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Business Policy

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Chapter Contents:

Definition of Business Policy

Features of Business Policy
Purpose of Study Business Policy
Objectives of Business Policy
Importance of Business Policy
Corporate, Business & Functional Policy
Difference Business Policy & Strategy
Essentials of Good Business Policy
Role of Business Policy

A policy is a guide to
action. A policy is a
definition of common
purposes or organization
component. Policies are
not always demarcated
from the other elements
of planning and plans.
The process of strategic
formulation of important
policies. Policies help to
ensure that all units of
under the same ground
rules. They also facilitate
communication between

Business Policy
Business policy is the concerned with developing general management point of view which
demands that the manager sublimates his departmental, functional, or specialist perspective in
order to take a balanced company wide look. A policy is a guide to action. A policy is a
definition of common purposes or organization component. Policies are not always demarcated
from the other elements of planning and plans. The process of strategic planning sometimes
encompasses the formulation of important policies. Policies help to ensure that all units of
organization operating under the same ground rules. They also facilitate coordination and
communication between various organizational
Business Policy defines the scope or
units. Policies of competitors are also influence
the organizations policies.
spheres within which decisions can be
taken by the subordinates in an
Business Policy defines the scope or spheres
within which decisions can be taken by the
subordinates in an organization. It permits the
lower level management to deal with the
problems and issues without consulting top level management every time for decisions.
Business policies are the guidelines developed by an organization to govern its actions. They
define the limits within which decisions must be made. Business policy also deals with
acquisition of resources with which organizational goals can be achieved. Business policy is the
study of the roles and responsibilities of top level management, the significant issues affecting
organizational success and the decisions affecting organization in long-run.
Business policy is the study of the function and responsibilities of senior management, the
crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise, and the decisions that determine
the direction of the organization and shape its future. The term policy means guideline or a
course of action. It is actually a general phenomenon. Wheelen and Hunger (2002, p.14) wrote
that Business policy has a general management orientation and tends primarily to look inward
with its concern for properly integrating the corporations many functional activities. Hence
business policy is the general policy which determines the limits of employees towards different
actions. It is general in nature and is relatively simple.
This comprehensive definition covers many aspects of business policy.
1. It is considered as the study of the functions and responsibilities of the senior
management related to those organizational problems which affect the success of the
total enterprise.
2. It deals with the determination of the future courses of actions that an organization has
to adopt.
3. It involves a choosing the purpose and defining what needs to be done in order to
mould the character and identify of an organizations.
4. It is concerned with the mobilization of resources, which will have the organization to
achieve its goals.

The senior management consists of those managers who are primarily responsible for long
term decisions. These are persons who are not concern with day to day problems but are
expected to devote their time and energy to thinking and deciding about the future courses of
action. With its concern for the determination of the future courses of action, business policy
lay down a long term plan which the organization then follows. While determining the future
courses of action, the senior management has a mental picture of the type of organization they
want their company to become.
While deciding about future courses of actio9n, the senior management are confronted with a
wide array of decisions and actions that could possibly be taken.
The organizational decisions are not made in isolation and managerial actions can be taken
without providing the resource necessary for them. While deciding about the future courses of
actions the senior management concern themselves with the financial, material, and human
resources that would be required for the implementation of the long term plans.
Other Definitions of Business Policy
Terry and George define business policy A business policy is an implied overall guide setting up
boundaries that supply the general limits and direction in which managerial action will take
Hickman C.R. defines business policy as a device which is used to execute the alternate solution
to the second plan.
Rodgers and David C. define business policy A business policy is one which focuses attention
on the strategic allocation of scarce resources: human, financial, physical or intangible.
It is a principles or group of principles, along with their consequent rules of action that provide
for the successful achievement of specific organization or business objectives.
Features of Business Policy
An effective business policy must have following features1. Specific- Policy should be specific/definite. If it is uncertain, then the implementation
will become difficult.
2. Clear- Policy must be unambiguous. It should avoid use of jargons and connotations.
There should be no misunderstandings in following the policy.
3. Reliable/Uniform- Policy must be uniform enough so that it can be efficiently followed
by the subordinates.
4. Appropriate- Policy should be appropriate to the present organizational goal.
5. Simple- A policy should be simple and easily understood by all in the organization.

