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Charles Dickens

retold by Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing
Introduction: 4

Chapter 1: Beginnings 8

Chapter 2: My First Trip and Homecoming 14

Chapter 3: School Days 20

Chapter 4: Off to Work I Go 24

Chapter 5: With My Aunt 29

Chapter 6: Life with the Wickfields 34

Chapter 7: Old and New Friends 38

Chapter 8: An Unsettling Time 43

Chapter 9: Found - and Lost! 47

Chapter 10: How It All Worked Out 52

Activities: 62

Word List: 86
Charles Dickens and got into financial difficulties. Eventually, he was put in prison,
where his family later joined him. It was common in those days for the
family of a debtor to live with him in prison. Charles was taken out of
school and went to work putting labels on bottles of shoe polish. He
worked long hours for very little money and lived away from his family,
alone in London. He became a clerk in a lawyer's office when he was
15 and also worked as a reporter in the evenings. At 18, he fell in love
with a pretty and careless girl, but the affair ended unhappily for
Charles Dickens was born Dickens after three years.
near Portsmouth, England, on These events from his early life affected him deeply and he used
Look at the front cover February 7 th, 1812. He was the these experiences to write his novels. Dickens wrote about 'David
of the book. What can second of eight children, whose Copperfield', his eighth novel, "Of all my books 1 like this the best".
you see in the picture? father, John, was a clerk for the It is largely autobiographical and was published in monthly parts
When do you think the Navy Although Charles had an between May 1849 and November 1850. Dickens wrote a total of
story takes place? idyllic early family life, his father fourteen complete novels and died in 1870 before completing 'The
Read the blurb on the was a poor manager of money Mystery of Edwin Drood'. He is buried in Westminster Abbey in London.
back cover and discuss
what kind of difficulties
you think David Copperfield might have experienced.
Read the information about Charles Dickens and answer the
questions that follow.
Look atat the
the following
following pictures.
pictures. How
How do
do you
you think
think they
they are
When was Charles Dickens born?
connected to the story?
How many brothers and sisters did Charles Dickens have?
What was Dickens' first job?
How old was Dickens when he started to work for the lawyer?
When was 'David Copperfield' published?
What was the name of Dickens' unfinished novel?
When did Dickens die?

4 5
Chapter 1

was born in Blunderstone, Suffolk. We lived in a nice house
with a garden and many trees outside. My father had named
our house 'The Rookery' because a type of bird - the rook - had
nests in the trees all around our property.
It was after my father's death, and just before my birth, that his
aunt, Betsey Trotwood, came to our home. Things were about to
change at The Rookery, and my life was about to begin. Aunt
Betsey marched into our house and gave everybody her opinions
from the beginning!
"My nephew, David, was a good man. But like all men, he was
a bit silly."
My mother was usually shy, but on this occasion, she told Aunt
Betsey firmly that she did not like her to speak in an unkind way
about my deceased father.
"Please, Madam! I will not have you talk about my late husband
in this manner! My husband, David Copperfield, was a good and
honest man with a heart of gold. If this baby is a son, I shall call
him David Copperfield like him, and I hope that he will be exactly
like his father!"
Aunt Betsey folded her arms and stared at my mother.
"The baby will be a girl! I will be her godmother and her name
shall be Betsey. And she certainly will not make the mistakes in
life that I did!"
Of course, Aunt Betsey was very disappointed when I was
born. Her attitude towards males was a bit harsh.This was because
of the problems she had had with her husband when she was
married. He had treated her badly, and they were eventually

separated.Therefore, she seemed to feel that all men were wicked How things changed when Mr Murdstone entered our lives! I
or silly, and that they made women's lives difficult. was about five years old the first time we met. He looked down
When she first came, she knew that my mother was a young at me and said,
widow expecting a baby, and with only one servant, Peggotty. "Give me your hand, boy! A man must have a firm handshake
Aunt Betsey had declared that she had come to The Rookery to i f he wants to get anywhere in the world."
help my mother look after me. He began walking my mother home from the church. Then he
Unfortunately, the fact that I was born a male was too much would visit her at home, and stay a little longer each time. He was
of a shock for Aunt Betsey. She couldn't bear it and left the house a handsome man - tall and slim with dark hair and a beard. Mother
in a huff immediately after my birth. And so, we were left all alone, would dress up and curl her hair before Mr Murdstone came to
just the three of us. Luckily, dear Peggotty was much more than see her. She would giggle when he was at the house and sometimes
a servant. She was a good friend to my mother, and me as well. her face would become red. I do admit, I was jealous, but this
Although it did not seem at all like a good beginning for me, wasn't the reason why I didn't like him.
we made the most of our life together and were happy. In the I didn't trust him because of the look he had in his eyes.They
evenings or on cold wet days, my young and beautiful mother were small and dark, and didn't seem kind at all. Later, I was
would sit with Peggotty in the parlour. They would chat by the proved to be correct.
fire and would often sing or read to me. Then they would rock Mr Murdstone wanted to be alone with Mother, so Peggotty
me in their arms. When I fell asleep, they would take me to my was told to take me away for a few weeks to visit her brother in
bed and kiss me warmly on my forehead. On Sundays, we would Yarmouth.
walk to the nearby church, and visit my father's grave. Knowing "What a treat it'll be, Master Davy! There's the sea, the boats
that he was close by made me feel safe. and the fishermen! And young ones to play with!"
Even though I was very young at the time, I have many tender I was excited because I was going somewhere new, but I would
memories of my early life. Those sweet moments will remain in miss Mother very much.
my heart forever. I think back and sometimes laugh to myself
when I remember particular moments from that peaceful and
pleasant time. I used to think that Peggotty's plump, red cheeks
looked so much like apples that every time she went outdoors,
I would tell her to take care. I was sure the birds would think that
her cheeks were juicy apples and peck at them!

