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A Laboratory Manual for

Internetwork security and Web

analytics (3171616)

B.E. Semester 7 (Information


Institute logo

Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar,

Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. ___________________________________
________ Enrollment No. _______________ of B.E. Semester _____
Information Technology Department of this Institute (GTU Code: _____ )
has satisfactorily completed the Practical / Tutorial work for the subject
Internetwork security and Web analytics (3171616) for the academic year

Place: __________
Date: __________

Name and Sign of Faculty member

Head of the Department

Advance Java Programming (3160707)


Main motto of any laboratory/practical/field work is for enhancing required skills as well as
creating ability amongst students to solve real time problem by developing relevant
competencies in psychomotor domain. By keeping in view, GTU has designed competency
focused outcome-based curriculum for engineering degree programs where sufficient weightage
is given to practical work. It shows importance of enhancement of skills amongst the students
and it pays attention to utilize every second of time allotted for practical amongst students,
instructors and faculty members to achieve relevant outcomes by performing the experiments
rather than having merely study type experiments. It is must for effective implementation of
competency focused outcome-based curriculum that every practical is keenly designed to serve
as a tool to develop and enhance relevant competency required by the various industry among
every student. These psychomotor skills are very difficult to develop through traditional chalk
and board content delivery method in the classroom. Accordingly, this lab manual is designed
to focus on the industry defined relevant outcomes, rather than old practice of conducting
practical to prove concept and theory.

By using this lab manual students can go through the relevant theory and procedure in advance
before the actual performance which creates an interest and students can have basic idea prior to
performance. This in turn enhances pre-determined outcomes amongst students. Each
experiment in this manual begins with competency, industry relevant skills, course outcomes as
well as practical outcomes (objectives). The students will also achieve safety and necessary
precautions to be taken while performing practical.

This manual also provides guidelines to faculty members to facilitate student centric lab
activities through each experiment by arranging and managing necessary resources in order that
the students follow the procedures with required safety and necessary precautions to achieve the
outcomes. It also gives an idea that how students will be assessed by providing rubrics.

Internetwork security helps in identifying security points and helps in identifying the protocols
where security is deployed. Web Analytics helps in identifying online/offline patterns and
trends of web traffic. It is used to collect, measure, report, and analyze website data. Web
analytics tracks key metrics and analyze visitors' activity and traffic flow. It provides a platform
for students to analyze the performance of a website and optimize its web usage.

Utmost care has been taken while preparing this lab manual however always there is chances of
improvement. Therefore, we welcome constructive suggestions for improvement and removal
of errors if any.
Advance Java Programming (3160707)

DTE’s Vision

 To provide globally competitive technical education

 Remove geographical imbalances and inconsistencies
 Develop student friendly resources with a special focus on girls’ education and support to
weaker sections
 Develop programs relevant to industry and create a vibrant pool of technical professionals

Institute’s Vision

 To be a premier engineering institution, imparting quality education for innovative

solutions relevant to society and environment.

Institute’s Mission

 To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectual and innovative
engineers can emerge in a wide range of professions.
 To advance knowledge and educate students in engineering and other areas of scholarship
that will best serve the nation and the world in future.
 To produce quality engineers, entrepreneurs and leaders to meet the present and future
needs of society as well as environment.

Department’s Vision

 To educate students to be innovative and technically competent IT professionals to meet

the industrial and social requirements.

Department’s Mission

 To produce technically capable and socially responsible graduates.

 To create facilities where students gain practical exposure in IT.
 To support research culture, consultancy work and enhancement of entrepreneurship skills.
 To enhance industry interaction for good placements and real-world exposure.
 To induce moral, ethical values and spirit of social commitment.
Advance Java Programming (3160707)

Programme Outcomes (POs)

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyzecomplex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineeringproblems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledgeand research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextualknowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant
to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professionalengineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics andresponsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as amember or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activitieswith the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understandingof the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and
leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and abilityto engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Internetwork security and Web analytics (3171616)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

 The graduate will be a competent professional with high-level technical proficiency in the
field of Information Technology to identify problems and develop innovative solutions to
meet the industrial needs.
 The graduate will exhibit professionalism, teamwork, leadership skills and exposure to
current needs.
 The graduate will be capable enough to adapt the changes in roles and responsibilities
through professional development and lifelong learning over self-study or continuing
education in IT or managerial studies.
 The graduates will ethically apply their computing knowledge and skills considering
societal, economic and environmental factors.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

 Foundations of Software Development: Use programming and software design principles

to develop various software products in emerging areas.
 Foundation of Mathematical Concepts: Ability to apply mathematical concept to solve
computation task, model real world problem using appropriate data structure and suitable
 Competent in Emerging Trends: Ability to use recent tools and techniques necessary for
computing practices.
 Applications of Computing and Research Ability: Ability to use knowledge in various
areas to identify research gaps and provides innovative solution.
Internetwork security and Web analytics (3171616)

Practical – Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes (COs):

1) Differentiate the security aspects in lower and upper-layer protocols.
2) Explain the parameters, metrics and reports involved in analysis of
website, blogs, search engine.
3) Explain the measurement of analytics parameters involved in E-mail.
4) Implement the test strategy for web site testing.
Objective(s) of Experiment CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4
Consider the college web site or department web site
for all the experiments given below and Use web
analytics to (1 to 8)
Track engagement with home page and other site
1. √
Measure the time taken to load home page and other
2. √
3. Perform A/B testing. √

4. Use cookies to store username. √

5. Write content so that users come back to the site. √

Build your keyword list (a list or spreadsheet of
6. attainable, relevant keywords), write content around √
those keywords and track performance and rankings.
7. Find the blogs which takes people to this site. √
Try password attack to check the site is not vulnerable
8. √
to this attack.

9. Measure the Most Important Metrics used for E-mail √

Marketing Analytics.
Internetwork security and Web analytics (3171616)

Industry Relevant Skills

The following industry relevant competency are expected to be developed in the student by
undertaking the practical work of this laboratory.
1. Will be able to be Familiar with web analytics tools such as Google Analytics,
Adobe Analytics, and IBM Digital Analytics.
2. Will be able to Understanding how to perform vulnerability scans and penetration
tests to identify and remediate security weaknesses.

