 15–16).
c tg Rebellion. 23 a 3 Ne. 7:14.
19 a 3 Ne. 1:1. b Hel. 6:17 (17–38).
3 Nephi 6 : 29–7 : 12 420
29 Therefore they did combine 5 Now all this was done, and there
against the people of the Lord, and were no wars as yet among them;
enter into a covenant to destroy and all this iniquity had come upon
them, and to deliver those who were the people a because they did b yield
guilty of murder from the grasp of themselves unto the power of Satan.
justice, which was about to be ad- 6 And the regulations of the gov-
ministered according to the law. ernment were destroyed, because
30 And they did set at defiance the of the a secret combination of the
law and the rights of their country; friends and kindreds of those who
and they did covenant one with an- murdered the prophets.
other to destroy the governor, and 7 And they did cause a great con-
to establish a a king over the land, tention in the land, insomuch that
that the land should no more be the more righteous part of the peo-
at b liberty but should be subject ple had nearly all become wicked;
unto kings. yea, there were but few righteous
men among them.
Chapter 7 8 And thus six years had not passed
The chief judge is murdered, the gov- away since the more part of the
ernment is destroyed, and the people people had turned from their righ-
divide into tribes—Jacob, an anti- teousness, like the dog to his a vomit,
or like the sow to her wallowing
Christ, becomes king of a secret com- in the mire.
bination—Nephi preaches repentance 9 Now this secret combination,
and faith in Christ—Angels minister which had brought so great iniq-
to him daily, and he raises his brother uity upon the people, did gather
from the dead—Many repent and are themselves together, and did place
baptized. About a.d. 30–33. at their head a man whom they did
Now behold, I will show unto you call Jacob;
that they did not establish a king 10 And they did call him their
over the land; but in this same year, king; therefore he became a king
yea, the thirtieth year, they did over this wicked band; and he was
destroy upon the judgment-seat, one of the chiefest who had given
yea, did murder the chief judge of his voice against the prophets who
the land. testified of Jesus.
2 And the people were divided one 11 And it came to pass that they
against another; and they did a sepa were not so strong in number as
rate one from another into tribes, the tribes of the people, who were
every man according to his family united together save it were their
and his kindred and friends; and leaders did establish their laws,
thus they did destroy the govern- every one according to his tribe;
ment of the land. nevertheless they were enemies; not-
3 And every tribe did appoint a withstanding they were not a righ-
chief or a leader over them; and teous people, yet they were united
thus they became tribes and lead- in the hatred of those who had en-
ers of tribes. tered into a covenant to a destroy the
4 Now behold, there was no man government.
among them save he had much fam- 12 Therefore, Jacob seeing that
ily and many kindreds and friends; their enemies were more numerous
therefore their tribes became ex- than they, he being the king of the
ceedingly great. band, therefore he commanded his
30 a 1 Sam. 8:5; 7 2 a tg Unity. 8 a Prov. 26:11;
Alma 51:5; 5 a Moses 4:6. 2 Pet. 2:22.
3 Ne. 7:12. b Rom. 6:16 (13–20); 11 a 3 Ne. 9:9.
tg Tyranny. Alma 10:25.
b tg Liberty. 6 a 2 Ne. 9:9.
421 3 Nephi 7 : 13–22
people that they should take their 16 Therefore, being a grieved for
flight into the northernmost part of the hardness of their hearts and
the land, and there build up unto the blindness of their minds—went
themselves a a kingdom, until they forth among them in that same
were joined by dissenters, (for he year, and began to testify, boldly,
flattered them that there would be repentance and remission of sins
many dissenters) and they become through faith on the Lord Jesus
sufficiently strong to contend with Christ.
the tribes of the people; and they 17 And he did minister many
did so. things unto them; and all of them
13 And so speedy was their march cannot be written, and a part of
that it could not be impeded until them would not suffice, therefore
they had gone forth out of the reach they are not written in this book.
of the people. And thus ended the And Nephi did minister with a power
thirtieth year; and thus were the and with great authority.
affairs of the people of Nephi. 18 And it came to pass that they
14 And it came to pass in the were angry with him, even because
thirty and first year that they were he had greater power than they,
divided into tribes, every man for it were a not possible that they
according to his family, kindred could disbelieve his words, for so
and friends; nevertheless they had great was his faith on the Lord Jesus
come to an agreement that they Christ that angels did minister unto
would not go to war one with an- him daily.
other; but they were not united as 19 And in the name of Jesus did he
to their laws, and their manner of cast out devils and a unclean spirits;
government, for they were estab- and even his b brother did he c raise
lished according to the minds of from the dead, after he had been
those who were their chiefs and stoned and suffered death by the
their leaders. But they did estab- people.
lish very strict laws that one tribe 20 And the people saw it, and did
should not trespass against another, witness of it, and were angry with
insomuch that in some degree they him because of his power; and he
had peace in the land; nevertheless, did also do a many more miracles,
their hearts were turned from the in the sight of the people, in the
Lord their God, and they did stone name of Jesus.
the a prophets and did cast them 21 And it came to pass that the
out from among them. thirty and first year did pass away,
15 And it came to pass that and there were but few who were
Nephi—having been visited by an- converted unto the Lord; but as
gels and also the voice of the Lord, many as were converted did truly
therefore having seen angels, and signify unto the people that they
being eye-witness, and having had had been a visited by the power and
power given unto him that he might b
Spirit of God, which was in Jesus
know concerning the ministry of Christ, in whom they believed.
Christ, and also being eye-witness 22 And as many as had devils cast
to their quick return from righ- out from them, and were a healed
teousness unto their wickedness and of their sicknesses and their infir-
abominations; mities, did truly manifest unto the
12 a 3 Ne. 6:30. 17 a tg Priesthood, 20 a 3 Ne. 8:1.
14 a 3 Ne. 6:23 (23–25). Power of. 21 a tg God, Manifesta-
15 a 3 Ne. 1:2 (2–3, 10); 11:18. 18 a Alma 4:19. tions of.
16 a Gen. 6:6; 19 a tg Spirits, Evil or b tg God, Spirit of.
1 Ne. 2:18; Unclean. 22 a Mark 2:11 (11–12);
Alma 31:24; b 3 Ne. 19:4. Acts 8:7.
Moses 8:25. c tg Death, Power over.
3 Nephi 7 : 23–8 : 10 422
people that they had been wrought there was not any man who could
upon by the Spirit of God, and had do a miracle in the name of Jesus
been healed; and they did show save he were cleansed every whit
forth signs also and did do some from his iniquity—
miracles among the people. 2 And now it came to pass, if
23 Thus passed away the thirty there was no mistake made by
and second year also. And Nephi this man in the reckoning of our
did cry unto the people in the com- time, the a thirty and third year had
mencement of the thirty and third passed away;
year; and he did preach unto them 3 And the people began to look
repentance and remission of sins. with great earnestness for the sign
24 Now I would have you to re- which had been given by the prophet
member also, that there were none Samuel, the Lamanite, yea, for the
who were brought unto a repentance time that there should be a darkness
who were not baptized with water. for the space of three days over the
25 Therefore, there were ordained face of the land.
of Nephi, men unto this ministry, 4 And there began to be great
that all such as should come unto doubtings and b disputations among
11 And there was a great and ter- and the quakings of the earth did
rible destruction in the land south- cease—for behold, they did last for
ward. about the space of a three b hours;
12 But behold, there was a more and it was said by some that the
great and terrible destruction in time was greater; nevertheless, all
the land northward; for behold, these great and terrible things were
the a whole face of the land was done in about the space of three
changed, because of the tempest hours—and then behold, there was
and the whirlwinds, and the thun- c
darkness upon the face of the land.
derings and the lightnings, and the 20 And it came to pass that there
exceedingly great quaking of the was thick darkness upon all the face
whole earth; of the land, insomuch that the in-
13 And the a highways were bro- habitants thereof who had not fallen
ken up, and the level roads were could a feel the b vapor of darkness;
spoiled, and many smooth places 21 And there could be no light, be-
became rough. cause of the darkness, neither can-
14 And many a great and notable dles, neither torches; neither could
cities were b sunk, and many were there be fire kindled with their fine
burned, and many were shaken and exceedingly dry wood, so that
till the buildings thereof had fallen there could not be any light at all;
to the earth, and the inhabitants 22 And there was not any light
thereof were slain, and the places seen, neither fire, nor glimmer, nei-
were left desolate. ther the sun, nor the moon, nor the
15 And there were some cities stars, for so great were the mists of
which remained; but the damage darkness which were upon the face
thereof was exceedingly great, and of the land.
there were many in them who were 23 And it came to pass that it did
slain. last for the space of three days that
16 And there were some who were there was no light seen; and there
carried away in the a whirlwind; and was great mourning and a howling
whither they went no man knoweth, and weeping among all the people
save they know that they were car- continually; yea, great were the
ried away. groanings of the people, because of
17 And thus the face of the whole the darkness and the great destruc-
earth became deformed, because of tion which had come upon them.
the tempests, and the thunderings, 24 And in one place they were
and the lightnings, and the quaking heard to cry, saying: O that we had
of the earth. repented a before this great and
18 And behold, the rocks were terrible day, and then would our
rent in twain; they were broken up brethren have been spared, and
upon the face of the whole earth, they would not have been b burned
insomuch that they were a found in that great city Zarahemla.
in broken fragments, and in seams 25 And in another place they were
and in cracks, upon all the face of heard to cry and mourn, saying: O
the land. that we had repented before this
19 And it came to pass that when great and terrible day, and had
the thunderings, and the lightnings, not killed and stoned the prophets,
and the storm, and the tempest, and cast them out; then would our
12 a 3 Ne. 11:1. 16 a Dan. 11:40; 20 a Ex. 10:21.
13 a Hel. 14:24; 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14). b 1 Ne. 12:5; 19:11.
3 Ne. 6:8. 18 a Hel. 14:22 (21–22). 23 a 3 Ne. 10:8 (2, 8).
14 a 3 Ne. 9:12; 10:4. 19 a Luke 23:44 (44–45). 24 a tg Procrastination.
b 1 Ne. 12:4. b Alma 18:14. b Hel. 13:12;
c 2 Ne. 26:4; c 1 Ne. 19:10; 3 Ne. 9:3.
3 Ne. 9:3 (3–9). 3 Ne. 10:9.
3 Nephi 9 : 1–9 424
mothers and our fair daughters, and 6 And behold, the city of Gilgal
our children have been spared, and have I caused to be sunk, and the
not have been buried up in that inhabitants thereof to be buried up
great city a Moronihah. And thus in the depths of the earth;
were the howlings of the people 7 Yea, and the city of Onihah and
great and terrible. the inhabitants thereof, and the
city of Mocum and the inhabitants
thereof, and the city of a Jerusalem
Chapter 9 and the inhabitants thereof; and
In the darkness, the voice of Christ pro-
waters have I caused to come up
claims the destruction of many people in the stead thereof, to hide their
and cities for their wickedness—He wickedness and abominations from
also proclaims His divinity, announces before my face, that the c blood of
that the law of Moses is fulfilled, and the prophets and the saints shall
invites men to come unto Him and be
not come up any more unto me
saved. About a.d. 34. against them.
8 And behold, the city of Gadiandi,
And it came to pass that there was a and the city of Gadiomnah, and
voice heard among all the inhabi- the city of Jacob, and the city of
tants of the earth, upon all the face Gimgimno, all these have I caused
of this land, crying: to be sunk, and made a hills and val-
2 Wo, wo, wo unto this people; wo leys in the places thereof; and the
unto the inhabitants of the whole inhabitants thereof have I b buried
earth except they shall a repent; for up in the depths of the earth, to
the devil b laugheth, and his angels hide their wickedness and abomi-
rejoice, because of the slain of the nations from before my face, that
fair sons and daughters of my peo- the blood of the prophets and the
ple; and it is because of their iniq- saints should not come up any more
uity and abominations that they unto me against them.
are fallen! 9 And behold, that great city
3 Behold, that great city Zarahemla Jacobugath, which was inhabited
have I a burned with fire, and the by the people of king Jacob, have I
inhabitants thereof. caused to be burned with fire be-
4 And behold, that great city Mo- cause of their sins and their a wick-
roni have I caused to be a sunk in the edness, which was above all the
depths of the sea, and the inhabi- wickedness of the whole earth, be-
tants thereof to be drowned. cause of their b secret murders and
5 And behold, that great city a Mo- combinations; for it was they that did
ronihah have I covered with earth, c
destroy the peace of my people and
and the inhabitants thereof, to hide the government of the land; there-
their iniquities and their abomina- fore I did cause them to be burned,
tions from before my face, that the to d destroy them from before my
blood of the prophets and the saints face, that the blood of the prophets
shall not come any more unto me and the saints should not come up
against them. unto me any more against them.
25 a 3 Ne. 8:10; 9:5. b Ezek. 26:19. D&C 112:23;
9 1 a 1 Ne. 19:11. c Rev. 16:6 (5–7). Moses 7:36 (36–37);
2 a tg Repent. d Jonah 1:2. 8:22 (22, 28–30).
b Moses 7:26. 8 a 1 Ne. 19:11; b Hel. 6:17 (17–38);
3 a Matt. 11:20; 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14); 3 Ne. 6:23.
Hel. 13:12; Moses 7:14. c 3 Ne. 7:11 (9–13).
3 Ne. 8:14 (14–24). b Num. 16:32; d Gen. 6:13;
4 a 3 Ne. 8:9; Hel. 12:17; 1 Ne. 17:31;
4 Ne. 1:9. 3 Ne. 8:10 (10, 25). 2 Ne. 1:17;
5 a 3 Ne. 8:25 (10, 25). 9 a Gen. 6:5 (5–6); Mosiah 12:8.
7 a Alma 21:1; 24:1. Morm. 4:12 (10–12);
425 3 Nephi 9 : 10–21
10 And behold, the city of Laman, and the earth, and all things that in
and the city of Josh, and the city them are. I was with the Father from
of Gad, and the city of Kishkumen, the beginning. b I am in the Father,
have I caused to be burned with and the Father in me; and in me
fire, and the inhabitants thereof, hath the Father glorified his name.
because of their wickedness in cast- 16 I came unto my own, and my
ing out the prophets, and stoning own a received me not. And the
those whom I did send to declare scriptures b concerning my coming
unto them concerning their wick- are fulfilled.
edness and their abominations. 17 And as many as have received
11 And because they did cast me, to them have I a given to become
them all out, that there were none the sons of God; and even so will I
righteous among them, I did send to as many as shall believe on my
down a fire and destroy them, that name, for behold, by me b redemp-
their wickedness and abominations tion cometh, and c in me is the d law
might be hid from before my b face, of Moses fulfilled.
that the blood of the prophets and 18 I am the a light and the life of
the saints whom I sent among them the world. I am b Alpha and Omega,
might not cry unto me c from the the beginning and the end.
ground against them. 19 And ye shall offer up unto me
12 And a many great destructions a
no more the shedding of blood;
have I caused to come upon this land, yea, your sacrifices and your burnt
and upon this people, because of offerings shall be done away, for I
their wickedness and their abomi will accept none of your sacrifices
nations. and your burnt offerings.
13 O all ye that are a spared because 20 And ye shall offer for a a sacri-
ye were more b righteous than they, fice unto me a broken heart and a
will ye not now return unto me, and contrite spirit. And whoso cometh
repent of your sins, and be con- unto me with a broken heart and a
verted, that I may c heal you? contrite spirit, him will I b baptize
14 Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye with fire and with the Holy Ghost,
will a come unto me ye shall have even as the Lamanites, because of
eternal life. Behold, mine c arm of their faith in me at the time of their
mercy is extended towards you, and conversion, were baptized with fire
whosoever will come, him will I and with the Holy Ghost, and they
receive; and blessed are those who knew it not.
come unto me. 21 Behold, I have come unto the
15 Behold, I am Jesus Christ the world to bring a redemption unto
Son of God. I a created the heavens the world, to save the world from sin.
11 a 2 Kgs. 1:10 (9–16); 15 a John 1:3 (1–3); c 3 Ne. 15:8 (2–8).
Hel. 13:13. Col. 1:16; d Heb. 8:13;
b Deut. 31:18. Heb. 1:2 (1–3); 3 Ne. 12:19 (19, 46–47).
c Gen. 4:10. Mosiah 15:4; 18 a tg Jesus Christ, Light of
12 a Hel. 14:24; Hel. 14:12; Ether 4:7; the World.
3 Ne. 8:14 (8–10, 14); D&C 14:9. b Rev. 1:8.
10:7 (4–7). b 3 Ne. 11:27 (7, 11, 27); tg Jesus Christ,
13 a 3 Ne. 10:6 (6, 12); 27:31. 19:23 (23, 29). Firstborn.
b Gen. 18:26. 16 a John 1:11; D&C 6:21. 19 a Mosiah 13:27;
c Jer. 3:22; 17:14; b 3 Ne. 15:5. Alma 34:13;
Matt. 13:15; 17 a John 1:12. 3 Ne. 15:4 (2–10).
3 Ne. 18:32. tg Man, Potential to 20 a Ps. 51:17; Omni 1:26;
14 a 1 Ne. 1:14; Become like Heavenly 3 Ne. 12:19;
2 Ne. 26:25 (24–28); Father; Sons and D&C 64:34.
Alma 5:34 (33–36). Daughters of God. b tg Holy Ghost,
b John 3:16. b Ps. 107:2. Baptism of.
c Isa. 59:16; tg Jesus Christ, 21 a tg Jesus Christ,
Alma 19:36. Redeemer. Atonement through.
3 Nephi 9 : 22–10 : 12 426
prophets and stoned them not; and it Lamanites, who had been spared,
was they who had not shed the blood did have great favors shown unto
of the saints, who were spared— them, and great b blessings poured
13 And they were spared and were out upon their heads, insomuch that
not sunk and buried up in the earth; soon after the c ascension of Christ
and they were not drowned in the into heaven he did truly manifest
depths of the sea; and they were not himself unto them—
burned by fire, neither were they 19 a Showing his body unto them,
fallen upon and crushed to death; and ministering unto them; and
and they were not carried away in an account of his ministry shall be
the whirlwind; neither were they given hereafter. Therefore for this
overpowered by the vapor of smoke time I make an end of my sayings.
and of darkness.
14 And now, whoso readeth, let him
understand; he that hath the scrip- Jesus Christ did show himself unto
tures, let him a search them, and see the people of Nephi, as the multi-
and behold if all these deaths and tude were gathered together in the
destructions by fire, and by smoke, land Bountiful, and did minister
and by b tempests, and by whirl- unto them; and on this wise did he
winds, and by the c opening of the show himself unto them.
earth to receive them, and all these
things are not unto the fulfilling Comprising chapters 11 through 26.
of the prophecies of many of the
holy prophets. Chapter 11
15 Behold, I say unto you, Yea,
many have testified of these things The Father testifies of His Beloved
at the coming of Christ, and were Son—Christ appears and proclaims
slain because they testified of these
a His Atonement—The people feel the
things. wound marks in His hands and feet
16 Yea, the prophet a Zenos did and side—They cry Hosanna—He sets
testify of these things, and also forth the mode and manner of baptism
Zenock spake b concerning these —The spirit of contention is of the
things, because they testified par- devil—Christ’s doctrine is that men
ticularly concerning us, who are the should believe and be baptized and re-
remnant of their seed. ceive the Holy Ghost. About a.d. 34.
17 Behold, our father Jacob also And now it came to pass that there
testified concerning a a remnant of were a great multitude a gathered
the seed of Joseph. And behold, are together, of the people of Nephi,
not we a remnant of the seed of round about the temple which was
Joseph? And these things which tes- in the land b Bountiful; and they
tify of us, are they not written upon were marveling and wondering one
the plates of brass which our father with another, and were showing one
Lehi brought out of Jerusalem? to another the c great and marvel-
18 And it came to pass that in the ous change which had taken place.
ending of the thirty and fourth year, 2 And they were also conversing
behold, I will show unto you that the about this Jesus Christ, of whom
people of Nephi who were spared, the a sign had been given concern-
and also those who had been called ing his death.
14 a tg Scriptures, Study of. b 1 Ne. 19:21. 11 1 a Hel. 3:14 (9, 14).
b Hel. 14:23. 17 a Alma 46:24; b Alma 22:29;
c Num. 16:32; 3 Ne. 5:23 (23–24). 3 Ne. 3:23.
1 Ne. 19:11; 18 a 4 Ne. 1:20. c 3 Ne. 8:12 (11–14).
2 Ne. 26:5. b tg Blessing. 2 a Hel. 14:20 (20–27);
15 a tg Martyrdom. c Acts 1:9 (9–11). 3 Ne. 8:5 (5–25).
16 a Hel. 8:20 (19–20). 19 a 3 Ne. 11:12 (12–15).
3 Nephi 11 : 3–15 428
3 And it came to pass that while another, and wist not what it meant,
they were thus conversing one with for they thought it was an angel that
another, they heard a a voice as if it had appeared unto them.
came out of heaven; and they cast 9 And it came to pass that he
their eyes round about, for they stretched forth his hand and spake
understood not the voice which unto the people, saying:
they heard; and it was not a harsh 10 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom
voice, neither was it a loud voice; the prophets testified shall come
nevertheless, and notwithstanding into the world.
it being a b small voice it did c pierce 11 And behold, I am the a light
them that did hear to the center, and the life of the world; and I
insomuch that there was no part have drunk out of that bitter b cup
of their frame that it did not cause which the Father hath given me, and
to quake; yea, it did pierce them to have glorified the Father in c taking
the very soul, and did cause their upon me the sins of the world, in
hearts to burn. the which I have suffered the d will
4 And it came to pass that again of the Father in all things from the
they heard the voice, and they a un- beginning.
derstood it not. 12 And it came to pass that when
5 And again the third time they did Jesus had spoken these words the
hear the voice, and did a open their whole multitude a fell to the earth;
ears to hear it; and their eyes were for they remembered that it had
towards the sound thereof; and they been b prophesied among them
did look steadfastly towards heaven, that Christ should c show himself
from whence the sound came. unto them after his ascension into
6 And behold, the third time they heaven.
did understand the voice which 13 And it came to pass that the
they heard; and it said unto them: a
Lord spake unto them saying:
7 Behold my a Beloved Son, b in 14 Arise and come forth unto me,
whom I am well pleased, in whom that ye may a thrust your hands
I have glorified my name—hear into my side, and also that ye may
ye him. b
feel the prints of the nails in my
8 And it came to pass, as they un- hands and in my feet, that ye may
derstood they cast their eyes up know that I am the c God of Israel,
again towards heaven; and behold, and the God of the whole d earth,
they a saw a Man b descending out and have been slain for the sins of
of heaven; and he was clothed in a the world.
white robe; and he came down and 15 And it came to pass that the
stood in the midst of them; and the multitude went forth, and thrust
eyes of the whole multitude were their hands into his side, and a did
turned upon him, and they durst feel the prints of the nails in his
not open their mouths, even one to hands and in his feet; and this they
3 a Deut. 4:33; Ezek. 1:24; 8 a 1 Ne. 12:6; b Alma 16:20.
Hel. 5:29 (28–36). 2 Ne. 26:1 (1, 9); c 3 Ne. 10:19.
b 1 Kgs. 19:12 (11–13); Alma 16:20; 13 a tg Jesus Christ, Lord.
D&C 85:6. Ether 3:17 (17–18). 14 a John 20:27.
c 1 Sam. 3:11; Jer. 20:9. b Acts 1:9 (9–11). b Luke 24:39 (36–39);
4 a Ezek. 1:24 (24–28); 11 a tg Jesus Christ, Light of D&C 129:2.
1 Cor. 14:2. the World. c Isa. 45:3; 3 Ne. 15:5;
5 a Job 36:15; b John 18:11. D&C 36:1; 127:3.
D&C 101:92. c John 1:29. d Ex. 9:29;
7 a Matt. 3:17; 17:5; d Mark 14:36 (32–42); 1 Ne. 11:6.
JS—H 1:17. Luke 22:42; 15 a 3 Ne. 18:25.
tg Witness of the John 6:38; Hel. 10:4; tg Jesus Christ,
Father. D&C 19:2. Appearances,
b 3 Ne. 9:15. 12 a tg Reverence. Postmortal.
429 3 Nephi 11 : 16–30
did do, going forth one by one un- in my name, on this wise shall ye
til they had all gone forth, and did baptize them—Behold, ye shall go
see with their eyes and did feel down and c stand in the water, and
with their hands, and did know of in my name shall ye baptize them.
a surety and did bear record, that 24 And now behold, these are the
it was he, of whom it was written words which ye shall say, calling
by the prophets, that should come. them by name, saying:
16 And when they had all gone 25 Having a authority given me of
forth and had witnessed for them- Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the
selves, they did cry out with one name of the b Father, and of the Son,
accord, saying: and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
17 Hosanna! Blessed be the name 26 And then shall ye a immerse
of the Most High God! And they did them in the water, and come forth
fall down at the feet of Jesus, and again out of the water.
did a worship him. 27 And after this manner shall ye
18 And it came to pass that he baptize in my name; for behold, ver-
spake unto a Nephi (for Nephi was ily I say unto you, that the Father,
among the multitude) and he com- and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are
manded him that he should come b
one; and I am in the Father, and
forth. the Father in me, and the Father
19 And Nephi arose and went forth, and I are one.
and a bowed himself before the Lord 28 And according as I have com-
and did b kiss his feet. manded you thus shall ye baptize.
20 And the Lord commanded him And there shall be no a disputations
that he should a arise. And he arose among you, as there have hitherto
and stood before him. been; neither shall there be dispu-
21 And the Lord said unto him: I tations among you concerning the
give unto you a power that ye shall points of my doctrine, as there have
baptize this people when I am again
hitherto been.
ascended into heaven. 29 For verily, verily I say unto you,
22 And again the Lord called a oth- he that hath the spirit of a conten-
ers, and said unto them likewise; tion is not of me, but is of the b devil,
and he gave unto them power to who is the father of contention, and
baptize. And he said unto them: On he stirreth up the hearts of men
this wise shall ye baptize; and there to contend with anger, one with
shall be b no disputations among you. another.
23 Verily I say unto you, that whoso 30 Behold, this is not my doctrine,
repenteth of his sins through your to stir up the hearts of men with
words, and b desireth to be baptized anger, one against another; but this
17 a tg Worship. 3 Ne. 12:2. 3 Ne. 28:10;
18 a 3 Ne. 1:2 (2–3, 10); b tg Baptism, Morm. 7:7;
7:15 (15, 20, 23). Qualifications for. D&C 20:28.
19 a Ex. 34:8; c 3 Ne. 19:11 (10–13). 28 a Acts 4:32;
Ether 6:12. 25 a Mosiah 18:13; 1 Cor. 1:10 (10–13);
b 3 Ne. 17:10. Alma 5:3; Eph. 4:13 (11–14);
20 a Josh. 7:10; D&C 20:73. D&C 38:27.
Ezek. 2:1 (1–2). tg Delegation of tg Disputations.
21 a tg Church Organization; Responsibility; 29 a 2 Tim. 2:24 (23–24);
Priesthood, Authority. Priesthood, Authority. Mosiah 23:15.
b tg Baptism, Essential. b tg Godhead. tg Contention.
22 a 1 Ne. 12:7; 26 a Moses 6:52. b Eph. 4:27 (26–27);
3 Ne. 12:1. tg Baptism, Immersion; Mosiah 2:32 (32–33);
b 1 Cor. 11:16 (16–19); Jesus Christ, Types of, in Alma 2:5; 45:23;
3 Ne. 18:34. Memory. Hel. 4:1.
tg Disputations. 27 a tg Baptism.
23 a Mosiah 26:15 (15–16); b Alma 11:44;
3 Nephi 11 : 31–12 : 1 430
37 And again I say unto you, ye Jesus had spoken these words unto
must repent, and a become as a b little Nephi, and to those who had been
child, and be baptized in my name, called, (now the number of them
or ye can in nowise receive these who had been called, and received
things. power and authority to b baptize, was
38 And again I say unto you, ye c
twelve) and behold, he stretched
must repent, and be baptized in my forth his hand unto the multitude,
30 a Mark 9:50; b tg Salvation, Plan of. 39 a Mark 4:2.
John 16:33. c tg Exaltation. b Matt. 7:24 (24–29);
31 a John 18:37; 34 a tg Baptism. 1 Pet. 2:6 (4–8);
2 Ne. 31:21 (2–21). 35 a Ether 4:12. 1 Ne. 13:36.
32 a tg Jesus Christ, b 3 Ne. 9:20; 12:2. tg Rock.
Teaching Mode of. c tg Holy Ghost, c Matt. 16:18;
b 1 Jn. 5:7 (6–9). Baptism of. 3 Ne. 18:13 (12–13);
tg Jesus Christ, 36 a tg Holy Ghost, Source D&C 17:8.
Relationships with of Testimony. 40 a Rom. 16:17 (17–19);
the Father. b tg Godhead; Unity. 1 Tim. 1:3.
c 3 Ne. 28:11; 37 a Mark 10:15; b 3 Ne. 14:26 (24–27).
Ether 5:4; Luke 18:17. 12 1 a Matt. 5:1 (1–48).
Moses 1:24. b 3 Ne. 9:22. b Mark 16:16 (15–16);
33 a Mark 16:16. 38 a tg Baptism, John 4:2 (1–2).
tg Baptism, Essential. Qualifications for. c 3 Ne. 11:22; 13:25.
431 3 Nephi 12 : 2–17
and cried unto them, saying: d Blessed 8 And blessed are all the a pure in
are ye if ye shall give heed unto the heart, for they shall b see God.
words of these twelve whom I have 9 And blessed are all the a peace-
chosen from among you to minis- makers, for they shall be called the
ter unto you, and to be your ser- b
children of God.
vants; and unto them I have given 10 And blessed are all they who
power that they may baptize you are a persecuted for my name’s sake,
with water; and after that ye are for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
baptized with water, behold, I will 11 And blessed are ye when men
baptize you with fire and with the shall a revile you and persecute, and
Holy Ghost; therefore blessed are shall say all manner of evil against
ye if ye shall believe in me and be you falsely, for my sake;
baptized, after that ye have seen me 12 For a ye shall have great joy and
and know that I am. be exceedingly glad, for great shall
2 And again, more blessed are they be your b reward in heaven; for so
who shall a believe in your words c
persecuted they the prophets who
because that ye shall testify that were before you.
ye have seen me, and that ye know 13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I
that I am. Yea, blessed are they who give unto you to be the a salt of the
shall b believe in your c words, and earth; but if the salt shall lose its
come down into the depths of hu- savor wherewith shall the earth be
mility and be baptized, for they salted? The salt shall be thenceforth
shall be visited e with fire and with good for nothing, but to be cast out
the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a and to be trodden under foot of men.
remission of their sins. 14 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I
3 Yea, blessed are the a poor in spirit give unto you to be the light of this
who b come unto me, for theirs is people. A city that is set on a hill
the kingdom of heaven. cannot be hid.
4 And again, blessed are all they that 15 Behold, do men light a a candle
mourn, for they shall be b comforted. and put it under a bushel? Nay, but
5 And blessed are the a meek, for on a candlestick, and it giveth light
they shall inherit the b earth. to all that are in the house;
6 And blessed are all they who 16 Therefore let your a light so
do a hunger and b thirst after c righ- shine before this people, that they
teousness, for they shall be d filled may see your good works and b glo-
with the Holy Ghost. rify your Father who is in heaven.
7 And blessed are the a merciful, 17 Think not that I am come to
for they shall obtain mercy. destroy the law or the prophets.
1 d tg Blessing. tg Comfort. D&C 122:5 (5–9).
e tg Called of God. 5 a Zeph. 2:3 (1–3); 11 a tg Reviling.
2 a tg Teachable. Rom. 12:16. 12 a Matt. 5:12.
b Mosiah 26:15 (15–16); tg Meek. b tg Reward.
D&C 46:14. b tg Earth, Destiny of. c 2 Cor. 7:4.
c 3 Ne. 11:23. 6 a Matt. 5:6; tg Prophets,
d Ether 4:13. 2 Ne. 9:51; Rejection of.
e 3 Ne. 11:35; Enos 1:4. 13 a 2 Chr. 13:5;
19:13 (13–14). b Jer. 29:13. Matt. 5:13;
3 a Ps. 86:1; c Prov. 21:21. D&C 101:39 (39–40).
Eccl. 4:13 (13–14); d tg Spirituality. tg Mission of Early
Matt. 5:3; 7 a tg Mercy. Saints;
D&C 56:18 (17–18). 8 a tg Purity. Salt.
tg Poor in Spirit. b tg God, Privilege of 15 a Luke 8:16.
b Matt. 11:28 (28–30). Seeing. 16 a 3 Ne. 18:24.
4 a Morm. 2:11 (11–14). 9 a tg Peacemakers. tg Example.
tg Mourning. b tg Sons and Daughters b John 11:4 (1–4);
b Matt. 5:4; of God. Ether 12:4.
Alma 28:6. 10 a Matt. 5:10;
3 Nephi 12 : 18–33 432
I am not come to destroy but to and then come unto me with full
fulfil; b
purpose of heart, and I will re-
18 For verily I say unto you, a one ceive you.
jot nor one tittle hath not passed 25 a Agree with thine adversary
away from the b law, but in me it quickly while thou art in the way
hath all been fulfilled. with him, lest at any time he shall
19 And behold, I have given you get thee, and thou shalt be cast into
the law and the commandments prison.
of my Father, that ye shall believe 26 Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
in me, and that ye shall repent of thou shalt by no means come out
your sins, and come unto me with a thence until thou hast paid the ut-
broken heart and a contrite spirit. termost senine. And while ye are in
Behold, ye have the command- prison can ye pay even one a senine?
ments before you, and the b law is Verily, verily, I say unto you, Nay.
fulfilled. 27 Behold, it is written by them of
20 Therefore a come unto me and old time, that thou shalt not com-
be ye saved; for verily I say unto mit a adultery;
you, that except ye shall keep my 28 But I say unto you, that whoso-
commandments, which I have com-
ever looketh on a woman, to a lust
manded you at this time, ye shall after her, hath committed adultery
in no case enter into the kingdom already in his heart.
of heaven. 29 Behold, I give unto you a com-
21 Ye have heard that it hath been mandment, that ye suffer a none
said by them of old time, and it is of these things to enter into your
also written before you, that thou b
shalt not a kill, and whosoever shall 30 For it is better that ye should
kill shall be in danger of the judg- deny yourselves of these things,
ment of God; wherein ye will take up your a cross,
22 But I say unto you, that whoso- than that ye should be cast into
ever is a angry with his brother shall hell.
be in danger of his judgment. And 31 It hath been written, that whoso-
whosoever shall say to his brother, ever shall put away his wife, let him
Raca, shall be in danger of the give her a writing of a divorcement.
council; and whosoever shall say, 32 Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Thou fool, shall be in danger of that whosoever shall a put away his
hell fire. wife, saving for the cause of b for-
23 Therefore, a if ye shall come nication, causeth her to commit
unto me, or shall desire to come c
adultery; and whoso shall marry
unto me, and rememberest that thy her who is divorced committeth
brother hath aught against thee— adultery.
24 Go thy way unto thy brother, and 33 And again it is written, thou
first be a reconciled to thy brother, shalt not a forswear thyself, but
18 a Matt. 5:18. 22 a Matt. 5:22. b Acts 8:22.
b tg Law of Moses. 23 a Matt. 5:23. 30 a Matt. 10:38; 16:24;
19 a 3 Ne. 9:20. 24 a tg Forgive; Luke 9:23; 14:27;
tg Contrite Heart. Reconciliation. D&C 23:6.
b 3 Ne. 9:17. b 3 Ne. 18:29 (28–33); 31 a tg Divorce.
20 a Isa. 55:3. D&C 46:4. 32 a Matt. 5:32;
b 3 Ne. 15:10. 25 a Matt. 5:25 (25–26). Mark 10:11 (11–12);
21 a Ex. 20:13 (13–17); 26 a Alma 11:3; 30:33. Luke 16:18.
Deut. 5:17 (17–21); 27 a Matt. 5:27; b tg Fornication.
Matt. 5:21; 2 Ne. 9:36; c tg Adulterer.
Mosiah 13:21 (21–24); D&C 59:6. 33 a tg Swearing.
D&C 42:18. 28 a tg Lust.
tg Life, Sanctity of. 29 a D&C 42:23.
433 3 Nephi 12 : 34–13 : 5
shalt b perform unto the Lord thine 46 Therefore those things which
oaths; were of old time, which were un-
34 But verily, verily, I say unto der the law, in me are all a fulfilled.
you, a swear not at all; neither by 47 a Old things are done away, and
heaven, for it is God’s throne; all things have become b new.
35 Nor by the earth, for it is his 48 Therefore I would that ye should
footstool; be a perfect even as I, or your Father
36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy who is in heaven is perfect.
head, because thou canst not make
one hair black or white; Chapter 13
37 But let your a communication be Jesus teaches the Nephites the Lord’s
Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever Prayer—They are to lay up treasures in
cometh of more than these is evil.
38 And behold, it is written, an a eye heaven—The twelve disciples in their
for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth; ministry are commanded to take no
39 But I say unto you, that ye shall thought for temporal things—Compare
not a resist evil, but whosoever shall Matthew 6. About a.d. 34.
smite thee on thy right b cheek, c turn a
Verily, verily, I say that I would
to him the other also; that ye should do alms unto the
40 And if any man will sue thee at poor; but take heed that ye do not
the law and take away thy coat, a let your alms before men to be seen of
him have thy cloak also; them; otherwise ye have no reward
41 And whosoever shall compel of your Father who is in heaven.
thee to a go a mile, go with him twain. 2 Therefore, when ye shall do your
42 a Give to him that asketh thee, alms do not sound a trumpet before
and from him that would b borrow you, as will hypocrites do in the
of thee turn thou not away. synagogues and in the streets, that
43 And behold it is written also, they may have a glory of men. Ver-
that thou shalt love thy neighbor and ily I say unto you, they have their
hate thine enemy; reward.
44 But behold I say unto you, love 3 But when thou doest alms let
your a enemies, bless them that curse not thy left hand know what thy
you, do b good to them that hate you, right hand doeth;
and c pray for them who despitefully 4 That thine alms may be in se-
use you and persecute you; cret; and thy Father who seeth in
45 That ye may be the children of secret, himself shall reward thee
your Father who is in heaven; for openly.
he maketh his sun to rise a on the 5 And when thou a prayest thou
evil and on the good. shalt not do as the b hypocrites, for
33 b tg Dependability. 40 a tg Charity; Initiative. Ether 13:9.
c tg Oath. 41 a tg Generosity. 48 a Matt. 5:48;
34 a Lev. 5:4; 42 a Jacob 2:19 (17–19); 3 Ne. 19:29 (28–29);
Morm. 3:14. Mosiah 4:26. 27:27.
tg Profanity. b tg Borrow. tg God, Perfection of;
37 a tg Communication. 44 a Prov. 24:17; God, the Standard of
b tg Honesty. 25:21 (21–22); Righteousness;
38 a Lev. 24:20; Alma 48:23. Jesus Christ, Exemplar;
Matt. 5:38 (38–42). tg Enemies. Man, New, Spiritually
tg Punish. b tg Benevolence. Reborn; Man, Potential
39 a 3 Ne. 6:13; c Acts 7:60 (59–60); to Become like
4 Ne. 1:34; 2 Tim. 4:16. Heavenly Father.
D&C 98:23 (23–27). 45 a Matt. 5:45. 13 1 a Matt. 6:1 (1–34).
tg Submissiveness. 46 a Heb. 8:13. tg Almsgiving.
b Lam. 3:30. 47 a 3 Ne. 9:17; 15:2 (2, 7); 2 a D&C 121:35 (34–35).
c tg Forbear; D&C 22:1. 5 a tg Prayer.
Patience. b Jer. 31:31 (31–33); b tg Hypocrisy.
3 Nephi 13 : 6 –25 434
they love to pray, standing in the 17 But thou, when thou fastest,
synagogues and in the corners of anoint thy head, and a wash thy face;
the streets, that they may be seen 18 That thou appear not unto
of men. Verily I say unto you, they men to fast, but unto thy Father, who
have their reward. is in a secret; and thy Father, who
6 But thou, when thou prayest, seeth in secret, shall reward thee
enter into thy closet, and when openly.
thou hast a shut thy door, pray to 19 Lay not up for yourselves trea-
thy Father who is in secret; and thy sures upon earth, where a moth and
Father, who b seeth in secret, shall rust doth corrupt, and thieves break
reward thee openly. through and steal;
7 But when ye pray, use not a vain 20 But lay up for yourselves a trea-
repetitions, as the b heathen, for they sures in heaven, where neither moth
think that they shall be heard for nor rust doth corrupt, and where
their much speaking. thieves do not break through nor
8 Be not ye therefore like unto steal.
them, for your Father a knoweth 21 For where your treasure is, there
what things ye have need of before will your heart be also.
ye b ask him. 22 The a light of the body is the b eye;
9 After this a manner therefore if, therefore, thine eye be c single,
pray ye: Our c Father who art in thy whole body shall be full of
heaven, hallowed be thy name. light.
10 Thy will be done on earth as it 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy
is in heaven. whole body shall be full of dark-
11 And forgive us our debts, as we ness. If, therefore, the light that is in
forgive our debtors. thee be darkness, how great is that
12 And a lead us not into tempta- darkness!
tion, but deliver us from evil. 24 No man can a serve b two masters;
13 For thine is the kingdom, and the for either he will hate the one and
power, and the glory, forever. Amen. love the other, or else he will hold
14 For, if ye a forgive men their to the one and despise the other.
trespasses your heavenly Father Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.
will also forgive you; 25 And now it came to pass that
15 But if ye forgive not men their when Jesus had spoken these words
trespasses neither will your Father he looked upon the a twelve whom
forgive your trespasses. he had chosen, and said unto them:
16 Moreover, when ye a fast be not Remember the words which I have
as the b hypocrites, of a sad counte- spoken. For behold, ye are they
nance, for they disfigure their faces whom I have chosen to b minister
that they may appear unto men to unto this people. Therefore I say
fast. Verily I say unto you, they have unto you, c take no thought for your
their reward. life, what ye shall eat, or what ye
6 a 2 Kgs. 4:33. tg Forgive. c D&C 88:67.
b tg God, Omniscience of. 16 a Isa. 58:5 (5–7); tg Dedication.
7 a tg Sincere. Zech. 7:5 (5–6). 24 a 1 Sam. 7:3;
b tg Heathen. tg Fast, Fasting. Alma 5:41 (39–42);
8 a D&C 84:83. b tg Hypocrisy. Moses 1:15.
b Ezek. 36:37. 17 a tg Wash. b Hosea 10:2.
9 a Matt. 6:9 (9–13). 18 a Isa. 45:15; 25 a Matt. 6:25;
b tg Prayer. D&C 38:7. 3 Ne. 12:1; 15:11.
c tg God the Father, 19 a 3 Ne. 27:32. b tg Church Organization;
Elohim. 20 a Hel. 5:8; 8:25. Delegation of
12 a jst Matt. 6:14 tg Treasure. Responsibility.
(Matt. 6:13 note a). 22 a Ezra 9:8. c Alma 31:37;
14 a Mosiah 26:31. b Matt. 6:22 (20–25). D&C 84:81 (79–85).
435 3 Nephi 13 : 26–14 : 12
shall drink; nor yet for your body, Jesus had spoken these words he
what ye shall put on. Is not the life turned again to the multitude,
more than meat, and the body than and did open his mouth unto them
raiment? again, saying: Verily, verily, I say
26 Behold the a fowls of the air, unto you, Judge not, that ye be not
for they sow not, neither do they judged.
reap nor gather into barns; yet your 2 a For with what judgment ye
heavenly Father feedeth them. Are judge, ye shall be judged; and with
ye not much better than they ? what measure ye mete, it shall be
27 Which of you by taking thought measured to you again.
can add one cubit unto his stature? 3 And why beholdest thou the
28 And why take ye thought for mote that is in thy brother’s eye,
raiment? Consider the a lilies of the but considerest not the beam that
field how they grow; they toil not, is in thine own eye?
neither do they spin; 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy
29 And yet I say unto you, that brother: Let me pull the mote out
even Solomon, in all his glory, was of thine eye—and behold, a beam
not arrayed like one of these. is in thine own eye?
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the 5 Thou a hypocrite, first cast the
grass of the field, which today is, b
beam out of thine own eye; and
and tomorrow is cast into the oven, then shalt thou see clearly to cast the
even so will he clothe you, if ye are mote out of thy brother’s eye.
not of little faith. 6 Give not that which is a holy
31 Therefore take no thought, say- unto the dogs, neither cast ye your
ing, What shall we eat? or, What pearls before swine, lest they tram-
shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall ple them under their feet, and turn
we be clothed? again and rend you.
32 For your heavenly Father know 7 a Ask, and it shall be given unto
eth that ye have need of all these you; b seek, and ye shall find; knock,
things. and it shall be opened unto you.
33 But a seek ye first the b kingdom 8 For every one that asketh, receiv-
of God and his righteousness, and eth; and he that seeketh, findeth;
all these things shall be added and to him that knocketh, it shall
unto you. be opened.
34 Take therefore no thought for 9 Or what man is there of you,
the morrow, for the morrow shall who, if his son ask bread, will give
take thought for the things of it- him a stone?
self. a Sufficient is the day unto the 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give
evil thereof. him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how
Chapter 14 to give good gifts unto your chil-
dren, how much more shall your
Jesus commands: Judge not; ask of God; Father who is in heaven give good
beware of false prophets—He prom- things to them that ask him?
ises salvation to those who do the will 12 Therefore, all things whatsoever
of the Father—Compare Matthew 7. ye would that men should do to
About a.d. 34. you, a do ye even so to them, for this
And now it came to pass that when
is the law and the prophets.
25 d Job 27:16 (16–17). 14 1 a Matt. 7:1 (1–27); 7 a 3 Ne. 27:29.
26 a D&C 117:6. jst Matt. 7:1–2 tg Prayer.
28 a tg Nature, Earth. (Matt. 7:1 note a). b tg Initiative;
33 a tg Commitment. 2 a Morm. 8:19. Objectives.
b Luke 12:31 (22–34). 5 a tg Hypocrisy. 12 a tg Benevolence;
tg Objectives. b John 8:7 (3–11). Compassion;
34 a Matt. 6:34. 6 a tg Holiness. Courtesy.
3 Nephi 14 : 13–15 : 2 436
13 Enter ye in at the a strait gate; I will liken him unto a wise man,
for wide is the gate, and b broad is who built his house upon a a rock—
the way, which leadeth to destruc- 25 And the a rain descended, and
tion, and many there be who go in the floods came, and the winds blew,
thereat; and beat upon that house; and it
14 Because strait is the a gate, and b
fell not, for it was founded upon
narrow is the way, which leadeth a rock.
unto life, and c few there be that 26 And every one that heareth
find it. these sayings of mine and doeth
15 Beware of a false prophets, who them not shall be likened unto a
come to you in sheep’s clothing, but a
foolish man, who built his house
inwardly they are ravening wolves. upon the b sand—
16 Ye shall know them by their 27 And the rain descended, and
fruits. Do men gather grapes of the floods came, and the winds
thorns, or figs of thistles? blew, and beat upon that house; and
17 Even so every a good tree bring it fell, and great was the fall of it.
eth forth good fruit; but a corrupt
tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Chapter 15
18 A good tree cannot bring forth Jesus announces that the law of Moses
evil fruit, neither a corrupt tree is fulfilled in Him—The Nephites are
bring forth good fruit. the other sheep of whom He spoke in
19 Every tree that a bringeth not Jerusalem—Because of iniquity, the
forth good fruit is hewn down, and
cast into the fire. Lord’s people in Jerusalem do not know
20 Wherefore, by their a fruits ye of the scattered sheep of Israel. About
a.d. 34.
shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto And now it came to pass that when
me, Lord, Lord, shall a enter into Jesus had ended these sayings he
the kingdom of heaven; but he that cast his eyes round about on the
doeth the will of my Father who is multitude, and said unto them:
in heaven. Behold, ye have heard the things
22 Many will a say to me in that day: which I a taught before I ascended
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied to my Father; therefore, whoso re-
in thy name, and in thy name have membereth these sayings of mine
cast out devils, and in thy name and b doeth them, him will I c raise
done many wonderful works? up at the last day.
23 And then will a I profess unto 2 And it came to pass that when
them: I never b knew you; c depart Jesus had said these words he per-
from me, ye that work iniquity. ceived that there were some among
24 Therefore, whoso heareth these them who marveled, and wondered
sayings of mine and doeth them, what he would concerning the law
13 a Luke 13:24; 17 a Alma 5:41. Luke 13:27.
3 Ne. 27:33. 19 a Matt. 3:10; 24 a tg Rock.
b D&C 132:25. Alma 5:36 (36–41); 25 a Alma 26:6;
14 a 2 Ne. 9:41; 31:9 (9, 17–18); D&C 97:7. Hel. 5:12.
D&C 22:4. 20 a Matt. 7:17 (16–20); 12:33; b Prov. 12:7.
b 1 Ne. 8:20. Luke 6:43 (43–45); 26 a tg Foolishness.
c Matt. 7:14; Moro. 7:5. b 3 Ne. 11:40.
1 Ne. 14:12. 21 a 1 Jn. 2:17. 15 1 a ie in Galilee and Judea.
15 a Jer. 23:21 (21–32); 22 a Alma 5:17. b James 1:22 (22–24).
2 Ne. 28:12 (9, 12, 15). 23 a Matt. 7:23. c John 6:39;
tg False Prophets. b Mosiah 5:13; 1 Ne. 13:37;
16 a Col. 1:6; 26:25 (24–27); Mosiah 23:22;
Alma 32:42 (28–42); D&C 112:26. Alma 26:7;
D&C 52:34 (18, 34). c Ps. 119:115; D&C 5:35.
437 3 Nephi 15 : 3–19
of Moses; for they understood not 11 And now it came to pass that
the saying that a old things had when Jesus had spoken these words,
passed away, and that all things he a said unto those twelve whom
had become new. he had chosen:
3 And he said unto them: Marvel 12 Ye are my a disciples; and ye are
not that I said unto you that old a b light unto this people, who are a
things had passed away, and that remnant of the house of c Joseph.
all things had become a new. 13 And behold, this is the a land of
4 Behold, I say unto you that the your inheritance; and the Father
law is fulfilled that was given unto hath given it unto you.
Moses. 14 And not at any time hath the
5 Behold, a I am he that gave the Father given me commandment that
law, and I am he who covenanted I should a tell it unto your brethren
with my people Israel; therefore, at Jerusalem.
the law in me is fulfilled, for I have 15 Neither at any time hath the
come to b fulfil the law; therefore it Father given me commandment that
hath an end. I should tell unto them concerning
6 Behold, I do a not destroy the the a other tribes of the house of
prophets, for as many as have not Israel, whom the Father hath led
been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto away out of the land.
you, shall all be fulfilled. 16 This much did the Father a com-
7 And because I said unto you that mand me, that I should tell unto
old things have passed away, I do not them:
destroy that which hath been spoken 17 That other sheep I have which
concerning things which are to come. are not of this fold; them also I
8 For behold, the a covenant which must bring, and they shall hear my
I have made with my people is not voice; and there shall be one fold,
all fulfilled; but the law which was and one a shepherd.
given unto Moses hath an end in me. 18 And now, because of a stiff-
9 Behold, I am the a law, and the neckedness and b unbelief they c un-
light. Look unto me, and endure to derstood not my word; therefore I
the end, and ye shall c live; for unto was commanded to say no more of
him that d endureth to the end will the d Father concerning this thing
I give eternal life. unto them.
10 Behold, I have given unto you 19 But, verily, I say unto you that
the a commandments; therefore keep the Father hath commanded me,
my commandments. And this is the and I tell it unto you, that ye were
law and the prophets, for they truly a
separated from among them be-
testified of me. cause of their iniquity; therefore it
2 a 3 Ne. 12:47 (46–47). b tg Jesus Christ, Light of People of.
3 a Heb. 8:13; the World. 13 a 1 Ne. 18:23;
Ether 13:9. c Lev. 18:5; 3 Ne. 16:16.
4 a Mosiah 13:27 (27–31); John 11:25; 14 a 3 Ne. 5:20.
3 Ne. 9:17 (17–20). D&C 84:44. 15 a 2 Ne. 21:12;
5 a 1 Cor. 10:4 (1–4); d Matt. 10:22 (22–33); 3 Ne. 16:1 (1–4).
3 Ne. 11:14. Mark 13:13; tg Israel, Ten Lost
tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah. 2 Ne. 31:20; Tribes of.
b Alma 34:13. Alma 32:13 (13–15); 16 a John 15:15; 16:12.
tg Jesus Christ, 3 Ne. 27:6 (6–17). 17 a tg Shepherd.
Mission of. 10 a 3 Ne. 12:20. 18 a tg Stiffnecked.
6 a 3 Ne. 20:11 (11–12); b Mosiah 13:33. b tg Doubt;
23:3 (1–3). 11 a 3 Ne. 13:25; Unbelief.
8 a 3 Ne. 5:25 (24–26); 16:5. Moro. 2:1. c D&C 10:59.
tg Covenants; 12 a tg Church Organization. d John 12:50.
Restoration of the b tg Example; 19 a 1 Kgs. 8:53;
Gospel. Leadership. John 17:6 (6–22).
9 a 2 Ne. 26:1. c tg Israel, Joseph,
3 Nephi 15 : 20–16 : 6 438
me—that I should give unto a this and b prepare your minds for the
people this land for their inheri- morrow, and I come unto you again.
10 And they did all, both they who Jesus speak; and no one can conceive
had been healed and they who were of the joy which filled our souls at
whole, bow down at his feet, and the time we heard him pray for us
did worship him; and as many as unto the Father.
could come for the multitude did 18 And it came to pass that when
kiss his feet, insomuch that they Jesus had made an end of praying
did bathe his feet with their tears. unto the Father, he arose; but so
11 And it came to pass that he great was the a joy of the multitude
commanded that their a little chil- that they were overcome.
dren should be brought. 19 And it came to pass that Jesus
12 So they brought their little spake unto them, and bade them
children and set them down upon arise.
the ground round about him, and 20 And they arose from the earth,
Jesus stood in the midst; and the and he said unto them: Blessed are
multitude gave way till they had ye because of your faith. And a now
all been brought unto him. behold, my joy is full.
13 And it came to pass that when 21 And when he had said these
they had all been brought, and Jesus words, he a wept, and the multitude
stood in the midst, he commanded bare record of it, and he took their
the multitude that they should little children, one by one, and
kneel down upon the ground. b
blessed them, and prayed unto the
14 And it came to pass that when Father for them.
they had knelt upon the ground, 22 And when he had done this he
Jesus groaned within himself, and wept again;
said: Father, I am a troubled because 23 And he spake unto the multi-
of the wickedness of the people of tude, and said unto them: Behold
the house of Israel. your little ones.
15 And when he had said these 24 And as they looked to behold
words, he himself also a knelt upon they cast their eyes towards heaven,
the earth; and behold he b prayed and they saw the heavens open, and
unto the Father, and the things they saw angels descending out of
which he prayed cannot be written, heaven as it were in the midst of fire;
and the multitude did bear record and they came down and a encircled
who heard him. those little ones about, and they
16 And after this manner do they were encircled about with fire; and
bear record: The a eye hath never the angels did minister unto them.
seen, neither hath the ear heard, 25 And the multitude did see and
before, so great and marvelous a
hear and bear record; and they
things as we saw and heard Jesus know that their record is true for
speak unto the Father; they all of them did see and hear,
17 And no a tongue can speak, nei- every man for himself; and they
ther can there be written by any were in number about two thou-
man, neither can the hearts of men sand and five hundred souls; and
conceive so great and marvelous they did consist of men, women,
things as we both saw and heard and children.
10 a Luke 7:38 (38, 45); 3 Ne. 17:20; 27:32; 3 Ne. 19:34 (32–34).
3 Ne. 11:19. Moses 7:41. 18 a tg Joy.
11 a Matt. 19:13 (13–14); 15 a 3 Ne. 19:19 (19, 27). 20 a 3 Ne. 17:14.
Mark 10:13; b tg Jesus Christ, 21 a John 11:35.
3 Ne. 26:14 (14, 16). Relationships with tg Sincere.
tg Children. the Father. b Mark 10:16 (14–16).
13 a Acts 9:40; 20:36; 16 a Isa. 64:4; 1 Cor. 2:9; 24 a Hel. 5:43 (23–24, 43–45);
3 Ne. 19:6 (6, 16–17). 3 Ne. 19:32 (30–36); 3 Ne. 19:14.
14 a Mosiah 28:3; D&C 76:10, 116 (114–19). tg Transfiguration.
Alma 31:2; 17 a 2 Cor. 12:4; 25 a Ex. 19:9 (9–13).
3 Nephi 18 : 1–14 442
15 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye that it may shine unto the world.
must watch and a pray always, lest Behold I am the b light which ye
ye be tempted by the devil, and ye shall hold up—that which ye have
be led away captive by him. seen me do. Behold ye see that I
16 And as I have prayed among have prayed unto the Father, and
you even so shall ye pray in my ye all have witnessed.
church, among my people who 25 And ye see that I have com-
do repent and are baptized in my manded that a none of you should go
name. Behold I am the b light; I have away, but rather have commanded
set an c example for you. that ye should come unto me, that
17 And it came to pass that when ye might b feel and see; even so shall
Jesus had spoken these words unto ye do unto the world; and whoso-
his disciples, he turned again unto ever breaketh this commandment
the multitude and said unto them: suffereth himself to be led into
18 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto temptation.
you, ye must watch and pray always 26 And now it came to pass that
lest ye enter into temptation; for when Jesus had spoken these words,
Satan desireth to have you, that he turned his eyes again upon the
he may sift you as wheat. a
disciples whom he had chosen, and
19 Therefore ye must always pray said unto them:
unto the Father in my name; 27 Behold verily, verily, I say unto
20 And a whatsoever ye shall ask you, I give unto you another com-
the Father in my name, which is mandment, and then I must go
right, believing that ye shall receive, unto my a Father that I may fulfil
behold it shall be given unto you. b
other commandments which he
21 a Pray in your families unto the hath given me.
Father, always in my name, that 28 And now behold, this is the
your wives and your children may commandment which I give unto
be blessed. you, that ye shall not suffer any
22 And behold, ye shall a meet to- one knowingly to a partake of my
gether oft; and ye shall not forbid flesh and blood b unworthily, when
any man from coming unto you ye shall minister it;
when ye shall meet together, but 29 For whoso eateth and drinketh
suffer them that they may come my flesh and a blood b unworthily
unto you and forbid them not; eateth and drinketh damnation to
23 But ye shall a pray for them, and his soul; therefore if ye know that
shall not cast them out; and if it so a man is unworthy to eat and drink
be that they come unto you oft ye of my flesh and blood ye shall for-
shall pray for them unto the Father, bid him.
in my name. 30 Nevertheless, ye shall not a cast
24 Therefore, hold up your a light him out from among you, but ye
15 a Alma 34:23; Morm. 9:21; b 3 Ne. 11:15 (14–16).
D&C 93:49. Moro. 7:26; 26 a 3 Ne. 13:25.
16 a tg Jesus Christ, Head of D&C 88:64 (63–65). 27 a tg God the Father,
the Church. 21 a Alma 34:21. Elohim.
b tg Jesus Christ, Light of tg Family, Children, b 3 Ne. 16:3.
the World. Responsibilities toward. 28 a Ex. 12:43;
c tg God, the Standard of 22 a tg Meetings. 1 Cor. 11:27 (27–30);
Righteousness; 23 a 3 Ne. 18:30. 4 Ne. 1:27.
Jesus Christ, Exemplar. tg Missionary Work. b Lev. 7:18;
18 a Luke 22:31; 24 a tg Jesus Christ, Light of Morm. 9:29.
2 Ne. 2:18 (17–18); the World. 29 a tg Blood,
D&C 10:22 (22–27). b Matt. 5:16; Symbolism of.
20 a Isa. 58:9 (8–9); Mark 4:21; b 3 Ne. 12:24 (23–26);
Matt. 21:22 (21–22); 3 Ne. 12:16. D&C 46:4.
Mark 11:24; Hel. 10:5; 25 a Alma 5:33; 19:36. 30 a D&C 46:3.
3 Nephi 18 : 31–19 : 3 444
shall b minister unto him and shall them a power to give the b Holy Ghost.
pray for him unto the Father, in And I will show unto you c hereafter
my name; and if it so be that he re- that this record is true.
penteth and is baptized in my name, 38 And it came to pass that when
then shall ye receive him, and shall Jesus had touched them all, there
minister unto him of my flesh and came a a cloud and overshadowed
blood. the multitude that they could not
31 But if he repent not he shall see Jesus.
not be numbered among my people, 39 And while they were overshad-
that he may not destroy my people, owed he a departed from them, and
for behold I a know b my sheep, and ascended into heaven. And the dis-
they are numbered. ciples saw and did bear record that
32 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast he ascended again into heaven.
him out of your a synagogues, or
your places of worship, for unto Chapter 19
such shall ye continue to minister; The twelve disciples minister unto the
for ye know not but what they will people and pray for the Holy Ghost—
return and repent, and come unto The disciples are baptized and receive
me with full purpose of heart, and the Holy Ghost and the ministering of
I shall b heal them; and ye shall be
angels—Jesus prays using words that
the means of bringing salvation cannot be written—He attests to the
unto them. exceedingly great faith of these Neph-
33 Therefore, keep these sayings ites. About a.d. 34.
which I have commanded you that
ye come not under a condemnation; And now it came to pass that when
for wo unto him whom the Father Jesus had ascended into heaven,
condemneth. the multitude did disperse, and
34 And I give you these command- every man did take his wife and his
ments because of the disputations children and did return to his own
which have been among you. And home.
blessed are ye if ye have a no dispu- 2 And it was noised abroad among
tations among you. the people immediately, before it
35 And now I go unto the Father, was yet dark, that the multitude had
because it is expedient that I should seen Jesus, and that he had minis-
go unto the Father a for your sakes. tered unto them, and that he would
36 And it came to pass that when also show himself on the a morrow
Jesus had made an end of these say- unto the multitude.
ings, he touched with his a hand the 3 Yea, and even all the night it was
disciples whom he had chosen, one noised abroad concerning Jesus; and
by one, even until he had touched insomuch did they send forth unto
them all, and spake unto them as the people that there were many,
he touched them. yea, an exceedingly great number,
37 And the multitude heard not did labor exceedingly all that night,
the words which he spake, therefore that they might be on the morrow in
they did not bear record; but the the place where Jesus should show
disciples bare record that he gave himself unto the multitude.
30 b 3 Ne. 18:23. 33 a tg Condemnation. 37 a tg Holy Ghost, Gift of;
31 a D&C 27:14. 34 a 3 Ne. 11:28 (28–30). Priesthood, Authority.
b John 10:14; Alma 5:38; tg Disputations. b Alma 31:36.
3 Ne. 15:24. 35 a 1 Jn. 2:1; 2 Ne. 2:9; c 3 Ne. 26:17; 28:18;
32 a Alma 16:13; Moro. 7:28 (27–28); Moro. 2:2 (2–3).
Moro. 7:1. D&C 29:5. 38 a Ex. 19:9 (9, 16);
b Jer. 3:22; 36 a tg Hands, Laying on of. 2 Chr. 5:14 (11–14).
3 Ne. 9:13 (13–14); b 1 Ne. 12:7; 39 a 3 Ne. 17:4.
D&C 112:13. 3 Ne. 15:11; 19:4 (4–12). 19 2 a 3 Ne. 17:3.
445 3 Nephi 19 : 4 –21
4 And it came to pass that on the water and began to baptize. And
morrow, when the multitude was he baptized all those whom Jesus
gathered together, behold, Nephi had chosen.
and his a brother whom he had raised 13 And it came to pass when they
from the b dead, whose name was were all baptized and had come a up
Timothy, and also his son, whose out of the water, the b Holy Ghost
name was Jonas, and also Mathoni, did fall upon them, and they were
and Mathonihah, his brother, and filled with the Holy Ghost and
Kumen, and Kumenonhi, and Jere with fire.
miah, and Shemnon, and Jonas, 14 And behold, they were a en-
and Zedekiah, and Isaiah—now circled about as if it were by fire;
these were the c names of the d dis- and it came down from heaven, and
ciples whom Jesus had chosen— the multitude did witness it, and did
and it came to pass that they went bear record; and angels did come
forth and stood in the midst of the down out of heaven and did min-
multitude. ister unto them.
5 And behold, the multitude was 15 And it came to pass that while
so great that they did cause that the angels were ministering unto
they should be separated into twelve the disciples, behold, Jesus came
bodies. and stood in the midst and minis-
6 And the twelve did teach the tered unto them.
multitude; and behold, they did 16 And it came to pass that he
cause that the multitude should spake unto the multitude, and
kneel down upon the face of the commanded them that they should
earth, and should pray unto the kneel down again upon the earth,
Father in the name of Jesus. and also that his disciples should
7 And the disciples did pray unto kneel down upon the earth.
the Father also in the name of Jesus. 17 And it came to pass that when
And it came to pass that they arose they had all knelt down upon the
and ministered unto the people. earth, he commanded his disciples
8 And when they had ministered that they should pray.
those same words which Jesus had 18 And behold, they began to
spoken—nothing varying from the pray; and they did pray unto Jesus,
words which Jesus had spoken—be- calling him their Lord and their
hold, they knelt again and prayed God.
to the Father in the name of Jesus. 19 And it came to pass that Jesus
9 And they did pray for that which departed out of the midst of them,
they most desired; and they desired and went a little way off from
that the a Holy Ghost should be given them and a bowed himself to the
unto them. earth, and he said:
10 And when they had thus prayed 20 Father, I thank thee that thou
they went down unto the water’s hast given the Holy Ghost unto these
edge, and the multitude followed whom I have a chosen; and it is be-
them. cause of their belief in me that I
11 And it came to pass that Nephi have chosen them out of the world.
went down a into the water and was 21 Father, I pray thee that thou wilt
baptized. give the Holy Ghost unto all them
12 And he came up out of the that shall believe in their words.
4 a 3 Ne. 7:19. 9 a 3 Ne. 9:20. tg Holy Ghost,
b tg Death, Power over. 11 a 3 Ne. 11:23. Baptism of.
c 3 Ne. 28:25. b Matt. 3:14 (13–15); 14 a Hel. 5:43 (23–24, 43–45);
d 3 Ne. 18:36 (36–37); JS—H 1:71 (70–71). 3 Ne. 17:24.
26:17. 13 a tg Baptism, Immersion. 19 a 3 Ne. 17:15.
5 a Mosiah 2:7. b 3 Ne. 12:2; 20 a tg Church Organization.
6 a 3 Ne. 17:13. Morm. 7:10.
3 Nephi 19 : 22–35 446
22 Father, thou hast given them I pray for them, and also for them
the Holy Ghost because they be- who shall believe on their words,
lieve in a me; and thou seest that that they may be purified in me,
they believe in me because thou through faith on their words, even
hearest them, and they pray unto as they are purified in me.
me; and they pray unto me because 29 Father, I pray not for the world,
I am with them. but for those whom thou hast given
23 And now Father, I a pray unto me a out of the world, because of
thee for them, and also for all those their faith, that they may be purified
who shall believe on their words, in me, that I may be in them as thou,
that they may believe in me, that Father, art in me, that we may be
I may be in them b as thou, Father, one, that I may be glorified in them.
art in me, that we may be c one. 30 And when Jesus had spoken
24 And it came to pass that when these words he came again unto
Jesus had thus prayed unto the his disciples; and behold they did
Father, he came unto his disciples, pray steadfastly, without ceasing,
and behold, they did still continue, unto him; and he did smile upon
without ceasing, to pray unto him; them again; and behold they were
and they did not a multiply many a
white, even as Jesus.
words, for it was given unto them 31 And it came to pass that he went
what they should b pray, and they again a little way off and prayed
were filled with desire. unto the Father;
25 And it came to pass that Jesus 32 And tongue cannot speak the
blessed them as they did pray unto words which he prayed, neither
him; and his a countenance did smile can be a written by man the words
upon them, and the light of his which he prayed.
countenance did c shine upon them,
33 And the multitude did hear and
and behold they were as d white as do bear record; and their a hearts
the countenance and also the gar- were open and they did understand
ments of Jesus; and behold the in their hearts the words which he
whiteness thereof did exceed all prayed.
the whiteness, yea, even there could 34 Nevertheless, so great and mar-
be nothing upon earth so white as velous were the words which he
the whiteness thereof. prayed that they cannot be writ-
26 And Jesus said unto them: Pray ten, neither can they be a uttered
on; nevertheless they did not cease by man.
to pray. 35 And it came to pass that when
27 And he turned from them again, Jesus had made an end of praying
and went a little way off and bowed he came again to the disciples, and
himself to the earth; and he prayed said unto them: a So great b faith have
again unto the Father, saying: I never seen among all the Jews;
28 Father, I thank thee that thou wherefore I could not show unto
hast a purified those whom I have them so great c miracles, because
chosen, because of their faith, and of their d unbelief.
22 a Acts 7:59. c Dan. 9:17. Isa. 44:18;
23 a tg Jesus Christ, d tg Transfiguration. Mosiah 2:9; 12:27.
Relationships with the 28 a Neh. 12:30; 34 a 2 Cor. 12:4;
Father. Moro. 7:48; 3 Ne. 17:17.
b 3 Ne. 9:15; 11:27. D&C 50:29 (28–29); 35 a Matt. 8:10.
c John 17:22 (1–22); 88:74 (74–75). b tg Faith.
1 Cor. 6:17. tg Purity. c John 11:47 (47–48).
24 a Matt. 6:7. 29 a John 17:6. d Matt. 13:58.
b Hel. 10:5; 30 a Matt. 17:2. tg Doubt;
D&C 46:30. 32 a 3 Ne. 5:18; Unbelief.
25 a Num. 6:25 (23–27). D&C 76:116.
b Ps. 4:6. 33 a Prov. 2:2; 8:5;
447 3 Nephi 19 : 36–20 : 15
36 Verily I say unto you, there 8 And he said unto them: He that
are none of them that have seen so eateth this bread eateth of a my
great things as ye have seen; neither body to his soul; and he that drink
have they heard so great things as eth of this wine drinketh of my
ye have heard. blood to his soul; and his soul shall
never hunger nor thirst, but shall
Chapter 20 be filled.
Jesus provides bread and wine miracu 9 Now, when the multitude had all
lously and again administers the sac- eaten and drunk, behold, they were
rament unto the people—The remnant filled with the Spirit; and they did
of Jacob will come to the knowledge of cry out with one voice, and gave
the Lord their God and will inherit the glory to Jesus, whom they both saw
Americas—Jesus is the prophet like unto and heard.
Moses, and the Nephites are children 10 And it came to pass that when
of the prophets—Others of the Lord’s they had all given glory unto Jesus,
people will be gathered to Jerusalem. he said unto them: Behold now I
About a.d. 34. finish the commandment which
the Father hath commanded me
And it came to pass that he com- concerning this people, who are a
manded the multitude that they remnant of the house of Israel.
should a cease to b pray, and also his 11 Ye remember that I spake unto
disciples. And he commanded them you, and said that when the a words
that they should not cease to pray of b Isaiah should be fulfilled—be-
in their hearts. hold they are written, ye have them
2 And he commanded them that before you, therefore search them—
they should arise and stand up upon 12 And verily, verily, I say unto
their feet. And they arose up and you, that when they shall be fulfilled
stood upon their feet. then is the fulfilling of the a cov-
3 And it came to pass that he enant which the Father hath made
brake b bread again and blessed unto his people, O house of Israel.
it, and gave to the disciples to eat. 13 And then shall the a remnants,
4 And when they had eaten he com- which shall be b scattered abroad
manded them that they should break upon the face of the earth, be c gath-
bread, and give unto the multitude. ered in from the east and from
5 And when they had given unto the west, and from the south and
the multitude he also gave them from the north; and they shall be
wine to drink, and commanded brought to the d knowledge of the
them that they should give unto Lord their God, who hath redeemed
the multitude. them.
6 Now, there had been no a bread, 14 And the Father hath a com-
neither wine, brought by the dis- manded me that I should give unto
ciples, neither by the multitude; you this b land, for your inheritance.
7 But he truly a gave unto them 15 And I say unto you, that if
bread to eat, and also wine to drink. the Gentiles do not a repent after
20 1 a 1 Sam. 7:8; Moro. 4:3. c Jer. 46:27 (2–28);
2 Ne. 32:9. 11 a 3 Ne. 16:17 (17–20); 3 Ne. 22:7 (6–17).
b Mosiah 24:12. 23:3 (1–3). tg Israel, Gathering of.
3 a Mark 6:41 (36–44). b 2 Ne. 25:5 (1–5); d Ezek. 20:42 (42–44);
b 3 Ne. 18:1; 26:13. Morm. 8:23. 3 Ne. 16:4 (4–5).
6 a Matt. 14:19 (19–21). 12 a Gen. 17:11 (9–12); 14 a tg Jesus Christ,
7 a John 6:14. 3 Ne. 15:7. Authority of.
8 a John 6:51 (50–58); 13 a 3 Ne. 16:13 (6–13); b tg Promised Lands.
1 Cor. 11:24 (20–26); 21:3 (2–7). 15 a 3 Ne. 16:10 (10–14).
3 Ne. 18:7; b tg Israel, Scattering of.
3 Nephi 20 : 16–27 448
the b blessing which they shall re- I establish in this land, unto the
ceive, after they have scattered my fulfilling of the b covenant which I
people— made with your father Jacob; and
16 Then shall ye, who are a a rem- it shall be a c New Jerusalem. And
nant of the house of Jacob, go forth the d powers of heaven shall be in
among them; and ye shall be in the the midst of this people; yea, even
midst of them who shall be many; e
I will be in the midst of you.
and ye shall be among them as a lion 23 Behold, I am he of whom Mo-
among the beasts of the forest, and ses spake, saying: a A prophet shall
as a young b lion among the flocks the Lord your God raise up unto
of sheep, who, if he goeth through you of your brethren, like unto
both c treadeth down and teareth in me; him shall ye hear in all things
pieces, and none can deliver. whatsoever he shall say unto you.
17 Thy hand shall be lifted up And it shall come to pass that every
upon thine adversaries, and all thine soul who will not hear that prophet
enemies shall be cut off. shall be cut off from among the
18 And I will a gather my people people.
together as a man gathereth his 24 Verily I say unto you, yea, and
sheaves into the floor. a
all the prophets from Samuel and
19 For I will make my a people with those that follow after, as many as
whom the Father hath covenanted, have spoken, have testified of me.
yea, I will make thy b horn iron, and 25 And behold, ye are the a children
I will make thy hoofs brass. And of the prophets; and ye are of the
thou shalt c beat in pieces many house of Israel; and ye are of the
people; and I will consecrate their b
covenant which the Father made
gain unto the Lord, and their sub- with your fathers, saying unto Abra-
stance unto the Lord of the whole ham: And c in thy seed shall all the
earth. And behold, I am he who kindreds of the earth be blessed.
doeth it. 26 The Father having raised me
20 And it shall come to pass, saith up unto you first, and sent me to
the Father, that the a sword of my a
bless you in b turning away every
justice shall hang over them at that one of you from his iniquities; and
day; and except they repent it shall this because ye are the children of
fall upon them, saith the Father, the covenant—
yea, even upon all the nations of 27 And after that ye were blessed
the Gentiles. then fulfilleth the Father the cov-
21 And it shall come to pass that I enant which he made with Abra-
will establish my a people, O house ham, saying: a In thy seed shall all the
of Israel. kindreds of the earth be blessed—
22 And behold, this a people will unto the pouring out of the Holy
15 b 3 Ne. 20:27. 3 Ne. 29:4. 1 Ne. 22:20 (20–21);
16 a tg Israel, Remnant of. 21 a 1 Kgs. 8:51; D&C 133:63.
b Gen. 49:9; 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–15); 24 a Acts 3:24 (24–26);
Morm. 5:24; 21:23 (12–24). 1 Ne. 10:5;
D&C 87:5 (4–5); 22 a tg Israel, Joseph, Jacob 7:11.
109:65 (65–67). People of. 25 a Rom. 4:24 (23–24).
tg Israel, b Gen. 49:26 (22–26). b tg Abrahamic Covenant.
Deliverance of. c Isa. 2:3 (2–5); c Gen. 12:3 (1–3);
c Micah 5:8 (8–9); 3 Ne. 21:23 (23–24); 22:18 (9, 18).
3 Ne. 16:15 (14–15); Ether 13:3 (1–12); tg Seed of Abraham.
21:12 (11–21). D&C 84:2 (2–4). 26 a tg Israel, Blessings of.
18 a Micah 4:12. tg Jerusalem, New. b Prov. 16:6;
19 a Lev. 26:12; d 3 Ne. 21:25. Alma 19:33.
D&C 63:1 (1–6). e Isa. 59:20 (20–21); 27 a Gen. 12:2 (1–3);
b tg Last Days. 3 Ne. 24:1. Gal. 3:8 (7–29);
c Micah 4:13. 23 a Deut. 18:15 (15–19); 2 Ne. 29:14;
20 a 1 Ne. 14:17; 22:16 (15–16); Acts 3:22 (22–23); Abr. 2:9.
449 3 Nephi 20 : 28–41
Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, places of Jerusalem; for the Father
which b blessing upon the c Gentiles hath comforted his people, he hath
shall make them mighty above all, redeemed Jerusalem.
unto the d scattering of my people, 35 The Father hath made bare his
O house of Israel. holy arm in the eyes of all the na-
28 And they shall be a a scourge tions; and all the ends of the earth
unto the people of this land. Nev- shall see the salvation of the Father;
ertheless, when they shall have and the Father and I are one.
received the fulness of my gospel, 36 And then shall be brought to
then if they shall harden their hearts pass that which is written: a Awake,
against me I will return their b iniqui- awake again, and put on thy strength,
ties upon their own heads, saith the O Zion; put on thy beautiful gar-
Father. ments, O Jerusalem, the holy city,
29 And I will a remember the cov- for henceforth there shall no more
enant which I have made with my come into thee the uncircumcised
people; and I have covenanted with and the unclean.
them that I would b gather them 37 Shake thyself from the dust;
together in mine own due time, arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose
that I would give unto them again thyself from the bands of thy neck,
the c land of their fathers for their O captive daughter of Zion.
inheritance, which is the land of 38 For thus saith the Lord: Ye
Jerusalem, which is the promised have sold yourselves for naught,
land unto them forever, saith the and ye shall be redeemed without
Father. money.
30 And it shall come to pass that 39 Verily, verily, I say unto you,
the time cometh, when the fulness that my people shall know my
of my gospel shall be preached name; yea, in that day they shall
unto them; know that I am he that doth speak.
31 And they shall a believe in me, 40 And then shall they say: a How
that I am Jesus Christ, the Son of beautiful upon the mountains are
God, and shall pray unto the Father the feet of him that bringeth good
in my name. tidings unto them, that b publisheth
32 Then shall their a watchmen lift peace; that bringeth good tidings
up their voice, and with the voice unto them of good, that publisheth
together shall they sing; for they salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy
shall see eye to eye. God reigneth!
33 Then will the Father gather 41 And then shall a cry go forth:
them together again, and give unto Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from
them a Jerusalem for the b land of thence, touch not that which is b un-
their inheritance. clean; go ye out of the midst of her;
34 Then shall they break forth be ye c clean that bear the vessels
into joy—a Sing together, ye waste of the Lord.
27 b 3 Ne. 20:15. D&C 133:24. 36 a Isa. 52:1 (1–3);
c 3 Ne. 16:6 (6–7); tg Israel, Land of. D&C 113:7 (7–10).
Morm. 5:19. 31 a 3 Ne. 5:26 (21–26); tg Priesthood,
d 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–9); 21:26 (26–29). Power of.
Morm. 5:9. 32 a Isa. 52:8 (8–9); 40 a Isa. 52:7;
28 a Josh. 23:13; 3 Ne. 16:18 (18–20). Nahum 1:15;
1 Ne. 2:24; tg Watchman. Mosiah 15:18 (13–18);
3 Ne. 16:8 (8–10). 33 a Isa. 18:7; D&C 128:19.
b Isa. 51:23. D&C 84:2. b Mark 13:10;
29 a Isa. 44:21; tg Jerusalem. 1 Ne. 13:37.
3 Ne. 16:11 (11–12). b Deut. 11:11. 41 a Isa. 52:11 (11–15).
b tg Israel, Gathering of. tg Israel, Land of; b tg Uncleanness.
c Amos 9:15; Lands of Inheritance. c D&C 133:5.
Alma 7:10; 34 a Isa. 54:1. tg Cleanliness.
3 Nephi 20 : 42–21 : 6 450
42 For ye shall a not go out with and shall establish again among
haste nor go by flight; for the Lord them my Zion;
will go before you, and the God of 2 And behold, this is the thing
Israel shall be your rearward. which I will give unto you for a
43 Behold, my servant shall deal sign—for verily I say unto you that
prudently; he shall be exalted and a
when these things which I de-
extolled and be very high. clare unto you, and which I shall
44 As many were astonished at declare unto you hereafter of my-
thee—his visage was so marred, self, and by the power of the Holy
more than any man, and his form Ghost which shall be given unto you
more than the sons of men— of the Father, shall be made known
45 So shall he a sprinkle many unto the Gentiles that they may
nations; the kings shall shut their know concerning this people who
mouths at him, for that which had are a remnant of the house of Jacob,
not been told them shall they see; and concerning this my people who
and that which they had not heard shall be scattered by them;
shall they b consider. 3 Verily, verily, I say unto you, when
46 Verily, verily, I say unto you, all these things shall be made a known
these things shall surely come, even unto them of the Father, and shall
as the Father hath commanded me. come forth of the Father, b from
Then shall this covenant which the them unto you;
Father hath covenanted with his 4 For it is wisdom in the Father
people be fulfilled; and then shall that they should be established in
Jerusalem be inhabited again with this land, and be set up as a a free
my people, and it shall be the land people by the power of the Father,
of their inheritance. that these things might come forth
from them unto a remnant of your
Chapter 21 seed, that the b covenant of the
Israel will be gathered when the Book Father may be fulfilled which he
of Mormon comes forth—The Gentiles hath covenanted with his people,
will be established as a free people in O house of Israel;
America—They will be saved if they 5 Therefore, when these works and
believe and obey; otherwise, they will the works which shall be wrought
be cut off and destroyed—Israel will among you hereafter shall come
build the New Jerusalem, and the lost forth a from the Gentiles, unto your
tribes will return. About a.d. 34.
seed which shall dwindle in unbe-
lief because of iniquity;
And verily I say unto you, I give 6 For thus it behooveth the Father
unto you a a sign, that ye may know that it should come forth from the
the b time when these things shall a
Gentiles, that he may show forth
be about to take place—that I shall his power unto the Gentiles, for this
gather in, from their long disper- cause that the Gentiles, if they will
sion, my people, O house of Israel, not harden their hearts, that they
42 a 3 Ne. 21:29. 2 a 1 Ne. 10:14; 3 Ne. 16:11 (8–12);
b tg Haste; Ether 4:17; Morm. 5:20.
Rashness. D&C 20:9 (8–11); tg Abrahamic Covenant.
45 a Lev. 1:5; JS—H 1:34. 5 a 3 Ne. 26:8.
Isa. 52:15; 3 a tg Witness of the b 2 Ne. 30:5;
Ezek. 36:25. Father. Morm. 5:15;
b 3 Ne. 21:8; b 3 Ne. 20:13; D&C 3:18.
D&C 101:94. Morm. 5:15 (10–21). 6 a 1 Ne. 10:14;
46 a Joel 2:18; 4 a John 8:32 (32–36); Jacob 5:54;
Ether 13:5 (5, 11). 1 Ne. 13:19 (17–19); 3 Ne. 16:4 (4–7);
21 1 a Isa. 66:19. D&C 101:77 (77–80). 21:24 (24–26);
b tg Last Days. b Ps. 89:35; Morm. 5:15.
451 3 Nephi 21 : 7–20
may repent and come unto me and Moses said) they shall be c cut off
be baptized in my name and know from among my people who are of
of the true points of my doctrine, the covenant.
that they may be b numbered among 12 And my people who are a rem-
my people, O house of Israel; nant of Jacob shall be among the
7 And when these things come Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as
to pass that thy a seed shall begin to a a lion among the beasts of the for-
know these things—it shall be a est, as a young lion among the flocks
sign unto them, that they may know of sheep, who, if he go through both
that the work of the Father hath al- treadeth down and teareth in pieces,
ready commenced unto the fulfill- and none can deliver.
ing of the covenant which he hath 13 Their hand shall be lifted up
made unto the people who are of upon their a adversaries, and all their
the house of Israel. enemies shall be cut off.
8 And when that day shall come, it 14 Yea, wo be unto the Gentiles
shall come to pass that kings shall except they a repent; for it shall
shut their mouths; for that which come to pass in that day, saith the
had not been told them shall they Father, that I will cut off thy horses
see; and that which they had not out of the midst of thee, and I will
heard shall they a consider. destroy thy b chariots;
9 For in that day, for my sake shall 15 And I will cut off the cities of
the Father a work a work, which thy land, and throw down all thy
shall be a great and a b marvelous a
work among them; and there shall 16 And I will cut off a witchcrafts
be among them those who will not out of thy land, and thou shalt have
believe it, although a man shall de- no more soothsayers;
clare it unto them. 17 Thy a graven images I will also
10 But behold, the life of my ser- cut off, and thy standing images
vant shall be in my hand; therefore out of the midst of thee, and thou
they shall not hurt him, although he shalt no more worship the works
shall be a marred because of them. of thy hands;
Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto 18 And I will pluck up thy a groves
them that b my wisdom is greater out of the midst of thee; so will I
than the cunning of the devil. destroy thy cities.
11 Therefore it shall come to pass 19 And it shall come to pass that
that whosoever will not believe in all a lyings, and deceivings, and en-
my words, who am Jesus Christ, vyings, and strifes, and priestcrafts,
which the Father shall cause a him and whoredoms, shall be done away.
to bring forth unto the b Gentiles, 20 For it shall come to pass, saith
and shall give unto him power that the Father, that at that a day who-
he shall bring them forth unto the soever will not repent and come
Gentiles, (it shall be done even as unto my Beloved Son, them will I
6 b Gal. 3:7 (7, 29); Ether 3:28 (21–28). 15 a 2 Ne. 12:15.
2 Ne. 30:3; 3 Ne. 16:13; b 1 Ne. 21:6. 16 a tg Sorcery;
Abr. 2:10 (9–11). c D&C 1:14; 133:63. Superstitions.
7 a 3 Ne. 5:23 (21–26); 21:26. 12 a Isa. 5:29; 17 a Ex. 20:4 (3–4, 23);
8 a 3 Ne. 20:45. Micah 5:8 (8–15); Isa. 41:29 (24, 29);
9 a tg God, Works of. Mal. 4:3; 2 Ne. 15:29; Mosiah 13:12;
b 1 Ne. 22:8. 3 Ne. 16:15 (7–15); D&C 1:16.
tg Restoration of the 20:16; 25:3; tg Idolatry.
Gospel. D&C 87:5. 18 a 1 Kgs. 16:33 (32–33).
c Acts 13:41 (40–41). 13 a 1 Ne. 21:17 (17–19). 19 a 3 Ne. 30:2;
10 a D&C 135:1 (1–3). 14 a Eph. 3:6 (1–7); D&C 109:30.
b D&C 10:43. 2 Ne. 10:18; 33:9. 20 a Amos 5:18;
11 a 2 Ne. 3:11 (6–15); b Lev. 26:22 (21–22); Alma 29:2;
Morm. 8:16 (16, 25); Hel. 14:24. Morm. 9:27.
3 Nephi 21 : 21–22 : 3 452
cut off from among my people, O people, with the Father to prepare
house of Israel; the way whereby they may b come
21 And I will execute a vengeance unto me, that they may call on the
and b fury upon them, even as upon Father in my name.
the heathen, such as they have not 28 Yea, and then shall the work
heard. commence, with the Father among
22 But if they will repent and heark all nations in preparing the way
en unto my words, and a harden not whereby his people may be a gath-
their hearts, I will b establish my ered home to the land of their in-
church among them, and they shall heritance.
come in unto the covenant and be 29 And they shall go out from all
numbered among this the remnant nations; and they shall a not go out
of Jacob, unto whom I have given in b haste, nor go by flight, for I will
this land for their d inheritance; go before them, saith the Father,
23 And they shall assist my a peo- and I will be their rearward.
ple, the remnant of Jacob, and also
as many of the house of Israel as Chapter 22
shall come, that they may build a
city, which shall be called the b New In the last days, Zion and her stakes
Jerusalem. will be established, and Israel will be
24 And then shall a they assist my gathered in mercy and tenderness—
people that they may be gathered They will triumph—Compare Isaiah
in, who are scattered upon all the 54. About a.d. 34.
face of the land, in unto the New And then shall that which is writ-
Jerusalem. ten come to pass: Sing, O a barren,
25 And then shall the a power of thou that didst not bear; break forth
heaven come down among them; into b singing, and cry aloud, thou
and b I also will be in the midst. that didst not travail with child;
26 And then shall the work of for more are the children of the
the Father commence at that day, c
desolate than the children of the
even a when this gospel shall be married wife, saith the Lord.
preached among the remnant of 2 Enlarge the place of thy tent,
this people. Verily I say unto you, and let them stretch forth the cur-
at that day shall the work of the tains of thy habitations; spare not,
Father commence among all the lengthen thy cords and strengthen
dispersed of my people, yea, even the thy a stakes;
tribes which have been c lost, which 3 For thou shalt break forth on
the Father hath led away out of the right hand and on the left, and
Jerusalem. thy seed shall a inherit the b Gentiles
27 Yea, the work shall commence and make the desolate cities to be
among all the a dispersed of my inhabited.
20 b Jer. 44:8 (6–8). 23 a 3 Ne. 16:8 (8–15). c tg Israel, Ten Lost
21 a Isa. 34:8; 61:2; b 3 Ne. 20:22 (21–22, 39); Tribes of.
Jer. 23:19 (19–20); Ether 13:3 (1–12). 27 a 3 Ne. 16:5 (4–5).
Mal. 4:1 (1, 3); tg Jerusalem, New. b tg Israel,
D&C 97:26 (25–28). 24 a 3 Ne. 21:6. Restoration of.
b Ezek. 21:17 (14–17). 25 a 1 Ne. 13:37; 28 a tg Israel, Gathering of.
22 a tg Hardheartedness. 3 Ne. 20:22. 29 a 3 Ne. 20:42.
b 1 Ne. 14:12 (12, 14). b Isa. 2:2 (2–4); b Isa. 52:12 (11–12).
tg Dispensations; 59:20 (20–21); 22 1 a Isa. 54:1 (1–17).
Millennium, Preparing a 3 Ne. 24:1. b tg Singing.
People for. 26 a 3 Ne. 20:31 (29–34); c Isa. 49:21.
c 2 Ne. 10:18 (18–19); Morm. 5:14. 2 a tg Stake.
3 Ne. 16:13; 30:2. b 1 Ne. 14:17; 3 a Obad. 1:19 (19–21).
d tg Lands of Inheritance. 3 Ne. 21:6 (6–7). b tg Gentiles.
453 3 Nephi 22 : 4 –23 : 2
4 Fear not, for thou shalt not be cles, and all thy borders of pleasant
ashamed; neither be thou con- stones.
founded, for thou shalt not be put to 13 And a all thy children shall be
shame; for thou shalt forget the taught of the Lord; and great shall
shame of thy youth, and shalt not re-
be the b peace of thy children.
member the c reproach of thy youth, 14 In a righteousness shalt thou be
and shalt not remember the re- established; thou shalt be far from
proach of thy widowhood any more. oppression for thou shalt not fear,
5 For thy maker, thy a husband, the and from terror for it shall not come
Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy near thee.
Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel— 15 Behold, they shall surely gather
the God of the whole earth shall he together a against thee, not by me;
be called. whosoever shall gather together
6 For the Lord hath called thee a as against thee shall fall for thy sake.
a woman forsaken and grieved in 16 Behold, I have created the smith
spirit, and a wife of youth, when that bloweth the coals in the fire,
thou wast refused, saith thy God. and that bringeth forth an instru-
7 For a small moment have I a for- ment for his work; and I have created
saken thee, but with great mercies the waster to destroy.
will I gather thee. 17 No weapon that is formed
8 In a little wrath I hid my face against thee shall prosper; and every
from thee for a moment, but with tongue that shall revile against thee
everlasting a kindness will I have in judgment thou shalt condemn.
mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy This is the heritage of the a servants
Redeemer. of the Lord, and their righteousness
9 For a this, the b waters of Noah is of me, saith the Lord.
unto me, for as I have sworn that
the waters of Noah should no more Chapter 23
go over the earth, so have I sworn Jesus approves the words of Isaiah—
that I would not be wroth with thee. He commands the people to search the
10 For the a mountains shall depart prophets—The words of Samuel the La-
and the hills be removed, but my manite concerning the Resurrection are
kindness shall not c depart from added to their records. About a.d. 34.
thee, neither shall the covenant
of my peace be removed, saith the And now, behold, I say unto you,
Lord that hath mercy on thee. that ye ought to a search these things.
11 O thou afflicted, tossed with Yea, a commandment I give unto
tempest, and not comforted! Behold, you that ye search these things dili
I will lay thy a stones with fair col- gently; for great are the words of
ors, and lay thy foundations with b
sapphires. 2 For surely he spake as touching
12 And I will make thy windows all things concerning my people
of agates, and thy gates of carbun- which are of the house of Israel;
4 a Joel 2:26 (26–27); Matt. 24:37 (36–38); b 1 Ne. 22:17 (15–22);
2 Ne. 6:13 (7, 13). Alma 10:22. 2 Ne. 30:10;
b tg Shame. tg Earth, Cleansing of. Moses 7:61.
c tg Reproach. 10 a Isa. 40:4 (4–5). 14 a tg Righteousness.
5 a Hosea 3:5 (4–5). tg Earth, Renewal of. 15 a 1 Ne. 22:14.
6 a Isa. 62:4. b tg Israel, Blessings of. 17 a tg Servant.
7 a Jer. 46:27 (2–28); c Ps. 94:14; 23 1 a tg Scriptures, Study of.
3 Ne. 20:13 (11–13). D&C 35:25. b 2 Ne. 25:5 (1–5);
8 a tg Kindness. 11 a Rev. 21:19 (18–21). 3 Ne. 20:11;
b tg God, Mercy of. tg Rock. Morm. 8:23.
9 a Isa. 54:9. 13 a Isa. 60:21;
b Gen. 8:21; Jer. 31:34 (33–34).
3 Nephi 23 : 3–24 : 2 454
therefore it must needs be that he be it that ye have not a written this
must speak also to the Gentiles. thing, that many b saints did arise
3 And all things that he spake have and appear unto many and did
been and a shall be, even according minister unto them?
to the words which he spake. 12 And it came to pass that Nephi
4 Therefore give heed to my words; remembered that this thing had not
write the things which I have told been written.
you; and according to the time and 13 And it came to pass that Jesus
the will of the Father a they shall go commanded that it should be a writ-
forth unto the Gentiles. ten; therefore it was written accord-
5 And whosoever will hearken ing as he commanded.
unto my words and repenteth and 14 And now it came to pass that
is baptized, the same shall be saved. when Jesus had a expounded all the
Search the a prophets, for many there scriptures in one, which they had
be that testify of these things. written, he commanded them that
6 And now it came to pass that they should b teach the things which
when Jesus had said these words he he had expounded unto them.
said unto them again, after he had
expounded all the scriptures unto Chapter 24
them which they had received, he
said unto them: Behold, other scrip- The Lord’s messenger will prepare the
tures I would that ye should write, way for the Second Coming—Christ will
that ye have not. sit in judgment—Israel is commanded
7 And it came to pass that he said to pay tithes and offerings—A book of
unto a Nephi: Bring forth the record remembrance is kept—Compare Mala
chi 3. About a.d. 34.
which ye have kept.
8 And when Nephi had brought And it came to pass that he com-
forth the records, and laid them manded them that they should
before him, he cast his eyes upon write the words which the Father
them and said: had given unto Malachi, which he
9 Verily I say unto you, I com- should tell unto them. And it came
manded my servant a Samuel, the to pass that after they were written
Lamanite, that he should testify he expounded them. And these are
unto this people, that at the day the words which he did tell unto
that the Father should glorify his them, saying: Thus said the Father
name in me that there were b many unto Malachi—Behold, I will a send
saints who should d arise from the my b messenger, and he shall prepare
dead, and should appear unto many, the way before me, and the Lord
and should minister unto them. whom ye seek shall suddenly c come
And he said unto them: Was it to his temple, even the d messenger
not so? of the covenant, whom ye delight
10 And his disciples answered him in; behold, he shall come, saith the
and said: Yea, Lord, Samuel did Lord of Hosts.
prophesy according to thy words, 2 But who may a abide the day of
and they were all fulfilled. his coming, and who shall stand
11 And Jesus said unto them: How when he appeareth? For he is like
2 a Isa. 49:6. d tg Resurrection. b D&C 45:9.
3 a 3 Ne. 15:6; 20:11 (11–12). 11 a tg Jesus Christ, c Isa. 59:20 (20–21);
4 a Morm. 8:26. Teaching Mode of. 3 Ne. 20:22; 21:25.
5 a Luke 24:27 (25–27). b Matt. 27:52 (52–53). d tg Jesus Christ,
7 a 3 Ne. 8:1; 13 a tg Record Keeping. Messenger of the
4 Ne. 1:19. 14 a Luke 24:44 (27, 44). Covenant.
9 a Hel. 13:2. b tg Scriptures, Study of; 2 a 3 Ne. 25:1.
b Hel. 14:25 (1, 21–26). Teaching.
c tg Saints. 24 1 a Mal. 3:1 (1–18).
455 3 Nephi 24 : 3–17
a b refiner’s fire, and like fuller’s the storehouse, that there may be
soap. b
meat in my house; and prove me
3 And he shall sit as a refiner and now herewith, saith the Lord of
purifier of silver; and he shall a pu- Hosts, if I will not open you the
rify the b sons of Levi, and purge c
windows of heaven, and pour you
them as gold and silver, that they out a d blessing that there shall not
may c offer unto the Lord an offer- be room enough to receive it.
ing in righteousness. 11 And I will rebuke the a devourer
4 Then shall the offering of Judah for your sakes, and he shall not
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the destroy the fruits of your ground;
Lord, as in the days of old, and as neither shall your vine cast her
in former years. fruit before the time in the fields,
5 And I will come a near to you saith the Lord of Hosts.
to judgment; and I will be a swift 12 And all nations shall call you
witness against the b sorcerers, and blessed, for ye shall be a de-
against the adulterers, and against lightsome land, saith the Lord of
false c swearers, and against those Hosts.
that d oppress the hireling in his 13 Your words have been stout
wages, the widow and the e father- against me, saith the Lord. Yet ye
less, and that turn aside the f stranger, say: What have we spoken against
and fear not me, saith the Lord thee?
of Hosts. 14 Ye have a said: It is b vain to serve
6 For a I am the Lord, I change not; God, and what doth it profit that
therefore ye sons of Jacob are not we have kept his c ordinances and
consumed. that we have walked mournfully
7 Even from the days of your before the Lord of Hosts?
fathers ye are gone away from mine 15 And now we call the proud
ordinances, and have not kept happy; yea, they that work wicked-
them. b Return unto me and I will ness are set up; yea, they that tempt
return unto you, saith the Lord of God are even delivered.
Hosts. But ye say: Wherein shall 16 Then they that feared the Lord
we return? a
spake often one to another, and
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have the Lord hearkened and heard;
robbed me. But ye say: Wherein and a book of b remembrance was
have we robbed thee? In a tithes written before him for them that
and b offerings. feared the Lord, and that thought
9 Ye are cursed with a curse, for upon his name.
ye have robbed me, even this whole 17 And they shall be a mine, saith
nation. the Lord of Hosts, in that day when
10 Bring ye all the a tithes into I b make up my jewels; and I will
2 b Deut. 4:24; Zech. 13:9; tg Oppression. c Gen. 7:11.
D&C 128:24. e Ps. 10:14; 68:5; d tg Blessing.
tg Earth, Cleansing of; James 1:27; 11 a D&C 86:3.
Jesus Christ, Second D&C 136:8. 14 a Job 16:11 (11–17);
Coming. f tg Stranger. Jer. 20:7 (7–8);
3 a tg Purification. 6 a 2 Ne. 6:7; Moses 1:6. Hab. 1:2 (1–4).
b Deut. 10:8; 7 a tg Ordinance. b Mal. 3:14 (14–15).
D&C 84:31 (31–34); b 1 Sam. 7:3; c tg Ordinance.
128:24. Hel. 13:11; 16 a 4 Ne. 1:12;
c D&C 13. 3 Ne. 10:6 (5–7); Moro. 6:5 (5–6).
5 a Ezek. 43:7 (1–7). Moro. 9:22. b D&C 85:9 (7–9);
b tg Sorcery. 8 a tg Tithing. Moses 6:5.
c Hosea 10:4; b Neh. 10:32. tg Book of
D&C 104:5 (4–5). tg Sacrifice. Remembrance.
tg Swearing. 10 a D&C 64:23; 119:4 (1–7). 17 a Lev. 20:26.
d Ps. 94:6. b tg Food. b D&C 101:3.
3 Nephi 24 : 18–26 : 4 456
spare them as a man spareth his 6 And he shall a turn the heart of
own son that serveth him. the b fathers to the children, and
18 Then shall ye return and a dis- the heart of the children to their
cern between the righteous and the fathers, lest I come and c smite the
wicked, between him that serveth earth with a curse.
God and him that serveth him not.
Chapter 26
Chapter 25 Jesus expounds all things from the be-
At the Second Coming, the proud and ginning to the end—Babes and children
wicked will be burned as stubble—Eli- utter marvelous things that cannot be
jah will return before that great and written—Those in the Church of Christ
dreadful day—Compare Malachi 4. have all things in common among them.
About a.d. 34. About a.d. 34.
For behold, the day cometh that And now it came to pass that when
shall b burn as an oven; and all the Jesus had told these things he ex-
proud, yea, and all that do wick- pounded them unto the multitude;
edly, shall be stubble; and the day and he did expound all things unto
that cometh shall burn them up, them, both great and small.
saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall 2 And he saith: a These scriptures,
leave them neither root nor branch. which ye had not with you, the
2 But unto you that fear my name, Father commanded that I should
shall the a Son of Righteousness give unto you; for it was wisdom
arise with healing in his wings; and in him that they should be given
ye shall go forth and b grow up as unto future generations.
calves in the stall. 3 And he did expound all things,
3 And ye shall a tread down the even from the beginning until the
wicked; for they shall be ashes un- a
time that he should come in his
der the soles of your feet in the day b
glory—yea, even all things which
that I shall do this, saith the Lord should come upon the face of the
of Hosts. earth, even until the c elements
4 Remember ye the law of Moses, should melt with fervent heat, and
my servant, which I commanded the earth should be d wrapt together
unto him in a Horeb for all Israel, as a scroll, and the heavens and the
with the statutes and judgments. earth should pass away;
5 Behold, I will send you a Elijah 4 And even unto the a great and last
the prophet before the coming day, when all people, and all kin-
of the great and dreadful b day of dreds, and all nations and tongues
the Lord; shall b stand before God, to be judged
18 a tg Discernment, c Amos 6:4; 1 Ne. 22:24. 26 2 a ie Mal. 3–4, quoted in
Spiritual. 3 a 3 Ne. 21:12. 3 Ne. 24–25.
25 1 a Mal. 4:1 (1–6). 4 a Ex. 3:1; 19:18 (9, 16–20); 3 a tg Day of the Lord.
b Ps. 21:9 (8–10); 1 Kgs. 19:8; b Ps. 72:19.
Isa. 24:6; 66:16; Neh. 9:13; tg Jesus Christ, Glory of.
1 Ne. 22:15; Mosiah 12:33; 13:5. c Amos 9:13;
3 Ne. 24:2; 5 a 2 Kgs. 2:2; 2 Pet. 3:10 (10, 12);
D&C 29:9; D&C 2:1; 35:4; 110:13 Morm. 9:2.
64:23 (23–24); 133:64; (13–16); 128:17 (17–18). tg Earth, Cleansing of;
JS—H 1:37. tg Genealogy and Earth, Destiny of;
tg Earth, Cleansing of. Temple Work. World, End of.
c Ps. 18:27; b tg Day of the Lord. d Morm. 5:23.
2 Ne. 20:33. 6 a D&C 98:16 (16–17). 4 a Mal. 4:5; Hel. 12:25;
tg Pride. b tg Family, Eternal; 3 Ne. 28:31.
2 a Ps. 84:11; Mal. 4:2; Salvation for the Dead. b Mosiah 16:10
Ether 9:22. c Mal. 4:6; (1–2, 10–11).
b D&C 45:58. D&C 110:15 (13–16). tg Judgment, the Last.
457 3 Nephi 26 : 5 –16
and utter marvelous things; and the unto the Father in his name; and
things which they did utter were Jesus came and stood in the midst
forbidden that there should not of them, and said unto them: What
any man write them. will ye that I shall give unto you?
17 And it came to pass that the 3 And they said unto him: Lord,
disciples whom Jesus had chosen we will that thou wouldst tell us the
began b from that time forth to c bap- a
name whereby we shall call this
tize and to teach as many as did church; for there are disputations
come unto them; and as many as among the people concerning this
were baptized in the name of Jesus matter.
were filled with the Holy Ghost. 4 And the Lord said unto them:
18 And many of them saw and Verily, verily, I say unto you, why
heard unspeakable things, which is it that the people should murmur
are a not lawful to be written. and dispute because of this thing?
19 And they taught, and did a min- 5 Have they not read the scriptures,
ister one to another; and they had which say ye must take upon you
all things c common among them, the a name of Christ, which is my
every man dealing justly, one with name? For by this name shall ye be
another. called at the last day;
20 And it came to pass that they 6 And whoso taketh upon him my
did do all things even as Jesus had name, and a endureth to the end, the
commanded them. same shall be saved at the last day.
21 And they who were baptized 7 Therefore, whatsoever ye shall
in the name of Jesus were called do, ye shall do it in my name; there-
the a church of Christ. fore ye shall call the church in my
name; and ye shall call upon the
Chapter 27 Father in my name that he will bless
Jesus commands them to call the Church the church for my sake.
in His name—His mission and atoning 8 And how be it a my b church save
sacrifice constitute His gospel—Men are it be called in my name? For if a
commanded to repent and be baptized church be called in Moses’ name then
that they may be sanctified by the Holy it be Moses’ church; or if it be called
Ghost—They are to be even as Jesus is. in the name of a man then it be the
About a.d. 34–35. church of a man; but if it be called
in my name then it is my church,
And it came to pass that as the dis- if it so be that they are built upon
ciples of Jesus were journeying and my gospel.
were preaching the things which 9 Verily I say unto you, that ye are
they had both heard and seen, and built upon my gospel; therefore ye
were baptizing in the name of Jesus, shall call whatsoever things ye do
it came to pass that the disciples were call, in my name; therefore if ye call
gathered together and were a united upon the Father, for the church, if
in b mighty prayer and c fasting. it be in my name the Father will
2 And Jesus again a showed himself hear you;
unto them, for they were praying 10 And if it so be that the church
16 b 3 Ne. 27:23. tg Church. 3 a D&C 1:1; 20:1.
17 a 3 Ne. 19:4 (4–12); 27 1 a D&C 29:6; 84:1. 5 a tg Jesus Christ, Taking
4 Ne. 1:14. b Alma 8:10; the Name of.
b Ether 12:31. D&C 5:24; 29:2. 6 a Alma 32:13 (13–15); 38:2;
c 4 Ne. 1:1. c Mosiah 27:22; 3 Ne. 15:9.
18 a 3 Ne. 26:11. Alma 5:46; 6:6. 8 a 1 Cor. 1:12 (11–13);
19 a tg Benevolence. tg Fast, Fasting. D&C 115:4.
b 4 Ne. 1:3 (3, 25–26). 2 a 3 Ne. 26:13. b tg Jesus Christ, Head of
c tg Consecration. tg Jesus Christ, the Church.
21 a Mosiah 18:17; Appearances,
Alma 4:5 (4–5). Postmortal.
459 3 Nephi 27 : 11–21
me, after that I am gone to the and then shall ye be blessed in the
Father? kingdom of my Father.
2 And they all spake, save it were 9 And again, ye shall not have pain
three, saying: We desire that after while ye shall dwell in the flesh,
we have lived unto the age of man, neither sorrow save it be for the
that our ministry, wherein thou a
sins of the world; and all this will
hast called us, may have an end, I do because of the thing which ye
that we may speedily come unto have desired of me, for ye have de-
thee in thy kingdom. sired that ye might b bring the souls
3 And he said unto them: Blessed of men unto me, while the world
are ye because ye desired this thing shall stand.
of me; therefore, after that ye are 10 And for this cause ye shall have
seventy and two years old ye shall a
fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down
come unto me in my b kingdom; and in the kingdom of my Father; yea,
with me ye shall find c rest. your joy shall be full, even as the
4 And when he had spoken unto Father hath given me fulness of
them, he turned himself unto the joy; and ye shall be even as I am,
three, and said unto them: What and I am even as the Father; and
will ye that I should do unto you, the Father and I are b one;
when I am gone unto the Father? 11 And the a Holy Ghost beareth
5 And they sorrowed in their record of the Father and me; and
hearts, for they durst not speak unto the Father giveth the Holy Ghost
him the thing which they desired. unto the children of men, because
6 And he said unto them: Behold, of me.
I a know your thoughts, and ye have 12 And it came to pass that when
desired the thing which b John, my Jesus had spoken these words, he
beloved, who was with me in my touched every one of them with his
ministry, before that I was lifted up finger save it were the a three who
by the Jews, desired of me. were to tarry, and then he departed.
7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, 13 And behold, the heavens were
for ye shall a never taste of b death; opened, and they were a caught up
but ye shall live to behold all the do- into heaven, and saw and heard
ings of the Father unto the children unspeakable things.
of men, even until all things shall 14 And it was a forbidden them
be fulfilled according to the will of that they should utter; neither was
the Father, when I shall come in my it given unto them b power that they
glory with the c powers of heaven. could utter the things which they
8 And ye shall never endure the saw and heard;
pains of death; but when I shall 15 And whether they were in the
come in my glory ye shall be body or out of the body, they could
changed in the twinkling of an eye not tell; for it did seem unto them
from a mortality to b immortality; like a a transfiguration of them, that
3 a 4 Ne. 1:14. tg Mortality. Morm. 7:7;
b tg Election. b tg Immortality. D&C 20:28.
c tg Rest. 9 a 4 Ne. 1:44; 11 a 2 Ne. 31:18 (17–21);
6 a Amos 4:13; Morm. 8:10. 3 Ne. 11:32;
Alma 18:32. b Philip. 1:24 (23–24); Ether 5:4;
b John 21:22 (21–23); 3 Ne. 28:27; Moses 6:66.
D&C 7:3 (1–8). D&C 7:5 (1–8). 12 a 4 Ne. 1:14 (14, 37);
7 a 4 Ne. 1:37 (14, 37); 10 a John 16:15; Morm. 1:13.
Morm. 8:10 (10–12); D&C 76:59; 13 a 2 Cor. 12:4 (2–4).
Ether 12:17. 84:38 (37–38). 14 a D&C 76:115.
b Luke 9:27. b Deut. 6:4; b 3 Ne. 19:32; 26:14.
tg Translated Beings. Gal. 3:20; 15 a Moses 1:11.
c 3 Ne. 20:22. 2 Ne. 31:21; tg Transfiguration.
8 a 3 Ne. 28:36 (36–40). 3 Ne. 11:27 (27–28, 36);
3 Nephi 28 : 16–33 462
they were changed from this body they were converted unto the Lord,
of flesh into an immortal state, and were united unto the church of
that they could behold the things Christ, and thus the people of b that
of God. generation were blessed, according
16 But it came to pass that they to the word of Jesus.
did again minister upon the face 24 And now I, a Mormon, make an
of the earth; nevertheless they did end of speaking concerning these
not minister of the things which things for a time.
they had heard and seen, because 25 Behold, I was about to write the
of the commandment which was a
names of those who were never to
given them in heaven. taste of death, but the Lord forbade;
17 And now, whether they were therefore I write them not, for they
mortal or immortal, from the day are hid from the world.
of their transfiguration, I know not; 26 But behold, a I have seen them,
18 But this much I know, accord- and they have ministered unto me.
ing to the record which hath been 27 And behold they will be a among
given—they did go forth upon the the Gentiles, and the Gentiles shall
face of the land, and did minister know them not.
unto all the people, uniting as many 28 They will also be among the
to the church as would believe in Jews, and the Jews shall know
their preaching; baptizing them, them not.
and as many as were baptized did 29 And it shall come to pass, when
receive the Holy Ghost. the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom
19 And they were cast into prison that they shall minister unto all the
by them who did not belong to the a
scattered tribes of Israel, and unto
church. And the a prisons could not all nations, kindreds, tongues and
hold them, for they were rent in people, and shall bring out of them
twain. unto Jesus many souls, that their
20 And they were cast down into desire may be fulfilled, and also
the earth; but they did smite the because of the convincing power
earth with the word of God, inso- of God which is in them.
much that by his a power they were 30 And they are as the a angels of
delivered out of the depths of the God, and if they shall pray unto the
earth; and therefore they could not Father in the name of Jesus they can
dig pits sufficient to hold them. show themselves unto whatsoever
21 And thrice they were cast into man it seemeth them good.
a a furnace and received no harm. 31 Therefore, great and marvelous
22 And twice were they cast into works shall be wrought by them,
a a den of wild beasts; and behold before the a great and coming day
they did play with the beasts as a when all people must surely stand
child with a suckling lamb, and re- before the judgment-seat of Christ;
ceived no harm. 32 Yea even among the Gentiles
23 And it came to pass that thus shall there be a a great and marvel-
they did go forth among all the ous work wrought by them, before
people of Nephi, and did preach that judgment day.
the a gospel of Christ unto all peo- 33 And if ye had a all the scriptures
ple upon the face of the land; and which give an account of all the
19 a Acts 16:26; 22 a Dan. 6:16 (16–27); 29 a tg Israel, Scattering
Alma 14:27 (26–28); 4 Ne. 1:33. of; Israel, Ten Lost
4 Ne. 1:30; 23 a tg Gospel. Tribes of.
Morm. 8:24. b 3 Ne. 27:31 (30–31). 30 a tg Angels.
20 a 1 Ne. 7:17 (17–18); 24 a 3 Ne. 26:12. 31 a Mal. 4:5; Hel. 12:25;
Jacob 4:6. 25 a 3 Ne. 19:4. 3 Ne. 26:4; Morm. 9:2.
21 a Dan. 3:25; 4 Ne. 1:32; 26 a Morm. 8:11. 32 a 2 Ne. 25:17.
Morm. 8:24. 27 a 3 Ne. 28:9. 33 a 3 Ne. 26:8 (6–12).
463 3 Nephi 28 : 34–29 : 4
The Nephites and the Lamanites are 5 And there were great and mar-
all converted unto the Lord—They have velous works wrought by the dis-
all things in common, work miracles, ciples of Jesus, insomuch that
and prosper in the land—After two cen- they did a heal the sick, and b raise
turies, divisions, evils, false churches, the dead, and cause the lame to
and persecutions arise—After three walk, and the blind to receive
hundred years, both the Nephites and their sight, and the deaf to hear;
the Lamanites are wicked—Amma- and all manner of c miracles did
ron hides up the sacred records. About they work among the children of
a.d. 35–321. men; and in nothing did they work
miracles save it were in the name
and that they had become exceed- them, and they did cast them into
ingly a rich, because of their pros- a
prison; but by the power of the
perity in Christ. word of God, which was in them,
24 And now, in this two hundred the prisons were rent in twain, and
and first year there began to be they went forth doing mighty mir-
among them those who were lifted acles among them.
up in a pride, such as the wearing of 31 Nevertheless, and notwithstand-
costly apparel, and all manner of ing all these miracles, the people
fine pearls, and of the fine things did harden their hearts, and did
of the world. seek to kill them, even as the Jews
25 And from that time forth they at Jerusalem sought to kill Jesus,
did have their goods and their sub- according to his word.
stance no more a common among 32 And they did cast them into
them. a
furnaces of b fire, and they came
26 And they began to be divided forth receiving no harm.
into classes; and they began to build 33 And they also cast them into
up a churches unto themselves to get a
dens of wild beasts, and they did
gain, and began to deny the true play with the wild beasts even as a
church of Christ. child with a lamb; and they did come
27 And it came to pass that when forth from among them, receiving
two hundred and ten years had no harm.
passed away there were many 34 Nevertheless, the people did
churches in the land; yea, there were harden their hearts, for they were
many churches which professed to led by many priests and a false
know the Christ, and yet they did prophets to build up many churches,
deny the more parts of his gospel, and to do all manner of iniquity.
insomuch that they did receive all And they did b smite upon the peo-
manner of wickedness, and did ad- ple of Jesus; but the people of Jesus
minister that which was sacred unto did not smite again. And thus they
him to whom it had been b forbidden did dwindle in unbelief and wick-
because of unworthiness. edness, from year to year, even until
28 And this church did multiply two hundred and thirty years had
exceedingly because of iniquity, passed away.
and because of the power of a Satan 35 And now it came to pass in this
who did get hold upon their b hearts. year, yea, in the two hundred and
29 And again, there was another thirty and first year, there was a
church which denied the Christ; great division among the people.
and they did a persecute the true 36 And it came to pass that in this
church of Christ, because of their year there arose a people who were
humility and their belief in Christ; called the a Nephites, and they were
and they did despise them because true believers in Christ; and among
of the many miracles which were them there were those who were
wrought among them. called by the Lamanites—Jacobites,
30 Therefore they did exercise and Josephites, and b Zoramites;
power and authority over the dis- 37 Therefore the true believers in
ciples of Jesus who did tarry with Christ, and the true worshipers of
23 a tg Treasure. tg Priestcraft. 30 a 3 Ne. 28:19 (19–20).
24 a tg Pride; 27 a tg Apostasy of 32 a 3 Ne. 28:21.
Selfishness. Individuals. b Dan. 3:27.
25 a tg Consecration. b 3 Ne. 18:28 (28–29). 33 a 3 Ne. 28:22.
26 a 1 Ne. 22:23; 28 a tg Devil, Church of. 34 a tg False Prophets.
2 Ne. 28:3 (3–32); b tg Hardheartedness. b 3 Ne. 6:13; 12:39;
Morm. 8:28 (28, 32–38). 29 a tg Persecution. D&C 98:23 (23–27).
b Ezek. 22:27; b tg Jesus Christ, Head of 36 a Morm. 1:8.
D&C 10:56. the Church. b Jacob 1:13.
4 Nephi 1 : 38–49 468
Christ, (among whom were the a three their exceeding riches, and become
disciples of Jesus who should tarry) a
vain like unto their brethren, the
were called Nephites, and Jacobites, Lamanites.
and Josephites, and Zoramites. 44 And from this time the disci-
38 And it came to pass that they ples began to sorrow for the a sins
who rejected the gospel were called of the world.
Lamanites, and Lemuelites, and Ish- 45 And it came to pass that when
maelites; and they did not dwindle three hundred years had passed
in a unbelief, but they did b wilfully away, both the people of Nephi
rebel against the gospel of Christ; and the Lamanites had become
and they did teach their children exceedingly wicked one like unto
that they should not believe, even another.
as their fathers, from the beginning, 46 And it came to pass that the rob-
did dwindle. bers of a Gadianton did spread over
39 And it was because of the all the face of the land; and there
wickedness and abomination of were none that were righteous save
their fathers, even as it was in the it were the disciples of Jesus. And
beginning. And they were a taught gold and silver did they lay up in
to hate the children of God, even store in abundance, and did b traffic
as the Lamanites were taught to in all manner of traffic.
hate the children of Nephi from 47 And it came to pass that after
the beginning. three hundred and five years had
40 And it came to pass that two passed away, (and the people did
hundred and forty and four years still remain in wickedness) a Amos
had passed away, and thus were the died; and his brother, Ammaron,
affairs of the people. And the a more did keep the record in his stead.
wicked part of the people did wax 48 And it came to pass that when
strong, and became exceedingly three hundred and twenty years
more numerous than were the peo- had passed away, a Ammaron, being
ple of God. constrained by the Holy Ghost, did
41 And they did still continue to b
hide up the c records which were
build up churches unto themselves, d
sacred—yea, even all the sacred
and adorn them with all manner records which had been handed
of precious things. And thus did down from generation to generation,
two hundred and fifty years pass which were sacred—even until the
away, and also two hundred and three hundred and twentieth year
sixty years. from the coming of Christ.
42 And it came to pass that the 49 And he did hide them up unto
wicked part of the people began the Lord, that they might a come
again to build up the secret oaths again unto the remnant of the house
and a combinations of Gadianton. of Jacob, according to the prophe-
43 And also the people who were cies and the promises of the Lord.
called the people of Nephi began to And thus is the end of the record
be proud in their hearts, because of of Ammaron.
37 a 3 Ne. 28:7; 42 a tg Secret Combinations. 47 a 4 Ne. 1:21.
Morm. 8:10 (10–12). 43 a Hel. 16:22. 48 a Morm. 1:2.
38 a tg Unbelief. 44 a Eccl. 3:16 (16–17); b Morm. 2:17.
b Josh. 22:18; 3 Ne. 28:9; c tg Scriptures,
Morm. 1:16. Morm. 8:10 (9–10). Preservation of.
39 a Mosiah 10:17. 46 a Morm. 2:8; d Hel. 3:15 (13, 15–16).
b tg Hate; Ether 8:20. 49 a Enos 1:13;
Malice. b Mosiah 24:7; Morm. 5:9.
40 a Hel. 5:2. Ether 10:22.
The Book of Mormon
Chapter 1 father into the land southward, even
Ammaron instructs Mormon concerning to the land of Zarahemla.
the sacred records—War commences be- 7 The whole face of the land had
tween the Nephites and the Lamanites— become covered with buildings, and
the people were as numerous almost,
The Three Nephites are taken away— as it were the sand of the sea.
Wickedness, unbelief, sorceries, and
witchcraft prevail. About a.d. 321–26. 8 And it came to pass in this year
there began to be a war between
the Lord, and the b Holy Ghost did of grace is passed—Mormon obtains
not come upon any, because of their the plates of Nephi—Wars continue.
wickedness and c unbelief. About a.d. 327–50.
15 And I, being a fifteen years of And it came to pass in that same
age and being somewhat of a b so- year there began to be a war again
ber mind, therefore I was c visited between the Nephites and the La-
of the Lord, and d tasted and knew manites. And notwithstanding I
of the goodness of Jesus. being a young, was large in stat-
16 And I did endeavor to preach ure; therefore the people of Nephi
unto this people, but my mouth appointed me that I should be
was shut, and I was forbidden that their leader, or the leader of their
I should preach unto them; for be- armies.
hold they had a wilfully rebelled 2 Therefore it came to pass that in
against their God; and the beloved
disciples were b taken away out of my sixteenth year I did go forth at
the head of an army of the Neph-
the land, because of their iniquity. ites, against the Lamanites; there-
17 But I did remain among them, fore three hundred and twenty and
but I was forbidden to a preach unto six years had passed away.
them, because of the hardness of
their hearts; and because of the 3 And it came to pass that in the
hardness of their hearts the land three hundred and twenty and
was b cursed for their sake. seventh year the Lamanites did
18 And these Gadianton robbers, come upon us with a exceedingly
who were among the Lamanites, did great power, insomuch that they
infest the land, insomuch that the did frighten my armies; therefore
inhabitants thereof began to a hide they would not fight, and they be-
up their b treasures in the earth; and gan to retreat towards the b north
they became slippery, because the countries.
Lord had cursed the land, that they 4 And it came to pass that we did
could not hold them, nor retain come to the city of Angola, and we
them again. did take possession of the city, and
19 And it came to pass that there make preparations to defend our-
selves against the Lamanites. And it
were a sorceries, and witchcrafts, came to pass that we did a fortify the
and magics; and the power of the
evil one was wrought upon all the city with our might; but notwith-
face of the land, even unto the ful- standing all our fortifications the
filling of all the words of Abinadi, Lamanites did come upon us and
and also b Samuel the Lamanite. did drive us out of the city.
5 And they did also drive us forth
Chapter 2 out of the land of David.
6 And we marched forth and came
Mormon leads the Nephite armies— to the land of Joshua, which was in
Blood and carnage sweep the land—The the borders west by the seashore.
Nephites lament and mourn with the 7 And it came to pass that we did
sorrowing of the damned—Their day gather in our people as fast as it were
14 b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. b Morm. 8:10. 19 a tg Sorcery.
c tg Unbelief. 17 a Micah 3:6 (5–7). b Morm. 2:10 (10–15).
15 a Morm. 2:1 (1–2). b 2 Ne. 1:7; 2 1 a Morm. 1:15 (12, 15–16).
b tg Sobriety. Alma 45:16 (10–14, 16); 3 a Morm. 4:13 (13–17); 5:6.
c Ex. 3:16; Ether 2:11 (8–12). b Alma 50:11;
2 Ne. 4:26; 18 a Hel. 12:18; Morm. 2:29.
Alma 9:21. Morm. 2:10 (10–14); 4 a 3 Ne. 3:14 (14, 25);
d Ps. 34:8. Ether 14:1 (1–2). Morm. 2:21.
16 a 4 Ne. 1:38. b Hel. 13:18–23, 30–37.
tg Rebellion. tg Treasure.
471 Mormon 2 : 8 –18
possible, that we might get them the Lord, therefore supposing that
together in a one body. he would be merciful unto them
8 But behold, the land was a filled that they would b again become a
with b robbers and with Lamanites; righteous people.
and notwithstanding the great de- 13 But behold this my joy was vain,
struction which hung over my peo- for their a sorrowing was not unto
ple, they did not repent of their evil repentance, because of the goodness
doings; therefore there was blood of God; but it was rather the b sor-
and carnage spread throughout all rowing of the c damned, because the
the face of the land, both on the Lord would not always suffer them
part of the Nephites and also on to take d happiness in sin.
the part of the Lamanites; and it was 14 And they did not come unto
one complete revolution through- Jesus with broken a hearts and con-
out all the face of the land. trite spirits, but they did b curse God,
9 And now, the Lamanites had a and wish to die. Nevertheless they
king, and his name was a Aaron; and would struggle with the sword for
he came against us with an army of their lives.
forty and four thousand. And be- 15 And it came to pass that my
hold, I withstood him with forty and sorrow did return unto me again,
two thousand. And it came to pass and I saw that the a day of b grace
that I beat him with my army that c
was passed with them, both tem-
he fled before me. And behold, all porally and spiritually; for I saw
this was done, and three hundred thousands of them hewn down in
and thirty years had passed away. open d rebellion against their God,
10 And it came to pass that the and heaped up as e dung upon the
Nephites began to repent of their face of the land. And thus three
iniquity, and began to cry even as hundred and forty and four years
had been prophesied by Samuel the had passed away.
prophet; for behold no man could 16 And it came to pass that in the
keep that which was his own, for three hundred and forty and fifth
the thieves, and the robbers, and year the Nephites did begin to flee
the murderers, and the magic art, before the Lamanites; and they were
and the witchcraft which was in pursued until they came even to the
the land. land of Jashon, before it was pos-
11 Thus there began to be a a mourn- sible to stop them in their retreat.
ing and a lamentation in all the 17 And now, the city of Jashon
land because of these things, and was near the a land where Amma-
more especially among the people ron had b deposited the records unto
of Nephi. the Lord, that they might not be
12 And it came to pass that when I, destroyed. And behold I had gone
Mormon, saw their lamentation and according to the word of Ammaron,
their a mourning and their sorrow and taken the c plates of Nephi, and
before the Lord, my heart did begin did make a record according to the
to rejoice within me, knowing the words of Ammaron.
mercies and the long-suffering of 18 And upon the plates of Nephi I
7 a 3 Ne. 3:22 (22–25). 12 a tg Mourning. 15 a Hel. 13:38.
8 a 3 Ne. 2:11. b Hel. 11:9 (8–17). b tg Grace.
b 4 Ne. 1:46; 13 a 2 Cor. 7:10; c Jer. 8:20.
Morm. 8:9; Alma 42:29. d tg Rebellion.
Ether 8:20. b Hosea 7:14; e Jer. 8:2 (1–3).
9 a Moro. 9:17. Ether 8:7. 17 a Morm. 1:3 (1–4).
10 a Hel. 12:18; 13:18 (17–23); c tg Damnation. b 4 Ne. 1:48 (48–49).
Morm. 1:18 (17–19); d Alma 41:10. c Morm. 8:5 (1, 4–5, 14).
Ether 14:1 (1–2). 14 a tg Contrite Heart.
11 a 3 Ne. 12:4. b tg Blaspheme.
Mormon 2 : 19–3 : 2 472
did make a full account of all the with our armies, and did meet them
wickedness and abominations; but again, and did a beat them; never-
upon a these plates I did forbear to theless the b strength of the Lord
make a full account of their wicked- was not with us; yea, we were left
ness and abominations, for behold, to ourselves, that the Spirit of the
a continual scene of wickedness and Lord did not abide in us; therefore
abominations has been before mine we had become weak like unto our
eyes ever since I have been suffi- brethren.
cient to behold the ways of man. 27 And my heart did sorrow be-
19 And wo is me because of their cause of this the great calamity of
wickedness; for my heart has been my people, because of their wick-
filled with sorrow because of their edness and their abominations. But
wickedness, all my days; neverthe- behold, we did go forth against the
less, I know that I shall be a lifted Lamanites and the robbers of Gadi
up at the last day. anton, until we had again taken
20 And it came to pass that in this possession of the lands of our in-
year the people of Nephi again were heritance.
hunted and driven. And it came to 28 And the three hundred and
pass that we were driven forth un- forty and ninth year had passed
til we had come northward to the away. And in the three hundred and
land which was called Shem. fiftieth year we made a treaty with
21 And it came to pass that we did the Lamanites and the robbers of
fortify the city of Shem, and we Gadianton, in which we did get the
did gather in our people as much lands of our inheritance divided.
as it were possible, that perhaps we 29 And the Lamanites did give
might save them from destruction. unto us the land a northward, yea,
22 And it came to pass in the three even to the b narrow passage which
hundred and forty and sixth year led into the land southward. And
they began to come upon us again. we did give unto the Lamanites all
23 And it came to pass that I did the land southward.
speak unto my people, and did urge
them with great energy, that they Chapter 3
would stand boldly before the La-
manites and a fight for their b wives, Mormon cries repentance unto the
and their children, and their houses, Nephites—They gain a great victory and
and their homes. glory in their own strength—Mormon
24 And my words did arouse them refuses to lead them, and his prayers
somewhat to vigor, insomuch that for them are without faith—The Book
they did not flee from before the of Mormon invites the twelve tribes
Lamanites, but did stand with bold- of Israel to believe the gospel. About
ness against them. a.d. 360–62.
25 And it came to pass that we And it came to pass that the Laman-
did contend with an army of thirty ites did not come to battle again un-
thousand against an army of fifty til ten years more had passed away.
thousand. And it came to pass that And behold, I had employed my
we did stand before them with such people, the Nephites, in preparing
firmness that they did flee from their lands and their arms against
before us. the time of battle.
26 And it came to pass that when 2 And it came to pass that the
they had fled we did pursue them Lord did say unto me: Cry unto
18 a 3 Ne. 5:15 (8–20). 23 a Alma 58:12. Strength.
19 a Mosiah 23:22; b Ether 14:2. 29 a Morm. 2:3.
Ether 4:19. 26 a Morm. 3:8 (7–8, 13). b Alma 22:32; 52:9; 63:5.
21 a Morm. 2:4. b tg God, Spirit of;
473 Mormon 3 : 3–15
this people—Repent ye, and come slay a great number of them, and
unto me, and be ye baptized, and their dead were cast into the sea.
build up again my church, and ye 9 And now, because of this great
shall be a spared. thing which my people, the Neph-
3 And I did cry unto this people, ites, had done, they began to a boast
but it was a in vain; and they did in their own strength, and began
not realize that it was the Lord to swear before the heavens that
that had spared them, and granted they would avenge themselves of
unto them a chance for repentance. the blood of their brethren who
And behold they did harden their had been slain by their enemies.
hearts against the Lord their God. 10 And they did a swear by the
4 And it came to pass that after heavens, and also by the throne
this tenth year had passed away, of God, that they b would go up to
making, in the whole, three hundred battle against their enemies, and
and sixty years from the coming of would cut them off from the face of
Christ, the king of the Lamanites the land.
sent an epistle unto me, which gave 11 And it came to pass that I, Mor-
unto me to know that they were mon, did utterly a refuse from this
preparing to come again to battle time forth to be a commander and
against us. a leader of this people, because of
5 And it came to pass that I did their wickedness and abomination.
cause my people that they should 12 Behold, I had led them, notwith-
gather themselves together at the standing their wickedness I had led
land a Desolation, to a city which was them many times to battle, and had
in the borders, by the narrow pass loved them, according to the a love of
which led into the land b southward. God which was in me, with all my
6 And there we did place our heart; and my soul had been poured
armies, that we might stop the out in prayer unto my God all the
armies of the Lamanites, that they day long for them; nevertheless, it
might not get possession of any of was b without faith, because of the
our lands; therefore we did fortify c
hardness of their hearts.
against them with all our force. 13 And a thrice have I delivered
7 And it came to pass that in the them out of the hands of their en-
three hundred and sixty and first emies, and they have repented not
year the Lamanites did come down of their sins.
to the a city of Desolation to battle 14 And when they had sworn by
against us; and it came to pass that all that had been a forbidden them
in that year we did beat them, inso- by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
much that they did return to their that they would go up unto their
own lands again. enemies to battle, and avenge them-
8 And in the three hundred and selves of the blood of their breth-
sixty and second year they did ren, behold the voice of the Lord
come down a again to battle. And came unto me, saying:
we did beat them again, and did 15 a Vengeance is mine, and I will
3 2 a Hel. 15:17 (16–17); 8 a Morm. 2:26; 3:13. 12 a tg God, Love of.
Morm. 6:11 (11–15). 9 a Prov. 14:16; b James 1:6;
3 a Morm. 4:18. 2 Ne. 4:34; Morm. 5:2.
b tg Hardheartedness; Morm. 4:8. c Neh. 9:16 (16–17).
Ingratitude. 10 a tg Swearing. 13 a Morm. 2:26;
5 a Alma 50:34; b Alma 43:46 (46–47); 3:8 (7–8).
Morm. 4:3 (1–3). 48:14; 14 a 3 Ne. 12:34.
b Ether 9:31 (31–32); 10:21. 3 Ne. 3:21 (20–21); 15 a Isa. 35:4;
7 a 3 Ne. 3:23; Morm. 4:4. Rom. 12:19.
Morm. 4:2 (2, 19). 11 a Morm. 5:1. tg Vengeance.
Mormon 3 : 16–4 : 4 474
repay; and because this people that the c Jews, the covenant people
repented not after I had delivered of the Lord, shall have other d wit-
them, behold, they shall be cut off ness besides him whom they saw
from the face of the earth. and heard, that Jesus, whom they
16 And it came to pass that I ut- slew, was the e very Christ and the
terly refused to go up against mine very God.
enemies; and I did even as the Lord 22 And I would that I could per-
had commanded me; and I did stand suade a all ye ends of the earth to
as an idle witness to manifest unto repent and prepare to stand before
the world the things which I saw the judgment-seat of Christ.
and heard, according to the mani-
festations of the Spirit which had Chapter 4
testified of things to come.
17 Therefore I write a unto you, War and carnage continue—The wicked
Gentiles, and also unto you, house punish the wicked—Greater wicked-
of Israel, when the work shall com- ness prevails than ever before in all
mence, that ye shall be about to pre- Israel—Women and children are sacri-
pare to return to the land of your ficed to idols—The Lamanites begin to
inheritance; sweep the Nephites before them. About
18 Yea, behold, I write unto all the a.d. 363–75.
ends of the earth; yea, unto you, And now it came to pass that in the
twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be three hundred and sixty and third
judged according to your works by year the Nephites did go up with their
the twelve whom Jesus chose to be armies to a battle against the La-
his disciples in the land of Jerusalem. manites, out of the land Desolation.
19 And I write also unto the rem- 2 And it came to pass that the
nant of this people, who shall also armies of the Nephites were driven
be judged by the a twelve whom back again to the land of Desolation.
Jesus chose in this land; and they And while they were yet weary, a
shall be judged by the other twelve fresh army of the Lamanites did
whom Jesus chose in the land of come upon them; and they had a
Jerusalem. sore battle, insomuch that the La-
20 And these things doth the Spirit manites did take possession of the
manifest unto me; therefore I write a
city Desolation, and did slay many
unto you all. And for this cause I of the Nephites, and did take many
write unto you, that ye may know prisoners.
that ye must all stand before the 3 And the remainder did flee and
judgment-seat of Christ, yea, every join the inhabitants of the city Te-
soul who belongs to the whole hu- ancum. Now the city Teancum lay
man b family of Adam; and ye must in the borders by the seashore; and
stand to be judged of your works, it was also near the city a Desolation.
whether they be good or evil; 4 And it was a because the armies
21 And also that ye may a believe of the Nephites went up unto the
the gospel of Jesus Christ, which Lamanites that they began to be
ye shall b have among you; and also smitten; for were it not for that, the
15 b 2 Sam. 16:12 (9–12); 3 Ne. 27:27. e 2 Ne. 26:12;
D&C 82:23. 20 a tg Jesus Christ, Judge; Mosiah 7:27.
tg God, Justice of. Judgment, the Last. 22 a Alma 29:1.
17 a 2 Ne. 30:3 (3–8); b D&C 27:11. 4 1 a 2 Ne. 1:12;
3 Ne. 29:1. 21 a D&C 3:20. Morm. 1:11 (11–19).
18 a Matt. 19:28; b 1 Ne. 13:23 (20–29, 41). 2 a 3 Ne. 3:23;
Luke 22:30 (29–30); c tg Israel, Judah, Morm. 3:7.
D&C 29:12. People of. 3 a Morm. 3:5.
19 a 1 Ne. 12:10 (9–10); d 2 Ne. 25:18. 4 a Morm. 3:10 (10–11).
475 Mormon 4 : 5 –19
Lamanites could have had no power 12 And there never had been so
over them. great a wickedness among all the
5 But, behold, the judgments of children of Lehi, nor even among
God will overtake the a wicked; and all the house of Israel, according
it is by the wicked that the wicked to the words of the Lord, as was
are b punished; for it is the wicked among this people.
that stir up the hearts of the chil- 13 And it came to pass that the
dren of men unto bloodshed. Lamanites did take possession of
6 And it came to pass that the the city Desolation, and this be-
Lamanites did make preparations cause their a number did exceed the
to come against the city Teancum. number of the Nephites.
7 And it came to pass in the 14 And they did also march for-
three hundred and sixty and fourth ward against the city Teancum, and
year the Lamanites did come did drive the inhabitants forth out
against the city Teancum, that they of her, and did take many prisoners
might take possession of the city both women and children, and did
Teancum also. offer them up as a sacrifices unto
8 And it came to pass that they their idol gods.
were repulsed and driven back by 15 And it came to pass that in
the Nephites. And when the Neph- the three hundred and sixty and
ites saw that they had driven the seventh year, the Nephites being
Lamanites they did again a boast angry because the Lamanites had
of their own strength; and they sacrificed their women and their
went forth in their own might, and children, that they did go against
took possession again of the city the Lamanites with exceedingly
Desolation. great anger, insomuch that they
9 And now all these things had did beat again the Lamanites, and
been done, and there had been drive them out of their lands.
thousands slain on both sides, both 16 And the Lamanites did not
the Nephites and the Lamanites. come again against the Nephites
10 And it came to pass that the until the three hundred and sev-
three hundred and sixty and sixth enty and fifth year.
year had passed away, and the La- 17 And in this year they did come
manites came again upon the Neph- down against the Nephites with all
ites to battle; and yet the Nephites their powers; and they were not
repented not of the evil they had numbered because of the greatness
done, but persisted in their wick- of their number.
edness continually. 18 And a from this time forth did
11 And it is impossible for the the Nephites gain no power over the
tongue to describe, or for man to Lamanites, but began to be swept
write a perfect description of the off by them even as a dew before
horrible scene of the blood and the sun.
carnage which was among the 19 And it came to pass that the
people, both of the Nephites and Lamanites did come down against
of the Lamanites; and every heart the a city Desolation; and there was
was hardened, so that they a de- an exceedingly sore battle fought in
lighted in the shedding of blood the land Desolation, in the which
continually. they did beat the Nephites.
5 a Nahum 1:3. 3 Ne. 9:9; Abr. 1:8 (6–14).
b 2 Pet. 2:12; D&C 112:23; tg Idolatry;
D&C 63:33. Moses 7:36 (36–37); Sacrifice.
8 a Morm. 3:9. 8:22 (22, 28–30). 18 a Morm. 3:3.
11 a Moro. 9:5 (5, 23). 13 a Morm. 2:3; 5:6. 19 a Morm. 3:7.
tg Blood, Shedding of. 14 a Jer. 19:5;
12 a Gen. 6:5 (5–6); Alma 17:15;
Mormon 4 : 20–5 : 9 476
20 And they fled again from be- 3 And it came to pass that the
fore them, and they came to the Lamanites did come against us as
city Boaz; and there they did stand we had fled to the city of Jordan;
against the Lamanites with exceed- but behold, they were driven back
ing boldness, insomuch that the La- that they did not take the city at
manites did not beat them until they that time.
had come again the second time. 4 And it came to pass that they
21 And when they had come the came against us again, and we
second time, the Nephites were did maintain the city. And there
driven and slaughtered with an were also other cities which were
exceedingly great slaughter; their maintained by the Nephites, which
women and their a children were strongholds did cut them off that
again sacrificed unto idols. they could not get into the country
22 And it came to pass that the which lay before us, to destroy the
Nephites did again flee from before inhabitants of our land.
them, taking all the inhabitants with 5 But it came to pass that whatso-
them, both in towns and villages. ever lands we had passed by, and
23 And now I, Mormon, seeing that the inhabitants thereof were not
the Lamanites were about to over- gathered in, were destroyed by the
throw the land, therefore I did go Lamanites, and their towns, and vil-
to the hill a Shim, and did take up lages, and cities were burned with
all the b records which Ammaron fire; and thus three hundred and
had hid up unto the Lord. seventy and nine years passed away.
6 And it came to pass that in the
Chapter 5 three hundred and eightieth year
the Lamanites did come again
Mormon again leads the Nephite armies against us to battle, and we did stand
in battles of blood and carnage—The against them boldly; but it was all in
Book of Mormon will come forth to con- vain, for so a great were their num-
vince all Israel that Jesus is the Christ bers that they did tread the people
—Because of their unbelief, the Laman- of the Nephites under their feet.
ites will be scattered, and the Spirit will 7 And it came to pass that we did
cease to strive with them—They will re-
ceive the gospel from the Gentiles in the again take to flight, and those whose
latter days. About a.d. 375–84. flight was swifter than the Laman-
ites’ did escape, and those whose
And it came to pass that I did go flight did not exceed the Lamanites’
forth among the Nephites, and did were swept down and destroyed.
repent of the a oath which I had 8 And now behold, I, Mormon, do
made that I would no more assist not desire to harrow up the souls of
them; and they gave me command men in casting before them such an
again of their armies, for they awful scene of blood and carnage
looked upon me as though I could as was laid before mine eyes; but
deliver them from their afflictions. I, knowing that these things must
2 But behold, I was a without hope, surely be made known, and that
for I knew the judgments of the Lord all things which are hid must be
which should come upon them; for a
revealed upon the house-tops—
they repented not of their iniqui- 9 And also that a knowledge of
ties, but did struggle for their lives these things must a come unto the
without calling upon that Being remnant of these people, and also
who created them. unto the Gentiles, who the Lord
21 a 2 Kgs. 17:31. 5 1 a Morm. 3:11 (11, 16). Luke 12:3;
tg Idolatry. tg Vow. 2 Ne. 27:11;
23 a Morm. 1:3; 2 a Morm. 3:12. D&C 1:3; 88:108.
Ether 9:3. 6 a Morm. 2:3; 4:13 (13–17). 9 a 4 Ne. 1:49.
b W of M 1:3. 8 a Matt. 10:26 (26–33);
477 Mormon 5 : 10–19
hath said should b scatter this people, is the Christ, the Son of the living
and this people should be counted God; that the Father may bring
as naught among them—therefore about, through his most Beloved,
I write a d small abridgment, dar- his great and eternal purpose, in
ing not to give a full account of the restoring the Jews, or all the house
things which I have seen, because of Israel, to the d land of their inheri
of the commandment which I have tance, which the Lord their God
received, and also that ye might hath given them, unto the fulfilling
not have too great sorrow because of his e covenant;
of the wickedness of this people. 15 And also that the seed of a this
10 And now behold, this I speak people may more fully believe his
unto their seed, and also to the Gen- gospel, which shall b go forth unto
tiles who have care for the house of them from the Gentiles; for this
Israel, that realize and know from people shall be c scattered, and shall
whence their blessings come. become a dark, a filthy, and a loath-
11 For I know that such will sor- some people, beyond the descrip-
row for the calamity of the house tion of that which ever hath been
of Israel; yea, they will sorrow for amongst us, yea, even that which
the destruction of this people; they hath been among the Lamanites, and
will sorrow that this people had this because of their unbelief and
not repented that they might have idolatry.
been clasped in the arms of Jesus. 16 For behold, the Spirit of the
12 Now a these things are b written Lord hath already ceased to a strive
unto the c remnant of the house of with their fathers; and they are
Jacob; and they are written after this without Christ and God in the world;
manner, because it is known of God and they are driven about as b chaff
that wickedness will not bring them before the wind.
forth unto them; and they are to be 17 They were once a delightsome
hid up unto the Lord that they may people, and they had Christ for their
come forth in his own due time. a
shepherd; yea, they were led even
13 And this is the commandment by God the Father.
which I have received; and behold, 18 But now, behold, they are a led
they a shall come forth accord- about by Satan, even as chaff is
ing to the commandment of the driven before the wind, or as a ves-
Lord, when he shall see fit, in his sel is tossed about upon the waves,
wisdom. without sail or anchor, or without
14 And behold, they shall go unto anything wherewith to steer her;
the a unbelieving of the b Jews; and and even as she is, so are they.
for this intent shall they go—that 19 And behold, the Lord hath re-
they may be c persuaded that Jesus served their blessings, which they
9 b
3 Ne. 16:8 (8–9). Preservation of. 15 a 2 Ne. 30:5;
c Alma 43:3. 13 a 2 Ne. 3:18. 3 Ne. 21:5 (3–7, 24–26).
d Morm. 1:1. 14 a Rom. 11:20 (1–36); b 1 Ne. 13:38 (20–29, 38);
12 a
1 Ne. 19:19; 1 Ne. 10:11; Morm. 7:8 (8–9).
Enos 1:16; Jacob 4:15 (15–18). c 1 Ne. 10:12 (12–14);
Hel. 15:11 (11–13); tg Unbelief. 3 Ne. 16:8.
Morm. 7:1 (1, 9–10). b 2 Ne. 26:12; 29:13; d 2 Ne. 26:33.
b tg Book of Mormon; 30:7 (7–8). 16 a Gen. 6:3;
Scriptures to Come tg Israel, Judah, Ether 2:15;
Forth. People of. Moro. 8:28.
c 2 Ne. 25:8; 27:6; c John 20:31; b Ps. 1:4 (1–4);
Jarom 1:2; 2 Ne. 25:16 (16–17). Hosea 13:3 (1–4).
D&C 3:20 (16–20). tg Israel, Restoration of. 17 a tg Jesus Christ, Good
d Morm. 8:4 (4, 13–14); d tg Lands of Inheritance. Shepherd.
Moro. 10:2 (1–2). e Ezek. 20:37; 18 a 2 Ne. 28:21.
tg Scriptures, 3 Ne. 29:1 (1–3).
Mormon 5 : 20–6 : 6 478
might have received in the land, that we did march forth before the
for the a Gentiles who shall possess Lamanites.
the land. 2 And I, Mormon, wrote an epis-
20 But behold, it shall come to tle unto the king of the Lamanites,
pass that they shall be driven and and desired of him that he would
scattered by the Gentiles; and after grant unto us that we might gather
they have been driven and scattered together our people unto the a land
by the Gentiles, behold, then will of b Cumorah, by a hill which was
the Lord a remember the b covenant called Cumorah, and there we could
which he made unto Abraham and give them battle.
unto all the house of Israel. 3 And it came to pass that the king
21 And also the Lord will remem- of the Lamanites did grant unto me
ber the a prayers of the righteous, the thing which I desired.
which have been put up unto him 4 And it came to pass that we did
for them. march forth to the land of Cumorah,
22 And then, O ye Gentiles, how and we did pitch our tents around
can ye stand before the power of about the hill Cumorah; and it was in
God, except ye shall repent and a land of a many waters, rivers, and
turn from your evil ways? fountains; and here we had hope to
23 Know ye not that ye are in the gain advantage over the Lamanites.
hands of God? Know ye not that 5 And when a three hundred and
he hath all power, and at his great eighty and four years had passed
command the b earth shall be c rolled away, we had gathered in all the
together as a scroll? remainder of our people unto the
24 Therefore, repent ye, and hum- land of Cumorah.
ble yourselves before him, lest he 6 And it came to pass that when
shall come out in justice against we had gathered in all our people
you—lest a a remnant of the seed of in one to the land of Cumorah, be-
Jacob shall go forth among you as hold I, Mormon, began to be old; and
a b lion, and tear you in pieces, and knowing it to be the last struggle of
there is none to deliver. my people, and having been com-
manded of the Lord that I should
Chapter 6 not suffer the records which had
The Nephites gather to the land of Cu- been handed down by our fathers,
morah for the final battles—Mormon which were a sacred, to fall into the
hides the sacred records in the hill Cu- hands of the Lamanites, (for the
morah—The Lamanites are victorious, Lamanites would b destroy them)
and the Nephite nation is destroyed— therefore I made c this record out
Hundreds of thousands are slain with of the plates of Nephi, and d hid up
the sword. About a.d. 385. in the hill Cumorah all the records
which had been entrusted to me by
And now I finish my record concern- the hand of the Lord, save it were
ing the a destruction of my people, e
these few plates which I gave unto
the Nephites. And it came to pass my son f Moroni.
19 a 3 Ne. 20:27. 24 a tg Israel, Remnant of. 5 a W of M 1:2.
20 a 1 Ne. 13:31; b 3 Ne. 20:16 (15–16). 6 a tg Sacred.
3 Ne. 16:11 (8–12). 6 1 a 1 Ne. 12:19 (19–20); b 2 Ne. 26:17;
b tg Abrahamic Covenant. Jarom 1:10; Enos 1:14.
21 a Enos 1:12 (12–18); Alma 45:11 (9–14); c Morm. 2:18.
Morm. 8:25 (24–26); Hel. 13:5 (5–11). d Ether 15:11.
9:36 (36–37). 2 a Ether 9:3. e Moro. 9:24; 10:2;
23 a Ether 1:1; b Morm. 8:2; D&C 17:1;
D&C 87:6 (6–7). D&C 128:20. JS—H 1:52.
b Hel. 12:11 (8–18); 4 a Mosiah 8:8; f Morm. 8:1.
Morm. 9:2. Alma 50:29;
c 3 Ne. 26:3. Hel. 3:4 (3–4).
479 Mormon 6 : 7–22
7 And it came to pass that my peo- had fallen with their ten thousand
ple, with their wives and their chil- each.
dren, did now behold the a armies 15 And it came to pass that there
of the Lamanites marching towards were ten more who did fall by the
them; and with that awful b fear of sword, with their ten thousand each;
death which fills the breasts of all yea, even a all my people, save it were
the wicked, did they await to re- those twenty and four who were
ceive them. with me, and also a b few who had
8 And it came to pass that they escaped into the south countries,
came to battle against us, and every and a few who had deserted over
soul was filled with terror because unto the Lamanites, had fallen; and
of the greatness of their numbers. their flesh, and bones, and blood
9 And it came to pass that they lay upon the face of the earth, being
did fall upon my people with the left by the hands of those who slew
sword, and with the bow, and with them to molder upon the land, and
the arrow, and with the ax, and with to crumble and to return to their
all manner of weapons of war. mother earth.
10 And it came to pass that my men 16 And my soul was rent with a an-
were hewn down, yea, even my a ten guish, because of the slain of my
thousand who were with me, and I people, and I cried:
fell wounded in the midst; and they 17 a O ye fair ones, how could ye
passed by me that they did not put have departed from the ways of the
an end to my life. Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye
11 And when they had gone through have rejected that Jesus, who stood
and hewn down a all my people save with open arms to receive you!
it were twenty and four of us, (among 18 Behold, if ye had not done this,
whom was my son Moroni) and ye would not have fallen. But behold,
we having survived the dead of our ye are fallen, and I a mourn your loss.
people, did behold on the morrow, 19 O ye a fair sons and daughters,
when the Lamanites had returned ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands
unto their camps, from the top of and wives, ye fair ones, how is it
the hill Cumorah, the ten thousand that ye could have b fallen!
of my people who were hewn down, 20 But behold, ye are gone, and my
being led in the front by me. sorrows cannot bring your return.
12 And we also beheld the ten 21 And the day soon cometh that
thousand of my people who were your mortal must put on immor-
led by my son Moroni. tality, and these bodies which are
13 And behold, the ten thousand now moldering in corruption must
of Gidgiddonah had fallen, and he soon become a incorruptible bodies;
also in the midst. and then ye must stand before
14 And Lamah had fallen with his the judgment-seat of Christ, to be
ten thousand; and Gilgal had fallen judged according to your works;
with his ten thousand; and Lim- and if it so be that ye are righteous,
hah had fallen with his ten thou- then are ye blessed with your fathers
sand; and Jeneum had fallen with who have gone before you.
his ten thousand; and Cumenihah, 22 O that ye had repented before
and Moronihah, and Antionum, this great a destruction had come
and Shiblom, and Shem, and Josh, upon you. But behold, ye are gone,
7 a 1 Ne. 12:15. 15 a Alma 9:24. 18 a Lam. 2:11.
b tg Fearful. b Morm. 8:2. 19 a Ether 13:17.
10 a Judg. 1:4. 16 a tg Despair; b 1 Ne. 13:15.
11 a 1 Ne. 12:19 (19–20); Mourning; 21 a 1 Cor. 15:53 (53–54).
Hel. 15:17 (16–17); Sorrow. 22 a 2 Sam. 1:27 (17–27).
Morm. 3:2. 17 a 2 Ne. 26:7.
Mormon 7 : 1–10 480
and the Father, yea, the Eternal 6 And he bringeth to pass the a res-
Father of heaven, b knoweth your urrection of the dead, whereby man
state; and he doeth with you ac- must be raised to stand before his
cording to his c justice and d mercy. b
7 And he hath brought to pass the
Chapter 7 a
redemption of the b world, whereby
he that is found c guiltless before him
Mormon invites the Lamanites of the at the judgment day hath it given
latter days to believe in Christ, accept unto him to d dwell in the presence
His gospel, and be saved—All who be- of God in his kingdom, to sing cease-
lieve the Bible will also believe the Book less praises with the e choirs above,
of Mormon. About a.d. 385. unto the Father, and unto the Son,
And now, behold, I would speak and unto the Holy Ghost, which are
somewhat unto the a remnant of this f
one God, in a state of g happiness
people who are spared, if it so be which hath no end.
that God may give unto them my 8 Therefore repent, and be baptized
words, that they may know of the in the name of Jesus, and lay hold
things of their fathers; yea, I speak upon the a gospel of Christ, which
unto you, ye remnant of the house shall be set before you, not only in
of Israel; and these are the words this record but also in the record
which I speak: which shall come unto the Gentiles
2 Know ye that ye are of the a house b
from the Jews, which record shall
of Israel. come from the Gentiles c unto you.
3 Know ye that ye must come unto 9 For behold, a this is b written for
repentance, or ye cannot be saved. the intent that ye may c believe
4 Know ye that ye must lay down that; and if d ye believe that ye will
your weapons of war, and delight no believe this also; and if ye believe
more in the shedding of blood, and this ye will know concerning your
take them not again, save it be that fathers, and also the marvelous
God shall a command you. works which were wrought by the
5 Know ye that ye must come to power of God among them.
the a knowledge of your fathers, and 10 And ye will also know that ye
repent of all your sins and iniquities, are a a remnant of the seed of Jacob;
and b believe in Jesus Christ, that he therefore ye are numbered among
is the Son of God, and that he was the people of the first covenant; and
slain by the Jews, and by the power if it so be that ye believe in Christ,
of the Father he hath risen again, and are baptized, first b with water,
whereby he hath gained the c vic- then with fire and with the Holy
tory over the grave; and also in him Ghost, following the c example of
is the sting of death swallowed up. our Savior, according to that which
22 b 2 Sam. 7:20; Alma 24:23. b 2 Ne. 29:4 (4–13).
D&C 6:16. 6 a tg Resurrection. c 1 Ne. 13:38 (20–29, 38);
c tg God, Justice of. b tg Jesus Christ, Judge. Morm. 5:15.
d Ps. 36:5 (5–6); 7 a tg Redemption. 9 a 1 Ne. 19:19;
Alma 26:16; b tg World. Enos 1:16 (12–18);
D&C 97:6. c Mosiah 13:15; 3 Ne. 5:15 (12–17);
7 1 a Hel. 15:11 (11–13); D&C 58:30. Morm. 5:12.
Morm. 5:12 (9, 12). tg Justification. tg Israel, Restoration of.
2 a 1 Ne. 5:14; d Ps. 27:4; b tg Book of Mormon.
Alma 10:3; 1 Ne. 10:21; c 1 Ne. 13:40 (38–42).
Hel. 6:10; 8:21. D&C 76:62 (50–62); d 2 Ne. 3:15 (12–15);
4 a Alma 43:47. Moses 6:57. Alma 37:19 (1–20).
5 a 2 Ne. 3:12; e Mosiah 2:28. 10 a tg Israel, Remnant of.
3 Ne. 5:23. f Deut. 6:4; Gal. 3:20; b 3 Ne. 19:13 (13–14);
b tg Faith. D&C 20:28. Ether 12:14.
c Isa. 25:8; g tg Happiness. c tg God, the Standard of
Mosiah 16:8 (7–8); 8 a tg Gospel. Righteousness.
481 Mormon 8 : 1–12
he hath commanded us, it shall be friends nor whither to go; and c how
well with you in the day of judg- long the Lord will suffer that I may
ment. Amen. live I know not.
6 Behold, a four hundred years have
Chapter 8 passed away since the coming of
our Lord and Savior.
The Lamanites seek out and destroy
the Nephites—The Book of Mormon 7 And behold, the Lamanites have
will come forth by the power of God— hunted my people, the Nephites,
Woes pronounced upon those who down from city to city and from
place to place, even until they are
breathe out wrath and strife against the no more; and great has been their
work of the Lord—The Nephite record a
fall; yea, great and marvelous is
will come forth in a day of wicked- the destruction of my people, the
ness, degeneracy, and apostasy. About Nephites.
a.d. 400–421. 8 And behold, it is the hand of the
Behold I, a Moroni, do finish the Lord which hath done it. And behold
record of my father, Mormon. Be- also, the Lamanites are at a war one
hold, I have but few things to write, with another; and the whole face of
which things I have been com- this land is one continual round of
manded by my father. murder and bloodshed; and no one
2 And now it came to pass that knoweth the end of the war.
after the a great and tremendous 9 And now, behold, I say no more
battle at Cumorah, behold, the concerning them, for there are none
Nephites who had escaped into the save it be the Lamanites and a rob-
country southward were hunted by bers that do exist upon the face of
the b Lamanites, until they were all the land.
destroyed. 10 And there are none that do
3 And my father also was killed by know the true God save it be the
them, and I even a remain b alone to a
disciples of Jesus, who did tarry in
write the sad tale of the destruction the land until the wickedness of the
of my people. But behold, they are people was so great that the Lord
gone, and I fulfil the commandment would not suffer them to b remain
of my father. And whether they will with the people; and whether they
slay me, I know not. be upon the face of the land no man
4 Therefore I will write and a hide knoweth.
up the records in the earth; and 11 But behold, my a father and I
whither I go it mattereth not. have seen b them, and they have
5 Behold, my father hath made ministered unto us.
this record, and he hath written 12 And whoso receiveth a this record,
the intent thereof. And behold, I and shall not condemn it because of
would write it also if I had room the imperfections which are in it, the
upon the b plates, but I have not; same shall know of b greater things
and ore I have none, for I am alone. than these. Behold, I am Moroni;
My father hath been slain in battle, and were it possible, I would make
and all my kinsfolk, and I have not all things known unto you.
8 1 a Morm. 6:6; b Morm. 6:6. 4 Ne. 1:37 (14, 37);
Moro. 9:24. c Moro. 1:1; 10:1 (1–2). Ether 12:17.
b tg Record Keeping. 6 a Alma 45:10. b Morm. 1:16.
2 a Morm. 6:15 (2–15). 7 a 1 Ne. 12:2 (2–3); 11 a 3 Ne. 28:26.
b D&C 3:18. Enos 1:24. b tg Translated Beings.
3 a Moro. 9:22. 8 a 1 Ne. 12:21 (20–23). 12 a 3 Ne. 5:15 (8–18).
b Ether 4:3. 9 a 4 Ne. 1:46; b John 16:12;
4 a Morm. 5:12; Morm. 2:8 (8, 28); 3 Ne. 26:9 (6–11);
Moro. 10:2 (1–2). Ether 8:20. D&C 42:15.
5 a Morm. 2:17 (17–18). 10 a 3 Ne. 28:7;
Mormon 8 : 13–24 482
beasts nor poisonous serpents, be- and deceivings, and whoredoms, and
cause of the power of his word. all manner of abominations; when
25 And behold, their a prayers there shall be many who will say,
were also in behalf of him that the Do this, or do that, and it c mattereth
Lord should suffer to bring these not, for the Lord will d uphold such
things forth. at the last day. But wo unto such,
26 And no one need say they shall for they are in the e gall of bitter-
not come, for they surely shall, for ness and in the f bonds of iniquity.
the Lord hath spoken it; for a out of 32 Yea, it shall come in a day when
the earth shall they come, by the there shall be a churches built up
hand of the Lord, and none can stay that shall say: Come unto me, and
it; and it shall come in a day when it for your money you shall be for-
shall be said that b miracles are done given of your sins.
away; and it shall come even as if 33 O ye wicked and perverse and
one should speak c from the dead. a
stiffnecked people, why have ye
27 And it shall come in a day when built up churches unto yourselves
the a blood of saints shall cry unto to get b gain? Why have ye c trans-
the Lord, because of secret b combi- figured the holy word of God, that
nations and the works of darkness. ye might bring d damnation upon
28 Yea, it shall come in a day when your souls? Behold, look ye unto
the power of God shall be a denied, the e revelations of God; for behold,
and b churches become defiled and the time cometh at that day when
be c lifted up in the pride of their all these things must be fulfilled.
hearts; yea, even in a day when lead- 34 Behold, the Lord hath shown
ers of churches and teachers shall unto me great and marvelous things
rise in the pride of their hearts, concerning that which must shortly
even to the envying of them who come, at that day when these things
belong to their churches. shall come forth among you.
29 Yea, it shall come in a day when 35 Behold, I speak unto you as if
there shall be heard of fires, and ye were present, and yet ye are not.
tempests, and b vapors of smoke in But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown
foreign lands; you unto me, and I know your
30 And there shall also be heard doing.
of a wars, rumors of wars, and earth- 36 And I know that ye do a walk in
quakes in divers places. the pride of your hearts; and there
31 Yea, it shall come in a day when are none save a few only who do
there shall be great a pollutions upon not b lift themselves up in the pride
the face of the earth; there shall be of their hearts, unto the wearing of
murders, and robbing, and lying, c
very fine apparel, unto envying,
25 a Morm. 5:21. b 2 Tim. 3:1 (1–7); e Acts 8:23;
26 a 3 Ne. 23:4. 1 Ne. 14:10 (9–10); Alma 41:11.
b 3 Ne. 29:7; 2 Ne. 28:3 (3–32); f tg Bondage, Spiritual.
Morm. 9:15 (15–26); D&C 33:4. 32 a tg Devil, Church of.
Moro. 7:37 (27–37). c 2 Kgs. 14:10; 33 a D&C 5:8.
c 2 Ne. 26:16 (15–16); Jacob 2:13. b tg Priestcraft.
33:13; 29 a Joel 2:30 (28–32); c 1 Ne. 13:26 (20–41).
Morm. 9:30; 2 Ne. 27:2 (1–3). tg Apostasy of the Early
Moro. 10:27. b 1 Ne. 19:11; Christian Church.
27 a Gen. 4:10; D&C 45:41 (40–41). d tg Damnation.
Rev. 6:10 (1, 10); 30 a Matt. 24:6; e 1 Ne. 14:23 (18–27);
2 Ne. 28:10; 1 Ne. 14:16 (15–17). Ether 4:16.
Ether 8:22 (22–24); 31 a tg Pollution. 36 a tg Walking in Darkness.
D&C 87:7. b 3 Ne. 16:10; 30:2. b Jacob 2:13;
b tg Secret c 2 Ne. 28:21; 3 Ne. 16:10.
Combinations. Alma 1:4; 30:17. c 2 Ne. 28:13 (11–14);
28 a tg Unbelief. d 2 Ne. 28:8. Alma 5:53.
Mormon 8 : 37–9 : 6 484
and strifes, and malice, and persecu- a God of miracles, who gives revelations
tions, and all manner of iniquities; and pours out gifts and signs upon
and your churches, yea, even every the faithful—Miracles cease because
one, have become polluted because of unbelief—Signs follow those who
of the pride of your hearts. believe—Men are exhorted to be wise
37 For behold, ye do love a money, and keep the commandments. About
and your substance, and your fine a.d. 401–21.
apparel, and the adorning of your
churches, more than ye love the And now, I speak also concerning
those who do not believe in Christ.
poor and the needy, the sick and 2 Behold, will ye believe in the day
the afflicted. of your visitation—behold, when
38 O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, the Lord shall come, yea, even that
ye teachers, who sell yourselves for
that which will canker, why have
great day when the b earth shall be
ye polluted the holy church of God? rolled together as a scroll, and the
Why are ye a ashamed to take upon elements shall c melt with fervent
heat, yea, in that great day when
you the name of Christ? Why do ye ye shall be brought to stand before
not think that greater is the value the Lamb of God—then will ye say
of an endless happiness than that that there is no God?
misery which never dies—because 3 Then will ye longer deny the
of the c praise of the world? Christ, or can ye behold the Lamb
39 Why do ye adorn yourselves of God? Do ye suppose that ye shall
with that which hath no life, and dwell with him under a a conscious-
yet suffer the hungry, and the needy, ness of your guilt? Do ye suppose
and the naked, and the sick and the that ye could be happy to dwell with
afflicted to pass by you, and notice that holy Being, when your souls
them not? are racked with a consciousness
40 Yea, why do ye build up your of guilt that ye have ever abused
secret abominations to get gain, and
18 And who shall say that Jesus take up serpents; and if they drink
Christ did not do many mighty any deadly thing it shall not hurt
miracles? And there were many them; they shall lay c hands on the
mighty miracles wrought by the sick and they shall recover;
hands of the apostles. 25 And whosoever shall believe in
19 And if there were a miracles my name, doubting nothing, unto
wrought then, why has God ceased him will I a confirm all my words,
to be a God of miracles and yet be even unto the ends of the earth.
an unchangeable Being? And be- 26 And now, behold, who can stand
hold, I say unto you he b changeth a
against the works of the Lord?
not; if so he would cease to be God; b
Who can deny his sayings? Who
and he ceaseth not to be God, and will rise up against the almighty
is a God of miracles. power of the Lord? Who will de-
20 And the reason why he ceaseth spise the works of the Lord? Who
to do a miracles among the children will despise the children of Christ?
of men is because that they dwindle Behold, all ye who are c despisers of
in unbelief, and depart from the the works of the Lord, for ye shall
right way, and know not the God wonder and perish.
in whom they should b trust. 27 O then despise not, and wonder
21 Behold, I say unto you that not, but hearken unto the words of
whoso believeth in Christ, doubting the Lord, and ask the Father in the
nothing, a whatsoever he shall ask name of Jesus for what things so-
the Father in the name of Christ ever ye shall stand in need. a Doubt
it shall be granted him; and this not, but be believing, and begin as
promise is unto all, even unto the in times of old, and b come unto the
ends of the earth. Lord with all your c heart, and d work
22 For behold, thus said Jesus out your own salvation with fear
Christ, the Son of God, unto his and trembling before him.
disciples who should tarry, yea, 28 Be a wise in the days of your
and also to a all his disciples, in the b
probation; strip yourselves of all
hearing of the multitude: Go ye uncleanness; ask not, that ye may
into all the world, and preach the consume it on your c lusts, but ask
gospel to every creature; with a firmness unshaken, that ye
23 And he that a believeth and is will yield to no temptation, but
baptized shall be saved, but he that that ye will serve the true and
believeth not shall be b damned; d
living God.
24 And a these signs shall follow 29 See that ye are not baptized
them that believe—in my name a
unworthily; see that ye partake
shall they cast out b devils; they shall not of the sacrament of Christ
speak with new tongues; they shall b
unworthily; but see that ye do all
18 a John 6:14; 23 a Mark 16:16. Moro. 10:30 (30–32).
3 Ne. 8:1. b tg Damnation. c Josh. 22:5;
b Mark 6:5. 24 a Mark 16:17 (17–18). D&C 64:34 (22, 34).
19 a Rom. 15:19 (18–19); tg Signs. tg Commitment.
D&C 63:10 (7–10). b Mark 5:15 (15–20); d Philip. 2:12 (12–16).
b tg God, Perfection of. 1 Ne. 11:31. 28 a Matt. 10:16;
20 a Judg. 6:13 (11–13); c tg Administrations to Jacob 6:12.
Ether 12:12 (12–18); the Sick; b tg Probation.
Moro. 7:37. Hands, Laying on of. c tg Covet;
b tg Trust in God. 25 a tg Testimony. Lust.
21 a Matt. 21:22 (18–22); 26 a 2 Ne. 26:20; 28:5 (4–6, 15). d Alma 5:13.
3 Ne. 18:20. b 3 Ne. 29:5 (4–7). 29 a tg Baptism,
b tg Promise. c Prov. 13:13. Qualifications for.
22 a Mark 16:15. 27 a tg Doubt. b Lev. 22:3;
tg Missionary Work; b 3 Ne. 21:20; 1 Cor. 11:27 (27–30);
World. Ether 5:5; 3 Ne. 18:29 (28–32).
487 Mormon 9 : 30–Ether 1 : 2
Chapter 1
Moroni abridges the writings of Ether—
Ether’s genealogy is set forth—The lan-
guage of the Jaredites is not confounded
A nd now I, Moroni, proceed to
give an a account of those an-
cient inhabitants who were
destroyed by the b hand of the
Lord upon the face of this north
at the Tower of Babel—The Lord prom- country.
ises to lead them to a choice land and 2 And I take mine account from
make them a great nation. the a twenty and four plates which
29 c tg Worthiness. b 3 Ne. 5:18. [Ether]
30 a Morm. 8:26; 34 a Mosiah 8:13 (13–18); 1 1 a Mosiah 28:19.
Moro. 10:27. Ether 3:23 (23, 28); b 1 Sam. 5:9;
31 a Morm. 8:17; D&C 17:1. Morm. 5:23;
Ether 12:23 (22–28, 35). 35 a 2 Ne. 26:15. D&C 87:6 (6–7).
32 a 1 Ne. 1:2; 36 a Morm. 5:21; 2 a Alma 37:21 (21–31);
Mosiah 1:2 (2–4). 8:24 (24–26); Ether 15:33.
33 a Jarom 1:14 (2, 14). D&C 10:46 (46–49).
Ether 1 : 3–37 488
upon their friends and their families thus I will do unto thee because this
also, that they were not confounded. long time ye have cried unto me.
38 And it came to pass that Jared
spake again unto his brother, say- Chapter 2
ing: Go and a inquire of the Lord
whether he will drive us out of the The Jaredites prepare for their jour-
land, and if he will drive us out of ney to a promised land—It is a choice
land whereon men must serve Christ
the land, cry unto him whither we
shall go. And who knoweth but the or be swept off—The Lord talks to the
Lord will carry us forth into a land brother of Jared for three hours—The
which is b choice above all the earth? Jaredites build barges—The Lord asks
And if it so be, let us be faithful the brother of Jared to propose how the
unto the Lord, that we may receive barges will be lighted.
it for our inheritance. And it came to pass that Jared and
39 And it came to pass that the his brother, and their families,
brother of Jared did cry unto the and also the a friends of Jared and
Lord according to that which had his brother and their families, went
been spoken by the mouth of Jared. down into the valley which was
40 And it came to pass that the northward, (and the name of the
Lord did hear the brother of Jared, valley was b Nimrod, being called
and a had compassion upon him, after the mighty hunter) with their
and said unto him: c
flocks which they had gathered to-
41 Go to and gather together thy gether, male and female, of every
flocks, both male and female, of kind.
every kind; and also of the b seed of 2 And they did also lay snares and
the earth of every kind; and c thy catch a fowls of the air; and they
families; and also Jared thy brother did also prepare a vessel, in which
and his family; and also thy e friends they did carry with them the fish
and their families, and the friends of the waters.
of Jared and their families. 3 And they did also carry with
42 And when thou hast done this them deseret, which, by interpreta-
thou shalt a go at the head of them tion, is a honey bee; and thus they
down into the valley which is north- did carry with them a swarms of bees,
ward. And there will I meet thee, and all manner of that which was
and I will go b before thee into a upon the face of the land, b seeds
land which is c choice above all the of every kind.
lands of the earth. 4 And it came to pass that when
43 And there will I bless thee and they had come down into the valley
thy seed, and raise up unto me of thy of Nimrod the Lord came down and
seed, and of the seed of thy brother, talked with the brother of Jared; and
and they who shall go with thee, he was in a a cloud, and the brother
a great nation. And a there shall be of Jared saw him not.
none b greater than the nation which 5 And it came to pass that the Lord
I will raise up unto me of thy seed, commanded them that they should
upon all the face of the earth. And a
go forth into the wilderness, yea,
38 a 2 Chr. 18:4 (4–7). 42 a Gen. 12:1; Num. 9:17; 1 Chr. 1:10.
b 1 Ne. 2:20. 1 Ne. 2:2; Ether 2:5; c Ether 1:41; 6:4;
tg Lands of Inheritance. Abr. 2:3. 9:18 (18–19).
40 a Ether 3:3. b Judg. 4:14; 2 a Gen. 7:3 (1–3).
41 a Ether 2:1 (1–3). D&C 84:88 (87–88). 3 a 1 Ne. 17:5; 18:6.
b 1 Ne. 8:1; 16:11; c 1 Ne. 13:30. b 1 Ne. 16:11.
Ether 9:17. 43 a Gen. 26:3; 4 a Num. 11:25;
c Ether 6:20. Deut. 28:8. D&C 34:7 (7–9);
d Num. 1:2; Mosiah 6:3; b Ether 15:2. JS—H 1:68 (68–71).
D&C 48:6. 2 1 a Ether 1:36. 5 a Num. 9:17;
e Ether 6:16. b Gen. 10:8; Ether 1:42.
Ether 2 : 6 –15 490
into that quarter where there never 11 And this cometh unto you, O
had man been. And it came to pass ye a Gentiles, that ye may know the
that the Lord did go before them, decrees of God—that ye may repent,
and did talk with them as he stood and not continue in your iniqui-
in a b cloud, and gave c directions ties until the fulness come, that
whither they should travel. ye may not bring down the fulness
6 And it came to pass that they of the b wrath of God upon you as
did travel in the wilderness, and did the inhabitants of the land have
build b barges, in which they did hitherto done.
cross many waters, being directed 12 Behold, this is a choice land,
continually by the hand of the Lord. and whatsoever nation shall pos-
7 And the Lord would not suffer sess it shall be a free from bondage,
that they should stop beyond the and from captivity, and from all
sea in the wilderness, but he would other nations under heaven, if they
that they should come forth even will but b serve the God of the land,
unto the a land of promise, which who is Jesus Christ, who hath been
was choice above all other lands, manifested by the things which we
which the Lord God had b preserved have written.
for a righteous people. 13 And now I proceed with my
8 And he had sworn in his wrath record; for behold, it came to pass
unto the brother of Jared, that that the Lord did bring Jared and
whoso should possess this land of his brethren forth even to that great
promise, from that time henceforth sea which divideth the lands. And
and forever, should a serve him, the as they came to the sea they pitched
true and only God, or they should their tents; and they called the
be b swept off when the fulness of name of the place a Moriancumer;
his wrath should come upon them. and they dwelt in b tents, and dwelt
9 And now, we can behold the de- in tents upon the seashore for the
crees of God concerning this land, space of four years.
that it is a land of promise; and 14 And it came to pass at the end
whatsoever nation shall possess it of four years that the Lord came
shall serve God, or they shall be again unto the brother of Jared,
swept off when the fulness of his and stood in a cloud and a talked
wrath shall come upon them. And with him. And for the space of three
the fulness of his wrath cometh hours did the Lord talk with the
upon them when they are c ripened brother of Jared, and b chastened
in iniquity. him because he remembered not
10 For behold, this is a land which to c call upon the name of the Lord.
is choice above all other lands; 15 And the brother of Jared re-
wherefore he that doth possess it pented of the evil which he had done,
shall serve God or shall be a swept and did call upon the name of the
off; for it is the everlasting decree of Lord for his brethren who were with
God. And it is not until the b fulness him. And the Lord said unto him: I
of iniquity among the children of will forgive thee and thy brethren
the land, that they are c swept off. of their sins; but thou shalt not sin
5 b Ex. 13:21. 9 a 2 Ne. 6:15. 12 a 1 Ne. 13:19.
c tg Guidance, Divine. b tg God, Indignation of. tg Liberty.
6 a tg Skill. c Gen. 15:16; b Isa. 60:12.
b Gen. 6:14 (14–15); 1 Ne. 14:6. 13 a Alma 8:7;
Ether 2:16. 10 a Jarom 1:12. Ether 1:34.
7 a tg Promised Lands. b 2 Ne. 28:16. b Gen. 25:27;
b 1 Ne. 4:14. c 1 Ne. 17:37. Hel. 3:9.
8 a Ether 13:2. 11 a 1 Ne. 14:6; 14 a Ex. 25:22.
b Jarom 1:3 (3, 10); 2 Ne. 28:32. b 1 Ne. 16:25.
Alma 37:28; b Alma 45:16 (10–14, 16); tg Chastening; Reproof.
Ether 9:20. Morm. 1:17. c tg Prayer.
491 Ether 2 : 16–25
any more, for ye shall remember that 20 And the Lord said unto the
my a Spirit will not always b strive brother of Jared: Behold, thou shalt
with man; wherefore, if ye will sin make a hole in the top, and also in
until ye are fully ripe ye shall be cut the bottom; and when thou shalt
off from the presence of the Lord. suffer for air thou shalt unstop the
And these are my c thoughts upon hole and receive air. And if it be so
the land which I shall give you for that the water come in upon thee,
your inheritance; for it shall be a behold, ye shall stop the hole, that ye
land d choice above all other lands. may not perish in the flood.
16 And the Lord said: Go to work 21 And it came to pass that the
and build, after the manner of brother of Jared did so, according
barges which ye have hitherto as the Lord had commanded.
built. And it came to pass that the 22 And he cried again unto the
brother of Jared did go to work, and Lord saying: O Lord, behold I have
also his brethren, and built barges done even as thou hast commanded
after the manner which they had me; and I have prepared the vessels
built, according to the b instructions for my people, and behold there is
of the Lord. And they were small, no light in them. Behold, O Lord,
and they were light upon the wa- wilt thou suffer that we shall cross
ter, even like unto the lightness of this great water in darkness?
a fowl upon the water. 23 And the Lord said unto the
17 And they were built after a brother of Jared: What will ye that
manner that they were exceedingly I should do that ye may have light
tight, even that they would hold wa-
in your vessels? For behold, ye can-
ter like unto a dish; and the bottom not have a windows, for they will be
thereof was tight like unto a dish; dashed in pieces; neither shall ye
and the sides thereof were tight like take fire with you, for ye shall not
unto a dish; and the ends thereof go by the light of fire.
were peaked; and the top thereof 24 For behold, ye shall be as a
was tight like unto a dish; and the a
whale in the midst of the sea; for
length thereof was the length of a the mountain waves shall dash upon
tree; and the door thereof, when you. Nevertheless, I will bring you
it was shut, was tight like unto up again out of the depths of the
a dish. sea; for the b winds have gone forth
18 And it came to pass that the out of my mouth, and also the d rains
brother of Jared cried unto the Lord, and the floods have I sent forth.
saying: O Lord, I have performed the 25 And behold, I prepare you
work which thou hast commanded against these things; for ye cannot
me, and I have made the barges ac- cross this great deep save I prepare
cording as thou hast directed me. you against the waves of the sea, and
19 And behold, O Lord, in them the winds which have gone forth,
there is no light; whither shall we and the floods which shall come.
steer? And also we shall perish, for Therefore what will ye that I should
in them we cannot breathe, save it prepare for you that ye may have
is the air which is in them; there- light when ye are swallowed up in
fore we shall perish. the depths of the sea?
15 a tg God, Spirit of. 16 a Ether 2:6. Ether 6:10.
b Gen. 6:3; b Ex. 25:40; b Ether 6:5.
2 Ne. 26:11; Prov. 16:9; c Job 37:2 (2–13).
Morm. 5:16; 1 Ne. 17:51 (50–51). d Ps. 148:8;
Moses 8:17. 17 a Ether 6:7. D&C 117:1.
c tg Earth, Purpose of. 23 a Gen. 6:16.
d Ether 9:20. 24 a Gen. 1:21;
Ether 3 : 1–9 492
could not have seen my finger. Saw- spirit will I appear unto my people
est thou more than this? in the flesh.
10 And he answered: Nay; Lord, 17 And now, as I, Moroni, said I
show thyself unto me. could a not make a full account of
11 And the Lord said unto him: these things which are written,
Believest thou the words which I therefore it sufficeth me to say
shall speak? that Jesus showed himself unto
12 And he answered: Yea, Lord, I this man in the spirit, even after
know that thou speakest the truth, the manner and in the likeness of
for thou art a God of truth, and the same body even as he b showed
canst not lie. himself unto the Nephites.
13 And when he had said these 18 And he ministered unto him
words, behold, the Lord a showed even as he ministered unto the
himself unto him, and said: b Be- Nephites; and all this, that this man
cause thou knowest these things ye might know that he was God, because
are redeemed from the fall; there- of the many great works which the
fore ye are brought back into my Lord had showed unto him.
presence; therefore I d show myself 19 And because of the a knowledge
unto you. of this man he could not be kept
14 Behold, I am he who was a pre- from beholding within the b veil; and
pared from the foundation of the he saw the finger of Jesus, which,
world to b redeem my people. Behold, when he saw, he fell with fear; for
I am Jesus Christ. I am the c Father he knew that it was the finger of
and the Son. In me shall all man- the Lord; and he had c faith no lon-
kind have d life, and that eternally, ger, for he knew, nothing d doubting.
even they who shall believe on my 20 Wherefore, having this perfect
name; and they shall become my knowledge of God, he could a not be
sons and my daughters. kept from within the veil; therefore
15 And never have I a showed my- he b saw Jesus; and he did minister
self unto man whom I have created, unto him.
for never has man b believed in me 21 And it came to pass that the
as thou hast. Seest thou that ye are Lord said unto the brother of Jared:
created after mine own c image? Yea, Behold, thou shalt not suffer these
even all men were created in the things which ye have seen and heard
beginning after mine own image. to go forth unto the world, until the
16 Behold, this a body, which ye a
time cometh that I shall glorify my
now b behold, is the c body of my name in the flesh; wherefore, ye
spirit; and man have I created af- shall b treasure up the things which
ter the body of my spirit; and even ye have seen and heard, and show
as I appear unto thee to be in the it to no man.
10 a Ex. 33:18 (17–18). D&C 88:13 (7–13). b D&C 17:1.
11 a 1 Ne. 11:4 (4–5). e tg Sons and Daughters c tg Spirit Body.
12 a Num. 23:19; of God. d tg Man, Antemortal
Heb. 6:18. 15 a Ex. 3:6; 33:20 (11–23); Existence of.
13 a 1 Sam. 3:21; John 1:18; 17 a Ether 1:5; 15:33.
D&C 67:11 (11–12). D&C 107:54; b 3 Ne. 11:8 (8–16).
b Enos 1:8 (6–8). Moses 1:2. 19 a tg Knowledge.
c tg God, Presence of; tg God, Privilege of b tg Veil.
God, Privilege of Seeing. Seeing. c Alma 32:34.
d tg Jesus Christ, b tg Faith. d tg Doubt.
Appearances, Antemortal. c Gen. 1:26 (26–28); 20 a Ether 12:21 (19–21).
14 a tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 7:27; b tg Jesus Christ,
Foreordained. D&C 20:18 (17–18). Appearances, Antemortal.
b tg Jesus Christ, tg God, Body of, 21 a Ether 4:1.
Redeemer. Corporeal Nature. b Luke 2:19 (17–20).
c Mosiah 15:2. 16 a tg God, Manifesta-
d Mosiah 16:9; tions of.
Ether 3 : 22–4 : 5 494
me that I should a seal them up; things which I have spoken, him
and he also hath commanded that will I visit with the manifestations
I should seal up the interpretation of my Spirit, and he shall b know
thereof; wherefore I have sealed up and bear record. For because of
the b interpreters, according to the my Spirit he shall c know that these
commandment of the Lord. things are d true; for it persuadeth
6 For the Lord said unto me: They men to do good.
shall not go forth unto the Gentiles 12 And whatsoever thing persuad-
until the day that they shall repent eth men to do good is of me; for
of their iniquity, and become clean a
good cometh of none save it be of
before the Lord. me. I am the same that leadeth men
7 And in that day that they shall to all good; he that will b not believe
exercise a faith in me, saith the Lord, my words will not believe me—that
even as the brother of Jared did, that I am; and he that will not believe me
they may become b sanctified in me, will not believe the Father who sent
then will I c manifest unto them the me. For behold, I am the Father, I
things which the brother of Jared am the c light, and the d life, and the
saw, even to the unfolding unto e
truth of the world.
them all my d revelations, saith Jesus 13 a Come unto me, O ye Gentiles,
Christ, the Son of God, the e Father and I will show unto you the greater
of the heavens and of the earth, and things, the knowledge which is hid
all things that in them are. up because of unbelief.
8 And he that will a contend against 14 Come unto me, O ye house of
the word of the Lord, let him be Israel, and it shall be made a mani-
accursed; and he that shall b deny fest unto you how great things the
these things, let him be accursed; Father hath laid up for you, from
for unto them will I show c no greater the foundation of the world; and it
things, saith Jesus Christ; for I am hath not come unto you, because of
he who speaketh. unbelief.
9 And at my command the heav- 15 Behold, when ye shall rend that
ens are opened and are a shut; and veil of unbelief which doth cause
at my word the b earth shall shake; you to remain in your awful state of
and at my command the inhabitants wickedness, and hardness of heart,
thereof shall pass away, even so as and blindness of mind, then shall
by fire. the great and marvelous things
10 And he that believeth not my which have been a hid up from the
words believeth not my disciples; foundation of the world from you—
and if it so be that I do not speak, yea, when ye shall b call upon the
judge ye; for ye shall know that it Father in my name, with a broken
is I that speaketh, at the a last day. heart and a contrite spirit, then
11 But he that a believeth these shall ye know that the Father hath
5 a Dan. 12:9; 8 a Job 9:3 (1–4); c tg Testimony.
3 Ne. 26:9 (7–12, 18); 3 Ne. 29:5 (1–9); d Alma 3:12;
Ether 5:1; Morm. 8:17. Ether 5:3 (1–4);
D&C 17:6; 35:18; b 2 Ne. 27:14; 28:29 (29–31); Moro. 10:4 (1–5).
JS—H 1:65. 3 Ne. 28:34. 12 a Omni 1:25; Alma 5:40;
b Morm. 6:6; c Alma 12:10 (10–11); Moro. 7:16 (12–17).
D&C 17:1; 3 Ne. 26:10 (9–10). b 3 Ne. 11:35; 28:34.
JS—H 1:52. 9 a 1 Kgs. 8:35; c tg Jesus Christ, Light
tg Urim and Thummim. D&C 77:8. of the World.
7 a D&C 5:28. b Hel. 12:11 (8–18); d Col. 3:4.
b tg Sanctification. Morm. 5:23. e Alma 38:9.
c 2 Ne. 30:16; Alma 12:9; 10 a 2 Ne. 25:22; 33:15 (10–15); 13 a 3 Ne. 12:2 (2–3).
3 Ne. 26:10 (6–11). 3 Ne. 27:25 (23–27). 14 a D&C 121:26 (26–29).
d 2 Ne. 27:22. 11 a D&C 5:16. 15 a 2 Ne. 27:10.
e Mosiah 3:8. b 2 Ne. 32:5; 3 Ne. 16:6. b Gen. 4:26; Moro. 2:2.
Ether 4 : 16–6 : 2 496
came down out of the mount, and 8 And it came to pass that the wind
he did put forth the stones into the did never cease to blow towards
vessels which were prepared, one the promised land while they were
in each end thereof; and behold, upon the waters; and thus they were
they did give light unto the vessels. a
driven forth before the wind.
3 And thus the Lord caused stones 9 And they did a sing praises unto
to shine in darkness, to give light the Lord; yea, the brother of Jared
unto men, women, and children, that did sing praises unto the Lord, and
they might not cross the great waters he did b thank and praise the Lord
in darkness. all the day long; and when the night
4 And it came to pass that when came, they did not cease to praise
they had prepared all manner of the Lord.
food, that thereby they might sub- 10 And thus they were driven forth;
sist upon the water, and also food for and no monster of the sea could
their flocks and herds, and b what- break them, neither a whale that
soever beast or animal or fowl that could mar them; and they did have
they should carry with them—and light continually, whether it was
it came to pass that when they had above the water or under the water.
done all these things they got aboard 11 And thus they were driven
of their vessels or barges, and set forth, a three hundred and forty and
forth into the sea, commending four days upon the water.
themselves unto the Lord their God. 12 And they did a land upon the
5 And it came to pass that the Lord shore of the b promised land. And
God caused that there should be a when they had set their feet upon
furious wind blow upon the face the shores of the promised land they
of the waters, b towards the prom- bowed themselves down upon the
ised land; and thus they were tossed face of the land, and did humble
upon the waves of the sea before themselves before the Lord, and did
the wind. shed tears of joy before the Lord,
6 And it came to pass that they because of the multitude of his
were many times buried in the c
tender mercies over them.
depths of the sea, because of the 13 And it came to pass that they
mountain waves which broke upon went forth upon the face of the
them, and also the great and terri- land, and began to till the earth.
ble tempests which were caused by 14 And Jared had four a sons; and
the fierceness of the wind. they were called Jacom, and Gilgah,
7 And it came to pass that when and Mahah, and Orihah.
they were buried in the deep there 15 And the brother of Jared also
was no water that could hurt them, begat sons and daughters.
their vessels being a tight like unto 16 And the a friends of Jared and
a dish, and also they were tight his brother were in number about
like unto the b ark of Noah; there- twenty and two souls; and they
fore when they were encompassed also begat sons and daughters be-
about by many waters they did cry fore they came to the promised
unto the Lord, and he did bring land; and therefore they began to
them forth again upon the top of be many.
the waters. 17 And they were taught to a walk
4 a tg Food. 9 a tg Singing. 12 a Ether 7:16.
b Ether 2:1; 9:18 (18–19). b 1 Chr. 16:8 (7–36); b Alma 22:30 (29–34);
5 a Ether 2:24 (24–25). Ps. 34:1 (1–3); Ether 7:6.
b 1 Ne. 18:8. Alma 37:37; c Ether 7:27; 10:2.
7 a Ether 2:17. D&C 46:32. 14 a Ether 6:27.
b Gen. 6:14; 10 a Gen. 1:21; 16 a Ether 1:41.
Moses 7:43. Ether 2:24. 17 a tg Walking with God.
8 a 1 Ne. 18:13 (8–13). 11 a Gen. 7:11; 8:13.
Ether 6 : 18–7 : 5 498
humbly before the Lord; and they commanded them that they should
were also b taught from on high. constrain no man to be their king.
18 And it came to pass that they 26 And it came to pass that they
began to spread upon the face of chose all the brothers of Pagag, and
the land, and to multiply and to till they would not.
the earth; and they did wax strong 27 And it came to pass that neither
in the land. would the a sons of Jared, even all
19 And the brother of Jared began save it were one; and b Orihah was
to be old, and saw that he must soon anointed to be king over the people.
go down to the grave; wherefore he 28 And he began to reign, and the
said unto Jared: Let us gather together people began to a prosper; and they
our people that we may number became exceedingly rich.
them, that we may know of them 29 And it came to pass that Jared
what they will desire of us before died, and his brother also.
we go down to our graves. 30 And it came to pass that Ori-
20 And accordingly the people hah did walk humbly before the
were gathered together. Now the Lord, and did remember how great
number of the sons and the daugh- things the Lord had done for his
ters of the brother of Jared were father, and also taught his people
twenty and two souls; and the num- how great things the Lord had done
ber of sons and daughters of Jared for their fathers.
were twelve, he having four sons.
21 And it came to pass that they Chapter 7
did number their people; and after Orihah reigns in righteousness—Amid
that they had numbered them, they usurpation and strife, the rival king-
did desire of them the things which doms of Shule and Cohor are set up—
they would that they should do be- Prophets condemn the wickedness and
fore they went down to their graves. idolatry of the people, who then repent.
22 And it came to pass that the
people desired of them that they And it came to pass that Orihah did
should a anoint one of their sons to execute judgment upon the land in
be a king over them. righteousness all his days, whose
23 And now behold, this was griev- days were exceedingly many.
ous unto them. And the brother of 2 And he begat sons and daughters;
Jared said unto them: Surely this yea, he begat thirty and one, among
thing a leadeth into captivity. whom were twenty and three sons.
24 But Jared said unto his brother: 3 And it came to pass that he also
Suffer them that they may have a begat a Kib in his b old age. And it
king. And therefore he said unto came to pass that Kib reigned in
them: Choose ye out from among our his stead; and Kib begat Corihor.
sons a king, even whom ye will. 4 And when Corihor was thirty and
25 And it came to pass that they two years old he rebelled against his
chose even the firstborn of the father, and went over and dwelt in
brother of Jared; and his name was the land of Nehor; and he begat sons
Pagag. And it came to pass that he and daughters, and they became
refused and would not be their exceedingly fair; wherefore Corihor
king. And the people would that drew away many people after him.
his father should constrain him, 5 And when he had gathered to-
but his father would not; and he gether an army he came up unto the
17 b tg Guidance, Divine; Ether 7:5. 7 3 a Ether 1:32 (31–32).
Revelation. 25 a tg Kings, Earthly. b Gen. 18:12 (11–12);
22 a tg Anointing. 27 a Ether 6:14. Ether 7:26; 9:23.
23 a 1 Sam. 8:11 (10–18); b Ether 1:32.
Mosiah 29:18 (16–23); 28 a tg Prosper.
499 Ether 7 : 6 –23
land of a Moron where the king rebelled against Shule, the king, and
dwelt, and took him captive, which also his father Corihor, and drew
brought to pass the saying of the away Cohor his brother, and also all
brother of Jared that they would his brethren and many of the people.
be brought into captivity. 16 And he gave battle unto Shule,
6 Now the a land of Moron, where the king, in which he did obtain the
the king dwelt, was near the land land of their a first inheritance; and
which is called Desolation by the he became a king over that part of
Nephites. the land.
7 And it came to pass that Kib 17 And it came to pass that he gave
dwelt in a captivity, and his people battle again unto Shule, the king;
under Corihor his son, until he be- and he took Shule, the king, and car-
came exceedingly old; nevertheless ried him away captive into Moron.
Kib begat Shule in his old age, while 18 And it came to pass as he was
he was yet in captivity. about to put him to death, the sons
8 And it came to pass that Shule of Shule crept into the house of
was angry with his brother; and Noah by night and slew him, and
Shule waxed strong, and became broke down the door of the prison
mighty as to the strength of a man; and brought out their father, and
and he was also mighty in judgment. placed him upon his throne in his
9 Wherefore, he came to the hill own kingdom.
Ephraim, and he did molten out of 19 Wherefore, the son of Noah did
the hill, and made swords out of build up his kingdom in his stead;
steel for those whom he had drawn nevertheless they did not gain power
away with him; and after he had any more over Shule the king, and
armed them with swords he returned the people who were under the
to the city Nehor, and gave battle reign of Shule the king did prosper
unto his brother Corihor, by which exceedingly and wax great.
means he obtained the kingdom 20 And the country was a divided;
and restored it unto his father Kib. and there were two kingdoms, the
10 And now because of the thing kingdom of Shule, and the kingdom
which Shule had done, his father of Cohor, the son of Noah.
bestowed upon him the kingdom; 21 And Cohor, the son of Noah,
therefore he began to reign in the caused that his people should give
stead of his father. battle unto Shule, in which Shule
11 And it came to pass that he did did beat them and did slay Cohor.
execute judgment in righteousness; 22 And now Cohor had a son who
and he did spread his kingdom upon was called Nimrod; and Nimrod
all the face of the land, for the people gave up the kingdom of Cohor unto
had become exceedingly numerous. Shule, and he did gain favor in the
12 And it came to pass that Shule eyes of Shule; wherefore Shule did
also begat many sons and daughters. bestow great favors upon him, and
13 And Corihor repented of the he did do in the kingdom of Shule
many evils which he had done; according to his desires.
wherefore Shule gave him power 23 And also in the reign of Shule
in his kingdom. there came a prophets among the peo-
14 And it came to pass that Corihor ple, who were sent from the Lord,
had many sons and daughters. And prophesying that the wickedness and
among the sons of Corihor there was idolatry of the people was bringing a
one whose name was Noah. curse upon the land, and they should
15 And it came to pass that Noah be destroyed if they did not repent.
5 a Ether 14:6 (6, 11). 9 a 1 Ne. 16:18. 11:1 (1, 12, 20).
b Ether 6:23. 16 a Ether 6:12. b tg Idolatry.
6 a Ether 6:12. 20 a 2 Ne. 5:7 (1–14).
7 a Ether 8:4 (3–4); 10:14. 23 a Ether 9:28;
Ether 7 : 24–8 : 10 500
24 And it came to pass that the peo- 3 And when he had gained the half
ple did a revile against the prophets, of the kingdom he gave battle unto
and did mock them. And it came his father, and he did carry away
to pass that king Shule did execute his father into captivity, and did
judgment against all those who did make him serve in captivity;
revile against the prophets. 4 And now, in the days of the
25 And he did execute a law reign of Omer he was in a captivity
throughout all the land, which the half of his days. And it came to
gave power unto the prophets that pass that he begat sons and daugh-
they should go whithersoever they ters, among whom were Esrom and
would; and by this cause the peo- Coriantumr;
ple were brought unto repentance. 5 And they were exceedingly an-
26 And because the people did re- gry because of the doings of Jared
pent of their iniquities and idola- their brother, insomuch that they
tries the Lord did spare them, and did raise an army and gave battle
they began to prosper again in the unto Jared. And it came to pass
land. And it came to pass that Shule that they did give battle unto him
begat sons and daughters in his by night.
old age. 6 And it came to pass that when
27 And there were no more wars they had slain the army of Jared
in the days of Shule; and he remem- they were about to slay him also;
bered the great things that the Lord and he pled with them that they
had done for his fathers in bringing would not slay him, and he would
them a across the great deep into the give up the kingdom unto his father.
promised land; wherefore he did And it came to pass that they did
execute judgment in righteousness grant unto him his life.
all his days. 7 And now Jared became exceed-
ingly a sorrowful because of the loss
Chapter 8 of the kingdom, for he had set his
There is strife and contention over the heart upon the kingdom and upon
kingdom—Akish forms an oath-bound the glory of the world.
secret combination to slay the king—Se- 8 Now the daughter of Jared being
cret combinations are of the devil and exceedingly expert, and seeing the
sorrows of her father, thought to
result in the destruction of nations— devise a plan whereby she could re-
Modern Gentiles are warned against deem the kingdom unto her father.
the secret combination that will seek
to overthrow the freedom of all lands, 9 Now the daughter of Jared was
nations, and countries. exceedingly fair. And it came to pass
that she did talk with her father,
And it came to pass that he begat and said unto him: Whereby hath
Omer, and Omer reigned in his stead. my father so much sorrow? Hath
And Omer begat Jared; and Jared he not read the a record which our
begat sons and daughters. fathers brought across the great
2 And Jared rebelled against his deep? Behold, is there not an b ac-
father, and came and dwelt in the count concerning them of c old, that
land of Heth. And it came to pass they by their d secret plans did
that he did a flatter many people, be- obtain kingdoms and great glory ?
cause of his cunning words, until he 10 And now, therefore, let my
had gained the half of the kingdom. father send for Akish, the son of
24 a Mosiah 27:2 (1–3). 8 2 a Hel. 1:7; 2:5. 3 Ne. 3:9.
tg Prophets, 4 a Ether 7:7 (5–7); 10:14. d Hel. 6:27;
Rejection of; 7 a Morm. 2:13. Ether 13:18;
Reviling. 9 a Ether 1:3. Moses 5:30 (18–52).
26 a Ether 7:3 (3, 7); 9:23. b 3 Ne. 6:28.
27 a Ether 6:12 (1–12). c Hel. 6:26 (26–30);
501 Ether 8 : 11–23
Kimnor; and behold, I am fair, and sought power to gain power, and to
I will dance before him, and I will murder, and to plunder, and to lie,
please him, that he will desire me and to commit all manner of wick-
to wife; wherefore if he shall desire edness and whoredoms.
of thee that ye shall give unto him 17 And it was the daughter of
me to wife, then shall ye say: I will Jared who put it into his heart to
give her if ye will bring unto me search up these things of old; and
the a head of my father, the king. Jared put it into the heart of Akish;
11 And now Omer was a friend wherefore, Akish administered it
to Akish; wherefore, when Jared unto his kindred and friends, lead-
had sent for Akish, the daughter ing them away by fair promises to
of Jared danced before him that do whatsoever thing he desired.
she pleased him, insomuch that he 18 And it came to pass that they
desired her to wife. And it came to formed a a secret combination, even
pass that he said unto Jared: Give as they of old; which combination is
her unto me to wife. most abominable and wicked above
12 And Jared said unto him: I will all, in the sight of God;
give her unto you, if ye will bring 19 For the Lord worketh not in se-
unto me the head of my father, the cret combinations, neither doth he
king. will that man should shed blood,
13 And it came to pass that Akish but in all things hath forbidden it,
gathered in unto the house of Jared from the beginning of man.
all his kinsfolk, and said unto them: 20 And now I, Moroni, do not write
Will ye swear unto me that ye will the manner of their oaths and com-
be faithful unto me in the thing binations, for it hath been made
which I shall desire of you? known unto me that they are had
14 And it came to pass that they a
among all people, and they are
all a sware unto him, by the God of had among the Lamanites.
heaven, and also by the heavens, 21 And they have caused the a de-
and also by the earth, and by their struction of this people of whom I
heads, that whoso should vary from am now speaking, and also the de-
the assistance which Akish desired struction of the people of Nephi.
should lose his head; and whoso 22 And whatsoever a nation shall
should divulge whatsoever thing uphold such secret combinations,
Akish made known unto them, the to get power and gain, until they
same should lose his life. shall spread over the nation, behold,
15 And it came to pass that thus they shall be destroyed; for the Lord
they did agree with a Akish. And will not suffer that the b blood of his
Akish did administer unto them the saints, which shall be shed by them,
oaths which were given by them of shall always cry unto him from the
old who also sought power, which ground for c vengeance upon them
had been handed down even from and yet he avenge them not.
Cain, who was a murderer from 23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is
the beginning. wisdom in God that these things
16 And they were kept up by the should be shown unto you, that
power of the devil to administer thereby ye may repent of your sins,
these oaths unto the people, to keep and suffer not that these murderous
them in darkness, to help such as combinations shall get above you,
10 a Mark 6:24 (22–28). 16 a Moses 4:6; 5:13. b Rev. 6:10 (1–11); 19:2;
14 a Hel. 1:11; 18 a tg Secret Combinations. 2 Ne. 28:10;
3 Ne. 3:8. 20 a 4 Ne. 1:46; Morm. 8:27 (27, 40–41);
tg Swearing. Morm. 2:8; 8:9. D&C 87:7.
15 a Ether 9:1. 21 a Hel. 6:28; c tg God, Justice of;
b Gen. 4:7 (7–8); D&C 38:13 (13–16). Vengeance.
Moses 5:25. 22 a tg Governments.
Ether 8 : 24–9 : 6 502
which are built up to get a power and Emer saw the Son of Righteousness—
gain—and the work, yea, even the Many prophets cry repentance —A
work of b destruction come upon you, famine and poisonous serpents plague
yea, even the sword of the justice of the people.
the Eternal God shall fall upon you, And now I, Moroni, proceed with
to your overthrow and destruction my record. Therefore, behold, it
if ye shall suffer these things to be. came to pass that because of the
24 Wherefore, the Lord command a
secret combinations of Akish and
eth you, when ye shall see these his friends, behold, they did over-
things come among you that ye throw the kingdom of Omer.
shall awake to a sense of your aw- 2 Nevertheless, the Lord was mer-
ful situation, because of this a secret ciful unto Omer, and also to his sons
combination which shall be among
you; or wo be unto it, because of and to his daughters who did not
the blood of them who have been seek his destruction.
slain; for they cry from the dust for 3 And the Lord a warned Omer
vengeance upon it, and also upon in a dream that he should depart
those who built it up. out of the land; wherefore Omer
25 For it cometh to pass that whoso
departed out of the land with his
buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow family, and traveled many days, and
the a freedom of all lands, nations, came over and passed by the hill of
Shim, and came over by the place
and countries; and it bringeth to d
where the Nephites were destroyed,
pass the destruction of all people, and from thence eastward, and
for it is built up by the devil, who is came to a place which was called
the father of all lies; even that same Ablom, by the seashore, and there
liar who b beguiled our first parents, he pitched his tent, and also his
yea, even that same liar who hath sons and his daughters, and all his
caused man to commit murder from household, save it were Jared and
the beginning; who hath c hardened his family.
the hearts of men that they have
4 And it came to pass that Jared
murdered the prophets, and stoned
was anointed king over the people,
them, and cast them out from the by the hand of wickedness; and he
beginning. gave unto Akish his daughter to wife.
26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am com- 5 And it came to pass that Akish
manded to write these things that a
sought the life of his father-in-law;
evil may be done away, and that and he applied unto those whom
the time may come that Satan may he had sworn by the b oath of the
have a no power upon the hearts of ancients, and they obtained the
the children of men, but that they
may be b persuaded to do good con- head of his father-in-law, as he sat
tinually, that they may come unto upon his throne, giving audience
to his people.
the fountain of all c righteousness 6 For so great had been the spread-
and be saved.
ing of this wicked and secret society
Chapter 9 that it had corrupted the hearts of
all the people; therefore Jared was
The kingdom passes from one to another murdered upon his throne, and
by descent, intrigue, and murder— Akish reigned in his stead.
23 a Moses 6:15. c tg Hardheartedness. 3 a tg Dream;
b Luke 13:3 (1–5). d tg Prophets, Warn.
24 a D&C 42:64. Rejection of. b Ether 9:13.
25 a tg Liberty. 26 a 2 Ne. 30:18. c Morm. 1:3; 4:23.
b Gen. 3:13 (1–13); b 2 Ne. 33:4; d Morm. 6:2 (1–15).
2 Ne. 9:9; Moro. 7:13 (12–17). 5 a Esth. 2:21.
Mosiah 16:3; c tg Righteousness. b tg Oath.
Moses 4:19 (5–19). 9 1 a Ether 8:15 (13–17).
503 Ether 9 : 7–23
7 And it came to pass that Akish 16 And the Lord began again to
began to be a jealous of his son, take the curse from off the land, and
therefore he shut him up in prison, the house of Emer did prosper ex-
and kept him upon little or no food ceedingly under the reign of Emer;
until he had suffered death. and in the space of sixty and two
8 And now the brother of him that years they had become exceedingly
suffered death, (and his name was strong, insomuch that they became
Nimrah) was angry with his father exceedingly rich—
because of that which his father 17 Having a all manner of fruit,
had done unto his brother. and of grain, and of b silks, and of
9 And it came to pass that Nimrah fine linen, and of c gold, and of sil-
gathered together a small number of ver, and of precious things;
men, and fled out of the land, and 18 And also a all manner of cattle,
came over and dwelt with Omer. of oxen, and cows, and of sheep,
10 And it came to pass that Akish and of swine, and of goats, and also
begat other sons, and they won the many other kinds of animals which
hearts of the people, notwithstand- were useful for the food of man.
ing they had sworn unto him to do 19 And they also had a horses, and
all manner of iniquity according to asses, and there were elephants
that which he desired. and cureloms and cumoms; all of
11 Now the people of Akish were which were useful unto man, and
desirous for gain, even as Akish was more especially the elephants and
desirous for a power; wherefore, the cureloms and cumoms.
sons of Akish did offer them b money, 20 And thus the Lord did pour out
by which means they drew away the his blessings upon this land, which
more part of the people after them. was a choice above all other lands;
12 And there began to be a war and he commanded that whoso
between the sons of Akish and should possess the land should
Akish, which lasted for the space possess it unto the Lord, or they
of many years, yea, unto the de- should be b destroyed when they
struction of nearly all the people were ripened in iniquity; for upon
of the kingdom, yea, even all, save such, saith the Lord: I will pour out
it were thirty souls, and they who the fulness of my wrath.
fled with the house of Omer. 21 And Emer did execute judg-
13 Wherefore, Omer was restored ment in righteousness all his days,
again to the a land of his inheritance. and he begat many sons and daugh-
14 And it came to pass that Omer ters; and he begat Coriantum, and
began to be old; nevertheless, in he anointed Coriantum to reign in
his old age he begat Emer; and he his stead.
anointed Emer to be king to reign 22 And after he had anointed
in his stead. Coriantum to reign in his stead he
15 And after that he had anointed lived four years, and he saw peace
Emer to be king he saw peace in in the land; yea, and he even saw
the land for the space of two years, the a Son of Righteousness, and did
and he died, having seen exceed- rejoice and glory in his day; and he
ingly many days, which were full died in peace.
of sorrow. And it came to pass that 23 And it came to pass that Corian
Emer did reign in his stead, and did tum did walk in the steps of his
fill the steps of his father. father, and did build many mighty
7 a tg Jealous. 17 a Ether 1:41. Enos 1:21;
11 a tg Tyranny. b Ether 10:24. 3 Ne. 6:1.
b 1 Sam. 8:3 (1–4); c Hel. 6:9 (9–11); 20 a Ether 2:15.
Hel. 9:20. Ether 10:12 (12, 23). b Deut. 31:4 (4–5);
tg Bribe. 18 a Ether 6:4. Ether 2:8 (8–11).
13 a Ether 9:3. 19 a 1 Ne. 18:25; 22 a 3 Ne. 25:2.
Ether 9 : 24–10 : 1 504
cities, and did administer that which of the dearth, for there was no rain
was good unto his people in all his upon the face of the earth.
days. And it came to pass that he 31 And there came forth a poison-
had no children even until he was ous serpents also upon the face of
exceedingly a old. the land, and did poison many peo-
24 And it came to pass that his ple. And it came to pass that their
wife died, being an hundred and flocks began to flee before the poi-
two years old. And it came to pass sonous serpents, towards the land
that Coriantum took to wife, in his b
southward, which was called by
old age, a young maid, and begat the Nephites c Zarahemla.
sons and daughters; wherefore he 32 And it came to pass that there
lived until he was an hundred and were many of them which did per-
forty and two years old. ish by the way; nevertheless, there
25 And it came to pass that he be- were some which fled into the land
gat Com, and Com reigned in his southward.
stead; and he reigned forty and nine 33 And it came to pass that the
years, and he begat Heth; and he Lord did cause the a serpents that
also begat other sons and daughters. they should pursue them no more,
26 And the people had spread but that they should hedge up the
again over all the face of the land, way that the people could not pass,
and there began again to be an ex- that whoso should attempt to pass
ceedingly great wickedness upon might fall by the poisonous serpents.
the face of the land, and a Heth 34 And it came to pass that the
began to embrace the secret plans people did follow the course of the
again of old, to destroy his father. beasts, and did devour the a carcasses
27 And it came to pass that he did of them which fell by the way, until
dethrone his father, for he slew him they had devoured them all. Now
with his own sword; and he did when the people saw that they must
reign in his stead. perish they began to c repent of their
28 And there came prophets in iniquities and cry unto the Lord.
the land a again, crying repentance 35 And it came to pass that when
unto them—that they must pre- they had a humbled themselves suffi-
pare the way of the Lord or there ciently before the Lord he did send
should come a curse upon the face rain upon the face of the earth; and
of the land; yea, even there should the people began to revive again,
be a great famine, in which they and there began to be fruit in the
should be destroyed if they did not north countries, and in all the coun-
repent. tries round about. And the Lord did
29 But the people believed not the show forth his power unto them in
words of the prophets, but they cast preserving them from famine.
them out; and some of them they
cast into a pits and left them to per- Chapter 10
ish. And it came to pass that they
did all these things according to the One king succeeds another—Some of the
commandment of the king, Heth. kings are righteous; others are wicked—
30 And it came to pass that there When righteousness prevails, the people
began to be a great a dearth upon the are blessed and prospered by the Lord.
land, and the inhabitants began to be And it came to pass that Shez, who
destroyed exceedingly fast because was a descendant of Heth—for
23 a Ether 7:3 (3, 7). Famine. 1 Ne. 17:41.
26 a Ether 10:1. 31 a Ether 10:19. tg Plague.
28 a Ether 7:23; b Morm. 3:5; 34 a Jer. 7:33 (32–33).
11:1 (1, 12, 20). Ether 10:21. b Alma 34:34.
29 a Jer. 38:6 (4–13). c Omni 1:13. c D&C 101:8.
30 a tg Drought; 33 a Deut. 8:15; 35 a D&C 5:24.
505 Ether 10 : 2–13
Heth had perished by the famine, and all manner of fine b workman-
and all his household save it were ship he did cause to be wrought
Shez—wherefore, Shez began to in prison. And it came to pass that
build up again a broken people. he did afflict the people with his
2 And it came to pass that Shez whoredoms and abominations.
did remember the destruction of 8 And when he had reigned for the
his fathers, and he did build up a space of forty and two years the peo-
righteous kingdom; for he remem- ple did rise up in rebellion against
bered what the Lord had done in him; and there began to be war
bringing Jared and his brother again in the land, insomuch that
across the deep; and he did walk Riplakish was killed, and his descen-
in the ways of the Lord; and he be- dants were driven out of the land.
gat sons and daughters. 9 And it came to pass after the
3 And his eldest son, whose name space of many years, Morianton, (he
was Shez, did a rebel against him; being a descendant of Riplakish)
nevertheless, Shez was smitten by gathered together an army of out-
the hand of a robber, because of his casts, and went forth and gave bat-
exceeding riches, which brought tle unto the people; and he gained
peace again unto his father. power over many cities; and the war
4 And it came to pass that his became exceedingly sore, and did
father did build up many cities last for the space of many years;
upon the face of the land, and the and he did gain power over all the
people began again to spread over land, and did establish himself king
all the face of the land. And Shez over all the land.
did live to an exceedingly old age; 10 And after that he had estab-
and he begat Riplakish. And he died, lished himself king he did ease the
and Riplakish reigned in his stead. burden of the people, by which he
5 And it came to pass that Rip did gain favor in the eyes of the
lakish did not do that which was people, and they did anoint him
right in the sight of the Lord, for he to be their king.
did have many wives and a concu- 11 And he did do justice unto
bines, and did lay that upon men’s the people, but not unto himself
shoulders which was grievous to be because of his many a whoredoms;
borne; yea, he did b tax them with wherefore he was cut off from the
heavy taxes; and with the taxes he presence of the Lord.
did build many spacious buildings. 12 And it came to pass that Mori-
6 And he did erect him an exceed- anton built up many cities, and the
ingly beautiful throne; and he did people became exceedingly rich
build many prisons, and whoso under his reign, both in buildings,
would not be subject unto taxes he and in a gold and silver, and in rais-
did a cast into prison; and whoso was ing grain, and in flocks, and herds,
not able to pay taxes he did cast and such things which had been
into prison; and he did cause that restored unto them.
they should labor continually for 13 And Morianton did live to an
their support; and whoso refused exceedingly great age, and then he
to labor he did cause to be put begat Kim; and Kim did reign in
to death. the stead of his father; and he did
7 Wherefore he did obtain all his reign eight years, and his father
fine work, yea, even his fine a gold died. And it came to pass that Kim
he did cause to be refined in prison; did a not reign in righteousness,
10 1 a Ether 9:26 (25–29). Mosiah 11:2 (2–14). b tg Art.
2 a Ether 6:12 (1–12). b Gen. 47:24. 11 a tg Whore.
3 a Mosiah 10:6. 6 a tg Oppression; 12 a Ether 9:17 (17–18).
5 a Esth. 2:14; Tyranny. 13 a 1 Ne. 17:35 (34–35).
Jacob 3:5; 7 a Esth. 1:4.
Ether 10 : 14–29 506
his son, did obtain the kingdom; and 18 And it came to pass that he did
he did reign over the people all his overthrow Moron and obtain the
days. And he did do all manner of kingdom; wherefore, Moron dwelt
iniquity in his days, by which he in a captivity all the remainder of
did cause the shedding of much his days; and he begat Coriantor.
blood; and few were his days. 19 And it came to pass that
11 And Ethem, being a descendant Coriantor dwelt in captivity all
of Ahah, did obtain the kingdom; his days.
and he also did do that which was 20 And in the days of Coriantor
wicked in his days. there also came many prophets,
12 And it came to pass that in the and prophesied of great and mar-
days of Ethem there came many velous things, and cried repentance
prophets, and prophesied again unto the people, and except they
unto the people; yea, they did proph- should repent the Lord God would
esy that the Lord would utterly execute a judgment against them to
destroy them from off the face of their utter destruction;
the earth except they repented of 21 And that the Lord God would
their iniquities. send or bring forth a another peo-
13 And it came to pass that the ple to possess the b land, by his
people hardened their hearts, and power, after the manner by which
would not a hearken unto their words; he brought their fathers.
and the prophets b mourned and 22 And they did a reject all the
withdrew from among the people. words of the prophets, because of
14 And it came to pass that Ethem their b secret society and wicked
did execute judgment in wicked- abominations.
ness all his days; and he begat Mo- 23 And it came to pass that Corian-
ron. And it came to pass that Moron tor begat a Ether, and he died, hav-
did reign in his stead; and Moron did ing dwelt in captivity all his days.
that which was wicked before the
Lord. Chapter 12
15 And it came to pass that there The prophet Ether exhorts the people
arose a a rebellion among the people, to believe in God—Moroni recounts the
because of that secret b combination
which was built up to get power and wonders and marvels done by faith—
Faith enabled the brother of Jared to
gain; and there arose a mighty man see Christ—The Lord gives men weak-
among them in iniquity, and gave ness that they may be humble—The
battle unto Moron, in which he did brother of Jared moved Mount Zerin
overthrow the half of the kingdom; by faith—Faith, hope, and charity are
and he did maintain the half of the essential to salvation—Moroni saw
kingdom for many years. Jesus face to face.
16 And it came to pass that Moron
did overthrow him, and did obtain And it came to pass that the days
the kingdom again. of Ether were in the days of a Cori-
17 And it came to pass that there antumr; and Coriantumr was king
arose another mighty man; and he over all the land.
was a descendant of the brother 2 And a Ether was a prophet of the
of Jared. Lord; wherefore Ether came forth
12 a Ether 12:3. 20 a tg Judgment. 23 a Ether 1:6; 12:2;
13 a Jer. 44:16; 21 a Omni 1:21; 15:34 (33–34).
Mosiah 16:2. Ether 13:21 (20–21). 12 1 a Omni 1:21;
b tg Mourning. b Deut. 29:28. Ether 13:20 (13–31).
15 a tg Rebellion. 22 a tg Prophets, 2 a Ether 1:6; 11:23;
b tg Secret Rejection of. 15:34 (33–34).
Combinations. b tg Secret
18 a Ether 11:9. Combinations.
509 Ether 12 : 3–16
in the days of Coriantumr, and be- be that some had faith in him,
gan to prophesy unto the people, for he showed himself a not unto
for he could not be b restrained the world.
because of the Spirit of the Lord 8 But because of the faith of men
which was in him. he has shown himself unto the
3 For he did a cry from the b morn- world, and glorified the name of
ing, even until the going down of the Father, and prepared a way that
the sun, exhorting the people to thereby others might be partakers
believe in God unto repentance lest of the heavenly gift, that they might
they should be c destroyed, saying hope for those things which they
unto them that d by e faith all things have not seen.
are fulfilled— 9 Wherefore, ye may also have
4 Wherefore, whoso believeth in hope, and be partakers of the gift,
God might with a surety b hope for if ye will but have faith.
a better world, yea, even a place at 10 Behold it was by faith that they
the right hand of God, which c hope of old were a called after the holy
cometh of d faith, maketh an e anchor order of God.
to the souls of men, which would 11 Wherefore, by faith was the law
make them sure and steadfast, al- of Moses given. But in the a gift of
ways abounding in f good works, his Son hath God prepared a more
being led to g glorify God. b
excellent way; and it is by faith
5 And it came to pass that Ether that it hath been fulfilled.
did prophesy great and marvelous 12 For if there be no a faith among
things unto the people, which they the children of men God can do no
did not believe, because they a saw b
miracle among them; wherefore,
them not. he showed not himself until after
6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak their faith.
somewhat concerning these things; 13 Behold, it was the faith of Alma
I would show unto the world that and Amulek that caused the a prison
faith is things which are b hoped to tumble to the earth.
for and c not seen; wherefore, dis- 14 Behold, it was the faith of
pute not because ye see not, for ye Nephi and Lehi that wrought the
receive no d witness until after the a
change upon the Lamanites, that
trial of your faith. they were baptized with fire and
7 For it was by faith that Christ with the b Holy Ghost.
showed himself unto our fathers, 15 Behold, it was the faith of
after he had risen from the dead; Ammon and his brethren which
wrought a miracles wrought them by 23 And I said unto him: Lord, the
faith, even those who were before Gentiles will a mock at these things,
Christ and also those who were after. because of our b weakness in writing;
17 And it was by faith that the for Lord thou hast made us c mighty
three disciples obtained a promise in word by faith, but thou hast not
that they should a not taste of death; made us mighty in writing; for thou
and they obtained not the promise hast made all this people that they
until after their faith. could speak much, because of the
18 And neither at any time hath Holy Ghost which thou hast given
any wrought miracles until after them;
their faith; wherefore they first 24 And thou hast made us that we
believed in the Son of God. could write but little, because of
19 And there were many whose the a awkwardness of our hands. Be-
faith was so exceedingly strong, hold, thou hast not made us mighty
even a before Christ came, who could in b writing like unto the brother
not be kept from within the b veil, of Jared, for thou madest him that
but truly saw with their eyes the the things which he c wrote were
things which they had beheld with mighty even as thou art, unto the
an eye of faith, and they were glad. overpowering of man to read them.
20 And behold, we have seen in 25 Thou hast also made our words
this record that one of these was the powerful and great, even that we
brother of Jared; for so great was a
cannot write them; wherefore, when
his faith in God, that when God put we write we behold our b weakness,
forth his a finger he could not hide and stumble because of the plac-
it from the sight of the brother of ing of our words; and I fear lest the
Jared, because of his word which he Gentiles shall c mock at our words.
had spoken unto him, which word 26 And when I had said this, the
he had obtained by faith. Lord spake unto me, saying: a Fools
21 And after the brother of Jared b
mock, but they shall mourn; and
had beheld the finger of the Lord, my grace is sufficient for the meek,
because of the a promise which the that they shall take no advantage
brother of Jared had obtained by of your weakness;
faith, the Lord could not withhold 27 And if men come unto me I
anything from his sight; wherefore will show unto them their a weak-
he showed him all things, for he could ness. I b give unto men weakness
no longer be kept without the b veil. that they may be humble; and my
22 And it is by faith that my fathers c
grace is sufficient for all men that
have obtained the a promise that d
humble themselves before me; for
these things should come unto if they humble themselves before
their brethren through the Gentiles; me, and have faith in me, then will
therefore the Lord hath commanded I make e weak things become strong
me, yea, even Jesus Christ. unto them.
16 a tg Miracle. 22 a Enos 1:13. b Gal. 6:7; D&C 124:71.
b Heb. 11:7 (7–40). 23 a Ether 12:36. tg Mocking; Offense.
17 a 3 Ne. 28:7; b 1 Cor. 2:3 (1–5); 27 a Jacob 4:7.
4 Ne. 1:37 (14, 37); 1 Ne. 19:6; b Ex. 4:11;
Morm. 8:10 (10–12). Morm. 8:17 (13–17); 1 Cor. 1:27 (26–31).
19 a 2 Ne. 11:4; Jacob 4:5; 9:31 (31, 33). c tg Grace.
Jarom 1:11; c 2 Ne. 33:1. d D&C 1:28.
Alma 25:16 (15–16). 24 a Jacob 4:1. tg Humility; Teachable.
b Ether 3:6. b tg Language. e Deut. 11:8; Joel 3:10;
tg Veil. c Ether 4:1. Luke 9:48 (46–48);
20 a Ether 3:4. 25 a 3 Ne. 5:18. 18:14 (10–14);
21 a Ether 3:26 (25–26). b Ether 12:37. 2 Cor. 12:9 (7–10);
b Ether 3:20; c 1 Cor. 2:14. Heb. 11:34;
D&C 67:10 (10–13). 26 a Prov. 14:9; 20:3. 1 Ne. 14:1.
511 Ether 12 : 28–41
prophets and apostles have written, a time of old; but it should be built
that the grace of God the Father, and up again, and become a holy city of
also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the the Lord; and it should be built unto
Holy Ghost, which beareth b record the house of Israel—
of them, may be and abide in you 6 And that a a New Jerusalem should
forever. Amen. be built up upon this land, unto the
remnant of the seed of b Joseph, for
Chapter 13 which things there has been a c type.
Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to 7 For as Joseph brought his father
be built in America by the seed of Jo- down into the land of a Egypt, even
seph—He prophesies, is cast out, writes so he died there; wherefore, the
the Jaredite history, and foretells the Lord brought a remnant of the seed
destruction of the Jaredites—War rages of Joseph out of the land of Jeru-
over all the land. salem, that he might be merciful
unto the seed of Joseph that they
And now I, Moroni, proceed to finish should b perish not, even as he was
my record concerning the destruc- merciful unto the father of Joseph
tion of the people of whom I have that he should perish not.
been writing. 8 Wherefore, the remnant of the
2 For behold, they rejected all the house of Joseph shall be built upon
words of Ether; for he truly told them this a land; and it shall be a land of
of all things, from the beginning of their inheritance; and they shall
man; and that after the waters had build up a holy b city unto the Lord,
receded from off the face of this like unto the Jerusalem of old; and
land it became a choice land above they shall c no more be confounded,
all other lands, a chosen land of the until the end come when the earth
Lord; wherefore the Lord would shall pass away.
have that all men should c serve him 9 And there shall be a a new heaven
who dwell upon the face thereof; and a new earth; and they shall be
3 And that it was the place of like unto the old save the old have
the a New Jerusalem, which should passed away, and all things have
come down out of heaven, and the become new.
holy sanctuary of the Lord. 10 And then cometh the New Je-
4 Behold, Ether saw the days of rusalem; and blessed are they who
Christ, and he spake concerning dwell therein, for it is they whose
a a New Jerusalem upon this land. garments are a white through the
5 And he spake also concerning the blood of the Lamb; and they are
house of Israel, and the a Jerusalem they who are numbered among the
from whence b Lehi should come—af- remnant of the seed of Joseph, who
ter it should be destroyed it should were of the house of Israel.
be built up again, a c holy city unto 11 And then also cometh the
the Lord; wherefore, it could not be a
Jerusalem of old; and the inhabi-
a new Jerusalem for it had been in tants thereof, blessed are they, for
41 b 3 Ne. 11:32 (32, 36). 3 Ne. 20:46 (29–36, 46). b Rev. 21:10 (10–27).
13 2 a Gen. 7:19 (11–24); 8:3. 6 a D&C 42:9; 45:66 (66–67); c Moro. 10:31.
b tg Earth, Dividing of. 84:2 (2–5); 9 a Heb. 8:13;
c Ether 2:8. A of F 1:10. 2 Pet. 3:13 (10–13);
3 a 3 Ne. 20:22; b Ezek. 48:5 (4–5); Rev. 21:1;
21:23 (23–24). D&C 28:8. 3 Ne. 12:47 (46–47);
tg Jerusalem, New. tg Israel, Joseph, 15:3 (2–10);
b Rev. 3:12; 21:2. People of. D&C 101:25 (23–25).
4 a tg Zion. c Alma 46:24 (24–26). 10 a Rev. 7:14.
5 a tg Jerusalem. tg Symbolism. 11 a tg Israel, Gathering of;
b 1 Ne. 1:18 (18–20); 2:2. 7 a Gen. 46:6 (2–7); 47:6. Israel, Land of;
c Joel 2:18; b 2 Ne. 3:5 (5–24). Jerusalem.
Rev. 21:10 (10–27); 8 a tg Promised Lands.
513 Ether 13 : 12–25
they have been washed in the blood upon the face of the whole earth
of the Lamb; and they are they who who repented of their sins.
were scattered and gathered in from 18 Wherefore, it came to pass that
the four quarters of the earth, and in the first year that Ether dwelt
from the b north countries, and are in the cavity of a rock, there were
partakers of the fulfilling of the many people who were slain by the
covenant which God made with sword of those a secret combinations,
their father, c Abraham. fighting against Coriantumr that
12 And when these things come, they might obtain the kingdom.
bringeth to pass the scripture which 19 And it came to pass that the
saith, there are they who were a first, sons of Coriantumr fought much
who shall be last; and there are they and bled much.
who were last, who shall be first. 20 And in the second year the word
13 And I was about to write more, of the Lord came to Ether, that he
but I am forbidden; but great and should go and a prophesy unto b Cori
marvelous were the prophecies of antumr that, if he would repent,
Ether; but they esteemed him as and all his household, the Lord
naught, and cast him out; and he would give unto him his kingdom
hid himself in the cavity of a rock and spare the people—
by day, and by night he went forth 21 Other wise they should be
viewing the things which should destroyed, and all his household
come upon the people. save it were himself. And he should
14 And as he dwelt in the cavity only live to see the fulfilling of the
of a rock he made the a remainder prophecies which had been spoken
of this record, viewing the destruc- concerning a another people receiv-
tions which came upon the people, ing the land for their inheritance;
by night. and Coriantumr should receive
15 And it came to pass that in that a burial by them; and every soul
same year in which he was cast out should be destroyed save it were
from among the people there began b
to be a great war among the people, 22 And it came to pass that Cori
for there were many who rose up, antumr repented not, neither his
who were mighty men, and sought household, neither the people; and
to destroy Coriantumr by their se- the wars ceased not; and they sought
cret plans of wickedness, of which to a kill Ether, but he fled from
hath been spoken. before them and hid again in the
16 And now Coriantumr, having cavity of the rock.
studied, himself, in all the arts 23 And it came to pass that there
of war and all the cunning of the arose up Shared, and he also gave
world, wherefore he gave battle unto battle unto Coriantumr; and he did
them who sought to destroy him. beat him, insomuch that in the third
17 But he repented not, neither his year he did bring him into captivity.
fair sons nor daughters; neither the 24 And the sons of Coriantumr, in
fair sons and daughters of Cohor; the fourth year, did beat Shared,
neither the fair sons and daughters and did obtain the kingdom again
of Corihor; and in fine, there were unto their father.
none of the fair sons and daughters 25 Now there began to be a war
11 b D&C 133:26 (26–35). D&C 18:26 (26–27); 90:9. b Omni 1:21;
tg Israel, Ten Lost 13 a 1 Kgs. 17:3 (1–16); Ether 12:1 (1–2).
