Ast: Location
1.2 Design Requirements
13 Design Reliability
ak Rating and Capability of Principal Equipment,
us Design Considerations
16 Main Mechanical Systems
7 Main Electrical Systeme
1.8 Heat, Balances
1g Performance Curves
Main Steam Design Conditions
Heat Balance Diagrams
Willans Line
Gross Heat Rates
Fuel Rate
Reference Drawings:
Contract Drawing AP 11-01-963,
Sheet 1 - Power Plant ~ Site Plan (See Frontispiece)
Contract Drawing AW 26-03-135
Sheet 71 - Basic Flow Diagram
79 thru 84 ~ Power Building Equipment Layout
165 - Single Line Meter & Relay Disgran ~ 4160 Volt
AC & Generator Excitation
169 = Single Line Diagram - 480 Volt Aux. Systemsportox 2
‘The Heat and Power Plant at Clear, Alaska, 1s located at the north
boundary of the Clear Air Force Auxiliary Field and adjacent to the Aleska
Railroad in the Nenana River basin area.
The terzein is generally flat and slopes downvard slightly to the
north and west. ‘The ground floor of the power building is at elevation
565". General characteristics of the site and its development are shown
as 8 frontispiece to this manual.
The basic design criteria of the plant indicated a constant electric
pover demand throughout the year and a heating load varying with seasonal
dewand. The power plant provided electric power generated at 4160 volts,
for the Ballistic Missile Farly Warning System end heating steam for the
BMEWS station and support facilities.
‘The basic plant design was established by an initial constant power
load requirement of approximately 15,000 KW. The size of the initial
Power plant building was therefore based on a 22,500 KW nominal installa-
vaon, utilizing a three boiler, three turbine-generator arrangement with
plot area provided for an ultimate plant of four unite with related equip-
ment, The boilers are fired on coal obtained from nearby mines. The
generator switchgear is sized tor the present installation of three units,
whereas the coal handling equipment will accommodate the ultimate four
unit plent. Complete containment of plant structures and interarea
services is dictated by climatic conditions and locally produced high
level radio frequency (R.¥.). Water, sewer, steam, condensate and pover
services are housed in the uttlidor from the support area. ‘The plant
buildings, designed without windows, are provided with radio frequency
shielding to reduce the R.F. intensity to a maximum of 6 decibels within
the buildings.
The turbine-generators are each rated to produce 7,500 KW at 0.8
pover factor with a steam consumption of 8.72 lbs/kwhr at 1.5 in. He,
straight condensing. The elimination or reduction of the heating eteam
for the technical and support areas will increase the generating capacity
of the plant.
The condensers are sized for the rated throttle flow with cooling
water at 53.3 F supplied by the two 2,000 gpm circulating pumps each.
However, the condensers will handle the full throttle flow vith a loss
of a circulating pump or increase in water temperature, resulting in a
fuel penalty for this period, insuring that the condenser vacuum of 3.5
inches Hg is not exceeded to avoid the vater scaling temperature of 110 F.
‘The plant water make-up is furnished by the demineralizer supplied
aLfrom either of two vell pumps. The demineralizer is capable of supplying
a votler blow-down capacity of approximately 2.5 percent of a three-boller
plant with two sections in operation or 1.2 percent for a one section
operation for about 16.8 hours per day.
‘The coal car handling system is designed around a 25,000 pound pull.
‘traction type continuous wire rope car puller located within the thay
shed. Hitch ropes connecting the car puller to the cars are furnished
to move cars into the shed and within the car shed. The layout of car
trackage and ventilation capacity in the thew shed will accommodate a
steam-driven Locomotive with no change in plant layout.
The plant is arrenged for multiple unit operation with all units
interconnected to provide complete diversification, Interrelated auxiliary
equipment is also arrangea to serve ali units through header and by-pass
systems. Unit accessories have been specified for continuous heavy-duty
service with sufficient overload capacity to function under anticipated
ainormal conditions of operations. Maximum plant reliability was con-
sidered paramount in the plant design and, in order to reduce scheduled
and forced cutages of the various systems, the following is provided:
1.3.1 Tyo full-capacity voller feed pumps for each unit, one pump
considered a spare, with the discharge lines manifolded to permit serving
any of the boilers through the dual header system.
