Standard 6
Standard 6
Standard 6
Assessment (part 2)
Artifact 2: Math Assessments for EnVision are given daily. The
students have formative assessments for homework nightly, classroom
work after the lesson is taught shows me what the students retained
and know, and at the end of each topic the students are assessed on
the overall skill.
I have really enjoyed the EnVision math program and how it is laid out
for lessons and assessments. Once I teach the lesson and the skill the
students are then guided through a classwork worksheet on the
overhead. We do this together and I help each child arrive at the
general understanding for the skill. I then release the students to do
independent practice and I assist in their individual learning. Envision
math provides worksheets that go along with the focus for that lesson.
Once student are done with independent practice they then receive a
quick check assessment. The quick check allows for me as the teacher
to really see after each lesson if the student understands it. Once their
quick check is completed then I check their homework each night.
Each of the problems on the quick check or their homework is a great
way for me to assess and see where each student needs help.
On a particular lesson I take the students that do not understand the
skill and pull them aside for an extra mini lesson and reteach. Once I
have retaught I will reassess to see if the students have improved.
I feel as though assessing math regularly is extremely important. Math
skills are built upon one another and if the teaching goes on and
students were not able to understand or perfect the first skill then their
math foundation of understanding is weak. I want my students to fully
understand before I move on. The continuous checking for