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Rewrite the sentences below using a present participle, past participle or
perfect participle clause. Identify the new clause underlining it.

I smelt something. It was burning.

I was exhausted through lack of sleep and fell asleep at my desk.
She was doing the high jump. She twisted her ankle.
John spent the summer of 1990 in Europe. He was testing his boards on
Austrian glaciers.
5. Peter was abandoned by his parents at an early age and took to stealing.
6. I had plenty of time to spare so I had a good look round the town.
7. Mary had been shoplifting for many years before she was found out.
8. I left them. They were doing the washing-up.
9. He was frequently criticised for his self-centred attitude but was
nonetheless very popular.
10.I had been out all day so I was quite happy to stay in for the evening.
11.The bedrooms that overlook the sea are the best ones in the hotel.
12.I had failed one of my exams so I couldn't get into university.
13.He couldn't understand the message. He hadn't learnt any Japanese.
14.After he was released from prison, Andy could not find a job anywhere.


ntroduction 1 - Click on all the present participles and the past participles in
these sentences to underline them. If there's more than one participle, click
on both of them. To undo, click again.

She has a talking parrot

What time are you meeting your parents?

Anyone wanting more potatoes, just shout.

We haven't used up all the the potatoes, have we?

All those selected for a second interview, please follow me.

Since moving to the country, we feel much healthier.

Did you hear someone shouting just then.

He walked into the caf, wearing a red carnation and holding newspaper.

I found an old lottery ticket while tidying up the house.

10 Aren't you tired after your, long walk?

11 Tired out after his long walk, he went straight to bed.

12 He could feel something crawling up his leg.


combining Clauses with Participle Constructions (Mix)

Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present Participle or Past Participle).

The boy who carried a blue parcel crossed the street.


The battle was fought at this place. The battle was very significant.


She lay in her bed and wept bitter tears.


The books which were sent to us are for my aunt.


She stood at the corner and talked to her friends.


The children went from house to house. They played trick or treat.


He was very tall. He became a basketball player.


He was waiting in the hall. He overheard a conversation.


The picture which was stolen from a museum was offered on Ebay.


The song which was sung last night is still in my head.

Combining Clauses with Participle Constructions (Mix)

Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present, Past or Perfect Participle).

We were sitting in the bus shelter and waited for the rain to stop.


The documentation which was telecast last Tuesday was impressive.


We had great fun at the party. We played silly games.


He had saved a little money. He travelled to Australia.


They were chatting along and didn't see the car coming.


The reception had been prepared carefully and was a great success.


He was picked up by his mother and didn't have to wait for the bus.


She had finished her degree and started to work for an international


She was listening to the radio and didn't hear the doorbell.


The room had not been tidied up yet and looked like a battlefield.

Combining Clauses with Conjunctions using Participle

Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present, Past oder Perfect Participle). Decide
whether to use the conjunctions in the participle clause or not.


As she didn't have a boyfriend, she flirted with every guy she met.


Since he had never been there before, he was stunned.


Before he left the house, he switched off the lights.


As she was on holiday, she couldn't go to the party.


While she was preparing dinner, she cut her finger.


When I travel around Ireland, I always stay in youth hostels.


Since she didn't hear the doorbell, she missed the delivery.


After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket.


Since he didn't feel well, he stayed in bed.


While they were talking on the phone, they forgot everything around them.

Make one sentence each time using a participle clause. Keep the meaning the same. Type
the sentence into the box.


The woman is sitting over there. It's my teacher.

The woman sitting over there is my teacher.
1 The actor who stars in that film is my hero.
The actor
2 Do you know the girl? She's sitting with Jack.
Do you know the girl

3 A man was arrested last night. He's my neighbour.

The man
4 The student, who's just going into the cafe, is new.
The student
5 People who live in that area are very rich.
6 That shop sells clothes. They aren't very good.
The clothes
I liked the house. Its roof was made of red tiles. - I liked the house

A spade is a tool. You dig with it. - A spade is a tool

Here is the museum. I told you about it. - Here is the museum

I can't respect politicians. Their only ambition is to be in power. - I can't respect


This is the man. We bought the ring from him. - This is the man

We can't afford new cars. Their price is too high. - We can't afford new cars

Where is the cassette? We listened to it. - Where is the cassette

The film is about a king. His brother kills him. - The film is about a king

I met some people. Their houses were badly damaged. - I met some people

Exercise on Relative Clauses (Contact clauses)

Write relative clauses without using the relative pronoun.

I gave you a book. It had many pictures.

The book
I gave you had


I am reading a book at the moment. It is very interesting.

The book


You live in a town. The town is very old.

The town


The sweets are delicious. I bought them yesterday.

The sweets


The football match was very exciting. My friend played in it.

The football match


The letter hasn't arrived yet. I posted it three days ago.

The letter


He lives in a house. The house is not very big.

The house


They are playing a song on the radio. Do you like it?

Do you like


Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday. Did you see it?

Did you see


Sue is going out with a boy. I don't like him.

I don't like
I saw a boy who ran out of your office. - I saw a boy

My neighbour, who is 70 now, is a nice person. - My neighbour,

ran out of your office.

is 70 now, is a nice


We used my car, which was more comfortable. - We used my car,

was more


Where is the T-shirt which I gave you? - Where is the T-shirt

This is the girl who I told you about. - This is the girl

His work, which is quite boring, is important to him. - His work,

I gave you?

I told you about.

is quite boring, is

important to him.

The doll which you want costs 14 pounds. - The doll

you want costs 14 pounds.

Her sister Jane, who is three years younger, is a bright student. - Her sister Jane,


three years younger, is a bright student.

Sam, who we saw at the dance, is going to start a new company. - Sam,
the dance, is going to start a new company.

we saw at

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