Q2. Explain Terminal and Instrumental Values of A Dynamic Business Firm. How Does Value System Develop in An Organization?
Q2. Explain Terminal and Instrumental Values of A Dynamic Business Firm. How Does Value System Develop in An Organization?
Q2. Explain Terminal and Instrumental Values of A Dynamic Business Firm. How Does Value System Develop in An Organization?
Terminal Values refer to desirable end-states of existence. These are the goals that
a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime. These values vary among
different groups of people in different cultures.
The terminal values are:
1. True Friendship
2. Mature Love
3. Self-Respect
4. Happiness
5. Inner Harmony
6. Equality
7. Freedom
8. Pleasure
9. Social Recognition
Instrumental Values refer to preferable modes of behavior. These are preferable
modes of behavior, or means of achieving the terminal values.
The Instrumental Values are:
1. Cheerfulness
2. Ambition
3. Love
4. Cleanliness
5. Self-Control
6. Capability
7. Courage
8. Politeness
9. Honesty
Attributes of Values- There are two attributes of values that can be used to rank
order an individuals values into a hierarchical value system.
1. Content. This is how important the mode of conduct or end-state of existence is
to the individual.
2. Intensity. This is how important this value is in relation to other values.
Values lay the foundation of understanding
Attitudes (what ought & what ought not to be)
Perceptions (Right & Wrong)
which shape the behavior of individuals. A system of shared values of the
organizational members helps in developing the organizational culture.
Organizational values which are ethical and in the interest of the society enhance
the image of the organization.