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Imaginary County Public Schools: Educational Technology Plan 2014-2017

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EDUC 629

Imaginary County
Public Schools
Educational Technology Plan 20142017

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EDUC 629

Table of Contents
TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and
Strategies 1
TIP 2: Needs Assessment..
TIP 3: The Planning Process..
. 4
State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures .

.. 7

. 8

.. 10

. 11

.. 12
TIP 4: Implementation: Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and
Strategies.. 13
TIP 5: Executive Summary..
. 15

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TIP 6: References...

.. 16

TIP 1: Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of

Imaginary County Public Schools

The goal of this institution is to provide a fundamental grasp on the uses of
technology both in the classroom and in the community. This will prepare
students to better function in an ever changing work environment, develop a
proper understanding of technology and citizenship, and better equip
students to achieve higher goals in the classroom through the aid of
technological advancement.

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This institution strives to prepare students for the challenges of life as adults
in an evolving environment, by instilling values, wisdom, and knowledge
through the classroom.

Goals and Strategies

This institution will accomplish these goals through:

Developing the students understanding of how technology in various

fields interacts.
o Strategy: Students will research how technology can be used in
fields other than the field in which it was developed.
Instilling how history and society have been changed and driven by
technological advances.
o Strategy: Students will describe how specific inventions in
computer science dramatically changed society.
Actively using technology in various subjects to develop a deeper
understanding, and utilizing various software.
o Strategy: Students will be able to demonstrate the use of
technology in each subject in school.
o Strategy: Students will be able to utilize software to enhance
learning to overcome educational obstacles.
Utilizing technology to communicate with others and share ideas.
o Strategy: Students will create a webpage and demonstrate and
understanding of how to publish Internet content.
Describing how technology has affected the environment, as well as
how technology has made life easier.
o Strategy: Students will be able to explain how technology can
have positive and negative effects on the environment and the

TIP 2: Needs Assessment

Strengths What are the current strengths?

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Each student is supplied an iPad for a small security fee at the beginning of
the year. The school utilizes an 802.11n router for high-speed Internet connections,
and compatibility with different devices. Each teacher has been provided a Google
Classroom device to allow the iPads to automatically connect an overhead projector
and display onscreen content though the attached computer. Educators are
provided desktop computers as well as an iPad to interact with the class. Teachers
have access to commonly used software such as Microsoft Office, iMovies, iPhoto,
and Texas Instrument supplied software.
Each classroom is equipped with a projector attached to the educators
desktop computer. Classrooms also include wireless printers allowing students to
print documents in classrooms. Educators have access to private networking and
whitelisting as provided by Google Classroom.
Weaknesses What are the current weaknesses?
Currently, few educators have received the necessary training to benefit from
all available technologies. Many classes revert to previous teaching methods when
understanding the technology becomes too difficult. The complexity of the system
presents problems for the technology staff, which do not have the necessary people
to keep up with educators who need additional training. New disciplinary problems
have arose as educators must keep students on task, despite whitelisted proxy
servers limiting student access to social networks and in appropriate websites.
Educators often complain about beneficial websites being blocked.
Opportunities What are the future opportunities?
Hiring experienced technicians and training personnel will allow better
technical support and training for teachers. Properly training of educators can
provide a deeper understanding and improved utilization of available technologies.
Additional support in teaching educators how to adapt to a technology rich
environments and the new challenges with it. As educators learn to take advantage
of the wide range of options available, they will be encouraged to integrate the
technology more into daily lessons. Improving communication with educators
regarding reputable online sources will allow technicians to build a more usable
filter for teachers and students.

Threats What threatens those future opportunities?

The challenge above all others is acquiring the resources to hire and train
educators and staff. The current budget only allows for two technicians for
maintenance. To improve teacher training and improve infrastructure, additional
technical staff with experience in training or education will need to be hired. Current
technical staff are experts in their field, but lack a background in training or
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teaching making it difficult to adequately train teachers. Acquiring funds to hire

additional staff, who have the necessary skills to train and develop educators as
well as maintain a technology rich infrastructure, will be the greatest hurdle to
overcome to improve the current standard.