Tribes of. 1 Ne. 3:27; 21 a Ether 11:21.
c Isa. 27:6. Mosiah 17:4 (1–4). b Ether 14:24;
12 a Mark 10:31; 14 a Ether 15:33 (13, 33). 15:29 (29–32).
Luke 13:30; 17 a Morm. 6:19 (16–22). 22 a Prov. 29:10.
1 Ne. 13:42; 18 a Ether 8:9 (9–26).
Jacob 5:63; 20 a Ether 15:1.
Ether 13 : 26–14 : 11 514
upon all the face of the land, a every unto that which was his own, with
man with his band fighting for that his hands, and would not borrow
which he desired. neither would he lend; and every
26 And there were robbers, and man kept the hilt of his sword in
in fine, all manner of wickedness his right hand, in the a defence of
upon all the face of the land. his property and his own life and
27 And it came to pass that Cori of his wives and children.
antumr was exceedingly angry with 3 And now, after the space of two
Shared, and he went against him years, and after the death of Shared,
with his armies to battle; and they behold, there arose the brother of
did meet in great anger, and they Shared and he gave battle unto
did meet in the valley of Gilgal; and Coriantumr, in which Coriantumr
the battle became exceedingly sore. did beat him and did pursue him
28 And it came to pass that Shared to the wilderness of Akish.
fought against him for the space 4 And it came to pass that the
of three days. And it came to pass brother of Shared did give battle
that Coriantumr beat him, and did unto him in the wilderness of Akish;
pursue him until he came to the and the battle became exceedingly
plains of Heshlon. sore, and many thousands fell by
29 And it came to pass that Shared the sword.
gave him battle again upon the 5 And it came to pass that Cori-
plains; and behold, he did beat antumr did lay siege to the wilder-
Coriantumr, and drove him back ness; and the brother of Shared did
again to the valley of Gilgal. march forth out of the wilderness by
30 And Coriantumr gave Shared night, and slew a part of the army of
battle again in the valley of Gilgal, in Coriantumr, as they were drunken.
which he beat Shared and slew him. 6 And he came forth to the land
31 And Shared wounded Corian- of a Moron, and placed himself upon
tumr in his thigh, that he did not the throne of Coriantumr.
go to battle again for the space of 7 And it came to pass that Cori-
two years, in which time all the antumr dwelt with his army in the
people upon the face of the land wilderness for the space of two
were shedding blood, and there years, in which he did receive great
was none to restrain them. strength to his army.
8 Now the brother of Shared, whose
Chapter 14 name was Gilead, also received great
strength to his army, because of se-
The iniquity of the people brings a curse cret combinations.
upon the land—Coriantumr engages in 9 And it came to pass that his high
warfare against Gilead, then Lib, and priest murdered him as he sat upon
then Shiz—Blood and carnage cover his throne.
the land. 10 And it came to pass that one of
And now there began to be a great the secret combinations murdered
curse upon all the land because of him in a secret pass, and obtained
the iniquity of the people, in which, unto himself the kingdom; and his
if a man should lay his tool or his name was Lib; and Lib was a man of
sword upon his shelf, or upon the great stature, more than any other
place whither he would keep it, man among all the people.
behold, upon the morrow, he could 11 And it came to pass that in the
not find it, so great was the curse first year of Lib, Coriantumr came
upon the land. up unto the land of Moron, and
2 Wherefore every man did cleave gave battle unto Lib.
25 a tg Covet; 13:18 (17–23); 2 a Morm. 2:23.
Selfishness. Morm. 1:18 (17–19); 6 a Ether 7:5.
14 1 a Hel. 12:18; 2:10 (10–14).
515 Ether 14 : 12–28
12 And it came to pass that he been the war, and so long had
fought with Lib, in which Lib did been the scene of bloodshed and
smite upon his arm that he was carnage, that the whole face of the
wounded; nevertheless, the army land was covered with the a bodies
of Coriantumr did press forward of the b dead.
upon Lib, that he fled to the bor- 22 And so swift and speedy was
ders upon the seashore. the war that there was none left to
13 And it came to pass that Cori- bury the dead, but they did march
antumr pursued him; and Lib gave forth from the shedding of a blood
battle unto him upon the seashore. to the shedding of blood, leaving
14 And it came to pass that Lib the bodies of both men, women, and
did smite the army of Coriantumr, children strewed upon the face of
that they fled again to the wilder- the land, to become a prey to the
ness of Akish. b
worms of the flesh.
15 And it came to pass that Lib did 23 And the a scent thereof went
pursue him until he came to the forth upon the face of the land,
plains of Agosh. And Coriantumr even upon all the face of the land;
had taken all the people with him wherefore the people became trou-
as he fled before Lib in that quarter bled by day and by night, because
of the land whither he fled. of the scent thereof.
16 And when he had come to the 24 Nevertheless, Shiz did a not cease
plains of Agosh he gave battle unto to pursue Coriantumr; for he had
Lib, and he smote upon him until sworn to avenge himself upon Cori-
he died; nevertheless, the brother antumr of the blood of his brother,
of Lib did come against Coriantumr who had been slain, and the word
in the stead thereof, and the battle of the Lord which came to Ether
became exceedingly sore, in the that Coriantumr should not fall by
which Coriantumr fled again be- the sword.
fore the army of the brother of Lib. 25 And thus we see that the Lord
17 Now the name of the brother did visit them in the fulness of his
of Lib was called Shiz. And it came a
wrath, and their wickedness and
to pass that Shiz pursued after abominations had prepared a way
Coriantumr, and he did overthrow for their everlasting destruction.
many cities, and he did slay both 26 And it came to pass that Shiz
women and children, and he did did pursue Coriantumr eastward,
burn the cities. even to the borders by the seashore,
18 And there went a fear of Shiz and there he gave battle unto Shiz
throughout all the land; yea, a cry for the space of three days.
went forth throughout the land— 27 And so terrible was the destruc-
Who can stand before the army of tion among the armies of Shiz that
Shiz? Behold, he sweepeth the earth the people began to be frightened,
before him! and began to flee before the armies
19 And it came to pass that the of Coriantumr; and they fled to the
people began to flock together in land of Corihor, and swept off the
armies, throughout all the face of inhabitants before them, all them
the land. that would not join them.
20 And they were divided; and a 28 And they pitched their tents
part of them fled to the army of in the valley of Corihor; and Cori
Shiz, and a part of them fled to the antumr pitched his tents in the
army of Coriantumr. valley of Shurr. Now the valley of
21 And so great and lasting had Shurr was near the hill Comnor;
21 a Ether 11:6. b Isa. 14:11 (9–11). 25 a tg God, Indignation of.
b Ezek. 35:8. 23 a Alma 16:11 (9–11).
22 a Hosea 4:2 (1–3). 24 a Ether 13:21.
Ether 14 : 29–15 : 11 516
12 And it came to pass that they tumr wrote again an epistle unto
did gather together all the people Shiz, desiring that he would not
upon all the face of the land, who come again to battle, but that he
had not been slain, save it was Ether. would take the kingdom, and spare
13 And it came to pass that Ether the lives of the people.
did a behold all the doings of the 19 But behold, the a Spirit of the
people; and he beheld that the peo- Lord had ceased striving with them,
ple who were for Coriantumr were and b Satan had full power over
gathered together to the army of the c hearts of the people; for they
Coriantumr; and the people who were given up unto the hardness
were for Shiz were gathered to- of their hearts, and the blindness of
gether to the army of Shiz. their minds that they might be de-
14 Wherefore, they were for the stroyed; wherefore they went again
space of four years gathering to- to battle.
gether the people, that they might 20 And it came to pass that they
get all who were upon the face of fought all that day, and when the
the land, and that they might re- night came they slept upon their
ceive all the strength which it was swords.
possible that they could receive. 21 And on the morrow they fought
15 And it came to pass that when even until the night came.
they were all gathered together, ev- 22 And when the night came they
ery one to the army which he would, were a drunken with anger, even as a
with their wives and their children— man who is drunken with wine; and
both men, women and children be- they slept again upon their swords.
ing armed with a weapons of war, 23 And on the morrow they fought
having shields, and b breastplates, again; and when the night came they
and head-plates, and being clothed had all fallen by the sword save it
after the manner of war—they did were fifty and two of the people of
march forth one against another to Coriantumr, and sixty and nine of
battle; and they fought all that day, the people of Shiz.
and conquered not. 24 And it came to pass that they
16 And it came to pass that when slept upon their swords that night,
it was night they were weary, and and on the morrow they fought
retired to their camps; and after they again, and they contended in their
had retired to their camps they took might with their swords and with
up a howling and a a lamentation for their shields, all that day.
the loss of the slain of their people; 25 And when the night came there
and so great were their cries, their were thirty and two of the people
howlings and lamentations, that of Shiz, and twenty and seven of
they did rend the air exceedingly. the people of Coriantumr.
17 And it came to pass that on the 26 And it came to pass that they
morrow they did go again to bat- ate and slept, and prepared for
tle, and great and terrible was that death on the morrow. And they
day; nevertheless, they conquered were large and mighty men as to
not, and when the night came again the strength of men.
they did rend the air with their 27 And it came to pass that they
cries, and their howlings, and their fought for the space of three hours,
mournings, for the loss of the slain and they fainted with the loss of
of their people. blood.
18 And it came to pass that Corian 28 And it came to pass that when
13 a Ether 13:14. 16 a tg Mourning. b tg Devil.
15 a Ether 10:27. 19 a tg God, Spirit of; c tg Hardheartedness.
b Mosiah 8:10. Holy Ghost, Loss of. 22 a Moro. 9:23.
Ether 15 : 29–Moroni 1 : 4 518
the men of Coriantumr had received that Shiz raised up on his hands and
sufficient strength that they could a
fell; and after that he had strug-
walk, they were about to flee for gled for breath, he died.
their lives; but behold, Shiz arose, 32 And it came to pass that
and also his men, and he swore in a
Coriantumr fell to the earth, and
his wrath that he would slay Cori- became as if he had no life.
antumr or he would perish by the 33 And the Lord spake unto Ether,
sword. and said unto him: Go forth. And
29 Wherefore, he did pursue them, he went forth, and beheld that the
and on the morrow he did overtake words of the Lord had all been ful-
them; and they fought again with filled; and he a finished his b record;
the sword. And it came to pass that (and the c hundredth part I have
when they had a all fallen by the not written) and he hid them in a
sword, save it were Coriantumr and manner that the people of Limhi
Shiz, behold Shiz had fainted with did find them.
the loss of blood. 34 Now the last words which are
30 And it came to pass that when written by a Ether are these: Whether
Coriantumr had leaned upon his the Lord will that I be translated,
sword, that he rested a little, he or that I suffer the will of the Lord
smote off the head of Shiz. in the flesh, it mattereth not, if it
31 And it came to pass that after so be that I am b saved in the king-
he had smitten off the head of Shiz, dom of God. Amen.
The words of Christ, which he spake unto men; and they ordained them
unto his a disciples, the twelve whom by the c power of the Holy Ghost,
he had chosen, as he laid his hands which was in them.
upon them—
2 And he called them by name, Chapter 4
saying: Ye shall a call on the Father How elders and priests administer the
in my name, in mighty prayer; and
after ye have done this ye shall have sacramental bread is explained. About
a.d. 401–21.
power that to him upon whom ye
shall lay your c hands, d ye shall give The a manner of their b elders and
the Holy Ghost; and in my name priests administering the flesh and
shall ye give it, for thus do mine blood of Christ unto the church;
apostles. and they administered it c accord-
3 Now Christ spake these words ing to the commandments of Christ;
unto them at the time of his first wherefore we know the manner to
appearing; and the multitude heard be true; and the elder or priest did
it not, but the disciples heard it; minister it—
and on as many as they a laid their 2 And they did kneel down with
hands, fell the Holy Ghost. the a church, and pray to the Father
in the name of Christ, saying:
Chapter 3 3 O God, the Eternal Father, we
ask thee in the name of thy Son,
Elders ordain priests and teachers Jesus Christ, to bless and a sanctify
by the laying on of hands. About this b bread to the souls of all those
a.d. 401–21. who partake of it; that they may
The manner which the disciples, eat in c remembrance of the body
who were called the a elders of of thy Son, and witness unto thee,
the church, b ordained c priests and O God, the Eternal Father, that
teachers— they are willing to take upon them
2 After they had prayed unto the the d name of thy Son, and always
Father in the name of Christ, they remember him, and keep his com-
laid their hands upon them, and mandments which he hath given
said: them, that they may always have
3 In the name of Jesus Christ I his e Spirit to be with them. Amen.
ordain you to be a priest (or if he
be a a teacher, I ordain you to be a Chapter 5
teacher) to preach repentance and The mode of administering the sacramen-
remission of sins through Jesus
Christ, by the endurance of faith tal wine is set forth. About a.d. 401–21.
on his name to the end. Amen. The a manner of administering the
4 And after this manner did they wine—Behold, they took the cup,
ordain priests and teachers, accord-
and said:
ing to the b gifts and callings of God 2 O God, the Eternal Father, we
2 1 a 3 Ne. 13:25; 15:11. c Mosiah 6:3. b tg Elder.
2 a Gen. 4:26; 2 a tg Hands, Laying on of. c D&C 20:76.
Ether 4:15. 3 a tg Teacher. 2 a tg Church.
b Matt. 10:1. b tg Remission of Sins. 3 a 1 Sam. 21:4.
tg Priesthood, 4 a D&C 18:32; b tg Sacrament.
Melchizedek. 20:39 (39, 60). c Luke 22:19;
c tg Hands, Laying on of. tg Priesthood; 3 Ne. 18:7; 20:8.
d 3 Ne. 18:37. Priesthood, History of. d tg Jesus Christ, Taking
3 a Acts 19:6. b tg God, Gifts of. the Name of.
3 1 a Alma 6:1. c 1 Ne. 13:37; e tg God, Spirit of.
tg Elder. Moro. 6:9. 5 1 a 3 Ne. 18:11 (8–11);
b tg Church Organization. 4 1 a 3 Ne. 18:5 (1–7). D&C 20:78.
Moroni 6 : 1–9 520
ask thee, in the name of thy Son, among the people of the b church
Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify of Christ; and their c names were
this a wine to the souls of all those taken, that they might be remem-
who drink of it, that they may do bered and nourished by the good
it in b remembrance of the c blood of word of God, to keep them in the
thy Son, which was shed for them; right way, to keep them continu-
that they may witness unto thee, O ally d watchful unto prayer, e relying
God, the Eternal Father, that they alone upon the merits of Christ,
do always remember him, that who was the author and the finisher
they may have his d Spirit to be with of their faith.
them. Amen. 5 And the a church did meet to-
gether b oft, to c fast and to pray, and
Chapter 6 to speak one with another concern-
Repentant persons are baptized and ing the welfare of their souls.
fellowshipped—Church members who 6 And they did a meet together
repent are forgiven—Meetings are con- oft to partake of bread and wine,
ducted by the power of the Holy Ghost. in b remembrance of the Lord
About a.d. 401–21. 7 And they were strict to observe
And now I speak concerning bap- that there should be a no iniquity
tism. Behold, elders, priests, and among them; and whoso was found
teachers were baptized; and they to commit iniquity, and b three wit-
were not baptized save they brought nesses of the church did condemn
forth a fruit meet that they were them before the c elders, and if they
worthy of it. repented not, and d confessed not,
2 Neither did they receive any unto their names were e blotted out, and
baptism save they came forth with a they were not f numbered among
broken b heart and a contrite spirit, the people of Christ.
and witnessed unto the church 8 But a as oft as they repented and
that they truly repented of all sought forgiveness, with real b intent,
their sins. they were c forgiven.
3 And none were received unto 9 And their meetings were a con-
baptism save they a took upon them ducted by the church after the man-
the name of Christ, having a deter- ner of the workings of the Spirit,
mination to serve him to the end. and by the b power of the Holy Ghost;
4 And after they had been received for as the power of the Holy Ghost
unto baptism, and were wrought led them whether to preach, or to
upon and a cleansed by the power of exhort, or to pray, or to supplicate,
the Holy Ghost, they were numbered or to sing, even so it was done.
2 a tg Sacrament. d D&C 20:53. Josh. 20:4;
b Luke 22:20; tg Watch. Alma 6:1.
1 Cor. 11:25. e 2 Ne. 31:19; tg Elder.
c D&C 27:2 (2–4). D&C 3:20. d tg Confession.
d tg Spirituality. 5 a Acts 1:14 (13–14). e Ex. 32:33;
6 1 a tg Baptism, tg Church. D&C 20:83.
Qualifications for. b 3 Ne. 24:16. tg Excommunication.
b tg Worthiness. c 4 Ne. 1:12; f tg Book of Life.
2 a tg Poor in Spirit. D&C 88:76. 8 a Mosiah 26:30 (30–31).
b tg Contrite Heart. 6 a tg Assembly for b tg Sincere.
3 a 2 Ne. 9:23. Worship; c tg Forgive.
tg Jesus Christ, Taking Meetings. 9 a D&C 20:45; 46:2.
the Name of. b tg Sacrament. b 1 Ne. 13:37;
4 a tg Purification. 7 a D&C 20:54. Moro. 3:4.
b tg Jesus Christ, Head of b D&C 42:80 (80–81). tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of;
the Church. tg Witness. Teaching with the
c D&C 20:82; 47:1 (1–4). c Ex. 4:29; Spirit.
521 Moroni 7 : 1–12
long as time shall last, or the earth 43 And again, behold I say unto
shall stand, or there shall be one man you that he cannot have faith and
upon the face thereof to be saved? hope, save he shall be a meek, and
37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; lowly of heart.
for it is by faith that a miracles are 44 If so, his a faith and hope is vain,
wrought; and it is by faith that an- for none is b acceptable before God,
gels appear and minister unto men; save the c meek and lowly in heart;
wherefore, if these things have and if a man be meek and lowly in
ceased wo be unto the children of heart, and d confesses by the power
men, for it is because of b unbelief, of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the
and all is vain. Christ, he must needs have char-
38 For no man can be saved, ac- ity; for if he have not charity he is
cording to the words of Christ, save nothing; wherefore he must needs
they shall have faith in his name; have charity.
wherefore, if these things have 45 And a charity suffereth long, and
ceased, then has faith ceased also; is b kind, and c envieth not, and is not
and awful is the state of man, for puffed up, seeketh not her own, is
they are as though there had been not easily d provoked, thinketh no
no redemption made. evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity
39 But behold, my beloved breth- but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth
ren, I judge better things of you, for all things, believeth all things, hop-
I judge that ye have faith in Christ eth all things, endureth all things.
because of your meekness; for if ye 46 Wherefore, my beloved breth-
have not faith in him then ye are ren, if ye have not charity, ye are
not a fit to be numbered among the nothing, for charity never faileth.
people of his church. Wherefore, cleave unto charity,
40 And again, my beloved brethren, which is the greatest of all, for all
I would speak unto you concerning things must fail—
hope. How is it that ye can attain 47 But a charity is the pure b love
unto faith, save ye shall have hope? of Christ, and it endureth c forever;
41 And what is it that ye shall and whoso is found possessed of
hope for? Behold I say unto you it at the last day, it shall be well
that ye shall have b hope through the with him.
atonement of Christ and the power 48 Wherefore, my beloved breth-
of his resurrection, to be raised ren, a pray unto the Father with all
unto life c eternal, and this because the energy of heart, that ye may be
of your faith in him according to filled with this love, which he hath
the promise. bestowed upon all who are true
42 Wherefore, if a man have a faith b
followers of his Son, Jesus Christ;
he b must needs have hope; for with- that ye may become the sons of
out faith there cannot be any hope. God; that when he shall appear we
37 a Matt. 13:58; 42 a tg Faith. d tg Provoking.
Morm. 8:26; 9:20; b Moro. 10:20. 47 a Rom. 13:10;
Ether 12:12 (12–18). 43 a tg Humility. 2 Ne. 26:30.
b Moro. 10:19 (19–27). 44 a 1 Cor. 13:13 (1–13); tg Charity.
39 a tg Worthiness. Alma 7:24; b Josh. 22:5;
40 a Heb. 11:1; Ether 12:31 (28–35). Ether 12:34;
Ether 12:4. b Lev. 10:19. Moro. 7:48.
tg Hope. c tg Meek. tg Love.
41 a D&C 138:14. d Luke 12:8 (8–9). c tg Eternity.
b Zech. 9:12 (11–12); tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of; 48 a tg Communication;
Titus 1:2; Testimony. Prayer.
Jacob 2:19; 45 a 1 Cor. 13:4 (1–13). b tg Jesus Christ,
Alma 46:39. b tg Kindness. Exemplar.
c tg Eternal Life. c tg Envy.
525 Moroni 8 : 1–12
shall c be like him, for we shall see among you; for, for this intent I have
him as he is; that we may have this written this epistle.
hope; that we may be d purified even 7 For immediately after I had
as he is pure. Amen. learned these things of you I in-
quired of the Lord concerning the
Chapter 8 matter. And the a word of the Lord
came to me by the power of the
The baptism of little children is an Holy Ghost, saying:
evil abomination—Little children are 8 a Listen to the words of Christ,
alive in Christ because of the Atone- your Redeemer, your Lord and
ment—Faith, repentance, meekness and your God. Behold, I came into the
lowliness of heart, receiving the Holy world not to call the righteous but
Ghost, and enduring to the end lead to sinners to repentance; the b whole
salvation. About a.d. 401–21. need no physician, but they that are
An epistle of my a father Mormon, sick; wherefore, little c children are
written to me, Moroni; and it was d
whole, for they are not capable
written unto me soon after my call- of committing e sin; wherefore the
ing to the ministry. And on this curse of f Adam is taken from them
wise did he write unto me, saying: in me, that it hath no power over
2 My beloved son, Moroni, I rejoice them; and the law of g circumcision
exceedingly that your Lord Jesus is done away in me.
Christ hath been mindful of you, 9 And after this manner did the
and hath called you to his ministry, Holy Ghost manifest the word of
and to his holy work. God unto me; wherefore, my be-
3 I am mindful of you always in loved son, I know that it is solemn
my prayers, continually praying mockery before God, that ye should
God, and also a changeable God, them, for they are all alive in him
and a b respecter to persons; for because of his b mercy.
how many little children have died 20 And he that saith that little
without baptism! children need baptism denieth
13 Wherefore, if little children the mercies of Christ, and setteth
could not be saved without bap- at naught the a atonement of him
tism, these must have gone to an and the power of his redemption.
endless hell. 21 Wo unto such, for they are in
14 Behold I say unto you, that he danger of death, a hell, and an b end-
that supposeth that little children less torment. I speak it boldly; God
need baptism is in the gall of bitter- hath commanded me. Listen unto
ness and in the bonds of iniquity; them and give heed, or they stand
for he hath neither a faith, hope, against you at the c judgment-seat
nor charity; wherefore, should he of Christ.
be cut off while in the thought, he 22 For behold that all little chil-
must go down to hell. dren are a alive in Christ, and also all
15 For awful is the wickedness to they that are without the b law. For
suppose that God saveth one child the power of c redemption cometh on
because of baptism, and the other all them that have d no law; where-
must perish because he hath no fore, he that is not condemned, or
baptism. he that is under no condemnation,
16 Wo be unto them that shall cannot repent; and unto such bap-
pervert the ways of the Lord after tism availeth nothing—
this manner, for they shall perish 23 But it is mockery before God,
except they repent. Behold, I speak denying the mercies of Christ, and
with boldness, having a authority the power of his Holy Spirit, and
from God; and I fear not what man putting trust in a dead works.
can do; for b perfect c love d casteth 24 Behold, my son, this thing
out all fear. ought not to be; for a repentance is
17 And I am filled with a charity, unto them that are under condem-
which is everlasting love; where- nation and under the curse of a
fore, all children are alike unto broken law.
me; wherefore, I love little children 25 And the first fruits of a repen-
with a perfect love; and they are all tance is b baptism; and baptism
alike and b partakers of salvation. cometh by faith unto the fulfilling
18 For I know that God is not a the commandments; and the fulfill-
partial God, neither a changeable ing the commandments bringeth
being; but he is a unchangeable from c
remission of sins;
all eternity to all eternity. 26 And the remission of sins
19 Little a children cannot repent; bringeth a meekness, and lowliness
wherefore, it is awful wickedness to of heart; and because of meekness
deny the pure mercies of God unto and lowliness of heart cometh the
12 b Eph. 6:9; tg God, Perfection of. Children.
D&C 38:16. b Moro. 7:22. b Acts 17:30.
14 a 1 Cor. 13:13 (1–13); 19 a Luke 18:16 (15–17). c tg Redemption.
Ether 12:3 (3–37); b tg God, Mercy of. d tg Accountability.
Moro. 7:1; 10:20 (20–23). 20 a tg Jesus Christ, 23 a D&C 22:2.
16 a tg Authority. Atonement through; 24 a tg Repent.
b tg Perfection. Salvation, Plan of. 25 a tg Baptism,
c tg Love. 21 a tg Hell. Qualifications for.
d 1 Jn. 4:18. b Jacob 6:10; b Moses 6:60.
17 a tg Charity. Mosiah 28:3; c D&C 76:52.
b Mosiah 3:16 (16–19). D&C 19:12 (10–12). tg Remission of Sins.
18 a Alma 7:20; c tg Jesus Christ, Judge. 26 a tg Meek.
Morm. 9:9. 22 a tg Salvation of Little
527 Moroni 8 : 27–9 : 7
visitation of the b Holy Ghost, which prays that grace and goodness may rest
Comforter d filleth with hope and upon Moroni forever. About a.d. 401.
perfect e love, which love endureth My beloved son, I write unto you
by f diligence unto g prayer, until the again that ye may know that I am
end shall come, when all the h saints yet alive; but I write somewhat of
shall dwell with God. that which is grievous.
27 Behold, my son, I will write 2 For behold, I have had a sore bat-
unto you again if I go not out soon tle with the Lamanites, in which we
against the Lamanites. Behold, the did not conquer; and Archeantus has
pride of this nation, or the people fallen by the sword, and also Luram
of the Nephites, hath proven their and Emron; yea, and we have lost
destruction except they should a great number of our choice men.
repent. 3 And now behold, my son, I fear
28 Pray for them, my son, that lest the Lamanites shall destroy this
repentance may come unto them. people; for they do not repent, and
But behold, I fear lest the Spirit Satan stirreth them up continually
hath a ceased b striving with them; to a anger one with another.
and in this part of the land they
are also seeking to put down all 4 Behold, I am laboring with them
power and authority which cometh continually; and when I speak the
from God; and they are c denying word of God with a sharpness they
tremble and anger against me; and
the Holy Ghost. when I use no sharpness they b har
29 And after rejecting so great a den their hearts against it; where-
knowledge, my son, they must per- fore, I fear lest the Spirit of the Lord
ish soon, unto the fulfilling of the hath ceased c striving with them.
prophecies which were spoken by 5 For so exceedingly do they anger
the prophets, as well as the words that it seemeth me that they have
of our Savior himself. no fear of death; and they have lost
30 Farewell, my son, until I shall their love, one towards another; and
write unto you, or shall meet you they a thirst after blood and revenge
again. Amen. continually.
6 And now, my beloved son, not-
The second epistle of Mormon to withstanding their hardness, let us
his son Moroni. labor a diligently; for if we should
cease to b labor, we should be brought
Comprising chapter 9. under condemnation; for we have a
labor to perform whilst in this taber
Chapter 9 nacle of clay, that we may conquer
the enemy of all righteousness, and
Both the Nephites and the Lamanites rest our souls in the kingdom of God.
are depraved and degenerate—They tor- 7 And now I write somewhat con-
ture and murder each other—Mormon cerning the sufferings of this people.
26 b tg Holy Ghost, tg Pride. c Moro. 8:28;
Baptism of. 28 a tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. D&C 1:33.
c tg Holy Ghost, b Morm. 5:16; 5 a Morm. 4:11 (11–12).
Comforter; Moro. 9:4. 6 a tg Dedication;
Holy Ghost, Mission of. c Alma 39:6. Diligence;
d 1 Ne. 11:22 (22–25). tg Holy Ghost, Perseverance.
tg Hope. Unpardonable Sin b 1 Sam. 8:9;
e 1 Pet. 1:22. against. 2 Cor. 5:9;
f tg Diligence; 9 3 a tg Anger. Jacob 1:19;
Perseverance. 4 a 2 Ne. 1:26 (26–27); Enos 1:20.
g tg Prayer. W of M 1:17; tg Duty;
h tg Saints. D&C 121:43 (41–43). Priesthood, Magnifying
27 a D&C 38:39. b tg Hardheartedness. Callings within.
Moroni 9 : 8 –22 528
people unto him, or their utter de- The gifts of the Spirit are dispensed to
struction; for I know that they must the faithful—Spiritual gifts always ac-
perish except they c repent and re- company faith—Moroni’s words speak
turn unto him. from the dust—Come unto Christ, be
23 And if they perish it will be like perfected in Him, and sanctify your
unto the a Jaredites, because of the souls. About a.d. 421.
wilfulness of their hearts, b seeking
for blood and c revenge. Now I, Moroni, write somewhat
as seemeth me good; and I write
24 And if it so be that they perish, unto my brethren, the a Lamanites;
we know that many of our brethren and I would that they should know
have a deserted over unto the Laman- that more than b four hundred and
ites, and many more will also desert twenty years have passed away since
over unto them; wherefore, write the sign was given of the coming
somewhat a few things, if thou art of Christ.
spared and I shall perish and not 2 And I a seal up b these records,
see thee; but I trust that I may see after I have spoken a few words by
thee soon; for I have sacred records way of exhortation unto you.
that I would b deliver up unto thee. 3 Behold, I would exhort you that
25 My son, be faithful in Christ;
and may not the things which I have when ye shall read these things, if
written grieve thee, to weigh thee it be wisdom in God that ye should
read them, that ye would remember
down unto a death; but may Christ how a merciful the Lord hath been
lift thee up, and may his suffer-
ings and death, and the showing unto the children of men, from the
his body unto our fathers, and his creation of Adam even down until
mercy and b long-suffering, and the the time that ye shall receive these
hope of his glory and of eternal life, things, and b ponder it in your c hearts.
4 And when ye shall receive these
rest in your c mind forever. things, I would exhort you that ye
26 And may the grace of God the would a ask God, the Eternal Father,
Father, whose throne is high in the in the name of Christ, if these things
heavens, and our Lord Jesus Christ, are not b true; and if ye shall ask
who sitteth on the a right hand of with a c sincere heart, with d real in-
his power, until all things shall
become subject unto him, be, and tent, having e faith in Christ, he will
manifest the g truth of it unto you,
abide with you forever. Amen. by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Chapter 10 5 And by the power of the Holy
Ghost ye may a know the b truth of
A testimony of the Book of Mormon all things.
comes by the power of the Holy Ghost— 6 And whatsoever thing is good is
22 c 1 Sam. 7:3; Moro. 1:1. tg Book of Mormon.
Hel. 13:11; 2 a Morm. 5:12; 8:4 (4, 13–14). c tg Honesty;
3 Ne. 10:6 (5–7); 24:7. tg Scriptures, Sincere.
23 a Jacob 5:44. Preservation of; d James 1:5 (5–7);
b Morm. 4:11 (11–12). Seal. Moro. 7:9.
c Ether 15:22 (15–31). b Morm. 6:6. e tg Faith.
24 a Alma 45:14. 3 a Gen. 19:16. f tg Revelation.
b Morm. 6:6; 8:1. b Deut. 11:18. g Ps. 145:18.
25 a tg Jesus Christ, tg Meditation; tg Guidance, Divine;
Death of. Study. Truth.
b tg Forbear. c Deut. 6:6. 5 a D&C 35:19.
c tg Mind. 4 a tg Prayer. tg Discernment,
26 a tg Jesus Christ, b 1 Ne. 13:39; 14:30; Spiritual;
Relationships with the Mosiah 1:6; Holy Ghost, Source of
Father. Alma 3:12; Testimony.
10 1 a D&C 10:48. Ether 4:11 (6–11); b John 8:32.
b Morm. 8:5; 5:3 (1–4).
Moroni 10 : 7–25 530
just and true; wherefore, nothing Spirit of Christ; and they come unto
that is good denieth the Christ, but every man severally, according as
acknowledgeth that he is. he will.
7 And ye may a know that he is, by 18 And I would exhort you, my
the power of the Holy Ghost; where- beloved brethren, that ye remem-
fore I would exhort you that ye deny ber that a every good b gift cometh
not the power of God; for he worketh of Christ.
by power, b according to the faith 19 And I would exhort you, my
of the children of men, the same beloved brethren, that ye remem-
today and tomorrow, and forever. ber that he is the a same yesterday,
8 And again, I exhort you, my today, and forever, and that all
brethren, that ye deny not the these gifts of which I have spoken,
gifts of God, for they are many; which are spiritual, never will be
and they come from the same God. done away, even as long as the world
And there are b different ways that shall stand, only according to the
these gifts are administered; but it b
unbelief of the children of men.
is the same God who worketh all in 20 Wherefore, there must be a faith;
all; and they are given by the mani- and if there must be faith there must
festations of the c Spirit of God unto also be hope; and if there must be
men, to profit them. hope there must also be charity.
9 a For behold, to one is given by 21 And except ye have a charity
the Spirit of God, that he may b teach ye can in nowise be saved in the
the word of wisdom; kingdom of God; neither can ye be
10 And to another, that he may saved in the kingdom of God if ye
teach the word of b knowledge by have not faith; neither can ye if
the same Spirit; ye have no hope.
11 And to another, exceedingly 22 And if ye have no hope ye must
great a faith; and to another, the needs be in a despair; and despair
gifts of b healing by the same Spirit; cometh because of iniquity.
12 And again, to another, that he 23 And Christ truly said unto our
may work mighty a miracles; fathers: a If ye have faith ye can do
13 And again, to another, that he all things which are expedient unto
may prophesy concerning all things; me.
14 And again, to another, the be- 24 And now I speak unto all the
holding of angels and ministering ends of the earth—that if the day
spirits; cometh that the power and gifts of
15 And again, to another, all kinds God shall be done away among you,
of tongues; it shall be a because of b unbelief.
16 And again, to another, the in- 25 And wo be unto the children
terpretation of a languages and of of men if this be the case; for there
divers kinds of tongues. shall be a none that doeth good
17 And all these gifts come by the among you, no not one. For if there
7 a tg Testimony. 10 a tg Education. Ether 12:3 (3–37);
b 1 Ne. 10:17 (17–19); b 1 Cor. 12:8. Moro. 7:1, 42 (42–44);
Moro. 7:36. tg Learn. 8:14.
8 a tg God, Gifts of; 11 a tg Faith. 21 a tg Charity.
Holy Ghost, Gifts of. b tg Heal. 22 a tg Despair.
b D&C 46:15. 12 a tg Miracle. 23 a Moro. 7:33.
c tg God, Spirit of. 16 a tg Language. 24 a Moro. 7:37.
9 a 1 Cor. 12:8 (8–11); 18 a James 1:17. b tg Doubt;
D&C 46:12 (8–30). b tg Talents. Unbelief.
b Ex. 35:34; 19 a Heb. 13:8. 25 a Ps. 14:3;
D&C 38:23; b Moro. 7:37. Rom. 3:12.
88:77 (77–79, 118); tg Doubt.
107:85 (85–89). 20 a 1 Cor. 13:13 (1–13);
531 Moroni 10 : 26–34
be one among you that doeth good, ter of b Zion; and c strengthen thy
he shall work by the power and stakes and enlarge thy borders for-
The End
Pronunciation Guide
K ey
Aaron ĕr´an Amnor ăm´nōr
Abel ā´bul Amoron a-mōr´än
Abinadi a-bĭn´a-dī Amos ā´mus
Abinadom a-bĭn´a-dum Amoz ā´muz
Abish ā´bĭsh Amulek ăm´yū-lĕk
Ablom ăb´ lum Amulon ăm´yū-län
Abraham ā´bra-hăm Amulonites ăm´ya-län´ īts
Adam ăd´um Anathoth ăn´a-tōth
Agosh ā´gäsh Angola ăn-gō´la
Aha ā´hä Ani-Anti ăn´ ī–ăn´tī
Ahah ā´hä Anti-Nephi-Lehi ăn´tī–nē´f ī–lē´hī
Ahaz ā´hăz Anti-Nephi-Lehies ăn´tī–nē´f ī–lē´hīz
Aiath ī´uth Antiomno ăn-tē-äm´nō
Akish ā´kĭsh Antion ăn´tē-än
Alma ăl´ma Antionah ăn-tē-än´a
Alpha ăl´fa Antionum ăn-tē-ō´num
Amaleki a-măl´a-kī Antiparah ăn-tĭ-pär´a
Amalekite a-măl´a-kīt Antipas ăn´tĭ-päs
Amalickiah a-măl´a-kī´a Antipus ăn´tĭ-pus
Antum ăn´tum
Amalickiahite a-măl´a-kī´a-īt
Archeantus är-kē-ăn´tus
Amaron a-mā´rän
Arpad är´păd
Amgid ăm´gĭd
Assyria a-sĭr´ē-a
Aminadab a-mĭn´a-dăb
Aminadi a-mĭn´a-dī Babylon băb´ ĭ-län
Amlici ăm´ lĭ-sī Bashan bā´shän
Amlicite ăm´ lĭ-sīt Benjamin bĕn´ja-mĭn
Ammah ăm´mä Bethabara bĕth-ăb´a-ra
Ammaron ăm´a-rän Boaz bō´ăz
Ammon ăm´un Bountiful boun´tĭ-ful
Ammonihah ăm-a-nī´hä
Ammonihahite ăm-a-nī´hä-īt Cain kān
Ammonite ăm´a-nīt Calno kăl´nō
Ammoron ăm´ōr-än Carchemish kär-kĕm´ ĭsh
Amnigaddah ăm-nĭ-găd´ä Cezoram sē-zōr´um
Amnihu ăm-nī´hū Chaldeans kăl-dē´unz
Pronunciation Guide 534
Chaldees kăl-dēz´ Gidgiddoni gĭd-gĭd-dō´nī
Chemish kĕm´ ĭsh Gilead gĭl´ē-ud
Cherubim chĕr´a-bĭm Gilgah gĭl´gä
Cohor kō´hōr Gilgal gĭl´gäl
Com kōm Gimgimno gĭm-gĭm´nō
Comnor kōm´nōr Gomorrah ga-mōr´a
Corianton kōr-ē-ăn´tun
Coriantor kōr-ē-ăn´tōr Hagoth hā´gäth
Coriantum kōr-ē-ăn´tum Hamath hā´muth
Coriantumr kōr-ē-ăn´ta-mer Hearthom hē-är´thum
Corihor kōr´ ĭ-hōr Helam hē´ lum
Corom kōr´um Helaman hē´ la-mun
Cumeni kū´ma-nī Helem hē´ lĕm
Cumenihah kū-ma-nī´hä Helorum hē-lōr´um
Cumom kū´mum Hem hĕm
Cumorah ka-mōr´a Hermounts her´mounts
Curelom kū-rē´ lum Heshlon hĕsh´ län
Heth hĕth
Deseret dĕz-a-rĕt´ Himni hĭm´nī
Desolation dĕs-ō-lā´shun Horeb hōr´ĕb
Edom ē´dum Immanuel ĭm-măn´yū-ĕl
Egypt ē´jĭpt Irreantum ĭ-rē-ăn´tum
Egyptian ē-jĭp´shun Isaac ī´zĭk
Elam ē´ lum Isabel ĭz´a-bĕl
Elijah ē-lī´ja Isaiah ī-zā´a
Emer ē´mer Ishmael ĭsh´mul or ĭsh´mĕl
Emron ĕm´rän Ishmaelite ĭsh´mul-īt or ĭsh´mĕl-īt
Enos ē´nus Israel ĭz´rĕl or ĭz´rul
Ephah ē´fä Israelite ĭz´rĕl-īt or ĭz´rul-īt
Ephraim ē´frĕm or ē´frum
Esrom ĕz´rum Jacob jā´kub
Ethem ē´thum Jacobite jā´kub-īt
Ether ē´ther Jacobugath jā´ka-bū´găth
Eve ēv Jacom jā´kum
Ezias ē-zī´us Jared jĕr´ud
Ezrom ĕz´rum Jaredite jĕr´a-dīt
Jarom jĕr´um
Gad găd Jashon jā´shän
Gadiandi găd-ē-ăn´dī Jeberechiah jĕb-a-ra-kī´a
Gadianton găd-ē-ăn´tun Jehovah jē-hō´va
Gadiomnah găd-ē-äm´na Jeneum jĕn´ē-um
Gallim găl´ ĭm Jeremiah jĕr-a-mī´a
Gazelem ga-zā´ lĭm Jershon jĕr´shän
Geba gē´ba Jerusalem ja-rū´sa-lĕm
Gebim gē´bĭm Jesse jĕs´ē
Gibeah gĭb´ē-a Jew jū
Gid gĭd John jän
Giddianhi gĭd-ē-ăn´hī Jonas jō´nus
Giddonah gĭd-dō´nä Jordan jōr´dun
Gideon gĭd´ē-un Joseph jō´zĕf
Gidgiddonah gĭd-gĭd-dō´nä Josephite jō´zĕf-īt
535 Pronunciation Guide
Josh jäsh Migron mī´grän
Joshua jäsh´ū-wa Minon mī´nän
Jotham jō´thum Moab mō´ăb
Judah jū´da Mocum mō´kum
Judea jū-dē´a Moriancumer mōr-ē-ăn´ka-mer
Morianton mōr-ē-ăn´tun
Kib kĭb Moriantum mōr-ē-ăn´tum
Kim kĭm Mormon mōr´mun
Kimnor kĭm´nōr Moron mōr´un
Kish kĭsh Moroni mō-rō´nī
Kishkumen kĭsh-kū´mun Moronihah mō-rō-nī´hä
Korihor kō´rĭ-hōr Moses mō´zus
Kumen kū´mun Mosiah mō-sī´a or mō-zī´a
Kumenonhi kū´ma-nän´hī Mulek myū´ lĕk
Muloki myū´ la-kī
Laban lā´bun
Lachoneus la-kō´nē-us Nahom nā´hum
Laish lā´ ĭsh Naphtali năf´ta-lī
Lamah lā´mä Nazareth năz´a-rĕth
Laman lā´mun Neas nē´äs
Lamanite lā´mun-īt Nehor nē´hōr
Lamoni la-mō´nī Nephi nē´f ī
Lebanon lĕb´a-nän Nephihah nē-f ī´hä
Lehi lē´hī Nephite nē´f īt
Lehi-Nephi lē´hī–nē´f ī Neum nē´um
Lehonti lē-hän´tī Nimrah nĭm´rä
Lemuel lĕm´yūl Nimrod nĭm´räd
Lemuelite lĕm´yūl-īt Noah nō´a
Levi lē´vī
Liahona lē´a-hō´na Ogath ō´găth
Lib lĭb Omega ō-mā´ga
Limhah lĭm´hä Omer ō´mer
Limher lĭm´her Omner äm´ner
Limhi lĭm´hī Omni äm´nī
Limnah lĭm´nä Onidah ō-nī´da
Luram lūr´um Onihah ō-nī´hä
Onti än´tī
Madmenah măd-mĕn´a Ophir ō´fer
Mahah mā´hä Oreb ōr´ĕb
Maher-shalal-hash-baz mā´her–shăl-ăl– Orihah ō-rī´hä
Malachi măl´a-kī Paanchi pā-ăn´kī
Manasseh ma-năs´a Pachus pā´kus
Manti măn´tī Pacumeni pā-kyū´mĕn-ī
Mary mĕ´rē Pagag pā´gäg
Mathoni ma-thō´nī Pahoran pa-hōr´un
Mathonihah măth-ō-nī´hä Palestina păl-a-stī´na
Medes mēdz Pathros pā´thrōs
Melchizedek mĕl-kĭz´a-dĭk Pekah pē´kä
Melek mē´lĕk Pharaoh fā´rō or fĕ´rō
Michmash mĭk´măsh Philistine fĭl´a-stēn
Middoni mĭd-dō´nī
Midian mĭd´ē-un Rabbanah ra-băn´a
Pronunciation Guide 536
Rahab rā´hăb Shimnilom shĭm-nī´ läm
Ramah rä´mä Shinar shī´när
Ramath rā´muth Shiz shĭz
Rameumptom răm-ē-ump´tum Shule shūl
Remaliah rĕm-a-lī´a Shum shum
Rezin rē´zĭn Shurr sher
Riplah rĭp´ lä Sidom sī´dum
Riplakish rĭp-lā´kĭsh Sidon sī´dun
Ripliancum rĭp-lē-ăn´kum Sinai sī´nī
Sinim sī´nĭm
Salem sā´ lĕm Siron sī´run
Sam săm Syria sĭr´ē-a
Samaria sa-mĕr´ē-a
Samuel săm´yū-ĕl Tarshish tär´shĭsh
Sarah sĕr´a Teancum tē-ăn´kum
Sariah sa-rī´a Teomner tē-äm´ner
Saul säl Thummim thum´ ĭm
Seantum sē-ăn´tum Timothy tĭm´a-thē
Sebus sē´bus Tubaloth tū´ba-läth
Seezoram sē-zōr´um
Uriah yū-rī´a
Senine sē´nīn
Urim yūr´ ĭm
Senum sē´num
Uzziah yū-zī´a
Seraphim sĕr´a-fĭm
Seth sĕth Zarahemla zĕr-a-hĕm´ la
Shared shā´rud Zebulun zĕb´yū-lun
Shazer shā´zer Zechariah zĕk´a-rī´a
Shearjashub shĭr-jā´shub Zedekiah zĕd´a-kī´a
Shelem shē´ lĕm Zeezrom zē-ĕz´rum
Shem shĕm Zemnarihah zĕm-na-rī´hä
Shemlon shĕm´län Zenephi zēn´a-f ī
Shemnon shĕm´nän Zeniff zē´nĭf
Sherem shĕr´um Zenock zē´nuk
Sherrizah shĕr-ī´za Zenos zē´nus
Sheum shē´um Zerahemnah zĕr-a-hĕm´nä
Shez shĕz Zeram zē´rum
Shiblom shĭb´lum Zerin zē´rĭn
Shiblon shĭb´lun Ziff zĭf
Shiblum shĭb´lum Zion zī´un
Shiloah shī-lō´a Zoram zō´rum
Shilom shī´lum Zoramite zōr´um-īt
Shim shĭm
Doctrine and
of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
wi t h Some A d d itions b y H is S u cc e s s or s
i n th e Pr es idency o f t he Church
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
Chronological Order. . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Official Declarations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
unfolding of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the ushering in of the dispensa-
tion of the fulness of times. The westward movement of the Church from
New York and Pennsylvania to Ohio, to Missouri, to Illinois, and finally to
the Great Basin of western America and the mighty struggles of the Saints
in attempting to build Zion on the earth in modern times are also shown
forth in these revelations.
Several of the earlier sections involve matters regarding the translation
and publication of the Book of Mormon (see sections 3, 5, 10, 17, and 19). Some
later sections reflect the work of the Prophet Joseph Smith in making an
inspired translation of the Bible, during which many of the great doctrinal
sections were received (see, for example, sections 37, 45, 73, 76, 77, 86, 91, and
132, each of which has some direct relationship to the Bible translation).
In the revelations, the doctrines of the gospel are set forth with expla-
nations about such fundamental matters as the nature of the Godhead, the
origin of man, the reality of Satan, the purpose of mortality, the necessity
for obedience, the need for repentance, the workings of the Holy Spirit, the
ordinances and performances that pertain to salvation, the destiny of the
earth, the future conditions of man after the Resurrection and the Judg-
ment, the eternity of the marriage relationship, and the eternal nature of
the family. Likewise, the gradual unfolding of the administrative structure
of the Church is shown with the calling of bishops, the First Presidency,
the Council of the Twelve, and the Seventy and the establishment of other
presiding offices and quorums. Finally, the testimony that is given of Jesus
Christ—His divinity, His majesty, His perfection, His love, and His redeem-
ing power—makes this book of great value to the human family and “worth
to the Church the riches of the whole Earth” (see heading to D&C 70).
The revelations were originally recorded by Joseph Smith’s scribes, and
Church members enthusiastically shared handwritten copies with each
other. To create a more permanent record, scribes soon copied these reve-
lations into manuscript record books, which Church leaders used in pre-
paring the revelations to be printed. Joseph and the early Saints viewed the
revelations as they did the Church: living, dynamic, and subject to refine-
ment with additional revelation. They also recognized that unintentional
errors had likely occurred through the process of copying the revelations
and preparing them for publication. Thus, a Church conference asked Jo-
seph Smith in 1831 to “correct those errors or mistakes which he may dis-
cover by the Holy Spirit.”
After the revelations had been reviewed and corrected, Church members
in Missouri began printing a book titled A Book of Commandments for the
Government of the Church of Christ, which contained many of the Prophet’s
early revelations. This first attempt to publish the revelations ended, how-
ever, when a mob destroyed the Saints’ printing office in Jackson County
on July 20, 1833.
Upon hearing of the destruction of the Missouri printing office, Joseph
Smith and other Church leaders began preparations to publish the revela-
tions in Kirtland, Ohio. To again correct errors, clarify wording, and rec-
ognize developments in Church doctrine and organization, Joseph Smith
oversaw the editing of the text of some revelations to prepare them for
publication in 1835 as the Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of the Latter
Day Saints. Joseph Smith authorized another edition of the Doctrine and
Covenants, which was published only months after the Prophet’s martyr-
dom in 1844.
The early Latter-day Saints prized the revelations and viewed them as mes-
sages from God. On one occasion in late 1831, several elders of the Church
gave solemn testimony that the Lord had borne record to their souls of the
truth of the revelations. This testimony was published in the 1835 edition of
the Doctrine and Covenants as the written testimony of the Twelve Apostles:
vii Introduction
Testimony of the
Twelve Apostles to the Truth of the
Book of Doctrine and Covenants
The Testimony of the Witnesses to the Book of the Lord’s Commandments,
which commandments He gave to His Church through Joseph Smith, Jun.,
who was appointed by the voice of the Church for this purpose:
We, therefore, feel willing to bear testimony to all the world of man-
kind, to every creature upon the face of the earth, that the Lord has
borne record to our souls, through the Holy Ghost shed forth upon
us, that these commandments were given by inspiration of God, and
are profitable for all men and are verily true.
We give this testimony unto the world, the Lord being our helper;
and it is through the grace of God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ,
that we are permitted to have this privilege of bearing this testimony
unto the world, in the which we rejoice exceedingly, praying the Lord
always that the children of men may be profited thereby.
The names of the Twelve were:
Thomas B. Marsh Orson Hyde William Smith
David W. Patten William E. McLellin Orson Pratt
Brigham Young Parley P. Pratt John F. Boynton
Heber C. Kimball Luke S. Johnson Lyman E. Johnson
In successive editions of the Doctrine and Covenants, additional reve-
lations or other matters of record have been added, as received and as ac-
cepted by competent assemblies or conferences of the Church. The 1876
edition, prepared by Elder Orson Pratt under Brigham Young’s direction,
arranged the revelations chronologically and supplied new headings with
historical introductions.
Beginning with the 1835 edition, a series of seven theological lessons was
also included; these were titled the Lectures on Faith. These had been pre-
pared for use in the School of the Prophets in Kirtland, Ohio, from 1834 to
1835. Although profitable for doctrine and instruction, these lectures have
been omitted from the Doctrine and Covenants since the 1921 edition be-
cause they were not given or presented as revelations to the whole Church.
In the 1981 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, three documents were
included for the first time. These are sections 137 and 138, setting forth
the fundamentals of salvation for the dead; and Official Declaration 2, an-
nouncing that all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained
to the priesthood without regard for race or color.
Each new edition of the Doctrine and Covenants has corrected past er-
rors and added new information, particularly in the historical portions
of the section headings. The present edition further refines dates and
place-names and makes other corrections. These changes have been made
to bring the material into conformity with the most accurate historical
information. Other special features of this latest edition include revised
maps showing the major geographical locations in which the revelations
were received, plus improved photographs of Church historical sites, cross-
references, section headings, and subject-matter summaries, all of which
are designed to help readers to understand and rejoice in the message of the
Lord as given in the Doctrine and Covenants. Information for the section
headings has been taken from the Manuscript History of the Church and
the published History of the Church (collectively referred to in the headings
as Joseph Smith’s history) and the Joseph Smith Papers.
Chronological Order
of Contents
Date Place Sections
1823 September Manchester, New York . . . . . . . . . .2
1828 July Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . .3
1829 February Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . .4
March Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . .5
April Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . 6,
7, 8, 9, 10
May Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . 11, 12, 13*
June Fayette, New York . . . . . 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Summer Manchester, New York
. . . . . . . . . 19
1830 Wayne County, New York . . . . . . . . 74
April Fayette, New York . . . . . . . . . 20*, 21
April Manchester, New York . . . . . . . . . 22, 23
July Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . 24, 25, 26
August Harmony, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . 27
September Fayette, New
York . . . . . . . 28, 29, 30, 31
October Manchester, New York
. . . . . . . . . 32
October Fayette, New York . . . . . . . . . . . 33
November Fayette, New York . . . . . . . . . 34
December Fayette, New York . . . . . . . 35*, 36*, 37*
1831 January Fayette, New York . . . . . . . . 38, 39, 40
February Kirtland, Ohio . . . . . . . . 41, 42, 43, 44
March Kirtland, Ohio . . . . . . . . 45, 46, 47, 48
May Kirtland, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . 49, 50
May Thompson, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . 51
June Kirtland, Ohio . . . . . . . 52, 53, 54, 55, 56
July Zion, Jackson County,
Missouri . . . . . . 57
August Zion, Jackson County,
Missouri . . . . . 58, 59
August Independence, Missouri
. . . . . . . . . . 60
August Missouri River, Missouri
. . . . . . . . . 61
August Chariton, Missouri
. . . . . . . . . . . 62
August Kirtland, Ohio
. . . . . . . . . . . 63
September Kirtland, Ohio
. . . . . . . . . . . 64
October Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . 65, 66
November Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . 1, 67, 68, 69, 70, 133
December Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
December Kirtland, Ohio
. . . . . . . . . . . 72
1832 January Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
January Amherst, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
February Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
March Hiram, Ohio . . . . . . . . . 77, 79, 80, 81
March Kirtland, Ohio
. . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Section 1
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on November 1,
1831, during a special conference of elders of the Church, held at Hiram,
Ohio. Many revelations had been received from the Lord prior to this
time, and the compilation of these for publication in book form was one
of the principal subjects passed upon at the conference. This section
constitutes the Lord’s preface to the doctrines, covenants, and com
mandments given in this dispensation.
1–7, The voice of warning is to all is unto all men, and there is none
people; 8 –16, Apostasy and wick to b escape; and there is no eye that
edness precede the Second Coming; shall not see, neither c ear that shall
17–23, Joseph Smith is called to re not hear, neither d heart that shall not
store to earth the Lord’s truths and be penetrated.
powers; 24–33, The Book of Mormon 3 And the a rebellious shall be
is brought forth and the true Church b
pierced with much c sorrow; for
is established; 34–36, Peace will be their iniquities shall be d spoken
taken from the earth; 37–39, Search upon the housetops, and their se-
these commandments. cret acts shall be revealed.
4 And the a voice of warning shall
and my preface unto the book of that which is to come, for the Lord
my b commandments, which I have is b nigh;
given them to c publish unto you, O 13 And the a anger of the Lord is
inhabitants of the earth. kindled, and his b sword is bathed
7 Wherefore, a fear and b tremble, O in heaven, and it shall fall upon the
ye people, for what I the Lord have inhabitants of the earth.
decreed in them shall be d fulfilled. 14 And the a arm of the Lord shall
8 And verily I say unto you, that be revealed; and the b day cometh
they who go forth, bearing these that they who will not c hear the
tidings unto the inhabitants of the voice of the Lord, neither the voice
earth, to them is power given to of his d servants, neither give e heed
seal both on earth and in heaven, to the words of the prophets and
the unbelieving and b rebellious; f
apostles, shall be g cut off from
9 Yea, verily, to seal them up unto among the people;
the a day when the b wrath of God 15 For they have a strayed from
shall be poured out upon the c wicked mine b ordinances, and have c broken
without measure— mine d everlasting covenant;
10 Unto the a day when the Lord 16 They a seek not the Lord to es-
shall come to b recompense unto ev- tablish his righteousness, but every
ery man according to his c work, and man b walketh in his c own d way, and
measure to every man according to after the e image of his own god,
the measure which he has measured whose image is in the likeness of
to his fellow man. the world, and whose substance is
11 Wherefore the voice of the Lord that of an idol, which waxeth f old
is unto the ends of the earth, that and shall perish in g Babylon, even
all that will hear may hear: Babylon the great, which shall fall.
12 Prepare ye, a prepare ye for 17 Wherefore, I the Lord, a knowing
Section 2
An extract from Joseph Smith’s history relating the words of the angel
Moroni to Joseph Smith the Prophet, while in the house of the Prophet’s
father at Manchester, New York, on the evening of September 21, 1823.
Moroni was the last of a long line of historians who had made the record
that is now before the world as the Book of Mormon. (Compare Malachi
4:5–6; also sections 27:9; 110:13–16; and 128:18.)
1, Elijah is to reveal the priesthood; 2 And a he shall plant in the hearts
2–3, The promises of the fathers are of the children the b promises made
planted in the hearts of the children. to the fathers, and the hearts of the
children shall turn to their fathers.
Behold, I will reveal unto you the 3 If it were not so, the whole
Priesthood, by the hand of a Elijah a
earth would be utterly wasted at
the prophet, before the coming of the his coming.
great and b dreadful day of the Lord.
Section 3
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsyl
vania, July 1828, relating to the loss of 116 pages of manuscript trans
lated from the first part of the Book of Mormon, which was called the
book of Lehi. The Prophet had reluctantly allowed these pages to pass
from his custody to that of Martin Harris, who had served for a brief
period as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon. The revela
tion was given through the Urim and Thummim. (See section 10.)
1– 4, The Lord’s course is one eternal not the a work of God that is frus-
round; 5–15, Joseph Smith must repent trated, but the work of men;
or lose the gift to translate; 16 –20, 4 For although a man may have
The Book of Mormon comes forth to many a revelations, and have b power
save the seed of Lehi. to do many mighty works, yet if he
boasts in his own d strength, and sets
The a works, and the designs, and at naught the e counsels of God, and
the purposes of God cannot be b frus- follows after the dictates of his own
trated, neither can they come to will and f carnal desires, he must fall
naught. and incur the g vengeance of a h just
2 For God doth not a walk in crooked God upon him.
paths, neither doth he b turn to the 5 Behold, you have been a entrusted
right hand nor to the left, neither with these things, but how strict
doth he vary from that which he were your commandments; and
hath said, therefore his paths are remember also the promises which
straight, and his c course is one eter- were made to you, if you did not
nal round. transgress them.
3 Remember, remember that it is 6 And behold, how a oft you have
2 1 a Mal. 4:5 (5–6); Salvation for the Dead. b Alma 19:4.
3 Ne. 25:5 (5–6); 3 a Luke 1:17. c Amos 6:13 (13–14);
D&C 35:4; 110:13 (13–15); tg Earth, Purpose of. Mosiah 11:19;
128:17; 3 1 a tg God, Works of. D&C 84:73.
JS—H 1:38 (38–39). b Jer. 1:8 (7–8). tg Boast.
tg Last Days; 2 a Neh. 9:8; d tg Strength.
Priesthood, Keys of. Isa. 45:19; e Josh. 9:14;
b 1 Cor. 5:5; Alma 7:20. Jacob 4:10;
D&C 1:12; 34:8 (6–9); tg God, Perfection of. Alma 37:37.
43:17 (17–26). b Josh. 1:7; tg Counsel.
2 a 2 Kgs. 2:15; 3 Ne. 18:13 (12–14). f tg Carnal Mind;
D&C 27:9; 98:16 (16–17). c 1 Ne. 10:19 (18–19); Chastity; Lust.
b tg Family, Children, D&C 35:1. g tg Vengeance.
Duties of; 3 a Acts 5:38; h 2 Ne. 1:22.
Genealogy and Temple Morm. 8:22; 5 a Alma 37:14.
Work; D&C 10:38 (38–40). 6 a D&C 5:21; 20:5;
Promise; 4 a tg Revelation. JS—H 1:28 (28–29).
Doctrine and Covenants 3:7–19 6
transgressed the commandments sacred promises which were made
and the laws of God, and have gone before God, and has depended upon
on in the c persuasions of men. his own judgment and a boasted
7 For, behold, you should not have in his own wisdom.
feared man more than God. Al- 14 And this is the reason that thou
though men set at naught the coun- hast lost thy privileges for a season—
sels of God, and b despise his words— 15 For thou hast suffered the coun-
8 Yet you should have been faith- sel of thy a director to be trampled
ful; and he would have extended his upon from the beginning.
arm and a supported you against all 16 Nevertheless, my a work shall go
the fiery b darts of the c adversary; forth, for inasmuch as the knowl-
and he would have been with you edge of a Savior has come unto the
in every time of d trouble. world, through the b testimony of the
9 Behold, thou art Joseph, and thou Jews, even so shall the c knowledge
wast chosen to do the work of the of a d Savior come unto my people—
Lord, but because of transgression, 17 And to the a Nephites, and the
if thou art not aware thou wilt a fall. Jacobites, and the Josephites, and
10 But remember, God is merciful; the Zoramites, through the testi-
therefore, repent of that which thou mony of their fathers—
hast done which is contrary to the 18 And this a testimony shall come
commandment which I gave you, to the knowledge of the b Laman-
and thou art still chosen, and art ites, and the Lemuelites, and the
again called to the work; Ishmaelites, who c dwindled in un-
11 Except thou a do this, thou shalt belief because of the d iniquity of
be delivered up and become as other their fathers, whom the Lord has
men, and have no more gift. suffered to destroy their e brethren
12 And when thou deliveredst up the Nephites, because of their f in-
that which God had given thee sight iquities and their abominations.
and power to a translate, thou deliv- 19 And for this very a purpose are
eredst up that which was b sacred these b plates c preserved, which con-
into the hands of a wicked c man, tain these records—that the d prom-
13 Who has set at naught the coun- ises of the Lord might be fulfilled,
sels of God, and has broken the most which he made to his e people;
6 b Josh. 23:16 (15–16); c tg Devil. Alma 45:14 (10–14).
Alma 12:31. d Ps. 81:7; 18 a tg Testimony.
tg Transgress. Alma 9:17; 38:5. b Jacob 1:13;
c Titus 1:14; 9 a Acts 1:25; Enos 1:13;
D&C 45:29; 46:7; 1 Cor. 10:12. D&C 10:48 (46–52);
JS—H 1:19. tg Apostasy of 109:65.
tg Motivations; Individuals. c 2 Ne. 26:15;
Peer Influence. 10 a D&C 10:3. Jacob 3:7.
7 a Neh. 6:13; 11 a Luke 13:3; tg Doubt.
Ps. 27:1 (1–14); D&C 1:33; 121:37 (34–37). d tg Family, Children,
Isa. 57:11; 12 a D&C 1:29; 5:4 (4, 30–31). Responsibilities toward;
Luke 9:26; b tg Sacred; Sacrilege. Sin.
John 12:43 (42–43); c D&C 10:6 (6–8). e Morm. 8:2 (2–3).
Acts 4:19; 13 a Jacob 4:10. f Mosiah 12:7.
D&C 122:9 (4–9). tg Haughtiness; Pride. 19 a 1 Ne. 9:3 (3, 5).
tg Courage; Fearful. 15 a ie the Lord; see v. 6. b tg Book of Mormon.
b Num. 15:31 (30–31); 16 a tg Israel, Mission of. c tg Scriptures,
2 Sam. 12:9 (7–9); b John 5:39; Preservation of.
1 Ne. 19:7; 2 Ne. 33:2; 1 Ne. 13:25 (23–25); d Enos 1:16 (13–18);
Jacob 4:14 (8–14). 2 Ne. 29:4 (4–6); Mosiah 21:4;
tg Hate. D&C 20:26. 3 Ne. 5:14 (13–15);
8 a tg God, Power of. c Mosiah 3:20. D&C 10:47 (46–50).
b Eph. 6:16; d tg Jesus Christ, Savior. e tg Israel, Joseph,
1 Ne. 15:24; 17 a 1 Ne. 13:30; People of;
D&C 27:17. 2 Ne. 29:12 (12–13); Israel, Restoration of.
7 Doctrine and Covenants 3:20–4:7
20 And that the a Lamanites might rely upon the merits of Jesus Christ,
Section 4
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to his father, Joseph
Smith Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, February 1829.
1– 4, Valiant service saves the Lord’s 4 For behold the a field is white
ministers; 5–6, Godly attributes qual already to b harvest; and lo, he that
ify them for the ministry; 7, The things thrusteth in his sickle with his
of God must be sought after. might, the same layeth up in c store
that he perisheth not, but bringeth
Now behold, a a marvelous work salvation to his soul;
is about to come forth among the 5 And a faith, b hope, c charity and
children of men. d
love, with an e eye single to the f glory
2 Therefore, O ye that embark of God, g qualify him for the work.
in the a service of God, see that ye 6 Remember faith, a virtue, knowl-
serve him with all your heart, edge, b temperance, c patience, d broth-
might, mind and strength, that ye erly e kindness, f godliness, charity,
may stand c blameless before God g
humility, h diligence.
at the last day. 7 a Ask, and ye shall receive; b knock,
3 Therefore, if ye have desires to and it shall be opened unto you.
serve God ye are a called to the work; Amen.
20 a 2 Ne. 30:5 (3–6); Mind; d tg Love.
D&C 28:8 (8–9, 14); Strength. e Ps. 25:15; 141:8;
32:2; 49:24. c 1 Cor. 1:8; Matt. 6:22;
b 2 Ne. 10:9 (9, 21); Col. 1:22; Morm. 8:15.
Alma 9:24. Jacob 1:19; f tg Glory;
c Morm. 3:21. Mosiah 3:21; Motivations.
d 2 Ne. 31:19; 3 Ne. 27:20; g tg Priesthood,
Moro. 6:4. D&C 88:85. Qualifying for.
e Moro. 7:26 (26, 38). 3 a Matt. 8:19 (19–22); 6 a tg Chastity;
4 1 a Isa. 29:14; D&C 11:4, 15; 36:5; Virtue.
1 Ne. 14:7 (7–17); 22:8; 63:57. b tg Temperance.
D&C 6:1; 11:1; 12:1; tg Called of God; c tg Patience.
18:44. Service. d tg Brotherhood and
tg Missionary Work; 4 a John 4:35; Sisterhood.
Restoration of the Alma 26:5; e tg Benevolence;
Gospel. D&C 11:3; 12:3; 14:3; Courtesy;
2 a Acts 20:19. 33:3 (3, 7); 101:64. Kindness.
tg Children of Light; b Joel 3:13; f tg Godliness.
Service. D&C 31:4. g tg Humility;
b Josh. 22:5; tg Harvest. Meek;
Judg. 6:14; c Gen. 41:36 (33–57); Poor in Spirit.
1 Sam. 7:3; 1 Tim. 6:19; h tg Diligence.
D&C 20:19; 76:5. 3 Ne. 4:18. 7 a Matt. 7:7 (7–8).
tg Commitment; 5 a tg Faith. tg Prayer.
Dedication; b tg Hope. b tg Objectives.
Heart; c tg Charity.
Doctrine and Covenants 5:1–12 8
Section 5
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Penn
sylvania, March 1829, at the request of Martin Harris.
1–10, This generation will receive the grant unto you no other gift until
Lord’s word through Joseph Smith; it is finished.
11–18, Three witnesses will testify 5 Verily, I say unto you, that a woe
of the Book of Mormon; 19–20, The shall come unto the inhabitants of
word of the Lord will be verified as in the earth if they will not b hearken
previous times; 21–35, Martin Harris unto my words;
may repent and be one of the witnesses. 6 For hereafter you shall be a or-
dained and go forth and deliver my
Behold, I say unto you, that as my b
words unto the children of men.
servant a Martin Harris has desired 7 Behold, if they will not a believe
a witness at my hand, that you, my my words, they would not believe
servant Joseph Smith, Jun., have got you, my servant Joseph, if it were
the plates of which you have testi- possible that you should show them
fied and borne record that you have all these things which I have com-
received of me; mitted unto you.
2 And now, behold, this shall you 8 Oh, this a unbelieving and b stiff-
say unto him—he who spake unto necked generation—mine c anger is
you, said unto you: I, the Lord, am kindled against them.
God, and have given these things 9 Behold, verily I say unto you, I
unto you, my servant Joseph Smith, have a reserved those things which
Jun., and have commanded you that I have entrusted unto you, my ser-
you should stand as a a witness of vant Joseph, for a wise purpose in
these things; me, and it shall be made known
3 And I have caused you that you unto future generations;
should enter into a a covenant with 10 But this generation shall have
me, that you should not b show them my word a through you;
except to those c persons to whom I 11 And in addition to your tes-
commanded you; and you have no timony, the a testimony of three
power over them except I grant it of my servants, whom I shall call
unto you. and ordain, unto whom I will show
4 And you have a gift to a trans- these things, and they shall go forth
late the plates; and this is the first with my words that are given
gift that I bestowed upon you; and through you.
I have commanded that you should 12 Yea, they shall know of a a surety
pretend to no other gift until my that these things are true, for from
purpose is fulfilled in this; for I will heaven will I declare it unto them.
5 1 a D&C 5:23 (23–24); d 2 Ne. 3:11. b Morm. 8:33.
JS—H 1:61. 4 a D&C 3:12; 6:25 (25, 28). tg Haughtiness;
2 a tg Witness. 5 a Rev. 8:13; Stiffnecked.
3 a tg Covenants. Hel. 7:22; c tg Anger;
b Prov. 25:2. D&C 1:14. God, Indignation of.
c 2 Ne. 27:13. See also b Jer. 26:4; 9 a Alma 37:18.
“The Testimony of Alma 5:37 (37–38). 10 a Mosiah 18:19 (18–20);
Three Witnesses” and 6 a D&C 20:2 (2–3). D&C 31:4; 42:12; 52:36.
“The Testimony of b 2 Ne. 29:7. 11 a 2 Ne. 27:12;
Eight Witnesses” in the 7 a Luke 16:30 (27–31); Ether 5:3 (3–4);
preliminary pages of D&C 63:7–12. D&C 17:3 (1–5); 20:10.
the Book of Mormon. 8 a tg Unbelief. 12 a Ether 5:3.
9 Doctrine and Covenants 5:13–25
13 I will give them power that they even as I also a told the people of the
may behold and view these things destruction of Jerusalem; and my
as they are; b
word shall be verified at this time
14 And to a none else will I grant as it hath hitherto been verified.
this power, to receive this same tes- 21 And now I command you, my
timony among this generation, in servant Joseph, to a repent and b walk
this the beginning of the rising up more uprightly before me, and to
and the coming forth of my b church yield to the c persuasions of men
out of the wilderness—clear as the no more;
moon, and fair as the sun, and ter- 22 And that you be a firm in b keep-
rible as an army with banners. ing the commandments wherewith
15 And the testimony of three I have commanded you; and if you
witnesses will I send forth of do this, behold I grant unto you
my word. c
eternal life, even if you should
16 And behold, whosoever a be- be d slain.
lieveth on my words, them will I 23 And now, again, I speak unto
visit with the c manifestation of my you, my servant Joseph, concerning
Spirit; and they shall be e born of the a man that desires the witness—
me, even of water and of the Spirit— 24 Behold, I say unto him, he ex-
17 And you must wait yet a little alts himself and does not a humble
while, for ye are not yet a ordained— himself sufficiently before me; but
18 And their testimony shall also if he will b bow down before me, and
go forth unto the a condemnation humble himself in mighty c prayer
of this generation if they b harden and faith, in the d sincerity of his
their hearts against them; heart, then will I grant unto him
19 For a desolating a scourge shall a e view of the things which he de-
go forth among the inhabitants of sires to see.
the earth, and shall continue to be 25 And then he shall say unto the
poured out from time to time, if people of this generation: Behold, I
they b repent not, until the earth is have seen the things which the Lord
empty, and the inhabitants thereof hath shown unto Joseph Smith, Jun.,
are d consumed away and utterly and I a know of a surety that they
destroyed by the brightness of my are true, for I have seen them, for
coming. they have been shown unto me by
20 Behold, I tell you these things, the power of God and not of man.
14 a 2 Ne. 27:13. Priesthood, Ordination. 21 a D&C 3:6; 20:5;
b Rev. 12:1 (1–6). 18 a 1 Ne. 14:7; JS—H 1:28 (28–29).
tg Church; D&C 20:13 (13–15). b 1 Ne. 16:3.
Jesus Christ, Head of b tg Hardheartedness. c tg Peer Influence.
the Church. 19 a Isa. 28:18 (15, 18); 22 a Hel. 7:7.
c Song 6:10; D&C 29:8; 35:11 (11–16); b tg Obedience.
D&C 105:31; 109:73. 43:17 (17–27). c D&C 132:49.
15 a D&C 17:1. tg Last Days. d Alma 60:13;
tg Witness. b tg Repent. D&C 6:30; 135:1 (1–7).
16 a Ether 4:11. c Isa. 24:1 (1, 5–6). 23 a D&C 5:1.
b Ps. 8:4; d Mal. 3:6 (6–7). 24 a Ether 9:35.
1 Ne. 2:16; 19:11; e Isa. 66:15 (15–16); b Alma 22:17.
Alma 17:10. D&C 133:41. tg Reverence.
c D&C 8:1 (1–3); 70:13. tg Jesus Christ, c tg Prayer.
d tg God, Spirit of. Prophecies about; d tg Sincere.
e tg Baptism; Jesus Christ, Second e D&C 17:1. See also
Holy Ghost, Baptism of; Coming. “The Testimony of
Man, New, Spiritually 20 a Lam. 1:8 (7–9); Three Witnesses” in the
Reborn. 1 Ne. 1:18; preliminary pages of
17 a tg Priesthood, 2 Ne. 25:9. the Book of Mormon.
Authority; b D&C 1:38. 25 a Ether 5:3.
Doctrine and Covenants 5:26–35 10
26 And I the Lord command him, hast translated a few more pages
my servant Martin Harris, that he thou shalt stop for a season, even
shall say no more unto them con- until I command thee again; then
cerning these things, except he shall thou mayest translate again.
say: I have seen them, and they have 31 And except thou do this, behold,
been shown unto me by the power thou shalt have no more gift, and I
of God; and these are the words will take away the things which I
which he shall say. have entrusted with thee.
27 But if he deny this he will break 32 And now, because I foresee the
the a covenant which he has before lying in wait to destroy thee, yea,
covenanted with me, and behold, I foresee that if my servant Martin
he is condemned. Harris humbleth not himself and
28 And now, except he humble receive a witness from my hand,
himself and acknowledge unto me that he will fall into a transgression;
the things that he has done which 33 And there are many that lie in
are wrong, and covenant with me wait to a destroy thee from off the
that he will keep my command- face of the earth; and for this cause,
ments, and exercise a faith in me, that thy days may be b prolonged,
behold, I say unto him, he shall I have given unto thee these com-
have no such views, for I will grant mandments.
unto him no views of the things of 34 Yea, for this cause I have said:
which I have spoken. Stop, and a stand still until I com-
29 And if this be the case, I com- mand thee, and I will b provide
mand you, my servant Joseph, that means whereby thou mayest ac-
you shall say unto him, that he complish the thing which I have
shall do no more, nor trouble me commanded thee.
any more concerning this matter. 35 And if thou art a faithful in keep-
30 And if this be the case, behold, ing my commandments, thou shalt
I say unto thee Joseph, when thou be b lifted up at the last day. Amen.
Section 6
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at
Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. Oliver Cowdery began his labors
as scribe in the translation of the Book of Mormon, April 7, 1829. He
had already received a divine manifestation of the truth of the Proph
et’s testimony respecting the plates on which was engraved the Book of
Mormon record. The Prophet inquired of the Lord through the Urim
and Thummim and received this response.
1–6, Laborers in the Lord’s field gain witness of the truth comes by the power
salvation; 7–13, There is no gift greater of the Spirit; 28–37, Look unto Christ,
than the gift of salvation; 14–27, A and do good continually.
27 a
tg Covenants. Prov. 3:2 (1–2); b John 6:39;
28 a
Ether 4:7. Hel. 7:24; 15:11 (10–11). 1 Thes. 4:17;
32 a
Enos 1:13. 34 a 1 Sam. 9:27; 3 Ne. 15:1;
33 a
D&C 10:6 (6, 25); Isa. 30:15. D&C 9:14; 17:8; 52:44;
38:13 (13, 28); 42:64. b 1 Ne. 3:7. 75:16, 22.
b Ex. 20:12; 35 a Ex. 15:26;
Deut. 4:40; 11:9 (8–9); D&C 11:20.
11 Doctrine and Covenants 6:1–14
blessed art thou for what thou hast the commandments of God, and
done; for thou hast a inquired of I will encircle thee in the arms of
me, and behold, as often as thou my c love.
hast inquired thou hast received 21 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the
instruction of my Spirit. If it had a
Son of God. I am the same that came
not been so, thou wouldst not have unto mine b own, and mine own re-
come to the place where thou art at ceived me not. I am the c light which
this time. shineth in d darkness, and the dark-
15 Behold, thou knowest that thou ness comprehendeth it not.
hast inquired of me and I did en- 22 Verily, verily, I say unto you, if
lighten thy a mind; and now I tell you desire a further witness, cast
thee these things that thou mayest your mind upon the night that you
know that thou hast been b enlight- cried unto me in your heart, that
ened by the c Spirit of truth; you might a know concerning the
16 Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest truth of these things.
know that there is none else save 23 Did I not speak a peace to your
God that a knowest thy thoughts and mind concerning the matter? What
the b intents of thy c heart. greater b witness can you have than
17 I tell thee these things as a from God?
witness unto thee—that the words 24 And now, behold, you have
or the work which thou hast been received a a witness; for if I have
writing are a true. b
told you things which no man
18 Therefore be diligent; a stand by knoweth have you not received a
my b servant Joseph, faithfully, in witness?
whatsoever difficult circumstances 25 And, behold, I grant unto you a
he may be for the word’s sake. gift, if you desire of me, to a translate,
19 Admonish him in his faults, and even as my servant Joseph.
also a receive admonition of him. b Be 26 Verily, verily, I say unto you,
patient; be sober; be temperate; have that there are a records which con-
patience, faith, hope and charity. tain much of my gospel, which
20 Behold, thou art Oliver, and have been kept back because of the
I have spoken unto thee because b
wickedness of the people;
of thy desires; therefore a treasure 27 And now I command you, that
up these words in thy heart. Be if you have good desires—a desire
faithful and b diligent in keeping to lay up a treasures for yourself in
14 a tg Guidance, Divine. 19 a tg Teachable. d tg Darkness, Spiritual.
15 a tg Mind. b See Topical Guide entry 22 a tg Discernment,
b Eph. 1:18. on each of the qualities Spiritual;
tg Holy Ghost, listed here. God, Access to.
Mission of. 20 a D&C 11:26; 84:85. 23 a Gen. 41:16.
c tg God, Spirit of. tg Treasure. tg Contentment;
16 a 2 Sam. 7:20; b tg Diligence. Peace; Peace of God.
1 Chr. 28:9; c John 15:12 (12–15). b Rom. 2:15 (14–15);
Ps. 139:2; tg God, Love of. 1 Jn. 5:9.
Matt. 12:25; 21 a tg Jesus Christ, Divine 24 a D&C 18:2.
Heb. 4:12; Sonship. b tg God, Omniscience of.
Mosiah 24:12; b John 1:11; 25 a Mosiah 8:13;
Morm. 6:22; Acts 3:17 (14–17); D&C 5:4 (4, 30–31);
D&C 15:3. 3 Ne. 9:16. 9:2 (1–3, 5, 10).
tg God, Omniscience of. tg Prophets, 26 a D&C 8:1; 9:2.
b tg Motivations; Rejection of. tg Record Keeping;
Sincere. c John 1:5; Scriptures,
c 1 Kgs. 8:39. D&C 10:58. Writing of;
17 a D&C 18:2. tg Jesus Christ, Light of Scriptures to Come
18 a tg Diligence; the World; Forth.
Loyalty. Light [noun]; b tg Wickedness.
b D&C 124:95. Light of Christ. 27 a tg Treasure.
13 Doctrine and Covenants 6:28–37
Section 7
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at
Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829, when they inquired through the
Urim and Thummim as to whether John, the beloved disciple, tarried
in the flesh or had died. The revelation is a translated version of the
record made on parchment by John and hidden up by himself.
27 b D&C 35:20. 33 a tg Courage; D&C 10:69; 11:16 (16, 24);
28 a D&C 7:7. Fearful. 18:4 (4, 17); 33:13;
b Deut. 19:15; b tg Good Works. Moses 7:53.
2 Cor. 13:1. c Job 34:11; tg Rock.
29 a John 15:20. Ps. 7:16; 35 a John 8:11.
30 a D&C 5:22; Hosea 8:7; 36 a Isa. 45:22;
135:1 (1–7). Gal. 6:7–8; D&C 43:34.
tg Martyrdom. Mosiah 7:30; b tg Motivations.
b Rev. 3:21. Alma 9:28; c tg Doubt.
c tg Glory. D&C 1:10. 37 a tg Jesus Christ,
31 a 3 Ne. 16:10 (10–14); tg Harvest. Appearances,
D&C 20:15 (8–15). d tg Benevolence. Postmortal.
b tg Testimony. e tg Reward. b tg Jesus Christ,
32 a Matt. 18:19 (19–20); 34 a tg Church; Crucifixion of.
D&C 29:6; 84:1. Sheep. c Matt. 5:10 (3, 10).
b tg Unity. b Ps. 71:3; d tg Kingdom of God,
c D&C 32:3; 38:7. Matt. 7:24 (24–25); in Heaven.
d D&C 29:5; 88:63 (62–63). Hel. 5:12;
Doctrine and Covenants 7:1–8:1 14
1–3, John the Beloved will live until that thou mightest speedily come
the Lord comes; 4– 8, Peter, James, unto me in my b kingdom.
and John hold gospel keys. 5 I say unto thee, Peter, this was
a good desire; but my beloved has
And the Lord said unto me: a John, desired that he might do more, or a
my beloved, what b desirest thou? greater a work yet among men than
For if you shall ask what you will, what he has before done.
it shall be granted unto you. 6 Yea, he has undertaken a greater
2 And I said unto him: Lord, give work; therefore I will make him
unto me a power over b death, that I as flaming fire and a a ministering
may live and bring souls unto thee. angel; he shall minister for those
3 And the Lord said unto me: Ver- who shall be b heirs of salvation who
ily, verily, I say unto thee, because dwell on the earth.
thou desirest this thou shalt a tarry 7 And I will make thee to minister
until I come in my b glory, and shalt for him and for thy brother James;
prophesy before nations, kindreds, and unto you three I will a give this
tongues and people. power and the b keys of this minis-
4 And for this cause the Lord said try until I come.
unto Peter: If I will that he tarry till 8 Verily I say unto you, ye shall
I come, what is that to thee? For he both have according to your desires,
desired of me that he might bring for ye both a joy in that which ye
souls unto me, but thou desiredst have desired.
Section 8
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery,
at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. In the course of the transla
tion of the Book of Mormon, Oliver, who continued to serve as scribe,
writing at the Prophet’s dictation, desired to be endowed with the gift
of translation. The Lord responded to his supplication by granting
this revelation.
1–5, Revelation comes by the power of and your Redeemer, even so surely
the Holy Ghost; 6–12, Knowledge of shall you receive a b knowledge of
the mysteries of God and the power to whatsoever things you shall c ask
translate ancient records come by faith. in faith, with an d honest heart,
believing that you shall receive
Oliver Cowdery, verily, verily,
a e knowledge concerning the en-
I say unto you, that assuredly as gravings of old f records, which are
the Lord liveth, who is your God ancient, which contain those parts
7 1 a John 19:26 (26–27); 4 a tg Conversion; tg Priesthood, Keys of.
20:2 (2–9). Worth of Souls. 8 a tg Joy.
b 2 Chr. 1:7 (7–12); b tg Kingdom of God, in 8 1 a JS—H 1:66.
3 Ne. 28:1 (1–12). Heaven. b Dan. 5:16;
2 a tg Death, Power over. 5 a Philip. 1:24 (23–24); Mosiah 8:13 (13–18);
b Luke 9:27. 3 Ne. 28:9 (1–12). D&C 6:25; 9:5 (1–5).
3 a John 21:22 (20–25). 6 a Heb. 1:14; tg Testimony.
tg Translated Beings. D&C 43:25; 130:5. c Isa. 58:9 (8–9).
b tg Glory; b D&C 76:88. d tg Prayer;
Jesus Christ, Glory of; 7 a Matt. 16:19. Sincere.
Jesus Christ, Second b Acts 15:7; e tg Knowledge.
Coming. D&C 6:28; f D&C 6:26; 9:2.
c Rev. 10:11. JS—H 1:72.
15 Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–9:1
Section 9
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery,
at Harmony, Pennsylvania, April 1829. Oliver is admonished to be
patient and is urged to be content to write, for the time being, at the
dictation of the translator, rather than to attempt to translate.
1–6, Other ancient records are yet late according to that which you
to be translated; 7–14, The Book of desired of me, and did commence
Mormon is translated by study and again to b write for my servant, Jo-
by spiritual confirmation. seph Smith, Jun., even so I would
that ye should continue until you
Behold, I say unto you, my son, have finished this record, which I
that because you did not a trans- have entrusted unto him.
1 g D&C 5:16. Deut. 11:4; D&C 105:15; 136:40.
2 a D&C 9:8 (7–9). Josh. 2:10; 5 a Deut. 11:18.
tg Guidance, Divine. Neh. 9:11; 6 a D&C 6:10.
b Ezek. 40:4. 1 Ne. 4:2; 17:26; 8 a tg Doubt.
tg Heart; Mosiah 7:19; b tg God, Works of.
Inspiration. Hel. 8:11; 10 a tg Faith.
c Rom. 8:9. D&C 17:1. b D&C 88:65 (63–65).
tg Holy Ghost, tg Israel, Deliverance of. 11 a D&C 1:29; 9:1, 10.
Mission of. 4 a 2 Tim. 1:6. b tg Sacred.
3 a Ex. 3:10 (2–10); b tg Deliver. 9 1 a D&C 8:11 (1, 11).
13:14; 14:16; c Ex. 23:22 (20–23); b JS—H 1:67.
Doctrine and Covenants 9:2–14 16
2 And then, behold, a other b records 9 But if it be not right you shall
have I, that I will give unto you have no such feelings, but you
power that you may assist to c trans- shall have a a stupor of thought that
late. shall cause you to forget the thing
3 Be patient, my son, for it is a wis- which is wrong; therefore, you can-
dom in me, and it is not expedient not write that which is b sacred save
that you should translate at this it be given you from me.
present time. 10 Now, if you had known this you
4 Behold, the work which you are could have a translated; nevertheless,
called to do is to a write for my ser- it is not expedient that you should
vant Joseph. translate now.
5 And, behold, it is because that 11 Behold, it was expedient when
you did not continue as you com- you commenced; but you a feared,
menced, when you began to trans- and the time is past, and it is not
late, that I have taken away this expedient now;
privilege from you. 12 For, do you not behold that I
6 Do not a murmur, my son, for it have a given unto my servant b Jo-
is wisdom in me that I have dealt seph sufficient strength, whereby
with you after this manner. it is made up? And neither of you
7 Behold, you have not understood; have I condemned.
you have supposed that I would 13 Do this thing which I have
give it unto you, when you took no commanded you, and you shall
thought save it was to ask me. a
prosper. Be faithful, and yield to
8 But, behold, I say unto you, no b temptation.
that you must a study it out in your 14 Stand fast in the a work where-
mind; then you must c ask me if with I have b called you, and a hair
it be right, and if it is right I will of your head shall not be lost, and
cause that your d bosom shall e burn you shall be c lifted up at the last
within you; therefore, you shall f feel day. Amen.
that it is right.
Section 10
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania,
likely around April 1829, though portions may have been received as early
as the summer of 1828. Herein the Lord informs Joseph of alterations
made by wicked men in the 116 manuscript pages from the translation of
the book of Lehi, in the Book of Mormon. These manuscript pages had been
2 a An allusion to Stewardship. Revelation.
additional translation 4 a D&C 18:2; 24:1. f D&C 8:2 (2–3).
activity, i.e., the Joseph tg Scribe; tg Holy Ghost, Source
Smith Translation Scriptures, Writing of. of Testimony.
of the Bible and the 6 a tg Murmuring. 9 a D&C 10:2.
Book of Abraham, in 8 a Acts 1:24 (22–26). b tg Sacred.
which Oliver Cowdery tg Knowledge; 10 a D&C 8:11.
assisted as a scribe. See Meditation; 11 a tg Fearful.
also bd Joseph Smith Problem-Solving; 12 a D&C 1:29.
Translation. Study; b D&C 18:8.
b D&C 6:26; 8:1. Testimony. 13 a Deut. 29:9;
tg Scriptures to Come b tg Mind. Ps. 1:3 (2–3).
Forth. c tg Communication; b tg Temptation.
c D&C 6:25 (25, 28); Prayer. 14 a 1 Cor. 16:13.
10:3 (3, 18, 41, 45). d Luke 24:32. b tg Called of God.
3 a tg God, Wisdom of; e tg Inspiration; c D&C 5:35; 17:8.
17 Doctrine and Covenants 10:1–13
lost from the possession of Martin Harris, to whom the sheets had been
temporarily entrusted. (See the heading to section 3.) The evil design was
to await the expected retranslation of the matter covered by the stolen
pages and then to discredit the translator by showing discrepancies created
by the alterations. That this wicked purpose had been conceived by the
evil one and was known to the Lord even while Mormon, the ancient
Nephite historian, was making his abridgment of the accumulated plates,
is shown in the Book of Mormon (see Words of Mormon 1:3–7).
1–26, Satan stirs up wicked men to servants of Satan that do uphold
oppose the Lord’s work; 27–33, He his work.
seeks to destroy the souls of men; 6 Behold, they have sought to a de-
34–52, The gospel is to go to the La stroy you; yea, even the b man in
manites and all nations through the whom you have trusted has sought
Book of Mormon; 53–63, The Lord to destroy you.
will establish His Church and His 7 And for this cause I said that he
gospel among men; 64–70, He will is a wicked man, for he has sought
gather the repentant into His Church to take away the things wherewith
and will save the obedient. you have been entrusted; and he
has also sought to destroy your gift.
Now, behold, I say unto you, that 8 And because you have delivered
because you a delivered up those the writings into his hands, behold,
writings which you had power given wicked men have taken them from
unto you to translate by the means you.
of the b Urim and Thummim, into 9 Therefore, you have delivered
the hands of a wicked man, you them up, yea, that which was
have lost them. a
sacred, unto wickedness.
2 And you also lost your gift at the 10 And, behold, a Satan hath put
same time, and your a mind became it into their hearts to alter the
darkened. words which you have caused to be
3 Nevertheless, it is now a restored b
written, or which you have trans-
unto you again; therefore see that lated, which have gone out of your
you are faithful and continue on hands.
unto the finishing of the remainder 11 And behold, I say unto you,
of the work of b translation as you that because they have altered the
have begun. words, they read contrary from that
4 Do not run a faster or labor more which you translated and caused to
than you have b strength and means be written;
provided to enable you to translate; 12 And, on this wise, the devil has
but be c diligent unto the end. sought to lay a cunning plan, that
5 a Pray always, that you may he may destroy this work;
come off b conqueror; yea, that 13 For he hath put into their
you may conquer Satan, and that hearts to do this, that by lying they
you may c escape the hands of the may say they have a caught you in
10 1 a D&C 3:12 (1–15). 4 a Mosiah 4:27; c Ps. 59:2 (1–5).
b tg Urim and Alma 1:26. 6 a D&C 5:33 (32–33);
Thummim. b Ex. 18:18 (13–26). 38:13 (13, 28); 42:64.
2 a Eph. 4:18. tg Health; b D&C 3:12 (7–13);
tg Mind. Strength. 5:2 (1–18).
b D&C 9:9. c Matt. 10:22. 9 a tg Sacrilege.
3 a D&C 3:10. tg Diligence. 10 a tg Devil.
b D&C 9:2 (1–3, 5, 10); 5 a tg Prayer. b D&C 3:12.
10:18 (18, 41, 45); 11:19. b tg Self-Mastery. 13 a Jer. 5:26.
Doctrine and Covenants 10:14–29 18
the words which you have pretended deeds are evil; therefore they will
Section 11
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to his brother Hy
rum Smith, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. This revelation was
received through the Urim and Thummim in answer to Joseph’s suppli
cation and inquiry. Joseph Smith’s history suggests that this revelation
was received after the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood.
1–6, Laborers in the vineyard will powerful, d sharper than a two-edged
gain salvation; 7–14, Seek wisdom, cry sword, to the dividing asunder of
repentance, trust in the Spirit; 15–22, both joints and marrow; therefore
Keep the commandments, and study give e heed unto my word.
the Lord’s word; 23–27, Deny not the 3 Behold, the field is a white already
spirit of revelation and of prophecy; to harvest; therefore, whoso desireth
28–30, Those who receive Christ be to reap let him thrust in his sickle
come the sons of God. with his b might, and reap while the
day lasts, that he may c treasure up
A great and marvelous work is
for his soul d everlasting salvation
about to come forth among the chil- in the kingdom of God.
dren of men. 4 Yea, whosoever will thrust in
2 Behold, I am God; give a heed his sickle and a reap, the same is
to my b word, which is quick and b
called of God.
63 b tg Devil. b Luke 11:23. 2 a D&C 1:14 (14, 37);
c tg Provoking. 69 a tg Perseverance. 84:43 (43–45).
d tg Contention; b D&C 6:34; 11:16 (16, 24); b Heb. 4:12.
Disputations. 18:4 (4, 17); 33:13. c Alma 4:19; 31:5.
e 2 Pet. 3:16. tg Rock. d Hel. 3:29;
65 a Luke 13:34; c Matt. 16:18; D&C 6:2.
D&C 39:22. D&C 17:8; 18:5; 21:6; e 1 Ne. 15:25 (23–25).
tg Israel, Gathering of; 33:13; 98:22; 109:26. 3 a D&C 4:4.
Last Days. 70 a tg Jesus Christ, Light b tg Dedication.
66 a tg Living Water. of the World; c tg Treasure.
67 a Matt. 11:28. Light of Christ. d 1 Tim. 6:19.
b tg Church; b tg World. 4 a tg Harvest.
Jesus Christ, Head of c tg Jesus Christ, Lord. b Rev. 14:15;
the Church. 11 1 a Isa. 29:14; D&C 4:3; 6:4; 12:4 (3–4);
68 a 1 Tim. 6:3. D&C 4:1 (1–7). 14:4 (3–4).
Doctrine and Covenants 11:5–20 22
Section 12
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Joseph Knight
Sr., at Harmony, Pennsylvania, May 1829. Joseph Knight believed the
declarations of Joseph Smith concerning his possession of the Book of
Mormon plates and the work of translation then in progress and several
times had given material assistance to Joseph Smith and his scribe,
which enabled them to continue translating. At Joseph Knight’s request,
the Prophet inquired of the Lord and received the revelation.
1–6, Laborers in the vineyard are to A great and b marvelous work is
gain salvation; 7–9, All who desire about to come forth among the chil-
and are qualified may assist in the dren of men.
Lord’s work. 2 Behold, I am God; give heed to
21 a tg Missionary Work; 3 Ne. 26:8 (7–10). 28 a Rom. 1:4.
Preaching. 23 a JS—H 1:4. b tg Jesus Christ, Light
b Alma 17:2 (2–3); b Matt. 6:33. of the World;
D&C 84:85. 24 a Matt. 7:24. Light [noun].
c tg Learn; b tg Rock. 29 a tg Prophets,
Scriptures, Value of. c tg Gospel. Rejection of.
d tg Teaching with the 25 a tg Revelation. 30 a John 1:12.
Spirit. b Rev. 19:10. b tg Sons and Daughters
e tg Conversion. tg Prophecy. of God.
22 a Ex. 14:14. c tg Apostasy of c 1 Jn. 3:23 (19–24).
b ie the Bible. Individuals. 12 1 a See D&C 11:1–6 for
c tg Education; 26 a Deut. 11:18; similar concepts and
Scriptures, Study of; D&C 6:20; 43:34; 84:85; cross-references.
Study. JS—M 1:37. b Isa. 29:14;
d ie the Book of b Prov. 20:5. D&C 4:1 (1–4).
Mormon. 27 a tg Mission of
e Alma 29:8; Latter-day Saints.
Doctrine and Covenants 12:3–13:1 24
my a word, which is quick and pow- 6 Now, as you have asked, behold,
erful, sharper than a two-edged I say unto you, keep my command-
sword, to the dividing asunder of ments, and seek to bring forth and
both joints and marrow; therefore, establish the cause of a Zion.
give heed unto my word. 7 Behold, I speak unto you, and
3 Behold, the field is a white already also to all those who have desires to
to harvest; therefore, whoso desireth bring forth and establish this work;
to reap let him thrust in his sickle 8 And no one can assist in this
with his might, and reap while the work except he shall be a humble
day lasts, that he may treasure up and full of b love, having faith, hope,
for his soul everlasting salvation in and charity, being temperate in all
the kingdom of God. things, whatsoever shall be c en-
4 Yea, whosoever will thrust in trusted to his care.
his sickle and a reap, the same is 9 Behold, I am the light and the
called of God. life of the world, that speak these
5 Therefore, if you will ask of me words, therefore give heed with
you shall receive; if you will knock your might, and then you are called.
it shall be opened unto you. Amen.
Section 13
An extract from Joseph Smith’s history recounting the ordination of the
Prophet and Oliver Cowdery to the Aaronic Priesthood near Harmony,
Pennsylvania, May 15, 1829. The ordination was done by the hands
of an angel who announced himself as John, the same that is called
John the Baptist in the New Testament. The angel explained that he
was acting under the direction of Peter, James, and John, the ancient
Apostles, who held the keys of the higher priesthood, which was called
the Priesthood of Melchizedek. The promise was given to Joseph and
Oliver that in due time this higher priesthood would be conferred upon
them. (See section 27:7–8, 12.)
The keys and powers of the Aaronic angels, and of the gospel of e repen-
Section 14
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to David Whit
mer, at Fayette, New York, June 1829. The Whitmer family had be
come greatly interested in the translating of the Book of Mormon. The
Prophet established his residence at the home of Peter Whitmer Sr.,
where he dwelt until the work of translation was carried to completion
and the copyright on the forthcoming book was secured. Three of the
Whitmer sons, each having received a testimony as to the genuineness
of the work, became deeply concerned over the matter of their indi
vidual duty. This revelation and the two following (sections 15 and 16)
were given in answer to an inquiry through the Urim and Thummim.
David Whitmer later became one of the Three Witnesses to the Book
of Mormon.
1–6, Laborers in the vineyard will 5 Therefore, if you will ask of me
gain salvation; 7– 8, Eternal life is the you shall receive; if you will a knock
greatest of God’s gifts; 9–11, Christ it shall be opened unto you.
created the heavens and the earth. 6 Seek to bring forth and establish
my Zion. Keep my commandments
A great and marvelous work is
in all things.
about to come forth unto the chil- 7 And, if you a keep my command-
dren of men. ments and b endure to the end you
2 Behold, I am God; give heed to shall have c eternal life, which gift is
my word, which is quick and pow- the greatest of all the gifts of God.
erful, sharper than a two-edged 8 And it shall come to pass, that
sword, to the dividing asunder of if you shall ask the Father in my
both joints and marrow; therefore name, in faith a believing, you shall
give heed unto my word. receive the b Holy Ghost, which c giv-
3 Behold, the field is white already eth utterance, that you may stand
to harvest; therefore, whoso desireth as a d witness of the things of which
to reap let him thrust in his sickle you shall both e hear and see, and
with his might, and reap while the also that you may declare f repen-
day lasts, that he may treasure up tance unto this generation.
for his soul everlasting salvation in 9 Behold, I am a Jesus Christ, the
the kingdom of God. b
Son of the c living God, who d created
4 Yea, whosoever will thrust in his the heavens and the e earth, a f light
sickle and reap, the same is called which cannot be hid in g darkness;
of God. 10 Wherefore, I must bring forth
14 1 a See D&C 11:1–6 for tg Trust in God. D&C 76:24 (20–24).
similar concepts and b Acts 2:4. b Rom. 1:4.
cross-references. c tg Holy Ghost, c Dan. 6:26; Alma 7:6;
5 a tg Objectives. Mission of. D&C 20:19.
7 a Ps. 19:11 (9–11); d Acts 26:16; d Jer. 14:22;
Prov. 7:2; 2 Ne. 27:12 (12–14); Acts 4:24 (23–24);
Mosiah 2:22; Ether 5:4 (3–5). Mosiah 4:2;
D&C 58:2. tg Witness. 3 Ne. 9:15;
b tg Steadfastness. e See “The Testimony D&C 45:1.
c D&C 6:13; 88:4. of Three Witnesses” tg Creation;
tg Eternal Life; in the preliminary Jesus Christ, Creator.
Exaltation; pages of the Book of e Abr. 4:12 (12, 24–25).
God, Gifts of; Man, Mormon. f 2 Sam. 22:29.
Potential to Become f tg Repent. tg Light [noun];
like Heavenly Father. 9 a Mosiah 4:2; Light of Christ.
8 a 2 Cor. 4:13. Morm. 9:11; g tg Darkness, Spiritual.
Doctrine and Covenants 14:11–16:4 26
the a fulness of my b gospel from the thing if ye do, and are faithful, ye
Gentiles unto the house of Israel. shall be blessed both spiritually
11 And behold, thou art David, and temporally, and great shall be
and thou art called to assist; which your reward. Amen.
Section 15
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to John Whitmer,
at Fayette, New York, June 1829 (see the heading to section 14). The
message is intimately and impressively personal in that the Lord tells
of what was known only to John Whitmer and Himself. John Whitmer
later became one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon.
1–2, The Lord’s arm is over all the of me to know that which would be
earth; 3–6, To preach the gospel and of the most worth unto you.
save souls is the thing of most worth. 5 Behold, blessed are you for this
thing, and for speaking my words
Hearken, my servant John, and which I have given you according
listen to the words of Jesus Christ, to my commandments.
your Lord and your Redeemer. 6 And now, behold, I say unto
2 For behold, I speak unto you you, that the thing which will be of
with a sharpness and with power, the most worth unto you will be
for mine arm is over all the b earth. to a declare b repentance unto this
3 And I will a tell you that which people, that you may bring c souls
no man b knoweth save me and thee unto me, that you may d rest with
alone— them in the e kingdom of my f Father.
4 For many times you have desired Amen.
Section 16
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Peter Whitmer
Jr., at Fayette, New York, June 1829 (see the heading to section 14).
Peter Whitmer Jr. later became one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book
of Mormon.
1–2, The Lord’s arm is over all the 2 For behold, I speak unto you with
earth; 3–6, To preach the gospel and sharpness and with power, for mine
save souls is the thing of most worth. arm is over all the earth.
3 And I will tell you that which
Hearken, my servant Peter, and
no man knoweth save me and thee
listen to the words of Jesus Christ, alone—
your Lord and your Redeemer. 4 For many times you have desired
10 a Rom. 15:29; D&C 14:9; Soul;
D&C 20:9 (8–9); Abr. 4:12 (12, 24–25). Worth of Souls.
JS—H 1:34. 3 a tg God, Omni- d tg Rest.
b tg Israel, science of. e tg Kingdom of God, in
Restoration of. b D&C 6:16. Heaven.
c 1 Ne. 10:14; 13:42; 6 a D&C 6:6; 18:15 (15–16); f tg God the Father,
15:13 (13–20). 30:9 (9–10). Elohim.
15 2 a Hel. 3:29 (29–30). b tg Missionary Work; 16 1 a See D&C 15 for
tg God, Power of. Repent. similar concepts and
b Ex. 9:29; c tg Conversion; cross-references.
27 Doctrine and Covenants 16:5–17:6
of me to know that which would be that the thing which will be of the
of the most worth unto you. most worth unto you will be to de-
5 Behold, blessed are you for this clare repentance unto this people,
thing, and for speaking my words that you may bring souls unto me,
which I have given unto you accord- that you may rest with them in the
ing to my commandments. kingdom of my Father. Amen.
6 And now, behold, I say unto you,
Section 17
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery,
David Whitmer, and Martin Harris, at Fayette, New York, June 1829,
prior to their viewing the engraved plates that contained the Book of
Mormon record. Joseph and his scribe, Oliver Cowdery, had learned
from the translation of the Book of Mormon plates that three special
witnesses would be designated (see Ether 5:2– 4; 2 Nephi 11:3; 27:12).
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris were moved upon
by an inspired desire to be the three special witnesses. The Prophet in
quired of the Lord, and this revelation was given in answer through the
Urim and Thummim.
1– 4, By faith the Three Witnesses by that faith which was had by the
will see the plates and other sacred prophets of old.
items; 5–9, Christ bears testimony of 3 And after that you have obtained
the divinity of the Book of Mormon. faith, and have seen them with your
eyes, you shall a testify of them, by
Behold, I say unto you, that you the power of God;
must rely upon my word, which if 4 And this you shall do that my
you do with full purpose of heart, servant Joseph Smith, Jun., may
you shall have a a view of the b plates, not be destroyed, that I may bring
and also of the c breastplate, the about my righteous purposes
sword of Laban, the e Urim and unto the children of men in this
Thummim, which were given to the work.
brother of Jared upon the mount, 5 And ye shall testify that you
when he talked with the Lord g face have seen them, even as my servant
to face, and the h miraculous direc- Joseph Smith, Jun., has seen them;
tors which were given to Lehi while for it is by my power that he has
in the wilderness, on the borders of seen them, and it is because he had
the i Red Sea. faith.
2 And it is by your faith that you 6 And he has translated the
shall obtain a view of them, even a
book, even that b part which I have
17 1 a 2 Ne. 27:12; d 1 Ne. 4:9; h 1 Ne. 16:16 (10, 16, 26);
Ether 5:4 (2–4); 2 Ne. 5:14; 18:12 (12, 21);
D&C 5:15 (15, 24). Jacob 1:10; 2 Ne. 5:12;
See also “The Mosiah 1:16. Alma 37:38 (38–47).
Testimony of Three e tg Urim and i 1 Ne. 2:5.
Witnesses” in the Thummim. 3 a Ether 5:3 (3–4);
preliminary pages of bd Urim and D&C 5:11.
the Book of Mormon. Thummim. tg Witness.
b Morm. 6:6; f Ether 3:28 (1–28). 6 a tg Book of Mormon.
Ether 4:5 (4–7); g Gen. 32:30; b 2 Ne. 27:8 (7–11, 21);
JS—H 1:52. Num. 12:8; 3 Ne. 26:9 (7–12, 18);
c Ex. 25:7. Moses 1:2. Ether 4:5 (4–7); 5:1.
Doctrine and Covenants 17:7–18:8 28
commanded him, and as your Lord prevail against you; for my c grace
and your God liveth it is true. is sufficient for you, and you shall
7 Wherefore, you have received the be d lifted up at the last day.
same power, and the same faith, and 9 And I, Jesus Christ, your a Lord
the same gift like unto him; and your God, have spoken it unto
8 And if you do these last a com- you, that I might bring about my
mandments of mine, which I have righteous purposes unto the chil-
given you, the b gates of hell shall not dren of men. Amen.
Section 18
Revelation to Joseph Smith the Prophet, Oliver Cowdery, and David
Whitmer, given at Fayette, New York, June 1829. According to the
Prophet, this revelation made known “the calling of twelve apostles in
these last days, and also instructions relative to building up the Church.”
1–5, Scriptures show how to build up true, behold, I give unto you a com-
the Church; 6 – 8, The world is ripen mandment, that you a rely upon the
ing in iniquity; 9–16, The worth of things which are b written;
souls is great; 17–25, To gain salva 4 For in them are all things a writ-
tion, men must take upon themselves ten concerning the foundation of my
the name of Christ; 26 –36, The call church, my gospel, and my b rock.
ing and mission of the Twelve are 5 Wherefore, if you shall build up
revealed; 37–39, Oliver Cowdery and my a church, upon the foundation of
David Whitmer are to search out the my gospel and my b rock, the c gates
Twelve; 40–47, To gain salvation, men of hell shall not prevail against you.
must repent, be baptized, and keep the 6 Behold, the a world is b ripening in
commandments. iniquity; and it must needs be that
the children of men are stirred up
Now, behold, because of the thing unto repentance, both the c Gentiles
which you, my servant Oliver Cowd and also the house of Israel.
ery, have desired to know of me, I 7 Wherefore, as thou hast been
give unto you these words: a
baptized by the hands of my ser-
2 Behold, I have a manifested unto vant Joseph Smith, Jun., according
you, by my Spirit in many instances, to that which I have commanded
that the b things which you have him, he hath fulfilled the thing
written are c true; wherefore you which I commanded him.
know that they are true. 8 And now, marvel not that I have
3 And if you know that they are a
called him unto mine own purpose,
8 a D&C 19:13. 3 a Prov. 22:21; b tg Rock.
b Matt. 16:18; D&C 98:11. c Matt. 16:18;
1 Ne. 22:26; tg Dependability; D&C 10:69.
Alma 48:17 (16–17); Guidance, Divine; 6 a tg World.
3 Ne. 11:39 (39–40); Scriptures, Value of. b Rev. 14:15.
D&C 10:69. b D&C 18:30 (29–30). c 1 Ne. 13:42;
c tg Grace. 4 a D&C 20:9 (8–11); D&C 18:26; 19:27; 21:12;
d 1 Ne. 13:37; 39:11; 68:1. 90:9 (8–9); 107:33; 112:4.
3 Ne. 27:14 (14–15, 22); tg Gospel. tg Gentiles;
D&C 5:35; 9:14; 27:18. b D&C 6:34; 10:69; Israel, Restoration of;
9 a tg Jesus Christ, Lord. 11:16 (16, 24); 33:13. Missionary Work.
18 2 a D&C 6:24 (22–24). 5 a tg Church; 7 a JS—H 1:71 (70–71).
b D&C 9:4. Jesus Christ, Head of 8 a D&C 9:12.
c D&C 6:17 (15–17). the Church.
29 Doctrine and Covenants 18:9–24
children of men, unto the b convinc- this, if you a keep not my command-
ing of many of their sins, that they ments you cannot be saved in the
may come unto repentance, and that kingdom of my Father.
they may come unto the kingdom 47 Behold, I, Jesus Christ, your
of my Father. Lord and your God, and your a Re-
45 Wherefore, the blessings which deemer, by the b power of my Spirit
I give unto you are a above all things. have spoken it. Amen.
46 And after that you have received
Section 19
Revelation given through Joseph Smith, at Manchester, New York, likely
in the summer of 1829. In his history, the Prophet introduces it as “a
commandment of God and not of man, to Martin Harris, given by him
who is Eternal.”
1–3, Christ has all power; 4–5, All d
judging every man according to
men must repent or suffer; 6–12, Eter his e works and the deeds which he
nal punishment is God’s punishment; hath done.
13–20, Christ suffered for all, that they 4 And surely every man must
might not suffer if they would repent; a
repent or b suffer, for I, God, am
21–28, Preach the gospel of repentance; c
29– 41, Declare glad tidings. 5 Wherefore, I a revoke not the judg-
ments which I shall pass, but woes
I am a Alpha and Omega, b Christ the shall go forth, weeping, b wailing and
Lord; yea, even I am he, the begin- gnashing of teeth, yea, to those who
ning and the end, the Redeemer of are found on my c left hand.
the c world. 6 Nevertheless, it is a not written
2 I, having accomplished and a fin- that there shall be no end to this
ished the will of him whose I am, torment, but it is written b endless
even the Father, concerning me— c
having done this that I might b sub- 7 Again, it is written a eternal dam
due all things unto myself— nation; wherefore it is more ex-
3 Retaining all a power, even to the press than other scriptures, that it
destroying of Satan and his works might work upon the hearts of the
at the c end of the world, and the last children of men, altogether for my
great day of judgment, which I shall name’s glory.
pass upon the inhabitants thereof, 8 Wherefore, I will explain unto
44 b Job 13:23 (23–28); Messiah. d tg Jesus Christ, Judge;
Alma 12:1; c tg World. Judgment, the Last;
36:17 (12–19); 62:45; 2 a John 17:4; Justice.
D&C 6:11. 3 Ne. 11:11. e tg Good Works.
45 a D&C 76:92; b Philip. 3:21. 4 a tg Repent.
84:38 (35–38). tg Jesus Christ, b Luke 13:3.
46 a 1 Pet. 4:17 (17–18); Mission of. c Moses 1:3.
D&C 82:3. 3 a tg Jesus Christ, 5 a D&C 56:4; 58:32.
47 a tg Jesus Christ, Power of. b Matt. 13:42.
Redeemer. b Gen. 3:15; c Matt. 25:41.
b tg Jesus Christ, Rom. 16:20; 6 a D&C 76:106 (105–6);
Power of. 1 Jn. 3:8; 138:59.
19 1 a Rev. 1:8 (8, 11); Rev. 20:10 (8, 10); b D&C 76:44 (33, 44–45).
D&C 35:1; 45:7; 54:1; D&C 29:28 (27–30, 44); c tg Punish.
61:1; 68:35; 75:1. 88:114 (111–15). 7 a Hel. 12:26 (25–26);
b tg Jesus Christ, c tg World, End of. D&C 29:44.
Doctrine and Covenants 19:9–25 32
Section 20
Revelation on Church organization and government, given through Joseph
Smith the Prophet, at or near Fayette, New York. Portions of this revelation
may have been given as early as summer 1829. The complete revelation, known
at the time as the Articles and Covenants, was likely recorded soon after
April 6, 1830 (the day the Church was organized). The Prophet wrote, “We
obtained of Him [Jesus Christ] the following, by the spirit of prophecy and
revelation; which not only gave us much information, but also pointed out
to us the precise day upon which, according to His will and commandment,
we should proceed to organize His Church once more here upon the earth.”
1–16, The Book of Mormon proves 3 And to Oliver Cowdery, who was
the divinity of the latter- day work; also called of God, an apostle of Jesus
17–28, The doctrines of creation, fall, Christ, to be the a second elder of this
atonement, and baptism are affirmed; church, and ordained under his hand;
29–37, Laws governing repentance, jus 4 And this according to the a grace
tification, sanctification, and baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
are set forth; 38–67, Duties of elders, to whom be all glory, both now and
priests, teachers, and deacons are sum forever. Amen.
marized; 68–74, Duties of members, 5 After it was truly manifested
blessing of children, and the mode of unto this first elder that he had re-
baptism are revealed; 75– 84, Sacra ceived a a remission of his sins, he
mental prayers and regulations gov was b entangled again in the c vani-
erning Church membership are given. ties of the world;
6 But after a repenting, and hum-
The a rise of the b Church of Christ bling himself sincerely, through
in these last days, being one thou- faith, God ministered unto him by
sand eight hundred and thirty years an holy b angel, whose c countenance
since the c coming of our Lord and was as lightning, and whose gar-
Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh, it ments were pure and white above
being regularly d organized and es- all other whiteness;
tablished agreeable to the e laws of 7 And gave unto him a command-
our country, by the will and com- ments which inspired him;
mandments of God, in the fourth 8 And a gave him power from on
month, and on the sixth day of the high, by the b means which were
month which is called April— before prepared, to translate the
2 Which commandments were Book of Mormon;
given to Joseph Smith, Jun., who 9 Which contains a a record of a
was a called of God, and b ordained fallen people, and the b fulness of
an c apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the the c gospel of Jesus Christ to the
first e elder of this church; Gentiles and to the Jews also;
20 1 a JS—H 1:2. e tg Elder, Melchizedek 6 a tg Priesthood,
b 3 Ne. 27:3 (1–8); Priesthood. Qualifying for.
D&C 1:1. 3 a D&C 28:1. b JS—H 1:30 (29–35).
tg Church. 4 a tg Grace. tg Angels.
c Matt. 1:18. 5 a D&C 21:8; 23:5; c Matt. 28:3.
tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. JS—H 1:73 (68–74). 7 a tg Guidance, Divine.
d D&C 21:3. tg Remission of Sins. 8 a Luke 24:49.
e D&C 58:21; 98:4 (4–5). b 2 Pet. 2:20; b tg Urim and Thummim.
2 a tg Authority; D&C 3:6; 5:21; 9 a tg Record Keeping.
Called of God. 20:32 (31–34); b D&C 14:10; 18:4;
b D&C 5:6. JS—H 1:28 (28–29). JS—H 1:34.
c tg Apostles. c Ps. 25:7. c tg Book of Mormon;
d D&C 21:11; 30:7. tg Vanity. Gospel.
35 Doctrine and Covenants 20:10–24
58 But neither teachers nor deacons priests, and elders, may have the
have authority to baptize, adminis- privilege of ordaining, where there
ter the a sacrament, or lay on b hands; is no branch of the church that a
59 They are, however, to warn, ex- vote may be called.
pound, exhort, and teach, and invite 67 Every president of the high
all to come unto Christ. priesthood (or presiding elder),
60 Every a elder, b priest, teacher, or a
bishop, high councilor, and b high
deacon is to be c ordained d according priest, is to be ordained by the di-
to the gifts and callings of God unto rection of a c high council or general
him; and he is to be e ordained by conference.
the power of the Holy Ghost, which 68 The a duty of the members after
is in the one who ordains him. they are received by b baptism—The
61 The several elders composing elders or priests are to have a suf-
this church of Christ are to a meet ficient time to expound all things
in conference once in three months, concerning the church of Christ
or from time to time as said confer- to their c understanding, previous to
ences shall direct or appoint; their partaking of the d sacrament
62 And said conferences are to do and being confirmed by the lay-
whatever church business is neces- ing on of the e hands of the elders,
sary to be done at the time. so that all things may be done
63 The elders are to receive their in f order.
licenses from other elders, by a vote 69 And the members shall manifest
of the church to which they belong, before the church, and also before
or from the conferences. the elders, by a a godly walk and
64 Each priest, teacher, or deacon, conversation, that they are worthy
who is ordained by a priest, may of it, that there may be works and
take a certificate from him at the b
faith agreeable to the holy scrip-
time, which a certificate, when pre- tures—walking in c holiness before
sented to an elder, shall entitle him the Lord.
to a license, which shall authorize 70 Every member of the church of
him to perform the duties of his Christ having a children is to bring
calling, or he may receive it from them unto the elders before the
a conference. church, who are to lay their b hands
65 No person is to be a ordained upon them in the name of Jesus
to any office in this church, where Christ, and bless them in his name.
there is a regularly organized branch 71 No one can be received into
of the same, without the b vote of the church of Christ unless he has
that church; arrived unto the years of a account-
66 But the presiding elders, trav- ability before God, and is capable
eling bishops, high councilors, high of b repentance.
58 a tg Sacrament. 65 a tg Priesthood, f tg Order.
b tg Hands, Laying on of. Ordination. 69 a tg Godliness.
60 a tg Elder, Melchizedek b D&C 26:2; 28:13. b James 2:14.
Priesthood. tg Common Consent. c tg Holiness.
b tg Priest, Aaronic 67 a tg Bishop. 70 a tg Blessing;
Priesthood. b tg Church Children;
c tg Called of God. Organization; Family, Love within.
d Moro. 3:4 (1–4). High Priest, b tg Hands, Laying
e tg Priesthood, Melchizedek on of.
Ordination. Priesthood. 71 a D&C 18:42; 29:47;
61 a tg Meetings. c D&C 102:2 (1–3). 68:25 (25–27).
63 a D&C 73:2. 68 a tg Duty. tg Accountability;
tg Sustaining Church b tg Baptism. Baptism, Qualifications
Leaders. c tg Understanding. for; Salvation of Little
64 a D&C 20:84; 52:41; d tg Sacrament. Children.
72:17 (17, 19–26); 112:21. e tg Hands, Laying on of. b tg Repent.
39 Doctrine and Covenants 20:72–84
Section 21
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Fayette, New York,
April 6, 1830. This revelation was given at the organization of the
Church, on the date named, in the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. Six men,
who had previously been baptized, participated. By unanimous vote
these persons expressed their desire and determination to organize, ac
cording to the commandment of God (see section 20). They also voted
to accept and sustain Joseph Smith Jr. and Oliver Cowdery as the pre
siding officers of the Church. With the laying on of hands, Joseph then
ordained Oliver an elder of the Church, and Oliver similarly ordained
Joseph. After administration of the sacrament, Joseph and Oliver laid
hands upon the participants individually for the bestowal of the Holy
Ghost and for the confirmation of each as a member of the Church.
1–3, Joseph Smith is called to be a thou shalt give a heed unto all his
seer, translator, prophet, apostle, and words and b commandments which
elder; 4– 8, His word will guide the he shall give unto you as he receiv-
cause of Zion; 9–12, The Saints will eth them, walking in all c holiness
believe his words as he speaks by the before me;
Comforter. 5 For his a word ye shall receive,
as if from mine own mouth, in all
Behold, there shall be a a record kept patience and faith.
among you; and in it thou shalt be 6 For by doing these things the
called a b seer, a translator, a prophet, a
gates of hell shall not prevail
an c apostle of Jesus Christ, an elder against you; yea, and the Lord God
of the church through the will of will disperse the powers of b dark-
God the Father, and the grace of ness from before you, and cause the
your Lord Jesus Christ, heavens to c shake for your d good,
2 Being a inspired of the Holy and his name’s e glory.
Ghost to lay the foundation thereof, 7 For thus saith the Lord God: Him
and to b build it up unto the most have I inspired to move the cause
holy faith. of a Zion in mighty power for good,
3 Which a church was b organized and his diligence I know, and his
and established in the year of your prayers I have heard.
Lord eighteen hundred and thirty, 8 Yea, his weeping for Zion I have
in the fourth month, and on the seen, and I will cause that he shall
sixth day of the month which is mourn for her no longer; for his
called April. days of rejoicing are come unto
4 Wherefore, meaning the church, the a remission of his sins, and the
21 1 a D&C 47:1; 69:3 (3–8); tg Priesthood, c Joel 3:16;
85:1. Magnifying Callings Hag. 2:7;
tg Record Keeping. within. D&C 35:24;
b tg Seer. b tg Scriptures, Study of. 45:48 (22, 48);
c 2 Cor. 1:1. c tg Holiness. 49:23; 84:118.
tg Apostles. 5 a D&C 1:38. d Deut. 10:13;
2 a tg Inspiration. tg Prophets, D&C 61:13.
b Jude 1:20. Mission of; e tg Glory.
3 a D&C 1:1. Sustaining Church 7 a tg Zion.
tg Church Leaders. 8 a D&C 20:5 (5–6);
Organization. 6 a Matt. 16:18; JS—H 1:73 (68–74).
b D&C 20:1. D&C 10:69.
4 a Heb. 2:1. b Col. 1:13.
41 Doctrine and Covenants 21:9–22:4
Section 22
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Manchester, New
York, April 16, 1830. This revelation was given to the Church in conse
quence of some who had previously been baptized desiring to unite with
the Church without rebaptism.
1, Baptism is a new and everlasting times it availeth him nothing, for
covenant; 2–4, Authoritative baptism you cannot enter in at the strait
is required. gate by the a law of Moses, neither
by your b dead works.
Behold, I say unto you that all 3 For it is because of your dead
old covenants have I caused to be
works that I have caused this last
done away in this thing; and this covenant and this church to be
is a b new and an everlasting c cov- built up unto me, even as in days
enant, even that which was from the of old.
beginning. 4 Wherefore, enter ye in at the
2 Wherefore, although a man a
gate, as I have commanded, and
should be baptized an hundred b
seek not to counsel your God. Amen.
Section 23
A series of five revelations given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at
Manchester, New York, April 1830, to Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith,
Samuel H. Smith, Joseph Smith Sr., and Joseph Knight Sr. As the result
9 a 1 Ne. 13:37; 11 a D&C 20:2 (2, 5). 2 a Gal. 2:16.
Jacob 5:75 (70–76). 12 a tg Missionary Work; tg Law of Moses.
b tg Holy Ghost, Mission of Latter-day b Moro. 8:23 (23–26).
Comforter. Saints. 4 a Matt. 7:13 (13–14);
c tg Testimony. b 1 Ne. 13:42; Luke 13:24;
d Lev. 16:9 (7–10). D&C 18:6, 26; 19:27; 2 Ne. 9:41;
tg Jesus Christ, 90:9 (8–9); 107:33; 31:9 (9, 17–18);
Crucifixion of. 112:4. 3 Ne. 14:14 (13–14);
e tg Sin. 22 1 a Heb. 8:13; 27:33;
f 1 Jn. 2:2. 3 Ne. 9:17; 12:47 (46–47). D&C 43:7.
tg World. b D&C 66:2. tg Baptism, Essential.
g tg Contrite Heart. tg New and b Rom. 11:34;
10 a tg Priesthood, Everlasting Covenant. 1 Cor. 2:16;
Ordination. c tg Covenants. Jacob 4:10.
Doctrine and Covenants 23:1–24:1 42
of earnest desire on the part of the five persons named to know of their
respective duties, the Prophet inquired of the Lord and received a reve
lation for each person.
1–7, These early disciples are called no condemnation, and thy calling
to preach, exhort, and strengthen the is to exhortation, and to strengthen
Church. the church; and thou art not as yet
called to preach before the world.
Behold, I speak unto you, Oliver, a Amen.
few words. Behold, thou art blessed, 5 Behold, I speak a few words
and art under no condemnation. But unto you, Joseph; for thou also art
beware of a pride, lest thou shouldst under no a condemnation, and thy
enter into b temptation. calling also is to exhortation, and
2 Make known thy calling unto the to strengthen the church; and this
church, and also before the a world, is thy duty from henceforth and
and thy heart shall be opened to forever. Amen.
preach the truth from henceforth 6 Behold, I manifest unto you,
and forever. Amen. Joseph Knight, by these words, that
3 Behold, I speak unto you, Hyrum, you must take up your a cross, in the
a few words; for thou also art under which you must b pray c vocally be-
no condemnation, and thy heart is fore the world as well as in secret,
opened, and thy tongue a loosed; and and in your family, and among your
thy calling is to exhortation, and to friends, and in all places.
strengthen the church continually. 7 And, behold, it is your duty to
Wherefore thy duty is unto the unite with the true a church, and
church forever, and this because of give your language to exhortation
thy family. Amen. continually, that you may receive
4 Behold, I speak a few words unto the reward of the b laborer. Amen.
you, a Samuel; for thou also art under
Section 24
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery, at
Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830. Though less than four months had
elapsed since the Church was organized, persecution had become intense,
and the leaders had to seek safety in partial seclusion. The following three
revelations were given at this time to strengthen, encourage, and instruct
1–9, Joseph Smith is called to trans Behold, thou wast called and cho-
late, preach, and expound scriptures; sen to a write the Book of Mormon,
10 –12, Oliver Cowdery is called to and to my ministry; and I have b lifted
preach the gospel; 13–19, The law is thee up out of thine afflictions, and
revealed relative to miracles, cursings, have counseled thee, that thou hast
casting off the dust of one’s feet, and been delivered from all thine en
going without purse or scrip. emies, and thou hast been c delivered
23 1 a tg Pride. 6 a Matt. 10:38; b tg Industry.
b Mark 14:38. 3 Ne. 12:30. 24 1 a D&C 9:4.
tg Temptation. b 1 Tim. 2:8. tg Scribe;
2 a Rom. 10:18. tg Prayer. Scriptures, Writing of.
3 a 3 Ne. 26:14 (14, 16). c D&C 19:28; b Acts 7:10.
b D&C 81:5 (4–5); 108:7. 20:47 (47, 51). c tg Deliver.
4 a JS—H 1:4. 7 a tg Baptism, Essential;
5 a D&C 20:5. Commitment.
43 Doctrine and Covenants 24:2–16
from the powers of Satan and from on of the hands and b confirming
darkness! the churches.
2 Nevertheless, thou art not excus- 10 And thy brother Oliver shall
able in thy a transgressions; never- continue in bearing my name before
theless, go thy way and sin no more. the a world, and also to the church.
3 a Magnify thine office; and after And he shall not suppose that he
thou hast b sowed thy fields and se- can say enough in my cause; and
cured them, go speedily unto the lo, I am with him to the end.
church which is in c Colesville, Fay- 11 In me he shall have glory, and
ette, and Manchester, and they shall not of himself, whether in weakness
support thee; and I will bless them or in strength, whether in a bonds
both spiritually and e temporally; or free;
4 But if they receive thee not, I will 12 And at all times, and in all
send upon them a a cursing instead places, he shall open his mouth and
of a blessing. a
declare my gospel as with the voice
5 And thou shalt continue in calling of a b trump, both day and night.
upon God in my name, and writing And I will give unto him strength
the things which shall be given thee such as is not known among men.
by the a Comforter, and expounding 13 Require not a miracles, except I
all scriptures unto the church. shall b command you, except c cast-
6 And it shall be given thee in the ing out d devils, e healing the sick,
very moment what thou shalt a speak and against f poisonous serpents, and
and b write, and they shall hear it, against deadly poisons;
or I will send unto them a cursing 14 And these things ye shall not do,
instead of a blessing. except it be required of you by them
7 For thou shalt devote all thy a ser- who a desire it, that the scriptures
vice in Zion; and in this thou shalt might be b fulfilled; for ye shall do
have strength. according to that which is written.
8 Be a patient in b afflictions, for 15 And in whatsoever place ye shall
thou shalt have many; but c endure a
enter, and they receive you not in
them, for, lo, I am with thee, even my name, ye shall leave a cursing
unto the d end of thy days. instead of a blessing, by casting off
9 And in temporal labors thou shalt the b dust of your feet against them
not have strength, for this is not thy as a testimony, and cleansing your
calling. Attend to thy a calling and feet by the wayside.
thou shalt have wherewith to mag- 16 And it shall come to pass that
nify thine office, and to expound all whosoever shall lay their hands
scriptures, and continue in laying upon you by violence, ye shall
1 d tg Darkness, Spiritual. 100:5 (5–8); tg Miracle;
2 a D&C 1:31 (31–33). Moses 6:8 (8, 32). Sign Seekers.
3 a Rom. 11:13; tg Prophets, Mission of. b 1 Ne. 7:12; 17:50.
Jacob 1:19; 2:2. b tg Scribe. c Mark 16:17 (17–18).
b tg Industry; Labor. 7 a tg Service. d tg Devil.
c D&C 26:1; 37:2. 8 a Rom. 12:12. e tg Heal.
d D&C 42:71 (70–73); tg Patience. f Acts 28:3 (3–9);
70:12. b Job 2:13; D&C 84:72 (71–72);
e Deut. 28:8; Hel. 5:12. 124:99 (98–100).
Luke 12:31. tg Affliction. 14 a tg Administrations
4 a tg Curse. c tg Steadfastness. to the Sick.
5 a tg Holy Ghost, d Matt. 28:20. b Matt. 4:14.
Comforter; 9 a tg Stewardship. 15 a Matt. 10:11 (11–15).
Scriptures, Writing of. b Acts 15:41. b Mark 6:11;
6 a Ex. 4:12 (12–16); 10 a Rom. 10:18. Luke 10:11 (11–12);
Matt. 10:19 (19–20); 11 a 1 Cor. 12:13. Acts 13:51; 18:6 (5–6);
Luke 12:12 (11–12); 12 a tg Preaching. D&C 60:15 (13–15);
Hel. 5:18 (18–19); b D&C 34:6. 75:20 (19–22);
D&C 28:4; 84:85; 13 a Matt. 4:7 (5–7). 99:4 (4–5).
Doctrine and Covenants 24:17–25:7 44
command to be smitten in my name; thou needest for food and for rai-
and, behold, I will a smite them ac- ment, and for shoes and for money,
cording to your words, in mine own and for scrip.
due time. 19 For thou art called to a prune
17 And whosoever shall go to law my vineyard with a mighty prun-
with thee shall be cursed by the law. ing, yea, even for the last time;
18 And thou shalt take no a purse yea, and also all those whom thou
nor scrip, neither staves, neither hast b ordained, and they shall do
two coats, for the church shall give even according to this pattern.
unto thee in the very hour what Amen.
Section 25
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Penn
sylvania, July 1830 (see the heading to section 24). This revelation
manifests the will of the Lord to Emma Smith, the Prophet’s wife.
1–6, Emma Smith, an elect lady, is thee, and thou art an b elect c lady,
called to aid and comfort her husband; whom I have d called.
7–11, She is also called to write, to ex 4 a Murmur not because of the
pound scriptures, and to select hymns; b
things which thou hast not seen,
12–14, The song of the righteous is for they are c withheld from thee and
a prayer unto the Lord; 15–16, Prin from the world, which is wisdom in
ciples of obedience in this revelation me in a time to come.
are applicable to all. 5 And the office of thy calling
shall be for a a comfort unto my
Hearken unto the voice of the servant, Joseph Smith, Jun., thy
Lord your God, while I speak unto b
husband, in his c afflictions, with
you, Emma Smith, my daughter; consoling words, in the spirit of
for verily I say unto you, all those d
who a receive my gospel are sons and 6 And thou shalt go with him at the
daughters in my b kingdom. time of his going, and be unto him
2 A revelation I give unto you for a scribe, while there is no one
concerning my will; and if thou art to be a scribe for him, that I may
faithful and a walk in the paths of send my servant, Oliver Cowdery,
virtue before me, I will preserve whithersoever I will.
thy life, and thou shalt receive an 7 And thou shalt be a ordained
inheritance in Zion. under his hand to expound scrip-
3 Behold, thy a sins are forgiven tures, and to exhort the church,
16 a tg Retribution. 2 a Deut. 30:16. Called of God.
18 a Matt. 10:9 (9–10); b tg Virtue; 4 a tg Murmuring.
Luke 10:4; Zion. b tg Knowledge.
D&C 84:78 (78–80, 86). c D&C 52:42 (2, 5, 42); c Luke 24:16 (10–24);
19 a Jacob 5:61 (61–74); 58:51 (17, 28, 51); Alma 40:3;
D&C 39:17; 71:4; 95:4. 63:48 (29, 31, 48); Ether 3:25.
tg Millennium, Pre- 64:30; 85:7 (1–3, 7, 9); tg God, Wisdom of.
paring a People for. 99:7; 101:18 (1, 6, 18); 5 a tg Comfort;
b tg Priesthood, 103:14 (11, 14). Compassion;
Ordination. 3 a Matt. 9:2. Family, Love within.
25 1 a John 1:12. b ie one chosen or set b tg Marriage, Wives.
tg Sons and Daughters apart. c tg Affliction.
of God. 2 Jn. 1:1 (1, 13). d 2 Cor. 10:1.
b tg Kingdom of God, c tg Woman. 7 a or set apart.
on Earth. d tg Authority;
45 Doctrine and Covenants 25:8–26:2
Section 26
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, Oliver Cowdery, and
John Whitmer, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, July 1830 (see the heading
to section 24).
1, They are instructed to study the to performing your d labors on the
scriptures and to preach; 2, The law land, such as is required, until after
of common consent is affirmed. you shall go to the west to hold the
next conference; and then it shall
Behold, I say unto you that you be made e known what you shall do.
shall let your a time be devoted 2 And all things shall be done by
to the b studying of the scriptures, a
common consent in the b church, by
and to preaching, and to confirm- much prayer and faith, for all things
ing the church at c Colesville, and you shall receive by faith. Amen.
7 b 1 Cor. 12:8. Righteousness. c John 7:34.
tg God, Spirit of. b tg Communication. 16 a Jer. 42:6;
8 a tg Hands, Laying c tg Heart. D&C 1:38.
on of. d 1 Chr. 16:9; 26 1 a tg Time.
9 a tg Marriage, Husbands. Ps. 33:3; 96:1; b tg Scriptures, Study of;
b tg Called of God; D&C 25:11; 136:28. Study.
Stewardship. tg Prayer; c D&C 24:3; 37:2.
c tg Prophets, Mission of; Singing. d tg Industry.
Revelation. 13 a Lam. 3:41. e tg Guidance, Divine.
10 a tg Covet. b tg Joy. 2 a 1 Sam. 8:7;
b 2 Cor. 6:17; 14 a tg Meek; Mosiah 29:26;
D&C 30:2. Pride. Alma 29:4.
tg Treasure; b tg Family, Love tg Common Consent;
World. within; Sustaining Church
c Ether 12:4. Marriage, Continuing Leaders.
d tg Reward. Courtship in. b 1 Chr. 13:4.
11 a tg Sacred. c tg Glory. tg Church;
b Eph. 5:19 (19–20). 15 a tg Exaltation. Church Organization.
12 a tg God, the Standard of b tg Righteousness.
Doctrine and Covenants 27:1–9 46
Section 27
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsyl
vania, August 1830. In preparation for a religious service at which the
sacrament of bread and wine was to be administered, Joseph set out to
procure wine. He was met by a heavenly messenger and received this
revelation, a portion of which was written at the time and the remain
der in the September following. Water is now used instead of wine in
the sacramental services of the Church.
1– 4, The emblems to be used in par 5 Behold, this is wisdom in me;
taking of the sacrament are set forth; wherefore, marvel not, for the hour
5–14, Christ and His servants from cometh that I will a drink of the fruit
all dispensations are to partake of the of the b vine with you on the earth,
sacrament; 15–18, Put on the whole and with c Moroni, whom I have sent
armor of God. unto you to reveal the Book of Mor-
mon, containing the fulness of my
Listen to the a voice of Jesus Christ, everlasting gospel, to whom I have
your Lord, your God, and your Re- committed the keys of the d record
deemer, whose word is b quick and of the e stick of f Ephraim;
powerful. 6 And also with a Elias, to whom I
2 For, behold, I say unto you, that have committed the keys of bring-
it mattereth not what ye shall a eat ing to pass the restoration of all
or what ye shall drink when ye things spoken by the mouth of all
partake of the sacrament, if it so the holy prophets since the world
be that ye do it with an eye single began, concerning the last days;
to my b glory—c remembering unto 7 And also John the son of Zacha
the Father my d body which was rias, which Zacharias he a (Elias)
laid down for you, and my e blood visited and gave promise that he
which was shed for the f remission of should have a son, and his name
your sins. should be b John, and he should be
3 Wherefore, a commandment I filled with the spirit of Elias;
give unto you, that you shall not 8 Which John I have sent unto you,
purchase a wine neither strong drink my servants, Joseph Smith, Jun.,
of your enemies; and Oliver Cowdery, to ordain you
4 Wherefore, you shall partake of unto the first a priesthood which
none except it is made a new among you have received, that you might
you; yea, in this my Father’s king- be called and b ordained even as
dom which shall be built up on Aaron;
have committed the keys of the 14 And also with all those whom
power of turning the hearts of the my Father hath a given me out of
fathers to the children, and the the world.
hearts of the children to the b fathers, 15 Wherefore, a lift up your hearts
that the whole earth may not be and b rejoice, and c gird up your loins,
smitten with a c curse; and take upon you my whole d armor,
10 And also with Joseph and a Ja- that ye may be able to withstand
cob, and b Isaac, and Abraham, your the evil day, having done all, that
fathers, by whom the d promises ye may be able to e stand.
remain; 16 Stand, therefore, having your
11 And also with Michael, or loins a girt about with b truth, having
Adam, the father of all, the prince on the c breastplate of d righteous-
of all, the b ancient of days; ness, and your feet shod with the
12 And also with Peter, and James, preparation of the e gospel of f peace,
and John, whom I have sent unto you, which I have sent mine g angels to
by whom I have a ordained you and commit unto you;
confirmed you to be b apostles, and 17 Taking the shield of faith where-
especial c witnesses of my d name, with ye shall be able to quench all
and bear the keys of your ministry the a fiery darts of the wicked;
and of the same things which I re- 18 And take the helmet of salva-
vealed unto them; tion, and the sword of my a Spirit,
13 Unto whom I have a committed which I will pour out upon you, and
the b keys of my kingdom, and a c dis- my word which I reveal unto you,
pensation of the d gospel for the e last and be agreed as touching all things
times; and for the f fulness of times, whatsoever ye ask of me, and be
in the which I will gather together in faithful until I come, and ye shall
one all things, both which are be b caught up, that where I am ye
in heaven, and which are on earth; shall be c also. Amen.
Section 28
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Oliver Cowdery,
at Fayette, New York, September 1830. Hiram Page, a member of the
Church, had a certain stone and professed to be receiving revelations by
9 b tg Honoring Father b tg Apostles. d Ex. 12:11; Rom. 13:12;
and Mother. c Luke 24:48; Acts 1:8. Eph. 6:11.
c tg Earth, Curse of. tg Witness. tg Children of Light;
10 a Alma 7:25. d D&C 18:27. Protection, Divine; War.
b Gen. 21:12; 13 a Matt. 16:19. e Mal. 3:2;
Heb. 11:18 (17–18); b D&C 113:6. D&C 87:8 (1–8).
1 Ne. 17:40. tg Priesthood, Keys of. 16 a Isa. 11:5.
c Deut. 11:9; c tg Dispensations. b tg Truth.
D&C 98:32. d tg Gospel. c Lev. 8:8 (7–9);
tg Israel, Origins of. e Jacob 5:71 (71–75); Isa. 59:17; JS—H 1:35.
d Ex. 32:13 (11–13). D&C 43:28 (28–30). d tg Righteousness.
11 a 1 Cor. 15:45 (45–48); f Eph. 1:10 (9–10); e Rev. 14:6 (6–7).
2 Ne. 2:20 (19–20); D&C 76:106; 112:30; f Micah 5:5; 2 Ne. 19:6;
Moses 1:34. 124:41. D&C 111:8.
tg Adam. g D&C 84:100. g D&C 27:5 (5–14);
b Dan. 7:22 (13, 22). 14 a John 6:37; 128:20 (19–21).
12 a JS—H 1:72. 17:9 (9, 11, 14); 17 a 1 Ne. 15:24; D&C 3:8.
tg Priesthood, 3 Ne. 15:24; 18 a tg God, Spirit of.
Authority; Priesthood, D&C 50:41 (41–42); 84:63. b 1 Ne. 13:37;
History of; Priesthood, 15 a Lam. 3:41. 3 Ne. 27:14 (14–15, 22);
Melchizedek; Priest- b tg Joy. D&C 17:8.
hood, Ordination. c Hag. 2:4; D&C 75:22. c John 14:3.
Doctrine and Covenants 28:1–11 48
its aid concerning the upbuilding of Zion and the order of the Church.
Several members had been deceived by these claims, and even Oliver
Cowdery was wrongly influenced thereby. Just prior to an appointed
conference, the Prophet inquired earnestly of the Lord concerning the
matter, and this revelation followed.
1–7, Joseph Smith holds the keys of the 6 And thou shalt not command
mysteries, and only he receives reve him who is at thy head, and at the
lations for the Church; 8–10, Oliver head of the church;
Cowdery is to preach to the Laman 7 For I have given him the a keys
ites; 11–16, Satan deceived Hiram of the b mysteries, and the revela-
Page and gave him false revelations. tions which are sealed, until I shall
appoint unto them another in his
Behold, I say unto thee, a Oliver, that stead.
it shall be given unto thee that thou 8 And now, behold, I say unto you
shalt be heard by the church in all that you shall go unto the a Laman-
things whatsoever thou shalt teach ites and preach my b gospel unto
them by the b Comforter, concerning them; and inasmuch as they c receive
the revelations and commandments thy teachings thou shalt cause my
which I have given. d
church to be established among
2 But, behold, verily, verily, I say them; and thou shalt have revela-
unto thee, a no one shall be ap- tions, but write them not by way of
pointed to receive commandments commandment.
and b revelations in this church ex- 9 And now, behold, I say unto you
cepting my servant c Joseph Smith, that it is not revealed, and no man
Jun., for he receiveth them even as knoweth where the a city b Zion shall
Moses. be built, but it shall be given here-
3 And thou shalt be obedient unto after. Behold, I say unto you that
the things which I shall give unto it shall be on the borders by the
him, even as a Aaron, to b declare Lamanites.
faithfully the commandments and 10 Thou shalt not leave this place
the revelations, with power and until after the conference; and my
authority unto the church. servant Joseph shall be appointed
4 And if thou art a led at any time to preside over the conference by
by the Comforter to b speak or teach, the voice of it, and what he saith
or at all times by the way of com- to thee thou shalt tell.
mandment unto the church, thou 11 And again, thou shalt take thy
mayest do it. brother, Hiram Page, a between him
5 But thou shalt not write by way and thee alone, and tell him that
of a commandment, but by wisdom; those things which he hath written
28 1 a D&C 20:3 (3, 38). 3 a Ex. 4:30 (14–16, 30); Godliness.
b tg Holy Ghost, 28:1 (1–5). 8 a 2 Ne. 3:19 (18–22);
Comforter; b Jer. 26:2. Alma 17:1;
Teaching with the c tg Priesthood, D&C 30:5; 32:2 (1–3);
Spirit. Authority. 49:24.
2 a D&C 32:4; 35:17 (17–18); 4 a Gal. 5:18. b D&C 3:20.
43:4. b Ex. 4:12 (12–16); c tg Teachable.
tg Church D&C 24:6 (5–6); d Ether 13:6 (6–10).
Organization; Moses 6:8 (8, 32). 9 a D&C 57:2;
Order. 5 a D&C 43:5; 103:24 (22–24).
b tg Revelation. 63:22 (22–23). b D&C 52:42 (42–43).
c 2 Ne. 3:15 (14–20). 7 a D&C 35:18; 64:5; 84:19. tg Zion.
tg Joseph Smith. tg Priesthood, Keys of. 11 a Matt. 18:15.
d Lev. 1:1. b tg Mysteries of
49 Doctrine and Covenants 28:12–29:6
from that b stone are not of me and all these things, according to the
that c Satan d deceiveth him; covenants of the church, before
12 For, behold, these things have thou shalt take thy journey among
not been appointed unto him, nei- the Lamanites.
ther shall anything be appointed 15 And it shall be a given thee from
unto any of this church contrary the time thou shalt go, until the
to the church covenants. time thou shalt return, what thou
13 For all things must be done in shalt do.
order, and by common b consent in 16 And thou must open thy mouth
the church, by the prayer of faith. at all times, declaring my gospel
14 And thou shalt assist to settle with the sound of rejoicing. Amen.
Section 29
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the presence of
six elders, at Fayette, New York, September 1830. This revelation was
given some days prior to the conference, beginning September 26, 1830.
1– 8, Christ gathers His elect; 9–11, hearken to my voice and b humble
His coming ushers in the Millen themselves before me, and call upon
nium; 12–13, The Twelve will judge me in mighty prayer.
all Israel; 14–21, Signs, plagues, and 3 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto
desolations will precede the Second you, that at this time your a sins
Coming; 22–28, The last resurrection are b forgiven you, therefore ye re-
and final judgment follow the Millen ceive these things; but remember to
nium; 29–35, All things are spiritual sin no more, lest perils shall come
unto the Lord; 36 –39, The devil and upon you.
his hosts were cast out of heaven to 4 Verily, I say unto you that ye are
tempt man; 40 – 45, The Fall and chosen out of the world to declare
Atonement bring salvation; 46 –50, my gospel with the sound of rejoic-
Little children are redeemed through ing, as with the a voice of a trump.
the Atonement. 5 Lift up your hearts and be a glad,
for I am in your b midst, and am
Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your c advocate with the Father;
your Redeemer, the Great a I Am, and it is his good will to give you
whose arm of b mercy hath c atoned the d kingdom.
for your sins; 6 And, as it is written—Whatso-
2 Who will a gather his people even ever ye shall a ask in b faith, being
as a hen gathereth her chickens un- c
united in prayer according to my
der her wings, even as many as will command, ye shall receive.
11 b tg Sorcery; tg Israel, Gathering of. c tg Jesus Christ,
Superstitions. b tg Humility; Advocate;
c Rev. 20:10; Submissiveness. Jesus Christ,
D&C 50:4. 3 a 3 Ne. 8:1; Relationships with the
d D&C 43:6 (5–7); 46:7. D&C 50:29 (28–29). Father.
13 a tg Order. b tg Forgive. d Luke 12:31 (22–34);
b tg Common Consent. 4 a Isa. 58:1; D&C 35:27.
15 a 2 Ne. 32:5 (3, 5). Rev. 1:10; tg Kingdom of God,
29 1 a tg Jesus Christ, Alma 29:1 (1–2); on Earth.
Jehovah. D&C 19:37; 30:9; 33:2. 6 a Matt. 21:22;
b tg Mercy. 5 a Rom. 8:35 (35–39). John 14:13.
c tg Jesus Christ, b Matt. 18:20; b Mark 11:24.
Atonement through. D&C 6:32; 38:7; c 3 Ne. 27:1 (1–2);
2 a Matt. 23:37. 88:63 (62–63). D&C 84:1.
Doctrine and Covenants 29:7–15 50
16 And there shall be a great a hail- 22 And again, verily, verily, I say
storm sent forth to destroy the b crops unto you that when the a thousand
of the earth. years are ended, and men again
17 And it shall come to pass, be- begin to deny their God, then will
cause of the wickedness of the I spare the earth but for a b little
world, that I will take a vengeance season;
upon the b wicked, for they will not 23 And the a end shall come, and
repent; for the c cup of mine d indig- the heaven and the earth shall be
nation is full; for behold, my e blood consumed and b pass away, and
shall not f cleanse them if they hear there shall be a new heaven and a
me not. c
new earth.
18 Wherefore, I the Lord God will 24 For all a old things shall b pass
send forth a flies upon the face of away, and all things shall become
the earth, which shall take hold new, even the heaven and the earth,
of the inhabitants thereof, and shall and all the fulness thereof, both
eat their flesh, and shall cause mag- men and c beasts, the fowls of the
gots to come in upon them; air, and the fishes of the sea;
19 And their tongues shall be 25 And not one a hair, neither mote,
stayed that they shall not a utter shall be lost, for it is the b workman-
against me; and their flesh shall ship of mine hand.
fall from off their bones, and their 26 But, behold, verily I say unto
eyes from their sockets; you, before the earth shall pass
20 And it shall come to pass that away, a Michael, mine archangel,
the a beasts of the forest and the shall sound his b trump, and then
fowls of the air shall devour them up. shall all the dead c awake, for their
21 And the great and a abomina- graves shall be opened, and they
ble church, which is the b whore of shall d come forth—yea, even all.
all the earth, shall be cast down by 27 And the a righteous shall be
devouring fire, according as it is gathered on my b right hand unto
spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the eternal life; and the wicked on my
prophet, who spoke of these things, left hand will I be ashamed to own
which have not come to pass but before the Father;
surely d must, as I live, for e abomi- 28 Wherefore I will say unto
nations shall not reign. them—a Depart from me, ye cursed,
16 a Ex. 9:18 (13–35); Rev. 16:9 (9, 11, 21); JS—M 1:35.
Isa. 32:19 (15–19); 1 Ne. 16:22 (20–25). c tg Earth, Renewal of.
Ezek. 13:13; 38:22; 20 a Isa. 18:6; Jer. 15:3; 24 a Rev. 20:11 (11–15).
Rev. 11:19; 16:21; Ezek. 39:17 (17–20); b 2 Cor. 5:17.
Mosiah 12:6; Rev. 19:17 (17–18). c D&C 77:3 (2–4);
D&C 109:30. 21 a tg Devil, Church of. Moses 3:19.
tg Last Days. b Rev. 19:2. 25 a Luke 21:18;
b tg Famine. tg Whore. Alma 40:23.
17 a Ps. 73:17 (3–17); c Ezek. 38:22; b Eph. 2:10.
Rev. 16:9–11; Joel 1:19 (19–20); 2:3; 26 a tg Adam.
2 Ne. 30:10; D&C 45:41 (40–41); b 1 Cor. 15:52.
JS—M 1:55. 97:26 (25–26). c tg Immortality;
tg God, Justice of; tg Earth, Cleansing of. Resurrection.
Vengeance. d D&C 1:38. d John 5:29 (28–29).
b tg Wickedness. e Ezek. 5:9 (9–11). 27 a Ps. 5:12.
c Jer. 25:15. 22 a tg Millennium. tg Righteousness.
d tg God, Indignation of. b Rev. 20:3 (3–10); b Matt. 25:33.
e 1 Jn. 1:7; Jacob 5:77 (76–77); tg Judgment, the Last.
Alma 11:40 (40–41); D&C 43:31 (30–31); 28 a Matt. 25:41;
D&C 19:17 (16–18). 88:111 (110–12). Luke 13:27;
f tg Purification. 23 a Matt. 24:14. Rom. 16:20;
18 a tg Plague. tg Earth, Destiny of; 1 Jn. 3:8;
19 a Ex. 16:8; World, End of. D&C 19:3; 29:41;
Zech. 14:12; b Matt. 24:35; 76:37; 88:114 (111–15).
Doctrine and Covenants 29:29–40 52
will of the devil, because he yielded eternal a damnation; for they cannot
unto temptation. be redeemed from their spiritual
41 Wherefore, I, the Lord God, b
fall, because they repent not;
caused that he should be a cast out 45 For they love darkness rather
from the Garden of b Eden, from my than light, and their a deeds are evil,
presence, because of his transgres- and they receive their b wages of
sion, wherein he became c spiritu- c
whom they list to obey.
ally d dead, which is the first death, 46 But behold, I say unto you, that
even that same death which is the little a children are b redeemed from
last e death, which is spiritual, which the foundation of the world through
shall be pronounced upon the mine Only Begotten;
wicked when I shall say: Depart, 47 Wherefore, they cannot a sin,
ye f cursed. for power is not given unto Satan
42 But, behold, I say unto you to b tempt little children, until they
that I, the Lord God, gave unto c
begin to become d accountable be-
Adam and unto his seed, that they fore me;
should not a die as to the temporal 48 For it is given unto them even
death, until I, the Lord God, should as I will, according to mine own
send forth b angels to declare unto a
pleasure, that great things may
them c repentance and d redemption, be required at the hand of their
through faith on the name of mine b
Only Begotten Son. 49 And, again, I say unto you, that
43 And thus did I, the Lord God, whoso having knowledge, have I not
appoint unto man the days of his commanded to a repent?
probation—that by his b natural 50 And he that hath no a under-
death he might be c raised in d im- standing, it remaineth in me to do
mortality unto eternal life, even as according as it is written. And now
many as would believe; I declare no more unto you at this
44 And they that believe not unto time. Amen.
Section 30
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to David Whitmer,
Peter Whitmer Jr., and John Whitmer, at Fayette, New York, September
1830, following the three- day conference at Fayette, but before the
41 a tg Fall of Man. c tg Resurrection. tg Children; Conceived
b tg Eden. d Matt. 5:48; in Sin; Salvation of Little
c tg Man, Natural, Not Rom. 8:17 (14–21); Children.
Spiritually Reborn. 2 Ne. 2:15 (14–30); b D&C 74:7.
d tg Death, Spiritual, Alma 42:26; Moses 1:39. tg Jesus Christ,
First. tg Immortality. Redeemer;
e Alma 40:26. 44 a D&C 19:7. Redemption.
tg Death, Spiritual, tg Damnation; Hell. 47 a tg Sin.
Second. b tg Death, Spiritual, b tg Temptation.
f D&C 29:28; 76:37; Second. c Moses 6:55.
Moses 5:36. 45 a John 3:19 (18–21); d D&C 18:42; 20:71;
42 a 2 Ne. 2:21. Jude 1:4; 68:25 (25–27).
tg Death. D&C 10:21; 84:46–48; tg Accountability.
b Alma 12:29 (28–30). 93:31–32. 48 a tg Pleasure.
c tg Repent. b Mosiah 2:32 (32–33); b D&C 68:25.
d tg Redemption. Alma 3:27 (26–27); tg Family, Children,
e tg Jesus Christ, Divine 5:42 (41–42); 30:60. Responsibilities
Sonship. tg Wages. toward.
43 a tg Earth, Purpose of; c D&C 58:33. 49 a tg Repent.
Mortality; Probation. 46 a Moro. 8:12 (8, 12, 22); 50 a D&C 137:7 (7–10).
b 1 Cor. 15:44. D&C 93:38. tg Understanding.
Doctrine and Covenants 30:1–11 54
elders of the Church had separated. Originally this material was pub
lished as three revelations; it was combined into one section by the
Prophet for the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.
1– 4, David Whitmer is chastened for not, but give c heed unto the words
failure to serve diligently; 5– 8, Peter and advice of your brother, which
Whitmer Jr. is to accompany Oliver he shall give you.
Cowdery on a mission to the Laman 6 And be you afflicted in all his
ites; 9–11, John Whitmer is called to a
afflictions, ever b lifting up your
preach the gospel. heart unto me in prayer and faith,
for his and your c deliverance; for
Behold, I say unto you, David, that I have given unto him power to
you have a feared man and have d
build up my e church among the
not b relied on me for strength as f
you ought. 7 And none have I appointed to
2 But your mind has been on the be his counselor a over him in the
things of the a earth more than on church, concerning church mat-
the things of me, your Maker, and ters, except it is his brother, Joseph
the ministry whereunto you have Smith, Jun.
been called; and you have not given 8 Wherefore, give heed unto these
heed unto my b Spirit, and to those things and be diligent in keep-
who were set over you, but have ing my commandments, and you
been persuaded by those whom I shall be blessed unto eternal life.
have not commanded. Amen.
3 Wherefore, you are left to in- 9 Behold, I say unto you, my ser-
quire for yourself at my hand, and vant John, that thou shalt commence
ponder upon the things which you from this time forth to a proclaim
have received. my gospel, as with the b voice of
4 And your home shall be at your a trump.
father’s house, until I give unto 10 And your labor shall be at your
you further commandments. And brother Philip Burroughs’, and
you shall attend to the b ministry in in that region round about, yea,
the church, and before the world, wherever you can be heard, until I
and in the regions round about. command you to go from hence.
Amen. 11 And your whole labor shall be
5 Behold, I say unto you, Peter, that in Zion, with all your soul, from
you shall take your a journey with henceforth; yea, you shall ever
your brother Oliver; for the b time open your mouth in my cause, not
has come that it is expedient in me a
fearing what b man can do, for I am
that you shall open your mouth to c
with you. Amen.
declare my gospel; therefore, fear
30 1 a Acts 5:29. 32:2 (1–3). f D&C 3:20; 49:24.
tg Peer Influence. b D&C 11:15; 16:6. 7 a D&C 20:3 (2–3).
b 2 Chr. 16:7. c tg Sustaining Church 9 a Jer. 3:12;
2 a D&C 25:10. Leaders. D&C 15:6 (1–6).
b tg God, Spirit of. 6 a tg Affliction. b D&C 19:37; 29:4; 33:2.
3 a tg Meditation. b Lam. 3:41. 11 a tg Courage.
4 a D&C 128:21. c tg Deliver. b Isa. 51:7.
b tg Ministry; d D&C 39:13; 42:8. c Matt. 28:20.
Service. e tg Jesus Christ, Head
5 a D&C 28:8; of the Church.
55 Doctrine and Covenants 31:1–13
Section 31
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Thomas B. Marsh,
September 1830. The occasion was immediately following a conference
of the Church (see the heading to section 30). Thomas B. Marsh had
been baptized earlier in the month and had been ordained an elder in the
Church before this revelation was given.
1–6, Thomas B. Marsh is called to 6 Behold, verily I say unto you, go
preach the gospel and is assured of from them only for a little a time,
his family’s well-being; 7–13, He is and declare my word, and I will
counseled to be patient, pray always, prepare a place for them.
and follow the Comforter. 7 Yea, I will a open the hearts of
the people, and they will receive
Thomas, my son, blessed are you you. And I will establish a church
because of your faith in my work. by your hand;
2 Behold, you have had many af- 8 And you shall a strengthen them
flictions because of your family; and prepare them against the time
nevertheless, I will bless you and when they shall be gathered.
your a family, yea, your little ones; 9 Be a patient in b afflictions, c revile
and the day cometh that they will not against those that revile. Gov-
believe and know the truth and be ern your d house in meekness, and
one with you in my church. be e steadfast.
3 Lift up your heart and rejoice, for 10 Behold, I say unto you that
the hour of your mission is come; you shall be a physician unto the
and your tongue shall be loosed, church, but not unto the world, for
and you shall declare a glad tidings they will not receive you.
of great joy unto this generation. 11 Go your way whithersoever I
4 You shall a declare the things will, and it shall be given you by
which have been revealed to my the a Comforter what you shall do
servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. You and whither you shall go.
shall begin to preach from this time 12 a Pray always, lest you enter
forth, yea, to reap in the field which into b temptation and lose your
is b white already to be burned. c
5 Therefore, a thrust in your sickle 13 Be a faithful unto the b end, and
with all your soul, and your sins are lo, I am c with you. These words
forgiven you, and you shall be laden are not of man nor of men, but
with c sheaves upon your back, for of me, even Jesus Christ, your Re-
the d laborer is worthy of his hire. deemer, by the d will of the Father.
Wherefore, your family shall live. Amen.
31 1 a D&C 52:22; 56:5 (5–6); d Luke 10:7 (3–11); Reviling.
75:31. D&C 51:14; 75:24; 84:79. d tg Family, Love within.
2 a tg Family; tg Consecration; e tg Steadfastness.
Unity. Wages. 11 a tg Holy Ghost,
3 a Isa. 52:7 (7–10); 6 a tg Family, Children, Comforter.
Luke 2:10 (10–11); Responsibilities toward. 12 a tg Prayer.
Rom. 10:15; 7 a tg Conversion. b Mark 14:38.
Mosiah 3:3 (3–5). 8 a Zech. 10:12; tg Temptation.
4 a Mosiah 18:19 (18–20); D&C 81:5; 108:7. c tg Reward.
D&C 5:10; 42:12; 52:36. 9 a Rom. 12:12. 13 a tg Steadfastness.
b D&C 4:4 (4–6). tg Patience. b Rev. 2:10.
5 a Rev. 14:15. b tg Affliction. c Matt. 28:20.
b tg Forgive. c tg Forbear; d tg Jesus Christ,
c Ps. 126:6; Malice; Authority of.
D&C 79:3. Retribution;
Doctrine and Covenants 32:1–33:1 56
Section 32
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Parley P. Pratt and
Ziba Peterson, in Manchester, New York, early October 1830. Great interest
and desires were felt by the elders respecting the Lamanites, of whose pre
dicted blessings the Church had learned from the Book of Mormon. In con
sequence, supplication was made that the Lord would indicate His will as to
whether elders should be sent at that time to the Indian tribes in the West.
The revelation followed.
1–3, Parley P. Pratt and Ziba Peterson Peter Whitmer, Jun., into the wil-
are called to preach to the Lamanites derness among the b Lamanites.
and to accompany Oliver Cowdery 3 And a Ziba Peterson also shall
and Peter Whitmer Jr.; 4–5, They go with them; and I myself will go
are to pray for an understanding of with them and be in their b midst;
the scriptures. and I am their c advocate with the
Father, and nothing shall d prevail
And now concerning my servant against them.
Parley P. Pratt, behold, I say unto
4 And they shall give a heed to that
him that as I live I will that he which is written, and pretend to no
shall declare my gospel and b learn other b revelation; and they shall
of me, and be meek and lowly of pray always that I may c unfold the
heart. same to their d understanding.
2 And that which I have appointed 5 And they shall give heed unto
unto him is that he shall a go with these words and trifle not, and I
my servants, Oliver Cowdery and will bless them. Amen.
Section 33
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Ezra Thayre and
Northrop Sweet, at Fayette, New York, October 1830. In introducing
this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history affirms that “the Lord . . . is ever
ready to instruct such as diligently seek in faith.”
1– 4, Laborers are called to declare Behold, I say unto you, my servants
the gospel in the eleventh hour; 5–6, Ezra and Northrop, open ye your
The Church is established, and the ears and hearken to the voice of
elect are to be gathered; 7–10, Repent, the Lord your God, whose b word is
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; quick and powerful, sharper than
11–15, The Church is built upon the a two-edged sword, to the dividing
gospel rock; 16 –18, Prepare for the asunder of the joints and marrow,
coming of the Bridegroom. soul and spirit; and is a discerner of
32 1 a D&C 50:37; 52:26; 97:3; c tg Jesus Christ, D&C 84:43 (43–44).
103:30 (30–37). Advocate; b D&C 28:2.
b Matt. 11:29. Jesus Christ, c JS—H 1:74.
2 a D&C 28:8; 30:5. Relationships with the d tg Understanding.
b D&C 3:20 (18–20). Father. 33 1 a D&C 52:22; 56:5 (5–8).
3 a D&C 58:60. d Mosiah 28:7 (6–7); b Heb. 4:12;
b Matt. 18:20; Moses 8:18 (18–19). Hel. 3:29 (29–30).
D&C 6:32; 38:7. 4 a 1 Ne. 15:25 (23–25);
57 Doctrine and Covenants 33:2–17
the thoughts and c intents of the not, and you shall be laden with
heart. a
sheaves upon your backs, for lo, I
2 For verily, verily, I say unto you am with you.
that ye are called to lift up your 10 Yea, open your mouths and they
voices as with the a sound of a trump, shall be filled, saying: a Repent, re-
to declare my gospel unto a crooked pent, and prepare ye the way of the
and b perverse generation. Lord, and make his paths straight;
3 For behold, the a field is b white for the b kingdom of heaven is at
already to harvest; and it is the hand;
eleventh hour, and the last time 11 Yea, a repent and be baptized,
that I shall call d laborers into my every one of you, for a b remission
vineyard. of your sins; yea, be baptized even
4 And my a vineyard has become by water, and then cometh the
corrupted every whit; and there baptism of fire and of the Holy
is none which doeth c good save it Ghost.
be a few; and they d err in many in- 12 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto
stances because of e priestcrafts, all you, this is my a gospel; and remem-
having corrupt minds. ber that they shall have faith in me
5 And verily, verily, I say unto or they can in nowise be saved;
you, that this a church have I b estab- 13 And upon this a rock I will build
lished and called forth out of the my church; yea, upon this rock ye are
wilderness. built, and if ye continue, the b gates
6 And even so will I a gather mine of hell shall not prevail against you.
elect from the b four quarters of 14 And ye shall remember the
the earth, even as many as will church a articles and covenants to
believe in me, and hearken unto keep them.
my voice. 15 And whoso having faith you
7 Yea, verily, verily, I say unto you, shall a confirm in my church, by the
that the field is a white already to laying on of the b hands, and I will
harvest; wherefore, thrust in your bestow the c gift of the Holy Ghost
sickles, and reap with all your might, upon them.
mind, and strength. 16 And the Book of Mormon and
8 a Open your mouths and they shall the holy scriptures are given of
be filled, and you shall become even me for your a instruction; and the
as b Nephi of old, who journeyed power of my b Spirit c quickeneth
from Jerusalem in the wilderness. all things.
9 Yea, open your mouths and spare 17 Wherefore, be faithful, praying
1 c Amos 4:13. 5 a tg Church; Jesus Christ, b tg Remission of Sins.
2 a Isa. 58:1; Head of the Church. 12 a tg Gospel;
D&C 19:37; 29:4; 30:9. b tg Mission of Salvation, Plan of.
b Deut. 32:5. Latter-day Saints. 13 a tg Rock.
3 a John 4:35. c Rev. 12:6 (1–6). b Matt. 16:18;
b D&C 4:4; 12:3; 14:3; 6 a Deut. 30:3. D&C 10:69.
101:64. tg Israel, Gathering of. 14 a ie D&C 20 (see the
c Matt. 20:6 (1–16). b Jer. 49:36; Rev. 20:8; section 20 heading).
d Jacob 5:71 (71–75); D&C 45:46. D&C 1:6 (6, 37); 42:13;
D&C 43:28. 7 a D&C 4:4 (2–4). 51:4.
4 a tg Vineyard of the 8 a tg Missionary Work. 15 a D&C 20:41.
Lord. b 2 Ne. 1:27 (27–28). b tg Hands, Laying on of.
b 2 Ne. 28:11 (2–14); 9 a Ps. 126:6; c tg Holy Ghost, Gift of.
Morm. 8:28 (28–41); Alma 26:5; 16 a tg Scriptures,
D&C 38:11. D&C 75:5. Study of;
c Eccl. 7:20; Jer. 13:23; 10 a Matt. 3:2. Scriptures, Value of.
Rom. 3:12; D&C 35:12. b Mark 1:15. b tg God, Spirit of.
d 2 Ne. 27:35 (34–35); 28:14. 11 a tg Baptism, Qualifica- c Ps. 71:20;
e tg Priestcraft. tions for; Repent. 1 Tim. 6:13.
Doctrine and Covenants 33:18–34:10 58
always, having your a lamps b trimmed 18 For behold, verily, verily, I say
and burning, and oil with you, that unto you, that I a come quickly. Even
you may be c ready at the coming of so. Amen.
the d Bridegroom—
Section 34
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Orson Pratt,
at Fayette, New York, November 4, 1830. Brother Pratt was nineteen
years old at the time. He had been converted and baptized when he first
heard the preaching of the restored gospel by his older brother, Parley P.
Pratt, six weeks before. This revelation was received in the Peter
Whitmer Sr. home.
1– 4, The faithful become the sons of 6 To lift up your voice as with the
God through the Atonement; 5–9, The sound of a a trump, both long and
preaching of the gospel prepares the loud, and b cry repentance unto a
way for the Second Coming; 10 –12, crooked and perverse generation,
Prophecy comes by the power of the c
preparing the way of the Lord for
Holy Ghost. his d second coming.
7 For behold, verily, verily, I say
My son a Orson, hearken and hear unto you, the a time is soon at hand
and behold what I, the Lord God, that I shall b come in a c cloud with
shall say unto you, even Jesus Christ power and great glory.
your Redeemer; 8 And it shall be a a great day at
2 The a light and the life of the the time of my coming, for all na-
world, a light which shineth in tions shall b tremble.
darkness and the darkness compre- 9 But before that great day shall
hendeth it not; come, the a sun shall be darkened,
3 Who so a loved the world that he and the moon be turned into
gave his own life, that as many as blood; and the stars shall refuse
would believe might become the their shining, and some shall fall,
sons of God. Wherefore you are and great destructions await the
my son; wicked.
4 And a blessed are you because 10 Wherefore, lift up your voice
you have believed; and a spare not, for the Lord God
5 And more blessed are you be- hath spoken; therefore b prophesy,
cause you are a called of me to preach and it shall be given by the c power
my gospel— of the Holy Ghost.
17 a D&C 88:92; c Luke 8:21; Prophecies about.
133:19 (10, 19). John 1:12 (9–13); c Num. 11:25;
b Matt. 25:7 (1–13). Rom. 8:17 (12–17); Luke 21:27;
c tg Procrastination. Moses 6:68 (64–68). Ether 2:4 (4–5, 14);
d tg Jesus Christ, tg Sons and Daughters JS—H 1:68 (68–71).
Prophecies about. of God. 8 a Joel 2:11;
18 a Rev. 22:20; D&C 34:12. 4 a John 20:29. Mal. 4:5;
tg Jesus Christ, Second 5 a tg Called of God. D&C 2:1; 43:17 (17–26).
Coming. 6 a D&C 24:12. tg Day of the Lord.
34 1 a D&C 52:26; 103:40; b D&C 3:20; 6:9; 18:14. b Isa. 64:2.
124:129; 136:13. c Matt. 3:3. 9 a tg Last Days.
2 a John 1:5. d tg Jesus Christ, Second 10 a Isa. 58:1.
3 a John 3:16; 15:13. Coming; Millennium, b tg Prophets,
tg Love. Preparing a People for. Mission of.
b tg Jesus Christ, 7 a Rev. 1:3. c 2 Pet. 1:21;
Redeemer. b tg Jesus Christ, D&C 18:32; 42:16; 68:3.
59 Doctrine and Covenants 34:11–35:6
Section 35
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at or
near Fayette, New York, December 7, 1830. At this time, the Prophet
was engaged almost daily in making a translation of the Bible. The
translation was begun as early as June 1830, and both Oliver Cow
dery and John Whitmer had served as scribes. Since they had now been
called to other duties, Sidney Rigdon was called by divine appointment
to serve as the Prophet’s scribe in this work (see verse 20). As a preface
to the record of this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history states: “In Decem
ber Sidney Rigdon came [from Ohio] to inquire of the Lord, and with
him came Edward Partridge. . . . Shortly after the arrival of these two
brethren, thus spake the Lord.”
1–2, How men may become the sons become the c sons of God, even d one
of God; 3–7, Sidney Rigdon is called in e me as I am f one in the Father,
to baptize and to confer the Holy as the Father is one in me, that we
Ghost; 8–12, Signs and miracles are may be one.
wrought by faith; 13–16, The Lord’s 3 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto
servants will thresh the nations by my servant Sidney, I have looked
the power of the Spirit; 17–19, Joseph upon thee and thy works. I have
Smith holds the keys of the mysteries; a
heard thy prayers, and prepared
20 –21, The elect will abide the day of thee for a greater work.
the Lord’s coming; 22–27, Israel will 4 Thou art blessed, for thou shalt
be saved. do great things. Behold thou wast
sent forth, even as a John, to prepare
Listen to the voice of the a Lord the way before me, and before b Eli-
your God, even b Alpha and Omega, jah which should come, and thou
the beginning and the end, whose knewest it not.
course is one d eternal round, the 5 Thou didst baptize by water unto
same today as yesterday, and repentance, but they a received not
forever. the Holy Ghost;
2 I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God, 6 But now I give unto thee a com-
who was a crucified for the sins of mandment, that thou shalt a baptize
the world, even as many as will b be- by water, and they shall receive
lieve on my name, that they may the b Holy Ghost by the laying on
12 a D&C 33:18. Crucifixion of. Abr. 1:15 (15–16).
b tg Jesus Christ, Lord. b D&C 20:25; 38:4; 4 a Mal. 3:1;
35 1 a tg Jesus Christ, Lord. 45:5 (5, 8). Matt. 11:10;
b Rev. 1:8; c tg Sons and Daughters John 5:33;
D&C 19:1. of God. 1 Ne. 11:27;
c 1 Ne. 10:19; d John 17:21; D&C 84:27 (27–28).
D&C 3:2. Moses 6:68. b 3 Ne. 25:5 (5–6);
d tg God, Eternal tg Unity. D&C 2:1; 110:13 (13–15);
Nature of. e tg Jesus Christ, 128:17.
e Heb. 13:8; Exemplar. 5 a Acts 19:2 (1–6).
D&C 20:12; 38:1 (1–4); f tg Godhead. 6 a tg Baptism.
39:1 (1–3); 76:4. 3 a Ex. 2:24 (23–24); b tg Holy Ghost, Gift of.
2 a tg Jesus Christ, Mosiah 9:18 (17–18);
Doctrine and Covenants 35:7–19 60
of the c hands, even as the apostles who are b unlearned and despised,
of old. to thresh the c nations by the power
7 And it shall come to pass that of my d Spirit;
there shall be a great work in the 14 And their arm shall be my arm,
land, even among the a Gentiles, for and I will be their a shield and their
their b folly and their abominations buckler; and I will gird up their
shall be made manifest in the eyes loins, and they shall fight manfully
of all people. for me; and their b enemies shall be
8 For I am God, and mine arm under their feet; and I will let c fall
is not a shortened; and I will show the d sword in their behalf, and by
miracles, c signs, and wonders, unto the e fire of mine indignation will I
all those who d believe on my name. preserve them.
9 And whoso shall ask it in my 15 And the a poor and the b meek
name in a faith, they shall b cast out shall have the gospel preached unto
devils; they shall heal the d sick; they them, and they shall be c looking
shall cause the blind to receive their forth for the time of my coming,
sight, and the deaf to hear, and the for it is d nigh at hand—
dumb to speak, and the lame to walk. 16 And they shall learn the para
10 And the time a speedily cometh ble of the a fig tree, for even now
that great things are to be shown already summer is nigh.
forth unto the children of men; 17 And I have sent forth the a ful-
11 But a without faith shall not ness of my gospel by the hand of
anything be shown forth except my servant Joseph; and in weakness
desolations upon c Babylon, the have I blessed him;
same which has made d all nations 18 And I have given unto him
drink of the wine of the wrath of the a keys of the mystery of those
her e fornication. things which have been b sealed,
12 And there are a none that doeth even things which were from the
good except those who are ready to c
foundation of the world, and
receive the fulness of my gospel, the things which shall come from
which I have sent forth unto this this time until the time of my com-
generation. ing, if he d abide in me, and if not,
13 Wherefore, I call upon the e
another will I plant in his stead.
weak things of the world, those 19 Wherefore, watch over him
6 c tg Hands, Laying on of. d 1 Ne. 14:11 (10–13). c 2 Pet. 3:12 (10–13);
7 a Isa. 66:12. e Rev. 18:3. D&C 39:23; 45:39;
tg Gentiles. 12 a Rom. 3:12; Moses 7:62.
b Eccl. 10:12 (1–3, 12); Moro. 7:13 (12–13); d D&C 63:53.
2 Tim. 3:9; D&C 33:4; 38:11; 16 a Matt. 24:32;
2 Ne. 9:28 (28–29); 19:17. 84:47 (47–51). Luke 21:29 (29–30);
8 a Isa. 50:2 (2–4); 59:1. b tg Missionary Work; D&C 45:37 (36–38);
b tg Miracle. Teachable. JS—M 1:38.
c tg Signs. 13 a 1 Cor. 1:27; tg Last Days.
d tg Believe; D&C 1:19 (19, 23); 124:1. 17 a Rom. 15:29;
Trust in God. b Acts 4:13. D&C 42:12; 135:3.
9 a tg Faith. c tg Nations. 18 a D&C 28:7; 84:19.
b Mark 16:17. d tg God, Spirit of. b Dan. 12:9;
c Mark 1:39 (21–45). 14 a 2 Sam. 22:3; Matt. 13:35;
d tg Heal; Ps. 33:20; 91:4. 1 Ne. 14:26;
Sickness. b D&C 98:37 (34–38). 2 Ne. 27:10;
e tg Sight. c D&C 1:14 (13–14); 45:47. Ether 4:5 (4–7);
10 a JS—H 1:41. d D&C 1:13. JS—H 1:65.
11 a D&C 63:11 (7–12). e Num. 11:1 (1, 10); c D&C 128:18.
b Jer. 51:62; D&C 128:24; d John 15:4 (4, 7).
D&C 5:19 (19–20); 29:8; Moses 7:34. e D&C 42:10; 64:40;
43:17 (17–27). 15 a Matt. 11:5. 104:77; 107:99 (99–100).
c tg Babylon. b tg Meek.
61 Doctrine and Covenants 35:20–36:1
that his faith fail not, and it shall be him to prophesy; and thou shalt
given by the a Comforter, the b Holy preach my gospel and call on c the
Ghost, that knoweth all things. holy prophets to prove his words,
20 And a commandment I give as they shall be given him.
unto thee—that thou shalt a write 24 a Keep all the commandments
for him; and the b scriptures shall be and covenants by which ye are
given, even as they are in mine own bound; and I will cause the heavens
bosom, to the salvation of mine to b shake for your c good, and d Satan
own c elect; shall tremble and e Zion shall f re
21 For they will hear my a voice, joice upon the hills and g flourish;
and shall b see me, and shall not be 25 And a Israel shall be b saved in
asleep, and shall d abide the day of mine own due time; and by the c keys
my e coming; for they shall be f pu- which I have given shall they be led,
rified, even as I am pure. and no more be confounded at all.
22 And now I say unto you, a tarry 26 a Lift up your hearts and be glad,
with him, and he shall journey with your b redemption draweth nigh.
you; forsake him not, and surely 27 Fear not, little a flock, the b king-
these things shall be fulfilled. dom is yours until I come. Behold, I
23 And a inasmuch as ye do not c
come quickly. Even so. Amen.
write, behold, it shall be b given unto
Section 36
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Edward Par
tridge, near Fayette, New York, December 9, 1830 (see the heading to
section 35). Joseph Smith’s history states that Edward Partridge “was
a pattern of piety, and one of the Lord’s great men.”
1–3, The Lord lays His hand upon Thus saith the Lord God, the a Mighty
Edward Partridge by the hand of One of Israel: Behold, I say unto
Sidney Rigdon; 4– 8, Every man who you, my servant b Edward, that you
receives the gospel and the priesthood are blessed, and your sins are for-
is to be called to go forth and preach. given you, and you are called to
19 a John 14:16, 26; 15:26; Jesus Christ, Second Isa. 45:17;
1 Cor. 12:8. Coming. 1 Ne. 19:16 (15–16);
b 1 Cor. 2:10. f tg Purification. 22:12.
20 a The Prophet was at 22 a D&C 90:6; 100:9 (9–11). tg Israel,
this time engaged in a 23 a ie whenever you are not Deliverance of.
revelatory translation occupied with writing. c tg Priesthood, Keys of.
of the Bible, to which b 1 Cor. 12:8. 26 a Lam. 3:41.
Sidney Rigdon was c ie the scriptures. b Luke 21:28;
called as scribe. 24 a D&C 66:11; 103:7. Rom. 13:11.
b D&C 6:27; 37:1; b D&C 21:6. 27 a Luke 12:32.
42:15 (15, 56–58). c tg Blessing. tg Church;
c tg Election. d 1 Ne. 22:26; Sheep.
21 a Joel 2:11; Alma 48:17. b D&C 29:5; 38:9.
John 10:3; e D&C 6:6. tg Jesus Christ, Second
D&C 43:18 (17–25); f tg Joy. Coming;
88:90; 133:50 (50–52). g D&C 39:13; 49:25; Kingdom of God, on
b John 16:16. 117:7 (7–8). Earth.
tg God, Privilege of 25 a tg Israel, Blessings of; c Rev. 22:20.
Seeing. Israel, Restoration of; 36 1 a tg Jesus Christ,
c Matt. 25:5. Israel, Ten Lost Tribes Jehovah.
d Mal. 3:2. of; Israel, Twelve b D&C 41:9 (9–11).
e tg Jesus Christ, Tribes of. See also Partridge,
Prophecies about; b Ps. 94:14; Edward, in Index.
Doctrine and Covenants 36:2–37:4 62
preach my gospel as with the voice ordained and sent forth to b preach
Section 37
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, near
Fayette, New York, December 1830. Herein is given the first command
ment concerning a gathering in this dispensation.
1– 4, The Saints are called to gather and more especially in b Colesville;
at the Ohio. for, behold, they pray unto me in
much faith.
Behold, I say unto you that it is 3 And again, a commandment I
not expedient in me that ye should give unto the church, that it is ex-
translate any more until ye shall pedient in me that they should as-
go to the Ohio, and this because of semble together at a the Ohio, against
the enemy and for your sakes. the time that my servant Oliver
2 And again, I say unto you that Cowdery shall return unto them.
ye shall not go until ye have 4 Behold, here is wisdom, and let
preached my gospel in those parts, every man a choose for himself until
and have a strengthened up the I come. Even so. Amen.
church whithersoever it is found,
2 a tg Hands, Laying Mission of Latter-day b tg Jesus Christ, Second
on of. Saints. Coming.
b tg Holy Ghost, 6 a Acts 2:40. c Mal. 3:1.
Comforter. b Jude 1:23. 37 1 a ie the translation of
c D&C 39:6; 42:61. 7 a tg Commitment; the Bible already in
tg Holy Ghost, Priesthood, process.
Mission of. Magnifying Callings D&C 1:29; 35:20.
3 a Gen. 14:20. within; 2 a Zech. 10:12.
5 a D&C 4:3 (3–6); 63:57. Priesthood, b D&C 24:3; 26:1.
tg Priesthood, Qualifying for. 3 a ie the state of Ohio.
Ordination. b tg Sincere. D&C 38:32.
b tg Missionary Work; 8 a D&C 42:36. 4 a tg Agency.
63 Doctrine and Covenants 38:1–10
Section 38
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Fayette, New
York, January 2, 1831. The occasion was a conference of the Church.
1–6, Christ created all things; 7–8, He is many as have c believed in my name,
in the midst of His Saints, who will soon for I am Christ, and in mine own
see Him; 9–12, All flesh is corrupted name, by the virtue of the d blood
before Him; 13–22, He has reserved a which I have spilt, have I pleaded
land of promise for His Saints in time before the Father for them.
and in eternity; 23–27, The Saints are 5 But behold, the residue of the
commanded to be one and esteem each a
wicked have I kept in b chains of
other as brethren; 28–29, Wars are darkness until the c judgment of the
predicted; 30–33, The Saints are to be great day, which shall come at the
given power from on high and to go forth end of the earth;
among all nations; 34–42, The Church 6 And even so will I cause the
is commanded to care for the poor and wicked to be kept, that will not hear
needy and to seek the riches of eternity. my voice but a harden their hearts,
and wo, wo, wo, is their doom.
Thus saith the Lord your God, even 7 But behold, verily, verily, I say
Jesus Christ, the Great a I Am, Alpha unto you that mine a eyes are upon
and Omega, the b beginning and the you. I am in your b midst and ye
end, the c same which looked upon cannot c see me;
the d wide expanse of eternity, and 8 But the day soon cometh that ye
all the seraphic e hosts of heaven, shall a see me, and know that I am;
before the world was g made; for the b veil of darkness shall soon
2 The same which a knoweth all be rent, and he that is not c purified
things, for b all things are c present shall not d abide the day.
before mine eyes; 9 Wherefore, gird up your loins
3 I am the same which a spake, and and be prepared. Behold, the a king-
the world was made, and all things dom is yours, and the enemy shall
came by me. not overcome.
4 I am the same which have taken 10 Verily I say unto you, ye are
the a Zion of b Enoch into mine own a
clean, but not all; and there is none
bosom; and verily, I say, even as else with whom I am well b pleased;
38 1 a tg Jesus Christ, tg Jesus Christ, Creator. Amos 9:8;
Jehovah. 4 a jst Gen. 14:30–34 D&C 1:1.
b Rev. 1:8. (Bible Appendix); b Josh. 1:9;
c Heb. 13:8; D&C 45:11 (11–12); D&C 6:32; 29:5; 32:3;
D&C 20:12; 35:1; 76:67; 84:100 (99–100); 88:63 (62–63).
39:1 (1–3); 76:4. 133:54; c Isa. 45:15.
d Isa. 57:15. Moses 7:18 (18, 21). 8 a John 16:16;
e Gen. 2:1; tg Zion. Rev. 22:4 (1–5).
D&C 45:1. b Gen. 5:23. tg Jesus Christ, Second
f tg Man, Antemortal c D&C 20:25; 35:2; Coming.
Existence of. 45:3 (3–8). b tg Veil.
g Ps. 90:2. d tg Jesus Christ, c tg Purification;
2 a D&C 88:41; Atonement through. Worthiness.
Moses 1:35 (35–37); 7:36. 5 a tg Wickedness. d Mal. 3:2.
tg God, Omni- b 2 Pet. 2:4 (4–9); 9 a Luke 6:20;
science of. Jude 1:6. D&C 35:27; 45:1.
b Prov. 5:21; tg Hell; tg Kingdom of God,
2 Ne. 9:20. Spirits in Prison. on Earth.
c tg God, Foreknowl- c tg Judgment, the Last. 10 a John 13:10.
edge of. 6 a tg Hardheartedness. tg Cleanliness.
3 a Ps. 33:9. 7 a Ps. 33:18; b D&C 1:30.
Doctrine and Covenants 38:11–24 64
25 And again I say unto you, let there you shall be d endowed with
every man esteem his a brother as power from on high;
himself. 33 And from thence, whosoever
26 For what man among you having I will shall a go forth among all
twelve sons, and is no respecter of nations, and it shall be told them
them, and they serve him obediently, what they shall do; for I have a
and he saith unto the one: Be thou great work laid up in store, for Is-
clothed in robes and sit thou here; rael shall be b saved, and I will c lead
and to the other: Be thou clothed in them whithersoever I will, and no
rags and sit thou there—and looketh power shall d stay my hand.
upon his sons and saith I am a just? 34 And now, I give unto the church
27 Behold, this I have given unto in these parts a commandment, that
you as a parable, and it is even as certain men among them shall be
I am. I say unto you, be a one; and appointed, and they shall be a ap-
if ye are not one ye are not mine. pointed by the b voice of the church;
28 And again, I say unto you that 35 And they shall look to the poor
the enemy in the secret chambers and the needy, and administer to
seeketh your a lives. their a relief that they shall not suf-
29 Ye hear of a wars in far coun- fer; and send them forth to the place
tries, and you say that there will which I have commanded them;
soon be great wars in far countries, 36 And this shall be their work, to
but ye know not the hearts of men govern the affairs of the property
in your own land. of this a church.
30 I tell you these things because 37 And they that have farms that
of your prayers; wherefore, a treasure cannot be sold, let them be left or
up b wisdom in your bosoms, lest rented as seemeth them good.
the wickedness of men reveal these 38 See that all things are preserved;
things unto you by their wickedness, and when men are a endowed with
in a manner which shall speak in power from on high and sent forth,
your ears with a voice louder than all these things shall be gathered
that which shall shake the earth; but unto the bosom of the church.
if ye are prepared ye shall not fear. 39 And if ye seek the a riches which
31 And that ye might escape the it is the will of the Father to give
power of the a enemy, and be gath- unto you, ye shall be the richest of all
ered unto me a righteous people, people, for ye shall have the riches
without b spot and blameless— of eternity; and it must needs be that
32 Wherefore, for this cause I gave the b riches of the earth are mine
unto you the a commandment that to give; but beware of c pride, lest
ye should go to the b Ohio; and there ye become as the d Nephites of old.
I will give unto you my c law; and 40 And again, I say unto you,
25 a Acts 17:26 (26–34). 32 a D&C 42:3. Leaders.
26 a tg God, Justice of. b D&C 37:3. 35 a tg Welfare.
27 a John 17:21 (21–23); c D&C 42:2 (1–93). 36 a tg Church
1 Cor. 1:10; d Luke 24:49; Organization.
Eph. 4:13 (11–14); D&C 39:15; 43:16; 38 a tg Endowment;
3 Ne. 11:28 (28–30); 95:8 (8–9); 110:9 (9–10). Genealogy and Temple
Moses 7:18. 33 a tg Missionary Work. Work.
tg Unity. b Isa. 45:17; 39 a 2 Ne. 26:31;
28 a D&C 5:33 (32–33); Jer. 30:10; 31:7 (6–7); Jacob 2:18 (17–19);
10:6 (6, 25); 38:13; 42:64. Hosea 13:9; D&C 11:7.
29 a D&C 42:64; 45:63 (26, 63); D&C 136:22. tg Objectives.
87:2 (1–5); 130:12. c tg Guidance, Divine. b Hag. 2:8.
30 a JS—M 1:37. d Dan. 4:35. c Prov. 11:2;
b tg Study; Wisdom. 34 a tg Delegation of 2 Ne. 26:20 (20–22).
31 a tg Enemies. Responsibility. tg Pride.
b 2 Pet. 3:14. b tg Sustaining Church d Moro. 8:27.
Doctrine and Covenants 38:41–39:9 66
Section 39
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to James Covel,
at Fayette, New York, January 5, 1831. James Covel, who had been a
Methodist minister for about forty years, covenanted with the Lord that
he would obey any command that the Lord would give to him through
Joseph the Prophet.
1–4, The Saints have power to become and even so will I give unto as many
the sons of God; 5–6, To receive the as will receive me, power to become
gospel is to receive Christ; 7–14, James my sons.
Covel is commanded to be baptized and 5 And verily, verily, I say unto you,
labor in the Lord’s vineyard; 15–21, he that receiveth my gospel a receiv-
The Lord’s servants are to preach the eth me; and he that b receiveth not
gospel before the Second Coming; 22– my gospel receiveth not me.
24, Those who receive the gospel will 6 And this is my a gospel—repen-
be gathered in time and in eternity. tance and baptism by water, and
then cometh the b baptism of fire
Hearken and listen to the voice and the Holy Ghost, even the Com-
of him who is from all a eternity to forter, which showeth all things,
all eternity, the Great b I Am, even and c teacheth the peaceable things
Jesus Christ— of the kingdom.
2 The a light and the life of the 7 And now, behold, I say unto you,
world; a light which shineth in my servant a James, I have looked
darkness and the darkness compre- upon thy works and I b know thee.
hendeth it not; 8 And verily I say unto thee, thine
3 The same which came in the heart is now right before me at this
meridian of time unto mine own, time; and, behold, I have bestowed
and mine own b received me not; great a blessings upon thy head;
4 But to as many as received me, 9 Nevertheless, thou hast seen
gave I power to become my a sons; great a sorrow, for thou hast b rejected
40 a tg Industry. Isa. 44:6; b tg Teachable.
b 1 Cor. 4:12. Rev. 1:8. 6 a tg Baptism;
41 a tg Preaching. tg Jesus Christ, Gospel;
b tg Warn. Jehovah. Repent.
c Titus 3:2. 2 a tg Jesus Christ, Light b tg Holy Ghost,
42 a Isa. 52:11. of the World. Baptism of;
b Ps. 26:4; 3 a D&C 20:26; Holy Ghost, Comforter;
Rom. 12:9. Moses 5:57; Holy Ghost, Mission of.
c Lev. 21:6; 6:57 (57, 62); 7:46. c D&C 36:2; 42:61.
Ether 12:37. b tg Prophets, 7 a D&C 40:1.
39 1 a Heb. 13:8; Rejection of. b Gen. 18:19.
D&C 20:12; 35:1; 4 a John 1:12. 8 a Prov. 10:6.
38:1 (1–4); 76:4. tg Sons and Daughters 9 a Mosiah 7:29.
tg Eternity. of God. b John 12:48;
b Ex. 3:14; 5 a John 13:20. Alma 10:6.
67 Doctrine and Covenants 39:10–24
Section 40
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at Fay
ette, New York, January 6, 1831. Preceding the record of this revelation,
the Prophet’s history states, “As James [Covel] rejected the word of the
Lord, and returned to his former principles and people, the Lord gave
unto me and Sidney Rigdon the following revelation” (see section 39).
1–3, Fear of persecution and cares of gladness, but straightway Satan
the world cause rejection of the gospel. tempted him; and the fear of c per-
Section 41
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Church, at
Kirtland, Ohio, February 4, 1831. This revelation instructs the Prophet
and Church elders to pray to receive God’s “law” (see section 42). Joseph
Smith had just arrived in Kirtland from New York, and Leman Copley,
a Church member in nearby Thompson, Ohio, “requested Brother
Joseph and Sidney [Rigdon] . . . live with him and he would furnish
them houses and provisions.” The following revelation clarifies where
Joseph and Sidney should live and also calls Edward Partridge to be the
Church’s first bishop.
1–3, The elders will govern the Church my e name, with the heaviest of all
by the spirit of revelation; 4 – 6, cursings.
True disciples will receive and keep 2 Hearken, O ye elders of my
the Lord’s law; 7–12, Edward Par church whom I have called, behold
tridge is named as a bishop unto the I give unto you a commandment,
Church. that ye shall assemble yourselves
together to a agree upon my word;
Hearken and a hear, O ye my peo- 3 And by the prayer of your faith
ple, saith the Lord and your God, ye shall receive my a law, that ye may
ye whom I delight to bless with the know how to govern my b church
greatest of all b blessings, ye that and have all things right before me.
hear me; and ye that hear me not 4 And I will be your a ruler when
will I c curse, that have d professed I b come; and behold, I come quickly,
40 1 a D&C 39:7. b tg Blessing. tg God, Law of.
2 a Mark 4:16. c Deut. 11:28; 1 Ne. 2:23; b tg Jesus Christ, Head of
b tg Test. D&C 50:8. the Church.
c Matt. 13:21 (20–22). tg Curse. 4 a Zech. 14:9;
tg Persecution. d D&C 50:4; 56:1; 112:26. 1 Tim. 6:15 (14–15);
d tg Apostasy of e tg Jesus Christ, Taking D&C 45:59.
Individuals. the Name of. tg Governments.
3 a D&C 39:10 (7–24). 2 a tg Unity. b tg Jesus Christ, Second
41 1 a Deut. 32:1. 3 a D&C 42:2 (1–93). Coming.
69 Doctrine and Covenants 41:5–12
and ye shall see that my law is 9 And again, I have called my ser-
kept. vant a Edward Partridge; and I give
5 He that a receiveth my b law and a commandment, that he should
doeth it, the same is my disciple; be appointed by the voice of the
and he that saith he receiveth it church, and ordained a b bishop
and d doeth it not, the same is not unto the church, to leave his mer-
my disciple, and shall be e cast out chandise and to c spend all his time
from among you; in the labors of the church;
6 For it is not meet that the things 10 To see to all things as it shall
which belong to the children of the be appointed unto him in my laws
kingdom should be given to them in the day that I shall give them.
that are not worthy, or to a dogs, or 11 And this because his heart is
the b pearls to be cast before swine. pure before me, for he is like unto
7 And again, it is meet that my a
Nathanael of old, in whom there
servant Joseph Smith, Jun., should is no b guile.
have a a house built, in which to live 12 These words are given unto
and b translate. you, and they are pure before me;
8 And again, it is meet that my wherefore, beware how you hold
servant Sidney Rigdon should live them, for they are to be answered
as seemeth him good, inasmuch as upon your a souls in the day of judg-
he keepeth my commandments. ment. Even so. Amen.
Section 42
Revelation given in two parts through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at
Kirtland, Ohio, February 9 and 23, 1831. The first part, consisting
of verses 1 through 72, was received in the presence of twelve elders
and in fulfillment of the Lord’s promise previously made that the “law”
would be given in Ohio (see section 38:32). The second portion con
sists of verses 73 through 93. The Prophet specifies this revelation as
“embracing the law of the Church.”
1–10, The elders are called to preach ing the consecration of properties are
the gospel, baptize converts, and build set forth; 40 – 42, Pride and idleness
up the Church; 11–12, They must be are condemned; 43–52, The sick are
called and ordained and are to teach to be healed through administrations
the principles of the gospel found and by faith; 53–60, The scriptures
in the scriptures; 13 –17, They are govern the Church and are to be pro
to teach and prophesy by the power claimed to the world; 61–69, The site
of the Spirit; 18–29, The Saints are of the New Jerusalem and the myster
commanded not to kill, steal, lie, ies of the kingdom will be revealed;
lust, commit adultery, or speak evil 70 –73, Consecrated properties are to
against others; 30 –39, Laws govern be used to support Church officers;
5 a Matt. 7:24. e D&C 42:37; 50:8 (8–9); 9 a D&C 36:1; 42:10.
b Josh. 1:8; 64:35. b D&C 58:24 (14–24);
Jer. 26:4; tg Excommunication. 68:14; 72:6 (6, 9–12);
Mosiah 3:14 (14–15); 6 a Matt. 15:26; 107:69 (69–75).
13:29 (29–32); Mark 7:27 (25–30). tg Bishop.
Alma 25:15 (15–16). b Matt. 7:6. c D&C 51:1 (1–20);
c Rom. 2:13; tg Holiness. 57:7; 58:17 (14–18).
James 1:22 (22–25); 7 a D&C 42:71 (70–73). 11 a John 1:47.
D&C 42:60. b ie translate the Bible. b tg Guile.
d Matt. 21:30. D&C 37:1; 45:60–62; 12 a tg Accountability;
tg Hypocrisy. 73:3; 76:15; 93:53. Responsibility.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:1–12 70
13 And they shall a observe the 22 Thou shalt a love thy wife with
covenants and church articles to all thy heart, and shalt b cleave unto
do them, and these shall be their her and none else.
teachings, as they shall be d directed 23 And he that a looketh upon a
by the Spirit. woman to lust after her shall deny
14 And the Spirit shall be given the faith, and shall not have the
unto you a by the prayer of faith; b
Spirit; and if he repents not he
and if ye receive not the b Spirit ye shall be cast out.
shall not teach. 24 Thou shalt not commit a adul-
15 And all this ye shall observe to ter y; and he that committeth
do as I have a commanded concern- b
adultery, and repenteth not, shall
ing your teaching, until the fulness be c cast out.
of my b scriptures is given. 25 But he that has committed adul-
16 And as ye shall lift up your voices tery and repents with all his heart,
by the a Comforter, ye shall speak and forsaketh it, and doeth it a no
and prophesy as seemeth me good; more, thou shalt forgive;
17 For, behold, the a Comforter 26 But if he doeth it a again, he shall
knoweth all things, and b beareth not be forgiven, but shall be cast out.
record of the Father and of the Son. 27 Thou shalt not a speak evil of
18 And now, behold, I speak unto thy neighbor, nor do him any harm.
the church. Thou shalt not a kill; 28 Thou knowest my laws con-
and he that b kills shall c not have cerning these things are given in
forgiveness in this world, nor in the my scriptures; he that sinneth and
world to come. a
repenteth not shall be b cast out.
19 And again, I say, thou shalt not 29 If thou a lovest me thou shalt
kill; but he that a killeth shall b die. b
serve me and c keep all my com-
20 Thou shalt not steal; and he that mandments.
stealeth and will not repent shall 30 And behold, thou wilt remem-
be b cast out. ber the a poor, and b consecrate of
21 Thou shalt not a lie; he that lieth thy properties for their c support
and will not repent shall be cast out. that which thou hast to impart unto
13 a tg Commitment. Deut. 5:17 (17–21); 24 a Ezek. 18:6;
b ie D&C 20 (see the Matt. 5:21 (21–37); Luke 18:20;
section 20 heading). Mosiah 13:21 (21–24); D&C 63:14.
D&C 1:6 (6, 37); 33:14; 3 Ne. 12:21 (21–37). b tg Adulterer;
51:4; 68:24. b tg Life, Sanctity of; Sexual Immorality.
c D&C 84:57. Murder. c Prov. 6:33 (32–33).
d Gal. 5:18. c D&C 76:34; 84:41; 132:27. 25 a John 8:11.
14 a D&C 63:64. 19 a tg Blood, Shedding of. tg Forgive.
tg Prayer. b tg Capital Punishment. 26 a Ps. 85:8;
b Ex. 35:34; 1 Cor. 4:20. 20 a tg Stealing. 2 Pet. 2:20.
tg Holy Ghost, Mission b Zech. 5:3. 27 a Prov. 3:29.
of; Missionary Work; 21 a Luke 18:20. tg Gossip; Slander.
Teacher; Teaching; tg Honesty; Lying. 28 a tg Repent.
Teaching with the 22 a tg Family, Love b tg Excommunication;
Spirit. within; Love; Marriage, Punish.
15 a tg Commandments Continuing Courtship 29 a John 14:15 (15, 21).
of God. in; Marriage, Husbands; tg Love.
b D&C 35:20; 42:56 (56–58). Marriage, Wives. b tg Service.
16 a 2 Pet. 1:21; b Gen. 2:24 (23–24); c tg Obedience.
D&C 18:32; 34:10; 68:3. D&C 49:15 (15–16); 30 a Prov. 31:20;
17 a 1 Cor. 2:10. Moses 3:24 (23–24); Mosiah 4:26 (16–26);
tg Holy Ghost, Abr. 5:18 (17–18). Alma 1:27; Hel. 4:12.
Comforter. tg Divorce. tg Poor.
b D&C 1:39; 20:27. 23 a 2 Sam. 11:2. b Micah 4:13;
tg Holy Ghost, Source tg Carnal Mind; Lust. D&C 72:15; 85:3.
of Testimony. b D&C 63:16. tg Consecration.
18 a Ex. 20:13 (13–17); tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. c tg Welfare.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:31–42 72
them, with a covenant and a deed of the church, and the bishop and
which cannot be broken. his council;
31 And inasmuch as ye a impart of 35 And for the purpose of a pur-
your b substance unto the c poor, ye chasing lands for the public benefit
will do it unto me; and they shall of the church, and building houses
be d laid before the e bishop of my of b worship, and building up of the
church and his f counselors, two of c
New Jerusalem which is hereafter
the elders, or high priests, such as to be revealed—
he shall appoint or has appointed 36 That my covenant people may
and g set apart for that purpose. be gathered in one in that day
32 And it shall come to pass, that when I shall a come to my b temple.
after they are laid before the bishop And this I do for the salvation of
of my church, and after that he has my people.
received these testimonies con- 37 And it shall come to pass, that
cerning the a consecration of the he that sinneth and repenteth not
properties of my church, that they shall be a cast out of the church, and
cannot be taken from the church, shall not receive again that which
agreeable to my commandments, he has b consecrated unto the poor
every man shall be made b account- and the needy of my church, or in
able unto me, a c steward over his other words, unto me—
own property, or that which he has 38 For inasmuch as ye a do it unto
received by consecration, as much the least of these, ye do it unto me.
as is sufficient for himself and 39 For it shall come to pass, that
family. which I spake by the mouths of
33 And again, if there shall be prop- my prophets shall be fulfilled;
erties in the hands of the church, for I will consecrate of the a riches
or any individuals of it, more than of those who embrace my gospel
is necessary for their support after among the Gentiles unto the b poor
this first consecration, which is a of my people who are of the house
residue to be consecrated unto the of Israel.
bishop, it shall be kept to admin- 40 And again, thou shalt not be
ister to those who have not, from a
proud in thy b heart; let all thy c gar-
time to time, that every man who ments be plain, and their d beauty
has need may be amply supplied the beauty of the e work of thine
and receive according to his wants. own hands;
34 Therefore, the residue shall be 41 And let all things be done in
kept in my a storehouse, to adminis- a
cleanliness before me.
ter to the poor and the needy, as shall 42 Thou shalt not be a idle; for
be appointed by the b high council he that is idle shall not eat the
31 a Dan. 4:27; 82:18 (17–19); 39 a tg Treasure.
Mosiah 2:17. 119:1 (1–3). b tg Poor.
b Lev. 19:9. 34 a D&C 42:55; 51:13. 40 a Prov. 16:5.
tg Generosity. b D&C 102:1 (1–30). tg Haughtiness;
c Job 29:12. 35 a D&C 57:5 (5–7); Pride.
tg Almsgiving; Poor. 58:49 (49–51); b tg Hardheartedness.
d D&C 58:35. 101:70 (68–74); c tg Apparel;
e tg Bishop. 103:23 (22–24). Clothing;
f tg Counselor. b tg Worship. Modesty.
g tg Setting Apart. c tg Zion. d tg Beauty.
32 a D&C 51:4; 64:15. 36 a D&C 36:8. e tg Industry.
b D&C 72:3 (3–11). b Mal. 3:1. 41 a tg Cleanliness;
tg Accountability; 37 a D&C 41:5; 50:8 (8–9); Purification.
Judgment. 64:35. 42 a D&C 60:13; 68:30–32;
c D&C 72:17 (17, 22). tg Excommunication. 75:29.
tg Stewardship. b D&C 51:5. tg Idleness;
d D&C 51:3. 38 a Matt. 25:40 (34–40). Laziness;
33 a D&C 42:55; 51:13; tg Love. Welfare.
73 Doctrine and Covenants 42:43–59
bread nor wear the garments of the 52 And they who have not faith
laborer. to do these things, but believe in
43 And whosoever among you are me, have a power to become my
sick, and have not faith to be healed, b
sons; and inasmuch as they break
but believe, shall be b nourished with not my laws thou shalt c bear their
all tenderness, with herbs and mild infirmities.
food, and that not by the hand of 53 Thou shalt a stand in the place
an enemy. of thy stewardship.
44 And the elders of the church, 54 Thou shalt not take thy broth-
two or more, shall be called, and er’s a garment; thou shalt b pay for
shall pray for and a lay their b hands that which thou shalt receive of
upon them in my name; and if they thy brother.
die they shall d die unto me, and if 55 And if thou a obtainest more
they live they shall live unto me. than that which would be for thy
45 Thou shalt a live together in support, thou shalt give it into my
love, insomuch that thou shalt b
storehouse, that all things may
weep for the loss of them that die, be done according to that which I
and more especially for those that have said.
have not d hope of a glorious resur- 56 Thou shalt ask, and my a scrip-
rection. tures shall be given as I have ap-
46 And it shall come to pass that pointed, and they shall be b pre-
those that die in me shall not a taste served in safety;
of b death, for it shall be c sweet unto 57 And it is expedient that thou
them; shouldst hold thy peace concerning
47 And they that die not in me, wo them, and a not teach them until ye
unto them, for their death is bitter. have received them in full.
48 And again, it shall come to pass 58 And I give unto you a com-
that he that hath a faith in me to be mandment that then ye shall teach
healed, and is not c appointed unto them unto all men; for they shall be
death, shall be d healed. a
taught unto b all c nations, kindreds,
49 He who hath faith to see shall tongues and people.
see. 59 Thou shalt take the things which
50 He who hath faith to hear shall thou hast received, which have been
hear. given unto thee in my scriptures
51 The lame who hath faith to leap for a law, to be my a law to govern
shall leap. my b church;
42 b tg Bread. tg Hope. tg Fellowshipping.
c tg Labor; 46 a John 8:52 (51–52). 53 a tg Stewardship;
Work, Value of. b John 11:26; Trustworthiness.
43 a tg Sickness. 1 Cor. 15:56. 54 a Ex. 22:26.
b tg Health. tg Death. b D&C 51:11.
c tg Food. c Job 13:15 (15–16); 55 a D&C 82:18 (17–19);
44 a tg Hands, Laying on of. Rev. 14:13. 119:1 (1–3).
b tg Administrations 48 a D&C 46:19. b D&C 42:34; 51:13.
to the Sick. tg Faith. 56 a D&C 42:15;
c Rom. 14:8 (5–9); b Luke 18:42 (35–43). 45:60 (60–61).
D&C 63:49. tg Heal. b tg Scriptures,
d Rev. 14:13. c 2 Kgs. 20:1 (1–6); Preservation of.
45 a 1 Jn. 4:16. Job 7:1; Isa. 38:5; 57 a Moses 1:42; 4:32.
b John 11:36 (35–36). 1 Cor. 4:9; 58 a D&C 124:89.
tg Family, Love within; Alma 12:27 (26–28); b D&C 1:2, 34 (34–35);
Love. D&C 121:25. 18:28 (26–28); 39:15.
c Gen. 50:1; d tg Death, Power over. c tg Nations.
Alma 28:11 (11–12); 52 a tg Initiative. 59 a Josh. 1:8.
48:23. b tg Sons and Daughters b tg God, Law of;
tg Mourning. of God. Jesus Christ, Head of
d 1 Cor. 15:19 (19–22). c Rom. 15:1. the Church.
Doctrine and Covenants 42:60–76 74
Section 43
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
in February 1831. At this time some members of the Church were
disturbed by people making false claims as revelators. The Prophet
inquired of the Lord and received this communication addressed to
79 a Luke 18:20. 85 a
tg Stealing. d tg Reconciliation.
tg Blood, Shedding of; 86 a
tg Honesty; Lying. 89 a tg Judgment;
Murder. 87 a
D&C 43:11. Justice.
80 a tg Adulterer. 88 a
tg Brotherhood and 90 a tg Chastening;
b tg Witness. Sisterhood. Reproof.
81 a Matt. 18:17 (16–17). b Matt. 18:15 (15–18). 91 a Ezek. 5:8;
b D&C 64:12. tg Offense. 1 Tim. 5:20 (19–21).
82 a tg Bishop. c tg Confession. b tg Shame.
Doctrine and Covenants 43:1–14 76
the elders of the Church. The first part deals with matters of Church
polity; the latter part contains a warning that the elders are to give to
the nations of the earth.
1–7, Revelations and commandments 7 For verily I say unto you, that he
come only through the one appointed; that is a ordained of me shall come
8–14, The Saints are sanctified by acting in at the b gate and be ordained as
in all holiness before the Lord; 15–22, I have told you before, to teach
Elders are sent forth to cry repentance those c revelations which you have
and prepare men for the great day of received and shall receive through
the Lord; 23–28, The Lord calls upon him whom I have appointed.
men by His own voice and through the 8 And now, behold, I give unto
forces of nature; 29–35, The Millennium you a a commandment, that when
and the binding of Satan will come. ye are b assembled together ye shall
instruct and d edify each other, that
O hearken, ye elders of my church, ye may know e how to act and direct
and give ear to the words which I my church, how to act upon the
shall speak unto you. points of my law and command-
2 For behold, verily, verily, I say ments, which I have given.
unto you, that ye have received a 9 And thus ye shall become in-
commandment for a a law unto my structed in the law of my church, and
church, through him whom I have be a sanctified by that which ye have
appointed unto you to receive com- received, and ye shall bind yourselves
mandments and b revelations from to act in all holiness before me—
my hand. 10 That inasmuch as ye do this,
3 And this ye shall know as- glory shall be a added to the kingdom
suredly—that there is a none other which ye have received. Inasmuch
appointed unto you to receive b com- as ye do it not, it shall be b taken,
mandments and revelations until he even that which ye have received.
be taken, if he c abide in me. 11 a Purge ye out the b iniquity
4 But verily, verily, I say unto you, which is among you; sanctify your-
that a none else shall be appointed selves before me;
unto this gift except it be through 12 And if ye desire the glories of
him; for if it be taken from him he the kingdom, a appoint ye my servant
shall not have power except to ap- Joseph Smith, Jun., and uphold him
point another in his stead. before me by the prayer of faith.
5 And this shall be a law unto you, 13 And again, I say unto you, that
that ye a receive not the b teachings if ye desire the a mysteries of the
of any that shall come before you kingdom, provide for him food and
as revelations or commandments; raiment, and whatsoever thing he
6 And this I give unto you that you needeth to accomplish the work
may not be a deceived, that you may wherewith I have commanded him;
know they are not of me. 14 And if ye do it not he shall
43 2 a D&C 42:2 (1–93). 7 a tg Authority; d tg Edification.
b tg Commandments Called of God. e D&C 82:9;
of God; God, Law of; b Matt. 7:13; JS—H 1:12.
Revelation. 2 Ne. 9:41; 31:9 (9, 17–18); 9 a tg Sanctification.
3 a tg False Prophets. 3 Ne. 14:14 (13–14); 10 a Alma 12:10 (9–11).
b tg Prophets, D&C 22:4. b Mark 4:25.
Mission of. c tg Scriptures to 11 a 1 Cor. 5:7.
c John 15:4. Come Forth. b D&C 42:87.
4 a D&C 28:2 (1–3, 11–13). 8 a tg Commandments tg Sin.
5 a D&C 28:5 (3–8). of God. 12 a tg Sustaining Church
b tg False Doctrine. b tg Assembly for Leaders.
6 a D&C 28:11; 46:7. Worship; Meetings. 13 a tg Mysteries of
tg Deceit. c D&C 88:77 (77–79). Godliness.
77 Doctrine and Covenants 43:15–25
remain unto them that have received repent, and ye a hate me, what will
him, that I may reserve unto myself ye say when the b day cometh when
a a pure b people before me. the c thunders shall utter their voices
15 Again I say, hearken ye elders from the ends of the earth, speaking
of my a church, whom I have ap- to the ears of all that live, saying—
pointed: Ye are not sent forth to be Repent, and prepare for the great
taught, but to c teach the children day of the Lord?
of men the things which I have put 22 Yea, and again, when the a light-
into your hands by the power of nings shall streak forth from the
my d Spirit; east unto the west, and shall utter
16 And ye are to be a taught from forth their voices unto all that live,
on high. b Sanctify yourselves and ye and make the ears of all tingle that
shall be c endowed with power, that hear, saying these words—Repent
ye may give even as I have spoken. ye, for the great day of the Lord
17 Hearken ye, for, behold, the is come?
great b day of the Lord is nigh at 23 And again, the Lord shall ut-
hand. ter his voice out of heaven, saying:
18 For the day cometh that the Hearken, O ye nations of the earth,
Lord shall utter his a voice out of and hear the words of that God who
heaven; the heavens shall b shake a
made you.
and the earth shall c tremble, and 24 O, ye nations of the earth, how
the d trump of God shall sound both often would I have gathered you
long and loud, and shall say to the together as a a hen gathereth her
sleeping nations: Ye saints e arise chickens under her wings, but ye
and live; ye sinners f stay and g sleep b
would not!
until I shall call again. 25 How oft have I a called upon you
19 Wherefore gird up your loins by the mouth of my b servants, and
lest ye be found among the wicked. by the c ministering of angels, and by
20 Lift up your voices and spare mine own voice, and by the voice
not. Call upon the nations to repent, of d thunderings, and by the voice of
both old and young, both a bond and lightnings, and by the voice of tem-
free, saying: Prepare yourselves for pests, and by the voice of earth-
the great day of the Lord; quakes, and great hailstorms, and
21 For if I, who am a man, do lift by the voice of e famines and pesti
up my voice and call upon you to lences of every kind, and by the
14 a tg Purity. D&C 2:1; 34:8 (6–9). c 2 Ne. 27:2; D&C 88:90.
b tg Millennium, Prepar- b D&C 5:19 (19–20); 22 a Amos 4:6 (6–10).
ing a People for. 29:8; 35:11 (11–16). 23 a Deut. 32:6;
15 a tg Jesus Christ, Head of 18 a Joel 2:11; 1 Ne. 2:12.
the Church. D&C 35:21; 88:90; 24 a Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34;
b 1 Jn. 2:27. 133:50 (50–52). 3 Ne. 10:6 (4–6).
tg Teaching. b Joel 2:10; 3:16; b tg Rebellion.
c D&C 50:13. D&C 45:48. 25 a Lev. 26:16; Ezek. 26:6;
tg Missionary Work; tg Last Days. 1 Ne. 21:26 (25–26);
Mission of Latter-day c D&C 45:33 (33, 48); Mosiah 7:29;
Saints; 84:118; 88:87 (87, 90). 11:22 (20–22);
Priesthood, Ordination. d D&C 29:13; 45:45. Hel. 12:3 (2–4).
d tg Teaching with the e tg Resurrection. b Matt. 23:34.
Spirit. f Rev. 20:13 (12–13); tg Prophets, Mission of.
16 a tg Inspiration; Alma 11:41; c D&C 7:6; 130:5.
Teachable. D&C 76:85; d Rev. 16:18; 2 Ne. 6:15.
b Josh. 3:5. 88:100 (100–101). tg Nature, Earth.
tg Sanctification. g Dan. 12:2; e Jer. 24:10; Joel 1:10;
c Luke 24:49; Morm. 9:13 (13–14). Amos 4:6;
D&C 38:32; 39:15; 20 a 1 Cor. 12:13. D&C 87:6 (1–8);
95:8 (8–9); 110:9 (8–10). 21 a tg Hate. JS—M 1:29.
17 a Mal. 4:5; b tg Day of the Lord. tg Drought; Famine.
Doctrine and Covenants 43:26–44:1 78
great sound of a f trump, and by the which I have spoken by the mouth
voice of judgment, and by the voice of my servants, shall come.
of g mercy all the day long, and by 31 For a Satan shall be b bound, and
the voice of glory and honor and the when he is loosed again he shall
riches of eternal life, and would only reign for a c little season, and
have saved you with an i everlasting then cometh the d end of the earth.
salvation, but ye would not! 32 And he that liveth in a righ-
26 Behold, the day has come, when teousness shall be b changed in the
the a cup of the b wrath of mine in- twinkling of an eye, and the earth
dignation is full. shall pass away so as by c fire.
27 Behold, verily I say unto you, 33 And the wicked shall go away
that these are the words of the Lord into unquenchable a fire, and their
your God. end no man knoweth on earth, nor
28 Wherefore, labor ye, a labor ye ever shall know, until they come
in my vineyard for the last time— before me in b judgment.
for the last time call upon the in- 34 Hearken ye to these words. Be-
habitants of the earth. hold, I am Jesus Christ, the a Savior
29 For in mine own due time will of the world. b Treasure these things
I a come upon the earth in b judg- up in your hearts, and let the c so-
ment, and my people shall be c re- lemnities of d eternity e rest upon
deemed and shall d reign with me your f minds.
on earth. 35 Be a sober. Keep all my com-
30 For the great a Millennium, of mandments. Even so. Amen.
Section 44
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at
Kirtland, Ohio, in the latter part of February 1831. In compliance with
the requirement herein set forth, the Church appointed a conference to
be held early in the month of June following.
1–3, Elders are to assemble in con Behold, thus saith the Lord unto
ference; 4–6, They are to organize you my servants, it is expedient in
according to the laws of the land and me that the elders of my church
to care for the poor. should be a called together, from the
25 f Ex. 19:19 (13, 16, 19). 30 a tg Millennium. tg Hell.
g tg Mercy. 31 a 1 Ne. 22:26. b tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
h tg Treasure. tg Devil. 34 a tg Jesus Christ, Savior.
i tg Eternal Life; b D&C 45:55; 84:100; b Isa. 45:22;
Immortality; 88:110 (110–12); 101:28. D&C 6:36; 11:26;
Salvation. c Rev. 20:3 (3–10); JS—M 1:37.
26 a Lam. 4:21. Jacob 5:77 (76–77); tg Treasure.
b Ezek. 21:31. D&C 29:22; c D&C 84:61; 88:121;
tg God, Indignation of. 88:111 (110–12). 100:7.
28 a Jacob 5:71 (71–75); d Matt. 24:14. tg Levity.
D&C 27:13; 33:3. tg World, End of. d tg Eternity.
tg Vineyard of the 32 a tg Righteousness. e tg Meditation.
Lord. b 1 Cor. 15:51 (51–52); f tg Mind.
29 a tg Jesus Christ, Second D&C 63:51; 35 a Rom. 12:3;
Coming. 88:28 (20, 28); 101:31. D&C 18:21.
b tg Judgment, the Last. tg Resurrection. 44 1 a tg Assembly for
c Rev. 14:4 (2–5). c Matt. 3:12. Worship;
d tg Jesus Christ, 33 a Dan. 7:11; Meetings.
Millennial Reign. D&C 29:28 (21, 26–30).
79 Doctrine and Covenants 44:2–45:2
east and from the west, and from the laws of man;
the north and from the south, by 5 That your a enemies may not
letter or some other way. have power over you; that you may
2 And it shall come to pass, that be preserved in all things; that you
inasmuch as they are faithful, and may be enabled to keep my laws;
exercise faith in me, I will pour out that every bond may be broken
my a Spirit upon them in the day that wherewith the enemy seeketh to
they assemble themselves together. destroy my people.
3 And it shall come to pass that 6 Behold, I say unto you, that ye
they shall go forth into the regions must a visit the poor and the needy
round about, and a preach repen- and administer to their relief, that
tance unto the people. they may be kept until all things
4 And many shall be a converted, may be done according to my law
insomuch that ye shall obtain b power which ye have received. Amen.
to organize yourselves c according to
Section 45
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Church, at Kirt
land, Ohio, March 7, 1831. Prefacing the record of this revelation, Joseph
Smith’s history states that “at this age of the Church . . . many false
reports . . . and foolish stories, were published . . . and circulated, . . . to
prevent people from investigating the work, or embracing the faith. . . .
But to the joy of the Saints, . . . I received the following.”
1–5, Christ is our advocate with the important information will be made
Father; 6 –10, The gospel is a messen known; 63–75, The Saints are com
ger to prepare the way before the Lord; manded to gather and build the New
11–15, Enoch and his brethren were Jerusalem, to which people from all
received by the Lord unto Himself; 16– nations will come.
23, Christ revealed signs of His com
ing as given on the Mount of Olives; Hearken, O ye people of my
24–38, The gospel will be restored, the church, to whom the b kingdom
times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled, has been given; hearken ye and
and a desolating sickness will cover give ear to him who laid the foun-
the land; 39– 47, Signs, wonders, and dation of the earth, who c made the
the Resurrection are to attend the Sec heavens and all the d hosts thereof,
ond Coming; 48–53, Christ will stand and by whom all things were made
on the Mount of Olives, and the Jews which e live, and move, and have
will see the wounds in His hands and a being.
feet; 54–59, The Lord will reign during 2 And again I say, hearken unto
the Millennium; 60 –62, The Prophet my voice, lest a death shall overtake
is instructed to begin the translation you; in an b hour when ye think not
of the New Testament, through which the summer shall be past, and the
2 a Acts 2:17. 6 a James 1:27. D&C 14:9.
3 a tg Preaching. tg Compassion; tg Jesus Christ,
4 a tg Conversion. Service; Creator.
b tg Authority; Welfare. d Gen. 2:1;
Church Organization. 45 1 a tg Jesus Christ, Head D&C 38:1;
c 1 Pet. 2:13 (13–14); of the Church. Moses 3:1;
D&C 51:6; 98:5 (5–7); b D&C 38:9; 50:35. Abr. 5:1.
109:54. c Jer. 14:22; e Acts 17:28.
5 a Lev. 26:7 (1–13); Mosiah 4:2; 2 a Alma 34:33 (33–35).
2 Ne. 4:33 (16–35). 3 Ne. 9:15; b Matt. 24:44.
Doctrine and Covenants 45:3–16 80
harvest ended, and your souls not a
everlasting b covenant into the
saved. world, to be a c light to the world, and
3 Listen to him who is the a advo- to be a d standard for my people,
cate with the Father, who is pleading and for the e Gentiles to seek to it, and
your cause before him— to be a f messenger before my face
4 Saying: Father, behold the a suf- to prepare the way before me.
ferings and b death of him who did 10 Wherefore, come ye unto it, and
no c sin, in whom thou wast well with him that cometh I will a reason
pleased; behold the blood of thy as with men in days of old, and I will
Son which was shed, the blood of show unto you my strong reasoning.
him whom thou gavest that thyself 11 Wherefore, hearken ye together
might be d glorified; and let me show unto you even my
5 Wherefore, Father, spare these a
wisdom—the wisdom of him whom
my a brethren that b believe on my ye say is the God of b Enoch, and his
name, that they may come unto me brethren,
and have c everlasting life. 12 Who were a separated from the
6 Hearken, O ye people of my earth, and were received unto my-
church, and ye elders listen together, self—a b city reserved until a c day of
and hear my voice while it is called righteousness shall come—a day
today, and harden not your hearts; which was sought for by all holy
7 For verily I say unto you that I am men, and they found it not because
Alpha and Omega, the beginning of wickedness and abominations;
and the end, the light and the life 13 And confessed they were a strang-
of the world—a b light that shineth ers and pilgrims on the earth;
in darkness and the darkness com- 14 But obtained a a promise that they
prehendeth it not. should find it and see it in their flesh.
8 I came unto mine own, and mine 15 Wherefore, hearken and I will
own a received me not; but unto as reason with you, and I will a speak
many as received me gave I b power unto you and prophesy, as unto men
to do many c miracles, and to become in days of old.
the d sons of God; and even unto 16 And I will show it plainly as
them that e believed on my name I showed it unto my a disciples as I
gave I power to obtain eternal f life. stood before them in the flesh, and
9 And even so I have sent mine spake unto them, saying: As ye have
2 c Jer. 8:20; Rejection of. 10 a Isa. 41:21;
D&C 56:16; b tg Priesthood, Power of. D&C 50:10 (10–12).
76:79 (71–79). c tg Miracle. 11 a tg God, Wisdom of.
tg Harvest. d tg Sons and Daughters b D&C 38:4; 76:67;
3 a Isa. 59:16; D&C 62:1. of God. 84:100 (99–100); 133:54.
tg Jesus Christ, Advocate. e tg Believe; Faith. 12 a jst Gen. 14:30–34 (Bible
4 a tg Jesus Christ, Atone- f 2 Pet. 1:3 (2–4). Appendix);
ment through; 9 a tg New and Everlasting D&C 38:4;
Jesus Christ, Redeemer; Covenant. Moses 7:21.
Pain; Suffering. b Jer. 31:33 (31–34); b Heb. 11:16;
b tg Jesus Christ, Death of. Hosea 2:18 (14–23); D&C 84:100;
c Heb. 4:15; 7:26. Morm. 5:20. Moses 7:63 (62–64).
d John 12:28. tg Covenants. tg Translated Beings;
5 a 1 Jn. 3:14 (10–18). c 2 Cor. 4:6. Zion.
b John 17:20; d tg Ensign; c 1 Cor. 5:5.
D&C 20:25; 35:2; 38:4. Israel, Gathering of. 13 a ie sojourners; see
c John 3:16. e Isa. 42:6; Gen. 15:13.
6 a John 9:4; Matt. 8:11 (11–12); 1 Pet. 2:11.
Heb. 3:13; Luke 13:29 (28–30); tg Stranger.
D&C 64:23 (23–25). Acts 10:45; 14 a Heb. 11:13 (8–13);
7 a Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 2 Ne. 10:18 (9–18). Moses 7:63.
D&C 19:1. f Mal. 3:1; 15 a tg Scriptures to Come
b John 1:5. Matt. 11:10; Forth.
8 a tg Prophets, Luke 7:27. 16 a D&C 29:10.
81 Doctrine and Covenants 45:17–32
asked of me concerning the b signs of told you shall not a pass away until
my coming, in the day when I shall all shall be fulfilled.
come in my c glory in the clouds of 24 And this I have told you con-
heaven, to fulfil the promises that I cerning Jerusalem; and when that
have made unto your fathers, day shall come, shall a remnant be
17 For as ye have looked upon the a
scattered among all b nations;
long a absence of your b spirits from 25 But they shall be a gathered
your bodies to be a bondage, I will again; but they shall remain until the
show unto you how the day of re- times of the b Gentiles be fulfilled.
demption shall come, and also the 26 And in a that day shall be heard
restoration of the d scattered Israel. of b wars and rumors of wars, and
18 And now ye a behold this temple the whole earth shall be in com-
which is in Jerusalem, which ye call motion, and men’s hearts shall c fail
the house of God, and your enemies them, and they shall say that Christ
say that this house shall never fall. d
delayeth his coming until the end
19 But, verily I say unto you, that of the earth.
desolation shall come upon this 27 And the a love of men shall wax
generation as a thief in the night, cold, and b iniquity shall abound.
and this people shall be destroyed 28 And when the times of the
and b scattered among all nations. a
Gentiles is come in, a b light shall
20 And this a temple which ye now break forth among them that sit in
see shall be thrown down that there darkness, and it shall be the fulness
shall not be left one stone upon of my c gospel;
another. 29 But they a receive it not; for they
21 And it shall come to pass, that perceive not the light, and they turn
this a generation of Jews shall not their b hearts from me because of
pass away until every desolation the c precepts of men.
which I have told you concerning 30 And in that generation shall the
them shall come b to pass. a
times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
22 Ye say that ye know that the 31 And there shall be men stand-
end of the world cometh; ye say ing in that a generation, that shall
also that ye know that the heavens not pass until they shall see an over-
and the earth shall pass away; flowing b scourge; for a desolating
23 And in this ye say truly, for so c
sickness shall cover the land.
it is; but these things which I have 32 But my disciples shall a stand in
16 b Matt. 24:3 (3–46); 22 a Matt. 24:3. 27 a JS—M 1:10.
Luke 21:7 (7–36); tg World, End of. b Matt. 24:12.
JS—M 1:4 (4–55). 23 a Matt. 24:35. 28 a tg Gentiles.
tg Last Days. 24 a Zech. 2:6; b D&C 45:36.
c tg Jesus Christ, Glory 1 Ne. 10:12 (12–13); tg Light [noun].
of; Jesus Christ, Second 22:4 (3–8); c tg Restoration of the
Coming. 2 Ne. 25:15 (15–16). Gospel.
17 a Luke 1:79; D&C 138:50. b Gen. 48:19. 29 a John 1:5.
b tg Spirit Body; 25 a Neh. 1:9; b Matt. 15:8 (8–9).
Spirits, Disembodied. 1 Ne. 22:12 (10–12); tg Hardheartedness.
c tg Israel, Restoration of. 2 Ne. 21:12 (11–16). c Titus 1:14;
d Dan. 12:7; tg Israel, Gathering of. D&C 3:6 (6–7); 46:7;
1 Ne. 10:12 (12–14); b Luke 21:24; JS—H 1:19.
22:3 (3–8). Rom. 11:25 (25–27). 30 a 2 Pet. 3:12.
18 a Matt. 24:2 (1–2). 26 a tg Day of the Lord. 31 a JS—M 1:34.
19 a Ps. 79:3 (1–4); b D&C 63:33; b Isa. 28:15;
Luke 21:20 (20–24). 87:1 (1–8); 88:91; D&C 29:18 (14–21).
b tg Israel, Scattering of. JS—M 1:23. c tg Sickness.
20 a Matt. 24:1 (1–3); c Luke 21:26. 32 a Ex. 3:5; 2 Chr. 35:5;
Luke 21:6 (5–6). d Matt. 24:48; Matt. 24:15;
21 a Mark 13:30; JS—M 1:34. 2 Pet. 3:4 (3–10); D&C 87:8;
b Matt. 24:34. JS—M 1:51. 101:22 (21–22, 64); 115:7.
Doctrine and Covenants 45:33–48 82
holy places, and shall not be moved; 40 And they shall see signs and
but among the wicked, men shall a
wonders, for they shall be shown
lift up their voices and b curse God forth in the heavens above, and in
and die. the earth beneath.
33 And there shall be a earthquakes 41 And they shall behold blood,
also in divers places, and many deso and a fire, and vapors of b smoke.
lations; yet men will harden their 42 And before the day of the Lord
hearts against me, and they will take shall come, the a sun shall be dark-
up the b sword, one against another, ened, and the moon be turned into
and they will kill one another. blood, and the stars fall from heaven.
