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El Tiempo Libre

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Unit Name: El Tiempo Libre

Subject Area(s): Spanish 1.

Grade Level: 9-12

Time Frame: 2nd period

Class Description/Developmental Needs of Students:

The class is composed of about twenty-nine students, with 16 males and 13 females. There are 3 IEP
students and about 4 heritage speakers. The students are at a broad range of levels.


ESTABLISHED GOALS (State and/or National Content

Standard (s)): G

-Talk about leisure time activities

Vocabulary related to recreational hobbies,
interests, sports
-Discuss sports/leisure activities/Say what someone can
Poder (to be able to)
Poder + infinitive i.e: poder jugar futbol
Jugar (to play)
Dibujar (to draw)
-Discuss length of time
Cunto tiempo hace que.? (How long has it been
Hace +time + que + present tense verb
-Describe what is happening
Using the Present Progressive (Present tense of ver
estar + gerund) i.e: Est dibujando
-Describing people using dor and ista
Adding suffixes to sports to identify people who
participate in that sport i.e:futbolista
-Talk about the seasons and the weather
The seasons
Using hace + adj or noun to describe (hace sol/hace
-Verbs that require special accentuation
Esquiar (to ski)

Common Core Standards:

Standards addressed by entire unit

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CA- World Language Content
Standards for California Public
Schools (2011)
Area: Content
Stage: Stage I
Standard: 1.0 Students acquire
information, recognize distinctive
viewpoints, and further their knowledge of
other disciplines.
Standard: 1.1 Students address discrete
elements of daily life, including:
d. leisure activities
Area: Communication
Stage: Stage I
Standard: 1.0 Students use formulaic
language (learned words, signs [ASL], and
Standard: 1.1 Engage in oral, written, or
signed (ASL) conversations.
Standard: 1.2 Interpret written, spoken, or
signed (ASL) language.
Standard: 1.3 Present to an audience of
listeners, readers, or ASL viewers.
Standard: 1.5 Identify learned words,
signs (ASL), and phrases in authentic texts.
Standard: 1.6 Reproduce and present a

Enviar (to send)

Continuar (to continue)
-Irregular Verbs
Dar (to give)
Poner (to put, to set, to turn on)
Using the present progressive with direct object
Attach DOPs to a gerund (add an accent)
Or place before the first conjugated verb
-Indicate order
Using ordinals from primero dcimo

written, oral, or signed (ASL) product in a

culturally authentic way.
Area: Cultures
Stage: Stage I
Standard: 1.0 Students use appropriate
responses to rehearsed cultural situations.
Standard: 1.1 Associate products,
practices, and perspectives with the target
Area: Structures
Stage: Stage I
Standard: 1.0 Students use orthography,
phonology, or ASL parameters to
understand words, signs (ASL), and phrases
in context.
Standard: 1.1 Use orthography,
phonology, or ASL parameters to produce
words or signs (ASL) and phrases in
Area: Settings
Stage: Stage I
Standard: 1.0 Students use language in
highly predictable common daily settings.

Students will have a basic understanding of how to
communicate in the target language regarding
elements, activities, and vocabulary relating to
leisure time, sports, seasons, and weather. They
will also understand vocabulary related to length of
time, and be able to indicate order using ordinal
numbers (primero, segundo, tercero, etc).
Students will also understand that in the target
language, they can use the gerund , which has its
equivalent in the English, -ing. The gerund provides
an alternate way of describing present actions that
is used with much more frequency in the target
language than the basic indicative present tense.
Students will move from stating simple sentences
to being able to: state what other people can do,
discuss length of time, and describe what is


How are leisure activities and sports similar

and different cross-culturally?
What dictates the choices we make in terms of
free time and lifestyle?
How can I share about myself and my hobbies
in Spanish?



1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL)

at the appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy
in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the
study of the TL

Students will be able to:

1. Communicate about sports, free time,
and weather.
2. Conjugate the verbs (above) in the
present progressive
3. Time Expressions: Talk about an action
that began in the past and continues into
the present. (How long have/has
_____________? Cunto tiempo hace que
4. Describe what others and themselves
are able to do.
5. Apply previous vocabulary &
grammatical structures to this material



Individual Pasatiempo Project:
Mis Pasatiempos
Students will write sentences describing what
they do (hobbies, after school, etc) using vocab
from the chapter. Then they will put them on a
piece of paper with a picture of themselves
either printed or drawn.
Exit Tickets:
When we are learning a new topic we will do
activities together during class and correct
during class. At the end of each lesson they will
have a short activity they turn in that is not
corrected in class so that I may check for

Students are tested weekly on the content
(grammar structures, vocab) with short quizzes
distributed by the text book set.
Unit Test: multiple choice and writing in
complete sentences, listening comp, vocab:
Students will be tested on their content
knowledge. Multiple-choice questions which will
measure their understanding of the terms,
people, and events of the 1960s. The essay
portion will measure students understanding of
the major concepts / themes of the unit.
Students will use the primary documents that
they have analyzed as evidence to support
their argument.
Students are expressing themselves orally
every day when cold called.