10 11
Chapter 2

W hen I first arrived in Yarmouth I was disappointed. I don't

know what I expected, but I certainly did not think that
the seaside would be so dull and gloomy. However, I soon cheered
up when I met Peggotty's relatives - her friendly and jolly brother,
Mr Peggotty, his nephew, Ham, and his niece, Emily, who was also
an orphan. Emily was the same age as me and when I saw her,
it was love at first sight!
Mr Peggotty's widowed sister-in-law, Mrs Gummidge, lived there
too. She seemed miserable, and complained all the time. I don't
think she realised how lucky she was to be with such good people.
They all lived in a strange but wonderful place: a large boat
that had been turned into a house. It no longer sailed on the water,
but was now permanently on the beach. It was divided into little
rooms with proper furniture, and pictures on the walls. There was
even a fireplace! Every room was painted in bright colours. The
place had a fishy smell, of course, but it wasn't at all unpleasant!
While I was at Yarmouth, I spent most of my days collecting
stones and shells on the beach with Emily. One day a dreamy, distant
look came into Emily's eyes and she told me her secret wish.
"If I was a lady, I'd buy Uncle Peggotty a gold watch and a silver
pipe! Oh, and a red velvet waistcoat with diamond buttons on it
because he's been so good to me - and my third cousin, Ham."
Then her smile disappeared.
"I don't think I'll ever become a lady, though ... My father was
only a fisherman and my mother was a fisherman's daughter, so
I don't suppose I'm from the right sort of family ..."

Her beautiful eyes looked so sad that I wished I could do I was so afraid that I couldn't answer the question. I saw
something to help make her wish come true. Miss Murdstone smile at her brother.
"He doesn't know the answer, Edward."
My holiday came to an end too soon and we had to part. I Mr Murdstone stood up then and I saw that he held a cane in
was very sad to leave 'little' Emily, but we promised to write to his hand. He swished the cane and I heard it whistle through the air.
each other. She was my first love and I would never forget her. "When I was a boy and didn't know my lessons, I was beaten.
When I arrived back home, I found that everything had changed. I t did me no harm - and it will do you no harm either, David."
Mother had married Mr Murdstone, and his sister had come to My mother begged Mr Murdstone to give me another chance.
live there. It just didn't feel like home anymore. Even my mother But he refused to listen.
seemed to be different. She rarely spoke to me, and when she "David and I will go upstairs and I'll teach him a lesson he'll
did it was in a quick whisper. never forget!"
"Davy, I love you. But please, please behave." Mr Murdstone dragged me up to my room and held my head
I felt lonely, and cried every night for hours before I fell asleep. under his arm so that I could not move, then he beat me with
Mr Murdstone had not only changed the atmosphere of The Rookery, the cane until I thought I would die. I begged him to stop, but
but he had also changed Mother. She feared him and his sister. If he just beat me harder, so I did the only thing I could. I bit his
Mother showed me any kindness, he would frown at her, then take hand. This made Mr Murdstone very angry. He beat me again,
her aside and talk to her in a strict way. I felt so sorry for Mother. then when I couldn't stand up any more, he threw me to the floor,
"Remember that I am teaching you how to be a good mother. left the room and locked the door behind him.
Be firm with the boy and always control yourself. Your son needs "That will teach you a lesson, Copperfield, and you'll have
discipline!" plenty of time to think about your behaviour!"
Mother would lower her head, and I sometimes saw tears in
her eyes. I was left there alone for five days. Mother and Peggotty were
One day, I went into the living room after breakfast for my not allowed to come near me. Only dear Peggotty whispered to
morning lessons with Mother. Mr and Miss Murdstone sat and me one night through the keyhole.
listened carefully to everything she said, and watched everything "Mr Murdstone has decided to send you away to boarding
she did. school. I'll never forget you, Master Davy. I love you and so does
She smiled at me when she thought the Murdstones weren't your mother!"
looking. But Mr Murdstone saw her and decided to ask me a question. Those words meant so much to me, and I would remember
"How much will I have to pay for 5000 pieces of cheese if them whenever I was alone.
each one costs four and a half pennies?"
16 17
Chapter 3