1.3.2 Reldebility of the coal handling system ie insured by having
main belt conveyors with duel drives, slow speed, fire resiatant velts
with very Long normal life; dual coal crushers and coal supply bunkers
with a capacity of 930 tons or 62 hours supply at required load. Hmer-
gency repairs to the conveyors or belts can be mde in an 6 hour period.
Normal daily coal coneumption can be conveyed to the bunkers in a 3 hour
period leaving 21 hours for maintenance and repsir. A local stockpile
area for 18,000 tons of cosl is provided to supply the plant in case
rail deliveries are interrupted.
1.3.3 The main transport ash piping and mechanical exhauster are
duplicated to preclude shut-down due to pipe clogging or exnauster failure.
As an additional back-up for the mechanical exheusters a steam exheuster
is provided.
1.3.4 A dual header system for the boiler feed, main steam, bearing
cooling snd instrument air piping permits valve maintenance without lose
of operation of a major piece of equipment, and the dus] header piping
of the main steam and feedwater permits operating any boiler-turbine com-
1.3.5 The condenser circulating and cooling water system is deaigned
to utilize the flow of 35 F aquifer from two 2500 gpm pumps, supplemented
by evaporative and radiative cooling of condenser effluent in a 7.5 acre
1-2cooling pond sized for 24 hour retention. Further reliability of assured
cooling water during summer heat or in winter, when the pond surface is
frozen over, is by means of an induced draft cooling tower in the return
cireuit to the condensers.
1.3.6 The heating steam for the plant, plant auxiliary buildings,
the technical and support areas is supplied primarily from the first ex-
traction of the turbines and as a back-up from the main steam headers
utilizing two half-capacity pressure reducing and desuperheating stations.
1.3.7 Dual battery chargers with automatic transfer of the control
system are provided to insure operation of control devices using battery
source pover.
1.3.8 The dual instrument control transformers with automatic trans-
fer switches insure instrument control power.
1.3.9 The spare motor-driven exciter provides a back-up excitation
in the event of failure of any generator exciter.
1.3.10 The 4160 volt metal-clad switchgear consists of three svctions
which are interconnected through tie-breakers and the tie-bus so as to
forma closed bus arrangement. The bus sections may be connected when
systems are synchronized or when a generating unit is not operating. The
close bus arrangement permits the bypassing of any switchgear section in
transferring power between the other two sections.
1.3.11 The station auxiliary 480 volt power for each unit is supplied
by @ transformer having a capacity for supplying auxiliary loads for two
units. The 480 volt switchgear bus sections are interconnected with tie-
breakers so that two buses may be energized from one transformer. The
tie-breakers are electrically interlocked for protection against parallel
1.3.12 The automatic load shedding equipment provides for the reduc-
tion of the connected load on a pre-scheduled basis in the event of an
unscheduled outage of @ unit.
1.3.13 The 1000 KW emergency diesel engine-generator and its auxil-
tary equipment provides necessary emergency power and is designed for
cold weather "boot-strap" start-up of the plant.
‘The present plant consists of three identical steam generators with
their associated equipment interconnected to three identical turbine-
generators with their associated equipment. The combined equipment has
@ nominal rated generating capacity of 22,500 kilowatts.Ho. per Plant ‘Equipment Rated Capacity of each
a Goal handling system 150 tone per hour
3 Steam generator 100,000 #/hr steam at
625 psig and 625 F
3 ‘Turbine-generator 7, HO kilowatts
a Diesel engine-generator 1,000 kilowatts
‘A normal plent denand of 15,000 kilovatts end a maximum heating steam
load of 30,000 #/nr can be provided by two steam generators and to tur-
bine-generators operating at full load or three generating units at two-
thirds load.
‘The Ballistic Missile Barly Warning System, developed around complex
electronic equipment, to ve effective mist be operational at all times.
Consequently, the plant supplying electric pover to the BMEWS technical
area must be wore reliable than a comparable electric generating plant
built for comercial production. The reliability of this plant is found
in ite basic design which provides for duplication or other means of
Dacking up each major piece of critical equipment.
