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Electrical Technology

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Code No: X0424 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Com. to ECE.EIE, BME, ECC) Time: 3 hours

SET - 1

Max Marks: 80


Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks a) With a neat Sketch, explain the functions of various parts of a D.C. Machine (8M) b) An 8 pole lap wound generator armature has 960 conductors, a flux of 40mwb and a speed of 400 rpm. Calculate the emf generated on open circuit. If the same armature is wave wound, at what speed it be driven to generate 400 volts? (8M) a) Describe with neat sketch, the working of a three point starter used for D.C shunt motor. (8M) b) A series motor of resistance 1 is connected between terminals of 200V runs at 800 rpm with a current of 15A. Find the speed at which it will run when the motor is connected in series with a 5 resistance and taking the same current from the same supply voltage. (8M) a) Explain the operating principle of a single phase transformer? Derive its EMF equation. (8M) b) A single phase 50Hz transformer has a core cross sectional area of 100 cm2, and the maximum flux density of 1.25Wb/m2. There are 1200 turns in primary and 100 turns in the secondary windings. Calculate the induced e.m.fs on both sides. (8M) a) Define voltage regulation of a transformer. Deduce the expression for the voltage regulation. (8M) b) A 200/1000V, 50Hz single phase transformer give the following test results: O.C. Test (LV Side): 200V, 0.7A, 70W S.C. Test (HV Side): 15V, 10A, 85W Calculate the parameters of the equivalent circuit referred to the LV Side. (8M) a) Derive an expression for the torque developed in an induction motor. (8M) b) A 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase induction motor has a rotor resistance of 0.21 ohm per phase and standstill reactance of 0.7ohm per phase. Calculate the speed at which maximum torque is developed. (8M) a) Explain the constructional features of an alternator. (8M) b) A500V, 50 kVA single phase alternator has an effective armature resistance of 0.2 ohm. An excitation current of 10A produces 200A armature current on short circuit and an emf of 450 V on open circuit. Calculate the synchronous reactance. (8M) 1 of 2






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Code No: X0424

SET - 1


Explain with neat diagrams the principle of operation of a a) AC Servo Motor b) Stepper Motor

(8M) (8M)


a) Compare the Moving Iron and Moving Coil instruments. (8M) b) Explain the essential forces required for effective functioning of a measuring instrument. (8M)

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Code No: X0424 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Com. to ECE.EIE, BME, ECC) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.

SET - 2

Max Marks: 80

a) Explain the operating principle of a D.C. Generator? Derive its EMF equation. (8M) b) A 4 pole generator with wave wound armature has 51 slots each having 24 conductors. The flux per pole is 0.01Weber. At what speed must the armature rotate to give an induced emf of 220V. What will be the voltage developed if the winding is lap connected and the armature rotates at the same speed. (8M) a) Explain the various losses that occur in a D.C Machine. (8M) b) An 8 kW, 250V, 1200 rpm dc shunt motor has Ra = 0.7ohm. The field current is adjusted until on no load with a supply of 250V, the motor runs at 1250 rpm and draws armature current of 1.6A. A load torque is then applied to the motor which causes armature current rise to 40A and the speed falls to 1150 rpm. Determine the reduction in the flux per pole due to the armature reaction. (8M) a) Explain the constructional details of single phase transformers (8M) b) A single phase transformer is connected to a 230V, 50Hz supply. The net cross sectional area of the core is 60cm2. The number of turns in primary is 500 and in the secondary 100. Determine i) Transformation ratio ii) EMF induced in the secondary winding iii) Maximum flux density in the core (8M) a) Explain the method of conducting open circuit and short circuit tests on single phase transformer? (8M) b) The percentage resistance and reactance of a transformer are 2% and 4% respectively. Find the approximate regulation on full load at: i) Unity power factor ii) 0.8 power factor lagging and iii) 0.8 power factor leading. (8M) a) Explain the working principle of a three phase induction motor. (8M) b) A 3- phase, 50Hz induction Motor is wound for 4 poles. Calculate i) The synchronous speed ii) The rotor speed when slip is 4% and iii) Rotor frequency when rotor runs at 600 rpm (8M) 1 of 2





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Code No: X0424

SET - 2


7. 8.

a) How EMF is induced in a 3 phase alternator? Derive the expression for EMF induced in an alternator in terms of pitch and distribution factors. (8M) b) A 3-phase, 6 pole, star connected alternator revolves at 1000 rpm. The stator has 90 slots and 8 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.05Wb. Calculate the voltage generated by the machine if the winding factor is 0.96. (8M) a) Describe the construction and working of a shaded pole motor (8M) b) What is a stepper motor? Enumerate its advantages and applications. (8M) a) Briefly explain the principle of Measuring Instruments. (6M) b) With a neat sketch, explain in detailed principle and operation of Moving Iron Ammeter. (10M)

