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Comparing Fractions 5e LP Autorecovered

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Math Lesson Plan

Pre-service Teacher: Grade(s): School/Mentor Teacher (if applicable):

Kaitlin Mott 4th Timber Creek Elementary/ Marta Ehrlich

Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title:

Math Fraction Meanings and Equivalent Fractions
Relevant TEKS: §111.6 Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS:
4.3 C Determine if two given Reading 4.F Use visual IX. A. 1. Use mathematical symbols, terminology,
fractions are equivalent using and contextual support and notation to represent given and unknown
a variety of methods. to read grade-appropriate information in a problem
content area text. IX. B. 1. Model and interpret mathematical ideas
and concepts using multiple representations
Lesson Objective(s)/Performance Outcomes

 Students will be able to successfully work in partner or table groups, by taking turns and using respectful
and appropriate language.
 Students will be able to create their own equivalent fraction problem that is logical and follows stated
directions of using numbers that less than 10.
 Students will be able to solve four equivalent fraction problems, in their math journal using a fraction
chart or by multiplying or dividing, with 75% accuracy.

Assessment (Description/Criteria)

The teacher will assess students with formative assessment. Students math journals and the Kahoot will be
observed and used for distributing grades. The formative assessments will be used to check for understanding
and will determine whether reteaching is necessary. The following rubric will be used for generating grades:

Y- 3
Clean Page points N- 0 points
Y- 5
1st problem points N- 0 points
2nd Y- 5
problem points N- 0 points
Y- 5
3rd problem points N- 0 points
Y- 5
4th problem points N- 0 points
Participating Y- 5 N- 0
in Kahoot points points
Materials and Resources

 iPads
 Math book
 Kahoot
 Multiplication chart
 Writing utensils
 Dry erase markers
 Fraction chart
 Math journals
 Fraction strips

Management of the Instructional Environment

There are 19 students in the class if no one is absent. Three of the students will be in GT, so for this lesson we
should have 16 students. There are a few students who are in individual desks for various reasons. The students
will be at their desks for the majority of the lesson. They can move up closer on the floor with a clipboard as
long as they are paying attention and not distracting others. There will be times throughout the lesson that
students will be up at the board or working with a partner around the room. However, they should not be doing
either until instructed to do so. Students know that they should not raise their hand, until the teacher does unless
they are asking a question. This is so students can have time to process the information given and think of an
answer to respond with. So, the teacher must always model raising their own hand when he/she is ready for

Technology Integration

 Pearson App (on their iPads)

 Kahoot - https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=0154e325-aa8a-4e2e-9160-7845e3fb8bec
 iPads
Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)


 Multiplication chart
 Not showing inverse
 Extra time
 Strategically partnering

 Doing 3 out of the 4 problems
Activities/Procedures (5E) Each of these items should be specific for the lesson.
Consider it a script for what you will say and do during the lesson. *Remember that checking for
understanding happens throughout the lesson.

Engage (must be active) ~5 minutes

The teacher will introduce the lesson by asking students to skip count. Go around the room, table by table, and
have students skip count (2,4,6,8,…) by 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s.

“Today we are going to do a fun lesson in math but before we get to that, I want us to skip count as a class.
Let’s begin with the 2’s. I will start us off, and then I will point to you for an answer so please try to keep up
with us! Make sure you remember who you were after for our next set. 2….” The teacher will walk around and
point to students for an answer.

After you get through the 2’s, move on to the 3’s. “Great job everyone! Now we are going to move onto the
3’s! Remember to pay attention of who went before you because next time I’m not going to point. I will start us
off again, 3…” The teacher will point to the students again, in the same order, for the 3’s.

The teacher will repeat step counting again with the 4’s. “You guys are doing awesome! For the last one we
will be skip counting by 4’s. I won’t be pointing this time, so I hope you’ve been paying attention! Without
saying a word, just point to the person who goes before you.” Hopefully, each person only has one person
pointing to them. If not, tell students to whisper and figure things out. “You have 30 seconds to whisper to each
other and figure out who you are going after if you are unsure.” The teacher should estimate 30 seconds and
then move on. “Okay, we are moving on! I hope you have figured it out. Once again, I will start. 4…” If at any
point the chain is broken, just point, to the best of you ability, in the correct order until everyone has taken their

To transition to explore, the teacher will bring out fraction strips and ask a guiding question.