The basic design of the three boiler-turbine installation provides
for the plant to operate normally at 2/3 total capability. Under normal
operation and maximum reliability, each of the three boiler-generator
units can be operated to produce 5000 kilowatts to provide a total plant
output of 15,000 kilowatts. During periods of planned maintenance, or in
the event of an outege of any one item of major equipment, one boiler or
one turbine or both can be shut-down vile the output of the remaining
boilers and turbines can be increased to carry the fill plant load.
1.6.1 Turbine-Generator
‘The turbine-generator manufactured by the General Electric
Company is a 3600 rpm, Single flow, uncontrolled extraction, condensing
turbine directly connected to a 3-puase, 60 cycle, 3600 rpm, 4160 volt
air cooled generator. At rated throttle flow the turbine 18 designed to
operate with 600 psig, 625 F steam and with 1.5 inches of mercury absolute
exhaust pressure. Field excitation for the generator is supplied by a
shaft driven excitor and controlled by a static voltage regulator.
Steam from the turbine is condensed in a two-pass, surface
condenser having 6000 square feet of effective surface. Cooling water
supplied from a blending basin is pumped by two circulating water pumps
operating in parallel to each main condenser.
1k1.6.2 Power to Auxiliary Bguipment
Power for the plant auxiliaries is supplied by the turbine-
generators through a 4160 volt bus system and 3-phase transformers. Pover
is distributed from load centers to the various auxiliaries at three
voltage levels: 48 volt end 120/208 voli. Pover is firet reduced by
the 3-phase transformers to 480 volts, and ihen to 120/208 volts by Light-
ing transformers.
Reliability of the auxiliary pover supply, in the unlikely
event of loss of one of the 3-phase transformers, is assured by inter-
connecting tie bus and tie breakers that forma closed loop bus arrange-
1.6.3 Condensate and Feedwater Flow
Condensate for each unit is heated in the three major stages
by two shell and tude heat exchangers and one direct contact steam deaer-
ator. At maximim load feedveter temperature at the boiler inlet is 3h F.
Heating steam to the heaters is supplied from the three uncontrolled exe
traction points on each turbine,
Condensate from each main condenser is pumped by two conden-
sate pumps operating in parallel. {To insure plant reliability, either
pump has sufficient capacity to carry the full load for one generator
unit if necessary. The condensate is pumped thru the air eJjector-con-
denser and the low pressure heat exchanger to the deaerator. A distilled
water tank is connected to the condensate system of each boiler-turbine
unit and acts as a surge tank for the condensate and feedwater system.
Dual headers interconnect the three surge tanks to provide maximum re~
Liability and flexibility to all systens.
Bach boiler 1s supplied by one of tyo full capacity boiler
feedwater pumps. The pump takes suction from the deaerator and discharges
‘thru the high pressure closed feedwater heater to the boiler economizer.
Dual feedwater headers receive the flow from the pumps and distribute the
feedwater to the boilers, thus interconnecting all three boiler-turbine
units. Reliability is insured by adequate valving at the headers to
permit isolating either header if repairs becone necessary.
1.6.4 Make-up Water System
System losses are replenished by underground water which 1s
treated to remove impurities and piped to each of the condensers. Valving
is provided to also fill the condensate storage tanks whenever uecessary.
1.6.5 Steam Generators
The steam generator is an Erie City Iron Works unit of the
two-run, coal-fired type, rated at 100,000 #/hr continuous superheated
steam capability with steam conditions at the superheater outlet of625 psig and 825 F. The unit is comprised of a two-drum, bent tube type
water tube boiler, two-stage pendant type superheater, an economizer, an
air preheater and a treveling grate coal stoker spreader. The unit is
equipped with retractable and rotary soot blowers. For controlling super-
heated steam temperature, a spray type attemperator is provided.
‘The draft system for the steam generator includes one forced
draft fan, one induced draft fan, a steel stack for the discharge of com
‘tustion gases and an air preheater to warm incoming combustion air.
Combustion and feedwater controls are pneumatically operated
and provide for automatic and remte manual operation of the steam gener-
1.6.6 Main Steam System
Superheated steam from each of the three steam generators is
piped to dual main steam headers and from the headers to each of the three
turbines. By means of the valving provided at the dual headers, any com-
bination of boilers and turbines can be operated vhen unusual conditions
prevail or, if necessary, one of the two headers can be isolated for re~
pair without shutting down the entire plant, thus insuring plant reliability.
