Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh
Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh
Aligarh College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh
MM. : 60
Time : 2 Hrs.
Note : Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Attempt any two parts
(2X10=20 Marks)
a. Derive the relationship between line current - phase current and line voltagephase voltage in three phase delta connections. Three identical coils of resistance
8 and inductive reactance 6 are connected in delta across 400V, 50Hz mains.
Determine power, pf and line current.
b. Explain with neat circuit diagram and phasor diagram, two wattmeter method of
three phase power and power factor instrument. Enumerate advantage and
c. What is the use shunt and multiplier in extension of range of instruments? A
moving coil milliammeter having a resistance of 8 gives full scale deflection when
a current of 5mA is passed through it. Calculate the value of shunt/multiplier
resistance to make it possible to read upto i) 2A, ii) 8V
2. Attempt any four parts
(4X5=20 Marks)
a. Explain the following:
Magnetic Fringing
ii) Reluctance
b. A circular iron ring of 20 cm. in diameter has an airgap 1mm wide cut in it. The
area of cross-section of iron is 3.6 cm 2. Estimate the number of ampere turns
needed to establish a flux of 0.5 mWb in the air gap. Take r = 650 and neglect
c. Explain the need of earthing the electrical equipments.
d. Derive general emf equation for a single phase transformer. Draw phasor diagram.
e. A 11,000/230V, 150KVA, 1-phase, 50Hz transformer has core loss of 1.4KW and
full load copper loss of 1.6kw. Determine(i) KVA load for minimum efficiency and value of maximum efficiency at unity
power factor.
(ii) The efficiency at half-full load, 0.8pf leading
f. Explain the copper saving in auto transformer.
3. Attempt any four parts
(4X5=20 Marks)
a. A lap connected 8-pole generator has 500-armature conductor and useful flux of
0.07wb per pole. Determine the induced emf when it runs at 1000 rpm. What
must be the speed at which it is to be driven to produce the same emf if it is wave
b. Draw and explain the mechanical characteristics of dc shunt motor.
c. Draw and explain the slip-torque characteristics of a three-phase induction motor.
d. Explain the working principle of a 3-phase induction motor. Show how it is self
e. Explain the working of capacitor start capacitor run single phase induction motor.
Draw the characteristics.
f. Why the field winding of synchronous motor is taken at rotor and armature at