School Days

O n the morning I left for school, my mother said goodbye

quickly, and then I was on my way to London. When I first
saw the city, I thought it was an amazing place. There were tall
chimneys and a large bridge that I later found out was called London
Bridge. But, I was very disappointed when I saw my school.
Salem House was in an old building that looked like it was
ready to fall down. The boys there were loud and noisy but they
were friendly, except when the Headmaster, Mr Creakle, was
present. He walked up and down and stared at us with a look of
disgust on his face. He shouted at us and then chose a few of us
to beat with his cane. We were all very scared of Mr Creakle.
The only pupil who Mr Creakle did not beat was Steerforth. I
considered him to be the bravest and most handsome boy at the
school. Steerforth and I became friends. He liked me because I
would tell stories at night from books that I used to read at home.
I also had many unpleasant memories of Salem house. On
cold, frosty mornings when the bell rang, we dragged ourselves
out of bed into the dark and damp classrooms. We ate meals of
boiled beef and stale bread before we returned to the classrooms,
where we worked until it was time to go to bed.
At last holiday time came and I returned home for a break. I
walked into the parlour where I had spent many happy days when
I was very young. I was surprised when I saw my mother holding
a baby! Mother seemed pale and weak. I ran to her. When I hugged
my dear mother, the baby in her arms put its tiny fingers to my lips.
"Davy, my dear child, this is your brother!"
From the very first moment I loved my little half-brother. I spent
as much time as I could, holding him and patting him gently -
except when Mr Murdstone's sister, Miss Murdstone, was about.
Her dislike of me was very obvious. Once, when she saw me
holding my baby brother, she told me never to touch him again.
My mother and I were shocked, but of course Mother said nothing.
She seemed even more afraid of the Murdstones than ever.
On another occasion during those same school holidays, my
mother compared the baby's eyes to mine. She said proudly that
they were similar in shape and colour. Miss Murdstone told her
never to compare her brother's baby to me and said that the baby
and I were not alike in any way.
Mr Murdstone, too, was cruel to me and said that I was evil
and lazy. I was almost looking forward to going back to school,
where I wasn't always made to feel unwelcome and where at
least I had friends and enjoyed my schoolwork.
I returned to Salem House and everything seemed to be
satisfactory. At the time, I thought the most terrible thing was to
be hit by Mr Creakle's cane.
But soon, something happened that was much worse, and it
affected my life in the most terrible way. One clay, Mr Creakle
called me into his office and gave me the most dreadful news.
"Copperfield, your mother is dead and you're to go home
immediately. Pack your bags!"
When I arrived home, Peggotty told me that Mother had become
weaker and more ill after I had left. A day after my mother died,
my little brother passed away as well. I was very sad, shocked and
lonely. I was only ten, and all alone in the world. I was an orphan.
I went to the funeral and Mother was buried in the same
churchyard near my home where my Father was buried. That day,
even the light outdoors seemed sad and more gloomy than usual.

Chapter 4

Off to Work I Go language. I wasn't like these people and I missed Steerforth and
the other boys - my friends from Salem House.

E verything had changed. Peggotty no longer lived at The

Rookery, because the Murdstones told her to leave. She had
met a cart driver named Barkis and they got married and moved
Luckily, Mr Murdstone had arranged for me to stay with a family
called the Micawbers while I was in London. Even though they
to Yarmouth. Before she left The Rookery, she tried to comfort did not have much, they were friendly people. I was glad to be
me about the death of my mother and baby brother. She told me a part of their family, because I had been lonely and miserable
that she still loved me and suggested that I visit Yarmouth again tor too long. Many people came knocking on their door asking
for a while. The Murdstones agreed immediately, because they lor money that Mr Micawber owed them. Mr Micawber was a
wanted my home to themselves. kind-hearted man, but he was rather irresponsible.
Yarmouth did not seem as exciting to me as it had been when In the end, he had to go to prison, because he did not have
I first met Peggotty's family. Little Emily was as beautiful as ever, enough money to pay his debts. I went and visited him often. On
but she acted like a grown-up and didn't talk to me as much. one of my visits, Mr Micawber gave me advice based on his own
However, I still loved her and when I told her that I would protect hard life.
her forever, she laughed at me. "Annual income, twenty pounds; annual expenses, nineteen
"Oh, David! You're so childish!" pounds; result - happiness! Annual income, twenty pounds; annual
Unfortunately the time came when I had to go back to The expenses, twenty-one pounds; result - misery! Remember that,
Rookery - and the Murdstones. They made sure that I no longer Copperfield!"
felt at home. From the moment I arrived, and for months afterwards, Mr Micawber then began to sob.
they ignored me. I was so lonely and bored, but the worst thing "It's wise to save, David. I never had a job to pay me twenty
was that the Murdstones decided not to send me back to school. pounds. Oh, I've looked for a job but I'll only work for good
I was very sad about this. people. And the odd jobs I've had here and there have paid such
"People like you do not need an education. Anyway, it is far poor wages that I couldn't possibly save. Why, I have a family to
too expensive. You will have to learn to make your own way in feed! So I had to borrow and now I can't pay my debts ... and
the world - and the sooner you start, the better!" I'm stuck here in misery!"
So Mr Murdstone sent me to London to work in his wine I tried to cheer Mr Micawber up by telling him that I would
factory, 'Murdstone and Grinby's'. Even though I was only eleven most certainly take his advice and try to save money.
years old, I worked for over ten hours a day for a very low wage. "I promise you, Sir, that I will remember your words, and will
The factory was in a dark, damp and smelly warehouse, which always try to put aside some money 'for a rainy day', as the saying
was full of rats. The other workers were rough and used bad goes."
24 25
Chapter 5