1.6.7 Auxiliary Steam syste
Steam for the various plant auxiliaries is supplied from three
Saturated steam for the soot blowers and the combustion air
preheaters is taken from the boiler steam dram,
Auxiliary steam for all other plant requirements, including
steam for space and area heating, is taken from the turbine first stage
extraction. ‘The extraction steam pressure from each turbine is reduced
to 60 psig before entering the auxiliary steam header.
In the event that auxiliary steam demand exceeds the supply
from the turbines, a back-up supply is available from two pressure re-
ducing and desuperheating stations. Main steam is taken from each of the
dusl main steam headers and the pressure reduced to 70 psig. It is then
cooled by spraying boiler feedwater into it to bring the quality of the
steam down to closely approach saturated steam. The spraywater is obtained
voy @ take-off from each of the dual feedwater headers.
1.6.8 Fuel System
The primary fuel for the plant is coal. Diesel ofl is sup~
plied to fuel the emergency diesel engine generator and for the operation
of ofl fired space heaters in the technical area.
Coal is delivered to the plant in hopper bottom rail cars anddumped onto an integrated belt conveyor system that can handle 150 tons
per hour. Full coal cars enter the thaw shed and dump their loads into
a hopper from which the coal is fed onto a belt conveyor. The conveyor
carries the coal to the top of the crusher house where it is dumped into
a chute which directs the coal to one of two crushers. Crushed coal is
routed by chute to a second belt conveyor which carries it into the
power house over the coal bunkers, A traveling tripper distributes the
coal into the three sets of bunkers serving the three toilers. The coal
flows by gravity thru chutes to the boiler front where a revolving spreader
feeder throws it onto a traveling grate in the furnace portion of the
boiler where it burns to generate steam.
A third conveyor originating in the lower part of the crusher
house onto which crushed or uncrushed coal can be directed. This con-
veyor carries the coal to an outdoor storage area when stock piling is
necessary. Recovery from the storage area is by bull dozer into a hopper.
From the hopper, a short conveyor returns the cosl onto the first conveyor
where it is again carried to the top of the crusher house.
Mel oil is delivered to the plant in rail tank cars and stored
in F089 gallon twebed tanyf. It is pumped from the storage tanks
when needed into two 250 gallon "day" tanks in the power plant that by
gravity, supply fuel for the emergency diesel engine-generator. Fuel oil
is also pumped from the storage tanks to the technical ares as required.
1.6.9 Ash Handling System
As a result of burning coal in the furnaces of the steam gener-
ators, a large amount of ash and clinkers falls into bottom hoppers under
each boiler. The clinkers pass thru a grinder under each boller to reduce
their size for easy handling.
‘A system of conveyor pipes connect all boiler ash pits with
‘two vacuum pumps located in the ash silo building. Ash is transported
from the ash pits thru the pipes at rates up to 15 tons per hour and
dumped into one of two storage silos, each holding 170 tons. At intervals,
the silos are unloaded by gravity flow into trucks which remove the ash
from the plant site.
1,610 Miscellaneous Services
The plsnt cooling water system uses untreated water pumped
from the blending bacin by one of two pumps at 620 gpm. Dual cooling
water headers carry the vater to each generator air cooler, each turbine
lube of] cooler and to tyo bearing cooling vater hest exchangers.
Bearing cooling water is chemically treated condensate con-
tained in a closed system. Two bearing cooling water pumps, each handling
up to 300 gpm, pump water from a sump thru two bearing cooling water heat
exchangers to dual headers on which a two compartment head tank floats.
Tue cooling water is used to cool the bearings on the boiler fans and
voller feedpumps. It is also used to cool the instrument and service air
compressors. All cooling water is returned to the sump where it is picked
up by the pumps and reused.
Service vater is pumped from the blending basin to various
parts of the plant where untreated water can be used, such as wash-down
stations, chlorination unit and other small quantity water using points.
Taree compressed air systems are installed in the plant. A
59 cfm service air compressor is installed in the thaw shed and supplies
air to that building and to the crusher house for utility purposes.
‘Two 180 cfm instrument air compressors are located in the
power plant together with two aftercoolers, two air receivers and one
dessicant type air dryer.
