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Lesson Plan and Reflection Form: Map/Master Apprentice Program For Teachers

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Lesson Plan and Reflection Form

Candidate: Breen McDonald
Grade Level: 3

Date: October 24, 2014

Subject: ELA

Number of Students: 1

Central Focus
The student will understand how to write a paragraph using conventions of grammar,
punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.

Core Standard/Content Standard:

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Learning Objective(s):

The student will complete a three-minute expository writing assessment using

conventions of spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

Learning Experience Plan

Anticipatory set/Introduction:

-The student will recite a list of twenty Dolch sight words using flashcards.
- The student will listen to the teacher recite the same list of words individually and
within a sentence.
-The student will write the word on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
- Once the full list has been written, the student will view the flashcards again. With
prompting and teacher explanation, the student will rewrite any incorrectly spelled
words on their notebook paper next to the original word.
-The student will review the essential components of a sentence (capitalization,
punctuation, a subject and object).
-The student will listen to the learning objective for the lesson.

Strategies/Methods: (describe steps in instruction)

-The student will receive a short passage of reading from the DIBELS model. The
passage is entitled: The Olympic Games.
-The student will listen to directions for the reading assessment.
-The student will read aloud as much of the title and passage as they can during a
timed one-minute period.
-The student will retell information from the portion of the passage they read aloud
during a time done-minute period.
-The student will receive a sheet of lined paper. On the top of the paper is an
incomplete sentence or story starter: Riding into the city on the bus, the boy saw
the big buildings and"
-The student will listen to directions for the writing assessment.
-The student will plan an essay that completes the prompt during a timed one-minute

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The student will write an essay completing the prompt during a timed three-minute
-The student will retell their story to the teacher with prompting and/or discuss any
ideas they were not able to include in their writing.

Why have you chosen these strategies/methods?

The student has been evaluated for special education services during the
current school year but was determined as ineligible. Data from in-class
assessments, norm-referenced assessments and CBMs indicate that this
student struggles with foundational skills in writing, specifically spelling
high-frequency sight words, using appropriate punctuation and
capitalization to separate ideas in a sentence, and identifying subjects and
actions in a sentence. She is at a lower guided reading level (J) in the
Fountas & Pinnell leveled literacy program than her 3rd grade peers
(average is an M or N). Therefore, this lesson is part of an intervention
plan that provides instruction on foundational skills in literacy and then
assesses her progress using CBMs and norm-referenced assessments in
reading, writing and spelling high-frequency sight words.


-The student will review progress of assessments in spelling and writing during the
-The student will return all materials from assessments to the intervention teacher.
-The student will sit in their assigned seat for Literacy class and work on in-class
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

This lesson is part of a targeted RTI Tier 2 intervention plan focusing on developing
the writing and reading skills of one student. Therefore, it is inherently differentiated
from the general education curriculum. The weekly intervention plan for this student
focused on sentence formation, capitalization and punctuation. Therefore, the
assessment is measured based on progress related to these targeted skills, as well as
identifying areas that can be addressed in future instruction.
6. Supporting Learning:

Materials /Resources needed:

-Two sheets of notebook paper
-List 7 of Dolch sight words on word flashcards
-Written Expression Probe CBM from www.interventioncentral.com
-DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency CBM from

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Grouping for Learning:

This is a Tier 2 intervention designed to assist one student performing below grade
level expectations in Literacy. The intervention plan addresses foundational skills of
reading, writing and spelling based on in-class and norm-referenced assessment,
observation, and recommendations from the classroom teacher. This lesson will take
place in the back of the general education classroom during the first 30 minutes of the
Literacy lesson. The teacher will be seated next to the student at a desk.

Language Demands: (vocabulary demands/other communication demands)

Because the lesson is structured around the administration of two weekly CBMs in
reading and writing, as well as the Dolch sight word assessment, the lesson does not
contain vocabulary that would necessitate explicit instruction.
Relevant language demands include:
-Identifying sight words (List 7 of Dolch sight words)
-Speaking (Oral recitation, story retelling)
-Listening (CBM administration, Dolch sight word list)
-Writing (Writing CBM, Dolch sight word list)
-Reading (Reading CBM)
-Following directions (CBM administration)
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

The intervention will take place during the first 30 minutes of the students Literacy
classroom. This lesson is part of a targeted RTI Tier 2 intervention plan focusing on
developing the writing and reading skills of one student. Therefore, it is inherently
differentiated from the general education curriculum. The weekly intervention plan
for this student focused on sentence formation, capitalization and punctuation. The
assessment is measured based on progress related to these targeted skills, as well as
identifying areas that can be addressed in future instruction.

Assessment/Monitoring Learning:

Type of Assessment (describe):

-Dolch sight words (CBM)

-The student will read words on flashcards with incorrect recognition noted
by the teacher.
-After listening to the same words orally recited and used in a sentence, the
student will write the word on a sheet of paper.
-The student will write the correct spelling next to any incorrectly spelled
words with related instruction from the teacher.
-DIBELS reading fluency assessment (Norm-referenced)
-The student will read the title and passage for a timed one-minute period.
-The student will retell what they read for a timed one-minute period.

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-Writing probe (CBM)

-The student will read the prompt, or story starter, and plan an essay for a
timed one-minute period.
-The student will write for a timed three-minute period.
-Questioning (Formative)
-The teacher will utilize techniques of questioning to measure understanding
of the scope and sequence of the intervention over the past week, specifically
the formation of a complete sentence in writing.