TIP 3: The Planning Process

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and



ISTE Standard

Students will research

how technology can be
used in fields other than
the field in which it was

3. Research and
information fluency
Students apply digital
tools to gather,
evaluate, and use
a. Plan strategies to
guide inquiry
b. Locate, organize,
analyze, evaluate,
synthesize, and
ethically use
information from a
variety of sources and
c. Evaluate and select
information sources and
digital tools based on
the appropriateness to
specific tasks
d. Process data and
report results


Students will
choose a device in
a specific field
and be able to
present what uses
the devices have
in the field it was
designed for.
Students will then
research how the
device has been
used in other
fields beyond the
initial design
Students will
discuss, using
software, how the
device could be
used in other
Students will be
able to give valid
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examples of how
the technology
could be used in
this new field and
why the device
would be
Students will describe
how specific inventions
in computer science
dramatically changed

5. Digital citizenship
Students understand
human, cultural, and
societal issues related
to technology and
practice legal and
ethical behavior.
1. Advocate and
practice safe,
legal, and
responsible use of
information and
2. Exhibit a positive
attitude toward
using technology
that supports
learning, and
3. Demonstrate
responsibility for
lifelong learning
4. Exhibit leadership
for digital

Students will
research how
technology has
changed a
particular aspect
of society.
The student will
research the
positive and
negative impacts
the technology
have had on
diverse people
Students must
find valid sources
for recent census
reports to
understand the
demographic in
the local area.
Students will
present in their
findings to the
class in a
manner under the
guise of
evaluating the
implementation of
the technology in
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the local
community for the
local governing
Students will be able to
demonstrate the use of
technology in each
subject in school.

6. Technology
operations and
Students demonstrate a
sound understanding
of technology concepts,
systems, and
1. Understand and
use technology
2. Select and use
effectively and
3. Troubleshoot
systems and
4. Transfer current
knowledge to
learning of new

Students will learn

an advanced
understanding of
the Microsoft
Office suite.
Students will be
able to
demonstrate an
understanding of
the order of
operations when
writing functions
in Excel.
Students will be
able to apply
various format
changes to a Word
Students will
create a budget
reduction of debt,
accounting for
interest payments
on a spreadsheet.
Students will be
able to properly
format a Word
document to use
as a cover letter
for the
spreadsheet and
easily read notes
for a presentation.
The student will
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Students will be able to

utilize software to
enhance learning to
overcome educational

4. Critical thinking,
problem solving, and
decision making
Students use critical
thinking skills to plan
and conduct research,
manage projects, solve
problems, and make
informed decisions
using appropriate digital
tools and resources.
1. Identify and
define authentic
problems and
questions for
2. Plan and manage
activities to
develop a solution
or complete a

be able to give a
linking the
spreadsheet to
the Power Point
presentation, and
staying on task
given the notes
provided to the
Students will
dress in
professional attire
for the
Students will be
given a
question to
Students will be
asked to answer
the questions
themselves, and
the find online
sources to
validate their
Students must
then locate a valid
online source that
The student will
be able to
construct a
expressing both
views with valid
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concerning the
original query.

3. Collect and
analyze data to
identify solutions
and/or make
4. Use multiple
processes and
perspectives to

Students will create a

2. Communication
webpage and
and collaboration
demonstrate and
understanding of how to
publish Internet content. Students use digital
media and
environments to
communicate and work
including at a distance,
to support individual
learning and contribute
to the learning of
1. Interact,
collaborate, and
publish with
peers, experts, or
others employing
a variety of digital
environments and

Students will
collaborate in
groups to design a
webpage for an
Students will
research hosting
sites to
understand which
source provides
speeds, and which
is the most cost
Students will use
web page editing
software to design
the page meeting
all requirements
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2. Communicate
information and
ideas effectively
to multiple
audiences using a
variety of media
and formats

3. Develop cultural
and global
awareness by
engaging with
learners of other

set out by the

Students will
share the load of
designing each
page for the site.
Students will
upload the page
to a local intranet
to demonstrate
the page to the

4. Contribute to
project teams to
produce original
works or solve

Students will be able to

explain how technology
can have positive and
negative effects on the
environment and the

5. Digital citizenship
Students understand
human, cultural, and
societal issues related
to technology and
practice legal and
ethical behavior.
1. Advocate and
practice safe,
legal, and
responsible use of
information and
2. Exhibit a positive