With that he cheered up and began a jolly song that I do

With My Aunt
believe he made up.
had overheard conversations between my mother and Peggotty,
"Always save for a rainy day, a rainy day, a rainy day,
so I knew that my aunt lived in Dover - seventy miles from
Always save for a rainy day,
London. I decided to leave for Dover by coach.
Because the sun won't always shine your way ... !"
My box, with my clothes and few possessions in it, was too
heavy for me to carry all the way to the coach station, and a young
When Mr Micawber's prison sentence was over, he decided
man with a donkey and cart offered to take it to the coach station
that he and his family would leave London. I could not bear to
for a small fee. I agreed. But before I knew it, he had snatched
stay in London alone. Nor could I bear to continue working in
both my money and my box, and drove off quickly in his rattling
that dirty factory, sticking labels on bottles, surrounded by people
old cart, never to be seen again.The only way I could reach Dover
swearing and fighting.
now was by walking, because everything I had, including my
I decided to run away. The only person I could think of to turn
money had been stolen.
to was Aunt Betsey Trotwood - the relative who had visited us at
So I began my journey to Aunt Betsey's on foot. I walked until
The Rookery on the day I was born.
my shoes fell apart and my feet bled. I slept in fields, or under trees,
like the beggars and tramps that I met on the way. I was very hungry
and sold some of the clothes that I was wearing to buy food. So
now the last things my mother had given me were gone.

At last I arrived in Dover. I found out where Betsey Trotwood

lived by asking people in the town. She had a neat little cottage
with a garden full of sweet-smelling flowers. I felt embarrassed
standing in front of such a cheerful and well-kept house because
I looked like a tramp - dirty and tired.
I took a deep breath when I saw a tall woman with a straight
back walk out of the house. This was Aunt Betsey for sure! She
looked very bossy and gardening tools were sticking out of her
pockets. She was wearing a pair of large gardening gloves and
she had a knife in her hand! I was about to turn and run away,
but I reminded myself of my purpose, and approached her. She
was shocked to see such a dirty boy at her door. 29
"Go away! Go along! No boys here!"
I watched her with my heart in my mouth as she marched
back into her garden. But I was too desperate to leave now. I went
in quietly and stood beside her. Then I put my hand on her arm.
"If you please, Ma'am ..."
She turned and looked at me.
"If you please ... Aunt."
"Eh?" she said, amazed.
"If you please, Aunt, I am your nephew."
"Oh, my!" said my aunt and sat down on the garden path.
"I am David Copperfield, of Blunderstone, in Suffolk - where
you came on the night I was born and saw my dear Mama. I have
been very unhappy since she died. I have been thrown out of
my home, and removed from my school. I've been put to work
that was not fit for me. It made me run away to you. I was robbed
when I set out on my journey to find you and so walked all the
way, and I have not slept in a bed since I began the journey."
I showed her my torn clothes and at this point all my strength
left me. I burst into tears and could not stop. My aunt looked at
me with a shocked expression and then took me by the hand
and led me quickly into her parlour. She first gave me food to eat
and then put me on the sofa, with a shawl under my head and
her own handkerchief under my feet. She sat on the floor beside
me and looked at me, unable to do anything but stare.

After some time, and when I had stopped crying, she asked
Mr Dick to show me where the bathroom was so that I could have
a bath. He was a kind old man who rented a room in my aunt's
house. Later, I told my aunt all the details of my short but incredible
life. Her eyes became wider and she looked down at the floor.
"You have been through quite a lot for a twelve-year-old boy!"
"That's why I had to come here.You're the only person I could
think of who might help me."
"Oh, this is a difficult situation! I must think! I must think!"
Aunt Betsey walked up and down whenever she thought over
a problem. Finally, she asked Mr Dick for his advice.
"What do you think, Mr Dick? What would you do with the boy?"
"I - I would put him to bed."
For the first time in months I slept in a soft and comfortable bed.
I was so tired that I slept through all of the next day and night! When
I woke up, I smelled fresh-baked bread from the kitchen, and heard
birds singing outside the window. But, to my horror, when I went
downstairs I saw Mr Murdstone and his sister in the parlour - talking
with my aunt and Mr Dick. Mr Dick looked worried, and my aunt's
back seemed even stiffer than usual. She looked very serious.
"Oh ... I know very well how David's poor young mother
suffered because of you and your sister! You are tyrants! And I
know how badly you treated that poor boy! Leave my house at
once, and never come back!"
The Murdstones were horrified.
"You will find out for yourself what an evil boy he is,
Miss Trotwood!" said Mr Murdstone as they left the house.
"And keep off my lawn!" shouted Aunt Betsey as she slammed
the door behind them.

