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Calculus Early Trascendentals 34-38

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(d) Deduce that

2 h constant
This says that the rate at which A is swept out is constant and proves Keplers Second
2. Let T be the period of a planet about the sun; that is, T is the time required for it to travel once

around its elliptical orbit. Suppose that the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse
are 2a and 2b.
(a) Use part (d) of Problem 1 to show that T 2 abh.
(b) Show that


(c) Use parts (a) and (b) to show that T 2

4 2 3
a .

This proves Keplers Third Law. [Notice that the proportionality constant 4 2GM is
independent of the planet.]
3. The period of the earths orbit is approximately 365.25 days. Use this fact and Keplers

Third Law to nd the length of the major axis of the earths orbit. You will need the mass of
the sun, M 1.99 10 30 kg, and the gravitational constant, G 6.67 10 11 Nm 2kg 2 .
4. Its possible to place a satellite into orbit about the earth so that it remains xed above a

given location on the equator. Compute the altitude that is needed for such a satellite. The
earths mass is 5.98 10 24 kg; its radius is 6.37 10 6 m. (This orbit is called the Clarke
Geosynchronous Orbit after Arthur C. Clarke, who rst proposed the idea in 1945. The rst
such satellite, Syncom 2, was launched in July 1963.)



1. What is a vector function? How do you nd its derivative and

its integral?
2. What is the connection between vector functions and space

3. How do you nd the tangent vector to a smooth curve at a

point? How do you nd the tangent line? The unit tangent

4. If u and v are differentiable vector functions, c is a scalar, and

f is a real-valued function, write the rules for differentiating

the following vector functions.
(a) ut vt
(b) cut
(c) f t ut
(d) ut vt
(e) ut vt
(f) u f t
5. How do you nd the length of a space curve given by a vector

function rt?

6. (a) What is the denition of curvature?

(b) Write a formula for curvature in terms of rt and Tt.

(c) Write a formula for curvature in terms of rt and rt.
(d) Write a formula for the curvature of a plane curve with
equation y f x.
7. (a) Write formulas for the unit normal and binormal vectors of

a smooth space curve rt.

(b) What is the normal plane of a curve at a point? What is the
osculating plane? What is the osculating circle?
8. (a) How do you nd the velocity, speed, and acceleration of a

particle that moves along a space curve?

(b) Write the acceleration in terms of its tangential and normal
9. State Keplers Laws.




T R U E - FA L S E Q U I Z
Determine whether the statement is true or false. If it is true, explain why.
If it is false, explain why or give an example that disproves the statement.

1. The curve with vector equation rt t i 2t j 3t k is


a line.

5. If Tt is the unit tangent vector of a smooth curve, then the

curvature is dTdt .

6. The binormal vector is Bt Nt Tt.

7. Suppose f is twice continuously differentiable. At an inection

point of the curve y f x, the curvature is 0.

2. The derivative of a vector function is obtained by differen-

8. If t 0 for all t, the curve is a straight line.

tiating each component function.

3. If ut and vt are differentiable vector functions, then


ut vt ut vt

If rt 1 for all t, then rt is orthogonal to rt for all t.

9. If rt 1 for all t, then rt is a constant.

11. The osculating circle of a curve C at a point has the same

tangent vector, normal vector, and curvature as C at that


4. If rt is a differentiable vector function, then

rt rt

12. Different parametrizations of the same curve result in identical

tangent vectors at a given point on the curve.

1. (a) Sketch the curve with vector function

rt t i cos t j sin t k

11. For the curve given by rt


(b) Find rt and rt.

2. Let rt s2 t , e t 1t, lnt 1 .

(a) Find the domain of r.

(b) Find lim t l 0 rt.
(c) Find rt.
3. Find a vector function that represents the curve of intersection

of the cylinder x y 16 and the plane x z 5.


; 4. Find parametric equations for the tangent line to the curve

x 2 sin t, y 2 sin 2t , z 2 sin 3t at the point (1, s3, 2).

Graph the curve and the tangent line on a common screen.

5. If rt t 2 i t cos t j sin t k, evaluate x01 rt dt.

6. Let C be the curve with equations x 2 t 3, y 2t 1,

z ln t. Find (a) the point where C intersects the xz-plane,

(b) parametric equations of the tangent line at 1, 1, 0, and
(c) an equation of the normal plane to C at 1, 1, 0.

