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First and Second-Year Learning Projects and Program: Excellence

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Journey to


First and Second-Year

Learning Projects and


Table of Contents


Overview and Guidelines

Goals and Hope

ITS # 6 Learning Project Classroom Management


ITS # 3 Learning Project Planning & Preparation


ITS # 4 Learning Project Instruction


ITS # 7 Learning Project Professional Growth


Year Two
Goals and Hope


ITS # 6 Learning Project Classroom Management


ITS # 2 Learning Project Content Knowledge


ITS # 5 Learning Project Monitoring Learning


ITS # 1 Learning Project Academic Performance


ITS # 7 Learning Project Professional Growth



Program and Learning Project Overview

Journey to Excellence is a mentoring and induction model developed by
Iowa educators for Iowa beginning educators. It uses a series of learning
projects for mentors to use with beginning educators. It serves as the
curriculum for mentors and beginning educators. The program uses
Mentoring Matters: A Practical Guide to Learning-Focused Conversations
for the skill set needed by mentors.
Learning Projects are organized around a process adapted from Dr. W.
Edwards Deming used by the Iowa Department of Education as the
formative process of Iowa Learning Initiatives. They include the following
Assessing Needs



The mentor and beginning educator review the learning project.
They also review the assigned Iowa Teaching Standard and the
criteria by reviewing the appropriate pages in the ITS
Framework. As a result of this review, the beginning educator
in consultation with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the
focus of this learning project. The beginning educator
highlights appropriate levels of performance for that criterion
in the Framework book.
Using a Learning-Focused Growth Plan, the mentor will
engage the beginning educator in a planning learning-focused
conversation. As a result of the conversation, a plan will be
created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the
beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3)
implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5)
assistance options.
The beginning educator will carry-out the plan, practicing the
teaching aspects and consult with the mentor as needed. The
beginning educator will use the Learning-Focused Growth
Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and



The beginning educator will have an opportunity to reflect on

the learning project. One method will be a set of reflective
questions based on the ORID method of questioning. The
mentor will then engage the beginning educator in a reflective,
learning-focused conversation. The conversation will include
determining the degree to which the goal was achieved. They
will return to the original criterion page in the ITS Framework.
The beginning educator will highlight appropriate levels of
performance for that criterion in the Framework book. In the
event the beginning educator wishes to learn more about the
standard or a criterion, the learning project may be repeated.

Each learning project includes these four sections of the cycle. For some
learning projects, the actions may be different than those listed above.
Learning Project Purposes
The goal of each learning project is to build a good foundation for future
practice by examining performance, understanding the Iowa Teaching
Standards and Criteria, and continuing professional learning.
Another purpose of the learning projects is to help beginning educators grow
and improve. Each numbered learning project is focused around an Iowa
Teaching Standard and related criteria. Each uses an action research process.
They are designed to allow each beginning educator and mentor to apply the
process in a way that fits the unique needs of the beginning educator.
Learning projects encourage beginning educators in consultation with
his/her mentor to identify his/her current levels of performance as originally
defined by Charlotte Danielson and now in A Framework for Understanding
the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria.
Learning Project Guidelines
Learning projects are designed to be learning activities and all products
created in the process (forms completed, answers to questions, reflections,
and identified performance levels) belong to the beginning educator. The
mentor keeps no written records.
The beginning educator may choose to share the work with anyone such as
his/her evaluator. The mentor may not.


Each learning project focuses on an Iowa Teaching Standard. However, there

is a great deal of overlap between the eight standards and 42 criteria. For
each learning project there is a list of related standards and criteria.
Steps in Identifying Levels of Performance

In A Framework to Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and

Criteria (ITS Framework), read the assigned standard and criteria.
Identify one of the criteria as the area for learning and growth.


Open the ITS Framework to the page of the criterion you have
selected as the focus, and using a colored highlighter, identify the words
that capture the nature of your current practice by highlighting them
under levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the
appropriate descriptors in more than one column. Be as accurate as you
can. (This is only for use by you and your mentor)


In order to keep a running history, place the date of the selfassessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
Mentor/Beginning Educator Guidelines and Issues

In order to provide mentors and beginning educators options, the Journey to

Excellence program has developed two options for completing Learning
Projects one using printed documents and one that can be completed on a
computer. We call that the paperless version. Beginning educators may
choose to use either version or switch back and forth.
The purpose is not to fill out forms. The purpose is to learn. Questions and
activities have been designed for that purpose. The documents are to help in
the learning.
When deciding whether to use paper or paperless documents, there are
several things to consider:


None of the completed learning projects or products should be stored

or filed by the mentor as all documents belong to the beginning
The use of paperless forms may detract from the communication and
conversation between the mentor and beginning educator.
The use of a computer or laptop may create communication
boundaries. In some cases, the beginning educator may complete the
learning project or document on the computer and then print it out for
review with the mentor.
Paperless forms should be stored on a USB device or other format that
the beginning educator controls and/or owns.
In some cases, the beginning educator might complete the document
on his/her computer and print it out for the discussion or conference
with the mentor.
Use of Paperless Documents Directions

Usually any documents are completed by the beginning educator.

