SPHS 3 Lesson Plan 11-14
SPHS 3 Lesson Plan 11-14
SPHS 3 Lesson Plan 11-14
TITLE OF LESSON Preterite and Imperfect Past Tense Using Shopping Vocabulary
CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL Spanish II-San Pasqual High School 4th Lesson of 21/2 week unit 47 minutes Textbook - Buen Viaje! Chapter 4
CA CONTENT STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED 1. Content Stage II 2.0 Students acquire information, recognize distinctive viewpoints, and further their knowledge of other disciplines 2.1 Students address topics related to self and the immediate environment, including: m. Clothing and fashion 2. Communication Stage II 2.1 Engage in oral, written, or signed (ASL) conversations m. Clothing and fashion BIG IDEA ADDRESSED (Enduring Understanding: WHY this material is important; how it fits in with the unit or theme) For students to understand Spanish verb conjugations and the meanings and situations for the preterite and imperfect paste tense while used at the same time.
CA ELD STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED Section 2: Elaboration on Critical Principles for Developing Language & Cognition in Academic Contexts, Part II: Learning About How English Works Expanding 3. Using verbs and verb phrases Use a variety of verbs in different tenses (e.g., past, present, future) and aspects (e.g., simple, progressive, perfect) appropriate for the text type and discipline to create a variety of texts that explain, describe, and summarize concrete and abstract thoughts and ideas.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED Whys is it important to talk about past habitual and routine actions in Spanish? Why is it important to describe people and events in the Spanish past tense? Whys is it important to talk about different types of past actions in Spanish? Why is it important to understand and talk about shopping practices in Spanish speaking countries?
OBJECTIVE(S) OR LEARNING GOAL(S)choose type(s) as appropriate After reviewing the proper conjugations and the different meaning of Spanish verbs in the preterite and imperfect past tense, Students will be able to recognize and distinguish the differences through collaboration and class work activities. Visual Kinesthetic Language Development
ASSESSMENT(S)choose type(s) as appropriate Formative (progress-monitoring) 1. 2. Assessing student understanding during instruction. Students will collaborate with their Spanish partner during 1 class activity from their textbook that deals with the preterit and imperfect past tense. I will provide positive feedback and constructive criticism to the students while I circulate the room.
I believe the students will do well when it comes to the proper conjugations of the Spanish verbs in the preterite and imperfect past tense. Students have been working on the pronunciation, spelling, and the proper conjugation of the verbs for three weeks now, but they will struggle in distinguishing the different meaning and situations that the preterit and imperfect tense call for in Spanish.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: What the teacher does to help students cope with the difficulties in order to succeed
STEPS (Fill in each box with specific information) LEARNING STYLE(S) ADDRESSED REASONS/RATIONALES
Anticipatory Set (Into) 1. I will go over a power point presentation that I created of 7 different Spanish sentences and each one consists of a combination of the preterite and imperfect past tense. The different Spanish sentences that I create will mainly consist of the Spanish vocabulary and verbs the students have covered in previous chapters. 2. I set the objective for the day and tell the students that we will be learning how to use these two different Spanish past tenses at the same time. 3. I will do an oral review of the Spanish verb endings in the preterite and imperfect past tense. Instruction (Through) 1. First, I will have the students take notes on the preterite and imperfect past tense in Spanish. I will review some of the verb endings in the past tense. I will explain when to use the preterite and imperfect past tense. This will be the first time the students hear the instructions when to use the preterite and imperfect paste tense at the same time. 2. Second, I will create a visual on the whiteboard. I will explain and draw a timeline of events in the past tense. 3. I will give the students a handout and review it with them to study and reference when they need help and guidance with different situations that call for either the preterit or imperfect past tense. Guided Practice (Through) 1. I will explain the directions of the written activity from the Spanish
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher
Anticipatory Set (Into) 1. Students will listen and repeat along with the instructor the different Spanish verbs in the imperfect and preterite past tense.