Guidelines for Faculty members

1. Teacher should provide the guideline with demonstration of practical to the students
with all features.
2. Teacher shall explain basic concepts/theory related to the experiment to the students
before starting of each practical
3. Involve all the students in performance of each experiment.
4. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the
students and ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the
students after the completion of the experimentation.
5. Teachers should give opportunity to students for hands-on experience after the
6. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though not
covered in the manual but are expected from the students by concerned industry.
7. Give practical assignment and assess the performance of students based on task
assigned to check whether it is as per the instructions or not.
8. Teacher is expected to refer complete curriculum of the course and follow the
guidelines for implementation.

Instructions for Students

1. Students are expected to carefully listen to all the theory classes delivered by the faculty
members and understand the COs, content of the course, teaching and examination
scheme, skill set to be developed etc.
2. Students shall organize the work in the group and make record of all observations.
3. Students shall develop maintenance skill as expected by industries.
4. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and build confidence.
5. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. apart from
those included in scope of manual.
6. Student shall refer technical magazines and data books.
7. Student should develop a habit of submitting the experimentation work as per the schedule
and s/he should be well prepared for the same.

Common Safety Instructions

Students are expected to
1) switch on the PC carefully (not to use wet hands)
2) shutdown the PC properly at the end of your Lab
3) carefully Handle the peripherals (Mouse, Keyboard, Network cable etc)
4) Use Laptop in lab after getting permission from Teacher
Internetwork security and Web analytics (3171616)

(Progressive Assessment Sheet)
Sr. Objective(s) of Experiment Page Date of Date of Assessme Sign. of Remar
No. No. perform submiss nt Teacher ks
ance ion Marks with date
Consider the college web site or department
web site for all the experiments given below
and Use web analytics to
Track engagement with home page and other
site content.
Measure the time taken to load home page and
other pages
3. Perform A/B testing

4. Use cookies to store username.

Write content so that users come back to the
Build your keyword list (a list or spreadsheet
of attainable, relevant keywords), write content
around those keywords and track performance
and rankings.
7. Find the blogs which takes people to this site.
Try password attack to check the site is not
vulnerable to this attack.
9. Measure the Most Important Metrics used for
E-mail Marketing Analytics.
Experiment No: 1

Track engagement with home page and other site content


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Information and Network
security, Web analytics.

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: (a) To familiarize learners with the google analytics tool.

(b) To identify popular content and topics that are resonating with their audience.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Google Analytics, Internet.


What is User Engagement?

User engagement is a broad term that refers to how visitors interact with your website. The
specific engagement metrics you’ll want to track will vary depending on your business objectives
and the tools you use.
How long do you stay on a web page before you decide if it has what you need? Not long, right?
Site owners have a matter of seconds to grab a searcher’s attention and convince them to stay.
If you’ve already crafted SEO content that brings people to your site, the next challenge is to
make sure it’s compelling enough to get them to stay. Today’s consumers want instant
gratification. Ten years ago, you might have had as much as 10 seconds to hook a visitor, but
now, the amount of time someone spends deciding if they’ll stay on a page or move on is closer to
50 milliseconds. If they visit a page and aren’t immediately interested in what they see, 40% of
visitors will move on.
Keeping visitors interested in what you have to offer is a crucial part of your success. That’s why
you’ll want to develop an effective engagement strategy.

8 Website Engagement Metrics to Track

Exactly which engagement metrics you choose to track will depend on your business objectives
and goals. Regardless of your particular area of focus, here are some standard metrics that can
help you measure how people interact with your website content:
1. Bounce Rate
The bounce rate reveals how many people land on your web page and leave without taking any
further action. A high bounce rate could result from slow load times, too many interstitial pop-
ups, poor design, or thin content that’s heavy on keywords and light on value.
Bounce rates indicate how well your website is serving your audience. If people find relevant
information that answers their questions, they’ll explore more of your content. The deeper visitors
go into your site, the more likely they are to convert (whether during their first session or on a
return visit).
2. Page views
Page views represent each time a page on your website is loaded by users. This metric can help
you see patterns in traffic and which pages are attracting the most visitors. Not to be confused
with landing page visits, page views count visits from both internal and external pages. Pages that
garner the most views are where you’ll want to place calls to action.
3. Session Duration
A session comprises all the interactions one user has with your website from the time they land on
your site to the moment they leave or become inactive (and the session ends). In short, session
duration is the amount of time someone spends on your site in one visit. Longer session durations
indicate better user engagement.
Average session duration tracks the average length of sessions on your website. Likely, someone
who spends a long time on your site found the information they need and is looking to learn more.
This metric enables you to see if your website content as a whole is resonating with your
4. Pages Per Session
The pages per session metric is the average number of pages someone views in a single session. A
higher number can indicate that users find your website compelling and easy to navigate.
However, if your pages per session are high, but your session duration is low, visitors might be
clicking through your pages because they’re having trouble finding what they need. Learning how
many pages people view in a single session can help you understand whether your internal linking
strategy guides people through your sales funnel effectively.
5. Time on Page
Measuring the amount of time someone spends on each web page is an effective indicator of how
engaging your content is. Set expectations for each page based on the content it contains. If your
average time on the page is exceedingly short, your content may be thin or irrelevant, failing to
engage the visitors that land there. Make sure your target keywords and metadata align with your
page content and provide a good user experience (UX), so you can meet your visitors’
6. Page/Scroll Depth
This metric shows you how far down the page users are scrolling and reading (or skimming). The
further users scroll down a page, the more content they’re consuming. Identifying where users
stop scrolling and engaging with your content can help you make necessary changes to optimize
your pages further and boost interactions. Combining this metric with time on page can give you a
good idea of how engaging your web pages are.
7. Site Abandonment
When people land on your website and leave before converting, it’s essential to understand where
you’re losing them and dig into why it’s happening. Assess your site to determine which pages
people exit on. Knowing this can help you address the issues that are causing people to leave.
Pages with high exit rates could indicate a user experience problem. You might be losing people’s
interest because of slow load times, broken links, or outdated content.
8. Repeat Visitors
One indicator of user engagement is the number of visitors that come back to your website. When
people benefit from engaging with your brand, they’ll continue returning for more content,
resources, and repeat purchases. Since approximately 70% of consumers comparison shop before
choosing a product to purchase, you can expect that the more often someone returns to your site,
the more likely they are to become a customer eventually.