In order to keep the documents as property of the beginning educator,
they should be completed and kept on a non-school computer or saved
on a USB drive.
In some cases, the beginning educator may complete the learning
project or document on the computer and then print it out for review
with the mentor.
Remember this is the first year for the paperless documents and they
have not been field-tested, so we might discover some glitches along
the way. If you discover a glitch, please inform David Wilkinson at
Requirements of Journey to Excellence
1. All products created in the process belong to the beginning educator.
2. The beginning educator may share any of the products with anyone.
3. In order to develop trust between the beginning educator and mentor,
the mentor keeps all information, experiences, conferences, and the
learning projects confidential.


Mentoring Matters Skills

In order to help the beginning educator successfully complete the learning
projects and provide other support, mentors are trained to conversation
templates. The three templates are planning conversations, reflecting
conversations, and problem-solving conversations.
Each conversation template includes the three following phases:
Activating and engaging
Exploring and discovering
Organizing and integrating
Mentor training prepares the mentors in each of conversation templates and
Design Team
Journey to Excellence was created by a design team of staff from the Iowa
State Education Association, the Iowa Department of Education, area
education agencies and school districts. The members of the team are:
David Wilkinson, ISEA, co-chair
Mary Beth Schroeder Fracek, Iowa Department of Education co- chair
Mary Brooks, West Des Moines CSD
Pam Fields, Dubuque CSD and Keystone AEA
Sue Johannsen, Muscatine CSD
Jeff Johll, Dubuque CSD
Gail Myers, Keokuk CSD
Sue Swartz, Heartland AEA/Iowa Department of Education
Connie Richardson, Loess Hills AEA
Pat Shipley, ISEA
Dave Ulrick, ISEA


Journey to

Learning Project - Goals and Hopes
Goals: To assist in the development of the beginning educator and mentor
relationship and to identify goals and hopes of the beginning educator
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator completes the Beginning Teacher Self-Assessment Inventory
and Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion.
Step Two Planning
The beginning educator meets with the mentor and shares the Beginning Teacher SelfAssessment Inventory and Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion. The
mentor conducts a Goal-Setting Conversation reviewing the inventory and profile. The
conversation includes a Goals and Hopes Interview in which the mentor interviews the
beginning educator. The mentor may take notes on the Goals and Hopes Interview
form. At the conclusion of the interview, the mentor returns the Goals and Hopes
Interview form to the beginning educator.
Step Three Implementation
The beginning educator will keep the interview form for future reference. They will
identify future meetings dates and times and discuss other needed issues.
Step Four - Evaluating
The beginning educator reviews these documents with the mentor mid-year and/or near
the close of the school year.

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009


Beginning Teacher Self-Assessment Inventory
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia LLC

In the areas below, please indicate the response for each item that best matches your
concern/need level. Use this inventory with your mentor to determine some areas for
support, identify resources and set learning goals.
1. I am really anxious about this.
2. Im okay, but it would be good to talk about this.
3. Ive got this under control, at least for now.
Information About Policy & Procedures
___ The teacher-evaluation system

Accessing Resources
___ Organizing/setting up my classroom

___ Paperwork and deadlines

___ Accessing instructional materials and

___ Arranging field trips
___ Ordering materials
___ Using the library & media resources

___ Expectations of the principal

___ Communicating with parents
___ Standardized tests


Working with Students

Establishing classroom routines
Motivating reluctant learners
Maintaining student discipline
Assessing student needs
Differentiating instruction for
individual learners
Implementing the curriculum
Evaluating student progress


Managing Time
Organizing my day/week
Lesson planning
Following the daily/weekly schedule
Attending meetings
Supervising extracurricular activities

___ Opportunity for professional development

___ Maintaining personal/professional balance

Considerations for our mentor/protg relationship:

Other areas Id like to address:
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009


Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion
In thinking about my student/previous teaching experience, my most vivid recollection
I am confident in my ability to..
Critical areas to focus my learning include
During this year, I am looking forward to
Anticipating this year, I am most concerned about

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Goals and Hopes Interview

(The mentor may take notes during the interview and return this form to the beginning educator.)

What motivated you to become an educator?

What grades and content are you assigned to teach?
Does this assignment align with your license and endorsements?
What feels comfortable about your assignment?
What concerns you about your assignment?
What help do you think you might need?
What do you hope to learn by the end of the year?

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
Iowa Teaching Standard # 6 Demonstrates competence in
classroom management
Goal: To increase the skills of the beginning educator in the area of
classroom management.
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator will discuss with the mentor school and district discipline
policies and procedures. With the help of the mentor, the beginning educator will review
A Framework to Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS
Framework) pages 39-43 in order to select a criterion for the focus of your study. As a
result of this review, the beginning educator in consultation with her/his mentor selects
one criterion for the focus of this learning project. The beginning educator highlights
his/her current levels of performance for that criterion in the Framework book.
Step Two - Planning
The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused Growth Plan to address the
criterion using a learning-focused planning conversation. The mentor will work with the
beginning educator to develop the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus
for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3)
implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5) assistance options.
The plan may include observing the mentor or other educators to learn how they practice
the criterion that was selected. If needed, the mentor will identify articles on classroom
management to read. Arrange for your mentor to later observe the class and take notes
related to the selected criterion.
Step Three - Implementing
The beginning educator will carry-out the plan. The beginning educator will use the
Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and
questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009


