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Philosophical Model of Classroom Management

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Courtney Wright

Classroom Management Plan

There are many aspects to consider when coming up with a personal classroom
management plan. The plan that I have created is comprehensive, but flexible in nature. It will
be changing and added to as I learn and grow as a teacher. The plan is also dependent on my
students. It may change at times to best meet the needs of my students and create the most
successful classroom environment that I can. The ideas of my classroom management plan are
based on my experience in the classroom and knowledge of research-based practices. My
classroom management plan stems from my own teaching style and what I have seen to work
most effectively.

Philosophical Model of Classroom Management

My teaching style and philosophy most closely matches to Albert Banduras Social
Learning Theory. This is the idea that young kids learn by examples and modeling. If the
example is set for them and they have high expectations from the instructor to meet that
standard, they are more likely to act appropriately and be able to learn in school. This also
encompasses explicit instruction and showing the students what they are expected to be doing.
Modeling activities and tasks for the students is very important. Classroom management works
in a similar way. The teacher models the correct behavior and reinforces the good behavior of
the students through cueing. In addition, the rules are set and the students know the
consequences if broken. Expectations and procedures are taught in the first week of school, and
the students are given a chance to practice and rehearse these standards. The teacher is
consistent with enforcing rules and giving logical consequences when rules or procedures are nto

being followed. The students can learn by example of others and immediately know if
something they are doing is not appropriate for the classroom. This goes a little bit into the
Behaviorist Model as well. The teacher is modeling and showing good examples, but also
reinforcing and correcting behavior throughout.
The discipline model that I most closely relate to is between a medium and high control
approach. Setting up guidelines and structure in my classroom is important as well as
establishing expected behaviors. However, the interacting model of discipline has a lot of
important aspects that will be present in my classroom. This model focuses on giving students
responsibility and giving them a sense of belonging and choice. The students have a say and
control of their learning, but there are specific guidelines that are set by the teacher to create an
effective environment in the classroom. In order for the classroom to function effectively and
create an environment where I have the right to teach and the students have a right to learn, my
discipline model will be more high control at first with gradual release as students gain

Organize the Physical Environment

My classroom will be organized in a way that everything has its place, and students know
where to find the materials that they need. There will not be a lot of clutter or unnecessary things
around that are distracting. The students will be able to easily move around the room and find
what they need. They will be introduced to the location of supplies and materials that they may
need at the start of the year, so they are able to find what they need with ease. The desks are
organized in a way that the students can work together, but also I can move around and get to

every student. Every student has a view of my teaching as well as the opportunity of not being
distracted if they are working independently.
The teachers desk is located on the side and accessible to students, and there is a circle
table in the back of the room for group work. Computer stations are available to students in the
back of the room where they are not distracting but accessible. Activity stations are spread
around the room so when the students break into small groups they are not disrupting each other.
Bookshelves are in an area where the students can easily grab books without tripping over many
others and disturbing their focus. There is also a nook area by the student bookshelves where
they can sit and read their books.
Students will have their supplies accessible in a pencil box in their desk. There will also
be a specified area for extra supplies if they need. Their textbooks and workbooks will be stored
in their desks where they are available when the students need them. Student work will be
displayed on the walls and bulletin boards. I will also post relevant anchor charts and posters
that are helpful to the topics that we are working on. By the front of the room, the spelling
words, vocabulary words and math vocabulary words will be posted each week on a bulletin
board. There will also be a place in the front where the daily objectives are listed, and the
students can see them throughout the day. There will be a calendar and schedule that will be
updated daily that the students can refer to visually.


Computer Area

Circle Table for Group


Managing Student Behavior

Bookshelves and nook


On the first day of school, we will develop rules as a class. I will ask the students what is
important to them, and I will tell them what is important for me. We will discuss what
classroom rules that we think we need, and I will come up with five or so rules to write down
and post visibly for the rest of the year. When students misbehave, I will bring them back to the

rules that we created on the first day and ask them to think about why they were breaking the
rule and why it matters. I will direct them to think about their misbehavior and correct it so it
does not happen again. One of the most important things about rules and discipline is preventing
misbehavior. I aim to set up procedures and rules that curb misbehavior before it takes place.
The purpose of this is to allow students to take responsibility and become the best people that
they can be when they leave my classroom. Because of this, I also want the students to be
responsible for coming up with consequences. They will have the opportunity to give an idea for
an appropriate consequence, and I will then judge whether or not it is sufficient. This gives them
autonomy and control and allows the consequence to be individualized for the student and
specific misbehavior. There will be specific consequences established for general misconduct,
and the school discipline policy will also be a factor in consequences and rules. Misbehavior is a
distraction to the learning process so a discipline plan must be set up as soon as the students
arrive on the first day and in a clear, understandable manner.
One management system that I have seen work effectively is a clip chart. Students are
asked to move their clip up and down each day for doing positive things or making poor choices.
I like this because it is visible for the students, and even if they are having a hard day, they have
the opportunity to move back up the chart. With the clip chart, there will be consistent
consequences set up for students who are asked to move the chart. The students will know what
to expect when they are asked to move up or down the chart. Everyday, the students start back in
the middle with a clean slate. This is good way to quickly manage individual behavior
throughout the day. I also plan to incorporate group rewards as well.