1. Sign in to your google account .
2. Create a web stream, add your website URL (home page or the page you want to track) and
stream name.
3. After this, configure types of interaction you want to track by selecting them in “Enhanced
measurement” section. Google analytics allows to measure 6 different kind of user
4. Then add the global code into the header of your site, or add the “Measurement id” in you
sites.google analytics section.
5. After following above given steps, you will be able to track user engagement on your page


//Put screenshot of the program



1. What are the criteria of engagement in the business site?

2. What are the steps to reduce bounce rate?

Suggested Reference:
Web analytics by Avinash Kaushik Wiley publication
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students: (Sufficient space to be provided)

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 2

Measure the time taken to load home page and other pages


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Google analytics and Web

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: 1) To assess the website's performance and user experience.

2) To learn how to optimize the website's performance, improve the user
experience, and ultimately increase website traffic and revenue.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Google Analytics, Internet.


What is page load time?

Website load time — or web page load time — refers to how long it takes for a website, or web
page, to fully load and appear on the screen. This includes all content on the page such as text,
images, and videos. Simply, it's how fast all content on a web page loads.
Page speed can depend on a number of factors — some examples include Page type, user
behavior, file sizes, website server/host, inefficient code, hotlinking, and too many plugins and/or
In its simplest terms, page load time is the average amount of time it takes for a page to show up
on your screen. It's calculated from initiation (when you click on a page link or type in a Web
address) to completion (when the page is fully loaded in the browser). Usually measured in
seconds, page load time is made up of two different parts:
 Network and Server Time: based on how speedy the internet connection is and how swiftly
static assets like photos and other files are served up
 Browser Time: how long it takes for the browser to parse and execute the document and render
the page to make it available for user interaction

The same Web page can easily have different page load times in different browsers (e.g. Safari vs.
Internet Explorer), on different platforms (e.g. mobile vs. desktop), and in different locations. If
your site is served by one data center in the U.S. but you sell to customers in Australia and the
U.K., for instance, those international shoppers are likely to experience much lengthier load times.
But if your site's static assets are copied onto different data centers around the world, the page will
pull from the data center that's closest to where your shoppers are. That can drastically speed up
page load times.
Different pages on the same site can also have radically different load times, because of developer
decisions like richer design elements, beefier functionality, and more content on a page. There are
several online tools for determining average page load times, meaning it's possible for your Web
development team to focus on streamlining your slowest-loading pages first.
Page Load Times and SEO
There’s reason to believe that page load times can have an impact on your SEO efforts. This is
because of something known as Rank Brain. This is something used by Google to help determine
how it should go about ranking sites.
If someone visits your website and the page takes a long time to load, they might end up clicking
the back button. This is often called ‘pogo-sticking.’ Google will take this into account. Google’s
aim is to provide the people using its search engine, with a good user experience.
If someone visits your site, and shortly after, clicks the back button, it’s a sign your site didn’t
provide them with a good experience. Following this, Google has a reason to downgrade your
Following this, it’s important you factor page load times into your SEO strategy.

What is the average page load time?

The average mobile web page takes 15.3 seconds to load. The problem is due to the majority of
mobile sites having too many page elements. This problem persists despite most web traffic
occurring on 4G instead of 3G.

What is a good page load time?

Most companies agree that a good desktop page load time is under 2 seconds (about 28% say that
a good load page time is under 1 sec and about 39% think the good load time is under 2 seconds)

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1. When measuring page load time, it is important to monitor traffic levels to ensure that
your data is not skewed by unusually high or low traffic levels.
2. When measuring page load time, it is important to limit the sample size to ensure that your
data is accurate and representative.


1. Set up Google Analytics: Create a Google Analytics account and add the tracking code to
your website's HTML code.
2. Enable Site Speed Tracking: In your Google Analytics account, go to Admin > Property
Settings > Tracking Info > Data Collection, and turn on "Site Speed Sample Rate."
3. Create a new view: Create a new view in your Google Analytics account specifically for
site speed data.
4. Set up Site Speed reports: In your Google Analytics account, go to Admin > View Settings
> Site Speed, and turn on "Site Speed Tracking."
5. Enable Page Timing: In your Google Analytics account, go to Admin > View Settings >
Site Speed > Advanced Settings, and turn on "Page Timing."
6. Wait for data to populate: It may take some time for Google Analytics to start tracking site
speed data. Wait for a few days for the data to populate.
7. View Site Speed reports: In your Google Analytics account, go to Behavior > Site Speed
to view the site speed reports. Here, you can see the average page load time, page timings,
and other performance metrics for your website's pages.


//Put screenshot of the program


1. What are the tools to check the page load time in a different browser?
2. Give the steps to reduce page load time.

Suggested Reference:
Web analytics by Avinash Kaushik Wiley publication
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 3

Perform A/B Testing


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, Google optimize
and statistical analysis.

Relevant CO: CO4

Objectives: (a) To familiarize learners with the google Optimize tool.

(b) Learn how to optimize websites for improved performance and user experience.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Google optimize, Internet.


What is A/B testing?

A/B testing (also known as split testing) is the process of comparing two versions of a web page,
email, or other marketing asset and measuring the difference in performance. You do this giving
one version to one group and the other version to another group. Then you can see how each
variation performs. Think of it like a competition. You’re pitting two versions of your asset
against one another to see which comes out on top. Knowing which marketing asset works better
can help inform future decisions when it comes to web pages, email copy, or anything else.
The main objective of performing A/B testing is to determine which version of a webpage,
advertisement, or other marketing asset performs better in terms of achieving a specific goal or
objective. A/B testing allows you to test two variations of a webpage or asset and see which
version performs better in terms of user engagement, click-through rates, conversion rates, and
other key metrics.
By conducting A/B testing, you can identify which changes to your website or marketing assets
result in the highest engagement and conversion rates, which can ultimately lead to improved
business outcomes, such as increased revenue, higher customer satisfaction, and better user

How Does A/B Testing Work?

To understand how A/B testing works, let’s take a look at an example. Imagine you have two
different designs for a landing page—and you want to know which one will perform better. After
you create your designs, you give one landing to one group and you send the other version to the
second group. Then you see how each landing page performs in metrics such as traffic, clicks, or
conversions. If one performs better than the other, great! You can start digging into why that is,
and it might inform the way you create landing pages in the future.

Why Do You Really Need To Do A/B Testing?

Creating a website or email marketing campaign is just the first step in marketing. Once you have
a website, you’ll want to know if it helps or hinders sales. A/B testing lets you know what words,
phrases, images, videos, testimonials, and other elements work best. Even the simplest changes
can impact conversion rates.
Safety and necessary Precautions:
3. Before launching an A/B test, it is important to set up a test environment that is isolated
from your live website.
4. When starting a new A/B test, it is important to test with a small sample size to limit the
potential impact on your website and ensure that your test is functioning correctly.