“I am placing some strips on your desk. Please do not touch these yet. I will let you know when I want us to use
these. I want you to think about what operations we were doing when we skipped count as a class.” Give
students a moment to think about this and then continue by calling on students. “When you are ready, raise
your hand and be prepared to name me one operation.” Call on a student who is raising their hand.

Answers: Addition and Multiplication

When students have answered with both operations, guide their thinking. “It was addition or multiplication
because we were essentially saying fact families as we went through each person. We will be focusing on
multiplication right now.”

Explore ~10-12 minutes

“Today we will be learning about equivalent fractions. Just from the title, who can tell me something they
know, or think that they know?” The teacher will raise his/her hand in the air, modeling for students that it is an
appropriate time to answer. Call on a couple of students and hear their thoughts.

-Answers may include: Fractions are parts of a whole, equivalent sounds like equal so maybe that’s
what it means, and/or fractions are when you split up something.

If students are not answering similar to the examples given above, the teacher should ask more guiding
questions. “Who can remind me what a fraction is? What are the parts of a fraction? What math word does
equivalent sound like? If I tell you that equivalent means equal, what do you think the term equivalent fractions
means? Call on students who are raising their hand. The teacher should try to call on everyone. If needed, the
teacher can pull sticks from the cup on the front desk.

-Answers may include: a part of a whole, it has a numerator and denominator, equivalent may mean
equal because they both start with the letter e, maybe that term means fractions that are equal.

Once we have established what a fraction is, the parts of the fraction, and possible definitions for equivalent
fractions, the teacher will move on.

“We are going to move on and try to find some equivalent fractions. You have a couple of options, so I hope
everyone is listening. When I say go, you can either get on Pearson and go to math tools and find fractions,
you can pull out a dry erase marker and get your fraction chart out, or you can use the fraction strips that I
have placed on your table. You can do multiple things if you’d like as well. Go!” Wait until students are quiet
and ready to explore. You may need to help students who are using Pearson to get to the right place. Here are
the steps to get to the Pearson app:

1. Students go to Learning Hub

2. They log into Learning Hub.
3. Click on Pearson Realize
4. Choose Envision Math
5. Click on Envision Math
6. Click on the TOOLS dropdown menu
7. Click on Math Tools
8. Click on Fractions
9. Click on Equiv. Shapes

When everyone has gotten what they need, we will move forward. “I want you to play around and find your
own equivalent fractions. If you’re using your chart, look for where two ends meet up. If you are on Pearson,
play with the different fractions and see which ones you can get that have same amount shaded on each
shape. I want you to write three of these down in your math journal. You can work in partners or as a table if
you like but remember to keep your voices low.” As the students find equivalent fractions visually, the teacher
will walk around and act as a facilitator. The teacher should allow about 5-7 minutes for this section.

To transition to explain, the teacher will have students prepare themselves for the next activity.
“Okay, now we will learn how to tell if two fractions are equivalent without using our chart or app. I need
everyone to get their 2nd volume math book and flip to page 518 by the next 30 seconds. When you are there, I
need someone to read me the definition of equivalent fractions. I will know you are ready when I see hands

Explain ~15-18 minutes

Teacher Explain:

The teacher should wait a minute or two for everyone to get settled. Once you see several of hands raised and
everyone stopped moving, call on a student. “Okay, great! _______ can you please read us everything in that
green box.” “Awesome job! Now, I need everyone’s eyes up here while I show you how to tackle this.”

The teacher will solve the problem, using both multiplication and division (steps C and D on page 518). The
teacher will write ¾ on the board and multiply both the numerator and denominator by 2.

“The given fraction was ¾ so we have that written now. To find out if two fractions are equivalent or not, you
will need to multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. We will start off with
multiplication. If I multiply 3 by 2, as a class what would I get?” The students should answer aloud (answer is
6). “Awesome, and if I multiply 4 by 2 what would I get?” Students should answer “8”. The equivalent fraction
should read 6/8. “Okay, so is 6/8 equivalent to ¾?” Wait for students to answer “no”. “Let’s try division now.
We will start out with 6/8. I am going to divide both the numerator and denominator by 2. What is 6 divided
by 2?” Students as a class should answer “3”. “Great, now 8 divided by 2?” Students should answer “4”.

“Now let’s do another example. I want to find an equivalent fraction that is 3 times as much as 2/3. We are
now working for off the track early passes, so I need to see everyone focused. Let me see a hand, are we going
to multiply or divide? The teacher will call on a student for an answer (Answer: multiply). If the student
answers correctly, the teacher will give him/her an off the track early pass. They are on the round table
towards the front of the room.