The mentor will observe classroom of the beginning educator for about 20 minutes,
taking notes focusing on the criterion. This should not be on the first day you are
executing the plan. Hold a brief pre-observation conference with your mentor prior to the
visit to inform your mentor of plans and related issues.
Step Four - Evaluating
Following the observation, the beginning teacher completes the ITS # 6 Self-Reflection.
Then the beginning educator and mentor meet for a reflective conference. The mentor
shares with the beginning educator notes from the observation. The beginning educator
shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new learnings and new questions from
implementing the plan.
The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved.
Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a
different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the
beginning educators current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under
levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in
more than one column. Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning
educator and mentor) In order to keep a running history, place the date of the selfassessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
(This project may be repeated using the same or another criterion if the beginning
educator and mentor believe that would be helpful.)
Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1dAccepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports
the learning of every student
1eCreates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness
4dEngages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social,
emotional, and academic growth
8dDemonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia,

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009


New Questions


Journey to Excellence
ITS # 6 Demonstrates competence in classroom management
Pre-Observation Conference
Just prior to the time your mentor will observe your class, meet briefly and do the
1. Remind your mentor of the criterion of ITS # 6 on which you are focusing.
2. Inform your mentor of your lesson plan.
3. Inform your mentor of any special issues relating to this class or group of
4. Let your mentor know of anything in particular, especially relating to this
criterion, you would want to be observed.
5. Respond to any questions the mentor may have.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 6 Self-Reflection
As I reflect on upon my work with ITS # 6 Learning Project:

What happened during the observation? What did the students do? What did
I do?


What pleased me?


What disappointed me?


To what degree did I accomplish my goal?


What might I do differently in the future?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
ITS # 3 Demonstrates competence in planning and preparation
for instruction
Goal: To improve the quality of lesson plans developed by the beginning
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator and mentor discuss district and school expectations for lesson
plans and then review ITS # 3 on pages 21-25 in the ITS Framework. . With the help of
the mentor, the beginning educator will review the ITS Framework in order to select a
criterion for the focus of your study. Select a criterion for your learning and growth and
then highlight the words that describe your current level of performance within that
Step Two - Planning
The beginning educator with the help of the mentor will identify other educators to
interview regarding the criterion you are studying. The mentor will contact these
educators and inform them that you would like to have a brief interview about planning.
This effort to gather information will be collected in a Learning-Focused Growth Plan,
The plan will include (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill
the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5)
assistance options.
Step Three - Implementing
You will interview them and might use the following as part of your interview protocol:

Thank him/her for the time.

State your purpose is to learn how to be more successful in addressing Criterion
__ under ITS # 3 Planning and Preparation.
Ask what he/she does when planning that covers that criterion.
Have a useful, but brief discussion.
Thank him/her for the time again.

The beginning educator will use the Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking
Progress sheet to capture new learnings and questions throughout this learning project.
Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 3, revised May 2009


Step Four - Implementing
As you plan a future lesson, create one that successfully addresses the criterion you are
studying. With your mentor, take that lesson to another educator for discussion and
feedback. (It could be your evaluator, if you think that will be useful). Ask the other
educator for feedback on the lesson. Listen carefully.
Step Five - Implementing
After receiving this feedback, feel free to modify the lesson if needed. Teach the lesson.
Step Six - Evaluating
The beginning educator completes the ITS # 3 Self-Reflection. Then meets with the
mentor in a reflecting conference that results in highlighting levels of performance using
a different marker.

Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1cUses student performance data as a guide for decision-making

1dAccepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports
the learning of every student
1eCreates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness
2bUses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area
meaningful and accessible for every student
2cRelates ideas and information within and across content areas
2dUnderstands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area
4aAligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum
4bUses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels
4cDemonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student
4dEngages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social,
emotional, and academic growth
4eConnects students prior knowledge, life experiences, and interests in the instructional
4fUses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction
5aAligns classroom assessment with instruction
5cUnderstands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and
5dGuides students in goal setting and assessing their own learning
5fWorks with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress
All of Standard 6 may relate to Standard 3
7cApplies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to
improve practice

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 3, revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 3, revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia,

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 3, revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 3 Self-Reflection

What did the other educators say?


How did I modify my regular plan?


How did the feedback influence my plan?


What did I notice about the students when I taught the planned lesson?