34 And now, when I the Lord had 43 And the a remnant shall be gath-
spoken these words unto my disci- ered unto this place;
ples, they were troubled. 44 And then they shall look for
35 And I said unto them: Be not me, and, behold, I will come; and
troubled, for, when all these things they shall see me in the a clouds of
shall come to pass, ye may know heaven, clothed with power and
that the promises which have been great b glory; with all the holy an-
made unto you shall be fulfilled. gels; and he that c watches not for
36 And when the a light shall be- me shall be cut off.
gin to break forth, it shall be with 45 But before the arm of the Lord
them like unto a parable which I shall fall, an angel shall sound his
will show you— a
trump, and the b saints that have
37 Ye look and behold the a fig slept shall c come forth to meet me
trees, and ye see them with your in the d cloud.
eyes, and ye say when they begin 46 Wherefore, if ye have slept in
to shoot forth, and their leaves are a
peace blessed are you; for as you
yet tender, that summer is now nigh now behold me and know that I
at hand; am, even so shall ye b come unto me
38 Even so it shall be in that day and your souls shall c live, and your
when they shall see all these things, redemption shall be perfected; and
then shall they know that the hour the saints shall come forth from the
is nigh. d
four quarters of the earth.
39 And it shall come to pass that 47 Then shall the a arm of the Lord
he that a feareth me shall be b look- fall upon the nations.
ing forth for the great c day of the 48 And then shall the Lord set his
Lord to d come, even for the e signs foot upon this a mount, and it shall
of the coming of the f Son of Man. cleave in twain, and the earth shall
32 b Job 2:9; Coming. Jesus Christ, Second
Rev. 16:11, 21. e D&C 68:11. Coming.
33 a D&C 43:18; 84:118; tg Signs. c Matt. 24:50 (43–51);
88:87 (87, 90). f tg Jesus Christ, Son Mark 13:33 (32–37);
b D&C 63:33. of Man. 1 Cor. 1:7 (7–8).
35 a Matt. 24:6. 40 a Joel 2:30. 45 a D&C 29:13; 43:18.
36 a Matt. 24:27; 41 a Joel 1:19 (19–20); b tg Resurrection;
D&C 45:28. D&C 29:21; Saints.
37 a Mark 13:28; 97:26 (25–26). c D&C 88:97 (96–97);
Luke 21:29 (29–31); b Gen. 19:28; 133:56.
D&C 35:16. 1 Ne. 19:11; d 1 Thes. 4:17.
39 a Job 1:1; 3 Ne. 10:13 (13–14); 46 a Alma 40:12.
D&C 10:56 (55–56). Morm. 8:29 (29–30). b Isa. 55:3;
tg Reverence. 42 a Joel 2:10; Rev. 6:12; Amos 5:6;
b 2 Pet. 3:12 (10–13); D&C 88:87; 133:49. D&C 88:63; 101:38.
D&C 35:15 (15–16); 43 a tg Israel, Gathering of; c Ps. 121:7.
49:23; Israel, Remnant of. tg Immortality.
Moses 7:62. 44 a Ex. 19:9 (9, 16). d D&C 33:6.
c tg Day of the Lord. b tg Glory; 47 a D&C 1:14 (13–14); 35:14.
d tg Jesus Christ, Second Jesus Christ, Glory of; 48 a Zech. 14:4 (4–7).
83 Doctrine and Covenants 45:49–60
tremble, and reel to and fro, and knew no d law shall have part in
the c heavens also d shall shake. the e first f resurrection; and it shall
49 And the Lord shall utter his be g tolerable for them.
voice, and all the ends of the earth 55 And a Satan shall be b bound, that
shall hear it; and the nations of the he shall have no place in the hearts
earth shall a mourn, and they that of the children of men.
have b laughed shall see their c folly. 56 And at that day, when I shall
50 And calamity shall cover the come in my a glory, shall the parable
mocker, and the scorner shall be fulfilled which I spake concern-
be consumed; and they that have ing the ten b virgins.
watched for iniquity shall be hewn 57 For they that are wise and have
down and b cast into the c fire. received the a truth, and have taken
51 And then shall the a Jews b look the Holy Spirit for their b guide, and
upon me and say: What are these have not been deceived—verily I say
wounds in thine hands and in thy unto you, they shall not be hewn
feet? down and cast into the c fire, but
52 Then shall they know that I am shall abide the day.
the Lord; for I will say unto them: 58 And the a earth shall be given
These wounds are the wounds with unto them for an b inheritance; and
which I was a wounded in the house they shall c multiply and wax strong,
of my friends. I am he who was lifted and their d children shall e grow up
up. I am Jesus that was b crucified. without f sin unto g salvation.
I am the c Son of God. 59 For the Lord shall be in their
53 And then shall they a weep be- a
midst, and his b glory shall be upon
cause of their iniquities; then shall them, and he will be their c king and
they b lament because they c perse- their d lawgiver.
cuted their d king. 60 And now, behold, I say unto
54 And then shall the a heathen na- you, it shall not be given unto you
tions be b redeemed, and they that to know any further concerning this
48 b D&C 43:18; 84:118; d Luke 23:38; 88:94; 101:24 (23–25).
88:87 (87, 90). John 19:3 (3, 14–15). 58 a tg Earth, Destiny of.
c tg Last Days. 54 a Ezek. 36:23 (23, 36); b Isa. 29:19;
d Joel 3:16; 37:28; 38:16 (16, 23); Matt. 5:5;
D&C 21:6; 49:23. 39:21 (7, 21, 23). Col. 1:12;
49 a D&C 29:15 (14–21); 87:6. tg Heathen. 2 Ne. 9:18;
b tg Laughter. b tg Conversion. D&C 38:20 (16–20);
c 2 Tim. 3:9. c tg Ignorance. 56:20.
tg Foolishness. d tg Accountability. c Gen. 1:22 (20–25);
50 a tg Mocking. e Rev. 20:2; Jer. 30:19.
b Isa. 29:20. 1 Ne. 22:26; d tg Children.
c tg Earth, Cleansing of. D&C 76:71 (71–80). e D&C 63:51;
51 a tg Israel, Judah, f tg Resurrection. 101:30 (29–31).
People of. g Matt. 11:22; f tg Sin.
b Zech. 12:10. D&C 75:22. g tg Salvation;
c tg Jesus Christ, Second 55 a tg Devil. Salvation of Little
Coming. b D&C 43:31; 84:100; Children.
52 a Zech. 13:6. 88:110; 101:28. 59 a Matt. 18:20;
tg Jesus Christ, 56 a tg Jesus Christ, Second D&C 1:36 (35–36);
Mission of. Coming. 29:11 (9–11);
b tg Jesus Christ, b Matt. 25:1 (1–13); 84:119 (118–19);
Appearances, D&C 63:54. 104:59.
Postmortal. 57 a tg Truth. b tg Glory.
c Rom. 1:4. b tg Guidance, Divine; c tg Kingdom of God,
53 a Rev. 1:7 (7–8). Holy Ghost, Mission of; on Earth.
b Ps. 4:6; 119:135; Motivations; d Gen. 49:10;
Zech. 12:10. Testimony. Zech. 14:9;
c tg Jesus Christ, c D&C 29:9 (9, 21, 23); D&C 38:22; 41:4.
Betrayal of. 63:34 (34, 54); 64:24;
Doctrine and Covenants 45:61–75 84
chapter, until the a New Testament will not take his sword against his
be translated, and in it all these a
neighbor must needs flee unto
things shall be made known; b
Zion for safety.
61 Wherefore I give unto you that 69 And there shall be a gathered
ye may now translate it, that ye may unto it out of every b nation under
be prepared for the things to come. heaven; and it shall be the only
62 For verily I say unto you, that people that shall not be at c war one
great things await you; with another.
63 Ye hear of a wars in foreign lands; 70 And it shall be said among the
but, behold, I say unto you, they are wicked: Let us not go up to battle
nigh, even at your b doors, and not against Zion, for the inhabitants
many years hence ye shall hear of of Zion are a terrible; wherefore we
wars in your own lands. cannot stand.
64 Wherefore I, the Lord, have 71 And it shall come to pass that
said, gather ye out from the a east- the righteous shall be gathered out
ern lands, assemble ye yourselves from among all nations, and shall
together ye elders of my church; go come to Zion, singing with a songs
ye forth into the western countries, of everlasting b joy.
call upon the inhabitants to repent, 72 And now I say unto you, keep
and inasmuch as they do repent, these things from going abroad unto
build up churches unto me. the world until it is expedient in me,
65 And with one heart and with that ye may accomplish this work
one mind, gather up your riches in the eyes of the people, and in
that ye may a purchase an inheri- the eyes of your enemies, that they
tance which shall hereafter be ap- may not know your works until ye
pointed unto you. have accomplished the thing which
66 And it shall be called the a New I have commanded you;
Jerusalem, a b land of c peace, a city 73 That when they shall know it,
of d refuge, a place of e safety for the that they may consider these things.
saints of the Most High God; 74 For when the Lord shall appear
67 And the a glory of the Lord shall he shall be a terrible unto them, that
be there, and the b terror of the Lord fear may seize upon them, and they
also shall be there, insomuch that shall stand afar off and tremble.
the wicked will not come unto it, 75 And all nations shall be afraid
and it shall be called Zion. because of the terror of the Lord,
68 And it shall come to pass among and the power of his might. Even
the wicked, that every man that so. Amen.
60 a See an excerpt in the Moses 7:62; Glory of.
Pearl of Great Price, A of F 1:10. b D&C 64:43.
in Joseph Smith— tg Jerusalem, New; 68 a Zech. 14:13.
Matthew. See also Zion. tg Neighbor.
Bible, footnotes and b D&C 29:8 (7–8); b Isa. 31:9.
Appendix, excerpts 52:2 (2, 42); 57:1; 103:24. tg Zion.
from the Joseph Smith c Ps. 72:7; 69 a Deut. 30:3;
Translation. D&C 54:10. Jer. 32:37.
D&C 42:56; 73:3 (3–4). tg Peace. b Zech. 2:11 (10–12);
63 a D&C 38:29; d Isa. 4:6; D&C 49:10;
87:2 (1–5); 130:12. Joel 2:32. 97:19 (18–21).
b Matt. 24:33. tg Refuge. c tg War.
64 a D&C 42:64; 48:2. e tg Protection, Divine. 70 a Mal. 1:14.
65 a D&C 63:27. 67 a D&C 64:41 (41–43); 71 a D&C 66:11.
66 a Isa. 35:10; 84:5 (4–5, 31); b tg Joy.
Ether 13:6 (2–11); 97:15 (15–20). 74 a Zeph. 2:11.
D&C 42:9 (9, 35, 62); tg Jesus Christ,
85 Doctrine and Covenants 46:1–9
Section 46
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Church, at
Kirtland, Ohio, March 8, 1831. In this early time of the Church, a unified
pattern for the conducting of Church services had not yet developed. How
ever, a custom of admitting only members and earnest investigators to
the sacrament meetings and other assemblies of the Church had become
somewhat general. This revelation expresses the will of the Lord relative
to governing and conducting meetings and His direction on seeking and
discerning the gifts of the Spirit.
1–2, Elders are to conduct meetings as 5 And again I say unto you, ye
guided by the Holy Spirit; 3–6, Truth shall not cast any out of your sac-
seekers should not be excluded from rament meetings who are earnestly
sacramental services; 7–12, Ask of a
seeking the kingdom—I speak this
God and seek the gifts of the Spirit; concerning those who are not of
13–26, An enumeration of some of the church.
these gifts is given; 27–33, Church 6 And again I say unto you, con-
leaders are given power to discern the cerning your a confirmation meet-
gifts of the Spirit. ings, that if there be any that are
not of the church, that are earnestly
Hearken, O ye people of my church; seeking after the kingdom, ye shall
for verily I say unto you that these not cast them out.
things were spoken unto you for 7 But ye are commanded in all
your a profit and learning. things to a ask of God, who giveth
2 But notwithstanding those things liberally; and that which the Spirit
which are written, it always has been testifies unto you even so I would
given to the a elders of my church that ye should do in all b holiness of
from the beginning, and ever shall heart, walking uprightly before me,
be, to b conduct all meetings as they c
considering the end of your salva-
are directed and guided by the tion, doing all things with prayer
Holy Spirit. and d thanksgiving, that ye may not
3 Nevertheless ye are commanded be e seduced by evil f spirits, or doc-
never to a cast any one out from your trines of devils, or the g command-
public b meetings, which are held ments of men; for some are of men,
before the world. and others of devils.
4 Ye are also commanded not to 8 Wherefore, beware lest ye are
cast any one who belongeth to the deceived; and that ye may not be
church out of your sacrament meet- deceived a seek ye earnestly the best
ings; nevertheless, if any have tres- gifts, always remembering for what
passed, let him a not b partake until they are given;
he makes reconciliation. 9 For verily I say unto you, they
46 1 a Deut. 10:13 (12–13). 6 a ie for confirmation of Alma 34:38.
2 a Lev. 9:1; those recently baptized, tg Thanksgiving.
Alma 6:1. commonly done now in e 1 Tim. 4:1 (1–4);
b Moro. 6:9; sacrament meeting. D&C 28:11; 43:6 (5–7).
D&C 20:45. 7 a James 1:5 (5–6); f tg Spirits, Evil or
3 a 3 Ne. 18:22 (22–34). D&C 6:11; 88:62 (62–65); Unclean.
b tg Church; 102:23. g Col. 2:22 (18–22);
Fellowshipping; tg Problem-Solving. Titus 1:14;
Meetings. b tg Holiness. D&C 3:6 (6–7); 45:29;
4 a 3 Ne. 12:24 (23–26). c tg Meditation; JS—H 1:19.
b tg Reconciliation; Prayer. 8 a 1 Cor. 12:31;
Sacrament. d Ps. 34:1 (1–3); D&C 11:10.
5 a tg Missionary Work. 69:30 (30–31);
Doctrine and Covenants 46:10–30 86
are given for the benefit of those 17 And again, verily I say unto
who love me and keep all my com- you, to some is given, by the Spirit
mandments, and him that seeketh of God, the word of a wisdom.
so to do; that all may be benefited 18 To another is given the word of
that seek or that ask of me, that ask a
knowledge, that all may be taught
and not for a a sign that they may to be wise and to have knowledge.
consume it upon their lusts. 19 And again, to some it is given
10 And again, verily I say unto you, to have a faith to be healed;
I would that ye should always re- 20 And to others it is given to have
member, and always retain in your faith to a heal.
minds what those b gifts are, that 21 And again, to some is given the
are given unto the church. working of a miracles;
11 For all have not every a gift given 22 And to others it is given to
unto them; for there are many gifts, a
and to every man is given a gift by 23 And to others the a discerning
the Spirit of God. of spirits.
12 To some is given one, and to 24 And again, it is given to some
some is given another, that all may to speak with a tongues;
be profited thereby. 25 And to another is given the in-
13 To some it is given by the a Holy terpretation of tongues.
Ghost to know that Jesus Christ is 26 And all these a gifts come from
the Son of God, and that he was God, for the benefit of the b chil-
crucified for the sins of the world. dren of God.
14 To others it is given to a believe 27 And unto the a bishop of the
on their words, that they also might church, and unto such as God shall
have eternal life if they continue appoint and ordain to watch over
faithful. the church and to be elders unto the
15 And again, to some it is given church, are to have it given unto
by the Holy Ghost to know the a dif- them to b discern all those gifts lest
ferences of administration, as it will there shall be any among you pro-
be pleasing unto the same Lord, ac- fessing and yet be not of God.
cording as the Lord will, suiting his 28 And it shall come to pass that
mercies according to the conditions he that asketh in a Spirit shall re-
of the children of men. ceive in Spirit;
16 And again, it is given by the 29 That unto some it may be given
Holy Ghost to some to know the to have all those gifts, that there
diversities of operations, whether may be a head, in order that every
they be of God, that the manifesta- member may be profited thereby.
tions of the a Spirit may be given to 30 He that a asketh in the b Spirit
every man to profit withal. asketh according to the c will of God;
9 a tg Sign Seekers. 16 a 1 Cor. 12:7 (3–8). b tg Man, a Spirit Child
b James 4:3. 17 a 1 Kgs. 5:12; of Heavenly Father;
10 a tg Mind. Moro. 10:9 (9–10). Sons and Daughters of
b 1 Cor. 14:12. 18 a tg Education; God.
11 a Rom. 1:11. Knowledge. 27 a tg Bishop.
tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 19 a Mark 5:34 (34–36); b tg Discernment,
13 a tg Holy Ghost, Source Hel. 15:9 (9–10); Spiritual.
of Testimony. D&C 42:48 (48–52). 28 a Ezek. 36:27;
14 a Rom. 10:10 (4–11); tg Faith. Rom. 8:26 (26–27);
Mosiah 26:15 (15–16); 20 a tg Heal. D&C 88:65 (64–65).
Alma 19:9; 56:48 (47–48); 21 a tg Miracle. 30 a Hel. 10:5; 3 Ne. 19:24;
3 Ne. 12:2. 22 a tg Prophecy. D&C 50:29.
15 a Moro. 10:8. 23 a Acts 16:18 (16–18); tg Holy Ghost,
b Gen. 32:10; Moses 1:15 (13–15). Mission of.
1 Ne. 1:20; 24 a tg Language. b James 4:3.
Alma 34:38. 26 a tg God, Gifts of. c tg God, Will of.
87 Doctrine and Covenants 46:31–48:2
Section 47
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
March 8, 1831. John Whitmer, who had already served as a clerk to the
Prophet, initially hesitated when he was asked to serve as the Church
historian and recorder, replacing Oliver Cowdery. He wrote, “I would
rather not do it but observed that the will of the Lord be done, and if he
desires it, I desire that he would manifest it through Joseph the Seer.”
After Joseph Smith received this revelation, John Whitmer accepted
and served in his appointed office.
1– 4, John Whitmer is designated to that he can also a lift up his voice
keep the history of the Church and to in meetings, whenever it shall be
write for the Prophet. expedient.
3 And again, I say unto you that
Behold, it is expedient in me that it shall be appointed unto him to
my servant John should write and keep the church a record and history
keep a regular a history, and assist continually; for Oliver Cowdery I
you, my servant Joseph, in tran- have appointed to another office.
scribing all things which shall be 4 Wherefore, it shall be given him,
given you, until he is called to fur- inasmuch as he is faithful, by the
ther duties. a
Comforter, to write these things.
2 Again, verily I say unto you Even so. Amen.
Section 48
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
March 10, 1831. The Prophet had inquired of the Lord as to the mode
of procedure in procuring lands for the settlement of the Saints. This
was an important matter in view of the migration of members of the
Church from the eastern United States, in obedience to the Lord’s com
mand that they should assemble in Ohio (see sections 37:1–3; 45:64).
1–3, The Saints in Ohio are to share It is necessary that ye should remain
their lands with their brethren; 4–6, for the present time in your places
The Saints are to purchase lands, of abode, as it shall be suitable to
build a city, and follow the counsel your circumstances.
of their presiding officers. 2 And inasmuch as ye have lands,
32 a 1 Chr. 16:8 (7–36); 33 a tg Holiness; 3 a tg Record Keeping.
1 Thes. 1:2; Virtue. 4 a tg Holy Ghost,
Alma 37:37; 47 1 a D&C 21:1; Comforter.
D&C 59:7. 69:3 (3–8); 85:1.
tg Thanksgiving. 2 a tg Preaching.
Doctrine and Covenants 48:3–49:1 88
Section 49
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Sidney Rigdon,
Parley P. Pratt, and Leman Copley, at Kirtland, Ohio, May 7, 1831.
Leman Copley had embraced the gospel but still held to some of the
teachings of the Shakers (United Society of Believers in Christ’s Sec
ond Appearing), to which he had formerly belonged. Some of the beliefs
of the Shakers were that Christ’s Second Coming had already occurred
and that He had appeared in the form of a woman, Ann Lee. They did
not consider baptism by water essential. They rejected marriage and
believed in a life of total celibacy. Some Shakers also forbade the eat
ing of meat. In prefacing this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history states,
“In order to have [a] more perfect understanding on the subject, I in
quired of the Lord, and received the following.” The revelation refutes
some of the basic concepts of the Shaker group. The aforementioned
brethren took a copy of the revelation to the Shaker community (near
Cleveland, Ohio) and read it to them in its entirety, but it was rejected.
1–7, The day and hour of Christ’s of meat is approved; 22–28, Zion will
coming will remain unknown until He flourish and the Lamanites blossom
comes; 8–14, Men must repent, believe as the rose before the Second Coming.
the gospel, and obey the ordinances
to gain salvation; 15–16, Marriage is Hearken unto my word, my ser-
ordained of God; 17–21, The eating vants Sidney, and Parley, and
48 2 a tg Welfare. c D&C 57:8. 6 a tg Jerusalem, New;
b D&C 42:64; 45:64. d D&C 42:9 (9, 35, 62); Zion.
4 a tg Family, Managing 45:66 (66–71); 64:30. b Num. 1:2;
Finances in. 5 a D&C 51:16. Mosiah 6:3;
b D&C 57:4. b D&C 57:2 (1–3). Ether 1:41.
89 Doctrine and Covenants 49:2–15
Leman; for behold, verily I say unto knoweth, neither the angels in
you, that I give unto you a com- heaven, nor shall they know until
mandment that you shall go and he comes.
preach my gospel which ye have 8 Wherefore, I will that all men
received, even as ye have received shall repent, for all are under a sin,
it, unto the Shakers. except those which I have b reserved
2 Behold, I say unto you, that they unto myself, c holy men that ye
desire to know the truth in part, know not of.
but not all, for they are not a right 9 Wherefore, I say unto you that I
before me and must needs repent. have sent unto you mine everlast-
3 Wherefore, I send you, my ser- ing a covenant, even that which was
vants Sidney and Parley, to preach from the beginning.
the gospel unto them. 10 And that which I have promised
4 And my servant Leman shall be I have so fulfilled, and the a nations
ordained unto this work, that he of the earth shall b bow to it; and, if
may reason with them, not accord- not of themselves, they shall come
ing to that which he has received of down, for that which is now exalted
them, but according to that which of itself shall be laid c low of power.
shall be a taught him by you my ser- 11 Wherefore, I give unto you a
vants; and by so doing I will bless commandment that ye a go among
him, otherwise he shall not prosper. this people, and say unto them, like
5 Thus saith the Lord; for I am God, unto mine apostle of old, whose
and have a sent mine b Only Begotten name was b Peter:
Son into the world for the c redemp- 12 a Believe on the name of the Lord
tion of the world, and have decreed Jesus, who was on the earth, and is
that he that receiveth him shall be to come, the beginning and the end;
saved, and he that receiveth him 13 a Repent and be baptized in the
not shall be d damned— name of Jesus Christ, according to
6 And they have done unto the the holy commandment, for the re-
Son of Man even as they listed; mission of sins;
and he has taken his power on the 14 And whoso doeth this shall re-
right hand of his c glory, and now ceive the a gift of the Holy Ghost, by
reigneth in the heavens, and will the laying on of the b hands of the
reign till he descends on the earth elders of the church.
to put all enemies d under his feet, 15 And again, verily I say unto you,
which time is nigh at hand— that whoso a forbiddeth to marry is
7 I, the Lord God, have spoken it; not ordained of God, for b marriage
but the hour and the a day no man is ordained of God unto man.
49 1 a tg Preaching. d Ps. 66:3; D&C 76:61. 10 a Zech. 2:11 (10–12);
2 a Acts 8:21. 7 a Matt. 24:36; 25:13; D&C 45:69 (66–69);
4 a tg Gospel; Truth. Mark 13:32; 97:19 (18–21).
5 a John 3:17 (16–17); Rev. 16:15 (15–16); b Isa. 60:14.
D&C 132:24 (24, 59). D&C 133:11; c Matt. 23:12.
tg Jesus Christ, JS—M 1:40. 11 a tg Missionary Work.
Authority of. 8 a Gal. 3:22; b Acts 2:38 (37–38).
b tg Jesus Christ, Divine Mosiah 16:3. 12 a tg Baptism,
Sonship. b Rom. 11:4. Qualifications for.
c tg Jesus Christ, c Ex. 22:31; Heb. 13:2; 13 a tg Repent.
Redeemer; W of M 1:17; 14 a tg Holy Ghost, Gift of.
Redemption. Alma 13:26; b tg Hands, Laying on of.
d tg Damnation. D&C 107:29. 15 a 1 Tim. 4:3.
6 a tg Jesus Christ, Son 9 a Ps. 74:20; b Gen. 2:24 (23–24);
of Man. Isa. 59:21 (20–21); D&C 42:22;
b Acts 7:56; Rom. 11:27; Moses 3:24 (23–24);
D&C 76:20 (20–23); Heb. 10:16 (16–17). Abr. 5:18 (17–18).
104:7. tg New and tg Marriage, Celestial;
c tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. Everlasting Covenant. Marriage, Marry.
Doctrine and Covenants 49:16–28 90
Section 50
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
May 9, 1831. Joseph Smith’s history states that some of the elders did
not understand the manifestations of different spirits abroad in the
earth and that this revelation was given in response to his special in
quiry on the matter. So-called spiritual phenomena were not uncommon
among the members, some of whom claimed to be receiving visions and
1–5, Many false spirits are abroad in 5 But blessed are they who are
the earth; 6–9, Wo unto the hypocrites faithful and a endure, whether in
and those who are cut off from the life or in death, for they shall in-
Church; 10 –14, Elders are to preach herit eternal life.
the gospel by the Spirit; 15–22, Both 6 But wo unto them that are a de-
preachers and hearers need to be en ceivers and hypocrites, for, thus
lightened by the Spirit; 23–25, That saith the Lord, I will bring them
which doth not edify is not of God; to judgment.
26 –28, The faithful are possessors of 7 Behold, verily I say unto you,
all things; 29–36, The prayers of the there are a hypocrites among you,
purified are answered; 37– 46, Christ who have deceived some, which
is the Good Shepherd and the Stone has given the b adversary c power;
of Israel. but behold d such shall be reclaimed;
8 But the a hypocrites shall be de-
Hearken, O ye elders of my church, tected and shall be b cut off, either
and give ear to the a voice of the liv- in life or in death, even as I will;
ing God; and attend to the words of and wo unto them who are cut off
wisdom which shall be given unto from my church, for the same are
you, according as ye have asked and overcome of the world.
are agreed as touching the church, 9 Wherefore, let every man be-
and the b spirits which have gone ware lest he do that which is not
abroad in the earth. in truth and righteousness be-
2 Behold, verily I say unto you, that fore me.
there are many spirits which are 10 And now come, saith the Lord,
false a spirits, which have gone forth by the Spirit, unto the elders of his
in the earth, deceiving the world. church, and let us a reason together,
3 And also a Satan hath sought to that ye may understand;
deceive you, that he might over- 11 Let us reason even as a man
throw you. reasoneth one with another face
4 Behold, I, the Lord, have looked to face.
upon you, and have seen a abomi- 12 Now, when a man reasoneth he
nations in the church that b profess is understood of man, because he
my name. reasoneth as a man; even so will I,
50 1 a Josh. 3:10; tg Devil. c Mosiah 27:9 (8–9);
Jer. 23:36. 4 a D&C 1:30; 20:32 (32–34); D&C 93:39 (37, 39).
b Rev. 16:14. 28:11 (11–12). d ie those who have been
tg Sorcery. b D&C 41:1; 56:1; 112:26. deceived.
2 a tg False Doctrine; tg Jesus Christ, Taking 8 a tg Hypocrisy.
Spirits, Evil or the Name of. b D&C 1:14; 41:1 (1, 5);
Unclean. 5 a tg Adversity; 42:37; 56:3 (1, 3–4);
3 a Luke 22:31; Steadfastness. 64:35.
2 Ne. 2:18 (17–18); 6 a tg Deceit. tg Excommunication.
3 Ne. 18:18; 7 a Prov. 11:9 (5–11). 10 a Isa. 1:18; 41:1;
D&C 10:22 (22–27). b tg Devil. D&C 45:10.
Doctrine and Covenants 50:13–29 92
whatsoever you will in the name of the mouth of my servant, for your
Jesus and it shall be done. sins are a forgiven you.
30 But know this, it shall be given 37 Let my servant Joseph Wake-
you what you shall a ask; and as ye field, in whom I am well pleased,
are appointed to the b head, the spir- and my servant a Parley P. Pratt
its shall be subject unto you. go forth among the churches and
31 Wherefore, it shall come to pass, strengthen them by the word of
that if you behold a a spirit mani- b
fested that you cannot understand, 38 And also my servant John Cor-
and you receive not that spirit, ye rill, or as many of my servants as
shall ask of the Father in the name are ordained unto this office, and let
of Jesus; and if he give not unto you them labor in the a vineyard; and
that spirit, then you may know that let no man hinder them doing that
it is not of God. which I have appointed unto them—
32 And it shall be given unto you, 39 Wherefore, in this thing my ser-
power over that spirit; and you shall vant a Edward Partridge is not jus-
proclaim against that spirit with a tified; nevertheless let him repent
loud voice that it is b not of God— and he shall be forgiven.
33 Not with a railing accusation, 40 Behold, ye are little children
that ye be not overcome, neither and ye cannot a bear all things now;
with b boasting nor rejoicing, lest ye must b grow in c grace and in the
you be seized therewith. knowledge of the truth.
34 He that receiveth of God, let 41 a Fear not, little b children, for
him a account it of God; and let him you are mine, and I have c overcome
rejoice that he is accounted of God the world, and you are of them that
worthy to receive. my Father hath d given me;
35 And by giving heed and doing 42 And none of them that my
these things which ye have received, Father hath given me shall be a lost.
and which ye shall hereafter re- 43 And the Father and I are a one.
ceive—and the a kingdom is given I am b in the Father and the Father
you of the Father, and c power to in me; and inasmuch as ye have re-
overcome all things which are not ceived me, ye are in me and I in you.
ordained of him— 44 Wherefore, I am in your midst,
36 And behold, verily I say unto and I am the a good b shepherd, and
you, blessed are you who are now the c stone of Israel. He that buildeth
hearing these words of mine from upon this d rock shall never e fall.
30 a tg Prayer. 37 a D&C 32:1; 52:26; 97:3; 3 Ne. 15:24;
b tg Authority. 103:30 (30–37). D&C 27:14; 84:63.
31 a Luke 11:24 (24–26); b tg Preaching. 42 a John 17:12.
1 Jn. 4:1 (1–6). 38 a tg Vineyard of the Lord. 43 a tg Jesus Christ,
tg Spirits, Evil or 39 a D&C 42:10; 51:1 (1–18). Relationships with the
Unclean. 40 a John 16:12; Father; Unity.
32 a Matt. 10:1. 3 Ne. 17:2 (2–4); b John 14:11.
b 1 Jn. 4:3 (1–3). D&C 78:18 (17–18). 44 a Ezra 3:11;
33 a Jude 1:9. b 1 Cor. 3:2 (2–3); Alma 5:40.
b Luke 10:20 (17–20); Heb. 5:12 (11–14); b tg Jesus Christ, Good
D&C 84:73; 105:24. D&C 19:22. Shepherd; Shepherd.
tg Boast. c tg Grace; c Gen. 49:24.
34 a tg Ingratitude; Knowledge; tg Cornerstone;
Thanksgiving. Truth. Jesus Christ, Prophecies
35 a D&C 45:1; 61:37. 41 a John 14:1 (1–3); about.
tg Kingdom of God, on 1 Jn. 2:1–13; 4:18 (7–21). d 1 Pet. 2:4 (4–8).
Earth. b tg Sons and Daughters tg Rock.
b D&C 6:4; 35:27. of God. e 2 Pet. 1:10;
c tg Initiative. c John 16:33. Hel. 5:12.
d 1 Jn. 4:4. d John 6:37; 10:29 (27–29); tg Apostasy of
36 a tg Forgive. 17:2 (2–12); Individuals.
Doctrine and Covenants 50:45–51:9 94
45 And the a day cometh that you 46 a Watch, therefore, that ye may
shall hear my voice and b see me, be b ready. Even so. Amen.
and c know that I am.
Section 51
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Thompson, Ohio,
May 20, 1831. At this time the Saints migrating from the eastern states
began to arrive in Ohio, and it became necessary to make definite ar
rangements for their settlement. As this undertaking belonged particu
larly to the bishop’s office, Bishop Edward Partridge sought instruction
on the matter, and the Prophet inquired of the Lord.
1– 8, Edward Partridge is appointed to portion, that he shall hold it, even
regulate stewardships and properties; this right and this inheritance in
9–12, The Saints are to deal honestly the church, until he transgresses
and receive alike; 13–15, They are and is not accounted worthy by the
to have a bishop’s storehouse and to voice of the church, according to the
organize properties according to the b
laws and c covenants of the church,
Lord’s law; 16 –20, Ohio is to be a to belong to the church.
temporary gathering place. 5 And if he shall transgress and is
not accounted worthy to belong to
Hearken unto me, saith the Lord the church, he shall not have power
your God, and I will speak unto my to a claim that portion which he has
servant a Edward Partridge, and give consecrated unto the bishop for
unto him directions; for it must the poor and needy of my church;
needs be that he receive directions therefore, he shall not retain the gift,
how to organize this people. but shall only have b claim on that
2 For it must needs be that they be portion that is deeded unto him.
organized according to my b laws; 6 And thus all things shall be
if otherwise, they will be cut off. made sure, a according to the b laws
3 Wherefore, let my servant Edward of the land.
Partridge, and those whom he has 7 And let that which belongs to
chosen, in whom I am well pleased, this people be appointed unto this
appoint unto this people their a por- people.
tions, every man b equal according to 8 And the a money which is left
his family, according to his circum- unto this people—let there be an
stances and his wants and c needs. b
agent appointed unto this people,
4 And let my servant Edward Par- to take the c money to provide food
tridge, when he shall appoint a man and raiment, according to the wants
his a portion, give unto him a writ- of this people.
ing that shall secure unto him his 9 And let every man deal a honestly,
45 a tg Day of the Lord. 51:15; 105:5. See also section 83.
b D&C 67:10. 3 a tg Family, Managing b D&C 56:10.
tg God, Privilege of Finances in. 6 a 1 Pet. 2:13 (13–14);
Seeing. b D&C 49:20. D&C 44:4; 98:5 (5–7);
c Acts 7:56. tg Consecration. 109:54.
46 a tg Watch. c Acts 2:45. b D&C 58:21.
b tg Procrastination. 4 a D&C 83:5. 8 a D&C 58:51 (49–51);
51 1 a D&C 50:39; 52:24. b D&C 42:32 (30–39). 60:10; 84:104.
2 a tg Church c D&C 1:6 (6, 37); b D&C 84:113.
Organization. 33:14; 42:13. c D&C 63:40 (40, 43, 46).
b D&C 42:30 (30–39); 5 a D&C 42:37 (30–39). 9 a tg Honesty.
95 Doctrine and Covenants 51:10–52:2
and be alike among this people, and 15 And thus I grant unto this peo-
receive alike, that ye may be b one, ple a privilege of organizing them-
even as I have commanded you. selves according to my a laws.
10 And let that which belongeth to 16 And I consecrate unto them
this people not be taken and given this land for a a little season, until
unto that of a another church. I, the Lord, shall provide for them
11 Wherefore, if another church otherwise, and command them to
would receive money of this church, go hence;
let them a pay unto this church again 17 And the hour and the day is
according as they shall agree; not given unto them, wherefore let
12 And this shall be done through them act upon this land as for years,
the bishop or the agent, which shall and this shall turn unto them for
be appointed by the a voice of the their good.
church. 18 Behold, this shall be a an ex-
13 And again, let the bishop ap- ample unto my servant Edward
point a a storehouse unto this church; Partridge, in other places, in all
and let all things both in money churches.
and in meat, which are more than is 19 And whoso is found a a faithful,
needful for the wants of this people, a b just, and a wise c steward shall
be kept in the hands of the bishop. enter into the d joy of his Lord, and
14 And let him also reserve unto shall inherit eternal life.
himself for his own wants, and 20 Verily, I say unto you, I am
for the wants of his family, as he Jesus Christ, who a cometh quickly,
shall be employed in doing this in an b hour you think not. Even so.
business. Amen.
Section 52
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the elders of the
Church, at Kirtland, Ohio, June 6, 1831. A conference had been held at
Kirtland, beginning on the 3rd and closing on the 6th of June. At this
conference the first distinctive ordinations to the office of high priest
were made, and certain manifestations of false and deceiving spirits
were discerned and rebuked.
1–2, The next conference is designated forth preaching the gospel while trav
to be held in Missouri; 3– 8, Appoint eling to Missouri for the conference.
ments of certain elders to travel to
gether are made; 9–11, The elders Behold, thus saith the Lord unto
are to teach what the apostles and the elders whom he hath called
prophets have written; 12–21, Those and chosen in these last days, by
enlightened by the Spirit bring forth the a voice of his Spirit—
fruits of praise and wisdom; 22– 44, 2 Saying: I, the Lord, will make
Various elders are appointed to go known unto you what I will that ye
9 b tg Unity. b D&C 42:33 (33–34, 55); Luke 16:10;
10 a ie another branch of 82:18 (17–19); D&C 6:13; 138:12.
the Church, not another 119:1 (1–3). tg Trustworthiness.
denomination. 14 a D&C 31:5. b Prov. 11:9 (9–11).
D&C 60:9. 15 a D&C 42:30 (30–39); 51:2. c tg Stewardship.
11 a D&C 42:54 (42, 53–54). 16 a D&C 48:5. d tg Joy.
12 a tg Common Consent. 18 a ie a pattern. 20 a Rev. 22:7 (6–16).
13 a D&C 42:55; 58:24 (24, 37). D&C 72:23 (19–26). b Matt. 24:44.
tg Welfare. 19 a Matt. 24:45; 52 1 a tg Called of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 52:3–21 96
shall do from this time until the by b water, and the laying on of the
next conference, which shall be held c
hands by the water’s side.
in Missouri, upon the a land which 11 For thus saith the Lord, I will
I will b consecrate unto my people, cut my work short in a righteous-
which are a c remnant of Jacob, and ness, for the days come that I will
those who are heirs according to send forth b judgment unto victory.
the d covenant. 12 And let my servant Lyman
3 Wherefore, verily I say unto Wight beware, for Satan desireth
you, let my servants Joseph Smith, to a sift him as chaff.
Jun., and Sidney Rigdon take their 13 And behold, he that is a faithful
journey as soon as preparations can shall be made ruler over many things.
be made to leave their homes, and 14 And again, I will give unto you
journey to the land of a Missouri. a pattern in all things, that ye may
4 And inasmuch as they are faith- not be deceived; for Satan is abroad
ful unto me, it shall be made known in the land, and he goeth forth a de-
unto them what they shall do; ceiving the nations—
5 And it shall also, inasmuch as 15 Wherefore he that prayeth,
they are faithful, be made a known whose spirit is a contrite, the same
unto them the b land of your inheri is b accepted of me if he obey mine
tance. c
6 And inasmuch as they are not 16 He that a speaketh, whose spirit
faithful, they shall be cut off, even is contrite, whose language is meek
as I will, as seemeth me good. and b edifieth, the same is of God if
7 And again, verily I say unto you, he obey mine ordinances.
let my servant Lyman Wight and 17 And again, he that trembleth
my servant John Corrill take their under my power shall be made
journey speedily; a
strong, and shall bring forth fruits
8 And also my servant John Mur- of praise and b wisdom, according to
dock, and my servant Hyrum Smith, the revelations and truths which I
take their journey unto the same have given you.
place by the way of Detroit. 18 And again, he that is overcome
9 And let them journey from and a bringeth not forth fruits, even
thence preaching the word by the according to this pattern, is not of
way, saying a none other things than me.
that which the b prophets and apos- 19 Wherefore, by this pattern ye
tles have written, and that which shall a know the spirits in all cases
is taught them by the c Comforter under the whole heavens.
through the prayer of faith. 20 And the days have come; ac-
10 Let them go a two by two, and cording to men’s faith it shall be
thus let them preach by the way a
done unto them.
in every congregation, baptizing 21 Behold, this commandment is
2 a D&C 29:8 (7–8); D&C 42:12; 52:36. 13 a Neh. 7:2;
45:66 (64–66); 57:1; b tg Prophets, Matt. 25:23;
103:24. Mission of; D&C 132:53.
b D&C 58:57; 84:3 (3–4, 31); Scriptures, Value of. 14 a Rev. 13:14 (11–18).
103:35; 105:15. c tg Holy Ghost, 15 a tg Contrite Heart.
c Ps. 135:4; Comforter; Teaching b Gen. 4:7.
3 Ne. 5:21 (21–26); with the Spirit. c tg Ordinance.
D&C 19:27; 49:24 (23–25); 10 a Mark 6:7; 16 a tg Communication.
109:65. Luke 10:1; b tg Edification.
d tg Abrahamic Covenant; D&C 61:35; 62:5. 17 a D&C 66:8; 133:58.
Covenants. b John 1:26. b tg Wisdom.
3 a D&C 54:8 (7–8); 57:1. c tg Hands, Laying on of. 18 a Matt. 3:10.
5 a D&C 57:2 (1–3). 11 a Rom. 9:28. 19 a tg Discernment,
b tg Lands of Inheritance. b Matt. 12:20. Spiritual.
9 a Mosiah 18:19 (19–20); 12 a Luke 22:31. 20 a Matt. 8:13.
97 Doctrine and Covenants 52:22–41
given unto all the elders whom I be ordained, and also take their
have chosen. journey.
22 And again, verily I say unto 33 Yea, verily I say, let all these
you, let my servant a Thomas B. take their journey unto one place,
Marsh and my servant b Ezra Thayre in their several courses, and one
take their journey also, preach- man shall not build upon another’s
ing the word by the way unto this a
foundation, neither journey in an-
same land. other’s track.
23 And again, let my servant Isaac 34 He that is faithful, the same
Morley and my servant Ezra Booth shall be kept and blessed with
take their journey, also preaching much a fruit.
the word by the way unto this same 35 And again, I say unto you, let
land. my servants Joseph Wakefield and
24 And again, let my servants a Ed- Solomon Humphrey take their jour-
ward Partridge and Martin Harris ney into the eastern lands;
take their journey with my ser- 36 Let them labor with their fami
vants Sidney Rigdon and Joseph lies, a declaring none other things
Smith, Jun. than the prophets and apostles,
25 Let my servants David Whit- that which they have b seen and
mer and Harvey Whitlock also take heard and most assuredly c be-
their journey, and preach by the lieve, that the prophecies may be
way unto this same land. fulfilled.
26 And let my servants a Parley P. 37 In consequence of transgres-
Pratt and b Orson Pratt take their sion, let that which was bestowed
journey, and preach by the way, upon Heman Basset be a taken from
even unto this same land. him, and placed upon the head of
27 And let my servants Solomon Simonds Ryder.
Hancock and Simeon Carter also 38 And again, verily I say unto
take their journey unto this same you, let Jared Carter be a ordained
land, and preach by the way. a priest, and also George James be
28 Let my servants Edson Fuller ordained a b priest.
and Jacob Scott also take their 39 Let the residue of the elders
journey. a
watch over the churches, and de-
29 Let my servants Levi W. Han- clare the word in the regions round
cock and Zebedee Coltrin also take about them; and let them b labor with
their journey. their own hands that there be no
30 Let my servants Reynolds Ca- c
idolatry nor wickedness practiced.
hoon and Samuel H. Smith also take 40 And remember in all things
their journey. the a poor and the b needy, the c sick
31 Let my servants Wheeler Bald- and the afflicted, for he that doeth
win and William Carter also take not these things, the same is not
their journey. my disciple.
32 And let my servants a Newel 41 And again, let my servants
Knight and b Selah J. Griffin both Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney
22 a D&C 31:1; 56:5 (5–6); Alma 32:42 (28–42); 39 a Alma 6:1.
75:31. 3 Ne. 14:16. b Neh. 4:6;
b D&C 33:1. 36 a Mosiah 18:19 (18–20); 1 Cor. 4:12;
24 a D&C 51:1 (1–18); 57:7. D&C 5:10; 31:4; D&C 75:3; 115:10.
26 a D&C 32:1; 50:37; 42:12; 52:9. c tg Idolatry.
97:3; 103:30 (30–37). b John 3:11 (11, 32). 40 a Prov. 14:21;
b D&C 34:1; 103:40; c tg Believe. Isa. 3:15;
124:129; 136:13. 37 a Matt. 13:12 (10–13); D&C 104:18.
32 a D&C 54:2. 25:29 (25–30). tg Generosity; Poor.
b D&C 56:6. 38 a D&C 79:1. b tg Compassion;
33 a Rom. 15:20. b tg Priest, Aaronic Welfare.
34 a Col. 1:6; Priesthood. c tg Sickness.
Doctrine and Covenants 52:42–53:7 98
Section 53
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Algernon Sidney
Gilbert, at Kirtland, Ohio, June 8, 1831. At Sidney Gilbert’s request,
the Prophet inquired of the Lord as to Brother Gilbert’s work and ap
pointment in the Church.
1–3, Sidney Gilbert’s calling and elec sins, according to my word, and the
tion in the Church is to be ordained reception of the Holy Spirit by the
an elder; 4–7, He is also to serve as laying on of b hands;
a bishop’s agent. 4 And also to be an a agent unto this
church in the place which shall be
Behold, I say unto you, my servant appointed by the bishop, according
Sidney Gilbert, that I have heard to commandments which shall be
your prayers; and you have called given hereafter.
upon me that it should be made 5 And again, verily I say unto you,
known unto you, of the Lord your you shall take your journey with
God, concerning your a calling and my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and
election in the church, which I, Sidney Rigdon.
the Lord, have raised up in these 6 Behold, these are the first ordi-
last days. nances which you shall receive; and
2 Behold, I, the Lord, who was a cru- the residue shall be made known in
cified for the sins of the world, give a time to come, according to your
unto you a commandment that you labor in my vineyard.
shall b forsake the world. 7 And again, I would that ye should
3 Take upon you mine ordination, learn that he only is saved who
even that of an elder, to preach faith a
endureth unto the end. Even so.
and repentance and a remission of Amen.
Section 54
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Newel Knight,
at Kirtland, Ohio, June 10, 1831. Members of the Church living in
Thompson, Ohio, were divided on questions having to do with the con
secration of properties. Selfishness and greed were manifest. Following
41 a Acts 14:26; 15:40; 58:51 (17, 28, 51). Crucifixion of.
D&C 20:64, 84; 43 a tg Joy. b 2 Cor. 6:17.
72:17 (17, 19); 112:21. 44 a D&C 5:35. tg World; Worldliness.
42 a D&C 28:9. 53 1 a
Compare with 3 a tg Remission of Sins.
tg Zion. sections 12; 14; 15; 16. b tg Hands, Laying on of.
b Num. 32:18; b tg Election. 4 a D&C 57:6 (6–15); 84:113.
D&C 25:2; 57:2 (1–3); 2 a tg Jesus Christ, 7 a Matt. 10:22.
99 Doctrine and Covenants 54:1–10
his mission to the Shakers (see the heading to section 49), Leman Cop
ley had broken his covenant to consecrate his large farm as a place of
inheritance for the Saints arriving from Colesville, New York. As a
consequence, Newel Knight (leader of the members living in Thompson)
and other elders had come to the Prophet asking how to proceed. The
Prophet inquired of the Lord and received this revelation, which com
mands the members in Thompson to leave Leman Copley’s farm and
journey to Missouri.
1–6, The Saints must keep the gospel 6 But blessed are they who have
covenant to gain mercy; 7–10, They kept the a covenant and observed
must be patient in tribulation. the b commandment, for they shall
obtain c mercy.
Behold, thus saith the Lord, even 7 Wherefore, go to now and flee the
Alpha and Omega, the beginning
land, lest your enemies come upon
and the end, even he who was b cru- you; and take your journey, and
cified for the sins of the world— appoint whom you will to be your
2 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto leader, and to pay moneys for you.
you, my servant Newel Knight, you 8 And thus you shall take your
shall stand fast in the office where- journey into the regions westward,
unto I have appointed you. unto the land of a Missouri, unto the
3 And if your brethren desire to es- borders of the Lamanites.
cape their enemies, let them repent 9 And after you have done jour-
of all their sins, and become truly neying, behold, I say unto you, seek
humble before me and contrite. ye a a living like unto men, until I
4 And as the covenant which they prepare a place for you.
made unto me has been a broken, 10 And again, be a patient in tribu
even so it has become b void and of lation until I b come; and, behold, I
none effect. come quickly, and my c reward is
5 And wo to him by whom this a of- with me, and they who have d sought
fense cometh, for it had been better me early shall find e rest to their
for him that he had been drowned souls. Even so. Amen.
in the depth of the sea.
Section 55
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to William W.
Phelps, at Kirtland, Ohio, June 14, 1831. William W. Phelps, a printer,
and his family had just arrived at Kirtland, and the Prophet sought the
Lord for information concerning him.
54 1 a Rev. 1:8; tg Offense. b Rev. 22:12.
D&C 19:1; 75:1. 6 a 1 Kgs. 8:23. tg Jesus Christ,
b 1 Cor. 15:3. tg Covenants. Second Coming.
tg Jesus Christ, b 1 Kgs. 3:14 (12–14). c tg Reward.
Crucifixion of. c tg Mercy. d Prov. 8:17.
3 a Jer. 44:10. 8 a D&C 52:3 (3, 42). tg Prayer.
4 a Josh. 23:16 (15–16). 9 a 1 Thes. 4:11. e Ps. 72:7;
b D&C 58:32 (32–33). 10 a tg Patience; Matt. 11:29;
5 a Matt. 18:6 (6–7); Test; D&C 45:66.
Luke 17:2 (1–2). Tribulation. tg Rest.
Doctrine and Covenants 55:1–56:2 100
Section 56
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
June 15, 1831. This revelation chastises Ezra Thayre for not obeying a for
mer revelation (the “commandment” referred to in verse 8), which Joseph
Smith had received for him, instructing Thayre concerning his duties on
Frederick G. Williams’ farm, where he lived. The following revelation also
revokes Thayre’s call to travel to Missouri with Thomas B. Marsh (see
section 52:22).
1–2, The Saints must take up their Hearken, O ye people who a profess
cross and follow the Lord to gain sal my name, saith the Lord your God;
vation; 3–13, The Lord commands and for behold, mine anger is b kindled
revokes, and the disobedient are cast against the rebellious, and they shall
off; 14–17, Wo unto the rich who will know mine arm and mine indigna-
not help the poor, and wo unto the poor tion, in the day of c visitation and
whose hearts are not broken; 18–20, of wrath upon the nations.
Blessed are the poor who are pure in 2 And he that will not take up his
heart, for they will inherit the earth. a
cross and b follow me, and keep my
55 1 a Deut. 10:14; b tg Education. c Jer. 10:15;
1 Ne. 11:6; c tg Children. Hosea 9:7;
2 Ne. 29:7. d tg Family, Children, D&C 1:14 (13–14).
b tg Baptism, Essential. Responsibilities 2 a Luke 14:27.
c tg Hands, Laying on of. toward. b Matt. 8:19;
2 a tg Remission of Sins. 5 a Amos 9:15. 2 Ne. 31:10 (10–13);
3 a D&C 20:41. 6 a D&C 102:3 (3, 34). Moro. 7:11.
4 a D&C 88:118; 97:3 (3–6); 56 1 a D&C 41:1; 50:4; 112:26. tg Jesus Christ,
109:7 (7, 14). b tg Provoking. Exemplar.
101 Doctrine and Covenants 56:3–17
other men’s goods, whose eyes are 19 For behold, the Lord shall come,
full of b greediness, and who will and his a recompense shall be with
not c labor with your own hands! him, and he shall b reward every
18 But blessed are the a poor who man, and the poor shall rejoice;
are pure in heart, whose hearts are 20 And their generations shall a in-
broken, and whose spirits are b con- herit the earth from generation to
trite, for they shall see the c kingdom generation, forever and ever. And
of God coming in power and great now I make an end of speaking unto
glory unto their deliverance; for the you. Even so. Amen.
fatness of the d earth shall be theirs.
Section 57
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in Zion, Jackson
County, Missouri, July 20, 1831. In compliance with the Lord’s
command to travel to Missouri, where He would reveal “the land of
your inheritance” (section 52), the elders had journeyed from Ohio
to Missouri’s western border. Joseph Smith contemplated the state of
the Lamanites and wondered: “When will the wilderness blossom as
the rose? When will Zion be built up in her glory, and where will Thy
temple stand, unto which all nations shall come in the last days?”
Subsequently he received this revelation.
1–3, Independence, Missouri, is the I have appointed and c consecrated
place for the City of Zion and the for the d gathering of the saints.
temple; 4–7, The Saints are to pur 2 Wherefore, this is the a land of
chase lands and receive inheritances promise, and the b place for the city
in that area; 8–16, Sidney Gilbert is to of c Zion.
establish a store, William W. Phelps 3 And thus saith the Lord your
is to be a printer, and Oliver Cowdery God, if you will receive wisdom
is to edit material for publication. here is wisdom. Behold, the place
which is now called Independence
Hearken, O ye elders of my church, is the a center place; and a spot
saith the Lord your God, who have for the b temple is lying westward,
assembled yourselves together, ac- upon a lot which is not far from the
cording to my commandments, courthouse.
in this land, which is the land of 4 Wherefore, it is wisdom that the
Missouri, which is the b land which land should be a purchased by the
17 b tg Covet. d tg Earth, Destiny of. Latter-day Saints.
c tg Labor; 19 a Prov. 11:31; 2 a D&C 48:5; 52:5 (5, 42).
Laziness. Rev. 22:12; b D&C 28:9; 42:9 (9, 62);
18 a Ps. 35:10; 86:1; 109:31; D&C 1:10. 103:24 (22–24).
Isa. 25:4; b tg Reward. c D&C 62:4; 78:3.
Matt. 5:3 (3, 8); 20 a Isa. 29:19; tg Zion.
Luke 6:20; Matt. 5:5; 3 a D&C 69:6.
3 Ne. 12:3. D&C 45:58; 57:5. b D&C 58:57;
tg Poor. 57 1 a D&C 52:3 (3, 42). 84:3 (3–5, 31);
b tg Contrite Heart; b D&C 29:8 (7–8); 97:10 (10–20);
Humility; 45:66 (64–66); 124:51 (49–51).
Meek. 52:2 (2, 42); 58:1; 103:24. 4 a D&C 48:4.
c tg Kingdom of God, c D&C 61:17. tg Jerusalem, New;
on Earth. d tg Mission of Zion.
103 Doctrine and Covenants 57:5–16
saints, and also every tract lying even by whom he will as clerks em-
westward, even unto the line run- ployed in his service;
ning directly b between Jew and 10 And thus provide for my saints,
Gentile; that my gospel may be preached
5 And also every tract bordering unto those who sit in a darkness and
by the prairies, inasmuch as my in the region and b shadow of death.
disciples are enabled to a buy lands. 11 And again, verily I say unto you,
Behold, this is wisdom, that they let my servant a William W. Phelps
may b obtain it for an everlasting be planted in this place, and be
inheritance. established as a b printer unto the
6 And let my servant Sidney Gilbert church.
stand in the office to which I have 12 And lo, if the world receive his
appointed him, to receive moneys, writings—behold here is wisdom—
to be an a agent unto the church, to let him obtain whatsoever he can
buy land in all the regions round obtain in righteousness, for the good
about, inasmuch as can be done in of the saints.
righteousness, and as wisdom shall 13 And let my servant a Oliver
direct. Cowdery assist him, even as I have
7 And let my servant a Edward Par- commanded, in whatsoever place
tridge stand in the b office to which I shall appoint unto him, to copy,
I have appointed him, and c divide and to correct, and select, that all
unto the saints their inheritance, things may be right before me,
even as I have commanded; and as it shall be proved by the Spirit
also those whom he has appointed through him.
to assist him. 14 And thus let those of whom I
8 And again, verily I say unto have spoken be planted in the land
you, let my servant Sidney Gilbert of Zion, as speedily as can be, with
plant himself in this place, and their a families, to do those things
establish a a store, that he may sell even as I have spoken.
goods b without fraud, that he may 15 And now concerning the gath-
obtain money to buy c lands for the ering—Let the bishop and the agent
good of the saints, and that he may make preparations for those fami
obtain whatsoever things the dis- lies which have been commanded
ciples may need to plant them in to come to this land, as soon as
their inheritance. possible, and plant them in their
9 And also let my servant Sidney inheritance.
Gilbert obtain a license—behold 16 And unto the residue of both
here is a wisdom, and whoso readeth elders and members further direc-
let him b understand—that he may tions shall be given hereafter. Even
send goods also unto the people, so. Amen.
4 b ie by metonymy 6 a D&C 53:4; 64:18; 70:11. 10 a Matt. 4:16.
“Jew” here refers to 7 a D&C 52:24; tg Darkness, Spiritual.
the Lamanites, and 58:14 (14, 19, 24). b Job 3:5;
“Gentile” to the white b D&C 58:40 (40–41); Ps. 23:4.
settlers. 61:7 (7–12). 11 a D&C 58:40; 61:7 (7–9);
5 a D&C 42:35; c D&C 41:9 (9–11); 70:1.
58:49 (49–51); 51:1 (1–20); b D&C 58:37 (37, 40–41).
101:70 (68–74); 58:17 (14–18). 13 a See Index for many
103:23 (22–24). 8 a D&C 63:42; 64:26. references to Oliver
b Matt. 5:5; b tg Honesty. Cowdery.
D&C 56:20; 59:2. c D&C 48:4. 14 a tg Family.
tg Lands of 9 a Rev. 13:18.
Inheritance. b Matt. 24:15.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:1–11 104
Section 58
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in Zion, Jackson
County, Missouri, August 1, 1831. Earlier, on the first Sabbath after
the arrival of the Prophet and his party in Jackson County, Missouri,
a religious service had been held, and two members had been received
by baptism. During that week, some of the Colesville Saints from the
Thompson Branch and others arrived (see section 54). Many were ea
ger to learn the will of the Lord concerning them in the new place of
1–5, Those who endure tribulation 4 For after much a tribulation come
will be crowned with glory; 6–12, The the b blessings. Wherefore the day
Saints are to prepare for the marriage cometh that ye shall be c crowned
of the Lamb and the supper of the Lord; with much d glory; the hour is not
13–18, Bishops are judges in Israel; yet, but is nigh at hand.
19–23, The Saints are to obey the laws 5 Remember this, which I tell you
of the land; 24–29, Men should use before, that you may a lay it to heart,
their agency to do good; 30–33, The and receive that which is to follow.
Lord commands and revokes; 34–43, 6 Behold, verily I say unto you, for
To repent, men must confess and for this cause I have sent you—that you
sake their sins; 44–58, The Saints might be obedient, and that your
are to purchase their inheritance and hearts might be a prepared to b bear
gather in Missouri; 59–65, The gospel c
testimony of the things which are
must be preached unto every creature. to come;
7 And also that you might be
Hearken, O ye elders of my church, honored in laying the foundation,
and give a ear to my word, and learn and in bearing record of the land
of me what I will concerning you, upon which the a Zion of God shall
and also concerning b this land unto stand;
which I have sent you. 8 And also that a feast of fat things
2 For verily I say unto you, blessed might be prepared for the a poor;
is he that a keepeth my command- yea, a feast of fat things, of wine
ments, whether in life or in b death; on the b lees well refined, that the
and he that is c faithful in d tribu- earth may know that the mouths of
lation, the e reward of the same is the prophets shall not fail;
greater in the kingdom of heaven. 9 Yea, a supper of the house of the
3 Ye cannot behold with your natu Lord, well prepared, unto which all
ral a eyes, for the present time, the a
nations shall be invited.
design of your God concerning those 10 First, the rich and the learned,
things which shall come hereafter, the wise and the noble;
and the b glory which shall follow 11 And after that cometh the day
after much tribulation. of my power; then shall the a poor,
58 1 a Isa. 50:5 (5–7). b 1 Pet. 1:11. 6 a 3 Ne. 17:3;
b D&C 57:1 (1–8). tg Glory. D&C 29:8; 132:3.
2 a Ps. 19:11 (9–11); 4 a Ps. 30:5; b Isa. 43:10 (10–12); 44:8.
Mosiah 2:22. D&C 101:2 (2–7); c tg Testimony.
b 1 Pet. 4:6. 103:12 (11–14); 109:76. 7 a tg Zion.
c 2 Thes. 1:4. tg Tribulation. 8 a Ps. 132:15 (13–16).
tg Steadfastness. b tg Blessing. tg Poor.
d tg Adversity. c tg Exaltation. b Isa. 25:6.
e tg Reward. d Rom. 8:18; 9 a tg Nations.
3 a tg God, Privilege of D&C 63:66; 136:31. 11 a tg Poor.
Seeing. 5 a Deut. 11:18.
105 Doctrine and Covenants 58:12–28
the lame, and the blind, and the 21 Let no man break the a laws of
deaf, come in unto the b marriage the land, for he that keepeth the
of the Lamb, and partake of the laws of God hath no need to break
supper of the Lord, prepared for the laws of the land.
the great day to come. 22 Wherefore, be a subject to the
12 Behold, I, the Lord, have spo- powers that be, b until he reigns
ken it. whose right it is to reign, and sub-
13 And that the a testimony might dues all enemies under his feet.
go forth from Zion, yea, from the 23 Behold, the a laws which ye have
mouth of the city of the heritage received from my hand are the laws
of God— of the church, and in this light ye
14 Yea, for this cause I have sent shall hold them forth. Behold, here
you hither, and have selected my is wisdom.
servant a Edward Partridge, and 24 And now, as I spake concerning
have appointed unto him his mis- my servant Edward Partridge, this
sion in this land. land is the land of his a residence,
15 But if he repent not of his sins, and those whom he has appointed
which are a unbelief and blindness of for his counselors; and also the land
heart, let him take heed lest he c fall. of the residence of him whom I have
16 Behold his mission is given unto appointed to keep my b storehouse;
him, and it shall not be given again. 25 Wherefore, let them bring their
17 And whoso standeth in this mis- families to this land, as they shall
sion is appointed to be a a judge in a
counsel between themselves and
Israel, like as it was in ancient days, me.
to b divide the lands of the heritage 26 For behold, it is not meet that I
of God unto his c children; should command in all things; for
18 And to judge his people by the he that is a compelled in all things,
testimony of the just, and by the as- the same is a b slothful and not a
sistance of his a counselors, according wise servant; wherefore he receiv-
to the laws of the kingdom which eth no reward.
are given by the b prophets of God. 27 Verily I say, men should be
19 For verily I say unto you, my a
anxiously engaged in a good cause,
law shall be kept on this land. and do many things of their own
20 Let no man think he is a ruler; free will, and bring to pass much
but let God rule him that judgeth, righteousness;
according to the counsel of his own 28 For the power is in them, where-
will, or, in other words, him that in they are a agents unto themselves.
counseleth or sitteth upon the judg- And inasmuch as men do good they
ment seat. shall in nowise lose their b reward.
11 b Matt. 22:2 (1–14); 18 a tg Counselor. tg Jesus Christ,
Rev. 19:9; D&C 65:3. b tg Prophets, Mission of. Messiah; Jesus Christ,
c Luke 14:16 (16–24). 20 a tg Unrighteous Millennial Reign.
13 a Micah 4:2. Dominion. 23 a D&C 42:2 (2–28).
tg Testimony. b tg God, Will of. 24 a D&C 41:9; 72:6.
14 a D&C 57:7; 60:10. 21 a Matt. 17:24 (24–27); b D&C 51:13; 70:7 (7–11).
15 a tg Doubt. Luke 20:22 (22–26); 25 a tg Guidance, Divine.
b tg Hardheartedness. D&C 20:1; 51:6; 26 a tg Initiative.
c 1 Cor. 10:12. 98:9 (4–10); b Matt. 24:45 (45–51);
17 a Deut. 16:18; A of F 1:12. D&C 107:100 (99–100).
D&C 64:40; tg Citizenship; tg Apathy; Laziness.
107:72 (72–74). Governments. 27 a tg Dedication;
tg Bishop. 22 a Rom. 13:1 (1–7). Diligence; Good Works;
b D&C 41:9 (9–11); tg Governments; Industry; Zeal.
51:1 (1–20); 57:7. Submissiveness. 28 a Amos 5:14.
c tg Sons and Daughters b Gen. 49:10; Ezek. 21:27; tg Agency.
of God. Zech. 9:10; D&C 76:63. b tg Reward.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:29–49 106
29 But he that a doeth not anything 39 And let him repent of his sins, for
until he is commanded, and receiv- he seeketh the a praise of the world.
eth a commandment with b doubtful 40 And also let my servant a Wil-
heart, and keepeth it with slothful- liam W. Phelps stand in the office
ness, the same is c damned. to which I have appointed him, and
30 Who am I that a made man, receive his inheritance in the land;
saith the Lord, that will hold him 41 And also he hath need to repent,
guiltless that obeys not my com- for I, the Lord, am not well pleased
mandments? with him, for he seeketh to excel, and
31 Who am I, saith the Lord, that he is not sufficiently meek before me.
have a promised and have not ful- 42 Behold, he who has a repented of
filled? his b sins, the same is c forgiven, and I,
32 I command and men a obey not; the Lord, remember them no more.
I b revoke and they receive not the 43 By this ye may know if a man
blessing. repenteth of his sins—behold, he will
33 Then they a say in their hearts: a
confess them and b forsake them.
This is not the work of the Lord, for 44 And now, verily, I say concern-
his promises are not fulfilled. But ing the residue of the elders of my
wo unto such, for their b reward lurk a
church, the time has not yet come,
eth c beneath, and not from above. for many years, for them to receive
34 And now I give unto you fur- their b inheritance in this land,
ther directions concerning this land. except they desire it through the
35 It is wisdom in me that my ser- prayer of faith, only as it shall be
vant Martin Harris should be an appointed unto them of the Lord.
example unto the church, in a lay- 45 For, behold, they shall a push
ing his moneys before the bishop the people together from the b ends
of the church. of the earth.
36 And also, this is a law unto ev- 46 Wherefore, assemble your-
ery man that cometh unto this land selves together; and they who are
to receive an inheritance; and he not appointed to stay in this land,
shall do with his moneys according let them preach the gospel in the
as the law directs. regions round about; and after that
37 And it is wisdom also that there let them return to their homes.
should be lands purchased in In- 47 Let them preach by the way,
dependence, for the place of the and a bear testimony of the truth in
storehouse, and also for the house all places, and call upon the rich,
of the a printing. the high and the low, and the poor
38 And other directions concerning to repent.
my servant Martin Harris shall be 48 And let them build up a churches,
given him of the Spirit, that he may inasmuch as the inhabitants of the
receive his inheritance as seemeth earth will repent.
him good; 49 And let there be an agent
29 a Moro. 7:6 (6–9). 33 a 1 Ne. 15:9 (7–11). 43 a Num. 5:7 (6–10);
b tg Doubt. b tg Reward. D&C 19:20; 64:7.
c tg Damnation. c D&C 29:45. tg Confession.
30 a Isa. 45:9 (9–10); 35 a D&C 42:31 (30–32). b D&C 82:7.
Hel. 12:6 (6–22). 37 a D&C 57:11 (11–12). 44 a tg Jesus Christ, Head of
b Ex. 20:7; 39 a 2 Ne. 26:29; the Church.
Mosiah 13:15; D&C 121:35 (34–37). b tg Lands of Inheritance.
Morm. 7:7. 40 a D&C 57:11; 45 a Deut. 33:17.
31 a D&C 1:37 (37–38); 82:10. 61:7 (7–9); 70:1. b tg Israel, Gathering of.
32 a 1 Sam. 28:18. 42 a tg Repent. 47 a D&C 19:37; 63:37;
tg Disobedience. b Ps. 25:7. 68:8; 71:7.
b Jer. 18:10 (6–10); c Isa. 1:18; 48 a ie branches of the
D&C 19:5; 54:4; Jer. 31:34. Church.
56:4 (3–4). tg Forgive.
107 Doctrine and Covenants 58:50–65
appointed by the voice of the church, this land, and the spot for the
unto the church in Ohio, to receive temple, unto the Lord.
Section 59
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in Zion, Jackson
County, Missouri, August 7, 1831. Preceding this revelation, the land
was consecrated, as the Lord had directed, and the site for the future
temple was dedicated. On the day this revelation was received, Polly
Knight, the wife of Joseph Knight Sr., died, the first Church member to
die in Zion. Early members characterized this revelation as “instruct
ing the Saints how to keep the sabbath and how to fast and pray.”
1– 4, The faithful Saints in Zion will good things of the earth, and it shall
be blessed; 5– 8, They are to love and bring forth in its a strength.
serve the Lord and keep His command 4 And they shall also be crowned
ments; 9–19, By keeping the Lord’s with blessings from above, yea,
day holy, the Saints are blessed tem and with a commandments not a
porally and spiritually; 20 –24, The few, and with b revelations in their
righteous are promised peace in this time—they that are c faithful and
world and eternal life in the world d
diligent before me.
to come. 5 Wherefore, I give unto them a
commandment, saying thus: Thou
Behold, blessed, saith the Lord, shalt a love the Lord thy God with all
are they who have come up unto thy b heart, with all thy might, mind,
this land with an a eye single to and strength; and in the name of
my glory, according to my com- Jesus Christ thou shalt c serve him.
mandments. 6 Thou shalt a love thy b neighbor
2 For those that live shall a inherit as thyself. Thou shalt not c steal; nei-
the earth, and those that b die shall ther commit d adultery, nor e kill, nor
rest from all their labors, and their do anything f like unto it.
works shall follow them; and they 7 Thou shalt a thank the Lord thy
shall receive a c crown in the d man- God in all things.
sions of my Father, which I have 8 Thou shalt offer a a sacrifice unto
prepared for them. the Lord thy God in b righteousness,
3 Yea, blessed are they whose feet even that of a broken heart and a
stand upon the land of Zion, who c
contrite spirit.
have obeyed my gospel; for they 9 And that thou mayest more fully
shall receive for their reward the keep thyself a unspotted from the
59 1 a Matt. 6:22 (22–24). tg Revelation. f Ex. 22:19;
2 a Matt. 5:5; c tg Steadfastness; Lev. 18:22;
D&C 57:5; Worthiness. 1 Cor. 6:9;
63:20 (20, 48–49). d tg Diligence. 1 Tim. 1:10.
b Isa. 57:1 (1–2); 5 a Deut. 11:1; 7 a Ezra 3:11;
Rev. 14:13. Matt. 22:37; Ps. 34:1 (1–3); 92:1;
tg Paradise. Mosiah 2:4; Alma 37:37;
c tg Celestial Glory; Moro. 10:32; Ether 6:9;
Exaltation. D&C 20:19. D&C 46:32.
d Ps. 65:4; tg God, Love of; Love. tg Communication;
John 14:2; b tg Heart. Thanksgiving.
D&C 72:4; 76:111; 81:6; c tg Service; Worship. 8 a tg Jesus Christ, Types
98:18; 106:8. 6 a tg Love. of, in Memory;
3 a Gen. 4:12; b Prov. 11:12 (12–17). Self-Sacrifice.
Moses 4:23 (23–24); 5:37. tg Fellowshipping; b tg Righteousness.
tg Strength. Neighbor. c tg Contrite Heart;
4 a Alma 29:9. c tg Stealing. Poor in Spirit.
b D&C 42:61; 76:7; d tg Adulterer; 9 a James 1:27.
98:12; 101:32; Chastity. tg Abstain;
121:28 (26–33). e tg Murder. Self-Mastery.
109 Doctrine and Covenants 59:10–24
world, thou shalt go to the house 17 Yea, and the herb, and the
of b prayer and offer up thy c sacra- a
good things which come of the
ments upon my d holy day; earth, whether for food or for b rai-
10 For verily this is a a day ap- ment, or for houses, or for barns,
pointed unto you to rest from your or for orchards, or for gardens, or
labors, and to pay thy devotions for vineyards;
unto the Most High; 18 Yea, all things which come of
11 Nevertheless thy a vows shall be the earth, in the season thereof, are
offered up in righteousness on all made for the a benefit and the b use
days and at all times; of man, both to please the eye and
12 But remember that on this, the to c gladden the heart;
Lord’s day, thou shalt offer thine 19 Yea, for a food and for raiment,
oblations and thy sacraments unto for taste and for smell, to b strength-
the Most High, c confessing thy sins en the body and to enliven the
unto thy brethren, and before the soul.
Lord. 20 And it pleaseth God that he hath
13 And on this day thou shalt do given all these things unto man; for
none other thing, only let thy food unto this end were they made to be
be prepared with singleness of heart used, with judgment, not to a excess,
that thy a fasting may be perfect, or, in neither by extortion.
other words, that thy b joy may be full. 21 And in nothing doth man a of-
14 Verily, this is fasting and prayer, fend God, or against none is his
or in other words, rejoicing and b
wrath c kindled, save those who
prayer. d
confess not his hand in all things,
15 And inasmuch as ye do these and e obey not his commandments.
things with a thanksgiving, with 22 Behold, this is according to the
cheerful c hearts and countenances, law and the prophets; wherefore,
not with d much e laughter, for this trouble me no more concerning
is sin, but with a glad heart and a this matter.
cheerful countenance— 23 But learn that he who doeth
16 Verily I say, that inasmuch as the works of a righteousness shall
ye do this, the a fulness of the earth receive his b reward, even c peace in
is yours, the beasts of the field and this world, and d eternal life in the
the fowls of the air, and that which world to come.
climbeth upon the trees and walketh 24 I, the Lord, have spoken it, and
upon the earth; the Spirit beareth record. Amen.
9 b tg Assembly for thirsting after c tg Happiness.
Worship; Prayer. righteousness; see 19 a tg Food.
c D&C 62:4. Matt. 5:6; 3 Ne. 12:6. b tg Health.
tg Sacrament. tg Fast, Fasting. 20 a tg Temperance.
d Lev. 19:3; 23:3; b tg Joy. 21 a tg Offense.
Alma 1:26 (26–27); 15 a tg Thanksgiving. b tg God, Indignation of.
D&C 68:29. b Ex. 25:2 (1–7); 35:5; c tg Provoking.
tg Sabbath. D&C 64:22 (22, 34); 97:8. d Neh. 12:24; Job 1:21;
10 a Ex. 35:2; tg Cheerful. Ps. 97:12;
Lev. 23:25. c Prov. 17:22. Mosiah 2:20 (20–22);
tg Rest; Worship. d 1 Pet. 4:3; D&C 62:7.
11 a tg Commitment; Vow. D&C 88:69. tg Ingratitude.
12 a Neh. 8:10; e tg Laughter. e tg Disobedience.
Rev. 1:10. 16 a tg Abundant Life. 23 a tg Righteousness.
b ie offerings, whether of 17 a Gen. 1:31; b tg Blessing; Reward.
time, talents, or means, Moro. 7:12; c Matt. 11:29 (28–30).
in service of God and Moses 2:31. tg Happiness;
fellowman. b D&C 70:16 (15–16). Objectives; Peace;
tg Sacrifice. 18 a tg Earth, Purpose of; Peace of God.
c tg Confession. Meat. d D&C 14:7.
13 a ie hungering and b Gen. 1:29; 9:3 (3–4).
Doctrine and Covenants 60:1–13 110
Section 60
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in Independence,
Jackson County, Missouri, August 8, 1831. On this occasion the elders
who had traveled to Jackson County and participated in the dedica
tion of the land and the temple site desired to know what they were
to do.
1–9, The elders are to preach the gos not unto me, and take your jour-
pel in the congregations of the wicked; ney speedily for the place which
10 –14, They should not idle away is called St. Louis.
their time, nor bury their talents; 6 And from thence let my servants,
15–17, They may wash their feet as Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith, Jun.,
a testimony against those who reject and Oliver Cowdery, take their jour-
the gospel. ney for Cincinnati;
7 And in this place let them lift
Behold, thus saith the Lord unto up their voice and declare my word
the elders of his church, who are with loud voices, without wrath or
to return speedily to the land a
doubting, lifting up holy hands
from whence they came: Behold, upon them. For I am able to make
it pleaseth me, that you have come you b holy, and your sins are c for-
up hither; given you.
2 But with some I am not well 8 And let the residue take their
pleased, for they will not open their journey from St. Louis, a two by
mouths, but they hide the b talent two, and preach the word, not in
which I have given unto them, be- haste, among the congregations of
cause of the c fear of man. Wo unto the wicked, until they return to the
such, for mine d anger is e kindled churches from whence they came.
against them. 9 And all this for the good of the
3 And it shall come to pass, if they a
churches; for this intent have I
are not more faithful unto me, it sent them.
shall be a taken away, even that 10 And let my servant a Edward
which they have. Partridge impart of the b money
4 For I, the Lord, a rule in the heav- which I have given him, a portion
ens above, and among the b armies unto mine elders who are com-
of the earth; and in the day when I manded to return;
shall make up my c jewels, all men 11 And he that is able, let him
shall know what it is that bespeak- return it by the way of the agent;
eth the power of God. and he that is not, of him it is not
5 But, verily, I will speak unto you required.
concerning your journey unto the 12 And now I speak of the residue
land from whence you came. Let who are to come unto this land.
there be a craft made, or bought, 13 Behold, they have been sent
as a seemeth you good, it mattereth to preach my gospel among the
60 2 a Ex. 4:10 (10–12); e tg Provoking. D&C 101:3.
Jer. 1:6 (6–9); 3 a Matt. 25:29 (29–30); 5 a tg Agency;
Luke 8:16 (16–18); Mark 4:25; Initiative.
Eph. 6:20 (19–20). D&C 1:33. 7 a tg Doubt.
b Matt. 25:25 (24–30). 4 a Judg. 8:23 (22–23); b tg Holiness.
tg Talents. Hel. 12:6. c tg Forgive.
c tg Courage; b 2 Chr. 25:8. 8 a Mark 6:7.
Fearful; tg War. 9 a D&C 51:10.
Peer Influence. c Isa. 62:3; 10 a D&C 58:14 (14, 19, 24);
d tg Anger; Zech. 9:16; 64:17.
God, Indignation of. Mal. 3:17; b D&C 51:8 (8–13).
111 Doctrine and Covenants 60:14–61:7
congregations of the wicked; where- feet against those who receive thee
fore, I give unto them a command- not, not in their presence, lest thou
ment, thus: Thou shalt not a idle b
provoke them, but in secret; and
away thy time, neither shalt thou c
wash thy feet, as a testimony against
bury thy b talent that it may not be them in the day of judgment.
known. 16 Behold, this is sufficient for
14 And after thou hast come up you, and the will of him who hath
unto the land of Zion, and hast sent you.
proclaimed my word, thou shalt 17 And by the mouth of my servant
speedily return, proclaiming my Joseph Smith, Jun., it shall be made
word among the congregations of known concerning Sidney Rigdon
the wicked, not in a haste, neither and Oliver Cowdery. The residue
in b wrath nor with c strife. hereafter. Even so. Amen.
15 And shake off the a dust of thy
Section 61
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on the bank of the
Missouri River, McIlwaine’s Bend, August 12, 1831. On their return
trip to Kirtland, the Prophet and ten elders had traveled down the Mis
souri River in canoes. On the third day of the journey, many dangers
were experienced. Elder William W. Phelps, in a daylight vision, saw
the destroyer riding in power upon the face of the waters.
1–12, The Lord has decreed many am b merciful unto those who c con-
destructions upon the waters; 13–22, fess their sins with humble hearts;
The waters were cursed by John, and 3 But verily I say unto you, that it
the destroyer rides upon their face; is not needful for this whole com-
23–29, Some have power to command pany of mine elders to be moving
the waters; 30 –35, Elders are to jour swiftly upon the waters, whilst the
ney two by two and preach the gospel; inhabitants on either side are per-
36 –39, They are to prepare for the ishing in unbelief.
coming of the Son of Man. 4 Nevertheless, I suffered it that
ye might bear record; behold, there
Behold, and hearken unto the voice are many dangers upon the waters,
of him who has all a power, who is and more especially hereafter;
from everlasting to everlasting, even 5 For I, the Lord, have decreed in
Alpha and Omega, the beginning mine anger many destructions upon
and the end. the waters; yea, and especially upon
2 Behold, verily thus saith the Lord these waters.
unto you, O ye elders of my church, 6 Nevertheless, all flesh is in mine
who are assembled upon this spot, hand, and he that is faithful among
whose sins are now forgiven you, you shall not a perish by the waters.
for I, the Lord, a forgive sins, and 7 Wherefore, it is expedient that
13 a D&C 42:42. D&C 82:18. c tg Wash.
tg Apathy; 14 a
tg Rashness. 61 1 a
tg God, Power of.
Idleness; b Prov. 14:29. b D&C 19:1.
Laziness; c tg Strife. 2 a Mosiah 4:10 (10–11).
Priesthood, Magnifying 15 a
Matt. 10:14; tg Forgive.
Callings within; Luke 9:5; b tg God, Mercy of.
Procrastination; Acts 13:51; 18:6 (5–6); c tg Confession.
Waste; D&C 24:15; 75:20; 6 a tg Protection, Divine.
Zeal. 84:92 (92–95).
b Matt. 25:25 (14–30); b tg Provoking.
Doctrine and Covenants 61:8–27 112
my servant Sidney Gilbert and my one I say unto all, that you shall
servant a William W. Phelps be in forewarn your brethren concern-
haste upon their errand and mission. ing these waters, that they come
8 Nevertheless, I would not suffer not in journeying upon them, lest
that ye should part until you were their faith fail and they are caught
chastened for all your sins, that in snares;
you might be one, that you might 19 I, the Lord, have decreed, and
not perish in b wickedness; the destroyer rideth upon the face
9 But now, verily I say, it behooveth thereof, and I revoke not the decree.
me that ye should part. Wherefore 20 I, the Lord, was a angry with you
let my servants Sidney Gilbert and yesterday, but today mine anger is
William W. Phelps take their former turned away.
company, and let them take their 21 Wherefore, let those concerning
journey in haste that they may fill whom I have spoken, that should
their mission, and through faith take their journey in haste—again
they shall overcome; I say unto you, let them take their
10 And inasmuch as they are a faith- journey in haste.
ful they shall be preserved, and I, 22 And it mattereth not unto me,
the Lord, will be b with them. after a little, if it so be that they fill
11 And let the residue take that their mission, whether they go by
which is needful for clothing. water or by land; let this be as it is
12 Let my servant Sidney Gilbert made known unto them a according
take that which is not needful with to their judgments hereafter.
him, as you shall agree. 23 And now, concerning my ser-
13 And now, behold, for your a good vants, Sidney Rigdon, Joseph Smith,
I gave unto you a b commandment Jun., and Oliver Cowdery, let them
concerning these things; and I, the come not again upon the waters,
Lord, will reason with you as with save it be upon the canal, while
men in days of old. journeying unto their homes; or
14 Behold, I, the Lord, in the be- in other words they shall not come
ginning blessed the a waters; but in upon the waters to journey, save
the last days, by the mouth of my upon the canal.
servant John, I b cursed the waters. 24 Behold, I, the Lord, have ap-
15 Wherefore, the days will come pointed a way for the journeying
that no flesh shall be safe upon the of my saints; and behold, this is
waters. the way—that after they leave the
16 And it shall be said in days to canal they shall journey by land,
come that none is able to go up to inasmuch as they are commanded
the land of Zion upon the waters, to journey and go up unto the land
but he that is upright in heart. of Zion;
17 And, as I, the Lord, in the be- 25 And they shall do a like unto the
ginning a cursed the land, even so children of Israel, b pitching their
in the last days have I b blessed it, tents by the way.
in its time, for the use of my saints, 26 And, behold, this command-
that they may partake the fatness ment you shall give unto all your
thereof. brethren.
18 And now I give unto you a com- 27 Nevertheless, unto whom is
mandment that what I say unto given a power to command the
7 a D&C 57:11 (6–12); b tg Commandments 20 a tg God, Indignation of;
58:40 (40–41); 70:1. of God. God, Love of.
8 a tg Chastening. 14 a Gen. 1:20. 22 a tg Agency; Initiative.
b tg Wickedness. b Rev. 8:10 (8–11). 25 a Num. 9:18.
10 a Ps. 31:23. tg Curse; Last Days. b Num. 2:34 (32–34).
b Matt. 28:20. 17 a Moses 4:23. 27 a tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of;
13 a Deut. 10:13; D&C 21:6. b D&C 57:1 (1–5). Priesthood, Power of.
113 Doctrine and Covenants 61:28–62:1
waters, unto him it is given by the the word among the congregations of
Spirit to know all his ways; the wicked, inasmuch as it is given;
28 Wherefore, let him do as the 34 And inasmuch as they do this
Spirit of the living God command they shall a rid their garments, and
eth him, whether upon the land or they shall be spotless before me.
upon the waters, as it remaineth 35 And let them journey together,
with me to do hereafter. or a two by two, as seemeth them
29 And unto you is given the course good, only let my servant Reynolds
for the saints, or the way for the Cahoon, and my servant Samuel H.
saints of the camp of the Lord, to Smith, with whom I am well pleased,
journey. be not separated until they return
30 And again, verily I say unto you, to their homes, and this for a wise
my servants, Sidney Rigdon, Joseph purpose in me.
Smith, Jun., and Oliver Cowdery, 36 And now, verily I say unto you,
shall not open their mouths in the and what I say unto one I say unto
congregations of the wicked until all, be of good a cheer, b little chil-
they arrive at Cincinnati; dren; for I am in your c midst, and
31 And in that place they shall lift I have not d forsaken you;
up their voices unto God against 37 And inasmuch as you have
that people, yea, unto him whose humbled yourselves before me, the
anger is a kindled against their wick- blessings of the a kingdom are yours.
edness, a people who are well-nigh 38 Gird up your loins and be
ripened for destruction. a
watchful and be sober, looking
32 And from thence let them jour- forth for the coming of the Son of
ney for the congregations of their Man, for he cometh in an hour you
brethren, for their labors even now think not.
are wanted more abundantly among 39 Pray always that you enter not
them than among the congregations into a temptation, that you may abide
of the wicked. the day of his coming, whether in
33 And now, concerning the resi- life or in death. Even so. Amen.
due, let them journey and a declare
Section 62
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on the bank of the
Missouri River at Chariton, Missouri, August 13, 1831. On this day
the Prophet and his group, who were on their way from Independence to
Kirtland, met several elders who were on their way to the land of Zion,
and, after joyful salutations, received this revelation.
1–3, Testimonies are recorded in Behold, and hearken, O ye elders
heaven; 4–9, The elders are to travel of my church, saith the Lord your
and preach according to judgment and God, even Jesus Christ, your a advo-
as directed by the Spirit. cate, who knoweth the weakness of
30 a Micah 6:10 (10–15); 35 a Mark 6:7; 37 a D&C 50:35; 62:9.
D&C 62:5; 68:1. Luke 10:1; 38 a tg Watch.
31 a tg Provoking. D&C 52:10; 62:5. 39 a tg Temptation.
b Alma 37:31; tg Missionary Work. 62 1 a D&C 45:3.
Hel. 13:14; 36 a tg Cheerful. tg Jesus Christ,
D&C 101:11. b John 13:33. Advocate;
33 a tg Preaching. c Matt. 18:20; Jesus Christ,
34 a 2 Ne. 9:44; 28:20 (19–20). Relationships
Jacob 2:2 (2, 16); d Isa. 41:17 (15–17); with the Father.
Mosiah 2:28. 1 Ne. 21:15 (14–15).
Doctrine and Covenants 62:2–9 114
man and how to b succor them who inhabitants of the earth, or among
are c tempted. the c congregations of the wicked.
2 And verily mine eyes are upon 6 Behold, I, the Lord, have brought
those who have not as yet gone up you together that the promise might
unto the land of Zion; wherefore be fulfilled, that the faithful among
your mission is not yet full. you should be preserved and rejoice
3 Nevertheless, ye are a blessed, for together in the land of Missouri. I,
the b testimony which ye have borne the Lord, a promise the faithful and
is c recorded in heaven for the angels cannot b lie.
to look upon; and they rejoice over 7 I, the Lord, am willing, if any
you, and your d sins are forgiven you. among you a desire to ride upon
4 And now continue your journey. horses, or upon mules, or in chariots,
Assemble yourselves upon the land he shall receive this blessing, if he
of a Zion; and hold a meeting and receive it from the hand of the Lord,
rejoice together, and offer a b sac- with a b thankful heart in all things.
rament unto the Most High. 8 These things remain with you to
5 And then you may return to bear do according to judgment and the
record, yea, even altogether, or a two directions of the Spirit.
by two, as seemeth you good, it mat- 9 Behold, the a kingdom is yours.
tereth not unto me; only be faithful, And behold, and lo, I am b with the
and b declare glad tidings unto the faithful always. Even so. Amen.
Section 63
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
August 30, 1831. The Prophet, Sidney Rigdon, and Oliver Cowdery
had arrived in Kirtland on August 27 from their visit to Missouri.
Joseph Smith’s history describes this revelation: “In these infant days
of the Church, there was a great anxiety to obtain the word of the Lord
upon every subject that in any way concerned our salvation; and as
the land of Zion was now the most important temporal object in view, I
enquired of the Lord for further information upon the gathering of the
Saints, and the purchase of the land, and other matters.”
1–6, A day of wrath will come upon obedient receive the mysteries of the
the wicked; 7–12, Signs come by faith; kingdom; 24–31, Inheritances in Zion
13–19, The adulterous in heart will are to be purchased; 32–35, The Lord
deny the faith and be cast into the lake decrees wars, and the wicked slay
of fire; 20, The faithful will receive the wicked; 36 – 48, The Saints are
an inheritance upon the transfigured to gather to Zion and provide mon
earth; 21, A full account of the events eys to build it up; 49–54, Blessings
on the Mount of Transfiguration has are assured the faithful at the Second
not yet been revealed; 22–23, The Coming, in the Resurrection, and
1 b Heb. 2:18; b tg Assembly for Honesty.
Alma 7:12. Worship; 7 a tg Agency.
c Luke 4:2. Sacrament. b Job 1:21;
3 a tg Blessing. 5 a Mark 6:7; Mosiah 2:20 (20–22);
b Luke 12:8 (8–9). Luke 10:1; D&C 59:21.
tg Testimony. D&C 52:10; 61:35. tg Thanksgiving.
c tg Book of Life. b tg Missionary Work. 9 a D&C 61:37; 64:4.
d Matt. 9:2; c D&C 61:30. b Matt. 28:20.
D&C 84:61. 6 a Ezek. 36:36.
4 a D&C 57:2 (1–2). b tg God, Perfection of;
115 Doctrine and Covenants 63:1–17
during the Millennium; 55–58, This is 10 Yea, a signs come by b faith, not by
a day of warning; 59–66, The Lord’s the will of men, nor as they please,
name is taken in vain by those who but by the will of God.
use it without authority. 11 Yea, signs come by faith, unto
mighty works, for without a faith no
Hearken, O ye people, and open man pleaseth God; and with whom
your hearts and give ear from afar; God is b angry he is not well pleased;
and listen, you that call yourselves wherefore, unto such he showeth
the a people of the Lord, and hear no signs, only in c wrath unto their
the word of the Lord and his will d
concerning you. 12 Wherefore, I, the Lord, am not
2 Yea, verily, I say, hear the word pleased with those among you who
of him whose anger is a kindled have sought after signs and wonders
against the wicked and b rebellious; for faith, and not for the good of
3 Who willeth to take even them men unto my glory.
whom he will a take, and b pre- 13 Nevertheless, I give command-
serveth in life them whom he will ments, and many have turned away
preserve; from my commandments and have
4 Who buildeth up at his own will a
not kept them.
and a pleasure; and destroyeth when 14 There were among you a adulter-
he pleases, and is able to b cast the ers and adulteresses; some of whom
soul down to hell. have turned away from you, and
5 Behold, I, the Lord, utter my others remain with you that here-
voice, and it shall be a obeyed. after shall be revealed.
6 Wherefore, verily I say, let the 15 Let such beware and repent
wicked take heed, and let the a re- speedily, lest judgment shall come
bellious b fear and tremble; and let upon them as a a snare, and their
the unbelieving hold their lips, for b
folly shall be made manifest, and
the c day of wrath shall come upon their works shall follow them in the
them as a d whirlwind, and all flesh eyes of the people.
shall e know that I am God. 16 And verily I say unto you, as I
7 And he that seeketh a signs shall have said before, he that a looketh
see b signs, but not unto salvation. on a woman to b lust after her, or
8 Verily, I say unto you, there are if any shall commit c adultery in
those among you who seek signs, their hearts, they shall not have
and there have been such even from the d Spirit, but shall deny the faith
the beginning; and shall fear.
9 But, behold, faith cometh not 17 Wherefore, I, the Lord, have said
by signs, but a signs follow those that the a fearful, and the b unbeliev-
that believe. ing, and all c liars, and whosoever
63 1 a Lev. 26:12; Dan. 11:40. 13 a tg Disobedience.
3 Ne. 20:19. e Isa. 49:26. 14 a D&C 42:24 (24–25).
2 a tg Provoking. 7 a tg Sign Seekers. 15 a Luke 21:35.
b tg Rebellion. b Mark 8:11 (11–21); b 2 Tim. 3:9.
3 a Job 1:21; D&C 46:9. tg Foolishness.
Isa. 57:1. 9 a Mark 16:17. 16 a Matt. 5:28 (27–28).
tg Death. tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of; b 2 Sam. 13:4 (2–4).
b Mosiah 2:20 (20–21). Miracle; Signs. tg Lust; Sensuality;
4 a tg God, Justice of; 10 a John 12:18 (9, 17–18); Sexual Immorality.
Judgment. Rom. 15:19 (18–19); c tg Adulterer;
b Hel. 12:21 (20–22). Morm. 9:19 (19–21). Chastity.
5 a tg Obedience. b tg Faith. d tg Holy Ghost, Loss of.
6 a tg Rebellion. 11 a Heb. 11:6. 17 a Rev. 21:8.
b tg Day of the Lord. b tg God, Indignation of. tg Fearful.
c D&C 1:13 (13–14). c D&C 35:11. b tg Unbelief.
d Jer. 30:23; d D&C 88:65. c tg Honesty; Lying.
Doctrine and Covenants 63:18–33 116
Section 64
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to the elders of the
Church, at Kirtland, Ohio, September 11, 1831. The Prophet was pre
paring to move to Hiram, Ohio, to renew his work on the translation
of the Bible, which had been laid aside while he had been in Missouri.
A company of brethren who had been commanded to journey to Zion
(Missouri) was earnestly engaged in making preparations to leave in
October. At this busy time, the revelation was received.
1–11, The Saints are commanded to from my servant Joseph Smith,
forgive one another, lest there remain Jun., through the means I have ap-
in them the greater sin; 12–22, The pointed, while he liveth, inasmuch
unrepentant are to be brought before as he obeyeth mine b ordinances.
the Church; 23–25, He that is tithed 6 There are those who have sought
will not be burned at the Lord’s com occasion against him without cause;
ing; 26 –32, The Saints are warned 7 Nevertheless, he has sinned; but
against debt; 33–36, The rebellious verily I say unto you, I, the Lord,
will be cut off out of Zion; 37– 40, a
forgive sins unto those who b con-
The Church will judge the nations; fess their sins before me and ask
41– 43, Zion will flourish. forgiveness, who have not c sinned
unto d death.
Behold, thus saith the Lord your 8 My disciples, in days of old,
God unto you, O ye elders of my sought a occasion against one an-
church, hearken ye and hear, and other and forgave not one another
receive my will concerning you. in their hearts; and for this b evil
2 For verily I say unto you, I will they were c afflicted and sorely
that ye should a overcome the world; d
wherefore I will have b compassion 9 Wherefore, I say unto you, that
upon you. ye ought to a forgive one another; for
3 There are those among you who he that b forgiveth not his brother
have sinned; but verily I say, for this his trespasses standeth condemned
once, for mine own a glory, and for before the Lord; for there remaineth
the salvation of souls, I have b for- in him the greater sin.
given you your sins. 10 I, the Lord, will a forgive whom I
4 I will be merciful unto you, for I will forgive, but of you it is required
have given unto you the a kingdom. to b forgive all men.
5 And the a keys of the mysteries 11 And ye ought to say in your
of the kingdom shall not be taken hearts—let God a judge between me
64 1 a tg Jesus Christ, Head D&C 19:20; 58:43. b Matt. 6:15 (14–15);
of the Church. tg Confession. Eph. 4:32.
2 a 1 Jn. 5:4. c 1 Jn. 3:15; 5:17; 10 a Ex. 33:19; 34:7;
b Micah 7:19. Alma 5:42 (41–42). Rom. 9:18;
tg Compassion. d D&C 76:33 (31–37). Alma 39:6;
3 a Moses 1:39. 8 a Dan. 6:4. D&C 56:14.
b Isa. 43:25; tg Contention; tg Forgive.
Luke 5:21. Disputations. b Mosiah 26:31 (29–31).
4 a D&C 62:9; 82:24. b tg Evil. tg Benevolence;
5 a D&C 28:7; 84:19. c tg Affliction. Forbear.
tg Priesthood, Keys of. d tg Chastening. 11 a 1 Sam. 24:12;
b tg Ordinance. 9 a Prov. 17:9; Ps. 75:7.
7 a Dan. 9:9. Mark 11:26 (25–26); tg Judgment.
tg Remission of Sins. D&C 82:1.
b Num. 5:7 (6–10); tg Reconciliation.
Doctrine and Covenants 64:12–25 120
and thee, and b reward thee accord- and heard may be made known
ing to thy c deeds. unto my disciples, that they perish
12 And him that a repenteth not of not. And for this cause have I spo-
his sins, and b confesseth them not, ken these things.
ye shall bring before the c church, 20 And again, I say unto you, that
and do with him as the d scripture my servant Isaac Morley may not
saith unto you, either by command- be a tempted above that which he is
ment or by revelation. able to bear, and counsel wrongfully
13 And this ye shall do that God to your hurt, I gave commandment
may be glorified—not because ye that his farm should be sold.
forgive not, having not compassion, 21 I will not that my servant
but that ye may be justified in the Frederick G. Williams should sell his
eyes of the law, that ye may not farm, for I, the Lord, will to retain
offend him who is your lawgiver— a strong hold in the land of Kirt-
14 Verily I say, for this cause ye land, for the space of five years,
shall do these things. in the which I will not overthrow
15 Behold, I, the Lord, was angry the wicked, that thereby I may save
with him who was my servant Ezra some.
Booth, and also my servant Isaac 22 And after that day, I, the Lord,
Morley, for they a kept not the law, will not hold any a guilty that shall
neither the commandment; go with an open heart up to the
16 They sought a evil in their hearts, land of Zion; for I, the Lord, require
and I, the Lord, b withheld my Spirit. the b hearts of the children of men.
They c condemned for evil that thing 23 Behold, now it is called a today
in which there was no evil; never- until the b coming of the Son of Man,
theless I have forgiven my servant and verily it is a day of c sacrifice,
Isaac Morley. and a day for the tithing of my peo-
17 And also my servant a Edward ple; for he that is d tithed shall not
Partridge, behold, he hath sinned, be e burned at his coming.
and b Satan seeketh to destroy his 24 For after today cometh the
soul; but when these things are made a
burning—this is speaking after the
known unto them, and they repent manner of the Lord—for verily I say,
of the evil, they shall be forgiven. tomorrow all the b proud and they
18 And now, verily I say that it is that do wickedly shall be as c stub-
expedient in me that my servant ble; and I will burn them up, for I
Sidney Gilbert, after a few weeks, am the Lord of Hosts; and I will not
shall return upon his business, and d
spare any that remain in e Babylon.
to his a agency in the land of Zion; 25 Wherefore, if ye believe me, ye
19 And that which he hath seen will labor while it is called a today.
11 b tg Reward. 22 a tg Guilt. tg Earth, Cleansing of;
c 2 Tim. 4:14. b Ex. 35:5; World, End of.
12 a tg Repent. D&C 59:15; 64:34. b Job 40:11;
b tg Confession. 23 a John 9:4; Prov. 15:25;
c 1 Cor. 6:1. D&C 45:6; 64:25 (24–25). Mal. 3:15;
d D&C 42:81 (80–93). b tg Jesus Christ, Second 2 Ne. 12:12; 23:11.
13 a tg Offense. Coming. tg Pride.
15 a D&C 42:32 (32–35). c tg Sacrifice. c Rev. 18:8 (6–8).
16 a Prov. 1:16; d Mal. 3:10 (10–11). d Gen. 18:23;
2 Ne. 19:17. See note on tithing in 1 Ne. 22:16;
tg Evil. heading to section 119. Hel. 13:13 (12–14).
b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. e Isa. 9:5 (5, 18–19); e D&C 1:16.
c 2 Ne. 15:20; Mal. 4:1; tg Babylon.
D&C 121:16. 3 Ne. 25:1; 25 a John 9:4;
17 a D&C 60:10; 115:2 (2–6). JS—H 1:37. D&C 45:6; 64:23.
b tg Devil. 24 a Isa. 66:15 (15–16); tg Procrastination.
18 a D&C 57:6. Joel 2:5;
20 a tg Temptation. 2 Ne. 15:24; 26:6 (4, 6).
121 Doctrine and Covenants 64:26–42
unto her out of every b nation un- ble because of her, and shall fear
der heaven. because of her terrible ones. The
43 And the day shall come when Lord hath spoken it. Amen.
the nations of the earth shall a trem-
Section 65
Revelation on prayer given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram,
Ohio, October 30, 1831.
1–2, The keys of the kingdom of God the way of the Lord, prepare ye the
are committed to man on earth, and supper of the Lamb, make ready
Section 66
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, Oc
tober 29, 1831. William E. McLellin had petitioned the Lord in secret
42 b 1 Kgs. 8:41; b Micah 4:7; tg God, Works of.
Isa. 60:9. Luke 17:21 (20–21); 5 a Matt. 16:27; 24:30.
43 a Isa. 60:14; D&C 90:3 (1–5). b Ps. 93:1.
D&C 45:67; c tg Mission of c tg Glory.
97:19 (19–20). Latter-day Saints. d Dan. 2:44.
65 1 a Isa. 40:3; d Dan. 2:45 (34–45); 8:25. 6 a tg Kingdom of God, in
Matt. 3:3; e Num. 14:21; Heaven; Kingdom of
John 1:23. Ps. 72:19. God, on Earth.
tg Millennium, Pre- tg Last Days. b Rev. 11:15.
paring a People for. 3 a Matt. 3:3; D&C 88:66. c John 17:4.
2 a Matt. 16:19; b Matt. 22:2 (1–14); d 1 Chr. 17:10; Ps. 89:10;
D&C 42:69. Rev. 19:9; D&C 58:11. Micah 4:10.
tg Priesthood, Keys of; c Mark 2:19 (19–20). tg Enemies.
Priesthood, Melchize- 4 a Gen. 4:26; 1 Chr. 16:8; e 1 Chr. 29:11;
dek; Restoration of the Ps. 116:17. Matt. 6:13;
Gospel. b 1 Chr. 16:24. Rev. 11:15.
123 Doctrine and Covenants 66:1–12
to make known through the Prophet the answer to five questions, which
were unknown to Joseph Smith. At McLellin’s request, the Prophet in
quired of the Lord and received this revelation.
1– 4, The everlasting covenant is the a
proclaim my gospel from land to
fulness of the gospel; 5– 8, Elders are land, and from b city to city, yea, in
to preach, testify, and reason with those regions round about where it
the people; 9–13, Faithful ministe has not been proclaimed.
rial service ensures an inheritance 6 Tarry not many days in this
of eternal life. place; go a not up unto the land of
Zion as yet; but inasmuch as you
Behold, thus saith the Lord unto can b send, send; otherwise, think
my servant a William E. McLellin— not of thy property.
Blessed are you, inasmuch as you 7 a Go unto the eastern lands, bear
have b turned away from your iniq- b
testimony in every place, unto ev-
uities, and have received my truths, ery people and in their c synagogues,
saith the Lord your Redeemer, the reasoning with the people.
Savior of the world, even of as many 8 Let my servant Samuel H. Smith
as believe on my name. go with you, and forsake him not,
2 Verily I say unto you, blessed are and give him thine instructions; and
you for receiving mine a everlasting he that is a faithful shall be made
covenant, even the fulness of my b
strong in every place; and I, the
gospel, sent forth unto the chil- Lord, will go with you.
dren of men, that they might have 9 Lay your a hands upon the b sick,
life and be made c partakers of the and they shall c recover. Return not
glories which are to be revealed in till I, the Lord, shall send you. Be
the last days, as it was written by patient in affliction. d Ask, and ye
the prophets and apostles in days shall receive; knock, and it shall be
of old. opened unto you.
3 Verily I say unto you, my servant 10 Seek not to be a cumbered. For-
William, that you are clean, but sake all b unrighteousness. Commit
not a all; repent, therefore, of those not c adultery—a temptation with
things which are not pleasing in my which thou hast been troubled.
sight, saith the Lord, for the Lord 11 a Keep these sayings, for they
will b show them unto you. are true and b faithful; and thou
4 And now, verily, I, the Lord, will shalt c magnify thine office, and
show unto you what I a will con- push many people to d Zion with
cerning you, or what is my will e
songs of everlasting joy upon
concerning you. their heads.
5 Behold, verily I say unto you, 12 a Continue in these things even
that it is my will that you should unto the end, and you shall have a
66 1 a D&C 68:7; 75:6; 90:35. b Luke 8:1; b tg Sickness.
b Mal. 2:6. Alma 23:4; c Matt. 9:18.
c John 1:12; 4:42; D&C 75:18. d John 16:24.
1 Jn. 4:14. 6 a D&C 63:39 (24–39). 10 a Luke 10:40.
2 a tg New and b D&C 63:40 (40–46). b Prov. 9:6.
Everlasting Covenant. 7 a D&C 75:6. c Mark 10:19.
b John 5:40; 10:10. b John 1:7. tg Adulterer.
c 1 Pet. 5:1. c Acts 9:20; 18:4 (4–26); 11 a D&C 35:24; 103:7.
d 1 Pet. 4:13. Alma 21:4; b 2 Ne. 31:15.
tg Glory. D&C 68:1. c Rom. 11:13.
3 a John 13:11 (10–11). 8 a Ps. 31:23. d D&C 11:6.
b Jacob 4:7. b D&C 52:17; 133:58. e Isa. 35:10;
4 a tg God, Will of; 9 a tg Administrations D&C 45:71.
Guidance, Divine. to the Sick; tg Singing.
5 a Mark 16:15. Hands, Laying on of. 12 a 2 Tim. 3:14.
Doctrine and Covenants 66:13–67:8 124
crown of eternal life at the right 13 Verily, thus saith the Lord your
hand of my Father, who is full of God, your Redeemer, even Jesus
grace and truth. Christ. Amen.
Section 67
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
early November 1831. The occasion was that of a special conference,
and the publication of the revelations already received from the Lord
through the Prophet was considered and acted upon (see the heading
to section 1). William W. Phelps had recently established the Church
printing press in Independence, Missouri. The conference decided to
publish the revelations in the Book of Commandments and to print
10,000 copies (which because of unforeseen difficulties was later re
duced to 3,000 copies). Many of the brethren bore solemn testim ony
that the revelations then compiled for publication were verily true, as
was witnessed by the Holy Ghost shed forth upon them. Joseph Smith’s
history records that after the revelation known as section 1 had been
received, some conversation was had concerning the language used in
the revelations. The present revelation followed.
1–3, The Lord hears the prayers of 4 And now I, the Lord, give unto
and watches over His elders; 4–9, He you a a testimony of the truth of
challenges the wisest person to dupli these commandments which are
cate the least of His revelations; 10 – lying before you.
14, Faithful elders will be quickened 5 Your eyes have been upon my
by the Spirit and see the face of God. servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and his
language you have known, and
Behold and hearken, O ye a elders his imperfections you have known;
of my church, who have assembled and you have sought in your hearts
yourselves together, whose b prayers knowledge that you might express
I have heard, and whose c hearts I beyond his language; this you also
know, and whose desires have come know.
up before me. 6 Now, seek ye out of the Book of
2 Behold and lo, mine a eyes are Commandments, even the least that
upon you, and the heavens and is among them, and appoint him
the earth are in mine b hands, and the that is the most a wise among you;
riches of eternity are mine to give. 7 Or, if there be any among you
3 Ye endeavored to a believe that ye that shall make one a like unto
should receive the blessing which it, then ye are justified in say-
was offered unto you; but behold, ing that ye do not know that they
verily I say unto you there were are true;
fears in your hearts, and verily this 8 But if ye cannot make one like
is the reason that ye did not receive. unto it, ye are under condemnation
12 b Isa. 62:3; b 1 Kgs. 9:3. tg God, Works of.
Matt. 25:21; c Acts 1:24. 3 a tg Faith.
1 Pet. 5:4; tg God, Omni- b tg Fearful.
Rev. 2:10. science of. 4 a tg Testimony;
c John 1:14. 2 a Ps. 34:15; Truth.
13 a Isa. 43:12 (11–14); 44:6. Amos 9:8. 5 a D&C 1:24 (18–24).
67 1 a tg Elder, Melchizedek b Ps. 112:8 (7–8); 6 a 2 Ne. 9:29 (28–29, 42).
Priesthood. Heb. 1:10. 7 a Prov. 30:5 (5–6).
125 Doctrine and Covenants 67:9–68:1
if ye do not a bear record that they 11 For no a man has seen God at any
are true. time in the flesh, except quickened
9 For ye know that there is no un- by the Spirit of God.
righteousness in them, and that which 12 Neither can any a natural man
is a righteous cometh down from abide the presence of God, neither
above, from the Father of b lights. after the carnal mind.
10 And again, verily I say unto 13 Ye are not able to abide the
you that it is your privilege, and a presence of God now, neither the
promise I give unto you that have ministering of angels; wherefore,
been ordained unto this ministry, a
continue in patience until ye are
that inasmuch as you b strip your- b
selves from c jealousies and d fears, 14 Let not your minds a turn back;
and e humble yourselves before me, and when ye are b worthy, in mine
for ye are not sufficiently humble, own due time, ye shall see and know
the f veil shall be rent and you shall that which was conferred upon you
see me and know that I am—not by the hands of my servant Joseph
with the carnal neither natural Smith, Jun. Amen.
mind, but with the spiritual.
Section 68
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
November 1, 1831, in response to prayer that the mind of the Lord be made
known concerning Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, Lyman E. Johnson,
and William E. McLellin. Although part of this revelation was directed
toward these four men, much of the content pertains to the whole Church.
This revelation was expanded under Joseph Smith’s direction when it was
published in the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.
1–5, The words of the elders when Saints are to observe the Sabbath, la
moved upon by the Holy Ghost are bor diligently, and pray.
scripture; 6–12, Elders are to preach
and baptize, and signs will follow true My servant, Orson Hyde, was called
believers; 13–24, The firstborn among by his ordination to proclaim the a ev-
the sons of Aaron may serve as the Pre erlasting gospel, by the b Spirit of the
siding Bishop (that is, hold the keys of living God, from people to people,
presidency as a bishop) under the di and from land to land, in the c con-
rection of the First Presidency; 25–28, gregations of the wicked, in their
Parents are commanded to teach the d
synagogues, reasoning with and e ex-
gospel to their children; 29–35, The pounding all scriptures unto them.
8 a tg Testimony; Witness. 93:1; 97:16; Appendix);
9 a Ps. 119:138; Isa. 45:19; Moses 1:11. Mosiah 3:19.
James 1:17; 11 a Ex. 19:21; 33:20; tg Man, Natural, Not
Moro. 7:16 (15–18). jst Ex. 33:20 (Bible Spiritually Reborn.
b D&C 50:24; 84:45; 88:49. Appendix); John 1:18 13 a Rom. 2:7.
10 a tg Promise. (jst 1 Jn. 4:12 No man tg Patience.
b tg Humility; Purity. hath seen God at any b Matt. 5:48.
c tg Jealous. time, except them who 14 a D&C 133:15 (14–15).
d tg Courage; Fearful. believe . . .); b tg Worthiness.
e Prov. 6:3. D&C 84:22; 68 1 a D&C 18:4.
tg Teachable. Moses 1:11 (11, 14). b tg God, Spirit of.
f tg Veil. tg God, Privilege of c Ps. 26:5; D&C 61:30.
g Lev. 9:4; Seeing. d D&C 66:7.
D&C 50:45; 88:68; 12 a jst Ex. 33:20 (Bible e Acts 28:23.
Doctrine and Covenants 68:2–18 126
2 And, behold, and lo, this is an 9 And a he that believeth and is
ensample unto all those who were baptized shall be saved, and he that
ordained unto this priesthood, believeth not shall be b damned.
whose mission is appointed unto 10 And he that believeth shall be
them to go forth— blest with a signs following, even as
3 And this is the a ensample unto it is written.
them, that they shall b speak as they 11 And unto you it shall be given
are moved upon by the Holy Ghost. to know the signs of the a times, and
4 And whatsoever they shall speak the b signs of the coming of the Son
when moved upon by the a Holy of Man;
Ghost shall be scripture, shall be 12 And of as many as the Father
the will of the Lord, shall be the shall bear record, to you shall be
mind of the Lord, shall be the word given power to a seal them up unto
of the Lord, shall be the voice of the eternal life. Amen.
Lord, and the b power of God unto 13 And now, concerning the items
salvation. in addition to the a covenants and
5 Behold, this is the promise of the commandments, they are these—
Lord unto you, O ye my servants. 14 There remain hereafter, in the
6 Wherefore, be of good a cheer, and due time of the Lord, other a bishops
do not b fear, for I the Lord am with to be set apart unto the b church, to
you, and will stand by you; and ye minister even according to the first;
shall bear record of me, even Jesus 15 Wherefore they shall be a high
Christ, that I am the Son of the liv- priests who are worthy, and they
ing God, that I c was, that I am, and shall be appointed by the b First
that I am to come. Presidency of the Melchizedek
7 This is the word of the Lord unto Priesthood, except they be literal
you, my servant Orson Hyde, and descendants of c Aaron.
also unto my servant Luke John- 16 And if they be literal descen-
son, and unto my servant Lyman dants of a Aaron they have a legal
Johnson, and unto my servant a Wil- right to the bishopric, if they are the
liam E. McLellin, and unto all the b
firstborn among the sons of Aaron;
faithful elders of my church— 17 For the firstborn holds the right
8 a Go ye into all the world, b preach of the presidency over this priest-
the gospel to every c creature, act- hood, and the a keys or authority of
ing in the d authority which I have the same.
given you, e baptizing in the name 18 No man has a legal right to
of the Father, and of the Son, and of this office, to hold the keys of this
the Holy Ghost. priesthood, except he be a a literal
3 a tg Example. 63:37; 71:7. tg Bishop.
b Ex. 4:12 (12–16); b tg Preaching. b tg Church
2 Pet. 1:21; c Mark 16:15. Organization.
D&C 18:32; 34:10; d tg Authority; 15 a D&C 72:1.
42:16; 100:5. Priesthood, Authority. b D&C 81:2;
4 a Acts 4:31. e tg Baptism. 107:17 (9, 17, 22).
tg Revelation. 9 a Mark 16:16; c Lev. 1:7;
b Rom. 1:16. D&C 20:25. D&C 84:30; 132:59.
6 a Matt. 9:2. b tg Damnation. 16 a D&C 107:16
b Gen. 26:24; 10 a tg Signs. (15–17, 68–69).
Isa. 41:10; 11 a Acts 1:7; tg Priesthood, Aaronic.
Dan. 10:12; D&C 121:12 (12, 27, 31). b tg Firstborn.
Philip. 1:14 (12–17); b D&C 1:12. 17 a tg Priesthood,
D&C 98:1; 12 a D&C 1:8; 132:19, 49. Keys of.
JS—H 1:32. tg Sealing. 18 a Ex. 40:15 (12–15);
c Rev. 1:4. 13 a D&C 1:6. See also D&C 84:18 (18, 30);
7 a D&C 66:1; 75:6; 90:35. D&C “Introduction.” 107:16 (13–16, 70–76).
8 a D&C 1:2; 19:37; 58:47; 14 a D&C 41:9.
127 Doctrine and Covenants 68:19–31
32 These things ought not to be, the season thereof, let him be had
and must be done away from among in b remembrance before the judge
them; wherefore, let my servant of my people.
Oliver Cowdery a carry these sayings 34 These sayings are a true and
unto the land of Zion. faithful; wherefore, transgress them
33 And a commandment I give not, neither b take therefrom.
unto them—that he that observeth 35 Behold, I am a Alpha and Omega,
not his a prayers before the Lord in and I b come quickly. Amen.
Section 69
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
November 11, 1831. The compilation of revelations intended for early
publication had been passed upon at the special conference of Novem
ber 1–2. On November 3, the revelation herein appearing as section 133,
later called the Appendix, was added. Oliver Cowdery had previously been
appointed to carry the manuscript of the compiled revelations and com
mandments to Independence, Missouri, for printing. He was also to take
with him money that had been contributed for the building up of the
Church in Missouri. This revelation instructs John Whitmer to accom
pany Oliver Cowdery and also directs Whitmer to travel and collect his
torical material in his calling as Church historian and recorder.
1–2, John Whitmer is to accompany sel and assistance from my servant
Oliver Cowdery to Missouri; 3– 8, He Oliver Cowdery and others.
is also to preach and to collect, record, 5 And also, my servants who are
and write historical data. abroad in the earth should send
forth the accounts of their a stew-
Hearken unto me, saith the Lord ardships to the land of Zion;
your God, for my servant Oliver 6 For the land of Zion shall be a
Cowdery’s sake. It is not wisdom a
seat and a place to receive and do
in me that he should be entrusted all these things.
with the commandments and the 7 Nevertheless, let my servant John
moneys which he shall a carry unto Whitmer travel many times from
the land of Zion, except one go with place to place, and from church to
him who will be b true and faithful. church, that he may the more easily
2 Wherefore, I, the Lord, will that obtain knowledge—
my servant, John Whitmer, should 8 Preaching and expounding, writ-
go with my servant Oliver Cowdery; ing, copying, selecting, and obtain-
3 And also that he shall continue ing all things which shall be for
in a writing and making a b history the good of the church, and for the
of all the important things which rising generations that shall grow
he shall observe and know concern- up on the land of Zion, to a possess
ing my church; it from generation to generation,
4 And also that he receive a coun- forever and ever. Amen.
32 a D&C 69:1. b D&C 1:12. 85:1.
33 a tg Prayer. 69 1 a D&C 68:32. 4 a Prov. 20:18.
b tg Chastening; Reproof. b tg Dependability; tg Counsel.
34 a Rev. 22:6. Trustworthiness. 5 a tg Stewardship.
b D&C 20:35; 93:25 (24–25). 3 a tg Record Keeping. 6 a D&C 57:3.
35 a Rev. 1:8; D&C 19:1. b D&C 21:1; 47:1 (1–3); 8 a tg Zion.
129 Doctrine and Covenants 70:1–12
Section 70
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, No
vember 12, 1831. The Prophet’s history states that four special confer
ences were held from the 1st to the 12th of November, inclusive. In the
last of these assemblies, the great importance of the revelations that would
later be published as the Book of Commandments and then the Doctrine
and Covenants was considered. This revelation was given after the con
ference voted that the revelations were “worth to the Church the riches of
the whole Earth.” Joseph Smith’s history refers to the revelations as “the
foundation of the Church in these last days, and a benefit to the world,
showing that the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of our Savior are
again entrusted to man.”
1–5, Stewards are appointed to pub them, and this is their business in
lish the revelations; 6 –13, Those who the church of God, to a manage them
labor in spiritual things are worthy of and the concerns thereof, yea, the
their hire; 14–18, The Saints should benefits thereof.
be equal in temporal things. 6 Wherefore, a commandment I
give unto them, that they shall not
Behold, and hearken, O ye inhabi give these things unto the church,
tants of Zion, and all ye people of neither unto the a world;
my church who are afar off, and 7 Nevertheless, inasmuch as they
hear the word of the Lord which I a
receive more than is needful for
give unto my servant Joseph Smith, their necessities and their wants, it
Jun., and also unto my servant shall be given into my b storehouse;
Martin Harris, and also unto my 8 And the a benefits shall be con-
servant Oliver Cowdery, and also secrated unto the inhabitants of
unto my servant John Whitmer, Zion, and unto their generations,
and also unto my servant Sidney inasmuch as they become b heirs ac-
Rigdon, and also unto my servant cording to the laws of the kingdom.
William W. Phelps, by the way of 9 Behold, this is what the Lord
commandment unto them. requires of every man in his a stew-
2 For I give unto them a com- ardship, even as I, the Lord, have
mandment; wherefore hearken and appointed or shall hereafter appoint
hear, for thus saith the Lord unto unto any man.
them— 10 And behold, none are exempt
3 I, the Lord, have appointed them, from this a law who belong to the
and ordained them to be a stewards church of the living God;
over the revelations and command- 11 Yea, neither the bishop, nei-
ments which I have given unto ther the a agent who keepeth the
them, and which I shall hereafter Lord’s storehouse, neither he who
give unto them; is appointed in a stewardship over
4 And an account of this a steward- b
temporal things.
ship will I require of them in the 12 He who is appointed to admin-
day of judgment. ister spiritual things, the same is
5 Wherefore, I have appointed unto a
worthy of his hire, even as those
70 1 a Isa. 39:5. 5 a tg Accountability; tg Wages.
b D&C 57:11; 58:40; Delegation of b D&C 38:20.
61:7 (7–9). Responsibility. 9 a tg Stewardship.
3 a 1 Cor. 4:1; D&C 72:20. 6 a Moses 1:42; 4:32. 10 a D&C 85:3.
4 a tg Scriptures, 7 a D&C 42:55. 11 a D&C 57:6.
Preservation of; b D&C 58:24 (24, 37); 72:10. b D&C 107:68 (68–71).
Stewardship. 8 a D&C 72:21. 12 a Luke 10:7.
Doctrine and Covenants 70:13–71:6 130
13 Yea, even more abundantly, 16 For food and for a raiment; for
which abundance is multiplied unto an inheritance; for houses and for
them through the a manifestations lands, in whatsoever circumstances
of the Spirit. I, the Lord, shall place them, and
14 Nevertheless, in your temporal whithersoever I, the Lord, shall
things you shall be a equal, and this send them.
not grudgingly, otherwise the abun- 17 For they have been faithful over
dance of the manifestations of the a
many things, and have done well
Spirit shall be b withheld. inasmuch as they have not sinned.
15 Now, this commandment I give 18 Behold, I, the Lord, am a merciful
unto my servants for their a benefit and will bless them, and they shall
while they remain, for a manifes- enter into the joy of these things.
tation of my blessings upon their Even so. Amen.
Section 71
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at Hi
ram, Ohio, December 1, 1831. The Prophet had continued to translate
the Bible with Sidney Rigdon as his scribe until this revelation was re
ceived, at which time it was temporarily laid aside so as to enable them
to fulfill the instruction given herein. The brethren were to go forth
to preach in order to allay the unfriendly feelings that had developed
against the Church as a result of the publication of letters written by
Ezra Booth, who had apostatized.
1–4, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon 2 Verily I say unto you, proclaim
are sent forth to proclaim the gospel; unto the world in the regions round
5–11, Enemies of the Saints will be about, and in the church also, for
confounded. the space of a season, even until it
shall be a made known unto you.
Behold, thus saith the Lord unto 3 Verily this is a mission for a sea-
you my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., son, which I give unto you.
and Sidney Rigdon, that the time 4 Wherefore, a labor ye in my vine-
has verily come that it is neces- yard. Call upon the inhabitants
sary and expedient in me that you of the earth, and bear record, and
should open your mouths in a pro- prepare the way for the command-
claiming my gospel, the things of ments and revelations which are
the kingdom, expounding the b mys- to come.
teries thereof out of the scriptures, 5 Now, behold this is wisdom;
according to that portion of Spirit whoso readeth, let him a understand
and power which shall be given and b receive also;
unto you, even as I will. 6 For unto him that receiveth it
13 a D&C 5:16. c tg Dependability; 71 1 a Matt. 4:23.
14 a D&C 49:20. Diligence. tg Missionary Work.
tg Consecration; 16 a D&C 59:17 (16–20). b D&C 42:61 (61–65).
Selfishness. 17 a Matt. 25:21 (21–23). 2 a D&C 73:3.
b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. 18 a Ps. 34:8; 4 a D&C 24:19.
15 a Deut. 10:13. Lam. 3:25; 5 a tg Understanding.
b tg Reward. Nahum 1:7. b Alma 12:10 (9–11).
131 Doctrine and Covenants 71:7–72:8
shall be given more a abundantly, 9 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto
even power. you—there is no a weapon that is
7 Wherefore, a confound your b en- formed against you shall prosper;
emies; call upon them to c meet you 10 And if any man lift his voice
both in public and in private; and against you he shall be a confounded
inasmuch as ye are faithful their in mine own due time.
shame shall be made manifest. 11 Wherefore, a keep my command-
8 Wherefore, let them bring forth ments; they are true and faithful.
their a strong reasons against the Even so. Amen.
Section 72
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
December 4, 1831. Several elders and members had assembled to learn their
duty and to be further edified in the teachings of the Church. This section is
a compilation of three revelations received on the same day. Verses 1 through
8 make known the calling of Newel K. Whitney as a bishop. He was then
called and ordained, after which verses 9 through 23 were received, giving
additional information as to a bishop’s duties. Thereafter, verses 24 through
26 were given, providing instructions concerning the gathering to Zion.
1– 8, Elders are to render an account to render an b account of his c stew-
of their stewardship unto the bishop; ardship, both in time and in eternity.
9–15, The bishop keeps the storehouse 4 For he who is faithful and a wise
and cares for the poor and needy; in time is accounted worthy to in-
16 –26, Bishops are to certify the wor herit the b mansions prepared for
thiness of elders. him of my Father.
5 Verily I say unto you, the elders
Hearken, and listen to the voice of the church in this part of my
of the Lord, O ye who have assem- vineyard shall render an account of
bled yourselves together, who are their stewardship unto the a bishop,
the a high priests of my church, to who shall be appointed of me in
whom the b kingdom and power this part of my vineyard.
have been given. 6 These things shall be had on
2 For verily thus saith the Lord, it a
record, to be handed over unto the
is expedient in me for a a bishop to b
bishop in Zion.
be appointed unto you, or of you, 7 And the duty of the a bishop shall
unto the church in this part of the be made known by the command-
Lord’s vineyard. ments which have been given, and
3 And verily in this thing ye have the voice of the conference.
done wisely, for it is required of the 8 And now, verily I say unto you,
Lord, at the hand of every a steward, my servant Newel K. Whitney is
6 a Matt. 13:12. 11 a Ex. 16:28. c Luke 19:15 (11–27).
7 a Ps. 83:17 (2–17); 72 1 a D&C 68:15 (15–19). tg Stewardship.
2 Ne. 25:14; b D&C 35:27. 4 a Matt. 24:45.
Moses 7:15 (14–16). tg Kingdom of God, b D&C 59:2.
b tg Enemies. on Earth. 5 a tg Bishop.
c D&C 19:37; 58:47; 2 a tg Bishop. 6 a tg Record Keeping.
63:37; 68:8. 3 a Ezek. 34:10; b D&C 41:9; 58:14 (14–24).
d tg Shame. Matt. 25:19; 7 a D&C 41:9;
8 a Isa. 41:21. D&C 51:19; 70:9 (9–11); 42:31 (30–31); 46:27;
9 a Isa. 54:17. 104:13 (11–13). 58:17 (17–18); 68:16;
10 a Jer. 17:18 (15–18). b D&C 42:32 (30–42). 107:88 (87–88).
Doctrine and Covenants 72:9–26 132
the man who shall be appointed and and answereth all things, for an
ordained unto this power. This is inheritance, and to be received as
the will of the Lord your God, your a wise b steward and as a faithful
Redeemer. Even so. Amen. c
9 The word of the Lord, in addi- 18 Otherwise he shall not be a ac-
tion to the a law which has been cepted of the bishop of Zion.
given, making known the b duty of 19 And now, verily I say unto
the c bishop who has been ordained you, let every elder who shall give
unto the church in this part of the an account unto the bishop of the
vineyard, which is verily this— church in this part of the vineyard
10 To keep the Lord’s a storehouse; be a recommended by the church or
to receive the funds of the church churches, in which he labors, that
in this part of the vineyard; he may render himself and his ac-
11 To take an account of the elders counts approved in all things.
as before has been commanded; 20 And again, let my servants who
and to a administer to their wants, are appointed as stewards over the
who shall pay for that which they a
literary concerns of my church
receive, inasmuch as they have have claim for assistance upon the
wherewith to pay; bishop or bishops in all things—
12 That this also may be conse- 21 That the revelations may be
crated to the good of the church, a
published, and go forth unto the
to the poor and needy. ends of the earth; that they also may
13 And he who a hath not where- obtain b funds which shall benefit
with to pay, an account shall be the church in all things;
taken and handed over to the bishop 22 That they also may render them-
of Zion, who shall pay the debt out selves approved in all things, and be
of that which the Lord shall put accounted as a wise stewards.
into his hands. 23 And now, behold, this shall be
14 And the labors of the faithful an a ensample for all the extensive
who labor in spiritual things, in ad- branches of my church, in whatso-
ministering the gospel and the a things ever land they shall be established.
of the kingdom unto the church, And now I make an end of my say-
and unto the world, shall answer the ings. Amen.
debt unto the bishop in Zion; 24 A few words in addition to the
15 Thus it cometh out of the church, laws of the kingdom, respecting the
for according to the a law every man members of the church—they that
that cometh up to Zion must lay all are a appointed by the Holy Spirit
things before the bishop in Zion. to go up unto Zion, and they who
16 And now, verily I say unto you, are b privileged to go up unto Zion—
that as every elder in this part of 25 Let them carry up unto the
the vineyard must give an account bishop a a certificate from three el-
of his stewardship unto the bishop ders of the church, or a certificate
in this part of the vineyard— from the bishop;
17 A a certificate from the judge 26 Otherwise he who shall go up
or bishop in this part of the vine- unto the land of Zion shall not be
yard, unto the bishop in Zion, accounted as a wise steward. This
rendereth every man acceptable, is also an ensample. Amen.
9 a tg Bishop. Generosity. 21 a D&C 67:6 (6–9).
b tg Duty. 15 a D&C 42:30. b D&C 70:8 (5–8).
c D&C 58:14–24. 17 a D&C 20:64 (64, 84); 52:41; 22 a D&C 42:32.
10 a D&C 70:7 (7–11); 78:3. 72:19 (18–26); 112:21. 23 a D&C 51:18.
tg Welfare. b D&C 42:32. tg Example.
11 a D&C 75:24 (24–26). c tg Work, Value of. 24 a tg Holy Ghost,
13 a D&C 58:14. 18 a D&C 72:26. Mission of.
tg Poor. 19 a D&C 20:64. b D&C 58:56.
14 a tg Almsgiving; 20 a D&C 70:3 (3–5). 25 a D&C 72:17 (17–18).
133 Doctrine and Covenants 73:1–74:3
Section 73
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at
Hiram, Ohio, January 10, 1832. Since the early part of the preceding
December, the Prophet and Sidney had been engaged in preaching, and
by this means much was accomplished in diminishing the unfavorable
feelings that had arisen against the Church (see the heading to sec
tion 71).
1–2, Elders are to continue to preach; servants, Joseph Smith, Jun., and
3–6, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon Sidney Rigdon, saith the Lord, it is
are to continue to translate the Bible a
expedient to b translate again;
until it is finished. 4 And, inasmuch as it is practica-
ble, to preach in the regions round
For verily, thus saith the Lord, it is about until conference; and after
expedient in me that a they should that it is expedient to continue
continue preaching the gospel, and the work of a translation until it be
in exhortation to the churches in finished.
the regions round about, until con- 5 And let this be a pattern unto
ference; the elders until further knowledge,
2 And then, behold, it shall be even as it is written.
made known unto them, by the 6 Now I give no more unto you at
voice of the conference, their sev- this time. a Gird up your loins and
eral missions. be sober. Even so. Amen.
3 Now, verily I say unto you my
Section 74
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Wayne County, New
York, in 1830. Even before the organization of the Church, questions
had arisen about the proper mode of baptism, leading the Prophet to
seek answers on the subject. Joseph Smith’s history states that this reve
lation is an explanation of 1 Corinthians 7:14, a scripture that had
often been used to justify infant baptism.
1–5, Paul counsels the Church of his husband; else were your children
day not to keep the law of Moses; 6 –7, unclean, but now are they holy.
Little children are holy and are sanc 2 Now, in the days of the apostles
tified through the Atonement. the law of circumcision was had
among all the Jews who believed
For the a unbelieving b husband is not the gospel of Jesus Christ.
sanctified by the wife, and the un-
3 And it came to pass that there
believing wife is sanctified by the arose a great a contention among the
73 1 a ie the others who were the Bible. b tg Marriage, Marry.
on missions; see D&C 45:60 (60–61); c tg Family, Love within;
D&C 57–68. 76:15. Sanctification.
2 a D&C 20:63. 4 a D&C 90:13. 3 a Acts 15:1 (1–35);
3 a D&C 71:2. 6 a 1 Pet. 1:13. Gal. 2:3 (1–5); 5:6 (1–14).
b ie the translation of 74 1 a 1 Cor. 7:14 (14–19).
Doctrine and Covenants 74:4–75:5 134
people concerning the law of b cir- not of the Lord, but of himself, that
cumcision, for the unbelieving hus- a believer should not be a united to
band was desirous that his children an b unbeliever; except the c law of
should be circumcised and become Moses should be done away among
subject to the c law of Moses, which them,
law was fulfilled. 6 That their children might re-
4 And it came to pass that the chil- main without circumcision; and
dren, being brought up in subjection that the a tradition might be done
to the law of Moses, gave heed to away, which saith that little children
the a traditions of their fathers and are unholy; for it was had among
believed not the gospel of Christ, the Jews;
wherein they became unholy. 7 But little a children are b holy, be-
5 Wherefore, for this cause the ing c sanctified through the d atone-
apostle wrote unto the church, giv- ment of Jesus Christ; and this is
ing unto them a commandment, what the scriptures mean.
Section 75
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Amherst, Ohio,
January 25, 1832. This section comprises two separate revelations (the
first in verses 1 through 22 and the second in verses 23 through 36)
given on the same day. The occasion was a conference at which Joseph
Smith was sustained and ordained President of the High Priesthood.
Certain elders desired to learn more about their immediate duties. These
revelations followed.
1–5, Faithful elders who preach the my gospel, and to b prune my vine-
gospel will gain eternal life; 6 –12, yard.
Pray to receive the Comforter, who 3 Behold, I say unto you that it is
teaches all things; 13–22, Elders will my will that you should go forth
sit in judgment on those who reject and not tarry, neither be a idle but
their message; 23 –36, Families of b
labor with your might—
missionaries are to receive help from 4 Lifting up your voices as with the
the Church. sound of a trump, a proclaiming the
truth according to the revelations
Verily, verily, I say unto you, I who and commandments which I have
speak even by the a voice of my Spirit, given you.
even b Alpha and Omega, your Lord 5 And thus, if ye are faithful ye
and your God— shall be laden with many a sheaves,
2 Hearken, O ye who have a given and b crowned with honor, and glory,
your names to go forth to proclaim and immortality, and eternal life.
3 b tg Circumcision. tg Holiness. b Neh. 4:6.
c tg Law of Moses. c tg Salvation of Little tg Diligence;
4 a tg Traditions of Men. Children. Industry.
5 a tg Marriage, d tg Jesus Christ, 4 a tg Missionary Work.
Interfaith. Atonement through. b 2 Cor. 4:2;
b tg Unbelief. 75 1 a tg Revelation. D&C 19:37.
c Rom. 7:4 (4–6); b Rev. 1:8; 5 a Ps. 126:6;
2 Ne. 25:25 (24–27). D&C 68:35. Alma 26:5;
6 a tg Traditions of Men. 2 a D&C 75:23. D&C 4:4; 33:9.
7 a tg Children; tg Initiative; b tg Eternal Life;
Family. Zeal. Exaltation;
b Moro. 8:8 (8–15); b Jacob 5:62 (62–69). Glory;
D&C 29:46. 3 a tg Idleness. Honor.
135 Doctrine and Covenants 75:6–24
those, and also to support the fami 29 Let every man be a diligent in
lies of those who are called and must all things. And the b idler shall not
needs be sent unto the world to have place in the church, except he
proclaim the gospel unto the world. repent and mend his ways.
25 Wherefore, I, the Lord, give 30 Wherefore, let my servant
unto you this commandment, that Simeon Carter and my servant Emer
ye obtain places for your a families, Harris be united in the ministry;
inasmuch as your brethren are will- 31 And also my servant Ezra
ing to open their hearts. Thayre and my servant a Thomas B.
26 And let all such as can obtain Marsh;
places for their families, and sup- 32 Also my servant Hyrum Smith
port of the church for them, not fail and my servant Reynolds Cahoon;
to go into the world, whether to the 33 And also my servant Daniel
east or to the west, or to the north, Stanton and my servant Seymour
or to the south. Brunson;
27 Let them a ask and they shall re- 34 And also my servant Sylves-
ceive, knock and it shall be opened ter Smith and my servant Gideon
unto them, and be made known from Carter;
on high, even by the b Comforter, 35 And also my servant Ruggles
whither they shall go. Eames and my servant a Stephen
28 And again, verily I say unto Burnett;
you, that every a man who is obliged 36 And also my servant Micah B.
to b provide for his own c family, let Welton and also my servant a Eden
him provide, and he shall in nowise Smith. Even so. Amen.
lose his crown; and let him labor in
the church.
Section 76
A vision given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at Hiram,
Ohio, February 16, 1832. Prefacing the record of this vision, Joseph
Smith’s history states: “Upon my return from Amherst conference, I re
sumed the translation of the Scriptures. From sundry revelations which
had been received, it was apparent that many important points touching
the salvation of man had been taken from the Bible, or lost before it
was compiled. It appeared self-evident from what truths were left, that
if God rewarded every one according to the deeds done in the body the
term ‘Heaven,’ as intended for the Saints’ eternal home, must include
more kingdoms than one. Accordingly, . . . while translating St. John’s
Gospel, myself and Elder Rigdon saw the following vision.” At the time
this vision was given, the Prophet was translating John 5:29.
1–4, The Lord is God; 5–10, The mys forth in the resurrection of the just or
teries of the kingdom will be revealed the unjust; 18–24, The inhabitants of
to all the faithful; 11–17, All will come many worlds are begotten sons and
25 a D&C 83:2 (2–4). tg Family, Managing Zeal.
27 a D&C 4:7. Finances in; b tg Idleness;
b tg Holy Ghost, Marriage, Fatherhood. Laziness.
Comforter. c tg Family; 31 a D&C 56:5 (5–6).
28 a tg Marriage, Husbands. Family, Love within. 35 a D&C 80:1.
b 1 Tim. 5:8. 29 a tg Diligence; 36 a D&C 80:2.
137 Doctrine and Covenants 76:1–14
daughters unto God through the Atone of old, and for ages to come, will I
ment of Jesus Christ; 25–29, An an make known unto them the good
gel of God fell and became the devil; pleasure of my will concerning all
30–49, Sons of perdition suffer eternal things pertaining to my kingdom.
damnation; all others gain some degree 8 Yea, even the wonders of a eter-
of salvation; 50–70, The glory and re nity shall they know, and things
ward of exalted beings in the celestial to come will I show them, even the
kingdom is described; 71– 80, Those things of many generations.
who will inherit the terrestrial kingdom 9 And their a wisdom shall be great,
are described; 81–113, The status of and their b understanding reach to
those in the telestial, terrestrial, and heaven; and before them the wis-
celestial glories is explained; 114–19, dom of the wise shall c perish, and
The faithful may see and understand the understanding of the d prudent
the mysteries of God’s kingdom by the shall come to naught.
power of the Holy Spirit. 10 For by my a Spirit will I b enlighten
them, and by my c power will I make
Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, known unto them the d secrets of my
O earth, and rejoice ye inhabitants e
will—yea, even those things which
thereof, for the Lord is b God, and f
eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor
beside him there is c no d Savior. yet entered into the heart of man.
2 a Great is his wisdom, b marvelous 11 We, Joseph Smith, Jun., and
are his ways, and the extent of his Sidney Rigdon, being a in the Spirit
doings none can find out. on the sixteenth day of February, in
3 His a purposes fail not, neither are the year of our Lord one thousand
there any who can stay his hand. eight hundred and thirty-two—
4 From eternity to eternity he is 12 By the power of the a Spirit our
the a same, and his years never b fail. b
eyes were opened and our under-
5 For thus saith the Lord—I, the standings were enlightened, so as
Lord, am a merciful and gracious unto to see and understand the things
those who b fear me, and delight to of God—
honor those who c serve me in righ- 13 Even those things which were
teousness and in truth unto the end. from the beginning before the world
6 Great shall be their reward and was, which were ordained of the
eternal shall be their a glory. Father, through his Only Begotten
7 And to them will I a reveal all Son, who was in the bosom of the
mysteries, yea, all the hidden mys- Father, even from the a beginning;
teries of my kingdom from days 14 Of whom we bear record; and
76 1 a Isa. 1:2. b Ps. 102:27 (25–27); c Isa. 29:14; 2 Ne. 9:28.
b Josh. 22:34; Heb. 1:12. d tg Prudence.
Jer. 10:10. 5 a Ex. 34:6; Ps. 103:8; 10 a tg God, Spirit of.
c Ex. 8:10 (8–10); Prov. 8:17. b tg Testimony.
1 Kgs. 8:60; Isa. 43:11; tg God, Mercy of. c tg Jesus Christ, Power of.
Hosea 13:4. b Deut. 6:13; d Dan. 2:28.
d tg Jesus Christ, Savior. Josh. 4:24; e tg God, Will of.
2 a Ex. 15:11. 1 Kgs. 18:3. f Isa. 64:4;
tg God, Intelligence of; tg Reverence. 1 Cor. 2:9;
God, Wisdom of. c 1 Sam. 7:3; Ps. 34:15; 3 Ne. 17:16 (15–25);
b Ps. 25:4 (1–5); 118:23; D&C 4:2. D&C 76:116 (114–19).
Rev. 15:3 (1–3). 6 a tg Celestial Glory. 11 a Rev. 1:10; 4:2.
3 a 1 Kgs. 8:56; 7 a D&C 42:61; 59:4; 98:12; 12 a tg Transfiguration.
1 Ne. 20:14; 101:32; 121:28 (26–33). b Eph. 1:18;
D&C 64:31. b 2 Pet. 1:2. D&C 11:13; 110:1;
4 a Heb. 13:8; tg Mysteries of 137:1; 138:11 (11, 29).
D&C 20:12; 35:1; Godliness. tg God, Privilege of
38:1 (1–4); 39:1 (1–3). 8 a tg Eternity. Seeing.
tg God, Eternal Nature 9 a tg Wisdom. 13 a tg Jesus Christ,
of; God, Perfection of. b tg Understanding. Foreordained.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:15–27 138
the record which we bear is the ful- throne, worshiping God, and the
ness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Lamb, who c worship him forever
who is the Son, whom we saw and and ever.
with whom we a conversed in the 22 And now, after the many tes-
heavenly b vision. timonies which have been given
15 For while we were doing the of him, this is the a testimony, last
work of a translation, which the Lord of all, which we give of him: That
had appointed unto us, we came to he b lives!
the twenty-ninth verse of the fifth 23 For we a saw him, even on the
chapter of John, which was given b
right hand of c God; and we heard
unto us as follows— the voice bearing record that he is
16 Speaking of the resurrection of the d Only Begotten of the Father—
the dead, concerning those who shall 24 That by a him, and through
hear the voice of the b Son of Man: him, and of him, the b worlds are
17 And shall come forth; a they and were created, and the c inhabi-
who have done b good, in the c resur- tants thereof are begotten d sons and
rection of the d just; and they who daughters unto God.
have done evil, in the resurrection 25 And this we saw also, and bear
of the unjust. record, that an a angel of God who
18 Now this caused us to marvel, was in authority in the presence of
for it was given unto us of the Spirit. God, who b rebelled against the Only
19 And while we a meditated upon Begotten c Son whom the Father
these things, the Lord touched the d
loved and who was in the bosom
eyes of our understandings and they of the Father, was thrust down from
were opened, and the b glory of the the presence of God and the Son,
Lord shone round about. 26 And was called a Perdition, for
20 And we beheld the a glory of the heavens b wept over him—he
the Son, on the b right hand of the was c Lucifer, a son of the morning.
Father, and received of his fulness; 27 And we beheld, and lo, he is
21 And saw the holy a angels, and a
fallen! is fallen, even a son of the
them who are b sanctified before his morning!
14 a D&C 109:57. 21 a Matt. 25:31; Moses 1:33 (31–33);
b tg Vision. 2 Thes. 1:7; Heb. 12:22; 7:30 (29–31).
15 a D&C 73:3 (3–4); 93:53. D&C 130:7; 136:37. tg Astronomy; Creation;
16 a John 5:28. b tg Sanctification. Jesus Christ, Creator;
b tg Jesus Christ, Son c tg Worship. Jesus Christ, Power of.
of Man. 22 a tg Testimony; Witness. c D&C 88:61.
17 a Joseph Smith b Josh. 3:10; d Mal. 2:10;
Translation has the 2 Sam. 22:47; 1 Cor. 15:45 (45–48);
same wording as used D&C 20:17. 2 Ne. 2:20 (19–20);
here, which differs from tg Jesus Christ, D&C 27:11; Moses 1:34.
the King James Version Resurrection. tg Sons and Daughters
of John 5:29. 23 a tg God, Privilege of God.
b tg Good Works. of Seeing; Jesus 25 a D&C 29:36 (36–39);
c tg Resurrection. Christ, Appearances, Moses 4:1 (1–3).
d Dan. 12:2 (1–3); Postmortal. b tg Council in Heaven;
Acts 24:15; b Heb. 1:3. Rebellion.
D&C 76:65 (50, 64–65). c tg Godhead. c tg Jesus Christ, Divine
19 a 1 Ne. 11:1; d John 1:14. Sonship.
D&C 138:11 (1, 11); 24 a Gen. 1:1; d tg Jesus Christ,
JS—H 1:44. John 1:3 (1–3); Relationships with the
tg Meditation. Rom. 11:36 (34–36); Father.
b tg God, Glory of. Heb. 1:2 (1–3); 26 a D&C 76:32 (32–48);
20 a tg Jesus Christ, Glory of. Mosiah 4:2; Moses 5:24.
b Acts 7:56; Morm. 9:11; tg Sons of Perdition.
D&C 49:6; 104:7. D&C 14:9; 93:10 (8–10). b Moses 7:29 (28–31).
c tg God the Father, b Job 9:9 (7–9); c Isa. 14:12.
Elohim. Ps. 8:3 (3–4); 27 a Luke 10:18.
139 Doctrine and Covenants 76:28–42
28 And while we were yet in the after having received it, and having
Spirit, the Lord commanded us that denied the Only Begotten Son of
we should write the vision; for we the Father, having b crucified him
beheld Satan, that old a serpent, even unto themselves and put him to an
the b devil, who rebelled against God, open c shame.
and sought to take the kingdom of 36 These are they who shall go away
our c God and his Christ— into the a lake of fire and brimstone,
29 Wherefore, he maketh a war with with the devil and his angels—
the saints of God, and encompasseth 37 And the a only ones on whom the
them round about. b
second c death shall have any power;
30 And we saw a vision of the 38 Yea, verily, the only ones who
sufferings of those with whom he shall a not be redeemed in the due
made war and overcame, for thus time of the Lord, after the suffer-
came the voice of the Lord unto us: ings of his wrath.
31 Thus saith the Lord concerning 39 For all the rest shall be a brought
all those who know my power, and forth by the resurrection of the dead,
have been made partakers thereof, through the b triumph and the glory
and a suffered themselves through of the Lamb, who was slain, who was
the power of the devil to be over- in the bosom of the Father c before
come, and to deny the truth and the worlds were made.
defy my power— 40 And this is the a gospel, the glad
32 They are they who are the a sons b
tidings, which the voice out of the
of b perdition, of whom I say that it heavens bore record unto us—
had been better for them never to 41 That he a came into the world,
have been born; even Jesus, to be b crucified for the
33 For they are a vessels of wrath, world, and to c bear the sins of
doomed to suffer the wrath of God, the d world, and to e sanctify the
with the devil and his angels in world, and to f cleanse it from all
eternity; unrighteousness;
34 Concerning whom I have said 42 That through him all might
there is a no b forgiveness in this be a saved whom the Father had
world nor in the world to come— put into his b power and made by
35 Having a denied the Holy Spirit him;
28 a Rev. 12:9. Holy Ghost, Unpardon- b tg Jesus Christ,
b tg Devil. able Sin against. Resurrection.
c Isa. 14:14; b Heb. 6:6 (4–6); c John 1:1 (1–3, 10);
D&C 29:36 (36–37); 1 Ne. 19:7; Rev. 13:8;
Moses 4:1 (1–4). D&C 132:27. D&C 93:7.
29 a Rev. 12:9 (7–9); 13:7; c tg Shame. 40 a 3 Ne. 27:13 (13–22).
2 Ne. 2:18; 28:20 (19–23); 36 a Dan. 7:11; tg Gospel;
D&C 10:27. Rev. 19:20; 20:10; 21:8; Salvation, Plan of.
tg War. 2 Ne. 9:16 (8–19, 26); b Luke 8:1.
30 a Jude 1:6 (6–8); 28:23; 41 a tg Jesus Christ, Birth of;
D&C 76:44 (36, 44–49). Jacob 6:10; Jesus Christ, Mission of.
31 a tg Apostasy of Mosiah 3:27; b tg Jesus Christ,
Individuals. Alma 12:17 (16–18); Crucifixion of.
32 a tg Sons of Perdition. D&C 63:17. c Isa. 53:12 (4–12);
b D&C 76:26; 37 a D&C 76:44 (44–49). Heb. 9:28.
Moses 5:24. b D&C 29:28 (28, 41). d 1 Jn. 2:2 (1–2);
33 a Rom. 9:22 (20–23); c D&C 64:7. Alma 11:41 (40–41).
Rev. 2:27 (26–27). tg Death, Spiritual, e tg Salvation, Plan of;
34 a D&C 42:18; 84:41; 132:27. Second. Sanctification.
b tg Forgive. 38 a tg Sons of Perdition. f tg Purification;
35 a 2 Pet. 2:20 (20–22); 39 a ie redeemed; see v. 38. Redemption.
Alma 39:6; All will be resurrected. 42 a tg Salvation.
D&C 76:83. See Alma 11:41–45; b tg Jesus Christ,
tg Holy Ghost, Loss of; D&C 88:32. Authority of.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:43–57 140
which was after the order of b Enoch, city of the living God, the heavenly
which was after the c order of the place, the holiest of all.
Only Begotten Son. 67 These are they who have come to
58 Wherefore, as it is written, they an innumerable company of a angels,
are a gods, even the b sons of c God— to the general assembly and church
59 Wherefore, a all things are theirs, of b Enoch, and of the c Firstborn.
whether life or death, or things 68 These are they whose names are
present, or things to come, all are a
written in heaven, where God and
theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ are the b judge of all.
Christ is God’s. 69 These are they who are a just
60 And they shall a overcome all men made b perfect through Jesus
things. the mediator of the c new covenant,
61 Wherefore, let no man a glory in who wrought out this perfect d atone-
man, but rather let him b glory in ment through the shedding of his
God, who shall c subdue all enemies own e blood.
under his feet. 70 These are they whose bodies
62 These shall a dwell in the b pres- are a celestial, whose b glory is that
ence of God and his Christ forever of the c sun, even the glory of God,
and ever. the d highest of all, whose glory the
63 These are they whom he shall sun of the firmament is written of
bring with him, when he shall a come as being typical.
in the b clouds of heaven to c reign 71 And again, we saw the a terres-
on the earth over his people. trial world, and behold and lo, these
64 These are they who shall have are they who are of the terrestrial,
part in the a first resurrection. whose glory differs from that of the
65 These are they who shall come church of the b Firstborn who have
forth in the resurrection of the a just. received the fulness of the Father,
66 These are they who are come even as that of the c moon differs
unto a Mount b Zion, and unto the from the sun in the firmament.
57 b Gen. 5:23; 24:3 (3–4); 27:4; 84:100 (99–100); 133:54.
Moses 6:27 (27–68); 1 Ne. 10:21; c D&C 76:54 (53–54).
7:1 (1–69). 15:33 (33–36); 68 a tg Book of Life.
c D&C 107:3 (2–4). Mosiah 15:23 (19–26); b tg Jesus Christ, Judge;
58 a Ps. 82:6 (1, 6); Morm. 7:7; Judgment.
John 10:34 (34–36); Moses 6:57 (55–59). 69 a Ezek. 18:9 (5–9);
1 Cor. 8:6 (5–6); b D&C 76:94 (94, 119); Heb. 12:23;
D&C 121:28. 130:7. D&C 129:3 (3–6); 138:12.
tg Exaltation; Man, tg Eternal Life; b tg Man, New,
Potential to Become God, Presence of. Spiritually Reborn;
like Heavenly Father. 63 a tg Jesus Christ, Second Perfection.
b Luke 6:35. Coming. c tg New and Everlasting
tg Sons and Daughters b Matt. 24:30. Covenant.
of God. c Zech. 9:10; d tg Jesus Christ,
c Deut. 10:17 (17–21); D&C 58:22. Atonement through.
D&C 121:32 (28–32). tg Jesus Christ, e tg Blood,
59 a Ps. 84:11; Luke 12:44; Millennial Reign. Symbolism of.
John 16:15; 64 a Rev. 20:6 (5–6). 70 a D&C 88:29; 131:1 (1–4);
3 Ne. 28:10; 65 a D&C 76:17. 137:7.
D&C 84:38 (37–38). 66 a Isa. 24:23; tg Celestial Glory.
60 a Rev. 3:5; 21:7. Joel 2:32; b Dan. 12:3;
61 a John 5:44 (41–44); Obad. 1:21; D&C 137:2 (2–4).
1 Cor. 3:21 (21–23); Heb. 11:10; 12:22 (22, 24); c Matt. 13:43;
1 Thes. 2:6. Rev. 14:1; 1 Cor. 15:41 (40–42).
b Ps. 44:8 (4–8); D&C 84:2 (2, 18, 32); d tg God, Perfection of.
2 Ne. 33:6; 133:56 (18, 56). 71 a D&C 88:30.
Alma 26:16 (11–16). b tg Zion. tg Terrestrial Glory.
c Ps. 66:3; D&C 49:6. 67 a tg Angels. b D&C 76:54.
62 a Ps. 15:1 (1–5); b D&C 38:4; 45:11 (11–12); c 1 Cor. 15:41.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:72–92 142
72 Behold, these are they who died 82 These are they who received
without b law; not the gospel of Christ, neither the
73 And also they who are the a spir- a
testimony of Jesus.
its of men kept in b prison, whom the 83 These are they who a deny not
Son visited, and c preached the d gos- the Holy Spirit.
pel unto them, that they might be 84 These are they who are thrust
judged according to men in the flesh; down to a hell.
74 Who a received not the b testi- 85 These are they who shall not be
mony of Jesus in the flesh, but af- redeemed from the a devil until the
terwards received it. b
last resurrection, until the Lord,
75 These are they who are a hon- even Christ the c Lamb, shall have
orable men of the earth, who were finished his work.
blinded by the craftiness of men. 86 These are they who receive not
76 These are they who receive of of his fulness in the eternal world,
his glory, but not of his fulness. but of the Holy Spirit through the
77 These are they who receive of ministration of the terrestrial;
the a presence of the Son, but not 87 And the terrestrial through the
of the fulness of the Father. a
ministration of the celestial.
78 Wherefore, they are a bodies ter- 88 And also the telestial receive it
restrial, and not bodies celestial, and of the administering of angels who
differ in glory as the moon differs are appointed to minister for them,
from the sun. or who are appointed to be a min-
79 These are they who are not istering spirits for them; for they
valiant in the b testimony of Jesus; shall be b heirs of salvation.
wherefore, they obtain not the crown 89 And thus we saw, in the heav-
over the kingdom of our God. enly vision, the glory of the a telestial,
80 And now this is the end of the which surpasses all understanding;
vision which we saw of the ter- 90 And no man knows it except
restrial, that the Lord commanded him to whom God has revealed it.
us to b write while we were yet in 91 And thus we saw the glory of
the Spirit. the a terrestrial which excels in all
81 And again, we a saw the glory of things the glory of the telestial,
the b telestial, which glory is that even in glory, and in power, and in
of the lesser, even as the c glory of might, and in dominion.
the stars differs from that of the 92 And thus we saw the a glory
glory of the moon in the firmament. of the celestial, which b excels in
72 a Rom. 2:12; Dead; 83 a D&C 76:35.
D&C 137:7 (7–10). Testimony. 84 a Prov. 9:18;
b Acts 17:30. 75 a tg Honorable. 2 Ne. 9:12 (11–12);
tg Accountability; b tg Spiritual Blindness. Alma 12:11;
Ignorance. 77 a tg God, Presence of. D&C 29:38.
73 a Job 14:10; 78 a 1 Cor. 15:40 (40–42). tg Hell.
Alma 11:45; 79 a Jer. 8:20; 85 a tg Devil.
40:11 (11–14); D&C 45:2; 56:16; 121:29. b Rev. 20:13 (12–13);
Moses 7:57. tg Apathy; Diligence; Alma 11:41;
tg Spirit Body; Trustworthiness. D&C 43:18;
Spirits, Disembodied; b tg Testimony. 88:100 (100–101).
Spirits in Prison. 80 a tg Vision. c Gen. 22:8 (8–14);
b D&C 88:99; 138:8. b Moses 2:1. 1 Ne. 13:35.
tg Genealogy and tg Record Keeping; 87 a D&C 138:37.
Temple Work; Scriptures, Writing of. 88 a tg Angels.
Salvation for the Dead. 81 a tg Vision. b D&C 7:6.
c 1 Pet. 3:19 (19–20); 4:6; b D&C 88:31. 89 a tg Telestial Glory.
D&C 138:19. tg Telestial Glory. 91 a tg Terrestrial Glory.
d tg Gospel. c tg Glory. 92 a tg Celestial Glory.
74 a D&C 138:32. 82 a D&C 138:21. b D&C 18:45;
b tg Salvation for the tg Testimony. 84:38 (35–38).
143 Doctrine and Covenants 76:93–109
all things—where God, even the neither the prophets, neither the
Father, reigns upon his c throne for- b
everlasting covenant.
ever and ever; 102 Last of all, these all are they
93 Before whose throne all things who will not be a gathered with the
bow in humble a reverence, and give saints, to be b caught up unto the
him glory forever and ever. c
church of the Firstborn, and re-
94 They who dwell in his a presence ceived into the cloud.
are the church of the b Firstborn; and 103 These are a they who are b li-
they see as they are seen, and c know ars, and c sorcerers, and d adulterers,
as they are known, having received and e whoremongers, and whosoever
of his fulness and of his d grace; loves and makes a lie.
95 And he makes them a equal in 104 These are they who suffer the
power, and in might, and in do- a
wrath of God on earth.
minion. 105 These are they who suffer the
96 And the glory of the celestial a
vengeance of eternal fire.
is one, even as the glory of the a sun 106 These are they who are cast
is one. down to a hell and b suffer the wrath
97 And the glory of the terres- of c Almighty God, until the d fulness
trial is one, even as the glory of the of times, when Christ shall have
moon is one. e
subdued all enemies under his f feet,
98 And the glory of the telestial is and shall have g perfected his work;
one, even as the glory of the stars 107 When he shall a deliver up
is one; for as one star differs from the b kingdom, and present it unto
another star in glory, even so dif- the Father, spotless, saying: I have
fers one from another in glory in c
overcome and have d trodden the
the telestial world; e
wine-press f alone, even the wine-
99 For these are they who are of press of the fierceness of the wrath
Paul, and of Apollos, and of Cephas. of Almighty God.
100 These are they who say they 108 Then shall he be a crowned
are some of one and some of an- with the crown of his glory, to sit
other—some of Christ and some of on the b throne of his power to reign
John, and some of Moses, and some forever and ever.
of Elias, and some of a Esaias, and 109 But behold, and lo, we saw
some of Isaiah, and some of Enoch; the glory and the inhabitants of
101 But a received not the gospel, the telestial world, that they were
neither the testimony of Jesus, as a innumerable as the stars in the
92 c tg Kingdom of God, in D&C 84:100; g Heb. 10:14 (12–14).
Heaven. 88:96 (96–98); 101:31. 107 a 1 Cor. 15:24 (24–28).
93 a tg Reverence. c D&C 78:21. b tg Jesus Christ,
94 a D&C 76:62; 130:7. 103 a Rev. 21:8; 22:15 (14–15); Relationships with the
tg God, Presence of. D&C 63:17 (17–18). Father; Kingdom of
b D&C 76:54. b tg Lying. God, on Earth.
c 1 Cor. 13:12. c tg Sorcery. c John 16:33.
d tg Grace. d tg Adulterer; d Rev. 14:20 (15–20);
95 a D&C 29:13 (12–13); Sexual Immorality. 19:15;
78:5 (5–7); 84:38 (35–39); e tg Whore. D&C 88:106;
88:107; 132:20 (18–20). 104 a tg Damnation. 133:50 (46–53).
96 a 1 Cor. 15:41 (40–41). 105 a Jude 1:7. e Gen. 49:11 (11–12);
99 a 1 Cor. 3:22. 106 a tg Damnation; Isa. 63:2 (1–3);
100 a D&C 84:13 (11–13). Hell. Joel 3:13;
101 a tg Prophets, b D&C 19:6. D&C 133:48.
Rejection of. c D&C 87:6. f Mark 14:37 (37, 40–41);
b tg New and Everlasting d Eph. 1:10 (9–10). D&C 122:8 (7–8).
Covenant. e 1 Cor. 15:28; 108 a Rev. 19:16.
102 a tg Separation. Philip. 3:21. b D&C 137:3.
b 1 Thes. 4:16 (16–17); f Heb. 2:8. 109 a Matt. 7:13.
Doctrine and Covenants 76:110–77:2 144
Section 77
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio, about
March 1832. Joseph Smith’s history states, “In connection with the transla
tion of the Scriptures, I received the following explanation of the Revelation
of St. John.”
1–4, Beasts have spirits and will dwell Q. What is the a sea of glass spoken
in eternal felicity; 5–7, This earth of by John, 4th chapter, and 6th
has a temporal existence of 7,000 verse of the Revelation?
years; 8–10, Various angels restore A. It is the b earth, in its c sancti-
the gospel and minister on earth; 11, fied, d immortal, and e eternal state.
The sealing of the 144,000; 12–14, 2 Q. What are we to understand
Christ will come in the beginning of by the four beasts, spoken of in the
the seventh thousand years; 15, Two same verse?
prophets will be raised up to the Jewish A. They are a figurative expres-
nation. sions, used by the Revelator, John,
110 a Philip. 2:10 (9–11). Morm. 9:16 (16–20); d D&C 20:31.
111 a tg Good Works. D&C 88:47; 117 a tg God, Privilege of
b Rev. 20:12 (12–13). Moses 1:4 (3–5). Seeing.
c Dan. 7:27. b Jacob 4:8; D&C 19:10. 118 a D&C 88:22.
d John 14:2; D&C 59:2; 81:6. 115 a 2 Cor. 12:4; b tg God, Presence of.
112 a tg Servant. 3 Ne. 28:14 (12–14). 119 a Matt. 6:13.
b D&C 29:29. 116 a 3 Ne. 5:18; 17:16 (15–25); 77 1 a Ezek. 1:22; Rev. 4:6.
c Rev. 21:27 (9–27). 19:32 (30–36); b tg Earth, Destiny of.
d D&C 43:33 (18, 33). D&C 76:10. c D&C 130:9.
e Eph. 3:21. b Ezek. 12:2. tg Sanctification.
114 a 1 Chr. 16:9; c 1 Cor. 2:11 (10–12). d tg Immortality.
Ps. 9:1; 26:7; 40:5; 92:5; tg Holy Ghost, e tg Celestial Glory.
Rev. 15:3; Mission of. 2 a tg Symbolism.
145 Doctrine and Covenants 77:3–9
in describing b heaven, the c paradise was a sealed on the back with seven
of God, the d happiness of man, and seals?
of beasts, and of creeping things, A. We are to understand that
and of the fowls of the air; that it contains the revealed will, b mys-
which is spiritual being in the teries, and the works of God; the
likeness of that which is temporal; hidden things of his economy con-
and that which is temporal in the cerning this c earth during the seven
likeness of that which is spiritual; thousand years of its continuance,
the e spirit of man in the likeness or its temporal existence.
of his person, as also the spirit of 7 Q. What are we to understand
the f beast, and every other creature by the seven a seals with which it
which God has created. was sealed?
3 Q. Are the four beasts limited A. We are to understand that
to individual beasts, or do they rep- the first seal contains the things
resent classes or a orders? of the b first thousand years, and the
A. They are limited to four in- c
second also of the second thousand
dividual beasts, which were shown years, and so on until the seventh.
to John, to represent the glory of 8 Q. What are we to understand
the classes of beings in their des- by the four a angels, spoken of in
tined b order or c sphere of creation, the 7th chapter and 1st verse of
in the enjoyment of their d eternal Revelation?
felicity. A. We are to understand that
4 Q. What are we to understand they are four angels sent forth from
by the a eyes and b wings, which the God, to whom is given power over
beasts had? the four parts of the earth, to save
A. Their eyes are a represen- life and to destroy; these are they
tation of light and knowledge, that who have the b everlasting gospel to
is, they are full of c knowledge; and commit to every nation, kindred,
their wings are a d representation of tongue, and people; having power
power, to move, to act, etc. to c shut up the heavens, to seal up
5 Q. What are we to understand by unto life, or to cast down to the d re-
the four and twenty a elders, spoken gions of darkness.
of by John? 9 Q. What are we to understand
A. We are to understand that these by the angel a ascending from the
elders whom John saw, were elders east, Revelation 7th chapter and
who had been b faithful in the work 2nd verse?
of the ministry and were dead; who A. We are to understand that
belonged to the c seven churches, and the angel ascending from the east
were then in the paradise of God. is he to whom is given the seal of
6 Q. What are we to understand the living God over the twelve tribes
by the book which John saw, which of b Israel; wherefore, he crieth unto
2 b tg Heaven. d D&C 29:24. Godliness.
c tg Paradise. e tg Joy. c tg Earth, Destiny of.
d tg Happiness. 4 a Zech. 3:9; 7 a tg Seal.
e D&C 93:33; Rev. 5:6. b D&C 88:108 (108–10).
Abr. 5:7 (7–8). b 2 Chr. 5:8; c Rev. 6:3 (3–4);
tg Man, a Spirit Child Isa. 6:2 (2–7); Moses 8:28 (22, 28–29).
of Heavenly Father; Ezek. 1:11. 8 a Rev. 7:1 (1–8).
Spirit Body. c tg God, Omniscience of. b Rev. 14:6.
f D&C 29:24 (24–25); d tg Symbolism. c 1 Kgs. 8:35;
Moses 3:19. e tg God, Power of. Ether 4:9.
3 a D&C 88:42 (37–42); 5 a Rev. 4:4 (4, 10). d Matt. 8:12 (11–12);
Abr. 3:9. b Rev. 14:4 (2–5). 22:13 (1–14);
b tg Order. c Rev. 1:4. D&C 133:72 (71–73).
c D&C 93:30; 6 a Rev. 5:1. 9 a Rev. 7:2.
Moses 3:9. b tg Mysteries of b Rev. 7:4.
Doctrine and Covenants 77:10–15 146
the four angels having the everlast- the seventh thousand years will the
ing gospel, saying: Hurt not the earth, Lord God e sanctify the earth, and
neither the sea, nor the trees, till we complete the salvation of man, and
have sealed the servants of our God f
judge all things, and shall g redeem
in their c foreheads. And, if you will all things, except that which he hath
receive it, this is d Elias which was to not put into his power, when he shall
come to gather together the tribes have sealed all things, unto the end
of Israel and e restore all things. of all things; and the sounding of
10 Q. What time are the things the trumpets of the seven angels
spoken of in this chapter to be ac- are the preparing and finishing of
complished? his work, in the beginning of the
A. They are to be accomplished seventh thousand years—the h pre-
in the a sixth thousand years, or the paring of the way before the time
opening of the sixth seal. of his coming.
11 Q. What are we to understand 13 Q. When are the things to be
by sealing the a one hundred and accomplished, which are written in
forty-four thousand, out of all the the 9th chapter of Revelation?
tribes of Israel—twelve thousand A. They are to be accomplished
out of every tribe? after the a opening of the seventh
A. We are to understand that seal, b before the coming of Christ.
those who are sealed are b high 14 Q. What are we to understand
priests, ordained unto the holy order by the little book which was a eaten
of God, to administer the everlast- by John, as mentioned in the 10th
ing gospel; for they are they who chapter of Revelation?
are ordained out of every nation, A. We are to understand that
kindred, tongue, and people, by the it was a mission, and an ordinance,
angels to whom is given power over for him to b gather the tribes of Is-
the nations of the earth, to bring as rael; behold, this is Elias, who, as it
many as will come to the church of is written, must come and c restore
the c Firstborn. all things.
12 Q. What are we to understand 15 Q. What is to be understood by
by the sounding of the a trumpets, the two a witnesses, in the eleventh
mentioned in the 8th chapter of chapter of Revelation?
Revelation? A. They are two prophets that
A. We are to understand that are to be raised up to the b Jewish
as God b made the world in six days, nation in the last days, at the time
and on the seventh day he finished of the c restoration, and to prophesy
his work, and c sanctified it, and also to the Jews after they are gathered
formed man out of the d dust of the and have built the city of Jerusalem
earth, even so, in the beginning of in the d land of their fathers.
9 c Ezek. 9:4. Mosiah 13:19 (16–19); 3:2 (1–3);
d bd Elias. Moses 3:3 (1–3); Rev. 10:10.
e tg Restoration of the Abr. 5:3 (1–3). b tg Israel, Gathering of.
Gospel. d Gen. 2:7; c Matt. 17:11.
10 a Rev. 6:12 (12–17). Morm. 9:17; tg Restoration of the
11 a Rev. 7:4 (1–8); 14:3. D&C 93:35 (33–35). Gospel.
b tg High Priest, Melchi- e tg Sanctification. 15 a Zech. 4:14 (12–14);
zedek Priesthood. f tg Jesus Christ, Judge; Rev. 11:3 (1–14).
c D&C 76:54 Judgment, the Last. b tg Israel, Judah,
(54, 67, 71, 102). g tg Jesus Christ, People of.
tg Jesus Christ, Redeemer. c tg Last Days;
Firstborn. h tg Millennium, Restoration of the
12 a Rev. 8:2. Preparing a People for. Gospel.
b tg Creation. 13 a Rev. 8:1. d Amos 9:15 (14–15).
c Gen. 2:3 (1–3); b Mal. 4:5. tg Israel, Land of.
Ex. 20:11; 14 a Ezek. 2:9 (9–10);
147 Doctrine and Covenants 78:1–9
Section 78
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
March 1, 1832. On that day, the Prophet and other leaders had assem
bled to discuss Church business. This revelation originally instructed
the Prophet, Sidney Rigdon, and Newel K. Whitney to travel to Mis
souri and organize the Church’s mercantile and publishing endeavors
by creating a “firm” that would oversee these efforts, generating funds
for the establishment of Zion and for the benefit of the poor. This
firm, known as the United Firm, was organized in April 1832 and dis
banded in 1834 (see section 82). Sometime after its dissolution, under
the direction of Joseph Smith, the phrase “the affairs of the storehouse
for the poor” replaced “mercantile and publishing establishments” in
the revelation, and the word “order” replaced the word “firm.”
1– 4, The Saints should organize and for the c poor of my people, both
establish a storehouse; 5–12, Wise in this place and in the land of
use of their properties will lead to d
salvation; 13–14, The Church should 4 For a permanent and everlast-
be independent of earthly powers; ing establishment and order unto
15–16, Michael (Adam) serves under my church, to advance the cause,
the direction of the Holy One (Christ); which ye have espoused, to the sal-
17–22, Blessed are the faithful, for vation of man, and to the glory of
they will inherit all things. your Father who is in heaven;
5 That you may be a equal in the
The Lord spake unto Joseph Smith, bonds of heavenly things, yea, and
Jun., saying: Hearken unto me, earthly things also, for the obtain-
saith the Lord your God, who are ing of heavenly things.
ordained unto the a high priesthood 6 For if ye are not equal in earthly
of my church, who have assembled things ye cannot be a equal in ob-
yourselves together; taining heavenly things;
2 And listen to the a counsel of him 7 For if you will that I give unto
who has b ordained you from on you a place in the a celestial world,
high, who shall speak in your ears you must b prepare yourselves by
the words of c wisdom, that salva- c
doing the things which I have com-
tion may be unto you in that thing manded you and required of you.
which you have presented before 8 And now, verily thus saith the
me, saith the Lord God. Lord, it is expedient that all things
3 For verily I say unto you, the be done unto my a glory, by you
time has come, and is now at hand; who are joined together in this
and behold, and lo, it must needs be b
that there be an a organization of my 9 Or, in other words, let my servant
people, in regulating and establish- Newel K. Whitney and my ser-
ing the affairs of the b storehouse vant Joseph Smith, Jun., and my
78 1 a tg Priesthood, 3 a D&C 51:3; 6 a D&C 49:20.
Melchizedek. 82:11 (11, 15–21). 7 a tg Celestial Glory;
2 a tg Counsel. b D&C 72:10; 83:5. Objectives.
b tg Priesthood, c D&C 42:30 (30–42). b D&C 29:8; 58:6; 132:3.
Authority; tg Poor; c tg Commitment.
Priesthood, Welfare. 8 a tg Glory.
Ordination. d D&C 57:2. b D&C 92:1.
c tg God, Wisdom of; 5 a tg Consecration;
Wisdom. Zion.
Doctrine and Covenants 78:10–22 148
Section 79
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
March 12, 1832.
9 a D&C 72:6 (1–26). Rev. 5:10; 20:6; d tg Treasure.
10 a tg Devil. D&C 76:56; e tg Eternity.
b tg Hardheartedness. 132:19 (19–20). 19 a Ps. 34:1 (1–3);
c tg Spiritual Blindness. c D&C 107:53; 116; Mosiah 2:20 (20–21).
11 a D&C 82:11 (11, 15). 117:8 (8, 11). tg Thanksgiving.
b tg Covenants. 16 a D&C 27:11. b Matt. 19:29 (27–29).
12 a 1 Tim. 1:20. tg Adam. 20 a D&C 95:17; 107:53; 116.
b 1 Cor. 5:5 (1–7); b D&C 107:54 (54–55). b 1 Thes. 4:17;
D&C 82:21; 104:10 (8–10). 17 a John 13:33; 1 Cor. 2:9; Rev. 11:12.
13 a tg Millennium, Prepar- 1 Jn. 2:1 (1, 12–13). 21 a D&C 76:102.
ing a People for. 18 a John 16:12; b D&C 76:54 (53–54).
14 a D&C 58:4 (3–4). 3 Ne. 17:2 (2–4); c D&C 88:97.
tg Tribulation. D&C 50:40. 22 a D&C 101:61.
15 a tg Exaltation. b tg Cheerful. b tg Stewardship.
b Ex. 19:6; c tg Guidance, Divine. c D&C 84:38.
149 Doctrine and Covenants 79:1–80:5
1– 4, Jared Carter is called to preach 2 And I will send upon him the
the gospel by the Comforter. a
Comforter, which shall teach him
the truth and the b way whither he
Verily I say unto you, that it is my shall go;
will that my servant Jared Carter 3 And inasmuch as he is faith-
should go again into the eastern ful, I will crown him again with
countries, from place to place, and a
from city to city, in the power of 4 Wherefore, let your heart be
the a ordination wherewith he has glad, my servant Jared Carter, and
been ordained, proclaiming glad a
fear not, saith your Lord, even Jesus
tidings of great joy, even the b ev- Christ. Amen.
erlasting gospel.
Section 80
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Stephen Burnett,
at Hiram, Ohio, March 7, 1832.
1–5, Stephen Burnett and Eden Smith servant a Eden Smith.
are called to preach in whatever place 3 Wherefore, go ye and preach my
they choose. gospel, whether to the north or to
the south, to the east or to the west,
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto it mattereth not, for ye cannot go
you my servant a Stephen Burnett: amiss.
Go ye, go ye into the world and 4 Therefore, declare the things
preach the gospel to every b crea- which ye have heard, and verily
ture that cometh under the sound believe, and a know to be true.
of your voice. 5 Behold, this is the will of him who
2 And inasmuch as you desire a hath a called you, your Redeemer,
companion, I will give unto you my even Jesus Christ. Amen.
Section 81
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
March 15, 1832. Frederick G. Williams is called to be a high priest and a
counselor in the Presidency of the High Priesthood. The historical records
show that when this revelation was received in March 1832, it called
Jesse Gause to the office of counselor to Joseph Smith in the Presidency.
However, when he failed to continue in a manner consistent with this
appointment, the call was subsequently transferred to Frederick G. Wil
liams. The revelation (dated March 1832) should be regarded as a step to
ward the formal organization of the First Presidency, specifically calling
for the office of counselor in that body and explaining the dignity of the
appointment. Brother Gause served for a time but was excommunicated
from the Church in December 1832. Brother Williams was ordained to
the specified office on March 18, 1833.
79 1 a D&C 52:38 (38–39). 3 a D&C 31:5. b Mark 16:15.
b Rev. 14:6. 4 a tg Courage; 2 a D&C 75:36.
2 a tg Holy Ghost, Fearful; 4 a D&C 20:17.
Comforter. Joy. tg Testimony.
b Ps. 25:4 (1–5). 80 1 a D&C 75:35. 5 a tg Called of God.
Doctrine and Covenants 81:1–82:2 150
1–2, The keys of the kingdom are al always, vocally and in thy heart, in
ways held by the First Presidency; 3–7, public and in private, also in thy
If Frederick G. Williams is faithful in a
ministry in proclaiming the gos-
his ministry, he will have eternal life. pel in the b land of the living, and
among thy brethren.
Verily, verily, I say unto you my 4 And in doing these things thou
servant Frederick G. Williams: wilt do the greatest a good unto thy
Listen to the voice of him who fellow beings, and wilt promote the
speaketh, to the word of the Lord b
glory of him who is your Lord.
your God, and hearken to the call- 5 Wherefore, be faithful; stand in
ing wherewith you are called, even the office which I have appointed
to be a a high priest in my church, unto you; a succor the b weak, lift up
and a b counselor unto my servant the hands which hang down, and
Joseph Smith, Jun.; c
strengthen the d feeble knees.
2 Unto whom I have given the 6 And if thou art a faithful unto
keys of the kingdom, which belong the end thou shalt have a b crown of
always unto the b Presidency of the c
immortality, and eternal life in the
High Priesthood: d
mansions which I have prepared
3 Therefore, verily I acknowledge in the house of my Father.
him and will bless him, and also 7 Behold, and lo, these are the
thee, inasmuch as thou art faith- words of Alpha and Omega, even
ful in counsel, in the office which I Jesus Christ. Amen.
have appointed unto you, in prayer
Section 82
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, in Independence, Jackson
County, Missouri, April 26, 1832. The occasion was a council of high
priests and elders of the Church. At the council, Joseph Smith was sus
tained as the President of the High Priesthood, to which office he had
previously been ordained at a conference of high priests, elders, and
members, at Amherst, Ohio, January 25, 1832 (see the heading to sec
tion 75). This revelation reiterates instructions given in an earlier reve
lation (section 78) to establish a firm—known as the United Firm (under
Joseph Smith’s direction, the term “order” later replaced “firm”)—to
govern the Church’s mercantile and publishing endeavors.
1– 4, Where much is given, much is Verily, verily, I say unto you, my
required; 5–7, Darkness reigns in the servants, that inasmuch as you
world; 8–13, The Lord is bound when have a forgiven one another your
we do what He says; 14–18, Zion must trespasses, even so I, the Lord, for-
increase in beauty and holiness; 19–24, give you.
Every man should seek the interest of 2 Nevertheless, there are those
his neighbor. among you who have sinned
81 1 a D&C 68:15. 107:17 (9, 17, 22). d Isa. 35:3.
tg High Priest, 3 a tg Mission of 6 a tg Steadfastness.
Melchizedek Latter-day Saints. b tg Exaltation.
Priesthood. b Ps. 27:13. c tg Immortality.
b D&C 35:22 (3–23); 4 a tg Good Works. d John 14:2 (2–3);
90:6; 107:24. b D&C 124:18; Moses 1:39. D&C 59:2; 76:111; 98:18;
tg Counselor. 5 a tg Service. 106:8.
2 a tg Priesthood, Keys of. b Rom. 14:1 (1–3). 82 1 a Matt. 6:14.
b D&C 68:15; c D&C 23:3; 31:8; 108:7. tg Forgive.
151 Doctrine and Covenants 82:3–14
exceedingly; yea, even a all of you 9 Or, in other words, I give unto
have sinned; but verily I say unto you directions how you may a act
you, beware from henceforth, and before me, that it may b turn to you
refrain from sin, lest sore judg- for your salvation.
ments fall upon your heads. 10 I, the Lord, am a bound when
3 For of him unto whom a much is ye do what I say; but when ye do
given much is c required; and he who not what I say, ye have no b promise.
sins against the greater e light shall 11 Therefore, verily I say unto you,
receive the greater g condemnation. that it is expedient for my servants
4 Ye call upon my name for a reve Edward Partridge and Newel K.
lations, and I give them unto you; Whitney, A. Sidney Gilbert and
and inasmuch as ye keep not my Sidney Rigdon, and my servant
sayings, which I give unto you, ye Joseph Smith, and John Whitmer
become transgressors; and b justice and Oliver Cowdery, and W. W.
and judgment are the penalty which Phelps and Martin Harris to be
is affixed unto my law. bound a together by a bond and
5 Therefore, what I say unto one covenant that cannot be b broken by
I say unto all: a Watch, for the b ad- transgression, except judgment shall
versary c spreadeth his dominions, immediately follow, in your several
and d darkness reigneth; c
6 And the anger of God kindleth 12 To manage the affairs of
against the inhabitants of the earth; the poor, and all things pertain-
and a none doeth good, for all have ing to the bishopric a both in the
gone out of the b way. land of Zion and in the land of
7 And now, verily I say unto you, Kirtland;
I, the Lord, will not lay any a sin to 13 For I have consecrated the
your charge; go your ways and sin land of Kirtland in mine own due
no more; but unto that soul who sin- time for the benefit of the saints
neth shall the b former sins return, of the Most High, and for a a stake
saith the Lord your God. to Zion.
8 And again, I say unto you, I give 14 For a Zion must increase in
unto you a a new commandment, b
beauty, and in c holiness; her borders
that you may understand my will must be enlarged; her d stakes must
concerning you; be strengthened; yea, verily I say
2 a Rom. 3:23. b tg God, Justice of; 10 a Josh. 23:14;
b tg Abstain. Justice. 1 Kgs. 8:23;
3 a Luke 12:48; 5 a tg Watch. Ps. 97:10; 145:20 (1–21);
James 4:17. b tg Devil. Prov. 12:2;
tg Accountability; c Isa. 60:2; 1 Ne. 17:35 (33–35);
Talents. D&C 38:11 (11–12). D&C 1:37 (37–38); 58:31;
b Matt. 25:29. d tg Darkness, Spiritual. 130:20 (20–21).
tg Stewardship. 6 a Eccl. 7:20; tg Blessing;
c tg Mission of Matt. 19:17. Obedience.
Latter-day Saints. b Gen. 6:12; b tg Promise.
d tg Apostasy of Rom. 3:12; 11 a D&C 78:3 (3–7, 11–15);
Individuals; D&C 1:16; 92:1.
Sin. Moses 8:29. b D&C 78:11.
e John 15:22 (22–24); 7 a John 8:11 (2–11). c tg Stewardship.
Rom. 7:7 (7–8). tg Sin. 12 a D&C 104:47.
tg Intelligence; b Ps. 79:8; 13 a Isa. 33:20; 54:2;
Light [noun]. Matt. 12:45 (43–45); D&C 68:26; 94:1.
f Luke 12:47 (47–48); 18:32–34; 14 a tg Mission of
James 3:1. D&C 1:33 (32–33); 58:43. Latter-day Saints.
g D&C 18:46. 8 a John 13:34. b tg Beauty.
tg Punish. 9 a D&C 43:8; 103:1. c Lev. 19:2 (2–37).
4 a tg Revelation. b Philip. 1:19. d tg Stake.
Doctrine and Covenants 82:15–83:1 152
unto you, Zion must e arise and put est of his b neighbor, and doing all
on her f beautiful garments. things with an c eye single to the
15 Therefore, I give unto you this glory of God.
commandment, that ye bind your- 20 This order I have appointed to
selves by this covenant, and it shall be an a everlasting b order unto you,
be done according to the laws of and unto your successors, inasmuch
the Lord. as you sin not.
16 Behold, here is a wisdom also in 21 And the soul that sins against
me for your good. this covenant, and a hardeneth his
17 And you are to be a equal, or heart against it, shall be dealt with
in other words, you are to have according to the laws of my church,
equal b claims on the c properties, and shall be delivered over to the
for the benefit of d managing the b
buffetings of Satan until the day
concerns of your stewardships, ev- of redemption.
ery man according to his wants and 22 And now, verily I say unto you,
his needs, inasmuch as his wants and this is wisdom, make unto your-
are just— selves friends with the a mammon
18 And all this for the benefit of of unrighteousness, and they will
the church of the living God, that not destroy you.
every man may a improve upon 23 Leave judgment alone with me,
his b talent, that every man may for it is mine and I will a repay. Peace
gain other d talents, yea, even an be with you; my blessings continue
hundred fold, to be cast into the with you.
Lord’s e storehouse, to become the 24 For even yet the a kingdom is
common f property of the whole yours, and shall be forever, if you
church— fall not from your b steadfastness.
19 a Every man seeking the inter- Even so. Amen.
Section 83
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Independence,
Missouri, April 30, 1832. This revelation was received as the Prophet
sat in council with his brethren.
1– 4, Women and children have claim Verily, thus saith the Lord, in ad-
upon their husbands and fathers for dition to the a laws of the church
their support; 5–6, Widows and or concerning women and children,
phans have claim upon the Church those who belong to the church, who
for their support. have b lost their husbands or fathers:
14 e tg Israel, Restoration of. e D&C 42:33 (33–34, 55); 104:9 (8–10); 132:26.
f Isa. 52:1; 51:13; 119:1 (1–3). 22 a Luke 16:9.
D&C 113:8 (7–8). f D&C 42:30. 23 a Rom. 12:19;
16 a tg God, Wisdom of. 19 a 1 Cor. 10:24. Morm. 3:15.
17 a D&C 51:3. b tg Neighbor. 24 a Luke 12:32;
b tg Consecration. c Prov. 4:21; D&C 64:4.
c tg Wages. D&C 88:67. tg Kingdom of God,
d tg Family, Managing tg Motivations. on Earth.
Finances in. 20 a D&C 104:47. b tg Dedication;
18 a tg Industry. b D&C 78:3 (3–6). Dependability.
b Matt. 25:25 (14–30); 21 a tg Apostasy of 83 1 a D&C 51:8 (7–14).
D&C 60:13. Individuals; b Deut. 10:18;
c tg Work, Value of. Hardheartedness. Isa. 1:17 (16–17);
d tg Talents. b D&C 78:12; James 1:27.
153 Doctrine and Covenants 83:2–84:2
Section 84
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
September 22 and 23, 1832. During the month of September, elders had
begun to return from their missions in the eastern states and to make re
ports of their labors. It was while they were together in this season of joy
that the following communication was received. The Prophet designated
it a revelation on priesthood.
1–5, The New Jerusalem and the temple 98–102, The new song of the redemp
will be built in Missouri; 6–17, The line tion of Zion is given; 103–10, Let every
of priesthood from Moses to Adam is man stand in his own office and labor
given; 18–25, The greater priesthood in his own calling; 111–20, The Lord’s
holds the key of the knowledge of God; servants are to proclaim the abomina
26–32, The lesser priesthood holds the tion of desolation of the last days.
key of the ministering of angels and of
the preparatory gospel; 33– 44, Men A a revelation of Jesus Christ unto
gain eternal life through the oath and his servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and
covenant of the priesthood; 45–53, The six elders, as they b united their hearts
Spirit of Christ enlightens men, and the and c lifted their voices on high.
world lies in sin; 54–61, The Saints 2 Yea, the word of the Lord con-
must testify of those things they have cerning his church, established in
received; 62–76, They are to preach the the last days for the a restoration of
gospel, and signs will follow; 77–91, his people, as he has spoken by the
Elders are to go forth without purse mouth of his b prophets, and for the
or scrip, and the Lord will care for c
gathering of his d saints to stand
their needs; 92–97, Plagues and curs upon e Mount Zion, which shall be
ings await those who reject the gospel; the city of f New Jerusalem.
2 a D&C 75:25. 6 a Deut. 14:29; b Acts 3:21.
b 1 Tim. 5:8 (8–16). Mal. 3:5; Acts 4:35. c D&C 10:65.
c tg Family, Patriarchal; tg Widows. d tg Saints.
Marriage, Husbands. b Zech. 7:10; e Isa. 2:3 (2–5); 18:7; 24:23;
4 a Mosiah 4:14 (14–15). Mosiah 4:26 (16–26); Heb. 12:22 (22, 24);
tg Children. Hel. 4:12; Rev. 14:1;
b tg Birth Control. D&C 42:30 (30–39, 71). 3 Ne. 20:33 (22–34);
c tg Family, Children, 84 1 a Gal. 1:12. D&C 76:66; 84:32;
Responsibilities b 3 Ne. 27:1 (1–2); 133:56 (18, 56).
toward. D&C 29:6. f Ether 13:6 (2–11);
5 a D&C 51:4 (3–4). c tg Prayer. D&C 42:9; 45:66 (66–67);
b D&C 78:3. 2 a tg Israel, A of F 1:10.
tg Welfare. Restoration of. tg Jerusalem, New.
Doctrine and Covenants 84:3–19 154
3 Which city shall be a built, be- 11 And Gad under the hand of
ginning at the b temple lot, which Esaias;
is appointed by the finger of the 12 And Esaias received it under
Lord, in the western boundaries of the hand of God.
the State of Missouri, and c dedicated 13 a Esaias also lived in the days
by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun., of Abraham, and was blessed of
and others with whom the Lord was him—
well pleased. 14 Which a Abraham received the
4 Verily this is the word of the priesthood from b Melchizedek, who
Lord, that the city a New Jerusalem received it through the lineage of
shall be built by the gathering of his fathers, even till c Noah;
the saints, beginning at this place, 15 And from Noah till a Enoch,
even the place of the temple, which through the lineage of their fathers;
temple shall be c reared in this 16 And from Enoch to a Abel, who
generation. was slain by the b conspiracy of his
5 For verily this generation shall brother, who c received the priest-
not all a pass away until an b house hood by the commandments of God,
shall be built unto the Lord, and by the hand of his father d Adam,
a c cloud shall rest upon it, which who was the first man—
cloud shall be even the d glory of 17 Which a priesthood b continueth
the Lord, which shall fill the house. in the church of God in all genera-
6 a And the b sons of Moses, accord- tions, and is without c beginning of
ing to the Holy Priesthood which days or end of years.
he received under the c hand of his 18 And the Lord confirmed a
father-in-law, d Jethro; a
priesthood also upon b Aaron and
7 And Jethro received it under the his c seed, throughout all their gen-
hand of Caleb; erations, which priesthood also con-
8 And Caleb received it under the tinueth and d abideth forever with
hand of Elihu; the priesthood which is after the
9 And Elihu under the hand of holiest order of God.
Jeremy; 19 And this greater a priesthood
10 And Jeremy under the hand administereth the gospel and hold-
of Gad; eth the b key of the c mysteries of
3 a D&C 101:18; 103:11. b Lev. 8:13; Moses 6:7;
b D&C 57:3; 58:57; D&C 84:34 (18–41). Abr. 2:9 (9, 11).
97:10 (10–20); c tg Hands, Laying on of. tg Priesthood,
124:51 (49–51). d Ex. 2:18 (16–18); 3:1; 18:1; Melchizedek.
c D&C 52:2. Num. 10:29. b D&C 13; 90:3; 122:9;
4 a D&C 45:66; Moses 7:62. tg Priesthood, History of. 124:130.
tg Mission of Latter-day 13 a D&C 76:100. c Heb. 7:3.
Saints. 14 a Abr. 1:3 (1–4, 19, 31). 18 a tg Priesthood, History of.
b tg Temple. b Gen. 14:18 (17–20); b Ex. 40:15 (12–15);
c D&C 124:51 (49–54). jst Gen. 14:25–40 (Bible Num. 16:40;
d Matt. 23:36; 24:34; Appendix); 2 Chr. 26:18;
JS—M 1:34. Alma 13:14 (1–19); D&C 68:18;
5 a D&C 45:31. D&C 107:2. 107:13 (13–16, 70–76).
b D&C 124:31 (25–55). bd Melchizedek. c Lev. 8:13;
c Ex. 33:9; 40:34; c Gen. 5:29. D&C 84:6 (6–26, 33–41).
Num. 14:14; 15 a Gen. 5:21 (21–31); d Num. 25:13; D&C 13.
1 Kgs. 8:10; Moses 6:21 (21–68); 19 a tg Priesthood,
2 Chr. 5:14 (11–14); 7:1 (1–69). Melchizedek.
3 Ne. 18:38. 16 a Gen. 4:25 (2, 25). b D&C 28:7; 35:18; 64:5.
tg God, Presence of. b Moses 5:29 (29–32). tg Priesthood, Keys of.
d 2 Chr. 7:2 (2–3); c D&C 107:42 (1, 40–57); c D&C 63:23;
D&C 45:67; 64:41 (41–43); Moses 6:2. 107:19 (18–19).
97:15 (15–20); 109:12, 37. d 1 Cor. 15:45. tg Mysteries of
tg God, Manifestations of. tg Adam. Godliness.
6 a D&C 84:31 (31–34). 17 a Alma 13:1 (1–19);
155 Doctrine and Covenants 84:20–31
high priests; ye are they whom my my name, for the b remission of their
Father hath b given me; ye are my sins, that they may receive the Holy
friends; Ghost, shall be c damned, and shall
64 Therefore, as I said unto mine not come into my Father’s kingdom
apostles I say unto you again, that where my Father and I am.
every a soul who b believeth on your 75 And this revelation unto you,
words, and is baptized by water for and commandment, is in force from
the c remission of sins, shall d receive this very hour upon all the a world,
the Holy Ghost. and the gospel is unto all who have
65 And these a signs shall follow not received it.
them that believe— 76 But, verily I say unto all those to
66 In my name they shall do many whom the kingdom has been given—
wonderful a works; from you it a must be b preached unto
67 In my a name they shall cast them, that they shall repent of their
out devils; former evil works; for they are to
68 In my name they shall a heal be upbraided for their evil c hearts
the sick; of unbelief, and your brethren in
69 In my name they shall a open Zion for their d rebellion against you
the eyes of the blind, and unstop at the time I sent you.
the ears of the deaf; 77 And again I say unto you, my
70 And the tongue of the dumb friends, for from henceforth I shall
shall speak; call you a friends, it is expedient that
71 And if any man shall adminis- I give unto you this commandment,
ter a poison unto them it shall not that ye become even as my friends
hurt them; in days when I was with them,
72 And the a poison of a serpent traveling to preach the gospel in
shall not have power to harm them. my power;
73 But a commandment I give unto 78 For I suffered them not to have
them, that they shall not a boast a
purse or scrip, neither two coats.
themselves of these things, neither 79 Behold, I a send you out to
speak them before the world; for b
prove the world, and the laborer
these things are given unto you for is worthy of his c hire.
your profit and for salvation. 80 And any man that shall go and
74 Verily, verily, I say unto you, preach this a gospel of the kingdom,
they who believe not on your words, and fail not to continue b faithful
and are not a baptized in water in in all things, shall not be weary in
63 b John 6:37; 17:9; 69 a Matt. 9:28 (28–31); Revelation;
3 Ne. 15:24; 20:30 (30–34); World.
D&C 27:14; 50:41 (41–42). John 9:1 (1–4); 76 a Isa. 49:6 (5–7).
c Ex. 33:11; Mosiah 3:5; b tg Priesthood,
John 15:14 (13–15); 3 Ne. 17:9 (7–10). Magnifying Callings
Ether 12:39; tg Sight. within.
D&C 84:77; 88:62; 93:45. 71 a Mark 16:18. c tg Hardheartedness.
64 a tg Soul. 72 a Acts 28:3 (3–9); d ie in April 1832.
b Mark 16:16 (15–18). D&C 24:13; 77 a D&C 84:63.
tg Believe. 124:99 (98–100). tg Friendship.
c tg Remission of Sins. 73 a Prov. 4:24; 78 a Matt. 10:9 (9–10);
d tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. Rom. 3:27; Luke 10:4;
65 a Mark 16:17. D&C 105:24. 22:35 (35–36);
tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of; tg Boast. D&C 24:18.
Miracle; 74 a 2 Ne. 9:23; 79 a tg Delegation of
Signs. D&C 76:52 (50–52); Responsibility.
66 a tg God, Works of. 137:6. b tg Test.
67 a Matt. 7:22; 10:8; tg Baptism, Essential. c D&C 31:5.
17:21 (14–21). b tg Remission of Sins. 80 a Matt. 9:35;
68 a Luke 4:39. c John 3:18; 12:48. JS—M 1:31.
tg Heal. 75 a tg Missionary Work; b tg Dependability.
159 Doctrine and Covenants 84:81–98
the knowledge of the Lord, and man who goes forth to proclaim
shall b see eye to eye, and shall lift mine everlasting gospel, that inas-
up their voice, and with the voice much as they have a families, and
together c sing this new song, saying: receive b money by gift, that they
99 The Lord hath brought again should send it unto them or make
Zion; use of it for their benefit, as the
The Lord hath a redeemed his people, Lord shall direct them, for thus it
Israel, seemeth me good.
According to the c election of d grace, 104 And let all those who have not
Which was brought to pass by the families, who receive a money, send it
faith up unto the bishop in Zion, or unto
And e covenant of their fathers. the bishop in Ohio, that it may be
100 The Lord hath redeemed his consecrated for the bringing forth
people; of the revelations and the printing
And Satan is a bound and b time is thereof, and for establishing Zion.
no longer. 105 And if any man shall give unto
The Lord hath gathered all things any of you a coat, or a suit, take the
in c one. old and cast it unto the a poor, and
The Lord hath brought down d Zion go on your way rejoicing.
from above. 106 And if any man among you be
The Lord hath e brought up Zion a
strong in the Spirit, let him take
from beneath. with him him that is b weak, that he
101 The a earth hath travailed and may be c edified in all d meekness,
brought forth her strength; that he may become strong also.
And truth is established in her 107 Therefore, take with you those
bowels; who are ordained unto the a lesser
And the heavens have smiled upon priesthood, and send them b before
her; you to make appointments, and to
And she is clothed with the c glory prepare the way, and to fill appoint-
of her God; ments that you yourselves are not
For he d stands in the midst of his able to fill.
people. 108 Behold, this is the way that
102 Glory, and honor, and power, mine apostles, in ancient days, built
and might, up my church unto me.
Be ascribed to our God; for he is 109 Therefore, let every man stand
full of a mercy, in his own a office, and b labor in his
Justice, grace and truth, and b peace, own calling; and let not the c head
Forever and ever, Amen. say unto the feet it hath no need of
103 And again, verily, verily, I say the feet; for without the feet how
unto you, it is expedient that every shall the body be able to stand?
98 b Isa. 52:8. 88:110; 101:28. 103 a tg Family.
c Ps. 96:1; Rev. 15:3; b Alma 40:8. b tg Family, Managing
D&C 25:12; 133:56. tg Time. Finances in.
tg Singing. c Eph. 1:10; 104 a D&C 51:8 (8–13);
99 a Deut. 21:8; D&C 27:13. 58:51 (49–51).
Ps. 25:22; d D&C 45:12 (11–14); 105 a tg Poor.
Rom. 11:26 (25–28); Moses 7:63 (62–64). 106 a tg Fellowshipping.
D&C 43:29; 100:13; tg Zion. b Rom. 14:1 (1–4, 10, 13).
136:18. e D&C 76:102; 88:96. c tg Edification.
b tg Israel, Restoration of. 101 a tg Earth, Destiny of. d tg Meek.
c tg Election. b Moses 7:64 (54–67). 107 a tg Priesthood, Aaronic.
d tg Grace. c tg Glory. b Luke 10:1 (1–12).
e tg Abrahamic d tg God, Presence of. 109 a tg Church Organization.
Covenant. e Jer. 30:22. b tg Priesthood, Magnify-
100 a Rev. 20:2 (2–3); 102 a tg God, Mercy of. ing Callings within.
D&C 43:31; 45:55; b tg Peace of God. c 1 Cor. 12:21.
161 Doctrine and Covenants 84:110–120
110 Also the body hath need of things the hour of their judgment
every a member, that all may be is nigh, and their house shall be left
edified together, that the system unto them a desolate.
may be kept perfect. 116 Let him a trust in me and he
111 And behold, the a high priests shall not be b confounded; and a
should travel, and also the elders, c
hair of his head shall not fall to
and also the lesser b priests; but the the ground unnoticed.
deacons and d teachers should be ap- 117 And verily I say unto you, the
pointed to e watch over the church, rest of my servants, go ye forth as
to be standing ministers unto the your circumstances shall permit,
church. in your several callings, unto the
112 And the bishop, Newel K. great and notable cities and villages,
Whitney, also should travel round a
reproving the world in righteous-
about and among all the churches, ness of all their unrighteous and
searching after the poor to a admin- ungodly deeds, setting forth clearly
ister to their wants by b humbling and understandingly the desolation
the rich and the proud. of b abomination in the last days.
113 He should also employ an 118 For, with you saith the Lord
agent to take charge and to do his a
Almighty, I will b rend their c king-
secular business as he shall direct. doms; I will not only d shake the
114 Nevertheless, let the bishop go earth, but the e starry heavens shall
unto the city of New York, also to tremble.
the city of Albany, and also to the 119 For I, the Lord, have put forth
city of Boston, and warn the peo- my hand to exert the a powers of
ple of those a cities with the sound heaven; ye cannot see it now, yet
of the gospel, with a loud voice, of a b little while and ye shall see it,
the b desolation and utter abolish- and know that I am, and that c I will
ment which await them if they do d
come and reign with my people.
reject these things. 120 I am a Alpha and Omega, the
115 For if they do reject these beginning and the end. Amen.
Section 85
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, No
vember 27, 1832. This section is an extract from a letter of the Prophet to
William W. Phelps, who was living in Independence, Missouri. It answers
questions about those Saints who had moved to Zion but who had not fol
lowed the commandment to consecrate their properties and had thus not
received their inheritances according to the established order in the Church.
110 a tg Church. 3 Ne. 9:3. c tg Kings, Earthly.
b tg Edification. b D&C 1:13 (13–14). d Joel 2:10;
111 a tg High Priest, 115 a Luke 13:35. D&C 43:18; 45:33 (33, 48);
Melchizedek Priesthood. 116 a Prov. 28:25 (25–26); 88:87 (87, 90).
b tg Priest, Aaronic Isa. 50:10; tg Last Days.
Priesthood. D&C 11:12. e D&C 21:6.
c tg Deacon. tg Trust in God. 119 a Matt. 24:29.
d tg Teacher. b Ps. 22:5; 1 Pet. 2:6; b Heb. 10:37.
e tg Watch. D&C 49:27. c Ex. 15:18.
112 a tg Poor; Welfare. c Matt. 10:30; Luke 21:18. d D&C 1:36 (12, 35–36);
b D&C 56:16. 117 a Titus 1:13. 29:11 (9–11); 45:59; 104:59.
113 a D&C 51:8 (8–12); b tg Abomination of tg Jesus Christ, Millen-
53:4; 90:22. Desolation; Warn. nial Reign; Jesus Christ,
114 a Matt. 11:20; 118 a tg God, Power of. Second Coming.
Alma 34:31 (31–36); b Dan. 2:44 (34–35, 44–45). 120 a D&C 35:1.
Doctrine and Covenants 85:1–11 162
Section 86
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
December 6, 1832. This revelation was received while the Prophet was
reviewing and editing the manuscript of the translation of the Bible.
1–7, The Lord gives the meaning of the waiting to be sent forth to b reap
parable of the wheat and tares; 8–11, down the fields;
He explains priesthood blessings to 6 But the Lord saith unto them,
those who are lawful heirs according pluck not up the tares while the
to the flesh. blade is yet tender (for verily your
faith is weak), lest you destroy the
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you wheat also.
my servants, concerning the a para- 7 Therefore, let the wheat and the
ble of the b wheat and of the tares: a
tares grow together until the har-
2 Behold, verily I say, the field was vest is fully ripe; then ye shall first
the world, and the apostles were the gather out the wheat from among
sowers of the seed; the tares, and after the gathering of
3 And after they have fallen asleep the wheat, behold and lo, the tares
the great persecutor of the church, are bound in bundles, and the field
the apostate, the a whore, even b Bab- remaineth to be b burned.
ylon, that maketh all nations to 8 Therefore, thus saith the Lord
drink of her cup, in whose hearts unto you, with whom the a priest-
the enemy, even Satan, sitteth to hood hath continued through the
reign—behold he soweth the c tares; lineage of your fathers—
wherefore, the tares choke the wheat 9 For ye are lawful a heirs, accord-
and drive the d church into the wil- ing to the flesh, and have been
derness. b
hid from the world with Christ
4 But behold, in the a last days, in God—
even now while the Lord is begin- 10 Therefore your life and the
ning to bring forth the word, and a
priesthood have remained, and must
the blade is springing up and is yet needs remain through you and your
tender— lineage until the b restoration of all
5 Behold, verily I say unto you, the things spoken by the mouths of
angels are crying unto the Lord all the holy prophets since the world
day and night, who are ready and began.
12 a Ezra 2:61 (61–62); c tg Apostasy of the 9 a Abr. 2:9 (9–11).
Neh. 7:63 (63–64). Early Christian tg Abrahamic
b tg Priesthood, Church. Covenant;
Qualifying for. d Rev. 12:6 (6, 14). Birthright;
86 1 a D&C 101:65 (64–75). 4 a tg Last Days. Seed of Abraham.
b Matt. 13:36 (6–43). 5 a D&C 38:12. b Col. 3:3 (3–4).
2 a Matt. 13:37; b tg Harvest. 10 a tg Priesthood,
Mark 4:3. 7 a D&C 101:66. Melchizedek.
tg Mission of Early b Matt. 13:40; b Acts 3:21;
Saints. Rev. 18:8 (6–8). D&C 132:45.
3 a tg Whore. 8 a D&C 113:8. tg Restoration of
b Rev. 17:5 (1–9). tg Priesthood, the Gospel.
tg Babylon. History of.
Doctrine and Covenants 86:11–87:8 164
Section 87
Revelation and prophecy on war, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at or
near Kirtland, Ohio, December 25, 1832. At this time disputes in the United
States over slavery and South Carolina’s nullification of federal tariffs were
prevalent. Joseph Smith’s history states that “appearances of troubles among
the nations” were becoming “more visible” to the Prophet “than they had previ
ously been since the Church began her journey out of the wilderness.”
1– 4, War is foretold between the 5 And it shall come to pass also
Northern States and the Southern that the a remnants who are left of
States; 5– 8, Great calamities will fall the land will marshal themselves,
upon all the inhabitants of the earth. and shall become exceedingly an-
gry, and shall vex the Gentiles with
Verily, thus saith the Lord concern- a sore vexation.
ing the a wars that will b shortly come 6 And thus, with the a sword and
to pass, beginning at the rebellion by bloodshed the inhabitants of the
of c South Carolina, which will even- earth shall b mourn; and with c fam-
tually terminate in the death and ine, and plague, and earthquake,
misery of many souls; and the thunder of heaven, and
2 And the a time will come that the fierce and vivid lightning also,
war will be poured out upon all shall the inhabitants of the earth
nations, beginning at this place. be made to feel the wrath, and in-
3 For behold, the Southern States dignation, and d chastening e hand
shall be divided against the North- of an Almighty God, until the con-
ern States, and the Southern States sumption decreed hath made a full
will call on other nations, even f
end of all g nations;
the nation of Great Britain, as it is 7 That the cry of the saints, and of
called, and they shall also call upon the a blood of the saints, shall cease
other nations, in order to defend to come up into the ears of the Lord
themselves against other nations; of b Sabaoth, from the earth, to be
and then a war shall be poured out avenged of their enemies.
upon all nations. 8 Wherefore, a stand ye in holy
4 And it shall come to pass, after places, and be not moved, until the
many days, a slaves shall rise up day of the Lord come; for behold,
against their masters, who shall be it cometh b quickly, saith the Lord.
marshaled and disciplined for war. Amen.
11 a Ex. 34:6 (5–7); 63:33; 130:12. tg Drought; Famine;
2 Ne. 4:17; 9:10. 3 a D&C 45:69. Plague.
b Isa. 49:6. 4 a D&C 134:12. d tg Chastening.
tg Mission of Latter-day 5 a Micah 5:8 (8–15); e Ether 1:1.
Saints; Peculiar People. 3 Ne. 16:15 (7–15); f tg World, End of.
c Obad. 1:21. 20:16 (15–21); g Mark 13:8; 1 Ne. 14:15.
d Neh. 1:10; 21:12 (12–21); 7 a Rev. 6:10 (1, 10); 19:2;
D&C 109:59 (59–67). D&C 109:65 (65–67). 2 Ne. 28:10;
87 1 a D&C 45:26. tg Israel, Remnant of. Morm. 8:27 (27, 40–41);
b JS—H 1:41 (40–41). 6 a Deut. 32:41; 2 Ne. 1:12. Ether 8:22 (22–24).
c D&C 130:12 (12–13). b D&C 29:15 (14–21); 45:49. b James 5:4;
2 a tg Last Days. tg Mourning. D&C 88:2; 95:7.
b Joel 3:9 (9–16); c Joel 1:10; 8 a Matt. 24:15; D&C 45:32;
Matt. 24:6 (6–7); D&C 43:25 (24–25); 101:22 (21–22, 64).
D&C 38:29; 45:63 (26, 63); JS—M 1:29. b Rev. 3:11; D&C 1:12.
165 Doctrine and Covenants 88:1–7
Section 88
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet at Kirtland, Ohio, De
cember 27 and 28, 1832, and January 3, 1833. The Prophet designated it as
the “ ‘olive leaf’ . . . plucked from the Tree of Paradise, the Lord’s message
of peace to us.” The revelation was given after high priests at a conference
prayed “separately and vocally to the Lord to reveal his will unto us con
cerning the upbuilding of Zion.”
1–5, Faithful Saints receive that Com Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you
forter, which is the promise of eternal who have assembled yourselves to-
life; 6–13, All things are controlled and gether to receive his will concern-
governed by the Light of Christ; 14– ing you:
16, The Resurrection comes through 2 Behold, this is pleasing unto
the Redemption; 17–31, Obedience to your Lord, and the angels a rejoice
celestial, terrestrial, or telestial law over you; the b alms of your prayers
prepares men for those respective king have come up into the ears of the
doms and glories; 32–35, Those who Lord of c Sabaoth, and are recorded
will to abide in sin remain filthy still; in the d book of the names of the
36 – 41, All kingdoms are governed by sanctified, even them of the celestial
law; 42– 45, God has given a law unto world.
all things; 46 –50, Man will compre 3 Wherefore, I now send upon you
hend even God; 51–61, The parable another a Comforter, even upon
of the man sending his servants into you my friends, that it may abide
the field and visiting them in turn; in your hearts, even the Holy Spirit
62–73, Draw near unto the Lord, and of b promise; which other Comforter
ye will see His face; 74– 80, Sanctify is the same that I promised unto
yourselves and teach one another the my disciples, as is recorded in the
doctrines of the kingdom; 81–85, Every testimony of John.
man who has been warned should warn 4 This Comforter is the a promise
his neighbor; 86–94, Signs, upheavals which I give unto you of b eternal
of the elements, and angels prepare life, even the c glory of the celestial
the way for the coming of the Lord; kingdom;
95–102, Angelic trumps call forth the 5 Which glory is that of the church
dead in their order; 103–16, Angelic of the a Firstborn, even of God, the
trumps proclaim the restoration of the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ
gospel, the fall of Babylon, and the his Son—
battle of the great God; 117–26, Seek 6 He that a ascended up on high, as
learning, establish a house of God (a also he b descended below all things, in
temple), and clothe yourselves with that he c comprehended all things,
the bond of charity; 127– 41, The or that he might be in all and through
der of the School of the Prophets is all things, the d light of truth;
set forth, including the ordinance of 7 Which truth shineth. This is the
washing of feet. a
light of Christ. As also he is in the
88 2 a Luke 15:7 (7–10). D&C 76:53; Condescension of.
b Acts 10:2 (1–4); 132:19 (19, 26, 49). c tg God, Omniscience of.
D&C 112:1. 4 a 1 Jn. 2:25. d D&C 93:2 (2, 8–39).
tg Almsgiving; b D&C 14:7; 131:5. tg Light [noun];
Prayer. c tg Celestial Glory. Truth.
c James 5:4; 5 a D&C 77:11. 7 a Moro. 7:19 (15–19);
D&C 87:7; 95:7. 6 a Ps. 68:18; D&C 84:45; 93:36.
d tg Book of Life. Eph. 4:8. tg God, Spirit of;
3 a John 14:16. b D&C 122:8. Light of Christ.
b 2 Pet. 1:19; tg Jesus Christ,
Doctrine and Covenants 88:8–25 166
sun, and the light of the sun, and soul is through him that a quickeneth
the power thereof by which it was all things, in whose bosom it is de-
made. creed that the b poor and the c meek
8 As also he is in the moon, and is of the d earth shall inherit it.
the light of the moon, and the power 18 Therefore, it must needs be
thereof by which it was made; a
sanctified from all b unrighteous-
9 As also the light of the stars, and ness, that it may be prepared for
the power thereof by which they the c celestial glory;
were made; 19 For after it hath filled the
10 And the earth also, and the measure of its creation, it shall be
power thereof, even the earth upon crowned with a glory, even with the
which you a stand. presence of God the Father;
11 And the light which shineth, 20 That bodies who are of the
which giveth you light, is through a
celestial kingdom may b possess it
him who enlighteneth your eyes, forever and ever; for, for this c in-
which is the same light that quick- tent was it made and created, and
eneth your a understandings; for this intent are they d sanctified.
12 Which a light proceedeth forth 21 And they who are not a sanctified
from the presence of God to b fill through the b law which I have given
the immensity of space— unto you, even the law of Christ,
13 The a light which is in all must inherit c another kingdom,
things, which giveth b life to all things, even that of a terrestrial kingdom,
which is the c law by which all or that of a telestial kingdom.
things are governed, even the d power 22 For he who is not able to abide
of God who e sitteth upon his throne, the a law of a celestial kingdom can-
who is in the bosom of eternity, who not b abide a c celestial glory.
is in the midst of all things. 23 And he who cannot abide the
14 Now, verily I say unto you, that law of a a terrestrial kingdom cannot
through the a redemption which is abide a terrestrial glory.
made for you is brought to pass the 24 And he who cannot abide the
resurrection from the dead. law of a a telestial b kingdom cannot
15 And the a spirit and the b body abide a telestial c glory; therefore he
are the c soul of man. is not meet for a kingdom of glory.
16 And the a resurrection from the Therefore he must abide a kingdom
dead is the redemption of the soul. which is not a kingdom of glory.
17 And the redemption of the 25 And again, verily I say unto
7 b Gen. 1:16. Redemption; c tg Celestial Glory.
tg Creation; Resurrection. 19 a D&C 130:7 (7–9).
Jesus Christ, Creator; 15 a tg Man, a Spirit Child of tg Earth, Destiny of.
Jesus Christ, Power of. Heavenly Father; Spirit 20 a tg Earth, Purpose of.
10 a Moses 2:1. Body; Spirit Creation. b D&C 38:20.
11 a tg Understanding. b tg Body, Sanctity of. c Moses 1:39.
12 a 1 Tim. 6:16. c Gen. 2:7; tg Man, Potential to
tg Light of Christ. Ezek. 37:14 (6–14); Become like Heavenly
b Ps. 139:7 (7–12); Alma 40:23 (16–24). Father.
Jer. 23:24. tg Soul. d tg Man, New, Spiritually
13 a Col. 1:17 (16–17). 16 a Alma 11:45 (40–45). Reborn.
b Deut. 30:20; 17 a 1 Tim. 6:13. 21 a tg Sanctification.
D&C 10:70. b Luke 6:20; b tg God, Law of.
tg Jesus Christ, Creator. D&C 104:16. c D&C 43:33 (18, 33);
c Job 38:33 (1–41); tg Poor. 76:112 (102, 112).
D&C 88:38 (36–38). c Zeph. 2:3 (1–3); 22 a D&C 105:5.
tg God, Law of. Matt. 5:5; D&C 38:20. b D&C 76:118.
d 2 Cor. 4:7. tg Meek. c tg Celestial Glory.
tg Jesus Christ, Power of. d tg Earth, Destiny of. 23 a tg Terrestrial Glory.
e Ps. 47:8; Rev. 7:15. 18 a tg Earth, Purpose of. 24 a tg Telestial Glory.
14 a tg Jesus Christ, b Gen. 6:11; b D&C 76:44 (44–48).
Atonement through; Moses 8:28 (28–30). c Moses 1:13.
167 Doctrine and Covenants 88:26–40
you, the a earth abideth the law of 33 For what doth it profit a man
a celestial kingdom, for it filleth if a gift is bestowed upon him, and
the b measure of its creation, and he receive not the gift? Behold, he
transgresseth not the law— rejoices not in that which is given
26 Wherefore, it shall be a sancti- unto him, neither rejoices in him
fied; yea, notwithstanding it shall who is the giver of the gift.
die, it shall be c quickened again, 34 And again, verily I say unto you,
and shall abide the power by which that which is a governed by law is
it is quickened, and the d righteous also preserved by law and perfected
shall e inherit it. and b sanctified by the same.
27 For notwithstanding they die, 35 That which a breaketh a law, and
they also shall a rise again, a b spiri b
abideth not by c law, but seeketh to
tual body. become a law unto itself, and wil-
28 They who are of a celestial leth to abide in sin, and altogether
spirit shall receive the same b body abideth in sin, cannot be sanctified
which was a natural body; even ye by law, neither by mercy, d justice,
shall receive your bodies, and your nor e judgment. Therefore, they must
glory shall be that glory by which remain f filthy still.
your bodies are d quickened. 36 All kingdoms have a law given;
29 Ye who are a quickened by a por- 37 And there are many a kingdoms;
tion of the b celestial glory shall then for there is no b space in the which
receive of the same, even a fulness. there is no c kingdom; and there is
30 And they who are quickened no kingdom in which there is no
by a portion of the a terrestrial glory space, either a greater or a lesser
shall then receive of the same, even kingdom.
a fulness. 38 And unto every kingdom is given
31 And also they who are quick- a a law; and unto every law there are
ened by a portion of the a telestial certain bounds also and conditions.
glory shall then receive of the same, 39 All beings who abide not in
even a fulness. those a conditions are not b justified.
32 And they who remain shall 40 For a intelligence cleaveth unto
also be a quickened; nevertheless, intelligence; b wisdom receiveth
they shall return again to their own wisdom; c truth embraceth truth;
place, to enjoy that which they are d
virtue loveth virtue; e light cleaveth
willing to receive, because they unto light; f mercy hath g compassion
were not willing to enjoy that which on mercy and claimeth her own;
they might have received. h
justice continueth its course and
25 a tg Earth, Destiny of. b tg Man, Potential to Morm. 9:14.
b 2 Ne. 2:12. Become like Heavenly tg Filthiness.
26 a tg Sanctification. Father. 37 a D&C 76:24;
b tg World, End of. 30 a D&C 76:71 (71–80). Moses 1:33.
c tg Earth, Renewal of. tg Terrestrial Glory. b tg Astronomy.
d 2 Pet. 3:13 (11–13). 31 a D&C 76:81 (81–90, 98). c tg Order.
tg Righteousness. tg Telestial Glory. 38 a Job 38:33 (1–41);
e Matt. 5:5; 32 a Alma 11:41 (41–45); D&C 88:13.
D&C 38:20; 45:58; 56:20; D&C 76:39. tg God, Law of.
57:5; 59:2; b tg Agency. 39 a D&C 130:21 (20–21).
63:20 (20, 48–49). 34 a tg Governments; Order. b tg Justification.
27 a tg Resurrection. b tg Sanctification. 40 a tg Intelligence.
b 1 Cor. 15:44. 35 a tg Disobedience. b tg Wisdom.
28 a tg Spirit Body. b tg Rebellion. c tg Truth.
b tg Body, Sanctity of. c Prov. 28:9. d tg Chastity; Virtue.
c tg Judgment, the Last. d tg God, Justice of. e tg Light [noun].
d 1 Cor. 15:35; e tg Judgment. f tg Mercy.
D&C 43:32; 63:51; 101:31. f Rev. 22:11; g tg Compassion.
29 a D&C 76:70 (50–70). 1 Ne. 15:33 (33–35); h tg God, Justice of;
tg Celestial Glory. 2 Ne. 9:16; Alma 7:21; Justice.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:41–60 168
claimeth its own; judgment goeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall
before the face of him who sitteth come when you shall b comprehend
upon the throne and governeth and even God, being quickened in him
executeth all things. and by him.
41 He a comprehendeth all things, 50 Then shall ye know that ye
and all things are before him, and have a seen me, that I am, and that
all things are round about him; and I am the true b light that is in you,
he is above all things, and in all and that you are in me; otherwise
things, and is through all things, ye could not abound.
and is round about all things; and 51 Behold, I will liken these king-
all things are by him, and of him, doms unto a man having a field,
even God, forever and ever. and he sent forth his servants into
42 And again, verily I say unto the field to dig in the field.
you, he hath given a a law unto all 52 And he said unto the first: Go
things, by which they move in their ye and labor in the field, and in
times and their seasons; the first hour I will come unto you,
43 And their courses are fixed, even and ye shall behold the joy of my
the courses of the heavens and the countenance.
earth, which comprehend the earth 53 And he said unto the second:
and all the planets. Go ye also into the field, and in the
44 And they give a light to each other second hour I will visit you with the
in their times and in their seasons, in joy of my countenance.
their minutes, in their hours, in their 54 And also unto the third, saying:
days, in their weeks, in their months, I will visit you;
in their years—all these are b one year 55 And unto the fourth, and so on
with God, but not with man. unto the twelfth.
45 The earth a rolls upon her wings, 56 And the lord of the field went
and the b sun giveth his light by unto the first in the first hour, and
day, and the moon giveth her light tarried with him all that hour, and
by night, and the stars also give their he was made glad with the light of
light, as they roll upon their wings the countenance of his lord.
in their glory, in the midst of the 57 And then he withdrew from the
power of God. first that he might visit the second
46 Unto what shall I liken these also, and the third, and the fourth,
kingdoms, that ye may understand? and so on unto the twelfth.
47 Behold, all these are a kingdoms, 58 And thus they all received the
and any man who hath b seen any light of the countenance of their
or the least of these hath c seen God lord, every man in his hour, and in
moving in his majesty and power. his time, and in his season—
48 I say unto you, he hath seen him; 59 Beginning at the first, and so
nevertheless, he who came unto his on unto the a last, and from the
own was not comprehended. last unto the first, and from the first
49 The a light shineth in darkness, unto the last;
and the darkness comprehendeth 60 Every man in his own a order,
41 a Job 22:13 (13–14); 44 a tg Light [noun]. 48 a John 1:11.
Ps. 94:9 (7–10); D&C 38:2; b Ps. 90:4; 2 Pet. 3:8. 49 a D&C 6:21; 50:24 (23–24);
Moses 1:35 (35–37); 7:36; 45 a Hel. 12:15 (8–15). 67:9; 84:45 (45–47).
Abr. 3:2 (1–16). b Gen. 1:16; b John 17:3;
tg God, Intelligence of; D&C 76:71 (70–71); D&C 93:28;
God, Omniscience of; Abr. 4:16. 101:32 (32–34).
God, Perfection of. c D&C 88:13 (7–13). tg Revelation.
42 a Dan. 2:21 (19–22, 28); 47 a D&C 88:61. 50 a John 14:7.
Abr. 3:9. b Moses 1:27 (27–28); 7:23; b Dan. 2:22.
tg God, Law of; Order. Abr. 3:21 (21–23). tg Light of Christ.
b Abr. 3:4 (4–19). c Alma 30:44; Moses 6:63. 59 a Matt. 20:8 (1–16).
tg Nature, Earth; Time. d D&C 76:114. 60 a tg Order.
169 Doctrine and Covenants 88:61–73
until his hour was finished, even ac- and hath no end; and if it be in you
cording as his lord had commanded it shall abound.
him, that his lord might be glorified 67 And if your eye be a single to my
in him, and he in his lord, that they b
glory, your whole bodies shall be
all might be glorified. filled with light, and there shall
61 Therefore, unto this parable I be no darkness in you; and that body
will liken all these a kingdoms, and which is filled with light c compre-
the b inhabitants thereof—every hendeth all things.
kingdom in its hour, and in its time, 68 Therefore, a sanctify yourselves
and in its season, even according to that your b minds become c single to
the decree which God hath made. God, and the days will come that
62 And again, verily I say unto you, you shall d see him; for he will unveil
my a friends, I leave these b sayings his face unto you, and it shall be in
with you to c ponder in your hearts, his own time, and in his own way,
with this commandment which I and according to his own will.
give unto you, that ye shall d call 69 Remember the great and last
upon me while I am near— promise which I have made unto
63 a Draw b near unto me and I will you; cast away your a idle thoughts
draw near unto you; c seek me dili and your b excess of c laughter far
gently and ye shall d find me; ask, from you.
and ye shall receive; knock, and it 70 Tarry ye, tarry ye in this place,
shall be opened unto you. and call a a solemn assembly, even
64 Whatsoever ye a ask the Father of those who are the first b laborers
in my name it shall be given unto in this last kingdom.
you, that is b expedient for you; 71 And let those whom they have
65 And if ye ask anything that is warned in their traveling call on
not a expedient for you, it shall turn the Lord, and a ponder the b warning
unto your b condemnation. in their hearts which they have re-
66 Behold, that which you hear ceived, for a little season.
is as the a voice of one crying in 72 Behold, and lo, I will take care
the wilderness—in the wilderness, of your a flocks, and will raise up
because you cannot see him—my elders and send unto them.
voice, because my voice is b Spirit; 73 Behold, I will a hasten my work
my Spirit is truth; c truth abideth in its time.
61 a D&C 88:47. b D&C 18:18. c Luke 11:34 (34–36).
b D&C 76:24. 65 a Rom. 8:26 (26–27); tg Commitment.
62 a Ex. 33:11; Ether 12:39; James 4:3; d Lev. 9:4;
D&C 84:63; 93:45. D&C 46:28 (28–30). D&C 67:10 (10–12);
b Deut. 6:6. b D&C 63:11 (7–12). 93:1; 97:16.
c tg Meditation. 66 a Ps. 95:7; Isa. 40:3; tg God, Privilege of
d Isa. 55:6; James 1:5 (5–6); 1 Ne. 17:13; Seeing.
D&C 46:7. Alma 5:37 (37–38); 69 a Matt. 12:36; Alma 12:14.
63 a Ps. 69:18; Zech. 1:3 (3–4); D&C 65:3; 97:1; 128:20. b tg Rioting and Revel-
James 4:8; b tg God, Spirit of. ing; Temperance.
Rev. 3:20 (20–21). c tg Truth. c 1 Pet. 4:3;
tg God, Access to; 67 a Matt. 6:22; D&C 82:19. D&C 59:15; 88:121.
God, Presence of. tg Dedication; Motiva- tg Laughter; Levity.
b Deut. 4:7; Lam. 3:57; tions; Priesthood, Magni- 70 a D&C 88:117 (117–19);
Ezek. 36:9 (8–15). fying Callings within. 124:39.
c 1 Chr. 28:9; b John 7:18. tg Solemn Assembly.
Ezra 8:22 (22–23); c Prov. 28:5; D&C 93:28. b tg Missionary Work.
Ether 12:41; tg Discernment, 71 a D&C 101:78.
D&C 101:38; Abr. 2:12. Spiritual. tg Agency.
d 2 Chr. 15:15; 68 a tg Man, New, Spiritually b tg Warn.
D&C 4:7; 49:26. Reborn; 72 a tg Church; Sheep;
64 a tg Communication; Sanctification. Shepherd.
Prayer. b tg Mind. 73 a Isa. 60:22 (1–22).
Doctrine and Covenants 88:74–85 170
74 And I give unto you, who are are at home, things which are
the first a laborers in this last king- abroad; the wars and the perplexi
dom, a commandment that you ties of the c nations, and the judg-
assemble yourselves together, and ments which are on the land; and a
organize yourselves, and prepare d
knowledge also of countries and of
yourselves, and b sanctify yourselves; kingdoms—
yea, purify your hearts, and c cleanse 80 That ye may be prepared in all
your hands and your feet before me, things when I shall send you again
that I may make you d clean; to a magnify the calling whereunto
75 That I may testify unto your I have called you, and the b mission
Father, and your God, and my b God, with which I have commissioned
that you are clean from the c blood of you.
this wicked generation; that I may 81 Behold, I sent you out to a tes-
fulfil this promise, this great and tify and warn the people, and it be-
last d promise, which I have made cometh every man who hath been
unto you, when I will. warned to b warn his neighbor.
76 Also, I give unto you a com- 82 Therefore, they are left a with-
mandment that ye shall continue out excuse, and their sins are upon
in a prayer and fasting from this their b own heads.
time forth. 83 He that a seeketh me b early shall
77 And I give unto you a command- find me, and shall not be forsaken.
ment that you shall a teach one an- 84 Therefore, tarry ye, and labor
other the b doctrine of the kingdom. diligently, that you may be per-
78 Teach ye diligently and my fected in your ministry to go forth
grace shall attend you, that you among the a Gentiles for the last
may be b instructed more perfectly time, as many as the mouth of the
in theory, in principle, in doctrine, Lord shall name, to b bind up the law
in the law of the gospel, in all things and c seal up the testimony, and to
that pertain unto the kingdom of prepare the saints for the hour of
God, that are expedient for you to judgment which is to come;
understand; 85 That their souls may escape
79 Of things both in a heaven and the wrath of God, the a desolation
in the earth, and under the earth; of abomination which awaits the
things which have been, things wicked, both in this world and in
which are, things which must the world to come. Verily, I say unto
shortly come to pass; things which you, let those who are not the b first
74 a Matt. 9:37; 20:1. 77 a Ex. 35:34; Ezek. 33:6 (6–9);
b Lev. 20:7 (7–8); Moro. 10:9 (9–10); D&C 63:58.
2 Chr. 35:6; Neh. 12:30; D&C 38:23; 43:8; tg Warn; Watchman.
3 Ne. 19:28 (28–29); 107:85 (85–89). 82 a Rom. 1:20 (17–21).
D&C 50:29 (28–29); tg Teaching. b Acts 18:6.
133:62. b Titus 2:1. 83 a Deut. 4:29 (29–31);
c D&C 88:139; 124:37. 78 a tg Grace. Isa. 26:9;
tg Cleanliness; Wash. b D&C 88:118; 90:15; 93:53. Jer. 29:13 (10–14);
d Ether 12:37; tg Education. D&C 54:10.
D&C 135:5 (4–5). 79 a tg Heaven. b tg Procrastination.
75 a tg Man, a Spirit Child b Rev. 1:1; 22:6. 84 a Isa. 42:6;
of Heavenly Father. c tg Nations; War. D&C 133:37 (37–60);
b tg Jesus Christ, d tg Knowledge. JS—H 1:41.
Relationships with the 80 a tg Priesthood, b Isa. 8:16 (16–17).
Father. Magnifying Callings c tg Seal.
c Acts 2:40; within. 85 a Dan. 9:27;
D&C 88:138. b tg Mission of Latter-day Matt. 24:15.
d tg Promise. Saints. tg Abomination of
76 a 4 Ne. 1:12; Moro. 6:5. 81 a tg Testimony. Desolation.
tg Fast, Fasting; b Ex. 18:20; b D&C 20:2 (2, 5);
Prayer. Ezra 7:25; 105:7 (7, 33).
171 Doctrine and Covenants 88:86–96
elders continue in the vineyard un- shall fail them; for fear shall come
til the mouth of the Lord shall c call upon all people.
them, for their time is not yet come; 92 And a angels shall fly through
their garments are not d clean from the midst of heaven, crying with a
the blood of this generation. loud voice, sounding the trump of
86 Abide ye in the a liberty where- God, saying: Prepare ye, prepare
with ye are made b free; c entangle ye, O inhabitants of the earth; for
not yourselves in d sin, but let your the b judgment of our God is come.
hands be e clean, until the Lord Behold, and lo, the c Bridegroom
comes. cometh; go ye out to meet him.