Students will
research a recent
which had
negative effects
on the
Students will be
able to describe
how the
technology was
altered to
alleviate the
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attitude toward
using technology
that supports
learning, and
3. Demonstrate
responsibility for
lifelong learning
4. Exhibit leadership
for digital

problem, or
explain why it was
not changed.
Students will give
examples of
similar devices
which do not
suffer from the
same hazardous
effects of the
original device
and explain why
the safer device is
or is not be

The preferred classroom environment will supply a computer with
network access to both the Internet and a secure local intranet. Each
computer should have the entire Microsoft Office suite, as well as basic video
and photo editing software. The classroom can be arranged in such a way, as
to allow all screens to be visible to the teacher, and allow students to
collaborate. Classrooms will allow for the students to complete most of the
assignment in class after a brief instructions period by the educator.

Basic computer skills will be the focus for the first quarter of the
course. Students should already be familiar with the essential elements of
the Microsoft Office suite, allowing the teacher to cover more advanced
concepts. Upon mastering Microsoft Office, specifically Excel, Word, and
PowerPoint students will begin independent presentation. Student
presentations will demonstrate a mastery of Microsoft Office as well as
display the students ability to utilize information research using valid
sources online. Students will also display and understanding of professional
conduct and appearance. Students will also be able to use the previously
acquired skills in-group collaborations based on real world challenges.
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Application Tools
Each student will need access to a computer with an Internet connection,
access to the local intranet, Microsoft Office suite, and video and picture
editing software. Students will also need to be able to access common
mobile devices, such as tablets, which would be used in current business
presentations settings. Digital projectors should also be available with proper
connections for a mobile tablet to provide students with the tools necessary
to prepare them for the work environment. Students should be able to
provide a USB flash drive greater than 2 Gb to allow for a backup of all

Students will be prepared to function in a professional work
environment, possessing the appropriate knowledge and skill to demonstrate
topics related to their field. Students will have a commanding understanding
of the software used in business presentations to create a credible
demonstration. Students will understand professional behavior and how to
present an authoritative demonstration. Students will be able to use all a
variety of technologies to aid in problem solving in real world situations.

TIP 4: Implementation

Technology currently available in the school
Wireless n routers
Microsoft Office
Texas Instrument Software
Technology to be Purchased
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Apple TV
Technology to be Utilized
Screen sharing Apps for iPad
o Available at educatorstechnology.com
Estimated Cost
Cost UnitsTotal
Apple TV
99.00 15

Professional Development Plan

Timetable for Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Measures: Time will be
taken during the three days before school begins in the spring. Educators will
be trained in newly available apps as well as implementing Apple TVs in the
classroom and how to pair the device with the teachers mobile device.
All educators will be required to attend to provide each teacher an
opportunity to use the new devices and apps. The first day will focus on
pairing iPads to Apple TVs and possible uses. The second day will cover
downloading and implementing apps used to screen share between iPads.
The final day will include various methodologies, which can be used in
Day 1 Apple TV
Where does it fit: The Apple TV is an excellent device, which easily
pairs with the teachers iPad. The educator can use the Apple TV each
day for displaying notes and assignments, as well as video or student
Back up plan: Educators can use dry erase boards or chalk boards to
continue to disseminate notes. Educators may also continue to use
screen-sharing apps even if the Apple TV is not functioning.
Effectiveness: The Apple TV can be used to display the educators
screen, or be used to play videos or presentations on its own. The
device can display the content of the teachers screen, and by proxy,
when using the appropriate apps, share student screens.
Professional Development: Educators will be asked to come to a
classroom where an Apple TV has been set up prior. Each teacher will
be asked to bring an iPad. Teachers will be taught how to pair the iPad
with the Apple TV, taking turns with syncing the devices. Educators will
explore setup methods for the Apple TV to prepare them to recover
from device failure.
Day 2 iPad Apps
Where does it fit: Screen sharing apps for the iPad can be used in all
classrooms. They are especially useful for collaborative learning.
Back up plan: If iPads screen sharing fails, traditional paper and
pencil can still be used.