1. Create a Google Optimize account: Go to https://optimize.google.com/ and sign up for a
new account.
2. Create a new experiment: In the Google Optimize dashboard, click on the "Create
Experiment" button.
3. Choose the A/B testing option: Select "A/B Test" as the experiment type.
4. Set up experiment details: Fill in the experiment name, website URL, and objective.
5. Define experiment variants: Create the variant(s) for your experiment. These could be
changes to the website's design, layout, copy, or functionality.
6. Target your experiment: Define the audience for your experiment by selecting specific
URL or audience segments.
7. Configure your experiment: Set the parameters for the experiment, such as the traffic
allocation, experiment duration, and experiment options.
8. Preview and launch experiment: Preview the experiment to ensure everything is set up
correctly. Once ready, launch the experiment.
9. Monitor experiment results: Keep an eye on the experiment results in real-time through the
Google Optimize dashboard.
10. Analyze experiment data: Once the experiment has run for the desired period, analyze the
results to determine the winner(s) and take the appropriate action(s).


//Put screenshot of the program



1. What are the tools available in the market for A/B testing other than google optimize?
2. Which statistical approach to use to run an A/B test?

Suggested Reference:
Web analytics by Avinash Kaushik Wiley publication
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 4

Use Cookies to Store Username


Competency and Practical Skills: basic understanding of web development languages such as
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: (a) to teach learners how to set and retrieve cookies using a server-side
programming language like PHP or Python, as well as how to use client-side JavaScript code to
interact with the cookie stored in the user's browser.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Internet, Server-side Programming Language.


What are Cookies?

Cookies are text files with small pieces of data — like a username and password — that are used
to identify your computer as you use a computer network. Specific cookies known as HTTP
cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience.
Data stored in a cookie is created by the server upon your connection. This data is labeled with an
ID unique to you and your computer.
When the cookie is exchanged between your computer and the network server, the server reads
the ID and knows what information to specifically serve to you.

What Are Cookies Used For?

Websites use HTTP cookies to streamline your web experiences. Without cookies, you’d have to
login again after you leave a site or rebuild your shopping cart if you accidentally close the page.
Making cookies an important a part of the internet experience.
Based on this, you’ll want to understand why they’re worth keeping — and when they’re not.
Here’s how cookie are intended to be used:

Session management
For example, cookies let websites recognize users and recall their individual login information
and preferences, such as sports news versus politics.

Customized advertising is the main way cookies are used to personalize your sessions. You may
view certain items or parts of a site, and cookies use this data to help build targeted ads that you
might enjoy.

Shopping sites use cookies to track items users previously viewed, allowing the sites to suggest
other goods they might like and keep items in shopping carts while they continue shopping.
While this is mostly for your benefit, web developers get a lot out of this set-up as well.
Cookies are stored on your device locally to free up storage space on a website’s servers. In turn,
websites can personalize while saving money on server maintenance and storage costs.

What are the different types of HTTP Cookies?

With a few variations, cookies in the cyber world come in two types: session and persistent.
Session cookies are used only while navigating a website. They are stored in random access
memory and are never written to the hard drive.
When the session ends, session cookies are automatically deleted. They also help the "back"
button or third-party anonymizer plugins work. These plugins are designed for specific browsers
to work and help maintain user privacy.
Persistent cookies remain on a computer indefinitely, although many include an expiration date
and are automatically removed when that date is reached.

Persistent cookies are used for two primary purposes:

Authentication. These cookies track whether a user is logged in and under what name. They also
streamline login information, so users don't have to remember site passwords.
Tracking. These cookies track multiple visits to the same site over time. Some online merchants,
for example, use cookies to track visits from particular users, including the pages and products
viewed. The information they gain allows them to suggest other items that might interest visitors.
Gradually, a profile is built based on a user's browsing history on that site.

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1 Ensure that cookies are marked as secure, HTTP-only, and have a limited lifespan to
prevent cross-site scripting attacks and other security vulnerabilities
2 Never store sensitive data such as passwords or credit card details in cookies


1) Create a login form: Create a login form where users can enter their username and
2) Create a server-side script: Create a server-side script that will handle the form submission
and verify the user's credentials.
3) Set a cookie: Once the user is authenticated, create a cookie and set it to the user's
username. The cookie can be set using the document.cookie property in JavaScript or
using a server-side scripting language.
4) Retrieve the cookie: On subsequent visits to the website, retrieve the cookie and use it to
display the user's username.
5) Handle expired cookies: Set an expiration time for the cookie and handle expired cookies
appropriately. You can either redirect the user to the login page or display a message
asking them to log in again.
6) Handle cookie deletion: Provide an option for users to log out, which deletes the cookie
and logs the user out of the system


//Put screenshot of the program



1. Write the program that show concept of Zombie cookies

2. How the third part cookies work?

Suggested Reference:
Web analytics by Avinash Kaushik Wiley publication
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 5

Write Content So That Users Come Back To the Site


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, understanding of
search engine optimization (SEO), and how to optimize your content for search engines.

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: (a) To familiarize learners with how to conduct research on their target audience to
understand their interests, preferences, and pain points.
(b) Learn how to write engaging and valuable content that meets the needs of the

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Analytics tools, Internet and Writing software.

1. Personalize Your Website

Providing visitors with a unique, personalized experience makes it easier to turn them into brand
advocates. Here’s how you can customize their experience:

Offer customized landing pages.

There are several ways you can use customized landing pages to increase engagement. An easy way to
implement this is by featuring products based on what customers have bought or engaged with
previously. AddThis features Targeting Audiences overlay, helping you feature these products.
Wayfair does a great job of engaging customers by showing them products they’ve already viewed,
and then products in a similar wheelhouse picked for them.

Curate a featured section.

Showcase products or content in a special “Best of” section. It can be a large banner on your
homepage or a sidebar list. The AddThis Link Promotion Banner makes it easy to highlight products
or content you want to draw your audience to. Whether you’re basing the showcased products on
seasonal events, user behavior, or items that need more visibility, make it relevant to the consumer.
Consider creating different versions of your showcased products for different landing pages, and use
them to measure performance.

Provide new and returning visitors with relevant information.

With AddThis Audience Targeting Rules, you can create rules to show appropriate messaging to new
and returning users. For example, you can create “Get started” messaging for new visitors, and
“Explore more” messaging for returning visitors. Read more on How to Engage Both New and
Returning Visitors to Your Website.