87 For not many days hence and the 93 And immediately there shall
earth shall b tremble and reel to and appear a a great sign in heaven, and
fro as a drunken man; and the c sun all people shall see it together.
shall d hide his face, and shall refuse 94 And another angel shall sound
to give light; and the moon shall his trump, saying: That a great
be bathed in e blood; and the stars b
church, the c mother of abomina-
shall become exceedingly angry, tions, that made all nations drink
and shall f cast themselves down of the wine of the wrath of her
as a fig that falleth from off a d
fornication, that e persecuteth the
fig tree. saints of God, that shed their blood—
88 And after your a testimony she who sitteth upon many waters,
cometh wrath and indignation upon and upon the islands of the sea—be-
the people. hold, she is the f tares of the earth;
89 For after your testimony cometh she is bound in bundles; her bands
the testimony of a earthquakes, that are made strong, no man can loose
shall cause groanings in the midst them; therefore, she is ready to be
of her, and men shall fall upon burned. And he shall sound his
the ground and shall not be able trump both long and loud, and all
to stand. nations shall hear it.
90 And also cometh the testimony 95 And there shall be a silence in
of the a voice of thunderings, and the b
heaven for the space of half an
voice of lightnings, and the voice hour; and immediately after shall
of tempests, and the voice of the the curtain of heaven be unfolded,
waves of the sea heaving themselves as a c scroll is unfolded after it is
beyond their bounds. rolled up, and the d face of the Lord
91 And all things shall be in a com- shall be unveiled;
motion; and surely, men’s b hearts 96 And the saints that are upon
85 c D&C 11:15. b D&C 43:18; 45:33; c Matt. 25:6;
d Lev. 6:11 (10–11); 84:118; 133:22. D&C 33:17;
1 Ne. 12:10 (10–11); c Joel 2:10; 133:19 (10, 19).
Jacob 1:19; 2:2; D&C 45:42; 133:49. 93 a Matt. 24:30;
D&C 4:2; 112:33. d D&C 29:14. Luke 21:25 (25–27).
tg Purification. e Rev. 6:12. tg Signs.
86 a 1 Cor. 7:22; Mosiah 5:8. f Joel 3:15; Rev. 8:12. 94 a 1 Ne. 13:6 (4–9).
tg Liberty. 88 a tg Testimony. b tg Devil, Church of.
b John 8:36; 89 a Rev. 11:13 (13–14); c Rev. 17:5 (5–15).
Alma 61:9 (9, 21). D&C 45:33. d Rev. 14:8.
tg Agency. 90 a Joel 2:11; Rev. 8:5; e tg Hate; Persecution.
c Gal. 5:1. D&C 35:21; 43:18 (17–25); f Matt. 13:38;
d tg Bondage, Spiritual; 133:50 (50–52). D&C 64:24 (23–24);
Sin. 91 a D&C 45:26; 63:33. 101:24 (23–25).
e Job 17:9; 2 Ne. 25:16. b Luke 21:26. tg Earth, Cleansing of.
tg Chastity; Cleanliness; tg Fearful; Last Days. 95 a D&C 38:12.
Purification; 92 a Rev. 8:13; b D&C 133:40 (40–46).
Worthiness. D&C 43:18 (18, 25); c Rev. 6:14.
87 a Isa. 13:13 (4–13); 133:17. d tg Jesus Christ, Second
14:26 (22–26). b tg Jesus Christ, Judge. Coming.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:97–108 172
the earth, who are alive, shall be 103 And another trump shall
quickened and be a caught up to sound, which is the fifth trump,
meet him. which is the fifth angel who com-
97 And they who have slept in mitteth the a everlasting gospel—
their graves shall a come forth, for flying through the midst of heaven,
their graves shall be opened; and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues,
they also shall be caught up to meet and people;
him in the midst of the b pillar of 104 And this shall be the sound
heaven— of his trump, saying to all peo-
98 They are Christ’s, the a first ple, both in heaven and in earth,
fruits, they who shall descend with and that are under the earth—for
him first, and they who are on the a
every ear shall hear it, and every
earth and in their graves, who are knee shall b bow, and every tongue
first caught up to meet him; and all shall confess, while they hear the
this by the voice of the sounding sound of the trump, saying: c Fear
of the trump of the angel of God. God, and give glory to him who sit-
99 And after this another angel teth upon the throne, d forever and
shall sound, which is the second ever; for the hour of his judgment
trump; and then cometh the re- is come.
demption of those who are Christ’s 105 And again, another angel shall
at his a coming; who have received sound his trump, which is the sixth
their part in that b prison which is angel, saying: She is a fallen who
prepared for them, that they might made all nations drink of the wine
receive the gospel, and be c judged of the wrath of her fornication; she
according to men in the flesh. is fallen, is fallen!
100 And again, another trump shall 106 And again, another angel shall
sound, which is the third trump; sound his trump, which is the sev-
and then come the a spirits of men enth angel, saying: It is finished; it
who are to be judged, and are found is finished! The a Lamb of God hath
under b condemnation; b
overcome and c trodden the wine-
101 And these are the rest of the press alone, even the wine-press
dead; and they live not again until of the fierceness of the wrath of
the b thousand years are ended, nei- Almighty God.
ther again, until the end of the earth. 107 And then shall the angels
102 And another trump shall be crowned with the glory of his
sound, which is the fourth trump, might, and the a saints shall be filled
saying: There are found among those with his b glory, and receive their
who are to remain until that great c
inheritance and be made d equal
and last day, even the end, who shall with him.
remain b filthy still. 108 And then shall the first angel
96 a 1 Thes. 4:16 (16–17); 100 a Rev. 20:13 (12–13); tg Reverence.
D&C 76:102; 84:100; Alma 11:41; d Heb. 1:8.
101:31. D&C 43:18; 76:85. 105 a Rev. 14:8;
97 a 1 Thes. 2:19; b tg Damnation. D&C 1:16.
D&C 29:13; 45:45 (45–46); 101 a Rev. 20:5. 106 a tg Jesus Christ, Lamb
133:56. b tg Millennium. of God.
tg Resurrection. 102 a D&C 43:18. b 1 Cor. 15:25.
b D&C 78:21. b tg Filthiness. c Isa. 63:3 (3–4);
98 a 1 Cor. 15:23 (1–58). 103 a Rev. 14:6 (6–7). Rev. 14:20 (15–20);
99 a tg Jesus Christ, Second tg Restoration of the 19:15;
Coming. Gospel. D&C 76:107;
b D&C 76:73 (71–74); 104 a Ps. 86:9; 133:50 (46–53).
138:8; Rev. 5:13. 107 a tg Angels; Saints.
Moses 7:57. b Ps. 66:4; 72:9 (9–10); b tg Celestial Glory.
tg Salvation for the Mal. 1:11; c tg Exaltation.
Dead; Spirits in Prison. Philip. 2:10 (9–11). d John 5:18;
c 1 Pet. 4:6. c Rev. 14:7. D&C 76:95.
173 Doctrine and Covenants 88:109–122
again sound his trump in the ears 115 For Michael shall fight their
of all living, and a reveal the secret battles, and shall overcome him
acts of men, and the mighty works who a seeketh the throne of him who
of God in the b first thousand years. sitteth upon the throne, even the
109 And then shall the second an- Lamb.
gel sound his trump, and reveal the 116 This is the glory of God, and
secret acts of men, and the thoughts the a sanctified; and they shall not
and intents of their hearts, and the any more see b death.
mighty a works of God in the second 117 Therefore, verily I say unto
thousand years— you, my a friends, call your solemn
110 And so on, until the seventh assembly, as I have b commanded you.
angel shall sound his trump; and 118 And as all have not a faith, seek
he shall a stand forth upon the land ye diligently and b teach one another
and upon the sea, and b swear in the words of c wisdom; yea, seek ye out
name of him who sitteth upon the of the best d books words of wisdom;
throne, that there shall be c time no seek learning, even by study and
longer; and d Satan shall be bound, also by faith.
that old serpent, who is called the 119 a Organize yourselves; prepare
devil, and shall not be loosed for the every needful thing; and establish a
space of a e thousand years. b
house, even a house of prayer,
111 And then he shall be a loosed a house of fasting, a house of faith, a
for a little season, that he may gather house of learning, a house of glory,
together his armies. a house of order, a house of God;
112 And a Michael, the seventh an- 120 That your a incomings may be
gel, even the archangel, shall gather in the name of the Lord; that your
together his armies, even the hosts outgoings may be in the name of the
of heaven. Lord; that all your salutations may
113 And the devil shall gather to- be in the name of the Lord, with
gether his a armies; even the hosts b
uplifted hands unto the Most High.
of hell, and shall come up to bat- 121 Therefore, a cease from all your
tle against Michael and his armies. light speeches, from all b laughter,
114 And then cometh the a battle from all your c lustful desires, from
of the great God; and the devil and all your d pride and light-mindedness,
his armies shall be b cast away into and from all your wicked doings.
their own place, that they shall 122 Appoint among yourselves a
not have power over the saints any teacher, and let a not all be spokes-
more at all. men at once; but let one speak at
108 a Ps. 64:5 (4–6); 1 Jn. 3:8; Study; Teaching.
Alma 37:25; D&C 1:3. Rev. 20:10 (9–10); c tg Wisdom.
b D&C 77:6 (6–7, 12). D&C 19:3; d D&C 55:4; 97:3 (3–6);
109 a tg God, Works of. 29:28 (27–30, 44). 109:7 (7, 14).
110 a Rev. 10:5. 115 a Isa. 14:14 (12–15); 119 a tg Family, Managing
b Dan. 12:7. Moses 4:1 (1–4). Finances in;
c D&C 84:100. 116 a tg Saints; Priesthood, Magnifying
d Rev. 20:2 (1–10); Sanctification. Callings within.
1 Ne. 22:26; b Rev. 21:4; b Hag. 1:8;
D&C 101:28. Alma 11:45; D&C 95:3; 97:12 (10–17);
tg Devil. 12:18 (18, 20); 109:8 (2–9); 115:8.
e tg Millennium. D&C 63:49. tg Temple.
111 a Rev. 20:3 (3–10); tg Immortality. 120 a Ezek. 43:11 (11–12).
Jacob 5:77 (76–77); 117 a D&C 109:6. b Ps. 63:4; 134:2 (1–3).
D&C 29:22; b D&C 88:70 (70–75). 121 a D&C 43:34; 84:61; 100:7.
43:31 (30–31). 118 a tg Faith. b D&C 59:15; 88:69.
112 a tg Adam. b Prov. 9:9; 23:12; c tg Carnal Mind; Lust;
113 a Rev. 20:8. D&C 88:78 (76–80); Sensuality.
114 a Rev. 16:14. 90:15; 93:53. d tg Levity; Pride.
b Rom. 16:20; tg Education; Learn; 122 a tg Order.
Doctrine and Covenants 88:123–136 174
a time and let all listen unto his his words carefully and distinctly,
sayings, that when all have spoken not with loud speech.
that all may be b edified of all, and 130 And when he cometh into the
that every man may have an equal house of God, for he should be first
privilege. in the house—behold, this is a beau-
123 See that ye a love one another; tiful, that he may be an b example—
cease to be b covetous; learn to im- 131 Let him offer himself in prayer
part one to another as the gospel upon his knees before God, in a token
requires. or remembrance of the everlasting
124 Cease to be a idle; cease to be covenant.
unclean; cease to c find fault one 132 And when any shall come in
with another; cease to d sleep longer after him, let the teacher arise, and,
than is needful; retire to thy bed with a uplifted hands to heaven, yea,
early, that ye may not be weary; even directly, salute his brother or
arise early, that your bodies and brethren with these words:
your minds may be e invigorated. 133 Art thou a brother or breth-
125 And above all things, clothe ren? I salute you in the name of
yourselves with the bond of a char- the Lord Jesus Christ, in token or
ity, as with a mantle, which is the remembrance of the everlasting cov-
bond of perfectness and b peace. enant, in which covenant I receive
126 a Pray always, that ye may not you to a fellowship, in a determina-
faint, until I b come. Behold, and lo, tion that is fixed, immovable, and
I will come quickly, and receive you unchangeable, to be your b friend
unto myself. Amen. and c brother through the grace of
127 And again, the order of the God in the bonds of love, to walk
house prepared for the a presidency in all the commandments of God
of the b school of the c prophets, es- blameless, in thanksgiving, forever
tablished for their instruction in and ever. Amen.
all things that are expedient for 134 And he that is found a unwor-
them, even for all the d officers of thy of this salutation shall not have
the church, or in other words, those place among you; for ye shall not
who are called to the ministry in suffer that mine house shall be b pol-
the church, beginning at the high luted by him.
priests, even down to the deacons— 135 And he that cometh in and is
128 And this shall be the order of faithful before me, and is a brother,
the house of the presidency of the or if they be brethren, they shall sa-
school: He that is appointed to be lute the president or teacher with
president, or teacher, shall be found uplifted hands to heaven, with this
standing in his place, in the house same prayer and covenant, or by
which shall be prepared for him. saying Amen, in token of the same.
129 Therefore, he shall be first in 136 Behold, verily, I say unto you,
the house of God, in a place that the this is an ensample unto you for
congregation in the house may hear a salutation to one another in the
122 b tg Edification. b tg Peace; b tg Example.
123 a tg Love. Peacemakers. 131 a tg New and Everlasting
b tg Covet. 126 a tg Prayer. Covenant;
124 a tg Idleness; b Rev. 22:7 (7, 20); Prayer; Worship.
Laziness. D&C 1:12. 132 a Lev. 9:22.
b tg Uncleanness. 127 a D&C 90:13. 133 a 2 Cor. 8:4.
c Isa. 29:20; b D&C 90:7; 95:10 (10, 17); tg Fellowshipping.
D&C 64:8 (7–10). 97:5 (5–6). b tg Friendship.
tg Backbiting; tg Education. c tg Brotherhood and
Gossip. c 2 Kgs. 2:3 (3–15). Sisterhood.
d tg Sleep. d Num. 11:16; 134 a Jer. 7:10 (9–10).
e tg Health. D&C 107:21. b D&C 97:15 (15–17);
125 a tg Charity. 130 a Isa. 52:7. 110:8 (7–8).
175 Doctrine and Covenants 88:137–89:5
Section 89
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
February 27, 1833. As a consequence of the early brethren using to
bacco in their meetings, the Prophet was led to ponder upon the matter;
consequently, he inquired of the Lord concerning it. This revelation,
known as the Word of Wisdom, was the result.
1–9, The use of wine, strong drinks, of God in the temporal salvation of
tobacco, and hot drinks is proscribed; all saints in the last days—
10–17, Herbs, fruits, flesh, and grain 3 Given for a principle with a prom-
are ordained for the use of man and ise, adapted to the capacity of the
of animals; 18–21, Obedience to gospel b
weak and the weakest of all c saints,
law, including the Word of Wisdom, who are or can be called saints.
brings temporal and spiritual blessings. 4 Behold, verily, thus saith the
Lord unto you: In consequence of
A a Word of Wisdom, for the benefit a
evils and designs which do and will
of the council of high priests, assem- exist in the hearts of b conspiring
bled in Kirtland, and the church, men in the last days, I have c warned
and also the saints in Zion— you, and forewarn you, by giving
2 To be sent greeting; not by com- unto you this word of wisdom by
mandment or constraint, but by revelation—
revelation and the a word of wisdom, 5 That inasmuch as any man
showing forth the order and b will a
drinketh b wine or strong drink
137 a tg Edification; tg Commandments b tg Conspiracy;
Worship. of God; Wickedness.
138 a D&C 88:75 (75, 85). God, Will of. c tg Warn.
139 a D&C 88:74. 3 a Eph. 2:12; 6:2; 5 a tg Abstain.
tg Wash. D&C 89:18 (18–21). b Lev. 10:9 (9–11);
141 a tg Sacrament. b 2 Cor. 12:10; Isa. 5:22 (11, 22);
b John 13:5 (4–17). D&C 1:19. Rom. 14:21 (20–23);
89 1 a tg Word of Wisdom. tg Humility. D&C 27:3.
2 a 1 Cor. 12:8; c tg Saints. tg Drunkenness;
D&C 84:44. 4 a tg Deceit; Temperance;
b D&C 29:34. Evil. Word of Wisdom.
Doctrine and Covenants 89:6–21 176
among you, behold it is not good, 14 All a grain is ordained for the
neither meet in the sight of your use of man and of beasts, to be the
Father, only in assembling your- staff of life, not only for man but
selves together to offer up your for the beasts of the field, and the
sacraments before him. fowls of heaven, and all wild ani-
6 And, behold, this should be wine, mals that run or creep on the earth;
yea, a pure wine of the grape of the 15 And a these hath God made for
vine, of your own make. the use of man only in times of fam-
7 And, again, a strong drinks are ine and excess of hunger.
not for the belly, but for the wash- 16 All grain is good for the a food
ing of your bodies. of man; as also the b fruit of the vine;
8 And again, tobacco is not for the that which yieldeth fruit, whether
body, neither for the belly, and is in the ground or above the ground—
not good for man, but is an herb 17 Nevertheless, wheat for man,
for bruises and all sick cattle, to be and corn for the ox, and oats for
used with judgment and skill. the horse, and rye for the fowls and
9 And again, hot drinks are not for swine, and for all beasts of the
for the body or belly. field, and barley for all useful ani
10 And again, verily I say unto you, mals, and for mild drinks, as also
all wholesome a herbs God hath or- other grain.
dained for the constitution, nature, 18 And all saints who remember to
and use of man— keep and do these sayings, walking
11 Every herb in the season thereof, in obedience to the commandments,
and every fruit in the season thereof; a
shall receive b health in their navel
all these to be used with a prudence and marrow to their bones;
and b thanksgiving. 19 And shall a find b wisdom and
12 Yea, a flesh also of b beasts and great c treasures of d knowledge,
of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, even hidden treasures;
have ordained for the use of man 20 And shall a run and not be
with thanksgiving; nevertheless they b
weary, and shall walk and not faint.
are to be used c sparingly; 21 And I, the Lord, give unto them
13 And it is pleasing unto me that a promise, that the a destroying angel
they should not be a used, only in shall b pass by them, as the children
times of winter, or of cold, or b famine. of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.
Section 90
Revelation to Joseph Smith the Prophet, given at Kirtland, Ohio, March
8, 1833. This revelation is a continuing step in the establishment of
the First Presidency (see the heading to section 81); as a consequence
thereof, the counselors mentioned were ordained on March 18, 1833.
6 a D&C 27:3 (1–14). tg Meat. 19 a D&C 84:80.
7 a Prov. 20:1; 23:30 (29–35); b D&C 49:19. b tg Wisdom.
Luke 1:15. c tg Temperance. c tg Treasure.
8 a tg Body, Sanctity of; 13 a D&C 59:20 (16–20). d Dan. 1:17 (6–20).
Health. b tg Famine. tg Knowledge;
10 a ie plants. 14 a Dan. 1:12 (6–20). Testimony.
Gen. 1:29; bd Corn. 20 a Prov. 4:12;
D&C 59:17 (17–20). 15 a D&C 49:18; 89:13. Isa. 40:31.
11 a tg Prudence; 16 a tg Food. tg Strength.
Temperance. b Gen. 1:29. b Prov. 24:10 (10–12);
b 1 Tim. 4:3 (3–4). 18 a D&C 89:3. D&C 84:80.
tg Thanksgiving. b Prov. 3:8; 21 a tg Protection, Divine.
12 a Gen. 9:3; Dan. 1:13 (6–20). b Ex. 12:23 (23, 29).
Lev. 11:2 (1–8). tg Health.
177 Doctrine and Covenants 90:1–12
1–5, The keys of the kingdom are com 6 And again, verily I say unto
mitted to Joseph Smith and through thy brethren, Sidney Rigdon and
him to the Church; 6 –7, Sidney Rig a
Frederick G. Williams, their sins are
don and Frederick G. Williams are to forgiven them also, and they are ac-
serve in the First Presidency; 8–11, counted as b equal with thee in hold-
The gospel is to be preached to the ing the keys of this last kingdom;
nations of Israel, to the Gentiles, and 7 As also through your administra-
to the Jews, every man hearing in his tion the keys of the a school of the
own tongue; 12–18, Joseph Smith and prophets, which I have commanded
his counselors are to set the Church to be organized;
in order; 19–37, Various individuals 8 That thereby they may be a per-
are counseled by the Lord to walk fected in their ministry for the sal-
uprightly and serve in His kingdom. vation of Zion, and of the nations of
Israel, and of the Gentiles, as many
Thus saith the Lord, verily, verily as will believe;
I say unto you my son, thy sins are 9 That through your administra-
forgiven thee, according to thy tion they may receive the word, and
petition, for thy prayers and the through their administration the
prayers of thy brethren have come word may go forth unto the ends of
up into my ears. the earth, unto the a Gentiles b first,
2 Therefore, thou art blessed from and then, behold, and lo, they shall
henceforth that bear the a keys of turn unto the Jews.
the kingdom given unto you; which 10 And then cometh the day when
kingdom is coming forth for the the arm of the Lord shall be a re-
last time. vealed in power in convincing the
3 Verily I say unto you, the keys of nations, the b heathen nations, the
this a kingdom shall b never be taken house of c Joseph, of the gospel of
from you, while thou art in the their salvation.
world, neither in the world to come; 11 For it shall come to pass in that
4 Nevertheless, through you shall day, that every man shall a hear
the a oracles be given to another, the fulness of the gospel in his own
yea, even unto the church. tongue, and in his own b language,
5 And all they who receive the through those who are c ordained
oracles of God, let them beware unto this d power, by the adminis-
how they hold them lest they are tration of the e Comforter, shed forth
accounted as a light thing, and upon them for the f revelation of
are brought under condemnation Jesus Christ.
thereby, and stumble and fall when 12 And now, verily I say unto you,
the storms descend, and the winds I give unto you a commandment
blow, and the b rains descend, and that you continue in the a ministry
beat upon their house. and presidency.
90 1 a tg Forgive. 6 a D&C 92:1. 133:37 (37–60).
2 a tg Priesthood, Keys of. b D&C 35:22 (3–23); b Ps. 98:2; 1 Ne. 15:13.
b tg Jesus Christ, 81:1 (1–7); 107:24 (22–24). tg Heathen.
Prophecies about. 7 a D&C 88:127. c Gen. 49:22 (22–26);
3 a Matt. 21:43; 8 a Eph. 4:12 (11–13). Deut. 33:17 (13–17);
D&C 65:2. 9 a 1 Ne. 13:42; Hosea 14:8 (4–9);
b D&C 43:3 (3–4); 84:17; D&C 18:6 (6, 26–27); D&C 133:26 (26–30).
122:9; 124:130. 19:27; 21:12; 107:33; 11 a tg Missionary Work.
4 a Acts 7:38; Rom. 3:2; 112:4; 133:8. b tg Language.
Heb. 5:12; b Matt. 19:30; c tg Called of God.
D&C 124:39, 126. Acts 13:46 (46–51); d tg Priesthood,
tg Prophets, Mission of. Ether 13:12 (10–12). Power of.
5 a Acts 7:38. 10 a D&C 42:58 (58–60); e tg Holy Ghost,
tg Prophets, 43:25 (23–27); Comforter.
Rejection of. 58:64 (63–64); f tg Testimony.
b Matt. 7:25. 88:84 (84, 87–92); 12 a tg Leadership; Service.
Doctrine and Covenants 90:13–31 178
13 And when you have finished gently to obtain an a agent, and let
the a translation of the prophets, him be a man who has got b riches
you shall from thenceforth b preside in store—a man of God, and of
over the affairs of the church and strong faith—
the school; 23 That thereby he may be enabled
14 And from time to time, as shall to discharge every debt; that the
be manifested by the Comforter, storehouse of the Lord may not be
receive a revelations to unfold the brought into disrepute before the
mysteries of the kingdom; eyes of the people.
15 And set in order the churches, 24 Search a diligently, b pray always,
and a study and b learn, and become and be believing, and c all things
acquainted with all good books, shall work together for your good,
and with c languages, tongues, and if ye walk uprightly and remember
people. the d covenant wherewith ye have
16 And this shall be your business covenanted one with another.
and mission in all your lives, to 25 Let your families be a small, es-
preside in council, and set in a order pecially mine aged servant Joseph
all the affairs of this church and Smith’s, Sen., as pertaining to those
kingdom. who do not belong to your families;
17 Be not a ashamed, neither con- 26 That those things that are pro-
founded; but be admonished in all vided for you, to bring to pass my
your high-mindedness and b pride, for work, be not taken from you and
it bringeth a snare upon your souls. given to those that are not worthy—
18 Set in a order your houses; keep 27 And thereby you be hindered in
slothfulness and c uncleanness far accomplishing those things which
from you. I have commanded you.
19 Now, verily I say unto you, let 28 And again, verily I say unto you,
there be a a place provided, as soon it is my will that my handmaid Vi-
as it is possible, for the family of enna Jaques should receive a money
thy counselor and scribe, even Fred- to bear her expenses, and go up unto
erick G. Williams. the land of Zion;
20 And let mine aged servant, a Jo- 29 And the residue of the money
seph Smith, Sen., continue with his may be consecrated unto me, and
family upon the place where he now she be rewarded in mine own due
lives; and let it not be sold until the time.
mouth of the Lord shall name. 30 Verily I say unto you, that it is
21 And let my counselor, even meet in mine eyes that she should
Sidney Rigdon, remain where he go up unto the land of Zion, and
now resides until the mouth of the receive an a inheritance from the
Lord shall name. hand of the bishop;
22 And let the bishop search dili- 31 That she may settle down in
13 a D&C 73:4 (3–4). 16 a Titus 1:5. 22 a D&C 84:113.
b D&C 88:127 (127–38); tg Order. b Jacob 2:19 (17–19).
90:32 (32–33); 107:91. 17 a Micah 3:7 (6–7); 24 a tg Dedication;
14 a tg Revelation. 2 Ne. 6:13 (7, 13). Diligence.
b tg Mysteries of tg Shame. b tg Prayer.
Godliness. b D&C 88:121. c Deut. 23:5; Ezra 8:22;
15 a D&C 88:78 (76–80), 118; tg Pride. Rom. 8:28;
93:53. 18 a tg Order. D&C 97:18 (18–20);
tg Education; Scrip- b tg Apathy; Idleness; 100:15.
tures, Study of; Study. Laziness; d Ps. 132:12.
b Mal. 2:7 (7–9); Procrastination. tg Commitment;
D&C 107:99 (99–100); c D&C 94:9; 97:15. Covenants.
131:6. tg Uncleanness. 25 a Mosiah 4:27 (26–27).
tg Learn. 19 a D&C 41:7 (7–8). 28 a D&C 60:10 (10–11).
c D&C 90:11. 20 a D&C 124:19. 30 a D&C 51:3 (1–3);
tg Language. 21 a D&C 93:51. 85:1 (1–3).
179 Doctrine and Covenants 90:32–91:6
Section 91
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
March 9, 1833. The Prophet was at this time engaged in the transla
tion of the Old Testament. Having come to that portion of the ancient
writings called the Apocrypha, he inquired of the Lord and received this
1–3, The Apocrypha is mostly trans 3 Verily, I say unto you, that it is
lated correctly but contains many in not needful that the Apocrypha
terpolations by the hands of men that should be a translated.
are not true; 4–6, It benefits those 4 Therefore, whoso readeth it,
enlightened by the Spirit. let him a understand, for the Spirit
manifesteth truth;
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you 5 And whoso is enlightened by
concerning the a Apocrypha—There the a Spirit shall obtain benefit
are many things contained therein therefrom;
that are true, and it is mostly trans- 6 And whoso receiveth not by the
lated correctly; Spirit, cannot be benefited. There-
2 There are many things contained fore it is not needful that it should
therein that are not true, which are be translated. Amen.
interpolations by the hands of men.
Section 92
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, March
15, 1833. The revelation instructs Frederick G. Williams, who had
recently been appointed a counselor to Joseph Smith, on his duties in
the United Firm (see the headings to sections 78 and 82).
32 a tg Record Keeping; c tg Cleanliness; 93:53.
Scriptures, Writing of. Purification. 4 a tg Understanding.
b D&C 90:13; 107:91. 91 1 a bd Apocrypha. 5 a tg Holy Ghost,
35 a D&C 66:1; 68:7; 75:6. 2 a tg Record Keeping; Mission of;
36 a tg Zion. Scriptures, Inspiration.
b D&C 84:58. Preservation of.
tg Chastening. 3 a D&C 45:60 (60–61);
Doctrine and Covenants 92:1–93:7 180
1–2, The Lord gives a commandment ye shall receive him into the order.
relative to admission to the united order. What I say unto one I say unto all.
2 And again, I say unto you my
Verily, thus saith the Lord, I give servant Frederick G. Williams, you
unto the a united order, organized shall be a lively member in this
agreeable to the commandment order; and inasmuch as you are
previously given, a revelation and faithful in keeping all former com-
commandment concerning my ser- mandments you shall be blessed
vant b Frederick G. Williams, that forever. Amen.
Section 93
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
May 6, 1833.
1–5, All who are faithful will see the me, and c calleth on my name, and
Lord; 6 –18, John bore record that the obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my
Son of God went from grace to grace commandments, shall e see my f face
until He received a fulness of the glory and g know that I am;
of the Father; 19–20, Faithful men, 2 And that I am the true a light that
going from grace to grace, will also lighteth every man that cometh into
receive of His fulness; 21–22, Those the world;
who are begotten through Christ are 3 And that I am a in the Father, and
the Church of the Firstborn; 23–28, the Father in me, and the Father
Christ received a fulness of all truth, and I are one—
and man by obedience may do like 4 The Father a because he b gave me
wise; 29–32, Man was in the begin of his fulness, and the Son because
ning with God; 33–35, The elements I was in the world and made c flesh
are eternal, and man may receive a my d tabernacle, and dwelt among
fulness of joy in the Resurrection; the sons of men.
36 –37, The glory of God is intelli 5 I was in the world and received
gence; 38– 40, Children are innocent of my Father, and the a works of him
before God because of the redemption were plainly manifest.
of Christ; 41–53, The leading brethren 6 And a John saw and bore record
are commanded to set their families of the fulness of my b glory, and the
in order. fulness of c John’s record is hereafter
to be revealed.
Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall 7 And he bore record, saying: I
come to pass that every soul who saw his glory, that he was in the
forsaketh his b sins and cometh unto a
beginning, before the world was;
92 1 a D&C 82:11 (11, 15–21); jst 1 Jn. 4:12 Authority of; Jesus
96:8 (6–9). (1 Jn. 4:12 note a). Christ, Relationships
b D&C 90:6. tg God, Privilege of with the Father.
93 1 a Rom. 12:1 (1–3). Seeing. c tg Flesh and Blood;
b tg Worthiness. g tg God, Access to; Jesus Christ, Birth of;
c Joel 2:32. God, Knowledge about. Jesus Christ,
d tg Obedience. 2 a John 1:4 (4, 7–9); Condescension of.
e Lev. 9:4; D&C 14:9; 84:46 (45–47); d 2 Pet. 1:13.
John 14:23 (18, 21–23); 88:6. 5 a John 5:36; 10:25;
D&C 38:8; 67:10 (10–12); tg Light of Christ. 14:10 (10–12).
88:68; 101:23; 130:3. 3 a John 10:30 (28–31); 6 a John 1:34.
tg God, Presence of; 14:10; 17:22; b tg Jesus Christ, Glory of.
Jesus Christ, D&C 50:43. c John 20:30 (30–31).
Appearances, Postmortal. 4 a Mosiah 15:3 (2–5). 7 a John 1:1 (1–3, 14);
f 1 Jn. 4:12 (7–21); b tg Jesus Christ, D&C 76:39.
181 Doctrine and Covenants 93:8–23
Section 94
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
August 2, 1833. Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon, and Jared Carter are
appointed as a Church building committee.
1–9, The Lord gives a commandment pattern which shall be given unto
relative to the erection of a house for you hereafter.
the work of the Presidency; 10 –12, A 7 And it shall be wholly dedicated
printing house is to be built; 13–17, unto the Lord for the work of the
Certain inheritances are assigned. a
8 And ye shall not suffer any a un-
And again, verily I say unto you, clean thing to come in unto it; and
my a friends, a commandment I give my b glory shall be there, and my
unto you, that ye shall commence c
presence shall be there.
a work of laying out and preparing 9 But if there shall come into it
a beginning and foundation of the any a unclean thing, my glory shall
city of the b stake of Zion, here in not be there; and my presence
the land of Kirtland, beginning at shall not come into it.
my house. 10 And again, verily I say unto you,
2 And behold, it must be done the second lot on the south shall be
according to the a pattern which I dedicated unto me for the building
have given unto you. of a house unto me, for the work of
3 And let the first lot on the south the a printing of the b translation of
be consecrated unto me for the my scriptures, and all things what-
building of a house for the presi- soever I shall command you.
dency, for the work of the presidency, 11 And it shall be fifty-five by
in obtaining revelations; and for the sixty-five feet in the width thereof
work of the ministry of the a presi and the length thereof, in the inner
dency, in all things pertaining to court; and there shall be a lower
the church and kingdom. and a higher court.
4 Verily I say unto you, that it shall 12 And this house shall be wholly
be built fifty-five by sixty-five feet dedicated unto the Lord from the
in the width thereof and in the foundation thereof, for the work
length thereof, in the inner court. of the printing, in all things what-
5 And there shall be a lower court soever I shall command you, to be
and a higher court, according to the holy, undefiled, according to the
pattern which shall be given unto pattern in all things as it shall be
you hereafter. given unto you.
6 And it shall be a dedicated unto 13 And on the third lot shall my
the Lord from the foundation servant Hyrum Smith receive his
thereof, according to the b order of a
the priesthood, according to the 14 And on the first and second lots
94 1 a D&C 93:45. 7 a D&C 107:9 (8–78). D&C 90:18; 97:15.
b D&C 68:26; 82:13; 96:1; 8 a Luke 19:46 (46–48); 10 a D&C 104:58.
104:48; 109:59. D&C 109:20 (19–20). tg Scriptures,
2 a Heb. 8:5; tg Uncleanness. Writing of.
D&C 52:14; 95:14; b 1 Kgs. 8:11 (10–11); b ie the translation
97:10; 115:14 (14–16). Ezek. 43:2; of the Bible.
3 a D&C 107:9 (8–78). D&C 101:25. D&C 93:53; 124:89.
6 a tg Dedication; tg Glory. 13 a tg Inheritance.
Sacred. c tg God, Presence of. See also “Inherit” in
b 1 Chr. 6:32. 9 a Lev. 15:31; Index.
185 Doctrine and Covenants 94:15–95:8
on the north shall my servants ment, which I, the Lord God, have
Reynolds Cahoon and Jared Carter given unto you.
receive their inheritances— 16 These two houses are not to be
15 That they may do the work built until I give unto you a com-
which I have appointed unto them, mandment concerning them.
to be a committee to build mine 17 And now I give unto you no
houses, according to the command- more at this time. Amen.
Section 95
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
June 1, 1833. This revelation is a continuation of divine directions to
build a house for worship and instruction, the house of the Lord (see
section 88:119–36).
1– 6, The Saints are chastened for 4 For the preparation wherewith
their failure to build the house of the I design to prepare mine apostles
Lord; 7–10, The Lord desires to use to a prune my vineyard for the last
His house to endow His people with time, that I may bring to pass my
power from on high; 11–17, The house b
strange act, that I may c pour out
is to be dedicated as a place of wor my Spirit upon all flesh—
ship and for the school of the Apostles. 5 But behold, verily I say unto
you, that there are many who have
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you been ordained among you, whom
whom I love, and whom I a love I also I have called but few of them are
chasten that their sins may be b for- a
given, for with the c chastisement I 6 They who are not chosen have
prepare a way for their d deliverance sinned a very grievous sin, in that
in all things out of e temptation, and they are a walking in b darkness at
I have loved you— noon-day.
2 Wherefore, ye must needs be 7 And for this cause I gave unto you
chastened and stand rebuked be- a commandment that you should call
fore my face; your a solemn assembly, that your
3 For ye have sinned against me b
fastings and your c mourning might
a very grievous sin, in that ye have come up into the ears of the Lord
not considered the great command- of d Sabaoth, which is by interpre-
ment in all things, that I have given tation, the e creator of the first day,
unto you concerning the building the beginning and the end.
of mine a house; 8 Yea, verily I say unto you, I gave
95 1 a 2 Sam. 7:14; D&C 88:119. tg Called of God;
Prov. 13:18; 4 a Jacob 5:61 (61–75); Election;
Heb. 12:6 (5–12); D&C 24:19; 33:3 (3–4); Worthiness.
Hel. 15:3; 39:17. 6 a tg Walking in
D&C 101:4 (4–5); 103:4. b Isa. 28:21; Darkness.
tg Chastening; D&C 101:95. b Deut. 28:29 (15–45).
God, Love of. c Prov. 1:23; tg Darkness, Spiritual.
b tg Forgive. Ezek. 36:27; 7 a D&C 88:117 (70–119).
c Deut. 11:2 (1–8); Joel 2:28; tg Solemn Assembly.
D&C 105:6. Acts 2:17; b tg Fast, Fasting.
d 2 Sam. 14:14; D&C 19:38. c tg Mourning;
1 Cor. 10:13. tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. Repent.
tg Deliver; 5 a Matt. 20:16; d James 5:4;
Forgive. D&C 63:31; D&C 87:7; 88:2.
e tg Temptation. 105:36 (35–36); e tg Jesus Christ,
3 a Hag. 1:8; 121:34 (34–40). Creator.
Doctrine and Covenants 95:9–96:1 186
unto you a commandment that you be built, not after the manner of
should a build a house, in the which the world, for I give not unto you
house I design to b endow those that ye shall live after the manner
whom I have c chosen with power of the world;
from on high; 14 Therefore, let it be built after
9 For this is the a promise of the the a manner which I shall show
Father unto you; therefore I com- unto three of you, whom ye shall
mand you to tarry, even as mine appoint and ordain unto this power.
apostles at Jerusalem. 15 And the size thereof shall be
10 Nevertheless, my servants sinned fifty and five feet in width, and let
a very grievous sin; and a contentions it be sixty-five feet in length, in the
arose in the b school of the proph- inner court thereof.
ets; which was very grievous unto 16 And let the lower part of the
me, saith your Lord; therefore I sent inner court be dedicated unto me
them forth to be chastened. for your sacrament offering, and for
11 Verily I say unto you, it is my your preaching, and your fasting,
will that you should build a house. and your praying, and the a offering
If you keep my commandments you up of your most holy desires unto
shall have power to build it. me, saith your Lord.
12 If you a keep not my command- 17 And let the higher part of the
ments, the b love of the Father shall inner court be dedicated unto me for
not continue with you, therefore the a school of mine apostles, saith
you shall c walk in darkness. Son b Ahman; or, in other words, Al-
13 Now here is wisdom, and the phus; or, in other words, Omegus;
mind of the Lord—let the house even Jesus Christ your c Lord. Amen.
Section 96
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, showing the order of the
city or stake of Zion at Kirtland, Ohio, June 4, 1833, as an example to
the Saints in Kirtland. The occasion was a conference of high priests,
and the chief subject of consideration was the disposal of certain lands,
known as the French farm, possessed by the Church near Kirtland.
Since the conference could not agree who should take charge of the
farm, all agreed to inquire of the Lord concerning the matter.
1, The Kirtland Stake of Zion is to be Behold, I say unto you, here is wis-
made strong; 2–5, The bishop is to dom, whereby ye may know how to
divide the inheritances for the Saints; act concerning this matter, for it is
6 –9, John Johnson is to be a member expedient in me that this a stake that
of the united order. I have set for the strength of Zion
should be made strong.
8 a D&C 88:119; 104:43; tg Contention; Darkness.
115:8. Disputations. 13 a D&C 68:4.
b D&C 38:32; 39:15; b D&C 88:127; 14 a D&C 94:2; 124:42.
43:16; 110:9 (9–10). 97:5 (5–6). 16 a D&C 59:9 (9–14).
tg Genealogy and 11 a Hag. 1:8 (2–11). 17 a D&C 88:127 (127–41).
Temple Work. 12 a John 15:10; b D&C 78:20.
c tg Election. Mosiah 2:4. c tg Jesus Christ, Lord.
9 a Luke 24:49; b 1 Jn. 2:10 (10, 15). 96 1 a Isa. 33:20; 54:2;
Acts 1:4. c 2 Pet. 2:17. D&C 94:1; 104:48.
10 a D&C 88:134 (133–34). tg Walking in
187 Doctrine and Covenants 96:2–97:3
Section 97
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
August 2, 1833. This revelation deals particularly with the affairs of
the Saints in Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, in response to the Proph
et’s inquiry of the Lord for information. Members of the Church in Mis
souri were at this time subjected to severe persecution and, on July 23,
1833, had been forced to sign an agreement to leave Jackson County.
1–2, Many of the Saints in Zion ( Jack even the voice of my Spirit, that I
son County, Missouri) are blessed may show unto you my will con-
for their faithfulness; 3–5, Parley P. cerning your brethren in the land
Pratt is commended for his labors in of b Zion, many of whom are truly
the school in Zion; 6 –9, Those who humble and are seeking diligently
observe their covenants are accepted to learn wisdom and to find truth.
by the Lord; 10 –17, A house is to be 2 Verily, verily I say unto you,
built in Zion in which the pure in blessed are such, for they shall ob-
heart will see God; 18–21, Zion is the tain; for I, the Lord, show mercy unto
pure in heart; 22–28, Zion will escape all the a meek, and upon all whom-
the Lord’s scourge if she is faithful. soever I will, that I may be b justi-
fied when I shall bring them unto
Verily I say unto you my friends, judgment.
I speak unto you with my a voice, 3 Behold, I say unto you, concerning
2 a D&C 72:8 (7–8). Rev. 7:8; 97 1 a tg Revelation;
b 2 Chr. 3:8. 1 Ne. 5:14 (14–16); Wisdom.
3 a D&C 38:20. D&C 133:32. b D&C 64:26 (18–41);
4 a D&C 78:3. 8 a D&C 92:1; 66:6.
6 a D&C 102:3 (3, 34). 104:1 (1, 47–53). 2 a Matt. 5:5.
7 a Gen. 49:26 (22–26); 9 a D&C 90:23 (22–23). b Ps. 51:4.
Doctrine and Covenants 97:4–17 188
the school in Zion, I, the Lord, am 10 Verily I say unto you, that it
well pleased that there should be is my will that a a house should be
a a school in Zion, and also with built unto me in the land of Zion,
my servant b Parley P. Pratt, for he like unto the b pattern which I have
abideth in me. given you.
4 And inasmuch as he continueth 11 Yea, let it be built speedily, by
to abide in me he shall continue to the tithing of my people.
preside over the school in the land 12 Behold, this is the a tithing and
of Zion until I shall give unto him the b sacrifice which I, the Lord, re-
other commandments. quire at their hands, that there may
5 And I will bless him with a mul- be a c house built unto me for the
tiplicity of blessings, in expound- salvation of Zion—
ing all scriptures and mysteries to 13 For a place of a thanksgiving for
the edification of the a school, and all saints, and for a place of instruc-
of the church in Zion. tion for all those who are called to
6 And to the residue of the school, the work of the ministry in all their
I, the Lord, am willing to show several callings and offices;
mercy; nevertheless, there are those 14 That they may be perfected in
that must needs be a chastened, and the a understanding of their minis-
their works shall be made known. try, in theory, in principle, and in
7 The a ax is laid at the root of the doctrine, in all things pertaining to
trees; and every tree that bringeth the b kingdom of God on the earth,
not forth good fruit shall be hewn the c keys of which kingdom have
down and cast into the fire. I, the been d conferred upon you.
Lord, have spoken it. 15 And inasmuch as my people
8 Verily I say unto you, all among a
build a b house unto me in the
them who know their hearts are c
name of the Lord, and do not suf-
honest, and are broken, and their fer any d unclean thing to come into
spirits contrite, and are b willing to it, that it be not defiled, my e glory
observe their covenants by c sacri- shall rest upon it;
fice—yea, every sacrifice which I, 16 Yea, and my a presence shall be
the Lord, shall command—they are there, for I will come into it, and all
accepted of me. the b pure in heart that shall come
9 For I, the Lord, will cause them into it shall see God.
to bring forth as a very fruitful 17 But if it be defiled I will not
tree which is planted in a goodly come into it, and my glory shall not
land, by a pure stream, that yield- be there; for I will not come into
eth much precious fruit. a
unholy temples.
3 a D&C 55:4; 88:118; 9 a Ps. 1:3 (1–3); Jer. 17:8. 15 a 2 Chr. 2:4.
109:7 (7, 14). 10 a D&C 57:3; 58:57; b tg Temple.
b D&C 32:1; 50:37; 52:26; 84:3 (3–5, 31); 88:119; c 1 Kgs. 8:29.
103:30 (30–37). 124:31 (25–51). d D&C 94:9; 109:20;
5 a D&C 88:127. b Num. 8:4; 110:8 (7–8).
6 a tg Chastening. D&C 52:14; 94:2; e 2 Chr. 5:14 (13–14);
7 a Matt. 3:10; 7:19; 115:14 (14–16). Hag. 2:7;
Luke 3:9; 6:44; 12 a tg Tithing. D&C 84:5 (4–5, 31).
Alma 5:52 (36–52); b tg Sacrifice. tg Glory.
3 Ne. 14:19. c 1 Kgs. 5:5. 16 a Lev. 16:2;
8 a tg Contrite Heart; 13 a 2 Chr. 5:13. D&C 124:27.
Honesty. tg Thanksgiving. tg God, Presence of.
b Ex. 25:2 (1–7); 14 a tg Understanding. b Matt. 5:8;
D&C 64:34. b tg Kingdom of God, on D&C 67:10; 88:68.
c tg Commitment; Earth. tg God, Knowledge
Sacrifice. c tg Priesthood, about; God, Privilege of
d Gen. 4:7; Keys of. Seeing; Purity.
D&C 52:15; 132:50; d tg Delegation of 17 a 1 Cor. 3:16 (16–17);
Moses 5:23. Responsibility. Eph. 5:5.
189 Doctrine and Covenants 97:18–28
18 And, now, behold, if Zion do yea, it shall not be stayed until the
these things she shall a prosper, and Lord come;
spread herself and become very glo- 24 For the a indignation of the Lord
rious, very great, and very terrible. is kindled against their abomina-
19 And the a nations of the earth tions and all their wicked works.
shall honor her, and shall say: Surely 25 Nevertheless, Zion shall a es-
Zion is the city of our God, and cape if she observe to do all things
surely Zion cannot fall, neither be whatsoever I have commanded her.
moved out of her place, for God 26 But if she a observe not to do
is there, and the hand of the Lord is whatsoever I have commanded
there; her, I will b visit her c according to
20 And he hath sworn by the power all her works, with sore affliction,
of his might to be her salvation and with d pestilence, with e plague, with
her high a tower. sword, with f vengeance, with g de-
21 Therefore, verily, thus saith vouring fire.
the Lord, let Zion rejoice, for this 27 Nevertheless, let it be read this
is a Zion—the pure in heart; there- once to her ears, that I, the Lord,
fore, let Zion rejoice, while all the have accepted of her offering; and
wicked shall mourn. if she sin no more a none of these
22 For behold, and lo, a vengeance things shall come upon her;
cometh speedily upon the ungodly 28 And I will bless her with a bless-
as the whirlwind; and who shall ings, and multiply a multiplicity of
escape it? blessings upon her, and upon her
23 The Lord’s a scourge shall pass generations forever and ever, saith
over by night and by day, and the the Lord your God. Amen.
report thereof shall vex all people;
Section 98
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
August 6, 1833. This revelation came in consequence of the persecution
upon the Saints in Missouri. Increased settlement of Church members
in Missouri troubled some other settlers, who felt threatened by the
Saints’ numbers, political and economic influence, and cultural and
religious differences. In July 1833, a mob destroyed Church property,
tarred and feathered two Church members, and demanded that the
Saints leave Jackson County. Although some news of the problems in
Missouri had no doubt reached the Prophet in Kirtland (nine hundred
miles away), the seriousness of the situation could have been known to
him at this date only by revelation.
18 a Josh. 1:7; tg Vengeance. 2 Ne. 6:15;
D&C 90:24; 100:15. 23 a Isa. 28:15; Mosiah 12:4.
19 a Isa. 60:14; D&C 45:31. e tg Plague.
Zech. 2:11 (10–12); tg World, End of. f Isa. 34:8; 61:2;
D&C 45:69 (66–69); 24 a tg God, Indignation of; Mal. 4:1 (1, 3);
49:10. Wickedness. 3 Ne. 21:21 (20–21).
b tg Jerusalem, New. 25 a D&C 63:34; g Isa. 29:6;
20 a 2 Sam. 22:3. JS—M 1:20. Joel 1:19 (19–20);
21 a Moses 7:18 (18–19). tg Protection, Divine. Mal. 3:11;
tg Purity; Zion. 26 a Deut. 28:15. D&C 85:3.
22 a Prov. 10:25; b tg Punish; Reproof. 27 a Jer. 18:8;
Isa. 66:15; c D&C 84:58. Jonah 3:10 (9–10).
Jer. 23:19. d Luke 21:11 (10–13); 28 a tg Blessing.
Doctrine and Covenants 98:1–14 190
Section 99
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to John Murdock,
August 29, 1832, at Hiram, Ohio. For over a year, John Murdock had
been preaching the gospel while his children—motherless after the death
of his wife, Julia Clapp, in April 1831—resided with other families in
1– 8, John Murdock is called to pro be a rejected of my Father and his
claim the gospel, and those who re house; and you shall cleanse your
ceive him receive the Lord and will b
feet in the secret places by the way
obtain mercy. for a testimony against them.
5 And behold, and lo, I a come
Behold, thus saith the Lord unto quickly to b judgment, to convince
my servant John Murdock—thou all of their ungodly deeds which
art a called to go into the eastern they have committed against me,
countries from house to house, from as it is written of me in the volume
village to village, and from city to of the book.
city, to proclaim mine everlasting 6 And now, verily I say unto you,
gospel unto the inhabitants thereof, that it is not expedient that you
in the midst of b persecution and should go until your children are
wickedness. a
provided for, and sent up kindly
2 And who a receiveth you receiv- unto the bishop of Zion.
eth me; and you shall have power 7 And after a few years, if thou
to declare my word in the b dem desirest of me, thou mayest go up
onstration of my Holy Spirit. also unto the goodly land, to pos-
3 And who receiveth you a as a lit- sess thine a inheritance;
tle child, receiveth my b kingdom; 8 Otherwise thou shalt continue
and blessed are they, for they shall proclaiming my gospel a until thou
obtain c mercy. be taken. Amen.
4 And whoso rejecteth you shall
Section 100
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Sidney Rigdon, at
Perrysburg, New York, October 12, 1833. The two brethren, having
been absent from their families for several days, felt some concern
about them.
1– 4, Joseph and Sidney to preach the 13–17, The Lord will raise up a pure
gospel for the salvation of souls; 5– 8, people, and the obedient will be saved.
It will be given them in the very hour
what they should say; 9–12, Sidney is Verily, thus saith the Lord unto
to be a spokesman and Joseph is to be you, my friends Sidney and Joseph,
a revelator and mighty in testimony; your families are well; they are in
99 1 a Luke 10:1 (1–20). Kingdom of God, on tg Jesus Christ, Judge.
b tg Persecution. Earth. 6 a D&C 75:24 (24–26).
2 a Matt. 10:40 (40–42). c tg Mercy. 7 a D&C 85:7 (1–3, 7, 9);
b 1 Cor. 2:4. 4 a John 12:49 (44–49). 101:18 (1, 6, 18).
3 a Matt. 18:4 (1–14). b D&C 75:20 (19–22). 8 a Matt. 19:29.
b tg Kingdom of God, 5 a D&C 1:12. tg Self-Sacrifice.
in Heaven; b Jude 1:15 (14–15).
Doctrine and Covenants 100:2–17 194
mine hands, and I will do with calling, even to be a spokesman
them as seemeth me good; for in unto my servant Joseph.
me there is all power. 10 And I will give unto him power
2 Therefore, follow me, and listen to be mighty in a testimony.
to the counsel which I shall give 11 And I will give unto thee power
unto you. to be a mighty in expounding all
3 Behold, and lo, I have much scriptures, that thou mayest be a
people in this place, in the regions spokesman unto him, and he shall
round about; and an effectual door be a b revelator unto thee, that thou
shall be opened in the regions round mayest know the certainty of all
about in this eastern land. things c pertaining to the things of
4 Therefore, I, the Lord, have suf- my kingdom on the earth.
fered you to come unto this place; 12 Therefore, continue your jour-
for thus it was expedient in me for ney and let your hearts rejoice; for
the a salvation of souls. behold, and lo, I am with you even
5 Therefore, verily I say unto you, unto the end.
lift up your voices unto this people; 13 And now I give unto you a word
speak the thoughts that I shall put concerning Zion. a Zion shall be b re-
into your hearts, and you shall not deemed, although she is chastened
be b confounded before men; for a little season.
6 For it shall be a given you in the 14 Thy brethren, my servants Or-
very hour, yea, in the very moment, son Hyde and John Gould, are in
what ye shall say. my hands; and inasmuch as they
7 But a commandment I give unto keep my commandments they shall
you, that ye shall declare whatso- be saved.
ever thing ye a declare in my name, 15 Therefore, let your hearts be
in solemnity of heart, in the spirit comforted; for a all things shall work
of meekness, in all things. together for good to them that walk
8 And I give unto you this prom- uprightly, and to the sanctification
ise, that inasmuch as ye do this the of the church.
Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in 16 For I will raise up unto myself
bearing record unto all things what- a a pure people, that will serve me
soever ye shall say. in righteousness;
9 And it is expedient in me that 17 And all that a call upon the
you, my servant Sidney, should be name of the Lord, and keep his
a a spokesman unto this people; yea, commandments, shall be saved.
verily, I will ordain you unto this Even so. Amen.
Section 101
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, Decem
ber 16 and 17, 1833. At this time the Saints who had gathered in Mis
souri were suffering great persecution. Mobs had driven them from their
100 1 a tg Protection, Divine. 84:61; 88:121. c Acts 1:3.
4 a tg Mission of tg Meek; Sincere. 13 a tg Zion.
Latter-day Saints. 8 a Rom. 10:17 (13–17); b D&C 84:99;
5 a Ex. 4:12 (12–16); 2 Ne. 33:1 (1–4). 103:15 (15, 20, 29).
Prov. 16:1; 9 a Ex. 4:16 (14–16); 15 a Rom. 8:28;
Hel. 5:18 (18–19); 13:3; 2 Ne. 3:17 (17–18); D&C 90:24; 105:40.
D&C 68:3 (3–4). D&C 124:104. 16 a tg Peculiar People;
b Acts 6:10. 10 a tg Testimony. Purity.
6 a Matt. 10:19 (19–20); 11 a Acts 18:24; 17 a Ps. 50:15;
D&C 84:85. Alma 17:3 (2–3). Joel 2:32;
7 a D&C 18:21; 43:34; b tg Revelation. Alma 38:5 (4–5).
195 Doctrine and Covenants 101:1–10
homes in Jackson County; and some of the Saints had tried to establish
themselves in Van Buren, Lafayette, and Ray Counties, but persecution
followed them. The main body of the Saints was at that time in Clay
County, Missouri. Threats of death against individuals of the Church
were many. The Saints in Jackson County had lost household furniture,
clothing, livestock, and other personal property; and many of their crops
had been destroyed.
1– 8, The Saints are chastened and af 4 Therefore, they must needs be
flicted because of their transgressions; a
chastened and tried, even as b Abra-
9–15, The Lord’s indignation will fall ham, who was commanded to offer
upon the nations, but His people will up his only son.
be gathered and comforted; 16 –21, 5 For all those who will not a endure
Zion and her stakes will be established; chastening, but b deny me, cannot
22–31, The nature of life during the be sanctified.
Millennium is set forth; 32–42, The 6 Behold, I say unto you, there
Saints will be blessed and rewarded were jarrings, and a contentions, and
then; 43–62, The parable of the noble b
envyings, and c strifes, and d lustful
man and the olive trees signifies the and covetous desires among them;
troubles and eventual redemption of therefore by these things they pol-
Zion; 63–75, The Saints are to con luted their inheritances.
tinue gathering together; 76– 80, The 7 They were slow to a hearken unto
Lord established the Constitution of the the voice of the Lord their God; there-
United States; 81–101, The Saints are fore, the Lord their God is slow to
to importune for the redress of griev hearken unto their prayers, to an-
ances, according to the parable of the swer them in the day of their trouble.
woman and the unjust judge. 8 In the day of their peace they
esteemed lightly my counsel; but,
Verily I say unto you, concerning in the day of their a trouble, of ne-
your brethren who have been af- cessity they b feel after me.
flicted, and a persecuted, and b cast out 9 Verily I say unto you, notwith-
from the land of their inheritance— standing their sins, my bowels are
2 I, the Lord, have suffered the a af- filled with a compassion towards
fliction to come upon them, where- them. I will not utterly b cast them
with they have been afflicted, in off; and in the day of c wrath I will
consequence of their b transgressions; remember mercy.
3 Yet I will own them, and they 10 I have sworn, and the decree
shall be a mine in that day when I hath gone forth by a former com-
shall come to make up my jewels. mandment which I have given unto
101 1 a tg Persecution. Jacob 4:5; Isa. 1:15; 59:2;
b D&C 103:2 (2, 11); D&C 132:51. Jer. 2:27; 11:11;
104:51; 109:47; 121:23. 5 a Prov. 5:12; Ezek. 20:3;
2 a Ps. 119:67; Alma 61:9. Mosiah 11:24 (22–25);
D&C 58:4. b Prov. 30:9; 21:15;
tg Affliction. Matt. 10:33 (32–33); Alma 5:38 (38–42).
b Jer. 30:15; 40:3; Rom. 1:16 (15–18); 8 a Neh. 9:33;
Lam. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:12 (10–15); Mosiah 13:29;
Mosiah 7:29; 2 Ne. 31:14 (12–21). Alma 46:8;
D&C 103:4; 6 a tg Contention; Hel. 12:3.
105:9 (2–10). Disputations. b Hosea 5:15;
3 a Isa. 62:3; b tg Envy. Acts 17:27;
Mal. 3:17; c tg Strife. Alma 32:6.
D&C 60:4. d tg Carnal Mind; Lust; 9 a tg Compassion; Mercy.
4 a 2 Sam. 7:14; Sensuality. b Jer. 30:11.
D&C 95:1 (1–2); 136:31. 7 a Lev. 26:14 (14–20); c Isa. 60:10;
b Gen. 22:2 (1–14); 1 Sam. 8:18; D&C 98:22 (21–22).
Doctrine and Covenants 101:11–27 196
you, that I would let fall the a sword be any other place appointed than
of mine indignation in behalf of my that which I have appointed, for
people; and even as I have said, it the work of the gathering of my
shall come to pass. saints—
11 Mine indignation is soon to be 21 Until the day cometh when
poured out without measure upon there is found no more room for
all nations; and this will I do when them; and then I have other places
the cup of their iniquity is a full. which I will appoint unto them, and
12 And in that day all who are they shall be called a stakes, for the
found upon the a watch-tower, or in curtains or the strength of Zion.
other words, all mine Israel, shall 22 Behold, it is my will, that all they
be saved. who call on my name, and worship
13 And they that have been scat- me according to mine everlasting
tered shall be a gathered. gospel, should a gather together, and
14 And all they who have a mourned b
stand in holy places;
shall be comforted. 23 And a prepare for the revelation
15 And all they who have given which is to come, when the b veil of
their a lives for my name shall be the covering of my temple, in my
crowned. tabernacle, which hideth the earth,
16 Therefore, let your hearts be shall be taken off, and all flesh shall
comforted concerning Zion; for all c
see me together.
flesh is in mine a hands; be still and 24 And every a corruptible thing,
know that I am God. both of man, or of the beasts of the
17 a Zion shall not be moved out field, or of the fowls of the heavens,
of her place, notwithstanding her or of the fish of the sea, that dwells
children are scattered. upon all the face of the earth, shall
18 They that remain, and are pure be b consumed;
in heart, shall return, and come to 25 And also that of element shall
their a inheritances, they and their a
melt with fervent heat; and all
children, with b songs of everlasting things shall become b new, that my
joy, to c build up the waste places knowledge and c glory may dwell
of Zion— upon all the d earth.
19 And all these things that the 26 And in that day the enmity of
prophets might be fulfilled. man, and the a enmity of beasts, yea,
20 And, behold, there is none other the b enmity of all flesh, shall cease
place appointed than that which I from before my face.
have appointed; neither shall there 27 And in that day a whatsoever
10 a D&C 1:13 (13–14). tg Zion. b tg Veil.
11 a Gen. 15:16; 18 a D&C 99:7; c Isa. 40:5;
Alma 37:31; 103:14 (11, 14). D&C 38:8; 93:1.
Hel. 13:14; D&C 61:31. b Isa. 35:10; D&C 45:71. 24 a Ps. 72:4; D&C 29:24.
12 a Ezek. 3:17; 33:9 (6–10). tg Singing. b Zeph. 1:2 (2–3);
13 a Deut. 30:3; c Amos 9:14; Mal. 4:1; D&C 88:94;
Ps. 60:1 (1–3); D&C 84:3 (2–5); 103:11. JS—H 1:37.
Micah 7:12 (11–12); 20 a D&C 57:2 (1–4). 25 a Amos 9:5;
1 Ne. 10:14. 21 a D&C 82:13; 2 Pet. 3:10 (10–12).
14 a Matt. 5:4. 115:18 (6, 17–18). tg Earth, Cleansing of;
tg Comfort; Israel, tg Stake. World, End of.
Restoration of; 22 a D&C 10:65. b Rev. 21:5.
Mourning. tg Israel, Gathering of; tg Earth, Renewal of.
15 a Matt. 5:10 (10–11); Mission of Latter-day c Isa. 6:3; Ezek. 43:2;
10:39. Saints. Rev. 18:1; D&C 94:8.
tg Martyrdom. b 2 Chr. 35:5; Matt. 24:15; tg Glory.
16 a Moses 6:32. D&C 45:32; 87:8; d tg Earth, Destiny of.
b Ex. 14:13; Ps. 46:10; JS—M 1:12. 26 a Isa. 11:9 (6–9).
Jer. 9:3. 23 a tg Millennium, b tg Peace.
17 a D&C 101:20 (20–22). Preparing a People for. 27 a Isa. 65:24; D&C 4:7.
197 Doctrine and Covenants 101:28–45
any man shall ask, it shall be given body, neither the life of the body;
unto him. but care for the a soul, and for the
28 And in that day a Satan shall life of the soul.
not have power to tempt any man. 38 And a seek the face of the Lord
29 And there shall be no a sorrow always, that in b patience ye may
because there is no death. possess your souls, and ye shall have
30 In that day an a infant shall not eternal life.
die until he is old; and his life shall 39 When men are called unto mine
be as the age of a tree; a
everlasting gospel, and covenant
31 And when he dies he shall not with an everlasting covenant, they
sleep, that is to say in the earth, but are accounted as the b salt of the
shall be a changed in the twinkling earth and the savor of men;
of an eye, and shall be b caught up, 40 They are called to be the savor
and his rest shall be glorious. of men; therefore, if that a salt of
32 Yea, verily I say unto you, in the earth lose its savor, behold, it is
that a day when the Lord shall come, thenceforth good for nothing only
he shall b reveal all things— to be cast out and trodden under
33 Things which have passed, and the feet of men.
hidden things which no man knew, 41 Behold, here is wisdom con-
things of the b earth, by which it was cerning the children of Zion, even
made, and the purpose and the end many, but not all; they were found
thereof— transgressors, therefore they must
34 Things most precious, things needs be a chastened—
that are above, and things that are 42 He that a exalteth himself shall
beneath, things that are in the earth, be abased, and he that b abaseth
and upon the earth, and in heaven. himself shall be exalted.
35 And all they who suffer a perse- 43 And now, I will show unto you a
cution for my name, and endure in parable, that you may know my will
faith, though they are called to lay concerning the a redemption of Zion.
down their lives for my b sake yet 44 A certain a nobleman had a spot
shall they partake of all this glory. of land, very choice; and he said unto
36 Wherefore, a fear not even unto his servants: Go ye unto my b vineyard,
death; for in this world your joy is even upon this very choice piece of
not full, but in me your b joy is full. land, and plant twelve olive trees;
37 Therefore, care not for the 45 And set a watchmen round about
28 a Rev. 20:2 (2–3); b tg Earth, Destiny of; D&C 103:10.
1 Ne. 22:26; Earth, Purpose of. tg Mission of
D&C 88:110. 35 a 2 Cor. 1:6; 4:9; Latter-day Saints;
29 a tg Immortality; D&C 63:20. Peculiar People; Salt.
Sorrow. tg Malice; Persecution; 40 a D&C 103:10.
30 a Isa. 65:20 (20–22); Perseverance. 41 a tg Chastening;
D&C 45:58; b Luke 21:17 (15–19); Reproof.
63:50 (49–50). D&C 98:13. 42 a Obad. 1:3 (3–4);
31 a 1 Cor. 15:52; 36 a D&C 98:13. Luke 14:11; 2 Ne. 20:33;
D&C 43:32; tg Comfort; Death, Hel. 4:12 (12–13).
88:28 (20, 28). Power over. tg Leadership.
tg Resurrection. b 2 Ne. 27:30. b Luke 18:14;
b 1 Thes. 4:16 (16–17); tg Joy. D&C 67:10; 104:82;
D&C 76:102; 37 a tg Soul; Worth of Souls. 124:114.
88:96 (96–98). 38 a 2 Chr. 7:14; 43 a D&C 103:1.
32 a D&C 29:11; 43:30. Ps. 27:8; 69:32; 44 a D&C 103:21 (21–22).
tg Jesus Christ, Second Amos 5:6; D&C 45:46. b Isa. 5:1 (1–7);
Coming; Millennium. b tg Patience. Matt. 21:33 (33–41);
b D&C 98:12; 39 a tg New and Everlasting Jacob 5:3 (3–77).
121:28 (26–33). Covenant. 45 a Ezek. 33:2 (2, 7);
33 a tg Mysteries of b Matt. 5:13; 3 Ne. 16:18.
Godliness. 1 Tim. 4:16; tg Watchman.
Doctrine and Covenants 101:46–63 198
them, and build a tower, that one 54 And behold, the watchman
may overlook the land round about, upon the tower would have seen
to be a watchman upon the tower, the enemy while he was yet afar off;
that mine olive trees may not be and then ye could have made ready
broken down when the enemy shall and kept the enemy from breaking
come to spoil and take upon them- down the hedge thereof, and saved
selves the fruit of my vineyard. my vineyard from the hands of the
46 Now, the servants of the no- destroyer.
bleman went and did as their lord 55 And the lord of the vineyard
commanded them, and planted the said unto one of his a servants: Go
olive trees, and built a hedge round and gather together the residue
about, and set watchmen, and be- of my servants, and take b all the
gan to build a tower. strength of mine house, which are
47 And while they were yet laying my warriors, my young men, and
the foundation thereof, they began they that are of middle age also
to say among themselves: And what among all my servants, who are the
need hath my lord of this tower? strength of mine house, save those
48 And consulted for a long time, only whom I have appointed to tarry;
saying among themselves: What 56 And go ye straightway unto the
need hath my lord of this tower, land of my vineyard, and redeem
seeing this is a time of peace? my vineyard; for it is mine; I have
49 Might not this money be given bought it with money.
to the exchangers? For there is no 57 Therefore, get ye straightway
need of these things. unto my land; break down the a walls
50 And while they were at vari- of mine enemies; throw down their
ance one with another they became tower, and scatter their watchmen.
very a slothful, and they hearkened 58 And inasmuch as they gather
not unto the commandments of together against you, a avenge me
their lord. of mine enemies, that by and by I
51 And the enemy came by night, may come with the residue of mine
and broke down the a hedge; and the house and possess the land.
servants of the nobleman arose and 59 And the servant said unto his
were affrighted, and fled; and the lord: When shall these things be?
enemy destroyed their works, and 60 And he said unto his servant:
broke down the olive trees. When I will; go ye straightway, and
52 Now, behold, the nobleman, the do all things whatsoever I have com-
lord of the a vineyard, called upon his manded you;
servants, and said unto them, Why! 61 And this shall be my seal and
what is the cause of this great evil? a
blessing upon you—a faithful and
53 Ought ye not to have done b
wise steward in the midst of mine
even as I commanded you, and— house, a c ruler in my kingdom.
after ye had planted the vineyard, 62 And his servant went straight-
and built the hedge round about, way, and did all things whatso-
and set watchmen upon the walls ever his lord commanded him; and
thereof—built the tower also, and a
after many days all things were
set a a watchman upon the tower, fulfilled.
and watched for my vineyard, and 63 Again, verily I say unto you,
not have fallen asleep, lest the en- I will show unto you wisdom in
emy should come upon you? me concerning all the churches,
50 a tg Dependability; tg Stewardship. D&C 97:22; 103:26;
Laziness. b D&C 103:22 (22, 29–30); 105:30 (15, 30).
51 a Isa. 5:5 (1–7). 105:30 (16, 29–30). 61 a tg Blessing; Reward.
52 a tg Vineyard of the Lord. 57 a Josh. 6:20. b D&C 78:22.
53 a Ezek. 33:2 (2–7). 58 a Num. 31:2; c Matt. 25:21 (20–23).
55 a D&C 103:21. Isa. 1:24; 62 a D&C 105:37 (15, 37).
199 Doctrine and Covenants 101:64–79
inasmuch as they are a willing to be counties round about, and leave the
guided in a right and proper way residue in mine hand.
for their salvation— 72 Now, verily I say unto you, let
64 That the work of the a gathering all the churches gather together all
together of my saints may continue, their moneys; let these things be
that I may build them up unto my done in their time, but not in a haste;
name upon b holy places; for the time and observe to have all things pre-
of c harvest is come, and my word pared before you.
must needs be d fulfilled. 73 And let honorable men be ap-
65 Therefore, I must gather to- pointed, even a wise men, and send
gether my people, according to the them to purchase these lands.
parable of the wheat and the a tares, 74 And the churches in the a east-
that the wheat may be secured in ern countries, when they are built
the garners to possess eternal life, up, if they will hearken unto this
and be crowned with celestial b glory, counsel they may buy lands and
when I shall come in the kingdom gather together upon them; and in
of my Father to reward every man this way they may establish Zion.
according as his work shall be; 75 There is even now already in
66 While the a tares shall be bound store sufficient, yea, even an abun-
in bundles, and their bands made dance, to redeem Zion, and estab-
strong, that they may be b burned lish her waste places, no more to be
with unquenchable fire. thrown down, were the churches,
67 Therefore, a commandment who call themselves after my name,
I give unto all the churches, that a
willing to hearken to my voice.
they shall continue to gather to- 76 And again I say unto you, those
gether unto the places which I have who have been scattered by their en-
appointed. emies, it is my will that they should
68 Nevertheless, as I have said unto continue to importune for redress,
you in a former commandment, let and redemption, by the hands of
not your a gathering be in haste, nor those who are placed as rulers and
by flight; but let all things be pre- are in authority over you—
pared before you. 77 According to the laws and
69 And in order that all things be a
constitution of the people, which
prepared before you, observe the I have suffered to be established,
commandment which I have given and should be maintained for the
concerning these things— b
rights and protection of all flesh, ac-
70 Which saith, or teacheth, to cording to just and holy principles;
purchase all the lands with money, 78 That every man may act in
which can be purchased for money, doctrine and principle pertaining
in the region round about the land to futurity, according to the moral
which I have appointed to be the a
agency which I have given unto
land of Zion, for the beginning of him, that every man may be b ac-
the gathering of my saints; countable for his own sins in the
71 All the land which can be pur- day of c judgment.
chased in Jackson county, and the 79 Therefore, it is not right that
63 a tg Teachable. 66 a D&C 38:12. 73 a D&C 105:28 (28–30).
64 a D&C 10:65. b Nahum 1:5; Matt. 3:12; 74 a D&C 100:3.
b D&C 87:8. D&C 63:34 (33–34). 75 a Alma 5:37 (37–39);
c Joel 3:13; 68 a D&C 58:56; 63:24. D&C 105:2.
D&C 33:3 (3, 7). 70 a D&C 42:35; 57:5 (5–7); 77 a tg Citizenship;
tg Harvest. 58:49 (49–53); Governments.
d D&C 1:38. 63:27 (27–29); b tg Liberty.
65 a Matt. 13:36 (6–43); 103:23 (22–24). 78 a tg Agency.
D&C 86:1 (1–7). 72 a Isa. 52:12 (10–12); b tg Accountability;
b tg Celestial Glory; D&C 58:56. Punish.
Glory; Reward. tg Haste; Rashness. c tg Judgment, the Last.
Doctrine and Covenants 101:80–99 200
Section 102
Minutes of the organization of the first high council of the Church, at
Kirtland, Ohio, February 17, 1834. The original minutes were recorded by
Elders Oliver Cowdery and Orson Hyde. The Prophet revised the minutes
the following day, and the next day the corrected minutes were unanimously
accepted by the high council as “a form and constitution of the high council”
of the Church. Verses 30 through 32, having to do with the Council of the
Twelve Apostles, were added in 1835 under Joseph Smith’s direction when
this section was prepared for publication in the Doctrine and Covenants.
1– 8, A high council is appointed to standing council for the church,
settle important difficulties that arise by the unanimous voice of the
in the Church; 9–18, Procedures are council.
given for hearing cases; 19–23, The 4 The above-named councilors
president of the council renders the were then asked whether they ac-
decision; 24–34, Appellate procedure cepted their appointments, and
is set forth. whether they would act in that office
according to the a law of heaven, to
This day a general council of twenty- which they all answered that they
four high priests assembled at the accepted their appointments, and
house of Joseph Smith, Jun., by would fill their offices according
revelation, and proceeded to orga- to the grace of God bestowed upon
nize the a high council of the church them.
of Christ, which was to consist of 5 The number composing the
twelve high priests, and one or three council, who voted in the name and
presidents as the case might require. for the church in appointing the
2 The a high council was appointed above-named councilors were forty-
by revelation for the purpose of b set- three, as follows: nine high priests,
tling important difficulties which seventeen elders, four priests, and
might arise in the church, which thirteen members.
could not be settled by the church 6 Voted: that the high council can-
or the c bishop’s council to the sat- not have power to act without seven
isfaction of the parties. of the above-named councilors, or
3 Joseph Smith, Jun., Sidney Rig- their regularly appointed successors
don and Frederick G. Williams are present.
were acknowledged presidents by 7 These seven shall have power to
the voice of the council; and Joseph appoint other high priests, whom
Smith, Sen., John Smith, Joseph Coe, they may consider worthy and ca-
John Johnson, Martin Harris, John S. pable to act in the place of absent
Carter, Jared Carter, Oliver Cowdery, councilors.
Samuel H. Smith, Orson Hyde, Syl- 8 Voted: that whenever any va-
vester Smith, and Luke Johnson, cancy shall occur by the death, re-
high priests, were chosen to be a moval from office for transgression,
100 a D&C 103:15 (15–28). tg Millennium. b tg Judgment.
101 a Isa. 65:21; 102 1 a D&C 42:34. c D&C 107:73 (72–75).
D&C 64:34. 2 a D&C 20:67. 4 a tg God, Law of.
Doctrine and Covenants 102:9–23 202
or removal from the bounds of this 15 The accused, in all cases, has a
church government, of any one of right to one-half of the council, to
the above-named councilors, it shall prevent insult or a injustice.
be filled by the nomination of the 16 And the councilors appointed
president or presidents, and sanc- to speak before the council are to
tioned by the voice of a general present the case, after the evidence is
council of high priests, convened examined, in its true light before the
for that purpose, to act in the name council; and every man is to speak
of the church. according to equity and a justice.
9 The president of the church, who 17 Those councilors who a draw
is also the president of the council, even numbers, that is, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
is appointed by a revelation, and b ac- and 12, are the individuals who
knowledged in his administration are to stand up in behalf of the
by the voice of the church. accused, and prevent insult and
10 And it is according to the dignity b
of his office that he should preside 18 In all cases the accuser and
over the council of the church; and the accused shall have a privilege
it is his privilege to be assisted by of speaking for themselves before
two other presidents, appointed af- the council, after the evidences are
ter the same manner that he himself a
heard and the councilors who are
was appointed. appointed to speak on the case have
11 And in case of the absence of finished their remarks.
one or both of those who are ap- 19 After the evidences are heard,
pointed to assist him, he has power the councilors, accuser and ac-
to preside over the council without cused have spoken, the president
an assistant; and in case he himself shall give a decision according to
is absent, the other presidents have the understanding which he shall
power to preside in his stead, both have of the case, and call upon the
or either of them. twelve councilors to a sanction the
12 Whenever a high council of same by their vote.
the church of Christ is regularly 20 But should the remaining coun-
organized, according to the fore- cilors, who have not spoken, or any
going pattern, it shall be the duty one of them, after hearing the evi-
of the twelve councilors to cast lots dences and pleadings impartially,
by numbers, and thereby ascertain discover an a error in the decision
who of the twelve shall speak first, of the president, they can mani-
commencing with number one and fest it, and the case shall have a
so in succession to number twelve. re-hearing.
13 Whenever this council convenes 21 And if, after a careful re-hearing,
to act upon any case, the twelve any additional light is shown upon
councilors shall consider whether the case, the decision shall be al-
it is a difficult one or not; if it is tered accordingly.
not, two only of the councilors shall 22 But in case no additional light is
speak upon it, according to the form given, the first decision shall stand,
above written. the majority of the council having
14 But if it is thought to be difficult, power to determine the same.
four shall be appointed; and if more 23 In case of difficulty respecting
difficult, six; but in no case shall a
doctrine or principle, if there is not
more than six be appointed to speak. a sufficiency written to make the
8 a D&C 68:15 (15, 19, 22). Leaders. 18 a John 7:51;
9 a tg Called of God. See 15 a tg Injustice. Acts 25:16.
also the headings to 16 a tg Justice. 19 a tg Common Consent.
sections 81 and 90. 17 a bd Lots, casting of. 20 a Isa. 56:1.
b tg Sustaining Church b tg Injustice. 23 a Num. 9:8.
203 Doctrine and Covenants 102:24–34
case clear to the minds of the coun- whether it is necessary to call such
cil, the president may inquire and a council or not.
obtain the b mind of the Lord by 30 There is a distinction between
revelation. the a high council or traveling high
24 The high priests, when abroad, priests abroad, and the traveling
have power to call and organize a high council composed of the twelve
council after the manner of the fore- b
apostles, in their decisions.
going, to settle difficulties, when 31 From the decision of the former
the parties or either of them shall there can be an appeal; but from the
request it. decision of the latter there cannot.
25 And the said council of high 32 The latter can only be called
priests shall have power to appoint in question by the general authori
one of their own number to pre- ties of the church in case of trans-
side over such council for the time gression.
being. 33 Resolved: that the president or
26 It shall be the duty of said presidents of the seat of the First
council to a transmit, immediately, Presidency of the Church shall have
a copy of their proceedings, with a power to determine whether any
full statement of the testimony ac- such case, as may be appealed, is
companying their decision, to the justly entitled to a re-hearing, af-
high council of the seat of the First ter examining the appeal and the
Presidency of the Church. evidences and statements accom-
27 Should the parties or either of panying it.
them be dissatisfied with the deci- 34 The twelve councilors then pro-
sion of said council, they may appeal ceeded to cast lots or ballot, to as-
to the high council of the seat of certain who should speak first, and
the First Presidency of the Church, the following was the result, namely:
and have a re-hearing, which case 1, Oliver Cowdery; 2, Joseph Coe;
shall there be conducted, accord- 3, Samuel H. Smith; 4, Luke Johnson;
ing to the former pattern written, 5, John S. Carter; 6, Sylvester Smith;
as though no such decision had 7, John Johnson; 8, Orson Hyde;
been made. 9, Jared Carter; 10, Joseph Smith,
28 This council of high priests Sen.; 11, John Smith; 12, Martin
abroad is only to be called on the Harris.
most a difficult cases of church mat- After prayer the conference ad-
ters; and no common or ordinary journed.
case is to be sufficient to call such Oliver Cowdery,
council. Orson Hyde,
29 The traveling or located high Clerks
priests abroad have power to say
Section 103
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
February 24, 1834. This revelation was received after the arrival in Kirt
land, Ohio, of Parley P. Pratt and Lyman Wight, who had come from
Missouri to counsel with the Prophet as to the relief and restoration of the
Saints to their lands in Jackson County.
23 b Lev. 24:12; 26 a tg Church Organization; 30 a D&C 107:23–24, 31,
D&C 68:4. Order. 35–38.
tg Revelation. 28 a D&C 107:78. b tg Apostles.
Doctrine and Covenants 103:1–13 204
1–4, Why the Lord permitted the Saints unto the b counsel which I, the Lord
in Jackson County to be persecuted; their God, shall give unto them.
5–10, The Saints will prevail if they 6 Behold they shall, for I have de-
keep the commandments; 11–20, The creed it, begin to a prevail against
redemption of Zion will come by power, mine b enemies from this very hour.
and the Lord will go before His peo 7 And by a hearkening to observe
ple; 21–28, The Saints are to gather all the words which I, the Lord their
in Zion, and those who lay down their God, shall speak unto them, they
lives will find them again; 29–40, Vari shall never cease to prevail until
ous brethren are called to organize the b kingdoms of the world are sub-
Zion’s Camp and go to Zion; they are dued under my feet, and the earth
promised victory if they are faithful. is c given unto the saints, to d possess
it forever and ever.
Verily I say unto you, my friends, 8 But inasmuch as they a keep not
behold, I will give unto you a reve my commandments, and hearken
lation and commandment, that you not to observe all my words, the
may know how to a act in the dis- kingdoms of the world shall prevail
charge of your duties concerning the against them.
salvation and b redemption of your 9 For they were set to be a a light
brethren, who have been scattered unto the world, and to be the b sav-
on the land of Zion; iors of men;
2 Being a driven and smitten by the 10 And inasmuch as they are not
hands of mine enemies, on whom the saviors of men, they are as a salt
I will pour out my b wrath without that has lost its savor, and is thence-
measure in mine own time. forth good for nothing but to be cast
3 For I have suffered them thus far, out and trodden under foot of men.
that they might a fill up the measure 11 But verily I say unto you, I have
of their iniquities, that their cup decreed that your brethren which
might be full; have been scattered shall return
4 And that those who call them- to the a lands of their inheritances,
selves after my name might be a chas- and shall b build up the waste places
tened for a little season with a sore of Zion.
and grievous chastisement, because 12 For after a much tribulation,
they did not b hearken altogether as I have said unto you in a former
unto the precepts and command- commandment, cometh the blessing.
ments which I gave unto them. 13 Behold, this is the blessing
5 But verily I say unto you, that which I have promised after your
I have decreed a decree which my tribulations, and the tribulations
people shall a realize, inasmuch as of your brethren—your redemp-
they hearken from this very hour tion, and the redemption of your
103 1 a D&C 43:8; 82:9. 5 a D&C 130:20. 9 a Ezek. 5:5;
b D&C 101:43 (43–62). b tg Counsel. 1 Ne. 21:6;
2 a D&C 101:1; 104:51; 6 a Hosea 6:1. Alma 4:11; 39:11.
109:47. b Deut. 33:27. tg Children of Light;
b Rom. 12:19 (17–20); 7 a D&C 35:24. Example; Light [noun].
Morm. 3:15 (9–15). tg Obedience. b Obad. 1:21.
tg Protection, Divine. b Dan. 2:44 (34–45). 10 a Matt. 5:13;
3 a Gen. 15:16; tg Earth, Destiny of; D&C 101:39 (39–41).
Matt. 23:32 (30–36); Kings, Earthly. tg Salt.
Alma 14:11 (10–11); c Dan. 7:27. 11 a D&C 101:18; 109:47.
60:13. tg Saints. b Amos 9:14;
4 a D&C 95:1. d D&C 38:20. D&C 84:3 (2–5).
tg Chastening. 8 a Lev. 26:17 (16–17); 12 a John 16:33;
b Lam. 1:5; D&C 101:2; 1 Kgs. 8:33; Rev. 7:14 (13–14);
105:9 (2–10). Mosiah 1:13 (13–14); D&C 58:4; 109:76; 112:13.
tg Disobedience. D&C 82:10. tg Probation; Test.
205 Doctrine and Covenants 103:14–30
brethren, even their restoration to together unto the land of Zion, upon
the land of Zion, to be established, the land which I have bought with
no more to be thrown down. money that has been consecrated
14 Nevertheless, if they pollute unto me.
their inheritances they shall be 23 And let all the churches send
thrown down; for I will not spare up wise men with their moneys,
them if they pollute their inheri- and a purchase lands even as I have
tances. commanded them.
15 Behold, I say unto you, the a re- 24 And inasmuch as mine enemies
demption of Zion must needs come come against you to drive you from
by power; my goodly a land, which I have con-
16 Therefore, I will raise up unto secrated to be the land of Zion, even
my people a man, who shall a lead from your own lands after these
them like as Moses led the children testimonies, which ye have brought
of Israel. before me against them, ye shall
17 For ye are the children of Is- curse them;
rael, and of the a seed of Abraham, 25 And whomsoever ye a curse, I
and ye must needs be b led out of will curse, and ye shall avenge me
bondage by power, and with a of mine enemies.
stretched-out arm. 26 And my presence shall be with
18 And as your fathers were a led at you even in a avenging me of mine
the first, even so shall the redemp- enemies, unto the third and fourth
tion of Zion be. generation of them that hate me.
19 Therefore, let not your hearts 27 Let no man be afraid to lay down
faint, for I say not unto you as I his a life for my sake; for whoso b lay-
said unto your fathers: Mine a angel eth down his life for my sake shall
shall go up before you, but not my find it again.
presence. 28 And whoso is not willing to lay
20 But I say unto you: Mine a an- down his life for my sake is not my
gels shall go up before you, and also disciple.
my b presence, and in time ye shall 29 It is my will that my servant
possess the goodly land. Sidney Rigdon shall lift up his voice
21 Verily, verily I say unto you, that in the congregations in the eastern
my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., is the countries, in preparing the churches
man to whom I likened the servant to keep the commandments which
to whom the Lord of the b vineyard I have given unto them concerning
spake in the parable which I have the restoration and redemption
given unto you. of Zion.
22 Therefore let my servant Joseph 30 It is my will that my servant Par-
Smith, Jun., say unto the a strength ley P. Pratt and my servant Lyman
of my house, my young men and Wight should not return to the
the middle aged—Gather yourselves land of their brethren, until they
15 a D&C 100:13; D&C 84:24 (23–28). 24 a D&C 28:9; 29:8 (7–8);
105:1 (1–16, 34). 20 a Ex. 14:19 (19–20). 45:66 (64–66);
16 a Ex. 3:10 (2–10); b 1 Cor. 10:1. 52:2 (2, 42);
Mosiah 7:19; c D&C 100:13. 57:1 (1–2).
Alma 36:28; 21 a D&C 101:44 (44, 55). 25 a Deut. 30:7;
D&C 107:91 (91–92). b tg Vineyard of the D&C 124:93.
17 a tg Abrahamic Lord. 26 a D&C 97:22;
Covenant; 22 a D&C 35:13 (13–14); 101:58;
Seed of Abraham. 101:55; 105:30 (15, 30).
b Ex. 13:21 (21–22). 105:16 (16, 29–30). 27 a Luke 14:33.
c tg Bondage, Physical. 23 a D&C 42:35; b Matt. 10:39;
18 a D&C 136:22 (18, 22). 57:5 (5–7); Luke 9:24;
19 a tg Angels. 58:49 (49–51); D&C 98:13 (13–15);
b Ex. 33:3 (1–4); 101:70 (68–74). 124:54.
Doctrine and Covenants 103:31–40 206
Section 104
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at or near Kirtland, Ohio,
April 23, 1834, concerning the United Firm (see the headings to sections
78 and 82). The occasion was likely that of a council meeting of members
of the United Firm, which discussed the pressing temporal needs of the
Church. An earlier meeting of the firm on April 10 had resolved that the
organization be dissolved. This revelation directs that the firm instead be
reorganized; its properties were to be divided among members of the firm
as their stewardships. Under Joseph Smith’s direction, the phrase “United
Firm” was later replaced with “United Order” in the revelation.
1–10, Saints who transgress against separately; 54–66, The sacred treasury
the united order will be cursed; 11– of the Lord is set up for the printing
16, The Lord provides for His Saints of the scriptures; 67–77, The general
in His own way; 17–18, Gospel law treasury of the united order is to oper
governs the care of the poor; 19– 46, ate on the basis of common consent;
The stewardships and blessings of 78– 86, Those in the united order are
various brethren are designated; to pay all their debts, and the Lord
47–53, The united order in Kirtland will deliver them from financial
and the order in Zion are to operate bondage.
30 a D&C 101:55. 105:15. Steadfastness;
31 a D&C 82:10. 36 a tg Dedication; Trustworthiness.
35 a D&C 84:3 (3–4, 31); Diligence; b D&C 104:82 (79–82).
207 Doctrine and Covenants 104:1–18
Verily I say unto you, my friends, 9 Inasmuch as ye are a cut off for
I give unto you counsel, and a com- transgression, ye cannot escape the
mandment, concerning all the a prop- b
buffetings of c Satan until the day
erties which belong to the order of redemption.
which I commanded to be organized 10 And I now give unto you power
and established, to be a b united or- from this very hour, that if any man
der, and an everlasting order for among you, of the order, is found a
the benefit of my c church, and for the transgressor and repenteth not of
salvation of men until I come— the evil, that ye shall a deliver him
2 With promise immutable and un- over unto the buffetings of Satan;
changeable, that inasmuch as those and he shall not have power to
whom I commanded were faithful b
bring evil upon you.
they should be blessed with a a mul- 11 It is wisdom in me; therefore, a
tiplicity of blessings; commandment I give unto you, that
3 But inasmuch as they were not ye shall organize yourselves and ap-
faithful they were nigh unto a curs- point every man his a stewardship;
ing. 12 That every man may give an
4 Therefore, inasmuch as some account unto me of the steward-
of my servants have not kept the ship which is appointed unto him.
commandment, but have broken 13 For it is expedient that I, the
the covenant through a covetous- Lord, should make every man a ac-
ness, and with feigned words, I have countable, as a b steward over earthly
cursed them with a very sore and blessings, which I have made and
grievous curse. prepared for my creatures.
5 For I, the Lord, have decreed 14 I, the Lord, stretched out the
in my heart, that inasmuch as any heavens, and a built the earth, my
man belonging to the order shall very b handiwork; and all things
be found a transgressor, or, in other therein are mine.
words, shall break the a covenant 15 And it is my purpose to pro-
with which ye are bound, he shall vide for my saints, for all things
be cursed in his life, and shall be are mine.
trodden down by whom I will; 16 But it must needs be done in
6 For I, the Lord, am not to be mine own a way; and behold this is
mocked in these things— the way that I, the Lord, have de-
7 And all this that the innocent creed to provide for my saints, that
among you may not be condemned the b poor shall be exalted, in that the
with the a unjust; and that the guilty rich are made low.
among you may not escape; because 17 For the a earth is full, and there
I, the Lord, have promised unto you is enough and to spare; yea, I pre-
a b crown of glory at my c right hand. pared all things, and have given unto
8 Therefore, inasmuch as you are the children of men to be b agents
found transgressors, you cannot es- unto themselves.
cape my wrath in your lives. 18 Therefore, if any man shall take
104 1 a D&C 104:19 (19–46). b Isa. 62:3; 14 a Isa. 42:5; 45:12.
b D&C 78:3 (3–15); D&C 76:56 (50–70). tg Creation.
96:8 (6–9); 105:4 (4–5). tg Glory. b Ps. 19:1; 24:1.
c tg Jesus Christ, c D&C 76:20 (20–23). 16 a D&C 105:5.
Second Coming. 9 a tg Excommunication. tg Welfare.
2 a Luke 18:30. b D&C 82:21; 132:26. b 1 Sam. 2:8 (7–8);
3 a Heb. 6:8. c tg Devil. Luke 1:52 (51–53);
4 a tg Covet. 10 a 1 Tim. 1:20. D&C 88:17.
b D&C 82:21. tg Curse. b D&C 109:26 (25–27). 17 a Ps. 136:25;
5 a Hosea 10:4; 3 Ne. 24:5. 11 a D&C 42:32. D&C 59:16 (16–20).
6 a Gal. 6:7 (7–9). tg Stewardship. tg Earth, Purpose of;
tg Mocking. 13 a tg Accountability. Nature, Earth.
7 a tg Injustice; Justice. b D&C 72:3 (3–5, 16–22). b tg Agency.
Doctrine and Covenants 104:19–39 208
of the a abundance which I have number one, and also the lot upon
made, and impart not his portion, which his father resides.
according to the b law of my gospel, 29 And let my servants Frederick
unto the c poor and the needy, he G. Williams and Oliver Cowdery
shall, with the wicked, lift up his have the printing office and all
eyes in d hell, being in torment. things that pertain unto it.
19 And now, verily I say unto you, 30 And this shall be their stew-
concerning the a properties of the ardship which shall be appointed
order— unto them.
20 Let my servant Sidney Rigdon 31 And inasmuch as they are faith-
have appointed unto him the place ful, behold I will bless, and multiply
where he now resides, and the lot of blessings upon them.
the tannery for his stewardship, for 32 And this is the beginning of
his support while he is laboring in the stewardship which I have ap-
my vineyard, even as I will, when pointed them, for them and their
I shall command him. seed after them.
21 And let all things be done ac- 33 And, inasmuch as they are faith-
cording to the counsel of the order, ful, I will multiply blessings upon
and united consent or voice of the them and their a seed after them,
order, which dwell in the land of even a multiplicity of blessings.
Kirtland. 34 And again, let my servant John
22 And this stewardship and bless- Johnson have the house in which he
ing, I, the Lord, confer upon my ser- lives, and the inheritance, all save the
vant Sidney Rigdon for a blessing ground which has been reserved for
upon him, and his seed after him; the a building of my houses, which
23 And I will multiply blessings pertains to that inheritance, and
upon him, inasmuch as he will be those lots which have been named
humble before me. for my servant Oliver Cowdery.
24 And again, let my servant Mar- 35 And inasmuch as he is faithful,
tin Harris have appointed unto him, I will multiply blessings upon him.
for his stewardship, the lot of land 36 And it is my will that he should
which my servant John Johnson ob- sell the lots that are laid off for the
tained in exchange for his former building up of the a city of my saints,
inheritance, for him and his seed inasmuch as it shall be made known
after him; to him by the b voice of the Spirit,
25 And inasmuch as he is faithful, and according to the counsel of the
I will multiply blessings upon him order, and by the voice of the order.
and his seed after him. 37 And this is the beginning of the
26 And let my servant Martin Har- stewardship which I have appointed
ris devote his moneys for the pro- unto him, for a blessing unto him
claiming of my words, according and his seed after him.
as my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., 38 And inasmuch as he is faith-
shall direct. ful, I will multiply a multiplicity
27 And again, let my servant Fred- of blessings upon him.
erick G. Williams have the place 39 And again, let my servant Newel
upon which he now dwells. K. Whitney have appointed unto
28 And let my servant Oliver him the houses and lot where he
Cowdery have the lot which is set now resides, and the lot and building
off joining the house, which is to be on which the mercantile establish-
for the printing office, which is lot ment stands, and also the lot which
18 a Luke 3:11; Prov. 14:21; b D&C 92:1.
James 2:16. Mosiah 4:26; 33 a Ps. 112:2.
tg Selfishness. D&C 52:40. 34 a D&C 94:3 (3, 10, 16).
b D&C 42:30. d Luke 16:23 (20–31). 36 a D&C 48:4; 51:16.
c Job 29:12; 19 a D&C 104:1. b tg Revelation.
209 Doctrine and Covenants 104:40–58
is on the corner south of the mer- 48 After you are organized, you
cantile establishment, and also the shall be called the United Order
lot on which the ashery is situated. of the a Stake of Zion, the City of
40 And all this I have appointed Kirtland. And your brethren, af-
unto my servant Newel K. Whitney ter they are organized, shall be
for his stewardship, for a blessing called the United Order of the City
upon him and his seed after him, of Zion.
for the benefit of the mercantile 49 And they shall be organized
establishment of my order which in their own names, and in their
I have established for my stake in own name; and they shall do their
the land of Kirtland. business in their own name, and in
41 Yea, verily, this is the steward- their own names;
ship which I have appointed unto 50 And you shall do your business
my servant N. K. Whitney, even this in your own name, and in your own
whole mercantile establishment, names.
him and his a agent, and his seed 51 And this I have commanded to
after him. be done for your salvation, and also
42 And inasmuch as he is faith- for their salvation, in consequence
ful in keeping my commandments, of their being a driven out and that
which I have given unto him, I will which is to come.
multiply blessings upon him and his 52 The a covenants being broken
seed after him, even a multiplicity through transgression, by b covet-
of blessings. ousness and feigned words—
43 And again, let my servant Jo- 53 Therefore, you are dissolved as
seph Smith, Jun., have appointed a united order with your brethren,
unto him the lot which is laid off that you are not bound only up to
for the a building of my house, which this hour unto them, only on this
is forty rods long and twelve wide, wise, as I said, by a loan as shall be
and also the inheritance upon which agreed by this order in council, as
his father now resides; your circumstances will admit and
44 And this is the beginning of the the voice of the council direct.
stewardship which I have appointed 54 And again, a commandment
unto him, for a blessing upon him, I give unto you concerning your
and upon his father. stewardship which I have appointed
45 For behold, I have reserved an unto you.
inheritance for his a father, for his 55 Behold, all these properties are
support; therefore he shall be reck- mine, or else your faith is vain, and
oned in the house of my servant ye are found hypocrites, and the
Joseph Smith, Jun. a
covenants which ye have made
46 And I will multiply blessings unto me are broken;
upon the house of my servant Jo- 56 And if the properties are mine,
seph Smith, Jun., inasmuch as he then ye are a stewards; otherwise ye
is faithful, even a multiplicity of are no stewards.
blessings. 57 But, verily I say unto you, I have
47 And now, a commandment I appointed unto you to be stewards
give unto you concerning Zion, that over mine house, even stewards
you shall no longer be bound as a indeed.
united order to your brethren of 58 And for this purpose I have com-
Zion, only on this wise— manded you to organize yourselves,
41 a D&C 84:113. 96:1; 109:59. 53 a D&C 51:11.
43 a D&C 95:8. 51 a D&C 101:1; 103:2 (2, 11); 55 a tg Consecration.
45 a D&C 90:20; 124:19. 109:47. 56 a tg Stewardship.
47 a D&C 82:12 (11–12, 20). 52 a tg Covenants.
48 a D&C 68:26; 82:13; 94:1; b tg Covet.
Doctrine and Covenants 104:59–76 210
even to print a my words, the ful- treasury prepared, and a treasurer
ness of my scriptures, the revela- appointed to keep the treasury, and
tions which I have given unto you, a seal shall be placed upon it;
and which I shall, hereafter, from 68 And all moneys that you receive
time to time give unto you— in your stewardships, by improving
59 For the purpose of building upon the properties which I have
up my church and kingdom on the appointed unto you, in houses, or
earth, and to a prepare my people for in lands, or in cattle, or in all things
the time when I shall b dwell with save it be the holy and sacred writ-
them, which is nigh at hand. ings, which I have reserved unto
60 And ye shall prepare for your- myself for holy and sacred purposes,
selves a place for a a treasury, and shall be cast into the treasury as fast
consecrate it unto my name. as you receive moneys, by hundreds,
61 And ye shall appoint one among or by fifties, or by twenties, or by
you to keep the treasury, and he tens, or by fives.
shall be ordained unto this blessing. 69 Or in other words, if any man
62 And there shall be a seal upon among you obtain five dollars let
the treasury, and all the sacred him cast them into the treasury; or
things shall be delivered into the if he obtain ten, or twenty, or fifty,
treasury; and no man among you or an hundred, let him do likewise;
shall call it his own, or any part of 70 And let not any among you say
it, for it shall belong to you all with that it is his own; for it shall not be
one accord. called his, nor any part of it.
63 And I give it unto you from this 71 And there shall not any part of
very hour; and now see to it, that ye it be used, or taken out of the trea-
go to and make use of the steward- sury, only by the voice and common
ship which I have appointed unto consent of the order.
you, exclusive of the sacred things, 72 And this shall be the voice and
for the purpose of printing these common consent of the order—that
sacred things as I have said. any man among you say to the trea-
64 And the a avails of the sacred surer: I have need of this to help me
things shall be had in the treasury, in my stewardship—
and a seal shall be upon it; and it 73 If it be five dollars, or if it be
shall not be used or taken out of the ten dollars, or twenty, or fifty, or a
treasury by any one, neither shall hundred, the treasurer shall give
the seal be loosed which shall be unto him the sum which he requires
placed upon it, only by the voice to help him in his stewardship—
of the order, or by commandment. 74 Until he be found a transgres-
65 And thus shall ye preserve sor, and it is manifest before the
the avails of the sacred things in council of the order plainly that
the treasury, for sacred and holy he is an unfaithful and an a unwise
purposes. steward.
66 And this shall be called the 75 But so long as he is in full fel-
sacred treasury of the Lord; and lowship, and is faithful and wise
a seal shall be kept upon it that it in his stewardship, this shall be his
may be holy and consecrated unto token unto the treasurer that the
the Lord. treasurer shall not withhold.
67 And again, there shall be another 76 But in case of transgression,
58 a ie the Bible translation. 59 a tg Millennium, Prepar- 60 a 2 Kgs. 22:4 (4–7);
D&C 94:10; 124:89; ing a People for. 2 Chr. 34:9 (8–14).
133:60. b D&C 1:36 (35–36); 64 a ie profits, or proceeds.
tg Scriptures, 29:11 (9–11); 45:59; 66 a tg Sacred.
Preservation of; 84:119 (118–19). 74 a Luke 16:1 (1–12).
Scriptures to Come tg Jesus Christ, Second
Forth. Coming.
211 Doctrine and Covenants 104:77–105:1
the treasurer shall be subject unto those to whom you are in debt, that
the council and voice of the order. it shall be taken away out of their
77 And in case the treasurer is minds to bring affliction upon you.
found an unfaithful and an unwise 82 And inasmuch as ye are a hum-
steward, he shall be subject to the ble and faithful and b call upon my
council and voice of the order, and name, behold, I will give you the
shall be removed out of his place, c
and a another shall be appointed in 83 I give unto you a promise, that
his stead. you shall be delivered this once out
78 And again, verily I say unto you, of your a bondage.
concerning your debts—behold it 84 Inasmuch as you obtain a chance
is my will that you shall a pay all to loan money by hundreds, or
your b debts. thousands, even until you shall loan
79 And it is my will that you shall enough to deliver yourself from
humble yourselves before me, and bondage, it is your privilege.
obtain this blessing by your b dili- 85 And pledge the properties which
gence and humility and the prayer I have put into your hands, this once,
of faith. by giving your names by common
80 And inasmuch as you are dili- consent or otherwise, as it shall
gent and humble, and exercise the seem good unto you.
prayer of faith, behold, I will soften 86 I give unto you this privilege,
the hearts of those to whom you are this once; and behold, if you pro-
in debt, until I shall send means unto ceed to do the things which I have
you for your b deliverance. laid before you, according to my
81 Therefore write speedily to commandments, all these things are
New York and write according to mine, and ye are my stewards, and
that which shall be dictated by my the master will not suffer his house
Spirit; and I will soften the hearts of to be a broken up. Even so. Amen.
Section 105
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, on Fishing River, Mis
souri, June 22, 1834. Under the leadership of the Prophet, Saints from Ohio
and other areas marched to Missouri in an expedition later known as Zion’s
Camp. Their purpose was to escort the expelled Missouri Saints back to their
lands in Jackson County. Missourians who had previously persecuted the
Saints feared retaliation from Zion’s Camp and preemptively attacked some
Saints living in Clay County, Missouri. After the Missouri governor withdrew
his promise to support the Saints, Joseph Smith received this revelation.
1–5, Zion will be built up by conformity receive an endowment in the house of
to celestial law; 6–13, The redemption the Lord in Kirtland; 35–37, Saints
of Zion is deferred for a little season; who are both called and chosen will
14–19, The Lord will fight the battles be sanctified; 38– 41, The Saints are
of Zion; 20 –26, The Saints are to be to lift an ensign of peace to the world.
wise and not boast of mighty works
as they gather; 27–30, Lands in Jack Verily I say unto you who have as-
son and adjoining counties should be sembled yourselves together that
purchased; 31–34, The elders are to you may learn my will concerning
77 a D&C 64:40; b tg Diligence. D&C 67:10; 101:42.
107:99 (99–100). 80 a James 5:15. b D&C 103:36.
78 a D&C 42:54. b tg Deliver. c tg Objectives.
b tg Debt. 81 a tg God, Spirit of. 83 a tg Bondage, Physical.
79 a tg Humility. 82 a Luke 14:11; 86 a Matt. 24:43.
Doctrine and Covenants 105:2–16 212
Section 106
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
November 25, 1834. This revelation is directed to Warren A. Cowdery,
an older brother of Oliver Cowdery.
1–3, Warren A. Cowdery is called warn the people, not only in his own
as a local presiding officer; 4–5, The place, but in the adjoining counties;
Second Coming will not overtake the 3 And devote his whole time to this
children of light as a thief; 6 – 8, Great high and holy calling, which I now
blessings follow faithful service in give unto him, a seeking diligently
the Church. the kingdom of heaven and its righ-
teousness, and all things necessary
It is my will that my servant War- shall be added thereunto; for the
ren A. Cowdery should be appointed b
laborer is worthy of his hire.
and ordained a presiding high priest 4 And again, verily I say unto you,
over my church, in the land of a Free- the a coming of the Lord draweth
dom and the regions round about; nigh, and it overtaketh the world
2 And should preach my a everlast- as a b thief in the night—
ing gospel, and lift up his voice and 5 Therefore, gird up your loins, that
32 a Rev. 11:15. Spiritually Reborn; Freedom, New York,
tg Kingdom of God, Sanctification. and environs.
on Earth. 37 a Prov. 15:22. 2 a D&C 18:4.
b tg Governments; tg Counsel. 3 a Matt. 6:33.
Submissiveness. b D&C 101:62. tg Kingdom of God,
33 a D&C 95:8 (8–9). 38 a Deut. 20:10. in Heaven.
34 a D&C 42:2 (2, 18–69); 39 a tg Ensign. b Matt. 10:10; D&C 31:5.
78:3 (1–22). b tg Peace; tg Reward; Wages.
35 a tg Called of God. Peacemakers. 4 a James 5:8.
b tg Worthiness. 40 a Rom. 8:28; tg Jesus Christ,
36 a tg Guidance, Divine. D&C 90:24; 100:15. Second Coming;
b D&C 95:5 (5–6). 41 a Matt. 28:20 (19–20). Last Days.
c tg Man, New, 106 1 a ie the city of b 1 Thes. 5:2.
215 Doctrine and Covenants 106:6–107:4
Section 107
Revelation on the priesthood, given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at
Kirtland, Ohio, about April 1835. Although this section was recorded in
1835, the historical records affirm that most of verses 60 through 100
incorporate a revelation given through Joseph Smith on November 11,
1831. This section was associated with the organization of the Quorum
of the Twelve in February and March 1835. The Prophet likely delivered
it in the presence of those who were preparing to depart May 3, 1835, on
their first quorum mission.
1–6, There are two priesthoods: the the Church in order; 68–76, Bishops
Melchizedek and the Aaronic; 7–12, serve as common judges in Israel;
Those who hold the Melchizedek 77– 84, The First Presidency and the
Priesthood have power to officiate in Twelve constitute the highest court in
all offices in the Church; 13–17, The the Church; 85–100, Priesthood presi
bishopric presides over the Aaronic dents govern their respective quorums.
Priesthood, which administers in
outward ordinances; 18–20, The Mel There are, in the church, two a priest-
chizedek Priesthood holds the keys of hoods, namely, the Melchizedek and
all spiritual blessings; the Aaronic Aaronic, including the Levitical
of his name, they, the church, in offices of the church when there
ancient days, called that priesthood are no higher authorities present.
after Melchizedek, or the Melchize- 13 The second priesthood is called
dek Priesthood. the a Priesthood of Aaron, because
5 All other authorities or offices it was conferred upon Aaron and
in the church are a appendages to his seed, throughout all their gen-
this priesthood. erations.
6 But there are two divisions or 14 Why it is called the lesser priest-
grand heads—one is the Melchize- hood is because it is an a appendage
dek Priesthood, and the other is the to the greater, or the Melchizedek
Aaronic or a Levitical Priesthood. Priesthood, and has power in ad-
7 The office of an a elder comes un- ministering outward ordinances.
der the priesthood of Melchizedek. 15 The a bishopric is the presidency
8 The a Melchizedek Priesthood of this priesthood, and holds the
holds the right of presidency, and b
keys or authority of the same.
has power and b authority over all 16 No man has a legal right to
the offices in the church in all ages this office, to hold the keys of this
of the world, to administer in spir- priesthood, except he be a a literal
itual things. descendant of b Aaron.
9 The a Presidency of the High 17 But as a high priest of the a Mel-
Priesthood, after the order of Mel- chizedek Priesthood has authority to
chizedek, have a right to officiate officiate in all the lesser offices, he
in all the offices in the church. may officiate in the office of b bishop
10 a High priests after the order of when no literal descendant of Aaron
the Melchizedek Priesthood have can be found, provided he is called
a b right to officiate in their own and c set apart and ordained unto this
standing, under the direction of the power by the hands of the d Presi-
presidency, in administering spir- dency of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
itual things, and also in the office 18 The power and authority of the
of an elder, d priest (of the Levitical higher, or Melchizedek Priesthood, is
order), teacher, deacon, and member. to hold the a keys of all the spiritual
11 An elder has a right to officiate blessings of the church—
in his stead when the high priest is 19 To have the privilege of receiv-
not present. ing the a mysteries of the kingdom of
12 The high priest and a elder are heaven, to have the b heavens opened
to administer in spiritual things, unto them, to commune with the
agreeable to the covenants and com- c
general assembly and church of the
mandments of the church; and they d
Firstborn, and to enjoy the com-
have a right to officiate in all these munion and e presence of God the
5 a D&C 84:29; 107:14. tg Elder, Melchizedek b tg Bishop.
6 a Deut. 10:8 (8–9); 18:5. Priesthood. c tg Setting Apart.
7 a tg Elder, Melchizedek 13 a Ex. 27:21; d D&C 68:15; 81:2.
Priesthood. 2 Chr. 26:18; 18 a tg Priesthood, Keys of.
8 a Acts 6:4. D&C 27:8; 84:18 (18–27). 19 a Eph. 1:9;
b tg Authority; tg Priesthood, Aaronic. Alma 12:9 (9–11);
Priesthood, Authority. 14 a D&C 20:52; 107:5. D&C 63:23; 84:19 (19–22).
9 a D&C 81:2; 15 a D&C 124:141. tg Mysteries of
107:22 (22, 65–67, 91–92). tg Bishop. Godliness.
10 a tg High Priest, b tg Priesthood, Keys of. b Ezek. 1:1;
Melchizedek Priesthood. 16 a Ex. 40:15 (12–15); Acts 7:56; 10:11.
b D&C 20:38 (38–67); D&C 68:16 (14–24); c Heb. 12:23 (22–24).
121:36 (35–46). 84:18 (18, 30); d tg Jesus Christ,
c D&C 124:133 (133–36). 107:69 (68–78). Firstborn.
d tg Priest, Aaronic b Neh. 11:22. e tg God, Presence of;
Priesthood. 17 a tg Priesthood, God, Privilege of
12 a D&C 124:137. Melchizedek. Seeing.
217 Doctrine and Covenants 107:20–32
49 And he a saw the Lord, and he in the book of a Enoch, and are to
walked with him, and was before be testified of in due time.
his face continually; and he b walked 58 It is the duty of the a Twelve, also,
with God three hundred and sixty- to b ordain and set in order all the
five years, making him four hun- other officers of the church, agree-
dred and thirty years old when he able to the revelation which says:
was translated. 59 To the church of Christ in the
50 Methuselah was one hundred land of Zion, in addition to the
years old when he was ordained church a laws respecting church
under the hand of Adam. business—
51 Lamech was thirty-two years 60 Verily, I say unto you, saith the
old when he was ordained under Lord of Hosts, there must needs be
the hand of Seth. a
presiding elders to preside over
52 Noah was ten years old when those who are of the office of an
he was a ordained under the hand elder;
of Methuselah. 61 And also a priests to preside
53 Three years previous to the over those who are of the office of
death of Adam, he called Seth, Enos, a priest;
Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, 62 And also teachers to preside
and Methuselah, who were all a high over those who are of the office of
priests, with the residue of his pos- a teacher, in like manner, and also
terity who were righteous, into the the a deacons—
valley of b Adam-ondi-Ahman, and 63 Wherefore, from deacon to
there bestowed upon them his last teacher, and from teacher to priest,
blessing. and from priest to elder, severally
54 And the Lord appeared unto as they are appointed, according to
them, and they rose up and blessed the covenants and commandments
Adam, and called him Michael, the
of the church.
prince, the archangel. 64 Then comes the High Priest-
55 And the Lord administered com- hood, which is the greatest of all.
fort unto Adam, and said unto him: 65 Wherefore, it must needs be that
I have set thee to be at the head; a one be appointed of the a High Priest-
multitude of nations shall come of hood to preside over the priesthood,
thee, and thou art a a prince over and he shall be called President of
them forever. the High Priesthood of the Church;
56 And Adam stood up in the midst 66 Or, in other words, the a Pre-
of the congregation; and, notwith- siding High Priest over the High
standing he was bowed down with Priesthood of the Church.
age, being full of the Holy Ghost, 67 From the same comes the
predicted whatsoever should be- administering of ordinances and
fall his posterity unto the latest blessings upon the church, by the
generation. a
laying on of the hands.
57 These things were all written 68 Wherefore, the office of a bishop
49 a tg Jesus Christ, D&C 78:15 (15–20); 116. 72:9; 83:1; 103:35.
Appearances, 54 a 2 Ne. 9:21; 60 a D&C 107:89 (89–90).
Antemortal. D&C 128:21. 61 a D&C 20:46; 84:111;
b Gen. 5:22; tg Adam. 107:87.
Heb. 11:5; 55 a D&C 78:16. 62 a D&C 107:85 (85–86).
Moses 7:69. 56 a Moses 5:10. 65 a tg Priesthood,
tg Translated Beings; 57 a Moses 6:46 (5, 46). Melchizedek.
Walking with God. tg Scriptures, Lost. 66 a D&C 107:91
52 a Moses 8:19. 58 a D&C 107:39 (38–39). (9, 22, 91–92).
53 a tg High Priest, tg Apostles. 67 a tg Blessing;
Melchizedek b tg Priesthood, Hands, Laying on of;
Priesthood. Ordination. Ordinance.
b Dan. 7:13 (13–14); 59 a D&C 42:59; 43:2–9;
Doctrine and Covenants 107:69–84 220
is not equal unto it; for the office where a President of the High Priest-
of a a bishop is in administering all hood, after the order of Melchizedek,
temporal things; is tried, to sit as a judge in Israel.
69 Nevertheless a a bishop must be 77 And the decision of either of
chosen from the b High Priesthood, these councils, agreeable to the
unless he is a c literal descendant commandment which says:
of Aaron; 78 Again, verily, I say unto you,
70 For unless he is a a literal de- the most important business of
scendant of Aaron he cannot hold the church, and the most a difficult
the keys of that priesthood. cases of the church, inasmuch as
71 Nevertheless, a high priest, that there is not satisfaction upon the
is, after the order of Melchizedek, decision of the bishop or judges, it
may be set apart unto the minis- shall be handed over and carried
tering of temporal things, having up unto the council of the church,
a a knowledge of them by the Spirit before the b Presidency of the High
of truth; Priesthood.
72 And also to be a a judge in Israel, 79 And the Presidency of the coun-
to do the business of the church, to cil of the High Priesthood shall have
sit in b judgment upon transgressors power to call other high priests,
upon testimony as it shall be laid even twelve, to assist as counsel-
before him according to the laws, ors; and thus the Presidency of the
by the assistance of his c counselors, High Priesthood and its counselors
whom he has chosen or will choose shall have power to decide upon
among the elders of the church. testimony according to the laws of
73 This is the duty of a bishop the church.
who is not a literal descendant of 80 And after this decision it shall
Aaron, but has been ordained to the be had in remembrance no more be-
High Priesthood after the order of fore the Lord; for this is the highest
Melchizedek. council of the church of God, and
74 Thus shall he be a a judge, even a final decision upon controversies
a common judge among the inhabi in spiritual matters.
tants of Zion, or in a stake of Zion, 81 There is not any person belong-
or in any branch of the church ing to the church who is exempt
where he shall be b set apart unto from this council of the church.
this ministry, until the borders of 82 And inasmuch as a President
Zion are enlarged and it becomes of the High Priesthood shall trans-
necessary to have other bishops or gress, he shall be had in remem-
judges in Zion or elsewhere. brance before the a common council
75 And inasmuch as there are other of the church, who shall be assisted
bishops appointed they shall act in by twelve counselors of the High
the same office. Priesthood;
76 But a literal descendant of 83 And their decision upon his
Aaron has a legal right to the presi head shall be an end of controversy
dency of this priesthood, to the concerning him.
keys of this ministry, to act in the 84 Thus, none shall be exempted
office of bishop independently, from the a justice and the b laws of
without counselors, except in a case God, that all things may be done in
68 a tg Bishop. D&C 84:18 (18, 30). Alma 46:4.
b Acts 6:3; 71 a tg Holy Ghost, Mission b tg Setting Apart.
D&C 70:11 (11–12). of; Knowledge. 76 a
tg Priesthood, Keys of.
69 a D&C 41:9; 72:9 (9–12). 72 a D&C 58:17 (17–18); D&C 102:28 (13–14, 28).
78 a
b tg Priesthood, 64:40. b D&C 68:22.
Melchizedek. b tg Judgment. 82 a
D&C 107:74 (74–76).
c D&C 68:16 (14–24); c tg Counselor. 84 a
tg God, Justice of;
107:16 (13–17). 74 a Ex. 18:13; Justice.
70 a Ex. 40:15 (12–15); Mosiah 29:11 (11–44); b tg God, Law of.
221 Doctrine and Covenants 107:85–100
order and in solemnity before him, and a c prophet, having all the d gifts
according to truth and righteousness. of God which he bestows upon the
85 And again, verily I say unto you, head of the church.
the duty of a president over the of- 93 And it is according to the vision
fice of a a deacon is to preside over showing the order of the a Seventy,
twelve deacons, to sit in council that they should have seven presi-
with them, and to b teach them their dents to preside over them, chosen
duty, c edifying one another, as it is out of the number of the seventy;
given according to the covenants. 94 And the seventh president of
86 And also the duty of the presi- these presidents is to preside over
dent over the office of the a teachers the six;
is to preside over twenty-four of the 95 And these seven presidents are
teachers, and to sit in council with to choose other seventy besides the
them, teaching them the duties of first seventy to whom they belong,
their office, as given in the covenants. and are to preside over them;
87 Also the duty of the president 96 And also other seventy, until
over the Priesthood of Aaron is to seven times seventy, if the labor in
preside over forty-eight a priests, and the vineyard of necessity requires it.
sit in council with them, to teach 97 And these a seventy are to be
them the duties of their office, as b
traveling ministers, unto the Gen-
is given in the covenants— tiles first and also unto the Jews.
88 This president is to be a a bishop; 98 Whereas other officers of the
for this is one of the duties of this church, who belong not unto the
priesthood. Twelve, neither to the Seventy,
89 Again, the duty of the president are not under the responsibility to
over the office of a elders is to pre- travel among all nations, but are
side over ninety-six elders, and to sit to travel as their circumstances
in council with them, and to teach shall allow, notwithstanding they
them according to the covenants. may hold as high and responsible
90 This presidency is a distinct offices in the church.
one from that of the seventy, and 99 Wherefore, now let every man
is designed for those who do not learn his a duty, and to act in the
travel into all the world. office in which he is appointed, in
91 And again, the duty of the all b diligence.
President of the office of the High 100 He that is a slothful shall not be
Priesthood is to a preside over the counted b worthy to stand, and he
whole church, and to be like unto that learns not his duty and shows
Moses— himself not approved shall not be
92 Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to counted worthy to stand. Even so.
be a a seer, a b revelator, a translator, Amen.
84 c tg Order. 91 a D&C 90:13 (13, 32–33); tg Duty; Leadership;
85 a tg Deacon. 107:66 (9, 22, 65–67). Priesthood, Magnifying
b Ex. 35:34; b D&C 28:2; Callings within;
Moro. 10:9 (9–10); 103:16 (16–21). Priesthood, Oath and
D&C 38:23; 92 a Mosiah 8:16 (13–18). Covenant.
88:77 (77–79, 118). tg Seer. b tg Dedication;
c tg Edification. b tg Revelation. Diligence;
86 a D&C 20:53 (53–60). c D&C 21:1. Steadfastness;
tg Teacher, Aaronic tg Prophets, Mission of. Zeal.
Priesthood. d tg God, Gifts of; 100 a Matt. 24:45;
87 a tg Priest, Aaronic Holy Ghost, Gifts of. D&C 58:26 (26–29);
Priesthood. 93 a D&C 107:38. 84:86 (85–86).
88 a tg Bishop. 97 a tg Seventy. tg Apathy; Idleness;
89 a tg Elder, Melchizedek b D&C 124:138 (138–39). Laziness.
Priesthood. 99 a Deut. 4:5 (5–8); b tg Priesthood, Oath and
90 a D&C 124:137. Mal. 2:7 (7–9). Covenant; Worthiness.
Doctrine and Covenants 108:1–8 222
Section 108
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio,
December 26, 1835. This section was received at the request of Lyman
Sherman, who had previously been ordained a seventy and who had
come to the Prophet with a request for a revelation to make known
his duty.
1–3, Lyman Sherman forgiven of his assembly shall be called of my ser-
sins; 4–5, He is to be numbered with vants, then you shall be remembered
the leading elders of the Church; 6 – 8, with the b first of mine elders, and
He is called to preach the gospel and receive right by ordination with the
strengthen his brethren. rest of mine elders whom I have
Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, 5 Behold, this is the a promise of
my servant Lyman: Your sins are for- the Father unto you if you continue
given you, because you have obeyed faithful.
my a voice in coming up hither this 6 And it shall be fulfilled upon you
morning to receive counsel of him in that day that you shall have right
whom I have appointed. to a preach my gospel wheresoever
2 Therefore, let your soul be at a rest I shall send you, from henceforth
concerning your spiritual standing, from that time.
and resist no more my voice. 7 Therefore, a strengthen your
3 And arise up and be more care- brethren in all your conversation,
ful henceforth in observing your in all your prayers, in all your ex-
vows, which you have made and hortations, and in all your doings.
do make, and you shall be blessed 8 And behold, and lo, I am with
with exceeding great blessings. you to bless you and a deliver you
4 Wait patiently until the a solemn forever. Amen.
Section 109
Prayer offered at the dedication of the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, March
27, 1836. According to the Prophet’s written statement, this prayer was
given to him by revelation.
1–5, The Kirtland Temple was built May the Saints be delivered from the
as a place for the Son of Man to visit; terrible things to be poured out upon
6 –21, It is to be a house of prayer, the wicked in the last days; 54–58,
fasting, faith, learning, glory, and May nations and peoples and churches
order, and a house of God; 22–33, be prepared for the gospel; 59–67, May
May the unrepentant who oppose the the Jews, the Lamanites, and all Israel
Lord’s people be confounded; 34– 42, be redeemed; 68– 80, May the Saints
May the Saints go forth in power to be crowned with glory and honor and
gather the righteous to Zion; 43–53, gain eternal salvation.
108 1 a tg Counsel; 4 a D&C 88:70; 95:7; 7 a Luke 22:32.
Guidance, Divine; 109:6 (6–10). 8 a Dan. 6:27;
Inspiration. b D&C 88:85; 2 Ne. 9:19 (18–19);
2 a tg Peace of God. 105:7 (7, 33). D&C 105:8.
3 a tg Integrity; 5 a D&C 82:10. tg Deliver.
Vow. 6 a tg Missionary Work.
223 Doctrine and Covenants 109:1–16
Thanks be to thy name, O Lord outgoings may be in the name of
God of Israel, who keepest b cov- the Lord, that all your salutations
enant and showest mercy unto thy may be in the name of the Lord,
servants who walk uprightly before with uplifted hands unto the Most
thee, with all their hearts— High—
2 Thou who hast commanded thy 10 And now, Holy Father, we ask
servants to a build a house to thy thee to assist us, thy people, with
name in this place [Kirtland]. thy grace, in calling our a solemn as-
3 And now thou beholdest, O Lord, sembly, that it may be done to thine
that thy servants have done accord- honor and to thy divine acceptance;
ing to thy commandment. 11 And in a manner that we may
4 And now we ask thee, Holy be found worthy, in thy sight, to
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, secure a fulfilment of the a prom-
the Son of thy bosom, in whose name ises which thou hast made unto
alone salvation can be administered us, thy people, in the revelations
to the children of men, we ask thee, given unto us;
O Lord, to accept of this a house, 12 That thy a glory may rest down
the b workmanship of the hands of upon thy people, and upon this thy
us, thy servants, which thou didst house, which we now dedicate to
command us to build. thee, that it may be sanctified and
5 For thou knowest that we have consecrated to be holy, and that thy
done this work through great tribu holy presence may be continually
lation; and out of our poverty we in this house;
have a given of our substance to 13 And that all people who shall
build a b house to thy name, that enter upon the threshold of the
the Son of Man might have a place Lord’s house may feel thy power,
to c manifest himself to his people. and feel constrained to acknowl-
6 And as thou hast said in a a reve edge that thou hast sanctified it,
lation, given to us, calling us thy and that it is thy house, a a place of
friends, saying—Call your solemn thy holiness.
assembly, as I have commanded you; 14 And do thou grant, Holy Father,
7 And as all have not faith, seek that all those who shall worship in
ye diligently and teach one another this house may be taught words of
words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out wisdom out of the best a books, and
of the best a books words of wisdom, that they may seek learning even
seek learning even by study and by study, and also by faith, as thou
also by faith; hast said;
8 Organize yourselves; a prepare 15 And that they may grow up in
every needful thing, and establish thee, and receive a fulness of the
a house, even a b house of prayer, a Holy Ghost, and be organized ac-
house of fasting, a house of faith, cording to thy laws, and be prepared
a house of learning, a house of to obtain every needful thing;
glory, a house of c order, a d house 16 And that this house may be a
of God; house of prayer, a house of fasting,
9 That your a incomings may be a house of faith, a house of glory
in the name of the Lord, that your and of God, even thy house;
109 1 a 1 Chr. 16:8 (7–36); b D&C 124:27 (27–28). 10 a tg Solemn Assembly.
Alma 37:37; c Lev. 16:2. 11 a D&C 38:32; 105:33
D&C 46:32. 6 a D&C 88:117 (117–20). (11–12, 18, 33); 110:9.
b 1 Kgs. 8:23 (22–61); 7 a D&C 88:118. 12 a Ex. 40:34;
Dan. 9:4 (4, 9). 8 a tg Skill. 1 Kgs. 8:11 (10–13);
2 a D&C 88:119. b tg Temple. 2 Chr. 7:2 (2–3);
4 a 1 Kgs. 9:1. c tg Order. D&C 84:5; 109:37.
b 2 Ne. 5:16. d 1 Kgs. 8:17. 13 a Lev. 16:23.
5 a Mark 12:44 (41–44). 9 a D&C 88:120. 14 a D&C 88:118 (118–19).
Doctrine and Covenants 109:17–34 224
17 That all the incomings of thy diggeth a b pit for them shall fall
people, into this house, may be in into the same himself;
the name of the Lord; 26 That no combination of wicked-
18 That all their outgoings from ness shall have power to rise up and
this house may be in the name of a
prevail over thy people upon whom
the Lord; thy b name shall be put in this house;
19 And that all their salutations 27 And if any people shall rise
may be in the name of the Lord, against this people, that thine anger
with holy hands, uplifted to the be kindled against them;
Most High; 28 And if they shall smite this peo-
20 And that no a unclean thing ple thou wilt smite them; thou wilt
shall be permitted to come into thy a
fight for thy people as thou didst
house to b pollute it; in the day of battle, that they may
21 And when thy people a trans- be delivered from the hands of all
gress, any of them, they may speed- their enemies.
ily repent and return unto thee, and 29 We ask thee, Holy Father, to con-
find favor in thy sight, and be re- found, and astonish, and to bring to
stored to the blessings which thou a
shame and confusion, all those who
hast ordained to be poured out upon have spread b lying reports abroad,
those who shall b reverence thee in over the world, against thy servant
thy house. or servants, if they will not repent,
22 And we ask thee, Holy Father, when the everlasting gospel shall
that thy servants may go forth be proclaimed in their ears;
from this house armed with thy 30 And that all their works may
power, and that thy a name may be be brought to naught, and be swept
upon them, and thy glory be round away by the a hail, and by the judg-
about them, and thine b angels have ments which thou wilt send upon
charge over them; them in thine anger, that there may
23 And from this place they may be an end to b lyings and slanders
bear exceedingly great and glorious against thy people.
tidings, in truth, unto the a ends of 31 For thou knowest, O Lord, that
the earth, that they may know that thy servants have been innocent be-
this is thy work, and that thou hast fore thee in a bearing record of thy
put forth thy hand, to fulfil that name, for which they have suffered
which thou hast spoken by the these things.
mouths of the prophets, concerning 32 Therefore we plead before thee
the last days. for a full and complete a deliverance
24 We ask thee, Holy Father, to from under this b yoke;
establish the people that shall wor- 33 Break it off, O Lord; break it
ship, and honorably hold a name off from the necks of thy servants,
and standing in this thy house, to by thy power, that we may rise up
all generations and for eternity; in the midst of this generation and
25 That no weapon a formed against do thy work.
them shall prosper; that he who 34 O Jehovah, have mercy upon
20 a Luke 19:46 (46–48); Protection, Divine. b tg Lying.
D&C 94:8 (8–9); 23 a D&C 1:2. 30 a Ex. 9:18 (13–35);
97:15 (15–17). 25 a Isa. 54:17. Isa. 28:17 (15–19);
b tg Pollution. b Prov. 26:27; Mosiah 12:6;
21 a 1 Kgs. 8:31 (31–34). 1 Ne. 14:3; 22:14. D&C 29:16 (16–21).
b tg Reverence. 26 a Matt. 16:18; b Ps. 109:2;
22 a tg Jesus Christ, D&C 98:22. 3 Ne. 21:19 (11, 19–21).
Power of; b 1 Kgs. 8:29; 31 a Rev. 12:17.
Jesus Christ, Taking D&C 112:12 (11–12). 32 a tg Deliver.
the Name of. 28 a tg Protection, Divine. b tg Bondage, Spiritual.
b tg Angels; 29 a tg Shame.
225 Doctrine and Covenants 109:35–49
this people, and as all men a sin, for- untoward generation, let it be upon
give the transgressions of thy people, that city according to that which
and let them be blotted out forever. thou hast spoken by the mouths of
35 Let the a anointing of thy min- thy prophets.
isters be sealed upon them with 42 But deliver thou, O Jehovah,
power from on high. we beseech thee, thy servants from
36 Let it be fulfilled upon them, their hands, and a cleanse them
as upon those on the day of Pen- from their blood.
tecost; let the gift of a tongues be 43 O Lord, we delight not in the
poured out upon thy people, even destruction of our fellow men; their
cloven tongues as of fire, and the a
souls are precious before thee;
interpretation thereof. 44 But thy word must be fulfilled.
37 And let thy house be filled, as Help thy servants to say, with thy
with a rushing mighty a wind, with a
grace assisting them: Thy will be
thy b glory. done, O Lord, and not ours.
38 Put upon thy servants the a tes- 45 We know that thou hast spoken
timony of the covenant, that when by the mouth of thy prophets terri-
they go out and proclaim thy word ble things concerning the a wicked,
they may b seal up the law, and pre- in the last days—that thou wilt pour
pare the hearts of thy saints for all out thy judgments, without measure;
those judgments thou art about to 46 Therefore, O Lord, deliver thy
send, in thy wrath, upon the inhabi people from the calamity of the
tants of the c earth, because of their wicked; enable thy servants to seal
transgressions, that thy people may up the law, and a bind up the testi-
not faint in the day of trouble. mony, that they may be prepared
39 And whatsoever city thy ser- against the day of burning.
vants shall enter, and the people of 47 We ask thee, Holy Father, to
that city a receive their testimony, let remember those who have been
thy peace and thy salvation be upon a
driven by the inhabitants of Jack-
that city; that they may gather out son county, Missouri, from the lands
of that city the righteous, that they of their inheritance, and break off,
may come forth to b Zion, or to her O Lord, this b yoke of affliction that
stakes, the places of thine appoint- has been put upon them.
ment, with songs of everlasting joy; 48 Thou knowest, O Lord, that
40 And until this be accomplished, they have been greatly a oppressed
let not thy judgments fall upon and afflicted by wicked men; and
that city. our b hearts flow out with sorrow
41 And whatsoever city thy ser- because of their grievous c burdens.
vants shall enter, and the people of 49 O Lord, a how long wilt thou
that city receive not the testimony of suffer this people to bear this afflic-
thy servants, and thy servants warn tion, and the b cries of their innocent
them to save themselves from this ones to ascend up in thine ears, and
34 a Rom. 3:23; 5:1–12, 21. b Isa. 8:16; Sealing;
tg Sin. D&C 1:8. Testimony.
35 a Ex. 25:6; c tg Earth, Cleansing of. 47 a D&C 101:1;
Lev. 8:12 (12–13); 39 a Matt. 10:13 (11–15). 103:2 (2, 11); 104:51.
D&C 68:20. b Isa. 35:10. b tg Bondage, Physical.
tg Anointing. 42 a tg Purification. 48 a tg Oppression.
36 a tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. 43 a tg Life, Sanctity of; b tg Compassion.
b Acts 2:3. Worth of Souls. c Ps. 81:6 (5–6).
37 a Acts 2:2. 44 a tg God, Will of; 49 a Ps. 13:2 (1–6);
b 2 Chr. 7:2 (2–3); Grace. 74:10 (10–23).
D&C 84:5; 109:12. 45 a tg Last Days; b Ex. 3:9 (7, 9);
tg God, Manifesta- Wickedness. 2 Ne. 26:15;
tions of. 46 a Isa. 8:16. Mosiah 21:15.
38 a tg Testimony. tg Seal;
Doctrine and Covenants 109:50–65 226
their c blood come up in testimony prejudices may give way before the
before thee, and not make a display a
truth, and thy people may obtain
of thy testimony in their behalf? favor in the sight of all;
50 Have a mercy, O Lord, upon the 57 That all the ends of the earth
wicked mob, who have driven thy may know that we, thy servants,
people, that they may cease to spoil, have a heard thy voice, and that thou
that they may repent of their sins hast sent us;
if repentance is to be found; 58 That from among all these, thy
51 But if they will not, make bare servants, the sons of Jacob, may
thine arm, O Lord, and a redeem that gather out the righteous to build a
which thou didst appoint a Zion holy a city to thy name, as thou hast
unto thy people. commanded them.
52 And if it cannot be otherwise, 59 We ask thee to appoint unto
that the cause of thy people may Zion other a stakes besides this one
not fail before thee may thine anger which thou hast appointed, that
be kindled, and thine a indignation the gathering of thy b people may
fall upon them, that they may be roll on in great power and majesty,
wasted away, both root and branch, that thy work may be cut c short in
from under heaven; righteousness.
53 But inasmuch as they will re- 60 Now these words, O Lord, we
pent, thou art a gracious and merci- have spoken before thee, concerning
ful, and wilt turn away thy wrath the revelations and commandments
when thou lookest upon the face of which thou hast given unto us, who
thine Anointed. are identified with the a Gentiles.
54 Have mercy, O Lord, upon all 61 But thou knowest that thou hast
the a nations of the earth; have a great love for the children of Ja-
mercy upon the rulers of our land; cob, who have been a scattered upon
may those principles, which were the b mountains for a long time, in
so honorably and nobly defended, a c cloudy and dark day.
namely, the b Constitution of our 62 We therefore ask thee to have
land, by our fathers, be established mercy upon the children of Jacob,
forever. that a Jerusalem, from this hour, may
55 a Remember the kings, the begin to be redeemed;
princes, the nobles, and the great 63 And the yoke of bondage may
ones of the earth, and all people, and begin to be broken off from the
the churches, all the poor, the needy, house of a David;
and afflicted ones of the earth; 64 And the children of a Judah
56 That their hearts may be soft- may begin to return to the b lands
ened when thy servants shall go out which thou didst give to Abraham,
from thy house, O Jehovah, to bear their father.
testimony of thy name; that their 65 And cause that the a remnants
49 c tg Martyrdom. 57 a D&C 20:16; tg Israel, Restoration of.
50 a tg Mercy; Repent. 76:14 (14, 22–24). 64 a Hosea 1:7;
51 a D&C 100:13; 105:2. 58 a D&C 28:9. Zech. 12:6 (6–9);
52 a tg God, Indignation of; 59 a Isa. 54:2; D&C 104:48. Mal. 3:4;
Punish. b D&C 86:11. D&C 133:35 (13, 35).
53 a tg Forgive; Grace. tg Israel, Gathering of. tg Israel, Judah,
54 a tg Governments; c Matt. 24:22. People of.
Nations. 60 a 1 Ne. 13:4 (1–32); b Gen. 17:8 (1–8).
b 1 Pet. 2:13 (13–14); 15:13 (13–18). tg Promised Lands.
D&C 44:4; 51:6; 61 a Hosea 1:6; 13:9 (9–14). 65 a 2 Ne. 30:3;
98:5 (5–7); b Gen. 49:26. Alma 46:23 (23–24);
101:77 (77, 80). c Ezek. 30:3. 3 Ne. 20:16 (15–21);
55 a tg Compassion. 62 a 3 Ne. 20:29. D&C 3:18; 10:48 (46–52);
56 a tg Hardheartedness; tg Jerusalem. 19:27; 52:2; 87:5 (4–5).
Teachable; Truth. 63 a 1 Kgs. 11:39. tg Israel, Remnant of.
227 Doctrine and Covenants 109:66–78
of Jacob, who have been cursed and 72 Remember all thy church, O
smitten because of their transgres- Lord, with all their families, and
sion, be b converted from their wild all their immediate connections,
and savage condition to the fulness with all their sick and afflicted
of the everlasting gospel; ones, with all the poor and meek of
66 That they may lay down their the earth; that the a kingdom, which
weapons of bloodshed, and cease thou hast set up without hands, may
their rebellions. become a great mountain and fill
67 And may all the scattered rem- the whole earth;
nants of a Israel, who have been driven 73 That thy a church may come
to the ends of the earth, come to a forth out of the wilderness of dark-
knowledge of the truth, believe in ness, and shine forth fair as the
the Messiah, and be redeemed from b
moon, clear as the sun, and terrible
oppression, and rejoice before thee. as an army with banners;
68 O Lord, remember thy servant, 74 And be adorned as a bride for
Joseph Smith, Jun., and all his af- that day when thou shalt unveil the
flictions and persecutions—how heavens, and cause the mountains
he has a covenanted with b Jehovah, to a flow down at thy presence, and
and vowed to thee, O Mighty God the b valleys to be exalted, the rough
of Jacob—and the commandments places made smooth; that thy glory
which thou hast given unto him, may fill the earth;
and that he hath sincerely striven 75 That when the trump shall
to do thy will. sound for the dead, we shall be
69 Have mercy, O Lord, upon his a
caught up in the cloud to meet thee,
wife and children, that they may that we may ever be with the Lord;
be exalted in thy presence, and pre- 76 That our garments may be pure,
served by thy fostering hand. that we may be clothed upon with
70 Have mercy upon all their a im- a
robes of b righteousness, with palms
mediate connections, that their in our hands, and c crowns of glory
prejudices may be broken up and upon our heads, and reap eternal
swept away as with a flood; that they d
joy for all our e sufferings.
may be b converted and redeemed 77 O Lord God Almighty, hear us
with Israel, and know that thou in these our petitions, and answer
art God. us from heaven, thy holy habitation,
71 Remember, O Lord, the presi- where thou sittest enthroned, with
dents, even all the presidents of thy a
glory, honor, power, majesty, might,
church, that thy right hand may ex- dominion, truth, justice, judgment,
alt them, with all their families, and mercy, and an infinity of fulness,
their immediate connections, that from everlasting to everlasting.
their names may be perpetuated 78 O hear, O hear, O hear us, O
and had in everlasting remembrance Lord! And answer these petitions,
from generation to generation. and accept the a dedication of this
65 b 2 Ne. 30:6; 70 a ie close relatives. 75 a 1 Thes. 4:17.
3 Ne. 21:25 (22–25); b tg Conversion. 76 a Lev. 8:7;
D&C 49:24. 72 a Dan. 2:44 (44–45); 2 Ne. 9:14.
tg Conversion. D&C 35:27; 65:2. b tg Righteousness.
67 a tg Israel, 73 a tg Mission of Latter-day c tg Exaltation.
Restoration of; Saints. d Heb. 12:2 (1–11);
Israel, Scattering of. b Song 6:10; D&C 58:4;
b tg Bondage, Spiritual; D&C 5:14; 105:31. 103:12 (11–14).
Oppression. 74 a Judg. 5:5; e Heb. 11:40;
68 a tg Covenants. D&C 133:22 (21–22, 40); jst Heb. 11:40 (Heb.
b tg Jesus Christ, Moses 6:34. 11:40 note a).
Jehovah. b Isa. 40:4; Luke 3:5; tg Suffering.
69 a tg Family; Hel. 14:23; 77 a tg God, Glory of.
Family, Eternal. D&C 49:23. 78 a tg Dedication.
Doctrine and Covenants 109:79–110:5 228
house unto thee, the b work of our shining c seraphs around thy throne,
hands, which we have built unto with acclamations of d praise, sing-
thy name; ing Hosanna to God and the e Lamb!
79 And also this church, to put 80 And let these, thine a anointed
upon it thy a name. And help us by ones, be clothed with salvation,
the power of thy Spirit, that we may and thy saints b shout aloud for joy.
mingle our voices with those bright, Amen, and Amen.
Section 110
Visions manifested to Joseph Smith the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery in
the temple at Kirtland, Ohio, April 3, 1836. The occasion was that of a
Sabbath day meeting. Joseph Smith’s history states: “In the afternoon,
I assisted the other Presidents in distributing the Lord’s Supper to the
Church, receiving it from the Twelve, whose privilege it was to offici
ate at the sacred desk this day. After having performed this service to
my brethren, I retired to the pulpit, the veils being dropped, and bowed
myself, with Oliver Cowdery, in solemn and silent prayer. After rising
from prayer, the following vision was opened to both of us.”
1–10, The Lord Jehovah appears in paved work of pure c gold, in color
glory and accepts the Kirtland Temple like amber.
as His house; 11–12, Moses and Elias 3 His a eyes were as a flame of fire;
each appear and commit their keys the hair of his head was white like
and dispensations; 13–16, Elijah re the pure snow; his b countenance
turns and commits the keys of his shone above the brightness of the
dispensation as promised by Malachi. sun; and his c voice was as the sound
of the rushing of great waters, even
The a veil was taken from our minds, the voice of d Jehovah, saying:
and the b eyes of our c understanding 4 I am the a first and the last; I am
were opened. he who b liveth, I am he who was
2 We a saw the Lord b standing slain; I am your c advocate with the
upon the breastwork of the pulpit, Father.
before us; and under his feet was a 5 Behold, your sins are a forgiven
78 b tg Industry. Seeing; Rev. 1:15;
79 a tg Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, D&C 133:22.
Taking the Name of. Appearances, d tg Jesus Christ,
b D&C 20:16, 36 (35–36). Postmortal. Jehovah.
c Isa. 6:2 (1–6). b 1 Sam. 3:10; 4 a tg Jesus Christ,
d Ezra 3:11 (11–13); 1 Ne. 1:11 (8–15); Firstborn.
D&C 136:28. JS—H 1:17. b Deut. 5:24 (22–24);
e tg Jesus Christ, Lamb c Ezek. 1:27 (26–28); Zech. 13:6;
of God. Rev. 21:21; D&C 45:52 (51–52).
80 a Ps. 18:50; 20:6. D&C 137:4. c tg God, Access to;
tg Anointing; 3 a Rev. 1:14; 2:18. Jesus Christ,
Salvation. tg God, Body of, Authority of;
b Ps. 132:16. Corporeal Nature. Jesus Christ,
110 1 a tg Veil. b Ex. 34:29 (29–35); Relationships with
b D&C 76:12 (10, 12, 19); Rev. 1:16; the Father.
136:32; 138:11. Hel. 5:36; 5 a Luke 5:21.
c tg Understanding. JS—H 1:32. tg Forgive.
2 a tg God, Privilege of c Ezek. 1:24; 43:2;
229 Doctrine and Covenants 110:6–16
you; you are clean before me; and committed unto us the d keys of
therefore, lift up your heads and the e gathering of Israel from the four
rejoice. parts of the earth, and the leading
6 Let the hearts of your brethren of the ten tribes from the land of
rejoice, and let the hearts of all the f north.
my people rejoice, who have, with 12 After this, a Elias appeared, and
their might, a built this house to committed the b dispensation of the
my name. c
gospel of Abraham, saying that in
7 For behold, I have a accepted this us and our seed all d generations af-
house, and my name shall be here; ter us should be e blessed.
and I will c manifest myself to my 13 After this vision had closed,
people in mercy in this house. another great and glorious a vi-
8 Yea, I will a appear unto my ser- sion burst upon us; for b Elijah the
vants, and speak unto them with prophet, who was taken to heaven
mine own voice, if my people will without tasting death, stood before
keep my commandments, and do us, and said:
not b pollute this c holy house. 14 Behold, the time has fully come,
9 Yea the hearts of thousands and which was spoken of by the mouth
tens of thousands shall greatly re- of Malachi—testifying that he
joice in consequence of the a bless- [Elijah] should be sent, before the
ings which shall be poured out, great and dreadful day of the Lord
and the b endowment with which come—
my servants have been endowed 15 To a turn the b hearts of the
in this house. fathers to the children, and the chil-
10 And the fame of this house shall dren to the fathers, lest the whole
spread to foreign lands; and this is earth be smitten with a curse—
the beginning of the blessing which 16 Therefore, the a keys of this
shall be a poured out upon the heads b
dispensation are committed into
of my people. Even so. Amen. your hands; and by this ye may
11 After this a vision closed, the know that the great and dreadful
heavens were again b opened unto c
day of the Lord is near, even at
us; and c Moses appeared before us, the doors.
5 b tg Joy. D&C 133:55. Matt. 17:3 (1–4);
6 a D&C 109:4 (4–5). d D&C 113:6. Luke 4:25;
7 a 2 Chr. 7:16. tg Priesthood, Keys of. 3 Ne. 25:5 (5–6);
tg Dedication. e 1 Ne. 22:12 (10–12); D&C 2:1; 35:4; 128:17;
b tg Temple. Jacob 6:2; 138:46.
c tg God, Manifesta- D&C 29:7; 45:43; 127:6. tg Translated Beings.
tions of. tg Israel, Gathering of. 15 a JS—H 1:39 (38–39).
8 a Ex. 19:11 (10–11); f D&C 133:26. b tg Family, Love within;
D&C 50:45. tg Israel, Ten Lost Genealogy and
b D&C 88:134; Tribes of. Temple Work;
97:15 (15–17). 12 a bd Elias. Salvation for the Dead.
tg Pollution. b tg Dispensations. 16 a tg Authority;
c tg Holiness. c Gal. 3:8 (6–29); Priesthood, Keys of;
9 a Gen. 12:3 (1–3); D&C 124:58. Sealing.
D&C 39:15; tg Abrahamic b tg Dispensations;
Abr. 2:11 (8–11). Covenant. Restoration of the
b D&C 95:8 (8–9). d Gen. 18:18 (17–19). Gospel.
10 a Zech. 12:10; e tg Mission of c Zeph. 1:14.
D&C 105:12. Latter-day Saints. tg Jesus Christ, Second
11 a tg Vision. 13 a tg Vision. Coming;
b Ezek. 1:1. b 1 Kgs. 17:1; Last Days.
c Matt. 17:3; Mal. 4:5 (5–6);
Doctrine and Covenants 111:1–11 230
Section 111
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Salem, Massa
chusetts, August 6, 1836. At this time the leaders of the Church were
heavily in debt due to their labors in the ministry. Hearing that a large
amount of money would be available to them in Salem, the Prophet,
Sidney Rigdon, Hyrum Smith, and Oliver Cowdery traveled there from
Kirtland, Ohio, to investigate this claim, along with preaching the gos
pel. The brethren transacted several items of Church business and did
some preaching. When it became apparent that no money was to be
forthcoming, they returned to Kirtland. Several of the factors prominent
in the background are reflected in the wording of this revelation.
1–5, The Lord looks to the temporal 5 Concern not yourselves about
needs of His servants; 6 –11, He will your a debts, for I will give you power
deal mercifully with Zion and arrange to pay them.
all things for the good of His servants. 6 Concern not yourselves about
Zion, for I will deal mercifully
I, the Lord your God, am a not dis- with her.
pleased with your coming this jour- 7 Tarry in this place, and in the
ney, notwithstanding your follies. regions round about;
2 I have much a treasure in this city 8 And the place where it is my will
for you, for the benefit of Zion, and that you should tarry, for the main,
many people in this city, whom I shall be signalized unto you by the
will gather out in due time for the a
peace and power of my b Spirit, that
benefit of Zion, through your in- shall flow unto you.
strumentality. 9 This place you may obtain by
3 Therefore, it is expedient that hire. And inquire diligently con-
you should form a acquaintance cerning the more ancient inhabi-
with men in this city, as you shall tants and founders of this city;
be led, and as it shall be given you. 10 For there are more treasures
4 And it shall come to pass in due than one for you in this city.
time that I will a give this city into 11 Therefore, be ye as a wise as ser-
your hands, that you shall have pents and yet without b sin; and I will
power over it, insomuch that they order all things for your c good, as
shall not b discover your secret parts; fast as ye are able to receive them.
and its wealth pertaining to gold Amen.
and silver shall be yours.
Section 112
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet to Thomas B. Marsh,
at Kirtland, Ohio, July 23, 1837, concerning the Twelve Apostles of
the Lamb. This revelation was received on the day Elders Heber C.
111 1 a tg God, Mercy of. 4 a tg Conversion. b tg God, Spirit of.
2 a Acts 18:10 (9–11); b tg Shame. 11 a Matt. 10:16.
Rom. 1:13. 5 a D&C 64:27 (27–29). b Heb. 4:15.
tg Treasure. 8 a Micah 5:5; c Rom. 8:28;
3 a tg Fellowshipping; D&C 27:16. D&C 100:15.
Missionary Work. tg Peace of God.
231 Doctrine and Covenants 112:1–13
Section 113
Answers to certain questions on the writings of Isaiah, given by Joseph
Smith the Prophet, at or near Far West, Missouri, March 1838.
1–6, The Stem of Jesse, the rod coming of Isaiah, that should come of the
therefrom, and the root of Jesse are iden Stem of Jesse?
tified; 7–10, The scattered remnants 4 Behold, thus saith the Lord: It
of Zion have a right to the priesthood is a servant in the hands of Christ,
and are called to return to the Lord. who is partly a descendant of Jesse
as well as of a Ephraim, or of the
Who is the a Stem of Jesse spoken house of Joseph, on whom there is
of in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th laid much b power.
verses of the 11th chapter of Isaiah? 5 What is the a root of Jesse spoken
2 Verily thus saith the Lord: It is of in the 10th verse of the 11th
Christ. chapter?
3 What is the a rod spoken of in 6 Behold, thus saith the Lord, it is
the first verse of the 11th chapter a a descendant of Jesse, as well as of
27 a D&C 107:33 (33–39). d Eph. 1:10 (9–10); D&C 1:12.
28 a tg Purification; D&C 27:13; 76:106; b tg Good Works;
Purity. 124:41. Reward.
b Mark 16:15 (15–16); tg Restoration of the 113 1 a Isa. 11:1 (1–5).
D&C 18:28. Gospel. tg Jesus Christ,
29 a Morm. 9:23 (22–24); 31 a tg Dispensations. Davidic Descent of.
D&C 20:25. 32 a tg Priesthood, Keys of. 3 a Ps. 110:2 (1–4).
b tg Baptism, Essential. b Abr. 1:3. 4 a Gen. 41:52 (50–52);
c tg Damnation. tg Priesthood, History of. D&C 133:34 (30–34).
30 a tg Apostles; 33 a Jacob 1:19; 2:2; tg Israel, Joseph,
Church Organization. D&C 88:85. People of.
b tg Counselor; b Ezek. 34:10; b D&C 110:16 (11–16).
Leadership. D&C 72:3. 5 a 2 Ne. 21:10 (10–12).
c tg Priesthood, Power of. 34 a Rev. 3:11; 22:7 (7, 12); 6 a Isa. 11:10.
Doctrine and Covenants 113:7–114:2 234
Joseph, unto whom rightly belongs she, Zion, has a g right to by lineage;
the b priesthood, and the c keys of also to return to that power which
the kingdom, for an d ensign, and she had lost.
for the gathering of my people in 9 What are we to understand by
the e last days. Zion loosing herself from the bands
7 Questions by Elias Higbee: What of her neck; 2d verse?
is meant by the command in Isaiah, 10 We are to understand that the
52d chapter, 1st verse, which saith: a
scattered b remnants are exhorted
Put on thy strength, O Zion—and to c return to the Lord from whence
what people had Isaiah reference to? they have fallen; which if they do,
8 He had reference to those whom the promise of the Lord is that he
God should call in the last days, who will speak to them, or give them
should hold the a power of b priest- revelation. See the 6th, 7th, and 8th
hood to bring again c Zion, and the verses. The d bands of her neck are
redemption of Israel; and to put on the curses of God upon her, or the
her d strength is to put on the e au- remnants of Israel in their scattered
thority of the f priesthood, which condition among the Gentiles.
Section 114
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Mis
souri, April 11, 1838.
1–2, Church positions held by those who unto me next spring, in company
are not faithful will be given to others. with others, even twelve including
himself, to testify of my name and
Verily thus saith the Lord: It is wis- bear glad tidings unto all the world.
dom in my servant David W. Patten, 2 For verily thus saith the Lord, that
that he settle up all his business as inasmuch as there are those among
soon as he possibly can, and make you who a deny my name, others
a disposition of his merchandise, shall be b planted in their c stead
that he may a perform a mission and receive their d bishopric. Amen.
Section 115
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Missouri,
April 26, 1838, making known the will of God concerning the building up
of that place and of the Lord’s house. This revelation is addressed to the
presiding officers and the members of the Church.
6 b tg Priesthood, 1 Ne. 17:3; c Hosea 3:5;
Melchizedek. D&C 82:14. 2 Ne. 6:11.
c D&C 110:11. tg Israel, Restoration of; d Isa. 52:2 (2, 6–8).
tg Priesthood, Keys of. Strength. tg Bondage,
d Isa. 30:17; D&C 45:9. e tg Authority; Mission Spiritual.
tg Ensign. of Latter-day Saints; 114 1 a D&C 118:5.
e tg Israel, Gathering of; Priesthood, Authority. 2 a tg Apostasy of
Last Days. f tg Priesthood, Individuals.
8 a tg Priesthood, Power of. History of. b 1 Sam. 2:35;
b D&C 86:8. g tg Birthright. D&C 118:1 (1, 6).
tg Priesthood, Keys of. 10 a tg Israel, Scattering of. c D&C 35:18; 42:10;
c tg Zion. b Micah 5:3. 64:40.
d Isa. 45:24; 52:1; tg Israel, Remnant of. d Acts 1:20 (20–26).
235 Doctrine and Covenants 115:1–16
1–4, The Lord names His church The it shall be called most holy, for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ground upon which thou standest
Saints; 5–6, Zion and her stakes are is a holy.
places of defense and refuge for the 8 Therefore, I command you to
Saints; 7–16, The Saints are commanded a
build a house unto me, for the
to build a house of the Lord at Far gathering together of my saints,
West; 17–19, Joseph Smith holds the that they may b worship me.
keys of the kingdom of God on earth. 9 And let there be a beginning of
this work, and a foundation, and a
Verily thus saith the Lord unto you, preparatory work, this following
my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and summer;
also my servant Sidney Rigdon, 10 And let the beginning be made
and also my servant Hyrum Smith, on the fourth day of July next; and
and your a counselors who are and from that time forth let my people
shall be appointed hereafter; a
labor diligently to build a house
2 And also unto you, my servant unto my name;
Edward Partridge, and his coun- 11 And in a one year from this day
selors; let them re-commence laying the
3 And also unto my faithful ser- foundation of my b house.
vants who are of the high council 12 Thus let them from that time
of my a church in Zion, for thus it forth labor diligently until it shall
shall be called, and unto all the el- be finished, from the cornerstone
ders and people of my Church of thereof unto the top thereof, until
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there shall not anything remain
scattered abroad in all the world; that is not finished.
4 For thus shall a my b church be 13 Verily I say unto you, let not my
called in the last days, even The servant Joseph, neither my servant
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Sidney, neither my servant Hyrum,
day c Saints. get in a debt any more for the build-
5 Verily I say unto you all: a Arise ing of a house unto my name;
and shine forth, that thy b light may 14 But let a house be built unto
be a c standard for the d nations; my name according to the a pattern
6 And that the a gathering together which I will show unto them.
upon the land of b Zion, and upon 15 And if my people build it not
her c stakes, may be for a defense, according to the pattern which I
and for a d refuge from the storm, shall show unto their presidency,
and from wrath when it shall be I will not accept it at their hands.
poured out without mixture upon 16 But if my people do build it
the whole earth. according to the pattern which I
7 Let the city, Far West, be a holy shall show unto their presidency,
and consecrated land unto me; and even my servant Joseph and his
115 1 a D&C 81:1; b tg Light [noun]; D&C 1:13 (13–14).
112:20; 124:91. Peculiar People. 7 a Ex. 3:5;
2 a D&C 64:17; 124:19. c Gen. 18:18 (17–19); Josh. 5:15;
3 a tg Jesus Christ, Head Isa. 11:12. D&C 101:64.
of the Church. tg Ensign; Example. 8 a D&C 88:119; 95:8.
4 a 3 Ne. 27:8. d tg Nations. b tg Worship.
b 1 Cor. 1:10 (10–13); 6 a tg Last Days. 10 a Neh. 4:6;
D&C 20:1 (1–4); b tg Zion. D&C 52:39; 75:3.
136:2 (2–8). c D&C 101:21; tg Industry.
tg Kingdom of God, 115:18 (17–18). 11 a D&C 118:5.
on Earth. tg Stake. b D&C 124:45 (45–54).
c tg Saints. d Isa. 25:4 (3–5); 13 a D&C 104:86 (78–86).
5 a Isa. 60:1 (1–3). D&C 45:66 (62–71). 14 a Num. 8:4;
tg Mission of tg Refuge. Heb. 8:5;
Latter-day Saints. e Rev. 14:10; D&C 97:10.
Doctrine and Covenants 115:17–117:6 236
Section 116
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, near Wight’s Ferry, at
a place called Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri, May 19, 1838.
Spring Hill is named by the Lord come to visit his people, or the An-
Adam-ondi-Ahman, because, said
cient of Days shall sit, as spoken of
he, it is the place where b Adam shall by Daniel the prophet.
Section 117
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Missouri,
July 8, 1838, concerning the immediate duties of William Marks, Newel K.
Whitney, and Oliver Granger.
1–9, The Lord’s servants should not 3 Therefore, if they a tarry it shall
covet temporal things, for “what is not be well with them.
property unto the Lord?”; 10–16, They 4 Let them repent of all their sins,
are to forsake littleness of soul, and and of all their covetous desires, be-
their sacrifices will be sacred unto fore me, saith the Lord; for what is
the Lord. a
property unto me? saith the Lord.
5 Let the properties of Kirtland
Verily thus saith the Lord unto my be turned out for a debts, saith the
servant a William Marks, and also Lord. Let them go, saith the Lord,
unto my servant Newel K. Whitney, and whatsoever remaineth, let it re-
let them settle up their business main in your hands, saith the Lord.
speedily and journey from the land 6 For have I not the fowls of heaven,
of Kirtland, before I, the Lord, b send and also the fish of the sea, and the
again the snows upon the earth. beasts of the mountains? Have I not
2 Let them awake, and arise, and a
made the earth? Do I not hold the
come forth, and not tarry, for I, the b
destinies of all the armies of the
Lord, command it. nations of the earth?
18 a D&C 101:21; 115:6. William W. Phelps, 3 a tg Disobedience;
tg Stake. was sung at the Procrastination.
19 a tg Priesthood, Kirtland Temple 4 a Mark 14:4 (3–4);
Keys of. dedication. D&C 104:14.
116 1 a Dan. 7:13 (13–14, 22); b tg Adam. 5 a D&C 90:23 (22–23).
D&C 78:15 (15, 20); 117 1 a D&C 124:79 (79–80). 6 a tg Creation;
95:17; 107:53; b Job 37:6 (5–6); God, Works of;
117:8 (8, 11). Ps. 148:8; Jesus Christ, Creator.
Note that a song Hel. 11:17 (13–17); b Isa. 45:1 (1–3);
titled “Adam-ondi- Ether 2:24. 1 Ne. 17:37.
Ahman,” written by 2 a ie from Kirtland.
237 Doctrine and Covenants 117:7–118:3
7 Therefore, will I not make a soli- Granger; behold, verily I say unto
tary places to bud and to b blossom, him that his name shall be had in
and to bring forth in abundance? sacred remembrance from genera-
saith the Lord. tion to generation, forever and ever,
8 Is there not room enough on the saith the Lord.
mountains of a Adam-ondi-Ahman, 13 Therefore, let him contend
and on the plains of Olaha b Shine- earnestly for the redemption of
hah, or the land where c Adam dwelt, the First Presidency of my Church,
that you should covet that which is saith the Lord; and when he falls
but the drop, and neglect the more he shall rise again, for his a sacrifice
weighty matters? shall be more sacred unto me than
9 Therefore, come up hither unto his increase, saith the Lord.
the land of my people, even Zion. 14 Therefore, let him come up
10 Let my servant William Marks hither speedily, unto the land of
be a faithful over a few things, and Zion; and in the due time he shall
he shall be a ruler over many. Let be made a merchant unto my name,
him preside in the midst of my peo- saith the Lord, for the benefit of
ple in the city of Far West, and let my people.
him be blessed with the blessings 15 Therefore let no man despise
of my people. my servant Oliver Granger, but let
11 Let my servant Newel K. Whit- the blessings of my people be on
ney be ashamed of the a Nicolaitane him forever and ever.
band and of all their b secret abomi 16 And again, verily I say unto
nations, and of all his littleness of you, let all my servants in the land
soul before me, saith the Lord, and of Kirtland remember the Lord
come up to the land of Adam-ondi- their God, and mine house also, to
Ahman, and be a c bishop unto my keep and preserve it holy, and to
people, saith the Lord, not in name overthrow the moneychangers in
but in deed, saith the Lord. mine own due time, saith the Lord.
12 And again, I say unto you, Even so. Amen.
I remember my servant a Oliver
Section 118
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West,
Missouri, July 8, 1838, in response to the supplication, “Show us thy
will, O Lord, concerning the Twelve.”
1–3, The Lord will provide for the 2 Let my servant a Thomas remain
families of the Twelve; 4–6, Vacan for a season in the land of Zion, to
cies in the Twelve are filled. publish my word.
3 Let the residue continue to preach
Verily, thus saith the Lord: Let a from that hour, and if they will
conference be held immediately; do this in all a lowliness of heart,
let the Twelve be organized; and in meekness and humility, and
let men be appointed to a supply b
long-suffering, I, the Lord, give
the place of those who are fallen. unto them a c promise that I will
7 a Isa. 35:1 (1–2). 10 a Matt. 25:23. 13 a tg Self-Sacrifice.
b D&C 35:24; 39:13; 49:25. 11 a Rev. 2:6 (6, 15). 118 1 a Acts 1:25 (23–26);
tg Earth, Renewal of. b tg Secret Combinations. D&C 114:2.
8 a D&C 116. c D&C 72:8 (6–8). 2 a ie Thomas B. Marsh.
b Abr. 3:13. 12 a ie the agent left by the 3 a Eph. 4:2.
c tg Adam; Prophet to settle his b tg Perseverance.
Eden. affairs in Kirtland. c tg Promise.
Doctrine and Covenants 118:4–119:5 238
Section 119
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Mis
souri, July 8, 1838, in answer to his supplication: “O Lord! Show unto
thy servants how much thou requirest of the properties of thy people
for a tithing.” The law of tithing, as understood today, had not been
given to the Church previous to this revelation. The term tithing in the
prayer just quoted and in previous revelations (64:23; 85:3; 97:11) had
meant not just one-tenth, but all free-will offerings, or contributions,
to the Church funds. The Lord had previously given to the Church
the law of consecration and stewardship of property, which members
(chiefly the leading elders) entered into by a covenant that was to be
everlasting. Because of failure on the part of many to abide by this
covenant, the Lord withdrew it for a time and gave instead the law of
tithing to the whole Church. The Prophet asked the Lord how much of
their property He required for sacred purposes. The answer was this
1–5, The Saints are to pay their sur 3 And this shall be the beginning
plus property and then give, as tithing, of the a tithing of my people.
one-tenth of their interest annually; 4 And after that, those who have
6 –7, Such a course will sanctify the thus been a tithed shall pay one-tenth
land of Zion. of all their interest annually; and
this shall be a standing law unto
Verily, thus saith the Lord, I require them forever, for my holy priest-
all their a surplus property to be put hood, saith the Lord.
into the hands of the bishop of my 5 Verily I say unto you, it shall
church in Zion, come to pass that all those who
2 For the building of mine a house, gather unto the land of a Zion shall
and for the laying of the foundation be tithed of their surplus proper-
of Zion and for the priesthood, and ties, and shall observe this law, or
for the debts of the Presidency of they shall not be found worthy to
my Church. abide among you.
5 a D&C 114:1. 55; 51:13; 3 a D&C 42:30; 64:23; 120.
b D&C 115:11. 82:18 (17–19). 4 a tg Tithing.
6 a D&C 114:2. 2 a 2 Chr. 3:3 (3–4); 5 a D&C 52:42 (42–43).
119 1 a D&C 42:33 (33–34), D&C 115:8 (8–13).
239 Doctrine and Covenants 119:6–121:4
6 And I say unto you, if my people verily I say unto you, it shall not be
observe not this law, to keep it holy, a land of a Zion unto you.
and by this law sanctify the land of 7 And this shall be an ensample
Zion unto me, that my statutes and unto all the a stakes of Zion. Even
my judgments may be kept thereon, so. Amen.
that it may be most holy, behold,
Section 120
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Far West, Missouri,
July 8, 1838, making known the disposition of the properties tithed as named
in the preceding revelation, section 119.
Verily, thus saith the Lord, the time and of the bishop and his council,
is now come, that a it shall be b dis- and by my high council; and by
posed of by a council, composed of mine own voice unto them, saith
the First Presidency of my Church, the Lord. Even so. Amen.
Section 121
Prayer and prophecies written by Joseph Smith the Prophet in an epistle
to the Church while he was a prisoner in the jail at Liberty, Missouri,
dated March 20, 1839. The Prophet and several companions had been
months in prison. Their petitions and appeals directed to the executive
officers and the judiciary had failed to bring them relief.
1– 6, The Prophet pleads with the eye, behold from the eternal heav-
Lord for the suffering Saints; 7–10, ens the wrongs of thy people and
The Lord speaks peace to him; 11– of thy servants, and thine ear be
17, Cursed are all those who raise penetrated with their cries?
false cries of transgression against 3 Yea, O Lord, a how long shall they
the Lord’s people; 18–25, They will suffer these wrongs and unlawful
not have right to the priesthood and b
oppressions, before thine heart
will be damned; 26–32, Glorious reve shall be softened toward them, and
lations promised those who endure thy bowels be moved with c compas-
valiantly; 33 – 40, Why many are sion toward them?
called and few are chosen; 41– 46, 4 O Lord God a Almighty, maker of
The priesthood should be used only b
heaven, earth, and seas, and of all
in righteousness. things that in them are, and who
controllest and subjectest the devil,
O God, a where art thou? And where and the dark and benighted domin-
is the pavilion that covereth thy ion of Sheol—stretch forth thy hand;
hiding place? let thine eye pierce; let thy c pavilion
2 a How long shall thy hand be be taken up; let thy d hiding place no
stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure longer be covered; let thine ear be
6 a tg Zion. 18:11; 102:2; b tg Cruelty; Oppression;
7 a D&C 82:13. Isa. 45:15. Persecution.
120 1 a D&C 119:1 (1–4). 2 a Ex. 5:22; c tg Compassion.
b tg Accountability; Ps. 35:17 (17–28); 89:46; 4 a tg God, Power of.
Church Organization. Hab. 1:2 (2–4). b Gen. 1:1.
121 1 a Matt. 27:46. 3 a Ps. 69:14 (1–2, 14); c 2 Sam. 22:7.
b Ps. 13:1 (1–2); Alma 14:26 (26–29). d D&C 101:89; 123:6.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:5–20 240
inclined; let thine e heart be soft- corrupted, and the things which
ened, and thy bowels moved with they are willing to bring upon oth-
compassion toward us. ers, and love to have others suffer,
5 Let thine a anger be kindled may come upon a themselves to the
against our enemies; and, in the very uttermost;
fury of thine heart, with thy b sword 14 That they may be a disappointed
avenge us of our wrongs. also, and their hopes may be cut off;
6 Remember thy a suffering saints, 15 And not many years hence, that
O our God; and thy servants will they and their a posterity shall be
rejoice in thy name forever. b
swept from under heaven, saith
7 My son, a peace be unto thy soul; God, that not one of them is left to
thine b adversity and thine afflic- stand by the wall.
tions shall be but a c small moment; 16 a Cursed are all those that shall
8 And then, if thou a endure it well, lift up the b heel against mine
God shall exalt thee on high; thou c
anointed, saith the Lord, and cry
shalt triumph over all thy b foes. they have d sinned when they have
9 Thy a friends do stand by thee, not sinned before me, saith the
and they shall hail thee again with Lord, but have done that which
warm hearts and friendly hands. was meet in mine eyes, and which
10 Thou art not yet as Job; thy I commanded them.
friends do not contend against thee, 17 But a those who cry transgres-
neither charge thee with transgres- sion do it because they are the ser-
sion, as they did Job. vants of sin, and are the b children
11 And they who do charge thee of disobedience themselves.
with transgression, their hope shall 18 And those who a swear b falsely
be blasted, and their prospects shall against my servants, that they
melt away as the hoar frost melt- might bring them into bondage
eth before the burning rays of the and death—
rising sun; 19 Wo unto them; because they
12 And also that God hath set his have a offended my little ones they
hand and seal to change the a times shall be severed from the b ordi-
and seasons, and to blind their nances of mine house.
minds, that they may not under- 20 Their a basket shall not be full,
stand his c marvelous workings; that their houses and their barns shall
he may d prove them also and take perish, and they themselves shall
them in their own craftiness; be b despised by those that flattered
13 Also because their hearts are them.
4 e tg Compassion; Jer. 1:19 (7–19). tg Prophets,
God, Mercy of. 12 a Dan. 2:21 (19–22, 28); Rejection of;
5 a Ps. 119:84. Acts 1:7; Reviling.
b D&C 1:13 (13–14). D&C 68:11 (7–12). c 1 Sam. 26:9;
c Ps. 35:1 (1–10); tg Time. Ps. 2:2 (2–4); 105:15.
Luke 18:7. b 2 Kgs. 6:18 (18–23). d 2 Ne. 15:20;
6 a D&C 122:5 (5–7). tg Mind. Moro. 7:14 (14, 18);
tg Suffering. c Ex. 8:19; D&C 64:16.
7 a Acts 23:11 (11–14). 1 Ne. 19:22; 17 a Rev. 12:10;
tg Comfort. Alma 23:6; Alma 15:15.
b tg Adversity; Affliction. D&C 84:3. b Eph. 5:6 (2–6).
c Isa. 54:7. d tg Test. 18 a tg Swearing.
8 a 1 Pet. 2:20 (19–23). 13 a Prov. 28:10; b Mal. 3:5.
tg Perseverance; 1 Ne. 14:3. tg Lying; Slander.
Probation. 14 a 3 Ne. 4:10. 19 a Matt. 18:6.
b tg Enemies. 15 a Ps. 37:28; 109:13. tg Offense.
9 a D&C 122:3. b D&C 124:52. b tg Ordinance;
tg Friendship. 16 a tg Curse. Salvation.
10 a Job 4:1 (1–8); 13:4; 16:2. b Ps. 41:9; 20 a Deut. 28:17 (15–26).
11 a Ps. 58:7 (3–11); John 13:18. b Prov. 24:24 (23–26).
241 Doctrine and Covenants 121:21–33
21 They shall not have right to there be b one God or many c gods,
the a priesthood, nor their poster- they shall be manifest.
ity after them from generation to 29 All thrones and dominions,
generation. principalities and powers, shall be
22 It had been a better for them that a
revealed and set forth upon all
a millstone had been hanged about who have endured b valiantly for
their necks, and they drowned in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
the depth of the sea. 30 And also, if there be a bounds
23 Wo unto all those that a dis- set to the heavens or to the seas, or
comfort my people, and drive, and to the dry land, or to the sun, moon,
murder, and testify against them, or stars—
saith the Lord of Hosts; a c genera- 31 All the times of their revolutions,
tion of vipers shall not escape the all the appointed days, months, and
damnation of hell. years, and all the days of their days,
24 Behold, mine eyes a see and months, and years, and all their
know all their works, and I have a
glories, laws, and set times, shall
in reserve a swift b judgment in the be revealed in the days of the b dis-
season thereof, for them all; pensation of the fulness of times—
25 For there is a a time b appointed 32 According to that which was a or-
for every man, according as his dained in the midst of the b Council
works shall be. of the Eternal c God of all other gods
26 God shall give unto you a knowl- before this d world was, that should
edge by his b Holy Spirit, yea, by the be reserved unto the finishing and
unspeakable c gift of the Holy Ghost, the end thereof, when every man
that has not been d revealed since shall enter into his eternal e presence
the world was until now; and into his immortal f rest.
27 Which our forefathers have 33 How long can rolling waters
awaited with a anxious expectation remain impure? What a power shall
to be revealed in the last times, stay the heavens? As well might man
which their minds were pointed to stretch forth his puny arm to stop
by the angels, as held in reserve for the Missouri river in its decreed
the fulness of their glory; course, or to turn it up stream, as to
28 A time to come in the which b
hinder the c Almighty from pour-
nothing shall be withheld, whether ing down d knowledge from heaven
21 a Alma 13:4 (3–5). c tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. Acts 17:26 (24–28).
tg Priesthood, d Alma 12:10 (9–11); 40:3. 31 a Abr. 3:4 (2–10).
Qualifying for. tg Scriptures to Come tg Glory; God, Law of.
22 a Matt. 18:6; D&C 54:5. Forth. b tg Dispensations.
23 a D&C 101:1. 27 a Rom. 16:25; 32 a tg Earth, Purpose of.
b Esth. 3:13. D&C 6:7 (7–11); b tg Council in Heaven.
c Matt. 12:34; 23:33. 42:65 (61–65). c Deut. 10:17 (17–21);
24 a Job 10:4; Ps. 139:1; 28 a D&C 42:61; 59:4; 76:7; Dan. 11:36.
Jonah 3:10. 98:12; 101:32. d tg Earth, Destiny of;
tg God, Omniscience of. b Rom. 3:30 (28–31); World.
b Ps. 109:7 (3–7); 1 Tim. 2:5. e tg Man, Potential to
Hel. 8:25; c Ps. 82:6; John 10:34; Become like Heavenly
D&C 10:23 (20–23). 1 Cor. 8:6 (5–6); Father.
25 a D&C 122:9. D&C 76:58; f Ps. 95:11;
b Job 7:1; Abr. 4:1 (1–31); Heb. 3:11; 4:1;
Alma 12:27 (26–28); 5:1 (1–21). Alma 12:34;
D&C 42:48. 29 a D&C 101:32. 3 Ne. 27:19;
c tg Good Works. b D&C 76:79. D&C 84:24.
26 a Dan. 2:28 (22–29, 49); tg Diligence; 33 a Rom. 8:39 (35–39).
Amos 3:7; A of F 1:9. Trustworthiness. b Dan. 4:35.
tg Mysteries of 30 a Job 26:10 (7–14); c tg God, Power of.
Godliness; Revelation. 38:33 (1–41); d Dan. 12:4.
b tg God, Spirit of. Ps. 104:9 (1–35); tg Knowledge.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:34–45 242
upon the heads of the Latter-day the pricks, to b persecute the saints,
Saints. and to c fight against God.
34 Behold, there are many a called, 39 We have learned by sad expe-
but few are chosen. And why are rience that it is the a nature and
they not chosen? disposition of almost all men, as
35 Because their a hearts are set soon as they get a little b authority,
so much upon the things of this as they suppose, they will immedi-
world, and c aspire to the d honors ately begin to exercise c unrighteous
of men, that they do not learn this dominion.
one lesson— 40 Hence many are called, but a few
36 That the a rights of the priest- are chosen.
hood are inseparably connected with 41 No a power or influence can or
the powers of heaven, and that the ought to be maintained by virtue of
powers of heaven cannot be b con- the b priesthood, only by c persuasion,
trolled nor handled only upon the by d long-suffering, by gentleness and
principles of righteousness. meekness, and by love unfeigned;
37 That they may be conferred 42 By a kindness, and pure b knowl-
upon us, it is true; but when we edge, which shall greatly enlarge
undertake to a cover our b sins, or to the c soul without d hypocrisy, and
gratify our c pride, our vain ambi- without e guile—
tion, or to exercise control or d do- 43 a Reproving betimes with b sharp-
minion or compulsion upon the ness, when c moved upon by the Holy
souls of the children of men, in any Ghost; and then showing forth after-
degree of unrighteousness, behold, wards an increase of d love toward
the heavens e withdraw themselves; him whom thou hast reproved, lest
the Spirit of the Lord is grieved; he esteem thee to be his enemy;
and when it is withdrawn, Amen to 44 That he may know that thy
the priesthood or the authority of faithfulness is stronger than the
that man. cords of a death.
38 Behold, ere he is aware, he is 45 Let thy a bowels also be full of
left unto himself, to a kick against charity towards all men, and to the
34 a Matt. 20:16; 22:14 (1–14); Hypocrisy. tg Communication;
Luke 13:23; b tg Sin. Marriage, Husbands.
D&C 63:31; 95:5 (5–6). c tg Haughtiness; Pride. d 2 Cor. 6:6.
tg Called of God. d Gen. 1:26 (26–28); tg Forbear;
35 a Luke 14:18 (18–20). D&C 76:111 (110–12). Love;
b tg Selfishness; e 1 Sam. 18:12; Meek;
Worldliness. D&C 1:33; 3:11; Patience.
c tg Motivations. JS—H 1:46. 42 a tg Courtesy;
d Matt. 6:2; tg Holy Ghost, Loss of. Kindness.
2 Ne. 26:29; 38 a Acts 9:5; 26:14. b 1 Pet. 3:7.
D&C 58:39. b tg Persecution. tg Knowledge.
tg Honor. c Micah 3:5; c tg Understanding.
36 a D&C 107:10. 1 Ne. 11:35 (34–36). d James 3:17.
tg Priesthood, 39 a tg Man, Natural, Not e tg Guile; Sincere.
Authority; Spiritually Reborn. 43 a tg Chastening;
Priesthood, Keys of; b tg Authority. Reproof.
Priesthood, Oath and c 1 Kgs. 16:2. b D&C 15:2.
Covenant; tg Leadership; c tg Holy Ghost,
Priesthood, Power of. Unrighteous Dominion. Mission of.
b tg Priesthood, 40 a Matt. 20:16; D&C 95:5. d tg Charity.
Magnifying Callings 41 a tg Priesthood, 44 a tg Dependability.
within. Power of. 45 a 1 Thes. 3:12;
c D&C 107:30. b 1 Pet. 5:3 (1–3). 1 Jn. 3:17 (16–17).
tg Righteousness. tg Priesthood; tg Benevolence;
37 a Prov. 28:13. Priesthood, Magnifying Charity;
tg Apostasy of Callings within. Priesthood, Magnifying
Individuals; Honesty; c Prov. 25:15. Callings within.
243 Doctrine and Covenants 121:46–122:7
household of faith, and let b virtue 46 The Holy Ghost shall be thy con-
garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; stant a companion, and thy scepter
then shall thy c confidence wax an unchanging scepter of b righteous-
strong in the d presence of God; and ness and truth; and thy c dominion
the doctrine of the priesthood shall shall be an everlasting dominion,
distil upon thy soul as the e dews and without compulsory means it
from heaven. shall flow unto thee forever and ever.
Section 122
The word of the Lord to Joseph Smith the Prophet, while a prisoner in
the jail at Liberty, Missouri. This section is an excerpt from an epistle
to the Church dated March 20, 1839 (see the heading to section 121).
1–4, The ends of the earth will inquire 5 If thou art called to pass through
after the name of Joseph Smith; 5–7, a
tribulation; if thou art in perils
All his perils and travails will give among false brethren; if thou art in
him experience and be for his good; b
perils among robbers; if thou art
8–9, The Son of Man has descended in perils by land or by sea;
below them all. 6 If thou art a accused with all man-
ner of false accusations; if thine
The ends of the earth shall inquire enemies fall upon thee; if they tear
after thy a name, and fools shall have thee from the society of thy father
thee in b derision, and hell shall rage and mother and brethren and sis-
against thee; ters; and if with a drawn sword thine
2 While the pure in heart, and enemies tear thee from the bosom
the wise, and the noble, and the of thy wife, and of thine offspring,
virtuous, shall seek a counsel, and and thine elder son, although but
authority, and blessings constantly six years of age, shall cling to thy
from under thy hand. garments, and shall say, My father,
3 And thy a people shall never be my father, why can’t you stay with
turned against thee by the testi- us? O, my father, what are the men
mony of traitors. going to do with you? and if then
4 And although their influence he shall be thrust from thee by
shall cast thee into trouble, and into the sword, and thou be dragged to
bars and walls, thou shalt be had in b
prison, and thine enemies prowl
honor; and but for a small b moment around thee like c wolves for the
and thy voice shall be more terrible blood of the lamb;
in the midst of thine enemies than 7 And if thou shouldst be cast into
the fierce c lion, because of thy righ- the a pit, or into the hands of mur-
teousness; and thy God shall stand derers, and the sentence of death
by thee forever and ever. passed upon thee; if thou be cast
45 b tg Chastity; Modesty; c Dan. 7:14. Divine.
Virtue. 122 1 a JS—H 1:33. 5 a D&C 121:6.
c tg Trust in God. b Job 30:1; tg Tribulation.
d tg God, Presence of; Ps. 119:51 (49–52); b 2 Cor. 11:26 (23–28).
God, Privilege of Jer. 20:7 (7–9). 6 a Job 8:6 (1–22).
Seeing. 2 a tg Counsel. b Jer. 36:5;
e Deut. 32:2; 3 a D&C 121:9. Acts 5:18 (15, 18); 12:5;
D&C 128:19. tg Friendship. 16:23 (19–40);
46 a tg Holy Ghost, 4 a tg Respect. Alma 14:22 (22–28).
Mission of; b D&C 121:7 (7–8). c Luke 10:3.
Spirituality. c 3 Ne. 20:16 (16–21). 7 a Gen. 37:24;
b tg Righteousness. tg Protection, Jer. 38:6 (6–13).
Doctrine and Covenants 122:8–123:6 244
into the b deep; if the billowing 8 The a Son of Man hath b descended
surge conspire against thee; if fierce below them all. Art thou greater
winds become thine enemy; if the than he?
heavens gather blackness, and all 9 Therefore, a hold on thy way, and
the elements combine to c hedge up the priesthood shall b remain with
the way; and above all, if the very thee; for their c bounds are set, they
jaws of d hell shall gape open the cannot pass. Thy d days are known,
mouth wide after thee, know thou, and thy years shall not be numbered
my son, that all these things shall less; therefore, e fear not what man
give thee e experience, and shall be can do, for God shall be with you
for thy good. forever and ever.
Section 123
Duty of the Saints in relation to their persecutors, as written by Joseph
Smith the Prophet while a prisoner in the jail at Liberty, Missouri. This
section is an excerpt from an epistle to the Church dated March 20, 1839
(see the heading to section 121).
1–6, The Saints should collect and appointed to find out these things,
publish an account of their sufferings and to take a statements and affida-
and persecutions; 7–10, The same vits; and also to gather up the li-
spirit that established the false creeds belous publications that are afloat;
also leads to persecution of the Saints; 5 And all that are in the maga-
11–17, Many among all sects will yet zines, and in the encyclopedias, and
receive the truth. all the libelous histories that are
published, and are writing, and by
And again, we would suggest for whom, and present the whole con-
your consideration the propriety of catenation of diabolical rascality
all the saints a gathering up a knowl- and nefarious and murderous im-
edge of all the facts, and b sufferings positions that have been practiced
and abuses put upon them by the upon this people—
people of this State; 6 That we may not only publish
2 And also of all the property and to all the world, but present them
amount of damages which they to the a heads of government in all
have sustained, both of character their dark and hellish hue, as the
and personal a injuries, as well as last effort which is enjoined on us
real property; by our Heavenly Father, before we
3 And also the names of all per- can fully and completely claim
sons that have had a hand in their that promise which shall call him
oppressions, as far as they can get forth from his b hiding place; and
hold of them and find them out. also that the whole nation may be
4 And perhaps a committee can be left without excuse before he can
7 b Ps. 69:2 (1–2, 14); 2 Ne. 2:11. Ps. 56:4 (4, 11); 118:6;
Jonah 2:3 (3–9); 8 a tg Jesus Christ, Son Jer. 1:17 (17–19);
2 Cor. 11:25. of Man. Luke 12:5 (4–5);
c Lam. 3:7 (7–8). b Mark 14:37 (37, 40–41); 2 Ne. 8:7 (7–12);
tg Despair. Heb. 2:17 (9–18); D&C 3:7; 98:14.
d 2 Sam. 22:6 (5–7); D&C 76:107; 88:6. 123 1 a D&C 69:8.
JS—H 1:16 (15–16). 9 a tg Steadfastness. b Ezra 4:1 (1–24).
e Job 2:10 (10–13); b D&C 13; 84:17; 90:3; 2 a tg Injustice.
3:20 (20–26); 5:27; 124:130. 3 a tg Oppression.
Eccl. 3:10 (9–10); c Deut. 32:8; 4 a tg Record Keeping.
Jer. 24:5; 2 Cor. 4:17; Job 11:20 (19–20). 6 a Ezra 5:8 (8–17).
Heb. 12:10 (10–11); d D&C 121:25. b D&C 101:89;
1 Pet. 2:20 (20–21); e Neh. 4:14; 121:4 (1, 4).
245 Doctrine and Covenants 123:7–17
Section 124
Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, Janu
ary 19, 1841. Because of increasing persecutions and illegal procedures
against them by public officers, the Saints had been compelled to leave
Missouri. The exterminating order issued by Lilburn W. Boggs, governor
7 a tg Family, Children, b D&C 98:13; 13 a tg Dedication.
Responsibilities toward. 103:27 (27–28); 124:54. b 1 Cor. 4:5.
b tg Cruelty. 10 a Isa. 14:9 (4–11). tg Secret Combinations.
c Alma 24:7; 12 a Col. 2:8; D&C 76:75. 14 a tg Zeal.
JS—H 1:19. tg Spiritual Blindness. 16 a James 3:4;
tg Traditions of Men. b tg False Doctrine; 1 Ne. 16:29;
d Isa. 33:9; Moses 7:49. False Prophets. Alma 37:6 (6–8);
8 a tg Bondage, Physical; c Col. 2:18 (16–23). D&C 64:33.
Bondage, Spiritual. d 1 Ne. 8:21 (19–24). 17 a tg Cheerful.
b tg Hell. tg Mission of Latter-day b tg Initiative.
9 a tg Children; Widows. Saints. c Ex. 14:13; Isa. 30:15.
Doctrine and Covenants 124:1–8 246
you, how shall your a washings be thereof, and the place whereon it
acceptable unto me, except ye per- shall be built.
form them in a house which you 43 And ye shall build it on the
have built to my name? place where you have contemplated
38 For, for this cause I commanded building it, for that is the spot which
Moses that he should build a a tab- I have chosen for you to build it.
ernacle, that they should bear it 44 If ye labor with all your might,
with them in the wilderness, and to I will consecrate that spot that it
build a house in the land of prom- shall be made a holy.
ise, that those ordinances might be 45 And if my people will hearken
revealed which had been hid from unto my voice, and unto the voice
before the world was. of my a servants whom I have ap-
39 Therefore, verily I say unto pointed to lead my people, behold,
you, that your a anointings, and verily I say unto you, they shall not
your washings, and your b baptisms be moved out of their place.
for the dead, and your c solemn as- 46 But if they will not a hearken
semblies, and your d memorials for to my voice, nor unto the voice of
your e sacrifices by the sons of Levi, these men whom I have appointed,
and for your f oracles in your most they shall not be blest, because they
holy places wherein you receive b
pollute mine holy grounds, and
conversations, and your statutes mine holy ordinances, and char-
and judgments, for the beginning ters, and my holy words which I
of the revelations and foundation of give unto them.
Zion, and for the glory, honor, and 47 And it shall come to pass that
endowment of all her municipals, if you build a house unto my name,
are ordained by the ordinance of and do not do the things that I say,
my holy house, which my people I will not perform the a oath which
are always commanded to build I make unto you, neither fulfil the
unto my holy name. promises which ye expect at my
40 And verily I say unto you, let hands, saith the Lord.
this a house be built unto my name, 48 For a instead of blessings, ye,
that I may reveal mine ordinances by your own works, bring cursings,
therein unto my people; wrath, indignation, and judgments
41 For I deign to a reveal unto my upon your own heads, by your fol-
church things which have been kept lies, and by all your abominations,
hid from before the foundation which you practice before me, saith
of the world, things that pertain the Lord.
to the dispensation of the c fulness 49 Verily, verily, I say unto you, that
of times. when I give a commandment to any
42 And a I will show unto my ser- of the sons of men to do a work unto
vant Joseph all things pertaining my name, and those sons of men
to this house, and the priesthood go with all their might and with
37 a Lev. 8:6; Temple Work. b Alma 40:3;
D&C 88:74. c D&C 88:70 (70, 117). D&C 121:26 (26–31).
tg Wash. tg Solemn Assembly. c Eph. 1:10 (9–10);
38 a Ex. 25:9 (1–9); 29:4; d Ex. 12:14 (14–17); D&C 27:13; 76:106;
33:7; 35:11; Lev. 2:2 (2, 9, 16). 112:30.
Ezek. 37:27. e Deut. 10:8; 42 a D&C 95:14 (14–17).
tg Temple. D&C 13; 84:31; 128:24; 44 a tg Holiness.
39 a Ex. 25:6; 29:7; JS—H 1:69. 45 a tg Leadership;
Lev. 10:7; 14:28; f D&C 90:4. Prophets, Mission of.
Num. 18:8; g Ex. 26:33; 46 a tg Prophets,
D&C 68:21. 1 Kgs. 6:16; Rejection of.
tg Anointing. Ezek. 41:4. b tg Pollution.
b tg Baptism for the 40 a tg Ordinance; Temple. 47 a tg Oath; Promise.
Dead; Genealogy and 41 a A of F 1:9. 48 a Deut. 28:15 (1–47).
Doctrine and Covenants 124:50–62 250
all they have to perform that work, a a house to my name, even in this
and cease not their a diligence, and place, that you may b prove your-
their enemies come upon them and selves unto me that ye are c faithful
hinder them from performing that in all things whatsoever I command
work, behold, it behooveth me to you, that I may bless you, and crown
require that work no more at the you with honor, immortality, and
hands of those sons of men, but to eternal life.
accept of their offerings. 56 And now I say unto you, as
50 And the iniquity and transgres- pertaining to my boarding a house
sion of my holy laws and command- which I have commanded you to
ments I will a visit upon the heads of build for the boarding of strangers,
those who hindered my work, unto let it be built unto my name, and let
the third and fourth b generation, so my name be named upon it, and
long as they repent not, and hate let my servant Joseph and his house
me, saith the Lord God. have place therein, from generation
51 Therefore, for this cause have to generation.
I accepted the offerings of those 57 For this a anointing have I put
whom I commanded to build up a upon his head, that his blessing
city and a a house unto my name, in shall also be put upon the head of
Jackson county, Missouri, and were his posterity after him.
hindered by their enemies, saith the 58 And as I said unto a Abraham
Lord your God. concerning the kindreds of the
52 And I will answer a judgment, earth, even so I say unto my servant
wrath, and indignation, wailing, Joseph: In thee and in thy b seed shall
and anguish, and gnashing of teeth the kindred of the earth be blessed.
upon their heads, unto the third and 59 Therefore, let my servant Joseph
fourth generation, so long as they and his seed after him have place
repent not, and hate me, saith the in that house, from generation to
Lord your God. generation, forever and ever, saith
53 And this I make an a example the Lord.
unto you, for your consolation con- 60 And let the name of that house
cerning all those who have been be called a Nauvoo House; and let it
commanded to do a work and have be a delightful habitation for man,
been hindered by the hands of their and a resting-place for the weary
enemies, and by b oppression, saith traveler, that he may contemplate
the Lord your God. the glory of Zion, and the glory of
54 For I am the Lord your God, and this, the cornerstone thereof;
will save all those of your brethren 61 That he may receive also the
who have been a pure in heart, and counsel from those whom I have set
have been b slain in the land of Mis- to be as a plants of renown, and as
souri, saith the Lord. b
watchmen upon her walls.
55 And again, verily I say unto 62 Behold, verily I say unto you,
you, I command you again to build let my servant George Miller, and
49 a tg Diligence. 53 a Num. 26:10. 56 a D&C 124:22 (22–24).
b Ezra 4:21. b tg Oppression. 57 a tg Anointing.
c D&C 56:4. 54 a tg Purity. 58 a Gen. 12:3; 22:18;
50 a Jer. 9:9; b Matt. 10:39; Abr. 2:11.
Mosiah 12:1. D&C 98:13; tg Abrahamic
tg Accountability. 103:27 (27–28); Covenant.
b Deut. 5:9. 123:9 (7, 9). b D&C 110:12.
tg Procrastination; 55 a D&C 127:4. 60 a ie beautiful, delightful,
Repent. b Ex. 15:25 (23–26); as used in Isa. 52:7 in
51 a D&C 115:11. D&C 98:14 (12–14); Hebrew.
52 a D&C 121:15 (11–23). Abr. 3:25. 61 a Isa. 60:21;
tg Punish; tg Test. Ezek. 34:29.
Sorrow. c 1 Kgs. 6:12 (11–13). b tg Watchman.
251 Doctrine and Covenants 124:63–78
shall b bind on earth shall be bound should a raise the dead, let him not
in heaven; and whatsoever he shall withhold his voice.
loose on earth shall be loosed in 101 Therefore, let my servant Wil-
heaven. liam cry aloud and spare not, with
94 And from this time forth I ap- joy and rejoicing, and with hosan-
point unto him that he may be a nas to him that sitteth upon the
prophet, and a a seer, and a revela- throne forever and ever, saith the
tor unto my church, as well as my Lord your God.
servant Joseph; 102 Behold, I say unto you, I have
95 That he may act in concert also a mission in store for my servant
with my a servant Joseph; and that William, and my servant Hyrum,
he shall receive counsel from my and for them alone; and let my ser-
servant Joseph, who shall show vant Joseph tarry at home, for he is
unto him the b keys whereby he may needed. The remainder I will show
ask and receive, and be crowned unto you hereafter. Even so. Amen.
with the same blessing, and glory, 103 And again, verily I say unto
and honor, and priesthood, and gifts you, if my servant Sidney will serve
of the priesthood, that once were me and be a counselor unto my ser-
put upon him that was my servant vant Joseph, let him arise and come
Oliver Cowdery; up and stand in the office of his call-
96 That my servant Hyrum may ing, and humble himself before me.
bear record of the things which I 104 And if he will offer unto me
shall show unto him, that his name an acceptable offering, and ac-
may be had in honorable remem- knowledgments, and remain with
brance from generation to genera- my people, behold, I, the Lord your
tion, forever and ever. God, will heal him that he shall be
97 Let my servant William Law also healed; and he shall lift up his voice
receive the keys by which he may again on the mountains, and be a
ask and receive blessings; let him be a
spokesman before my face.
humble before me, and be without 105 Let him come and locate his
guile, and he shall receive of my family in the neighborhood in which
Spirit, even the c Comforter, which my servant Joseph resides.
shall manifest unto him the truth 106 And in all his journeyings
of all things, and shall give him, in let him lift up his voice as with
the very hour, what he shall say. the sound of a trump, and warn the
98 And these a signs shall follow inhabitants of the earth to flee
him—he shall heal the b sick, he the wrath to come.
shall cast out devils, and shall be 107 Let him assist my servant Jo-
delivered from those who would seph, and also let my servant Wil-
administer unto him deadly poison; liam Law assist my servant Joseph,
99 And he shall be led in paths in making a solemn a proclamation
where the poisonous serpent a cannot unto the kings of the earth, even as
lay hold upon his heel, and he shall I have before said unto you.
mount up in the b imagination of 108 If my servant Sidney will do
his thoughts as upon eagles’ wings. my will, let him not remove his
100 And what if I will that he family unto the a eastern lands, but
93 b Matt. 16:19; 18:18. to his callings. D&C 24:13; 84:72 (71–72).
tg Priesthood, Keys of; 97 a tg Teachable. b Isa. 40:31.
Sealing. b tg Guile; Sincere. 100 a tg Death, Power over.
94 a D&C 107:92. c tg Holy Ghost, 103 a D&C 90:21.
tg Seer. Comforter. 104 a Ex. 4:16 (14–16);
95 a D&C 6:18 (18–19). 98 a Mark 16:17 (17–18). 2 Ne. 3:17 (17–18);
b D&C 6:28. tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of. D&C 100:9 (9–11).
c See “Oliver Cowdery” in b tg Heal; Sickness. 107 a D&C 124:2.
the Index for references 99 a Acts 28:3 (3–9); 108 a D&C 124:83.
Doctrine and Covenants 124:109–124 254
let him change their habitation, 118 And hearken unto the counsel
even as I have said. of my servants Joseph, and Hyrum,
109 Behold, it is not my will that and William Law, and unto the au-
he shall seek to find safety and thorities which I have called to lay
refuge out of the city which I have the foundation of Zion; and it shall
appointed unto you, even the city be well with him forever and ever.
of Nauvoo. Even so. Amen.
110 Verily I say unto you, even 119 And again, verily I say unto
now, if he will hearken unto my you, let no man pay stock to the
voice, it shall be well with him. quorum of the Nauvoo House unless
Even so. Amen. he shall be a believer in the Book
111 And again, verily I say unto of Mormon, and the revelations I
you, let my servant Amos Davies have given unto you, saith the Lord
pay stock into the hands of those your God;
whom I have appointed to build a 120 For that which is a more or less
house for boarding, even the Nau- than this cometh of evil, and shall
voo House. be attended with cursings and not
112 This let him do if he will have blessings, saith the Lord your God.
an interest; and let him hearken Even so. Amen.
unto the counsel of my servant Jo- 121 And again, verily I say unto
seph, and labor with his own hands you, let the quorum of the Nauvoo
that he may obtain the confidence House have a just recompense of
of men. wages for all their labors which they
113 And when he shall a prove do in building the Nauvoo House;
himself faithful in all things that and let their wages be as shall be
shall be b entrusted unto his care, agreed among themselves, as per-
yea, even a few things, he shall be taining to the price thereof.
made ruler over many; 122 And let every man who pays
114 Let him therefore a abase him- stock bear his proportion of their
self that he may be exalted. Even so. wages, if it must needs be, for their
Amen. support, saith the Lord; otherwise,
115 And again, verily I say unto their labors shall be accounted unto
you, if my servant Robert D. Foster them for stock in that house. Even
will obey my voice, let him build so. Amen.
a house for my servant Joseph, ac- 123 Verily I say unto you, I now
cording to the contract which he has give unto you the a officers belong-
made with him, as the door shall ing to my Priesthood, that ye may
be open to him from time to time. hold the b keys thereof, even the
116 And let him repent of all his Priesthood which is after the or-
folly, and clothe himself with b char- der of Melchizedek, which is after
ity; and c cease to do evil, and lay the order of mine c Only Begotten
aside all his hard d speeches; Son.
117 And pay stock also into the 124 First, I give unto you Hyrum
hands of the quorum of the Nauvoo Smith to be a a patriarch unto you,
House, for himself and for his gen- to hold the b sealing blessings of
eration after him, from generation my church, even the Holy Spirit of
to generation; c
promise, whereby ye are d sealed up
113 a tg Test. 120 a Deut. 28:14; c tg Jesus Christ,
b 1 Thes. 2:4. Matt. 5:37. Authority of.
114 a Matt. 23:12; 123 a D&C 107:21; 124:143. 124 a D&C 124:91.
D&C 101:42. tg Church tg Patriarch.
116 a tg Foolishness. Organization; b tg Sealing.
b Col. 3:14. Delegation of c D&C 76:53; 88:3 (3–4);
c tg Self-Mastery. Responsibility. 132:19 (18–26).
d tg Slander. b tg Priesthood, Keys of. d Eph. 4:30.
255 Doctrine and Covenants 124:125–140
unto the day of redemption, that be ordained unto this calling in his
ye may not fall notwithstanding stead—David Fullmer, Alpheus Cut-
the e hour of temptation that may ler, William Huntington.
come upon you. 133 And again, I give unto you
125 I give unto you my servant Don C. Smith to be a president over
Joseph to be a presiding elder over a quorum of high priests;
all my church, to be a translator, a 134 Which ordinance is instituted
revelator, a a seer, and prophet. for the purpose of qualifying those
126 I give unto him for a counsel- who shall be appointed standing
ors my servant Sidney Rigdon and presidents or servants over differ-
my servant William Law, that these ent a stakes scattered abroad;
may constitute a quorum and First 135 And they may travel also if
Presidency, to receive the b oracles they choose, but rather be ordained
for the whole church. for standing presidents; this is the
127 I give unto you my servant office of their calling, saith the Lord
Brigham Young to be a president your God.
over the Twelve traveling council; 136 I give unto him Amasa Lyman
128 Which a Twelve hold the keys and Noah Packard for counselors,
to open up the authority of my that they may preside over the quo-
kingdom upon the four corners of rum of high priests of my church,
the earth, and after that to send my saith the Lord.
word to every b creature. 137 And again, I say unto you, I
129 a They are Heber C. Kimball, give unto you John A. Hicks, Samuel
Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, Orson Williams, and Jesse Baker, which
Hyde, William Smith, John Taylor, priesthood is to preside over the
John E. Page, Wilford Woodruff, quorum of a elders, which quorum
Willard Richards, George A. Smith; is instituted for standing ministers;
130 David Patten I have a taken nevertheless they may travel, yet
unto myself; behold, his b priest- they are ordained to be standing
hood no man c taketh from him; ministers to my church, saith the
but, verily I say unto you, another Lord.
may be appointed unto the same 138 And again, I give unto you
calling. Joseph Young, Josiah Butterfield,
131 And again, I say unto you, I Daniel Miles, Henry Herriman, Zera
give unto you a a high council, for Pulsipher, Levi Hancock, James Fos-
the cornerstone of Zion— ter, to preside over the quorum of
132 Namely, Samuel Bent, Henry G. a
Sherwood, George W. Harris, Char- 139 Which quorum is instituted for
les C. Rich, Thomas Grover, Newel a
traveling elders to bear record of
Knight, David Dort, Dunbar Wil- my name in all the world, wherever
son— Seymour Brunson I have the traveling high council, mine
taken unto myself; no man taketh apostles, shall send them to prepare
his priesthood, but another may be a way before my face.
appointed unto the same priesthood 140 The difference between this
in his stead; and verily I say unto quorum and the quorum of elders
you, let my servant Aaron Johnson is that one is to travel continually,
124 e Rev. 3:10. 128 a tg Apostles. 107:36 (36–37).
125 a D&C 20:2; 21:1. b Mark 16:15. 134 a tg Stake.
tg Seer. 129 a See Index for reference 137 a D&C 20:38;
126 a D&C 68:15; 90:21; to each name. 107:12 (11–12, 89–90).
124:91. 130 a D&C 124:19. tg Elder, Melchizedek
tg Counselor. b Heb. 5:6. Priesthood.
b D&C 90:4 (4–5). c D&C 90:3. 138 a tg Seventy.
tg Revelation. tg Priesthood. 139 a D&C 107:33 (33, 93–98).
127 a D&C 18:27; 107:23; 126:1. 131 a D&C 102:30 (27–32);
Doctrine and Covenants 124:141–125:4 256
and the other is to preside over the counselors, and also the president
churches from time to time; the one of the stake and his counselors.
has the responsibility of presiding 143 The above a offices I have given
from time to time, and the other unto you, and the keys thereof, for
has no responsibility of presiding, helps and for governments, for the
saith the Lord your God. work of the ministry and the b per-
141 And again, I say unto you, I give fecting of my saints.
unto you Vinson Knight, Samuel H. 144 And a commandment I give
Smith, and Shadrach Roundy, if he unto you, that you should fill all
will receive it, to preside over the these offices and a approve of those
bishopric; a knowledge of said bish- names which I have mentioned, or
opric is given unto you in the book else disapprove of them at my gen-
of Doctrine and Covenants. eral conference;
142 And again, I say unto you, Sa- 145 And that ye should prepare
muel Rolfe and his counselors for rooms for all these offices in my
priests, and the president of the a
house when you build it unto my
teachers and his counselors, and also name, saith the Lord your God. Even
the president of the deacons and his so. Amen.
Section 125
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois,
March 1841, concerning the Saints in the territory of Iowa.
1– 4, The Saints are to build cities up cities unto my name, that they
and to gather to the stakes of Zion. may be prepared for that which is
in store for a time to come.
What is the will of the Lord con- 3 Let them build up a city unto my
cerning the saints in the Territory name upon the land opposite the
of Iowa? city of Nauvoo, and let the name
2 Verily, thus saith the Lord, I say of a Zarahemla be named upon it.
unto you, if those who a call them- 4 And let all those who come from
selves by my name and are essaying the east, and the west, and the north,
to be my saints, if they will do my and the south, that have desires to
will and keep my commandments dwell therein, take up their inheri
concerning them, let them gather tance in the same, as well as in the
themselves together unto the places city of a Nashville, or in the city of
which I shall appoint unto them Nauvoo, and in all the b stakes which
by my servant Joseph, and build I have appointed, saith the Lord.
Section 126
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the house of
Brigham Young, at Nauvoo, Illinois, July 9, 1841. At this time Brigham
Young was President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
141 a D&C 68:14 (14–24); b 1 Cor. 12:28; 125 2 a tg Jesus Christ,
107:15 (15–17), 68 (68–76). Eph. 4:11 (11–16). Taking the Name of.
142 a tg Deacon; 144 a D&C 26:2. 3 a Omni 1:14 (14, 18);
Priest, Aaronic tg Common Consent; Alma 2:26.
Priesthood; Sustaining Church 4 a ie Nashville, Lee
Teacher, Aaronic Leaders. County, Iowa.
Priesthood. 145 a D&C 124:27 (27–28). b tg Stake.
143 a D&C 107:21; 124:23.
257 Doctrine and Covenants 126:1–127:3
Section 127
An epistle from Joseph Smith the Prophet to the Latter- day Saints at
Nauvoo, Illinois, containing directions on baptism for the dead, dated
at Nauvoo, September 1, 1842.
1– 4, Joseph Smith glories in persecu fully blown over, then I will return to
tion and tribulation; 5–12, Records you again.
must be kept relative to baptisms for 2 And as for the a perils which I
the dead. am called to pass through, they
seem but a small thing to me, as the
Forasmuch as the Lord has revealed b
envy and wrath of man have been
unto me that my enemies, both in my common lot all the days of my
Missouri and this State, were again life; and for what cause it seems
in the pursuit of me; and inasmuch mysterious, unless I was c ordained
as they pursue me without a a cause, from before the foundation of the
and have not the least shadow or world for some good end, or bad,
coloring of justice or right on their as you may choose to call it. Judge
side in the getting up of their prose ye for yourselves. God d knoweth all
cutions against me; and inasmuch these things, whether it be good or
as their pretensions are all founded bad. But nevertheless, deep water
in falsehood of the blackest dye, I is what I am wont to swim in. It
have thought it expedient and wis- all has become a second nature to
dom in me to leave the place for a me; and I feel, like Paul, to glory
short season, for my own safety and in e tribulation; for to this day has
the safety of this people. I would the God of my fathers delivered me
say to all those with whom I have out of them all, and will deliver me
business, that I have left my b affairs from henceforth; for behold, and lo,
with agents and clerks who will I shall triumph over all my enemies,
transact all business in a prompt for the Lord God hath spoken it.
and proper manner, and will see 3 Let all the saints rejoice, there-
that all my debts are canceled in fore, and be exceedingly glad; for
due time, by turning out property, or Israel’s a God is their God, and he
otherwise, as the case may require, will mete out a just recompense of
or as the circumstances may admit b
reward upon the heads of all their
of. When I learn that the storm is c
126 1 a D&C 124:127; 136 127 1 a Job 2:3; science of;
heading. Matt. 5:10 (10–12); God, Perfection of.
b D&C 18:28 (27–28). 10:22 (22–23). e 2 Cor. 6:4 (4–5).
2 a tg Good Works. b tg Accountability. tg Test.
3 a D&C 107:38; 124:139. 2 a Ps. 23:4 (1–6); 138:7. 3 a Isa. 29:23 (22–24); 45:3;
b tg Family, Children, tg Persecution. 3 Ne. 11:14;
Responsibilities b tg Envy. D&C 36:1.
toward; c Alma 13:3. b tg Reward.
Family, Love within. d tg God, Omni- c tg Oppression.
Doctrine and Covenants 127:4–12 258
4 And again, verily thus saith the things to the earth, pertaining to the
Lord: Let the work of my a temple, priesthood, saith the Lord of Hosts.
and all the works which I have ap- 9 And again, let all the a records be
pointed unto you, be continued on had in order, that they may be put
and not cease; and let your b dili- in the archives of my holy temple,
gence, and your perseverance, and to be held in remembrance from
patience, and your works be re- generation to generation, saith the
doubled, and you shall in nowise Lord of Hosts.
lose your reward, saith the Lord of 10 I will say to all the saints, that I
Hosts. And if they c persecute you, desired, with exceedingly great de-
so persecuted they the prophets sire, to have addressed them from
and righteous men that were before the stand on the subject of baptism
you. For all this there is a reward for the dead, on the following Sab-
in heaven. bath. But inasmuch as it is out of
5 And again, I give unto you a my power to do so, I will write the
word in relation to the a baptism word of the Lord from time to time,
for your dead. on that subject, and send it to you by
6 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto mail, as well as many other things.
you concerning your dead: When 11 I now close my letter for the
any of you are a baptized for your present, for the want of more time;
dead, let there be a b recorder, and for the enemy is on the alert, and as
let him be eye-witness of your bap- the Savior said, the a prince of this
tisms; let him hear with his ears, that world cometh, but he hath noth-
he may testify of a truth, saith the ing in me.
Lord; 12 Behold, my prayer to God is
7 That in all your recordings it may that you all may be saved. And I
be a recorded in heaven; whatsoever subscribe myself your servant in
you b bind on earth, may be bound the Lord, prophet and a seer of The
in heaven; whatsoever you loose Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
on earth, may be loosed in heaven; day Saints.
8 For I am about to a restore many Joseph Smith.
Section 128
An epistle from Joseph Smith the Prophet to The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter- day Saints, containing further directions on baptism for the
dead, dated at Nauvoo, Illinois, September 6, 1842.
1–5, Local and general recorders must restored power relative to baptism for
certify to the fact of baptisms for the the dead; 18–21, All of the keys, powers,
dead; 6 –9, Their records are binding and authorities of past dispensations
and recorded on earth and in heaven; have been restored; 22–25, Glad and
10 –14, The baptismal font is a si glorious tidings are acclaimed for the
militude of the grave; 15–17, Elijah living and the dead.
4 a D&C 124:55 (25–48, 55). Work; Gospel.
b tg Dedication; Salvation for the Dead. b tg Priesthood,
Diligence; 6 a 1 Cor. 15:29; Melchizedek.
Patience. D&C 124:29; 9 a D&C 128:24.
c tg Hate; 128:18 (13, 18). tg Record Keeping.
Malice; b D&C 128:2 (2–4, 7). 11 a John 14:30.
Reward. 7 a tg Book of Life. tg Satan.
5 a tg Baptism for the Dead; b tg Priesthood, Keys of. 12 a D&C 124:125.
Genealogy and Temple 8 a tg Restoration of the tg Seer.
259 Doctrine and Covenants 128:1–7
As I stated to you in my letter before the certificates and all the attending
I left my place, that I would write witnesses, with his own statement
to you from time to time and give that he verily believes the above
you information in relation to many statement and records to be true,
subjects, I now resume the subject from his knowledge of the general
of the a baptism for the dead, as that character and appointment of those
subject seems to occupy my mind, men by the church. And when this
and press itself upon my feelings is done on the general church book,
the strongest, since I have been the record shall be just as holy, and
pursued by my enemies. shall answer the ordinance just the
2 I wrote a few words of revela- same as if he had seen with his eyes
tion to you concerning a recorder. I and heard with his ears, and made
have had a few additional views in a record of the same on the general
relation to this matter, which I now church book.
certify. That is, it was declared in 5 You may think this order of
my former letter that there should things to be very particular; but let
be a a recorder, who should be eye- me tell you that it is only to answer
witness, and also to hear with his the will of God, by conforming to the
ears, that he might make a record ordinance and preparation that
of a truth before the Lord. the Lord ordained and prepared
3 Now, in relation to this matter, before the foundation of the world,
it would be very difficult for one for the a salvation of the dead who
recorder to be present at all times, should die without a b knowledge
and to do all the business. To ob- of the gospel.
viate this difficulty, there can be a 6 And further, I want you to re-
recorder appointed in each ward of member that John the Revelator was
the city, who is well qualified for contemplating this very subject in
taking accurate minutes; and let relation to the dead, when he de-
him be very particular and precise clared, as you will find recorded
in taking the whole proceedings, in Revelation 20:12—And I saw the
certifying in his record that he saw dead, small and great, stand before
with his eyes, and heard with his God; and the books were opened; and
ears, giving the date, and names, another book was opened, which is the
and so forth, and the history of the book of life; and the dead were judged
whole transaction; naming also some out of those things which were a written
three individuals that are present, in the books, according to their works.
if there be any present, who can at 7 You will discover in this quota-
any time when called upon certify tion that the books were opened; and
to the same, that in the mouth of another book was opened, which
two or three a witnesses every word was the book of life; but the dead
may be established. were judged out of those things
4 Then, let there be a general a re- which were written in the books,
corder, to whom these other records according to their works; conse-
can be handed, being attended with quently, the books spoken of must
certificates over their own signa- be the books which contained the
tures, certifying that the record they record of their works, and refer to
have made is true. Then the general the a records which are kept on the
church recorder can enter the record earth. And the book which was the
on the general church book, with b
book of life is the record which is
128 1 a tg Baptism for 3 a D&C 6:28. D&C 138:2.
the Dead; tg Witness. 6 a Heb. 12:23.
Genealogy and 4 a D&C 47:1 (1–4). 7 a D&C 21:1.
Temple Work. 5 a tg Salvation for the b Rev. 20:12;
2 a 1 Kgs. 4:3; Dead. D&C 127:6 (6–7).
D&C 127:6. b 1 Pet. 4:6; tg Book of Life.
Doctrine and Covenants 128:8–13 260
kept in heaven; the principle agree- decrees of the great c Jehovah. This is
ing precisely with the doctrine a faithful saying. Who can hear it?
which is commanded you in the 10 And again, for the precedent,
revelation contained in the letter Matthew 16:18, 19: And I say also unto
which I wrote to you previous to thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this
my leaving my place—that in all a
rock I will build my church; and the
your recordings it may be recorded gates of hell shall not prevail against
in heaven. it. And I will give unto thee the keys
8 Now, the nature of this ordinance of the kingdom of heaven: and what
consists in the a power of the priest- soever thou shalt bind on earth shall
hood, by the revelation of Jesus be bound in heaven; and whatsoever
Christ, wherein it is granted that thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed
whatsoever you b bind on earth shall in heaven.
be bound in heaven, and whatsoever 11 Now the great and grand secret
you loose on earth shall be loosed of the whole matter, and the sum
in heaven. Or, in other words, tak- mum bonum of the whole subject
ing a different view of the trans- that is lying before us, consists in
lation, whatsoever you record on obtaining the a powers of the Holy
earth shall be recorded in heaven, Priesthood. For him to whom these
and whatsoever you do not record keys are given there is no difficulty
on earth shall not be recorded in in obtaining a b knowledge of facts
heaven; for out of the books shall in relation to the c salvation of the
your dead be judged, according children of men, both as well for
to their own works, whether they the dead as for the living.
themselves have attended to the 12 Herein is a glory and honor, and
ordinances in their own propria per immortality and eternal life—The
sona, or by the means of their own ordinance of baptism by water, to
agents, according to the ordinance be b immersed therein in order to
which God has prepared for their answer to the likeness of the dead,
salvation from before the founda- that one principle might accord
tion of the world, according to the with the other; to be immersed in
records which they have kept con- the water and come forth out of the
cerning their dead. water is in the likeness of the res-
9 It may seem to some to be a very urrection of the dead in coming
bold doctrine that we talk of—a forth out of their graves; hence, this
power which records or binds on ordinance was instituted to form
earth and binds in heaven. Never a relationship with the ordinance
theless, in all ages of the world, of baptism for the dead, being in
whenever the Lord has given a a dis- likeness of the dead.
pensation of the priesthood to any 13 Consequently, the a baptismal
man by actual revelation, or any set font was instituted as a similitude
of men, this power has always been of the grave, and was commanded
given. Hence, whatsoever those men to be in a place underneath where
did in b authority, in the name of the living are wont to assemble,
the Lord, and did it truly and faith- to show forth the living and the
fully, and kept a proper and faithful dead, and that all things may have
record of the same, it became a law their likeness, and that they may
on earth and in heaven, and could accord one with another—that
not be annulled, according to the which is earthly conforming to
8 a tg Priesthood, Power of. Priesthood, Authority. 12 a tg Glory;
b tg Priesthood, Keys of; c tg Jesus Christ, Jehovah. Honor;
Sealing. 10 a Matt. 16:18 (18–19). Immortality.
c tg Ordinance. 11 a tg Priesthood, Power of. b tg Baptism, Immersion.
9 a tg Dispensations. b tg Learn. 13 a Rom. 6:4 (3–5);
b tg Authority; c tg Salvation. D&C 76:51; 124:29.
261 Doctrine and Covenants 128:14–19
mercy from heaven; and a voice of Adam down to the present time, all
truth out of the earth; glad tidings declaring their e dispensation, their
for the dead; a voice of gladness for rights, their f keys, their honors, their
the living and the dead; glad tidings majesty and glory, and the power of
of great c joy. How beautiful upon the their priesthood; giving line upon
mountains are the d feet of those that line, g precept upon precept; here a
bring glad tidings of good things, little, and there a little; giving us
and that say unto Zion: Behold, thy consolation by holding forth that
God reigneth! As the e dews of Car- which is to come, confirming our
mel, so shall the knowledge of God h
descend upon them! 22 Brethren, shall we not go on in
20 And again, what do we hear? so great a cause? Go forward and
Glad tidings from a Cumorah! b Mo- not backward. a Courage, brethren;
roni, an angel from heaven, declaring and on, on to the victory! Let your
the fulfilment of the prophets—the hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly
book to be revealed. A voice of the glad. Let the earth break forth
Lord in the wilderness of Fayette, into b singing. Let the c dead speak
Seneca county, declaring the three forth anthems of eternal praise to
witnesses to d bear record of the the d King Immanuel, who hath or-
book! The voice of e Michael on the dained, before the world was, that
banks of the Susquehanna, detecting which would enable us to e redeem
the f devil when he appeared as an them out of their f prison; for the
angel of g light! The voice of h Peter, prisoners shall go free.
James, and John in the wilderness 23 Let the a mountains shout for joy,
between Harmony, Susquehanna and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all
county, and Colesville, Broome ye seas and dry lands tell the won-
county, on the Susquehanna river, ders of your Eternal King! And ye
declaring themselves as possessing rivers, and brooks, and rills, flow
the i keys of the kingdom, and of the down with gladness. Let the woods
dispensation of the fulness of times! and all the trees of the field praise
21 And again, the voice of God in the Lord; and ye solid b rocks weep
the chamber of old a Father Whitmer, for joy! And let the sun, moon, and
in Fayette, Seneca county, and at the c morning stars sing together,
sundry times, and in divers places and let all the sons of God shout for
through all the travels and tribula- joy! And let the eternal creations
tions of this Church of Jesus Christ declare his name forever and ever!
of Latter-day Saints! And the voice of And again I say, how glorious is the
Michael, the archangel; the voice voice we hear from heaven, pro-
of b Gabriel, and of Raphael, and of claiming in our ears, glory, and sal-
divers c angels, from Michael or vation, and honor, and d immortality,
19 b Ps. 85:11 (9–11). g 2 Cor. 11:14 (13–15). tg Hope.
c Luke 2:10. h Matt. 17:1; 22 a tg Courage; Zeal.
d Isa. 52:7 (7–10); D&C 27:12. b Isa. 49:13.
Nahum 1:15; i tg Priesthood, History c Isa. 25:8; 26:19.
Mosiah 15:18 (13–18); of; Priesthood, Keys d Isa. 7:14; Matt. 2:2;
3 Ne. 20:40. of; Priesthood, 2 Ne. 10:14; Alma 5:50;
e Deut. 32:2; Isa. 26:19; Melchizedek. Moses 7:53; Abr. 3:27.
Hosea 14:5; 21 a D&C 30:4. e tg Redemption;
D&C 121:45. b Dan. 8:16; Salvation, Plan of.
20 a JS—H 1:51 (51–52). Luke 1:19 (19, 26). f Isa. 24:22; 49:9;
b D&C 27:5 (5–16). c tg Angels. D&C 76:73 (72–74).
c Isa. 29:11 (4, 11–14); d 2 Ne. 9:21; 23 a Isa. 42:11 (10–14);
2 Ne. 27:6 (6–29). D&C 107:54 (53–56). 44:23; 55:12.
d D&C 17:3 (1–9). e tg Dispensations. b Luke 19:40.
e D&C 27:11. f tg Priesthood, Keys of. c Job 38:7.
tg Adam. g Isa. 28:10. d tg Eternal Life;
f tg Devil. h 1 Cor. 15:19. Immortality.
263 Doctrine and Covenants 128:24–129:9
and eternal life; kingdoms, princi- as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the
palities, and powers! Lord an offering in righteousness;
24 Behold, the great a day of the and let us present in his holy temple,
Lord is at hand; and who can b abide when it is finished, a book contain-
the day of his coming, and who can ing the h records of our dead, which
stand when he appeareth? For he is shall be worthy of all acceptation.
like a c refiner’s d fire, and like fuller’s 25 Brethren, I have many things
soap; and he shall sit as a e refiner to say to you on the subject; but
and purifier of silver, and he shall shall now close for the present, and
purify the sons of f Levi, and purge continue the subject another time.
them as gold and silver, that they I am, as ever, your humble servant
may offer unto the Lord an g offer- and never deviating friend,
ing in righteousness. Let us, there- Joseph Smith.
fore, as a church and a people, and
Section 129
Instructions given by Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois,
February 9, 1843, making known three grand keys by which the correct
nature of ministering angels and spirits may be distinguished.
1–3, There are both resurrected and 5 If he be an angel he will do so,
spirit bodies in heaven; 4–9, Keys are and you will feel his hand.
given whereby messengers from beyond 6 If he be the spirit of a just man
the veil may be identified. made perfect he will come in his
glory; for that is the only way he
There are two kinds of beings in can appear—
heaven, namely: b Angels, who are 7 Ask him to shake hands with you,
resurrected personages, having but he will not move, because it is
bodies of flesh and bones— contrary to the a order of heaven for
2 For instance, Jesus said: Handle a just man to b deceive; but he will
me and see, for a spirit hath not a flesh still deliver his message.
and bones, as ye see me have. 8 If it be the a devil as an angel of
3 Secondly: the a spirits of b just men light, when you ask him to shake
made c perfect, they who are not res- hands he will offer you his hand,
urrected, but inherit the same glory. and you will not b feel anything; you
4 When a messenger comes saying may therefore detect him.
he has a message from God, offer 9 These are three grand a keys
him your hand and request him to whereby you may know whether
shake hands with you. any administration is from God.
24 a tg Day of the Lord. tg Sacrifice. b Gen. 6:9; Heb. 12:23;
b Mal. 3:2 (1–3). h Num. 1:18; D&C 76:69.
c tg Earth, Cleansing of; D&C 127:9 (5–10). c tg Man, Potential to
Jesus Christ, Second tg Genealogy and Become like Heavenly
Coming. Temple Work; Father.
d Num. 11:1 (1, 10); Mission of Latter-day 7 a tg Order.
D&C 35:14; Saints; Salvation b tg Deceit; Lying.
Moses 7:34. for the Dead. 8 a 2 Cor. 11:14;
e Prov. 17:3; 129 1 a tg Heaven. 2 Ne. 9:9.
Zech. 13:9; b tg Angels. tg Spirits, Evil or
3 Ne. 24:2 (2–3). c tg Resurrection. Unclean.
f Deut. 10:8; d Matt. 27:52 (52–53). b D&C 131:8 (7–8).
3 Ne. 24:3; 2 a Luke 24:39. 9 a 1 Jn. 4:1 (1–6).
D&C 13; 124:39. 3 a tg Spirit Body; tg Discernment,
g D&C 84:31. Spirits, Disembodied. Spiritual.
Doctrine and Covenants 130:1–11 264
Section 130
Items of instruction given by Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Ramus, Illi
nois, April 2, 1843.
1–3, The Father and the Son may ap a
angels who b minister to this earth
pear personally to men; 4–7, Angels but those who do belong or have
reside in a celestial sphere; 8–9, The belonged to it.
celestial earth will be a great Urim 6 The angels do not reside on a
and Thummim; 10 –11, A white stone planet like this earth;
is given to all who enter the celestial 7 But a they reside in the b pres-
world; 12–17, The time of the Second ence of God, on a globe c like a d sea
Coming is withheld from the Prophet; of glass and e fire, where all things
18–19, Intelligence gained in this life for their glory are manifest, past,
rises with us in the Resurrection; 20 – present, and future, and are con-
21, All blessings come by obedience to tinually before the Lord.
law; 22–23, The Father and the Son 8 The place where God resides is
have bodies of flesh and bones. a great a Urim and Thummim.
9 This a earth, in its b sanctified and
When the Savior shall a appear we c
immortal state, will be made like
shall see him as he is. We shall see unto d crystal and will be a Urim
that he is a b man like ourselves. and Thummim to the inhabitants
2 And that same a sociality which who dwell thereon, whereby all
exists among us here will exist things pertaining to an inferior
among us there, only it will be kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower
coupled with b eternal glory, which order, will be manifest to those who
glory we do not now enjoy. dwell on it; and this earth will be
3 John 14:23—The a appearing of e
the Father and the Son, in that verse, 10 Then the white a stone men-
is a personal b appearance; and the tioned in Revelation 2:17, will be-
idea that the Father and the Son come a Urim and Thummim to
dwell in a man’s heart is an old each individual who receives one,
sectarian notion, and is false. whereby things pertaining to a
4 In answer to the question—Is b
higher order of kingdoms will be
not the reckoning of God’s a time, made known;
angel’s time, prophet’s time, and 11 And a a white stone is given to
man’s time, according to the planet each of those who come into the
on which they reside? celestial kingdom, whereon is a
5 I answer, Yes. But there are no new b name written, which no man
130 1 a 1 Jn. 3:2. D&C 93:1. c Ezek. 1:4 (4, 26–28);
tg Jesus Christ, tg Revelation. Hel. 5:23;
Second Coming. c Alma 34:36; D&C 133:41; 137:2.
b tg God, Body of, D&C 130:22. d Rev. 4:6; 15:2 (1–4).
Corporeal Nature; 4 a Abr. 3:9 (4–10); e Isa. 33:14.
Man, Potential 4:13 (13–14); 5:13. 8 a tg Urim and Thummim.
to Become like tg Time. 9 a tg Earth, Destiny of.
Heavenly Father. 5 a tg Angels. b D&C 77:1.
2 a tg Family, Eternal; b D&C 7:6; 43:25; c tg Immortality.
Family, Love within; 129:3 (3, 6–7). d Ezek. 1:22.
Marriage, Continuing 7 a Matt. 18:10; 25:31; e tg Jesus Christ, King.
Courtship in. 2 Thes. 1:7; 10 a tg Urim and
b tg Celestial Glory; D&C 76:21; 136:37. Thummim.
Eternal Life. b 1 Tim. 6:16; b Abr. 3:3 (3–17).
3 a tg God, Privilege of D&C 76:62, 94 (94, 119); 11 a Rev. 2:17.
Seeing. 88:19. b Isa. 62:2; 65:15;
b John 14:23 (21–23); tg God, Presence of. Mosiah 5:12 (9–14).
265 Doctrine and Covenants 130:12–23
knoweth save he that receiveth it. of Man will not be any sooner than
The new name is the key word. that time.
12 I prophesy, in the name of the 18 Whatever principle of a intelli-
Lord God, that the commencement gence we attain unto in this life, it
of the a difficulties which will cause will rise with us in the b resurrection.
much bloodshed previous to the 19 And if a person gains more
coming of the Son of Man will be a
knowledge and intelligence in this
in South Carolina. life through his b diligence and obe-
13 It may probably arise through dience than another, he will have so
the slave question. This a a voice de- much the c advantage in the world
clared to me, while I was praying to come.
earnestly on the subject, December 20 There is a a law, irrevocably de-
25th, 1832. creed in b heaven before the founda-
14 I was once praying very earn tions of this world, upon which all
estly to know the time of the a com- c
blessings are predicated—
ing of the Son of Man, when I heard 21 And when we obtain any a bless-
a voice repeat the following: ing from God, it is by b obedience to
15 Joseph, my son, if thou livest that law upon which it is predicated.
until thou art eighty-five years old, 22 The a Father has a b body of flesh
thou shalt see the face of the Son of and bones as tangible as man’s;
Man; therefore a let this suffice, and the Son also; but the Holy Ghost
trouble me no more on this matter. has not a body of flesh and bones,
16 I was left thus, without being but is a personage of c Spirit. Were
able to decide whether this coming it not so, the Holy Ghost could not
referred to the beginning of the d
dwell in us.
millennium or to some previous 23 A man may receive the a Holy
appearing, or whether I should die Ghost, and it may descend upon
and thus see his face. him and not b tarry with him.
17 I believe the coming of the Son
Section 131
Instructions by Joseph Smith the Prophet, given at Ramus, Illinois,
May 16 and 17, 1843.
1–4, Celestial marriage is essential to How men are sealed up unto eternal life
exaltation in the highest heaven; 5–6, is explained; 7– 8, All spirit is matter.
12 a D&C 38:29; Knowledge; God the Father, Elohim;
45:63 (26, 63); Objectives. Man, Potential to
87:2 (1–5). b tg Diligence. Become like Heavenly
tg War. c Matt. 25:21 (14–29); Father.
13 a tg Revelation. Alma 12:10 (9–11). b John 4:24 (23–24); 14:9;
14 a tg Jesus Christ, 20 a Jer. 26:4; Acts 17:28 (25–29);
Prophecies about; D&C 82:10. Heb. 1:3.
Jesus Christ, Second b tg Council in Heaven; tg God, Body of,
Coming. God, Law of. Corporeal Nature;
15 a Matt. 24:36 (36–42); c Ex. 32:29; God, Knowledge about;
D&C 49:7. Deut. 11:27 (26–28); God, Manifestations of.