I wanted to clap my hands in delight! My aunt was so brave!

When they had gone, my aunt smiled at me.
"I don't believe a word they said, David. From now on, we'll
do what's best for you. All I ask is that you respect us and follow
our simple rules."
Chapter 6

Life with the Wickfields

S ometimes my aunt was strict. She chased away the donkeys,

or anyone else for that matter, who dared to walk over the
grass near her garden. But she cared about me. Living there was
like something from a storybook.
And I liked Mr Dick. He was an interesting person. His family
thought he was mad and wanted to place him in a psychiatric
institution, but Aunt Betsey let him stay with her. I must admit that
Mr Dick was a bit odd at times, but he was gentle and kind. He
was writing a book about his life. Aunt Betsey told me that he
had been writing it for years, but he never seemed to finish it.
The time soon came when I had to go to school again. My
aunt took the advice of her trusted friend and lawyer, Mr Wickfield,
and I was enrolled at a school in Canterbury. Dr Strong was the
headmaster there, and he was a polite and well-educated man.
Aunt Betsey had arranged for me to live with Mr Wickfield while
I was away at school.
I enjoyed living with Mr Wickfield and his lovely daughter,
Agnes, who was thirteen - the same age as me. She had long
brown hair and clear blue eyes. Agnes seemed very mature for
her age and I often thought about what a wise and special person
she was. She was like a sister. I trusted her and asked for her
advice about many things.
"Agnes, I often think of my future and I don't know what I
will do."
"Of course you don't. No one knows the future. But you can
prepare for it by doing well at school and learning from your mistakes."
The only bad thing about living at the Wickfields was Uriah
Heep, Mr Wickfield's assistant. Uriah Heep was a skinny young man
with greasy hair and long, ink-stained fingers, but it was more his to Agnes. We were both very sad, but something more serious
manner that bothered me than his appearance. When he spoke he seemed to be troubling her.
twisted his body in a strange way, which reminded me of a snake. "David, I'm so worried about my father. Uriah Heep is an evil
From the first moment I saw him, my instincts told me not to trust man. I don't trust him. He encourages Father to drink a lot of wine
him. He pretended to be humble and lowered his head a lot when and then tells him not to worry and that he will look after the
he talked to us, but I often caught him grinning slyly when he said, business. Promise me, David, that you will come and help us if
"I'm well aware that I am the humblest person in the world. w e ever need it."
My mother is likewise a very humble person. We live in a very "Of course, Agnes. Of course I will!"
humble house."
I was a bit uneasy one day when he insisted that I have tea
with him and his mother. She was just as mysterious and frightening
as her son. While we were having tea, they both asked me many
strange questions.
"Do you know how much money Wickfield makes in a year?"
"Where's your family from, Master Copperfield? They must have
money to send you to Dr Strong's school."
I answered truthfully, but I was very uncomfortable, and
wondered why they asked such questions. Then, just as I was
about to leave, there was a knock at the door. I was very surprised
when I saw who it was - Mr Micawber, my old friend from London!
"Ah, David, my boy, you'll find that I turn up in many places
where you don't expect me."
When I saw Mr Micawber and Uriah Heep being so friendly
with each other, I felt a bit shocked, but I was happy to see my
old friend again.

Time passed peacefully, and I eventually finished school when

I was eighteen. I did very well in all my subjects. In fact, I got top
marks! The time had also come for me to leave Canterbury and
to start my own life. However, it was difficult for me to say goodbye
36 37
Chapter 7