Suggest content users may like.

The best way to keep visitors on your website is to offer them content that interests them. The
AddThis Related Posts Tools allow you to do just that. For example, if your site focuses on selling
clothing, you can engage your visitors with content about style trends; or if your site focuses on
cookware, you can engage your visitors with content around organic food and recipes. The Rogers
Family Coffee Company used this tool to increase engagement and saw significant results.
2. Showcase What’s New and Popular
An easy way to turn visitors into brand advocates is to give them a reason to come back to your site . .
and to keep coming back. Offering new content on a regular basis and highlighting your greatest hits
will foster repeat engagement.

Highlight your new content.

Whether you have a dedicated section, a large homepage banner, or just list content and products in
chronological order, make sure visitors know that what they’re seeing is new. And also, keep it fresh.
This will give visitors a reason to keep coming back. We Work Remotely denotes new job listings
with a “new” button, so frequent visitors can scan content quickly. Sur La Table adds words like
“new” and “just added” to their homepage images to highlight new products and accessories.

Keep popular content front and center.

Your popular content is popular for a reason, so keep it in heavy rotation as long as it’s relevant! Keep
an eye on articles that are consistently showing a decent level of traffic in Google Analytics, and
resurface those posts to new users. Having a section dedicated to what’s popular, or bestsellers, will
also make users feel like you have a large audience; and if they enjoy the content, they’ll feel like
they’re a part of your community.
Lululemon’s “bestsellers” section is the first-offered list on their homepage. This gives new visitors a
simple insight into what the brand’s fanbase loves.

Emphasize highly shared content.

The more shares a piece of content has, the more users will want to share it as well. If hundreds of
people already like it, surely their Facebook friends will too! AddThis Sharing Buttons offer an easy-
to-implement ability to display the number of social shares content has received. See how Mercy
Home grew traffic by 10 percent with AddThis Share Tools.

3. Create a Good User Experience (UX)

Your website design and usability are two of the most important factors that influence how much time
visitors spend on your site, and whether they’ll return. A clean, attractive design and easy navigation
will go a long way in turning first-time visitors into brand advocates.

Make sure your site is clear and well-designed.

When it comes to design, keep it simple. Forget bells and whistles, and focus on the essentials. Use
eye-catching colors, readable fonts, and rich images and video. Don’t be afraid of whitespace! Harry’s
is a beautiful, minimalist site, but an effective one. Here’s more in-depth guidelines from Hubspot to
help you get started that include simplicity and hierarchy, and bring us to another point: usability.

Make sure your site is usable — on a computer AND a phone.

It’s not enough to have a site that looks good—it needs to be easy to navigate. Intuitive menus, clear
calls to action, and robust search capabilities all make for a good user experience. And don’t forget the
#1 rule—make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Zipcar is an easy-to- navigate site with all the
important information you’ll need to decide whether or not to join right on the front page.

4. Engage Users through Email

Email is a great tool for engaging one-on-one with your audience, keeping them engaged with your
content, or re-engaging them after they’ve abandoned your site. Personalize your emails with content
that targets exactly what the consumer needs. When you provide users with specific content beyond
what they can find on the website, they’ll feel “in the know” and will be more likely to become brand

Collect emails through your website.

A 2014 study showed that email marketing is nearly 40 times more effective at acquiring customers
than Facebook and Twitter combined; 91 percent of US consumers use email daily. Calls to action to
sign up for your newsletter should be prominent on your website. The AddThis Overlay Tool can be
used to collect email addresses. A customizable conversion lightbox pops up, prompting visitors to
sign up, getting your messaging in front of everyone who visits your site. See how Minneapolis
Running used audience targeting to grow their email subscribers.

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1. Always make sure that the content you are writing is original and not copied from other
2. When writing about sensitive topics such as politics, religion, or controversial issues, be
mindful of the potential impact your words may have on others.


1) Identify your target audience: Before writing content, it is important to understand who
your target audience is. This will help you tailor your content to their interests and needs.
2) Choose a topic: Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience.
Conduct keyword research to identify popular search terms related to your topic.
3) Plan your content: Create an outline or a rough draft of your content, including the main
points you want to cover and the structure of your article or blog post.
4) Conduct research: Conduct research on your topic to gather information and statistics to
support your content. Use reputable sources to ensure the accuracy and credibility of your
5) Write your content: Write your content in a clear and concise manner. Use subheadings,
bullet points, and other formatting techniques to make your content easy to read and scan.
6) Use visuals: Use images, videos, or infographics to enhance your content and make it
more engaging.
7) Edit and proofread: Edit and proofread your content for grammar and spelling errors.
Make sure your content is easy to understand and free of typos.
8) Optimize for search engines: Use relevant keywords and phrases in your content to
improve its visibility in search engines. Use header tags, meta descriptions, and alt tags for
images to improve your SEO.
9) Publish and promote: Publish your content on your website and promote it on social media
and other relevant channels. Monitor its performance and make changes as needed.


//Put screenshot of the program



1. Web copy and web content – what’s the difference?

2. Why quality content is important?

Suggested Reference:
"Content Strategy for the Web" by Kristina Halvorson
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre
References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 6

Build your keyword list (a list or spreadsheet of attainable, relevant keywords),

write content around those keywords and track performance and rankings
Find the blogs which takes people to this site.


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, understanding of
search engine optimization (SEO), and how to optimize your content for search engines.

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: (a) To familiarize learners with how to conduct research on their target audience to
understand their interests, preferences, and pain points.
(b) Learn how to write engaging and valuable content that meets the needs of the
audience .

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, keyword research tools, Internet and Google


What is a keyword list?

Your SEO keyword list is just a list of the key terms that you’re focusing on for any given project.
There isn’t a specific format that keyword lists need to follow. You can easily create one with a
It’s important to keep a permanent list for several reasons. Creating a keyword research list gives
 A lasting record of what you’ve targeted

 A starting point for further development

 A resource that you can pass off to other team members

It should include all of the terms that you’re using, including a variety that is fit for different
customers or different stages of the buying process. In most cases, that’s going to mean a healthy
selection of:
 question keywords

 buyer intent keywords

 long-tail keywords

SEO keywords vs. PPC keywords

It’s important to understand the difference between SEO keywords and PPC keywords.

The main difference is intent.