Instrument air is delivered across the plant thru dual headers
from which take-offs go to each generating unit, the ash handling area
and other points of use.
One 245 cfm service air compressor, aftercooler and receiver
is located near the instrument air compressors. It supplies utility air
to various points throughout the plant and is interconnected with the
instrument air system to act as a back-up in case of failure of both
instrument air compressors.
A continuous by-pass lubrication oil filter system is provided
for each turbine. A clean and dirty lube ofl storage tank and a lube oil
transfer pump common to all turbines is also provided. Provision is made
for the installation of a portable centrifuge at strategic locations.
Two types of coal dust removal systems are provided. One is
a fixed installation type with intakes located wherever coal dust originates.
‘Tne other is a commercial type vacuum cleaning system that is used to re-
move settled coal dust from most areas of the plant.
Plant fire protection is incorporated in a detecting and alarm
system tied into the central fire station at the base. Water for fire
fighting comes from a pressurized line originating in the Technical Area
and is manifolded to strategic parts of the plant terminating in hose
racks. Individual carbon dioxide fire smothering outlets are installed
at all turbine lube oil reservoirs and in the lube ofl room.
A separate heating system is installed in the plant septic
tank to prevent it from freezing. A 4 gpm pump circulates heated mix-
ture of etiylene glycol and water in a closed circuit thru coils in the
septic tank and back thru a heat exchanger. Auxiliary steam heats the
circulating mixture.
1.7.1 Power Generation and Distribution
The initial plant consists of three 9375 KVA, 7500 KW, 0.8
power factor, three phase, GO cycle, 4160 volt generators connected to
‘three 2000 amperes buses via current limiting reactors and air circuit
breakers, The three buses are connected to form a ring main bus by three
air circuit tie breakers and e bus duct. For normal operation, the tie
breskers are closed. Provisions have been included in the design to add
a fourth tus to the Ting main and a fourth generator.
‘The current limiting reactors are rated 1300 amperes continu-
ous which is the maximum full load current of each generator. ‘The pur-
pose of these reactors is to limit the short circuit duty on the generator
jouses to less than 250 MVA including the contritution of the fourth unit.
Tae three generator circuit breakers and the three tie circuit
breakers have a continuous rating of 2000 amperes and an interrupting rat~
ing of 250 MVA. Feeder breakers are rated 1200 auperes continuous and
250 MVA interrupting. All air circuit breakers are of the metal clad
switchgear type and are in one line-up.
Twelve air circuit breakers are included in the 1160 volt
metal clad switcuyear for power distribution to the Technical Area. Hach
feeder consists of three single conductor 5 KV rubber insulated neoprene
jacketed cables. ‘The cables pass through R.F. filters and are extended
out of the north side of the powerhouse in conduit. The conduits are
installed underground to the Passageway in a concrete envelope. Cables
terminate in the Passageway in splice boxes. The capacity of the 12
feeders ie adequate for the initial and anticipated future power demands
of the Technical Area, Should additional circuits be required, two
spare 160 volt cubicl2s and two spare conduits have been included in
the initial plant design.
1.7.2 Auxiliary Electrical system
Five 4160 volt air circuit breakers are used to connect three
1500 KVA, three-phase, 4160-460 volt transformers and two 500 KVA, three-
phase, 4160-480 volt transformers. ALl of the plant auxiliary equipment
and lighting are connected to these 480 volt buses either directly or
‘through 480-120/208 volt transformers. ‘The 1500 KVA transformers supply
three 480 volt load centers. Each load center feeds s motor control center
and large motors, 75 HP and above. Load centers numbers 1 and 2 form a
double-ended substation with a normally open tie breaker. A tempurury
tie 1s installed between load centers number 2 and 3. When the fourth
generator is added a fourth transformer and .oad center will be installed
forming two 3000 KVA, 4€0 volt double-ended substations. One 500 KVA
transformer is located in the crusher house and the second in the thaw
shed. Each are integral with e motor control center to supply local
Lighting and power. ‘here is e tie between these motor control centers
1-9and the tie breakers in the crusher house is key interlocked with the in-
coming breakers to prevent parallel operation.