Homework: Students will be assigned
homework that reflects and supports content
that is being taught in class. Students are cold
called or answer questions in pop corn style
down the aisles so that I can assess

Do Nows- Twice a week there are do nows for
students to check their own understanding of
topics being taught.
I.e: translating sentences on board from the
English to the Spanish. Or I have sentences on
board that are incorrect and they make
corrections on a piece of paper.
There are also games that reflect their ability to
demonstrate vocab and understanding. Ie:
3 truths and a lie
verdad, verdad, verdad, mentira
Try to use the vocab with sports and leisure
With final draft do a walk around and draw an
ex next to the one they think is the lie
And then go back to seats and draw a huge
circle around the lie and then let them walk
around to see the real lie.
Charades - Qu estoy haciendo?
Handout for pairs students will act out new
activity vocab in TPRS fashion to reinforce new
First in pairs
Then volunteers in the front
And then myself
Practicing present progressive




1) Present a summary of grammar structures to be learned along with dates for quizzes
and Chapter test. Students receive a handout with the structures listed and students fill
in the dates themselves. WO
2) Direct Instruction of the grammar structures are related to the theme of the chapterFree time. Using the theme of free time and leisure activity and relating it to students
lives will will be used as a backdrop to teach grammar to engage students in
communicating in the target language. H
3) During direct instruction, students are given new information visually on the board as
it is explained to them and many examples are given to provide a context of the new
information. They are also writing what they learn This provides a variety of ways of
understanding as students see it, hear it, write it, and understand it within context. T
4) All homework assignments are assigned strategically to practice the content that was
taught that day to practice what they have learned and the following lesson, students
and I go over homework together at the beginning of every class to check for
understanding. E1, O
5) Mis pasatiempos project will provide an opportunity for students to integrate the
new material with their own interests. H, E1, T
6) Repaso Rpidos (Quick Reviews) are worksheets that are provided by the text series
that summarize each grammar point in English and are followed by activities in the
target language that review what they have already learned. I assign these in class after
we have done all planned activities that cover a grammar point to make sure students
are given an opportunity to ask any questions they might have before moving on.
Students know that we do these after we complete each major topic on a unit. R, E2, O
7) On day 3 and day 9, students will have two assignments that involve drawing pictures
of the vocab (the seasons), and the present progressive (estar + ando, iendo, yendo).
Both of these assignment allow opportunities for students to share about themselves and
personalize the subject matter. H, E1, T
8) On the second day, Hace + time + que structure will provide an opportunity during direct instruction for
students to share out loud about their interests and hobbies while using the new structure. H, E1, T
9) The verb conjugation chart will help to reinforce the new vocabulary and verb structure o ue. O

10) Weekly quizzes and chapter test will help guide my teaching practices and help students reflect on their
studying strategies. R, E2, O

MONDAY (45 min)

April 20th

Wednesday (95 min)

April 22nd

Handout Ch. 7
summary with quiz
dates and chapter test
Copy Vocab A from
page 289
Escuchen y repitan: P
Class notes on verb
P 274 Act: 7, 8
HW 121-123

Go over HW 121-123
Class notes on Time
Activities 19, 20 P 280
Chapter Verbs
conjugation chart
Read/translate P276
Write out P 277 act. 14 15
Read Cultura Viva:
Argentina P 273
HW P 124 & 125

FRIDAY (95 min)

April 24th

Go over HW P
Class notes on
PP activities 2223 P 282-283
Draw 5 pictures
with 5 activities
(ones that you
know verbs for)
and write
sentences that
describe them
using the gerundUse 5 different
Quiz vocab A/oue verbs
P 126 and 128

MONDAY (45 min)

April 27th

Wednesday (95 min)

April 29th

FRIDAY (95 min)

May 1st

Go over 126, 128

Using gerund and

DOPs together
P 285 act: 27 and 28

HW 127 and 129

Go over 127 and 129

Quiz PP/vocab A
Repaso Rpido:
Hace + time
Copy down Vocab
Listening activities
7B P 309
Repaso Rpido:

Present Progressive
P 290 (read gold
box on 291) & 298
Assign Mis
Go over 131, 132
paragraph Due in 1
Dilogo P 292 Act
HW P 131 & 132 act 3
3 (and 4?)

Read Cultura

MONDAY (45 min)

May 4th
Go over HW
Vocab 7B
handout from
Grammar wkbk
P 296 act 11, 12,
P 301 centigrade
HW 134, 135

Wednesday (95 min)

May 6th
Turn in Mis
Repaso Rpido
DOP+ gerund
Quiz gerunds plus

Vocab B activities:
P 291 Act 2
P 299 Act 16, 17
Dilogo P 300 Act 19

Dor/ista class
Pg 302 act 24, 25
HW 136, 137

MONDAY (45 min)

May 11th

Qu tiempo

Wednesday (95 min)

May 13th

Go over HW
Review worksheet

FRIDAY (95 min)

May 8th
Do now Las
handoutthis 293

will help youwith special
for the
quiz on
Verbs dar/poner
P 294 act 8 & 9
Have hand out for
for homework
conversacin Act
P 297
Listening Activities
P 304, 305
HW 132 act 4 ,
27, 29
Handout GVE
p 108, 109
Game 3 truths
and a lie?
HW 139, pictures for
seasons handout

FRIDAY (95 min)

May 15th
Chapter 7 Test

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