Resume 2014
Resume 2014
Resume 2014
Phone: (319) 538-2242
GPA: 4.00
GPA: 3.735
Iowa K-6 Elementary Teaching; Endorsements: K-8 Mathematics and K-8 Reading; Folder #1004295
1st & K-1 Combo Classroom Teacher, Van Buren Elementary, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Aug. 2012 - Present
Create a variety of lessons to meet the needs of both K and 1 st grade levels
Attended PLC Institute July 2013
Differentiate lessons to meet student needs
Communicate with staff, students and families
Effectively utilized curriculum: Envision Math, Treasures MacMillian McGraw, Everyday Math
Participate in grade level PLC meetings
Implement Daily Five
Co-facilitator of the Family Involvement Team
Serve on the Social Committee
Academic Parent Teacher Team Leader
iPad Grant Leader
Technology used: Promethean Board, ActiVotes, Promethean Slate, iPads, Laptops, Windows Software, Microsoft
365, Microsoft Office
6th Grade Math Student Teacher, Vernon Middle School, Marion, Iowa
Cooperating Teacher: Susan Faley
Supervisor: James Clancy
Full time classroom responsibilities for 3 weeks
Taught four sections of 6th grade math to students of diverse learning abilities
Team taught one section of 6th grade math with a special education teacher
Planned lessons collaboratively with other 6th grade math team teachers
Participated in professional learning time with school faculty
Effectively utilized curriculum: Connected Mathematics Bits and Pieces
Technology used: Mimio Board, Mimio Pad, Powerschool for attendance and grading purposes
1 to 1 Conference, presenter
Presented on the topic of Academic Parent Teacher teams
Girls on the Run, Assistant Coach
Mentor girls in grades 3rd-5th
Increase young girls self-confidence through group activities and running
Extended Learning Program (ELP)
Provided after school tutoring in the areas of math and reading to students below grade level
Used a variety of strategies
April 2014
Fall 2013
Liesl J. Burgher
Phone: (319) 538-2242
Private Math Tutor for 2nd grade and 6th grade students
Assessed and determined strengths and growth areas in math
Taught a variety of math topics
Created mini lessons and activities
Researched and applied new methods for teaching areas of need
Taught student with motor difficulties; worked specifically on handwriting through a program
provided by Grant Wood AEA
Provided supplemental instruction for students on letter names and sounds; specific
instruction included Jolly Phonics
May 6, 2012
May 5, 2012
April 25, 2012
March 10, 2012