SEO keyword lists are broad and fit to be used for long-term strategies. They may change a lot
over time because there is a lot of room for testing and error.
PPC keyword lists, on the other hand, focus on a tight set of keywords that target buyers at the
end of the buying process. They are designed to be cost-effective for the budget of the project.
That may mean that high- competition keywords won’t even make the cut.

Basic tips for building a keyword list

Selecting the right keyword list for your campaign can help you show your ads to the right
customers. Your keywords should match the terms your potential customers would use to find
your products or services

Think like a customer when you create your list

Write down the main categories of your business, and then write down the terms or phrases that
might fall under each of those categories. Include terms or phrases your customers would use to
describe your products or services.

Select specific keywords to target specific customers

Select more specific keywords that directly relate to your ad's theme if you want to target
customers who may be interested in a particular product. Using more specific keywords would
mean that your ad only appears for terms that apply to your business. But keep in mind that if the
keywords are too specific, you might not be able to reach as many people as you'd like.

Select general keywords to reach more people

Select more general keywords if you'd prefer to reach as many people as possible. Keep in mind
that you might find it difficult to reach potential customers when adding very general keywords
because your ad could appear for searches that aren't always related to your business. Also, more
general keywords can be more competitive and may require higher bid amounts. Layer broad
targeting with Smart Bidding, so machine learning technology can prioritize the best performing
searches regardless of their match type.
Test general keywords, and then decide which ones give you better results. No matter how general
your keywords are, they should always be relevant to your ads and website.

Group similar keywords into ad groups

To show more relevant ads to potential customers, group your keywords and ads into ad groups
based on your products, services, or other categories. If multiple keywords match a given search
term, Google chooses the keyword to serve based on the ranking outlined about similar keywords
in the same ad group. Having the same keyword in different match types shouldn’t increase your
costs or hurt performance in any way.

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1. When using online tools for keyword research, content creation, or analytics, make sure
you protect your data and personal information.
2. While it may be tempting to use shortcuts or unethical tactics to boost your rankings, it's
important to avoid these practices.

1) Start by researching your industry and target audience to identify relevant keywords. Use
keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to find
keywords that are attainable and relevant to your business.
2) Create a spreadsheet to organize your list of keywords, including the search volume,
competition level, and relevance to your business.
3) Develop a content strategy around your keyword list. This could include creating blog
posts, videos, infographics, or other types of content that align with your keywords and
provide value to your audience.
4) Optimize your content for search engines by including your keywords in the title, meta
description, headers, and throughout the body of the content.
5) Monitor the performance and rankings of your content using a tool like Google Analytics
or a rank tracking tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs.
6) Use the data from your tracking tools to make adjustments to your content and optimize
your keyword strategy as needed.
7) Identify blogs and websites that could drive traffic to your site based on their relevance to
your industry and target audience.
8) Reach out to these blogs and websites to pitch guest posts or collaborations that could lead
to backlinks and increased traffic to your site.
9) Monitor the performance of your guest posts and collaborations using your tracking tools
to measure the impact on your site's traffic and rankings.
10) Use the insights gained from your tracking and analytics tools to continually refine your
keyword strategy, content creation, and outreach efforts to drive ongoing traffic and
engagement to your site.


//Put screenshot of the program



1. What is PPC keyword list?

2. Difference between SEO keyword list and PPC keyword list?

Suggested Reference:
"Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide" by Brian Dean
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 7

Find the Blogs Which Takes People to This Site


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, understanding of
web development, HTML, and CSS, and how to handle basic social media platforms.

Relevant CO: CO2

Objectives: (a) By analyzing the blogs that are driving traffic to your site, students can gain a
better understanding of the importance of backlinks for improving their
search engine rankings and driving more traffic to their site.
(b) Students will develop strong research skills as they search for relevant blogs
that are driving traffic to their site.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, backlink analysis tool, Internet and Google


What is a blog?
A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying
information in reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a
platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

What is the purpose of a blog?

There are many reasons to start a blog for personal use and only a handful of strong ones for
business blogging. Blogging for business, projects, or anything else that might bring you money
has a very straightforward purpose – to rank your website higher in Google SERPs, a.k.a. to
increase your visibility.
As a business, you rely on consumers to keep buying your products and services. As a new
business, you rely on blogging to help you get to potential consumers and grab their attention.
Without blogging, your website would remain invisible, whereas running a blog makes you
searchable and competitive.
So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. Another one is to boost
your traffic and send quality leads to your website.

Definition of blogging
Blogging is a collection of skills that one needs to run and supervise a blog. This entails equipping
a web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier
on the internet.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks (also known as “inbound links”, “incoming links” or “one way links”) are links from
one website to a page on another website. Google and other major search engines consider
backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high
organic search engine rankings.
Why Are Backlinks Important?
Backlinks are basically votes from other websites. Each of these votes tells search engines: “This
content is valuable, credible and useful”. So the more of these “votes” you have, the higher your
site will rank in Google and other search engines.

How to make such backlinks?

There are two ways to get a backlink: Natural way: In this way, one tries to create the best content
in the market, and this content will tract different links from different domains. As in this way,
you haven’t created links, this is called natural way. Google highly rewards such natural links.
Creating backlink: In this way, you visit various sites – guest posting sites, which allows you to
post content on them and write for them, and you get a backlink from those sites. As here you
create backlinks and they aren’t naturally earned, this way is less preferred.

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1. Avoid using spammy or unethical methods such as buying backlinks or using automated
tools to generate backlinks.
2. Use strong, unique passwords for your website and avoid sharing them with anyone.

1) Check your referral traffic: In your website analytics tool, look for the "Referral" section
to see which websites are sending traffic to your site. This will give you an idea of which
blogs or websites are already linking to your site.
2) Search for backlinks: Use a backlink analysis tool like Ahrefs, Majestic, or Moz to find
backlinks to your website. This can help you identify blogs that are linking to your site,
and potentially driving traffic to it.
3) Search for mentions: Use a tool like Google Alerts, BrandMentions, or Mention to find
mentions of your brand or website across the web. This can help you discover blogs or
websites that are talking about your business, even if they haven't linked to your site.
4) Use search engines: Use search engines like Google to search for keywords related to your
business or industry. Look for blogs or websites that appear in the search results and see if
they link to your site or have the potential to do so.
5) Engage with your audience: Engage with your audience on social media, forums, and
other online communities related to your industry. This can help you discover bloggers or
influencers who may be interested in featuring your business on their site.
Remember, building relationships with bloggers and website owners takes time and effort. Be
patient and focus on creating quality content and engaging with your target audience, and
eventually, you'll start to see traffic coming from blogs and websites that are linking to your


//Put screenshot of the program



1. Give the different types of blogs.

2. How to improve blog SEO?
Suggested Reference:
"Keyword Research: The Definitive Guide" by Brian Dean
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 8

Try Password Attack To Check The Site Is Not Vulnerable To This Attack.