As a result of this planning, I am pleased with

6. As a result of this planning, I am concerned

7. Im learning
8. How will this affect my future planning?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 3, revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
Iowa Teaching Standard # 4 Uses strategies to deliver instruction that
meets the multiple learning needs of students
Goal: To increase the skills of the beginning educator in the area of
delivering instruction to meet the multiple learning needs of students.
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator and mentor discuss district and school issues relating to
instruction. Review ITS # 4 on pages 27 32 in the ITS Framework. Select a criterion
for your learning and growth and then highlight the words that describe your current level
of performance within that criterion.
Step Two - Planning
The beginning educator with the help of the mentor will review the following as possible
strategies for your learning and growth in the area of the criterion selected and select one
to pursue:

Classroom, family demographics (including gender, ability, learning styles, cultural, familial
backgrounds, economic)
Prior knowledge of the students
Determine resources available (LEA, AEA, professional literature)
Diagnose student needs
Develop and use a common language to articulate and apply appropriate teaching techniques
Observe classroom practice, collect ideas/interview others, read articles
Pre-observation by mentor, if the plan is to do something observable using same directions as
in Learning Project #2
Another related strategy identified by the mentor and beginning educator

Step Three - Planning

The beginning teacher will take data from the self-assessment and study and identify
strategies for use in the classroom. In collaboration with the mentor the beginning teacher
will develop a tool for collecting data through an observation (or perhaps by self-analysis
by the beginning educator). The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused
Growth Plan to address the tool for collecting data using a learning-focused planning
Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009

conversation. The mentor will work with the beginning educator to develop the plan. A
plan will be created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the beginning
educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4) assessment/data
collection, and (5) assistance options.
Step Four - Implementing
The beginning educator will carry-out the strategies and consult with the mentor as
needed. The beginning educator will use the Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking
Progress sheet to capture new learnings and questions. Arrange for an observation by
mentor as you utilize the strategies and use the pre-observation process, unless this
project calls for data to be collected in another way.
Step Five - Evaluating
The beginning educator completes the ITS # 4 Self-Reflection and then meets the mentor
for a reflective conference. The mentor shares with the beginning educator notes from the
observation. The beginning educator shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new
learnings and new questions from implementing the plan.
The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved.
Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a
different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the
beginning educators current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under
levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in
more than one column. Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning
educator and mentor) In order to keep a running history, place the date of the selfassessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
(This project may be repeated using the same or another criterion if the beginning
educator and mentor believe that would be helpful.)
Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1bImplements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals

1cUses student performance data as a guide for decision-making
1dAccepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports the
learning of every student
1eCreates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness
1fParticipates in and contributes to a school culture that focuses on improved student learning
2aUnderstands and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different
perspectives related to the content area
2bUses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area
meaningful and accessible for every student
2cRelates ideas and information within and across content areas
2dUnderstands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area
3bSets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all
3cUses students developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for instruction

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



3dSelects strategies to engage all students in learning

3eUses available resources including technologies in the development and sequencing of
5aAligns classroom assessment with instruction
All of Standard 6 may relate to Standard 4
7bWorks collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning
7cApplies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to
improve practice

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia,

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 4 Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple
learning needs of students
Pre-Observation Conference
Just prior to the time your mentor will observe your class, meet briefly and do the
1. Remind your mentor of the criterion of ITS # 4 on which you are focusing.
2. Inform your mentor of your lesson plan.
3. Inform your mentor of any special issues relating to this class or group of
4. Let your mentor know of anything in particular, especially relating to this
criterion, you would like to be observed.
5. Respond to any questions the mentor may have.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 4 Self-Reflection
(Preparation for reflecting conference)
1. What did I learn that helped me adjust my instructional strategies?
2. What did I notice about the students when I adjusted my instruction?
3. As a result of this instruction, I am pleased
4. As a result of this instruction, I am concerned
5. As a result of this instruction, I am learning
6. How will this experience affect my future use of instructional strategies?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 4, revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
Iowa Teaching Standard # 7 Engages in Professional Growth
Goal: To demonstrate the learning and growth of the beginning educator and set
goals for the coming year.
Step One Assessing Needs
This End-of-the-Year Learning Project is designed for the mentor and the beginning educator to
continue the development of their relationship by reflecting on goals, hopes and learning.
The first part of this Learning Project consists of a conversation between the beginning educator
and the mentor. The beginning educator and mentor will meet and the beginning educator will
give the mentor the Annual Reflection Form. The mentor will use the form as the basis of the
conversation and note the responses on the Annual Reflection Form. After the conversation the
mentor will return the completed form to the beginning educator to use and keep on file.
Step Two - Planning
The second part of this Learning Project is the Celebration & Sharing of Learning. It provides an
opportunity for the beginning educator to share key ideas and insights about teaching, student
learning and professional development with colleagues. The mentor assists the beginning
educator in selecting a body of evidence from the work completed by the beginning educator in
the Induction Program that illustrates a key learning this year. The beginning educator prepares
the information to share at the Celebration & Sharing of Learning.
Step Three - Implementing
The beginning educator and mentor will work with other mentors in the building or district to
plan the Celebration & Sharing of Learning. They will set a date, select a site and determine who
to invite. Reserve the room and invite quests to attend.
Step Four - Implementing
Each beginning educator will review the various learning projects completed during the year and
will select one to report on. At the Celebration & Sharing of Learning, each beginning educator
will have 5 minutes to make an informal presentation regarding their work and learning. The
beginning educator may ask the advice of the mentor in preparing the presentation.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009


Step Five - Evaluating
Hold the Celebration & Sharing of Learning.
Other Possible Standards and Criteria

1bImplements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals

3aUses student achievement data, local standards and district curriculum in planning for instruction

3eUses available resources including technologies in the development and sequencing of instruction

4bUses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels

4fUses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction

5cUnderstands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction

5fWorks with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009


Beginning Educator Name

Mentor Name
Annual Reflection Form
Reflect on your Induction/Mentoring experience as related to the legislated Goals of Iowa
Mentoring and Induction Programs:
* promote excellence in teaching * enhance student achievement*
build a supportive environment within school districts * increase retention of promising beginning educators * promote the
personal and professional well-being of BE * support continuous improvement

How has your induction experience?