Old and New Friends engagement. I was happy for Emily but I would always remember
her as 'little' Emily. Ham was a good-hearted and hard-working
finally chose a profession. After discussions with my aunt, I fellow and Emily, a young woman now, worked as a dressmaker.
decided to become a lawyer. My training began at the very old She seemed satisfied with her life, but I think that our stories
but grand-looking law offices of 'Spenlow and Jorkins' in London. a b o u t London reminded her of the old desire she had to be a
My aunt was very helpful and found me a small but cosy room 'lady'. When Steerforth spoke, that desire seemed to come back.
to rent nearby. "London sounds so exciting! I wish I could live there."
Oh, how confident and free I felt living in London as a young "Then, why don't you? And I could show you around."
bachelor! I went out most evenings as I now had money to enjoy "Steerforth! Emily and Ham are going to be married, and they
myself. One night, when I was leaving the theatre, I saw my old will live here."
school friend, Steerforth. He still had thick blond hair and was "Oh, yes. I forgot! Well then, a toast to life and happiness by
more handsome than ever. We shook hands warmly and Steerforth the sea!"
told me that he was now a student at Oxford University. We all raised our glasses, but Emily did not look very happy.
"I always knew you'd be a success, Steerforth! You look just like
you did back at Salem House, only better - and older, of course!" Steerforth seemed to like the fisherman's life in Yarmouth. He
"I must say you're looking very well too, Daisy. You still look even bought a boat before we left. He called it the Little Emily. I
young and innocent ... and fresh!" thought this was strange, but it didn't mean much to me at the time.
Steerforth had always liked to call me 'Daisy', ever since our days We went back to London and I was very busy with my training
at Salem House. When he first saw me, he had said that I reminded at 'Spenlow and Jorkins'. I was doing well at the office, so Mr Spenlow
him of 'a fresh daisy at sunrise'. And I quite liked the nickname myself. invited me to his house for dinner one evening. It was then that I
Steerforth and I saw each other quite often while he was in met his beautiful and delicate daughter, Dora. I immediately fell madly
London and we became close again. I even asked him to come in love with her and don't know how I concentrated on my work
and visit the Peggottys in Yarmouth with me. I wasn't sure what after that. I'd spend hours daydreaming about Dora - my princess.
he'd think of their simple ways, because he was from a different I chased Dora for months, until she finally agreed to marry me.
social class. But, from the moment we arrived in Yarmouth, Steerforth Everything in my life seemed to be going well. I worked part-time
seemed to love everything about it. as a writer and saved enough money to buy us a little house.
"It's incredible that they made a home out of this old boat!" Everyone was happy for me, particularly Aunt Betsey. She would
On many occasions we sat inside Mr Peggotty's house, drinking, often hug me and say, "I was a fool for leaving you and your
eating and laughing with the Peggottys. We had arrived at a good mother when you were born. You've turned out better than any
time, because the family were celebrating Ham and Emily's niece I could have hoped for!"
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Chapter 8

Agnes seemed happy for me too, and she and Dora became
best friends - even though they were so very different from each
other. Although they were the same age,Agnes seemed older and ne day I came home to find Mr Peggotty sitting in my parlour,
wiser, and my Dora acted like a sweet child, sometimes sighing with his head in his hands. He looked so sad that I expected
and playing with the curls in her hair. the worst. At first I didn't understand what was wrong.
"Davy, I'm a silly little thing. Perhaps you should have chosen "I'll look all over the world until I find my Emily! I've raised
someone clever like Agnes instead of me." her since she was a little girl. She's a good girl. She may have
"What are you saying, my love? Hush now. I love you as you made mistakes ... but I'll always forgive her and I'll always be
are, more than anything in the world!" here to help her and protect her!"
"In the world! Oh, David, the world's a large place!" After listening to him for some time I discovered that Emily
and Steerforth had run away together! How could Steerforth have
done something like that to the Peggottys? And what about Ham,
who was so in love with Emily? He would have done anything
for her. But Emily always wanted to be a 'lady' and she probably
thought that Steerforth would make her one Poor Mr Peggotty!
Poor Ham! Poor Emily!

I decided to see Ham in Yarmouth and was about to leave

when a letter arrived. It was from Agnes. She was in London, and
wanted to see me urgently. She said it was very important. I rushed
to see her, and realised that she was very upset.
"Oh, David, you must help us! My father and Uriah Heep are
going to become business partners. Uriah Heep is still encouraging
my father to drink too much. I think he's tricking Father by
pretending to be a good and honest man, but I believe he's stealing
money from the business!"
I held Agnes' hands in mine.
Don't worry, Agnes. I'll do everything I can to help you and
your father."

42 43
I went to see Heep at once, at Mr Wickfield's house, and I was
shocked to find Mr Micawber working at Heep's desk.
"Mr Micawber, how can you work for a man like Heep?"
"Mr Heep is my employer now and I must respect the man
who helps me pay my debts, David. Work is work."
I found Mr Micawber's behaviour to be rather peculiar. He had
always said that he would only work for honest people. And
somehow, Micawber seemed afraid of Uriah Heep. I was angry
and turned to Heep who had just walked into the room.
"What are you up to, Heep? I always thought you were a snake
and now I see that I was right! You're taking advantage of a good
man like Mr Wickfield."
"Does a good man drink and not take care of his business
records? If I wasn't here, this 'good man' you speak of would be
out in the streets!"
"Oh, and I suppose you saved him, did you?"
"Yes, and I'm going to save Miss Agnes, too. I'm ... I'm going
to marry her!"
The blood pounded in my head and for some reason, I was
unable to speak. I wanted to kill Uriah Heep in that instant, and
I decided to do all that I could to prevent this marriage.
In the meantime, there were other problems to deal with. Aunt
Betsey had lost most of her money through Mr Wickfield's bad
business decisions. I was sure that this had something to do with
Uriah Heep. My aunt and Mr Dick came to live with me in London,
and I helped them as much as I could.
I was also very worried about my wife. Dora was very ill. My
aunt looked after her in the day while I was at work. In the evenings
I would rush to her bedside and gently stroke her soft hair, and
whisper to her that I loved her. On one dark, stormy evening not
long after her illness began, she asked to see Agnes - alone. 45
Chapter 9