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, understanding of
password cracking tools and techniques, familiarity with common password security.

Relevant CO: CO4

Objectives: (a) Students can learn how passwords are stored and secured by websites, and how
password attacks can exploit vulnerabilities in these systems.
(b) Students can learn the various techniques used to crack passwords, including
brute-force attacks, dictionary attacks, and hybrid attacks.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Password cracking tools, Internet and

Virtualization software.


What are password attacks?

Password attacks are one of the most common forms of corporate and personal data breach. A
password attack is simply when a hacker tries to steal your password.
Hackers know that many passwords are poorly designed, so password attacks will remain a
method of attack as long as passwords are being used.

Types of Password attacks

1. Phishing
Phishing is when a hacker posing as a trustworthy party sends you a fraudulent email, hoping you
will reveal your personal information voluntarily. Sometimes they lead you to fake "reset your
password" screens; other times, the links install malicious code on your device.
Here are a few examples of phishing:

Regular phishing.
You get an email from what looks like goodwebsite.com asking you to reset your password, but
you didn't read closely and it's actually goodwobsite.com. You "reset your password" and the
hacker steals your credentials.

Spear phishing.
A hacker targets you specifically with an email that appears to be from a friend, colleague, or
associate. It has a brief, generic blurb ("Check out the invoice I attached and let me know if it
makes sense.") and hopes you click on the malicious attachment.

Smishing and vishing.

You receive a text message (SMS phishing, or smishing) or phone call (voice phishing, or
vishing) from a hacker who informs you that your account has been frozen or that fraud has been
detected. You enter your account information and the hacker steals it.
To avoid phishing attacks, follow these steps:
Check who sent the email: look at the From: line in every email to ensure that the person they
claim to be matches the email address you're expecting.
Double check with the source: when in doubt, contact the person who the email is from and
ensure that they were the sender.
Check in with your IT team: your organization's IT department can often tell you if the email
you received is legitimate.

2. Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Man-in-the middle (MitM) attacks are when a hacker or compromised system sits in between two
uncompromised people or systems and deciphers the information they're passing to each other,
including passwords. If Alice and Bob are passing notes in class, but Jeremy has to relay those
notes, Jeremy has the opportunity to be the man in the middle. Similarly, in 2017, Equifax
removed its apps from the App Store and Google Play store because they were passing sensitive
data over insecure channels where hackers could have stolen customer information.
To help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks:
Enable encryption on your router. If your modem and router can be accessed by anyone off the
street, they can use "sniffer" technology to see the information that is passed through it.
Use strong credentials and two-factor authentication. Many router credentials are never
changed from the default username and password. If a hacker gets access to your router
administration, they can redirect all your traffic to their hacked servers.
Use a VPN. A secure virtual private network (VPN) will help prevent man- in-the-middle attacks
by ensuring that all the servers you send data to are trusted.

3. Brute Force Attack

If a password is equivalent to using a key to open a door, a brute force attack is using a battering
ram. A hacker can try 2.18 trillion password/username combinations in 22 seconds, and if your
password is simple, your account could be in the crosshairs.
To help prevent brute force attacks:
Use a complex password. The difference between an all-lowercase, all- alphabetic, six-digit
password and a mixed case, mixed-character, ten- digit password is enormous. As your password's
complexity increases, the chance of a successful brute force attack decreases.
Enable and configure remote access. Ask your IT department if your company uses remote
access management. An access management tool like OneLogin will mitigate the risk of a brute-
force attack.
Require multi-factor authentication. If multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled on your
account, a potential hacker can only send a request to your second factor for access to your
account. Hackers likely won't have access to your mobile device or thumbprint, which means
they'll be locked out of your account.

4. Dictionary Attack
A type of brute force attack, dictionary attacks rely on our habit of picking "basic" words as our
password, the most common of which hackers have collated into "cracking dictionaries." More
sophisticated dictionary attacks incorporate words that are personally important to you, like a
birthplace, child's name, or pet's name.
To help prevent a dictionary attack:
Never use a dictionary word as a password. If you've read it in a book, it should never be part
of your password. If you must use a password instead of an access management tool, consider
using a password management system.
Lock accounts after too many password failures. It can be frustrating to be locked out of your
account when you briefly forget a password, but the alternative is often account insecurity. Give
yourself five or fewer tries before your application tells you to cool down.
Consider investing in a password manager. Password managers automatically generate
complex passwords that help prevent dictionary attacks.
5. Credential Stuffing
If you've suffered a hack in the past, you know that your old passwords were likely leaked onto a
disreputable website. Credential stuffing takes advantage of accounts that never had their
passwords changed after an account break-in. Hackers will try various combinations of former
usernames and passwords, hoping the victim never changed them.
To help prevent credential stuffing:
Monitor your accounts. There are paid services that will monitor your online identities, but you
can also use free services like haveIbeenpwned.com to check whether your email address is
connected to any recent leaks.
Regularly change your passwords. The longer one password goes unchanged, the more likely it
is that a hacker will find a way to crack it.
Use a password manager. Like a dictionary attack, many credential stuffing attacks can be
avoided by having a strong and secure password. A password manager helps maintain those.

6. Keyloggers
Keyloggers are a type of malicious software designed to track every keystroke and report it back
to a hacker. Typically, a user will download the software believing it to be legitimate, only for it
to install a keylogger without notice.
To protect yourself from keyloggers:
Check your physical hardware. If someone has access to your workstation, they can install a
hardware keylogger to collect information about your keystrokes. Regularly inspect your
computer and the surrounding area to make sure you know each piece of hardware.
Run a virus scan. Use a reputable antivirus software to scan your computer on a regular basis.
Antivirus companies keep their records of the most common malware keyloggers and will flag
them as dangerous.

