This document outlines topics related to energy engineering, including different types of energy sources, solid fuels like coal and biomass, and processes such as pyrolysis, carbonization, combustion, and gasification. Specific topics covered include the properties and testing of coal, types of biomass, the pyrolysis and carbonization processes, the chemistry and efficiency of coal combustion, and the stages and classifications of biomass gasification.
This document outlines topics related to energy engineering, including different types of energy sources, solid fuels like coal and biomass, and processes such as pyrolysis, carbonization, combustion, and gasification. Specific topics covered include the properties and testing of coal, types of biomass, the pyrolysis and carbonization processes, the chemistry and efficiency of coal combustion, and the stages and classifications of biomass gasification.
This document outlines topics related to energy engineering, including different types of energy sources, solid fuels like coal and biomass, and processes such as pyrolysis, carbonization, combustion, and gasification. Specific topics covered include the properties and testing of coal, types of biomass, the pyrolysis and carbonization processes, the chemistry and efficiency of coal combustion, and the stages and classifications of biomass gasification.
This document outlines topics related to energy engineering, including different types of energy sources, solid fuels like coal and biomass, and processes such as pyrolysis, carbonization, combustion, and gasification. Specific topics covered include the properties and testing of coal, types of biomass, the pyrolysis and carbonization processes, the chemistry and efficiency of coal combustion, and the stages and classifications of biomass gasification.
Introduction to Energy: Types of energy Sources of energy o Renewable and non-renewable sources Introduction to Fuels in solid, liquid and gaseous state o Introduction to fuels o Chemical fuels o General Introduction, Properties and Storage of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels Solid Fuels: Basic Definitions Wood, Wood charcoal and Peat (Characteristics and applications) Coal o Origin of coal o Coalification process o Composition of coal o Classification of coal o Rank and Grade of coal o Petrography of coal o Properties and testing of coal Proximate Analysis Ultimate Analysis o Coal distribution and resources o Coal Power Plant Biomass o Types of Biomass o 1st and 2nd generation biofuels o Biomass conversion (basic introduction) Treatment of Solid Fuels o Physical Treatment Washing Size Reduction o Thermal Treatment Drying o Pyrolysis / Devolatilization Pyrolysis &Carbonization: Introduction to o Char o Coke o Charcoal and Activated Charcoal o Charring Process Introduction to pyrolysis Pyrolysis process Introduction to carbonization Destructive distillation Combustion: Introduction Types of Combustion Combustion Stoichiometry Three Ts of Combustion
Energy Efficiency Opportunities
The Chemistry of Coal Combustion Coal Combustion System Gasification Introduction Stages in gasification process o Drying o Devolatilization o Oxidation o Reduction Classification of gasifiers Gasifying media Performance of biomass gasifiers