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Code No: 43007 II B.

Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, May/Jun 2009 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Describe doubly excited magnetic system. (b) The magnetic flux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.6T which is typical saturation level value for ferromagnetic material. Find the force density on the iron face. Derive the formula used. [8+8] 2. (a) Give the materials and functions of the following parts of a DC machine: i. Field poles ii. Yoke iii. Commutator iv. Commutating poles v. Armature (b) The armature of a 6 - pole generator has a wave winding containing 664 conductors. Calculate the generated e.m.f when flux per pole is 60 mWb and the speed is 250 rpm. Find the speed at which the armature must be driven to generate an e.m.f. of 550 V if the flux per pole is reduced to 58 mWb. [8+8] 3. (a) Explain the action of compensating windings in certain dc machines. Show schematically how they are connected . (b) A 500 V, wave wound, 750 rpm dc shunt generator supplies a load of 195 A. The armature has 720 conductors and shunt field resistances is 100 ohms .Find the demagnetising ampere turns/pole if the brushes are advanced through 3 commutator segments at this load. Also calculate the extra field turns required to neutralize this demagnetization. [8+8] 4. In a 110 V DC compound generator, the resistance of the armature, shunt field, series field resistances are 0.06 ohm, 25 ohms and 0.04 ohms respectively. The load consists of 200A each rated at 55W, 110V find the total emf generated and the armature current when the machine is connected in (a) long shunt and (b) short shunt [16] 5. (a) Draw and Explain the load characteristics of compound generators. (b) A long shunt compound generator has a shunt field winding of 1000 turns per pole and series field winding of 4 turns/pole and resistance of 0.05 ohm. In order to obtain the rated voltage both at no-load and full load as shunt generator, it is necessary to increase field current by 0.2 A. The full-load armature 1 of 2 Code No: 43007 current of the compound generator is 80A. Calculate the diverter resistance connected in parallel with series field to obtain flat compound operation. [8+8]

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6. A 250v 4 pole shunt motor has two circuit armature winding with 500 conductors.The armature circuit resistance is 0.25 ohms field resstance is 125 ohm and the flux per pole is 0.02wb.neglect armature reaction.find the sped and torque developed if the motor draws 14 A from the mains. [16] 7. Explain briefly different methods for speed control of dc motors. [16] 8. A 10 kW, 250V dc shunt generator has total no load rotational loss of 400W. The armature circuit (including brushes) and shunt field resistance are 0.5 and 250 respectively. Calculate the shaft power input and the efficiency at rated loa. Also calculate the maximum efficiency and the corresponding power output. [16] 2 of 2 Code No: 43007 II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, May/Jun 2009 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Define field energy and co - energy. Give the significance of coenergy in the derivation of torque or force in an electro mechanical energy conversion device . (b) All practical energy conversion devices use magnetic field as a coupling medium rather than electrical field. Discuss? [8+8] 2. (a) A Four-pole lap wound D.C armature has a bore diameter of 0.7 mete. It has 560 conductors and ratio of pole arc/pole pitch is 0.63. If the armature is running at 600 rpm. And flux density in the air gap is 1.2 Wb/sq.m determine the generated e.m.f. n the armature if effective length of armature conductor is 20cm. (b) Give the advantages and uses of lap and wave winding. [8+8] 3. (a) Explain the process of commutation in DC machines and discuss the methods to improve it. (b) Estimate the number of turns needed on each interpole of a 6 pole generator delivering 200 KW at 200V given number of lap connected armature conductors = 540, interpole air gap = 1.0 cm, flux density in interpole air gap = 0.3 wb/m2 Ignore the effect of iron parts of the circuit and leakage . [8+8] 4. The OCC of a dc generator when separately excited and driven at 800 rpm is given by Field amperes : 0 0.2 0.4 0.65 1.02 1.75 3.15 5.00 O.C voltage ( V ) : 10 40 80 120 160 200 240 260 Determine the critical speed at (a) 800 rpm (b) 900 rpm (c) If the field winding resistance is 55 ohm, find the range of field rheostat to vary the voltage from 200 to 250V on open circuit at a speed of 800 rpm.[16]

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5. (a) Why shunt generators are more suitable for parallel operation (b) What are the applications of different types of D.C generators. [6+10] 6. A 20 KW,250 V dc shunt motor has a full-load armature current of 85 A at 1100 rpm.The armature resistance is 0.18 ohm. Determine: 1 of 2 Code No: 43007 (a) the initial torque developed; (b) the internal torque of the field current is suddenly reduced to 80% of its original value; (c) The steady motor speed in part i. assuming the load torque to have remained constant. [16] 7. (a) What are renewable and non-renewable resources? Give examples. (b) What are the direct and indirect benefits from forest? Explain? [8+8] 8. Enumerate the various losses in dc machine. Which of the losses are: (a) Constant (b) Proportional to current (c) Proportional to current square. [6+5+5] 2 of 2 Code No: 43007 II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, May/Jun 2009 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Derive an expression for the energy stored in a magnetic field. (b) Show that the reaction of coupling magnetic field on the electrical or mechanical system is essential for the electro mechanical energy conversion process. [8+8] 2. Explain the following (a) Why is the yoke of a dc machine not laminated where as the armature core is laminated? (b) How can induced emf in the armature conductors of a dc generator be made unidirectional? (c) Why is commutator is used in dc generator? (d) Why are the carbon or graphite brushes preferred over copper brushes for use in dc machines? [16] 3. (a) Explain Linear commutation, under commutation and over commutation in a dc machine? (b) A 4 pole dc generator has wave wound armature with 722 conductors which