18 a 2 Ne. 9:13 (13–14); D&C 132:5. c tg Spirit Body.
D&C 93:36. 21 a Deut. 6:24; d 2 Tim. 1:14.
tg Intelligence; Alma 45:16 (15–17). tg Holy Ghost,
Learn. tg Blessing. Mission of.
b tg Resurrection. b tg Obedience. 23 a tg Holy Ghost, Gift of.
19 a tg Education; 22 a tg Godhead; b tg Holy Ghost, Loss of.
Doctrine and Covenants 131:1–132:1 266
In the a celestial glory there are three knowing that he is b sealed up unto
heavens or degrees; c
eternal life, by revelation and the
2 And in order to obtain the a high- spirit of prophecy, through the
est, a man must enter into this b or- power of the Holy Priesthood.
der of the c priesthood [meaning the 6 It is impossible for a man to be
new and everlasting covenant of a
saved in b ignorance.
marriage]; 7 There is no such thing as imma-
3 And if he does not, he cannot terial matter. All a spirit is matter,
obtain it. but it is more fine or pure, and can
4 He may enter into the other, but only be discerned by b purer eyes;
that is the end of his kingdom; he 8 We cannot a see it; but when our
cannot have an a increase. bodies are purified we shall see that
5 (May 17th, 1843.) The more sure it is all b matter.
word of a prophecy means a man’s
Section 132
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois,
recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant,
including the eternity of the marriage covenant and the principle of plu
ral marriage. Although the revelation was recorded in 1843, evidence
indicates that some of the principles involved in this revelation were
known by the Prophet as early as 1831. See Official Declaration 1.
1–6, Exaltation is gained through the and in heaven; 48–50, The Lord seals
new and everlasting covenant; 7–14, upon him his exaltation; 51–57, Emma
The terms and conditions of that cov Smith is counseled to be faithful and
enant are set forth; 15–20, Celestial true; 58–66, Laws governing plural
marriage and a continuation of the marriage are set forth.
family unit enable men to become gods;
21–25, The strait and narrow way Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you
leads to eternal lives; 26–27, The law my servant Joseph, that inasmuch
is given relative to blasphemy against as you have inquired of my hand
the Holy Ghost; 28–39, Promises of to know and understand wherein
eternal increase and exaltation are I, the Lord, justified my servants
made to prophets and Saints in all Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as also
ages; 40 – 47, Joseph Smith is given Moses, David and Solomon, my ser-
the power to bind and seal on earth vants, as touching the principle
131 1 a D&C 76:70. e tg Marriage, D&C 90:15 (14–15);
tg Celestial Glory. Celestial. 107:99 (99–100).
b tg Heaven. 4 a Matt. 22:30 (23–33); tg Apathy;
bd Heaven. D&C 132:16–17. Education;
2 a D&C 132:21 (5–21). tg Marriage, Ignorance;
tg Family, Eternal; Fatherhood; Knowledge;
Man, Potential Marriage, Learn.
to Become like Motherhood. 7 a tg Spirit Body;
Heavenly Father. 5 a 2 Pet. 1:19 (3–21). Spirit Creation.
b tg Genealogy and tg Prophecy. b D&C 76:12; 97:16;
Temple Work. b tg Election; Moses 1:11.
c tg Priesthood, Eternal Life; 8 a D&C 129:8.
Melchizedek. Sealing. b D&C 77:2;
d tg New and c D&C 68:12; 88:4. Moses 3:5 (5–9).
Everlasting 6 a tg Salvation.
Covenant. b Mal. 2:7 (7–9);
267 Doctrine and Covenants 132:2–13
and doctrine of their having many too most holy, by f revelation and
wives and b concubines— commandment through the me-
2 Behold, and lo, I am the Lord dium of mine anointed, whom I
thy God, and will answer thee as have appointed on the earth to hold
touching this matter. this g power (and I have appointed
3 Therefore, a prepare thy heart to unto my servant Joseph to hold this
receive and b obey the instructions h
power in the last days, and there is
which I am about to give unto you; never but one on the earth at a time
for all those who have this law re- on whom this power and the i keys
vealed unto them must obey the of this priesthood are conferred),
same. are of no efficacy, virtue, or force
4 For behold, I reveal unto you a in and after the resurrection from
new and an everlasting a covenant; the dead; for all contracts that are
and if ye abide not that covenant, not made unto this end have an end
then are ye b damned; for no one when men are dead.
can c reject this covenant and be 8 Behold, mine house is a house
permitted to enter into my glory. of a order, saith the Lord God, and
5 For all who will have a a bless- not a house of confusion.
ing at my hands shall abide the 9 Will I a accept of an offering,
law which was appointed for that saith the Lord, that is not made in
blessing, and the conditions thereof, my name?
as were instituted from before the 10 Or will I receive at your hands
foundation of the world. that which I have not a appointed?
6 And as pertaining to the a new 11 And will I appoint unto you,
and everlasting covenant, it was in- saith the Lord, except it be by law,
stituted for the fulness of my b glory; even as I and my Father a ordained
and he that receiveth a fulness unto you, before the world was?
thereof must and shall abide the 12 I am the Lord thy God; and I give
law, or he shall be damned, saith the unto you this commandment—that
Lord God. no man shall a come unto the Father
7 And verily I say unto you, that but by me or by my word, which is
the a conditions of this law are these: my law, saith the Lord.
All covenants, contracts, bonds, 13 And everything that is in the
obligations, b oaths, c vows, perfor- world, whether it be ordained of
mances, connections, associations, men, by a thrones, or principalities,
or expectations, that are not made or powers, or things of name, what-
and entered into and d sealed by soever they may be, that are not by
the Holy Spirit of promise, of him me or by my word, saith the Lord,
who is e anointed, both as well for shall be thrown down, and shall b not
time and for all eternity, and that remain after men are dead, neither
132 1 a Ex. 21:10 (1, 7–11); b tg God, Law of. h tg Priesthood,
Jacob 2:24 (23–30); 6 a D&C 66:2. Authority.
D&C 132:38 tg New and Everlasting i tg Priesthood, Keys of.
(34, 37–39). Covenant. 8 a tg Order.
tg Marriage, Plural. b D&C 76:70 (50–70, 92–96). 9 a Lev. 7:18 (16–18);
b Gen. 25:6. tg Celestial Glory. 17:8 (8–9);
tg Concubine. 7 a D&C 88:39 (38–39). Moro. 7:6 (5–6).
3 a Ezra 7:10; b tg Oath. tg Sacrifice.
D&C 29:8; 58:6; 78:7. c tg Vow. 10 a Lev. 22:20 (20–25);
b tg Obedience. d tg Holy Ghost, Mission Moses 5:21.
4 a tg Covenants. of; Holy Spirit; Sealing. 11 a D&C 49:15; 132:5 (5, 63).
b D&C 84:24. e tg Priesthood, 12 a Isa. 55:3;
tg Damnation. Authority. John 14:6.
c D&C 131:2 (1–4). f tg Prophets, Mission of; tg God, Access to.
5 a Ex. 32:29; Revelation. 13 a tg Governments;
D&C 130:20; g tg Priesthood, Kings, Earthly.
132:11 (11, 28, 32). Power of. b 3 Ne. 27:11 (10–11).
Doctrine and Covenants 132:14–20 268
in nor after the resurrection, saith my word; when they are out of the
the Lord your God. world it cannot be received there,
14 For whatsoever things remain because the angels and the gods
are by me; and whatsoever things are appointed there, by whom they
are not by me shall be shaken and cannot pass; they cannot, therefore,
destroyed. inherit my glory; for my house is a
15 Therefore, if a a man marry him house of order, saith the Lord God.
a wife in the world, and he marry 19 And again, verily I say unto
her not by me nor by my word, and you, if a man a marry a wife by my
he covenant with her so long as he word, which is my law, and by the
is in the world and she with him, b
new and everlasting covenant, and
their covenant and marriage are it is c sealed unto them by the Holy
not of force when they are dead, Spirit of d promise, by him who is
and when they are out of the world; anointed, unto whom I have ap-
therefore, they are not bound by any pointed this power and the e keys of
law when they are out of the world. this priesthood; and it shall be said
16 Therefore, when they are out unto them—Ye shall come forth in
of the world they neither marry the first resurrection; and if it be
nor are given in a marriage; but are after the first resurrection, in the
appointed angels in b heaven, which next resurrection; and shall inherit
angels are ministering c servants, to f
thrones, kingdoms, principalities,
minister for those who are worthy and powers, dominions, all heights
of a far more, and an exceeding, and and depths—then shall it be written
an eternal weight of glory. in the Lamb’s g Book of Life, that he
17 For these angels did not abide shall commit no h murder whereby
my law; therefore, they cannot be to shed innocent i blood, and if ye
enlarged, but remain separately and abide in my covenant, and commit
singly, without exaltation, in their no murder whereby to shed innocent
saved condition, to all eternity; and blood, it shall be done unto them
from henceforth are not gods, but in all things whatsoever my servant
are a angels of God forever and ever. hath put upon them, in time, and
18 And again, verily I say unto you, through all eternity; and shall be of
if a man marry a wife, and make a full force when they are out of the
covenant with her for time and for world; and they shall pass by the
all eternity, if that a covenant is not angels, and the gods, which are set
by me or by my word, which is my there, to their j exaltation and glory
law, and is not sealed by the Holy in all things, as hath been sealed
Spirit of promise, through him whom upon their heads, which glory shall
I have anointed and appointed unto be a fulness and a continuation of
this power, then it is not valid nei- the k seeds forever and ever.
ther of force when they are out of the 20 Then shall they be gods, be-
world, because they are not joined cause they have no end; therefore
by me, saith the Lord, neither by shall they be from a everlasting to
15 a tg Marriage, Husbands; 19 a tg Marriage, Celestial; 78:15 (15, 18).
Marriage, Interfaith; Marriage, Wives. g tg Book of Life.
Marriage, Temporal; b tg New and Everlasting h tg Murder.
Marriage, Wives. Covenant. i Jer. 22:3.
16 a Matt. 22:30 (23–33); c tg Sealing. tg Blood, Shedding of;
Mark 12:25; d 2 Pet. 1:19; Life, Sanctity of.
Luke 20:35 (27–36). D&C 68:12; 76:53; j tg Celestial Glory;
tg Marriage, Marry. 88:3 (3–4); 124:124; Election;
b D&C 131:4 (1–4). 132:49. Exaltation;
tg Heaven. e tg Priesthood, Keys of. Glory.
c tg Servant. f Ex. 19:6; k tg Family, Eternal;
17 a Luke 20:36. Rev. 5:10; 20:6; Family, Patriarchal.
18 a D&C 132:7 (7, 46–47). D&C 76:56; 20 a Rev. 22:5 (1–5).
269 Doctrine and Covenants 132:21–30
are, namely, my servant Joseph— and they bore him children; and it
which were to continue so long was accounted unto him for righ-
as they were in the world; and as teousness, because they were given
touching Abraham and his seed, unto him, and he abode in my law;
out of the world they should con- as Isaac also and b Jacob did none
tinue; both in the world and out of other things than that which they
the world should they continue as were commanded; and because they
innumerable as the c stars; or, if ye did none other things than that
were to count the sand upon the which they were commanded, they
seashore ye could not number them. have entered into their c exaltation,
31 This promise is yours also, be- according to the promises, and sit
cause ye are of a Abraham, and the upon thrones, and are not angels
promise was made unto Abraham; but are gods.
and by this law is the continuation 38 David also received a many wives
of the works of my Father, wherein and concubines, and also Solomon
he glorifieth himself. and Moses my servants, as also many
32 Go ye, therefore, and do the others of my servants, from the be-
works of Abraham; enter ye into ginning of creation until this time;
my law and ye shall be saved. and in nothing did they sin save in
33 But if ye enter not into my law those things which they received
ye cannot receive the promise of not of me.
my Father, which he made unto 39 a David’s wives and concubines
Abraham. were b given unto him of me, by the
34 God a commanded Abraham, hand of Nathan, my servant, and
and Sarah gave b Hagar to Abraham others of the prophets who had the
to wife. And why did she do it? Be- c
keys of this power; and in none of
cause this was the law; and from these things did he d sin against me
Hagar sprang many people. This, save in the case of e Uriah and his
therefore, was fulfilling, among wife; and, therefore he hath f fallen
other things, the promises. from his exaltation, and received
35 Was Abraham, therefore, under his portion; and he shall not inherit
condemnation? Verily I say unto them out of the world, for I g gave
you, Nay; for I, the Lord, a com- them unto another, saith the Lord.
manded it. 40 I am the Lord thy God, and I
36 Abraham was a commanded to gave unto thee, my servant Joseph,
offer his son Isaac; nevertheless, it an a appointment, and restore all
was written: Thou shalt not b kill. things. Ask what ye will, and it
Abraham, however, did not refuse, shall be given unto you according
and it was accounted unto him for to my word.
righteousness. 41 And as ye have asked con-
37 Abraham received a concubines, cerning adultery, verily, verily, I
30 c Gen. 15:5; 22:17; tg Righteousness. b 2 Sam. 12:8.
Deut. 1:10; 37 a Gen. 25:6. c tg Priesthood, Keys of.
1 Chr. 27:23; Neh. 9:23; b Gen. 30:4 (3–4); d 2 Sam. 11:27.
Hosea 1:10. D&C 133:55. tg Adulterer; Sin.
31 a D&C 86:9 (8–11); 110:12. c tg Exaltation; Man, e 2 Sam. 11:4; 12:9 (1–15);
32 a John 8:39; Potential to Become 1 Kgs. 15:5;
Alma 5:24 (22–24). like Heavenly Father. 1 Chr. 11:41.
34 a Gen. 16:2 (1–3); 38 a Ex. 21:10 (1, 7–11); f Ps. 89:39.
Gal. 4:22 (21–31); 1 Sam. 25:43 (42–43); tg Punish.
D&C 132:65. 2 Sam. 5:13; g Jer. 8:10.
b Gen. 25:12 (12–18). 1 Kgs. 11:3 (1–3); 40 a JS—H 1:33
35 a Jacob 2:30 (24–30). Jacob 1:15; D&C 132:1. (18–20, 26, 33).
36 a Gen. 22:2 (2–12). 39 a 1 Sam. 27:3; 2 Sam. 2:2; tg Prophets, Mission
b Ex. 20:13. 1 Chr. 14:3; of; Restoration of the
c Gen. 15:6; Jacob 4:5. Jacob 2:24 (23–24). Gospel.
271 Doctrine and Covenants 132:42–52
say unto you, if a man a receiveth 47 And again, verily I say, whom-
a wife in the new and everlasting soever you bless I will bless, and
covenant, and if she be with another whomsoever you curse I will a curse,
man, and I have not appointed unto saith the Lord; for I, the Lord, am
her by the holy b anointing, she hath thy God.
committed c adultery and shall be 48 And again, verily I say unto
destroyed. you, my servant Joseph, that what-
42 If she be not in the new and soever you give on earth, and to
everlasting covenant, and she be whomsoever you a give any one on
with another man, she has a com- earth, by my word and according
mitted adultery. to my law, it shall be visited with
43 And if her husband be with an- blessings and not cursings, and with
other woman, and he was under a my power, saith the Lord, and shall
vow, he hath broken his vow and be without condemnation on earth
hath committed adultery. and in heaven.
44 And if she hath not commit- 49 For I am the Lord thy God,
ted adultery, but is innocent and and will be a with thee even unto
hath not broken her vow, and she the b end of the world, and through
knoweth it, and I reveal it unto you, all eternity; for verily I c seal upon
my servant Joseph, then shall you you your d exaltation, and prepare
have power, by the power of my a throne for you in the kingdom
Holy Priesthood, to take her and of my Father, with Abraham your
give her unto him that hath not e
committed b adultery but hath been 50 Behold, I have seen your a sacri-
faithful; for he shall be made ruler fices, and will forgive all your sins; I
over many. have seen your b sacrifices in obedi-
45 For I have conferred upon you ence to that which I have told you.
the a keys and power of the priest- Go, therefore, and I make a way for
hood, wherein I b restore all things, your escape, as I c accepted the of-
and make known unto you all fering of Abraham of his son Isaac.
things in due time. 51 Verily, I say unto you: A com-
46 And verily, verily, I say unto mandment I give unto mine hand-
you, that whatsoever you a seal on maid, Emma Smith, your wife, whom
earth shall be sealed in heaven; and I have given unto you, that she stay
whatsoever you b bind on earth, in herself and partake not of that which
my name and by my word, saith the I commanded you to offer unto her;
Lord, it shall be eternally bound for I did it, saith the Lord, to a prove
in the heavens; and whosesoever you all, as I did Abraham, and that
sins you c remit on earth shall be I might require an offering at your
remitted eternally in the heavens; hand, by covenant and sacrifice.
and whosesoever sins you retain on 52 And let mine handmaid, Emma
earth shall be retained in heaven. Smith, a receive all those that have
41 a D&C 132:19 (4–7, 19). 46 a tg Marriage, Celestial; e Gen. 17:4 (1–8);
b tg Anointing. Sealing. 2 Ne. 8:2; D&C 109:64.
c tg Adulterer. b tg Priesthood, Authority. 50 a Luke 14:33 (28–33).
42 a D&C 42:24 (22–26). c tg Remission of Sins. b tg Sacrifice.
43 a tg Covenants; 47 a Gen. 12:3 (1–3); c Gen. 22:12 (1–18);
Marriage, Marry; Vow. D&C 103:25; 124:93. Gal. 3:6; D&C 52:15; 97:8;
44 a tg Divorce. 48 a D&C 132:39. Moses 5:23.
b tg Chastity. 49 a tg God, Presence of; 51 a Gen. 22:1;
c Luke 16:10 (10–12); Walking with God. Ex. 15:25 (23–26);
19:26 (12–26). b Matt. 28:20. D&C 98:14 (12–14);
45 a tg Priesthood, Keys of. c 2 Pet. 1:19; 101:4; 124:55;
b Acts 3:21; D&C 86:10. D&C 68:12; 132:19. Abr. 3:25.
tg Restoration of the d D&C 5:22. tg Test.
Gospel. tg Election. 52 a D&C 132:65.
Doctrine and Covenants 132:53–63 272
been given unto my servant Joseph, and lo, I am with him, as I was with
and who are virtuous and pure be- Abraham, thy father, even unto his
fore me; and those who are not pure, c
exaltation and glory.
and have said they were pure, shall 58 Now, as touching the law of the
be destroyed, saith the Lord God. a
priesthood, there are many things
53 For I am the Lord thy God, and pertaining thereunto.
ye shall obey my voice; and I give 59 Verily, if a man be called of
unto my servant Joseph that he shall my Father, as was a Aaron, by mine
be made ruler over many things; for own voice, and by the voice of him
he hath been a faithful over a few that b sent me, and I have endowed
things, and from henceforth I will him with the c keys of the power of
strengthen him. this priesthood, if he do anything
54 And I command mine hand- in my name, and according to my
maid, Emma Smith, to abide and law and by my word, he will not
cleave unto my servant Joseph, commit d sin, and I will justify him.
and to none else. But if she will 60 Let no one, therefore, set on
not abide this commandment she my servant Joseph; for I will justify
shall be b destroyed, saith the Lord; him; for he shall do the sacrifice
for I am the Lord thy God, and which I require at his hands for
will destroy her if she abide not in his transgressions, saith the Lord
my law. your God.
55 But if she will not abide this 61 And again, as pertaining to the
commandment, then shall my ser- law of the priesthood—if any man
vant Joseph do all things for her, espouse a virgin, and desire to es-
even as he hath said; and I will bless pouse a another, and the first give
him and multiply him and give unto her consent, and if he espouse the
him an a hundred-fold in this world, second, and they are virgins, and
of fathers and mothers, brothers and have vowed to no other man, then
sisters, houses and lands, wives and is he justified; he cannot commit
children, and crowns of b eternal adultery for they are given unto
lives in the eternal worlds. him; for he cannot commit adultery
56 And again, verily I say, let mine with that that belongeth unto him
handmaid a forgive my servant and to no one else.
Joseph his trespasses; and then 62 And if he have a ten virgins given
shall she be forgiven her trespasses, unto him by this law, he cannot
wherein she has trespassed against commit adultery, for they belong to
me; and I, the Lord thy God, will him, and they are given unto him;
bless her, and multiply her, and therefore is he justified.
make her heart to b rejoice. 63 But if one or either of the ten
57 And again, I say, let not my ser- virgins, after she is espoused, shall
vant Joseph put his property out of be with another man, she has com-
his hands, lest an enemy come and mitted adultery, and shall be de-
destroy him; for a Satan b seeketh to stroyed; for they are given unto him
destroy; for I am the Lord thy God, to a multiply and replenish the earth,
and he is my servant; and behold, according to my commandment,
53 a Matt. 25:21 (14–28); tg Family, Love within; Qualifying for.
D&C 52:13. Forgive. b tg Jesus Christ,
54 a D&C 42:22. b Gen. 21:6; D&C 25:9. Authority of.
tg Marriage, Husbands. 57 a tg Devil; Enemies. c tg Priesthood, Keys of.
b Acts 3:23; b Matt. 10:28; d 1 Jn. 5:18.
D&C 25:15. Rev. 12:12 (12–17). 61 a tg Marriage, Plural.
55 a Mark 10:30 (28–31). c D&C 132:37. 62 a D&C 132:48. See also
b D&C 132:22 (22–24). 58 a D&C 84:19 (19–26). OD 1.
tg Family, Eternal. 59 a Heb. 5:4 (1–6). 63 a Gen. 1:22 (20–25);
56 a Matt. 6:15 (12–15). tg Priesthood, Jacob 2:30.
273 Doctrine and Covenants 132:64–133:3
Section 133
Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Hiram, Ohio,
November 3, 1831. Prefacing this revelation, Joseph Smith’s history
states, “At this time there were many things which the Elders desired
to know relative to preaching the Gospel to the inhabitants of the earth,
and concerning the gathering; and in order to walk by the true light,
and be instructed from on high, on the 3rd of November, 1831, I in
quired of the Lord and received the following important revelation.”
This section was first added to the book of Doctrine and Covenants as
an appendix and was subsequently assigned a section number.
1–6, The Saints are commanded to Saints and for the destruction of the
prepare for the Second Coming; 7–16, wicked.
All men are commanded to flee from
Babylon, come to Zion, and prepare Hearken, O ye people of my church,
for the great day of the Lord; 17–35, saith the Lord your God, and hear
He will stand on Mount Zion, the the word of the Lord concerning
continents will become one land, you—
and the lost tribes of Israel will re 2 The Lord who shall suddenly
turn; 36 – 40, The gospel was restored a
come to his temple; the Lord who
through Joseph Smith to be preached shall come down upon the world
in all the world; 41–51, The Lord with a curse to b judgment; yea, upon
will come down in vengeance upon all the nations that c forget God, and
the wicked; 52–56, It will be the upon all the ungodly among you.
year of His redeemed; 57–74, The 3 For he shall make a bare his holy
gospel is to be sent forth to save the arm in the eyes of all the nations,
63 b Moses 1:39. D&C 36:8. Judgment, the Last.
65 a Gen. 16:2 (1–3); 25:12; tg Jesus Christ, Second c 2 Kgs. 17:38;
Gal. 4:22; Coming. Alma 46:8.
D&C 132:34 (34, 61). b D&C 1:36. 3 a Isa. 52:10.
133 2 a Mal. 3:1; tg Jesus Christ, Judge; tg God, Power of.
Doctrine and Covenants 133:4–17 274
and all the ends of the earth shall 10 Yea, let the cry go forth among
see the b salvation of their God. all people: Awake and arise and
4 Wherefore, prepare ye, prepare go forth to meet the a Bridegroom;
ye, O my people; sanctify your- behold and lo, the Bridegroom
selves; gather ye together, O ye cometh; go ye out to meet him. Pre-
people of my church, upon the land pare yourselves for the b great day
of Zion, all you that have not been of the Lord.
commanded to a tarry. 11 a Watch, therefore, for ye b know
5 Go ye out from a Babylon. Be ye neither the day nor the hour.
clean that bear the vessels of the 12 Let them, therefore, who are
Lord. a
among the Gentiles f lee unto
6 Call your a solemn assemblies, b
and b speak often one to another. 13 And let them who be of a Ju-
And let every man call upon the dah flee unto b Jerusalem, unto the
name of the Lord. c
mountains of the Lord’s d house.
7 Yea, verily I say unto you again, 14 Go ye a out from among the
the time has come when the voice nations, even from b Babylon, from
of the Lord is unto you: Go ye out of the midst of c wickedness, which is
Babylon; a gather ye out from among spiritual Babylon.
the nations, from the b four winds, 15 But verily, thus saith the Lord,
from one end of heaven to the other. let not your flight be in a haste, but
8 Send forth the elders of my let all things be prepared before
church unto the a nations which are you; and he that goeth, let him b not
afar off; unto the b islands of the look back lest sudden destruction
sea; send forth unto foreign lands; shall come upon him.
call upon all nations, first upon the 16 Hearken and hear, O ye inhabi-
Gentiles, and then upon the Jews. tants of the earth. a Listen, ye elders
9 And behold, and lo, this shall be of my church together, and hear
their cry, and the voice of the Lord the voice of the Lord; for he calleth
unto all people: Go ye forth unto the upon all men, and he commandeth
land of Zion, that the borders of my all men everywhere to b repent.
people may be enlarged, and that 17 For behold, the Lord God hath
her a stakes may be strengthened, a
sent forth the angel crying through
and that b Zion may go forth unto the midst of heaven, saying: Prepare
the regions round about. ye the way of the Lord, and make his
3 b Isa. 12:2; 52:10. 1 Ne. 22:4; b tg Jerusalem, New;
tg Salvation. 2 Ne. 10:8 (8, 20); 29:7. Zion.
4 a D&C 62:4; c Matt. 19:30; 13 a D&C 45:25 (24–25).
63:41 (24, 39–41). Acts 13:46; tg Israel, Judah,
5 a Alma 5:57; D&C 18:26 (26–27); People of.
D&C 1:16. 90:9 (8–9). b tg Jerusalem.
tg Worldliness. 9 a Isa. 54:2. c Ezek. 38:8; Dan. 11:45;
b Isa. 52:11; tg Stake. JS—M 1:13.
2 Tim. 2:21; b D&C 58:25 (25, 56); d Ps. 122:1 (1–9).
3 Ne. 20:41; D&C 38:42. 63:24; 101:68 (68–71). 14 a tg Israel, Gathering of;
tg Body, Sanctity of; tg Zion. Separation.
Cleanliness. 10 a Matt. 25:6; b D&C 1:16.
6 a tg Solemn Assembly. D&C 33:17 (17–18); c tg Wickedness.
b Mal. 3:16 (16–18). 45:56 (54–59). 15 a Isa. 52:12 (10–12);
7 a D&C 29:8. b D&C 1:12. D&C 58:56.
tg Israel, Gathering of; tg Day of the Lord. tg Haste.
Mission of Latter-day 11 a Prov. 27:18; b Gen. 19:17; Luke 9:62;
Saints. Mark 13:35 (24–37); D&C 67:14.
b Zech. 2:6 (6–7). 1 Ne. 21:23; 2 Ne. 6:13. 16 a D&C 1:1 (1–6).
8 a tg Missionary Work; b D&C 49:7. b tg Repent.
Nations. 12 a Isa. 4:2; 17 a D&C 13; 27:5 (5–10);
b Isa. 11:11; 51:5; D&C 38:31 (31, 42). 88:92.
275 Doctrine and Covenants 133:18–34
paths straight, for the hour of his 25 And the Lord, even the Savior,
coming is nigh— shall a stand in the midst of his peo-
18 When the a Lamb shall stand ple, and shall b reign over all flesh.
upon b Mount Zion, and with him a 26 And they who are in the a north
hundred and forty-four thousand, countries shall come in remem-
having his Father’s name written on brance before the Lord; and their
their foreheads. prophets shall hear his voice, and
19 Wherefore, prepare ye for the shall no longer stay themselves; and
coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, they shall b smite the rocks, and the
go ye out to meet him. ice shall flow down at their presence.
20 For behold, he shall a stand upon 27 And an a highway shall be cast
the mount of Olivet, and upon the up in the midst of the great deep.
mighty ocean, even the great deep, 28 Their enemies shall become a
and upon the islands of the sea, and prey unto them,
upon the land of Zion. 29 And in the a barren deserts there
21 And he shall a utter his voice out shall come forth pools of b living wa-
of b Zion, and he shall speak from ter; and the parched ground shall
Jerusalem, and his c voice shall be no longer be a thirsty land.
heard among all people; 30 And they shall bring forth their
22 And it shall be a voice as the rich a treasures unto the children of
voice of many waters, and as Ephraim, my servants.
the voice of a great b thunder, which 31 And the boundaries of the ever-
shall c break down the mountains, lasting a hills shall tremble at their
and the valleys shall not be found. presence.
23 He shall command the great 32 And there shall they fall down
deep, and it shall be driven back and be a crowned with glory, even in
into the north countries, and the Zion, by the hands of the servants
islands shall become one land; of the Lord, even the children of
24 And the a land of Jerusalem and b
the land of b Zion shall be turned 33 And they shall be filled with
back into their own place, and the a
songs of everlasting joy.
earth shall be like as it was in 34 Behold, this is the a blessing of
the days before it was d divided. the b everlasting God upon the c tribes
17 b Isa. 40:3 (3–5); Mal. 3:1; Isa. 40:4; 64:1; 62:10 (10–12);
Rev. 14:6 (6–8). Rev. 16:20 (17–21); 2 Ne. 21:16.
tg Jesus Christ, D&C 49:23; 88:87; tg Israel, Gathering of.
Prophecies about. 109:74; 29 a Isa. 35:7 (6–7).
18 a Rev. 14:1. Moses 6:34. b tg Living Water.
b D&C 84:2. 23 a Rev. 6:14 (13–17). 30 a Isa. 60:9 (8–12).
c Rev. 7:4 (1–4). 24 a tg Israel, Land of. tg Treasure.
19 a Matt. 25:6 (1–13); b tg Zion. 31 a Gen. 49:26; Hab. 3:6;
D&C 33:17 (17–18); c tg Earth, Destiny of. D&C 49:25.
88:92. d Gen. 10:25. 32 a Deut. 33:16 (13–17).
20 a Isa. 51:5 (3–6); tg Earth, Dividing of; tg Exaltation.
Zech. 14:4 (4–9); Earth, Renewal of. b Gen. 48:20 (16–20);
3 Ne. 20:22; 25 a Isa. 12:6. 49:26 (22–26);
21:25 (23–25); b tg Jesus Christ, King; Zech. 10:7 (7–12).
D&C 45:48 (48–53). Jesus Christ, Second tg Israel, Joseph,
tg Jesus Christ, Second Coming; Millennium. People of; Mission of
Coming. 26 a Jer. 16:15 (14–15); Latter-day Saints.
21 a Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2. D&C 110:11. 33 a Isa. 35:10 (8–10); 51:11;
b Isa. 2:3 (2–4). tg Israel, Bondage of, Jer. 31:12 (10–14);
c D&C 45:49 (48–49). in Other Lands; Israel, D&C 66:11.
22 a Ezek. 43:2; Ten Lost Tribes of. tg Singing.
Rev. 1:15; 19:6; b Ex. 17:6 (6–7). 34 a tg Israel, Blessings of.
D&C 110:3. 27 a Ex. 14:29; b Gen. 21:33.
b Ps. 77:18; Rev. 14:2. Isa. 11:16 (15–16); c tg Israel, Twelve
c Judg. 5:5; 35:8 (8–10); 51:11 (9–11); Tribes of.
Doctrine and Covenants 133:35–49 276
of d Israel, and the richer blessing Lord shall be a as the melting fire
upon the head of e Ephraim and that burneth, and as the fire which
his fellows. causeth the waters to boil.
35 And they also of the tribe of 42 O Lord, thou shalt come down
Judah, after their pain, shall be to make thy name known to thine
sanctified in c holiness before the adversaries, and all nations shall
Lord, to dwell in his d presence day tremble at thy presence—
and night, forever and ever. 43 When thou doest a terrible
36 And now, verily saith the Lord, things, things they look not for;
that these things might be known 44 Yea, when thou comest down,
among you, O inhabitants of the and the mountains flow down at thy
earth, I have sent forth mine a angel presence, thou shalt a meet him who
flying through the midst of heaven, rejoiceth and worketh righteousness,
having the everlasting b gospel, who who remembereth thee in thy ways.
hath appeared unto some and hath 45 For since the beginning of the
committed it unto man, who shall world have not men heard nor per-
appear unto c many that dwell on ceived by the ear, neither hath any
the earth. eye seen, O God, besides thee, how
37 And this a gospel shall be great things thou hast a prepared for
preached unto c every nation, and him that b waiteth for thee.
kindred, and tongue, and people. 46 And it shall be said: a Who is
38 And the a servants of God shall this that cometh down from God
go forth, saying with a loud voice: in heaven with dyed b garments;
Fear God and give glory to him, for yea, from the regions which are
the hour of his judgment is come; not known, clothed in his glorious
39 And a worship him that made apparel, traveling in the greatness
heaven, and earth, and the sea, and of his strength?
the b fountains of waters— 47 And he shall say: a I am he who
40 Calling upon the name of the spake in b righteousness, mighty to
Lord day and night, saying: O that save.
thou wouldst a rend the heavens, 48 And the Lord shall be a red in
that thou wouldst come down, that his apparel, and his garments like
the mountains might flow down at him that treadeth in the wine-vat.
thy presence. 49 And so great shall be the glory
41 And it shall be answered upon of his presence that the a sun shall
their heads; for the presence of the hide his face in shame, and the moon
34 d tg Israel, Mission of. 37 a Ps. 67:2 (1–2). tg Earth, Cleansing of.
e Gen. 41:52 (50–52); tg Last Days. 43 a Deut. 10:21.
48:14 (14–20); b tg Mission of 44 a 1 Thes. 4:17 (15–18).
1 Chr. 5:1 (1–2); Latter-day Saints; 45 a Isa. 64:4; 1 Cor. 2:9.
Jer. 31:9 (6–9); Preaching. b Lam. 3:25 (25–26);
Ether 13:7 (7–10); c Gen. 12:3; 1 Ne. 21:23;
D&C 113:4. D&C 42:58 (58–60); 2 Ne. 6:7, 13; D&C 98:2.
35 a Hosea 1:7; 43:25 (23–27); 46 a Isa. 63:1 (1–2).
D&C 109:64. 58:64 (63–64); b Luke 22:44;
tg Israel, Judah, 88:84 (84, 87–92); 90:10; Mosiah 3:7;
People of. Abr. 2:11 (9–11). D&C 19:18.
b Gen. 49:11. 38 a Rev. 14:7. tg Jesus Christ, Second
c tg Holiness. tg Missionary Work. Coming.
d tg God, Presence of. 39 a Zech. 14:16. 47 a 2 Ne. 8:12;
36 a Rev. 14:6 (6–7); tg Worship. D&C 136:22.
D&C 20:6 (6–12); b D&C 133:20 (20, 23). b Dan. 9:16.
133:17. 40 a Isa. 64:1 (1–8); 48 a Gen. 49:11 (11–12);
b tg Restoration of the D&C 88:95. Rev. 19:13 (11–15).
Gospel. 41 a Ex. 24:17; Job 41:31; 49 a Isa. 13:10 (9–13); 24:23;
c D&C 77:8; Jer. 9:7; Hel. 5:23; Joel 2:10; Amos 5:18;
88:103 (103–4). D&C 130:7; 137:2. D&C 45:42; 88:87.
277 Doctrine and Covenants 133:50–60
shall withhold its light, and the stars from Elijah to John, who were with
shall be hurled from their places. Christ in his b resurrection, and the
50 And his a voice shall be heard: holy apostles, with Abraham, Isaac,
I have b trodden the wine-press and Jacob, shall be in the presence
alone, and have brought judgment of the Lamb.
upon all people; and none were 56 And the a graves of the b saints
with me; shall be c opened; and they shall
51 And I have a trampled them in come forth and stand on the d right
my fury, and I did tread upon them hand of the Lamb, when he shall
in mine anger, and their blood have stand upon e Mount Zion, and upon
I b sprinkled upon my garments, and the holy city, the New Jerusalem;
stained all my raiment; for this was and they shall f sing the g song of
the c day of vengeance which was the h Lamb, day and night forever
in my heart. and ever.
52 And now the year of my a re- 57 And for this cause, that men
deemed is come; and they shall might be made a partakers of the
mention the loving kindness of their b
glories which were to be revealed,
Lord, and all that he has bestowed the Lord sent forth the fulness of
upon them according to his b good- his c gospel, his everlasting cov-
ness, and according to his loving enant, reasoning in plainness and
kindness, forever and ever. simplicity—
53 In all their a afflictions he was 58 To a prepare the b weak for those
afflicted. And the angel of his pres- things which are coming on the
ence saved them; and in his b love, earth, and for the Lord’s errand in
and in his pity, he c redeemed them, the day when the weak shall c con-
and bore them, and carried them all found the d wise, and the little one
the days of old; become a e strong f nation, and two
54 Yea, and a Enoch also, and they shall put their tens of thousands
who were with him; the prophets to g flight.
who were before him; and b Noah 59 And by the weak things of the
also, and they who were before him; earth the Lord shall a thresh the
and c Moses also, and they who were nations by the power of his Spirit.
before him; 60 And for this cause these com-
55 And from a Moses to Elijah, and mandments were given; they were
50 a Joel 2:11; 8:1 (1–22). tg Man, Potential to
D&C 35:21; 43:18 (17–25). c Ex. 3:8 (1–22). Become like Heavenly
b Isa. 63:3 (3–9); 55 a tg Dispensations. Father.
Rev. 19:15 (11–15); b Alma 40:20 (18–21). b tg Celestial Glory;
D&C 76:107; 88:106. tg Jesus Christ, Glory; Telestial Glory;
51 a Ps. 110:6 (1–7); Resurrection. Terrestrial Glory.
1 Cor. 15:27 (24–28); 56 a D&C 29:13. c tg Gospel; New and
Heb. 10:13 (12–14). b tg Saints. Everlasting Covenant;
b Lev. 8:30; Num. 18:17; c D&C 45:45 (45–46); Restoration of the
Isa. 63:3 (2–4). 88:97 (96–97). Gospel.
c tg Day of the Lord; tg Resurrection. 58 a tg Mission of Latter-day
Vengeance. d Matt. 25:34 (31–46). Saints.
52 a Isa. 63:4. tg Exaltation. b D&C 35:13; 124:1.
b Isa. 63:7. e Isa. 24:23; c Matt. 11:25; 1 Cor. 1:27;
53 a Isa. 63:9; Heb. 12:22 (22, 24); Alma 32:23; 37:7 (6–7).
Lam. 3:33 (1–39). Rev. 14:1; d Isa. 44:25; 1 Cor. 1:20.
b tg Charity; Compassion; D&C 76:66; 84:2 (2, 18, 32). e Josh. 1:6 (6–9);
God, Love of. f Isa. 12:5 (1–6). Isa. 60:22;
c tg Jesus Christ, g Rev. 15:3 (3–4); D&C 52:17; 66:8.
Redeemer. D&C 84:98 (98–102). f tg Kingdom of God,
54 a Gen. 5:23; h tg Jesus Christ, Lamb of on Earth.
D&C 38:4; 45:11 (11–12). God. g Deut. 32:30 (29–30).
b Gen. 7:23 (1–24); 57 a D&C 93:22. 59 a Micah 4:13 (11–13).
Doctrine and Covenants 133:61–74 278
Section 134
A declaration of belief regarding governments and laws in general,
adopted by unanimous vote at a general assembly of the Church held
at Kirtland, Ohio, August 17, 1835. Many Saints gathered together
to consider the proposed contents of the first edition of the Doctrine
and Covenants. At that time, this declaration was given the following
preamble: “That our belief with regard to earthly governments and
60 a D&C 104:58. tg Last Days. 2 Ne. 7:2.
b D&C 1:2. c Isa. 24:6; 66:15 (15–16); tg Drought.
62 a 2 Chr. 35:6; Joel 2:5; 1 Ne. 22:15; 70 a Isa. 50:11.
D&C 88:74. 3 Ne. 25:1; 71 a tg Apostasy of Israel.
tg Sanctification. D&C 29:9; 64:24. b Luke 16:31.
63 a Deut. 28:15. tg Earth, Cleansing of. tg Prophets,
tg Disobedience. d JS—M 1:4. Rejection of.
b Acts 3:23; 66 a Matt. 23:38 (37–39); c 2 Chr. 36:15;
1 Ne. 22:20 (20–21); John 1:11. Jer. 44:4 (4–5).
3 Ne. 20:23; 21:11; 67 a 2 Ne. 28:32. 72 a Isa. 8:16 (13–16);
D&C 1:14; b Isa. 50:2; Matt. 8:12 (11–12);
JS—H 1:40. Ezek. 37:12 (11–14); D&C 77:8.
64 a Mal. 4:1. Hosea 13:14. tg Darkness, Spiritual.
b D&C 5:19; 68 a Ex. 14:21 (1–31); 73 a Luke 13:28;
JS—H 1:37. Josh. 3:17 (14–17); D&C 19:5; 101:91 (90–91).
279 Doctrine and Covenants 134:1–6
7 We believe that rulers, states, and the right of property or life, to take
governments have a right, and are from them this world’s goods, or to
bound to enact laws for the protec- put them in jeopardy of either life
tion of all a citizens in the free ex- or limb, or to inflict any physical
ercise of their religious b belief; but punishment upon them. They can
we do not believe that they have a only excommunicate them from
right in justice to deprive citizens their society, and withdraw from
of this privilege, or proscribe them them their fellowship.
in their opinions, so long as a re- 11 We believe that men should ap-
gard and reverence are shown to the peal to the civil law for redress of
laws and such religious opinions do all a wrongs and grievances, where
not justify sedition nor conspiracy. personal abuse is inflicted or the
8 We believe that the commission right of property or character in-
of crime should be a punished ac- fringed, where such laws exist as
cording to the nature of the offense; will protect the same; but we be-
that murder, treason, robbery, theft, lieve that all men are justified in
and the breach of the general peace, b
defending themselves, their friends,
in all respects, should be punished and property, and the government,
according to their criminality and from the unlawful assaults and en-
their tendency to evil among men, croachments of all persons in times
by the laws of that government in of exigency, where immediate ap-
which the offense is committed; and peal cannot be made to the laws,
for the public b peace and tranquility and relief afforded.
all men should step forward and use 12 We believe it just to a preach the
their ability in bringing c offenders gospel to the nations of the earth,
against good laws to punishment. and warn the righteous to save them-
9 We do not believe it just to a min- selves from the corruption of the
gle religious influence with civil world; but we do not believe it right
government, whereby one religious to interfere with b bond-servants,
society is fostered and another pro- neither preach the gospel to, nor
scribed in its spiritual privileges, baptize them contrary to the will
and the individual rights of its and wish of their masters, nor to
members, as citizens, denied. meddle with or influence them in
10 We believe that all religious the least to cause them to be dis-
societies have a right to deal with satisfied with their situations in
their members for disorderly con- this life, thereby jeopardizing the
duct, a according to the rules and lives of men; such interference we
regulations of such societies; pro- believe to be unlawful and unjust,
vided that such dealings be for and dangerous to the peace of every
fellowship and good standing; but government allowing human beings
we do not believe that any religious to be held in c servitude.
society has b authority to try men on
Section 135
Announcement of the martyrdom of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his
brother, Hyrum Smith the Patriarch, at Carthage, Illinois, June 27,
7 a tg Citizenship. 9 a Alma 30:7 (7–11). Persecution.
b Micah 4:5; A of F 1:11. tg Governments. b tg Deliver.
8 a Alma 1:14 (11–18); 10 a D&C 42:81. 12 a tg Mission of Latter-
D&C 42:84 (84–87). b tg Authority; day Saints; Warn.
b tg Peace. Excommunication. b Philem. 1:10 (10–19).
c Ex. 18:22 (17–26). 11 a tg Injustice; Malice; tg Bondage, Physical.
tg Offense. Oppression; c tg Slavery.
281 Doctrine and Covenants 135:1–5
1844. This document was included at the end of the 1844 edition of
the Doctrine and Covenants, which was nearly ready for publication
when Joseph and Hyrum Smith were murdered.
1–2, Joseph and Hyrum martyred earth; has brought forth the reve-
in Carthage Jail; 3, The preeminent lations and commandments which
position of the Prophet is acclaimed; compose this book of Doctrine and
4–7, Their innocent blood testifies of Covenants, and many other wise
the truth and divinity of the work. documents and instructions for
the benefit of the children of men;
To seal the testimony of this book gathered many thousands of the
and the Book of Mormon, we an- Latter-day Saints, founded a great
nounce the a martyrdom of Joseph city, and left a fame and name that
Smith the Prophet, and Hyrum cannot be slain. He lived great, and
Smith the Patriarch. They were shot he died great in the eyes of God
in Carthage jail, on the 27th of June, and his people; and like most of the
1844, about five o’clock p.m., by Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has
an armed mob—painted black—of sealed his mission and his works
from 150 to 200 persons. b Hyrum with his own e blood; and so has his
was shot first and fell calmly, ex- brother Hyrum. In life they were not
claiming: I am a c dead man! Joseph divided, and in death they were
leaped from the window, and was not f separated!
shot dead in the attempt, exclaim- 4 When Joseph went to Carthage
ing: d O Lord my God! They were to deliver himself up to the pre-
both shot after they were dead, in tended requirements of the law,
a brutal manner, and both received two or three days previous to his
four balls. assassination, he said: “I am going
2 John Taylor and Willard Rich- like a a lamb to the slaughter; but I
ards, two of the Twelve, were the am calm as a summer’s morning;
only persons in the room at the time; I have a b conscience c void of of-
the former was wounded in a sav- fense towards God, and towards all
age manner with four balls, but has men. I shall die innocent, and it
since recovered; the latter, through shall yet be said of me—he was
the providence of God, escaped, murdered in cold blood.”—The
without even a hole in his robe. same morning, after Hyrum had
3 Joseph Smith, the a Prophet and made ready to go—shall it be said
Seer of the Lord, has done more, to the slaughter? yes, for so it was—
save Jesus only, for the salvation of he read the following paragraph,
men in this world, than any other near the close of the twelfth chap-
man that ever lived in it. In the ter of Ether, in the Book of Mor-
short space of twenty years, he has mon, and turned down the leaf
brought forth the Book of Mormon, upon it:
which he translated by the gift 5 And it came to pass that I prayed
and power of God, and has been unto the Lord that he would give unto
the means of publishing it on two the Gentiles grace, that they might
continents; has sent the d fulness of have charity. And it came to pass that
the everlasting gospel, which it con- the Lord said unto me: If they have
tained, to the four quarters of the not charity it mattereth not unto thee,
135 1 a D&C 5:22; 6:30. b tg Seer. tg Blood,
tg Martyrdom. c tg Jesus Christ, Savior; Symbolism of.
b JS—H 1:4. Salvation. f 2 Sam. 1:23.
c tg Death; Murder. d D&C 35:17; 42:12. 4 a Isa. 53:7; Jer. 11:19;
d Ps. 38:21 (21–22); 71:12. tg Restoration of the Mosiah 14:7.
3 a tg Prophets, Gospel. b tg Conscience.
Mission of. e Mosiah 17:20; D&C 136:39. c tg Purity.
Doctrine and Covenants 135:6–136:2 282
thou hast been a faithful; wherefore thy glory; they died for glory; and glory
garments shall be made b clean. And is their eternal c reward. From age
because thou hast seen thy weakness, to age shall their names go down to
thou shalt be made strong, even unto posterity as gems for the sanctified.
the sitting down in the place which I 7 They were innocent of any crime,
have prepared in the mansions of my as they had often been proved be-
Father. And now I . . . bid farewell fore, and were only confined in
unto the Gentiles; yea, and also unto jail by the conspiracy of traitors
my brethren whom I love, until we shall and wicked men; and their innocent
meet before the c judgment-seat of Christ, blood on the floor of Carthage jail is
where all men shall know that my gar a broad seal affixed to “Mormonism”
ments are not spotted with your blood. that cannot be rejected by any court
The d testators are now dead, and on earth, and their innocent blood
their e testament is in force. on the a escutcheon of the State of
6 Hyrum Smith was forty-four Illinois, with the broken faith of
years old in February, 1844, and the State as pledged by the gover-
Joseph Smith was thirty-eight in nor, is a witness to the truth of the
December, 1843; and henceforward everlasting gospel that all the world
their names will be classed among cannot impeach; and their innocent
the a martyrs of religion; and the blood on the banner of liberty, and
reader in every nation will be re- on the magna charta of the United
minded that the Book of Mormon, States, is an ambassador for the
and this book of Doctrine and Cov- religion of Jesus Christ, that will
enants of the church, cost the best touch the hearts of honest men
blood of the nineteenth century to among all nations; and their inno
bring them forth for the salvation cent blood, with the innocent blood
of a ruined world; and that if the of all the martyrs under the b altar
fire can scathe a b green tree for the that John saw, will cry unto the Lord
glory of God, how easy it will burn of Hosts till he avenges that blood
up the dry trees to purify the vine- on the earth. Amen.
yard of corruption. They lived for
Section 136
The word and will of the Lord, given through President Brigham Young
at Winter Quarters, the camp of Israel, Omaha Nation, on the west
bank of the Missouri River, near Council Bluffs, Iowa.
1–16, How the camp of Israel is to be The Word and a Will of the Lord
organized for the westward journey is concerning the Camp of b Israel in
explained; 17–27, The Saints are com their journeyings to the West:
manded to live by numerous gospel stan 2 Let all the people of a The Church
dards; 28–33, The Saints should sing, of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
dance, pray, and learn wisdom; 34–42, and those who journey with them,
Prophets are slain so that they might be organized into companies, with
be honored and the wicked condemned. a covenant and promise to b keep all
5 a tg Loyalty; tg Testimony. b D&C 133:32 (32–35);
Steadfastness. 6 a tg Martyrdom. A of F 1:10.
b D&C 88:74 (74–75). b Luke 23:31. 2 a D&C 20:1 (1–4); 115:4.
c Ether 12:36–38. c tg Reward. b D&C 41:5 (5–6);
d 1 Tim. 2:6; 7 a ie coat of arms. 56:2 (2–3).
Heb. 9:16 (16–17). b Rev. 6:9.
e Heb. 9:17. 136 1 a tg God, Will of.
283 Doctrine and Covenants 136:3–21
the commandments and statutes of people to the place where the Lord
the Lord our God. shall locate a a stake of Zion.
3 Let the companies be organized 11 And if ye do this with a pure
with captains of a hundreds, captains heart, in all faithfulness, ye shall
of fifties, and captains of tens, with be blessed; you shall be a blessed in
a president and his two counselors your flocks, and in your herds, and
at their head, under the direction in your fields, and in your houses,
of the Twelve b Apostles. and in your families.
4 And this shall be our a covenant— 12 Let my servants Ezra T. Ben-
that we will b walk in all the c ordi- son and Erastus Snow organize a
nances of the Lord. company.
5 Let each company provide them- 13 And let my servants Orson Pratt
selves with all the teams, wagons, and Wilford Woodruff organize a
provisions, clothing, and other neces- company.
saries for the journey, that they can. 14 Also, let my servants Amasa Ly-
6 When the companies are or- man and George A. Smith organize
ganized let them go to with their a company.
might, to prepare for those who 15 And appoint presidents, and
are to tarry. a
captains of hundreds, and of fif-
7 Let each company, with their ties, and of tens.
captains and presidents, decide 16 And let my servants that have
how many can go next spring; then been appointed go and a teach this,
choose out a sufficient number of my will, to the saints, that they may
able-bodied and expert men, to take be ready to go to a land of peace.
teams, seeds, and farming utensils, 17 Go thy way and do as I have
to go as pioneers to prepare for put- told you, and a fear not thine en
ting in spring crops. emies; for they shall not have power
8 Let each company a bear an equal to stop my work.
proportion, according to the divi- 18 Zion shall be a redeemed in mine
dend of their property, in taking the own due time.
poor, the b widows, the c fatherless, 19 And if any man shall seek to
and the families of those who have build up himself, and seeketh not my
gone into the army, that the cries a
counsel, he shall have no power, and
of the widow and the d fatherless his b folly shall be made manifest.
come not up into the ears of the 20 a Seek ye; and keep all your
Lord against this people. b
pledges one with another; and
9 Let each company prepare c
covet not that which is thy brother’s.
houses, and fields for raising a grain, 21 a Keep yourselves from evil to
for those who are to remain behind take the name of the Lord in vain,
this season; and this is the will of for I am the Lord your God, even
the Lord concerning his people. the b God of your fathers, the God
10 Let every man use all his influ- of Abraham and of Isaac and of
ence and property to remove this Jacob.
3 a Ex. 18:21 (21–27). Self-Sacrifice. Problem-Solving.
b tg Apostles. 10 a tg Stake; Zion. b tg Foolishness.
4 a tg Covenants. 11 a Gen. 26:12; 20 a ie Seek the Lord’s
b tg Walking with God. Deut. 28:4 (1–14); counsel; see v. 19.
c tg Ordinance. Alma 34:20 (17–27). b tg Honesty;
6 a Judg. 6:14. tg Blessing. Promise;
8 a D&C 38:24 (24–27). 15 a Deut. 1:15. Vow.
b tg Poor; 16 a tg Teaching. c tg Covet.
Widows. 17 a tg Courage; 21 a tg Profanity;
c Ps. 68:5; 146:9 (1–10); Enemies; Self-Mastery.
James 1:27 (25–27). Fearful. b Ex. 3:6;
d 3 Ne. 24:5. 18 a D&C 100:13. Matt. 22:32;
9 a tg Bread; 19 a tg Counsel; 1 Ne. 19:10.
Doctrine and Covenants 136:22–36 284
22 I am he who a led the children the Lord thy God with supplication,
of Israel out of the land of Egypt; that your souls may be b joyful.
and my arm is stretched out in 30 Fear not thine a enemies, for
the last days, to b save my people they are in mine hands and I will
Israel. do my pleasure with them.
23 Cease to a contend one with 31 My people must be a tried in all
another; cease to speak b evil one things, that they may be prepared
of another. to receive the b glory that I have for
24 Cease a drunkenness; and let them, even the glory of Zion; and
your words tend to b edifying one he that will not c bear chastisement
another. is not worthy of my kingdom.
25 If thou a borrowest of thy b neigh- 32 Let him that is a ignorant b learn
bor, thou shalt c restore that which c
wisdom by d humbling himself and
thou hast borrowed; and if thou calling upon the Lord his God, that
canst not repay then go straight- his e eyes may be opened that he
way and tell thy neighbor, lest he may see, and his ears opened that
condemn thee. he may hear;
26 If thou shalt find that which 33 For my a Spirit is sent forth into
thy neighbor has a lost, thou shalt the world to enlighten the b humble
make diligent search till thou and contrite, and to the c condem-
shalt b deliver it to him again. nation of the ungodly.
27 Thou shalt be a diligent in b pre- 34 Thy brethren have rejected you
serving what thou hast, that thou and your testimony, even the nation
mayest be a wise c steward; for it is that has a driven you out;
the free gift of the Lord thy God, 35 And now cometh the day of
and thou art his steward. their calamity, even the days of sor-
28 If thou art a merry, b praise the row, like a woman that is taken in
Lord with singing, with music, with travail; and their a sorrow shall be
dancing, and with a d prayer of great unless they speedily repent,
praise and e thanksgiving. yea, very speedily.
29 If thou art a sorrowful, call on 36 For they a killed the prophets,
22 a Gen. 15:14 (13–14); Deut. 22:3. D&C 101:4.
Ex. 13:18 (18, 20); b tg Honesty. tg Adversity;
Amos 3:1 (1–2); 27 a tg Diligence. Millennium, Preparing
1 Ne. 5:15; b Prov. 21:20. a People for; Test.
D&C 103:18. c tg Stewardship. b Rom. 8:18;
b Isa. 9:12; 28 a tg Happiness. D&C 58:4; 63:66.
Jer. 30:10; 32:17; b Ps. 33:1; 147:7; tg Celestial Glory.
Ezek. 20:34 (33–34); Isa. 12:4; c Lam. 3:27 (24–27).
Hosea 13:9; Eph. 5:19 (19–20); tg Chastening.
D&C 38:33. 1 Ne. 18:16; 32 a tg Ignorance.
23 a Prov. 17:14; Mosiah 2:20 (20–21); b tg Education; Learn.
2 Tim. 2:24; Alma 26:8; c tg Wisdom.
3 Ne. 11:29 (29–30). D&C 25:11 (11–12); d tg Humility; Teachable.
tg Contention; 109:79. e Gen. 3:5 (3–6);
Disputations; Strife. tg Communication; Mosiah 27:22;
b D&C 20:54. Singing. D&C 88:11 (11–13);
tg Backbiting. c 2 Sam. 6:14. 110:1.
24 a tg Drunkenness; d tg Prayer. 33 a tg God, Spirit of.
Word of Wisdom. e 2 Chr. 5:13; b tg Contrite Heart;
b 1 Pet. 1:15. D&C 97:13. Meek.
tg Edification. tg Thanksgiving. c tg Chastening.
25 a tg Borrow; Debt; 29 a 2 Sam. 22:7. 34 a tg Persecution.
Honesty. tg Sorrow. 35 a tg Punish;
b tg Neighbor. b tg Joy. Sorrow.
c Ps. 37:21; 30 a Deut. 30:7. 36 a Zech. 1:4 (2–5).
Mosiah 4:28. tg Enemies. tg Prophets,
26 a Lev. 6:4; 31 a Gen. 22:1 (1–19); Rejection of.
285 Doctrine and Covenants 136:37–137:5
and them that were sent unto them; 39 Many have marveled because
and they have b shed innocent blood, of his death; but it was needful
which crieth from the ground against that he should a seal his b testimony
them. with his c blood, that he might be
37 Therefore, marvel not at these d
honored and the wicked might
things, for ye are not yet a pure; ye can be condemned.
not yet bear my glory; but ye shall 40 Have I not delivered you from
behold it if ye are faithful in keeping your a enemies, only in that I have
all my words that I have b given you, left a witness of my name?
from the days of Adam to Abraham, 41 Now, therefore, hearken, O ye
from Abraham to Moses, from Moses people of my a church; and ye elders
to Jesus and his apostles, and from listen together; you have received
Jesus and his apostles to Joseph my b kingdom.
Smith, whom I did call upon by mine 42 Be a diligent in keeping all my
angels, my ministering servants, commandments, lest judgments
and by mine own voice out of the come upon you, and your faith fail
heavens, to bring forth my work; you, and your enemies triumph over
38 Which a foundation he did lay, you. So no more at present. Amen
and was faithful; and I took him and Amen.
to myself.
Section 137
A vision given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the temple at Kirtland,
Ohio, January 21, 1836. The occasion was the administration of ordi
nances in preparation for the dedication of the temple.
1– 6, The Prophet sees his brother 2 I saw the transcendent a beauty of
Alvin in the celestial kingdom; 7–9, the b gate through which the heirs of
The doctrine of salvation for the dead that kingdom will enter, which was
is revealed; 10, All children are saved c
like unto d circling flames of fire;
in the celestial kingdom. 3 Also the a blazing b throne of God,
whereon was seated the c Father and
The a heavens were b opened upon the d Son.
us, and I beheld the c celestial king- 4 I saw the beautiful streets of that
dom of God, and the glory thereof, kingdom, which had the appearance
whether in the d body or out I can- of being paved with a gold.
not tell. 5 I saw Father a Adam and b Abraham;
36 b Rev. 19:2; 41 a tg Jesus Christ, Head tg Beauty.
Morm. 8:41 (40–41). of the Church. b 2 Ne. 9:41.
37 a tg Purity. b Dan. 7:27. c Ex. 24:17; Isa. 33:14 (14–15);
b Hel. 8:18 (16–19). 42 a tg Steadfastness. Hel. 5:23;
c Rev. 14:6; 137 1 a Acts 7:56 (55–56); D&C 130:7; 133:41.
D&C 27:16; 110:11–16; 1 Ne. 1:8; d Ezek. 1:4 (4–25).
128:20 (19–21); 133:36; Hel. 5:48 (45–49). 3 a Ezek. 1:27 (26–27);
JS—H 1:30–47. tg Heaven. Dan. 7:9.
38 a D&C 135:3. b JS—H 1:43. b Isa. 6:1; Ezek. 1:26 (26–28);
39 a Rev. 2:10; c tg Celestial Glory; D&C 76:108 (106–8).
Mosiah 17:20; Kingdom of God, in c tg Godhead;
D&C 98:14; 135:3. Heaven. God the Father, Elohim.
b tg Testimony. d 2 Cor. 12:2 (2–4); d Acts 7:55 (55–56).
c tg Martyrdom. Rev. 21:10; 4 a Rev. 21:21 (10–27);
d tg Honor; 1 Ne. 11:1; D&C 110:2.
Justice. Moses 1:11. 5 a tg Adam.
40 a Ex. 23:22 (20–23); 2 a Rev. 21:19 (10–27); b D&C 132:29;
D&C 8:4; 105:15. D&C 76:70. Abr. 2:11 (9–11).
Doctrine and Covenants 137:6–138:1 286
Section 138
A vision given to President Joseph F. Smith in Salt Lake City, Utah,
on October 3, 1918. In his opening address at the 89th Semiannual
General Conference of the Church, on October 4, 1918, President Smith
declared that he had received several divine communications during
the previous months. One of these, concerning the Savior’s visit to the
spirits of the dead while His body was in the tomb, President Smith
had received the previous day. It was written immediately following
the close of the conference. On October 31, 1918, it was submitted to the
counselors in the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, and
the Patriarch, and it was unanimously accepted by them.
1–10, President Joseph F. Smith pon and many of the holy prophets in
ders upon the writings of Peter and the spirit world who considered their
our Lord’s visit to the spirit world; spirit state before their resurrection
11–24, President Smith sees the righ as a bondage; 53–60, The righteous
teous dead assembled in paradise dead of this day continue their labors
and Christ’s ministry among them; in the world of spirits.
25–37, He sees how the preaching of
the gospel was organized among the On the third of October, in the year
spirits; 38–52, He sees Adam, Eve, nineteen hundred and eighteen, I
5 c D&C 124:19. Ether 4:18 (18–19); D&C 6:16.
tg Family, Eternal. D&C 76:52 (50–52); 9 a Rev. 20:12 (12–14).
d JS—H 1:4. 84:74. tg God, Justice of;
e 1 Cor. 15:20. tg Baptism, Essential. Judgment, the Last.
6 a D&C 138:25. 7 a Hel. 5:30. b tg Good Works;
b tg Salvation for the tg Revelation. Justice.
Dead. b 1 Pet. 4:6; c D&C 64:22 (22, 34).
c Isa. 11:11; 2 Ne. 9:26 (25–26); tg Agency;
1 Ne. 22:12 (10–12); Mosiah 15:24; Motivations.
Jacob 6:2. D&C 29:50. 10 a tg Children.
tg Israel, Gathering of; c Heb. 9:15 (14–15); b D&C 68:27 (25–27).
Israel, Restoration of. D&C 76:70 (50–70). c tg Salvation of Little
d Luke 24:47; tg Exaltation; Children.
John 3:5 (3–5); Salvation for the Dead.
2 Ne. 9:23; 8 a Alma 18:32;
287 Doctrine and Covenants 138:2–15
sat in my room a pondering over the of God waited in the days of Noah,
scriptures; while the ark was a preparing,
2 And a reflecting upon the great wherein few, that is, eight souls were
atoning c sacrifice that was made by saved by water.” (1 Peter 3:18–20.)
the Son of God, for the d redemption 10 “For for this cause was the gos-
of the world; pel preached also to them that are
3 And the great and wonderful dead, that they might be judged
love made manifest by the Father according to men in the flesh, but
and the Son in the coming of the live according to God in the spirit.”
Redeemer into the world; (1 Peter 4:6.)
4 That through his a atonement, and 11 As I a pondered over these things
by b obedience to the principles of which are b written, the c eyes of my
the gospel, mankind might be saved. d
understanding were opened, and
5 While I was thus engaged, my the Spirit of the Lord e rested upon
mind reverted to the writings of me, and I saw the hosts of the f dead,
the apostle Peter, to the a primitive both small and great.
saints scattered abroad throughout 12 And there were gathered to-
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and gether in one place an innumerable
other parts of Asia, where the gos- company of the spirits of the a just,
pel had been c preached after the who had been b faithful in the c tes-
crucifixion of the Lord. timony of Jesus while they lived in
6 I opened the Bible and read the mortality;
third and fourth chapters of the 13 And who had offered a sacrifice
first epistle of Peter, and as I read I in the b similitude of the great sac-
was greatly b impressed, more than rifice of the Son of God, and had
I had ever been before, with the suffered c tribulation in their Re-
following passages: deemer’s d name.
7 “For Christ also hath once suf- 14 All these had departed the
fered for sins, the just for the un- mortal life, firm in the a hope of a
just, that he might bring us to God, glorious b resurrection, through the
being put to death in the flesh, but c
grace of God the d Father and his
quickened by the Spirit: e
Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
8 “By which also he went and 15 I beheld that they were filled
preached unto the spirits in a prison; with a joy and gladness, and were
9 “Which sometime were disobe- rejoicing together because the day
dient, when once the longsuffering of their b deliverance was at hand.
138 1 a tg Meditation; 6 a See 1 Pet. 3:18–20 c tg Testimony.
Scriptures, Study of. and 4:6 in the New 13 a tg Sacrifice.
2 a JS—H 1:12. Testament for b tg Jesus Christ, Types
b Matt. 20:28. additional notes and of, in Anticipation;
tg Jesus Christ, cross-references. Jesus Christ, Types of,
Atonement through. b JS—H 1:12 (11–13). in Memory.
c tg Sacrifice. 8 a Isa. 61:1 (1–2); c tg Persecution;
d tg Redemption. Luke 4:18 (18–21); Tribulation.
3 a John 3:16 (14–17). D&C 76:73 (73–74); 88:99. d Matt. 5:11 (10–12).
tg God, Love of. 11 a D&C 76:19. 14 a 1 Cor. 15:19 (18–21);
b Isa. 63:9 (1–9). b tg Scriptures, Value of. Ether 12:4;
tg Jesus Christ, c Luke 24:31; Eph. 1:18; Moro. 7:41 (3, 40–48).
Redeemer. D&C 76:12 (10, 12, 19); b tg Resurrection.
4 a 2 Ne. 25:23; 110:1. c tg Grace.
A of F 1:3. d tg Understanding. d tg God the Father,
b Matt. 7:21 (21–27). e Num. 11:25; Isa. 11:2. Elohim.
tg Obedience. f tg Spirits, Disembodied. e tg Jesus Christ,
5 a ie former-day saints. 12 a Ezek. 18:9 (5–9); Mission of.
b 1 Pet. 1:1. D&C 76:69 (69–70). 15 a Isa. 51:11;
c Acts 16:6 (6–9); b D&C 6:13; 51:19; Alma 40:12 (11–13).
19:26 (10–26). 76:52 (51–53). b tg Salvation.
Doctrine and Covenants 138:16–28 288
flood; b Shem, the great c high priest; dead, and the c sealing of the chil-
Abraham, the father of the faithful; dren to their parents, lest the whole
Isaac, f Jacob, and Moses, the great earth be smitten with a curse and
law-giver of Israel; utterly wasted at his coming.
42 And a Isaiah, who declared by 49 All these and many more, even
prophecy that the Redeemer was the a prophets who dwelt among the
anointed to bind up the broken- Nephites and b testified of the com-
hearted, to proclaim liberty to the ing of the Son of God, mingled in
captives, and the opening of the the vast assembly and waited for
prison to them that were bound, their deliverance,
were also there. 50 For the a dead had looked upon
43 Moreover, Ezekiel, who was the long absence of their b spirits
shown in vision the great valley from their bodies as a c bondage.
of a dry bones, which were to be 51 These the Lord taught, and gave
clothed upon with flesh, to come them a power to come forth, after his
forth again in the resurrection of resurrection from the dead, to enter
the dead, living souls; into his Father’s kingdom, there to
44 Daniel, who foresaw and fore- be crowned with b immortality and
told the establishment of the a king- eternal life,
dom of God in the latter days, never 52 And continue thenceforth their
again to be destroyed nor given to labor as had been promised by the
other people; Lord, and be partakers of all a bless-
45 a Elias, who was with Moses on ings which were held in reserve for
the Mount of Transfiguration; them that love him.
46 And a Malachi, the prophet who 53 The Prophet Joseph Smith, and
testified of the coming of b Elijah— my father, Hyrum Smith, Brigham
of whom also Moroni spake to the Young, John Taylor, Wilford Wood-
Prophet Joseph Smith, declaring that ruff, and other choice a spirits who
he should come before the ushering were b reserved to come forth in
in of the great and dreadful c day of the c fulness of times to take part
the Lord—were also there. in laying the d foundations of the
47 The Prophet Elijah was to plant great latter-day work,
in the a hearts of the children the 54 Including the building of the
promises made to their fathers, a
temples and the performance of
48 Foreshadowing the great work to ordinances therein for the redemp-
be done in the a temples of the Lord tion of the b dead, were also in the
in the b dispensation of the fulness spirit world.
of times, for the redemption of the 55 I observed that they were also
41 b Gen. 5:32. JS—H 1:38 (36–39). c D&C 45:17.
c tg High Priest, b 1 Kgs. 17:1 (1–24); 51 a Rom. 8:11;
Melchizedek Priesthood; D&C 110:13 (13–15). 1 Cor. 6:14;
Priesthood, Melchizedek. c tg Day of the Lord. Alma 40:20 (19–21).
d Gen. 17:5 (1–27). 47 a Mal. 4:6 (5–6); b D&C 29:43.
e Gen. 21:3 (1–8). D&C 128:17; tg Eternal Life.
f Gen. 35:10 (1–29). JS—H 1:39 (36–39). 52 a Deut. 7:13 (6–14);
g tg Law of Moses. 48 a tg Genealogy and Isa. 64:4;
42 a Isa. 1:1. Temple Work; 1 Cor. 2:9.
b Isa. 61:1 (1–2). Salvation for the Dead. tg Blessing.
c tg Spirits in Prison. b tg Dispensations. 53 a tg Man, Antemortal
43 a Ezek. 1:3; 37:1 (1–14). c tg Family, Eternal; Existence of.
b tg Resurrection. Sealing. b tg Foreordination.
44 a Dan. 2:44 (44–45). 49 a tg Jesus Christ, c D&C 128:18.
tg Kingdom of God, on Prophecies about. d D&C 64:33.
Earth. b Hel. 8:22 (19–22). 54 a tg Temple.
45 a bd Elias. 50 a Luke 1:79. b tg Salvation for the
46 a Mal. 4:5 (5–6); b tg Spirits, Disembodied. Dead.
291 Doctrine and Covenants 138:56–60
among the a noble and great ones who are in darkness and under the
who were b chosen in the beginning bondage of sin in the great world
to be rulers in the Church of God. of the d spirits of the dead.
56 Even before they were born, 58 The dead who a repent will be
they, with many others, received redeemed, through obedience to the
their first a lessons in the world of b
ordinances of the house of God,
spirits and were b prepared to come 59 And after they have paid the
forth in the due c time of the Lord a
penalty of their transgressions, and
to labor in his d vineyard for the sal- are b washed clean, shall receive a
vation of the souls of men. c
reward according to their d works,
57 I beheld that the faithful a elders for they are heirs of salvation.
of this dispensation, when they de- 60 Thus was the a vision of the re-
part from mortal life, continue their demption of the dead revealed to
labors in the b preaching of the c gos- me, and I bear record, and I know
pel of repentance and redemption, that this b record is c true, through
through the sacrifice of the Only the blessing of our Lord and Savior,
Begotten Son of God, among those Jesus Christ, even so. Amen.
55 a Abr. 3:22 (22–24). Missionary Work. 59 a tg Punish.
b tg Foreordination. b tg Mission of b Alma 5:21 (17–22).
56 a tg Earth, Purpose of; Latter-day Saints. tg Forgive.
Learn. c tg Gospel. c tg Justice;
b Job 38:7 (1–7); d tg Spirits in Prison. Reward.
Alma 13:3 (3–7). 58 a tg Redemption; d tg Good Works.
c Acts 17:26. Repent. 60 a Rev. 20:12.
d Jacob 6:2 (2–3). b Matt. 16:19. b tg Testimony.
57 a tg Elder, Melchizedek tg Covenants; c John 21:24.
Priesthood; Ordinance. tg True.
Official Declaration 1
The Bible and the Book of Mormon teach that monogamy is God’s stan
dard for marriage unless He declares otherwise (see 2 Samuel 12:7– 8
and Jacob 2:27, 30). Following a revelation to Joseph Smith, the prac
tice of plural marriage was instituted among Church members in the
early 1840s (see section 132). From the 1860s to the 1880s, the United
States government passed laws to make this religious practice illegal.
These laws were eventually upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. After
receiving revelation, President Wilford Woodruff issued the following
Manifesto, which was accepted by the Church as authoritative and
binding on October 6, 1890. This led to the end of the practice of plural
marriage in the Church.
It matters not who lives or who dies, or who is called to lead this Church, they have got
to lead it by the inspiration of Almighty God. If they do not do it that way, they cannot
do it at all. . . .
I have had some revelations of late, and very important ones to me, and I will tell
you what the Lord has said to me. Let me bring your minds to what is termed the
manifesto. . . .
The Lord has told me to ask the Latter-day Saints a question, and He also told me that
if they would listen to what I said to them and answer the question put to them, by the
Spirit and power of God, they would all answer alike, and they would all believe alike
with regard to this matter.
The question is this: Which is the wisest course for the Latter-day Saints to pursue—
to continue to attempt to practice plural marriage, with the laws of the nation against
it and the opposition of sixty millions of people, and at the cost of the confiscation
and loss of all the Temples, and the stopping of all the ordinances therein, both for the
living and the dead, and the imprisonment of the First Presidency and Twelve and the
heads of families in the Church, and the confiscation of personal property of the peo-
ple (all of which of themselves would stop the practice); or, after doing and suffering
what we have through our adherence to this principle to cease the practice and submit
to the law, and through doing so leave the Prophets, Apostles and fathers at home, so
that they can instruct the people and attend to the duties of the Church, and also leave
the Temples in the hands of the Saints, so that they can attend to the ordinances of the
Gospel, both for the living and the dead?
The Lord showed me by vision and revelation exactly what would take place if
we did not stop this practice. If we had not stopped it, you would have had no use
for . . . any of the men in this temple at Logan; for all ordinances would be stopped
throughout the land of Zion. Confusion would reign throughout Israel, and many men
would be made prisoners. This trouble would have come upon the whole Church, and
we should have been compelled to stop the practice. Now, the question is, whether it
should be stopped in this manner, or in the way the Lord has manifested to us, and
leave our Prophets and Apostles and fathers free men, and the temples in the hands
of the people, so that the dead may be redeemed. A large number has already been
delivered from the prison house in the spirit world by this people, and shall the work
go on or stop? This is the question I lay before the Latter-day Saints. You have to
judge for yourselves. I want you to answer it for yourselves. I shall not answer it; but
I say to you that that is exactly the condition we as a people would have been in had
we not taken the course we have.
. . . I saw exactly what would come to pass if there was not something done. I have
had this spirit upon me for a long time. But I want to say this: I should have let all the
temples go out of our hands; I should have gone to prison myself, and let every other
man go there, had not the God of heaven commanded me to do what I did do; and when
the hour came that I was commanded to do that, it was all clear to me. I went before the
Lord, and I wrote what the Lord told me to write. . . .
I leave this with you, for you to contemplate and consider. The Lord is at work with us.
(Cache Stake Conference, Logan, Utah, Sunday, November 1, 1891. Reported in Deseret
Weekly, November 14, 1891.)
Now I will tell you what was manifested to me and what the Son of God performed in
this thing. . . . All these things would have come to pass, as God Almighty lives, had not
that Manifesto been given. Therefore, the Son of God felt disposed to have that thing
presented to the Church and to the world for purposes in his own mind. The Lord had
decreed the establishment of Zion. He had decreed the finishing of this temple. He
had decreed that the salvation of the living and the dead should be given in these
valleys of the mountains. And Almighty God decreed that the Devil should not thwart
it. If you can understand that, that is a key to it. (From a discourse at the sixth session of
the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple, April 1893. Typescript of Dedicatory Services,
Archives, Church Historical Department, Salt Lake City, Utah.)
Official Declaration 2
The Book of Mormon teaches that “all are alike unto God,” including
“black and white, bond and free, male and female” (2 Nephi 26:33).
Throughout the history of the Church, people of every race and ethnicity
in many countries have been baptized and have lived as faithful mem
bers of the Church. During Joseph Smith’s lifetime, a few black male
members of the Church were ordained to the priesthood. Early in its his
tory, Church leaders stopped conferring the priesthood on black males
of African descent. Church records offer no clear insights into the ori
gins of this practice. Church leaders believed that a revelation from
God was needed to alter this practice and prayerfully sought guidance.
The revelation came to Church President Spencer W. Kimball and was
affirmed to other Church leaders in the Salt Lake Temple on June 1,
1978. The revelation removed all restrictions with regard to race that
once applied to the priesthood.
June 8, 1978
To all general and local priesthood officers of The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world:
Dear Brethren:
As we have witnessed the expansion of the work of the Lord over
the earth, we have been grateful that people of many nations have
responded to the message of the restored gospel, and have joined the
Church in ever-increasing numbers. This, in turn, has inspired us with
a desire to extend to every worthy member of the Church all of the
privileges and blessings which the gospel affords.
Aware of the promises made by the prophets and presidents of the
Church who have preceded us that at some time, in God’s eternal plan,
all of our brethren who are worthy may receive the priesthood, and
witnessing the faithfulness of those from whom the priesthood has
been withheld, we have pleaded long and earnestly in behalf of these,
our faithful brethren, spending many hours in the Upper Room of the
Temple supplicating the Lord for divine guidance.
He has heard our prayers, and by revelation has confirmed that the
long-promised day has come when every faithful, worthy man in the
Church may receive the holy priesthood, with power to exercise its
divine authority, and enjoy with his loved ones every blessing that
flows therefrom, including the blessings of the temple. Accordingly,
all worthy male members of the Church may be ordained to the priest-
hood without regard for race or color. Priesthood leaders are instructed
to follow the policy of carefully interviewing all candidates for ordina-
tion to either the Aaronic or the Melchizedek Priesthood to insure that
they meet the established standards for worthiness.
We declare with soberness that the Lord has now made known his
will for the blessing of all his children throughout the earth who will
hearken to the voice of his authorized servants, and prepare themselves
to receive every blessing of the gospel.
Sincerely yours,
Spencer W. Kimball
N. Eldon Tanner
Marion G. Romney
The First Presidency
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Moses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Abraham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Facsimile 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Facsimile 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Facsimile 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Joseph Smith—Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Joseph Smith—History . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Articles of Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Book of Moses
An extract from the translation of the Bible as revealed to
Joseph Smith the Prophet, June 1830–February 1831.
and f truth; but there is g no God be- 12 And it came to pass that when
side me, and all things are present Moses had said these words, behold,
with me, for I h know them all. a
Satan came b tempting him, saying:
7 And now, behold, this one thing Moses, son of man, worship me.
I show unto thee, Moses, my son, for 13 And it came to pass that Moses
thou art in the world, and now I show looked upon Satan and said: Who
it unto thee. art thou? For behold, I am a a son of
8 And it came to pass that Moses God, in the similitude of his Only
looked, and beheld the a world upon Begotten; and where is thy b glory,
which he was created; and Moses that I should worship thee?
beheld the world and the ends 14 For behold, I could not look upon
thereof, and all the children of men God, except his a glory should come
which are, and which were created; upon me, and I were transfigured
of the same he greatly c marveled and before him. But I b can look upon
wondered. thee in the natural man. Is it not so,
9 And the a presence of God with- surely ?
drew from Moses, that his b glory 15 Blessed be the name of my God,
was not upon Moses; and Moses was for his a Spirit hath not altogether
left unto himself. And as he was left withdrawn from me, or else where
unto himself, he c fell unto the earth. is thy glory, for it is darkness unto
10 And it came to pass that it was me? And I can judge between thee
for the space of many hours before and God; for God said unto me:
Moses did again receive his natural b
Worship God, for him only shalt
strength like unto man; and he said thou c serve.
unto himself: Now, for this cause I 16 Get thee hence, Satan; deceive
know that b man is c nothing, which me not; for God said unto me: Thou
thing I never had supposed. art after the a similitude of mine Only
11 But now mine own eyes have Begotten.
beheld God; but not my b natural, 17 And he also gave me command-
but my c spiritual eyes, for my d natu ments when he a called unto me out
ral eyes could not have e beheld; for I of the burning b bush, saying: c Call
should have f withered and g died in upon God in the name of mine Only
his presence; but his h glory was upon Begotten, and worship me.
me; and I beheld his i face, for I was 18 And again Moses said: I will not
transfigured before him. cease to call upon God, I have other
6 f Moses 5:7. c Job 42:6 (1–6); b Luke 4:2 (1–13);
g Deut. 32:17; Dan. 4:35; Hel. 12:7; 2 Cor. 11:14 (13–15);
1 Kgs. 8:60; Ether 3:2. Rev. 12:9 (7–9);
Isa. 44:8; 45:5 (5–22); tg Humility. 2 Ne. 1:18 (17–18);
46:9. 11 a Moses 1:2. Moses 1:21; 6:49.
h Isa. 48:3 (3–7); tg God, Privilege of 13 a Job 1:6;
1 Ne. 9:6; Moses 1:35. Seeing. Isa. 14:12 (12–15).
tg God, Foreknowl- b Moses 6:36. b D&C 88:24.
edge of; c Moses 1:31. 14 a Moses 1:2 (2, 25).
God, Omniscience of. d Ex. 33:20. tg Glory.
8 a Moses 2:1. e D&C 67:10 (10–13). b Rev. 1:17.
b Moses 1:27. f Ex. 19:21; 15 a tg God, Spirit of.
c Ps. 8:3 (3–4). D&C 67:11 (11–13). b Matt. 4:10.
9 a Job 10:12. g Ex. 20:19. tg Worship.
b tg Glory. h tg Glory. c 1 Sam. 7:3;
c Isa. 6:5; i Gen. 32:30; 3 Ne. 13:24.
Acts 9:4; Moses 7:4. 16 a Moses 1:6.
JS—H 1:20. j Matt. 17:2 (1–8); tg God, Body of,
10 a Dan. 10:8 (8, 17); D&C 137:1. Corporeal Nature.
1 Ne. 17:47; 19:20; tg Transfiguration. 17 a Ex. 19:3.
Alma 27:17. 12 a Moses 4:4 (1, 4). b Ex. 3:2 (2–15).
b tg Mortality. tg Devil. c Moses 5:8.
3 Moses 1:19–31
things to inquire of him: for his a glory with the a Holy Ghost, which beareth
has been upon me, wherefore I can record of the Father and the Son;
judge between him and thee. b Depart 25 And calling upon the name of
hence, Satan. God, he beheld his a glory again, for it
19 And now, when Moses had said was upon him; and he heard a b voice,
these words, a Satan cried with a loud saying: Blessed art thou, Moses, for
voice, and ranted upon the earth, and I, the Almighty, have c chosen thee,
commanded, saying: I am the b Only and thou shalt be made stronger than
Begotten, worship me. many d waters; for they shall obey
20 And it came to pass that Moses thy e command as if thou wert f God.
began to a fear exceedingly; and as 26 And lo, I am a with thee, even unto
he began to fear, he saw the bitter- the end of thy days; for thou shalt
ness of b hell. Nevertheless, c calling b
deliver my people from c bondage,
upon God, he received d strength, even d Israel my e chosen.
and he commanded, saying: Depart 27 And it came to pass, as the voice
from me, Satan, for this one God only was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes
will I worship, which is the God of and a beheld the earth, yea, even all
glory. of it; and there was not a particle of
21 And now Satan began to trem- it which he did not behold, b discern-
ble, and the earth shook; and Moses ing it by the c Spirit of God.
received strength, and called upon 28 And he beheld also the inhabi
God, saying: In the name of the Only tants thereof, and there was not a
Begotten, a depart hence, b Satan. a
soul which he beheld not; and he
22 And it came to pass that Satan discerned them by the Spirit of God;
cried with a loud voice, with weep- and their numbers were great, even
ing, and wailing, and a gnashing of numberless as the sand upon the
teeth; and he departed hence, even sea shore.
from the presence of Moses, that he 29 And he beheld many lands; and
beheld him not. each land was called a earth, and there
23 And now of this thing Moses bore were b inhabitants on the face thereof.
record; but because of a wickedness 30 And it came to pass that Moses
it is b not had among the children called upon God, saying: a Tell me, I
of men. pray thee, why these things are so,
24 And it came to pass that when and by what thou madest them?
Satan had departed from the pres- 31 And behold, the glory of the
ence of Moses, that Moses lifted up Lord was upon Moses, so that Moses
his eyes unto heaven, being filled stood in the presence of God, and
18 a tg Glory; tg Record Keeping. in Egypt.
Jesus Christ, Glory of. b Moses 1:41. d 1 Kgs. 8:53 (51, 53).
b Matt. 4:10. 24 a 3 Ne. 11:32 (32, 36); tg Israel, Twelve
19 a tg False Christs. Moses 8:24. Tribes of.
b JS—M 1:6 (5–9). 25 a tg Glory. e Ps. 33:12.
20 a tg Fearful. b Hel. 5:30; 27 a D&C 88:47 (45–47);
b D&C 76:47 (44–47). 3 Ne. 11:3. Moses 1:8; 7:23;
tg Hell. c Abr. 3:23. Abr. 3:21 (21–23).
c JS—H 1:16 (15–16). d Ex. 14:21. tg Vision.
tg Prayer. e tg Priesthood, b tg Discernment,
d tg God, Power of; Authority. Spiritual;
Strength. f Ex. 4:16. Holy Ghost, Mission of.
e tg Glory. 26 a tg Walking with God. c tg God, Spirit of.
21 a Moses 1:12. b Ex. 3:10 (7–12). 28 a Moses 7:23.
b Matt. 10:1. tg Israel, 29 a Gen. 1:10.
tg Spirits, Evil or Deliverance of. tg Earth, Dividing of.
Unclean. c Ex. 20:2; b 1 Ne. 17:36.
22 a Matt. 13:42 (41–42); Ps. 80:8; 30 a Moses 2:1.
Mosiah 16:2 (1–3). 1 Ne. 17:23 (23–25).
23 a Luke 11:52. tg Israel, Bondage of,
Moses 1:32–42 4
talked with him a face to face. And 37 And the Lord God spake unto
the Lord God said unto Moses: For Moses, saying: The a heavens, they are
mine own b purpose have I made many, and they cannot be numbered
these things. Here is c wisdom and it unto man; but they are numbered
remaineth in me. unto me, for they are mine.
32 And by the a word of my power, 38 And as one earth shall pass away,
have I created them, which is mine and the heavens thereof even so shall
Only Begotten Son, who is full of another come; and there is no a end
grace and truth. to my works, neither to my words.
33 And a worlds without number 39 For behold, this is my a work and
have I b created; and I also created my b glory—to bring to pass the c im-
them for mine own purpose; and mortality and d eternal e life of man.
by the c Son I d created them, which 40 And now, Moses, my son, I will
is mine e Only Begotten. speak unto thee concerning this
34 And the a first man of all men earth upon which thou standest; and
have I called b Adam, which is c many. thou shalt a write the things which I
35 But only an account of this shall speak.
earth, and the inhabitants thereof, 41 And in a day when the children
give I unto you. For behold, there of men shall esteem my words as
are many worlds that have passed a
naught and b take many of them from
away by the word of my power. And the c book which thou shalt write,
there are many that now stand, and behold, I will raise up another d like
innumerable are they unto man; but unto thee; and they shall be e had
all things are numbered unto me, again among the children of men—
for they are mine and I a know them. among as many as shall believe.
36 And it came to pass that Moses 42 (These words were a spoken unto
spake unto the Lord, saying: Be mer- Moses in the mount, the name of
ciful unto thy servant, O God, and which shall not be known among
tell me concerning this earth, and the children of men. And now they
the inhabitants thereof, and also the are spoken unto you. Show them not
heavens, and then thy servant will unto any except them that believe.
be content. Even so. Amen.)
31 a Deut. 5:4; Jesus Christ, Jehovah. D&C 29:43 (42–44).
Moses 1:11. d tg Jesus Christ, Creator. tg God, Works of.
b Isa. 45:18 (17–18); e Moses 1:6. b Micah 2:9;
Eph. 3:11 (7–12); 34 a Moses 3:7. Mosiah 4:12;
2 Ne. 2:15 (14–30). b Abr. 1:3. D&C 81:4 (3–4).
tg Earth, Purpose of. tg Adam. tg Glory;
c tg God, Intelligence of. c 1 Cor. 15:45 (45–48); Jesus Christ, Glory of.
32 a John 1:3 (1–4); 2 Ne. 2:20 (19–20); c Moses 6:59.
Heb. 1:2 (1–3); D&C 27:11; 76:24; 138:38; tg Immortality; Jesus
Rev. 19:13 (13–15); Moses 4:26; 6:9. Christ, Mission of;
Jacob 4:9; 35 a 1 Ne. 9:6; Resurrection.
Moses 2:1 (1, 5). D&C 38:2; 88:41; d tg Eternal Life; Man,
tg Jesus Christ, Moses 1:6; 7:36; Potential to Become like
Authority of. Abr. 3:2 (1–16). Heavenly Father.
b Moses 5:7 (7–8). tg God, Omniscience of. e tg Earth, Purpose of.
tg Grace. 36 a Moses 2:1. 40 a Neh. 13:1 (1–3);
33 a Job 9:9 (7–9); 37 a Gen. 1:1; 2 Tim. 3:16;
Ps. 8:3 (3–4); Moses 2:1; 2 Ne. 29:11 (11–12).
Amos 9:6; Abr. 4:1. 41 a Moses 1:23.
D&C 76:24; tg Heaven. b 1 Ne. 13:26 (23–32).
Moses 7:30 (29–31). 38 a Moses 1:4. c Ex. 17:14;
tg Astronomy; Creation; 39 a Ps. 90:16; 1 Ne. 5:11; 19:23.
God, Works of; World. Matt. 5:48; d 2 Ne. 3:9 (7–19).
b tg God, Creator. Rom. 8:17 (14–21); e 1 Ne. 13:32, 39–40;
c tg Jesus Christ, Divine 2 Ne. 2:15 (14–30); D&C 9:2.
Sonship; Alma 42:26; 42 a Moses 1:1.
5 Moses 2:1–14
for seasons, and for days, and for his kind, cattle, and creeping things,
years; and beasts of the earth after their
15 And let them be for lights in kind, and it was so;
the firmament of the heaven to 25 And I, God, made the beasts of
give light upon the earth; and it the earth after their kind, and cat-
was so. tle after their kind, and everything
16 And I, God, made two great which creepeth upon the earth af-
lights; the greater a light to rule the ter his kind; and I, God, saw that all
day, and the lesser light to rule the these things were good.
night, and the b greater light was 26 And I, God, said unto mine a Only
the sun, and the lesser light was the Begotten, which was with me from
moon; and the stars also were made the b beginning: Let c us d make man
even according to my word. in our e image, after our likeness; and
17 And I, God, set them in the fir- it was so. And I, God, said: Let them
mament of the heaven to give light have f dominion over the fishes of
upon the earth, the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
18 And the a sun to rule over the day, and over the cattle, and over all the
and the moon to rule over the night, earth, and over every creeping thing
and to divide the light from the that creepeth upon the earth.
darkness; and I, God, saw that 27 And I, God, created man in mine
all things which I had made were own a image, in the image of mine
good; Only Begotten created I him; male
19 And the evening and the morn- and female created I them.
ing were the fourth day. 28 And I, God, blessed them, and
20 And I, God, said: Let the waters said unto them: Be a fruitful, and
bring forth abundantly the moving b
multiply, and replenish the earth,
creature that hath life, and fowl and subdue it, and have dominion
which may fly above the earth in the over the fish of the sea, and over
open firmament of heaven. the fowl of the air, and over every
21 And I, God, created great a whales, living thing that moveth upon the
and every living creature that mov- earth.
eth, which the waters brought forth 29 And I, God, said unto man:
abundantly, after their kind, and ev- Behold, I have given you every herb
ery winged fowl after his kind; and bearing seed, which is upon the
I, God, saw that all things which I face of all the earth, and every tree
had created were good. in the which shall be the fruit of a
22 And I, God, blessed them, saying: tree yielding seed; to you it shall be
Be fruitful, and a multiply, and fill for a meat.
the waters in the sea; and let fowl 30 And to every beast of the earth,
multiply in the earth; and to every fowl of the air, and to
23 And the evening and the morn- everything that creepeth upon the
ing were the fifth day. earth, wherein I grant life, there shall
24 And I, God, said: Let the earth be given every clean herb for meat;
bring forth the living creature after and it was so, even as I spake.
16 a tg Light [noun]. b tg Jesus Christ, Abr. 4:26 (26–28).
b Gen. 1:16. Firstborn. 27 a tg God, Body of,
18 a tg Astronomy. c tg Jesus Christ, Creator. Corporeal Nature.
b tg Darkness, Physical. d tg Man, Physical 28 a tg Birth Control.
21 a Gen. 1:21; Creation of. b Moses 5:2.
Abr. 4:21. e Gen. 1:26 (26–28); tg Marriage,
22 a Gen. 1:22 (20–25); Moses 6:9 (8–10); Fatherhood.
D&C 45:58; Abr. 4:26 (26–31). 29 a Gen. 1:29 (29–30);
132:63 (55–56, 63); f Gen. 1:26 (26–28); Ps. 136:25;
Abr. 4:22. D&C 76:111 (110–12); D&C 104:17 (15–18);
26 a tg Jesus Christ, Divine 121:37 (34–46); Abr. 4:29 (29–30).
Sonship. Moses 5:1;
7 Moses 2:31–3:9
31 And I, God, saw everything that before they were c naturally upon
I had made, and, behold, all things the face of the earth. For I, the Lord
which I had made were very a good; God, had not caused it to rain upon
and the evening and the morning the face of the earth. And I, the Lord
were the b sixth day. God, had d created all the children
of men; and not yet a man to till
Chapter 3 the e ground; for in f heaven g created
( June–October 1830) I them; and there was not yet flesh
God created all things spiritually before upon the earth, neither in the water,
they were naturally upon the earth— neither in the air;
He created man, the first flesh, upon 6 But I, the Lord God, spake, and
the earth—Woman is a help meet there went up a a mist from the earth,
and watered the whole face of the
for man. ground.
Thus the a heaven and the earth 7 And I, the Lord God, formed man
were finished, and all the b host from the a dust of the ground, and
of them. breathed into his nostrils the b breath
2 And on the seventh day I, God, of life; and c man became a living
ended my work, and all things which d
soul, the e first flesh upon the earth,
I had made; and I a rested on the the first man also; nevertheless, all
seventh day from all my work, and things were before created; but spir-
all things which I had made were itually were they created and made
finished, and I, God, saw that they according to my word.
were good; 8 And I, the Lord God, planted a
3 And I, God, a blessed the seventh garden eastward in a Eden, and there
day, and b sanctified it; because that I put the man whom I had formed.
in it I had rested from all my c work 9 And out of the ground made I,
which I, God, had created and made. the Lord God, to grow every tree,
4 And now, behold, I say unto you, a
naturally, that is pleasant to the
that these are the generations of the sight of man; and man could be-
heaven and of the earth, when they hold it. And it became also a b living
were a created, in the day that I, the soul. For it was spiritual in the day
Lord God, made the b heaven and that I created it; for it remaineth in
the earth, the sphere in which I, God, created
5 And every plant of the field be- it, yea, even all things which I pre-
fore it was in the earth, and every pared for the use of man; and man
herb of the field before it grew. For saw that it was good for food. And
I, the Lord God, a created all things, I, the Lord God, planted the c tree of
of which I have spoken, b spiritually, life also in the midst of the garden,
31 a Gen. 1:31; Moro. 7:12; Abr. 5:4 (4–5). 6 a Gen. 2:6.
D&C 59:17 (16–20). b Neh. 9:6. 7 a Gen. 2:7;
b Ex. 20:11 (8–11); 31:17; 5 a Moses 6:51. Moses 4:25 (25–29); 6:59;
Mosiah 13:19; Abr. 4:31. tg Creation; Abr. 5:7.
3 1 a tg Creation. God, Creator. b tg Breath of Life.
b Gen. 2:1; b D&C 29:31–34; c tg Adam.
D&C 29:36; 38:1; 45:1; Abr. 3:23. d Isa. 57:16.
Abr. 5:1. tg Life, Sanctity of; tg Soul.
2 a Gen. 2:2 (1–3); Spirit Creation. e Moses 1:34.
Abr. 5:2 (1–3). c Moses 3:9. 8 a Isa. 51:3.
tg Rest. tg Man, Physical tg Eden.
b tg Sabbath. Creation of. 9 a Moses 3:5.
3 a Ex. 20:11; Mosiah 13:19; d tg Man, a Spirit Child of b tg Life, Sanctity of.
D&C 77:12. Heavenly Father. c Gen. 2:9; 1 Ne. 11:25;
b Abr. 5:3 (1–3). e Gen. 2:5. 15:22 (22, 28, 36);
c Ex. 31:15 (14–15); f tg Heaven. Alma 42:5 (2–6);
Mosiah 13:18 (16–19). g tg Man, Antemortal Moses 4:28 (28, 31);
4 a Gen. 2:4 (4–5); Existence of. Abr. 5:9.
Moses 3:10–25 8
and also the tree of knowledge of field, and every fowl of the air; and
good and evil. commanded that they should come
10 And I, the Lord God, caused a unto Adam, to see what he would
river to go out of a Eden to water call them; and they were also living
the garden; and from thence it was souls; for I, God, breathed into them
parted, and became into four b heads. the b breath of life, and commanded
11 And I, the Lord God, called the that whatsoever Adam called every
name of the first Pison, and it com- living creature, that should be the
passeth the whole land of a Havilah, name thereof.
where I, the Lord God, created much 20 And Adam gave a names to all
gold; cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and
12 And the gold of that land was to every beast of the field; but as for
good, and there was bdellium and Adam, there was not found an help
the a onyx stone. meet for him.
13 And the name of the second river 21 And I, the Lord God, caused a
was called Gihon; the same that com- deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and
passeth the whole land of a Ethiopia. he slept, and I took one of his ribs
14 And the name of the third river and closed up the flesh in the stead
was Hiddekel; that which goeth to- thereof;
ward the east of Assyria. And the 22 And the rib which I, the Lord
fourth river was the Euphrates. God, had taken from man, made I
15 And I, the Lord God, took the a a woman, and brought her unto
man, and put him into the Garden the man.
of a Eden, to dress it, and to keep it. 23 And a Adam said: This I know now
16 And I, the Lord God, commanded is bone of my bones, and b flesh of
the man, saying: Of every tree of the my flesh; she shall be called Woman,
garden thou mayest freely eat, because she was taken out of man.
17 But of the tree of the a knowledge 24 Therefore shall a man leave his
of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of father and his mother, and shall
it, nevertheless, thou mayest b choose a
cleave unto his b wife; and c they shall
for thyself, for it is given unto thee; be d one flesh.
but, remember that I c forbid it, for 25 And they were both naked, the
in the d day thou eatest thereof thou man and his wife, and were not
shalt surely e die. ashamed.
18 And I, the Lord God, said unto
mine a Only Begotten, that it was not
good that the man should be b alone; Chapter 4
wherefore, I will make an c help meet ( June– October 1830)
for him. How Satan became the devil—He tempts
19 And out of the ground I, the Eve—Adam and Eve fall, and death
Lord God, formed every a beast of the enters the world.
10 a tg Eden. 15 a tg Eden. 49:19 (18–21); 77:2.
b Gen. 2:10. 17 a tg Knowledge. tg Creation.
11 a Gen. 2:11. b Moses 7:32. b tg Breath of Life.
12 a Ex. 25:7. tg Agency. 20 a tg Language.
13 a ie In the area of Eden c 2 Ne. 2:15. 22 a tg Creation; Woman.
and Adam-ondi-Ahman d Abr. 5:13. 23 a tg Adam.
there were rivers and e Gen. 2:17; b Gen. 2:23; Jacob 2:21;
lands that received Moses 4:17 (17–19). Abr. 5:17.
names that were later tg Mortality. 24 a Gen. 2:24 (23–24);
attached to other lands 18 a tg Jesus Christ, Divine D&C 42:22; 49:15 (15–16);
and rivers. As to the Sonship. Abr. 5:18 (17–18).
location of Eden and b tg Family, Eternal. b tg Family, Love within.
its environs, see D&C c Gen. 2:18; Abr. 5:14. c Eccl. 4:9 (9–12).
117:8–9. 19 a Prov. 12:10; d tg Divorce;
Gen. 2:13. D&C 29:24 (24–25); Marriage, Celestial.
9 Moses 4:1–14
And I, the a Lord God, spake unto to c beguile Eve, for he d knew not the
Moses, saying: That b Satan, whom e
mind of God, wherefore he sought
thou hast commanded in the name to destroy the world.
of mine Only Begotten, is the same 7 And he said unto the woman:
which was from the c beginning, and Yea, hath God said—Ye shall not
he came before me, saying—Behold, eat of every tree of the garden?
here am I, send me, I will be thy (And he spake by the mouth of the
son, and I will d redeem all mankind, serpent.)
that one soul shall not be lost, and 8 And the woman said unto the
surely e I will do it; wherefore f give serpent: We may eat of the fruit of
me thine honor. the trees of the garden;
2 But, behold, my Beloved a Son, 9 But of the fruit of the tree which
which was my Beloved and b Chosen thou beholdest in the midst of the
from the beginning, said unto me— garden, God hath said—Ye shall not
Father, thy d will be done, and the eat of it, neither shall ye touch it,
glory be thine forever. lest ye die.
3 Wherefore, because that a Satan 10 And the serpent said unto the
rebelled against me, and sought to a
woman: Ye shall not surely die;
destroy the c agency of man, which 11 For God doth know that in the
I, the Lord God, had given him, and day ye eat thereof, then your a eyes
also, that I should give unto him shall be opened, and ye shall be as
mine own power; by the power of gods, b knowing good and evil.
mine Only Begotten, I caused that 12 And when the woman saw that
he should be d cast down; the tree was good for food, and that
4 And he became a Satan, yea, even it became pleasant to the eyes, and a
the b devil, the father of all c lies, to tree to be a desired to make her wise,
deceive and to blind men, and to she took of the b fruit thereof, and did
lead them e captive at his will, even c
eat, and also gave unto her husband
as many as would not f hearken unto with her, and he did eat.
my voice. 13 And the eyes of them both were
5 And now the serpent was more opened, and they knew that they
subtle than any beast of the field had been a naked. And they sewed
which I, the Lord God, had made. fig leaves together and made them-
6 And a Satan put it into the heart of selves b aprons.
the serpent, (for he had drawn away 14 And they heard the voice of the
many after him,) and he sought also Lord God, as they were a walking in
4 1 a Moses 5:58. d Luke 22:42. Alma 12:4;
b D&C 29:36 (36–39); tg God, the Standard of D&C 123:12.
76:25 (25–26); Righteousness. 6 a tg Devil.
Abr. 3:27. e Ps. 96:8; John 7:18. b D&C 29:36.
c Moses 5:24. tg Glory. c tg Honesty.
d tg Redemption. 3 a tg Sons of Perdition. d John 16:3 (1–3).
e Isa. 14:13 (12–15). b Abr. 3:28. e 1 Cor. 2:16.
f tg Selfishness. tg Council in Heaven; tg Mind.
2 a tg Jesus Christ, Divine Rebellion. 10 a 1 Tim. 2:14.
Sonship; c tg Agency. 11 a Gen. 3:5 (3–6);
Witness of the Father. d D&C 76:25 (25–27). D&C 76:12 (12, 19);
b Moses 7:39; Abr. 3:27. 4 a Moses 1:12. Moses 5:10.
tg Foreordination; b tg Devil. b Alma 12:31.
Jesus Christ, Authority c 2 Ne. 2:18; D&C 10:25. tg Knowledge.
of; Jesus Christ, tg Honesty; Lying. 12 a Gen. 3:6;
Foreordained; d 1 Thes. 3:5; 1 Ne. 8:12 (10–15); 15:36.
Jesus Christ, Messenger D&C 29:39 (39–40, 47). b D&C 29:40.
of the Covenant; tg Deceit. c tg Fall of Man.
Jesus Christ, Messiah. e tg Bondage, Spiritual. 13 a Gen. 2:25; 2 Ne. 9:14.
c tg God the Father, f tg Disobedience. b tg Apparel.
Elohim. 5 a Gen. 3:1; Mosiah 16:3; 14 a Gen. 3:8.
Moses 4:15–30 10
the garden, in the cool of the day; thou shalt bring forth children, and
and Adam and his wife went to hide thy desire shall be to thy b husband,
themselves from the b presence of and he shall rule over thee.
the Lord God amongst the trees 23 And unto Adam, I, the Lord God,
of the garden. said: Because thou hast hearkened
15 And I, the Lord God, called unto unto the voice of thy wife, and hast
Adam, and said unto him: Where eaten of the fruit of the tree of which
goest thou? I commanded thee, saying—Thou
16 And he said: I heard thy voice shalt not eat of it, a cursed shall be
in the garden, and I was afraid, be- the ground for thy sake; in b sorrow
cause I beheld that I was naked, and shalt thou eat of it all the days of
I hid myself. thy life.
17 And I, the Lord God, said unto 24 Thorns also, and thistles shall it
Adam: Who told thee thou wast bring forth to thee, and thou shalt
naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree eat the herb of the field.
whereof I commanded thee that thou 25 By the a sweat of thy b face shalt
shouldst not eat, if so thou shouldst thou eat bread, until thou shalt re-
surely a die? turn unto the ground—for thou shalt
18 And the man said: The woman surely die—for out of it wast thou
thou gavest me, and commandest taken: for c dust thou wast, and unto
that she should remain with me, dust shalt thou return.
she gave me of the fruit of the tree 26 And Adam called his wife’s name
and I did eat. Eve, because she was the mother of
19 And I, the Lord God, said unto the all living; for thus have I, the Lord
woman: What is this thing which thou God, called the first of all women,
hast done? And the woman said: The which are a many.
serpent a beguiled me, and I did eat. 27 Unto Adam, and also unto his
20 And I, the Lord God, said unto wife, did I, the Lord God, make coats
the serpent: Because thou hast done of a skins, and b clothed them.
this thou shalt be a cursed above all 28 And I, the Lord God, a said unto
cattle, and above every beast of the mine Only Begotten: Behold, the
field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, b
man is become as one of us to c know
and dust shalt thou eat all the days good and evil; and now lest he put
of thy life; forth his hand and d partake also of
21 And I will put a enmity between the e tree of life, and eat and live
thee and the woman, between thy forever,
seed and her seed; and he shall 29 Therefore I, the Lord God, will
bruise thy head, and thou shalt send him forth from the Garden of
bruise his heel. a
Eden, to till the ground from whence
22 Unto the woman, I, the Lord God, he was taken;
said: I will greatly multiply thy sor- 30 For as I, the Lord God, liveth,
row and thy conception. In a sorrow even so my a words cannot return
14 b Jonah 1:3. 23 a Job 14:1; b tg Apparel; Clothing;
15 a Gen. 3:9. Moses 8:9. Modesty.
17 a Moses 3:17. tg Earth, Curse of. 28 a Gen. 3:22.
19 a Gen. 3:13 (1–13); b tg Suffering. b tg Man, Potential to
2 Ne. 9:9; Mosiah 16:3; 25 a Gen. 3:19 (17–19). Become like Heavenly
Ether 8:25. tg Mortality. Father.
20 a Gen. 3:14 (13–16). b Moses 5:1. c tg Knowledge;
21 a Gen. 3:15. c Gen. 2:7; Job 10:9; Probation.
b Ps. 68:21; Ps. 104:29; Alma 42:30; d Alma 42:5 (4–5).
Rom. 16:20; Heb. 2:14. Moses 3:7; 6:59; e Gen. 2:9;
22 a Gen. 3:16. Abr. 5:7. 1 Ne. 11:25;
tg Pain. 26 a Moses 1:34; 6:9. Moses 3:9; Abr. 5:9.
b tg Marriage, Husbands; 27 a Gen. 27:16; 29 a tg Eden.
Marriage, Wives. Alma 49:6. 30 a 1 Kgs. 8:56; Jer. 44:28.
11 Moses 4:31–5:9
void, for as they go forth out of my and to till the land, and to tend
mouth they must be fulfilled. flocks, and they also begat sons and
31 So I drove out the man, and I daughters.
placed at the east of the Garden of 4 And Adam and Eve, his wife,
Eden, b cherubim and a flaming a
called upon the name of the Lord,
sword, which turned every way to and they heard the voice of the
keep the way of the tree of life. Lord from the way toward the Garden
32 (And these are the words which of b Eden, speaking unto them, and
I spake unto my servant Moses, and they saw him not; for they were shut
they are true even as I will; and I out from his c presence.
have spoken them unto you. See 5 And he gave unto them command-
thou show them unto no man, until ments, that they should a worship the
I command you, except to them that Lord their God, and should offer the
believe. Amen.) b
firstlings of their c flocks, for an of-
fering unto the Lord. And Adam was
Chapter 5 d
obedient unto the commandments
( June–October 1830) of the Lord.
Adam and Eve bring forth children— 6 And after many days an a angel
of the Lord appeared unto Adam,
Adam offers sacrifice and serves God— saying: Why dost thou offer b sacri-
Cain and Abel are born—Cain rebels, fices unto the Lord? And Adam said
loves Satan more than God, and becomes unto him: I know not, save the Lord
Perdition—Murder and wickedness commanded me.
spread—The gospel is preached from 7 And then the angel spake, say-
the beginning. ing: This thing is a a similitude of
And it came to pass that after I, the the b sacrifice of the Only Begotten
Lord God, had driven them out, that of the Father, which is full of c grace
Adam began to till the earth, and to and d truth.
have a dominion over all the beasts 8 Wherefore, thou shalt do all that
of the field, and to eat his bread by thou doest in the a name of the Son,
the sweat of his b brow, as I the Lord and thou shalt b repent and c call
had commanded him. And Eve, also, upon God in the name of the Son
his wife, did c labor with him. forevermore.
2 And a Adam knew his wife, and she 9 And in that day the a Holy Ghost
bare unto him b sons and c daughters, fell upon Adam, which beareth
and they began to d multiply and to record of the Father and the Son, say-
replenish the earth. ing: I am the b Only Begotten of the
3 And from that time forth, the Father from the beginning, hence-
sons and a daughters of Adam began forth and forever, that as thou hast
to divide two and two in the land, c
fallen thou mayest be d redeemed,
31 a tg Eden. Num. 18:17; Mosiah 2:3. d Moses 1:6.
b Alma 42:3. tg Firstborn. 8 a Moses 1:17.
tg Cherubim. c Moses 5:19 (19–20). b Moses 6:57; 7:10.
5 1 a Moses 2:26. d tg Obedience. tg Repent.
b Moses 4:25. 6 a tg Angels. c tg Prayer.
c tg Labor. b tg Ordinance; Sacrifice. 9 a tg Holy Ghost,
2 a Gen. 5:4 (3–32). 7 a tg Jesus Christ, Types Baptism of.
b Gen. 4:1 (1–2); of, in Anticipation. b tg Jesus Christ, Divine
Moses 5:16 (16–17). b Gen. 4:5 (3–7); Sonship.
c D&C 138:39. 1 Chr. 6:49; c tg Death, Spiritual,
d Gen. 9:1; Moses 2:28. Alma 34:10 (10–15); First; Fall of Man.
3 a Gen. 4:17; Moses 5:28. Moses 5:21 (20–26). d Ps. 49:15;
4 a Gen. 4:26; Moses 6:4. tg Blood, Symbolism of; Mosiah 27:24 (24–26);
b tg Eden. Jesus Christ, Atonement D&C 93:38;
c Alma 42:9. through. A of F 1:3.
5 a tg Worship. c Moses 1:32. tg Redemption;
b Ex. 13:12 (12–13); tg Grace. Salvation, Plan of.
Moses 5:10–23 12
and all mankind, even as many firm decree; wherefore they must
as will. be fulfilled.
10 And in that day Adam blessed 16 And Adam and Eve, his wife,
God and was a filled, and began to ceased not to call upon God. And
prophesy concerning all the fami- Adam knew Eve his wife, and she
lies of the earth, saying: Blessed be conceived and bare a Cain, and said:
the name of God, for because of my I have gotten a man from the Lord;
transgression my d eyes are opened, wherefore he may not reject his
and in this life I shall have e joy, and words. But behold, Cain b hearkened
again in the f flesh I shall see God. not, saying: Who is the Lord that I
11 And Eve, his wife, heard all should c know him?
these things and was glad, saying: 17 And she again conceived and
Were it not for our transgression bare his brother Abel. And Abel
we never should have had a seed, and a
hearkened unto the voice of the Lord.
never should have b known good And b Abel was a keeper of sheep, but
and evil, and the joy of our redemp- Cain was a tiller of the ground.
tion, and the eternal life which God 18 And Cain a loved Satan more
giveth unto all the obedient. than God. And Satan commanded
12 And Adam and a Eve blessed him, saying: b Make an offering unto
the name of God, and they made all the Lord.
things b known unto their sons and 19 And in process of time it came
their daughters. to pass that Cain brought of the
13 And a Satan came among them, a
fruit of the ground an offering unto
saying: I am also a son of God; and he the Lord.
commanded them, saying: b Believe 20 And Abel, he also brought of the
it not; and they believed it not, and a
firstlings of his flock, and of the fat
they c loved Satan more than God. thereof. And the Lord had b respect
And men began from that time unto Abel, and to his c offering;
forth to be d carnal, sensual, and 21 But unto Cain, and to his a offer-
devilish. ing, he had not respect. Now Satan
14 And the Lord God called upon knew this, and it b pleased him. And
men by the a Holy Ghost everywhere Cain was very wroth, and his coun-
and commanded them that they tenance fell.
should repent; 22 And the Lord said unto Cain:
15 And as many as a believed in Why art thou wroth? Why is thy
the Son, and repented of their sins, countenance fallen?
should be b saved; and as many as be- 23 If thou doest well, thou shalt
lieved not and repented not, should be a accepted. And if thou doest not
be c damned; and the words went well, sin lieth at the door, and Satan
forth out of the mouth of God in a b
desireth to have thee; and except
10 a tg Man, New, b Deut. 4:9 (9–10). c Ex. 5:2;
Spiritually Reborn. 13 a tg Devil. Alma 9:6.
b D&C 107:56 (41–56). b tg Spiritual Blindness; 17 a Heb. 11:4.
c tg Transgress. Unbelief. b D&C 138:40.
d Gen. 3:5 (3–6); c Moses 5:28; 6:15. 18 a D&C 10:21 (20–21).
D&C 76:12 (12, 19); d tg Carnal Mind; b D&C 132:9 (8–11).
Moses 4:11 (10–13). Man, Natural, Not 19 a Moses 5:5.
e tg Joy. Spiritually Reborn. 20 a Mosiah 2:3.
f Job 19:26; 2 Ne. 9:4. 14 a John 14:26 (16–26). b tg Respect.
11 a 2 Ne. 2:23 (22–25). 15 a tg Faith. c tg Sacrifice.
tg Birth Control; b tg Jesus Christ, Savior. 21 a Gen. 4:5 (3–7);
Family; c D&C 42:60. Moses 5:7 (4–8).
Marriage, Motherhood. 16 a Gen. 4:1 (1–2). b Moses 7:26.
b Gen. 3:22. b 1 Sam. 3:13; 23 a Gen. 4:7;
12 a Gen. 3:20; 1 Ne. 2:12 (12–13); D&C 52:15; 97:8; 132:50.
D&C 138:39. Mosiah 27:8 (7–37). b Gen. 4:7.
13 Moses 5:24–40
thou shalt hearken unto my com- Master d Mahan, and he gloried in his
mandments, I will c deliver thee up, wickedness.
and it shall be unto thee according 32 And Cain went into the field,
to his desire. And thou shalt d rule and Cain talked with Abel, his
over him; brother. And it came to pass that
24 For from this time forth thou while they were in the field, Cain
shalt be the father of his a lies; rose up against Abel, his brother, and
thou shalt be called b Perdition; for slew him.
thou wast also c before the world. 33 And Cain a gloried in that which
25 And it shall be said in time to he had done, saying: I am free; surely
come—That these abominations were the b flocks of my brother falleth into
had from a Cain; for he rejected the my hands.
greater counsel which was had from 34 And the Lord said unto Cain:
God; and this is a b cursing which Where is Abel, thy brother? And he
I will put upon thee, except thou said: I know not. Am I my brother’s
repent. a
26 And Cain was wroth, and listened 35 And the Lord said: What hast
not any more to the voice of the Lord, thou done? The voice of thy broth-
neither to Abel, his brother, who er’s a blood cries unto me from the
walked in holiness before the Lord. ground.
27 And Adam and his wife a mourned 36 And now thou shalt be a cursed
before the Lord, because of Cain and from the earth which hath opened
his brethren. her mouth to receive thy brother’s
28 And it came to pass that Cain blood from thy hand.
took one of his brothers’ daughters 37 When thou tillest the ground
to a wife, and they b loved Satan more it shall not henceforth yield unto
than God. thee her a strength. A b fugitive and
29 And Satan said unto Cain: a Swear a vagabond shalt thou be in the
unto me by thy throat, and if thou earth.
tell it thou shalt die; and swear thy 38 And Cain said unto the Lord:
brethren by their heads, and by Satan a tempted me because of my
the living God, that they tell it not; brother’s flocks. And I was wroth
for if they tell it, they shall surely also; for his offering thou didst ac-
die; and this that thy father may cept and not mine; my b punishment
not know it; and this day I will de- is greater than I can bear.
liver thy brother Abel into thine 39 Behold thou hast driven me out
hands. this day from the face of the Lord,
30 And Satan sware unto Cain that and from thy face shall I be hid; and
he would do according to his a com- I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond
mands. And all these things were in the earth; and it shall come to
done in secret. pass, that he that findeth me will
31 And Cain said: Truly I am slay me, because of mine iniquities,
Mahan, the master of this great a se- for these things are not hid from
cret, that I may b murder and get the Lord.
gain. Wherefore Cain was called 40 And I the Lord said unto him:
23 c tg Bondage, Spiritual. b Moses 5:13. 33 a tg Boast.
d Moses 5:30. 29 a Matt. 5:36. b tg Covet.
24 a tg Honesty. 30 a Moses 5:23. 34 a Gen. 4:9 (8–15).
b D&C 76:26, 32 (32–48). 31 a Deut. 27:24. 35 a tg Life, Sanctity of.
tg Sons of Perdition. b tg Murder. 36 a D&C 29:41.
c Moses 4:1. c Deut. 27:25. tg Curse.
25 a Hel. 6:27 (26–28). d ie “Mind,” “destroyer,” 37 a tg Strength.
b Moses 5:36. and “great one” are b Gen. 4:12 (11–12).
tg Curse. possible meanings of 38 a tg Covet;
27 a tg Mourning. the roots evident in Temptation.
28 a Moses 5:3 (2–3). “Mahan.” b tg Punish.
Moses 5:41–56 14
57 For they would not a hearken 3 And God revealed himself unto
unto his voice, nor believe on his a
Seth, and he rebelled not, but of-
Only Begotten Son, even him whom fered an acceptable b sacrifice, like
he declared should b come in the me- unto his brother Abel. And to him
ridian of time, who was c prepared also was born a son, and he called
from before the foundation of the his name Enos.
world. 4 And then began these men to a call
58 And thus the a Gospel began to upon the name of the Lord, and the
be b preached, from the beginning, Lord blessed them;
being declared by c holy d angels sent 5 And a a book of b remembrance was
forth from the presence of God, and kept, in the which was recorded, in the
by his own voice, and by the gift of c
language of Adam, for it was given
the Holy Ghost. unto as many as called upon God
59 And thus all things were con- to write by the spirit of d inspiration;
firmed unto a Adam, by an holy ordi- 6 And by them their a children were
nance, and the Gospel preached, and taught to read and write, having
a decree sent forth, that it should be a b language which was c pure and
in the world, until the end thereof; undefiled.
and thus it was. Amen. 7 Now this same a Priesthood, which
was in the beginning, shall be in the
Chapter 6 end of the world also.
(November–December 1830) 8 Now this prophecy Adam spake,
as he was moved upon by the a Holy
Adam’s seed keep a book of remembrance Ghost, and a b genealogy was kept of
—His righteous posterity preach repen the c children of God. And this was
tance—God reveals Himself to Enoch— the d book of the generations of Adam,
Enoch preaches the gospel—The plan of saying: In the day that God created
salvation was revealed to Adam—He man, in the likeness of God made
received baptism and the priesthood. he him;
And Adam hearkened unto the voice 9 In the a image of his own b body,
of God, and called upon his sons to male and female, c created he them,
repent. and blessed them, and called their
2 And Adam knew his wife again, d
name Adam, in the day when they
and she bare a son, and he called his were created and became living
name a Seth. And Adam glorified the e
souls in the land upon the f footstool
name of God; for he said: God hath of God.
appointed me another seed, instead 10 And a Adam lived one hundred
of Abel, whom Cain slew. and thirty years, and begat a son
57 a tg Disobedience; 5 a Abr. 1:28 (28, 31). D&C 24:6 (5–6); 28:4;
Unbelief. tg Scriptures, Lost; Moses 6:32.
b Moses 7:46. Scriptures, Writing of. b tg Genealogy and
tg Jesus Christ, b tg Book of Temple Work.
Birth of. Remembrance. c tg Sons and Daughters
c tg Jesus Christ, c Moses 6:46. of God.
Authority of. d tg Guidance, Divine; d Gen. 5:1.
58 a tg Gospel. Inspiration. 9 a Gen. 1:26 (26–28);
b tg Preaching. 6 a tg Education; Moses 2:26 (26–29);
c Alma 12:29 (28–30); Family, Children, Abr. 4:26 (26–31).
Moro. 7:25 (25, 31). Responsibilities toward. b tg God, Body of,
d Acts 7:53. b tg Language. Corporeal Nature.
59 a tg Adam. c Zeph. 3:9. c tg Man, Physical
6 2 a Gen. 4:25. 7 a tg Priesthood; Creation of.
3 a D&C 138:40. Priesthood, History of; d Moses 1:34; 4:26.
b tg Sacrifice. Priesthood, e tg Soul.
4 a Gen. 4:26; Melchizedek. f Moses 6:44;
Moses 5:4. 8 a Ex. 4:12 (12–16); Abr. 2:7.
tg Prayer. 2 Pet. 1:21; 10 a D&C 107:41 (41–56).
Moses 6:11–27 16
in his own likeness, after his own 19 And Cainan lived seventy years,
image, and called his name Seth. and begat Mahalaleel; and Cainan
11 And the days of Adam, after he lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight
had begotten Seth, were eight hun- hundred and forty years, and begat
dred years, and he begat many sons sons and daughters. And all the days
and daughters; of a Cainan were nine hundred and
12 And all the days that Adam lived ten years, and he died.
were nine hundred and thirty years, 20 And Mahalaleel lived sixty-
and he died. five years, and begat Jared; and
13 Seth lived one hundred and five Mahalaleel lived, after he begat Jared,
years, and begat Enos, and a prophe eight hundred and thirty years, and
sied in all his days, and taught his son begat sons and daughters. And all
Enos in the ways of God; wherefore the days of Mahalaleel were eight
Enos prophesied also. hundred and ninety-five years, and
14 And Seth lived, after he begat he died.
Enos, eight hundred and seven years, 21 And Jared lived one hundred and
and begat many sons and daughters. sixty-two years, and begat a Enoch;
15 And the children of a men were and Jared lived, after he begat Enoch,
numerous upon all the face of the eight hundred years, and begat sons
land. And in those days b Satan had and daughters. And Jared b taught
great c dominion among men, and Enoch in all the ways of God.
raged in their hearts; and from 22 And this is the genealogy of
thenceforth came d wars and blood- the sons of Adam, who was the a son
shed; and a man’s hand was against of God, with whom God, himself,
his own brother, in administering conversed.
death, because of e secret f works, 23 And they were a preachers of
seeking for g power. b
righteousness, and spake and c pro
16 All the days of Seth were nine phesied, and called upon all men,
hundred and twelve years, and he everywhere, to repent; and d faith
died. was e taught unto the children of
17 And Enos lived ninety years, and men.
begat a Cainan. And Enos and the 24 And it came to pass that all the
residue of the people of God came days of Jared were nine hundred and
out from the land, which was called sixty-two years, and he died.
Shulon, and dwelt in a land of prom- 25 And Enoch lived sixty-five years,
ise, which he called after his own and begat Methuselah.
son, whom he had named b Cainan. 26 And it came to pass that Enoch
18 And Enos lived, after he begat journeyed in the land, among the peo-
Cainan, eight hundred and fifteen ple; and as he journeyed, the a Spirit
years, and begat many sons and of God descended out of heaven, and
daughters. And all the days of Enos abode upon him.
were nine hundred and five years, 27 And he heard a a voice from
and he died. heaven, saying: b Enoch, my son,
10 b ie Seth was in the f tg Secret Combinations. tg Preaching.
likeness and image of g Ether 8:23. b tg Righteousness.
Adam, as Adam was in tg Selfishness. c Moses 8:3, 16.
the image of God. 17 a D&C 107:45, 53. tg Prophets,
Gen. 5:3; b Moses 6:41. Mission of.
D&C 107:42–43; 138:40. 19 a Gen. 5:14 (4–24); d tg Faith.
13 a Moses 5:23. D&C 107:45 (45, 53). e tg Education.
15 a Moses 8:14 (13–15). 21 a Gen. 5:22 (5–24); 26 a tg God, Spirit of.
b 3 Ne. 6:15. Moses 7:69; 8:1 (1–2). 27 a tg Guidance, Divine.
c Moses 5:13. b Moses 6:41. b Jude 1:14 (14–16).
d tg War. 22 a Luke 3:38.
e tg Conspiracy. 23 a Moses 6:13.
17 Moses 6:28–38
prophesy unto this people, and say thee, and no man shall pierce thee.
unto them—Repent, for thus saith Open thy a mouth, and it shall be
the Lord: I am d angry with this peo- filled, and I will give thee utterance,
ple, and my fierce anger is kindled for all flesh is in my hands, and I will
against them; for their hearts have do as seemeth me good.
waxed e hard, and their f ears are dull 33 Say unto this people: a Choose
of hearing, and their eyes g cannot ye b this day, to serve the Lord God
see afar off; who made you.
28 And for these many generations, 34 Behold my a Spirit is upon you,
ever since the day that I created wherefore all thy words will I justify;
them, have they gone astray, and and the b mountains shall flee before
have a denied me, and have sought you, and the c rivers shall turn from
their own counsels in the dark; and their course; and thou shalt abide
in their own abominations have they in me, and I in you; therefore d walk
devised murder, and have not kept with me.
the commandments, which I gave 35 And the Lord spake unto Enoch,
unto their father, Adam. and said unto him: Anoint thine eyes
29 Wherefore, they have foresworn with a clay, and wash them, and thou
themselves, and, by their oaths, they shalt see. And he did so.
have brought upon themselves death; 36 And he beheld the a spirits that
and a a hell I have prepared for them, God had created; and he beheld also
if they repent not; things which were not visible to the
30 And this is a decree, which I have b
natural eye; and from thenceforth
sent forth in the beginning of the came the saying abroad in the land:
world, from my own mouth, from A c seer hath the Lord raised up unto
the foundation thereof, and by the his people.
mouths of my servants, thy fathers, 37 And it came to pass that Enoch
have I decreed it, even as it shall went forth in the land, among the
be sent forth in the world, unto the people, standing upon the hills and
ends thereof. the high places, and cried with a
31 And when Enoch had heard loud voice, testifying against their
these words, he a bowed himself works; and all men were a offended
to the earth, before the Lord, and because of him.
spake before the Lord, saying: 38 And they came forth to hear
Why is it that I have found favor him, upon the high places, saying
in thy sight, and am but a lad, and unto the a tent-keepers: Tarry ye
all the people c hate me; for I am here and keep the tents, while we
slow of speech; wherefore am I thy go yonder to behold the seer, for he
servant? prophesieth, and there is a strange
32 And the Lord said unto Enoch: thing in the land; a b wild man hath
Go forth and do as I have commanded come among us.
27 c Moses 8:19. c Jer. 11:19; Matt. 10:22; c Moses 7:13.
d Deut. 32:21; JS—H 1:20. d Gen. 5:24;
2 Ne. 15:25; tg Hate. Moses 7:69.
D&C 63:32. d Ex. 4:10; Jer. 1:6 (6–9). tg Walking with God.
e tg Hardheartedness. 32 a Ex. 4:12 (12–16); 35 a John 9:6 (6, 15).
f Ps. 78:1; 2 Ne. 9:31; D&C 24:6 (5–6); 28:4; 36 a tg Man, Antemortal
Mosiah 26:28; Moses 6:8; 7:13. Existence of; Spirit
D&C 1:14 (2, 11, 14). tg Prophets, Body; Spirit Creation.
g Prov. 7:9; Mission of. b Moses 1:11.
Alma 10:25; 14:6; 33 a tg Agency. c tg Seer.
Moses 7:26. b tg Procrastination. 37 a Matt. 11:6;
28 a tg Rebellion. 34 a tg Teaching with the 1 Ne. 16:2 (1–3);
29 a Moses 7:37. Spirit. Mosiah 13:7.
tg Hell. b Judg. 5:5; Matt. 17:20; 38 a Moses 5:45; 7:5 (5–6).
31 a Ex. 34:8. D&C 109:74; b Gen. 16:12;
b Ex. 3:11 (10–21). 133:22 (21–22, 40). Matt. 3:4 (1–12).
Moses 6:39–53 18
39 And it came to pass when they to the pattern given by the finger
heard him, no man laid hands on of God; and it is given in our own
him; for a fear came on all them that c
heard him; for he b walked with God. 47 And as Enoch spake forth the
40 And there came a man unto him, words of God, the people trembled,
whose name was Mahijah, and said and could not a stand in his presence.
unto him: Tell us plainly who thou 48 And he said unto them: Because
art, and from whence thou comest? that Adam a fell, we are; and by his
41 And he said unto them: I came out fall came b death; and we are made
from the land of a Cainan, the land of partakers of misery and woe.
my fathers, a land of b righteousness 49 Behold Satan hath come among
unto this day. And my father c taught the children of men, and a tempteth
me in all the ways of God. them to b worship him; and men
42 And it came to pass, as I jour- have become c carnal, d sensual, and
neyed from the land of Cainan, by devilish, and are shut out from the
the sea east, I beheld a vision; and e
presence of God.
lo, the heavens I saw, and the Lord 50 But God hath made known
spake with me, and gave me com- unto our fathers that all men must
mandment; wherefore, for this cause, repent.
to keep the commandment, I speak 51 And he called upon our father
forth these words. Adam by his own voice, saying: I am
43 And Enoch continued his speech, God; I a made the world, and b men
saying: The Lord which spake with c
before they were in the flesh.
me, the same is the God of heaven, 52 And he also said unto him: If
and he is my God, and your God, and thou wilt turn unto me, and hear-
ye are my brethren, and why a coun- ken unto my voice, and believe, and
sel ye yourselves, and deny the God repent of all thy transgressions, and
of heaven? be a baptized, even in water, in the
44 The heavens he made; the a earth name of mine Only Begotten Son,
is his b footstool; and the foundation who is full of b grace and truth,
thereof is his. Behold, he laid it, an which is c Jesus Christ, the only
host of men hath he brought in upon d
name which shall be given under
the face thereof. heaven, whereby e salvation shall
45 And death hath come upon our come unto the children of men, ye
fathers; nevertheless we know them, shall receive the gift of the Holy
and cannot deny, and even the first Ghost, asking all things in his name,
of all we know, even a Adam. and whatsoever ye shall ask, it shall
46 For a book of a remembrance we be given you.
have b written among us, according 53 And our father Adam spake unto
39 a Luke 7:16; Remembrance; Spiritually Reborn.
Alma 19:25 (24–27). Genealogy and Temple d tg Sensuality.
b tg God, Privilege Work. e Gen. 4:16;
of Seeing; b tg Scriptures, Moses 5:41.
Walking with God. Writing of. 51 a Moses 3:5.
41 a Moses 6:17. c Moses 6:5. b tg Man, a Spirit Child
b tg Righteousness. 47 a 1 Ne. 17:48 (48–55). of Heavenly Father.
c Moses 6:21. 48 a 2 Ne. 2:25. c tg Spirit Creation.
43 a Prov. 1:25 (24–33); tg Fall of Man. 52 a 3 Ne. 11:26 (23–26).
D&C 56:14 (14–15). b tg Death; tg Baptism, Essential.
44 a Deut. 10:14; Mortality. b tg Grace.
1 Ne. 11:6; 49 a Moses 1:12. c tg Jesus Christ, Messiah.
2 Ne. 29:7; tg Temptation. d Acts 4:12.
D&C 55:1. b tg Worship. tg Jesus Christ,
b Moses 6:9; c Mosiah 16:3 (3–4); Authority of;
Abr. 2:7. Moses 5:13. Name.
45 a tg Adam. tg Carnal Mind; e tg Jesus Christ, Savior;
46 a tg Book of Man, Natural, Not Salvation.
19 Moses 6:54–61
the Lord, and said: Why is it that the f Son of Man, even g Jesus Christ,
men must repent and be baptized a righteous h Judge, who shall come
in water? And the Lord said unto in the meridian of time.
Adam: Behold I have a forgiven thee 58 Therefore I give unto you a a com-
thy transgression in the Garden mandment, to b teach these things
of Eden. freely unto your c children, saying:
54 Hence came the saying abroad 59 That by reason of transgression
among the people, that the a Son of cometh the fall, which fall bringeth
God hath b atoned for original guilt, death, and inasmuch as ye were born
wherein the sins of the parents cannot into the world by water, and blood,
be answered upon the heads of the and the a spirit, which I have made,
children, for they are d whole from and so became of b dust a living soul,
the foundation of the world. even so ye must be c born again into
55 And the Lord spake unto Adam, the kingdom of heaven, of d water,
saying: Inasmuch as thy children are and of the Spirit, and be cleansed by
conceived in sin, even so when they blood, even the blood of mine Only
begin to grow up, b sin conceiveth Begotten; that ye might be sanctified
in their hearts, and they taste the from all sin, and e enjoy the f words of
bitter, that they may know to prize g
eternal life in this world, and eter-
the good. nal life in the world to come, even
56 And it is given unto them to know immortal h glory;
good from evil; wherefore they are 60 For by the a water ye keep the
agents unto themselves, and I have commandment; by the Spirit ye are
given unto you another law and b
justified, and by the c blood ye are
commandment. d
57 Wherefore teach it unto your chil- 61 Therefore it is given to abide
dren, that all men, everywhere, must in you; the a record of heaven; the
repent, or they can in nowise inherit b
Comforter; the c peaceable things
the kingdom of God, for no b unclean of immortal glory; the truth of
thing can dwell there, or c dwell in all things; that which quickeneth
his d presence; for, in the language of all things, which maketh alive all
Adam, e Man of Holiness is his name, things; that which knoweth all
and the name of his Only Begotten is things, and hath all d power according
53 a tg Forgive. b Lev. 15:31. b Gen. 2:7;
54 a tg Jesus Christ, Divine tg Chastity; Cleanliness; Moses 3:7; 4:25 (25–29);
Sonship. God, Perfection of; Abr. 5:7.
b Mosiah 3:16. Modesty; c tg Holy Ghost,
tg Jesus Christ, Uncleanness. Baptism of; Man, New,
Atonement through. c Ps. 15:1 (1–5); Spiritually Reborn.
c tg Children. 24:3 (3–4); 27:4; d tg Baptism;
d tg Salvation of Little 1 Ne. 10:21; Baptism, Essential.
Children. 15:33 (33–36); e 2 Ne. 4:15 (15–16).
55 a tg Conceived in Sin. Mosiah 15:23 (19–26); f John 6:68.
b tg Death, Morm. 7:7; g Abr. 2:11.
Spiritual, First; D&C 76:62 (50–62). h tg Celestial Glory;
Man, Natural, Not d tg God, Presence of. Glory.
Spiritually Reborn. e Moses 7:35. 60 a Moro. 8:25.
c D&C 29:39. f Matt. 20:28; b tg Justification.
tg Opposition. John 3:13 (13–14). c tg Blood, Shedding of;
56 a Gal. 5:1; g tg Jesus Christ, Blood, Symbolism of.
2 Ne. 2:27 (26–27); Prophecies about. d tg Sanctification.
Hel. 14:30 (29–30). h tg God, Justice of; 61 a tg Holy Ghost, Source
tg Agency. Jesus Christ, Judge. of Testimony.
57 a 1 Cor. 6:9 (9–10); 58 a tg Authority. b tg Holy Ghost,
Moses 5:8; 7:10. b tg Education. Comforter.
tg Baptism, Qualifica- c tg Family, Children, c tg Peace of God.
tions for; Responsibilities toward. d tg Jesus Christ, Power of.
Repent. 59 a 1 Jn. 5:8.
Moses 6:62–7:4 20
to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice, and son of God; and thus may all become
judgment. my b sons. Amen.
62 And now, behold, I say unto you:
This is the a plan of salvation unto Chapter 7
all men, through the b blood of mine (December 1830)
Only Begotten, who shall come in
the meridian of time. Enoch teaches, leads the people, and
moves mountains—The city of Zion is
63 And behold, all things have established—Enoch foresees the com
their a likeness, and all things are ing of the Son of Man, His atoning
created and made to b bear record of
sacrifice, and the resurrection of the
me, both things which are temporal, Saints—He foresees the Restoration,
and things which are spiritual; things the Gathering, the Second Coming, and
which are in the heavens above, the return of Zion.
and things which are on the earth,
and things which are in the earth, and And it came to pass that Enoch con-
things which are under the earth, tinued his speech, saying: Behold, our
both above and beneath: all things father Adam taught these things, and
bear record of me. many have believed and become the
64 And it came to pass, when the a
sons of God, and many have believed
Lord had spoken with Adam, our not, and have perished in their sins,
father, that Adam cried unto the and are looking forth with b fear, in
Lord, and he was a caught away by torment, for the fiery indignation of
the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried the wrath of God to be poured out
down into the water, and was laid upon them.
under the b water, and was brought 2 And from that time forth Enoch
forth out of the water. began to prophesy, saying unto the
65 And thus he was baptized, and people, that: As I was journeying,
the Spirit of God descended upon and stood upon the place Mahujah,
him, and thus he was a born of the and cried unto the Lord, there came
Spirit, and became quickened in the a voice out of heaven, saying—Turn
inner man. ye, and get ye upon the mount
66 And he heard a voice out of a
heaven, saying: Thou art baptized 3 And it came to pass that I turned
with a fire, and with the Holy Ghost. and went up on the mount; and as I
This is the b record of the Father, and stood upon the mount, I beheld the
the Son, from henceforth and forever; heavens open, and I was clothed upon
67 And thou art after the a order of with a glory;
him who was without beginning of 4 And I a saw the Lord; and he
days or end of years, from all eter- stood before my face, and he talked
nity to all eternity. with me, even as a man talketh one
68 Behold, thou art a one in me, a with another, b face to face; and he
62 a tg Gospel; b Mosiah 27:25; 7 1 a tg Sons and Daughters
Salvation, Plan of. Alma 5:14 (12–15). of God.
b tg Blood, Symbolism of. 66 a D&C 19:31. b Alma 40:14 (11–14).
c tg Jesus Christ, Birth of. b 2 Ne. 31:18 (17–21); 2 a The Hebrew equivalent
63 a Heb. 8:5; 3 Ne. 28:11. of Simeon is Shimʼon,
D&C 77:2. 67 a tg Priesthood, which means “hearing.”
b Alma 30:44; Melchizedek. 3 a tg Transfiguration.
D&C 88:47 (45–47). 68 a John 17:21; 4 a tg God, Privilege of
64 a 1 Kgs. 18:12; 1 Jn. 1:3; Seeing;
2 Kgs. 2:16. D&C 35:2. Jesus Christ, Appear-
tg Holy Ghost, b John 1:12 (9–13); ances, Antemortal.
Mission of. Mosiah 27:25 (24–26); b Gen. 32:30;
b tg Baptism, Immersion. D&C 34:3. Deut. 5:4;
65 a tg Man, New, Spiritually tg Sons and Daughters Moses 1:11 (2, 11, 31).
Reborn. of God.
21 Moses 7:5–17
said unto me: c Look, and I will d show the Son, which is full of b grace and
unto thee the world for the space of truth, and of the Holy Ghost, which
many generations. beareth record of the Father and
5 And it came to pass that I beheld the Son.
in the valley of Shum, and lo, a great 12 And it came to pass that Enoch
people which dwelt in a tents, which continued to call upon all the people,
were the people of Shum. save it were the people of Canaan,
6 And again the Lord said unto me: to repent;
Look; and I looked towards the north, 13 And so great was the a faith of
and I beheld the people of a Canaan, Enoch that he led the people of God,
which dwelt in tents. and their enemies came to battle
7 And the Lord said unto me: against them; and he b spake the word
Prophesy; and I prophesied, saying: of the Lord, and the earth trembled,
Behold the people of Canaan, which and the c mountains fled, even accord-
are numerous, shall go forth in bat- ing to his command; and the d rivers
tle array against the people of Shum, of water were turned out of their
and shall slay them that they shall course; and the roar of the lions was
utterly be destroyed; and the people heard out of the wilderness; and all
of Canaan shall divide themselves in nations feared greatly, so e powerful
the land, and the land shall be bar- was the word of Enoch, and so great
ren and unfruitful, and none other was the power of the language which
people shall dwell there but the peo- God had given him.
ple of Canaan; 14 There also came a up a land out
8 For behold, the Lord shall a curse of the depth of the sea, and so great
the land with much heat, and the was the fear of the enemies of the
barrenness thereof shall go forth people of God, that they fled and
forever; and there was a c blackness stood afar off and went upon the land
came upon all the children of Canaan, which came up out of the depth of
that they were despised among all the sea.
people. 15 And the a giants of the land, also,
9 And it came to pass that the Lord stood afar off; and there went forth
said unto me: Look; and I looked, and a b curse upon all people that fought
I beheld the land of Sharon, and the against God;
land of Enoch, and the land of Omner, 16 And from that time forth there
and the land of Heni, and the land were wars and bloodshed among
of Shem, and the land of Haner, and them; but the Lord came and a dwelt
the land of Hanannihah, and all the with his people, and they dwelt in
inhabitants thereof; righteousness.
10 And the Lord said unto me: Go 17 The a fear of the Lord was upon
to this people, and say unto them— all nations, so great was the b glory of
Repent, lest I come out and smite the Lord, which was upon his people.
them with a curse, and they die. And the Lord blessed the c land, and
11 And he gave unto me a com- they were blessed upon the moun-
mandment that I should a baptize tains, and upon the high places, and
in the name of the Father, and of did flourish.
4 c Moses 1:4. b tg Grace. b Ps. 83:17 (2–17);
d tg God, Omniscience of; 13 a tg Faith. 2 Ne. 25:14;
Revelation. b Moses 6:32. D&C 71:7.
5 a Moses 5:45; 6:38. c Matt. 17:20; 16 a tg God, Presence of.
6 a Abr. 1:21. Luke 17:6 (5–6). 17 a Ex. 23:27 (27–28);
8 a tg Earth, Curse of. d Moses 6:34. Alma 14:26;
b tg Barren. e tg Priesthood, Power of. D&C 64:43.
c 2 Ne. 26:33. 14 a 3 Ne. 9:8. b tg Glory.
10 a Moses 5:8; 6:57. 15 a Num. 13:33; c 1 Chr. 28:8 (7–8);
11 a tg Baptism, Essential. Moses 8:18. 1 Ne. 2:20.
Moses 7:18–31 22
18 And the Lord called his people out of heaven; and he heard a loud
Zion, because they were of b one voice saying: Wo, wo be unto the in-
heart and one mind, and dwelt in habitants of the earth.
righteousness; and there was no poor 26 And he beheld Satan; and he
among them. had a great a chain in his hand, and
19 And Enoch continued his preach- it veiled the whole face of the earth
ing in righteousness unto the people with b darkness; and he looked up and
of God. And it came to pass in his c
laughed, and his d angels rejoiced.
days, that he built a city that was 27 And Enoch beheld a angels de-
called the City of Holiness, even Zion. scending out of heaven, bearing b tes-
20 And it came to pass that Enoch timony of the Father and Son; and
talked with the Lord; and he said the Holy Ghost fell on many, and
unto the Lord: Surely a Zion shall they were caught up by the powers
dwell in safety forever. But the Lord of heaven into Zion.
said unto Enoch: Zion have I blessed, 28 And it came to pass that the God
but the b residue of the people have of heaven looked upon the a residue
I cursed. of the people, and he wept; and
21 And it came to pass that the Lord Enoch bore record of it, saying:
showed unto Enoch all the inhabi- How is it that the heavens weep, and
tants of the earth; and he beheld, shed forth their tears as the rain upon
and lo, a Zion, in process of time, the mountains?
was b taken up into heaven. And the 29 And Enoch said unto the Lord:
Lord said unto Enoch: Behold mine How is it that thou canst a weep, see-
abode forever. ing thou art holy, and from all eter-
22 And Enoch also beheld the resi nity to all eternity ?
due of the people which were the 30 And were it possible that man
sons of Adam; and they were a mix- could number the particles of the
ture of all the seed of Adam save it earth, yea, millions of a earths like
was the seed of Cain, for the seed of this, it would not be a beginning to
Cain were a black, and had not place the number of thy b creations; and
among them. thy curtains are stretched out still;
23 And after that Zion was taken and yet thou art there, and thy bo-
up into a heaven, Enoch b beheld, and som is there; and also thou art just;
lo, c all the nations of the earth were thou art merciful and kind forever;
before him; 31 And thou hast taken a Zion to
24 And there came generation upon thine own bosom, from all thy cre-
generation; and Enoch was high and ations, from all eternity to all eter-
lifted up, even in the bosom of the nity; and naught but peace, b justice,
Father, and of the Son of Man; and and truth is the habitation of thy
behold, the power of Satan was upon throne; and mercy shall go before
all the face of the earth. thy face and have no end; how is it
25 And he saw angels descending thou canst c weep?
18 a D&C 38:4. c D&C 88:47 (45–47); 27 a tg Angels.
tg Zion. Moses 1:28 (27–29); b tg Testimony.
b 2 Chr. 30:12; Abr. 3:21 (21–23). 28 a Moro. 7:32;
Acts 4:32 (31–32); 24 a 2 Cor. 12:2 (1–4). Moses 7:20.
Philip. 2:1–4. 26 a Prov. 5:22; 29 a Isa. 63:9 (7–10).
tg Unity. 2 Tim. 2:26 (24–26); 30 a Job 9:9 (7–9);
20 a Moses 7:63 (62–63). Alma 12:11 (10–11). Ps. 8:3 (3–4);
tg Jerusalem, New. b Isa. 60:2 (1–3); D&C 76:24;
b Moses 7:28. Alma 10:25; 14:6; Moses 1:33.
21 a Moses 7:31. Moses 6:27. tg Astronomy.
b Moses 7:47, 69. c Moses 5:21. b tg Creation.
22 a 2 Ne. 26:33. d 2 Pet. 2:4; 31 a Moses 7:21.
23 a tg Heaven. Jude 1:6; b tg God, Justice of.
b tg Vision. D&C 29:37 (36–45). c Moses 7:37 (37, 40).
23 Moses 7:32–45
32 The Lord said unto Enoch: Behold 39 And a that which I have chosen
these thy brethren; they are the hath pled before my face. Wherefore,
workmanship of mine own a hands, he b suffereth for their sins; inasmuch
and I gave unto them their b knowl- as they will repent in the day that
edge, in the day I created them; and my c Chosen shall return unto me,
in the Garden of Eden, gave I unto and until that day they shall be in
man his c agency; d
33 And unto thy brethren have I 40 Wherefore, for this shall the
said, and also given commandment, heavens weep, yea, and all the work-
that they should a love one another, manship of mine hands.
and that they should choose me, 41 And it came to pass that the
their Father; but behold, they are Lord spake unto Enoch, and a told
without affection, and they b hate Enoch all the doings of the children
their own blood; of men; wherefore Enoch knew,
34 And the a fire of mine b indigna- and looked upon their wickedness,
tion is kindled against them; and in and their misery, and wept and
my hot displeasure will I send in the stretched forth his arms, and his
floods upon them, for my fierce an- b
heart swelled wide as eternity; and
ger is kindled against them. his bowels yearned; and all eternity
35 Behold, I am God; a Man of shook.
Holiness is my name; Man of Counsel 42 And Enoch also saw Noah, and
is my name; and Endless and Eternal his a family; that the posterity of all
is my b name, also. the sons of Noah should be saved
36 Wherefore, I can stretch forth with a temporal salvation;
mine hands and hold all the a cre- 43 Wherefore Enoch saw that Noah
ations which I have made; and mine built an a ark; and that the Lord
eye can pierce them also, and among smiled upon it, and held it in his own
all the workmanship of mine hands hand; but upon the residue of the
there has not been so great b wicked- wicked the b floods came and swal-
ness as among thy brethren. lowed them up.
37 But behold, their sins shall be 44 And as Enoch saw this, he had
upon the heads of their fathers; a
bitterness of soul, and wept over
Satan shall be their father, and misery his brethren, and said unto the
shall be their doom; and the whole heavens: I will refuse to be b com-
heavens shall weep over them, even forted; but the Lord said unto Enoch:
all the workmanship of mine hands; Lift up your heart, and be glad;
wherefore should not the heavens and look.
weep, seeing these shall suffer? 45 And it came to pass that Enoch
38 But behold, these which thine looked; and from Noah, he beheld
eyes are upon shall perish in the all the families of the earth; and he
floods; and behold, I will shut cried unto the Lord, saying: When
them up; a a prison have I prepared shall the day of the Lord come? When
for them. shall the blood of the Righteous be
32 a Moses 1:4. 35 a Moses 6:57. b Ezek. 33:11.
b tg God, Intelligence of; b Ex. 3:15; Moses 1:3. c Moses 4:2; Abr. 3:27.
Knowledge. 36 a D&C 38:2; 88:41; d tg Damnation.
c tg Agency. Moses 1:35 (35–37). 41 a tg God, Omniscience of.
33 a tg Love. tg God, Omniscience of. b Mosiah 28:3.
b Gen. 6:11. b Gen. 6:5 (5–6); tg Compassion.
tg Hate. 3 Ne. 9:9; 42 a Gen. 8:16; Moses 8:12.
34 a Num. 11:1 (1, 10); Morm. 4:12 (10–12); 43 a Gen. 6:14–22;
D&C 35:14. D&C 112:23; Ether 6:7 (6–8).
b Ps. 106:40. Moses 8:22 (22, 28–30). b tg Flood; Punish.
c Gen. 7:10 (4, 10); 38 a 1 Pet. 3:20 (18–21). 44 a Job 10:1;
Moses 8:17 (17, 24). tg Spirits in Prison. Isa. 38:15.
tg Flood. 39 a ie the Savior. b Ps. 77:2; Ether 15:3.
Moses 7:46–57 24
shed, that all they that mourn may and he a covenanted with Enoch,
be a sanctified and have eternal and sware unto him with an oath,
life? that he would stay the b floods; that
46 And the Lord said: It shall be in he would call upon the children
the a meridian of time, in the days of of Noah;
wickedness and vengeance. 52 And he sent forth an unalter-
47 And behold, Enoch a saw the day able decree, that a a remnant of his
of the coming of the Son of Man, seed should always be found among
even in the flesh; and his soul re- all nations, while the earth should
joiced, saying: The Righteous is lifted stand;
up, and the b Lamb is slain from the 53 And the Lord said: Blessed is
foundation of the world; and through he through whose seed Messiah
faith I am in the bosom of the Father, shall come; for he saith—I am
and behold, d Zion is with me. a
Messiah, the b King of Zion, the
48 And it came to pass that Enoch c
Rock of Heaven, which is broad as
looked upon the a earth; and he heard d
eternity; whoso cometh in at the
a voice from the bowels thereof, gate and e climbeth up by me shall
saying: Wo, wo is me, the mother never fall; wherefore, blessed are
of men; I am b pained, I am weary, they of whom I have spoken, for
because of the wickedness of my they shall come forth with f songs of
children. When shall I c rest, and be everlasting g joy.
cleansed from the e filthiness which 54 And it came to pass that Enoch
is gone forth out of me? When will cried unto the Lord, saying: When
my Creator sanctify me, that I may the Son of Man cometh in the flesh,
rest, and righteousness for a season shall the earth rest? I pray thee, show
abide upon my face? me these things.
49 And when Enoch heard the earth 55 And the Lord said unto Enoch:
mourn, he wept, and cried unto the Look, and he looked and beheld the
Lord, saying: O Lord, wilt thou not a
Son of Man lifted up on the b cross,
have compassion upon the earth? after the manner of men;
Wilt thou not bless the children 56 And he heard a loud voice; and
of Noah? the heavens were a veiled; and all the
50 And it came to pass that Enoch creations of God mourned; and
continued his cry unto the Lord, say- the earth b groaned; and the rocks
ing: I ask thee, O Lord, in the name were rent; and the c saints arose, and
of thine Only Begotten, even Jesus were d crowned at the e right hand
Christ, that thou wilt have mercy of the Son of Man, with crowns
upon Noah and his seed, that the of glory;
earth might never more be covered 57 And as many of the a spirits as
by the a floods. were in b prison came forth, and
51 And the Lord could not withhold; stood on the right hand of God; and
45 a tg Sanctification. b Ps. 104:9. Prophecies about.
46 a Moses 5:57. 52 a Moses 8:2. b 3 Ne. 27:14.
47 a tg Jesus Christ, Appear- 53 a tg Jesus Christ, Messiah. tg Jesus Christ,
ances, Antemortal. b Matt. 2:2; Crucifixion of.
b tg Jesus Christ, Lamb of 2 Ne. 10:14; 56 a tg Veil.
God; Passover. Alma 5:50; b Matt. 27:51 (45, 50–51).
c tg Faith. D&C 128:22 (22–23). c tg Saints.
d Moses 7:21. c Ps. 71:3; 78:35; d tg Exaltation.
48 a tg Earth, Purpose of. Hel. 5:12. e Matt. 25:34.
b tg Pain. tg Cornerstone; Rock. 57 a tg Spirits,
c Moses 7:64 (54, 58, 64). d tg Eternity. Disembodied.
d tg Earth, Cleansing of. e 2 Ne. 31:19 (19–20). b D&C 76:73 (71–74);
e tg Filthiness. f tg Singing. 88:99.
50 a tg Flood. g tg Joy. tg Salvation for the
51 a Moses 7:60. 55 a tg Jesus Christ, Dead; Spirits in Prison.
25 Moses 7:58–69
the remainder were reserved in from the four quarters of the earth,
chains of darkness until the judg- unto a place which I shall prepare,
ment of the great day. an Holy City, that my people may
58 And again Enoch wept and cried gird up their loins, and be looking
unto the Lord, saying: When shall forth for the time of my coming;
the earth a rest? for there shall be my tabernacle,
59 And Enoch beheld the Son of and it shall be called e Zion, a f New
Man ascend up unto the Father; Jerusalem.
and he called unto the Lord, saying: 63 And the Lord said unto Enoch:
Wilt thou not come again upon the Then shalt thou and all thy a city
earth? Forasmuch as thou art God, meet them there, and we will b receive
and I know thee, and thou hast sworn them into our bosom, and they shall
unto me, and commanded me that see us; and we will fall upon their
I should ask in the name of thine necks, and they shall fall upon our
Only Begotten; thou hast made me, necks, and we will kiss each other;
and given unto me a right to thy 64 And there shall be mine abode,
throne, and not of myself, but through and it shall be Zion, which shall
thine own grace; wherefore, I ask come forth out of all the creations
thee if thou wilt not come again on which I have made; and for the
the earth. space of a a thousand years the b earth
60 And the Lord said unto Enoch: As shall c rest.
I live, even so will I come in the a last 65 And it came to pass that Enoch
days, in the days of wickedness and saw the a day of the b coming of the
vengeance, to fulfil the b oath which Son of Man, in the last days, to dwell
I have made unto you concerning on the earth in righteousness for the
the children of Noah; space of a thousand years;
61 And the day shall come that the 66 But before that day he saw great
earth shall a rest, but before that day tribulations among the wicked; and
the heavens shall be b darkened, and he also saw the sea, that it was trou-
a c veil of darkness shall cover the bled, and men’s hearts a failing them,
earth; and the heavens shall shake, looking forth with fear for the b judg-
and also the earth; and great tribu ments of the Almighty God, which
lations shall be among the chil- should come upon the wicked.
dren of men, but my people will I 67 And the Lord showed Enoch
preserve; all things, even unto the end of the
62 And a righteousness will I send world; and he saw the day of the
down out of heaven; and truth will righteous, the hour of their redemp-
I send forth out of the earth, to bear tion, and received a fulness of a joy;
testimony of mine Only Begotten; 68 And all the days of a Zion, in the
his c resurrection from the dead; yea, days of Enoch, were three hundred
and also the resurrection of all men; and sixty-five years.
and righteousness and truth will 69 And Enoch and all his people
I cause to sweep the earth as with a
walked with God, and he dwelt in
a flood, to d gather out mine elect the midst of Zion; and it came to
58 a Dan. 12:8 (8–13). b tg Testimony. c Moses 7:48.
60 a tg Last Days. c tg Jesus Christ, tg Earth, Purpose of.
b Moses 7:51. Resurrection. 65 a 1 Cor. 5:5.
61 a tg Rest. d tg Israel, Gathering of. b Jude 1:14.
b Micah 3:6; e tg Zion. 66 a Isa. 13:7.
D&C 38:11 (11–12); f tg Jerusalem, New. b tg Judgment, the Last.
112:23. 63 a Rev. 21:10 (9–11); 67 a tg Joy.
c tg Veil. D&C 45:12 (11–12); 68 a Gen. 5:23;
d 1 Ne. 22:17 (15–22); Moses 7:20 (20–21). Moses 8:1.
2 Ne. 30:10. b Rev. 14:13 (12–13). 69 a Gen. 5:24;
tg Protection, Divine. 64 a tg Millennium. Moses 6:34.
62 a tg Righteousness. b tg Earth, Destiny of. tg Walking with God.
Moses 8:1–18 26
pass that Zion was not, for God re- saying: This son shall comfort us
ceived it up into his own bosom; and concerning our work and toil of our
from thence went forth the saying, hands, because of the ground which
Zion is Fled. the Lord hath a cursed.
10 And Lamech lived, after he be-
Chapter 8 gat Noah, five hundred and ninety-
(February 1831) five years, and begat sons and
Methuselah prophesies—Noah and his daughters;
sons preach the gospel—Great wicked 11 And all the days of Lamech were
ness prevails—The call to repentance is seven hundred and seventy-seven
unheeded—God decrees the destruction years, and he died.
12 And Noah was four hundred
of all flesh by the Flood.
and fifty years old, and a begat Ja
And all the days of a Enoch were pheth; and forty-two years afterward
four hundred and thirty years. he begat b Shem of her who was the
2 And it came to pass that mother of Japheth, and when he
Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was was five hundred years old he begat
not taken, that the covenants of c
the Lord might be fulfilled, which 13 And a Noah and his sons heark
he made to Enoch; for he truly ened unto the Lord, and gave heed,
covenanted with Enoch that Noah and they were called the b sons of
should be of the fruit of his loins. God.
3 And it came to pass that Methu 14 And when these men began to
selah a prophesied that from his loins multiply on the face of the earth, and
should spring all the kingdoms of the daughters were born unto them, the
earth (through Noah), and he took a
sons of men saw that those daugh-
glory unto himself. ters were fair, and they took them
4 And there came forth a great b
wives, even as they chose.
famine into the land, and the Lord 15 And the Lord said unto Noah:
cursed the earth with a sore curse, The daughters of thy sons have sold
and many of the inhabitants thereof themselves; for behold mine an-
died. ger is kindled against the sons of
5 And it came to pass that Methu men, for they will not a hearken to
selah lived one hundred and eighty- my voice.
seven years, and begat Lamech; 16 And it came to pass that
6 And Methuselah lived, after he Noah a prophesied, and taught the
begat Lamech, seven hundred and things of God, even as it was in the
eighty-two years, and begat sons and beginning.
daughters; 17 And the Lord said unto Noah:
7 And all the days of Methuselah My Spirit shall not always a strive
were nine hundred and sixty-nine with man, for he shall know that all
years, and he died. b
flesh shall die; yet his days shall be
8 And Lamech lived one hundred an c hundred and twenty years; and
and eighty-two years, and begat if men do not repent, I will send in
a son, the d floods upon them.
9 And he called his name Noah, 18 And in those days there were
8 1 a Moses 7:68–69. 13 a Gen. 6:8; 7:5; 17 a 2 Ne. 26:11;
2 a Moses 7:52 (51–52). D&C 138:41. Ether 2:15.
3 a Moses 6:23. tg Obedience. tg God, Access to.
4 a tg Famine. b tg Sons and Daughters b Gen. 6:3;
b tg Curse. of God. 2 Ne. 9:4 (4–8).
9 a Moses 4:23. 14 a Moses 5:52; 6:15. tg Flesh and Blood.
tg Curse. b tg Marriage, Interfaith; c Gen. 6:3.
12 a Gen. 5:32; 9:18 (18–27). Marriage, Marry. d Gen. 7:10 (4, 10);
b 1 Chr. 1:4. 15 a tg Disobedience. Moses 7:34.
c Abr. 1:11 (11–27). 16 a Moses 6:23.
27 Moses 8:19–30
No. 1
Fig. 1. The Angel of the Lord.
Fig. 2. Abraham fastened upon an altar.
Fig. 3. The idolatrous priest of Elkenah attempting to offer up Abraham as a sacrifice.
Fig. 4. The altar for sacrifice by the idolatrous priests, standing before the gods of Elke-
nah, Libnah, Mahmackrah, Korash, and Pharaoh.
Fig. 5. The idolatrous god of Elkenah.
Fig. 6. The idolatrous god of Libnah.
Fig. 7. The idolatrous god of Mahmackrah.
Fig. 8. The idolatrous god of Korash.
Fig. 9. The idolatrous god of Pharaoh.
Fig. 10. Abraham in Egypt.
Fig. 11. Designed to represent the pillars of heaven, as understood by the Egyptians.
Fig. 12. Raukeeyang, signifying expanse, or the firmament over our heads; but in this
case, in relation to this subject, the Egyptians meant it to signify Shaumau, to be high, or
the heavens, answering to the Hebrew word, Shaumahyeem.
The Book of Abraham
Translated from the Papyrus, by Joseph Smith
A Translation of some ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the cata
combs of Egypt. The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of
Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus.
take away my b life by the hand of god like unto that of Pharaoh, king
the priest of Elkenah. The priest of Egypt.
of Elkenah was also the priest of 14 That you may have an un-
Pharaoh. derstanding of these gods, I have
8 Now, at this time it was the cus- given you the fashion of them in
tom of the priest of Pharaoh, the the figures at the beginning, which
king of Egypt, to offer up upon the manner of figures is called by the
altar which was built in the land Chaldeans Rahleenos, which signi-
of Chaldea, for the offering unto fies hieroglyphics.
these strange gods, men, women, 15 And as they lifted up their hands
and children. upon me, that they might offer me
9 And it came to pass that the up and take away my life, behold, I
priest made an offering unto the god lifted up my voice unto the Lord my
of Pharaoh, and also unto the god of God, and the Lord a hearkened and
Shagreel, even after the manner of heard, and he filled me with the vi-
the Egyptians. Now the god of sion of the Almighty, and the angel
Shagreel was the sun. of his presence stood by me, and
10 Even the thank-offering of a immediately b unloosed my bands;
child did the a priest of Pharaoh of- 16 And his voice was unto me:
fer upon the altar which stood by Abraham, Abraham, behold, my
20 Behold, Potiphar’s Hill was in Noah, his father, who blessed him
the land of a Ur, of Chaldea. And with the b blessings of the earth,
the Lord broke down the altar of and with the blessings of wisdom,
Elkenah, and of the gods of the but cursed him as pertaining to the
land, and utterly destroyed them, Priesthood.
and smote the priest that he died; 27 Now, Pharaoh being of that lin-
and there was great mourning in eage by which he could not have
Chaldea, and also in the court of the right of a Priesthood, notwith-
Pharaoh; which Pharaoh signifies standing the Pharaohs would fain
king by royal blood. b
claim it from Noah, through Ham,
21 Now this king of Egypt was a therefore my father was led away by
descendant from the a loins of b Ham, their idolatry;
and was a partaker of the blood of 28 But I shall endeavor, hereafter,
the c Canaanites by birth. to delineate the chronology running
22 From this descent sprang all back from myself to the beginning
the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the creation, for the a records have
of the a Canaanites was preserved come into my hands, which I hold
in the land. unto this present time.
23 The land of a Egypt being first 29 Now, after the priest of Elkenah
discovered by a woman, who was the was smitten that he died, there came
daughter of Ham, and the daughter a fulfilment of those things which
of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean were said unto me concerning the
signifies Egypt, which signifies that land of Chaldea, that there should
which is forbidden; be a a famine in the land.
24 When this woman discovered 30 Accordingly a famine prevailed
the land it was under water, who throughout all the land of Chaldea,
afterward settled her sons in it; and and my father was sorely tormented
thus, from Ham, sprang that race because of the famine, and he re-
which preserved the curse in the pented of the evil which he had de-
land. termined against me, to take away
25 Now the first a government of my a life.
Egypt was established by Pharaoh, 31 But the a records of the fathers,
the eldest son of Egyptus, the daugh- even the patriarchs, concerning the
ter of Ham, and it was after the right of Priesthood, the Lord my
manner of the government of Ham, God preserved in mine own hands;
which was patriarchal. therefore a knowledge of the begin-
26 Pharaoh, being a righteous man, ning of the creation, and also of the
established his kingdom and judged b
planets, and of the stars, as they
his people wisely and justly all his were made known unto the fathers,
days, seeking earnestly to imitate have I kept even unto this day, and I
that a order established by the fathers shall endeavor to write some of these
in the first generations, in the days things upon this c record, for the ben-
of the first patriarchal reign, even efit of my posterity that shall come
in the reign of Adam, and also of after me.
20 a Gen. 11:28; Ps. 105:23. 29 a Abr. 2:1, 17.
Abr. 1:1; 2:4 (1–4). 25 a tg Governments. tg Famine.
21 a Gen. 10:6 (6–8); 26 a tg Order. 30 a Abr. 1:7 (7, 12).
Abr. 1:25 (20–25). b tg Blessing. 31 a tg Record Keeping;
b Ps. 78:51; 27 a tg Priesthood, Scriptures,
Moses 8:12. Qualifying for. Preservation of.
c Ps. 105:23; b tg Unrighteous b Abr. 3:2 (1–21).
Moses 7:6 (6–8). Dominion. tg Astronomy.
22 a Gen. 10:15 (6–20); 28 a Moses 6:5. c tg Book of
Moses 7:7 (6–8). tg Scriptures, Remembrance.
23 a Gen. 10:6; Writing of.
Abraham 2:1–10 32
11 And I will a bless them that bless 17 Now I, Abraham, built an a altar
thee, and b curse them that curse in the land of Jershon, and made an
thee; and in thee (that is, in thy offering unto the Lord, and prayed
Priesthood) and in thy c seed (that is, that the b famine might be turned
thy Priesthood), for I give unto thee away from my father’s house, that
a promise that this d right shall con- they might not perish.
tinue in thee, and in thy seed after 18 And then we passed from Jershon
thee (that is to say, the literal seed, through the land unto the place
or the seed of the body) shall all the of Sechem; it was situated in the
families of the earth be blessed, even plains of Moreh, and we had al-
with the blessings of the Gospel, ready come into the borders of the
which are the blessings of salvation, land of the a Canaanites, and I of-
even of life eternal. fered b sacrifice there in the plains
12 Now, after the Lord had with- of Moreh, and called on the Lord
drawn from speaking to me, and devoutly, because we had already
withdrawn his face from me, I said come into the land of this idolatrous
in my heart: Thy servant has a sought nation.
thee earnestly; now I have found 19 And the Lord a appeared unto
thee; me in answer to my prayers, and
13 Thou didst send thine angel to said unto me: Unto thy seed will I
deliver me from the gods of Elkenah, give this b land.
and I will do well to hearken unto 20 And I, Abraham, arose from the
thy voice, therefore let thy servant place of the altar which I had built
rise up and depart in peace. unto the Lord, and removed from
14 So I, Abraham, departed as the thence unto a mountain on the east
Lord had said unto me, and Lot with of a Bethel, and pitched my tent there,
me; and I, Abraham, was a sixty and Bethel on the west, and b Hai on the
two years old when I departed out east; and there I built another c altar
of Haran. unto the Lord, and d called again upon
15 And I took Sarai, whom I took to the name of the Lord.
wife when I was in Ur, in Chaldea, 21 And I, Abraham, journeyed, go-
and Lot, my brother’s son, and all ing on still towards the south; and
our substance that we had gathered, there was a continuation of a famine
and the souls that we had a won in in the land; and I, Abraham, concluded
Haran, and came forth in the way to go down into Egypt, to sojourn
to the land of Canaan, and dwelt in there, for the famine became very
tents as we came on our way; grievous.
16 Therefore, a eternity was our 22 And it came to pass when I was
covering and our b rock and our sal- come near to enter into Egypt, the
vation, as we journeyed from Haran Lord a said unto me: Behold, Sarai,
by the way of c Jershon, to come to thy wife, is a very fair woman to
the land of Canaan. look upon;
11 a tg Israel, Blessings of. c ie There is a possibility b Abr. 1:29; 2:1.
b tg Curse. that Abram traveled 18 a Gen. 12:6.
c Isa. 49:3; 61:9. southward on the b tg Sacrifice.
d tg Birthright; ancient route by way 19 a D&C 107:54 (53–54).
Israel, Mission of; of Damascus to the b Gen. 11:31 (27–31);
Priesthood, site of ancient Jerash 13:15; 17:8 (1–27);
Melchizedek. (Jershon), thence down Ex. 3:8 (1–10);
12 a Jer. 29:13; D&C 88:63. the Jabbok, across the Num. 34:2 (1–29).
13 a Abr. 1:15 (15–17). Jordan, and up the tg Promised Lands.
14 a Gen. 12:4. Wadi Farah to Sechem 20 a Gen. 28:19.
15 a Gen. 12:5. (also spelled Shechem, b Gen. 13:3.
tg Conversion. Sichem, and Sychem). c Gen. 13:4.
16 a tg Eternity. 17 a Gen. 12:7 (7–8); d Gen. 12:8.
b tg Rock. 1 Ne. 2:7. 22 a Gen. 12:11.
Abraham 2:23–3:9 34
23 Therefore it shall come to pass, revolution was a b day unto the Lord,
when the Egyptians shall see her, after his manner of reckoning, it
they will say—She is his wife; and being one thousand c years accord-
they will kill you, but they will save ing to the time appointed unto that
her alive; therefore see that ye do on whereon thou standest. This is the
this wise: reckoning of the Lord’s d time, ac-
24 Let her say unto the Egyptians, cording to the reckoning of Kolob.
she is thy sister, and thy soul shall live. 5 And the Lord said unto me: The
25 And it came to pass that I, planet which is the lesser light, lesser
Abraham, told Sarai, my wife, all than that which is to rule the day,
that the Lord had said unto me— even the night, is above or a greater
Therefore say unto them, I pray thee, than that upon which thou standest
thou art my a sister, that it may be in point of reckoning, for it moveth
well with me for thy sake, and my in order more slow; this is in order
soul shall live because of thee. because it standeth above the earth
upon which thou standest, therefore
Chapter 3 the reckoning of its time is not so
Abraham learns about the sun, moon, many as to its number of days, and
and stars by means of the Urim and of months, and of years.
6 And the Lord said unto me: Now,
Thummim—The Lord reveals to him Abraham, these a two facts exist, be-
the eternal nature of spirits—He learns hold thine eyes see it; it is given unto
of pre-earth life, foreordination, the thee to know the times of reckoning,
Creation, the choosing of a Redeemer, and the set time, yea, the set time of
and the second estate of man. the earth upon which thou standest,
And I, Abraham, had the a Urim and and the set time of the greater light
Thummim, which the Lord my God which is set to rule the day, and the
had given unto me, in Ur of the set time of the lesser light which is
Chaldees; set to rule the night.
2 And I saw the a stars, that they were 7 Now the set time of the lesser light
very great, and that one of them was is a longer time as to its reckoning
nearest unto the throne of God; and than the reckoning of the time of
there were many great ones which the earth upon which thou standest.
were near unto it; 8 And where these two facts exist,
3 And the Lord said unto me: These there shall be another fact above
are the governing ones; and the name them, that is, there shall be another
of the great one is a Kolob, because planet whose reckoning of time shall
it is near unto me, for I am the Lord be longer still;
thy God: I have set this one to gov- 9 And thus there shall be the reck-
ern all those which belong to the oning of the time of one a planet
same order as that upon which thou above another, until thou come nigh
standest. unto Kolob, which Kolob is after the
4 And the Lord said unto me, by reckoning of the Lord’s time; which
the Urim and Thummim, that Kolob Kolob is set nigh unto the throne
was after the manner of the Lord, of God, to govern all those planets
according to its a times and seasons which belong to the same b order as
in the revolutions thereof; that one that upon which thou standest.
25 a Gen. 12:13 (9–20); 20:12. 3 a See also Abr., fac. 2, d tg Time.
3 1 a Ex. 28:30; figs. 1–5. 5 a ie It rotates on its
Mosiah 8:13 (13–19); Abr. 3:16; 5:13. axis more slowly. See
28:13 (13–16); tg Astronomy. also v. 7.
JS—H 1:35. 4 a Dan. 2:21. 6 a Abr. 3:16 (16–19).
tg Urim and Thummim. b Abr. 5:13. 9 a tg Astronomy.
2 a Moses 1:35 (35–37); 7:36; c Ps. 90:4; b D&C 77:3; 88:42 (37–42).
Abr. 1:31. 2 Pet. 3:8. tg Order.
35 Abraham 3:10–22
10 And it is given unto thee to know 17 Now, if there be two things, one
the set time of all the stars that are above the other, and the moon be
set to give light, until thou come near above the earth, then it may be that
unto the throne of God. a planet or a star may exist above it;
11 Thus I, Abraham, a talked with the and there is nothing that the Lord
Lord, face to face, as one man talketh thy God shall take in his heart to do
with another; and he told me of the but what he will a do it.
works which his hands had made; 18 Howbeit that he made the greater
12 And he said unto me: My son, star; as, also, if there be two a spirits,
my son (and his hand was stretched and one shall be more intelligent than
out), behold I will show you all these. the other, yet these two spirits, not-
And he put his hand upon mine withstanding one is more intelligent
eyes, and I saw those things which than the other, have no beginning;
his hands had made, which were they existed before, they shall have
many; and they multiplied before no end, they shall exist after, for they
mine eyes, and I could not see the are b gnolaum, or eternal.
end thereof. 19 And the Lord said unto me:
13 And he said unto me: This is These two facts do exist, that there
Shinehah, which is the sun. And he are two spirits, one being more intel-
said unto me: Kokob, which is star. ligent than the other; there shall be
And he said unto me: Olea, which another more intelligent than they;
is the moon. And he said unto me: I am the Lord thy God, I am a more
Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, intelligent than they all.
or all the great lights, which were 20 The Lord thy God sent his angel
in the firmament of heaven. to a deliver thee from the hands of
14 And it was in the night time the priest of Elkenah.
when the Lord spake these words 21 I dwell in the midst of them all; I
unto me: I will a multiply thee, and now, therefore, have come down unto
thy b seed after thee, like unto these; thee to declare unto thee the a works
and if thou canst count the c number which my hands have made, wherein
of sands, so shall be the number of my b wisdom excelleth them all, for
thy seeds. I c rule in the heavens above, and in
15 And the Lord said unto me: the earth beneath, in all wisdom and
Abraham, I a show these things unto prudence, over all the intelligences
thee before ye go into Egypt, that ye thine eyes have seen from the begin-
may declare all these words. ning; I came down in the beginning
16 If a two things exist, and there in the midst of all the intelligences
be one above the other, there shall thou hast seen.
be greater things above them; there- 22 Now the Lord had shown unto
fore b Kolob is the greatest of all the me, Abraham, the a intelligences
Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, be- that were organized before the
cause it is nearest unto me. world was; and among all these
11 a Gen. 17:1; b Abr. 3:3. Moses 1:27 (27–28); 7:23.
Abr. 2:6 (6, 8, 19). 17 a Job 9:4 (4–12). b Job 12:13 (7–25);
tg God, Access to; 18 a tg Spirit Body; 2 Ne. 9:8.
God, Manifestations of; Spirit Creation. c tg God, Perfection of;
God, Privilege of b Gnolaum is a transliter- Kingdom of God, in
Seeing. ation of a Hebrew word Heaven.
14 a Abr. 2:9. meaning eternal. 22 a tg Council in Heaven;
b Gen. 13:16; 19 a Isa. 55:9 (8–9). Intelligence;
D&C 132:30. tg God, Intelligence of; Man, Antemortal
c Gen. 22:17; God, Omniscience of; Existence of;
Hosea 1:10. Intelligence. Man, a Spirit Child of
15 a tg Guidance, Divine. 20 a Abr. 1:15. Heavenly Father;
16 a Abr. 3:6 (6, 8). 21 a D&C 88:47 (45–47); Spirit Creation.
A Facsimile from the Book of Abraham
No. 2
Fig. 1. Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of
God. First in government, the last pertaining to the measurement of time. The measure-
ment according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit. One day
in Kolob is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this earth, which is
called by the Egyptians Jah-oh-eh.
Fig. 2. Stands next to Kolob, called by the Egyptians Oliblish, which is the next grand
governing creation near to the celestial or the place where God resides; holding the key of
power also, pertaining to other planets; as revealed from God to Abraham, as he offered
sacrifice upon an altar, which he had built unto the Lord.
Fig. 3. Is made to represent God, sitting upon his throne, clothed with power and author-
ity; with a crown of eternal light upon his head; representing also the grand Key-words
of the Holy Priesthood, as revealed to Adam in the Garden of Eden, as also to Seth, Noah,
Melchizedek, Abraham, and all to whom the Priesthood was revealed.
Fig. 4. Answers to the Hebrew word Raukeeyang, signifying expanse, or the firmament
of the heavens; also a numerical figure, in Egyptian signifying one thousand; answering to
the measuring of the time of Oliblish, which is equal with Kolob in its revolution and in
its measuring of time.
Fig. 5. Is called in Egyptian Enish-go-on-dosh; this is one of the governing planets also,
and is said by the Egyptians to be the Sun, and to borrow its light from Kolob through the
medium of Kae-e-vanrash, which is the grand Key, or, in other words, the governing power,
which governs fifteen other fixed planets or stars, as also Floeese or the Moon, the Earth
and the Sun in their annual revolutions. This planet receives its power through the medium
of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam, the stars represented by numbers 22 and 23, receiving
light from the revolutions of Kolob.
Fig. 6. Represents this earth in its four quarters.
Fig. 7. Represents God sitting upon his throne, revealing through the heavens the grand
Key-words of the Priesthood; as, also, the sign of the Holy Ghost unto Abraham, in the form
of a dove.
Fig. 8. Contains writings that cannot be revealed unto the world; but is to be had in the
Holy Temple of God.
Fig. 9. Ought not to be revealed at the present time.
Fig. 10. Also.
Fig. 11. Also. If the world can find out these numbers, so let it be. Amen.
Figures 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 will be given in the own due time of the
The above translation is given as far as we have any right to give at the present time.
Abraham 3:23–4:7 38
the waters which were above the to be for signs and for seasons, and
expanse; and it was so, even as they for days and for years;
ordered. 15 And organized them to be for
8 And the Gods called the expanse, lights in the expanse of the heaven
Heaven. And it came to pass that it to give light upon the earth; and it
was from evening until morning was so.
that they called night; and it came 16 And the Gods organized the
to pass that it was from morning un- two great lights, the a greater light to
til evening that they called day; and rule the day, and the lesser light
this was the second a time that they to rule the night; with the lesser
called night and day. light they set the stars also;
9 And the Gods ordered, saying: 17 And the Gods set them in the
Let the a waters under the heaven be expanse of the heavens, to give light
gathered together unto b one place, upon the earth, and to rule over
and let the earth come up dry; and the day and over the night, and to
it was so as they ordered; cause to divide the light from the
10 And the Gods pronounced the a
dry land, Earth; and the gathering 18 And the Gods watched those
together of the waters, pronounced things which they had a ordered un-
they, a Great Waters; and the Gods til they obeyed.
saw that they were obeyed. 19 And it came to pass that it was
11 And the Gods said: Let us pre- from evening until morning that it
pare the earth to bring forth a grass; was night; and it came to pass that it
the herb yielding seed; the fruit tree was from morning until evening that
yielding fruit, after his kind, whose it was day; and it was the fourth time.
seed in itself yieldeth its own like- 20 And the Gods said: Let us pre-
ness upon the earth; and it was so, pare the waters to bring forth abun-
even as they ordered. dantly the moving creatures that
12 And the Gods organized the have life; and the fowl, that they
earth to bring forth grass from its may fly above the earth in the open
own seed, and the herb to bring expanse of heaven.
forth herb from its own seed, yield- 21 And the Gods prepared the wa-
ing seed after his kind; and the earth ters that they might bring forth great
to bring forth the tree from its own a
whales, and every living creature
seed, yielding fruit, whose seed could that moveth, which the waters were
only bring forth the same in itself, to bring forth abundantly after their
after his kind; and the Gods saw that kind; and every winged fowl after
they were obeyed. their kind. And the Gods saw that
13 And it came to pass that they they would be obeyed, and that their
numbered the days; from the eve- plan was good.
ning until the morning they called 22 And the Gods said: We will bless
night; and it came to pass, from the them, and cause them to be fruitful
morning until the evening they called and multiply, and fill the waters in
day; and it was the third time. the seas or a great waters; and cause
14 And the Gods organized the the fowl to multiply in the earth.
lights in the expanse of the heaven, 23 And it came to pass that it was
and caused them to divide the day from evening until morning that
from the night; and organized them they called night; and it came to
8 a Gen. 1:8. 11 a Gen. 1:11 (11–12); D&C 76:71 (70–71); 88:45.
9 a Amos 9:6; Moses 2:11 (11–12). 17 a tg Darkness, Physical.
Moses 2:7 (6–9). 12 a Ex. 9:29; 18 a tg Order.
b Gen. 1:9. D&C 14:9; 15:2. 21 a Gen. 1:21;
10 a Gen. 1:10; 14 a D&C 88:7 (7–11). Moses 2:21.
Abr. 4:22. 16 a Gen. 1:16; 22 a Abr. 4:10.
Abraham 4:24–5:5 40
pass that it was from morning until earth, behold, we will give them life,
evening that they called day; and it and also we will give to them every
was the fifth time. green herb for meat, and all these
24 And the Gods prepared the earth things shall be thus organized.
to bring forth the living creature 31 And the Gods said: We will do
after his kind, cattle and creeping everything that we have said, and
things, and beasts of the earth af- organize them; and behold, they
ter their kind; and it was so, as they shall be very obedient. And it came
had said. to pass that it was from evening
25 And the Gods organized the earth until morning they called night;
to bring forth the beasts after their and it came to pass that it was from
kind, and cattle after their kind, and morning until evening that they
every thing that creepeth upon the called day; and they numbered the
earth after its kind; and the Gods a
sixth time.
saw they would obey.
26 And the Gods took a counsel Chapter 5
among themselves and said: Let us The Gods finish Their planning of the
go down and b form man in our c im- creation of all things—They bring to pass
age, after our likeness; and we will
give them dominion over the fish of the Creation according to Their plans—
the sea, and over the fowl of the air, Adam names every living creature.
and over the cattle, and over all the And thus we will finish the heavens
earth, and over every creeping thing and the earth, and all the a hosts of
that creepeth upon the earth. them.
27 So the a Gods went down to orga- 2 And the Gods said among them-
nize man in their own b image, in the selves: On the seventh time we will
image of the Gods to form they him, end our work, which we have coun-
male and female to form they them. seled; and we will a rest on the b sev-
28 And the Gods said: We will enth time from all our work which
bless them. And the Gods said: We we have counseled.
will cause them to be fruitful and 3 And the Gods concluded upon
multiply, and replenish the earth, the seventh time, because that on the
and subdue it, and to have domin- seventh time they would a rest from
ion over the fish of the sea, and all their b works which they (the
over the fowl of the air, and over Gods) counseled among themselves
every living thing that moveth upon to form; and c sanctified it. And thus
the earth. were their decisions at the time
29 And the Gods said: Behold, we that they counseled among them-
will give them every herb bear- selves to form the heavens and
ing seed that shall come upon the the earth.
face of all the earth, and every tree 4 And the Gods came down and
which shall have fruit upon it; yea, formed these the generations of
the fruit of the tree yielding seed to the heavens and of the earth, when
them we will give it; it shall be for they were formed in the day that
their a meat. the a Gods formed the earth and the
30 And to every beast of the earth, heavens,
and to every fowl of the air, and to 5 According to all that which they
every thing that creepeth upon the had said concerning every plant of
26 a tg Counsel. Corporeal Nature. 3 a Ex. 20:8 (8–11).
b tg Man, Physical 29 a Gen. 1:29 (29–30). b Ex. 31:15 (15–16);
Creation of. 31 a Ex. 31:17; Mosiah 13:18 (16–19).
c Moses 6:9 (8–10). Mosiah 13:19. c Mosiah 13:19 (16–19);
27 a Gen. 1:26; 5 1 a D&C 38:1; 45:1. D&C 77:12.
Abr. 5:7. 2 a tg Rest. 4 a Neh. 9:6.
b tg God, Body of, b tg Sabbath.
A Facsimile from the Book of Abraham
No. 3
Fig. 1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh’s throne, by the politeness of the king, with a
crown upon his head, representing the Priesthood, as emblematical of the grand Presi-
dency in Heaven; with the scepter of justice and judgment in his hand.
Fig. 2. King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head.
Fig. 3. Signifies Abraham in Egypt as given also in Figure 10 of Facsimile No. 1.
Fig. 4. Prince of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, as written above the hand.
Fig. 5. Shulem, one of the king’s principal waiters, as represented by the characters
above his hand.
Fig. 6. Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince.
Abraham is reasoning upon the principles of Astronomy, in the king’s court.
Abraham 5:6–21 42
the field before it was in the a earth, Lord’s a time, which was after the
and every herb of the field before it time of b Kolob; for as yet the Gods
grew; for the Gods had not caused had not appointed unto Adam his
it to rain upon the earth when they reckoning.
counseled to do them, and had not 14 And the Gods said: Let us make
formed a man to till the ground. an help meet for the man, for it is not
6 But there went up a mist from the good that the man should be alone,
earth, and watered the whole face of therefore we will form an help meet
the ground. for him.
7 And the a Gods formed man from 15 And the Gods caused a deep sleep
the b dust of the ground, and took his to fall upon Adam; and he slept, and
spirit (that is, the man’s spirit), and they took one of his ribs, and closed
put it into him; and breathed into his up the flesh in the stead thereof;
nostrils the breath of life, and man 16 And of the rib which the Gods
became a living d soul. had taken from man, formed they
8 And the Gods planted a garden, a a woman, and brought her unto
eastward in a Eden, and there they the man.
put the man, whose spirit they 17 And Adam said: This was bone
had put into the body which they had of my bones, and a flesh of my flesh;
formed. now she shall be called Woman, be-
9 And out of the ground made the cause she was taken out of man;
Gods to grow every tree that is pleas- 18 Therefore shall a man leave his
ant to the sight and good for food; father and his mother, and shall
the a tree of life, also, in the midst of a
cleave unto his wife, and they shall
the garden, and the tree of knowl- be b one flesh.
edge of good and evil. 19 And they were both naked, the
10 There was a river running out man and his wife, and were not
of Eden, to water the garden, and a
from thence it was parted and be- 20 And out of the ground the Gods
came into four heads. formed every beast of the field, and
11 And the Gods took the man and every fowl of the air, and brought
put him in the Garden of Eden, to them unto Adam to see what he
dress it and to keep it. would call them; and whatsoever
12 And the Gods commanded the a
Adam called every living creature,
man, saying: Of every tree of the gar- that should be the name thereof.
den thou mayest freely eat, 21 And Adam gave a names to all
13 But of the tree of knowledge of b
cattle, to the fowl of the air, to
good and evil, thou shalt not eat of every beast of the field; and for
it; for in the time that thou eatest Adam, there was found an c help meet
thereof, thou shalt surely die. Now for him.
I, Abraham, saw that it was after the
5 a tg Spirit Creation. 8 a tg Eden. b tg Divorce;
7 a Abr. 4:27 (26–31). 9 a 1 Ne. 11:25; Marriage, Celestial.
b Moses 4:25 (25–29); 6:59. Moses 4:28, 31. 19 a tg Shame.
c Gen. 2:7; 13 a Abr. 3:4, 10. 20 a tg Adam.
2 Ne. 9:26; tg Time. 21 a tg Language.
D&C 77:2; 93:33. b Abr. 3:3 (2–4). b Enos 1:21;
tg Man, Antemortal 16 a tg Woman. Ether 9:18.
Existence of; 17 a Jacob 2:21. c Abr. 5:14.
Spirit Body. 18 a D&C 42:22;
d tg Soul. 49:15 (15–16).
Joseph Smith—Matthew
An extract from the translation of the Bible as revealed to Joseph Smith
the Prophet in 1831: Matthew 23:39 and chapter 24.
Jesus foretells the impending destruction saying: Tell us when shall these
of Jerusalem—He also discourses on the things be which thou hast said
Second Coming of the Son of Man, and concerning the destruction of the
the destruction of the wicked. temple, and the Jews; and what is
the a sign of thy b coming, and of the
For I say unto you, that ye shall end of the world, or the destruction
a c
not see me henceforth and know of the d wicked, which is the end of
that I am he of whom it is writ- the world?
ten by the prophets, until ye shall 5 And Jesus answered, and said
say: Blessed is he who b cometh in unto them: Take heed that no man
the name of the Lord, in the clouds deceive you;
of heaven, and all the holy angels 6 For many shall come in my name,
with him. Then understood his dis- saying—I am a Christ—and shall de-
ciples that he should come again on ceive many;
the earth, after that he was glorified 7 Then shall they deliver you up to
and c crowned on the right hand be a afflicted, and shall kill you, and
of God. ye shall be b hated of all nations, for
2 And Jesus went out, and departed my name’s sake;
from the temple; and his disciples 8 And then shall many be a of-
came to him, for to a hear him, say- fended, and shall betray one another,
ing: Master, show us concerning the and shall hate one another;
buildings of the temple, as thou hast 9 And many a false prophets shall
said—They shall be thrown down, arise, and shall deceive many;
and left unto you desolate. 10 And because iniquity shall
3 And Jesus said unto them: See ye abound, the a love of many shall wax
not all these things, and do ye not cold;
understand them? Verily I say unto 11 But he that remaineth a steadfast
you, there shall not be left here, upon and is not overcome, the same shall
this temple, one a stone upon another be saved.
that shall not be thrown down. 12 When you, therefore, shall see
4 And Jesus left them, and went the a abomination of b desolation,
upon the Mount of Olives. And as spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the concerning the destruction of c Jeru
disciples came unto him privately, salem, then you shall stand in the
1 1 a Matt. 23:39. tg Last Days. 8 a Ezek. 32:9 (7–9).
b Ps. 118:26 (24–26); b tg Jesus Christ, Second tg Offense.
Matt. 26:64; Coming. 9 a tg False Prophets.
Acts 1:11. c tg World, End of. 10 a D&C 45:27.
c tg Jesus Christ, d Mal. 4:1; 11 a 2 Pet. 3:17.
Relationships with the D&C 133:64 (64–74). 12 a JS—M 1:32.
Father. 6 a Moses 1:19. b tg Abomination of
2 a Matt. 24. tg False Christs. Desolation.
3 a Luke 19:44 (41–44). 7 a 1 Pet. 4:13 (12–16). c tg Jerusalem.
4 a Luke 21:7 (7–36); b tg Hate;
D&C 45:16 (16–75). Malice.
Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:13–33 44
holy place; whoso readeth let him you for the a elect’s sake; and you
understand. also shall hear of b wars, and rumors
13 Then let them who are in Judea of wars; see that ye be not troubled,
flee into the a mountains; for all I have told you must come to
14 Let him who is on the housetop pass; but the end is not yet.
flee, and not return to take anything 24 Behold, I have told you before;
out of his house; 25 Wherefore, if they shall say unto
15 Neither let him who is in the you: Behold, he is in the desert; go
field return back to take his clothes; not forth: Behold, he is in the secret
16 And wo unto them that are with chambers; believe it not;
child, and unto them that give suck 26 For as the light of the morning
in those days; cometh out of the a east, and shineth
17 Therefore, pray ye the Lord that even unto the west, and covereth the
your flight be not in the winter, nei- whole earth, so shall also the coming
ther on the Sabbath day; of the Son of Man be.
18 For then, in those days, shall be 27 And now I show unto you a para-
great a tribulation on the b Jews, and ble. Behold, wheresoever the a carcass
upon the inhabitants of c Jerusalem, is, there will the eagles be b gathered
such as was not before sent upon together; so likewise shall mine elect
Israel, of God, since the beginning of be gathered from the four quarters
their kingdom until this time; no, nor of the earth.
ever shall be sent again upon Israel. 28 And they shall hear of wars, and
19 All things which have befallen rumors of wars.
them are only the beginning of the 29 Behold I speak for mine elect’s
sorrows which shall come upon them. sake; for nation shall rise against
20 And except those days should be nation, and kingdom against king-
shortened, there should none of their dom; there shall be a famines, and
flesh be a saved; but for the elect’s pestilences, and earthquakes, in di
sake, according to the b covenant, vers places.
those days shall be shortened. 30 And again, because iniquity
21 Behold, these things I have spo- shall abound, the love of men shall
ken unto you concerning the Jews; wax a cold; but he that shall not be
and again, after the tribulation of overcome, the same shall be saved.
those days which shall come upon 31 And again, this a Gospel of the
Jerusalem, if any man shall say unto Kingdom shall be preached in all the
you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, be- world, for a witness unto all b nations,
lieve him not; and then shall the end come, or the
22 For in those days there shall also destruction of the wicked;
arise false a Christs, and false proph- 32 And again shall the a abomination
ets, and shall show great signs and of desolation, spoken of by Daniel
wonders, insomuch, that, if possible, the prophet, be fulfilled.
they shall deceive the very elect, 33 And immediately after the
who are the elect according to the tribulation of those days, the a sun
covenant. shall be b darkened, and the moon
23 Behold, I speak these things unto shall not give her light, and the
12 d D&C 101:22 (22–25). 3 Ne. 21:22–24. D&C 43:25 (24–25);
13 a D&C 133:13 (9–13). 22 a tg False Christs. 87:6 (1–8).
16 a Luke 23:29 (29–31). 23 a D&C 29:7 (7–23). 30 a Isa. 9:19;
18 a Dan. 12:1; b D&C 45:26 (18–59). Mosiah 9:2.
JS—M 1:36. 26 a Ezek. 43:2 (1–9). 31 a Matt. 9:35;
b tg Israel, Judah, 27 a Deut. 28:26. D&C 84:80 (79–80).
People of. b Ps. 74:1 (1–2); b tg Nations.
c Zech. 12:3 (1–14); Matt. 24:28; 32 a JS—M 1:12.
14:2 (1–5). 1 Ne. 19:16 (15–16); 33 a Joel 2:10;
20 a D&C 97:25 (21–28). D&C 35:25. D&C 29:14.
b 2 Ne. 30:2; 29 a Joel 1:10; b Amos 5:18.
45 Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:34–53
stars shall fall from heaven, and the the a flood; for until the day that Noah
powers of heaven shall be shaken. entered into the ark they were eating
34 Verily, I say unto you, this a gen- and drinking, marrying and giving
eration, in which these things shall in marriage;
be shown forth, shall not pass away 43 And a knew not until the flood
until all I have told you shall be came, and took them all away; so
fulfilled. shall also the coming of the Son of
35 Although, the days will come, Man be.
that heaven and earth shall pass 44 Then shall be fulfilled that which
away; yet my a words shall not pass is written, that in the a last days, two
away, but all shall be fulfilled. shall be in the field, the one shall be
36 And, as I said before, after the taken, and the other b left;
tribulation of those days, and the 45 Two shall be grinding at the
powers of the heavens shall be shaken, mill, the one shall be taken, and the
then shall appear the sign of the Son other left;
of Man in heaven, and then shall all 46 And what I say unto one, I say
the tribes of the earth b mourn; and unto all men; a watch, therefore, for
they shall see the c Son of Man d com you know not at what hour your Lord
ing in the clouds of heaven, with doth come.
power and great glory; 47 But know this, if the good man
37 And whoso a treasureth up my of the house had known in what
word, shall not be deceived, for the watch the thief would come, he
Son of Man shall b come, and he shall would have watched, and would
send his c angels before him with not have suffered his house to have
the great sound of a trumpet, and been broken up, but would have
they shall gather together the d re- been ready.
mainder of his elect from the four 48 Therefore be ye also a ready, for
winds, from one end of heaven to in such an hour as ye think not, the
the other. Son of Man cometh.
38 Now learn a parable of the a fig 49 Who, then, is a a faithful and wise
tree—When its branches are yet servant, whom his lord hath made
tender, and it begins to put forth ruler over his household, to give them
leaves, you know that summer is meat in due season?
nigh at hand; 50 Blessed is that a servant whom
39 So likewise, mine elect, when his lord, when he cometh, shall find
they shall see all these things, they so doing; and verily I say unto you,
shall know that he is near, even at he shall make him ruler over all his
the doors; goods.
40 But of that day, and hour, no 51 But if that evil servant shall say
one a knoweth; no, not the angels of in his heart: My lord a delayeth his
God in heaven, but my Father only. coming,
41 But as it was in the days of a Noah, 52 And shall begin to smite his
so it shall be also at the coming of fellow-servants, and to eat and drink
the Son of Man; with the drunken,
42 For it shall be with them, as it 53 The lord of that servant shall
was in the days which were before come in a day when he looketh not
33 c Ezek. 32:7 (7–9). Study; 42 a tg Flood.
34 a Matt. 24:34; Treasure. 43 a tg Apathy.
D&C 45:31. b tg Jesus Christ, Second 44 a tg Earth, Cleansing of.
35 a D&C 1:38; 29:33. Coming. b Zech. 13:8.
36 a JS—M 1:18. c D&C 29:11 (11–15); 46 a tg Watch.
tg Tribulation. Moses 7:25 (25–26). 48 a tg Procrastination.
b tg Mourning. d tg Israel, Remnant of. 49 a tg Trustworthiness.
c tg Millennium. 38 a D&C 35:16. 50 a tg Millennium,
d Matt. 25:31. 40 a D&C 39:21 (20–22); 49:7. Preparing a People for.
37 a tg Scriptures, Study of; 41 a Gen. 6:5. 51 a D&C 45:26.
Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:54–55 46
for him, and in an hour that he is 55 And thus cometh the a end of the
not aware of, wicked, according to the prophecy
54 And shall cut him asunder, and of Moses, saying: They shall be cut
shall appoint him his portion with off from among the people; but the
the hypocrites; there shall be weep- end of the earth is not yet, but by
ing and a gnashing of teeth. and by.
54 a Matt. 8:12. 73:17 (3–17); D&C 1:9 (9–10); 29:17.
55 a Ps. 36:11–12; 2 Ne. 30:10; tg World, End of.
Joseph Smith—History
Extracts from the History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet
Joseph Smith tells of his ancestry, family . . . My father, b Joseph Smith, Sen.,
members, and their early abodes—An un left the State of Vermont, and moved
usual excitement about religion prevails to Palmyra, Ontario (now Wayne)
in western New York—He determines to county, in the State of New York,
seek wisdom as directed by James—The when I was in my tenth year, or there-
Father and the Son appear, and Joseph is abouts. In about four years after my
called to his prophetic ministry. (Verses father’s arrival in Palmyra, he moved
1–20.) with his family into Manchester in
the same county of Ontario—
6 For, notwithstanding the great excited, the cry and tumult were so
love which the converts to these dif-
great and incessant. The Presbyteri
ferent faiths expressed at the time of ans were most decided against the
their conversion, and the great zeal Baptists and Methodists, and used
manifested by the respective clergy, all the powers of both reason and
who were active in getting up and sophistry to prove their errors, or,
promoting this extraordinary scene at least, to make the people think
of religious feeling, in order to have they were in error. On the other
everybody converted, as they were hand, the Baptists and Methodists
pleased to call it, let them join what in their turn were equally zealous
sect they pleased; yet when the con- in endeavoring to establish their
verts began to file off, some to one own tenets and disprove all others.
party and some to another, it was 10 In the midst of this war of words
seen that the seemingly good feelings and tumult of opinions, I often said
of both the priests and the converts to myself: What is to be done? Who
were more b pretended than real; for of all these parties are right; or, are
a scene of great confusion and bad they all wrong together? If any one
feeling ensued—priest contending of them be a right, which is it, and
against priest, and convert against how shall I know it?
convert; so that all their good feel- 11 While I was laboring under
ings one for another, if they ever the extreme difficulties caused by
had any, were entirely lost in a the contests of these parties of reli-
strife of words and a contest about gionists, I was one day reading the
opinions. a
Epistle of James, first chapter and
7 I was at this time in my fifteenth fifth verse, which reads: If any of you
year. My father’s family was prose- lack b wisdom, let him ask of God, that
lyted to the Presbyterian faith, and giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth
four of them joined that church, not; and it shall be given him.
namely, my mother, Lucy; my broth- 12 Never did any passage of a scrip-
ers Hyrum and Samuel Harrison; and ture come with more power to the
my sister Sophronia. heart of man than this did at this
8 During this time of great excite- time to mine. It seemed to enter with
ment my mind was called up to seri- great force into every feeling of my
ous reflection and great uneasiness; heart. I reflected on it again and
but though my feelings were deep again, knowing that if any person
and often poignant, still I kept myself needed b wisdom from God, I did; for
aloof from all these parties, though how to act I did not know, and un-
I attended their several meetings as less I could get more wisdom than I
often as occasion would permit. In then had, I would never know; for the
process of time my mind became teachers of religion of the different
somewhat partial to the Methodist sects c understood the same passages
sect, and I felt some desire to be of scripture so differently as to de-
united with them; but so great were stroy all confidence in settling the
the confusion and a strife among the question by an appeal to the Bible.
different denominations, that it was 13 At length I came to the con-
impossible for a person young as I clusion that I must either remain
was, and so unacquainted with men in a darkness and confusion, or else
and things, to come to any certain I must do as James directs, that is,
conclusion who was b right and who ask of God. I at length came to the
was wrong. determination to “ask of God,” con-
9 My mind at times was greatly cluding that if he gave wisdom to
6 a 1 Pet. 1:22. 10 a tg Truth. 12 a D&C 138:6.
b tg Guile; Hypocrisy. 11 a James 1:5 (1–7). b tg Guidance, Divine.
8 a tg Strife. b 1 Kgs. 3:12; 2 Ne. 28:15; c 1 Cor. 2:11 (10–16).
b D&C 101:95 (93–95). Jacob 6:12. 13 a Micah 7:8.
49 Joseph Smith—History 1:14–19
them that lacked wisdom, and would at this moment of great alarm, I saw
give liberally, and not upbraid, I a pillar of c light exactly over my
might venture. head, above the brightness of the
14 So, in accordance with this, my d
sun, which descended gradually
determination to ask of God, I retired until it fell upon me.
to the a woods to make the attempt. 17 It no sooner appeared than I
It was on the morning of a b beauti- found myself a delivered from the
ful, clear day, early in the spring of enemy which held me bound. When
eighteen hundred and twenty. It was the light rested upon me I b saw two
the first time in my life that I had c
Personages, whose brightness and
made such an attempt, for amidst d
glory defy all description, e stand-
all my anxieties I had never as yet ing above me in the air. One of them
made the attempt to c pray d vocally. spake unto me, calling me by name
15 After I had retired to the place and said, pointing to the other—This
where I had previously designed to is My f Beloved g Son. Hear Him!
go, having looked around me, and 18 My object in going to a inquire of
finding myself alone, I kneeled down the Lord was to know which of all
and began to offer up the desires of the sects was right, that I might know
my heart to God. I had scarcely done which to join. No sooner, therefore,
so, when immediately I was a seized did I get possession of myself, so as
upon by some power which entirely to be able to speak, than I asked the
overcame me, and had such an aston- Personages who stood above me in
ishing influence over me as to bind the light, which of all the sects was
my tongue so that I could not speak. right (for at this time it had never
Thick b darkness gathered around me, entered into my heart that all were
and it seemed to me for a time as if I wrong)—and which I should join.
were doomed to sudden destruction. 19 I was answered that I must join
16 But, exerting all my powers to none of them, for they were all
call upon God to deliver me out of a
wrong; and the Personage who ad-
the power of this enemy which had dressed me said that all their creeds
seized upon me, and at the very were an abomination in his sight; that
moment when I was ready to sink those b professors were all c corrupt;
into b despair and abandon myself that: “they d draw near to me with
to destruction—not to an imaginary their lips, but their e hearts are far
ruin, but to the power of some actual from me, they teach for doctrines
being from the unseen world, who the f commandments of men, having
had such marvelous power as I had a form of godliness, but they deny
never before felt in any being—just the g power thereof.”
13 b tg Communication. tg God, Manifestations D&C 6:11; 46:7.
14 a Matt. 14:23. of; Godhead; God the 19 a tg Apostasy of the
b tg Beauty. Father, Elohim; Jesus Early Christian Church.
c tg Prayer. Christ, Appearances, b Jude 1:4.
d Ps. 77:1. Postmortal; tg False Prophets.
15 a Eph. 6:12 (11–18). Restoration of the c tg False Doctrine.
b Gen. 15:12 (1–21). Gospel; d Isa. 29:13;
tg Darkness, Physical. Revelation. Ezek. 33:31 (30–33);
16 a Moses 1:20. d tg Jesus Christ, Luke 6:46.
b Isa. 6:5 (1–7). Glory of. e Jer. 3:10.
tg Despair. e 1 Sam. 3:10. tg Apostasy of
c Acts 26:13. f Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Individuals;
d Rev. 1:16. 3 Ne. 11:7. Hardheartedness;
17 a tg Deliver. tg Witness of the Hypocrisy.
b tg God, Privilege of Father. f Col. 2:22 (18–22);
Seeing; Vision. g tg Jesus Christ, Divine Titus 1:14;
c Jer. 10:10; Sonship. D&C 3:6 (6–7); 45:29;
1 Jn. 4:12 (7–21); 18 a Ex. 18:15; 1 Sam. 9:9; 46:7.
JS—H 1:25. Alma 27:10 (7, 10); g 2 Tim. 3:5.
Joseph Smith—History 1:20–24 50
20 He again forbade me to join with there would never be any more of
any of them; and many other things them.
did he say unto me, which I cannot 22 I soon found, however, that my
write at this time. When I came to telling the story had excited a great
myself again, I found myself a lying deal of prejudice against me among
on my back, looking up into heaven. professors of religion, and was the
When the light had departed, I had cause of great a persecution, which
no strength; but soon recovering in continued to increase; and though I
some degree, I went home. And as I was an b obscure boy, only between
leaned up to the fireplace, b mother fourteen and fifteen years of age,
inquired what the matter was. I re- and my circumstances in life such as
plied, “Never mind, all is well—I am to make a boy of no consequence in
well enough off.” I then said to my the world, yet men of high standing
mother, “I have learned for myself would take notice sufficient to ex-
that Presbyterianism is not true.” It cite the public mind against me, and
seems as though the c adversary was create a bitter persecution; and this
aware, at a very early period of my was common among all the sects—
life, that I was destined to prove a all united to persecute me.
disturber and an annoyer of his 23 It caused me serious reflection
kingdom; else why should the pow- then, and often has since, how very
ers of darkness combine against me? strange it was that an obscure a boy,
Why the d opposition and persecution of a little over fourteen years of age,
that arose against me, almost in my and one, too, who was doomed to the
infancy ? necessity of obtaining a scanty main-
tenance by his daily b labor, should
Some preachers and other professors of be thought a character of sufficient
religion reject the account of the First importance to attract the attention
Vision—Persecution is heaped upon of the great ones of the most popular
Joseph Smith—He testifies of the real sects of the day, and in a manner to
ity of the vision. (Verses 21–26.) create in them a spirit of the most
bitter c persecution and d reviling.
21 Some few days after I had this But strange or not, so it was, and it
vision, I happened to be in company was often the cause of great sorrow
with one of the Methodist preachers, to myself.
who was very active in the before 24 However, it was nevertheless a
mentioned religious excitement; and, fact that I had beheld a a vision. I
conversing with him on the subject have thought since, that I felt much
of religion, I took occasion to give like Paul, when he made his defense
him an account of the vision which before King Agrippa, and related
I had had. I was greatly surprised at the account of the vision he had
his behavior; he treated my commu- when he saw a light, and heard a
nication not only lightly, but with voice; but still there were but few
great contempt, saying it was all of who believed him; some said he was
the devil, that there were no such dishonest, others said he was b mad;
things as a visions or b revelations in and he was ridiculed and reviled.
these days; that all such things had But all this did not destroy the re-
ceased with the apostles, and that ality of his vision. He had seen a
20 a Dan. 10:9; 1 Ne. 1:7; 21 a 1 Sam. 3:1. Acts 5:38 (38–39).
Moses 1:9. b tg Revelation. b tg Industry.
b JS—H 1:4. 22 a James 5:10 (10–11); c Jer. 1:19 (6–19).
tg Family, Love within. Mosiah 17:13 (10–20); tg Malice; Persecution.
c tg Devil. Alma 14:26 (20–27). d tg Reviling.
d Jer. 11:19; b 1 Sam. 17:33 (32–51); 24 a Ezek. 1:1; 1 Ne. 1:16.
Matt. 10:22; 1 Chr. 29:1. tg Vision.
Moses 6:31 (31–37). 23 a Amos 7:14 (14–15); b Acts 26:24 (1–32).
51 Joseph Smith—History 1:25–29
vision, he knew he had, and all the Moroni continues to instruct the
persecution under heaven could not Prophet. (Verses 27–54.)
make it otherwise; and though they
should persecute him unto death, 27 I continued to pursue my com-
yet he knew, and would know to his mon vocations in life until the
latest breath, that he had both seen twenty-first of September, one thou-
a light and heard a voice speaking sand eight hundred and twenty-
unto him, and all the world could three, all the time suffering severe
not make him think or believe persecution at the hands of all
otherwise. classes of men, both religious and
25 So it was with me. I had actu- irreligious, because I continued to
ally seen a light, and in the midst of a
affirm that I had seen a vision.
that light I saw two a Personages, and 28 During the space of time which
they did in reality speak to me; and intervened between the time I had
though I was b hated and c persecuted the vision and the year eighteen
for saying that I had seen a vision, hundred and twenty-three—having
yet it was true; and while they were been forbidden to join any of the
persecuting me, reviling me, and religious sects of the day, and being
speaking all manner of evil against of very tender years, and persecuted
me d falsely for so saying, I was led to by those who ought to have been
say in my heart: Why persecute me my a friends and to have treated me
for telling the truth? I have actually kindly, and if they supposed me to
seen a vision; and who am I that I be deluded to have endeavored in
can withstand God, or why does the a proper and affectionate manner
world think to make me deny what to have reclaimed me—I was left
I have actually seen? For I had seen to all kinds of b temptations; and,
a vision; I knew it, and I knew that mingling with all kinds of society,
God knew it, and I could not e deny it, I frequently fell into many foolish
neither dared I do it; at least I knew c
errors, and displayed the weakness
that by so doing I would offend God, of youth, and the foibles of human
and come under condemnation. nature; which, I am sorry to say, led
26 I had now got my mind satisfied me into divers temptations, offen-
so far as the sectarian world was con- sive in the sight of God. In making
cerned—that it was not my duty to this confession, no one need suppose
join with any of them, but to con- me guilty of any great or malignant
tinue as I was until further a directed. sins. A disposition to commit such
I had found the testimony of James was never in my nature. But I was
to be true—that a man who lacked guilty of d levity, and sometimes asso-
wisdom might ask of God, and ob- ciated with jovial company, etc., not
tain, and not be b upbraided. consistent with that character which
ought to be maintained by one who
Moroni appears to Joseph Smith— was e called of God as I had been. But
Joseph’s name is to be known for good this will not seem very strange to any
and evil among all nations—Moroni one who recollects my youth, and is
tells him of the Book of Mormon and of acquainted with my native f cheery
the coming judgments of the Lord and temperament.
quotes many scriptures—The hiding 29 In consequence of these things,
place of the gold plates is revealed— I often felt condemned for my
24 c 1 Thes. 3:3. Integrity. b tg Temptation.
25 a JS—H 1:17. 26 a JS—H 1:33 (33–50). c Ps. 25:7;
b tg Hate. b Ps. 20:6; D&C 20:5.
c tg Adversity. James 1:5. d tg Levity.
d tg Injustice. 27 a 2 Cor. 1:12. e tg Called of God.
e tg Courage; Honesty; 28 a tg Friendship. f tg Cheerful.
Joseph Smith—History 1:30–37 52
weakness and imperfections; when, When I first looked upon him, I was
on the evening of the above- c
afraid; but the d fear soon left me.
mentioned twenty-first of September, 33 He called me by a name, and said
after I had retired to my bed for the unto me that he was a b messenger sent
night, I betook myself to a prayer and from the presence of God to me, and
supplication to Almighty God for that his name was Moroni; that God
forgiveness of all my sins and fol- had a work for me to do; and that
lies, and also for a manifestation to my name should be had for c good
me, that I might know of my state and evil among all nations, kindreds,
and standing before him; for I had and tongues, or that it should be
full b confidence in obtaining a di- both good and evil spoken of among
vine manifestation, as I previously all people.
had one. 34 He said there was a a book de-
30 While I was thus in the act of posited, written upon gold plates,
calling upon God, I discovered a giving an account of the former in-
light appearing in my room, which habitants of this continent, and the
continued to increase until the room source from whence they sprang. He
was lighter than at noonday, when also said that the b fulness of the ever-
immediately a b personage appeared lasting Gospel was contained in it, as
at my bedside, standing in the air, delivered by the Savior to the ancient
for his feet did not touch the floor. inhabitants;
31 He had on a loose robe of most 35 Also, that there were two stones
exquisite a whiteness. It was a white- in silver bows—and these stones,
ness beyond anything earthly I had fastened to a a breastplate, consti-
ever seen; nor do I believe that any tuted what is called the b Urim and
earthly thing could be made to ap- Thummim—deposited with the
pear so exceedingly white and bril- plates; and the possession and use of
liant. His hands were naked, and his these stones were what constituted
arms also, a little above the wrist; so, c
“seers” in ancient or former times;
also, were his feet naked, as were and that God had prepared them for
his legs, a little above the ankles. the purpose of translating the book.
His head and neck were also bare. I 36 After telling me these things, he
could discover that he had no other commenced quoting the prophecies
clothing on but this robe, as it was of the Old Testament. He first quoted
open, so that I could see into his part of the a third chapter of Malachi;
bosom. and he quoted also the fourth or last
32 Not only was his robe exceed- chapter of the same prophecy, though
ingly white, but his whole person with a little variation from the way it
was a glorious beyond description, reads in our Bibles. Instead of quot-
and his countenance truly like ing the first verse as it reads in our
lightning. The room was exceed- books, he quoted it thus:
ingly light, but not so very bright 37 For behold, the a day cometh that
as immediately around his person. shall b burn as an oven, and all the
29 a tg Prayer. d Dan. 10:12; 35 a Ex. 25:7;
b James 1:6 (5–7). Hel. 5:26; Lev. 8:8 (7–9).
30 a 1 Ne. 1:6. D&C 68:6; 98:1. b Ex. 28:30.
b tg Angels. 33 a Ex. 33:12 (12, 17); tg Urim and
31 a Acts 10:30 (30–33); Isa. 45:3 (3–4). Thummim.
1 Ne. 8:5; b JS—H 1:26. c 1 Sam. 9:9.
3 Ne. 11:8. c Isa. 5:20. 36 a Mal. 3–4.
32 a tg Glory. 34 a tg Book of Mormon; 37 a tg Day of the Lord.
b Ex. 34:29 (29–35); Scriptures, b Isa. 9:5 (5, 18–19);
Hel. 5:36; Preservation of. 3 Ne. 25;
D&C 110:3. b Rom. 15:29. D&C 64:23 (23–24).
c Ex. 3:6; tg Restoration of the tg Earth, Cleansing of;
Ether 3:6 (6–8, 19). Gospel. World, End of.
53 Joseph Smith—History 1:38–45
proud, yea, and all that do wickedly I should not show them to any per-
shall burn as c stubble; for they that son; neither the breastplate with the
come shall burn them, saith the Lord of Urim and Thummim; only to those
Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root to whom I should be commanded
nor branch. to show them; if I did I should be
38 And again, he quoted the fifth a
destroyed. While he was convers-
verse thus: Behold, I will reveal unto ing with me about the plates, the vi-
you the a Priesthood, by the hand of sion was opened to my b mind that I
Elijah the prophet, before the coming of could see the place where the plates
the great and dreadful day of the c Lord. were deposited, and that so clearly
39 He also quoted the next verse and distinctly that I knew the place
differently: And he shall plant in the again when I visited it.
hearts of the a children the b promises 43 After this communication, I saw
made to the fathers, and the hearts of the light in the room begin to gather
the children shall turn to their fathers. immediately around the person of
If it were not so, the whole earth would him who had been speaking to me,
be utterly wasted at his coming. and it continued to do so until the
40 In addition to these, he quoted room was again left dark, except
the a eleventh chapter of Isaiah, say- just around him; when, instantly I
ing that it was about to be fulfilled. saw, as it were, a conduit open right
He quoted also the third chapter of up into heaven, and he a ascended
Acts, twenty-second and twenty- till he entirely disappeared, and the
third verses, precisely as they stand room was left as it had been before
in our New Testament. He said that this heavenly light had made its
that b prophet was Christ; but the day appearance.
had not yet come when “they who 44 I lay musing on the singularity
would not hear his voice should be of the scene, and marveling greatly
cut off from among the people,” but at what had been told to me by this
soon would come. extraordinary messenger; when, in
41 He also quoted the a second chap- the midst of my a meditation, I sud-
ter of Joel, from the twenty-eighth denly discovered that my room was
verse to the last. He also said that this again beginning to get lighted, and
was not yet fulfilled, but was soon in an instant, as it were, the same
to be. And he further stated that the heavenly messenger was again by
fulness of the b Gentiles was soon to my bedside.
come in. He quoted many other pas- 45 He commenced, and a again re-
sages of scripture, and offered many lated the very same things which
explanations which c cannot be men- he had done at his first visit, with-
tioned here. out the least variation; which hav-
42 Again, he told me, that when I ing done, he informed me of great
got those plates of which he had spo- b
judgments which were coming upon
ken—for the time that they should the earth, with great desolations by
be obtained was not yet fulfilled— c
famine, d sword, and pestilence; and
37 c Ex. 15:7 (7–8); Salvation for the Dead. 42 a JS—H 1:59.
Nahum 1:10; b Gal. 3:5, 8, 18, 29. b tg Mind.
1 Ne. 22:23 (15, 23); 40 a Isa. 11:10 (1–16). 43 a Acts 1:9.
2 Ne. 26:6 (4–6); b Deut. 18:15 (15–19); 44 a D&C 76:19.
D&C 29:9. Acts 3:22 (22–23); 7:37. tg Meditation.
38 a tg Priesthood; c 3 Ne. 20:23; 21:20. 45 a Ezek. 2:3 (1–10);
Priesthood, Keys of. 41 a Joel 2:28 (28–32); 3:4 (1–27).
b Mal. 4:5 (5–6); Acts 2:16 (16–21). b tg Judgment.
D&C 27:9; 110:13–16; b Isa. 42:6; c tg Famine.
138:46. Rom. 11:25 (11–27); d Deut. 32:25;
c tg Millennium. D&C 88:84 (84–85). 1 Ne. 1:13;
39 a tg Genealogy and tg Gentiles. Alma 10:22.
Temple Work; c 2 Cor. 12:4.
Joseph Smith—History 1:46–52 54
that these grievous judgments would fence out of the field where we were,
come on the earth in this generation. my strength entirely failed me, and
Having related these things, he again I b fell helpless on the ground, and
ascended as he had done before. for a time was quite unconscious of
46 By this time, so deep were the anything.
impressions made on my mind, that 49 The first thing that I can recol-
sleep had fled from my eyes, and I lect was a voice speaking unto me,
lay overwhelmed in a astonishment at calling me by name. I looked up, and
what I had both seen and heard. But beheld the same messenger standing
what was my surprise when again I over my head, surrounded by light
beheld the same messenger at my as before. He then again related unto
bedside, and heard him rehearse or me all that he had related to me the
repeat over again to me the same previous night, and commanded me
things as before; and added a caution to go to my a father and tell him of
to me, telling me that Satan would the vision and commandments which
try to b tempt me (in consequence of I had received.
the indigent circumstances of my 50 I obeyed; I returned to my a father
father’s family), to get the plates for in the field, and rehearsed the whole
the purpose of getting c rich. This matter to him. He b replied to me that
he forbade me, saying that I must it was of God, and told me to go and
have no other object in view in get- do as commanded by the messenger.
ting the plates but to glorify God, I left the field, and went to the place
and must not be influenced by any where the messenger had told me the
other d motive than that of building plates were deposited; and owing to
his kingdom; otherwise I could not the distinctness of the vision which
get them. I had had concerning it, I knew the
47 After this third visit, he again place the instant that I arrived there.
ascended into heaven as before, 51 Convenient to the village of
and I was again left to a ponder on Manchester, Ontario county, New
the strangeness of what I had just York, stands a a hill of considerable
experienced; when almost immedi- size, and the most elevated of any in
ately after the heavenly messenger the neighborhood. On the west side
had ascended from me for the third of this hill, not far from the top, un-
time, the cock crowed, and I found der a stone of considerable size, lay
that day was approaching, so that the plates, deposited in a stone box.
our interviews must have occupied This stone was thick and rounding
the whole of that night. in the middle on the upper side, and
48 I shortly after arose from my bed, thinner towards the edges, so that the
and, as usual, went to the necessary middle part of it was visible above
labors of the day; but, in attempting the ground, but the edge all around
to work as at other times, I found my was covered with earth.
strength so exhausted as to render 52 Having removed the earth, I
me entirely unable. My father, who obtained a lever, which I got fixed
was laboring along with me, discov- under the edge of the stone, and
ered something to be wrong with me, with a little exertion raised it up.
and told me to go home. I started I looked in, and there indeed did I
with the intention of going to the behold the a plates, the b Urim and
house; but, in attempting to cross the Thummim, and the breastplate, as
46 a Dan. 8:27. 48 a
tg Strength. 51 a D&C 128:20.
b tg Temptation. b Acts 9:4 (4–8). 52 a Morm. 6:6;
c tg Sacrilege. 49 a
tg Family, Love within. Ether 4:5 (4–7);
d Luke 11:34 (34–36); 50 a
tg Honoring Father and D&C 17:1.
D&C 121:37. Mother. b tg Urim and
47 a tg Meditation. b tg Counsel. Thummim.
55 Joseph Smith—History 1:53–59
stated by the messenger. The box I hired with an old gentleman by the
in which they lay was formed by name of Josiah Stoal, who lived in
laying stones together in some kind Chenango county, State of New York.
of cement. In the bottom of the box He had heard something of a silver
were laid two stones crossways of mine having been opened by the
the box, and on these stones lay Spaniards in Harmony, Susquehanna
the plates and the other things county, State of Pennsylvania; and
with them. had, previous to my hiring to him,
53 I made an attempt to take them been digging, in order, if possible,
out, but was forbidden by the mes- to discover the mine. After I went to
senger, and was again informed that live with him, he took me, with the
the time for bringing them forth had rest of his hands, to dig for the silver
not yet arrived, neither would it, un- mine, at which I continued to work
til four years from that time; but he for nearly a month, without success
told me that I should come to that in our undertaking, and finally I pre-
place precisely in one year from that vailed with the old gentleman to cease
time, and that he would there meet digging after it. Hence arose the very
with me, and that I should continue prevalent story of my having been a
to do so until the time should come money-digger.
for obtaining the plates. 57 During the time that I was thus
54 Accordingly, as I had been com- employed, I was put to board with
manded, I went at the end of each a Mr. Isaac Hale, of that place; it
year, and at each time I found the was there I first saw my wife (his
same messenger there, and received daughter), Emma Hale. On the 18th
instruction and intelligence from of January, 1827, we were married,
him at each of our interviews, re- while I was yet employed in the ser-
specting what the Lord was going vice of Mr. Stoal.
to do, and how and in what manner 58 Owing to my continuing to as-
his a kingdom was to be conducted sert that I had seen a vision, a per-
in the last days. secution still followed me, and my
Joseph Smith marries Emma Hale—He wife’s father’s family were very
receives the gold plates from Moroni much opposed to our being mar-
and translates some of the characters— ried. I was, therefore, under the ne-
Martin Harris shows the characters and cessity of taking her elsewhere; so
we went and were married at the
translation to Professor Anthon, who house of Squire Tarbill, in South
says, “I cannot read a sealed book.” Bainbridge, Chenango county, New
(Verses 55–65.)
York. Immediately after my mar-
55 As my father’s worldly circum- riage, I left Mr. Stoal’s, and went to
stances were very limited, we were my father’s, and b farmed with him
under the necessity of a laboring that season.
with our hands, hiring out by day’s 59 At length the time arrived for
work and otherwise, as we could get obtaining the plates, the Urim and
opportunity. Sometimes we were at Thummim, and the breastplate. On
home, and sometimes abroad, and the twenty-second day of September,
by continuous b labor were enabled one thousand eight hundred and
to get a comfortable maintenance. twenty-seven, having gone as usual
56 In the year 1823 my father’s at the end of another year to the
family met with a great a affliction place where they were deposited,
by the death of my eldest brother, the same heavenly messenger de-
Alvin. In the month of October, 1825,
livered them up to a me with this
54 a tg Kingdom of God, on 56 a tg Affliction. b tg Industry.
Earth. b JS—H 1:4. 59 a Isa. 29:12.
55 a tg Industry. 58 a tg Hate;
b tg Work, Value of. Persecution.
Joseph Smith—History 1:60–64 56
which I laid my hands upon his head prophesied concerning the rise of
and ordained him to the Aaronic this Church, and many other things
Priesthood, and afterwards he laid connected with the Church, and this
his hands on me and ordained me generation of the children of men. We
to the same Priesthood—for so we were filled with the Holy Ghost, and
were commanded.* rejoiced in the God of our salvation.
72 The a messenger who visited 74 Our minds being now enlight-
us on this occasion and conferred ened, we began to have the a scriptures
this Priesthood upon us, said that laid open to our understandings, and
his name was John, the same that the b true meaning and intention of
is called b John the Baptist in the their more c mysterious passages re-
New Testament, and that he acted vealed unto us in a manner which
under the direction of c Peter, James we never could attain to previously,
and John, who held the keys of the nor ever before had thought of. In
Priesthood of Melchizedek, which the meantime we were forced to keep
Priesthood, he said, would in due secret the circumstances of having
time be conferred on us, and that I received the Priesthood and our hav-
should be called the first d Elder of ing been baptized, owing to a spirit of
the Church, and he (Oliver Cowdery) persecution which had already man-
the second. It was on the fifteenth day ifested itself in the neighborhood.
of May, 1829, that we were ordained 75 We had been threatened with be-
under the hand of this messenger, ing mobbed, from time to time, and
and baptized. this, too, by professors of religion.
73 Immediately on our coming up And their intentions of mobbing
out of the water after we had been us were only counteracted by the
baptized, we experienced great and influence of my wife’s father’s fam-
glorious blessings from our Heavenly ily (under Divine providence), who
Father. No sooner had I baptized had become very a friendly to me,
Oliver Cowdery, than the Holy Ghost and who were opposed to mobs, and
fell upon him, and he stood up and were willing that I should be allowed
prophesied many things which to continue the work of translation
should shortly come to pass. And without interruption; and therefore
again, so soon as I had been bap- offered and promised us protection
tized by him, I also had the spirit from all unlawful proceedings, as
of prophecy, when, standing up, I far as in them lay.
* Oliver Cowdery describes these events thus: “These were days never to be for-
gotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awak-
ened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted,
to write from his mouth, as he translated with the Urim and Thummim, or, as the
Nephites would have said, ‘Interpreters,’ the history or record called ‘The Book of
“To notice, in even few words, the interesting account given by Mormon and his
faithful son, Moroni, of a people once beloved and favored of heaven, would super-
sede my present design; I shall therefore defer this to a future period, and, as I said
in the introduction, pass more directly to some few incidents immediately connected
with the rise of this Church, which may be entertaining to some thousands who have
stepped forward, amid the frowns of bigots and the calumny of hypocrites, and em-
braced the Gospel of Christ.
“No men, in their sober senses, could translate and write the directions given to the
Nephites from the mouth of the Savior, of the precise manner in which men should
build up His Church, and especially when corruption had spread an uncertainty over
all forms and systems practiced among men, without desiring a privilege of showing
the willingness of the heart by being buried in the liquid grave, to answer a ‘good
conscience by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.’
“After writing the account given of the Savior’s ministry to the remnant of the
seed of Jacob, upon this continent, it was easy to be seen, as the prophet said it would
be, that darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people. On
reflecting further it was as easy to be seen that amid the great strife and noise con-
cerning religion, none had authority from God to administer the ordinances of the
Gospel. For the question might be asked, have men authority to administer in the
name of Christ, who deny revelations, when His testimony is no less than the spirit of
prophecy, and His religion based, built, and sustained by immediate revelations, in all
ages of the world when He has had a people on earth? If these facts were buried, and
carefully concealed by men whose craft would have been in danger if once permitted
to shine in the faces of men, they were no longer to us; and we only waited for the
commandment to be given ‘Arise and be baptized.’
“This was not long desired before it was realized. The Lord, who is rich in mercy,
and ever willing to answer the consistent prayer of the humble, after we had called
upon Him in a fervent manner, aside from the abodes of men, condescended to mani
fest to us His will. On a sudden, as from the midst of eternity, the voice of the Re-
deemer spake peace to us, while the veil was parted and the angel of God came down
clothed with glory, and delivered the anxiously looked for message, and the keys of
the Gospel of repentance. What joy! what wonder! what amazement! While the world
was racked and distracted—while millions were groping as the blind for the wall, and
while all men were resting upon uncertainty, as a general mass, our eyes beheld, our
ears heard, as in the ‘blaze of day’; yes, more—above the glitter of the May sunbeam,
which then shed its brilliancy over the face of nature! Then his voice, though mild,
pierced to the center, and his words, ‘I am thy fellow-servant,’ dispelled every fear. We
listened, we gazed, we admired! ’Twas the voice of an angel from glory, ’twas a mes-
sage from the Most High! And as we heard we rejoiced, while His love enkindled upon
our souls, and we were wrapped in the vision of the Almighty! Where was room for
doubt? Nowhere; uncertainty had fled, doubt had sunk no more to rise, while fiction
and deception had fled forever!
“But, dear brother, think, further think for a moment, what joy filled our hearts,
and with what surprise we must have bowed, (for who would not have bowed the knee
for such a blessing?) when we received under his hand the Holy Priesthood as he said,
‘Upon you my fellow-servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer this Priesthood and
this authority, which shall remain upon earth, that the Sons of Levi may yet offer an
offering unto the Lord in righteousness!’
“I shall not attempt to paint to you the feelings of this heart, nor the majestic
beauty and glory which surrounded us on this occasion; but you will believe me when
I say, that earth, nor men, with the eloquence of time, cannot begin to clothe language
in as interesting and sublime a manner as this holy personage. No; nor has this earth
power to give the joy, to bestow the peace, or comprehend the wisdom which was con-
tained in each sentence as they were delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit! Man
may deceive his fellow-men, deception may follow deception, and the children of the
wicked one may have power to seduce the foolish and untaught, till naught but fiction
feeds the many, and the fruit of falsehood carries in its current the giddy to the grave;
but one touch with the finger of his love, yes, one ray of glory from the upper world,
or one word from the mouth of the Savior, from the bosom of eternity, strikes it all
into insignificance, and blots it forever from the mind. The assurance that we were in
the presence of an angel, the certainty that we heard the voice of Jesus, and the truth
unsullied as it flowed from a pure personage, dictated by the will of God, is to me past
description, and I shall ever look upon this expression of the Savior’s goodness with
wonder and thanksgiving while I am permitted to tarry; and in those mansions where
perfection dwells and sin never comes, I hope to adore in that day which shall never
cease.”—Messenger and Advocate, vol. 1 (October 1834), pp. 14–16.