1. helped promote excellence in your teaching through an understanding of the
Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria?
2. enhanced student achievement? in what ways?
3. provided you a supportive environment within your school district or agency to
learn and grow as an educator?
4. promoted your personal and professional well-being?
5 supported your continuous improvement?
6. met your needs as a beginning educator?
Additional reflection on Professional Growth:


What I learned about the district, building,


What insights have I gained about students, families and the community that
impact my teaching?


In my content area, I am confident and prepared for

In what areas do I need more assistance?


In thinking about my experiences this year, a goal for next year would be

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009



Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009



The Induction Celebration & Sharing of Learning provides an opportunity for the
beginning educator to share key ideas and insights about teaching, student learning and
professional development with colleagues.
The mentor assists the beginning educator in selecting a body of evidence from the work
completed in the Journey to Excellence Induction Program that illustrates his or her key
learning this year.

Roles at the Celebration and Sharing of Learning:

Beginning teacher: Prepare, present and share; listen and learn
Mentor: Assist in preparation (if needed); listen and learn
Administrator/guest(s): Listen and learn

To prepare:
First year educators --- select from your Learning Projects
Your presentation will be informal, conversational.
Second year educators ---- use all the Learning Projects youve completed over the two
years; your presentation: 5-10 minutes
Groups at tables. Beginning educator and mentor will be at the same table.
Administrators and others may also be attending.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project - Goals and Hopes
Goals: To assist in the development of the beginning educator and mentor
relationship and to identify goals and hopes of the beginning educator
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator completes the Beginning Teacher Self-Assessment Inventory
and Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion.
Step Two Planning
The beginning educator meets with the mentor and shares the Beginning Teacher SelfAssessment Inventory and Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion. The
mentor conducts a Goal-Setting Conversation reviewing the inventory and profile. The
conversation includes a Goals and Hopes Interview in which the mentor interviews the
beginning educator. The mentor may take notes on the Goals and Hopes Interview
form. At the conclusion of the interview, the mentor returns the Goals and Hopes
Interview form to the beginning educator.
Step Three Implementation
The beginning educator will keep the interview form for future reference. They will
identify future meetings dates and times and discuss other needed issues.
Step Four - Evaluating
The beginning educator reviews these documents with the mentor mid-year and/or near
the close of the school year.

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009


Beginning Teacher Self-Assessment Inventory
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia LLC

In the areas below, please indicate the response for each item that best matches your
concern/need level. Use this inventory with your mentor to determine some areas for
support, identify resources and set learning goals.
4. I am really anxious about this.
5. Im okay, but it would be good to talk about this.
6. Ive got this under control, at least for now.
Information About Policy & Procedures
___ The teacher-evaluation system

Accessing Resources
___ Organizing/setting up my classroom

___ Paperwork and deadlines

___ Accessing instructional materials and

___ Arranging field trips
___ Ordering materials
___ Using the library & media resources

___ Expectations of the principal

___ Communicating with parents
___ Standardized tests


Working with Students

Establishing classroom routines
Motivating reluctant learners
Maintaining student discipline
Assessing student needs
Differentiating instruction for
individual learners
Implementing the curriculum
Evaluating student progress


Managing Time
Organizing my day/week
Lesson planning
Following the daily/weekly schedule
Attending meetings
Supervising extracurricular activities

___ Opportunity for professional development

___ Maintaining personal/professional balance

Considerations for our mentor/protg relationship:

Other areas Id like to address:
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009


Initial Self-Assessment Profile/Stem Completion
In thinking about my student/previous teaching experience, my most vivid recollection
I am confident in my ability to..
Critical areas to focus my learning include
During this year, I am looking forward to
Anticipating this year, I am most concerned about

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Goals and Hopes Interview

(The mentor may take notes during the interview and return this form to the beginning educator.)

What motivated you to become an educator?

What grades and content are you assigned to teach?
Does this assignment align with your license and endorsements?
What feels comfortable about your assignment?
What concerns you about your assignment?
What help do you think you might need?
What do you hope to learn by the end of the year?