While they talked, I sat downstairs by the fire and thought Found - and Lost!
about all the happy moments my dear Dora and I had shared
and how it hurt me to see her so ill and unable to move. When fell into a deep depression after Dora's death. I decided that
Agnes came back downstairs, I realised from the look in her eyes I would leave for Europe as soon as I had helped Agnes deal
that my darling wife Dora had passed away. w i t h the business concerning Uriah Heep and her poor father.
The only good news I had in those difficult and gloomy days was
about Emily. It was extremely good news for Mr Peggotty too. At last,
he had found out where Emily was and what had happened to her.
She had travelled for months with Steerforth on the Little Emily.
But Steerforth soon lost interest in Emily and she missed her family
very much.They argued, and Steerforth told Emily that their affair
was over. She returned to London alone, but felt too ashamed to
ask her family to take her back.
Luckily, Mr Peggotty had never stopped looking for her. After
months of searching through Europe, he found her in London.
He told her to hush when she asked for forgiveness, and took
her gently into his arms.
"I've always loved you, Emily and I always will. Now come,
my dear child, and we'll start a new life, far away from here."
Mr Peggotty had taken rooms in London and decided to stay
there with Emily while he prepared for them both to leave for
Australia. I hoped that everything would turn out well for them.

In the meantime, Mr Micawber continued to act mysteriously.

He came to my room one night when my aunt was there.
"Oh, I'm pleased to find you both here. I am too upset and
angry to speak now and I'm not ready, but I ask you to meet me
i n Canterbury in one week. It's very important!"
Mr Micawber would not even stay for some of his favourite
punch. He left quickly and was not at all like himself.
46 47
"I just don't understand it. Mr Micawber usually likes to stay
and talk to me. Something is very wrong."
"It must have something to do with Heep, David," said my aunt.
"Yes, I never trusted that man."

I decided to visit Ham and Peggotty in Yarmouth before going

to Canterbury to meet with Mr Micawber as he had requested. I
was hoping to see the old Yarmouth that I remembered. When I
arrived, the weather was very rough because a great storm had
begun. I saw Ham on the beach, just as he was tying a rope around
himself. He was going to swim out to sea, where a boat was
"Please, Ham! Don't go! It's too dangerous!"
"There's a boat in trouble out there, and people are going to
die if I don't help."
Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to stop him. I
watched helplessly as the furious waves became higher and
rougher. I thought I recognised the boat that Ham was trying to
save. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of lightning, then a crash
of thunder. A huge wave covered everything, and Ham and the
boat disappeared under the water. I helped to pull the rope back
in, but Ham was dead when we took him from the water.

The next morning a few pieces from the boat came ashore.
I then knew why the boat out at sea had looked so familiar. One
piece of wood that was washed onto the beach had the words
'Little Emily' written on it! Ham had died trying to save Steerforth,
the man who had taken Emily away from him. I decided not to
tell Mr Peggotty or Emily what had happened.

Chapter 10

How It All Worked Out "Dear David, I had my doubts about Heep from the start, but
I needed proof before I could say anything.That may explain why
my behaviour might have seemed mysterious."
T he deaths of Ham and Steerforth had made me very sad.
They also reminded me again of my own dear wife's death.
I tried to cheer myself up, and thought that it was now time for
Things worked out rather well for everyone after that. The
Micawbers paid their debts and then emigrated to Australia with
me to go abroad for a while. Before I did anything, though, there Mr Peggotty and Emily. Mr Wickfield made sure that Uriah Heep
was a meeting I had to attend. I had to go to Canterbury to hear went to prison.
what Mr Micawber wanted to say. Aunt Betsey returned to her cottage in Dover with Mr Dick,
My aunt was already there. So were Mr Wickfield, Agnes and who wanted to get back to working on his book. Things were
Mr Micawber. Agnes looked more beautiful than ever. My smile now better for Mr Wickfield, too, and Agnes would not have to
soon faded when I remembered that she would get married to marry Uriah Heep.
Heep soon. Mr Micawber was standing in front of us all with his
glasses on, and he was holding a long sheet of paper. He was no I soon left England as I had planned, and went to Europe. I took
longer acting mysteriously. He seemed confident, and looked like Agnes' advice and did something useful there. I decided to write
he had something very important to say. again and to send my work home to be published. People bought
"What I have here, my good friends, will make us all happy again, my books and liked them. Soon, I became a well-known author.
and will show us that good always wins over evil in the end! As A year later, I returned to England. First, I visited Aunt Betsey.
you know, I work for a - a Mr Uriah Heep. You may have suspected She was overjoyed to see me. We talked far into the night and
that he could not be trusted. And you would have been right! Here she told me all the news about my friends. But I was more interested
is a list of all the papers he signed without Mr Wickfield's permission. in one person than anyone else.
I also have proof that he stole money, and that he used Mr Wickfield's "Aunt Betsey, have you heard any news from Agnes?"
name to steal the money of certain people, like Miss Betsey Trotwood My aunt smiled and looked at me strangely.
here. But, like all criminals, he will lose - thanks to me!" "She is more beautiful than ever. I think she may be in love ...
We all rose from our seats, and clapped and cheered with joy. and perhaps she will marry soon."
Mr Wickfield and Agnes hugged. I was so glad that everything had I suddenly felt empty, as if I had lost something very precious.
turned out well that I had to express my appreciation to Mr Micawber. "Do . . . do you know who the lucky man is?"
"Mr Micawber, your behaviour confused me. It had crossed my "It is not my place to say, David.These are just my suspicions."
mind that perhaps you were no longer the good man I once knew. "Then, if it's true, I'm sure Agnes will tell me when she sees me."
I apologise for having thought badly of you. I want to thank you I should have felt happy for Agnes because she deserved to
with all my heart for the good that you have done." find true love, but instead I felt empty. The thought of her being
52 53
in love with someone else almost broke my heart. It was then
that I realised that my feelings for her were far deeper than the
love of a brother for a sister.

