Public Schools of The Tarrytowns 200 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, Ny 10591 Pre-Observation Plan
Public Schools of The Tarrytowns 200 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, Ny 10591 Pre-Observation Plan
Public Schools of The Tarrytowns 200 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, Ny 10591 Pre-Observation Plan
(To be completed by all probationary support personnel; may be used by tenured support personnel
on a voluntary basis.)
Christine Greiner
Washington Irving
5th Grade Classroom Teacher
I. List and describe the goals and instructional objectives for this lesson.
- The students first essential understanding is to recognize information in a
problem can often be shown using a diagram and then be used to solve the
- The students second essential understanding is to recognize that some
problems can be solved by writing and completing a number sentence or
- The students main objective is to use diagrams and write equations to solve
II. To which New York State and/or national standard is this lesson aligned?
- Number & Operations in Base Ten 5.NBT.5
Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers
5. Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard
- Operations & Algebraic Thinking 5.OA.2
Write and interpret numerical expressions.
2. Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and
interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.
III. Please outline this lesson:
- Problem Solving Recording Sheet
- Differentiated worksheets for each group
- Clipboards
- SmartBoard
- Dry Erase Boards
The class will be on the carpet with a clipboard and their Problem Solving
Recording Sheet. The teacher will review operational vocabulary in word problems
in order to solve the problem correctly (adding, subtracting, and multiplying). The
teacher will model how to use the Problem Solving Recording Sheet (read the
problem, figure out the find and know, decide on a strategy, draw a picture, write
an equation, solve, and check for reasonableness). The teacher will then guide the
students through another multiplication word problem using the recording sheet.
The students will then break apart into four groups to work on solving
multiplication word problems at their individual levels.
Group 1 working with Mr. Bucci (six students with an IEP) (below grade level)
Mr. Bucci will review vocabulary awareness with the students through verbal
discussion. Next, one student will read the problem. Mr. Bucci will go through the
same guided practice as the main lesson on how to complete the recording sheet.
The students will work together in solving various multiplication word problems.
Their goal is to solve the last problem without the use of the recording sheet.
*I saw this group on Monday and Wednesday*
Group 2 working with Ms. Greiner (nine students)
I will be working with the students on grade level. I will lead a discussion on how to
approach word problems. I want the students to verbally discuss the problem
before actually solving. This will allow the students to completely understand what
is being asked of them. Again, we will complete a recording sheet to help with
organization. During the guided work, I want the students to begin writing
equations with the use of a variable. They are all capable of writing a number
sentence, but I am trying to push them to the next level. By the end, the students
will solve a multiplication word problem on their own without the use of an
organizer and be able to write an equation with a variable.
*I saw this group on Tuesday*
Group 3 and 4 working on their own (two groups of four)
These students are above grade level. We have been working on breaking down a
word problem verbally before solving. The students make connections across math
topics and share their thoughts. They each have a role to complete the task as a
team. Once they complete the task, they each write a written explanation of how
they solved the problem. Many of these students learn math concepts easily, but
struggle with the written expression. Therefore, they have been practicing
verbalizing and written expression. Once they all finish writing, they share their
written responses and offer feedback if applicable.
*I saw these groups on Wednesday. I will be seeing them again on Friday*
- Direct Instruction
- Homogeneous Groupings Cooperative Learning
- Differentiation
Technology Integration:
The SmartBoard will be used at the beginning of the lesson with the whole class
and then with group two during the break out session.
The students have completed topic 3 which focused on multiplication. Throughout
the unit the students have been working on basic 2 digit and 3 digit multiplication
problems. There are students who still show uncertainty when working with
multiplication word problems. This lesson was designed to address individual needs
in a small group setting. All groups are working on multiplication word problems, but
the end goal is different for each group.
Extension Activities:
Students will be allowed to write their own math multiplication problem. They will
switch with a partner and solve their partners problem. These student created
problems are then compiled and used as practice for the rest of the students to
IV. How will student learning be assessed throughout the lesson?
Teacher observation, student work, collaboration during group work
V. Where does this lesson fit in relation to the unit of study? What came before? What
will follow?
- The students have been working on the Operations and Number Sense Strand.
We recently finished Topic 2, Adding and Subtracting Decimals. Within Topic 2,
the students were asked numerous times to make sense of mathematical
problems and to show perseverance. With the end of Topic 3 approaching, the
students are asked to recognize how drawing a picture and an equation can help
solve word problems. In doing so, the students are building their problem solving
skills while beginning to check for reasonableness. This essential understanding
is evident in the next topic, Division.
VI. Describe the students in this class and explain how you are differentiating the
instruction to meet their needs.
- Goals and objectives are based on classroom observation, homework and exams.
- There are a total of 23 students in the class. Of the 23, eight students are
learning new concepts with ease. Nine of the students need some teacher
guidance before they work independently. There are six students with an IEP
plan. Most of the students have difficulty with information retention, so there
is a lot of repetition throughout the class instruction. Many of the lessons
overlap from one day to another, which enables the re-teaching of important
concepts from prior days and build toward skill mastery. They also work in small
groups with Mr. Bucci (TA) or myself on a daily basis.
- Differentiation takes place on various levels. Sometimes, I will use
mixed-ability groups, allowing students to learn from one another. Since
there are many learning styles in my classroom, visual learners benefit
from the presentation at the board and writing down into their
notebooks, auditory learners benefit from group work, by listening and
discussing solutions, and the kinesthetic learners enjoy modeling their
work on the SmartBoard.
VII. Are there any specific things you would like to be considered or observed?
- The interaction and camaraderie of the students as they work in their small
groups and as a whole class.