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Student Teacher Jessica Griswold Grade Level 10th Subject History Date of Lesson Day Three Length of Lesson 40 Minutes

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Student Teacher Jessica Griswold

Grade Level 10th Subject History

Date of lesson Day Three

Length of lesson 40 Minutes

Lesson Topic: Unit Project: Introduction and Research

Overall Goal: Students will become experts on one specific instance of genocide.
Learner Background:
Students have acquired some knowledge of famous topics in genocide. However, the goal of this project is to help
students become experts on instances of genocide that they will have little to no knowledge of at the beginning of the
Curricular Standards: Identify the primary standard(s) this lesson is designed to help students attain:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.3: Analyze in detail a series of events described
in a text; determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
D3.1.9-12: Gather relevant information from multiple sources representing a wide
range of views while using the origin, authority, structure, context, and corroborative value of the
sources to guide the selection,
D2.1.9-12: Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by
unique circumstances of time and place as well as broader historical contexts,

Student Learning Objective(s):

SLO1: Students will be able to research information on their assigned topic.
SLO 2: Students will be analyze the credibility of sources.
SLO 3: Students will be able to organize thoughts and ideas into a presentation.

Part I: How will you check for student understanding during the lesson? (Formative)
To check for student understand during the lesson I will monitor the room. I have also divided the
assignment into sections, requiring students to get my approval before moving on. This allows me to make sure that
the student information is of value and that students understand the task at hand.

Part II: How will you ask students to demonstrate mastery of the student learning objective(s)? Attach a copy of any
assessment materials you will use, along with assessment criteria/rubric. (Formative or summative)
Students will complete a chart and a plan for their presentation. Students will check in with me in order to make sure
that they understand their task.
Materials/Resources: List the materials you will use in each learning activity including any technological
Overhead projector, computer, pens/pencils and laptops. If laptops are unavailable we will reserve time at the media
The Lesson:
Initiation:Part I -

I will introduce the lesson by asking students what they remembered about genocide from the pervious day.
This will be an informal assessment where students will either be asked to write what they remember using a web
that will be on the interactive whiteboard.
Initiation Part II
Students will independently read the directions for their project on their own. We will then read the directions as a
class, annotating the directions with other information to help guide them through the project.

Lesson Development:
Students will obtain knowledge on their own through research.(SLO: 1) To show comprehension and apply the topic,
they will fill out an organizer that is provided for them. (SLO: 2 Students will work collaboratively in groups to help with
understanding. Once students have completed their work they will begin to plan their presentation by designating
tasks as well as deciding how they will present their information. (SLO: 3)
To end the lesson students will pack up their materials and be reminded to double check their roles with their group
and to put it in their agendas,

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction:

Which students do you anticipate may struggle with the

activities and/or learning objectives of this lesson?
Student initials

Evidence that
the student

How will you differentiate

instruction in this lesson to
support student learning?


IEP - reading

Student will work in group to help

support their reading ability.
Checking in with the teacher will
also check to make sure they are
on track with their group mates.


Which students will need opportunities for enrichment

and/or higher level of challenge?


Student is easily distracted.

Separating the project into small
parts will help them to stay on
task and not be overwhelmed.

Student initials

Evidence that
the student

How will you differentiate

instruction in this lesson to
support student learning?


Past work

Placing the student in a group

with some lower students to have
them help teach the material.

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