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Effectiveness: Screen sharing between iPads can allow students to

collaborate more effectively. It also allows educators to directly view
what students are doing on individual devices, allowing teachers to see
how student understanding is developing.
Professional Development: Educators will review lessons learned
about the Apple TV the day prior. Teachers will return with provided
iPads and connect to the local Wi-Fi network. Educators will be directed
how to download the appropriate app from the Internet onto their
devices. Once all files are downloaded, teachers will be taught how to
utilize the device with other devices in the room and set up private
networks. Finally educators will be taught how to utilize the screensharing app with the Apple TV.
Day 3 Methodologies
Where does it fit: A variety of uses and possible implementations for
the screen sharing app and Apple TV will be discussed, and how each
can be used in any classroom
Back up plan: Traditional dry erase boards or pencil and paper can be
use instead of apps or the Apple TV.
Effectiveness: The ability to connect students with each other and
the teacher more seamlessly in the classroom can apply to any
subject. The ability to arrange networks into smaller groups for
collaboration can greatly enhance the learning experience for all
Professional Development: Educators will review how to utilize the
Apple TV, and how to implement screen sharing on devices. The
instructor will outline the method for creating private groups using the
screen sharing app. The instructor will give various lesson examples of
how these tools can be actively used in the classroom. Teachers will be
given the opportunity to ask the instructor questions concerning their
own ideas and strategies learned over the past two days.
At the end of the third day educators should be able to pair their
mobile device to the Apple TV. Teachers should also be able to download,
install, and setup screen-sharing apps on in the classroom, and create local
groups using the app. Given the instructors position as the schools
technician, all technical issues will be reported to him. During the
professional development day before students return from spring break, a
voluntary session will be held to review all topics and discuss the
effectiveness of the new technologies.

Lesson Plan 1
Before the Lesson
Topic/Subject/Grade: Computer Literacy/9-12
Primary SOL: Ohio Technology standard 1-Nature of Technology.
Other Related Materials: ISTE 3 Research and Information fluency.
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Objective: Students will research technologies in groups, which cross the

intended field of development to develop research skills and the ability to
locate valid sources online.
Condition of the Task: Students will provide an example of a device, which
crosses into a field for which it was not developed.
Observable Task: Students will be able to defend the sources used for the
research performed.
Measurable Criterion: Students will provide valid references meeting the
criteria for a trustworthy online source.
Classroom Diversity:
Cultural Diversity: Examples may be used from around the world
from a variety of fields.
Special Needs: Devices with assistive software may be used to
account for individuals with impairments.
Socioeconomic Groups: Cross-field devices appear in every
economic group allow students to bring personal experience to
the lesson.
Materials/Equipment: iPads, active Internet connection, screen sharing
Technology Integration: iPads, active Internet connection, screen sharing
During the Lesson:
Set: Students will be asked to research a technology, which was invented for
a specific field but has found use in a far different position.
Lesson: The lesson will take place over the course of a full week, building on
itself each day. Students will begin in groups using screen sharing between
iPads to easily observe what other students are finding. The group will agree
on a particular device and locate a valid source for the information. The
group will present the information and the end of the week to the class using
the iPads interactively with the Apple TV for the presentation. Students will
need to be able to defend the source used for the assignment.
Instruction/Modeling: Each lesson in this sequence better prepares
students to utilize the Internet for research, and develops the students
ability to use technology in a professional setting.
Guided student practice/Formative assessment: Students will give a
presentation on the research and provide properly cited sources for the
assignment as well as a 250-word defense of the sources validity.
Independent practice/Formative assessment: Students will present the
cross-field device to the class and explain its purpose.
Closure: Students will be able to research data on the Internet using valid
Summative assessment: Students will be able to present data in a
professional manner utilizing all available technology and only references
reputable sources.
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Lesson Plan 2
Before the Lesson
Topic/Subject/Grade: Computer Literacy/9-12
Primary SOL: Ohio Technology Standard 2-Technology and Society
Other Related Materials: ISTE 5 Digital Citizenship.
Objective: Students will be able to develop and opinion concerning how
technology may have positively or negatively affected society. Students will
be able to present the information in a professional manner using valid
Condition of the Task: Students will give a historical example of how a
device affected the development of society.
Observable Task: Students will be able to provide information in a bias free
manner in a professional presentation.
Measurable Criterion: Students will adhere to the measures of
professionalism described in the course.
Classroom Diversity:
Cultural Diversity: Students will be given the opportunity to
describe how technology has directly affected society in any
location around the world.
Special Needs: Students will be able to use assistive software on
the iPads to aid in research.
Socioeconomic Groups: The wide range of opportunities to
describe available technologies spans all economic groups.
Materials/Equipment: iPad, Apple TV
Technology Integration: iPad, Apple TV
During the Lesson:
Set: Students will be asked to research how a particular device directly
changed an aspect of society.
Lesson: This lesson is meant to extend through a full week. Students will
individually research how a particular device affected society and build a
personal opinion about the societal change. Students will present the
information at the end of the week using visuals presented on the Apple TV
from the iPad. A student must adhere to all professional mannerism during
the presentation and present in an unbiased manner.
Instruction/Modeling: Each lesson in this sequence better prepares
students to utilize the Internet for research, and develops the students
ability to use technology in a professional setting.
Guided student practice/Formative assessment: Students will be
graded on professionalism and technology integration. The validity of the
source will also be tested.