The Articles of Faith
o f T he Chu rc h o f Jes u s C hr is t o f Lat t e r-day Saint s
e a believe in b God, the
Eternal Father, and in His
Holy Ghost.
Son, Jesus Christ, and in the
2 We believe that men will be a pun-
who are in d authority, to e preach the
Gospel and administer in the f ordi-
nances thereof.
6 We believe in the same a organi-
zation that existed in the Primitive
ished for their b own sins, and not for Church, namely, apostles, b prophets,
Adam’s transgression.
c c
pastors, d teachers, e evangelists, and
3 We believe that through the so forth.
Atonement of Christ, all b man- 7 We believe in the a gift of b tongues,
kind may be c saved, by obedience c
prophecy, d revelation, e visions, f heal-
to the laws and ordinances of the ing, g interpretation of tongues, and
Gospel. so forth.
4 We believe that the first principles 8 We believe the a Bible to be the
and a ordinances of the Gospel are: b
word of God as far as it is translated
first, b Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; c
correctly; we also believe the d Book
second, c Repentance; third, d Baptism of Mormon to be the word of God.
by e immersion for the f remission of 9 We believe all that God has a re-
sins; fourth, Laying on of g hands for vealed, all that He does now reveal,
the h gift of the Holy Ghost. and we believe that He will yet
5 We believe that a man must be b
reveal many great and important
called of God, by b prophecy, and things pertaining to the Kingdom
by the laying on of c hands by those of God.
1 1 a tg Believe. Faith. e tg Patriarch.
b tg Godhead; c tg Repent. 7 a tg Holy Ghost, Gifts of.
God the Father, Elohim. d tg Baptism. b tg Language.
c tg Jesus Christ, Divine e tg Baptism, Immersion. c tg Prophecy.
Sonship. f tg Remission of Sins. d tg Revelation.
d tg Holy Ghost. g tg Hands, Laying on of. e tg Vision.
2 a tg Punish. h tg Holy Ghost, Gift of. f tg Heal.
b Ex. 32:33; 5 a Num. 27:16 (15–20). g 1 Cor. 12:10;
Deut. 24:16; tg Called of God; Morm. 9:7.
Ezek. 18:20 (1–20). Priesthood, Qualifying 8 a tg Bible;
tg Accountability; for. Revelation;
Agency. b tg Prophecy. Scriptures,
c tg Fall of Man. c tg Hands, Laying on of. Preservation of;
3 a tg Jesus Christ, d tg Authority; Scriptures, Value of;
Atonement through. Priesthood, Authority. Scriptures, Writing of.
b Jude 1:3. e D&C 11:15 (15–21). b Isa. 8:20 (16–22).
c Ps. 49:15; tg Preaching. c 1 Ne. 13:26 (20–40);
Mosiah 27:24 (24–26); f Alma 13:16 (8–16). 14:21 (20–26).
D&C 93:38; 6 a tg Church d tg Book of Mormon.
Moses 5:9. Organization. 9 a tg Revelation.
tg Salvation. b tg Prophets, Mission of. b Dan. 2:28 (22–29, 49);
4 a tg Ordinance. c tg Bishop. Amos 3:7;
b D&C 138:33. d tg Teacher; D&C 121:26 (26–33).
tg Baptism, Qualifica- Teacher, Aaronic tg Scriptures to Come
tions for; Priesthood. Forth.
61 Articles of Faith 1:10–13
T his index of entries from the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and
the Pearl of Great Price can help you in your individual and family study of the
scriptures. It can help you find key passages of scripture, prepare talks and lessons,
and increase your knowledge and testimony of the gospel.
Aaron1—brother of Moses. See also Bishop; monihah; 50:14 near cities of Moroni and
Priesthood, Aaronic; bd Aaron Nephihah.
D&C 8:6–9 gift of A.; 84:18 the Lord con- Aaron, Descendants of. See Bishop;
firmed priesthood on A. and his seed; 84:27 Priesthood, Aaronic
law of carnal commandments continues
with house of A.; 84:31 sons of Moses and Abase. See also Humble
A. to offer sacrifice in house of the Lord; D&C 101:42 he who exalts himself shall
84:33–34 those who magnify callings in be a.; 112:3 he who has a. himself shall be
priesthood become sons of Moses and A.; exalted.
132:59 the Lord will justify actions of those
called of the Father as was A. Abel—son of Adam. See also bd Abel
Hel. 6:27 Satan plots with Cain to mur-
Aaron —Jaredite king
der A.
Ether 1:15 father of Amnigaddah; 1:16 D&C 84:16 priesthood from A. to Enoch2;
descendant of Heth 2 ; 10:31 dwells in 84:16 A. is slain by Cain; 84:16 A. receives
captivity. priesthood from Adam; 138:40 A. is first
Aaron3—son of Mosiah2 [c. 100 b.c.]. See also martyr, seen in spirit world.
Mosiah2, Sons of Moses 5:17 birth of A.; 5:17 A. is keeper
Mosiah 27:8 –10 unbeliever, seeks to of sheep; 5: 20 A. offers firstlings of
destroy Church; 27:32 converted by an- flock; 5:32 A. is slain by Cain; 5:35 blood
gel; 27:34 named among sons of King of A. cries from ground; 6:2–3 Seth1 is born
Mosiah2; 27:35–37 preaches gospel; 28:1–9 to take place of A.
is allowed to preach in land of Nephi; Abhor, Abhorrence. See also Allowance;
29:3 (28:10; Alma 17:6) refuses to become Despise; Hate
king; Alma 17:1–3 (27:16–19) meets Alma2 2 Ne. 9:49 my soul a. sin; Alma 13:12
with joy; 21:1–4 goes to land of Jerusalem; those sanctified cannot look upon sin save
21:4–10 Amalekites contend as he preaches with a.; 27:28 Anti-Nephi-Lehies look upon
about Atonement; 21:11 goes to Ani-Anti, shedding of blood with a.; 37:29 teach
meets Muloki and Ammah; 21:12–14 (20:2, them to a. such wickedness.
28) goes to Middoni, preaches, is impris-
oned, is delivered by Ammon 2 and La- Abide. See also Dwell; Obedience; Remain
moni; 21:15–17 preaches in synagogues, 1 Ne. 11:27 the Holy Ghost a. upon the
converts many; 22:1 is led by the Spirit to Lamb in form of dove; Alma 1:1 people
land of Nephi; 22:2–16 teaches Lamanite obliged to a. by laws of Mosiah 2; 3 Ne.
king; 22:17–22 raises fallen king; 23:1 is 24:2 who may a. day of the Lord’s coming;
protected by proclamation; 23:4 establishes Morm. 2:26 the Spirit a. not with Nephite
churches in cities; 23:16–17 consulted by army; Ether 12:41 (Moro. 9:26) grace a. in
king in naming Anti-Nephi-Lehies; 24:5 you forever.
travels with brothers in lands of Midian D&C 1:39 truth a. forever; 35:18 Joseph
and Ishmael; 25:6 people are stirred up to Smith to hold keys if he a. in the Lord;
remember A.’s words; 26:10 rebukes Am- 35:21 elect shall a. day of the Lord’s com-
mon2; 31:6–7 goes with Ammon2 and Alma2 ing; 38:8 he who is not purified shall not
to Zoramites2; 35:14 returns to Zarahemla. a. the Lord’s coming; 84:18 Aaronic Priest-
Aaron4 —king of Lamanites [c. a.d. 330] hood to a. forever with priesthood after
Morm. 2:9 is defeated by armies of Mor- holiest order of God; 88:22–24 he who can-
mon2; 3:4 sends epistle to Mormon2; Moro. not a. law of a kingdom cannot a. glory of
9:17 many Nephites fall to A.’s army. that kingdom; 88:25 earth a. law of celes-
tial kingdom; 88:26 earth shall a. power
Aaron, City of [possibly two different by which it is quickened; 88:35 that which
cities] a. not by law remains filthy; 88:35 that
Alma 8:13–14 was in vicinity of Am- which a. in sin cannot be sanctified by law;
Abinadi INDEX 2
128:24 who can a. the Lord’s coming; 132:4 Moro. 9:8–9 a. of Lamanites and Nephites
if ye a. not new and everlasting covenant, during war.
ye are damned; 132:5 all who will have D&C 3:18 Nephites destroyed because
blessing shall a. law appointed for that of a.; 10:21 hearts of those who obtained
blessing; 132:6 he who receives fulness of manuscript are full of a.; 29:21 great and
the Lord’s glory must a. the law. a. church to be cast down; 29:21 a. shall
not reign; 50:4 the Lord has seen a. in
Abinadi—Nephite prophet [c. 150 b.c.] Church; 88:94 mother of a. ready to be
Mosiah 11:20 prophesies afflictions of burned; 97:24 indignation of the Lord kin-
people of King Noah3; 11:26–29 Noah3 an- dled against a.
gry over A.’s words; 12:1–8 comes in dis-
guise, commanded to prophesy; 12:16–18 is Abomination of Desolation. See also
delivered to king, imprisoned, questioned; Abomination; Desolation; tg Abomi-
12:19–37 confounds and challenges ques- nation of Desolation; bd Abomination
of desolation
tioners; 12:34–36 (13:12–24) quotes Ten
Commandments; 13:1–5 protected by the D&C 84:117 d. of a. in last days; 88:85
Spirit; 13:27–28 teaches salvation not by d. of a. awaits wicked.
Mosaic law alone, but also by Atonement; JS—M 1:12, 32 (Dan. 11:31; 12:11; Matt.
14 (15:6) quotes Isaiah1; 15:1–9 prophesies 24:15) a. of d. concerning destruction of
that God will come among men, redeem Jerusalem.
them; 16 preaches Christ is the only Abound. See also Abundance
Redeemer, teaches resurrection and judg- Mosiah 5:15 (Alma 7:24; Ether 12:4) al-
ment; 17:1 condemned to death; 17:2–4 ways a. in good works; 27:5 Nephites a. in
(24:9; 26:15; Alma 5:11) Alma 1 believes grace of God.
and writes A.’s words; 17:5–7 imprisoned
and accused; 17:15–19 prophesies priests’ Abraham—father of faithful. See also
death by fire; 17:20 is burned to death; Abrahamic Covenant; bd Abraham
18:1 Alma1 teaches A.’s words; 20:21 (25:9; 2 Ne. 8:2 look unto A., your father; 27:33
Morm. 1:19) A.’s words fulfilled; 21:30 A.’s the Lord redeemed A.; Jacob 4:5 A. obedi-
death mourned; 24:5 A.’s words not taught ent in offering Isaac; Alma 5:24 (7:25; Hel.
by Amulon. 3:30) murderers cannot sit in kingdom
with A.; 13:15 A. paid tithes to Melchize-
Abinadom—Nephite historian, son of
dek; Hel. 8:16–17 A. and prophets testified
Chemish [between 279 and 130 b.c.]
of the Son.
Omni 1:10 participates in war; 1:11 D&C 27:5, 10 the Lord will drink of fruit
writes on plates; 1:12 is father of Amaleki1. of vine with A.; 84:13 A. blessed Esaias;
Abish—Lamanite woman, servant of Lamoni 84:14 A. receives priesthood from Melchize-
dek; 84:33–34, 103–17 (138:41) faithful be-
Alma 19:16 converted to the Lord; 19:17
come seed of A.; 98:32 law of forbearance
calls people to king’s house; 19:28 grieves
given to A.; 101:4 (132:36) commanded to
because of tumult; 19:29 raises queen.
sacrifice his only son; 101:4 Saints to be
Ablom—Jaredite city tried as A.; 110:12 dispensation of gospel
Ether 9:3 Omer flees to A. by seashore. of A. committed by Elias; 124:58 (132:31)
promise to A. repeated to Joseph Smith;
Abomination, Abominable. See also 132:1, 37 the Lord gave wives and concu-
Abomination of Desolation; Church, bines to A.; 132:29 received all things by
Great and Abominable; Church of revelation; 132:29 (137:5) has received his
the Devil; Evil; Sin; tg Abomination; exaltation; 132:34 God commanded and
bd Abomination of desolation Sarah gave Hagar to A.; 132:65 Sarah ad-
Jacob 2:21 pride is a. in sight of the Lord; ministered to A. according to law; 138:41
Mosiah 3:25 wicked are consigned to view Joseph F. Smith sees A. in spirit world.
of own a.; Alma 13:17 Melchizedek’s people Abr. 1:2 high priest; 1:2 desires more
waxed strong in a.; 39:5 unchastity is most knowledge and righteousness; 1:2 desires to
a. above all sins save murder and denying be father of many nations; 1:2 seeks bless-
the Holy Ghost; Hel. 4:11 (13:14; 3 Ne. 9:2) ings of fathers; 1:4 seeks appointment to
slaughter of Nephites caused by a.; 3 Ne. priesthood; 1:7, 12 in hands of idolatrous
5:6 (Hel. 7:25; 3 Ne. 16:10; Ether 8:18; 11:22) priests; 1:16 is delivered from priests by
secret and a. combinations; 16:10 Gentiles Jehovah; 1:16 Jehovah speaks to A.; 1:18
to be filled with secret a.; Ether 11:22 Jar- Jehovah to give his name and priesthood to
edites reject prophets because of a.; 14:25 A.; 2:3 is commanded to leave Chaldea; 2:4
Jaredites’ a. prepared way for destruction; goes to Haran; 2:6 is commanded to leave
3 INDEX Accursed
Haran; 2:6, 19 Jehovah appears to A.; 2:15 Accept. See also Acceptable; Approve;
takes family and followers to land of Ca- Embrace; Receive
naan; 2:17 builds altar, makes offering; 2:21 D&C 132:9 will the Lord a. offering not
decides to go to Egypt; 2:24 is told to say made in his name.
Sarai is his sister; 3:11 talks with the Lord
face to face; 3:14 seed of A. to be multi- Acceptable. See also Accept; Approve
plied as number of sands; 3:23 was chosen Moro. 7:44 none is a. before God except
before he was born. meek and lowly.
D&C 84:31 sons of Aaron shall offer a.
Abrahamic Covenant. See also Covenant;
Israel; tg Abrahamic Covenant; offering; 93:51 (138:31) proclaim the a.
bd Abraham, covenant of year of the Lord; 124:2 your prayers are a.
before me; 124:30, 33–37 baptism for dead
1 Ne. 15:18 c. with A. to be fulfilled; cannot be a. to the Lord outside his house;
17:40 (22:9; 2 Ne. 29:14; 3 Ne. 20:25, 27;
124:31 baptisms are a. while Saints build
Morm. 5:20; Ether 13:11) God c. with A.
temple; 124:104 if Sidney Rigdon offers an
D&C 52:2 (86:9) the Lord’s people are
a. offering, the Lord will heal him.
heirs according to the c.; 84:34 they who
magnify callings become seed of A.; 84:99 Accomplish. See also Do; Fulfil; Perform
election brought to pass by faith and c. of 1 Ne. 3:7 (17:3) the Lord prepares way to
Israel’s fathers; 110:12 Elias commits dis- a. that which he commands; 9:6 the Lord
pensation of gospel of A.; 124:58 through prepares way to a. all his works.
A. and his seed shall kindreds of earth be
blessed; 132:32 do works of A. Account. See also Accountable; History;
Abr. 2:9–11 promises given to A. Record
1 Ne. 1:16–17 (6:3) Nephi1 does not make
Abridgment, Abridge. See also Plates;
Record full a. on small plates; 9:2–4 large plates
of Nephi contain a. of secular history; 10:1
Title page of the Book of Mormon Book Nephi1 records a. of his ministry on small
of Mormon a. of Nephite record and plates.
Book of Ether; 1 Ne. 1:17 Nephi1 a. father’s
record; W of M 1:3 Mormon2 a. record of Accountability, Age of. See also
Nephi1; Morm. 5:9 Mormon2 makes small Accountable
a. of things he has seen; Moro. 1:1 Moroni2 Moro. 8:5–26 little children need no re-
a. Jaredites’ record. pentance, neither baptism.
D&C 10:44 lost manuscript contained D&C 18:42 all who have arrived at years
only a. of account of Nephi1. of a. should repent and be baptized; 20:71
Absence none to be received into Church unless
they have reached years of a.; 29:47 Satan
D&C 45:17 (138:50) a. of spirits from
cannot tempt little children until they
bodies viewed as bondage.
become a.; 68:25, 27 children to be bap-
Abstinence. See also Temperance; Word tized when eight years old; 137:10 children
of Wisdom who die before a. are saved in celestial
D&C 49:18 a. from meats is not ordained kingdom.
of God; 59:9 keep thyself unspotted from Accountable. See also Accountability, Age
world; 82:2 refrain from sin; 88:124 cease of; Count; Responsibility; tg Account-
to be idle, unclean; 89:5 not good to drink ability
wine or strong drink; 136:21 keep your-
selves from evil. Moro. 8:10 teach repentance and bap-
tism unto those a.
Abundance. See also Fulness; tg Abun- D&C 42:32 every man shall be made
dant Life; Plenty a.; 69:5 servants shall send accounts of
D&C 59:16 fulness of earth is yours; 64:34 stewardships to Zion; 72:3 (104:12) each
obedient shall eat good of land; 70:13 a. is steward to render account to the Lord;
multiplied through manifestations of the 72:5, 16 elders to render account of stew-
Spirit; 101:75 a. is in store to redeem Zion; ardship to bishop; 101:78 every man is a.
104:18 take of a. which the Lord made; for his own sins; 104:13 the Lord to make
104:18 greed with a. shall be punished; every man a. as steward; 134:1 men are a.
117:7 solitary places to bring forth in a. for their acts in relation to governments.
Abyss Accursed. See also Curse; Slippery
Mosiah 27:29 Alma2 in darkest a.; Alma Hel. 12:18 hidden treasure to be a.
26:3 Lamanites in darkest a. because of iniquity; Ether 4:8 he who
Accuse INDEX 4
contends against word of the Lord shall fallen; 2:25 A. fell that men might be; 9:21
be a. the Holy One suffered pains of all who be-
long to family of A.; Mosiah 3:11 Christ’s
Accuse. See also Condemn blood atones for all who have fallen by
2 Ne. 1:25 brothers of Nephi 1 a. him transgression of A.; 3:16 as in A., or by na-
of seeking power; Mosiah 2:15 Benjamin ture, men fall; 3:19 natural man an enemy
does not a. his people; 12:19 priests ques- to God since Fall of A.; 3:26 justice could
tion Abinadi that they might a. him; Alma not deny A. should fall because of partak-
10:31 Zeezrom foremost to a. Amulek and ing of forbidden fruit.
Alma2; 30:31 Korihor a. priests of leading D&C 27:11 father of all; 27:11 (107:54;
people away; Hel. 9:19 judges question 116; 128:21; 138:38) is Michael, the ancient
Nephi2 that they might a. him to death. of days; 29:35 was made agent unto him-
Accuser self; 29:36, 40 was tempted by devil; 29:40
D&C 102:15–19 a. and accused in Church partook of forbidden fruit; 29:40 became
disciplinary councils. subject to will of devil; 29:41 spiritual
death of A.; 29:42 angels declared repen-
Acknowledge. See also Confess tance and redemption to A.; 84:16 Abel
Alma 1:1 laws of Mosiah2 are a. by peo- received priesthood from A.; 107:42–53 or-
ple; 1:15 Nehor a. false teachings; 38:14 dained Seth1, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared1,
a. your unworthiness before God; 39:13 a. Enoch2, Methuselah; 107:53–57 called pos-
your faults; Moro. 10:6 that which is good terity together at Adam-ondi-Ahman;
a. that Christ is. 107:54 the Lord blessed A. and called
D&C 102:3 First Presidency is a. by voice him Michael; 116 will visit his people at
of Twelve; 102:9 President of Church is a. Adam-ondi-Ahman; 117:8 dwelled in Olaha
in his administration by voice of Church; Shinehah; 128:20–21 voice of Michael, or
138:23 Saints a. the Son as their Redeemer. A., came to Joseph Smith.
Moses 1:34 was first man of all men; 3:20
Acquaint, Acquaintance (Abr. 5:21) gives names to beasts and fowls;
D&C 84:52 whoso receives not the Lord’s 3:22 (Abr. 5:15) rib of A. taken to make
voice is not a. with it; 90:15 become a. with woman; 4:12 partakes of fruit of tree; 4:13
all good books; 111:3 expedient to form a. recognizes his nakedness; 4:14 hides from
with men. God; 4:25 to partake of death; 4:27 coat of
Act. See also Agency; Deed; Walk; Work skins made for A.; 4:29, 31 is sent forth from
[noun] Garden of Eden; 5:1 begins to till earth; 5:1
to have dominion over beasts of field; 5:1 to
2 Ne. 2:13 if no God, there could have
eat bread by sweat of brow; 5:2 (6:11) be-
been no creation of things, neither to a.
gets sons and daughters; 5:3 children of A.
nor to be a. upon; 2:16 (Hel. 14:30) God
beget sons and daughters; 5:4 shut out from
gave unto man to a. for himself; 2:26 be-
presence of the Lord; 5:5 commanded to
cause of Atonement men become free to
worship the Lord and offer firstlings; 5:6 is
a. for themselves and not to be a. upon;
asked by angel why he offers sacrifice; 5:8
31:13 to receive the Holy Ghost, men must
is commanded to repent and to call upon
a. no hypocrisy or deception before God;
God in name of the Son; 5:9 the Holy Ghost
Alma 12:31 through transgression man was
falls upon A.; 5:10 begins to prophesy; 5:10
placed in state to a. according to his will.
D&C 1:3 (88:108–10) secret a. shall be re- eyes of A. opened because of transgression;
vealed; 43:8 Saints to instruct each other 5:12 blesses name of God; 5:12 makes all
how to a.; 43:9 bind yourselves to a. in ho- things known to sons and daughters; 5:27
liness before the Lord; 101:78 every man to mourns because of Cain; 6:1 hearkens to
a. in doctrine and principle; 107:34 Seventy voice of God; 6:1 calls upon sons to repent;
are to a. in name of the Lord; 107:99 every 6:2 glorifies name of God; 6:6 language
man to learn his duty and a. in his office; of A. is pure and undefiled; 6:12 lives 930
134:1 God holds men accountable for their years; 6:22 A., son of God, conversed with
a. in relation to governments. God; 6:23 posterity of A. are preachers of
righteousness; 6:48 death comes through
Adam—first man created on earth. See also Fall of A.; 6:53 is forgiven transgression in
Adam-ondi-Ahman; Eden, Garden of; Garden of Eden; 6:64–65 is caught away by
Eve; Fall of Man; Man; Michael; tg Adam; the Spirit and baptized; 6:55 children of
bd Adam A. are conceived in sin; 6:65 is born of the
1 Ne. 5:11 A. and Eve our first parents; Spirit; 6:65 becomes quickened in the in-
2 Ne. 2:19 driven from garden; 2:22 if A. ner man; 6:66 is baptized with fire and the
had not transgressed, he would not have Holy Ghost; 6:67 is after the order of God;
5 INDEX Adversary
Abr. 1:3 priesthood comes down to Abra- Admonish, Admonition. See also
ham from A.; 5:7 is formed from dust of Rebuke; Warn
ground; 5:11 is placed in Garden of Eden; Jacob 2:9 Jacob2 sorrows that he is com-
A of F 1:2 men will be punished for own manded to a. people according to crimes;
sins, not for transgression of A. Enos 1:1 father of Enos 2 taught him in
Adam-ondi-Ahman. See also Adam; Eden, nurture and a. of the Lord; Omni 1:13
Garden of people of Mosiah 1 were a. continually
by word of God; Mosiah 26:6, 39 Church
D&C 78:15 the Lord established founda- members who committed sin were a. by
tions of A.; 107:53–57 Adam called poster- Church; Alma 1:7 Gideon a. Nehor with
ity together at A.; 116 Adam shall visit his word of God.
people at A.
Adorn. See also Pride; Vanity
Add. See also Increase
4 Ne. 1:41 (Morm. 8:37) Nephites a.
3 Ne. 13:27 who can a. one cubit to his churches with precious things; Morm. 8:39
stature; 13:33 all things shall be a. unto why do ye a. yourselves with that which
you. hath no life.
D&C 11:22–23 (106:3) study the Lord’s
word, and all things shall be a. thereto; Adultery, Adulterer. See also Chastity;
20:35 neither a. to nor diminish from reve Fornication; Lust; Whore; tg Adulterer;
lation of John; 78:19 things of this earth to Sexual Immorality; bd Adultery
be a. to faithful. Mosiah 13:22 thou shalt not commit a.;
Abr. 3:26 they who keep first estate shall Alma 16:18 priests preach against a.; 23:3
be a. upon; 3:26 they who keep second es- Lamanite king teaches people not to com-
tate shall have glory a. upon heads forever. mit a.; 30:10 those who commit a. are pun-
ished; 39:3–5 a. is most abominable above
Adhere. See also Keep all sins save murder and denying the Holy
Alma 60:34 a. to word of God. Ghost; Hel. 4:11–12 slaughter of Nephites
Administration, Administer. See also caused by committing a.; 7:5 Nephites rule
Administration to the Sick; Impart; that they might more easily commit a.;
Minister [verb] 3 Ne. 12:28 (Matt. 5:28) whoso lusts after
woman has already committed a. in heart;
Jacob 2:19 seek riches to a. relief to sick 12:32 (Matt. 5:32) whoso puts away his wife
and afflicted; Mosiah 4:16 a. of your sub- causes her to commit a.
stance to those in need; 4:26 to retain re- D&C 42:22 cleave unto thy wife and
mission of sins, a. relief to needy; Alma none else; 42:23 (63:16) he who lusts after
10:14 lawyers hired to a. law at trials; 15:18 woman denies faith, shall not have the
Alma2 a. to Amulek in his tribulations; 35:9 Spirit; 42:24 (59:6; 66:10) thou shalt not
Ammonites a. unto Zoramites2 according to commit a.; 42:24 (59:6) those who commit
their wants; 3 Ne. 6:28 covenant of secret a. and repent not shall be cast out; 42:25–26
combinations a. by devil; 4 Ne. 1:27 wicked repentant a. to be forgiven; 42:74–75 those
churches a. that which was sacred unto un- who leave companions for sake of a. shall
worthy; Ether 10:33 robbers a. oaths after be cast out; 42:80 those who commit a. are
manner of ancients; Moro. 4:1 elders and to be tried by elders; 42:80–83 deal with
priests a. flesh and blood of Christ unto a. according to law of God; 63:14 some a.
Church; 5 manner of a. sacrament wine. among members; 63:15 works of a. to fol-
D&C 20:40, 46, 58 duty of priesthood low them in eyes of people; 76:103 a. to
bearers to a. sacrament; 20:75–79 man- inherit telestial glory; 132:41–45 instruc-
ner of a. sacrament; 46:15 spiritual gift of tions concerning those who have entered
knowing differences of a.; 76:88 the teles- covenant of eternal marriage.
tial receive of Christ’s fulness through a.
of angels; 84:19 Melchizedek Priesthood a. Advantage. See also Gain
gospel; 107:8, 12 Melchizedek Priesthood 2 Ne. 28:8 wicked to say, Take a. of one
has authority to a. spiritual things; 107:20 because of words; Ether 12:26 fools shall
Aaronic Priesthood a. outward ordinances. take no a. of your weakness.
D&C 130 :19 a. in hereafter gained
Administration to the Sick. See also through diligence here.
Hands, Laying on of; Heal; Ordinance;
Sick; tg Administrations to the Sick Adversary. See also Devil
D&C 24:14 elders not to heal sick unless 1 Ne. 15:24 fiery darts of a. cannot over-
they request it; 42:44, 48 (66:9) two or more power those who hearken to God’s word;
elders to lay hands upon sick. Alma 12:5 Zeezrom’s plan is plan of a.;
Adversity INDEX 6
3 Ne. 12:25 (Matt. 5:25) agree with thine experience; 133:53 the Lord was afflicted
a. quickly. in all a. of redeemed.
D&C 3:8 the Lord supports against fiery
Afraid. See also Fear
darts of a.; 50:7 hypocrites have given a.
power; 82:5 a. spreads his dominions. D&C 45:75 all nations to be a. because
of terror of the Lord; 98:14 be not a. of
Adversity. See also Affliction; Experience; enemies.
Infirmity; Opposition; Oppression; Moses 4:16 Adam hears God’s voice and
Patience; Persecution; Sorrow; Suffering; is a.; JS—H 1:32 Joseph Smith is a. when
Tear [verb]; Tempt; Trial; Tribulation; he first sees angel.
D&C 121:7 a. shall be but small moment;
122:7 a. gives experience. 2 Ne. 10:16 they who are not for God
are a. him.
Advocate. See Jesus Christ—Advocate
Age. See also Accountability, Age of; Old
Affection. See also Love Mosiah 10:9 men placed in army ranks
Alma 37:36 let a. of heart be placed upon according to a.
the Lord forever. D&C 63:50 faithful who live when the
Affixed. See Punishment Lord comes shall die at a. of man; 83:4 chil-
dren have claim upon parents for mainte-
Afflicted. See also Affliction nance until they are of a.; 101:30 infant’s
1 Ne. 21:13 the Lord will have mercy life shall be as a. of tree.
upon his a.; Jacob 2:19 administer relief Agency, Agent. See also Accountability,
to a.; Mosiah 14:4, 7 (Isa. 53:4) we did es- Age of; Accountable; Act; Agent,
teem him smitten of God, and a.; Alma 1:27 Financial; Choose; Control; Evil; Fall
Nephites impart substance to a.; 34:28 if ye of Man; Freedom; Fruit, Forbidden;
turn away a., your prayer is vain; 3 Ne. 17:9 Knowledge; Law; Liberty; Obedience;
Nephites brought their a. for the Savior’s Opposition; Tempt; Transgression;
blessing; Morm. 8:39 why do ye suffer a. Will; tg Agency
to pass by you without notice. 2 Ne. 2:11 opposition in all things; 2:16
Affliction. See also Adversity; Afflicted; man could not act for himself save he was
Chasten; Needy; Oppression; Pain; enticed by good and evil; 2:27 men are
Persecution; Suffering; Trial; Tribulation free to choose; 10:23 ye are free to act for
yourselves; 26:10 those who choose works
1 Ne. 15:5 Nephi1 is overcome because of of darkness must go down to hell; Mosiah
a.; 2 Ne. 2:2 God shall consecrate thine a. 2:21 God preserves men that they may
for thy gain; 4:26 why should my strength do according to their own will; 5:8 under
slacken because of mine a.; Jacob 3:1 God Christ’s head, men are made free; Alma
will console you in your a.; Mosiah 24:13– 12:31 having transgressed temporal com-
14 the Lord visits his people in their a.; mandments, men placed themselves in
Alma 1:23 (4:6–7) pride cause of great a. state to act according to their own wills;
to Church; 7:11 the Son of God to go forth 13:3 man left to choose good or evil; 30:8
suffering a.; 17:11 (26:27; 31:31; 34:41) be choose ye this day; 41:7 redeemed are their
patient in a.; 32:6 a. of poor Zoramites 2 own judges, whether to do good or evil;
humble them; 33:11 the Lord hears Alma2 Hel. 14:30 ye are free, ye are permitted to
because of his a.; 61:4 those who try to take act for yourselves; Moro. 7:15 it is given
away judgment-seat are cause of sore a.; unto you to judge, that ye may know good
62:41 many are softened because of their from evil.
a.; Hel. 3:34 (3 Ne. 6:13) proud cause hum- D&C 29:35 the Lord gives unto man to be
ble to wade through much a.; 12:3 except a. unto himself; 29:36 third part of hosts of
the Lord chastens his people with a., they heaven were lost because of their a.; 29:39
will not remember him. devil must tempt men or they could not
D&C 24:1 the Lord lifts men out of a.; be a.; 37:4 let every man choose for him-
24:8 (31:9; 66:9) be patient in a.; 93:42 a. is self; 58:27 men should do many things of
caused by failure to teach children; 97:26 free will; 58:28 men have power to be a.
the Lord will visit Zion with sore a.; 98:3 unto themselves; 64:29 as ye are a., ye are
(122:7) a. to work for your good; 101:2 on the Lord’s errand; 88:86 abide in liberty
a. consequence of transgression; 109:47 wherewith ye are made free; 93:31 here is
break off, O Lord, this yoke of a.; 121:7 a. of man; 98:8 the Lord makes men free;
a. to be but small moment; 122:7 a. give 101:78 men to act according to moral a.
7 INDEX Alma
eternal life; 26:21–33 is instructed concern- 15:13 establishes a church in Sidom; 15:18
ing wrongdoers and unbelievers; 26:34–39 takes Amulek to Zarahemla; 16:5 sons of
judges, regulates Church, walks in dili Zoram2 ask for A.’s counsel in battles; 16:13
gence, teaches, suffers afflictions; 27:1 preaches repentance with Amulek; 17:1–2
people complain to A.; 27:8 son of A. an un- (27:16, 19) meets sons of Mosiah2 journey-
believer; 27:14 prays for son; 29:42 (Alma ing to Gideon; 27:20 takes brethren back to
4:4; 5:3) ordains son high priest; 29:45 dies; Zarahemla; 27:25 returns to wilderness
Alma 5:11 son lauds A.’s beliefs. with Ammon2; 29:1–3 desires to be angel;
29:8 teaches that the Lord grants in wis-
Alma2—son of Alma1, first chief judge, high dom to all nations; 30:29–30 confronts
priest [c. 100–73 b.c.]
Korihor; 30:33 labors in ministry not
Mosiah 27:8–10 seeks to destroy Church; for pay; 30:49–50 strikes Korihor dumb;
27:11 (Alma 36:6 –10) with sons of Mo- 31:1–2 sorrowful because of Zoramites 2;
siah2 sees angel; 27:19 becomes helpless 31:6–7 takes several brethren to preach
and dumb; 27:20 father rejoices over him; to Zoramites2; 31:12–38 grieves over use
27:23 is revived; 27:24–31 (Alma 36:5–24) of Rameumptom, prays for people; 32:4
relates experience; 27:32 teaches people; preaches on hill Onidah; 32:12 preaches to
28:20 receives records and interpreters; poor; 32:13–43 teaches about faith; 33:2–15
29:42 (Alma 4:4; 5:3) is appointed chief urges reading of scripture; 33:17–23 encour-
judge and high priest; Alma 1:11–15 sen- ages faith in the Son; 35:1 goes to Jershon
tences Nehor; 2:16 leads Nephite army; with brethren; 35:14 returns to Zarahemla;
2:30 asks the Lord for mercy to save peo- 35:15 grieves over people’s iniquity; 36
ple; 2:31 slays Amlici; 2:32–38 contends gives charge to Helaman2; 37:1–18 (50:38)
with Lamanites and Amlicites; 4:4 bap- gives Helaman2 records; 37:21 speaks of 24
tizes in river Sidon; 4:7 (6:1; 15:13) con- plates; 37:24–47 further instructs Helaman2;
secrates teachers, priests, elders; 4:11–13 38 gives commandments and instructions to
sees great wickedness in Church; 4:16–17 his son Shiblon; 39:1 gives commandments
resigns judgment-seat to Nephihah; 4:18 to his son Corianton; 39:5–6 teaches about
retains office of high priest; 5:1–2 preaches unpardonable sin; 40:11–15 describes state
in Zarahemla; 5:3–61 preaches about his of soul between death and Resurrection;
mighty change in heart; 5:62 speaks by 40:16–41:15 teaches about restoration of
way of commandment; 6:7–8 preaches in body and soul; 42 teaches of Fall, proba-
valley of Gideon; 7 preaches about com- tionary state, temporal death, spiritual
ing of the Redeemer; 8:1 leaves Gideon death, plan of mercy, plan of happiness,
for Zarahemla; 8:3–5 teaches and baptizes law, punishment, justice, and salvation;
in Melek; 8:6–8 preaches at Ammonihah; 42:31 sends Corianton to preach; 43:1 goes
8:10 wrestles with God in mighty prayer; forth to preach; 43:24 receives word of the
8:11–13 is reviled and cast out of Am- Lord for Moroni1; 45:2 instructs Helaman2;
monihah; 8:14 is visited by angel; 8:16–18 45:9–16 prophesies about wickedness and
returns to Ammonihah; 8:19–21 meets destruction of people; 45:16–17 blesses
Amulek; 8:27 tarries many days; 8:30–32 land and Church; 45:18 departs, not heard
with Amulek, goes forth with power; 9:1–7 of again; 45:19 taken up by the Spirit or
people of Ammonihah contend with A.; buried by the Lord, as Moses; Hel. 4:21
9:8–30 boldly testifies; 10:31 with Amulek, people remember A.’s prophecies; 5:41 A.’s
is accused by Zeezrom; 12:1–18 speaks to teachings cited by Aminadab.
Zeezrom; 12:20 is questioned by Antionah;
12:21–37 teaches of tree of life, Fall, pro- Alma, Valley of—a day’s travel from city of
bationary state, commandments, plan of Helam
redemption; 13:1–20 teaches of holy priest- Mosiah 24:20 named after Alma1; 24:21
hood, responsibilities, foreknowledge, people poured out thanks in A.
Melchizedek; 13:21, 27–30 calls people to Almighty. See God, Power of
repent; 13:22–26 teaches joyful news of
salvation; 14:2–4 with Amulek, bound, Alms. See also Charity; Impart; Needy;
taken before judge; 14:9–10 sees con- Poor; Relief; tg Almsgiving; bd Alms-
verts burned; 14:11 is constrained by the giving
Spirit; 14:13 cannot be burned till work 3 Ne. 13:1 ye should do a. unto poor;
is finished; 14:17–24 imprisoned, mis- 13:2–4 a. should be in secret.
treated; 14:26–28 (Ether 12:13) freed from D&C 88:2 a. of prayers have come up to
prison; 15:1 goes to Sidom with Amulek; the Lord; 112:1 a. have come up as memo-
15:10 –12 heals and baptizes Zeezrom; rial before the Lord.
9 INDEX Aminadi
35:9 accept converted Zoramites2; 35:11 Amnor—Nephite money. See also Money,
Zoramites2 prepare for war with them; 35:13 Nephite
remove to Melek; 43:11 hated by Lamanites; Alma 11:6 a. of silver; 11:11 equal to two
43:11 will not break covenant; 43:13 give senums.
great substance to Nephites; 47:29 joined
by Lehonti’s servants; 53:10–14 willing to Amnor—spy for Nephites [c. 87 b.c.]
break oath, dissuaded by Helaman2; 53:16– Alma 2 : 22 sent to watch camp of
19 their sons prepare for war, choose Hela- Amlicites.
man2 as their leader; 56:54 sons of A. defeat
Amoron—a Nephite [c. a.d. 400–421]
Lamanites; 56:55–56 sons of A. miraculously
saved from death; 62:16–17 joined by 4,000 Moro. 9:7 reports to Mormon2.
Lamanites who enter covenant; Hel. 3:12 Amos1—Nephite record keeper
many go to land northward. [c. a.d. 110–94]
Ammonihah, City of—in West, near cities 4 Ne. 1:19–20 son of Nephi 4, keeps
of Melek, Noah, and Aaron records; 1:21 gives records to his son.
Alma 8:6–8 (9:1) Alma2 preaches at A.; Amos2—Nephite record keeper
8:7 land of A. named after first posses- [c. a.d. 194–306]
sor; 8:9–13 Alma2 cast out of A.; 8:16–18 4 Ne. 1:21 receives records from his
Alma2 returns to A.; 9–14 words of Alma2 father, Amos 1 ; 1: 47 gives records to
and Amulek to people at A.; 10:23 destruc- Ammaron.
tion of people predicted; 14:8 people at A.
burn scriptures, slay believers; 14:22 Alma2 Amoz—father of Isaiah1 [c. eighth
and Amulek are imprisoned; 14:27 falling century b.c.]
prison walls slay leaders; 14:28 Alma2 and 2 Ne. 12:1 (23:1; Isa. 2:1; 13:1) Isaiah 1,
Amulek are freed; 14:29 people flee from son of A.
prophets; 15:1 Alma2 and Amulek banished
from A.; 15:15 people remain hard-hearted;
Amulek—missionary companion of Alma2
[c. 82–74 b.c.]
16:2–3, 9 (25:2) Lamanites destroy people
of A.; 16:11 called Desolation of Nehors; Alma 8:20 (10:7) visited by angel; 8:21
49:3 rebuilt; 49:10–11 Lamanites dare not receives Alma 2; 8:31–32 goes forth with
attack A. power; 10:1–11 preaches to people in Am-
monihah; 10:2–3 son of Giddonah1, grand-
Ammonihah, Land of. See Ammonihah, son of Ishmael2, descendant of Aminadi,
City of Nephi1, Lehi1, and Manasseh; 10:4 man of
Ammonihahites. See Ammonihah, reputation, friends, riches; 10:5–6 had re-
City of belled against God; 10:8 obeys angel; 10:11
family and kindred blessed by Alma2; 10:12
Ammonites. See Ammon2, People of a second witness; 10:17 perceives question-
Ammoron—Nephite traitor, brother ers’ thoughts; 10:22 prophesies destruction
of Amalickiah, descendant of Zoram1 of Ammonihahites; 10:31 accused by Zeez-
[c. 66–61 b.c.] rom; 11:20 judges stir up people against A.;
11:21–38 questioned by Zeezrom; 11:39–40
Alma 52:3 appointed king of Laman-
testifies of the Redeemer; 11:41–45 teaches
ites; 52:12 attacks Nephites; 54:1 proposes
of resurrection, judgment, and restoration;
prisoner exchange; 54:4–14 receives epis-
12:1 words silence Zeezrom; 12:8–18 Alma2
tle from Moroni1; 54:16–24 A.’s reply; 55:1
explains the words of A.; 12:24 speaks of
knows his cause is not just; 55:2 Moroni1
temporal death; 14:2 people desire his de-
refuses prisoner exchange with A.; 56:18
struction; 14:10 wants to stop martyrdom
abandons attack; 57:1 offers to deliver city
of believers; 14:17 imprisoned with Alma2;
of Antiparah in exchange for prisoners;
14:18 refuses to answer judge; 14:26 breaks
57:17 sends new provisions; 59:7 strength-
bonds by faith; 14:26–27 people flee, perse-
ens Lamanites; 62:33 is with combined La-
cutors slain; 15:1 with Alma2, commanded
manite armies; 62:36 is slain by Teancum.
to leave city; 15:16 rejected by relatives
Amnigaddah—Jaredite king and friends; 15:18 goes with Alma2 to Zara
Ether 1:14–15 son of Aaron2, father of hemla; 16:13 preaches repentance; 31:6
Coriantum2; 10:31 dwells in captivity. among missionaries to Zoramites2; 31:32
Alma2 prays for A.’s success; 34:1 teaches
Amnihu—hill on east of river Sidon poor; 34:10–16 explains great and last sac-
A l m a 2 :1 5 w h er e Am l i c i t es f i g ht rifice, meaning of law, mercy, justice; 34:17
Nephites. teaches about prayer; 34:32 warns against
Amulon INDEX 12
procrastination; 35:1 goes to Jershon; Hel. courses of a. praising God; 3:29 (17:45) a.
5:10 quoted on Redemption; Ether 12:13 reproves Laman1 and Lemuel; 11:14–14:30
faith of Alma2 and A. causes prison walls (15:29; 19:8, 10) a. of the Lord shows Nephi1
to tumble. vision interpreting father’s dream; 2 Ne.
10:3 a. reveals Christ’s name to Jacob 2;
Amulon—leader of priests of Noah3, 32:3 a. speak by power of the Holy Ghost;
tributary monarch under Laman3. See also Mosiah 3:2–4:1 a. speaks to Benjamin;
Amulon, Children of; Amulon, Land of;
27:11–18, 32 (Alma 17:2; 36:5; 38:7) a. of
Amulonites; Noah3, Priests of
the Lord appears to Alma 2 and sons of
Mosiah 23:32 leader of priests of Noah3; Mosiah2; Alma 8:14–18 (9:19–30) a. gives
23:33 pleads with Lamanites for life; 23:35 Alma 2 instructions; 10:7 (11:31) a. ap-
joins Lamanites, discovers land of Helam; pears to Amulek; 13:22 voice of the Lord
23:39 made king; 24:1 A. and brethren declares repentance by mouth of a. unto
made teachers over people of Alma1; 24:8 all nations; 18:30 heaven is place where
exercises authority over Alma1 and people; God and a. dwell; 19:34 many Lamanites
24:11 threatens believers with death. see and converse with a.; 21:5 an Amalek
Amulon, Children of—children of priests ite asks why a. do not appear unto them;
of Noah3. See also Amulonites 27:4 Anti-Nephi-Lehies treat Ammon2 and
brothers as a.; 29:1 O that I were a.; 32:23
Mosiah 25:12 c. of A. and brethren want
God imparts his word by a.; 39:19 as easy
to be called Nephites. for the Lord to send a. at this time as to
Amulon, Land of—settled by Amulon and our children; 40:11 a. teaches Alma2 about
priests, between Zarahemla and Nephi existence between death and Resurrec-
Mosiah 23:31 priests of Noah3 are found tion; Hel. 5:36 faces of Nephi2 and Lehi4
in A.; 24:1 Amulon and brethren appointed shine as faces of a.; 13:7 a. taught Samuel
teachers in A. the Lamanite; 16:14 a. appear unto wise
men to declare glad tidings; 3 Ne. 7:15,
Amulonites—descendants and followers 18 Nephi3 is visited by a.; 11:8 Nephites
of Amulon and priests of Noah3. See also think Christ is a. descending; 28:30 Three
Noah3, Priests of Nephites are as a. of God; Moro. 7:22–25 a.
Alma 21:3 are more wicked than La- sent to teach men of Christ’s coming; 7:37
manites; 21:4 after order of Nehors; 23:14 it is by faith that a. appear and minister
(24:29) none converted; 24:1 stir up Laman- unto men.
ites; 24:2 rebel against king, take up arms D&C 20:6 description of a.; 29:42 a. sent
against Ammonites; 24:28 (25:7) slay be- to declare repentance and redemption to
lievers; 25:4 slain by Nephites; 25:5 usurp Adam; 38:12 (86:5) a. wait to reap earth;
leadership and persecute Lamanites; 25:8 42:6 ye shall declare word like unto a. of
hunted, slain by Lamanites; 25:9 Abinadi’s God; 45:45 (49:23; 77:12; 88:92–112) a. to
prophecy fulfilled. sound trumps; 49:7 a. know not time of
the Lord’s coming; 62:3 (88:2; 90:34) a. re-
Anathoth—Levite city near old Jerusalem joice over elders’ testimonies; 63:54 a. shall
2 Ne. 20:30 (Isa. 10:30) O poor A. cast wicked into unquenchable fire; 76:21
a. worship God at his throne; 77:9 (Rev.
Ancient. See also Old; Primitive
7:2) explanation of a. ascending from east;
2 Ne. 13:2 (Isa. 3:2) the Lord takes a. 84:28 John the Baptist ordained by a.; 84:42
away from Jerusalem; 19:15 a., he is head; (109:22) a. are given charge concerning
29:4–5 (Morm. 8:15) Jews are the Lord’s a. elders; 88:92 (133:17) a. shall fly through
covenant people; Mosiah 8:13 Mosiah2 can midst of heaven; 88:107 a. to be crowned
translate all records of a. date; Ether 9:5 with glory; 89:21 destroying a. shall pass
(10:33) oaths of a. by those who obey Word of Wisdom;
D&C 8:1 Oliver Cowdery to receive knowl- 103:19–20 a. shall go before the Lord’s ser-
edge of a. records; 98:32 the Lord gave law vants; 123:7 duty owed to a.; 128:21 voices
to all a. prophets; 107:4 Church in a. days of diverse a. heard; 129:1 a. are resurrected
called priesthood after Melchizedek. personages, having bodies of flesh; 129:4–8
Ancient of Days. See Adam test for recognizing a.; 130:4 reckoning of
a.’s time; 130:5 only a. who belong to this
Angel. See also Angels, Ministering earth minister to it; 130:6–7 a. reside in
of; Angels of the Devil; Archangel; presence of God; 132:18–19 those who enter
Messenger; Moroni2; Servant; tg Angels; covenant of eternal marriage shall pass by
bd Angels appointed gods and a.; 132:20 a. are subject
1 Ne. 1:8 (Alma 36:22) numberless con- to gods; 132:37 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
13 INDEX Anointed, the
are gods, not a.; 133:53 a. of the Lord’s pres- D&C 1:13 (5:8; 56:1; 60:2; 61:31; 63:2, 32;
ence saved redeemed. 82:6; 84:24; 97:24; 101:90; 133:51) the Lord’s
Moses 5:6 a. of the Lord asks Adam why a. is kindled; 10:24, 32 (63:27–28) Satan
he offers sacrifice; 5:58 a. begin to declare stirs men’s a. against this work; 19:15 re-
gospel; 7:25, 27 a. seen by Enoch2; Abr. 1:15 pent, lest I smite you by my a.; 63:11 with
(2:13; 3:20) a. of God’s presence delivers whom the Lord is a. he is not well pleased;
Abraham; JS—H 1:64 a. reveals plates. 88:87 stars shall become a.; 121:5 may
the Lord’s a. be kindled against Saints’
Angels, Ministering of. See also Angel; enemies.
Minister [verb]; tg Angels, Ministering
Moses 6:27 (7:34; 8:15) the Lord’s a. is
Jacob 7:5 a. ministered to Jacob 2; 7:17 kindled; Abr. 3:28 second was a. and kept
Sherem confesses power of the Holy Ghost not his first estate.
and m. of a.; Omni 1:25 Amaleki1 exhorts all
men to believe in m. of a.; 3 Ne. 7:18 a. min Angola—Nephite city
ister unto Nephi3 daily; 17:24 a. minister to Morm. 2:4 Nephites take possession of A.
Nephite children; Moro. 7:25 by m. of a.,
Anguish. See also Misery; Pain; Remorse;
men begin to exercise faith in Christ; 7:29
Sorrow; Suffering; Torment
a. have not ceased to minister unto men;
7:37 by faith a. appear and minister unto 1 Ne. 17:47 (Morm. 6:16) my soul is rent
men; 10:14 to another is given gift of be- with a.; Mosiah 2:38 awareness of guilt
holding a. and m. spirits. fills breast with a.; 3:7 Christ’s a. will
D&C 7:6 John the Beloved was to be cause blood to come from every pore;
made m. a.; 13 (84:26; 107:20) the Aaronic 25:11 Nephites filled with a. for welfare
Priesthood holds keys of m. of a.; 20:6 of Lamanites’ souls; 28:4 sons of Mosiah2
a. ministers to Joseph Smith; 20:10 (27:16) suffered much a. of soul because of their
gospel confirmed to others by m. of a.; 20:35 iniquities; Alma 38:8 Alma2 passed three
scriptures and revelations come through days and nights in bitter a. of soul.
m. of a.; 43:25 the Lord calls upon nations D&C 124:52 the Lord to answer a. on
by m. of a.; 67:13 natural man cannot abide those who hate him.
m. of a.; 76:88 telestial receive Christ’s ful- Ani-Anti—Lamanite village in land of Nephi
ness through administering of a.; 130:5 only Alma 21:11 Aaron 3 finds Muloki and
a. who belong to this earth minister to it; brethren preaching in A.
132:16–17 celestial heirs not married in
covenant are appointed m. a.; 136:37 Joseph Animal. See also Ass; Bear [noun]; Beast;
Smith called upon by a. and m. spirits. Bee; Calf; Cattle; Chickens; Cow;
Creature; Creep; Cumoms; Cureloms;
Angels of the Devil. See also Demon; Dog; Dove; Dragon; Eagle; Elephant;
Devil; Devils Firstling; Fish; Flock; Food; Fowl;
2 Ne. 2:17 (9:8) a. of God fell from Game; Goat; Hen; Horse; Insect; Lamb;
heaven, became devil; 9:8–9 without res- Meat; Ox; Serpent; Sheep; Swine; Viper;
urrection, men’s spirits must become a. Vultures; bd Animals
to d.; 9:9 (Alma 30:53) Satan transformed 1 Ne. 18:25 beasts of every kind found
himself into a. of light; 9:16 filthy shall be during journey through wilderness; 2 Ne.
devil and his a.; Jacob 3:11 loose yourselves 5:11 Nephites begin to raise a. of every
from pains of hell that ye become not a. to kind; Alma 22:31 Bountiful2 filled with
d.; Mosiah 26:27 everlasting fire prepared wild a. of every kind; Ether 9:18 Jared-
for devil and his a.; Hel. 13:37 people will ites raise many kinds of a. useful for food;
say, We are surrounded by d.’s a. 10:19 land southward covered with a. of
D&C 29:28 (76:33) wicked will suffer forest.
with devil and his a.; 29:36–37 third part D&C 89:12 a. are for use of man; 89:17
of hosts of heaven become d.’s a.; 76:25 a. barley for all useful a.
who was in authority rebelled against the Moses 2:24–25 (3:19; Abr. 4:24–25) cre-
Only Begotten; 128:20 devil appeared as ation of a.
a. of light.
Anointed, the. See also Anointing;
Anger, Angry. See also Fury; Indignation; bd Anointed One
Offend; Passion; Provoke; Rage; Wrath D&C 109:80 let the Lord’s a. be clothed
3 Ne. 11:29 devil stirs men up to contend with salvation; 121:16 cursed are those who
with a.; Ether 15:22 Jaredites drunken with lift up heel against the Lord’s a.; 132:7 cov-
a.; Moro. 9:3 Satan stirs Lamanites up con- enants and performances must be sealed
tinually to a. through medium of the Lord’s a.
Anointing INDEX 14
because of shame of world; 15:10 (17:45) JS —H 1:19 (Isa. 29:13) churches are
Nephi1 warns brothers about hardheart- wrong, draw near the Lord with lips, but
edness; 2 Ne. 28 prophecies of Nephi 1 hearts are far from him.
regarding corrupt churches in latter days;
Jacob 2–3 Jacob2 denounces Nephites’ sins;
Mosiah 11:1–7 Noah3 leads his people into D&C 86:3 Babylon, the a.
a.; Alma 4:6–12 pride, contention, wick- Apostle. See also Council; Disciple; James1;
edness grow in Church, lead unbelievers John the Beloved; Paul the Apostle;
astray; 24:30 those enlightened by the Peter; Priesthood, Melchizedek;
Spirit who fall into transgression become tg Apostles; bd Apostle
more hardened; 31 the Zoramites 2 have 1 Ne. 1:10–11 Lehi 1 sees Twelve in vi-
fallen into great errors; 37:27 knowledge sion; 11:29 Nephi1 sees Twelve in vision;
of secret oaths to be kept from Nephites 11:34–36 multitudes to fight against A.
lest they fall into darkness; Hel. 3:33–34 of the Lamb; 12:9 Twelve A. shall judge
(4:11–13; 5:2–3) many members of Church twelve tribes of Israel, twelve Nephite dis-
become proud, wicked, less righteous than ciples; 13:24 Twelve A. to bear record of
Lamanites; 12:2 when the Lord prospers the Lamb; 13:26, 39–41 record of gospel
his people, they harden hearts and forget to go forth by hand of Twelve A.; Morm.
him; 13:38 Nephites have sought happiness 9:18 many mighty miracles wrought by
in doing iniquity; 3 Ne. 2:1–3 Nephites A.; Ether 12:41 prophets and A. have writ-
forget signs, harden hearts, fall under ten of Jesus; Moro. 2:2 Nephite disciples
Satan’s power; 14:24–27 (18:13; Matt. 7:24– to give the Holy Ghost, as do the Lord’s A.
27) parable of houses built on rock and D&C 1:14 those who heed not words
on sand; 18:15 watch and pray lest ye be of prophets and A. shall be cut off; 18:9
tempted and led away by devil; 4 Ne. 1:24– Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer called
34, 38–39 Nephites fall away from truth, with same calling as Paul the A.; 18:26–28
build false churches; Morm. 8:28, 31–33 (107:35) Twelve called to declare gospel
Moroni2 prophesies about corrupt churches to both Gentile and Jew; 18:27 Twelve to
in latter days. be the Lord’s disciples; 18:29 A. ordained
D&C 1:15 those who reject prophets have to baptize; 18:32 (20:39; 107:39, 58) A. or-
strayed from ordinances, broken ever- dained to ordain other priesthood officers;
lasting covenant; 3:4 those who have re- 18:37 Twelve searched out by Oliver Cowd
ceived revelation may fall if they follow ery and David Whitmer; 20:2 (21:1) Joseph
own will; 3:9–11 because of transgression, Smith ordained an A.; 20:38 A. is an elder;
if thou art not aware thou wilt fall; 5:32 20:40 A. to administer sacrament; 20:41,
if Martin Harris does not humble himself 43 A. confirm baptized members; 20:42 A.
and receive witness, he will fall into trans- teach and watch over Church; 20:44 A. take
gression; 10:26 Satan causes men to catch lead in meetings; 27:12 (107:23) A. are spe-
themselves in own snare; 11:25 wo unto cial witnesses of Christ’s name; 27:12 Joseph
him who denies revelation; 20:9 Book of Smith and Oliver Cowdery ordained by
Mormon contains record of fallen people; Peter, James, and John; 29:12 Twelve from
20:32 possibility that man may fall from Jerusalem shall judge righteous of house
grace; 40:2 fear of persecution and cares of Israel; 35:6 A. of old bestowed the Holy
of world cause James Covel to reject word; Ghost by laying on of hands; 52:9, 36 elders
50:44 he who builds upon this rock shall to preach that which prophets and A. have
never fall; 58:15 if he repent not of his sins, written; 63:52 A. preached Resurrection;
let him take heed lest he fall; 82:3 he who 64:39 false A. and prophets to be known;
sins against greater light receives greater 84:63 you are mine A., even God’s high
condemnation; 82:21 those who sin against priests; 84:108 A. built up ancient Church;
covenant are delivered to buffetings of 95:4 A. are to prune vineyard; 102:30 trav-
Satan; 84:41 whoso breaks covenant shall eling high council composed of Twelve A.;
not have forgiveness; 84:54 minds dark- 107:23, 33 twelve traveling councilors are
ened because of unbelief; 85:11 those who called to be Twelve A.; 107:24 Quorum of
have apostatized shall have no inheritance A. equal in authority to First Presidency;
among Saints; 86:3 Satan sows tares; 112:26 107:34 (124:139) direct work of Seventy;
some have blasphemed against the Lord 107:35 (124:128) Twelve sent out, holding
in midst of his house; 114:2 some among keys to proclaim gospel; 112:14–32 power of
Saints deny the Lord’s name; 118:1 let men priesthood given to Twelve; 112:21 Twelve
be appointed to supply place of those who to send out ministers; 118 revelation of
are fallen; 121:37 amen to priesthood of God’s will concerning Twelve; 136:3 Camp
those who cover their sins. of Israel under direction of Twelve.
Apparel INDEX 16
D&C 85:8 man who puts forth hand to D&C 5:14 (109:73) Church to come forth
steady a. will die. terrible as a. with banners; 60:4 God rules
Moses 7:43 Enoch2 sees Noah1 build a.; among a.; 88:111–14 battle between a. of
JS—M 1:42 until day Noah1 entered a., peo- devil and Michael; 105:26 a. of Israel to
ple were eating and drinking. become very great; 105:31 let the Lord’s a.
be sanctified.
Arm. See also Armed; Arms; Might;
Strength; tg Trust Not in the Arm Arouse. See also Awake; Prick; Stir
of Flesh Jacob 3:11 (Alma 32:27) a. faculties of
1 Ne. 22:10 kindreds of earth cannot be your souls; Morm. 2:24 words of Mormon2
blessed unless the Lord makes bare his a.; a. Nephites to vigor.
2 Ne. 1:15 I am encircled eternally in a. of
the Lord’s love; 4:34 I will not trust in a.
of flesh; 8:5 (Isa. 51:5) the Lord’s a. shall Alma 11:44 every soul to be a. before bar
judge people, and isles shall trust on his a.; of Godhead to be judged.
28:31 cursed is he who makes flesh his Arrow. See also Bow [noun]; Weapon
a.; Jacob 6:5 (Alma 5:33) the Lord’s a. of
1 Ne. 16:23 Nephi 1 makes a. out of
mercy is extended; Omni 1:13 Nephites led
straight stick.
by power of the Lord’s a.; Alma 17:37 Am-
mon2 smites off Lamanites’ a. with sword; Art. See also Skill
20:20 Ammon2 smites a. of Lamoni’s father; Alma 10:15 lawyers are learned in all a.
34:16 mercy encircles the repentant in a. and cunning; Hel. 12:2 the Lord prospers
of safety; Morm. 5:11 Nephites might have his people in precious things of every kind
been clasped in a. of Jesus. and a.; 16:21 wicked Nephites fear proph-
D&C 1:14 (90:10; 133:3) a. of the Lord ets work some great mystery by a. of evil
shall be revealed; 1:19 trust not in a. of one; Morm. 2:10 no man could keep that
flesh; 3:8 the Lord would have extended which was his own, because of magic a. in
his a. and supported you; 6:20 the faithful land; Ether 13:16 Coriantumr2 studies all
are encircled in a. of the Lord’s love; 15:2 a. of war.
(16:2) the Lord’s a. is over all earth; 29:1 a.
of mercy hath atoned for sins; 35:8 (133:67) Ascend. See also Rise; tg Jesus Christ,
the Lord’s a. is not shortened; 45:45, 47 the Ascension of
Lord’s a. to fall upon nations; 56:1 rebel- 2 Ne. 24:13–14 Lucifer claims he will a.
lious to know the Lord’s a.; 121:33 as well into heaven; Jacob 2:35 sobbings of wives
might man stretch forth his puny a. to stop and children a. to God against Nephites.
the Missouri; 133:3 the Lord shall make Ashamed. See also Shame
bare his a. in eyes of all nations.
1 Ne. 8:25–28 those who partake of fruit
Armed. See also Arms are a. because of scoffers; 21:23 (2 Ne. 6:7;
1 Ne. 14:14 Saints a. with righteousness. Isa. 49:23) they shall not be a. who wait for
the Lord; 2 Ne. 6:13 people of the Lord
Armor. See also Breastplate; Helmet; shall not be a.; 7:7 (Isa. 50:7) I know that
Shield I shall not be a.; Alma 46:21 if Nephites
1 Ne. 4:19 Nephi 1 girds on Laban’s a.; become a. to take name of Christ, the Lord
2 Ne. 1:23 put on a. of righteousness; Alma shall rend them; 3 Ne. 22:4 fear not, for
43:21 Lamanites fear Nephite armies be- thou shalt not be a.; Morm. 8:38 why are
cause of a.; 3 Ne. 4:7 appearance of Giddi- ye a. to take upon you name of Christ.
anhi’s army is terrible because of their a. D&C 42:91 those who offend openly
D&C 27:15 take upon you the Lord’s should be rebuked openly, that they may
whole a. be a.; 90:17 be not a.
Moses 3:25 (Abr. 5:19) Adam and Eve
Arms. See also Weapon were naked and were not a.
Alma 51:13 (62:9) king-men refuse to
take up a. against Lamanites; 53:11 because Ashes. See also Sackcloth
of oath, Ammonites do not take up a.; 53:16 Mosiah 11:25 except people of Noah3 re-
sons of Ammonites take up a. pent in sackcloth and a., the Lord will not
hear prayers; 3 Ne. 25:3 wicked shall be a.
Army, Armies. See also Battle; Soldiers; under feet of those who fear God.
1 Ne. 4:2 (17:27; Hel. 8:11) a. of Pharaoh Ashley, Major N.
drowned in Red Sea. D&C 75:17 called to journey into South.
Ask INDEX 18
Ask. See also Inquire; Knock; Prayer; they a. to honors of men; 124:84 Almon
Question; Seek; tg Prayer Babbitt a. to establish his counsel instead
1 Ne. 15:11 (Moro. 10:4) if ye a. the Lord of Presidency’s.
in faith, he will make things known; 2 Ne. Ass. See also Animal
4:35 (3 Ne. 14:7; 18:20; James 1:5) God will
give liberally to him that a.; 4:35 God 1 Ne. 18:25 people of Lehi1 find a. in
will give if I a. not amiss; 32:4 if people wilderness; Mosiah 5:14 doth a man take
cannot understand words of Nephi1, it is neighbor’s a. and keep him; 12:5 (21:3) peo-
because they a. not; Enos 1:15 (3 Ne. 18:20; ple of Noah3 shall be driven like dumb a.;
27:29; Moro. 7:26) whatsoever ye a. in faith Ether 9:19 Jaredites have a.
ye shall receive; Mosiah 4:10 a. in sincerity Assemble. See also Church of God;
of heart that God forgive you; 4:21 (3 Ne. Conference; Congregation; Meet [verb];
18:20; Moro. 7:26) God grants whatsoever Solemn Assembly; Worship
men a. that is right; Hel. 10:5 Nephi2 would Mosiah 18:25 one day in week set apart
not a. what is contrary to the Lord’s will; for people to a. to be taught and to wor-
3 Ne. 13:8 the Father knows what men need ship; 25:21 Nephites a. in different bodies,
before they a.; 14:7 (18:20) a., and it shall be called churches; Alma 6:5 none are de-
given; 14:8 every one who a. receives; 17:3 prived of privilege of a. to hear God’s word;
(18:20; 27:28; Morm. 9:21; Moro. 7:26) a. the 15:17 Nephites in Sidom a. in sanctuaries
Father in Christ’s name; Morm. 9:28 a. not to worship.
that ye may consume it on your lusts, but a. D&C 37:3 (39:15) Church commanded to a.
with firmness unshaken that ye will yield at the Ohio; 41:2 elders commanded to
to no temptation; Moro. 10:4 a. God if these a. to agree on word; 43:8 when a. together,
things are true. instruct one another; 49:25 Zion to a. be-
D&C 4:7 (6:5; 8:1; 11:5; 12:5; 14:5; 29:6; fore the Lord’s coming; 52:42 faithful to a.
42:3, 61; 49:26; 66:9; 75:27; 88:63; 101:27; in Missouri; 59:9–13 go to house of prayer
103:35) a. and ye shall receive; 8:9 a. and on the Lord’s holy day; 62:4 (63:24, 36) el-
receive knowledge; 8:10 (18:18) a. in faith; ders to a. in land of Zion; 138:16, 38, 49 the
8:10 do not a. for that which you ought dead a. awaiting the Son’s advent.
not; 8:11 a. that you may know mysteries
of God; 9:7 you took no thought save to a. Assyria—country in western Asia. See also
the Lord; 9:8 study, then a.; 10:21 because of Assyrian; bd Assyria and Babylonia
corrupt hearts men do not a. the Lord; 14:8 2 Ne. 17:17 (Isa. 7:17) king of A. attacks
(18:18) a. the Father in Christ’s name; 18:18 Judah; 17:18 (Isa. 7:18) the Lord to hiss for
a. and you shall have the Holy Ghost; 42:56 bee in land of A.; 17:20 (Isa. 7:20) king of
a. and scriptures will be given; 42:61–62 if A. brings terror; 18:4 (Isa. 8:4) riches of Da-
thou shalt a., thou shalt receive revelation; mascus and spoils of Samaria to be taken
42:68 (46:7; James 1:5) he who lacks wis- before king of A.; 18:7 (Isa. 8:7) king of A.
dom should a. the Lord, who gives liberally; and his glory shall come up over his chan-
46:7 ye are commanded in all things to a. nels; 20:12 (Isa. 10:12) the Lord will punish
of God; 46:28 he who a. in the Spirit will fruit of stout heart of king of A.; 21:11, 16
receive in the Spirit; 46:30 he who a. in the (Isa. 11:11, 16) the Lord to recover his peo-
Spirit a. according to will of God; 50:29 if ple from A.
purified, whatever ye a. in the Lord’s name
will be done; 50:30 it will be given what to Assyrian—native of Assyria. See also
a.; 88:65 do not a. for things not expedient; Assyria; bd Assyria and Babylonia
132:40 a. what ye will, and it shall be given. 2 Ne. 20:5 (Isa. 10:5) O A., rod of the
Moses 6:52 (7:59) a. all things in name Lord’s anger; 20:24 (Isa. 10:24) people in
of the Son; 7:50 Enoch2 a. the Lord to have Zion not to be afraid of A.; 24:25 (Isa.
mercy on Noah1 and his seed; JS—H 1:11, 14:25) the Lord will tread A. under foot.
26 (James 1:5) if any of you lack wisdom, Astray. See also Apostasy; Err; Lose;
let him a. of God. Wander
Asleep. See also Sleep; Watch 2 Ne. 12:5 house of Jacob have all gone
D&C 35:21 elect to hear the Lord’s voice a.; 28:14 false churches have all gone a.;
and not be a.; 86:3 after Apostles have Mosiah 14:6 (Isa. 53:6) all we, like sheep,
fallen a., Satan sows tares; 101:53 ye should have gone a.; 27:10 Alma2 seeks to lead a.
not fall a., lest enemy come upon you. the Lord’s people; Alma 5:37 unrighteous
have gone a., as sheep having no shepherd;
Aspire. See also Ambition 13:17 Melchizedek’s people had all gone a.;
D&C 121:35 few are chosen, because 30:53 devil tells Korihor people have gone
19 INDEX Avail
a. after unknown God; 41:1 some have gone speak; 2 Ne. 1:25 brothers of Nephi1 ac-
far a. because of wresting the scriptures. cuse him of seeking a.; Mosiah 13:6 Abin-
Moses 6:28 since creation, men have adi speaks with a. from God; 18:13 Alma1
gone a. baptizes, having a. from God; 21:33 none in
Limhi’s land have a. to baptize; 23:17 none
Astronomy. See also Moon; Star; Sun; receive a. to teach except by Alma1 from
God; 26:8 (Alma 5:3) Alma 2 has a. over
Alma 30:44 motion of earth and plan- Church; Alma 9:6 who is God that sendeth
ets in regular form witness the Supreme no more a. than one man among this peo-
Creator; Hel. 12:15 earth moves, not sun; ple; 17:3 sons of Mosiah2 teach with a. of
14:5 (3 Ne. 1:21) new star to arise as sign God; 25:5 Amulon’s followers usurp a. over
of Christ’s birth. Lamanites; 30:23 Korihor accuses ancient
D&C 88:37 no space in which there is no priests of usurping a.; Hel. 5:18 Nephi2 and
kingdom; 130:7 angels reside in presence Lehi4 preach to Lamanites with great a.; 7:4
of God, on globe like sea of glass and fire. Gadianton robbers usurp a.; 11:18 (3 Ne.
Moses 1:33 the Lord has created worlds 7:17) Nephi2 a man of God, having great
without number; 7:30 the Lord’s creations a. from God; 3 Ne. 6:15 Satan tempts peo-
cannot be numbered; Abr. 1:31 records of ple to seek power and a.; 11:25 (12:1) bap-
the fathers contain knowledge of creation, tism performed by a. of Christ; Moro. 8:16
planets, stars; 3:3, 9 Kolob, nearest to God, Mormon2 preaches with boldness, having
governs all planets in order of earth; 3:4 a. from God.
one revolution of Kolob is a day unto the D&C 1:6 this is mine a. and a. of my
Lord, 1,000 years to man. servants; 20:2 Joseph Smith called of God;
Ate. See Eat 20:63–64 license permitting elder to per-
form duty; 25:3 Emma Smith called by the
Athirst. See also Thirst Lord; 27:8 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowd
Alma 1:30 Church members do not send ery called and ordained, even as Aaron1;
away those who are a.; 4:12 some Church 28:2 (43:2–7) no one to receive command-
members turn backs on those who are a. ments and revelation for Church except
D&C 84:80 those who preach gospel one appointed; 28:3 declare the command-
faithfully shall not go a. ments with a.; 28:5 Oliver Cowdery to write
by way of wisdom, not commandment;
Atone, Atonement. See Jesus Christ, 42:11 no one to preach gospel unless or-
Atonement through dained by someone who has a.; 63:62 many
Attain. See also Obtain use name of the Lord in vain, having not
a.; 68:8 elders to preach gospel, acting in
D&C 130:18 whatever principle of intel-
a.; 68:20 descendant of Aaron1 not autho-
ligence we a. unto in this life will rise with
rized unless designated and ordained by
us; 132:21 except ye abide the Lord’s law ye
Presidency; 76:25 angel who was in a. re-
cannot a. celestial glory.
belled; 84:21 power of godliness not mani
Author. See also Founder fest without a.; 107:8, 18–19 Melchizedek
Hel. 6:30 Satan is a. of all sin; 8:28 a. of Priesthood has a. to administer in spiritual
secret band is Gadianton and the evil one; things; 107:20 a. of Aaronic Priesthood is to
Moro. 6:4 Christ is a. and finisher of mem- administer in outward ordinances; 112:21
bers’ faith. Twelve are duly recommended and autho-
rized; 113:8 put on a. of priesthood; 121:39
Authorities. See also Authority; Officer unrighteous dominion practiced by those
D&C 102:32 decisions of Twelve can be who get a little a.; 122:2 pure in heart shall
questioned only by General A.; 107:5 all a. seek a.; 124:128 Twelve hold keys to open
in Church other than Melchizedek Priest- up a. of kingdom; 128:9 what is done by di-
hood are appendages to it; 107:32 appeal vine a. becomes law; 134:10 religious soci-
may be brought to quorums which consti- ety has a. to deal with men for fellowship;
tute spiritual a. of Church; 124:5 kings and 138:26 truth proclaimed in great power
a. to be appealed to; 124:118 hearken unto and a.; 138:30 Lord appointed messengers
a. called to lay foundation of Zion. clothed with power and a.
A of F 1:5 man must be called of God by
Authority. See also Calling; Dominion; those in a.
Office; Ordain; Ordinance; Power;
Priesthood; Reign; Rule; Scepter; Avail. See also Profit
tg Authority Mosiah 3:15 law of Moses a. noth-
1 Ne. 10:22 the Holy Ghost gives a. to ing except through Christ’s Atonement;
Avenge INDEX 20
only through manifestation of the Spirit; own hands; 82:14 Zion must increase in b.;
98:23 those who b. persecution patiently 128:19 how b. upon mountains are feet of
will be rewarded; 124:18 the Lord will b. those that bring glad tidings; 137:2 tran-
servant up on eagles’ wings; 136:31 he who scendent b. of gates of celestial kingdom.
will not b. chastisement is not worthy.
Abr. 2:9 Abraham’s seed to b. ministry
and priesthood. Abr. 1:13 idolatrous altar is made after
form of b.
Beast. See also Animal
Bee. See also Animal
1 Ne. 7:16 Laman1 and Lemuel seek to
leave Nephi1 in the wilderness to be de- 2 Ne. 17:18 (Isa. 7:18) the Lord shall hiss
voured by wild b.; 16:31 Nephi1 slays wild for b. in Assyria; Ether 2:3 deseret is in-
b. for food; 18:25 people of Lehi1 find b. in terpreted as honey b.; 2:3 Jaredites carry
forest of every kind; Enos 1:3 Enos2 hunts swarms of b.
b. in forests; Jarom 1:6 Lamanites drink Beforehand
blood of b.; Alma 34:10 great and last sac- 1 Ne. 4:6 Nephi1 led by the Spirit, not
rifice not to be sacrifice of b.; 3 Ne. 4:2 no knowing b. what he should do.
wild b. in lands deserted by Nephites; 20:16
(21:12) house of Jacob to be among Gentiles Beg, Beggar. See also Plead; Poor
as lion among b. of forest; 28:22 (4 Ne. 1:33) Mosiah 4:16–25 ye will not suffer the b.
disciples cast into den of wild b.; Morm. to put up his petition to you in vain; 4:20
8:24 wild b. could not harm Saints; Ether Nephites b. the Lord for forgiveness; Alma
10:26 Jaredites make tools with which 30:56 Korihor b. from house to house for
they work their b.; Moro. 9:9–10 Nephites food.
devour flesh of Lamanite daughters like Beginning. See also Creation; End
wild b.
D&C 49:19 (89:12) b. given for use of 1 Ne. 5:12–13 (Alma 37:3) brass plates
man; 77:2–3 (Rev. 4:6) four b. used by John contain record of Jews from b.; 9:6 (Acts
in describing heaven represent glory of 15:18) the Lord knows all things from b.;
12:18 the Holy Ghost bears record of the
classes of beings; 77:4 eyes of b. represent
Lamb from b. of world; 20:3, 5, 16 (Isa.
light and knowledge; 77:4 wings of b. rep-
48:3, 5, 16) the Lord has declared former
resent power; 89:14, 17 grains ordained for
things from b.; 2 Ne. 9:2 the Lord has spo-
use of man and b.; 101:26 enmity of b. to
ken through his prophets from b.; 11:4 all
cease at the Lord’s coming.
things given of God from b. typify Christ;
Moses 2:24 (3:19; Abr. 4:24–25) creation
27:7 sealed book shall be revelation from
of b.
God, from b. of world to end; Mosiah 3:8
Beat. See also Smite; Strike (Hel. 14:12) Christ the Creator of all things
2 Ne. 28:8 God will b. us with a few from b.; 7:27 (Ether 3:15–16) Christ to take
stripes; 3 Ne. 20:19 (Micah 4:13) thou shalt image after which man was created in b.;
b. in pieces many people. 28:14 Urim and Thummim were prepared
from b.; Alma 11:39 (3 Ne. 9:18; Rev. 1:8)
Beatitudes. See also Sermon on the the Son is the b. and the end; 13:7–8 (Heb.
Mount; bd Beatitudes 7:1–3) priesthood is without b. of days or
3 Ne. 12:3–12 (Matt. 5:3–12) the Savior end of years; 13:9 the Only Begotten is
teaches B. to Nephites. without b. of days or end of years; 18:32
by God’s hand men were all created from
Beauty, Beautiful. See also Comely; b.; 18:34 (Ether 3:15) man in b. was cre-
Delightsome; Fair ated after image of God; 26:24 Lamanites’
1 Ne. 11:8 b. of tree exceeds all b.; 11:15 ways have been ways of transgressor from
Nephi1 sees virgin, most b.; 13:37 (Mosiah b.; Hel. 6:29 devil has brought forth works
12:21; 15:15–18; 3 Ne. 20:40; Isa. 52:7) how of darkness from b. of man; 3 Ne. 9:15
b. upon the mountain are they who publish ( John 1:1–2) Christ was with Father from
peace; 2 Ne. 8:24 (3 Ne. 20:36; Moro. 10:31) b.; 11:11 Christ has suffered will of Father
Zion to put on b. garments; 14:2 branch of in all things from b.; 26:3 Christ expounds
the Lord shall be b. and glorious; Mosiah all things from b.; 4 Ne. 1:38 fathers dwin-
14:2 (Isa. 53:2) when we shall see him there dled from b.; 1:39 Lamanites taught to hate
is no b. that we should desire him; 18:30 Nephites from b.; Ether 8:15 Cain a mur-
how b. are the environs of Mormon to those derer from b.; 8:19 the Lord has forbidden
who came to knowledge of the Redeemer. secret combinations from b. of man; 8:25
D&C 42:40 let b. of garments be work of devil has caused people to murder and to
Begotten INDEX 24
cast out prophets from b.; 13:2 Ether tells Sidney Rigdon b. glory of the Son; 76:28
Jaredites of all things from b. of man. we b. Satan; 84:23 those who are sanctified
D&C 8:12 the Lord spoke from b.; 19:1 might b. face of God; 88:52 those who labor
(35:1; 38:1; 45:7; 49:12; 54:1; 61:1; 84:120; in the field will b. joy of the Lord’s counte-
95:7) Christ is b. and end; 22:1 covenant was nance; 93:11 John b. glory of the Lord; 121:2
from b.; 29:32 all things created first spiri how long shall the Lord b. from heaven
tual, second temporal, which is b. of the wrongs of his people; 136:37 the faithful
Lord’s work; 29:33 the Lord’s works have will b. the Lord’s glory.
no end, neither b.; 29:38 hell prepared from Moses 1:5 no man can b. the Lord’s glory
b.; 76:13 the Son was with the Father and remain in flesh; 1:11 Moses’ spiritual
from b.; 78:16 the Holy One without b. of eyes b. God; 7:59 Enoch2 b. the Son ascend
days or end of life; 84:17 priesthood with- to the Father.
out b. of days or end of years; 87:1–2 b. of
wars at rebellion of South Carolina; 93:7, Being [noun]. See also Personage
21 Christ was in the b.; 93:8 ( John 1:1) in b. 2 Ne. 9:9 devil is that b. who beguiled
was the Word; 93:23, 29 man was in b. with first parents; Jacob 2:21 one b. is as pre-
God; 93:38 spirit of man was innocent in cious in God’s sight as other; 7:7 Sherem
b.; 112:31 Twelve hold power in connection claims people should not worship a b. who
with all who have received dispensation is to come in hundreds of years; Mosiah
since b.; 119:3 b. of tithing of the Lord’s 2:17 when ye are in service of fellow b. ye
people; 132:38 the Lord’s servants from are in service of God; 8:18 God provides
b. received many wives and concubines; means that man can become great benefit
138:55 noble and great spirits chosen in b. to fellow b.; Alma 26:35 God is merciful b.;
to be rulers. Hel. 16:18 people claim it is not reasonable
Moses 1:3 (6:67) the Lord is without b. of that a b. such as Christ should come; Moro.
days or end of years; 2:1 the Lord is the B. 8:18 God is not a changeable b.
and the End; 2:1 (Abr. 4:1) in b. the Lord
created heaven and earth; 2:26 the Only Belief, Believe, Believing. See also
Begotten was with God from b.; 4:1 Sa- Believer; Doubt; Faith; Opinion;
tan was from b.; 5:58 gospel was preached Religion; Unbelief; tg Believe
from b.; 6:7 priesthood was in b.; 8:16 Noah1 1 Ne. 2:13 Laman1 and Lemuel do not b.
taught things of God, as it was in b.; Abr. Jerusalem could be destroyed; 15:11 (Enos
1:3 priesthood came down from fathers 1:15; Mosiah 4:21; Alma 22:16; 3 Ne. 18:20;
from b. of time; 1:31 Abraham keeps Moro. 7:26) if ye ask, b. that ye shall re-
knowledge of b. of creation; 2:8 Jehovah ceive, these things shall be made known
knows end from b.; 3:18 spirits have no b.; to you; 2 Ne. 2:9 (3 Ne. 11:33–35) they who
3:21 the Lord came down in b. in midst of b. in Christ shall be saved; 5:6 those who
all intelligences; 4:5 b. of day and night. go with Nephi1 b. in God’s warnings; 6:14
(25:16; 30:7; 3 Ne. 20:31) day cometh when
Begotten. See also Born of God; Children the Messiah’s people shall b. in him; 6:14 the
of God; Jesus Christ—Only Begotten Son; Messiah will destroy none who b. in him;
9:18 Saints who have b. in the Holy One
Mosiah 5:7 Christ hath spiritually b. his shall inherit kingdom of God; 25:16 Jews
people. will be persecuted until persuaded to b.
D&C 76:24 inhabitants of worlds are b. in Christ; 25:28 right way is to b. in Christ;
sons and daughters of God; 93:22 those who 28:6 false churches teach not to b. in mira
are b. through the Lord are of Church of cles; 30:7 scattered Jews shall also begin
the Firstborn. to b. in Christ; 33:10 hearken unto these
Beguile. See also Deceit; Lying words and b. in Christ; 33:10 if ye b. in
2 Ne. 9:9 (Mosiah 16:3; Ether 8:25) devil Christ, ye shall b. in these words; Jacob 4:5
b. our first parents. all prophets b. in Christ; 7:10 b. thou the
Moses 4:6 Satan sought to b. Eve. scriptures; Jarom 1:11 priests teach peo-
ple to b. in the Messiah as though he had
Behold, Beheld. See also Look; See; View already come; Mosiah 4:9 b. in God, b. that
Ether 3:19 brother of Jared2 could not be he is; 4:10 b. that ye must repent of sins;
kept from b. within the veil; Moro. 10:14 4:10 if ye b. these things, see that ye do
gift of b. of angels. them; 15:22 those who b. words of prophets
D&C 5:13 witnesses to be given power to will come forth in First Resurrection; 26:22
b. plates; 6:37 b. wounds which pierced the whosoever is baptized shall b. in the Lord’s
Lord’s side; 45:4 the Father b. death of him name; Alma 1:17 false priests pretend to
who did no sin; 76:20 Joseph Smith and teach according to b.; 4:8 people of Church
25 INDEX Benjamin
persecute those who do not b. according b. are raised in immortality unto eternal
to their will; 11:40 the Son will take upon life; 29:44 those who do not b. are raised
him transgressions of those who b. on to eternal damnation; 35:8 the Lord will
his name; 18:24, 26, 28 b. thou that there show wonders to those who b.; 38:4 the
is a God, a Great Spirit; 21:7 b. thou that Lord pleads before the Father for those
the Son shall come to redeem mankind who b.; 42:52 those without faith to heal,
from sins; 22:11 Lamanite king b. that the but who b. in the Lord, will become sons;
Great Spirit created all things; 24:19 when 45:8 (76:52) to them that b., the Lord gave
brought to b., converted Lamanites were power to obtain eternal life; 46:14 spiri-
firm; 30:7 no law against man’s b.; 30:42 tual gift of b. in others’ words; 49:12 b. on
Alma2 knows that Korihor b.; 31:17 Zoram- name of Jesus; 58:64 (68:10; 84:65) signs
ites2 claim traditions bind brethren down follow those who b.; 67:3 elders endeavor
to b. in Christ; 32:16 blessed is he who b. in to b. that they should receive blessing; 68:9
word of God without being compelled to (84:74; 112:29) he who b. and is baptized
know word before he will b.; 32:18 if man shall be saved; 90:24 pray always and be
knows a thing, he has no cause to b.; 32:27 b.; 109:67 scattered remnants of Israel to b.
if ye can no more than desire to b., let this in the Messiah; 133:71 men b. not the Lord’s
desire work in you; 33:20 few looked upon servants; 134:7 governments are bound to
Moses’ serpent because they did not b. it protect free exercise of religious b.
would heal them; 33:22 cast about your Moses 1:42 (4:32) words spoken to Moses
eyes and begin to b. in the Son; 46:15 be- on mount should be shown only to those
lievers called Christians because of b. in who b.; 5:13 Satan commands men to b. not;
Christ; Hel. 14:13 if ye b. on Christ’s name 6:52 those who b., repent, and are baptized
ye will repent; 15:10 the Lord will prolong shall receive the Holy Ghost; 7:1 many have
days of Ammonites because of steadfast- b. things taught by Adam.
ness when they b.; 3 Ne. 11:35 whoso b. in Believer. See also Christian; Member;
Christ b. in the Father also; 12:1 blessed are Saint; Worshiper
ye if ye b. in me after ye have seen me; 12:2
more blessed are those who shall b. in your Alma 46:14–15 true b. in Christ are called
words; 16:6–7 blessed are Gentiles because Christians; 4 Ne. 1:36–37 true b. in Christ
of b. in Christ; 18:20 whatsoever ye ask, b. are called Nephites.
that ye shall receive, it shall be given; 19:20 D&C 74:5 b. should not be united to
Christ chooses disciples because of their b. unbeliever.
in him; 4 Ne. 1:29 Church persecuted be- Bellows
cause of b. in Christ; Morm. 3:20–21 Mor- 1 Ne. 17:11 Nephi1 makes a b.
mon2 writes so that people will b. gospel;
9:27 doubt not, but be b.; Ether 3:11 b. thou Belly
the words I shall speak; 3:15 never has man D&C 89:7–9 strong drinks not for b.
b. in the Lord as brother of Jared2; 4:12 he
who will not b. Christ’s words will not b. Beloved. See Jesus Christ—Son of God;
Christ, will not b. the Father; 12:18 men John the Beloved
first b. in the Son before working miracles; Benefit. See also Bless; Gain; Profit
Moro. 7:16 everything which persuades to Mosiah 8:18 God provides means that
b. in Christ is sent by power of Christ; 7:17 man can become great b. to fellow beings.
whatsoever persuades not to b. in Christ D&C 46:9 best gifts are given for b. of
is of devil; 7:45 (1 Cor. 13:7) charity b. all those who love and obey the Lord; 59:18
things. all things that come from earth are made
D&C 3:20 plates were preserved that for b. of man; 70:8 b. from revelations and
Lamanites may b.; 5:7 if men will not b. commandments to be consecrated unto
the Lord’s words, they will not b. Joseph inhabitants of Zion; 91:5 whoso is enlight-
Smith; 5:16 whosoever b. on the Lord’s ened by the Spirit shall obtain b.; 134:1 gov-
words will be given manifestation of the ernments instituted of God for b. of man.
Spirit; 8:1 (11:10, 14; 14:8) ask in faith, b.
that you will receive; 10:50 whosoever b. Benjamin—Nephite prophet-king [c. 120 b.c.]
in gospel in this life will have eternal life; Omni 1:23 B., son of Mosiah 1, begins
11:30 (34:3; 35:2; 45:5; 49:12) those who b. reign; 1:24 (W of M 1:13–14) drives out La-
on the Lord’s name become sons of God; manites; 1:25 (W of M 1:10) given plates
14:8 those who ask in faith, b., shall receive by Amaleki 1; W of M 1:11 hands down
the Holy Ghost; 20:25–26 (68:9) b. leads to plates; 1:13 uses sword of Laban against
salvation; 20:29 all men must repent and Lamanites; 1:16–18 (Mosiah 1:1) holy man,
b. on name of Jesus Christ; 29:43 those who establishes peace; Mosiah 1:2 sons of B.
Bennett, John C. INDEX 26
named; 1:3 teaches concerning records; never to have been born; 121:22 b. that
1:10, 15 (2:30; 6:3) confers kingdom on millstone had been hanged about neck.
Mosiah 2; 1:16 gives Mosiah 2 records and
artifacts; 2:9–4:30 addresses people from
tower; 2:12–14 serves, labors with hands; D&C 23:1 (25:14; 38:39) b. of pride; 46:8
2:17 urges service to fellow beings; 3:7 b. lest ye are deceived; 63:61 let all men b.
teaches of Jesus’ suffering; 3:15–19 teaches how they take the Lord’s name.
about Atonement; 3:18–27 teaches about Bible. See also Book; New Testament; Old
judgment; 4:16–19 teaches people to help Testament; Scriptures; bd Bible
beggars, for all are beggars; 5:5 B.’s people 2 Ne. 29:3–10 Gentiles shall say, A B., we
covenant with the Lord; 6:1 takes names of have got a B.
those who enter covenant; 6:3 consecrates D&C 42:12 elders to teach principles of
Mosiah2, appoints priests; 6:5 dies; 8:2–3 gospel in B. and Book of Mormon.
B.’s word rehearsed by Ammon1; 26:1 rising A of F 1:8 we believe B. to be word of
generation do not understand B.’s words; God.
29:13 if people could have kings like B., it
would be well; Hel. 5:9 Helaman3 asks sons Billings, Titus
to remember words of B. D&C 63:39 to dispose of land.
Bennett, John C. Bind, Bound. See also Band; Bondage;
D&C 124:16–17 to help in sending out Priesthood; Seal
the Lord’s word. 2 Ne. 1:13 awful chains b. men that they
are carried captive to gulf of misery; 9:45
Benson, Ezra T. shake off chains of him who would b. you;
D&C 136:12 to organize company for 26:22 devil leads men with flaxen cord
journey west. until he b. them; Alma 7:15 lay aside every
Bent, Samuel sin which doth b. you down to destruc-
tion; 44:5 liberty b. Nephites to lands and
D&C 124:132 member of high council.
Beset D&C 35:24 (104:5) keep all command-
2 Ne. 4:18 I am encompassed about be- ments by which ye are b.; 43:9 b. yourselves
cause of sins which so easily b. me; Alma to act in all holiness; 43:31 (45:55; 84:100;
7:15 lay aside every sin which easily doth 88:110) Satan to be b. during Millennium;
b. you. 82:10 I, the Lord, am b. when ye do what I
say; 82:11, 15 the Lord’s servants are b. to-
Bethabara. See also bd Bethabara gether by covenant; 86:7 (88:94) after gath-
1 Ne. 10:9 John to baptize the Messiah ering of wheat, tares will be b. in bundles;
in B. 88:84 (133:72) elders to b. up law; 109:46
enable thy servants to b. up testimony;
Bethel. See also bd Bethel 124:93 (127:7; 128:8; 132:46) what the Lord’s
Abr. 2:20 Abraham goes east of B. servants b. on earth shall be b. in heaven;
Better. See also Good; Well [adj.] 128:14 binding power explained; 134:4
human law has no right to b. men’s con-
1 Ne. 4:13 b. that one man perish than sciences; 134:5 men are b. to sustain their
a nation dwindle in unbelief; 2 Ne. 31:14 governments; 134:7 rulers are b. to enact
it would have been b. for you that ye had laws to protect citizens’ exercise of beliefs;
not known me; Jacob 2:13 some Nephites 138:31, 42 the Redeemer and chosen mes-
persecute brethren because they suppose sengers proclaim liberty to captive spirits
they are b.; Mosiah 29:12 b. that a man who were b.; 138:42 the Redeemer anointed
be judged of God than of man; Alma 1:26 to b. up the broken-hearted.
preacher and teacher no b. than hearer
and learner; 37:45 words of Christ shall Birth. See Bear [verb]; Born; Jesus Christ,
carry us into far b. land of promise; 43:45 First Coming of
Nephites inspired by b. cause; 3 Ne. 12:30 Birthright. See Heir; Inherit; Lineage;
b. to deny yourselves of these things than bd Birthright
to be cast into hell; 28:35 it would be b.
for them if they had not been born; Ether Bishop. See also Bishopric; Judge [noun];
12:4 whoso believeth in God might hope Judge [verb]; Pastor; Priesthood, Aaronic;
for b. world. bd Bishop
D&C 54:5 b. for him that he had been D&C 20:66 traveling b. have privilege of
drowned; 76:32 b. for sons of perdition ordaining where there is no branch; 20:67
27 INDEX Bless
b. to be ordained by direction of high state are in gall of b.; 3 Ne. 11:11 Christ has
council or general conference; 41:9 Ed- drunk out of b. cup; Moro. 7:11 b. fountain
ward Partridge to be ordained a b.; 42:31 cannot bring forth good water; 8:14 he who
(51:5) properties consecrated for support supposes little children need baptism is
of poor are given to b.; 42:34 (51:13) b. to in gall of b.
administer storehouse; 42:73 (51:14) b. D&C 19:18 Christ would that he might
to receive support or just remuneration for not drink b. cup; 29:39 if men never had b.,
service; 42:82 b. to be present when trans- they could not know sweet; 42:47 b. death
gressors are tried before the elders; 46:27, of those who die not in the Lord.
29 b. is responsible for discerning spiritual Moses 1:20 Moses saw b. of hell; 6:55 men
gifts; 48:6 families to be gathered to new taste b. that they may know to prize good;
city as appointed by Presidency and b.; 7:44 Enoch2 has b. of soul because of de-
58:17 b. is responsible for dividing lands struction of wicked.
among Saints; 58:17 (64:40) b. to be judge
in Israel; 64:40 (68:23) if unfaithful in
Black, Blackness. See also Darkness,
stewardship, b. will be condemned; 68:14
(72:2; 107:75) other b. to be set apart; 68:15, 2 Ne. 5:21 skin of b. to come upon breth-
19 (107:17, 69–76) worthy high priests may ren of Nephi1; 7:3 the Lord clothes heavens
be appointed b.; 68:15–21 (107:16, 69, 76) lit- with b.; 26:33 the Lord denies none who
eral descendants of Aaron1 have legal right come unto him, b. and white; 3 Ne. 12:36
to office of b.; 68:20 descendants of Aaron1 thou canst not make one hair b. or white.
must be ordained to office of b.; 68:22–24 D&C 122:7 if heavens gather b., these
b. to be tried only before Presidency; 70:11 things shall give experience; 133:69 the
b. not exempt from law of stewardship; Lord to clothe heavens with b.
72:5 (72:16) elders to render account of Moses 7:8 b. came upon children of Ca-
their stewardship unto b.; 72:7 duty of b. to naan; 7:22 seed of Cain were b.
be made known by commandments; 72:8 Blameless. See also Guiltless; Innocence;
Newel K. Whitney called to be b.; 72:10–16 Spotless
(107:73–76) duties of b.; 84:29 office of b. a Mosiah 3:21 none shall be found b. be-
necessary appendage to High Priesthood; fore God except little children; Alma 5:27
84:112 b. to care for poor; 107:17 b. must be have ye kept yourselves b. before God; 7:3
ordained by Presidency; 107:68 b. adminis- Alma2 hopes to find people of Gideon b.
ters all temporal things; 107:76 descendant before God; 29:5 he who knows not good
of Aaron1 may act in office of b. without from evil is b.
counselors; 107:87–88 (68:16–17) president D&C 4:2 those who serve God with all
of Aaronic Priesthood is to be b.; 120 b. is mind and strength stand b.; 38:31 the
to aid in disposition of tithing. Lord’s revelation to help people gather
Bishopric. See also Bishop; Counselor without spot and b.
D&C 42:31, 71 two elders or high priests Blasphemy, Blaspheme. See also
to be appointed counselors; 42:71–72 coun- tg Blaspheme; bd Blasphemy
selors to be supported out of storehouse Jacob 7:7 Sherem claims teachings about
or remuneration; 58:18 (107:72) counselors Christ are b.; Alma 30:30 Korihor b.
to assist bishop according to laws of king- D&C 105:15 the Lord’s enemies not to
dom; 64:40 if unfaithful in stewardship, b. be left to b. his name; 112:25–26 desola-
will be condemned; 68:15–21 (107:16) lit- tion upon those who b. against the Lord in
eral descendants of Aaron1 have legal right midst of his house; 132:26 if those sealed
to b.; 107:15 b. is presidency of Aaronic by the Holy Spirit of Promise commit b.;
Priesthood; 124:141 knowledge of b. given 132:27 b. against the Holy Ghost.
in Doctrine and Covenants.
Bleed. See also Blood
Bitter, Bitterness. See also Taste
D&C 19:18 suffering caused the Savior to
2 Ne. 2:15 there was an opposition; even b. at every pore.
the forbidden fruit in opposition to the
tree of life; the one being sweet and the Bless, Blessing. See also Administration
other b.; 15:20 (Isa. 5:20) wo unto them that to the Sick; Benefit; Blessed [adj.];
put b. for sweet; Jacob 5:52, 57, 65 b. fruit Indebted; Obedience; Ordinance;
of olive trees; Mosiah 27:29 (Alma 36:18) Patriarch; Privilege; Reward
Alma 2 redeemed from gall of b.; Alma 1 Ne. 15:18 (22:9; 3 Ne. 20:25, 27; Gen.
36:21 nothing could be so b. as pains of 12:3) in Abraham’s seed shall all kindreds
Alma2; 41:11 (Morm. 8:31) men in carnal of earth be b.; 17:2 great b. of the Lord
Blessed INDEX 28
upon family of Lehi1 in wilderness; 17:35 will b. those whom elders b.; 133:34 richer
the Lord b. land unto Israelites; 19:17 ev- b. upon Ephraim; 138:52 prophets to be
ery nation, kindred, tongue, and people partakers of all b. held in reserve for them
shall be b.; 22:10 kindreds of earth cannot who love the Lord.
be b. unless the Lord makes bare his arm; Moses 3:3 God b. seventh day; 5:10–12
2 Ne. 1:28 Lehi1 leaves first b. if sons will Adam and Eve b. God; 6:4 men began to
hearken unto Nephi1; 4:3–11 Lehi1 leaves call upon the Lord, and he b. them; 6:9
b. upon children of Laman1 and Lemuel; (Abr. 4:22, 28) God created male and fe-
Mosiah 2:24 if men do what the Lord com- male and b. them; 7:17 the Lord b. land;
mands, he immediately b. them; 2:41 those Abr. 1:2 Abraham seeks for b. of fathers;
who keep commandments are b. in all 1:26 Noah 1 b. Ham with b. of earth and
things; 13:19 the Lord b. Sabbath day; Alma of wisdom; 2:9 the Lord will b. Abraham
45:16 the cursing and b. of God upon land; above measure; 2:9–10 Abraham’s seed to
Hel. 12:1 the Lord b. and prospers those be b. through him; 2:10 those who receive
who put trust in him; 3 Ne. 10:18 great b. gospel will b. Abraham as their father;
poured out upon Nephites and Lamanites; 2:11 I will b. them that b. thee; 2:11 in
12:44 (Matt. 5:44) b. them that curse you; Abraham’s seed shall all families of earth
17:21 Christ b. little children; 18:3, 5 (26:13) be b. with b. of gospel.
Christ b. bread, gives power to b. it; 20:26
the Father sent Christ to b. people by turn- Blessed [adj.]. See also Bless; Happiness;
ing them away from iniquities; Ether 1:43 bd Beatitudes
the Lord will b. brother of Jared2 in choice 1 Ne. 13:37 b. are they who seek to bring
land; 10:28 never could be a people more forth Zion; 2 Ne. 3:23 because of covenant
b. than Jaredites; Moro. 4:3 (5:2) prayers to Joseph 2 is b.; Jacob 6:3 b. are they who
b. and sanctify bread and wine. have labored in vineyard; Enos 1:1 (Alma
D&C 1:28 humble shall be b. from on 26:8; 57:35; 3 Ne. 4:32; 11:17) b. be name of
high; 6:9 (11:9; 14:11) assist to bring forth my God; Mosiah 3:16 little children are
the Lord’s work and you shall be b.; 6:10 b.; Alma 32:13–16 b. are they who hum-
art thou b. because of thy gift; 10:50 Neph- ble themselves; 38:2 b. is he who endures
ite prophets left b. upon land; 18:8 dili- to end; 3 Ne. 9:14 b. are those who come
gent to be b. unto eternal life; 18:45 b. of unto Christ; 12:1 b. are they who give heed
the Lord are above all things; 19:38 pray to disciples; 12:1 b. are those who believe
always, and great shall be your b.; 20:70 in Christ, having seen him; 12:2 more b.
elders to b. children; 20:76–79 b. of sacra- are they who believe testimony of others;
ment; 21:9 the Lord will b. all who labor 12:3–12 (Matt. 5:3–12) the Beatitudes; 17:20
in vineyard; 24:4, 6, 15 (41:1) the Lord will b. are ye because of your faith; 27:22 if ye
send cursing instead of b. upon those who do these things b. are ye.
reject his servants; 38:14 Saints are not b. D&C 6:31 (84:60) b. are they who reject
because of iniquity or unbelief; 41:1 the not the Lord’s words; 15:5 (16:5) b. are you
Lord gives greatest b. to those who hear for speaking the Lord’s words; 34:4 b. are
him; 58:4 (103:12) after much tribulation you because you have believed; 34:5 more
come b.; 58:32 b. revoked for disobedi- b. are you because you are called to preach
ence; 59:4 those in Zion who obey gospel gospel; 50:5 b. are they who are faithful
will be crowned with b. from above; 61:14 and endure; 50:36 b. are you, for your sins
in beginning, the Lord b. waters; 61:37 are forgiven; 56:18 b. are poor who are pure
those who humble themselves receive b. in heart; 59:1 b. are they who come unto
of kingdom; 62:3 men are b. for testimony land with eye single to the Lord’s glory;
they have borne; 67:3 b. withheld because 63:49 b. are dead that die in the Lord; 63:50
of fears; 75:19 elders to leave b. on what- b. is he who has kept faith when the Lord
ever house receives them; 78:17 Saints un- comes; 66:2 (84:60) b. are you for receiving
derstand not how great b. the Father has everlasting covenant of gospel; 97:1–2 b. are
prepared; 104:2, 46 (124:90) faithful to be they who seek wisdom and truth, for they
b. with multiplicity of b.; 104:13 the Lord shall obtain.
makes men stewards over earthly b.; 105:12 Moses 1:15 (5:10) b. be name of my God;
the Lord has prepared great endowment, 7:53 b. is he through whose seed the Messiah
and b. will be poured out; 110:10 beginning shall come; JS—M 1:1 b. is he who comes
of b. to be poured out upon the Lord’s peo- in name of the Lord.
ple; 110:12 in Saints and their seed all gen-
erations will be b.; 124:124 patriarch holds Blindness, Blind. See also Darkness,
sealing b.; 130:20–21 all b. are predicated Spiritual; Ignorance; bd Blindness
upon obedience to laws; 132:47 the Lord 1 Ne. 7:8 Nephi1 asks brethren why they
29 INDEX Blood, Shedding of
are so b. in minds; 12:17 mists of darkness, shall stand as witness against people of
devil’s temptations, b. eyes; 13:27 abomina- Ammonihah; 24:13 b. of the Son to be
ble church perverts right ways of the Lord shed for atonement of sins; 34:11 no man
to b. men’s eyes; 13:32 the Lord will not can sacrifice own b. to atone for another’s
allow Gentiles to remain in awful state of sins; Hel. 9:31 b. will be found upon skirts
b.; 14:7 men will be delivered to b. of their of murderer’s cloak; 3 Ne. 9:5, 7–9, 11, 19
minds; 15:24 adversary cannot overpower (Morm. 8:41; Ether 8:22) the Lord avenges
unto b. those who hold to iron rod; 17:30 b. of Saints; 18:11 (20:8; Moro. 5:2) wine
Israelites b. their minds; 2 Ne. 9:32 wo in remembrance of the Lord’s b.; 18:28–30
unto b. who will not see; 27:29 (Isa. 29:18) unworthy are not to partake of the Lord’s
b. shall see out of obscurity; Jacob 4:14 b. unless they repent; 27:19 only those who
Jews’ b. came from looking beyond mark; wash garments in the Lord’s b. enter his
Jarom 1:3 much to be done among people rest; Ether 3:6, 8–9 finger of the Lord ap-
because of b. of minds; Mosiah 3:5 (3 Ne. pears like unto flesh and b.; 13:10 garments
17:9; 26:15) the Lord will cause b. to receive of those in New Jerusalem made white in
their sight; 11:29 eyes of people were b.; b. of the Lamb; Moro. 4:1–5:2 manner of
Alma 10:25 people give Satan power to b. administering flesh and b. of the Lord;
their eyes; 13:4 men reject the Spirit on ac- 10:33 men are sanctified through shedding
count of b. of minds; 14:6 Zeezrom knows of b. of Christ.
concerning b. of minds he has caused; D&C 20:40, 79 (27:2) sacrament wine
4 Ne. 1:5 the Lord’s disciples cause b. to is emblem of Christ’s b.; 27:2 the Lord’s
receive sight; Ether 4:15 veil of unbelief b. shed for remission of sins; 29:14 (34:9;
causes Israelites to remain in b. of mind; 45:42; 88:87) moon to turn to b.; 29:17 the
15:19 Jaredites given up to b. of minds that Lord’s b. shall not cleanse wicked who
they might be destroyed. hear not; 38:4 by virtue of spilt b., the Lord
D&C 35:9 (84:69) they who ask in faith pleads before the Father for believers;
shall cause b. to receive sight; 58:15 sins of 45:41 b. and fire at the Lord’s coming; 76:69
unbelief and b. of heart; 76:75 (123:12) ter- Jesus wrought perfect Atonement through
restrial glory includes honorable men b. shedding b.; 87:7 (136:36) b. of Saints cries
by craftiness of men; 78:10 Satan seeks to to the Lord to be avenged; 88:75, 85, 138
turn hearts from truth, that men become clean from b. of this wicked generation;
b.; 84:69 in Lord’s name believers to open 109:49 how long will the Lord suffer Saints’
eyes of b. b. to come up in testimony before him;
Moses 4:4 Satan deceives and b. men. 133:51 the Lord has sprinkled the people’s
Block. See Stumbling Block b. upon his garments; 135:3 (136:39) Joseph
Smith sealed mission with own b.
Blood. See also Blood, Shedding of; Moses 5:35 voice of Abel’s b. cries to the
Blood-Thirsty; Jesus Christ, Atonement Lord; 6:59 men born into world by water,
through; Sacrament; Sacrifice; tg Blood; b., spirit; 6:59 men must be cleansed by
Blood, Eating of; Blood, Shedding of; b. of the Only Begotten; 6:60 by b. ye are
Blood, Symbolism of; bd Blood sanctified; 6:62 plan of salvation unto all
1 Ne. 12:10 (Ether 13:10) garments of men through b. of the Only Begotten; 7:33
righteous made white in b. of the Lamb; men hate their own b.; 7:45 when shall b.
22:13 (2 Ne. 6:18) abominable church to be of the Righteous be shed; Abr. 1:20 Pha-
drunk with own b.; 2 Ne. 26:3 (28:10; 3 Ne. raoh signifies king by royal b.; 1:21 king
9:5–9, 11, 19; Morm. 8:27; Ether 8:22) b. of of Egypt was partaker of b. of Canaanites
Saints to cry up to God; Jacob 1:19 (Mo- by birth.
siah 2:27–28) the Lord’s servants magnify
offices, that people’s b. might not come Blood, Shedding of. See also Blood; Kill;
upon their garments; Jarom 1:6 Lamanites Martyrdom; Murder; Sacrifice; War;
drink b. of beasts; Mosiah 3:7 Christ will tg Blood, Shedding of
suffer so greatly that b. will come from 1 Ne. 4:10 Nephi1 has never shed b. of
every pore; 3:11 Christ’s b. atones for sins man; 2 Ne. 1:12 Lehi1 predicts bloodshed
of those who have fallen by Adam’s trans- and great visitations; 6:15 they who be-
gression or sinned ignorantly; 4:2 apply lieve not in Christ will be destroyed by
the atoning b. of Christ; 7:27 God will take bloodshed; 10:6 because of Jews’ iniquities,
upon him flesh and b.; Alma 5:21 garments bloodshed shall come upon them; Mosiah
cleansed from stain through b. of him who 17:10 (Alma 14:11) b. of the innocent shall
comes to redeem his people; 5:22 how will stand as witness against wicked; Alma
ye feel to stand before God having gar- 24:12–13, 15, 18 converted Lamanites refuse
ments stained with b.; 14:11 b. of innocent to stain swords with b. of brethren; 24:13
Blood-Thirsty INDEX 30
b. of the Son to be shed for atonement of Boast, Boasting. See also Pride; tg Boast
sins; 24:17–18 converted Lamanites bury all Mosiah 2:15 Benjamin does not do
weapons used for s. of b.; 34:13 s. of b. to stop things to b.; 11:19 people of Noah3 b. in own
after last and great sacrifice; 39:3–5 s. of strength; Alma 26:12 Ammon2 will not b. of
innocent b. more abominable than whore- himself; 26:36 if this is b., even so will I b.;
dom; 43:47 ye shall defend your families 38:11 see that ye do not b. in your own wis-
even unto bloodshed; 48:11 (55:19) Moroni1 dom; Hel. 4:13 because of b., Nephites are
does not delight in bloodshed; 48:14 Neph- left to own strength; 5:8 Helaman3 counsels
ites taught to defend themselves against sons not to do things to b.; 12:5 how quick
enemies, even to s. of b.; 48:23 Nephites do are men to b.; 13:22 Nephites’ hearts swell
not delight in s. of b.; 51:9 Amalickiah has with pride unto b.; 3 Ne. 6:10 pride and b.
sworn to drink b. of Moroni1; 53:11 con- among Nephites because of riches; Morm.
verted Lamanites to take oath never to 3:9 (4:8) Nephites b. in own strength.
shed b.; 61:10 Nephites will resist wicked- D&C 3:4, 13 men who b. in own strength
ness even unto bloodshed; Hel. 9:31 b. will must fall; 50:33 b. not in proclaiming evil
be found upon skirts of murderer’s cloak; spirit lest you be seized; 84:73 believers not
3 Ne. 10:12 those who did not shed b. of to b. themselves; 105:24 b. not of faith nor
Saints are spared; 18:11 (Moro. 5:2) wine of mighty works.
in remembrance of b. which Christ shed Boaz, City of
for men; Moro. 10:33 men are sanctified
Morm. 4:20–21 Nephites flee to B. and
through s. of Christ’s b.
are slaughtered.
D&C 20:79 wine in remembrance of b.
which Christ shed for men; 27:2 the Lord’s Body, Bodies. See also Carcass; Death,
b. was shed for remission of sin; 49:21 wo to Physical; Flesh; Frame [noun]; Health;
man who sheds b. or wastes flesh without Immortality; Man; Mortal; Resurrection;
need; 58:52–53 (63:30–31) inheritances to Soul; Tabernacle; Temple; tg Body; Body,
be obtained by purchase and not by s. of b.; Sanctity of; Spirit Body
63:28 s. of b. prompted by Satan; 76:69 Jesus 1 Ne. 15:13 Messiah shall be manifested
wrought perfect Atonement through s. of b.; in b.; 15:31–32 torment of b. or final state
87:6 by bloodshed, inhabitants of earth shall of soul after death of temporal b.; 2 Ne.
mourn; 88:94 church that sheds b. of Saints 1:22 warning against incurring God’s dis-
is tares of earth; 101:80 land redeemed by pleasure unto eternal destruction of soul
s. of b.; 130:12 bloodshed to begin in South and b.; 4:25 b. of Nephi1 carried away on
Carolina; 132:19 those who enter covenant wings of the Spirit; 9:4 in b. we shall see
and do not shed innocent b. will be ex- God; 9:10 God prepares way for escape
alted; 132:27 blasphemy against the Holy from death of b.; 9:13 grave must deliver
Ghost is s. of innocent b. and assenting to up b. of righteous; Mosiah 3:7 the Lord
Christ’s death. will suffer pain of b.; 4:6 salvation comes
Moses 6:15 (7:16) Satan rages in men’s to him who continues in faith unto end
hearts and bloodshed comes; 7:45 when shall of life of mortal b.; 18:13 baptism a cov-
enant to serve God until man is dead as to
b. of the Righteous be shed.
mortal b.; Alma 5:15 (11:45) mortal b. to be
Blood-Thirsty. See also Blood; Blood, raised in immortality; 11:43–45 spirit and
Shedding of b. to be reunited in perfect form; 29:16 soul
Enos 1:20 (Mosiah 10:12) Lamanites a b-t. of Alma2 carried away from b. because of
people; Mosiah 9:2 ruler is austere and b-t. great joy; 34:34 same spirit that possesses
man; Moro. 9:5 Nephites thirst after b. and mortal b. will possess b. in eternal world;
revenge continually. 36:15 oh that I could become extinct both
soul and b.; 40:11–14 state of soul after it
Blossom. See also Flourish leaves mortal b.; 40:18 First Resurrection
D&C 49:24 Lamanites to b. as rose; 117:7 means reuniting of soul with b. of those
solitary places to bud and to b. from Adam to Christ’s Resurrection; 40:21
space between death and resurrection of
Blot. See also Cast; Cut; Excommunication b.; 40:23 soul shall be restored to b.; 41:2
Mosiah 1:12 (5:11) Benjamin gives his every part of b. to be restored; 3 Ne. 10:19
people name that shall never be b. out; Christ shows b. unto Nephites; 13:22 (Matt.
26:36 (Alma 1:24; 5:57; Moro. 6:7) names of 6:22) light of b. is the eye; 18:7 (20:8; Moro.
unrighteous are b. out. 4:3) broken bread is in remembrance of
D&C 20:83 names of excommunicated to Christ’s b.; 28:15, 37 Three Nephites seem
be b. out of record. to be transfigured from b. of flesh into
31 INDEX Bone
immortal state; Morm. 6:21 b. moldering in nations to repent, both b. and free; 78:5
corruption must soon become incorrupt- Saints to be equal in b. of heavenly things
ible b.; Ether 3:16–17 brother of Jared2 sees and earthly things; 78:11 (82:11) organize
b. of the Lord’s spirit; Moro. 10:34 b. and yourselves by a b. or everlasting covenant;
spirit shall reunite. 88:125 clothe yourselves with the b. of char-
D&C 19:18 Christ suffered both b. and ity; 88:133 be friend and brother in b. of
spirit; 20:40, 77 (27:2) sacrament bread to love; 132:7 all b. entered into without being
be eaten in remembrance of the Savior’s sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise are of
b.; 45:17 (138:50) absence of spirits from b. no force after Resurrection.
viewed as bondage; 59:19 things of earth
given to strengthen b.; 76:70 celestial b.
Bondage. See also Blindness; Bond;
Captive; Liberty; Prison; Slavery;
have glory of sun; 76:78 glory of terrestrial Subject; Yoke; tg Bondage, Physical;
b. compared to moon; 84:33 those who mag- Bondage, Spiritual
nify callings are sanctified unto renewing
of b.; 84:109 b. has need of every member; 1 Ne. 17:25 children of Israel were in b.;
88:15 spirit and b. are soul of man; 88:27 19:10 (Alma 29:12; 36:28) the Lord leads
the righteous shall rise again a spiritual b.; his people out of b. in Egypt; Mosiah 7:15
88:28 celestial spirit shall receive natural Limhi’s people in b. to Lamanites; 12:2
b.; 88:67 if eye single to God’s glory, b. shall (29:18) because of iniquities, this genera-
be filled with light; 89:7 strong drinks for tion shall be brought into b.; 21:36 (22:1)
washing of b.; 89:8 tobacco not for b.; 89:9 Limhi’s people study how to deliver them-
hot drinks not for b.; 101:37 care not for selves from b.; 23:12 (29:18) people of Noah3
the b., neither the life of the b.; 129:1 an- had been in b. to him and his priests; 24:17,
gels are resurrected beings with b. of flesh 21 the Lord to deliver people of Alma1 out
and bones; 130:22 the Father and the Son of b.; 29:18–20 the Lord delivers people
have b. of flesh and bones; 130:22 the Holy of Noah3 from b. because of humility and
Ghost has not a b. of flesh, but is personage repentance; 29:40 Mosiah2 grants that his
of spirit; 131:8 when our b. are purified, we people be delivered from all manner of
shall see that spirit is matter; 137:1 Joseph b.; Alma 9:22 (36:29) Nephites are brought
Smith knew not whether he saw vision in out of b. time after time; 30:24, 27 Korihor
b.; 138:17 spirit and b. to be reunited, never claims Nephites are in b. to foolish tra-
again to be divided. ditions; 36:2 only God of Abraham could
Moses 6:9 God created male and fe- deliver the fathers from b.; 43:8 Zerahem-
male in image of his own b.; Abr. 2:11 nah seeks to bring Nephites into b.; 48:4
right of priesthood to continue in seed of Amalickiah seeks to bring Nephites into
Abraham’s b. b.; 48:11 Moroni1 finds joy in freedom of
brethren from b.; 61:12 Nephites would
Boggs, Lilburn W.—Governor of Missouri subject themselves to yoke of b. if requisite
D&C 124: Intro. had issued exterminat- with justice of God; 62:5 Nephites take up
ing order. swords that they might not come into b.;
Ether 2:12 nation that possesses this land
Boldness, Boldly shall be free from b.
Jacob 2:7 Jacob2 grieved that he must D&C 19:35 pay debt, release thyself from
use b. of speech; Alma 38:12 use b., but not b.; 45:17 (138:50) men look upon absence
overbearance; 3 Ne. 6:20 inspired men tes- of spirits from bodies as b.; 84:49 whole
tify b. of sins; Moro. 8:16 Mormon2 speaks world lies under b. of sin; 101:79 not right
with b., having authority from God. that any man should be in b.; 103:17 Israel
to be led out of b.; 104:83–84 Church to be
Bond. See also Bondage; Freedom
delivered from b.; 123:8 they are chains,
2 Ne. 10:16 (26:33; Alma 1:30; 5:49; 11:44; shackles, and fetters of hell; 138:57 elders
4 Ne. 1:3) both b. and free; Mosiah 23:13 preach among spirits under b. of sin.
people of Alma 1 delivered by power of
God out of b.; 27:29 (Alma 36:27) soul of Bone. See also Body
Alma2 redeemed from b. of iniquity; Alma Omni 1:22 (Mosiah 8:8; 21:26–27; Alma
38:4 Shiblon was in b. among Zoramites2; 22:30) Jaredites’ b. lie scattered in land
41:11 all men that are in carnal state are in northward; Ether 11:6 prophets testify that
b. of iniquity; Morm. 8:31 those who say Jaredites’ b. will become as heaps of earth
the Lord will uphold sinner are in b. of in- upon land.
iquity; Moro. 8:14 he who supposes little D&C 29:19 flesh of wicked shall fall
children need baptism is in b. of iniquity. from b.; 85:6 still small voice makes b.
D&C 24:11 in the Lord, man to have quake; 89:18 Saints who keep Word of Wis-
glory, whether in b. or free; 43:20 call upon dom shall receive marrow to their b.; 129:1
Book INDEX 32
angels are resurrected personages, having life is record kept in heaven; 128:8 dead to
bodies of flesh and b.; 130:22 the Father be judged out of b.; 128:24 Saints to present
and the Son have bodies of flesh and b.; in temple b. containing records of their
138:17 sleeping dust of dead to be restored dead; 132:19 Lamb’s B. of Life; 135:3 Joseph
to perfect frame, b. to b.; 138:43 (Ezek. 37:1– Smith brought forth revelations composing
14) Ezekiel shown valley of dry b. this b. of Doctrine and Covenants.
Moses 3:23 (Abr. 5:17) this is b. of my b. Moses 6:5 b. of remembrance kept in
language of Adam; 6:8 Adam keeps b. of
Book. See also Bible; Book of Command- generations; 6:46 b. of remembrance writ-
ments; Book of Mormon; Lehi, Book
ten according to pattern given.
of; Plates; Read; Record; Scriptures;
Write; tg Book; Book of Life; Book of Book of Commandments. See also Book;
Remembrance; Education; bd Book of Doctrine and Covenants; Scriptures
life; Lost books D&C 1:6 Lord’s preface to b. of his c.;
1 Ne. 1:11, 19 first angel gives Lehi1 b.; 67: Intro. W. W. Phelps to publish B. of
5:11 brass plates contain five b. of Moses; C.; 67:4 the Lord testifies to truth of B. of C.;
10:15 Nephi1 does not write all prophecies 67:6 the Lord counsels to study B. of C.; 69:
of Lehi1 in b.; 13:23–29 (14:23) Nephi1 be- Intro. Oliver Cowdery to take manuscript
holds b. going from Jews to Gentiles; 13:39 of B. of C. to Missouri; 70 importance of
other b. to come forth from Gentiles to B. of C.
seed of Nephi1; 19:23 Nephi1 reads to his
people things written in b. of Moses; 2 Ne. Book of Lehi. See Lehi, Book of
3:23 seed of Joseph2 will not be destroyed, Book of Mormon. See also Book; Lehi,
for they shall hearken to words of b.; 26:17 Book of; Manuscript, Lost; Plates; Record;
history of Nephites to be written and Scriptures; Smith, Joseph, Jr.; Translate;
sealed up in b.; 27:6–22 Nephi1 sees com- Urim and Thummim; Witnesses, Three;
ing forth of sealed b.; 28:2 things written tg Book of Mormon; bd Ephraim, stick of
in b. shall be of great worth to children of Title page of the Book of Mormon
men; 29:11 (3 Ne. 27:25–26) out of b. will abridgment of record of Nephites and
the Lord judge world; 30:3 many shall be- Jaredites, written to testify of Christ; 1 Ne.
lieve words of b. and carry them forth to 13:40 last records shall establish truth of
seed of Nephi1; Omni 1:4 Amaron writes first; 2 Ne. 3:12 (Ezek. 37:15–20) writings
in b. of his father; 1:9 Chemish writes in of descendants of Joseph1 and of Judah
same b. with brother; Mosiah 1:8 Benja- shall grow together to bring knowledge of
min teaches sons many things not written covenants; 3:19–20 descendants of Joseph1
in b.; 8:1 only a few of Limhi’s words are shall cry from dust; 25:18 the Lord will
recorded in b.; Alma 5:58 names of righ- bring his word to Jews to convince them
teous shall be written in b. of life; 9:34 only of true Messiah; 25:23 we write to persuade
part of Amulek’s words are written in b.; our children and brethren to believe in
13:31 many words of Alma2 not written in Christ; 26:14–18 (Isa. 29:4) those who have
b.; Hel. 2:13–14 in end of b. of Nephi, Gadi been destroyed will whisper out of dust;
anton will prove overthrow of Nephites; 27:6–26 (Isa. 29:9–14) prophecy concerning
3:15 many b. and records kept by Nephites; coming forth of B. of M.; 27:29 (Isa. 29:18)
3 Ne. 5:8 (26:6) not all marvelous things deaf shall hear words of b.; 29:8 testimony
can be written in b.; 24:16 b. of remem- of two nations is witness that the Lord is
brance written for them who fear the Lord; God; 29:12–14 the Lord will speak to Jews,
26:6, 9 when Gentiles believe things writ- Nephites, other tribes, and they shall
ten in b., greater things shall be revealed. write; 33:10 if ye believe in Christ, ye shall
D&C 20:82 names of whole Church to believe in these words; Enos 1:16 the Lord
be kept in b.; 77:6 (Rev. 5:1) explanation covenants to bring records to Lamanites;
of b. sealed with seven seals; 77:14 (Rev. Morm. 5:12 record to be hid up to come
10:2, 8–10) explanation of little b. eaten by forth in the Lord’s due time; 8:16 (Ps. 85:11)
John; 85:5, 11 names of those who aposta- record to be brought out of earth to shine
tize shall not be found in b. of law of God; forth out of darkness; Ether 2:11 writ-
85:7 Saints whose names are found in b. ings to come unto Gentiles that they may
of law shall receive inheritance; 85:9 they know decrees of God and repent; 5:4 (2 Ne.
who are not written in b. of remembrance 27:12–14) in mouth of three witnesses shall
shall find no inheritance; 88:2 alms of these things be established; Moro. 10:4 ask
your prayers are recorded in b. of names of God if these things are not true; 10:29 God
sanctified; 88:118 (90:15; 109:7–14) seek ye shall show unto you that that which I have
out of best b.; 107:57 b. of Enoch2; 128:7 b. of written is true.
33 INDEX Bountiful, City of
D&C 1:29 (17:6; 20:8; 135:3) Joseph Smith never to have been b.; 138:56 noble spirits
to translate B. of M. by power of God; 3: In- received first lessons before they were b.
tro. (10:1) Martin Harris loses 116 pages of
Borne. See Bear [verb]
translation; 3:19–20 plates preserved that
Lamanites might be brought to knowl- Born of God. See also Baptism; Begotten;
edge of fathers; 5:3 Joseph Smith not to Change; Children of God; Conversion;
show plates unless commanded; 5:4 (20:8) Faith; Fire; Holy Ghost, Baptism of;
Joseph Smith given gift to translate plates; Remission; Spirit, Holy; tg Man, New,
6: Intro. Oliver Cowdery has testimony of Spiritually Reborn
B. of M.; 8: Intro. Oliver Cowdery desires Mosiah 5:7 those who enter covenant
gift of translating B. of M.; 10 revelation are b. of Christ; 27:25 (Alma 5:49) all peo-
regarding loss of manuscript; 10:1 B. of M. ple must be b. again, b. of God; 27:28 (Alma
translated by means of Urim and Thum- 36:23) Alma2 is b. of God; Alma 5:14 Alma2
mim; 10:38–40 account of lost translation asks, Have ye spiritually been b. of God;
is engraven on plates of Nephi; 10:41–42 22:15 what shall I do that I may be b. of God;
translation of plates of Nephi to be sub- 36:5 (38:6) if Alma2 had not been b. of God,
stituted for lost pages; 10:45–46 many he would not have known these things.
things on plates of Nephi and remainder D&C 5:16 those who believe will be b. of
of plates throw greater views upon gospel; water and the Spirit.
17 revelation to Three Witnesses regarding Moses 6:59 men must be b. again; 6:65
B. of M.; 17:6 the Lord testifies that B. of M. Adam is b. of the Spirit.
is true; 19:26 impart freely of property
to printing of B. of M.; 19:26–27 contains
truth and word of God; 20:8–12 (27:5; 42:12) Mosiah 4:28 he who b. should return
contains fulness of gospel; 20:9 is record of it; 3 Ne. 12:42 (Matt. 5:42) from him that
fallen people; 20:10 is given by inspiration would b. of thee turn thou not away; Ether
and confirmed to others by ministering 14:2 Jaredites would not b. or lend.
of angels; 20:14 those who accept B. of M. D&C 136:25 return that which thou
receive crown of eternal life; 20:15 those hast b.
who reject B. of M. will be condemned; Bosom. See also Heart
24:1 Joseph Smith called and chosen to D&C 9:8 if it is right, the Lord will
write B. of M.; 27:5 Moroni2 sent to reveal cause b. to burn; 38:4 the Lord took Zion
B. of M.; 33:16 given for instruction; 42:12 of Enoch2 into his b.; 88:13 God is in b. of
elders to teach from B. of M.; 84:57 Zion eternity; 109:4 (76:13, 25, 39) Jesus Christ,
condemned until they remember new the Son of the Father’s b.
covenant, even B. of M.; 128:20 Moroni 2 Moses 7:24, 47, 69 Enoch2 is in b. of the
declares B. of M. Father; 7:63 city of Enoch2 to be received
Moses 7:62 God will send righteousness into the Lord’s b.
out of earth to bear testimony of the Only
Begotten; JS —H 1:29–54, 59– 60 Joseph Boston, Massachusetts
Smith obtains plates; 1:67 Joseph Smith D&C 84:114 people of B. to be warned.
begins to translate B. of M.; A of F 1:8 we
believe B. of M. to be word of God.
Bought. See Buy
3 Ne. 18:1–7 (20:3–9; 26:13) Christ adminis- Breastplate. See also Urim and Thummim;
ters b. and wine of sacrament to Nephites; bd Breastplate
18:7 (Moro. 4:3) b. is in remembrance of Mosiah 8:10 Limhi’s people have found
Christ’s body; Moro. 4 manner of admin- large b. in wilderness; Alma 43:19–21, 38, 44
istering sacrament b.; 6:6 Nephite church (44:9) Nephite armies wear b., Lamanites
partakes oft of b. and wine of sacrament. do not; 49:6 (Hel. 1:14) Lamanites wear b.;
D&C 20:40, 46, 77 b. is emblem of Christ’s Ether 15:15 Jaredite armies armed with b.
flesh; 20:75 Church should meet often to D & C 1 7:1 vi ew o f b . p r om i s e d t o
partake of b. and wine; 20:76–77 manner Three Witnesses; 27:16 have on the b. of
of administering sacrament b.; 42:42 idle righteousness.
not to eat b. of laborer; 88:140–41 washing JS—H 1:35 two stones fastened to b. con-
of feet includes partaking of b. and wine. stitute Urim and Thummim; 1:35 b. is de-
Moses 4:25 (5:1) Adam to eat b. by sweat posited with ancient records; 1:52 Joseph
of face. Smith’s first view of b.
Break, Brake, Broken. See also Broken Breath, Breathe. See also tg Breath of
Heart and Contrite Spirit Life
1 Ne. 12:4 in vision Nephi1 sees plains b. 2 Ne. 9:26 God gave men b.; 21:4 (30:9;
up; 16:18 Nephi1 b. his bow; 2 Ne. 3:5 righ- Isa. 11:4) with b. of lips shall the Lord slay
teous branch raised from loins of Joseph1 wicked; Mosiah 2:21 God preserves men
will be b. off; Jacob 2:35 unrighteous Neph- from day to day by lending them b.; Ether
ites have b. wives’ hearts; Mosiah 15:8–9, 2:19 brother of Jared2 asks how they will
20, 23 (16:7; Alma 5:9) Christ b. bands of b. in vessels.
death; 20:14 Limhi’s people have not b. Moses 3:7, 19 (Abr. 5:7) the Lord breathes
oath made to Lamanites; Alma 43:11 Anti- b. of life into Adam and beasts.
Nephi-Lehies would not b. oath; Hel. 14:21–
22, 24 (3 Ne. 8:13, 18) rocks and highways Brethren. See Brother
b. up at Christ’s death; 3 Ne. 6:14 Church b. Bride. See also Bridegroom; tg Bride;
up because of inequality; 13:19–20 (27:32; bd Marriage
Matt. 6:19) lay not up treasures on earth, 1 Ne. 21:18 (Isa. 49:18) Israel shall bind
where thieves b. through and steal; 18:25 her destroyers on even as a b.
whosoever b. commandment to come unto D&C 109:74 Church to be adorned as b.
Christ suffers himself to be led into temp- for the Lord’s coming.
tation; Ether 6:10 no monster of sea could
b. Jaredite vessels. Bridegroom. See also Bride; tg Bride-
D&C 1:15 (3:13; 40:3; 54:4; 104:4, 52, 55) groom; bd Marriage
they have b. everlasting covenant; 1:19 D&C 33:17 (65:3; 133:19) ready at coming
weak to be b. down; 42:30 property to be of the B.; 65:3 make ready for the B.; 88:92
consecrated with covenant and deed that (133:10) the B. comes.
cannot be b.; 58:21 let no man b. laws of
land; 78:11 (82:11) organize yourselves
Bridle. See also Control
with covenant that cannot be b.; 84:40 Alma 38:12 b. all your passions.
the Father cannot b. oath and covenant of Brightness, Brighter. See also Light
priesthood; 88:35 b. law cannot be sanc-
1 Ne. 1:10 b. of twelve followers exceeds
tified; 101:57 b. down walls of the Lord’s
stars; 15:30 b. of God’s justice is like b. of
enemies; 104:5 those who b. covenant will
flaming fire; 2 Ne. 9:44 Jacob2 to stand
be cursed; 104:86 master will not suffer
with b. before God; 31:20 press forward,
house to be b. up; 109:33, 47 b. yoke off
having perfect b. of hope; Alma 37:5 (1 Ne.
neck of the Lord’s servants; 109:63 yoke of
5:19) brass plates will retain b.
bondage to be b. off house of David; 109:70
D&C 5:19 inhabitants of earth destroyed
prejudices to be b. up; 132:43–44 vow is b.
by b. of the Lord’s coming; 50:24 light grow-
through adultery; 133:22 the Lord’s voice
eth b. and b. until perfect day; 65:5 the Son
to b. down mountains.
to come clothed in b. of his glory; 110:3 the
Breast. See also Breastplate; Heart Lord’s countenance shines above b. of sun.
Mosiah 2:38 justice fills b. of unrepen- JS—H 1:16–17 b. of the Father and the
tant with guilt; Alma 22:15 what shall I do Son is above that of sun.
to have wicked spirit rooted out of my b.; Brimstone. See Lake; bd Brimstone
32:28 true seed will swell within b.; Morm.
6:7 Lamanite armies fill b. of wicked with Bring, Brought
fear. 1 Ne. 13:37 blessed are they who seek to
Broad INDEX 36
b. forth Zion; 2 Ne. 1:7 land is consecrated inheritance shall be like his b. Nephi 1;
unto him whom the Lord shall b.; 4:5 (Prov. 25:23 we write to persuade our b. to be-
22:6) if ye are b. up in way ye should go, ye lieve in Christ; Jacob 2:17 think of your b.
will not depart from it; 32:4 because men like unto yourselves; Mosiah 9:2 b. fights
ask not, they are not b. into light; Mosiah against b. among Nephite expedition; Alma
4:17 perhaps thou shalt say, The man has b. 10:3 Joseph1 sold into Egypt by his b.; 13:4–
upon himself his misery; 12:22 (15:29; 3 Ne. 5 except for hardheartedness, the unfaith-
16:18) they shall see eye to eye when the ful might have had as great privilege as
Lord shall b. again Zion; Alma 46:18 God their faithful b.; 24:6 converted Lamanites
will not suffer believers to be destroyed refuse to take up arms against b.; 3 Ne.
until they b. it upon themselves by trans- 3:7 Giddianhi tempts Nephite leaders to
gressions; Hel. 15:7 faith and repentance b. become b. with robbers; 7:19 (19:4) Nephi3
change of heart; 3 Ne. 15:17, 21 (John 10:16) raises b. from dead; 12:22 (Matt. 5:22) he
other sheep I have, them also I must b. who is angry with his b. is in danger of
D&C 6:6 seek to b. forth cause of Zion; judgment; 14:3 (Matt. 7:3) why beholdest
18:12 Christ has risen, that he might b. all thou the mote in thy b.’s eye; 15:14 Father
men unto him; 58:27 men should b. to pass has not commanded Christ to tell b. at Je-
much righteousness. rusalem about Nephites.
Broad. See also Wide D&C 4:6 remember brotherly kindness;
38:24–25 let every man esteem his b. as
1 Ne. 12:17 mists of darkness are temp- himself; 42:88 if b. offends, take him alone;
tations of devil, which lead men away into 45:5 Father, spare my b. who believe on my
b. roads; 3 Ne. 14:13 (Matt. 7:13) b. is way name; 88:133 art thou b. or brethren; 108:7
which leads to destruction; 27:33 b. is strengthen your b.; 128:22 b., shall we not
way which leads to death.
go on in so great a cause; 136:20 covet not
D&C 132:25 b. is gate that leads to death.
that which is thy b.’s.
Moses 7:53 I am Messiah, the Rock of
Moses 5:34 am I my b.’s keeper.
Heaven, which is b. as eternity.
Bruise. See also Hurt; Wound
Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit. See
also Humble; Offering; Sacrifice; Mosiah 14:5 (Isa. 53:5) the Lord was
tg Contrite Heart b. for our iniquities; 14:10 (Isa. 53:10) it
2 Ne. 2:7 Christ’s sacrifice answers ends of pleased the Lord to b. the Messiah.
law unto all who have b. h. and c. s.; 4:32 may D&C 89:8 tobacco an herb for b. and all
gates of hell be shut before me, because my sick cattle.
h. is b. and s. is c.; Jacob 2:10 Jacob2 must Brunson, Seymour
tell people of wickedness in presence of the D&C 75:33 to preach with Daniel Stan-
b. h.; 3 Ne. 9:20 offer for sacrifice unto the ton; 124:132 member of high council, has
Lord b. h. and c. s.; 12:19 come unto Christ been taken by the Lord to himself.
with b. h. and c. s.; Morm. 2:14 Nephites do
not come unto Jesus with b. h. and c. s.; Ether Buckler
4:15 call upon the Father with b. h. and c. s.; D&C 35:14 the Lord to be shield and b.
Moro. 6:2 only those with b. h. and c. s. are of the weak.
received unto baptism.
D&C 20:37 (59:8) those who come with Buffeting. See also Chasten; Punishment;
b. h. and c. s. should be baptized; 56:17 wo tg Buffet
unto poor whose h. are not b. and s. are not D&C 78:12 (82:21; 104:9–10; 132:26) he
c.; 56:18 blessed are poor whose h. are b. and who breaks covenant is delivered to b. of
s. are c.; 59:8 offer sacrifice of b. h. and c. s.; Satan.
97:8 all whose h. are b. and whose s. are c.
Build, Built. See also Building [noun];
are accepted of the Lord; 138:42 (Isa. 61:1) Church of God; Foundation; House; Rear;
the Redeemer anointed to bind up b-h. Rock; Synagogue
Brother, Brethren. See also Family; 1 Ne. 18:2 Nephi1 does not b. ship after
Jared2, Brother of; Neighbor; tg Brethren; manner of men; 22:22–23 kingdom of devil
Brother; Brotherhood and Sisterhood shall be b. up among men; Ether 13:5 Jeru-
1 Ne. 2:5 elder b. of Nephi1 are Laman1, salem to be b. up again; 13:6, 8 New Jerusa-
Lemuel, and Sam; 2:22 Nephi1 to be made lem to be b. upon this land; 13:8 remnant
ruler and teacher over b.; 4:26 Zoram 1 of house of Jacob shall be b. upon this land.
supposes Nephi1 speaks of b. of Church; D&C 10:52, 54 gospel given to b., not
22:6 prophecies of Nephi1 refer to b. who to destroy; 63:4 the Lord, at his pleasure,
are of house of Israel; 2 Ne. 4:11 Sam’s b. up; 101:18 they that remain shall b. up
37 INDEX Business
waste places of Zion; 101:101 they shall b. not to be b. because work not finished;
and another shall not inherit; 104:14 the Hel. 5:23–24 Nephi2 and Lehi4 are encircled
Lord b. the earth; 138:53–54 choice spirits by fire, but not b.; 3 Ne. 9:19 the Lord will
reserved for latter-day work, including b. no longer accept b. offerings; 10:13 more
temples. righteous part of people are not b.; 11:3
voice from heaven causes hearts to b.; 25:1
Building [noun]. See also Build;
(Mal. 4:1) day cometh that shall b. as oven;
House; Palace; Sanctuary; Synagogue;
Tabernacle; Temple; Tower 4 Ne. 1:7 Nephites build cities where cities
had been b.; Morm. 5:5 Nephite cities b. by
1 Ne. 8:26–33 (11:35–36; 12:18) great and Lamanites; Ether 14:17 Shiz b. cities.
spacious b. in dream of Lehi1; 2 Ne. 5:15 D&C 9:8 if it is right, bosom shall b.;
Nephi1 teaches people to build b.; Mosiah 29:9 (64:24; 133:64) the Lord will b. proud;
9:8 Zeniff’s people begin to build b.; 11:8– 31:4 field is white already to be b.; 33:17
15 Noah3 builds many elegant b.; 23:5 peo- have lamps trimmed and b. ready for the
ple of Alma1 begin to build b.; Hel. 3:14 a Bridegroom; 38:12 (86:7; 101:66) tares to
100th part of Nephites’ b. of ships, temples, be gathered that they may be b.; 64:23 he
synagogues cannot be contained in record; who is tithed shall not be b.; 64:24 after to-
3 Ne. 8:14 b. fall to earth at Christ’s death; day comes b.; 88:94 great church is ready
Ether 10:5–6 Riplakish builds spacious b. to be b.; 112:24 day of b. to come speedily;
Building Committee 133:41 presence of the Lord to be as melt-
D&C 94: Intro. appointment of b. c. ing fire that b.
I have been c.; 46:14–15 true believers in Calling. See also Authority; Call;
Christ are c. Christians; Hel. 8:18 many be- Commission; Errand; Inspire; Ministry;
fore days of Abraham were c. by order of Office; Priesthood; tg Called of God;
Son of God; 3 Ne. 4:30 Nephites ask God Calling
to protect people so long as they c. on his Jacob 2:3 Jacob 2 has been diligent in
name for protection; 11:23–25 person be- office of his c.; Alma 13:3–8 priests are
ing baptized should be c. by name during called with holy c.; 29:13 God has called
prayer; 12:1 number of disciples who had Alma2 with holy c.; Moro. 3:4 priests and
been c. by Christ was twelve; 12:9 (Matt. teachers are ordained according to gifts
5:9) peacemakers shall be c. children of and c. of God unto men; 7:2 Mormon2 per-
God; 21:27 dispersed shall c. on the Father mitted to speak because of gift of Christ’s
in Christ’s name; 22:5 the Holy One shall c. unto him.
be c. God of whole earth; 27:7–9 Church D&C 18:9 Oliver Cowdery and David
should be c. in the Lord’s name; 27:8 if Whitmer are called with same c. as Paul;
church be c. in name of man, it is church 18:32 declare gospel according to c.; 20:27
of man; 27:9 ye shall c. whatsoever things those who believe in gifts and c. of God
ye do c. in my name; Ether 2:14–15 brother should be saved; 20:60 every priesthood
of Jared2 chastised because he did not re- bearer ordained according to c. of God;
member to c. upon name of the Lord; 4:15 84:33 those who magnify c. will be sanc-
when men c. upon the Father, they shall tified by the Spirit; 84:109 let every man
know he remembers covenant; 12:10 by labor in his own c.; 105:35 day of c. to be
faith that they of old were c. after holy or- followed by day of choosing; 112:33 how
der of God; Moro. 2:2 disciples to c. upon great is your c.
the Father in Christ’s name to bestow the Calm. See also Peace
Holy Ghost; 3:1 Nephite disciples were c.
1 Ne. 18:21 after Nephi1 prays, great c.
elders of Church; 7:29–31 office of angels’
on sea.
ministry is to c. men unto repentance;
D&C 135:4 Joseph Smith is c. as summer’s
8:2 Christ has c. Moroni2 to his ministry; 8:8 morning.
Christ came not to c. righteous but sinners
to repentance. Calno—possibly town near Babylon
D&C 4:3 if ye have desires to serve God, 2 N e. 20 : 9 (Isa. 10 : 9) is not C. as
ye are c.; 6:4 (11:4; 12:4; 14:4) whosoever Carchemish.
will thrust in his sickle is c.; 9:14 stand
fast in work wherewith I have c. you; 11:15 Calves. See Calf
not suppose that you are c. to preach until Camp
you are c.; 18:14 Oliver Cowdery and David 2 Ne. 26:15 the Lord shall c. against seed
Whitmer are c. with same calling as Paul, of Nephi1 and his brethren.
to cry repentance; 18:24 all men to be c. D&C 61:29 way given for Saints of c. of
by name of Jesus Christ at last day; 18:26 the Lord to journey; 136 revelation con-
Twelve are c. to declare gospel to Gentile cerning c. of Israel.
and Jew; 29:7 elders are c. to bring to pass
gathering of elect; 43:25 how oft have I c. Canaan, Canaanites. See also bd Canaan
you by mouth of my servants; 52:1 elders Moses 7:7 prophecy of Enoch2 concern-
are c. and chosen by voice of the Spirit; ing children of C.; 7:8 a blackness came
64:25 labor while it is c. today; 65:4 c. upon children of C.; Abr. 1:22 blood of
upon the Lord’s holy name; 84:77 (93:45) C. perpetuated by Egyptians; 2:15 Abra-
the Lord c. elders his friends; 87:3 south- ham takes family and followers to land
ern states will c. on other nations; 88:62 c. of C.; 2:19 land of C. promised to seed of
upon the Lord while he is near; 93:1 those Abraham.
who repent and c. on the Lord’s name will Candle. See also Candlestick; Lamp; Light
see his face; 95:5 (105:35; 121:34, 40) many
are c., but few are chosen; 136:29 if sorrow- 3 Ne. 8:21 because of vapor of darkness
ful, c. on the Lord; 138:25 the Savior spent there could be no c.; 12:15 (Matt. 5:15) do
three years c. Israel to repentance. men light c. and put it under bushel.
Moses 1:17–18 Moses is commanded to c. Candlestick
upon God in name of the Only Begotten; 3 Ne. 12:15 (Matt. 5:15) men put lighted
Abr. 2:10 those who receive gospel shall be candle on c. and it giveth light.
c. after Abraham’s name; A of F 1:5 man
must be c. of God by prophecy and laying Canker. See also Corrupt
on of hands by those in authority. Mosiah 8:11 blades of swords are c. with
Capital Punishment INDEX 40
rust; Morm. 8:38 ye hypocrites who sell 9:12 hell must deliver up its c. spirits; 25:10
yourselves for that which will c. Jews have been destroyed, except those
D&C 56:16 riches c. souls. carried c. into Babylon; Omni 1:15 people
of Zarahemla came from Jerusalem when
Capital Punishment. See also Blood,
Zedekiah 1 was carried c. into Babylon;
Shedding of; Death, Physical; Executed;
Hang; Kill; Murder; tg Capital Mosiah 27:16 (Alma 5:6; 29:11–12; 36:2, 29)
Punishment remember c. of your fathers; Alma 12:11
they who harden hearts are taken c. by
2 Ne. 9:35 murderer who deliberately devil; 16:3 Lamanites take some Nephites
kills shall die; Alma 1:13–14 Nehor con- c. into wilderness; Hel. 11:33 robbers carry
demned to die because he shed blood of many c. into wilderness; 3 Ne. 18:15 pray
righteous man; 1:18 (30:10) he who mur-
always, lest ye be tempted and led away c.
ders is punished unto death; 34:12 law re-
by devil; 27:32 fourth generation led away
quires the life of him who has murdered.
c. by devil; Ether 6:23 to have king leads
D&C 42:19 he who kills shall die; 42:79
into c.; 7:17 (8:4; 10:14–15, 30–31; 11:9, 18–
those who kill will be delivered to law of
19) Jaredite kings in c.
Carcass. See also Body
Captain. See also Commander
Alma 16:10 c. of inhabitants of Ammoni
Mosiah 20:17 Gideon is king’s c.; Alma
hah mangled by dogs and wild beasts;
2:13 c. appointed among Nephites; 16:5
Ether 9:34 people devour c. of them which
Zoram2 is appointed chief c. over Nephite
fell by the way.
armies; 43:6 Zerahemnah appoints chief c.
JS —M 1:27 (Matt. 24:28) where c. is,
over Lamanites; 43:16–17 (60:36; 61:2) Mo-
there will eagles be gathered.
roni1 is appointed chief c. over all Nephite
armies; 48:5 Amalickiah appoints Zoram- Care. See also Carefully
ites2 as chief c. over his armies; 49:5 chief Alma 32:37 if ye nourish seed with great
c. of Lamanites are astonished at wisdom c., it will get root; 37:47 Alma2 admonishes
of Nephites; 49:16 Moroni1 appoints Lehi3 Helaman2 to take c. of sacred things; 40:12
chief c. of men of city of Noah; 52:19 chief paradise a state of rest from all c.; Morm.
c. of Nephites hold council of war; 57:29 5:10 Mormon2 speaks to Gentiles who have
Gid is chief c. over band appointed to c. for house of Israel.
guard prisoners; 3 Ne. 3:17 Lachoneus1 ap- D&C 39:9 James Covel has rejected God
points chief c. over Nephite armies; 3:18–19 because of c. of world; 63:64 speak of sa-
Gidgiddoni is appointed chief c. and chief cred things with c.; 101:37 c. not for body,
judge; 3:19 Nephites appoint men of reve- but c. for soul.
lation as chief c.
D&C 136:3, 7, 15 companies to be orga- Carefully
nized with c. of hundreds, fifties, and tens. 2 Ne. 28:21 devil leads souls c. down to
Captivate, Captivation. See also Captive; hell.
Seduce Carmel. See also bd Carmel
2 Ne. 2:29 will of flesh gives devil power D&C 128:19 knowledge to descend as
to c.; Alma 9:28 those who have been evil dews of C.
shall reap damnation according to power
and c. of devil. Carnage. See also Battle; Slaughter; War
3 Ne. 2:11 Gadianton robbers spread
Captive, Captivity. See also Bondage; great c. throughout land; Morm. 2:8 be-
Captivate; Destruction; Ensnare; cause people do not repent, blood and c.
Freedom; Prison; Sin; Slavery;
spread among Nephites and Lamanites;
tg Captivity
4:11 impossible for tongue to describe
1 Ne. 1:13 (10:3; 2 Ne. 6:8; 25:10; Omni horrible scene of c.; 5:8 Mormon 2 does
1:15) inhabitants of Jerusalem to be car- not desire to harrow up souls by describ-
ried away c. into Babylon; 13:5 abominable ing scene of c.; Ether 14:21 so long had
church brings Saints down into c.; 13:13 been scene of c. that whole land is covered
Gentiles to go forth out of c., upon many with dead bodies.
waters; 14:4, 7 (2 Ne. 1:18; Alma 12:6, 17)
wicked will be brought down into c. of Carnal, Carnally. See also Devilish; Evil;
devil; 22:12 the Lord will bring house of Is- Fall of Man; Flesh; Lasciviousness; Law of
rael again out of c.; 2 Ne. 2:27 men are free Moses; Lust; Nature; Sensual; Temporal;
to choose liberty and eternal life or c. and Wicked; World
death; 3:4 Joseph1 is carried c. into Egypt; 2 Ne. 9:39 (Rom. 8:6) to be c.-minded is
41 INDEX Cattle
themselves; 6:1 Nephites return to land D&C 88:121 c. from all light speeches;
with c.; Ether 9:18 Jaredites have all man- 88:124 c. to be idle, to be unclean, to find
ner of c. fault; 124:116 c. to do evil.
D&C 89:8 tobacco for sick c. Moses 1:4 the Lord’s works and words
Moses 2:24 (Abr. 4:24) let earth bring never c.
forth c.; 3:20 (Abr. 5:21) Adam gives names
to all c.; 5:45 Jabal is father of keepers of c. Cedars. See Lebanon
Cause. See also Reason Celestial Glory. See also Crown; Eternal
Life; Exaltation; Glory [noun]; Heaven;
2 Ne. 8:22 (Moro. 7:28) God pleads the c. Inherit; Kingdom of God; Mansion;
of his people; Mosiah 16:3 serpent’s beguil- Telestial Glory; Terrestrial Glory
ing of our first parents was c. of Fall; 29:5
D&C 76:50–70 (137:1) Joseph Smith sees
consider c. which ye are called to consider;
vision of c. g.; 76:51–53 c. heirs fulfilled first
Alma 11:25 Zeezrom seeks c. to destroy
principles of gospel; 76:53, 60 c. heirs over-
Amulek; 19:14 Lamanites have been c. of
much mourning among Nephites; 32:18 if come all things by faith; 76:54, 67, 94 (88:5)
a man knoweth a thing, he hath no c. to c. heirs are Church of the Firstborn; 76:55,
believe; 43:45 Nephites inspired by better 59 c. heirs receive all things; 76:56–57 c.
c.; 46:16 Moroni1 prays that c. of Christians heirs are priests after order of Melchize-
might be favored; 46:35 Amalickiahites dek; 76:58 c. heirs are gods and sons of God;
who will not support c. of freedom are put 76:62 c. heirs dwell in presence of God and
to death; 46:40 God prepared plants and Christ; 76:64–65 c. heirs have part in First
roots to remove c. of diseases; 48:10 Neph- Resurrection, resurrection of just; 76:69 c.
ites prepare to maintain what enemies heirs are just men made perfect through
call c. of Christians; 50:39 chief judge ap- Christ’s Atonement; 76:70 c. heirs have c.
pointed with oath to maintain c. of God; bodies; 76:70, 96 c. g. compared with glory
51:7, 17 king-men obliged to maintain c. of sun; 76:87 terrestrial receive of Christ’s
of freedom; 54:10 Nephites will maintain fulness through ministration of c.; 76:92
their religion and c. of their God; 56:11 g. of c. excels all things; 78:7 if Saints de-
Nephites have died in c. of their country sire place in c. world, they must prepare;
and their God; 58:12 Nephites fixed with 88:2 sanctified inherit c. world; 88:4 the
determination to maintain c. of liberty; Comforter is promise of eternal life, even
60:16 if all Nephites had been true to c. g. of c. kingdom; 88:18 soul must be sancti-
of freedom, they would have dispersed fied to be prepared for c. g.; 88:20 c. bodies
their enemies; 60:28 Moroni1 defends c. of to possess earth; 88:22 those not able to
his country according to God’s command- abide law of c. kingdom cannot abide c. g.;
ments; 61:14 Pahoran1 rejoices in c. of his 88:25 earth abides c. law; 88:28 c. spirits
Redeemer and his God; 62:1 Pahoran1 not receive natural bodies; 101:65 those given
a traitor to c. of his country; 62:11 death eternal life will be crowned with c. g.;
inflicted upon those who are not true to 105:4 c. union required by law; 105:5 Zion
c. of freedom; Hel. 14:28 signs given that built by law of c. kingdom; 130:11 those
there should be no c. for unbelief; Moro. who enter c. kingdom are given white
7:28 Christ advocates c. of children of men. stone with new name; 131:1 in c. g. there
D&C 6:6 (11:6; 12:6; 21:7) seek to bring are three heavens; 131:2 conditions for
forth and establish c. of Zion; 45:3 Christ attaining highest degree in c. kingdom;
pleads men’s c. before the Father; 58:27 132:19 c. g. to be fulness and continuation
men should be anxiously engaged in good of seeds forever; 137:6–8 those who would
c.; 124:75, 89 plead c. of poor and needy. have accepted gospel shall inherit c. king-
dom; 137:10 children who die before age of
Cavity accountability inherit c. kingdom.
1 Ne. 3:27 sons of Lehi1 hide themselves
in c. of rock; Ether 13:13–14, 18, 22 Ether Cement
hides in c. of rock. Hel. 3:7, 9, 11 Nephites become expert
in working c.
Cease. See also Miracle; Refrain; Stop;
Strive Center
2 Ne. 23:11 (Isa. 13:11) the Lord will 1 Ne. 16:2 truth cuts guilty to c.; Hel.
cause arrogancy of proud to c.; Mosiah 12:12 by power of the Lord’s voice do foun-
26:39 (3 Ne. 19:26, 30) pray without c.; dations rock to c.; 3 Ne. 11:3 small voice
Alma 42:13, 22–23, 25 if justice were de- pierces Nephites to c.
stroyed, God would c. to be God; Morm. D&C 10:56 the Lord will cause wicked to
9:19 if God changed he would c. to be God. shake to c.; 57:3 Independence is c. place.
43 INDEX Chariot
(Micah 5:10) the Father will destroy c. of for murmurings of heart; 87:6 nations to
Gentiles. feel c. hand of God; 90:36 Zion to be c. un-
Abr. 2:7 wind and fire are c. of the Lord. til she overcomes and is clean; 95:1 whom
the Lord loves he c.; 95:1 with c. the Lord
Charity, Charitable. See also Alms;
Compassion; God, Love of; Impart; Love; prepares way for Saints’ deliverance out
Needy; Neighbor; Relief; Substance; of temptation; 97:6 school in Zion must be
tg Charity; bd Charity c.; 98:21 the Lord to c. church in Kirtland
if they do not repent; 100:13 Zion shall be
2 Ne. 26:30 the Lord has commanded
redeemed, although she is c.; 101:5 those
that all men should have c.; 26:30 c. is love;
who will not endure c. cannot be sancti-
26:30 (Moro. 7:44, 46) except men have
fied; 101:41 transgressors must be c.; 103:4
c. they are nothing; 26:30 if men have c.,
that those who call themselves after the
they will not suffer laborer in Zion to per-
Lord’s name might be c. for a little season;
ish; 33:7–9 Nephi1 has c. for his people, the
105:6 people must be c. until they learn;
Jew, and the Gentiles; Alma 7:24 see that
ye have faith, hope, and c.; 13:29 have faith, 136:31 he that will not bear c. is not worthy
hope, love of God in your hearts; 34:29 if ye of God’s kingdom.
do not remember to be c., ye are as dross; Chastity, Chaste. See also Adultery;
Ether 12:28 faith, hope, and c. bring unto Clean; Fornication; Lust; Purity; Virtue;
the Lord; 12:34 love that the Lord has for tg Chastity
men is c.; 12:34 (Moro. 10:20–21) without Jacob 2:7 feelings of Nephites’ wives and
c. men cannot inherit place prepared in children are tender and c.; 2:28 the Lord
the Father’s mansions; 12:35–37 if Gen- delights in c. of women; Moro. 9:9 Neph-
tiles have not c., the Lord will prove them; ites deprive Lamanites’ daughters of that
Moro. 7:1 Moroni2 writes words of Mor- which is most precious, c.
mon2 on faith, hope, and c.; 7:44 if man is
meek and confesses Christ, he must have c.; Cheat. See also Deceit
7:45 (1 Cor. 13:4–7) qualities of c. described; 2 Ne. 28:21 devil c. men’s souls.
7:46 (1 Cor. 13:8) c. never faileth; 7:46
cleave unto c., which is greatest of all; 7:47 Check. See also Restrain
(8:17) c. is pure love of Christ and endures Alma 15:17 people are c. as to pride.
forever; 10:20–21 except ye have c., ye can Cheek. See Smite
in nowise be saved in kingdom of God.
D&C 4:5 (12:8) c. qualifies men for the Cheer. See also Cheerful; Happiness; Joy;
Lord’s work; 18:19 you can do nothing tg Cheer
without faith, hope, c.; 88:125 (124:116) 2 Ne. 10:23 c. up your hearts; Alma 17:31
clothe yourselves with bond of c.; 121:45 let (3 Ne. 1:13) be of good c.
bowels be full of c. toward all men. D&C 61:36 be of good c., little children;
Chasten, Chastisement. See also 68:6 be of good c. and do not fear; 78:18
Affliction; Buffeting; Persecution; be of good c., for the Lord will lead you;
Prove; Punishment; Rebuke; Refine; 112:4 let your heart be of good c. before
Reprove; Scourge; Suffering; Trial; the Lord’s face.
Tribulation; Warn; tg Chastening Cheerful, Cheerfully. See also Cheer;
1 Ne. 16:25 Lehi1 c. because of murmur- tg Cheerful
ing against the Lord; 16:39 voice of the Lord Mosiah 24:15 Alma1 and his followers
c. Laman1 and Lemuel; Mosiah 14:5 (Isa. submit c. to will of the Lord.
53:5) c. of our peace was upon the Messiah; D&C 59:15 fast with c. hearts and coun-
23:21 the Lord sees fit to c. his people; Hel.
tenances; 123:17 c. do all things.
12:3 except the Lord c. his people, they will
not remember him; 15:3 the Lord has c. Chemish—Nephite record keeper, son of
Nephites because he loves them; Ether 2:14 Omni
brother of Jared2 is c. because he remem- Omni 1:8 receives plates from brother,
bered not to call upon the Lord. Amaron; 1:9 writes few things; 1:10 father
D&C 1:27 sinners are c. that they might of Abinadom.
repent; 42:88–92 offenders to be c. pub-
licly or privately according to offense; Cherubim. See also tg Cherubim;
58:60 that bestowed upon Ziba Peterson bd Cherubim
to be taken until he is sufficiently c. for Alma 12:21 (42:2–3; Gen. 3:24) God
sins; 61:8 elders c. for sins, that they might placed c. and flaming sword east of Eden.
be one; 64:8 disciples were c. because they Moses 4:31 c. and flaming sword keep
forgave not; 75:7 William McLellin is c. way of tree of life.
45 INDEX Child
Chickens. See also Animal; Hen shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall
3 Ne. 10:4–6 (Matt. 23:37) the Lord would be peace of thy c.; 26:14 Christ teaches and
have gathered people as hen gathers c. ministers to c. of multitude, looses their
D&C 10:65 (29:2; 43:24) the Lord gathers tongues; 28:22 (4 Ne. 1:33) Nephite disci-
people as hen gathers her c. ples play with beasts as c. with lamb; 4 Ne.
1:38 those who reject gospel teach c. they
Chief. See also Captain; Judge, Chief should not believe; Morm. 1:2 Mormon2 a
3 Ne. 7:3, 14 every tribe appoints c. sober c.; 4:12 there never had been so great
wickedness among all c. of Lehi1; Moro.
Child, Children. See also Babe; Children
of God; Daughter; Family; Father; Infant; 8:3 the Father’s Holy C., Jesus; 8:8–24 little
Mother; Parent; Seed; Son; tg Child; c. do not need repentance or baptism; 8:12,
Children; Family, Children, Duties of; 22 (Mosiah 3:16) little c. are alive in Christ;
Family, Children, Responsibilities 8:15 wickedness to suppose God saves one c.
toward; Honoring Father and Mother; because of baptism and other must perish;
Salvation of Little Children 8:17 all c. are alike; 8:17 little c. are loved
1 Ne. 5:21 (Mosiah 1:4) brass plates of with perfect love.
great worth in preserving the Lord’s com- D&C 2:2 (27:9; 98:16; 110:15; 128:17–18;
mandments unto c.; 11:20 Nephi1 sees vir- 138:47; Mal. 4:6) promises made to fathers
gin bearing c. in arms; 14:3 abominable will be planted in hearts of c.; 18:42 c. who
church founded by devil and his c.; 17:1–2 have arrived at years of accountability
women bear c. in wilderness; 22:6, 8 (21:22; must repent; 20:70 c. to be blessed by elders
Isa. 49:22) c. of Jews to be carried in Gen- before the Church; 29:46 (74:7) c. redeemed
tiles’ arms; 2 Ne. 2:23 without Fall, Adam from foundation of world through the
and Eve would have had no c.; 4:15 Nephi1 Savior; 29:47 little c. cannot sin because
writes scriptures for learning and profit of they cannot be tempted; 45:54–58 c. of those
his c.; 13:12 (Isa. 3:12) c. to be oppressors of who abide the Lord’s coming will grow up
the Lord’s people; 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) for unto us without sin unto salvation; 50:40 (78:17) el-
c. is born; 21:6 (30:12; Isa. 11:6) leopard, kid, ders are still little c., cannot bear all things
calf, lion to lie down together, and little c. yet; 55:4 establish school, that c. may re-
shall lead them; 25:26–27 Nephites write ceive instruction; 63:51 during Millennium,
of Christ, that c. may know source of re- c. to grow up until they become old; 68:25–
mission of sins; Jacob 2:35 (3:10) Nephites 28 (93:40) c. to be taught principles of gos-
have lost confidence of c. because of bad pel by parents; 68:31 c. in Zion are growing
example; Mosiah 3:16 (Moro. 8:8–24) blood up in wickedness; 74:7 c. are holy through
of Christ atones for sins of little c.; 3:18 men Atonement of Christ; 83:4 c. have claim
drink damnation to souls except they be- upon parents for maintenance; 83:5 c. have
come as little c.; 3:19 become as c., submis- claim on Church if parents cannot provide
sive, humble, full of love; 3:21 none shall inheritance; 93:40 parents commanded to
be found blameless except little c.; 4:14 bring up c. in light and truth; 93:42 neglect
ye will not suffer your c. to go hungry, to of c. is causing affliction; 98:16 Saints to
transgress, to quarrel, to serve devil; 6:2 all seek diligently to turn hearts of c. to their
except little c. enter covenant; 15:25 little c. fathers; 98:44–47 the Lord takes vengeance
have eternal life; Alma 5:25, 38–41 wicked upon c. of those who repent not; 99:3 he
are c. of devil; 30:25 Korihor says c. not who receives you as little c. receives my
guilty because of parents; 30:60 devil will kingdom; 99:6 elders should not leave un-
not support his c.; 32:23 words given to little til c. are provided for; 121:17 those who cry
c. which confound wise and learned; 39:12 transgression are c. of disobedience; 128:18
command thy c. to do good; 43:45 (48:10; earth to be smitten unless there is welding
58:12) Nephites fight for homes, wives, c.; link between fathers and c.; 137:10 c. who
Hel. 15:2 wo unto them which are with c., die before accountability are saved in ce-
for they shall be heavy and cannot flee; lestial kingdom; 138:48 c. to be sealed to
3 Ne. 9:22 the Lord will receive those who parents in dispensation of fulness of times.
repent and come unto him as little c.; 11:37– Moses 6:6 c. are taught to read and write
38 men must become as little c. or they can- in undefiled language; 6:54 c. are whole
not inherit kingdom of God; 17:11–12, 21–23 from foundation of world; 6:55 c. are con-
Christ blesses c.; 17:24–25 angels minister ceived in sin; Abr. 1:7, 10 c. are sacrificed
to Nephite c.; 18:21 pray in your families to idols; JS—M 1:16 wo unto them who are
that your wives and c. may be blessed; 22:1 with c. in those days; JS—H 1:39 (Mal. 4:6)
(Isa. 54:1) more are c. of desolate than c. of the Lord will plant in hearts of c. promises
married wife; 22:13 (Isa. 54:13) all thy c. made to fathers.
Children of God INDEX 46
Children of God. See also Begotten; Born great spirits who were c. in beginning to
of God; Daughter; Heir; Inherit; Saint; be rulers in Church of God.
Son; tg Children of Light Moses 3:17 Adam may c. for himself; 6:33
1 Ne. 11:17 God loves his c.; 17:36 the c. ye this day to serve the Lord; 7:33 men
Lord has created his c. that they should are commanded to c. the Father; 7:39 That
possess earth; Alma 36:14 Alma2 had led which God has c. has pled before him; Abr.
many of God’s c. to destruction; 3 Ne. 12:9 3:23 Abraham was c. before he was born.
(Matt. 5:9) peacemakers shall be called Chosen [adj.]. See also Choice; Choose;
c. of God; 12:44–45 (Matt. 5:44–45) love your Covenant; Election
enemies, that you may be c. of Father in
Mosiah 7:26 Abinadi a c. man of God;
Heaven; Moro. 7:19 lay hold upon every
Alma 7:10 Mary a precious and c. vessel;
good thing and you will be c. of Christ.
10:7 Alma2 a c. man of God; 46:17 (Ether
D&C 41:6 things belonging to c. of king-
13:2) all land on north and south a c. land.
dom should not be given to unworthy;
D&C 107:40 order of priesthood belongs
50:41 fear not, little c., for you are mine; to descendants of c. seed.
106:5 gird up your loins that you may be Moses 1:26 the Lord to deliver Israel his
the c. of light. c.; 4:2 the Son was God’s C. from beginning;
Choice. See also Choose; Chosen [adj.]; 7:39 God’s C. will suffer for men’s sins, re-
Precious; Promised Land turn to God.
2 Ne. 1:19 Lehi1 wishes that sons might Christ. See Jesus Christ
be c. people of the Lord; 3:6–7 the Lord
will raise up c. seer from loins of Joseph1; Christian. See also Believer; Saint;
Jacob 5:43 branch planted in c. spot in Worshiper; tg Christian; bd Christians
vineyard; W of M 1:6 Mormon2 puts plates Alma 46:13, 16 Moroni1 prays for bless-
containing c. revelations with remainder ings of liberty as long as C. remain to
of record. possess land; 46:14–15 true believers are
called C.; 48:10 cause of liberty is called
Choose, Chose, Chosen. See also Agency; cause of C.
Choice; Chosen [adj.]; Election
1 Ne. 12:7 the Twelve were ordained Christs, False. See also Prophets, False
of God and c.; 20:10 (Isa. 48:10) I have c. 2 Ne. 25:18 no other Messiah will come
thee in furnace of affliction; 2 Ne. 2:27–29 save a f. Messiah; W of M 1:15–16 are pun-
(10:23; Hel. 14:31) men are free to c. liberty ished according to crimes.
and eternal life or captivity and death; Church. See also Church, Great and
2:30 I have c. good part; 17:16 (Isa. 7:16) be- Abominable; Churches, False; Church
fore child knows to c. good, land shall be of Enoch2; Church of God; Church of
forsaken of both kings; 26:10 (Alma 40:13) the Devil; Church of the Firstborn;
because Nephites c. works of darkness, tg Church
they must go down to hell; Mosiah 29:25
1 Ne. 4 : 26 Zoram 1 supposes Nephi 1
c. judges by voice of people; 29:27 (Alma speaks of brethren of C.
10:19) if voice of people c. iniquity, judg-
ments will come; Alma 13:3 those foreor- Church, Great and Abominable. See also
dained were left to c. good or evil; 13:3, 10 Churches, False; Church of the Devil;
having c. good and exercised faith, priests Harlot; Whore
were called with holy calling; 30:8 ( Josh. 1 Ne. 13:5, 9 a. c. slays Saints; 13:6 (14:3,
24:15) c. ye this day whom ye will serve; 9, 17) devil is founder of g. and a. c.; 13:7–8
Hel. 5:2 they who c. evil were more nu- precious clothing and harlots are desires of
merous than they who c. good; 13:29 how g. and a. c.; 13:26–28, 32, 34 g. and a. c. takes
long will ye c. darkness rather than light; away plain and precious parts of gospel;
3 Ne. 12:1 Christ c. twelve to minister unto 14:3 (22:14) g. and a. c. digs pit for Saints;
Nephites; 19:20 Christ c. Nephite disciples 14:9–10, 13, 16 g. and a. c. is mother of
because of their belief in him. abominations; 14:10 those who do not be-
D&C 1:4 (29:4) the Lord has c. disciples long to Church of the Lamb belong to that
to warn all people; 3:9 Joseph Smith c. to g. c.; 14:17 wrath of God to be poured out
do work of the Lord; 37:4 let every man on g. and a. c.; 22:13 blood of g. and a. c. shall
c. for himself; 55:1 thou art called and c.; turn upon their own heads; 22:14 (2 Ne.
95:5 (121:34, 40) many called, but few 28:18) g. and a. c. shall tumble to dust; 2 Ne.
c.; 95:8 the Lord will endow with power 6:12 if Gentiles do not unite themselves to
those whom he has c.; 105:35–36 difference g. and a. c., they shall be saved.
between calling and c.; 138:55 noble and D&C 29:21 g. and a. c. to be cast down by
47 INDEX Church of God
devouring fire; 88:94 g. and a. c. persecutes asks Alma2, Why persecutest thou C. of God;
Saints, is tares of earth. 29:42 (Alma 4:4; 5:3) Alma1 gives son Alma2
charge concerning all affairs of C.; Alma
Church Discipline. See Council, 1:30 members of C. do not send away any,
whether out of C. or in the C.; 1:31 mem-
Churches, False. See also Church, Great bers of C. prosper more than those who
and Abominable; Church of the Devil; do not belong; 2:4 Amlici seeks to destroy
Denominations; Doctrine, False; C.; 4:4–5 (5:5) C. established more fully
Priestcraft; Priests, False; Prophets, through many baptisms; 4:11 wickedness
False; Tradition in C. leads unbelievers to further iniquity;
1 Ne. 22:23 c. built up to get gain or 5:3 (8:23) Alma2 high priest over C.; 6:4
power shall be brought low; 2 Ne. 26:20 (8:1) order of C. established; 45:22 (62:46)
Gentiles shall stumble because they build Helaman2 and brethren go forth to estab-
many c.; 28:3–4 c. built by men shall con- lish C. again; 46:10 Amalickiah seeks to
tend against each other; 3 Ne. 27:8 if c. is destroy C. of God; 46:13–14 true believers
called in name of man, it is c. of man; 27:11 who belong to C. are called Christians;
those who build c. upon works of men will Hel. 3:33 pride enters hearts of those who
have joy for season, then comes the end; profess to belong to C.; 4:11 wickedness
4 Ne. 1:26 c. built up to get gain deny true among those who profess to belong to C.;
Church; 1:27 many c. in land deny parts of 11:21 C. spreads throughout land; 3 Ne.
gospel; 1:28 f. c. multiplies because of iniq- 6:14 C. begins to be broken up; 18:5 one
uity and power of Satan; 1:29–30 c. denies to be ordained with power to give broken
Christ and persecutes true Church; Morm. bread to people of C.; 18:16 prayers in C.
8:28 c. will become defiled and leaders will to follow Savior’s pattern; 21:22 if they
rise up in pride; 8:32 c. will forgive sins will repent, I will establish my C. among
for money. them; 27:3–11 those who build upon gospel
D&C 10:56 the Lord will cause those who should call C. in Christ’s name; 27:21 ye
build c. to get gain to shake and tremble. know the things that ye must do in my C.;
28:18 disciples unite as many to C. as be-
Church of Christ. See Church of God lieve in their preaching; 4 Ne. 1:1 disciples
Church of Enoch2 form C. of Christ in all lands; 1:26 Nephites
begin to build up churches to get gain, and
D&C 76:67 celestial heirs come to general
deny true C. of Christ; 1:27–29 churches
assembly and C. of E. and the Firstborn.
that deny Christ’s gospel persecute true
Church of God. See also Assemble; C.; Morm. 8:38 O ye hypocrites, why have
Baptism; Build; Church of Enoch2; ye polluted the holy C. of God; Moro. 3:1
Church of the Firstborn; Flock; Kingdom disciples are called elders of C.; 4:2 (5:2;
of God; Member; Officer; Priesthood, D&C 20:76) elders and priests kneel down
Aaronic; Priesthood, Melchizedek; with C. and pray over bread and wine; 6:5
Religion; Saint; Stake; tg Church; C. meets oft to fast, pray, speak; 7:39 if ye
Church, Name of; Church before Christ; have not faith in Christ, ye are not fit to be
Church Organization; bd Church numbered among people of his C.
1 Ne. 14:10 only two churches, C. of D&C 1:30 this C. is only true and living
Lamb and church of devil; 14:12, 14 C. c.; 1:30 (5:14; 33:5; 109:73) C. to be brought
of Lamb are Saints of God; 2 Ne. 9:2 Jews out of obscurity; 1:30 the Lord gave men
shall be restored to true C. of God; 25:14 power to lay foundation of C.; 1:30 the Lord
wo unto those who fight against God and is pleased with C. collectively; 10:53 the
people of his C.; Mosiah 18:17 (25:18; 26:22; Lord will establish C. if generation harden
Alma 4:5; 3 Ne. 26:21; 28:23; Moro. 6:4) not hearts; 10:55 those who belong to C. in-
those baptized are called C. of God, or C. herit kingdom of heaven; 10:67 whosoever
of Christ; 21:30 (23:16; 25:18; 29:47) Alma1 repents and comes to the Lord is his C.;
and his people form C. of God; 25:18–19 10:69 whosoever is of my C. will I establish
(29:47; Alma 4:7; 6:1) Mosiah2 grants that upon my rock; 11:16 wait until you have
Alma1 might establish c. throughout land my word, my rock, my C.; 18:4 in scriptures
and ordain priests and teachers over every are written all things concerning founda-
c.; 25:22 notwithstanding many churches, tion of C.; 18:5 if you build up my C., gates
they are all one C.; 26:8 Mosiah 2 gives of hell shall not prevail; 20 revelation
Alma1 authority over C.; 26:22 this is my on C. organization and government; 20:1
C.; 27:1–2 (Alma 1:19) great persecutions (21:3) C. organized April 6, 1830; 20:37 the
inflicted on C.; 27:9–10 (Alma 36:6, 9, 11) repentant to be received by baptism into
Alma2 seeks to destroy C. of God; 27:13 angel C.; 20:53–55 teacher’s duty to watch over
Church of the Devil INDEX 48
C.; 20:55 C. to meet often; 20:83 names of to build and regulate C.; 107:59 revela-
those expelled from C. shall be blotted out; tion to C. of Christ in addition to C. laws
21:2 Joseph Smith inspired by Holy Ghost respecting C. business; 107:72 high priest
to lay foundation of C.; 26:2 (28:13; 102:9) can serve as bishop to do business of C.;
all things to be done by common consent 107:78 most important business of C. to be
in C.; 28:2 one appointed to receive reve- carried to council of C. before Presidency;
lation in C.; 30:6 C. to be built up among 107:80 the Presidency, highest council in
Lamanites; 33:13 (128:10) upon this rock I C.; 107:91 duty of President of High Priest-
will build my C.; 37:3 C. to assemble at the hood to preside over whole C.; 115:3–4
Ohio; 38:36 (51:5–15) instructions concern- (127:12; 128:21; 136:2; OD 1; OD 2) C. of
ing C. property; 39:13 (42:8) called to build Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; 124:41
up C.; 41:3 (58:23) the Lord’s law teaches the Lord to reveal unto C. things which
how to govern C.; 42:13 observe covenants have been kept hid; 124:94 Hyrum Smith
and C. articles; 42:59 commandments in appointed prophet, seer, revelator unto C.;
scriptures to be law governing C.; 42:67 C. 138:55 noble spirits chosen in beginning
covenants promised; 43:2 commandment to be rulers in C.
given for law unto C.; 43:8–9 when assem- JS—H 1:1 Joseph Smith to write history
bled together, C. to instruct each other of C.; 1:73 Joseph Smith prophesies con-
how to act; 43:11 purge out iniquity in C.; cerning rise of C.; A of F 1:6 we believe in
45:64 (58:48) if inhabitants repent, build same organization that existed in Primi-
c.; 50:4 the Lord has seen abominations tive C.
in C.; 50:37 strengthen c.; 58:23 laws given
Church of the Devil. See also Church,
are laws of C.; 59:9 go to house of prayer to Great and Abominable; Churches, False;
offer sacraments on Sabbath; 60:8 preach Devil; tg Devil, Church of
word among congregations of wicked until
they return to c. whence they came; 63:63 1 Ne. 13:6 (14:3, 9, 17) devil is founder
let C. repent of sins; 64:12 he who repents of great and abominable c.; 14:10 only two
not should be brought before C.; 64:37 the churches, Church of the Lamb and c. of d.;
Lord made C. like judge to judge nations; Alma 5:39 if ye are not sheep of the Good
68:14 (72:2) bishops to be set apart unto C.; Shepherd, devil is your shepherd; 3 Ne.
69:3, 7 history of C. to be kept; 70:1–5 stew- 27:11 those who build c. upon works of
ards to manage business in C.; 75:24 duty devil have joy for season, then comes end.
D&C 10:56 the Lord will cause those who
of C. to support families of those called
build up kingdom of devil to tremble and
to preach; 78:14 C. to stand independent;
shake; 18:20 contend against no church,
82:17 Saints to be equal for benefit of C.;
save c. of d.
82:18 talents to be cast into storehouse, be-
come common property of C.; 82:21 sinners Church of the Firstborn
to be dealt with according to laws of C.; 83 D&C 76:54, 67, 71, 94 celestial heirs are
the laws of the C. concerning women and C. of F.; 76:102 telestial heirs will not be
children; 84:2 C. established for gathering caught up to C. of F.; 77:11 as many as
of Saints; 84:17 priesthood continues in C.; come will be brought to C. of F.; 78:21 ye
84:34 those who magnify callings become are C. of F.; 88:5 celestial glory is glory
C. and kingdom of God; 84:55 C. under con- of C. of F.; 93:22 those who are begotten
demnation because of vanity and unbelief; through Christ are C. of F.; 107:19 priest-
84:108 Apostles built C. in ancient days; hood to commune with C. of F.
84:110 (1 Cor. 12:12–27) body hath need
of every member; 85:11 apostates to have Church of the Lamb. See Church of God
no inheritance in C.; 86:3 Babylon, great Cimeter. See also Sword; Weapon
persecutor of C.; 90:4 oracles to be given
Enos 1:20 Lamanites skilled in c.; Mosiah
to C. through Joseph Smith; 90:13 Joseph
9:16 (10:8; Alma 2:12; 43:18, 20, 37; 60:2; Hel.
Smith to preside over C.; 98:19 God not
1:14) c. used in wars between Nephites and
pleased with some in C.; 101:64–65, 72 the
Lord commands C. to gather to appointed
places; 103:29 prepare c. for redemption Cincinnati, Ohio
of Zion; 104:58–59 scriptures published to D&C 60:6 (61:30) elders sent to C.
build up C.; 105:2 but for transgression of
C., they might have been redeemed; 107:22 Circumcision. See also Uncircumcised;
Presidency upheld by confidence, faith, tg Circumcision; bd Circumcision
and prayer of C.; 107:33 the Twelve build Moro. 8:8 law of c. done away in Christ.
up and regulate C. in all nations; 107:34 D&C 74 contention in days of Apostles
the Seventy act under direction of Twelve concerning law of c.
49 INDEX Clean
blood of generation; 88:85 garments of la- D&C 11:19 c. unto the Lord with all thy
borers in vineyard not c. from blood of gen- heart; 25:13 c. unto covenants thou hast
eration; 88:86 let your hands be c.; 88:138 made; 42:22 husbands to c. unto wives and
those who enter school must be c. from none else; 88:40 intelligence c. unto intel-
blood of generation; 90:36 the Lord will ligence; 98:11 c. unto all good.
chasten Zion until she is c.; 138:59 dead Moses 3:24 (Abr. 5:18) man shall c. unto
who repent are washed c. his wife.
Cleanse. See also Baptism; Clean; Fire; Clerk. See also Recorder
Purify; Rid; Sanctification; Spotless; D&C 85:1 duty of the Lord’s c.
Alma 5:21 no man can be saved except Climate
his garments are c. from all stain; 5:24 gar- Alma 46:40 men subject to diseases by
ments of all holy prophets are c.; 5:27 if nature of c.
called to die, could you say your garments Cloak
have been c.; 7:14 the Lamb is mighty to
3 Ne. 12:40 (Matt. 5:40) if any man will
save and c. from all unrighteousness; 60:23
take away thy coat, let him have c. also.
inward vessel to be c. first, then outward
vessel; 60:24 Nephites not to contend with Closet. See also Private; Secret
Lamanites until they have c. their inward Alma 33:7 when I turned unto my c., and
vessel; 3 Ne. 8:1 no man could do miracle prayed, the Lord did hear me; 34:26 pour
in Jesus’ name save he were c. from iniq- out your souls in your c.; 3 Ne. 13:6 when
uity; 28:36 Mormon2 did not know whether thou prayest, enter into thy c.
Three Nephites had been c. from mortality
to immortality; Morm. 9:6 turn unto the Cloth. See also Clothe; Clothing; Linen;
Father that ye might be c. by blood of the Silk
Lamb; Moro. 6:4 after baptism people are Mosiah 10:5 (Hel. 6:13) Nephite women
c. by the Holy Ghost. work all manner of c.; Alma 1:29 Church
D&C 29:17 Christ’s blood shall not c. becomes rich, having all manner of good
wicked if they do not hear him; 50:28 no homely c.; Ether 10:24 Jaredites work all
man is possessor of all things except he manner of c.
be c. from all sin; 76:41 Jesus came into Clothe. See also Clothing
world to c. it; 76:52 those who keep com-
mandments are c. from sins; 84:92 (99:4) 2 Ne. 7:3 (Isa. 50:3) the Lord c. heavens
with blackness; 9:14 righteous shall be
elders to c. feet as testimony against those
c. with purity; Jacob 2:19 obtain riches
who reject them; 88:74 laborers in king-
to c. naked; Mosiah 4:26 impart of your
dom to c. hands and feet before the Lord;
substance to poor, c. naked; 10:5 (Hel. 6:13)
109:42 c. thy servants from blood of gen-
women work cloth that Nephites might c.
eration; 112:33 c. your hearts and your
their nakedness; Alma 35:9 people of Am-
mon2 c. poor Zoramites2; Hel. 13:28 peo-
Moses 6:59 men must be c. by blood of
ple will c. false prophet in costly apparel;
the Only Begotten; 7:48 when shall earth
3 Ne. 11:8 Christ c. in white robe.
be c. from filthiness.
D&C 29:12 Twelve to stand with Christ,
Clear. See also Plain c. in robes of righteousness; 38:26 what
2 Ne. 4:33 wilt thou c. my way before me; father c. one son in robes, other in rags;
Jacob 5:65 ye shall c. away branches which 45:44 the Lord will come c. with power
bring forth bitter fruit. and great glory; 65:5 the Lord will come
D&C 5:14 (105:31) Church to come out c. in brightness of his glory; 84:81 take no
of wilderness, c. as moon; 109:73 Church to thought wherewith you shall be c.; 84:89
come out of wilderness, c. as sun. whoso receives the Lord will c. elders;
84:101 earth c. with God’s glory; 85:7 the
Cleave, Clave [=join]. See also Join; Lord will send forth mighty one, c. with
Mount, Mountain; Rock light; 88:125 c. yourselves with bond of
Jacob 6:5 c. unto God as he c. unto you; charity; 133:69 heavens c. in blackness;
Hel. 4:25 except Nephites c. unto the Lord, 138:30 the Lord c. his messengers with
they must perish; 3 Ne. 10:10 earth c. to- power and authority; 138:43 dry bones to
gether again; Ether 14:2 every man c. unto be c. upon with flesh.
that which was his; Moro. 7:28 they who Moses 4:27 the Lord c. Adam and Eve in
have faith in Christ will c. unto every good coats of skins; 7:3 Enoch2 is c. upon with
thing; 7:46 c. unto charity. glory.
51 INDEX Come
God are commanded to gather together oft; c.; 28:6 thou shalt not command him who
12:9 those who know mysteries are under is at thy head; 29:35 the Lord’s c. are spiri-
strict command to impart only that which tual, not natural or temporal; 29:40 Adam
God grants unto children of men; 12:31–32 transgressed c. by partaking of fruit; 38:16
God gave c. to men, they having first trans- for your salvation the Lord gives a c.; 42:4
gressed first c.; 12:37 let us not provoke first c., to go forth in the Lord’s name;
God to pull down his wrath upon us in 42:15 do as the Lord has commanded con-
these his second c.; 29:9 I know that which cerning teaching; 42:29 (124:87) if thou
the Lord has commanded me; 37:35 learn lovest God, keep c.; 42:58 c. will be taught to
in thy youth to keep c.; Hel. 4:22 Nephites all nations; 42:59 c. are given in scriptures
trample under feet that which the Lord to be law governing Church; 43:2 Joseph
commanded Mosiah 2 to give them; 6:31 Smith appointed to receive c.; 43:8 –9
more part of Nephites trample under feet Church to assemble, instruct each other
c. of God; 7:7 in days of Nephi1, the Lord’s how to act upon points of c.; 46:7 ye are
people were firm to keep c.; 14:9–10 (3 Ne. commanded in all things to ask of God; 56:4
23:9) the Lord commanded Samuel the La- (58:32) the Lord commands and revokes;
manite to preach repentance; 3 Ne. 15:16, 58:2 those who keep c. will receive greater
18–19 the Father commands Christ what to reward in kingdom of heaven; 58:26 not
speak; 16:4 (23:13) Christ commands Neph- meet that the Lord should command in all
ites to write his sayings after he is gone; things; 58:29 he who does nothing until
16:16 (20:14) the Father commanded Christ commanded is damned; 58:29 he who re-
to give land for inheritance; 18:3, 8, 12 the ceives c. with doubtful heart is damned;
Lord gives command to administer bread 59:4 diligent will be blessed with c. and
and wine to those who have repented and revelations; 59:21 wrath of God kindled
been baptized; 18:27–28 the Lord gives c. against those who do not obey c.; 61:13 the
not to suffer any one knowingly to partake Lord gives c. for men’s good; 63:13 many
of bread and wine unworthily; 23:14 Jesus have turned from the Lord’s c.; 63:23 he
commands Nephites to teach what he has who keeps c. is given mysteries of king-
expounded; 26:2 the Father commands dom; 67:4–6 the Lord gives testimony of
Christ to give Nephites scriptures they c. in Book of C.; 70:3 stewards over reve
do not have; Morm. 5:23 at God’s great lations and c. appointed; 71:4 elders to
command, earth shall be rolled together as prepare way for c. which are to come;
scroll; 7:4 Lamanites should not take weap- 75:4 proclaim truth according to c.; 76:52
ons of war save God commands them; Ether those who keep c. are washed and cleansed
4:9 at Christ’s command, inhabitants of from sins; 78:13 the Lord prepares Saints
earth shall pass away; Moro. 8:25 baptism to accomplish his c.; 82:8 c. are given that
comes by faith unto fulfilling c., which Saints may understand the Lord’s will; 82:9
brings remission of sins. c. are directions; 84:27 preparatory gospel
D&C 1:17 the Lord called upon Joseph is law of carnal c.; 89:2 Word of Wisdom
Smith and gave him c.; 1:18 the Lord gave c. given not by c. or constraint, but by reve-
to proclaim gospel; 1:24 c. are given to ser- lation; 89:18 those who walk in obedience
vants in their weakness; 1:24–30 (133:57– to c. receive health; 93:1 those who keep c.
60) why c. are given; 1:37 search these c.; shall see the Lord’s face; 93:20 those who
3:10 repent of what is contrary to c.; 5:22 keep c. receive of the Lord’s fulness; 98:33
(6:6, 9, 37; 8:5; 11:6, 9, 18, 20; 12:6; 14:6–7; go not out to battle, save the Lord com
18:43; 19:13; 25:15; 30:8; 35:24; 43:35; 71:11; manded; 101:60 do whatsoever the Lord has
136:42) keep my c.; 5:33 c. are given that commanded; 124:49 when Saints are pre-
thy days may be prolonged; 5:35 if thou art vented from fulfilling c., the Lord requires
faithful in keeping c., thou shalt be lifted work no more; 132:29 Abraham received
up; 10:56 (18:46; 56:2; 58:30; 95:12; 103:8) all things by c.; 132:36 Abraham was com
violators of c. to suffer; 11:20 (14:7; 15:5; manded to offer his son; 133:23 the Lord to
17:8; 58:2; 59:1, 4; 63:23; 76:52; 89:18; 93:20, command deep to be driven back into north
28; 95:11; 124:87) keepers of c. to be blessed; countries; 136:2 Saints under covenant to
18:9 (133:16) the Lord commands all men to keep all c.
repent; 18:46 (25:15; 56:2) they who keep Moses 3:16–17 (4:23; Abr. 5:13) the Lord
not c. cannot be saved; 19:32 great and last commanded Adam not to partake of tree
c.; 20:19 God gave c. to love and serve him; of knowledge of good and evil; 5:5 Adam
25:15 if men keep not c., they cannot come received c. from the Lord; 5:6 I know not,
where the Lord is; 28:2 (43:2–3, 5) only save the Lord commanded me; 5:14 the Lord
one to receive c. for Church; 28:5, 8 Oliver commanded men to repent; 6:60 by water ye
Cowdery to write by way of wisdom, not keep c.; Abr. 3:25 the Lord will prove men
Commission INDEX 54
to see if they will do all that he commands holds keys to c. with Church of the First-
them. born, to enjoy c. and presence of God.
Commission. See also Authority; Calling; Comnor—hill near valley of Shurr
Errand Ether 14:28 Coriantumr2 gathers armies
D&C 20:73 having been c. of Jesus Christ, near hill C.
I baptize you; 88:80 Saints to be prepared
to magnify mission with which the Lord Companion. See also Holy Ghost, Gift of;
has c. them; 138:30 the Lord c. messengers Husband; Wife
to carry gospel to spirits in darkness. D&C 42:74 those who put away c. be-
cause of fornication shall not be cast out;
Commit. See Adultery; Murder; Sin 42:75 those who leave c. to commit adul-
Committee tery shall be cast out; 121:46 the Holy
Ghost shall be thy constant c.
D&C 94:15 c. appointed to build the
Lord’s houses; 123:4–6 c. to gather libelous Company, Companies. See also Host
publications. D&C 76:67 celestial inhabitants come to
Common. See also Common Consent; innumerable c. of angels; 103:30 c. to go
Consecration, Law of to land of Zion; 136:2–3 c. to cross plains.
Mosiah 29:26 not c. that voice of people Compass. See Liahona
desires anything contrary to what is right;
3 Ne. 26:19 (4 Ne. 1:3, 25) Nephites have all Compassion. See also Charity; God,
things c. among them. Love of; Kindness; Love; Mercy; Pity;
D&C 82:18 c. property put in store- tg Compassion
house; 102:28 no c. case is sufficient to 1 Ne. 21:15 (Isa. 49:15) can woman for-
call council of high priests; 107:74 bishop get sucking child, that she have not c.
to be c. judge in Israel; 107:82 if President on son of her womb; Mosiah 15:9 the
transgress, he is to be tried before c. coun- Son is filled with c. toward children of
cil of Church. men; 19:14 (20:26) Lamanites have c. on
people of Limhi; 23:34 Lamanites have
Common Consent. See also tg Sustaining c. on Amulon and brethren; Alma 27:4
Church Leaders Ammon2 and brethren moved with c. by
D&C 20:63 elders to receive license by destruction among people; 3 Ne. 17: 6
vote of Church; 20:65– 66 vote required Christ’s bowels are filled with c. toward
for ordination in Church; 26:2 (28:13) all Nephites; Ether 1:35 the Lord had c.
things to be done by c. c.; 38:34 men to be upon Jared2.
appointed by voice of Church; 41:9 Ed- D&C 64:2 the Lord to have c. upon el-
ward Partridge to be appointed bishop by ders; 88:40 mercy hath c. on mercy; 101:9
voice of Church; 51:4 transgressors to be (121:3) the Lord’s bowels to be moved with
accounted unworthy by voice of Church; c. toward Saints.
104:21 let all things be done by united con
sent; 104:64, 71–72 nothing to be taken from Compel, Compulsion, Compulsory.
treasury except by voice or c. c. of order; See also Agency; Constrain; Control;
124:144 fill all these offices and approve Dominion; Liberty
of those names. Alma 32:13–16 blessings of those who
are humble because they are c. or are
Commotion. See also Confusion; Riotings; not c.; 42:27 whosoever will not come to
waters of life is not c. to come; 47:3 La-
D&C 45:26 whole earth shall be in c.; manite king commands Amalickiah to c.
88:91 all things shall be in c. reluctant soldiers to arms; 51:15, 20 Mo-
Communication. See also Conversation; roni1 requests permission to c. dissenters
Correspondence; Hearken; Heed; to defend country; 3 Ne. 2:12 converted
Language; Prayer; Speak; Think; Lamanites are c. to take up arms against
Understand; Word; tg Communication robbers; 12:41 (Matt. 5:41) whosoever shall
3 Ne. 12:37 let your c. be Yea, yea. c. thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
D&C 58:26 he who is c. in all things
Communion, Commune. See also is slothful servant; 121:37 when men
tg Sacrament; bd Communion exercise c. upon souls of men, heavens
Jarom 1:4 as many as are not stiffnecked withdraw themselves; 121:46 without c.
and have faith c. with the Spirit. means thy dominion shall flow unto thee
D&C 107:19 Melchizedek Priesthood forever.
55 INDEX Confer
Complain. See also Murmur; Reproach under c.; 14:29 those who do not believe
1 Ne. 5:2–3 Sariah c. against Lehi1; 17:18 bring upon themselves their own c.; 3 Ne.
brethren c. against Nephi1; Mosiah 27:1 6:22 people could be c. to death only with
Church c. to leaders because of persecu- signature of governor; 6:25 judges c. proph-
tion; Alma 60:4 were this all we had suf- ets to death; 22:17 (Isa. 54:17) every tongue
fered we would not c. that shall rise against thee in judgment
thou shalt c.; Morm. 8:12 record not to be
Comprehend. See also God, Omniscience c. because of imperfections; 9:31 c. me not
of; Know; Learn; Perceive; Understand for my imperfection; Moro. 6:7 three wit-
Mosiah 4:9 man doth not c. all things nesses are needed to c. transgressor; 7:19
which the Lord can c.; Alma 26:35 God c. lay hold upon every good thing and c. it
all things; Morm. 9:16 who can c. works not; 8:22 he who is under no c. cannot re-
of God. pent; 9:6 if we cease to labor, we will be
D&C 6:21 (10:58; 34:2; 39:2; 45:7; 88:49) brought under c.
darkness c. not light; 88:6, 41 the Lord c. all D&C 5:27 covenant breakers are c.; 6:35
things; 88:49 he who is quickened by God I do not c. thee, sin no more; 10:23 cun-
will c. God; 88:67 body filled with light c. ning plan shall turn to c.; 20:15 unbelief
all things. of hardhearted shall turn to their own c.;
Abr. 4:4 the Gods c. light. 42:81 adulterer to be c. by two witnesses;
Compulsion, Compulsory. See Compel 63:11 unto those without faith, God shows
signs to their c.; 63:62 c. for using name of
Conceive. See also Bear [verb]; the Lord in vain; 64:9 he who forgives not
tg Conceived in Sin stands c.; 68:22 no bishop to be c. except
2 Ne. 17:14 (18:3; Alma 7:10; Isa. 7:14; 8:3) before First Presidency; 75:21 elders to
virgin shall c. and shall bear son; Mosiah judge and c. houses that reject them; 76:48
15:3 Christ is called the Father because he c. of sons of perdition incomprehensible;
was c. by power of God; 3 Ne. 17:17 hearts 82:3 he who sins against greater light shall
cannot c. marvelous things Nephites heard receive greater c.; 84:55–57 Church under
Jesus speak. c. because of vanity and unbelief; 88:65
Moses 6:55 children are c. in sin; 6:55 asking for things not expedient brings c.;
when children begin to grow up, sin c. in 88:100 spirits under c. to be judged; 93:31–
their hearts. 32 those who receive not light are under c.;
136:25 those who cannot repay borrowing
Concubine. See also Adultery; Chastity; should tell neighbor lest he c. them; 136:33
Wife; tg Concubine the Spirit sent forth to c. of ungodly.
Jacob 1:15 (2:24) David and Solomon
desired c.; 2:27 Nephites not to have c.; 3:5 Condescension. See Jesus Christ,
Lamanites do not have c.; Mosiah 11:2, 4, Condescension of
14 Noah3 has c.; Ether 10:5 Riplakish has c. Condition. See also State
D&C 132:1, 37–39 ancient prophets were D&C 46:15 mercies suited according to
given many wives and c. c. of men; 88:38–39 every law has certain
Condemn, Condemnation. See also c.; 130:20 (132:5) c. for obtaining blessings;
Accuse; Judge [verb]; Spurn 138:19 men redeemed from individual sins
Title page of the Book of Mormon c. on c. of repentance.
not things of God; 2 Ne. 7:9 (Isa. 50:9) all Conduct. See Lead
who c. God shall wax old as garment; 9:25
where no punishment, there is no c.; Confer. See also Confirm; Give; Ordain;
9:25 where no c., mercies of the Holy One Ordinance; Priesthood
have claim; 33:14 (Alma 12:14) words shall Omni 1:3 Omni c. plates upon Amaron;
c. men at last day; Mosiah 4:22 c. of those Mosiah 28:20 Mosiah2 c. records on Alma2;
who withhold their substance will be just; 29:42 Alma1 c. office of high priest upon
26:31 he who forgives not brings him- Alma2; Alma 63:11 Shiblon c. sacred things
self under c.; Alma 3:19 every man who upon Helaman3.
is cursed brings upon himself his own c.; D&C 13 John the Baptist c. Aaronic
41:15 the word restoration more fully c. Priesthood; 67:14 elders to know that
sinner; 60:2 Moroni1 writes to civil leaders which Joseph Smith c. upon them; 97:14
by way of c.; Hel. 7:5 people c. righteous keys of kingdom have been c. upon you;
because of their righteousness; 8:1 wicked 107:13 second priesthood called Aaronic
judges want to c. Nephi2; 14:19 by know- Priesthood because it was c. upon Aaron1
ing things and not doing them, men come and seed; 121:37 that rights of priesthood
Conference INDEX 56
may be c. upon us is true; 132:7 never but Confidence. See also Faith; Trust
one on earth at time upon whom keys of Jacob 2:35 Nephites lose c. of children
priesthood are c.; 132:45 the Lord has c. through bad example.
upon Joseph Smith keys of priesthood, D&C 107:22 First Presidency upheld by
wherein he restores all things. c. of Church; 121:45 then shall thy c. wax
Abr. 1:3 priesthood is c. upon Abraham strong in presence of God.
from fathers; JS—H 1:68–69, 72 John the JS—H 1:29 Joseph Smith prays with full
Baptist c. Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph c. he will obtain divine manifestation.
Smith and Oliver Cowdery; 1:70–72 Mel
chizedek Priesthood to be c. hereafter. Confirm. See also Confer; Establish;
Hands, Laying on of; Holy Ghost, Gift of;
Conference. See also Assemble; Meet Ordinance; bd Confirmation
[verb] Mosiah 27:33 Alma 2 and sons of Mo-
D&C 20:61 c. to be held every three siah2 c. faith; Morm. 9:25 unto whosoever
months; 20:67 (124:144) officers to be or- believes in his name will the Lord c. his
dained by direction of general c.; 44:1 words.
(58:56, 61) elders to gather for c.; 58:62 D&C 20:10 Book of Mormon is c. to oth-
Edward Partridge to direct c.; 73:2 elders ers by ministering of angels; 20:41, 43, 68
sent on missions by voice of c.; 124:88 mis- those baptized to be c. by laying on of
sionary to await further instructions at hands for baptism of fire; 20:43 (33:15)
general c. those baptized to be c. by laying on of
hands for gift of the Holy Ghost; 20:68
Confess. See also Acknowledge; Church members to be instructed before
Confession of Sins; tg Confess
being c.; 24:9 continue in laying on of
Jacob 7:17 Sherem c. Christ; Mosiah hands and c. churches; 27:12 Joseph Smith
16:1 every nation shall c. before God that and Oliver Cowdery are c. Apostles by
his judgments are just; 26:27 (Matt. 7:23) Peter, James, and John; 84:18, 30 the Lord
the Lord will c. he never knew those who c. priesthood upon Aaron 1 ; 84: 42 the
never knew him; 27:31 every tongue shall Lord c. upon elders priesthood which they
c. before the Redeemer; Moro. 7:44 if a have received; 84:48 the Father c. covenant
man is meek and c. Christ, he must have upon elders for sake of world; 107:40 order
charity. of priesthood c. to be handed down from
D&C 59:12 Saints c. sins to their breth- father to son; 128:21 angels from Michael
ren on the Lord’s day; 59:21 those offend to present c. our hope.
God who c. not his hand; 76:110 (88:104) Moses 5:59 all things were c. unto Adam
every knee shall bow and every tongue by holy ordinance.
c.; 124:18 the Lord’s servant to c. him be-
fore world. Confound. See also Confusion; Rebuke
1 Ne. 14:2 (15:20; Ether 13:8; Moro. 10:31)
Confession of Sins. See also Confess; Israel shall no more be c.; 17:52 Nephi1 c.
Forgive; Humble; Repentance; his brethren; 22:5, 7 Israel shall be scat-
tg Confession; bd Confession tered and c.; 22:22 righteous shall not be
Mosiah 26:29, 35 transgressor who con c.; 2 Ne. 3:12 writing shall grow unto c.
fesses his s. shall be forgiven; 26:36 (Moro. of false doctrines; 3:14 they who seek to
6:7) those who do not confess s. are not destroy latter-day seer shall be c.; Jacob
numbered among Church; Alma 17:4 by 7:8 Jacob2 c. Sherem; Omni 1:22 (Mosiah
power of words of sons of Mosiah2 many 28:17; Ether 1:33–37) the Lord c. language
Lamanites confess s.; 3 Ne. 1:25 Nephites at time of tower; Mosiah 12:19 Abinadi c.
come to knowledge of error and confess priests; Alma 32:23 children given words
faults. that c. wise; 37:6–7 by small means the
D&C 19:20 confess your s., lest you suffer Lord c. wise; Hel. 5:17 Nephi2 and Lehi4 c.
punishments; 42:88 if offender confesses, dissenters; Ether 1:34–37 the Lord does not
thou shalt be reconciled; 42:91 offenders c. language of Jared2 and his family; 3:24
who confess not will be delivered to law of the Lord c. language written by brother
God; 42:92 those who offend in secret will of Jared2.
be given opportunity to confess in secret; D&C 10:42 the Lord to c. those who al-
58:43 if man repents of s., he will confess tered his words; 49:27 elders shall not be
them; 61:2 (64:7) the Lord forgives those c.; 71:7 c. your enemies; 71:10 any man who
who confess s. with humble hearts; 64:12 lifts voice against elders will be c.; 84:116
he who does not repent and confess will be let him trust in me and he shall not be c.;
brought before Church. 93:52 if you keep my sayings, you shall not
57 INDEX Consign
be c.; 100:5 the Lord’s servants shall not be priests; 32:9 pray that the Father will c. thy
c. before men; 133:58 weak shall c. wise. performance unto thee; 33:4 the Lord will
c. prayers of Nephi1 for gain of his peo-
Confusion. See also Commotion;
ple; Mosiah 2:11 Benjamin c. by Mosiah1;
Confound; Havoc; Order
6:3 Benjamin c. Mosiah2 to be ruler; 23:17
D&C 63:24 assemble not in haste lest Alma1 c. just men as priests; Alma 5:3 Alma1
there be c.; 123:7 Satan has filled world c. son, Alma 2 , to be high priest; 15:13
with c.; 132:8 God’s house not one of c. Alma2 c. priests; 23:4 Aaron3 and brethren
Congregation. See also Assemble; Church; c. priests among Lamanites.
Flock; Meet [verb] D&C 52:2 conference to be held upon
D&C 52:10 elders to preach by the way land the Lord has c. to his people; 58:57
in every c.; 60:8, 13–14 (61:33; 62:5; 68:1) (84:31) spot for temple to be c. and dedi-
preach gospel among c. of wicked; 61:30, 32 cated; 103:35 kingdom to be organized on
restrict teaching among c. of wicked; 61:32 c. land; 105:15 enemies not to pollute land
elders to journey for c. of their brethren; c. for gathering of Saints; 109:12 temple to
107:56 Adam stood up in c. of his poster- be sanctified and c. to be holy.
ity; 138:38 great spirits gathered in c. of Consecration, Law of. See also Common;
righteous. Devote; Equal; Inherit; Order; Poor;
Conquer, Conqueror. See also Overcome; Property; Substance; United Order; Zion
Prevail; Subdue; Subject; Triumph; Win D&C 42:30–39 (51:2–19; 58:35–37) princi-
Jacob 7:25 trusting in God, Nephites ples of c. explained; 42:30, 39 consecrate of
become c. of enemies; Alma 30:17 Kori- thy properties for support of poor; 42:32
hor claims every man c. according to his consecrated properties not to be taken from
strength; 44:8 if swords not taken, Laman- Church; 49:20 one man should not pos-
ites will perish or c.; Moro. 9:6 labor to c. sess above another; 51:3 every man equal
enemy of all righteousness. according to his family; 51:5 transgressor
D&C 10:5 pray always that you may c. not to have claim upon portion consecrated
Satan. to bishop; 58:36 (85:3) law for inheritance
in Zion; 78:5 order established that Saints
Conscience. See also Light; tg Conscience; may be equal in bonds of heavenly and
bd Conscience earthly things; 83:6 storehouse kept by c.;
Mosiah 2:27 Benjamin teaches people 105:5 Zion can only be built up by prin-
so that he can answer God with clear c.; ciples of celestial law; 105:29 lands to be
4:3 Benjamin’s people have peace of c. be- purchased according to l. of c.; 105:34 let
cause of faith in Christ; Alma 29:5 to him commandments concerning Zion’s law be
who knows good and evil is given accord- executed and fulfilled; 124:21 bishop to
ing to his desires, whether joy or remorse receive c. of the Lord’s house.
of c.; 42:18 punishment and just law bring
remorse of c. Consent. See also Common Consent; Unite
D&C 84:46 (93:2) the Spirit gives light to D&C 93:51 by Saints’ prayer of faith with
every man; 88:11 light which quickens un- one c. the Lord will uphold servant.
derstandings is through him who enlight-
ens your eyes; 134:2 government to secure
Consequences. See also Reward; Wages
free exercise of c.; 135:4 Joseph Smith has 2 Ne. 9:48 ( Jacob 3:12) because people
c. void of offense toward God. are unholy, Jacob2 must teach c. of sin.
A of F 1:11 we claim privilege of wor- Consider. See also Think
shiping God according to dictates of c.
Mosiah 3:9 his people shall c. Christ a
Consciousness. See also Awake; man; Hel. 14:16 by the Fall, all mankind
Knowledge are c. dead, temporally and spiritually;
Alma 12:1 (14:6) Zeezrom trembles un- 3 Ne. 20:45 (21:8) that which kings had not
der c. of guilt; Morm. 9:3–4 man cannot heard shall they c.
dwell with God under c. of guilt. D&C 95:3 ye have not c. great command-
Consecrate. See also Anointing;
Consecration, Law of; Dedicate; Consign. See also Condemn; Judgment
Ordain; Sanctification Mosiah 3:25 evil are c. to awful view
2 Ne. 1:7, 32 (3:2; 10:19) land is c. unto of own guilt; Alma 9:11 except for God’s
him whom the Lord brings to it; 2:2 God power, man would be c. to state of endless
shall c. thy afflictions for thy gain; 5:26 misery; 26:19 why did God not c. us to aw-
(Jacob 1:18) Nephi1 c. Jacob2 and Joseph2 as ful destruction; 28:11 mourners fear that
Consolation INDEX 58
dead are c. to state of endless wo; 40:26 45:50 scorner shall be c.; 46:9 men should
wicked are c. to partake of fruits of their not ask for sign to c. it upon their lusts;
labors; 42:1 Corianton supposes injustice 63:34 wicked to be c. with unquenchable
that sinner is c. to state of misery; 42:14 fire; 87:6 c. decreed shall make full end of
justice c. fallen mankind to be cut off; Hel. all nations; 98:17 hearts to be turned lest
12:26 those cast off shall be c. to state of all flesh be c.; 101:24 every corruptible
endless misery. thing to be c.
Consolation, Console. See also Comfort Contention, Contend. See also Devil;
Jacob 3:1 God will c. you in your af- Disputations; Dissension; Doctrine, False;
flictions; Mosiah 27:33 Alma 2 and sons Hardheartedness; Murmur; Occasion;
of Mosiah 2 impart c. to Church; Alma Prophets, False; Quarrel; Rebel; Stir;
56:11 we may c. ourselves that they have Strife; tg Contention
died in cause of country and God; Hel. 1 Ne. 9:4 (19:4) account of c. of people
3:35 firmer faith in Christ fills souls with engraven on other plates; 12:3 (Jarom 1:13)
joy and c. Nephi1 beholds many generations pass away
D&C 124:53 the Lord makes example for after manner of wars and c.; 21:25 (2 Ne.
Saints’ c.; 128:21 angels give c. by holding 6:17; Isa. 49:25) the Lord will c. with him
forth that which is to come. who c. with Israel; 2 Ne. 26:2 (4 Ne. 1:24–
39) several generations after Christ’s visit,
Conspiracy, Conspire. See also Fraud; wars and c. arise; 26:32 the Lord commands
Secret; Secret Combination; Sedition; that men not c. one with another; 28:4
tg Conspiracy churches shall c. one with another;
D&C 84:16 Abel slain by c. of brother; Omni 1:17 Mulekites had had many wars
89:4 evils and designs in hearts of c. men and serious c.; W of M 1:12 Benjamin had
in last days; 134:7 religious opinions not somewhat of c. among his own people;
to justify sedition nor c.; 135:7 Joseph and Mosiah 2:32 beware lest c. arise among
Hyrum Smith confined in jail by c. of you; 9:13 Laman 2 stirs up Lamanites to
wicked men. wars and c. with people of Zeniff; 18:21
Constitution. See also Government, Civil Alma 1 commands no c. among Church
members; 29:7 Mosiah2 fears that giving
D&C 98:5–6 c. law should be befriended; kingdom to someone other than son might
101:77, 80 the Lord caused C. to be estab- raise c.; Alma 2:5 people have much dis-
lished; 109:54 prayer that C. be maintained. pute and wonderful c. regarding Amlici;
Constrain, Constraint. See also Compel 4:9 great c. arise among people of Church;
1 Ne. 4:10 Nephi1 is c. by the Spirit to 19:28 c. regarding Ammon2 among house-
kill Laban; 7:15 (2 Ne. 4:14; 28:1) the Spirit hold of Lamanite king; 34:38 Amulek ad-
c. Nephi1 to speak; Alma 14:11 the Spirit c. monishes people not to c. against the Holy
Alma2 not to stretch forth hand on behalf Ghost; 50:25 c. among Nephites concerning
of martyrs; 4 Ne. 1:48 Ammaron is c. by the land of Lehi; 51:9 critical time for c. be-
Spirit to hide up records. cause Amalickiah stirs up Lamanites; Hel.
D&C 63:64 that which comes from above 16:22 Satan spreads rumors and c.; 3 Ne.
must be spoken by c. of the Spirit; 89:2 2:11 wars and c. throughout land because
Word of Wisdom given not by command- of Gadianton robbers; 11:29 devil is father
ment or c., but by revelation. of c., stirs up men to c. with anger; 4 Ne.
1:2, 13, 15, 18 no c. in land because of love
Consume, Consuming, Consumption. of God; Ether 4:8 he who c. against word
See also Devour; Eat of the Lord will be accursed; 11:7 wars
1 Ne. 17:48 Nephi1 is filled with power of and c. among Jaredites because of wicked
God, even unto c. of flesh; 22:23 churches combinations.
built up for gain will be c. as stubble; 2 Ne. D&C 10:63 establish gospel that there
4:21 God has filled Nephi1 with his love, not be so much c.; 10:63 Satan stirs hearts
even unto c. of flesh; 26:6 wicked shall be to c.; 18:20 c. against no church, except
c.; 26:7 loss of slain well nigh c. Nephi1 be- church of devil; 74:3 c. among people con-
fore presence of the Lord; 27:31 scorner is cerning law of circumcision during days of
c.; Alma 5:52 tree that bringeth not forth Apostles; 95:10 c. arose in School of Proph-
good fruit will be cast into fire which can- ets; 101:6 c. in Zion pollute Saints’ inheri-
not be c. tances; 112:5 c. thou, and let thy warning
D&C 5:19 inhabitants of earth to be c. voice go forth; 121:10 thy friends do not
by brightness of the Lord’s coming; 29:23 c. against thee; 136:23 cease to c. one with
heaven and earth to be c. after Millennium; another.
59 INDEX Copper
c. could not put on incorruption; 9:51 feast in c. with members; 120 tithed property to
upon that which cannot be c.; 28:11–12 be disposed of by c.; 121:32 ordained in C.
churches will become c.; Jacob 5:39 fruit of the Eternal God before world was.
of natural branches become c.; 5:42, 46–48
fruit of vineyard has become c.; 5:75 vine-
Council, Disciplinary. See also Excom-
munication; Trial [law]
yard is no more c.; Omni 1:17 language of
Mulekites had become c.; Mosiah 16:10 D&C 42:80 adulterers to be tried before
this c. shall put on incorruption; 29:40 two or more elders; 42:82 bishop to be pres-
Mosiah2 does not seek lucre which c. soul; ent; 42:89 unreconciled disputes among
Alma 5:15 do you view this c. raised in members to be dealt with by Church, not
incorruption; 40:2 this c. does not put on before world; 42:91 offenders who confess
incorruption until after Resurrection of not are to be delivered to law of God; 64:12
Christ; 41:4 all things shall be restored those who do not repent and confess are to
to proper order, c. to incorruption; Hel. be brought before Church; 64:13 do this in
4:22 laws of Nephites had become c.; 8:25 order to be justified in eyes of law; 68:22–
(3 Ne. 13:20) nothing c. treasures of heaven; 24 for bishop or high priest; 102:12–33 high
3 Ne. 13:19–20 (Matt. 6:19–20) lay not up council procedures for holding; 107:72–76
for yourselves treasures upon earth, where bishop is common judge, to sit in judg-
moth and rust c.; 14:17–18 (Matt. 7:17–18) ment upon transgressors; 107:77–84 involv-
c. tree brings forth evil fruit; Morm. 6:21 ing presidency of high priesthood; 134:10
bodies moldering in c. must soon become religious societies have no right to try men
incorruptible bodies; Ether 9:6 wicked and on right of property or life.
secret society c. hearts of Jaredites. Counsel. See also God, Wisdom of; Guide;
D&C 10:21 hearts are c.; 38:11 (112:23) Instruction
flesh is c. before the Lord; 123:7 evil spirit
1 Ne. 19:7 men hearken not to voice of
is mainspring of all c.; 134:12 preach gospel
God’s c.; 2 Ne. 9:28 when men are learned,
to warn righteous to save themselves from
they think they are wise and hearken not
c.; 135:6 easy to burn dry trees to purify
unto God’s c.; 9:29 to be learned is good,
vineyard of c.
if they hearken to c. of God; 27:27 (28:9)
Corruptible. See also Corrupt wo unto them that seek deep to hide their
D&C 101:24 every c. thing shall be con- c. from the Lord; 28:30 blessed are those
sumed. who lend ear unto the Lord’s c.; Jacob 4:10
seek not to c. the Lord, but to take c. from
Corruptness. See also Corrupt his hand; Alma 29:8 (37:12) the Lord c. in
Hel. 8:3 Nephi2 speaks of c. of laws. wisdom; 37:37 c. with the Lord in all thy
doings; 39:10 Corianton is commanded to c.
Costly, Costliness. See Apparel; Pride
with elder brothers; Hel. 12:5 how slow are
Council. See also Apostle; High Council; men to give ear unto the Lord’s c.; 12:6 not-
Premortal Existence; Quorum; tg Coun- withstanding God’s goodness and mercy,
cil in Heaven men set at naught his c.
Alma 52:19 chief captains hold c. of war; D&C 1:19 man should not c. fellow man;
3 Ne. 12:22 (Matt. 5:22) whosoever shall 3:4 those who set at naught c. of God will
say unto his brother, Raca, shall be in incur his vengeance; 3:15 thou hast suf-
danger of c. fered c. of thy director to be trampled;
D&C 78:9 the Lord’s servants to sit in 19:33 receive misery if thou slight these
c. with Saints; 90:16 First Presidency pre- c.; 22:4 seek not to c. your God; 56:14 you
sides in c.; 96:3 division of land to be de- are not pardoned, because you seek to c.
termined in c. among Saints; 102:2 high c. in your own ways; 78:2 (103:5) listen to c. of
settles important difficulties not settled by him who has ordained you; 101:8 Saints
bishop’s c.; 102:8 replacements in standing who were cast out of inheritance esteemed
c. to be sanctioned by general c. of high lightly the Lord’s c.; 103:5 people should
priests; 102:9 President of Church is presi hearken to the Lord’s c.; 105:37 if chosen
dent of c. of Church; 102:30 (107:33–34, follow c., they shall receive power; 108:1
36, 38; 124:127, 139) traveling high c. of (124:89) receive c. of him whom I have
Apostles; 107:78–81 cases to be appealed appointed; 122:2 virtuous shall seek c.;
to c. of Church; 107:79 presidency of c. of 124:16 his reward shall not fail if he re-
High Priesthood; 107:80 First Presidency ceive c.; 136:19 those who seek not the
is highest c. of Church; 107:82 if president Lord’s c. shall have no power.
transgress, to be tried before common c. of Moses 5:25 Cain rejects greater c. from
Church; 107:85–89 quorum presidents sit God; 6:28 men have sought their own c. in
Counselor INDEX 62
dark; 6:43 why c. ye yourselves and deny c.; 53:20 (56:45) the 2,000 stripling warriors
God; 7:35 Man of C. is God’s name; Abr. are exceedingly valiant for c.; 62:19 be-
4:26 (5:2–3, 5) the Gods took c. among cause of Nephites’ c., Lamanites dare not
themselves. come to battle.
D&C 128:22 c., brethren, and on to
Counselor. See also Bishopric; Jesus Christ victory.
2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) Messiah’s name shall
be called, Wonderful, C. Course. See also Direction; Lead; Path
D&C 42:31, 71 two elders or high priests 1 Ne. 10:19 (Alma 7:20; 37:12) c. of the
to be appointed bishop’s c.; 42:71–72 bish- Lord is one eternal round; Mosiah 7:4
op’s c. to be supported out of storehouse Nephite expedition knows not c. to travel
or remuneration; 58:18 (107:72) bishop in wilderness; Alma 37:42 people of Lehi1
to judge by assistance of c.; 81:1 Fred- did not travel direct c. because of trans-
erick G. Williams called as c. to Joseph gressions; 37:44 –45 (Hel. 3:29) word of
Smith; 107:76 descendant of Aaron1 can Christ points straight c. to eternal bliss.
act as bishop without c.; 107:79 Twelve are D&C 3:2 (35:1) the Lord’s c. is one eternal
called to assist Presidency as c.; 112:20, 30 round; 88:40 justice continues its c.; 88:43
the Lord has made First Presidency c. and c. of heavens and earth are fixed.
leaders of Twelve; 124:126 Sidney Rigdon
Court. See also Excommunication;
is called as c. to Joseph Smith; 124:142 c.
Trial [law]
given for presidents of priests, teachers,
deacons, stake. D&C 135:7 martyrs’ blood cannot be re-
jected by any c. on earth.
Count. See also Account; Innumerable;
Reckon; Sand Covel, James
D&C 107:100 slothful shall not be c. wor- D&C 39 revelation to; 39:8 heart of, is
thy to stand; 123:15 let no man c. them as right before the Lord; 39:9 sorrows from
small things. rejecting the Lord because of pride and
worldly cares; 39:10 is promised blessing;
Countenance. See also Face; Visage 39:11 to preach fulness of gospel; 40:2 re-
2 Ne. 13:9 (Isa. 3:9) show of their c. wit- jects call because of fear of persecution;
nesses against them; Alma 5:14, 19 have 40:3 breaks covenant.
ye received God’s image in your c.; 3 Ne.
Covenant. See also Abraham; Abrahamic
13:16 (Matt. 6:16) when ye fast, be not as
Covenant; Baptism; Choose; Chosen
hypocrites, of sad c.; 19:25 light of Jesus’ c. [adj.]; Gospel; Inherit; Israel; Marriage;
smiles upon disciples. Oath; Priesthood; Promise; Promised
D&C 20:6 c. of angel is as lightning; 59:15 Land; Sacrament; Vow; tg Covenants;
do these things with cheerful c.; 88:52 labor Priesthood, Oath and Covenant; Seed
in field, and ye shall behold joy of my c.; of Abraham; bd Abraham, covenant of;
110:3 the Lord’s c. shines above brightness Covenant
of sun; 138:24 c. of dead Saints shone. 1 Ne. 13:23 book is record of Jews, con-
Moses 5:21–22 Cain’s c. falls; JS—H 1:32 tains c. of the Lord; 13:26 abominable
c. of Moroni2 is like lightning. church takes away from gospel many c.;
Country, Countries. See also Government, 14:14 power of the Lamb descends upon
Civil; Land; Nation; North c. people of the Lord; 15:18 (3 Ne. 15:8;
Alma 43:26, 47 (56:11; 58:8; 61:6; Hel. 16:5, 11–12; 20:12, 25–27, 29; 21:7; Morm.
4:7; Morm. 5:4) Nephites fight to defend 5:20; 8:23; 9:37; Ether 4:15; 13:11) c. made
c.; 48:11–13 (60:36) Moroni1 swears oath to to Abraham to be fulfilled in latter days;
defend freedom of c.; 51:13, 15, 20 (62:9–10) 17:40 the Lord c. with Abraham, Isaac, Ja-
dissenters are compelled to defend c.; 53:13, cob; 17:40 the Lord remembered c. made
18 (56:5) Ammonites desire to take up arms to fathers and brought them out of Egypt;
in defense of c.; 60:28 according to God’s 19:15 when Jews no more turn aside hearts
commandments, Moroni1 takes sword to from the Holy One, he will remember
defend c. c. made to fathers; 22:9 marvelous work
D&C 38:29 ye hear of wars in far c.; 88:79 among Gentiles shall make known the
(93:53) acquire knowledge of c. Father’s c. unto Abraham; 2 Ne. 1:5 the
Abr. 2:3 Abraham, get thee out of c. Lord c. with Nephi1 that land should be
inheritance to his seed; 6:12 if Gentiles
Courage. See also Faith; Fear; Strength; fight not against Zion, the Lord will ful-
Valiant fill c. made unto his children; 9:1 Jacob2
Alma 15:4 Zeezrom’s heart begins to take reads Isaiah1 that brethren might know
63 INDEX Cowdery, Oliver
the Lord’s c. with Israel; 10:7 Christ has c. laws of Church; 84:33–41 oath and c. of
with fathers that Jews will be restored to priesthood; 84:57 children of Zion to re-
lands of inheritance when they believe in main condemned until they remember
him; 10:15 the Lord must destroy secret new c., even Book of Mormon and former
works of darkness so c. may be fulfilled; commandments; 88:131 prayer enjoined in
11:5 Jacob2 delights in c. of the Lord made token of everlasting c.; 88:133 I salute you
unto fathers; 29:1 the Lord will do mar- in token or remembrance of everlasting
velous work, that he may remember c.; c.; 90:24 remember c. wherewith ye have
29:4 Jews are the Lord’s ancient c. people; c. one with another; 97:8 those willing to
29:14 (3 Ne. 20:25, 27) the Lord c. with observe c. by sacrifice are accepted by the
Abraham to remember his seed forever; Lord; 98:3 the Lord promises with immu-
Mosiah 5:5 Benjamin’s people are willing table c. to grant Saints’ prayers; 98:14 the
to enter c. with God to do his will; 18:13 Lord to prove Saints, whether they will
baptism a testimony that man has entered abide in c.; 101:39 when men are called
c. to serve God; Alma 24:18 Ammonites c. unto everlasting gospel and c. with ever-
to give own lives rather than shed blood; lasting c., they are salt of earth; 104:4–5 the
37:27 Helaman2 to hold back c. of secret Lord curses those who break c. of united
combinations; 43:11 (24:15–18; 56:6) Am- order; 104:52 c. broken through transgres-
monites enter c. not to take up arms; 46:20 sion; 132 (131:2–4) revelation of new and
those who will maintain title of liberty everlasting c. of marriage; 136:4 Saints c. to
should enter c. to maintain their rights; walk in all ordinances of the Lord.
51:6 freemen c. to maintain rights of re- Abr. 2:9–11 the Lord’s c. with Abraham.
ligion by free government; 53:16–18 sons
of Ammonites enter c. to fight for liberty Cover, Covering. See also Hide
of Nephites; Hel. 6:21–26 (3 Ne. 6:28–29) D&C 112:23 darkness c. earth; 121:37
robbers enter c. to protect and preserve when man c. sins, amen to his priesthood.
one another; 6:26–30 (3 Ne. 6:28) secret Abr. 2:16 eternity was our c.
oaths and c. are handed down by Satan; Covet, Covetousness. See also Desire;
3 Ne. 5:4–5 (6:3) robbers who enter c. to Envy; Greediness; Jealous; Lust;
murder no more are set at liberty; 6:27–29 Selfishness; tg Covet
(7:11) judges, lawyers, high priests enter c.
Mosiah 4:25 your condemnation is just
to combine against all righteousness, de-
for ye c. that which ye have not received;
stroy government; 20:26 ye are children of
13:24 (Ex. 20:17; Deut. 5:21) thou shalt not
c.; 21:4 Gentiles to be established as free
c. thy neighbor’s house, wife.
people in land so that c. unto Israel may
D&C 19:25 (Ex. 20:17) thou shalt not c.
be fulfilled; 22:10 c. of peace shall not be
thy neighbor’s wife; 19:26 thou shalt not
removed; Moro. 7:31–32 angels do work of
c. thine own property; 88:123 cease to be
c. of the Father; 10:33 Christ’s blood is in c.
covetous; 104:4, 52 some of the Lord’s ser-
of the Father unto remission of sins.
vants have broken covenant through c.;
D&C 1:15 (54:4; 104:4, 52) men have bro-
136:20 c. not that which is thy brother’s.
ken the Lord’s everlasting c.; 1:22 (45:9;
49:9) the Lord will establish everlasting c.; Cow. See also Animal; Cattle
22:1; 132 old c. done away, the Lord gives 1 Ne. 18:25 people of Lehi1 find c. in wil-
new and everlasting c.; 25:13 cleave unto derness; 2 Ne. 21:7 (30:13; Isa. 11:7) c. and
c.; 38:20 c. regarding land of inheritance; bear shall feed; Ether 9:18 Jaredites have c.
42:13 observe c. and Church articles; 42:30
consecrate of properties for support of Cowdery, Oliver
poor with c.; 42:67 Saints hereafter to re- D&C 6–9; 17–18; 23–24; 26; 28 revelations
ceive Church c.; 42:78 members to keep all to; 6:10–11 (8:4) possesses gift of revelation;
c. of Church; 49:9 c. was from beginning; 6:17, 22–24 receives witness of translation;
52:2 the Lord’s people are heirs accord- 6:18 is admonished to stand by Joseph
ing to c.; 54:4 Saints’ c. with the Lord has Smith; 6:25–28 is given gift to translate; 8:1
been broken; 54:6 they who keep c. will to receive knowledge of records; 8:6 has
obtain mercy; 66:2 everlasting c., fulness gift of Aaron; 9:1 does not translate; 9:1, 4
of gospel; 76:69 (107:19) Jesus, mediator continues as scribe; 9:2 to be given other
of new c.; 76:101 telestial heirs received records to translate; 9:3, 5, 10 –11 loses
not everlasting c.; 78:11 (82:11, 15) Saints privilege of translating; 13 (27:8) is or-
to organize themselves by bond or ever- dained by John the Baptist; 17:3, 5 to tes-
lasting c.; 78:12 he who breaks c. will lose tify that he has seen sacred plates; 17:7
standing in Church; 82:21 he who sins receives same gift of faith and power as
against c. to be dealt with according to Joseph Smith; 18:2 receives testimony of
Cowdery, Warren INDEX 64
the Spirit that writings are true; 18:7 is D&C 76:75 (123:12) honorable men
baptized by Joseph Smith; 18:9 is called blinded by c. of men; 121:12 the Lord to
with same calling as Paul; 18:37 called to take men in their own c.
search out Twelve; 20:3 is called Apostle;
20:3 is ordained by Joseph Smith; 21: Intro.
Creation, Create. See also Adam;
Beginning; Creature; Earth; Eve; Framed
sustained as presiding officer of Church;
[verb]; God—Creator; Handiwork;
21:10 to ordain Joseph Smith; 21:12 first Heaven; Jesus Christ—Creator; Make;
preacher unto Church; 23:1 counseled to Man; Organize; Work [noun]; World;
beware of pride; 24:10–12 (28:16) to con- tg Creation; Earth, Purpose of; Man,
tinue bearing the Lord’s name before Physical Creation of; Spirit Creation
world; 24:11 to glory in the Lord, not self;
1 Ne. 5:11 books of Moses give account of
28:3 to declare Joseph Smith’s revelations
c. of world; 17:36 the Lord has c. earth that
as Aaron1; 28:4 to speak whenever led by
it should be inhabited; 2 Ne. 1:10 those
the Comforter; 28:5 to write by way of wis-
coming from Jerusalem have received
dom, not commandment; 28:8 (30:6) called
great blessings, having knowledge of c.;
to preach to Lamanites; 28:8 is promised
2:12–13 there would have been no purpose
revelations; 28:11 to warn Hiram Page; 30:5
in end of its c.; 2:14 (Alma 18:28; 22:10;
to be accompanied by Peter Whitmer Jr.;
Morm. 9:11) God has c. all things; 11:7 if
32:2 Parley P. Pratt to go with; 55:4 to be
there be no God, there could have been
assisted by William W. Phelps in providing
no c.; 29:7 the Lord has c. all men; Jacob
books for schools; 57:13 to assist William W.
