Program Objectives
Program Objectives
Program Objectives
The objectives of the Information Technology program are to prepare the student so that three to five
years after completing the program, the graduate will:
2. Be engaged in the computing profession and be utilizing professional skills to make a positive
impact on society.
3. Have participated in further professional development, employing the learning skills taught in the
Information Technology program.
Student Outcomes
The program enables students to achieve, by the time of graduation:
2. An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to
its solution
6. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and
7. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development
8. An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools necessary for computing practice
9. An ability to use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core information
10. An ability to identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection,
creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems
11. An ability to effectively integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment
Program Outcomes:
a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, including discrete mathematics, probability,
statistics, science, computer science and engineering, electronic engineering and electrical
engineering as it applies to computer hardware and software.
b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to organize, analyze and interpret
data to produce meaningful conclusions and recommendations.
c. An ability to design hardware and software systems, components, or processes to meet desired
needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical,
health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
d. An ability to work individually or as a member with responsibility to function on multi-
disciplinary teams.
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve hardware and software computing problems,
accounting for the interaction between hardware and software.
f. An understanding of professional, legal, and ethical issues and responsibilities.
g. An ability to communicate effectively in speech and in writing, including documentation of
hardware and software systems.
h. Able to show the understanding of impact of engineering solutions in a global on the society,
economic, environmental.
i. Demonstrate an ability to acquire new knowledge in the computing discipline and to engage in
life-long learning.
j. Knowledge of contemporary issues in the social sciences and the humanities using
computational tools.
k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for computer
engineering practice.
l. An ability to apply engineering and management knowledge and techniques to estimate time
and resources needed to complete a computer engineering project.
m. An ability to recognize the importance of professional development by pursuing postgraduate
studies or face competitive examinations that offer challenging and rewarding careers in
Program Objectives:
The Associate Degree in Computer and Information Technology has the following educational objectives:
Learning Outcomes:
Define the essential IT support techniques including installing software, configuring and
securing networks, and troubleshooting PCs.
Recognize usage of Microsoft office applications with their main features
Recognize the main programming languages and their compatibility in developing web
application for specific business environment
Apply basic computer information technology concepts of hardware and software to a
variety of business environments. Develop simple interactive web-based applications
Design a local area network for a medium size organization and manage it through
Windows Server.
Apply basic computer information technology concepts of hardware and software to a
variety of business environments
Investigate and analyze specific software and hardware problems
Apply mathematical skills in developing computer programs.
Use critical thinking and problem solving skills in developing software and resolving
computing issues
Show responsibility and ethical behavior within and outside organization
Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills effectively
Communicate effectively with professional use of ICT tools
The primary aim of our BS program in Information Technology (IT) is to prepare students for successful
careers as I.T. professionals in order to make a positive contribution to society. This aim enhances the
lives of our graduates and serves the needs of our constituents. We do so in full cognizance of Georgia
Southern University’s aims to develop “students who value honesty, civility and the dignity of work”
(Excerpt from Georgia Southern’s mission statement). At the same time, we hope to give the students an
enjoyable learning experience, enhanced by innovative pedagogical approaches.
Program Mission:
The computer and information technology program is committed to providing a broad range of information technology skills
(hardware and software) designed to meet student aspirations and the needs of the business community. This program
endeavors to help students attain their highest educational goals and to provide them a firm foundation in IT practices and
a firm value based foundation for lifelong learning and a career in information technology.
Our Mission
We advance the vision and goals of HGSE by contributing to instructional innovation and providing
agile, cost-effective, and reliable technology services and facilities to our faculty, researchers,
students and administrators to enable them to effectively perform their roles at HGSE.
Our Vision
To be recognized as a customer-focused and innovative IT organization that provides a leading-edge,
ubiquitous, and flexible technology environment for all HGSE constituents as well as a strategic
partner in exploring the potential of emerging technologies as they may be applied to HGSE’s
mission and goals.
OU IT's mission is to provide world-class information technology services that support and advance the mission of the
University of Oklahoma, and to play a leadership role in providing the best educational experience for our students.
We are one OU IT--an outstanding organization of IT professionals who serve as trusted advisors that put OU's
students and Oklahoma's citizens first, deliver an excellent experience through community engagement and shared
services, and contribute to the growth and success of our future global citizens and leaders.