Learning Project Goals and Hopes, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
Iowa Teaching Standard # 6 Demonstrates competence in
classroom management
Goal: To increase the skills of the beginning educator in the area of
classroom management.
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator will discuss with the mentor school and district discipline
policies and procedures. With the help of the mentor, the beginning educator will review
A Framework to Understanding the Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria (ITS
Framework) pages 39-43 in order to select a criterion for the focus of your study. As a
result of this review, the beginning educator in consultation with her/his mentor selects
one criterion for the focus of this learning project. The beginning educator highlights
his/her current levels of performance for that criterion in the Framework book.
Step Two - Planning
The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused Growth Plan to address the
criterion using a learning-focused planning conversation. The mentor will work with the
beginning educator to develop the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus
for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3)
implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5) assistance options.
The plan may include observing the mentor or other educators to learn how they practice
the criterion that was selected. If needed, the mentor will identify articles on classroom
management to read. Arrange for your mentor to later observe the class and take notes
related to the selected criterion.
Step Three - Implementing
The beginning educator will carry-out the plan. The beginning educator will use the
Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and
questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise.
The mentor will observe classroom of the beginning educator for about 20 minutes,
taking notes focusing on the criterion. This should not be on the first day you are
Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009

executing the plan. Hold a brief pre-observation conference with your mentor prior to the
visit to inform your mentor of plans and related issues.
Step Four - Evaluating
Following the observation, the beginning teacher completes the ITS # 6 Self-Reflection.
Then the beginning educator and mentor meet for a reflective conference. The mentor
shares with the beginning educator notes from the observation. The beginning educator
shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new learnings and new questions from
implementing the plan.
The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved.
Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a
different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the
beginning educators current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under
levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in
more than one column. Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning
educator and mentor) In order to keep a running history, place the date of the selfassessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
(This project may be repeated using the same or another criterion if the beginning
educator and mentor believe that would be helpful.)
Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1dAccepts and demonstrates responsibility for creating a classroom culture that supports
the learning of every student
1eCreates an environment of mutual respect, rapport, and fairness
4dEngages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social,
emotional, and academic growth
8dDemonstrates an understanding of and respect for all learners and staff

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia,

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 6 Demonstrates competence in classroom management
Pre-Observation Conference
Just prior to the time your mentor will observe your class, meet briefly and do the
1. Remind your mentor of the criterion of ITS # 6 on which you are focusing.
2. Inform your mentor of your lesson plan.
3. Inform your mentor of any special issues relating to this class or group of
4. Let your mentor know of anything in particular, especially relating to this
criterion, you would want to be observed.
5. Respond to any questions the mentor may have.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 6 Self-Reflection
As I reflect on upon my work with ITS # 6 Learning Project:
1. What happened during the observation? What did the students do? What did I
2. What pleased me?
3. What disappointed me?
4. To what degree did I accomplish my goal?
5. What might I do differently in the future?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 6, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project - Iowa Teaching Standard # 2
Demonstrates content knowledge appropriate for the teaching position
Goal: To increase beginning educator content knowledge competence.

Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator will discuss with the mentor curriculum and student development
issues relating to the beginning educators teaching assignment.
Step Two Assessing Needs
The beginning educator will review Iowa Teaching Standard # 2 and the criteria by
reviewing pages 17 - 19 in the ITS Framework. The beginning educator in consultation
with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the focus of this learning project. Using the
ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a colored
highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of your current practice by
highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance for each of the
elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column. Be as accurate
as you can. (This is only for use by beginning educator and mentor) In order to keep a
running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then highlight it
with the same color.
Step Three - Planning
The beginning educator will develop a plan to address the criterion using a LearningFocused Growth Plan. The mentor will work with the beginning educator in the
development of the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2)
how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4)
assessment/data collection, and (5) assistance options.
Step Four - Implementing
The beginning educator implements the plan. The beginning educator will use the
Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and
questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise.
Step Five - Evaluating
The final step is for the beginning educator to share with the mentor the actions, results,
the new learnings and new questions from implementing the plan. To prepare for the
conversation, the beginning educator completes the ITS # 2 Reflection.
Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 2, Revised May 2009



The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved.
Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a
different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of your
current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance
for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column.
Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning educator and mentor) In
order to keep a running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then
highlight it with the same color.
Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1bImplements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals

1cUses student performance data as a guide for decision-making
3aUses student achievement data, local standards and district curriculum in planning for
3bSets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of
all students.
3cUses students developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for
3dSelects strategies to engage all students in learning
3eUses available resources including technologies in the development and sequencing of
4aAligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum
4bUses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels
4dEngages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social,
emotional, and academic growth
4eUses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction
5aAligns classroom assessment with instruction
5cUnderstands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and
7cApplies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to
improve practice

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 2, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: ______________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 2, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, L

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 2, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 2 Self-Reflection

Why did I focus on the criterion I selected?


What did I do?


What did I notice about the students as I implemented my plan?


As a result of this, I am pleased


As a result of this, I am concerned


As a result of this, I am learning


How will this affect my future planning?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 2, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Iowa Teaching Standard # 5
Uses a variety of measures to monitor student learning
Goal: To increase beginning educators ability to monitor student learning.

Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator reviews and discusses district student assessments, policies, and
issues relating to the beginning educators use of formative assessments to guide
instruction and summative assessments to gauge student learning relative to content
standards with the mentor.
Step Two Assessing Needs
The beginning educator will select a student work product from three students on the
same project or activity. One will be an example of high-quality work, one-low quality,
and one in between. The mentor will assist the teacher in analyzing the differences in the
student work in terms of what was understood and assumed by the student. At the
conclusion of this project, the work of the same students will be analyzed.
Step Three Assessing Needs
The beginning educator reviews Iowa Teaching Standard # 5 and the criteria by
reviewing pages 33-38 in the ITS Framework. The beginning educator in consultation
with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the focus of this learning project. Using the
ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a colored
highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the beginning educators
current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance
for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column.
Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning educator and mentor) In
order to keep a running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then
highlight it with the same color.
Step Four - Planning
The beginning educator and mentor will engage the beginning educator in a planning
learning-focused conversation in order to create a Learning-Focused Growth Plan for
the selected criterion. The mentor will work with the beginning educator to develop the
plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus for growth, (2) how the beginning
educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3) implementation steps, (4) assessment/data
collection, and (5) assistance options.
Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009




Step Five Implementing

The beginning educator implements the plan. The beginning educator will use the
Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and
questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise. The
mentor may observe the beginning educator
Step Six - Evaluating
The beginning educator will select another student work product from the same three
students. The mentor will assist the teacher in analyzing the differences in the student
work in terms of what was understood and assumed by the student. What has changed
about the student work?
Step Seven - Evaluating
The beginning educator completes the ITS #5 Self-Reflection. The beginning educator
shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new learnings and new questions from
implementing the plan.
The conversation will include determining the degree to which the goal was achieved.
Using the ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a
different-colored highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the
beginning educators current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under
levels of performance for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in
more than one column. Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning
educator and mentor) In order to keep a running history, place the date of the selfassessment on the page and then highlight it with the same color.
Possible Related Standards and Criteria

1aProvides evidence of student learning to students, families and staff

1cUses student performance data as a guide for decision-making

3cUses students developmental needs, backgrounds, and interests in planning for


Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009


Learning-Focused Growth Plan


Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do? What patterns do I see in the
analysis of student work?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009


Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress




Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, L

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 5 Self-Reflection

What did I gain from analyzing the student work samples?

2. Why did I select the criterion that I focused on?

3. How did I modify my regular planning and instruction?
4. What did I notice about the students achievement?
5. As a result of this information and modifications, I am pleased
6. As a result of this information and modifications, I am concerned
7. I am learning
8. How will this affect my future planning?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009


Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 5, Revised May 2009




Journey to

Iowa Teaching Standard # 1 Demonstrates ability to enhance
academic performance and support for implementation of
school district student achievement goals
Goal: To increase beginning educator skills and knowledge to enhance
student learning and achieve school and district goals
Step One Assessing Needs
The beginning educator reviews the school district achievement goals; attendance center
goals; school assessments used; and discusses recent initiatives, both short-term and longterm with the mentor.
Step Two Assessing Needs
The beginning educator examines Iowa Teaching Standard # 1 and the criteria by
reviewing pages 9 15 in the ITS Framework. The beginning educator in consultation
with her/his mentor selects one criterion for the focus of this learning project. Using the
ITS Framework page of the criterion you have selected as the focus, take a colored
highlighter, and identify the words that capture the nature of the beginning educators
current practice by highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance
for each of the elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column.
Be as accurate as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning educator and mentor) In
order to keep a running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then
highlight it with the same color.
Step Three - Planning
The beginning educator will develop a Learning-Focused Growth Plan to address the
criterion using a learning-focused planning conversation. The mentor will work with the
beginning educator to develop the plan. A plan will be created that includes (1) the focus
for growth, (2) how the beginning educator will fill the knowledge gap, (3)
implementation steps, (4) assessment/data collection, and (5) Assistance Options.
Step Four - Implementing
The beginning educator will carry-out the plan. The beginning educator will use the
Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress sheet to capture new learnings and
questions as the plan is implemented. Please consult with your mentor as needs arise.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009


Step Five - Evaluating
The beginning educator shares with the mentor the actions, results, the new learnings and
new questions from implementing the plan. The conversation will include determining
the degree to which the goal was achieved. Using the ITS Framework page of the
criterion you have selected as the focus, take a different-colored highlighter, and identify
the words that capture the nature of the beginning educators current practice by
highlighting the appropriate descriptors under levels of performance for each of the
elements. You may find the appropriate words in more than one column. Be as accurate
as you can. (This is only for use by the beginning educator and mentor) In order to keep
a running history, place the date of the self-assessment on the page and then highlight it
with the same color.
(This project may be repeated using the same or another criterion if the beginning
educator and mentor believe that would be helpful.)

Possible Related Standards and Criteria


2bUses knowledge of student development to make learning experiences in the content area
meaningful and accessible for every student
2cRelates ideas and information within and across content areas
2dUnderstands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area
3aUses student achievement data, local standards and district curriculum in planning for
3bSets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of
all students.
3dSelects strategies to engage all students in learning
3eUses available resources including technologies in the development and sequencing of
4aAligns classroom instruction with local standards and district curriculum
4bUses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels
4dEngages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs and promote social,
emotional, and academic growth
4eUses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction
5cUnderstands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and
5dGuides students in goal setting and assessing their own learning
5eProvides substantive, timely and constructive feedback to students and parent
5fWorks with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress
All of Standard 6 relate to Standard 1d and 1e
7bWorks collaboratively to improve professional practice and student learning
7cApplies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to
improve practice
7dEstablishes and implements professional development plans based upon the teachers
needs aligned to the ITS and district/building student achievement goals
8cContributes to efforts to achieve district and building goals
8dDemonstrates and understanding of and respect for all learners and staff

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009



8eCollaborates with students, families, colleagues, and communities to enhance student


Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan

Name ____________________

Target Completion Date: _________

Focus for Growth: What do I want to know/be able to do?