2:21 God has c. all flesh that they should
Phelps in printing; 58:58 (60:6; 68:32; 69:1)
keep his commandments and glorify him
journeys of; 61:23 not to travel on waters;
forever; 4:9 earth c. by power of God’s
61:32 is needed more among brethren than
word; Mosiah 2:20–24 God hath c. you and
among congregations of wicked; 63: Intro.
granted unto you your lives; 2:25 ye were
arrives in Kirtland from Missouri; 63:46 and
c. of dust of earth; 4:9 believe in God, that
Newel K. Whitney to visit churches; 68:32 to
he c. all things; 7:27 God to take upon him-
carry the Lord’s warning to Zion; 69: Intro.
self image after which man was c. in be-
appointed to take manuscript of revelations
ginning; 28:17 (Ether 1:3) Jaredite records
to Independence; 70:3 is appointed and
give account of people back to c. of Adam;
ordained one of stewards over revelations
Alma 18:36 Ammon2 teaches Lamoni, be-
and commandments; 82:11 to be bound by
ginning at c. of world; 22:12–13 Aaron 3
bond and covenant to brethren; 102: Intro.
begins from c. of Adam, reading scriptures
records minutes of first high council; 102:3,
to Lamanite king; 3 Ne. 9:15 Christ c. heav-
34 member of first high council; 104:28–29
ens and earth; Morm. 9:12 God c. Adam;
to have printing house; 104:34 lots assigned
Ether 3:15–16 all men were c. in beginning
to; 110 account of visions manifested to Jo-
after the Lord’s own image; Moro. 10:3 re-
seph Smith and; 111: Intro. goes to Salem,
member how merciful the Lord has been,
Mass., with Joseph Smith; 124:94–95 place
from c. of Adam to present.
of, given to Hyrum Smith.
D&C 14:9 (45:1; 76:24; 93:10; 104:14;
JS —H 1:66 boards at home of Joseph
117:6) heavens and earth c. by Jesus Christ;
Smith Sr.; 1:67 scribe in translating Book of
20:18 God c. male and female after his im-
Mormon; 1:68–73 receives Aaronic Priest-
age; 29:30–31 (45:1) the Lord c. all things by
hood, is baptized; 1:73 prophesies follow-
power of his Spirit; 29:31–32 relationships
ing baptism.
of temporal and spiritual c.; 38:3 the Lord
Cowdery, Warren spoke and world was made; 45:1 all things
D&C 106 revelation to; 106:1 to be or- that live were made by the Lord; 49:16
dained presiding high priest in land of earth to answer end of its c.; 49:17 man c.
Freedom. before world was made; 77:12 God made
world in six days; 88:7 Christ is power by
Craftiness, Craft. See also Art; Cunning; which sun was made; 88:19, 25 earth to fill
Deceit; Guile; Profession; Skill; Subtlety measure of its c.; 88:20 earth c. for celestial
Mosiah 7:21 (9:10; 10:18) Zeniff deceived beings; 93:29 intelligence, or light of truth,
by c. of King Laman 2; Alma 4:19 Alma 2 was not c.; 104:13 the Lord makes every
seeks to pull down, by word of God, c. man steward over earthly blessings he has
among his people; 12:3 Zeezrom taken in made for his creatures; 128:23 let eternal
lying and c.; 35:3 Amulek’s words destroy c. declare the Lord’s name.
c. of Zoramites2; Hel. 2:4 Gadianton ex- Moses 1:30–31 Moses asks God about his
ceedingly expert in his c. of murder and c.; 2–3 c. of heaven and earth revealed to
robbery. Moses; 2:27 (6:9) God c. man in his own
65 INDEX Crucifixion
image; 3:5, 7 the Lord c. all things spiritu- Crooked. See also Straight
ally before naturally; 6:36 Enoch2 beholds Alma 7:20 God cannot walk in c. paths.
spirits that God c.; 7:30 impossible to num- D&C 3:2 God does not walk in c. paths;
ber God’s c.; 7:31 the Lord has taken Zion 33:2 (34:6) gospel to be declared unto c.
from all his c.; 7:36 the Lord can stretch generation.
forth his hands and hold all his c.; 7:64 Zion
shall come forth out of all the Lord’s c. Crop. See also Grain
Alma 34:24 cry unto God over c. of fields.
Creator. See God—Creator; Jesus
Christ—Creator D&C 29:16 great hailstorm to destroy c.
gospel be declared to every c.; Alma 42:21– 2 Ne. 9:18 righteous Saints who have en-
22 mercy claims repentance, otherwise dured c. of world shall inherit kingdom of
justice claims c.; Morm. 9:22 (Matt. 28:19) God; Jacob 1:8 we would to God that all
go ye into all world, and preach gospel to men would believe in Christ and suffer
every c. his c.; Mosiah 12:19 priests question Abin-
D&C 18:28 (58: 64; 68:8; 80:1; 84: 62; adi that they might c. him; Alma 10:16
112:28; 124:128) gospel to be preached to lawyers question Amulek that they might
every c.; 77:2 spirit of every c. in likeness make him c. his words; 39:9 c. yourself in
of its body; 78:14 Church to stand indepen- all these things; Hel. 9:19 judges question
dent of all other c. Nephi2 that they might c. him; 3 Ne. 12:30
Moses 2:20–25 (3:19; Abr. 4:24–25; 5:20) better to deny yourselves of these things,
creation of living c. wherein ye take up your c.
D&C 23:6 (112:14) take up your c.; 56:2
Creep, Creeping. See also Animal he who will not take up his c. shall not
D&C 77:2 (Rev. 4:6) four beasts represent be saved.
happiness of man, beast, c. things; 89:14
Crown. See also Celestial Glory;
grain is ordained for use of wild animals
Exaltation; Glory [noun]; Reward
that run or c.
Moses 2:25 (Abr. 4:25) creation of every- D&C 20:14 (66:12; 75:5; 81:6; 138:51)
thing that c. upon earth. those who accept gospel will receive c.
of eternal life, immortality; 25:15 thou
Crime. See also Law; Law, Civil; Offense; shalt receive c. of righteousness; 29:13
Punishment; Sin; Transgression dead who die in the Lord will receive c. of
Jacob 2:9 Jacob2 is constrained to ad- righteousness; 52:43 faithful to be c. with
monish people according to c.; 2:22–23 joy; 58:4 after tribulation, Saints to be
Jacob2 must speak concerning grosser c. c. with glory; 59:2 those who die in Zion
than pride—whoredom; Mosiah 26:11 un- will receive c. in mansions of the Father;
believers are brought before Alma1 to be 76:79 those not valiant obtain not c.; 76:108
judged according to c.; 29:15 he who com- Christ to be c. with c. of glory; 78:15 the
mits iniquity is punished according to c.; Lord prepares Saints to come up unto
Alma 10:13 people seek to slay or imprison c. prepared for them; 81:6 Frederick G.
Alma2 and Amulek according to c. they Williams to have c. of immortality; 88:19
could make appear against them; 30:17 earth to be c. with glory; 88:107 angels
Korihor claims that whatsoever man does to be c. with glory; 101:15 martyrs to be
is not c.; 39:7 I would not dwell upon your c. with glory; 101:65 (109:76) Saints to be c.
c. to harrow up your soul if it were not for with celestial glory; 104:7 the Lord has
your good; 39:8 ye cannot hide your c. from promised Saints c. of glory at his right
God; 50:39 chief judge takes oath to bring hand; 124:95 Hyrum Smith to be c. with
wicked to justice according to c.; 3 Ne. same blessings as Joseph Smith; 132:55
6:26 judges who condemned prophets to the Lord to give Joseph Smith c. of eternal
be judged of c. according to law. lives; 133:32 those from north countries to
D&C 68:22 bishop or high priest to be be c. with glory.
tried for c. only before First Presidency; Moses 7:56 Saints c. with glory at right
134:8 commission of c. should be punished hand of the Son; JS—M 1:1 Christ to come
according to nature of offense. again after he is c. on God’s right hand.
Crisis Crucifixion, Crucify. See Cross; Jesus
Alma 34:34 ye cannot say, when ye are Christ, Death of; tg Jesus Christ,
brought to that awful c., I will repent. Crucifixion of
Cry INDEX 66
Cry. See also Groan; Lament; Mourn; land of many waters; 6:5 Nephites at C.
Plead; Prayer; Wail; Weep by a.d. 385; 6:6 records hidden; 6:11 all
1 Ne. 2:16 (17:7; 2 Ne. 5:1; 33:3) Nephi1 c. but 24 Nephites slain at C.; 8:2 aftermath
unto the Lord; 10:7–8 prophet to prepare of battle.
way before the Messiah, c. in wilderness; D&C 128:20 glad tidings from C.
2 Ne. 26:3 (28:10; Morm. 8:27) blood of JS—H 1:42, 50–54, 59 Joseph Smith takes
Saints shall c. to God from ground; 33:13 plates from H. C.
I speak unto you as voice of one c. from Cunning. See also Craftiness; Deceit;
dust; Enos 1:4 Enos2 c. unto his Maker in Device; Lying; Subtlety; Wiles
mighty prayer; Mosiah 11:24 except they
2 Ne. 9:28 O that c. plan of evil one;
repent, the Lord will be slow to hear his
Mosiah 24:7 Lamanites begin to be c. and
people’s c.; 21:14 Limhi’s people c. mightily wise people; Alma 2:2 by c., Amlici draws
to God to deliver them out of afflictions; away many; 10:13, 15 lawyers try to catch
Alma 9:26 the Son quick to hear c. of his Alma 2 and Amulek by c. devices; 28:13
people; 31:27 Zoramites2 c. unto God, but power of devil comes by c.; 46:10 (51:27)
hearts are swallowed up in pride; 34:20–25 Amalickiah man of c. device; Hel. 3:29
c. unto God over household, against power word of God shall divide c. of devil; 16:21
of enemies and against devil, over crops hardhearted fear they will work some
and flocks; 34:27 when ye do not c. unto great mystery by c. of evil one; 3 Ne. 21:10
God, let your hearts be full; 36:18 Alma2 c. the Father will show that his wisdom is
within his heart unto Jesus; 37:36 c. unto greater than c. of devil.
God for all thy support; 43:49–50 Nephites D&C 10:12, 23 c. plan laid by Satan; 10:43
c. unto the Lord for liberty and freedom God’s wisdom greater than c.
from bondage; Morm. 3:2 c. unto this peo-
ple, Repent ye; Ether 12:3 Ether c. from Cup. See also Drink
morning to sunset, exhorting people to 2 Ne. 8:17 Jerusalem has drunk c. of the
believe in God; 15:16 great were Jaredites’ Lord’s fury; Mosiah 3:26 (5:5) evil will
c. for loss of slain; Moro. 9:15 my heart c., drink out of c. of God’s wrath; Alma 40:26
Wo unto this people. wicked drink dregs of bitter c.; 3 Ne. 11:11
D&C 6:22 cast your mind upon night you Christ has drunk out of bitter c. which
c. unto me to know truth; 18:14–15 (34:6; the Father gave him; 18:8 disciples com-
36:6) c. repentance; 19:37 (39:19; 128:23) manded to take wine of c. and drink it;
declare truth, c. with joy and hosannas; Moro. 5:1 they took the c. and offered the
65:3 (88:92; 133:17) voice c., Prepare way of prayer.
the Lord; 86:5 angels are c. to be sent forth; D&C 19:18 suffering caused Christ to
87:7 (109:49) c. of Saints ascend to heaven; shrink from bitter c.; 29:17 (43:26) c. of the
88:66 voice of one c. in wilderness; 101:92 Lord’s indignation is full; 86:3 Babylon
pray that ears of government leaders will makes all nations drink her c.; 101:11 when
be open to your c.; 136:36 innocent blood c. of iniquity is full, the Lord will pour out
c. from ground against murderers. indignation; 103:3 the Lord has suffered
Saints’ enemies that their c. might be full.
Crystal. See also Glass
D&C 130:9 earth to become like c. Cure. See also Heal; Restoration
Mosiah 3:5 the Lord will come down
Cumeni, City of—Nephite city to southwest
among men and c. all manner of diseases;
Alma 56:13–14 captured by Lamanites; 28:2 sons of Mosiah2 seek to c. Lamanites of
57:7–8, 12 recaptured by Helaman2; 57:23 hatred; 3 Ne. 26:15 Christ does all manner
retained; 57:31 Lamanites march toward; of c. among Nephites.
57:34 is preserved.
Cureloms—unidentified animals. See also
Cumenihah—Nephite commander Animal
[c. a.d. 385]
Ether 9:19 useful to man, existed in days
Morm. 6:14 and his 10,000 fall. of Emer.
Cumoms—unidentified animals. See also Curious. See Workmanship
Ether 9:19 useful to man, existed in days Curse, Cursing. See also Accursed;
of Emer. Cursed [adj.]; Destruction; Insect;
Maggots; Mark; Plague; Punishment;
Cumorah, Land and Hill of. See also tg Curse
Ramah, Hill 1 Ne. 2:23 the Lord will c. brothers of
Morm. 6:2–4 Nephites gather at C.; 6:4 Nephi1 because of rebellion; 17:35 the Lord
67 INDEX Cut
c. land against house of Israel because of c. is he who knows God’s will and does it
iniquity; 2 Ne. 1:7 ( Jacob 2:29; Hel. 13:17– not; 37:31 c. be land forever unto workers
19, 23, 30, 35; Morm. 1:17–18; Ether 14:1) of darkness; Hel. 13:19–21 c. are people be-
land is c. because of people’s wickedness; cause they set hearts upon riches.
4:6 c. to be taken from grandchildren of D&C 121:16 c. are they who lift heel
Lehi1 and answered upon parents’ heads; against the Lord’s anointed.
5:21–24 ( Jacob 3:3, 5; Alma 3:6) the Lord Moses 4:23 c. shall be ground for thy
causes sore c. to come upon Lamanites’ sake.
skin because of iniquity; 29:5 Gentiles have
Curtain. See also Veil
c. Jews; Jacob 2:33 the Lord will visit with
sore c. those who lead away captive daugh- 3 Ne. 22:2 (Isa. 54:2) let them stretch
ters of his people; Alma 17:15 c. had fallen forth c. of thy habitations.
upon Lamanites because of traditions D&C 88:95 c. of heaven to be unfolded;
of fathers; 23:18 (3 Ne. 2:15) c. of God no 101:21 stakes appointed for c. or strength
more follows Lamanites; 30:50, 53–56 Kori of Zion.
hor brought upon himself the c. of being Moses 7:30 thy c. are stretched out still.
stricken dumb; 45:16 this is c. and blessing Custom. See also Tradition
of God upon land; 49:27 Amalickiah c. God; Alma 8:7 c. of Nephites to call lands,
3 Ne. 3:24 great c. upon land northward; cities, villages after him who first pos-
25:6 (Mal. 4:6) Elijah shall turn hearts of sessed them; 17:20 Lamanite c. to bind all
fathers and children to each other lest Nephites who fall into their hands; 47:17
earth be smitten with c.; Ether 14:1 great c. among Lamanites, if chief leader killed,
c. upon land because of Jaredites’ iniquity; to appoint second leader as chief; 3 Ne.
Moro. 8:8 c. of Adam is taken from little 3:19 c. among Nephites to appoint as chief
children in Christ; 8:24 repentance is made captains men who have spirit of revelation.
unto them who are under c. of broken law. Abr. 1:8 c. of priest of Pharaoh to offer
D&C 24:4, 6, 15 those who reject elders human sacrifice.
will receive c. instead of blessing; 24:15 el-
ders to c. those who reject them by casting Cut. See also Blot; Cast; Excommunication;
dust from feet; 24:17 those who go to law God, Presence of; Hew; Prune; Severed
against Joseph Smith will be c. by law; 27:9 1 Ne. 2:21 (2 Ne. 5:20) if brothers of
(98:16–17; 110:15; 128:17–18; 138:48) Elijah Nephi1 rebel, they shall be c. off from the
to turn hearts of children and fathers to Lord’s presence; 16:2 truth c. guilty to cen-
each other, lest earth be smitten with c.; ter; 22:19 all who fight against Zion shall
38:18 the Lord gives Saints land on which be c. off; 2 Ne. 1:20 (4:4; Alma 9:13–14;
there shall be no c.; 41:1 the Lord c. those 36:30; 37:13; 38:1; 50:20; Hel. 12:21) if peo-
who profess his name but hear not; 61:14 ple do not keep commandments, they shall
the Lord c. waters in last days; 61:17 in be- be c. off from the Lord’s presence; 2:5 by
ginning, the Lord c. land; 98:17 turn hearts law men are c. off; 27:31 all who watch for
of Jews to prophets lest the Lord smite iniquity shall be c. off; Alma 42:6 Adam
whole earth with c.; 103:24 Saints to c. en- and Eve c. off from tree of life; 42:7
emies of God; 103:25 (124:93; 132:47–48) Adam and Eve c. off temporally and spir-
whomsoever ye c., I will c.; 124:48 ye bring itually from presence of the Lord; 3 Ne.
c. by your own works; 128:18 earth to be 21:13–17 (Micah 5:8 –13) all Israel’s en
smitten with c. unless there is welding emies shall be c. off; 21:20 whosoever will
link; 133:2 the Lord to come down upon not repent and come unto the Son will the
world with c. to judgment. Father c. off; Ether 2:15 if ye will sin until
Moses 5:25 God puts c. upon Cain, except fully ripe ye shall be c. off from the Lord’s
he repents; 5:56 (8:4) God c. earth with sore presence; Moro. 8:14 man who thinks little
c.; 7:8 the Lord shall c. land with heat and children need baptism to be c. off.
barrenness; Abr. 1:24 from Ham sprang D&C 1:14 those who do not hear voice
race that preserved c.; 1:26 Noah1 c. Ham of the Lord will be c. off; 45:44 he who
as pertaining to priesthood; 2:11 the Lord watches not for the Lord will be c. off;
will c. those who c. Abraham. 50:8 hypocrites will be c. off; 52:6 those
who are not faithful will be c. off; 52:11
Cursed [adj.]. See also Accursed; Curse (84:97; 109:59) the Lord will c. his work
2 Ne. 1:7 (Jacob 2:29) if iniquity abound, short; 56:3 those who do not obey will be
c. be land for people’s sake; 4:34 (28:31) c. c. off; 64:35 rebellious will be c. off; 65:2
is he who puts trust in arm of flesh; 5:23 (Dan. 2:34) gospel to roll forth as stone c.
c. shall be seed of him who mixes with La- out without hands; 85:11 those c. off from
manites’ seed; Alma 32:19 how much more Church will not find inheritance; 104:9
Cutler, Alpheus INDEX 68
those c. off for transgression cannot escape Daniel. See also Stone [noun]; bd Daniel
Satan’s buffetings. D&C 116 (Dan. 7:9–14) spoke of Adam’s
Cutler, Alpheus visit to Adam-ondi-Ahman; 138:44 (Dan.
2:34–35, 44–45) foresaw establishing of
D&C 124:132 member of high council.
God’s kingdom.
Damnation, Damned. See also Condemn; Dark, Darken. See Darkness, Physical;
Darkness, Spiritual; Light
Death, Spiritual; Hell; Punishment;
Torment; bd Damnation Darkness, Physical. See also Black;
2 Ne. 9:24 (3 Ne. 11:34; Morm. 9:23; Ether Darkness, Spiritual; Light; Mist; Night;
4:18) if men will not repent, believe in Sackcloth; Skin
Christ’s name, be baptized, and endure to 1 Ne. 8:4, 7–8 in dream, Lehi1 travels in
end, they must be d.; Mosiah 2:33 (3:25) if d.; 12:4–5 (19:11) mist of d. to cover land
man obeys evil spirit and dies in sins, he at Christ’s death; 12:23 (Alma 3:6; Morm.
drinketh d. to his soul; 3:18 men bring d. 5:15) Lamanites become dark and loath-
to their souls except they humble them- some people; 19:10 (Hel. 14:20, 27; 3 Ne.
selves; 16:11 to be delivered up to devil is 8:3, 19–23; 10:9) three days of d. to be sign
d.; Alma 9:28 if men have been evil, they of Christ’s death; Jacob 3:9 commandment
shall reap d. of their souls; 36:16 Alma2 was not to revile against Lamanites because of
racked with pains of d. soul; Hel. 12:26 d. of skins; Hel. 5:28–43 cloud of d. over-
they who have done evil shall have ever- shadows prison of Nephi2 and Lehi4; 14:3–4
lasting death; 3 Ne. 18:29 whoso eateth (3 Ne. 1:15, 19) no d. in night before Christ’s
and drinketh Christ’s flesh and blood un- birth; 3 Ne. 10:12–13 more righteous part
worthily eateth and drinketh d. to his soul; of people are not overpowered by vapor
26:5 if men be evil, they are brought forth of d.; Ether 6:3 the Lord causes stones to
to resurrection of d.; Morm. 2:13 Nephites’ shine in d.
sorrowing is sorrowing of d.; 8:33 why have D&C 29:14 (34:9; 45:42) sun shall be
ye transfigured holy word of God, that ye darkened.
might bring d. upon your souls. Moses 2:4, 18 (Abr. 4:4) light is divided
D&C 29:44 (68:9) those who believe from d.; 7:61 heavens to be darkened, veil of
not will receive eternal d.; 42:60 (68:9; d. to cover earth; JS—M 1:33 (Matt. 24:29)
84:74; 112:29) disobedient shall be d.; 49:5 sun shall be darkened as sign of Christ’s
he that receives not the Son shall be d.; coming; JS—H 1:15 d. gathers around Jo-
58:29 he that does not anything until he seph Smith.
is commanded is d.; 112:29 he that is not
Darkness, Spiritual. See also Apostasy;
baptized shall be d.; 121:23 those who Blindness; Ignorance; Light; Mist; Night;
discomfort the Lord’s people shall not Obscurity; Sin; Spirit World; Wicked;
escape d.; 132:4 he that does not abide Withdraw; tg Darkness, Spiritual;
covenant will be d.; 132:27 those who com- Walking in Darkness; bd Darkness
mit blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
1 Ne. 8:23–24 (12:17) mist of d. in dream
shall be d.
of Lehi1 is temptations of devil; 21:9 go
Moses 5:15 disbelievers in the Son will
forth to them that sit in d.; 22:12 Israel
be d.
shall be brought out of obscurity and d.;
Dance, Dancing. See also bd Dancing 2 Ne. 3:5 the Messiah to be made manifest
1 Ne. 18:9 followers of Lehi1 begin to unto branch of Israel to bring them out of
make merry, d., sing; Mosiah 20:1 daugh- hidden d. unto light; 10:15 the Lord will de-
ters of Lamanites gather themselves to- stroy secret works of d.; 15:20 (Isa. 5:20) wo
gether to sing, d.; Ether 8:10 daughter of unto them that put d. for light and light for
Jared3 will d. before Akish. d.; 26:10 because the Lord’s people choose
D&C 136:28 praise the Lord with d. d. rather than light, they must go down
to hell; 26:23 God works not in d.; 27:27
Danger. See also Peril; Threaten (28:9) wo unto people whose works are in
3 Ne. 12:21 (Matt. 5:21) he who kills shall dark; 27:29 deaf shall hear words of book,
be in d. of judgment; 12:22 (Matt. 5:22) he and blind shall see out of obscurity and
who says, Thou fool, shall be in d. of hell d.; 30:6 scales of d. shall fall from Laman-
fire; Morm. 8:17 he who condemns should ites’ eyes; 30:17 no work of d. save it shall
be aware lest he be in d. of hell fire; Moro. be made manifest; 32:4 those who ask not
8:20–21 he who says little children need must perish in dark; Alma 5:7 fathers were
baptism is in d. of hell. in midst of d.; 19:6 dark veil of unbelief is
D&C 61:4 many d. upon waters. cast from Lamoni’s mind; 26:3 Lamanites
69 INDEX Day
in d. abyss before brought to light of God; Daughter. See also Child; Family; Woman
34:33 if we do not improve our time in this 1 Ne. 7:6 two d. of Ishmael1 rebel with
life, then cometh night of d.; 37:23–24 the Laman 1 and Lemuel; 16:7 Nephi 1 and
Lord will prepare stone which shall shine brothers take d. of Ishmael1 to wife; 21:22
forth in d. unto light; 37:23, 25–26 the Lord (22:6; Isa. 49:22) Israel’s d. shall be carried
will bring forth secret works out of d. unto on Gentiles’ shoulders; 2 Ne. 4:3–9 Lehi1
light; 37:27 Helaman2 to hold back secret calls sons and d. of Laman1 together; 13:16
covenants lest people fall into d.; 37:28, (Isa. 3:16) d. of Zion are haughty; 14:4 (Isa.
30 curse upon land, judgments of God, 4:4) the Lord shall wash away filth of d.
destruction upon workers of d.; 40:13–14 of Zion; Jacob 2:31–33 the Lord has heard
spirits of wicked to be cast into outer d.; mourning of d. of his people in Jerusa-
41:7 repentant are delivered from endless lem; Mosiah 5:7 (Ether 3:14) because of
night of d.; Hel. 6:28–30 devil is being who covenant, ye shall be called sons and d. of
spreads works of d.; 13:29 how long will Christ; 20:4–5 priests of Noah3 carry off d.
ye choose d. rather than light; 3 Ne. 13:23 of Lamanites; 3 Ne. 2:16 d. of converted
(Matt. 6:23) if eye be evil, whole body shall Lamanites become exceedingly fair; Ether
be full of d.; Morm. 8:16 record shall be 8:8–17 d. of Jared 3 conspires to save his
brought out of d. unto light, shall shine kingdom; Moro. 9:9–10 Nephites murder
forth in d. many d. of Lamanites; 10:31 put on thy
D&C 1:30 Church to be brought forth out beautiful garments, O d. of Zion.
of d.; 6:21 (10:58; 34:2; 39:2; 45:7) d. does not D&C 25:1 all who receive gospel are sons
comprehend light; 10:2 because of loss of and d. in kingdom; 76:24 inhabitants of
translation, Joseph Smith’s mind is dark worlds are begotten sons and d. unto God;
ened; 10:21 (29:45) men love d. rather than 138:39 Eve and many other d. seen among
light; 11:11 Christ is light which shines in righteous in spirit world.
d.; 14:9 Jesus Christ, a light which cannot Abr. 1:23, 25 Egypt discovered by d. of
be hid in d.; 21:6 the Lord to disperse pow- Ham.
ers of d.; 24:1 Joseph Smith delivered from
powers of Satan and d.; 38:5 wicked kept David—king of Israel. See also bd David
in chains of d. until judgment; 38:8 veil of 2 Ne. 19:7 (Isa. 9:7) no end to throne of
d. soon to be rent; 38:11 powers of d. pre- D.; Jacob 1:15 (2:23–24) D.’s practice of
vail among men; 38:12 powers of d. cause having many wives and concubines was
silence to reign; 45:28 (57:10) those in d. to abominable before the Lord.
hear gospel; 50:23 that which does not ed- D&C 109:63 bondage may be taken from
ify is d.; 50:25 know truth to chase d. away; house of D.; 132:1, 38 D. was given many
82:5 adversary spreads dominions, and d. wives; 132:39 D. has fallen from exaltation.
reigns; 84:49 world groans under d.; 84:54
minds are darkened because of unbelief; Davies, Amos
84:80 those who preach gospel shall not be D&C 124:111–14 to pay stock in Nauvoo
darkened; 88:67 if eye single to the Lord’s House.
glory, no d. in you; 95:6 (95:12) sin of walk-
Day. See also Daylight; Day of the Lord;
ing in d. at noonday; 101:91 (133:72–73)
Judgment; Light; Sabbath; Time; bd Fasts
wicked to have portion in outer d.; 112:23
d. covers earth, and gross d. minds of peo- 2 Ne. 2:21 d. of children of men were
ple; 138:22 where rebellious spirits are, d. prolonged, that they might repent while
reigns; 138:30, 57 righteous spirits carry in flesh; 2:26 men are free to not be acted
gospel to those in d. upon save by punishment at last d.; 3:5 Jo-
Moses 5:51 from days of Cain, men’s seph1 truly saw our d.; 33:9 men must con-
works were in the dark; 5:55 works of d. tinue in path until end of d. of probation;
prevail; 6:28 men have sought own coun- W of M 1:11 people shall be judged out
sels with d.; JS—H 1:15 d. gathers around of records at last d.; Alma 33:22 all shall
Joseph Smith. stand before God to be judged at last d.;
34:31 now is d. of your salvation; 34:32 d.
Dart. See also Spear; Weapon of this life is d. for men to perform labors;
1 Ne. 15:24 fiery d. of adversary cannot 34:33 do not procrastinate d. of repentance
overpower those who hold fast to word of until end; 40:8 all is as one d. with God;
God; Jarom 1:8 Nephites make weapons of 41:5 those who desire to do evil all d. shall
war, arrow, d. have reward of evil when night comes;
D&C 3:8 faithful to be supported against 45:13–14 d. to come when those now num-
fiery d. of adversary; 27:17 shield of faith bered among Nephites shall be numbered
quenches fiery d. of wicked. among Lamanites; Hel. 4:7 from west sea
Daylight INDEX 70
to east is d.’s journey; 12:14 if God say unto against d. of vengeance and burning; 87:8
earth to lengthen d. for many hours, it is stand in holy places until d. of the Lord
done; 12:25 in last d. some shall be cast out; comes; 88:102 some who remain until great
14:4 (3 Ne. 1:8, 19) sign of Christ’s birth to and last d. will be filthy still; 101:9 in d. of
be one d. and night and d. as one d.; 3 Ne. wrath the Lord will remember mercy; 106:5
1:9 d. set apart that believers should be gird up loins, that d. of the Lord may not
put to death except sign be given; 8:24 O overtake you; 109:46 seal up law to prepare
that we had repented before this great and against d. of burning; 112:24 d. of wrath,
dreadful d.; 13:34 (Matt. 6:34) sufficient is of burning, of desolation, of weeping, of
d. unto evil thereof; 16:7 in latter d. shall mourning, of lamentation; 124:10 d. of
truth come unto Gentiles; 25:1 (Mal. 4:1) d. visitation comes speedily; 133:51 the Lord
cometh that shall burn as oven; Ether 13:13 treads upon wicked in d. of vengeance;
Ether hid himself in cavity of rock by d. 133:64 d. cometh that shall burn as oven.
Moses 7:45 when shall d. of the Lord
Daylight. See also Light come; 7:65 Enoch2 saw d. of coming of the
Moro. 7:15 way to judge is as plain as d. Son; JS—M 1:40 (Matt. 24:36) no one knows
is from dark night. d. or hour of the Lord’s coming.
Day of the Lord. See also Day; Jesus Deacon. See also Priesthood, Aaronic;
Christ, Second Coming of; Judgment; bd Ministry
Last Days; Millennium; tg Day of the
D&C 20:38, 57–59 (84:30, 111) office and
duty of d.; 20:57 to assist teachers; 20:58 has
2 Ne. 12:12–13 (Isa. 2:12–13) d. of the Lord no authority to baptize, administer sacra-
shall come upon proud and lofty; 23:6, 9 ment, or lay on hands; 20:60, 64 ordination
(Isa. 13:6) d. of the Lord is at hand; 3 Ne. of d.; 84:111 d. and teachers appointed to
24:2 (Mal. 3:2) who may abide d. of the watch over Church; 107:62 need for one to
Lord’s coming; 25:1 (Mal. 4:1) d. cometh that preside over d.; 107:85 duty of president
shall burn as oven; 25:5 (Mal. 4:5) Elijah to over d.; 124:142–43 keys given president of
be sent before coming of great and dread- d. and his counselors.
ful d. of the Lord.
D&C 1:9 unbelieving and rebellious to Dead, Deadness. See also Baptism for the
be sealed unto d. of wrath; 1:10 d. when Dead; Death, Physical; Death, Spiritual;
the Lord comes to recompense men ac- Jesus Christ, Resurrection of; Raise;
cording to works; 1:14 d. when wicked Resurrection
shall be cut off; 1:35 d. of the Lord speed- 2 Ne. 18:19 should not people seek unto
ily cometh; 2:1 (110:14; 128:17) Elijah to their God for living to hear from d.; 25:25
be sent before great and dreadful d. of law hath become d. unto us; 25:27 by know-
the Lord; 29:9 (43:17; 110:16; 128:24) d. ing d. of law, men may look forward to
of the Lord is near at hand; 29:12 Twelve that life which is in Christ; 27:13 (Morm.
to stand at Christ’s right hand at d. of his 8:26; 9:30; Moro. 10:27) words of faithful
coming; 29:14 (45:16–33; 49:24) signs before shall speak as if it were from d.; Mosiah
great d. shall come; 34:8 all nations to 18:13 baptism covenant to serve God un-
tremble at d. of the Lord’s coming; 35:21 til d. as to mortal body; Alma 5:41–42 he
(61:39) abide d. of the Lord’s coming; 39:10 that becomes child of devil is d. unto all
days of deliverance are come; 39:21 (49:7; good works; 18:43; 19:1–8, 18 Lamoni lies
51:17; 133:11) no man knows d. or hour of as though d. for two days and nights; 30:18
the Lord’s coming; 42:36 covenant people Korihor claims that when man is d., that
to be gathered in d. when the Lord comes is end; Hel. 14:16 all mankind, being cut
to temple; 43:21 (58:11; 133:10) prepare for off from presence of the Lord by Fall of
great d. of the Lord; 45:39 he who fears the Adam, are considered as d.; Moro. 8:23 it
Lord will look for signs of d. of the Lord’s is mockery before God, putting trust in d.
coming; 45:56 parable of ten virgins to works; 10:34 Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of
be fulfilled in d. when the Lord comes in both quick and d.
glory; 50:45 d. to come when Saints will see D&C 22:2 futility of d. works; 29:13 d.
the Lord; 56:1 rebellious to know the Lord’s which die in the Lord will receive crown
indignation in d. of visitation; 56:16 lamen- of righteousness; 42:45 weep for d.; 63:49
tation of rich in d. of visitation; 58:11 d. of blessed are d. who die in the Lord; 110:14–
the Lord’s power comes; 63:6 d. of wrath to 16 Elijah commits keys for work for d.;
come upon rebellious and unbelieving as 128:6, 8 d. are judged out of books; 128:11
whirlwind; 63:20 he who endures will re- he who has keys can obtain knowledge per-
ceive inheritance when d. of transfigura- taining to salvation for d.; 128:14 records of
tion comes; 85:3 tithing to prepare Saints d. kept in heaven; 128:15, 18 without our d.
71 INDEX Death, Spiritual
we cannot be made perfect; 128:19 in gos- D&C 7:2 John the Apostle asks for power
pel we hear voice of gladness for living and over d.; 29:42 Adam was not to die tempo-
d.; 128:24 book containing records of d. to ral d. until the Lord sent angels to teach
be presented in temple; 138:10, 30, 35, 37, him; 29:43 by natural d. men are raised in
57 gospel preached to spirits of d.; 138:48, immortality unto eternal life; 42:46 those
54 great work for redemption of d. to be who die in the Lord shall not taste d.; 42:47
done in temples; 138:58 d. who repent will bitter d. of those who die not in the Lord;
be redeemed through obedience. 42:48 those not appointed unto d. shall be
healed; 45:2 hearken unto the Lord’s voice
Deaf, Deafness. See also Heal; Hear
lest d. overtake you and soul not saved; 50:5
2 Ne. 9:31 wo unto d. that will not hear; they who are faithful in life or d. shall in-
27:29 d. shall hear words of book; Jarom 1:3 herit eternal life; 50:8 hypocrites shall be
much should be done among Nephites be- cut off, in life or d.; 58:2 he who keeps com-
cause of d. of ears; Mosiah 3:5 (3 Ne. 17:7–9; mandments, whether in life or d., receives
26:15) Christ will cause d. to hear; 4 Ne. 1:5 greater reward; 63:50–51 during Millen-
Christ’s disciples cause d. to hear. nium, old will be changed in twinkling of
D&C 35:9 the Lord’s servants to cause d. eye; 88:116 sanctified shall not any more
to hear; 58:11 d. come to marriage of the see d.; 98:14 the Lord will test you unto d.;
Lamb; 84:69 ears of d. shall be unstopped. 101:29 there shall be no sorrow because
Dearth. See Famine there is no d.; 101:36 fear not even unto d.;
110:13 Elijah did not taste d.; 121:44 show
Death, Physical. See also Body; Capital love, that thy faithfulness may be seen as
Punishment; Dead; Death, Spiritual; stronger than cords of d.; 124:130 man’s
Die; Fall of Man; Grave; Immortality; priesthood remains after d.; 132:13 what-
Jesus Christ, Death of; Jesus Christ, ever is not of the Lord ceases at d.; 138:16
Resurrection of; Kill; Life; Martyrdom; the Son declares redemption from bands
Paradise; Raise; Resurrection; Slay;
of d.; 138:18 spirits rejoice in deliverance
Sleep; Spirit World; tg Death; Death,
Power over from chains of d.; 138:23 Saints acknowl-
edge Christ as the Deliverer from d.
1 Ne. 15:31 doth this thing mean final Moses 4:25 d. came through disobedi-
state of soul after d. of temporal body; ence; 6:48, 59 d. came by Fall of Adam.
2 Ne. 9:6 as d. has passed upon all men,
there must be power of Resurrection; 9:10, Death, Spiritual. See also Damnation;
19 God prepares way for escape from mon- Dead; Death, Physical; Die; Fall of Man;
ster, d. and hell, d. of body and of spirit; God, Presence of; Hell; Redemption;
9:11–12 temporal and spiritual d. shall de- Repentance; Sin; Sleep; Sons of Perdition;
liver up their dead; 10:25 may God raise Spirit World; tg Death, Spiritual, First;
you from d. by power of Resurrection; Death, Spiritual, Second
Mosiah 15:8 (16:7) Christ breaks bands of 2 Ne. 2:27 (10:23; Alma 29:5; Hel. 14:31)
d.; 16:8–9 (Alma 22:14; 27:28; Morm. 7:5) men are free to choose eternal life or d.;
sting of d. is swallowed up in Christ, and 9:10 God prepares way for escape from
there can be no more d.; 27:28 Alma2 re- monster, d. and hell, d. of body and of spirit;
pents nigh unto d.; Alma 1:18 he who mur- 9:11–12 temporal and s. d. shall deliver
ders is punished unto d.; 7:12 (11:42) Christ their dead; 9:39 (Rom. 8:6) to be carnally-
to take upon him d. that he may loose minded is d.; Jacob 3:11 shake your-
bands of temporal d.; 11:45 mortal body selves that ye awake from slumber of d.;
is raised from first d. unto life; 12:23–24 3:11 lake of fire and brimstone is second
because Adam partook of forbidden fruit, d.; Mosiah 15:8–9 (Alma 7:12) Christ breaks
temporal d. comes upon mankind; 15:17 bands of d.; Alma 5:7 fathers encircled
people pray continually that they might be by bands of d., chains of hell; 12:16 who-
delivered from Satan and d.; 27:28 people soever dies in sin shall suffer second d.,
of Ammon2 never look upon d. with any which is s. d.; 12:32 penalty for doing evil
degree of terror; 40:11–14 state of soul be- is second d., which is everlasting d.; 13:30
tween d. and Resurrection; 42:9 (Hel. 14:16) may the Lord grant unto you repentance,
Fall brought upon mankind both spiritual that you may not suffer second d.; 15:17
d. and temporal d.; 55:3 Moroni1 will seek d. people pray continually that they might be
among Lamanites until they sue for peace; delivered from Satan and d.; 29:5 unto him
Hel. 12:3 except the Lord visits his people who knows good and evil is given accord-
with d., they will not remember him; 3 Ne. ing to his desires, life or d.; 36:18 Alma2
28:7–8, 25, 37–38 (Ether 12:17) three Neph- was encircled by everlasting bands of d.;
ite disciples shall never taste of d. 40:26 awful d. comes upon wicked, for they
Debt INDEX 72
die as to things of righteousness; 42:9 (Hel. of lyings and d.; 21:19 all d. shall be done
14:16) Fall brought upon mankind s. d. as away; 30:2 repent of your lyings and d.;
well as temporal d.; Hel. 14:16 (Morm. 9:13) Morm. 8:31 it shall come in day when
Christ’s d. redeems all mankind from first there is lying and d.
d., that s. d.; 14:18 those who do not repent D&C 10:25 Satan tells men to d.; 10:28
suffer again s. d., second d. wo unto him who lies to d.; 43:6 Saints
D&C 29:41 Adam suffered first s. d. when should not receive those who come with
cast out of garden; 29:41 to be cast from revelations, so that they may not be d.;
God’s presence is first d., same as last d., 45:57 they who take the Holy Spirit for
which is s.; 29:44 those who believe not guide and have not been d. shall abide
cannot be redeemed from s. fall; 63:17–18 the Lord’s coming; 46:8 that ye may not
lake which burns with fire and brimstone be d., seek best gifts; 50:3 Satan seeks to d.;
is second d.; 64:7 forgiveness for those who 50:6 wo unto them that are deceivers and
have not sinned unto d.; 67:12 natural man hypocrites; 52:14 the Lord gives pattern
cannot abide presence of God; 76:37 sons of that Saints may not be d.; 123:12 many
perdition are only ones on whom second d. are blinded by those who lie in wait to d.;
shall have power; 132:25 wide is way that 129:7 contrary to order of heaven for just
leads to deaths; 132:27 those who commit man to d.
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not Moses 1:16 Satan, d. me not; 4:4 Satan d.
be forgiven. and blinds men; JS—M 1:5 take heed that
Moses 6:48, 59 d. came by Fall of Adam. no man d. you; 1:6, 22 (Matt. 24:5, 23–24)
false Christs will d. many.
Debt. See also Indebted; Money; Owe;
Trespass; tg Debt Deception. See also Deceit
3 Ne. 13:11 (Matt. 6:12) forgive us our d. 2 Ne. 31:13 if ye follow the Son, acting
as we forgive our debtors. no d. before God, ye shall receive the Holy
D&C 19:35 pay d., release thyself from Ghost.
bondage; 64:27 forbidden to get in d. to Decision
enemies; 72:13 d. of those unable to pay
D&C 102:19–22 after hearing evidence,
should be paid by bishop; 104:78 pay all
president gives d.; 102:31 d. of high coun-
your d.; 111:5 concern not yourselves cil may be appealed, but not d. of Twelve;
about your d.; 115:13 d. not to be incurred 107:27–29 d. of quorums must be unani-
for building house of the Lord; 119:1–2 mous; 107:30 d. of quorums are to be made
surplus property in hands of bishop for in righteousness; 107:32 unrighteous d. may
payment of d. be appealed to general assembly of quo-
Deceit, Deceive. See also Beguile; Cheat; rums; 107:78 d. of bishop or judges may be
Craftiness; Cunning; Deception; Device; appealed to council of Church.
False; Flatter; Fraud; Guile; Hypocrisy; Declare. See also Preach; Proclaim;
Lying; Pretend; Sincerity; Slander; Prophecy; Publish; Tell
Wicked; Wiles
Mosiah 15:10 (Isa. 53:8) who shall d. the
1 Ne. 16:38 Laman1 claims Nephi1 tries Son’s generation; 3 Ne. 11:40 whoso shall
to d. their eyes; 2 Ne. 9:41 the Lord can- d. more or less than this as the Lord’s doc-
not be d.; 25:18 no other Messiah to come, trine comes of evil.
save false Messiah which should d. people; D&C 10:68 whoso d. more or less is not of
Jacob 7:18 Sherem confesses he was d. by the Lord; 11:21 obtain word before you d.
power of devil; Mosiah 7:21 (10:18) Zeniff it; 19:29 (62:5) d. glad tidings; 28:3 d. faith-
is d. by cunning of King Laman2; 11:7 peo- fully commandments; 29:4 elders chosen
ple of Noah3 are d. by flattering words of out of world to d. gospel; 60:7 elders to d.
king and priests; 14:9 (Isa. 53:9) no d. in the the Lord’s word; 128:21 all angels d. their
Messiah’s mouth; 26:6 unbelievers d. many dispensation; 138:16, 18 the Son d. redemp-
with flattering words; Alma 12:1 Amulek tion from bands of death.
catches Zeezrom in d.; 16:18 priests preach Moses 5:58 gospel d. by angels from
against all d.; 20:13 Lamanites believe beginning.
Nephites seek to d. them; 30:47 Korihor
shall not d. people any more; 30:53 Kori Decoy. See also Stratagem
hor confesses that devil has d. him; 48:7 Alma 52:21 Moroni1 resolves upon plan
Amalickiah obtains power by fraud and to d. Lamanites out of strongholds; 58:1
d.; 3 Ne. 2:1–2 Nephites imagine that signs Nephites could not d. Lamanites from
are wrought by power of devil to d.; 16:10 strongholds because they remembered
Gentiles shall be filled with all manner former plan.
73 INDEX Delight
Decree. See also Command; Command- Defence, Defense, Defend. See also
ments of God; Consume; Law; Ordain; Fight; Maintain; Preserve; Safe; Security
Proclaim; Statute 2 Ne. 14:5 (Isa. 4:5) glory of Zion shall
2 Ne. 20:1 (Isa. 10:1) wo unto them that be d.; Alma 35:14 converted Zoramites 2
d. unrighteous d.; Alma 23:2 Lamanite king take up arms to d. families and lands;
sends d. not to lay hands on sons of Mo- 43:47 ye shall d. your families even unto
siah2; 29:4 I ought not to harrow up in my bloodshed; 48:13 Moroni1 swears oath to d.
desires firm d. of just God; 41:8 d. of God people, country, religion; 48:14 Nephites
are unalterable; Ether 2:9 d. of God that taught to d. themselves against enemies;
this is promised land; 2:10 everlasting d. 48:16 God reveals to Nephites where they
of God that those who possess land must should go to d. themselves; 51:13 king-men
serve him; 2:11 this message comes unto would not take up arms to d. country; 54:13
Gentiles, that they may know d. of God. Nephites have only sought to d. themselves;
D&C 1:7 what the Lord d. shall be ful- 60:28 Moroni1 takes up sword to d. country
filled; 98:14 the Lord has d. he will prove according to God’s commandments; 61:6
Saints. (62:5) Nephites take up arms in d. of coun-
Moses 5:59 (6:30) d. sent forth that gos- try; 3 Ne. 3:2 ye do stand well, as if ye were
pel should be in world until end. supported by hand of a god in d. of your
liberty; Ether 14:2 every man keeps sword
Dedicate, Dedication. See also in right hand in d. of property and family.
Consecrate; Devote D&C 87:3 southern states to call upon
D&C 58:57 Sidney Rigdon to d. spot for other nations to d. themselves; 115:6 gath-
temple; 94:6–7, 10, 12 houses to be d. unto ering in Zion to be for d.; 134:11 all men
the Lord for work of Presidency, transla- are justified in d. themselves.
tion, printing; 95:16–17 house to be d. to
Defiance. See also Rebel
sacrament offerings and school of Apos-
tles; 109 prayer of d. for Kirtland Temple; Alma 5:18 can ye imagine yourselves
109:78 (110:7) accept d. of this house. brought before God with remembrance
that ye have set at d. his commandments;
Deed. See also Act; Do; Doing; Judgment; 3 Ne. 6:30 judges set at d. law and rights
Work [noun] of their country.
Mosiah 4:30 if ye do not watch words
Defile. See also Corrupt; Filthiness;
and d., ye must perish; Alma 5:15 (36:15) Pollute; Unclean
men will be judged according to d. done
in mortal body; 42:27 in last day it shall be Morm. 8:28 churches shall become d.
restored unto him according to his d.; Hel. D&C 93:35 God to destroy whatsoever
10:5 the Lord will make Nephi 2 mighty temple is d.; 138:20 the Lord’s voice not
raised among those who d. themselves
in word and d.; 13:26 Nephites would call
while in flesh.
prophet false because he testified their d.
were evil; 15:4 the Lord has hated Laman- Degree. See Celestial Glory; bd Degrees
ites because their d. have been evil. of glory
D&C 10:21 because d. of wicked are
Delay. See also Procrastinate
evil, they do not ask the Lord; 29:45 those
whose d. are evil will receive their wages; 3 Ne. 29:2 ye need not say the Lord d.
42:30 consecrate properties with d. which his coming.
cannot be broken; 64:11 let God reward D&C 45:26 men shall say Christ d. his
according to d.; 84:117 elders to reprove coming.
world because of ungodly d.; 99:5 the Lord Delicate. See Tender
will come quickly to convince all of their
ungodly d.; 117:11 Newel K. Whitney to be Delight. See also Delightsome; Glad;
bishop, not in name but in d. Happiness; Joy; Please; Pleasure
2 Ne. 4:15–16 (11:2, 4–6; 25:5) Nephi1 d.
Deep. See also Depth; Sea; Sleep in scriptures, in things of the Lord; 9:37
D&C 122:7 if thou be cast into d., it shall devil d. in those who worship idols; 9:49
be for thy good; 133:20 the Lord to stand my heart d. in righteousness; 9:51 let your
upon mighty ocean, even great d.; 133:23 soul d. in fatness; 25:4 (31:3) Nephi1 d. in
the Lord to command great d. to be driven plainness; 25:13 Nephi 1 d. to prophesy
back into north countries; 133:27 highway concerning Christ; Jacob 2:28 God d. in
to be cast up in midst of d. chastity; Alma 48:11 Moroni1 does not d.
Moses 2:2 (Abr. 4:2) darkness comes in bloodshed; Moro. 9:19 Nephites d. in
upon face of d. everything save that which is good.
Delightsome INDEX 74
D&C 25:12 the Lord d. in song of heart; not shortened; 133:71 none to d. disobedi-
25:14 wife’s soul to d. in husband; 41:1 the ent; 136:26 find that which neighbor has
Lord d. to bless his people with greatest lost and d. it to him; 138:15, 18, 49 spirits of
of all blessings; 76:5 the Lord d. to honor dead rejoice because d. was at hand; 138:23
those who serve him in righteousness. Saints acknowledge the Son as their deliv
erer from death.
Delightsome. See also Beauty; Fair
2 Ne. 5:21 (Morm. 5:17) Lamanites were Demands. See Justice
fair and d. people; 30:6–7 (W of M 1:8) La- Demon. See also Angels of the Devil;
manites and Jews who believe in Christ Devils; Spirit, Evil
shall become d. people; 3 Ne. 24:12 ye shall
Hel. 13:37 we are surrounded by d.
be d. land; 4 Ne. 1:10 Nephites become fair
and d. people; Moro. 9:12 few years have Denominations. See also Churches, False;
passed since Nephites were civil and d. Sect
people. D&C 123:12 many pure in heart among d.
Deliver, Deliverance. See also Escape; Deny. See also Refuse; Reject; Renounce;
Freedom; Give; Help; Loose; Ransom; Resist; Revoke
Reclaim; Redemption; Release; Salvation; 2 Ne. 26:33 the Lord d. none who come
Save; Snatch
unto him; 28:4 churches shall d. the Holy
1 Ne. 1:20 the Lord makes those he has Ghost; 31:14 if men receive the Holy Ghost
chosen mighty unto power of d.; 3:29 the and then d. Christ, better that they had not
Lord will d. Laban into brothers’ hands; known him; Jacob 6:8 will ye d. good word
4:3 the Lord is able to d. us; 17:14 the Lord of Christ; 7:9 D. thou the Christ who shall
d. people of Lehi1 from destruction in Je- come; 7:19 Sherem fears he has commit-
rusalem; 2 Ne. 9:11–12 temporal and spiri ted unpardonable sin by d. Christ; Omni
tual deaths must d. up their dead; 9:19 1:17 Mulekites d. being of their Creator;
God d. his Saints from awful monster of Mosiah 4:24 they who d. beggar should
death; 11:5 mercy of God in eternal plan say, If I had, I would give; 17:20 Abinadi
of d. from death; 27:9–22 book shall be d. put to death because he would not d. God’s
unto a man; Mosiah 9:17 Zeniff’s people commandments; Alma 30:39 Alma2 asks
are awakened to remembrance of d. of Korihor whether he will again d. God and
their fathers; Alma 4:14 Resurrection of Christ; 39:6 to d. the Holy Ghost when it
dead according to d. of Christ from bands once has had place in you is unpardonable
of death; 7:13 the Son blots out transgres- sin; 46:35 few d. covenant of freedom; Hel.
sions according to power of his d.; 9:28 8:24 ye cannot d. these things except ye
righteous shall reap salvation according shall lie; 3 Ne. 12:30 d. yourselves of these
to d. of Christ; 14:26 give us strength ac- things; 29:6 wo unto him that shall d. reve
cording to our faith in Christ, even unto d.; lations of the Lord; 4 Ne. 1:27 churches
15:2 Alma2 and Amulek relate their power profess to know Christ, but d. more parts of
of d. to those cast out of Ammonihah; 46:7 gospel; 1:29 false church d. Christ; Morm.
Nephites’ great rejoicing because of d. by 9:7–8 he who d. revelations and spiritual
hand of the Lord; 58:11 the Lord causes gifts knows not gospel of Christ; Moro.
that Nephites hope for d. in him; 58:37 we 1:2 Lamanites put to death every Nephite
trust God will d. us; 3 Ne. 13:12 (Matt. 6:13) who will not d. Christ; 10:7 d. not power of
d. us from evil. God; 10:32 d. yourselves of all ungodliness.
D&C 8:4 gift of revelation shall d. Oliver D&C 11:25 d. not spirit of revelation;
Cowdery out of hands of enemies; 24:1 Jo- 39:16 the Lord cannot d. his word; 42:23
seph Smith is d. from powers of Satan; 30:6 (63:16) he who lusts after woman shall
ever pray for d.; 39:10 days of d. are come; d. faith; 76:35, 43 sons of perdition d. the
56:18 kingdom of God to come in power Holy Ghost and the Son; 101:5 those who
and glory unto d. of poor; 78:12 (82:21; will not endure chastening, but d. the Lord,
104:10; 132:26) transgressors to be d. over cannot be sanctified; 114:2 some among
to buffetings of Satan; 95:1 the Lord pre- Saints d. the Lord’s name.
pares way for those he loves to be d. from Moses 6:28 men have d. God.
temptation; 104:80 the Lord to send means
for d.; 105:8 the Lord to d. churches in time Depart. See also Die; Flight; Go; Journey;
of trouble; 108:8 the Lord to bless and d. Leave
Saints forever; 109:32 Saints plead for full 1 Ne. 2:2–4 (3:18) Lehi 1 and family d.
and complete d.; 109:46 d. thy people from into wilderness; 2 Ne. 5:5–7 Nephi 1 and
calamity; 133:67 the Lord’s power to d. was followers d. into wilderness; Omni 1:12–14
75 INDEX Desirable
Mosiah1 and his people d. into wilderness; Christ; 128:19 knowledge of God to d.
3 Ne. 20:41 cry to go forth, D. ye, d. ye. upon Saints; 130:23 the Holy Ghost may
D&C 137:6 those who d. mortality before d. upon man and not tarry.
restoration may inherit celestial kingdom; Moses 6:26 the Spirit d. upon Enoch2;
138:57 faithful elders who d. this life con- 6:65 the Spirit d. upon Adam after baptism;
tinue labors in spirit world. 7:25 Enoch2 sees angels d. out of heaven;
Moses 1:18, 21 d. hence, Satan. JS—H 1:16 pillar of light d. upon Joseph
Smith; 1:68 John the Baptist d. in cloud
Depend, Dependent. See also Rely; Trust
of light.
Mosiah 4:19, 21 do we not all d. upon
God for substance and life; 10:11 Laman- Descendant. See also Genealogy; Lineage;
ites d. upon own strength; 18:26 priests not Loins; Posterity; Seed
to d. upon people for support; Hel. 16:15 1 Ne. 5:14 (6:1–2; 2 Ne. 3:4; Alma 10:3)
people d. upon own strength. Lehi1 d. of Joseph1; 5:16 Laban d. of Joseph1;
2 Ne. 30:4 Nephites’ seed shall know they
Depravity. See also Wicked
are d. of Jews; Mosiah 7:3, 13 Ammon1 d.
Moro. 9:18 O the d. of my people. of Zarahemla; 25:2 among Nephites, fewer
Depressed. See also Despair d. of Nephi 1 than people of Zarahemla;
Alma 26:27 when our hearts were d., the 25:2 Zarahemla d. of Mulek; 25:13 kingdom
Lord comforted us; 56:16 Nephite soldiers conferred on none but d. of Nephi1; Alma
are d. in body as well as in spirit. 10:3 Lehi1 d. of Manasseh; 17:21 Lamoni d.
of Ishmael1; 24:29 (56:3) Lamanites who
Deprive. See also Take join Nephites are actual d. of Laman1 and
Alma 2:4 Amlici would d. people of their Lemuel, not of dissenters; 43:13 Lamanite
rights and privileges of Church; 6:5 none armies include d. of priests of Noah3; Hel.
are d. of privilege of assembling to hear 11:24 group of Nephite dissenters and real
word of God; Moro. 9:9 Nephites d. Laman- d. of Laman1 commence war with Nephites;
ite daughters of chastity and virtue. 3 Ne. 10:4 how oft has the Lord wanted to
D&C 134:7 governments have no right gather d. of Jacob1 as hen gathereth chick-
to d. people of free exercise of religious ens; Morm. 1:5 (8:13) Mormon2 d. of Nephi1;
belief. Ether 1:6 Ether d. of Coriantor; 10:8 d. of
Riplakish driven out of land; 11:17–18 d.
Depth of brother of Jared2 overthrows Moron and
1 Ne. 12:16 d. of fountain of filthy water obtains kingdom.
are d. of hell; 16:25 Lehi1 brought down D&C 68:16–20 (107:16–17, 69–70, 76) no
into d. of sorrow for murmuring; 2 Ne. man has legal right to bishopric except d.
9:42 (Mosiah 4:11; Alma 62:41; Hel. 6:5; of Aaron1; 107:40 order of priesthood be-
3 Ne. 12:2) men must humble themselves longs rightly to d. of chosen seed; 107:69
in d. of humility; 17:11 (Isa. 7:11) ask sign bishop must be chosen from High Priest-
of the Lord, either in d. or in heights; hood unless he is d. of Aaron1; 107:72–73
26:5 d. of earth shall swallow up those bishop who is not d. of Aaron1 should call
who kill prophets and Saints; Jacob 4:8 counselors; 113:4, 6 rod from stem of Jesse
how unsearchable are d. of mysteries of and root of Jesse are d. of both Jesse and
the Lord. Joseph1.
D&C 54:5 (121:22) better if sinner had
been drowned in d. of sea; 76:48 d. of tor- Deseret
ment no man knows except those ordained Ether 2:3 Jaredites carry with them d.,
to it; 132:19 he whose marriage is sealed by by interpretation, honeybee.
the Holy Spirit of Promise shall inherit all
heights and d. Design. See also Plan
D&C 3:1 d. of God cannot be frustrated;
Descend. See also Descendant; Fall; Jesus 10:31 those who have stolen translation
Christ, Condescension of; Jesus Christ, shall not accomplish evil d.; 89:4 conspir-
Second Coming of ing men in latter days to have d.
1 Ne. 1:9 (11:7; 12:6; 3 Ne. 11:8) Lehi1 and
Nephi1 see Christ d. out of heaven; 11:30 Desirable. See also Desire
(3 Ne. 17:24) Nephi1 sees angels d. out of 1 Ne. 8:15 (15:36) fruit of tree of life is
heaven to minister to men. d. above all other fruit; 11:22 love of God
D&C 49:6 Christ to reign in heavens till is most d. above all other things; Alma
he d. on earth; 88:6 (122:8) the Savior d. be- 32:38–39 tree withers, but not because fruit
low all things; 93:15 the Holy Ghost d. upon would not be d.
Desire INDEX 76
Desire. See also Covet; Desirable; Intent; when d. is sent forth; 35:11 nothing to be
List; Lust; Pleasure; Purpose; Search; shown forth except d. upon Babylon; 45:19
Seek; Will; Willing; Wish d. to come upon this generation; 45:31 d.
Enos 1:9 Enos 2 feels d. for welfare of sickness to cover the land; 63:37 d. to come
Nephites; Mosiah 18:10–11 d. of people of upon wicked; 84:115 house of those who
Alma1 is to be baptized; Alma 29:4 God reject gospel shall be left d.; 112:24 d. to
grants unto men according to their d.; come speedily.
32:27 if ye can no more than d. to believe, Abr. 4:2 earth was empty and d.
let this d. work in you; 41:5 man will be Desolation, Land of—north of the land
raised to happiness, goodness, or evil ac- Bountiful2
cording to d.; 3 Ne. 18:18 Satan d. to have
you. Alma 22:30–31 land far northward that
D&C 3:4 man who follows dictates of had been peopled and destroyed; 22:30
carnal d. must fall; 4:3 if ye have d. to serve place of first landing of people of Zara-
God, ye are called; 6:3 (11:3; 12:3; 14:3) who hemla; 22:32 day and a half journey from
d. to reap, let him reap; 6:8 (7:8; 11:8, 17) east to west sea; 46:17 Moroni1 names land
as you d. of me, so shall it be done; 6:20 south of D. land of liberty; 50:33–34 Neph-
the Lord speaks to Oliver Cowdery be- ites overtake Morianton2 in D.; 63:5 Ha-
cause of his d.; 6:27 d. to lay up treasures goth’s ships built near D.; 3 Ne. 3:23 land
in heaven; 7:8 John and Peter to have their appointed for gathering extends to line
d., for they joy in that which they d.; 11:10 between Bountiful2 and D.; Morm. 3:5 Mor-
Hyrum Smith to have gift if he d. it of the mon2 causes people to gather in D.; 4:1–2,
Lord in faith; 11:21 if you d., you shall have 19 Lamanites possess D.; Ether 7:6 near
my Spirit; 18:38 by their d. you shall know land of Moron.
Twelve; 20:37 all who d. to be baptized Desolation of Nehors. See Ammonihah,
shall be received by baptism into Church; City of
43:12–13 if ye d. glories and mysteries, up-
hold prophet; 52:12 Satan d. to sift him as Despair. See also Depressed; Mourn;
chaff; 67:1 d. of elders came up before the Sorrow; Suffering; Torment; Tribulation;
Lord; 88:121 cease from all lustful d.; 95:16 tg Despair
part of the Lord’s house dedicated to offer- Alma 26:19 why did God not doom us to
ing of most holy d.; 101:6 because of covet- eternal d.; Moro. 10:22 if ye have no hope,
ous d., Saints polluted inheritances; 137:9 ye must needs be in d.
the Lord judges according to works and d. Despise. See also Abhor; Despisers;
of men’s hearts. Despitefully; Hate; Malice
Moses 4:12 tree to be d. to make wise;
1 Ne. 19:14 because Jews have d. the Holy
4:22 thy d. shall be to thy husband; 5:23
One, they shall wander; 2 Ne. 9:30 rich d.
Satan d. to have thee; JS—H 1:15 Joseph
poor; 9:42 rich and proud are they whom
Smith offers up d. of heart unto God.
God d.; 15:24 the Lord’s anger is kindled
Desolation, City of—Nephite city to the against his people because they d. word
north of the Holy One; Jacob 4:8 d. not revela-
Morm. 3:7 Lamanites come to D. to bat- tions of God; Mosiah 14:3 (Isa. 53:3) the
tle; 4:2 possessed by Lamanites; 4:3 near Messiah is d. and rejected of men; Alma
city of Teancum; 4:8 regained by Nephites; 46:18 surely God shall not suffer that
4:13 possessed again by Lamanites; 4:19 we, who are d. because we take upon us
great battle of D. Christ’s name, shall be destroyed; 3 Ne.
13:24 (Matt. 6:24) man with two masters
Desolation, Desolate. See also Abomina- will hold to one and d. other; 4 Ne. 1:29
tion of Desolation; Desolation, City of; false church d. true Church because of
Desolation, Land of; Destruction; Empty; miracles; Morm. 9:26–27 who will d. works
Ruin; Waste; Wilderness
of the Lord.
Hel. 3:5 Nephites spread into parts of D&C 3:7 men d. the Lord’s words; 35:13
land that have not been rendered d.; 14:24 the Lord calls those who are unlearned
(3 Ne. 4:1) many cities to become d.; 3 Ne. and d. to thresh nations; 121:20 those who
10:7 places of Israel’s dwellings shall be- persecute Saints will be d. by those who
come d. until fulfilling of covenant; 22:3 flattered them.
(Isa. 54:3) Israel’s seed shall make d. cities
to be inhabited. Despisers. See also Despise
D&C 5:19 d. scourge to go forth; 29:8 Morm. 9:26 d. of the Lord’s works shall
Saints are gathered to prepare against day wonder and perish.
77 INDEX Destruction
Despitefully. See also Despise and judges; 12:17, 36 those who die in sins
3 Ne. 12:44 (Matt. 5:44) pray for them will be chained down to everlasting d.; 35:3
who d. use you. word d. craft of Zoramites2; 36:9 if thou
wilt of thyself be d., seek no more to d.
Destroy. See Destruction Church; 36:14 Alma2 had murdered many,
Destroyer or led them away unto d.; 42:8 to reclaim
man from temporal death would d. plan of
D&C 61:19 d. rides upon waters; 101:54 happiness; 42:13 work of justice could not
watchman could have saved vineyard from be d.; 46:10 Amalickiah seeks to d. Church;
d.; 105:15 d. sent forth to destroy the Lord’s Hel. 5:2 (6:40; 11:37) Nephites are ripening
enemies. for d. because laws are corrupt; 6:28 devil
Destroying Angel dragged Jaredites down to d.; 13:14 when
D&C 89:21 to pass by those who obey people cast out righteous, they are ripe
Word of Wisdom. for d.; 13:32, 38 your d. is made sure; 3 Ne.
9:12 many great d. has the Lord caused to
Destruction, Destroy. See also Burn; come upon Nephites because of iniquity;
Calamity; Captive; Chasten; Destroyer; 10:14 see if all these d. are not unto fulfill-
Destroying Angel; Earthquake; Famine; ing of prophecies; 12:17 (Matt. 5:17) Christ
Fire; Flood; Hail; Iniquity; Judgment; came not to d. law or prophets, but to ful-
Last Days; Lightning; Overthrow; fill; 24:11 (Mal. 3:11) the Lord will rebuke
Pestilence; Plague; Ruin; Scatter; devourer and he shall not d. fruits; Morm.
Scourge; Slaughter; Slay; Smite; Sweep; 6:22 O that you had repented before this
Tempest; Thresh; Throw; Tribulation; great d. came upon you; 8:3 Moroni2 re-
Vengeance; War; Waste; Wrath mains alone to write tale of his people’s d.;
1 Ne. 1:4 (7:13; 17:43; 2 Ne. 1:4; Hel. Ether 1:5 Moroni2 gives account of Jared
8:20 –21) Jerusalem must be d.; 13:8 –9 ites from tower to d.; 7:23 Jaredites to be
abominable church d. Saints of God; 14:7 d. if they do not repent; 8:21 secret com-
hardhearted to be brought down to d., binations have caused d. of Jaredites and
both temporally and spiritually; 17:32, Nephites; 8:23 suffer not that murderous
35 the Lord curses land against children combinations bring work of d. upon you;
of land unto their d.; 17:37–38 the Lord 9:20 those who possess land to be d. when
d. nations of wicked; 22:14 all who fight ripened in iniquity; 13:14 Ether views d.
against Zion shall be d.; 22:16 God shall which came upon Jaredites; 15:19 Jaredites
not suffer that wicked d. righteous; 2 Ne. given up to hardness of hearts, that they
1:21–22 Lehi1 exhorts sons to unity, that might be d.
they not incur God’s displeasure unto D&C 3:18 the Lord allowed Lamanites
d.; 3:3 seed of Joseph2 shall not utterly be d.; to d. Nephites because of iniquities; 5:20
4:9 seed of Lemuel shall not utterly be d.; the Lord told people of d. of Jerusalem;
6:15 they that believe not in the Messiah 5:33 many lie in wait to d.; 10:6 servants
shall be d.; 10:6 (25:9) because of iniqui- of Satan have sought to d. Joseph Smith;
ties, d. shall come upon Jews; 21:9 (30:15; 10:22 Satan leads souls to d.; 10:23 Satan
Isa. 11:9) they shall not hurt or d. in all lays cunning plan to d. work of God; 10:27
my holy mountain; 25:9 d. of Jews from (64:17) Satan seeks to d. souls; 10:43 the
generation to generation always foretold Lord will not suffer those who alter trans-
by prophets; 25:14 after the Messiah rises lation to d. his work; 10:52, 54 the Lord
from dead, Jerusalem shall be d. again; does not bring gospel to d., but to build
26:5– 6 they who kill prophets shall be up; 19:3 Christ to d. Satan at end of world;
visited with all manner of d.; 26:8 righ- 19:33 d. of self and property if Martin Har-
teous who d. not prophets shall not perish; ris slights the Lord’s counsel; 29:16 great
30:10 the Lord will d. wicked, even by fire; hailstorm to be sent to d. crops; 34:9 d.
Enos 1:23 (Ether 11:1) prophets prophesy await wicked at the Lord’s coming; 61:31
of d. among people; Mosiah 27:10 (Alma people ripe for d.; 63:4 the Lord d. when he
36:6) Alma2 and sons of Mosiah2 seek to d. pleases; 93:35 whatsoever temple is defiled,
Church; 29:27 (Alma 10:18–19) when voice God shall d.; 105:15 the Lord has sent forth
of people chooses iniquity, God will visit destroyer to d. enemies; 109:43 delight not
them with d.; Alma 1:12 priestcraft would in d. of fellowmen; 132:26 those who break
prove entire d. of Nephites; 2:4 Amlici’s new and everlasting covenant shall be d.;
intent is to d. Church; 10:22 (Hel. 13:13) if 133:15 he who goes should not look back,
not for prayers of righteous, people would lest d. come upon him.
be visited now with d.; 10:27 foundation of Moses 4:3 Satan sought to d. man’s
d. of people is laid by unrighteous lawyers agency; 4:6 Satan sought to d. world.
Detect INDEX 78
Detect. See also Revelation his children; 34:23 cry unto God against
D&C 50:8 hypocrites shall be d.; 128:20 d.; 34:39 pray continually that ye may not
voice of Michael d. devil when he appeared be led away by temptations of d.; 40:13
as angel of light; 129:8 if devil appears as spirit of d. takes possession of spirits of the
angel of light, shake hands to d. him. wicked; 48:17 if all men were like Moroni1,
d. would never have power over them; Hel.
Determine, Determination 5:12 build your foundation, that d.’s mighty
2 Ne. 1:21 be d. in one mind, united in all storm shall have no power over you; 6:30
things; Moro. 6:3 none baptized save they d. is author of all sin; 8:28 d. seeks to de-
have d. to serve Christ to end. stroy souls of men; 3 Ne. 11:29 he who has
D&C 20:37 d. to serve the Lord to end; spirit of contention is of d.; Ether 8:25 d. is
88:133 I receive you to fellowship with un- father of all lies; Moro. 7:12 d. is an enemy
changeable d. to God; 7:17 whatsoever persuadeth men
not to believe in Christ is of d.
Dethrone. See King
D&C 1:35 d. to have power over own do-
Detroit, Michigan minion; 10:12 d. seeks to lay cunning plan
D&C 52:8 elders to go by way of D. to destroy the Lord’s work; 10:27 d. goes to
and fro in earth to destroy; 10:43 the Lord’s
Device. See also Cunning; Deceit wisdom is greater than cunning of d.; 29:28
Alma 11:21 Zeezrom is expert in d. of d. and his angels to be cast into everlasting
devil; 30:42 devil works d. that he may de- fire; 29:29 d. and his angels cannot dwell
stroy children of God. with God; 29:36 d. tempted Adam; 29:36 d.
rebelled against God; 29:37 d. and angels
Devil. See also Adversary; Angels of the
thrust down; 29:39 d. must tempt so that
Devil; Church of the Devil; Contention;
Devilish; Devils; Evil; Hell; Lucifer; men can be agents unto themselves; 29:40
Lying; Perdition; Rebel; Satan; Serpent; Adam became subject to will of d. because
Spirit, Evil; Tempt; Wicked; tg Devil; of transgression; 76:28 Satan, that old ser-
bd Devil pent, the d.; 76:33, 44 sons of perdition to
reign with d. and his angels; 76:36, 44 d.
1 Ne. 12:17 mists of darkness in vision
and his angels go away into lake of fire
are temptations of d.; 12:19 Lamanites
and brimstone; 76:85 they who are not to
to contend against Nephites because of
be redeemed from d. until last resurrection
temptations of d.; 13:6 (14:3, 9, 17) d. is
are telestial heirs; 88:110 d. to be bound for
founder of abominable church; 14:7 (2 Ne.
thousand years; 88:113–15 d. shall gather
1:18) wicked are brought down to captiv-
armies to battle against Michael; 121:4 God
ity of d.; 14:10 only two churches—Church
controls and subjects d.; 123:10 murder of
of the Lamb and church of d.; 15:35 d. is
husbands and fathers is enough to make
preparator of hell; 2 Ne. 2:17 (9:8) angel
hands of d. tremble; 128:20 (129:8) voice
of God fell, became d.; 2:18 (9:9; Mosiah
of Michael detected d. when he appeared
16:3; Hel. 6:26; Ether 8:25) d. beguiled our
as angel of light.
first parents; 9:8–9 except for Resurrection
Moses 4:4 Satan became d.
our spirits should become like d. and we
should become angels to d.; 9:16 they who Devilish. See also Carnal; Devil
are filthy are d. and his angels; 9:37 d. of Mosiah 16:3 wicked are carnal and d.;
all devils delights in those who worship 16:3 (Alma 42:9–10) Fall caused all man-
idols; 26:22 (Hel. 6:26, 30; 8:28; Ether 8:16) kind to become carnal, sensual, d.; Alma
d. is founder of secret combinations; 28:19 41:13 meaning of restoration is to bring
kingdom of d. must shake; 28:20–23 d. will back d. for d.; Hel. 12:4 how d. are chil-
rage, pacify, flatter; Jacob 7:18 Sherem con- dren of men.
fesses he had been deceived by d.; Omni D&C 20:20 by transgression of laws man
1:25 (Alma 5:40; Moro. 7:12, 17) that which became sensual and d.
is evil comes from d.; Mosiah 2:32 beware
lest contentions arise and ye obey evil Devils. See also Angels of the Devil;
spirit; 4:14 (Alma 34:23; Hel. 6:30; Moro. Demon; Devil; Spirit, Evil
7:17) d. is master of sin, enemy to righ- 1 Ne. 11:31 (Mosiah 3:6) the Lamb casts
teousness; 16:3, 5 d. has power over wicked; out d.; 2 Ne. 9:8–9 without Resurrection
Alma 5:39 if ye are not sheep of the Good we would have become d., angels to devil;
Shepherd, d. is your shepherd; 9:28 the evil Jacob 3:11 d. to be cast into lake of fire and
shall reap damnation according to capti- brimstone; 3 Ne. 7:19 Nephi3 casts out d. in
vation of d.; 30:53 Korihor confesses that name of the Lamb; 14:22 (Matt. 7:22) many
d. deceived him; 30:60 d. will not support will say they have cast out d. in the Lord’s
79 INDEX Diligence
name; Morm. 9:24 believers shall cast out terrestrial glory includes those who d.
d. in the Lord’s name. without law; 88:26 although earth shall
D&C 24:13 (35:9; 84:67; 124:98) cast out d., it shall be quickened; 88:27 although
d. in the Lord’s name; 46:7 do all things righteous d., they shall rise again; 101:30
in prayer that ye be not seduced by doc- in day of the Lord, infant shall not d. until
trines of d. old; 101:35 faithful who d. shall partake of
glory; 137:7–8 those who d. without gospel
Devote, Devotion. See also Consecration, but would have received it may inherit
Law of; Worship celestial kingdom; 137:10 children who
D&C 59:10 pay d. to the Most High on d. before age of accountability are saved.
Sabbath; 104:26 Martin Harris to d. mon- Moses 3:17 (4:9–10; Abr. 5:13) in day thou
eys for proclaiming the Lord’s word; 106:3 eatest thereof thou shalt surely d.; 5:29 if
Warren Cowdery to d. time to preaching thou tell it, thou shalt d.
gospel; 134:4 human law has no right to
dictate forms of public or private d. Dig. See also Pit
Jacob 5:5, 11, 27, 63–64 master d. about
Devour. See also Burn; Consume; Eat; Fire trees in vineyard.
Alma 5:59 shepherd watches flocks, that D&C 88:51 kingdom likened to man who
wolf does not d.; Moro. 9:10 Nephites d. hu- sent servants to d. in field.
man flesh like wild beasts.
D&C 29:20 beasts shall d. wicked; 29:21 Diligence, Diligent, Diligently. See
great and abominable church to be cast also Earnest; Endure; Faithful; Neglect;
down by d. fire; 97:26 if Zion disobeys, the Obedience; Perseverance; Single;
Slothful; Steadfast; Valiant; Zeal
Lord will visit her with d. fire.
1 Ne. 10:19 he who d. seeks shall find;
Dew 16:28–29 (Mosiah 1:16) pointers and writing
D&C 121:45 doctrine of priesthood to on Liahona affected by d. of people; Jacob
distil upon soul as d. from heaven; 128:19 1:19 priests answer sins of people on own
knowledge of God to descend as d. of heads if they do not teach with d.; Mosiah
Carmel. 1:7 (3 Ne. 23:1) search records d., that ye
may profit thereby; 1:11 Benjamin’s people
Die. See also Death, Physical; Death, have been d. in keeping commandments;
Spiritual; Depart; Jesus Christ, Death of; 4:27 man should be d., that thereby he
Lay; Perish might win prize; 7:33 if ye will serve God
2 Ne. 2:18 partake of forbidden fruit, with all d. of mind, he will deliver you;
and ye shall not d.; 9:35 murderer who de- Alma 7:23 I would that ye should be d.
liberately kills shall d.; 28:7–8 (Isa. 22:13; in keeping commandments; 12:9 men are
1 Cor. 15:32) Eat, drink, and be merry, granted portion of mysteries according to
for tomorrow we d.; Jacob 2:35 because of d. they give God; 17:2 sons of Mosiah2 wax
strictness of word of God against Neph- strong in knowledge of truth, for they
ites, many hearts d.; Mosiah 15:26 the searched scriptures d.; 32:42–43 because of
Lord redeems none who rebel against him d. in nourishing word, ye may pluck fruit;
and d. in their sins; Alma 12:16 (40:26) 38:10 be d. and temperate; 40:3 Alma2 has
those who d. in sins shall d. second death, inquired d. of God regarding mystery of
d. as pertaining to righteousness; Morm. Resurrection; 49:30 Nephites enjoy peace
2:14 Nephites curse God and wish to d.; and prosperity because of d. they give unto
8:38 greater is value of endless happiness word of God; 3 Ne. 6:14 a few of converted
than misery which never d.; Moro. 10:26 Lamanites still willing with d. to keep com-
those who d. in sins cannot be saved in mandments; Moro. 8:26 love endures by d.
kingdom of God. unto prayer.
D&C 29:42 Adam should not d. temporal D&C 4: 6 d. requirement for serving
death until angels sent to teach him; 42:44 God; 6:20 (136:42) be d. in keeping com-
(124:86) if those blessed by elders d., they mandments; 10:4 be d. unto end; 18:8 he
shall d. unto the Lord; 42:45 weep for those who is d. in keeping commandments will
who d.; 42:46 those who d. in the Lord shall be blessed unto eternal life; 21:7 the Lord
not taste death, for it is sweet; 42:47 bitter knows Joseph Smith’s d.; 59:4 those who are
death of those who d. not in the Lord; 59:2 d. to be blessed with commandments and
those who d. in Zion shall receive crown revelations; 70:15 commandment given for
in mansions of the Father; 63:49 those reward of d.; 75:29 let every man be d. in
who d. in the Lord rise from dead and do all things; 84:43 give d. heed to words of
not d. after; 63:50 faithful who live when eternal life; 88:78 teach ye d.; 88:118 seek
the Lord comes will d. at age of man; 76:72 d. and teach one another words of wisdom;
Dimmed INDEX 80
90:24 search d., pray always; 93:50 see that 129 d. of angels and spirits; 131:7 spirit can
children are more d. and concerned at only be d. by purer eyes.
home; 98:10 honest and wise men should Moses 1:27–28 Moses d. whole earth by
be sought for d.; 103:36 victory and glory the Spirit.
brought through d.; 104:79 blessing ob-
tained by d.; 107:99 each man to learn his
duty and to act d. in office; 124:49 promise D&C 33:1 the Lord d. of thoughts and
given those who cease not their d.; 127:4 intents.
let your d. be redoubled; 130:19 person Discernible
who gains more knowledge and intelli-
Alma 32:35 whatsoever is light is good,
gence through d. has advantage in world
because it is d.
to come; 136:27 be d. in preserving what
thou hast. Disciple. See also Apostle; Follow;
Servant; Three Nephite Disciples;
Dimmed tg Disciple; bd Disciple
1 Ne. 5:19 brass plates should never be 1 Ne. 12:8 Nephi1 sees twelve d. of the
d. by time. Lamb chosen to minister to his seed; 12:10
Direct [adj.]. See also Course; Straight (Morm. 3:19) twelve d. shall judge Neph-
Alma 37: 42 fathers did not travel ites; Alma 45:14 all shall be like Lamanites
d. course in wilder ness b ecause of except d. of the Lord; 3 Ne. 5:13 Mormon2
transgressions. is d. of Christ; 11:22 Christ calls d. and
gives power to baptize; 12:1 (15:11) num-
Direction, Direct [verb]. See also Course; ber of those called and given authority
Director; Guide; Lead; Liahona; Path; is twelve; 15:12 ye are my d., and ye are a
Way light to this people; 18:26–34 Christ gives
1 Ne. 16:16, 30 people of Lehi1 follow d. d. instructions on sacrament; 18:37 (Moro.
on Liahona; Alma 37:36 let all thoughts be 2) d. bear record that Christ gave them
d. unto the Lord; 37:37 counsel with the power to give the Holy Ghost; 18:39 d. bear
Lord, and he will d. thee for good; Ether record that Christ ascended into heaven;
2:5–6 the Lord gives Jaredites d. where to 19:4 names of twelve d.; 19:5–6 twelve d.
travel. teach multitude in twelve groups; 28:1
D&C 20:67 priesthood officers to be or- Christ asks d., one by one, what they de-
dained by d. of high council or general sire; 28:4–10 three d. shall not taste of
conference; 20:80 transgressors to be dealt death; 28:26 (Morm. 8:11) three d. minis-
with as scriptures d.; 42:13 elders to teach ter unto Mormon2, Moroni2; 4 Ne. 1:1 d. of
Church covenants, d. by the Spirit; 46:2 Jesus form Church of Christ; 1:5 miracles
elders to conduct meetings as d. by the wrought by d. of Jesus; 1:30 false church
Spirit; 82:9 commandments given as d.; exercises authority over three d. of Jesus;
107:10 high priests officiate under d. of 1:31–33 people try to kill three d.; 1:37
presidency; 107:33 Twelve officiate under three d. are among true believers; Morm.
d. of Presidency; 107:34 Seventy act under d. 1:13 the Lord takes away his beloved d.
of Twelve. because of people’s wickedness; 8:10 none
know true God, save d. of Jesus; Ether
Director. See also Liahona 12:17 it was by faith that three d. obtained
D&C 3:15 you suffered counsel of your d. promise not to taste of death; Moro. 3
to be trampled upon. manner in which d. ordained priests and
Discern. See also Discerner; Discernible; teachers.
Enlighten; Light; Perceive; Tell; D&C 1:4 voice of warning to all people
tg Discernment, Spiritual by voice of the Lord’s d.; 1:5 none shall
stay the Lord’s d.; 18:27 Twelve shall be
Alma 18 :18 Ammon 2 can d. king’s
the Lord’s d.; 41:5 he who does the law is the
thoughts; 3 Ne. 24:18 (Mal. 3:18) ye shall
Lord’s d.; 45:32 the Lord’s d. shall stand
d. between him that serveth God and him
in holy places; 52:40 he who does not re-
that serveth him not.
member poor and needy is not the Lord’s
D&C 46:8 seek best gifts to avoid being
d.; 64:8 d. of old were chastened; 84:91 d.
deceived; 46:23 (50:31–33) spiritual gift
to be known by their works; 103:27–28 he
to d. spirits; 46:27 bishop and elders to d.
who is not willing to lay down life for the
whether gifts are of God; 52:19 pattern for
Lord’s sake is not the Lord’s d.
knowing spirits; 63:41 Joseph Smith given
power to d. who should go to Zion; 101:95 Discipline, Church. See Council,
men may d. between righteous and wicked; Disciplinary
81 INDEX Dissension
Disease. See also Health; Infirmity; Disperse, Dispersion. See also Israel,
Leprous; Plague; Sick Scattering of; Scatter; tg Israel, Scatter-
1 Ne. 11:31 (Mosiah 3:5; 3 Ne. 17:7) the ing of; bd Dispersion
Lamb heals multitudes afflicted with d.; 2 Ne. 10:8 (3 Ne. 21:1) Jews shall be gath-
Mosiah 17:16 people of Noah 3 to be af- ered from long d.; 21:12 (3 Ne. 5:26; Isa.
flicted with d. because of iniquities; Alma 11:12) the Lord shall gather d. of Israel;
9:22 Nephites saved from all manner of 3 Ne. 21:26 work of the Father to com-
d.; 46:40 God had prepared plants and mence among d. tribes; Morm. 8:15 records
roots to remove cause of d. to be brought forth for welfare of long d.
covenant people.
Disguise D&C 21:6 the Lord will d. powers of
Mosiah 12:1 Abinadi comes among peo- darkness.
ple in d.; Hel. 1:12 Kishkumen in d. when
Displeasure, Displeased. See also
he murders Pahoran2; 2:6 servant obtains,
Indignation; Wrath
by d., knowledge of Kishkumen’s plan to
murder Helaman3. 2 Ne. 1:21–22 be united, that ye may
not incur d. of God; Mosiah 1:17 follow-
Dish. See also Barge ers of Lehi1 were unfaithful and incurred
Ether 2:17 (6:7) Jaredite vessels are tight d. of God; 25:12 children of Amulon and
like d. his brethren are d. with conduct of their
Disobedience, Disobedient. See also D&C 58:41 (60:2; 68:31; 90:35; 98:19) the
Murmur; Obedience; Rebel; Reject; Sin; Lord is not well pleased with some Saints;
Trample; Transgression; Unfaithful; 63:11 with whom the Lord is angry he is
Wicked; tg Disobedience not well pleased.
Alma 42:12 man had brought fallen state Moses 5:52 Lamech1 and his house d. God
upon himself because of d. because of disobedience; 7:34 in his hot d.
D&C 56:3 (1:14) he who will not obey God will send floods.
shall be cut off; 58:32 the Lord commands
and men obey not; 59:21 those who obey Disposition. See also Nature; Will
not his commandments offend God; 88:35 Mosiah 5:2 Benjamin’s people experi-
that which breaks law cannot be sancti- ence mighty change and have no more d.
fied by law; 93:39 wicked one takes away to do evil; 9:5 Zeniff goes to Lamanite king
light and truth through d.; 97:26 results of to learn his d.; Alma 43:6 Amalekites are
d.; 103:8 world shall prevail if Saints are d.; of more wicked and murderous d. than
121:17 some cry transgression because of Lamanites.
d.; 133:63 punishment of d.; 133:71 none to D&C 121:39 it is d. of almost all men to
deliver you, for you obeyed not my voice; exercise unrighteous dominion.
138:8–9 the Savior preached to spirits who Disputations, Dispute. See also
were d.; 138:29 the Lord went not in person Contention; Dissension
among the d. 3 Ne. 8:4 there began to be d. among
Dispensation. See also Restoration; Time; people; 11:22, 28 the Lord commands that
bd Dispensations there be no d. regarding baptism or other
points of doctrine; 18:34 Christ gives com-
D&C 27:13 (112:30; 121:31; 128:18) the
mandments because of d. among people;
Lord commits d. of gospel for last times, for
27:3 d. among people regarding name of
fulness of times; 110:12 Elias committed d.
Church; 4 Ne. 1:2 no contentions or d.
of gospel of Abraham; 110:16 keys of this d.
among Nephites; Ether 12:6 d. not because
are committed; 112:31 power of priesthood
ye see not; Moro. 8:4–5 Mormon2 is grieved
held in connection with that of earlier
because of d. regarding baptism of little
d.; 112:32 keys of this d. come down from children.
fathers; 121:31 all knowledge revealed in
this d.; 128:9 whenever the Lord has given Dissension. See also Contention;
d. of priesthood, power which binds in Dissenter; Divide; Murmur
heaven also given; 128:18 welding together Mosiah 26:5 because of d. among mem-
of d.; 128:20 Peter, James, and John pos- bers, unbelievers become more numerous;
sess keys of d.; 128:21 voices of angels all 27:9 Alma 2 causes much d. among peo-
declaring their d.; 138:48 great work to be ple; Alma 46:6 those who desire king are
done in temples in d. of fulness of times; led away by Amalickiah to d.; 53:8–9 in-
138:57 faithful elders of this d. continue trigue amongst Nephites causes d., places
labors among dead. them in dangerous circumstances; Hel. 4:1
Dissenter INDEX 82
many d. in Church; 3 Ne. 2:18 because of D&C 6:2 (11:2; 12:2; 14:2; 33:1) the Lord’s
d. among Nephites, Gadianton robbers gain word sharper than sword to d. asunder
advantages. joints and marrow; 133:24 earth to be as it
D&C 10:48 some Nephites became La- was before it was d.; 138:17 reunited body
manites because of d. and spirit shall never be d. again.
Dissenter, Dissent. See also Amalekites; Divorce, Divorcement. See also Marriage;
Amalickiah; Ammonihah, City of; bd Divorce
Amulonites; Apostasy; King-Men; 2 Ne. 7:1 (Isa. 50:1) where is bill of your
Prophets, False; Rebel; Revolt; Unbelief; mother’s d.; 3 Ne. 12:31–32 (Matt. 5:31–32)
Zoramites2 the Savior teaches concerning d.
Alma 1:21–25 many in Church harden D&C 42:22 thou shalt love thy wife
hearts, withdraw from people of God; and cleave unto her; 42:74–76 manner of
24:29–30 no d., only Lamanites, join peo- dealing with persons who have left their
ple of the Lord; 31:8 Zoramites 2 are d. companions.
from Nephites; 43:13 (47:35) Lamanite
armies consist of Lamanites and those Do, Did, Done. See also Accomplish;
who had d. from Nephites; 43:13 d. include Deed; Doing; Labor; Obedience;
Perform; Undertake; Walk; Work [verb];
Amalekites, Zoramites2, and descendants
of priests of Noah3; 48:24 Nephites protect
families from barbarous cruelties of those 1 Ne. 3:7 I will go and d. things which
who had d. from Church and joined La- the Lord hath commanded; 17:30 the Lord
manites; 51:15–20 d. compelled to defend d. all things for Israel that were expedient
country; 62:6 Pachus is king of d.; Hel. for man to receive; 17:50 if God had com-
1:15 Coriantumr3, d. from among Nephites, manded me to d. all things, I could d. them;
leads Lamanite army; 5:35–41 Aminadab, 2 Ne. 25:23 by grace we are saved, after all
who had d. from Church, calls Lamanites we can d.; 26:24 the Lord d. not anything
to repent; 3 Ne. 3:11 robbers had wronged save for benefit of world; 26:33 God d.
themselves by d. nothing save it be plain unto men; Enos
1:7 Lord, how is it d.; Alma 32:19 how much
Distinguish more cursed is he who knows God’s will
Mosiah 1:11 Benjamin gives his people and d. it not; Hel. 14:30 whosoever d. iniq-
name to d. them; Alma 2:11 people of Am- uity d. it unto himself; 3 Ne. 14:24 (Matt.
lici are d. by name of Amlici; 3:4 Amlicites 7:24; Luke 6:47–48) whoso hears sayings
d. themselves from Nephites with red mark and d. them is like man who built house
on foreheads; 23:16 Anti-Nephi-Lehies de- upon rock; 18:6 this shall ye always ob-
sire name to d. them from their brethren; serve to d., even as I have d.; 27:21 ye know
27:26 people of Ammon2 d. by that name things ye must d. in my Church.
ever after; 27:27 people of Ammon2 are d. D&C 1:32 he who d. commandments
for their zeal toward God; 3 Ne. 6:12 people shall be forgiven; 41:5 he who d. law is
began to be d. by ranks. disciple; 42:38 as ye d. it to least, ye d. it
to the Lord; 82:10 I, the Lord, am bound
Diversity when ye d. what I say; 98:22 if ye observe
D&C 46:16 given by the Holy Ghost to to d. whatsoever I command, I will turn
know d. of operations. away wrath.
Moses 4:19 what is this thing thou
Divide, Division. See also Dissension
hast d.; 5:23 if thou d. well, thou shalt be
1 Ne. 4:2 (17:26) waters of Red Sea were accepted.
d.; 12:18 terrible gulf d. spacious build-
ing and tree of life; 13:10 many waters d. Doctrine. See also Doctrine, False; Gospel;
Gentiles from seed of Lamanites; 2 Ne. Plan; Precept; Principle; Tenet; Theory
30:10 the Lord will cause great d. among 1 Ne. 15:14 Lamanites shall come to
people; Mosiah 19:2 d. among people of knowledge of the Redeemer and points of
Noah3; Alma 11:45 spirits will be united his d.; 2 Ne. 31:21 (32:6) this is d. of Christ;
with bodies, never to be d.; 51:6 great d. Jacob 7:2 Sherem seeks to overthrow d. of
between freemen and king-men; Hel. 1:4 Christ; Alma 41:9 do not risk one more of-
sons of Pahoran1 cause three d. among the fense against God upon points of d.; Hel.
people; 3 Ne. 7:2 (4 Ne. 1:35) people were 11:22–23 those who know d. through reve
d. one against another; 7:14 Nephites d. into lation put an end to contentions; 3 Ne.
tribes; 4 Ne. 1:26 people are d. into classes; 2:2 Satan leads men to believe d. of Christ
Ether 2:13 the Lord brings Jaredites to is foolish; 11:28 there shall be no dispu-
great sea which d. lands. tations concerning points of d.; 11:30 it
83 INDEX Doubt
is not Christ’s d. to stir up hearts of men Christ hath shown you unto me, and I
with anger; 11:32, 35, 39 this is my d.; 11:40 know your d.
whoso establishes more or less for Christ’s
d. comes of evil; 21:6 Gentiles to know true
Dominion. See also Authority; Compel;
Kingdom; Power; Principality; Reign;
points of d.
Rule; Scepter; Throne
D&C 10:62 other sheep shall bring to
light true points of the Lord’s d.; 10:63 Satan 1 Ne. 14:12 d. of Church of God will be
stirs up hearts to contention concerning d.; small; Alma 5:50 the Son cometh in his
10:67 this is my d.; 11:16 wait, that you may majesty, power, d.
know of surety the Lord’s d.; 68:25 teach D&C 1:35 devil shall have power over his
children d. of repentance, faith, baptism; own d.; 76:95 celestial heirs to be equal in
88:77 teach one another d. of kingdom; power, might, and d.; 76:111 each man to
97:14 Saints to be perfected in d.; 102:23 receive d. according to works; 76:114 works
president to obtain revelation to resolve of the Lord surpass understanding in d.;
difficulty respecting d.; 121:45 d. of priest- 82:5 adversary spreads his d.; 121:29 d. to
hood shall distil upon soul. be revealed to valiant; 121:37 when men
exercise unrighteous d., the Spirit with-
Doctrine, False. See also Antichrist; draws; 121:39 nature of almost all men to
Apostasy; Churches, False; Contention; exercise unrighteous d.; 121:46 everlasting
Err; Foolish; Persuade; Precept; Prophets, d. promised.
False; Tenet; Tradition Moses 2:26 (Abr. 4:26) man to have d.;
2 Ne. 3:12 writings of descendants of Jo- 6:15 Satan has great d. among men.
seph1 and Judah shall confound f. d.; 28:9
many shall teach vain, foolish, f. d.; 28:12
Door. See also Gate
because of f. d., churches will be corrupted; Hel. 8:26–27 destruction is even now at
Alma 1:16 many go forth preaching f. d. for your d.; 3 Ne. 13:6 (Matt. 6:6) when thou
riches and honor. hast shut d. of closet, pray to the Father.
D&C 43:5 receive not teachings of any D&C 45:63 wars are nigh, even at d.;
who come before you as revelations or 100:3 (112:19; 118:3) effectual d. shall be
commandments; 46:7 be not seduced by d. opened; 107:35 Twelve hold keys to open
of devils; 50:23 that which does not edify d. by proclamation of gospel; 110:16 day of
is not of God; 123:12 many are blinded by the Lord is at d.
subtle craftiness of men. Moses 5:23 if thou doest not well, sin li-
JS—H 1:19 professors of religion teach eth at d.; JS—M 1:39 (Matt. 24:33) by signs
for d. commandments of men. elect shall know the Son’s coming is at d.
Doctrine and Covenants. See also Book Dormant. See also Sleep
of Commandments; Scriptures Alma 32:34 your faith is d.
D&C 70: Intro. importance of D. and C.; Dort, David
124:141 knowledge of bishopric given in
D&C 124:132 member of high council.
D. and C.; 134: Intro. meeting to consider
contents of first edition of D. and C.; 135:3 Doubt, Doubtings. See also Belief; Faith;
Joseph Smith brought forth revelations of Hardheartedness; Unbelief; tg Doubt
D. and C.; 135:6 D. and C. cost best blood Alma 56:47 (57:26) stripling warriors
of century. were taught God would deliver them if
Dodds, Asa they did not d.; 56:48 striplings do not
d. mothers; 3 Ne. 5:1 none of Nephites d.
D&C 75:15 called to proclaim gospel in
words of prophets; 8:4 great d. among peo-
western countries.
ple notwithstanding many signs; Morm.
Dog. See also Animal; bd Dog 9:21 whoso believes in Christ, d. nothing,
3 Ne. 7:8 people turned from righteous- shall be granted whatsoever he asks; 9:25
ness as d. to his vomit; 14:6 (Matt. 7:6) give the Lord will confirm his words to those
not that which is holy unto d. who believe in his name, d. nothing; 9:27
D&C 41:6 things of kingdom not to be d. not, but be believing; Ether 3:19 brother
given to unworthy, or to d. of Jared2 has faith no longer, for he knows,
nothing d.
Doing, Doings. See also Deed; Do D&C 6:36 d. not, fear not; 8:8 d. not,
1 Ne. 10:20 for all thy d. thou shalt be for gift of Aaron is of God; 58:29 he who
brought into judgment; 2 Ne. 25:2 d. of receives commandment with d. heart is
Jews were d. of abominations; Alma 37:36 damned; 60:7 declare the Lord’s word with-
let all thy d. be unto the Lord; Morm. 8:35 out wrath or d.
Dove INDEX 84
Dove. See also Holy Ghost; tg Holy Ghost, d. not for body or belly; 89:17 barley and
Dove, Sign of; bd Dove; Dove, sign of other grain for mild d.
1 Ne. 11:27 (2 Ne. 31:8) the Holy Ghost Dross
abides upon the Lamb in form of d.
D&C 93:15 the Holy Ghost descends Alma 32:3 poor are esteemed by their
upon the Savior in form of d. brethren as d.; 34:29 if ye do not remember
to be charitable, ye are as d.
Dragon. See also tg Dragon; bd Dragon
Drought. See Famine
2 Ne. 8:9 (Isa. 51:9) art thou not he that
wounded d.; 23:22 (Isa. 13:22) d. shall cry in Drowned
their pleasant palaces; Mosiah 20:11 (Alma 1 Ne. 4:2 (17:27; Alma 36:28; Hel. 8:11)
43:44) people of Limhi fight like d. Egyptians d. in Red Sea; 8:32 many d. in
Draw, Drew, Drawn depths of fountain; Alma 63:8 those who
left in ships are supposed to be d.; 3 Ne. 8:9
2 Ne. 26:24 (3 Ne. 27:14–15) the Lord lays inhabitants of Moroni are d. in sea.
down his life that he may d. men unto him;
27:25 (Isa. 29:13) this people d. near the Drunk, Drunken, Drunkenness. See also
Lord with mouth, but have removed hearts Wine; tg Drunkenness
from him; Alma 34:27 let your hearts be 1 Ne. 4:7 Nephi 1 finds Laban d. with
full, d. out in prayer unto the Lord; 42:2 wine; 21:26 (22:13; Isa. 49:26) those who
after God sent first parents from Eden, he oppress the Lord’s people shall be d. with
d. out man; Hel. 13:22 hearts of Nephites own blood; 2 Ne. 8:21 hear this, thou d.,
not d. out unto the Lord. and not with wine; 27:1 in last days Gen-
D&C 88:63 d. nigh to the Lord, and he tiles and Jews shall be d. with iniquity;
will d. nigh to you. Mosiah 22:7 Lamanites will be d., so that
JS—H 1:19 they d. near me with lips, but Limhi’s people can escape; Alma 55:14
hearts are far from me. Nephites cause Lamanites to become d.;
Dreadful. See Day; Day of the Lord 55:19 Nephites would not destroy Laman-
ites in their d.; 55:30 Lamanites try to de-
Dream. See also Revelation; Vision; stroy Nephites with poison or d.; Ether
bd Dreams 15:22 Jaredites d. with anger, as man who
1 Ne. 1:16 Lehi1 has written many things is d. with wine.
which he saw in d.; 2:1–2 the Lord speaks to D&C 49:23 (88:87) earth to reel as d.
Lehi1 in d.; 3:2 (8:2) I have d. a d.; 8:36 (10:2) man; 89:5 wine or strong drink is not good;
Lehi1 speaks words of d.; 15:21 what means 136:24 cease d.
this thing our father saw in d.; 2 Ne. 27:3
(Isa. 29:7) nations that fight against Zion Dry. See also Ground
shall be as d. of night vision; Jacob 7:26 our D&C 133:68 at his rebuke the Lord d.
lives passed away as d.; Alma 30:28 Korihor up sea.
claims priests bring people to believe, by Moses 2:9–10 (Abr. 4:9–10) creation of
traditions and d., that they should offend d. land.
some unknown being; Ether 9:3 the Lord Dumb. See also Heal
warns Omer in d.
Mosiah 12:5 (21:3) people of Noah 3
Dress. See also Apparel; Clothing shall be driven like d. ass; 14:7 (15:6; Isa.
1 Ne. 8:27 d. of those in spacious build- 53:7) as sheep before her shearers is d.,
ing is exceeding fine. so he opened not his mouth; 27:19 aston-
ishment of Alma 2 was so great that he
Drink. See also Cup; Drunk; Eat; Partake; became d.; Alma 30: 49–50 Korihor is
Sacrament; Thirst; Wine struck d.; Hel. 5:25 Lamanites stand as
2 Ne. 27:4 they who do iniquity shall if struck d. with amazement; 3 Ne. 17:9
stagger, but not with strong d.; Mosiah Christ heals d.
2:33 (3:18, 25) he who dies in his sins d. D&C 35:9 (84:70) the Lord’s servants to
damnation to his soul; Alma 5:34 come cause d. to speak.
unto me and ye shall d. of waters of life Abr. 1:7 fathers offered up children to
freely; 49:27 (51:9) Amalickiah swears to d. idols.
d. blood of Moroni1; Morm. 9:24 believers
shall d. any deadly thing and it shall not Dung
hurt them. Jacob 5:64 Lord of vineyard commands
D&C 27:5 I will d. of fruit of vine with servant to d. trees once more; Morm. 2:15
you; 89:5, 7 strong d. is not good; 89:9 hot thousands hewn down and heaped up as d.
85 INDEX Ear
Dungeons. See also Prison Dwell, Dwelling. See also Abide; God,
Mosiah 2:13 neither have I suffered that Presence of; Home; Inhabit; Live [verb];
ye should be confined in d.; Alma 8:31 Reside; Sojourn
Alma2 and Amulek could not be confined 1 Ne. 10:21 no unclean thing can d. with
in d. God; 15:33 if men are filthy, they cannot d.
in kingdom of God; 22:28 all nations shall
Dust. See also Ashes; Earth; Ground d. safely in the Holy One if they repent;
1 Ne. 21:23 (2 Ne. 6:7, 13; Isa. 49:23) kings 2 Ne. 2:8 no flesh can d. in presence of God
and queens shall lick up d. of thy feet; save through grace of the Messiah; 21:6
22:14 abominable church shall tumble to (30:12; Isa. 11:6) wolf shall d. with lamb;
d.; 2 Ne. 1:14 (Moro. 10:31) awake and arise Mosiah 2:37 (Alma 7:21; 34:36; Hel. 4:24)
from d.; 3:19–20 fruit of loins of Nephi1 the Lord d. not in unholy temples; 2:41
to cry as from d.; 26:15 Nephites and La- those who keep commandments d. with
manites to be brought low in d.; 26:16 (Isa. God in never-ending happiness; 3:5 (Alma
29:4) speech of those who are destroyed 7:8) the Lord shall come down and d. in
shall be low out of d.; 27:9 words of book tabernacle of clay; 3:6 the Lord shall cast
are words of those who have slumbered out evil spirits that d. in men’s hearts; 15:23
in d.; 33:13 Nephi1 speaks as voice of one prophets are raised to d. with God, who has
crying from d.; Jacob 2:21 all flesh is of d.; redeemed them; Alma 18:35 portion of the
Mosiah 2:25 (Morm. 9:17) men were created Spirit d. in Ammon2; 34:36 the Lord d. in
of d. of earth; Alma 34:38 humble your- hearts of righteous; 39:7 Alma2 would not
selves even to d.; Hel. 12:7 (Mosiah 2:25) d. upon Corianton’s sins if it were not for
children of men are less than d. of earth; his good; 3 Ne. 28:9 disciples shall not have
Morm. 8:23 Saints who have gone before pain while they d. in flesh; 4 Ne. 1:15 love
will cr y, even from d.; Moro. 10 : 27 of God d. in Nephites’ hearts; Morm. 7:7
Moroni2 declares his words like one speak- he who is found guiltless shall d. in pres-
ing out of d. ence of God; 9:3–4 men could not d. with
D&C 24:15 (60:15; 75:20) elders to curse Christ with consciousness of guilt; Ether
those who reject them by casting d. off 13:2 all men who d. upon land should serve
feet; 63:51 old men shall die, but not sleep the Lord; 13:10 blessed are they who d. in
New Jerusalem; Moro. 8:26 all Saints shall
in d.; 75:21 elders to be judges over house
d. with God.
where they shake off d. of feet; 77:12 God
D&C 6:30 those persecuted will d. with
formed man out of d.; 138:17 sleeping d. of
the Lord in glory; 8:2 the Holy Ghost shall
dead shall be restored to perfect frame.
d. in heart; 76:62 those in celestial glory d.
Moses 3:7 (Abr. 5:7) man formed from
in presence of God and Christ; 76:112
d.; 4:20 d. shalt thou eat; 4:25 d. thou wast, telestial inhabitants cannot d. where God
unto d. shalt thou return. and Christ are; 93:4, 11 the Son d. in flesh
Duty. See also Obedience; Office; Perform; among men; 104:59 the Lord to d. with his
Responsibility; Serve people; 124:27 build house for the Most
Mosiah 1:17 people of Lehi1 smitten with High to d. in; 130:22 if the Holy Ghost were
afflictions to stir them up in remembrance not a spirit, he could not d. in men; 133:35
of d.; 13:30 law of performances and or- Judah to d. in the Lord’s presence.
dinances to keep Israel in remembrance Dwindle, Dwindling. See Unbelief
of d. toward God; Alma 4:19 (7:22) Alma2
preaches to stir Nephites up in remem-
brance of d.; 43:46 Nephites were doing
Eagle. See also Animal
what they felt was d. they owed to God; D&C 124:18 the Lord will bear his ser-
Hel. 15:5 more part of Lamanites are in vant up as on e.’ wings; 124:99 he shall
path of d. mount up in imagination as upon e.’ wings.
D&C 20:38–67 d. of elders, priests, teach- Eames, Ruggles
ers, deacons; 20:47, 51 members to attend D&C 75:35 to preach with Stephen
to all family d.; 20:68–69 d. of members af- Burnett.
ter baptism; 72:9 d. of bishop; 105:10 elders
to know more perfectly their d.; 107:38 d. Ear. See also Hear
of Twelve to call upon Seventy; 107:39 d. of 1 Ne. 20:8 (Isa. 48:8) from that time thine
Twelve to ordain evangelical ministers; e. was not opened; 2 Ne. 7:4–5 (Isa. 50:4–5)
107:85–91 d. of presidents; 107:99 let every the Lord waketh mine e. to hear; 16:10
man learn his d.; 123:7 imperative d. that (Isa. 6:10) make e. of this people heavy;
Saints owe to God. 28:22 devil whispers in men’s e. until he
Early INDEX 86
grasps them; Jarom 1:3 much should be ceases to tremble; 12:5 (Matt. 5:5) meek
done among Nephites because of deafness shall inherit e.; 13:10 (Matt. 6:10) thy will
of their e.; Mosiah 2:9 open your e. that be done on e. as it is in heaven; 26:3 (Morm.
ye may hear; 3 Ne. 11:5 survivors open 5:23; 9:2; Ether 13:9) e. to be wrapt together
e. to hear voice from heaven; 17:16 e. has as scroll, and heaven and e. to pass away;
not heard such great things as Jesus spoke Ether 13:9 new heaven and new e.; Moro.
unto the Father; 26:15 Christ unstopped 7:36 will God withhold power of the Holy
e. of deaf. Ghost as long as e. shall stand.
D&C 1:2 no e. that shall not hear; 43:1 D&C 1:35 peace shall be taken from e.;
(45:1; 50:1; 58:1; 63:1; 76:1) give e. to the 1:38 (29:23; 43:31–32; 56:11) e. shall pass
Lord’s word; 76:10 the Lord will make away; 2:3 (27:9; 128:18; 138:48; Mal. 4:5–6)
known things that no e. has heard; 78:2 hearts of children to be turned to fathers
the Lord will speak in your e. words of lest e. be smitten with curse; 10:27 Satan
wisdom; 84:69 elders shall unstop e. of goes up and down in e.; 14:9 Christ cre-
deaf; 88:104 every e. shall hear; 101:92 ated heavens and e.; 15:2 the Lord’s arm is
pray that e. of unfaithful stewards may be over all e.; 20:17 God is framer of e.; 29:9
opened; 121:2 how long shall the Lord’s e. hour is nigh when e. is ripe; 29:23 there
be penetrated with Saints’ cries; 121:4 let shall be new heaven and new e.; 29:26
the Lord’s e. be inclined; 133:45 men have dead to awake before e. passes away; 38:17
not perceived by e. how great things God the Lord made e. rich; 43:31 after Satan
has prepared. is loosed comes end of e.; 45:48 (88:87) e.
Moses 6:27 e. are dull of hearing. shall tremble; 45:58 (56:20; 63:20; 103:7)
e. shall be given to Saints for inheritance;
Early 49:19 (59:17–19) products of e. are ordained
D&C 54:10 (88:83) those that seek the for use of man; 55:1 the Lord of whole e.;
Lord e. shall find him; 88:124 retire to thy 56:18 (88:17) poor and meek shall inherit
bed e., arise e. e.; 59:3 those who obey gospel shall receive
Earnest, Earnestly. See also Diligence; good things of e.; 59:3 e. shall bring forth in
Zeal its strength; 59:15–16 fulness of e. belongs
to those who remember Sabbath and fast
D&C 46:5–6 e. seek kingdom; 46:8 seek ye
with thanksgiving; 59:20 things of e. to
e. best gifts; 68:31 Saints’ children seek not
be used in judgment, not to excess; 63:21
e. riches of eternity; 93:48 Joseph Smith’s
e. to be transfigured; 67:2 heavens and e.
family must give more e. heed to his say-
are in the Lord’s hands; 76:63 the Lord to
ings; 103:35 (130:14) pray e.; 117:13 contend
come in glory to reign on e.; 77:1 (130:9)
e. for Redemption; 130:13–14 Joseph Smith
e. in its sanctified, immortal, and eternal
receives revelations while praying e.
state; 77:6 seven thousand years of e.’s con-
Earth. See also Bury; Creation; Dust; tinuance; 78:19 things of e. shall be added
Earthly; Earthquake; Ground; Land; to him who receives with thankfulness;
World; tg Earth; Earth, Cleansing of; 84:101 e. clothed with glory of her God;
Earth, Curse of; Earth, Destiny of; Earth, 84:118 the Lord will shake e.; 88:10 Christ is
Dividing of; Earth, Purpose of; Earth, light of e.; 88:18 e. to be sanctified in prepa
Renewal of ration for celestial glory; 88:19 (130:9) e.
1 Ne. 4:1 the Lord is mightier than all to be crowned with glory, with presence
e.; 11:6 (3 Ne. 11:14; 22:5) the Lord is God of God; 88:20 celestial inhabitants shall
over all e.; 13:41 one Shepherd over all e.; possess e.; 88:25 e. abides law of celestial
17:36 (Mosiah 4:2; 13:19; Morm. 9:17) the kingdom; 88:26 e. shall die, be quickened
Lord hath created e.; 19:17 all e. shall see again, and shall abide; 88:43 course of e. is
salvation of the Lord; 2 Ne. 8:6 (Isa. 51:6) e. fixed; 101:25 all things shall become new
to wax old like garment; 21:4 (Isa. 11:4) the upon e.; 104:14 e. is the Lord’s handiwork;
Lord shall smite e. with rod of his mouth; 104:17 e. is full; 123:7 e. groans under iniq-
23:13 (Isa. 13:13) e. shall remove out of her uity; 130:5 angels who minister to this e.;
place; Jacob 4:9 by power of the Lord’s 130:9 e. sanctified, to be made like crystal,
word, e. was created and man came upon will be Urim and Thummim; 133:24 e. to be
e.; Alma 5:50 behold glory of the King of like it was before it was divided.
all e.; 11:39 the Son is the Eternal Father Moses 1:27 Moses beholds whole e.;
of heaven and e.; Hel. 12:13–15 ( Jacob 4:9) 1:29 each land was called e.; 1:38 as one e.
if the Lord say unto e., Move, it is moved; passes away, another shall come; 1:40 the
12:18 (13:18; Morm. 1:18) whoso shall hide Lord speaks to Moses concerning e. upon
treasure in e. shall find it no more; 3 Ne. which he stands; 2:10 (Abr. 4:9–10) creation
8:17 whole e. becomes deformed; 10:9 e. of e.; 5:56 e. cursed with sore curse; 6:44
87 INDEX Effect
(Abr. 2:7) e. is God’s footstool; 7:30 God has whoso e. Christ’s flesh unworthily e. dam-
created millions of earths like this e.; 7:48 nation to his soul; 20:8 he that e. this bread
e., mother of men, yearns for rest; 7:49 e. e. Christ’s body to his soul; Moro. 4:3 e.
mourns; 7:61 e. to rest after tribulation; sacrament bread in remembrance of body
7:64 e. to rest thousand years; 8:28–30 e. of the Son.
corrupt before God, filled with violence; D&C 20:77 e. bread in remembrance
Abr. 3:6–7 Abraham knows set time of e.; of the Son’s body; 27:2 it matters not
JS—M 1:1 Christ to come again upon e. what Saints e. to partake of sacrament;
29:18 flies to e. flesh of wicked; 42:42 idle
Earthly. See also Earth; World shall not e. bread of laborer; 64:34 willing
D&C 78:5 Saints to be equal in e. things; and obedient shall e. good of land; 77:14
104:13 every man is accountable as steward book which was e. by John; 84:81 take no
over e. things. thought what ye shall e.; 101:101 Saints to
Earthquake. See also Earth; Quake; Shake; plant vineyards and e. fruit.
Tremble; tg Earthquake Moses 4:12 Eve and Adam e. forbidden
1 Ne. 12:4 in dream Nephi1 hears thun-
derings and e.; 2 Ne. 6:15 unbelievers Eden, Garden of—home of Adam and
will be destroyed in e.; 26:6 they who Eve. See also Adam; Fruit, Forbidden;
kill prophets shall be visited with e.; 27:2 bd Eden, Garden of
Jews and Gentiles shall be visited with e.; 2 Ne. 2:19 (Alma 42:2) Adam and Eve
Morm. 8:30 wars and e. in divers places. are driven out of E.; 2:22 if Adam had not
D&C 29:13 (43:18; 45:33, 48; 49:23; 84:118; transgressed, he would have remained in
88:87) e. at the Lord’s coming; 43:25 the E.; 8:3 (Isa. 51:3) the Lord will make Zion’s
Lord calls by voice of e.; 87:6 with e. shall wilderness like E.; Alma 12:21 (42:3) God
inhabitants of earth feel wrath of God; placed cherubim and flaming sword on
88:89 after elders’ testimony comes testi- east of E.
mony of e. D&C 29:41 Adam was cast out of E. be-
JS—M 1:29 (Matt. 24:7) there shall be e. cause of transgression.
in divers places. Moses 3:8, 15 (Abr. 5:8, 11) man put into
g. in E.; 3:9 tree of life planted in E.; 3:9
Ease. See also Comfort; Easiness (Abr. 5:13) tree of knowledge of good and
2 Ne. 28:24 wo unto him who is at e. in evil in E.; 3:10 the Lord causes river to go
Zion; Hel. 12:2 people harden hearts be- out of E. to water garden; 4:29 the Lord
cause of their e. sends man forth from E.; 4:31 cherubim
Easiness, Easy. See also Light, Lightly; and flaming sword to guard E.; 5:4 Adam
Simple and Eve hear voice from way toward E.;
6:53 Adam’s transgression in E. forgiven;
1 Ne. 14:23 things written in book were 7:32 the Lord gave man his agency in E.
e. to understand; 17:41 because of e. of re-
quirement for healing, many perished; Edge. See Sharp
Alma 7:23 be e. to be entreated; 37:44 e. to Edification, Edify. See also Enlighten;
give heed to word of Christ; 37:46 do not be Instruction
slothful because of e. of way; 39:6 not e. for
man who murdereth against the light and D&C 43:8 (88:122; 107:85) instruct and e.
each other; 50:22 he that preaches and he
knowledge of God to obtain forgiveness;
that receives understand each other and
Hel. 6:36 the Lord pours out his Spirit on
are e.; 50:23 that which does not e. is not of
Lamanites because of their e. to believe;
God; 52:16 he whose language is meek and
7:7 earlier Nephites were e. to be entreated.
e. is of God; 84:106 strong in spirit should e.
Eat, Eaten. See also Consume; Devour; weak in meekness; 84:110 body needs every
Drink; Food; Partake; Taste member, that all may be e. together; 88:137
2 Ne. 13:10 (Isa. 3:10) righteous shall e. house of the Lord is tabernacle of the Holy
fruit of their doings; 14:1 (Isa. 4:1) we will Spirit to Saints’ e.; 136:24 let words e. one
e. our own bread; 19:20 every man shall e. another.
flesh of his own arm; 21:7 (30:13; Isa. 11:7) Education. See tg Education
lion shall e. straw like ox; 28:7–8 e., drink,
and be merry; Alma 31:37 (3 Ne. 13:25, 31; Effect
Matt. 6:25, 31) missionaries take no thought Mosiah 7:30 e. of reaping chaff of sow-
for what they should e. or drink; 42:3 God ing filthiness is poison; Alma 12:26 if first
placed cherubim and flaming sword lest parents could have partaken of tree of life,
man should e. of tree of life; 3 Ne. 18:29 word of God would have been void, taking
Egypt INDEX 88
none e.; 31:5 preaching of word has more gives one of e. power to enact laws; Moro.
powerful e. on people than sword. 3:1 disciples are called e. of Church; 4:1 e.
D&C 54:4 broken covenant becomes void and priests administer sacrament; 6:1 e.,
and of none e. priests, and teachers are baptized; 6:7 those
who commit iniquity are brought before e.
Egypt—land of Israel’s captivity. See also
D&C 20 : 2 Joseph Smith, first e. of
Egyptian; Egyptus; bd Egypt
Church; 20:3 Oliver Cowdery, second e.
1 Ne. 5:14 (2 Ne. 3:4; 4:1; Alma 10:3) Jo- of Church; 20:16 e. to bear witness of God’s
seph1 sold into E.; 5:15 (17:40; 19:10; 2 Ne. words; 20:38 Apostle is e.; 20:45 (46:2) duty
3:10; 21:16; 25:20; Mosiah 7:19; 12:34; Alma of e. to conduct meetings as led by the
36:28) God led Israel out of captivity, out Spirit; 20:60 every e. to be ordained accord-
of E.; 2 Ne. 17:18 (Isa. 7:18) the Lord shall ing to gifts and callings of God unto him;
hiss for fly in uttermost part of E.; 20:24, 26 20:70 e. to bless children; 21:1 Joseph Smith
(Isa. 10:24, 26) Assyrian shall lift up staff to be called e.; 42:12 e. to teach gospel from
against Zion after manner of E.; 21:11 (Isa. scriptures; 42:31, 71 two e. or high priests
11:11) the Lord shall set his hand second to be appointed bishop’s counselors; 42:44
time to recover remnant of his people left e. to lay hands on sick; 43:15 e. sent forth
in E.; Ether 13:7 Joseph1 brought father to teach, not to be taught; 43:16 e. to be
into E. taught from on high; 53:3 ordination of e.
D&C 136:22 the Lord led children of Is- to teach first principles; 68:8–12 (133:8) e.
rael out of E. called to missionary work; 72:5, 16, 19, 25
Abr. 1:8, 21, 26 Pharaoh, king of E.; 1:23 e. to render account of stewardship; 84:29
E. was discovered by daughter of Ham; 1:23 (107:7) office of e. is necessary append-
E. signifies that which is forbidden; 1:25 age to high priesthood; 84:111 (124:137)
first government of E. established after e. called to travel; 105:11 e. to be endowed
manner of patriarchal government of Ham; with power; 105:33 first e. should receive
2:21 (3:15) Abraham journeys toward E. their endowment; 107:10 high priests may
Egyptian. See also Egypt; Language officiate in office of e.; 107:12 high priest
1 Ne. 1:2 language of Lehi1 consists of and e. are to administer in spiritual things;
learning of Jews and language of E.; 4:3 107:60 presiding e. needed to preside over
the Lord is able to destroy Laban, even as e.; 107:89 duty of president over office of
E.; 17:27 (Alma 36:28; Hel. 8:11) the Lord e.; 124:125 Joseph Smith, presiding e. over
swallowed up E. in Red Sea; 17:23 (Alma Church; 124:139 seventies to be traveling
29:12) would fathers have been led out of e.; 133:8 send forth e. unto nations; 138:57
hands of E. if they had not hearkened to faithful e. continue labors in spirit world.
the Lord’s words; 2 Ne. 21:15 (Isa. 11:15) the Election, Elect. See also Choose; Chosen
Lord destroys tongue of E. sea; Mosiah 1:4 [adj.]; Exaltation; Heir; Premortal
Lehi1 could read engravings because he Existence; Seal; tg Election; bd Election
had been taught in language of E.; Morm. Alma 31:16–17 Zoramites2 believe God
9:32 record written in characters called has e. them to be his holy children.
reformed E. D&C 25:3 Emma Smith, e. lady; 29:7
Abr. 1:11 virgins killed upon altar after (33:6) elders called to bring to pass gather-
manner of E.; 1:21–22 E. are descendants ing of e.; 29:7 (33:6; 35:21) e. hear the Lord’s
of Ham; JS—H 1:64 characters on plates voice and harden not hearts; 35:20 scrip-
were E. tures given for salvation of e.; 35:21 e. to
Egyptus. See also Egypt abide the Lord’s coming because they will
Abr. 1:23 Egypt discovered by daughter be purified; 84:34 those who magnify call-
of E.; 1:23 E. signifies Egypt, that which is ings in priesthood become e. of God; 84:99
forbidden. the Lord has redeemed Israel according to
e. of grace.
Eight. See also Accountability, Age of Moses 7:62 ( JS —M 1:27) the Lord to
D&C 138:9 in days of Noah 1, e. souls gather his e. unto Zion; JS—M 1:20 (Matt.
were saved. 24:22) for e.’s sake, days of tribulation
shall be shortened; 1:22 (Matt. 24:24) false
Elder. See also Priesthood, Melchizedek; Christs shall deceive e., if possible.
tg Elder; Elder, Melchizedek Priesthood;
bd Elders Element. See also Materials; Matter
1 Ne. 4:22, 27 Zoram1 speaks with Nephi1 3 Ne. 26:3 (Morm. 9:2) e. shall melt with
concerning e. of Jews; Alma 4:7 (6:1) Alma2 fervent heat.
consecrates e. over Church; 4:16 Alma 2 D&C 93:33 e. are eternal; 93:33 spirit and
89 INDEX End
e. inseparably connected receive fulness of gate; Alma 10:32 (11:20) lawyers got gain
joy; 93:35 e. are tabernacle of God; 101:25 e. according to their e.
shall melt with fervent heat.
Empty. See also Desolation; Void; Waste
Elephant. See also Animal; bd Elephant 2 Ne. 27:3 (Isa. 29:8) enemies of Zion
Ether 9:19 Jaredites have e. shall be as hungry man who dreams he
eats, but soul is e.
Elias. See also Elijah; bd Elias D&C 5:19 scourge to be poured out un-
D&C 27: 6 E. given keys to bring to til earth is e.
pass restoration of all things; 27:7 E. vis-
ited Zacharias; 27:7 John the Baptist was Emron—Nephite soldier
filled with spirit of E.; 77:9, 14 E. to come Moro. 9:2 is slain.
to gather tribes of Israel and restore all End, Ends, Ending. See also Beginning;
things; 110:12 E. commits dispensation of Endless; Endure; Final; Finish; Last; Last
gospel of Abraham; 138:45 Joseph F. Smith Days; Pass; Purpose; tg World, End of
saw E., who was with Moses on Mount of
1 Ne. 14:3 casting of soul into that hell
which hath no e.; 14:22 John the Beloved to
Elihu. See also bd Elihu write of e. of world; 2 Ne. 2:7 (Moro. 7:28)
D&C 84:8 gave priesthood to Caleb; 84:9 Christ offers himself sacrifice for sin, to
received priesthood from Jeremy. answer e. of law; 2:12 without opposition,
no purpose in e. of its creation; 2:22 except
Elijah—prophet of Israel [c. 900 b.c.]. See for Adam’s Fall, all things must have had
also Elias; bd Elijah no e.; 25:25 law of Moses given for e. of pre-
3 Ne. 25:5 (Mal. 4:5) I will send you E. paring for Christ; 26:25 (3 Ne. 9:22) come
the prophet. unto me, all ye e. of earth; 27:7 sealed book
D&C 2:1 the Lord to reveal priesthood shall be revelation from God, from begin-
by hand of E.; 27:9 (110:15; 128:17; 138:47) ning of world to e.; 31:21 the Godhead is
E. was given keys of turning hearts of chil- one God, without e.; 33:9 continue in strait
dren and fathers to each other; 35:4 Sidney path until e. of day of probation; Mosiah
Rigdon is called to prepare way before E.; 26:23 the Lord grants unto him that be-
110:13–16 E. appears at dedication of Kirt- lieveth unto e. place at right hand; Alma
land Temple; 138:46 Malachi prophesied 5:13 because fathers were faithful unto e.,
of coming of E. they were saved; 27:27 Ammonites are firm
in faith of Christ unto e.; 30:12, 18 Korihor
Elkenah. See also Gods; Idolatry claims that when man is dead, that is e.;
Abr. 1:6 people’s hearts turned to god of 41:6 he who desires righteousness until e.
E.; 1:7 priest of E. tries to take Abraham’s is rewarded unto righteousness; 3 Ne. 16:20
life; 1:13 altar stands before god of E.; (20:35) all e. of earth to see salvation of
1:20 the Lord breaks down altar of E.; 2:13 God; Morm. 7:7 he who is found guiltless
(3:20) the Lord sent angels to deliver Abra- will dwell in state of happiness which hath
ham from gods of E. no e.; Moro. 6:3 (Mosiah 18:9) those re-
ceived unto baptism must have determina-
Emblem. See also Remember; Representa-
tion; Sacrament; Token tion to serve Christ to e.; 8:26 love endures
by diligence unto prayer, until e. come.
D&C 20:40, 75–79 bread and wine e. of D&C 6:13 (18:22; 20:25, 29; 31:13; 53:7;
Christ’s flesh and blood. 81:6) be faithful to e.; 10:4 be diligent
Embrace. See also Accept; Receive unto e.; 19:3 Satan to be destroyed at e. of
D&C 36:7 every man who e. Church with world; 20:28 the Father, the Son, and the
singleness of heart should be ordained and Holy Ghost are one God without e.; 20:37
sent out; 42:39 the Lord to consecrate unto (76:5) serve the Lord to e.; 24:8, 10 (75:11,
13–14; 100:12; 105:41; 132:49) I am with
poor of Israel riches of Gentiles who e. gos-
thee to e.; 29:23 (43:31; 45:22) e. shall come;
pel; 88:40 truth e. truth.
29:33 the Lord’s work to have no e.; 38:5
Emer—early Jaredite king judgment at e. of earth; 43:31 Satan reigns
Ether 1:28–29 son of Omer, father of previous to e.; 43:33 (76:45, 48) no man
Coriantum1; 9:14 anointed king; 9:15–16 has knows e. of wicked; 45:26 men shall say
peaceful, prosperous reign; 9:21 executes Christ delays coming until e. of earth; 46:7
judgment in righteousness. consider e. of your salvation; 49:16 earth to
answer e. of its creation; 59:20 unto this e.
Employ. See also Hire were things of earth made; 76:112 worlds
2 Ne. 9:41 the Holy One e. no servant at without e.; 87:6 consumption to make e. of
Endless INDEX 90
all nations; 88:66 truth has no e.; 88:101 fi- by e. of faith on his name to end; 7:45 char-
nal resurrection at e.; 88:102 some who re- ity e. all things; 8:26 love e. by diligence
main until e. shall remain filthy; 88:138–39 unto prayer.
unto this e. was washing of feet instituted; D&C 10:69 those who e. to end will be
101:32–33 the Lord to reveal purpose and e. established upon the Lord’s rock; 14:7
of earth; 107:42 posterity of Seth1 to be pre- (50:5; 66:12) those who e. to end shall in-
served to e. of earth; 122:1 e. of earth shall herit eternal life; 18:22 (20:25, 29; 53:7)
inquire; 124:1 unto this e. have I raised you those who e. to end shall be saved; 24:8
up; 131:4 those who enter not covenant of e. afflictions, for the Lord is with thee;
marriage have e. of kingdom; 132:7 all con- 63:20, 47 he who e. in faith shall over-
tracts not made to this e. have e. when men come; 84:24 those who harden hearts
are dead; 132:20 they shall be gods because could not e. the Lord’s presence; 101:5
they have no e. those who will not e. chastening cannot
Abr. 3:18 spirits shall have no e.; JS—M be sanctified; 101:35 those who e. in faith
1:4 what is sign of e. of world. shall partake of glory; 121:8 e. adversity
well, and God shall exalt thee; 121:29
Endless. See also End; Eternal; Ever- those who e. valiantly will receive thrones
lasting; God, Eternal Nature of; Infinite;
and dominions.
Misery; Torment
Moses 1:2 Moses could e. God’s presence;
Mosiah 16:9 Christ is light and life of A of F 1:13 we have e. many things and
world, light and life that is e.; 16:11 (Alma hope to be able to e. all things.
41:4; Hel. 12:26) good are resurrected to e.
life and happiness, evil to e. damnation; Enemy. See also Adversary; Foe; Oppressor
Alma 12:24 life time to prepare for e. state 2 Ne. 4:28 give place no more for e. of
after Resurrection; Hel. 7:16 devil seeks my soul; Mosiah 2:31 if Nephites keep
to hurl souls down to e. wo; Morm. 8:38 commandments, e. shall have no power
greater is value of e. happiness than misery over them; 2:37 man who transgresses
that never dies; 9:13 Resurrection brings to against what he has been taught becomes
pass redemption from e. sleep. e. to righteousness; 3:19 (16:5) natural man
D&C 19:10 E. is God’s name; 19:12 (76:44) is e. to God; 4:14 (16:5; Alma 34:23; Moro.
e. punishment is God’s punishment. 7:12; 9:6) devil is e. to all righteousness;
Moses 1:3 (7:35) name of God is E. Alma 26:6 those who are gathered shall
not be driven whithersoever e. listeth to
Endow, Endowment. See also Endow-
ment House; Ordinance; Temple carry them; 58:10 Nephites pray that God
will deliver them from e.; Hel. 8:6 corrupt
D&C 38:32, 38 (43:16; Luke 24:49) Saints judges do not believe e. can have power
to be e. with power; 95:8 the Lord to e. with over them; 3 Ne. 12:43–44 (Matt. 5:43–44)
power those whom he has chosen; 105:11– love your e.
12 the Lord has prepared great e. for elders; D&C 8:4 spirit of revelation to deliver
110:9 rejoicing because of e. with which Joseph Smith out of hands of e.; 24:1 Jo-
the Lord’s servants have been e.; 124:39 e. seph Smith delivered from e.; 27:3 Saints
ordained by ordinance of the Lord’s holy not to purchase wine of e.; 35:14 e. of the
house; 132:59 those called by the Father, Lord’s servants shall be under their feet;
as Aaron1, are e. with keys of priesthood. 37:1 translation is stopped because of e.;
Endowment House 38:9 e. shall not overcome; 38:28 e. seeks
OD 1 taken down because of unautho- lives of Saints; 38:31 the Lord commands
rized marriage. Saints to go to Ohio to escape e.; 42:43 sick
not to be nourished by e.; 44:5 Church to
Endure, Endurance. See also Bear [verb]; organize so that e. do not have power to
Continue; Diligence; Faint; Faithful; destroy; 49:6 Christ will descend to put all
Firmness; Obedience; Perseverance; e. under his feet; 54:3 to escape e., repent
Probation; Steadfast and be humble; 58:22 (76:61, 106) the Lord
1 Ne. 13:37 those who e. to end shall be will subdue all e.; 63:31 if land of Zion is
lifted up; 22:31 (2 Ne. 31:15; Omni 1:26; obtained by blood, e. will scourge Saints;
Alma 5:13; 32:13; 3 Ne. 27:6) those who e. 64:27 forbidden to get in debt to e.; 65:6
to end shall be saved; Alma 32:15 (38:2) kingdom to go forth that the Lord’s e. may
blessed is he who e. to end; 3 Ne. 15:9 e. to be subdued; 71:7 confound your e.; 87:7
end, and ye shall live; 27:16 he who e. to end blood of Saints to be avenged of e.; 98:14
will be held guiltless; Morm. 9:29 those (136:17, 30) be not afraid of e.; 98:23–31 re-
who e. to end shall not be cast out; Moro. ward for long-suffering toward e.; 98:39–
3:3 (8:3) remission of sins, through Christ, 40 if e. repent, forgive him seventy times
91 INDEX Enos
Enos2—Nephite prophet, record keeper 7:12 devil e. to sin; 7:13 that which is of God
Jacob 7:27 son of Jacob2, given plates; e. to do good continually.
Enos 1:1, 3 is taught by father; 1:2 wrestles Entreat. See also Exhort
before God to receive remission of sins;
Alma 7:23 be easy to be e.; Hel. 7:7 peo-
1:4 prays all day; 1:5–8 hears voice of the
ple of Nephi were easy to be e.
Lord, sins forgiven through faith in Christ;
1:9 concerned for welfare of Nephites; 1:19 Entrusted. See also Give
prophesies and testifies; Jarom 1:1 gives Alma 37:14 Helaman 2 e. with sacred
plates to son, Jarom. things; 39:4 Corianton should have tended
Enough. See also Sufficient to ministry with which he was e.; 53:20
sons of Helaman2 are true in all they are
D&C 104:17 earth is full, there is e. and e.; Morm. 6:6 Mormon2 hides records e. to
to spare. him by the Lord.
Ensample. See Example D&C 3:5 Joseph Smith has been e. with
records; 12:8 he who assists in work must
Ensign. See also Standard be temperate in all things e. to his care.
2 Ne. 15:26 (21:12; Isa. 5:26; 11:12) the
Lord will lift e. to nations; 21:10 root of Envy, Envying. See also Covet; Jealous;
Pride; tg Envy
Jesse shall stand for e.
D&C 64:42 Zion to be e. unto people; 2 Ne. 21:13 (Isa. 11:13) e. of Ephraim shall
105:39 lift e. of peace; 113:6 to root of Jesse depart; 26:21 (Morm. 8:28) false churches
belong keys of kingdom, for e. will cause e.; 26:32 the Lord has com-
manded that men should not e.; Alma 1:32
Ensnare. See also Captive; Catch; Snare those who do not belong to Church indulge
1 Ne. 22:14 nations which war against in e.; 4:9 e. among people of Church; 5:29 is
Israel shall fall into pit digged to e. people there one among you who is not stripped of
of the Lord; Alma 28:13 devil devises cun- e.; 16:18 priests preach against e.; Hel. 13:22
ning plans to e. hearts of men. hearts of Nephites swell with great pride,
unto e.; 3 Ne. 30:2 Mormon2 calls Gentiles
Entangle to repent of e.; 4 Ne. 1:16 no e. among peo-
D&C 20:5 Joseph Smith e. again in vani ple after Christ’s visit; Morm. 8:28 in latter
ties of world; 88:86 e. not yourselves in sin. days teachers and leaders of churches will
Enter. See also Come; Gate; Rest lift themselves up in pride, unto e.
D&C 101:6 e. among Saints polluted their
1 Ne. 15:34 (10:21; 3 Ne. 27:19) no un- inheritances; 127:2 e. and wrath of man
clean thing can e. kingdom of God; 2 Ne. have been Joseph Smith’s common lot.
32:5 e. in by way and the Holy Ghost will
show what to do; Mosiah 5:5 Benjamin’s Ephraim—kingdom of Israel. See also Israel;
people willing to e. covenant with God; Joseph1, Seed of; tg Israel, Joseph,
Alma 40:13 spirit of devil e. into spirits of People of; bd Ephraim; Israel; Israel,
wicked; 3 Ne. 14:21 (Matt. 7:21) not every Kingdom of
one that saith Lord, Lord, shall e. kingdom 2 Ne. 17:2, 5 (Isa. 7:2, 5) Syria is confed-
of heaven; 18:18 pray always lest ye e. into erate with E.; 17:8 (Isa. 7:8) E. to be bro-
temptation. ken that it be not a people; 17:9 (Isa. 7:9)
D&C 132:4 no one can reject covenant Samaria is head of E.; 17:17 (Isa. 7:17) the
and e. into the Lord’s glory; 138:51 righ- Lord shall bring upon house of David days
teous spirits given power to e. the Father’s that have not come from day that E. de-
kingdom. parted from Judah; 19:8–9 (Isa. 9:8–9) all
people, even E., to know the Lord’s word;
Entice, Enticings. See also Agency; 19:21 (Isa. 9:21) Manasseh and E. shall be
Invite; Tempt against Judah; 21:13 (Isa. 11:13) E. shall not
2 Ne. 2:16 man could not act for himself envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex E.
save he should be e. by sweet or bitter; 5:21 D&C 27:5 the Lord has committed keys
Lamanites given skin of blackness that of record of stick of E. to Moroni2; 64:36
they might not be e. to Nephites; 9:39 re- rebellious are not of blood of E.; 113:4 rod
member awfulness of yielding to e. of cun- that should come from Stem of Jesse is
ning one; Mosiah 3:19 natural man will be descendant of Jesse and of E.; 133:30 lost
enemy to God until he yields to e. of the tribes to bring treasures to children of
Spirit; Hel. 6:26 Satan e. first parents to E.; 133:32 lost tribes to be crowned with
partake of forbidden fruit; 7:16 how could glory by children of E.; 133:34 blessing of
you have given way to e. of devil; Moro. God upon E.
93 INDEX Esrom
Ephraim, Hill of 13:9) the Lord is full of grace, e.; Hel. 3:20,
Ether 7:9 iron ore for swords obtained 37 Helaman 3 and Nephi 2 fill judgment-
from h. E. seat with e.; 3 Ne. 6:4 Nephites form laws
according to e.
Epistle. See also Letter D&C 102:16 every man to speak accord-
Alma 54:4, 15 Moroni1 writes e. to Am- ing to e. and justice before court; 134:3
moron; 54:15 (55:1) Ammoron writes e. magistrates required to administer law in
to Moroni1; 56:1 Moroni1 receives e. from e. and justice.
Helaman2; 57:1 Helaman2 had received e.
Err, Error. See also Astray; Doctrine, False;
from Ammoron; 57:2 Helaman2 wrote e. to
Sin; Stumble; Transgression; Wander
Ammoron; 59:3 Moroni 1 writes e. to Pa-
horan 1; 60:1 Moroni 1 writes second e. to 2 Ne. 13:12 (19:16; 28:14; Isa. 3:12; 9:16)
Pahoran 1; 61:1 (62:1) Moroni 1 receives e. they who lead the Lord’s children cause
from Pahoran1; 3 Ne. 3:1–2, 11 Lachoneus1 them to e.; 25:20 (Alma 5:43; 13:23) the
receives e. from leader of robbers; Morm. Lord’s word is taught plainly, so that peo-
3:4 Lamanite king sends e. to Mormon2; 6:2 ple cannot e.; 27:35 they who e. in spirit
Mormon2 writes e. to Lamanite king; Ether shall come to understanding; 28:14 people
15:4–5 Coriantumr2 sends e. to Shiz; 15:5 e. because they are taught precepts of men;
Shiz writes e. to Coriantumr2; 15:18 Cori- Alma 37:8 sacred records convince many
antumr2 writes second e. to Shiz; Moro. of e. of their ways; 3 Ne. 1:25 those who
8–9 Moroni2 records two e. from Mormon2. preach against law of Moses are convinced
D&C 58:51 Sidney Rigdon to write e. of their e.; Moro. 8:6 gross e. that little chil-
to be presented to all churches to obtain dren need baptism.
moneys; 127: Intro. e. from Joseph Smith to D&C 1:24–25 commandments given so
Saints at Nauvoo. that if people e., it might be made known;
6:11 exercise gift to convince many of
Equal, Equality. See also Alike; Conse- e. of their ways; 10:63 men e. for they
cration, Law of; Equity; Inequality; wrest scriptures; 33:4 people e. because of
Judgment; Respect; Same priestcrafts.
Jacob 5:66, 73 root and top of tree should
Errand. See also Calling; Commission;
be e. in strength; 5:74 fruits of trees become Mission
e.; Mosiah 27:3 commandment throughout
all churches that there should be e. among Jacob 1:17 Jacob2 first obtained his e.
all men; 29:38 every man should have e. from the Lord.
chance; Alma 1:26 teacher and learner D&C 64:29 (133:58) as ye are agents, ye
are all e.; 30:11 all men are on e. grounds are on the Lord’s e.
before law; 3 Ne. 28:39 change in three Esaias. See also bd Esaias
Nephite disciples not e. to change to take D&C 84:11 gave priesthood to Gad; 84:12
place at last day. received priesthood under hand of God;
D&C 51:3, 9 every man e. according to 84:13 was blessed by Abraham.
his family; 70:14 be e. in temporal things;
76:95 Church of Firstborn, e. in power, Escape. See also Deliver; Flight; Refuge;
might, dominion; 78:5 Saints to be e. in both Release; Salvation
heavenly and earthly things; 78:6 if not e. 2 Ne. 9:10 God prepares e. from grasp
in earthly things, cannot be e. in obtain- of death and hell; 14:2 (Isa. 4:2) fruit of
ing heavenly things; 82:17 Saints to have earth shall be comely to them that are e.
e. claims on property to manage steward- of Israel.
ships; 88:107 Saints to be made e. with the D&C 1:2 none to e. voice of the Lord;
Lamb; 88:122 every man to have e. privilege; 10:5 pray to e. servants of Satan; 38:31–32
90:6 counselor accounted e. with prophet in Saints to go to the Ohio to e. power of en-
holding keys of kingdom; 107:24 Quorum emy; 63:34 Saints shall hardly e. wars; 97:25
of Twelve e. in authority to that of Presi- Zion to e. if she obeys; 104:7 guilty not to e.;
dency; 107:36–37 standing high councils 104:8–9 those who transgress cannot e. the
form quorum e. in authority to quorum of Lord’s wrath, buffetings of Satan; 121:23
presidency or traveling high council; 107:68 generations of vipers shall not e. damna-
office of bishop not e. to Presiding High tion of hell; 132:50 the Lord will make way
Priest over High Priesthood. for Saints’ e.
Equity. See also Equal; Justice Esrom—early Jaredite
2 Ne. 21:4 (30:9; Isa. 11:4) the Lord will Ether 8:4–6 son of Omer, helps return
reprove with e. for meek; Alma 9:26 (10:21; kingdom to father.
Establish INDEX 94
Establish, Establishment. See also Christ will point straight course to e. bliss;
Confirm; Organize; Prepare 42:16 repentance could not come except
1 Ne. 13:40 last records shall e. truth of there were punishment which also was
first; 2 Ne. 12:2 (Isa. 2:2) mountain of the e. as life of soul; 3 Ne. 28:40 Three Neph-
Lord’s house shall be e. in top of moun- ites will dwell with God e.; Ether 3:14 in
tains; Alma 1:6 Nehor e. church; 2:3 king Christ shall mankind have life e.; Moro.
must be e. by voice of people; 8:1 Alma2 7:28 Christ dwells e. in heavens.
e. order of Church; Hel. 5:2 laws and gov- D&C 3:2 (35:1) God’s course one e. round;
ernment e. by voice of people; 3 Ne. 7:11, 19:7 e. damnation; 19:11 e. punishment is
14 laws and government e. by chiefs and God’s punishment; 20:17 God is infinite
leaders of tribes; 11:40 whoso shall declare and e.; 20:28 Godhead is e.; 29:44 those
more or less than this and e. it for Christ’s who believe not are raised unto e. damna-
doctrine comes of evil; 21:1 the Lord will tion; 77:1 earth e. in its sanctified, e. state;
e. Zion again among house of Israel; 21:22 93:33 elements are e.; 109:76 reap e. joy for
the Lord will e. his Church among house sufferings; 121:32 council of the E. God of
of Israel if they will hearken; Ether 5:4 all other gods; 130:2 coupled with e. glory;
in mouth of three witnesses shall these 132:46 that which elders bind on earth
things be e. shall be e. bound in heavens.
D&C 33:5 the Lord has e. this Church; Abr. 3:18 spirits are gnolaum, or e.; fac. 2,
138:44 Daniel foresaw e. of kingdom of fig. 3 God clothed with crown of e. light.
God. Eternal Father, God the. See God,
Estate. See also Premortal Existence Eternal Nature of; God the Father
Abr. 3:26 those who keep first and sec- Eternal Life. See also Celestial Glory;
ond e. shall be added upon; 3:28 second Continue; Exaltation; Immortality;
kept not his first e. Live [verb]; Redemption; Resurrection;
Salvation; tg Eternal Life
Esteem. See also Love; Regard; Respect;
Value; Worth 2 Ne. 2:27–29 (10:23) men are free to
1 Ne. 17:35 the Lord e. all flesh in one; choose e. l. or e. death; 9:39 to be spiritu-
19:7 things which some e. to be of great ally minded is l. e.; 31:18 those who repent
worth, others set at naught; 2 Ne. 3:7 and are baptized are in narrow path which
choice seer will be e. highly among de- leads to e. l.; 33:4 to believe in Christ and
scendants of Joseph 1; 33:2 many things endure to end is l. e.; Jacob 6:11 continue
written are e. as things of naught by those in narrow way until ye obtain e. l.; Enos
who harden hearts; 33:3 Nephi1 e. things he 1:3 Jacob2 taught Enos2 concerning e. l.;
has written as of great worth; Mosiah 14:4 Mosiah 26:20 the Lord covenants with
(Isa. 53:4) we did e. the Messiah stricken Alma1 that he shall have e. l.; Alma 19:6
and afflicted; 23:7 ye shall not e. one flesh light of everlasting l. lit up Lamoni’s soul;
above another; 27:4 every man should e. 28:14 great reason of rejoicing because
his neighbor as himself; 29:40 people of of light of Christ unto l.; Hel. 12:26 (3 Ne.
Mosiah2 e. him more than any other man; 26:5) they who have done good shall have
Alma 1:26 priest does not e. himself above everlasting l.; 14:31 God has given unto man
hearers; Hel. 11:18 people e. Nephi2 as great to choose l. or death; 3 Ne. 5:13 Mormon2
prophet; Ether 13:13 Jaredites e. Ether as declares Christ’s word, so that his people
naught. might have everlasting l.; 15:9 unto him who
D&C 38: 24 –25 let ever y man e. his endures to end shall the Lord give e. l.;
brother; 101:8 in day of peace, Saints e. Ether 3:14 in Christ shall mankind have
lightly the Lord’s counsel. l.; Moro. 7:41 ye shall have hope, through
Atonement and Resurrection, to be raised
Eternal, Eternally. See also Endless; unto l. e.
Eternal Life; Eternity; Everlasting; God, D&C 5:22 Joseph Smith granted e. l. if
Eternal Nature of; Infinite obedient; 6:7 (11:7) he who has e. l. is rich;
1 Ne. 10:19 (Alma 7:20) course of the 10:50 those in this land who believe in gos-
Lord is one e. round; 2 Ne. 1:13 men carried pel shall have e. l.; 14:7 (50:5; 66:12) those
captive down to e. gulf of misery; Mosiah who endure to end will have e. l.; 14:7 e. l.
2:34 ye are e. indebted to the Father; Alma is greatest of all gifts of God; 18:8 diligent
3:26 in one year tens of thousands of souls are blessed unto e. l.; 20:14 those who ac-
sent to e. world; 3:26 men reap e. happi- cept Book of Mormon receive crown of e. l.;
ness, e. misery, according to spirit they 20:26 those who believe words of prophets
obey; 34:10 great and last sacrifice must have e. l.; 29:27 righteous will be gathered
be infinite and e. sacrifice; 37:44 word of on the Lord’s right hand unto e. l.; 29:43 by
95 INDEX Everlasting
natural death men are raised in immor- called Book of E.; 1:6 (11:23) son of Cori-
tality unto e. l.; 42:61 if thou shalt ask, antor; 12:1–2 prophet in days of Corian-
thou shalt receive that which brings e. l.; tumr2; 12:5 prophesies great and marvelous
45:5 come unto God and have everlasting l.; things; 13:2 is rejected; 13:4 speaks of
45:8 those who believe on the Lord’s name Christ and New Jerusalem; 13:13–14, 18
are given power to obtain e. l.; 51:19 faith- hides in cave, views destruction of Jared-
ful steward to inherit e. l.; 59:23 he who ites; 13:20–22 calls Coriantumr2 to repen-
does work of righteousness shall receive tance; 13:21, 24 E.’s prophecies are fulfilled;
peace and e. l.; 68:12 power given to seal up 15:1 E.’s words remembered by Corian-
unto e. l. those of whom the Father bears tumr2; 15:12–13 watches, but does not join
record; 75:5 (138:51) he who is faithful others; 15:33 finishes and hides record;
will be crowned with immortality and e. l.; 15:34 last words.
88:4 the Comforter is promise of e. l.; 98:13
he who lays down life for the Lord’s sake Ether, Book of
shall find e. l.; 130:2 same sociality existing D&C 135:4–5 (Ether 12:36–38) quota-
here will exist there, coupled with e. glory; tion from.
132:24 this is e. l.—to know the only wise
and true God; 132:55 Joseph Smith to be Euphrates. See River
given crowns of e. lives in e. worlds; 133:62 Evangelical. See Minister [noun]
the Lord will give e. l. to him who repents
and sanctifies himself. Eve—mother of all living. See also Adam;
Moses 1:39 work and glory of God is to Eden, Garden of; Parent; Woman; bd Eve
bring to pass immortality and e. l.; 5:11 e. l. 1 Ne. 5:11 brass plates give account of
given to obedient. Adam and E.; 2 Ne. 2:15–20 tempted, par-
takes of forbidden fruit; Alma 42:2, 7 cut
Eternity. See also Eternal; God, Eternal off temporally and spiritually from pres-
Nature of; Time
ence of God.
Jacob 7:18 Sherem speaks of e. and eter- D&C 138:39 Joseph F. Smith saw E.
nal punishment; Mosiah 3:5 the Lord was among noble spirits.
and is from all e. to all e.; Alma 13:7 high Moses 4:6 Satan seeks to beguile E.; 4:12
priesthood prepared from e. to all e.; 34:33 partakes of forbidden fruit; 4:13 recog-
this day of life given to prepare for e.; nizes nakedness; 4:14 hides from the Lord;
Moro. 8:18 God is unchangeable from all 4:22 to bring forth children in sorrow; 4:26
e. to all e. mother of all living; 4:27 God makes coat
D&C 38:1 the Lord looked upon wide ex- of skins for E.; 5:2, 16–17 bears sons and
panse of e.; 38:12 all e. is pained because of daughters; 5:4 shut out from God’s pres-
powers of darkness; 38:20 Saints shall pos- ence; 5:11 recognizes effects of transgres-
sess land as inheritance in e.; 38:39 those sion; 5:12 blesses name of God; 5:12 makes
who seek riches which the Father gives
all things known to sons and daughters;
shall have riches of e.; 39:22 those who
5:16 bears Cain; 5:17 bears Abel.
receive gospel shall be gathered in time
and e.; 43:34 let solemnities of e. rest upon Everlasting, Everlastingly. See also
your minds; 67:2 riches of e. are the Lord’s Endless; Eternal; Eternal Life; God,
to give; 68:31 Saints do not seek earnestly Eternal Nature of
riches of e.; 72:3 accounts to be rendered 1 Ne. 14:7 the Lord will do work among
in time and e.; 76:4 from e. to e. the Lord is men which will be e.; Alma 26:15 Laman-
same; 76:5–8 the Lord reveals wonders of ites were encircled with e. darkness, but
e. to those who serve him; 78:18 riches of e. God has brought them into e. light; 37:32
are yours; 88:13 God is in bosom of e.; 132:7, teach this people e. hatred against sin and
18–19 anointed both for time and for all e. iniquity; Hel. 13:38 ye have procrastinated
Moses 7:41 e. shook when the Lord spoke day of salvation until e. too late; Ether 2:10
to Enoch2. e. decree of God that those who inhabit
Ethem—later Jaredite king land must serve him or be swept off; Moro.
Ether 1:8–9 son of Ahah, father of Mo- 8:17 charity is e. love.
ron; 11:11, 14 executes judgment in wick- D&C 1:15 (45:9; 49:9; 66:2; 76:101) e. cov-
edness; 11:12 many prophets during E.’s enant; 6:3 (11:3; 12:3; 14:3; 43:25) e. salva-
reign. tion; 22:1 new and e. covenant; 27:5 (79:1;
101:39; 138:19, 25) e. gospel; 121:46 e. do-
Ether—last great Jaredite prophet, record minion; 131:2 (132:6, 19) new and e. cov-
keeper enant of marriage; 132:20 they shall be
Ether 1:2, 6 record on 24 gold plates gods from e. to e.; 133:31 e. hills.
Evidence INDEX 96
of Church; 78:13 the Lord gives e. whereby Jarom 1:11 prophets e. people to diligence;
Saints accomplish commandments; 98:38 Omni 1:25 Amaleki1 e. all men to come
e. unto all people for justification before unto God; Alma 34:40 Amulek e. Zoram-
the Lord. ites2 to have patience; Hel. 6:4 Lamanites
e. Nephites to faith and repentance; Moro.
10:2 Moroni2 speaks by way of e.; 10:3 Mo-
Ether 12:11 God prepared more e. way; roni2 e. readers to remember God’s mercy;
12:32 in the Father’s mansions, man may 10:4 Moroni2 e. readers to ask God whether
have more e. hope. writings are true.
Excess D&C 19:37 preach, e., declare; 20:42,
46–47, 50, 59 priesthood bearers’ duty to e.;
D&C 59:20 things of earth to be used
20:51 teachers are to visit members, e. them
with judgment, not to e.; 88:69 cast away
to pray; 23:3 Hyrum Smith’s calling is to
your e. of laughter; 89:15 flesh made for
e.; 25:7 Emma Smith ordained to e. Church
use only in times of famine and e. of
as led by the Spirit; 50:37 elders called to
strengthen churches by e.; 108:7 strengthen
Excommunication. See also Blot; Cast; your brethren in all your e.; 113:10 scat-
Council, Disciplinary; Cut tered remnants are e. to return to the Lord.
3 Ne. 18:31 he who repents not should Expanse
not be numbered among the Lord’s people.
D&C 20:80 any member transgressing D&C 38:1 the Lord looked upon wide e.
shall be dealt with as scriptures direct; of eternity.
134:10 religious societies have right to e. Abr. 4:6–7 e. formed in midst of waters.
members from their society. Expedient. See also Meet [=appropriate]
Excuse. See also Pardon 1 Ne. 17:30 the Lord did for Israelites
1 Ne. 19:6 Nephi1 does not e. himself be- all things e. for man to receive; 2 Ne.
cause of other men, but because of own 2:27 all things are given unto men which
weakness; Jacob 2:23 Nephites seek to e. are e.; Moro. 7:33 (10:23) if ye have faith
themselves in committing whoredoms be- in Christ, ye shall have power to do what-
cause of David and Solomon; Alma 39:4 Isa- soever is e. in him.
bel stole away hearts of many, but this is no D&C 18:18 the Holy Ghost manifests all
e. for Corianton; 42:30 do not endeavor to e. things that are e.; 88:65 if ye ask anything
yourself by denying justice of God. that is not e. for you, it shall turn to con-
D&C 88:82 those who have been warned demnation; 88:78 Saints to be instructed in
are without e.; 101:93 what the Lord has all things e. for them to understand; 96:5 e.
said must be, that all men may be left that the Lord’s word should go forth; 105:13
without e.; 123:6 abuses against Saints e. to wait for redemption of Zion.
should be published, that nation be left Experience. See also Adversity
without e. D&C 105:10 elders to wait, that the
Executed. See also Capital Punishment Lord’s people may have e.; 121:39 we have
Alma 2:1 (1:15) Nehor e. according to law; learned by sad e.; 122:7 afflictions shall
11:2 judge e. authority; 62:9–10 king-men give thee e.
and many others who deny freedom are e. Experiment
according to law; Hel. 2:10 Helaman3 tries Alma 32:27, 33, 36 (34:4) Alma2 exhorts
to take robbers, that they might be e. Zoramites2 to try e. to know whether seed
Exempt is good.
D&C 10:28 those who lie because others Expert, Expertness. See also Skill
lie are not e. from God’s justice; 70:10 none Alma 10:31 Zeezrom one of most e. law-
are e. from law of consecration; 107:81 no yers in Ammonihah; 11:21 Zeezrom e. in
member of Church is e. from council of devices of devil; 18:3 Lamoni’s flocks can-
Church. not be scattered because of e. of Ammon2;
Exercise. See Conscience; Dominion; Hel. 2:4 Gadianton is e. in many words;
Faith; Power 3:7 Nephites become e. in working of ce-
ment; Ether 8:8 daughter of Jared3 is ex-
Exhort, Exhortation. See also Entreat; ceedingly e.
Persuade; Preach; Urge; Warn
1 Ne. 8:37 Lehi1 e. sons to hearken; 17:15 Expound. See also Preach; Teach
Nephi 1 e. his brethren to faithfulness; Alma 18:38 Ammon2 e. all records and
Exquisite INDEX 98
scriptures since time of Lehi1; 22:13 Aaron3 glory of God; 29:19 e. of wicked shall fall
e. all scriptures from creation of Adam; from sockets; 38:2 all things present before
3 Ne. 23:14 Christ e. all scriptures in one; the Lord’s e.; 43:32 (63:51; 101:31) righteous
26:3 Christ e. all things from Creation to shall be changed in twinkling of e.; 58:3
his coming in glory. man cannot behold design of God with
D&C 20:42, 46, 50 duty of priesthood natural e.; 59:17–19 good things of earth
bearers to e.; 24:5 continue e. all scripture made to please e.; 76:10 the Lord to reveal
to Church; 68:1 elders to reason and e. all secrets which e. hath not seen; 76:12 (110:1)
scriptures; 97:5 the Lord to bless Parley P. our e. were opened and understandings en-
Pratt in e. all scriptures and mysteries; lightened; 76:19 (110:1) the Lord touched e.
100:11 the Lord to give Sidney Rigdon of understandings, and they were opened;
power to be mighty in e. scriptures. 77:4 e. of beasts explained; 84:69 elders
shall open e. of blind; 84:98 all shall see
Exquisite e. to e.; 88:11 light is through him who en-
Alma 36:21 nothing so e. and bitter as lightens your e.; 110:3 the Lord’s e. were as
pains of Alma2, and nothing so e. and sweet flame; 121:2 how long shall the Lord’s pure
as his joy. e. behold wrongs of his people; 121:24 the
D&C 19:15 repent, lest sufferings be so e. Lord’s e. see all; 131:7 spirit matter can only
that you know not. be discerned by purer e.
Moses 1:11 Moses beholds God with
Extinct spiritual e.; 5:10 because of transgression,
Alma 36:15 oh, that I could become e. Adam’s e. are opened; 6:35 anoint thine e.
both soul and body; 45:11 Nephites shall with clay; 6:36 Enoch2 beholds things not
become e.; Hel. 11:10 band of Gadianton visible to natural e.
have become e.; 3 Ne. 3:8 Giddianhi threat-
ens to slay Nephites until they become e. Ezias—a prophet
Hel. 8:20 testified of Christ.
Eye. See also See; Sight
1 Ne. 22:23 churches built up to become Ezrom—Nephite money. See also Money,
popular in e. of world; 2 Ne. 9:44 Nephi1 Nephite
prays that God will view him with all- Alma 11:6, 12 as great as four senums.
searching e.; 15:21 (Isa. 5:21) wo unto wise
in their own e.; 16:10 (Isa. 6:10) shut e. of Face. See also Countenance; God, Presence
this people, lest they see with their e.; of; Visage
27:12 book shall be hid from e. of world; 2 Ne. 9:38 those who die in their sins
27:29 (Isa. 29:18) e. of blind shall see out shall return to God, see his f.; 23:8 (Isa.
of obscurity; Jacob 2:10 Jacob2 must tell 13:8) men’s f. shall be as flames; 33:11 you
Nephites of their wickedness under glance and I shall stand f. to f. before Christ’s bar;
of piercing e. of God; Mosiah 12:22 (15:29; Mosiah 13:5 Abinadi’s f. shines as Moses
16:1; Alma 36:26; 3 Ne. 16:18; 20:32; Isa. on mount Sinai; Hel. 5:36 f. of Nephi2 and
52:8) they shall see e. to e.; 18:21 Alma 1 Lehi4 shine as f. of angels; 3 Ne. 9:11 the
commands that there should be no con- Lord destroys cities to hide their wicked-
tention, but that people look forward with ness from before his f.; 13:16 (Matt. 6:16)
one e.; 27:22 priests pray that Alma2 might when hypocrites fast, they disfigure their f.
receive strength, that e. of people might D&C 17:1 (50:11) brother of Jared2 talked
be opened to goodness of God; Alma 5:15 with the Lord f. to f.; 84:22 without priest-
(32:40) look forward with e. of faith; 3 Ne. hood no man can see f. of the Father and
2:2 Satan blinds people’s e.; 12:38 (Ex. live; 84:23 Moses sought to sanctify his peo-
21:24; Lev. 24:20; Matt. 5:38) it is written, e. ple, that they might behold f. of God; 88:68,
for e.; 13:22 (Matt. 6:22) light of body is e.; 95 (124:8) f. of the Lord shall be unveiled;
14:3 (Matt. 7:3) why beholdest thou mote 93:1 obedient shall see the Lord’s f.; 101:38
in brother’s e., but not beam in own e.; seek f. of the Lord always; 107:49 Enoch2
26:15 Christ opens e. of blind; 28:8 Three was before the Lord’s f. continually; 124:8
Nephites to be changed in twinkling of e.; in day of visitation the Lord will unveil f.
Morm. 8:15 plates to be brought to light of his covering; 130:15–16 Joseph Smith to
with e. single to God’s glory; Ether 12:19 see the Lord’s f.; 133:49 sun shall hide f. in
many see with their e. things which they shame; 138:21 spirits of rebellious did not
behold with e. of faith. look on the Savior’s f.
D&C 1:1 (38:7; 67:2) the Lord’s e. are Moses 1:2, 31 God speaks to Moses f. to f.;
upon all men; 1:2 no e. that shall not see; 7:4 Enoch2 talks with God f. to f.; Abr. 3:11
4:5 (27:2; 55:1; 59:1; 82:19; 88:67) e. single to Abraham talks with the Lord f. to f.
99 INDEX Faith
f. in the Lord, they may become sanctified; against failing in f.; 63:9–11 signs come
12:4 hope comes of f.; 12:6 receive no wit- by f., not by will of men; 63:11 without
ness until after trial of f.; 12:7 by f. Christ f. no man pleases God; 63:16 adulterers
showed himself; 12:10 by f. were they of deny f.; 68:25 parents to teach children f.
old called after holy order; 12:11 by f. was in Christ; 88:118 (109:7) as all have not f.,
law of Moses given; 12:12 without f. among teach one another words of wisdom; 88:118
men, God can do no miracle among them; (109:14) seek learning by study and by f.;
12:14–15 f. of missionaries caused change 88:119 (109:8, 16) temple to be house of
among Lamanites; 12:28 f., hope, charity f.; 93:51 by Saints’ prayer of f. with one
bring men unto the Lord; 12:30 the Lord consent, the Lord to uphold missionary;
works after men have f.; Moro. 3:3 re- 105:19 Saints brought thus far for trial of
mission of sins comes through Christ, by f.; 105:24 boast not of f.; 107:22 Presidency
endurance of f. on his name; 6:4 Christ upheld by f. of Church; 107:30 decisions of
is author and finisher of f.; 7 the words quorums to be made in f.; 136:42 keep my
of Mormon2 on f., hope, charity; 7:26 by commandments lest your f. fail; 138:32–33
f. men become sons of God; 7:26 whatso- those who die without knowledge of God
ever ye ask in f., believing that ye shall will be taught f. in God.
receive, it shall be done; 7:33 (10:23) if ye Moses 6:23 f. was taught to children of
have f. in Christ, ye shall have power to do men; 7:13 great f. of Enoch2; 7:47 through f.
whatsoever is expedient in him; 7:41 hope Enoch2 is in bosom of the Father; A of F 1:4
to be raised unto life eternal because of f. one of first principles of gospel.
f. in Christ; 7:42 without f. there cannot
be any hope; 7:43 man cannot have f. and Faithful, Faithfulness. See also Dili-
hope save he shall be meek; 10:4 if ye ask gence; Faith; Obedience; Righteousness;
with f. in Christ, God will manifest truth Steadfast; Work [noun]; Worthy; Zeal
unto you. 1 Ne. 3:16 let us be f. in keeping the
D&C 1:21 commandments given that f. Lord’s commandments; 2 Ne. 6:11 many
might increase; 3:20 glorified through f. in shall not be suffered to perish, because of
the Lord’s name; 4:5–6 f. is qualification prayers of f.; 21:5 (30:11; Isa. 11:5) f. shall be
for work; 5:24, 28 blessing promised on girdle of his reins; 26:15 prayers of f. shall
condition of f.; 6:19 have f.; 8:1 knowledge be heard; Mosiah 2:41 if righteous hold
granted by f.; 8:10 (18:19) without faith you out f. to end, they are received into heaven;
can do nothing; 8:11 (11:10, 14, 17; 52:20) 10:13 Nephi1 favored of the Lord because
according to f. shall it be done; 10:47, 49, more f. in keeping commandments; Alma
52 desires are granted according to f. in 5:13 fathers saved because they were f. un-
prayers; 12:8 f. required for establishment til end; 3 Ne. 27:19 garments washed in
of God’s work; 14:8 ask in f.; 17:2–3, 5, 7 sa- Christ’s blood because of f. unto end; Ether
cred things to be shown by f.; 17:3 Three 4:19 he who is found f. unto the Lord’s
Witnesses see plates by f.; 18:18 ask in f. name shall dwell in kingdom.
and you shall have the Holy Ghost; 19:31 D&C 1:37 (71:11) search commandments,
declare repentance and f. on the Savior; for they are true and f.; 3:8 Joseph Smith
20:25, 29 endure in f. to end; 21:5 receive should have been f.; 5:35 if thou art f., thou
word in patience and f.; 26:2 all things shalt be lifted up; 6:13 (31:13) hold out f. to
you shall receive by f.; 27:17 shield of f. end; 6:37 be f., and ye shall inherit king-
quenches adversary’s darts; 29:6 whatso- dom of heaven; 9:13 be f. and yield to no
ever ye ask in f., ye shall receive; 29:42 an- temptation; 27:18 if f. till the Lord comes,
gels declare to Adam redemption through ye shall be caught up; 42:66 observe laws
f. on the Son; 33:12 men must have f. or and be f.; 46:14 men to have eternal life if
they cannot be saved; 33:15 whoso has they continue f.; 51:19 whoso is found f.
f. should be confirmed; 35:9 whoso asks steward shall enter joy of the Lord; 52:4 if
in f. shall cast out devils; 35:11 without f. missionaries are f., they shall know what to
nothing will be shown; 41:3 by prayer of do; 52:5 if people are f., land of inheritance
f. ye shall receive my law; 42:14 the Spirit to be made known; 52:13 (101:61; 117:10;
given by prayer of f.; 42:23 (63:16) he who 124:113; 132:53) he who is f. in least is also
looks upon woman to lust shall deny f.; f. in much; 52:34 f. to be blessed with much
42:48–52 he who has f. in the Lord to be fruit; 52:42 f. to assemble themselves; 52:43
healed shall be healed; 44:2 if they exer- the Lord to crown f. with joy; 58:2 he who
cise f., the Lord will pour out his Spirit; is f. in tribulation will receive greater re-
46:19–20 spiritual gift of f. to be healed or ward; 59:4 (75:5; 79:3; 81:6) they who are
to heal; 53:3 elders to preach f.; 61:9 (63:20; f. and diligent before the Lord shall be
76:53) overcome through f.; 61:18 warning crowned with blessings; 60:3 if not f., that
101 INDEX False
which they have shall be taken away; 62:5 Fall of Man. See also Adam; Carnal;
(81:5) be f.; 62:6 f. shall be preserved; 62:9 Death, Physical; Death, Spiritual; Fruit,
(75:13) the Lord is with f. always; 63:37 Forbidden; Jesus Christ, Atonement
every man should take f. upon his loins; through; Nature; Resurrection; Sin;
63:47 (75:16, 22) f. to overcome world; 66:8 Transgression; tg Fall of Man; bd Fall of
he who is f. shall be made strong; 70:17 Adam
the Lord’s servants have been f. over many 1 Ne. 10:6 all mankind were in lost and
things; 72:4 he who is f. and wise in time fallen state; 2 Ne. 2:4 way is prepared from
will inherit the Father’s mansions; 78:22 F. of m.; 2:19 after partaking of forbidden
(81:6; 106:8) f. steward shall inherit all fruit, Adam and Eve were driven from
things; 83:3 those not f. shall be denied Eden; 2:25 Adam fell that men might be;
fellowship in Church; 84:33 whoso is f. in 9:6 Resurrection must come unto man
obtaining two priesthoods will be sancti- by reason of F.; 9:6 F. came by reason of
fied; 84:80 those who preach gospel and transgression; Mosiah 3:11 Christ’s blood
continue f. shall not be weary in mind; atones for sins of those who have fallen
98:12 the Lord gives unto f. line upon line; by transgression of Adam; 3:16 in Adam,
103:36 all victory and glory brought to pass or by nature, children f.; 3:19 natural man
through elders’ f.; 104:82 victory promised has been enemy to God since F. of Adam;
to f.; 105:12 great endowment for f.; 121:44 4:5 knowledge of God’s goodness awakens
show increased love that he may know thy men to sense of fallen state; 4:7 Atonement
f. is stronger than cords of death; 124:55 prepared for all since F. of Adam unto
Saints to build house unto the Lord to the end of the world; 16:3 F. caused by
prove that they are f.; 132:44 wife of adul- serpent’s beguiling of first parents; 16:4
terer to be given unto him who has been mankind would have been endlessly lost,
f.; 138:12 spirits of those f. in mortality are had not God redeemed his people from lost
gathered in one place; 138:18 the Son de- and fallen state; Alma 12:22 by Adam’s F.
clares liberty to captives who have been all mankind become lost and fallen; 18:36
f.; 138:36 the Redeemer prepares f. spirits Ammon2 teaches Lamoni many things con-
of prophets to teach all dead; 138:41 Abra- cerning F. of m.; 22:13 Aaron 3 expounds
ham, father of f.; 138:57 f. elders of this dis- scriptures, laying F. of m. before Lamanite
pensation to teach dead. king; 22:14 since man had fallen, he could
Fall, Fell, Fallen. See also Apostasy; not merit anything of himself; 34:9 all
Descend; Fall of Man; Tumble mankind are fallen and lost; 42:6–7 first
1 Ne. 12:7 the Holy Ghost f. upon Twelve parents become fallen man, cut off tempo-
Apostles; 22:13 sword of abominable rally and spiritually; 42:9 F. brought upon
church shall f. upon own heads; 22:14 mankind spiritual death as well as tempo-
those who fight against Zion shall f. into ral; Hel. 14:16 mankind, being cut off from
pit digged to ensnare the Lord’s people; presence of the Lord by F. of Adam, are
2 Ne. 2:17 (Isa. 14:12; Luke 10:18; 2 Ne. dead as to things spiritual and temporal;
24:12) angel had f. from heaven; Hel. 13:5 Morm. 9:12 by Adam came F. of m.; Ether
(3 Ne. 20:20) within 400 years sword of jus- 3:2 because of F. our natures have become
tice shall f. upon this people; 3 Ne. 11:12, evil continually.
17 when Jesus had spoken these words, D&C 20:20 by transgression of holy laws
multitude f. to earth; 14:24–27 (18:13; Matt. man became fallen man; 29:40–41 man was
7:24–27) house built upon sand f.; 19:13 cast out of Eden because of transgression;
the Holy Ghost f. upon Nephite disciples; 93:38 God redeemed man from F.; 138:19
Ether 3:6 brother of Jared2 f. down before the Son preached to spirits doctrine of re-
the Lord; Moro. 2:3 the Holy Ghost f. on demption from F.
those on whom disciples laid hands. Moses 5:9 as Adam has fallen, he may be
D&C 1:16 Babylon shall f.; 29:14 (45:42; redeemed; 6:48 because Adam fell, we are;
88:87) stars to f. from heaven; 29:19 flesh 6:59 by reason of transgression cometh F.,
of wicked shall f. from bones; 76:27 son of which F. bringeth death; A of F 1:2 men
morning is f.; 84:80 hair of missionary’s will be punished for own sins, not for Ad-
head shall not f. unnoticed; 85:8 he who am’s transgression.
steadies ark shall f. by shaft of death; 88:87 False, Falsehood. See also Christs, False;
stars to f. as figs that f. from tree; 88:105 Churches, False; Deceit; Doctrine, False;
she is f. who made all nations drink wine Incorrect; Lying; Prophets, False; Wrong
of wrath; 101:53 watchman not to f. asleep
2 Ne. 25:18 no other Messiah shall come,
lest enemy come.
save f. Messiah; Mosiah 13:23 (Ex. 20:16;
Fallen. See Fall; Fall of Man Hel. 7:21) thou shalt not bear f. witness;
False Christs INDEX 102
3 Ne. 24:5 (Mal. 3:5) the Lord will be swift instituted in days of Adam; 118:3 I will
witness against f. swearers. provide for their f.; 136:11 you shall be
D&C 45: Intro. f. reports led to receiving blessed in your f.
of revelation; 50:2 many f. spirits have gone Moses 5:10 Adam prophesies concerning
forth in earth; 121:18–19 those who swear f. all f. of earth; 7:45 Enoch2 beholds all f. of
against the Lord’s servants to cause bond- earth; Abr. 2:11 in Abraham’s seed shall all
age or death will be severed from ordi- f. of earth be blessed.
nances; 122:5–7 if thou art in peril because
of f. brethren, f. accusations, these things Famine. See also Destruction; Hunger;
will give thee experience; 127:1 preten- Rain
sions of Joseph Smith’s enemies founded 2 Ne. 1:18 (Mosiah 1:17) because of hard-
in f.; 130:3 idea that the Father and the Son ness of hearts, descendants of Lehi1 are
dwell in man’s heart is f. visited by f.; 6:15 they who believe not
on the Messiah shall be destroyed by f.;
False Christs. See Christs, False 24:30 (Isa. 14:30) I will kill thy root with f.;
False Doctrine. See Doctrine, False Mosiah 9:3 Zeniff’s people smitten with
f.; Alma 9:22 the Lord has saved Israel from
False Priesthoods. See Priestcraft; f.; 10:22 if it were not for prayers of righ-
tg False Priesthoods teous, ye would be visited now by f.; 53:7
False Prophets. See Prophets, False Moroni1 delivers women and children from
f.; 62:35, 39 war between Nephites and La-
Familiar. See also Spirit, Evil manites caused much f.; Hel. 10:6 Nephi2
2 Ne. 18:19 (Isa. 8:19) they shall say, is given power to smite earth with f.; 11:4
Seek unto them that have f. spirits; 26:16 let there be f. in land to stir people up in
(Isa. 29:4) voice shall be as one that hath f. remembrance of the Lord; 13:9 and 400
spirit; Jacob 2:17 be f. with all. years will not pass away before the Lord
visits Nephites with f.; Ether 9:28 great f. to
Family. See also Brother; Child; Daughter;
destroy people if they do not repent; 9:30
Father; Household; Husband; Kindred;
Mother; Patriarch; Sister; Son; Wife; great dearth upon land.
tg Family, Children, Duties of; Family, D&C 29:16 hailstorm to destroy crops of
Children, Responsibilities toward; earth; 43:25 how oft has the Lord called
Family, Eternal; Family, Love within; upon nations by voice of f.; 87:6 with f.
Family, Patriarchal; bd Family shall inhabitants of earth feel wrath of
1 Ne. 2:2 the Lord commands Lehi1 to God; 89:13, 15 flesh should not be used,
take his f. and depart into wilderness; only in times of winter or f.
2 Ne. 2:20 Adam and Eve have brought Moses 8:4 f. in Methuselah’s day; Abr.
forth f. of all earth; Alma 43:47 ye shall 1:29 (2:1) f. in Chaldea; JS—M 1:29 f. in last
defend your f. even unto bloodshed; 3 Ne. days; JS—H 1:45 judgments to come with
7:14 tribes organized according to f.; 18:21 great desolations by f.
pray in your f.; Morm. 3:20 every soul Far
who belongs to human f. shall stand be- 2 Ne. 27:25 (Isa. 29:13) this people draw
fore judgment-seat; Ether 1:41 Jared2 and near the Lord with lips, but remove hearts
friends to gather their f. f. from him; Mosiah 5:13 how knoweth
D&C 19:34 impart all property, save for man the stranger who is f. from thoughts
support of f.; 20:47, 51 priests to exhort of heart.
members to attend to all f. duties; 23:3 Hy-
rum Smith’s duty is unto Church because Far West, Missouri
of f.; 51:3 portions appointed to every man D&C 113–15; 117–20 revelations received
equal according to f.; 52:36 elders to labor at F. W.; 115:7 city of F. W. to be holy and
with their f.; 57:14 the Lord’s servants to be consecrated; 115:8 commandment to build
planted in land of Zion with f.; 75:24 duty house of the Lord at F. W.; 115:17 city of
of Church to support f. of those called to F. W. to be built quickly for gathering of
preach; 75:28 every man obliged to provide Saints; 117:10 William Marks to preside in
for own f.; 83:2 women have claim on hus- F. W.; 118:5 Twelve to take leave of Saints
bands for maintenance of f.; 84:103 those in city of F. W.
who preach gospel and are given money
should send it to f.; 90:25 let f. be small as Fast. See also Faster; Fasting; Firmness;
pertaining to those who do not belong to Steadfast
f.; 93:48 Joseph Smith’s f. must repent; 93:50 1 Ne. 8:30 many hold f. to rod of iron;
Newel K. Whitney needs to set f. in order; Alma 1:24–25 withdrawal of some is great
107:41 patriarchal order of priesthood trial to those that stand f. in faith.
103 INDEX Fear
D&C 9:14 (54:2) stand f. in calling. provide for his family; 83 law of Church
concerning those who have lost husband
Faster. See also Swift
or f.; 84:14–16 priesthood received through
Mosiah 4:27 not requisite that man run lineage of f.; 85:7 names of Saints’ f. to be
f. than he has strength. found in book of law of God; 86:8 priest-
D&C 10:4 do not run f. than you have hood continues through lineage of f.;
strength. 107:40 patriarchal order from f. to son;
Fasting, Fast. See also Humble; Prayer; 112:32 keys have come down from f.; 128:18
tg Fast, Fasting; bd Fasts welding link necessary between f. and chil-
Omni 1:26 (4 Ne. 1:12) continue in f. and dren; 136:21 I am the God of your f.; 137:5
prayer; Mosiah 27:22 priests f. and pray for Joseph Smith saw his f. in celestial king-
Alma2; Alma 5:46 Alma2 has f. and prayed dom; 138:41 f. of faithful, Abraham; 138:53
many days to know things of himself; 6:6 Joseph F. Smith saw f. in spirit world.
children of God are commanded to gather Moses 3:24 man shall leave f. and mother
together oft and join in f. and prayer; 17:3, and cleave to wife; 4:4 Satan f. of all lies;
9 sons of Mosiah2 had given themselves to Abr. 1:2 Abraham becomes high priest,
much f. and prayer to obtain the Spirit; holding right belonging to f.; 2:10 Abraham
45:1 Nephites f. much and pray much; Hel. to be blessed by his seed as their f.; JS—H
3:34–35 humble part of people f. and pray 1:49 Joseph Smith commanded to tell f. of
oft; 3 Ne. 13:16–18 (Matt. 6:16–18) when vision.
ye f., be not as hypocrites, but appear Fatherless. See Orphan
not unto men to f.; 27:1 disciples unite in
mighty prayer and f. Fault. See also Transgression; Weak
D&C 59:13 on Sabbath prepare food with Alma 39:13 acknowledge your f.; 3 Ne.
singleness of heart that f. be perfect; 59:13– 1:25 those who had ceased practicing law
14 f. is joy; 88:76 commandment to continue of Moses confess their f.; Morm. 8:17 if
in prayer and f.; 88:119 (109:8, 16) establish there be f. in record, they be f. of man.
house of f.; 95:7 call solemn assembly that D&C 6:19 Oliver Cowdery to admonish
f. come up into ears of the Lord. Joseph Smith in his f.; 20:80 member over-
Father. See also Abraham; Family; taken in f. to be dealt with as scriptures
Forefathers; God the Father; Husband; direct; 88:124 cease to find f. one with
Mother; Parent; Patriarch; Son; tg Father; another.
God the Father, Elohim; Honoring Father Favored. See also Bless; Please
and Mother; Marriage, Fatherhood
1 Ne. 1:1 Nephi1 highly f. of the Lord;
1 Ne. 1:1 Nephi1 is taught in learning of 17:35 he who is righteous is f. of God; 2 Ne.
his f.; 15:18 the Lord made covenant with 1:19 O that ye might be choice and f. peo-
f. Abraham; 17:55 (Mosiah 13:20; Ex. 20:12) ple of the Lord; Alma 9:20 Nephites have
honor thy f. and thy mother; 21:23 (2 Ne. been f. above every other nation; Ether
6:7; 10:9; Isa. 49:23) kings shall be Israel’s 1:34 brother of Jared2 a man highly f. of
nursing f.; 2 Ne. 2:18 (9:9; Ether 8:25) devil the Lord.
is f. of all lies; 8:2 look unto Abraham, your
f.; 24:21 (Isa. 14:21) prepare slaughter for Fayette, New York
the Lord’s children for iniquities of their D&C 14 –18; 20 –21; 28 –40 revelations
f.; Enos 1:1 Enos2 knows his f. is just man; given at F.; 24:3 Joseph Smith sent to F.;
Mosiah 13:13 (Ex. 20:5) the Lord visits in- 128:20 voice of the Lord in wilderness of F.
iquities of f. upon children; Alma 28:5 cries
heard of f. mourning for sons, brother for Fear, Fearful. See also Afraid; Anxiety;
f.; 3 Ne. 11:29 devil is f. of contention; 25:6 Courage; Fear of God; Quake; Shake;
(Mal. 4:6; D&C 110:15; JS—H 1:39) the Lord Terror; Tremble; Worry
will turn hearts of f. to children and hearts 2 Ne. 8:7 (Isa. 51:7) f. not reproach of
of children to f.; Moro. 9:8 Lamanites kill men; Jacob 7:19 Sherem f. he has commit-
husbands and f. and feed flesh to wives ted unpardonable sin; Alma 1:18 many
and children. durst not steal for f. of law; 14:26 inhabi
D&C 2:2 (27:9; 98:16; 110:15; 128:17; tants of Ammonihah flee, for f. of de-
138:47) promises made to f. to be planted struction; Morm. 6:7 awful f. of death fills
in hearts of children; 27:10 Joseph, Jacob, breasts of wicked; Moro. 8:16 f. not what
Isaac, and Abraham, your f. by whom man can do; 8:16 perfect love casteth out f.
promises remain; 27:11 (29:34; 138:38) D&C 1:7 f. and tremble, for the Lord’s de-
Adam, f. of all; 29:48 great things required crees will be fulfilled; 3:7 (30:1, 11; 122:9)
of children’s f.; 75:28 every man obliged to you should not f. man more than God;
Fear of God INDEX 104
6:33 f. not to do good; 6:34 (35:27) f. not, Feast. See also Partake
little flock; 6:36 doubt not, f. not; 9:11 Oli 2 Ne. 9:51 f. upon that which perisheth
ver Cowdery f. to translate, then time was not; 31:20 (32:3) press forward, f. upon
past; 10:55 those who belong to the Lord’s word of Christ; Jacob 2:9 those who have
Church need not f.; 30:11 (122:9) do not f. not been wounded, instead of f. upon
what man can do; 38:15 f. not, for kingdom word of God, have daggers to pierce their
is yours; 38:30 if ye are prepared, ye shall souls; 3:2 f. upon God’s love.
not f.; 50:41 f. not, little children, for you are D&C 58:8 f. of fat things to be prepared
mine; 60:2 elders do not open mouths be- for poor.
cause of f. of man; 63:6 let rebellious f. and
tremble; 63:16 those who commit adultery Feeble. See also Weak
in hearts shall deny faith and shall f.; 63:17 D&C 81:5 strengthen f. knees.
f. will have part in lake of fire and brim-
Feed. See also Eat; Food; Nourish
stone; 63:33 (88:91) f. to come upon every
man; 67:3 Saints did not receive blessings 2 Ne. 21:7 (30:13; Isa. 11:7) cow and bear
because of f.; 67:10 if elders strip themselves shall f.; Jacob 2:19 seek riches for intent
from f., they shall see God; 68:6 be of good to do good—to f. hungry; Mosiah 4:26 to
cheer, and do not f.; 98:1 f. not, let your retain remission of sins, men must impart
hearts be comforted; 101:36 f. not even unto of substance, f. hungry; Alma 4:13 some
death; 136:17 f. not thine enemies. Nephites f. hungry; 3 Ne. 13:26 (Matt. 6:26)
Moses 1:20 Moses begins to f. and sees the Father f. fowls of air; Moro. 9:8 Laman-
bitterness of hell; 6:39 no man touches ites f. women upon flesh of husbands.
Enoch2 because of f.; JS—H 1:32 Joseph D&C 84:89–90 they who receive the
Smith’s f. soon leaves him. Lord’s servants f. them and shall not lose
reward; 112:14 f. my sheep.
Fear of God. See also Obedience;
Reverence; Worship; tg Fear of God Feel, Felt. See also Feeling; Handle; Touch
2 Ne. 12:10 (Isa. 2:10) f. of the Lord shall 1 Ne. 17:45 Laman1 and Lemuel cannot
smite wicked; 21:1–2 (Isa. 11:1–2) spirit of feel words of still small voice; Alma 5:26 if
knowledge and f. of the Lord shall rest ye have f. to sing song of redeeming love,
upon branch from Jesse’s roots; 27:34 chil- can ye f. so now; 26:16 Ammon2 cannot say
dren of Jacob1 shall f. God of Israel; Enos smallest part which he f.; 32:28 when ye f.
1:23 prophec ies of war and destruction swelling motions, ye will say seed is good;
keep Nephites in f. of the Lord; Mosiah 3 Ne. 8:20 inhabitants of land can f. vapor
4:1 Benjamin’s people fall to earth, for f. of of darkness; 11:14–15 (18:25) multitude f.
the Lord; 29:30 Nephites are commanded prints of nails in Christ’s hands.
to handle judicial matters in f. of the Lord; D&C 9:8 by burning in bosom you shall
Alma 19:15 f. of the Lord comes upon La- f. it is right; 101:8 in day of Saints’ trouble,
moni’s household; 36:7 Alma 2 and sons they f. after the Lord; 109:13 all who enter
the Lord’s house may f. his power; 112:13
of Mosiah2 fell to earth, for f. of the Lord
after their temptations, the Lord will f.
came upon them; 39:12 Alma2 commands
after Twelve; 129:5–8 man can f. angel’s
Corianton, in f. of the Lord, to refrain from
hand, but not spirit’s.
iniquities; 60:28 Moroni1 does not f. civil
authority but he f. God; 3 Ne. 4:10 Neph- Feeling. See also Feel; Passion
ites do not f. robbers, but they f. God; 25:2 1 Ne. 8:37 Lehi 1 exhorts Laman 1 and
unto those who f. the Lord’s name will the Lemuel with f. of tender parent; 17:45
Son of Righteousness arise with healing (Moro. 9:20) Laman1 and Lemuel are past
in wings; Morm. 9:27 work out your salva- f., cannot feel words of still small voice;
tion with f. and trembling before the Lord; 2 Ne. 4:12 Lehi1 had spoken according to f.
Ether 3:6 brother of Jared2 is struck with f. of heart; Jacob 2:7 f. of wives and children
when he sees the Lord’s finger. are tender and chaste.
D&C 10:56 those who do not f. the Lord
will tremble; 45:39 he who f. the Lord will Feet. See Foot
look for the Lord’s coming; 52:17 he who Fell. See Fall
trembles under the Lord’s power will be
made strong; 76:5 the Lord is merciful to Fellowship. See also tg Brotherhood and
those who f. him; 88:104 (133:38) f. God and Sisterhood; Fellowship; Fellowshipping
give glory to him. Hel. 6:3 Nephites and Lamanites f. one
Moses 6:39 f. comes on all who hear with another.
Enoch 2 ; 7:17 f. of the Lord is upon all D&C 83: 2 women are to have f. in
nations. Church; 83:3 those not faithful are denied
105 INDEX Fill
f. in Church; 88:133 Saints to receive each dream; 2 Ne. 27:28 Lebanon to be turned
other to f. in covenant; 134:10 religious so- into fruitful f.; Alma 26:5 f. was ripe and
cieties have right to deal with members missionaries thrust in sickle; 33:5 God was
regarding f. merciful when Zenos cried unto him in f.;
34:20, 24–25 cry unto God in your f.
Felt. See Feel D&C 4:4 (6:3; 11:3; 12:3; 14:3; 31:4; 33:3,
Female. See also Woman 7) f. is white already to harvest; 86:2 in
1 Ne. 8:27 spacious building filled with parab le of wheat and tares, f. is world;
people, both male and f.; 2 Ne. 10:16 those 88:51 kingdom likened to man who sends
who fight against Zion, both male and f., servants to dig in f.; 136:11 he who helps
shall perish; 26:33 the Lord denies none Saints move to Zion will be blessed in his f.
who come unto him, male and f.; Alma 1:30 Fierceness. See Wrath
Church members are liberal to all, both
male and f.; 11:44 restoration shall come Fiery. See Dart; Fire; Furnace; Serpent
to all, both male and f.; Ether 1:41 (2:1) Fig. See also Tree; bd Fig tree
Jaredites commanded to gather flocks, 3 Ne. 14:16 (Matt. 7:16) do men gather f.
both male and f. of thistles.
D&C 20:18 God created male and f. D&C 35:16 poor and meek will learn
Moses 2:27 (6:9; Abr. 4:27) male and f. parable of f. tree; 45:37 when f. trees shoot
created in image of the Son. forth leaves, summer is nigh; 88:87 stars to
Ferocious. See also Fury; Wild cast themselves down as f. that falls from
Enos 1:20 (Mosiah 10:12) Lamanites led f. tree.
by evil nature to become f.; Mosiah 17:17 Moses 4:13 aprons of f. leaves; JS—M
people of Noah3 shall be driven, even as 1:38 (Matt. 24:32) when f. tree puts forth
wild flock is driven by f. beasts; Alma 17:14 leaves, summer is nigh.
sons of Mosiah2 preach to hardened and Fight, Fought. See also Battle; Perse-
f. people; 47:36 dissenters become more cution; Struggle; War
wicked and f. than Lamanites; Hel. 3:16 1 Ne. 11:34 –35 (14:13) multitudes of
Nephites are no more called Nephites, be- earth shall f. against Apostles; 11:36 (2 Ne.
coming wicked and f. 10:16) those who f. against Apostles shall
Fervent. See Heat be destroyed; 22:14, 19 (2 Ne. 6:13; 10:13–16)
all who f. against Zion shall be destroyed;
Fever. See also Disease; Sick 2 Ne. 6:12 blessed are Gentiles if they f.
Alma 15:3, 5 Zeezrom sick with f.; 46:40 not against Zion; 25:14 wo unto them who
God prepares plants and roots to treat f. f. against God and his Church; 27:3 (Isa.
29:8) all who f. against Zion shall be as
Few. See also Scarce dream of night vision; 29:14 the Lord will
1 Ne. 14:12 numbers of Church of the show unto them who f. against Zion that
Lamb were f.; 17:43 f. Jews not destroyed he is God; Mosiah 4:14 ye will not suffer
shall be led into captivity; 2 Ne. 28:14 your children to f. one with another; 20:11
latter-day churches are all gone astray, people of Limhi f. for their lives; Alma 23:7
save a f.; Alma 21:12 f. believe on words Lamanites do not f. against God any more;
of missionaries; 33:19–20 f. understood 43:45 Nephites inspired by better cause f.
prophecies and types of Christ; 3 Ne. 7:7 for homes and families; 51:21 those who
f. righteous men among Nephites; 7:21 f. profess nobility are brought to f. for free-
are converted unto the Lord; 14:14 (27:33; dom; 53:17 sons of Ammonites enter cov-
Matt. 7:14) narrow is way, and f. that find enant to f. for liberty of Nephites; 56:56
it; Morm. 8:36 none save f. who do not lift sons of Ammonites f. with strength of God.
themselves up in pride. D&C 88:115 Michael shall f. Saints’ bat-
D&C 33:4 none good save f.; 59:4 Zion tles; 98:37 (105:14; 109:28) the Lord will f.
to be blessed with commandments not his people’s battles; 121:38 he who exer-
f.; 117:10 (124:113; 132:53) those who are cises dominion will be left unto himself
faithful over f. things will be made rulers to f. against God.
over many; 121:34, 40 many called, but f.
chosen; 132:22 f. find way that leads to ex-
Fill. See also Full
altation; 138:26 f. hearkened to the Savior 1 Ne. 1:12 as Lehi1 reads book, he is f.
during ministry among Jews. with the Spirit; 14:3 pit shall be f. by those
who digged it; Mosiah 2:4 by keeping com-
Field mandments, Nephites might be f. with love
1 Ne. 8:9, 20 Lehi 1 beholds large f. in toward God and men; Alma 8:30 Alma2 and
Filthiness INDEX 106
Amulek are f. with the Holy Ghost; 38:12 D&C 88:35 those who will to abide in sin
bridle passions, that ye may be f. with love; must remain f.
3 Ne. 12:6 (Matt. 5:6) blessed are those who Moses 7:48 when shall earth be cleansed
hunger and thirst after righteousness, for from f.
they shall be f. with the Holy Ghost; 18:5,
Final. See also End; Last
9 when multitude has partaken of bread
and wine, they are f.; 19:13 those baptized 1 Ne. 15:35 f. state of men’s souls is to
are f. with the Holy Ghost and fire; 20:8–9 dwell in kingdom of God or to be cast
when multitude has partaken of bread out; Mosiah 2:38–39 f. doom of those who
and wine, they are f. with the Spirit; 27:16 repent not is to endure never-ending tor-
whoso repents and is baptized shall be f.; ment; Alma 34:35 f. state of wicked is that
Moro. 7:47–48 pray unto the Father that ye devil has all power over them.
may be f. with pure love of Christ; 8:26 the Find, Found. See also Blameless; Spotless;
Comforter f. with hope and perfect love. Unclean
D&C 11:13 the Spirit shall fill your soul 1 Ne. 10:19 (3 Ne. 14:7; Matt. 7:7) he who
with joy; 27:7 John the Baptist was f. with diligently seeks shall f.; Jacob 4:8 impos-
spirit of Elias; 33:8, 10 open your mouths sible that man should f. out all the Lord’s
and they shall be f.; 49:17 earth to be f. with ways; Mosiah 5:8–9 whosoever enters cov-
measure of man; 65:2 (109:72; Dan. 2:34–38, enant with God and is obedient shall be f.
44–45) stone cut out without hands shall at his right hand; Alma 32:13 whosoever
f. earth; 75:21 elders shall be f. with joy; repents shall f. mercy; 3 Ne. 14:14 (27:33;
84:27 John the Baptist was f. with the Holy Matt. 7:14) narrow is way, and few that f.
Ghost from mother’s womb; 84:32 sons of it; Moro. 6:7 whoso is f. to commit iniquity
Moses and Aaron1 shall be f. with glory of is brought before elders.
the Lord; 84:98 all shall be f. with knowl- D&C 76:2 none can f. out extent of the
edge of the Lord; 88:12 light proceeds from Lord’s doings; 88:63 those who seek the Lord
God’s presence to f. immensity of space; diligently shall f. him; 132:22 f. narrow way
88:19 earth to f. measure of its creation; to exaltation.
88:67 if eye single to God’s glory, body
shall be f. with light; 88:67 body f. with Finger
light comprehends all things; 88:107 Saints Alma 10:2 writing on wall of temple
shall be f. with God’s glory; 109:74 glory of written by f. of God; Ether 3:6–9, 19 (12:20–
the Lord to f. earth. 21) brother of Jared2 sees f. of the Lord.
Moses 1:24 Moses is f. with the Holy Finish. See also End; Finisher
Ghost; 5:10 Adam blesses God and is f.; 6:32
open thy mouth and it shall be f.; 8:28, 30 Alma 14:13 work of Alma2 and Amulek
earth is f. with violence; Abr. 1:15 Abraham is not f.
is f. with vision of the Almighty; JS—H D&C 19:2 Christ f. will of the Father;
76:85 resurrection of telestial beings must
1:73 Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery are
wait until Christ f. his work; 77:12 on sev-
f. with the Holy Ghost.
enth day God f. his work; 88:106 seventh
Filthiness, Filthy. See also Corrupt; angel to say, It is f.
Defile; Evil; Pollute; Spot; Stain;
Unclean; Wicked Finisher
1 Ne. 12:16 (15:27) Nephi 1 sees foun- Moro. 6:4 Christ is author and f. of be-
tain of f. water in vision; 12:23 (Enos 1:20) lievers’ faith.
Lamanites to become f. people; 15:33–34 Fire. See also Born of God; Burn; Cleanse;
(Alma 7:21) kingdom of God is not f.; 2 Ne. Destruction; Flame; Furnace; Hell; Holy
9:16 (Morm. 9:14) they who are f. shall Ghost, Baptism of; Purify; Remission;
be f. still; Jacob 3:3 land to be cursed for tg Earth, Cleansing of; Holy Ghost,
sake of those who are f. before God; 3:3, Baptism of; bd Fire
5 Lamanites are not f. like Nephites; 3:5 1 Ne. 1:6 pillar of f. comes down and
Nephites hate Lamanites because of their dwells on rock before Lehi1; 15:30 bright-
f.; Mosiah 7:30 if the Lord’s people sow f., ness of God’s justice is like brightness
they shall reap chaff in whirlwind; Alma of f.; 2 Ne. 6:15 they who believe not in
5:22 how will you feel to stand before bar the Messiah shall be destroyed by f.; 9:16
of God with garments stained in f.; 7:21 no (Mosiah 26:27) filthy shall go away into
f. can be received into kingdom of God; everlasting f.; 9:16, 19 (28:23; Jacob 3:11;
32:3 poor are esteemed as f. by Zoramites2; 6:10; Mosiah 3:27; Alma 12:17; 14:14) lake
Morm. 5:15 descendants of Lehi1 shall be- of f. and brimstone; 15:24 (Isa. 5:24) as f.
come f. people. devoureth stubble, root of wicked shall
107 INDEX First
be rottenness; 19:18 (Isa. 9:18) wickedness indignation is kindled; Abr. 2:7 the Lord
burneth as f.; 20:17 (Isa. 10:17) light of causes wind and f. to be his chariot.
Israel shall be for f.; 30:10 the Lord will
spare his people even if he must destroy
Firmament. See also Expanse; Heaven;
Star; Sun
wicked by f.; 31:13–14 (3 Ne. 9:20; 12:1;
19:13; Ether 12:14) baptism of f.; Jacob Moses 2:6–8 (Abr. 4:6) creation of f.
5:26, 37, 42, 45–47, 49, 58, 66 branches that Firmness, Firm, Firmer. See also
do not bring forth good fruit are cast into Endure; Fast; Fixed; Immovable;
f.; 5:77 the Lord will cause vineyard to be Steadfast; Unshaken
burned with f.; 6:3 world shall be burned 1 Ne. 2:10 Lehi1 admonishes Lemuel to
with f.; Mosiah 2:38 (Morm. 9:5) awareness be f. like valley; Jacob 3:1 look unto God
of guilt fills breast with anguish like un- with f. of mind; 3:2 if minds are f., ye may
quenchable f.; 19:20 Noah3 suffers death feast upon God’s love forever; 4:18 Jacob2
by f.; Alma 5:35, 52 those who bring forth will unfold mysteries if not shaken from f.
works of righteousness shall not be cast in spirit; Alma 24:19 when Lamanites were
into f.; 25:5 Amulonites cause many be- brought to believe truth, they were f.; 27:27
lieving Lamanites to perish by f.; Hel. 5:23 Ammonites are f. in faith of Christ; 34:41
Nephi2 and Lehi4 encircled as by flaming bear with afflictions with f. hope that ye
f.; 13:13 (3 Ne. 9:11) except for righteous in shall one day rest from afflictions; 48:13
city, the Lord would destroy it by f.; 3 Ne. Moroni1 is f. in faith of Christ; 57:27 minds
12:22 (Matt. 5:22) whosoever shall say to of Ammonites are f.; Hel. 3:35 more hum-
his brother, Thou fool, shall be in danger ble part of people wax f. and f. in faith of
of hell f.; 24:2 (Mal. 3:2) he is like refiners’ Christ; 6:1 Lamanites’ righteousness ex-
f.; 27:11 those who build church on works ceeds that of Nephites because of f.; 7:7
of men or devil will be cast into f.; 27:17 earlier Nephites were f. to keep command-
he who endures not to end shall be cast ments; 15:7–8 those who come to change
into f.; 4 Ne. 1:32 disciples cast into fur- of heart are f. in faith; 15:10 because of
naces of f.; Morm. 8:17 he who condemns Lamanites’ f., God will bless them; 3 Ne.
shall be in danger of hell f.; 9:5 when ye 6:14 Church broken up, except for few La-
are brought to see your nakedness before manites who are f.; Morm. 2:25 Nephite
glory of God, it will kindle unquenchable army stands before Lamanite army with
f. in you. f.; 9:28 ask with f. unshaken that ye will
D&C 7:6 the Lord will make John the yield to no temptation; Moro. 7:30 angels
Beloved as a flaming f.; 19:31 remission of show themselves unto them of strong faith
sins by baptism and by f.; 29:12 the Lord and f. mind.
to come in pillar of f.; 29:21 abominable D&C 5:22 be f. in keeping command-
church cast down by devouring f.; 29:28 ments; 138:14 spirits of faithful were f. in
devil and his angels cast into everlast- hope of Resurrection.
ing f.; 33:11 after baptism by water comes
baptism of f. and the Holy Ghost; 35:14 the First. See also Death, Spiritual; Estate;
Lord to preserve weak by f. of his indigna- Firstborn; Firstling; First Presidency;
tion; 43:32 earth shall pass away so as by Fruit; Resurrection
f.; 43:33 (63:34, 54; 101:66) wicked to suf- 1 Ne. 5:11 (Mosiah 16:3) Adam and Eve
fer unquenchable f.; 45:41 f. to be seen as our f. parents; 13:42 (Ether 13:12) last shall
sign of the Lord’s coming; 45:50 they who be f. and f. shall be last; 20:12 (Isa. 48:12)
have watched for iniquity shall be cast I am the f. and I am the last; 2 Ne. 1:29 if
into f.; 63:17 (76:36–37) lake of f. and brim- brethren of Nephi1 do not hearken unto
stone; 76:44 where devil reigns, f. is not him, Lehi1 will take f. blessing and give it
quenched; 76:105 those in telestial glory to him; Jacob 1:17 Jacob2 f. obtains errand
suffer vengeance of eternal f.; 97:7 tree from the Lord before teaching; 5:63 (Ether
not bearing good fruit shall be cast into 13:12) begin at last, that they may be f., and
f.; 97:26 the Lord will visit Zion accord- f. may be last; Alma 11:38–39 the Son is the
ing to her works, with devouring f.; 110:3 f. and last; 12:36 hardheartedness provokes
the Lord’s eyes as flame of f.; 128:24 he is the Lord to send down destruction, unto
like refiner’s f.; 130:7 angels reside in pres- last death as well as f.; 43:46 if not guilty
ence of God on globe like sea of glass and of f. or second offense, ye shall not suffer
f.; 133:41 presence of the Lord shall be as yourselves to be slain by enemies; 3 Ne.
melting f.; 137:2 gates of celestial kingdom 13:33 (Matt. 6:33) seek ye f. kingdom of God;
appear as circling flames of f. 20:26 the Father raised Christ up unto chil-
Moses 6:66 Adam is baptized with f. dren of the covenant f.; Ether 12:18 men f.
and the Holy Ghost; 7:34 f. of the Lord’s believe in the Son, then work miracles.
Firstborn INDEX 108
D&C 11:21 f. seek to obtain the Lord’s William Law given as counselors to consti-
word; 20:2, 5 (21:11) Joseph Smith, f. el- tute quorum of F. P.; 124:126 F. P. to receive
der of Church; 29:30 f. shall be last and oracles for whole Church.
last shall be f.; 29:32 the Lord created all
Fish. See also Animal; Whale
things f. spiritual, secondly temporal; 84:16
Adam was f. man; 88:59 all servants receive 3 Ne. 14:9–10 (Matt. 7:10) if son ask f.,
their lord’s countenance beginning at f. what man will give him serpent; Ether 2:2
and unto last, and from last to f., and f. to Jaredites carry f. with them in vessel.
last; 88:70, 74 f. laborers in this last king- Fishing River, Missouri
dom; 90:9 (107:33–35, 97; 133:8) gospel to be
D&C 105 revelation received at.
preached f. to Gentiles; 93:12–14 Christ re-
ceived not of fulness at f.; 95:7 the Lord of Fixed. See also Firmness
Sabaoth is creator of f. day; 110:4 Jehovah Enos 1:20 Lamanites’ hatred is f.; Alma
says, I am the f. and the last; 128:14 f. man 47:6 disobedient Lamanites are f. in their
is of earth. minds with determination not to go
Moses 1:34 (3:7) Adam was f. of all men; against Nephites; 58:12 small Nephite
JS—H 1:72 Joseph Smith to be f. elder of force is f. with determination to conquer
Church. enemies.
Firstborn. See also Church of the D&C 88:43 courses of heaven and earth
Firstborn; Firstling; tg Jesus Christ, are f.; 88:133 I receive you to fellowship in
Firstborn; bd Firstborn determination that is f. to be your friend;
128:17 Malachi had eye f. on restoration of
2 Ne. 2:1 Jacob2, my f. in days of tribu
lation; 4:3 Lehi1 speaks to children of his
f. Laman1. Flame. See also Fire; Sword
D&C 68:16–17 f. among sons of Aaron 2 Ne. 20:17 (Isa. 10:17) the Holy One shall
holds right of presidency over Aaronic be for f.; 23:8 (Isa. 13:8) their faces shall be
Priesthood. as f.; Jacob 6:10 (Mosiah 3:27) lake of fire
Abr. 1:3 priesthood, right of f., came and brimstone, whose f. are unquenchable;
down from fathers. Mosiah 2:38 sense of guilt fills breast with
First-Fruits. See Fruit anguish, whose f. ascends forever; Morm.
9:5 to see our nakedness before glory of
Firstling God will kindle f. of unquenchable fire.
Moses 5:5 Adam and Eve commanded
Flatter, Flattering, Flattery. See also
to offer f. of flock; 5:20 f. of flock offered Deceit; Hypocrisy; Lying
by Abel.
2 Ne. 28:22 devil f. men that there is
First Presidency. See also Presidency; no hell; Jacob 7:4 Sherem uses much f.;
Priesthood, Melchizedek Mosiah 11:7 people deceived by f. and vain
D&C 48:6 Saints to be gathered as ap- words of Noah3 and priests; 26:6 unbeliev-
pointed by P.; 68:15, 19 (107:17) high priests ers deceive many with flattering words; 27:8
may be appointed bishops by F. P.; 68:19– Alma2 did speak f. to lead people into iniq-
20 literal descendant of Aaron1 must be uity; Alma 17:31 Ammon2 f. fellow-servants
designated and ordained by F. P.; 68:22 by his words; 30:47 better that Korihor’s
bishops to be tried before F. P.; 81: Intro. soul be lost than that he bring down many
(90: Intro.) calling of F. P.; 81:2 keys of to destruction by flattering words; 46:7
kingdom belong to P. of High Priesthood; many in Church believe flattering words of
90:12–16, 32 duties of P.; 94:3 house to be Amalickiah; 61:4 those who seek judgment-
built for work of P.; 102:26–27, 33 (107:78– seat use much f. to lead away hearts; 3 Ne.
80) role of F. P. in appeals from Church tri- 7:12 Jacob4 f. dissenters that many would
bunals; 107:9 P. of High Priesthood to have join his band.
right to officiate in all offices; 107:22 three D&C 10:25–26, 29 Satan f. men.
Presiding High Priests form quorum of P.; Flee. See Flight
107:33 Twelve officiate under direction
of P.; 112:20, 30 the Lord has made F. P. Flesh. See also Body; Carnal; Man;
counselors unto Twelve; 112:30 power of Mankind; Mortal; Nature; Sacrament;
priesthood given to Twelve and F. P.; 117:13 Sensual; Temporal; Word; tg Flesh; Flesh
Oliver Granger to contend for redemption and Blood; Trust Not in the Arm of
of F. P.; 119:2 tithing required for debts of Flesh; bd Flesh
P.; 120 tithing to be disposed of by council 1 Ne. 17:35 the Lord esteems all f. in
including F. P.; 124:126 Sidney Rigdon and one; 22:18 destruction comes unto men
109 INDEX Flock
according to f. if they harden hearts; 22:22 when the Lord created man; 3:7 man be-
kingdom of devil established among them came first f. upon earth; 3:23 (Abr. 5:17)
which are in f.; 22:23 all who seek lusts of this is f. of my f.; 7:47, 54 Enoch2 saw com-
f. shall be brought low; 2 Ne. 2:5 by law no ing of the Son in f.; 8:17 all f. shall die.
f. is justified; 2:27 men are free according
to f. to choose life or death; 4:17 my heart
Flies. See also Plague
sorrows because of my f.; 4:34 I will not put D&C 29:18 God will send f. to eat wicked.
trust in arm of f.; 9:4–7 f. must waste away Flight, Flee, Fled. See also Depart;
and die; 9:53 Nephites’ seed shall not be Escape; Journey; Leave
utterly destroyed according to f.; 10:24 rec- 1 Ne. 4:36 sons of Lehi1 do not want Jews
oncile yourselves to will of God and not to to know of f.; 2 Ne. 1:3 the Lord has been
will of devil and f.; 28:31 cursed is he who merciful in warning people of Lehi1 to f.
makes f. his arm; Jacob 2:21 pride is abomi Jerusalem; Mosiah 20:12 speedy f. of La-
nable unto him who created all f.; Mosiah manites; Alma 50:33 Moroni1 sends army
7:27 (Ether 3:6, 8–9) God will take upon to head f. of people of Morianton2; Hel. 1:10
him f. and blood; 15:2 the Son shall subject speedy was f. of Kishkumen; 2:11 Gadian-
the f. to will of Father; 15:2–3 because the ton’s band takes f. out of land; 15:2 ye shall
Lord dwells in f., he shall be called the Son; attempt to f., and there shall be no refuge;
23:7 ye shall not esteem one f. above an- 3 Ne. 1:28 Nephite dissenters f. to robbers;
other; Alma 7:13 the Son suffers according 7:12 Jacob4 orders his band to take f. into
to f.; 3 Ne. 18:28–30 whoso eats and drinks northernmost part of land; 20:42 (21:29;
Christ’s f. and blood unworthily eats and Isa. 52:12) ye shall not go out with haste
drinks damnation to soul; 28:15, 39 Three nor go by f.; Morm. 5:7 those whose f. was
Nephites are sanctified in f., transfigured swifter than Lamanites’ escape.
from body of f. into immortal state; Ether D&C 45:68 those who will not fight
15:34 it matters not whether Ether is trans- neighbors must f. unto Zion; 54:7 f. land
lated or suffers will of the Lord in f.; Moro. to escape enemies; 58:56 (101:68) gather-
4–5 manner of administering Christ’s f. and ing not to be by f.; 124:106 inhabitants of
blood to Church; 9:8 Nephite women are earth to f. wrath; 133:12 let those among
fed f. of husbands. Gentiles f. unto Zion; 133:13 Judah to f.
D&C 1:19 not trust in arm of f.; 18:11 unto Jerusalem; 133:15 let not your f. be
(138:17) the Lord suffered death in f.; 20:26 in haste; 133:58 two shall put tens of thou-
the Son came in meridian of time in f.; sands to f.
20:40 sacrament bread is emblem of Christ’s Moses 6:34 mountains shall f. before
f.; 29:18 God will send flies to eat men’s f.; Enoch2; 7:69 Zion is f.; JS—M 1:17 (Matt.
36:6 hate garments spotted with f.; 38:11 24:20) pray that your f. be not in winter.
(112:23) all f. is corrupted before the Lord;
38:16 (61:6; 101:16) all f. is the Lord’s; 49:16 Flock. See also Church of God; Congrega-
man and wife shall be one f.; 49:21 wo unto tion; Fold; Sheep
man who wastes f.; 61:15 no f. will be safe 2 Ne. 5:11 (Enos 1:21) Nephites begin
upon waters; 63:6 all f. to know the Lord is to raise f.; Mosiah 2:3 Nephites take first-
God; 67:11 no man has seen God in f. ex- lings of f. to offer sacrifice; 8:21 children
cept quickened by the Spirit; 76:73 (88:99; of men are wild f. which f leeth from
138:10, 34; 1 Pet. 4:6) spirits of dead to be shepherd; 9:12 Lamanites bring people
judged according to men in f.; 76:74 teles- of Zeniff into bondage, to feast on f.; 10:2
tial glory includes those who accepted not Zeniff guards his people and f.; 17:17 peo-
gospel in f.; 84:21 power of godliness not ple of Noah3 shall be driven as wild f. is
manifest unto men in f. without priest- driven by wild beasts; Alma 5:59 if wolf
hood; 86:9 ye are lawful heirs according to enter f. doth not shepherd drive him out;
f.; 89:12–13 f. of beasts and fowls ordained 17:25 Ammon 2 set to watch Lamoni’s f.;
for use of man; 93:4 the Lord made f. his 18:2 faithfulness of Ammon2 in defending
tabernacle; 93:11 the Lord dwelt in f. among f. astonishes Lamoni; 34:20, 25 cry unto
us; 95:4 the Spirit to be poured out upon all the Lord over all your f.; 3 Ne. 4:4 Neph-
f.; 101:16 all f. is in the Lord’s hands; 101:26 ites reserve f. and provisions for seven
enmity of all f. shall cease; 129:2 spirit has years’ subsistence; 20:16 (21:12; Micah 5:8)
not f. and bones; 130:22 the Father and the remnant of Jacob shall be among Gentiles
Son have bodies of f. and bones; 138:17, 43 as young lion among f. of sheep; Ether
bones to be clothed with f. in Resurrection; 1:41 Jaredites are commanded to gather
138:20 Christ went not among spirits who f.; 10:12 people of Morianton 1 become
had defiled themselves while in f. exceedingly rich in f.
Moses 3:5 (6:51) not yet f. upon earth D&C 6:34 (35:27) fear not, little f.; 88:72
Flood INDEX 110
the Lord will care for elders’ f.; 136:11 f. the Son down into water ye shall receive
Saints to be blessed in their f. the Holy Ghost; 31:16 unless man endure
Moses 5:33, 38 Satan tempts Cain be- to end, in f. Christ’s example, he cannot be
cause of Abel’s f.; Abr. 2:5 many f. in Haran. saved; Alma 4:15 Alma2 sees afflictions of
humble f. of God; 5:41 if man brings forth
Flood. See also Destruction; Noah1; Sea; good works, he f. the Good Shepherd; 5:57
Water; tg Flood, Noah’s all who desire to f. the Good Shepherd
Alma 10:22 people would not be de- must come out from among wicked; 37:45
stroyed by f., but by famine, pestilence, if we f. Christ’s words, they will carry us to
sword; 3 Ne. 11:40 (14:26–27; 18:13) when far better land of promise; 42:7 first par-
f. come, gates of hell stand open to receive ents became subject to f. after own will;
those built upon sandy foundation; Ether Hel. 6:5 many brought down to depths
2:24–25 Jaredites could not cross sea, save of humility to be humble f. of God and
the Lord prepared them against f.; 3:2 the Lamb; 3 Ne. 27:10–12 their works do f.
Jaredites to be encompassed about by f.; them that build church upon works of men
13:2 after waters receded, land became or devil; Morm. 9:24 (Ether 4:18) signs f.
choice. them who believe; Moro. 7:3 peaceable f.
Moses 7:34 (8:17) f. predicted because of of Christ shall enter rest of the Lord; 7:11
sin; 7:38 wicked shall perish in f.; 7:51 the servant of devil cannot f. Christ; 7:48 pure
Lord to stay f.; 8:24 Noah1 is warned of f. love of Christ bestowed upon all true f. of
the Son.
Flourish. See also Blossom; Enlarge;
Grow; Increase D&C 38:22 hear my voice and f. me; 56:2
(112:14) he who will not take up cross and
D&C 35:24 (39:13; 49:25; 64:41) Zion f. the Lord will not be saved; 59:2 (63:15)
shall f. works of those who die will f. them; 63:9
Flow (84:65) signs f. those who believe.
D&C 109:74 (133:40, 44) mountains to Folly. See also Fool; Foolish
f. down at the Lord’s presence; 133:26 ice 2 Ne. 19:17 (Isa. 9:17) every mouth speak-
shall f. down at presence of lost tribes. eth f.
Fly. See also Flies D&C 35:7 (63:15) f. of Gentiles shall
be made manifest; 45:49 they who have
D&C 88:92, 103 (133:36) angels f. through
laughed shall see their f.; 63:15 f. of adul-
terous members shall be made mani-
Flying Serpents. See Serpent fest; 124:48 Saints bring judgments upon
own heads by f.; 124:116 Robert D. Foster
Foe. See also Adversary; Enemy called to repent of f.; 136:19 f. of those who
D&C 121:8 Joseph Smith to triumph seek not the Lord’s counsel shall be made
over all f. manifest.
Fold. See also Flock; Sheep Font
1 Ne. 15:15 will not Israel come into true D&C 124:29 no baptismal f. upon earth
f. of God; 22:25 (3 Ne. 16:3; John 10:16) for baptism for dead; 128:13 f. is similitude
one f. and one shepherd; 2 Ne. 9:2 Jews to of grave.
be restored to true Church and f. of God;
Mosiah 18:8–10 those who desire to come Food. See also Eat; Feed; Fruit; Grain;
unto f. of God should be baptized; Alma 5:39 Herb; Meat; Nourish; Word of Wisdom
if ye are not sheep of the Good Shepherd, 1 Ne. 16:31–32 Nephi1 obtains f.; Mosiah
of what f. are ye; 26:4 thousands of Laman- 4:19 do we not all depend upon God for
ites have been brought into f. of God; 3 Ne. f.; Alma 8:20 Amulek imparts f. to Alma2;
15:17–21 ( John 10:16) the Lord has other 14:22 people of Ammonihah withhold f.
sheep not of same f. from Alma 2 and Amulek; 30:56 Korihor
D&C 10:59 other sheep have I not of goes from house to house, begging for f.;
this f. 58:7 Nephite armies about to perish for
want of f.; Hel. 4:12 Nephites withhold f.
Follow, Follower. See also Disciple; from hungry; 5:22 Nephi2 and Lehi4 cast
Example; Obedience; Saint into prison many days without f.; 3 Ne.
2 Ne. 28:14 all have gone astray save few 4:3 robbers could not exist for want of f.;
humble f. of Christ; 31:10 the Lamb says, F. Ether 6:4 Jaredites prepare all manner of
thou me; 31:10 can we f. Jesus save we keep f. for journey; Moro. 9:16 because of
the Father’s commandments; 31:12 f. me, armies, widows and daughters wander
and do things ye have seen me do; 31:13 by whithersoever they can for f.
111 INDEX Foreordination
D&C 42:43 sick should be nourished needs not f.; 88:139–40 ordinance of wash-
with herbs and mild f.; 49:19 (59:16–19; ing of f.; 110:2 paved work of pure gold
89:12) beasts ordained for use of man for f.; under the Lord’s f.; 128:19 how beautiful
51:8 agent to purchase f.; 59:13 on Sabbath upon mountains are f. of those who bring
prepare f. with singleness of heart; 59:17, 19 glad tidings.
good things of earth provided for f.; 89:16
all grain is good for f. of man. Footstool
Moses 3:9 (Abr. 5:9) tree good for f. 1 Ne. 17:39 (3 Ne. 12:35; Isa. 66:1; Matt.
5:35) earth is God’s f.
Fool. See also Folly; Foolish D&C 38:17 earth is God’s f.
1 Ne. 17:17 brethren call Nephi1 f.; 2 Ne. Moses 6:9, 44 (Abr. 2:7) earth is God’s f.
9:42 the Lord will not open to those puffed
up in learning, save they consider them- Forbid, Forbade, Forbidden. See also
selves f. before him; 29:6 f. shall say, We Commandments of God; Fruit, Forbid-
den; Hinder
need no more Bible; Hel. 9:21 ye f., how
long will the Lord suffer you to go on in 1 Ne. 8:28 those who are ashamed fall
this way of sin; 3 Ne. 12:22 (Matt. 5:22) away into f. paths; 14:28 Nephi 1 is f. to
whosoever shall say, Thou f., shall be in write remainder of what he saw; 2 Ne.
danger of hell fire; Ether 12:26 f. mock, but 26:28 none are f. to partake of God’s good-
they shall mourn. ness; 3 Ne. 18:22 ye shall not f. any man
from coming into meeting; 18:29 (4 Ne.
Foolish, Foolishness. See also Doctrine, 1:27) f. unworthy from partaking sacra-
False; False; Folly; Fool ment; 26:11 Christ f. Nephi3 to write all
1 Ne. 2:11 elder sons believe Lehi1 is led things from plates of Nephi; 26:16 (27:23;
away by f. imaginations of his heart; 2 Ne. 28:14) men are f. to write all of marvelous
9:28 O the f. of men; 26:10 for reward of things uttered or heard; 28:25 the Lord
their f., Nephites shall reap destruction; f. Mormon2 to write names of three who
28:9 many shall teach f. doctrines; Alma would never taste death; Morm. 1:16–17
8:11 (21:8; 30:13–14, 23, 27; 31:17) dissenters Mormon2 is f. to preach unto people; Ether
believe Church teaches f. traditions; 37:6 4:1 things written by brother of Jared 2
ye suppose this is f. in me; Hel. 12:4 how were f. to come unto men until after Cru-
f. are children of men; 13:29 how long will cifixion; 5:1 to translate sealed things is f.;
ye suffer yourselves to be led by f.; 3 Ne. 8:18–19 God has f. that men work in secret
14:26 (Matt. 7:26) those who hear Christ’s combinations; 13:13 Moroni2 is f. to write
sayings but do them not are likened to f. more of Ether’s prophecies.
man who builds house upon sand. D&C 49:15 whoso f. to marry is not or-
D&C 63:54 f. virgins among wise. dained of God; 49:18 whoso f. to eat meats is
Foot, Feet. See also Footstool; Trample; not ordained of God; 63:31 you are f. to shed
Tread blood; 64:27 f. to get in debt to enemies.
Abr. 1:23 Egypt signifies that which is f.
1 Ne. 11:24 (3 Ne. 17:10) many will fall
down at the Son’s f. and worship; Mosiah Forefathers. See also Father; Lineage
12:21 (15:14–18; 3 Ne. 20:40; Isa. 52:7) how 1 Ne. 3:3 (5:14; Alma 37:3) brass plates
beautiful upon mountains are f. of him contain genealogy of f.; 15:14 Lamanites to
who brings good tidings; Alma 36:7 earth come to knowledge of f.; Alma 7:10 Jerusa-
trembles under f. of Alma 2 and friends; lem, land of our f.
46:22 God may cast us at enemies’ f., even
as we cast garments at thy f., if we trans- Forehead
gress; 3 Ne. 11:14–15 multitude feels prints Alma 3:4 Amlicites mark themselves
of nails in Christ’s f. with red in f.
D&C 6:37 behold prints in the Lord’s f.; D&C 77:9 servants of God to be sealed
24:15 (60:15; 75:20; 99:4) elders to shake in their f.; 133:18 the 144,000 to have the
dust off f. as testimony against those who Father’s name written in their f.
reject them; 27:16 (112:7) f. shod with
gospel of peace; 45:48 the Lord shall set Foreknowledge. See God, Foreknowl-
his f. upon this mount; 45:51 Jews to ask edge of
Christ, What are these wounds in thy f.; Foreordination. See Calling; Election;
49:6 (58:22; 76:61) the Lord to put all en- God, Foreknowledge of; Premortal
emies under his f.; 84:92 (99:4) elders to Existence; tg Foreordination; Jesus
wash f. as testimony against those who Christ, Foreordained; Man, Antemortal
reject them; 84:109 head shall not say it Existence of
Foreshadow INDEX 112
Foreshadow. See also Shadow men f. one another, the Lord will f. them;
D&C 138:48 Elijah’s mission f. great work 84:41 no f. for those who break covenants;
to be done in temples. 95:1 the Lord chastens those he loves that
their sins may be f.; 98:40 f. enemy until
Forewarn. See also Warn seventy times seven; 98:44 when not to f.;
D&C 61:18 forewarn your brethren con- 132:27 blasphemy against the Holy Ghost
cerning these waters; 89:4 the Lord f. men shall not be f.
by giving Word of Wisdom by revelation. Moses 6:53 the Lord f. Adam his trans-
Forget, Forgot, Forgotten. See also gression in garden; JS —H 1:29 Joseph
Forgive; Remember Smith prays for f. of sins.
1 Ne. 21:15 (Isa. 49:15) can woman f. Form [noun]. See also Frame [noun];
her sucking child; 21:15 (2 Ne. 29:5) the Image; tg Holy Ghost, Dove, Sign of
Lord will not f. Israel; Alma 37:41 because 1 Ne. 11:11 the Spirit in f. of man; 11:27
mirac les were worked by small means, (2 Ne. 31:8) the Holy Ghost will abide upon
forefathers f. to exercise faith; 46:8 (Hel. Christ in f. of dove; Mosiah 13:34 God shall
11:36; 12:2) how quick do men f. the Lord; take upon himself f. of man; 14:2 (Isa. 53:2)
47:36 dissenters entirely f. the Lord; Hel. the Messiah hath no f. or comeliness; Alma
7:20 (12:2) how could you have forgotten 11:43 spirit and body shall be reunited in
your God in very day he has delivered perfect f.; 30:44 all planets which move in
you; 3 Ne. 2:1 people begin to f. signs and regular f. witness there is a Supreme Cre-
wonders given at Christ’s birth; 22:4 (Isa. ator; 30:53 devil appeared unto Korihor
54:4) thou shalt f. shame of thy youth. in f. of angel; 3 Ne. 20:44 (Isa. 52:14) the
D&C 9:9 stupor of thought shall cause Messiah’s f. was more marred than sons of
you to f. thing which is wrong; 133:2 the men; Moro. 7:30 angels show themselves in
Lord to curse all nations that f. God. every f. of godliness.
Forgive, Forgiven, Forgiveness. D&C 49:22 the Son comes not in f. of
See also Baptism; Confession of Sins; woman; 93:15 the Holy Ghost descended
Forsake; Jesus Christ, Atonement upon the Savior in f. of dove.
through; Pardon; Reconcile; Remission;
Repentance; tg Forgive Formation. See also Foundation; Founder
1 Ne. 7:21 Nephi1 frankly f. brethren; 1 Ne. 13:4 Nephi1 sees f. of great church
Enos 1:5 sins of Enos2 are f.; Mosiah 4:2 among Gentiles.
apply atoning blood of Christ that we may Formed [verb]. See also Creation;
receive f. of sins; 4:10 (Moro. 6:8) ask in sin- Formation; Framed [verb]; Make;
cerity of heart that God would forgive you; Organize
26:22 whosoever is baptized and believes 1 Ne. 21:5 the Lord f. me from womb;
in Christ’s name will the Lord freely f.; 3 Ne. 22:17 (Isa. 54:17) no weapon that is f.
26:29–30 whosoever confesses and repents against thee shall prosper.
should be f.; 26:31 f. one another your tres- D&C 77:12 God f. man from dust.
passes; 26:31 (3 Ne. 13:14–15) he who f. not
his neighbor’s trespasses brings himself Fornication, Fornicator. See also
under condemnation; Alma 39:6 not easy Adultery; Chastity; Lust; Whore;
for those who murder against light of God tg Fornication; Sexual Immorality
to receive f.; 3 Ne. 13:11 (Matt. 6:12) f. us Jacob 3:12 Jacob2 warns Nephites against
our debts, as we f. our debtors; 13:14–15 f.; Hel. 8:26 Nephites are ripening for de-
(Matt. 6:14–15) if ye forgive men their tres- struction because of murders and f.; 3 Ne.
passes, your Father will forgive you; Morm. 12:32 (Matt. 5:32) whosoever puts away
8:32 churches will f. sins for money. his wife, save for f., causes her to commit
D&C 1:32 (42:25; 58:42; 64:17; 68:24; adultery.
98:39) he who repents shall be f.; 29:3 D&C 35:11 (88:94, 105) Babylon made
(36:1; 50:36; 60:7; 62:3; 64:3; 84:61) your nations drink of wine of wrath of her f.;
sins are forgiven you; 31:5 thrust in your 42:74–75 those who put away spouse for f.
sickle and your sins are f.; 42:18, 79 he should not be cast out; 42:76 receive no
who kills shall not be f.; 42:25 he who f. if they are married; 42:77 f. must repent
forsakes adultery and does it no more to enter Church.
shall be f.; 61:2 (64:7) the Lord f. sins of
those who confess; 64:8 disciples did not Forsake, Forsaken. See also Forgive;
f. each other; 64:10 the Lord will f. whom Leave; Repentance
he will f., but men must f. all; 76:34, 38 no Mosiah 4:10 (Alma 39:9) repent of your
f. for sons of perdition; 82:1 inasmuch as sins and f. them; Alma 46:21 Nephites enter
113 INDEX Frame
covenant that they would not f. their Lord; world; 6:44 f. of earth is the Lord’s; 6:54
3 Ne. 22:7 (Isa. 54:7) for small moment children are whole from f. of world; 7:47
have I f. thee. the Lamb is slain from f. of world; Abr. 1:3
D&C 42:25 adulterers who repent and f. priesthood came down from before f. of
sin shall be forgiven; 53:2 f. world; 58:43 earth to present.
he who repents will confess sins and f.
them; 61:36 (124:90) the Lord has not f. his
Founded. See also Build; Foundation;
children; 66:10 (93:48; 98:11) f. all unrigh-
teousness; 88:83 he who seeks the Lord 1 Ne. 14:3 great and abominable church
shall not be f.; 93:1 every soul who f. his f. by devil; 3 Ne. 14:25 (Matt. 7:25) house f.
sins shall see my face; 93:37 light and truth upon rock does not fall because of floods,
f. evil one. winds, rain.