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1. Before conducting any password attack, make sure to take backups of any important data
or settings, and create restore points or snapshots of your system.
2. Avoid accessing, modifying, or sharing any confidential or private information obtained
during the password attack, and handle all information obtained with utmost
confidentiality and professionalism


1) Obtain proper authorization: Obtain explicit written permission from the website owner or
administrator to perform a password attack.
2) Identify the target: Identify the specific website or system that you are authorized to test
for password vulnerability.
3) Gather information: Gather as much information as possible about the target system,
including the operating system, web server software, and any other relevant details that
could help in the password attack process.
4) Identify attack vectors: Identify potential attack vectors that could be used to exploit the
system's password vulnerability. This could include weak passwords, default usernames
and passwords, or other vulnerabilities.
5) Choose password cracking tools: Choose appropriate password cracking tools and
software based on the type of attack vectors identified. Some of the popular password
cracking tools include John the Ripper, Hashcat, and Brutus.
6) Prepare wordlists: Prepare wordlists containing potential passwords that the password
cracking tool will use to attempt to crack the password.
7) Perform the password attack: Run the password cracking tool using the prepared wordlists
and attack vectors to attempt to crack the password. Monitor the progress of the attack and
adjust the parameters as needed.
8) Analyze the results: Analyze the results of the password attack, including any successful
or unsuccessful attempts to crack the password, and any vulnerabilities identified in the
9) Document and report findings: Document the entire password attack process and any
findings, including successful and unsuccessful attempts, and report them to the website
owner or administrator in a clear and concise manner.
10) Follow responsible disclosure: If any vulnerabilities are identified during the password
attack, follow responsible disclosure practices by reporting them immediately to the
website owner or administrator and refrain from disclosing or exploiting them further
without proper authorization.


//Put screenshot of the program



1. Why do we use different types of attacks on our website?

2. Which attack is best to check the vulnerability of the website?

Suggested Reference:
"The Basics of Password Cracking" by ElcomSoft Co. Ltd
Web Analytics For Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Experiment No: 9

Measure the Most Important Metrics used for E-mail Marketing Analytics


Competency and Practical Skills: Basic knowledge regarding Web analytics, Knowledge of
HTML and CSS, familiarity with statistical analysis tools and techniques.

Relevant CO: CO3

Objectives: (a) Students will learn about the various metrics used to measure the effectiveness
of email marketing campaigns.
(b) Students will gain practical experience using email marketing software and
to set up and send campaigns, track metrics, and analyze data.

Equipment/Tools Required: Personal Computer, Email marketing software, Internet and Web
analytics software


What is E-mail Marketing?

Email marketing is a form of digital marketing that involves sending commercial messages or
promotional content to a group of people using email. It is one of the most effective and cost-
efficient ways to reach out to a targeted audience, engage with them and drive business growth.

Email marketing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as promoting new products,
increasing sales, building brand awareness, educating customers, and nurturing leads. The success
of an email marketing campaign is dependent on several factors, including the quality of the email
list, the relevance and effectiveness of the email content, and the timing and frequency of the

To be successful in email marketing, it is important to follow best practices such as personalizing

emails, creating compelling subject lines, segmenting the email list, using clear calls to action, and
ensuring emails are mobile-friendly. Additionally, email marketing metrics such as open rate,
click-through rate, conversion rate, and revenue generated should be tracked and analyzed to
optimize future campaigns.

Overall, email marketing can be a highly effective tool for businesses to connect with customers,
build relationships, and drive revenue growth.
There are several important metrics that are commonly used to measure the effectiveness of an
email marketing campaign. These include:
1) Open rate: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email. A
high open rate indicates that your subject line and pre-header text were engaging and
2) Click-through rate (CTR): This metric measures the percentage of recipients who clicked
on a link within your email. A high CTR indicates that your content was relevant and
3) Conversion rate: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who took a desired
action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on a link in your
4) Bounce rate: This metric measures the percentage of emails that were undeliverable and
returned to the sender. A high bounce rate can indicate issues with email list quality or
email deliverability.
5) Unsubscribe rate: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who unsubscribed
from your email list after receiving your email. A high unsubscribe rate can indicate issues
with email content or frequency.
6) Revenue generated: This metric measures the amount of revenue generated by your email
campaign. This metric is particularly important for e-commerce businesses.
7) Forward/Share rate: This metric measures the percentage of recipients who forwarded or
shared your email with others. A high forward/share rate indicates that your content was
engaging and shareable.
By measuring these metrics and analyzing the data, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of
your email marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your future

Safety and necessary Precautions:

1) Make sure that all sensitive data and information related to your email marketing
campaigns are stored securely and protected from unauthorized access.
2) Regularly backup all data related to your email marketing campaigns to prevent data loss
in case of a system failure.


1) Identify the email marketing metrics to measure: Determine which email marketing
metrics are most important for your business goals. These may include open rate, click-
through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, revenue generated, and
forward/share rate.
2) Set up email marketing analytics tracking: Set up tracking codes or tags for your email
marketing campaigns to accurately track metrics. This may include using UTM parameters
or setting up tracking pixels in email messages.
3) Send out email campaigns: Send out email campaigns to your email list, making sure to
segment the list as appropriate.
4) Measure open rate: Measure the open rate by dividing the number of emails opened by the
total number of emails sent. This can typically be tracked using email marketing software.
5) Measure click-through rate: Measure the click-through rate by dividing the number of
clicks on links within the email by the total number of emails sent. This can typically be
tracked using email marketing software.
6) Measure conversion rate: Measure the conversion rate by dividing the number of
recipients who took a desired action, such as making a purchase, by the total number of
emails sent. This can typically be tracked using email marketing software or web analytics
7) Measure bounce rate: Measure the bounce rate by dividing the number of undeliverable
emails by the total number of emails sent. This can typically be tracked using email
marketing software.
8) Measure unsubscribe rate: Measure the unsubscribe rate by dividing the number of
recipients who unsubscribed from the email list by the total number of emails sent. This
can typically be tracked using email marketing software.
9) Measure revenue generated: Measure the revenue generated by tracking the amount of
revenue generated from email marketing campaigns. This may require integrating with e-
commerce platforms or other business systems.
10) Analyze data and optimize campaigns: Analyze the data collected and use it to optimize
future email marketing campaigns to improve performance.
By following this procedure and tracking the most important email marketing metrics,
businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their email marketing
campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve their results.


//Put screenshot of the program



1. How can you track email engagement beyond traditional metrics such as open and click-
through rates?

2. How can you track and measure the impact of email marketing on sales and revenue?

Suggested Reference:
"The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing Analytics" by Campaign Monitor
Web Analytics for Dummies by Jennifer LeClaire and Pedro Sostre

References used by the students:

Rubric wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

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