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher
3. Students listen and repeat the Spanish verbs in the preterite and imperfect past tense. Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher Instruction (Through) 1. Students will listen and take notes on the preterite and imperfect paste tense in Spanish. Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Increase the success of student engagement
2. Students will observe, listen, and take notes of the teachers visual example of a timeline of events in the past tense. 3. Students listen to the teacher review the different examples on the study guide handout for the preterite and imperfect past tense in Spanish. Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher Guided Practice (Through) 1. Students listen to the teacher model the first question and explain the Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Increase the success of student engagement. Students identify the correct grammar of a
textbook. Students are allowed to use technology, Spanish dictionaries, and their Spanish partner during the activities. I will model the first answer question to the Spanish writing activity in front of the class on the whiteboard. 2. I review the Spanish written activities with the students. First, I ask for volunteers to share their answers because students receive points for participation. If no one participates, then I will choose students randomly. Second, I will write all of the answers that the students share with me and underline on the whiteboard the correct conjugation of the verbs in the preterit and imperfect paste tense in Spanish. I will have the students highlight the past tense verb and correct any errors that they may have. Independent Practice (Through) 1. I circulate the room and asses the students participation level, writing, and oral skills in Spanish. 2. I assign the students homework from their Spanish workbook. The homework will help the students practice and reinforce the different situations the preterite and imperfect past tenses call for in Spanish. Closure (summarize; Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Visual Kinesthetic Language Developme nt Increased probability of success in the students academic social development
Spanish sentence.
2. Students identify the Spanish grammar with their hi-lighters and correct their errors from the written activity in the Spanish textbook.
Independent Practice (Through) 1. Students collaborate with one another and use the proper academic resources to complete the two written activities. 2. Students listen to the teacher remind them of their homework assignments in Spanish.
Students collaborate with their Spanish partner to increase their academic social needs
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher.
Closure (summarize;
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher.
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher.
Transfer (Beyond) (opportunities to apply the learning) Students observe and listen to the instructions of their homework and realize that they have a Spanish quiz regarding the material they learned today the next
Increased probability that students begin focusing on the learning at the same time as the teacher.
time in class.
INFO ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS: Consider students individually and as a group Angel Garcia Avila is the only English learner that I have in my Spanish II foreign language class. Angel is shy and rarely participates during the Spanish class discussions. I need to get to know Angel better so I can try to relate my past experiences with him and help him learn to like education and know the importance of going to college. Angel student profile is as follows: Race: Hispanic/Latino Primary Language: Spanish Language fluency: English Learner th Grade Level-11 grade 2012-2013 CST-California Standardized Testing Grade 10 ELA 3 Basic Geometry 1 Far Below Basic CAHSEE Overall Pass CELDT 2012-2013 Results CELDT PL Overall Text Early Advanced CELDT PL Overall 4 CELDT PL Listen 5 CELDT PL Speak 4 CELDT PL Read 5 CELDT PL Write 4
INFO ABOUT STUDENTS W/ SPECIAL NEEDS (include gifted students) : Consider students individually & collectively Jose Sarabia is a student in my Spanish II foreign language class and his specific learning disability is in the area of auditory memory. There are various ways that I accommodate Jose such as allow additional time for him to complete assignments (up to three days) without penalty to his grade. His IEP goal for the year is for Jose to research two colleges or universities that he would be interested in attending and what majors to those specific schools offer. Jose is in all general education classes and his six week progress report shows that he is doing well. World History = BAlgebra II = C+ English 10 = B (Pleasure to have in class) Spanish II = A- (Pleasure to have in class) AVID II = A PE 10 = B (Pleasure to have in class)
Joses student profile is as follows: Race: Primary Language: English Language fluency: English Only Special Education: Yes th Grade Level-10 grade 2012-2013 CST-California Standardized Testing Grade 9 ELA 4 Proficient Geometry 3 Basic CAHSEE Overall - Fail My experience with Jose has been a pleasure because he is always well behaved and prepared to learn everyday. However, I would like to see Jose develop his academic writing and social skills more. Jose has attended a total of three schools in his life. His early memories of learning how to read and write are from the dialect of a video game called the Legend of Zelda. Some other aspirations of Jose are to go to college and to be some sort of designer some day. Jose enjoys videos games, the history, and the
DIFFERENTIATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS choose area(s) as necessary based on information above Provided a Document Camera for enhancing visual aids Provided a study guide handout
science channel. Jose considers the best conditions for him to learn in are a low stress environment when and especially when the lesson is amusing or funny to him. Joses biggest influence in his life has been his grandfather. DIFFERENTIATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS choose area(s) as necessary based on information above Provided a Document Camera for enhancing visual aids Provided a study guide handout REFLECTION (Questions to consider after the lesson: What went
deal with the students whose understanding of the material is weak?
RESOURCES (Attach materials needed to implement the well? Why? What evidence do I have that shows the extent to which the lessone.g., power point presentation, text, graphic organizer) lesson was effective? What problems do students still have? How will I Power Point graphic presentation, study handout for the preterit How will I remediate? What changes will I make to enhance learning the and imperfect past tense, White board, dry-erase markers, next time I teach this lesson? Why?)
I present this lesson on Thursday November 14, 2013 I will write my reflection after my experience.