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Independent practice/Formative assessment: Students will answer

questions from peers for a short period of time at the end of the
Closure: The student will be able to give a professional presentation free of
bias and utilizing all available technology.
Summative assessment: Students will be required to turn in a digital copy
of the presentation.

Lesson Plan 3
Before the Lesson
Topic/Subject/Grade: Computer Literacy/9-12
Primary SOL: Ohio Technology standard 3-Technology for Productivity
Other Related Materials: ISTE 2 Communication and Collaboration
Objective: Students will create a webpage on a topic of their choosing and
upload it to the rooms local intranet.
Condition of the Task: Students will be able to find resources for a web
page consisting of at least 5 pages.
Observable Task: Students will create a webpage.
Measurable Criterion: Students will be able to create a webpage using
media in a legal manner and upload the website to the local intranet.
Classroom Diversity:
Cultural Diversity: Students will have the opportunity to create a
webpage describing any appropriate interest.
Special Needs: Students will have access to assistive
Socioeconomic Groups: HTML is a free coding form, and free web
hosting makes uploading information a prospect for any group.
Materials/Equipment: iPad, active intranet, Internet connection
Technology Integration: iPad, active intranet, Internet connection
During the Lesson:
Set: Students will be asked to create a webpage based on any appropriate
personal interest. Students will use any media desired as long as the images
or information are properly cited and adhere to copyright law.
Lesson: This lesson will continue for the course of three days allow students
time to develop and research concepts. Students will work individually to
create a webpage, utilizing research skills and knowledge of proper citation
and copyright law. Students will also use prior knowledge to upload the
webpage to the rooms intranet to allow peers to view content.
Instruction/Modeling: Content for the lesson builds on concepts learned in
early lessons, and prepares the student in a variety of methods to
disseminate information.

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Guided student practice/Formative assessment: The students website

will be uploaded to the local intranet for complete credit of the assignment
and availability to grade.
Independent practice/Formative assessment: Students will have the
opportunity to observe their peers websites upon reception of all
Closure: Students will be able to create a webpage using appropriate media
and sources, and upload the page to the Internet.
Summative assessment: Students will be able to share information in a
variety of ways beyond face-to-face presentation.

TIP 5: Executive Summary

Reaching a diverse student population and instilling the necessary
skills to function in todays society can be a challenge for any educational
system. Providing all the necessary tools for excellence in education, and
preparing educators in proficient use of the tools is a priority for this school
curriculum. A curriculum well rounded in the various applications of
technology in modern society can best prepare students for a prosperous
future, and create the leaders for tomorrow.
Providing current technology, and devices adhering to modern
standards allows students to adapt more quickly to changing environments
in the work place. Keeping technology current at a rate above the average
company can give graduates an edge as they move into the work force a
represent the education they have received. Maintaining a proper library of
devices, which are mirrored in working environments outside the school,
allows students a more fluid transition in to institutions of higher education
and employment.
Training students in digital citizenship prepares them to be more
responsible members of society. Training students in the responsible use of
technology in society is invaluable need in current education (Bishop, Elen,
Spector, 2014, p. 825). Teaching students to make proper decisions in how
devices are used for education, entertainment, and industry can have an
enormous effect on how the student develops into an adult (Bishop et al.,
2014, p. 822). Educating students in professionalism and wisdom is as
essential in technology education as possessing knowledge of how a device