7. Use Simpsons Rule with n 6 to estimate the length of

the arc of the curve with equations x t 2, y t 3, z t 4,

0 t 3.

13 t 3, 12 t 2, t , nd

(a) the unit tangent vector

(b) the unit normal vector
(c) the curvature
12. Find the curvature of the ellipse x 3 cos t, y 4 sin t at the

points 3, 0 and 0, 4.

13. Find the curvature of the curve y x 4 at the point 1, 1.

; 14. Find an equation of the osculating circle of the curve

y x 4 x 2 at the origin. Graph both the curve and its osculating circle.

15. Find an equation of the osculating plane of the curve

x sin 2t, y t, z cos 2t at the point 0, , 1.

16. The gure shows the curve C traced by a particle with posi-

tion vector rt at time t.

(a) Draw a vector that represents the average velocity of the
particle over the time interval 3 t 3.2.
(b) Write an expression for the velocity v(3).
(c) Write an expression for the unit tangent vector T(3) and
draw it.

8. Find the length of the curve rt 2t 32, cos 2t, sin 2t ,

0 t 1.


9. The helix r1t cos t i sin t j t k intersects the curve


r2t 1 t i t 2 j t 3 k at the point 1, 0, 0. Find the

angle of intersection of these curves.


10. Reparametrize the curve rt e t i e t sin t j e t cos t k

with respect to arc length measured from the point 1, 0, 1 in

the direction of increasing t .


17. A particle moves with position function

rt et cos t i et sin t j

18. A particle starts at the origin with initial velocity i j 3 k.

22. In designing transfer curves to connect sections of straight rail-

Its acceleration is at 6t i 12t 2 j 6t k. Find its position


road tracks, its important to realize that the acceleration of the

train should be continuous so that the reactive force exerted by
the train on the track is also continuous. Because of the formulas for the components of acceleration in Section 13.4, this will
be the case if the curvature varies continuously.
(a) A logical candidate for a transfer curve to join existing
tracks given by y 1 for x 0 and y s2 x for
x 1s2 might be the function f x s1 x 2,
0 x 1s2, whose graph is the arc of the circle shown
in the gure. It looks reasonable at rst glance. Show that
the function

19. An athlete throws a shot at an angle of 45 to the horizontal

at an initial speed of 43 fts. It leaves his hand 7 ft above the

(a) Where is the shot 2 seconds later?
(b) How high does the shot go?
(c) Where does the shot land?
20. Find the tangential and normal components of the acceleration

vector of a particle with position function

rt t i 2t j t 2 k
at a constant angular speed . A particle starts at the center of
the disk and moves toward the edge along a xed radius so that
its position at time t, t 0, is given by rt t Rt, where
Rt cos t i sin t j

where vd Rt is the velocity of a point on the edge of

the disk.
(b) Show that the acceleration a of the particle is
a 2 vd t a d
where a d Rt is the acceleration of a point on the rim
of the disk. The extra term 2 vd is called the Coriolis acceleration; it is the result of the interaction of the rotation of
the disk and the motion of the particle. One can obtain a
physical demonstration of this acceleration by walking
toward the edge of a moving merry-go-round.

if x 0
if 0 x 1s2
if x 1s2

Fx s1 x 2
s2 x

21. A disk of radius 1 is rotating in the counterclockwise direction

v cos t i sin t j t vd


(c) Determine the Coriolis acceleration of a particle that moves

on a rotating disk according to the equation

rt t ln t i t j et k. Find the velocity, speed, and

acceleration of the particle.

(a) Show that the velocity v of the particle is


is continuous and has continuous slope, but does not have

continuous curvature. Therefore f is not an appropriate
transfer curve.
(b) Find a fth-degree polynomial to serve as a transfer curve
between the following straight line segments: y 0 for
x 0 and y x for x 1. Could this be done with a
fourth-degree polynomial? Use a graphing calculator or
computer to sketch the graph of the connected function
and check to see that it looks like the one in the gure.





transfer curve

1. A particle P moves with constant angular speed around a circle whose center is at the origin

and whose radius is R. The particle is said to be in uniform circular motion. Assume that the
motion is counterclockwise and that the particle is at the point R, 0 when t 0. The position
vector at time t 0 is rt R cos t i R sin t j.
(a) Find the velocity vector v and show that v r 0. Conclude that v is tangent to the circle
and points in the direction of the motion.
(b) Show that the speed v of the particle is the constant R. The period T of the particle is
the time required for one complete revolution. Conclude that