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develops 50A on full load. Calculate the total ampere - turns per pole.[12+4] 4. (a) Give reason why a shunt generator may fail to build up. (b) Compute the emf generated in 8 - pole dc shunt generator having a lap wound armature with 120 slots and 8 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.05 Wb and the speed of rotation is 200 rpm. The above generator supplies 40 nos of 60W lamps, a terminal voltage of 160 V if the armature and field resistances are 0.25 and 160 respectively, and the voltage drop at each brush is 2 V. Find the new speed at which the machine must run. Neglect armature reaction. [8+8] 5. (a) Draw and explain the load characterstics of DC.Compound Generators. (b) Two shunt generators, each with armature resistacne 0.15 ohms and field resistance 60 ohms, run in parallel and supply a total load of 800A. The induced emfs are 220V and 215V respectively. Find the output of each machine and common bus bar voltage. [8+8] 6. A 240 V shunt motor has an armature current of 15 A when running at 800 rpm against full-load torque. The armature resistance is 0.6 ohm. What resistance must 1 of 2 Code No: 43007 be inserted in series with the armature to reduce the speed to 400 rpm at the same torque? What will be the speed if the load torque is halved with this resistance in the circuit? Assume the flux to remain constant throughout. [16] 7. A dc shunt motor takes an armature current of 20A from a 220V supply. Armature circuit resistance is 0.5 . For reducing the speed by 50%. Calculate the resistance required in the series, with the armature: (a) the load torque is constant (b) the load torque is proportional to the square of the speed. [8+8] 8. The armature winding of a 4-pole. 250V dc shunt motor is lap connected ther are 120 slots, each slot containing 8 conductors. The flux per pole is 20mWb and current taken by the motor is 25A. The resistance of armature and field circuit is 0.1 and 125 respectively. If the rotational losses amount to be 810W find. (a) gross torque (b) usefull torque and (c) efficiency. [16] 2 of 2 Code No: 43007 II B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, May/Jun 2009 ELECTRICAL MACHINES-I (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Show how mechanical energy output can be determined in the multiple excited

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nonlinear systems. (b) In a rectangular electromagnetic relay the exiting coil has 1000 turns. Cross sectional area of the core is A = 5 c.m2.neglect reluctance of the magnetic circuit and fringing effects. Find the mechanical energy output when the armature moves such that the air - gap decreases form 1cm to 0.5 cm with flux linkages kept constant at the corresponding Coil current of 2A. [8+8] 2. Draw a detailed sketch of a dc machine and identify the different parts. Briefly explain describe the function of each major part. Explain in detail working of that part which changes ac armature voltage to dc voltage. [16] 3. (a) Explain the following methods of improving commutation i. Resistance commutation ii. E.M.F commutation (b) A 75kw, 4-pole wave wound dc generator has 72 armature conductors. The brushes are given an actual lead of 90 at full load. Calculate i. Cross magnetizing AT/pole ii. Demagnetizing AT/pole and iii. Series turns required to neutralize the demagnetizing effect. [8+8] 4. (a) Distinguish between self excited and separately excited DC generators. (b) A separately excited generator with constant excitation is connected to a constant resistance circuit. When the speed is 1200 rpm it delivers 120A at 500V. At what speed will be the current be reduced to 60A? Armature resistance = 0.1 ohm. Contact drop per brush = 1V. armature reaction may be ignored. [8+8] 5. In a 110 V compound generator, the resistance of the armature, shunt and series windings are 0.06, 25, and 0.04 ohms respectively. The load consists of 200 lamps each rated at 55 w, 110 V. Find the e.m.f generated and armature current when the machine is connected: (a) long shunt (b) short shunt (c) How will the ampere-turns of series winding be changed if in: 1 of 2 Code No: 43007 i. a diverter of resistance 0.1 ohm be connected in parallel with the series winding? Ignore armature reaction and brush contact drop. [16] 6. (a) Define speed regulation A 14.92 Kw, 400V, 400-rpm D.C. shunt motor draws a current of 40A when running at full-load. The moment of inertial of the rotating system is 7.5 kg m2. If the starting current is 1.2 times F.L. current calculate the full-load torque. (b) Derive an expression for armature torque developed in D.C motors. [8+8] 7. A dc shunt motor takes an armature current of 20A from a 220V supply. Armature circuit resistance is 0.5 . For reducing the speed by 50%. Calculate the resistance required in the series, with the armature: (a) the load torque is constant (b) the load torque is proportional to the square of the speed. [8+8]

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8. When running on no-load, a 400V shunt motor takes 5A. Armature resistance is 0.5 and field resistance 200. Find the output of the motor and efficiency when running on full load and taking a current of 50A, Also, find the percentage change in speed from no-load to full load. [16] 2 of 2

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