The document describes a firetube that was removed from service. It had built up deposits that were removed, revealing damaged areas on the firetube. After cleaning, inspection found areas of the firetube that needed repair from damage discovered after deposits were taken off.
The document describes a firetube that was removed from service. It had built up deposits that were removed, revealing damaged areas on the firetube. After cleaning, inspection found areas of the firetube that needed repair from damage discovered after deposits were taken off.
The document describes a firetube that was removed from service. It had built up deposits that were removed, revealing damaged areas on the firetube. After cleaning, inspection found areas of the firetube that needed repair from damage discovered after deposits were taken off.
The document describes a firetube that was removed from service. It had built up deposits that were removed, revealing damaged areas on the firetube. After cleaning, inspection found areas of the firetube that needed repair from damage discovered after deposits were taken off.