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Behavior Intervention Plan (Bip) : School District of F C

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School District of F******** C*****

Date: 6/3/15 Plan will be implemented on this date.

Student: Z****** H***
Date of Birth: 5/6/01
Age: 14
Grade: 8th
Case Manager: Nicole Secrist
Targeted Problem Behavior:
Z****** frequently runs out of the classroom and outside of the building without notice.
According to the FBA there is no clear trigger to this behavior as it happens rather
sporadically however it is 4/10 incidents where the behavior is anxiety induced in which
when the hallway becomes too loud or someone enters the classroom with a strong perfume
on or overwhelming body odor. This is a problem because Z****** does not exhibit the
safety skills necessary to be outside near streets and cars unsupervised.
When this behavior occurs Z****** can be seen quickly pacing in a circle and screeching
for a brief moment before darting out the classroom door and out the nearest exit. The
screeching is a movie line he recites in a high pitched voice. It is almost inaudible, however
the parents identified the line as ta ta for now.
Desired Replacement Behavior (Goal):
Z****** will ask before leaving the classroom only to go to appropriate places such as the
bathroom, water fountain and locker. Z****** will not leave the school building.

Appropriate Actions to Achieve Replacement Behavior:

-Creation of social stories with Z******. Social stories will be made on an iPad using the
SS Story app. Z****** and I will model the proper behavior and put it into the digital social
-Behavior reward system. Each time Z****** exhibits an appropriate behavior such as
asking to leave the classroom he will earn a star, each time Z****** leaves the classroom or
building without asking first he will lose a star. If Z****** collects 3 stars by the end of the
day he may have 10 minutes of iPad free time.
-Displaying visual reminders near classroom doors and building exits.
-Using 5 point emotion scale with visual options to present other ways relieve anxiety aside
from running away. (If FBA determines that anxiety in certain situations is cause for
running away.)
-Direct instruction during life skills class to remind Z****** of the dangers of running
away, again, with presenting him with other options.

Methods of teaching replacement behavior:

_X_ direct instruction

_X_ social skill training

___ anger management

_X_ providing cues

_X_ role playing

_X_ modeling

_X_ behavior contract

_X_ decision-making training

___ stress management

_X_ direct observation

___ weekly behavior sheet

_X_ self-monitoring

_X_ daily behavior sheet

___ charting/graphing

_X_ teacher notes


Method of measuring progress:

___ number of discipline referrals and detentions

Other: Teacher will record number of runaway attempts in daily parent log journal and FBA journal.
Positive consequences for displaying replacement behavior:
_X_ verbal praise

_X_ iPad time

_X_ positive message home

___ free time

___ positive visit to administrator

_X_ immediate feedback

_X tangibles (stars for behavior chart)


Possible consequences if negative behavior is displayed:

X_ removal to quiet area in room

__ disciplinary referral

__ removal to special ed. room

X_ phone call home

__ detention

__ phone call to Human Services Dept.

__ written/verbal apology

__ call to Sheriffs Dept.

_X_other: Loss of reinforcement star. Removal to quiet area to review social story

Accommodations to assist the student in displaying the replacement behavior:

_X_ clear concise directions

_X_ supervise free time

_X_ reminders/prompts

___ frequent breaks

_X_ avoid strong criticism

___ vary activities

_X_ predictable, routine schedule X_ provide cooling-off time

_X_ teacher/staff proximity

___ specified study area

___ preferential seating

_X_ highly structured setting

__ reprimand student privately ___ modify assignments

_X_ communicate regularly w/ parents

___ avoid power struggles

_X_ specifically define limits

_X_ review rules and expectations


Persons responsible for implementing the plan:

___ general ed. teacher(s)
___ school administrator
___ related service provider
_X_ special ed. teacher(s)
___ counselor

_X_ classroom aide

___ parent

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