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Strha Bylaws

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Section 1. Title
This organization shall be known as the South Texas Reining Horse Association (STRHA).

Section 2. Objectives
a.) to have fun and sponsor reining horse shows, events and clinics designed to enhance the
skills of horses and riders
b.) to encourage participation in shows and other events by riders of all levels of experience
c.) to promote a spirit of cooperation and collegiality among all participants


Section 1.
The governing body of this organization shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the
following officers: President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President
and six (6) Directors.

Section 2.
All officer and directors shall be elected for two-year terms with terms of the directors
staggered. Five (5) directors (two (2) officers and three (3) directors) shall be elected for
terms starting on even numbered years, and five (5) directors (two (2) officers and three
(3) directors) starting on odd numbered years. Even year officer elections will be the
President and Treasurer. Odd year officer election will be Vice-President and Secretary.
Section 3.
There shall be no limitation of the number of terms which officers and directors are allowed
to serve.

Section 4.
An Executive Director, a non-voting position, may be appointed by the President and
approved by the Board of Directors for a two-year term and shall serve at the discretion of
the Board of Directors.


Section 1.

Nominations for officers and directors due for election shall be submitted by a committee
appointed by the President from members of the Board of Directors. This Nomination
Committee will submit to the President not less than 60 days prior to the annual meeting a
list of persons able and willing to stand for the positions due for election.

Section 2.
At the written request of six (6) members, the name of any other candidate may be placed in
nomination and notice shall be immediately given to the membership provided said written
request is placed in the hands of the Secretary not less than 45 days before the annual

Section 3.
Each membership in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at the annual meeting or by
absentee ballot. No proxy voting will be allowed.


Section 1. The President shall:
a. preside at all meetings of the Association
b. appoint all special and standing committee chairpersons and conduct the business of the
Association in accordance with the bylaws and rules and regulations
c. be an ex officio member of all committees
d. serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and manage the affairs of the Association
The President may sign, with the Secretary or any other proper officer of the Association
there unto authorized by the Board of Directors, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or
other instruments which the Board of Directors has authorized to be executed except in cases
where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of
Directors or by these bylaws to some other officer or agent of the Association or shall be
required by law to be otherwise signed or executed, and in general shall perform all duties
incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Directors from time to time.

Section 2.
The Vice-President shall perform all of the duties of the President in case of the President's
absence or disability.

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

a. keep the minutes of the proceedings of the members and the Board of Directors in one or
more books provided for that purpose
b. see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these bylaws or as
required by law
c. be custodian of the Association records

d. keep a register of the post office and email addresses of each member, which address shall
be furnished to the Secretary by such member
e. attend to all correspondence and present to the Board of Directors at its meetings all
communications received
f. in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as
may be assigned by the President of the Board of Directors

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:

a. have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the
b. receive and give receipts of monies due and payable to the Association from any source
whatsoever and deposit all such monies in the name of the Association in such banks, trust
companies or other depositories that shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of
these bylaws
c. keep accurate books of account of the Association's business and transactions which shall
be subject to an annual audit by the audit committee
d. render a report in a format defined by the Board of Directors of the condition of the
finances of the Association at each Board of Directors meeting and at such other times as
required and shall make a full financial report to the annual membership meeting
e. in general perform all the duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as
may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors

Section 5. Removal.

Any officer or director may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors whenever
in its judgment, the best interests of the Association would be served thereby.

Section 6. Vacancies.
A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise,
may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term.


Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall have general charge of the affairs, finances and property of the
Association to which they shall report at the annual meeting.

Section 2.
The Board of Directors shall be empowered to fill vacancies occurring in said board. Any
vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors may be filed by the affirmative vote of a majority
of the remaining directors. A director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the
unexpired portion of the predecessor's term in office.

Section 3.

The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as they shall
determine. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by or at the request of
the President. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board of
Directors may fix any place either within or without the state of Texas as the place for holding
any special meeting of the Board of Directors called by them. Notice of any special meeting
shall be given at least two days previous thereto by written notice delivered personally or
mailed to each director or by e-mail or by telephone conversation. Any director may waive
notice of any meeting. The attendance of the director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of
notice of such meeting except where a director attends a meeting for the express purpose of
objecting to the transaction of any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or
convened. Neither the business to be transacted at, nor the purpose of any regular or special
meeting of the Board of Directors need be specified in the notice or waiver of notice of such
meeting. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of seven members thereof and a
majority of such quorum shall decide upon any question that may come before the meeting.
Meetings of the board of directors may be conducted in person or by telephone conference
call or by other electronic means including online computer meetings. Votes on issues that
arise between board meetings may be taken by telephone or by email or other electronic

Section 4.
Initial approval and adoption of bylaws by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board of

Section 5.
Upon dissolution, assets will be distributed to another non-profit organization voted on by
the Board of Directors at that time.


Section 1.
The annual meeting of the Association shall be at a time and place designated by the Board of
Directors. Notice will be given to each member at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Section 2.
Special meetings of the members may be called by the Board of Directors to be held at a time
and place designated by the Board of Directors. Notice will be given by mail to each member
at least 10 days prior to such meeting or via email ten (10) days prior to meeting.

Section 3.
At any meeting of the members held in accordance with the foregoing provisions as to notice,
the members attending such meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1.

Any individual interested in reining horses may become a member of the Association.

Section 2.
Members shall be admitted and retained in accordance with the bylaws and rules and
regulations of the South Texas Reining Horse Association.

Section 3.
Each member shall pay annual membership dues set by the Board of Directors. Said dues are
payable at the commencement of the Association's fiscal year which runs from January 1
through December 31. Each membership shall be entitled to one vote. The types of
membership shall be:
a) Individual - One (1) person
b) Family - Husband and wife and children who are 18 years old or younger as of January 1 of
the year in which the membership is purchased
c) Joint - For partnership, corporate or other form of joint horse ownership (as listed on
registration papers). If any of the persons involved in the joint ownership wishes to compete,
each of said persons must have an individual or family membership in addition to the joint

Section 4.
All money paid to the South Texas Reining Horse Association shall be in U.S. funds.


Section 1.
The STRHA will maintain a reserve fund equal to the average obligation of the annual
STRHA show circuit, to be reviewed each year by the Board of Directors.

Section 2.
The reserve fund and any interest or dividends cannot be drawn upon or dispersed for any
purpose other than re-investment without the consent of two-thirds majority vote of the
entire Board of Directors.

Section 3.
Upon dissolution of the Association, the reserve fund and all other assets will be distributed
to another non-profit organization voted on by the entire Board of Directors at that time, and
by a simple majority vote.


Amendments to the bylaws must be presented to the Secretary at least 60 days prior to the
annual meeting and written notice of the proposed amendments shall be distributed to the
membership by mail at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. These amendments will be

considered and voted on at the annual meeting and must be passed by a majority of the
members voting in person.


Section 1.
Rules and Regulations of the STRHA shall be formulated by the Board of Directors and shall
consist of items deemed necessary to the normal conduct of the business of the Association
which are not specifically designated in the Association bylaws.

Section 2.
Such Rules and Regulations may be adopted or rescinded by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors at any meeting held under the conditions enumerated in Article V, Section 3.

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