Three more air circuit breakers are included in the |160 volt
switchgear Line-up. One to connect the stand-by diesel generator to the
bus, one for the temporary gas turbine-generator and one to connect the
Support Area feeder.
1.7-3 Grounding
‘The generators, the three 4160 volt buses and the 480 volt
systems are not grounded. Ground detector lights are provided for all
buses. In addition, relay to actuate an alarm in the event of a ground
fault is installed on each of the 4160 volt buses.
Equipment, building steel and the neutral of the lighting sys-
tem are grounded by means of a cable connection to a counterpoise system
vnich completely surrounds the area, The ground system also is connected
to the direct burial ater pipes and to the utilidor grounding grid.
1.7.4 De Battery
A 60 cell, 125 volt DC storage battery with two static type
rectifiers for maintaining battery charge is used to provide a reliable
source of power for operation and control of al! M60 volt breakers, field
circuit breakers, 460 volt load center breakers, annunciator end alarm
systens and emergency ligating.
1.7+5 Load Shedding
‘An automatic means of shedding predetermined loads for the
loss of one or more generators insures contimied operation of critical
services during outages. Load shedding is initiated by an under-frequency
1.7-6 Lighting
Dry type transformers are located throughout the plant to pro-
vide @ 120/208 volt, three-phase, four-wire system for Lighting. Fluorescent
Fixtures are installed in the office, instrument room, laboratory and in
front of the 4160 volt switchgear, and boiler turbine control board. In~
candescent fixtures are used in all other areas, At strategic locations
battery povered lignting units are installed, Waea normal pover fails
these units go on automatically. When pover is restored they autouatically
shut-off. Selected lights in the plant normally supplied from an AC source
fare automatically transferred to the DC battery source if the AC supply
fails, ‘These lights are autouatically returned to AC when power is re-
1-101.7.7 Annunciators
‘There are six annunciator systems for the power plant. ‘Three
are located on the boiler turbine panels, one for each unit, two common
for all three units are located one on the Master board and one on the
44160 volt switchgear, and one for the coal handling facilities is located
in the crusher house. The annunciator system in the power plant operates
on 125 volts DC and the one in the crusher house operates on 120 volt AC.
1.7.8 Communications
Installed commnication equipment and the public address sys~
tem are a part of the overall Base system and are not covered in this
Reference Manual._—-REFT__F Paes
f-@soP | [88,248 [G00 |
62P 40P Z [13 GIG [G00 |o25
feiene 3 [55, 140 [G00 |p25
|b 752P. 4 [46,055 |Goo [625
5 | 25, @15 [G00 |175
6 G50 [675
L L. G63 [B40
SSE 1 | 7500
2 |7500
3 | 5000
4 |5000
5 [2500
REF. re P T
1 [98,025 |750| 342 REF NUMBERS
3 [62,400 306.5 2, MAK. LOAD CONDITIONS
4 149,635 318, 7. 4
= |aec45 ae . 2/4 LOAD CONDITIONS w/ HEATING
ai GC 765 (352 |. 2/5 LOAD CONDITIONS
Te Pe
| a eonla6e 5. ¥ LOAD CONDITIONS
Five heat balances are included in this section and are based on con~
@itions described below.
The balances show variations in the load on
one turbine-generator unit from maximim load to one-third load and with
heating steam from turbine extraction at maximum and two-thirds load.
Tee balances are based on the following conditions:
Make-up to unit
Auxiliary steam
Heating steam
Condenser pressure
Auxiliary power
Nenana field Suntrana coal 0.13% sul-
fur, 3-46 hydrogen, 7.36% ash, heat~
ing value = 6,690 Btu/1b.
Ambient air 60 F
Equal to Losses
nly constant demand equipment, no
intermittent requirement included
Proportional to load from maxim
to two-thirds, with 85% returns
Boller: 1-1/2% of feedwater flow
Heating: 5-1/2 feedwater flow
Assumed 1.5" Hg. abs. at all loads
Includes all electrical auxiliaries
which are normally operating, no
intermittent operations included.
Performance curves for a typical turbine-generator unit in this
plant, plotted against generator output, include the following:
Willans Line
Gross Heat Rates
Fuel Rate
1-13STEAM FLOW -1000#/HR
2500 5,000
+ 4
2,500 5,900 7,500
2500 5,000 75,00