6. Inclusive/Comprehensive- In order to have a wide scope, a policy must be

7. Flexible- Policy should be flexible in operation/application. This does not imply that a
policy should be altered always, but it should be wide in scope so as to ensure that the
line managers use them in repetitive/routine scenarios.
8. Stable- Policy should be stable else it will lead to indecisiveness and uncertainty in
minds of those who look into it for guidance.
The Purpose of Business Policy
The purpose of business policy is three fold:
a. To integrate the knowledge gain in various functional areas of management
b. To adopt a generalist approach to problem solving and
c. To understand the complex inter-linkages within an organization through the use of a
system approach to decision making and relating this to the changes taken place in the
external environment.
The Objectives of Business Policy
The objectives of business policy are as follows
1. Integration of functionally specific knowledge. Business policy acts as an integrated,
capstone course demonstrating the interdependencies between separate functional
areas, such as market finance and so on.
2. Understanding the Big Picture. Communicating the appreciation of the synergy
created by managing interdependencies among the functional areas is a critical
objective of business policy.
3. Working in, managing, and leading a team. Working with and managing a diverse and
flexible team is a critical priority with the corporate recruiters. Business policy tries to
build up the team work spirit by illustrating the finer aspects group dynamics and by
bringing together students from different specialization areas.
4. Enhancement of comprehension and communication skills. Business policy lays great
emphasize on allowing students to be active participants in the learning process. In
contrast to the functional courses, there is a stress on using methodologies, such as case
discussion, and oral and written presentations and reports.
5. Ability to assess the applicability and relevance of strategic management research.

The Importance of Business Policy

The business policy is important as a course in the management curriculum and as a
component of executives development programs middle level managers who are preparing to
the move-up to the senior management level.
1. For learning the course. Business policy seeks to integrate the knowledge and
experience gain in various functional areas of management. It enables the learners to
understand and make sense of the complex interaction that takes place different
functional areas.
- Business policy deals with the constraints and complexities of real-life business.
- Business policy makes the study and practice of management more meaningful as
one can view business decision-making in its proper perspective.
2. For Understanding the Business Environment. Regardless of the level of management a
person belongs to, business policy helps to create an understanding of how policies are
- By gaining an understanding of the business environment, managers become more
receive to the ideas and suggestions of the senior management.
- When they become capable of relating environmental changes to policy changes
within an organization managers feel themselves to be a part of a greater design.
3. For Understanding the Organization. Business policy presents a basic framework for
understanding strategic decision making while a person is at the middle level of
- Business policy, like most other areas of management, brings the benefit of years of
distilled experience in strategic decision-making to the organization and also to its
- An understanding of business policy many also lead to an improvement in job
4. For Personal Development. A study of business policy offers considerable scope for
personal development. It is a fact of organization life that the different subunits within
an organization have a varying value and importance at different times.

Corporate, Business, & Functional policy

Corporate policy describes a companys overall direction in terms of its general attitude
towards growth and the management of its various businesses and product lines. It typical fit
within the three main categories of stability, growth and retrenchment.
Business policy usually occurs at the business unit or product level and it emphasizes
improvement of the competitive position of a corporation products or services in the specific

industry or market segment served by that business unit. Business strategies may fit within the
two overall categories of competitive or cooperative strategies.
Functional policy is the approach taken by a functional area to achieve corporate and business
unit objectives and strategies by maximizing resources productivity. It is concerned with
developing and nurturing a distinctive competence to provide a company or business unit with
a competitive advantage.
Table 1-1: Essentials of Good Business Policy

Difference between Policy and Strategy

The term policy should not be considered as synonymous to the term strategy.
The difference between policy and strategy can be summarized as follows1. Policy is a blueprint of the organizational activities which are repetitive/routine in
nature. While strategy is concerned with those organizational decisions which have not
been dealt/faced before in same form.
2. Policy formulation is responsibility of top level management. While strategy formulation
is basically done by middle level management.

3. Policy deals with routine/daily activities essential for effective and efficient running of
an organization. While strategy deals with strategic decisions.
4. Policy is concerned with both thought and actions. While strategy is concerned mostly
with action.
5. A policy is what is, or what is not done. While a strategy is the methodology used to
achieve a target as prescribed by a policy.
Table 1-2: Role of Business Policy

Discussion Questions:
1. Business Policy is a capstone integrated course. Explain.
2. Business Policy defines the scope or spheres within which decisions can be taken by the
subordinates in an organization. Explain.
3. State the features of a business policy.
4. What are the objectives of developing business policy in an organization?
5. As business student why we should study business policy.
6. State the differences between corporate, business, and functional policy.
7. What are the essentials of a good business policy?
8. Is there any differences between policy & strategy? Explain.
9. What are the roles business policies plays in the business field?
For Practical Cases of Business Policy please visit: http://educare.weebly.com/download

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