2 R

(c) Find the acceleration vector a. Show that it is proportional to r and that it points toward
the origin. An acceleration with this property is called a centripetal acceleration. Show
that the magnitude of the acceleration vector is a R 2.
(d) Suppose that the particle has mass m. Show that the magnitude of the force F that is
required to produce this motion, called a centripetal force, is
m v

2. A circular curve of radius R on a highway is banked at an angle so that a car can safely

traverse the curve without skidding when there is no friction between the road and the tires.
The loss of friction could occur, for example, if the road is covered with a lm of water or ice.
The rated speed vR of the curve is the maximum speed that a car can attain without skidding.
Suppose a car of mass m is traversing the curve at the rated speed vR. Two forces are acting on
the car: the vertical force, mt, due to the weight of the car, and a force F exerted by, and
normal to, the road. (See the gure.)
The vertical component of F balances the weight of the car, so that F cos mt. The
horizontal component of F produces a centripetal force on the car so that, by Newtons Second Law and part (d) of Problem 1,


F sin



(a) Show that vR2 Rt tan .

(b) Find the rated speed of a circular curve with radius 400 ft that is banked at an angle of 12.
(c) Suppose the design engineers want to keep the banking at 12, but wish to increase the
rated speed by 50%. What should the radius of the curve be?

3. A projectile is red from the origin with angle of elevation and initial speed v0. Assuming

that air resistance is negligible and that the only force acting on the projectile is gravity, t, we
showed in Example 5 in Section 13.4 that the position vector of the projectile is
rt v0 cos t i [v0 sin t 2 tt 2 ] j


R x



We also showed that the maximum horizontal distance of the projectile is achieved when
45 and in this case the range is R v02t.
(a) At what angle should the projectile be red to achieve maximum height and what is the
maximum height?
(b) Fix the initial speed v0 and consider the parabola x 2 2Ry R 2 0, whose graph is
shown in the gure. Show that the projectile can hit any target inside or on the boundary
of the region bounded by the parabola and the x-axis, and that it cant hit any target outside this region.
(c) Suppose that the gun is elevated to an angle of inclination in order to aim at a target that
is suspended at a height h directly over a point D units downrange. The target is released
at the instant the gun is red. Show that the projectile always hits the target, regardless of
the value v0, provided the projectile does not hit the ground before D.


4. (a) A projectile is red from the origin down an inclined plane that makes an angle with the


horizontal. The angle of elevation of the gun and the initial speed of the projectile are
and v0 , respectively. Find the position vector of the projectile and the parametric equations
of the path of the projectile as functions of the time t. (Ignore air resistance.)
(b) Show that the angle of elevation that will maximize the downhill range is the angle
halfway between the plane and the vertical.
(c) Suppose the projectile is red up an inclined plane whose angle of inclination is . Show
that, in order to maximize the (uphill) range, the projectile should be red in the direction
halfway between the plane and the vertical.
(d) In a paper presented in 1686, Edmond Halley summarized the laws of gravity and projectile
motion and applied them to gunnery. One problem he posed involved ring a projectile to
hit a target a distance R up an inclined plane. Show that the angle at which the projectile
should be red to hit the target but use the least amount of energy is the same as the angle
in part (c). (Use the fact that the energy needed to re the projectile is proportional to the
square of the initial speed, so minimizing the energy is equivalent to minimizing the initial

5. A ball rolls off a table with a speed of 2 fts. The table is 3.5 ft high.
3.5 ft


(a) Determine the point at which the ball hits the oor and nd its speed at the instant of
(b) Find the angle between the path of the ball and the vertical line drawn through the point
of impact. (See the gure.)
(c) Suppose the ball rebounds from the oor at the same angle with which it hits the oor, but
loses 20% of its speed due to energy absorbed by the ball on impact. Where does the ball
strike the oor on the second bounce?
6. Find the curvature of the curve with parametric equations

x y sin ( 12 2) d

y y cos ( 12 2) d

; 7. If a projectile is red with angle of elevation and initial speed v, then parametric equations
for its trajectory are

x v cos t

y v sin t 2 tt 2

(See Example 5 in Section 13.4.) We know that the range (horizontal distance traveled)
is maximized when 45. What value of maximizes the total distance traveled by the
projectile? (State your answer correct to the nearest degree.)
8. A cable has radius r and length L and is wound around a spool with radius R without over-

lapping. What is the shortest length along the spool that is covered by the cable?


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