Monitoring of Progress: (describe)

-The student receives intervention 3 times per week for ~30 minutes during the
beginning of her Literacy class. At each session, the student reads and writes a list of
8-12 Dolch sight words. If she spells a word incorrectly, she receives direct
instruction from the teacher and then writes the correct spelling next to her initial
answer. After she has correctly spelled all words in the list, she may graduate to a
more difficult list during the next session.
-On Friday of each week, the student completes a DIBELS reading fluency & writing
probe CBM to measure progress in intervention and design future instruction. The
scores of these CBMs are maintained and assessed to determine whether the student
requires further intensive instruction on the subject taught that week (i.e. writing a
complete sentence with capitalization and punctuation), or whether the student has
mastered the subject and can move forward. The scores are also kept for progress
monitoring purposes and are reported to the classroom teacher on a daily basis.
-On Monday of each week, the student will review their progress on the spelling,
writing and reading fluency assessments. The student reads the completed writing
assessment to the instructor to determine whether there are any omissions in
punctuation, capitalization or syntax. In addition, the teacher will address any
spelling mistakes with the student.
*List any special accommodations or modifications in the learning plan required by the IEP or other
student needs.

As mentioned previously, this is a Tier 2 intervention to address the students specific

needs in reading, writing and spelling. This lesson is the culmination of a week of
intensive instruction on building sentences with correct capitalization, punctuation
and syntax. This curriculum is designed to help the student catch up with her typicalaged peers in their Literacy class.

Why have you chosen this approach for assessment?

The assessments were chosen after evaluating various in-class and normreferenced assessments relating to the students achievement in reading
and writing. Additionally, the general education teacher provided
recommendations of skills that the student needs to develop to reach
grade level expectations in literacy. The three assessments connect

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language demands of speaking, listening, writing, and reading, as this

student has shown difficulty with reconciling multiple modalities of
literacy. The assessments are administered either each week or each
session to monitor progress over the time.
The DIBELS reading fluency assessment is a norm-referenced
assessment that measures indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic
principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, reading
comprehension, and vocabulary. Because of its comprehensive nature,
the assessment can be used to pinpoint progress in different areas of
reading throughout the intervention period. The assessment can also
guide future instruction on concepts that receive lower scores. The
classroom teacher uses this assessment, as well, so that the RTI
intervention reflects the general education curriculum.
The writing probe is a CBM from Intervention Central that measures
mechanics and conventions. The assessment scores words written per
minute, characters written per minute (or complexity of words), and any
conventions of writing such as spelling, syntax, punctuation and
capitalization. Because interventions focus on a specific fundamental
skill each week, the assessment can measure whether the student
effectively integrates strategies from instruction in their writing.
The Dolch sight word lists are utilized in an assessment both as (1)
ability to recognize the word and understand its meaning (2) ability to
spell the word when it is spoken and used in a sentence. As mentioned
previously, this student is reading at a guided reading level J as measured
by the Fountas & Pinnell leveled literacy program, while her typical
peers are reading at a level M or N. The sight word assessment will
measure both increases in sight word recognition, as well as connection
between modalities of reading, writing and listening.
Self-assessment/Reflection of the Lesson (analysis and rationale)
1. Central Focus:
This lesson was part of an intervention plan for a student. At this point in the year, informal
and standardized assessments demonstrated a need for intensive intervention in writing,
specifically with the skills of spelling sight words and writing a complete sentence. The three
assessments (spelling, oral reading fluency and writing fluency) were chosen to measure how
the modalities of reading, listening, speaking and writing were interacting. However, after the
first assessment, the student seemed to lose focus on the task (not maintaining eye contact
with the teacher, asking off-task questions). Given that the skills being practiced are spelling
and writing, the oral reading fluency passage could be removed for the next weeks

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2. Learning Experience Plan:

The learning experience plan was not completed due to high noise levels in the assessment
room. Although the spelling assessment and oral reading fluency assessment were completed,
the scores were not recorded due to this interference. The spelling assessment took a long
period of time to complete because there were multiple steps involved. In the next
assessment, I will try to find a different space for assessments without any noise interference,
and I will also look for a shortened version to maintain the students attention.
3. Supporting Learning Plan:
See above. The room was not conducive to a valid or reliable assessment, so the next
assessment lesson will need to be in a different space. I also integrated a short brain break
during the lesson when I sensed that the student was losing focus, which seemed to help her
4. Assessment/Monitoring Learning:
Because our other lessons involve games and fun entry points into the curriculum, she might
have a lower engagement with pure assessment. I shared some of her improvements during
the lesson, which seemed to give her a sense of confidence. However, I could make the
assessment period shorter and end our week with a fun activity or reward for her hard work.
5. Special Accommodations or Modifications in the Learning Experience Plan, Supporting Learning, or
Assessment/Monitoring required by the IEP or other student needs.
The lesson took place outside of the classroom in order to provide a conducive environment
to assessment (although this did not end up working out). The student does not have an IEP,
but based on recommendations in a recent ETR report, she receives intensive instruction on
phonics-based skills and sight words, which are skills that may be contributing to her
challenges with reading. She is reading at a Guided Reading Level J and was assessed in a
Primary Spelling Inventory in the Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage (Digraphs).

Candidate: _______________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Mentor: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________

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