Creating a Respectful, Supportive Learning Environment

Creating a respectful and supportive learning environment is very important to me and is

the basis of many of the procedures and plans that are included in my classroom management
systems. Having rules and procedures for misbehavior helps all students feel safe and creates an
environment conducive to learning for all students. It is important to display student work on
walls in the classroom and on bulletin boards. Creating a classroom environment that is
welcoming, but not distracting is important for student learning as well. I also believe that it is
incredibly crucial to get to know every one of the students. I will do this through personal
conversations, interviews and observations. I hope to create a positive student-teacher
relationship with every child and make them feel safe and welcomed in my classroom. The
students will also be encouraged to work together often, which will create a sense of belonging
and cohesiveness in the class.
Students will be working in collaborative groups frequently and working together to
achieve a common goal. In addition, team building activities and getting to know you activities
will be done in the classroom. Students will be informed of respectful sharing and discussion
rules, and students will get several chances to share their ideas and opinions. Students will know
that they can share out without being ridiculed or embarrassed. They will be able to collaborate
ideas and help each other creating a respectful and supportive environment.
To facilitate a supportive learning environment, I will provide the students with structure
and appropriate supports to be successful in every lesson. They will be given opportunities to
work independently, with partners and in small groups. Modeling and scaffolding will be
included in every new concept taught. Appropriate English Language Learner supports will be
provided in order for all students to do the expected task. I will be available to assist students
that are struggling and will modify lessons as we go considering the needs of students.

Manage and Facilitate Instruction

In both observing many successful classrooms and learning about certain types of
effective instruction, I believe that experiential instruction is very important for young kids.
Doing hands-on projects really allows students to understand concepts, especially when they are
first being introduced to the topic. Direct instruction is important for other concepts and
instruction. I will use my own best judgement and past experience to plan lessons that will best
teach the curriculum that is expected. Sometimes the topic or concept needs to be explained and
shown first before the students will be able to try it themselves. Modeling will be used because
it is important to show the students exactly what is expected. I also plan to incorporate authentic
learning and real-world experiences into many of my lessons. The students should be able to
understand how they will apply the knowledge and why it is important that they understand it.
Encouraging the students to make personal connections to the subjects learned in school will be
present as well. It is important for students to feel that they are learning what is necessary and
see why they would need to learn these things in school. It is my goal to make them personally
invested in their education.
Differentiation will also be incorporated in my classroom. I believe that creating tiered
assignments or adjusting learning for every students needs is important for the success of all
students. Giving students tasks that are at their personal instructional level will allow them to
progress individually. I will also provide different types of assignments for every subject
throughout each day. The assignments will address all types of Gardners Multiple Intelligences.
Every learner will have the opportunity to thrive in the tasks given and show their knowledge

through their preferred method of learning and creating authentic products. My activities and
lessons will promote engagement and interest for students.

Promote Classroom Safety and Wellness

Safety and wellness will be promoted in my classroom every day. The rules and
management plan are aimed at creating a safe environment for students. Students should also
feel that they are a valued member of the class and have a sense of belonging. I also hope to
promote high self-esteem in every student. It is important that students have their basic needs
addressed in order to learn in the classroom. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs shows that students
need have food, shelter, warmth, rest, family belonging and health needs met before they can
engage in learning. As a teacher, I want to make sure that all students are getting their basic
needs met, and I am doing anything that I can to help out with this. Allowing them to get drinks,
having snacks available, making them feel content and valued in the class and making sure the
temperature is comfortable for students are examples of things that I can do as a teacher to make
sure that students are able to learn in my classroom. Having personal conversations and taking
note of times when a student is acting unusually can help determine what is causing the
distraction and allows me to attempt to help them have a good experience every day in the
Dealing with conflict and misbehavior when it happens is important to maintaining a safe
classroom. Letting the students know that the instructor will take care of threatening or
uncomfortable things that are taking place will make them feel safe in the classroom. They will
know that they can come to me, and it will be taken care of immediately. Researching and
learning about ways to deal with tough students or students with disabilities will help control

conflict and things that can threaten the learning environment. Being prepared and informed is
the best way to make sure every student is well and safe.
Another component of this is letting students know that you care. Greeting students
every morning at the door and having morning meetings promotes positive relationships and lets
students know that they are personally valued in the classroom. An idea that I have seen and
thought was effective is hugs and high fives at the end of the day. As every student walks out the
door, they have the option to give the teacher a hug or high five as they are leaving. This gives
both the teacher and the student a chance to interact at the end of the day and comment on the
day before they leave. I also think that it is important to be walking around the room and
constantly observing how students are working. Being involved in the classroom and being
aware of things that are going on in both the students lives and throughout the school day helps
creating a welcoming environment.

Interact with Colleagues, Parents and Others

There are many ways and opportunities to interact with others as a teacher, but I think the
most important aspect of this collaboration is to be positive and keep them informed. Being
positive will allow me create relationships with the colleagues and principal at the school.
Having team meetings and collaborating successful lessons with other teachers will give me a
repertoire of good lessons that I can use in my own classroom. By sharing and respecting other
colleagues, I can become a stronger teacher and a respected member of the school.
Interacting with parents is exceedingly important as a teacher. Asking for input and
feedback is essential as they know their children best. Keeping the conversation positive and
informative is important in communication with students, parents and other colleagues. Sending

home my personal management plan and procedures for the classroom will let parents know
what is expected in my classroom. Giving a copy of this to the principal as well will help me
have a backing of my plans and procedures and let he or she know what will be happening in my
classroom. Frequent communication through newsletters or notes home will create an open
conversation with parents. I like the idea of writing a quick note in the students planner whether
its something that the parent needs to be aware of or just something positive that the student did
that day. In addition, giving parents resources and ideas that they can use to help their children at
home is important to the success of the student as well. Keeping parents informed of what is
happening in the classroom as well as what they can do to help will improve the classroom as a

Each of these portions of classroom management will allow our classroom to run
effectively and provide the best environment for students to learn. Considering the procedures
and expectations that need to be set up in my classroom will help all students, parents, colleagues
and administrators know what I expect in my classroom and how it will lead to helping all
students learn in the best classroom climate possible.

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