Task 4 Project
Task 4 Project
Task 4 Project
MAED 3224
Task 4 Project
Part I: Overview
1. Context for Learning
2. List any special features of your school or classroom setting that will affect your teaching in
this learning segment. High amount of English Language learners (Spanish speaking)
3. Describe any district, school, or cooperating teacher requirements or expectations that might
affect your planning or delivery of instruction, such as required curricula, pacing plan, use of
specific instructional strategies, or standardized tests. Usually CMS requires that my
school use the Math Investigations curriculum, as well as the district pacing guide of
units and lessons; however, for my lesson I was able to do a non-Investigations lesson,
and my lesson was at the end of their fractions unit, to review multiplying fractions with
whole numbers.
Date: 3/19/15
Central Focus:
The central focus of my lesson is for students to work on multiplying fractions with
whole numbers. Students are given a shape and told how many of that shape they have. Keeping
in mind that a hexagon is 1 whole, they have to come up with an equation to represent the value
of the shapes presented, as well as determine the value. Students must have a conceptual
understanding of fractions of a hexagon and understand that a hexagon is the whole, a trapezoid
is the half, a rhombus is a third, and that a triangle is a sixth. Conceptual understanding is also
present in this lesson because students must understand that they will have groups of a certain
fraction which translates into multiplication (ex: 2 triangles= 2 groups of 1/6, or 2 x 1/6 ) in order
to write their equations. Some students may have conceptual understanding in a different way,
and they may understand the operation as addition because they are putting shapes together, and
they add the fractions. (ex: 2 triangles = 1/6 +1/6) The procedural understanding is present when
they do the standard multiplication and addition using the algorithm on paper.
Evaluation Criteria
1. Imagine that a hexagon is 1 whole. Write a multiplication equation that you could use
to find the total value of 6 trapezoids. Solve the equation and tell the value of the shapes.
2. Which is larger in value 6 trapezoids or 8 triangles? Explain and show how you know.
Question 1:
The student wrote a multiplication equation
1 point
The student has the fractional part of the equation correct 2 points
The student has the whole number part of the equation correct 1 point
The student accurately calculates the value 1 point
The student answers which set of shapes is greater correct 1 point
The students gives an accurate explanation in words or pictures to support their answer. 4
This assessment was given as an exit ticket following the lesson to assess
students learning. The assessment consisted of 2 short questions very similar to
what students did during their tasks. Question 1 asks students to write an equation
to represent the value of 6 trapezoids if a hexagon is 1 whole. Students conceptual
knowledge is assessed on the assessment because they must realize 1 trapezoid is
of a hexagon, and on the assessment this counts as 2 points. They must also
realize there are 6 of these, so they must realize they have 6 groups of which is
6 x . This counts as 1 point on the assessment for writing 6 as the whole number,
and another point is counted towards the writing of the correct equation. This
measures their conceptual knowledge and students are awarded points for their
conceptual understanding. Students procedural understanding is measured by
seeing if they accurately used the algorithm correctly to find the total value. In
question 2, students are posed with the value of 9 triangles. They must compare the
6 trapezoids to the 9 triangles to see which one is greater. First students conceptual
understanding is assessed by seeing if they are able to apply the same strategies and
thinking to find the value of the 9 triangles as they used to find the value of the 6
trapezoids. Students procedural understanding is again assessed to see if they use
the algorithm correctly to find the value of 9 triangles. Students conceptual
understanding is assessed finally by seeing if they can reason between the two
values to determine which one is greater.
Number of students who wrote a
multiplication equation in number 1
Number of students who have the
fractional part right in number 1
Number of students who have the whole
number correct in number 1
Number of students who accurately
calculated the value in number 1
Number of students who correctly identify
which set of shapes is greater in number 2.
Number of students who give an accurate
explanation in words or pictures as to how
they identified which set of shapes had
greater value in number 2
Results ExplainedThe average score on the assessment as a class was 6.7, which fell under partial
mastery. There were a few students who during this assessment didnt really try at all. A
few were much unmotivated to even try or write anything on their paper, even though they
completed the tasks substantially with my help or with a classmates help. This did throw
off the class average overall just a little. It also threw off individual scores as well.
Most of the students were successful in writing an equation to solve question 1. A
majority understood that if a hexagon was 1 whole that a trapezoid would be , and a
majority of students had this conceptual understanding. Many of the students were also
successful and had a procedural understanding in multiplying to calculate the total value
of the shapes. Then again in question 2, a majority of students had the conceptual
understanding in identifying that a triangle is 1/6 of a hexagon, and they would have to
write an equation of 8 x 1/6. A majority of students also had a procedural understanding of
using the algorithm to solve this equation. Finally, a majority of students were successful
in having a conceptual understanding to know that 3 wholes is greater than 1 2/6.
There were a few students who tried really hard on the assessment, but they made
a few errors. Some students missed the directions and did not write an equation at all. I
even had 1 student for question 2 misread the information and calculate the value for 8
trapezoids instead of 8 triangles.
