Cede Diez Ocho
Cede Diez Ocho
Cede Diez Ocho
= Ax(t) + Bu(t)
y(t) = Cx(t)
Calculate the gains GI and G of the control law in (4) by using the pole placement
technique. Once gains GI and G are obtained, calculate gain Nx by employing a steady
state analysis. The model to be controlled is the one that is derived in the previous
homework (see file cede diez seis.tex ). It is a reduced order model that describes the
behaviour of a shunt-connected DC motor. It is a first order system. The only state
variable is the rotor speed x(t) = r (t). The only output variable is the rotor speed
y(t) = r (t). The only input of the system is the armature voltage (field voltage), i.e.
u(t) = va = vf . It is defined by the above control law, see (4). Select the closed loop
poles as a complex conjugate pole pair, therefore an oscillating transient response is
expected. The purpose for selecting these type of poles is to highlight the significant
capabilities of the controller. An overdamped type of behaviour was in place during the
open loop operation. An underdamped type of behaviour appears when the controller
is involved.
You must submit a hardcopy of the transient behaviour for both state variables
(xI (t), x(t)). A numerical method should be used for solving both differential equations
in expression (3) when the controller defined in (4) is included. The initial conditions
]T [
are xI (0) x(0) = 0 0 .
Another hardcopy should be submitted: the transient of the armature voltage as the
output reaches its reference, recall that u(t) = va = vf . The printed and electronic matlab
file must be handed in.
cede diez ocho.tex, ??.m ;