“That is correct! We are going to multiply because I said 3 times as much, meaning it is getting larger. Now
that we know this, let’s set up our problem.” The teacher will write the following on the board: ‘2 / 3 =’. The
teacher should write the fraction with a horizontal line, rather than a slanted line used here. The teacher will
draw an arrow pointing from the denominator to the other side of the equal sign and write ‘x3’ below the
arrow (modeled on page 519 in math book). Then the teacher will ask for the class for an answer. “What is
3x3 class?” The entire class should answer “9”. Then, the teacher will do the same thing with the numerator
and ask the class for an answer again. “What is 2 times 3?” The class should answer “6”.

“Boys and girls, I am so proud of you. You just came up with an equivalent fraction! It is that simple everyone.
Are there any questions for me right now?” The teacher should wait about a minute or so for any hands to
raise up with a question. If there are no questions, the teacher will continue.

“Now that I have explained equivalent fractions to you, it is your turn to practice and explain it back to me. I
will give you a fraction and what I would like you to multiply or divide by. I will pull sticks for students to come
up to the board one at a time. While they are working it on the board, you should be working it in your math
journal on a clean page. I will be giving out off the track early passes so try your hardest and ask me any
questions that you have!

Student Explain:

“If your stick gets chosen, you can either accept or pass but I will not be putting your stick back in the jar to be
chosen again later. When you go up to the board, you will need to explain your process of working the problem
aloud with us, so we can understand.

The teacher will state the following one at a time as problems to be worked:

5/10 Divide by 5 (Answer 1/2)

5/6 Multiply by 2 (Answer 10/12)
3/12 Divide by 3 (Answer 1/4)
3/4 Multiply by 3 (Answer 9/12)

As students work this, the teacher should walk around the room acting as a facilitator. If the student who goes
up to the board gets the problem correct and explain it well, the teacher should give them an off the track
early pass.

Once students have gone through the 4 problems above, the teacher will instruct students to create their own
and have a partner find the equivalent fraction.

“Before we move on to our last activity, I want you to create your own problem and have a table partner solve
it. It has to be reasonable so do not make any multiply or divide more than 10. You can write it in your math
journal.” As students do this, the teacher will walk around and assist when needed.

To transition to elaborate, the teacher will ask students to get out their iPads and go to the Kahoot app.

“I can see that everyone is done solving their partners, so we are moving on to our last activity with math. Very
quietly, I need you to bring out your iPads and go to the Kahoot app.

Elaborate ~10 minutes

The teacher will prepare his/her laptop for the Kahoot game. The corresponding link is

The teacher will have to tell students the game pin once the link is pulled up. “The game pin is ________. You
need to put your first name as the nickname. If we have anyone that puts something different, we just won’t
play, and we will do more problems on the board.”
The teacher needs to make sure the nicknames are all the students names and nothing silly. If there is
something silly, just exit out of the website and give the students the following problems to complete in their
math journals:

5/7 multiplied by 3
21/25 divided by 7
8/9 multiplied by 2

If students put their names correctly for the Kahoot game, everyone can play. Students can move down to the
carpet for the game if they’d like. “Thank you everyone for putting in your name. There are 5 questions this
time. I will read aloud each question for you. If you need to work in your math journal or want to move down
to the carpet you can.”

As students play, the teacher will read each question aloud. There is a 90 second timer for each question. We
are looking for 90% of the class to get each right. If there are less than that, the teacher will review the
question with students on the board, showing how to get the correct answer.

After the Kahoot is over, advise students to go back to their desks. If there is time remaining, they will get on
the “Fractions by Braincamp” app and work the problems individually at their desk. “Please go back to your
desks. For the remainder of math, we will be on Fractions by Braincamp. For the time being, it will be an
individual activity.” The teacher will walk around the room and monitor until it is time to clean up.

If there is no time left, the teacher will advise students to clean up their surroundings. “Please go back to your
desk and put everything away. Make sure your cubby is organized and there is no trash on the floor around
you.” The teacher will walk around and monitor as students clean up.


Evaluate happens throughout the lesson. The teacher will use the math journal as a formative assessment to
gauge individual understanding. Additionally, the Kahoot quiz will be used to check for whole group
understanding as the game is going on. If at any point the teacher feels he/she needs to reteach, they should
document this for future reference.

Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness

Be sure that this is specific.
What happened during the lesson? (Brief summary --- help the reader know how you were able to follow
your lesson plan.)