One error that stood out was that I had one student draw pictures, and he
successfully drew the 6 trapezoids to make 1 whole, but for the 8 triangles he drew 8
triangles put together, so they looked like a hexagon. He didnt have the conceptual
understanding that only 6 triangles make a whole, and the 2 left over would be 2/6 of a
whole hexagon. This error didnt allow him to accurately answer the rest of the questions.
Another error included a student writing 2 x 3= 6 wholes for question 1. He drew 6
trapezoids with groups of 2 put together to form a hexagon, which came out to be 3 wholes.
This showed with his equation he didnt have the conceptual understanding that the
trapezoid was equal to . He had the understanding that 2 trapezoids made a whole, but no
understanding of assigning the trapezoid a value of in his equation.
Overall students really as a majority understood the concepts in this lesson and
covered on the assessment. Some students had I learned later a limited writing ability,
which may have played a part in their performance on this assessment. Attached are copies
of student assessment, which reflect many students did show a strong conceptual and
procedural understanding on this assessment.
The following student is the student who I selected to target as one of my struggling
students. This student as seen here in his work struggled with the concept of thinking of each
shape as having a fractional value. He did not have the conceptual understanding that a
triangle has a fractional value of 1/6, if the whole is a hexagon, or that a trapezoid was of
a whole hexagon, and this student really didnt have the understanding of thinking of a
hexagon as a whole, which was shown because he never gave any of the shapes a fractional
From his work here, on the assessment it had asked for this student to write an equation
to calculate the value of 6 trapezoids. This student drew a picture of 6 trapezoids, but he did
not write an equation or label any of the pictures showing that a trapezoid is1/2, which
resulted in him not being able to write the equation or calculate the total value. For the
second question, again this student was supposed to calculate the value of 8 triangles, but this
student again only drew 8 triangles separately, not realizing that they each had a value of 1/6
. The last part of the question asked for which was larger, 6 trapezoids or 8 triangles. He was
able to look at his pictures to see which was larger, and he was successful in identifying the 6
trapezoids as being larger; he circled the 6 trapezoids to show which was greater. I could tell
he had the conceptual understanding that 3 triangles make a trapezoid, as he numbered the
triangles in his trapezoids. This students overall struggle was assigning fractional value to
each geometric shape if a hexagon is the whole. He never once as shown in his work wrote
fractional values or labeled the shapes as having a fractional value.
Task(s): Given a hexagon as the whole, determine the fractional value of a triangle, a rhombus, and a
trapezoid. Explain verbally and reason as to how you know.
Associated concepts: Knowledge of geometric shapes, including hexagons, triangles, trapezoids, and rhombi.
Some knowledge of knowing what fractions are (equal parts that make up a whole). Knowledge and experience
with multiplying whole numbers by fractions.
Materials/Technology: pattern blocks, hexagons, trapezoids, rhombi, and triangles, math journal
Anticipation: I anticipate that my student may struggle a little to apply his knowledge of fractions to the visual
model of pattern blocks.
Lesson Phase
Activate prior
Ask the student to put the task in their own words. Clarify any
misconceptions the student may have.
Establish clear
Let go!
The student should use each of the shapes to figure out the
fractional value of each one compared to the whole hexagon. The
student should verbally speak and talk through his problem
solving strategy.
Allow the student to begin working with the shapes and figuring
out the value for each shape.
Notice students
mathematical thinking
The targeted goal for my student was for them to take their knowledge of fractions and apply
them to the pattern blocks. I wanted my student to be able to understand that if a hexagon is a
whole, the each of the other shapes can be thought of as a whole. I wanted my student to identify
the fractional value of each shape and demonstrate a reason as to how they determined that
State-adopted academic content standards and/or Common Core State
Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b
equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole
Strategies and learning tasks to re-engage students (including what you and the
students will be doing)
This reengagement is very similar to the initial task that was done in the whole class, except for
this lesson is very 1 on 1. My student in the whole class lesson struggled to apply his knowledge
of fractions to the pattern blocks. He just wasnt able to fully comprehend that each type of
pattern block could be used to make a whole hexagon giving each block a fractional value, and
so the strategy that I use to reengage him is to just have him work slowly and steadily with the
pattern blocks and reason with them to find a fractional value for each one. This reengagement is
hands on; its 1 on 1 with me, and its all verbal, allowing the student to talk his way through this
process. I later extend the activity with him once he had this conceptual understanding of each
block having a fractional value. I bring in the same concept that was covered in the whole class
lesson, which was multiplying a whole number by a fraction. By this point my student already
determined and reasoned the values of each pattern block, so now all he has to do is take these
values and multiply them by a whole number. See lesson plan for more detail.
Representations and other instructional resources/materials used to re-engage
students in learning
The following material were used to reengage the student: pattern blocks including hexagons,
trapezoids, rhombi, and triangles, and students math journal
had worked on yesterday during the whole class task. Originally when he worked on the given
task he had struggled to complete them without his conceptual understanding of assigning value
to the pattern shapes. In this assessment he completed on his own the following 5 multiplying
fractions with pattern block problems.
Analyzing Teaching
As shown in the students sample work, it is evident that my student had made great
reengagement lesson and his work on this assessment that he had full mastery of this objective,
and he showed great growth compared to the last assessment and lesson.