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Without a properly trained staff, the student will be limited in his ability
to reach his full potential. Assuming students, as Digital Natives, possess
more computer knowledge than educators cripples the students ability to
truly advance in technical knowledge (Bishop et al., 2014, p. 823). Giving
teachers adequate time to learn how technology can be properly
implemented in a classroom should take precedence. A fully trained staff can
provide a tremendous return of investment in the skills, techniques, and
knowledge they can provide to students above simple content. Training for
educators must be seen as equally important as providing the physical
The priority of any educational institution is to provide the best
possible education for the student. This can be accomplished in the
technology curriculum by providing current devices, instilling a sense of
social responsibility and technology citizenship, and by properly preparing
educators to deliver these values. Meeting the individual needs of the
student through the means provided by the variety of devices available gives
the student the greatest opportunity to succeed an the continually evolving
technological world.

Crosswalk of Goals
National Educational
Technology Plan / ISTE

Learning: Students
apply digital tools to
gather, evaluate, and
use information (ISTE,

Assessment: Teachers
design, develop, and
evaluate authentic
learning experiences
and assessments
contemporary tools and

Educational Technology
Plan for Ohio

They [students] acquire

understanding and
develop attitudes and
practices that support
ethical decision- making
and lifelong learning
(OCST, 2003, pg.1).
In implementing these
standards, it will be
important to have
supporting authentic,
problem-based, creative
instructional strategies

Imaginary County Public

Schools Strategic Plan

Students will research

how technology can be
used in fields other than
the field in which it was

Students will be able to

demonstrate computer
and technology skills
immediately relevant in
the classroom as well as
in the community.

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resources to maximize
content learning in
context and
to develop the
knowledge, skills, and
attitudes identified in
the StandardsS (ISTE
Standards T, 2008, 2).
Teaching: Effective
teachers model and
apply the ISTE
Standards for Students
(StandardsS) as they
design, implement, and
assess learning
experiences to engage
students and improve
learning; enrich
professional practice;
and provide positive
models for students,
colleagues, and the
community (ISTE T,
2008, para1).
Teachers use their
knowledge of subject
matter, teaching and
learning, and
technology to facilitate
experiences that
advance student
learning, creativity, and
innovation in both faceto-face and virtual
environments (ISTE T,
2008, 1).

and performance-based
assessments (OCST,
2003, pg. 305).

To effectively implement a
standards-based technology
program, teachers and
curriculum leaders must
determine how instructional
programs can be organized,
implemented and maintained
in Ohio's classrooms, schools
and districts (OCST, 2003, p.

The real-world emphasis

of Ohio's technology
academic content
standards will create
links between each
learner's needs, his or
her interests and
strengths; and between
the classroom,
technology laboratory
and the world of work
and community life
(OCST, 2003, p. 306).

Educators will be
properly trained the use
and implementation of
devices such as the
iPad, Apple TV, and
wireless networks to
prepare students to
utilize these
technologies to the
greatest extent in the
classroom and in

Facilities will be
provided with highspeed internet access
via wireless technology
and IEEE 1394
connections in
classrooms. Teachers
and students will be
provided iPads to
increase learning and
experience with
burgeoning technology
trends. Educators will
utilize Apple TV to allow
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Productivity: Teachers
understand local and
global societal issues
and responsibilities in
an evolving digital
culture and exhibit legal
and ethical behavior in
their professional
practices (ISTE T, 2008,

a unified view of
content from the
Internet or a mobile
Students will be
prepared to use devices,
software, and
techniques in the
A fully-articulated
classroom and the
technology program will community. Students
increase the opportunity will be instilled with
for students to learn
professional behaviors
(OCST, 2003, p. 307).
and advanced
knowledge of
technology preparing
them for institutes of
higher education and
future careers.

TIP 6: References:
Bishop, M., Elen, J., Merril, M., Spector, J., (2014). Handbook of research on
educational communications and technology. New York, NY: Springer.
ISTE (2008), retrieved from, http://www.iste.org/docs/pdfs/20-14_ISTE_StandardsT_PDF.pdf
ISTE (2014), retrieved from, http://www.iste.org/docs/pdfs/20-14_ISTE_StandardsS_PDF.pdf
Ohio Board of Education, (2003). Ohios 2003 Academic Content Standards in
Technology. Retrieved from
Apple (2014), Retrieved from http://store.apple.com/us/appletv

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