Fort, Fortify. See also Defence; Protect Founder. See also Author; Devil;
Foundation; Founded; Preparator
2 Ne. 10:12 the Lord will f. land against
all other nations; 26:15 the Lord shall raise 1 Ne. 13:6 (14:9, 17) devil is f. of great
f. against seed of Nephi1 and brethren. and abominable church; 2 Ne. 26:22 devil
is f. of secret combinations, works of dark-
Forward ness; Mosiah 15:18 how beautiful upon
D&C 128:22 go f., not backward. mountains are feet of f. of peace; 23:16
(29:47) Alma1 f. of Church.
Foster, James
D&C 124:138 one of seven Presidents of Fountain. See also River; Spring; Water;
Seventies quorum. Well [noun]
1 Ne. 2:9 Lehi 1 exhorts Laman 1 to be
Foster, Robert D. like river, continually running into f. of
D&C 124:115 to build house for Joseph righteousness; 8:20 strait and narrow path
Smith; 124:116 warned to repent and clothe leads by head of f.; 11:25 iron rod leads to
himself in charity; 124:117 to pay stock in f. of living waters; 12:16 f. of filthy waters
Nauvoo House. is depths of hell; Mosiah 18:5 Alma1 hides
Fought. See Fight by f. of pure water in Mormon; Ether 8:26
Moroni2 writes so that men may come to
Found. See Find; Founded; Founder f. of all righteousness; 12:28 the Lord is f.
Foundation. See also Cornerstone; of all righteousness; Moro. 7:11 bitter f.
Formation; Founded; Founder; Premortal cannot bring forth good water, nor good
Existence; Preparator; Rock f. bitter water.
D&C 85:7 the Lord to send one whose
2 Ne. 28:28 he who is built upon sandy
bowels shall be f. of truth; 133:39 worship
f. trembles lest he fall; Jacob 4:15–17 Jews
him who made f. of waters.
to reject only stone upon which they
might build safe f.; Alma 10:17–27 lawyers Fowl. See also Animal
and hypocrites are laying f. of devil; 13:3 2 Ne. 2:15 God created f. of air; Ether
those ordained were called and prepared 2:16 Jaredite barges are light like f. upon
from f. of world; Hel. 5:12 upon rock of water.
the Redeemer ye must build f.; 3 Ne. 11:40 D&C 29:20 f. shall devour wicked; 49:19
whoso declares more or less than Christ’s (89:12) f. ordained for use of man; 89:14,
doctrine builds upon sandy f.; 18:13 those 17 grain ordained for use of beasts and f.
who do more or less than these are built Moses 2:21 (3:19) creation of f.; 8:26 the
upon sandy f. Lord to destroy f.
D&C 1:30 elders given power to lay f.
of Church; 18:4–5 build Church upon f. of Frame [noun]. See also Body
gospel; 21:2 (136:38) Joseph Smith inspired 1 Ne. 17:47 Nephi1 is full of the Spirit,
to lay f. of Church; 45:1 the Lord laid f. of so that his f. has no strength; Mosiah
earth; 52:33 one man shall not build upon 2:26 Benjamin about to yield mortal f. to
another’s f.; 58:7 Saints sent to Missouri mother earth; Alma 11:43 (40:23; 41:4) limb
to lay f. of Zion; 64:33 ye are laying f. of and joint shall be restored to proper f.;
great work; 124:33, 41 (128:5) ordinances 19:6 light of everlasting life has overcome
prepared before f. of world; 130:20 (132:5) Lamoni’s natural f.; 3 Ne. 11:3 no part of
law decreed in heaven before f. of world; people’s f. that small voice does not cause
138:53 choice spirits reserved to lay f. of to quake.
great latter-day work. D&C 138:17 sleeping dust of dead will be
Moses 5:57 the Son prepared from f. of restored to perfect f.
Framed INDEX 114
first-f. unto God; Jacob 4:11 be presented Frustrated. See also Hinder
as first-f. of Christ unto God; 5:3–77 Zenos’s Alma 12:26 (42:5) if first parents could
parable of vineyard with good and evil f.; have partaken of tree of life, plan of re-
5:18 wild branches grafted into tame roots demption would have been f.; 3 Ne. 1:16
bring forth tame f.; 5:26 branches that have plan of destruction laid for believers is f.
not brought forth good f. shall be cast into D&C 3:1 purposes of God cannot be f.; 3:3
fire; 5:25–26 wild branches overcome tame it is not work of God that is f.
branches, so that corrupted tree brings
forth no good f.; 5:64 if grafted branches Fulfil, Fulfill. See also Accomplish;
bring forth natural f., tree shall be spared; Perform
5:65 branches bringing forth bitter f. shall 1 Ne. 20:14 the Lord will f. his word;
be cleared away; 5:74 trees become again 2 Ne. 9:17 (25:24; Alma 34:13; 3 Ne. 1:25)
natural f., and the Lord preserves unto God’s law must be f.; 10:17 the Lord will
himself natural f.; 6:7 after ye have been f. his promises; 25:7 (3 Ne. 16:17; 20:11)
nourished by word of God, will ye bring prophecies of Isaiah 1 shall be f.; 25:24
forth evil f.; Alma 5:36 whosoever brings Nephites look forward to Christ until law
not forth good f. shall have cause to mourn; shall be f.; 31:5 the Lamb baptized by wa-
5:62 be baptized unto repentance that ye ter to f. all righteousness; Alma 34:13 great
may be partakers of f. of tree of life; 12:15 and last sacrifice shall f. law of Moses; Hel.
(13:13; 34:30) bring forth f. meet for repen- 16:13–14 words of prophets, scriptures be-
tance; 26:30–31 Ammon2 and brethren can gin to be f.; 3 Ne. 1:25 law not yet f.; 5:14
see f. of labors; 29:17 may God grant that prayers of holy ones shall be f. according
those who are f. of missionaries’ labors may to their faith; 9:17 (12:46; 15:5) in Christ is
go no more out; 32:40 if ye will not nour- law of Moses f.; 28:7 three Nephite disciples
ish word, ye can never pluck of f. of tree of to live until all things shall be f.; Ether 12:3
life; 36:25 the Lord gives Alma2 great joy in by faith all things are f.
f. of labors; 40:26 wicked are consigned to D&C 1:7 what the Lord has decreed shall
partake of f. of their works; 42:3 the Lord be f.; 1:18 (42:39) that which was written by
places cherubim and flaming sword so that prophets will be f.; 1:38 (101:64) the Lord’s
Adam should not partake of f. of tree of word shall not pass away, but shall all be
life; Hel. 11:13, 17 Nephi2 prays the Lord f.; 3:19 plates preserved that God’s promises
to send rain, that earth may bring forth might be f.; 24:14 scriptures to be f.; 29:10
f.; 3 Ne. 14:16, 20 (Matt. 7:16, 20) ye shall that spoken by Apostles must be f.; 45:23
things I have told you shall all be f.; 45:25,
know them by their f.; 14:17–18 (Matt. 7:17–
30 times of Gentiles to be f.; 56:11 these
18) good tree brings forth good f., corrupt
words shall be f.; 58:31 have I promised
tree evil f.; 24:11 (Mal. 3:11) the Lord will
and have not f.; 58:33 some say the Lord’s
rebuke devourer that he shall not destroy f.
promises are not f.; 74:3 law of Moses was
of ground; Moro. 6:1 elders, priests, teach-
f.; 85:10 as the Lord speaks, he will also
ers not baptized save they brought forth f.
f.; 105:34 commandments concerning Zion
meet that they are worthy; 8:25 first f. of
and her law to be f.
repentance is baptism.
D&C 27:5 the Lord will drink of f. of Full. See also Fill; Fulness
vine; 52:17 he who trembles under the 1 Ne. 1:16 (6:3) Nephi1 does not make f.
Lord’s power will bring forth f. of praise account; Jacob 6:5 (3 Ne. 10:6; 12:24; 18:32;
and wisdom; 52:18 he who brings no f. Acts 11:23) come unto the Lord with f. pur-
forth is not of God; 52:34 faithful will be pose of heart; Alma 12:10 he who hardens
blessed with much f.; 84:58 bring forth not his heart shall know mysteries until he
f. meet for the Father’s kingdom; 89:11, knows them in f.; 34:27 let your hearts be f.,
16 f. in their seasons ordained for man’s drawn out in prayer unto the Lord; Morm.
use; 97:7 every tree that does not pro- 2:18 (5:9) Mormon2 makes f. account on
duce good f. will be hewn down; 97:9 the plates of Nephi, not upon these plates;
Lord will cause Saints to bring forth as f. Ether 3:17 Moroni2 does not make f. ac-
tree; 101:100 if Saints bring forth f., they count; 15:19 Satan has f. power over hearts.
will dwell in the Lord’s kingdom; 101:101 D&C 29:17 (43:26) cup of the Lord’s in-
Saints shall plant and eat f.; 132:30 Abra- dignation is f.; 87:6 consumption decreed
ham received promises concerning f. of will make f. end of all nations; 93:11 the
his loins. Only Begotten, f. of grace and truth; 101:11
Moses 2:11 (Abr. 4:11) let f. tree yield f. the Lord’s indignation to be poured out
after his kind; 2:28 (Abr. 4:22) God com- when cup of iniquity is f.; 104:17 earth is
mands Adam and Eve to be f. f. and there is enough and to spare; 107:56
Fuller INDEX 116
Adam is f. of the Holy Ghost; 121:45 let Fury. See also Anger; Ferocious; Passion;
bowels be f. of charity toward all men. Wrath
Fuller [noun] 2 Ne. 8:13 (Isa. 51:13) thou hast feared
continually every day because of f. of op-
3 Ne. 24:2 (Mal. 3:2) the Lord is like re-
pressor; 8:20 (Isa. 51:20) as wild bull in
finer’s fire and f.’s soap.
net, thy two sons are full of f. of the Lord;
D&C 128:24 the Lord is like refiner’s fire
Alma 52:33 Jacob3 leads Lamanites to bat-
and f.’s soap.
tle with exceeding f.; 3 Ne. 21:21 the Father
Fuller, Edson will execute f. upon those who do not come
D&C 52:28 to journey to Missouri. unto the Son.
D&C 101:89 the Lord to vex nation in
Fullmer, David his f.; 121:5 Joseph Smith asks the Lord to
D&C 124:132 member of high council. avenge his people in f. of his heart; 133:51
the Lord trampled people in his f.
Fulness. See also Abundance; Full; Gospel;
tg Plenty
1 Ne. 17:35 f. of God’s wrath was upon Gabriel. See also bd Gabriel
those who inhabited promised land be- D&C 128:21 voice of G.
fore Israel; 22:16 time will come when f. of
God’s wrath shall be poured out; 22:17 God
Gad. See also Gad, City of
will preserve righteous if f. of his wrath D&C 84:10 gave priesthood to Jeremy;
must come; 2 Ne. 1:17 because of hard- 84:11 received priesthood from Esaias.
ness of hearts, God may come out in f. of Gad, City of
his wrath; 2:3 in f. of time the Redeemer
3 Ne. 9:10 burned because inhabitants
comes to bring salvation unto men; 11:7
cast out prophets.
Christ comes in f. of his own time; 3 Ne.
27:30 Christ’s joy is great, even unto f.; Gadiandi, City of
28:10 disciples shall have f. of joy; Ether 3 Ne. 9:8 destroyed because of iniquity.
2:10 not until f. of iniquity are children of
land swept off. Gadianton—leader of robber bands
D&C 27:13 (76:106; 112:30; 121:31; 124:41; [c. 50 b.c.]. See also Gadianton Robbers
128:18–20; 138:48, 53) dispensation of f. of Hel. 2:4 expert in wickedness, becomes
times; 42:15 observe commandment con- leader of robber band; 2:11 flees with
cerning teaching until f. of scriptures is band; 2:13 almost proves destruction of
given; 59:16 f. of earth is yours; 76:20, 56, Nephites; 6:24 gave wicked laws; 6:26, 29
94 (88:29) those in celestial glory receive f. received secret oaths and covenants from
and glory of the Father; 76:76–77, 86 those devil.
in terrestrial and telestial glories receive
Gadianton Robbers. See also Gadianton;
of the Lord’s glory but not f.; 84:24 Lord’s
Kishkumen; Rob; Secret Combination
rest is f. of his glory; 93:4, 12, 16, 19, 27 the
Father gave of his f. to the Son; 93:12–13 Hel. 2:4 G. becomes leader of band of
the Son received not f. at first; 93:13 the Kishkumen; 2:11 flee out of land by se-
Son continued from grace to grace until cret way, into wilderness; 3:23 unknown
he received f.; 93:18 if faithful, Saints to to government, therefore not destroyed;
receive f. of John’s record; 93:27 no man 6:18 (7:25) include many Nephites, more
receives f. unless he keeps commandments; numerous among wicked part of Laman-
93:33 (138:17) spirit and element, insepa- ites; 6:18 called G.’s r. and murderers; 6:24
rably connected, receive f. of joy; 104:58 f. those who reveal their wickedness unto
of scriptures to be printed; 109:15 receive world are tried according to laws given by
f. of the Holy Ghost; 124:28 f. of priesthood G. and Kishkumen; 6:26–29 secret oaths
revealed; 132:6 everlasting covenant insti- and covenants given to G. by devil; 6:37
tuted for f. of the Lord’s glory. Lamanites hunt r., preach word of God, de-
Moses 7:67 righteous to receive f. of joy; stroy band of G. among Lamanites; 7:4 (8:1,
JS—H 1:41 f. of Gentiles soon to come. 27–28) fill judgment-seats, usurp power
and authority; 11:10 Nephites sweep away
Furnace. See also Fire; Oven band of G.; 11:24–26 dissenters form new
1 Ne. 20:10 (Isa. 48:10) I have chosen thee band, become r. of G.; 3 Ne. 1:27 r. dwell in
in f. of affliction; Mosiah 12:3 life of Noah3 mountains, cannot be overpowered; 1:29
shall be valued as garment in hot f.; 3 Ne. Lamanite children are led away by Zor-
28:21 (4 Ne. 1:32; Morm. 8:24) Nephite dis- amites2 to join G. r.; 2:11 r. spread death
ciples cast into fiery f., without harm. and carnage; 2:12 converted Lamanites and
117 INDEX Gate
Nephites unite against r.; 2:18 r. gain many Garment. See also Apparel; Clothing;
advantages because of people’s iniquity; Raiment; Robe
3:9 secret society of G. is of ancient date; 1 Ne. 4:19 Nephi 1 puts on Laban’s g.;
3:15 unless people repent and cry unto 12:10 g. made white in blood of the Lamb;
the Lord, they will not be delivered from 2 Ne. 7:9 (Isa. 50:9) all who condemn the
G. r.; 4 Ne. 1:42, 46 r. of G. spread again Lord shall wax old as g.; 8:6 (Isa. 51:6)
over land; Morm. 1:18 people try to hide earth shall wax old like g.; 8:24 (Isa. 52:1;
treasures because G. r. infest land; 2:27–28 3 Ne. 20:36) put on beautiful g., O Jerusa-
Nephites regain some lands from r. of G. lem; Jacob 1:19 Jacob2 and Joseph2 labor
Gadiomnah, City of that people’s blood might not come upon
their g.; 2:2 Jacob2 under responsibility to
3 Ne. 9:8 is sunk, hills and valleys in magnify office, that he might rid g. of his
place. people’s sins; Mosiah 12:3 life of Noah3 to
Gain. See also Advantage; Benefit; be valued as g. in hot furnace; Alma 5:21
Business; Profit; Riches; Wealth no man can be saved except g. are washed
1 Ne. 22:23 (4 Ne. 1:26) churches built white; 7:25 may the Lord bless you and
up to get g. will be consumed; 2 Ne. 26:29 keep your g. spotless; 46:24 as remnant of
priestcrafts are that men preach to get g.; g. of Joseph1 was preserved, so shall rem-
27:15–16 learned shall say, Bring book and nant of his seed be preserved; 3 Ne. 27:19
I will read, to get g.; Alma 11:3, 20 judges only those who wash g. in Christ’s blood
stir people up to wickedness to get g.; 30:35 can enter the Father’s rest; Morm. 9:35
(Mosiah 2:14; Alma 1:26) missionaries re- these things are written that we may rid g.
ceive no g.; Hel. 6:8 Nephites and Laman- of blood of our brethren; Ether 12:37 g. of
ites have free intercourse to get g.; 7:4–5 Moroni2 shall be made clean.
D&C 20:6 g. of angel, pure and white;
Gadianton robbers fill judgment-seats to
36:6 hate g. spotted with flesh; 42:40 let
get g.; 7:21 Nephites have forgotten God
beauty of g. be work of own hands; 42:42
to get g.; 3 Ne. 29:7 wo unto him who shall
idle shall not wear g. of laborer; 42:54
say to get g. that there can be no miracle;
thou shalt not take thy brother’s g.; 61:34
Morm. 8:14 no one shall have plates to
those who declare word shall rid g.; 82:14
get g.; 8:40 (Ether 8:16, 22–23; 11:15) secret
Zion must arise and put on beautiful g.;
combinations built up to get g.; Ether 10:22
88:85 Saints’ g. are not clean from blood
Jaredites traffic one with another to get g.
of this generation; 109:76 Saints’ g. to be
D&C 10:56 those who build up churches
pure; 112:33 cleanse your hearts and your
to get g. will tremble; 82:18 every man to
g.; 133:46, 48 the Lord to come down from
g. other talents; 130:19 if person g. more
God with dyed g.; 133:51 their blood have
knowledge in this life, he will have advan- I sprinkled upon my g.; 135:5 g. of Moroni2
tage in world to come. are clean; 135:5 all men shall know my g.
Moses 5:31 Cain is master of great se- are not spotted with your blood.
cret to murder and get g.; 5:50 Cain slew
Abel to get g. Garnish
Gall. See Bitter; bd Gall D&C 121:45 let virtue g. thy thoughts
Galland, Isaac
Gate. See also Door; Way
D&C 124:78–79 to put stock in Nauvoo
House. 2 Ne. 4:32 may g. of hell be shut continu
ally before me; 9:41 keeper of g. is the Holy
Game. See also Animal; Spurn One of Israel; 27:32 (Isa. 29:21) they who
3 Ne. 4:2 Nephites leave no g. for robbers lay snare for him that reproves in g. shall
in deserted lands; 4:20 wild g. in wilder- be cut off; 31:8–9 Christ’s baptism shows
ness becomes scarce; 29:8 ye need not any men narrowness of g.; 31:17–18 baptism and
longer make g. of Jews; Ether 10:21 Jared- repentance are g. by which men should
ites preserve land southward for wilder- enter; 33:9 men cannot be reconciled unto
ness, to get g. Christ except they enter narrow g.; Jacob
6:11 (3 Ne. 14:13; 27:33; Matt. 7:13) enter in
Garden. See also Eden, Garden of at strait g.; Hel. 3:28 g. of heaven is open
2 Ne. 8:3 the Lord will make Zion’s des- unto all who believe on Christ; 3 Ne. 11:39
ert like g. of the Lord; Hel. 7:10 Nephi 2 (Matt. 16:18) g. of hell shall not prevail
prays upon tower in g. upon those built on rock of Christ; 14:13
D&C 59:17–18 good things of earth for g. (27:33; Matt. 7:13–14) wide is g. which leads
made for benefit of man. to destruction; 14:14 (27:33; Matt. 7:14)
Gather INDEX 118
strait is g. which leads to life; 18:13 g. of among tares; 101:13 scattered shall be g.;
hell are open to receive those not built on 101:22 those who worship the Lord should
rock of Christ. be g. together; 101:64 work of g. of Saints
D&C 10:69 (17:8; 18:5; 21:6; 33:13; 98:22; may continue; 101:65 g. the Lord’s people,
128:10) g. of hell shall not prevail; 22:2 you according to parable of wheat and tares;
cannot enter at strait g. by law of Moses; 101:74 g. together and establish Zion; 105:15
22:4 enter in at g.; 43:7 he who is ordained lands consecrated for g.; 110:11 Moses com-
of the Lord shall come in at g.; 132:22 strait mits keys of g. of Israel; 133:4 those not
is g. to exaltation; 132:25 broad is g. to commanded to tarry should g. upon land of
deaths; 137:2 transcendent beauty of g. Zion; 133:7, 14 g. ye out from nations; 138:12
to celestial kingdom. spirits of just are g. in one place.
Moses 7:62 Enoch2 foretells g. of God’s
Gather, Gathering. See also Assemble; elect; JS—M 1:27 g. of elect compared to g.
Israel, Gathering of; Recover; Remnant; of eagles to carcass; 1:37 angels to g. elect
Restoration; Return; Scatter; Zion from four winds; A of F 1:10 we believe in
1 Ne. 22:25 (3 Ne. 16:5) the Holy One g. literal g. of Israel.
his children from four quarters of earth;
2 Ne. 10:8 (3 Ne. 21:1) the Lord will g. in Gause, Jesse
Israel from long dispersion; 21:12 (Isa. D&C 81: Intro. called as counselor in
11:12) the Lord shall g. dispersed of Judah First Presidency.
from four corners of earth; 23:4 (Isa. 13:4) Gazelem—name given to servant of God
tumultuous noise of kingdoms g. together;
Alma 37:23 the Lord will prepare unto
29:14 Israel shall be g. home unto lands of
his servant G. a stone.
possessions, and the Lord’s word shall be
g. in one; Mosiah 18:25 one day in week Genealogy. See also Descendant; Father;
set apart for people to g. to worship; Alma Forefathers; Lineage; tg Genealogy and
6:6 children of God are commanded to g. Temple Work; bd Genealogy
oft in fasting and prayer; 3 Ne. 10:6 (Matt. 1 Ne. 3:3, 12 (5:14, 16; Alma 37:3) brass
23:37; Luke 13:34) how oft will I g. you as plates contain g. of forefathers; Jarom
hen g. her chickens; 13:26 (Matt. 6:26) be- 1:1 (Omni 1:1) Jarom writes, that g. may
hold fowls, for they do not g. into barns; be kept; Omni 1:18 Zarahemla gives g. of
20:18 the Lord will g. his people as man g. fathers.
his sheaves. D&C 85:4 g. not kept for those who re-
D&C 6:32 where two or three are g., there ceive not inheritance by consecration.
is the Lord; 10:65 (29:2; 43:24) the Lord Moses 6:8 g. kept of children of God;
will g. them as hen g. her chickens; 27:13 6:10–22 g. from Adam to Enoch2; 8:2–12 g.
the Lord to g. all things in one; 29:7 elders from Enoch2 to sons of Noah1.
called to bring to pass g. of elect; 29:8 g. General Authority. See also Apostle;
of elect to prepare for tribulation; 29:27 Authorities; First Presidency; Seventy
righteous to be g. on the Lord’s right hand;
D&C 102:32 decision of Twelve Apostles
33:6 (45:46) the Lord will g. elect from four
can be questioned only by G. A.
quarters of earth; 38:12 angels to g. tares;
38:31 Saints to be g. unto the Lord a righ- Generation
teous people without spot and blameless; 1 Ne. 12:11–12 (2 Ne. 26:9; Alma 45:12;
39:22 those who receive gospel will be g. 3 Ne. 27:32; 4 Ne. 1:22–24) Nephites to pass
in time and eternity; 42:9, 36 (45:66–71) into third and fourth g. after Christ’s ap-
Saints to be g. in New Jerusalem; 42:36 cov- pearance before iniquity arises; 2 Ne. 4:2
enant people to be g. in one; 45:25 Christ Lehi1 prophesies about future g.; 9:53 in
prophesies to disciples that Jews will be future g. seed of Nephites shall become
g.; 45:43 remnant will be g. at the Lord’s righteous branch unto Israel; Mosiah 13:13
coming; 45:69 people to be g. unto Zion (Deut. 5:9) God visits iniquities of fathers
out of every nation; 45:71 righteous to be g. upon children unto third and fourth g.;
from among nations; 48:6 families to be 14:8 (15:10; Isa. 53:8) who shall declare
g. to new city; 57:1, 15 Saints to be g. in Mis- his g.; Alma 9:8 (10:17, 25; Hel. 13:29) O ye
souri; 58:56 (101:68) let work of g. not be in wicked and perverse g.; 37:14, 18–19 the
haste; 76:102 telestial heirs will not be g. Lord will preserve records, that he might
with Saints; 77:15 two prophets will tes- show his power unto future g.; Hel. 13:10
tify to Jews after they are g.; 84:2 Church fourth g. of enemies shall visit Nephites’
established for g. of Saints; 84:4 New Jeru- destruction; 3 Ne. 26:2 Christ gives Neph-
salem built by g.; 86:7 wheat to be g. from ites scriptures so that future g. will have
119 INDEX Giant
them; Moro. 10:28 God’s word shall hiss nation among G. upon this land; 22:8 (3 Ne.
forth from g. to g. 28:32) the Lord will do marvelous work
D&C 5:8 unbelieving and stiffnecked g.; among G.; 2 Ne. 10:11 this land shall be
5:10 this g. shall have the Lord’s word; 5:18 land of liberty among G.; 10:16 he who
elders’ testimony will condemn this g.; 6:9 fights against Zion, both Jew and G., shall
(11:9) say nothing but repentance to this g.; perish; 10:18 G. shall be like father to La-
10:33 Satan thinks to overpower testimony manites, shall be numbered among house
in this g.; 10:53 if this g. harden not hearts, of Israel; 26:33 all are alike unto God, both
the Lord will establish Church; 20:11 God Jew and G.; 29:3 many G. shall say, A Bible!
inspires men in this g.; 33:2 (34:6) elders A Bible! we have a Bible; 30:3 (3 Ne. 21:5;
called to declare gospel unto crooked and 26:8; Morm. 5:15; 7:8) G. shall carry gospel,
perverse g.; 35:12 fulness of gospel sent book unto Lamanites; 3 Ne. 15:22 G. to
forth unto this g.; 36:6 save yourselves from be converted through preaching of Jews;
this untoward g.; 45:21 this g. of Jews shall 16:10 when G. reject fulness of gospel, the
not pass away until desolations come; 45:31 Father will bring gospel from among them;
men standing in that g. shall see scourge; 21:12 (Micah 5:8) remnant of Jacob shall
84:4–5, 31 temple in New Jerusalem to be be among G. as lion among beasts of for-
built in this g.; 88:75, 85, 138 ye are clean est; 28:27 Three Nephites shall be among
from blood of this wicked g.; 98:28–30, G., and G. shall know them not; Morm.
37, 46 (103:26; 105:30; 124:50) the Lord to 3:17 Mormon2 writes unto G.; Ether 12:23
avenge Saints on enemies unto third and Moroni2 fears G. will mock these writings
fourth g.; 110:12 in us and our seed all g. because of Nephites’ weakness in writing;
after us should be blessed; 112:33 cleanse 12:36 Moroni2 prays the Lord will give G.
your garments lest blood of this g. be re- grace, that they might have charity.
quired at your hands; 124:50 the Lord vis- D&C 14:10 (19:27; 90:9; 107:33, 97) the
its iniquities of fathers upon children unto Lord to bring forth fulness of gospel from
third and fourth g. G. unto Israel; 18:6 G. to be stirred up unto
Moses 3:4 (Abr. 5:4) g. of heaven and repentance; 18:26 –27 Twelve called to
earth; 6:8 book of g. of Adam is kept; 8:27 declare gospel, both to G. and Jew; 19:27
Noah1 is perfect in his g. Book of Mormon is the Lord’s word to G.;
35:7 there shall be great work among
Generosity. See tg Generosity
G.; 35:7 abominations of G. to be manifest;
Gentile. See also Heathen; Nation; 42:39 the Lord to consecrate riches of G.
bd Gentile unto poor of Israel; 45:9 G. to seek ever-
Title page of the Book of Mormon book lasting covenant; 45:25, 28, 30 times of G.;
written to convince Jew and G. that Jesus 57:4 Saints to buy land unto line running
is the Christ; 1 Ne. 10:11 the risen Messiah directly between Jew and G.; 86:11 elders
to manifest himself unto G. by the Holy to be light unto G.; 87:5 remnants of slaves
Ghost; 13:3 Nephi1 sees nations and king- left in land shall vex G.; 88:84 go forth
doms of G.; 13:4, 26 formation of abomina- among G. for last time; 90:9 (107:33–35, 97;
ble church among G.; 13:12 Nephi1 beholds 133:8) word to go forth unto G. first; 107:25
man among G. who goes forth upon many Seventy are especial witnesses unto G.;
waters unto Lamanites; 13:15 G. prosper 109:60 Saints identified with G.; 124:9 G.
in promised land; 13:25 (Morm. 7:8) book to come to exaltation of Zion; 133:12 those
containing gospel goes from Jews in pu- among G. should flee to Zion.
rity unto G.; 13:29 after plain and precious JS—H 1:41 fulness of G. soon to come.
parts are taken from gospel, it goes unto Gentle, Gentleness. See also Kindness;
nations of G.; 13:32 the Lord will not suf- Meek; Tender
fer G. to remain in blindness; 13:35 Neph-
Alma 7:23 be humble, submissive, g.
ite writings shall come unto G.; 13:42 the
D&C 121:41 power or influence to be
Lamb shall manifest unto Jews and G.,
maintained only by g.
then unto G. and Jews; 14:1 if G. hearken
unto the Lamb, he shall manifest himself; Ghost. See also Holy Ghost; Spirit
15:13, 17 grafting in of natural branches Jacob 7:20 Sherem gives up the g.; Hel.
through fulness of G. means fulness of 14:21 when Christ yields up g., there shall
gospel shall come to G.; 15:17 (2 Ne. 10:18; be thunderings and lightnings.
26:15–19) Lamanites shall be scattered by
G.; 22:6 (21:22–23; 2 Ne. 6:6–7; 10:9; Isa. Giant. See also bd Giants
49:23) G. to nurse Israel, be set up as stan- Moses 7:15 g. in days of Enoch2; 8:18 g. in
dard; 22:7 the Lord will raise up mighty days of Noah1.
Gid INDEX 120
Gid—Nephite military officer [c. 63 b.c.]. See 3:20–21 refuses people’s petition for offen-
also Gid, City of sive campaign against robbers; 3:26 causes
Alma 57:28–29 chief captain over band Nephites to make weapons; 4:13–14 defeats
appointed to guard prisoners; 57:30–35 re- robbers; 4:24–26 cuts off robbers’ retreat;
ports death and escape of rebellious pris- 6:6 establishes great peace.
oners; 58:16–23 takes part in strategy to Gift. See also Give; Holy Ghost, Gift of;
capture Lamanite cities. Spirit; Tongue; tg God, Gifts of
Gid, City of Title page of the Book of Mormon
Alma 51:26 possessed by Amalickiah; (1 Ne. 13:35) book to come forth by g. and
55:7–24 Moroni1 takes G. without blood- power of God; 1 Ne. 10:17 power of the
shed; 55:25–26 Lamanite prisoners labor Holy Ghost is g. of God unto all who dili-
to fortify G. gently seek him; 15:36 fruit of tree of life
is greatest of all g. of God; Omni 1:20 Mo-
Giddianhi—chief of Gadianton robbers siah1 interprets engravings on stones by g.
[c. a.d. 16–21] and power of God; 1:25 Amaleki1 exhorts
3 Ne. 3:9 governor of secret society; all men to believe in g. of speaking with
3:10–12 demands Nephite lands; 4:5–6 com- tongues; Mosiah 8:16 no man can have g.
mands armies to go to battle against Neph- greater than to be seer; Alma 9:21 Neph-
ites; 4:10–12 Nephites defeat G.’s army; 4:14 ites have had many g., g. of speaking with
is slain. tongues, of preaching, of the Holy Ghost, of
translation; Hel. 5:8 Helaman3 admonishes
Giddonah1—Amulek’s father
his sons to do good, that they may have g.
Alma 10:2–3 descendant of Nephi1. of eternal life; 3 Ne. 29:6 wo unto him who
Giddonah2—high priest in Gideon [c. 75 b.c.] says the Lord no longer works by g.; 4 Ne.
Alma 30:21–29 is challenged by Korihor. 1:3 Nephites have all things in common,
so that all are partakers of heavenly g.;
Gideon—Nephite patriot [c. 145–91 b.c.] Morm. 1:14 Nephites have no g. from the
Mosiah 19:4 strong man, enemy to King Lord, because of their wickedness; 9:7–8 he
Noah 3 ; 19:5– 8 fights with king, spares who says there are no g. knows not gospel
king’s life; 19:18–24 sends men into wil- of Christ; Ether 12:8 Christ prepared way
derness to search for king and priests; that others might be partakers of heavenly
20:17–22 counsels with Limhi regarding g.; 12:9 ye may be partakers of heavenly g.
dealings with Lamanite king; 22:3–9 pro- if ye have faith; Moro. 7:8 if man being
poses plan for escaping from Lamanites; evil gives g., he does it grudgingly; 10:8
Alma 1:7–8 teacher in Church, withstands deny not g. of God; 10:8 different ways
Nehor; 1:9 (2:1, 20; 6:7; 14:16) is slain by that g. are administered, but all are given
Nehor; 2:20 valley named after G.; 6:7 city by manifestations of the Spirit; 10:18 every
named after G. good g. cometh of Christ; 10:24 if g. of God
are ever done away, it shall be because of
Gideon, City of—east of river Sidon unbelief; 10:30 lay hold upon every good
Alma 6:7 built in valley of G.; Hel. 13:15 g., touch not evil g.
wo unto c. of G. for wickedness. D&C 3:11 except Joseph Smith repent,
Gideon, Land and Valley of—east of he will have no more g.; 5:4 Joseph Smith
river Sidon given g. to translate; 6:10 blessed art thou
because of thy g.; 6:10 g. is sacred and
Alma 2:20 –26 people of Alma 2 pitch comes from above; 6:11 thou shalt exer-
tents in v. of G.; 6:7–8:1 Alma2 preaches in cise thy g.; 6:12 make not thy g. known;
G., establishes Church; 17:1 Alma2 meets 6:13 (14:7) salvation in kingdom of God
sons of Mosiah2 while journeying from G.; is greatest of all g.; 8:4 thy g. shall deliver
30:21 Korihor preaches in l. of G. without thee; 8:6 g. of Aaron; 10:3 g. to translate is
success; 61:5 Pahoran1 flees to l. of G.; 62:3– restored; 11:10 Hyrum Smith to receive g.;
6 Moroni1 unites with Pahoran1 in l. of G. 14:7 eternal life is greatest g. of all g. of
Gidgiddonah—Nephite commander God; 17:7 Three Witnesses receive same
[c. a.d. 385] g. as Joseph Smith; 18:32 declare gospel
Morm. 6:13 and his 10,000 fall. according to g. of God; 20:60 priesthood
bearers ordained according to g. of God;
Gidgiddoni—Nephite commander 46:8 seek earnestly best g.; 46:9 g. given for
[c. a.d. 16] benefit of those who love the Lord and
3 Ne. 3:18 great commander of armies; keep commandments; 46:10–26 there are
3:19 has spirit of revelation and prophecy; many g. of the Spirit; 46:11 every man is
121 INDEX Glorious
given g. by the Spirit; 46:26 (84:73) all spiri wisdom and he will g. liberally; 56:16 wo
tual g. come from God; 46:27, 29 bishop re- unto rich men who will not g. of their sub-
sponsible for discerning spiritual g.; 88:33 stance; 82:3 of him unto whom much is g.
no profit if g. is bestowed and not received; much is required; 84:85 in very hour por-
107:92 President of High Priesthood is tion for each is g.; 100:6 it shall be g. you
prophet, having all g. of God; 109:36 g. of what ye shall say.
tongues to be poured out; 124:95 Hyrum JS—H 1:11, 13 ( James 1:5) if any lack
Smith to be given g. once put upon Oliver wisdom, let him ask God, who g. liberally.
Glad, Gladden, Gladness. See also
Gihon. See River Delight; Happiness; Joy; Please
Gilbert, Sidney D&C 19:29 (31:3; 62:5; 76:40; 114:1) de-
clare g. tidings; 19:39 canst thou read this
D&C 53 revelation to; 53:2 commanded
without lifting up heart for g.; 29:5 be g.
to forsake world; 53:5 to journey to Mis-
for the Lord is in your midst; 59:17–19 good
souri; 57:6 to be agent in buying land for
things of earth made to g. heart; 128:19
Saints; 57:8–9 to establish store; 64:18–19 to
we hear in gospel voice of g., of g. tidings;
return to business.
138:15 spirits of just are filled with g.
Gilead—Jaredite military commander
Glass. See also Crystal; bd Glass
Ether 14:3–5 is defeated by Coriantumr2;
Ether 3:1 brother of Jared2 brings the
14:6 places himself upon throne of Corian-
Lord 16 stones, transparent as g.
tumr2; 14:8 army of G. is strengthened by
D&C 77:1 (Rev. 4:6) sea of g. is sanctified
secret combinations; 14:8–9 is murdered
earth; 130:7 angels dwell in presence of
by his high priest.
God on globe like sea of g. and fire.
Gilgah—early Jaredite
Glorify. See also Exalt; Glorious; Glory
Ether 6:14 one of four sons of Jared 2; [noun]; Honor; Praise; Sanctification
6:24–27 refuses to be king.
2 Ne. 6:4 Jacob2 speaks so that people
Gilgal—Nephite commander [c. a.d. 385] may learn and g. name of God; 3 Ne. 12:16
Morm. 6:14 is slain with army. (Matt. 5:16) let light so shine that they see
good works and g. your Father; 23:9 the
Gilgal, City of Father to g. his name in Christ; Ether 3:21
3 Ne. 9:6 sinks into depths of earth. the Lord shall g. his name in flesh; 12:4
hope makes men abound in good works,
Gilgal, Valley of
being led to g. God; 12:8 because of faith
Ether 13:27–30 site of battle between of men, Christ has shown himself, g. name
Shared and Coriantumr2. of the Father.
Gimgimno, City of D&C 3:20 Lamanites to be g. through
3 Ne. 9:8 sinks into depths of earth. faith in the Lord’s name; 45:4 the Father
gave the Son that he might be g.; 64:13 deal
Gird, Girt with transgressor as scripture says, that
D&C 27:15 (35:14; 36:8; 38:9; 43:19; 61:38; God may be g.; 65:6 kingdom of God to go
73:6; 75:22; 106:5; 112:7, 14) g. up your loins. forth that God may be g.; 76:43 Jesus g. the
Father; 88:60 lord to visit laborers in order,
Give, Given. See also Confer; Deliver; that they might be g. in each other; 93:20
Gift; Grant; Impart; Mete; Provide; those who keep commandments will re-
Render ceive of the Father’s fulness and be g.; 93:28
2 Ne. 2:27 all things are g. men that are he who keeps commandments receives
expedient unto man; 4:35 God will g. lib- truth and light until he is g.; 132:63 work
erally to him that asketh; 4:35 my God will of the Father continues that he may be g.
g. me if I ask not amiss; Mosiah 4:24 those Moses 6:2 Adam g. name of God; JS—H
who do not g. to beggar should be able to 1:46 have no other object in getting plates
say, I g. not because I have not; 3 Ne. 14:7 but to g. God.
(Matt. 7:7) ask and it shall be g. unto you;
14:11 (Matt. 7:11) how much more shall Glorious. See also Glorify; Glory [noun]
Father in heaven g. good things to them 1 Ne. 21:5 (Isa. 49:5) yet shall I be g. in
that ask him; Morm. 8:15 none can have eyes of the Lord; 2 Ne. 9:46 prepare for g.
power to bring record to light save it be g. day when justice shall be administered;
him of God. 14:2 (Isa. 4:2) branch of the Lord shall be
D&C 34:3 Christ so loved world that he g.; 21:10 (Isa. 11:10) his rest shall be g.
g. his own life; 42:68 (46:7) ask the Lord for D&C 42:45 weep for those who have not
Glory INDEX 122
hope of g. resurrection; 78:19 he who is God to come in great g.; 58:3–4 g. shall fol-
thankful shall be made g.; 97:18 Zion shall low after much tribulation; 63:66 those
become g.; 101:31 rest of those who die who overcome through patience receive
in Millennium shall be g.; 110:13 another more exceeding and eternal weight of g.;
great and g. vision burst upon us; 133:46 65:5 the Son to come clothed in bright-
the Lord to come clothed in his g. apparel. ness of g.; 66:2 (133:57) gospel sent that
JS—H 1:32 whole person of Moroni2 was men might be partakers of g.; 75:5 faith-
g. beyond description. ful shall be crowned with honor and g.;
76:6 eternal shall be g. of those who serve
Glory [noun]. See also Celestial Glory; the Lord; 76:19 g. of the Lord shone round
Eternal Life; Exaltation; Glorify; Glory about; 76:20 Joseph Smith and Sidney Rig-
[verb]; Glory of the World; Light;
don behold g. of the Son; 76:56 celestial
Majesty; Power; Reward; Telestial Glory;
inhabitants receive of the Father’s fulness
Terrestrial Glory; Transfiguration;
tg Glory; God, Glory of and g.; 76:70, 92 g. of celestial is that of sun,
even g. of God; 76:76 those in terrestrial g.
1 Ne. 22:24 the Holy One of Israel to receive the Lord’s g. but not fulness; 76:81–
reign in great g.; 2 Ne. 1:15 Lehi1 has be- 119 degrees of g. compared; 78:8 all things
held the Lord’s g.; 1:25 Nephi1 has sought be done to the Lord’s g.; 81:4 promote g.
the Lord’s g.; 12:19 (Isa. 2:19) g. of the Lord’s of your Lord; 84:5 (97:15; 109:37) g. of the
majesty shall smite them; 16:3 (Isa. 6:3) Lord to fill his house; 84:24 the Lord’s rest
whole earth is full of the Lord’s g.; Jacob is fulness of his g.; 84:32 sons of Moses and
4:4 not only Nephites, but all holy proph- Aaron1 shall be filled with g. of the Lord;
ets, have hope of Christ’s g.; Mosiah 4:12 88:4 the Comforter is promise of g. of celes-
grow in knowledge of g. of him who cre- tial kingdom; 88:22–31 who cannot abide
ated you; Alma 5:50 (9:26; 13:24; 3 Ne. 26:3; law cannot abide g.; 88:28–31 your g. shall
28:7–8) the Son to come in g.; 5:50 g. of the be that g. by which your bodies are quick-
King of all earth shall soon shine forth; ened; 88:107 Saints shall be filled with
14:11 the Lord receives martyrs unto him- God’s g.; 88:116 this is g. of God and sancti-
self in g.; 19:6 Lamoni’s mind is enlight- fied; 88:119 (109:8, 16) establish house of g.;
ened by light of g. of God; 36:28 I know 93:6 John saw and bore record of the Lord’s
that the Lord will raise me up at last day, g.; 93:11 I beheld his g., as g. of the Only
to dwell with him in g.; 60:36 Moroni1 seeks Begotten; 93:16 Christ received fulness
not honor of world, but g. of God; 3 Ne. of the Father’s g.; 93:36 g. of God is intel-
13:13 (Matt. 6:13) thine is kingdom, power, ligence; 97:17 the Lord’s g. shall not be in
and g. forever; 20:9–10 multitude gives g. to defiled temple; 98:3 afflictions to work
Jesus; Morm. 8:15 bringing forth of record for your good and to my name’s g.; 101:25
must be done with eye single to g. of God; all things to become new, that the Lord’s
9:5 when ye are brought to see g. of God, it knowledge and g. may dwell upon earth;
will kindle unquenchable fire in you; 101:35 whoso lays down his life shall re-
Moro. 9:25 may hope of Christ’s g. rest in ceive g.; 101:65 the Lord’s people to be
your mind forever. crowned with celestial g.; 103:36 victory
D&C 4:5 (27:2; 55:1; 59:1; 82:19; 88:67) and g. brought to pass through diligence;
keep eye single to g. of God; 6:30 those who 104:7 the Lord promises innocent a crown
are rejected, as was the Lord, shall dwell of g.; 121:31 g., laws, and set times of heav-
with him in g.; 7:3 (45:16, 44; 65:5–6) Christ enly bodies; 124:17 (132:57) the Lord to
to come in g.; 19:7 scripture to work upon crown Joseph Smith with blessings and
men’s hearts for g. of the Lord’s name; 19:19 great g.; 124:87 sickness of land shall
g. be to the Father; 21:6 heavens to shake redound to your g.; 128:12 in sealing keys
for g. of the Lord’s name; 24:11 in the Lord of priesthood is g.; 128:21 angels declaring
shall Oliver Cowdery have g.; 25:14 Emma their majesty and g.; 130:2 earthly social-
Smith to delight in g. that shall come to ity will be coupled with eternal g.; 132:6,
husband; 29:12 Apostles shall stand in g.; 19, 21 new and everlasting covenant insti-
43:9–10 g. added to those who bind them- tuted for fulness of g.; 132:19 g. is fulness
selves to act in the Lord; 43:12 if g. of king- and continuation of seeds forever; 133:32
dom is desired, uphold Joseph Smith by they who are in north countries shall be
prayer of faith; 45:16 signs of Christ’s com- crowned with g.; 133:38 fear God and give
ing in g.; 45:59 g. of the Lord to be upon g. to him; 133:49 great shall be g. of the
those who abide his coming; 45:67 (64:41; Lord’s presence; 135:6 Joseph and Hyrum
84:101) g. of the Lord to be in New Jeru- Smith lived for g., died for g., and g. is their
salem; 49:6 the Son has taken his power reward; 136:31 the Lord will try his people
on right hand of his g.; 56:18 kingdom of to prepare them to receive g.
123 INDEX God
Moses 1:2 g. of God is upon Moses; 1:5 D&C 1:5 disciples shall g. forth, and none
no man can behold God’s g. and remain shall stay them; 49:11 the Lord commands
in flesh; 1:20 Moses will worship only the elders to g. among people; 49:27 the Lord
one God of g.; 1:39 this is my work and my will g. before Saints; 133:5 g. ye out from
g.; 4:2 g. be thine forever; 6:59 sanctified to Babylon.
enjoy immortal g.; 6:61 peaceable things
of immortal g. to abide in sanctified; 7:3
Goat. See also Animal
Enoch2 is clothed upon with g.; 7:17 fear 1 Ne. 18:25 (Enos 1:21) people of Lehi1
of the Lord is upon all nations because of find g. upon land; Alma 14:29 people flee
his great g.; 7:56 Saints to be crowned with Alma2 and Amulek as g. fleeth with her
crowns of g.; 8:3 Methuselah takes g. unto young from two lions; Ether 9:18 Jared-
himself; Abr. 3:26 they who keep not first ites have g.
estate shall not have g. in same kingdom; God. See also Born of God; Children of
JS—H 1:17 g. of the Father and the Son de- God; Church of God; Commandments
fies description; A of F 1:10 earth to receive of God; Faith; Fear of God; Gift; Glory
its paradisiacal g. [noun]; God, Body of; God—Creator; God,
Glory [verb] Eternal Nature of; God, Foreknowledge
of; God, Goodness of; God, Love of; God,
2 Ne. 33:6 Nephi 1 g. in plainness, in Manifestations of; God, Omniscience of;
truth, in Jesus; Mosiah 23:11 Alma1 is not God, Power of; God, Presence of; God,
worthy to g. of himself; Alma 26:16 who Wisdom of; Godhead; Godliness; Gods;
can g. too much in the Lord; 29:9 I do not God the Father; Grace; Holy Ghost;
g. of myself, but I g. in that which the Lord Indignation; Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ—
hath commanded me; 48:16 heart of Mo- Creator; Jesus Christ—Holy One of Israel;
roni1 g. in his faith. Jesus Christ—Jehovah; Jesus Christ—
D&C 76:61 let no man g. in man, but let Lord; Judgment; Justice; Kingdom of
him g. in God. God; Knowledge; Law; Mercy; Mystery;
Name of the Lord; Praise; Prayer;
Glory of the World Redemption; Spirit, Holy; Trust; Will;
2 Ne. 27:15–16 learned will offer to read Word of God; Work [noun]; Worship;
book for g. of the w.; Hel. 7:5 robbers rule Wrath; tg God; Kingdom of God, in
in government to get g. of the w.; 3 Ne. 13:2 Heaven; Kingdom of God, on Earth;
(Matt. 6:2) hypocrites give alms to have g. bd God
of men; Ether 8:7 Jared3 had set heart upon Title page of the Book of Mormon con-
kingdom and g. of the w. demn not things of God; 1 Ne. 5:9–10 (19:7,
D&C 10:19 evil men desire to destroy 13; 20:1–2; 2 Ne. 27:34; 3 Ne. 11:14) God of
work to get g. of the w. Israel; 5:15 (19:10) God preserved Israel, led
Gnash, Gnashing. See also Hell; Torment them from Egypt; 6:3–5 (2 Ne. 5:32) Nephi1
writes things pleasing to God upon plates;
Mosiah 16:2 (Alma 40:13) wicked shall
6:4 (Mosiah 7:19; 23:23; Alma 29:11; 36:2;
have cause to g. teeth; Alma 14:21 people
3 Ne. 4:30; Morm. 9:11) God of Abraham,
of Ammonihah g. teeth upon Alma 2 and
Isaac, and Jacob; 10:21 no unclean thing
can dwell with God; 11:6 (3 Ne. 11:14; 22:5)
D&C 19:5 (85:9; 101:91; 124:8; 133:73)
the Lord is God over all earth; 13:41 there
wailing and g. of teeth among wicked.
is one God, and one Shepherd over all
Gnolaum. See also Eternal earth; 17:14 ye shall know that I, the Lord,
Abr. 3:18 spirits are g., or eternal. am God; 17:30 (2 Ne. 1:10) God is the Re-
deemer of Israel; 17:30 (2 Ne. 31:16; Alma
Go, Went, Gone 5:13; 7:6; 11:25–27; 43:10; 3 Ne. 30:1; Morm.
1 Ne. 3:7 I will g. and do things which 5:14; 9:28–29) the living God; 17:40 the Lord
the Lord hath commanded; 21:9 (Isa. 49:9) loves those who will have him to be their
say to prisoners, G. forth; 2 Ne. 12:3 (Isa. God; 18:16 ( Jacob 3:1) look unto God; 19:10
2:3) let us g. up to mountain of the Lord; God of our fathers; 19:12 God of nature suf-
12:3 (Isa. 2:3) out of Zion shall g. forth law; fers; 21:5 (Isa. 49:5) my God shall be my
3 Ne. 12:41 (Matt. 5:41) whosoever shall strength; 2 Ne. 2:2 thou knowest greatness
compel thee to g. mile, g. with him twain; of God; 2:10 (9:38; Alma 40:11; 42:23) all
17:4 (18:27) Christ g. unto the Father; men come unto God; 2:13 if there is no law,
Morm. 9:22 (Matt. 28:19) g. ye into world sin, righteousness, happiness, punishment,
and preach gospel to every creature; Ether there is no God; 2:14 there is God; 2:18
1:42 the Lord will g. before Jaredites into (Alma 42:3) through Fall, man became as
choice land. God, knowing good and evil; 2:21 God gave
God INDEX 124
commandment that all men must repent; God could do such marvelous works; 11:24
4:20 my God hath been my support; 4:30 thou knowest there is God; 11:28–29 there
( Jacob 7:25) my God and rock of my salva- is no more than one God; 12:24 (34:32; 42:4)
tion; 4:35 ( James 1:5) God will give liber- life probationary time to prepare to meet
ally to him that asketh; 6:15 they who God; 12:30 God conversed with men and
believe not shall know that the Lord is God; made known plan of redemption; 12:33
6:17 the Mighty God shall deliver his cov- God called on men in name of the Son;
enant people; 8:22 thy God pleadeth cause 12:37 provoke not God; 18:24–28 Ammon2
of his people; 9:4 in our bodies we shall see teaches Lamoni about God; 18:30 God
God; 11:3 God proveth all his words; 11:4 all dwells in heavens; 18:34 (22:12) man was
things given of God from beginning are created after image of God; 22:7–11 Aaron3
typifying of Christ; 11:7 if there be no teaches Lamanite king about the Great
Christ, there be no God; 15:16 (Isa. 5:16) God Spirit, who is God; 22:18 if thou art God,
that is holy shall be sanctified in righ- wilt thou make thyself known to me; 24:12
teousness; 18:10 (Isa. 8:10) God is with us; God has taken away our stains; 26:37 God is
19:6 (Isa. 9:6) the Messiah shall be called, mindful of every people; 27:4 (36:6) angels
The Mighty God; 26:17 those who have sent from God; 30:37–39 Alma2 testifies to
dwindled in unbelief seek to destroy Korihor that there is God; 30:40 what evi-
things of God; 26:33 all are alike unto God; dence have you there is no God; 30:44 will
27:23 I am God, and I am God of miracles; ye tempt God; 30:48, 52 Korihor does not
28:6 churches will say God is not God of deny existence of God; 30:53 devil said
miracles; 29:8 testimony of two nations is there is no God; 37:12 records preserved for
witness that I am God; 31:21 (Mosiah 15:1–5; wise purpose known unto God; 37:47 (38:2)
Alma 11:44) Father, Son, and Holy Ghost look to God and live; 39:8 ye cannot hide
are one God; Jacob 2:5 sin appears abomi- your crimes from God; 39:17 souls always
nable unto God; 4:5 Abraham’s offering up precious unto God; 40:4–5, 10, 21 God knows
of Isaac is in similitude of God and his time appointed for all to come forth from
Only Begotten Son; 6:5 cleave unto God; dead; 40:8 all is as one day with God; 41:8
Enos 1:6 (Ether 3:12) God could not lie; God’s decrees are unalterable; 41:11 wicked
Mosiah 2:16–19 when ye are in service of are without God in world and have gone
fellow beings, ye are in service of God; 4:22 contrary to nature of God; 42:13, 22–23, 25
your substance and your life belong to God; if work of justice could be destroyed, God
5:5, 8 (6:1; 21:31–32; Alma 46:22; Ether would cease to be God; 42:26 God brings
13:11) enter covenant with God; 5:15 God is about his great and eternal purposes; 44:4
above all; 7:27 Christ is the God, the Father God will support faithful; 46:10 foundation
of all things; 8:18 God has provided means of liberty granted by God; 48:10 Moroni1
for man to become great benefit to fellow prepares to support liberty, that Nephites
beings; 11:21, 23 (Hel. 7:17) turn to God; might live unto God; 58:11 God visited
11:22 (13:13) they shall know that I am the Nephites with assurances he would deliver
Lord their God, and am jealous God; 12:21 them; 58:40 (61:9, 21; Hel. 14:30) Ammonite
(15:14; 3 Ne. 20:40) God reigneth; 12:24 youth stand fast in liberty wherewith God
(15:31) all ends of earth shall see salvation has made them free; 60:10 sufferings are
of our God; 12:30 you ought to tremble be- known unto God; Hel. 3:35 sanctification
fore God; 12:35 (Ex. 20:3) thou shalt have comes because of yielding hearts unto God;
no other God before me; 13:28 (Alma 42:15) 7:20 how could you have forgotten your
God himself shall make Atonement for sins God in very day he has delivered you; 9:21
of his people; 13:32–33 (15:23; 16:4) God to how long will God suffer us to remain in
redeem his people; 13:34 (15:1; 17:8) proph- sin; 12:2 when God prospers his people
ets have prophesied that God would come they forget him; 13:11 return unto God;
down and take form of man; 15:8 God 3 Ne. 11:14 Christ is God of whole earth;
breaks bands of death; 17:19 God executes 13:24 (Matt. 6:24) ye cannot serve God and
vengeance; 21:35 baptism testimony that Mammon; Morm. 3:21 Jews to have wit-
they were willing to serve God; 24:5 La- nesses that Jesus, whom they slew, was the
manites know not God; 27:15 I am sent from very God; 5:17 Lamanites were once led by
God; 27:31 all men shall confess that he is God; 8:10 none know true God save disciples
God; Alma 5:19 can ye look up to God at day of Jesus; 8:15 none can have power to bring
of judgment with pure heart and clean record to light save it be given him of God;
hands; 5:28 if ye are not stripped of pride, 9:2 in day of visitation will ye say there is
ye are not prepared to meet God; 5:40 no God; 9:9 God is same yesterday, today,
(Moro. 7:12) good comes from God; 9:5 forever; 9:16 are not things God hath
(16:9) people of Ammonihah knew not that wrought marvelous; Ether 2:8–12 whoso
125 INDEX God—Creator
possesses this land should serve God; 3:12 Man of Counsel is God’s name; 7:35 Endless
thou art God of truth; 3:18–21 Christ min- and Eternal is God’s name; 7:69 God walked
isters unto brother of Jared2 that he might with Enoch2; Abr. 3:19 God is more intelli-
know he is God; 12:11 God prepared more gent than all.
excellent way; 12:12 God can do no miracle
among faithless; Moro. 7:12 devil enemy to God, Body of. See also tg God, Body of,
Corporeal Nature
God; 7:13–16 that which is of God invites
and entices to do good; 7:14, 17 that which Mosiah 3:5 (Alma 7:8) the Lord shall
persuades to do evil is not of God; 7:23 God dwell in tabernacle of clay; 7:27 Christ to
declared unto prophets that Christ should take upon himself image of man, flesh and
come; 7:35 (10:4–5, 29) God will show things blood; 7:27 (Ether 3:15; Gen. 1:26–27) man
that are true; 7:44 only meek and lowly are created after image of God; 3 Ne. 11:14–15
acceptable before God; 8:12–18 God is not Nephites feel Christ’s resurrected b.; Ether
changeable God. 3:15–16 Christ shows brother of Jared2 b.
D&C 3:1, 3 works of God cannot be frus- of his spirit, which appears as b. he will
trated; 3:2 God does not walk in crooked have in flesh.
paths; 3:2 God’s course is one eternal round; D&C 20:18 God created man after his
6:2 (11:2; 12:2; 14:2) I am God; 6:16 only own image; 110:3 appearance of the Lord is
God knows thoughts and intents of heart; described; 130:1 when the Savior appears,
8:1 the Lord is your God and Redeemer; we shall see that he is man like ourselves;
14:9 (20:19, 32; 42:1; 50:1; 55:2; 61:28; 68:1, 130:22 the Father and the Son have b. of
6, 25; 70:10; 76:66; 77:9; 82:18) living God; flesh and bones.
18:10 worth of souls great in sight of God; Moses 1:2, 11, 31 Moses sees God face to
18:33 (27:1) Jesus Christ your Lord and face; 1:16 Moses is after similitude of the
God; 19:10 Endless is God’s name; 20:11 God Only Begotten; 6:9 in image of his own b.,
inspires and calls men in this generation; God created man; Abr. 3:11 Abraham talks
21:5 word of Joseph Smith should be re- with the Lord face to face; 4:27 the Gods
ceived as from mouth of God; 45:15 (50:12) organized man in their own image.
God will reason with men; 49:5 God sent
God—Creator. See also Creation; Jesus
his Only Begotten Son for redemption of
Christ—Creator; tg God, Creator
world; 50:17 God speaks only by spirit of
truth; 56:4 God commands and revokes as 1 Ne. 17:36 the Lord has created earth and
seems to him good; 76:1 the Lord is God, his children to possess it; 2 Ne. 2:14 (Mo-
and beside him there is no Savior; 76:22 siah 4:9; Alma 18:28; 22:10; Morm. 9:11) God
Joseph Smith’s testimony that God lives; created all things in heaven and earth; 8:13
88:41 God comprehends all things; 88:41 (Isa. 51:13) the Lord thy maker stretched
all things are before and round about God; forth heavens, laid foundations of earth;
88:75 I may testify unto your Father, your 9:40 I have spoken words of your Maker;
God, my God, that you are clean; 93:35 man 11:7 if there were no God, there could have
is tabernacle of God; 93:36 glory of God is been no creation; 29:7 God has created all
intelligence; 112:10 God leads men and men; Jacob 2:6 Nephites’ sins make Jacob2
answers their prayers; 136:21 God of Abra- shrink before his Maker; 2:21 God has cre
ham, Isaac, Jacob. ated men to keep his commandments and
Moses 1:1 words of God to Moses; 1:2, glorify him; 4:9 earth was created by power
11, 31 Moses talks with God face to face; of God’s word; Enos 1:4 Enos2 kneels before
1:3 (7:35) Endless is God’s name; 1:3 God is his Maker; Omni 1:17 people of Zarahemla
without beginning or end; 1:4, 38 works deny being of their Creator; Mosiah 2:20–
of God are without end; 1:6 no God beside 23 God has created you and granted unto
me; 1:6 all things are present with God; you your lives; 29:19 except for interpo-
1:15 worship God, for him only shalt thou sition of all-wise Creator, people of Noah3
serve; 1:21 Moses called upon God to repel must remain in bondage; Alma 30:44 all
Satan; 1:35 all things are numbered unto things witness there is a Supreme Creator;
God; 1:39 glory of God is to bring to pass Morm. 9:11–12 God of Abraham, Isaac, and
immortality and eternal life; 4:11 ye shall Jacob created heavens and earth.
be as God, knowing good and evil; 5:13, 18 D&C 20:18 God created male and female
men love Satan more than God; 5:29 living after his image; 45:1 give ear to him who
God; 6:22, 51–52 God conversed with Adam; laid foundations of earth, made heav-
6:43 the Lord who spoke with Enoch 2 is ens and all hosts thereof; 77:12 God made
God of heaven; 6:57 (7:35) Man of Holiness world in six days; 95:7 the Lord of Sabaoth,
is God’s name; 7:24 Enoch2 is lifted up in by interpretation, is c. of first day; 121:4
bosom of God; 7:28 God of heaven wept; 7:35 the Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven,
God, Eternal Nature of INDEX 126
earth, and seas; 134:6 human and divine (6:67) God is without beginning of days
laws are to be answered by man unto his or end of years; 7:35 Endless and Eternal
Maker. is God’s name.
Moses 1:33 worlds without number has
God, Foreknowledge of. See also
God created; 2:1 by his Only Begotten, God
Election; God, Omniscience of; tg God,
created heaven and earth; 2:2–19 (Abr. 4:1– Foreknowledge of
19) God created heavens and earth; 2:20–26
(Abr. 4:20–25) God created every living crea- 1 Ne. 20:5 before it came to pass I
ture; 2:27 (6:8–9; Abr. 4:26–27) God created showed them thee; 2 Ne. 27:10 God reveals
man in his own image; 3:5, 7 God created all all things from foundation of world to
things spiritually before naturally; 6:36 end; W of M 1:7 the Lord knows all things
Enoch2 beholds spirits that God created; 7:30 which are to come; Alma 13:3 priests were
impossible to number God’s creations; 7:48 called and ordained from foundation
when will my God sanctify me. of world according to f. of God; 13:7 high
priesthood prepared from eternity to eter-
God, Eternal Nature of. See also God the nity according to God’s f. of all things; 40:4–
Father; tg God, Eternal Nature of 5, 10, 21 God knows time when all shall
Title page of the Book of Mormon come forth from dead; 40:10 God knows all
(2 Ne. 26:12) Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal times appointed unto man.
God; 1 Ne. 10:19 (Alma 7:20) course of the D&C 1:17 the Lord knows calamities to
Lord is one e. round; 11:21 (13:40; Mosiah come; 5:32 the Lord foresees Martin Harris
15:4; 16:15; Alma 11:38–39; Morm. 6:22; will fall if not humble; 130:7 past, present,
Moro. 4:3; 5:2; 10:4, 31) the Eternal Father; and future are continually before the Lord.
11:32 (15:15; 2 Ne. 4:35; Hel. 12:8; Moro. Moses 1:6 all things are present with
10:28) the Everlasting God; 12:18 (2 Ne. 9:8; God; 7: 67 the Lord showed Enoch 2 all
Alma 34:9; Ether 8:23) the Eternal God; things unto end of world; Abr. 2:8 Jehovah
2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) the Messiah shall be knows end from beginning.
called, The Everlasting Father; Mosiah 16:9 God, Goodness of. See also Kindness
Christ is light of world, light that is end-
1 Ne. 1:1 Nephi1 has great knowledge
less; Alma 11:44 the Godhead is one e. God;
of g. of God; 5:4 except for vision, Lehi 1
13:9 the Only Begotten is without begin-
would not have known g. of God; 2 Ne. 9:10
ning of days or end of years; Hel. 1:11 the
how great g. of God; 33:14 you that will not
everlasting Maker; 13:38 (Alma 41:10–11)
partake of g. of God, I bid you everlast-
to seek happiness in iniquity is contrary
ing farewell; Jacob 1:7 we labored dili-
to nature of righteousness which is in our gently to persuade our people to partake
Eternal Head; 3 Ne. 24:6 (Moro. 8:18) the of g. of God; Mosiah 4:5–6 knowledge of
Lord changes not; Morm. 9:9 God is same g. of God awakens man to sense of nothing-
yesterday, today, forever; 9:9–10 no vari- ness; 5:3 through g. of God we have great
ableness or shadow of changing in God; views of things to come; 25:10 God’s g. in
9:19 God changes not, or he would cease to delivering people of Alma1; Alma 12:32 jus-
be God; Moro. 7:22 God knows all things, tice could not be destroyed, according to
being from everlasting to everlasting; 10:34 supreme g. of God; 57:25 g. of God preserves
Jehovah, the Eternal Judge of both quick stripling Ammonites; 3 Ne. 4:33 Neph-
and dead. ites weep because of g. of God; Morm. 2:13
D&C 3: 2 (35:1) God’s course is one Nephites’ sorrowing was not unto repen-
e. round; 19:4, 10 God is endless; 19:10 tance because of g. of God.
name of God is Endless; 19:11–12 e. or D&C 86:11 blessed are ye if ye continue
endless punishment is God’s punishment; in my goodness; 133:52 redeemed shall men-
20:12 God is same yesterday, today, forever; tion all that the Lord has bestowed upon
20:17 God is infinite, e., unchangeable, from them in his goodness.
everlasting to everlasting; 20:28 the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one God, God, Love of. See also Charity; Compas-
infinite, e., without end; 29:33 works of sion; Love; Mercy; tg God, Love of
God have no end, nor beginning; 35:1 1 Ne. 11:17 God l. his children; 11:22, 25
(38:1; 45:7; 54:1; 61:1) the Lord is Alpha tree of life represents l. of God; 11:25 waters
and Omega, beginning and end; 76:4 from are representation of l. of God; 17:40 the
eternity to eternity, the Lord is same; 78:16 Lord l. those who will have him to be their
the Holy One is without beginning of days God; 2 Ne. 1:15 Lehi1 is encircled eternally
or end of life; 121:32 council of the Eternal in arms of God’s l.; 4:21 God hath filled me
God of all other gods. with his l.; 26:24 the Lord l. world, layeth
Moses 1:3 Endless is God’s name; 1:3 down life; Jacob 3:2 feast upon God’s l.;
127 INDEX God, Omniscience of
Mosiah 4:11–12 if ye retain in remem- unveil his face; 93:1 those who forsake sins
brance greatness of God, ye shall be filled and obey commandments shall see the
with his l.; Alma 24:14 God has made gospel Lord’s face; 93:15 voice out of heaven says,
known to Lamanites because he l. them; This is my beloved Son; 97:16 pure in heart
Hel. 15:3 the Lord has chastened Nephites shall come to house of the Lord and see
because he l. them; Ether 12:34 the Lord’s God; 109:5 the Son to have place to mani
l. is charity; Moro. 7:47 charity is pure l. fest himself; 110:2–10 Joseph Smith and
of Christ. Oliver Cowdery see the Lord at dedication
D&C 6:20 be diligent and I will encircle of Kirtland Temple; 110:7 the Lord will
thee in arms of my l.; 18:10 worth of souls manifest himself to his people; 130:3 ap-
is great in sight of God; 20:19 God com- pearing of the Father and the Son in John
manded men to love and serve him; 34:3 14:23 is personal appearance; 133:20 Christ
Christ so l. world that he gave life; 41:1 shall stand upon mount of Olivet; 133:25
God delights to bless his people; 76:25 the the Lord shall stand in midst of his people.
Father l. the Only Begotten Son; 76:116 God Moses 1:2 Moses talks with God face to
bestows the Holy Spirit on those who love face; 1:5 no man can behold all God’s glory
him; 95:1 whom the Lord l. he chastens; and remain in flesh; 1:11 Moses’ spiri-
133:53 in his l. the Lord redeemed men; tual eyes have beheld God; 6:39 Enoch2
138:3 l. made manifest by the Father and walks with God; 7:4 the Lord stands before
the Son in coming of the Redeemer. Enoch2 and talks with him face to face;
Abr. 3:11 Abraham talks with the Lord face
God, Manifestations of. See also to face; JS—H 1:17–20 the Father and the
Dream; God, Presence of; Jesus Christ, Son appear to Joseph Smith.
Appearances of; Jesus Christ, Second
Coming of; Revelation; Vision; Voice; God, Omniscience of. See also God,
tg God, Manifestations of; God, Privilege Foreknowledge of; God, Wisdom of;
of Seeing Knowledge; tg God, Omniscience of
1 Ne. 1:8 (5:4; Alma 36:22) Lehi1 is car- 2 Ne. 2:24 all things done in wisdom of
ried away in vision and sees God on throne; him who knoweth all things; 9:20 (Morm.
10:11 the Messiah to rise from dead and 8:17) God knows all things, there is not
manifest himself to Gentiles; 2 Ne. 2:4 (11:3) anything except he knows it; 27:10 God’s
Jacob2 has beheld the Redeemer’s glory in revelation reveals all things from founda-
his youth; 9:4 in our bodies we shall see tion of world to end; 27:27 the Lord knows
God; 11:2 Isaiah1 saw the Redeemer, as did all works in dark; Jacob 2:5 by help of the
Nephi2; 26:13 Christ manifests himself to Creator, Jacob2 can tell his people their
all who believe in him; Alma 19:6 light of thoughts; Alma 7:13 the Spirit knoweth all
glory of God lights up Lamoni’s mind and things; 18:32 God knows all thoughts and
he is carried away in God; 19:13 Lamoni has intents of heart; 26:35 God comprehends
seen his Redeemer; 3 Ne. 11:8 Nephites see all things; 26:37 God is mindful of every
Man descending from heaven; 12:8 (Matt. people; 39:8 ye cannot hide your crimes
5:8) pure in heart shall see God; 28:37 Mor- from God; 40:4–5, 10, 21 God knows time
mon2 inquires of the Lord and he makes when all shall come forth from dead; 60:10
truth manifest; Ether 3:13–16 Christ shows known unto God were all their cries and
himself to brother of Jared2; 12:39 Moroni2 sufferings; 3 Ne. 28:6 Christ knows his dis-
talked with Jesus face to face. ciples’ thoughts; Ether 3:25 the Lord shows
D&C 29:11 (34:7) the Lord to reveal him- brother of Jared2 all inhabitants of earth
self from heaven; 35:21 (50:45) elect will who had been or would be; Moro. 7:22 God
hear the Lord’s voice and see him; 58:3 ye knows all things, being from everlasting to
cannot behold with natural eyes, for pres- everlasting.
ent time, design of God; 67:12 natural man D&C 1:1 the Lord’s eyes are on all men;
cannot abide God’s presence; 76:23 Joseph 6:16 (33:1) God alone knows men’s thoughts;
Smith and Sidney Rigdon see the Lord on 6:24 (15:3) the Lord tells things no man
right hand of God; 76:117 God grants privi knows; 38:2 (130:7) the Lord knows all
lege of seeing him to those who purify things; 67:1 the Lord knows men’s hearts;
themselves; 84:5 cloud resting upon house 88:6, 41 the Lord comprehends all things;
of the Lord shall be his glory; 84:22 with- 121:24 the Lord’s eyes see and know all
out ordinances of priesthood, no man can men’s works; 130:7 past, present, and fu-
see face of God and live; 84:23 Moses seeks ture are continually before the Lord.
to sanctify his people that they might be- Moses 1:6 all things are present with
hold face of God; 88:68 sanctify yourselves God; 1:35 the Lord knows all worlds that
that mind is single to God, and he will stand or have passed away; 7:41 the Lord
God, Power of INDEX 128
tells Enoch 2 all doings of men; 7:67 the of martyrs; 14:24 if ye have p. of God, de-
Lord showed Enoch2 all things, unto end liver yourselves; 19:6, 17 Lamoni is under
of world; Abr. 2:8 Jehovah knows end p. of God; 23:6 p. of God works miracles in
from beginning; 3:19 God is more intelli- Ammon2 and his brethren; 26:35 (Morm.
gent than all. 5:23; Ether 3:4) God has all p.; 30:51–52
Korihor knows he is struck dumb by
God, Power of p. of God; 31:5 preaching of word of God
1 Ne. 1:14 (17:48; Mosiah 11:23; 18:13; Hel. has powerful effect upon minds; 34:18 God
10:11; 3 Ne. 4:32) God Almighty; 1:14 the is mighty to save; 37:15 if ye transgress,
Lord’s p. is over all inhabitants of earth; 4:1 sacred things shall be taken away by
the Lord is mightier than all earth; 7:12 the p. of God; 37:16 God is powerful to fulfilling
Lord is able to do all things; 9:6 the Lord his words; 44:5 the all-powerful God; 56:56
has all p. unto fulfilling all his words; 11:31 stripling Ammonites fight with strength
afflicted are healed by p. of the Lamb; of God; 57:26 stripling Ammonites are
13:18 –19, 30 (Mosiah 23:13) Gentiles in preserved by miraculous p. of God; Hel.
promised land delivered by p. of God out of 5:11 the Father gives the Lord p. to re-
hands of all other nations; 17:46 by p. of his deem men from their sins; 9:36 Nephi 2
almighty word God can cause earth to pass knows nothing concerning murder of chief
away; 17:48 Nephi1 filled with p. of God; judge save given by p. of God; 12:10–12 by
17:51 the Lord has such great p. and has p. of God’s voice, whole earth shakes; 3 Ne.
wrought so many miracles; 18:20 (Alma 13:13 (Matt. 6:13) thine is kingdom, p., and
30:52) only p. of God threatening destruc- glory; Morm. 5:22 how can ye stand before
tion could soften hearts; 21:26 (22:12; 2 Ne. p. of God; 7:5 believe that Christ has risen
6:18) the Lord is the Mighty One of Jacob; by p. of the Father; 8:16 bringing forth of
2 Ne. 6:17 the Mighty God shall deliver his record shall be by p. of God; 9:13 all men
covenant people; 10:25 may God raise you shall be awakened from endless sleep by
by p. of Resurrection and by p. of Atone- p. of God; Ether 3:4 the Lord has all p. and
ment; 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) the Messiah’s name can do whatsoever he will for benefit of
shall be called, The Mighty God; 26:20 false man; Moro. 7:16 everything which invites
churches will put down p. and miracles of to do good is sent by p. of Christ; 7:35 God
God; 27:10 book shall be sealed by p. of God; will show with p. that these things are
27:12 (Ether 5:3–4) three witnesses shall true; 10:7, 32–33 deny not p. of God; 10:7 God
behold book by p. of God; 27:20 the Lord works by p. according to men’s faith.
is able to do his own work; 28:3–5, 26 ( Ja- D&C 1:36 the Lord shall have p. over his
cob 6:8; Morm. 8:28) churches shall deny Saints; 3:1 purposes of God cannot be frus-
p. of God; 31:19 rely upon merits of him trated; 10:14 the Lord will not suffer Satan
who is mighty to save; Jacob 2:5 by help of to accomplish evil design; 10:43 the Lord
the all-powerful Creator, I can tell you your will not suffer men to destroy his work;
thoughts; 4:11 p. of Resurrection which is 11:11 (18:47) by my p. I give these words
in Christ; 7:21 p. of God comes down upon unto thee; 11:21 if you desire, you shall
multitude; Enos 1:26 (Alma 37:40; Morm. have p. of God unto convincing of men;
7:9) Enos2 wrought upon by p. of God, that 15:2 (16:2) I speak unto you with sharpness
he must preach and prophesy; Mosiah 3:5, and p.; 18:35 by my p. you can read these
17–18, 21 (5:2, 15) the Lord Omnipotent; 4:9 words to one another; 19:3 the Lord re-
believe that God has all p. in heaven and tains all p.; 19:14 commandments received
earth; 8:16 no man can have greater gift by the Lord’s almighty p.; 19:20 the Lord
than to be seer, except he possess p. of God; humbles men with his almighty p.; 20:21
11:23 none to deliver this people except (76:106–7; 87:6; 88:106; 109:77; 121:4, 33)
the Almighty God; 15:3 Christ is called the Almighty God; 20:24 the Son to reign
the Father because he was conceived by with almighty p.; 34:7 the Lord to come
p. of God; 21:30 Alma1 and his people form in p. and glory; 45:75 all nations shall be
a church through p. of God; 27:14 angel afraid because of p. of the Lord’s might;
comes to convince Alma2 of p. of God; 27:15 49:6 the Son has taken his p. on right hand
can ye dispute p. of God; 27:18 nothing of his glory; 58:11 after that cometh day
save p. of God could make earth tremble as of my p.; 61:1 hearken to voice of him who
though it would part asunder; Alma 5:50 has all p.; 63:59 I am from above, and my
the Son cometh in his might, majesty, p.; p. lieth beneath; 65:6 thine is honor, p., and
7:8 God has p. to do all things according to glory; 68:4 whatsoever they speak when
his word; 9:28 righteous shall reap salva- moved by the Holy Ghost shall be p. of God
tion according to p. of Christ; 14:10 Amulek unto salvation; 76:10 by my p. will I make
asks Alma2 to exercise p. of God on behalf known secrets of my will; 76:31–35 fate of
129 INDEX God, Wisdom of
those who defy the Lord’s p.; 76:108 Christ house; 101:38 seek face of the Lord always;
to sit on throne of his p. to reign forever; 103:19–20, 26 the Lord’s p. will go up with
84:96, 118 (109:77; 121:4) the Lord Al- Saints to possess Zion; 107:19 Melchizedek
mighty; 88:7 Christ is p. of sun by which it Priesthood holds keys to enjoy commu-
was made; 88:13 light which is in all things nion and p. of God; 110:8 the Lord will ap-
is p. of God; 93:17 the Son received all p. pear unto his servants; 121:32 every man
from the Father; 100:1 in the Lord there shall enter into God’s eternal p.; 121:45 thy
is all p.; 133:47 the Lord is mighty to save. confidence shall wax strong in p. of God;
Moses 1:3, 25 (2:1; Abr. 1:15; JS—H 1:29) 130:7 angels reside in p. of God; 133:35 tribe
the Lord God Almighty. of Judah to be sanctified to dwell in the
Lord’s p.; 133:41 p. of the Lord shall be as
God, Presence of. See also Death, melting fire; 133:42 nations shall tremble
Spiritual; Redemption; Resurrection
at the Lord’s p.; 133:44 mountains shall
1 Ne. 10:21 no unclean thing can dwell flow down at the Lord’s p.; 138:21 spir-
with God; 2 Ne. 2:8 no flesh can dwell in its of rebellious do not behold Christ’s p.;
p. of God save through mercy and grace of 138:24 radiance from p. of the Lord rests
the Messiah; 2:10 (9:38; Alma 40:11; 42:23) upon Saints in spirit world; 138:26 few
all men will stand in p. of God to be judged; rejoiced in Christ’s p. during ministry
9:6 because man became fallen, they were among Jews.
cut off from p. of the Lord; 9:8 angel fell Moses 1:2, 31 glory of God is upon Moses,
from p. of the Eternal God; 9:8–9 except so that he can endure God’s p.; 1:9 p. of God
for Resurrection, spirits must be shut out withdraws from Moses; 5:4 Adam and
from p. of God; Mosiah 2:38 sense of guilt Eve are shut out from God’s p.; 5:41 Cain
causes man to shrink from p. of the Lord; is shut out from p. of the Lord; 6:49 men
2: 41 those who keep commandments have become carnal, and are shut out from
dwell with God in state of never-ending p. of God; 6:57 no unclean thing can dwell
happiness; 15:23 prophets and believers in God’s p.; 7:16, 69 the Lord dwells with
are raised to dwell with God; Alma 36:14– his people, Zion; Abr. 1:15 angel of God’s p.
15 thought of standing in p. of God racks unlooses Abraham; JS—H 1:33 messenger
Alma2 with horror; 36:30 (38:1) those who sent from p. of God to Joseph Smith.
keep not commandments are cut off from
God’s p.; 42:7 first parents were cut off tem- God, Wisdom of. See also God, Omni-
porally and spiritually from p. of the Lord; science of; tg God, Wisdom of
42:23 (Hel. 14:15) Resurrection brings men 1 Ne. 9:5 (W of M 1:7) the Lord com-
back into God’s p.; Hel. 12:25 in last day mands Nephi1 to make plates for wise pur-
some shall be cast off from p. of the Lord; pose; 2 Ne. 2:24 all things have been done
Morm. 9:4–5 unrepentant would be more in w. of him who knows all things; 9:8 O
miserable to dwell with God under con- w. of God; 27:22 sealed book to be revealed
sciousness of filthiness than to dwell with when the Lord sees fit in his w.; Jacob 4:10
the damned; 9:13 (Ether 3:13) because of (Alma 29:8; 37:12) the Lord counsels in
Redemption, men are brought back into w.; Mosiah 4:9 (Alma 26:35) believe that
p. of the Lord. God has all w.; 29:19 the all-wise Creator;
D&C 29:41 Adam cast out from Eden, Alma 37:2 record to be kept for wise pur-
from God’s p.; 67:12 no natural man can pose; 3 Ne. 28:29 when the Lord sees fit in
abide p. of God; 76:62 celestial inhabitants w., Three Nephites will minister to scat-
shall dwell in p. of God and Christ; 76:77 tered tribes; 29:1 (Morm. 5:13) writings to
terrestrial inhabitants receive of p. of the come forth when the Lord sees fit in his w.
Son; 76:94 those who dwell in the Father’s D&C 9:3 men should be patient because
p. are Church of the Firstborn; 76:118 only of the Lord’s w.; 9:6 do not murmur, for
through power of the Spirit can men bear it is w. in me that I have dealt with you
God’s p. in world of glory; 84:5 glory of God after this manner; 10:35 the Lord reveals
to fill his house; 84:24 those who harden w. to preserve Saints; 10:43 the Lord’s w.
hearts cannot endure the Lord’s p.; 84:88 is greater than cunning of devil; 42:68
the Lord will be with those who receive he who lacks w. should ask the Lord; 76:2
his servants; 84:119 the Lord will come great is the Lord’s w.; 78:2 the Lord will
and reign with his people; 88:63 the Lord speak words of w. in Saints’ ears; 105:23
will draw near to those who draw near Saints not to reveal what the Lord has re-
unto him; 93:1 those who keep command- vealed to them until it is w. in the Lord;
ments shall see the Lord’s face; 94:8 –9 124:1 the Lord to show forth his w. through
(97:16) no unclean thing can come into weak.
the Lord’s p.; 97:16 the Lord’s p. to be in his Abr. 3:21 God’s w. excelleth them all.
Godhead INDEX 130
Godhead. See also God; God the Father; fathers have turned to worshiping g. of
Holy Ghost; Jesus Christ; tg Godhead heathens.
2 Ne. 31:21 doctrine of Christ is only God the Father. See also Children of God;
true doctrine of the Father, the Son, and Jesus Christ—Creator; tg God the Father,
the Holy Ghost; 31:21 (Mosiah 15:2–5; Alma Elohim; God the Father, Jehovah; Man, a
11:44; 3 Ne. 11:27, 36; Morm. 7:7) the Father, Spirit Child of Heavenly Father
the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one God; 1 Ne. 11:21 (13:40) the Lamb of God is the
Alma 11:44 all must be arraigned before Son of the Eternal Father; 14:8 remember
bar of Christ the Son, God the Father, and covenants of the Father unto house of Is-
the Holy Ghost; Morm. 7:7 sing unto the rael; 2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) the Messiah shall
Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; Ether be called, The Everlasting Father; 25:16
12:41 grace of the Father, Christ, and the Jews shall worship the Father in Christ’s
Holy Ghost to abide in you forever. name; 31:21 (Alma 11:44; 3 Ne. 11:27; Morm.
D&C 20:28 the Father, the Son, and the 7:7) the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
Holy Ghost are one God; 20:73 I baptize are one God; 32:9 (3 Ne. 18:19–20; 21:27;
you in name of the Father, the Son, and Morm. 9:27; Ether 4:15; Moro. 2:2; 7:26;
the Holy Ghost; 35:2 (50:43; 93:3) the Son 8:3; 10:4) pray unto the Father in name of
is one in the Father, as the Father is one Christ; Jacob 4:5 prophets worshiped the
in the Son; 130:22 the Father and the Son Father in Christ’s name; Mosiah 2:34 ye
have bodies of flesh and bone, the Holy are eternally indebted to Heavenly Father;
Ghost is personage of spirit. 3:8 (15:4; 16:15; Alma 11:38–39; Hel. 14:12;
JS—H 1:17 Joseph Smith sees two Person- 16:18; Ether 4:7) Jesus Christ is the Father
ages; A of F 1:1 we believe in God, the Eter- of heaven and earth; 7:27 Christ is the
nal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, Father of all things; 15:2 (Morm. 9:12; Ether
and in the Holy Ghost. 3:14) Christ is the Father and the Son; 15:3
Godliness, Godly. See also Mystery; Christ is the Father because he was con-
tg Godliness; Mysteries of Godliness ceived by power of God; 3 Ne. 1:14 Christ
Moro. 7:30 miracles are shown unto comes to do will both of the Father and of
them of strong faith in every form of g. the Son; 9:15 Christ was with the Father
D&C 4:6 remember g.; 19:10 mystery of from beginning; 9:15 (11:27) Christ is in
g., how great it is; 20:69 members shall the Father, and the Father in Christ; 9:15 in
manifest by g. walk and conversation that Christ has the Father glorified his name;
they are worthy of sacrament; 84:20 in or- 11:25 baptism performed in name of the
dinances of Melchizedek Priesthood power Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; 11:32
of g. is manifest; 84:21 without priesthood, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
power of g. is not manifest in flesh; 84:22 bear record of each other; 12:48 (Matt.
without power of g. no man can see God; 5:48) be perfect even as Christ, or Father
107:30 decisions of quorums are to be in Heaven, is perfect; 13:6 (Matt. 6:6) pray
made in all g. to thy Father who is in secret; 13:9 (Matt.
6:9) our Father who art in heaven; 13:14–15
Gods. See also Elkenah; Exaltation; (Matt. 6:14–15) if ye forgive men their tres-
Idolatry; Korash; Libnah; Mahmackrah passes, Heavenly Father will forgive you;
Alma 12:31 having transgressed first 13:26 fowls sow not, yet Heavenly Father
commandments, first parents became as feeds them; 13:32 Heavenly Father knows
g., knowing good from evil; Morm. 4:14 ye have need of all these things; 14:21
Lamanites offer women and children as (Matt. 7:21) he who does will of the Father
sacrifices unto their idol g. will enter kingdom of heaven; 17:15–18
D&C 76:58 inhabitants of celestial glory Jesus speaks marvelous things in prayer
become g.; 121:28 whether there be one to the Father; 18:21 pray in your families
God or many g. shall be manifest; 121:32 unto the Father; 18:27 Christ must go to
Council of the Eternal God of all other g.; the Father to fulfill other commandments;
132:17 angels who do not abide law be- 28:11 the Father gives the Holy Ghost unto
come not g., but angels of God; 132:18–19 men because of Christ; Morm. 6:22 the
if marriage sealed by the Holy Spirit of Eternal Father knows your state; Moro.
Promise, they can pass g. appointed; 132:20, 4:3 (5:2) O God, the Eternal Father; 10:4 ask
37 those who receive exaltation are g. and God, the Eternal Father, if these things are
have no end; 132:37 Abraham, Isaac, and not true; 10:31 covenants of the Eternal
Jacob are g., not angels. Father to house of Israel shall be fulfilled.
Moses 4:11 ye shall be as g., know- D&C 18:18, 40 ask the Father in Christ’s
ing good and evil; Abr. 1:5–6 Abraham’s name; 19:2 Christ accomplished will of
131 INDEX Good
the Father; 19:24 Christ came by will of the find g. in promised land; 2 Ne. 23:12 (Isa.
Father; 20:24 the Son ascended to sit on 13:12) I will make man more precious than
right hand of God; 20:28 (50:43; 93:3) the fine g.; Jacob 2:12 many Nephites have
Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one begun to search for g.; Mosiah 2:12 Benja-
God; 20:29 worship the Father in Christ’s min has not sought g. of his people for his
name; 20:77, 79 O God, the Eternal Father; service; 19:15 Limhi’s people must give La-
27:14 (84:63) those whom the Father has manites half their g. as tribute; Alma 1:29
given to the Son; 29:5 (110:4) Christ is (Hel. 6:9) Nephites have abundance of g.;
man’s advocate with the Father; 35:2 (93:3) 3 Ne. 24:3 (Mal. 3:3) the Lord shall purge
Christ is one in the Father and the Father sons of Levi as g. and silver; Ether 10:5–7
is one in Christ; 63:34 the Lord will come Riplakish causes fine g. to be refined in
down from presence of the Father; 66:12 prison.
those who continue to end will have eter- D&C 110:2 under the Lord’s feet was
nal life at right hand of the Father; 68:8 paved work of pure g.; 124:11 kings to
baptize in name of the Father, the Son, bring g. and silver to help people of Zion;
and the Holy Ghost; 76:20, 23 glory of the 124:84 Almon Babbitt sets up g. calf; 128:24
Son seen on right hand of the Father; 76:43 the Lord will purge sons of Levi as g. and
Christ glorifies the Father; 76:77 they who silver; 137:4 streets of celestial kingdom
receive not of fulness of the Father; 76:107 had appearance of g.
Christ shall deliver up kingdom to the
Father; 81:6 (98:18) faithful shall have eter- Good. See also Better; God, Goodness of;
Goods; Praiseworthy; Tidings; Work
nal life in mansions in house of the Father;
84:37, 40 he who receives the Lord receives
the Father; 84:83 the Father knows men’s 2 Ne. 2:5 (Hel. 14:31) men are instructed
needs; 88:19 earth to be crowned with pres- sufficiently that they know g. from evil;
ence of God the Father; 88:75 the Lord to 2:18 (Alma 12:31) Satan tells Eve partak-
testify unto the Father whether Saints are ing of forbidden fruit will make her as
clean; 93:3 Christ and the Father are one; God, knowing g. and evil; 2:26 because
93:17 glory of the Father was with Christ; men are redeemed from Fall, they have
93:19 come unto the Father in Christ’s become free forever, knowing g. from evil;
name; 93:20 Christ is glorified in the 2:30 I have chosen g. part; 15:20 (Isa. 5:20)
Father; 93:21 Christ was in beginning with wo unto them that call evil g. and g. evil;
the Father; 93:23 men were in beginning 17:15 (Isa. 7:15) butter and honey shall he
with the Father; 99:4 the Father shall reject eat, that he may know to refuse evil and
those who reject elders; 123:6 last effort choose g.; 33:4, 10 words of Nephi1 persuade
enjoined by Heavenly Father; 130:22 the men to do g.; Jacob 2:19 seek riches for in-
Father has body of flesh and bones; 132:12 tent to do g.; 5:25, 43 trees planted in g. spot
no man shall come to the Father but by of ground; Omni 1:25 believe in all things
Christ; 137:3 Joseph Smith saw the Father which are g.; Mosiah 5:2 Benjamin’s people
and the Son on throne; 138:3 love of the experience mighty change of heart to do g.
Father and the Son manifest in coming of continually; 16:3 (Alma 12:31) Fall is cause
the Redeemer; 138:14 Resurrection through of mankind’s knowing g. from evil; Alma
grace of the Father and the Son. 5:40 whatsoever is g. cometh of God; 29:5
Moses 1:24 (5:9; 7:11) the Holy Ghost he that knoweth not g. from evil is blame-
bears record of the Father and the Son; 4:2 less; 32:35 whatsoever is light is g.; 37:37
Father, thy will be done; 6:66 this is record counsel with the Lord in all thy doings and
of the Father and the Son; 7:11 baptize in he will direct thee for g.; 41:13 restoration
name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy means to bring back g. for g.; 41:14 do g.
Ghost; 7:33 the Lord gives commandment continually; Hel. 12:4 children of men are
that men should choose him, their Father; slow to do g.; 14:31 ye can do g. and be re-
7:47 through faith Enoch2 is in bosom of stored unto g.; 3 Ne. 12:44 (Matt. 5:44) do
the Father; JS—H 1:17 the Eternal Father g. to them that hate you; 14:17 (Matt. 7:17)
bears witness of the Son to Joseph Smith; every g. tree bringeth forth g. fruit; Ether
1:73 at baptism, Joseph Smith and Oliver 4:11 the Spirit persuadeth men to do g.; 4:12
Cowdery experience glorious blessings whatsoever persuadeth men to do g. is of
from Heavenly Father; A of F 1:1 we believe Christ, for g. cometh of none save Christ;
in God the Eternal Father. Moro. 7:12 all things which are g. come of
God; 7:13, 16 that which is of God inviteth
Gold, Golden. See also Metal; Ore to do g. continually; 7:19 search diligently
1 Ne. 13:7 Nephi1 sees g. and silver in in light of Christ that ye may know g. from
abominable church; 18:25 people of Lehi1 evil; 7:19 if ye lay hold upon every g. thing,
Goodly INDEX 132
ye will be child of Christ; 10:6 nothing these things knoweth not g. of Christ; 9:22
that is g. denieth Christ, but acknowledg- (Matt. 28:19) go ye into world and preach g.
eth that he is. to every creature; Ether 4:18 repent all ye
D&C 6:13 those who do g. will be saved; ends of earth, and believe in my g.
6:33 fear not to do g.; 11:12 trust in that D&C 1:23 fulness of g. to be proclaimed;
Spirit which leads to do g.; 21:6 (35:24) the 6:26 records kept back contain much of g.;
Lord will cause heavens to shake for Saints’ 10:48 g. to be preached to Lamanites; 10:49
g.; 33:4 (35:12) none do g. except few; 58:28 g. made known to other nations; 10:50
if men do g., they shall not lose their re- those who believe in g. will have eternal
ward; 59:17–18 g. things of earth given for life; 10:52 the Lord to bring g. to build up,
use and benefit of man; 64:34 obedient not to destroy; 11:16 wait to preach until
shall eat g. of land; 76:17 they who have you shall have my g.; 11:24 (18:17) build
done g. will come forth in resurrection upon the Lord’s rock, which is his g.; 14:10
of just; 81:4 doing g. to fellow beings pro- the Lord to bring g. from Gentiles to Israel;
motes glory of the Lord; 90:24 (100:15; 18:4 foundation of g. in scriptures; 18:26
105:40; 122:7) all things shall work together Twelve called to declare g. to Gentile and
for your g.; 97:7 every tree that brings not Jew; 18:28 (58:64) g. to be preached to ev-
forth g. fruit will be hewn down; 98:10 up- ery creature; 18:32 declare g. according to
hold wise and g. men; 98:11 cleave unto g.; the Holy Ghost; 20:9 (27:5; 42:12) Book of
122:7 afflictions shall be for thy g. Mormon contains fulness of g.; 24:12 de-
Moses 2:31 (3:2) all things which God clare g. at all times in all places; 25:1 those
had made were g.; 3:18 (Abr. 5:14) not g. who receive g. are sons and daughters in
that man should be alone; 5:11 without the Lord’s kingdom; 27:13 keys of dispensa-
transgression we never should have known tion of g. for last times committed to Peter,
g. and evil; Abr. 3:23 God saw premortal in- James, and John; 27:16 g. of peace; 28:16
telligences that they were g.; 4:21 the Gods (29:4) g. to be declared with sound of re-
saw that their plan was g.; JS—H 1:33 Jo- joicing; 29:42 g. promised to Adam and his
seph Smith’s name to be had for g. and evil seed; 33:11–12 (39:6; 49:12–14; 53:3; 68:25)
among nations; A of F 1:13 we believe in first principles of g.; 35:12 fulness of g.
doing g. to all men. sent forth to this generation; 35:15 g. to be
preached to poor and meek; 35:17 (135:3)
Goodly fulness of g. sent forth by Joseph Smith;
1 Ne. 1:1 Nephi1 born of g. parents. 36:5 those who embrace calling should be
ordained and sent forth to preach ever-
Goods. See also Possess lasting g.; 36:7 those who embrace g. with
D&C 56:17 wo unto poor who lay hands singleness of heart to be ordained and
on other men’s g.; 57:8–9 sell g. without sent forth; 38:33 (42:63) g. to be preached
fraud; 134:10 religious societies have no among all nations; 39:5 he who receives g.
right to take world’s g. from members. receives the Lord; 39:6 this is my g.; 39:11
Good Shepherd. See Jesus Christ—Good fulness of g. sent to recover Israel; 39:18 if
Shepherd people receive fulness of g., the Lord will
stay his hand; 39:22 those who receive g.
Gospel. See also Baptism; Covenant; will be gathered; 42:6 go forth in power
Faith; Holy Ghost, Gift of; Jesus Christ; of my Spirit, preaching g.; 42:6 g. to be
Message; Obedience; Plan; Religion; preached two by two; 42:12 fulness of g.
Repentance; Salvation; Tidings; Truth; contained in Bible and Book of Mormon;
Word of God 45:28 fulness of g. to come to those in dark-
1 Ne. 10:14 (15:13) after Gentiles receive ness; 60:14 manner of preaching g.; 65:2 g.
fulness of g. Israel shall come to knowledge to roll forth from Church; 66:2 everlasting
of the Messiah; 13:24 when book proceeded covenant, fulness of g.; 68:1, 8 (99:1) elders
from Jews, it had fulness of g.; 13:26, 32, 34 called to proclaim everlasting g.; 76:14
plain and precious parts of g. kept back by record we hear is g. of Christ; 76:40–43 g. is
abominable church; 2 Ne. 30:5 g. of Christ Atonement of Christ; 76:73 the Son visited
shall be declared among Lamanites; 3 Ne. and preached g. to spirits in prison; 76:82
16:10–12 when Gentiles reject fulness of fate of those who refuse g.; 76:101 teles-
g., it shall come to Israel; 27:10 if Church is tial glory includes those who receive not
built upon Christ’s g., the Father will show g.; 79:1 (128:19) everlasting g. is glad tidings
his works in it; 27:13–21 this is my g.; 28:23 of great joy; 84:19 Melchizedek Priesthood
disciples preach g. of Christ unto all peo- administers g.; 84:26 lesser priesthood
ple; 4 Ne. 1:38 those who reject g. are called holds keys of preparatory g.; 88:78 Saints
Lamanites; Morm. 9:8 he that denieth to be instructed more perfectly in law of
133 INDEX Governor
g.; 90:11 every man shall hear fulness of g.; g. of wars; 46:35 Amalickiahites who will
93:51 proclaim g. of salvation as the Lord not covenant to maintain free g. are put
gives utterance; 110:12 Elias has committed to death; 51:5 king-men desire to alter law
dispensation of g. of Abraham; 128:5 (137:7; to overthrow free g.; 54:17, 24 Ammoron
138:10, 19, 30–34, 57) the Lord prepared for claims Nephites’ fathers robbed their
salvation of those who die without knowl- brethren of right to g.; 58:36 Helaman 2
edge of g.; 133:36 everlasting g. committed fears some faction in g. does not send more
by angel; 133:57 that men might be partak- men; 59:13 Moroni1 is angry with g.; 60:14
ers of glories, the Lord sent forth fulness of Moroni1 fears God’s judgments will come
g.; 137:7 those who die without knowledge because of slothfulness of g.; 60:24 neces-
of g. but would have accepted it will in- sary to cleanse g. before contending with
herit celestial glory; 138:4 through Atone- Lamanites; Hel. 1:18 because of conten-
ment and obedience to g., mankind may tion in g. Nephites do not keep sufficient
be saved; 138:18–21, 28–37 g. preached to guards in Zarahemla; 5:2 laws and g. es-
spirits of dead; 138:25 the Savior taught g. tablished by voice of people; 6:39 robbers
to Jews during mortal ministry. obtain sole management of g.; 7:5 robbers
Moses 5:58 g. was preached from be- held in office at head of g. to get gain;
ginning; 5:58 g. declared by holy angels; 3 Ne. 3:10 Giddianhi claims he desires to
5:59 g. to remain until end of world; 8:19 help his people recover g.; 7:2, 6 people
Noah1 commanded to declare g.; Abr. 2:10 separate into tribes and destroy g. of land;
those who receive g. will be called after 7:11 tribes united in hatred of those who
Abraham’s name; 2:11 blessings of g. are entered covenant to destroy g.; 7:14 tribes
blessings of salvation; JS—H 1:34 fulness not united as to laws and manner of g.; 9:9
of g. contained in gold plates; A of F 1:3 people of King Jacob4 destroy peace and g.
all mankind may be saved by obedience of land.
to laws and ordinances of g.; 1:4 first prin- D&C 42:79, 84– 86 members who kill,
ciples and ordinances of g.; 1:5 man must steal, lie are to be delivered to law of land;
be called of God to preach g. 42:89 unreconciled disputes among mem-
bers resolved by Church, not before world;
Gossip. See also Babblings; Backbiting;
58:21 let no man break law of land; 58:21
Lying; Slander
he who keeps law of God has no need to
Hel. 16:22 Satan spreads rumors and break law of land; 58:22 Saints should be
contentions. subject to powers that be until the Lord
D&C 42:27 (136:23) thou shalt not speak reigns; 63:26 the Lord renders unto Cae-
evil of thy neighbor; 88:124 cease to find sar that which is Caesar’s; 98:4–7 Saints to
fault one with another; 136:24 let your befriend law of land; 98:5 (101:77) consti-
words tend to edifying one another. tutional law is justifiable before the Lord;
Gould, John 98:9 when wicked rule, people mourn;
D&C 100:14 to be saved if obedient. 101:76–80 g. to protect rights; 105:32 king-
doms of world to acknowledge kingdom
Govern, Government. See also Govern- of Zion; 109:54–55 prayer for nation; 123:6
ment, Civil; Order; Regulate; Rule abuses against Saints to be presented to
2 Ne. 19:6 (Isa. 9:6) unto us a child is heads of g.; 134:1 g. are instituted of God
born, and g. shall be upon his shoulder; for benefit of man; 134:2, 4–5, 7 g. must
19:7 (Isa. 9:7) of increase of g. and peace protect freedom of religion; 134:3, 5–6 peo-
there is no end. ple should seek and uphold just g.; 134:3,
D&C 31:9 g. your house in meekness; 5–7 human law instituted to protect indi-
38:36 officers to g. affairs of Church prop- vidual rights, justice; 134:8 g. should pun-
erty; 41:3 (42:59) scriptures given for law ish commission of crime; 134:9 religious
to g. Church; 88:34 that which is g. by law influence and c. g. should not be mingled;
is preserved by law; 88:40 the Lord g. and 134:11 men should appeal to civil law for
executes all things; 124:143 priesthood redress of wrongs.
offices given for helps and g. Abr. 1:25 first g. of Egypt established by
Abr. 3:3, 9 the Lord sets Kolob to g. Pharaoh.
Governor. See also Government, Civil;
Government, Civil. See also Constitution; Judge, Chief; Ruler
Country; Freedom; Govern; Governor; Alma 2:16 Alma2 is g. of Nephites; 50:39
Law, Civil; Liberty; Nation; President; (61:1) Pahoran1 is appointed g.; 3 Ne. 1:1
Right [noun]; Tax; tg Governments Lachoneus1 is g.
Alma 43:17 Moroni1 takes command and D&C 124:3 proclamation of gospel to g.
Grace INDEX 134
Grace. See also Gracious; Jesus Christ, Grain. See also Barley; Corn; Crop; Food;
Atonement through; Mercy; Redemption; Oats; Rye; Wheat
Salvation; Work [noun]; bd Grace Hel. 11:17 the Lord causes rain to fall,
2 Ne. 2:6 (Alma 5:48; 9:26; 13:9) the Mes- that earth brings forth g.
siah is full of g. and truth; 9:8 O wisdom D&C 89:14 (89:16–17) all g. is ordained
of God, his mercy and g.; 9:53 because of for use of man; 136:9 each company to pre-
g. and mercy, the Lord has promised that pare fields for raising g.
Nephites’ seed shall not be destroyed; 10:24
Granger, Oliver
only in and through g. of God that men are
saved; 11:5 my soul delighteth in the Lord’s D&C 117: Intro. revelation concerning
g.; 25:23 by g. we are saved, after all we duties of; 117:12–13 to contend for redemp-
can do; Jacob 4:7 the Lord showeth us our tion of First Presidency.
weakness that we may know it is by his g. Grant. See also Give
that we have power; Mosiah 18:16 people Mosiah 26:23 the Lord g. unto him that
of Alma1 are baptized and filled with g. believeth unto end a place at his right
of God; 18:26 (27:5) for their labor priests hand; Alma 17:9 sons of Mosiah2 pray that
were to receive g. of God; Alma 7:3 con- the Lord g. them portion of the Spirit; 29:4
tinue in supplicating of the Lord’s g.; Hel. God g. unto men according to their desire;
12:24 men should repent that they might 42:4 probationary time g. unto man to re-
be restored unto g. for g.; Morm. 2:15 day pent; 42:22 law given, punishment affixed,
of g. is past with Nephites; Ether 12:26–27 repentance g.
the Lord’s g. is sufficient for meek; 12:36,
41 Moroni2 prays the Lord will give Gen- Grape. See also Vineyard; Wine
tiles g.; Moro. 7:2 by g. of the Father and 2 Ne. 15:2 (Isa. 5:2) well-beloved’s vine-
Christ, Mormon2 is permitted to speak; 8:3 yard brought forth wild g.; 3 Ne. 14:16
continually praying that God, through in- (Matt. 7:16) do men gather g. of thorns.
finite g., will keep you; 10:32–33 ye may be D&C 89:6 pure wine of g. to be used in
perfect in Christ, by his g. sacrament.
D&C 17:8 (18:31) the Lord’s g. is suffi-
cient for you; 20:30 justification through g. Grass. See also Herb; Plant
of the Lord; 20:31 sanctification through D&C 124:7 do not fear kings and authori
g. of the Lord; 20:32 possibility that man ties, for they are as g.
may fall from g.; 50:40 elders must grow Grave. See also Baptism; Bury; Death,
in g. and knowledge; 66:12 the Father Physical; Resurrection; Sepulchre
full of g. and truth; 76:94 Church of the 2 Ne. 1:14 hear words of parent, whose
Firstborn receives of God’s fulness and limbs ye must soon lay down in g.; 9:11–13
g.; 84:99 the Lord has redeemed Israel g. must deliver up its dead; Mosiah 16:7–8
according to election of g.; 88:78 teach (Alma 22:14) because of Resurrection, g.
ye diligently and my g. shall attend you; hath no victory; Hel. 14:25 many g. shall
93:11 the Son full of g. and truth; 93:12–13 be opened at time of Christ’s Resurrec-
the Son received g. for g. until he received tion; Morm. 7:5 Christ hath gained vic-
fulness; 93:20 those who keep command- tory over g.
ments shall receive g.; 93:20 ye shall D&C 29:26 (88:97; 133:56) g. shall be
receive g. for g.; 106:8 the Lord gives g. and opened; 88:97 they who have slept in g.
assurance; 124:9 the Lord to soften hearts shall come forth; 88:98 they who are in
of wicked, that Saints may find g. in their g. shall be caught up to meet the Lord;
eyes; 138:14 Resurrection comes through g. 128:12–13 baptismal font similitude of g.
of the Father and the Son.
Moses 7:59 thou hast given me right to Graven. See Engrave; Image
throne through g. Great, Greater, Greatest. See also Day of
Gracious. See also Grace the Lord; Mighty
D&C 76:5 the Lord is g. to those who fear 1 Ne. 7:11 ye have forgotten what g.
him; 109:53 the Lord is g. and merciful to things the Lord hath done for us; 15:36
those who repent. fruit of tree of life is g. of all gifts of God;
2 Ne. 3:9 latter-day seer shall be g. like
Graft Moses; 12:9 (Isa. 2:9) g. man humbleth him-
1 Ne. 10:14 (15:13–18; Jacob 5:3–77; Alma self not, therefore forgive him not; Alma
16:17) after Gentiles receive gospel, natural 18:2–21 (19:25) Lamoni mistakes Ammon2
branches or remnant of Israel should be g. for the G. Spirit; 18:22–35 Ammon2 teaches
in, or come to knowledge of the Messiah. Lamoni about the G. Spirit; Morm. 9:13
135 INDEX Grudgingly
when trump shall sound, all shall come Gross, Grosser, Grossest. See also
forth, both small and g.; Ether 7:27 Shule Grievous
remembers g. things the Lord had done for Jacob 2:22 Jacob2 must speak to his peo-
forefathers in bringing them across g. deep. ple concerning g. crime; Alma 8:28 people
D&C 29:1 (38:1; 39:1) Christ, the G. I wax more g. in iniquities; 26:24 Lamanites’
Am; 50:26 he who is ordained of God is days spent in g. iniquities.
appointed to be g., notwithstanding he is D&C 112:23 g. darkness covers minds of
least; 64:33 out of small things proceed g.; people.
82:3 he who sins against g. light receives
g. condemnation; 107:64 High Priesthood Ground. See also Dust; Earth; Grounds
is g. of all; 109:55–56 hearts of g. ones of 1 Ne. 4:2 (17:26; Mosiah 7:19; Hel. 8:11)
earth to be softened; 122:8 the Son hath fathers come through Red Sea on dry
descended below all, art thou g. than he; g.; 2 Ne. 26:16 those who shall be de-
128:6 (138:11) gospel made known to dead, stroyed shall speak out of g.; Jacob 5:22
both g. and small; 138:38 Joseph F. Smith tree planted in poor spot of g. brings forth
saw g. and mighty ones among righteous much fruit; 5:23 tree planted in poorer
spirits; 138:55 noble and g. spirits chosen spot of g. also brings forth much fruit; 5:25,
to be rulers in Church. 43 tree planted in good spot of g. brings
Abr. 3:22 among premortal intelligences forth tame and wild fruit; Alma 32:39 if
were many noble and g. ones. neglected tree withers, it is because g. is
Great Britain barren.
D&C 88:89 earthquakes to cause men
D&C 87:3 southern states to call upon to fall to g.; 89:16 that which yields fruit,
G. B. for aid. whether in g. or above g., is for man’s
Greediness. See also Covet; Riches; use; 104:34 g. reserved for building of the
Selfishness Lord’s houses; 115:7 g. upon which Far
D&C 56:17 wo unto poor who are full of West stands is holy; 133:29 parched g. shall
g.; 68:31 inhabitants of Zion filled with g. no longer be thirsty land; 136:36 blood of
prophets cries from g.
Grieve. See also Grievous; Lament; Mourn; Moses 3:5 (Abr. 5:5) the Lord had not
Remorse; Sorrow yet created man to till g.; 4:23 g. cursed
1 Ne. 2:18 (15:4) Nephi1 g. because of through Fall of Adam.
hardness of brothers’ hearts; Jacob 5:7, 11,
32, 46–47, 51, 66 the Lord g. that he must Grounds. See also Ground
lose trees; 3 Ne. 7:16 Nephi3 g. for hardness Alma 5:10 what g. had fathers to hope
of hearts. for salvation; 30:7, 11 law should not bring
D&C 63:55 Sidney Rigdon exalted him- men on to unequal g.
self and g. the Spirit; 121:37 the Spirit of Grover, Thomas
the Lord is g. by those who exercise com-
pulsion upon men. D&C 124:132 member of high council.
Moses 8:25 Noah1 g. that the Lord made Grow. See also Enlarge; Flourish; Increase;
man. Multiply; Spread; Swell; Wax
Grievous. See also Gross Alma 32:28–41 word compared to good
D&C 95:3, 6, 10 (101:98) Saints have seed which will g. if planted in heart; 3 Ne.
sinned very g. sins; 103:4 Saints to be chas- 25:2 (Mal. 4:2) ye shall g. up as calves in
tened with g. chastisement; 104:4 those stall.
who break covenant shall be cursed with g. D&C 45:58 (63:51) in Millennium chil-
curse; 109:48 burdens of Saints are g. dren shall g. up without sin; 50:24 light to
Abr. 2:21 famine becomes g. g. brighter and brighter; 50:40 elders must
g. in grace and knowledge; 68:31 children
Griffin, Selah J. in Zion are g. up in wickedness; 84:82 con-
D&C 52:32 to be ordained and to jour- sider how lilies of field g.; 86:7 wheat and
ney to Missouri; 56:5– 6 to accompany tares g. together; 109:15 Saints to g. up in
Thomas B. Marsh to Missouri. the Lord; 123:7 wicked spirit g. stronger
and stronger.
Groan, Groaning. See also Cry; Mourn
D&C 84:49 (84:53) whole world lies in Grudgingly
sin and g.; 88:89 earthquakes to cause g.; Moro. 7:8 if a man being evil giveth gift,
123:7 whole earth g. under its iniquity. he doeth it g.
Moses 7:56 earth g. D&C 70:14 be equal, and this not g.
Guide INDEX 136
Guide. See also Counsel; Direction; Guiltless. See also Blameless; Spotless
Enlighten; God, Wisdom of; Holy Ghost; Mosiah 4:25–26 that ye may walk g.
Inspire; Revelation; tg Guidance, Divine before God, impart of your substance to
Mosiah 2:36 if ye transgress, the Spirit poor; 13:15 (Ex. 20:7) the Lord will not
shall have no place in you to g. you in wis- hold him g. that taketh his name in vain;
dom’s paths; Hel. 13:29 how long will ye 3 Ne. 27:16 whoso repents, is baptized, and
be led by blind g. endures to end will Christ hold g. before
D&C 19:40 canst thou run about as blind the Father.
g.; 45:57 wise take the Holy Ghost as g.; D&C 58:30 the Lord will not hold him g.
46:2 meetings to be conducted as g. by the who obeys not his commandments.
Spirit; 101:63 the Lord to show wisdom if Gulf. See also Hell; Misery
churches will be g. in right way.
1 Ne. 12:18 (15:28) awful g. separates
Guile. See also Deceit; Hypocrisy wicked from tree of life; 2 Ne. 1:13 (Alma
Alma 18:23 Ammon2 catches king with g. 26:20; Hel. 5:12) chains bind men captive
D&C 41:11 Edward Partridge is without down to eternal g. of misery and woe; Hel.
g.; 121:42 pure knowledge shall greatly en- 3:29 word leads man of Christ across g. of
large soul without g.; 124:97 William Law misery.
admonished to be humble and without g.
Guilt, Guilty. See also Bondage; Hagar. See also bd Hagar
Repentance; Shame; Sin; Spot; Stain; D&C 132:34, 65 given to Abraham.
Torment; Transgression
Hagoth—Nephite shipbuilder [c. 55 b.c.]
1 Ne. 16:2 g. take truth to be hard; 2 Ne. Alma 63:5–8 builds and launches many
9:14 we shall have perfect knowledge of ships.
all our g.; 28:8 if we are g., God will beat us
with a few stripes; Jacob 6:9 Resurrection Hail. See also Destruction; Storm
will bring you to stand with awful g. be- Mosiah 12:6 the Lord will smite people
fore God; Enos 1:6 my g. was swept away; of Noah3 with h.; Hel. 5:12 devil shall send
Mosiah 2:38 justice awakens soul to lively forth h.
sense of g.; 3:25 those who have done evil D&C 29:16 great h. sent to destroy crops;
works are consigned to awful view of own 43:25 the Lord calls nations by voice of
g.; Alma 1:12 Nehor is g. of priestcraft; 5:18 great h.; 109:30 works of those who lie
can ye imagine yourselves brought before against the Lord’s servants to be swept
God’s tribunal filled with g.; 5:23 these away by h.
things will testify ye are g. of all manner
Hair. See also Head; Shave
of wickedness; 11:43 we shall be brought
to stand before God with bright recollec- 2 Ne. 13:24 (Isa. 3:24) instead of well-
tion of all our g.; 12:1 Zeezrom trembles set h. there shall be baldness; Alma 11:44
under consciousness of g.; 14:7 Zeezrom (40:23) not so much as h. of head shall be
confesses he is g.; 24:10 God has forgiven us lost in restoration; 3 Ne. 12:36 (Matt. 5:36)
neither shalt thou swear by head, for thou
and taken away g. from hearts; 30:25 Kori-
canst not make one h. black or white.
hor says child is not g. because of parents;
D&C 9:14 (29:25) stand fast in work, and
39:7 I would to God ye had not been g. of
h. of head shall not be lost; 84:80, 116 h. of
so great a crime; 43:46 inasmuch as ye are
missionary’s head shall not fall to ground
not g. of first or second offense, ye shall not
unnoticed; 110:3 h. of the Lord’s head was
suffer yourselves to be slain by enemies; white.
Hel. 7:5 wicked judges let g. go unpun-
ished; 3 Ne. 6:29 lawyers and judges enter Hale, Emma. See Smith, Emma Hale
covenant to deliver those g. of murder from
Hale, Isaac
grasp of justice; Morm. 9:3 can ye dwell
with God under consciousness of your g. JS—H 1:57 Joseph Smith lives at home of.
D&C 38:14 some Saints are g. before the Hallowed. See also Holy
Lord; 64:22 the Lord will not hold any Mosiah 13:19 (Ex. 20:11) the Lord blessed
g. who go with open heart to Zion; 68:23 Sabbath day and h. it; 3 Ne. 13:9 (Matt. 6:9)
bishops found g. before First Presidency our Father who art in heaven, h. be thy
should be condemned; 104:7 g. shall not name.
escape; 134:4 civil authorities should pun-
ish g., but never suppress freedom of soul. Ham. See also bd Ham
Moses 6:54 the Son atones for original g. Moses 8:12, 27 son of Noah1; Abr. 1:11
137 INDEX Hand of the Lord
heaven; 87:6 inhabitants of earth to feel Happiness, Happy, Happier. See also
chastening h. of an Almighty God; 97:19 Blessed [adj.]; Cheer; Delight; Glad; Joy;
h. of the Lord is in Zion; 112:10 be humble, Merry; Please; Pleasure
and the Lord shall lead thee by h.; 121:4 1 Ne. 8:10 fruit of tree of life is desir-
Lord, stretch forth thy h.; 136:30 Saints’ en- able to make one h.; 2 Ne. 2:13 if there be
emies are in the Lord’s h. no righteousness, there be no h.; Mosiah
Moses 1:4 the Lord to show Moses work- 2:41 those who keep commandments unto
manship of his h.; 6:32 all flesh is in God’s end shall dwell with God in state of never-
h.; 7:32 men are workmanship of God’s h.; ending h.; 16:11 good are resurrected to
Abr. 1:18 I will lead thee by my h. endless life of h.; Alma 3:26 those whose
works are good reap eternal h.; 27:18 none
Hands, Laying on of. See also Admin- receive joy of God save penitent and hum-
istration to the Sick; Anointing; Confirm;
ble seeker of h.; 28:12 survivors of war re-
Heal; Holy Ghost, Gift of; Ordain;
joice that dead may be raised to dwell with
Ordinance; Priesthood, Melchizedek;
God in state of never-ending h.; 40:12–17
tg Hands, Laying on of; bd Laying on of
spirits of those who are righteous are re-
ceived into state of h.; 41:5 souls will be
Alma 6:1 Alma2 ordains priests and el- raised to h. according to their desires of h.;
ders by l. on his h.; 31:36 Alma2 claps his h. 41:10 (Hel. 13:38) ye shall not be restored
upon those with him, and they are filled from sin to h.; 41:10 wickedness never
with the Holy Ghost; 3 Ne. 18:36–37 Christ was h.; 42:16 punishment affixed opposite
gives disciples the Holy Ghost by l. on of h.; plan of h.; 44:5 Nephites owe all their h.
Morm. 9:24 believers shall lay h. on sick, to sacred word of God; 46:41 those who
and they shall recover; Moro. 2:2 disciples die in faith of Christ are h. in him; 50:23
given power to bestow the Holy Ghost by there never was h. time among Nephites
l. on of h.; 3:1–2 disciples ordain priests and than in days of Moroni1; Hel. 12:2 at very
teachers by l. on of h. time when Lord does all things for wel-
D&C 20:41, 43, 68 l. on of h. for baptism fare and h. of his people they harden their
of fire; 20:58 teachers and deacons do not hearts; 13:38 Nephites have sought for h.
have authority to lay on h.; 20:68 (33:15) in doing iniquity; 4 Ne. 1:16 could not be
confirmed by l. on of h.; 20:68 instruction h. people among all those created by God;
to precede l. on of h.; 20:70 elders to lay h. Morm. 2:13 the Lord would not always suf-
upon children for blessing; 24:9 continue fer Nephites to take h. in sin; 7:7 he that
in l. on of h.; 25:8 (33:15; 35:6; 39:23; 49:14; is found guiltless shall dwell in state of h.
53:3; 55:3; 68:25; 76:52; 138:33) receive the which hath no end.
Holy Ghost by l. on of h.; 36:2 the Lord will D&C 77:2 four beasts in Rev. 4:6 repre-
lay h. upon Edward Partridge by h. of his sent h. of man and beasts.
servant; 42:44 (66:9) elders shall lay h. upon Abr. 1:2 no greater h. for Abraham than
sick; 52:10 elders to baptize and lay on h. blessing of fathers.
by water’s side; 68:21 lineage to be ascer- Haran. See also bd Haran
tained by revelation from the Lord under
h. of Presidency; 68:27 children to receive Abr. 2:1 brother of Abraham.
l. on of h. after baptism; 84:6–16 (107:44) Haran, Land of. See also bd Haran
priesthood received by l. on of h.; 107:67 Abr. 2:4 temporary abode of Abraham;
from President of High Priesthood comes 2:6 Abraham and Lot to leave H.; 2:14
administering of ordinances and blessings Abraham departs out of H.
upon Church, by l. on of h.
JS—H 1:68 John the Baptist ordains Jo- Hard. See also Hardheartedness; Harsh
seph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by l. on 1 Ne. 3:28 Laman1 and Lemuel speak h.
of h.; 1:70 Aaronic Priesthood has not power words unto younger brothers; 15:3 Lehi1
of l. on of h. for gift of the Holy Ghost; spoke many things that were h. to un-
A of F 1:4 l. on of h. for gift of the Holy derstand; 16:2 guilty take truth to be h.;
Ghost; 1:5 man must be called of God by 2 Ne. 9:40 words of truth are h. against all
prophecy and l. on of h. uncleanness; Hel. 14:10 Nephites seek to
destroy Samuel the Lamanite because his
Hang. See also Capital Punishment; Sword words are h. against them.
3 Ne. 4:28 Zemnarihah is h. upon tree D&C 19:15 men know not how h. their
until dead. suffering will be to bear; 20:54 teachers to
D&C 81:5 (Heb. 12:12) lift up hands that see there is no h. with each other among
h. down. members.
139 INDEX Harris, Martin
Hardheartedness. See also Contention; hearts; 10:65 the Lord will gather them
Doubt; Hate; Pride; Rebel; Resist; Soften; if they will not harden hearts; 29:7 elect
Stiffnecked; Stubbornness; Unbelief; hear the Lord’s voice and harden not
Wicked; tg Hardheartedness hearts; 38:5–6 wicked who do not hear the
1 Ne. 2:18 (7:8) Nephi1 grieves for hard- Lord’s voice but harden hearts will be kept
ness of brothers’ hearts; 12:17 temptations in chains; 45:6 members warned not to
of devil harden hearts of men; 13:27–28 harden hearts; 45:29 those in darkness turn
abominable church takes away plain parts hearts from the Lord because of precepts
of gospel to harden hearts of men; 14:7 of men; 45:33 in last days men will harden
men to be delivered to hardness of their hearts against the Lord; 58:15 blindness of
hearts; 15:3 being hard in hearts, Laman1 heart may cause man to fall; 78:10 Satan
and Lemuel look not to God for under- turns men’s hearts away from truth; 82:21
standing; 15:11 if ye harden not hearts soul that hardens heart against covenant
and ask in faith, these things shall be will be delivered to Satan’s buffetings;
made known; 22:5 (2 Ne. 6:10; 25:10; Mo- 84:24 children of Israel hardened hearts
siah 3:15) Jews will harden hearts against and could not endure the Lord’s presence;
the Holy One; 2 Ne. 33:2 many harden 84:76 men to be upbraided for evil hearts
hearts against the Holy Spirit; Jacob 6:4–5 of unbelief; 112:13 the Lord will feel after
those of house of Israel who harden not Twelve if they harden not their hearts.
hearts shall be saved in kingdom of God; Moses 6:27 hearts have waxed hard; Abr.
Mosiah 11:29 people of Noah 3 harden 1:6 hearts of Abraham’s fathers were set
hearts against Abinadi’s words; Alma 12:10 to do evil.
he who hardens heart receives lesser por- Harlot. See also Adultery; Church, Great
tion of word; 12:34 whoso repenteth and and Abominable; Fornication; Whore
hardeneth not his heart shall have claim
1 Ne. 13:7– 8, 34 (14:16 –17) abomina-
on mercy; 12:37 let us repent and harden
ble church is mother of h.; Mosiah 11:14
not our hearts lest we provoke the Lord to
(12:29) priests of Noah3 spend their time
wrath; 13:4 men reject the Spirit because
with h.; Alma 39:3 Corianton goes after
of hardness of hearts; 21:3 dissenters are
h. Isabel.
harder than Lamanites, cause Lamanites
to harden hearts; 24:30 enlightened people Harm. See also Harmless; Hurt; Mischief
who fall into sin become more hardened; Hel. 5:44 Nephi2 and Lehi4 encircled by
33:21 if ye could be healed by merely cast- fire, yet it h. them not; 3 Ne. 28:21 (4 Ne.
ing about your eyes, would ye harden your 1:32–33; Morm. 8:24) Nephite disciples cast
hearts in unbelief and not cast about into furnace and den of wild beasts and
your eyes; 34:31 come forth and harden receive no h.
not your hearts any longer; 37:10 Neph- D&C 10:25 Satan teaches there is no h. in
ites harden hearts in sin and iniquities; deceiving and lying; 42:27 thou shalt not
Hel. 6:35 (13:8) the Spirit withdraws from do any h. to neighbor; 84:72 poison of ser-
Nephites because of hardness of hearts; pent shall not have power to h. Apostles.
13:8 because of Nephites’ hardness of
heart, the Lord will withdraw his word; Harmless
16:12 people become more hardened in in- Alma 18:22 Ammon2 is wise, yet h.
iquity; 3 Ne. 1:22 lyings sent forth among
Harmony, Pennsylvania
people by Satan to harden their hearts;
20:28 if Gentiles harden hearts against D&C 3–13; 24–27 revelations received
him, the Lord will return their iniquities at H.
upon their own heads; 21:22 if Israel will Harris, Emer
repent and harden not hearts, the Lord
D&C 75:30 to preach with Simeon Carter.
will establish Church among them; Morm.
3:12 Mormon2 prays for Nephites, but with- Harris, George W.
out faith because of their h.; Ether 8:25 D&C 124:132 member of high council.
devil hardens men’s hearts, that they mur-
der prophets; Moro. 9:4 when Mormon 2 Harris, Martin
uses no sharpness, Nephites harden hearts D&C 3: Intro. given 116 pages of Book of
against God’s word. Mormon manuscript; 3:12–13 has broken
D&C 5:18 testimony of Three Witnesses most sacred promises; 5: Intro. revelation
to condemn this generation if they harden given at request of; 5:1 desires witness of
hearts; 10:32 (10:63) Satan hardens hearts plates; 5:24 does not humble himself suffi-
of people; 10:53 the Lord will establish ciently; 5:25 to serve as witness if humble;
Church if this generation hardens not 5:28 must confess transgressions; 10:6–7
Harrow INDEX 140
has sought to destroy Joseph Smith; 17: In- against Nephites; 29:5 Gentiles have h. Jews
tro. revelation to, prior to viewing plates; and not sought to recover them; Mosiah
19: Intro. revelation to, as commandment 10:17 (4 Ne. 1:39) Lamanites are taught to
of God; 19:26–27, 35 to impart of property h. children of God; 13:13 (Ex. 20:5) the Lord
to printing of Book of Mormon; 52:24 to visits iniquities of fathers upon children
journey to Missouri; 58:35 to lay money unto third and fourth generation of them
before bishop; 58:38–39 warned to repent, that h. him; Alma 24:1–2 h. of Lamanites
for he seeks praise of world; 70:1–3 one of against people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi becomes
stewards over revelations and command- sore; 37:32 teach everlasting h. against sin
ments; 82:11 to be bound to other elders and iniquity; Hel. 5:51 converted Laman-
by covenant that cannot be broken by ites lay down their h.; 3 Ne. 7:11 tribes
transgression; 102:3, 34 member of high united in h. of robbers; 12:43–44 (Matt.
council; 104:24 appointed lot of land for 5:43–44) do good to them that h. you; 13:24
stewardship; 104:26 to devote moneys to (Matt. 6:24) man who serves two masters
proclaiming the Lord’s words. will h. one and love other; Moro. 1:2 be-
JS—H 1:61 gives money to Joseph Smith; cause of h., Lamanites put to death every
1:63 takes translation to New York City. Nephite who will not deny Christ.
D&C 43:21 if the Lord calls upon men to
Harrow. See also Terror; Torment repent and they h. him, what will they say
2 Ne. 9:47 would I h. up your souls if when thunder speaks; 98:46 (103:26; 105:30;
your minds were pure; Alma 15:3 Zeez- 124:50, 52) the Lord takes vengeance on
rom’s sins h. up his mind; 39:7 Alma2 would children’s children of them that h. him.
not dwell upon Corianton’s sins, to h. up
his soul, if it were not for his good; Morm. Havoc. See also Confusion
5:8 Mormon2 does not desire to h. up men’s Hel. 11:27 robbers make great h.
souls in describing carnage. Haws, Peter
Harsh, Harshly, Harshness. See also Hard D&C 124:62, 70 to help in building Nau-
2 Ne. 33:5 record speaks h. against sin; voo House.
Enos 1:23 prophets preach and prophesy Head. See also Hair; Order
in h.; 3 Ne. 11:3 voice from heaven is not h.
1 Ne. 22:13 blood of abominable church
Harvest. See also Reap; Thresh shall turn upon own h.; 2 Ne. 4:6 cursing
Alma 17:13 sons of Mosiah2 trust that taken from you and answered upon h. of
they shall meet at close of their h.; 26:7 parents; Jacob 4:17 is it possible for Jews
converts are in hands of the Lord of h. to build upon rejected foundation that it
D&C 4:4 (6:3; 11:3; 12:3; 14:3; 33:3, 7) field may become h. of their corner; Mosiah 5:8
is white already to h.; 45:2 (56:16) h. shall under this h. ye are made free; 10:8 (Alma
be ended and your souls not saved; 86:7 3:5; 3 Ne. 4:7) warriors shave their h.; 29:30
wheat and tares to grow together until h. sins shall be answered upon people’s h.;
is ripe; 101:64 gathering of Saints for time Alma 3:4–5 Amlicites do not shave h. like
of h. is come. Lamanites; 3 Ne. 1:13 lift up your h. and be
of good cheer; 12:36 (Matt. 5:36) thou shalt
Haste, Hasten. See also Rash not swear by h.; 20:28 the Father will re-
2 Ne. 15:19 (Isa. 5:19) wo unto them that turn Gentiles’ iniquities upon their own h.
say, Let him h. his work; 3 Ne. 20:42 (Isa. D&C 28:6 thou shalt not command him
52:12) ye shall not go out with h., for the who is at thy h. and at h. of Church; 46:29
Lord will go before you. some are given all spiritual gifts that there
D&C 58:56 (101:68, 72) work of gather- may be h.; 50:30 spirits subject to him who
ing should not be in h.; 60:8, 14 preach is appointed to h.; 68:25 sin to be upon h. of
word, not in h.; 63:24 Saints to assemble in parents who do not teach children; 107:55
Zion, not in h. lest there be confusion; Adam set to be at h.; 107:92 gifts of God be-
88:73 the Lord will h. his work in its time; stowed upon h. of Church; 121:33 the Lord
101:72 all things to be done in their time, pours down knowledge upon h. of Saints;
not in h.; 133:15 flight should not be in h. 123:6 libelous publication to be presented
to h. of government; 124:50 iniquity to be
Hate, Hatred. See also Abhor; Despise; visited upon h. of those who hinder the
Malice; Persecution; Prejudice; Revile Lord’s work; 132:19 exaltation sealed upon
1 Ne. 19:14 (2 Ne. 6:10–11; 3 Ne. 16:9) h. of those whose marriage is sealed by the
because Jews have despised the Holy One, Holy Spirit of Promise; 133:34 richer bless-
they shall be h. among all nations; 2 Ne. ing upon h. of Ephraim.
5:14 (Jacob 7:24; Enos 1:20) h. of Lamanites Moses 4:21 seed of woman shall bruise
141 INDEX Hearken
serpent’s h.; JS—H 1:16 Joseph Smith sees h.; 16:10 (Isa. 6:10; Matt. 13:13–15) make
pillar of light over his h.; 1:31 h. and neck ears of this people heavy lest they h. and
of Moroni2 are bare. be converted; 27:29 (Isa. 29:18) deaf shall
h. words of book; Jacob 7:5 Jacob2 h. voice
Heal, Healing. See also Administration of the Lord from time to time; Mosiah 9:18
to the Sick; Cure; Deaf; Dumb; Hands,
God h. cries of Zeniff’s people; 11:23–24
Laying on of; Jesus Christ, Atonement
(21:15) except this people repent, the Lord
through; Miracle; Ordinance; Raise;
will be slow to h. their cries; 26:28 he who
Recover; Save; Sick; tg Heal
will not h. the Lord’s voice shall not be re-
1 Ne. 11:31 multitudes of sick and af- ceived in his Church; 27:14 the Lord hath
flicted h. by the Lamb; 17:41 the Lord pre- h. prayers of his people; 3 Ne. 11:3 voice
pared way that Israelites might be h. of from heaven pierces them that h.; 14:24
serpent bites; 2 Ne. 16:10 (Isa. 6:10; Acts (Matt. 7:24) whoso h. Christ’s sayings and
28:27) make people’s heart fat, lest they doeth them is like wise man who built
understand, be converted and h.; 25:20 the house upon rock; 15:17, 21–23 ( John 10:16)
Lord gave Moses power to h. nations after other sheep not of this fold shall h. Christ’s
being bitten by serpents; Jacob 2:8 pleas- voice; 17:16 ear hath not h. so marvelous
ing word of God h. wounded soul; Mosiah things as Nephites h. Jesus speak unto the
14:5 (Isa. 53:5) with his stripes we are h.; Father; 17:25 multitude did see, h., bear
Alma 15:8 if thou believest in Redemption record; 27:9 if ye call upon the Father in
of Christ, thou canst be h.; 33:20 Israelites Christ’s name, the Father will h. you; Ether
would not look upon serpent because they 1:40 the Lord h. brother of Jared2; Moro.
did not believe it would h. them; 33:21–22 2:3 multitude did not h. Jesus give disciples
if ye could be h. by casting about your authority to bestow the Holy Ghost.
eyes, would ye not behold quickly; 3 Ne. D&C 1:2 no ear that shall not h. the
7:22 those who are h. manifest unto peo- Lord’s voice; 1:14 they who will not h. voice
ple that they have been wrought upon by of the Lord or his servants will be cut off;
the Spirit; 9:13 repent of your sins and be 18:36 testify that you have h. my voice;
converted, that I may h. you; 17:9 Christ h. 29:7 elect h. the Lord’s voice; 38:29 (45:26,
all Nephite sick who are brought to him; 63) ye h. of wars; 70:1 inhabitants of Zion
18:32 those who repent and come unto admonished to h. the Lord’s word to his
Christ will be h. servants; 76:16 dead shall h. the Son’s voice
D&C 24:13 require not miracles, except and come forth; 90:11 every man shall h.
casting out devils, h. sick; 35:9 (84:68) gospel in his own tongue; 138:37 spirits of
whoso asks in the Lord’s name in faith rebellious h. gospel through ministration
shall h. sick; 42:43 he who has not faith of the Lord’s servants.
to be h. should be nourished; 42:48–51 he Moses 4:14 Adam and Eve h. voice of
who has faith in the Lord to be h. shall be; God while walking in garden; 5:4 Adam
46:19 spiritual gift of faith to be h.; 46:20 and Eve h. the Lord’s voice from way to-
spiritual gift of faith to h.; 112:13 if Twelve ward Eden; 6:27 Enoch 2 h. voice from
harden not their hearts, the Lord will h. heaven; 7:49 Enoch2 h. earth mourn; JS—H
them; 124:98 signs that will follow the 1:24 Joseph Smith felt like Paul, who saw
Lord’s servants include h. sick. vision, h. voice.
A of F 1:7 we believe in gift of h. Hearken. See also Communication; Hear;
Health. See also Body; Disease; Heal; Sick; Heed; Listen; Obedience
Strength; Word of Wisdom; tg Health 1 Ne. 14:1–2 if Gentiles h. unto the Lamb,
D&C 89:18 Saints who obey Word of Wis- they shall be numbered among Israel; 19:7
dom receive h. in navels; 124:23 boarding men h. not unto God’s counsels; 2 Ne. 8:1
house to be established that weary traveler (Isa. 51:1) h. unto me, ye that follow after
may find h. and safety. righteousness; 9:29 to be learned is good
if they h. unto counsels of God; 26:8 righ-
Hear, Heard. See also Communication; teous that h. unto words of prophets shall
Deaf; Ear; Hearken; Heed; Listen not perish; 28:26, 31 wo unto him that h.
1 Ne. 10:17 Nephi 1 desires to see, h. unto precepts of men; 32:8 if ye h. unto
things seen by his father; 17:45 Laman 1 the Spirit which teacheth man to pray, ye
and Lemuel have h. God’s voice from time would know that ye must pray; Alma 5:38
to time; 19:24 Nephi1 admonishes people to (Hel. 7:18) if ye will not h. unto voice of
h. words of Moses; 22:20 latter-day prophet the Good Shepherd, ye are not his sheep;
shall ye h. in all things he shall say unto 5:41 if man bringeth forth good works, he
you; 2 Ne. 9:31 wo unto deaf that will not h. unto voice of the Good Shepherd; 3 Ne.
Heart INDEX 142
28:34 wo unto him who will not h. unto unto the Lord, let your h. be full; 37:37
words of Jesus. let thy h. be full of thanks unto God; Hel.
D&C 29:2 the Lord will gather those 3:35 sanctification of h., which cometh of
who h. to his voice; 84:46–47 those who yielding h. unto God; 6:17 Nephites begin
h. to voice of the Spirit are enlightened to set h. upon riches; 6:30 Satan hands
and come to the Father; 101:7 God is slow down works of darkness as he can get hold
to h. unto prayers of those slow to h. to upon h. of men; 12:4 how quick are men
his voice; 103:4 members chastened be- to set h. upon vain things of world; 13:2–4
cause they did not h. to commandments; Samuel2 prophesies whatsoever things the
138:26 few h. to the Savior during mortal Lord puts into his h.; 3 Ne. 11:3 voice from
ministry. heaven causes h. to burn; 11:30 not Christ’s
Moses 4:4 Satan leads captive those who doctrine to stir up h. with anger; 12:28
h. not to God’s voice; 5:16 Cain h. not; 6:1 (Matt. 5:28) whoso looketh upon woman
Adam h. unto voice of God. to lust after her hath committed adultery
in h.; 12:29 suffer none of these things to
Heart. See also Bosom; Breast; Broken enter h.; 19:33 multitude understands in
Heart and Contrite Spirit; Change; their h. words Jesus prays; 25:6 (Mal. 4:6)
Conversion; Hardheartedness; Humble; Elijah shall turn h. of fathers to children
Intent; Lowliness; Pride; Purpose
and h. of children to fathers; 4 Ne. 1:28
1 Ne. 17:44 elder sons of Lehi1 are mur- (Ether 15:19) Satan gets hold upon h. of
derers in h.; 18:20 only power of God Church; Morm. 9:27 come unto the Lord
threatening destruction could soften h. with all your h.; Moro. 7:48 pray unto the
of brothers of Nephi1; 22:26 Satan has no Father with all energy of h.; 10:3 ponder
power over people’s h. because they dwell these things in your h.
in righteousness; 2 Ne. 1:21 Lehi1 exhorts D&C 1:2 no h. that shall not be pene-
sons to be determined in one mind and trated; 2:1–2 (27:9; 110:15; 128:17; 138:47)
one h.; 4:16 h. of Nephi1 ponders continu- Elijah to turn h. of children and fathers
ally upon what he has seen and heard; 4:26 to each other; 4:2 serve the Lord with all
why should my h. weep; 4:28, 30 rejoice, O your h.; 6:20 (11:26; 43:34) treasure up
my h.; 9:30 h. of rich are upon their trea- these words in thy h.; 8:2 the Lord speaks
sures; 9:49 my h. delighteth in righteous- in mind and h.; 10:15 Satan puts it into
ness; 16:10 (Isa. 6:10) make h. of this people men’s h. to tempt the Lord; 10:20 Satan
fat lest they understand with their h. and has great hold upon men’s h.; 10:21 h. are
be converted; 25:16 Israel shall worship corrupt; 10:63 Satan stirs h. to contention;
the Father in Christ’s name with pure h. 11:19 cleave unto the Lord with all your
and clean hands; 27:25 (Isa. 29:13) people h.; 19:7 words “eternal damnation” to work
draw near the Lord with mouth, but have on men’s h.; 19:28 thou shalt pray in thy h.;
removed h. far from him; 28:20 devil shall 19:39 lift up thy h. for gladness; 21:9 Christ
rage in h. of men; 33:1 when man speaks by crucified for remission of sin unto con-
power of the Holy Ghost, it carries unto h. trite h.; 25:12 the Lord delights in song of
of men; Jacob 2:35 Nephites have broken h.; 38:19 the Lord will give land for inheri-
h. of tender wives; Mosiah 2:9 Benjamin tance if Saints seek it with all their h.; 38:29
admonishes people to open h. that they ye know not h. of men in your own land
may understand; 4:2 apply atoning blood regarding war; 42:22 love thy wife with
of Christ that our h. may be purified; 5:12 all thy h.; 42:25 adulterer who repents
remember to retain name written always with all his h. shall be forgiven; 42:69 lift
in h.; 12:27 ye have not applied your h. to up your h. and rejoice; 45:26 (88:91) men’s
understanding; 18:8–12 if this be desire of h. will fail them in last days; 45:29 those
your h., what have you against being bap- in darkness turn h. from the Lord because
tized; 18:21 people of Church should have of precepts of men; 45:55 Satan to have
h. knit together in unity; 24:12 Alma1 and no place in men’s h. during Millennium;
his people pour out h. to God; Alma 5:7 45:65 with one h. and mind, gather riches
the Lord changed fathers’ h.; 5:19 can ye to purchase land; 59:5 love the Lord thy
look to God with pure h. and clean hands; God with all thy h.; 59:17–19 good things of
5:26 if ye have experienced change of h., earth made to gladden h.; 64:22 (64:34) the
can ye feel so now; 13:29 have love of God Lord requires men’s h.; 78:10 Satan seeks to
always in h.; 16:16 the Lord pours out the turn men’s h. from truth; 81:3 pray always,
Spirit to prepare h. to receive word; 32:16 vocally and in h.; 84:88 the Spirit shall be
blessed is he that believeth and is baptized in your h.; 88:3 the Comforter to abide in
without stubbornness of h.; 32:28 plant your h.; 88:62 ponder these sayings in your
seed in your h.; 34:27 when ye do not cry h.; 89:4 evils and designs to exist in h. of
143 INDEX Heaven
conspiring men in last days; 98:17 seek to (3 Ne. 13:20; Matt. 6:20) lay up for your-
turn h. of Jews unto prophets; 121:4 Lord, selves treasures in h.; 5:48 Nephi2 and Lehi4
let thine h. be softened; 121:35 men’s h. are behold h. open; 14:3, 6 signs in h. at Christ’s
set upon things of world; 124:9 the Lord coming; 3 Ne. 11:3 Nephites hear voice as
will soften h. of Saints’ enemies for their if it comes out of h.; 13:10 (Matt. 6:10) thy
good; 137:9 the Lord judges men according will be done on earth as it is in h.; 28:7
to works and desires of h. Christ shall come in glory with powers of
Moses 4:6 Satan influences h. of serpent; h.; 28:13–16, 36 Three Nephites caught up
6:27 men’s h. have waxed hard; 6:55 when into h.; Ether 13:9 (Isa. 65:17) there shall be
children begin to grow up, sin conceives in new h. and new earth.
their h.; 7:18 people of Zion are of one h.; D&C 1:8 (128:8, 10; 132:46) power given
Abr. 1:6 fathers’ h. were set to do evil; 3:17 to seal on earth and in h.; 1:17 the Lord
nothing that the Lord takes in his h. to do spoke to Joseph Smith from h.; 21:6 (35:24;
but he does it; JS—H 1:19 men’s h. are far 43:18; 45:48; 49:23; 84:118) God will cause h.
from God; 1:39 (Mal. 4:6) Elijah shall plant to shake; 29:14 (45:42) stars shall fall from
in h. of children promises made to fathers. h.; 29:23 (45:22; 56:11) h. and earth to pass
away; 29:23 new h. and new earth; 45:16
Hearthom—early Jaredite king the Lord will come in clouds of h.; 49:6
Ether 1:16–17 (10:29–31) father of Heth2, the Son reigns in h.; 63:34 the Lord will
son of Lib1; 10:30 reigns 24 years, taken come down in h. from Father’s presence;
into captivity. 67:2 h. and earth are in the Lord’s hands;
Heat. See also Hot 76:26 h. wept over Lucifer; 77:2 beasts used
by John in describing h.; 84:42 priesthood
2 Ne. 14:6 (Isa. 4:6) tabernacle shall be confirmed by voice from h.; 84:101 h. have
shadow in daytime from h.; 3 Ne. 26:3 smiled on earth; 88:43 courses of h. are
(Morm. 9:2; 2 Pet. 3:10, 12) elements shall fixed; 88:79 Saints to be instructed of
melt with fervent h. things in both h. and earth; 88:92–93, 103
D&C 101:25 elements to melt with fer- angels shall fly through midst of h.; 88:95
vent h. silence in h.; 88:97 quickened will meet the
Moses 7:8 the Lord shall curse land with Lord in pillar of h.; 93:17 the Son received
much h. all power, both in h. and on earth; 107:19
Heathen. See also Gentile Melchizedek Priesthood holds keys to have
2 Ne. 26:33 the Lord remembereth h.; h. opened; 112:32 keys of this dispensation
3 Ne. 13:7 (Matt. 6:7) use not vain repe- sent from h.; 121:33 what power shall stay
titions, as h.; 21:21 the Lord will execute h.; 121:36 rights of priesthood are insepa-
vengeance and fury upon unrepentant, rably connected with powers of h.; 121:45
as upon h. doctrine of priesthood shall distill upon
D&C 45:54 h. nations shall be redeemed soul as dews from h.; 124:93 (127:7; 128:8,
after Jews; 75:22 more tolerable for h. in 10; 132:46) what you bind on earth shall be
day of judgment than for house that re- bound in h.; 128:14 as are records on earth,
jects elders; 90:10 arm of the Lord to be so are those in h.; 128:19, 23 voice of mercy
revealed in power in convincing h. nations from h.; 129:1 two kinds of beings in h.;
of gospel. 131:1 in celestial glory there are three h.,
Abr. 1:5 fathers turned to worshiping or degrees; 133:17, 36 angel crying through
h. gods. midst of h.; 133:69 the Lord clothes h. with
Heaven. See also Astronomy; Celestial Moses 1:37 h. cannot be numbered to
Glory; Creation; God—Creator; Heavenly; man, but are numbered to God; 1:38 h. and
Host; Jesus Christ—Creator; Kingdom of earth pass away, another shall come; 2–3
God; Paradise; tg Kingdom of God, in creation of h. and earth revealed to Mo-
Heaven; bd Heaven ses; 2:8 firmament called H.; 7:56 h. were
1 Ne. 1:8 Lehi1 sees h. open; 11:14, 27, 30 veiled; 7:61 ( JS—M 1:36) h. shall be dark-
(12:6) Nephi1 sees h. open; 2 Ne. 7:3 (Isa. ened; Abr. 2:7 God dwells in h.; 4:8 the
50:3) the Lord clothes h. with blackness; Gods called expanse, H.; 5:1–4 the Gods
23:13 (Isa. 13:13) the Lord will shake h.; finished h. and earth; JS—M 1:33 (Matt.
24:13 (Isa. 14:13) Lucifer says, I will ascend 24:29) stars shall fall from h.; 1:33, 36
into h.; Mosiah 2:41 those who keep com- (Matt. 24:29) powers of h. shall be shaken;
mandments unto end are received into h.; 1:36 (Matt. 24:30) signs of the Son shall ap-
Alma 18:30 h. is a place where God dwells; pear in h.; 1:36 (Matt. 24:30) the Son will
Hel. 3:28 gate of h. is open unto all; 5:8 come in clouds of h.
Heavenly INDEX 144
Heavenly. See also Heaven sins are h. of kingdom of God; 4 Ne. 1:17
4 Ne. 1:3 (Ether 12:8) all made partak- people are in one, children of Christ and
ers of h. gift. h. of kingdom of God.
D&C 76:14, 89 Joseph Smith and Sidney D&C 7:6 (76:88) John to minister to h.
Rigdon see h. vision; 76:66 city of the liv- of salvation who dwell on earth; 52:2 the
ing God, h. place; 78:5 Saints to be equal Lord’s people a remnant of Jacob, h. ac-
in bonds of h. things; 78:5–6 if Saints are cording to covenant; 70:8 inhabitants of
not equal in earthly things, they can- Zion to become h. according to laws of
not be equal in h. things; 84:42 h. hosts kingdom; 86:9 those who hold priesthood
given charge concerning Saints; 128:13–14 by lineage are lawful h. according to flesh;
earthly conforms to h. 137:7–8 those who would have accepted
gospel shall be h. of celestial kingdom;
Heavenly Father. See God the Father 138:59 repentant sinners who pay penalty
Hebrew. See also Language; bd Hebrew are h. of salvation.
Morm. 9:33 Nephites have altered H.; Abr. 1:2 Abraham became rightful h., a
9:33 if Nephites could have written in high priest.
H., there would have been no imperfec- Helam—convert from among people of Noah3
tions in record. [c. 147 b.c.]
Hedge. See also Punishment Mosiah 18:12–14 baptized by Alma1.
2 Ne. 4:33 Lord, h. not up my way, but Helam, City of. See also Helam, Land of
ways of mine enemy; Mosiah 7:29 in day Mosiah 23:20 built by people of Alma1
of their transgression, the Lord will h. up in land of Helam; 23:25–26 people flee to
his people’s ways that they prosper not. H. when Lamanites come.
Heed. See also Communication; Hear; Helam, Land of—land inhabited by people
Hearken; Listen; Notice; Obedience; of Alma1
Mosiah 23:3– 4 beautiful land, eight
1 Ne. 15:25 give h. unto word of the Lord; days’ journey from land of Nephi; 23:19
Mosiah 1:16 Liahona would lead people ac- given name; 23:20 people multiply, pros-
cording to h. they gave the Lord; 5:11 take per, build city of Helam; 23:25 Lamanites
h. that ye do not transgress; Alma 12:9 por- invade; 23:29 Lamanites take possession
tion of word granted unto men according of H.; 23:35 Amulon and his brethren dis-
to h. they give the Lord; 37:43 fathers sloth- cover H. while searching for land of Nephi;
ful to give h. to compass; 37:44 it is easy to 23:37 Lamanites set guards around H.;
give h. to word of Christ. 23:38 Lamanites bring families to H.; 23:39
D&C 1:14 they who will not give h. to Amulon appointed king over H.; 24:18–20
voice of the Lord and his servants will be people of Alma1 flee from H.; 27:16 remem-
cut off; 20:33 let Church take h. and pray
ber the captivity of thy fathers in l. of H.;
always; 20:34 let those who are sanctified
Alma 24:1 Amalekites and Amulonites
take h.; 21:4 Church should h. words and
stir up Lamanites in H. against people of
commandments Joseph Smith receives;
63:6 let wicked take h.; 84:43 give diligent
h. to words of eternal life; 93:48 Joseph Helaman1—son of King Benjamin
Smith’s family must give more earnest h. [c. 130 b.c.]
to his words. Mosiah 1:2 taught in language and
Moses 8:13 Noah 1 and sons give h. to prophecies by father.
the Lord; 8:23 Noah1 preaches, Give h. to my
words. Helaman2—son of Alma2, prophet, military
commander [c. 74 b.c.]
Heel. See also Foot Alma 31:7 eldest son of Alma2, not taken
D&C 121:16 cursed are those who lift up to preach to Zoramites2; 36–37 command-
h. against the Lord’s anointed. ments of Alma2 to H.; 37:1–2 (45:2–3; 50:38)
Moses 4:21 serpent shall bruise h. of seed is entrusted with plates, to keep record;
of woman. 37:21 is given 24 plates of Jaredites; 37:21,
Height. See Depth 23–24 is commanded to preserve Urim and
Thummim; 45–62 H.’s account of the Neph-
Heir. See also Children of God; Election; ites; 45:2–8 is blessed because of belief;
Inherit; Seed; tg Expectation 45:9–14 to write prophecy of Nephite de-
Mosiah 15:11 those who hearken unto struction; 45:15 is blessed by father; 45:20
prophets and look forward to remission of (48:19; 62:44) preaches; 45:22 reestablishes
145 INDEX Hell
Church; 45:23 appoints priests; 46:1 is op- Devil; Jesus Christ, Atonement through;
posed by unrepentant; 46:6 a high priest Lake; Redemption; Resurrection;
over Church; 46:38 maintains order in Torment; Wicked; tg Hell; bd Hell
Church; 49:30 people have peace and pros- 1 Ne. 12:16 (15:26–29) depths of foun-
perity because they heed H.; 53:14 per- tain of filthy water are depths of h.; 14:3
suades Ammonites not to break oath; 53:19, abominable church founded by devil, that
22 young Ammonites ask H. to be their he might lead souls down to h.; 15:35 devil
leader; 56–58 writes letter to Moroni1; 56:9 is preparator of h.; 2 Ne. 1:13 O that ye
assists Antipus; 56:30–54 armies of H. and would awake from deep sleep of h.; 2:29
Antipus defeat Lamanites by means of de- will of flesh giveth devil power to bring
coy; 57:1–3 receives letter from Ammoron men down to h.; 9:10 God prepareth way
and sends reply; 57:7–12 surrounds city for escape from death and h.; 9:12 spiritual
Cumeni, intercepts Lamanites’ provisions, death is h.; 9:12 death and h. must deliver
obtains city; 57:17–27 H. and 2,000 strip- up dead; 9:26 Atonement delivereth those
ling Ammonites battle Lamanites, are pre- who have not law from death and h.; 9:34
served by faith; 58:13–29 takes possession liar shall be thrust down to h.; 28:15 those
of Manti by decoying Lamanites from city; who are proud, preach false doctrines,
58:34–37 complains of rulers’ indifference; commit whoredoms, pervert right way of
60:3 H. and his men have suffered much; the Lord shall be thrust down to h.; 28:21
62:12 receives 6,000 additional soldiers; devil lulls some into carnal security and
62:42 returns to Zarahemla; 62:45 causes leads them away carefully down to h.;
many to repent; 62:52 dies. 28:22 devil tells men there is no h.; 33:6 I
glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed
Helaman3—son of Helaman2, record keeper, my soul from h.; Jacob 3:11 loose your-
chief judge [c. 53 b.c.] selves from pains of h.; Alma 5:7 chains of
Alma 63:11 receives records; Hel. 2:2 is h. awaited fathers; 12:11 chains of h. means
appointed chief judge; 2:3–5 Kishkumen to be taken captive by devil; 13:30 the Lord
plots to murder H.; 2:6–9 is saved by ser- grant unto you repentance, that you may
vant; 2:14 takes his account from book of not be bound down by chains of h.; 26:13
Nephi; 3:20 serves righteously; 3:37 dies; how many thousands of our brethren has
5:5–13 H.’s instructions to his sons. God loosed from pains of h.; 30:60 devil
Helaman2, Sons of—children of converted will not support his children, but speed-
Lamanites known as Ammonites [c. 64 b.c.]. ily drags them down to h.; 48:17 if all men
See also Ammon2, People of would be like unto Moroni1, powers of h.
would be shaken forever; 54:7 awful h.
Alma 53:14–15 H. convinces Lamanites awaits murderers; Hel. 6:28 devil dragged
not to break oath, never to shed blood; Jaredites down to destruction, to everlast-
53:16 sons had not entered covenant, as- ing h.; 3 Ne. 11:39 (Matt. 16:18) gates of h.
semble, call themselves Nephites; 53:17–18 shall not prevail against those who build
the 2,000 enter covenant to protect liberty; on Christ’s doctrine; 11:40 gates of h. stand
53:19 ask H. to be their leader; 53:20–21 open to receive those who declare more
(56:46 –47) are courageous, obedient to or less than Christ’s doctrine; 12:22 (Matt.
commandments; 53:22 (56:57) march to 5:22) he who says to brother, Thou fool, is
support of people in borders; 56:3 H. tells in danger of h. fire; Morm. 8:17 he who
Moroni1 about sons of Ammonites; 56:10 condemns shall be in danger of h. fire; 9:4
H. calls them his sons; 56:45 have greatest more miserable to dwell with God under
courage among Nephites; 56:47–48 were consciousness of filthiness than to dwell
taught not to doubt by their mothers; with damned in h.; Moro. 8:20–21 he that
56:52–54 defeat Lamanites; 56:55–56 none saith little children need baptism is in
slain; 57:6 H. joined by 60 additional sons danger of h.
of Ammonites; 57:19–21 fight valiantly; D&C 6:34 earth and h. cannot prevail;
57:22 are selected to convey prisoners; 10:26 Satan drags souls down to h.; 10:69
57:24–25 (58:39) two hundred wounded, (17:8; 18:5; 21:6; 33:13; 98:22; 128:10) gates
none perish; 57:26 are preserved by faith; of h. shall not prevail; 29:38 place pre-
58:39 in city of Manti with H. pared from beginning for devil and his
Helem—brother of Ammon1 angels; 63:4 the Lord able to cast soul
down to h.; 76:84, 106 heirs of telestial
Mosiah 7:6 accompanies Ammon1 on ex-
glory are thrust down to h.; 88:113 devil
pedition to land of Nephi.
to gather together his armies, hosts of h.;
Hell. See also Captive; Damnation; 104:18 those who impart not portion will
Darkness, Spiritual; Death, Spiritual; be with wicked in h.; 121:23 generation of
Helm INDEX 146
vipers shall not escape damnation of h.; of Church, Nephites have abundance of h.;
122:1 h. shall rage against thee; 122:7 very 62:29 prisoners of Lamanites join Ammon
jaws of h. shall gape open; 123:8 handcuffs, ites in raising h.; 3 Ne. 3:13 Nephites gather
chains, shackles, and fetters of h.; 123:10 h. in one place; Ether 6:4 Jaredites prepare
black deeds are enough to make h. shud- food for h. during journey; 10:12 Jaredites
der; 138:23 Saints acknowledge the Son as become exceeding rich in raising h.
their Deliverer from chains of h. D&C 136:11 if Saints remove to Zion,
Moses 1:20 Moses sees bitterness of h.; they will be blessed in h.
6:29 h. prepared for wicked.
Heritage. See also Inherit
Helm 1 Ne. 21:8 (Isa. 49:8) isles of sea to inherit
D&C 123:16 large ship is benefited by desolate h.; 3 Ne. 22:17 h. of the Lord’s ser-
small h. vants is to be preserved from weapons,
Helmet. See also Armor tongues.
D&C 58:13 (58:17) Zion, city of h. of God;
D&C 27:18 take h. of salvation. 105:15 the Lord’s enemies shall not be left
Helorum—son of Benjamin [c. 130 b.c.] to pollute his h.
Mosiah 1:2–3 taught in language of Hermounts—wilderness on west and north
fathers, that he might become man of un-
Alma 2:37 Lamanites driven until they
derstanding and know prophecies.
reach wilderness called H.
Help. See also Deliver; Relief; Serve;
Succor; Support; bd Helps
Herriman, Henry
Jacob 2:5 by h. of the Creator I can tell D&C 124:138 one of seven Presidents of
you your thoughts; W of M 1:18 with h. Seventies.
of holy men, Benjamin establishes peace; Heshlon, Plains of
Mosiah 1:4 Lehi1 could not have taught Ether 13:28 Coriantumr2 pursues Shared
all these things without h. of brass plates; until he comes to p. of H.
Ether 8:16 oaths of secret combinations
administered to h. those who sought power Heth1—early Jaredite
to gain power. Ether 1:25–26 son of Com 1, father of
D&C 124:143 the Lord gives priesthood Shez1; 9:26 embraces secret plots; 9:29 com-
offices for h. and governments. mands persecution of prophets; 10:1 per-
Moses 3:18 (Abr. 5:14, 21) the Lord makes ishes by famine.
an h. meet for Adam.
Heth2—middle Jaredite
Hem—brother of Ammon1 Ether 1:16 ancestor of Aaron 2, son of
Mosiah 7:6 accompanies Ammon1 on ex- Hearthom; 10:31 lives in captivity.
pedition to land of Nephi.
Hew, Hewn. See also Cut
Hen. See also Animal; Chickens Jacob 5:42 all trees of vineyard good for
3 Ne. 10:4–6 (Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34) nothing save to be h. down; 5:66 bad trees
the Lord would gather Israel as h. gathers shall be h. down; Alma 5:35 bring forth
her chickens. works of righteousness and ye shall not be
D &C 10 : 65 (29 : 2; 43: 24) the Lord h. down; 5:52 (3 Ne. 14:19; Matt. 7:19) ev-
would gather his people as h. gathers her ery tree that bringeth not forth good fruit
chickens. shall be h. down; 5:56 they who persist in
Heni, Land of wickedness shall be h. down; Hel. 14:18
Moses 7:9 Enoch2 beholds l. of H. whoso repents shall not be h. down; 3 Ne.
27:11–12 churches built upon works of men
Herb. See also Food; Grass or devil shall be h. down; 27:17 he who en-
D&C 42:43 those without faith to be dures not to end shall be h. down.
healed shall be nourished with h.; 59:17– D&C 45:50 they who have watched for
18 (89:10–11) h. made for benefit and use iniquity shall be h. down; 45:57 those who
of man. take the Holy Ghost for guide shall not
be h. down; 97:7 trees that bring not forth
Herd. See also Animal; Cattle; Flock good fruit shall be h. down.
2 Ne. 5:11 (Enos 1:21; Hel. 6:12) Nephites
begin to raise h.; Mosiah 7:22 Limhi’s peo- Hicks, John A.
ple give one half their h. as tribute to La- D&C 124:137 member of elders quorum
manites; Alma 1:29 because of steadiness presidency.
147 INDEX High Priest
Hiddekel. See River the Most H.; Alma 51:8 those who are in
favor of kings are those of h. birth; 3 Ne.
Hide, Hid, Hidden. See also Cover; Secret 11:17 blessed be name of the Most H. God.
2 Ne. 9:43 things of wise and prudent D&C 19:29 (64:37) publish glad tidings
shall be h.; 27:12 book shall be h. from upon every h. place; 20:8 (38:32, 38; 78:2;
world; 27:22 after book has been read, it 95:8; 105:11, 33; 109:35) receive power from
should be sealed and h. up unto the Lord; on h.; 39:19 (45:66; 59:10; 62:4; 76:57, 112;
27:26 (Isa. 29:14) understanding of their 82:13; 85:11) the Most H. God; 42:9 build-
prudent shall be h.; 27:27 (28:9; Isa. 29:15) ing of New Jerusalem to be revealed from
wo unto them that seek deep to h. counsel on h.; 43:16 ye are to be taught from on
from the Lord; Jacob 5:14, 20 the Lord of h.; 58:47 call upon h. to repent; 64:37 the
vineyard h. natural branches of tame olive Lord has made Church like judge sitting
tree; Mosiah 8:17 h. things shall come to in h. place; 75:27 ask and it shall be made
light; 14:3 (Isa. 53:3) we h. our faces from known from on h.; 76:70 God, h. of all; 78:16
him; Alma 39:8 ye cannot h. your crimes Michael set upon h.; 90:17 h.-mindedness
from God; Hel. 13:18–20 (Morm. 1:18) if brings snare; 112:8 h. ones shall be brought
men h. treasures in earth, they shall find low; 130:10 things pertaining to h. order of
them no more; 13:19 men should h. up kingdoms made known through Urim and
their treasures unto the Lord; 3 Ne. 9:5 Thummim; 131:2 those who will obtain h.
the Lord has covered city of Moronihah degree of celestial glory must enter new
with earth to h. iniquities from his face; and everlasting covenant of marriage.
12:14 (Matt. 5:14) city set on hill cannot be Moses 6:37–38 Enoch 2 preaches from
h.; 28:25 names of those who should never h. places; 7:17 people are blessed upon h.
taste death are h. from world; Morm. 5:8 places and flourish; JS—H 1:22 men of
all things which are h. must be revealed h. standing excite public against Joseph
upon house-tops; Ether 4:3 Moroni 2 is Smith.
commanded to h. writings again in earth;
Moro. 9:15 come out in judgment, O God, High Council, High Councilor. See also
and h. this people’s sins from before thy
face. D&C 20:66 h. c. have privilege of ordain-
D&C 6:27 scriptures are h. because of in- ing where there is no branch; 20:67 every
iquity; 14:9 Christ a light which cannot be h. c. to be ordained by direction of h. c. or
h. in darkness; 60:2 the Lord not pleased general conference; 20:67 those to be or-
with those who h. talent; 77:6 sealed book dained by direction of h. c.; 42:34 h. c. to
contains h. things of God’s economy; 86:9 administer storehouse; 102: Intro. minutes
Saints have been h. from world; 88:87 of h. c.; 102:1–2 h. c. of Church organized;
(133:49) sun shall h. his face; 89:19 those 102:2 h. c. settles differences not settled
who obey Word of Wisdom shall find h. by bishop’s council; 102:6 h. c. cannot act
treasures; 101:23 veil of covering of temple, without at least seven members present;
which h. earth, shall be taken off; 101:32– 102:12–26 h. c. disciplinary proceedings;
33 the Lord shall reveal things no man 102:27, 30–33 appeals of decisions of h. c.
knew; 101:89 (123:6) the Lord to arise and in disciplinary actions; 102:30 distinction
come forth out of h. place; 121:1 where is between h. c. and traveling h. c. of Apostles;
pavilion that covers thy h. place; 123:13 107:33–34 (124:139) Twelve are Traveling
Saints to bring to light h. things of dark- Presiding H. C.; 107:36–37 standing h. c. in
ness; 124:38, 41 ordinances h. from before stakes are equal in authority to presidency
world was. and traveling h. c.; 120 council including
Moses 4:16 Adam h. himself because he h. c. to dispose of tithes; 124:131 h. c. given
was naked; 5:39 from the Lord’s face shall for cornerstone of Zion.
Cain be h. High Priest. See also Bishop; Priesthood,
Hieroglyphics Melchizedek; tg High Priest, Melchize-
dek Priesthood; bd High priest
Abr. 1:14 Rahleenos signifies h.
Mosiah 23:16 (26:7) Alma1 h. p.; Alma
Higbee, Elias 4:4 Alma2 consecrated h. p. by father; 4:18
D&C 113:7–10 answers to questions Alma2 retains office of h. p.; 13:1–11 h. p. or-
asked by. dained unto high priesthood after order of
the Son; 30:20 Ammon2 h. p. over Ammon
High, Higher, Highest. See also High ites; 46:6 Helaman2 and his brethren are
Council; High Priest; Highway; Pride h. p. over Church; 3 Ne. 6:20–21 they who
1 Ne. 11:6 the Lord, the most h. God; had been h. p. are angry with men who
2 Ne. 24:14 (Isa. 14:14) I will be like unto preach against sins of people.
High Priesthood INDEX 148
D&C 20:66 h. p. may have privilege of successful missionary efforts among La-
ordaining where there is no branch; 20:67 manites; 25:17 rejoices with brethren for
h. p. to be ordained by direction of high success among Lamanites; 27:16–19 H.’s
council or general conference; 42:31, 71 great joy at reunion with Alma2; 31:6 left
two elders or h. p. to be appointed bish- in charge of Church when Alma2 and com-
op’s counselors; 52: Intro. first ordinations panions begin missionary journey.
to office of h. p.; 68:15, 19, 22 h. p. may
be appointed to office of bishop; 68:19 Hinder. See also Forbid; Frustrated;
Restrain; Stay; Stop; Withhold
(107:17) h. p. have authority to officiate in
all lesser offices; 72:1 revelation to h. p.; 3 Ne. 6:5 nothing to h. people from pros-
76:57 (107:10) p. of the Most High, after pering except transgression.
order of Melchizedek; 77:11 those who are D&C 50:38 let no man h. elders in labors
sealed are h. p.; 84:63 Apostles are God’s appointed by the Lord; 121:33 man can-
h. p.; 84:111 h. p. should travel; 102:1 high not h. the Almighty from pouring down
council to consist of twelve h. p.; 107:2 knowledge; 124:49 when enemies h. Saints
Melchizedek, great h. p.; 107:10, 12 h. p. ad- from performing work, the Lord requires
minister in spiritual things; 107:22 three it no more.
presiding h. p. form Presidency of Church; Hiram, Ohio
107:53 descendants of Adam who were h. p.
D&C 1; 65–69; 71; 73–74; 76–81; 99; 133
were called together; 107:66 President of
revelations received at H.; 64: Intro. Joseph
Church is Presiding H. P. over High Priest-
Smith prepares to move to H.
hood; 107:71 h. p. may administer in tem-
poral things; 124:134 ordinance instituted Hire. See also Employ; Wages
to qualify standing presidents over stakes; D&C 31:5 (84:79; 106:3) laborer is wor-
138:41 Shem1, great h. p. thy of his h.; 70:12 he who is appointed
Abr. 1:2 Abraham is h. p. to administer spiritual things is worthy
High Priesthood. See Priesthood, of his h.
Melchizedek Hiss. See also Whisper
Highway. See also Path; Road; Street; Way 1 Ne. 19:14 (3 Ne. 16:9) because Jews de-
2 Ne. 21:16 (Isa. 11:16) there shall be spise the Holy One, they shall become h.
h. for remnant of the Lord’s people; Hel. and byword; 2 Ne. 15:26 (Isa. 5:26) the Lord
14:24 (3 Ne. 6:8; 8:13) many h. to be broken will h. unto Israel from end of earth; 17:18
up in destruction at Christ’s death. (Isa. 7:18) the Lord shall h. for fly that is
D&C 133:27 h. to be cast up in great in uttermost part of Egypt; 29:2 the Lord’s
deep. words shall h. forth unto ends of earth;
3 Ne. 29:8 ye need not any longer h. nor
Hill. See also Cumorah, Land and Hill spurn Jews; Moro. 10:28 God’s word shall
of; Ephraim, Hill of; Mount, Mountain; h. forth generation to generation.
Ramah, Hill; Riplah, Hill; Shim, Hill
2 Ne. 20:32 (Isa. 10:32) he shall shake his History. See also Account; Record
hand against mount of daughter of Zion, h. 1 Ne. 9:2 (2 Ne. 4:14; 5:33; Jacob 1:3) ac-
of Jerusalem; 3 Ne. 12:14 (Matt. 5:14) city count of h. of Nephites recorded on the
set on h. cannot be hid. plates of Nephi; Jacob 1:1–2 small plates
D&C 35:24 (39:13) Zion to rejoice upon touch but lightly on h. of Nephites.
h.; 49:25 Zion shall flourish upon h.; 64:37 D&C 47:1, 3 (69:2–3) John Whitmer to
Church compared to judge sitting on h.; keep regular Church h.; 85:1 clerk to keep
133:31 everlasting h. shall tremble at pres- h. and general Church record; 93:53 elders
ence of lost tribes. to obtain knowledge of h.; 123:5–6 Saints to
Abr. 1:10, 20 priest offers sacrifices upon present libelous h. to heads of government;
Potiphar’s H. 128:3 recorders to be appointed in each
ward to record h. of transactions.
Himni—son of Mosiah2 [c. 100–74 b.c.]. See JS—H 1:1 Joseph Smith writes h. to dis-
also Mosiah2, Sons of
abuse public mind.
Mosiah 27:8 unbeliever; 27:10 seeks to
destroy Church; 27:32 converted by angel; Hold. See also Keep; Power; Retain;
27:34–35 travels through Zarahemla with Withhold
brothers to repair injuries they had done 1 Ne. 15:24 whoso would h. fast to word
to Church; 28:1–9 Mosiah2 allows sons to of God would not perish; Alma 8:9 (27:12)
preach to Lamanites; 28:10 (29:3; Alma Satan has great h. upon hearts; 30:12 law
17:6) refuses to be king; Alma 23:1–7 H.’s could have no h. upon Korihor; Hel. 3:29
149 INDEX Holy Ghost
whosoever will may lay h. upon word pray unto the Father in name of his H.
of God; 13:31 riches to become slippery, Child, Jesus.
that men cannot h. them; 4 Ne. 1:28 false D&C 20:11 God calls men to his h. work
church multiplies because Satan gets h. in this age; 45:12 h. men sought day of righ-
upon hearts; Moro. 7:19 lay h. upon ev- teousness; 45:32 (87:8; 101:22, 64) disciples
ery good thing; 10:30 lay h. upon every shall stand in h. places; 49:8 all men are
good gift. under sin except h. men whom the Lord
D&C 10:20 Satan has great h. upon has reserved unto himself; 59:9 Saints to
hearts. offer sacraments upon the Lord’s h. day;
60:7 the Lord is able to make men h.;
Hole 63:49 faithful shall receive inheritance in
2 Ne. 8:1 (Isa. 51:1) look to h. of pit h. city; 74:7 little children are h.; 84:59 h.
whence ye are digged; Ether 2:20 Jaredites land must not be polluted; 101:64 the Lord
to make h. in tops and bottoms of vessels to build Saints up unto his name upon
for air. h. places; 115:7 Far West, h. city; 119:6 if
Holiness. See also Holy; Purity; Righ- Saints do not keep law of tithing, h. land
teousness; Sacred; Sanctification will not be Zion to them; 124:44 the Lord
will consecrate spot for temple and it shall
2 Ne. 2:10 men to be judged according
be made h.
to truth and h. which is in God; 9:20 how
Moses 7:62 the Lord’s elect will be gath-
great h. of our God; Mosiah 18:12 pour out
ered to H. City.
thy Spirit upon thy servant, that he may
do work with h. of heart; 3 Ne. 26:5 men Holy Ghost. See also Holy Ghost, Baptism
resurrected to everlasting life or damna- of; Holy Ghost—Comforter; Holy Ghost,
tion, according to mercy, justice, and h. of Gift of; Spirit, Gifts of; Spirit, Holy;
Christ; Morm. 9:5 when ye are brought to tg God, Spirit of; Holy Ghost; Holy
see your nakedness and h. of Christ, it will Ghost, Dove, Sign of; Holy Ghost, Gifts
kindle unquenchable fire. of; Holy Ghost, Loss of; Holy Ghost,
D&C 20:69 (21:4) walk in h. before the Mission of; Holy Ghost, Source of
Lord; 38:24 (46:33) practice virtue and h. Testimony; Holy Ghost, Unpardonable
before the Lord; 43:9 Saints to bind them- Sin against; Holy Spirit; Lord, Spirit of;
selves to act in h.; 46:7 do that which the Spirit; bd Holy Ghost
Spirit testifies should be done in all h.; 1 Ne. 10:11 Messiah shall manifest him-
109:13 the Lord’s house, place of h.; 133:35 self to Gentiles by Holy Ghost; 10:17 Holy
after their pain, Judah shall be sanctified Ghost is gift of God unto all who dili-
in h. gently seek him; 10:19 mysteries of God
Moses 5:26 Abel walked in h. before the shall be unfolded by power of Holy Ghost;
Lord; 6:57 (7:35) Man of H. is God’s name; 10:22 Holy Ghost gives Nephi1 authority to
7:19 city of Enoch2 called City of H. speak these things; 11:27 (2 Ne. 31:8) after
baptism of Christ, Holy Ghost comes down
Holy. See also Holiness; Holy Ghost; Jesus from heaven and abides upon him in form
Christ—Holy One of Israel; Order; Spirit, of dove; 12:7 Holy Ghost falls upon the
Holy twelve ordained of God; 12:18 Holy Ghost
1 Ne. 20:2 (Isa. 48:2) house of Jacob call beareth record of Messiah; 13:37 those
themselves of h. city; 2 Ne. 31:5 the Lamb who seek to bring forth Zion shall have
of God, being h., had need to be bap- gift and power of Holy Ghost; 2 Ne. 26:13
tized; Jarom 1:5 Nephites keep Sabbath Christ manifests himself unto believers by
h. unto the Lord; W of M 1:17 Benjamin power of Holy Ghost; 28:4 priests shall deny
a h. man; 1:17 many h. men among Neph- Holy Ghost, which gives utterance; 28:26 wo
ites speak word of God with sharpness; unto him that denieth the gift of the Holy
Mosiah 13:16 (Ex. 20:8) remember Sab- Ghost; 28:31 cursed is he who hearkens
bath day, to keep it h.; Alma 10:9 Alma2 to precepts of men, save given by power
is a h. man; 12:30 plan of redemption of Holy Ghost; 31:18 (3 Ne. 11:32, 36; 16:6;
made known unto men according to faith, 28:11) Holy Ghost bears record of Father
repentance, and h. works; 13:1–11 high and Son; 31:21 (Mosiah 15:2–5; Alma 11:44;
priests called with h. calling, ordained 3 Ne. 11:27, 36; Morm. 7:7) Father, Son, and
with h. ordinance unto high priesthood; Holy Ghost are one God; 32:2 speaking with
13:26 news of Christ’s coming to be made tongues of angels comes by Holy Ghost; 32:3
known unto h. men by angels; 3 Ne. 28:39 angels speak by power of Holy Ghost;
Three Nephites sanctified in flesh, that 33:1 when man speaks by power of Holy
they are h.; Ether 13:5 Jerusalem to be Ghost, power of Holy Ghost carries it unto
built again, h. city; Moro. 8:3 continually hearts of men; Jacob 6:8 will ye reject the
Holy Ghost, Baptism of INDEX 150
gift of the Holy Ghost and quench the Holy one who ordains them; 35:19 Holy Ghost
Spirit; 7:12 Jacob 2 testifies of Christ by knows all things; 35:19 (121:26) knowledge
power of Holy Ghost; 7:13 Sherem asks for given by Holy Ghost; 39:6 Holy Ghost teaches
sign by power of Holy Ghost; 7:17 Sherem peaceable things of kingdom; 68:2–4 priest-
confesses Christ and power of Holy Ghost; hood bearers should preach as directed by
Alma 7:10 Mary shall conceive by power Holy Ghost; 68:4 Holy Ghost gives scriptures;
of Holy Ghost; 8:30–31 Alma2 and Amulek 68:8 baptism in name of Father, Son, and
are filled with Holy Ghost and given power; Holy Ghost; 84:27 John filled with Holy
34:38 contend no more against Holy Ghost; Ghost; 93:15 Holy Ghost descended upon
39:6 to deny Holy Ghost when it has had Christ in form of dove; 100:8 Holy Ghost
place in you is unpardonable sin; 3 Ne. to be shed forth in bearing record to all
11:25 I baptize you in name of the Father, things elders say; 121:26 God gives knowl-
Son, and Holy Ghost; 15:23 Christ does not edge by unspeakable gift of Holy Ghost;
manifest himself unto Gentiles, save by 121:43 reprove with sharpness when moved
Holy Ghost; 20:27 in Abraham’s seed shall by Holy Ghost; 121:46 Holy Ghost shall be
all kindreds of earth be blessed, unto pour- thy constant companion; 130:22 Holy Ghost
ing out of Holy Ghost through Christ upon has not a body of flesh and bones, but is
Gentiles; 21:2 things which Jesus declared personage of spirit; 130:23 man may re-
are by power of Holy Ghost; 29:6 wo unto ceive Holy Ghost without its tarrying with
him who says the Lord no longer works by him; 132:27 blasphemy against Holy Ghost.
power of Holy Ghost; 4 Ne. 1:48 Ammaron Moses 1:24 Moses filled with Holy Ghost;
is constrained by Holy Ghost to hide up sa- 1:24 (5:9; 7:11) Holy Ghost bears record of
cred records; Morm. 1:14 Holy Ghost does Father and Son; 5:9 Holy Ghost fell upon
not come upon any of Nephites because Adam; 5:14 the Lord called upon men by
of their wickedness and unbelief; Ether Holy Ghost; 5:58 gospel declared by gift
12:23 Nephites could speak much because of Holy Ghost; 6:8 Adam moved upon by
of Holy Ghost; Moro. 3:4 disciples ordain Holy Ghost; 7:27 Holy Ghost fell upon many
priests and teachers by power of Holy in time of Enoch2; A of F 1:1 we believe in
Ghost; 6:9 meetings conducted by power the Holy Ghost.
of Holy Ghost; 7:32 God prepares way that
men may have faith, that Holy Ghost may Holy Ghost, Baptism of. See also Born of
have place in their hearts; 7:36 has God God; Conversion; Fire; Holy Ghost, Gift
withheld power of Holy Ghost from men; of; Remission; Sanctification; tg Holy
7:44 if a man confesses by power of Holy Ghost, Baptism of
Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must have 2 Ne. 31:13–14 (3 Ne. 12:1–2; 19:13; 26:17;
charity; 8:7 word of the Lord comes unto 28:18; 4 Ne. 1:1; Morm. 7:10) after baptism
Mormon2 by power of Holy Ghost; 8:9 Holy of water comes b. of fire and the Holy
Ghost manifests word of God; 8:26 because Ghost; 31:17 after repentance and baptism
of meekness and lowliness of heart cometh by water cometh remission of sins by fire
visitation of Holy Ghost; 8:28 Spirit ceaseth and the Holy Ghost; Mosiah 4:3 the Spirit
to strive with Nephites because they are comes upon Nephites, and they are filled
denying Holy Ghost; 10:4–5 by power of with joy, having received remission of
Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all sins; Alma 13:12 after being sanctified by
things; 10:7 ye may know that Christ is by the Holy Ghost, high priests could not look
power of Holy Ghost. upon sin without abhorrence; 36:24 Alma2
D&C 8:2 the Lord speaks in mind and labors that men might be born of God and
heart by Holy Ghost; 8:2 Holy Ghost shall filled with the Holy Ghost; 3 Ne. 9:20 whoso
dwell in your heart; 8:3 Holy Ghost is comes unto Christ will be baptized with fire
spirit of revelation; 14:8 Holy Ghost gives and the Holy Ghost; 11:35 whoso believes in
utterance; 18:18 Holy Ghost manifests all Christ will the Father visit with fire and
things that are expedient; 18:32 the Twelve the Holy Ghost; 19:9–13, 20–22 after Nephite
should declare the gospel according to disciples are baptized, the Holy Ghost falls
power of Holy Ghost; 20:26 prophets spoke upon them and they are filled with the
as inspired by gift of Holy Ghost; 20:26–27 Holy Ghost and fire; 27:20 repent and be
Holy Ghost bears record of Father and baptized, that ye may be sanctified by re-
Son; 20:28 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are ception of the Holy Ghost; Ether 12:14 after
one; 20:35 scripture and revelations given mighty change wrought upon Lamanites,
through gift and power of Holy Ghost; 20:45 they are baptized with fire and the Holy
(46:2) elders to conduct meetings as led Ghost; Moro. 6:4 after baptism, people are
by Holy Ghost; 20:60 priesthood bearers cleansed by power of the Holy Ghost.
ordained by power of Holy Ghost in the D&C 5:16 those who believe shall be
151 INDEX Honey
born of the Lord, of water and of the Spirit; laying on of hands; 84:64 every soul who
19:31 (20:41, 43; 33:11; 39:6) remission of is baptized shall receive the Holy Ghost;
sins by baptism and by fire; 84:64 every 121:46 the Holy Ghost shall be thy con-
soul baptized by water for remission of stant companion; 138:33 spirits of dead
sins shall receive the Holy Ghost. are taught g. of the Holy Ghost by laying on
Moses 6:59 ye must be born again of of hands.
water and of the Spirit; 6:65– 66 Adam Moses 6:52 he who is baptized shall
is baptized with fire and the Holy Ghost; receive g. of the Holy Ghost; JS —H 1:70
JS—H 1:73 after baptism, Joseph Smith Aaronic Priesthood has not power of lay-
and Oliver Cowdery are filled with the ing on hands for g. of the Holy Ghost; A of F
Holy Ghost. 1:4 laying on of hands for g. of the Holy
Ghost, one of first ordinances of gospel.
Holy Ghost—Comforter. See also
Holy Ghost; tg Holy Ghost, Comforter; Holy One. See Jesus Christ—Holy One
bd Comforter of Israel
Moro. 8:26 the Holy Ghost, the Comforter Holy Spirit of Promise. See also Holy
which fills with hope and perfect love. Ghost; Seal; Spirit, Gifts of; Spirit, Holy
D&C 21:9 (24:5; 31:11; 75:27; 90:14) reve
D&C 76:53 (132:26) those who come
lation given through the Comforter; 28:1, 4
forth in resurrection of just are sealed by
(50:14; 52:9) elders teach by the Comforter;
the Holy Spirit of Promise; 88:3 the Lord
31:11 (75:27; 79:2) the Comforter will guide
sends another Comforter, the Holy Spirit
missionaries in travels; 35:19 (42:17) the
of Promise; 124:124 Hyrum Smith, as pa-
Comforter knows all things; 36:2 (39:6) the
triarch, holds sealing blessings, the Holy
Holy Ghost is the Comforter; 36:2 (39:6)
Spirit of Promise by which men are sealed
the Comforter teaches peaceable things
up unto day of redemption; 132:7, 18–19, 26
of kingdom; 42:16 (52:9; 90:14) elders to
all covenants and performances must be
speak and prophesy by the Comforter; 42:17
sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise to have
the Comforter bears record of the Father force after this life.
and the Son; 47:4 given by the Comforter
to write things of God; 50:14 (52:9; 75:10; Home. See also Dwell
79:2; 124:97) the Comforter teaches truth; 2 Ne. 9:2 (29:14; 3 Ne. 21:28) Jews shall be
88:3–4 the Lord sends another Comforter, gathered h. to lands of inheritance; Alma
the Holy Spirit of Promise; 90:11 every 40:11 when spirits depart mortal body,
man to hear gospel in own tongue by they are taken h. to God.
administration of the Comforter. D&C 88:79 Saints to receive knowledge
Moses 6:61 the Comforter to abide in of things at h. and abroad; 93:50 Newel K.
righteousness. Whitney to be more diligent and con-
Holy Ghost, Gift of. See also Confirm; cerned at h.
Gift; Gospel; Hands, Laying on of; Honest, Honestly. See also Uprightness;
Holy Ghost; Holy Ghost, Baptism of; tg Honesty
Ordinance; Spirit, Gifts of; tg Holy Alma 27:27 Ammonites are perfectly h.
Ghost, Gift of
D&C 8:1 (11:10) ask in faith, with h.
2 Ne. 31:12 to him who is baptized will heart; 51:9 let every man deal h.; 97:8 sac-
the Father give the Holy Ghost; Alma 9:21 rifices of those who know their hearts are
Nephites have been visited by the Spirit h.; 98:10 seek h. and wise men; 135:7 inno-
with many gifts, including g. of the Holy cent blood of martyrs will touch hearts of
Ghost; 3 Ne. 18:36–37 (Moro. 2) Christ gives h. men among all nations.
disciples power to bestow the Holy Ghost. A of F 1:13 we believe in being h.
D&C 20:43 (33:15; 35:6; 39:23; 49:14; 55:1;
68:25) the Lord bestows g. of the Holy Ghost Honey. See also Bee
on those who are confirmed in Church; 1 Ne. 17:5 land called Bountiful1 because
35:5 Sidney Rigdon baptized by water, of much fruit and wild h.; 18:6 people of
but they did not receive the Holy Ghost; Lehi 1 prepare h. in abundance for voy-
35:6 (55:1) after baptism, receive the Holy age; 2 Ne. 17:15, 22 (Isa. 7:15) butter and
Ghost by laying on of hands; 53:3 elders h. shall the Messiah eat, that he may know
ordained to preach reception of the Holy to refuse evil and choose good; 26:25 buy
Spirit by laying on of hands; 68:25 par- milk and h. without money and without
ents must teach children doctrine of g. of price.
the Holy Ghost; 76:52 those in celestial D&C 38:18 the Lord to give Saints land
glory have received the Holy Spirit by flowing with milk and h.
Honor INDEX 152
Honor. See also Esteem; Glorify; Glory D&C 4:5 (6:19; 12:8) h. qualification for
[noun]; Honorable; Praise; Respect; ministry; 18:19 he who has not faith, h.,
Reverence and charity can do nothing; 42:45 weep for
1 Ne. 17:55 (Mosiah 13:20; Ex. 20:12) h. death of those that have not h. of glorious
thy father and thy mother; Alma 1:16 men resurrection; 128:21 voices of messengers
preach false doctrines for sake of riches confirm our h.; 138:14 the just have firm h.
and h.; 60:36 Moroni1 seeks not for h. of of Resurrection.
world. A of F 1:13 we h. all things.
D&C 20:36 (65:6; 84:102) h., power, and
Horror. See also Fear of God; Terror;
glory be rendered to the Lord; 29:36 devil Torment
sought God’s h.; 58:7 the Lord sends Joseph
Smith that he might be h. in laying foun- Alma 36:14 thought of coming into pres-
dation; 75:5 (124:55) faithful to be crowned ence of God racked soul of Alma2 with in-
with h.; 76:5 the Lord h. those who serve expressible h.
him in righteousness; 97:19 nations of Horse. See also Animal
earth shall h. Zion; 121:35 few are chosen
1 Ne. 18:25 people of Lehi1 find h. in wil-
because they aspire to h. of men; 124:34
derness; 2 Ne. 12:7 (Isa. 2:7) their land is
keys of priesthood ordained, that elders
full of h.; Enos 1:21 Nephites raise many h.;
may receive h.; 128:21 voice of angels de-
Alma 18:9–12 Ammon2 prepares Lamoni’s
claring their h.; 134:6 every man should be
h. and chariots; 3 Ne. 3:22 Nephites gather
h. in his station; 136:39 Joseph Smith died
with h. and other possessions in one place;
that he might be h. and wicked might be
21:14 (Micah 5:10) I will cut off thy h. out of
Moses 4:1 Satan asks the Father to give midst of thee; Ether 9:19 Jaredites have h.
him h.; A of F 1:12 we believe in h. law. D&C 89:17 oats for h.
these things in plain h.; Moro. 8:10 par- Husband, Husbands. See also Companion;
ents must h. themselves as their little Family; Marriage; Wife; tg Husband;
children. Marriage, Husbands
D&C 1:28 the Lord’s servants are h. that Jacob 2:31 daughters of the Lord’s peo-
they might be made strong and receive ple mourn because of wickedness of h.; 3:7
knowledge; 11:12 trust in the Spirit which Lamanite h. love wives, and wives love h.;
leads men to walk h.; 12:8 no one can as- Moro. 9:8 Lamanites feed Nephite women
sist except he be h.; 19:20 repent lest I h. upon flesh of h.
you; 19:30 preach with h.; 19:41 canst thou D &C 25 : 9 h. shall support thee in
be h. and meek; 20:37 h. required for bap- Church; 25:14 let thy soul delight in thy
tism; 29:2 the Lord will gather those who h. h.; 74:1 unbelieving h. is sanctified by
themselves; 54:3 those who desire to escape wife; 74:1 unbelieving wife is sanctified
their enemies must repent and become by h.; 83:2 women have claim on h. for
truly h.; 61:2 the Lord forgives those who maintenance.
confess sins with h. hearts; 61:37 as Saints Moses 4:12 woman gave fruit to her h.;
h. themselves before the Lord, blessings of 4:22 thy desire shall be to thy h.
kingdom are theirs; 67:10 if elders h. them-
selves, they will see God; 84:112 wants of
Hyde, Orson
poor to be met by h. rich and proud; 104:79 D&C 68: Intro. revelation concerning;
Saints to obtain blessings by diligence and 68:1–3 example of preaching gospel by the
h.; 105:12 endowment and blessing to be Spirit; 75:13 sent on mission; 100:14 to be
poured out on those who continue in h.; saved if obedient; 102: Intro. recorded min-
112:10 be thou h., and the Lord shall lead utes of first high council; 102:3 member of
thee by hand; 136:32 ignorant will learn high council; 103:40 to accompany Orson
wisdom by h. himself. Pratt; 124:129 member of Twelve.
Multiply; Prolong; Reward; Seed; Spread; Industry, Industrious. See also Idleness;
Swell; Wax Labor; Work [verb]; tg Industry; Work,
2 Ne. 19:3 (Isa. 9:3) thou hast i. the joy; Value of
19:7 (Isa. 9:7) of i. of government and peace 2 Ne. 5:17 Nephi1 causes his people to be
there is no end; 27:30 meek also shall i.; i.; Mosiah 23:5 people of Alma1 are i.; Alma
Alma 32:28–29 would not swelling of seed 4:6 people of Church prosper by their i.;
i. your faith. 10:4 Amulek has acquired much riches
D&C 1:21 faith to i. in earth; 82:14 Zion by his i.; 23:18 Anti-Nephi-Lehies become
must i. in beauty; 121:43 after reproving, very i. people; Ether 10:22 Jaredites are
show i. of love; 131:4 those who do not en- exceedingly i.
ter new and everlasting covenant of mar-
riage cannot have i.
Inequality. See also Equal; Pride; Ranks
Mosiah 29:32 i. should be no more in
Indebted. See also Bless; Debt; Owe land; Alma 4:12, 15 great i. among Neph-
Mosiah 2:23 ye are i. unto God for cre- ites; 16:16 no i. among Nephites; 28:13 how
ating you; 2:24 ye will forever be i. unto great i. of man is because of sin; 3 Ne.
God because of his blessings; 2:34 ye are 6:14 great i. in all land.
eternally i. to Heavenly Father to render
to him all that you have and are. Infant. See also Accountability, Age of;
Babe; Child
Independence, Missouri Mosiah 3:18 i. perisheth not that dieth
D&C 57:3 center place of Zion; 58:37 in infancy.
land to be purchased in I.; 83 revelation D&C 93:38 men became again innocent
received at I. in their i. state; 101:30 in that day i. will
not die until old.
Independent, Independently
D&C 78:14 Church to stand i. above Infinite. See also Endless; Eternal; God,
all other creatures; 93:30 all truth is i. in Eternal Nature of; Innumerable
sphere in which God has placed it; 107:76 2 Ne. 1:10 (Mosiah 5:3; Hel. 12:1; Moro.
descendant of Aaron1 may act in office of 8:3) i. goodness of God; 9:7 (25:16; Alma
bishop i., without counselors. 34:10–14) Atonement must be i.; Mosiah
28:4 the Lord in i. mercy spares sons of
Indian Tribes. See also Lamanites Mosiah2.
D&C 32: Intro. revelation concerning D&C 20:17, 28 God is i. and eternal.
missionary work to I.
Infirmity. See also Adversity; Disease;
Indignation. See also Anger; Displeasure; Suffering; Weak
Judgment; Provoke; Punishment; Wrath Mosiah 2:11 like all men, Benjamin is
2 Ne. 20:25 (Isa. 10:25) i. shall cease; subject to i. in body and mind; Alma 7:12
Alma 40:14 souls of wicked look for fiery the Son will take upon him i. of his people;
i. of wrath of God upon them. 31:30 O Lord, wilt thou give me strength,
D&C 29:17 (35:14; 43:26) cup of the Lord’s that I may bear my i.; 3 Ne. 7:22 those
i. is full; 56:1 rebellious shall know the healed of i. manifest that they had been
Lord’s i.; 87:6 inhabitants of earth will feel wrought upon by the Spirit.
i. of Almighty God; 97:24 the Lord’s i. is D&C 42:52 Saints to bear i. of those who
kindled against abominations of wicked; have not faith to do great things.
98:47 the Lord’s i. shall be turned away
from those who repent; 101:10 the Lord Inflict
will let fall sword of his i. on behalf of his 2 Ne. 2:10 (Alma 42:22) law given unto
people; 109:52 the Lord’s i. to fall upon i. of punishment; Mosiah 3:19 man must
wicked mob. be willing to submit to all which the Lord
Moses 7:1 unbelievers look forth for seeth fit to i. upon him.
God’s i. to be poured upon them. D&C 134:10–11 religious societies do not
have right to i. physical punishment or
Individual, Individually personal abuse.
D&C 1:30 the Lord is pleased with
Church collectively, not i.; 105:2 trans- Influence
gressions of the Lord’s people, speaking of D&C 121:41 no power or i. can be main-
Church, not i., have prevented redemption; tained by virtue of priesthood; 122:4 i. of
130:10 each i. to receive white stone; 134:2 traitors causes trouble; 123:7 wives and
laws must secure to each i. free exercise of children oppressed by i. of spirit of in-
conscience. iquity; 134:9 not just to mingle religious
Inhabit INDEX 158
i. with civil government; 136:10 let every will be given earth for i.; 45:65 (48:4; 57:5)
man use all his i. to remove Saints to Zion. Saints to gather riches to purchase i.; 50:5
JS—H 1:15 Joseph Smith seized by power those who endure to end will i. eternal
with astonishing i. to bind tongue; 1:75 life; 51:4 Saints to hold portions as i. un-
intentions of mob counteracted by i. of til they transgress; 51:19 (78:22) faithful
Hale family. steward to i. eternal life; 52:5 land of i. to
be made known; 52:42 Missouri is land of
Inhabit, Inhabitant. See also Dwell;
Possess; Reside i.; 58:36 law to those who came to receive
i.; 59:1–2 those who survive in Zion will i.
1 Ne. 17:36 the Lord created earth that earth; 63:20 he who endures shall receive
it should be i.; 21:19 (Isa. 49:19) desolate i. on earth in day of transfiguration; 63:49
places shall be too narrow by reason of resurrected Saints to receive i. in holy city;
i.; 3 Ne. 20:46 (Zech. 12:6) Jerusalem shall 72:4 those who are faithful in time will i.
be i. again; 22:3 (Isa. 54:3) desolate cities mansions of the Father; 72:17 certificate
to be i.
from bishop answers for i.; 85:3 those who
Inherit, Inheritance. See also Celestial receive not their i. by consecration should
Glory; Children of God; Consecration, not be numbered among Saints; 85:7 one
Law of; Covenant; Heir; Heritage; mighty and strong to arrange i. by lot;
Kingdom of God; Possess; Promised 85:9, 11 those whose names are not writ-
Land; bd Inheritance ten in book of remembrance shall find no
1 Ne. 21:8 (Isa. 49:8) I will give thee my i.; 88:17 poor and meek of earth will i. it;
servant for covenant of people, to cause to 88:26 righteous will i. earth; 88:107 Saints
i. desolate heritages; 22:12 (2 Ne. 25:11) Is- shall receive i. and be made equal with
rael shall be gathered into lands of i.; 2 Ne. God; 101:6 i. polluted by strife; 101:101
1:5 the Lord covenants with Lehi1 to give what Saints build, another shall not i.;
his seed land of i.; 1:9 if those coming out 103:14 Saints will be thrown down if they
of Jerusalem keep commandments, none pollute i.; 123:7 fathers have i. lies; 132:19
shall take away land of i.; 3:2 may the Lord those who marry in new and everlasting
consecrate this land unto thee for thine i.; covenant will i. thrones, kingdoms; 132:39
9:18 righteous Saints shall i. kingdom of David will not i. his wives and concubines;
God; 10:7 Jews to be restored to lands of 137:6 those who died before restoration of
i. when they believe in Christ; Jacob 3:4 gospel may obtain i. in celestial kingdom.
unless Nephites repent, Lamanites will Moses 6:57 men must repent or they can-
possess land of i.; Omni 1:27 (Mosiah 9:1, not i. kingdom of God.
3) Zeniff and others desire to possess land
of first i.; Mosiah 27:26 unless they become Iniquity, Iniquitous. See also Destruc-
new creatures, mankind cannot i. kingdom tion; Evil; Judgment; Rebel; Sin;
of God; Alma 5:51 (9:12; 39:9; 3 Ne. 11:38) Transgression; Trespass; Ungodliness;
except ye repent, ye cannot i. kingdom of Unrighteous; Wicked; tg Iniquity
heaven; 5:58 unto righteous will the Lord 1 Ne. 17:35 Canaanites driven out be-
grant i. at right hand; 40:26 no unclean cause they were ripe in i.; 17:41 the Lord
thing can i. kingdom of God; 41:4 those straitened Israel in wilderness because of
raised to endless happiness i. kingdom of i.; 17:45 (Mosiah 13:29; Alma 46:8; Hel. 12:4)
God, those raised to endless misery i. king- ye are swift to do i., but slow to remember
dom of devil; 3 Ne. 11:33 whoso believeth the Lord; 2 Ne. 1:7 if i. abound, land to be
in Christ and is baptized shall i. kingdom cursed; 1:31 nothing save i. shall disturb
of God; 12:5 (Matt. 5:5) blessed are meek, prosperity; 7:1 (Isa. 50:1) for your i. have
for they shall i. earth; 16:16 (20:14) Neph- ye sold yourselves; 25:9 Jews have been
ites to be given this land for i.; 22:3 (Isa. destroyed from generation to generation
54:3) thy seed shall i. Gentiles; Ether 2:15 according to i.; 27:31 (Isa. 29:20) all who
Jaredites to be given this land for i.; 7:16 watch for i. shall be cut off; 28:16 when in-
Noah2 obtains land of first i.; 12:34 except habitants of earth are fully ripe in i., they
men have charity, they cannot i. place pre- shall perish; Mosiah 11:22 the Lord visits
pared in the Father’s mansions. i. of his people; 13:11 priests of Noah3 have
D&C 6:37 those who keep command- studied and taught i.; 14:5 (Isa. 53:5) the
ments will i. kingdom of heaven; 10:55 Messiah was bruised for our i.; 14:6 (Isa.
those who belong to Church will i. king- 53:6) the Lord hath laid on the Messiah i.
dom of heaven; 38:19–20 the Lord to give of us all; 14:11 (Isa. 53:11) the Messiah
Saints land of i.; 38:20 Saints and chil- shall bear their i.; 21:15 the Lord is slow
dren to possess land of i. in eternity; 45:58 to hear cries of Limhi’s people because of
(56:20) those who abide the Lord’s coming i.; 27:29 soul of Alma2 has been redeemed
159 INDEX Inspire
from bonds of i.; 29:17 how much i. doth were i. of any crime; 136:36 i. blood cries
one wicked king cause; 29:21 ye cannot from ground.
dethrone i. king save through contention
Innumerable. See also Count; Infinite;
and bloodshed; Alma 26:24 Lamanites’
Number; Sand
days have been spent in grossest i.; 41:11 all
men in state of nature, or carnal state, are D&C 76:109 inhabitants of telestial
in bonds of i.; Hel. 7:7 early Nephites were world were i. as stars; 132:30 Abraham’s
slow to be led to do i.; 13:38 ye have sought seed to continue i. as stars.
happiness in doing i.; 3 Ne. 9:5 the Lord Inquire. See also Ask; Prayer; Question;
has covered city with earth to hide i.; 14:23 Seek
(Matt. 7:23) depart from me, ye that work i.; 1 Ne. 15:3 words hard to understand save
20:28 if Gentiles harden hearts against the man i. of God; 15:8 have ye i. of the Lord;
Lord, he will return their i. upon their own 16:23–24 Lehi1 i. of the Lord where Nephi1
heads; Ether 2:9 (9:20) God’s wrath shall should hunt; Jacob 2:11 as Jacob2 i. of the
come upon inhabitants of land when they Lord, his word came; Mosiah 28:6 Mosiah2
are ripened in i.; Moro. 6:7 Church mem- i. of the Lord whether sons should preach
bers strict to observe that there should be to Lamanites; Alma 27:7 Ammon2 i. of the
no i. among them; 7:45 (1 Cor. 13:6) charity Lord whether Ammonites should go to
rejoiceth not in i.; 10:22 despair cometh Nephites; 40:3, 9 Alma2 has i. diligently of
because of i. the Lord to know concerning Resurrec-
D&C 1:3 i. of rebellious to be spoken tion; 43:23 Moroni1 asks Alma2 to i. of the
from housetops; 3:18 Lamanites dwin- Lord where Nephites should go to defend
dled in unbelief because of i. of fathers; themselves; 3 Ne. 28:37 Mormon2 i. of the
3:18 Nephites destroyed because of i.; 6:27 Lord regarding Three Nephites; Ether
scriptures hidden because of i.; 10:20 Satan 1:38 Jared2 asks brother to i. of the Lord
stirs men up to i.; 10:29 Satan flatters men whether he will drive them out of land;
to do i.; 18:6 world ripe in i.; 20:54 teach- Moro. 8:7 Mormon2 i. of the Lord regarding
ers to see there is no i. in Church; 38:14 baptism of little children.
Saints are blessed, but not because of i.; D&C 6:11 he who i., shall know myster-
42:87 members who do i. to be delivered ies; 6:14 as often as thou hast i., thou hast
to law of God; 43:11 purge out i. among received instructions of the Spirit; 30:3 you
Saints; 45:27 because i. will abound, love of are left to i.; 102:23 in case of difficulty re-
men shall wax cold; 45:50 they who have garding doctrine, the President may i. for
watched for i. shall be hewn down; 45:53 revelation; 122:1 ends of earth shall i. after
Jews to weep because of i.; 101:11 God’s in- Joseph Smith’s name.
dignation to be poured out when cup of i. Moses 1:18 Moses has other things to i. of
is full; 103:3 the Lord suffers enemies to fill God; JS—H 1:18 Joseph Smith i. of the Lord
up measure of their i.; 123:7 earth groans to know which sect is right.
under weight of i.
Moses 5:39 he that findeth me shall slay Insect. See also Curse; Judgment
me because of mine i.; JS—M 1:10 because Mosiah 12:6 i. shall pester land of peo-
i. shall abound, love of many shall wax ple of Noah3.
cold; 1:30 because i. shall abound, love of
men shall wax cold.
D&C 93:33 spirit and element i. con-
Injustice. See also Justice; Malice; nected receive fulness of joy; 121:36 rights
Persecution; Unjust; Unlawful of priesthood are i. connected with powers
D&C 102:15 half of high council ap- of heaven.
pointed to prevent insult or i. in the council.
Inspire, Inspiration. See also Calling;
Innocence, Innocent. See also Blameless; Enlighten; Holy Ghost; Revelation; Spirit,
Blood, Shedding of; Guiltless; Purity; Holy; tg Inspiration
Righteousness; Spotless Alma 43:45 Nephites are i. by better
2 Ne. 2:23 Adam and Eve would have re- cause; 3 Ne. 6:20 men i. from heaven are
mained in state of i. sent forth to preach; Moro. 7:13 everything
D&C 93:38 man was i. in beginning; which inviteth to do good, love God, and
93:38 through Redemption men become serve him is i. of God.
again i. before God in infant state; 104:7 i. D&C 8:2 the Lord will tell you in your
are not to be condemned with unjust; 134:6 mind and in your heart, by the Holy
rulers and magistrates placed for protec- Ghost; 9:8 if it is right, the Lord will cause
tion of i.; 135:7 Joseph and Hyrum Smith bosom to burn; 20:7 God gave Joseph Smith
Instruction INDEX 160
commandments which i. him; 20:10 Book because of i.; 124:20 George Miller may be
of Mormon given by i.; 20:11 God i. men trusted because of i.
and calls them to his holy work; 20:26
prophets spoke as i. by the Holy Ghost;
Intelligence, Intelligent. See also
Knowledge; Learning; Light; Mind;
21:2, 7 Joseph Smith i. to lay foundation of Premortal Existence; Truth
Church; 21:9 Joseph Smith’s words given
by the Comforter; 24:6 it is given in very D&C 88:40 i. cleaveth unto i.; 93:29 i. was
moment what to speak or write; 28:4 speak not created or made; 93:30 all i. is indepen-
or teach whenever led by the Comforter; dent in sphere in which God has placed it;
33:8 open your mouths and they shall 93:36 glory of God is i.; 130:18–19 whatever
be filled; 34:10 prophesy, and it shall be principle of i. man attains in this life will
given by power of the Holy Ghost; 43:16 rise with him in Resurrection.
elders to be taught from on high; 85:6 still Abr. 3:19 one spirit more i. than another,
small voice whispers through and pierces the Lord more i. than they all; 3:21–22 the
all things. Lord rules over all i.; 3:22 Abraham be-
Moses 6:5 those called of God write by holds premortal i.
spirit of i. Intent. See also Desire; Purpose; Sincerity;
Instruction, Instruct. See also Charge; Thoughts; Will
Command; Counsel; Edification; 1 Ne. 6:4 fulness of mine i. is to persuade
Revelation; Teach men to come unto God; 2 Ne. 31:13 if ye
1 Ne. 17:18 Nephi1 i. of the Lord to build follow the Son with real i., ye shall receive
ship; 19:3 things written on plates should the Holy Ghost; Jacob 2:19 seek riches for i.
be kept for i. of people; 2 Ne. 2:5 men are to do good; 4:5 Nephites keep law of Moses
sufficiently i. that they know good from for i. of pointing souls to Christ; Mosiah
evil; 18:11 (Isa. 8:11) the Lord i. me that 5:13 how knoweth man the master who
I should not walk in way of this people; is far from i. of his heart; Alma 18:32 God
Alma 47:36 dissenters, who have been i. knows thoughts and i. of heart; 34:15 i. of
in knowledge of the Lord, become more last sacrifice is to bring about bowels of
hardened than Lamanites; 49:8 Nephites mercy; Moro. 6:8 as oft as they repented
prepared to battle after manner of i. of Mo- with real i., they were forgiven; 7:6 except
roni1; 3 Ne. 3:26 Gidgiddoni causes Neph- man offereth gift with real i., it profiteth
ites to make armor after manner of his i.; him nothing; 7:9 if man prays without real
Ether 2:16 Jaredites build barges according i., it profiteth him nothing; 10:4 if ye ask
to i. of the Lord. God with real i., he will manifest truth
D&C 1:26 those who seek wisdom are unto you.
i.; 6:14 those who inquire receive i. of the D&C 6:16 (33:1) only God knows i. of
Spirit; 33:16 Book of Mormon and holy heart; 88:20 for this i. was earth made
scriptures given for i.; 43:8 Saints should and created; 88:109 i. of hearts to be made
assemble to i. and edify each other; 55:4
schools to be established so that children Intercession. See Jesus Christ—Mediator
may receive i.; 88:78 those who teach dili-
gently will be i. more perfectly in doctrine; Interest. See also Tithing
88:127 School of Prophets established for i. Mosiah 4:18 unrepentant have no i. in
in all things; 97:13 the Lord’s house place kingdom of God.
of i. for those called to ministry; 124:88 D&C 82:19 every man to seek i. of neigh-
await i. at general conference; 132:3 obey i. bor; 119:4 Saints to pay one-tenth of i.
given by the Lord; 138:36–37 the Redeemer annually as tithing; 134:6 human laws to
i. faithful spirits to teach gospel. regulate our i. as individuals and nations.
JS—H 1:54 Joseph Smith receives i. from Interpretation, Interpret. See also
Moroni2 each year. Interpreters; Language; Spirit, Gifts of;
Instrument, Instrumentality Tongue; Translate
2 Ne. 1:24 (3:24; Mosiah 23:10; 27:36; 1 Ne. 11:10–11 Nephi1 desires to know i.
Alma 1:8; 2:30; 17:9, 11; 26:3, 15; 29:9; 35:14; of father’s dream; 17:5 Irreantum, being
3 Ne. 22:16) i. in hands of God. i., is many waters; Omni 1:20 Mosiah1 i.
D&C 112:1 missionaries are ordained engravings by gift and power of God; 1:25
through i. of the Lord’s servants. Amaleki1 exhorts all men to believe in gift
of i. languages; Mosiah 8:11 no one among
Integrity. See also Honest; Righteousness; Limhi’s people can i. language on plates;
Sincerity; Uprightness; tg Honesty 28:13–14 two stones prepared for pur-
D&C 124:15 the Lord loves Hyrum Smith pose of i. languages; Alma 10:2 Aminadi i.
161 INDEX Isaiah
writing upon temple wall; 18:13 Rabbanah, Moses 5:46 Tubal Cain instructor of ev-
being i., is powerful or great king; 31:21 ery artificer in i.
Rameumptom, being i., is holy stand; 37:38
Irreantum—sea into which Lehi’s family
Liahona, being i., is compass; Morm. 9:7 sailed
Moroni2 speaks to those who say there are
no speaking with tongues and i. of tongues; 1 Ne. 17:5 people of Lehi1 behold sea,
Ether 2:3 deseret, by i., is honey bee; 3:22 which they call I.
brother of Jared2 shall seal records of ex- Isaac—son of Abraham. See also bd Isaac
perience, and no one can i. it; 4:5 the Lord 1 Ne. 6:4 (19:10; Mosiah 7:19; 23:23;
has commanded Moroni2 to seal up i. of Alma 29:11; 36:2; 3 Ne. 4:30; Morm. 9:11)
what brother of Jared2 saw; 15:8 Riplian- God of Abraham, I., and Jacob; 17:40 God
cum, by i., is large, or to exceed all; Moro. covenanted with Abraham, I., and Jacob;
10:16 (1 Cor. 12:10) to another is given i. of Jacob 4:5 Abraham’s offering of I. is simili
languages. tude of God and his Son; Alma 5:24 (7:25;
D&C 46:25 to another is given i. of Hel. 3:30) righteous shall sit down in king-
tongues; 109:36 i. of tongues to be poured dom of God with Abraham, I., and Jacob.
out. D&C 98:32 law given to I.; 132:36 Abra-
A of F 1:7 we believe in gift of i. of ham commanded to offer I.; 132:37 I. abode
tongues. in God’s law; 133:55 shall be in presence of
Interpreters. See also Interpretation; Seer; the Lamb; 138:41 seen by Joseph F. Smith
Translate; Urim and Thummim among noble spirits.
Mosiah 8:13 i. a gift from God to seer for Isabel—harlot in land of Siron [c. 73 b.c.]
translating all ancient records; 8:19 (Alma Alma 39:3 Corianton forsakes ministry
37:24–25) i. prepared for unfolding mys- and goes after harlot I.
teries; 28:20 Mosiah2 confers i. upon Alma2;
Alma 37:21 Alma2 admonishes Helaman2 to Isaiah1—Hebrew prophet [c. 800 b.c.]. See
also bd Isaiah
preserve i.; Ether 4:5 Moroni2 commanded
to seal up i. 1 Ne. 15:20 Nephi1 rehearses to his breth-
ren the words of I.; 19:23 Nephi 1 reads
Invent prophecies of I. to persuade his people to
Mosiah 9:16 Zeniff arms his people with believe in the Redeemer; 2 Ne. 6:4 Jacob2
all manner of weapons they can i. speaks of things to come by reading words
of I.; 6:5 I. spake concerning all house of
Invite. See also Entice; Lead Israel; 11:2 I. saw the Redeemer; 11:8 Jacob2
2 Ne. 26:33 God i. all to come unto him; writes words of I. to lift hearts; 25:1 I. spake
Moro. 7:12 devil i. to sin; 7:13 that which things hard to understand; 25:4 I.’s words
is of God i. to do good; 7:13, 16 every thing plain to those with spirit of prophecy;
which i. to do good is of God. 25:5 my soul delighteth in words of I.; 25:6
D&C 20:59 deacons and teachers to i. all judgments spoken of by I. have come to
to come unto Christ; 58:9 all nations shall pass; 25:7 men shall know when prophecies
be i. to supper of house of the Lord. of I. are fulfilled; Mosiah 15:6 the Messiah
shall be led as sheep before shearer, as I.
Inward. See Prophets, False; Vessel
said; Hel. 8:18–20 I. testified of Redemp-
Iowa tion; 3 Ne. 16:17–20 words of I. shall be ful-
D&C 125 will of the Lord concerning filled; 20:11–12 when words of I. should be
Saints in I. fulfilled, then is fulfilling of the Father’s
covenant with Israel; 23:1 (Morm. 8:23)
Irad—grandson of Cain search these things diligently, for great
Moses 5:43 son of Enoch1, father of Ma- are words of I. Compare also 1 Ne. 20/Isa. 48;
hajael; 5:49 reveals Cain’s secret to sons of 1 Ne. 21/Isa. 49; 2 Ne. 7/Isa. 50; 2 Ne. 8/Isa. 51;
Adam; 5:50 slain by Lamech1. 2 Ne. 12/Isa. 2; 2 Ne. 13/Isa. 3; 2 Ne. 14/Isa. 4;
2 Ne. 15/Isa. 5; 2 Ne. 16/Isa. 6; 2 Ne. 17/Isa. 7;
Iron. See also Metal; Ore; Rod; Steel; Yoke 2 Ne. 18/Isa. 8; 2 Ne. 19/Isa. 9; 2 Ne. 20/Isa. 10;
2 Ne. 5:15 Nephi1 teaches his people to 2 Ne. 21/Isa. 11; 2 Ne. 22/Isa. 12; 2 Ne. 23/Isa. 13;
work in all manner of i.; 20:34 (Isa. 10:34) 2 Ne. 24/Isa. 14; 2 Ne. 27/Isa. 29; Mosiah
he shall cut down thickets of forests with 14/Isa. 53; Mosiah 15/parts of Isa. 52; 3 Ne.
i.; Jarom 1:8 Nephites become rich in i.; 22/Isa. 54.
Mosiah 11:8 Noah3 ornaments buildings D&C 113 answers to questions on writ-
with all manner of i.; Ether 10:23 Jaredites ings of I.; 138:42 seen by Joseph F. Smith
work in all manner of i. among noble spirits.
Isaiah INDEX 162
JS—H 1:40 quoted by angel to Joseph the Lord shall set his hand second time to
Smith. recover his people from i. of sea; 29:7 the
Lord remembers those upon i. of sea; 29:11
Isaiah2—one of the twelve Nephite disciples the Lord commands all men, in i. of sea.
[c. a.d. 34]
D&C 1:1 (88:94; 133:20) ye who are upon
3 Ne. 19:4 chosen by Christ to minister i. of sea, listen together; 88:94 abominable
to Nephites. church sits upon i. of sea; 133:8 send elders
Ishmael1—an Ephraimite from Jerusalem unto i. of sea; 133:20 the Bridegroom shall
[c. 600 b.c.]. See also Ishmael1, Sons of; stand upon i. of sea; 133:23 i. shall become
Ishmaelite one land.
1 Ne. 7:2 sons of Lehi1 return to Jerusa- Israel—name of Jacob1 and, by extension,
lem to bring I. and family into wilderness; of all his descendants. See also Abrahamic
7:4–5 the Lord softens heart of I.; 7:19 part Covenant; Branch; Covenant; Ephraim;
of I.’s family pleads with rebellious breth- Israel, Gathering of; Israel, Scattering
ren; 7:22 house of I. joins family of Lehi1 in of; Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of; Israelites;
thanking God and offering sacrifice; 16:7 Jacob1; Jew; Joseph1; Joseph1, Seed of;
Zoram1 and sons of Lehi1 marry I.’s daugh- Judah; Remnant; tg Israel, Blessings of;
ters; 16:34 dies. Israel, Bondage of, in Other Lands; Israel,
Deliverance of; Israel, Joseph, People of;
Ishmael2—grandfather of Amulek Israel, Judah, People of; Israel, Land
Alma 10:2 father of Giddonah1, descen- of; Israel, Mission of; Israel, Origins of;
dant of Aminadi. Israel, Remnant of; Israel, Twelve Tribes
of; bd Israel; Israel, Kingdom of
Ishmael, Land of—portion of land of Nephi
Title page of the Book of Mormon
Alma 17:19 Ammon2 goes to l. of I.; 17:21 (1 Ne. 12:9; 15:12; 2 Ne. 6:5; 3 Ne. 20:10;
(20:14–15) Lamoni king over l. of I.; 21:20–21 Morm. 7:2) Nephites and Lamanites are
synagogues built and word preached in l. of remnant of house of I.; 1 Ne. 10:12 (15:12;
I.; 22:4 Ammon2 and Lamoni return to l. Jacob 5:3–6:1) house of I. compared to olive
of I.; 22:4 Ammon2 called by the Spirit to tree; 10:14 (15:12–18) house of I. to come
teach people in l. of I.; 23:7–9 converted La- to knowledge of true Messiah; 12:9 (Morm.
manites in l. of I. lay down arms; 24:5 coun- 3:18) twelve tribes of I. to be judged by
cil held in l. of I. to plan defense against Twelve Apostles; 13:23 (14:5, 8, 17; 22:6,
Lamanites; 25:13 other Lamanites join peo- 9, 11; 2 Ne. 9:1; 3 Ne. 16:5, 11–12; 20:12, 27;
ple of Anti-Nephi-Lehi in l. of I. 21:4, 7; 29:3, 8; Morm. 5:20; 9:37; Ether 4:15;
Ishmael1, Sons of. See also Ishmaelite Moro. 10:31) covenants with house of I.;
13:33–34 (19:11) the Lamb will visit rem-
1 Ne. 7:6 (18:17) two s. of I. join Laman1
nant of house of I.; 14:2 (2 Ne. 10:18; 3 Ne.
and Lemuel in rebelling; 16:20 murmur-
16:13–15; 21:6; 30:2) if Gentiles harden not
ing by Laman1, Lemuel, and s. of I.; 16:37
hearts, they shall be numbered among
encouraged to slay Lehi1 and Nephi1; 18:9
house of I.; 14:26 sealed writings shall
begin to make merry; 2 Ne. 1:28 admon-
come forth unto house of I.; 15:14 (2 Ne.
ished to hearken unto Nephi1; 4:13 angry
28:2; 3 Ne. 20:10; Morm. 7:1) remnant of
with Nephi1; Alma 3:7 the Lord set mark
seed of Lehi1 shall know they are of house
upon s. of I.; 17:19 became Lamanites; 43:13
of I.; 15:17 the Lord shall be rejected of
(47:35) Lamanites consist of Laman1, Lem-
Jews, or of house of I.; 17:23 children of I.
uel, s. of I., and dissenters.
were led out of Egypt because they heark
Ishmaelite, Ishmaelitish—descendants of ened to the Lord; 17:25 children of I. were
Ishmael1 in bondage; 17:29 Moses smote rock, that
Alma 3:7 mark of Lamanites also placed children of I. might quench thirst; 19:10
upon I. women; 47:35 (43:13; Morm. 1:8–9) sign of Christ’s death to be given house
Lamanites composed of Lamanites, Lem- of I.; 20:1 (Isa. 48:1) house of Jacob are
uelites, I., and dissenters; 4 Ne. 1:38 will- called by name of I.; 20:12 hearken, O Ja-
fully reject gospel. cob, and I. my called; 21:3 (Isa. 49:3) thou
art my servant, O I.; 21:7 (Isa. 49:7) the
Island, Isle Lord, the Redeemer of I.; 22:12 those who
1 Ne. 19:10 three days of darkness sign are of house of I. shall know that the Lord
of Christ’s death to those on i. of sea; 22:4 is their Savior, the Mighty One of I.; 22:14
more part of all tribes have been scattered nations that war against house of I. shall
upon i. of sea; 2 Ne. 10:8 Jews shall be gath- be turned one against another; 2 Ne. 3:9
ered in from long dispersion, from i. of sea; Moses raised up to deliver house of I.; 6:5
10:20 we are upon i. of sea; 21:11 (Isa. 11:11) (3 Ne. 23:2) Isaiah1 spake concerning all
163 INDEX Israel, Gathering of
house of I.; 9:53 our seed shall become of I., to be grafted in; 15:18–20 (2 Ne. 3:21;
righteous branch unto house of I.; 14:2 3 Ne. 10:7; 16:5, 11–12; 20:12–13, 29; 21:4, 7;
(Isa. 4:2) fruit of earth shall be comely to 29:1, 3, 8–9) God to remember covenant to
them that are escaped of I.; 15:7 (Isa. 5:7) restore I.; 19:16 (3 Ne. 5:24) all people who
vineyard of the Lord is house of I.; 18:14 are of house of I. will the Lord gather in;
(Isa. 8:14) he shall be for rock of offense 21:5–6 (Isa. 49:5–6) Isaiah1 to be servant to
to both houses of I.; 19:8 (Isa. 9:8) the raise up tribes of Jacob and restore pre-
Lord sent his word unto Jacob and it hath served of I.; 21:22 (Isa. 49:22) Gentiles shall
lighted upon I.; 19:12 (Isa. 9:12) Syrians bring I.’s sons and daughters; 2 Ne. 3:11–13
and Philistines shall devour I.; 19:14 (Isa. latter-day seer to be raised up when work
9:14) the Lord will cut off from I. head and commences unto restoring house of I.;
tail; 20:17 (Isa. 10:17) light of I. shall be for 3:24 mighty one to rise up as instrument
a fire; 21:16 (Isa. 11:16) highway shall be of the Lord in bringing to pass much res-
left, as when I. came up out of Egypt; 24:1 toration unto house of I.; 6:14 (21:11; 25:17;
(Isa. 14:1) the Lord will have mercy on Ja- 29:1; Jacob 6:2; Isa. 11:11) the Messiah will
cob and will yet choose I.; 25:20 the Lord set hand second time to recover covenant
brought I. up out of Egypt; 29:2 the Lord’s people of I.; 9:2 the Lord speaks to I. by
words shall hiss forth as standard unto prophets until time when they are restored
house of I.; Jacob 1:7 provocation in days to true Church and gathered to lands of in-
of temptation while children of I. were in heritance; 10:2 (30:5; Hel. 15:11; 3 Ne. 5:23)
wilderness; Mosiah 7:19 trust in that God descendants of Nephites and Lamanites to
who brought children of I. out of Egypt; be restored to knowledge of Christ; 20:21–
13:29 expedient that law should be given to 22 (Isa. 10:21–22) remnant of Jacob shall re-
children of I.; 3 Ne. 15:5 Christ is the one turn; 20:22 (Isa. 10:22) though I. be as sand
who covenanted with his people I.; 16:7 of sea, yet remnant shall return; 21:12 (Isa.
because of unbelief of house of I., truth 11:12) the Lord shall assemble outcasts of
shall come unto Gentiles; 17:14 Jesus trou- I.; 24:2 (Isa. 14:2) house of I. to return to
bled because of wickedness of house of I.; lands of promise; 30:7–8 (3 Ne. 20:31–33;
21:20 unrepentant to be cut off from house Morm. 5:14) Jews shall begin to believe in
of I.; 25:4 (Mal. 4:4) the Lord commanded Christ, and God will commence work of
law of Moses for all I.; 29:1 covenant which restoration; 3 Ne. 10:4–6 (Matt. 23:37) the
the Father made with children of I. shall Lord would gather I. as hen gathers chick-
be fulfilled; 29:2 ye need not say the ens; 16:4 through fulness of Gentiles, rem-
Lord delays his coming to children of I.; nant of I. shall be brought to knowledge
Morm. 5:10–11 Gentiles who have care for of the Redeemer; 20:21 the Lord will es-
house of I. will have sorrow for calamity tablish his people, O house of I.; 20:29 the
of house of I.; 8:21 he who breathes out Lord will remember covenant to gather his
wrath against house of I. is in danger to people and give them Jerusalem as land
be hewn down. of inheritance; 21:22–24 Gentiles shall
D&C 18:6 house of I. must be stirred assist remnant of Jacob in gathering unto
up to repent; 42:39 the Lord to consecrate New Jerusalem; 21:27 work to commence
riches of Gentiles to poor of house of I.; among dispersed to prepare way, that they
77:11 the 144,000 to be sealed out of all call upon the Father in Christ’s name; 29:1
tribes of I.; 84:23 Moses taught I. in wilder- when scriptures come to Gentiles, the
ness; 103:17 Saints are children of I.; 113:10 Father’s covenant to restore I. to lands of
bands on Zion’s neck are God’s curses on inheritance is beginning to be fulfilled;
I. in scattered condition; 133:34 blessings Morm. 3:17 when work commences, I. shall
of God upon tribes of I.; 136:22 I am he be about to prepare to return to land of in-
who led children of I.; 138:25 the Savior heritance; 5:14 writings to convince Jews,
spent three years in ministry to those of that the Father may restore house of I. to
house of I. land of inheritance; Ether 4:14 come unto
Moses 1:26 God calls I. his chosen; 1:26 I. me, ye house of I.; 13:10 seed of Joseph1,
to be delivered by Moses. who are of house of I., shall dwell in New
Israel, Gathering of. See also Israel, D&C 10:65 (29:2) the Lord will gather
Scattering of; tg Israel, Gathering of; his people as hen gathers chickens; 14:10
Israel, Restoration of Christ to bring fulness of gospel from
1 Ne. 10:14 (15:12–18; 3 Ne. 16:4, 11–12) Gentiles to house of I.; 29:7 ye are called
I. to be gathered again, to come to knowl- to bring to pass g. of the Lord’s elect;
edge of the Messiah; 10:14 ( Jacob 5:52–74) 35:25 (38:33) I. shall be saved in the Lord’s
natural branches of olive tree, remnants due time; 39:11 fulness of gospel to be
Israel, Scattering of INDEX 164
preached, covenant sent forth to recover Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of. See also
I.; 42:9 New Jerusalem to be prepared that Israel, Gathering of; Israel, Scattering of;
the Lord’s people may be gathered in one; tg Israel, Ten Lost Tribes of
45:17, 25 Christ teaches disciples about res- 1 Ne. 22:4 many are already l. from
toration of I.; 77:14 (Rev. 10:2, 9–11) little knowledge of those at Jerusalem; 2 Ne.
book mentioned in Rev. 10 is mission and 29:12 the Lord will speak to Jews, Neph-
ordinance to gather tribes of I.; 84:2 Church ites, other tribes, and they shall write;
established for restoration of the Lord’s 29:13 Jews, Nephites, and l. tribes shall
people and g. of Saints; 84:99 the Lord to have each others’ writings; 3 Ne. 15:15
redeem his people; 86:11 (113:8) priesthood the Father has not commanded Christ
bearers to be saviors unto I.; 101:12 I. shall to tell Jews about other tribes whom the
be saved; 101:13 they who have been scat- Father led away; 15:20 the Father sepa-
tered shall be gathered; 109:64 prayer that rated other tribes from Jews because of
children of Judah may begin to return to iniquity; 17:4 Christ will show himself
lands given to Abraham; 110:11 Moses com- to l. tribes; 21:26 gospel to be preached to
mits keys of g. of I.; 113:10 scattered rem- l. tribes; 28:29 Three Nephites shall minister
nants are exhorted to return to the Lord; unto all scattered tribes; Ether 13:11 they
133:12–14 those who are among Gentiles who were scattered and gathered from
should go out from nations and flee unto north countries are partakers of fulfilling
Zion; 137:6 the Lord set his hand to gather I. of covenant.
the second time. D&C 110:11 Moses commits keys of lead-
A of F 1:10 we believe in literal g. of I. ing of ten tribes from north; 133:26–34 those
and in restoration of ten tribes. in north countries shall come.
Israel, Scattering of. See also De- A of F 1:10 we believe in restoration of
struction; Israel, Gathering of; Israel, ten tribes.
Ten Lost Tribes of; Remnant; tg Israel, Israelites. See also Israel
Scattering of Hel. 8:11 I., who were our fathers, came
1 Ne. 10:3 Jerusalem to be carried cap- through Red Sea.
tive into Babylon; 10:12 ( Jacob 5:7– 8,
13–14) house of I. compared to olive tree -ites
whose branches should be broken off 4 Ne. 1:17 no manner of -i. among people.
and scattered; 10:13 people of Lehi1 to be
scattered upon land; 10:14 (15:16–17; 2 Ne. Jabal—son of Lamech1
6:11; 10:6–7; 3 Ne. 20:13) after I. is scat
tered, they will be gathered; 13:14 (22:7; Moses 5:45 father of those who dwell
3 Ne. 16:8; Morm. 5:9) seed of Lamanites in tents.
to be scattered by Gentiles; 15:20 after be- Jackson County, Missouri. See also
ing gathered, I. will be scattered no more; Jerusalem, New; Zion
21:1 house of I. are broken off and driven