I arranged to visit Agnes at her home as soon as possible after

that conversation. I found her alone, reading by the fire. When
she saw me come in, she put her book down and welcomed me.
We sat in one of the old-fashioned window-seats and talked. She
looked very happy to see me.
"You shall become so famous soon, David, that it will be
impossible for us to talk like this in the future."
"Then we must talk now - while I still can."
"You look very thoughtful today, David."
"My dear Agnes, do you doubt my being true to you?"
"No!" she answered, with a look of astonishment.
"You have a secret. Let me share it, Agnes."
She looked down and started to tremble. I continued.
"It is so strange to hear from someone else's lips that you are
in love. If you can trust me as you say you can, let me be your
friend, your brother. Do not shut me out of your happiness!"
She rose from the window and hurried across the room, as if she
did not know where she was going, and burst into tears. I do not
know why, but seeing her reaction filled my heart with hope. I went
after her and took her arm, then looked into her beautiful blue eyes.
"Agnes! Sister! Dearest! What have I done! I cannot bear to see
you like this. My dearest girl, dearer to me than anything in life, if
you are unhappy, let me share the unhappiness. If you need help,
let me give it to you. For whom do I live now, Agnes, if not for you?"
"Don't speak to me now, David ... don't! I'm not myself. Another
time ..."
That was all I could distinguish through her tears. On the day of our wedding, while we were celebrating with
"I must say more. If you think that I cannot be happy for you our friends and family, she turned to me and whispered,
and let you marry a good man of your own choice, you are wrong "My dearest husband, there is one thing I must tell you."
and I don't deserve it!" "Let me hear it, my love."
"That's not true. Whenever I needed help or guidance you "It is about the night when ... Dora died."
have given it to me. If I have any secret, it is not a new one. And "Yes?"
I cannot reveal it. It has been mine for a long time and must "She wanted to ask me a favour ... a last request."
remain mine." "And it was ...?"
She tried to leave again, but I stopped her. "That only I would take her place."
"Agnes, stay! A moment!" My beautiful Agnes put her head on my chest and cried; and
Her words were going through my mind, giving me new hope. I cried with her, even though we were so happy.
"Dearest Agnes! Whom I respect and honour so - whom I love
with all my heart! When I came here today, I thought that nothing My story is almost finished. Agnes and I married and I am now
would have made me say this. I wanted to keep it secret until we a happy family man with three children and a successful writing
were old. But if I have any hope to ever call you something more career. One day, as we sat together by the fire, an unexpected
than Sister ..." visitor arrived. It was Mr Peggotty! He had done well in Australia
New tears started rolling quickly down her face. She looked and had come back to thank me for everything, but especially
at me, and my heart leapt. They were tears of joy! for not telling him and Emily about Ham's death before they left.
"Agnes! Forever my guide, my best support! You were always If they had known about it earlier, they would probably never
so much better than me. And I needed you to be there for me have gone, and their lives would not have been so successful. He
always - to listen to my every hope and dream ... so I did not also told me that Mr Micawber had become a governor! So his
realise that my first and greatest love was for you. I went away, honesty finally paid off and he had become respected and popular
loving you; I stayed away, loving you; and I returned home, loving in his new country.
you. I know that now - and I will never let you go!" When I look back, I see that I had good times and bad times,
"You are the only person I have ever loved, David! I did not but I suppose 'that's life', as the saying goes. I'm certain of one
tell you this before, because I was afraid that you did not feel the thing though - kindness conquers all. I am grateful for the good
same way about me." people I met and for the way my life finally turned out.
"Oh, Agnes! I would be the happiest man in the world if you
married me!"
"I will marry you, David!"
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