I believe my lesson plan followed my lesson plan well. At the beginning, we skip counted as a class to get
everyone engaged and so I could make sure everyone was on topic. The students enjoyed this! Then, I asked
guiding questions such as, “What kind of operations were we using while skip counting?” to ease us into
discussing equivalent fractions. The students answered quickly and correctly with ‘addition and
multiplication’. With this information, I asked students to think about what the term ‘equivalent fractions’
could possible mean. Students raised their hands and gave many good possible definitions, most of which
were right. After telling students the books definition, I let the students loose to use their fraction strips,
fraction chart, or their iPads (on the Pearson app) to find three equivalent fractions, either individually or as a
table. I gave students about 10 to 15 minutes to do so. I allocated so much time for this because I thought it
was important for students to explore the different options and see what works best for them and what
doesn’t. After all of the students wrote at least 2 equivalent fractions in their math journals, I continued on
with my lesson. I began drawing sticks to have students come to the board and give me an equivalent fraction
by either using multiplication or division. For this, I wrote down the exact fractions I used in my lesson plan on
a sticky note and followed that because I knew I would not be able to remember the exact fractions
otherwise. The kids absolutely loved this! Anytime the students can come up to the board, they get excited
and automatically want to participate. I knew this would be a good way for me to check for understanding and
for the students to stay with us and not get distracted. While students were at the board, they were expected
to talk us through how they found an equivalent fraction, so this was my student explain. If students were at
their desks, they were expected to solve the problem in their math journal. After we did about four or five
problems on the board, the students participated in a Kahoot quiz that I had prepared for them. The students
were looking forward to this Kahoot all day as I mentioned throughout the morning that if we have any major
behavior problems we would not do the Kahoot in math after lunch. Kahoot is a fun activity for the students
and its an easy way for me to check for understanding with the entire class, but the students can sometimes
display undesired behaviors when we are doing a Kahoot quiz. The results from the Kahoot quiz were better
than I hoped for which tells me the students truly grasped my lesson. Additionally, the students were quite
exceptional through the lesson, as no major undesired behaviors were really shown.

What parts of the lesson led to engagement and student learning?

In my lesson, there were several opportunities for student engagement. For the first part of my lesson, we all
skip counted to introduce the topic and get everyone engaged. I believe this was an easy way to get students
participating and staying on topic. Later in the lesson, students used manipulatives, individually and as a
group, during the explore phase to find equivalent fractions. This activity was planned to stimulate student
learning and allow them to have their own time to think and formulate their own thoughts with options to
choose from. Additionally, in the explain phase the students had chances to go up to the board to participate
in a whole group discussion about equivalent fractions.

In thinking about your first two responses --- So What does it mean about your planning? So What does it
mean about student learning? So What does it mean about your learning to teach?

In planning and carrying out the lesson, I learned that your lesson may not go exactly as planned. There were
times that I had to remind students to have still hands or that their eyes should be one me, but I believe that
you can’t ever truly have a perfect lesson. There will always be something to work on. I believe I put a lot of
planning into this lesson. I know I have a very diverse class and I wanted to prepare a lesson that allowed
every type of student to flourish. I wanted to plan a fun, hands-on lesson as our students were just benchmark
testing the day before. From what I observed through looking at math journals, the student participation on
the board, and the Kahoot results, the students were able to put into practice what was taught to produce
successful results. I think it is important to put students learning first throughout your lesson even if it means
moving your lesson around at times. As I am learning to teach, I am learning to adapt when necessary to
ensure every student is successful. Changing your wording, reteaching through the lesson, and slowing down
are things that I find myself doing quite often when I see some blank stares. Overall, my learning to teach has
been gradual but I think I am able to learn new techniques each time my mentor lets me loose with the class.

Now What did you learn from teaching this lesson that can apply to other lessons? How will you apply what
you learned from teaching this lesson to your teaching of future lessons?

In teaching this lesson, I learned to have multiple accommodations, modifications, and extensions planned for
my lessons. Having a class with us a wide range of abilities can make it difficult for me to make sure that I am
meeting the needs of every student, but I am continually learning how to adapt my lessons for this. For the
future, I will make sure such measures are prepared prior to the lesson so that I can better meet the needs of
every student. Additionally, I feel as if I am too hard on myself when it comes to teaching my lessons. I often
compare myself to my mentor, and other teachers at the school, and I forget that they have been teaching
more many years, so they have learned these lessons through experiences of their own that has made them
the incredible teachers that they are. In future lessons, I will try to set short term goals for myself within those
lessons so I can start seeing some of my own growth.

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