Adaptive Method For Schizoids
Adaptive Method For Schizoids
Adaptive Method For Schizoids
Modern life is harmful for a schizoid. The affected should adapt to it.
b) “Cold” affection
--Give supporting promises (“You’ve got my support”, “Rely on me”)
--Make presents
--Look after someone
--Give support
--Engage to relationships
--Saying, whenever applicable, set phrases like: “Congratulations for your pregnancy,
maternity, birthday” “Good luck”
“Accept my condolences”
--Give short greetings and farewells
--Give respect signs
--Understand to others
--Please others when possible
First of all a complete analysis should be performed. If deficiencies are evidenced, it’s
time to start correcting them.
A) Serotonine, Dopamine, Noradrenaline, etc., can be regulated by enhancing its
disponibility by selective synapsis re-uptake inhibitors.
B) Testosterone. Its levels can be raised up if too low
C) Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, etc.,
This section will be developed with the specialist en Neuropsychiatry (A) and
Endocrinology (B and C)
It is a mistake to try to make the schizoid a sociable person.
“I have practiced the Adaptive Method for schizoids.He with me has worked.
I continue being so schizoid as always.
But now I live an adapted life.
I fill my solitude with an useful intense work.
My social contact is minimal, almost reduced to contacts on line.
It has lasted me years.
Now I feel well. I am adapted.”
Mikel. Bilbao (Spain). June 2009