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Code No: X0424 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Com. to ECE.EIE, BME, ECC) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

SET - 3

Max Marks: 80




a) Explain the classification of D.C. Generators. (8M) b) The armature of a 12 pole d.c. shunt generator has 50 slots and is wave wound with 12 conductors per slot, the generator is running at a speed of 625 rpm and supplies a resistive load of 15 ohm at a terminal voltage of 300V. The armature resistance is 0.5 ohm and field resistance is 60 ohms. Find the armature current, the generated emf and the flux per pole. (8M) a) Explain the different characteristics of D.C. Shunt and Series Motor. (8M) b) A 250V DC Shunt motor has an armature resistance of 0.5 and a field resistance of 250. When driving a constant torque load at 600 rpm, the motor draws 21A. What will be the new speed of the motor if an additional 250 resistance is inserted in the field circuit? (8M) a) Draw and explain phasor diagram of single phase transformer operating on no load. (8M) b) A transformer has a primary winding of 800 turns and a secondary turns of 200. The load current on the secondary is 80A at 0.8p.f lagging. The primary current is 25A at 0.707p.f lagging. Determine the no load current of the transformer and the phase with respect to the voltage. (8M) a) Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of a single phase transformer? (8M) b) A 600 kVA, single phase transformer has an efficiency of 92% both at full load and half load at unity power factor. Determine its efficiency at 60% of full load at 0.8 p.f lag. (8M)
a) Explain the differences between squirrel cage and slip ring induction motors. (8M)




b) A 3-phase induction Motor of 50 Hz has a full load speed of 960 rpm. Calculate i) number of poles ii) slip frequency (8M) a) Explain the synchronous impedance method of computing the voltage regulation of alternator. (8M) b) The stator of a 3-Phase, 50Hz, 8 pole alternator driven at 750 rpm has 72 slots. The winding has been made with 36 coils having 10 turns per coil. Calculate the rms value of induced emf per phase if the flux per pole is 0.15 mwb and is sinusoidally distributed. Assume full pitch coils have been used on the stator. (8M) 1 of 2

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Code No: X0424

SET - 3


a) Discuss the function of an A.C. Tachometer. Explain its Construction and working. (8M) b) What are the applications of stepper motor and synchros? (8M) a) Explain with neat sketch the principle of operation of permanent magnet type moving coil voltmeter. (10M) b) Compare the merits and demerits Moving coil and Moving iron instruments. (6M)


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Code No: X0424 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (Com. to ECE.EIE, BME, ECC) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

SET - 4

Max Marks: 80


a) Define O.C.C of a D.C generator. Explain how it is obtained for a given generator.(8M) b) A 30 kW, 250V, d.c shunt generator has a full load voltage regulation of 6%. If the field current when supplying rated load is 1.47A. Find i) Field circuit resistance ii) Armature resistance (8M) a) Derive an expression for torque of a D.C. Motor (8M) b) A 250V shunt motor on no load runs at 1000 rpm and takes 5A. The total armature and shunt field resistances are 0.2 ohm and 250 ohm respectively. Calculate the speed when loaded and taking a current of 50A, if the armature reaction weakens the field by 3%. (8M) a) What is meant by the equivalent resistance of a transformer? How is it calculated in primary terms and secondary terms? (8M) b) A 3300/220V, 30 kVA single phase transformer takes a no load current of 1.5 A when the low voltage winding is kept open. The iron loss component is equal to 0.4A, find i) no load input power ii) Magnetizing component and power factor of no load current. (8M) a) Define efficiency and regulation of a transformer. Show how the power factor affects both of them. (8M) b) A 220kVA transformer has an efficiency of 98% at full load. If the maximum efficiency occurs at three quarters of full load, calculate efficiency at half load. Assume negligible magnetizing current and p.f of 0.8 at all loads. (8M)
a) Explain various power stages of a 3- phase Induction motor (8M)





b) A 3-phase induction motor has 4 poles and is connected to 400V, 50Hz supply. Calculate the actual rotor speed and rotor frequency when the slip is 6% (8M) 6. a) Derive the expressions for distribution factor and pitch factor of alternator. (8M) b) A 3-Phase, 50Hz, 20 pole alternator with star connected stator winding has 180 slots on the stator. Each slot consists of 8 conductors. The flux per pole is 25mwb and is sinusoidally distributed. The coils are full pitch. Calculate the speed and generated EMF. (8M) 1of 2

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Code No: X0424 7. a) Explain the principle of operation of single phase Induction Motor. b) Explain with neat sketches the principle of operation of Stepper Motor.

SET - 4
(8M) (8M)


a) Explain the terms Deflecting torque and Controlling torque with reference to the indicating instruments (10M) b) List out the applications of Moving Coil and Moving Iron Instruments. (6M)

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