Filling the Knowledge Gap: How and where will I learn about it?
(readings, videos, talk to experts, etc.) How will I build my skill level?

Implementation Steps: When and how will I use the new information/skill(s)?

Assessment/Data Collection: How will I know that I am appropriately implementing

new information/skill(s)? To what degree is this new information/skill(s) producing
desired results?

Assistance Options: What resources might I need? What resources are available to me?
Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia, LLC

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009



Learning-Focused Growth Plan: Tracking Progress



Name ____________________________
New Learnings

New Questions

Adapted from Mentoring Matters, MiraVia,

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009



Journey to Excellence
ITS # 1 Self-Reflection
1. What did I learn from reviewing district goals, building goals and initiatives?
2. How did I incorporate the information into my instruction?
3. How has the information influenced student achievement?
4. As a result of this learning project, I am pleased
5. As a result of this learning project, I am concerned
6. I am learning
7. How will this affect my future planning?

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 1, Revised May 2009



Journey to

Learning Project
Iowa Teaching Standard # 7 Engages in Professional Growth
Goal: To demonstrate the learning and growth of the beginning educator and set
goals for the coming year.
Step One Assessing Needs
This End-of-the-Year Learning Project is designed for the mentor and the beginning educator to
continue the development of their relationship by reflecting on goals, hopes and learning.
The first part of this Learning Project consists of a conversation between the beginning educator
and the mentor. The beginning educator and mentor will meet and the beginning educator will
give the mentor the Annual Reflection Form. The mentor will use the form as the basis of the
conversation and note the responses on the Annual Reflection Form. After the conversation the
mentor will return the completed form to the beginning educator to use and keep on file.
Step Two - Planning
The second part of this Learning Project is the Celebration & Sharing of Learning. It provides an
opportunity for the beginning educator to share key ideas and insights about teaching, student
learning and professional development with colleagues. The mentor assists the beginning
educator in selecting a body of evidence from the work completed by the beginning educator in
the Induction Program that illustrates a key learning this year. The beginning educator prepares
the information to share at the Celebration & Sharing of Learning.
Step Three - Implementing
The beginning educator and mentor will work with other mentors in the building or district to
plan the Celebration & Sharing of Learning. They will set a date, select a site and determine who
to invite. Reserve the room and invite quests to attend.
Step Four - Implementing
Each beginning educator will review the various learning projects completed during the year and
will select one to report on. At the Celebration & Sharing of Learning, each beginning educator
will have 5 minutes to make an informal presentation regarding their work and learning. The
beginning educator may ask the advice of the mentor in preparing the presentation.

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009


Step Five - Evaluating
Hold the Celebration & Sharing of Learning.
Other Possible Standards and Criteria

1bImplements strategies supporting student, building, and district goals

3aUses student achievement data, local standards and district curriculum in planning for instruction

3eUses available resources including technologies in the development and sequencing of instruction

4bUses research-based instructional strategies that address the full range of cognitive levels

4fUses available resources, including technologies, in the delivery of instruction

5cUnderstands and uses the results of multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction

5fWorks with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009


Beginning Educator Name

Mentor Name
Annual Reflection Form
Reflect on your Induction/Mentoring experience as related to the legislated Goals of Iowa
Mentoring and Induction Programs:
* promote excellence in teaching * enhance student achievement*
build a supportive environment within school districts * increase retention of promising beginning educators * promote the
personal and professional well-being of BE * support continuous improvement

How has your induction experience?

2. helped promote excellence in your teaching through an understanding of the
Iowa Teaching Standards and Criteria?
2. enhanced student achievement? in what ways?
3. provided you a supportive environment within your school district or agency to
learn and grow as an educator?
4. promoted your personal and professional well-being?
5 supported your continuous improvement?
6. met your needs as a beginning educator?
Additional reflection on Professional Growth:


What I learned about the district, building,


What insights have I gained about students, families and the community that
impact my teaching?


In my content area, I am confident and prepared for

In what areas do I need more assistance?


In thinking about my experiences this year, a goal for next year would be

Learning Project Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised May 2009



The Induction Celebration & Sharing of Learning provides an opportunity for the
beginning educator to share key ideas and insights about teaching, student learning and
professional development with colleagues.
The mentor assists the beginning educator in selecting a body of evidence from the work
completed in the Journey to Excellence Induction Program that illustrates his or her key
learning this year.

Roles at the Celebration and Sharing of Learning:

Beginning teacher: Prepare, present and share; listen and learn
Mentor: Assist in preparation (if needed); listen and learn
Administrator/guest(s): Listen and learn

To prepare:
First year educators --- select from your Learning Projects
Your presentation will be informal, conversational.
Second year educators ---- use all the Learning Projects youve completed over the two
years; your presentation: 5-10 minutes
Groups at tables. Beginning educator and mentor will be at the same table.
Administrators and others may also be attending.

Iowa Teaching Standard # 7, revised April 2009


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